13 days ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s It all started with Talon stealing artifacts.
5s But wait. Who's that?
7s Those boots, the drill,
8s that perfect smile.
9s It's Venture!
11s Whoosh! Flashback.
12s I researched this artifact last seen in my favorite place, Cairo,
15s and the reliefs there led me all the way to the Shambali,
17s who were kind enough to direct me, after a lot of digging -
20s and I mean a lot - to the hideout.
22s Oops! Hi, Talon.
23s They ran with the artifact,
24s but I dodged their spikes and juked their darts
26s and blasted my way through the base, and...
30s here we are.
31s Artifact safe and sound.
35s That was a doozy.