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544s thank you
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603s and welcome everyone to OverWatch World
605s Cup qualifiers and we are in APAC group
608s hey my name is G clef and with me of
610s course as always I'm known right here
612s and yesterday was um I would say lots of
617s wrecking balls yeah
620s not actual wrecking balls but in results
623s is what I mean yeah so there were a lot
625s of two zeros I think every game a match
627s of Apec a was two zeros including like
631s not just two zeros just in scores but
633s also like very dominant displays from
634s the winning teams Hong Kong Japan and
637s South Korea all got 2-0 wins it was a
640s great display from all the teams that
642s won and a little bit a lot to prepare
645s for the teams that lost yesterday yeah
647s we gotta we gotta head start on the
648s first day actually all six teams
650s displaying some sort of result on the
652s first day so let's continue from that
653s story and how they actually improved
655s throughout the two weeks or is it just
657s going to be the continuous struggle for
658s a lot of these teams because we could
660s see very different power levels between
662s some countries and it might just
664s continue well depending on the map maybe
666s because it's his first two format and
668s until the end basically so they might
671s have to come up with some type of cheese
672s because the patch it's not going to
674s change the teams of course can't really
676s get worse at at this type of a place so
680s I think we just have to be stuck in
681s maybe we'll try to figure out way where
684s a lot of the lower tier teams can
685s actually defeat the higher tier teams in
687s a lot in some ways yeah we've seen it in
689s a lot of regions right now so especially
691s in other regions other than APAC we've
693s seen a lot of upsets and a lot of teams
695s are displaying very different reads on
698s the current patch and meta so what we've
701s we've also seen a lot of compositions
703s that might be seen as off meta is from
705s several teams especially like uh for
707s example the mercy Pharmacy composition
709s from Saudi Arabia is direct is kind of
711s is that the answer maybe but is it it is
716s considered off meta at the current point
717s but it's working for them and it's kind
719s of shaking shaking What's how the group
722s is forming up in the region but as of
725s APAC right now the teams that are
727s favorites coming into the match are just
730s winning straight up at least until today
732s so it will be interesting to see whether
734s the other teams that that have
736s relatively lower power levels may be
738s able to show up today you know that's
740s going to be the thing uh let's go
742s through the overview and explain once
744s again we are in here for the top three
746s teams which is Apac a as you see on top
749s and we also have uh the bees which we
751s only get the top two teams and then we
753s have the China Mainland later on total
755s 16 teams will be coming out from the
757s qualifiers and then the group stage and
759s the final stage as we go through but the
761s qualifiers for the two weeks uh it's
764s basically 24 7. enjoy all the action you
766s get to see a lot of the old faces
768s actually coming back into OverWatch so
770s I've been enjoying a lot of the names
772s like ah that player sounds very familiar
775s like where is he from is it he's from
777s like 2017. yeah so even in Apex today we
781s will be having some of those players
782s especially mangojai from Hong Kong who's
785s featuring our first match he's been here
787s for quite a while and like you said G
790s clef we have a lot of talent that were
792s previously on other team professional
794s teams when they were before even
796s pre-overwatch League eras and also some
800s players just came out of retirement just
802s for the World Cup so it's exciting yeah
804s it's totally possible that uh some some
807s teams actually having the teamwork
809s already like playing in recent
811s tournaments for months to month ahead of
813s time but some other teams they just got
816s together of course uh they went through
818s the open trials but some with some
820s roster changes just so some teams are
822s actually quite new in terms of teamwork
823s so depending on how they can work on
827s their teamwork if they can get that
828s potential 200 within the first weekend
830s the second week the result might change
832s a little bit there exactly so this is
834s like you said you Cliff this is going to
836s be a two week full uh this is going to
839s be two weeks strong so there will be
840s these each team will be playing several
843s matches not it's the qualification is
845s not just going to be determined just by
846s one or two matches so adaptation and
849s feedback is key if you want to qualify
852s in the top three teams of this group
855s especially with South Korea and Japan
857s looking super strong you do have to
860s cover up your weaknesses or at least
861s find an answer to whatever we weaknesses
863s that you've shown in day one if you want
865s to get that last one certainly those two
867s teams and the third team that we kind of
869s uh showing a lot of display on screen
871s was Hong Kong so for sure so these three
874s teams might be staying on top three for
876s a long time but we only had a single
878s match yesterday uh single match each
881s yesterday so we'll keep on looking uh
883s and today's schedule we have Hong Kong
885s versus Philippines and the second match
887s of the day will be Chinese Taipei versus
888s Japan so no Indonesia no South Korea
891s today yeah so South Korea is the only
894s team that will not play who has won
897s already won a match and so Hong Kong
899s Japan who has already shown a great
901s display yesterday are playing it'll be
903s interesting to see if they can keep
905s their show of dominance on even today's
907s match and getting two wins
910s um first will be a very important uh
913s Milestone and for qualification here
915s yeah certainly because you only get to
916s play a five in total as we have six
918s teams in our group a of APAC as we have
922s the logo those as team well Philippines
926s want to talk about them later okay
927s they're coming out later so let's talk
928s about Hong Kong first they showed some
931s Crystal Clear plays coming out from
933s Charlene he's Genji of course as it's it
935s it is his favorite hero oh I think he
937s actually had better moments uh during
939s summer series uh in contenders not too
942s long ago so we only got like a half of
945s his power level from yesterday's match
947s did see the bright side of shaolan's
949s Genji early on in the tournament in the
951s world cup but like you said G clef uh
953s Shaolin is a little bit of Hit or Miss
955s at the current moment there's no doubt
957s that he is a great Genji player and a
958s great player in general but we have seen
960s moments where Indonesia was able to shut
963s him down a little bit so Philippines
965s might take notes from that and will have
968s to uh shut down shaolan if they want a
970s chance in today's match we see the
973s starting five for Philippines today
975s Redux what Pogba Gino and Chun Li I
979s think the most key here would be Pogba
983s Staying Alive because yesterday and
984s yesterday's matches Philippines weren't
986s even that weren't even able to have a
989s proper team fight against Japan because
991s pugbot or maybe walked on the Genji were
994s being picked out easily getting isolated
996s kills uh deaths rather before anything
999s started so if they want to show their
1002s full potential I think they need to stay
1003s alive as a team and that starts with
1005s pugbuck yeah you're totally right
1007s unknown as they brought did bring Echo
1009s early on in ilios yesterday and once you
1012s have uh Echo and mercy in the air you
1014s are pretty oh you're pretty vulnerable
1016s especially on your back line the other
1018s Anna Anna player the other support
1020s that's on the ground and the opponent
1022s team the fan was basically dominating
1024s for the back end just taking the support
1026s force and then the other DPS on the
1028s ground and the teamwork was not really
1030s correlated within the team for
1031s Philippines so I think that should have
1033s been the feedback first of all okay if
1035s you're going to use the echo let's try
1037s to be extra safe let's keep our tank and
1039s the support and the other DPS uh
1041s together so they can actually be
1042s supporting themselves while echo's
1044s actually grabbing a kill did that really
1045s happen at all yesterday so maybe they
1048s will try it once again I think they
1049s really realistically have one or two
1051s more chances of maybe bringing that Echo
1053s and in Legion depending on which Legion
1056s we go into you might not see that Echo
1058s as much today yeah so lijiang may be on
1061s Gardens we might and maybe even Nike or
1063s a night market as well I don't think uh
1066s Echo will be used as much and control
1068s tower however I do agree with your point
1071s G clef if they are going to use the echo
1073s I don't have any problems with the echo
1074s it's buffed it's a good it is a good DPS
1077s uh option and we've seen from Team Korea
1080s that Echo can actually be used really
1083s really effectively however like you said
1085s using the echo has its pros and cons the
1087s pros is that you the DPS and the mercy
1091s will be very safe in in the air however
1093s the other team the other three members
1096s of the team will be added numbers
1098s disadvantage so you need to make the
1100s most you need to either take out and
1103s make earlier eliminations or at least
1106s harass them to a point that they cannot
1108s dive to your uh three-man uh the rest of
1112s the team that's going to be tough
1113s because Echo unfortunately a pretty good
1116s to go in the air but as long as you're
1118s getting okay trade but if that doesn't
1120s happen from your own DPS and the mercy
1122s in the air that's usually when we have
1124s the hard time and I'll pause for now but
1127s we'll see because Hong Kong they've seen
1129s the match from yesterday and they will
1130s be dominating for the fact okay less
1133s than 24 hours sometimes is not enough to
1134s have the feedbacks yes but in practice
1137s not actually like you can only have okay
1140s you need to eat sleep first play
1142s OverWatch and no take the speed you
1144s don't sleep you just play OverWatch man
1147s but how can you actually play the match
1149s then you need at least like uh my
1151s minimum will be five six hours of
1153s minimum quality sleep okay uh in with AC
1156s I can give you
1157s so yeah without that they probably had
1159s less than 10 hours to actually uh
1161s practice and give feedback and do all
1163s sorts of stuff for Philippines
1164s especially in Hong Kong certainly they
1167s watched the match from yesterday okay
1168s let's try something like Japan I'm
1170s pretty sure they're going to try it here
1171s and let's see if they struggle or not
1174s again because that was uh pretty
1177s dominant victory for Japan against
1179s Philippines yesterday okay so I have I'm
1183s seeing control tower as the first round
1186s for Legion Tower Philippines going they
1190s are hovering the ram rush in Hong Kong
1192s they're there's keep they're keep going
1194s on with what they did yesterday with the
1196s junker Queen composition as well uh I do
1199s you think that composition wise
1201s Philippines does have the upper hand
1203s again but yesterday and yesterday's
1204s match as well Philippines also did have
1207s the comp Advantage but still wasn't the
1210s execution wasn't there the cap it so
1212s it'll definitely come up to execution
1214s for the Philippines today yep here are
1216s the supports uh mirror and Reaper
1223s these are Big DPS changes and we have
1225s the neutral fight in the middle or
1227s something actually got cut off early on
1228s I'm crazy actually picking up that kill
1230s that is a lot of healing away from the
1233s side of Philippines not there anymore
1235s again and first capture we'll go into
1238s the side of Hong Kong
1239s yeah with the teleport that you wanted
1241s to push a little further okay and you
1243s got to be careful especially even if
1245s you're the tank uh ramatra and also a
1247s Jungle Queen you might just be isolated
1249s I think uh what also try to isolate r3k
1253s but having that ice ball but uh at that
1256s moment uh Chang Lee was already down so
1258s a little unfortunate losing the support
1260s early on here comes the pressure again
1262s pumpkins come very low and might not be
1264s able to push through the shield oh
1266s there's that field they have to back out
1268s but they already use the immortality
1270s field so they do have to wait it out a
1272s little bit and this means more
1274s percentage going to the side of Hong
1275s Kong and look at the Ultras of Omaha
1278s already they are already
1280s getting that those ultimates and they
1282s don't even need to use them because
1283s they're winning the neutral fights even
1285s without the alts yeah that's the thing
1287s yes
1288s even without the alts you still win
1290s who's hiding here
1295s nice try but okay he's kind of he's kind
1299s of confused at how how they found him
1301s but if you look at the side of Hong Kong
1304s right now they have five ultimates now I
1306s mean like four and six percent away from
1308s the sound barrier however the
1310s Philippines do you have ultimates on
1312s their own still Hong Kong will be having
1314s the initial aggression here good Samira
1318s from Geno but it is not enough to save
1320s the Philippines and it had 69
1322s Philippines are at desperation mode they
1325s are at last fight territory already
1326s you're in this room
1328s photo barrier plus that blizzard and
1331s they couldn't really Dodge the entire uh
1335s they had three holes being used from
1336s Hong Kong they still have sound barrier
1338s plus the Rampage so that means they
1340s still have to push for mantra needs to
1342s block a lot of damage in front here's
1344s the wall again there it is the
1346s annihilation almost a five-man ramp here
1348s that was four but a counter hit with the
1351s blizzard so oh I don't think
1354s I don't think this is gonna go well to
1356s the side of the Philippines yes the
1358s overtime is proctored the last minute
1359s touch however there is nobody left and
1362s that is first round that is control
1364s tower going to Hong Kong oh oh I almost
1367s forgot
1368s that the fight had actually had to
1370s happen near the control point
1372s because they were just Kate kept the
1374s entire game exactly so I think Hong Kong
1377s did a really good job uh doing kind of
1380s reaping from web or whatever resources
1383s they had because they won the first
1385s fight and they knew that they were going
1387s to be at an Ulta bandage so
1389s and so they were trying to go to the
1391s spawn and spawn camped a little bit
1393s maybe in hopes to get like you know
1395s stall some time but they got more than
1397s that they just nodded they only install
1399s time they just kept them there and
1402s Philippines I I don't think they even
1404s touched the point for more than 10
1405s seconds this round yeah if Lucky 10
1408s seconds at the first neutral fight I
1410s think that was about it yes
1413s moving into our second
1415s call still moving IG I think the
1418s Philippines yes they
1420s can isolated again
1423s it's not going to survive that even with
1425s the slide that wall was perfectly placed
1427s by Charlie and
1429s Philippines they really have to group up
1431s together exactly so what I was talking
1433s about is that yes they can lose their
1434s first fight they can lose a few members
1436s all they have to do is that they don't
1438s have to get further delayed what
1439s Philippines is experiencing right now is
1441s they're losing a member they're waiting
1443s for that member to come back and they
1444s still lose a member while waiting for
1446s that
1447s initially lost remember to come back I
1449s was coming around for the backline
1453s that was genius Wall play from shaolan
1456s although xiaolan did fall uh shaolan
1459s shalon's wall helped everyone on the
1462s side of Hong Kong to that high crowd and
1464s I don't think Philippines was we're
1465s expecting it because they weren't
1466s looking at that direction and they
1469s didn't even have all the team members I
1470s think tracer was trying to walk I was
1472s trying to go around as a tracer to
1474s repeat a little bit here comes the fight
1475s again okay no real old charges coming
1479s out from both teams there's a jump from
1480s Winston r3k is a little bit low but gets
1484s healed oh Redux going down early
1487s for some more damage it's only Tracer
1489s with luck
1491s I don't think that Philippines do need
1493s to go to the point in contest because
1495s they need
1497s Hong Kong back to the point and make
1500s them use resources because right now all
1502s they're trying all their all Philippines
1503s is doing right now is Hong Kong
1507s fighting them in open space which means
1509s that Hong Kong can beat them without
1511s using any resources on their side so
1513s this means not only are there are they
1515s stalling time losing precious time there
1519s are also just making grounds for losing
1522s the next one as well because any
1524s resources
1527s there's such quick reflexes by the Jeep
1529s by team Hong Kong just pushing all of
1531s them and reading way where Philippine
1533s wants to come because after dropping
1536s uh from the neutral passage twice okay
1538s they had to come to the second floor
1540s they had to rotate this time and here's
1542s what was fantastic for the point there's
1544s a pulse bomb doing some damage but not
1546s into grab the kill I really like what
1548s what is doing right now because yes they
1550s are forcing Hong Kong into the point you
1553s see that three three ultimates are being
1556s used for ultimates used by Hong Kong
1557s this should have come a lot earlier but
1559s still nonetheless it is still a good
1562s action from the side of the Walk they
1564s are forcing Hong Kong to do something
1565s rather than them going through what Hong
1568s Kong wants them to do however Hong Kong
1570s already has the resources necessary and
1573s there is the fight and the map to Hong
1575s Kong
1577s and that will be the first map going to
1579s Hong Kong what a one-sided pretty
1581s dominant Victory from Hong Kong they're
1582s Philippines I think they wanted to try
1584s something else but it was already too
1586s late as you were mentioning okay the
1588s maybe it's better to contest from the
1590s point by getting there oh you can use
1592s someone like Tracer or a few others in
1594s the air to actually go uh contest the
1596s point that to create a distraction right
1599s the Philippines it seemed like they were
1601s always falling into the Trap of Hong
1603s Kong so they needed to find a way to
1605s evade that from happening or eventually
1607s they did but didn't really quite turn
1608s out to be uh they're like an entire flip
1611s but still we could see some signs of
1613s Hope towards the end yeah especially on
1615s Night Market at Legion Tower I think
1617s what look did was really really clever
1619s it just was a little bit too it came a
1620s little bit too late I think that the
1622s Philippines will have a breakthrough at
1624s this match if they can profit on what
1626s they've seen at the last minute at last
1628s seconds rather on Lee Jong Tower because
1630s right now the problem with Philippines
1633s currently was that they were just trying
1635s to openly fight do the neutral fight
1637s with Hong Kong and they probably noticed
1640s that their power levels just like on a
1642s fair fight is not going to match Hong
1644s Kong's level of power so what they need
1646s to do is that they need to force Hong
1648s Kong into doing an action and then they
1650s can profit out of it so for example like
1653s that last fight and Lee Jong Tower
1655s Hong Kong had to expend a lot of votes
1657s just to win that fight if there were
1659s more I'm sorry to cut you off but if
1662s there were more percent if there were
1664s more time for Philippines Philippines
1665s would have had the resources to win that
1667s next fight because Hong Kong already
1669s expended every single resource just to
1671s win that fight exactly as if this uh
1675s keeps on happening like a total war then
1677s Hong Kong's just going to bring it all
1678s the time so Philippines they need to
1680s find another way like find some
1682s different type of equipment to win that
1684s tug of war in a way because oftentimes
1686s if you're just out leveled in
1688s mechanically it's really hard to find a
1690s solution sometimes but it's going to be
1693s it's only the second match of the entire
1695s qualifier so I think this is still uh a
1699s lot of experience for them to actually
1700s catch up to the higher level teams as
1702s you see the display from Hong Kong still
1704s being uh it seemed like they were also
1707s kind of having fun at the same time okay
1709s this should work right and then it
1711s worked and then okay now let's bring the
1713s entire team up here with the ice wall uh
1715s we only got two last time sorry guys
1717s okay join the party thanks for the
1719s invite right and then they got all the
1721s way up there isolating with the ice
1722s walls those are great they worked almost
1724s every single time isolating usually
1725s usually you would just isolate the tank
1727s but somehow Redux was also there often
1730s times I guess as a surgeon you can just
1732s you think you can just slide away but
1733s when there's the wall oh you die instead
1736s yeah so I mean we were talking about
1738s Philippines a lot but I also want to
1740s credit Hong Kong a lot because they were
1742s also very good yesterday as well they're
1744s keeping up the display xiaolan is
1746s proving that Genji is not the only hero
1749s that he could be good at and also as a
1751s team like if you're that ahead if you
1753s have that confidence in you there are
1755s some teams that were willing to just
1757s pull the trigger and use a lot of
1758s resources just for nothing and but they
1761s were keeping okay we can we they have
1762s they have the knowledge that okay we can
1765s win this fight without using this much
1767s resources and they can just win the
1769s neutral fight because Philippines were
1770s giving the neutral fight to them they
1772s didn't they weren't giving they weren't
1774s forced into fights the that needed to
1776s that the Hong Kong needed to use
1777s resources until their very end so good
1780s discipline from Hong Kong I'm expecting
1782s uh another good display on the second
1784s map as well but let's see if Philippines
1787s can actually uh turn it over because
1789s Philippines is looking a lot better than
1791s yesterday yeah uh for sure especially
1793s when they're moving together as a team
1795s it did show to show a lot better
1797s movements in terms but too bad there was
1799s a really good asphalt really isolating
1802s them all the time and this map the
1803s second map will be the choice of the
1805s losing team from the first map shambali
1807s Monastery that's what Philippines chose
1809s that shows for the second map here I
1812s think some other Echo potential here
1815s maybe if they're on defense maybe
1818s offenses as well I guess maybe uh I
1821s don't think it'll be like the best
1823s choice in the world because usually
1825s chambali is a map where Ram Rush is
1828s really really predominant
1830s so maybe
1837s they can fix their if Philippines can
1839s fix their issues while uh that they
1842s displayed yesterday with the echo I
1844s think they'll they might opt into it
1846s we'll have to see though yeah we'll have
1848s to see and also against uh the May
1851s uh me and the soldier not Soldier this
1853s time but uh shaolin's two most played
1855s heroes are Genji and Mei so the
1858s Philippines might need to find a way to
1860s really work against them maybe just have
1862s your own better mate along with a tracer
1864s what seemed like was working for redox
1866s or what maybe they have to work and
1868s thought in terms of hero pull
1870s uh because it might really not have
1873s exactly the biggest hero pull of all the
1875s players so I'm really keeping an eye on
1878s what Philippines going to bring on this
1879s map because it's their own choice
1881s okay I see a mercy being hovered by
1884s General here maybe there are disgusting
1886s whether they want to play the echo or
1888s not or maybe they can just have the uh
1889s the mercy just power boost the Hanzo or
1894s High isn't it it'll be interesting to
1896s see but we can see that Hong Kong is
1898s opting to go to the traditional Ram Rush
1901s with the Sombra which I think is a
1903s really good choice maybe okay Hong Kong
1905s is going for the camp uh spawn Camp
1907s we've seen this a lot in the OverWatch
1909s League let's see how this goes
1912s initial initial fights the Philippines
1914s actually staying together buddies
1917s Charlie hat very very low heels back
1920s heels back up walk is also lower
1923s this time he stays okay so good initial
1927s survival but Philippines did not yet
1930s yeah
1933s there needs to be a reason why you bring
1935s the Hanzo here early keep on Surviving
1938s it's okay but in terms of old charge of
1941s course Hong Kong's getting a lot more
1942s out of this
1944s yeah very true if you look at the EMP
1946s levels and if you look at the dps's uh
1949s all charges it's definitely see the
1951s favor of Hong Kong I do want to point
1952s out the Philippines will have an early
1954s coalescence that might be the key to
1957s Breaking disability okay the field is
1960s gone it's only almost there 96 percent
1963s and that might be the single key enough
1966s I think it has the Nemesis form on okay
1969s and there is that cool lessons that I've
1971s mentioned crew me good returns with an
1973s answer kill however Chumlee is
1977s bloodthirsty and will finally be able to
1980s move the car from the parking lot now
1982s that's the real support you support your
1984s team by managing to grab the kill okay
1987s so that's a real that's a real hospital
1989s all right you you support the team by
1992s removing the enemy's damage outside
1995s exactly but Hong Kong
1997s although they lost I am crazy they are
2000s still wanting to meet that barricade
2002s happen and by removing Charlie the only
2005s give away 10 meters of the payload
2009s oh this time on so yeah having it that
2012s huh
2014s put some pain
2016s okay r3k is down and they will finally
2018s be able to move the carp again however
2021s if you look at the olds here Philippines
2023s had to use both the sound barrier and
2025s the annihilation just to get Hong Kong
2028s out of the card so Hong Kong has EMP we
2032s have Annihilation and they have a sound
2034s barrier for insurance so the next fight
2036s is going to be very very difficult for
2039s the Philippines to win unless what can
2042s make an amazing blizzard so I would want
2044s to look out for that let's look at the
2045s EMP Remy's position pretty well and
2048s that's the entire team
2049s still keeping up
2052s so the Philippines they know after
2055s knowing where that where the Sombra is
2057s they're just backing off immediately
2059s okay Redux is down I think Philippines
2062s might want to wait Factory that's fine
2064s once again Philippines is failing to oh
2069s man okay somehow managed to survive that
2072s amount of heal from mango die and I'm
2073s crazy still keeping that tank in front
2078s okay so there's that Dragon strike plus
2081s still Blizzard from what and also the uh
2084s the coalescence however Hong Kongs has
2086s more ultimates they not they have the
2088s EMP they have blizzard the blizzard
2090s shout out is now this might be
2092s Philippines just however that was a
2094s great EMP from kurumi and while
2097s Philippines is still fighting back
2099s however it looks like R3 came
2103s okay so Philippines
2105s yeah at the end they do get a couple
2107s more
2108s but that was basically all the alts used
2111s and I think that was actually worth it
2113s though
2114s yeah uh because they are they in the end
2116s if you look at the end game Hong Kong
2118s did have to back away because everyone
2120s was taking uh taken down I this was
2123s actually a really impressive fight for
2124s the Philippines because I thought Hong
2125s Kong would win this it was a great EMP
2127s after a uh after a good blizzard and the
2131s absence of Shaolin is kind of you know I
2133s think it was felt at this fight oh we're
2136s not going down there and then there's
2138s that sound Baby by Hong Kong they want
2139s to push this and and with overtime two
2143s seconds they have to be on the payload
2147s and that's going to be do it in Hong
2150s Kong
2151s still keeping the Philippines with
2153s basically zero point yep the full hell
2156s Philippines and wow so Philippines did
2160s have some again they are approaching
2162s this 100 degree Mark where the water
2165s boils they just haven't hit it yet they
2167s do have some good fights but the after
2170s the fights they have to win they have
2172s they have to profit from that win at
2175s that at this current moment the
2176s Philippines is failing to reap those
2178s rewards after they win a crucial team
2180s fight so credit to Hong Kong for recover
2183s making a quick recovery even after a
2184s team fight loss but Philippines has to
2186s be more decisive here but still the
2188s first uh even though they got no points
2190s Philippines I think they really got a
2192s better idea of what they had to do
2194s against against Hong Kong to actually
2196s make this war now swapping sides let's
2198s see what Hong Kong's going to bring in
2200s their own push
2203s also trying to get keep
2206s the spawn I think that you have to
2208s because you have to and not just about
2211s the composition it's the because
2216s payload
2217s only went so little they have to take
2221s out as much time as they can away from
2224s Hong Kong at the entrance at their spawn
2226s in order for them to try to win because
2231s uh this is eight nine less than 90
2233s meters there and Hong Kong will
2237s will have the we'll have that time where
2239s they have five ultimates and we'll just
2241s Brute Force into that uh okay not a race
2244s quit guys
2247s having some some minor connection issues
2250s into in Connect connectivity so we'll
2252s get back in in the game
2255s actually uh oh too bad that we still
2258s have to have this mini delay but uh
2260s maybe Philippines they can actually
2261s gather up and try to have their best
2263s defense and have a better full hold and
2266s that's a potential Hong Kong it seems
2268s like they they actually were quite
2271s surprised of what they were able to what
2273s Philippines was able to do in their in
2274s those few team fights like you mentioned
2276s that EMP which I think the timing was
2278s actually uh really good to turn
2281s everything around but even with that EMP
2282s I think at least three many MP oh
2284s Philippines they still got the damage
2286s and they were able to trade one better
2288s out of that fights which I was amazing I
2290s think that was one of the best fight
2292s from Philippines so far in two days and
2294s if that keeps on happening maybe Hong
2296s Kong will be but up putting up a
2298s challenge yeah I think Philippines is
2300s getting better and better as they play
2302s especially like you mentioned G clef the
2304s last team fight at that corner with uh
2307s with Hong Kong starting the fight with
2309s xiaolin's blizzard but Shaolin got taken
2311s out immediately and that numbers
2313s Advantage was actually enough to survive
2315s the EMP from kermi the EMP was beautiful
2319s I thought that was the end of the fight
2320s given that Hong Kong Hong Kong's power
2323s levels is generally higher than
2325s Philippine the Philippines but
2326s Philippines
2328s turn that fight around the only catch is
2331s that they had so little members left so
2333s few members left that they didn't have
2335s any like meaningful push on that payload
2338s after that fight and it's also also from
2340s hanzo's and whenever you bring the Hanzo
2342s of course it's also I guess Hanzo is a
2345s is a sniper I I actually call him a
2347s sniper in a lot of ways because either
2349s you get the kill or you missed you do
2351s know that no damage at all other than
2353s Breaking shield with the storm storm so
2355s let's see if that happens at all there's
2357s a Teleport into the room with passion
2361s okay so I can explain the Bastion here
2363s because Bastion is usually used when
2367s they when you want to break through the
2370s initial spawn this is gone now Hong Kong
2372s actually so Philippines if they lose
2375s another member this is gonna be really
2376s bad for the Philippines uh well
2379s yes they did lose walk they can't afford
2382s to lose any other members because the
2384s spawn time
2385s and when Hong Kong has three members on
2389s the card it's going to be really really
2390s quick and it's not going to be long
2392s before that ominous music and in
2395s Philippines point of view the ominous
2396s music of defeat plays that means that
2399s it's almost there that means that the
2401s payload is
2403s yeah hacked away yeah
2407s goes down and that might just be his
2409s match and just having fun shower on the
2411s end is never really going to die
2413s confessing the tank by himself and
2416s that's another kill only a meter A5 away
2418s and that secures the win for Hong Kong
2421s of the day that is second win for Hong
2424s Kong for this tournament and they are in
2426s a good position well of course there are
2429s two weeks so a lot of matches to be
2431s played but almost halfway through their
2434s bracket Hong Kong is in a good spot
2437s in a really good spot with 2-0 no map
2439s loss and I think they can literally
2441s continue to lead uh until they have to
2444s face uh a few other teams uh called
2446s Japan and South Korea realistically I
2449s think uh they're showing their power
2451s display to saying okay we deserve to be
2454s in this top three for now yeah so we've
2457s mentioned this I think yesterday and
2459s earlier today that Hong Kong right now
2461s seems to be the prime candidate for that
2464s third place however they they haven't
2467s played Japan in Korea yet so however so
2470s we don't know until they actually face
2472s some really high power level teams
2474s however it there's no denying that Hong
2477s Kong's looks pretty good like the
2478s coordination their composition usually
2480s r3k was you was displaying a lot of
2483s junker Queen yesterday and uh
2485s compositions around the Jungle Queen
2487s today we saw a lot more of the ramatra
2489s so that means for the other teams that
2492s were watching Hong Kong's matches and
2493s will be playing Hong Kong later in the
2495s tournament they will face a headache oh
2498s wait Arthur Hazen off tank but and it's
2501s good at Jungle Queen but not only that
2502s we we have to consider the ram Rush as
2505s well which is a totally different
2506s composition if to prepare so I think it
2509s was a very meaningful win and on the
2511s side of Hong Kong for Philippines yes
2513s there are zero two in the tournament now
2515s they are still showing a lot of
2517s weaknesses and but I do have a feeling
2521s that they're getting better and better
2522s and might surprise us at some point in
2525s the tournament I do agree as they
2526s brought a lot more Hanzo today uh which
2528s didn't turn out to be that meaningful
2530s maybe if they really want to change up
2532s the DPS line a little bit they displayed
2534s Echo yesterday Hanzo a little more today
2537s uh maybe in the future they can have
2538s some better team comps to compete
2540s against the other teams but that is not
2542s going to be the only match of the day we
2544s do have our second match it is going to
2546s be uh it's going to be actually a
2548s Chinese Taipei versus Japan so don't go
2550s anywhere we'll be back with our second
2551s match of the day
2570s this ends now
2579s thank you
2608s [Music]
2654s [Music]
2660s [Music]
2668s foreign
2672s [Music]
2694s [Music]
2701s [Music]
2709s [Music]
2722s [Music]
2739s foreign
2744s [Music]
2769s [Music]
2774s [Music]
2789s [Music]
2794s foreign
2796s [Music]
2804s [Music]
2820s [Music]
2827s [Music]
2845s [Music]
2878s thank you
2894s [Music]
2902s thank you
2907s [Music]
2941s foreign
2948s [Music]
2957s foreign
3006s [Music]
3016s [Music]
3025s [Music]
3037s thank you
3038s [Music]
3043s and welcome back everyone for APAC group
3046s a for the OverWatch World Cup qualifiers
3049s and we are here after our first match
3050s and second match is going to be even
3053s more of a banger because we have Team
3055s Japan who is also known as veril from
3058s the summer series and the entire team of
3060s Chinese Taipei which had a very rough
3063s time against uh one of the best teams
3065s South Korea yesterday we do have to
3067s mention but they were up against the
3069s best team so uh the nightmare is over in
3073s a way but their second match has to be
3075s Japan
3077s is not over yeah it's not it's not
3080s supposed to be as bad but still a very
3083s powerful team in the tournament so
3087s uh tell me the answers on them what do
3089s they have to do like how's it how is
3091s this going to look like well again like
3094s you said G clef Japan is one of the more
3096s stronger teams of this group we have
3098s seen that this team well barrel uh who
3101s is like who's who makes up the entirety
3103s of Team Japan
3105s is actually improving and even looks
3107s better than what they've looked like in
3109s the APA contenders APAC summer series
3112s uh so which I guess to answer your
3115s question G clef I do think that um
3117s Chinese Taipei has to
3120s has to make a clear intent so if they
3122s want to do a dive comp I've been saying
3125s this over and over again but if they
3126s want to do a dive comp they have to dive
3128s it together so what we've been seeing
3131s from Chinese Taipei is that yes they do
3133s try to make good intent they have a good
3135s intent they have good objectives but not
3139s all five members of the team kind of I
3143s don't think they're on the same page as
3146s let's do the dive yes and even if you're
3149s trying to do other compositions like the
3150s rush if you're going in everyone has to
3153s go in and single out a single Target for
3155s example one of the brightest moments in
3158s Chinese Taipei was on Elias uh Romans
3160s when they managed to single out lip in
3164s against South Korea and that is not an
3165s easy thing to do to be honest it's it's
3167s never easy against South Korea and any
3169s map to be honest uh in this group
3171s they're supposed to be one of the best
3172s teams of course A Team basically having
3174s all the members from the OverWatch
3176s league so uh they're on some different
3179s level here as we had uh Team Japan on
3181s screen well this team if you have seen
3184s contenders some are series it's exactly
3186s the same team that was representing uh
3189s basically representing Japan as a team
3191s Barrel who almost took the championship
3193s but I felt a little short against Kraken
3196s uh getting the runaround place instead
3198s yeah so if you look at Team Japan and
3201s yesterday's performances this is the
3203s clear favorites for today I do think
3204s that Japan is going to be this in terms
3206s of power levels the second strongest
3208s team in this group
3210s they've been using a lot of Winston
3212s Dives a paired with the double flankers
3215s which is really surprising to see
3216s because this is disregarding the patches
3219s the patches a lot of people were saying
3222s that the double flankers is very
3223s difficult to use after uh the changes in
3227s The Meta but however it looks like at
3230s the current moment Japan is still
3231s sticking with the double thing is
3233s because they don't need a need to change
3234s or maybe they're maybe number one
3237s they're used to it or number two they
3238s don't yet feel the need to show their
3241s other reveal their other cards yeah
3243s exactly because I believe uh Japan has
3246s some uh big matches uh next week uh not
3249s as much this week uh so I think what
3251s worked for the past three months
3252s basically three months uh with the same
3255s roster they can still use it we saw a
3257s lot of a lot of great uh uh but uh the
3261s anti-heal name plus the Winston dive at
3263s the same time so to the back line of the
3265s opponent yesterday which was team
3267s Philippines and it worked every single
3269s time and they might tried it exactly the
3271s same with the Teresa Teresa Sombra cup
3273s and unless it's broken don't fix it I
3276s think Japan is going to continuously
3278s showing the old team car which they
3281s showed a lot so they can actually show
3283s something else against a bigger opponent
3285s yeah so also the first map being Nepal B
3289s is that is also a factor that I think
3291s Japan has no reason to abandon the
3294s double thinkers I think Nepal depending
3296s on what route it is I think maybe
3298s Villages even even Village is very
3302s viable to work on the double flinkers so
3304s I'm expecting double flankers unless
3306s Japan has something cooked here okay
3309s here is Village I do want to see Chinese
3312s Taipei coming with something really
3314s really
3315s interesting like the pharah maybe but it
3318s looks like they are preparing for the
3321s Rhine Rush Oh man don't get me started
3323s on pharah I think Pharaoh can stay
3325s within the region
3327s well once it was okay but twice or after
3330s you know
3332s times matches like
3334s it's like from a
3335s specific and it actually turns out to be
3337s a meta in the next few weeks so we might
3339s have that in the future but uh we're
3341s still pretty early on in the first week
3343s of the qualifiers but here we go with
3344s both maze
3348s contest between the ram rush and the
3352s grindrush which in the paper should be
3355s in favor
3357s of Japan
3359s and there is that first blood and in
3361s favor of Japan
3363s and mortality fuel goes down really
3365s quick and uh and uh Health levels on
3368s Japan very very low however positional
3371s Advantage is on the side of Japan so
3373s they can rotate to the point quicker
3375s than Chinese Taipei I know we've been uh
3378s complementing a lot of the members from
3380s Japan but cute loud both cute louder
3383s double cues they've been doing so much
3386s work and let's see
3388s falling down earlier their mortality
3390s feels not there to save however uh
3393s Health levels on Taipei perilously low
3395s Raymond down and snow is very low as
3398s well they're actually getting a point
3400s they're coming in you're contesting
3402s away from Japan very like Japan does not
3405s have a tank so it is taipei's chance
3409s take the point and it looks like there
3411s will be a flip unless okay so they did I
3414s thought mid was going to consist a
3416s little bit more until the rest of Japan
3417s came however Taipei did Chinese Taipei
3420s didn't manage to flip the point yeah
3422s first flip just for a moment now now the
3425s remaster is back
3435s actually just one yep so only both uh
3439s amplification matrices from both Batiste
3443s were used and more value on the side of
3445s Japan so Japan does have the option to
3449s use the choke point as a as a stage for
3453s the annihilation however Maui does have
3456s the sound barrier so Taipei is Taipei
3460s has means of Defending it yeah plus the
3462s Earth shatter from tomato it can be and
3465s Within These choke points you can
3467s actually have multiple multiple men or
3469s Shadow for shorts with tomato trying to
3472s look at the angle so at least you have
3474s to bring at least two or more down both
3476s some match symbolts used it's going to
3479s be weather tomato can use that shatter
3482s effectively or not all the way but
3483s there's too much damage through the
3485s shield oh that's a pretty nice one with
3487s the zombie we're keeping them alive I I
3489s thought it was giving them alive never
3491s mind
3492s way too much damage put output from
3494s Japan a lot of resources used on both
3498s sides but in the end Japan came up on
3501s top and with 95 I don't think Taipei
3504s Chinese Taipei can ever touch
3506s and that is that's so pure celebratory
3509s blistered
3511s oh wow
3513s oh you got you got a blizzard I got a
3514s Teleport
3516s they're showing their they're showing
3518s off their abilities however good display
3519s from Japan yes Chinese Taipei did have a
3523s bright moment and flipped the point for
3525s just a moment but Japan used the right
3527s resources at the right time to get those
3531s advantages back and I think and just in
3533s the compositional matchup as well I
3535s think Ram Rush is
3537s Glenn going against the Rhine Rush is
3540s superior to the Orion rush so there it
3543s looks like Taipei understands that as
3545s well and they're matching Japan's
3547s composition with the ram Rush of their
3548s own unless you have a specific uh comp
3550s with the Reinhardt it was going to be an
3552s uphill challenge for Chinese Taipei here
3554s comes uh mirror matchup basically oh
3557s never mind there's a Hanzo now and a
3559s soul turn from Nico
3560s so interesting choice for head scans
3563s well yes Hanzo is a projectile but is
3566s largely considered doing having the same
3569s duties as as head scan because uh this
3572s is the one shot potential however the
3574s one shot comes from snow as
3577s nuts away kooky yeah that sounds early
3581s and also Nico both DPS down on Japan's
3583s side Chinese for them to push and get
3586s mint of course on a Lucio can be tough
3589s but manager to get the final kill and so
3591s that is early Advantage for this side of
3594s Chinese Taipei however they haven't
3596s capped the point yet
3598s yeah they can come in as the birth DPS
3600s should be coming into
3603s okay now they're tapping the point
3606s so yes the Chinese table did win the
3609s first I guess one and a half fights but
3613s they didn't get a lot of percentage
3615s going on because they haven't been able
3617s to count the point so Japan will be
3619s feeling pretty good about this
3621s yeah my Hanzo in a pretty safe position
3623s and I'll have to do the side duties
3629s from Nico and there is that flip
3634s tomato
3640s it was actually
3641s doing a nice job keeping all the damage
3643s uh isolated to his teammates yeah so if
3646s tomato fell that would have been a
3647s problem but the fact that he survived
3650s means that that damage done to tomato is
3653s all transitioned into Raymond's Nano we
3655s you can see that Nano is already ready
3657s so that might be okay that is a nano
3661s tomato punching out the members of Japan
3665s however KSG answers with the
3667s annihilation good Blizzard from snow and
3672s wow we need to look at this fight a
3674s little bit more because tomato pops
3676s their annihilation of their own takes
3677s out cloud
3679s however the point is still on the favor
3681s of Japan Taipei yeah
3686s off the point force him off the point
3689s because it's still being contested
3691s oh just Falls I mean that cheap huh
3694s still not over yet there's
3698s look at that actually delayed them
3700s pretty well but that's actually going to
3702s push the respawn even further but I
3704s think Chinese type is actually not too
3706s bad they managed to win that fight with
3708s the Nano tomato was able to stay alive
3710s for a very long time actually held that
3712s Annihilation until he literally needed
3714s like 10 seconds after KSG uses his own
3717s yeah so good use of the annihilation by
3720s the side of tomato to wait out until
3722s ksg's uh Annihilation faded away and
3727s Chinese Taipei is joined really well in
3729s the team fights but they need to be a
3731s little bit more aware of objective
3733s management because they've been winning
3734s these fights but they haven't been able
3736s to profit and transition those
3738s advantages into uh into win percentages
3742s okay hope on the side still looking for
3744s some extra
3746s heads on to the pain the gate with the
3749s end time
3750s could not bring me down
3752s good sound barriers however
3757s a lot of members from the side of
3758s Chinese Taipei
3760s and already the point is back to the
3763s side of Japan so this is kind of like
3765s making the difference here because Japan
3767s entire Chinese Taipei are are both
3769s having their share of Team fight wins
3771s however Japan is capping the point as
3774s soon as they think they're confident
3776s enough to win these team fights however
3778s Chinese Taipei they it takes them a
3781s while for them to cap the point even
3782s after a team Fight Win so this is making
3784s the difference here and already it's
3785s overtime yeah shut down and snow going
3788s down that just means that no one else is
3790s able to touch a point and that will be
3793s the first map for Japan
3795s wow okay so on on on Village I think
3800s Japan just outplayed uh Chinese Taipei
3803s in all manner and all of I guess
3806s cylinders however in all categories
3808s rather but on uh Sanctuary uh sanctum
3814s sorry excuse me on sanctum it was a
3817s little bit more competitive uh I think a
3819s Chinese Taipei had their share of a good
3822s fights and they actually won a few but
3824s it was kind of like to me I just feel
3827s that it was the objective the focus on
3830s the objective that was a little bit
3831s different because Chinese typing might
3833s have had so much more uh point
3835s percentage if they count the point as
3838s soon as they won those fights so I guess
3842s it's all credit to Japan for for that
3844s objective management yep also there was
3846s a lot of Delay from Japan they have a
3848s lot of uh they had tools uh like Lucio
3850s contesting the point from Top just wall
3851s writing and also Maine delaying all the
3853s points to making sure the respawns are
3855s back from the uh the dead members of uh
3857s the teammates that were actually coming
3859s into the building at that moment so I
3861s think it was Chinese Taipei also not
3863s just fighting out and winning winning
3865s the thing but because they have been
3866s losing so hard against Japan they just
3869s could not buy Spades it's not just a
3870s shot it's not just about Landing your
3873s shots all this time it's also just
3875s winning uh it's just taking some land
3877s off of your opponent it's also the space
3879s fight uh that's something that you have
3881s to consider a lot of the times when
3882s you're fighting uh when you're having
3883s this competitive level and Chinese
3885s Taipei even after those wins it seemed
3887s like so guys I think we just won the
3890s fight so what do we do now like uh like
3893s uh Mr shot caller can you like give us
3894s some signs of do we go to the control
3896s point or like who's it seemed like they
3898s were missing the leading uh role in a
3901s lot of those fights even after this
3903s fight so when that comes to a quicker
3905s response I think they can do a lot
3907s better especially on control of course
3908s there won't be any control today but in
3910s the future that I'm talking about of
3912s course like more signs of life always
3913s means a good it's also always a positive
3916s sign because not only just for this
3917s match this match still is not over
3919s although it is a first or two they only
3922s have one more opportunity remaining
3924s however like if you look at the grand
3926s grand scheme of things this is only one
3928s match out of the many matches that you
3930s will play and this qualifiers and also
3932s in the in in Chinese taipei's
3935s perspective you are facing the top two
3937s teams of the group first so if you get
3939s something positive out of those top two
3941s teams then you will have a lot better
3944s time facing these other teams in the
3946s group yeah to be honest alone when uh
3949s there was Nana on Hanzo I kind of lost
3952s it for a second
3953s they said oh that's just that's just the
3955s desperation right there you just have to
3958s find the target to give Nano because
3960s Anna went down like point one second
3961s after giving that Nano so it was really
3964s tough keeping that front line and it
3966s just again uh Team Japan just showing a
3969s lot of their uh mechanical to be to be
3971s fair I think mechanically they're of
3973s course really good but I think team
3975s Japan actually has one of the best
3976s Teamwork because as a team they started
3978s stayed as a team for such a long time
3979s compared to all other teams uh in the
3982s store in this Tournament of APAC group a
3984s and oftentimes when they when the tank
3987s jumps in goes into the front with the
3989s DPS the supports are always there 100 so
3992s in terms of teamwork I think they're
3994s above everyone else maybe even at the
3996s level of Team Korea but mechanics that
3999s is a bull let's see just in terms of
4001s teamwork and the experience that they
4003s actually had together well mechanically
4006s yeah that's that's something else that
4008s we have to talk about later time sure I
4009s mean good point G clef because I do I
4011s wanted to point that out as well because
4013s Japan has has been a single team unlike
4015s some other teams who have been having
4017s players from all kind of different teams
4019s maybe some players that have not even
4020s been playing professionally so team
4023s cohesion is definitely good on the side
4025s of Japan we could have seen that yes
4027s like you said the supports are
4030s supporting each other not just they're
4031s like they're not like just um uh
4034s Victoria is focusing on one target like
4036s the tanks in front of them they are
4038s actually very aware of their positions
4041s and where the other uh other teammates
4043s are and I think that's a really
4045s important thing especially in like high
4047s stakes tournaments where shot calling
4049s can be a little bit chaotic
4051s um and that's also really impressive for
4053s the side of Japan and again I do have to
4055s emphasize that Chinese Taipei does have
4057s to work on their objective management
4059s because I think I just can't help
4062s thinking that that was the difference
4063s for for the second round yeah I think
4065s they also have some potassium uh subbing
4068s the subbing in and out because we
4070s yesterday we saw Nexus uh coming in as a
4073s first tank and then switching into
4074s tomato this time we already had tomato
4076s in the front line and I don't think it
4078s was too bad of a tank roll in the front
4080s it was just more of the teamwork that
4082s was making the differences so maybe
4085s depending on the map because they do get
4086s to pick that second mode and the map oh
4089s they can just have the tank player that
4091s suits the roll a little bit better I
4093s think Nexus was actually playing a
4095s different role compared to Tomato Nexus
4097s was more a lot less uh in a way it is
4101s Mantra was actually very defensive
4102s compared to tomato tomato with the
4105s Reinhardt could have been a lot more
4106s aggressive I really feel that especially
4108s on the very first uh Reinhardt of course
4110s you have to Shield your teammate and and
4112s take all the damage away but sometimes
4115s actually going aggressive and charging
4117s your ultimate earlier works better for a
4119s Reinhardt sometimes
4120s yeah and of course like and I am hearing
4124s from production that we are so the
4127s prophet G clef has spoken and
4130s compost has answered tomato is actually
4132s getting sub for thanks us
4135s is coming in okay and the map
4139s Walter we are actually actually seeing a
4142s lot of Gibraltars and not just in our
4144s group uh overall uh in the World Cup
4147s which is which is a which is always a
4149s map that I'd love to see I think one of
4151s the reasons that this might be is that
4153s watchable Gibraltar is a very classic
4155s map and it's been around for a while for
4158s the longest time yes and since a lot of
4161s the players who haven't had professional
4164s experience have been playing OverWatch
4166s for a long time so even when they play
4168s comp they know how to play this map and
4170s with the team that doesn't that didn't
4172s have much practice as a team I think
4174s this is like one of the uh one of the
4176s maps that everyone knows what to do
4178s because even when they're playing comp
4180s hey this is a map I've been playing like
4182s five million times so I know what to do
4185s everyone knows
4187s that's a lot of games where are you 5
4190s 000 you know let's put it that okay yeah
4193s yeah even with eight years I think you
4196s can technically play five thousand
4206s yeah so and we do have lights actually
4209s coming in instead of snow for Chinese
4211s Taipei and as you mentioned Nexus here
4215s so a lot of more focus on the Winston
4217s composition as you can see this map is
4219s all about High Ground low ground and
4221s like getting The High Ground so that you
4223s can have a clear shot at the low ground
4226s in that sense I guess a composition that
4229s has a Winston makes a lot of sense as
4231s you can see here Japan is running a
4235s double flanker so this is what we've
4236s been seeing a lot from Japan yesterday
4238s and they're not I guess they're not
4242s meaning to change no the anti
4244s not following up with the damage so not
4247s this time because she was not trying to
4249s take the advantage there and remove all
4252s the way on top if you bring the heel
4253s Nexus
4255s so far uh Chinese sniper actually
4257s holding the top ground okay but here
4259s comes there is a great need from cloud
4261s over there so then Chinese Taipei has to
4263s back up a little bit
4265s but without the jump from the other
4267s flankers and changes
4269s keep checking making sure they know
4271s where the Sombra is that was close yeah
4274s that was very close but I think that
4276s that anti-need from cloud was really
4278s meaningful in a sense that although it
4280s didn't lead to any kills because look at
4282s the position from famous they they had
4285s The High Ground Control for so much but
4287s they're they are retreating back to the
4289s server room and this is a vulnerable
4292s spot for a dive and especially for a
4294s team that has good cohesion like Japan
4296s this is easy prey for the side of Japan
4300s here this almost looked like a Japan
4303s just trapping them into a corner and
4305s catching them easily with a better
4307s position and mean that in the meantime
4309s let's go the payload was being pushed
4311s though I thought Chinese Taipei had a
4313s better idea of how to handle against the
4315s team team Japan did yesterday but it's
4317s still the same case here again I I do
4320s think that the Anthony just that Anthony
4322s made all the difference because Chinese
4324s Taipei had at least a foot team fight or
4328s two to defend more
4331s High ground but that anti-need draw
4334s Taipei out of The High Ground and now
4336s they're already here there is that Nano
4339s Winston Winston R also has the Primal
4341s Rage if they want at that time to
4343s Ash was wow I had no HP left so diving
4346s onto the perfect Target stuck but
4348s pumpkin popping the rate so Kirstie
4350s actually doesn't go down I thought he
4352s was about to go down oh Nexus goes down
4354s first that's Winston dead look at the
4357s objective manager from Japan here they
4358s are fighting their team right they're
4360s winning the team fight but they still
4361s have two members on the payload they are
4363s already almost all the way to point B
4366s this is impeccable this is really really
4369s nice stuff from Japan because not only
4371s are there winning team fights and
4372s getting the advantages they are pushing
4375s the objective this month we might be
4377s looking at another record-breaking push
4379s here oh okay she finally goes down low
4381s here's Nexus right after when there's no
4383s tank
4385s a little bit
4387s other damage can you really have the
4389s support would you
4391s will that's the real question that we do
4393s have to throw so Nexus with oh another
4397s good nade from cloud with the EMP Melody
4400s had the rally but didn't see was too low
4403s to pop it because Maui knew that even
4406s though if she pop if he popped at rally
4408s he would have died any anyways because
4411s the healing was unavailable and and the
4413s generation from the rally would not be
4415s enough to save them yeah it's gonna it's
4418s not gonna be a record uh this time
4420s because we were about to pass that Mark
4422s 447 from yesterday from Team Japan
4425s still struggling to respond here as the
4429s dive keeps on happening at this time
4431s they were close to catching the Sombra
4433s but KSG never really going down that's a
4435s real problem everyone already has has
4438s the ultra fans even after that many
4440s fights
4446s with the rally of their own and also
4448s Raymond pops the Nano but however will
4451s they be able to survive light is already
4453s down Nexus is antenated but will be safe
4456s for the moment Mally is slow cloud falls
4458s so maybe this is the stabilizer that
4461s Chinese Taipei was looking for yeah and
4463s they're competing to bring the kills
4464s there's rainbow now switches over to the
4466s offensive fellow then trying to pick up
4468s the kills uh from Team Japan be treating
4470s to their base as finally here's a hold
4475s but it's right before that three-poiner
4478s yeah so finally Chinese Taipei get that
4481s stabilizing moment that they need
4482s however team Japan already is at 78 for
4486s that EMP so if kooky is able to use that
4489s to great effect this might be the end of
4491s the map I ended the push for Japan
4493s already I hope Ashley has been doing
4495s okay okay I'll leave it in the neutral
4498s fight so this is gonna be a very EMP
4500s here just waiting for the perfect moment
4503s cookie does have to take a breather
4504s because he was very low maybe they don't
4506s even need the hippie because this entire
4508s team
4509s you do have to contest so here's Nexus
4511s yeah with the rage but after that who
4514s are you gonna have there's an EMP
4515s everyone dead near the point Nico just
4518s throws out that pulse bumps just for
4521s Just a Touch however Falls very quickly
4523s Brigg also follows and that is a three
4527s minute time back from Team Japan what a
4530s dominant push
4532s School
4533s what can we say unknown team Japan for
4535s now they're on Unstoppable especially on
4538s this map Chinese Taipei I mean they had
4541s some good ideas especially towards the
4543s front they didn't end up they did not
4545s end up losing too many members at the
4547s beginning before the first point but
4549s after these Dives kept on happening it
4553s was not just PSG and Niko kyuki actually
4556s just dominating the front line I'll be
4558s I'll be making a bold statement here I
4560s think this push this attack from Japan
4562s is all just cloud like not only did I'm
4566s saying this for like the fourth time
4568s today right now but clouds antinate on
4571s that first point was what they what was
4573s what started all this in the first place
4575s and also not just on the first point
4577s Cloud's anti-needs were on point at
4580s least two members and if that was the
4582s two members that's two members on the
4584s back Lane as well I remember one also
4587s Anthony that I remember was on point
4589s after they capped After Japan capped
4592s point B the uh the antenata both Anna
4595s and the Briggs so even with the brick
4598s have holding the rally they had to just
4601s accept their fate because they were they
4604s were antenated as you can see on screen
4605s you know what this feels like it feels
4607s like Q loud throws a bionic grenade and
4609s says Fetch and then once it just jumps
4612s into a fighting game right
4614s well hey at least it's not a pulse bomb
4617s I hope that's not the chain of command
4619s in the team
4622s well here we go that's this time uh
4625s Chinese Taipei will be pushing with
4627s Cassidy okay that's gonna help uh
4629s catching Tracer and also Sombra okay
4631s Nico and that you oh okay Cassidy and
4636s slept it's taken out this is good stuff
4639s from cloud all over again and Nico's
4641s there to clean house don't survive
4643s somehow I mean I think this is gonna be
4645s another two-man grenade oh my God iCloud
4649s what are you doing please stop this is
4652s Massacre wait did that also did the
4654s grenade also get a patch of the magnetic
4656s stuff like Chastity no not tomorrow no
4660s right
4661s it's not it barely hits on one it's
4665s really hard to uh grab two or more
4667s oh wow so the fact that you're using the
4670s bionic grenade not to heal yourself
4671s what's already me it's just it's
4674s approved already that you're winning the
4675s team fight and look at look at the
4677s payload like Chinese type A is
4680s struggling so much to get space that
4682s they can't they don't even have time or
4685s or the positioning to move the payload
4688s yes look at I mean Japan again they're
4692s contesting the point every time Chinese
4696s Taipei is trying to push so whenever
4698s there's a contest the payload doesn't
4700s move so this is credit Japan for good
4704s objective management here yeah with just
4705s the Nano no rage box yet as Nexus will
4709s be the last one to fall oh there's
4710s there's hope somewhere
4712s just on screen but entire team gone
4714s again and now we have two minutes
4718s 16 seconds left clock Chinese IP what do
4720s they really have to do they just
4721s literally go around and hit them from
4723s the back and will that really happen
4726s again
4728s having to force Japan into using their
4730s uh resources because yes Japan has a lot
4734s of resources we have the pulse bombers
4736s they have the EMP they have the prime
4738s rage
4740s Chinese type B they can lose a fight but
4742s they have to force out these resources
4744s if they want a chance for the next fight
4746s right now Japan is doing whatever they
4749s want to please
4750s whatever they please to do and Taipei
4752s Chinese Taipei is not able to cope with
4754s it is this rage might be
4757s I think it should have been kept as
4759s they're still having the Nano to keep
4761s Nexus alive but their DPS is down so
4764s this is no flight going for Chinese
4767s Auntie needed and unable to get support
4770s from his teammates
4772s and there's another stagger kill on
4774s Nexus as well so that's also gonna be
4776s another 10 seconds taken away from
4779s Chinese typing you can see from here
4780s she's monitor here while he's jumping
4782s towards the target he's looking to find
4785s another prey on the way
4787s trying to look left and right giving
4790s information to the team they're just
4791s curious G with the anti but still no
4793s falling off damage from Chinese taipeias
4794s this bridge has been kept for the last
4797s three four minutes again
4801s at the rally this time though this could
4804s be a chance for Chinese Taipei to push
4805s yeah I think mint was a little too
4807s overzealous there but however okay yes
4809s like you said this is a Chinese taipei's
4812s best chance of actually Captain Queen a
4818s they've used a couple so not too bad
4821s they do have the false form so hope
4822s really needs to okay there's one more
4824s kyuki's still alive I thought it was an
4825s entire team I guess not Japan does have
4828s another chance of contesting before this
4830s point caps and they have the Nano so it
4833s looks like it's going to go to the
4835s Winston for any hopes of the contest
4837s there it is and will Cloud be able to
4841s throw another
4842s Auntie Nate over there okay
4845s didn't hit anyone yeah Remo just getting
4848s uh the grenade for the back towards the
4850s front Nexus ends up going down anyhow so
4853s it's over time now someone's got a touch
4855s oh nobody was able to touch oh boy slept
4859s with that sleep 13. Q loud knew that it
4863s had to be the Tracer coming for the
4864s point exactly nobody was in the race
4867s start there
4868s wow okay
4871s there I know there's no player of the
4873s match further for the World Cup I just
4875s want to give
4876s I just want to give the player of the
4877s match too too loud yeah loud was
4880s incredible wow incredible
4884s yes like you said G clef Tracer wanted
4887s to touch and I think that was the idea
4889s for Chinese Taipei as well
4891s I I was I have to see the replay but it
4894s was probably three uh blinks so I if the
4898s Tracer would probably be able to touch
4900s and but it was denied
4903s denied
4904s wow another fond memory for teen Japan
4908s and Gibraltar here what a dominant
4911s performance from Japan in this map two
4914s zero three zero score against uh Chinese
4916s Taipei as we will continue to continue
4921s to bring uh Apec group a but these two
4924s these teams that showed Crystal Clear
4926s signs of staying on top that was Hong
4930s Kong and Japan for sure 2020 score and
4935s man for Philippines and Chinese Taipei
4937s they have they still have a lot of work
4940s to do now yeah so Chinese Taipei and
4943s Philippines are at O2 at this stage they
4945s do have if I'm not mistaken three more
4948s matches if they want any chance of
4951s qualifying they do have to win all pay
4952s matches and hope that other teams are as
4956s competitive like in terms of wins and
4959s losses so it's gonna be a rough ride for
4962s them however they still have hope it's
4964s never not mathematically eliminated yet
4966s so they do have to prepare well for
4969s tomorrow and next week but for Hong Kong
4971s and Japan they must be feeling good
4973s because they have two wins on their belt
4975s right now and these teams have not
4977s played South Korea yet so they want to
4979s get all the wins that they can break up
4980s before they meet the best teams
4984s it's going to be tough for the two teams
4986s uh but it's cool I think it's also more
4989s of a story for them to win the matches
4991s that's going to be happening happening
4992s later uh
4995s seems like they really have to bring
4997s down the teams that are nearby their
4998s power level Hong Kong Japan of course a
5001s South Korean third place because they
5003s only played one so far they did not play
5005s the match today same as Indonesia who
5008s are actually playing tomorrow so they're
5010s going to be catching up potentially as
5013s maybe falling down yeah maybe falling
5016s down a little bit uh still only two days
5019s so the this the standing uh might not be
5022s the same after tomorrow and the next
5024s week but well I think a lot of fans can
5028s kind of tell that who our top three is
5032s going to be by next week but you never
5034s know because the teams uh they will do a
5038s lot of practice and get used to the
5039s patch and also find some weaknesses that
5042s the teams always have yeah so the first
5044s week is uh well it's more than half past
5047s the first week and we do have a broad
5049s idea of the power levels of each team we
5052s are seeing that Hong Kong Japan South
5054s Korea are definitely the clear favorites
5056s for this group however I do think that
5059s Indonesia Philippine Chinese Taipei all
5061s have the possibility to mix that up and
5064s even ever even so because the map
5068s differentials all two zeros right now
5070s all the matches are two zeros right now
5071s map differentials will be a key key
5074s thing especially next week when the
5077s standings are going to be divided
5079s that's going to be because next schedule
5081s we do have Indonesia versus Japan and
5083s South Korea versus Hong Kong
5087s you were saying can anyone any team get
5091s a map off of South Korea that would be
5094s incredible it would be I think it would
5096s be a challenge though by the looks of
5098s South Korea but Hong Kong is at 2-0 they
5101s have finally going to the challenge
5103s taking the challenge of South Korea it
5105s will be very interesting to see how the
5108s how the better teams and this group can
5110s fare against South Korea because yes we
5112s do know that I do know that South Korea
5114s is looking like the best team in the
5116s group but I don't know how good compared
5119s to the better teams of this group will
5121s be looking like I do I also do think
5123s that South Korea will be the favorites
5125s for this match coming up to against Hong
5127s Kong however
5128s finally they will be having quite a
5131s challenge because Hong Kong's looking
5132s pretty good yeah and also and also when
5135s I have another question that uh for team
5136s Japan how long are they actually going
5138s to be using that double flank until it
5140s is being stopped maybe they will
5141s continue until tomorrow uh maybe until
5143s it is actually being stopped by a
5144s certain team later on maybe tomorrow
5146s maybe next week so I think we have to
5148s really continue on to that story and
5150s also of course the second match of
5151s Tomorrow Hong Kong versus South Korea
5153s that's going to be the big one of the
5155s weekend I'm really expecting a lot of
5158s action a lot of high quality action for
5160s that matchup but today I think uh what
5162s we can get out of this is that okay
5164s there are still teams not really
5166s adjusting 100 percent uh to the map to
5169s the opponent what they really want to do
5171s and sometimes you just have to find a
5173s solution uh if you even if you can't
5175s find a solution you just have to work
5176s one step at a time I think that's a
5178s realistic goal for the teams right now
5179s yeah like you said G clef like the
5181s matches are really close together so in
5184s in terms of scheduling right so there if
5189s if a day ends it's like six eight it
5192s depending on where you are it's really
5193s late in the night you don't really and
5195s it's also after match which is a high
5197s tension uh event so the players the
5200s coaches are tired there aren't a lot of
5202s time for adjustments especially if you
5204s have the game if you have a match next
5206s like the next day so
5209s it's usually like hey we we're still
5211s using our plan a but we're kind of
5213s making a little changes to it
5215s so it looks like week one is going to be
5218s not we're not going to see a lot of
5220s various compositions or strategies
5222s coming into this week because I think
5224s this is what we're this is like the same
5226s composition same strategies that we're
5228s going to look at coming from each team
5230s however there will be minor changes and
5232s I hope those will be enough for the
5235s struggling teams to be a little bit
5237s better yeah I think uh I think for the
5239s first two days after those uh five
5241s matches so far five matches and I think
5243s we have a lot of idea about which teams
5245s how good they are right now but of
5247s course the reason why we're having this
5248s uh through two weeks is that the teams
5251s can adjust and improve and match the
5253s levels of the other team sometimes and I
5255s hope we see that real soon and that
5257s might be starting uh we'll we'll soon
5259s tomorrow as soon as tomorrow and some
5262s really hype matches there but for today
5263s I think that's going to be wrapping up
5265s and
5267s and really I was expecting a few other
5270s Heroes like Cassidy we got to see a
5271s little bit of Cassidy uh but it was not
5274s enough to really bring uh the Tracer
5275s down as much or the Sombra even so I
5278s think let's see who which team will be a
5280s team that will really give up some good
5283s challenges against the team Japan uh
5286s Hong Hong Kong I think South Korea are
5288s the realistic ones right yeah so I think
5290s like like you've seen from the echo
5292s right not just to Cassidy but also the
5294s echo we were seeing that a lot of teams
5296s like struggling teams when they use the
5297s echo they won't be able they weren't
5299s able to use it very effectively however
5301s team Korea did show that hey echo's
5303s actually a pretty good good hero and you
5305s can use it correctly so maybe from Team
5307s Korea we can see a little bit more of
5308s the Cassidy so the buff the buff Heroes
5311s will be a little bit more into use I was
5313s expecting I will expect South Korea to
5315s be using a little experiment a little
5317s bit with those new Heroes yeah but we
5319s only have two day uh two matches today
5320s and also two matches tomorrow but that's
5322s going to be wrapping up uh today for us
5324s now he's unknown I'm G clef thank you
5326s everyone for watching APAC group a of
5329s OverWatch World Cup qualifiers and we'll
5331s see you guys next time
5351s foreign
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