over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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315s around with the phase
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380s oh my Lord Mexico what did you have for
384s dinner my friends
386s meeting
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531s thank you
543s welcome everyone today two of the
546s OverWatch World Cup here for the
548s America's region within this conference
551s it was quite the sweep of a day over
553s into day one but we're looking forward
555s to getting things started here for the
557s second one and I've of course got to
560s introduce myself as Ash your lovely host
562s for today and then the amazing casters
564s that we're gonna have on the desk that
566s being Gompers and Chef Billy you guys
570s were here yesterday it was an
572s interesting end today number one but
575s Gompers what are you looking forward to
576s going into the second day of owwwc well
579s uh going into the second day I think the
582s thing that I'm most looking forward to
583s is obviously there is a new team that we
586s haven't seen play yet so this to me
589s again is that stomping ground because we
591s still are in the beginning stages of who
593s is the most dominant within group b or
595s group X
596s oh that's a really good point to make
598s especially with just generally how the
601s days have gone on even yesterday in
603s group b we had Ecuador in Argentina who
606s had the day off so we don't even really
607s know how uh while I mean they haven't
610s had any games actually based off of any
612s results of right there Chef Philly yeah
614s I mean Ecuador uh you know they're
616s coming in uh basically off of a rest day
618s so uh the next two days are gonna be
620s very busy for them and then going into
622s next week we'll see how everything
623s rounds out I think the the primary goal
626s for this weekend is to come out with a
628s positive uh either that being a positive
630s record uh coming out of the three days
632s of competition uh for match days one two
634s and three or uh coming out with a
636s positive result for your team especially
639s with new teams uh coming in here uh and
641s having the first chance to represent
643s your country uh Ecuador coming out uh
645s with uh and I mean you'll love to see it
648s so here's where we are so far after
650s match day one here in group a Mexico the
654s United States and Puerto Rico coming
657s through one and oh all of them uh coming
659s through in two nil Fashions so uh Costa
664s Rica in Canada the surprise for me uh
667s really do have to have a good result
669s today to keep themselves at near that 50
671s mark
678s right within group a as well having that
680s additional opportunity there are Gompers
683s for group a but we also have to check
684s out Group B as well see how those teams
688s have fared out of course again Ecuador
690s and Argentina they did have the day off
692s yesterday now swapping that out for
694s another couple of teens on that side of
696s their golfers
698s yeah uh for this team we did get to see
701s a bit of flavor there when it came to
703s Colombia and Brazil these two teams
705s popped off of anything so I do feel like
709s we've got in this transition obviously
712s like I said before of who we could
714s consider the strongest but I feel like
715s obviously there's two teams that we
717s haven't seen there's that Ecuador
718s there's art Argentina so when you're
720s looking at these two teams and the
722s potential there there's also kind of
724s those numbers that still aren't
725s accounted for you know for me in my eyes
727s Brazil is probably the most strongest
729s within Group B right now but uh
732s Argentina may as well they could pull
733s out the stuff so it could be the other
735s way around with Ecuador
736s no for sure and then just to take a
738s quick look over at the schedule for
740s everybody at home so we're kicking off
742s the day here with Group B three matches
745s in a row coming out from this group
747s Ecuador and Colombia to start us off
749s then we've got Chile Peru and then
751s Argentina and Brazil afterwards we're
754s heading over back towards that group
756s which Guatemala actually Chef Billy is
759s one of the fan favorites going into the
762s America's League however they didn't
764s quite perform as we would have expected
767s yesterday I I think honestly it's it's
769s the gravity and the weight of
771s representing your country uh and I mean
773s going up against Puerto Rico in your
775s first match
777s I mean that was a bad draw for them to
779s be quite honest so hopefully they had a
780s chance to look at uh some VOD reviews uh
783s yeah I mean vendetti Rod really did have
785s some good play uh was trying to bait
788s Papa Joe out of certain situations and
790s unfortunately for for a Guatemala there
793s they just weren't able they didn't fall
795s back uh into those traps so I mean the
798s play is there the game sense is there I
800s think they just need to clean up some
801s some of their gameplay and I think that
802s they they had to stand themselves in a
804s much better stead uh going into match
806s day number two and I mean Costa Rica
808s they got kind of rolled too so uh two
810s teams trying to get their first point
812s somebody's gonna come out with a point
814s and be at 500 going into match day three
816s no that is for sure but we can't we
820s can't look too far forward yet either
822s though right we do also have um a few
825s MVPs from yesterday the top three MVPs
828s if you will from day one of the
830s OverWatch World Cup all online
831s qualifiers here for America's so I'm
835s gonna be looking forward to seeing the
837s stats that we're gonna be pulling up in
839s just a moment but with those top three
842s overall I know that I believe the first
844s one that we will be seeing is going to
846s be Danka from Brazil that being the tank
850s player and golfers he had quite the
852s showing
854s yeah for delka I feel like obviously
856s you're looking at the Damage Done
858s especially with that mitigation so you
861s know for a tank flare that's something
862s that you're really looking for as a diva
864s here I I did feel like I saw a lot
867s coming through from falca in General on
870s the tank laying down on that Diva not a
873s very easy role to really accomplish it's
875s a lot of Firepower but not a lot of
877s damage so it is that push that you
879s really have to rely on your teammates to
880s kind of assist in those Endeavors and I
882s felt like they played so well with
884s everyone else playing on that Diva that
886s it really did feel like the pieces were
889s fit and I mean what other way is there
891s to say other than DACA really just owned
893s the game
894s well on top of that too he has the
896s comfort of playing with previous uh
898s teammates of his being Niall and Ludwig
900s right there Chef Billy so for team
903s Brazil at the very least they had a lot
905s of that core Synergy just being brought
907s back into this competition
910s I mean for for the Portuguese speakers
913s out there I mean what good moves uh the
915s peel was absolutely perfect at times I I
919s think that you're really looking them at
921s the pursuit kills as well uh when you
923s see a low HP Target going in on top of
926s that and confirming the kill out and
928s even that right there I mean the
929s self-destruct to get out of it uh really
931s did uh really did secure uh the map win
934s there for them and the match win uh in
936s the end up against Chile so I mean dalka
939s doing great on the diva uh we'll see how
942s they fare later on today but I mean
944s we've got two more uh two more uh MVP of
948s the day candidates coming up
950s yeah we definitely do it's gonna be
952s really exciting
954s awards for
957s PS on that side he had um some quite
961s show-stopping shots yesterday Gompers
964s listen for and or P if we're talking
966s about I remember their name especially
968s because that to me in particular it was
971s somebody that stood out like a sore
972s thumb I I mean it was in a good way in a
976s a good way in a good way I feel like it
979s was mostly kind of when you're thinking
981s of Andrew P as well you're always
983s putting two and two together so for for
985s Ander P again a big role of what he did
988s is mostly just also getting tons and
992s tons of damage in as well as being able
995s to eliminate and really just Target the
998s players that are the most important so I
1000s felt like they completely tore apart the
1002s team and the importance in that in set
1004s order and then at the same time managed
1007s to help the team out in those Endeavors
1009s so it it it's kind of hard to also seek
1012s out what uh players do in particular in
1015s OverWatch since there's so much going on
1016s but that's what makes it so fun is kind
1019s of seeking deeper and then seeing okay
1021s what did andropy do that really allow
1023s them to shine and it's it's small things
1024s like that
1025s oh for sure and then on top of that we
1027s just gotta talk about that Puerto Rican
1029s team like as a whole right there Chef
1032s Billy it I mean come on Papa Joe stunks
1045s that would have been my MVP candidate
1048s honestly but I think that entropy really
1050s did set the tone uh being that lethal
1052s confirming all those final blows and
1054s really providing a lot of vision uh to
1056s the team I actually had a chance to when
1058s I go through Twitter after these I like
1060s going for the POV of the teams or the
1062s teams that are streaming uh their games
1065s and I saw one they they literally had
1067s just closed out Circle while and Ander P
1070s was howling like a monkey in the best
1073s possible way I retweeted it I mean just
1075s the joy the passion and I think that's
1077s what this Puerto Rican team really uh is
1080s is is embodying is Passion La Corazon I
1084s mean it's totally there the Heart of a
1086s Lion they are absolutely here to play
1087s and they're not taking any sass from
1089s anybody
1090s no and that's what you love to see
1091s especially on this world stage where you
1094s are having this opportunity to represent
1096s your nation that's gonna put that extra
1098s oomph that light that fire beneath you
1101s even further bring those flames and
1104s really strengthen them and as far as
1107s just as far as it goes I mean you can
1109s see some of these shots right here I
1110s don't I don't even have to say anything
1111s about it oh I mean just the prediction
1114s the the I mean the predictive qual
1116s nature of of a Widowmaker you've got
1119s that a little bit of set time that
1121s you're setting your sights and you're
1122s charging at full power the
1123s predictiveness of pulling the swing over
1125s as you're charging and then letting lose
1127s the shot right as they come out of Spawn
1128s I mean that is not from the chef chef's
1131s kiss beautiful
1132s yeah on top of that also just like
1134s taking some off positionings if you will
1136s there are Gompers for answer P hem just
1139s looking for those openings and spots
1141s where their opponents weren't
1143s necessarily expecting him to be yeah it
1145s was the Sombra originally then obviously
1147s moving on to the Widowmaker and
1149s occasionally making those switches that
1151s really again we talked about it that
1153s adaptation that allowed this team to
1156s thrive and
1158s Otter P it was yeah I mean I'd give him
1160s a round of applause too because it
1161s wasn't an easy feat playing a Widowmaker
1163s at close distances the way that they
1164s were uh in the games that we saw but
1166s they managed to really really like just
1169s just frag and succeed off of that and
1172s all at the same time again like I talked
1175s about before taking out those important
1176s players allowed Papa Joe to succeed as
1178s well so it just allowed the pushes to
1180s really flow now that is for sure but
1183s we've also got to check out our third
1185s MVP from day number one heading over to
1189s the Mexico team we've got Angel velado
1192s the DP yes Claire and he had quite a
1196s stunning performance particularly on
1198s this Hanzo pick Billy I mean the the
1201s flexibility uh we saw multiple Heroes
1204s come out from Angela Lotto I mean I
1206s think that the the the blossom inside of
1209s white room uh on Gardens uh behind the
1212s Nemesis block uh of castled was was a
1216s signature core memory I mean it's got to
1218s go into Canon right now for this uh for
1221s this qualifier group because just
1222s absolutely played it perfectly played
1225s within themselves and I think that's
1226s with all of our MVP candidates today
1228s they played with them themselves and
1231s they really were a member of a five-man
1233s unit and that's what you want to see and
1236s you know you have your pop-off moments
1237s and I mean this is one of them right
1239s here uh I mean going in on the hack
1241s targets uh behind uh what you saw coming
1244s through there from Toby locks and I mean
1245s Justin wherewithal I mean that zombie
1247s comp they're running absolutely perfect
1249s yeah
1251s now in Mexico yesterday what we were
1253s plotting them on a lot was the fact that
1255s they were just so adaptive as a whole
1257s and then also had great supports backing
1260s up the front line over all their Gompers
1262s meanwhile unfortunately Costa Rica their
1265s opponents looked a lot more rigid
1268s yeah it was the same issue that we kind
1271s of faced with uh obviously the game
1273s against Puerto Rico and Guatemala where
1275s again those adaptations weren't evident
1277s like it just was not working out Costa
1280s Rica had these very key moments and a
1282s large part of that again I did feel like
1285s we're coming from either uh occasionally
1288s you would say winter or maybe baru but
1290s it's it's just not enough it's they need
1293s kind of like that extra push if anything
1296s and it just didn't feel like you know
1298s the tank was kind of cohesive with
1299s damage you always saw kind of those
1301s split pushes happening where they could
1302s get picked off easily by Andrew bellato
1304s and show uh chobal locks so it's really
1308s those simple things that they need to
1309s tie together and hopefully you know
1311s after some Vaude reviewing we'll be able
1312s to see a completely different side of
1313s Costa Rica now that is for sure but with
1316s those MVPs that was also highlighting
1318s some top tier teams that we saw from day
1321s one again we already talked about how it
1323s is going to be that race towards the
1324s third place there for group a but in
1327s group b where we're actually getting the
1329s opportunity to now finally see both
1332s Argentina and Ecuador the group b shot
1335s Billy only has two slots available to
1338s them and not just so much more pressure
1340s on your shoulders I mean it's a it's the
1343s lower half if I can say that I mean
1345s Brazil is going to be very good uh in
1348s this group but I think that uh Peru and
1351s Chile I I think there will be fighting
1353s uh to uh to displace Colombia Colombia
1356s at times yesterday even though they did
1358s take a 2-0 win there's moments where eqo
1362s had to completely take over the game and
1365s if ikio does not secure that we're
1367s looking at different results coming
1368s through so I think for uh I think for uh
1371s for the rest of groupie uh I think
1374s Colombia uh really have to uh tighten up
1377s their gameplay
1379s looked absolutely beautiful yesterday
1382s it's a beautiful game from the beautiful
1383s country uh and you know like you said we
1386s get to see Argentina and we get to see
1387s Ecuador today so uh this is going to be
1390s uh this is going to be a treat for us
1392s being able to see these two teams
1393s finally getting their chance on the
1395s world stage it certainly will so as you
1398s guys are here we're just gonna wrap up
1400s this pre-show really quick swing to a
1402s short little break but right afterwards
1404s we're going to be back with first match
1405s of the day it's going to be Ecuador
1407s versus Colombia stay tuned
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1735s foreign
1739s pumped to get today's started here it's
1742s the second day again of the OverWatch
1743s World Cup online qualifiers for the
1746s Americas region and we've got Ecuador
1748s versus Colombia and Ecuador a bit of a
1752s question mark for us right now here
1753s Gompers we didn't get to see them
1755s yesterday so they are nil so far on that
1758s score line of course and these players
1761s uh a bit more new faces here in the
1763s OverWatch scene
1765s yeah for for Ecuador look kind of like
1767s what you said these faces aren't
1768s necessarily the most familiar to us we
1771s did get to see Columbia play so you you
1773s could say in in terms of what we know a
1776s bit more biased towards the side of
1777s Colombia but I I am gonna say I I am
1780s kind of excited to see Ecuador play I
1784s obviously I mean it's when you see new
1786s players play it is the most exciting
1788s obviously we haven't necessarily seen
1791s Colombia play against this team so same
1793s colors in the flags you know you got
1796s something going on there for Colombia in
1798s general obviously they they kind of
1799s smashed the game that they played
1801s against Peru so I'm a bit worried as to
1804s what's gonna happen to Ecuador but all
1807s it takes is uh you know one really good
1809s DPS one really good tank to completely
1811s change momentum
1813s no that's for sure because when it comes
1815s down to Colombia as well you have that
1818s veteran shift with eqo and a couple
1821s other players on that team as well
1823s Colombia looked really good as far as
1825s their Synergy went eqo having just a
1829s very standout performance yesterday
1831s especially on that Hanzo he really
1833s maintained control of that upper High
1835s Ground there Chef Philly I mean it
1838s really did uh we saw the swaps we saw
1840s the immediate adaptation uh realizing
1843s that they couldn't run the Sombra as
1844s well uh going in with the reaper and
1847s taking care of tank play uh the quick
1848s adaptation obviously yields uh immediate
1852s results here for Colombia so for today
1854s uh I think they just need to be very
1855s like I said they just need to tighten
1857s down uh on their compositions know what
1860s their identity is as they come out uh as
1862s we take a look at said Team from
1864s Colombia uh they will be uh rocking the
1867s eqo Eternal wine and eternal had I think
1871s it points uh played better than eqo uh
1875s on this may the may play out of Eternal
1877s dropping in the blizzards when least
1880s expected and getting that wall up and
1881s not allowing people to run away from it
1883s and you know getting a suzu to save them
1885s from it really smart micro plays coming
1887s from Eternal and then Super Gomez I had
1890s a wonderful time uh as far as tank play
1892s uh there was moments where I think maybe
1894s a little bit out of position but for the
1896s most part they really did control their
1898s aggression and then mix V and hug hug
1901s had a very darn good Moira and now we'll
1904s take a look at Ecuador uh I was looking
1907s through uh this team and I was looking
1910s to see you know who do I know here uh is
1913s there anybody that I've seen you know
1914s through some of the from the America
1916s suit uh you know previous contenders
1919s didn't have a lot to go off of one
1923s question that one of their substitutes
1924s I'm wondering if they're a console
1926s player uh pabilun who's not on your
1929s screen right now uh mentions in their
1931s Twitter that they are in Xbox and switch
1933s main uh so uh
1937s let's go baby that's where I came from
1941s okay so so maybe some cross console
1944s cross platform we'll cross console
1946s anyways yeah maybe some cross platform
1949s play coming through here we'll we'll see
1951s if we can maybe fact check that later as
1953s well so it'll be really interesting to
1956s see but at least for this Ecuadorian
1959s team as well I we're talking about the
1962s fact that this is their opportunity to
1964s really make a name for themselves
1966s especially being these players that
1967s we're not as familiar with this is
1969s really your chance to shine especially
1972s with Colombia we got to see very very
1976s different stances in what these players
1978s like obviously eqo kind of resorting to
1980s that Reaper pick that that's kind of
1982s like their safe spot and I feel like
1984s lijong Tower is very forgiving for a
1986s Reaper so
1988s troubles definitely kind of withstanding
1990s there and especially with the May that
1993s Eternal tends to play with as well like
1995s that is something you really have to
1996s watch out for that is very very true but
2000s I get to actually just kick back and
2002s relax while this game gets underway so
2004s again everyone it is Ecuador versus
2006s Colombia Gompers Chef Billy take it away
2014s all right going up to Lee Jeong Tower we
2017s didn't necessarily get to see this map
2019s in particular uh with uh you know
2023s withstanding here but I do feel like
2026s again I I mean Billy I I want to ask you
2029s the question how are you feeling about
2031s what we're heading into I mean it all
2033s depends on which map we start out on uh
2035s and Ecuador I mean we're gonna have a
2037s lot of questions answered here uh this
2040s is our first chance to see uh the team
2042s and Si SE puede uh is the rally cry so
2045s she said Ecuador vamos uh Colombia
2049s Colombia I mean we're gonna see uh and
2052s we don't have eternal and we've got
2053s drummer in on the control map here are
2057s four Legion they played on Nepal
2059s yesterday and had a very good showing
2060s there uh they did win it out two and
2063s zero uh in the sub map so for Colombia
2066s they're gonna take the speed approach
2067s we're gonna try and knock off any kind
2069s of blank potential coming in from from
2071s Ecuador on the first attack
2075s actually okay may wall on May wall it
2078s feels like we're uh uh we're just trying
2080s to blockade everything that we can
2081s already funneling through though Ecuador
2083s making some very very good numbers but
2085s you could uh already see right
2089s still trying to make some shots happen
2090s uh sniping it straight through the wall
2092s it's a wall on wall and the May pick
2095s here honestly going to profit very very
2097s widely at least for Colombia I mean this
2099s is great A great hiding though from
2101s Ecuador they're really denying a lot of
2103s this damage that Colombia is expecting
2104s either Nobita going strong gets taken
2106s down by super Gomez in the Nemesis form
2108s now they're gonna have annihilations
2110s it's not the size of this fight
2113s ing about very well super Chrome is
2114s actually having the monster's ultimate
2116s left available so are they going to be
2118s able to pull that out right now would be
2119s the time if anything they're just
2121s waiting and entrusting everything to be
2123s with their team
2125s Colombia still facing Lots in lots of
2128s difficulties but actually holding on
2129s very very lightly I talked about the
2131s reaper I talked about the May we're
2133s actually being able to see that live in
2134s action of how well it's playing out I
2137s mean and the fact that this is not
2138s Eternal who had a banger day on the May
2141s yesterday uh drove air doing just as
2142s well uh I mean you pulled out the
2145s annihilation from Ecuador too so there's
2146s not that initiation but they are going
2148s to have uh sound bear and a blizzard
2150s here into the next fight
2152s Great Wall uh even now okay no actually
2156s death Blossom is ready and available oh
2158s this is the perfect time to pull it out
2159s as well but they're not going to right
2161s now they have the lead once more and the
2164s thing is they did gain that Advantage by
2166s winning that first fight eqo though
2168s still having potential here yeah closing
2170s things out very nice and easy for
2172s Colombia once again I mean once you take
2174s the legs out from underneath Ecuador in
2177s their supports I mean
2179s Karen Gorham went down early to eqo and
2182s those Hellfire shotguns that's your
2183s burst healing right there and then you
2184s have to try and speed uh regress from
2187s the point in Eco is just playing flanks
2189s right now looking for the aggression
2190s coming from the side there I haven't
2192s even had to press Q
2194s station they're coming from they're
2195s gonna take it through controllers
2198s and rightfully so yeah this is where the
2200s death Blossom comes out but it's
2201s actually going to be an Obito to take it
2203s out for Ecuador a beautiful plate and a
2205s stance here that could be taken back eqo
2208s you see the more of playing in cohesion
2210s here to try to get those heel offs but
2212s the wall it blocks them off in super
2214s Gomez now having to try to attend the
2218s funeral of Ecuador right now 99 for
2221s Colombia they're very very close to that
2223s finish line right now as it is but it's
2225s super hard to try to even gain some
2226s ground here for Ecuador Colombia they
2228s were very very strong and they're
2231s showing when they were playing against
2232s Peru and it makes sense because right
2235s now they get that first Victory I mean
2238s just great ultimate discipline let me
2240s talk about that first coming out of
2242s Colombia uh there were fights right you
2244s were even calling for him to drop the
2245s Blossom and they're like nah yeah you
2247s can do this in the neutral we could do
2249s this in the neutral I mean just great
2250s positioning great uh great kiting back
2253s for mixed V and hug I mean the speed
2257s disengage that came from them uh was
2259s just too powerful they really do need to
2262s be looking to take down mix vegan hug uh
2264s if Ecuador has any kind of a possibility
2266s of staying in this first uh control map
2270s and I don't see any changes uh coming up
2273s here you'll see eqo uh bring the
2275s symmetra out here I don't know if they
2276s stay on it or if they go over to either
2278s a tracer or bring back the reaper this
2279s is
2285s actually very very early on doesn't get
2288s it not extending too high enough but
2291s again these outer aggressions are
2293s exactly what Colombia makes them very
2295s different they're not afraid to get
2296s aggressive when needed and not to
2297s mention super Gomez on the remotra has
2300s been impeccable and now actually making
2303s that rotation trying to go through the
2304s back line but this is going to be a very
2306s big funnel starting off very unfortunate
2308s well breaks the reaper making damage as
2310s it is and now capturing the points that
2313s first fight not one out just yet
2314s potential there for Ecuador but they're
2316s gonna have to pull something big first
2318s capture order uh to uh Colombia though
2320s and I think that the walls are coming
2321s out a little bit early from here and
2323s ikuo yeah has to pull the fade and no
2325s Beatles in the backlight saying I'm on
2327s you no eqo look at that assist though
2329s the speed uh to get them around Yep this
2332s is gonna be a one fight and it's gonna
2333s be sending back to spawn or Ecuador
2337s EQ out ah just on the prowl for
2341s something always looking for you know
2344s some type of assassination honestly and
2346s I think the reaper fits them well
2347s because sometimes they'll kind of resort
2348s to that somber pick
2350s and the reason why I like that is they
2352s are very sneaky
2355s I mean sneakiness is part of as part of
2357s the kit of a Reaper I mean you can
2359s either be that front line presence uh
2361s and just making a tanks like hell uh or
2363s you could be the flankboard uh and
2365s trying to go for assassinations trying
2366s to catch somebody out of position now
2368s Annihilation into this fight with the
2370s coalescence at their back this should be
2371s very easy going for Colombia
2375s still having the ultimate ready here for
2377s super gum is is actually going to be
2379s able to pull that out not getting down
2381s just yet the damage immense and you can
2383s see along the back lines it is going to
2385s be makes still taking out a ton along
2387s with hug yeah
2390s two seconds to Steve just goes down I
2392s feel bad for Ecuador because control is
2394s just Colombia like that is their home
2398s I think a little bit of ultimate
2399s discipline would do Ecuador a world of
2401s good right now I mean saving your fade
2403s you don't need to fade in front of your
2404s team you need to be behind your behind
2407s your tank uh and I know that Moyer isn't
2409s a really good fighter there's the flight
2410s from
2412s make it three make it four give him the
2414s ace give him the ace nope karegord gets
2418s off the bat but good Lord what a
2420s perfectly uh perfectly timed blossoming
2423s came out of hiding uh and you talked
2426s about it sneaky sneaky Reaper and now
2428s Emilio bringing out the doomfist for a
2430s last fight touch
2432s ah eqo doesn't really have much to work
2437s with but doesn't really matter Ecuador
2439s or really pushing through to try to get
2441s something big I mean the May coming
2442s along the back of eqo but you're looking
2444s at the heels and they are tremendous hug
2446s and mix both not allowing Equity any
2451s satisfaction of getting an elimination
2452s and honestly that that leads to that win
2455s that Colombia uh I mean really just
2457s deserves yeah I mean
2460s 200 to zero that is not a good start
2462s here for the team from Ecuador but uh
2466s you know we have another map uh it's
2468s obviously uh best of three first to
2469s choose so they still have uh the next
2472s map type to come up here it'll be their
2473s choice uh coming up and I really want to
2476s see them play as a whole uh five-man
2479s Team not five separate individuals uh we
2482s saw Emilio really taking the brunt of
2484s all the aggression that Colombia was
2486s bringing in and you saw nobito trying to
2489s be the Hero trying to get into the back
2490s line and ikeo is just waiting just like
2493s voila I mean just boom done and that's
2497s happened time and time again so you know
2499s you hit your head against the wall once
2501s okay you learn from that if you keep
2503s doing it we might have to question your
2505s stability
2507s the ostability was something very
2509s difficult for Ecuador but again right it
2512s is control not everybody's gonna control
2514s winning out that first fight it was
2516s always uh leaning towards the side of
2519s Colombia so again it is very hard to
2522s kind of come back from that and I think
2523s it was Moxie that said it uh like in in
2525s the first game that we got to watch
2527s yesterday if you're not waiting out
2529s those first fights it's very impossible
2530s to take it back at any point in time so
2532s I am looking towards you know that
2534s second match being the Redemption here
2537s that that second game for you know a
2540s team like Ecuador so hopefully they can
2544s kind of pull something together in a
2546s completely different setting
2548s I mean uh Emilio x uh really that uh try
2552s their best I
2553s saw uh the team trying to Rally behind
2556s uh their tank player uh but the sustain
2559s the sustain a pug in mystery something
2560s that I noticed yesterday and we talked
2562s about it in our opening here uh they are
2565s the two-headed dragon that you need to
2567s take down to be able to really inflict
2569s any kind of damage on this Colombian
2571s team and eqo will clean out fights left
2573s and right
2575s yeah they cleaned out a lot especially
2578s like the thing that I really liked is a
2579s lot of the time I was asking why aren't
2580s you death blossoming you know are you
2582s gonna death Blossom but I felt like eqo
2584s found the perfect moments to do that
2585s actually just seeing that right now as
2586s well uh and again it was the opportunity
2590s where they said is it going to profit as
2592s much as it will at another time and
2594s asking yourself there's questions
2596s honestly I felt like really did give
2598s them that profit that they were looking
2599s for uh on the side of Colombia so
2602s there's definitely something to look
2603s forward to in the next game but I mean
2607s Dylan said Chef really well we'll have
2608s to see we'll have to see uh and the fact
2611s that Moira gets two on the out that with
2615s the skill orb as we call it uh that's
2618s just that's just uh extra extra fuel to
2621s the fire here uh for Ecuador to be able
2623s to bring something uh to Bear here on
2626s the Colombian team so I mean Columbia
2627s right now uh they're 3-0 so far uh
2630s across Maps uh completely uh swept
2633s yesterday and now they're looking to do
2635s the same here at Ecuador uh they do have
2637s the chance so they do have the chance to
2638s uh make our next map uh sing as it were
2642s I hope we don't go to Gibraltar
2644s personally I'd like to see something a
2646s little different I'd like to see them
2648s you know pull something that maybe uh
2650s Colombia is not necessarily looking for
2652s and you know in talking uh with uh with
2655s the coaches uh you know a lot of maps
2658s have been played uh and practiced up and
2661s well new body
2663s oh okay let's see uh what the tanks do
2667s because we saw a lot of ramatra
2669s yesterday uh out out of the super Gomez
2672s so
2673s uh we'll see we'll see if they have the
2675s off tank here I think that's why we go
2676s to new Bonnie is that you're gonna play
2678s more maybe into uh Emilio's uh uh his uh
2683s his his hero pool on the tanks
2687s oh new Bonnie honestly looking at the
2690s playstyle of Ecuador Don and Lee Chong
2694s Tower it doesn't feel like they're the
2696s type of team to kind of want to over
2699s aggress and give away those fights they
2701s were actually aiming for a lot of those
2702s team fights but they kind of walked in
2704s at the worst moments there were a lot of
2706s funneling opportunities where again down
2708s in that back room where you got to see
2709s that death Blossom really come out those
2712s are the things that we're talking about
2713s when we talk about okay what did Ecuador
2716s do wrong and what did Colombia do right
2718s and I felt like Legion Tower was just
2719s the perfect opportunity for them because
2721s there were a lot of those backgrounds
2722s that kept them quiet so uh here though
2724s it's a very open space I think Ecuador
2727s has a lot more space to move and I think
2729s this is going to profit very very nicely
2731s I agree I absolutely agree with you gone
2734s person I think that this for uh Ecuador
2736s because they're not going to be funneled
2738s uh into small enclosed spaces with a
2740s Reaper uh just thriving uh we'll see we
2744s will see how this goes down and you know
2746s we've got lots of of substitutes on both
2748s sides so maybe there might be a person
2749s they'll change we might see a turtle
2751s come back in for Colombia uh we might
2753s see Pabi loon uh come in for Ecuador in
2757s the damage roll so it just depends on
2759s how they want to address uh this map uh
2762s yeah obviously offensive defense uh two
2764s completely different looks that you can
2766s throw out here and I think that you know
2768s versatility will have to be on display
2770s here uh if team fights don't go
2772s Ecuador's way uh go into that hero pool
2775s see what you can pull out I want to see
2777s the chess match really come alive here
2779s for Ecuador to make a good accounting of
2782s themselves
2792s too while in control can take it back
2795s here on hybrid so
2797s nimbani a very favorite map of mine I I
2800s do think we're going to be able to see a
2801s Hanzo come out I'm excited to possibly
2803s have that opportunity arise I really do
2806s want to see very very big poke uh just
2808s because new Bonnie is super big like it
2811s is very hard to to Really aggress and
2813s you know have good fortune on a map like
2815s this especially since there is a lot of
2817s space to move so again there is also
2820s potential for somebody to come along
2821s your back lines there's a lot of careful
2823s that you really need to be wary of
2827s I think that that Colombia have proven
2830s that they are a rush team uh in the
2832s zombie rush uh is working well for them
2835s so we will see uh how this is going to
2838s go down uh in the streets of nimbania
2840s Reese's home my my beloved's uh home
2843s town here uh the donkey horses I call
2845s her uh for everybody that doesn't know
2847s my personal designation for Arisa was my
2850s main in OverWatch one the Halt and the
2853s shield uh lots of double double shield
2856s haters out there I don't care she's uh
2858s still my favorite Bae and I will die on
2861s that Hill uh but I mean for for this map
2864s uh I mean Winston works extremely well
2866s here
2868s um the ability to use the jump pack to
2869s get from high to low uh being able to
2871s contest both of those areas super Gomez
2874s is showing us that right now uh on the
2876s uh on the attack so Ecuador I mean
2879s they're bringing out uh the diva from
2881s Emilio Oaks here uh nobito is on the
2885s echo I like this
2887s uh you're gonna have to be a little bit
2889s self-sufficient though uh on the echo uh
2891s being able to heal themselves uh through
2893s the biscuits being thrown by the
2894s brigitta or having to find uh mini
2897s omegas around the map and then jorel
2898s actually going to show us the Tracer
2901s look so this is going to give a little
2902s bit of extra uh some uh survivability uh
2906s you're able to recall uh you can take
2907s care of yourself on those mini Health
2909s packs so you know Karen gorm and tamanu
2912s should be able to focus most of their
2914s attention onto the diva and keep their
2916s tank alive
2921s yeah especially here that's oh they're
2923s already going up on it Ecuador
2926s literally not even having a care in the
2928s world at this point playing tag as well
2930s tracer on Tracer whoever wins this one
2933s out is going to have something big
2934s already coming along the backlines kind
2936s of like what I said but the echo is
2938s gonna be such a big detriment eqo
2940s already taken the first I think a
2941s beautiful play off of mirror
2944s already trying to get another one Dro
2946s now coming up closer still slightly but
2948s Emilio leaving out with their life and
2951s that's gonna be a very big play but
2953s unfortunately so they're gonna have to
2954s try to push back with the rest of the
2956s team super gum is looking for the second
2958s but maybe a big over extension because
2960s losing your tank this early on uh not a
2962s good look ah but I mean now they have
2964s close spots I mean they're gonna come
2965s out right here uh in everybody's face
2968s and 50 towards Primal Rage I think that
2970s you know the Primal Rage uh will be hard
2973s uh to deal with uh the DPS I think that
2976s the uh the the support line of Ecuador
2980s will be the target for super Gomez when
2982s they go in uh also I mean they've got to
2985s watch out for this fan coming in from
2986s eqo or from a drill uh looks like we've
2989s had a DC oh no uh the tank uh was 60 to
2994s Primal Rage so that's going to reset
2997s their economy this is actually a great
2999s Boon for Ecuador because now they don't
3002s have to worry about uh the Primal Rage
3004s coming I can we'll see if they uh if
3006s they reconnect and it comes back with
3007s their uh with their charge
3009s man that's a that's a unluckers
3013s yeah that actually does suck a little
3014s bit especially for
3017s man it does kind of hurt to see too
3020s because they were on such a good run
3021s already getting the obviously the point
3024s coming down now starting off
3028s in that movement super Gomez
3030s oh my apologies that
3032s it's just it's just not gonna work out I
3034s said super Gomez because I messed up
3035s that was Peru um moving forward though
3039s it's difficult especially within this
3041s game
3042s it's not a very easy game to win so for
3048s Colombia again kind of like with what
3050s you said missing out on that Primal Rage
3053s you're also having if you're also having
3055s a very big detriment moving forward yeah
3058s one percent completely takes backwards
3060s but we still got the echo that could
3062s kind of get that Redemption Arc now try
3065s to actually farm this up they don't care
3066s how close they are the heels really
3068s sticking on them and I think their main
3069s objective is actually to try to get that
3071s Primal Rage back I mean uh
3073s it is what it is it's unlockers but I
3076s mean if eqos Echo say that five times
3079s fast uh they've got the duplicate gonna
3081s be looking for well they're gonna be
3082s looking just for assassination they're
3083s gonna hold on to their duplicate and
3085s they're gonna capture point B pretty
3087s easily nice sleep comes through and an
3089s anti on top of it they should be able to
3090s clean up but oh my goodness I mean the
3093s stickies from eqo right now are
3095s absolutely holding this High Ground
3096s instead that's two points almost six
3099s minutes on the clock this is a blazing
3102s Speed Run coming from Colombia
3106s having the duplicate ready as well is
3108s going to be big for eqo
3110s slowly taking out almost everybody from
3112s Colombia having an opportunity to push
3115s something forward super Gomez
3119s still trying to push through here
3122s having a nice pulse to try to come down
3125s towards it but unfortunately does not
3127s commit as well as they thought it would
3128s dromir now
3130s actually missing out on a super big
3131s opportunity is moving in with the
3133s Winston super Gomez is back and they're
3135s ready to rumble Primal Rage almost
3137s prepared to try to finish this off with
3139s the heels not sufficient enough it does
3140s go down super unfortunate with EQ oh
3143s Left Alive utilizing that duplicate
3146s still not able to do much here is trying
3147s to Shield bash their way out of this but
3150s still manages to make it out alive oh
3152s just kidding I lied I'm a liar
3155s I mean great uh sequence of events there
3157s for both uh for Ecuador uh they're able
3160s to use the duplicate uh get themselves a
3163s monkey copy uh and it actually saves
3166s them from going down to the
3167s self-destruct of uh of Emilio so uh from
3171s uh yeah so I mean the other right there
3172s they get the work done now they've got
3174s to set their feet here and really cycle
3176s through the ultimates that are coming up
3178s they're dealing with a rally uh into a
3180s nano
3183s oh Pharrell
3185s yeah it's getting stuck in that corner
3187s definitely was not the best way you want
3188s to go because the echo has that High
3189s Ground Advantage especially since you're
3191s seeing nobito consistently losing out on
3193s those 1v1 fights it it kind of leads
3196s towards Colombia having that advantage
3198s that we didn't get to see from Ecuador
3199s but hopefully again leading towards
3202s their attacking half maybe they're gonna
3203s have a better stance there Gompers they
3206s just gained 20 seconds though yeah that
3209s is a speed run somebody check out there
3211s I think that is one of the fastest
3213s uh in official matches completion of
3216s numbani
3218s that I've ever seen uh personally I
3221s think the record might be like 4 36 or
3224s 438 I think that's the record for the
3227s completion on new Bonnie by an attacking
3228s Squad so for Ecuador here uh I mean they
3233s just really look fragmented you were
3236s talking about they you're talking about
3237s having these Wide Open Spaces but you
3239s still have to play as a five uh and they
3241s did not deal with eqo in the sky eqo is
3244s the tip of the spear for this Colombian
3245s Squad uh super Gomez is playing almost
3248s in support of the Echo and I think for
3251s Ecuador honestly if you can pull out a
3254s Sombra here uh and take uh the the
3257s utility away from eqo I think that would
3260s be a a really good first start here
3263s um either that or uh I mean emiliox has
3266s to be a lot more cognizant of of EQ on
3269s this guy especially when you're playing
3270s on a diva you have the defense Matrix
3272s you can get up there the only things you
3273s can't defend against is the focusing
3275s beam yeah but with your team and support
3276s you should be able to burn down uh a a
3280s echo
3282s with Anna and brigitta as your Healers
3289s you actually you're completely awkward
3291s in that point as well
3293s definitely just the needing to utilize
3295s their Heroes uh to the highest extent
3299s although looking as though they can't
3301s even push Emilio honestly looking scared
3303s to try to get themselves out they still
3305s actually do have their barrier
3307s projectors so that's something that
3308s could defend them right here as they
3310s continue along now actually trying to
3313s protect themselves
3315s oh no listen it's it's hard to do
3319s anything there hug was trying to protect
3321s mix at the same time they're playing
3323s with that Brigitte now you got everybody
3324s moving down onto the point dromir still
3327s managing to create that big pushback
3329s I mean drum here as shown USA May and
3331s now they're showing us a very very
3332s serviceable Tracer uh saving the recalls
3335s for for the most desperate of
3337s information or of death situations
3340s is getting into the honorable combat
3342s once again uh waiting for blinks waiting
3345s for that health pack to come back up
3346s because they are super well they were
3348s super low now they're going to have it
3349s at their backs and they're going to be
3350s looking to get this whole time I think
3352s pulsebump needs to be uh clean here
3354s coming from hotel
3356s oh and it's coming in clean as well
3359s especially for eqo right now actually
3360s coming up towards The High Ground I
3362s talked about if the 1v1 continuously
3364s losing out but for real now fighting up
3366s top to try to take down anybody if they
3369s please yeah but Ikea just does not make
3371s it easy with their sticky bombs I mean
3374s looking at what Colombia is doing right
3376s now they're just catching aggression and
3378s it's a swarm mentality when they see the
3380s pressure coming all five uh are in
3383s position uh and the positioning here
3385s from mixvy uh has been nothing short of
3387s Stellar uh and I mean it's great blame
3390s play you're just being able to heal from
3392s long range you've got the lines of sight
3393s where you need impulse bomb it's going
3395s to be huge here from German I'm telling
3397s you probably a 2K coming out from it
3401s trying to get some of that melee in
3403s comes your mirror but up towards the top
3405s you can actually see super Gomez now
3407s fighting to push everybody back down in
3410s towards that room stakey pulse bomb now
3413s coming unlocked
3415s unfortunately does not make anything
3417s happen now Primal Rage this is gonna be
3419s big for Emilio I see the potential here
3421s knocking off the healers actually
3423s imbalancing now the amount of heals that
3425s they can get
3426s super Gomez still kept alive somehow
3428s Primal Rage knocked out and the humors
3430s of their own from Ecuador goes down as
3433s well
3434s I mean wonderful wonderful Primal
3436s mechanics there coming out of super
3437s Gomez the juggle was beautiful the
3439s displacement was good I emiliox had a
3442s great one too uh being able to dislodge
3444s The High Ground hold that mix V and hug
3446s were on but I mean they haven't had to
3448s use their support ultimates yet and
3450s we're at just under 75 seconds left here
3452s uh for this match and we're no closer to
3456s Ecuador capturing first point than we
3458s were when we started
3463s ready and prepared not gonna need it
3465s though especially since they're already
3466s coming over her head and I feel like
3467s they've been winning out a lot of these
3468s fights eqo even though they're
3470s constantly Airborne they're always
3472s having that Crosshair hit in place right
3474s now we're seeing it in action already
3476s trying to back off and they're backing
3478s off three players at a time even though
3479s they're taking things solo heels are
3481s very very well written here for Colombia
3484s now the back off starts
3486s I mean honestly I I would honestly
3488s rather see uh I I can't believe I'm
3491s saying this a mercy here to help nobody
3493s though in the sky
3495s uh you know give them a little bit more
3497s sustainability up there and
3499s although Joel is not giving up it's not
3502s gonna be easy but it may like to
3503s actually finish things all Primal Rage
3505s on both sides coming out as it is now
3508s slowly making their way above Winston
3510s comes down towards them Emilio goes down
3513s out overtime is done for not even the
3515s own I mean that was a master class of
3518s how to take team fights on your own uh
3521s initiative and I mean there there's a
3524s ferocity that Colombia is showing us
3527s here and we're going to bring Ash back
3529s in here to grill us over what we just
3531s witnessed uh both across lijong Tower
3535s and numbani Ash that was pretty brutal
3539s it was it was definitely a rough showing
3541s coming out from the Ecuadorian team I
3544s think that you guys both hit the nail on
3546s the head with it being the fact that it
3547s was a lot of individualistic plays
3549s coming out we weren't really seeing that
3551s cohesion that we would be looking for
3552s sure the individual Talent was there but
3556s it's OverWatch there's no hard carries
3559s in this kind of game bumpers
3561s there isn't any hard carries in this
3563s game and we we did get a piece of that
3565s as well you know super Gomez had their
3567s moments but I did feel like everybody
3568s else did have their moments as well so
3570s definitely looking at obviously eqo in
3573s turn uh my apologies eqo super Gomez hug
3576s I felt like hug was definitely a an item
3579s that I saw a lot of the time down in
3581s control as well they really shined out
3583s in control playing on that moreover so I
3585s will have to give them cudas as well
3587s and Chef Billy I want you to tell me a
3589s little bit more about the ram Rush
3591s compositions that we saw coming out from
3593s both sides over on Lee Jane Tower what
3596s was it about the Colombian team that
3599s allowed them to find a lot more success
3602s in that mirror composition whereas
3604s Ecuador fell a little bit more flat I I
3607s think it's Target focus and managing
3610s your cooldowns I think that uh Colombia
3613s they understand when you can go in uh a
3616s little bit more aggressively you're
3617s looking for the other team's cooldowns
3619s to be spent and I think that's what
3621s really the the initiation that comes
3623s from Super Gomez on the right on the
3625s wrong Mantra uh the zombie Compass I
3627s call it you know you're looking for uh
3629s you're looking for the finish on all
3631s these plays and I think that when you
3633s see hug and you see mixy you know Mixie
3636s is getting them in there with the speed
3637s uh and hog is using not only uh the the
3640s normal Moira spray healing but also
3643s keeping the skill orb on Heels uh and
3646s allowing them to be Uber aggressive
3647s immersed potential for Memorial is so
3649s good and coppers really did call it out
3651s I mean there was moments where hug just
3653s was absolutely Untouchable and
3655s unbreakable in their support of their
3657s tank and the rest of the team
3659s yeah that was something that you talked
3661s about a lot was just like the general
3662s sustain
3663s the Colombian Squad coming it's from
3665s mixed B and hug as a pairing together
3667s there but overall now just talking about
3670s what happened on numbani when it comes
3673s down to Africa they were really just
3674s struggling to find that space and I feel
3677s like Colombia just slowly started to
3679s kind of smother them in that kind of way
3680s bumpers
3682s they they were smothering them again I'm
3684s gonna bring eqo up because they really
3686s were a big portion of what was going on
3688s but they were pushing everybody back
3690s even if they were taking 1p3 situation
3692s and a lot of the time it was because
3694s they could mix and hug were there to
3696s help them and to really push them to
3700s that limit so I did see a lot of that
3702s teamwork coming in even though it wasn't
3704s necessarily evident but a big portion of
3706s that game was eqo and the ability to
3708s play that DPS role to a t as well as
3711s kind of have a little bit of tank in
3712s them as well and no this is my
3714s opportunity to take this 1v1 hey let me
3716s create some pushback let's wait for
3718s super Gomez to you know kind of get
3720s themselves situated and we'll be back on
3722s track
3729s what's there to say I mean the focus is
3731s perfect I mean this the spray uh from
3734s the sticky bombs was absolutely on point
3736s and I mean absolutely this is you said
3739s that there's no hard carries in
3740s OverWatch too I would have to beg to
3742s differ uh just
3744s just this alone I mean this was nasty
3748s this was nasty just from uh from eqo so
3751s I mean living up to their name and I
3752s mean the echo was burning darn perfect
3754s uh I I like it I like I like what I see
3758s from Colombia they have to be feared now
3760s they have to be considered uh one of the
3762s favorites they absolutely locked down
3764s their identity and I think that's the
3766s one thing that Ecuador needs to uh
3768s really instill when they go into their
3770s next match is what is the identity of
3773s our national team who are we as a
3775s five-man unit and I think that if they
3777s can answer that I think they move
3778s forward uh a lot more positively
3781s it's all about figuring out what you
3783s want to be as a team but eqo hasn't
3786s slowed down his role so far it's been a
3789s standout performance across day one
3791s consistent now into day number two as
3793s well and okay when I said that there's
3796s no hard carries in OverWatch I meant
3798s more so if you're on the losing team you
3801s can't hard carry your way out of it it
3803s really does have to be that group ever
3805s especially if you end up getting
3806s staggered and whatnot but there are so
3808s many more games left today here for day
3810s number two we are going to swing to a
3812s quick little break and afterwards we'll
3814s be back with Peru and Chile
3822s thank you
3825s [Music]
3830s foreign
3833s [Music]
3845s [Music]
3857s [Music]
3863s thank you
3864s [Music]
3871s [Music]
3895s foreign
3901s foreign
3903s [Music]
3914s [Music]
3931s [Music]
3934s [Applause]
3935s [Music]
3937s [Applause]
3940s [Music]
3942s [Applause]
3948s [Music]
3950s foreign
3951s [Music]
3952s [Applause]
3952s [Music]
3969s [Music]
3990s foreign
3993s [Music]
4033s [Music]
4042s [Music]
4058s [Music]
4063s oh God
4087s [Music]
4122s [Music]
4139s thank you
4145s we just witnessed a clean 2-0 sweep
4147s there for Colombia up against Ecuador
4150s but now we've got to move on to our
4151s second match of today's OverWatch World
4154s Cup online qualifier here for America's
4157s and up next we've got Chile versus Peru
4161s and Gompers this is an interesting
4164s matchup because both these teams went oh
4166s and one on their matches yesterday over
4169s on day one which means that this is
4171s their opportunity to finally get a point
4172s on the board
4174s yeah this is their opportunity for uh
4176s Peru obviously we kind of just saw their
4178s aggressor I guess you can say uh
4181s Colombian play just now but I I am
4184s excited to see uh Peru versus Chile
4186s again it kind of is uh that comparison
4189s of Peru just kind of not really having
4192s the best of days but at the same time
4194s maybe two days having that as well today
4197s we'll definitely have to see but again
4198s it was a bit of a rough go for both of
4200s these teams yesterday in day one Chef
4203s Billy and that means that we're looking
4205s for them to really step it up and pump
4207s on that gas going into day number two I
4209s think for perudo because they did uh
4212s they did go down to Colombia but it
4214s wasn't clean uh for Colombia I mean they
4217s went to three Maps uh on Nepal yesterday
4220s uh and then they uh they uh went into
4223s overtime against Colombia on King's Row
4227s so while it was a 0-2 defeat on the day
4230s and they go 0-1 on Match day one I think
4233s for a bedroom right now uh they have the
4236s wherewithal to bounce back uh and bring
4239s themselves to uh to 500 uh here through
4242s our through our second day so I mean I I
4246s I've got some I've got some opinions uh
4248s having watched yesterday all day uh with
4250s these two teams and we'll get into that
4252s a little bit later we'll we'll see we're
4254s gonna hear Chef all these spicy takes in
4256s a little bit and just in a little bit
4258s but again you guys see the head to head
4260s right now here today in Peru both oh and
4262s one into day number one and like you
4265s were just mentioning Billy that was very
4267s much so Peru having kind of that they
4271s get that far lit underneath them in
4273s those crucial last moments Gompers where
4276s they were really able to equalize in the
4279s last seconds cap taking it one to one on
4282s Village over on Nepal and then for
4283s King's Row as well having a slight OT
4286s comeback is not able to close it up
4290s yeah for Peru again kind of like
4293s pointing out the fact that there are
4295s definitely strengths and weaknesses for
4297s each and every team for sure I feel like
4300s Matt it's just so hard because it's like
4302s it's like one team could fit perfectly
4303s into your puzzle and you know that that
4305s would be the team that you'd be able to
4307s kind of combat against but again I I did
4309s talk about a little bit yesterday how
4310s there is a lot of pressure on that first
4313s day like you're kind of representing
4315s your own country and at the same time
4317s you are hoping you do a very good job so
4319s I think for Peru I think it is one of
4322s those uh key moments where okay let's
4325s get the nerves out of there and now
4327s coming into today I again like we see
4329s these slip ups but we also see this
4331s potential I do think a lot of people
4333s were nervous yesterday but I do think
4334s we're seeing something completely
4336s different today and a lot of players
4337s that might have not necessarily been you
4341s know well-mannered I think they're
4343s starting to get into the group of things
4345s and something that I want to take a look
4346s at as well is of course the starting
4348s lineups for both of these squads we're
4350s going to take it over to the Chilean
4352s side first and okay yesterday we saw
4355s it's about actually on that Sombra pick
4358s up against their game versus Brazil and
4361s the emps were really strong but Chef
4364s Billy the struggle was that the rest of
4366s the team wasn't really following up on
4368s that we didn't see the damage first
4369s needed to actually secure the picks I
4372s mean we still uh devout on the ash uh on
4377s ilios we saw a ram on the Tracer and uh
4380s the The Barrage nine uh that happened
4383s there on well got the 2K with the
4385s barrage but the super jump that came
4388s from Papo actually denies uh them
4391s flipping the point over and actually C9
4393s points so uh there's got to be uh some
4396s uh there's got to be some Redemption
4398s there's got to be Redemption uh because
4400s I mean my head my head was in my hands
4402s when I saw that because I mean it was a
4403s beautiful Play Over the Top and just
4406s just that little micro mistake uh cost
4408s them the map and eventually cost them
4410s the entire Series so uh ROM uh was one
4413s of the stars that Dustin and Moxie uh
4415s pulled forward from us yesterday from
4417s this Chilean Squad so yeah uh Frac has
4420s to do better in the tank Department
4422s though for chile and now uh Dom first
4424s we're gonna go over to Peru and take a
4426s look at what they've got to offer
4428s yeah Peru Persona was a very big name
4432s for me that stuck out if I'm being
4434s completely honest with you obviously we
4435s got to see a little bit of
4437s um I believe Baskerville was one of the
4439s MVPs
4441s um if I do recall that might have been
4443s someone else my
4453s killer is obviously somebody that does
4455s stand out to me just based off of pure I
4458s would say individual gameplay they were
4461s someone that occasionally really showed
4463s up for the team when they really needed
4465s it and I feel like again those nerves
4467s might have come into play there could
4468s have been something going on in these in
4470s said moments where they couldn't
4472s necessarily give it their all but it's
4473s also a very big team effort when it
4475s comes to OverWatch one person isn't
4477s necessarily going to get you that far so
4478s I feel like maybe that cohesion could
4480s come in a bit more today hopefully from
4483s Peru
4484s no that's for sure and even just I want
4486s to touch on Diego a little bit as well
4488s we saw some attempts on the flank over
4491s on King's Row on that Tracer pick
4493s looking to try and poke into that back
4495s line but Colombia were really really
4497s Keen to just shut that down early on
4499s Chef Billy so it's going to be a
4502s question of if he's looking to pull that
4504s same kind of play out again
4507s are it is the squad on the other side of
4510s things being should they actually gonna
4511s lie
4515s although I I think that Chile had a
4517s pretty rough uh go of it up against uh
4520s Brazil yesterday uh delka really did
4523s shut Frac down so I think today uh we're
4526s gonna start seeing some of these more
4528s evenly contested matches Ash I I think
4531s that this is really where the middle of
4534s the road teams uh start to kind of claw
4537s and scrape their way back into
4538s contention somebody's going to be 0-2 uh
4541s after match day two today and the other
4544s team is going to be one and one and
4545s they're going to be feeling on cloud
4546s nine because they have pulled themselves
4548s into into the conversation to see who's
4550s going to get out of group b only two
4552s teams though out of group b so The Road
4555s to Redemption the road to getting
4556s yourself in that second seed starts
4558s right this minute
4560s it does and we're heading over towards
4561s Elio's first here gone Burgers how are
4564s you feeling about this map pack
4566s out for ilios I'm excited I I didn't get
4568s to see a lot of ilios I mean already
4570s starting off I think it was um United
4572s States versus Canada that we did get to
4574s see a little bit of it but for this in
4577s particular Chile and Peru I think it is
4579s a perfect first game to really start off
4581s especially control wise uh there isn't
4584s any potential to play a sniper so I do
4586s think we're not going to be seeing that
4588s at all but that's also a privilege
4590s because I am excited to see these really
4592s big close range fights hopefully a
4594s roadhog I love me some roadhog and we
4596s haven't seen that yet so
4600s Billy's like it's not no Whole Hog not
4604s on the menu this time around and it's
4606s not happening but at the same time
4609s though looking over towards the side of
4612s ilios as well this is a Redemption
4614s opportunity of course for chile after
4617s we've aren't we I mean I don't want to
4619s you know beat it into the ground but
4621s really after that C9 play Chile I'm
4624s looking towards this team to redeem
4627s themselves the anime Redemption Arc
4629s starts
4631s Papo uh
4633s that we need to be looking at is how
4648s [Music]
4659s yeah uh
4664s we're going there all right going into
4666s the map I'm pretty sure we are starting
4669s off
4670s um
4671s obviously I believe this map in
4674s particular oh this is a sniper map so I
4676s completely lied to you guys I I like a
4677s Widowmaker I like a I'm gonna keep
4679s saying that every single time there
4680s there's potential for a sniper and
4681s listen Moxie's probably cringing if
4683s she's listening to this as well so
4687s this is the uh I mean ruins is the brawl
4690s map it's also the sniper map where you
4691s can bring out Hanzo you can bring out uh
4694s the sojour and you can bring out Ash uh
4696s and then you can run much more Brawley
4698s characters coming in here uh as we're
4700s having a little bit of a technical uh a
4702s little bit of a technical difficulty
4703s here but uh you know as as it depends on
4707s where we start uh if it's Lighthouse or
4710s uh if it's the well uh then you have
4714s lots more poke opportunities and ways to
4716s address the point and different points
4718s of Ingress to get yourself in there in
4720s the conversation so for these two teams
4723s I really want to see them be uh very
4725s very resourceful I want them to be
4727s confident in who they are and how
4729s they're going to take this first snap
4731s because I mean this is gonna set the
4733s tone for the entirety of today
4735s setting the tone and excited to do so
4739s for sure
4741s um one big thing as well to kind of keep
4743s in mind here again uh kind of
4745s redirecting with this being a very very
4747s big team game that's what I want to see
4749s out of this like we see a lot of it
4750s coming through for you know really
4752s really big teams like honestly I saw a
4754s lot of it coming out through uh from USA
4756s I will say as well a big portion of that
4759s as well from Mexico so I I do want to
4763s see cohesion really be brought out into
4765s this game
4767s um you know not a lot of those split
4768s pushes that players tend to over aggress
4771s to it's it's kind of like yes keep that
4773s confidence there but also have a good
4775s understanding as to when you should back
4777s off which I feel like a lot of players
4778s tend to kind of forget that you know
4781s maybe this isn't the best fight to pick
4782s but it is super hard to kind of make
4783s those really really fast-paced decisions
4785s and very very important moments but yeah
4789s I mean I'm also just excited to see what
4792s the compositions are going to look like
4794s I mean Gompers something that we have
4797s not talked about uh is Baskerville and
4799s how Baskerville matched up very nicely
4801s against uh Colombia super Gomez
4804s yesterday uh really gave their ramatra a
4807s run for the money so I mean are we going
4809s to see this for Macho Rush come through
4811s uh for Peru uh Chile they more favored
4815s the diva so I mean that's going to be a
4818s very interesting kind of micro game that
4820s we're going to be watching it on is the
4822s tank battle between frack and
4823s Baskerville uh Diego also showed a very
4826s uh well played May yesterday in their
4829s match so uh we'll see if they bring up
4832s the May again we did see Tracer flanks
4834s come through on King's Row so we know
4835s the hero pool is there especially with
4837s the meta as it's kind of settling in
4839s right now with the ramatras uh and the
4841s Divas in the Forefront it all depends on
4843s how they run through as we finally are
4846s into our map we're about four seconds
4847s away from seeing the heroes being
4849s selected uh looks like we are starting
4852s out on well I think from my eye test
4855s here the the uh the angles here yeah I
4859s mean if we start on well you're going to
4861s be looking for environmentals from uh
4863s Baskerville once they do get up their
4865s Primal Rage you're looking for uh for
4868s the Nano engage uh from poke and then
4871s Frac as we saw yesterday very very well
4873s versed on this Diva Gompers and it's
4876s going to be you know the constant uh
4878s applied pressure from fracking the
4879s ability to trans uh transport themselves
4881s away from danger and peel back for their
4883s supports that's what we're gonna look at
4884s we're actually on lighthouse
4888s sticking on lighthouse
4890s uh being able to see the Winston pop out
4893s now you know uh for tank to tank the
4896s Winston and the diva definitely
4897s interesting choices but at the same time
4899s it's all about that preference the bout
4902s hiding and just trying to assassinate
4904s anybody that comes with insight
4907s I mean I want to say debut so bad
4909s because of me being raised in in
4911s Montreal but uh about uh had a very good
4914s Ash yesterday I gotta say so I mean the
4916s DPS uh engagements are going to be
4918s strong uh the personal hacks from
4920s Persona are going to be what really I
4922s think sets the tone here on lighthouse
4927s they're sat in the town making some
4929s African count here baskerville's still
4930s hiding if they get this point it's gonna
4933s be a super super big play on their part
4936s so actually looking to get themselves on
4938s to their Baskerville
4941s coming along the back making themselves
4942s unseen right now as it is but
4944s everybody's trying for shots of their
4946s own now finally making a move here
4949s it's not going to be big enough not a
4950s lot of action actually raining about
4951s here so many players split from Chile
4954s I mean Chile is trying to trying to
4956s divide and conquer right now they're
4958s trying to find some way of dislodging
4960s Baskerville on this uh on this Winston
4963s Winston is just getting absolutely the
4965s heels from the gods right now poke is
4968s doing so well keeping their monkey up I
4971s mean almost has a nano engage you're
4973s gonna want to see that go in to their
4975s next engagement as Chile tries to
4976s address the point they've got a nano up
4978s on their own side but the Sleep comes
4980s through from poke and puts Frack down
4982s for a nap
4984s oh pulse ball I'm actually getting set
4986s off right now diva
4988s wrong damage not necessarily committed
4990s okay I thought they were gonna get booed
4992s off but luckily you know they are going
4994s to have something going on RAM is yeah
4995s ROM's annihilating up towards the tops
4998s two players left onto the point still
5001s holding on though Diego losing out on
5003s their own ability so of course they go
5004s down
5005s okay so here's what I want to see from
5007s Chile is now they start getting their
5008s own progress percentage going up I want
5011s to see Papo not worry about the bout and
5015s ROM unless you know they come to you for
5017s healing I want to see papa really
5019s denying uh any kind of of good work
5022s being done by Persona you've got to be
5024s that peel for your honor and the big
5026s nade comes in from poke once again
5030s oh Frac is so lucky that they haven't
5032s gone down to see yet but if they
5034s actually want to keep this no problem
5035s rages out now is the time if anything to
5037s try to pull an ultimate to counter
5039s whatever pushback is going on but it
5041s doesn't matter healers are now slowly
5043s being pushed back away from the diva
5046s being able to pull out that
5047s self-destruct though Frack missing out
5050s on everything so now you get nothing out
5052s from rack luckily an upper Ram is going
5054s to be able to try to at least pick stuff
5056s off the 3K down now still chasing
5059s look at a beautiful shot in now Chile
5061s still up in the running amiram bailar
5064s around everybody right now just dancing
5067s the recalls are so good the blinks are
5070s perfect I mean this this gamer uh Dustin
5074s and Moxie were very high stonked on ROM
5076s yesterday I'm seeing why now this is
5078s absolutely perfect they got the full
5079s stop in that section they force them off
5081s of December now it's an echo here for
5084s Peru as now Chile is going to tie up the
5086s percentage
5089s still looking for
5091s something big to play with as well pulse
5093s bomb
5094s sticking up to it is going to get you
5096s know just a quick touch on them on the
5099s Tracer right now they ran up to the
5100s Healer so it doesn't matter anymore
5102s pushback would be good enough for Ram as
5104s it is all the players are trying to
5106s recontest for Chile
5109s as they've lost out on it 88 now seeing
5112s that somebody's still stalling out Frack
5114s left alone and again it's that big
5115s distance that we're seeing here Ram can
5117s get themselves onto the point try to
5119s protect it but they're not doing much
5121s here they're actually getting down very
5123s very quickly comes along the back from
5124s the Winston still trying to make numbers
5126s count but a
5128s Healer from Papo that is a perfect
5131s little microplay coming from the
5132s brigitta and just completely stone walls
5136s them 70 is What Peru got on that first
5139s capture and they were just stymied out
5142s after that Chile playing the macro game
5144s so well
5145s and now we head to ruins and we're gonna
5147s see the bell I mean he had a great Ash
5150s yesterday now we get to see the
5153s Widowmaker the big problem here uh for
5156s for devout uh is is Persona you could
5159s one clip a widow uh if you get enough
5160s sneak behind them get that uh get that
5162s manual hacking and deny the raffle or
5164s the grapple away and that's on a 12
5166s second timer so I mean uh hopefully
5169s they'll be able to uh get away because
5171s Persona I think it's gonna have to turn
5173s this map around here on ruins Oh yay wow
5176s it's about what's not playing around
5179s and listen I
5185s okay it was one time and I was it was a
5187s very lucky shot I wasn't even looking
5188s I'm not gonna lie to you but it's about
5191s as his eyes wide open so he knows
5194s exactly what he's doing he's committing
5195s to it gets shut down mid-air so now they
5198s miss out on that DPS although no worries
5200s about it Ram is a very very big plush
5203s Factor when it comes to Chile especially
5204s looking onto that Tracer Diego now
5206s trying to find some that fire in
5208s themselves as well so many players still
5210s trying to contest you for chile they're
5212s slowly getting pushed back yep contest
5213s is there Peru finally taking a hold of
5216s it and we saw this happen on Lighthouse
5218s so we'll see what kind of adaptation
5219s come out from Chile uh how do they deal
5221s with Persona how do they make them force
5223s uh forced to swap uh I think that we're
5226s running into I mean the junker Queen
5228s mirror so Gracie has to be good uh the
5230s the jagged blade needs to be good with
5233s these engages coming from frack and from
5234s Baskerville respectively uh basketball
5236s kind of got outplayed Diva versus
5239s Winston Diva should win that every time
5240s and it happened last uh last map
5245s oh those shots Mayors are going to be
5247s very detrimental because wasting time
5249s right now it's like four players now
5252s trying to make it in action well the
5253s bouts are looking for something big
5257s actually try to become invisible they
5260s were looking for a lurk to manage to get
5262s it the belt is on fire still actually
5264s boost himself upward
5266s looking for potential here working
5269s for something big although not a lot of
5271s sight here I think they've kind of
5272s managed to figure out where the Widow is
5274s hiding
5276s I I mean it's not very hard to see where
5279s the Widow is hiding I mean these manual
5280s hacks coming from Persona are completely
5282s ruining the the Chilean or attack but
5286s big pulse bomb that's gonna take the
5287s speed off the board
5291s picking up the pace along the back ramp
5292s still managing to find persona but
5294s teleports themselves away finding the
5296s safety their Baskerville and luckily
5298s enough not gonna be able to find much
5299s Chile on a roll when it comes to control
5302s still gonna keep things together it is
5304s Ram I'm not gonna lie to you use such a
5307s big factor
5308s oh Bobby they they they invest the sound
5311s barrier when they had the fight one Papa
5313s was gonna want that one back and I think
5315s for chile uh I mean you know the the
5318s capture starts now right I mean they got
5320s 12 and counting but they're going into
5322s EMP I think debut really needs to uh
5325s pull out the uh the sights right now
5327s just to see where Persona they have to
5329s know that EMP is on the board
5331s like sight
5333s honestly I do believe they do now now
5335s being able to see where everybody is
5337s yeah you're seeing the aggression coming
5339s through from Frack they're ready to pick
5340s a fight if anything maybe hold these
5341s players back
5343s I mean science will do that yeah science
5345s will do that Gompers and they could they
5347s buy 20 just with that one ultimate so
5350s now uh then you know they were trappy
5352s where a person was I mean that's a body
5353s shot almost takes him down
5357s so looking for something big here
5358s unfortunately for the belt managing to
5361s push themselves backwards but then the
5363s hack to come through
5365s it is very unfortunate but they're still
5367s fighting very heavily here Persona
5368s keeping themselves away although also
5370s but managing to find themselves
5372s distancing from that attack here rum
5375s yeah going back towards it Ram is
5378s absolutely insane
5380s what a player what a player I mean
5383s putting the team on their back they
5385s should had no business winning that
5386s fight they didn't have a sound barrier
5388s they basically won that fight off of a
5390s pulse bomb and the Kitsune Rush uh the
5392s the the the speed increase that happens
5394s through that ultimate really laying into
5396s what ROM needed to get that the rest of
5398s that holster builds up and they get full
5399s value on the end of it
5401s okay
5403s speaking of full value uh Persona
5407s finding some of that actually taken down
5408s Papa that's going to be big Alicia gone
5410s no longer going to be able to keep those
5411s speed bow steel boosts whatever they
5413s need here Peru slowly on the come up and
5415s round is still trying to find a way to
5418s push themselves to get that 3K they got
5420s before but not managing to find it's
5421s still a pull spawn left available not
5423s going to use it just gonna be able to do
5425s what they do best for Peru and it's
5427s going to be take that point back sound
5429s barrier difference right now is 20 papa
5432s will have this for the last fight uh
5434s Frack with a couple of good head shots
5436s and maybe a slash with the ax uh we'll
5439s get them up to this uh get them up to
5441s this there's a pulse Bob out the manual
5443s hat comes through dip out going on to
5445s the summer of Their Own
5449s yeah tyness of the essence here it's
5450s Peru get this they can take things back
5453s and the hat was beautiful because
5455s Baskerville actually no finding a way to
5458s take out the ultimate the last couple of
5460s seconds now actually managing to do big
5462s amounts of damage not able to find the
5464s shots though down in these couple
5466s seconds this is where things count if
5468s you're not playing your attack well you
5471s may as well just miss out on this point
5473s and manage to bring it back 98 now
5476s bringing it up down to that 100 if brat
5479s goes down this could be the game over
5480s the fight loss still managing to bring
5482s things back it's up to round to find it
5484s not a lot of flowing out here but
5486s Rodrigo goes down and they chased it
5488s back still Baskerville might just be
5491s done and they still are fighting for
5494s their lives the Tracer to keep things
5496s alive in the hack the SMP now trying to
5499s hold on to whatever is left but that's
5502s the game it's gonna be Chile taking on a
5506s one to oh so far
5508s okay let my heart stop racing here for
5512s just a second because oh my Lord
5515s uh put your put your songs aside put
5518s whatever happened on day one aside we've
5520s got a barn burger here and I tell you
5522s what ROM
5524s put the entirety of Chile the the
5527s country along the Pacific coast on their
5530s back and absolutely everybody in Lima
5533s right now is just cheering to the gods
5535s right now because what a God blessed
5537s good performance there from ROM took the
5540s team out there Papa Pop's sound barrier
5542s at 10 Health I thought it was going to
5544s be Ajax to be quite honest they get that
5546s sound barrier out with 10 HP and the
5549s fight just completely turns from there
5555s not
5558s it's very hard I learned that today but
5561s we're on playing the Tracer he makes it
5562s look very very easy I I'm gonna be
5565s honest with you and that is not
5567s something that that is easy to do I
5569s think you know with the potential and
5571s and seeing Ron kind of be in the
5573s position where okay they're playing the
5575s tiniest squishiest hero but they can
5577s still do so much work that's gonna be
5580s super dangerous moving into hybrid I
5582s think that the scissors that came out
5583s from poke as well uh we're just from
5587s lawsuit I'm sorry uh just completely uh
5591s devalued a lot of what we saw
5593s Baskerville tried to do on the junk on
5595s the junker Queen on Point two uh on
5598s ruins I mean Pope right there showing a
5601s fantastic honor but once they lost uh
5604s the point they were never able to re-uh
5606s retake the point I mean the bout right
5608s now putting up just as good numbers as
5611s ROM uh also has to be in the
5613s conversation of who really carried the
5615s point there but I mean Diego I mean the
5618s fight back and forth it was nothing it's
5620s nothing short of beautiful from both
5622s teams I think that uh Peru definitely
5624s have the opportunity to get themselves
5626s back into this into this match I think
5628s we're getting away from the two
5630s OverWatch today I'm calling you right
5631s now two one will be our final score
5633s today
5635s you might jinx it you might jinx it no
5638s I'm not much listen I will say it is the
5640s closest game that we've seen so far in
5642s the last two days that that is true that
5645s is true but Rob was kind of going crazy
5649s and listen
5651s rum wait we said yesterday Papa stocks
5655s were up I'm saying ROM stocks are up
5656s today and I'm investing
5658s that shot right there by by the Bell uh
5661s when you saw a Persona going invisible
5664s and they saw that glimmer and just took
5667s them out uh beautiful work beautiful
5669s work indeed watch this here yep that
5671s wasn't the that wasn't the one that I
5673s was looking at that wasn't the one I was
5674s looking at that's not the uh the Papo
5676s sound barrier that would impressed me
5678s the most is coming up here very shortly
5679s we might be able to see at the end yeah
5682s we were talking about we were playing
5684s Quick Lane before we came on on air
5685s today and uh you said you were feeling
5688s like you were in a different dimension
5689s place
5700s I can play Tracer like every time I play
5702s Tracer I swear I feel like I lose brain
5703s cells and so I
5705s listen ROM's IQ has to be so high that
5709s every brain cell he loses is just still
5711s the most intelligent person in the world
5713s Tracer it's a it's an acquired taste uh
5716s if you're not used to it uh I mean Rob I
5719s mean the pulse predictions are
5721s disgusting I mean that's a 2K plus a
5722s little spiciness uh on the end of it I
5726s mean that's a 4K actually for for room
5728s here but ROM uh having the time of their
5731s life MPV MVP of the map absolutely of
5734s course 24 eliminations as Tracer uh
5737s final blows uh that doesn't can put into
5739s fact the final blows I mean we saw at
5742s least six bomb six pulse bomb kills
5744s across both Maps but almost 7 000 damage
5747s on with those machine Pistols that
5749s that's pretty good clip for tracer
5753s an amazing
5758s had so many good moments events leading
5760s up to the Sunday number we're gassing up
5762s around like crazy but is there any other
5764s uh player that you know a lot of the
5766s time it was on the kill feed
5768s like it basically if if we had uh like
5773s anybody else to watch this game somebody
5776s that didn't OverWatch I'm pretty sure
5778s they'd say Rome is the MVP as well so
5780s yeah I mean for chile a big
5782s congratulations going down to that first
5784s game but you know it is the closest game
5786s that we've seen in two days as we said
5788s before so I mean there is that potential
5791s that we could take things down to you
5794s know obviously that three I mean I was
5796s about to say three to two that two to
5797s one that you were talking about
5798s yeah I mean I I fully expected uh when
5801s we went into the junker Queen uh mirror
5803s I thought the basketball was really
5804s going to own there I just didn't see it
5807s I I think that about uh really was
5810s getting the work done keeping them
5811s honest uh and then where I'm going in
5814s for the assassinations I think if
5815s there's a secondary uh a secondary
5818s uh MVP for the map I think it's got to
5820s be lazu I think it's got to be lazu and
5822s the support I mean Papa was getting the
5824s work done too but the kunai uh kills
5826s that came through the katsune Russians
5828s were perfect uh when we saw the anti's
5830s come in uh we saw the suzu available
5833s there so man I mean this uh Chilean team
5837s uh they finally got their first map win
5839s so bombos uh for chile there because now
5843s they get the goose egg out
5846s Dan I love me some eggs boiled prefer
5849s Ridley so are you a Jammy Center are you
5851s a Jammy yolk lover or are you
5853s hard-boiled uh I'm like in the middle
5856s of hard but I also like a bit of Jammy
5858s you know what I mean yeah like an eight
5861s minute like an eight minute cake yeah
5862s like an eight minute yeah yeah I feel
5865s you I I smell what you're stepping in I
5867s don't know yummy feels like I'm stuck in
5868s the stuck in the sauce a bit too much
5870s but you know you know what I'm yeah
5872s anyways I'm I'm spitted I'm spitting
5874s some facts here but for two things uh
5877s obviously there there's been some facts
5880s out here too uh I I want to see exactly
5883s what uh map we're gonna be able to go to
5885s here for uh hybrid though
5888s I mean I wouldn't fully expect us to go
5890s to King's room yeah I was about to say I
5893s I would fully expect this to go there
5894s for hybrid but I mean new body has been
5897s a favorite uh here in the Americas both
5899s group a and Group B uh so I think that
5902s we might be going there it gives a
5903s little bit more flexibility in your hero
5905s pool
5906s um Kings Road you have to be a little
5907s bit more rigid and I I think that if
5910s you're if you're paid room right now you
5912s don't want to go uh to Kings Row because
5914s ROM
5915s on the Tracer uh is going to annihilate
5918s you in the nicest way possible
5920s yeah actually an imbani might be the
5922s perfect pick for a tracer as well I I
5924s don't know that
5927s I don't want to be caught in two angles
5928s so oh well prayers prayers met uh
5933s oh the map is actually gonna be blizzard
5936s World okay that is something that we did
5939s not expect
5940s okay uh so I mean we talk about it uh I
5944s will probably see frat come out uh on
5947s the diva uh to start off with uh for
5950s this map uh I I would love to see a
5953s sigma honestly I think they need a
5955s little bit more protection a little bit
5957s more utility in the tank
5960s um because Diva while very good
5962s um I think the sigma just provides a
5964s little bit extra uh here with the
5966s kinetic grass with being able to take a
5968s lot of aggression in the front lines uh
5970s and giving you know what I call the
5972s shooting blind uh especially a devout
5974s comes back out on the ash
5977s uh on point a defense really uh is
5981s almost almost a must pick for me
5984s personally uh having watched a lot of
5985s the higher tier
5987s um competitions I mean it's very popular
5988s uh it was very popular in Chinese
5990s Contender scene yeah it's very popular
5992s uh amongst some of the emea or embc uh
5997s teams so I mean it just depends on how
6000s they want to address this and you know
6002s whether they're attacking or defending
6003s that's the beautiful part about this is
6005s you know we'll see uh who comes out
6007s first and I think that uh we're gonna
6009s see uh Team Chile uh on the attack
6015s um question mark May no no we're gonna
6017s we're gonna see uh we're receiving team
6018s Peru here so yeah it's confusing uh but
6022s now uh defensively looking at uh Team
6026s Chile we see Frack coming out on the
6028s diva So High Ground Control is going to
6030s be at a premium for uh team Panthers
6033s they're gonna have to dislodge uh devout
6035s on the Hanzo so they're also going to
6037s have as if as if the other uh player or
6040s Heroes that did about plays they're
6042s gonna have Vision as well knowing
6043s exactly what's coming into them
6046s oh and I'm excited for this match right
6049s here yeah already tping away and it's
6051s going to be super super fast paced being
6053s able to boost them and also giving that
6056s switch over to that Sombra
6058s they do have a high Ground Control those
6060s bumpers right here they're sitting on
6062s top of platforms so they have eyes on
6063s both uh entrances to the point also the
6066s backside if they decide to get uh tricky
6068s like Diego is doing here they're looking
6069s for the back line here they don't know
6071s that he's there yet yeah they do yeah
6072s they do debut I had to have the uh they
6074s had the uh the play out there and we've
6077s swapped to a different screws they're
6079s playing right now did something happen
6081s okay A little bit of a technical
6082s difficulty right now in game uh so we'll
6086s talk about what we just saw uh I mean
6088s we've got the junker Queen out from
6090s Baskerville so they want a brawl they
6093s want to get up in uh in Chile's face and
6096s Sheila is like nothing I'm just gonna
6098s hold High Ground right here you're gonna
6100s have to come to us and we're just gonna
6101s spam from top of platform here we've got
6104s all the entrances covered and it's just
6106s going to come down to execution from
6107s Team Chile to be able to uh Warden off
6111s uh the aggression that's gonna be coming
6114s in from Team Pedro
6117s yeah I don't
6119s ever start though I mean I really did
6121s like how they changed them like the play
6123s style up a lot like it felt like I was
6125s watching a completely different team
6127s obviously with the Tracer alert so
6130s uh keeping that in mind as well
6132s definitely trying to make those
6133s adaptations for sure biggest problem is
6137s RAM is also on that Tracer so you need
6138s to be better than ramp to really get
6140s that stuff up as that Tracer because
6141s you're taking a tracer 1v1 against it
6143s the guy himself like that's that's scary
6147s but I do honestly believe
6149s I I think for for team Pedro right now I
6152s think that they're lacking from a little
6154s bit of CC ability I mean you've got
6156s Gracie that can pull somebody out of
6157s position but Frack as you saw there if
6159s they were as they were approaching the
6161s point just throws up the defense Matrix
6163s eats it uh and and doesn't get the
6165s pullback from it for basketball so
6167s um Frack you're gonna have to be very
6169s conservative when they do use the DM
6171s that's important coming into this I
6173s think that uh I would like to see
6174s Persona honestly or or Diego go over to
6179s the May provide the wall provide a
6181s little bit of damage reduction coming in
6182s because you don't have any of that
6184s coming in from the junker Queen so
6186s there's no damage mitigation so
6187s everything that comes in uh I mean the
6189s healer's Poke and Rodrigo they're gonna
6191s have to be on point here uh to be able
6194s to stymie off the sustain and the
6196s mitigation coming out from Chile
6200s yeah
6202s no I'm keeping that in mind as well um
6206s I mean how do you think
6207s this game is gonna go in your honest
6210s opinion because you said you were
6211s looking for a two to one yeah I mean I
6214s was expecting honestly I thought the
6216s Baskerville was going to come out on the
6217s on the Winston
6218s uh to be able to contest High Ground uh
6222s and get that consistent tickle damage in
6224s with the Tesla Cannon uh and then you'll
6226s see Poke uh get the Nano engage uh on an
6229s honor so that's what I was expecting uh
6231s coming out with the junker Queen here
6232s like I said they want to be uh
6234s aggressive and I mean we're you know
6236s three 30 seconds in uh Chile have all
6240s the sight lines covered uh and now
6242s they're just looking for catching the
6243s aggression as it comes in Gracie out and
6245s doesn't connect onto anybody once again
6248s on their back food as well
6250s with Pike
6252s everybody's actually
6253s you know trying to make way here for
6255s Peru if come along the back side which
6258s is something pretty surprising they've
6260s managed to find another way in now
6262s slowly making the right backwards to try
6264s to eliminate everybody in their way
6266s unfortunately Frack can make it very
6267s very hard for them to do so
6269s I mean they've caught the rotation
6271s perfectly though I mean they have lines
6272s of sight still onto the point you get
6274s Frack onto the point to be able to
6275s contest they've given up a tick but now
6278s it's all about getting those kills right
6279s now in basketball and personal super low
6281s oh it's about taking a bit too long to
6283s try to frag out here is going to try to
6285s use some of their abilities to make sure
6287s that maybe get some poke through to help
6289s out with the diva play although the
6291s heels aren't coming insufficiently
6293s enough no Frack is left up to full
6294s health Diego now trying to play up to
6296s that tracer
6297s and the amount if they need to do so now
6300s slowly backing off here for Peru
6309s super unfortunate
6312s everybody's having a very hard time now
6314s as Dragon strike comes out
6316s so they're trying to find a way make way
6318s if anything's about making shots happen
6320s Baskerville still taking up a fight with
6322s Frack but luckily enough when you got
6324s your DPS alongside you it gets very hard
6327s to pull for something I mean that's
6329s incredible that's a good incredible turn
6330s they do give up a tick and a half uh so
6333s I mean that's permanent progress here
6335s for uh Peru but there we go Baskerville
6338s over to the Winston so now you're
6340s looking for the EMP engage uh and you're
6342s looking for Diego and Baskerville to
6344s really get the work done you can also
6346s start with the consume Rush here uh but
6348s Chile they have some initiation tools of
6350s their own to turn back damage 90 seconds
6354s left they are starting to come up on
6355s critical mass
6358s oh the ram is going to play a sneaky
6360s play here listen we said Bram has a lot
6363s of potential
6365s what exactly are they going to be able
6366s to pull through today as the Tracer
6368s Diego tries to pull around the back the
6370s pulse ball I'm not making any damage
6372s happen unfortunately missing out Diego
6374s manages to actually get one themselves
6376s so Ram having to push back haven't seen
6379s this in a while because Chile the ones
6382s who are typically the most dominant
6384s doing a very good job at holding these
6386s players back but at the same time man
6388s Peru put up a fight in that last fight
6390s uh it was costly though it was costly
6392s for them they put pulse bomb EMP and the
6394s Kitsune rush out into that fight just to
6397s take point a and Frack was very smart
6399s and holding on to their self-destruct so
6401s you've got uh some High Ground Control
6404s that's going to need to be relinquished
6406s here from Chile Peru have to be very
6408s cognizant of where Frac and Company set
6411s up and the pulse bomb uh I mean was
6413s great so now manual hack is gonna have
6415s to be even better and I mean yeah we're
6417s looking at uh we're looking at ROM spy
6419s checking Four Persona they know that
6422s they're somewhere around here yep there
6423s they go oh oh
6426s yeah Persona is not making any anything
6428s easier although uh playing the solo
6432s again being able to slightly gain some
6435s of that attraction there
6437s again fights and not not necessarily the
6439s easiest to pick here
6441s I mean they're just catching aggression
6442s right now and Persona is trying to be
6444s the hero playmaker and pull the
6445s aggression and pull the sight lines away
6447s from the point I mean we're halfway
6448s through point B here now the rally comes
6450s out this is gonna help everybody super
6452s sturdy
6453s but it doesn't seem like anything's
6455s going sturdy for February right now
6456s Primal Rage yeah sure they could pull
6458s that out right now oh but everybody's
6459s funnels this is the perfect moment if
6461s any Baskerville if they want to try to
6463s regain their composure
6465s go
6466s I mean they're trying to know right the
6469s old tracking for for uh for Chile right
6471s now uh it's on point
6474s know that they couldn't get anything
6476s done because Frack hasn't put out the
6477s self-destruct yet so they know
6478s self-destruct is on the line if you go
6480s into that small little room and get uh
6482s get self-destructed I mean it's gonna be
6485s almost done ski what a shot from devout
6487s once again
6491s oh he's keeping it right now oh a
6495s beautiful shot again it's you can't do
6497s anything when
6503s trying to get the hiker and that they
6504s actually lost here
6507s still not maintaining much I mean almost
6509s a five pack of ultimates here for Peter
6511s though so they have they have tool to
6513s put you through the rest of the park
6514s here and as we approach the keep uh
6516s Chile I mean they've got four of their
6518s own so this is gonna be an old
6519s stravaganza coming up
6524s I make an extravagant play here oh Ram
6526s is just chilling no having a good time
6528s down below oh still waiting for the
6530s perfect moment the bout is on fire what
6533s is going on it's the bout and Frack
6535s skating to play quite honestly and
6536s they're playing this as a team just
6539s exactly what I wanted to see come out of
6540s Chile
6542s it's still on the come up here the
6543s defense is becoming stronger and
6545s stronger I mean they're playing as one
6548s hive mind you're watching rum go in on
6551s top of the initiation from Frack the
6553s defense Matrix is up and getting those
6555s final blows I mean this is beautiful
6556s Synergy between RAM and Frack this is a
6558s beautiful beautiful Symphony being
6560s constructed by team Chile
6569s oh Persona takes another one down
6572s unfortunately they're gonna be the ones
6575s I'm able to do much for the team but a
6577s hunchers I mean a dragon blade I mean a
6580s dragon strike where am I going with this
6582s it comes out of the blue and it is Ram
6585s still chasing towards the back line to
6587s try to eliminate anybody in their way no
6589s that's dude that's gonna do it right
6590s there unless Persona can get back and
6592s get uh last second touch that'll do it
6594s so I mean just outside of 0.3 is where
6597s the payload is gonna stop for Peru and I
6601s gotta I gotta throw it down I Gotta
6603s Throw It Down throwing it down
6605s the composition just didn't work in the
6609s beginning I mean they lost uh two and a
6611s half minutes
6612s basically trying to force the junker
6614s Queen into a diva composition where
6616s you've got to sustain of an Anna and a
6618s Lucio and you've got the vision being
6621s set up by debout uh really denying a lot
6624s of the value that Persona was trying to
6627s do uh with the Sonic era I mean you had
6630s the vision it pulls you even if you're
6632s invisible obviously it pulls you into
6633s Vision so I mean they caught a lot of
6635s the aggression and even when the
6637s aggression did work and the rotations
6638s were clean coming from uh from Team Peru
6642s uh the rotations that came out from
6644s Chile were just that much better and
6647s well we're gonna go to the ram Rush here
6648s uh the only difference here is that
6651s we're not going to have speed
6653s uh we're gonna have the cleanse that'll
6655s be available from Pake and then Persona
6657s going to bring out the ash here so TNT
6659s uh you're going to want to get the six
6661s man up in Bob as fast as possible I
6663s would honestly be running a mercy here
6665s to give that extra Pocket 195 DPS with
6667s the aim down sights uh with the Viper
6669s that's uh you know where we're gonna
6671s look at I mean about we saw what they
6674s did on well with the Widowmaker and
6676s getting the early grapple in an early
6678s frag won't just mean unlocking the
6680s points so very quickly for team Chile
6684s yeah it seemed like
6686s like where the
6688s butter I
6689s I agree I'm thinking I'm thinking
6690s planning for you know kind of like that
6692s old cohesion here trying to pull the
6695s Anna uh you know when the bomb is going
6697s to come out to see if they can get that
6698s extra boost of damage hopefully if
6701s that's the case but
6703s uh RAM actually switching out to the
6705s pharah which is going to be an
6706s interesting choice still managing to hit
6707s their shots as well and actually all
6708s balancing these players too to slowly
6711s work their way backwards out and that's
6713s a possible elimination down towards that
6715s score but luckily enough they got the
6716s honor next to them so does it matter
6718s it's the harassment down towards the
6720s back that's really worrying me here
6722s because now with a pocket Mercy actually
6724s coming along Papo might just be able to
6726s get a resurrection through not gonna be
6728s able to find it Ram unluckily enough
6729s actually no it's perfect Ram goes back
6731s up they still have potential to find
6733s more
6734s I mean they can capture the point and
6736s take Baskerville down here along the
6737s mega I mean that's two ticks already and
6740s they're just gonna catch the aggression
6741s coming in Baskerville is just basically
6743s a a spectator at this point I mean last
6746s time you touched from Diego they're
6747s gonna go down in a heap and I mean
6749s that's it that's going to be point a
6750s unlocked here for team Chile uh and I
6753s mean just the swaps the recognition well
6755s Baskerville has maybe have something to
6757s say about that the Nemesis form comes
6759s out and
6762s I've left the arena they're done they're
6765s like no I'm backing up here I I I'm
6768s pretty much good I don't want anything I
6770s don't want to deal with the smoke right
6771s now it's a little too cloudy I can't see
6773s smoke but they're bringing the smoke of
6776s their own listen Rams back in the game
6778s he's ready taking that high ground up
6780s above but unfortunately again you got
6781s the Anna and you also have the ash
6783s coming through from Persona they're 100
6785s trying to counter this I mean you're
6788s looking for brush uh engaged in on the
6791s next fight Valkyrie ready to go so
6793s Papa's going to be Gardner unkillable
6795s once they let loose with it
6799s oh that garage is ready they're ready
6802s they're gonna eat it up ready up above
6804s finding The High Ground barrage coming
6806s out a bit too early not the perfect time
6809s to pull it out they got Diego but was it
6812s enough maybe it actually was because it
6813s was like Ram was having a good time
6815s listen The Barrage got one but he got
6816s two more that's good enough for them
6818s kirikoko's down unfortunately in a very
6820s unlikely death
6821s they finally got it one minute and 40
6823s seconds left to spare so a bit more time
6825s than Peru happens oh plenty of time and
6827s I mean just the the early-ness of that
6830s barrage completely catches Pedro off of
6833s off guard uh parasota is gonna have Bob
6836s coming up very soon so they're gonna
6838s have some staying power and you've got
6840s to build everything else up you're gonna
6841s have Nano and the consumer rush into
6843s this fight but just the direct from ROM
6845s once again
6850s hi Brock oh Papa's actually sneaking up
6853s on them they're ready they do not see
6855s this coming Ram is back in Action
6857s something I want to see but they've let
6859s go of the Bob they didn't necessarily
6861s get much from Persona though
6864s oh no oh what was that uh okay well we
6867s were that happened Nano's gonna have to
6869s come out and keep uh keep her alive and
6872s papa go down yeah that's a nanoed ash uh
6875s trying to get the work done yep they uh
6877s Force everybody back I mean Gompers that
6880s was one of their major tools uh for
6882s engagement and holding off this team
6884s Chile Squad and now Chile I mean they've
6887s got self-destruct they're gonna have uh
6890s the barrage almost up once again and
6892s Baskerville over to the diva this is the
6893s smartest switch that we've seen today
6895s that was such a big offset too they've
6898s completely messed up the cohesion as we
6900s talked about before with the ultimates
6901s The Blob not necessarily getting much as
6903s well so now they have to try to fight
6905s for themselves and use their own type of
6907s pressure with the weapons and abilities
6909s they have left still managing to get
6911s some of that damage that's gonna be huge
6912s crack is struggling to be kept alive now
6915s coming out of their own Mech
6917s self-destruct bringing it back up to try
6919s to keep themselves alive for just a
6921s couple seconds more but here it is a
6923s beautiful player coming through from Ram
6925s again just consistently keeping this
6928s this complete team alive ggs that's it
6931s uh that completely
6934s completely uh destroyed any kind of
6937s cohesion that that Peru had there and I
6939s mean just the wherewithal they they took
6942s a look at the composition when they came
6944s out they said nope going back swapping
6946s over and they get full value out of uh
6949s everything I mean Baskerville really did
6951s try to turn this fight for team Peru but
6954s um I mean they did they just they didn't
6956s have enough of the sustain so we'll see
6959s we'll see as we bring uh our beautiful
6961s host back in Ash Ash what was your
6964s thoughts about what just went down
6968s um a lot of thoughts a lot of butts so
6971s many thoughts that my brain can barely
6973s contain them to be completely honest
6974s with you but overall I think what was
6977s interesting about this particular
6979s matchup was the fact that we were
6981s looking at Peru for being the ones to
6984s look a little bit stronger going into it
6987s more so looking as Chile being not
6989s Underdog and then we get into the server
6991s and it's a completely different story
6993s Converse it was a completely different
6995s story listen but I I will say it was it
6998s was a good game if anything Peru were
7000s just uh listen Ram I don't know what
7003s they were on today but even on the
7004s Tracer even switching on to the Pharaoh
7006s like that wasn't just oh I'm good at the
7008s Tracer and whatnot it was again like
7011s that assistant's coming through from the
7012s mercy and even playing on the Tracer
7013s like just the pure amount of heels that
7016s they managed to just go off of despite
7019s being such a small hitbox like the
7022s healers are doing something to keep
7023s these DPS like really well fed
7026s no it's a it's a lot to have your
7028s support being able to back you up there
7029s and we saw some pretty great plays
7031s coming out from them as well but just to
7033s head into the replays here kicking it
7035s off over on blizzard
7042s here overall for the Peruvian team I
7046s think
7047s should I did a really really good job at
7049s just kind of like stalling out that
7051s after that first point was capped and
7053s just denying that second there yeah Chef
7056s Billy I mean look it was compositional
7058s differences that that really shot uh
7060s Team Peru in the foot I mean based upon
7063s what we saw yesterday versus Colombia
7065s they should have been in the driver's
7067s seat uh because Chile went down O2 and
7069s didn't take a map win at all uh
7071s yesterday so I mean they definitely uh
7073s had their their non-sponsored gamer fuel
7076s in their veins today uh and really put
7078s it through I mean look at this just the
7079s Precision and the sleeps the utility
7082s from both these from both these uh
7084s healers that we saw today really
7087s enabling the DPS and tank for team Chile
7090s to get done Pratt had a much better game
7092s today
7094s and that's what it all comes down to
7097s you're talking about it a little bit
7098s before we even got into this particular
7100s matchup was the fact that Frack was
7101s really going to have to step up going
7104s into this game especially considering
7106s the fact that both Chile and Peru were
7108s Owen one going into day number two now
7112s should I end up being able to find that
7115s one-to-one situation Peru unfortunately
7118s now Owen two as far as that score line
7120s goes for overall match history and I
7124s gotta talk about ilios the first map
7126s that we saw uh within this vessel 3
7129s match up
7130s nobody has stopped talking about RAM and
7134s for very good reason Gompers he came out
7137s hitting extremely hard and very much so
7140s I think set the tone for this Chilean
7142s team absolutely
7145s he did
7147s I have to go back and say it I will like
7149s the way that he played was Immaculate
7151s and I I you know I I will give some of
7154s that credit obviously over just uh some
7157s of his teammates as well uh about
7159s actually that that's exactly who I was
7160s going to go to in luckily enough being
7162s the MVP so
7163s they had shots that I felt like really
7166s did go unnoticed from time to time
7168s because they were always getting those
7172s one picks two picks that really gave
7174s that momentum over chores you know Chile
7178s now that is for sure so really
7181s interesting stuff I mean it's kind of
7184s tough because we would have to look at
7186s those overall standings here for Group B
7188s still missing some of that information
7190s for Argentina which we're going to be
7193s seeing in the next match
7195s um so overall it's still a bit up in the
7198s air as far as where everyone is but at
7201s least for the side of Peru that means
7204s Chef Billy that going into day number
7206s three going into week two as well that
7209s Squad is gonna have to play Perfect from
7211s here on out if they even want an
7213s opportunity at that second spot I mean
7216s somebody we knew somebody's gonna come
7217s out Owen two after this and
7218s unfortunately it's team Peru so
7222s I mean they have the tools uh and we'll
7225s see what Argentina looks like later on
7228s but I think that the middle of the pack
7230s here is where we're going to get some of
7232s the best uh the best uh the best of the
7235s competition coming through because I
7237s think USA wins the group Canada I'm
7240s going to be looking towards the last
7241s game of the day to see how they play uh
7243s because I have some serious questions
7245s about the Canadian Squad but uh for the
7247s middle of the pack right now uh should I
7249s I mean almost that was her that was a
7252s beautiful beautiful game from them and
7254s well I mean I'm I'm gonna go get me some
7256s saltado Lomo
7260s well I hope you do enjoy that and
7262s whatnot but again Ellie we're not done
7265s with day number two of the OverWatch
7267s World Cup here for the America's online
7269s qualifiers quite yet however we are
7271s saying goodbye to you to our lovely
7273s casters that we had on for the first
7275s half of the day so Gompers I'm gonna
7277s give you the mic to say your final
7278s goodbyes and then Chef Billy you can
7280s pick it up right afterwards
7282s uh honestly it was super super fun to be
7285s able to see teams that we didn't
7287s necessarily get to see yesterday uh as
7289s well as uh blizzard World which I I
7292s genuinely love watching blizzard world
7293s so in itself I I definitely think we saw
7296s a lot of great compositions and I'm
7297s hoping I'm hoping Moxie and Dustin have
7299s some fun as well leading into the next
7301s cast
7302s yeah I I have to piggyback on the back
7304s of that getting a chance to see Ecuador
7305s even though it wasn't probably the the
7307s debut that they wanted to have uh I
7310s think that we get to watch uh their
7312s their growth uh Through This World Cup
7314s uh season so I mean
7317s really uh Chile got the heart of the
7320s tiger right now and I think that they're
7321s going to be very well stead moving into
7323s the real meaty portion of date match day
7326s three and then into next weekend this
7329s sets them up so well it gives them the
7331s belief that's the big thing for team
7333s Chile right now is now that the the seat
7335s of belief is put into their head uh this
7338s should be very good but I mean make sure
7340s if you guys take care of everybody out
7341s there keep the love keep the positivity
7343s and take care of each other because
7345s we're all in this game together we'll
7346s see you later but I think we're gonna
7347s throw it to a quick little break so
7349s we're going to see you on the other side
7350s with Moxie and Dustin
7361s thank you
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7773s thank you
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7982s welcome back everybody to the OverWatch
7985s World Cup online qualifiers here for
7987s America's we said goodbye to Gompers and
7990s Chef Billy but we're also going to say
7992s hello to God Moxie and Dustin Dustin how
7995s are you doing today I'm doing great ash
7997s good to be back obviously for day number
7999s two I think it's been an exciting few
8000s games so far and I'm looking forward to
8002s the upcoming three that we have today
8005s only going to be something interesting
8007s and the next match that we do look
8009s forward to you guys is going to be
8011s Argentina versus Brazil and yesterday it
8015s was a really great games coming out from
8017s Brazil in that match that they did have
8020s up against Chile moxie yeah I'm in
8023s Brazil looking honestly like one of the
8025s strongest teams in that group right now
8027s and no surprises when you see on paper
8029s they have so much Synergy already built
8031s oh they've been playing together for a
8032s very long time they've got that
8034s experience as well coming in from the
8036s background of the contenders essay
8037s region and they just have such good dive
8041s coordination as well as the mechanical
8043s prowess to be able to back it off and
8045s when I talk about that I'm talking about
8047s players like dalke who had such a
8049s standout Diva as well as venko when he
8052s was playing the Hanzo on watch French
8053s Gibraltar
8055s yeah and it was really nice we got a
8056s chance to chat with dalco as well within
8059s an interview yesterday and he was just
8060s talking about how nice it was to be back
8062s on a team with Ludwig and Niall so that
8066s Synergy was a really big part of
8069s Brazil's success in their match up
8071s against Chile but overall Dustin we also
8075s ought to consider the fact that when it
8078s comes down to the way to they were
8080s playing against Brazil it wasn't that
8084s much of a fight they just seemed a
8086s little disconnected in comparison yeah I
8088s sadly you know Brazil were kind of
8091s outclassing them to a heart a lot like a
8094s massive scale actually to be honest but
8096s for the side of Argentina maybe they
8098s have a little bit of a maybe maybe an
8100s okay odd versus Brazil I mean in
8102s previous World Cups I think that
8104s Argentina has always fielded solid team
8106s so I think we'll have to see today if
8108s they can actually match up against the
8110s likes of Brazil obviously we haven't
8111s seen them just yet so really curious to
8114s see how they perform versus Brazil Who
8116s are looking like the favorites of Group
8117s B
8118s no that's for sure especially like you
8120s were talking talking about we haven't
8122s seen them yet both them Argentina that
8124s is and Ecuador had the day off yesterday
8127s into day one but Moxie I gotta know like
8129s what are your thoughts on this squad
8131s that we're seeing here well I mean first
8133s of all they probably didn't have a day
8135s off I guarantee you I know is that
8137s coming up against Brazil they are
8138s watching that much they are going to be
8140s looking at those thoughts they're going
8142s to be looking at those compositions and
8143s trying to analyze how exactly this team
8146s plays who they're relying on to be able
8148s to make those opening core lights as
8150s well when they see targets that go low
8151s so they're able to keep an eye out for
8154s specific players and I think a big part
8156s of it is going to come down to keeping
8158s one by who we haven't really touched on
8160s yet on the raps not Ludwig because every
8162s single time he was taking a tracer 1v1
8164s he would not only be able to see the
8166s Tracer offers backpoint but he'd be able
8168s to keep the objective in his control as
8170s well as a result
8172s all good points to be made but we're
8174s gonna head over towards our map
8175s selection and Nepal is going to be the
8177s first one up here Dustin yeah Nepal is a
8179s great map to start out with four
8181s Argentina potentially you know they
8182s could still run a lot of those
8184s compositions that Brazil honestly you
8186s know like that's the takeaway I've got
8187s yesterday from that game is that Brazil
8190s was like really good in the mirror
8191s matchup but kind of struggled at points
8193s even though you know obviously they
8195s still beat their opponent it still
8197s seemed like at points they couldn't deal
8199s with the Pharaoh Mercy composition maybe
8201s some potential quote-unquote cheese I
8203s would not be surprised to see if
8204s Argentina has anything like that planned
8206s there's a team like Brazil where that
8208s would work against them incredibly well
8210s well we're not gonna have to wait too
8211s much longer to see what these two squads
8213s have to bring to the table we're gonna
8215s head over towards Nepal here for the
8217s first matchup in this best of three
8218s series between Argentina and Brazil got
8222s Moxie and Justin take it away
8224s thank you Ash and uh obviously Moxie
8227s we're back here today with day number
8228s two Brazil obviously day number one
8231s looked incredibly strong Moxie I mean
8233s what do you think we should expect here
8236s for this matchup with Brazil and
8237s Argentina considering the fact that we
8239s haven't really seen them but I know
8241s maybe you've seen a little bit of a
8243s sneak peek behind those closed doors on
8245s Argentina
8246s I think again it's going to come down to
8249s like you said the fact that Brazil are
8250s incredibly strong on their Dives and
8252s especially
8253s if someone like Nepal if you get dealt
8255s that opening card or Village a lot of
8257s the time me becomes really strong it
8259s does get a handbook somewhat by the fact
8261s that dive heroes are just incredibly
8262s mobile and a lot of them can just avoid
8265s the mayweal if it does come through but
8267s being able to control that point take
8269s that bite into that enclosed spaces
8272s really limits the dive's mobility as
8274s well if everyone can just Bonk her up on
8276s that point itself then a lot of the
8278s entrances that the tradition for the
8280s dive like the Winston jumping in or the
8282s Tracer being able to backflank are
8284s removed entirely but it looks like
8286s Argentina are going to be going for
8288s something entirely different
8293s forward to come out from Brazil's side
8295s and they're going to match it but when
8297s we talk to these players with the
8299s mercies they actually do admit that they
8301s want to go up against the far rather
8302s than the echo because just how good that
8304s Echo beam is up focusing Daniel and ga
8306s yeah I mean I 100 agree with that uh
8309s swamp through but it seems like both
8311s teams kind of planning for each other in
8313s this fight obviously running a doom fist
8315s on the decide oh my God Walter goes
8316s incredibly deep out of Ludwig but Ludwig
8317s hits those shots direct midair on to
8320s Walter fantastic shots from him and also
8322s looking for that Mercy easy collapse
8325s although Argentina claimed that point
8327s first Brazil erupt two already in this
8329s fight they do find extra on the back
8330s through an incredible hard engage on to
8333s Expo but it might be too late for a call
8335s as Ludwig racks up the 4K Argentina
8337s trying to run gasp on this junker Queen
8340s is actually really not working out
8343s because Brazil has seen this and they've
8345s actually run Excel on the honest so
8346s they're having the antinate the idea of
8348s a Jungle Queen when you're running
8349s something like an echo or borrower is
8351s that you get to play sustainability when
8353s it's a free versus five as opposed to
8355s having a full team there but the ant
8357s need entirely decimates that win
8359s condition so we see the slots come
8361s through on Fioricet Ludwig still
8363s spamming to the main as Argentina walked
8365s through very fast engaged for them after
8367s that wrist like you said with the Moira
8369s rotated towards the point of Argentina
8370s and they claim it first as long as
8371s Oracle doesn't beat too far and gets
8374s this abroad I don't know they do stun
8376s him up though with the javelin fantastic
8378s we're from gas but it might be far too
8380s late as Brazil now engaged with the rest
8382s of the roster yes they trade back Excel
8384s but at this point they've lost pretty
8386s much everybody but Walter on that point
8388s and Shirley estaco come through way
8390s balls off as well to keep that point
8392s ticking and Argentina claimed that point
8394s mid bite so they keep that lead with the
8397s point percentage even though they flip
8398s it now this is the Bunker play but nine
8400s percent are anticipating it and svenko
8402s already moving forward aggressively to
8403s try and Collide where Argentina are
8405s going to be when they try and rotate
8406s towards this point to be able to use
8408s things like the Tyro search the cycle
8410s towards the blizzard and keep that
8411s percentage stalling up for them as they
8413s have no choice but to walk into EMP
8414s before signed Barry is ready Genco
8417s waiting behind the cover that was added
8419s OverWatch two now goes for a five
8422s in the rest of Argentina surely will
8425s fall to Brazil Who rotate towards them
8428s on that point chalking just the last one
8430s there and very clean fight from Brazil
8432s it's fast at least for Argentina it is
8435s essentially just ripping the Band-Aid
8436s off at least they've been able to burn
8438s out the EMP in Brazil not really being
8440s able to keep that fight staggered out
8442s for as long as they would want unable to
8444s build up ultimates to be able to
8445s challenge Argentina if there's one fight
8447s that this team has to be able to turn
8449s this map around it's going to be right
8450s here right now but they have to make it
8452s count they can't afford to like whole
8454s lessons get hacked out early oh now he
8456s gets stuns actually by the doomfist so
8458s you're looking out for the hack you
8459s can't avoid the fist Ludwig 2K barrage
8462s then rotates towards that point fade
8464s already used and unfortunately for
8466s Argentina it seems like the only game
8467s plan just to rotate to that point but
8469s you know it's it's ignoring the Pharaoh
8471s right yeah that was their entire plan
8474s three times in a row and first times in
8476s the roofers that look right at like an
8477s absolute best seller and Argentina now
8480s have to give up Terror so just to swap
8482s onto the hammer to have any chance of
8484s touching the point I don't even know if
8486s they do 97 98 Nana boost out as well 99
8489s and nobody else is there Brazil big 137
8492s against our Argentina winning round
8495s number one oh it's so unfortunate for
8498s Argentina that every single win
8499s condition on that composition is
8502s literally centered around controlling
8504s the point that's why we saw the
8506s coalescence being invested mid rotation
8508s so they didn't lose anybody until
8510s they're on the point until they were
8512s ready to use the terror Surge and Brazil
8514s like you said they have so many means of
8516s being able to counteract it entirely
8518s either with just the Sombra hack of the
8519s doomfist punch coming through and
8522s absolutely nullifying any impacts and
8524s then revived that micro sustainability
8525s the erisa she's not a cow she's a
8528s Sitting Duck
8530s is rough now for Argentina but obviously
8532s they still have a chance under Paul
8534s Brazil looking strong I mean really
8536s leading up to this we uh we didn't
8538s exactly know what was going to be you
8540s know what we're going to see from Brazil
8541s maybe a bit of flexibility being shown
8543s today with these Fair doomfist
8544s compositions so so far so good for them
8547s yeah it's the same Club coming through
8549s from Argentina the only character try
8553s and cleanse those antiques that hit onto
8555s gas when the youngest Queen tries to
8556s play sustain on that point as it is just
8558s going to be a dog fight to try and
8560s decide who's gonna have control of the
8561s burst this is the very first but on the
8563s low ground gasp is the one to take out
8565s we on the low ground nice work from the
8567s junker Queen to take care of that space
8569s remove the doomfist the rest though did
8571s come through from Naya on the on the low
8573s ground around the pillar Ludwig's still
8575s spamming out that Echo who was hacked
8576s down below but luckily can escape with
8578s his life for now Argentina's still on
8580s that point almost capping it but Brazil
8582s has sent a doomfist player there to
8584s touch it for just a bit but Argentina
8585s eventually will force him off at that
8587s point to gain that point first kill
8590s trying to spam the back line but expo's
8591s already down to Walter with those Nays
8593s incoming engage from Brazil to try to
8595s take it back chockey went down but gas
8597s betrays back as well so every one for
8600s one trade going inside of Argentina at
8602s the moment now the rest of Brazil fall
8604s as Argentina claimed 20 now on the poor
8606s good guarding as well of the body so
8609s that they're not able to get that
8610s doomfist rest back into the fight Oracle
8612s doing a very good job of controlling
8613s that space in Argentina now in control
8615s of the point this is where they want to
8616s be they have to be mindful however if
8618s the EMP charge think it was racing up
8621s towards that first ultimate they don't
8622s have anything to counter it with that
8624s sustainability no sound bar no Zenyatta
8627s and a haxa kiriko
8630s Walter coming over the top looking for
8631s that Anna yet again axwell's gotta play
8633s his life really has to do
8639s it's a bit late though so Walter escapes
8642s with his life but they do save there
8644s Anna for now and as well as that
8646s Valkyries used early from who knows so
8648s Walter's still at the top trying to spam
8649s out expelled Argentina still have that
8651s point up to 60 for the EMP as Walter
8654s comes down from the ground and an Nancy
8656s grenade connects on against this Ludwig
8657s finds Jackie so that's nice two to open
8660s it up yes Naya does die at the end of
8662s Oracle but Brazil will re-engage
8664s successfully pocket Focus entirely on
8666s point everyone Trails down onto that
8669s junker Queen so that once the Eagan P
8672s lands you don't get the opportunity to
8673s use that miniature sound bar off the
8675s shout to keep everyone sustained and
8676s then you can cycle into that Rampage
8678s being able to just stall that point
8680s eternally as Brazil now in exact
8682s position that they want to be with an
8684s echo composition Hulk phase you just get
8686s to spam these angles and Chip Argentina
8688s down from afar
8690s and has that coffee too ready to go but
8691s may not even need it because he already
8693s finds the Kuno and gas ball already
8695s walks towards that point to die
8696s incredibly fast as well so two down
8698s already for Argentina have to back up
8700s again the I mean you lose your tank that
8703s only you do just have to back out
8704s thankfully follow Argentina they're far
8707s enough away from the fight without a
8708s loser that disengagement could have been
8709s really messy given that Sombra Echo
8712s and there it is the Poke that spam
8715s coming through from Ludwig helped out
8717s why that Mercy's damage boost just means
8720s that Rez is already off the board
8722s donkey goes gets resurrected though back
8724s they like so the reds are already off
8725s the board
8726s result trying to play for his life with
8729s the valkyrie Walker also does straight
8730s Ludwig out though nice work from him
8732s though Walter loses the copy after that
8734s to Argentina in this fight actually
8736s strong but an enemies out of the
8737s doomfist Knight down to Ken to Walter
8739s who has been looking amazing on the Echo
8741s and Argent for Argentina in this round
8743s it kind of keeps the minute they're also
8744s still up remember here because the Reds
8746s was used earlier poop off the point is
8748s Gee goes AFK does to die fast as well as
8751s Argentina Are Climbing up to get that
8753s Victory on this round now we're going to
8755s see X fell on to the kiriko they know
8757s they're anticipating that Ryan Page to
8758s come through they have no choice but to
8759s walk straight into it they need the Suzy
8762s for the cleanse effect so that they can
8763s actually survive for EMP 98 99 they do
8766s have Spanish go to touch that point copy
8768s now comes through
8769s [Music]
8774s Left Alive get lose his life in that
8776s situation but they've launched chalky
8778s the key on the backside who was on the
8779s doomfist jockey immediately right this
8781s guy from trades back Naya nice work from
8783s him to keep Argentina in this but a nice
8784s nade or Rampage rather from Ludwig's
8787s copy did find that back line for Lopez
8789s did trade back chunky now comes that
8790s doofus down below Gatsby goes incredibly
8792s low has to keep touching that point but
8794s svenko will eventually find him as
8796s Oracle has found EXO svenko as well on
8798s the backside found Walter and gee still
8801s nice and healthy on this point was
8802s surely just find these last members of
8804s Argentina at the last second Brazil we
8807s could test successful that may have been
8809s potentially final fight for I don't have
8810s fights afterwards Argentina now have to
8813s win the Poke phase they are so close to
8816s this duplication Brazil need an early
8818s pick to come through but by going for
8820s those fast ears to be able to keep that
8821s point contested they've sacrificed the
8823s echo they have no traditional hit scan
8825s to keep Walter in position Aki owners is
8828s on him to play his life as well here
8829s coming around this left side health pack
8832s Sean Coke waiting for that patiently
8834s there's that back on the chunky and the
8835s doomfist dive is there perfectly
8838s coordinated Walter has to go for the
8839s hack immediately on the saw but to build
8842s up that but chalky there it is the res
8843s is there in that fight to bring chalky
8845s but Chucky's hacked yet again needs
8847s double pocket to live the gas but on the
8849s side has found Naya down on the low
8851s ground there's no res on that side
8852s either so Brazil have to desperately
8854s bring things back without ultimate the
8856s doomfist Holt lands on the chunky
8857s successfully that's a great start but a
8859s pull spot of Oracle connects onto the
8861s new fistus Walter as well finds expel a
8864s colonel though did get traded by svenko
8866s has to come back now into this fight
8867s after translocating to The High Ground
8869s Ludwig has no cooldowns and svenko is
8871s there with Ludwig and no HP they're able
8874s to sustain versus Argentina who now just
8876s have the Tracer in the Lucio to touch
8878s buttons chunky who's typically playing
8881s the kariko Andrea Lucio now so he
8883s doesn't have a lot of surability himself
8885s in Brazil to claim this map 2-0 however
8889s many times was it yesterday that we
8891s talked about svenka coming in with those
8893s absolutely clutch Hanzo logs on
8896s Gibraltar and it's Funko again coming in
8899s with those clutch kills going for that
8902s backline making sure that that Mercy is
8904s wiped off the face of the Earth so no
8906s resurrections no damage boosts available
8909s for those dps's to be able to burst all
8911s of your supports and front lying down
8914s but my goodness starts and we came so
8916s close we came so close to seeing things
8918s and these two teams like I said
8920s Argentina they have not been slouching
8922s they have not had a day off they have
8924s been watching Brazil very very carefully
8926s and we could finally see a break in the
8929s two ocher that this region has
8931s unfortunately had so far yeah as soon as
8934s homo Argentina has you know previously
8936s in in that in the few World Cups we've
8938s seen before fielded rosters that are
8940s actually solid like not bad rosters at
8942s all Walter obviously was playing so good
8944s on that echo in the rest of his team is
8946s a little gasped but you mentioned at
8947s maximum he was so good so far on Joker
8949s Queen to be able to give that opening uh
8952s like opening picks or just sustain on
8953s the point
8954s um and so far actually I mean this could
8956s potentially lead to one of our closest
8958s series yet yeah the problem again is
8962s that these strategies once you use them
8964s once they do become a little bit
8966s predictable not so much that second
8969s round but definitely this first one here
8971s with this aristocon position it's so
8974s obvious where you're going it's so
8975s obvious that you're literally just
8977s trying to play like an ostrich head in
8978s the sand ignore the pharmacy ignore the
8981s doomfist get to Point bunker up that's
8983s your win condition and that's exactly
8986s what Brazil's able to take advantage of
8987s time and time again because you just
8989s throw in one ultimate and you buy so
8991s much percentage just stalling that point
8995s eternally and there's nothing the other
8996s side can really do because if they use
8998s ultimate in rotation they have nothing
9000s left to sustain on the point itself
9002s and if not mistaken this is the first
9004s game we're seeing Gee right in the in
9006s the in the lineup the doomfist player
9007s for uh for Brazil boxing for me what we
9010s saw yesterday and uh you know maybe do
9012s you think this is Brazil trying some
9014s things out as well making sure their
9015s their overall roster is you know ready
9017s to go in the future versus some
9019s potential teams that'll play you know
9021s with with the Echo and the Pharaoh maybe
9023s maybe want to show that themselves uh to
9025s maybe Flex
9031s such a high Mobility character and
9033s coming in of those Sons as well like you
9035s know if you're feeling that echo or
9036s rafara chances are that it's going to
9039s force the other team to have to swap
9041s either to an aquifer to deal with it in
9043s the sky or you look towards the ground
9045s you go for something like the casting or
9047s the Ash and that's where the doofus
9048s comes in wait this is live patch Cassidy
9051s does have that burden need that affects
9053s over 67 of the OverWatch hero Acosta but
9058s its big weakness is that it's incredibly
9060s easy to beat you've ruin one extra hero
9063s who can dive alongside the echo
9065s something like a tracer or a damn Fist
9067s and you have an absolute recipe for a
9069s dead Cassidy
9071s I think that so far Brazil let's see how
9073s they go into this next round
9075s but Maxi obviously I think that
9077s Argentina didn't look that bad you know
9079s at the end of the day they looked solid
9080s leading into that one and uh you know
9083s maybe leading to their next match we
9084s could see some potential swaps although
9086s I will say you know on on control it's a
9089s bit easy to run that Echo you you have
9091s to imagine we're probably gonna see a
9093s different comp on on escort right well
9096s imagining is that we're probably also
9098s going to see a roll swap because Gatsby
9100s does traditionally play the erisa for
9102s the
9103s furthers while we actually saw him come
9104s coming in on that tank roll there yeah
9107s but traditionally he is actually the hit
9109s scan specialist he's a Widowmaker player
9112s so more than likely we're going to be
9113s seeing a little bit of a swap come
9115s through in terms of those roles however
9117s we cannot take away from the hero of the
9120s hours Fango stats every single time we
9123s see this guy whoever is on the hands or
9124s whoever is on the Sombra she really is
9127s one of these players in the region that
9129s you have to watch out for because he is
9131s an absolute monster when he's playing at
9133s his Peak and he has something that every
9136s single high-level player is going to
9138s absolutely treasure Above All Else
9140s consistency every single time we've seen
9143s him he's popped off he's never had that
9145s coin flip he's never had a little bit of
9146s moment where he's he's started or
9149s staggered he's always playing out his
9151s A-game and that makes him invaluable to
9153s this team for sure yes jenko a really
9155s valuable member of Brazil's side and you
9158s know for their I I hate I'm going to be
9160s a bit of a Negative Nancy here amongst
9161s you okay when we look at Brazil's roster
9163s you have do you agree with me here with
9164s that when I talked about Brazil right
9166s even this group in particular I think
9167s they're looking strong but obviously you
9170s know if we compare them if you were to
9171s take Brazil for example maybe take them
9172s against USA or Canada you know do you
9175s think that this roster could deal with a
9177s lot of those flexibility that is that
9178s could come out of those rosters because
9179s it seems like at points Brazil you know
9182s they they kind of can falter in some of
9184s these situations versus some of these
9185s like Echo compositions or even the Joker
9188s Queen like you said you know putting
9189s Argentina's DPS player back on the
9192s jungko queen for that map I mean even
9193s that kind of worked and had some success
9195s versus Brazil so I mean am I am I being
9198s a bit of a Nancy Hair Moxie or you know
9199s am I it should be a little bit worried
9201s as a Brazilian fan
9203s Brazil honestly are a pretty good
9206s standing at the moment maybe not to be
9208s able to to take on USA when we were
9211s seeing them display to the absolute Peak
9213s but definitely to go toe-toe with Canada
9216s at the moment just because we've seen
9217s that fuel come through from dalca the
9219s one thing that might actually suffer for
9223s this team is that like you said we are
9225s seeing different players come in to play
9227s these different compositions of tank and
9230s that means that your flexibility is
9232s somewhat Limited in terms of what you
9235s can pick given that when we go to these
9237s maps you can swap Your Heroes around
9240s whenever you're in the respawn that is
9241s one of the beauties of OverWatch you
9244s can't swap your roster so once you all
9246s close players in for this map they're
9248s gonna start it they're going to have to
9249s finish up yeah and I mean it raised
9252s great points there I think for Brazil's
9254s side you know obviously next map is
9256s going to be King's roller this upcoming
9257s map is going to be King's robots you
9259s know like yeah that'd be very
9260s interesting matchup maybe seeing them
9262s versus Canada or you know some of these
9264s other teams I think at the moment Brazil
9267s is looking solid right with a lot of
9268s their players right with svenko onto the
9270s DPS you know you got Ludwig as well
9272s dalka X Phil now back by the way in the
9275s game over again and Moxie look
9277s Argentina's sticking with gas bill
9279s sticking with gaspi are not actually
9281s having him play that DPS so it really
9284s goes to show quite how some of these
9286s teams are taking that wouldn't make a
9287s changes affecting her potential on
9290s King's World which used to be one of
9292s these staple Widowmaker Maps where you
9294s could just have someone play wouldn't
9295s make it from that spawn Fade Out the
9297s defense since you're walking straight
9298s into it and then it's an absolute
9300s Shooting Gallery for that Widow Left
9303s Behind it's always some fun plays that
9306s are OverWatch league players I've gotten
9308s away with her not going forward no life
9311s Weaver for that pedal Swap and Oracle
9313s beyond the Hanzo which has obviously
9315s been a Mainstay on King's Row using the
9318s Sonic on the top side dalka by the way
9320s is going to be on that Diva playing
9322s around the statue side we'll see if
9323s Argentina's unique play style
9326s with this composition will work they're
9328s already using Immortal technical early
9329s as they make that rotation yeah that's
9332s the problem when you're not running that
9333s Lucio that rotation becomes so dangerous
9338s but this incoming damage coming through
9339s from Brazil including these arrows from
9342s svenko which are just being such a
9344s detriment to deal with but Oracle okay
9347s with the Sonic he picks up expel and
9350s that's Brazil holding that grind waiting
9352s to see whether not swanker can trade her
9353s but Argentina definitely getting to
9355s really move forward towards this high
9356s point that they want out up a man they
9358s move towards the top of the clock tower
9360s waiting up top still Oracle looking for
9362s the shots uses the double jump cooldown
9363s as well Sonic on the top though to know
9366s where they are actually drop into the
9368s back line up the arcs but you rarely see
9370s teams make that rotation and now over
9372s the top svenko rotates nobody down on
9374s Brazil's side nice rotation from them to
9377s not die as that drop came through from
9379s Argentina Argentina now rotated all the
9381s way to the points fenko still not able
9383s to find that kill gets that damage
9385s though to build up the dragon strike but
9386s it's Oracle yet again to find the Tracer
9389s Ludwig is removed the immortality field
9391s to sustain as well Argentina will but
9393s then coming dragonstrike from a svenko
9395s avoiding the point though is that team
9397s there's nobody there to touch Argentina
9399s fully capping out and we'll move into
9401s Street space I'm not gonna have dragon
9403s they're not gonna have darkest Mac
9404s either they are going to lose full
9406s position of choke early and this is
9410s exactly what Brazil does not want to
9412s happen because now now the wheels on
9415s this train are starting to really pick
9417s up momentum this erisa composition
9419s alongside that may using those walls
9422s zoning these players forcing them to
9424s have to use those cooldowns like that
9426s Hanzo lunge to be able to dodge out of
9427s the wall putting them into so much
9429s vulnerability against Oracle is allowing
9431s him to have such an advantage in the
9432s handle 1v1
9434s Brazil now signing Ludwig on that flank
9436s five minutes they had as soon as they
9437s catch up that first point Central
9439s finally gets that opening pick on an imp
9441s on the amplification Matrix saying
9443s Baptiste as well that's a nice shot to
9445s find for them to take to get rid of that
9447s ultimate value but Argentina pulls bomb
9449s as well committed onto gas fit down
9451s below svenko as well through that
9453s pressure committed to the front line is
9454s able to find Jackie who committed that
9456s Zuzu on the Arista who is false bonds
9459s but Brazil now up members using just the
9461s pull-up in that fight got out of kuno's
9464s amplification Matrix yeah really good
9466s like you said using that pulse bomb
9468s understanding that Dragon strike was not
9469s built up this Banker which is the
9471s traditional encounters that Baptiste
9472s ultimate they send Ludwig who has that
9474s Mobility that safety with those blinks
9477s to be able to bypass the window push
9479s Argentina back and suddenly out of the
9481s window and it's increased damage it's
9483s gone Brazil can get a lot more
9484s aggressive but we are going to be seeing
9486s Dragon strike come through for Argentina
9489s they're just having to take a little bit
9490s of flank right to make sure they don't
9491s lose anyone in the repairs drop it on
9493s top of the pub double jump away and the
9495s blizzard down below to capture dalka on
9498s the low ground but use the demon bomb
9500s however was chased Down Still by
9502s Argentina up a man they now have to
9504s fight against banana boost and a nice
9505s easy grenade from Excel Center also
9508s comes from the bottom of the pub to find
9509s a Kuno and Oracle died to Ludwig as well
9511s so Brazil's slowly working back into
9513s this fight without the gas but tries to
9516s equalize it onto svenko but Ludwig and
9519s senko combined for two more to keep
9521s holding against Argentina for the second
9523s column swaps come for it too dalka off
9525s of Van Viva owns the romantra they've
9527s identified that Argentina is going to be
9529s taking this really long rotations to
9532s make sure that all of their cooldowns
9533s are primed when these fight begins and
9535s that's what ran punishes hesitation he
9538s has that poke with his primary also the
9541s zone to be able to slow these players
9543s down and make it so easy for Brazil to
9545s overwhelm a composition that provided
9547s Lucio doesn't have clean disengagement
9549s there's also double you know double
9552s immortality here with the suzu and the
9554s immortality field from makuno so
9555s Ludwig's pulse bomb really has a lot of
9557s struggle that he's gonna have to do
9558s maybe you can get out both cooldowns but
9560s an anti-grenade and svengo hits the shot
9562s onto Kuno so no immortality kill there
9564s then the pulse bomb as well forces out
9566s that suzu but the Brazil's already up
9568s two in this fight so Argentina need to
9570s find a kill to try to equalize it but
9572s they only get neon the low ground mean
9574s while the rest of Brazil collapse on
9575s Argentina to give them yet again another
9578s fight win and again punishing that
9580s hesitation Argentina taking these land
9582s few rotations erisa not the fastest
9585s moving tank even though she has the most
9587s feet for them without that Lucio Brazil
9590s on the defense as long as they don't
9592s lose a player early on and Argentina
9593s with these rotations on putting
9595s themselves in positions to be able to
9596s threaten that one shot to push Brazil
9599s back this defense just get to sit up and
9601s wait for Argentina to show up
9602s she now come all the way around to
9605s trying to avoid some of that pressure
9606s like you mentioned but svenko well aware
9608s of that sits at the back Ludwig tries to
9610s go for some pressure but doesn't want to
9612s get one shot by a log the interview on
9614s the gas but keeps him incredibly low on
9616s that front mine nice nade from Excel so
9618s far in the streets phase of King's Row
9620s but it's javelin in into svenko as he
9623s tries to go for the peak we'll back him
9624s off for just a moment but still throwing
9625s in those storm Arrow shots on the low
9627s ground is fenko as he vote for the
9629s dragon strike can now drop it in but
9631s it's already sort of disengaged from
9632s Argentina so Brazil trying to push to
9634s the left side of the pump to find that
9636s back line but they use the immortanical
9638s to sustain and regroup with the record
9639s team Val Canal knowing the immortality
9641s field has gone will use his ultimate as
9643s the engage can jump over the maywall
9645s through the cart and it's just free
9647s reign for him but Oracle traded it back
9649s however X still has already found Walter
9651s and Oracle 2 who are just behind that
9654s disengage from Argentina and Argentina
9657s is still holding on to their ultimate
9658s since 40 seconds left they have one ace
9661s up the sleeve Dustin like you said it's
9664s a clean fight from Argentina side no
9666s ultimates invested everything going to
9669s be available in this next fight but
9671s again it's so predictable that they're
9673s going to have to take these longer
9674s rotations Brazil using their Sonics
9676s trying to figure out where exactly
9678s they're going to come from so they can
9679s look to find these early picks because
9681s so down in time bank that if they lose
9683s one player Argentina can't afford to
9685s regroup they have to go ahead no matter
9687s what yeah you know what stops five
9689s ultimates is one Hanzo shot from across
9691s the map so svenko gonna be looking for
9694s that shot to start she just push Dragon
9695s strike early knowing they have five
9697s ultimates Brazil backs up actually it's
9699s on dalka into the into the main side so
9701s I thought he went down to the bottom of
9702s the train but no shots just able to be
9704s found yet by svenko meanwhile blizzard
9705s committed from Walter into the air
9707s missions as well and the continue rush
9708s so they're overlaying everything against
9710s Brazil who have used double support
9712s ultimates as well on that front line but
9714s Casper drops that ultimate Walter also
9716s finds Ludwig dalka has able to trade is
9719s able to trade Oracle and svenko has
9721s found Walter as well and then he dropped
9722s the dragon strike as well towards that
9724s cart after all the ultimates have been
9726s used so it's just on gas but to try to
9728s find a lot of these kills and akuno but
9730s fenko has already found jockey on the
9732s back line gaspa and the rest of his team
9734s is doing it they're stopping Brazil here
9735s last second young has found the back
9738s line of Argentina it is just gasped it
9740s so nobody else is here and Argentina
9742s gets stopped in the streets phase as
9744s they were so close to doing it hey how
9747s to invest so much so early this is the
9750s gamble that you take when you limit
9752s yourself to one overtime fight with all
9754s of your ultimates available the second
9757s that aren't Matrix gets invested you
9759s want to guarantee you want to secure
9761s that investment right so a mortality
9764s field gets put in early to make sure
9766s that everyone in Argentina can stand
9768s their ground and take advantage of the
9770s window and shoot into all of those
9771s players stuck in the blizzard but the
9773s problem is that even though Brazil
9775s didn't have aggressive ultimates not
9777s that tank ultimate they had box support
9779s ultimates Nana boost in Kitsune rush and
9782s Argentina unfortunately that Ace comes
9786s up absolutely awfully for them as
9789s they're just not able to burst through
9790s the sustainability they needed those
9792s kills to come in and fast and it just
9795s doesn't happen because of Brazil's
9796s backline
9797s man what a close fight that was at the
9800s very end of Argentina
9802s Moxie looks they're gonna play that
9804s junker Queen on the defense instead of
9805s the Arizona
9806s sustainability you have to have it
9808s you're so worried about Brazil just
9810s getting super aggressive and pushing on
9813s to you and when you look at what this
9814s team is going to be running the carico
9816s the D the the trace of the Hanzo all of
9819s these different Heroes can come at you
9820s from any angle any height Argentina know
9823s that they're going to get separated into
9825s taking these individual fights and they
9827s have to make sure that they sustain long
9828s enough for help to appear
9831s see if it works out for our genocide
9832s also gasp is doing great so far on that
9836s junk Queen
9837s with the ax as well it's going to go
9838s looking for that one shot over the top
9840s side Brazil walking towards that Aristo
9842s yet again
9843s looking for that Sean of the statue
9845s Argentina and they're awaiting those
9847s shots for now still playing it slowly
9849s Brazil is as well sending their tracer
9852s on that flank before they push in chalky
9854s takes Hanzo shot to the chest and a nice
9857s easy grenade connects as well to get
9859s chalky incredibly low Walter also has to
9861s use the nice block and eventually will
9863s get Found By Brazil Argentina just
9865s playing so neutral here at the Statue
9867s and it's resulting in them getting
9868s picked apart
9870s it was a scout it was a scout coming
9872s through from Brazil dalka literally got
9874s the call from the entire team go round
9877s hit one zone we're going to be able to
9879s follow it up with an ant he didn't catch
9880s all three of those players of Argentina
9882s and because they just don't have the
9884s ability to be able to cleanse her
9885s anti-node unfortunately all you see them
9888s just get absolutely torn as thunderous
9890s that is such a fast point a push and
9892s Argentina see that the Jungle Queen did
9894s not work out that they're just going to
9895s continue to be antenated slowed down by
9898s the srimatra I have to go arrested to be
9900s able to eat the utility a good transfer
9902s up here is over the matcha it's a great
9904s time to do it as well since the spawn
9905s point is it is right there at Ludwig now
9907s in the bottom of the pub building up
9909s towards that pole spawn svenko also has
9911s doing a great job building those Dragon
9912s strikes Brazil just playing aggressive
9914s during this entire fight Argentina
9916s avoiding hey
9922s into that bookstore Ludwig's still
9925s building that plus one but we're close
9926s incredibly low but he hits the shot on
9927s the Ludwig incredible aim from him and
9929s then also trades back on denaya great
9932s work from Oracle and Argentina to come
9934s back into this against the dragon strike
9935s against so many ultimates that were on
9937s Brazil's side now Brazil are on the back
9939s foot and are trying to reset
9941s you need that poke from wolves to come
9943s for one fast because blizzard needs to
9945s be up and in the forecast when dalka
9948s drops this Annihilation they're gonna be
9949s relying on this maybe the wall and that
9951s freeze to keep this tank at Bay from
9953s just allowing Brazil to body through
9955s choke
9962s on the flank with the pull spawn notices
9964s that there probably is some immortality
9967s that is going to be there Oracle finds
9969s venko as well in the neutral game and
9971s then Walter comes back for Ludwig it's
9973s the icicle nice work from him now
9974s Argentina has that advantage that the
9976s choke and stop Brazil's push again going
9978s to have amp too in Brazil they don't
9980s have the dragon strike so be able to
9983s send through it they can do the exact
9984s same that we still lost and we're Ludwig
9986s just blink through with that pulse one
9987s to frighten that space Argentina have
9989s been very quick to throw in both suzu
9991s and immortality feels something that
9993s people know that have picked up
9994s yeah for sure DACA
9997s that Angie here as well but a javelin to
9999s force back Oracle goes incredible
10001s there's that suzu and immortality field
10002s just to deal with Ludwig's full spawn
10004s like you said Moxie so now dalco should
10006s know he's free but he can't push him
10007s because the immortality feels first
10009s because the amplification Matrix but now
10010s pops the annihilation with the Nana
10012s boost and Nancy grenade they connect
10014s onto the back line the blizzard cannot
10016s do anything to stop Delta and that
10018s Frontline push from Brazil on that Rico
10021s test Brazil now control that cart we're
10023s entering last fight territory for
10024s Argentina here Moxie I've got a Wombo
10026s Combo Terror surgeon Dragon strike over
10028s the lap together can be absolutely
10030s devastating because that damage
10032s continues with that Dragon strike so use
10034s this iframe a lot of the time isn't
10035s actually enough to be able to keep
10037s yourself alive for it so Brazil are
10039s going to have to be mindful of that but
10040s they've got the dragon strike Argentina
10042s running that Orissa are going to be
10044s incredibly vulnerable moving into
10046s position to be able to use this ultimate
10048s combination and if they don't get that
10050s to touch the card we're in game
10053s when they're right there coming over the
10054s top Oracle has hit shots before we'll
10056s see if he can do it again drops off The
10057s High Ground but now against the dragon
10059s strike a spenko it might be tough
10065s connects on to akuno nice work from him
10068s but that terrorists are some gasp is
10069s enough to take down Naya and jasmus also
10072s there to take out Delta that Ricky test
10074s like you said Moxie with the terrorist
10076s urge in the dragon strike is successful
10077s for Argentina combination expensive
10080s combination Argentina not out of the
10082s woods just yet Dustin that time bank is
10085s going to continue to take down and take
10087s down and tick down and Brazil are going
10090s to just poke if they get one early
10092s pickup onto this backline Argentina are
10095s going to be so vulnerable with how big
10097s the hitbox Orissa has we go into a
10099s stalemate now both of these teams
10100s haven't played so carefully to not lose
10102s someone early yeah with no ultimate as
10104s well I'm curious to see who hangs that
10106s advantage in that may Hanzo battle who
10108s can find that opening pick Walker looks
10110s for it then jumps back after missing the
10112s shot comes back over the top storm that
10115s goes well so one of those cooldowns
10116s removed nice mayweal from Walter stops
10117s the push for now and there also would
10119s have find Ludwig with Oracle hitting
10121s that shot onto him without the storm
10122s strike for storm Arrow strike as well
10124s dalco now comes down below suzu used as
10127s well to keep Argentina's aggressive push
10129s going
10130s horses Brazil back as they wait for
10131s Ludwig to return
10134s Pearl from Gatsby connects onto nemesis
10136s from
10142s both of these characters to color me
10144s into this kid so they rush but svenko so
10146s much closer to that Dragon strike than
10147s Oracle to be able to counter Argentina's
10149s yeah he's done a great job building at
10151s stenko doing more damage to the tanks
10154s rather than Oracle looking for the dps's
10156s in pick potential this is the back of
10158s map there's that Dragon strike down
10159s below
10160s makes things scary for Argentina Brazil
10162s will Walking with that katuni Rush
10163s continuing Rush from Argentina committed
10165s and the blizzard doesn't connect on
10167s anybody know they try to go forward and
10168s walk right into the storm arrows from
10170s svenko hits the shot on the wall through
10172s he's jumping off the cart that's a great
10174s opening pick and now with the Nana boost
10176s Annihilation they just run into that
10178s back line immortality Phil Don suzu not
10180s here in Brazil look to close it out on
10182s Argentina 2-0 and they do so 2-0 for
10185s Brazil over Argentina in these group
10188s stages what a win for them
10190s that rubber band is perfect this is what
10193s we were talking about right the fact
10194s that sprinkle was literally in
10196s mid-disengagement mode making sure that
10198s everyone from Brazil is just not getting
10200s caught in that blizzard he lands that
10202s headshot onto the May who just goes too
10204s aggressively around the corner trying to
10205s capitalize on the ultimate finder pick
10207s allow Argentina any time to recover and
10209s build some of those ultimates but Brazil
10212s my goodness what a team spanker or the
10215s Hanzo please someone pick this guy up
10217s Ash what do you have to say
10220s I think it was a really intense game
10223s that we did just see overall of course
10225s King's Row looked a lot stronger there
10227s for team Brazil but Argentina put up a
10230s bigger fight than we were expecting over
10232s on that first map on Nepal specifically
10235s I think though when it comes down to it
10238s Dustin it wasn't really the rigidity
10240s that we saw within the Argentina team
10242s composition that was maybe their
10245s downfall there was a lot of things Ash I
10247s think that obviously Moxie probably
10249s agree with me I think that really
10251s Argentina had a lot of the mechanical
10252s plays right at times both their DPS has
10255s popped off even their tank player really
10257s looked at times even better than
10258s Brazil's right I think mechanically they
10260s look stronger but Brazil I mean Moxie
10262s called it it just seemed like they had
10263s the ultimates down they really had their
10265s timings and overall their team Synergy
10267s just straight up looked better than
10269s Argentina which really gave him that win
10271s that tells the similar story from what
10273s we saw yesterday as well right we just
10275s can't stop talking about the history
10278s that this Brazilian team has together
10280s that just allows them to find that
10282s natural chemistry have a just greater
10285s coordination in outclass their opponents
10288s they're more it's that macro very
10291s quickly they sold that continued pattern
10293s of immortality field and suzu being
10295s invested at the exact same time and that
10299s immediately had that domino effect so if
10301s I'm going okay well if you're going to
10302s literally use both of them so just one
10304s thing why would we ever invest anything
10306s other than one ultimate or just one
10309s player pushing in aggressively to pay
10311s that utility out and then we can hold on
10314s to all of those other things in the back
10316s pocket things like that Nano boost onto
10318s the ram when you put low and then darker
10319s gets going from Annihilation and there's
10321s nothing to stop him that was the big
10324s Difference Maker that Allied Brazil to
10326s be able to just push through streets and
10327s really bully through some of those
10329s fights yeah they were looking least
10331s wrong however at the very least one
10333s thing that I do want to give over
10335s towards that to the Argentinian team
10337s there Dustin is the fact that they did
10339s have some glimmers of Brilliance there
10341s was that one play where we saw the
10343s blizzard coming out from Walter and then
10344s Ludwig tries to go and pinch on towards
10347s that blank just to deny the efficacy of
10351s it so the idea was there it was just
10354s again outplayed there
10356s well for sure yeah I think uh for the
10358s bright spots to point on that uh which
10361s originally said there for Argentina is
10363s that they like have that mechanical
10365s prowess right I think that this just
10367s makes me excited to see their matchup
10368s even versus Colombia later on really to
10371s see who can come out on top between
10372s these between Argentina and them will
10375s really probably decide uh you know a lot
10377s of the future of Group B and I think
10379s that for this team you know Argentina
10381s has a lot to work with with gas bill on
10383s the erisa on the Jungle Queen Oracle
10385s fantastic Hanzo play Walter as well in
10388s the may I think maybe they're lacking
10390s potentially in the backline department
10391s but if chalky and akuno can sort of work
10394s things out together and maybe figure out
10395s their Synergy a bit more I mean I could
10397s see this team becoming a real threat
10399s especially because I saw one thing this
10402s team did really well that we're actually
10403s probably going to talk on a little bit
10405s more in depth when we look into some of
10406s our next matches for the day and that
10408s was the one stubborn with the
10409s composition that they had right they
10411s lost point a very very quickly with that
10413s junker Queen just being absolutely run
10414s over by that romantic Zone in to
10417s anti-node and immediately went towards
10419s the Orissa understanding that jungko
10420s Queen into RAM is just unfeasible at
10422s this level right every single time the
10424s John queen wants to be able to make a
10425s move forward to be able to get that
10427s sustainability cycle into full swing
10429s with your Carnage with your knives
10430s you're going to be stopped by just the
10433s ram poking at you from afar the shield
10434s coming through the Zone stopping you and
10436s your tracks and not allowing you to go
10437s through so the swap onto a wrists are
10440s really speedily when we head into
10442s streets allowed Argentina to be able to
10444s hold that tank off for a much longer
10446s time than if they just continue to try
10448s to just crash their head into the brick
10450s wall of the GQ
10451s uh very very true and we just have a
10453s little play of the game there coming out
10455s from dalca the tank on the side
10457s um of the Brazilian team coming out for
10459s the King's Row game well we couldn't say
10462s enough about him yesterday either Dustin
10464s no danka's really good I think he's been
10467s really a Mainstay for this Brazilian
10469s roster
10470s um and really it's brought together I
10471s think Moxie's pointed out svenko at
10473s times I think I agree with her that that
10474s svenko is really good but dalka like you
10477s mentioned really has been uh that main
10479s player that main that main tank
10481s obviously for the team I mean it's silly
10482s to say that obviously but you know I
10484s think he's been a very crucial point for
10486s Brazil to succeed as much as they have
10488s been really just a consistent player for
10490s them and overall the entire team is just
10492s looking incredibly synergistical at the
10494s moment and you know I'm sure they're
10495s looking to get that first seed leading
10497s out of group b no for sure and I'm
10499s excited see how they continue on with
10501s that adaptability that flexibility that
10503s we have seen today and yesterday but we
10506s are going to throw to a quick little
10507s break we're gonna have an interview with
10509s honorato the coach on the side of the
10511s team Brazil in just a few moments
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10842s welcome back everybody I fibbed a little
10845s bit earlier when I said that we'd have
10847s onorato on the desk instead we're
10849s actually going to have Ludwig a Gigi's
10852s and congratulations on your 2-0 today
10854s and then 2-0 overall within the last two
10858s days of the OverWatch World Cup how are
10860s you feeling Ludwig
10862s uh it's great yeah and obviously great
10865s we have obviously been
10868s the having these are a classic rivalry
10871s with Argentina so it's always good to
10873s beat them
10874s and uh yeah it was a messy game I got
10876s admitted it wasn't pretty it wasn't how
10878s we expected it to go out but we uh
10881s you know we cover can overcome the those
10883s challenges when we were able to win
10887s love to hear it yeah
10889s yeah close but
10892s not getting the change speak to onorato
10893s now I want to know from a player
10895s perspective what he's brought to the
10898s team for you guys slotting into that
10899s Coach position for the first time for
10901s himself as well since his retirement and
10905s he's a very decorated player right with
10907s those four-time contenders wins I just
10909s want to hear what your thoughts on all
10911s right on his coaching abilities that is
10914s I think it brings a lot of experience
10916s now with him having played the game
10918s competitive competitively since day one
10920s and having won all those championships
10922s and you just passed it just tries to
10925s pass that Vision towards that experience
10927s and he's been great he's been helping us
10929s like individually we when we have a bad
10932s game or we think we did something bad we
10934s just text him on DM and say hey I think
10937s I messed up on display can you show me
10939s what I did wrong and he just he's always
10941s willing to help you know
10943s absolutely and now that we're actually
10945s taking a look at the replays right now
10947s you played Tracer in both on Nepal and
10950s on King's Row but first venko he did
10952s swap between the Sombra and the Hanzo
10954s and Moxie was wondering I guess like
10956s what is the the difference in playing
10960s alongside a Hanzo versus the Sombra and
10962s how you have to adjust your play style
10965s I think playing playing with a sampler
10967s is um we we always play a more
10969s fast-paced type of play like like an
10972s ilios last match against Chile we always
10974s try to set up plays before they they get
10977s the positions they want and we always
10978s just try to you know keep the tempo in
10981s our in our favor
10983s as opposed to the Hanzo you just you
10986s just play for
10988s in
10989s and uh
10991s honestly you just play for the spam you
10994s know for the for a longer team fight
10998s yeah I just
11003s like not
11004s um but as we're moving on within the
11007s World Cup within this round robin of
11009s course you have more opponents to face
11012s off against here within Group B and it's
11015s difficult as well because there's only
11017s two spots within this group to make it
11019s to the land stage of this tournament and
11023s Colombia is looking like one of the
11025s strongest contenders here within this
11027s group I was wondering what your thoughts
11029s and the rest of Team Brazil's thoughts
11031s are on that pending matchup that will be
11033s seen
11035s uh yeah we're definitely looking forward
11037s to it I mean even before the tournament
11039s began we always knew that Colombia was
11041s going to be a tough matchup for us
11044s because of course they have eqo you know
11046s yeah played in the OverWatch League
11049s there's a lot of
11050s a lot of fresher playing against that
11052s but we're confident
11055s yeah we are very confident to play
11057s against them I love to hear that I mean
11060s that was Donkey was talking about it
11061s yesterday even in his interview about
11063s how your team just is unshakable and
11066s that is something yeah keep true to your
11068s hearts yeah
11070s well I absolutely love that before we do
11072s go though I want to give you the
11074s opportunity to give any shout outs or
11075s thank yous um
11077s uh yeah I want to thank my teammates and
11080s the coaching staff obviously for giving
11083s me the opportunity to play for the
11084s national team of course
11086s and to all my friends watching you know
11088s Khalil Gabriel stand we are here and
11092s yeah
11094s well thank you so much Ludwig for taking
11096s the time to do this interview with us
11098s and again Gigi's on the last two matches
11101s that you played and good luck on your
11102s future within OverWatch World Cup thank
11104s you well
11106s now that the interview is all wrapped up
11107s everyone we are going to throw you a
11109s quick quick break but we will be back
11111s afterwards with Mexico versus the USA
11115s thank you
11120s [Music]
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11442s we just wrapped up Group B of America's
11445s here for the OverWatch World Cup online
11447s qualifiers for 2023 now heading over
11449s towards group a the next matchup we've
11452s got is Mexico versus Team USA this is
11456s sure to be a spicy matchup Dustin oh for
11459s sure yeah somebody lives in Arizona
11460s right on that border between you know
11462s Mexico and the U.S so I think I'm
11464s excited to watch this match up and see
11466s that rivalry that is there you know it's
11468s going to be an exciting one honestly oh
11471s for sure and Moxie on top of that both
11472s these teams they went 1-0 yesterday in
11474s those matchups so have that edge up
11477s right now it's all about who gets to
11479s continue taking that lead yeah it's
11481s gonna be really interesting as well to
11483s get to see how Mexico actually matches
11484s up against you as because I know for all
11487s of us that have been watching group a so
11488s far I have a couple of favorites so
11491s we're gonna be able to make it through
11492s Canada and us are obviously up there but
11495s that third spot that one of these teams
11497s take in my eyes at the moment is between
11499s Mexico and Puerto Rico so it's going to
11502s be really interesting to see how this
11504s team matches up against the favorite in
11506s the Grove and hand then later on
11508s tomorrow get to see Harry Potter Rico
11511s Bears against USA to see if there's any
11513s difference
11514s and the thing is as well just taking a
11517s look at this head to head and then the
11518s starting lineup I believe that we have
11520s of Team USA to kick us off is that game
11524s up against Canada yesterday Dustin went
11527s a lot more into the United States favor
11530s than we were anticipating considering
11532s that was the match to watch oh yeah for
11535s sure USA looks a complete roster at the
11537s moment I mean just overall they've got
11539s the Tracer players about you know they
11541s got the DPS hit scans if they need to I
11543s mean they've got the flexibility over to
11545s Echo with Lenny with sugar-free uh I
11548s mean they just have an overall complete
11549s roster the only area they're relatively
11552s lacking in is that sort of main support
11554s role but realistically with two
11556s incredible Flex support that they have I
11559s mean this this roster is just looking so
11561s well put together at the moment I mean
11562s USA or at this point the favorites in
11566s the entire qualifier qualifiers I think
11568s that was what impressed me the most as
11570s well the fact that they were just so
11571s good at being able to position Orion's
11573s about actually that first opening
11575s composition that we saw Canada attempt
11577s to run on ruins of ilios the jungkooking
11579s a lot of the time if you don't have the
11581s Lucio disengagements can get incredibly
11583s messy because the Jungle Queen has that
11585s ability to be able to speak staunchy
11587s with the shout but every single time you
11589s were just seeing joggles come through
11591s with collusion that Tracer working
11593s together to make sure that unfortunately
11595s we didn't really get to see the
11596s jungkooping too much of anything but
11598s other players have also impressed in the
11601s tournament so far and one of them stands
11603s alongside makiko's roster and that has
11606s to be unheld the ladder this guy has
11608s been flexing on the DPS he's played so
11610s many different Heroes and all to such a
11613s high tier level
11615s and talking about that flexibility is
11616s something that I wanted to touch on
11618s their dusting in that matchup versus
11620s Costa Rica Mexico were just incredibly
11623s adaptive had great support coming out
11626s from Momo and Paula as well oh yeah for
11629s sure I think yeah Mexico is a very very
11631s talented roster in their own right and
11633s could easily take it to Team USA but uh
11636s you know USA still is at the top right
11639s now baby so we'll have to see if if
11641s Mexico can kind of work around you know
11643s like you said that that is that the
11645s strong support that they have and maybe
11647s just uh give them that edge in that
11650s regard as obviously the Jane Tower looks
11652s like to be it's going to be our first
11653s map
11654s yeah interesting stuff we've seen a lot
11656s of lijiang tower obviously throughout
11658s the last two days of the OverWatch World
11661s Cup but that is a big point to be made
11664s their Team USA also being the reigning
11666s champions of the last OverWatch World
11667s Cup back in 2019. put that additional
11670s weight on their shoulders foxy
11672s she's really surprised that we're not
11674s seeing sugar-free get played for USA
11676s given that Lee Jiang tawa is going to be
11678s that Opening match and potentially if we
11680s go to somewhere like Gardens or even
11682s Night Market that Echo poke composition
11684s can get so much damage done so it does
11687s signal that USA want to try to push
11688s towards something like over that may all
11691s just trace the Sombra combined dive
11693s harassing into Mexico's backline
11696s I think in in on that side right maybe
11698s this is a Mexico's time to kind of shine
11701s right obviously Team USA is like Moxie
11703s mentioned a really really good roster
11705s and for the side of Mexico I would not
11707s be surprised if we seen you know a few
11709s outstanding tenants like I said with
11711s Angel villado maybe showing up and
11713s really taking you to Team USA
11716s um just to correct myself earlier I
11717s mentioned Paola yesterday
11724s actually time to head into Legion Tower
11726s Dustin Moxie take it away thank you Ash
11728s and I'm incredibly excited to watch this
11730s matchup Moxie see how it goes obviously
11733s starting off on the Zhang Tower could
11735s potentially see some of that Echo
11736s Warfare on Gardens and obviously when it
11739s comes to control maybe collage I have to
11741s play that rhyme today
11743s maybe or maybe it's just going to be
11745s either Winston or Ram because the last
11747s time Mexico actually played on this map
11749s it was just raw matcha they tried to run
11752s a little bit of Winston
11755s super Matthew is in the lobby boys oh my
11760s God he's lost it then she's in for the
11763s squad I mean he's never gonna live it
11765s down
11766s sudden and USA loses this map but I mean
11769s he's gonna be on the pole USA Definitely
11772s Maybe um testing a couple of
11774s experimental compositions
11776s super on the ball yeah that's definitely
11778s experimental
11779s Hound towards that killer side he goes
11781s just the spam at the back line is Mexico
11783s rotate towards the point but he's
11784s already dead to hydron on that Farah the
11788s good work for him to open that up
11789s already for Team USA and that's a quick
11792s 5K very fast first fight before the
11795s point has even unlocked this composition
11798s is going to move fast I don't need a
11800s Lucio everyone has the means of being
11802s able to claps on these targets because
11803s they're just going to get swept into the
11805s waiting arms of USA are either excited
11807s by Aspire just harassing on that Tracer
11809s or knocked with super or just hydrants
11812s concussives Mexico is going to have such
11814s a hard time trying to maintain all of
11817s their players coordinations and
11819s positions to make sure no one gets swept
11821s into the waiting tide the USA has to
11824s overwhelm this comp
11825s hydrant we'll do great work from The
11828s High Ground especially because Mexico
11829s Mexico doesn't have any of those hits
11830s games that deal with them though that
11831s back line was hacked of ultra the PO was
11833s there immediately from Rupal and the
11835s rest of Team USA though Momo eventually
11837s will track down Old Charlotte with the
11839s Zuck and the aggressive orb as well but
11841s hydrant and as fire could buy together
11844s but sofa is ready to go in a dojo side
11847s Aspire though still is there with super
11849s clean up the rest of Mexico who was in
11851s that fight yeah good gatekeeping of that
11853s health pack to make sure that hydron
11855s does not manage to refresh this off
11857s without that pocket coming through some
11858s RuPaul but unfortunately Aspire is still
11861s very much alive and capable of taking
11863s down those players gonna make it so hard
11866s for Mexico to be able to approach Bridge
11868s entirely closed off if you want to try
11871s to pay the toll It's Gonna Be Blood with
11873s all of the Knox and environmental
11875s potential that USA has Mexico walking in
11878s Castle has to touch that point but loses
11880s a chunk of his HP as it looks for heels
11882s from Momo inspired as being a nuisance
11884s on that right right flank as well
11886s spamming it out but Roblox building up
11889s towards the EMP ready to go aggressive
11891s actually catch
11896s the point as well to get the mines there
11897s to sustain they also gets the end of
11898s Boost from ultraviolet to continue in
11900s this fight Rupal also with the resurrect
11902s and Hydra comes in with the barrage as
11904s super takes down Castle the slam comes
11907s through and hydrons there in the White
11909s Room detracto Momo does trade it back
11911s with the nade but unfortunately there's
11913s too much pressure 90 on the board now
11915s Mexico is trying to regroup with 92 93
11918s they'll have and help a lot with the
11921s potentially touch but he's all already
11922s back at the side of the point because
11924s this fire has pressured him away Castle
11925s comes through with the touch the touch
11927s actually came through from troll blocks
11928s who actually kills Rupal in the Stein
11930s with the hack great work from him Angelo
11932s delotto as also gets the Nana boost in
11935s his dueling Aspire forces that recall
11937s back Momo also gets that pick on the
11939s hydrant in the sky so that's two for
11941s Mexico as they've regrouped towards that
11942s point they have the main advantage USA
11944s doesn't have a lot of ultimates they
11945s commit the pulse bump to get castled out
11947s of neck but he has that deep bomb to
11949s sustain his fire avoiding the hack with
11951s the blink as well just a great job at
11953s peels peeling on this point really
11955s sustaining USA in this fight is now
11958s they've regrouped this five Aspire tries
11960s to go for the dive with super but super
11961s gets chunked down incredibly low but has
11964s that double Puck from loophole on the
11965s side he still hangs his team as Mexico's
11967s Shriner group on the point have to
11969s commit the beat drop just to win it and
11971s they eventually do super is still here
11973s in this fight and so is Team USA but
11975s surely he'll have to back up we're going
11978s to have to back up and they've got the
11979s Hammond mine's true but Charles Alex is
11981s going to have the song reminds
11982s immediately uses the EMP to be able to
11983s clear them so it doesn't match to pick
11985s up any kills unfortunately it created
11988s the distraction focal point so that the
11990s hydrons are able to take the arm and
11991s down in the back line entirely
11993s uncontested and now without that support
11995s makiko just do not have the
11997s sustainability to stand up to the birth
11999s potential that Echo has oh this is just
12001s this is Eagle challenge at this point
12002s looks like USA just want to keep running
12004s towards that point found Castle commit
12006s the Nano and on how volatile as well so
12008s even though USA were quote unquote
12009s losing a lot of these fights they want
12010s to continue the pressure onto Mexico
12012s really make sure they make a statement
12014s win today and looks like they're doing
12017s so dropping the pulse bomb to zone out
12018s the Lucio player of sopa as fire also
12020s used that recall has to back up a lot of
12022s pressure being on USA supports the
12024s moment because of how aggressive Team
12025s USA in general are playing Super goes
12028s incredibly low but has the pocket from
12029s the Brigitte and the Anna but Mexico is
12031s still strong they still have a healthy
12033s team at home that Hydra does go for the
12035s coffee on the Anna and his fire finishes
12038s Off cast on the back side shovel X does
12040s get Heiden on the back side so that's
12042s one to give him the advantage but Mexico
12044s cannot even touch because USA is just
12047s going constantly on their entire team
12050s resulting in them winning round number
12052s one the problem in that overtime fight
12054s was higher on higher on occupies the
12057s entire backline for Mexico both Momo and
12060s sopa are trying to deal and peel for
12062s each other when that Echo drops in to
12065s say hello and that just leaves Castle to
12066s it came back on that Winston to be able
12068s to stole the point for as long as
12069s possible for the team vulnerable and
12071s Incredibly easy to be able to take down
12074s Mexico put up a pretty good fight light
12076s though after just how fast that first
12078s fight went down USA did have to swap off
12081s some of those uh experimental errors to
12083s come from now we're going to head
12084s towards Control Center and this is why
12086s you have super in the driving seat the
12089s writing heart is out on the field that
12091s hammer is about to start swinging Hydra
12094s on the Genji as well I'd like to see
12096s Hydra beat this really flexible player
12098s that he's become to be able to play that
12100s Genji you know a hit scan pretty much
12102s can play everything at this point pharah
12104s has a lot of those heroes in the zero
12106s pool Mexico does drop down on USA who
12108s are in that white room with their Mantra
12110s and they find super already incredibly
12112s aggressive by Mexico rotation down blow
12115s now hydron goes incredibly low and
12117s unhealth velado finds him to give the
12119s give that 2K to Mexico and the point
12121s goes in their favor first
12123s coming for roblox actually manages to
12127s cause it literally touches the ceiling
12129s Ripple is not able to use those extra
12131s bits from the Baptist to be able to
12132s boost over and drop in mortality field
12133s to keep the rain Alive Now Mexico with
12136s control of these trucks can try to work
12138s towards getting this Reaper close enough
12139s to be able to really use those shotguns
12142s to chunk this one's half down but that's
12143s just so much sustainability for USA at
12145s the moment yeah they really want to
12147s focus down
12149s who forced the fade early and now the
12152s rest of Mexico collapses upon the
12155s pressure of Team USA fantastic
12157s ricottenced and pull Spawn from him to
12159s flip it back in their favor all right
12161s drone on that Cassidy is going to make
12162s this Reaper's life an absolute nightmare
12166s to try to find these first opening picks
12168s as far as literally just going to wait
12171s around that corner for someone from
12173s Mexico to fall low and be able to be one
12175s clipped he's waiting for him Momo still
12178s has that coalescence they have that
12179s first support ultimate on the field
12180s behindrance heading back with the high
12182s noon so he could Zone them back maybe
12184s let us supports build up but it's the
12186s shatter from Super on the front line
12188s shuts down any push from Mexico who
12191s trying to commit the coalescence right
12192s past the shield of Castle they back up
12194s quickly knowing this is a lost team play
12196s they're gonna be walking straight into a
12197s dead eye however so all of that space
12200s that castle is going to try to take it's
12202s gonna be shot down but they don't
12205s so aggressive move forward and take Momo
12209s down by says here now USA within the
12211s Target Field they're gonna feel sustain
12213s through it and the Ant Matrix just means
12215s that they can chance to run down no
12216s matter what it's just over for them
12218s you're going back to the spawn doors
12219s this point guys 50 of the board for Team
12221s USA you're gonna beat drop as well and
12223s look Moxie they want to do another
12224s aggressive play USA really going for the
12227s flight hydrant over the left side has a
12229s spider with him they wait for that bank
12231s side knowing there's a beat drop
12232s available tosses the nade on the
12234s distance after that change but can roll
12235s back a little Mobility back towards the
12237s rest of his team and they fall back all
12239s the way but they leave super a bit
12241s extended into that blizzard that makes
12243s it back to the point to get the beaten
12244s drop it's perfect timing from him Aspire
12246s goes incredibly low but does save his
12248s life on on Hell volatile building that
12250s death Blossom needs to do it quickly
12252s they know they do kind of collapse on
12254s the Hydra on the backside forcing out of
12255s this fight as fire has found sofa though
12257s that's a great pick for USA in this
12260s fight also Hydra combining on the Momo
12262s this is the fight Mexico has to win
12264s right here and now but with 90 of the
12266s board they're just looking to get a
12268s Ricket test and it's gonna be dicey
12269s versus High Noon of hydrant that's more
12271s into the spawn door no may want to stop
12273s but just the ice block 96 percent
12275s operation that's awesome and what a
12278s dominant win for Team USA over Mexico I
12281s mean that I think is the best way you
12283s can describe that control center
12285s decisive and tournament coming through
12287s from this team they had something to
12289s prove they knew it They Came Out
12291s Swinging we knew when we saw the super
12293s Reinhardt come through they would be
12294s playing incredibly aggressive but this
12296s was the thing about USA the aggression
12299s was well placed they knew how far they
12301s were able to push like you said
12302s sometimes they did leave super a little
12304s bit on his Lonesome when he's going into
12306s something like a blizzard but that's the
12308s one thing that Reinhardt has over the
12309s ram if he gets caught in a blizzard on
12311s his own he still has the ability to be
12312s able to 180 and charge out of it so he
12314s gets back to his team absolutely
12315s scot-free sure yeah maybe maybe some of
12318s the better teams will be able to
12318s capitalize off that maybe to catch him
12320s on that Mobility like you mentioned but
12322s obviously super is a great player so is
12324s the rest of Team USA really any time
12326s that super would be you know kind of
12327s baiting in Mexico it seems like the back
12329s line of or the DPS of aspire and hydron
12333s always find that opening pick and
12334s realistically that's what's given USA
12336s such a large Advantage so far obviously
12338s that's just map one this is a first the
12339s first to two so realistically you know
12342s Mexico still has a chance but I would
12344s say that this is looking you know even
12346s more dominant for USA than the Canada
12347s match for sure that's is what we saw as
12350s well from that matter of USA versus
12352s Canada USA just continuing to just push
12355s and apply all of this pressure so the
12357s teams that are up against don't get time
12359s to breathe don't get time to be able to
12361s swap these compositions and build up
12362s ultimates because if they have to swap
12363s off the composition they're never
12365s getting a fully reset fight afterwards
12367s they're never going to be able to match
12368s ultimate economy so what USA are coming
12371s in with we didn't really get to see it
12373s here on guns it was a lot closer but
12376s when we went to control center the
12378s ultimates I mean USA was just head and
12381s shoulders ahead of Mexico in terms of
12383s holding those off
12385s overall pressures too much for Mexico to
12388s deal with and actually I'm going to ask
12389s you a bit of a difficult question here
12390s because you know we had super in on that
12391s last map you know for Team USA obviously
12394s they just got a a massive amount of
12397s fantastic Talent compared to other
12399s regions that are maybe Talent star of
12401s USA just has you know super here in the
12403s game they got kaluge on the bench and
12404s same for you know DPS to speedily and
12406s then also OG on the bench as well it
12408s seems like USA have a lot of fantastic
12410s Talent do you think that I mean the
12412s decision first of all is hard you know
12413s like you could probably could you think
12415s you could run super as you're just
12417s maintained for the entire tournament or
12419s you know as colus you're just gonna keep
12421s subbing him in back and forth with our
12422s mantra
12424s a great spot anyways
12435s at so many of these tanks just have to
12437s be incredibly flexible and here's the
12439s thing it's going to work in this region
12443s but when USA qualify if they qualify
12446s into all uh competing against all of the
12449s other regions well we've seen what
12451s happens when a Reinhardt has to go up
12453s against a pocketed flower team right
12456s What's it gonna do he's just gonna have
12457s to hold a shield and hope that his team
12460s are going to be able to deal with
12461s someone like your son playing so Saudi
12463s Arabia or from some of these other teams
12466s that are Fielding towards you know APAC
12468s regions where they're running that
12469s Winston and Winston literally just gets
12471s to cycle the mobility around the
12473s Reinhardt when the Reinhardt wants to go
12475s aggressive surprise his backline is
12477s being jumped on by a monkey and he has
12479s absolutely no sustain
12480s disgusting work too buy a Spire in that
12484s last game 8200 Damage Done I mean
12486s fantastic player in general and you know
12488s they as well have to make a difficult
12490s decision as well with uh with sugar-free
12491s dude I mean it seems like for Team USA
12494s you know between his fire and him it's
12496s so funny because Sugarfish started off
12498s the year is one OverWatch League playing
12499s a lot of Tracer and now Aspire has
12501s really proven that he has his own great
12503s Tracer so realistically it's like this
12505s new what do you think was like new hyper
12507s kind of style of a lot of these new you
12510s know new new breed of like OverWatch
12512s players Moxie that are really trying to
12514s be that most flexible player that they
12516s can be playing the Tracer playing the
12517s Genji like hydron did in the last map is
12519s this like the way we're going in
12520s OverWatch where you just need to have
12521s that hyper flexibility like these
12523s players like Aspire do I I feel like it
12526s is right because you look at things like
12527s the Cassie who just shuts down so many
12529s different Heroes if you're running that
12530s Tracer and it's just the Tracer that
12533s need can be absolutely devastating
12534s especially with OverWatch where matter
12536s is very much determined on where in the
12538s map you're actually going to be taking
12540s these fights you don't have the ability
12542s to be able to talk different players in
12543s but you do have the ability to be able
12545s to swap the heroes that you're running
12546s through so take a map like them Bonnie
12548s which great topics anyway actually it's
12550s going to be the second map that we're
12551s going into the matter that you start
12553s this map off with is going to be
12555s entirely different to the composition
12557s that you finish the map off with because
12559s when you're attacking point a is all
12561s about High Ground Control being able to
12562s push the Defenders off it being able to
12564s approach somewhere like close side
12565s without taking some of those early hits
12567s from a defensive Ash Cassidy or even
12569s Hanzo but then in point C if you lose a
12572s single fight you're not getting that
12573s Echo safely back in so you're going to
12576s be running things like the Tracer or the
12577s Sombra who are very quickly able to
12579s break jokes on their own and create
12580s those flying candles which allows the
12582s distraction for the rest of your team to
12583s move through and you you mentioned the
12586s Hanzo as well for this potential map and
12588s you know yesterday we saw a little bit
12590s of Angel villado's Hanzo but today he
12593s was just locking the Reaper versus Team
12595s USA I mean you you would think that we
12597s would maybe want to see it a bit more
12598s see a little bit of that Hanzo see a
12600s little bit of that hit scan potentially
12602s come out moxie I would hope so honestly
12605s like I know why they went for the reaper
12607s they're trying to just brawl but also
12609s sustain Reaper is incredibly tanky with
12612s his helpful but he's also pretty hard
12614s for balls uh for Wrecking Ball to be
12616s able to properly dislodge right if
12617s you're just gonna race him you can TP
12620s out of a lot of those knocks off so if
12622s you're worried about going bridge at
12623s least you're going to be able to on
12625s paper hypothetically still have that
12628s second angle to be able to distract you
12630s it's like obviously it didn't quite work
12631s out that way because a lot of poke food
12633s is coming through when hydron swap
12635s towards the aircon means that the reaper
12636s doesn't really get the distance to be
12637s able to shoot from but again that's
12639s where player flexibility comes into play
12641s right yeah maybe maybe you can make that
12643s swap over to it but this time Moxie and
12646s has taken since they're on defensive
12648s side they're playing that Echo with the
12651s Anon the brigitta
12654s all we're gonna talk about
12657s I mean they tweeted it yesterday oh my
12660s God man oh my God they did say that they
12663s would maybe put sleeper in on the Genji
12665s and you know how to hear what it is
12667s man what are they doing man come on man
12669s we got really
12671s Superman through Louisiana too okay all
12674s right I mean he's done it before in the
12675s OverWatch league and people will you
12677s know say he's a great Yankee player but
12680s I I guess the first team like Mexico why
12683s not try it right
12684s well they're going to have a little bit
12686s of a hard time considering triplex on
12689s that act because it's not gonna have hit
12690s scan to try and shut them down
12692s immediately that is the respect that
12694s Mexico are trying to demand from USA's
12697s composition at the moment how did I
12699s notice hydrant was on Winston the super
12701s Genji took over as fire by the way has
12703s done on her velara Showbox has killed
12705s him oh my God slept again Momo by the
12707s way it's been a stained out for Mexico
12708s really does a great job hitting those
12710s sleeps doing a lot of damage Trooper
12711s tries to play the bubble around that has
12714s that Mercy pocket as well and USA has
12716s rotated around that point the nade does
12718s connect on the super and he's removed
12720s from the game back to the spawn door Old
12723s Charlotte who was on that Mercy by the
12725s way hands they leave as well hydron gets
12727s picked off Rupal also gets rid of
12729s castled in USA maybe do a little bit of
12732s trolling in this one huh
12734s yeah the problem is that Genji always
12736s works best in Winston compositions when
12737s you're able to dash through those low
12738s Health targets and Mexico's composition
12740s is incredibly mobile the trains go from
12743s Momo but immediately we just see that
12745s swap through in the brakes positions to
12747s be able to play next to the Anna use the
12749s break flail to knock these players back
12751s but that Echo Girling down oil cleans up
12753s a lot of space for USA CPS to work with
12757s I just I just can't believe that okay
12759s now they said it hydrant with the Nano
12761s boost this is just the Aspire show right
12762s the rest of the USA trying to play
12764s around him they got two ticks now on the
12766s board castle with another which tries to
12767s create some space but the full stop
12768s connects in the through guitar is
12771s removed see you later Paulette back to
12773s the spawn door you go is fire down to
12775s six HP uses that recall as Castle on the
12778s point is trying to find some value at
12779s the Primal wage but through the valkyrie
12781s there might be just too much damage to
12783s deal with at the moment castle out of
12784s the Primal now has no assistance in
12786s hydron and the rest of USA are there on
12788s hovelato unfortunately whips the full
12790s stop all terrella whips out the Glock
12791s then they've given up the point
12793s and USA will continue on to the streets
12796s fames no one touches and I mean no no we
12800s cannot we can there's no way we could
12802s like actually analyze what's USA is hard
12804s trolling okay
12806s Tracer it's just hard carrying them at
12809s the moment and they're just outskilling
12810s them this is a skill differential moment
12812s I mean we're gonna follow along super
12814s speed I would expect one of you guys for
12815s this plate he doesn't have the Nano
12817s boost so what I'm hoping is going to
12819s happen is that he dashes in and then
12821s Paula's Gonna Pop That rally and we're
12824s going to see Ultra wide Bridge
12828s please stay on super POV let's see let's
12830s see if the blade works out
12835s oh no it was fire also got traded out
12838s the super hold on to it for now he's
12839s still waiting for the rest of his team
12840s Mexico rotates towards that Clark dashes
12842s the wing playing his length very
12844s intelligently also has that part to
12845s multiply with the damage boost he's
12847s ready to go whenever notices Momo's at
12849s the back still has that Sleek cooldown
12850s maybe they wanted to bait it out with
12852s the height with the Primal Rage from
12853s hydron there's that sleep Dart already
12855s used that opportunity for USA is there
12857s to use super Matthew luisi's Genji blade
12859s but they don't even need to because
12861s Aspire is there on the low ground to
12863s find chobolux incoming Nana boosted
12865s Winston is slept by RuPaul on the low
12868s ground still trying to find him though
12869s because of the cooldowns reduced from
12871s that sleep Dart it's just super in this
12873s fight he's lost both the spire and Rupal
12875s goes to the back line tries to find
12877s Mobile for the Brigade test there he's
12879s down the mainland Hill the rally is Now
12881s podcast the valkyrie commits the blade
12883s it's the two game for super on the game
12885s she blade comes back down onto the
12887s reaper on the payload but it's dodging
12890s bobbing the weaving and eventually is
12891s found so at the end of the day USA hey
12893s if the real Wicked the rest wrecked onto
12895s hydrant as well there's only three
12896s meters left to go the Primal Rage from
12898s Castle though should push off USA in
12901s this fight they commit the Nana boost on
12902s a hydro knows the USA just throwing an
12904s ultimate after ultimate they really just
12906s want to continue this pressure on Mexico
12908s make sure they feel a lot of that
12910s pressure from them the death Blossom
12912s from trouble locks hits absolutely
12913s nobody has to fade back towards that
12915s card as well as fire still hands that
12917s pulse ready to go on hell has found
12919s Rupal on the back line as well great job
12921s from him to keep Mexico in this maybe
12923s stating off USA for now yeah a gorgeous
12925s bubble from high jump blocks so much
12927s damage from that death Blossom
12929s nullifying it entirely as inspired so
12931s it's on the possum the only Ultimate
12932s Team USA have to work with so now and
12935s hope a lot are also gonna have one of
12936s their own but Mexico just not getting it
12938s in to be able to get the Tracer to use
12939s it there it is python pushes forward too
12941s aggressive they don't have the Nana
12942s boost to be able to put onto the Winston
12944s to save him when it detonates and Mexico
12946s should be able to push back USA yeah
12948s slowly but surely they're doing it USA
12950s walk in now have that pulse bomber to
12952s Johan well sitting with that Primal
12955s wages the moment at 92 percent must fire
12958s trying to take a bit of that blank space
12959s as well Mexico's still playing at the
12961s back ready to die but that NaNa Boo's
12962s Castle goes in as the nail does not get
12964s slept this time and in fact he kills
12966s ultraviolet and who's popping the
12967s valkyrie that's exactly what you want to
12969s see as Mexico troubles go down to Aspire
12972s a super spawn in Hell missed pull spawns
12974s from his fire should give them some
12975s opening here but Hydro with the Primal
12977s wage let's see his Winston mechanics and
12979s see if this is less of a troll and more
12981s of a strategic pick unfortunately for
12983s him that Primal will run out the blade
12985s still available for supernote nanoboost
12987s to go along with it so it's going to be
12988s a Dry Blade magical on the low ground
12990s has built castles Primal wage again
12992s Castle has been really impactful for
12994s Mexico they go in already for that dive
12996s goes incredibly lowest hydrant he got
12998s and synchronated by Momo castle that
13000s Momo combined to take off hydron early
13002s and now USA 53 seconds left do they want
13005s to commit in the ultimates they have to
13007s wait for another member of the team to
13008s get back riders coming back in on the
13010s Jungle Queen to be able to collapse in a
13012s little bit to be able to collapse in a
13015s little bit faster super still sitting on
13017s this point it's just so low have to use
13019s that Dash to get back to the rest of his
13021s team can't use it to be able to come in
13023s and that allows Parallax to be able to
13025s build this rally was ineffective until
13027s we played the last time this time super
13029s needs to take that brick load before he
13030s gets the blade you know what they built
13032s they've also built the Nano Nano blade
13033s ready to go Hydro has to go through to
13035s touch that cart use the account to
13037s sustain
13037s Nano just about ready there it is from
13039s rueful super Dash from there gets the
13041s nail dashes out of the briggy tub that
13042s potentially gets in even through the
13044s rally ready to go into Mobile who were
13045s vanish they had to sleep hits him with
13047s the name but he gets the 2K castles
13048s meanwhile on the backside has already
13049s found 3K and then comes back for super
13052s the dive from Mexico is far stronger
13054s than from Mexico or for USA and high for
13057s just the last of life you stitched out
13058s can't sustain Justin the one versus two
13060s uses the ax but cannot touch the payload
13063s so Mexico will stop USA in the streets
13065s phase in my God moxie what the hell are
13068s USA doing
13069s okay let's be honest here Dustin this
13072s right now this mashup it's not a fight
13075s for qualification this is a fight a
13078s demand for respect Mexico if they lose
13082s to Team USA when they're off-rolling I
13085s can I can only imagine what's going to
13087s be said from Team USA on social media
13090s they need to win this map they need to
13093s be able to prove that Team USA are not
13096s just the strongest team in this group
13098s that they're the strongest team in this
13100s group still when they're off-rolling
13102s yeah if they lose this I mean
13105s it's it's it's uh it's day of the den
13107s you know I mean it's just uh not great
13113s oh sorry
13116s that's that's a holiday right it's uh
13118s anyway it's a celebration yeah
13120s celebration of the day exactly it's just
13123s there would not be a celebration today
13124s though if they lose this in this final
13126s they're attacking side they look good
13127s castle look amazing on the Winston oh
13129s yeah all those primals oh for sure
13132s the juggles coming through to make sure
13134s the USA were as disrupted as possible I
13137s mean pilot as well unfortunately we've
13139s all been there in that position whereas
13140s a support you are literally just forced
13142s to play Ultimate Chicken and wait for
13144s the opposing DPS to use that Genji blade
13147s whether or not you're a Zenyatta with
13148s that Transcendence whether or not you're
13150s a break with that and you find Raleigh
13151s with the stun you have to wait for the
13154s other team to make that move first and
13156s as a result USA were able to make sure
13158s that Mexico had to hold on to it for as
13160s long as possible but here we go super
13162s onto a different shimada
13164s because it sounds like better than his
13166s Genji let's see we'll see this is like a
13169s situation away from a flat player be
13171s like you know sitting on his computer no
13172s personally I wouldn't take that nice
13174s integrate on UltraViolet and super
13176s removes those two immediately so the
13178s answer to your question is no Moxie in
13180s fact he got shut down within the first
13182s few seconds Mexico rotating towards that
13184s point will then be against USA as fire
13186s goes river low is picked off by Angel
13188s villado as well forcing eigen all the
13191s way back in Mexico with a pretty clean
13192s Point yeah that entire dive was
13195s literally just thousands of Mexican
13198s voices shouting demanding respect from
13202s Team USA is I hope a lot of does go down
13204s early into this next fight allowing
13206s super full control of corner to be able
13208s to spam these arrows straight into a
13210s regrouping Mexico who have to wait I
13212s have Travelex now so close to
13214s duplication just doesn't have the room
13216s to be able to freely disguise this
13218s position and look for the drop onto
13220s these squishy plays in the back for
13222s spamming out the back line Castle on the
13224s cart or they go for that dime from
13226s Mexico with the Poke now Showbox needs
13227s those healing or he needs a bit of
13229s healing from his brigitta ready to go
13230s with that Nana boost dive as well as
13231s super aware of that potential Nano dive
13233s here it comes immediately sleep dark is
13235s available those fires already found out
13236s the wall there's the Sleep nice sleep as
13238s well white as the arrow hits so he
13240s doesn't get woken up as well now comes
13241s from that left side point gets castled
13243s as well with the not fully charged shot
13245s copy came through from trouble at the
13247s twine to give Mexico the advantage but
13249s they've already found one oh my God
13250s mid-air shot onto the echo I mean we're
13253s gonna see a highlight reel of super
13254s Moxie but it's I'm telling you this can
13256s be most whelming highlight reel I'll
13257s ever see this is where Echo really pulls
13261s off significantly this is what we're
13262s talking about right the team and
13263s composition that you start off in the
13265s body with is not going to be the
13266s composition you finish it with because
13267s Echo just so vulnerable in that Skybox
13270s hardly any room and building to be able
13272s to play in the sky is your position
13273s around it's gonna swap off the echo onto
13275s that Sombra but I mean Super's gonna
13278s have the Sonic she's gonna be able to
13279s figure out where the Sombra flanks him
13281s from it's all about the dive
13282s coordination now from Mexico he's been
13284s in the same spot the whole game he's
13286s just sitting above the bus I feel like
13287s whenever he switched the Aspire for POV
13289s we're watching like that guy sweating on
13290s the computer like and then the other
13292s guy's just like Just Dance it around
13294s doing whatever he wants drops the dragon
13296s swag down below looking for that back
13297s line There He Go is around the bus does
13300s have that song but Roblox looking for a
13302s Spire who's looking for that dual
13304s onheile the right side but he's focused
13306s by the entirety of Mexico on the front
13307s line who is still healthy hands that
13309s rally to go he dropped the pulse bomb as
13310s well unfortunately does not kill anybody
13311s because the Nano boost onto super to
13313s sustain him he kills castle with the
13315s Sonic Arrow so Castle's no longer here
13317s who had the prime of wage too surely
13319s will force Mexico to reset temporarily
13323s at the moment so much resources
13327s to keep him topped off and healthy so
13330s that like he said he can literally just
13331s hold this ankle on bus and continue to
13334s apply all of this pressure onto Mexico
13336s as they walk around that corner now that
13339s Bruce now on to Castle to force I'm off
13340s of it no diver's first time the hack
13343s onto RuPaul to make sure they're not
13344s able to meet him and keep him alive as
13346s now we see the dive to come through
13348s Mexico finally able to break around that
13350s first corner so we'll jump back to his
13352s team nice Premier League from him who
13354s got sticky afterwards getting that off
13357s EMP dive now here comes through with
13359s that dive from Mexico the bolt the diva
13360s bomb is there but the bubble is too
13362s strong they could not break it in time
13363s perfect bubble from Castle and the rally
13365s was there the counter the div Obama just
13367s super Matthew Lisi and his fire back
13369s towards when a hat comes through onto
13371s his fire on the car and he can't even
13372s touch and Moxie Mexico is taking a map
13375s one to one going to map three first map
13379s through the tournament
13380s they see the Challenger of the off-road
13382s they see off the challenge of the Opera
13385s this is why you don't do two trolls
13388s right one off rule I get it having super
13389s on the Genji Shore but then why put
13391s hydrant on the way like there this is
13393s you can't do two one the two's too many
13395s one's good two too many what would you
13397s say would you advise the super comes in
13399s on the Genji and then they play
13400s collusion yes yeah but that's exactly
13403s what it is though yeah exactly you don't
13405s agree I mean I agree I agree and
13408s honestly like for Mexico I'm just I'm so
13411s happy I am so happy that they're able to
13414s see that challenge because you know that
13417s would play Havoc with the players heads
13419s and when you're in such a stressful
13421s position of knowing that furry groups
13424s qualify from your team that you're up
13426s against USA and Canada and Puerto Rico
13429s is breathing down your necks as a
13431s potential competitor as well you need to
13434s show that you're strong you can't afford
13436s to show any of these teams weaknesses
13438s because everyone is going to be watching
13440s these these videos every single team is
13443s going to be looking at those vods and
13444s going right that time write that down
13446s they're not able to handle this this
13447s looks a little bit weaker this is
13448s something that we can Expose and take
13450s advantage of a Mexico they survive the
13453s tests that USA for in their path
13455s hopefully when we head into a map number
13457s three we can't see the roles reverse and
13460s back in the rightful places you
13462s mentioned everybody looking back at the
13464s vods Moxie this is like uh the USA is
13468s putting a Target on their back with this
13469s I gotta be honest with you like I like
13471s this I'm a big fan of what USA just did
13473s they're absolutely hard putting Hydra on
13475s the Winston super online games that's
13476s what OverWatch is all about you know
13478s Gator the coach Jade as I call him know
13480s him like that yeah uh me and Jada you
13483s know obviously do a bit of trolling on
13484s the Atlanta rain we would do at points
13486s versus the Toronto defiant would just
13487s not even touch the point just to sustain
13489s the game out make it as brutal for them
13491s as possible and it's just all in funny
13493s games but let me tell you the community
13494s does not like that the community in
13497s general is going to be like okay you're
13499s you're Target number one you're we don't
13501s like you now okay USA you tried the
13503s troll versus the Beloved Mexico you
13505s tried to run hydrone Winston super on
13507s Genji and guess what it did not work so
13509s I would not be surprised if uh if USA
13512s maybe maybe I've studied spaghetti some
13514s people much
13516s I mean oh we talked about flexibility of
13519s plays but yeah I'm I'm with you on this
13522s one it's it's a little bit I love it
13526s I love it a little bit of a troll such a
13530s troll that you could literally put a
13532s bridge over it and lock in and Barney is
13534s lijiang
13541s now all this we could do we just have to
13542s see that round number three and you
13544s think they lock hydrogen on the Winston
13545s again in super on Genji Machi for
13550s USA don't want to be defeated
13554s right now yeah it's it's it's all fun
13557s and games on that second map well you
13560s can still take that one on map number
13562s three the one the quote unquote golden
13565s stage comes into question
13567s USA are not going to hold back they want
13571s a 100 win rate and they are going to do
13573s everything in their power including
13575s putting the players on the rightful
13577s rolls to achieve that if I'm magical I
13580s am mad you're gonna play the game
13583s what the hell is this
13585s hey wait what it was the 2K all right I
13588s mean it was this was a sick melee
13589s through the shield right because you
13591s don't you don't know how many cancels
13593s the rally is
13595s yeah it was it was cool but you know
13597s like I said if I'm Mexico I'm I'm
13599s absolutely mad right now the fact that
13602s USA is trying to put Heinz from Winston
13604s Genji as well in the lobby I mean I bet
13606s you don't sit down and take this lightly
13608s Mexico just got pretty much memed on by
13610s USA almost punked on but they fought it
13612s back and you know I'm sure Mexico going
13614s to this next map I'm sure that they are
13616s all ready to go because if you look on
13618s the opposite side monks the USA is
13619s probably barely even woken up they
13620s probably woke up what time is it now
13622s it's 5 16. they probably like didn't
13624s even scream for this match they probably
13625s woke up out of bed rolled up supers like
13627s I guess all does go Pub stomp Mexico I
13630s guess I'll just wake up and come roll
13631s them but in this situation you know
13633s Mexico might might be ready to go more
13635s getting those warm-ups where they go for
13637s this match you know getting their team
13638s prepared getting all ready and I feel
13640s like USA you know I'm obviously putting
13642s words in their mouth but I would not be
13643s surprised if they were taking Mexico
13645s lightly I love that you literally asked
13649s me rhetorically of course whether or not
13652s I know the time in America right now no
13655s Dustin I don't know this time in between
13657s 15 bazillions
13660s it's 517 or in European terms that would
13663s be is that 17 wait is that that would be
13666s 1700 right because it's like a military
13668s am I wrong no wait yeah that would be
13672s 17. it would be 17 o'clock 1700 is five
13675s why do you guys do that it's five p.m
13677s yes 5 p.m so why do you do 1700 why are
13680s we going to the thousands dude it's okay
13682s more important questions what time is it
13684s in Toronto because that's what had it
13686s now
13686s while you do some analysis I'll look up
13689s what time it is in Toronto right now
13690s there you go a little peek behind the
13693s curtains
13694s peacefully going to use an unnamed watch
13697s engines 818. it's 8 18. I just want to
13700s let you know it's 8 18 in Toronto Canada
13701s at the moment
13703s pressing question can that search engine
13705s answer uh what roles uh USA going to be
13710s playing on in fact maybe maybe we can
13711s hit up Team Canada right now and uh ask
13713s magic Maple whether or not it looks
13716s likely that the Team USA are going to be
13718s actually playing on on the rolls that
13720s the players are suited for what's what's
13722s that seems most likely well yes I would
13725s agree
13727s oh my God man oh I'm still in shock and
13730s all at the moment but we are going to
13732s this man in Queen Street obviously going
13735s to be our third map and um Moxie I mean
13739s what a way that we see this uh map
13741s number three so far in the World Cup I
13744s mean what a way to do it right it's uh
13746s very surprising that the game with
13748s Mexico versus USA
13751s for a second I worried I still say for
13754s the lineup and I was like they're not
13755s doing it again surely no super is going
13758s to be tanking hydrone and Aspire are
13760s going to be on the DPS and uh we can
13762s have a look and try and figure out what
13764s exactly it is that they're going to be
13765s running it does look like super is going
13767s to be rocking out on that Wrecking Ball
13769s as a Mexico going to be Fielding dive of
13772s their own that Winston alongside Momo on
13775s the lawyer it does put a lot more
13777s emphasis on Castle being able to survive
13779s that jump back given that Moira
13781s unfortunately doesn't have the ability
13782s to be able to heal the wins in midair
13783s like the Anna but the more in comparison
13786s to the Anna has a lot more survivability
13788s on her own Inspire we're going the
13790s Tracer has been really
13792s been it has been that star player for
13795s USA so far hydrant breaks the
13796s translocator of turbulence meanwhile yes
13800s the bank out of there as well because he
13802s takes that pressure from Angel villado
13804s Carr really not controlled by anybody
13805s because USA understands as well gets
13808s targeted that hack combination alongside
13810s the spy with the follow-up just does not
13812s allow him to fade out don't have the
13814s light off
13818s as well
13820s damn that Anna now moving on to the Zen
13823s if he can take down rubble at the same
13825s time that's gonna be huge for this team
13827s Super's back for the pill how volatile
13829s looking like the next
13831s villain
13833s in the back line he's doing a great job
13835s zoning it out to make sure he gets away
13836s from on Hell on Hell patiently waited
13838s super was hacked now drops the wrecking
13840s ball mines in the car but he's killed in
13842s the air by Mexico who drops the cold
13844s lessons but Momo is hacked during it
13846s like you mentioned Moxie but they're
13847s still healthy so it's not that big of a
13849s deal for now Mexico are up a man in this
13852s fight as fire still has that pulse bomb
13853s waiting over the top side looking for
13855s that moment to use that phase before he
13857s commits it or he could use it on the
13859s Lucio but he's peeled out by
13861s unhealthilotto perfect timing into that
13863s EMP though from hydron amazing setup
13865s from him that was a three-man EMP on the
13868s Mexico Castle goes incredibly low and
13870s USA have controlled the robot again fill
13873s the lining sofa doesn't have to wait for
13875s USA to make that first move and commit
13877s the EMP before they're going to be able
13878s to use that sound bar and as a result
13880s Mexico in this next fight can use it
13882s play aggressively off of the opportunity
13884s that their Sombra can slide into that
13886s path just has to be careful however as
13888s Ripple is going to need to be hit by the
13890s song rolls and it's so close to
13891s Transcendence which can just keep us
13893s safe through
13894s where did he go with the EMP but like
13896s you said that Transcendence from RuPaul
13897s is going to be deadly like sort of deal
13899s with B drop engage from Mexico so if I
13902s use it a nice hack actually EMP connects
13904s onto his fire in the window on the low
13906s ground however doesn't find any Direct
13908s Value in terms of kills Joe Bloodstone
13910s has that healing orb to move forward
13911s also and the Boost in Primal Ray or
13914s Bramble rage committed from castle wall
13915s nanoboost was used onto Rupal to save
13917s him from that dive meanwhile now has to
13919s use that transcendence's castle commits
13921s the Primal race Mexico goes incredibly
13922s low during this fight we'll see if they
13924s can sustain but old survival dpsing and
13927s RuPaul as well we talked about this back
13929s line and they do it again 2K for Ultra
13932s and one for Rupal well the backline like
13934s you said it's perfect ultra violet Nanos
13936s Rupal who doesn't actually have to use
13938s Transcendence to deal with that EMP
13940s that's what Mexico were trying to force
13942s out and as a result Angel villado when
13944s he finds that stick onto RuPaul or goes
13946s for it RuPaul still has the ultimate to
13948s be able to keep that zone alive and as a
13950s result Discord just tanks Mexico's
13952s entire health line with that extra 25
13955s damage that they take and it's gonna be
13957s USA looking to pick up those early
13959s checkpoints mama is hacked early already
13961s hacked again now to drop that
13962s coalescence because of it
13964s but USA makes the first move EMP
13967s connects onto castles
13970s is the one that follows it up you don't
13973s need no burst damage if your Sombra can
13975s just absolutely Shred with the nail gun
13977s Port Charlotte trying to back up into
13979s this right side to play around that
13981s health pack with a Spire I mean it's too
13983s hard to deal with it that is that it's a
13984s very crucial Health back to pack by the
13986s way
13987s they're understanding that Aspire and
13990s hydron are just able to just chunk
13991s through the spike lines the second that
13993s they show up with that Discord allowing
13995s them to get so much more damage done the
13997s trouble blocks I was able to actually
13999s spot out hydron and this is gonna have
14000s to be Mexico making sure that USA
14003s doesn't find that trade backing off
14004s giving up a little bit of space but
14006s there it is sort of like a little bit
14008s too much to choose and Rupal takes him
14010s down yeah this is a problem with new
14012s Queen Street is that some of these
14013s really good teams know how to play it so
14014s well if you just back up after losing a
14016s member doesn't matter how aggressive you
14017s go robot still in an unfavorable
14020s position
14021s for Mexico now they have the group
14024s around this card again who was which has
14025s made it all the way to the checkpoint
14026s yet again his fire still waiting at that
14028s four storm on helpful Auto has his own
14030s looking for his fire the double Puck on
14032s him with the orb and the Annie healing
14033s on hell waiting for that dive with
14035s castle castle had to take that space But
14036s he loses his life because of it on the
14038s right side sticks the force bomb though
14040s into rupo but it's immediately nanoed so
14042s the value is removed and the rest of
14044s Mexico will collapse the USA on the
14046s front line with four minutes and 22
14048s seconds left USA control the robot again
14051s they've got Transcendence as well to be
14053s able to deal with follow-up from this
14055s EMP but I mean Mexico don't really have
14057s the damage first to be able to play off
14058s of it this is the problem when you're
14060s running traces ombra EMP lasts so little
14062s time and you don't have something that
14064s can just chunk these players down like a
14066s castle your hands though the znp comes
14068s through but what's the follow-up they
14069s don't even need you to Transcendence
14070s this is the second time USA have been
14072s emped and sat on the zenal and his fire
14075s came back and dealt with angel villado
14077s with the orb as well
14078s able to get that kill Castle on the
14080s front line has killed Rupal though who
14082s is committing that Transcendence later
14084s obviously now results in Castle finding
14086s those two as well maybe he'll have to
14088s use Primal if it gets too low but no
14089s adds the healing from his supports and
14091s slowly but surely the Hague is working
14092s way back in this Momo does get killed by
14094s hydron on the back side however so we'll
14096s have to wait for him to get back on the
14098s spawn but Mexico is having control of
14099s the robot again Carmel and Raleigh
14102s available for Mexico so sustainability
14104s but unfortunately not a lot of kill
14107s potential to come through especially
14109s because the USA is still just sitting on
14111s so much zoning all of that EMP the pulse
14114s form and the Hammond lines and then he
14116s go they take too long USA get to make
14118s the first move oh the Sleep guard came
14120s through looked like it onto his Spire
14121s fantastic Momo's been so good
14123s unfortunately did die so did so put a
14125s super backline gone for Mexico don't
14127s have any healing and again now Mexico's
14129s starting to look Shell Shocked canceled
14131s desperately tries to get back to his
14133s Team USA and Patrol the robot again they
14135s have three ultimates by the way USA
14136s building up to the Nano as well EMP
14137s desperately should be built for trouble
14139s locks to his hacked super forcing him
14141s off that robot for now meanwhile she'll
14143s watch attacking one side behind her and
14145s the dive comes through so he has to
14145s translocate back hydrogen goes low
14147s though down till pretty much 10 HP has
14150s to back up to his team but it's able to
14152s find troubles commit the Transcendence
14153s immediately afterwards fantastic work
14155s for him one of the best flex supports in
14157s the world to kill trophallots there on
14159s that back side and Castle now tries to
14160s regroup with his team but he's Tracked
14162s Down by USA who are going forward
14165s dominant fashion and what a state
14168s oh my God 2K and USA continue to push
14172s this robot forward I'm going to have to
14175s wait for the full regorp as we can see
14177s his flight is going for that spy check
14178s trying to figure out where the Sombra
14180s DMP is going to come through most likely
14182s however it's going to be held in the
14183s pocket until we see super and besties
14185s but no maybe he could get a girl again
14191s Nana boost him takes that EMP and slams
14194s down two make it three room four why not
14197s get the 5K give him a four he's popping
14200s the heck off and we still have Aspire
14202s POV but it doesn't matter because
14204s they're about to close out on Manito and
14206s hope a lot will get the pulse bomb onto
14208s Old trailer the Spire is gone now's your
14210s chance buddy RuPaul let's see if you can
14212s close it out it's incredibly horrible
14214s the situation they're in but he's doing
14215s it he's got five at the moment with the
14217s healing orb onto his Sombra super is
14220s integrated and they slowly have to back
14222s up because we're on push and the spawn
14224s doors are far too close but Mexico have
14227s such a mountain to climb dalston USA
14231s nearly full push they essentially
14232s touched Mexico's spawn doors and Mexico
14235s are going to have to actually equalize
14238s the distance and it's going to be soon
14240s into overtime USA with the CMP can
14243s literally just wait for Mexico to invest
14245s these ultimates to win the next fight
14246s and just steamroll through them with
14248s attrition
14249s EMP built up soon though kobos has to
14253s translocate back meanwhile Nano
14254s committed from Mobile on the castle the
14256s dive has been in crowded Telegraph so
14258s USA at this point really know the castle
14260s is trying to do meanwhile they're going
14261s throwing EMP on the moment who was
14263s committed that nanoboost had it set up
14264s in the aggressive position to make sure
14265s he's close enough to die from the back
14266s line but that resulted in him losing his
14268s life and now USA try to regroup get some
14271s healing on to hydrant as well who has
14272s been playing Ultra greedy but it works
14274s out for them because they're looking for
14276s that back line Super Attack though and
14277s unhappilotto came back for the peel 30
14279s seconds left now and a lot of distance
14281s to go over 100 meters and USA is in a
14285s very defensible position
14287s EMP from 12 sports that Transcendence
14290s though from Liverpool it's there in time
14291s to save his team in that Primal from
14292s Castle the blue balls pulled up the map
14294s of this fire came back and get that kill
14295s onto Castle meanwhile as fire has to
14298s play around that statue avoid Forest
14299s bomb from on Hell who now has the
14301s Discord or bottom and gets ran over by
14303s both hydron and that Zenyatta a loophole
14307s 22 seconds left pool spawn here as well
14309s onto the bus station and it touched the
14312s car Mexico touches the cart to bring us
14314s into overtime Castle will eventually
14316s make it back but USA at the end of the
14319s day win the series versus Mexico in the
14322s group stages two to one yeah I mean look
14324s at what USA take that final fight as
14325s well they make sure that as little
14327s places
14332s we're not We're not gonna happen sorry
14335s my bad guys my bad my bad
14337s a little bit excited but I mean you are
14341s so when they want to play they they
14343s really do play like I said when we move
14345s into that map free and they can
14347s potentially take an L not just one map
14349s but a series they are going to show up
14351s and be entirely serious and we saw the
14354s entirely serious show of USA just using
14357s RuPaul on that Zenyatta punishing the
14359s fact that there was no mirrors on so
14361s there's no way of being able to just
14363s counter Discord but Discord and then
14365s just with that damage reductions on the
14367s Nano boost unkillable essentially Ripple
14370s got turned into the Terminator at the
14372s end of that map fantastic word from him
14374s and wipe to speak to Ash now to break
14375s everything down welcome back Ash or
14378s lovely host it's good to speak to you
14379s again
14381s thank you thank you so much what an
14383s interesting match that we just witnessed
14385s between these two teams I do like that
14388s Mexico in map number two though on
14390s numbani didn't allow Team USA to
14393s actually run natural composition very
14396s much so taking that power back into
14398s their own hands and like you were saying
14400s Moxie demanding that respect yeah I mean
14403s no one wants to lose to patrol pick
14405s right no one and so for Mexico they can
14409s be happy they were able to take one map
14411s off of USA they were also able to really
14413s stand up too in terms of those more
14415s serious compositions when we saw in that
14417s first map over Gardens it went pretty
14420s close to the wire where they were able
14421s to adapt around the composition that a
14423s USA run out with
14425s yeah and overall though Team USA I mean
14428s in the first match that we saw there on
14430s the young Tower they did look really
14433s strong at Dustin you're saying even
14435s stronger than how they looked versus
14437s Team Canada yesterday but walk me
14439s through what happened in map three how
14441s did Mexico kind of come back and start
14444s to make it a tighter series well yeah in
14446s map number two they just came back
14448s because they put hydrant on to Winston
14450s and they put super on Genji I mean
14452s that's like the that's the overall
14453s explanation I can give you Genji's a
14455s super as a tank player obviously and
14457s then you got uh hydron who's a DPS
14459s player on Winston that's goofy as heck
14460s and luckily Mexico obviously did uh
14463s Stave it off there but obviously on the
14464s map number three they slowly worked
14466s things together they were getting those
14467s dives off but at a certain point when
14470s you're really only players on on uh on
14473s hell vulado just go kill or you know
14475s sand castled in with the Nano boost go
14477s do something it just gets too easy to
14480s understand and at a certain point USA
14482s just read them like a book and it was
14484s too difficult
14485s is that but one look at what the win
14488s condition was with angel villado trying
14490s to coordinate that dive alongside Roblox
14492s on the Sombra report comes into the
14494s equation on that then trace's health is
14496s already an absolute sliver compared to
14498s some heroes in OverWatch
14500s 150. if you get just slightly tapped by
14503s a Zen volley you're gone within seconds
14506s but then you add that Discord odd one
14508s especially given the fact that Roblox if
14510s he gets found out in that Sombra and the
14513s disc golf gets landed on his head it's
14515s really easy to be able to tell where
14517s you're trying to disengage from so all
14518s of the bite in this dive in the
14521s aggression that Mexico wanted to show
14523s was entirely taken away by that sense
14526s staying alive for as long as possible
14528s which is why we saw USA invest so
14530s on peeling for that Zen and making sure
14533s that RuPaul and the discords had as much
14535s uptime as possible
14537s and into that third map then would you
14540s say Dustin that do you think Mexico
14542s would have maybe had a bit more success
14543s if they were a bit more like flexible in
14545s their compositions or in those plays
14547s like Moxie was just talking about
14549s uh maybe yeah maybe I mean a bit of a
14551s little bit of a Debbie down here I just
14552s feel like uh USA kind of just
14555s orders the better team honestly I mean
14556s like maybe yeah like with some
14557s flexibility if we're looking like
14558s rasping and straws here I think that
14560s they could have thrown maybe on Hell
14562s onto something else like the Hanzo or
14563s something you know maybe maybe something
14565s like that but
14566s yeah I I just think that overall they
14568s just got outmatched
14570s I mean that's all fair to say right with
14572s the fact that Team USA is the reigning
14574s champion of the most recent
14577s reason a couple years ago OverWatch
14579s World Cup we have that anticipation
14581s coming out from this team meanwhile team
14583s Mexico uh these players not as decorated
14587s not as familiar here within the
14589s OverWatch community so that's also a big
14592s difference in that experience even
14594s though Nomi is heading them as that
14596s coach there moxie yeah so I think
14598s honestly the problem is that USA like
14601s you said with all of that experience and
14602s also these players who are playing at
14604s like OverWatch League level they have an
14607s understanding when you swap off because
14609s well you swap you do count up one thing
14612s that's being run but that then drains
14614s resources that you have to be able to
14616s deal with other things for instance if
14619s they did try to go for like that mirror
14621s onto the Zen they couldn't really
14623s because you would just be overrun by the
14625s Tracer and the Sombra that's why we saw
14626s them go for The Best of Both Worlds
14628s survivability a lot of Peel but also the
14631s ability to be able to defend yourself
14632s with the kiriko which is in my opinion
14634s the best swap that they could have made
14637s all really good points to take note of
14638s for this Mexican team going into the
14641s future of the remainder of this week
14642s right but we do have an interview right
14645s on the other side of this break when
14647s we're back we'll be here with Ana
14649s villado
14656s [Music]
14679s thank you
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14819s thank you
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15304s welcome back everybody to the OverWatch
15306s World Cup here in the Americas region we
15309s just saw timay go go one and two versus
15311s Team USA and I have an interview here
15314s alongside with me being Angel volado uh
15318s Gigi's and I was just wondering on hell
15320s how are you feeling were you nervous
15323s going into this matchup against Team USA
15327s hello hello
15330s um
15331s prism thank you for the interview
15333s and to answer your question
15336s um yes so we were really nervous
15339s especially the first map
15341s and that definitely
15345s [Music]
15345s um
15346s affected us on our performance
15350s I mean to be fair Team USA is definitely
15352s a monster of a team to be here one of
15355s the top contenders especially within the
15357s Americas region alone right so I was
15361s actually curious with Nomi being the
15364s coach for Team Mexico I I was wondering
15366s what kind of experience you feel he
15368s brings to the table especially with the
15370s fact that you know we you ended up
15373s facing up against super and that was I
15376s think a bit of a surprise to see him
15377s subbing in and Nomi has a history
15379s playing on San Francisco shock with him
15380s as well
15383s yeah as you said
15385s [Music]
15385s um
15386s the Team USA all over which league
15389s players
15390s um plenty of experience
15392s and much respect to all of them and also
15396s from Nami yeah I feel like our team
15400s learned a lot throughout these months
15403s in his experience definitely helped us
15406s and
15408s thing
15410s it really it really showed
15415s yeah I'm really glad to hear like that
15417s you guys have a coach like know me
15418s backing you up and whatnot so were you
15421s guys anticipating I guess super actually
15423s subbing in today or were you expecting
15425s to play up against maybe sugar-free
15427s instead
15430s um
15431s it was actually a surprise to see super
15433s we were expecting college to play
15436s in in sugar-free but yeah it got it was
15440s surprised
15442s did that shake up I guess like the
15444s preparation that you guys had done
15445s anticipating collusions sugar-free
15449s instead leading into today's matchup
15453s hmm
15455s uh a little bit but I think we we warmed
15459s up and we prepare mentally
15463s I wouldn't say that much
15466s well that's good to hear at the very
15467s least and my last big question for you I
15471s guess is despite how the score line
15474s ended up panning out here for this
15476s particular matchup you still showed in
15479s like impeccable individual prowess as a
15482s player within your mechanics and we that
15484s was a big reason as to why you were one
15486s of the top three team MVPs that we ended
15489s up showcasing earlier today within the
15491s pre-show so I wanted to give you this
15493s opportunity to I guess tell us a little
15495s bit about your story and how you got
15497s here playing for Team Mexico and just
15499s your journey within OverWatch in general
15503s on Thursday and thank you for the
15505s compliments
15506s and the MVP as of my story
15511s um I started playing OverWatch on
15513s console
15514s back in 2017.
15518s and well
15519s I always have always been a competitive
15522s player so my goal was always to get to
15525s the top
15527s and well as the years went by
15532s um I ranked up I reached rank one on
15534s Console but seeing that
15537s um
15538s that the competitive scene was on
15541s PC and not console back then since there
15545s was no close cross play
15547s um then
15549s I decided to make the move and switch to
15552s PC
15554s so after that uh
15558s yeah I proceeded to to keep grinding
15560s running
15562s OverWatch league has always been my goal
15564s so
15567s after though after I couldn't like do
15571s the tryouts for Team Mexico last World
15573s Cup I think it was 2019
15577s um so I was waiting excited for the next
15581s opportunity
15582s and just you know okay keep grinding NPC
15586s getting better so as soon as I got my
15589s chance
15590s I did the trials this year and I got on
15593s the team and it's only
15596s it's only gonna keep getting better and
15598s I'm gonna keep grinding
15600s well I think we're all really excited to
15602s see you keep grinding and we definitely
15605s wish you luck within the next matches
15607s that UNC Mexico have within the
15609s remainder of the OverWatch World Cup uh
15612s and have a lot of definitely a DPS
15614s player to look out for you guys if
15616s anybody is scouting out there but thank
15619s you so much for your time and for this
15620s interview I want to just give you one
15622s last moment to give any shout outs or
15625s thank yous before we head out
15628s um thank you thank you um
15631s to all my family members all my friends
15635s and especially my girlfriend thank you
15638s all for the support everyone who's
15639s watching thank you
15641s to my team my coach
15645s and yeah thank you everyone
15649s appreciate the support
15651s well good luck with the remainder of
15653s your matches going into day three and
15655s into next week as well on hipolado again
15657s thank you so much for the interview and
15660s everybody at home in chat we are just
15661s gonna wrap up right now but on the other
15664s side of this break you guys can stay
15665s tuned for the last match of today's
15667s OverWatch World Cup online qualifiers
15669s stay tuned for Guatemala versus Costa
15672s Rica
15678s foreign
15682s [Music]
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15810s thank you
15811s [Music]
15822s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
15824s World Cup America's conference online
15826s qualifiers we are all wrapped up now to
15829s the fifth and final match of today it's
15832s going to be Guatemala versus Costa Rica
15834s and Dustin for this matchup it's going
15837s to be a fight of who's going to keep
15839s themselves out of one of those last play
15841s spots oh for sure yeah these teams
15844s really need to just uh show what they've
15846s got today right obviously I think uh
15849s later on I'm sure Maxwell mentioned it
15850s but these teams really are trying to
15852s fight for that third spot obviously
15853s avoid last place like you mentioned but
15855s also really trying to make sure they
15856s could potentially qualify even and for
15859s both of them I think it's gonna be
15861s Incredibly Close matchup I mean
15863s obviously Costa Rican Guatemala have
15864s kind of similar compositions in terms of
15867s what they do but I think that overall
15870s this should be a hyper competitive match
15872s absolutely but on top of that we saw
15875s what these teams play yesterday as well
15877s and both of them looked a little bit
15880s stiff if you could say so Moxie yeah I
15884s think this is what's gonna make it
15885s really interesting between these two
15887s teams because we've seen a lot of teams
15889s today have significant improvement from
15891s their performances yesterday and both of
15894s these teams suffer from the exact same
15896s issue which is sticking on a composition
15899s a little bit too long there was one
15901s round in particular for Costa Rica
15903s yesterday where they were running a
15905s symmetra on Night Market they swapped to
15907s women it was like 61 to 70 in terms of
15910s point percentage for both of the teams
15912s involved but by then the swap was just
15914s incredibly late and when we actually
15916s wrapped game then he wasn't even past 60
15919s of the blizzard before you had to swap
15921s to the choice and to be able to stop the
15922s point so you really do have to be on the
15925s wall when it comes to calling those hero
15927s swaps and counter picking against what's
15930s obviously not working for your team
15932s absolutely and here's a little
15934s introduction to the Costa Rica Squad
15936s that we've seen before but before we
15938s talk a little bit too much about them I
15941s know that both these teams Costa Rica
15943s and Guatemala are fan favorites for
15945s their countries of course so as a
15948s reminder to you guys the World Cup Home
15950s and Away skin bundles are now live so if
15952s you want to support these teens hurry up
15954s and get them before they leave the shop
15955s on June 27th there are three bundles for
15958s emec aipac and America you got both home
15961s and away skins for all the heroes in
15963s those bundles and they support the teams
15966s directly by contributing to the World
15968s Cup prize pool for the first ever
15970s crowdfunded prize pool for the owwwc so
15973s shop now at battlenet.com or on the
15974s OverWatch 2 in-game shop you guys can
15977s learn more at overwatchworldcup.com as
15980s well but without further Ado we do have
15982s to get talking about these rosters
15985s Dustin we already talked about the
15988s rigidity but is there anything Costa
15990s Rica do you think could pull out to come
15993s out on top in this matchup I mean yeah
15995s there's always like uh some fantastic
15997s DPS played via the Hanzo via like some
16000s of those One-Shot characters potentially
16002s even some some Sombra
16005s um but you know at the end of the day I
16006s think that this matchup really is hinged
16008s who is more warmed up but you know who
16011s is actually you know the star players in
16013s both of these teams because
16014s realistically they just gotta make their
16016s name known right obviously they're
16017s they're not off to a great start both of
16019s these teams starting off Owen one so far
16021s and in day number two both want to make
16023s a statement so realistically I don't
16026s know if I can say if there's any
16027s individual comp or not they could play I
16029s just think that there's gotta there's
16031s gonna be that one or two like players on
16033s your team that truly stand out and kind
16036s of carry your team to not really like
16038s you mentioned being in that bottom scene
16040s you gotta work your way up and sort of
16042s make a name for yourself and your team
16045s yeah now looking over towards this
16047s Guatemala Squad they played up against
16049s Puerto Rico yesterday and vendett euron
16052s was this player that I believe Chef
16054s Billy was talking about about how he
16055s likes to try to bait out the other tank
16057s maybe set up some trap plays here Moxie
16061s do you think that it's gonna work out up
16063s against the Costa Rica roster and it's
16065s always dangerous when you go for that
16067s style of play because what it means is
16069s it's going to be slow so if you look at
16071s how the first map type plays which is
16073s control point if you're not in control
16076s of that point and you're playing that
16078s slowly and you don't win the fight
16080s afterwards that's a lot of point
16082s percentage stacked for your opponent and
16085s a lot of percentage you're going to be
16086s working against to be able to stall if
16088s you are able to take control of the
16089s point afterwards
16091s yeah all really good shouts there
16093s overall I think it's going to be a super
16095s interesting match up here especially
16097s considering that both of these teams are
16099s starting out on that back foot being oh
16102s in one right now within each of their
16104s matches from day one but we still have a
16107s few more days to go here Justin so it's
16110s going to be a hard-earned battle for
16112s either side oh for sure I think that as
16114s a fan this is going to be one of the
16116s most competitive matches so far
16119s um you know I mean obviously it could it
16120s could be a two-o still regardless but I
16123s think that both these teams at least for
16125s me mentally are relatively close in
16128s terms of skill levels so I think that
16129s this matchup at least is something that
16131s I was really excited for uh going into
16133s today because obviously with Team USA
16135s Mexico it's Team USA you don't expect it
16137s to be that close and then obviously with
16139s the Brazil playing earlier you know
16141s they're a really good team as well and I
16143s think that realistically this is going
16144s to be our closest matchup of the day and
16147s I think as a viewer as a fan of
16149s OverWatch this is the matchup I was most
16151s excited for well okay as a match to
16155s watch
16159s for it you guys
16163s count your blessings this time you guys
16166s but I'm gonna send you both over to
16168s ilios
16169s you've escaped it from Ash but uh
16173s why are you always swimming under the
16175s bus I swear
16179s I'm Bonnie okay superzone Handler we're
16182s waiting for that bus to come come on
16183s Dustin what's your pride yeah that that
16185s boss is all out of fuel sorry Maxi I
16187s think that sadly it went to Mexico and
16190s uh did not come back so today I'm not
16193s gonna get your prediction Moxie actually
16194s because I actually have no idea who's
16195s gonna win this series I'm gonna be
16197s honest it's a question mark for me in my
16198s head if I were to get a prediction on
16200s anybody would be you I think Moxie who
16202s would uh give such a fantastic
16205s prediction with all of your your brain
16207s power right give me a predictions wow
16210s your wood spin ship truly uh Rivals out
16213s of shoes
16215s no prediction then
16217s don't give me one you didn't give me one
16220s I plead the fifth well we're gonna be
16223s having a look at how these compositions
16225s are going to interact we're actually
16226s going to have a wrecking ball against
16227s the Jungle Queen so entirely different
16229s Wing conditions that junker Queen really
16231s wants to be able to just jump into this
16233s bike line but that's Zenyatta with that
16235s Discord orb is going to make it so hard
16237s for that junk between today in one piece
16239s I have to get close enough and we've
16241s seen this earlier with USA running the
16242s Wrecking Ball the hat comes through the
16243s dive on to Morello nice work
16248s Costa Rico able to get that kill on the
16251s guatemalas and a player and Guatemala
16253s already backs up from that point yeah
16255s Guatemala trying to run aranas on this
16258s symmetra most likely to take away from
16260s that one weakness of the Jungle Queen
16262s that distance the same for a writing
16264s heart is just not really being able to
16266s keep up the momentum of Costa Rica's
16267s eyes they see when that Anna is low they
16270s go for the pile drive and it's immediate
16272s aggression from the wrestling team to
16273s fall however that is a very good pick
16276s they shut it down immediately and aren't
16278s us again on that symmetra like he was
16280s previously allows Guatemala to walk into
16282s this point and it's starting to think
16283s that this guy's a bit of a symmetra one
16286s trick moxie I mean they understand that
16289s Costa Rica are trying to solve for the
16291s exact same thing and they should have
16292s bait them into it this time using that
16294s Jungle Queen utility to be able to
16295s punish those members of Costa Rica the
16297s more people you catch with the Carnage
16299s The more self-sustainability and uh
16302s damage you're going to slow to all of
16303s these places on Costa Rica's side who
16305s other than the break-inspire don't have
16306s AOE healing
16307s get Richie prioritizing keeping that
16309s hacked health pack nice volley from when
16312s tube in the back
16313s Hey look it's incredibly low because the
16315s engine has the translocate back ready
16317s with that dive but it's just simply too
16319s hard to get a kill at the moment against
16321s the semester Shield as well in the point
16322s but winter with the pulse bomb fantastic
16324s connection onto Vinci via that backline
16327s pressure now it's just on the semester
16329s which is fully charged to deal with the
16330s Sombra who emped them Nana Bruce also
16333s comes out of the turkey Queen to sustain
16334s this point
16335s it was incredibly low but Benji is the
16338s one to find a killing wedge Cuba saw the
16339s back line of Costa Rica doing a lot of
16341s work and eventually the front line
16343s collapses onto Guatemala flips the point
16345s back for Costa Rica just so much
16347s movement they walk way past that Nana
16350s Jungle Queen into that back line without
16352s that rally Cloud emologists do not have
16354s the sustainability and Costa Rica are
16357s able to use this Discord and just tear
16359s through the health it's the exact same
16360s thing that we saw from USA versus Mexico
16362s that's actually 25 damage that you take
16365s so much in comparison to the sustainers
16367s that's a very early EMP Guatemala trying
16369s to follow up are able to sit down design
16371s so no Transcendence
16373s nice work from them on that dive don't
16375s Vendetta Tron does get Benji meanwhile
16378s found Vince so Costa Rica still foreign
16381s relatively well they also have to hack
16382s under any of the point great work from
16384s them to hold on again up to 60 now
16386s winter also picked off erinos yeah
16388s really good tiger picks coming for Aaron
16391s is not going to be able to set up in
16392s position to be able to build up to that
16394s pulse bomb and bait this Transcendence
16396s iron from YouTube as Guatemala I'm going
16399s to have to use the Rampage and connects
16400s on to all of these players at least it
16403s has the anti-healing effect so
16404s Transcendence is gonna be nullified from
16406s that angle
16407s winter waiting above the point building
16410s towards that pull spawn hat comes
16411s through onto Arenas towards that Coastal
16413s front as well but does have the somber
16415s there as well as the shout from
16417s Guatemala's main tank player but winter
16419s again with the sticky and now the
16421s follow-up on the slam from baru and it's
16424s far too predictable for Guatemala at the
16426s moment if there's any more pickoffs here
16427s I think it might be all over for them
16430s yeah and I'm in Costa Rica they've
16432s hacked baru but he's still gonna be able
16434s to have the Hammond mines we've got that
16436s Benji rally coming through to allow them
16438s to get aggressive and push into the
16440s regrouping members of Guatemala so
16442s there's just no chance of tapping onto
16443s that point using the ride to sustain
16445s Towing the fight around with a
16447s well-placed rampage and it's the exact
16449s same thing we've seen from these teams
16451s that try to make the strong cooking
16452s composition work on ruins a map this has
16454s been long favored by Widowmaker with how
16456s long and open some of those sight lines
16459s are the exact same thing works against
16461s the Jungle Queen so detrimentally so
16463s hard to get her into a fight safely yeah
16466s I'm gonna be honest this Metro I don't
16468s know if that was exactly a Smart Pick
16470s there for RNs to run it on that map
16473s in fact it didn't work out for them in
16475s Costa Rica on the other side I mean the
16476s Dives have been so free Monster again
16479s that's the problem when you're using
16480s that Sumatra to try and play around the
16482s stronger Queen's imability it takes time
16484s to set these teepees up time that allies
16486s Costa Rica to be able to organize
16487s themselves and look for those pile Drive
16488s opportunities as Guatemala very much
16491s aware that they're going to be dog upon
16493s go for survivability in that backline
16495s it's going to be a Moira a little more
16497s Anna so when they come calling you've
16499s got the food
16500s you Dillo the winter with that diver
16502s waiting
16503s for Mario on the backside to go for that
16505s fate early Arena goes on to the actually
16507s incredibly aggressive player from the
16509s Jungle Queen of Guatemala hacked as well
16511s and dead instantly with not a lot of
16513s follow-up and help there they're trying
16515s to find that dive onto was a wet tube in
16518s that health pack but he didn't even go
16519s low at all and Costa Rica just removed
16522s Guatemala from the map
16524s let's take a hold on surely they're
16526s gonna get these follow-up kills and
16527s capture the point first I don't think
16529s they're expecting the Winston I think
16530s they're expecting the working poles
16531s we're going to see him very fast so
16533s there's Aaron us unfortunately we've all
16536s been uh get back to your respawn don't
16538s afford the other team any ultimate
16541s charge ahead of you has to throw himself
16543s into the world to regroup with his team
16545s faster so Winston now comes into play
16547s but Costa Rica he can literally just
16550s play so far back but it's so hard yeah
16552s that one seems to be able to connect
16553s with the process ombre looking for that
16555s dime does negate the hack for midello on
16558s the back side but they are bubbled in
16560s very early in the post bomb as well is
16562s there from Winter dive does come through
16564s still even after he took that full spawn
16566s damage but a counter Force ball from
16567s Aaron us and he connects honorable
16569s winter and wedge tube what a pulse bomb
16571s from him and the rest of Guatemala come
16573s through on this point yanello surely has
16575s to back up as well Benji does find a
16577s kill on to aranasi could somehow clutch
16579s the fisty's mechanic was killed enough
16580s they popped the rally but they lose the
16582s yellow it's just that I'm
16591s Guatemala at that point they came so
16594s close to uh to Rolling a strike
16596s Master Shield flash everyone so close
16599s that well and just pop them off the hats
16602s off to Benji he tries it they at least
16604s will be able to store 45 of the point
16606s because of her but Richie's setting up
16607s in position for this EMP just passed the
16610s Spy check of the break in front of him
16611s trying to connect onto both of them at
16613s the same time does manage to find it
16614s where's the follow-up it's nothing gets
16617s back inflamed by Benji with the Nano
16620s baru also came back for the peel and you
16623s can see where that uh mentality is for
16625s Costa Rica is able to take a lot of
16627s these ultimates from Guatemala because
16628s they're just far too split Costa Rica
16630s control that point
16632s it's back in the paper Tracer Sombra
16634s dive is not just as simple as locking
16637s those Heroes and it really does require
16638s a lot of coordination that's why we see
16640s top tier teams play it but some other
16644s teams just like to go for other
16645s conversations which have far less
16647s communication required but can still
16649s find the same amount of insane value
16650s with just mechanical individual carry
16653s potential but I don't know that just not
16655s able to coordinate the Tracer Sombra
16657s well enough to take this backline down
16658s and sadly for for men that it doesn't
16661s seem like that really is not really a
16663s Winston player right Winter's already
16664s found Richie EMP comes through as well
16666s the counter that dive when tube hits the
16668s anti grenade the Primal Rage eventually
16670s comes through aaronis does fine Villa on
16673s the back side but that's just one kill
16674s it doesn't seem to be enough for them
16676s until okay they found webcam Arenas has
16678s been a standout player for Guatemala
16679s find those two kills also drops the
16681s pulse bomb too oh my God he's trying to
16683s put Guatemala on his back but winter
16685s will shut him down 92 hat comes through
16688s on the baru back at the point doesn't
16689s even come raging time so rich is there
16691s with the hack they have that opening
16692s till they have a Mario here for the
16694s heels but as long as Winter's here it
16695s might be tough they gotta shut winter
16697s down or at least force them off for now
16699s and they do so reclaiming that point
16701s good sign barrier they don't have to
16703s worry about jumping through the Hoops of
16705s avoiding EMP Richie's gonna be far
16707s closer to having one of his own in
16709s comparison to yodella but Costa Rica's
16711s lives have been so potent Guatemala
16713s cannot afford to lose a player early
16716s indeed borrow now sitting towards that
16718s main of the point hat comes through on
16720s to Bennett gets that beat though from
16722s busy perfectly timed EMP is being built
16725s up Costa Rica don't want to commit the
16726s ultimates just yet winter goes
16728s incredibly low they're sustaining the
16729s dive for now borrow now goes in with the
16730s Premier League after using the jump
16731s didn't time it exactly where he gets two
16733s jumps right after another but comes back
16734s after the recall of the Tracer Benji
16737s also eventually will find Bandit on the
16739s front line and he also gets rid of Vincy
16741s fantastic brick play from him to give
16743s them that 2K on their opening will
16746s control that point again winter has
16747s found Aaron us on the backside and EMP
16749s in desperation from Richie it's far too
16752s late winter collects the 3K drops the
16755s pulse bomb in celebration and Costa Rica
16757s will take mat number one the Dodgers
16759s just looked so strong even the primals
16762s coming through that last Prime love from
16764s Bower just entirely separates the
16767s background and the front line goes
16768s straight for the Lucio to make sure that
16770s that speed is just not there to be able
16772s to make sure that the tank stays alive
16773s long enough and from that it is just an
16776s absolute haunting gallery for the team
16779s of Costa Rica they look so put together
16782s compared to what we saw from yesterday
16784s and this is what I told you about Dustin
16785s some of these teams started off in the
16787s back but I had a couple of days now to
16789s be able to climatize figure out how they
16791s want to play how their opponent is going
16793s to play and they're looking so much
16795s better because of it yeah Costa Rica is
16798s uh is looking way better than Guatemala
16800s at the moment really their dies
16801s recording it like you said I mean
16802s there's not much else I can say about it
16804s I mean it's going into this next one in
16806s this next map obviously off a map I I
16808s personally thought the series would be
16809s close I was dead wrong you're right I
16811s think that overall it seems like Costa
16813s Rica is in the driving seat at the
16815s moment Moxie and uh I mean why do you
16817s think that is it's just because of their
16818s Dives because they have the mechanical
16819s skill or is it the combination of those
16821s too I think a lot of teams fall into the
16825s Trap that is
16827s um that's a composition this is
16828s something that we talked about right
16829s it's not just as simple as putting the
16831s heroes in to the map you have to know
16834s the ins and outs and how to coordinate
16836s and communicate and work around each
16838s other and that was something we weren't
16839s seeing and it can work the Sombra going
16842s in solo with something like an EMP if
16844s that backline is not coordinated and
16847s you're able to take the break down
16849s before the saving Nana boost comes
16850s through and then you're contesting that
16852s sparked up Brigida who has all of the
16854s damage reduction and all of the ability
16856s of just being able to bop you around but
16859s what we saw from Costa Rica was that
16861s their backline was coordinated that they
16863s were able to use things like those
16864s saving Nano boosts and then you need the
16866s backing support of either your Tracer or
16869s your Winston but the dive just looked so
16871s much more disconnected and I think it
16873s Cycles back like you said maybe this
16875s team not having that Winston player they
16877s started off on the jungko queen they
16879s wanted to push that junker Queen but
16881s they had to swap off of it so soon
16883s because of the composition that they ran
16885s into and it just didn't look out for
16886s them in the long run yeah I'm really
16888s curious to see what they do on this uh
16890s this upcoming map
16892s but yeah in this one particular it was
16894s uh very rough I mean they found some
16896s opening picks they had some success with
16898s the counter dive I mean hell it might be
16900s a decent idea to try to run it again
16901s obviously I think you just got to come
16902s back when you peel a bit better
16904s it's not appeal Jungle Queen is not a
16907s pure attack I definitely don't mean just
16909s the dark queen but it's like vincey not
16911s staying here with marleo and stuff and
16913s it's like you know it's a bit of a
16915s disconnect it seems like the DPS but I'm
16918s I'm going maybe I'm like assuming things
16919s here Moxie but I would assume it's uh
16921s like Aaron Austin and Richie calling a
16924s lot of the Dives being that leader for
16925s their team and then everybody else
16927s trying to kind of blindly follow them
16928s but it results in a bit of a disconnect
16930s at times right with with the uh Bennett
16933s really just constantly just going for
16935s those Dives with them instead of maybe
16936s thinking before they go yeah
16938s again it comes down to how hard that's
16940s been communication is for this
16942s composition because it's not one person
16944s calling all of the shots it's not just
16947s like your main tank saying okay we go
16948s here we take the space we move on this
16950s player it is literally a sort of moving
16953s breathing animal a live vein of
16956s communication that goes between the tank
16958s but also the Tracer and the Sombra who
16960s are in those scouting positions and
16961s calling out those targets who are maybe
16963s a little bit out of position or easier
16965s to be able to carry it out of position
16967s that you can then capitalize on and the
16970s big tells a Telltale sign for me that we
16972s were seeing that disconnect was that
16974s when I be rich you or Aaron us were
16976s moving into positions to try to just
16978s chip those players down bend it on the
16981s Winston was not just a couple of seconds
16984s behind but sometimes 10 15 seconds late
16987s in jumping in and that does go to show
16990s that that communication with this
16992s composition is not quite fully figured
16995s out yeah exactly and uh you know maybe
16998s like uh just looking for you know into
17000s Guatemala all a bit more I mean I was on
17003s a team previously with like a long time
17005s ago when I made a scroll swap to Lucio
17007s temporarily and I played a team called
17009s citizen seven uh citizen zero and seven
17012s by the way we went zero and seven versus
17013s a lot of pro teams they uh we had a tank
17015s player that just wasn't very good so I
17018s literally microed him all the time like
17020s I was telling him when to shatter when
17021s to hold Shield when to push forward and
17023s stuff like that and you know it seems
17025s like that's what Guatemala is doing I
17026s would assume maybe like uh erinus or
17028s Richie are kind of like the star players
17030s of this team and could potentially be
17032s trying to tell what that tank player to
17034s do because maybe he's lagging behind in
17035s terms of the rake Department I obviously
17037s don't really know but I would assume
17039s maybe it's on that same trajectory where
17041s you're trying to micro which I mean Max
17043s you know a bit more than anybody
17044s whenever we played a rank together
17045s you're trying to tell me what to do
17046s where to position and stuff not all the
17048s time will you have somebody that uh that
17051s can listen and actually do exactly what
17053s you're thinking at every single moment
17055s yeah unfortunately playing Winston is
17057s not as simple as a monkey see monkey do
17060s what people might believe he is actually
17063s a pretty mechanically heavy tank you can
17066s very quickly work out the good monkeys
17069s from the bad ones especially whether or
17071s not they're able to with their primers
17072s pull off things like the short hops the
17074s full chuggles the melee on Landing as
17076s well which is one of just muscle
17078s memories of every Winston player when
17080s you jump look down at the ground melee
17082s to make sure that you get that
17082s additional damage on impact with that
17084s player that can sometimes be the
17086s Difference Maker of being able to secure
17088s that pick and it's no surprise to me
17091s that I mean having lost that mad
17094s Guatemala are going to take us somewhere
17096s as far away from dive as humanly
17099s possible circuit Royale is going to be
17102s coming through and I would imagine we're
17104s going to see the tank composition change
17107s up to reflect that for sure I think 100
17109s right if this is the map that we expect
17111s Guatemala to pick and you know this is
17113s got to be it right you gotta win right
17115s here and right now to bring us to that
17117s round number or map number three because
17119s obviously on ilios you're right they
17120s just couldn't do fuel with that dive and
17123s it feels like this kind of like uh
17124s similar thing that we're seeing a lot of
17126s these World Cup teams because obviously
17128s like we talked with the with those on
17130s hell earlier for uh Team Mexico he was
17133s talking about how you know a lot of
17134s these teams have OverWatch league
17135s players and a lot of that experience and
17137s stuff and it feels like you know just
17139s watching the tank player of Guatemala
17141s for example they a lot of these players
17142s don't like do a lot of that progression
17144s that we see a lot of these really good
17146s players do like checking Corners
17147s checking angles you know reacting to
17149s what's happening to you instead like a
17151s lot of teams are just kind of like going
17152s okay this is our plan we don't have a
17154s plan B plan C why do you think that is
17156s Moxie is it because of uh you know skill
17158s difference or is this overall you know
17160s more practice teams need a little bit
17163s more time together to synergize
17166s honestly a lot of these teams missing
17168s out on the experience sadly of something
17171s like contenders essay where you learn
17174s not just to synergize with a team but
17175s also to be a little bit more fluid in
17177s terms of swapping that hero to be able
17180s to give your team a leg up because I
17182s mean we all know in ranked right
17184s streamers do it all the time they heart
17186s lock one specific hero and they will
17187s literally zero to GN and so a lot of
17190s these players have just been able to
17192s find that Comfort pick of a specific
17195s hero and continue to run that specific
17198s hero not having to worry about maybe
17202s that hero being good for them but
17204s leading to a little bit of discourse for
17206s the rest of the team in certain areas
17208s exactly I I think you touched the mark
17210s incredibly well and now for Guatemala
17213s looks like they might potentially play
17215s that Sigma as we get some terrible oh my
17217s God Jesus please stop playing piano no
17220s yeah look even even Bennett's come up
17223s like please stop Andy's continuing
17227s Hitler shots better than he can hit
17229s these notes
17232s that might have been the worst piano
17233s performance I've ever heard
17234s [Laughter]
17237s you don't listen to that piano
17241s listen I don't but let me tell you when
17243s I was like 12 I played piano for seven
17245s years and then I quit because piano
17247s sucks my hands are too small
17253s Ludwig oh my God almost a shot from
17255s Richie in the sky of winter it goes for
17258s that shot and we redirect from Ludwig
17260s yesterday on the Brazilian team by the
17261s way the only Ludwig that exists in the
17263s world by the way Richie going for the
17264s grapple shot in the sky we get that
17265s little match up that you were extremely
17266s excited to see again Moxie yeah but it's
17268s interesting to pump by the Sick Michelle
17270s sickness trying to help out these
17272s widowmakers they know if the attacking
17274s team get that first opening pick the
17276s Defenders have to pull fully back
17277s towards corner and I mean they've
17278s already given up so much ground off of
17281s the pressure of Rich's grapple shots
17282s alone hey you're right you really hands
17284s the backup around the corner power goes
17285s incredibly low but hangs those heels for
17288s my two but just damage from a lot of
17289s this Hanzo pressure
17291s I kind of like to see this double sniper
17293s composition again it feels like it's
17294s been a such a long time since you've
17296s seen Widow Hanzo usually we see a lot of
17298s Tracer match with it you know a lot of
17300s songs already takes down yadela this is
17303s awesome so far for Guatemala with to
17306s take that space then go aggressive now
17307s and set up their own Widow and you can
17309s say that they're also using those kinds
17311s of hours for the opening of shop to try
17313s and separate the supplement from his
17315s back line but winter just engaging
17318s towards slope still gets the angle on to
17319s bend it we'll be able to take that
17321s stigma down and guatemal without that
17322s Shield after immediately give space to
17325s Costa Rica who are going to be just
17326s grappling all winter because so
17330s incredibly low almost got a new haircut
17332s styled on a the ferry Suave streets oh
17336s it's a circle
17337s Costa Rica keep the Widow and keep the
17339s circle pressure yeah they are keeping
17341s that pressure up you're right like you
17343s said I feel like we're seeing some
17344s ethical OverWatch if you know it's
17345s double sniper here but like both Widow
17347s zombies the only hitting body shots with
17348s the grapple shots a lot of this
17350s happening on the ground waiting out the
17352s shields waiting on immortality field
17353s very slow style we're already what is
17356s this two minutes in to this series and
17358s not a lot of kills have gone through Ant
17360s Man just around the corner but they lose
17361s their life actually Costa Rica takes
17363s that corner Richie's waiting at the back
17365s of the map like a sniper he is takes
17367s down yellow as he peeks that corner now
17369s will try to push forward grapple shot
17370s aggressive maybe looking for the head
17372s it's just a body shot on the Zenyatta
17373s with the ant Matrix though not on the
17375s cart however so it's not gonna continue
17377s forward they drop the immortality field
17378s and knowing that they now commit the
17380s sigma gravity plus great work from
17382s Guatemala to take down baru they've
17385s worked through the plays and Richie has
17386s started to come online yeah no
17388s Transcendence available for Costa Rica
17390s to save it either and as a result I mean
17393s even then it doesn't stop those
17395s headshots so double snipers just making
17397s the sound strap so much harder to keep
17399s this team alive they're gonna have that
17401s Dragon strike as well to make sure that
17402s Costa Rica are just stuck in the stroke
17404s a little bit longer Richie even gonna be
17406s popping the infras lights by themselves
17408s 16 seconds longer to keep aaronas's
17411s pressure onto the sigma constant on this
17415s team's back line rain is looking for
17417s that shot on the back line hands the
17418s dragon strike ready to go wall hacks
17420s were used by both widows like you
17422s mentioned now Arenas are on us comes to
17424s that left side where did it go with the
17426s direction notice goes through Maine like
17427s I said just some ethical OverWatch no
17429s flanks happening at all we just have
17430s down Main OverWatch at the moment
17432s gravitic flux into that Transcendence no
17435s immortality field used for morelo merlio
17437s that was perfect now the dragon strike
17438s over the left side to Zona baru has to
17441s go forward immortality field is there to
17443s save him and then with the Transcendence
17444s maybe a little bit of overlaying but it
17446s works out for them because yodello hits
17448s the shot on bend it now they can push
17450s forward with it Guatemala has to back
17452s out of here without their tank play it
17454s don't have a lot of that space they
17455s could find a one shot but yadelos found
17457s two already does get traded up at Richie
17460s however that has been a Mainstay for
17462s Guatemala's Richie hitting shots but
17463s they still have to wait for two members
17465s of the team this is not what you want to
17467s be if you're caught on Lala however
17469s Costa Rica have so many angles now to be
17472s able to have win to slide upon as we've
17474s seen in these matchups
17476s so many different spaces and niches for
17478s the Widow to be able to shoot for it but
17480s Guatemala have been able to survive the
17482s gauntled upon them for apple shot coming
17484s through from Richie just trying to find
17485s any information on where Winter's
17487s playing from a lot of this is that
17489s Richie versus yellow Jewel at the moment
17492s it's that been a minor amplification
17494s Matrix towards that cart wed two pops it
17496s but no direct kills just force him to
17498s the right side winter hands those
17499s bullhacks could hit the shot but really
17501s doesn't want to over Peak it's body shot
17503s into Arenas who barely gets healed up by
17504s Vince's Harmony orbits perfect for them
17506s so far also takes another body shot
17508s winter now has to back up because the
17510s amateur sir mellow was used and by the
17512s way it was also used not on the card
17513s again so it can't push forward they
17515s don't really get a lot of that space
17516s though I'll although Bend it's on the
17518s cart still pushing it gets that gravitic
17519s flux incredibly soon grapple shot of the
17521s sky but she almost hits the headshot
17523s verdict what's so close for Ben did it's
17525s the only ultimate arena hits that shot
17527s and winter log across the map fantastic
17530s work for him it's on your the yellow the
17533s onus on him to hit these shots bring it
17534s back for his team that then so low and
17536s he takes snow with just the last storm
17538s Arrow now goes aggressive with Benji
17540s against the gravitic flux to bend it
17542s which does not find Value and Costa Rica
17544s will hold last second get Richie as well
17547s nice shots from yadelo on that push and
17550s also a 3K for him why not because will
17553s hold so far pretend to even holding next
17555s fight as well they've got the ultimate
17557s economy Advantage they've got that
17559s circular flux which is going to force
17561s Vincy into holding on to that
17562s Transcendence which means even more
17564s power in your Della's Dragon strike as
17566s you can see this is the angle that
17567s you're able to just shoot through really
17570s Hawkins back to old school eichenwald on
17572s point a where you can just go into
17573s castle and shoot for those walls and
17575s windows all right marks you now uh now
17577s explain to me how that's skillful
17580s how spamming logs across that praying
17582s somebody walks into it is skillful
17585s no comments
17586s [Laughter]
17591s that's right the amplifications this
17592s time on the cart goes to that charm of
17595s the Widow nice job avoiding with the
17597s hitbox manipulation but Richie is not
17598s missing today gets wed tube in the back
17600s Dragon strike as well lands to forcing
17602s that immortality field but marleo down
17604s to that main side yellow hitting
17606s headshots on to that Sigma but as long
17609s as Richie can keep it up potentially
17610s Guatemala can push in through here
17612s they'd have that Transcendence but they
17614s are now against winter who dropped off
17616s the back without his team I've never
17618s seen a willow flank like that before and
17620s result in such a catastrophic failure
17622s Costa Rica now gets pushed on past the
17624s Transcendence is Benji into that
17626s rabbitic flux but there's a
17627s Transcendence from Vincy perfectly timed
17629s to counter that rivetic flux they still
17631s have the Immortals advantages to walk
17632s forward with that end Matrix from our
17634s Leo but baru trades it back and it does
17637s give baru Guatemala in overtime are
17639s trying to push through it the very last
17640s bit they just have the Widowmaker which
17642s gets sniped by Richie what a shot from
17644s him and marleo also takes out yadela who
17647s has been the carry player for Costa Rica
17648s on the Hanzo so far Guatemala will push
17651s us into thing no Stigma shield in the
17653s way Richie finally Unleashed is able to
17656s find those kills and put Guatemala into
17659s Point C power off the Hammond was only
17662s using it to try and tap and keep it
17664s contested now back onto that Sigma for
17666s the shield to try to just give any
17668s advantage to their DPS players to be
17670s able to win this 1v1 except it's not a
17672s 1v1 the stickman Shield has to be broken
17674s by the hands though the Widowmaker has
17676s to be alive and keep that angle to keep
17678s the other in check this is a full team
17680s effort to control this High Ground
17682s spacing yeah you're right and I'm liking
17685s this match so far monk see it feels like
17686s compared to USA's match it's uh been in
17689s slow motion in comparison wrap Hook from
17691s Winter to go around the other side does
17693s have those wall hacks though so Richie
17694s could hit the shots but not able to hit
17696s it just gen in fact it's I want us to
17697s find the opening pick on the web to
17699s break work from him the storm Arrow
17701s support from the rest of his team as
17702s well for that Duelo seeking if he comes
17704s out on top they're gonna go for the
17706s double jump into it store mural has
17707s Richie there as well and he hits the
17709s shot oh my God what a hit from yadelo in
17711s a very ridiculate your situation but
17713s they do trade it back one to one
17716s yeah that of mine takes that Hounslow
17718s down but without Richie's pressure from
17720s the Widowmaker he has now come back in
17722s to despite on the Sombra and that
17724s unleashes winter no other Widowmaker to
17727s keep him in check he just gets to hold
17729s soy throne and caught over this High
17733s ground and Guatemala have to walk right
17734s into it there we go Dragon strike from
17737s guatemal though to counter it
17738s potentially nice shot from arunus and
17739s the dragon strike kill borrowers while
17741s Winters straight back with you but it's
17742s a 3K so far for an us meanwhile counter
17744s dragon's like over-the-top angle Benji's
17746s there on the flank all they have to take
17748s out is bended who's trying to push the
17749s card in with three meters it's a one
17751s versus two versus one on the card but
17753s the Hanzo has the Susu because
17761s right in the fight and able to just
17764s instantly contribute the healing the
17767s iframe of this suzu and win it out for
17771s you however the push the distance that
17775s was picked up
17776s definitely nothing to slide shot that is
17779s a lot of distance when we look in the
17782s broader term of circuit Royals attacks
17784s yeah hey the longer this map goes the
17786s more potential that she has to pop off
17788s and you know after that suzu playing
17790s with the with the currico you know maybe
17792s this begs the question Moxie should we
17794s do like you know with Wrecking Ball with
17795s this where they yeah until she's out of
17798s school yeah
17799s I would honestly love to say it because
17802s I'm not gonna lie it's something I've
17804s taken advantage of
17807s what point Gibraltar many a defense has
17809s been saved by just me having my tank
17811s stay alive and payload I swapped kirika
17813s I had Swift stuff we got this easy and
17816s immediately we were able to flip I would
17818s I would love to see it in the future but
17819s uh yeah
17821s he's a correct abuser huh Greek or
17823s abuser moxie
17825s Costa Rica I'm pushing that car do you
17827s have a double sniper again with that uh
17829s same uh setup on both sides like I said
17831s some ethical you have to match up you
17834s have to go
17837s and it's just a little bit too
17839s predictable that you're going for that
17840s grapple because Reggie knows Ricky was
17843s even that exact same angle before
17846s wear champ Richie what a God nice shot
17848s from him looks down to that low ground
17850s now for Costa Rica to push up
17852s okay mentioned I mean the further that
17854s this defense goes longer than Richie is
17857s to set up oh my God almost hits that
17859s flick shot still waiting for it over the
17861s back side right it's a bit of a slow
17862s game on both sides Costa Rica looking
17865s for that shot as well Canelo being able
17867s to break that Shield has to break at
17869s first goes for the storm arrow on the
17871s side as well to make sure it reflects
17873s off of it and gets into that back line
17875s onto that Shield to hit a few of them
17877s but she now goes to the shot in the sky
17878s oh my God doesn't hit it unfortunately
17880s coaster because still getting that cart
17881s space during this fight it's almost
17883s around the corner already and all we've
17884s had is a kill go in favor of Guatemala
17886s so now they're pushing forward they've
17888s already got bend it and it seems like
17889s Guatemala can't find their footing
17891s Richie will grapple back look for some
17892s Sky shots but baru and Benji have
17894s combined for multiple kills and surely
17897s will result and Costa Rica capturing
17898s this first point yeah the first first
17901s straight line you know was looking for
17902s some grapple shots or a little bit flank
17904s angles it could work out for him but
17905s Winter's taking full advantage of the
17907s passive play of Richie had playing at
17909s the back of the map winter gets that
17910s kill onto aranas on the front line and
17912s now
17917s Paula please do something that life is
17920s being slowly sucked out of them I mean
17921s there's not a lot of meters left go
17923s before we're into that third phase and
17925s there's potentially even more stagger
17927s kills here oh the accidents are charged
17929s but if you execute you go into your Delo
17932s it's just between a rock and a hard
17934s place between the circular and the Hanzo
17936s that's Guatemala with eye without
17938s Baptiste without the amplification
17940s Matrix Costa Rica I understand the
17943s absences of those really key players
17945s really key utilities and just keep
17948s pulling at the threads until just
17950s defensive side just absolutely unravels
17953s on B they've got Point C but they're
17956s bending the knee Richie off the water
17958s onto the Sombra but they've got the
17960s Sonic from the Hanzo emphaside on the
17963s Widow you can use stealth but they're
17964s gonna know exactly where you are
17966s I'm about to walk away man Richie you
17968s gotta Richie off the Widow now means
17970s that Guatemala obviously lose a lot of
17972s that pressure they do use the
17973s verification Bridge he went back to
17974s spawn by the way so he's not here for
17975s the follow-up interesting here on to
17978s Tracer he's looking like a different
17979s player RNs on the low ground does have
17981s that Dragon strike waiting for that
17982s Transcendence to end and now in the room
17984s it might be hard to avoid it eventually
17986s he kills Benji and the immortality field
17988s Runs Out yadelo does trade it back
17990s though gets that 2K onto Mart Leo and
17993s are in us and Winters finds Benzie so
17995s even though it was a bit of a weird
17996s situation Costa Rica will control that
17998s bot again a card again that rock saved
18002s Costa Rica inside that small room Dragon
18005s strike doesn't entirely fill it they're
18006s able to just cluster up in the corner
18008s and then when Guatemala try and push and
18009s accretion connects on to them and
18012s they're able to survive and grow your
18013s group with the rest of that team yodello
18016s on that hands out making sure that he's
18018s not flanked by Richie on the Tracer he
18020s just has not been able to find an inn
18022s with just so much range pressure coming
18024s through from all of these players on
18026s Costa Rica side
18027s three minutes and 30 seconds left if
18029s Arness comes online that could be the
18031s Difference Maker for Guatemala and so
18034s like I said only have that pulse bomber
18035s to go Costa Rica Rica sitting with
18038s double DPS in a second same with that
18041s grovitic flux they take that right angle
18043s nobody pushing the car by the way winter
18044s could easily get some cart pressure at
18046s the moment Irene is knowing that looking
18048s for the body shot underneath the cart as
18050s that car is off the ground but she went
18051s for the pulse bomb but it's immediately
18052s countered by the immortality build on
18054s that top right angle Costa Rica has that
18056s top Angle now tries to take some space
18058s away from Guatemala but they're not
18061s really taking full advantage of it they
18063s give it up come back to the main book to
18065s break bended Shield force him out of it
18066s Guatemala is backing off on that right
18069s side but no picks really here either
18071s because baru's sitting at the back of
18072s the half winter has taken out Aaron us
18074s also Richie there goes both of the DPS
18077s there's a Guatemala Bend at Falls as
18079s well as the DPS is for Costa Rica come
18081s online Guatemala are stuck in the
18084s respawn room and unfortunately for them
18086s we'll be going down 2-0 Costa Rica yeah
18090s that choice the swap really doesn't work
18092s out when you're playing up against a
18094s team that's running both the Hanzo and
18095s the Widowmaker they're just waiting for
18097s that Tracer to make herself now and make
18098s her position given away and then you're
18100s gonna be sniped out before you're even
18102s to close up the distance and
18103s unfortunately what it also does puts
18105s even more pressure on the iron as he's
18107s out there playing a game of singles as
18110s opposed to Costa Rica who are playing a
18111s game of doubles with that double hit
18113s against sniper duel and it's just it's
18116s just devastating
18118s well we bring up back our host uh Ash
18121s welcome back Ash what a series that was
18122s 2-0 for Costa Rica
18126s well just
18129s just was there over on circuit Royale
18131s but at the end of the day it is going to
18134s be Costa Rica that find themselves at
18136s that one to one but walk me through a
18139s bit more Moxie as far as why you think
18141s Costa Rica really just had that slight
18143s edge up today so again it all comes down
18146s to just controlling the space of circuit
18149s Royale this is a map that is heavily
18151s defensively favored I would be very
18153s unsurprised if we do see a couple of
18155s changes Comfort especially onto point B
18157s with just how much room The Defenders
18159s get of being able to look into those
18161s spawns with things like the grapple
18162s Widow shot being able to connect zones
18164s all of those players as they come
18165s straight out of that 30 second respawn
18167s timer but they never really allowed
18170s Guatemala control of that space because
18173s every single time they won a team fight
18174s they just continue to push aggressively
18176s forward and make sure that Guatemala had
18178s to back up and give up which would be
18180s hallowed Sanctuary grounds to hold on to
18183s Circuit Royale very quickly became a
18185s footnote in the map
18187s okay so when it comes down to it that's
18190s something that Guatemala are gonna have
18192s to look towards I guess going into day
18195s number three there Dustin the
18197s adjustments so I need to talk about
18199s maybe what you're expecting or hoping to
18201s see out of them is since they are now
18203s down Owen two yeah I mean obviously I
18206s want to see a bit more Richie Widowmaker
18207s I think that was a uh a big reason that
18210s they were able to really get anything
18212s done I mean it seemed like the to be
18213s honest like the best player on the team
18216s by far like it's not even close but
18217s obviously a bit of a widow one trick is
18219s not always a great idea because he had
18220s to swap over to Tracer and it points in
18222s somber too it just wasn't really the
18224s play I think you just gotta lock Richie
18227s on the Widowmaker and that's that's got
18228s to be their way to success is just have
18230s him carry you
18231s and then I just want to talk about a
18233s couple of the plays that we also even
18235s saw earlier on Circa Royale we saw that
18237s Dragon strike coming out from yodelo it
18240s was a near attempt to completely Zone uh
18243s the side of Costa Rica off but Moxie
18246s then you're talking about the kirigo
18248s coming in and different sneaker that
18249s that suzu and so Steph does make I mean
18252s the fact that you literally just got
18254s that support so quickly back into the
18256s fight because you saw how low all of
18259s those players were getting in that
18260s engagement writing with the Cup being so
18262s close to that checkpoint if the Cure
18264s code doesn't come through and you're not
18266s able to as a defensive team keep it sold
18269s out the attacking side is going to be
18270s able to just get that full push and on
18273s circuit Royale full pushes don't happen
18275s often so being able to just TP straight
18277s from Spawn to the team and immediately
18279s give that iframe to be able to win the
18282s jewel is massive for the team
18285s and then I also want to talk a little
18287s bit about how ilios ended up panning out
18289s there Dustin
18290s yeah I I think for them obviously you
18293s know for the side of Guatemala they kind
18295s of just got
18296s team dipped honestly I mean there's a
18298s lot of borrow going for those Dives just
18300s a constant DPS setup and the support's
18303s looking a lot better as well on their
18305s side
18306s um and that also was a map like you
18308s mentioned with Richie he just couldn't
18309s play that Widowmaker was stuck on a
18311s character that he's maybe not as
18312s familiar with so it didn't really result
18314s in them having a successful map it was a
18317s lot of things but honestly you know at
18319s the end of the day Costa Rica you know
18320s they're looking like a decent team after
18322s ilios and after also you know being able
18324s to shut out Richie on the Widow
18327s well that is for sure Richie the player
18329s to look at over there on
18335s you have only one player really standing
18338s out for his Squad especially on this
18341s world stage here but before we even even
18344s get to the player cards come up for that
18345s mvp I'm curious monster to see who maybe
18348s you've put your butts on
18350s yodello honestly really impressed
18352s especially when we saw that Tracy Swap
18354s come through from a Guatemala because
18356s especially in one of those replays he
18358s literally waits for the recall animation
18360s to come out from Detroit so knows that
18362s she's gonna be appearing in front of
18363s them and that he just has to be able to
18365s hit one of those shots because if you
18366s recall she's probably gonna be in
18368s Guatemala's defenses
18369s absolutely but we actually have to take
18371s a look over at our match results here
18373s for day two of the OverWatch World Cup
18375s year of 2023 and we have a group b
18379s occurred earlier on today then we just
18381s wrapped up group a just now and looking
18384s at the standings right now
18387s mostly 2-0's across the board aside from
18391s that matchup for the United States
18393s versus Mexico that we saw earlier on
18395s just beforehand and Dustin I guess
18398s without both group a and Group B are
18400s currently shaping out what are you
18402s looking towards going into tomorrow I
18404s mean I you talked about it earlier too
18405s by the way it's like every team kind of
18407s just goes for those two o's and that's
18409s just kind of how it goes in World Cup
18410s with all these teams obviously over the
18412s place but for tomorrow I mean I I don't
18414s know I'm just looking forward to
18415s everything I guess tomorrow like
18416s tomorrow's gonna be exciting day three
18417s obviously I I know it's tough to give
18420s such a vague answer in particular but I
18422s think obviously Brazil seeing them again
18424s tomorrow will be exciting also in USA
18427s playing again obviously
18429s um really you're just kind of looking
18430s for those standout players I always just
18432s want to look for one or two standouts
18433s from each team obviously for Guatemala
18435s it's got to be Richie even though they
18436s go up but Moxie Dustin I'm gonna let you
18439s guys get your final words in as we head
18440s into tomorrow
18442s kick us off I mean I'm just excited like
18445s Dustin said to be able to see tomorrow's
18447s games because it is all about these
18449s players making a name for themselves
18450s especially since they haven't had this
18452s platform that a lot of these other
18454s players do things like Collegiate and
18455s contenders aren't really available for
18458s the essay region and hopefully one thing
18460s that this tournament is going to show
18461s that this conference is going to show is
18463s that the town is very much still here
18465s and alive in this region and these
18467s players that do make a name for
18469s themselves are going to find their
18470s history and future being a whole lot
18472s brighter because of it and I 100 agree
18475s with you Moxie I think that I'm really
18476s looking forward to that tomorrow and
18477s then also looking forward to continuing
18479s these storylines I mean obviously after
18481s today's match with USA and Mexico I
18483s think that was a matchup that was super
18485s fun I don't think we expected it to have
18487s you know such an enticing situation with
18490s that and obviously USA has kind of put a
18492s Target on their back I think they're
18494s Public Enemy Number One now
18495s that's a that's a really big point to be
18498s making here is that I feel like
18500s everyone's gonna have their eyes out for
18502s Team USA to try and take them down after
18505s some of the shenanigans that they pulled
18507s up in their match versus Mexico but
18509s everybody it's been a wonderful day too
18512s big thanks also to our casters earlier
18514s today Chef Billy and Gompers for joining
18516s me on the desk earlier Dustin Moxie it
18519s is wonderful to have you guys as always
18521s and all the knowledge that you guys
18522s bring to the table overall I know I'm
18525s learning a lot hope chat is as well and
18527s of course a big shout out as well over
18529s to Liga Ace our wonderful production
18532s team in the background helping us put on
18534s this show but that's a wrap for now and
18536s stay tuned you guys same time tomorrow
18539s for day number three of the OverWatch
18540s World Cup open qualifiers or online
18543s qualifiers
18546s [Music]
18548s you don't need to fade in front of your
18550s team you need to be behind your behind
18552s your tank uh I know that lawyer isn't a
18554s really good fight here there's the flank
18556s for bq02 already down make it three make
18559s it four give him the ace give him the
18560s ace nope Karen Gordon gets off the bat
18564s but good Lord what a perfectly evening
18566s fighting along the back line Super Dome
18568s is now making his way up
18570s towards to stop that OT if they get this
18572s one they may as well just call it a
18574s Victory Run
18576s although Joel is not giving up it's not
18578s gonna be easy but it may like to
18579s actually finish things all Primal Rage
18581s on both sides coming out as it is now
18584s slowly making the way above Winston
18586s comes down towards them Emilio goes down
18589s out over time is done for not even the
18592s audit can do anything about it you got
18594s Colombia winning season so I mean uh
18598s hopefully they'll be able to get away
18600s because Persona I think it's gonna have
18602s to turn this map around here on ruins
18604s yeah
18607s yeah playing around
18608s and listen because Frack hasn't put out
18611s some struck there so they know
18612s self-destruct is online if you go to
18614s that small little room and get uh get
18616s self-destructed I mean it's gonna be
18618s almost done what a shot from devel once
18621s again
18624s oh he's keeping it right now oh a
18628s beautiful shot again
18630s they're ready they're gonna eat it up
18633s ready up above finding The High Ground
18635s barrage coming out a bit too early not
18637s the perfect time to pull it out they got
18640s Diego but wasn't enough maybe it
18642s actually was because
18645s one but he got two more that's good
18647s enough for them here are Coco goes down
18649s unfortunately in a very unlikely death
18651s they finally got it one minute and 40
18653s seconds left to spare so a bit more time
18654s to make it count they can't afford to
18656s like a lessons get hacked out early well
18659s now he gets guns actually by the dude
18660s this so you're looking out for the hack
18662s you can't avoid the fist Ludwig 2K
18665s barrage then rotates towards that point
18666s fade already used and unfortunately for
18669s Argentina it seems like the only game
18670s plan is to rotate to that point but you
18673s know it's it's ignoring the who's
18675s jumping off the cart that's a great
18676s opening pick and now with the Nana boost
18678s Annihilation they just run into that
18680s back line immortality feels Don suzu not
18682s here and Brazil looks to close it out on
18684s Argentina 2-0 and they do so 2-0 for
18688s Brazil over Argentina in these group
18690s stages what a win for them that rubber
18694s band is perfect it's a chunk this one's
18696s whole time but that's just so much
18697s sustainability for USA at the moment
18698s yeah they really want to focus on Super
18700s Bowl I have a lot against cool spawned
18702s by his fire who forced the fade early
18704s enough rest of Mexico collapses upon the
18707s pressure of Team USA fantastic Ricky
18710s tanks and Paul Spawn from him to put it
18712s back in the face afterwards getting that
18714s on EMP dive now here comes through with
18716s that dive from Mexico the bolt the Deep
18717s bomb is there but the bubble is too
18719s strong they could not break it in time
18720s perfect ball from Castle and the rally
18722s was there the couch of the deep Obama
18724s just super Matthew and his fire back was
18726s when a hat comes through onto his fire
18728s on the card and can't even touch and
18729s Moxie Mexico is taking a map
18733s one to one automatic entire first spot
18738s and we're so classical but that's what
18740s USA understands as well gets targeted
18743s that hack combination alongside the spy
18745s with the follow-ups does not allow him
18747s to fade out don't have a light on
18751s to ultraviolet as well USA time that
18756s honor now moving on to the Zen if he can
18758s take down robot at the same time why
18760s don't they'll have to walk right into it
18761s there we go Dragon strike from guatemal
18763s though to counter a potentially nice
18765s shot from R Us and the dragon strike
18766s he'll borrow as well Winters straight
18768s back which but it's a 3K so far for an
18770s us meanwhile counter
18771s over the top and
18773s take out his Benton who's trying to push
18775s the card in with three meters it's a one
18777s versus two versus one on the card but
18779s the Hanzo has to Swiss you because
18781s Carrillo can teleport back to his spot
18783s with no cooldowns and they come through
18785s to kill me to fade in further
18788s [Music]
18802s foreign
18804s foreign
18807s [Music]
18808s [Applause]
18808s [Music]