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1747s good evening ladies and gentlemen thank
1751s you very much for tuning in to the very
1752s last day of the OverWatch World Cup APAC
1755s Group B online qualifiers and last day
1759s it's gonna be a little bit of a fun day
1760s because everything's locked in nothing
1761s left to play for I lied to you yesterday
1763s I said I was going to have a little like
1764s coconut drink cup but I couldn't find
1766s one because it's the middle of winter
1768s here so I'm currently very cold wearing
1770s a short sleeve shirt for you my name is
1771s Matt pixie Carol joining me here also in
1773s a short sleeve shirt because he doesn't
1775s feel the coldest Kevin ever Walker and I
1776s don't know how long her sleeves are but
1778s we've also got Domino with us how are
1779s you guys doing
1781s yeah really good I'm very excited for
1784s the Australia versus New Zealand match
1785s today the one we've all been waiting for
1787s so I'm excited to see it can I can I
1789s call you out for lying one last time
1791s there's nothing you lied about there is
1793s something playing for today seating
1794s because Australia hasn't guaranteed
1796s first season this group just fair enough
1797s fair enough uh they do need to beat New
1799s Zealand today to confirm that I'll
1800s explain in a little bit more detail a
1802s little bit later on so I will still look
1804s forward there is one last thing you can
1805s also play for and that's Glory uh but
1807s let's go ahead and actually take a look
1808s at how the whole tournament shakes out
1809s because if we're talking about two teams
1811s qualifying out of this Apec Group B you
1813s can see just at the bottom there they
1814s then go through to that group stage
1816s where we will have 16 total teams two
1820s teams will qualify out of each group
1821s stage into those quarterfinals so we're
1824s actually catching up with the teams that
1825s qualified out Australia and Thailand yes
1827s about how they felt going against that
1829s uh you know some of the teams they were
1830s maybe okay with uh you know who they
1832s didn't want to come up against who they
1833s maybe did want to have a bit of a
1834s rematch against if they had any history
1836s there uh how far they expected
1838s themselves to go in the tournament and a
1839s bit of interesting thoughts there we're
1841s sort of the business end of it or indeed
1843s the deal is all done and locked in we're
1844s just hashing out the finer details
1846s dotting our eyes crossing our tees
1850s it's true some groups have three teams
1852s making up not owls ugh whatever so uh
1855s just the two just Thailand just the two
1857s and Australia and let's go ahead and
1858s take a look at Thailand and Australia
1860s yesterday in those matches are where
1861s they've successfully qualified out you
1864s see Australia versus Malaysia here this
1865s was uh again speaking of Johnny guys and
1867s Crossing teas this one was a little bit
1869s of a formality for the Aussie Squad
1872s yeah definitely one of probably the
1873s easier matchups Australia had um but
1876s obviously they did still want to take it
1877s seriously because if they win all their
1879s matches they will go undefeated in the
1881s entirety of the online qualifiers here
1883s so I can imagine even though Australia
1884s easier map definitely want to take it
1886s seriously and then India versus Thailand
1888s one of the toughest matchups we've
1890s probably seen and probably one of the
1891s best game game matchups we've seen it
1894s was very close they did go to the four
1896s the uh the pushback all the way to the
1898s third story push map but Thailand did
1900s eventually take it out and win which has
1902s put them very comfortably in second
1903s position and will qualify out so I'm
1905s sure they're very very happy about that
1907s win there yeah at about three meters in
1909s it on that last one came down to the
1911s final fight a very close right Affair
1913s the whole way through and we're sort of
1915s talking about at the time Not only was
1916s one of the best matches we've seen it
1918s was also one of the highest Stakes
1919s matches we've had because obviously
1920s India they still had a match ahead of
1922s them but it's against Singapore today
1923s very winnable match for them this is the
1926s do or die or indeed was the do or die
1927s one for uh both of these teams winner
1930s was almost guaranteed to qualify in in
1932s the case of Thailand they were
1933s guaranteed to qualify in and the loser
1935s was guaranteed to not be in so a bit of
1937s a heartbreaker there on the hold and you
1939s can see how that has affected the
1940s standings and so now Thailand and I
1943s believe Malaysia as well have fully
1945s played out all their games nothing left
1946s to play through I believe Malaysia
1949s should be on a one four there instead
1951s but in either case they are going to end
1952s up in the two still a chance for maybe
1954s Singapore to snipe away their fifth
1955s place but they would have to be India
1957s today but the prayer match what we're
1959s looking forward to is Australia versus
1961s New Zealand this year for Australia
1962s setting of four and zero they could go
1964s five and zero here flawlessly if they go
1966s to five and zero obviously they're going
1967s to be number one in our group but if
1969s they actually lose the New Zealand they
1970s go four and one we go over to a
1972s tiebreaker versus Thailand but the way
1974s that's going to work is I've worked it
1975s out to be Australia needs to even if
1978s they lose lose by at least a scoreline
1980s of one to two so the only way Australia
1982s go below Thailand in seatings is if they
1985s lose to New Zealand owe into space as
1987s long as they get one map versus New
1988s Zealand regardless whether we're going
1989s to lose they've got locked in let's go
1991s ahead and take a look we've had a little
1992s a preview of it of the matches that
1993s we've got on the cards for today India
1995s versus Singapore should be an
1997s opportunity to finish on a high for
1998s India after the tough beat yesterday the
2000s one that locked them out of officially
2001s qualifying this will at least be a
2003s little bit of a recovery for them and
2004s then we've finally round things out with
2005s the long-awaited Trans Tasman rivalry as
2007s we said there is a slim chance of this
2009s can affect the ultimate standings really
2011s what these two teams are playing for is
2013s a little bit of national pride
2019s sounds good to me yep do you feel proud
2022s me or Domino either I don't know
2028s I I'm I'm very proud of the Australian
2031s team I think they've done really well
2032s but we did say that they were probably
2034s one of the toughest teams to beat and we
2036s did predict they would be at the top of
2038s the leaderboard if not top two of the
2040s leaderboard so I don't think there are
2041s any surprises there uh we do think that
2044s they'll beat New Zealand because even if
2046s they didn't beat New Zealand and they
2048s came still qualified as top two I think
2049s they want to go undefeated like going
2051s saying we're undefeated in your group
2052s stage I think is something to you know
2054s be able to say and I think they'll
2057s definitely want to do that and also
2058s bragging rights a little bit at the end
2059s there and I do believe
2062s um you are less likely to ha to be in a
2064s group with other top Seas I don't know
2065s exactly how that point we don't know
2066s exactly exactly just yet but I would
2068s like to think it does basically you're
2071s trying to avoid South Korea being in
2073s your group and this is your best shot at
2074s that that's what I'm gonna go ahead and
2076s assume but we've got what match ahead of
2078s that and that is of course Singapore
2079s versus India cannot affect the outcomes
2081s like I said orders for a little bit of
2083s either maybe potential recovery for
2085s Singapore or a little bit of restored
2087s glory for India after their tough loss
2089s yesterday and another little bit of a
2090s shake up to the Singapore Squad uh once
2093s again we have vital out cup has had to
2096s switch back over to the DPS role from
2099s support so we're seeing farfa coming
2100s back in I actually ran this uh across I
2103s believe days uh two and three if I'm not
2106s mistaken so yeah so we have seen this
2108s particular incarnation of the Singapore
2109s lineup before uh sorry they're gonna be
2111s rolling out on today Singapore have at
2112s least one a single map In This World Cup
2114s qualifier they did take away a map from
2117s Malaysia very first number one
2119s assistant it has been a bit of a
2120s struggle opportunity here that you know
2122s maybe they can if there is a chance to
2124s beat India they can maybe sneak away in
2125s fifth place we'd have to look at some
2127s tiebreaker scenarios there as well but
2128s otherwise we talk about Australia going
2130s five and zero potentially Singapore
2132s they're trying to avoid going zero and
2133s five yeah it's uh not a position that
2136s you ever particularly want to be in
2137s let's go ahead and go and take a look at
2138s what's on the other side of fence here
2140s uh for the India Squad uh we'll be
2142s seeing the same thing we've seen so far
2143s talks through the roster Domino
2145s yeah India's been a very strong team
2148s they have put up quite a fight
2149s Unfortunately they did lose yesterday
2151s but they've done really well like they
2154s were one of the top contenders we
2155s thought this that they would potentially
2157s be in second place over Thailand so I
2159s think we might have been a bit surprised
2161s um maybe that they did end up in third
2163s place they are definitely going to want
2164s I think they're going to want to make
2165s this a 2-0 themselves so that they can
2167s at least go out with a bang even if they
2169s don't qualify through they've still done
2171s incredibly well in this tournament and
2173s third place is still something to you
2175s know call home about like well done it's
2178s still an amazing effort and indeed would
2179s be calling home because obviously the
2180s whole team is currently in Vancouver on
2182s land they actually moved out there to
2183s boot camp I feel like that almost
2185s again that's part of why you want to
2187s have a little bit of a good one here
2188s because you're all still over there now
2189s it didn't work out for you in terms of
2190s qualifying might as well turn it into a
2192s holiday finish on a good one go out with
2193s the boys have a bit of a bit of a night
2195s on it and just enjoy the rest of your
2197s time there I think that would be about
2199s as good as outcome as you can get
2200s without uh actually managing to qualify
2203s in yeah so a chance to finish strong Air
2205s versus Singapore last year they qualify
2207s for both of these two teams I'm looking
2208s forward to seeing India at least one
2210s last time to show their prowess on
2212s screen it should be a tough one for
2213s Singapore all the games so far I've been
2215s pretty tough for Singapore but maybe
2216s your chance for Singapore to maybe try
2218s and redeem themselves as well I I think
2220s that's a kind of the rubble the whole
2222s thing here right is it's all just about
2223s how these teams uh how these teams could
2225s feel about the uh the end of it all here
2227s and uh well with that there's nothing
2229s but to do uh nothing to do rather but to
2231s take a look at what we're going to be
2232s playing on ilios will be the first map
2234s around this time same structures before
2235s loser picks subsequent map they'll be
2238s picking from a choice of hybrid or
2239s escort and it is a first to two uh so
2242s there is a potential for uh Ties on a
2244s couple of these map modes we've got to
2245s push for the third map and then if we've
2247s had a one and one and a draw somewhere
2249s in there then we go back to control for
2250s our last uh last map there any last
2253s thoughts before we go ahead and get
2254s stuck in De Leos
2255s uh the only thing I was gonna say like
2257s even if you don't qualify out of this
2259s stage I feel like this has been a really
2261s good learning experience for all the
2262s players and I feel like you know even if
2264s the players go back watch their vods and
2266s learn from what they've done here in
2268s this tournament I feel like it's a
2269s really big growth and Improvement
2271s opportunity for all the players here um
2273s so yeah that's what I would be taking
2275s away from it if I didn't qualify at is
2277s how can I learn and grow as a player and
2279s just be the best player I can in
2281s OverWatch from this experience
2282s absolutely well let's go ahead and get
2283s stuck in game we'll catch on the other
2285s side and uh I think we raise a fair
2286s point there I mean posterity will be
2289s kind to this India Squad despite the
2292s loss against Thailand yesterday and I'd
2293s say in spite of whatever happens today
2295s because they have showed up big for a
2298s country that hasn't been able to have a
2300s lot of direct representation both in the
2302s world cup and just in professional
2303s OverWatch in general really great to see
2305s that happen I mean I can cast my mind
2307s back to a time when uh Thailand we're in
2309s a very similar situation where they
2311s hadn't really had many opportunities
2313s despite having a few gems in there a few
2315s diamonds and rough and then they finally
2317s uh had a decent show they still didn't
2319s even qualify out of the particular World
2321s Cup that I'm thinking of this is when we
2323s saw the likes of a poodle and patapan uh
2325s for the first time uh and look at where
2327s they've come now look at look at what
2329s has happened to them in the years down
2330s the line and I think this really sets
2332s India off on the right kind of
2333s trajectory and really this match is all
2335s about continuing on that trajectory just
2337s wanted to close it out and prove that
2339s they are indeed
2341s at minimum Third Base here right behind
2344s Team Thailand
2345s or perhaps even Australia if they
2347s somehow don't beat New Zealand but we'll
2349s get to that game a little bit afterwards
2350s let's head right into illegal's ruins
2351s here I met on to the wood up Ryan com
2353s coming through for India ran for
2355s Singapore pretty standard stuff no one's
2358s running anything too strange
2359s want to make a game play on ruins is
2361s still so much standard
2364s I'm gonna have to see if Iron Man is
2366s able to get the Run of things on that
2367s Widow has uh generally performed fairly
2370s well ashken taken a bit of a pummeling
2373s pun absolutely intended there from pummy
2375s it's immortality field forced out
2376s actually faffas in not quite of the
2379s immortality field caught out around the
2380s side now pay for dispatch them as the
2382s immortality field goes down and India
2383s used theirs to press forwards odd to
2385s keep their members alive very nice very
2387s cleanly executed good little 3K coming
2389s through for my event
2391s as India now will comfortably take the
2393s first count take the first win on the
2395s fight Singapore I don't believe they got
2396s a Kill
2397s no particular fight either so they'll be
2399s a little slow Akash during the brunt of
2401s the damage first ultimate online it's
2403s going to come through on the earth
2404s Shadows so now even on a support
2406s typically you'll be seeing
2409s nicely caught that Iron Man with the
2411s airline VIPs and the cash even picking
2413s up foxes in with the fire strike to dust
2414s them off first death of the Indian Squad
2416s is going to be cut the pressure go down
2417s to ashken wasn't quite any more fatality
2419s field there unfortunately but still
2420s collecting kills sorry able to get
2422s another one charge across not quite
2423s gonna be enough to catch uh by the
2425s leader's paper here but he will get him
2426s with the hammer anyway really I mean
2428s look at how aggressive this hole is for
2430s India
2431s the car shorting on 67 after using the
2434s shadow
2434s so there's a combination the fact that
2436s Iron Man got first Peg Clash follows up
2437s with a shout out very safely
2439s Singapore are actually getting a couple
2441s more kills now gosh Down's quite curious
2444s and I mean they could be punished a
2446s little bit here for that really forward
2447s hold you see a quick rotation from
2449s Singapore even some Indian players are
2451s isolated from the team here if I'm not
2453s mistaken yeah you're actually seeing
2454s their abs kind of cut off I'm not going
2456s to go down to the rotation Singapore
2457s actually ignoring those members and just
2458s trying to get aggressive which actually
2459s gives India an opportunity because those
2461s isolated players haven't been finished
2463s off as
2464s some damage down onto paper to compare
2466s first kill after he took a body shot
2468s from uh Iron Man's Widowmaker does go
2470s down but here we go a cash back in the
2472s mix double fire Striker I believe those
2473s were Earth shattered members as well so
2475s Singapore by not finishing off the extra
2478s separated players actually end up
2480s letting India pens to them Singapore
2482s didn't even get eyeballs on the points
2483s let alone boots
2485s well this becomes true I don't know if
2487s they actually ended up okay it's a
2489s ceiling no it's in the ceiling oh it's
2490s on top of the shuttle for some reason oh
2492s Crush misses the PIN to get away so he's
2494s going to stop at the moment likely go
2496s down here yeah go to Southbury but he's
2498s getting healed off look at that shields
2500s in all directions and it's working it
2503s will tell any field they're trying to
2504s keep him alive there we go forces the
2506s annihilation out of Ash game but I'm
2507s gonna be honest Iron Man's picked up two
2508s more so even with that Singapore not
2510s able to collect the point
2512s let's just get a couple kills I believe
2513s for Singapore they only got one alt
2514s right Ash Kane yep dropping in the
2516s annihilation and we end the round with
2519s four ultimate still on board for
2520s Singapore that never end up being used a
2523s tiny bit of Spawn camp they're not an
2524s entire spawn Camp given that India
2526s didn't uh
2527s you know window spawn camps they kind of
2529s got punished a few places to die
2531s but a very one-sided round in either
2533s case as you'd sort of expected as we
2534s head into I believe this is lighthouse
2537s uh no actually it could be well but in
2539s either case we are going to see the
2541s inclusion of some flying characters it
2543s is actually Lighthouse it's now going to
2544s be Echo versus another Echo and Ironman
2546s see we're going to come through on afara
2547s the bane of India they're going to pick
2549s it themselves it's gonna be double flyer
2550s get the pressure on double duty here to
2552s heal both yeah all the way this is gonna
2554s be this is gonna be uh very interesting
2556s to say the least and ashkay going
2558s aggressive with the Wrecking Ball
2560s a cash just gonna have a very fun time
2562s on the ground here I think
2563s this is gonna have to really try his
2565s best to somehow win this 2V1 it's
2568s actually more like a 2v3 with no C
2571s involved on both sides
2572s oh VIPs has already got to put me look
2575s at that just completely on top of him
2576s and now so much damage coming across
2577s last shot will collect paper very nicely
2580s collected there from Iron Man that'll be
2582s Indie able to rotate over to the point
2583s as it starts to unlock oh nice follow-up
2585s to find fuffers in a little bit low
2587s there puppy but he's got the Widow in
2588s the pocket uh so the mercy in the pocket
2590s and cut drilled down by the beam the
2592s focusing beam indeed
2594s some good targeting Focus down with VIPs
2596s going down first that's your primary
2598s target and after that
2599s people have followed which is the most
2600s you play Cups now changed over towards a
2602s soldier
2603s well you've got to do something to help
2604s all your teammates in the sky I'm in a
2606s bit of trouble here but alive uh can't
2609s stand for ash came
2610s ended up just choosing to take the dive
2612s there rather than let the extra shot go
2613s the way of Iron Man I think he tried to
2615s apologize onto The High Ground but just
2616s kind of missed uh which is funnier
2619s strictly speaking
2621s the cash not quite connected on the
2623s charge there by the way pummy brought
2626s low but again Captain fresh just
2627s comfortably alternating between put me
2629s and Iron Man
2631s the Singapore playing largely the right
2632s house I mean they went the diva as well
2634s they have the Echo and play already
2636s soldier's okay I think the cash is
2637s probably a little bit better yeah but I
2639s don't know we'll do it for probably that
2641s time around leave some explosive lips
2643s and paper actually coming in for a
2644s reason so this is an opportunity for
2645s Singapore it's two people
2648s yeah they do fight Iron Man as well so
2650s there's actually no DPS is a play but
2651s Captain fresh battle Mercy will collect
2654s duck cup nearly actually had VIPs there
2656s as well that would have been a little
2657s bit of a devastating blow but even then
2659s Singapore still actually need to get
2660s onto the point and this has just bought
2661s time for pummy to rejoin
2663s and Kosh is having a much lower game
2665s this time there's just no targets for
2666s the ride unfortunate she's got no one
2667s ahead don't want to swing his hammer on
2669s bips copying over towards the arrow
2671s should be again I was going to say Dean
2674s Mech but the duplicate in any case
2677s yeah
2678s probably not actually duplicating there
2679s could have potentially saved his life a
2681s cash fight Stoppers in Iron Man low oh
2684s not too long too low yeah too low with
2686s the Sky Box there didn't have the Boost
2688s to bring it back into the air
2691s but even then despite
2692s the spike kills uh Singapore we're
2694s almost gonna lose the point in the
2695s middle of that one but here we go we'll
2696s be able to collect it up India to make a
2698s couple of changes Iron Man is just
2699s having a round of time
2701s this will be interesting I'm I'm digging
2703s it man
2705s they're having a field day
2707s and uh yeah all right dude look at it
2711s can he get no no self-destruct likely to
2714s get popped out of the supports getting
2715s in there
2716s it's actually nearly gonna he's gonna be
2718s able to re-mack look at that
2720s the Bastion just kind of marching
2722s forward we'll go watch the point of cash
2723s is down they would have liked the Cash
2724s alive for this Bastion to be here
2727s they like to prevent this cap that they
2729s can but self-destruct on the point no
2732s maybe he was surviving actually advisor
2734s out as well from cops that have managed
2736s to dust off puppy thanks to that and
2737s yeah now Iron Man a little bit of
2739s trouble does go down India maybe need to
2741s regroup they've gone to themselves a
2742s little bit split up they did actually
2744s properly regroup and go in for a
2745s concerted push this time around yeah
2747s they're actually about to be overtaken
2748s look at that Singapore 58 59 and in the
2752s lead ashgate's gonna get demacked here
2754s oh Captain Price is disconnected gotta
2756s pause so India in a little bit of weird
2758s spot not gonna lie are they uh slowly
2761s changing compositions away from the
2762s flyers I mean both of them are gone now
2763s Iron Man on Genji who already has one on
2766s Genji for
2767s believe in life at this stage swapped
2769s over front no actually swapped over from
2770s bash onto Genji and I put me onto the
2772s repo
2773s so they actually gotta you know things
2775s are getting a little bit wild with both
2778s paper and Captain crash in the kill feed
2780s getting kills on other sports and all
2781s that kind of business
2783s but if India want to sweep the series
2786s and just confirm their score line on the
2787s leaderboard they'd either Take Back
2789s Control this round yeah they uh they
2792s need to take it a little bit more
2795s seriously shall we say uh I think that's
2797s a fair assessment
2798s um
2800s and I mean part of that more than
2801s anything like more than even just the
2803s hero picks is just that they've let
2804s themselves uh solo queue it a little bit
2806s and they've gone in one by one got a
2808s little bit disconnected from one another
2809s now very physically disconnected in fact
2811s with Captain prash unfortunately having
2813s some connectivity issues hopefully we'll
2814s be able to get that resolved shortly
2816s these are top offers uh Nick fa account
2819s yeah I was going to say is he like that
2820s is hasn't paid the hourly rollover
2823s my second news is they're all the same
2825s locations so
2830s should be able to sort it out but if
2832s it's internet you'd think all of them
2833s would get disconnected right who knows
2835s what's going on definitely not internet
2836s yeah hopefully we'll be able to get this
2838s one resolved shortly for Captain crash
2840s uh hopefully not too much of an issue uh
2843s we are just going to go ahead and take a
2844s little bit of a breather in the meantime
2845s so do stick around hopefully we'll have
2846s this resolved and be back with you
2847s shortly
2849s [Music]
2861s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
2864s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
2867s value means more at macca's so grab a
2869s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
2872s [Music]
2903s [Music]
2906s thank you
2908s [Music]
2910s thank you
2916s [Music]
2930s [Music]
2937s [Music]
2949s foreign
2950s [Music]
2965s [Music]
2990s [Music]
3009s [Music]
3021s foreign
3040s [Music]
3052s [Music]
3066s gets stuck straight back into the game
3068s and uh well I'm kind of excited to see
3071s how things proceed from here because
3072s obviously uh Singapore have actually
3074s pulled ahead they're currently holding
3075s on to the point uh we should have that
3076s game live for you in just a hot second
3078s uh we were talking a little bit before
3079s we went to break about how India can I
3081s just need to tidy up the gameplay a
3082s little bit here not let this one run
3084s away from them this is a very winnable
3085s map for them so a recent required here
3088s cash is down this hand is going to fall
3090s off the map though to also reset so okay
3093s despite a cash being down you know the
3095s plugin is dps's in line to get the kills
3097s trash coming out of Spawn now still
3099s immersive for some reason I think this
3100s is a situation we start thinking more
3101s about Lucio
3103s now
3107s that leaves out the camera yeah that was
3109s uh ABS just kind of holding his own
3111s landed asleep and then a classic uh
3113s extra sort of nade shot to kill
3118s at least Force the d-mac rather
3120s I'm trying to get real aggressive here
3122s kind of found the wall crying slightly
3123s but uh gets in there eventually it's
3125s unfortunate papers did actually have an
3127s anti-heal on him for just a brief second
3128s there but not quite able to take
3129s advantage Iron Man even has a nano boost
3131s 11 from ABS fails to walk on again it's
3133s a little bit of a heartbreaker still
3134s goes into fights five percent what else
3136s can you pick up thanks cut nicely
3138s collected more than happy with that you
3140s would be try to get onto paper as well
3141s we'll be able to confirm that one and
3143s round at the end of 90 now just
3145s collecting the last one won't even get a
3147s dragon blade in time by the looks of
3149s things maybe able to pull it out just as
3150s the 99 collects yeah has it has the
3154s point that's like the Dragon Blade solid
3155s uh solid four piece his Mercy die
3157s doesn't matter got the Nano Got The
3159s Kills
3161s in India despite the disconnections
3163s there presh gets back in and get back to
3166s the point and We're Off to the Races
3167s Iron Man I believe this is the opening
3169s 4k on ruins as well would not surprise
3171s me a well-plated scenario caught out of
3173s the Lucio who was above the immortality
3175s field and it just all started to fall
3176s apart from their paper poking his head
3178s out again outside of the immortality
3180s field ever so slightly very nicely done
3182s from Iron Man
3184s definitely Iron Man really opened up a
3186s lot of the team fights there and uh
3189s Singapore didn't seem to have a response
3190s to it um well done to Singapore though
3192s getting a bit of the upper hand there on
3194s the lighthouse map it was good to see
3195s that India did come back though and take
3197s things a little bit more seriously maybe
3199s realizing that potentially Singapore was
3201s going to pull ahead because it did seem
3203s like India were relaxing a little like
3204s look they're probably gonna win this but
3206s you still need to take it serious enough
3208s that you do win it so it's all good you
3210s know it's all well and good to have a
3211s bit of fun pick some fun Heroes and that
3213s but when you actually you know you still
3215s need to respect the other team they
3216s could still potentially beat you you
3217s ever seen those those clips of someone
3219s who's like clearly about to win a race
3221s and then they like start cheering for
3222s themselves and slow down and then the
3224s guy behind them
3225s passes them and finishes ahead of them
3227s you ever seen that India needed to make
3229s sure they didn't do that and I think
3230s they they pulled it back in a little bit
3233s tidier and uh well whatever happened
3234s with Captain Brash there as well I do
3236s hope that does become a recurring issue
3237s for them because you don't really hate
3239s to see that uh just be an extra speed
3241s bump that they have to keep wrestling
3242s with hopefully it's all done and dusted
3244s but with that being done and Dustin 1-0
3245s up is India exactly where they wanted to
3247s be exactly where they were expected to
3248s be we'll go ahead and see if they can
3250s close out this series comfortably right
3252s after this break
3254s [Music]
3257s foreign
3260s [Music]
3266s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
3269s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
3272s value means more at macca's so grab a
3274s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
3278s [Music]
3296s [Music]
3306s foreign
3322s [Music]
3339s [Music]
3346s [Music]
3391s [Music]
3397s thank you
3404s [Music]
3425s foreign
3427s [Music]
3449s [Music]
3472s thank you
3487s foreign
3524s foreign
3533s [Music]
3542s welcome back thank you very much for
3544s sticking with us we are one and zero up
3547s India versus Singapore looking forward
3549s to our second map in this series it
3552s would be uh Singapore collecting another
3554s O2 to add to the set wouldn't be there
3556s uh wouldn't be all o2s they did pick up
3558s that one Matt went against Malaysia
3560s early on in the tournaments they at
3561s least have that in their Corner uh
3564s speaking of which this is not a hot
3566s start for Singapore I have to say being
3568s as being a bean cornered that was stuck
3570s in their base for a significant portion
3571s of ruins I'll tell you what though if
3573s there is a lottery chance there for
3576s Singapore to somehow win the series
3577s despite losing the first map if they
3579s just win the series at all even a 2-1
3581s score line they will actually still
3583s place above Malaysia finally enough so
3586s they just they just have to somehow it's
3588s funny that is that is just something
3590s yeah because Malaysia only have two map
3592s ones and they got those two map ones
3594s versus Singapore Singapore also got one
3596s map one in that Series so super winners
3598s all there has a better map differential
3600s isn't that fascinating
3602s absolutely incredible well we'll see if
3604s that comes to pass it would be a reverse
3607s it's unlikely but um
3610s certainly wouldn't put anything on it if
3614s uh if I were a Gambling Man uh they do
3617s get to pick the next map though uh which
3619s is to say we are definitely going to see
3620s circuit Royale
3622s but who knows what composition we'll see
3624s on Circle right now
3626s they have a choice of so many different
3628s escorts and hybrids if Singapore have a
3631s sense of humor they'll pick shambali
3633s monastery
3635s because that is where uh India took
3638s their loss against Australia just picked
3640s blizzard world because because just just
3642s because that's
3649s not all there there was India that won
3650s the first Maps this is Singapore's map
3652s pick here on blizzard world just to be
3654s clear goodness what a guess would you
3656s like me to predict the weather as well
3659s sure go ahead it's going to be raining
3661s on Blizzard's world are you pulling are
3663s you pulling tarot cards right now is
3664s that what's happening so that's what's
3667s happening
3668s I can't believe you got that
3671s yeah impressive you know sometimes it
3674s just happens you know you fall so hard
3676s this man and his predictions honestly
3679s what a record that he's got exactly I
3682s think the only time I ever won was when
3683s I tried to go for the own goal uh I
3686s could only win when I fundamentally
3687s changed the rules
3689s we're seeing a non-circle rail map yeah
3696s I could literally see nobody playing
3699s basketball Ram probably some I don't
3703s think you just need some interesting
3703s stuff but it'll Henry anyway let's go
3705s ahead jump on across to Blizzard World
3708s absolutely love this map never get sight
3711s of it grab something from the concession
3712s stands speaking of which quick shout out
3715s to macca's go ahead and grab yourself a
3717s mick Feast lunch deal for only 5.95
3728s it's sunny now
3730s but just wait till you line up to go to
3733s the theme park
3736s this guy pulled a tarot card before the
3739s match it he pulled the tower
3743s uh-huh so it's gonna rain what's it
3745s telling me uh bad that's it yeah
3748s actually it's basically like ruination
3750s oh I I did a tarot reading for the year
3753s this year just as a lark I pulled I
3755s can't remember the card but it's like
3756s like one of the like money oriented ones
3759s there's like the what's your theme for
3761s the year so my theme for the year was
3762s going to be finances and then the very
3765s first card I pulled was the tower so
3767s it's like cool kicking off your finances
3769s financial ruination and you know what
3771s it was right because at the start of
3774s this year I was paying double rent
3776s because I'd moved out recently and we
3777s weren't able to get tenants in the old
3779s place I was paying double rent I drained
3781s all of my savings
3784s so here we go I made decisions well I
3787s mean I was certainly poor decisions ABS
3789s has gone DPS Plumbing's gone over to
3791s support did I hear a rock and stone
3793s and Iron Man is playing the torb
3801s disconnect
3806s would you believe it just immediately
3809s assassinated you believe that he did not
3810s get the tick
3812s quite sad really Akash is too busy in
3816s motive to put his shield up
3818s what the character brush actually raised
3820s Iron Man uh who's now taking that to him
3823s I won't go down here if they're not
3824s careful now I can't refreshing a little
3826s bit of trouble the cash is there does
3827s not put the shield up uh what
3830s um blizzard worlds
3835s tour it's under Fire how did I do is
3838s that good
3840s probably five out of six five out of
3843s seven five out of seven thanks
3845s how would that be with rice
3849s uh same score same score with rice thank
3852s you fits
3853s uh making his way back in
3857s and watch how fat control over the side
3859s here India can't just take their time
3860s and push on the normal way it's starting
3862s to see that now manual hypothe Ash Kane
3863s that's the duck for cover a little bit
3866s by the way roll swap answers on DPS
3868s Tommy is on support Vince has been
3870s killed I wish I could ride something
3872s with support very quickly because that
3874s would have been clever at any rate
3876s though losing Iron Man in this one bits
3878s is slowly gonna make his way back onto
3880s tourbillon actually his puppy finds
3881s paper this one here
3883s was mentioned
3885s yeah yeah and cut does die despite
3890s getting an EMP off
3891s still contested also a bit of the point
3893s but here we go the tick to come over cap
3894s is underway Ash Kane is in the wrong
3897s location the cash goes a bit too far
3899s forward it's a little bit of turret fire
3900s ads as well same deal
3903s I'm having a blast
3905s I've probably got a vault to death
3908s yeah this one uh this game is definitely
3910s a little bit over the place
3913s Singapore still have a really bad
3915s thought to properly regroup with short
3917s poor players
3920s which is actually not bad for VIPs I
3922s think playing tall versus mostly dive
3924s dps's ultimately just full dive DPS as
3927s the Ryan is an interesting choice with
3929s anything else two players emoting on the
3932s payloads so I can Boogie but I need a
3937s simple song as a cash goes down not
3940s quite his beat not quite his jam now ABS
3942s having to pull away with translocate
3946s pick up the big health pack that wasn't
3947s quite where he was actually was
3949s expecting that
3950s oversleeping I've got some fresh going
3952s forward they've got the damage coming
3954s back in from ABS Ash game takes a manual
3956s hat a little bit of a duel off to say
3957s but this is super power supercharged
3959s he's got a Madden NATO Center quarter
3960s pan owners nearly done that many a time
3962s in my storied career
3964s EMP ready here for abs goes aggressive
3966s gets the turret with it immediately
3968s dispatches off that position paper in
3969s trouble as well look we'll survive VIPs
3971s not so lucky and neither is his turret
3973s that'll be the character need to push
3974s forward as Ash King coming into the main
3975s field now Akash is very relaxed about
3978s the whole thing
3981s slowly pushing through he's going to
3982s stay on the payload today
3985s and Ash Kane had to run away
3988s got away with his life actually yeah
3989s cash didn't even swing his hammer at him
3994s the only thing he wants to swing the
3996s hammer at is the cell gets put to sleep
3997s eats an end to heal in a little bit of
3999s trouble will go down for it buff is in
4001s no also down by the way that was the man
4003s pushing the car for them
4006s they're still making progress though
4007s like across the course there's despite
4009s the
4011s academical play the
4020s so India is still holding strong
4022s positions even without the tank they're
4023s still getting individual picks Iron Man
4025s Nano boosted up actually and here we go
4028s EFA Christ Trade Center is still running
4030s they fired the cash once again still not
4032s able unfortunately to use that Earth
4034s shatter as nearly as his only MP
4036s available Iron Man and look at a little
4038s bit of damage yeah there we go they're
4040s not even on the point despite still
4042s having at that particular point four
4044s members available and around in the area
4046s uh so if India are appearing
4048s lackadaisical Singapore equally so are
4052s letting this one get away from them it's
4054s coming out of there save his life from
4056s the shatter
4057s so Singapore uh kind of they're not
4060s planning to spawn camp but that's the
4061s situation they find themselves in
4063s fresh decides to go live we've nearly
4065s died for zippets
4068s still under the symmetra turret
4072s he's getting out here
4074s he's beating all charge over to support
4076s is actually notified yeah at this rate
4078s though you do need to push I think your
4080s car should return to his duties
4083s all right man now uh
4086s on a young crotch
4092s it's a very interesting game
4095s this one's
4098s fall into pure chaos yeah why hasn't
4102s ascended to chaos I think that's
4103s actually what's going on manual hack
4104s onto Ash game
4107s out as well call that toothpaste look at
4109s that glowing
4111s that could be your teeth
4114s dentists recommend torbjorn
4117s I actually have found a company called 9
4119s out of ten dentists and you can purchase
4122s my recommendation
4124s for the low low price of 5.95
4128s I'll Chase things up a little bit more
4129s so the tour was gone now
4131s oh that's a really sneaky little trap oh
4133s nice catch no sleep I also like to see a
4136s cup translocating to the traps probably
4138s gone by now actually
4139s yeah
4140s hate to see it
4142s could have been fun
4145s we're about to see a tree alive come
4148s through real seasonal playing and
4151s typically no longer if you would
4152s actually find an ultimate well actually
4154s this life or less price survives janty
4156s will actually be our second one doesn't
4157s survive we'll actually be the second
4159s Tree of Life we've seen this tournament
4161s and the first one I believe didn't
4163s really accomplish too much so it did not
4165s and I don't imagine this one will either
4167s and we're not going to see it at all
4168s prices going to Greek god so that is
4170s really funny oh well that's probably for
4171s the best I don't think it's a very good
4172s ultimate
4174s but it is if you are a an arborist
4178s enthusiast
4182s translocates right to the thick of the
4184s action
4185s uh Akash and pummy just sort of juggling
4188s aggro there okay she's gonna go down
4190s here not sure where he is not sure where
4191s any of these members of India are at
4193s most times running around
4196s definitely running around
4198s there okay man well he's certainly not
4200s running anymore
4202s this is what my games are like
4208s you have to put the game to get games
4210s though I'll be honest with you
4212s uh that's a manual hack onto public
4215s Eastern station nearly killed
4216s though
4217s finally dies to VIPs
4220s I think this is a point in time where
4222s India can
4223s suppose in the overtime drop some
4226s ultimates in
4232s likely to go down there we go five
4234s strike will collect it
4241s drilling damage into the back of him a
4244s bit of an odd Choice there by a cash and
4247s 15 seconds on plenty of those I think
4249s today yeah a lot of people experience
4251s yeah again uh
4255s well five seconds
4257s anymore yeah it's not looking good for a
4259s cap at all I still kind of want to see
4261s the dirt at the overtime uh that's gonna
4262s be a big EMP big my field we've got a
4265s quick collection not gonna be a cap from
4266s India No Cap as the kids say uh but
4269s honestly
4270s Kevin I'm in Lemony I do think 84.27
4273s meters is actually still going to be
4275s enough
4276s it's quite possible it's quite possible
4281s let's take a look at what
4283s India defense looks like this could be a
4286s really
4286s excuse me
4288s why not Tob and bastard
4293s remember pirate ship
4297s uh that was a long time ago time ago
4300s pretty much ever again pirate ship on
4302s junkertown
4304s probably for the best yep to be honest
4306s with you
4306s part of the reason why you can't run it
4308s is because you don't you can't sit and
4310s Target the entire way through yeah it's
4311s a cool down so it's not like you can
4313s just chill
4318s that and you have one less tank to play
4320s with to defend you yeah
4321s [Music]
4323s really relied on the extra bit of
4325s Defense you'd get there
4327s but at any rate
4329s you get a defense
4332s I shouldn't not bastard at all mind you
4334s but
4336s still
4338s see how it goes
4341s could be Akash ball as well both teams
4343s looking at ball
4348s now people could actually play Life
4349s wheel but I think it's just one of those
4351s spawn life Weavers for a cup
4353s oh they're gonna spawn Camp okay India's
4355s going to do something funny here
4357s I'm already laughing
4360s all Squad laughing
4365s I'm greatly amused in fact ABS is
4367s actually not even
4368s in there's that's a life we've adjusted
4371s to go for an area of cup to scout they
4373s don't spot anything
4375s ads is going to go in Iron Man's gonna
4377s do some flanking stuff here
4379s Cups translocator has been eliminated
4382s now getting aggressive know that he's a
4384s little bit in the drink
4385s and goes down the cash does also go down
4387s to the front side they find Iron Man
4388s that's actually probably enough to start
4389s things off with ashken getting back to
4391s base safely as they dust off absence
4393s yeah
4396s um I just died kind of just didn't have
4400s defenses didn't take them by surprise uh
4403s Singapore will in fact start capping and
4405s they are coming back on the right picks
4406s ticket test this and we'll have enough
4407s time to do so unless the cash goes down
4409s yeah
4410s don't need to go in yet could have
4412s waited probably should wait for two
4414s ticks generally you wait for two ticks
4416s generally you hit those dynamos too yeah
4420s they are still getting
4424s a content of heat on VIPs but losing abs
4426s and they still don't really have a full
4428s Squad of captures slowly floating back
4429s in on a sigma that's a card hey it is a
4432s cab
4433s wow
4436s so India have completely flipped the
4439s point defenses with caution out of the
4441s sick
4442s acceptable hero for blizzard what I
4443s generally prefer the diva for me
4446s okay
4451s deeper in as well
4454s although I think India want to go deeper
4456s in that we want to get aggressive and
4457s they are
4459s an e and an end to akash's name and
4462s rearrange letters you can get Ash Kane
4466s I just thought I'd point out very good
4468s yeah
4476s speaking of the cash by the way down to
4478s one of our friend's Minds I'm out and
4481s that's there we go a little bit more
4482s awake now and then pick up a couple
4483s kills Ash Kane has to go all the way
4484s back into the spawn
4486s let's get his health topped up in the
4488s cardboard really ask for one Captain
4490s pretty spawn camping at the moment I've
4492s still been pushing the cart the whole
4493s time though I haven't quite dealt with
4495s that problem
4497s even translate that out Heap owns the
4499s rest of Singapore who are still stuck in
4501s it it's a spawning MP yeah
4504s and they're struggling to make Headway
4506s here this is a little bit funny funny
4508s low but otherwise safe
4511s for four minutes it's probably not gonna
4513s happen for me dead but
4515s a good number of kills without losing
4518s anyone here cash sorry man down to a
4521s dynamite now cash as well
4523s okay just sort of pulling into that
4525s weird little bit away from the car
4526s there's plenty of time for India to
4527s respawn and come back in as Adam's phone
4529s stuff is in translocates to safety
4531s relative safety I guess captain price
4533s though just in the open for too long
4536s why didn't you didn't waste a lot of
4538s Singapore's time so now that the
4539s payload's starting to get underway for
4541s real it's a lot of distance to still
4543s gain
4544s I was gonna say India need to make sure
4545s there's no like weight dense here
4547s because they need to be able to regroup
4548s this ride to go for these outlets in
4550s fact they they have started not
4553s particularly bothering to regroup a lot
4555s and it has started to cost them
4556s needlessly I think they can just tidy up
4558s that play a little bit and ensure that
4559s they get this one
4560s only finding paper with that flux they
4562s had a couple of members in the air but
4563s only the one kill EMP now at first do
4567s you need to play carefully here though
4568s there was Captain perhaps they had the
4569s spirit rushed down a cash dies anyway
4572s I have to pull quite away his back this
4574s is where India do actually need to
4576s seriously get a defensive they need to
4579s get a Dynamo bounce off the top of that
4581s pipe
4584s that was amusing sorry
4586s that's that's completely bad you're
4587s wearing news and you need
4589s get it together or they are actually at
4592s risk of losing this one I will just be
4593s clear about that and they're still
4595s playing disconnectedly
4597s very over aggressive here for these
4599s backliners outflanking it ends up paying
4602s off because Singapore are still just
4603s kind of caught napping uh this is
4605s this is a peculiar blizzard world
4609s and it's not even raining
4612s well it should be
4615s based on this gameplay I think the only
4616s thing that would
4617s really top it off is the rain on this
4619s map
4622s or see all the players get their wets
4623s out put the enters on
4626s CE you see some slipping and sliding on
4628s the tracks about this box
4636s love that just pull through them
4638s clustered around with the whole spot and
4640s stuck on and actually came barreling
4641s towards them I call that being shunted
4644s collecting three kills that's silly
4646s uh four kills in total actually two for
4648s the pulse bomb two subsequently
4651s actually now if you start to get as soon
4653s as India tiny up there play
4655s Singapore floundering a minute and a
4657s half left on the front ESP on these back
4659s to over extension there from ABS
4661s unnecessary fit greedy honey goes down
4663s as well getting aggressive on the flank
4664s now the rally running from paper
4666s Singapore them they're taking this
4668s little seriously they have an
4669s opportunity really here if India are
4670s going to leave it open and now Akash in
4672s trouble immortality field deployed to
4674s keep him alive go successfully keep him
4676s alive
4679s with a slip away to safety just barely
4682s Captain crash still kind of hanging
4683s around this held back ashken lowers to
4685s back away might not even get out we'll
4688s be able to
4690s my payload moves backwards so we're
4692s losing space and we are spawn camping
4695s again
4698s way out in the open
4700s sleep uh will conserve a Killer's ABS
4703s but trading with buffers in this pulse
4704s bomb isn't going to be a funny 2K
4707s and judging oh paper in the corner I
4710s should go in the pen that's the thing
4711s yeah wow Bailey collects it
4714s very nice
4716s and yeah hard spawn Camp 30 seconds left
4723s guys
4735s and that was 15 seconds left to India
4738s cheese
4739s I mean Singapore is gonna go for the
4741s payload
4742s what's India gonna do who knows anything
4744s could happen Daniel hack onto Iron Man
4748s still doesn't die that hasn't touched
4749s the payload they have to stick around
4750s here Iron Man hanging around the sides
4752s May yet go down but not staying alive
4754s incredible stuff there is India are
4756s going to regroup for the package
4761s Heaven's B it's a 4v5 there's a narrow
4764s boost on ashgate and he can't do
4765s anything with it because he's even one
4766s of the payloads he can't leave the
4767s payload to get damaged in he's the only
4770s one here paper and Thumpers in a dead
4771s they just need a contest there it is ABS
4773s trades his life for it but the rest of
4775s the team is here Iron Man is in the mix
4777s has a pole spot that has the duck back
4779s this is so dark
4784s I will
4788s I'm sure as far
4790s what's that piece of music called it's
4792s like it's like
4793s entry of the Gladiators or something
4795s like that
4796s it's just the clown showing music it's
4797s just the clown music yeah it just goes
4799s back to tour
4801s the spawn camping
4806s again
4808s awesome I mean there's some honking
4810s noses on this
4813s Afro Circus
4816s cut still goes down VIP still goes down
4818s they are right in the spawn the payload
4820s is right there there's someone back
4821s pushing it
4823s the cash was there to stop it again
4825s classically standing still go through
4828s certainly
4830s yeah nearly had it but not quite as well
4833s hiding
4835s 19 Rockets
4840s it's only 30 seconds
4843s it's nearly over it's only 25 seconds to
4845s go
4848s I mean
4849s mommy
4851s what are you doing
4854s forcing himself
4858s in the corner that's how it feels buddy
4860s it's nearly final fight and all it takes
4862s is Penny to just go in and win this
4864s final fight that's what's so ridiculous
4865s about the song the real ridiculous thing
4867s is like I actually just lose this final
4868s fight too yeah Singapore a lot of
4870s ultimates
4872s all right all right
4875s let's take a bit of a breather here cup
4877s goes in EMP first Nice kill lots of
4879s puppy yeah
4887s not on the cart
4890s which means we have to do another map of
4892s this
4893s 10-yard penalty unnecessary soft
4896s throwing hard water actually own goal
4899s from India
4901s I guess they're like it's our last game
4902s we wanted to come as long as possible
4904s you know what
4905s draw on push yeah you have to pay more
4907s money at the internet cafe though oh
4909s yeah capture pressure I hope you topped
4910s up for two hours not just one
4914s uh well if nothing else it looked like
4916s all the players had a lot of fun there
4918s and enjoyed the rides at blizzard World
4920s um that's what I could probably take
4923s to Blizzard world's Wild Ride personally
4926s but yeah
4929s now we're taking math
4931s well yes you get to pick the push map
4933s but uh look at least look I had some fun
4936s they both know they're not qualifying
4938s you know enjoy the game enjoy the game
4941s enjoy watch the game it's just a game
4943s why you have to be mad indeed we do play
4945s games largely for the enjoyment of it
4948s for the dopamine hit and my receptors
4950s have been activated by synapses have
4952s been firing my neurons have been
4954s transmitting electrical signals mostly
4956s to my mouth sometimes to my hand as it
4959s approaches my forehead we're gonna go
4960s ahead and take a brief breather and
4962s we'll see if this uh continues in this
4965s bizarre fashion in just a few moments
4968s foreign
4969s [Music]
4980s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
4983s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
4987s value means more at macca's so grab a
4989s mcface lunch deal now for only 5.95
4992s [Music]
4999s [Music]
5003s hi I'm Matt or pixie I don't care which
5008s this is Kevin or Avril He does care
5010s which I'm going to be answering some
5011s OverWatch Trivia today
5014s I want to see
5015s 2016. it was May 2016. I think it was
5020s 21.25th I I'm really bad at remembering
5023s birthdays and like this kind of feels in
5026s that vein it's like the birthday of the
5028s game I'm genuinely terrible I I was with
5030s my last girl for about eight years and I
5032s still don't know when her birthday was
5033s that's why she's reaction not your coach
5035s yeah exactly like after getting her
5036s birthday
5037s right
5042s [Music]
5044s I was about to say Dominican which is
5047s you would have been wrong you blurted
5049s out anyway thank you just oh well
5055s all right
5057s I mean strictly speaking she still lives
5065s [Music]
5071s every single time
5074s or six
5085s Nepal isn't just like quick fire until
5087s you get him and I know I I I recognize
5090s it yeah just trying to remember the map
5092s I think it's early OS well it was
5094s definitely control not intimate enough
5095s for you no no no no no no I'm not I'm
5097s not that intimate with Elias
5101s I'd love to hear these
5104s oh um
5106s I know this one yeah
5113s no it's not
5115s um
5116s God I should know this I can folder
5119s oh it is oh so it turns out I do care
5122s slightly
5123s Oh by how much what a surprise
5127s by a lot I imagine
5129s by an overwhelming majority
5149s thank you
5154s [Music]
5172s [Music]
5183s [Music]
5194s thank you
5206s [Music]
5206s [Laughter]
5207s [Music]
5214s foreign
5218s [Music]
5221s trivia welcome back uh one to one is the
5226s score line uh we're in the most cursed
5228s Universe where I actually have to say
5229s that sentence for real yes Singapore
5232s picked up a map win and it wasn't just
5234s against the second worst team in the
5236s group it's against India a team I think
5238s yesterday nearly qualified and you can
5241s see their dance moves here writ large
5243s I'll tell you what they were certainly
5244s there's dances in this game even if they
5246s weren't the best team in this game here
5247s India
5249s I think
5251s yeah yeah
5252s India using the emotes uh that are
5256s available to them to have a little bit
5257s of fun there why they relax maybe
5259s they're allowed to push those buttons
5261s there's no rule against it
5265s should have did unfortunately cost them
5268s the map
5269s I'll write a new rule in there I think I
5273s uh a lot of a lot of things all put
5276s together cost of the map true I think if
5280s there had not been another team playing
5282s against them they might have won this
5287s I'm not sure I think I need to check the
5291s rules
5295s there might be a section on
5300s what what section
5301s you've got to prove that it's
5303s intentional at any rate
5307s some good news
5309s if you get it get to see another one of
5311s these if you're not having fun I've got
5313s some bad news uh actually I've got some
5316s good news that's not true if you want if
5317s you're not having fun I've got some good
5318s news you can go and make a sandwich
5321s um for the next 10 minutes if you
5323s haven't let's go if you haven't got your
5325s uh skins yet through the drops this will
5327s at least give you more of a chance it's
5328s your time yeah yeah yeah that's true
5330s it's really good and you're really
5331s looking out for you if you haven't seen
5332s those skin drops let's go ahead and take
5334s a look at what map India have picked
5336s okay uh well that'll be fun we're going
5339s to esperantia uh we've only seen
5343s connoisseur twice see Coliseum twice
5346s no there's been a third map somewhere
5348s near Queen Street oh yeah there was a
5350s new Queen Street you're quite right
5351s you're quite right yeah so long ago that
5353s was on day one
5355s marvelous
5357s what do we reckon what are we gonna see
5359s here are we gonna see a draw
5362s I I want to say we're gonna see Heroes
5365s we expect but after the last match I
5367s don't know what we're going to see are
5369s we going to see a ball are we going to
5370s see more life Weaver who knows
5374s um we're about to find out though we're
5376s we're gonna see six uh well actually
5380s yeah you know it's still six six 12
5381s yards and two life uh four life Weavers
5383s that's what I'm gonna see
5385s let's get stuck in do you remember way
5388s early on when there was no uh limit on
5391s the number of Heroes you could play you
5393s could play the same one multiple times
5394s trying to forget that it was awful it
5396s was really awful and control Maps were
5398s two Winston's two lucios I should can't
5400s imagine why anyone thoughts over times
5404s lasted
5405s like five or six minutes it was once the
5408s shield used to be a 1500 as well so you
5410s get two of them at the same time lots of
5413s fun
5415s what a beautiful map
5418s a new maps do look pretty good I really
5420s think that is that is a universal
5422s standard they look
5423s very well made
5425s quite pretty on the eyes right the way
5427s down through the Moss of the rooms
5430s [Music]
5432s feels lived in
5435s spiration
5438s we have seen one I think you're tripping
5441s you may be tripping
5445s I've just checked we haven't
5448s indeed you were tripping I am it's two
5450s color sales one new Queen shoe one now
5452s is put on well who've also seen one
5456s shambali Monastery two one yeah sorry
5460s you're right two show Bali model series
5461s one and Barney one blizz world and then
5463s all circuit Reales
5466s now tell me how many nepals are the
5468s Austin Lee Jones
5470s relatively even spread I'm gonna say
5473s [Music]
5478s you're probably technically right but
5480s it's a very uncommitted answer so it's a
5481s half point
5483s okay dotted my how uncommitted you were
5485s to that answer I don't think they would
5487s have a peace sign for parking
5489s because the I don't think the Portuguese
5491s word for parking starts with a P I had
5493s that when I was in a Spanish-speaking
5494s country and they kept having sides with
5496s a crossed out e and I was like why are
5499s there in such a problem with ease no
5500s electric vehicles like electric vehicles
5502s this is before we invented electricity
5504s and it turned out
5506s obviously it was parked it was no
5508s parking side so it's in across our P
5510s like what we have here let's cross our e
5511s uh because the Spanish word for parking
5513s is uh especially onomiento so I assume
5516s the Portuguese one will be fairly
5517s similar you know what it's possible you
5519s just made that up I can't confirm it is
5522s quite possible many things are possible
5523s hash getting slept as possible him
5525s waking up as possible mixing cup dying
5527s are both as possible all possibilities
5530s exist in the game of OverWatch
5533s thank you
5535s dying though I think is the highest
5538s likelihood here Halo doesn't move by
5539s light which is maybe a little concerning
5540s Iron Man and paper are made of opposite
5543s materials
5545s one of them is a man
5548s one of them is made of man one of them
5550s is just paper
5555s I think that could be at maybe 30 meters
5558s by now but they've just been prioritized
5560s payload earlier
5561s cult looks good though I do appreciate a
5563s little bit of some some nature gameplay
5576s I was like why is he saying it weird and
5579s it took me way too long to figure it out
5583s the way formed uh try to get close to a
5585s cache doesn't work guys fits let's go
5590s cold in front of Akash guys
5596s is going to go all the way to spawn
5598s possibly
5601s this is going to be a cat for India most
5602s likely yeah probably will be adding some
5604s much too far away from this at the
5605s moment
5606s I started to get some ultimate
5607s Annihilation online Ash can't live for
5609s the longest it's probably not a surprise
5611s spawn Shadow oh a cash goes down again
5614s tease the cab but the car's just kind of
5616s randomly dies uh Iron Man's even go for
5619s uh
5621s a whole blizzard on ash Kane
5631s as well
5632s uh cup really likes the inside
5636s why not huh Captain Price was one of the
5639s two and he will actually survive where
5641s is Captain fresh I'd like to know where
5642s I have no idea where Captain fresh is uh
5644s he's alive that much I know which is
5646s insane by the way he literally just used
5649s a two-man
5650s sound barrier so that he could survive
5652s and it works actually that was a really
5655s nice TV rescued by the TV so also
5658s doesn't die this is this is absurd
5661s pressing forward with the annihilation
5662s here we go ashkay will start to collect
5664s a few kills
5665s still losing one of the trade there as a
5667s cash charger sport Finance cup will
5669s finally go down
5671s long way to go here Singapore 80 meters
5674s on the first push though is uh pretty
5676s deadly even on a map like this where Cap
5678s comes pretty quick on that first point
5683s the player saw just chilling still alive
5685s they're gonna get cleaned up and
5686s chilling because they're both amazed
5689s the other players referred to as
5691s actually ABS on them who is a Stone
5694s Cold's killer
5699s remember it is pretty Stone Cold
5701s characteristically
5705s foreign
5713s that's about as much as I had to say
5714s about what's going on right now I was
5717s just kind of waiting for the respawns
5718s I'm ready for anything to happen
5719s actually I'm waiting for six minutes and
5722s 15 seconds to pass accurate I'm very
5724s excited I'm pretty accurate yeah
5726s um just because that's what it said on
5728s the time that's how I knew uh specific
5730s number uh that's another effectively
5733s team wipe here people don't want to
5734s survive see how long we get this push
5736s going for I reckon they're going to get
5738s at least another 20 meters out of it
5739s that'd be nice
5741s paper's down yeah I think we should be
5744s down there we go there we
5749s gosh could just die here and just ruin
5751s the play advantage that would be a
5752s little more Awkward that's going down to
5754s the rotation that was a bit silly Iron
5755s Man could have just gone in much quicker
5757s with the blizzard still goes in a bit
5758s late now can't tell he wants himself to
5760s safety
5762s but honestly they can't also just defend
5764s and run out the clock that's the
5765s possibility for India
5768s I think India could just finish the
5770s entire map still having fun and then not
5772s going to I might put my jumper on
5774s actually
5775s um
5776s it's getting too chilly for you well I
5778s want to hide the shirt I feel ashamed
5779s now
5784s does make me glad that I didn't buy the
5786s coconut drinking vessel
5789s I feel for you yo thanks cover up I even
5793s considered just going to the supermarket
5794s and buying a coconut
5798s it's too much yeah
5802s I'm gonna drive the fans wild
5805s we have a blizzard available from lips
5809s is already low
5811s I think the healers have forgot to heal
5814s Akash I think Akash is also just really
5816s far up as well it does tend to be
5818s happening no ads it's too late the cash
5820s is already dead
5822s man got the brush
5825s all dropping like flies Singapore are
5827s going to cat now
5831s yeah they should cap for sure and do
5833s your change if they can't
5836s really say about what's Happening Here
5839s you know India couldn't lose yep all
5842s right
5843s and again in Singapore they win they
5845s actually overtake Malaysia I will say if
5847s India lose then everything I just
5850s complimented them on about uh posterity
5853s treating this squad kindly will be very
5857s resoundingly reversed I think people
5860s will
5861s not view this as a very funny memorable
5865s outcome I think people will just be
5867s disappointed given the opportunity sorry
5870s at the India chose to Let It Go but
5873s hopefully that's not going to happen
5876s there we go fighting two more all right
5878s India back back at it back on the saddle
5881s yeah hey sober rack sober rack right now
5886s I don't know that I would say I'm
5887s relieved
5889s um
5889s I feel like I've I've skirted
5892s disappointment 100 meters coming up
5896s and if they want a
5899s cabbage they can simply choose to 40
5902s meters away from just winning the map if
5903s they would like to
5905s biggest huge if
5907s cap yeah they're gonna do it for like 30
5910s seconds left or some nonsense
5914s in the lava for a little too long uh
5917s still alive though
5919s a cash very aggressive fine to get sick
5921s with the help of Iron Man Who does soft
5923s paper as well finds cop Iron Man goes
5925s guys let's win and I agree with him now
5929s he isn't uh death Blossom oh he traded
5931s Thomas again
5932s never gets old army goes off told him
5934s that goes on I gotta turret down in the
5937s middle in the spawn so they can't be
5938s that's exercise
5940s two kills collected up that was an
5943s absolute freebies now look at the dust
5945s off Ash Kane this should be the last one
5946s they need to actually get over the lane
5947s oh unfortunately for Iron Man Prime
5950s range riding is struggling to kill Ash
5951s Kane he's actually got an Annihilation
5952s now so I don't know that India can get
5954s it right now lose capture price as well
5955s the cash is looking to go down here
5958s and there's still two minutes and 16
5960s seconds what's good attempt though oh
5962s man got two that could have been
5964s it was certainly an attempt
5970s poor turret and spawned doing work
5971s though
5972s oh yeah
5974s I guess that means abs are swapping
5976s right huh sure I don't think so I think
5978s that's just ABS using an ultimate
5980s because he's turning it around
5982s they've made it worse I mean he'd a cash
5985s me echo down though that's the real
5987s problem okay just on a tower Port Rush
5990s thing is though it's still a three to
5992s two for India the road for the fact that
5994s a cash was so low should die shortly
5999s so actually it works out for India it'll
6002s get back aggressive maybe they can cap
6003s this time he's got three there okay
6005s having killed another minute of my
6007s finite life
6010s foreign
6015s reminder immortality there was quite
6017s real
6018s yeah
6020s well they reckon the first person who
6022s would live to 200 has already been born
6024s I was a good group actually solids
6026s really solid the fresh still somehow
6028s slid into it but solid boot
6030s yeah credit whereas you pummy finally
6032s makes it over the eaves of the roof
6034s and uh we'll shortly die
6041s I see no respite
6045s or rather another way of looking at this
6047s is plenty of Mercy
6049s has been uh it's perhaps been too much
6051s Mercy expected I'm not a fan of Mercy
6054s I'm I'm quite the mercy I'd enjoy it
6057s Percy Mains everywhere she dislike it
6060s it's who I am Mercy means everywhere in
6062s shambles
6064s uh Mercy means I'm watching this
6067s it's almost hard for you
6072s Singapore is still seriously because
6074s they could actually win let's be like
6076s they have an opportunity here
6079s that would be terrible
6081s days
6086s your cash is checking the Primal Rage
6088s has it killed anyone hasn't died running
6091s down the clock
6092s that was in staying alive
6096s Singapore is going into like absolute
6097s overdrive right now they do actually
6099s they want this gonna have to they won't
6102s have to close 80 meters
6104s 86 meters big ask big ass
6109s Iron Man
6112s not gonna be able to get back in
6114s self-destruct will kill them so it's a
6116s one for one pummy is also daddy swapped
6119s up with a shallow beam Bastion again all
6120s right
6123s they're like let's maximize the possible
6126s length of time here by letting them push
6127s it even further and then winning in the
6129s overtime
6131s or maybe not maybe they don't want the
6133s overtime yeah maybe India India like we
6136s want to lose but we also wanted to take
6138s as long as possible
6146s well Singapore gonna make a good run of
6148s it ultimates are coming online very soon
6149s Singapore in a good position here this
6151s snowball
6152s I think they've solved away maybe two
6154s fights right there we go that's a shame
6157s because it's been an ultimate yeah
6158s please let that be the beginning of the
6160s end looks as an ultimate maybe
6162s this has uh
6168s it's using it is alive
6172s yeah dead
6176s all right it's over all righty
6179s very competitive game I think two to one
6181s yeah super competitive came down to the
6183s last fight in the overtime but India one
6185s of them didn't even make into this
6186s present who's missing it was out there
6189s he actually is just like quit the game I
6191s think his time ran out there that's
6192s right you maximize the amount of
6195s internet cafe time I'm honestly done and
6197s the computer turned off and said you've
6198s run out of credit just as the map ended
6203s well we got there in the end didn't we
6205s India taking the win it was definitely
6208s questionable at some points there was a
6210s lot of hero changes some potentially for
6212s countering some just because I think um
6215s so what an interesting and I guess to
6217s India versus Singapore
6221s and that was the final show for India
6222s and Singapore
6223s yeah unfortunately there doesn't mean
6224s Singapore exit 0-5
6226s they'll take two maps total in the
6228s tournament Unfortunately they can't
6230s clean out a series it was just a little
6233s bit too difficult this time around for
6234s team Singapore
6236s um yeah yeah 2023 unfortunately it's not
6239s going to be the year for their walk-up
6240s team unfortunately not and uh well uh
6242s same as I suppose true for India at the
6244s end of it all uh they do pick up that
6245s final win uh but
6248s um yeah yesterday was the critical day
6249s for them the Dual Day Day and uh that
6252s was the order of the day a little bit
6254s unfortunate uh for India I'm glad they
6257s had fun in this last match I assume
6259s that's what was happening
6262s yeah definitely I I do agree with you
6264s there I think it was you know they could
6266s relax a little bit more they know they
6267s weren't going to qualify out and so they
6270s can just relax and have fun uh which I
6272s don't think is a entirely bad way to end
6274s a tournament you know they've been
6274s trying really hard uh for over the last
6277s two weeks and they've put a lot of
6278s effort in and so I think it's nice to be
6280s out as a team just enjoy your final game
6282s I'm not sure I entirely agree with that
6285s take personally but that is a valid
6286s point and India did indeed seem to have
6288s a good time uh let's go ahead and speak
6292s it off have a quick catch up with
6294s Captain crash who is coming at us alive
6296s from that very same Instagram hey how
6298s you doing my man
6299s I'm doing good we're all uh feeling
6302s happy after that win yeah
6305s um it's a good final finish to the World
6308s Cup
6309s um I think the most important day was
6311s yesterday so I actually wanted to ask
6312s you a decent amount about uh yesterday's
6315s situation because it was a really tight
6317s game versus Thailand and you guys nearly
6320s had a
6321s all the way at the end I mean a final
6323s fight three minutes after so I mean we
6326s didn't get a chance to talk to you guys
6327s yesterday obviously but now that you're
6328s here you know what what was the sort of
6330s situation for your team in the in the
6332s matchup versus Thailand overall
6334s [Music]
6335s so going into that last fight we were
6339s like we were all so focused and then I
6341s think because the fight went on for so
6343s long honestly like things just low-key
6347s started to go out of control like I I
6351s the comms kind of went hectic we were we
6355s did kind of lose lose control and slap
6358s it like we were in the moment and
6360s honestly we just forgot to do a few
6362s Basics and just keep ourselves in check
6363s like it was a final moment and we were
6366s just one fight away like we were three
6368s meters away
6370s um
6370s yeah it was just we we really felt like
6373s we were going to win there and then last
6375s second touch everything was chaotic we
6376s didn't set up properly uh as you saw
6380s Thailand came out on top and honestly it
6382s was well played by them so the roller
6384s coaster of emotions before before I move
6387s on actually just just one just one real
6388s quick question just to follow up before
6390s I pass on to someone else it seemed like
6392s control the gamer controls maybe where
6394s you guys struggled a lot on especially
6395s versus Australia and Thailand combined
6397s and two of the repeating factors there
6399s was was probably the fire I don't know
6400s if you would agree with that statement
6401s it seemed like you guys were not really
6403s able to overcome the fire would you
6404s agree with that and what are your
6405s thoughts on that
6407s uh we we didn't expect them to play
6411s Pharaoh especially Thailand yesterday
6412s but even going into Australia we were
6414s obviously we were aware
6416s um I believe it's Nanda that plays for
6418s us so we kind of we kind of knew that uh
6421s Australia were going to run fire we
6424s to be honest
6425s yeah it's a bit of both like we were
6428s kind of expecting like a certain way for
6431s us to really kind of go through the game
6434s and we were just expecting to like play
6436s our own game but we kind of didn't we
6438s were thrown off guard yes uh but in in
6441s the Thailand game specifically I felt
6443s like we kind of it was a 50 50 on Lee
6445s Jong we nearly had it and then uh we
6448s kind of you know we lost control
6453s um I wanted to ask you guys have been
6454s lucky enough to be boot camping there as
6456s a team how's that been for you guys is
6457s that do you think that's been very
6459s beneficial to the team like with
6461s camaraderie ship and stuff like that
6462s like has a thing
6465s it's been it's been an amazing
6467s experience
6468s we didn't qualify but honestly all the
6471s boys being in the same house together
6472s and boot camping together playing it's
6475s been a real good experience I feel like
6477s we've all become a lot closer with each
6479s other because of this and even though we
6481s didn't get like the good expected
6482s outcome that we ideally wanted to be
6484s honest I found like good friendships
6486s with late while being here
6487s and I suppose I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna
6489s round it off uh kind of on that note uh
6492s you've uh you've made you know you've
6494s certainly made a couple of friends along
6495s the way
6496s um you're all done at Dustin now for the
6498s tournament at least
6500s what's the plan is
6502s what do you guys now
6505s for most of us we're going back to our
6509s respective regions and probably just
6512s focusing on contenders for now
6515s um not even a dinner before then not
6518s even a a team brunch
6521s we're actually we are heading out like
6524s right now there we go that's what I want
6526s to hear we're gonna go have a dinner
6528s with like a two friends yeah fantastic
6532s to hear yeah well in that case Captain
6533s crash I won't keep you from that's in
6535s any longer thank you very much for
6537s catching up with us congratulations to
6538s the boys and even though you weren't
6539s able to qualify in I think you really
6541s did your country very proud uh you've
6543s picked up some fantastic results along
6544s the way really tough group to try and
6546s qualify out of I think you boys should
6548s be very proud of what you've
6549s accomplished and enjoy your dinner we'll
6550s catch you up next time
6552s thank you thank you that was Captain
6555s fresh and that was India and that was uh
6557s penultimate series of this online
6560s qualifier that means there is only one
6562s remaining it's the trans Tasman rivalry
6565s Australia versus New Zealand the one you
6568s will be waiting for the real glory here
6570s we're gonna get stuck in after the break
6573s don't go
6575s anywhere
6578s [Music]
6589s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
6592s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6596s value means more at macca's so grab a
6598s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
6601s [Music]
6644s [Music]
6664s thank you
6668s [Music]
6687s thank you
6699s [Music]
6715s [Music]
6721s thank you
6737s thank you
6740s [Music]
6771s foreign
6773s [Music]
6787s welcome back ladies and gentlemen it is
6790s time to rustle up a path to go grab a
6794s pie from the servo and to toss a shrimp
6796s on the barbie uh I don't have any new
6799s zealandisms to throw in there because
6800s Australia has kind of dominated the
6802s market all those things despite the fact
6804s that New Zealand invented the Pavlova
6806s and the small portion have actually no
6808s they didn't know that's that uh comes
6810s from the scotch pie which is
6811s traditionally made with pork uh so it's
6813s a Well a Scottish invention as it
6815s happens let's go ahead and take a look
6817s at what we've got at the dock at New
6818s Zealand versus Australia the one you've
6819s all been waiting for at least if you're
6820s me uh I've got my pen I've had it in my
6822s hand the whole time I've been waiting
6824s for another opportunity to throw it and
6825s I'm definitely going to do that again we
6826s did just see India finally finish off
6828s their series against Singapore after
6830s shall we say playing with their food uh
6833s it's kind of like when my cat catches a
6834s gecko and just introduces a bit of chaos
6836s before finally finishing it off and then
6838s I just have to throw it in the bin uh
6840s but no this is gonna be a good one I'm
6841s looking forward to it
6843s subscribe
6845s [Laughter]
6850s oh my goodness and every other Creator
6852s who's probably watching over this as
6854s well but I'm excited for the Australian
6856s versus New Zealand match I think this is
6857s going to be a fun match these these
6860s players have all played together before
6861s they've played against each other in
6863s teams you know they they know each other
6865s so I think this will be a bit of a fun
6867s one and I am really really looking
6868s forward to the color hex versus Nanda
6870s farahoff please there better be one of
6874s those and can you guys also just so pick
6876s circuit Royale for the second yeah
6880s I have one request like if we if we're
6883s gonna if we're gonna have fun we're then
6885s have actual funnel with it learn how to
6887s do fun properly I'll tell you what I
6889s will say this much of you Australians
6891s you do know how to have fun Jacob and
6893s punk want to play some Sigma though and
6896s there's one map to play the sigma on
6897s that is true and it's and it's Circle
6899s really that is true that is
6901s simply choose to play Sigma elsewhere
6903s yeah good idea but they could do it J
6906s cap
6907s [Music]
6908s uh I'm excited for the color hex Farah
6914s and you know what there's a bit of a
6916s interesting situation here because color
6918s heck's just recently won contenders
6920s Australia on team Honeypot
6922s August and funny I love Frogger who's
6925s committee on team Australia came second
6926s and they beat Ground Zero of which most
6929s of Team Australia is from Ground Zero
6932s so there is that thing very interesting
6935s is that players that have uh played
6938s together before a significant amount uh
6940s funny enough uh speaking of national
6942s rivalries Kevin and I are actually just
6944s talking about this just before the show
6945s that
6946s it's a quite common thing for people
6949s traveling to go to Australia and go I
6951s had a really good time and decide they
6953s want to move there and then uh they're
6955s not able to uh sort out residency and
6957s eventual citizenships they go all right
6959s I'll get uh New Zealand residency and
6961s citizenship instead which gives you the
6963s right to live and work in Australia and
6965s then by the time they have their New
6966s Zealand citizen Citizenship they go I
6968s actually like it more here and I'm gonna
6969s stay thanks very much Australia
6972s appreciate it
6974s I like that other people find out that
6977s we're the better country organically
6978s really appreciate that one
6982s entry
6985s cover who did not play in contenders
6987s Australia because he's an N A boy now
6989s but everyone else did so yeah team
6992s Australia
6993s mostly implies of players from Ground
6996s Zero
6997s burlock also did win contenders
7000s Australia on Honeypot
7002s she got that
7004s and then obviously Punk who's going to
7006s be coming through properly second map
7007s onwards
7009s if there's more than two match we'll see
7010s I've always been a fan of the Australian
7012s teams I love the Australian team names
7015s they've always had a real fun time with
7016s them do you remember like the likes of
7018s fusion girls Monopoly Club yes men so it
7022s just just you'll have a good time with
7025s those team names I do respond some of
7028s those did have new zealanders on it I
7029s yeah that's fair they were majority
7031s Australian I'll let you have that one
7036s what are we going to what's the control
7038s probably a situation
7041s oh three chards buddy it's gonna be
7043s Nepal
7046s Nepal the Greek Shores a lot of Greeks
7048s in Australia actually not many Greeks
7049s here
7052s well I was just gonna say uh with Nepal
7054s obviously we can see some pharaoh
7055s gameplay that's definitely going to come
7058s out with the high grounds especially if
7059s we go to that exact one that's pictured
7062s there so I'm ready for it I'm ready for
7064s a good match versus New Zealand the good
7067s news if you want to see so far the good
7068s news about the manpowerful control is
7070s all three control maps are pretty good
7071s for fire yeah honestly jumping the best
7073s of them but all three are pretty good
7074s for fire we go we got some options so
7076s you know I kind of do it guaranteed
7078s Farah perhaps especially for Australia
7080s who love that a lot on on those map ones
7082s as they've done plenty throughout the
7084s series of matches they've played in this
7086s tournament this will be kind of a bit of
7088s a fun one I suppose we do get the
7089s Pharaoh duel because as we've sort of
7091s talked about previously in this
7092s tournament color hex is actually uh he's
7093s been supporting recently so he's back on
7095s the DPS for this tournament uh so
7097s shaking off the rest of them but and uh
7100s it'll be it'll be interesting I'm gonna
7101s say that much this is gonna be
7102s interesting I've been looking forward to
7104s this genuinely score line score line
7106s thoughts final predictions Domino uh uh
7109s Australia is going to win this one but I
7111s don't know by how much because I don't
7113s know if they're gonna be seriously
7115s they're gonna have fun two zero it's
7117s gonna be two zero two one with a draw
7120s ER
7121s two one
7124s it's different
7125s like conceptually you know
7127s philosophically different yeah but
7130s technically the same technically the
7131s same so that's why I said two zero two
7134s one
7136s [Music]
7137s a little weather prediction for Nepal
7140s it's going to be snowing
7142s bam you're you're good
7146s snow uh-huh
7148s when was the last time it snowed it
7149s doesn't always snow on mountains
7152s there's not snow good just yeah it's not
7155s cold enough it could simply rain I think
7158s if you get higher up enough it's
7159s different there's a rain freeze some
7161s Rangers free it's difficult for it to
7163s get water for it to uh right because you
7165s could be above the clouds too right yeah
7167s depending on the mountain yeah depending
7169s on the mountain
7170s um you know a weird fact about uh Mount
7173s Everest is the person boxer in Nepal
7176s person that we chose to name that after
7179s uh is he actually pronounced his own
7181s name Everest
7184s I'm glad we call it Everest I don't
7186s think that person pronounced his name I
7187s think they pronounce it wrong it's not
7189s that it's wrong I just don't think it's
7191s perfectly optimized yeah it's
7192s sub-optimally sub-optimally yeah it
7194s really didn't utilize his name to the
7196s best if it's like I think there's some
7198s improvements that could be made to that
7199s name and that those improvements were
7201s made so that's uh absolutely absolutely
7204s we really
7205s you know really helped out old Captain
7207s Everest there yeah I assuming he was a
7210s captain seems like the kind of thing
7211s you'd be
7213s flavor Everest private Everest should I
7217s know the first class he ever scored on
7218s your mate did you know that the uh the
7220s captain of the ship that Charles Darwin
7222s sailed on uh was actually governor of
7224s New Zealand for a short time
7227s his name is Robert Fitzroy
7233s at the time and then Governor Fitzroy
7236s Roman good old fitty yep good times
7238s really yeah
7241s extend the handle shake or is Nando
7244s going to if it goes for the counter-back
7246s the absolutely he's locked in the carpet
7249s yep he's going for the counterfeit trust
7251s Australia yes is obviously this is this
7253s is a redone version It's a 2023 under
7255s and under ball again yeah
7261s absolutely 20 or 30 years later don't
7264s know which one
7265s I I hope Nanda feels bad about imagine
7268s try Harding in this I mean For Heaven's
7270s Sake well actually they do need to see
7271s inside actually you can actually
7272s understand why they were they actually
7274s do want to get them here
7275s prefer them to try out action yeah I
7278s would like them to
7279s try adequately shall I say
7283s foreign
7298s still has the better end of that 1v2
7299s traditionally but color hex finding out
7301s Quinn
7302s so Nanda hasn't really kept a little
7304s color hex right now August a little low
7305s looking to get top top here should be
7307s justified Finn now down that's the first
7309s death of New Zealand so no reservatable
7311s trying to get the damage onto Nanda who
7314s has finally found color hex so there you
7316s go winning that traditional 1v2 against
7318s the pharah and the mercy and he's
7321s actually cap in the middle of this
7328s I think when Jacob dies here as well no
7330s remake available New Zealand are in
7332s trouble they've just got delay the point
7334s for as long as possible August is not
7336s going to throw an extra ultimate in
7337s there and eventually Australia will get
7338s the recap
7341s honestly respect to it uh color hex has
7343s also made the swap over onto an echo of
7345s a Zone
7347s opting out of the losing match-up hand
7349s shaken
7352s at this point you don't need the mercies
7354s anymore as well so if you really want to
7355s optimize this composition you start
7357s swapping off go over towards the loose
7359s shows maybe a break maybe an Hannah a
7361s lot of good options there
7363s and cuff is still going to keep playing
7365s this junk coming from obviously coffee's
7366s not going to match today but Divas
7367s probably a little bit more preferred
7368s here
7369s I think it does have a ringing next we
7371s have to go for it yeah throw this down
7372s the self-destruct doesn't he skate on
7374s the point that's going to force
7374s Australia off doesn't quite force them
7376s off long enough for the cat so it's in
7377s New Zealand student got some kills here
7380s with Jay Captain D Mech again that
7382s actually goes for a swap on to uh
7384s duplicate rather onto a tracer we'll see
7386s if he can collect up something with this
7387s pulse bomb
7392s color hex
7395s when meanwhile we'll start picking up a
7398s solid string of kills there raise lots
7399s of J cap the fin trades his own life
7400s Jacob you get D-Max again here by the uh
7404s focusing beam
7406s and Jacob's not been able to stay alive
7408s for too long in this match up so far
7411s has to reset off the map
7413s reasonable late deaths coming on through
7416s I think Jacob's diva is it's decent for
7419s supporting color hex pushing Nanda out
7422s making his gameplay worse but come from
7424s the queen has been able to hold really
7426s strongly I just think cuff has actually
7427s gone down yet either so I don't think so
7429s Rachel's surviving and the survivability
7431s really high for team Australia in that
7433s regards well J cap has also had to be a
7435s big part of the pressure on the point
7437s itself so he's been able to support them
7438s he's a fantastic kill one on one color
7441s hex against Nanda opens things up for
7443s New Zealand and in good time too because
7445s this is 90 now for Australia final fight
7447s territory is the valkyrie running go for
7449s it maybe yeah it seems like a reasonable
7451s Choice here Aki goes down as well just
7453s did a great extra little pick there and
7455s here we go the Jungle Queen having to go
7457s on to the point itself but it does draw
7458s color heck said no here we go duplicate
7460s onto the JQ once again is down the rez
7463s up par as well keeping New Zealand very
7465s comfortably in the fight quite lean for
7467s New Zealand as well the only ultimate
7469s actually used here is the duplicate they
7470s don't even need it too too much still
7473s very worthy I actually felt like towards
7474s the end that it wasn't required but
7476s color hex was made he was going to lose
7477s his life you've got reasonably low HP so
7480s I had to confirm the duplicate to stay
7481s alive there and New Zealand we're trying
7483s to maybe get away with it without any
7484s ultimates used initially I thought maybe
7486s Conor Hicks would start with the
7487s duplicate holds it I believe another
7489s plan that'll be getting a kill and he's
7491s yellow playing player Advantage couldn't
7492s quite clean it up and yeah comes on
7494s through and now it's going to be
7495s Australia's turn to start looking
7496s towards ultimates two of them coming
7497s online between Nana and Cafe
7501s shot out of the sky is great find by
7503s kaffa now what can this year do to
7505s recover this color axes yeah are just in
7507s trouble against Nanda there no surprises
7509s that's not fortunate for New Zealand who
7511s nearly had a lot of ultimates at their
7512s disposal ended up finding nothing with
7513s the pulse five August throws out of
7516s spirit Rush not getting anything for it
7517s Jay cap gets one with the self-destruct
7519s but not able to remake that was
7520s unfortunate at the end there for New
7522s Zealand they set themselves up for a
7523s potentially good fight well I think I
7525s think Australia were coming up with a
7526s lot more towards Anne especially
7527s ultimate wise but beyond that cuffler
7529s just had such a good play a rogue knife
7532s clipping Finn's wings and pulling him
7535s into the shotgun Blaster you lose your
7536s mercy that quickly Collex is done for as
7538s well they give a standard a very clear
7540s advantage of the Skies versus collect so
7542s it's not just the one loss you lose your
7543s mercy it converts into two and suddenly
7545s you're in a 5v3 and then on top of that
7547s Australia should have two ultimates to
7548s play through so it goes from bad to
7550s worse for New Zealand extremely quickly
7552s as we now head over towards I believe
7553s this is sanctum the sanctum is where we
7555s have no it's actually no this is no
7557s second is where we saw cover play
7560s arrested before Jacobs read that he's
7565s main differences
7568s tomorrow yeah and this has actually been
7570s I like the Nana starts out on the echo
7571s but no mercy you don't mean the Mercy
7573s Care yeah
7578s has just been such a thorn in the side
7580s for New Zealand power as well just sort
7581s of out in a cold there very surrounded
7584s no surprises Jay cap unlikely to make it
7588s out alive here unfortunately and that'll
7589s be a very brutally staggered death
7591s I think should look are you even again
7593s she's not bad he's gonna go with the
7594s echo I was going to say if you want to
7595s stay on a flex DPS there I don't think
7598s color heck says that
7600s practice on the Tracer that could have
7602s otherwise been an okay pick as well
7603s possibly a Sombra
7605s possibly Hanzo even
7609s the mercy needs to go next I don't think
7611s Finn needs to go for the pocket here
7612s you're losing a lot of support on the
7614s ground by Night of the Lucio
7615s try to get around the side of Bangalore
7617s to Nanda
7619s with the Mercedes tail tealing him up
7621s mostly a little bit of damage boost here
7623s and there stays around Campo but his
7625s power actually goes down first as Nanda
7627s has his number trying to get the dust
7629s off on Nanda just ducking him weaving
7631s now
7634s and here we go at least finally finds
7636s Aki and copper does go down in the thick
7638s of it still Nanda finishes off Color
7640s head spin we'll probably want to try and
7642s go for a res at some point but they need
7644s a sort of guard their uh first yeah a
7647s little bit right finally goes in for the
7649s res went down as well this will be New
7652s Zealand rotating onto the point to catch
7653s it well Nana's pointed out well I mean
7655s he dies but he trades part for it so
7656s it's a one for one that's what I'm
7658s saying about color hex early he should
7659s have gone for the beam with another
7660s confirm the kill I saw an end on half HP
7662s that would have been the one to remove a
7664s huge threat away from Australia
7666s between New Zealand they recover me Finn
7668s clutch ultimate Valkyries and saves
7670s color hex
7672s despite August going down Finn Hall's
7674s line
7677s Jay cat taking a little bit of a licking
7680s now it's actually coppery oh Justin way
7683s too long
7684s I think he was wanting to line up for an
7686s ultimate but check his whole thing yeah
7688s oh very aggressive but very nicely
7691s placed Aki gonna get confirmed Nanda
7693s finally as well unfortunately losing
7695s color hexer was in there to help support
7696s Jacob and follow up on that ultimate but
7699s works out in the air strong snowball
7701s from New Zealand decent ultimate coming
7703s through Jacob you don't see terrorist
7704s search get a lot but a two-piece there
7707s to lay two pieces really really good for
7709s New Zealand they get the rears in which
7710s means they don't have to wait for
7711s respawners and go back and taxi they can
7713s just play the chokes right up front and
7716s we're going to equalize 48 a piece now
7717s this is getting a lot more competitive
7719s this is exactly what New Zealand need a
7721s little bit of recovery here
7735s to keep Australia safe on the charge and
7738s nice collection on Finn with the rail
7740s shot and jcap as well
7744s Australia back in control of the point
7746s itself New Zealand will have to find a
7747s way to re-enter New Zealand just lost
7748s all space there a couple went for the
7750s tourists so New Zealand had to back on
7751s Allen Jacob there's nowhere to go but
7753s falling off the map I mean you suppose
7754s you could probably try and run back to
7756s school but tough will just shove you
7758s straight off the cliff
7760s now for New Zealand and they still do
7762s hold the lead for a slight moment now
7764s what an execution should be a raise
7766s though that looks reasonable to me you'd
7768s like to think so but they're trying to
7770s Mark the body a little bit there we go
7771s goes in for the rest they actually fight
7772s Nanda as well opens things up a little
7774s bit immortality code is gone
7776s by the time they're really getting into
7777s the thick of it they should have their
7778s back off cooldown now rotating to the
7780s point cover taking a little bit of
7782s income as well very deep and deep goes
7785s for a duplicate gets slept immediately
7787s on the duplicated Soldier and try to
7789s stay alive no we'll get deduplicated but
7791s while that's all going on it does end up
7792s being enough damage to deal with the
7794s likes of cover now color hex ah just
7797s more aggressive than I think he needed
7799s to be there on the off angle
7802s Jacob pushed in so coax is there trying
7805s to support Jacob a little bit cops a
7806s straight arrow to the face luckily the
7808s res is available
7810s territory now I would say both teams
7813s here quick right on the point taking
7814s some bombs now to boost the limited keep
7816s in mind with the overclock fantastic to
7818s catch on color hex half a down but Quinn
7821s is keeping them in it in a big big way
7823s finding finan part both there's just
7825s enough time for New Zealand to go for a
7827s quick reset here that was a great 3K
7829s fantastic Jacob oh late death turns into
7832s a late 4K
7834s and now his final fight Jacob's not bad
7835s you generally have to touch without him
7837s it's gonna have to be fennel color hex
7839s checks is going to touch first
7840s Australia not really going to pressure
7842s off so this is going to be a decent time
7844s immediately these needs to live here he
7847s does manages to duck out now that there
7848s are other people who can come in and
7849s help support the port part taking a bit
7851s of heat we'll survive the aggro while
7854s they're getting members back and if they
7856s lose someone it's gonna be Finn first
7857s now sound barrier for Bert log nanda's
7860s still low though part by Jacob oh I'm
7862s forced airing out August down as well
7864s and New Zealand not getting anything out
7866s of that last little overclock 99 to 98
7869s won't say it wasn't competitive but
7871s unexpected win for Australia yeah
7873s a much better look for New Zealand on
7875s that second round for sanctum I think
7877s Village started to get a little bit away
7879s for them a couple times I mean I think a
7881s lot of the early game comes down to the
7882s fact that Kelly X wants to start on the
7884s Fire
7885s want to see if we can get anything done
7886s there but nana just has the it's got the
7889s uh counter picked off the cuff
7891s and then we can see Jacob jumps off an
7893s absolutely he just kind of misplays that
7895s I don't even think he got boots so yeah
7896s unlucky I don't think the chance of
7898s winning that fight are really strong
7899s anyway so probably just uh
7902s Mercy death is Australia will take away
7904s 2-0 on our opening map in the port yeah
7908s I do like the fact that New Zealand is
7910s putting up a good fight there like they
7911s know Australia's in Australia is going
7913s to qualify but they're not backing down
7914s New Zealand's making sure that they are
7916s fighting for their place and I do have
7919s to appreciate that like we did have Nan
7921s to come out as the echo but then New
7922s Zealand forced him off the echo they
7925s made sure they had a Cassidy they had an
7926s echo again applying pressure then Nanda
7928s had to switch to the Hanzo so I do love
7930s the fact that New Zealand's going no no
7931s you've still got to fight for this and
7933s making it worthwhile so it's a really
7935s fun match to watch yeah and so far
7937s absolutely has been and a genuine
7940s showing from New Zealand and that second
7941s one as we mentioned uh obviously I think
7943s so a little bit in it here New Zealand
7945s they could well uh take it on the map of
7947s Australia we'll have to see how things
7948s ultimately pan out obviously still a
7950s little bit more on the Slate here so
7952s we'll be right back don't go anywhere
7954s [Music]
7966s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
7969s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
7972s value means more at macca's so grab a
7975s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
7978s [Music]
7987s [Music]
7992s thank you
7996s [Music]
8018s [Music]
8031s foreign
8045s [Music]
8060s [Music]
8069s [Music]
8088s [Music]
8115s [Music]
8130s thank you
8131s [Music]
8133s foreign
8147s [Music]
8164s if you're a New Zealand fan one to zero
8167s lead if you're an Australian fan uh
8169s let's hope the boys could turn it back
8171s around and put the Aussies in their
8174s rightful place
8175s running out of time it's supposed to do
8177s that I think uh I probably think we're
8179s gonna go Circle rail like uh the sigma
8181s matchup that I think is going to happen
8183s and it's going to come through but a lot
8185s more competitive at least on the second
8186s round of the poll if I'm not mistaken
8188s the last time these two teams met in a
8190s World Cup it was actually a three to two
8192s result from Australia uh that was it was
8195s a first of three at the time so
8198s uh end of sentence actually I don't have
8201s any follow-up thought to that
8203s uh well it might be a two to zero here
8205s this time because it is best to two here
8207s but New Zealand are definitely putting
8209s up a fight and hey they get to pick them
8210s up they might reverse sweep who knows
8212s they're not out just yet like they are
8214s around qualifying but they're not out of
8215s this just yet they're the ones to pick
8217s circuit Royale correct
8219s true this is true um while I wish they
8222s would pick something else we know that
8223s it's gonna happen they're going to pick
8225s one see absolutely spice it up and just
8229s don't
8237s so we actually might not go to Circuit
8239s yeah they bought a Nami but not Punk
8241s well that changes that changes a lot
8244s they're not the ones picking
8246s they've just got to react to What New
8248s Zealand do but it still changes a lot
8249s because it means like you're probably
8251s playing a map where Winston's pretty
8253s viable yeah because otherwise you would
8255s you would just run Park if you go in a
8257s circuit and you had to play the segment
8258s you would sub and punk you would
8261s watch foreign
8282s Singapore Singapore New Zealand
8284s ah yeah all right sorry like all right
8288s we'll move one here we'll do it again
8289s let's do it again let's take the Aussies
8291s to watch points different match up to
8293s that first one but yeah very very
8295s different one could fairly say looking
8297s forward to this one yeah that was
8299s Singapore's map pick and they didn't
8300s even seem to know the map and now it'll
8303s be New Zealand's MacBook
8305s this makes sense though because then if
8307s you have a lot of the dive comps you
8309s know you're going to play as you
8310s mentioned the Winston or maybe Diva
8311s you're going to control those higher
8312s grounds which maybe we'll still see some
8314s double snipers with the widows and the
8316s hanzos you know there's a lot of space
8318s especially if you make it through to
8319s that second point you know you can get
8320s up on top of that ship and control
8321s everything from up there uh so I'm
8324s excited to see this one and I think I
8325s Yay New Zealand you picked something
8327s different so I'm very thankful for that
8330s that's that's like the only benefit we
8333s bring to you like well you made it
8334s interesting thanks a bunch God the
8336s absolute arrogance of these was it I
8338s think that's going to be more snipers
8339s here I don't know if uh New Zealand have
8342s this making Firepower
8344s okay it's been sometimes just collects
8345s really play the Widowmaker
8347s um
8350s well I suppose we'll have to see
8351s probably not on the automaker then we're
8353s gonna be seeing fairly shortly in fact
8355s because the game is all light up and
8356s ready to go Domino we'll see you on the
8358s other side after Australia take a
8360s well-deserved L against New Zealand on
8361s watch Point Gibraltar
8363s [Music]
8367s I like watching Gibraltar
8370s does she know that it's I think improved
8373s since we last saw it the new animals
8376s approved watch Point Gibraltar the more
8379s fair watch one Gibraltar
8386s that's what New Zealand really does here
8387s you're not going to see the fire anymore
8388s nope you are going to see some long
8391s range
8392s players I do like the fly through that's
8395s unfortunately you're seeing old
8396s Gibraltar here yeah different you will
8399s be seeing usual till we get in different
8400s sport and layout now
8411s remember the old Winston cinematic set
8413s here
8416s still set there oh yeah it is yep
8421s yes sir
8423s so here we go collection got a TP Jacob
8425s out over to the middle Bridge August is
8427s going to pull him back
8428s let's go coffee is to make sure he
8430s doesn't get pulled in
8432s let's go
8434s fantastic car's gonna set up all the way
8437s around the back
8439s get ready for the Dives shake up so then
8440s gonna swap the diva
8442s and we'll have some fun
8444s my question will be what color hex plays
8446s after the sim a ginormous oink and yoink
8451s uh covers caught here colleagues that's
8455s really bad for coffee goes down and he
8457s gets raised
8458s he actually got hooked mainly as also I
8461s think cover took a huge gamble there
8463s that's going to ruin Australia's early
8465s positioning so
8467s you can see all this early ground now
8469s Jacob's emilion
8471s collectors going over towards Tracer and
8473s all this converts and Barrel like that
8475s means Australia's down yeah one again
8476s two in a row really solid start for New
8479s Zealand there's no two ways about it
8480s like as good of a size you get out for
8482s really yeah hey you know little little
8484s bit of a uh I'm not gonna say gimmick
8486s Casino just a classic entry frag style
8488s setup players like they didn't even they
8490s didn't even do the whole thing because a
8491s couple was just there right up
8496s so with Jay cap who's really keeping on
8498s top of them companies to be careful
8500s pulls back to his team he's out of car
8501s wash now so they've done a lot
8504s done a lot
8505s Jacob's Neil Young but Jacob's done a
8507s lot of damage here in New Zealand
8508s they're putting the pressure on
8509s Australia it has to be the ones to
8510s respond
8511s to an army here we go it's actually
8513s Quinn who goes down first and cover
8515s again still so low haircut tsunami
8517s doesn't float hey let's go pushing yeah
8519s this is getting a little bit dangerous
8520s now I'm eating some damage Kappa
8523s manually hacked damn it back away yeah
8525s cover's gonna go in for any so low
8527s self-destruct on The High Ground for
8528s Jacob zones them away colleagues gets
8531s dusted off
8532s record time for you by the way I'm
8534s instructed Taylor push the entire way
8535s through wow
8547s is true oh
8550s that was slowing things down now okay it
8553s used to be the pasta this would be
8555s talking about a death sentence for the
8556s attacking team but certainly a difficult
8558s place to be but a lot of new attacking
8560s angles for him to be now also the gate
8561s hasn't quite closed because the
8562s payload's not through which yeah allows
8564s a little bit more interest for New
8566s Zealand EMP is available now but where
8567s can that be used because you know I
8569s really want to be diving on top of the
8571s top of the shuttle you need to be
8572s finding another angle the Darby gets
8573s dislodged the normal way Finn throws
8575s down an immortality field passion to
8576s save his own life they go on top of
8578s tougher but he's got his ultimate on
8579s anyway so it doesn't really do much to
8582s him nice dick collects up burnt log they
8585s need to keep August alive here nope he's
8587s low cuff we're able to finish him off
8589s but no one really keeping tabs on cover
8590s with hard dead and color hex otherwise
8592s occupied so two for one tray color hex
8595s being a bit of trouble off the side here
8597s and New Zealand feel a little bit
8599s disconnected here and then it'll go for
8601s a reserve very soon we're losing a lot
8603s called it starts so well I mean August
8605s gets a frag color hex gets a pulse as
8608s well New Zealand we're in a reasonable
8609s spot but unfortunately the solo EMP from
8612s Pilot a little bit to be designed for he
8614s also got booped away
8616s been in August eating an anti-nade
8619s they will uh get to heal each other up
8621s though
8628s boost as well
8631s immortality field deployed early finish
8633s having to use this a lot to keep himself
8635s alive Aki down color hex so Quinn
8637s getting the better end of that so often
8639s great dive on defend and nobody there
8641s really protecting him as Jacob is
8643s aggress into the direct fight cover
8644s though purple's back for it Jacob
8646s doesn't even lose the mat could have
8648s reset with a self-destruct but doesn't
8649s have to that's helpful with that kill on
8651s copper now he can get aggressive this
8653s large Nami from this Middle Point here
8655s at long time D-Max butt self-destructure
8658s reset yeah it's just New Zealand getting
8660s some ground it's a rough way to lose
8661s your Mech though I think maybe a little
8662s bit of over commit you forced an army
8664s off and then you just have to try and
8666s survive dog after that same a bit of
8667s Matrix I don't know but you keep the
8668s mech ideally oh Jacob's gonna get DMX
8671s again nope here we go finners here to
8672s the rescue this time right I was
8673s actually about to say I have a feeling
8674s when the previous one Ben didn't have
8676s line of sight to him just yet because he
8677s was still only just respawning
8680s Halo is starting to make a little bit
8681s more movement now they've got to get
8682s past the Bob where did the Bob go
8684s actually not sure unclear Finn down
8686s though burning to the dynamite didn't
8687s have any immortality field in August
8689s wasn't there to heal speaking with
8690s strongest now down
8691s Nami just going on an absolute tear the
8694s one two combo to deal with the support
8696s so that it completely stops New Zealand
8698s up still a good amount of time on the
8700s clock for them though okay so when's the
8701s 1v1 but unfortunately the rest of the
8702s team died or the pain had a lot of
8704s movement I've got to say
8705s again not sure where the ball went but
8707s it did enough disruption that New
8709s Zealand couldn't quite push the pilot
8710s anymore because that would have been the
8712s pressure and they keep on Australia to
8714s force Australia to come towards then New
8716s Zealand the state have to once again
8717s find a good angle for the EMP last
8719s European was not the best
8721s bubble is gone for cover so is there an
8723s opportunity here for New Zealand to make
8724s a move maybe he has to go aggressive
8726s trying to find something of the Primal
8727s Rage goes for Finn and that's going to
8729s pay off their Finn once again
8730s immortality Bill to keep himself alive
8732s New Zealand are just going look if
8733s you're going to go all the way in on
8734s Finn like that then that's fine we'll
8736s dive as well they've actually found
8737s Mackie for their travel colleagues does
8739s go down didn't get the pulse bomb out
8740s kapha does also go down important fans
8743s here for New Zealand given that they've
8745s lost color hex Finn's Staying Alive as
8747s well in the whole dive it's really
8748s important that wasted a lot of cut this
8750s time and he's able to stay at J caps
8752s back that's the thing Jacob is having to
8753s do these counter Dives without Finn a
8755s lot of the time and then by the time the
8756s Fight Continues on Finn has been dead
8758s this is a much better outcome for New
8760s Zealand but as the Fight Continues they
8761s need to collect some more kills and soon
8764s sooner rushes back out again strong
8766s position to use it acting Independence
8767s on Nano to Cuff up nice manual hack Nano
8771s directly delivered self-destruct from
8772s Jacob and he's in the immortality field
8773s so that he can remix safely no kills off
8775s the self-destruction to never get a
8777s whole lot of zoning power actually goes
8778s down as Quinn gets the wrap around color
8780s hex now having to duck away from the
8782s fight to get a better angle into it
8784s meanwhile jcap brawling up in this High
8786s Ground
8787s starting to struggle again to make
8789s Headway here is New Zealand our son slip
8792s back again they're really not getting
8793s any kills anymore depends about to have
8795s their next ultimate another goodbye
8796s coming through from Aki you know
8799s August not in that air mortality field
8801s unfortunately and then Finn going down
8803s immediately after 30 seconds this is the
8805s last reset that New Zealand get yeah and
8807s they're not going to get another EMP
8809s here this is a really unfortunate place
8812s to end a zombie it's a good amount of
8814s push for New Zealand put the knob
8816s unlikely the can't be I suppose just the
8818s bulbs could be too hard to get past
8819s couple's gonna have another playable
8820s Australia you have so much delay here
8822s with the respawn just behind them as
8823s well
8825s nearly got an early collection Nami
8826s there but not quite it'd be a great
8828s Target to find I'm not even getting the
8830s manual hang on a queen and August is
8831s already down again the Vitality feels
8833s super early
8836s card for no Primal but rally running
8838s from Bert longer the Barb out as well
8839s been having a solo heal J cap not able
8842s to reset the mag denies the
8843s self-destruction and deployed the winner
8844s not got much out of it Jacob's down
8846s pulse bomb out from color Hicks doesn't
8848s collect an army now burnings the
8849s dynamite and no one was actually on the
8851s cart and all of that
8854s well that's because they were all data
8856s spokes yeah that will be it they just
8858s don't know the ultimate Supply through
8859s their last fight losing a player early
8861s as well not going to help
8862s all to finish things off touch payload
8864s cover die but that ended up even being
8866s inconsequential because again the rest
8868s of players being alive Bob to still play
8871s the Tank's job essentially
8873s and so and many other scenarios Cafe 98
8876s could have been a death sentence for
8878s Australia and giving Australia New
8880s Zealand rather the cap but not in that
8881s position and for all the good that New
8883s Zealand did on a which was a lot they
8886s had
8886s more than five minutes I believe to work
8888s on 4B which is a ton of time
8890s they lost momentum yeah
8893s dug the heels and it was very difficult
8895s when he's into this large an army had a
8896s fantastic game and barely even lost
8898s positioning they lost it very early in
8900s fact I would even highlight a particular
8901s moment where very soon after the cap
8904s color hex actually went down and without
8906s the Tracer pushing even further forward
8909s Australia the surviving members had time
8911s to pull back reset take a bit of High
8913s Ground Nami was able to get set up
8915s without being harassed by color X that
8917s was a big piece that opened the door and
8920s then they were able to get a subsequent
8921s fight just started to stop New Zealand's
8923s short completely
8925s reasonable distance still going to be a
8927s bit of a tough ask on this defense for
8929s New Zealand they're going to want to
8930s burn down the clock on a a bit where
8931s Australia were unable to and hopefully
8934s leave Australia with not much time
8935s coming in to be if they do cap
8938s attackers income it's a hard defense to
8941s help and get match point
8943s New Zealand
8945s crosswind Australia no opening
8948s Shenanigans no Road Hog
8950s choose to come on through I don't think
8952s he's gonna want to fall for that anyway
8953s given that they're well prepared for it
8956s I mean over towards the Hans or this
8957s time around
8959s everything else basically the same yeah
8961s Australia not known for their cheese
8962s it's more of a New Zealand export we
8964s have a very strong dairy industry
8970s that's why the milk is so expensive
8972s it's because it's makes you strong
8976s I've never broken a bone I drink a glass
8977s of milk every morning Quinn under heat
8979s here has to back away
8982s may still go down colleagues wrapping
8984s around no recall available for Quinn and
8985s no supports nearby so collects able to
8987s collect and get out safely
8990s yeah it's a good Shine for New Zealand
8992s to train as well so
8994s still in a good position for New Zealand
8995s DPS is down you've got to be careful
8997s about burn log it could be the next one
8998s down if not careful didn't get hatched
9001s out in the end and Parr actually has to
9002s translocate away Jacob's a that's
9004s gonna be an anti-hill on him August in
9006s trouble as well very far forward having
9008s to help Jay cap out
9009s it's able to keep the presents remember
9011s Finn uh dive once again so this is only
9013s the one here he's back with the team now
9014s slow HP a little bit at the moment
9017s Jacob would not want to get DMX I want
9019s to extend that life for as long as
9020s possible but now Payless should start
9022s getting some movement it's been
9023s contested probably by color Hicks most
9025s likely SJ cab adds a healing and forces
9028s the immortality field here we go
9029s Panthers favorite dive on defend has it
9031s with the Nano boost that is back
9032s self-destruct from j-cap body block Yeah
9034s couple body blocks the majority of that
9035s Jacob will be able to remake but no
9037s trades there's color his hex went wide
9039s on the pulse bomb Primal preserved from
9041s cuffer as well
9043s final should be coming through this
9044s fight they're aware of the Primal now
9046s nice hack Primal rally together
9047s decapolis D make rather or J cap they
9050s don't have to use the Primal that's so
9052s big
9056s and now August as well they're just
9059s getting picks without having to commit
9060s ultimates in New Zealand it's they had
9062s it's happened a few times now where they
9064s lose a member they don't get any counter
9066s trades and they end up hanging around
9068s for quite a while and fins by the way
9070s gonna have to change theirs so they're
9072s just back over towards the back
9073s a little bit of lost time and loss
9075s ultimate charge there is Australia sit
9077s on four comfortable ultimates and the
9078s fact that they won't Force to use
9079s anything means they can comfortably
9081s snowball then yeah and this EMP is going
9083s to have to deliver and thankful foreign
9091s happy just takes his time and this is
9093s you should be able to get a good EMP and
9095s given that Australia need to be at least
9097s a little bit stacked for them initial
9099s movement
9100s long set up for par really
9103s but again the dive is already there on
9106s defense immortality field is gone I
9108s don't think he got it I don't know where
9110s it is so here we go Primal Rage that's
9112s gonna get Finn Quinn traded out at least
9114s it's a bit of recovery but again New
9117s Zealand's always having to fight with
9118s one less healer bit of a weft EMP very
9122s cheap fight for Australia only having to
9124s use the rally and the Primal Rage use
9126s the possible but that's a quick charging
9127s ultimate and still these late staggered
9129s dads parties do not die here we're
9131s almost basically in his final fight now
9133s still three minutes left to go but New
9134s Zealand have well as you run out we'll
9136s have a second Mech available for Jacob
9138s once it becomes online 400 it's gonna
9141s Rush first sort of get back to the point
9143s there we go Dragon strike just ranking
9145s across separating up the team colleagues
9146s low nearly didn't even get a chance to
9147s use the pulse five J cap getting
9149s aggressive has a self-destructed empty
9150s use the self-destruct spend there to
9152s rescue with his uh again with the
9154s immortality field okay Rebecca on Skirt
9157s Long spice you up don't always see that
9158s Jacob nearly died as well a couple
9159s manually hats can they finish him off no
9161s color Hicks is down and misses the pole
9163s spot and that just keeps happening
9164s sticking at it too long dollar bills in
9167s the eyes not finishing off these kills
9168s it's this weird combination of tunnel
9172s vision and lack of focus fire you'd
9174s think that those two things are an
9176s academic to one another but let me tell
9178s you New Zealand we can really do it all
9179s Quinn though does go down New Zealand
9181s keeping it competitive and they've got
9182s the amplification Matrix out from Finn
9184s to give an extra bit of damage down
9185s keeping cut for honest has to pull back
9187s to Bert log
9189s Jay kept keeping the harassment off at
9190s about a minute they're not able to root
9193s us around Australia out of this room I
9194s mean they have to give it they're still
9196s losing members as they try and chase him
9198s they actually lose them in but they need
9199s to be cleaning up straight here that was
9200s a fighting foreign
9212s apart it will definitely be the cap as
9215s unfortunately the wheels come off in New
9217s Zealand at the end tell me what I still
9219s had a good bit of fun it's always fun uh
9222s to play Australia because we went
9224s against them in most other sports they
9226s can have this one
9229s and I certainly did get it clean second
9232s map Gibraltar was well played truly
9234s undefeated hey defense quite rough
9238s but then you look over towards the rest
9240s of the beam B was a good look for
9242s Australia for short attacking wise
9244s Australia very clean through the entire
9246s way through sanctum 98.99 I think that
9249s was a good round yeah yeah the village
9251s was definitely more Australia sighted
9253s and Australia 5-0 you mentioned it
9256s Flawless 5-0 they did lose a map one map
9259s I believe the entire weekend was just
9260s the time it was just at one I believe it
9262s was Circa Royale and that was it I was
9264s gonna say exactly that only one map lost
9267s this entire online qualifier and it's
9269s two the other team that qualified out so
9272s that is about as good a result as you
9274s could ever hope to have and that's the
9276s thing we expected this out of Australia
9278s they've always had great showings on the
9280s world stage at these World Cups even
9282s some hot individual talent that has come
9284s out of this region this is to be
9287s expected and you've got to have nothing
9290s but compliments for it
9292s yeah definitely congratulations to
9294s Australia they're going to be so happy
9295s that they have been undefeated in this
9298s series but look props to New Zealand
9300s they had they had a comp here that was
9303s quite a mobile composition uh so I was
9306s surprised by it it seems like maybe they
9307s just weren't coordinating their Dives
9309s well enough on the back line of
9311s Australia my new Bert log and ackee on a
9313s Brig Ana is a hard back line to
9315s sometimes jump because they're going to
9316s keep defending each other but New
9318s Zealand felt like they had more of the
9320s mobile composition because you didn't
9322s have as much Mobility from Australia
9323s like yes you had a Winston and Tracer
9325s that could dive in things so I think New
9327s Zealand may have struggled a little
9328s there against Australia but I think they
9330s still put up a really good fight and
9332s yeah they absolutely snowballed on the
9334s first point and got it in so fast so I
9337s think they did very very well but yeah
9338s Australia's gonna be so pleased with
9340s themselves so well done to them it'll be
9342s interesting to see what group they end
9343s up getting placed into as well as the
9345s advanced side to the group stages in
9347s that first seed spot out from aipac B uh
9351s top eight is the father ever gone which
9353s would mean they need to get into the
9354s group stages then qualify out of the
9356s group stages into excuse me The Knockout
9358s brackets and this is definitely a roster
9360s that wants to best that former result
9362s that is always the ambition
9366s I do believe we're going to be able to
9367s have a quick catch-up as well with the
9369s Australian team coach Hunter Hunter it
9372s has been a while I can see that the
9375s mustache has uh expanded further and
9377s taken over your entire face
9379s you look terrible how do you feel and
9383s that's after cutting yourself after
9384s cutting your hair yeah
9386s yeah to be honest there's no worse
9388s feeling than topping our group and going
9389s undefeated for the whole time so of
9391s course yeah I feel shocking yeah yeah
9393s well Max uh congratulations on winning
9395s the Sprint today uh but
9397s what are we uh what are we looking
9399s forward to now so a good result for
9400s Australia uh last time you guys faced
9403s something that's Korea in the group
9404s straight away maybe hopefully you get to
9407s dodge them around this time what are the
9408s goals for team Australia in 2023
9410s yeah I mean to be perfectly honest with
9412s you the goal was to uh was to make it
9414s this far I looked at the group and I
9416s thought ah Thailand India these are both
9418s pretty tough teams so the initial goal
9421s that I'd set was let's qualify for the
9423s us so that you know the guys that are
9424s all used to playing domestically uh can
9427s get a chance overseas but now I guess
9429s I'm gonna have to shift the goal posts a
9430s bit because that was really easy to
9431s qualify for America so I think we're
9432s gonna have to reassess and think oh
9434s maybe we can take it a bit are you
9435s surprised
9437s I was surprised maybe a week ago when
9440s Thailand just folded like origami but
9442s now it's pretty much at a point of
9444s expectation yeah it was it was easy wow
9446s you you set the bar extremely low for a
9449s team that's reliably made top eight
9451s Hunter I mean that's that is
9454s impressively conservative uh given that
9457s Australia usually comes in all bragado
9460s show talking about how they're not even
9461s afraid of South Korea I do appreciate I
9464s suppose the realism but I think you've
9465s just gone far too far the other way uh
9468s Domino what do you have to say to this
9469s clown
9470s oh I did just want to ask as the coach
9473s how did you feel the team was able to
9474s improve within such a short duration of
9477s this event did they grow as players do
9478s you feel they've grown as the team like
9480s maybe a lot of their match-ups weren't
9482s that competitive but do you feel as a
9484s team they've grown and come out on top
9486s here at the end
9487s oh yeah that was all me that was all me
9489s naturally they were hopeless to begin
9490s with but um yeah that was on me I'll
9492s take full credit for that
9494s um now they they put in a lot of work
9496s um The Players showed up a lot and they
9498s put in a really good effort to get as
9500s far as we did we saw like early on that
9502s there was a bit of a
9504s there was an easy way to get through the
9506s bracket by focusing on certain Maps
9508s because it was first to two and two out
9510s of three you could pretty much
9511s consistently force a match up that you
9513s were good at so we saw our way through
9515s the bracket and the way to beat teams
9516s like Thailand that were really strong on
9517s the dive matchups and we just focused
9519s very heavily on improving one style and
9522s yeah I mean we came a very long way on
9524s that style so you know easy win uh I got
9527s a final question for you uh What uh
9531s first of all where is face and why is he
9533s never in any interviews for gladiators
9535s or team Australia and what are his
9537s thoughts on the Run third faces face is
9540s more of a concept than a person you'll
9541s find so he's he's around we all have one
9544s of the spirituals yeah everyone's got a
9546s concept and team Australia's concept
9548s space okay it is ironic I suppose that
9550s he isn't the face of the team yeah but
9553s but I suppose that's the that that uh
9555s famously Wicked Australian sense of
9557s humor uh well look under I've got to say
9560s um it wasn't good to see you again but
9562s congratulations nonetheless I really we
9564s do hope the boys are able to perform
9565s well
9566s um even if your goals aren't that
9568s ambitious I still think this is a team
9569s that should be making top eight and
9571s should even be aiming to do even better
9572s than that let this be the best year yet
9574s if only because you beat New Zealand and
9576s I want that to mean something damn it
9578s congratulations all the best and we'll
9581s appreciate it pixie it was an absolute
9583s displeasure truly the worst yeah thank
9586s you all right that have a terrible one
9588s well that was uh my biggest fan Hunter
9590s uh always always a good time always a
9593s real gas with that gentleman uh and well
9597s that's it that's every single game
9600s that's every single match in the group b
9603s online qualifier for the OverWatch
9605s between scoreline which is I know
9607s beautiful streets beautiful there's
9609s actually two three for New Zealand there
9611s so we've got the perfect rundown 504
9614s 132231405 that's my bank pin uh it's a
9618s very long but I have a very complicated
9619s banking system in New Zealand beautiful
9621s yeah
9625s acted out
9628s there was fantastic some of those real
9631s hot matches Thailand versus Australia
9633s that was uh such a defining early match
9635s for the whole thing India versus
9637s Thailand for that final seed uh and sort
9640s of Dashing the hopes of multiple teams
9642s at once even the early bout we had to
9644s get uh New Zealand vs India was an
9646s absolutely fantastic match uh before we
9648s uh before we take this any further what
9649s are uh what are our final thoughts just
9651s to cross hell this is all panned out how
9652s do we feel about it all
9654s I am really excited to see how far
9657s Australia can get I am really looking
9659s forward to them you know taking a place
9662s here on the world stage and showing the
9664s rest of the world that Australia has
9666s what it takes to you know be a really
9669s big key player in OverWatch so I'm very
9671s excited and very much looking forward to
9672s seeing how they go well and to round out
9673s the day of course it wouldn't be
9675s complete without the macca's play of the
9677s day and we had a good few to pick from
9679s so let's go ahead and take a look at
9680s what it is look when little 3K clean
9684s shot of the color hacks
9686s and this was the uh ultimate that saved
9688s the day for Australia result it was New
9690s Zealand looking probably okay on this
9692s fight until I'm going to shut them all
9693s down that's the whole takeaway the play
9695s of the game into my final thoughts on
9697s the overall tournament that we had was
9698s I'm just glad that it was really
9700s competitive overall because I think when
9701s you look across uh the different World
9703s Cup groups that we had for online
9704s qualifiers there certainly are you know
9707s unfortunately less balanced groups out
9710s there and you know there's a bit of
9712s school disability but yeah you know we
9713s had at minimum I think four competitive
9715s teams and even the top three here we're
9717s basically neck and neck and Thailand
9719s versus India was the best match of them
9721s all was hyper competitive and so you
9723s know we had a really strong showing on
9725s the top half and I think that is uh
9727s again actually when all said and done
9729s through Australia's compliments given
9731s that they were able to qualify and not
9732s only qualify out but completely
9733s undefeated and as we say may they go far
9736s that is going to wrap it up we have said
9739s two teams onward and outward into the
9741s world they will be flying over to the US
9744s of a for those uh World Cup group stages
9747s this has been an absolutely fantastic
9749s time I've been met pixie Carroll we've
9751s had Kevin ever Walker with us this week
9753s uh physically in studio thank you for
9755s joining us Domino thank you to the
9757s entire crew who were involved in this it
9759s goes to show how much it takes to put
9762s something like this together it has been
9763s our joy and our privilege to bring the
9766s stage of the World Cup to you and good
9768s night
9777s thank you
9783s [Music]
9792s foreign
9796s [Music]