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Transcript (by Youtube)

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1610s to the OverWatch World Cup online
1614s qualifiers APAC Group B my name's Domino
1617s and I'm your host today and I am joined
1619s By the Fantastic pixie and Avril welcome
1622s guys how are you doing today
1624s doing fantastic this is the earliest I
1627s have ever done a broadcast in my life
1629s it's 5 p.m local time which is insane to
1632s me usually we start at like nine o'clock
1634s so I am as alert as ever it's fantastic
1637s yeah this guy's never done an Nao EU
1639s broadcast because you know then you'd be
1641s you'd be doing it in the early mornings
1643s talking some three Em's yeah speaking of
1645s EU broadcaster we actually already had
1647s the emec region play so I think we're
1649s now the second region overall APAC you
1652s know APAC Europe America we're like in
1655s the second region to broadcast so yeah
1656s World Cup 2023 back in full swing I know
1659s online qualifies are here okay to
1662s finally get to see some World Cup action
1663s after several years yeah it's kind of
1665s exciting right
1666s I was just about to say that it's
1668s actually really exciting to have the
1670s World Cup back and look let's talk about
1672s the tournament structure and what we are
1674s looking at here for the World Cup now we
1676s are today doing the online qualifiers
1678s which we'll be going over this week and
1680s next week so make sure you tune in again
1682s next week as well and the top two teams
1685s from Group B here at APAC will go on to
1688s the group stage where they will verse
1690s other teams to all battle it out for
1692s those World Cup finals so this is very
1694s exciting uh to see this starting up now
1697s and obviously you know let's take a look
1700s at all those teams that are playing for
1703s Group B we have a total of six countries
1706s that will be representing here at the
1708s World Cup for the qualifiers and look I
1711s obviously look we've got Australia there
1713s I'm Australian I'm gonna be a little bit
1715s biased they're probably my favorite here
1717s but like what about you guys what are
1719s you looking from these teams here today
1722s I'm looking towards New Zealand
1723s Australia you know honestly Thailand
1725s India as well New Zealand Australia I
1727s would say probably largely the favorite
1729s year especially Australia given that
1730s they are the only team in this group
1733s that has a history of more extended
1735s World Cup uh proceedings where they've
1737s they've been to group stages before you
1738s know they made the top eight before they
1739s played a BlizzCon before
1741s um you have Punk on that team as well
1742s who's an OverWatch League player current
1744s OverWatch League player and the rest of
1745s the roster mainly made up of a high
1748s level continuous team from contenders
1750s Australia as well so you know it's it's
1751s the teams that have the most I think
1754s notable star power which New Zealand has
1756s a few those players as well color hex is
1757s a former OverWatch League player and
1759s then India who is I think a bit of a
1761s dark horse in this tournament because
1762s there's a couple of good n a players in
1764s that team but they will be on High pink
1765s yeah it's always going to be a bit of a
1766s challenge to get past right and I mean
1769s for me this is like this is kind of
1771s taking me back right this feels like a
1772s bit of a blast from the past like I
1774s remember covering the Pacific region uh
1776s for you know however long because
1777s obviously the uh the APAC group a is
1779s like that's the Heavy Hitters right
1781s that's the the regions of people know a
1782s lot about that's where you've got China
1784s That's where you've got South Korea this
1785s is like everyone else this is the
1786s Thailand Australia uh you know Singapore
1788s I mean you just saw them on the screen
1789s right but that's so it's it's
1791s interesting to kind of be back to that
1793s because
1794s we talk about Dark Horses within this
1795s region but like as a region it's always
1797s been a bit of a Dark Horse and every
1798s soft and you just get absolute standout
1800s players I mean we all know about
1802s Australia making deep runs into the
1804s world cup over and over again you look
1806s back at uh Thailand bringing players
1808s like a poodle and patapan to the four
1809s and also I have a British citizenship
1812s I've got no dog in this race but I
1814s realized that of the six countries
1816s represented here there is only one that
1818s Britain didn't at some point in history
1820s control and that's Thailand so I'm going
1821s to throw my lot in with them
1824s fair enough look I have to agree we have
1826s some big Heavy Hitters as you have
1828s mentioned like Punk and color hex but I
1830s think there's also there's a lot of new
1832s players who we may not have seen a lot
1834s from and I am interested to see how
1835s they're going to go in these matchups
1837s and look we might have some really
1839s surprising players shine over this
1841s weekend which will be really interesting
1842s to see so let's take a look at what
1845s we're going to be first watching today
1847s so coming up on today's schedule we're
1850s going to start with Singapore versus
1851s Malaysia and then we've got New Zealand
1854s versus Thailand so some bit of rivalries
1856s going on here would you say
1858s Singapore Malaysia for sure I mean
1859s that's just like a very close logistical
1861s Regional rivalry Singapore Malaysia
1863s right next to each other in terms of if
1865s you look at the map and New Zealand and
1867s Thailand I've heard some good things
1869s about this High roster but also looking
1870s across the Thai Ross I'm sure we'll
1871s discover them a little bit later on as
1872s well there's a bunch of contenders
1875s players there's a poodle coming back as
1876s well a bunch of the players are from
1878s crack and Esports who actually just won
1880s containers Apex so very very good talent
1882s on Thailand I think there could be a
1884s very close race between our top four
1885s teams in this region with maybe
1888s Singapore Malaysia lagging a little bit
1889s behind but you know we'll give them a
1891s little bit of space here especially in
1892s their first match to really prove
1893s themselves and see how well they can
1895s play today and obviously we're going to
1896s dive into it more later right but but
1897s that New Zealand Thailand uh like as you
1900s just mentioned Kevin that's that's of
1902s particular interest to me because I
1904s think we are all looking at Australia as
1905s like you know a bit of a shoe-in for one
1907s of those two slots there is only two
1909s slots though and New Zealand Thailand
1911s both feel like they could be you know
1912s they have quite a serious run at that so
1914s that's where the scrum is really going
1916s to take place the fact that these two
1918s teams are going this one out of the way
1919s very early on is going to set one of
1921s them a real Cut Above in terms of their
1923s chance to actually make it through those
1925s two available slots in the group stages
1928s yeah it might be a race for the second
1929s place you know I think we all think that
1931s Australia is probably the likely
1933s favorite here they'll get one of the top
1934s two and then personally for me it's near
1936s New Zealand Thailand India one of those
1938s three could be taking the seconds long
1940s no well let's take a closer look at that
1943s Singapore team and they're starting
1944s lineup for today
1947s so as you can see we have vital VIPs Ash
1950s cane paper and cup is there any
1952s standouts here we want to be paying
1954s attention to I have heard of vital
1956s myself I have seen them being played in
1958s OverWatch contenders here in the
1960s Australia region uh but yeah I'll throw
1962s it over to you guys to talk more about
1963s this team yeah Singapore has had a very
1965s interesting journey into the World Cup
1967s this year and they've had a bit of a
1969s chop and change around the roster
1970s notably I think the one big piece of the
1973s puzzle that's missing here for me is
1974s soggy who I I think is the best player
1976s coming through from Singapore he's not
1978s currently on the team he just won
1980s contenders Australia on on a Honeypot
1982s but so the Singapore roster has been
1984s changed a fair bit over the past few
1985s months and
1987s um the current team Singapore roster is
1989s having to sort of come through with
1992s a bit less time I think the gel and a
1995s bit less known talent and that might
1997s impact their results so uh they get a
1999s bit of a I think an easy introduction
2001s today versus Malaysia which is probably
2004s still a very good game but uh Singapore
2006s you know the real test will come when
2007s they face the other teams and that might
2008s be a challenge
2010s yeah definitely uh let's take a look at
2012s that Malaysian lineup starting off here
2014s tonight as well any thoughts on these
2017s players yeah this is uh let's shall we
2020s say this is a country that's had to dig
2022s a little bit deeper than uh some of the
2023s others in the pool here uh if you're if
2026s you're a real like deep cut Enthusiast
2028s there might be some names here that
2029s stick out to you numenos uh being one
2032s there but yeah overall I think you can
2034s kind of say on paper you expect
2036s Singapore to come uh come and be in the
2038s better team just out of sheer roster
2039s strength uh but this is a real test of
2041s things and this is a nice early match
2044s for Malaysia right because they're a
2046s little bit lesser known you wouldn't
2048s want to have to go right up against a
2050s heavy hitter like Australia or even a
2051s New Zealand uh Thailand India type team
2054s here this is probably the best option
2055s there is in the pool for them to uh iron
2058s out any remaining Kings if there are any
2060s still in this uh in this team just for
2062s that very first match uh but this is
2064s also the kind of roster where we kind of
2066s see dark cores Diamond of the rough type
2068s players pop out from
2069s I'll speak to Malaysia a little bit here
2071s as all uh commercially made up of three
2073s players from fire Society who did play
2075s in the most recent contenders uh APAC as
2078s well for the summer series and uh they
2080s went out I say fairly quickly like a
2082s fifth sixth position out of 18 so a
2085s little bit left to be desired there and
2087s half the team roughly to make it onto
2088s this roster a lot of unknown factors
2090s here as well kind of similar to
2092s Singapore where you have a few known
2093s players and a lot of unknown players
2096s um yeah this is going to be one of those
2097s teams where you know with the fact that
2099s they're a less well-known players on the
2102s competitive side they'll probably
2103s struggle more late into the tournament
2105s but both will get a little bit of a
2106s softball right up front versus each
2108s other instead
2109s yeah and as you've mentioned they're
2111s versing each other I do just want to
2113s call out because I don't think I
2114s mentioned it earlier for everyone that
2116s the tournament structure it is around
2117s Robin so every team will be versing off
2119s each other and it will be the first to
2122s two of the maps here tonight so uh that
2124s will be quite interesting and let's take
2126s a look at the map Pool uh all going over
2130s to the map selection so we will be
2132s starting off with ilios which is a
2134s control map and pixie and I were talking
2136s about ilios before we started and uh
2139s well is probably one of my most hated
2141s maps to play on the game but that's
2142s where we're going to start here this
2144s evening yeah I personally don't hate any
2147s Maps
2148s um I I even I'm insane I actually
2151s enjoyed assault bring it back
2153s um but yes pretty standard uh loser pick
2156s style floor mat and as you say first to
2157s two uh the second one can actually be
2160s picked from either escort or hybrid
2163s excuse me so the only way we go beyond a
2165s three here is if we end up going to a
2167s hybrid and then we have a draw and then
2170s we have a split map three uh so I was in
2172s group a wins uh sorry team a wins map
2175s one then we have a tie and then Team B
2176s winton's map two that's the only way we
2178s go all that way deep into that fourth
2180s map I kind of hope we actually get to
2182s see a few game Falls across this because
2184s that always speaks to a certain level of
2185s closeness
2187s is going to be really important here
2189s because there's six maps in the pool
2190s that you can possibly choose from a
2192s couple that we haven't had in this
2193s year's competitive circuit whether
2195s that's been in contenders or the
2196s OverWatch league so check out Royale
2197s watch my Gibraltar watch my Gibraltar in
2199s particular which is how to change
2200s recently on the live patch and yes we
2202s are playing the live patch today
2204s um so yeah that's going to be an
2206s interesting shake-up um beyond that
2208s though I mean there's only three maps in
2212s the control pool typically in
2213s competitive circuits there's five so
2214s there's a little bit less variety there
2216s that is also going to be I believe the
2217s tiebreaker map if we go to a map four
2219s push has always been
2221s fairly I mean there's only three Maps
2224s there anyway and all three uh reasonably
2226s close in terms of what they bring to the
2228s table so it ends up being that map too
2229s and in my opinion is the most heavily
2231s weighted map of the entire pool whether
2233s regardless of what choice you choose
2235s yeah yeah yeah definitely I I'm hoping
2238s we'll see some very close matches and we
2240s will go into further games because if we
2242s don't we won't get to see a lot of those
2243s push maps and obviously that's the
2245s latest game mode that has come out so
2246s I'm sure we would like to see some of
2248s those matchups there for push but we
2251s will head in to our first map I believe
2254s the teams are almost ready they're oh
2256s actually I've just been informed we're
2258s going to head off to an ad break and
2259s give those teams a little bit more time
2261s to set up and get ready so don't go
2263s anywhere we'll be right back
2264s [Music]
2277s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
2280s back in all its beefy salady saucy story
2283s value means more at macca's so grab a
2285s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
2289s [Music]
2291s foreign
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2316s [Applause]
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2332s foreign
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2374s thank you
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2448s thank you
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2501s thank you
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2539s foreign
2541s [Music]
2553s [Music]
2564s with all our players in the lobby ready
2567s to go now while we're waiting for them
2569s to make sure they're all ready and set
2572s up we were looking over some of the
2573s upcoming matches we are going to get to
2576s experience this weekend and next weekend
2578s any specific matches you guys are
2580s looking forward to
2582s New Zealand Australia trans-testinal
2584s rivalry on day six the final day so we
2586s have to wait all the way to the end to
2587s actually get to that one but I think
2588s that'll be the highlight of the week or
2590s the two weeks that we have here for sure
2592s but um I think any of the games where
2594s you know Australia versus Thailand
2596s tomorrow should be very interesting I'm
2598s already expecting that New Zealand time
2599s today should be pretty explosive
2601s um but I think this Thai Ross has a lot
2603s to prove him but only two
2605s available teams to go through I I think
2607s your score line needs to be pretty good
2609s here as well because there's a
2610s possibility that a team does go five and
2611s zero but if they fail that I think the
2614s minimum viable score is probably going
2616s to be a at least three wins to two
2618s losses with some tie Breakers in there
2620s four wins you'd start to feel really
2622s safe but anything below that I think if
2624s you only manage two wins here you're
2626s basically out so very competitive
2627s bracket for sure especially when I think
2629s there's at minimum maybe four
2630s competitive teams yeah and you're seeing
2632s uh well the Thailand roster there it's
2634s It's the Return of the prodigal son a
2636s Pluto and uh some of you fans may
2640s remember Rod tongue as well uh so you
2643s know there's some questions I guess
2644s around a Pluto whether or not he's still
2645s got it uh and also shifting over to the
2647s support role he has mostly been known as
2650s a DPS player in the past so be
2652s interesting to see uh what kind of
2653s dynamic that brings but obviously in
2655s that support position what he can bring
2656s is a wealth of experience a potential
2658s shot calling and that can really Elevate
2660s the rest of your team that's uh maybe a
2662s bit of a Hidden Gem in that Thai roster
2664s Beyond just the player's skill directly
2666s so Thailand in general uh sort of kind
2669s of piggyback off the point about
2671s Australia really Thailand versus any
2672s team to me is quite interesting uh
2675s because I mean they're like the biggest
2677s swing Factor team here I feel like they
2679s could absolutely bottom out during this
2681s tournament and go nowhere at all or they
2683s could absolutely soar up take that
2684s second spot even tickle Australia for a
2686s win uh who knows
2688s yeah I mean Thailand is is mostly
2691s comprised of Team Kraken members
2692s cracking Esports and again they won the
2694s most recent contenders season in summer
2696s series in Apex so I mean uh there's a
2698s lot of talent there high vision is super
2700s strong I mean one of the best players
2702s that didn't end up on this roster is
2703s yoshinoy toucan that's because he's
2704s underage so they actually missed out on
2706s like kind of the current top player in
2708s Thailand just on age alone but the rest
2710s of the players especially you know a
2711s poodle can swap between both DPS and
2713s support we've seen that he'll probably
2715s only play the support this time around
2716s but Ace and high Vision are very good
2718s yeah switching over to New Zealand uh if
2722s we take a look at their roster they have
2723s some obviously very key players here I'm
2726s sure many people have heard of color hex
2728s used to play in the OverWatch League
2730s probably one of our biggest Imports over
2732s there uh quite a lineup here as well
2735s you've got par Jacob Finn and August 2
2738s have all been playing in contenders
2739s these are some really strong contenders
2741s here from the New Zealand team as well
2744s start on this roster by saying that J
2746s cap is
2748s um coming in as definitely the best tank
2750s in New Zealand at the time at the moment
2752s I think this was a guarantee on this
2754s roster next to color hex but color hex
2756s importantly is doing a little bit of a
2758s roll software and what I mean by that is
2760s he won the most recent contenders season
2763s on Honeypot and condensed Australia on
2765s support so he actually rolls up from DPS
2767s and then at 1.2 tank to play in the I
2770s believe summer
2771s summer series last year which was uh or
2773s Bay size last year maybe and that was a
2775s complete jungle we met it and then most
2777s recently this year he rolls up to
2778s support and now he's going to go back to
2780s DPS just for the World Cup it'll likely
2783s still be on support for uh the upcoming
2786s APAC Eastdale open so he'll be he'll be
2788s sort of jumping back and forth between
2789s support and DPS depending on which event
2791s he plays in I think that might impact
2793s his performance and practice level a
2795s little bit hard didn't play in the most
2797s recent Contender season so there's some
2799s question marks there but did look pretty
2800s reasonable in the past seasons and
2802s August is currently top two as well in
2804s in containers Australia so he's on form
2810s play all the roles because we've always
2812s seen him as a DPS player I feel like he
2814s needed to come out be like no no I can
2815s do them all just watch all three now
2818s officially
2820s Crown right
2823s definitely uh so while we're still just
2826s waiting for everyone to get all cozy
2828s daughter up in that Lobby and ready are
2829s there any other teams or any other
2831s players we would like to talk about for
2834s these uh Group B stage
2837s uh pummy Iron Man and Akash from India I
2839s think of the notable players on that
2840s team I think a lot of the na fans will
2842s sort of be able to recognize especially
2844s upon me from trick room who did really
2845s well in the prime earlier this year uh
2847s so you know that is going to be an
2850s interesting look and that's why I think
2851s India could be a potential Dark Horse
2852s but this team is most likely going to
2855s end up playing on PING so there are some
2857s question marks there
2859s and it looks like we are getting ready
2861s to go into the map now as we head on
2864s over to beautiful ilios in Greece I'm
2866s going to leave you guys with Avril and
2868s pixie who will take you through this
2870s match go away the boys
2873s [Music]
2875s it's good to be back as well
2877s it's scenic
2878s it's frankly gorgeous If This Were a
2882s real holiday destination
2884s I wouldn't be able to afford it
2887s true yeah
2890s just need to work 21 hours instead of
2891s time to help you a lot really would just
2895s Elevate yeah my bootstraps aren't long
2896s enough as it currently stands I also
2898s wasn't showing you said it's good to be
2900s back I don't know you mean in general
2901s back on Elias I'm in back out of jail
2904s back in civilian Society
2907s yeah yeah that's right because you're
2910s not an agency
2911s that's actually completely true let's
2914s roll straight out let's roll straight
2916s out on to the game and I'm gonna be
2919s seeing a I think very sanded Lucia Mora
2921s juice or natural coming through from
2923s Singapore slightly less standard Jungle
2925s Queen conversation does have the Cassidy
2926s in play that's gonna be interesting
2927s Cassie is a little bit different on the
2929s match yeah it's gonna make the
2932s difference it's gonna say a little bit
2933s dead on this patch getting walled in on
2935s the point there and just not able to
2936s slip his way back to Safety in the same
2938s way that numenaz was that gives
2940s Singapore a bit of an early advantage on
2942s the point
2945s oh dogs let's see if Malaysia makes any
2947s sort of changes here I think the reaper
2948s is a little bit more congruent with
2950s where the current meta is the Sombra is
2952s going to give you a little bit of that
2953s extra dye Factor as well yeah John
2955s coming did get nerfed on this patch so
2957s maybe a little bit more difficult to
2958s play you have to imagine now Singapore
2959s should do well with the remote Ash came
2961s in a little bit of trouble early on yeah
2962s really feeling the heat from that Reaper
2964s had to back out of the point they're
2965s still able to follow it up
2967s to 003 getting around the side to
2968s collect that tank kill and now Singapore
2970s a little bit headless getting the kill
2972s return on the reaper does keep them in
2974s the fight but with the point belonging
2976s to Malaysia and the extra kills coming
2978s through that's gonna nicely even out
2979s percentages for them and let them pull
2981s ahead actually
2982s yeah we haven't seen a single ultimate
2984s come through yet numino's currently
2985s closes on 90 Plus
2987s let's have the EMP coming on from j003
2989s and for Malaysia I should come back
2991s after changing a single piece of that
2993s comp
2994s so looking forward to the next fight
2996s being Mo CA coalescence trade and I'd
2998s like to see if jw3 can get a bit of a
3001s setup here because you can cancel that
3002s call with the EMP and that would be
3003s pretty bad for baby certainly an
3005s opportunity representing he might want
3007s to save it for a sound barrier but it
3008s doesn't really matter just wants to pop
3009s it in straight away not looking to
3010s cancel they just get an early killer to
3012s Ash Kane makes this a pretty lean fight
3014s in terms of ultimate usage for Malaysia
3016s here finding VIPs as well forced Retreat
3017s from Singapore starting to pull
3019s comfortably ahead on percentage and on
3021s ultimates now
3023s foreign
3026s just EMP alone
3028s ends up coming through destroys Ash Kane
3030s no response from Singapore way too quick
3033s on their Kiln to Ash King so not really
3034s much to Singapore could do Malaysia now
3036s running very far ahead 60 to 16 still
3040s plenty to play through here as well
3041s double support opens on life of both
3043s teams it's gonna be a win for the
3045s annihilation oh cop going down early
3047s that means no sound barrier for
3048s Singapore Malaysia have that advantage
3050s and they lean on it they haven't
3052s actually collected any other kills just
3053s yet VIPs getting low but able to pop the
3054s blizzard and go cold about it fantasy
3056s down and Game Pro dude that's a two for
3059s one trade for Singapore and that's an
3060s important point to capture now rounding
3062s the bend of 85 Singapore looking to
3065s clear off the last few members here
3066s numenos we're going to go down Gemini
3068s either gonna get out or die and it's
3070s going to be the ladder 90 to Malaysia
3072s but Singapore back in control
3074s a little bit of extra staggering in
3075s there JW looking for a little bit more
3077s extra charge Malaysia will get up
3078s towards 90. so anything with a 90 after
3081s what there's like three fights now two
3082s fight wins realistically two fight
3084s losses for Malaysia looking like pretty
3086s decent distance
3087s Singapore didn't have to really spend
3088s for this in for Malaysia you can cycle
3090s straight back into EMP here cup is the
3092s only factor to consider the only thing
3094s that can really hold up
3096s and the EMP does come through yeah I'm
3098s gonna have to time that right without
3099s sound barrier it's actually going to be
3101s gamepro going in first that's already a
3103s quick pick up two members of Singapore
3105s even the dust there the sound barrier
3107s not enough to rescue them death Blossom
3109s out from vital not pulling enough weight
3111s unfortunately and it's gonna be Malaysia
3113s getting the point back under their
3114s control 90 already Singapore they might
3117s try and store this one out but they're
3118s not going to get a proper fade in
3120s well they can get a couple members on
3121s they're because of his own 10 away
3127s and isn't currently able to roll on top
3130s of the point yeah vital barely got the
3131s touch on there with the raid form and
3133s immediately pays for it with his life
3134s the rest of Singapore trying to muster
3137s up the manpower to get to the point but
3138s ashken already low as it gets on hacked
3139s again gonna go down vibson's there with
3141s him with paper at his back but paper
3143s looking to get cut off behind him with
3145s these dps's getting deep out of the
3147s support line cut under a similar amount
3148s of pressure it's going to be VIPs down
3150s now cut dusted off and paper soon to
3152s follow that'll be Malaysia picking up
3154s the first point of control
3156s and you see the EMP differences are
3157s coming through I think both EMP fights
3159s are huge for Malaysia especially the
3161s final one they already had 90 EMP on
3163s point two died before the sound barrier
3166s came on through a sofa Gemini
3167s unfortunately not gonna be quick enough
3168s to save too many people there to be fair
3170s that a damage Upper from Malaysia was
3172s intense stuff that double dps's went
3174s down
3175s from that fantasy the actual Rampage you
3179s have to be considered enough falling off
3180s the map but the extra isil actually
3182s blocks him enough that he only needs to
3184s catch Ash Kane or a couple members and
3186s found down 10 to cap Singapore not a
3190s great composition to touch they're not
3192s playing a dive stopping over to the ball
3193s instantly hacked vital dying as soon as
3196s reform is over for the touch
3198s that'll be a difficult round good start
3199s for Singapore in terms of opening
3201s neutral but they couldn't hold on
3202s afterwards
3203s love to see how well they pull it off
3205s this time vital starting off on the
3207s reaper this time
3209s and just taking their time
3212s info dude as well
3214s so that's a much better choice again
3216s notably he's not on the Cassidy for the
3217s neutral last time
3219s all particularly the right choice giving
3220s you no countering any dive there
3223s also different rollout strategies here
3225s Singapore going and prioritizing the
3227s mega factor I take the one away from jw3
3229s yeah we're sort of hanging around their
3231s backside trying to go for a manual hack
3232s on battlehood to get low but they
3233s weren't able to confirm and then
3234s Malaysian just sort of uh a little bit
3237s pincered in Singapore looking pretty
3239s comfortable now collecting another and
3242s this should be the first point going
3243s their way as well so once again
3244s performing nicely in the neutral fight
3246s I'm a little surprised that uh you know
3249s Malaysia didn't opt for the coast side
3251s rollout as well I mean fighting for the
3253s mega pack should be very important given
3254s that you are running a Sombra and a lake
3256s to the party then on one Singapore set
3259s up
3260s some decent long range burst damage some
3262s poke in general is going to make it very
3264s hard for the queen fantasy
3265s if they do too much about it
3268s already isolated fantasy is going to go
3270s down here yeah it's already a
3271s devastating start here so Singapore
3273s looking to convert another one it's
3275s Malaysia in full Retreat losing a couple
3277s on the way out game pro Duke gonna go
3279s down Gemini and numinals look like
3281s they've made it to Safety in g003
3283s actually switching off the Sombra now
3284s not getting the mileage out of it
3287s I think May is really important for some
3289s of these neutral battles Sombra was also
3291s fine but they're really far behind now
3292s and jw3 didn't really have a whole
3294s charge
3295s you need a little bit quicker to charge
3297s on the EMP and you remember Lighthouse
3298s he basically had the EMP by that second
3300s fighter some not so much quality
3302s licenses are available yeah vital is
3304s super low there that coalescence was you
3306s know necessary but I think it was also
3308s partially pulled out just because vital
3309s was so low first little ticket that was
3311s used to top them off but that has made
3313s Singapore are able to hold Malaysia
3315s quite far forward that being said no
3317s casualties means Malaysia have an
3318s opportunity to bounce back in now vital
3320s going in oh that follows it up very
3323s quickly that's the back line done right
3324s it's Malaysia we're trying to find a
3327s fight of Their Own
3329s just to further clean up through here
3331s vital brilliant number of kills coming
3332s through coalescence Dragon strike two
3334s ultimates four it was a one Trader but
3337s effective enough that Singapore can
3338s definitely get the 90 here they can
3340s secure the next fight it's all Malaysia
3342s I'm running out of options they don't
3343s have a lot to plan through the Rampage
3345s can be easily counted by the sound
3346s barrier as well
3348s it's gonna say someone like game produ
3350s to find that backline death Blossom with
3352s him down inside Malaysia can they even
3353s afford to fully reset yeah getting
3355s really different really aggressive there
3357s is Ash game but honestly he's got the
3359s ultimate to back it up in their Nemesis
3360s form he might as well fantasy is already
3362s down just taking the fight forcing the
3364s issue the rest of the team was happy to
3366s bounce past that may wall from the jw3
3368s didn't slow Singapore down at all
3370s hundred to zero to tie up the mask
3373s yeah really quick really profoundly
3376s one-sided as well
3378s now you have
3381s a what was looking like a little bit
3383s more of a struggling Singapore on round
3384s one coming through much stronger around
3385s two I think again a better roll out
3387s had they come figured out once again
3389s Malaysia that has to juggle their
3391s composition a little bit more what are
3392s we trying to play here what do we really
3394s want to do here
3396s and this is also a situation where I
3398s don't know I think they I think you can
3399s run them a but I didn't mind the Sombra
3401s either especially for these control Maps
3404s they're going to go back over towards me
3406s they're really interested in fighting
3407s for that early May War battle you
3410s actually see and thinking a lot of now
3412s live patch comps if you're running the
3414s Lucio Mora you even just forego the May
3416s in general for something like a soldier
3417s a little bit more
3419s effective on the map vital staying on
3420s the Hanzo for this map though
3423s and I don't blame him well it's an
3425s absolute charm for Singapore on the last
3426s map though ruins is a bit of a different
3428s Beast for snipers
3430s Malaysia getting the health pack room
3432s early though
3433s got the May there to potentially lock
3435s Singapore either in or out of it
3437s depending on how things proceed and
3438s there we go try to get the guy slate
3439s onto Ash Kane the rest of the team
3441s though following around to back him up
3442s haven't been able to get the damage onto
3444s ashkay numen I was getting a little bit
3445s low Malaysia pulled back to the health
3447s pack Singapore they're wrapping around
3448s they actually want to start getting
3449s boots on the points
3451s more casualties just yet
3455s can't quite make it through in the Gap
3458s in the wall two of the play before as
3460s soon as the cap opens I mean Malaysia
3462s will steal away from the cap but not for
3464s long yeah game produced going down
3466s fantasy looking to follow and that's
3468s going to be Singapore as you say
3469s stealing that point straight back off
3471s Malaysia
3474s now early ultimates online for Singapore
3476s going the next round here typically you
3478s expect the two more is to be fairly even
3481s JW again just uh on the hero roulette at
3485s the moment now it's Genji's turn to come
3486s through if you're going to play
3487s projectile you need to be going towards
3489s an echo and said Genji doesn't make a
3491s lot of sense unfortunately
3492s a laser are going to be we find it quite
3495s hard to buy themselves back into despite
3496s one Singapore style rotating ultimates
3500s again on
3504s the way around you know how the saying
3506s goes at any rate that's a three for nine
3508s well three for one just now for
3510s Singapore so again pulling ahead very
3511s comfortably starting to look a little
3513s bit more like ruins than lighthouse
3516s this doesn't really end for Singapore as
3518s again we'll be rotating to more
3520s ultimates Malaysia's still lagging
3521s behind
3523s everything that they can use
3525s plenty for Singapore to counter with
3528s the only thing that Malaysia has is a
3530s buffer is that extra 15 sandwich they'd
3531s actually buy them a little bit because
3532s football will be over 60 by now that's
3535s not a bad catch in the Rampage going
3537s straight in for it with the coalescence
3539s at the back now sound barrier to follow
3541s up in Malaysia actually looking okay
3543s here ashgate and still to pop his
3545s ultimate does just go for it now and
3547s immediate conversion picking up both
3550s dps's Malaysia worse for wear once again
3553s Singapore they had to dig a little bit
3555s deeper even then they still win the
3558s fight and they can rotate through to
3559s some new ultimates again
3561s so this is Malaysia's opportunity now
3562s they're finally coming on board for some
3564s important ultimates Dragon Blade I don't
3566s think will really count for too much
3567s here a lot of Mobility on Singapore
3569s vital should be the target if you are
3570s jw3
3571s you can find vital that would be
3573s immensely important
3575s how do you walk on top of the point
3577s you're still playing the jungle you
3578s still don't have shielding you're still
3579s going to eat a lot of poke damage magnet
3581s strikes are instantly going to go
3582s through Maine most of the players have
3583s dodged that yeah they're already around
3585s the side the vortex not slowing enough
3586s members in and jw3 is found vital with
3589s that blade trying to get on top of HK
3591s not your ideal Target there so that's a
3593s one for one of the dps's but we VIPs
3594s down in paper as well Malaysia really
3597s leveraging this one for all it's worth
3598s into the overtime now but they've
3600s collected up enough members cup to go
3601s down into Malaysia they get another shot
3603s they've got the point back under their
3605s control not quite going to be as
3606s one-sided as ruins
3608s we're well rotated by Malaysia to be
3610s able to work their way around the dragon
3611s strike and as I mentioned the one key
3612s Target for jw3 needed to be vital
3614s against that and it's realistically the
3616s only person that you need to get at a
3618s minimum I would say beyond that it's a
3619s bonus or so Malaysia will be able to
3621s clean up and importantly not having to
3624s use the death Blossom as well so they'll
3625s need that to be able to try and snowball
3627s this one further forward and again
3629s because they had that opening 15 percent
3631s at least a little bit more to work
3632s through Vortex and wall down first we've
3634s got the coalescence writing paper really
3636s in trouble cup ends up being the first
3638s to go down as Malaysia nice conversion
3640s off the death Blossom softened the
3642s members up forced them to scatter out
3644s and they weren't in line a side of their
3645s heel as paper so load their Malaysia
3648s keeping control of the point for now
3652s we're turning into Rampage and
3653s coalescence starting to look at a little
3655s bit better for Malaysia this could get a
3656s little this could get more competitive
3659s get into the Rampage that's nice see
3661s there's still a lack of a sound barrier
3663s in Singapore they've unfortunately been
3665s cleaned up efficiently enough in the
3667s last couple flights they haven't been
3668s able to build up too much
3670s I think you just get past this Rampage
3671s fantasy could overcome it on this as
3673s well
3675s yeah just a little bit of that
3676s coalescence the rampage that was still
3678s able to connect through gamepro Dude
3680s down though Ash Kane started to pop in
3682s with the ultimate vital there at his
3684s back as well some quick follow-ups a
3687s little bit even on percentage from
3688s Malaysia not even in terms of members
3690s few more getting dusted off at the End
3692s by the ramatro and that's going to be
3693s Singapore back in control 99 Malaysia
3696s will try to stagger onto the point but
3697s Singapore playing gatekeeper it doesn't
3699s look like Malaysia you're gonna get
3700s boots on it's a Singapore walk away with
3702s ilios I mean what a well placed all by
3705s vets just blocking off the majority of
3707s Malaysia from walking on in I thought
3708s maybe fantasy hand has often blocked as
3710s well but he ended up going further
3712s forward but that ends up being the over
3714s commitment right as well because we know
3715s for the Rampage you could go a little
3716s bit too deep it's I think a couple of
3719s members three members possibly on that
3720s Rampage one of them is a tank cash tank
3723s and easy just go straight to Nemesis
3725s then into Annihilation box all it out
3727s with the ramp with the armor
3729s and uh yeah well done Singapore clutch
3732s it through
3734s what an amazing first match to start us
3736s off this evening Singapore coming out
3738s there so strong with Ash Kane just
3740s pushing them right off the point winning
3742s that first match and then Malaysia
3744s actually taking the first map though
3746s um great effort by both teams there
3749s anything any other feedback from you
3751s guys in relation to that one or that was
3754s interesting that was an interesting
3755s start yeah enough that I don't think
3757s this is going to be an easy breezy two
3759s and zero personally especially with
3761s Malaysia getting to pick map two now can
3763s maybe take it to slightly more
3764s comfortable territory because it seemed
3765s like there was quite a big variance
3767s between when they were like set on the
3768s point in control of it could kind of
3770s control the pace of the game a little
3771s bit we saw that especially on uh
3773s lighthouse in their first one uh once
3775s they got control they didn't give it up
3777s uh which is impressive so getting to go
3779s to a comfortable map I think will play
3780s in their favor and we could end up
3781s getting a little bit deeper into the
3783s series than just a two and zero
3785s yeah I'm interested to see what map they
3787s are going to choose and whether they're
3788s going to choose something with a high
3789s grounds and really good sight lines
3791s because we just saw a vital there
3792s playing Hanzo and making really
3795s utilizing the high space there on runes
3797s to get some amazing picks in so I'll be
3799s interested to see what map they do pick
3801s and whether that plays more to their
3803s favor or it's something that Singapore
3805s is also very comfortable on
3808s for sure I'll receive one of the comps I
3809s can bring to the table as well because
3810s we've mostly had ramacha coming through
3813s versus queen we've got a lot of high
3814s ground a lot of dive heavy maps in the
3816s future so a map is going to be important
3818s yeah definitely well while we wait for
3820s Malaysia to choose their map we're going
3822s to cut to a short break but we'll be
3824s back very soon everyone don't go
3825s anywhere
3826s [Music]
3838s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
3842s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
3845s value means more at macca's so grab a
3847s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
3850s [Music]
3853s thank you
3861s thank you
3869s [Music]
3931s foreign
3944s [Music]
3964s [Music]
3986s [Music]
3991s thank you
3998s [Music]
4009s foreign
4012s [Music]
4020s [Music]
4028s [Music]
4065s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
4067s World Cup group b for a pack and we've
4071s had our first map played out and
4072s Singapore has started with taking a win
4075s there against Malaysia how do we think
4077s that those first couple of games went
4079s guys
4080s a couple of quick ones in there 100 to
4082s zero on I think it was uh well the
4084s lighthouse map and go inside yeah
4087s Lighthouse a little bit more back before
4088s the ruins really one-sided uh but beyond
4092s that I mean I think once we got to see
4095s in Malaysia a little bit more I'm a
4096s little bit uncomfortable with the fact
4097s that they are chopping and changing the
4098s comp quite a decent amount not a fan of
4101s the Genji in this particular patch I
4102s think the queen is always an interesting
4104s choice at the moment
4105s you know
4106s realistically speaking I think we we
4109s favor the ramacha comps over the queen
4110s comps in the straight up in the
4111s head-to-head Queens in uh well she's
4114s still stronger than she was before but
4116s she is nerfed on this specific patch
4118s compared to the one that we just came
4119s from beforehand and then a pure mirror
4121s for the Lucio Moira I think I just give
4123s that to the ramacha team most times well
4126s certainly the map result agrees with you
4128s right two to one to Singapore but that
4130s one is important the fact that it wasn't
4131s a lockout uh even with that 100 to zero
4134s in the middle there I think is is quite
4135s telling and quite important we sort of
4137s buttered this one up as having you know
4138s a little bit more uh Stakes to it in
4140s there in that National context between
4142s these two countries so it's kind of nice
4144s to see that there is a bit of potential
4146s for this to go a little bit further it's
4147s certainly not locked away and decided we
4149s were talking about their potentially
4151s being a bit of an on paper disparity
4152s between these two rosters but uh in
4154s practice Malaysia certainly bringing
4156s their a game here and it is measuring up
4158s uh we'll have to see if it continues to
4160s do so though
4162s I don't even think there's any real
4163s disparity between the rosters I think
4165s they're both you know
4166s equivalent in the fact that you have a
4169s couple of known faces ish on these teams
4171s and then a lot of new faces that we're
4173s not too quite are quite sure about uh
4175s compared to some of the other the other
4176s four teams that I've been talking about
4178s here whoever I think a lot more known
4179s faces so this should be one of the more
4181s even match-ups that we have early on and
4183s I think the two to one score line on
4184s that first map kind of uh illustrates
4188s that
4190s yeah definitely and obviously with
4192s Malaysia losing out that map they do get
4194s to pick the next map and hopefully this
4196s will work in their favor so we're going
4198s now to see that Malaysia has picked
4201s circuit Royale uh so a escort map there
4206s uh what do we expect to see here on this
4208s map we don't expect to see a draw
4210s this is a very uh I think sniper focused
4212s map now wouldn't maker had a really huge
4214s change here so we did see a little bit
4216s of when we make a gameplay on the emec
4218s emec broadcast a little bit earlier on
4220s anzo will still obviously be quite good
4222s here I am curious to see if automaker is
4225s going to be a choice for the teams given
4226s that there is a little bit shorter range
4228s of also into a little bit closer combat
4231s um yeah this will be an interesting test
4233s for our headscan players I still think
4235s given the the map design the geometry it
4238s still should be very poke favored and
4240s I'll see what happens on the tank side
4241s as well I don't know if we'll really get
4243s to see Sigma come back but likely some
4245s more remaster Gameplay at the minimum
4246s and that's kind of interesting as well
4247s on the Malaysia side of things right
4249s because as you noted they've been opting
4251s to run Jungle Queen
4252s one assumes that they can play ramatra
4254s and that that's still a possibility for
4256s Fantasy but I mean if you're not as
4259s comfortable on it and you'd rather play
4261s another tank and we're just gonna get
4262s bromatra again out of Singapore then
4265s we're kind of in exactly the same boat
4266s we're talking about just a minute ago so
4268s this will be a bit of a tell on the
4269s Malaysia side of things of what their
4270s tank line up can actually do
4273s now let's head on over to Circuit Royale
4275s and very quickly before we do that let's
4277s give an awesome shout out to Mark
4279s Donald's can't keep a legend out of the
4281s lineup the mcfeast is back grab one now
4284s and let's give it over to pixie and
4287s Avril
4288s I really would like to go grab one now
4290s but I have to talk about this game first
4293s I'm gonna get hungry at the end of this
4295s show it's been so long that we've been
4297s here it's now daytime in circuit Royale
4299s yeah
4300s was night time it's now daytime
4303s it's still racing they haven't finished
4306s racing it's 24 hours of the Monte Carlo
4309s can you imagine next I actually had to
4312s do that if they had to do Monaco for 24
4314s hours rather than like the like hour and
4317s a half hour 45 it works out at now the T
4319s the number of drives on the team would
4321s have to increase by a decent amount by
4323s yeah it's first yeah
4326s but it's like a bit of a snooze Fest you
4329s know an hour and a half is about all I
4331s can bear of it
4333s hopefully this isn't a snoozefest though
4337s so we have I believe a bit of a change
4340s up on the rosters Ash Kane is off
4343s Gina Flyers my boy Xena flyers in let's
4346s go I'm Gonna Fly coming in to play the
4347s off tanks and we are going to see Sigma
4349s so I kind of tease the fact that in the
4351s past this was a sigma favored map we're
4352s gonna see that again
4354s double hanzo's being highlighted here
4356s Singapore defending first I'm gonna go
4358s for the surgeon looking you know we've
4360s had this kind of three-way rotation
4361s sojin Hanzo Widowmaker you picked two
4364s out of those three
4366s supports
4367s absent has been pretty standard double
4369s Flex support there has been some cases
4371s we play the brig back instead and none
4374s of the teams are going to go for that
4376s anything in my eye is R is the fact that
4378s this was Malaysia's map pick someone
4379s assumes they're comfortable xenifly
4381s taking some heat that's already a
4382s mortality field down but unfortunately
4384s jw3 getting sniped out by VIPs means
4386s there isn't the same amount of DPS
4388s pressure I think they might have even
4389s been able to dust off xenophy if they
4390s had been so a little bit of a Slowdown
4392s for Malaysia while they wait for him to
4393s come back
4394s just chilling until the replays return
4398s again it'll be interesting to see what
4399s kind of uh distances jw3 can really play
4402s I think this initial Lane
4404s is going to be fine we'll suffice rips
4406s taking a little bit of punishment from
4407s fantasy from above
4409s going really close to Ultimate so you'd
4411s like to see the bat plays a little bit
4412s further up Gemini X is very far behind
4414s there it is forced bibs back out into
4417s the open where jw3 is able to collect
4419s the body shot that should open things up
4421s takes a lot of sniper pressure off now
4423s in mortality field expired as well and
4426s immediately converts one odds of paper
4427s now vital looking to go down and this is
4430s what Malaysia were fishing for just
4431s pressuring forward with fantasy until
4433s they could isolates somebody I think
4435s they were initially hoping for Xeno fly
4437s but it'll take VIPs instead
4439s should be a retake opportunity here
4441s plenty of places to survive that despite
4442s the plays going down to jw3 and now
4445s on a Recon tester xenophoy walks up has
4447s been scouted by the Sonic but that's
4448s fine
4449s and the cup will be the first one to
4451s find Ultimate on the board High ground
4453s window is there enough plays in the
4455s sight lines doesn't really look like it
4456s yeah they've just kind of vanished or
4458s hiding in the nearby shops uh it's I
4460s mean who can blame them there's a lot of
4461s high quality produce there it's more
4463s sort of up Market fashion I guess first
4466s flux gonna come down and it's VIPs
4468s mostly caught in the Indian mortality
4469s field vital's going to go down though
4471s around the side now xenophy caught in
4473s the dragon Strikers Malaysia cleanly
4475s dusting off the rest very nicely done
4478s they only sort of slow down so far as
4480s the very early Beginnings when they were
4482s pushing they lose
4484s 003 and on that they've been pushing
4486s through very steadily
4488s despite the fact that cup had the
4490s earlier amplification Matrix Gemini
4492s still trailing behind which is a little
4494s bit odd you don't expect that the Zen
4496s play would be able to get the first off
4497s but typically it is about play getting
4499s the first ultimate
4500s fantasy having that
4502s extra flux coming through there's going
4505s to be plenty
4507s when a Xeno fly to polite you need to
4509s really prevent I think the payload from
4511s reaching the top of the ramp if possible
4512s goes for it now Gemini has actually just
4514s popped the window down that didn't
4516s really catch a whole lot of Malaysia I
4518s think he lost the ultimate
4519s I think maybe he got yeah must have got
4522s canceled there at any rate no
4523s immortality field available anymore but
4525s still a nice catch up to gamepro dude
4527s Singapore fighting a bit of an advantage
4529s here anyway numenos having to pop
4531s Transcendence they're still pressuring
4533s forward they might as well even though
4534s they're one man down now jw3 gonna pop
4536s visor
4537s and for Sight rather and
4540s doesn't deliver a whole lot here but
4542s they've got their uh they've got their
4543s Hanzo back in the mix now VIPs throwing
4545s out his Dragon strike speaking of Hanzo
4547s as you can see in the immortality field
4548s getting healed up comfortably it's just
4550s pressuring back and forth luminos is the
4552s one to go and that could be the straw
4553s that breaks the camel's back here for
4555s Malaysia starting to get pressure back
4557s in Earnest now
4558s they're going to choose the back out of
4559s that one so now we're good to see the
4561s flux versus and metrics Exchange in the
4563s next fight cut might use this one early
4564s and that will be the press and form and
4566s the city to pull the trigger as well
4568s let's go a little pull we're gonna push
4569s a little far up here
4571s you have to be concerned about those
4572s angles another early pick from Singapore
4575s it's just more slow down in Malaysia
4577s that's really unfortunate and pay for
4580s being the one to collect that I mean
4581s obviously VIPs are in the bulk of the
4583s damage on it but either way
4585s time bleeding off the clock here came in
4587s with about uh four minutes 40 if I'm not
4589s mistaken with three minutes 40 so
4591s already losing a chunk an hour even more
4592s as jw3 loses the sniper battle
4595s yup three picks in a row three
4598s individual kills
4599s each one will cost you 10 seconds
4603s Malaysia uh losing opportunity to
4606s build ground here as a payload slowly
4608s slips backwards
4610s our ultimate's about to come online for
4611s Singapore as well so Malaysia oh shoot
4614s he closes that's full fiction
4616s vital really feeling himself and I mean
4619s they're just going to go for it anyway
4620s they don't want to lose the window too
4622s much it's gonna be a mortality field
4623s down to rescue Zeno fly as he lands in
4625s took them a minute to get rid of it
4627s though and vital is on a tear now that's
4629s three in a row over the course of this
4630s fight that's a bit of a shame fantasies
4632s flux not really coming so much they find
4634s a kill of vital try to stay in try to
4637s scrap it out a little bit jw3 is going
4638s to come back on a tracer to re-enter the
4640s fight as quickly as possible game pro
4641s dude with that Dragon strike may still
4643s try to look for something while vital
4645s still not here coming back on his own
4646s Tracer will be vital come holding on to
4649s the window Gemini's got one of his own
4651s who's gonna deploy first jw3 goes down
4653s zero play has been getting pressured
4655s back but hasn't got down this finally
4657s picked it's such a messy back and forth
4660s but it's just burning time for Malaysia
4663s and now they finally lose the protracted
4665s engagement
4666s xenophy doesn't manage to connect on the
4668s ultimate but they'll win the fight
4669s regardless cup will be able to use the M
4671s Matrix perfectly and like the last
4672s couple of kills
4674s vital does doing so much of water making
4676s here the windmakers are gone for now jw3
4678s has an opportunity to go back over
4679s towards
4680s whatever if he would like to now fairly
4683s committed on the traces a little hard
4685s for the tracing attack you know you
4686s don't really able to trace on the attack
4688s here at all yeah at least on the defense
4690s you can sort of just wait for Singapore
4691s to strike play for the flank afterwards
4693s less than one minute to go now what was
4695s a really quick attack on a is now a
4697s major slow down on B pretty Even Stevens
4699s coming into this fight though fantasy
4701s will have a flux well before xenophy is
4703s assuming he doesn't go down left to see
4705s if they leverage that as feed Dragon
4706s strikes now either way numinoz feeling a
4708s bit of heat from that one fantasy low as
4710s well in that immortality Fields gonna
4712s have to get themselves topped off cups
4714s still holding on to his immortality
4715s field for the time being has to deploy
4716s it now it's going to be Transcendence
4718s from numenots trying to push forward
4719s trying to find enough damage to get
4721s fantasies flux online and here it is can
4723s they get something done with it they are
4725s running out of time 25 seconds on the
4727s clock pulse five for jw3 but a little
4730s bit worse for wear needs to be careful
4731s about how he deploys it vital try to get
4732s up on the back line they're able to find
4734s gamepro dude that Transcendence not
4736s delivering much that flux not delivering
4738s much either xenophy about to have his up
4741s it's numerology
4743s mortality field nice deployment from Cut
4745s but they will still find VIPs traded for
4747s j003 Gemini low but not doubt has a
4750s window available it's a real scrap now
4753s on this car Malaysia barely in control
4755s of it they dust off paper and that could
4758s pressure Singapore just enough if they
4760s can find one more if they can find gw3
4762s off cup that will seal this point for
4764s Malaysia in the overtime
4766s is about to have ultimate though and
4768s they have the player Advantage coming or
4769s not quite but they have any sport
4771s Advantage coming up through that's
4772s already won down to Malaysia that's not
4774s a great start the flux not coming to
4775s match but xenoflight is down no
4777s immortality builds it's all cards on the
4779s table cup and bib's gonna be dusted off
4781s this J 003 comes into a zone of the
4783s trades to pick only a minute and a half
4785s left on the clock but Malaysia will
4786s secure B
4788s Xena flights can't catch a break here
4789s can't land an Ultimate Fantasy rocking
4791s in almost every single time
4792s in Malaysia the forward momentum coming
4794s in through Singapore they just needed to
4796s hold out they had the respawn Advantage
4798s they had ultimates coming online but
4799s they need to be able to execute on all
4800s of those
4801s we're gonna head towards see Malaysia
4803s after spending all of their time on B
4805s the extra time they found on a
4807s entirely the two minutes 30 bonus they
4809s got on B
4810s ottom to make their way uphill
4813s and it ends up being I think the lack of
4814s the widowmakers coming through that was
4816s hurting Singapore idle having this come
4819s back in
4820s losing the long range oh huge Peck
4823s luminous oh no Transcendence and the
4827s whole thing unravels for Malaysia that's
4829s so unfortunate they were coming in with
4831s a potential massive Advantage there
4832s Transcendence set up a flux all
4835s Singapore really had to work with at the
4836s top of that was vitals pulse bomb they
4838s didn't even need to end the end what a
4840s massive find well I I think any kill
4842s would have been fine there uh getting
4844s the backline is always important
4845s Transcendence would have been used
4846s defensively in their fight so I don't
4848s think an offensive tool but any player
4850s down at that stage is banned from
4851s Malaysia I said currently just looking
4853s for maximum distance likely the
4854s finishing this map is reaching zero very
4857s quickly as we're about to reach zero on
4858s the timer as well gone through and
4860s Halo's still not up to the last Lane yet
4862s three court in the flux decent stuff and
4864s he's going to collect two immediately
4866s off the back of it that Dragon strike
4868s nowhere near enough the pulse bomb
4869s taking out the immortality field meant
4871s all three court in that flux suddenly
4873s landed back down expecting to be immune
4876s and they weren't Malaysia back in
4878s control but back in overtime too yeah
4881s this is where the Transcendence will
4882s really count for Malaysia final fight
4884s coming on through for the cap itself
4885s transcendants to keep everyone up dragon
4887s striking to spawn General Island to the
4889s back line who actually dies oh my
4890s goodness where was the lamp there
4893s doesn't even self-transcendence to
4896s rescue himself I don't think he quite
4897s registered the Gemini had gone down
4899s already there was no healing to fail him
4901s out of that Trace from the back line
4902s well 385 is going to be as far as it
4905s gets for Malaysia not want to quite a
4907s cap
4910s what a whiff two players going down
4913s I mean it's possible that Gemini didn't
4915s have the lamp cool down available to go
4916s so
4917s might give them pass on that one but my
4919s goodness didn't use Transcendence as you
4921s start dying that is a huge mistake yeah
4924s now possibly Malaysia still lose 4v5 but
4927s man Malaysia didn't even give themselves
4928s the opportunity
4931s come back on that final five they had
4932s some good inroads I mean they struggled
4934s on me again lost all their time and B
4936s still capped out of the clutch still got
4938s some reasonable distance on C I mean
4940s that was a really clean fight from
4941s fantasy a little bit earlier on
4943s flux onto three collects onto two kills
4946s Halo finally rounds the band onto the
4948s final straight and
4950s they get pretty much to the end but just
4953s no final fight and by the way we say no
4955s margin for error here with this first or
4957s two format because Malaysia didn't cap
4959s if Singapore and the snap that's it
4961s they've got the win secured that's a
4964s really dangerous situation for Malaysia
4966s to be in on the defense now they live
4967s and die by their own sword
4970s what's more dangerous is I think now
4971s that you get to start with vital on the
4973s what America who had a real whale over
4977s time I think on the defense especially
4978s on B
4979s it's going to get a little bit more
4980s difficult for Malaysia okay we're not
4982s really looking forward to what was too
4984s much of what I make again playing on C
4985s But A and B is going to be would have
4986s dominated
4988s jw3 didn't really have much to say in
4990s that conversation last time around you
4991s could argue that maybe the offensive
4993s Widowmaker is going to be in a more
4994s difficult position and probably that's
4995s going to be the case
4997s the vital wasn't just to want to make a
4999s battle he was taking down everybody
5004s bailing out of the life Weaver
5006s it's hovering it threatening it but it's
5009s going to be correct that's an
5010s interesting choice this is not normal
5013s and you like the Discord you like the
5015s long range damage you're a little bit
5016s more front loader on maybe right clicks
5018s connecting on the hand but it's just not
5020s consistent at all
5022s so I think the karika will ultimately
5024s most likely be the wrong choice here in
5027s terms of raw value over what the Zen can
5028s bring
5029s really this is going to come down to who
5031s gets that opening sniper pick
5034s fantasy feeling some heat but
5036s comfortably topped off the Xeno play is
5038s really trying to make the space in
5040s Malaysia backing up quite a lot oh cup
5043s gets low
5044s Will Survive
5046s as the zingo fly
5050s oh VIPs gets the first pick
5052s Singapore who had already got a lot of
5054s uh not free push but certainly not
5057s stalled up as much as you might expect
5059s about that early bridge but VIPs now
5061s down in the trade vital low Xena flight
5062s low gonna have to back away a little bit
5064s from that cart no more immortality field
5066s vital does get picked by gw3 Xeno fly in
5069s trouble will get dropped and uh might
5071s look to collect a couple more here cup
5072s gonna go down paper has been able to get
5074s out but that is the stoppage that
5076s Malaysia were looking for
5077s a good recovery
5080s lost to play Early still managed to out
5082s frag at the end of the day
5084s the front line held strong
5086s fantasy never gave up ground
5088s way ahead of his competition I think
5090s fantasy is completely gapsino flying
5092s this match up
5093s on either attacking side
5096s gigantic I mean you don't expect that
5097s the flux is gonna be the first ultimate
5098s again I always look towards the bad
5100s players here
5101s it's got them in either of them so far
5105s really feeling it right now let's see
5107s how well they deploy it straight onto
5109s the back line
5110s paper not delivering a whole lot there
5112s immortality field down but that means
5114s it's not being used on xenofly who's
5115s still having to take the forward brunt
5116s of all this pressure
5119s was so early as well and Xena flies down
5122s there it is so quick to conversion
5124s damage but quick trade whoa all right
5127s vital just turns it back on a dime like
5130s that
5131s gw3 afraid to peek and knows that he's
5134s got infrastruct on him fantasy going
5136s down as well and Singapore just tear
5139s forward
5140s I mean when it comes down to the battle
5142s of the windows being dropped
5144s Singapore got a lot more out of cups
5146s amplification Matrix and what Gemini had
5148s in store
5150s despite the early flux from fantasy
5152s yourself in fact you might even say it
5154s came through too early typically even if
5155s you do get first flux I would like to
5157s see teams hold it potentially count
5159s around the amplification matrices being
5162s traded in there I mean xenopholes even
5163s have a flux star that would have been
5164s purely a Malaysia's favor
5168s just continuing the forward push
5170s Malaysia once again just looking for
5171s some stoppage remember how long it took
5173s them to Cap B ended up getting it in the
5175s overtime and this was around about where
5176s they got stalled up so now what can they
5179s accomplish they pick paper the dragon
5181s strike coming across does split the team
5182s a little bit but doesn't find enough
5184s damage and uh to create any casualties
5187s cars still pushing forward Malaysia do
5189s give a lot of ground even with the man
5190s Advantage game pro dude having to abduct
5192s for cover for a hot second air but with
5194s the extra kill on vital they can take
5196s the ground they can reclaim the card
5198s this is where the holdup was when we
5201s were flipped on sides example was
5202s defending so we're vital really started
5205s to show up and get a ton of picks
5207s to Malaysia now need to find the same
5209s slow down there's a lot less time for
5211s Singapore on the attack than on Malaysia
5213s we're able to snowball through after
5214s they capped a but
5216s oh second Down Jay is going to be bad
5219s for Malaysia to start off with yeah of
5221s all people to find him
5223s and now Malaysia just one man down flux
5225s up on the two members there they haven't
5226s used the dragon strike they get paper
5228s with it it's decent no more charity
5230s field left for them but numinox still
5231s has a Transcendence may want to pop that
5233s before too long they're still under a
5235s lot of pressure Xeno fly low but not
5237s bound ends up having to use that
5238s immortality field to save the tank
5240s fantasy goes in with the flux and they
5241s convert Xeno play That's Another
5243s important defense for Malaysia they're
5246s able to stop the momentum once again
5248s jump he's gonna fly down no come back
5250s from that at all you'd have to have
5252s fantasy down and solve it's just not
5253s gonna be the case
5254s almost support ultimates online here
5256s at least when you are playing the career
5258s code
5260s sooner Russia is a fairly simple way to
5263s break through point
5264s now there's a lack of the flux from
5266s fantasy to stop that as well it's going
5267s to have to come down to Transcendence
5269s fighting up against the katuna rush and
5271s a swap onto the diva all right unifly is
5274s just going to completely give up on the
5275s segment you'll be fair he is losing that
5277s Sigma mirror
5278s question will be is this a better here
5280s to take advantage of the consumer rush
5281s because that's the real win condition
5282s now yeah hard to say is interfly having
5285s a back right up no immortality field
5287s already for Singapore minute and a half
5289s is still enough time to push this over
5291s the line again remember Malaysia only
5292s kept in over time so if they can do
5294s better than that Singapore have an
5296s advantage on that point C
5298s you shot old thing here we go this is
5300s waiting for it
5301s directly on Transcendence is there but
5304s game Perdue gets sniped up anyway a
5305s little bit unfortunate for Malaysia they
5307s were banking on that Dragon strike or
5308s even just the straight damage output and
5310s look at how hard they've corralled
5312s Malaysia back around the corner fantasy
5314s trying to push back forward they've got
5315s gameplay dude back in the mix they have
5317s to defend this payload it's a crunch
5319s moment Dragon strike across out from
5320s bips splits the team up but hasn't got
5322s any casualties fantasy wasn't in their
5324s immortality field and Pedro with his
5326s life no one else able to really contest
5328s the car oh that's brutal I saw numenos
5332s and game produced try and Barrel forward
5333s for it but it was too late and now
5335s losing extra members two minutes on the
5337s clock not only but time but certainly
5339s enough to cap the map out and win their
5341s first series
5342s I'm in Malaysia they've had a good
5344s opportunity there they backed out they
5346s avoided the katuna rush still had four
5348s alive with good respawns coming on
5350s losing fantasy very quickly afterwards
5352s as they change their comp wholesale they
5354s keep the Hanzo but everything else is
5356s going to go over towards a Winston and a
5358s dive for our final point so what they're
5360s going to lock themselves on
5362s reset every single ultimate they have on
5364s paper as well Singapore eventually vital
5366s will have to get off this one over but
5367s see if that ends up happening Dragon
5369s strike across from gamepro dude passed
5371s off the side Vince gets him with the
5373s arrows growing rapid fire maybe wanted
5376s to make a swap there anyway did game for
5378s a dupe they would have rather have had
5379s him alive for the time being is a little
5381s bit more free push for Singapore it's
5382s starting to get to a Do or Die situation
5384s for Malaysia oh they lose Jay
5388s so
5392s but I can freely play these sight lines
5394s and these angles could be under pressure
5396s from Game Pro 2 as you see the invis on
5398s the back and from gamford wants his Idol
5400s very important find that's going to give
5402s Singapore pause and that's so critical
5404s with how close they get into Malaysia
5405s have given up a lot of cart push when
5407s they're beat on this defense
5408s self-destruct barreling forward the team
5411s having a doctor Cover they will be able
5413s to survive it Jay timing a recall very
5415s nicely there has himself a pulse bomb as
5418s well fishing for something men are
5420s remaining now Jay goes down VIPs once
5422s again finding one now raking across with
5424s the dragon strike that's going directly
5426s through the side onto numerals and
5427s Gemini who are barely surviving but it's
5430s going to be a Nana boost on the fantasy
5431s battling Ford finds paper pressuring on
5433s VIPs as well now has the Primal Rage
5435s keeping that DPS under lockdown keeping
5438s everyone away from the cup 30 seconds on
5440s the clock d-mac on Xeno play Corner trap
5442s on vital he gets run down and that is a
5445s really lean respawn clock for Singapore
5448s Malaysia looks like they have the tools
5450s to take this one an EMP to finalize
5452s rally as well to hold on Singapore run
5454s out of resources a wild consumer Rush
5456s from paper onto the higher ground in the
5459s dying press not too sure about that one
5460s you would have liked to have held on
5461s there for the final fight indeed put it
5463s down the mid lane coming back on a Zen
5465s now of all heroes if you're playing the
5467s dive com this is such a weird position
5469s for Singapore to be in that conference
5471s all over the place and they've only got
5472s four seconds left game pro dude has been
5474s spotted but that does not matter gonna
5476s go straight on top of the team with this
5478s EMP here waiting for his opportunity
5480s cloaking to get past the bips straight
5482s on top deployed very nicely and that's
5484s how they feel dusted cuff and paper done
5486s for Malaysia Ironclad on this defense
5489s Rock Solid perfect deployment there from
5491s Game Pro dude and a brilliant follow-up
5493s as well you've really got to credit them
5494s where it's you that was a sudden death
5495s defense for Malaysia and they're going
5498s to clear it through we are going to tie
5499s ourselves up
5504s Malaysia coming back strong
5506s have the early lead on the attack but an
5508s important slow down but they push all
5510s the way through C
5511s they're on their own defense
5513s a final swap onto the dive composition
5516s starts working wonders
5519s a diva pseudo dive coming through from
5521s Singapore losing momentum Epson vital
5524s can only do so much for this team
5525s unfortunately
5526s got a real hair real game on our hands
5529s rather now
5541s all right solid and what a comeback from
5545s Malaysia we uh looks like we're going to
5547s now go to a third map
5552s not a draw a decider and push
5555s um could we dive heavy here so we're
5557s looking forward to the potential for
5559s Malaysia to go back over towards Winston
5560s that could be very strong again
5562s a lot of options available yeah middle
5564s Asia which is way more comfortable in
5566s that one uh it's you know compared to
5568s our opening map and it felt like they
5570s had a lot more depth in the in the hero
5572s pool something in xenophlay uh just
5574s didn't seem to work out for Singapore
5575s the way they wanted it to
5578s yeah it was it was fantastic to watch I
5580s didn't know which team was going to win
5582s and well done to Malaysia for bringing
5585s it back all right we're going to take a
5587s short break and we'll be back soon
5588s everyone out and on to map three
5592s [Music]
5603s you asked we listened the macbeast is
5606s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
5610s value means more at macca's so grab a
5612s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
5615s [Music]
5650s thank you
5654s thank you
5656s [Music]
5677s thank you
5680s [Applause]
5681s [Music]
5702s Falcons
5729s [Music]
5736s [Music]
5743s foreign
5744s [Music]
5756s [Music]
5793s [Music]
5803s foreign
5805s and if you have been watching you will
5808s know that Malaysia has made an amazing
5809s comeback there on map 2 which means we
5812s will be going to map 3 a push map that
5815s will be decided by Singapore let's talk
5818s about the last map that we just did see
5819s it was very close that we weren't too
5821s sure who was going to win but what were
5823s some highlights we saw that really had
5825s Malaysia win that out there I think for
5827s me fantasy was just much better in the
5829s sigma match up to straight to start out
5831s with
5832s um vital had some very good shots coming
5834s through on the Widowmaker as well but
5835s slowed down a little bit on the opposite
5836s and I think that's a lot of that is due
5838s to the fact that attacking Widow is
5840s going to be that much more difficult but
5842s um yeah Malaysia's flexibility in terms
5844s of rolling through and saying okay we
5845s can actually change composition
5846s wholesale all the final Point here I had
5850s some question marks about that I didn't
5851s think they needed to change that hard
5852s but they did anyway and then I'm working
5854s out pretty well they found Ultimate
5855s towards the end there and despite the I
5859s think a little bit of flustered gameplay
5861s from Malaysia on the attacking side
5863s where we saw on C Point lack of
5865s ultimates being used numerals just dying
5867s without using the trans Stefano 5 that
5869s still sticks out of my mind but they
5870s recovered and won the map anyway yeah I
5872s guess that's my kind of takeaway is like
5873s there's a there's been a few unforced
5876s Errors By Malaysia not So Much by
5878s Singapore so when Malaysia are making
5881s those errors they're straight up
5882s performing well enough to win and even
5884s when they are having some of those
5885s errors they're performing well enough to
5886s win so you like to imagine that if they
5888s uh if they continue to not make further
5890s errors for this last map then Singapore
5892s can have their work cut out for them
5896s yeah definitely and well done to
5899s Malaysia they obviously did pick that
5900s map so they were playing hopefully to a
5903s favorite map of theirs and a team comp
5905s that they are comfortable with as Avril
5907s mentioned we did see that they were very
5909s comfortable there uh with the tank
5910s player out the front holding those lines
5913s and we're going to find out now from
5915s Singapore hopefully what map they will
5917s be picking as we go into the third map
5920s and obviously with push we we won't have
5922s a draw there will be a decided winner at
5925s the end of this one and I think all
5927s three maps are fairly close so there are
5929s some slight differences in terms of
5931s which ones you would go to to say which
5933s composition but largely I think you can
5934s play Ram across all all the maps we saw
5937s uh Jungle Queen coming through from
5938s Malaysia on map one they can actually
5940s repeat that pretty comfortably on either
5942s of the three that we move on towards
5944s maybe less on the Collision it's
5945s Singapore's map choice anyway so I I
5948s think they you know they figure out what
5950s their best comps have been maybe going
5952s back October is the the most safe later
5956s to play this they can go to new Queens
5957s for that pretty safely and that's an
5959s interesting I was going to say there's a
5961s bit of a question mark as well there
5962s because we've actually not seen a
5963s ramachar out of fantasy so if we do end
5965s up seeing that out of Singapore then we
5967s go back to that same question of like do
5969s they match do they just sit with the
5970s junker Queen again and we saw how that
5972s worked out on ilios so there are some
5974s question marks that hang over the tank
5975s line up here once again and I believe we
5977s have xenophy subject back out for ash
5979s Kane so that romantra is feeling pretty
5981s likely
5982s yeah definitely well let's take a look
5985s and see what Singapore has decided for
5987s their potential comeback here on push
5989s and it looks like it's going to be a new
5991s Queen Street uh here for them on the
5993s last map could have done three for three
5995s on Mediterranean climates but uh all
5997s right I guess we'll go to Canada
5998s disappointing
6000s I think you go to the map that most
6001s favors your remote composition here
6004s and I think Coliseum will be a little
6006s bit too friendly for potential Dives
6007s Esperanza as well you want to eliminate
6009s the impact of a potential chunk of
6011s income coming towards you
6013s um yeah Force something that's going to
6014s be very favorable towards broad now
6015s you've got to be tested for Malaysia do
6017s you have that broad to match up are you
6018s just going to go over towards the queen
6019s again it's probably going to be a little
6020s bit less
6022s I think good in this particular mirror
6024s matchup and you know Singapore will
6027s take us through the final map and
6030s see if the ram can take it through
6032s yeah definitely and Singapore is
6034s obviously going to want to win this
6036s final one so that they can you know get
6038s the first mark on that board for the
6041s APAC b side today
6043s that's the thing it's like this is
6044s actually a really big start uh well
6046s actually I'd frame it the other way this
6049s is a really disastrous start for
6050s whichever these two teams takes the L
6052s here we've talked about how dangerous
6054s the other teams in this region are
6055s looking everyone's gonna have to take a
6057s match up against Australia that's why
6058s you're unlikely to walk away from with a
6060s win and then across the rest of these
6062s teams here between India New Zealand and
6064s Thailand you've got solid rosters that
6067s are threatening so if you come in with
6068s an L here you've got to pick up a lot of
6070s wins against a lot of good teams that's
6073s the scary thing that's the real thing on
6075s the line for this first match it's less
6077s about getting the W it's more about
6079s avoiding the L
6081s I think you need a minimum three wins
6083s here
6083s if you get only two wins three losses
6085s you're pretty much out of this group
6086s three wins you can rely on Tire Breakers
6088s four wins you'd be pretty safe fire wins
6090s obviously you're probably gonna be first
6091s seen on you so
6093s follows the golden standard or you will
6095s be the minimum viable product town and
6097s after turn your Queen Street you go no
6098s surprise Ash came back in the lineup
6100s here shred on top of the ram fantasy we
6101s asked the question can the ram come
6103s through the answer is no it will indeed
6105s be the Moira well it's got to be a more
6107s input the Jungle Queen for fantasy
6109s it's your back for Singapore though so
6111s they're not even going to play the Lucia
6112s Memorial version they're going to play a
6114s little bit more of a pokey style here
6115s it's back and Hans Zone see if that
6118s gives malays the opportunity to play
6119s against the wall of epson once the wall
6121s goes down they can just rust straight
6123s and
6128s I can relate to this uh climate right
6130s now I mean it's not snowy here but it is
6131s cold
6132s we had a rainy wet summer and we're
6135s having a cold winter
6138s I don't know what to do with myself uh
6140s Joe I hope they do know what to do with
6141s themselves for scrap just on this uh
6144s High Ground on the side here beautiful
6146s picturesque I assume those are meant to
6147s be maple trees that's an offensive
6149s stereotype but oh well
6153s I don't know
6155s first they did put a maple
6156s Maple egg so it's
6158s yeah fair enough they they called for
6160s they asked for it so here we go
6161s as uh shelter carcu who's watching this
6164s I know as this flight's just been really
6167s exciting first minutes about to be gone
6168s yeah I had a car a couple of boots
6172s are fight for a minute
6173s firstly as well to push everyone forward
6175s but this game pro dude a little bit
6176s overextended maybe feeling the heat has
6178s to back away Gemini speeding the team to
6180s safety as they rotate around so first
6182s little push there from the legion not
6184s quite working out now Singapore back to
6186s poking and wait for that a may walk to
6188s expire and then we'll see what happens
6189s next shout to come through here we go
6191s coalescence no more immortality field
6193s Ash game looking a little isolated
6195s they're pumping healing into him double
6196s time speaking of which heel and numerous
6199s having to take a few beats off
6200s pressuring to heal up his allies on one
6202s for one so far losing VIPs bit of a
6204s tough break but gameproof do just as
6206s impactful fantasy trying to push forward
6207s they have to wait out paper's window
6209s first get everyone topped off cups sound
6211s barrier available not the same for
6213s Gemini so ashken a little bit of an
6215s advantage Malaysia throw down an ice
6216s wall just to give themselves a break
6218s it was a really good pressure valve that
6220s people was able to release there because
6222s you have they keep Ash Kane alive and
6223s he's going to be staying alive now
6224s Gemini still off nice sound barrier that
6227s will be good okay finally able to commit
6229s it cups one has expired and that also
6231s means they can Outlast ashgane's
6232s ultimate here as he is in that Nemesis
6234s formed again game pro but they lose
6235s vital not ideal no immortality field
6237s throws it up dispatched of Malaysia
6240s starting to pull ahead in despite VIPs
6243s low paper down as well
6245s first for the push go to Malaysia
6247s two minutes and well two minutes roughly
6250s gone two minutes and 15 now Malaysia
6252s will finally win the first fight can you
6253s believe that was actually just one
6254s flaming a two minute opening fight every
6257s Ultimate basically has come through at
6258s this point
6259s it comes down to the fact that the
6261s ramatro annihilation not strong enough
6263s there Gemini barely able to get the
6265s sound barrier in time I would have liked
6267s to have seen Singapore maybe get a
6268s couple of picks before Gemini could
6269s really come through in the sound barrier
6271s for that sound barrier saves everybody
6272s yeah unless it ends up coming through to
6275s finish start with yeah that's a bit of a
6277s tough break it's probably gonna switch
6279s momentum back the other way ashken
6280s though and to heal down yeah that's
6282s enough to con uh finish him off very
6285s nicely done in fantasy Taren Ford
6286s finding vital as well pulling a lot of
6289s weight here I mean four it is the
6291s direction the Jungle Queen wants to be
6292s moving they find VIPs they keep jw3
6295s alive now cop going in sacrificial lamb
6297s just to slow down the push tick there
6299s Malaysia it's a good sleeping and tidy
6301s yeah the really good starter the
6302s payloads actually sold out they need to
6303s keep pushing guys what are you doing
6305s you're trying to write off and find
6306s kills but they need to push put the
6308s pressure onto Singapore Cup's gonna
6310s respawn now and I think they can come in
6312s for a final take before the cap so the
6315s little bit of stagger there from cup
6317s very important as things arrived there
6319s it is right down the center of it they
6321s can dive straight forward though as soon
6323s as they won with the coalescence at
6324s their back Dragon strike across to stop
6326s that further bit of follow-up not going
6328s to find any members no size will there
6329s to keep jw3 isolated game pro trying to
6333s Barrel Ford double death Blossom I say
6335s double depth Boston rather just the one
6337s death Blossom with a single kill
6339s in my mind I was like well this is loud
6341s and exciting it's got to be two of these
6343s happen at one spread Malaysia
6345s you heard it twice I did I did
6348s Dolby Surround Sound made
6351s okay well
6352s Malaysia gotta spawning Singapore
6354s surrounded can't find it coming through
6356s four minutes and it's now all Malaysia
6358s all day
6360s took them a while to win that opening
6361s you sure but they got that and the
6362s snowball as well
6364s I gotta give up that's interesting I
6366s think you just keep fighting back
6367s Singapore already dropped to the low
6368s ground taking it even fight on the low
6370s ground we have blizzard available right
6372s back out they're trying to get a little
6374s bit of a split with this ice wall not
6376s quite gonna work everyone's up in this
6377s blizzard and there we go yeah really bad
6379s from cup unfortunately the blizzard
6381s deployed and you could have heard that
6383s in the voice line but either way a very
6386s nice pickup for Malaysia
6397s they didn't lose a little bit of uh I
6400s think Taylor presence therefore that
6402s fight again they probably pulled back a
6403s little too far
6404s but enough to still win that fight a
6407s little bit more distance and now
6408s Malaysia is so comfortable with these
6410s ultimates cycling through Rampage
6411s forward easy pickups here nothing
6414s committed on the defense and smartly so
6416s two ultimates used there gonna start
6419s threatening that final cap here
6422s yeah I think so I don't know that
6423s they're all cap but they'll they'll get
6425s the triple digits I'm seeing 110 Plus at
6427s the moment
6428s and Singapore
6430s and their ability to come back from here
6432s is going to be pretty minimal
6434s we're talking less than five minutes now
6435s half the map is gone well over 110 yeah
6439s Singapore even Taylor stops so you can
6441s see 110 but as long as they don't see
6442s nine they'll be just fine fantasy is
6444s down early not saved by that sound
6446s barrier unfortunately and now himself
6448s down as well Singapore having to dig
6450s into it with the coalescence and the
6452s blizzards collecting The Kills though
6454s very important there in Malaysia not
6457s investing too many ultimates critically
6459s I mean why even bother using the
6462s invested they invested too much why even
6464s bother sound bearing that you have
6465s banishing down you won't gonna be able
6467s to say fantasy don't even play for the
6468s 4v5 save ultimates only for the final
6471s four minutes where realistically you
6473s don't need a cafe just even for four
6474s minutes
6475s play whatever else you have to to
6477s counter the more important annihilation
6479s Singapore's opportunity to find a little
6481s bit of distance everyone got the four
6482s spawns on my legs just so early find the
6485s neutral
6487s Singapore what are they going to be able
6489s to do it's going to be a blizzard and
6490s blizzards have been pretty reliable
6491s fight wins for Malaysia dropping the
6494s death Blossom straight on top of it once
6495s again in Syria love hearing that twice
6498s Malaysia
6500s they will have to reset forwards now
6502s Singapore get another shot of this
6503s defense Malaysia get another shot of the
6505s cap out
6506s I mean just shove the payload up towards
6508s the ramp and I don't think you even
6509s bother going up the ramp into the
6511s defender spawn play for time obviously
6513s get the cap for the forward spawns play
6516s for time here kick the ball around just
6518s pass around even kick it out of bounds
6520s you're just here to waste a bit of time
6522s now as you slowly win this map
6524s and that's the thing it's been an entire
6525s minute burned here just for Singapore
6527s getting uh getting that defense in
6529s Malaysia getting a win straight back
6530s losing game for a dude don't mean
6532s Singapore get a little bit more of a
6533s serious push forward vital gonna go
6534s straight and looking for a death blossom
6536s gw3 in trouble goes down continuing to
6539s push forward hasn't even the death
6540s possible yet looking to dust off even
6542s more members now numenos in trouble this
6544s is an absolutely clean sweet Malaysia
6546s struggling to actually back out of that
6549s position
6550s I mean Malaysia needed to actually have
6552s a fight when Singapore running out and
6554s they thought they could just rotate away
6555s but unfortunately a bunch of members are
6558s called down mid-rotation Singapore
6560s wouldn't that too cheaply every single
6561s flight that Singapore win if you're
6563s Malaysia you have to force them to
6564s Ultimate every fight needs to be
6565s expensive Singapore threatening cap here
6567s now yeah it's a long journey to a
6570s potential comeback but if they can get
6571s this cap we start thinking about it
6572s double color lessons fantasy a little
6575s bit chilly there goes down this is going
6576s to be no Rampage a lot of ultimates
6578s invest the dope for Singapore so
6580s expensive fight that is what Malaysia
6582s need however Singapore getting that cap
6584s I mean they're still very much in this
6586s well three ultimates gone though and
6589s they only have half the distance so are
6591s there any but they're still not really
6592s in it because the second half is really
6594s difficult for Singapore to push into
6596s first half getting the cap challenging
6599s second half this is straight up hell so
6601s Elijah now fighting downhill Singapore
6603s fighting uphill Singapore
6606s after even back out a little here we go
6608s Malaysia trying to get aggressive
6610s Rampage four nice catch that sound
6612s barrier is in there but that's a lot of
6614s anti-heal game for a Dude down early but
6616s Trader for Vital you'll take that trade
6617s that indicate Jay's alive I have a
6620s blizzard to be deployed ashken pop in
6622s the ultimate as well
6624s and there we go there's the blizzard
6626s that's going to collect Dash cream
6627s that's going to collect carp and they
6628s just want to get the robot as far away
6631s as possible they're still playing for
6633s time here one minute 20 left Malaysia
6636s just need to run out the clock
6638s the fantasy push forward really hard
6640s with a rampage and it actually Cuts Ash
6642s King off from the rest of Malaysia
6644s so no healing no long range healing you
6647s have to stack pretty tight here you're
6648s playing Lucian Royal on both sides
6650s you lose vital ashkin tries to just solo
6653s that one with the annihilation but I
6655s think a lot more support to get that off
6659s ice wall there isolates VIPs ends up
6661s paying off for them I have surprised
6663s they actually managed to collect that
6664s one but there we go that keeps time lean
6666s for Singapore that's what Malaysia need
6668s get the robot far away this is currently
6671s playing it by the book
6673s it's only less than one minute left to
6674s go and again
6675s you don't have to push any further from
6677s here leave the payload around this ramp
6680s allow Singapore to walk forward and
6682s the longer it takes Singapore to find a
6684s fight the better the situation is for
6686s Malaysia yes getting real dangerous for
6687s Singapore now 30 seconds left and they
6690s haven't got a match distance they have
6692s the robot well in their territory and
6694s they've just lost cup it's all starting
6696s to unravel and there we go death Blossom
6699s vitals down look at it collect a few
6701s more don't even need to collect a few
6702s more just need to force Singapore out 12
6704s seconds left on the Clark hell Malaysia
6706s might even be able to go for a cap of
6708s their own at this rate just a really
6710s kick sand in the face nope they're gonna
6712s back out they know that it's not enough
6714s time on the clock now it's going to be
6716s Singapore in the overtime on the robot
6718s trying desperately to get that full
6719s distance Malaysia only need one fight
6723s and they can take that one fight over
6725s the course of many many engagements solo
6728s blizzard even beautifully done just
6730s needed to catch one with that ultimate
6732s and that was exactly what they did j003
6734s has nailed it with these blizzards
6737s consistently they have been guaranteed
6739s fight winners for Malaysia and now it's
6741s going to be guaranteed match winner in
6743s that final fight as well the overtime
6744s Wick burns out and Malaysia walk away
6747s from it despite dropping that first map
6749s yeah
6750s now really unfortunate for Singapore
6753s and it looked decent coming into Madden
6755s number one Malaysia clutched on through
6757s handily I think on the second map
6758s despite
6759s having some I think difficulties on
6762s Circle Royale but really you come down
6764s to new Queen Street this was even by the
6767s way Singapore's man pick I think you
6770s know the reasoning for the choice and
6771s the composition all makes sense but even
6773s if on paper the Ram plays one into the
6775s Queen the issue here is they just like
6777s Tempo they
6779s struggle to really execute on the
6781s composition
6782s I think some of the ultimates came in
6784s really slowly as well could it match the
6786s players of Malaysia again in terms of
6788s the raw pace of the game and once
6790s Malaysia won like what
6792s three fights in Aurora I think of the 60
6794s meter Mark okay you can't but the game's
6796s not over
6797s you reached like the 80 90 meter Mark
6799s you get over it over 100 it's just like
6801s um you can call it right then and there
6802s I think at that point it's four minutes
6804s it's just like I said kicking the ball
6806s around until it's over because Malaysia
6808s they secured it by about six minutes of
6809s the game
6813s really nicely handled on the whole there
6815s and hopefully we can get Domino's lovely
6818s voice back in our ears in just a second
6820s uh but yeah impressive play on the whole
6823s there well deserved from Malaysia once
6825s they kind of found their feed and got
6826s underneath them they look really good
6827s across the series we had that question
6829s about the the ramatro situation for
6831s fantasy and we kind of put that one to
6833s bed he didn't need to play ramatra it
6835s worked just fine with junker Queen
6837s yeah definitely what an amazing uh
6840s comeback there for Malaysia as Avril
6842s said on a map they didn't even choose
6843s this was Singapore's chosen map and
6845s Malaysia really just took it from under
6848s them and as you've mentioned fantasy
6850s really made junk Queen work for them we
6852s expected the ramatra plays and so well
6854s done to them they knew they picked a
6856s comfort pick here they did go maybe
6858s against the matter but they picked what
6860s they knew they could play and they
6861s played it really well so well done to
6863s them for that one I'll say they don't
6865s neither amateur now but maybe versus
6866s some other teams they might certainly
6868s certainly still is uh still will be a
6870s question mark for me moving forward I
6871s don't think it's a bad pick just to just
6873s to be completely Frank but um yeah I
6876s think there's some tougher competition
6878s out there a little bit later on
6880s I think fantasy is probably the the play
6883s that stood out to me on team Malaysia
6884s really uh the the sigma
6887s Sigma the performance on Circle rail was
6889s really good to see yeah the change onto
6891s the Winston ended up working out
6893s and queen Wells are
6896s sort of in the matter not my favorite
6898s pick in the meadow still made that work
6900s as well and it's a great effect on your
6901s Queen Street I mean also fair to know
6903s right uh fantasy was in the whole way
6905s through uh we we saw a switch up part
6909s way through that for Singapore they they
6910s bought Xeno play in for map two to bring
6912s in the sigma and be their Sigma
6914s specialist fantasy was able to outplay
6916s his inner play on the sigma match up as
6918s well so yeah I kind of want to just
6919s redouble that credit quick shout out as
6921s well to jw3 on the last map was
6923s massively impactful especially as I said
6926s towards the end with those blizzards
6927s they were guaranteed fight winners uh I
6930s mean that in itself is huge compared to
6932s what VIPs was pulling off just not the
6934s same kind of deal
6935s Singapore is going to have a much hotter
6938s Journey now I think for both these teams
6939s any shot it may be potentially clutching
6942s through for a shot at the top two uh you
6945s have to win this match up first because
6947s you need to again I think have a minimum
6949s of three wins here aiming for the four
6951s wins and one of those wins needs to be
6953s either against Singapore Malaysia
6955s because I think there's a high
6955s likelihood that the other teams will be
6957s able to get those wins off of Singapore
6958s Malaysia for at least two definitely
6961s what a fantastic start to the APAC group
6964s be here today and look we're going to
6966s take a short break and we'll be back
6968s very soon everyone
6970s foreign
6976s [Music]
6982s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
6985s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6988s value means more at macca's so grab a
6991s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
6994s [Music]
6997s thank you
7000s hey I'm Riley also known as coffee and
7003s I'm the tank and igl of Team Australia
7008s uh what sets me apart from other
7010s OverWatch players it'd have to be how
7013s much time ends how dedicated I am to it
7016s I see a lot of people have like other
7018s commitments and it's it's fair enough if
7020s you're not in tier one OverWatch might
7022s not be your entire
7024s livelihood but uh I think I put more
7027s hours than any other player in the same
7029s division so I think I've got a great
7031s advantage of time on my hands
7036s some of my biggest Role Models within
7039s the OverWatch Australia Esports
7041s Community would have to be uh Punk under
7043s face
7045s there's two La Gladiators coaches within
7047s the OverWatch league and the Vancouver
7049s Titans tank player it's it's kind of
7051s limited the resources you get within us
7053s so it's great to have these people
7055s available to help especially during the
7057s World Cup
7059s my go-to Mecca's auto would definitely
7062s have to be a Double Quarter Pounder meal
7064s uh there's nothing better than those
7066s beef patties I'll tell you that
7070s make delivery is now on the my Mac
7072s Attack under pressure I generally just
7074s focus on breathing techniques before and
7077s during important matches and my years of
7080s competing in like high stress situations
7082s is prepared me for the big big moments
7088s securing ranks all day every day won't
7090s actually get you as far as you think you
7092s have to be a lot more critical in your
7093s own gameplay and watching back pods
7095s seeing what mistakes you did and how to
7097s fix them watching Pros can also help a
7100s lot develop like cool strategies and you
7102s can understand how to play the game at a
7104s higher level
7110s [Music]
7118s [Music]
7126s thank you
7137s [Music]
7169s [Music]
7182s [Music]
7197s foreign
7203s [Music]
7211s [Music]
7227s [Music]
7250s thank you
7252s [Music]
7262s [Music]
7294s thank you
7297s [Music]
7338s [Applause]
7350s foreign
7359s [Music]
7383s foreign
7394s [Music]
7416s foreign
7417s [Music]
7429s welcome back to the OverWatch World Cup
7432s online qualifiers we are here with the
7435s APAC B group and I'm joined with the
7438s lovely Avril and pixie here and if you
7440s are just tuning in I'll let you know
7443s that we have the first win on the board
7445s Malaysia has taken it out against
7447s Singapore I can imagine they feel
7450s absolutely over the moon about the fact
7452s that they have that first win on the
7454s board here for the group b stage
7458s and let's have a talk about those Maps
7461s there it was quite I think it was
7462s actually quite some really close matches
7464s and then some Not So Close matches There
7466s Avril pixie talk to us about what has
7469s happened here so far with Singapore
7471s versus Malaysia yeah like it's a good
7473s first hurdle to get over for Malaysia
7474s getting it over Singapore I think these
7477s are the two teams that will most likely
7478s have the most difficult Journey so they
7480s need to be able to find at least their
7482s first win get the first point on the
7484s board
7485s um and honestly I think Malaysia
7487s especially on new Queen Street was quite
7489s impressive because you're up until then
7491s it was a very close game but once you've
7492s got the new Queen Street you get to the
7493s push map you start to really be able to
7496s break away in terms of how much better
7498s Malaysia was than Singapore yeah yeah
7500s that was that's definitely where you
7502s started to feel the difference I mean
7503s already on circuit Royale I noted
7505s towards the end as well uh Malaysia made
7508s a few unforced errors and still one in
7511s spite of that so like one to one their
7513s play was actually just better they had
7515s some real solid clutch moments and as as
7518s you just said Kevin like then they just
7520s kind of carried that thought on to push
7521s much cleaner gameplay weren't making the
7523s same kind of errors and it was a way
7525s more one-sided Affair which is really
7526s impressive to see
7528s hmm so we are going to move over to our
7531s second match today which will be New
7533s Zealand versus Thailand let's take a
7536s look at the New Zealand lineup and who
7538s will be starting out in this team here
7540s uh let's talk about some of these
7542s players we know some of these players
7544s very well don't we guys they actually
7546s they live on the same street as me
7547s there's only three streets in New
7548s Zealand so yeah
7550s [Applause]
7556s one of the mistake Highway one which
7558s goes all the way down the country and
7560s then there's one Road in Auckland the
7561s biggest city and there's one Road in
7563s Wellington the capital city and that's
7564s it
7565s so that's the three total roads yeah
7568s okay
7569s okay I heard uh Adam told me that color
7571s hex is playing from McDonald's on using
7573s the Wi-Fi today so that'll be fun no
7575s he's he's really not but he is going to
7577s be at least roll swapping which is weird
7579s to say because you know even to be a DPS
7581s player but he also recently to support
7583s and now he'll be roll swapping back over
7584s to DPS for this event
7586s um New Zealand probably one of the the
7588s teams that has a decent chance of making
7590s it out in the top two here but still a
7592s lot of challenges some good challenges
7593s in this group and I'm definitely my bias
7596s is is going to show uh unashamedly I'm
7601s I'm in New Zealand currently I'm in uh
7604s in one of the most iconic buildings in
7605s the country probably the only iconic
7607s building in the country three roads one
7608s building
7609s um that's how we do things and um
7612s yeah I have a New Zealand Powersport as
7615s well I don't know why I admitted that
7616s fact earlier in the evening uh
7618s absolutely New Zealand is going to win
7620s they're going to win the whole thing
7621s they're going to beat Australia they're
7622s going to make you look like clowns
7624s frankly and this is where it all starts
7627s okay I'm I'm glad he thinks we're
7629s playing rugby I don't know
7631s oh my goodness I'm I'm glad we've got
7634s you know this being recorded So when
7636s Australia does beat New Zealand we can
7638s just play this back for pixie you know
7640s all of that definitely but look let's
7642s take a look at that Thailand team who
7643s will be versing off against New Zealand
7645s here today and any any key people we
7648s will talk about you did mention earlier
7650s that we have seen a puto around
7652s previously they are an old player here
7654s super veteran yeah that's super veteran
7657s with an incredibly short name
7661s by the way not just Saputo his name not
7663s as short as Ace no not as short as it's
7664s even shorter's name is ubon Dara four
7668s four syllables total eight letters that
7671s is one of the most efficient names pound
7672s for pound I've ever seen
7675s I get a good look at the place yeah at
7677s least some of them a couple of them are
7678s taking a break at the moment as we get
7679s ready for them get a look at the
7680s player's elbows I think it's uh I think
7683s it's cool to be able to see the place
7684s here one of the few times that we'll be
7686s able to sort of witness them and get to
7687s see them on the online qualifier as well
7688s but a team comprise mostly of players
7691s are just one contender's APAC in the
7693s summer series representing team Kraken
7695s Esports so I think there's a lot of
7696s danger here this is a team that is you
7700s know I would say one of the one of the
7702s quiet favorites if you if you consider
7704s Australia to be the main favorite out of
7705s this group Thailand is a team that has a
7708s lot of experience on it from old players
7710s but a lot of players that are currently
7712s in contenders and winning and at the top
7714s of the game and that's going to make
7715s this a really testy matchup right we
7717s kind of previewed it a little bit at the
7718s top of the night but it's a tough one uh
7721s these are two of the teams that we're
7722s highlighting as as you know potentially
7725s looking to make it out of the top of
7726s this group one of the two slots
7727s available to continue in the tournament
7729s uh I I mentioned in the last series that
7732s it's really more about not taking the L
7734s than it is about picking up the W I
7736s think that's doubly true here because
7738s whoever takes that loss they have a lot
7741s to prove whoever gets the win they can
7743s afford to drop the probable one they'll
7744s drop against Australia and I see New
7746s Zealand you're going to beat Australia
7746s for New Zealand uh and you actually have
7749s that that room to breathe if you will in
7751s your tournament lifespan are you kind of
7753s highlighted Kevin three wins is kind of
7755s your break point that's what you want to
7757s hit and there's a very limited number of
7758s matches to accomplish that in so this is
7760s a really crucial one you have to be
7761s beating those other top teams I mean
7764s there's three minimum it's probably
7765s going to be four and five wins that will
7767s actually make it through but three
7768s minimum to even be in the conversation
7769s yeah yeah let's
7771s let's take a look at the map choices
7773s starting here so it will be another
7775s control map and we'll show that up here
7777s on the screen to see what we are
7779s starting with and it is again going to
7781s be leisure sorry not again we didn't
7783s have Legion Tower before but we are
7785s going to start now with lijiang tower
7787s now I I have to ask do we think we'll
7789s get to see some pharah on this map I
7791s know it's not usually meta anymore but
7793s do we think people will pull it out
7796s uh Australia mate but when I sing
7798s Australia just yet that would be a
7799s hidden drum card for them a little bit
7801s later on out of these plays it's a
7803s little I don't think New Zealand will go
7804s for it personally Thailand
7807s I
7808s will be honest in saying I don't I don't
7810s know the roster well enough to be able
7812s to make an informed decision on that one
7813s so uh we'll leave it open give me your
7815s best uninformed opinion
7818s and maybe
7819s nice yeah I actually said it before real
7822s real
7822s myself appreciate that
7826s well if we're not going to see the
7827s Pharaohs what are the matters we should
7829s be expecting on the lijiang tower
7832s matchup same as what we saw really maybe
7833s a little bit more of the Winston dive
7835s otherwise same as what we already saw on
7838s the first game
7839s yeah so lecture matcha is maybe some
7841s sombres sort of in there a lot of bats
7844s possibly a queen but not guaranteed
7848s maybe a bat but I think Lucia Moyer is
7851s the support combination of the current
7853s matter at the moment
7854s so most teams will be running that
7857s or some variation of attack they prefer
7859s I'm desperately I'm desperately fishing
7862s for like a McDonald's pun but I just
7863s can't find one I'm really I'm working
7866s double time like when you mentioned like
7868s Queen I'm like real there's got to be
7870s something there surely yeah
7873s was that everything am I just making
7875s things up it sounds like it would have
7877s been a thing talk about impulp fiction
7878s don't they
7879s that's
7887s oh my goodness all right let's get into
7889s it now as we head over to lijiang Tower
7892s and we have the amazing Avril and pixie
7894s guiding us through this map
7902s I really didn't
7905s what
7907s this match though New Zealand Thailand
7910s I'm hoping it looks good because it
7911s looks good on paper
7912s especially I think
7914s you know team Thailand
7917s people might be sleeping on this team
7918s it'd be pretty dangerous yeah
7920s for New Zealand as I you know every game
7924s has some pretty high stakes but at the
7925s same time it's like
7926s and
7928s I gotta find the one where if you can
7930s get because it could be a three-way race
7932s between New Zealand Thailand and
7933s Australia I kind of want to think about
7934s it the more I think that's that's likely
7936s yeah a three-way race which means
7938s somebody's gonna miss out which means if
7939s you're in this sort of three-way
7941s situation between Thailand Australia
7943s winning these games specifically it's
7946s because it's because we're on this
7948s they're like all right we need to give
7949s our boys a pause that's the New Zealand
7951s team right there coming through for us
7952s this is all about the content I've got a
7953s boat a pick real quick because this
7955s wi-fi went out who desires McDonald's
7957s Wi-Fi gave out who designed the New
7960s Zealand like little flag tile there
7963s because I don't think they've ever seen
7964s a New Zealand flag or Sports uniform all
7967s right real straight up
7969s it's a red white and blue same colors as
7972s Australia same colors as like 90 of the
7975s country we even have a Union Jack on
7977s there but we don't even compete under
7978s that 90 of the time we use black with
7981s the silver Fern Motif and sometimes
7983s we'll use that same blue as well you
7984s could have just done black and blue
7985s totally fine what on Earth is that they
7988s said they heard about the bike and
7989s they're like oh God we use the flight
7991s color so we're going to throw some black
7992s in there as well and it's just a mess an
7995s absolute mess
7997s tell us how you really feel throw my pen
7998s in process
8001s so uh like graphic design is my passion
8008s I was going to say with uh the polls
8009s there and potential outage pixie did you
8011s want to go restart the one router that
8012s you guys all share on that street uh no
8015s we have a guy for that
8016s oh cool yeah okay yeah yeah
8020s fantastic I'm sure the way it won't be
8023s long because there's the guy in the room
8024s with us right now we actually have a
8027s sheep for that I had a really fun
8028s conversation with an American a while
8030s ago and I was just like catching up and
8032s he goes so and he goes you live in New
8035s Zealand right and I'm like yeah and he's
8036s like I already got something like uh
8038s like eight sheep for every person there
8040s or something and I'm like yeah it's like
8042s something like that and he goes
8045s where do you keep them
8046s I'm like
8048s what do you mean he's like where do you
8050s keep your sheep like your eight sheep
8051s and I'm like no no
8053s some of the people have all of the shape
8057s it's not like here's your citizenship
8059s and your eight sheep like I have a
8061s basement that I gotta keep him in or
8063s something I gotta share them every
8064s summer that's not how it works dude we
8067s actually recently dropped below we're at
8069s the lowest sheep to people ratio we've
8072s ever been in history now I don't know
8074s how I feel about that we're losing our
8075s identity as a nation between that and
8078s there's God forsaken Nation tile in this
8081s World's Cup I've got another object to
8082s throw and I'm throwing it
8084s so it's a very deep Market metaphor you
8086s did that some of the people have all the
8087s ship to the top one percent the top one
8090s percent
8093s Shepherds have 90 of the sheep yeah yeah
8097s [Music]
8103s I've worked together for years the spark
8105s has long since gone in our marriage uh
8107s he's just he's punching the clock right
8109s now all right look everyone we're gonna
8112s save you from all the Sheep talk and the
8114s graphic design talk and we're gonna take
8116s a short break while we get ready for the
8118s back uh well we wait sorry for the
8119s players to get back ready for the match
8121s so we'll be right back guys and I'm
8123s gonna go pick up my pen
8124s [Music]
8136s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
8139s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
8142s value means more at macca's so grab a
8145s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
8148s [Music]
8159s [Music]
8163s thank you
8169s [Music]
8183s [Music]
8211s foreign
8228s [Music]
8252s thank you
8260s [Music]
8267s [Music]
8270s thank you
8272s [Music]
8279s [Music]
8291s [Music]
8318s foreign
8341s [Music]
8350s [Music]
8373s [Music]
8382s welcome back everyone and our lobby is
8386s now ready to go and we are all ready for
8388s Lee Jong Taos I hope you are as well
8391s pixie Avril you guys ready for this yep
8393s uh welcome back to my pen as well uh
8395s just in case it is riled up I need to
8397s throw it again
8403s in the country if I'm not careful
8407s hopefully everyone's ready look we are
8409s in a region where we know there are
8411s internet issues like look we live in
8412s Australia we are constantly having
8414s internet issues so we can't relate we
8417s have fiber to the door
8419s to the door to the door goodness we roll
8422s it out for free Countrywide even the
8424s Royal air we've got starlink now we've
8426s got satellite internet
8429s that's actually impressive yeah well
8431s look the players are ready let's head on
8433s over to Lee Zhang Tower
8437s but don't move here go to Australia
8439s instead we're full
8442s I like having three roads I took that
8444s advice yeah you did you actually you
8446s left you're like you know what I like
8447s more heat and worse internet
8453s can't complain about that
8456s New Zealand
8457s Ryan I wanted Jacob's normal Heroes
8459s he'll roll it through
8461s TP Through the Windows strategy not
8463s quite they use a TP earlier their team
8466s is really split and this is amazing
8467s Awkward start I'm about to get routed
8470s that being said with cowbell and high
8471s Vision both down Ace as well soon to
8473s follow it was looking like New Zealand
8475s were in a terribly split situation but
8477s are able to get J cap around the side
8478s instead of loop everyone in through the
8480s back what was a split team ended up
8482s being a pincer maneuver and works a
8484s child getting the point I can't believe
8485s Thailand lost that situation New Zealand
8487s were all over the place in Thailand
8489s failed to capitalize and they somehow
8490s end up on the back foot oh I've been on
8493s the front foot this time though yeah
8495s finding par that's already a great start
8497s now calburn looking to ball right on top
8498s of the point Jacob having to give up
8500s ground quick smart and there we go goes
8502s down Thailand coming back in pretty hot
8507s okay so it's just the 17 16 on board for
8510s New Zealand Thailand
8512s really nice pick my high vision
8514s wonder if power will stop Heroes here
8516s you haven't really built up enough
8517s symbol charge to justify this anymore
8520s they're going to play for another TP
8522s strike you see the high Visions already
8523s blocked that through with the ice wall
8525s last time the New Zealand kind of
8527s whiffed their their strength did they
8529s try to remember if they use their TP
8531s early or not but they're not going to TV
8533s through at all mine's set up on the
8535s floor instead yeah it almost looked like
8536s they were trying to fake out or
8537s something bizarre like that J cap gets
8539s slapped and Andy Hill but is otherwise
8540s fine it's two for nothing so far looking
8543s to find pale and high Vision already
8545s down as well so really quick brutal
8548s fights on both sides of it any team
8550s pushing on to this point is finding
8552s pretty quick conversion and now New
8553s Zealand back in control once again
8556s Finn getting caught they'll run off in
8558s but I think I might have been a poodle
8559s getting called there Thailand their
8561s backline in any case
8563s first blood from New Zealand
8565s really quick fights back and forth as
8567s you mentioned
8568s there's only just forced their way
8569s through the front door there didn't even
8570s have the TP save the TP for the further
8573s play Alex sitting on Anna here Anna with
8576s the Nano Nano Annihilation putting combo
8578s X for the brilliant color X okay let's
8580s weigh-in rest in pepperoni is that
8582s blizzard would have been really crucial
8583s on the defense to slow down these very
8585s aggressive very broadly teams New
8586s Zealand trying to rotate backwards with
8588s that now barrier to charge you to fight
8593s wrap it around the side and charging
8596s back in with J cap Works flawlessly
8600s yeah it starts badly but New Zealand
8602s pulls through again lose a player super
8604s quick and now they've saved the blizzard
8606s so they've used them for future fights
8608s put a little bit too far away from sound
8610s barrier Pali held on to the Nano I would
8612s have felt like Nano Plus narnish at the
8613s same time it's a critical combo
8616s Jay cap a little bit isolated a little
8617s bit concern here okay yeah color hexl
8620s going down did at least deploy the
8621s blizzard but I don't know if they're
8622s gonna be able to convert much they fight
8623s a poodle they didn't get to freeze up
8624s any tanks now they lost power as well
8626s Ace has been the one to received the
8628s natto Boost is so difficult to kill and
8630s out putting a ton with it Jacob in
8632s trouble yeah still wedged in not gonna
8634s last much longer rather than 85 though
8637s is decent for New Zealand despite losing
8639s the fight back into one fight territory
8641s for themselves but Thailand will be able
8643s to control the point
8646s let's play defense is what I'm saying
8647s right he rolls up now he's rolls up and
8649s back at least for this event
8651s they're twice really quickly to get the
8653s blizzard through but New Zealand
8655s couldn't capitalize off that 90 percent
8657s this is I think the first Photon barrier
8660s four part that we'll be able to see as
8661s well has held the ultimate for a while
8662s it's a fake teepee in the window they
8664s tell the ice wall yeah they've been
8666s doing that a few times doing a sort of
8667s dummy TP and it's a sort of work color
8670s hex down early once again the light wall
8672s is in trying to isolate some members J
8674s cab Frozen up though it's a nice
8675s Blizzard from high vision and Jacob's
8677s gonna get dusted that's going to be a
8678s bit of a non-starter for New Zealand
8680s they use the window on that as well
8681s unfortunately not a single counter trade
8684s fin just takes the L New Zealand still
8686s in one fight territory but Thailand's
8688s starting to push close to it as well
8690s about to hit Nottingham and they have
8692s the better ultimates moving through been
8694s a defensive position you can still again
8696s I think if par stays on the Sim you can
8698s bait the main wall but this is where the
8700s Sim is starting to be a little bit less
8702s value oh what a shatter they tried to
8705s get aggressive with it they end up
8706s paying off though they survived the
8708s shadow cow burn up front and center yeah
8711s and that's gonna do it the front I mean
8713s Colburn really kind of put the team on
8714s his shoulders for that one barreling
8715s forward is this gonna be the Stagger out
8717s from Finn just getting onto the point
8719s for the sake of touching it needs to
8720s survive as well they kind of need the
8722s sound barrier if they're going to have a
8723s bit of a shot at this the rest of the
8724s deal try to come and Finn sled will go
8726s down tough break there rest the team now
8728s trying to touch J caps coming and Carl
8729s Hicks on the side Jacob's already down
8731s bow once again calburn with the Nano
8733s boost keeping the point on lockdown 99
8735s Thailand comfortably picking off these
8738s members as they Trickle and not gonna be
8739s able to make it to the health pack there
8741s is color hex not a single kill in
8743s response as Thailand collect the set
8745s that's the first map over the way of
8747s Thailand
8748s missed a single shatter onto just ASU
8751s okay he did all and you did kind of shut
8753s down the overclock but
8755s otherwise
8757s nothing else came through from that a
8759s push in from Thailand's string to the NZ
8761s spawn
8762s annihilation in hand no time remaining
8765s snowball through
8768s have to be a little bit concerned when
8769s using super Scrappy I mean I even you
8772s just look at the very first fight
8774s New Zealand completely
8777s out of position with the rest of their
8778s team it was a super strange
8781s push on top of the point itself
8782s completely disjointed they recovered
8784s from that and if it wasn't for
8786s a couple of clutch Flags New Zealand I
8787s think would have lost more fights than
8788s that
8792s this time just rolling out on a ramatry
8794s of their own and color hex over to the
8797s Reaper
8798s opening fight oh August early death
8801s there Jacob isolated as well in trouble
8803s looking to go down they do find pale but
8806s that is not going to be enough to turn
8807s things back around unless they're
8808s somehow able to catch a kill onto the
8809s likes of Ace color X is going Fred but
8811s they're kind of getting around about
8813s Calvin caliber no flips the switch their
8815s color hex now man it's a real back and
8817s forth color hex barely surviving Calvin
8819s as well barely surviving that actually
8821s means no one's quite run away with the
8822s early fight Thailand get the first
8823s movement onto the point but they can see
8825s some isolated members in New Zealand
8826s have regrouped so Captain Thailand but
8828s the next fight about to begin and Cal
8829s bone is already low might go down here
8831s High Vision under pressure as well
8833s certainly they're full stop the point
8834s New Zealand get the cap but they lose
8835s Finn and the process still a little bit
8838s on that knife's edge as the Pluto goes
8840s down Ace as well to follow August
8842s collecting another for himself and
8843s that's going to be the one that starts
8845s to seal it still a very Scrappy brawl
8847s Thailand still actually control the
8849s point that ticking up percentage but New
8850s Zealand had the members now collecting
8852s the extra kills to confirm the fight and
8855s they will be able to finally get the
8856s point under their control
8858s now Tyler had to play Advantage there
8860s but Calvin was super low they never
8861s really recovered that HP quickly enough
8863s Ace Traders best high Vision didn't have
8865s the blizzard for that fight it only gets
8866s it as he dies
8868s so I could turn around from New Zealand
8870s it's been Scrappy but they'll get it
8871s back it's a lot of the problems for New
8873s Zealand is those first deaths
8874s consistently one player down having to
8877s play four versus five
8879s on an ideal situation Thailand
8882s good on also but are they really going
8883s to cross this bridge will be crossing a
8885s stranger coalescence then go for it oh
8887s there's a Boop as well manual hack onto
8889s cowburn but receives a natto boost so
8892s first death is actually Ace as you noted
8894s with that Boop off the edge the sound
8895s wave it's actually called speaking of
8897s sound the barrier to come out now but
8899s not in time to save High Vision whose
8900s blizzard did not get what they needed
8902s cowburn committing an ultimate while
8903s they're two members down they really
8905s want a j-cat bad they do fight him the
8908s sound barrier wasn't quite there in time
8909s from Ben has it now it's been an EMP
8911s color X I'm gonna follow it up with an F
8912s Blossom they find the one that they need
8914s and another sound wave from Ben to
8916s collect Ace really having to dig deep
8918s there New Zealand and go big on the
8920s ultimates but it does pay off
8922s yeah it's gonna have to cost him a two
8924s extra ultimates though both DPS
8925s ultimates in place so you talk about
8927s Calvin kind of throwing in the
8928s annihilation to try and clutch it
8930s through or get a positive old trade off
8932s the back of that one in terms of just
8933s that isolated one versus two or three
8936s another movement around the back side
8937s into white room and that's recommended I
8939s mean I was questioning them coming to
8940s remain over the bridge without a doubt
8943s Finn got a boot kill excellent clock
8946s he's just trying to go for it that
8948s forces the sound barrier from Finn J cap
8949s coming in with the annihilation that's a
8951s really quick collection there Cowboy
8953s manually had will go down that's a one
8955s for two so you're all right with the
8956s trade for Thailand but we're running to
8958s better 90 they're going to have to
8959s really dive in for this final fight
8964s let's take a look at it 90 oh it's on
8967s call
8968s Autumn and lagging behind a much better
8970s round for New Zealand so far
8972s good ground Tyler need to start moving
8974s to touch I think my eye is on cowburn
8977s closing the annihilation the j-cap is
8979s but Pali already low goes down no
8981s coalescence and that's it August has his
8983s collects may die but I think that is all
8986s she wrote the writing on the wall for it
8987s New Zealand's looking to collect this
8989s one up hasn't quite confirmed it yet
8990s cowboy and low has the annihilation
8992s channeling it but is going to get dusted
8994s off anyway
8995s probably not going to get back in in
8997s time throwing out the coalescence but
8998s miles away from it unfortunately over
9000s time Wick ticks down New Zealand much
9002s more confident than our 100 to 90 that
9005s Thailand picked up in the first one but
9007s still relatively even
9009s still pretty Scrappy though again it did
9010s they needed to really recover a couple
9012s of uh wacky situations there some weird
9014s situations they got caught in four v5s
9016s not helping them out but once New
9017s Zealand were in control they actually
9018s have the point going for them
9020s much better turn around much more
9022s consistent fights
9024s Thailand struggle to even reach the
9026s point they weren't able to rotate
9028s towards the point comfortably at all now
9030s into control center Jacob going back
9031s over towards the rain and really work
9033s out from a night Mark and that's an okay
9035s Orion map but
9037s again disjointed I would describe 14 New
9039s Zealand on their first round
9042s let's take another look at Team Thailand
9043s in what is now starting to deliver as a
9046s close series at least on the first map
9052s an opening scrap Now High Ground from
9055s New Zealand back on the Rhine
9057s taking some early pressure J cap getting
9060s right into the thick of it won't start
9061s swinging the hammer but the barrier nope
9063s he's down it's trapped in the vortex did
9065s not have the immortality field in time
9067s from August it's a two for one favoring
9069s Thailand third one to come across and
9071s that'll be the opening cap going the way
9072s of Thailand once again
9074s if there's anything that New Zealand
9075s have struggled I mean there's been these
9077s neutrals and to be fan
9079s on Night Market they still turn their
9081s own at one but again it wasn't
9082s comfortable now we start to see the
9084s swipes all goes back over towards the
9085s Moira it's been the preferred pick of
9087s August so far
9089s as you sort of noted the laminar coming
9090s through in time to save J cap and Jacob
9092s and I'm moving over towards a ram so a
9093s little bit of a swap
9095s it's got a custom time Pally is running
9098s away with old charge so far on this map
9100s in a defensive position to get good
9102s value as well
9104s and just taking their time on the push
9108s calburn really keeping the point on
9110s lockdown once again has been a thorn so
9113s far for New Zealand to get past but when
9115s they are on top of it in the tank battle
9116s they are absolutely tearing things up a
9119s lot of low members Finn's gonna be the
9120s first one to go down Pally nice
9122s deployment of the immortality field and
9124s there we go conversions coming across
9126s now from Ace nicely done yeah
9130s but we'll just be put in there for the
9132s insurance policy all the health bars are
9134s New Zealand fairly lower half HP for the
9136s entire backline and Finn down early so
9139s New Zealand certainly like the Firepower
9141s there
9142s will be at least able to take a
9143s consolation prize of getting one extra
9145s ultimate out of Thailand that will help
9147s a little bit
9148s all because it's all you can try to
9149s catch up here and you are on a Moira so
9151s expecting fast or charge on the call
9152s that to be something to be useful Jake
9154s how far behind unfortunately it's gonna
9157s be the blizzard out they've isolated
9158s Cowboy but can they kill him no with the
9160s immortality field and play they're not
9161s able to collect on anything coalescence
9163s out now from August a little bit low as
9165s is fed still struggling to collect the
9167s kills the overclock Now High Vision with
9169s his own blizzard New Zealand
9171s they haven't noticed that he's got the
9173s blizzard though so it's Jacob and Pally
9175s that go down Ace apart really Even
9178s Stevens for Thailand forcing New Zealand
9180s miles away from the fight beautifully
9182s done Finn as well they have to its final
9185s fight looking to get a freeze color
9186s hangs and high Vision head to head there
9190s and we're still only just getting back
9191s to the point now color hex finally going
9193s down thin low in trouble August also in
9196s trouble Jacob is back has that
9199s Annihilation trying to get the damage
9201s trying to find something rescue the
9203s fight maybe goes down but finds the
9205s point cap but Thailand have more members
9207s they collect are as well and I think
9209s that's gonna seal it hits Highline will
9211s be able to recap unless kalahics comes
9213s in with some kind of hero play but those
9216s days feel a little bit long gone by now
9218s 100 to 10 to be the final result here
9221s for Thailand
9222s what a play coming through at the back
9224s and Thailand they made the call to try
9226s and clutch it through three versus three
9228s and puta Pops to the sound barrier and I
9231s said they really want to fight for it
9232s and Tyler had the option of backing out
9233s they didn't have to play for their final
9235s engagement they could have accepted the
9236s losses said well go for the respawns
9238s here we'll reset allow the camp to come
9240s through from New Zealand and just play
9241s through the remainder of the 99 what
9244s they went for the 3v3 goes into an
9246s extended fight
9248s comes into a Pally window that burns
9252s through J cap completely annihilates him
9254s down
9256s and take away map one
9258s yes and that means it will be New
9261s Zealand getting to do the map pick as we
9263s go into the second map well done to
9266s Thailand on that one it was obviously
9269s some very quick fights as you had
9271s mentioned throughout those uh map that
9273s those fights There Avril you mentioned
9275s they were quite fast both teams very
9277s quick uh turnarounds and very quick
9279s picks and trades there from both sides
9282s yeah I mean
9283s um especially on Night Market round one
9285s I think things started to slow down a
9287s little bit more towards the end but
9288s Night Market was a lot of back and forth
9290s and it was the kind of back and forth
9291s where the team that lost the previous
9292s fight would retake instantly and then be
9294s able to win the subsequent fight but I
9296s think there were a few issues in the New
9297s Zealand side in terms of
9299s um the instability around the Ryan
9300s composition and losing a lot of early
9303s picks on the on the neutral trades as
9306s well especially when you look at Gardens
9307s but they won that round couldn't quite
9309s pull through a control center
9311s well we're going to take a quick break
9313s and we'll be back with map 2 of Thailand
9316s versus New Zealand see you all soon
9318s [Music]
9330s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
9333s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
9336s value means more at macca's so grab a
9339s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
9342s [Music]
9345s laughs
9367s [Music]
9385s foreign
9392s [Music]
9405s [Music]
9429s [Music]
9469s foreign
9484s [Music]
9507s foreign
9512s foreign
9513s [Music]
9524s and if you have been watching you'll
9527s know that Thailand has taken the first
9529s map against New Zealand which was
9531s lijiang Tower so New Zealand will get to
9534s choose the second map here and hopefully
9537s they'll pick something that will favor
9538s their team compositions we have just
9540s been seeing a lot of Reinhardt being
9542s played which I'm sure Avril you maybe
9544s have some comments about jcap picking
9546s the Reinhardt remarka yeah I've actually
9548s got some comments he's not going to be
9549s playing it anymore because then I just
9551s walked down the road and knocked on his
9552s door and I said don't play the Reinhardt
9554s again
9562s I was very clear about my stance at the
9564s top of this at the top of the show I'm
9566s not going back on my word now
9568s I think it's only viable in Lee Jong
9570s anyway and so beyond that it's not
9572s really a hero pick that you would like
9573s to you would be able to really see on
9575s other Maps but also I just don't think
9577s New Zealand look very well practiced on
9578s the Ryan cop in general
9579s uh you can even see from the fact that
9582s we went to control center and Jacob gave
9583s up on it really quickly and ended up
9585s unfortunately behind and all charge at
9587s least August caught up because we are
9589s playing Moira and that's what more a
9591s gameplay looks like
9592s yeah control center was a lot more
9594s concerning I think from the New Zealand
9595s POV
9598s yeah no definitely I I completely agree
9600s with you um we did see jcap make that
9602s switch it did put their team a little
9604s bit behind and I think that may have
9606s caused them that match Unfortunately
9607s they did definitely put up good fights
9609s there was a lot of really good trades
9611s there but having that Reinhardt gameplay
9613s really just didn't help them out and so
9615s hopefully jcap will make the switch and
9617s we'll see yeah what they're going to
9619s pick for map too I think we're still
9621s waiting on their decision great cosplay
9623s from Ace great cosplay from AC I just
9625s wanted to say
9628s switch by the way and forget about
9630s switching here is they're actually just
9631s going to switch plays ODP is going to
9633s come in for jaycap now for map number
9634s two uh an ODP is a more main tank
9638s focused hero pool outside of the off
9639s tanks so uh that means we're definitely
9641s not going to anything like circuit real
9643s we're going to be potentially moving
9644s onto a dive map playing a little bit of
9645s Winston that would be my assumption
9647s otherwise if we're just going to play
9649s Ram or maybe queen or something else you
9650s would have kept J cap in
9652s um both on ODP in particular I think it
9655s was missing from the last season of the
9657s contenders so he's had a bit of time off
9658s I haven't seen him for a while and I
9661s have I see him around all the time
9665s yeah what can you tell me about them
9668s um handsome very handsome yeah
9671s um and generous loyal
9676s all right
9679s let's take a look at the map that New
9681s Zealand has chosen and they have picked
9683s nombani uh
9686s a dive map yeah good dive map a lot of
9689s high grounds um what do we expect to see
9691s here like I I always like to think there
9693s might be some Diva plays here but I'm
9694s not sure if Diva's really the right
9696s choice I just like the Divas he was good
9698s here but you've swapped over to ODP
9700s which means we're playing Winston uh I
9702s don't really I don't know what Calvin's
9703s gonna bring to the table here probably a
9704s Winston as well given that he well
9706s actually I don't know what his exactly
9708s Ripple looks like I do believe that is a
9710s sub and he has the Winston in his
9712s repertoire that's true and I don't
9714s believe we have a substitution so we're
9716s going to keep Calvin in which means if
9717s Kelvin is more leading towards the off
9720s tank side it's going to be potentially a
9722s diva here
9723s which I also think is pretty strong in
9725s the Dives but um yeah I think the body
9727s should be a pretty good dive map we have
9728s not seen them Bonnie this entire year
9731s you know which in fact we didn't see it
9732s last year this will be yeah I was
9734s generally speaking look up generally
9736s speaking would be the first time we're
9737s seeing them biting OverWatch too yeah
9738s yeah I'm a little surprised when Bonnie
9740s has been picked uh it's a nice surprise
9742s because as you said we haven't seen it a
9744s lot and I think it'll be nice to see
9746s some dive comps being played uh because
9748s obviously we see a lot of romancho we
9749s see a lot of those Rush comps so I think
9750s this will be fun to see a little bit of
9752s a different mix up here from the teams
9755s yeah
9756s Bonnie a famously defensive sighted
9759s um
9763s hey get a draw get a draw and then New
9766s Zealand wins map three and then we go to
9768s map four
9769s Bots I mean they could just win map two
9770s and three and you don't have to go to
9772s map four I mean I'm not going to stop
9774s them if that's what they want to do uh
9776s but I'm just saying four Maps bang for
9778s your buck
9779s they definitely do need to win this one
9781s obviously so that they can stay in the
9783s game because if Thailand wins this then
9785s you know Thailand on the map or they can
9787s draw well yes that's true
9792s the majority of outcomes here are
9794s actually favorable for New Zealand
9796s there's only one situation in which it's
9798s bad and that's if they just lose to
9800s Thailand outright but that's not going
9801s to happen
9802s no they've got this exactly
9805s all right and so look we're gonna head
9807s in to nimbani now and I'm just going to
9812s uh double check I think uh oh no that's
9815s all good we're heading on over take it
9817s away guys
9819s I'm really hungry and now I don't know
9821s what I'm supposed to get for dinner
9823s unbelievable
9825s so more the water
9826s I've been honing that water yeah it's
9829s that high quality New Zealand spring
9831s water
9833s Fresh Off The glaciers mate
9837s and there you go there's one in addition
9839s to the map a little jeep that wasn't
9841s there before
9843s in terms of map changes
9845s still the same time of day they still
9847s have the legendary organic oil
9850s always sunny
9852s in lombani
9855s that would be interesting rainy map yeah
9857s the cops
9859s what's that having like a rainy map
9862s it's blizzard world it's currently
9863s raining
9864s oh
9866s there you go the more you know the more
9868s I know
9870s well you know now you know
9873s you're aware
9877s I got a question for you I got a trivia
9879s question and I've watched trivia
9880s questions because they've still got the
9881s signs up here about uh Effie who of
9884s course designed uh Orissa do you
9887s remember what her last name is
9890s I could just Google it but I'm just
9891s going to be honest to say I don't know I
9893s think I'm recalling it correctly it's
9895s oladele
9897s okay and if I remember that right that's
9899s a real bad I'm not even gonna check I'll
9901s just believe you sick level that's on
9903s the echo
9904s as I don't even remember we really ever
9907s even in the deepest days of colleagues I
9909s don't really remember him playing too
9910s much of this here but here it comes out
9911s in any case Ash on the defense double
9913s poke first dive directly on something
9916s that's a big answer heel and costs him
9919s his entire life
9920s what's ODP stand for
9922s overdosed pirate I actually should have
9924s made you a guess what if I guess because
9926s my guess my guess was going to be uh old
9928s dirty pasta
9930s okay that's uh I prefer you didn't say
9932s that but let's
9934s about what this New Zealand team will do
9936s now for a second attack attempt like
9940s acts down what a sniper
9943s it gives color hex a lot of free reign
9945s here actually obviously I want to deal
9946s with high Vision but currently doing
9947s that August is just
9949s soloing these dps's really putting the
9952s trousers on for the team and Thailand
9955s now yeah forced way off the point Calvin
9958s can't quite get back onto it because of
9960s that well-timed sleep that's gonna be
9961s New Zealand get in the cap no draws I
9963s could have actually no
9965s could have otherwise have been a pretty
9967s good retake opportunity but no uh no
9969s I'll puts online at the moment so I'm
9972s about to head into
9974s I believe it was like what the third
9976s fight passed nearly onto the pulse bomb
9979s SO waiting for high Vision to get this
9981s value on the ash we expect a little bit
9983s of damage with the color heads
9984s I try to hunt to the back line but still
9986s missing nine percent
9988s just wants that last little bit oh a
9990s poodle in trouble gets uh bumped away
9992s par down to high Vision but they found
9994s Ace so it's a reasonable trade now color
9996s head's duplicating the diva Head to Head
9998s now sleep on the Calvin he's got the
10000s Nana boost on him but he's just coming
10001s up against color hex who's keeping him
10003s entirely occupied not getting much
10005s mileage out of that not getting too much
10007s mileage out of the ultimate there either
10008s color hex uh and by ultimate there I'm
10011s meeting the um the echo ultimate not the
10013s diva ultimate because he didn't get one
10015s New Zealand though continuing to push
10019s Thailand yet to slow this down still
10020s waiting for Ace and high Vision to get
10022s these ultimates oh great pick on the ODP
10024s that'll be the start you need New
10025s Zealand now like you have to back out no
10028s frontal pressure color hex overstaying
10029s yeah not not an impossible
10032s yeah yeah been nearly down on the
10035s retreat as well but they will get away
10037s safely with the rest of these members a
10039s lot of ultimates backed up now for
10041s Thailand this is going to be a tough ask
10042s for New Zealand to push into they're
10044s holding forward as well because they
10045s count at this point they have a lot to
10046s play through
10047s you should have to be a little bit
10048s concerned about power back capping but
10051s I'm outrageous really the only thing to
10053s look forward to for New Zealand and
10054s Thailand you can afford to just be
10056s patient for now
10057s almost on time you've got the Clean Air
10060s and beautiful environment to look
10061s forward to for New Zealand but that's
10062s separate ODP going ahead and pop in the
10064s Primal Rage getting very aggressive Ace
10066s having a duplicates uh the Winston
10067s immediately slaps immediately damage
10069s down not going to get a primal range of
10071s his own it's a reasonable start for New
10072s Zealand but Thailand rest the ultimates
10074s they can dig deep on the rally running
10075s for New Zealand but it's the Bob first
10076s for high Vision has now expired if I'm
10079s not mistaken Paley gonna go ahead throw
10081s out the narrow boost not sure who that
10083s ended up but it's not a poodle of all
10085s people they found odps that's the first
10087s kill finally another one coming through
10089s on defend but big usage of ultimates
10091s there for Thailand they do stop New
10093s Zealand but they had to dig very deep
10095s I'd like to have seen them maybe hold
10096s the Nano there by keeping a Pluto alive
10098s I don't even think I put it was maybe
10099s that under danger at least not from my
10101s perspective
10101s or something New Zealand actually
10103s managed to get on top of a Pluto dealt
10105s with ODP pretty quickly so that was gone
10107s from Big threats now we've cycle back
10110s over towards Nano and the colleagues on
10111s the duplicate as well
10114s you're going to have to download odbh
10116s too low no golden puts it on color hey
10119s does get the conversion up to Ace they
10120s just trusted the ODP could survive the
10122s solar pressure there on from Calvin Big
10124s Sleep onto color hex
10126s forced way way back they're still trying
10128s to pressure forward
10130s on the back Lane no extra kills cowburn
10133s a little low here though might be able
10134s to pull a d-mac off part of the fishing
10136s for something with the pulse bomb
10138s scrap around this point this is an
10139s important minute for Thailand here Carla
10141s Hicks going to go ahead and duplicate a
10142s diva once again we'll see if he gets
10143s itself destruct this time around
10144s self-destruct first gonna come out from
10146s Calvin finds August big beat down
10149s unfortunately color ax will have a
10150s self-destruct fishing for something with
10152s it but they've already lost Finn not
10153s gonna be the big conversion they needed
10155s they find high Vision but they need a
10156s lot more than just that Calvin still
10157s keeping his point on lockdown fighting
10159s against teammates but they found ODP
10161s beforehand and New Zealand getting
10162s repelled
10164s 4v3 at the stage as well selling that on
10166s to play Thailand can hold on to that one
10167s and they'll hold
10169s final four and a half rough meters here
10171s and I think they actually probably gave
10172s away too much meter issue in New Zealand
10174s you see actually Thailand backing out in
10175s the middle of that fight giving space
10177s away to New Zealand looking for better
10179s ground to hold
10180s filing ultimates pulse bomb was a bit
10183s wide there
10185s Ace little low a lot of those finer put
10188s over the rally and Finn also with the
10189s rally and now to boost again onto a
10191s poodle
10192s I mean at that point that almost seems
10193s attention
10195s yeah not gonna be able to get the cap
10197s here
10199s August down as well a little bit closer
10201s but
10202s no tobacco products one minute 15 on the
10205s clock for New Zealand losing power as
10207s well
10208s ODP probably for he overestimated how
10210s much old charge he was going to get
10211s because he dies about 97 and if he stays
10214s alive for maybe another two seconds
10216s we're looking forward to the potential
10217s of the Primal Rage to extend that life
10219s in New Zealand would be in a really good
10220s spot but
10221s he probably just did not expect how
10223s quickly he was going to take him down
10224s that was a hundred to zero a snap of a
10227s finger
10228s payload tiny bit of movement back to
10231s four and a half meters and slightly
10232s further back beyond that but the timing
10234s is really rough now less than a minute
10235s to go
10236s New Zealand gonna have to spend
10237s basically all the ultimates they've
10239s started to bang cup and I think all
10240s three are going to get spania
10242s par
10244s nearly one shot too many gets topped off
10246s fishing for something with the pulse
10248s bottom who wanted to fight a Pluto
10249s doesn't quite run it into him ODP has
10251s the nanoboo status back getting
10252s aggressive on top of high Vision not
10254s converting any kills there still has
10256s himself a Primal Rage pulse Bob Finn low
10259s color
10259s yeah he's in now still has a problem
10262s what's the point really waiting until he
10265s himself is low but he's immediately
10267s slept Finn is doubt they dotted that
10269s extra support of their back color hex
10270s with the duplicate knocked August down
10272s on the back side there they are
10274s struggling here New Zealand finally
10276s collecting some kills onto High Vision
10277s out of Pluto it felt like there was a
10279s real lack
10281s on the New Zealand side not willing to
10283s get aggressive and go and force the
10285s fight to reserve two held back with
10288s those ultimates they're constantly
10290s fighting on the back foot and they're
10291s losing on the back foot as well gonna
10293s get held here unless color x Falls up a
10296s miracle but it's Calvin that's the start
10297s of a miracle manual hack he's still
10300s alive has the supports in his back Ace
10302s phone's power though so
10304s finds High Vision August try to come in
10307s help him out a little bit they find Ace
10309s as well color hex I've missed you daily
10312s in DPS but my God my guy has still got
10315s the stuff
10317s well he survived everything they got a
10319s little bit of pocketing as well got
10320s hacked in the middle of that fight
10321s flying something like three to four
10323s kills you'll be able to go for a swap
10325s now what's going to choose May they're
10326s going to go towards a broad composition
10328s lose Joe Moyer into the ram Reaper may
10330s as well and Thailand where's the
10332s response
10333s after Pally uses this Nano I'm looking
10337s forward to the potential of a Moira
10339s maybe about to come through as our title
10340s will also do soft compositions but
10342s Thailand they probably thought they had
10344s won that fight and maybe I thought we
10345s thought that yeah it was lost for New
10347s Zealand as well but color hex watches
10348s through pulled that one out of nowhere
10351s Pally pops it out of his side to Calvin
10352s who's getting aggressive but also
10353s surrounded the found parvo August still
10356s not pumping a coalescence and Finn goes
10358s down they're playing so close to the
10359s chest once again and I'm not sure I
10361s understand it but with all these members
10362s down they get the DMACC on Calvin but
10365s it's just too little too late August is
10366s dead ODP is dead color X goes down
10368s absolute tunnel vision 30 seconds left
10370s on the clock all they've got right now
10372s is that coalescence and then a sound
10374s barriers soon thereafter
10376s well they got the player they were
10377s looking for but they lose too many in
10378s the backside for it unfortunately as New
10380s Zealand will now
10381s as you mentioned down to the final
10383s moment and there was a miracle for them
10385s to even get this far in the first place
10387s so you can perhaps argue that all this
10389s distance is bonus yep a coalescence to
10391s guide them through to the Finish Line if
10393s they were not going to the finish line
10394s but as far as they can go one pulse bomb
10396s could shut up doesn't matter August is
10398s already down and out the cow pulse one
10400s does go wide but the damage is long
10402s since done Calvin brought super low
10404s again it feels like there's a tunnel
10406s vision on them they find Pally they're
10407s going to hide away from that
10408s self-destruct they don't prevent the
10409s Remake and you've still got Ace running
10411s interference on the backline color hex
10413s now down para as well and yeah that's
10415s going to be the maximum distance here
10416s for New Zealand unless again someone
10418s else pulls out a miracle August and ODP
10420s with the double ultimates Calvin's low
10422s going to get demacked here Ace is in
10424s trouble oh my goodness gracious they're
10426s doing it again pulling one back this
10429s time it's not color exits August and RDP
10431s speaking of color X about to come back
10433s in with a blizzard how long indeed
10436s still have to win subsequent fight so
10438s they're getting more distance and this
10439s is good this is minimum that they need
10441s they can turn this into a winnable
10443s situation later on on the defensive side
10445s but for now I have to win another fight
10447s hype disguise this is a risk he's gonna
10449s go for it on the farad nearly got shot
10451s out of the sky and Adam who saw the
10452s caliber but the blizzard is there as
10453s well gonna freeze him up no he's able to
10455s skirt around the edge of it and ODP gets
10457s picked off in the middle of things part
10458s has a death Blossom they need to fight a
10460s lot with it needs to maybe find high
10461s Vision that's the ideal Target now they
10464s find Pally and they're going to pull it
10465s back from the brink I never doubted you
10467s for a second go you beauties
10471s wow what a cap feels like the entire
10475s last two to three minutes probably
10477s closer to two
10478s let's just clutch off the clutch off the
10480s clutch for Team New Zealand I made three
10482s fights there that I didn't really feel
10484s winnable for them come on through even
10486s that final engagement who had the sound
10489s barrier was coming online a couple
10490s percentage points off
10492s the part doesn't land the death Blossom
10493s and taking down the bank line very
10495s different story Thailand still in a very
10497s likely position to hold there the
10499s respawn advantage
10500s time is on their side
10502s map geometry
10505s payload positioning also on the side of
10507s Thailand and they were in position to
10509s hold and they could not in New Zealand
10512s gigantic clutch day I get that cap that
10514s was a lot more
10515s than what you would expect given how
10517s rough be when they look like they should
10518s have been held on B yeah that was uh by
10521s the seat of for New Zealand and now on
10524s the defense one thing I will say is the
10526s uh the cap point a with a reasonable
10528s amount of time and that paid off for
10530s them when you look at how long B took
10532s them
10532s if they can hold out a for that bit
10534s longer play the clock run it out maybe
10536s get a full a holds hold somewhere on B
10539s they they do have what they need to turn
10541s this into a winnable map New Zealand
10544s well they can definitely get a lot done
10546s on a again I still think it's a very
10547s defensive favorite here not that
10549s Thailand did too much too
10551s back that claim up assume New Zealand
10554s can do more on the defense they're
10556s playing a heavier diversion what Tyler
10558s had remembered Thailand had high Vision
10560s on the ash for the longest time
10563s it was eventually a swap off and now on
10565s the attacking side it's going to be
10567s karika Anna so lacking the bridge this
10569s time around
10570s and it's not as consistent healing for
10573s Ace on the uh Echo here this is part of
10576s the reason why you would run the brig
10577s among other reasons
10579s and a heel on color hex has to be a
10581s little bit careful gives a bit of aerial
10583s Supremacy over to Ace and you see that
10584s in that differential on the ultimates as
10586s well
10587s it's ODP taking some heat for the team
10589s Calvin trying to pressure forward around
10591s this corner they're taking his time
10592s setting up the dive
10596s first 40-ish seconds gone now
10599s and still trying to slowly make their
10602s way of Maine that would have been some
10603s decent stickies from Ace of the
10604s connected color heads oh hey still finds
10607s it he's already looking good on the
10608s ultimate charge and I think they were
10610s just waiting for the uh for that at this
10611s point but unnecessary they've already
10613s found a kill now diving on defend August
10614s is about taking the majority of the heat
10616s finds one looking to find the next big
10618s dive back the one to Ace who has the
10620s ultimate charged up already was just
10622s about to go down now the shoes on the
10624s other foot ODP is in trouble fighting
10626s against the duplicated Winston back and
10627s way away Color head slow the dive
10629s continues they're fighting miles from
10630s the point while it's busy getting caps
10632s funny sleep there on Ace but the fight
10634s isn't where it needs to be anyway New
10636s Zealand's just forced off
10639s we'll try and get Ace down and maybe
10641s recontest the same time but three
10643s contest is certainly there Ace gets away
10644s he was actually on the page somebody
10647s said it was just playing with power down
10649s funny enough was actually as I got the
10651s kill so somehow Ace magic in his way
10652s back towards the team would have gone
10653s around the back side I think towards
10655s Coast flying around the back
10657s gets par and eventually the cap will
10659s come on through a lot of time on the
10660s board here for Thailand as well
10662s New Zealand
10664s gonna have to work hard on this defense
10666s and we've seen him look a little bit out
10668s of Swords I was saying on their
10670s attacking half they lacked a little bit
10671s of priority they weren't really leading
10673s the charge I'll have to see if they can
10675s maybe tie that up on the defense but no
10677s Finn gets Dove on to Nana boost onto ODP
10680s they still want to fight it out that it
10682s moves on to Ace as well that's at least
10683s a trade back there ODP has himself a
10685s primal range but High Vision pretty on
10687s the cart right now nobody really
10689s challenging him just bullying par in
10691s this Corridor while the rest of the team
10693s gets cleaned off on the front line
10695s thanks to Calvin who is such a hard talk
10698s right now for New Zealand
10700s an eventual death onto par there as well
10702s you have to run out of blinks eventually
10703s and there it is
10705s Halo will now start moving along and
10707s each same amount of time I mean you
10708s remember New Zealand struggled to make
10709s the payload really get to any sort of
10711s distance on B at all where they lost all
10713s their time
10715s Thailand somewhere currently they have
10717s the advantage we've obviously have a
10718s retake opportunity here but Dragon
10720s strike and katuna Rush straight line all
10723s over the cap they've got to really make
10724s the most of it ODP low has to Primal
10727s getting aggressive Ace goes for the
10729s duplicate finds himself a Winston of his
10732s own so it's going to be double primals
10733s here on us they're going to get Ace out
10735s him this might be able to he's low gets
10737s healed up now odp's Primal has run out
10740s High vision is low that's a good start
10741s and they've got Ace out of the duplicate
10743s found him out of the sky as well very
10746s important defense coming through for New
10747s Zealand finally getting a cleaner more
10750s proactive fight
10752s yeah ODP disrupted the katuna rush you
10754s can see as soon as Katrina rush comes
10755s down it would be problems with the back
10756s line Goblin's down it's going to be a
10758s stagger onto Calvin and Finn by the lake
10760s completely outplayed acid both of the
10763s jump attempts from Ace locked out whip
10765s shot away by Finn that's part of the
10767s reason why you didn't see that Primal
10768s range coming on through and he's got
10769s nothing done in the uh in the duplicate
10772s as well as then as we already mentioned
10774s the katuna rush on Bruno
10776s but disrupted by the Primal Rage from
10778s RDP sticky pulse bomb from par doesn't
10781s quite find us mark
10783s and now Ace a little bit low Thailand
10786s having to take their time here for time
10788s they certainly have it's a long defense
10790s here for New Zealand if they want to
10791s have a full B hole
10794s oh start there with a noun of the color
10796s hex again Pro activity I like it to
10798s match natto yeah as you said onto
10800s kelburn so
10801s our colleagues drilled down not even a
10803s chance to duplicate Ace all over him not
10806s getting much damage done with that Nano
10808s boost either August now in trouble not
10810s getting any counter trades pop in the
10811s rally here as far as pathwayne's Ace so
10813s they've got an opportunity to fight
10815s through here color hex will be able to
10816s rejoin this fight self-destruct from
10817s Calvin just try to force everyone off
10819s the card maybe come back in squeak the
10821s cap through but no there's buddies there
10822s already for New Zealand ready to defend
10824s now looking for the kills color heads
10826s back in the mix as are all of the
10827s members of Team Thailand anyway so it's
10830s a full 5v5 Primal Rage once again used
10833s aggressively ODP very far forward may
10835s have to be careful of this Hanzo
10838s both duplicates available
10840s couldn't get the kill High Vision was
10841s low there but ODP
10843s is just jumping on a couple different
10845s targets part taken down the side that's
10847s the five versus four
10849s this time color hex needs to be
10851s proactive it is Ace ends up duplicating
10853s a break second rally is nice but no
10855s forced out of it immediately that being
10857s said color hex getting nothing but
10858s nothing done and now going to go down as
10860s well at their end is the point B defense
10863s for New Zealand as soon as that pick
10865s came through and it was an unforced
10867s error part was fishing for a pulse bomb
10869s and just sat around too long
10872s well I mean you have to play on the
10874s sidelines and you have to go for the
10876s flags but God's call it that's all it is
10877s Tyler now coming through with double the
10879s amount of time they did lose a lot I
10881s only lost a lot of time on TV but not
10883s enough I think to really threaten them
10884s just yet it's three minutes to the 130
10886s that New Zealand had pushing C
10889s the Finish Line Remains the Same time
10891s coming through with a couple of volts
10893s saved by the Nano yeah they ended up
10895s wanting to commit that instead of his
10896s healing the slow way but they make hay
10897s while the Sun's shining they phone High
10898s Vision nice and quick smart sleep on the
10900s Calvin keeps him out of the mix for art
10902s second Ace now Nano boosted RDP low all
10905s these low members on New Zealand and
10906s you've got to start getting nervous
10907s about that kill board Finn goes down ODP
10910s is still alive but ineffectual in the
10911s fight while he's at low color he's
10912s trying to make a hero play happen Ace is
10914s totally and utterly unchallenged as
10917s Thailand continue to push two minutes
10919s here and it's a dire defense for New
10921s Zealand
10922s power is still missing at the moment
10923s he's trying to buy a little bit of time
10924s away pulling title members off but the
10926s payloads at the end this is the final
10928s defense New Zealand trying to come
10929s through by the way you have to try and
10931s make sure China has less than a minute
10932s otherwise we're going to draw every
10934s scenario and they got nothing but a
10935s rally here Finn's already down yeah
10937s Calvin the self-destruct creating some
10939s space color hex already dead as well no
10941s duplicate no ultimates to play through
10943s New Zealand struggling to get any
10944s pressure down and yeah we're going to be
10946s in a draw only scenario for New Zealand
10948s one minute 30 on the clock as Thailand
10950s looked to complete the cap
10953s and you might be the only person in the
10954s world that wanted to see it draw because
10956s you're sadistic but a draw might be on
10958s our hands now it's a possibility of it
10961s that 130 bonus time by the way that's
10963s all they need because if you look at
10964s what we had at the end of the clock
10966s there roughly about one third of them
10967s for Thailand what was the difference the
10969s 130 extra that Thailand had going into
10972s sea yep
10974s and well I mean at this point I want to
10976s see a draw because uh it's the only only
10978s way New Zealand keep their hopes alive
10980s here if that poisonous cat that's it too
10982s oh they're done they start off with that
10983s L and we talked about how difficult
10985s that's going to be to overcome with how
10987s tight this group is actually looking so
10989s this is a real Do or Die moment more
10991s than ever before and it feels like New
10992s Zealand are a little bit lost right now
10997s oh they mean they're playing tight end
10998s close as a competitive series but you'd
11000s have to send New Zealand had to play
11002s through more clutch moments where an
11004s individual
11005s or a couple players had to pull out
11006s something real special
11008s claim and clutch America
11010s Thailand it's been a lot more of tight
11013s gameplay
11015s a little bit more seasoned
11017s and I think it speaks to the fact that
11020s again it's predominantly made up of
11023s players from cracking Esports who just
11025s won container's Apec and
11027s yeah the players that are currently
11028s after winning containers at the top of
11030s the game and Beyond World Cup they'll
11031s also be playing in the AL open as well
11033s so yeah Thailand fairly stacked coming
11037s into this event
11038s New Zealand playing them close but
11039s Thailand has the edge Canton Edge out in
11042s New Zealand
11043s a little bit more in just 128 to get a
11046s single Tech
11047s it's all guaranteed
11049s certainly not
11051s and the clutch potential has been there
11053s for New Zealand this is
11055s way you need to see that clutch pack to
11057s come through for them
11060s ODP aggressive that's a nice ending aid
11063s but
11064s only a Slowdown that being said 30
11066s seconds off the clock that's a third of
11068s the time gone
11069s yep three slowdowns like that and you've
11072s got it so pop down
11074s that's brutal kelburn is anti-heal but
11076s ODP is so low they don't have any
11078s forward pressure remember one tick they
11080s can't back off too far here had to come
11082s in for a recontestant color X is dead
11084s again how often do I find myself saying
11086s that ODP just has to go for it no choice
11088s but to touch and there it is Thailand's
11091s absolutely steamed through and they just
11094s look so much cleaner on the attacking
11096s half clowning on those New Zealand dps's
11101s not be able to get any Maps here they
11104s want a single round on Legion Tower
11106s color heck said in some good individual
11107s moments that we can see here
11108s and I'll play the game and they'll be
11110s Silver Lining as the journey into top
11113s three gets that much more difficult for
11115s teams and as we said you know there's a
11117s strong possibility that maybe it ends up
11119s being a three-horse race between
11120s Thailand New Zealand and Australia and
11122s of that only two teams can actually make
11124s it through
11125s the final game of the week I think New
11128s Zealand versus Australia could actually
11129s be the decider if uh New Zealand you're
11132s given that they've lost versus Thailand
11134s now it will look more difficult I don't
11136s want to think about that yeah
11138s Thailand definitely showed that they're
11141s a really strong competitor here in this
11143s group today like that that was some very
11145s very well played by them however I would
11147s like to point out that New Zealand
11148s really showed that they could work well
11150s under pressure there were so many
11152s moments where they just absolutely
11153s clutched it up uh when it was like down
11155s to the wire it was literally the last
11157s couple of overtime seconds and we had
11158s ODP and color hex really just making
11160s some really clutch plays there
11162s unfortunately it wasn't enough for them
11163s though and Thailand did just seem to
11166s perform a bit more cohesively as a team
11167s against them today well you can't you
11169s can't rely on pure clutch factors
11171s exactly nice you'll get them you'll get
11174s a five or two in this case they've got
11175s like three fights yeah they were all
11177s seemingly fairly clutched but can you
11179s win an entire map off the back of that
11181s one and you see the difference with
11182s Thailand can actually
11184s I think struggling on B play through the
11188s extra 130 and that extra 130 is exactly
11190s the difference at the end of the day
11192s given that they finished with 128 left
11194s the other thing I will say about that
11195s clutch Factor yeah look it's good to
11197s have it and it's really impressive but
11199s you want to be using it because both
11201s teams are playing well and you have an X
11204s Factor over the other team not because
11206s you're playing worse than the other team
11207s and are having to recover in clutch
11209s moments and that's what happenings in
11211s New Zealand is just not enough gas in
11213s the tank
11214s yeah no you make some really good points
11216s and look hopefully New Zealand will walk
11218s away take some learnings from this and
11220s we'll come back stronger for their next
11221s match to still be a potential qualifier
11223s to make it through
11226s I'm impressed in Thailand I think they
11227s you know I had a I had a feeling I had
11229s an including that this could be a really
11230s good team
11231s and it comes through that um they they
11233s really prove that at least in our first
11235s game and
11236s um I think New Zealand will still be a
11237s strong competitor in the rest of this
11239s round robin like I would expect them to
11241s come through with a decent amount of
11242s wins but again the cutoff point is is
11245s pretty sharp you have to be top two out
11247s of six and you know with I think
11249s potentially four good teams minimum
11251s three really good teams and well one
11254s clear favorite in Australia that caught
11255s off is pretty severe yeah yeah
11257s definitely well look let's take a chat
11259s sorry let's have a chat with aputo who's
11262s joining us now from the Thailand team
11264s thank you so much for joining us at puto
11267s how are you feeling after that win uh
11270s feeling good but in the first map and
11272s pretty no yes like a lot of shaking
11275s yeah
11277s yeah well done you guys I've got a first
11279s win on the board that's that's really
11280s well done congratulations
11283s yeah sure um that was a pretty clean 2-0
11287s are you are you who are you looking as
11289s looking forward to as the the strong
11291s competition in this bracket because I
11293s would say your team is probably one of
11295s the favorites you have to get top two to
11297s make it through the group stage
11299s um what's the difficulty of the bracket
11300s looking like for your team
11303s um communication sometimes we we didn't
11307s like
11308s calmly in in team fight so if even can
11312s keep like keep calm in in a match
11316s I think that's good for us but it's
11318s pretty hard sometimes
11319s yeah
11321s and actually a Proto I had a question uh
11323s speaking of communication about that
11325s obviously you bring a lot of seniority
11327s to this team you're a very uh you're a
11329s real veteran player at this point uh
11332s how is the shock calling being handled
11334s are you handling a lot of the shot
11335s calling with that experience you have or
11337s what's what's the internal Dynamic like
11339s there
11341s um only cult ultimate and counter the
11343s core sometimes
11345s yeah but most of the time I let DPS and
11348s Tang line call the team fight
11351s yeah
11353s awesome well thank you so much for your
11356s time like we we will talk us one more
11358s quick question your next matchup will
11360s actually be tomorrow against Australia
11362s how are you and the team feeling about
11364s going up against them
11367s oh I think they are the tough one in in
11371s this group
11372s uh
11376s I think we're ready to fight them but
11379s um I'm not 100 that we we are better
11382s than them I feel like they are better
11384s than us right now
11385s yeah
11386s well I for one thing you're ready to
11388s fight them I think if you're gonna beat
11389s my country you need to beat my country's
11391s Rivals as well that's only fair
11397s it's going to be a fantastic match uh
11399s you guys showed us that clearly Thailand
11400s can bring it to the stage and so I think
11402s you guys versus Australia is going to be
11404s a fantastic match to watch so we really
11406s look forward to it and thank you so much
11408s for taking uh some time to chat with us
11410s after your match today
11412s thank you
11416s all right and you heard it there from
11418s aputo uh they are working on their
11421s communication good good work good wise
11424s words there you know team communication
11426s is always important let's take a look at
11429s that leaderboard from today and to see
11431s how we have ended up and as you can see
11434s we have Malaysia and Thailand both with
11436s wins on the board Singapore and New
11439s Zealand unfortunately both with losses
11441s what a strong start to uh the OverWatch
11444s World Cup for Group B wouldn't you say
11446s guys Sean and uh only getting to see
11449s Australia tomorrow be really interesting
11451s as well especially in the first game is
11452s going to be tough like they don't they
11454s don't get to come into their first day
11457s with any
11458s um sort of softballs at all should be
11461s fair New Zealand had to face Thailand so
11462s we're getting all three of what I
11464s predict to be our top teams kind of all
11465s facing off yeah in the first few days
11467s yeah and I think I think this is a start
11469s that both Thailand and Malaysia as well
11471s should actually be really be proud of I
11473s think we're focused a lot of the
11474s Thailand situation because you know
11475s going for one of those top spots but
11477s there's still plenty of room in here for
11478s a dark horse to come through we
11479s highlighted India earlier and we'll get
11480s to see them shortly as well but Malaysia
11483s really set a Preston today a very
11485s important one I think I think if they've
11486s walked away with the L here their
11488s tournament life would have been very
11489s short now they have a little bit of
11490s breathing room and I'm curious to see if
11492s they can go any further
11494s yeah definitely all right we've got our
11497s macca's play player of the day I believe
11499s so let's have a look play in the game
11501s sorry yes play the game let's take a
11503s look and it's fantasy here on that
11506s ramatra which I remember you were very
11508s impressed with their Market week oh yeah
11511s sorry it was yeah it was a three-man
11514s flux coming through and the team played
11516s to come on as well to finish it up I
11518s think um strong shout out to also
11521s collections clutch I think if there was
11522s a bit more time we there was there would
11524s have been the possibility to maybe swap
11525s that through but you know that that came
11527s through in our final map of the day and
11529s so it's uh we'll give the constellation
11531s private surprise over to colax on that
11533s one but fantasy started out the day very
11535s strong in our first game and I'll make a
11537s quick shout out of that particular
11538s passenger play as well I mean it goes to
11540s show it's a real Team game right
11541s fantastic play from the sigma but
11542s actually the uh the Tracer taking out
11544s the immortality field like that was
11547s really what sealed the deal there it
11548s left players in a situation where they
11550s were expecting a defensive tool that
11551s wasn't on the table and assuming got
11552s maximum value you'd love to see it
11556s yeah no I think that was a fantastic
11558s start to the group b APAC our side here
11561s and I look forward to seeing all the
11564s other teams play so for those wondering
11566s we will be back live tomorrow with a
11568s more OverWatch World Cup goodness from
11570s APAC Group B and make sure you check to
11573s see what time zone it is in for you for
11575s those here in Sydney Australia it will
11577s be 3 P.M tomorrow evening so we look
11580s forward to seeing you all then for some
11581s more amazing gameplay
11585s [Music]
11598s thank you
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over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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307s welcome everyone to the OverWatch World
310s Cup online qualifiers my name is Ash and
312s I'll be your host throughout this
313s weekend I'm going into the first
315s OverWatch World Cup featuring OverWatch
318s 2. we have 40 teams across the globe
320s across three conferences as well in emec
323s APAC and Americas which we're streaming
325s currently each conference has two groups
327s of six countries the regions 36 picked
330s on the player population date of
332s OverWatch 2 and 4 through a Wild Card
335s Challenge now as we get into the fifth
338s ever OverWatch World Cup though the
340s first ever for OverWatch world 2. we do
342s have to introduce the lovely casters
344s taking you guys through the action
345s that's going to be got Moxie and Dustin
348s as we intrude them in Moxie how are you
351s doing I'm doing really good honestly I'm
354s super excited I'm staying up incredibly
356s late but I mean I'm not gonna miss any
357s of the exciting action I'm sure all of
359s the players as well are super excited to
362s get to finally be back because for sa
364s this is a region that we haven't really
365s got to see on the Esports scene in for a
368s little bit of time we've got you know
369s the Emu Contender still going we've
371s still got the N A but for some of these
374s players it's their first moment to be
375s able to step into the spotlight and show
377s what they've got and that's a really
379s really important thing and something
380s heavy that weighs on your shoulders as
381s well but a huge opportunity to represent
383s your nation right there Dustin oh for
386s sure I mean you know as a former pro I
388s think that obviously I've always wanted
389s to play for World Cup however at times
391s the selection process can be you know
393s really reliant on who's involved
395s obviously Team USA this year though the
398s lineup that I potentially could have
399s played for is looking good I think that
402s Ash it's kind of come under a little bit
404s of controversy as of late obviously but
406s coming into this tournament I'm sure
407s they've practiced for it they definitely
409s have and it's going to be a tough
411s matchup for their first one and they're
412s you know the the game to watch really
414s between Team USA and Canada they're
416s boxing I mean it absolutely is the game
419s to watch of the entire conference at the
421s moment and the fact that we're getting
422s it so early on as well is really good
424s because it means that we get such a good
426s experimental uh seem to be able to see
428s where both of these two teams are the
429s favorites in their groups are going to
432s be at so many histories and storylines
434s as well overlapping we've got teammates
436s against teammates we've got a couple of
438s the staff as well going up against some
440s of their players who are currently on
441s their OverWatch league roster so it
443s really is all to play for as we head
445s into that third match of the day
448s we're playing four I'm just gonna go
449s over that formatting really quickly for
451s you guys as well so when it comes down
453s to this it is going to be a single round
455s robin in each respective group all
458s matches being best of three or first to
460s two if you will and then the opportunity
463s to advance towards that round robin
465s group stage land this coming fall right
467s where it's the top three teams from
469s groups a and only two teams from groups
472s be totaling at 15. so Dustin that makes
476s it kind of scary for the group b because
478s there's less slots to play for exactly I
481s think that's obviously maybe you look at
482s it from the outside say okay maybe this
484s is a bit of a weaker group but obviously
486s Group B has only two spots to fight for
488s like you said making this such a hard
490s journey for them
498s video to introduce them for you guys
508s [Music]
510s come on
518s [Music]
525s [Music]
531s thank you
535s [Music]
551s [Music]
555s what a sweet little video to Showcase
557s all the teams that we're seeing here
558s within the Americas conference but now
561s taking a look here over towards group a
564s moxie what can you tell us about the six
566s teams we're seeing here on screen well I
568s mean obviously your eye is going to be
569s drawn straight away to the two big ones
572s you will say on Canada sitting at the
573s top that obviously a lot of taunt coming
575s through from both the contender scene
576s and the OverWatch League scene as well
578s but for some of these other teams I
580s think they actually have the opportunity
582s to really prove themselves a dark course
584s in this competition I've had the
585s absolute pleasure of being able to sit
587s down with some of the players sitting on
588s a couple of those scrims and one team
590s that's looking incredibly strong to me
592s at the moment is Puerto Rico they have
594s some really good dive compositions
596s coming through from them where they seem
597s incredibly coordinated with the current
600s matter that we'll be discussing a little
601s bit more in depth a little bit later on
604s yeah it'll be it'll be interesting when
606s we do finally get to touch on that uh
608s and with that the patch notes that went
611s live not too long ago like initiate
613s things up a little bit but when it comes
616s down to group a I also want to get your
617s thoughts on this Dustin how are you
619s feeling especially as someone who you
621s know has been a pro player
624s yeah I think that for group a this is
626s you know their kind of you know it's
628s it's obviously important to just go and
630s defeat it uh for them first of all I
632s mean that's just going to be important
633s leading in you know later on in the
635s tournament to just make sure you make a
636s statement to the rest of the you know
638s World Cup teams that you can maybe
639s compete with the likes of Korea China
641s some of these other top tier rosters and
643s meanwhile for Group B it's just a matter
644s of escaping right they have to get out
646s of this group b together obviously like
648s you mentioned earlier Ash only top two
650s teams from this group get out of here
651s and each are incredibly hungry now
653s obviously I think Brazil is one of the
655s favorites to get out of this group in
656s general because you know ever since sa
659s has been you know changed and obviously
660s contenders has been removed from the
662s region recently they've been kind of you
664s know grinding the ladder making sure
666s their players are still you know fresh
668s ready to go mechanically and you know
670s they've told me I've talked to the
671s Brazilian team in their lineup they're
672s feeling comfortable and confident as a
674s unit but so are the rest of these uh
676s read these teams in the same region so
678s I'm sure this is going to be an exciting
680s group to watch Ash OH it definitely will
682s be with the competition being being so
685s hot and I know that we don't quite have
687s something to show you guys about this
688s but I want to touch on the map Pool a
690s little bit here when it comes down to
692s the America's region the map Pool is
695s slightly different across all three
696s conferences Moxie so for America is
699s generally is there anything that stands
701s out to you because I know that it is
703s different from what we usually see even
704s in the OverWatch League yeah those two
707s maps that immediately coming through
708s into these conferences in comparison to
710s OverWatch League are going to make a
712s humongous difference and one of those is
714s just numbanias we can have a very quick
716s look at the schedule to see what all of
719s these matches are going to be Colombia
720s versus Peru at first then Chile Brazil
722s then obviously that for its stateful
724s match of the Day Canada versus the US
726s and then afterwards Costa Rica versus
727s Mexico and Puerto Rico versus Mala to
731s end things off but going back to that
733s Maple it's really important because it
735s means that we're going to be seeing a
737s couple of different Heroes come through
738s with nambani coming back you're almost
740s forced to go immediately on to that dive
742s composition to be able to attack and
744s mirror and be able to push into what the
746s Defenders immediately get gift wrap the
748s second that the math has started which
750s is that High Ground so things like the
752s echo the ash a lot more Diva to be able
754s to use those boosters and go between
755s both the low ground and The High Ground
757s and push onto some of those supports
759s left unattended
760s speaking of the maps as well Dustin
762s we've also got to consider the map
764s changes that have come out within the
765s recent patch we're talking specifically
767s about Gibraltar especially with that map
770s having the biggest changes and what do
772s you think that actually means as far as
773s the shift in play style we might be
775s seeing yeah I'm going to be honest uh
777s not so not as much as you think maybe
779s because just because there's a few cover
781s changes and stuff maybe like a little
783s bit of you know map change overall I
785s think we're listening to the map still
786s kind of plays the same you have the high
787s grounds you have a lot of the similar
788s you know angles you work off of maybe I
791s guess that changes slightly but you know
793s Ash obviously I I think I as a former
796s player myself I'm more of like I was
797s more of like one of the uh you know
799s brain dead players like I was kind of
800s just like doing like just shooting
802s randomly going in there loading the
803s lobby the coaches and whatever choose
805s the maps I'm like whatever where does
806s loading in I don't care what map it is
807s let's just go ham and if it's Gibraltar
810s screw it that's a great animap I'm sure
812s a lot of these teams like Team USA will
814s really appreciate a map where they could
815s set up a player like ultraviolet on The
817s High Ground I mean when I talk to
819s players about the changes coming from in
820s Gibraltar a lot of them were actually
822s DPS players that I talk to and they they
824s love the changes they're super happy
826s that like finally when we're on the
827s Defenders we're not just going to
829s immediately get pubs on the second that
830s we get out of those spawn doors so
832s really good to see those changes come
833s from on this map no absolutely and
836s before we do head into the first match
838s as well I do want to talk a little bit
840s beforehand about some of the other
842s changes that have come through within
843s the recent patch we know that it is a
845s potential like meta shifting change at
848s that especially with the dive comps
850s being so important right now within this
852s season of OverWatch too so Dustin do you
855s think we're gonna actually see immediate
857s adjustments coming out from these teams
859s or are they just going to go with what
860s has been comfortable uh before the patch
862s actually shifted it it's tough to say I
865s think it's 50 50. it's probably team
866s dependent I imagine a lot of the you
868s know Sombra play could still come out we
870s could still see potentially that swap
872s over to Cass with those changes too and
874s there's so many different things so many
875s different factors that could lead into a
877s team choosing whether or not to play you
879s know a new meta but you know I if I
881s would had to pick it's probably gonna
883s rely on a lot of Comforts for a lot of
885s these teams
886s well I would I would sort of agree all
889s about looking at what other regions have
890s been running Tracer Sombra still seems
893s to be a very big staple at the moment
895s and from what I was gathering from
896s players as well yep need is incredibly
899s impactful but lacking that 25 Valve just
901s makes the cast too easy to be able to
903s run down so I think Tracy Sombra is
904s still here to stay okay well we'll see
907s what happens we'll see what happens
908s maybe some teams will put some
909s Innovation to surprise us but before we
912s get too far into it we are going to
914s throw to a quick break so you guys stay
916s tuned because coming up first we will
919s have a Columbia versus off the top of my
923s head that my brain is melting a little
925s bit in this heat wave right now against
928s Peru so you guys stay tuned and we will
931s be right back
937s thank you
940s [Music]
960s [Music]
962s foreign
968s [Music]
986s [Music]
1005s foreign
1018s [Music]
1029s [Music]
1038s foreign
1046s [Music]
1049s [Applause]
1056s welcome back everybody we're about to
1058s get into our first matchup here between
1061s Columbia and Peru and I've got Moxie and
1064s Dustin with me moxie what can you say
1067s looking forward to this first matchup
1069s I'm looking forward to seeing the return
1071s of one of our really old OverWatch
1073s league players we got to see it
1075s yesterday from France when Poco came
1077s back in but now we're getting to see eqo
1079s return to professional competitive
1081s OverWatch and as someone who grew up and
1084s got into OverWatch by watching him play
1086s for Philly Fusion all the way back 2018
1089s inaugural state of OverWatch League into
1092s that first year of 2019 he was
1094s absolutely cracked however he has had a
1098s little bit of a break from 2021 onwards
1100s will be interesting to see whether or
1101s not he's able to shake that was off
1104s that's a really big point but at the
1106s same time Dustin I think that is a good
1108s point to be made that eqo does have that
1110s opportunity to kind of bring that
1111s veteran ship here to the team and kind
1113s of elevate them in that kind of sense oh
1116s for sure yeah I think you'll add a lot
1117s to this roster just in terms of his
1119s overall communication like you mentioned
1121s and then also I mean he's just think he
1123s was at points you know very stand-up
1125s mechanical player I think it's it's hard
1127s to dismiss his ability as a player
1128s simply because you know he has one of
1130s the coolest highlights of all time on
1132s Genji you know so I think that this team
1134s overall really reliant on him obviously
1137s is going to need a little bit of backup
1138s from the rest of the supporting past
1141s for sure but let's take a little
1142s introduction over to the Peru side first
1145s moxie what can you tell us about this
1147s starting roster so they have a little
1150s bit of experience coming for from that
1151s contenders as a scene by Persona and
1154s plug used to play in 2020 under the team
1157s named patatas which I am told is
1159s absolutely adorably translated to
1161s ducklings and they had a duck as their
1163s logo which is just ah it's so nice to
1166s see come through but they're back
1167s they're coming here with this team I'm
1169s really excited to get to see what
1171s they've been cooking up because like
1172s Dustin said you can always known for
1174s having something like that Genji in the
1175s back pocket having these Niche picks
1177s that you're able to fall back onto for a
1180s little bit of a curve for life too is
1181s going to be incredibly important in
1183s terms of counter-striving
1184s it's going to be about all about think
1186s and quick on your feet then right here
1188s for Peru just trying to take advantage
1190s of any opportunity to counter Strat like
1193s you were saying Moxie but I'm also
1195s looking forward to making an
1196s introduction over towards the Colombian
1198s team as well with eqo homing this team
1202s and then you got Eternal super Gomez Mix
1205s B and hug rounding things out here
1207s Dustin
1209s for sure and I think that Columbia
1210s overall actually has a pretty solid
1212s lineup you know as a unit realistically
1215s they really need to play around EQ
1216s electric but also super Gomez has a
1218s large Hero book and play those flexible
1220s you know winstons play the Reinhardt
1222s really can make that swap whatever
1223s needed for this team and you know it's
1226s up to them if they want to go for more
1228s of those you know at the moment meta
1230s sort of dive compositions require a
1232s bunch of coordination or if you want to
1234s play something a bit more Brawley seems
1236s like they have the lineup to do so
1237s obviously with eternal potentially
1238s flexing over to the May or eqo actually
1240s has a fantastic man in his own right
1242s rather so this team can really run it
1244s whatever they want it seems like I would
1246s say they're probably going to be
1247s starting with something like either a
1248s Reinhardt or
1251s coming through given that like Dawson
1252s pointed out Eternal normally a sub for
1254s this team flexes between both the
1256s roadhog and the main starting off in
1257s that DPS lineup as much as you want to
1259s argue that Rota could perhaps fill the
1261s spot of DPS with the damage that he does
1263s on that tank roll he's he's still a tank
1265s mate is definitely going to be what this
1267s team is running out with to start things
1268s off as we can have a look at our first
1270s map which is going to be Nepal which is
1272s incredibly good for that made to come
1274s through if you get Village handed to you
1276s first off as well it's just going to be
1278s an overall Brawl for control at that
1279s point as quickly as possible start the
1281s fight on The High Ground and then move
1283s to the point and use things like the
1284s mobile and also potentially even
1286s symmetra turrets to be able to keep the
1287s team at Bay when they next come calling
1290s oh okay so first map already picked out
1293s there for control but then that means we
1295s have escort coming up next when it comes
1298s down to the escort maps that are the
1301s options here being circuit Royale
1303s Gibraltar in Route 66 here for America's
1305s Dustin what do you think these teams
1308s might lean into
1310s uh I mean maybe they want to switch
1312s towards Gibraltar which hand that change
1313s like you mentioned but realistically
1314s just it's up to them and I think you
1317s know obviously a lot of these teams pick
1318s based on win rates and scrims right I
1320s think a lot of analysis work has been
1322s kind of the the leading uh tool to just
1325s like picking what map is best for your
1328s team realistically you just kind of go
1329s into practice go into scrims kind of
1331s just see what you win on most and then
1333s go from there obviously knowing the map
1335s pull they have to go through I'm sure
1337s you know maybe I imagine a lot of these
1340s teams are going to lean towards those
1341s Maps whatever they seem to be winning on
1343s most whether it be a circle well root or
1345s watch Point really up for debate
1348s well we are actually gonna have to wait
1350s a little bit longer to see what those
1352s maps are going to end up being as we're
1354s only going to know Nepal to start things
1356s off so I'm going to send it over to a
1358s quick little video fly through and send
1361s you guys over into the game
1376s well thank you Ash for that one sorry
1379s for that guys that's my fault honestly
1380s just a little bit of brain lag for me
1381s Moxie obviously coming into Nepal one of
1384s the you know Premier maps that we have
1385s in OverWatch and obviously Moxie I think
1387s that the meta we talked about earlier
1389s has changed but maybe we could talk
1390s about a bit more maybe you could talk
1391s about it a bit more what we obviously
1394s expect to see what potentially could
1396s happen any changes I think you already
1398s kind of touched on it with the fact that
1400s teams are playing more towards previous
1401s meta yeah so we are playing on live
1404s patch this is indeed the cast movement
1407s burden nade patch so we are going to see
1409s the Jungle Queen Nerf as well in terms
1411s of how much health she's able to
1412s regenerate with that shout them may uh
1415s buff has come through as well making it
1417s a little bit harder to be able to play
1419s that romantra I know a lot of teams
1421s towards the emea side of things are
1424s actually wanting to prefer the Reinhardt
1426s purely because you can use that Shield a
1427s lot more frequently to be able to try
1430s and cut out that nice slow building up
1432s so that you have a little bit more
1433s movement as opposed to the ram who he
1435s drops the shield once the main moves
1437s past the slow begins and he's just
1439s absolutely slow to a snail's face and is
1442s very quickly run over by the rest of
1444s that maze team but that's on places like
1446s lijiang with control center where you're
1448s going to be up close and personal and
1450s brawling for very small spaces here
1453s where the map is a little bit wider and
1454s those flank rights are a little bit more
1456s prominent we're still most likely going
1458s to be seeing a little bit of that pipe
1460s face come through but a lot of traces
1462s some were trying to wide into that back
1463s line pick up a very early kill and
1465s immediately find the numbers advantage
1467s to just brute force a fight and on on
1470s that note box I mean obviously like I
1471s said a lot of tracers song but
1473s potentially could come through I think
1475s that it's kind of underestimated how
1476s hard it is to play those compositions
1478s right I think that a lot of you know
1480s communication is required a lot of those
1482s fantastic Winston players that uh
1485s realistically you know like a lot of the
1487s Korean teams can play extremely well
1488s it's hard for maybe a lot of these other
1490s regions to kind of step up to that level
1492s that's why I mean Moxie from the outside
1494s we can see you know like each region
1496s kind of is known for their own specific
1497s thing I feel like we've seen a lot of
1499s you know Ryan Rush brawl via the
1502s European region then in the Korean
1503s region we see a lot of the dive then in
1505s the North American region we see a lot
1507s of maybe pokey stuff I mean like why do
1509s you think that's the case Moxie why do
1511s you think we've seen each region kind of
1513s develop their own individual play style
1515s you know obviously meta will dictate
1517s these things at times but it's kind of
1519s interesting how everything is uh evolved
1521s right I think that's what it was a bad
1523s experience right you look at those
1524s Korean and APAC regions and they always
1527s really do like to push Winston even in
1529s OverWatch one when we still had two
1531s tanks they would be running double
1533s bubble which was zarya and Winston and
1535s having those years of experience just
1537s allows you to have such good knowledge
1539s of that hero and over here where we have
1541s a couple less Winston memes most likely
1544s going to be seeing the dealer if it is
1545s that dive
1547s yeah we'll see let's see what what teams
1549s what the teams attempt to run um you
1552s know obviously like we said potential
1553s hero pool limits are a thing as well
1554s right I mean it's like your hero pool
1556s for the World Cup individual player-wise
1559s obviously is that time's going to be
1561s limited right that's why you see a lot
1562s of these you know maybe maybe not less
1564s regions but less known regions players
1566s that are still working their way up
1568s maybe have a little bit more limited
1570s hero pools uh but coming to this one
1572s obviously we're already going to see a
1574s lineup between these two teams we're
1575s going to see a lot of our matcha or
1577s matcha versus the diva today Moxie yeah
1579s this is gonna be really interesting
1580s because everyone from Colombia is
1582s basically just going to be incredibly
1583s mobile and can sidestaff or just boost
1585s over that may wall so Diego's gonna have
1587s a hard time actually being able to pin
1589s some of these players down
1591s already standing off in the beginning
1593s super Gomez playing on the outside eqo
1595s finds the Lucio of Rodrigo on the back
1598s side also the immortality build was used
1600s so a lot of cooldowns already out of
1602s Peru's side while Colombia maintains a
1604s relatively healthy position sitting on
1606s the middle of this point still up a
1608s member as well in this fight for Rodrigo
1610s will come back into the fight Point
1611s still not flip Columbia not able to take
1613s advantage of that early attack now we'll
1615s look for that back line but reloc are
1617s translocating out is EQ on the back side
1621s Eternal still playing poking around the
1622s back as well but backer is the one to
1624s find the opening on to eqo as well take
1626s that somber out early super Gomez loses
1628s the mech as well in first fight even
1630s though they lost the member early we
1632s will win the fight and take the
1634s objective first really good mayweals
1636s coming from Diego they just made sure
1638s that Colombia did not manage to really
1640s support that tank in super Gomez now is
1642s actually going to be off of that Diva
1644s understands that if he boosts into
1646s Peru's team no one else is going to be
1649s able to accompany him he is going to be
1651s left alone and when you're running
1652s kiriko and Lucio that Dave and like such
1654s a huge hitbox doesn't have enough
1655s sustainability and it's going to be a
1657s mirror to come through however Yukio is
1659s so close to EMP is sticking on the
1661s sunblock we'll see if you can have the
1663s follow-up in this fight it's Eternal to
1665s find the opening shot of the Persona
1667s with the May Ice with nice shot from
1669s Eternal on the re-engage as well to run
1671s into poke with that immortality field
1673s and the amplification Matrix eventually
1675s have to rotate around EMP ready to go
1677s pops the EMP right into Lucio and
1679s eventually we'll find Rodrigo as well as
1681s hope basketball's already traded super
1683s Gomez without the tank in the fight I
1684s don't think Colombia can actually win
1686s this unless they've managed to get picks
1688s on the back side and one out of this
1689s Nemesis form but Eternal trades back
1691s Diego Diego did find mix Viva
1693s Baskerville still on this point is
1695s pumping out that damage as well has the
1697s new up hog unfortunately can eventually
1699s not they do have the beat on the point
1701s even though they lost Baskerville and
1703s Peru holds on to the point absolutely
1705s gorgeous field both supports get hit by
1707s the EMP and almost immedley taken down
1709s but Baskerville goes into Annihilation
1711s knowing that Colombia are going to have
1713s have to try to gather on to that point
1715s to actually find the flip and they're
1716s taking so much chunk damage from the ram
1718s that they just do not have the means of
1720s being able to ice him in that prolonged
1722s Nemesis form now we're going to see off
1723s of the Thunder onto the reaper just
1724s trying to draw and close the distance as
1726s fast as possible overport comes through
1728s from Persona going to be peeled away by
1730s that blizzard to come through from
1731s Colombia this should be and I'm finally
1732s finding the flip but Peru is still
1734s touching and not giving it up if
1736s Colombia have almost moving a lot of
1738s these fights but really have had trouble
1740s kind of closing out on the objective
1743s they found those two picks now Pope
1745s still here on the back side but has to
1746s deal with super Gomez who is pummeling
1748s in ETO finally gets you Rodriguez well
1750s in the delay comes through from Peru
1753s can't get up Sandy from 99 sadly but 95
1755s is pretty solid percentage as the point
1757s flips for Colombia which is that's much
1759s between these two at the moment
1762s goes for a calm Swap and then the other
1764s side calm swaps alongside it Persona
1766s sees that Reaper and raises a cold
1768s Cassidy that need is going to come into
1769s effect massively by canceling out both
1772s the Moira Fade to Lucio jump as well as
1774s egos teleport and rape if he gets hit by
1776s your need he's done for yeah it's one of
1779s all sort of rather super Gomez
1781s on the point goes incredibly low gets
1784s poked out early both teams kind of
1786s running at each other's face now super
1788s Gomez pops their ultimate while running
1790s into the entirety of Peru tries to get
1792s the damage in there and eventually mix V
1794s does find Persona they get it poked down
1796s on the back side Eco is low needs a bit
1797s of healing so they can't really go too
1799s hard on the inside especially versus
1801s Brew who has that may while ready to get
1803s it's ready to go on Diego's side they're
1805s still patiently waiting on that top
1807s angle as Peru regroups down below does
1810s have like SUNY rush so they can easily
1811s engage but will have to deal with hugs
1813s coat lessons at the end during this my
1816s eco is still sitting above with that
1817s death Blossom they're able to find
1819s Baskerville before he's able to pop any
1821s ultimates with the cool from Colombia so
1823s now this is Brew's opportunity to reset
1825s back up and try to regroup yeah but
1827s that's coalescence gone Peru because
1829s they're going to have this kissing
1830s enough to couple with that Annihilation
1832s they're sitting at 95 all they need is
1834s one king kill Calandra on the other hand
1836s to have to poke and pressure these kills
1838s away throwing ultimates in to buy
1840s themselves point percentage to have any
1842s chance at equalizing What Peru have
1844s already gained
1846s Peru walking through Maine last fight
1848s territory now eqo still waiting with
1850s that death Blossom ready to go but Peru
1851s have the ultimate Advantage they pop the
1853s continued Rush early maywall off the
1856s back of the team yep eqo is still
1857s waiting around the main side with the
1858s death Blossom patiently waiting for us
1860s off between there's the annihilation
1862s push on that front side from through b
1864s drops out as well from both sides still
1866s waiting to use that ultimate Diego's May
1868s ultimate the blizzard zones out that
1870s back line now eqo goes where the death
1872s Blossom has the follow-up from Eternal
1874s but eventually lose his life to Persona
1875s who is traded out by super Gomez so
1877s Colombia up one even this fight as well
1880s as internal desperately trying to build
1881s up towards that blizzard looking at the
1883s tank player of basketball now drops the
1885s blizzard into the back line able to find
1887s Rodrigo with super Gomez combined for
1889s two and Colombia make that 99 comeback
1892s to take round number one it's all about
1894s all tracking The Columns the target
1896s focus and that last fight are absolutely
1899s on point Persona is the player with an
1902s ultimate that can immediately turn it
1904s around for Peru you use that Montana you
1907s get that zone you get that flip onto the
1908s point and suddenly it becomes a matter
1911s of attrition who's going to be able to
1913s have those resources and ultimates to
1915s sit and keep the point threatened away
1917s from the other team to sustain until
1919s their reinforcements come through the
1921s cast gets taken down Deadeye doesn't get
1923s to be used and honestly that momentum
1926s scales from this moment right here EMP
1928s coming in hitting both of those supports
1930s nullifying a lot of that support utility
1932s and finally allowing that swap as well
1935s off the Sombra onto the reaper to really
1937s get up close use The High Ground the
1939s fact that every time Peru had to
1941s approach they were forced through an
1943s absolute stand still because EQ owes it
1945s above them I mean you know in on top of
1948s EQ I know we talked about them quite a
1949s bit but you know Eternal able to find
1951s those opening picks multiple times also
1953s hugs as well playing Amazing so far on
1956s that flat support opting to run a
1958s similar composition except eqo on the
1960s sojourn and hug back onto that Moira
1962s meanwhile Peru playing that pinata
1964s already get ran on early by eqo in the
1966s speed boost in Columbia who have rotated
1968s all the way around the point down pope
1970s now Peru has to find that equalizing
1972s pick they drop the immortality field the
1974s keep Baskerville healthy but you can't
1976s stop eqo finding the Tracer head of
1978s Diego on the back side able to find
1980s three in that fight alone now four for
1983s eqo could potentially make it a five
1985s piece but no Persona will find two on
1987s the death but Colombia the first ones to
1989s capture the point that's devastating for
1991s Peru with that composition she really
1993s want to be able to take control at that
1994s point because you know that your erisa
1996s is going to get separated with a male
1997s wool so you can at least even if you
1999s lose the fight find the value of
2000s percentage game but they get absolutely
2002s nothing now we're going to see
2004s basketball off the Orissa onto the
2006s rimatra post for post because I'm pretty
2008s close to that Dragon strike so Colombia
2010s do you have to be careful that they
2011s don't get bottlenecks in land
2013s aware of the one are getting Incredibly
2014s Close like you mentioned no shots those
2017s one shots are gonna be deadly on both
2018s sides eqo obviously has that charge shot
2021s ready to go still looking for Patron on
2023s the back line also trying to find his
2025s opening pick but eql does match it on
2027s the left side gets him low on the back
2029s has the dragon strike ready to go but
2030s the coalescence from Hogs keeps his team
2032s healthy as they try to go forward on
2033s Peru who can't sustain all this damage
2036s in fact now they lose Baskerville on top
2038s of super Gomez popping his own ultimate
2040s two of those on to nothing that Peru had
2042s it was really tough for Peru they're
2044s gonna have to reset now is the board
2046s it's reaches 50 percent yeah and Persona
2048s had to hold on to that Dragon too Peru's
2050s Halifax was so low he didn't want to
2052s throw the dragon strike into a team
2054s fight knowing that they hadn't been able
2055s to find the numbers Advantage they'll at
2057s least have it for this one but you don't
2058s really have it to Zone anything out
2060s other than this over the clock that's
2061s going to come through the second upper
2062s step out of the choke disruptor shot to
2064s make it even harder for them to approach
2066s buys Colombia even more point percentage
2068s on the board unfortunately EQ has been
2070s so evasive on that backside does drop
2072s that overclock into Peru's backside they
2074s now ant Matrix the count drip but still
2076s have to avoid a lot of those shots from
2078s eqo Diego with the ant Matrix connects
2081s on to hug on the back one able to find
2083s that Moira early they then rotate
2085s towards that point well up a man they
2088s also have full lap control here Eternal
2091s gets picked off by Persona and now Peru
2093s is the one pressing the ganski running
2095s onto eqo as well as Persona that's the
2097s next re-engage from Peru but they might
2099s be down and too far in terms of point
2100s percentage they've got ultimates however
2102s and they also now have control of these
2104s trucks and sanctum is really horrible
2106s once you lose control at that point
2107s because you're always stepping out into
2109s the open where Defenders have those
2111s first
2113s doesn't have the opportunity to build up
2115s that old fire on the road and look for
2116s one job
2117s you know waiting for the wall but
2118s they're well aware of it so there's an
2120s eqo far left now Eternal engages with
2122s that pleasure Diego also committed his
2124s own but he's caught in the blizzard but
2125s a nice immortality from folk keeps him
2127s healthy as Persona Dragon strike
2129s connects onto bulky kill and hug early
2131s two picks as well for them nice counter
2134s engaged to improve as Columbia attempted
2135s to engage with a blizzard yeah it is
2137s this Poco ever coming from Colombia
2139s other than throwing in that blizzard
2141s trying to bait ultimate out from Peru
2143s and as a result her actually lost more
2145s ultimates than Colombia now we're going
2147s to be seeing a swap come through Yukio
2149s off of that slogan understanding that
2151s just Powers lighting and threatening
2152s that pointless is not going to be enough
2154s to buy the team's safety through this
2156s show instead it's back towards that
2158s Reaper using that right on to be able to
2159s get up close and personal threaten some
2161s of this utility Peru can't get picked
2164s off here they're do they do hold their
2165s scope though allowing Persona to get
2167s that opening shot onto super Gomez even
2169s through the beat drop from mixy or it
2171s was a bit too late there and now mixby
2173s does get that Boop on to Rodrigo though
2175s who had the beat drop so maybe Colombia
2177s could come back into this even though
2179s they are down a man they still or they
2181s do lose their tank player they found
2183s that Lucio trade-off Rodrigo now has to
2186s come back into this fight as Bixby
2187s regroups the rest of that lineup now
2189s Columbia will walk into the main half to
2191s deal with this handmade some poke it
2192s does get walled off giving them that
2193s space But the beat drop re-engage Diego
2195s finds Eternal as well as the backside
2198s shot from Persona on to eqo cannot keep
2200s them sustained however the
2202s annihilation's still going from Super
2203s Gomez Mitzi has looped off Diego he
2205s killed Persona and he still has the
2207s annihilation going but Rodrigo trades
2209s him out finally it's over time it's now
2210s ticking down Eternal has to swap over
2212s the Tracer Bixby comes through to that
2214s point to try to delay the point in that
2216s overtime to give his team that chance
2218s they need to come back and rickets
2220s Baskerville does get poked down has to
2223s back up from this point though
2225s Colombia's actually regrouped and are
2227s back on the point almost capturing up
2228s Persona has baited the rest of Colombia
2231s into a dragon strike to find mix via
2232s blizzard to Zone as well and nobody else
2235s can touch because of the blizzard Peru
2237s will equalize it one to one oh it's not
2240s just the blizzard it's the Target and
2241s strike the dragon strike gets sent on to
2243s point everyone from Colombia has to
2245s actually swerve into that side room to
2248s try and avoid it they don't want to use
2249s things like the right foam because they
2251s have to save it to get ego into position
2253s to be able to use that death Blossom
2255s then the blizzard comes through to make
2256s sure that no one can touch they all get
2258s Frozen up if they walk into line of
2260s sight and they're able to take us one to
2263s one we go to Village Peru and Colombia
2266s what a matchup it's been from these
2268s teams so far I wonder now if we see eqo
2271s come in off of the rip on this Reaper or
2274s whether or not he's gonna try and switch
2275s back to that Sombra yeah maybe a little
2278s bit of swaps nice zoom in there but
2279s Persona actually you know he is a large
2281s no Catalyst to why this team was able to
2284s kind of slowly work things together for
2286s Peru to equalize the series right on
2287s Hanzo especially against no uh sojourn
2290s after Iko made the swap really has to do
2293s a lot of work and he managed to do it on
2295s that third map now that's the upcoming
2297s group and now we're immediately headed
2298s back into Village and there it is Iko
2301s off of the rip on that reefer both of
2303s these teams mean to stay on this
2304s conversation
2305s they actually get shot out at the choke
2308s and have to use the mortality field here
2310s early in his finest Columbia look to
2312s continue that pressure on the inside to
2314s make sure that Persona is not given
2316s space to work with but now they get it
2317s they're able to walk out Eco has to
2319s teleport back to the point Columbia is
2320s kind of half split on fighting on The
2322s High Ground and rotating to the point
2323s Iko is already back in the point needs
2325s that assistance from his team as true
2326s tries to rotate over there they actually
2328s lead Persona back behind but he's able
2330s to join the rest of his team over the
2332s ant Matrix was built by poke in that
2334s fight what an incredibly fast ant Matrix
2336s built by him to find that shot on Diego
2338s on the mixed feed and eventually Peru
2340s will win the first fight after a very
2342s split kind of disengage from Colombia
2344s and there is no punishment
2347s um early because Colombia aren't running
2349s anything that can really push onto the
2352s team with an amplification Matrix of
2354s their own they're not running the map so
2355s Pope doesn't have to save it so be able
2357s to window for window and keep the space
2359s that Colombia tried to take from Peru
2362s and Persona off of the back of that
2364s damage not only survives but has a
2366s dragon strike pulled up the next fight
2367s who own the rest of Colombia ready to
2370s walk through Maine 30 of the board have
2371s built that Dragon strike like you said
2373s but the Fate already comes through
2374s knowing that cooldowns out will drop the
2375s dragon strike from above will anybody
2377s get picked off no but it does force the
2379s cooldown from Eternal on the point ready
2380s to go with that coalescence now though
2382s is hog on the ringgate dropping the
2384s blizzard as well from Eternal Persona
2386s drops off the back to find the shots
2388s into blizzard as well as the
2389s annihilation trading player for player
2391s it's just masterville and super Gomez
2393s going ham going hand-in-hand moment but
2395s super Gomez able to find first one and
2397s now dealing with his counterpart on the
2399s opposite side is basketball looking for
2400s Hogs but hug manages to disengage as
2402s super Gomez perfectly plays this rotates
2405s around the point will now capture it
2407s basketball has to come into delay but
2409s eventually we'll get picked off at the
2410s end oh and he gets tired now as well so
2413s that's even more time going to be bold
2415s for Colombia to be able to sit on this
2417s High Ground EQ is going to have a death
2419s Blossom when we head into this the good
2421s news however is that Peru on up against
2423s something like a tracer or Sombra so
2424s they're not going to be bullied into
2426s dropping immortality Filled from cloak
2427s too early they should be able to negate
2429s a massive majority of this challenge
2431s well Persona nice shot on the hog as
2434s they walk out of the joke giving them
2437s that main Advantage Detail now has to
2438s equalize it but super Gomez has found
2440s two with the pumble and that beat drop
2442s mix V dropping it for that team able to
2445s give them this fight win another team
2448s kill for Colombia no death wasn't needed
2450s if they're going to come from this
2451s rotation on The High Ground you've seen
2452s how small this room is
2455s everybody is stuck there everyone is
2457s taking those hits and what are these
2459s foresight so early they know that Peru
2460s don't have meat to be able to match the
2462s sustainability that Colombia can use and
2464s they just get aggressive
2466s Bruno has to walk out find those opening
2468s picks against persona it's gonna be hard
2469s they do have the ant Matrix though to
2471s give them that damage he killed waiting
2472s around the back are they aware of the
2474s heel hiding around the corner it looks
2476s like not an eqo comes into the back
2478s takes down the immortality field and
2480s also Rodrigo two basketball Builders
2482s traded back ichio eventually fell during
2484s the death Blossom also the dragon strike
2486s here to find mixed speed gives Persona
2488s that space to then walk forward with the
2490s rest of his team but Eternal finds Pope
2492s in that side as well they trade actually
2494s one for one as the point now goes up to
2496s 75 Columbia still are in charge with the
2499s coal lessons now 80 percent of the board
2501s last five territory for Peru that is
2504s however coalescence having to be burned
2506s late in that fight in Peru they're going
2509s to be swapping onto these fast Speedy
2511s Heroes who can self-sustain and solve
2513s for this point as long as possible
2515s because they know coal wasn't isn't
2517s going to be that to save the team
2518s through Annihilation all blizzards just
2520s go straight to points drop Annihilation
2522s find the flap that Colombia is waiting
2524s to meet them
2525s yeah what a perfect Blizzard from
2527s Eternal to Zone and nobody else can
2529s touch either Colombia will stop Peru on
2534s Nepal and take map number one it looks
2537s some of it like it's going to be a
2538s pretty long matchup between these two
2540s teams right they had very much a good
2542s understanding of what each other's Wing
2544s conditions were but at the end of the
2546s day when you're in control of the Paul
2548s Village and you haven't makes it up on
2550s the point you have that wall you have
2551s that blizzard no one is going to be able
2554s to get through those jokes and actually
2556s touch on to that point they played it
2558s absolutely perfectly for the comp
2560s you know a fantastic work from them
2562s overall and uh now obviously map number
2565s two is going to be quite interesting to
2566s see what it is I think a lot of uh maybe
2568s the narrative should be monsters a lot
2570s of these teams you know have fantastic
2571s mechanical players but maybe a lot of
2573s that practice time needs to come through
2575s obviously you know as these teams get
2577s more and more comfortable to get better
2578s at making engagements but you saw at
2581s Moxie a lot of these fights were kind of
2582s split at points a lot of the it was kind
2584s of messy OverWatch at times for both
2586s teams maybe towards the end with
2588s eternals blizzard it really kind of
2589s capitalized for this team but overall it
2592s seems a bit messy at times for both
2594s rosters yeah there's a lot of ultimate
2597s trading that's coming through from both
2599s of these sides where they try and punish
2601s the early aggression like there's one
2603s opportunity actually where Peru throws
2604s in a dragon strike incredibly late
2606s anticipating that Colombia is going to
2608s be doing that same sort of play well we
2609s saw them aggressively push into that
2610s side room and try and use that ramatra
2612s so Dragon strike tries to come out and
2614s catch them to punish if they are going
2616s as aggressive as they had previously
2618s because obviously they don't have that
2620s sound barrier to be able to do it
2621s however we're going to get to see what
2623s Ash has to think because if it looks a
2625s little bit Scrappy to us it probably
2627s looked a little bit Scrappy to her as
2629s well oh it definitely looks crappy but I
2632s mean on that second point there with on
2635s Nepal here Brew equalizing with that
2639s last minute cap so so tight to even just
2641s take it all the way to Village right but
2644s what a first matchup and it's still a
2647s best of three so a huge opportunity for
2649s Peru to still make that comeback at the
2651s end of the day but overall I mean that
2654s was just great stuff coming out from
2656s both sides I'm really interested to see
2657s how they do continue to adapt on further
2660s their moxie I was definitely Scrappy
2663s though like there's one thing that we
2664s can say about control that holds true to
2667s every single OverWatch match that we see
2669s on control and that's if you lose that
2671s first fight chances of you actually
2673s taking the point overall very very slim
2676s to none so the fact that we saw both
2678s teams actually on those first two
2679s opening points being able to turn around
2681s of Lost first fight deficit goes to show
2684s that ultimate economy was not always in
2686s control whether or not it was because
2688s some of those players wanted to try and
2690s push the numbers advantage and regroup a
2691s little bit faster when the other team
2693s was still missing some of those players
2695s or whether or not it was the agenda I'm
2697s going a little bit too over aggressive
2699s that's going to be up in the air but
2701s moving forward I think if one team sees
2703s that okay this other side is a little
2706s bit quick to press that cue they're
2708s going to find a significant advantage
2710s well we'll see who's able to find the
2712s better Advantage going into the second
2714s matchup that we are seeing between these
2716s two teams as we talk over some of these
2719s replays that we're seeing here Dustin I
2722s need to know also your overall thoughts
2724s of this first game
2726s uh yeah I think obviously it's it's a
2728s close one between these two teams I
2730s think Peru you know at times look really
2731s really strong and for you know
2733s Colombia's side to eventually close it
2735s out definitely is uh I think we're in
2737s for a good series I think it's just
2738s overall my opinion is it's just that
2740s seems like Persona and eqo kind of going
2742s hand in hand Eternal at times also
2743s finding some made picks this is kind of
2745s what I wanted to see out of the World
2746s Cup ash a lot of these individual
2748s players kind of now coming out really
2751s out of a long break for a lot of them
2752s not able to be in World Cup or even at
2754s times contenders can now come out and
2756s show what they really got I think it's
2758s an exciting time for World of one
2760s yeah I think that's a really cool thing
2762s all about this as well because it's the
2764s first World Cup that we're seeing here
2765s for OverWatch too specifically it was a
2768s long Hiatus since the last one and just
2771s new opportunities for again we talked
2773s about it a lot during the pre-show
2774s before these teams to have some new
2776s players that we might not know as well
2778s just coming into that Limelight and
2780s showing what they have to bring to the
2783s table but looking over these replays we
2785s saw some really great individual plays
2787s both teams though again they had really
2790s great reads as far as timings with those
2792s uh ultimate specifically just to be able
2795s to stagger those know when you know
2797s there were great reads coming out for
2798s when one team might not have to sustain
2800s if you use that the earlier on and
2802s whatnot and just looking to counter that
2804s overall with some other plays coming
2806s through but looking forward into the
2810s remainder of this matchup as well I know
2811s we have to wait a little bit longer
2813s because we are going to see who maybe
2816s that little MVP was in that first game
2818s initially but I think do you have your
2821s bets on anybody
2822s so I'm even though they lost the map
2825s I've got to give it to Persona honestly
2827s there was some really clutch moments the
2829s fact that we actually got to see that uh
2830s that 1v1 that Arrow connecting on to
2833s Eternal so many times really goes to
2835s show how important it was to be able to
2837s actually allow them to take sanctum
2839s because a journal is super close to
2841s blizzard right and they're behind in
2843s terms of poly percentages while they're
2844s trying to use that Dragon strike
2845s practice Zone and stall out so that
2847s Colombia can't literally just walk onto
2849s Point drop the blizzard and find that
2851s clip immediately turning through onto
2853s the back foot so the fact that you don't
2854s actually have to wait that cap out
2856s because of the blizzard just not being
2858s there huge for the team
2860s okay we'll see we'll see Dustin do you
2863s agree with that or do you think that our
2865s MVP is going to be somebody maybe
2866s different uh I I think I would like
2868s definitely agree Persona was a standout
2870s player I think it's it's a little too
2871s early to call to be honest it feels like
2873s uh between four different players
2874s Persona
2876s Eternal eqo and then also uh hog at
2879s times I think that realistically it
2880s could go up to anybody still as uh the
2883s match progresses
2884s all good well apparently we are going to
2886s wait a little bit longer to see those
2889s time but we're just going to
2892s consider the time being though I'm
2893s really curious to see what a second map
2896s will end up pending out to be going into
2899s the second round and little drum roll
2901s it's actually going to be King's Row
2903s here Moxie I mean no surprises when you
2906s lose a map and OverWatch you get the
2908s opportunity to take us to the one
2911s afterwards and I guarantee you nine
2913s times out of ten when you ask any
2914s OverWatch player where they would like
2916s to go it's going to be King's Row this
2918s is stomping grounds for a reason so many
2920s compositions are incredibly viable we've
2923s seen Winston come through we've seen
2925s Diva come through Reinhardt had a lot of
2928s viability as well when he wasn't
2930s actually that viable in any other than
2932s that besides kingsro but Peru taking us
2935s here they can go dive or they can try
2937s and go back towards that Ram which is
2939s really where they look the strongest and
2941s on that note box yeah I feel like
2943s obviously you called the last nap but
2945s Persona on the Hanzo it's always going
2946s to be an incredibly strong hero for map
2949s like King's Row where Hanzo can find
2951s those opening picks even a lot easier
2952s than you can on Nepal the fact that
2954s person was even able to get a lot of
2956s those shots when when you didn't have a
2958s lot of space on King's Road you're
2959s afforded more of that opportunity and
2961s maybe can uh play more towards that
2964s Hanzo composition to equalize the series
2966s one to one I mean you know me whenever
2968s we were casting this in contenders and
2970s we had that discussion of who is better
2973s on King sword defense Han Solo casty I
2975s would always give it so even when Cal
2977s State had that extra 25 health because
2979s you have that ability to be able to not
2982s just play the off angles but also keep
2983s yourself safe when you do get jumped
2987s really good points we made there
2989s especially with Honda having a little
2990s bit of Nerf within this most recent
2991s patch right overall but oh yeah yeah so
2994s that's something to also keep in mind
2996s it's kind of crazy almost to think about
2998s it Dustin with the patch having been
3000s like so like I was about to say soon
3003s after but it's before yeah you know
3005s you're picking up what I'm putting down
3007s yeah having it come out so shortly
3010s before OverWatch World Cup and just
3012s having to keep all those factors in mind
3014s oh that's it's so hard to adjust I think
3016s that obviously you know as a player you
3018s want a lot of time to maybe work out
3020s those keys kind of maybe as a team you
3023s know figure out what the ideal play
3024s style is and you know that those type of
3026s things do take weeks at a time but
3029s obviously as viewers you know as fans of
3031s the game we always want to see the most
3033s recent patch you don't want to see the
3034s newest Maps no matter what bugs exist no
3037s matter what changes come through what no
3038s matter what's overpowered we always just
3040s want to see what's newest right it's
3042s always the most fun whenever you watch
3043s OverWatch you know after a brand new
3045s patch because realistically any hero
3048s could be viable that just got buffed or
3050s nerfed and you know that really changes
3052s a lot of the dynamic of the game because
3053s you know I feel like a lot of OverWatch
3055s fans from the Casual perspective just
3056s have individual Heroes they really like
3059s and you know coming into this one
3061s obviously a lot of Heroes changed around
3063s and entirely new meta now in this game
3065s well we are gonna head into this second
3068s map now here for this best of three so
3071s we'll see if Colombia can take it all
3072s the way or if Peru can take it one to
3074s one Moxie Dustin take it away
3077s thank you Ash and obviously King's Row
3079s like you said Moxie is going to be a map
3081s that uh you know we could see a lot of
3084s that either Hanzo maybe even the new
3086s Cassidy at points but you're always
3088s partial to the Hanzo aren't you yeah I I
3090s love the hands like the ability to be
3092s able to control the chokes yes he did
3094s get a little bit of a Nerf in terms of
3096s like the storm Arrow doing five less
3097s damage per hour that connects but you
3100s still have the means of being able to
3101s chunk through a lot of that shielding
3103s especially if it's something like a
3105s Winston bubble or just burn through so
3107s much of that Diva's defense Matrix as
3108s well as keep yourself safe the fact that
3110s Cassidy with that nade does only connect
3113s onto one player as well makes it
3116s incredibly easy to be able to bait out
3118s if you do have that sort of two-pronged
3120s attack coming through of something like
3121s a tracer following up on a diva or even
3123s just a choice of Sombra working together
3125s to take the cowboy down
3128s I wonder if I wonder if both of these
3130s teams really because I I you saw Moxie
3132s on map number one you know eqo is
3134s obvious on the Sombra but you know at
3135s times maybe that engaged because they
3137s found the opening pick on on round
3138s number one of Nepal but you know we're
3141s not able to fully follow through with
3143s that Sombra and look Moxie they're
3144s changing to more Pokemon to rely on
3146s maybe a bit more mechanical skill from
3148s eql that's also full of hell right
3149s trying to get us on the past that church
3151s through the soul neck coming first from
3153s the Hanzo which goes to go away you all
3155s in cell phones early in Metallica gets
3157s immediately blitzed down by eqo Colombia
3159s just playing the base of the statue
3161s absolutely perfectly finding the picks
3163s necessary bye week you're so much room
3165s to be able to land these hours entirely
3168s uncontastic no one on Peru even gets the
3170s chance to look at him nope I mean I I
3172s love to see kill back in the game again
3174s obviously they found the pick from Mixie
3176s on Lucio who has been playing Amazing so
3178s far by the way uh taking a very fast
3181s point a Monster yeah and they can't even
3183s really go towards choke at the moment
3185s because they have to still contest of
3186s eqo they're a matter about attention is
3189s entirely spent using that Shield to
3191s block some of those poke hours coming
3192s through to make sure the Peru squishy
3194s survived the engagement towards art
3196s where most of these teams now will buy
3198s over peruticals all the time off of the
3200s clock that's going down one handle
3203s already and just miss Colombia can get
3204s aggressive I love it I love how EQ I was
3207s like screw on this Sombra BS I'm just
3209s gonna swap to Hanzo take those two
3210s opening picks make it a Three swap him
3213s over to the Han Zone he'll carry you to
3214s victory Colombia another fight win for
3216s them I tell you what I used to be a
3218s player in the OverWatch World Cup
3220s conferences in 2023 until I took about
3224s 12 EQ hours not for the knee but
3227s definitely for the head he is hitting
3228s these shots and not slowing down anytime
3232s soon and unfortunately because Hanzo
3233s just killed so many people so quickly
3235s the ultimate economy is entirely
3237s lopsided oh for sure Eternal also build
3239s up towards that blizzard Columbia doing
3242s a great job building up towards those
3243s ultimate post on towards that Anna for
3245s this competition Maybe gives them a bit
3247s more potential with the anti grenade but
3249s like it's like right at the corner
3251s knowing where Basket Village is waiting
3253s to pop the dragons like Vortex here as
3255s well into the blizzard they do Zone it
3257s back but with their with their May stuck
3259s out Diego will get picked off super
3261s Gomez also pops the ultimate runs
3263s towards that backland to find three EQ
3265s also finds Persona and so far they do
3268s commit every Ultimate besides beat but
3270s it's yet again another fight win for
3272s Colombia and now they've secured what
3275s they want to they secured a team kill so
3276s they've immediately gift wrapped High
3278s Ground for eqo it doesn't matter if you
3280s don't have ultimates if you can one shot
3281s them before the fight starts Phoebe
3283s finds it looking towards the back you
3285s storm arrowing opening Nerf came through
3287s in the race and Pat the wall hits
3289s Rodrigo Persona does trade it back
3291s Avengers his teammate but they now need
3294s to find a little bit more space on The
3295s High Ground actually gives it up early
3297s as he notices his team is low to drop
3299s the dragon strike may be looking for a
3300s bit of a positional Advantage also
3302s fading out as hug though so no kill but
3304s at least zone now for Colombia as they
3306s regroup with eql yeah foreign
3317s yes I could be baited into throwing an
3320s ultimate that they don't want to they
3322s pop the Nano going to the back line into
3324s that Nemesis form looking for that
3326s whatever but does fade away notices that
3329s eternals caught out a bit has to use
3330s that Vice block four but now the
3332s ultimate gets ran out black Baskerville
3334s has to Zone to the left with the
3335s blizzard to try to cap the lines here as
3337s well also does commit that ultimate late
3339s in this fight so they commit both
3342s blizzard and annihilation do find the
3344s kills off of it at least and also find a
3346s late pick on a super Gomez but Colombia
3347s only committing the beat drop to bait
3349s out to Ultimate Sarah they're going to
3351s have dragon strike as well as blizzard
3353s and Annihilation plus coalescence to
3356s sustain through the snowball Peru cannot
3358s afford to get split when this next
3360s dragonfly comes out that was what we saw
3362s being used the last time to catch all of
3364s this team away from that loser's
3366s disengagement in Colombia are definitely
3368s looking for the same oh my God it should
3370s be extremely big they find Baskerville
3373s on the engage that's a four-person
3375s assist on to Baskerville as well super
3377s Gomez trades back Diego eqo does take
3379s some shots from Poe but Peru just
3381s running into this fight a bit of a drive
3383s fight for them Persona does trade out
3384s hug but he's already lost the entirety
3387s of his team leading to pretty much last
3388s fight territory for them yeah this play
3390s was
3397s oh Chase is down Baskerville no
3400s rematcher for the next 30 seconds and
3403s now he's just going to play binder at
3404s these ballon doors yeah he's had to swap
3406s to the wrecking ball they're gonna have
3407s to recontest with
3409s Also may uh blocked early expecting the
3411s beat drop to be there in time but of
3413s course the Regal a bit too late to save
3414s Diego nicely on a super Gomez but the
3417s entire team of poke is gone and just
3419s Baskerville on that payload Persona gets
3421s spawned game by super Gomez and now they
3424s have three minutes in 13 seconds they
3426s capture it on King's Row what an amazing
3428s time for Colombia
3430s we were worried about eqo coming back
3432s after so long outside of the competitive
3435s Esports scene of OverWatch we did not
3437s have to be worried
3439s we did not have to be worried in the
3441s slightest he is absolutely monstrous at
3444s the moment hitting all of these hard
3445s shots finding those kills necessary
3447s buying them point a so quickly and even
3451s then they just get to continue to push
3453s through all these normally problematic
3455s spaces that the defense uses
3457s traditionally to whittle your time Mic
3459s away here right here finding that
3461s headshot on to a rubber body shot onto
3463s Persona meaning that the hamster is not
3466s there to frighten that space that one
3467s shot potential for the Squishies to have
3469s to keep in check and play around those
3471s natural walls that just means that
3473s everyone else on the team gets to go
3474s aggressive gets to closing and make sure
3476s that none of the time is spent staring
3479s at a wall so I will say Moxie I will be
3482s a little bit Negative Nancy here I'm
3483s maybe right now in this current series
3485s versus Peru the swap dho is great right
3487s they look amazing with that swap but
3489s obviously I mean you know better than
3490s anybody once you go against a lot of
3492s those really coordinated teams that
3493s really know how to zone out the Hanzo
3495s make sure that you're either on SoJO and
3498s you can't find those opening picks on
3499s the Sombra compositions that's when it
3502s gets tough so realistically the series
3504s against Peru they could look good at the
3506s moment but I'm curious to see how this
3508s goes forward for them against some of
3511s the more coordinated lineups in the
3512s World Cup yeah doesn't there's a little
3514s bit oh well a little bit a lot of over
3516s investment in terms of ultimates but
3518s we're going to see an entirely different
3519s composition come through from Peru this
3521s is as king So as you get Ryan Hart Lucio
3525s Iko immediately sees that movement to
3527s hotel to make sure the crew doesn't get
3528s its ability to use a lot of utilities
3530s swap into Hotel check and get the
3533s cooldowns back up and push on point this
3535s is a falling apart I mean nice
3538s shots for persona but yeah maybe
3539s eventually finds Diego and you gotta you
3542s gotta check as you walk in you can't
3543s just stick with one game plan not just
3545s based on what's Happening you're already
3547s shot in the side and they just chose to
3549s ignore it now they're on the back of the
3551s point now able to find the kills though
3552s is Columbia this has been a problem for
3553s them before they lose eqo basketball
3555s comes back into it Colombia not able to
3557s finish on the targets that were really
3560s pretty easy to finally kill as they were
3562s stuck in that left side now Peru have
3565s the have the Gokey they walk forward
3567s towards that point already have up the
3569s two ticks the rinky test is going to be
3570s incredibly difficult now at this race I
3572s don't think are going to Recon past they
3574s have to wait for it to another respawn
3575s now they've given up that point but
3577s they've chosen to defend around this
3579s truck if you can find a pick oh my
3581s goodness Diego goes so incredibly low if
3585s that may have gone down Colombia
3586s instantly gets so much time back on that
3589s clock off of Peru's attack but they're
3591s able to save the me and now we just go
3593s back to the stalemate
3595s yeah now eql is able to spam nobody
3597s really picked potential wise besides
3599s Persona they have to get that space But
3600s already taking two storm out shots in
3602s the dome it's not ideal also that Shield
3604s goes incredibly low they have to commit
3605s the immortality field through out of
3607s cooldowns they need to find kills now
3608s but into a dragon strike I'm not sure
3610s how they do eqo with the storm Arrow
3613s finds onto Diego and with the dragon
3615s strike onto poke and super Gomez
3616s combines for another one that's a 3K
3618s free qo in Colombia gorgeous games they
3621s know that no one from Peru can really
3623s play right behind that Ryan Shield
3625s because they're going to go right into
3626s the pulmonary Cliff coming through from
3627s Super Gomez so eqr extends the dragon
3629s strike not behind the Rhine but to the
3631s side of him where everyone of Peru that
3634s squishies are playing on that payload
3635s and instantly it splits the Ryan away
3637s from his sustainability and also splits
3640s the team away from that tank to be able
3641s to absorb all of the damage when
3643s Colombia get out bro Sonic over the top
3645s and that's a pretty obvious High Noon
3647s down below no kill for them but just the
3649s Zone towards that cart maybe they just
3650s wanted to get through that show against
3652s Colombia who have that ultimate from
3655s Super Gomez Eternal off also up to that
3657s blizzard there's the amplification
3658s Matrix Persona also kills super Gomez
3660s before they're able to commit any
3662s ultimate Iko still finding a lot of
3663s damage on the left side but Persona also
3666s connects on the mixty and Colombians
3667s want to die on that car get another
3669s fight in that free space oh look at the
3671s end
3671s of the announcements that they had to
3672s use to actually be able to get that
3677s they lost super Gomez early in this
3679s fight but still the lining it means they
3680s still have Annihilation and sound bar to
3682s keep the spermato chopped up to full
3684s health and play aggressively against her
3687s who do have that blizzard to be able to
3688s Zone the romantra back yeah Diego could
3691s get a big blizzard but
3693s Colombia I've done a good job of reading
3695s where Diego is sitting with the blizzard
3696s we'll see if they could do it again
3697s basketball waiting on that left side
3699s every second they spend those sitting in
3701s neutral game DQ could finally shot
3702s blizzard towards the cart the counter
3704s the blizzard of Eternal actually does
3706s count Cat super Gomez but the B drop to
3708s sustain him it's not enough too much
3710s damage on the side of Peru's side
3711s basketball goes incredibly low but does
3713s have that pocket from both poke and
3715s Rodriguez meanwhile Diego looking for
3717s that left side flank angle of Columbia
3718s as they tempt actually run onto ikeo
3720s making sure none on that space is
3722s afforded to make sure they shut down
3724s that DPS player who has been a nuisance
3726s in really a thorn in the side of Peru as
3729s personas able to do whatever he wants
3731s now that ikyo is gone they finally kill
3734s Mix B as well there's a cool lessons
3735s that was late from hugs maybe
3737s ill-advised they do have super Gomez
3738s here High Noon pop just to make sure
3741s they win this fight they don't want to
3742s maybe commit too many ultimates but
3744s super Gomez rotates back in the dragon
3746s Trek is here Colombia wants to win right
3748s here and right now but a shatter is
3750s committed from Baskerville who is one HP
3751s on to Super Soul match but the follow-up
3753s damage is not there and the Recon test
3755s is successful from Colombia whose backs
3758s were against the wall custom so many
3759s ultimates but my goodness that's going
3761s to do absolute devastation to Peru's
3764s overall longevity in terms of time bank
3766s even if they make it into Point C
3767s they're going to have even less time
3769s than Colombia already have been able to
3771s pick up as we see the slots come through
3774s Baskerville going to be off that
3776s Reinhardt leaves it too vulnerable once
3778s that Shield just gets absolutely
3780s Shattered by eqo's poke onto that
3782s ramatro to try to match this poke coming
3785s through from Colombia now a lot of these
3787s fights Colombia just straight up should
3788s not be winning but he's coming out on
3790s top mechanically Over the Top Gun drop
3792s that storm Mill not able to find the
3793s kill but Bates Rodrigo into fighting him
3796s meanwhile Aunt major UPS on the low
3797s ground trying to find that poke damage
3799s on the low but not able to get a kill
3801s just down on anybody Eco goes aggressive
3803s on Rodrigo who is trying to deal that
3805s damage out but down to three HP to that
3807s minute grid but Persona eventually Pope
3809s jumps up to get that killed but it's far
3811s too late Diego is also gone Colombia
3814s have the main advantage will now regroup
3816s around this corner with a minute and 30
3817s seconds left as Peru falls back so yeah
3821s stock effects Mario robe comes for lamp
3824s actually invested from Peru just in case
3827s it was much rather waste that cooldown
3829s and have it and all of that plays alive
3832s for this next fight because it is going
3833s to be the last regroup that they get
3835s before we're into overtime panic a
3837s blizzard from Eternal has been big
3839s before waiting on that corner Peru in a
3842s really rough spot to deal with it
3843s Annihilation being built up from Super
3845s Gomez as well neutral fight now
3848s happening Peru actually wants to walk in
3849s set up for Sonos towards that Pub side
3851s they poke him out see the blizzard on
3852s the cart with the beat drop from Diego
3854s It's a Great Blizzard to zone out
3856s Columbia's most incredibly low but both
3859s Blizzard's not able to find kills just
3861s get the annihilation reengage he's now
3863s Eternal sound that shot on the Persona
3865s again with 38 seconds left also the
3868s annihilation is doing quite a lot of
3869s damage to kill Baskerville there as well
3871s Peru often not used in the ultimates get
3874s one last fight one last break of deaths
3876s with their ultimates the eqr is moving
3878s into possessions available to stop just
3880s that it's gonna be an overtime push and
3882s they're going to have a dragon strike
3883s dust and we've seen this song in dance
3885s before you don't put your hands though
3887s into a position where he can get picked
3889s you sit back you hold on to your
3890s ultimate and then you throw it onto the
3892s cart one Peru don't have any time left
3893s and have no means of being able to dodge
3896s the damage
3897s we're having to play this well Geo comes
3899s through that pops out on the Tracer
3900s though maybe that swap confuses eqo who
3902s uses the cooldown to go aggressive that
3903s could be detrimental he loses his life
3905s Diego played that perfectly
3909s aggressive towards the back of the pub
3910s now no Hanzo from Colombia's side they
3913s have that beat drop to fight this but
3915s Peru half that ultimate his Persona went
3917s for that far Left Flank regroups to the
3919s ranks of his team but is dealing with
3920s super Gomez's damage eventually they're
3922s able to find him and eventually the
3924s annihilation all gets also gets rid of
3926s Eternal mixby as well Falls him through
3928s and overtime will capture out leading us
3930s into third phase feature wanted that
3932s angle to be able to send the dragons
3933s right dead on the payload and catch all
3935s of those players on the horizontal and
3938s it left him oh so vulnerable to Diego
3940s flanking in on that Tracer I'll still
3943s have dragonstrike for this next fight
3944s however and should be able to use it to
3946s reclaim a lot of space specifically this
3948s High Ground that Peru don't have the
3949s means of being able to take away the
3951s winning the cast still not the hand size
3952s yeah
3953s down the low ground having that trace on
3955s the left side maybe that swap for Diego
3956s could enable them Dragon strike
3958s committed Diego now knows where that
3959s Hanzo is is looking for that duel after
3961s using his recoil back up to the mega
3963s health pack but both sides kind of
3965s avoiding the ultimate's full Spawn from
3967s Diego Dragon strikes from eqo no Destro
3969s get the hug has been aggressive with
3971s this coalescence this is playing at the
3973s back of the map Iko at The High Ground
3974s it's not really contested Diego's pinged
3977s him out so they're aware of those Hanzo
3979s shots at the very least but now ready to
3981s go speed on the back line looking freaky
3983s who just dropped off does not have a lot
3984s of those healings back on The High
3986s Ground but a trooper Gomez could find
3987s the opening pick under Persona Iko needs
3989s some healing but Diego is there on the
3990s back line however Columbia has already
3992s gone forward down three with super Gomez
3994s and a fantastic Annihilation on that
3996s front line to give Columbia another
3998s fight win and they're walking into a
4000s blizzard and because they've gone for
4001s these flank plays this annoyance coming
4003s through from Diego to try to suck
4005s resources away from Colombia's backline
4007s they don't have the ballistic character
4010s here we go one one should go more
4017s oh my God eqos take down for something
4019s for the beat drop looks even there now
4020s Peru down on a man in overtime
4022s Widowmaker usually does well but Diego
4024s hands is able to find super Gomez their
4027s tank player is also nice and healthy
4028s with that implications Rodrigo did go
4031s aggressive on each one of that Widow as
4033s well and eventually Brew in overtime
4034s again will win this fight
4036s false bomb Annihilation amplification
4039s Matrix Persona on that song we can
4041s easily build up to an EMP Eco onto the
4044s hand so immediately Sonic should be able
4046s to Ping out Diego's location to make it
4048s obvious where that choice is awesome is
4050s going to be coming from
4052s EQ made swap the Hanzo then over to
4054s Reaper looking for that trace on the
4055s left side Diego setting up that four
4057s spawn notices the teleport waiting for
4059s that fade to come through from them
4061s wherever takes nicer because we'll have
4062s to back off meanwhile the annihilation
4064s on the low ground Eternal able to find
4065s Rodriguez took Columbia coming back into
4067s this but poke able to find one
4068s basketball goes aggressive as well as
4069s the annihilates him to get rid of eqo
4071s hug Falls soda super Gomez and in
4074s overtime the last second pushes it's
4076s working for Peru the beats off and
4077s eternal are still here though they have
4079s to sustain to wait for the spawn but it
4081s is overtime so the spawns are a bit
4083s longer Eternal fall so does nixby
4085s eventually hog does rotate back
4087s Baskerville goes incredibly low but eqo
4089s on the Tracer is here to delay hug Falls
4092s it's just EQ on this payload with super
4095s Gomez eventually we'll fall then they
4097s running back but in overtime Peru have
4099s captured out against Colombia Costco
4101s does serious work on that romantra being
4105s able to survive coming in with those
4106s pummels the zones as well when your
4109s eyesight of that Nemesis formed to be
4110s able to shut down the space that
4112s Colombia are trying to take making it so
4114s easy to be able to tag down those
4116s members who are looking to stall on the
4118s payload for as long as possible so with
4120s the slightest bit of Target Focus you
4122s very quickly dispatch the reinforcements
4124s that are trickling one by one onto the
4126s cart not allowing them to find anything
4128s presents to build into ultimates
4131s um now you know for the side of Colombia
4134s it would be so it'd be interesting to
4136s see if a draw happens but there's a
4138s still a large time bank
4140s in Colombia's back pocket the cap shroud
4142s done for his point boxing yeah my
4151s and that if that happens yet again this
4155s team is going to absolutely speed speed
4158s unstable in the blink of an eye some
4161s really good swaps coming through however
4162s anticipating that okay Eco is using a
4164s lot of that very aggressive Handler
4166s Mobility to get himself into position to
4168s look for those one view ones swaps to
4170s the cast uses the node tags him onto it
4172s so he doesn't get to launch back to his
4174s team and finally we see the punishment
4176s come through but I mean that time bank
4179s it's going to be such a high mountain to
4180s climb yeah
4182s it is going to be three minutes and 13
4184s seconds now Columbia walking out also
4186s have to deal with EQ on sanzo's one
4188s shots persona's gonna be on the ash
4190s though to maybe try to counter but
4192s Colombia is trying to do a special since
4194s they don't have a suit to cleanse any of
4195s that damage from the dynamite for
4196s basketball pick down incredible low
4197s again we saw this previously committing
4200s the immortality field on the inside well
4202s actually went a little bit too far past
4203s the Persona counters out EQ on that High
4205s Ground spot nice work Corpus wanted to
4207s find that kill to prevent a disaster
4209s class that has happened before for Peru
4212s on this first uh statue area in King's
4214s Row Columbia has to regroup wait for the
4216s remember to come back to the spot for
4217s the turtle finds that kill onto poke
4219s Persona looking for that turn over the
4220s top it has to reload not able to get
4222s that shot onto Lucio who's been in new
4224s since they have an eternal yet again
4226s finds Baskerville what shots out of the
4228s main player of Colombia rotated all the
4230s way here nobody else can really touch
4232s but the Lucio player of Rodrigo and
4234s everybody else is in here Colombia will
4236s take the 2-0 victory over Brew in her
4239s very first game in the America region oh
4242s is to say that is game when they lose
4245s that Baptiste ploke goes down even if
4247s you're able to trade for a pick the
4249s attacking spawn is just so much closer
4251s they're going to regroup you can't even
4254s afford to give them a single tick to be
4256s able to fully regroup around the back of
4258s that choke and then push back in when
4260s all of your players are regrouping at
4262s your four fours you were just forced to
4264s throw yourself into that fight trying to
4266s look for any turnarounds any ultimate
4269s then you're going to be able to panic
4270s bold into to be able to turn the tables
4272s but we've had a Baptist the raw match
4274s reports very shortly afterwards and that
4276s is match a two and O Victory routine
4279s that looks incredibly strong and
4281s Incredibly confident
4283s sure I think we're worried however long
4285s term obviously against them against
4287s other teams though that 2-0 is very very
4289s good going for them forward obviously
4290s maybe later on in the series against
4292s other teams that are in their group this
4294s will actually work obviously for them
4296s the bright spots were eqo but also you
4298s know the the other guys so fantastic
4300s work it has a job from the overall team
4303s I mean what's a just a great series what
4306s do you think how is that serious from
4307s your perspective who I mean it was a
4310s pretty different story from Nepal that
4313s we saw right that was a really Scrappy
4315s map for the first one then going into
4317s Kings Row that was all Colombia for the
4321s most part I don't think it's really
4322s deniable at least for at the release the
4325s first half of that match up it was this
4327s pretty big steamroll from Colombia but
4329s Peru I feel like what we've seen between
4331s Nepal and Kings Row the pattern factor
4335s is the fact that Peru seemed to do
4337s really well under pressure and have been
4340s very fortunate being able to just like
4341s close out those OT opportunities taking
4344s it that distance unfortunately just not
4346s able to take it to that third map proxy
4348s moxie yeah so the big difference
4350s especially when you look at those
4351s overtime fights is that Colombia didn't
4354s actually get the opportunity to set up
4356s on High Ground so as a result they
4358s didn't get those first blows that
4360s threatening Zone to come through from
4362s eqo and in overtime everyone is throwing
4364s themselves onto that pillow to try and
4366s install it for as long as possible we
4367s even see some teams actually try to take
4369s advantage of that when they're defending
4370s on King throwing traditionally go for
4371s something like a Widowmaker or a Bastion
4373s and play towards the sidelines which I'm
4375s honestly surprised that we didn't see
4377s Columbia opt into I think they were so
4379s panicked but where that person was
4382s coming from that they had to swap to
4383s that Hansel and then go Reaper for just
4385s sustaining on that card as long as
4387s possible I mean that they prioritize
4389s sustain rather than pick potential yeah
4391s it's definitely the eqo show at a big
4394s portion of that when they he did have
4395s that opportunity to set up for that High
4396s Ground Lake you were talking about very
4398s very annoying for that back line right
4400s just poking out those support players on
4402s the side of Peru as you see these
4405s replays coming through here and Dustin
4408s when it comes down to the way that Peru
4410s kind of answered that we did see Diego
4413s attempting to be really annoying on the
4415s flank founding some some success but it
4418s just wasn't enough yeah I think at times
4420s Dugo was doing well on the May but uh
4422s you know did honestly kind of I'm not
4424s gonna say out I mean it was kind of out
4426s Quest by Eternal at points realistically
4428s the May on the other side of Columbia's
4430s was a big difference maker meanwhile on
4432s the opposite side for Peru they really
4435s couldn't get much besides like maybe out
4437s of persona sometimes out of Baskerville
4439s it really did feel like a bit of a
4442s mismatch in terms of the I don't know
4444s necessarily like the heroes themselves
4446s but also in terms of the players uh it
4449s did feel like Columbia was just in the
4450s driver's seat overall with mixvy even at
4453s times now Lucio doing really well they
4455s really couldn't find an answer for the
4456s overall team cohesion that was Colombia
4460s think the problem that Diego was running
4462s into was because so often he had to
4464s actually use things like that may all to
4466s either counter eternals and try and save
4469s basketball from a mill that came through
4471s from Colombia or tried to shut down
4473s super Gomez and that was something that
4475s Colombia very quickly uh clocked onto
4477s and as a result they just had EQ player
4480s designs but even if you get pulled off
4481s he can literally just scale it as Hanzo
4484s and still find those opening shots
4486s yeah a big big part of that Hanzo pick
4488s right and just playing these Corners
4490s here on King's Row it's your typical
4492s it's typically just how you end up
4493s playing it and I feel like especially
4495s that tank being super Gomez for the side
4497s of Columbia he did really really well
4500s with the just general zoning being able
4502s to slow down the pushes that through
4504s world looking for overall but really
4507s huge Kudos over here towards clubview
4509s looking pretty strong here for our first
4510s match of the day Dustin well for sure
4512s yeah Colombia starting out strong I'm
4514s really curious to see how they do later
4516s on maybe if they get that qualification
4518s versus some of the better teams in the
4520s World Cup because you know and you know
4522s each region has their strengths with
4524s certain talents and obviously less or
4526s some teams like uh Korea USA have less
4528s holes than others but realistically if
4531s you can be one of those teams that is
4532s really good at just kind of like uh the
4535s part of my French just like one tricking
4536s I don't know if that's like as kind of
4538s offensive to some people who say one
4539s tricky but to play a lot of those Fair
4540s accomplishes to play a lot of those
4541s Heroes that maybe are leaning more
4543s towards maybe your individual players on
4546s your team and you can kind of pop off
4548s from that degree that also could give
4550s you an opening overall in World Cup and
4552s maybe give you a a run that obviously
4555s your nation wants
4557s it's a big it's a it's a lot of weight
4559s on your shoulders right representing
4560s your nation here for an International
4562s Event especially when it's the first one
4566s back in a few years and you're really
4568s looking to make a stand and just show
4570s your confidence and also just start out
4572s on on the front foot here for this event
4575s considering that it's two weeks long
4577s sure three days per week just throughout
4580s the weekend but it's quite the marathon
4582s to be running as well and just adapting
4584s along the way there Mossy yeah and I
4587s think again that's why we're going to
4589s see a lot of these players who have had
4591s that experience either and contenders or
4592s OverWatch League have a little bit of an
4594s edge not just in terms of being able to
4596s play mechanically but also having that
4598s mentality factor that you know that
4600s you've gone through some of those long
4602s days you've gone through some of those
4603s hard matches as well where if you do
4605s start doing a little bit worse than the
4607s other side you're still able to hit that
4609s reset button you're able to moralize the
4612s entirety of your team and turn things
4614s around something that we saw from both
4616s sides of those teams in control but it
4618s definitely felt like Colombia had a lot
4619s more confidence and Peru we're playing a
4622s little bit more hesitantly once that
4624s Ryan initial push onto point a didn't
4626s quite work out
4628s well if you're a proof and hopefully
4630s we're rooting for them to just be able
4632s to warm up a little bit more you know
4634s it's just the first match of the day
4635s they have some opportunity to still keep
4638s that steam going and build that momentum
4640s up overall but again it's just that best
4643s of three right so not too long of a
4646s series to open things up here within the
4648s round robin stages but I mean I just
4654s we've had those questions about eqo
4656s being maybe a little bit Rusty after
4658s that break from competition and he has
4661s just come back full force Dustin oh yeah
4664s he looks good I think I think eqo
4666s obviously not really a lot of rust
4668s obviously on his side maybe at times
4670s there were like he kind of Inked a
4672s little bit behind Pub going for that
4674s double jump towards a tracer but besides
4676s that obviously you want to feel
4677s confident to hit those shots and you
4679s know and I'm sure he felt confident in
4682s hitting that shot of the Tracer but
4683s unfortunately did not come away with it
4685s either as we take a look at an
4687s interesting snack card from Super Gomez
4689s on that uh honor that or matcha also you
4692s called that out earlier Ashley I mean he
4693s was great on that tank roll really was a
4696s big reason Colombia uh wasn't just the
4698s eqo show I mean it was just a lot of
4701s zoning coming out from his utility right
4703s overall but boxy I gotta get your
4705s thoughts I know you had some shouts
4708s especially for Persona as being a
4710s potential MVP that we were looking for
4712s into this series but super Gomez how are
4715s you feeling about his gameplay overall
4716s honestly really happy with him every
4718s single time we spoke to his perspective
4720s we were saying things like that so I'm
4721s being used incredibly proactively he
4724s would have been following it out in
4725s front of disengaging players especially
4727s on Lucio's too to make sure that they're
4729s immediately Just Wings clipped right on
4731s the ground incredibly easy to be able to
4733s Target and dig down and when you're
4734s waiting on a Lucy to respawn you have to
4736s wait the full 30 seconds you you can't
4738s push in without a loser when you're
4740s running these tank heavy compositions
4742s hey it's called the ram rush for a
4744s reason right you gotta get that Lucio
4746s speed boost to actually get you into the
4749s action but overall I mean really
4752s exciting stuff for our first matchup of
4754s the day of course we do have lots more
4757s OverWatch to come for you guys so in
4759s case you did miss out on the schedule
4761s earlier as a reminder the next match
4763s that we will be seeing is going to be
4764s Brazil versus Chile and I'm not going to
4768s ask you guys too much about it my lovely
4770s pastors on the desk because we will have
4772s the opportunity to chat about them a bit
4774s more but before we do go on a short
4777s break I do want to remind everyone in
4779s the chat right now on Twitch that we do
4783s have the fact that the prize pool for
4785s the OverWatch World Cup is being
4787s crowdfunded for the very first time so
4789s you guys should definitely check out
4790s those skins I will bring back some more
4792s details right after this short break
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5177s welcome back everybody do OverWatch
5179s World Cup 2023 again I am your host Ash
5182s alongside Moxie and Dustin my lovely
5185s casters on the desk with me and we are
5187s back for the second matchup of the day
5190s we just saw Columbia ticket 2-0 up
5192s against Peru but now we've got to get
5194s into Brazil and Chile Dustin I'm stoked
5198s for this one this Brazilian team looking
5200s pretty stacked yeah I think that Brazil
5203s in its entirety has you know had some
5205s time to obviously work things out as a
5207s unit like you said it's a very stacked
5208s lineup but I'm really genuinely
5210s interested in seeing how Brazil performs
5212s and how they can actually potentially
5213s come out of group b with those two slots
5216s I mean it's going to be difficult for
5217s them as a unit but obviously Brazil
5220s known for being very good in Esports in
5222s general and have had talented OverWatch
5224s players over the history of the game but
5227s it's been tough for them to really have
5228s a good showing when things have been so
5230s you know up in the air with Brazil and
5233s these the whole South American region
5236s I mean it's gonna be really interesting
5238s as you said Moxie I know you were
5240s talking a little bit about how the South
5242s American region has just been panning
5243s out for OverWatch in general
5245s yeah I mean a lot of these players from
5247s Brazil coming through from the
5249s contenders as they've seen a lot of
5251s players previously from and they say War
5253s Pigs and dignity three very big teams in
5257s the region who used to run incredibly
5259s strongly very hotly contested for all
5261s three of those really excited to get to
5264s see how those players are going to be
5266s getting on that they've had a little bit
5267s of time to be able to improve practice
5270s and synergize with each other but I'm
5272s honestly looking forward to seeing chili
5273s in action because I was talking to a
5275s couple of players from different teams
5276s saying like is there anyone that you
5277s want to watch out for and one player
5279s that actually popped up on terms of
5281s names was actually one of Chile's team
5284s players it was Ram so I'm really excited
5287s to get to see why exactly he's one of
5289s these up and coming Stars
5291s well we don't have to wait too much
5293s longer but the the game will be underway
5296s in just a little bit but this is just
5298s going to be our introduction over
5299s towards the chili team as well I Dustin
5302s I gotta and get your thoughts on this
5304s squad too
5305s I mean overall thoughts uh is is pretty
5308s much what can they show in the lobby you
5310s know I'm really curious to see what uh
5311s with Frank what Ram what about can
5313s really do a lot of these DPS players
5315s have been you know kind of those
5317s standout players in World Cup and it's
5319s in the history of world cup it always
5320s seems like you know from Argentina we've
5322s had some amazing talent show up you know
5324s you know on the Tracer role and right
5326s now it seems like there are a lot of the
5328s Hanzo players are the ones taking over
5330s so if we see potentially teams locked
5332s those who are sniper characters really
5335s that could be on about to kind of be
5336s that standout player for chile that they
5339s kind of need to progress further in the
5341s tournament because I mean like I said
5343s there's only two slots for them
5344s um but overall you know realistically we
5346s just need to see what they have for us
5347s today
5348s um and kind of go from there
5350s and then now shifting over towards the
5352s Brazil squad the stack team that we were
5354s talking about earlier especially that
5356s being dalka Naya and Ludwig who have
5359s previously played together in contenders
5361s as well I think just speaks as to the
5363s Synergy they're going to be able to
5364s bring into the table here
5366s yeah Delica is one of those other
5368s players as well that kept coming up in
5370s terms of my conversations with them very
5372s very very good tanks so I cannot wait to
5375s see how he's going to be getting on when
5377s paired up against potentially a doomfist
5379s coming through from Chile whether or not
5381s we do get to see that much of Gojo so
5384s that might actually influence the DPS
5385s match up as well because I mean also in
5388s a 1v1 and then suddenly there's a
5389s doomfist dropping in and it becomes the
5391s one versus two all art scrap but just
5393s trying to feel as quickly as possible
5395s but like you said a lot of synergy
5397s coming for from these teams these
5399s players have known each other a very
5401s long time some of these players
5403s literally started playing OverWatch
5405s alongside their teammates and to get to
5408s actually be here performing in the
5410s OverWatch World Cup America conferences
5412s alongside each other has got to be one
5415s heck of a milestone to her
5417s definitely is and ilios is actually
5419s going to be the first map that we are
5420s seeing here going into this best of
5422s three of course we'll only find out the
5425s next ones afterwards once we find out
5426s who the losers will be picking those out
5429s but Dustin how are you feeling about the
5431s first map I think Elias is a great map
5433s to start off obviously with the likes of
5435s ruins being in there it's really it
5437s enables teams to play maybe even towards
5440s that Widow but after you know a lot of
5441s those changes I mean Moxie it seems like
5443s a lot of these teams maybe I mean they
5445s potentially will shy away from the Widow
5447s but at times in the last matchup we even
5449s saw eqo making that swap over to the
5451s Widowmaker which is I mean obviously
5453s it's a prevalent map uh ilios is for
5456s seeing a lot of those sniper comps yeah
5458s I think the biggest changes being that
5460s you can't really play fully from the
5461s back of this map it seems like a lot of
5463s players are still very much intent on
5465s running that would make it on runes like
5467s you said just because of how open a lot
5469s of that space is if you have that High
5471s Ground Control there are so many of it
5472s dotted all around the map one towards
5475s cider point one directly behind it that
5476s it's still becomes incredibly easy if
5478s you are in control of the fight when it
5481s starts to be able to use that Widow and
5483s find a pick forcing the other team even
5485s if they don't lose a player onto giving
5487s up significant amounts of percentage and
5489s just rotating around the Widow alone
5492s gonna be really interesting to see how
5494s these teams do Fair especially if that
5495s doomfist does come into play like we
5498s were talking about just a little bit
5499s earlier and how that can influence the
5501s DPS is that we're going to be seeing
5502s coming through as well but again it's
5504s going to be a lot of quick thinking on
5506s your feet as per usual within OverWatch
5508s at the very least but a lot on the line
5511s as well because you want to try and rack
5513s up these points as early as possible I
5515s know that is a two week long event if
5517s you have more opportunities within the
5518s round robin as every single team does
5520s face off against each other but the
5523s earlier you're able to get those under
5524s your pocket especially here into Group B
5526s where there's only two spots to even
5529s fight for compares to the group a that
5532s have three there's just so much more
5535s additional pressure I think on the backs
5537s of all of these teams of course but
5540s that being said as well as a reminder
5542s for you guys that the World Cup is
5546s actually going to be crowd funded for
5547s the very first time again with those
5549s Home and Away skin bundles and you guys
5552s can check those out for every single
5554s individual conference that being emec
5557s APAC and Americas to be able to support
5560s those teams and contribute over towards
5562s the prize school but still we have a
5565s best of three to get into right now
5567s we've talked a lot about these teams
5569s already in general we know the first map
5571s that we are going to be starting off on
5573s as well but I gotta get your predictions
5576s to Dustin who do you have your money on
5578s for map number one okay we're doing
5580s predictions Ash are we doing predictions
5582s oh geez man I listen I I like to stay
5585s impartial obviously so I'm just gonna
5588s say an unrealistic score actually Ash
5590s I'm gonna throw I'm gonna it's gonna be
5592s 9-0 for Brazil no I'm just kidding I
5594s think that overall I've got to say 2o
5596s Brazil I think this team looks really
5597s good on paper obvious obviously and I
5600s think that as a region I think they've
5602s done more than Chile at the moment it
5605s seems like the right pick but obviously
5607s I think it could go either way I don't
5609s know moxie what do you think on this
5611s matchup I mean I am with you I think
5613s Brazil is going to take this there is
5615s one potential wrinkle however when it
5618s comes to this Team Matchup Brazil likes
5620s to to go both the Zen and the kiriko for
5623s that support lineup if Chile does indeed
5625s field this Doom first that's going to be
5629s a lot of backline vulnerability so
5631s they're going to have to be able to
5633s absolutely nail every single one of
5635s these shots if they don't want to be
5636s losing one of the supports early
5640s all good points to keep in mind here are
5642s going into this best of three between
5644s Chile and Brazil but I mean we do have
5647s to wait just a little bit longer before
5649s the game gets actually underway what are
5652s the odds though mostly do you think that
5654s the doomfist does actually come out
5657s well given the fact that they have two
5659s tank players one of whom comes in to
5660s play the Reinhardt and the other plays
5662s the team first I always say Knight to
5663s seven percent more likely that we're
5666s probably going to be seeing a dinner
5667s first also for all of the reasons that
5669s we've talked about Widowmaker being very
5670s popular in this map Doom first days as
5672s well lots of very small spaces lots of
5674s playground focuses a whole heck of
5677s rollouts and doomfist Tech that you can
5679s do some of the parkour that these
5681s players are able to pull off on this map
5683s alone doesn't just boggles the mind for
5686s sure as we go into ilios and say goodbye
5688s to Ash who floats off into host or
5691s Heaven as we wait for her for the next
5692s map in the next uh in this series and
5695s ilios obviously is a map that uh really
5698s I think has a lot of diversity in terms
5700s of the map Pool as we see and as you
5703s know ruins obviously Widowmaker
5704s potentially could be in there but also
5706s you know at times teams just like to run
5707s you know brawl even just make you know
5710s those quick rotations to the point and
5711s try to you know secure a lot of those
5714s close angles and avoid any poke damage
5716s happening from traces and just run on
5718s targets that maybe have used the
5719s cooldown or are relatively easy right to
5722s die to run on I mean sometimes we even
5724s see Echo coming for I know a lot of
5727s regions in in emec uh running a lot of
5730s echo at the moment with just the sky
5731s boxes on this map alone however it looks
5734s like we're just going to be seeing dive
5735s for dive Brazil going for that Winston
5737s Anna going to be Bodyguard by Brigida
5740s Chile doing the exact same thing with a
5741s diva in the mix and stuff
5743s yeah we saw some Diva earlier didn't
5745s really work out to a great effect so the
5747s swap came through to uh for Matra Frank
5750s taking a ton of focus a little early on
5752s but that gets those heels from Laszlo on
5754s The High Ground as chelita's regroups
5756s around it Brazil have the entirety of
5758s the point under the control chili has to
5761s be rotating over this point incredibly
5763s quickly bonuses on them can make that
5765s rotation Point almost goes into favor of
5767s Brazil but incoming Ram with a touch
5768s nice easy Grenade on the Frack as well
5770s the Deep him low in this fight
5771s eventually will lose Meck as well the
5773s heels on enough to keep them alive
5775s Brazil is well on that outside we're
5777s able to capture the boy a dynamite on
5779s the back can't get clanged but Ludwig
5781s able to avoid that damage eventually
5783s will find that baby Diva and who knew
5785s one of it was so good at OverWatch just
5787s kidding it's a different guy Neil also
5789s chases down Papo on the low ground but
5791s out also goes as well in Brazil clean
5793s first fight for them so I'm a huge fan
5795s of Ash but only when you're in control
5797s of that fight and you can use the
5799s dynamite to kite these players towards
5801s either the Tracer or the diva especially
5804s when you're running a diva into the
5805s Sombra look at the charge on EMP you're
5807s just an absolute battery first then go
5810s on the somber who's going to have EMP in
5811s the next fight the sticks it's just
5814s extra style points and Shelly are going
5817s to be waiting another couple of moments
5820s for the full regroup to come through and
5822s by then that EMP is going to be packaged
5824s it's going to be parceled and it's going
5825s to be wrapped and left right on their
5827s doorstep oh yeah I I freaking love this
5829s this is a great sign for Brazil and
5831s their fans to see both crazy players
5833s starting off strongly 52 now on the
5836s board Chile has to get an answer they
5838s have that pulse bomber to go building up
5839s towards that Bob as well the valve finds
5842s those shots on the new who jumps down to
5844s the open Ram picks so much damage
5845s dropping down also gets hit by the EMP
5847s but a nice name from Lance would keep
5849s him healthy also the Nana was to keep
5851s track in this fight great support
5853s gameplay from chileana Full Spawn from
5854s RAM on the back line what a connection
5857s from him also finds that that Anna but
5859s the health pack is hacked so I
5861s play around the health relatively well
5862s goes to that sleeve dark does not it
5863s dealing with the back line now is Ram
5865s taking a lot of that pressure off that
5867s front so the bow is able to find Neil
5869s and then on the Ludwig as well the ring
5871s attached for chile is successful as they
5873s claim the point yeah gorgeous coating
5875s coming through from ROM go straight for
5877s that backline like you said after the
5879s Anna pulls the sombra's attention as
5881s well spenko has to actually go for the
5883s peel to try and save his back line then
5885s as a result the direction safely on
5887s Kentucky gets to finally set himself up
5888s in The High Ground and put these
5890s dynamites to work as Brazil's comfort
5892s walk into the point Bob is out on the
5895s point as well to contest it make sure
5897s this Winston has trouble Neil Ops to
5899s back out Ludwig takes a bit of damage
5900s but nobody dead just did great disengage
5902s from Brazil on the inside although fenko
5905s has to translocate back towards that
5907s Mega health pack to know where he is
5908s coach gonna actually to boost nail away
5910s from the point as they know nobody else
5912s can contest Chili's going for an outside
5913s dive but they give up that point Ludwig
5916s has the full spot makes the rotation now
5917s happens for chile a hack comes through
5918s into fraction but he's still able to get
5920s off that Diva bomb the rally on the
5922s points potentially killed this Divas
5924s remix but the pulse bomb as well to make
5925s sure he goes back into Team Four put a
5927s rotation on a quick High Ground will
5929s keep him his life as RAM finds the Anna
5931s it's too late though because Brazil with
5933s that Primal Rage of deal and Ludwig
5935s combining on a Papo give them those two
5937s kills 85 percent of the board and he
5939s will jump back two of his supports as
5941s well as the Stagger kill comes through
5942s now 90 of the board it's gonna be a
5944s rough week intense we'll kill it yeah
5946s especially because now we're gonna have
5947s another EMP coming onto the Border first
5949s vinegar lastly by the way is on to the
5951s Kirk are there
5952s perk that we anticipated to come through
5953s is they're onto these fast moving here
5955s so just try and keep this overtime in
5957s play for as long as possible but no one
5958s can really possession around the EMP
5959s when it comes out and that's gonna be
5961s Brazil just cleaning up the aisles and
5963s taking the first point Ludwig's looking
5965s so good on the Tracer Moxie and you know
5968s overall Brazil what is what a series to
5971s start off with today getting that 151
5973s obviously this is round number one the
5976s standout DPS play from Brazil yeah
5979s honestly so you stand out play from all
5981s of them the fact that we only really saw
5982s Axel being caught out of position once
5984s or twice and a lot of the time it wasn't
5986s actually down to his fault it was just
5987s really good kiting coming for from
5989s Chiles we can have a look at some of
5991s this Ludwig Tracer replays as well it
5994s has Neil on the Winston just able to
5996s push aggressively onto this fire climb
5998s when they know they've zoned that on or
6000s away
6000s and I love this I I I love and hate this
6003s why the heck did this guy have to choose
6005s a name that is the same as a prominent
6007s figure in Esports it's it's so
6009s interesting that he decided to go with
6011s it maybe in the Brazilian scene doesn't
6012s know what wig as much obviously but I'm
6014s pretty sure the most famous Ludwig is a
6015s Beethoven but
6017s hey his name's Ludwig oh
6020s oh my God anyway change the topic here
6022s chilly now on to that Diva with the
6024s Pharaoh as well do have that pocket we
6025s talked about sort of these interesting
6027s kind of not cheese comps but pharah
6029s compositions coming through for other
6030s teams Chile kind of taking the playbook
6032s out of uh or a page out of Saudi
6035s Arabia's Playbook yeah Brazil
6040s from that first
6044s highly uncontested as long as you play
6046s around these buildings some blocked line
6048s of sight for spankers hacks they're
6050s untouchable
6051s yeah they roll through Ram over to the
6053s top most of that damage from what we get
6055s picked off early from crack who chases
6058s him down on the diva but senko does
6059s trade back Latin so a lot of those
6060s healing heels are gone but the resurrect
6063s now from Papo is here to bring him back
6065s in this fight bringing a lot of value in
6067s that Mercy pocket as well as RAM just
6068s kind of free to do whatever they don't
6070s touch the point though so Brazil is the
6071s first ones the Cavs shirt Brazil keep
6073s rotating around to find lasmud the
6075s damage not able to be found by Ram at
6076s the moment that's the problem with
6077s running the sparrow however now he's
6079s come back down to Expo trying to
6081s relocate back around with the fade he's
6083s able to find that damage Chile has this
6085s has disengaged being the uh Push by
6088s Brazil there but now Ram comes through
6091s on the Neil and Ludwig as well they
6093s slowly work their way back into this
6094s point and we'll capture it again chili
6097s just have to be careful by running this
6099s Pharmacy you're essentially taking every
6101s single fight three versus five if Brazil
6103s are able to collapse onto that back line
6105s and that's what Brazil is trying to do
6107s they're just ignoring the pharah and
6108s going straight for what should be the
6110s defensive and
6112s actually bodyguard and bite as far as
6115s hanging above that on his head making
6117s sure that no one can actually dive on
6118s with our composite hey Brazil do claim
6121s that point back they get to walk through
6123s that cage side now
6125s Randall setting up with that barrage
6127s Play No defensive Matrix to shut him
6128s down besides maybe a hanko on the low
6131s ground ball Houston to get back to his
6133s team and go for the barrage onto the
6134s Winston doesn't have time away gets him
6136s incredibly low but he's able to survive
6138s however Ram comes back in denial on the
6141s back side Pappa also gets the res onto
6142s last Zoo but it pulls bomb connects out
6144s of the diva and it took it touches Ram's
6145s toes
6149s and takes down Ludwig on the back side
6151s but it doesn't matter because that's
6152s Phil and the rest of Brazil's Laugh song
6154s and about Frack as well as lazu and
6157s still have control of that point and
6159s that's the problem for chile even though
6161s they are trying to find these kills
6162s using these ultimates Brazil just
6164s continues to be able to play The
6166s Objective and as much damage as you do
6168s OverWatch is always going to favor the
6170s team in control of the point Brazil has
6172s 74 we're heading into finals by
6174s territory and Chile don't have the
6176s damage birth to be able to follow up on
6178s the EMP
6179s percent on the board too I mean that's
6181s terrifying to go against Nicole lessons
6183s has won the back line there's that EMP
6185s from it about though like you mentioned
6186s on the front line to keep them sustained
6188s as that backwards evil bomb can track
6189s here do they sustain against it
6191s able to avoid that damage from the
6193s d-bomb as well ultimates already used no
6195s pills for chile so Brazil now comes back
6197s in with that Primal Rage 96 on the board
6200s Frank has to rotate towards it use
6201s brussers to avoid being thrown into the
6204s middle of the pit is you know trying to
6207s find some kills here eventually they'll
6209s find lazy but exposed taken down in
6210s terminal fract knows for the final blow
6212s Matt ramp does trade him back but Ludwig
6214s is here onto Frack as well at the rest
6216s of Brazil to collapse onto Chile as they
6218s rotate around the point even with that
6220s Skybox to work with they still have to
6222s contest the point Ram able to do so
6225s we'll go back to the side last second
6226s the soccer will touch for awesome Ram oh
6229s my God
6232s vertically from the point so he's not
6234s able to touch it last second in Brazil
6237s will win on ilios oh that's devastating
6239s the second that you as a father hit that
6241s queue you know
6244s cancel Pharaoh Charlie so you can't move
6247s you literally just stuck staring at the
6249s point and going oh my spaghetti
6252s it's on the ground but I am above it so
6254s cannot pick it up that's that's really
6256s unfortunate but I mean you could see
6259s that the second that Brazil saw that
6261s part of a composition come through they
6263s just clocked onto the fact that that
6264s Anna was left so vulnerable and just
6267s continued to dive and dive and dive
6270s finding that pit keeping the forest
6272s attention away so that every single time
6274s even when they weren't coming in terms
6276s of the kills they still have a point
6278s percentage they were still ticking that
6279s up and there was nothing that chilly
6281s could really do about it because if they
6282s sent the pharmacy to keep control of
6284s Point everyone else in backline dies
6286s I think that was overall fantastic work
6289s from Brazil and you know I like the idea
6291s from Chile obviously like you said with
6293s that fair accomplish to maybe mix things
6295s up to avoid a lot of that pressure it
6297s worked at points and you know maybe
6299s against the better favorite team maybe a
6301s team like Brazil wouldn't do as well
6303s against you know that sort of
6305s composition obviously we have seen Chile
6308s at points to look solid but you know as
6310s a team Brazil really did a great job
6312s surrounding really suffocating all the
6314s supports like you said Moxie it was a
6315s really tough time for that back line of
6317s Chile to really just have any sort of
6319s survivability as a unit and uh you know
6322s obviously we got to bring back Ash our
6323s host who comes back down from the
6324s Heavens to come into this discussion
6326s what's going on Ashley what'd you think
6327s of that first map
6329s flown back down from Cloud9 right now
6331s but uh overall I think you both made
6334s some really good points the pharmacy
6336s pick was interesting coming out from
6337s Chile the vision you know with the
6340s concussive blast and whatnot especially
6341s with the welder on ilios definitely huge
6344s but just a bit too disconnected I think
6346s from the remainder of the team
6348s composition just doesn't really allow
6350s all those moving pieces to work
6352s cohesively together Moxie yeah that was
6354s a little bit of a 50 50. as well like
6356s when you're running that Pharmacy it
6357s works so well for teams like Saudi
6360s Arabia at the moment Tripoli Sports
6362s Twisted mines back in the contenders
6363s emea region because they play
6366s aggressively they put so many resources
6367s onto players like laughter and yazan and
6369s they just send them I fully
6372s understanding that they're going to be
6373s trading that Anna but because the
6375s pharmacy stays alive they're still going
6377s to win the fight and that was where the
6379s disconnection came through from Chile's
6381s game plan because they had the pharmacy
6382s they just didn't have the aggression a
6384s lot of the time we would cut back to the
6385s forest POV and they would be literally
6387s babysitting the Anna in the back Decline
6390s and the kill would still come through on
6392s the Anna the rest would still come out
6393s and the fire would still be left
6394s vulnerable so you didn't get reward from
6397s Over the pharah finding kills or
6398s controlling the space allowing point
6400s percentage to be picked up for your team
6401s I think Marx is 100 right I think it's
6404s even add to it I I would go as far to
6407s say is it's a lack of mechanical prowess
6408s on the Pharaoh I mean it's it's hard to
6410s play that hero to the level that like
6412s you mentioned Saudi Arabia does they
6414s have so many Fantastic players obviously
6416s with yazan being one of them one of the
6418s best Fair players in the world it's hard
6420s to match that level there's so many
6422s decisions that Pharaoh players have to
6423s make and at times you can't make the
6426s right one when it's you know like you
6427s mentioned Moxie I mean the making the
6429s aggressive play hitting direct their
6430s shots I mean there's so many things that
6432s you have to do right unfortunately for
6434s it about or sorry for Ram it was hard to
6436s get that value that we've seen out of
6439s other teams
6440s and then talking a bit about as well it
6443s was just a bit of a struggle to like
6445s Moxie was saying actually during the
6446s cast is what I caught follow up on the
6448s the EMP coming over and about on that
6450s Sombra it felt like actually just
6451s obviously didn't have that same kind of
6453s damage burst available to actually close
6455s out of quite a few of those picks and
6458s again it just comes down to that lack of
6460s cohesiveness meanwhile Brazil we knew
6463s that that wasn't going to be a problem
6465s for them considering their history
6466s playing together their moxie yeah so
6469s normally when you're running something
6470s like the Sombra you want to have
6472s something to immediately be able to
6473s follow up that EMP because it lasts very
6475s little time so you have to essentially
6477s choose one Target and then everyone
6479s jumps them we see a lot of times it's on
6481s professional play EMP being invested
6483s solely to take down One support player
6485s like akiriko so they can't switch that
6487s they immediately go down and because
6488s those compositions traditionally don't
6490s come alongside the mercy that kill it
6492s sticks the problem however was that
6494s you're not running anything that has the
6496s first damage build for BMP but you're
6498s also not running a Lucio to be able to
6500s use that speed boost jump on the Target
6502s in time and guarantee that the EMP
6504s actually secures the kill that you're
6506s trying to connect it into
6509s and Dustin I've got to ask as well but
6511s the difference between these tank picks
6513s that we see coming out from Chile and
6515s Brazil was all going for that Winston
6517s Chile opting for the diva instead how
6520s did that fare and play into I just I
6523s guess generally just how they were able
6526s to work around each other and the types
6528s of pushes that both teams were going for
6530s you know I I think it's it's fully
6532s taught to say like which one which hero
6534s is uh better I know that you didn't
6535s really directly ask that question but
6536s it's it's kind of tough at the moment
6538s because you know after everything we've
6540s seen from Diva it's always been from
6541s like the weaker team on paper right it
6543s feels like a lot of the diva players
6544s tend to kind of maybe just pay for that
6546s hero because of their you know hero pool
6548s like you mentioned but with Winston in
6550s particular the hero was just so damn
6551s good at the moment with just engaging
6553s the cooldowns are so low that it can
6555s continue to just rotate also Primal Rage
6557s one of the most underrated I mean people
6558s like say it's not that underrated but I
6561s think it's one of the strongest
6561s ultimates in the game right gives you
6563s you know that full health pool really
6565s turns into a tanky Beast that also has a
6568s crap ton of damage so realistically the
6570s Winston Winston players real artist
6572s playing a hero that is arguably at times
6574s better but it's also tough to say just
6576s because you know we don't really know
6578s how good the diva is maybe in the right
6581s hands it could be better I'm so happy
6583s after you actually mentioned former rage
6584s Dustin because yeah like you said it
6586s does seem like it's a little bit of an
6587s underrated ultimate but there's actually
6589s a specific moment on Lighthouse where
6592s Axel goes down the anus disconnects away
6594s from the Winston that Neil actually gets
6596s to stay alive and still win the team
6597s fight afterwards because he has that
6599s Primal right healing of the immediate
6601s birth of how far and then even when you
6603s lose it you're still going to be full
6605s help when you revert back to that winter
6607s monkey mode so they really were able to
6609s like we said identify that okay they're
6612s going to lose a player let's at least
6614s trade it so it translates into a fight
6615s one
6617s all fair points especially with that
6619s wins and shield being pretty strong up
6620s against the pharah just being able to
6622s provide that cover for the back line
6624s when needed and then also for of course
6626s the engagements there when he does go in
6628s for that full dive but we are going to
6630s just drum roll a little bit while we
6632s wait for the next map pick to come
6634s through overall but big MVP at least
6638s coming out from that first game onto the
6640s Winston player Neil that we just were
6642s actually just talking about there Dustin
6643s oh yeah Neil play great I think that
6646s obviously one of the uh one of the best
6648s Winston plays that we've seen so far out
6649s of the two games you know very small
6650s sample size so this is like say he's the
6653s best he's the best ant out of two ants
6655s on the floor I don't know it just seems
6657s like at the point in the tournament you
6659s know we still have yet to see some of
6660s the best Winston's coming through
6662s obviously with the like of likes of
6664s Korea at times with uh super Matthew
6666s delisi obviously sitting on at points on
6668s America's bench one of the best Winston
6670s players has a super diverse and flexible
6671s hero pool but like you said Neil played
6674s very very well really was that standout
6676s player for them and also Ludwig the rest
6678s of them I mean Moxie kind of touched on
6679s it I just feel like this team overall is
6682s playing very well and that's what you
6683s want to see as a Brazilian fan is have a
6685s team that can perform up to expectations
6688s mechanically as a unit
6690s oh absolutely but without further Ado we
6693s are going to see the next pick coming in
6696s here for this second map Moxie I've got
6698s to get your thoughts okay well we're
6700s getting to see it it is going to be a
6702s new watchpoint Gibraltar coming for when
6704s I mean I can see why Chile wants us to
6707s take it uh to want to take us there if
6709s they want her on the Widowmaker very
6711s very strong first point for Widowmaker
6713s to be able to find a lot of those
6714s openings from The High Ground if they
6715s want to run the far for the exact same
6717s reasons really nice Big Sky boxes a lot
6719s of high ground denial for the Defenders
6721s as well just to be able to spam some of
6723s those places make sure that you get a
6725s lot of distance on that payload for free
6726s I'm a little bit concerned however
6728s because gibraltar's end game has always
6730s been dive compositions and I would say
6732s that from what we've seen so far
6733s Brazil's dive game is stronger
6736s that's fair and Dustin what do you think
6738s the adjustments that we need to see
6739s coming out from Chile going into this
6741s next Mac considering just how ilios kind
6745s of played out for them they've got to
6747s make that quick adjustment to find that
6749s cohesion do you have any idea maybe like
6752s through crafting on what really mainly
6754s needs to be tightened up there I think
6756s it's tough Asher I think Moxie was kind
6759s of hit the nail on the on the head here
6760s with the fact that you know a lot of
6762s dive compositions are pretty solid on
6764s Gibraltar but you know previously in the
6767s last matchup we saw with Colombia we did
6769s see a lot of those One-Shot sniper
6771s characters right those are kind of like
6772s the Difference Maker Heroes that
6774s potentially could swing the favor ins in
6776s in Chile's side I think that I'm not
6779s sure if they actually have that Talent
6780s dabout obviously was shown on ash at
6783s points really really strong but you know
6785s maybe he can whip out the Hanzo maybe he
6787s can hit those logs across the map and
6788s get one shots that that team needs
6791s because at this point you're kind of
6792s relying on it right I think that uh
6794s Brazil obviously as a unit looked very
6797s very cohesive and strong so the only
6798s counter to potential counter to that
6800s would really just get to begin to
6802s getting those one shots to just stop the
6804s pushes of Brazil just through overall
6807s you know damage output and getting those
6809s one shots on the Hanzo absolutely and
6812s really little room for error here with
6814s it being a best of three
6819s all and the fact that it's also again we
6822s just can't stop talking about the stakes
6824s with it being only two spots available
6825s here in group b of Americas to actually
6829s secure that opportunity to move over to
6831s that round robin group stage but I'm not
6834s gonna wait too much longer I'm gonna
6835s send you guys over to that video fly
6838s through once again here on watchpoint
6840s Gibraltar Dustin Moxie take it away
6843s thank you Ash and obviously leading into
6846s gibraltarmacy I mean one of the biggest
6847s takeaways that you hand on this map I
6849s think we talked about earlier obviously
6850s I didn't give any insight at all Ash
6851s came in through and she's like hey what
6853s do you think about Gibraltar what do you
6854s think about these new changes I'm like I
6855s don't know they don't matter what do you
6857s think do they do they matter what has to
6858s do with Gibraltar what's changed here
6860s for the viewers then they need to
6861s understand with this map uh maybe in
6864s your games what have you experienced
6865s with Gibraltar momentum shift I I think
6868s is one of the big ones with the changes
6869s coming through a lot of the time
6871s Gibraltar just felt so snowbally right
6874s you would lose point a you would get
6876s staggered on point B as you respawn the
6878s attacking team we just continue to push
6879s and push push before you knew it you
6882s would be staring down the barrel of
6883s point a and point B combined into a time
6886s bank with Point C and you would just be
6888s scrapping for any grant that you could
6890s try and save going into Point C and it
6892s would literally be that last stretch
6894s around that last Corner that the
6896s Defenders would have to fall back onto
6898s with one catwalk of Higher Ground a
6900s little bit of Higher Ground behind the
6902s point itself and the silence of your
6904s tools which were still incredibly
6905s exposed to any High Ground that the
6908s attacking team were able to just
6909s immediately take away from you since
6911s you're having to play around that
6912s initial corner but now with those
6914s changes coming through the Defenders
6916s have a little bit more cover to be able
6917s to hide from places like those one shots
6919s of something like a Widowmaker or a
6921s Hanzo so it's definitely been a lot less
6924s fast-paced I think for attacking teams
6926s that having to slow things down just a
6928s little bit for now
6930s interesting let's see how Gibraltar
6932s plays out but obviously we're still
6933s waiting for that to come through so
6935s we're gonna bring you back Ash I mean I
6937s think that this map really Moxie kind of
6939s touched on it it feels like things have
6940s changed but uh it's still the same old
6942s map obviously both these teams are I
6945s mean I'm gonna be Brazil's looking
6947s really good at the moment Ash I don't
6949s mean I don't mean to burst this bubble
6951s from Chile but uh seems like Brazil's on
6953s top at the moment we'll see if they can
6955s take it in that 2-0 sweep though like
6956s you predicted Dustin earlier on and
6959s again I'm gonna send you guys away for
6960s real this time
6962s um
6963s I won't be coming back so you guys head
6965s on into the server and I'll catch you
6966s guys on the other side sounds good nice
6968s we'll see you later and uh obviously
6970s Gibraltar Moxie here we go I mean this
6971s is like the 10th time we've talked about
6972s it I think that uh this map kind of
6975s upsets me okay or did upset me OverWatch
6978s one they did change it you know with the
6979s sunset and stuff you know how like on
6981s point one you get blinded by the Sunday
6983s yeah they fixed it they fixed the sunset
6986s didn't they like with this map is it's
6988s great you can actually see now it was
6989s our adult environment moment where you
6992s um walked off the stairs because you
6994s were blind by that sunset
6996s what are you talking about no I don't I
6998s don't feed okay everybody else does the
7000s feeding but you know what points it did
7001s blind me and I got shot by a Widowmaker
7003s out of the spawn doors but that was my
7004s fault like I said it's the map's fault
7005s it's not not mine all you're saying is
7008s we need in-game sunglasses yeah yeah
7010s exactly like why is the sun blinding a
7012s robot I'm playing zenyana like a dude
7014s does not even have eyes like why does he
7016s why does their Reflections like we need
7018s to have I don't know maybe how do you
7020s think sunsets do you think is
7021s echolocation
7028s you're entering my territory with that
7030s question that's that's definitely that's
7032s a that's a
7033s echolocations maybe new bat skin coming
7036s soon
7037s but okay we're having some Hanzo play on
7039s both sides and Diva as well Moxie and uh
7042s interesting to see Brazil run it as well
7043s we'll have to see in that mirror matchup
7045s how they do yeah is it going to be a one
7048s shot coming for from this hands or are
7050s they going to safely be able to keep
7052s this payload moving around the corner
7054s sprinkle is looking for it he knows that
7056s chili isn't something she just sucks so
7057s even trying to use papo's brake Shield
7059s to buy themselves a little bit of
7061s survivability so that the bike can try
7063s to push onto this hand so who's also
7065s getting the aid of focus broken armor
7067s looking for that Sonic over the top
7070s you said both brigittas enabling the
7072s hanzo's so neither goes down playing it
7074s well I like to see the Bounce by the way
7076s playing that Hanzo to give them a
7078s potential one shot but so far chilly are
7080s the ones being pressured by an anti
7081s grenade and they're actually aggressive
7083s now Ludwig though on the low ground
7085s meanwhile a 2v2 is happening on The High
7086s Ground able to find Ram with help from
7089s that brigitta and Diva yeah Power
7092s doesn't even moved that far either
7093s because dog has been just doing such a
7096s good job of moving from the hybrid Logan
7098s keeping it contested so it doesn't get
7099s to move into car wash and as a result
7102s RAM does not just get to use the tracing
7104s ability and sit on the payload and force
7106s Brazil to give up The High Ground
7107s weather and so much control with this
7109s Handler composition yeah I mean dark has
7112s been playing so well just going back and
7113s forth making sure he said that that Halo
7116s doesn't push now minute 30 off the clock
7118s already Dragon strike off The High
7119s Ground to zone out
7121s about has to back up no cart space
7123s giving yet still either anti-grenated on
7125s the carts the front can't push it
7127s anymore as well as the tracers on the
7129s cart dealing with some damage down Nana
7130s boost also onto Frack to try to find
7133s that kill spenko backs off from The High
7135s Ground to avoid that engage from Frack a
7138s bench the ninja boost can wear off but
7139s svenko wants to keep holding his High
7141s Ground keeps pressuring the Hanzo
7143s neither able to find that opening pick
7145s because of the defensive Matrix and also
7147s that bravita Shields so both hanzo's do
7149s you guys have avoiding shots but not
7151s able find those kills comes around the
7153s back with that fourth one ready to go
7154s with the Nana boost as well goes for the
7155s pulls tonight sleep Dart though on to
7157s Ludwig do they have the follow-up damage
7159s they do but it might be too late they've
7161s already lost two members of the team
7162s svenko also finds the battle but Ram has
7164s traded Expo it's still a two versus two
7166s Hanzo and Hanzo and Diva versus Diva and
7169s Tracer has to jump off The High Ground
7170s stack Frack will chase him down and baby
7172s Diva for him to get that killed
7175s eventually Danka will use that he bomb
7176s to preserve his life to make sure he
7179s could re-mech here Frank will come back
7180s but the closest bonds are in favor of
7183s Brazil Ram also not able to get the
7184s health pack has to translocate away
7186s Ludwig playing that perfectly in that
7189s spot in that individual micro spot ends
7191s the fight will kind of go back to a
7193s neutral angle yeah and again we're going
7195s to see Hansley versus Hansel quick
7196s Shield to Hell fight but Divine tell us
7198s outside Dragon strikes full stop as far
7199s as away from the diva as you can send it
7202s through without having to worry about it
7203s getting Matrix there it is cut for him
7205s to the back line but no kills picked up
7207s trace him right into a three-person 198
7209s however moving in with that Raleigh
7212s Brazil going to mirror it and now it's
7213s all about sustainability fantastic
7216s disengage from Brazil trying to relocate
7217s around that point drop their own dragon
7219s strike off just don't let the payload no
7221s dance however on both sides storm Arrow
7223s comes about to try to find that repeat
7225s that who has been living y'all
7226s eventually will fall but Frank chased
7228s him down also on to Ludwig they're on
7230s this card is 1.6 meters left to go
7233s building up towards another d-bump gets
7235s the Nana boost as well to continue his
7237s damage on that back line the Divas still
7239s here DACA will lose me and eventually
7242s chilly will capture on on first point
7243s after a very very long push yeah it's
7247s honestly really small from Chile however
7248s not to go for a full disengagement even
7250s though they lose players the second that
7252s they disengage away from that fighting
7254s Warehouse Brazil goes right back to that
7257s High Ground stalemate that they had
7258s chili locked into for so long in that
7260s time and gets to Windows to absolutely
7262s nothing
7267s defense Matrix gobbles that one up in
7269s Brazil not going to be able to find an
7271s early pick to keep Chile from
7272s snowballing and holding this High Ground
7275s as they try to come through these jokes
7276s and about now find smack I mean crack
7278s winning outstanding even player he's
7280s been to now enabled about maybe get back
7282s in this series they chase down that back
7284s line out of the fight also Ram gets ran
7285s on by Ludwig too chilly not pushing that
7288s car up two minutes left in the second
7290s point so do you have that Nana boost if
7292s they want to be able to send it onto
7293s that even body all of this damage but
7295s the second that they send dalka in fact
7298s is going to come through with the body
7299s block on that self-destruct but nope
7302s you got stuff though on the back so
7305s unfortunately it's back towards that
7306s payload over dalka still not able to
7307s find a lot of damage to Banana boots
7309s just to maybe Zone off that back line to
7311s give his team some space but let's go
7314s out of BBD even form hits those shots on
7316s the Frack amazing work from him and also
7318s with an empty grenade onto Papo but
7320s about those trade backs Benco but nice
7322s work from next fault to give Brazil that
7324s again but about now hit the shot him to
7326s look when he wants to commit the dragon
7327s strike the defensive Matrix is also not
7329s there to Zone off the back line that
7331s gives him that kill but Expo trades it
7332s back and hit a player doing as much work
7334s as X still has done so far it's almost
7337s unheard of so far in the World Cup
7338s Series 3K for the inner player of Brazil
7341s to keep them holding this objective at
7344s the last possible second ah she has a
7346s successor
7348s in terms of those kills means that chili
7351s is full it's nice to take a much longer
7352s rotation to be able to dodge out of
7354s these one shots potentially coming
7355s through from spenko and it means that
7357s they are down to one minute in the time
7359s find two old supposed to work with in
7361s Brazil have The High Ground above them
7363s the poor spawn defensive Matrix is here
7365s and Brad eats that whole Spawn from
7367s Ludwig great work from that team of
7369s player on Chili's side Ram drops down
7371s below waiting with that fourth bomb
7372s looks for the Hanzo drops out of the
7373s doorway but unfortunately nice work from
7375s svengo to avoid all of the damage
7377s meanwhile rally is happening for
7379s Brazil's side while Nana boost allows
7380s her to keep Frank healthy but he's still
7382s going quite low spenko looking for those
7384s one shots Tracer back here Ram down to
7386s one HP needs to preserve his life so
7389s he'll relocate back into that his team's
7391s side to get some healing playing around
7393s now that forklift side Frack will lose
7395s the neck as the fight's gone for a bit
7397s too long for the Chili's side 20 seconds
7399s left now and they're getting clean duck
7401s the by Brazil signar might even lose
7404s level on that Anna there it is taken
7408s dying that is a horrible Saga as they're
7411s not gonna be able to have him back until
7413s we head into all the time it's just
7414s going to be papal and blue star trying
7416s to get a touch onto the failure but even
7418s if they're able to there's nowhere to
7419s hide from the top strong purple run no
7422s he eventually goes goes down down to
7424s here as well on to Ram over time now it
7427s takes away doomfist does get to punch
7429s off to eventually punch but with the
7430s Nana boost the brigitta and the diva
7432s along here and nobody else alive that
7434s ends Chile's push on the streets phase
7437s so that means Brazil will be going over
7438s to attack and only have to get it thus
7440s far yeah Brazil looking immensely strong
7443s just being able to control all of those
7445s High Ground Avenues having that just
7447s pressure overwhelmingly coming from from
7450s svenka while also guaranteeing that the
7452s payload does not get free push from
7454s Chile which is the cheese way let's be
7457s honest with making sure that you're able
7458s to negate the one versus one Victory you
7461s send someone to touch cart then pushes
7463s all of the defense off of The High
7465s Ground and that means that the Hansel
7466s just does not have that opening control
7468s of all of those fights it just didn't
7470s happen they never got the opportunity to
7472s be able to put Ram into that position
7473s and all of that comes down to darker and
7476s for sure dalka did a great job pushing
7478s forward but you know to be honest on the
7479s flip side just to give something to uh
7481s to Chile it seems like Frack really has
7484s been doing great as an aggressive Diva
7485s player but you know what time I mean yes
7490s coming through from that River and even
7493s more on the flip side for this team all
7495s of that High Ground opening initial
7497s fight control that we saw in Brazil's
7499s hands now flips over when the side flips
7501s as well
7502s yeah and now the defensive sign like you
7505s said I mean it's it's it enables Frank
7507s to maybe do a bit more but it's tough at
7508s the moment when Brazil you know has the
7511s mechanical prowess they do you know X
7513s fell obviously on the end of playing
7514s well spent to one of the Hanzo shown
7515s that flexibility from that Sombra
7517s Ludwig's still doing well in the Tracer
7519s and uh you know Brazil is a unit really
7522s has been shutting out Chile in their
7524s pushes yeah lots of really good kill
7526s coming for from we're going to see exact
7528s same composition symmetra TP just being
7530s able to negate some of that poke coming
7532s out from the about this time on the
7535s Hanzo is ramp still on that Tracer don't
7538s try to bite into the smackline but
7539s they're playing from the five and so
7540s it's incredibly hard to actually be able
7542s to find Target isolated a lot of body
7544s shots leg shots on Tui chonzo not giving
7547s up that headshot one shot coming through
7549s the right side but unfortunately no kill
7551s for svenkell meanwhile nade hits three
7553s on to Brazil stopping that put for now
7555s at about six back at the boxes of the
7559s back of the map but svenko is the one
7561s with a bit of the space here with the
7562s brigitta Anna and Diva meanwhile this is
7564s Anna and brigitta and deep on the other
7567s side Rambo does find Ludwig on the low
7570s ground while I Tracer 1v1 was happening
7571s on the cart stopping that push for now
7574s svenko does connect on to lazu though
7577s nice shot from Davao onto that Hanzo
7580s tries to maybe deal with that pressure
7582s from svenko here now they have to back
7584s up man without that honor they do not
7586s have the sustainability to be able to
7587s keep the neck and if they lose the neck
7589s they lose control of being able to have
7592s both Avenues of high ground in the
7593s playgrounds because we're seeing
7595s everyone to try to support their life as
7597s long as possible really good use of
7598s those pieces coming through from 180 and
7601s that defense Matrix to be able to keep
7602s the neck until Eliza was able to regroup
7604s with the team but Brazil already pull
7606s off that first opening that's so chilly
7608s such a long time to be able to break
7610s they're barely passed it in a handful to
7612s answer your name but Brazil slowed down
7613s temporarily have that pulse bomb ready
7615s to go loving has to recall barely makes
7618s it back to his team nice use of those
7620s blanks to get back to it and also the
7621s bout on the other side gets that kill
7623s onto svenko so although Ludwig lives his
7625s DPS partner does not Dragon strike from
7628s the belt they go aggressive it connects
7630s onto Axel just Ludwig now with a few
7632s members of his team aligned so he's
7633s gonna back out as the bounce Dragon
7634s strike connects onto three members of
7636s Brazil to give them that fight win no
7639s they got to try and go back to holding
7640s that aggressive position you can already
7642s see that dividers I'm going but that
7645s control will be able to take down doll
7647s Criswell who got staggered in BBD
7649s performing his only now dispatched
7651s towards that respawn Point as well so
7653s they'll are coming in with the majority
7655s of ultimates in that pocket but Chile
7656s because they won that fight have the
7658s means of positioning in anticipation of
7660s all of them so they hopefully shouldn't
7662s get caught up by one it's gonna take
7664s Brazil throwing one in to kite them into
7666s a nest see what level quick does here on
7668s the left side but this will be like this
7669s out of Chile so far the bout has
7672s got a broader mean My Little Drop
7673s towards the car Dragon track from senko
7675s over to the top Force Chile off into
7676s that pulse bomb potential in there it is
7679s the bout is removed from the lobby of
7680s the pick Potential from
7683s on the back line but it is entirely
7685s avoided if the card is now pushing
7687s towards the very end the only one
7688s touching his crack down below with the
7691s Nano boost goes up to The High Ground to
7692s force that Dean bomb from dalka who will
7694s get the Remake off as the belt will
7696s rejoin his team in a second Ludwig down
7699s below will have to deal with the rally
7700s on full science d-bomb from track Above
7702s The High Ground does not connect to find
7704s to kill Nia with the rest of his team
7706s come through towards that car with the
7708s rally and the Nana boost engaged on
7709s their side with that ultimate Advantage
7711s they take full advantage of it now could
7713s chase this down ladsonia also to find
7715s Papo on that low ground Diva eventually
7718s gets lost as well in Brazil played that
7720s fight perfectly monster it takes a lot
7722s of ultimates however but Brazil will be
7725s able to win the fight pick up that
7726s checkpoint and get a little bit more
7728s time added to that I can chilly now back
7731s to hot to Tycoon to be able to respawn
7733s and not get staggered out as you can see
7735s there's already eyeing up all of these
7737s grounds to be able to hold away from the
7739s defense sleep Hills on to divide their
7741s hands from not an evil to push the away
7744s defense Matrix now coming through for
7746s both of them as everyone just buys for
7747s control of flames a nice knee from
7750s expert onto the back line but no shots
7751s from svengo to kill him he drops down to
7753s the forklift but Chile has to give up
7755s that top space Ludwig though straight
7758s back Ram yet again it feels like this
7760s happened multiple times in this series
7761s but we're getting the better of that
7763s Tracer duel but he did have some support
7764s from his own Brigitte meanwhile Dragon
7766s strike to try to equalize it but it just
7768s forces him off that high grounds but
7770s actually finds that kill Antonia the
7772s cart still pushing in this fight look he
7774s has the force more to go he notice the
7775s Hanzo double jumped away but Benco takes
7777s down ran even though Ludwig's pulse bomb
7779s was not a success they still have that
7780s man Advantage Dragon strike still
7782s available throws it onto The High Ground
7784s to make sure they have to drop off
7786s towards that forklift side last Moon
7788s avoiding that damage carts still pushing
7789s like you said Mark sidalka able to take
7792s advantage of that cart space and put
7793s forward to those boxes but a need slows
7796s down the push of Brazil Lanes onto
7797s svenko in the follow-up from Rams is
7799s there Chile last second 4.25 meters
7802s length Force Brazil to retreat for now
7805s does it smoke and mirrors from Brazil
7806s they've been able to push that payload
7808s so close to the finish playing Chile yes
7809s they have the advantages of alternative
7811s Army but look what Swank has done he's
7813s on to the Sombra he's going to be able
7815s to threaten that back cap and Chile is
7817s always going to have to be vigilant that
7818s they don't allow the back cap to come
7820s through they're anchored in position and
7823s that gives so much more freedom to
7825s Brazil TPS oh my God the bat almost goes
7828s down but has those kills from my Zoo
7830s pulse bond from RAM does not connect
7831s either like I said the cart pressure is
7833s still immense but spouse taking
7834s advantage of this High Ground space
7835s connects them to Ludwig I mean he
7837s doesn't have his another Hanzo to deal
7839s with but he does have to deal with the
7840s flail from the arm oh my God the bow
7842s gets picked off another side no more
7844s One-Shot potential Chile might have to
7846s use some ultimates to sustain here
7847s against Brazil they drop down below can
7849s get the hack off with the defensive
7851s Matrix but a nano booth re-engage now
7853s from Chile Brazil kind of wanted that so
7856s if Chile doesn't find any picks this
7857s could be an ultimate that it's not
7860s necessarily wasted but at least doesn't
7861s result in any kills Falcon now comes
7863s from the top side does have that Diva
7865s bomb ready to go they also have their
7867s own Nano engage as well Dives onto that
7869s Hans over the pocket from the back line
7871s up with zoom Papo was too much to deal
7872s with dalca though now his deep and enemy
7874s territory gets the Nana boots dies some
7876s of the Hanzo no double pocket or
7878s defensive Matrix will save you there the
7880s sleep does come through in a doctor but
7881s he's immediately woken up the rally here
7883s to sustain with the diva bomb but does
7885s not find any kills now the desperately
7887s trying to find lazulu on the back line
7889s trying to avoid all that damage as bot
7891s time for Pap for the trade back the
7893s Brazilian uh brigitta but svenko with a
7896s 2K melee on till RAM and Papo gives them
7899s those kills in the diva bomb to Zone and
7902s enables Brazil to capture out on
7903s Gibraltar to give the net to a victory
7905s yeah Brazil it feels like we're just a
7908s little bit ahead in terms of that macro
7909s game both on that defense and on their
7912s attacks so much distance is picked up on
7915s that payload for virtually free because
7917s everyone is just so occupied dealing
7919s with all of those players vying for
7921s control of the choke and the ship me
7923s meanwhile the payload is just making its
7925s merry way entirely uncontested putting
7928s us to a final fight territory and
7929s forcing Chilean to throw in so many
7931s ultimates to being able to hold on just
7933s a little bit longer I mean great work
7935s from Brazil overall get that 2-0 real
7937s quick over to Chile as well Maxi and uh
7940s I mean what's some of the standouts for
7941s you in that series Max I feel like it
7943s seemed like it was the entire team of
7945s Brazil but you know individually do you
7949s have any individual call outs for this
7950s team I mean like you said all of these
7952s players absolutely on the absolute peak
7955s of their game so many of them standing
7958s out I'm sure Ash as well is going to
7959s have her favorite so we'll bring her
7961s back so that he uh she can come and
7963s discuss hers with us but I have to I
7966s have to give it up svenko was hitting
7967s the flashy shots yes but dalka and
7970s Ludwig being able to play The Objective
7972s being able to play what really matters
7974s at the end of the day just allowed
7977s Brazil to have that extra Edge in terms
7979s of macro making
7981s and that's a big thing right it was all
7983s in the macro there for Brazil the fact
7986s that they had that cohesion once again
7987s going into this second match up and then
7990s also just the foresight to be able to
7992s keep an eye on the actual prize when it
7994s comes down to pushing that payload but
7996s what a way to end things off there for
7999s that too and oh sweet coming out
8001s unfortunate for chile a lot to I think
8003s think about for this team going forward
8005s as far as being able to it take it the
8008s distance if they want to continue on
8010s within the group stage here in this
8012s round robin for the open call for the
8014s online qualifiers sorry but that's just
8018s it's tough It's a little bit
8019s heartbreaking to be honest Dustin there
8021s for chile with just how that last Point
8022s ended out yeah they were super close I
8025s think at the end of pushing us to that
8026s map number three
8028s um but you know at the end of the day
8029s they just kind of got out played as a
8031s team at the moment Brazil obviously did
8033s play it very conservative I will say
8035s towards the end obviously they kind of
8037s you know didn't want to take risky
8039s fights they were kind of trying to avoid
8041s fights where maybe they could have come
8043s back with some ultimates they just
8044s wanted to disengage make sure Chile
8046s wasted ultimate set at points but uh you
8049s know that could maybe lead something
8050s into later on for Brazilian for Brazil's
8052s matchups but like you said I mean Ash
8054s yet it is disappointing for for chile I
8056s think they can come away from that
8058s matchup at least understanding okay we
8059s have a great Diva player in Frac we've
8062s got some good supports as well I think
8064s maybe if they focus on on those sort of
8066s units this team doesn't look that bad
8068s for their future matches
8070s it's all about refining all those
8072s details at the end of the day right and
8074s just being able to move forward with
8076s that mentality keep things positive keep
8078s everything in a more optimistic lights
8081s as we check out the replays from this
8083s last match up overall but again I mean
8087s just the Synergy to come out on this
8090s Brazilian squad has it was just
8092s unparalleled to be honestly I mean look
8094s at that regression too when you compare
8096s both of the sides in terms of how those
8099s hounselors aggressed onto catwalk when
8101s chili is on the attacking side we we
8103s have like one minute and a half
8104s stalemate of hansel's hiding behind
8106s brakita Shields breaking the shield not
8108s wanting to speak the angle because
8110s they're at risk and waiting for the
8111s bridge Shield to reset and then going
8113s back and doing the exact same thing over
8114s again when Brazilian villains attacking
8117s they have a little bit of that Hansel
8118s standoff and then they literally just
8120s run
8123s sitting on that High Ground immediately
8125s breaking what could have been a one and
8127s a half minute or even longer stalemate
8129s so even though they do lose the fight
8131s afterwards because we're really good
8133s Dragon strike coming through from the
8135s opposing Handler right into uh generator
8138s room coming out from about catching on
8140s to so many of the Squishies they've
8142s still been able to break the time Bank
8144s in terms of Chili's defense
8146s and I think those standoffs are really
8149s what tells you about how fearsome of a
8151s team Brazil is looking to be here within
8155s the Americas conference I I'm pretty
8158s sure even on the socials the Brazilian
8160s team retweeted a tweet that said that
8163s the Koreans were going to be stunned
8164s when they saw the Firepower that the
8166s Brazilians were bringing into the
8169s OverWatch World Cup there Dustin
8171s is that can I laugh I mean like bro like
8174s nobody could deal with the crew what are
8175s you talking about man that's like like I
8178s get it like you want to be copying your
8179s team I respect it okay but listen that's
8180s got that's a tough ass man I'll believe
8182s it when I see it all right I'll believe
8183s it when I see it I don't mean to be a
8185s pessimist here but come on like we're
8187s talking about Korea one of the most
8188s dominant regions in the history of
8190s OverWatch in Brazil they've they've got
8193s the Firepower there but
8195s well I'll believe it when I see it
8197s actually okay I'll believe what I see it
8199s that's valid that's valid I think it's
8201s just fun to kind of like set those
8202s Stakes have that little banter on the
8204s socials as well between regions too it
8207s just keeps everything fun and it keeps
8209s the competition entertaining for sure
8212s but again a huge 2-0 so far I mean it's
8216s only been two two match-ups here within
8218s the round Robins thus far have been
8221s those two and oh sweeps or both teams
8223s and Moxie I mean what do you think we
8226s could maybe look forward to for chile
8228s going into maybe even tomorrow I think
8231s chili definitely like Dustin's side they
8233s have a lot of really good players they
8236s just need to build those foundations
8238s into a slightly more synergized team
8240s where they have a game plan and they
8242s don't sort of 50 50 yet they fully
8244s commit because when you try to have so
8247s many different win conditions and plates
8249s spinning all at once Something's Gonna
8250s Break Something's Gonna clatter but one
8252s thing that definitely didn't break I'm
8254s so happy that dalka is going to take the
8256s MVP I know everyone loves to see the
8259s flashy shots come through from the
8261s Stellar Hanzo but I mean calm on the
8263s eliminations they're damaged but more
8266s importantly the peeling for both his
8268s supports and the objective itself dalka
8271s was next to none
8273s you can't deny the numbers there right
8275s eight just under 19k damage mitigated as
8278s well they're Dustin huge numbers being
8280s put out by jalka a well-deserved MVP at
8283s the end of the day in this lesson 3
8285s Series DACA played well I think that
8288s overall was at points the better Diva
8291s for sure and uh for Brazil they've got
8294s to feel comfortable with him also
8296s flexing over to end times Winston and
8298s maybe other Heroes that are in a similar
8300s hero pool right I think that uh you know
8302s a lot of these dive Heroes you got to be
8304s able to flex over to Diva or for Winston
8306s and that's what the Brazilians touched
8308s on I mean I'd message them as well and
8309s uh you know through their socials they
8311s told me that you know dauka's got that
8313s flexibility and those Heroes that he
8315s could pull out and obviously was a
8317s fantastic Diva player in the series
8319s and I think that's that flexibility is
8321s something important to consider about
8323s how it carries on for as you we move
8325s further within the OverWatch World Cup
8327s especially you know if you make it out
8329s of these groups and head into that Robin
8331s round robin group stage over on the Lan
8333s is the fact that there are meta shifts
8335s across different regions as well the
8337s different play styles that teens like to
8340s lean into and having that added
8343s adaptability if you will does give you
8345s that edge up to respond a bit faster to
8348s your opponents there Moxie yeah like you
8350s said different regions are going to have
8352s incredibly different playstyles they're
8354s going to have incredibly different metas
8355s and so having players who can be able to
8358s hold together this cool roster in terms
8360s of competition in their own region and
8363s then once you move up into a little bit
8364s later on in the competition still able
8366s to have that corals to instinergy but
8368s have the ability to be able to counter
8370s pick two incredibly important as we move
8372s ahead
8373s that is for sure but everybody at home
8376s we are going to swing to a quick be
8378s right back screen and on the other side
8380s of it I'm pretty sure we should have an
8382s interview pending from somebody on the
8384s Brazilian team so you guys grab some
8386s water grab some snacks stay tuned and
8388s we'll see you in a bit
8395s [Music]
8403s foreign
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8436s thank you
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8474s foreign
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8544s foreign
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8587s [Music]
8598s [Music]
8613s foreign
8641s [Music]
8691s foreign
8695s we've got dalka from team Brazil here
8698s the tank that we just saw absolutely
8701s owning in the server delga
8703s congratulations on your 2-0 how are you
8705s feeling thank you so much Ash um I'm
8707s really happy uh
8710s that we could display like some
8711s Brazilian OverWatch for everybody and
8713s hope we can keep you going
8716s well that's really awesome you guys
8718s definitely showed your stuff and I was
8721s actually wondering how does it feel
8722s being back on a team with Naya and
8724s Ludwig considering that you guys have
8726s had such a history together and
8727s obviously rounding out with the other
8729s players
8730s it's really nice because I could be like
8732s some of my Idols that what motivated me
8734s like
8736s um I knew that played like a long time
8738s ago and on the World Cups Fest and from
8741s Ludwig in Neo it was like
8743s um
8744s they're like family you know so I play
8746s with new since my first team so it's
8749s really nice to have the life people that
8751s I really care about to play with me on
8752s the
8753s the Brazilian team that's awesome and
8756s actually whatever I cast it one of our
8758s casters Dustin was curious about what
8761s you've actually been up to since
8763s contenders has been offline in that off
8765s season and whatnot right now
8768s so I actually I tried a college for like
8773s game design but then it was my thing and
8776s now I'm doing some programming stuff oh
8779s nice but yeah but uh hopefully we can
8782s like keep our our thing going you know
8786s and prove that we deserve to have some
8789s more space in the community here and
8791s that's where why we're here for that's
8793s what's all about
8795s absolutely love that representing your
8798s nation as well right and also sure
8800s having the opportunity to play up
8802s against some other region some other
8804s countries as well but on this Diva pick
8807s I want you to maybe tell me a little bit
8809s about what was going on in the comms for
8812s you guys within this series is a 2-0
8814s Brazil looked really really strong and
8817s unfortunately at least for the side of
8819s Chile they were struggling a little bit
8822s about their with their Synergy do you
8824s mind breaking down how you guys were
8825s able to like kind of pick that apart
8828s so
8829s it's all about like setting up our
8831s backline so the diva is good for
8834s rotating and that's all there comes like
8837s we we make sure like uh Excel and
8840s nowhere are like good to play you know
8842s and then that Ludwig is doing his
8844s staying his moving cart
8846s and
8849s um it all really just connected well we
8851s could rotate we could get a spatials
8852s right and then
8854s we could get the pickups fortunately
8857s and the nades as well that didn't come
8859s in
8860s everything falls into place and whatnot
8862s and great yeah right yeah keep keeping
8866s the energy high in in the game as well
8868s with each other are you guys like very
8871s chaotic in your calms yeah
8874s we're so much chaotic we have like some
8877s uh
8878s energetic players they like to shout out
8880s so it's like uh I don't know like
8883s Controlled Chaos I like to think
8886s that's awesome because that's like you
8888s get to just keep that energy high and
8890s keep that going like the entire time
8891s keep that momentum right but um another
8894s question that I had for you was that I
8897s know that you said that you're really
8898s excited to play against Peru yeah do you
8901s want to tell me a little bit about that
8902s maybe rivalry that's Brewing there
8905s yeah I mean I really like the some of
8909s the Peru players we like are friends so
8911s I would consider like a good uh rematch
8914s you know it's not like a rivalry as I
8916s want them I want to see them succeed but
8919s it would be tough like uh seeing their
8923s past their their best match of uh
8926s against Colombia I think they they do
8928s have a shot but they have to put some
8930s some more wind in sorry and I'm rooting
8933s for them
8934s well that's really sweet and really
8936s awesome DACA I mean that's less of a
8939s rivalry more of a rooting for the homies
8940s and wanting to kind of Face Off against
8942s each other kind of vibe for sure yeah
8945s um but if you guys do get the
8947s opportunity to make it to the World Cup
8949s land here as far as the other regions
8952s goes do you have an eye on a specific
8955s country that you want to face up against
8956s there
8958s um
8960s I don't think like specifically I really
8962s wanted to play like uh the Korean and
8965s the Chinese
8967s especially I know they're pretty good
8969s and we it would be good to like learn
8972s from like that experience you know to be
8975s a
8977s one kind like an opportunity that you
8980s can't uh take for granted you know
8983s yeah absolutely I just want to say
8986s one more thing
8988s I would like to say that uh our Rosary
8991s is unshakable as we like to say is
8995s and so we we're gonna keep the going
8998s I love that I love the confidence that
9000s you guys are bringing into this but
9002s before we do go to a quick break and
9005s whatnot I wanted to give you this
9006s opportunity to be able to show give any
9009s shout outs or thank yous before we send
9011s off yeah sure I want to think uh I think
9014s my my whole team the coach shonarato
9016s knew the the other thing that we
9018s couldn't
9019s play together like both MVPs
9022s pretty good tank line and I like to
9025s thank my mom and my girlfriend Amanda
9027s and my grandma that is watching from
9029s home I hope that she's fine because she
9031s usually gets really nervous when I play
9032s I have to take like some meds so I hope
9035s she's doing well
9036s okay well that's so sweet thank you so
9039s much dalka for taking the time to do
9040s this interview and Gigi is on your 2-0
9043s and good luck for the rest of the games
9045s that we have coming up everybody oh yeah
9048s thank you so much of course and for
9052s everyone else at home we're just gonna
9053s send you a quick little break before we
9056s come up with our third matchup of the
9058s day so you guys stay tuned for one of
9060s the most anticipated ones early on in
9062s the OverWatch World Cup Canada versus
9064s USA
9070s thank you
9074s [Music]
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9394s this is the match that you've all been
9396s waiting for we've got Team Canada versus
9399s USA coming in hot here for match number
9402s three of the day Moxie I mean I feel
9407s like these squads barely even need an
9408s introduction well if I gotta get one and
9411s it's going to be absolutely still
9412s started because I mean these horses are
9415s just the absolutely stacked so many
9417s players coming in from OverWatch League
9419s we have four Vancouver Titans free
9421s playing one behind the scenes given at a
9424s chibi it's actually tied to Vancouver
9426s Titans as well except she's she's going
9429s for for Team Canada this time around so
9431s she's having to play up against two of
9433s her players we've got sugar-free coming
9435s through as well I mean sugar-free has
9437s just been such an exceptional storyline
9439s the OverWatch as a whole got picked up
9441s in 2019 but at lunch Reign was too young
9444s to be able to go into a OverWatch League
9446s at the time then we saw the OverWatch
9448s League age limit being lowered by years
9450s so he immediately gets picked up in an
9452s absolute pitting frenzy to Vancouver the
9454s Titans and now he's going to be playing
9456s the Team USA so in the space of one year
9459s he gets to take both OverWatch league
9461s and the World Cup off at the exact same
9464s time
9465s and Dustin I gotta get your thoughts on
9467s these squads too I mean you are more
9469s than familiar with these players
9470s oh yeah for sure I think that USA has a
9473s great lineup although you know there's
9475s been a lot of doomers as of late with
9477s Team USA but I think the the death of
9479s this roster is definitely greatly
9480s overstated I think that
9483s um in this tournament especially a
9484s decisive win over Canada could mean a
9486s lot for them but honestly you know on
9488s Canada side they're not you know too far
9490s behind the ball here they have some very
9492s very good talent OverWatch League
9493s contenders Talent
9495s um and a lot of players that are like
9497s pretty much on the cusp of OverWatch
9498s league in itself so for this lineup I
9501s could see them doing quite well
9502s especially with this back line with
9503s crims though still a very very fantastic
9506s Flex support false on the tank as well
9508s has that flexibility and Seeker is a
9511s truly standout hit scan can at times be
9514s the strongest in the lobby
9516s yeah the DPS go as we know him right but
9520s man Moxie I feel like
9522s we already know that this is one of the
9524s most anticipated matches especially for
9526s a day one match to be coming through but
9529s I need to know what are the stakes in
9531s your opinion I need like set this the
9534s tail to be told here between King Canada
9536s and Team USA Dustin's already raised one
9539s storyline which is USA obviously a lot
9543s of Doubt is coming in with some of the
9545s performances from some of the plays in
9546s the OverWatch I think that I've been
9547s picked up to this roster so we're
9549s decisive win over Canada is immediately
9552s going to be able to silence all all of
9554s that and there's so much confidence in
9556s morale but for Canada Canada it's
9559s personal they are playing for Team
9561s Canada and they're going to be playing
9562s up against Toronto Defiance players who
9565s literally have their label in the title
9569s both of these teams absolute Giants in
9572s group hey USA obviously the favorites
9575s being the current defending Champion but
9577s if Canada were able to walk away with a
9579s win instantly Canada becomes that main
9582s team to beat in the spotlight and USA
9585s looks a little bit vulnerable to all of
9587s the players and teams below as well but
9589s I mean look at this roster does anyone
9591s hear one Thunderball definitely not
9593s after the performances from some of them
9595s in mid-season Madness rifle was an
9597s absolute monster a couple of weeks ago
9599s yeah I mean I mean RuPaul's insane
9601s Aspire is what both coming up into the
9603s starting lineup I mean that's a big deal
9605s for this team to run double Flex support
9607s as one of the is a hard transition to
9610s make right it depends on the meta
9611s obviously but to have that Flex over the
9613s Lucio so it's definitely a difficult
9615s choice and points for Team USA though I
9618s think that they can maybe at times carry
9620s through the DPS it's even carry through
9621s that back line just overall mechanical
9623s prowess to give them that win and
9625s obviously and shelios will be our first
9627s map for such an exciting series to come
9630s oh a little rerun of a map that we've
9633s already seen earlier today fortunately
9635s things didn't pan out too too well in
9638s that game between Brazil and Chile at
9640s least for chile but hopefully gonna see
9642s a bit of a turnaround a tighter game
9643s between Team Canada and Team USA again
9646s like Moxie mentioned a lot of weight on
9648s this USA Squad being the reigning
9650s Defenders here of the OverWatch World
9652s Cup back in 2019 but it's a fresh new
9657s look right four years later fast
9659s forwarding into OverWatch 2 as well so a
9662s different game when it comes down to it
9664s just whittling down from six to five
9668s players on a roster in a server but
9671s Moxie with this map pick what can you
9673s tell me about team Cannon Team USA and
9676s what you anticipate to see actually
9677s coming out here for their team
9679s compositions
9680s well I mean I'm just really excited to
9682s see what these teams have cooked up
9684s because I mean we talked about players
9685s we also have to acknowledge that uh the
9687s team Behind These players is also
9689s absolutely stacked USA coming with Gator
9691s the main coach previously for Atlanta
9693s Reign who just walks away with a win in
9696s mid-season Madness itself Canada they've
9699s got Danny the current coach for
9701s Washington justice tikiti as well her
9703s assistant coach who we used to be the
9705s assistant coach for Dallas fuel as well
9707s as SNR who has worked previously for
9710s drink room if you remember trigram from
9712s the OverWatch League Pro and one of our
9715s teams who are able to from contenders
9717s take down San Francisco shark
9720s all right well let's uh obviously get
9722s into this Moxie and I think that we
9725s can't we don't even have to say much
9726s about this matchup like you said as we
9727s leave Ash behind we move into ilios
9730s ruins will be the first map in such an
9733s exciting anticipated matchup oh I'm just
9736s so looking forward to seeing these two
9737s go ahead to head sugar free on the same
9740s going to be swapping most likely over
9741s towards that trace of just using it for
9743s the team to get out of Spawn and touch
9745s that point a little bit faster because
9747s it's going to be dive but Canada
9749s actually Fielding false on that Jungkook
9752s Queen so this is Nerf junker Queen but
9753s you still have a lot of sustainability
9755s still play incredibly aggressively onto
9757s UFO yeah I think that the for her
9759s individually for sure that may not have
9761s a lot of change but glue coming from
9763s that right side the one for that poke
9765s immediately on the Seeker on the flank
9766s meanwhile jumps forward towards that
9768s point to try to control but Canada's not
9770s giving up that space just yet Dynamite
9772s hydrant connects on to false eventually
9775s it will shout to stay healthy as well on
9777s to noxious to keep a nice healthy
9779s sugar-free dealing with Seeker towards
9781s the point has to recall actually but
9783s still has trace of mind to avoid the
9784s incoming damage but goes all the way
9786s down to 1 HP to barely escape with his
9788s life points still not under under
9790s control for anybody just yet USA drops
9792s down towards that point to touch it last
9794s second and hydrant looking for those
9796s shots over the top drops the dynamite
9797s but false with an ax to collusion space
9799s will find him on that engage they're
9802s still nice and healthy they still have
9803s the members here that are doing quite
9804s well for Canada they've taken 12 that
9807s points and pushed Team USA back to their
9809s spawn the losing collage means losing
9811s that massive hit box to be able to
9813s develop all of this damage coming
9814s through from noxus and as a result USA
9817s have to back up and
9822s are so known for what an interesting
9825s difference that we have seen without the
9827s Widowmaker instead of Ash right these
9828s ashes go up but no one shot just getting
9830s damaged in the back line meanwhile Bob
9832s towards that point to Zone also with a
9833s nano boost meanwhile convenient Rush
9835s from turns out who sustain no kariko no
9838s no soon just to save false there on the
9839s inside needs a beat drop from mayfall
9841s was there and USA have rotated all the
9843s way around the point of pulse bomb to
9844s try to equalize it but it's far too late
9847s he's lost his team Canada will get white
9849s in USA we'll grab a hold of that point
9851s yeah beat drop unfortunately too late to
9854s say false again with hope that tank you
9856s just don't have the means of being able
9857s to hold your grinder specially against
9859s firetron's Bob who was capping that
9861s point as the fight went for now we're
9862s going to see the Widowmaker come on just
9864s momentarily however as USA we're getting
9865s pretty close to those distances now
9868s they're going to go back home to Seeker
9870s for the Tracer sugar first got that pop
9871s on both of them just playing bodyguard
9874s not allowing counter free entry with the
9876s sports and coming through doesn't stick
9877s then Crimson in the meantime actually
9879s learned the kunai take hydron down and
9881s that means that counter can group up and
9883s those Dynamite punish them a little
9885s worried as they use the zoo early in
9886s that fight but they're actually coming
9887s back into this one-off obnoxious as well
9889s to find sugar-free so even though the
9891s ultimates are committed pretending to
9892s stay with the rally with the Primal Rage
9894s they do find prims though however Canada
9896s have to close that point false Falls all
9897s the way down to 18 eventually RuPaul
9900s will find him but he's against the bomb
9901s towards that point eventually RuPaul
9903s loses his life because of it but hybrid
9905s still on the outside had to lose as well
9907s without false in the fight Canada can't
9909s really sustain as old carella trying to
9911s run away from Magic meatballs and Seeker
9914s who is there to help with that
9915s assistance and they actually reclaim
9917s that point at 40 that stole from the
9919s Lucio and price just foreign
9941s boss walks into the point notices
9943s everybody's falling away but holds bomb
9945s from Secret is avoided narrowly by Team
9948s USA Nana who's on the kalues there
9949s engages here on defaults early gets
9951s poked down so low that he can't go for
9953s the engagement Seeker on the flank did
9955s take out Woopa however it did cost him
9957s his life because he had to recall during
9959s it ill traveled nice shot from him
9961s Canada have rotated towards that point
9962s with about 80 percent through it being
9964s fully capped they commit the katuni rush
9966s here first to sustain false in this
9968s fight keep that shout off cooldown as
9971s well as the build towards that beat drop
9972s sugar-free still has the pull some as
9974s well Team USA was in control of that
9976s point but they opt to back out for now
9978s and get a re-engage lots of percentage
9980s however gained from the
9983s fighting himself onto that point and
9985s keeping it sold no one playing in
9986s position to be mostly caught I buy that
9989s Rampages now we just see because
9990s annoying Comfort trying to bait out that
9992s shot as quickly as possible so the Joker
9995s Queen is so vulnerable doesn't have the
9996s opportunity to be able to use the
9997s Rampage and now USA gets to move on to
9999s support for the flip 90 on the board
10001s hydrant's Bob in that fight was used
10003s Canada I still have those ultimates but
10005s it's so hard for false to find a good
10008s enough ultimate at the time that you
10010s have that beating gauge like I said USA
10011s have no support ultimates building up
10013s two old trailers but sugar-free he comes
10015s back onto Seeker who had to touch the
10017s point to stop overtime mayfall now
10019s commits the beat drop as well down a man
10021s knock just goes low will fall to collude
10023s Falls has been holding on to this
10025s ultimate for the entire map it is
10027s absolutely nobody has to lose in the
10030s rest of Team USA collapse onto Canada
10032s bringing it up on the round in ilios no
10035s I'm gonna start a petition that will
10037s rename overtime to Lenny time because
10041s free just absolutely
10043s dominated that Teresa 1v1 just being
10047s able to find those really good lengths
10050s of the mobility keep that point in
10051s control both Falls to have to go all the
10054s way around into the back line alone on a
10057s solo Mission with that Rampage finally
10059s being invested having held on to it for
10062s so long and like you said it finds
10065s absolutely nothing as USA just do such a
10068s good job of picking up that point and
10071s then playing around The High Ground
10072s around the sidelines that no one gets
10074s caught out by the JQ
10075s so smart My Team USA overall fantastic
10078s teamwork for them to avoid false and
10080s make him look uh make him look stupid in
10083s that fight honestly great work from them
10085s now into the second map Moxie you know
10087s I'm curious if they stick with the same
10088s thing because you know obviously we know
10089s there's other Maps here like this one in
10092s particular at uh in Lighthouse where the
10094s ash does well but they ought to go over
10095s towards that Echo a lot of Mobility a
10098s lot of High Ground Control and also
10099s anticipation is not going to be a JQ
10101s it's going to be a diva and that being
10103s had burned through defense matrix it's
10105s not a projectile I can really quickly to
10107s get too close do you like that diva from
10109s her mac and you can see the Poke coming
10111s through from the USA But Canada with
10113s numbers Advantage should be able to pick
10115s up the point thought obnoxious maybe
10117s without that Ash having to do him on the
10118s backside could find some work but it's
10120s in ignated and chased down by hydrant
10122s sugar-free is also immediately there
10123s with that beam and it's just too much
10126s damage for Canada to deal with at the
10127s moment they get immediately wiped just
10130s without secret and fault just backing up
10132s Seeker does get delayed false does trade
10133s back to lose button will also lose the
10135s Mecca's USA flipped that point back in
10137s their favor yeah Echo is just so strong
10139s in this composition dive is all about
10141s playing off of Heroes because how far is
10144s low enough and Echo even without the
10145s mercy pocket has the means of being able
10148s to chunk those halfway that literally oh
10150s Winston or Tracer sending any pop of
10153s damage that way just immediately balls
10155s them over and because you don't need the
10157s most see damage boosting the echo you
10158s don't have to sacrifice one of your
10160s support vulnerability for it
10162s but they do take that point percentage
10164s Advantage although there is still a long
10166s way to go on this map not just in the
10169s rest of his team rotate towards that
10171s point actually he holds The High Ground
10172s now Dove on by the Winston but it's
10174s Seeker to find that full swap early on
10176s to recall Nate did come out of noxious
10178s to slow him down on that push so they
10180s can come back and deal with him but
10181s Canada off of a fantastic pull from him
10183s Seeker reclaimed that point before Hydro
10186s could even touch and the Nana was
10187s concludes was committed from USA as well
10189s even though they're down in this fight
10191s koulouse trying to find some more
10192s valuable go inside building towards that
10194s final race has built it just the last
10196s second before the incident grenade could
10198s find his wife he'll jump back towards
10200s the point at full spot from hydron to
10201s try to equalize it and it does
10203s sugar-free also copied the in as well to
10205s continue their push USA have rotated all
10208s the way back around to the point as
10209s trimso is gone that's a lot of the
10211s healing gone for Canada false can't even
10213s die in the point to make sure his Diva
10215s bomb gets maximum value Heiser actually
10217s follows through onto Fallston baby Diva
10219s form and dives from that kill but that's
10221s totally worth it because USA have the
10224s advantage founded do you have that ball
10225s however to try and send onto a point to
10227s find that flip as fast as possible
10229s because the USA are going to be playing
10231s into Maples rally in this next fight but
10233s with the ultimate Advantage counter
10235s should come out on top not just doing
10237s everything you can find shows
10240s forces the rally out early and you as
10242s they can literally just rub it on the
10243s plane they can wait until that rally is
10245s gone and pull back to points tried to
10248s but it was such a great disengage from
10249s Canada to make sure that sugar-free was
10252s taken out Rupal also committed his own
10253s rally in that fight too USA still has
10255s that point control want to maintain it
10257s even though they're down in this fight
10259s on to kaluz looking for that back line
10261s but he's gonna back out of there maybe a
10262s bit of miscommunication potentially
10264s because now they don't have both support
10265s ultimates and are even with Canada yeah
10267s they don't have the Nana versus crucial
10269s way to send on to college to be able to
10270s fight the charge up to that Primal and
10273s take the fight to the point where Primal
10275s is at its most dangerous pushing those
10276s players towards those edges because
10278s Canada now can literally just jump on
10280s these dive targets making sure that USA
10282s do not get the opportunity to play off
10284s of sugar freeze damage because it's too
10285s aggressive and gets traded I mean
10287s they've noticed they've noticed who to
10288s focus here Seeker on that back line
10290s trying to play towards the mega health
10292s pack but unfortunately chased down by
10293s trigger free and the rest of Team USA
10295s meanwhile sugar-free the target of
10296s Canada in this fight Anthony also on to
10299s false who loses the mech and then give
10301s up that point to Team USA Canada Shirley
10303s are gonna start backing you up they
10305s still have maybe even here Crimson also
10307s has found Photography in a trade but
10309s hydrant eventually finds the baby Diva a
10311s false meatball also gets staggered as
10313s well that's going to be so annoying for
10316s Captain to see what's Target of your
10317s baby Diva and your Brigida and now
10320s potentially noxious too oh no here it is
10324s hydronic weights and positions doesn't
10325s even need to commit the pulseman for the
10328s interception as USA are going to be able
10331s to in a pretty dominant style take the
10334s first map between these two teams and
10336s honestly Dustin I was not expecting it
10338s to be that decisive between these two no
10342s yeah points you know Toronto or Toronto
10344s what the heck I'm starting to call in
10345s Toronto because of Team USA but you know
10347s what time Canada did look solid but you
10350s know obviously USA overall just had the
10353s control had a Tempo but it's still an
10355s installing series regardless I think
10356s that Canada could still have their
10359s wickeditions on next on the upcoming
10361s Maps obviously you know I hate to be
10364s that guy but Seeker on Tracer I don't
10366s know if that's play mock see like what
10368s do you think like it just feels like
10369s secret on Tracer is is the focus of Team
10372s USA they keep punting him down and it's
10374s been relatively difficult we'll have to
10376s gauge your thoughts with Ash here as we
10378s uh we bring back our lovely host
10382s whoo okay Team USA like you said a very
10386s dominant showing here for this first
10388s matchup and I mean they've got a fire
10391s lit under the right box you got the fact
10393s that people have been down on those Team
10395s USA stunks they need to start off with
10397s this strong showing to prove everyone
10399s wrong I mean I think they've done that
10401s you look at that performance you look at
10404s that first range of ruins false didn't
10406s get to use Rampage literally until the
10408s very last fight on that map because of
10410s just how well they're able to play that
10412s macro the fact that they were able to
10414s take control of that point and then even
10416s though some of them should be vulnerable
10418s when the jungkooking gets close they
10420s always make sure that the point of
10421s contact in those engagements is
10423s collusion he has the means of being able
10425s to absorb the damage jump back to his
10427s Anna he even change that as well into
10429s Nano charge that you always have your
10431s honor ultimate up and have them into
10433s just sustaining on that point to
10434s Absolute eternity
10436s yeah no all really good shows there I
10438s mean it's just general
10440s understanding of those timings having
10442s that Synergy coming through overall and
10445s like you said manipulating the map and
10447s the opponent their opponents uh to the
10449s best of their ability and that was what
10452s Team USA did ends it is kind of scary
10456s for Team Canada I think going into the
10459s second map again it's only a best of
10461s three Series so not a lot of opportunity
10464s to make that big big comeback happen
10467s because you don't have as many maps to
10469s work with Dustin no yeah it's not it's
10472s it's not exactly a lot to work with but
10474s you know these teams just want to get
10476s that qualification right if they could
10477s at least get a map off of uh Team USA
10480s that'll be quite good or even get the
10481s win obviously but realistically both of
10483s these teams are quite ahead in terms of
10485s at least leading into the tournament
10487s than the other teams in their group so
10489s this matchup really is like you said a
10491s grudge match however it won't go that
10493s full first to three distance it will be
10495s that first of two so obviously the next
10497s if USA can win the next map that'll be
10499s the end of the series but you know USA
10502s at points did look super good with their
10504s overall disengages rotations around the
10506s point
10507s um they even at times had hydron swath
10509s over to the Tracer have sugar free play
10512s that Echo I like their overall ideology
10514s I think the the overall meta and
10516s OverWatch and their flexibility is
10518s really what's going to give them an edge
10519s over Canada at the moment because it
10521s truly feels like Canada's flexibility
10523s has been kind of strange with noxious
10525s and Seeker obviously overlapping in
10527s terms of hero4
10529s yeah that's definitely going to make
10530s things difficult for sure because you
10532s don't have as many options to swap onto
10535s another hero to try and change things up
10537s at least not something that is as
10539s comfortable as it normally would be for
10541s you but overall as a reminder to
10544s everyone at home though if you guys are
10546s rooting for Team USA or Team Canada or
10549s even both the World Cup Home and Away
10551s skin bundles are now live hurry and get
10554s them before they leave the shop on June
10556s 27th there are three bundles the emec
10559s aipac and American bundles you get all
10562s Home and Away skins for all the heroes
10564s within those bundles and they support
10566s the teams directly by contributing to
10568s the World Cup prize pool so you guys can
10570s shop now at battlenet.com or on the
10573s OverWatch 2 in-game shop learn more at
10575s OverWatch world cup.com but as I wrap up
10580s all of those thoughts and hype everybody
10582s up in chat for these two teams Moxie I I
10586s gotta know as far as Team Canada goes
10588s what adjustments do they need to make
10591s right here right now going into match
10593s number two I think the biggest concern
10595s is unfortunately not going to go away
10597s and that's just that USA were able to
10599s keep controlling the tempo players like
10601s hydron collage were always able to
10604s really be able to just Chase those
10606s struggling disengaging players coming
10608s through from Canada's side and make sure
10610s that candle will fall through backs
10612s against the wall throw in ultimates not
10614s to be able to cycle through ultimate
10616s economy in smart ways but to just try
10618s and save their own skins a lot of the
10620s time with things like the self-destructs
10621s and that meant that they didn't really
10623s get to play off of each other's Synergy
10625s and the big glaring warning sign of that
10627s occurring both like Dawson pointed out
10629s zika a lot of the time would be found
10631s out because there would be no other
10633s distraction when the Tracer went in for
10636s those picks a lot of the time when
10637s hydron was going in for those picks he
10640s wasn't the focus that Canada was having
10642s to turn and deal with instead it was
10644s sugar-free and collage being in their
10646s faces and allowing that Trace to get so
10648s much more room to breathe
10650s well we'll see if this map pick coming
10652s out from Team Canada though will allow
10654s them to find a bit more success on those
10657s types of plays that you were just
10658s mentioning there amongxi Dustin I
10662s okay I know that you hate that I keep
10664s throwing you into the prediction
10666s do you think we go one to one here I I
10670s think so I I think I think uh on this
10673s next map they do Canada has the
10675s potential to maybe swap over to secret
10678s or something maybe that's more up his
10680s alley right I think noxious obviously
10681s may have that hero pool where they have
10684s to play around hit maybe more so than
10686s Seeker thinks he has that flexibility
10688s obviously Canada still can decide some
10690s things on nubani this is a map where you
10692s still kind of need that Tracer player so
10694s you do kind of want Seeker to probably
10697s still play that Tracer however at least
10699s from the outside looking in I don't know
10701s if I as like a if I were to analyze this
10704s decide that Seekers really the play on
10706s Tracer here compared to the likes of
10707s sugar-free in and even at times hydrant
10710s even though he doesn't even hadn't
10711s played the Tracer here it feels like
10713s onto Bonnie which is the map we're going
10714s into it does feel like USA still has the
10717s edge so I should take it back yeah
10718s should I actually take it back I think
10719s it's gonna be a 2-0 for USA here
10720s honestly just because of oh we've seen
10722s so far yeah okay Dustin ruling back that
10726s prediction but we'll see we'll see how
10728s things do end up panning out here again
10730s it is Team USA versus Canada right now
10733s USA up one and oh Justin Moxie take it
10736s away thank you Ash and uh yeah I kind of
10739s I kind of thought it through Moxie I
10740s think that uh you know maybe if it was a
10742s King's Row you know what I mean but I
10744s don't know do you agree with me not on
10745s the mountain like do Bonnie I'm just a
10748s little bit concerned because we already
10749s saw that Canada did get Tempo rushed
10752s over with the Echo and nombani is is
10755s very much scented point a especially
10757s around about that Echo play the fact
10760s that you can go around close you can
10761s avoid a lot of that poke pressure coming
10763s through from the defense set up on High
10764s Ground already and try and drop down to
10766s either pressure the high grounds and of
10768s course the Defenders of it allowing your
10770s rest of your team to be able to move and
10771s find yourself and overwhelm them or you
10773s can just go straight to the point itself
10775s and look at that point percentage but
10777s Canada is definitely one of their
10778s favorite Maps when I talked to Cal he
10780s did say that number was one of the aces
10782s of the team sleeves so they've got
10785s something planned UFO on the other hand
10788s probably you're gonna know that
10790s something is there's a thought that
10791s they're going to be running into this
10793s ash they just have to decide how they're
10794s going to deal with it yeah this is the
10797s same I mean I guess it's slightly
10798s different candidate okay okay there we
10799s go they're heating they're listening to
10800s the advanced Monster look noxious on the
10802s Tracer Seeker on the ash meanwhile USA
10805s lock in a very similar accomplishment
10806s that before except fire in the game now
10808s on Tracer and sugar-free on the echo
10810s that's what we talked about diaco no
10813s mercy first however they have enough
10815s faith in the air for being hard enough
10816s Target to hit but also having that
10818s ability to be able to poke pressure in
10820s both of the stickies and the primaries
10822s to put Canada out of holding as close as
10825s they are on this defensive play by the
10827s line towards a lot more room to breathe
10828s but good Dynamics can Seeker to full
10830s sugar-free to keep assistance
10832s Lenny ain't no you know what you know
10834s he's he's a great Echo player that could
10836s play without a mercy pocket unlike you
10839s know some other regions but doesn't need
10841s that parking has the rest of his team
10842s above the hiker we'll see how fast you
10844s know he decides to back out of there
10845s obviously playing a bit more Reserve
10846s than you would like to see other Echo
10848s players meanwhile espargo's aggressive
10850s forces Canada off The High Ground that's
10851s already fantastic for USA who surely
10854s will take advantage of a noxious has to
10855s recall still going for that duel very
10857s aggressive on The High Ground but does
10858s eventually have to give it up as Team
10860s USA have control but still not a lot of
10862s damage comes to glucose incredibly low
10864s secret tries to a boost back up to the
10866s High Ground against
10868s by noxious and the rest of Team Canada
10871s meanwhile secret really straight no tank
10873s player so they commit the Nana boost on
10875s Seeker who was aggressive with it on the
10877s backline Crimson removed tries to find
10878s the brigitta and does with that Quick
10881s Melee in the rest of Canada now Shirley
10883s will be killed as well in USA control
10885s win it yeah USA without College can't
10888s push Canada around that corner even
10890s further so they're anticipating that
10892s Canada are going to use the corner to
10893s regroup and push back onto that point
10895s and they wait for Canada to meet their
10897s move until they're too close to be able
10898s to disengage sugar free then gets the
10900s Nano and Reigns absolute Death from
10903s Above and can't just have no means of
10905s being able to stop at Crimson goes down
10906s in an absolute blink of the eye doesn't
10908s have the ability to feel full that the
10910s Nano Center onto force and keep the
10911s point stalled and we head into Street
10913s space as once again kinda have that High
10915s Ground Control but USA already peeking
10918s in and trying to take it away the car
10920s rounds that corner cop still available
10922s Aspire Hayes Dent pulse bomb ready to go
10925s goes towards the elephant angle
10926s meanwhile Canada built up pretty much
10928s every Ultimate in the game also building
10930s a NATO but oh my
10932s what a one clip from Aspire with a bit
10934s snipe from kaluge as well sugar-free and
10937s collusion combines Ripple Talon Crimson
10939s two and USA look like they're not
10941s slowing down anytime soon so the obvious
10944s hot evidence of nandani however is that
10946s uh it's pointy for the defense right
10948s point a if you can full hold brilliant a
10951s lot of it is going to come off of Just
10952s early picks from your DPS Street space
10954s is all about momentum and Tempo we've
10956s seen that USA does excel in that matchup
10959s for Canada it's literally a bipoling
10962s resources to be able to stop this pilot
10964s at any time in point C so it stops for
10966s the rest of the match entirely Inspire
10968s with the pulse bomb available looks to
10970s lurk over the top with sugar-free is
10972s there as well meanwhile Tracer comes to
10974s duel him has to go for the pulse bomb
10975s and then the recall but sugar-free on
10977s the low ground has found Cal on the
10979s reengage false also loses Mech off to
10981s not use the diva bomb they're just going
10982s for a quick team fight uh lost because
10985s of potentially what you said Moxie does
10986s go Point C and maybe find some hold here
10989s yeah but that's where it becomes
10990s dangerous the dying split but I'm tired
10992s and again the momentum is going to turn
10994s against Canada because neither don't get
10996s that reset moment USA is not allowing
10999s any Mercy you've come to get an inch
11002s they're going to take a mile or I guess
11003s the American equivalent I love Lenny man
11006s I mean this is just shooting bodies is
11008s coming out that's how you know we got a
11010s series on our hand a little bit of bad
11012s blood in the water noxious over the
11014s right side does do with Aspire meanwhile
11017s on the inside USA Waits and lingers for
11019s their dive balls coming in with that
11021s Rally from Cal they want to go
11022s aggressive coach done aggressive from
11024s Seeker to go towards that mini but the
11025s shield blocks off crims those made and
11027s he dates did for multiple they commit
11029s the Nana boost now on to lose to
11031s continue this fight even though they're
11032s still even sugar-free went down earlier
11035s so Clues now has to find a kill with the
11036s Primal and the Nano but he's not able to
11038s he's now Primal raging that Ash but
11041s unfortunately Seekers can't live however
11042s that's just one kill with the Primal
11043s Nano trade false commits the Divine
11045s because he knows they could potentially
11047s come back into this and Cal eventually
11048s finds collage as well a fire drops the
11051s pull spawn but not two and
11054s also finds noxious as well so no more
11056s Tracer but Canada's Got the forward
11058s spawns USA has committed to committed
11060s some big ultimates if Canada can build
11062s up towards this Nano they potentially
11063s could disagated sugar-free with the
11065s coffee they need the bomb
11067s that's what they need at the moments
11068s they can at least send it on the point
11070s when USA just push pause holes and move
11072s on to the background because sugar is
11074s looking for the coffee who is he gonna
11075s go for there it is
11086s the fight
11088s everybody removed from Team Canada three
11091s minutes and 10 seconds it just trims out
11092s to touch who is staying on the Anna
11094s because he knows it isn't possible even
11096s swap into the Moira is not a play that
11098s you're going to be able to do three
11099s minutes in five seconds for Team USA
11103s Oh Canada Oh Canada they got rolled and
11107s smoked my doggies
11110s I have
11111s I've seen
11115s to an enemy support I've seen Atticus
11118s duplicate mercies to pull off roses I've
11120s seen enemies Echoes copy losers to be
11123s able to sign by one that down in numbers
11124s but that and she needs was devastating
11129s that antinate broke the entirety of
11133s Canada's sea defense at all hinges on we
11137s have faster respawns if we die we're
11138s going to be able to stagger ourselves
11140s we'll have the Bob we'll have the Nano
11142s boost we'll be able to stall for a full
11144s regroup they go down in one fell swing
11146s because of that nude
11147s I mean is it fair to say that Canada's
11149s looking a bit shell-shocked at points
11151s right Lenny with that dunk like you said
11154s on the copy to really just oh my God
11156s just destroy Canada at the very end this
11158s is a momentum shift I I told you about
11161s this on control Canada just every single
11163s time they started being played from
11165s behind they were never able to find that
11168s moment where they were able to regroup
11169s and mentally reset and USA they
11172s identified that one weakness and they
11174s pushed
11175s pushed hard man I it's really that's
11178s that's all we can say that's all you can
11180s say like they got wrong historically
11187s as they literally just full pushed with
11188s three minutes and five seconds on the
11189s bank Canada they've got the dive falls
11192s on the diva is absolutely no stranger to
11194s being able to clutch things out for his
11196s team if they're able to overwhelm you
11198s with saying plush 3.8 incredibly quickly
11201s they can set up some momentum they can
11203s have the same turnaround that USA had
11205s when they were able to break
11207s you know what team Canada's problem is
11208s they don't have World Cup MVP xqc on the
11212s roster Caldo is able to find RuPaul and
11215s UltraViolet aggressive could we go play
11217s to get those two opening shots and false
11219s is there to find a spider and that was a
11222s clean take from Canada maybe now it's uh
11225s this is their opportunity that kirika
11227s was doing work those Kunis do so much
11229s damage but more importantly if you get
11230s jumped on by either sugar free or to
11232s lose you have the ability to be able to
11234s survive yourself with the studio and the
11235s Swift set Encounter of just prioritizing
11238s support staying alive not getting early
11239s picks so that USA can't find the numbers
11241s momentum that they had the previous one
11244s USA now regroups towards this point
11246s aggressive play on to Cal and options in
11248s the back line but an intro didn't forces
11250s him to jump out though they are still
11252s stopped from capping out this point
11254s Canada is not just trying to take the
11256s door with sugar-free but sugarfree is
11257s well aware he might have that mechanical
11259s Edge and Rupal also gets rid of sugar
11261s for or gets her to seeker and sugar-free
11262s takes out nauseous Caldo does trade back
11265s Aspire but it might be too little too
11267s late they don't have any assistance here
11269s in Team USA well they do nanoboost
11271s pre-engage Canada does on the false and
11273s the pulse bumps are pretty committed No
11275s Sleep dark hit four Crimson also Canada
11278s really wants to win here and now even
11280s though they're down in terms of numbers
11282s false half the deepamy lost to next
11284s there and they're not able to find these
11286s kills just yet USA are still strong
11288s still healthy on the point that commit
11290s colusa's Primal Rage noxious though what
11293s a pulse bomb onto the enemy Tracer of
11295s sugar-free that's what you needed to
11297s finally capture on his point though
11298s Rupal does trade it back luge is still
11300s alive and healthy though false
11302s eventually will chase down RuPaul
11303s eventually League Blues comes back to
11305s the point but he's taken out by his
11307s sleep Dart from primzo and although it
11309s was messy Canada will finally take point
11311s a Canada were just too Spooks by that
11314s chance of having to entirely reapproach
11316s the point in you and lose players on
11318s those rotations before the fights begin
11320s and they throw ultimates in but it
11323s guarantees them that point it allows
11325s themselves to have more time to push
11327s into streets to take away some of this
11328s High Ground poke face coming through
11330s from the USA since secret is going to be
11332s set up with that Bob as well to be able
11333s to peel from the aggression that comes
11335s through and finally they can start
11337s pushing into streets and see a little
11339s bit more of nandani
11348s looking for that back line over the top
11351s kalush gets naded on the front of that
11353s cart as well so he has to back up to the
11354s rest of his team a lot of cart space
11356s given now to Seeker who is pushing that
11358s payload with the rest of his team that
11360s got that Nano engaged the candidate
11362s wants it but they're just taking this
11363s free card space ready to disengage USA's
11366s dive which is surely coming in just a
11368s moment there it is goes deep already
11369s towards that side of the snap shoot no
11372s kills just dead he's also answering it
11374s in his chase down but he backs up now
11375s the bomb coming in from the fire secret
11377s as well
11385s has continued USA's dominance in the
11388s kill Department tell us trying to
11390s equalize it but he cannot stop Lenny
11391s time like it called it earlier that's a
11393s 3K for sugar-free that postponed it more
11396s than pick up the 2K cancels none of this
11399s as well it's the classic you go for the
11402s Anna if you go for another squishy the
11404s kirikou could Swift stuff from suzu
11406s Crimson can just none of them go for the
11408s Anna you can't none of yourself it's not
11410s solo death match and in doing so Canada
11412s groups up they try and get in distance
11414s to be able to see zoo and Crimson goes
11416s down alongside and you will play again
11419s without momentum do you have to pull
11420s back a little bit good ant you need to
11422s hit someone to kill who's incredibly low
11424s you have to regroup back to his team but
11426s all that does is just supercharge
11427s ultraviolet and Ruffles ultimate economy
11431s is this kind of just trying to push the
11433s payload and get any more time any
11435s distance without having stuff off with
11438s corn lemon sugar-free
11440s it was an aid to from across the map
11443s ultraviolet connected two meters and 69
11446s or 2.69 meters left to go see the bomb
11449s from Falls committed to try to Zone to
11451s make sure the cap shot that payload with
11452s the katuna runs but unfortunately no not
11454s enough follow-up damage there towards
11456s collusion who is touching that payload
11459s USA will stop you gotta get another
11460s Canada push
11461s pretty close
11469s to all going to have to fully reapproach
11472s that objective into USA now I get the
11474s time to be able to set up the size once
11477s again onto Canada's Left Behind backline
11481s obnoxious isn't getting too aggress he's
11483s having this Mark sugar-free location and
11486s call it out to the team it's constantly
11488s doing with that Tracer so you can now
11489s Dove upon buy that Nana boost the
11491s Winston is all alone now here Doug have
11493s some support from the kariko but it's
11494s not enough to say even from kaluge with
11496s that Nana boost gets two in that fight
11498s with the help of sugar Freight and Ultra
11500s false did trade back Aspire but not
11502s enough healing is available at the
11504s moment for Canada and not enough
11506s manpower actually as they regroup yet
11510s again's gonna have a ball but as far as
11512s gonna have one pretty soon as well to be
11514s able to peel for us pulse has been fined
11515s all right good sleep onto collage
11517s however but they're not able to
11518s translate it into a killer sugar-free
11520s still not allowing not to fall okay they
11523s go for the mini though so stole that
11524s from sugar-free however he does have
11525s come back oh my God the pulse bomb
11527s sticky but sugar-free had that recall
11529s still able to go and we'll travel was
11532s there to peel off noxious I mean his
11534s back line of ultraviolet and RuPaul has
11536s truly been amazing that sleep dark
11538s consistently multiple are there and they
11540s want to continue the pressure they're
11542s running it onto Canada at the moment who
11544s are desperately trying to live false
11546s trying to back off from RuPaul who is
11548s pretty much all of the way and Canada's
11551s spawn Crimson tries to go for the Sleep
11552s turn but cannot connect now there's 20
11554s seconds left to go for Canada at USA
11557s just making sure that Canada doesn't get
11558s the ability to be able to use this back
11560s capture sugar-free that pulse bomb is
11562s looking for an end into that backline
11564s and kind of has one good shot left at
11566s this next fight yeah they go from that
11568s dive already to lose on the top of the
11569s bus Bob is here though like you said
11571s positive trigger freeze engage makes him
11573s back up live an awkward angle for him
11575s Clues now decides the backup also the
11577s Nana Booth who's committed from Falls to
11579s Tempo is there for Canada they're
11581s continuing this push forward but Aspire
11583s dies to Bob the equivalence of Corbin
11586s current removes him in ultimate form and
11588s the boss gets more that's the way K in
11590s the overtime takes down USA stop Canada
11593s and get the 2-0 victory oh my God USA
11597s look good as hell
11599s stocks very very much on the rise the
11601s Team USA that entire last fight is just
11605s an absolute highlight reel the tragedy
11607s is that everyone has to go into the Bob
11609s and Crimson the one person who could
11612s maybe keep them healed up in the face of
11614s it is being Kate capped by sugar-free
11616s all the way in the back line and no one
11618s can feel for him because if they peel
11620s for the honor they lose off of not
11622s tapping the objective and that just
11624s Falls to throw themselves directly into
11626s that Minefield that is just so much
11628s damage coming through from Team USA we
11630s were concerned when we saw that nombani
11632s pick but uh we were concerned for the
11634s wrong Team USA looked absolutely
11636s Unstoppable oh they did I mean it was a
11638s 2-0 for them and uh we'll bring back our
11641s host Ange to kind of let's let's dissect
11643s that a bit hi Ash
11649s I'm Canadian
11652s this stings a little bit right now but
11655s overall USA and just a beautiful showing
11659s from them it's undeniable the Synergy
11662s that they've had I think that also just
11664s looking at this roster you have Duos
11666s together who play on Toronto defiant
11668s together on Vancouver Titans together
11670s and I think that does add that layer of
11672s synergy that team Canada unfortunately
11675s just didn't have while they have
11677s star-studded players there Moxie they're
11679s all picked off from different uh star
11681s stud teams yeah and it's got to sing
11684s just a little bit harder because one of
11686s those players who watches coming in with
11688s those struggle picks and just continuing
11690s to push sugar for you some of those
11692s players have literally played alongside
11695s on the same team and that goes both ways
11697s when you're playing against someone who
11699s you normally play with on a team they
11701s know exactly how you operate and
11702s unfortunately for support players they
11705s know how you position something that
11706s sugar-free continue to take full
11708s advantage of because every single time
11710s we saw him noxious wasn't getting too
11712s aggress into that backline he was having
11715s to make sure the sugar-free didn't get
11716s fast and when that one obstacle fell it
11719s was hunting season for crimslow's head
11721s yeah it's definitely tough and then when
11723s you flip it over towards the Team USA
11725s side as well the picks coming out from
11727s RuPaul and UV being the break and the
11731s Anna it's really nice because RuPaul
11733s allows that additional appeal playing
11735s towards that back line as well alongside
11737s UV to just enable him with those sleeps
11740s that you kept calling out there um
11743s yeah yeah I think that like yeah
11745s ultraviolet played really well RuPaul is
11747s mommy is everybody in USA looked good I
11748s think it was like the big question for
11750s USA coming into this was you know how is
11753s this backline gonna play with uh with
11755s RuPaul in the lineup instead of you know
11757s having the likes of OG and uh obviously
11759s I think they've come out and they've
11761s been able to you know have RuPaul play
11763s incredibly aggressive with this front
11764s line half court then it Dives and um you
11767s know I think it's good for a team they
11769s played well especially against a team
11770s like Canada which bodes well for the
11772s future but man I I'm really curious to
11774s see what happens in the later stages of
11776s this World Cup when USA has to go
11778s against some of the Elite Talent that
11781s have those uh incredibly flexible hero
11783s pools
11785s down to the side of Team Canada just to
11787s flip it back over there Moxie I gotta
11789s know overall what were they lacking
11793s compared to I guess what we were
11795s anticipating seeing from them yeah I
11798s can't like they weren't like lacking
11800s mechanically a lot of the time it was
11802s just they got overwhelmed on all angles
11805s and this is something that actually USA
11807s did a very good job of they had so much
11809s coverage like definitely the dive was
11811s incredibly coordinated yeah but at times
11813s it didn't feel like what all of those
11815s players were going after one place
11816s specifically and for like all of those
11818s players were going after all of those
11819s players at the exact same time because
11821s they had just such a good Monopoly of
11823s those faces and every single time we saw
11825s that Canada would get so worried about
11828s having to reapproach points entirely
11830s even if they were down players they
11832s would over commit into fights just to be
11834s able to buy themselves any bit of
11836s respite to be able to hold on to that
11838s ground because the second that they had
11839s to start taking steps backwards that
11841s opened the flood gates for USA to just
11844s search forward from all of those
11846s different approaches and sweep through
11848s the team I I pretty much just add on to
11850s you Maxi I just think that like you know
11852s it's easy to scapegoat right and uh
11855s that's why I'm gonna do it I think that
11856s obviously you know not having it not
11859s having a good Tracer player is a big
11861s deal like it feels like both of these
11863s players both secret noxious are
11864s incredibly talented Ash players right
11866s full super good but Max you said it they
11868s couldn't control those flank angles
11870s sugar-free just kind of dominated
11871s noxious or Seeker didn't matter who it
11873s was and it's not that either of those
11875s players are bad it might just be that
11877s Canada's lacking in that Tracer
11879s Department
11881s could be could be I man ultraviolet
11885s coming in with this Team MVP here for
11887s the side of Team USA absolutely massive
11890s I think what would be interesting is I
11892s wish we almost I wish we did have the
11893s Sleep Dart
11894s um statistic coming up curious to see
11896s how many of those actually did end up
11898s Landing with the amount of impact that
11900s it had on this matchup but Moxie I guess
11903s of course Gigi's to Team USA that 2-0
11906s but for Team Canada you talked about it
11908s on ilios about how USA were really good
11912s at just controlling that Tempo how do
11914s you think Team Canada could move forward
11916s going on towards the remainder of the
11918s OverWatch World Cup to kind of take that
11920s back into their own power so it's
11923s actually something that dalston brought
11924s up having that lack of hit scan a lot of
11927s the time when we were seeing the
11928s previous matchups when you have
11929s something like a Hanzo who technically
11931s isn't his gun he's projectile but still
11932s having that zoning potential of just
11933s burst damage DPS Ash can be pretty
11936s decent at being able to buy yourself
11937s space for things like dynamites but a
11939s lot of the time we were seeing that one
11941s had done right was exhausted everyone
11942s from USA which is unsung Dynamics we are
11946s a go and we just press forward as
11949s opposed to something like the hands or
11951s what the Cassidy who has that consistent
11953s damage threat that can immediately just
11955s grab your head off if you approach an
11957s angle a little bit wrong and it meant
11959s that USA never really had anything
11961s slowing them down they were always able
11963s to exhaust the cooldowns and then come
11964s in when they were at full strength and
11966s their opponent was vulnerable
11968s but we'll see how kitchen can it is
11971s going to be able to adapt as the
11972s OverWatch World Cup does continue on but
11976s we will have an interview coming up from
11978s a well we'll see later who the player
11980s will end up being leave it a bit of a
11982s surprise for you guys but we are just
11985s going to say a little bit of a goodbye
11988s right now and we will be right back on
11990s the other side of this quick break
12001s We're not gonna say a quick goodbye yet
12003s yeah I'm gonna give you guys the four
12005s really quick to actually say a few final
12007s words as you guys are saying goodbye for
12009s the day and we'll see you guys tomorrow
12011s oh yeah I mean I mean this is gonna be
12013s it for me mostly on the day it's been a
12015s pleasure talking to you Ash and watching
12016s over these games so you know USA
12018s obviously to get that Victory is a big
12020s deal for them Moxie and uh we handed to
12023s OverWatch the whole day huh at least so
12025s far
12027s I was I was thinking official we would
12028s get
12029s free maps coming
12034s solvable and that is the big question
12036s now if they're able to dispatch Canada
12038s so easily what team is going to be able
12042s to stand in their path until we see them
12044s out of these conferences and against
12046s some of these other teams around the
12048s world
12049s well we'll have to stay tuned for that
12052s because there are a couple more games
12053s left for today where we will be
12055s introducing a new set of casters but
12057s again it's been a pleasure working with
12059s you guys on the desk Moxie and Dustin
12061s I'm looking forward to seeing you guys
12062s tomorrow and everyone at home we will be
12064s right back
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12379s welcome back everybody we've got
12381s ultraviolet from Team USA joining us for
12383s this interview congratulations and GG's
12386s UV on this W up against Team Canada how
12389s are you feeling
12391s oh definitely really good
12394s okay let's go and I know that this was
12397s one of the most anticipated matches for
12399s day one of the OverWatch World Cup here
12401s for America's
12403s did you feel like there was any
12404s additional pressure on the shoulders of
12406s Team USA for that particular reason
12409s yeah I think because we have a lot of
12410s Toronto players and we didn't do very
12412s good in the regular season a lot of
12414s people have had their expectations
12416s lowered of us but I think
12419s um I'm like really happy with how the
12420s team has been playing and I'm like copy
12422s of the people we're playing with but I
12423s think we're all really good
12425s I think report especially me and him
12426s have been working really well together
12428s like super flexible
12431s um
12432s so yeah that's it's been good
12434s that's awesome well it's it's always
12437s good to hear and plus you guys like you
12439s came out very dominant in this matchup
12441s as well so a way to definitely show the
12444s haters and prove them wrong in that kind
12446s of sense
12447s um but I know I don't want to delve into
12449s this too too much but I know that there
12451s were those last minute adjustments
12452s coming out for the Team USA roster and
12455s how did your team kind of adapt in that
12457s kind of way going forward
12459s well we had our first scrim yesterday
12462s and
12463s we weren't on the right Heroes and like
12465s all these columns I think Team Canada is
12467s watching but it didn't matter in the end
12470s sweet well I just want to say as well
12473s like overall
12474s is it kind of weird I guess playing up
12476s against Team Canada considering that you
12479s are part of the Toronto Divine team
12482s no not really
12484s um I mean I'm just from America so I
12486s like consider myself one Team USA I've
12488s always wanted to play for Team USA so
12490s it's really nice to be here
12493s oh that's sweet that's awesome and um I
12496s was wondering could you give us a little
12497s bit of insight on like what what are the
12499s general Vibes like for this team in the
12501s comms for the calling and whatnot are
12504s you guys more so kind of clear calm
12506s collected or do things get pretty darn
12509s chaotic
12511s I think things can get pretty chaotic
12513s because we're all like from a bunch of
12515s different alcohol teams we all have
12516s different structures and so like we
12518s haven't had much time to like figure out
12519s a structure that like
12521s our team wants to adopt so it's been a
12523s lot of like
12525s inflicting like Styles but I think we've
12527s been adapting to it pretty well yeah
12529s kind of just going for the flow it
12531s definitely seems like it's working out
12533s really well and whatnot but um as far as
12536s it goes what your team really did well I
12539s think that stood out to everyone was
12540s just your ability to generally control
12542s that Tempo and team can they definitely
12545s struggled to respond to that would you
12548s be able to maybe like walk me through a
12549s little bit how that kind of pans out for
12551s your team maybe the weaknesses that you
12553s were looking to pick apart
12556s oh I think we just have like a really
12558s good understanding of the meta we're
12559s playing the same stuff that like you saw
12561s in the mid-season Madness yeah so I
12563s think that like we're all really
12565s comfortable in this better we know like
12566s what to do and these certain types of
12568s things
12569s uh they threw like a couple weird comps
12570s like with Diva and stuff but
12574s yeah I think we're just like all like
12575s really smart players and we're able to
12577s adopt
12580s no that's sick and okay I've gotta ask
12582s because I know that for Moxie at the
12584s very least this was like I mean not just
12585s for Moxie but for for me as well the one
12588s of the standout plays at least on ilios
12591s there was or no sorry not on Alias the
12594s earlier part of numbani was the
12596s sugar-free Echo copying into the Anna
12600s into the anti-nade what was everyone's
12603s kind of reaction I guess when that play
12605s did come through
12606s I think we I remember a specific fight
12609s but I think we called that before it has
12611s like a plan so really I mean okay yeah
12614s it's sick
12615s yeah this is really really cool oh no I
12617s don't know exactly how I went down
12618s because I'm just like in the back line
12619s of free qualifying for my life but I'm
12621s sure that went good
12622s no I mean you and RuPaul make a good Duo
12625s back there too especially when he's on
12626s that being able to peel for you as well
12628s and your sleeps are just going crazy
12629s today overall but um before we do go I
12633s also want to give you the floor to give
12634s that opportunity to say any like thank
12636s yous or shout outs
12638s um to anyone who might be watching
12642s um thinking about my family friends and
12644s all the fans supporters appreciate it
12646s and keep cheering us on
12650s the time to do this interview and
12652s whatnot really appreciated it but
12655s um we are going to do a quick break as
12658s well before we head into these next
12660s matches so we're going to say goodbye to
12661s ultraviolet wish you luck and Gigi's
12664s into your next matches and we will be
12666s back on the other side of this quick
12667s break with Costa Rica versus Mexico
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12999s welcome back everybody for the remainder
13002s of America's group a I'm your host Ash
13005s and we've got some fresh new casters on
13008s the desk I've got Gompers and Chef Billy
13010s with me Billy how are you doing oh Milo
13014s and I am so excited to be here I have
13016s been waiting for this moment ever since
13017s I saw the for me the first OverWatch
13019s World Cup back in 2018 this has been a
13021s dream for so many years now and it's
13024s just an honor to be here plus I get to
13026s cast Latin American teams which just
13027s makes it even better because the spice
13029s level is up the socials have been crazy
13032s going between these teams they've been
13033s kind of calling each other up definitely
13035s looking for the fireworks to start oh
13037s you absolutely love to hear the banter
13039s going off on those socials and Gompers I
13042s gotta get your feelings as well welcome
13044s to the desk here for the OverWatch world
13046s cup ah thank you so much honestly kind
13049s of uh what Billy said I'm excited as
13051s well we're coming into a more of the
13054s Latin region which I I listen I'm a
13056s Hispanic myself so being able to sit
13058s here and kind of watch the these teams
13060s and represent that that origin of uh
13063s pretty much my own nature I guess you
13065s can say is uh exciting in itself
13067s absolutely love to hear it The Vibes are
13070s high here for the remainder of the day
13072s here in America's for the OverWatch
13075s World Cup and as you all know we've got
13078s Costa Rica versus Mexico coming up into
13081s this best of three series Billy I've got
13084s to get your thoughts on these teams I
13086s mean look let's be completely honest
13088s with each other here the the third spot
13091s is what's up for grabster between Canada
13093s and the United States they should go uh
13096s one or two though based upon uh Nikita
13098s Canada I mean they uh they kind of uh
13101s pooped the bed there if I could have
13102s gotta be completely honest they got
13103s smoked by Team USA so kind of a little
13106s bit up in the air for me
13108s um Mexico on paper looks great uh
13111s looking at how they got here looking you
13113s know through the trials process and
13114s everything like that I think they're
13115s very sturdy especially being led by Nomi
13118s uh formerly of shock and Montreal
13120s Rebellion uh the academy team back in
13122s the day so I I think that they've got on
13124s paper they've got the structure uh
13127s they've got the the players uh I'm
13129s looking for uh Castle uh really for me
13132s to lead the charge uh and then Momo uh
13135s had played on back in uh 2020 with dark
13137s mode n a with pedals so I think that
13140s you've got a lot of building blocks here
13142s uh for Mexico and then you know I think
13145s that the only other real Challenger to
13146s them uh would be uh the team from uh
13150s from Puerto Rico and that'll be in our
13151s in our sec in our last series of the
13153s night but for Costa Rica I mean these
13156s players have been playing with each
13158s other since 2021 they've done a lot of
13160s Zotac cup together
13162s um you know we're looking he's actually
13164s a professional chef like I am no so I
13167s mean I've had that out uh talking uh to
13169s their social media manager today uh also
13171s a professional chef and also loves
13172s OverWatch what a great combination Bobby
13174s was actually my favorite in person right
13176s now uh but you know what uh also
13179s participated back in the 2016 OverWatch
13181s World Cup so we have some pedigree got
13183s some some senior leadership there uh in
13185s in the DPS position for coming from Batu
13188s but for these members uh are getting a
13191s chance to uh go to college uh they're
13193s actually uh auditioning or trying out uh
13196s for Briarcliff University to go into the
13199s Collegiate scene coming up in the fall
13201s semester so good luck to them already so
13203s the synergies built in the framework is
13206s there as well so Costa Rica might be
13208s able to uh really bring out something
13210s special here up against this Mexican
13211s Squad yeah wow okay really great
13214s information there Billy especially just
13216s knowing that Synergy is there available
13218s here for this Costa Rican Squad and then
13220s on top of that that's also weight on
13222s their show Builders though knowing that
13224s they are looking to make that push into
13226s Collegiate but hopefully baru will be
13229s able to kind of round them out keep that
13231s mental high and whatnot with his
13233s veteranship but now looking over as we
13236s introduce the Mexican Squad here for the
13238s OverWatch World Cup Gompers why don't
13241s you just tell me a little bit about them
13242s honestly for for Mexico this is a team
13245s that has been playing together for uh
13247s quite some time you can say Paulette
13249s actually having a relationship not like
13250s a romantic relationship or so like a Duo
13255s relationship with Angel lados so this
13258s team in particular right is the team
13260s that obviously kind of has that same
13262s Synergy leading into what Puerto Rico
13264s has so when you're looking at these two
13266s teams and you're looking at what exactly
13267s they have to offer you can see that yeah
13269s there is kind of like that
13270s correspondence there a big thing is of
13272s course uh what exactly can this team
13275s accomplish I think Angel villado
13276s actually watching him play he played
13278s against actually this team in a
13280s tournament not so long ago and they had
13283s some of that rivalry there on that DPS I
13286s think he's gonna I think he's gonna fit
13287s into this team very very well nice okay
13290s we got a little bit of head-to-head
13291s rival reaction going but speaking of the
13295s action we've already got our map select
13297s up here right Legion Tower gonna be the
13299s first one slotting in for map number one
13301s Chef Billy what are your thoughts on
13302s this map I mean three different three
13304s different uh areas of of aggression here
13308s uh I mean Gardens is more of a dive in
13310s control the point and let the aggression
13312s come to you
13314s um night market look symmetra rules
13316s there but also Farah Pharmacy combo or
13319s e-commercey as I call uh the echo Mercy
13322s uh combo the flying Duo up there
13326s um you know controlling the skies there
13328s if you decide to go that route
13329s um you take away a little bit of a
13332s little bit of the extra healing but you
13334s know what we've seen from yazan
13335s especially earlier today at emec uh if
13338s you got a A pharah or an echo player
13340s that can take over a map uh I mean both
13344s Gardens and Night Market are going to
13345s lean heavily into your favor now when we
13347s look at control center
13349s um if you are a brawl team if you are a
13351s rush team that is your bread and butter
13353s and you should win that out pretty uh
13355s dramatically uh Reinhardt can be viable
13358s however I think orisa uh the diva and
13362s the uh and the uh and the ramatra are
13365s the three tanks that you should be
13366s seeing here so we'll see we'll see how
13368s it goes well it won't take too much
13371s longer because I'm gonna actually send
13373s you Chef Billy and Gompers off into the
13376s server and onto lijiang Tower
13379s all right all right thank you so much as
13382s Chef Billy I know you were ready you
13384s said you were ready I'm ready as well
13385s heading into this game I can hear that
13388s chuckle I know I know we are ready for
13389s this I'm expecting a for Mercy I'm
13391s actually hoping that we get to see that
13393s here it's very very strong for the
13395s amount of uh obviously obstacles that
13397s we're gonna be able to see here on the
13398s Jean Tower it's control a game of
13400s control so what better way to do that
13402s but it does seem like we're actually
13403s going to see some of that hack do fist
13405s here coming along I mean hack fist can
13408s work uh and I haven't seen this uh here
13410s in in the upper echelons of competition
13412s for quite some time I saw a little bit
13415s of it uh in uh Australian contenders uh
13418s where they were trying to do something a
13420s little bit different but uh I think I
13422s think I'd have a lot of here on the
13424s symmetra to get yourself to the point uh
13426s first and set up those turrets here on
13428s my market I think this is where we
13430s really do get to take a look at I mean
13431s Gardens you know you can do the same
13433s thing here on Gardens you can set up the
13434s turrets and get the aggression going and
13437s I mean with Castle on the Winston right
13439s now uh you're able to dive in you're
13441s able to Bubble you're able to you know
13442s extend a fight with the Winston so this
13444s is what we're looking at with the ruts
13445s coming in from Costa Rica yeah the rest
13448s are already getting big as well you can
13449s see they're looking for some of that
13451s control leading around it not able to
13453s find it though when it comes to Mexico
13455s still though actually pushed back
13456s instead you can see actually the
13458s composition there with the May bringing
13460s up that wall about now being able to
13461s allow that to isolate these players one
13463s by one yeah Mexico and a good start and
13465s he came a leader from codelo there on
13467s the uh on the May putting a great wall
13469s up there uh and well that's gonna be a
13472s quick reset here from a team Mexico
13474s looks like they're going to change up
13475s their composition yet they're going away
13476s from the dive uh even though Toby Lux is
13479s uh 65 to EMP so I think that they've
13481s stayed with the uh summer here really
13483s try to control web tube or maybe uh
13487s hodelo on the May uh yeah you know deny
13489s the wall deny the ice block and then
13491s moving from there if he's gonna be big
13492s for this next fight for Mexico oh when
13495s it's good as well you can see the
13496s cilantro switch actually making some of
13498s these numbers count now is still though
13499s making some damage work it's not gonna
13501s happen quick enough with now this close
13504s range damage actually coming along as
13505s well you can see it's making that pinch
13507s that they really need to make but
13509s unfortunately so you see the main you
13510s see the slows coming down now choba
13512s looks with a very nice shot leading on
13514s to win enter there they lose that damage
13517s and it's gonna be a beautiful play
13518s coming down from Mexico they gain that
13520s control back it's just the romantra left
13522s but baru of course no healing left to
13524s really help themselves yeah they're
13525s gonna be taken down in a second I mean
13527s what a great EMP from Toby luxon I mean
13530s 33 so a third of the way to the next one
13532s and now they're gonna press forward and
13534s try to deny space taking they're also
13535s going to get some scouting done but
13537s hodela right now with the uh with the
13539s blizzard coming up at a beat behind it
13541s uh they should be able to initiate if
13543s they rotate through white room though I
13545s think that they're going to be met with
13546s a very very strong Hammer coming from
13549s the Twin support ultimates from Momo and
13551s soba
13553s oh they're waiting you can see what
13556s Angel a lot of wants to do he wants to
13557s go across the back line still now
13560s utilizing his ultimate to try to get
13561s themselves up closer and they're playing
13564s a very very dirty game when you're
13565s looking at Mexico but they're also
13567s losing that point the contests still
13569s their remontra left alone again but it's
13572s impossible at this point that switch
13573s they made all the way in the beginning
13574s here really working out for Mexico I
13577s mean winter hasn't gotten much done on
13578s the reaper or Costa Rica so I mean they
13581s do hold on to the sound bear that's the
13583s big kicker for them and they've got
13585s Annihilation so Annihilation via
13586s Annihilation uh beat versus beat uh the
13589s the real kicker here though is going to
13591s be the death Blossom coming out of
13592s winter winter needs to be sneaky and
13594s it's got to avoid the uh the serving eye
13597s of trouble boxer on the cell ground
13600s uh Todd's still actually coming through
13602s right now as you see it still not enough
13605s Firepower when it comes to Costa Rica
13606s making some of that damage and making a
13608s knock off here coming through from
13609s castles but it's not enough it's
13611s difficult to try to arrange that in tons
13614s and tons of players now pushing out the
13616s ultimate here winter gets one shot off
13618s the tank and now they can actually push
13620s this back a beautiful plate coming
13621s through that's when you know that
13623s Synergy from Costa Rica really is going
13625s to lead them on I mean Toby Lux hacked
13627s uh hacked winter twice before they were
13629s actually able to get the Q off so I mean
13631s tobylock's new uh the alt tracking is
13633s absolutely real right now
13636s I mean they knew they knew that winter
13639s had it I mean there's the limited to
13640s only one kill that is fantastic from
13642s from them now if you've got the EMP into
13644s this next fight nothing to back it up
13647s say nothing to back it up I I mean
13649s that's most likely so right now
13651s unfortunately yeah although Flex
13653s actually manages to find damage listen
13655s everything works out for a reason I
13657s guess the reason is right now this team
13658s is just Unstoppable the aim just the
13661s pure resilience coming through and
13663s obviously you see the ultimate again
13665s might be possible for Angel villado
13669s well I I think that they'll absolutely
13671s get close to it uh depends on what kind
13673s of value they get out of the Hellfire
13674s shotguns the big thing is that web tube
13676s is going to get account coalescence into
13677s this fight it should be the fight Turner
13679s and then you're looking at a blizzard
13681s coming from hodelo so that's where I'm
13683s looking at this is how this next fight
13684s should go
13687s there's a half right now again Reaper
13689s pulling it back out wow that's blossom
13692s still now moving forward of course it is
13695s enough to keep themselves intact here
13697s for Mexico that was big right there
13700s honestly there were Mantra coming
13701s through and being able to play that
13702s alongside the reaper and the the song
13706s bro I I feel like that did work out in a
13709s way where I didn't think it would
13711s I mean we called it the zombie con back
13713s in the day uh when it was 6v6 uh you
13715s know Running With The Reaper and then
13716s Sombra you go to hack in then you steal
13718s their life away with the uh with the
13720s reaper and I mean you're kind of running
13721s a variation of that here with the uh
13724s with the remotra going in especially
13725s with the Nemesis form being able to
13726s block or at least absorb the damage
13728s coming in it almost makes it a free uh
13731s death blossom in there for Angel balado
13733s so yeah but I mean they played it
13736s perfectly and the fact that once again
13737s Toby Lux was so smart with the manual
13740s hacks immediately hacks web tube out you
13743s can't build the coalescence and they
13744s actually get the kill on the end of it
13748s kill so quite honestly it's not looking
13750s so good right now I like the symmetra
13752s switch I think this is going to be
13753s something that really does create that
13754s fold here especially as we switch over
13756s to a different map
13758s I'm looking like numbers are starting to
13760s count for something the shields though
13762s coming through from the vermontra again
13764s gonna be a very very big cause as to why
13766s the steam cannot come through luckily
13768s enough okay the switch coming through
13770s Castle figuring out a way to make
13772s themselves work out even better they may
13774s not work it out so well though as that
13776s Shield is kind of disrupting that
13778s momentum but I'm hoping that this brawl
13780s type of composition is going to work out
13781s better as they continue alongside you
13783s see the Wall come up it's not covering
13784s much but they're still trying to make
13786s their way in castles not even hitting
13788s the shots as it goes by four but you're
13790s able to see the more or start to pull
13791s out the stops and the damage is the
13794s cohesion here before this team Mexico
13796s now making themselves go on that side on
13799s that point I mean just the sheer
13801s aggression they pushed in on sopas uh uh
13805s beat or on the amp speed coming in uh
13808s and just blew past baru's Shield they
13811s had nothing on the back of it uh chubby
13813s like still getting work done I mean the
13814s walls were good I mean Castle tried to
13817s bring out the Reinhardt
13824s we're gonna start with annihilation
13827s I'm actually doing a good job as well
13829s so allowing shovel X to utilize their
13832s own util as well push themselves on you
13834s see the way that it works out it
13836s actually transfers ownership here to
13837s Costa Rica now the point against still
13839s being fought forth the biggest ideal
13841s right now would be to maybe use for
13843s matcha's ultimate here try to push out
13845s that Annihilation once more for Castle
13847s than it is going to happen right now
13849s pushing themselves up forward even more
13851s and again playing with the team lots of
13853s players sitting around that back line
13854s see that DPS doing their job I mean they
13857s really did kite well uh from the initial
13859s uh flop of the point and then uh you
13862s know question tries to push back in on
13864s Tempo and they just get annihilated
13866s there through uh through Castle's
13868s Annihilation uh so I'm looking right now
13870s from Costa Rica winter the the reaper is
13874s not getting the job done right now
13875s you're not chunking down Castle enough
13877s you're not going after Toby Lux and
13879s making them forced the cooldowns out of
13881s the May that's the other reason why you
13882s run this Reaper is because you can choke
13884s yourself down and have such good
13885s self-presentation wow and the TP great
13888s amazing anything and that death Blossom
13892s was the winner of that for Costa Rica if
13894s they can keep this together it was
13895s Winter that held this team down I mean
13898s winter I mean finally we got the value
13899s that we needed uh out of it and it was
13901s because they invested the sound barrier
13903s into the death Blossom so uh sturdy I
13905s mean almost unkillable at that point but
13908s Mexico do have uh some initiation coming
13910s with uh if they get aggressive with this
13912s coalescence I think that they have the
13913s opportunity to turn it around I'll have
13915s volatile onto the Hanzo we saw in a
13917s couple of matches now that one shot
13919s potential that's what we're looking for
13920s yeah trying to spam something down there
13922s maybe some damage if anything they know
13924s a headshot is one tap so maybe that's
13925s all they need right now the shield again
13927s making things very difficult Castle's
13929s going through the other side still
13930s trying to utilize some of their
13931s utilities here you can see it
13933s it's not working out so well but with
13936s the Hanzo coming along down the
13937s sidelines Lotto with a nice shot yep
13940s it's working out perfectly for the steam
13942s the Hanzo switch here uh making some
13944s good numbers work
13946s I mean great game awareness uh you know
13948s that you need to be able to poke a
13949s little bit better uh you know in the one
13951s shot potential of course can turn the
13953s team fight and I mean I have a lot of
13954s right now is uh showing us that not only
13956s can they play the flex zps they can also
13958s play the sniper and that's gonna be uh
13960s that's gonna be a thorn in the back of
13962s Costa Rica's mind as they start to push
13963s through the rest of the series already
13965s 70 to Dragon strike and you've got
13967s Vivint
13969s oh even now push themselves down into a
13972s hole right now kind of just funneling up
13975s inside of this building looks lucky and
13977s luckily enough playing on that may they
13979s give themselves a bit more time to keep
13981s themselves together with 90 left and now
13983s they're actually pushing that spawn side
13985s it's gonna be super difficult to come
13986s back from this you can bet that Costa
13989s Rica right now are in a very bad
13990s position I mean two percent the touch no
13993s otherwise I'm gonna be able to touch
13995s here so they waited they waited way too
13997s long to get themselves back uh into
13999s fighting Foreman I think for me right
14001s now Gompers is the fact that uh Mexico
14005s really uh was more adaptive uh when we
14009s saw compositions come out they saw that
14011s something wasn't going to work they
14012s immediately swap over uh they
14013s immediately go for counters uh and we
14016s were seeing a little bit more rigidity
14018s coming out from Costa Rica so I I think
14020s for I think for Costa Rica right now
14022s they need to change they need it they
14024s need to change so
14027s yeah indeed uh Ash uh we're gonna bring
14030s her back as well so she can question us
14032s because I love being questioned and
14033s interrogated so
14035s whoa
14037s whoa real intense dear God Burgers I
14040s mean I barely have two princess left
14042s after it's been a long day it's been a
14044s long day okay you get a fresh look
14046s coming into this broadcast but you're
14049s you're already putting a lot of pressure
14050s onto my shoulders you're almost making
14053s me want to pop quiz you but I don't
14054s think that would be fun for us
14056s yeah
14058s but what a showing coming out from Team
14061s Mexico I mean it's really I think
14064s interesting to see because for this
14066s Mexican team you've got players but sure
14068s have been around but aren't super well
14071s known and this is a great opportunity
14074s for them Chef Billy to actually be at
14077s the Forefront to be players to be
14079s scouted like you were even talking about
14081s yeah I mean a Paulette is the is the
14083s first one that brings to mind just like
14084s going for said I actually had a chance
14085s to see them a couple weekends ago with
14087s the Timeless Creator cup uh playing for
14090s team uh Ruben sarcasm and also in
14092s calling all heroes I got a chance to
14094s cast them and calling all heroes as well
14096s so
14097s um I mean this is a this is a support
14098s player that definitely needs to be on a
14100s lot of tier two uh contenders teams uh
14103s radar because they do have the value
14104s they I mean they showed it time and time
14106s again here uh so I mean we'll see when
14108s if they do come in here for the next map
14110s uh if they're if they can bring their uh
14112s if they can bring their Wares to to Bear
14114s here uh on the second map but I mean
14117s Mexico right now they they just they
14119s just had a better understanding of their
14120s win conditions they were able to swap
14122s their compositions up on the Fly and uh
14126s they just really took advantage of the
14128s rigidity of Costa Rica I think that
14129s Costa Rica need to be able to do the
14131s same thing they have to be able to swap
14133s uh encounter what is being thrown at
14135s them so I mean it's a chess game
14136s OverWatch is more of a chess game than
14139s ever and I mean I have a lot of the
14141s reaper just got it done uh this DPS
14144s player should also be on people's Radars
14146s because the swap between a Reaper and a
14147s Hanzo is not that easy because you've
14149s got the spray of the Hellfire shotguns
14151s and then the Precision of the stormbow
14153s and just a master class just a master
14156s class it's a totally different style
14157s right of play when it comes down to
14159s those damage picks overall and golfers
14162s it you know Chef Billy keeps doubting
14164s about how Costa Rica were struggling to
14166s make those adaptations coming through
14168s especially with those team compositions
14170s overall do you think this team maybe has
14173s what it takes to implement that going
14175s into this second match because it's just
14178s the best of three at the end of the day
14179s I think there is a possibility there I
14182s did feel like we got to see a little bit
14184s of a change in play style coming through
14186s from them but not necessarily you know
14188s we can't not those composition switches
14190s that really would have push them that
14191s extra mile further and again change
14193s isn't necessarily the best feeling for a
14196s lot of people but I do think especially
14197s in Puerto Rico they have obviously you
14201s know pushed themselves up to this point
14202s to be able to make it down inside of
14204s this qualifier stage so I I do believe
14206s that they can do it but right now Mexico
14208s looking very solid with job Lux with
14211s you're looking at Angel volado right
14213s these players in particular were the
14215s ones that really push the steam further
14217s we're gonna be really interested to see
14219s how Mexico also like faces up against
14221s teams like Team USA team Canada as the
14224s group stage does continue on within the
14226s round robin as everyone gets that chance
14228s to play against each other right but
14229s Billy I want you to talk a little bit
14231s about the impact that castle did have on
14234s this ramatra pick because he was just so
14237s strong at controlling the environment
14240s well I think there was Mo I I think that
14242s you know while while we do have Vermont
14244s or castled here on the screen I think
14245s that Momo and sofa is the reason why uh
14249s that the castle was able to get so much
14250s done the support was absolutely
14252s impeccable uh the rotation of cooldowns
14255s going into the ramatry and then the
14257s proper use of Nemesis form knowing when
14259s you know they were going in for let's
14261s say that that uh that Blossom that we
14263s saw on have a lot of do uh inside of
14265s white room they put up the Nemesis form
14267s to deny any kind of damage coming into
14269s their Reaper the reaper stands behind
14271s the Nemesis block and they just have a
14273s free Blossom that is the micro that you
14276s need to be seeing uh to push Propel
14278s yourself for so the complete
14279s understanding of how they want to run
14280s this quote unquote zombie comp right now
14283s they that was the perfect cross section
14285s of why they worked so well the supports
14287s were perfect they were perfect in it
14290s who okay well speaking of perfect it's
14293s going to be adaptations that have to
14294s come through going into map number two
14296s for Costa Rica best of three series
14298s means that if this is either do or die
14301s maybe you could sweep it away here on
14303s Gibraltar Costa Rica could also take a
14306s lunch one Converse
14308s if there's any point where you really do
14310s need to have those adaptations come
14312s through it has to be on Gibraltar right
14315s like there is no excuse here uh if
14318s something isn't working again their
14319s switches are going to be made so I feel
14320s like we are going to see Costa Rica be
14322s put in a very uncomfortable position
14323s here and actually having to switch
14326s things up unless things happen to go
14328s well but Mexico on control I mean we're
14331s looking already solid
14333s well we're not gonna have to wait too
14334s much longer to see if Costa Rica can
14336s make those adaptations come through but
14338s if you're a Mexico fan of course you're
14339s cheering them on to close it out in a
14341s 2-0 so I'm gonna let you guys handle it
14345s and send you guys over towards Gibraltar
14347s and see how this series does pan out
14351s all right heading down to it now coming
14355s into a completely different game mode
14357s honestly this is one of my favorite Maps
14359s I don't know about you Billy uh how are
14361s you feeling about Gibraltar I mean with
14363s the new map changes uh uh okay so I've
14367s been playing it uh here about a week and
14369s a half since uh season five dropped
14372s um I love the changes here first of all
14374s um it doesn't make it so snowbally
14377s um and you have more chances to
14380s recontest as a Defender
14382s um and as an attacker you you know you
14384s can you can get out of your spot a lot
14385s easier too so I think that the uh the
14388s the geometry of the maps here that have
14391s been changed down have absolutely gone
14394s in favor of the player and the player
14396s experience is is so much better now
14398s um now looking at Costa Rica they're
14400s gonna come out on the attack here
14402s um we'll see if they actually stay with
14403s this competition because it can work and
14404s I'll get into that in a minute but
14406s Mexico right now they're looking at High
14407s Ground Control they're looking to pounce
14409s on a Target and take care of it and
14411s we're looking at palette
14412s I mean had a great grid during the
14416s content the Timeless cut creators cup uh
14418s especially on the brigitta so and Diana
14421s is not too bad either you might see a
14423s swap there between Maps but I mean we'll
14425s look for Castle to pounce upon the back
14427s line of Costa Rica and take them down
14429s yeah and actually for both teams looking
14430s at the same support idea but a very
14433s different DPS composition here you're
14434s looking at the soldier with the Genji
14436s tons and tons of damage that could
14438s actually go through and a lot of long
14439s range shots so they're really looking to
14441s just break down the composition here
14444s right now winter again playing that solo
14446s touch but the Winston is what's really
14448s going to make this count for Mexico I
14450s think this is perfect with the
14451s composition they've made up with
14452s obviously the Hans and the Tracer coming
14454s through in cohesion but I mean again
14456s it's something we're definitely gonna
14457s have to see already making some of that
14459s pressure come down but the heels are
14460s immaculate
14462s what the okay Bobo I see you came
14465s over you know with the sleeve from long
14467s range but seriously uh Costa Rica's uh
14470s uh composition right now should be able
14472s to take space and it is because uh
14475s Winston has only a very flimsy shield
14476s and yes you do have the Tesla that puts
14478s out constant pressure but Diva doesn't
14480s have to reload and Toby locks uh is
14482s actually getting it done now on the
14484s trailer this is a steamroll oh my Lord
14486s Mexico what did you have for dinner my
14489s friends
14492s honestly they had a a nice bladder or
14495s something because that they've been
14496s playing pretty good leading into this
14499s whole entire tournament I I don't even
14500s know how to feel right now and we come
14502s into this and we're like you know what
14503s these players know that all they're
14504s heading for is to at least get
14506s themselves out of this position of uh
14508s you know down in this B-side spot so all
14511s they want is to again make their names
14513s known doing a very good job here for
14516s Mexico right now chobolux playing on
14518s that tracery Tracer uh looking for some
14520s opium here nice shots actually
14521s committing but of course when we talk
14523s about uh trace for just a little bit we
14525s also notice that the spread kind of
14527s increasing a bit so the shots getting a
14530s bit harder to touch here still though
14531s making numbers out now the Primal Rage
14535s giving into their urges castles being
14538s able to push these players back even
14540s further yeah it's impossible to get past
14542s Mexico right now it's carnal it's
14544s aggressive it's spicy dare I say and I
14547s love it I mean they're not taking any
14549s SAS from this co-sufficient team right
14551s now they are are taking space you're
14553s looking at the beautiful one you know
14555s honorable Tracer duel between Shelby
14556s Alex and winter I mean trophylex has
14558s been just sitting on this pulse bomb
14559s just looking for a Target now the dragon
14561s strike uh available to Angel balado here
14564s and so I mean we're just at the car wash
14565s we're under two minutes Gompers this is
14567s starting to look very dire already oh
14570s and now it's even harder to try to get
14572s away from this just needing fodelo to
14575s take his Genji and really push it out
14578s into the crowd a nice play and a nice
14580s back off as well castled now having to
14582s push themselves back wait for the
14583s healers so that they can re-aggress and
14586s reinforce themselves that I mean the
14588s Dragon Blade get the nanoblade just gets
14590s all the work done but now you got that
14591s off the table and you're gonna have the
14593s rally coming in so you're gonna be very
14594s sorry big name coming in from cap from
14596s uh from Redtube though this is actually
14598s where they need to go in
14601s oh
14602s okay not easy enough yeah there's a lot
14605s going on right now the polls Bob kind of
14607s just ended the hoax and dreams of we did
14609s uh what's the point of having a repeat
14611s if you're just gonna go to town like
14613s that unfortunately but still again
14615s waiting for something big they are
14616s pushing back which is uh pretty much
14618s castled I would say is doing an
14620s Immaculate shovel playing that tag
14622s because the pressure that we've seen so
14624s far Costa Rica only making this
14625s advancements because of hodelo so
14628s I mean they're going to need that
14629s ultimate to come back quicker or else
14630s they're not going to make it any further
14632s Barbara already very close to coming
14633s back down luckily enough we did and
14635s Benji going unscathed
14637s I I mean what we're looking at golfers
14639s here is that you're looking at the uh
14641s you're looking for the blade to get
14643s ready uh and the Primal Rage will buy
14645s you some time but cast The Castle uh has
14647s probably rage we're gonna be able to
14648s reset but they're good well they've
14650s moved there from onto the lotto they get
14652s it done uh it takes uh takes the Primal
14655s off the board so 10 seconds they're
14656s gonna have to pop the Primal just to get
14658s back to point oh but we're looking at
14660s the percentage you're coming through
14661s from angelado talking about Primal let's
14663s talk about the dead Blossom because he's
14665s waiting right now down in the depths
14668s waiting for the Winston but it doesn't
14669s matter round one being complete it's
14672s Mexico taking on this first round
14676s I mean just the fact that baru was never
14679s able to capitalize and and relinquish
14682s control uh of The High Ground off of off
14686s of Castle uh that that just shot him in
14689s the in the rear end there was no chance
14691s for them to get beyond that and there
14693s was only one hero play that you could
14694s cut out I mean with the amount of
14696s sustained that Mexico had there on the
14698s defense they had all the sight lines
14699s covered I mean this is a beautiful uh
14701s blade and dash through to get it built
14703s up I mean they got the work done with
14705s that but still I mean so much worked on
14708s it and Angel you know actually gets the
14709s work done there and takes them out at
14711s the end of the blade that would have
14712s been the point captured so I mean this
14714s last second little flick there uh saves
14716s point a and now for Mexico they've got
14718s four minutes to basically get to the end
14720s of point a and they will take the 2-0
14723s sweep here so uh I mean it's all it's
14726s all on Costa Rica right now they don't
14727s want to go down o1 but I mean you know
14729s and you've got three people transferring
14731s out of group a that's the good thing
14733s the bad thing is that you've got Puerto
14735s Rico and you've got Mexico in front of
14736s you so I mean right now there you go
14738s they looking very very clean
14741s I think uh it's gonna be hard to really
14744s bypass oh the life Weaver actually
14746s coming out this is something that I
14748s wasn't actually expecting to come
14749s through at all yeah uh I just got
14751s trolled it's not coming out at all I was
14753s correct I was correct but it's okay
14755s because Costa Rica they're playing with
14757s the torture and the reason why I like
14760s this is because there is a lot of long
14762s range holes here you see the ACT you see
14764s the tour of Jordan kind of relying on
14766s that turret honestly uh to really make
14769s the hold and that pressure come through
14771s of course I mean gonna have to play a
14773s very far distance game here so that was
14776s Eva barely making any damage to come
14778s through and the Winston now finally
14779s making their way up Castle I'm gonna
14781s back themselves off a bit too close I
14784s mean the reason why you play the diva
14785s here here's the damage mitigation the
14787s ability to go from high to low uh the
14789s reason why you're playing the torbjorn
14790s here is because of the Tracer because
14792s turbulence got so much work done the
14794s auto the turret has Auto eight so you're
14796s going to get Vision as well out of it
14798s and I mean that's gonna have to be
14799s really point a here for uh Angel
14801s volatile is to take down the turret
14802s locate it and then take it out that way
14804s trophylex has a lot of room to maneuver
14809s it's uh pretty hard honestly it looks
14810s like
14812s right now with anything the moment that
14814s you peek you're gonna be able to get
14816s some damage knocked up on you although
14819s down below you can see tons of players
14821s right now still trying to keep intact
14823s the Winston fighting the low ground and
14825s they trip a lot of fighting the high
14827s they finished it off it was a sweep
14829s coming through from Mexico listen they
14832s had a big run Billy going into their
14835s qualifying spot playing as midnight
14837s making it into this position uh they
14839s they we're in a lower bracket run and
14841s they ran with it they barely lost any
14844s games they actually played the most
14845s games out of everybody inside of this
14847s grouping stage what the heck was that
14848s defense come on Adam you got it you've
14851s got to touch you have to touch this is
14854s this is this is the World Cup qualifiers
14856s you've got to touch you can't sit up
14857s there and just watch them take the point
14859s what the heck was that Costa Rica
14861s the heck I mean you just say oh yeah
14863s silver silver platter silver platter Ash
14866s come on back in here give us the
14868s grilling that we know we deserve
14871s okay you guys have had some fighting
14873s words already I don't know if anybody
14875s needs me laying on some extra heat but
14879s showing coming out from Mexico to start
14882s things off there I'm pretty today's all
14885s just been 2-0 sweeps to be honest I kind
14888s of expect it I guess within the first
14890s day of the round robin group stages to
14893s be fair but
14896s I just for Costa Rica there was a lot
14899s going on there Gompers and what was
14901s their biggest weak point would you say
14904s uh again kind of leading back to what we
14906s said in that first game it was those
14908s adaptations and honestly the pressure
14910s coming through from Mexico was something
14911s that they just didn't know how to stop
14913s you could see that torque drone switch
14914s like they were desperate to try for
14916s something at that point they tried to
14918s hire a sixth player at aka the turret
14921s and then said you know what do your job
14922s and and sat there like this was one of
14925s those moments where they really were
14926s questioning themselves but at the end of
14929s the day it all worked out for Mexico
14930s listen Puerto Rico but I will say though
14932s there was potential there it was just
14934s again that fear of losing
14936s there's no way you just called the
14938s turret the sixth man but so good all
14941s good oh good guys we're gonna take a
14944s little replay though at these last two
14946s matches that we just saw between Costa
14948s Rica and Mexico and Chef Billy Gompers
14952s is touching on it just a little bit
14953s there but Mexico very much so more in
14956s control of the overall Tempo that
14959s aggression and really pushing Costa Rica
14962s between a rock and a hard place I mean
14965s that little that little repay light
14966s there uh even though Angela I don't know
14969s that they were going down to the Dragon
14970s Blade the fact that they take the
14972s blading Genji out with their last bolt
14974s of the of the storm arrows I mean that
14976s that just shows uh what heart this
14978s Mexican team has and the reason why uh
14981s the reason why Mexico just absolutely
14983s decimates Costa Rica here uh and
14986s Gibraltar is uh the fact that Mexico
14989s just controlled The High Ground the
14991s entire time there was no displacement uh
14994s baru was completely ineffectual uh
14996s trying to get them off The High Ground
14998s whether with the with their own Winston
14999s or with the diva I mean Diva should be
15001s running into the Winston's face and just
15003s laying in just holding down left click
15005s uh and using the uh using the defense
15008s Matrix to eat any kind of healing coming
15010s into the uh into the Winston uh and just
15013s bursting them down I mean nine times out
15015s of ten Diva beats Winston in that that's
15017s how good Castle was on this Winston I
15020s mean as a just for one uh section of
15023s Gibraltar
15026s 9225 damage mitigated that is a very
15029s large number for a Winston so the bubble
15031s uh the bubble usage and cycling was
15034s absolutely chef's kiss perfect very
15036s impressed with this tank and I can't
15038s wait to see what they got going on here
15040s so man Mexico I mean they're looking
15042s very clean coming out the gate here uh
15044s in day one of America is here
15048s all right we we talk a bit about Mexico
15050s listen I know they're the victors which
15051s I will give them a big congratulations
15053s but I'm gonna go back to Puerto Rico I'm
15055s gonna say listen this team had such a
15058s good placement there you saw it honestly
15061s I I thought I saw some of the dog that
15064s they had in them when you saw hodelo you
15066s saw them pull out the Dragon Blade
15068s listen there was something going on
15069s there and I thought they had it for a
15071s second but again unfortunately it ended
15073s up not working out I feel like there
15074s were definitely those moments from
15075s Puerto Rico which is why I'm not going
15077s to count them out just yet but again it
15079s has to be those moments much more
15081s consistently or else things like this
15082s happen
15083s all good it's day one it's day one Costa
15086s Rica they have an opportunity to make
15088s that comeback later on into this event
15091s but at the same time every single shot
15094s counts especially when you've got quite
15096s Monsters of teams here within group a to
15098s fight for those top three spots with but
15101s there is still one more match here in
15104s group a for today's OverWatch World Cup
15106s online qualifiers we're gonna take it to
15108s a quick break and then right after we'll
15111s be right back with Guatemala versus
15112s Puerto Rico
15118s [Music]
15125s thank you
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15329s foreign
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15365s [Music]
15411s thank you
15415s [Music]
15441s it's been one heck of a day of OverWatch
15444s World Cup and it all comes down now to
15448s the last match of day one for the online
15450s qualifiers up next we've got finally
15453s Gompers Puerto Rico versus Guatemala
15457s listen listen listen
15460s like like who puts Rica Rico like let me
15463s live my life let me live My Truth uh I
15466s accidentally said accidentally said
15468s Puerto Rican I'm very sorry
15470s now
15472s so I'm
15482s a continent so why are you exposing
15486s yourself further right now on my podcast
15489s well I'm just gonna steal the mic away
15491s and Chef really we're gonna have a
15493s conversation a conversation and give her
15496s a second to to regroup take a breath in
15499s a couple deep breaths if you will
15501s um but heading into this Puerto Rico
15503s versus Guatemala match up how are you
15507s feeling about these two teams do you
15508s even have maybe a spicy prediction to
15511s throw out there I mean yeah it's gonna
15513s be two zero Puerto Rico I mean let's be
15515s completely honest with each other
15517s um just the just the the amount of scrim
15519s and practice and Synergy that this
15521s Puerto Rican team has right now okay I
15524s mean led by gizgam their coach and
15527s they've also got by the way Louis uh who
15530s was a star at the University of Texas
15532s Dallas uh competed in the OverWatch
15535s contenders has competed in a lot of the
15538s Collegiate championships you ever watch
15539s Collegiate Championship itself uh ranked
15542s very high in the okra which is the
15543s OverWatch Collegiate rankings
15545s Association uh they were ranked in the
15547s top five uh just graduated this past uh
15550s summer congratulations to Louis for
15551s graduating from the University of
15553s graduated as a comment uh but uh I mean
15557s looking at Puerto Rico just on paper
15560s right now uh the amount of actual you
15563s know championships and stuff like that
15564s that they've got under the belt may not
15566s speak uh to high volumes but I think
15569s that where they have placed they're an
15571s individual talents and how they've come
15572s together I think this is what uh they
15575s have they also got Island Pride I mean
15577s here for uh for Puerto Rico I mean
15581s they've got it they've got it in Spades
15583s I've sat in it on their on their scripts
15585s uh and watched how they communed I've
15587s listened to their comms and I mean it is
15588s incredible to see how they go and it's
15590s all going to be led by Papa Joe I gotta
15593s tell you right now it's gonna be led by
15594s Papa Joe take a look at we'll take a
15595s look at Guatemala uh here and and
15597s embedded Iran this is a this is their
15601s tank player uh really want to see how
15603s they come out and deal with Papa Joe
15604s because Papa Joe has learned how to
15606s control the aggression uh has learned
15609s patience and I think that uh the datiron
15612s might try to bait Papa Joe into some uh
15616s unsavory positions and I think the pub
15618s Jones is gonna say I pass I'm gonna stay
15620s with my team I'm gonna peel back that's
15621s something I've also seen with this great
15622s thing so I mean I haven't had I haven't
15625s had the chance to look at Guatemala
15626s right so I mean this is going to be a
15628s learning experience I think for
15629s everybody
15631s um because there's not a lot of there's
15632s not a lot of uh sample sizes to go off
15634s of from this Guatemalan team but yeah I
15637s mean this is the World Cup right and
15639s anything can happen on any given day so
15642s I want to see them come out strong I
15644s want to see them come out as a five-man
15646s unit I want to see them really take it
15647s to play 30 because we aren't quite
15649s honest
15650s okay okay some really awesome points
15653s there love to hear about the heart of
15656s the Puerto Rican team but focusing back
15658s on this Guatemalan team as well here are
15660s gone burst shot Billy was just talking
15662s about you know Vendetta Iran trying to
15665s maybe look for those trap plays do you
15668s think that that's something that they
15669s might find some success on or even
15671s something that they will try to lean
15673s into to isolate the positioning of their
15675s opponents yeah I mean there are some
15678s difficulties there Puerto Rico is a very
15679s strong team so when you're looking
15681s obviously again like that lack of
15682s information coming from Guatemala it is
15685s difficult to put that two and two number
15687s together it's kind of like looking at
15689s the big dogs and then trying to find The
15691s Underdogs they're they're so little like
15693s you can't see them and it's one of those
15694s things where they will grow in time and
15697s I'm hoping that they get to show us kind
15698s of what they have to offer here from uh
15701s Guatemala just because again I love
15703s seeing new players uh really shine in
15706s moments like these where it really does
15708s count so I I do believe now that of
15710s course these countries are coming
15711s together there is a possibility that
15713s Guatemala having this big name on them
15715s uh they're gonna show us something good
15717s yeah and then I also want to touch back
15720s on to actually both of the tanks here
15721s for both Puerto Rico and Guatemala the
15724s fact that we're actually seeing two
15726s Reinhardt beans coming into this matchup
15729s something that we actually have been
15730s missing out on a little bit today we've
15732s seen more so like the winstons the Divas
15735s coming out the ramatras but we haven't
15737s really seen that ride presents what can
15740s you tell us about how this is kind of
15741s gonna kind of gonna shift the play style
15744s of what these teams or maybe even Force
15745s further adaptability out of each other I
15748s mean I think this is a carryover from
15750s OverWatch one uh where you've got the
15752s main tank mentality and I think that
15754s both vendetti Ron and uh Papa Joe I mean
15756s I know Papa Joe have you seen him not
15759s only uh at 14 Puerto Rico but also in
15761s some Collegiate stuff uh also back where
15764s I got my start in in the console gaming
15766s League uh Paw Patrol played there and it
15769s was a main take it was an absolute
15771s Menace and has absolutely leveled up
15773s since they've gone over to uh PC land so
15777s I I think that the main tanks are
15778s definitely going to be bigger in the
15780s pocket for these two teams uh Papa Joe's
15783s uh Winston is disgusting let me just put
15786s that out there
15788s um I have not seen any off-tank looks
15789s from Papa Joe from any recent footage so
15792s I don't know if that's in the back
15793s pocket right now they're only carrying
15794s the one tank
15795s so uh that is a that is what we're gonna
15798s be looking at uh here for them I know
15800s you've been dead here on like I said
15801s we're learning here together
15803s okay very cool very cool interesting
15806s to look out for going into this next
15808s match up though but we're heading over
15810s towards Lee Jing Tower once again so
15813s Chef Billy Thumpers I'm gonna send you
15815s guys all out there and take it away
15821s back into lijong Tower when we were here
15824s before there was a completely different
15826s story happening right when you're
15828s looking at uh what exactly is going on
15831s with Mexico and then uh you know Costa
15834s Rica back in those past games uh are we
15836s gonna see kind of that same origin
15838s happen right now or are we going to be
15840s able to see some of those closer games
15842s uh if if Puerto Rico plays the way that
15846s they have been showing in their scrimb
15848s blocks uh and some of their friendlies
15851s um I think this should be a pretty
15853s comprehensive and pretty straightforward
15854s match for Puerto Rico but if it's nerves
15857s if the if the uh size of the moment gets
15860s to this young Squad
15863s um then they might run into a little bit
15864s of a hiccup but it should be pretty easy
15867s honestly uh for for Puerto Rico right
15870s now because I mean just based upon how
15872s they have been playing together and the
15874s Synergy that they have built together we
15876s are going to see the Reinhardt V
15877s Reinhardt and uh this is the symmetra
15879s comes out early from Andrew they're
15881s gonna be on the point ready to go uh
15883s better run two you said you're looking
15885s for some of those pitch plays I feel
15886s like here Papa Joe did a great job
15890s cool okay oh oh he's dancing uh he
15893s listen they're having a good time right
15895s now on the point it's okay yep I uh like
15898s I said
15899s um maintain uh energy
15902s uh definitely uh gonna be on display
15904s here and Papa Joe uh if you give them
15907s the opportunity to play aggressively and
15910s you've got the support at the back and
15911s you watch for the feel that needs to
15913s come through for Papa Joe uh or for the
15915s support from Papa Joe watch how he has
15917s learned patience and being able to kite
15918s back and make sure that supports are
15920s taken care of
15922s charity some of that seals coming down
15924s it's gonna be hard for Papa Joe to make
15926s it back for the bats he's actually
15927s making some of those numbers count uh
15930s immortality Shield coming up now being
15932s able to actually play for the ultimate
15933s but it doesn't matter for Papa Joe to
15935s start to come through in the automaking
15936s numbers count but lacking that kiriko
15939s again you're kind of gonna see this
15941s complete change in uh what this team can
15943s do although the passive approach still
15945s not there Puerto Rico but they've pushed
15947s themselves uh to a very very far extent
15950s yeah and or p as well closing things off
15952s very nicely I mean this metroplay from
15954s NP is actually great and I love this
15956s Mesa Metro look where you were being
15958s able to control choke points you're able
15959s to slow people down to the turrets I
15961s mean the car wash is already set up
15962s coming out of their main choke here and
15964s you're looking for Arenas to be able to
15965s separate everybody off that's a big day
15967s that comes through but the immortality
15968s field is the better
15972s yeah actually already yeah it's it's
15974s happening again and again and again this
15977s is something that reiteration that we
15979s got to see although Costa Rica last time
15981s again putting up that fight so that's
15983s kind of one of what I want to see come
15984s out of Guatemala I want to see them uh
15987s really push those numbers the symmetra
15989s that with the turrets not making that
15990s any easier so they're gonna try to find
15992s that other way through and push it to a
15995s further extent already trying to come
15997s down we still have so many ultimates
15999s left to utilize here with Papa Joe
16001s sitting along the back line gonna be
16003s able to see Talisman with the Wall come
16005s up and push the ultimate down onto the
16008s point everything coming down to it
16011s betting raw now the tank down as well
16013s and it is impossible to try to get on to
16016s the point at this point it is the May
16018s wall it is the combination of that
16020s coming through with a tank uh incredible
16024s gameplay from Puerto Rico I mean they
16026s just understood their win condition
16028s there be able to stop the uh the choke
16030s progression
16031s coming from Guatemala they had a deal
16035s with Arenas on the echo but the echo
16037s wasn't getting nearly enough done there
16039s was no support uh aerial lead for that
16041s player uh and I mean Papa Joe I mean a
16044s 4K to start things off yes please that's
16047s exactly what we want to see we want the
16049s tank to establish himself and right
16051s there that's not just a that's not just
16053s a little bit of spice that's also
16055s setting the tone uh for this series as
16058s in Papa Joe's second you're not taking
16060s space for me this is MySpace you've got
16061s to come and claim it
16064s uh it's pretty difficult to clean a
16066s space that
16070s or Guatemala again like I really do want
16073s to see some of that Firepower come
16074s through I just don't think that when
16076s you're looking at that uh that Reinhardt
16079s it isn't working quite necessarily now
16081s again switching over to the cement to
16083s themselves having Richie try to play for
16084s that but down towards the back Lane
16086s talisman
16087s making it very difficult for the seasons
16090s for something like what with some nice
16092s shots Puerto Rico again making something
16095s work and you got a team kill to come
16097s through uh honestly astonishing to see
16100s this team and how they're playing right
16101s now dumpers that's a 3K Boop off the
16104s side light wolf was lying and wait like
16106s a Black Widow and hatched the Trap send
16110s everybody into the koi pond night night
16112s see you later you're done and now it's
16114s all about them trying to get on this
16115s point and with the mobility of Puerto
16117s Rico right now Guatemala are in serious
16119s trouble already
16122s I'm looking at serious trouble again uh
16125s even now Palace but actually still
16127s making some good numbers and they know
16128s what to focus on which is something I
16130s really like coming through from this
16131s still actually pushing themselves back
16133s around
16134s trying to make sure they're playing with
16135s the team although going to have to
16137s regain that composure this is different
16139s we see something out of Guatemala that
16141s we haven't seen before still though with
16142s the symmetra I think that extra resource
16145s of damage is really working out well and
16146s her P can't even get a half through
16148s right now especially since you've got
16149s those like those turrets really blockade
16152s it yeah I mean the symmetra turrets once
16155s they establish control on the point uh
16157s it's pretty much done and Dustin now
16158s they need to pull out uh the immortality
16161s field of Mario here on the Baptiste
16164s they've got the amp Matrix ready to go
16165s so that's also going to be something
16167s that Puerto Rico has to push into but
16169s Talisman can really start the tenor of
16171s this conversation with a well-placed
16173s pulse bottle
16175s uh they're playing the sneaky game as
16177s well
16179s actually still using their blink to try
16181s to get around the back unnoticed very
16183s very nicely still though the silence is
16185s there
16186s you see Papa Joe on to the point trying
16189s to get something but unfortunately again
16190s the time is something big here they're
16192s still wasting some of that time the tank
16193s actually backing off so the opportunity
16195s is Big Betty Tron
16197s pushing themselves out of the way
16200s vendettitron
16203s what I I don't even know what's going on
16205s anymore at this point everybody just
16207s goes down in a millisecond wall actually
16209s not doing too much here
16211s uh a super big fight and the fact that
16214s you hold on to beat and pulse bomb
16215s Gompers is absolutely massive you win
16218s that on a little bit of expensive uh
16221s from the 300 Square stuff you go put out
16223s there but you get the app Matrix and you
16225s get the pulse bomb that's a 2K from
16227s Towson huge pickups
16230s keeping it going as well Talisman still
16232s working with the team there and it is oh
16236s my gosh it is done with right there and
16239s then Honestly though we do see something
16241s different out of Guatemala I said it
16242s before 48 still left up out of uh you
16245s know the zero percent that they've made
16246s before so again making those adaptations
16249s but still I mean the uh the awareness of
16252s Talisman knowing that they could get in
16254s with the uh with the pulse bomb and the
16256s 2K just sets in the whole fight sets up
16258s the whole fight no they're in like Steve
16260s like Stephen like right now it's going
16262s in that forces out the the uh the beat
16264s he gets hacked yeah I mean you're just
16266s looking Every Which Way ain't gone first
16268s this is a this is a very broken finder
16269s from Puerto Rico
16271s oh they're still pushing it down palace
16274s Man on Fire right now getting themselves
16277s out of the way but still shots hitting
16279s damage isn't coming enough though again
16280s they're by themselves at this point
16281s having some of that backup come through
16284s from Papa Joe but with Richie putting
16288s that pulse bomb down again makes it very
16291s difficult guacamana are holding on but
16293s Talisman is holding on as well they've
16295s managed to make some of that damage come
16297s through but they backed themselves off
16298s the point now there is Guatemala still
16300s live to see another day yeah and I mean
16302s the fact that Talisman gets out 93 the
16304s pulse bomb and now pulling the aggro
16306s from Richie it means that you're gonna
16308s get a free EMP into this next fight and
16310s yep there's a manual Hack That should be
16312s them going down it is in fact now they
16313s have the EMP ready to go
16318s still on the come up though
16320s you see NRP having something fake to
16323s play with here and looking at the hat to
16325s come through it is immaculate now like
16327s wolf with the first pick to come down
16329s now still actually pushing along and
16331s this is a perfect place
16333s from Papa Joe
16336s impossible to get away from a player
16338s like this and now they've push back
16339s towards spawn they know what they need
16341s to do and the immortality field going
16344s down so it doesn't matter anymore Papa
16346s Joe's still holding on to the last
16348s couple seconds of this but of course
16350s moving down to the hamster it's gonna be
16354s super difficult to hold on to this
16355s although they're trying their very
16357s absolute best Guatemala going down one
16359s by one but still trying to make things
16362s for a cure coat down of course maybe
16364s going to be able to cancel something to
16366s it 73 still waiting on that pulse bomb
16368s and it's loading up very quickly I mean
16371s we're looking for Andrew P A Talisman in
16372s combinations take care of each other and
16373s pop Joe over onto the Reinhardt to be
16375s able to smash uh vendetti Ronin this is
16377s all the clear that they need 15th floor
16379s streak here and the post mom goes out
16381s and finishes everything that is a 2-0
16383s map uh win here for Puerto Rico they
16386s take lijiang Tower 200 to 88. and I mean
16390s Gardens was a little bit more
16392s competitive I think they got a little
16394s bit more aggressive uh maybe a little
16396s bit more ego into their game uh feeling
16399s their oats so to speak uh definitely
16401s have that extra helping of Wheaties but
16403s uh we're gonna bring Ash back in here uh
16406s and see what she thinks about how Lee
16408s Jean Tower went down
16411s okay guys the Papa Joe stonks are
16416s trending up right now like that was an
16420s insane opener with the 4K to come
16422s through yeah just immediately leads into
16425s a team kill right and then not too long
16427s afterwards you get the second team kill
16429s that just rounds out that first point in
16432s just such a strong showing there from
16435s Puerto Rico and it's tough because
16437s Guatemala they had some of those
16439s glimmers of Hope for sure gobbers
16442s Unfortunately they just weren't able to
16444s make those conversions
16445s uh yeah you talk about it right making
16447s those conversions and I felt like a lot
16449s of it you could see them actually trying
16450s to make those changes down in
16452s composition wise but it just was never
16454s working out and a big part of that we're
16456s gonna get back to the stonks over here
16458s Papa Joe right you're looking at the way
16460s they're playing you're looking at what
16461s they're doing uh bringing out the Primal
16463s Rage at such perfect moments to regain
16465s that momentum but again I I did see
16467s Guatemala being a lot more comfortable
16470s with Puerto Rico as time went on so
16472s there was something there there was that
16475s spark that I felt like we needed to see
16477s in that last game there uh with Mexico
16479s and Costa Rica so when you're looking at
16482s these two teams and you're you're kind
16484s of comparing and contrasting there is at
16485s least that development
16487s no that's for sure and that's what
16489s happens as the series goes on right you
16491s familiarize yourselves with your
16492s opponents that you haven't really played
16493s much against before and then just slowly
16496s look to make those adaptations but Chef
16498s Billy right now we're on the online
16500s qualifiers for the world stage you
16503s cannot afford to take that long to
16506s actually Implement those changes that
16507s are needed true and I think that what we
16510s did see uh that we did not see really
16512s out of Costa Rica was the fact that the
16515s Adaptive adaptation started coming
16517s through a lot earlier for them they
16519s realized that they were getting a little
16520s bit dipped out
16522s um and you saw Arenas go over to their
16524s own Tracer I think that was a great uh
16526s change for them uh the the Ryan V Ryan I
16529s mean Papa Joe went with a Winston into a
16531s Reinhardt and generally Reinhardt will
16533s be able to win that because of the Swing
16534s uh and because of the stability that you
16536s have in the charge can take a take
16538s Winnie for a ride but Paw Patrol I
16541s talked about it in the opener when we
16542s opened up this map I talked about the
16544s the maturity that this player has gained
16546s uh we're seeing on the stage the world
16548s stage right now this is exactly what
16551s they want I mean this is uh this is that
16552s player that is a couple months away from
16555s graduating with their Aviation license
16557s and so I mean they're gonna be a pilot
16560s uh so this is like kind of like a last
16562s call for OverWatch for Papa Joe and he
16564s wants to go out with the bank and he is
16565s absolutely living up to the building I I
16568s think right now for gizcam uh you you
16570s absolutely have to tell you uh protect
16573s the tank protect the tank the tank will
16575s lead you to the got to the to the
16576s promised land and Papa Joe is your
16579s salvation
16583s kind of reminds me of like uh I'm not
16586s gonna say the brand but a pizza brand a
16588s particular Pizza brand out there so
16590s listen we talk about songs we know what
16593s he's selling so let's uh let's uh let's
16595s be real
16603s absolutely I mean especially we also
16606s have like not today but of course more
16608s OverWatch World Cup to come later on
16610s this weekend and going into week number
16612s two if these teens do survive all the
16614s way there and I was looking at the
16616s Chatters a little bit someone was
16618s talking about the Papa Joe doomfist so
16620s I'm actually curious to see that maybe
16622s make an appearance into the future could
16625s be something fun to throw in there but
16628s overall just an incredible showing
16631s coming out from Puerto Rico and for
16634s Guatemala what do you think they really
16636s need to focus on going into day number
16638s two I think vendetti Iran needs to get
16640s back for his uh for uh for their uh for
16643s their supports I think the sports are
16644s getting left out to dry a couple times
16646s with with Vendetta Iran trying to uh be
16649s a little bit more aggressive which I
16650s don't I don't necessarily think it's
16651s about I think if you're going to be
16653s aggressive your supports have to be on
16654s the same page with you you have to be
16655s calming I'm going in I need these
16657s resources and I think that's something
16658s we need to go with I mean there's the 3K
16660s from White Wolf
16661s God that's beautiful that that is FD
16664s god-like uh just beautiful work out of
16667s them so for me uh I mean entropy on the
16670s song breath uh really getting it done I
16672s I mean for for two baths uh on a Sombra
16675s you know with the little peashooter that
16676s she's got uh I mean still uh this is
16680s great numbers almost 7 000 uh damage
16682s with the with the with the 30 shot or 45
16685s shot little peashooter but mitigating
16687s the damage I I think that's the big part
16689s for for sombres when you get the hacks
16691s out even deny the damage coming in you
16693s deny the cooldowns I mean Ander P really
16696s did uh play a perfect map as far as a
16700s Stormer player uh I think I saw them go
16702s down maybe once across both Maps so the
16705s the awareness of the pressure coming in
16707s when you need to translocate out perfect
16710s there are manual hack targets perfect
16711s did that 2K uh pulse bomb doesn't happen
16714s if you don't hack the baptism they can't
16716s throw the immortality barrier up so they
16718s really got it done
16719s yeah that that's sustained for the
16721s somber player super important just to be
16723s able to use that utility and help set up
16725s your team to really capitalize on those
16727s team fights their Gompers
16729s yeah honestly speaking of that
16731s capitalization as well uh a big portion
16734s of that too was again like that the DPS
16737s we talk about the DPS we talk about the
16739s tank but I do feel like uh the people
16741s behind the scenes that go a lot
16743s unnoticed and only because if you're
16745s doing a very good job
16747s it's very it's it's kind of like when if
16750s you don't notice your healers you know
16751s they're doing a good job because they're
16752s doing exactly what they need to do so I
16754s do feel like the support here was
16756s Immaculate you're looking at the amount
16758s of times that they should have gone down
16759s in those group fights but then they
16762s somehow just were not dying so it in my
16765s opinion uh taking all of that
16767s information in it is big for the support
16771s to also get a spotlight of their own I
16772s would have to say just for that fact of
16775s okay you know you're looking at what's
16778s happening with uh Puerto Rico and
16779s Guatemala you're looking at the fact
16781s that light wolf or uh zulix and Croy
16783s whatever they are there to make things
16786s happen
16787s so that's for sure it's gonna be a
16790s pretty big show there over to Guatemala
16791s to try and just keep an eye on their
16793s back line keep uh an eye on their
16795s support players right ensuring that they
16797s are peeling for them and being able to
16799s take them out there but overall I mean
16803s now just looking into the next potential
16807s map apparently Marie might be heading
16810s over to Circuit Royale
16812s oh
16814s I like it I like it I like it uh I think
16817s that for
16819s um for Guatemala I don't know if they
16820s have snipers this will be something that
16822s we get to see uh coming out from them
16824s this is typically and I I'm gonna put
16826s this in in air quotes typically a sigma
16828s and double sniper look uh I call it the
16831s Monaco 5 where you've got the sigma
16833s you've got Hanzo and Widow and then
16835s you're running with a bat piece and
16836s Zenyatta to burst and pump down the tank
16840s um space taking is going to be at a
16841s premium for an attacking team because
16843s the defense can get set up on High
16844s Ground uh they can take their choice of
16846s how they want to engage there's room to
16848s kite back and if you've got a very if
16851s you've got an experience uh off tank
16853s player uh that can play the sigma it's
16856s darn near impossible to get around the
16858s first quarter you might win a fight uh
16861s and if the kite is good then you're
16864s looking at maybe two fights in a total
16867s of four minutes uh that you that you
16869s need to win to be able to capture the
16870s first point so uh it's very Defender
16874s favored at least point a is point B and
16876s point C uh it's more of a toss-up but I
16880s think that if you really dig your heels
16881s in on point a and you put up a good hold
16885s um this could be a first point hold for
16887s a defending team
16889s okay all big notes to make to consider
16892s the year especially for Guatemala with
16894s this map pick coming out for them neon
16896s circuit Royale and just the necessity of
16899s having to really tighten in on just the
16901s general macro and keeping an eye on
16903s everyone's positioning ensuring that you
16905s are helping out the team wherever you
16907s can but again Puerto Rico they looked
16910s really really strong they're on Liu Jang
16912s Tower so we'll see if Guatemala can
16914s maybe make some sort of comeback to take
16916s it one to one otherwise the majority of
16919s today has been 2-0 sweeps and Chef Billy
16921s gumpers take it away
16923s all right circuit Royale a map that we
16926s haven't actually seen yet so this is
16929s something I'm very interested in and I'm
16930s not gonna I would be lying if I said
16931s that I wasn't hoping for a double sniper
16933s composition or maybe something relying
16935s with the Widow listen I'm a big Widow
16937s fan we talked about it yes we did we all
16942s know about my very very bad girl
16947s I'm so naughty
16948s listen I'm a big fan big fan
16952s okay but I mean positioning here is so
16955s very important uh for the double snipers
16957s and this is where I think you know I
16958s bring up that you need to have uh what I
16961s call the shooting block uh and that's
16962s where you get uh the sigma set up on The
16964s High Ground you put the experimental
16965s barrier out there uh and you and you go
16967s For Broke uh so we're gonna see that
16969s right here we do have the uh the uh the
16972s The Monaco 5 here from Puerto Rico
16974s they're gonna be on the attack so they
16976s want to set the tone here they're going
16977s out aggressive I love this choice that
16980s they are going out on the attack they
16981s are gonna stick it uh oh no I'm sorry
16983s Puerto Rico's on actually on the defense
16985s I'm sorry Guatemala is actually going to
16986s be on the uh on the attacker so you know
16988s I'll walk it back and say you don't
16989s print the RICO they're gonna know what
16991s kind of a benchmark they're gonna have
16992s to hit here and the fact that we're
16993s coming out with vinzi uh substituting in
16996s for Diego uh here for team Guatemala uh
16999s yeah you're looking for the Anna look uh
17001s you're looking for the sleeps the anti's
17002s are going to be huge Papa Joe's gonna
17004s have to be very cognizant and when you
17005s use that kinetic grasp
17007s uh my dream did also come true we are
17010s seeing a double sniper oh and then first
17012s shot hit of course doesn't work out too
17014s well but this is something that is very
17017s risky like you really have to trust your
17018s TPS in a position like this they have to
17020s hit their shots with the shield as well
17021s damage really has to make an account
17023s here
17024s with a double shield
17026s especially you know you got two remote
17028s actually two sigmas coming down trying
17031s to make some of these numbers count the
17033s shield comes down leaving Talisman a bit
17035s left in the open to try to hit for some
17037s of these shots but the push commences in
17039s the Genji actually gonna try to counter
17041s these snipers
17043s I mean the fact that Richie gets the
17044s gets the admission killed uh out uh is
17047s pretty huge for well there'll be able to
17049s take a lot of space here the reason why
17051s you're running the Genji here uh in
17052s arenas is to be able to get on top of
17054s either the widow or on top of the Hanzo
17057s so I mean great uh push back here from
17060s Team Puerto Rico they take down vendetti
17062s run on the tank that's a a lot of space
17064s they're gonna be able to take the
17065s Talisman super low they need the healing
17067s right now
17070s oh it's impossible oh every shot Miss
17073s Talisman having to back off so though
17075s again relying on the Genji Arenas still
17078s looking for uh some pretty big numbers
17080s here but Guatemala actually on the
17083s pushback and making something count and
17086s repeat taking a very very distant angle
17088s nice shot
17089s although not much left to do here except
17091s for weight an air angle to be taken and
17094s still nothing again
17096s that Sonic arrow is going to let
17097s everybody for Guatemala know where the
17100s Puerto Rican defense is setting up about
17102s five meters uh ish to go before they
17104s catch the point this is a better look
17105s from Guatemala the trade started to come
17107s through Pancho down that is not good for
17109s this team
17111s oh actually the dragon strike coming
17112s through as well a nice shot from Richie
17115s leading things to continue here
17118s Guatemala on a completely different
17119s stance right now
17121s I I really like what I'm seeing here
17123s that was a beautiful shot I mean right
17126s now uh Guatemala is winning the sniper
17128s war uh and yeah they've only got one
17131s sniper unless you count marleo on the uh
17133s on the Zenyatta with the with the five
17135s or or the six or volley uh a sniper as
17138s well because we saw them just land that
17140s volley onto the unwitting head of Ander
17142s p and will seitzer out they know exactly
17144s where to go let's see Pub Joe can get
17146s anything with this privetic flux oh
17148s still though okay is snipers coming back
17150s on it Puerto Rico knew that they were
17152s losing this fight
17153s actually on the come up but the thing
17154s that really does bother me is here we
17157s have to direct and
17158s blade so something that is a bit
17162s concerning is how we're going to be able
17163s to use that here actually pushing back
17166s as well still waiting for the team
17167s Arenas is going to wait to use that
17170s that's going to be such a big win
17171s condition if you can use that correctly
17173s I mean they're waiting for for Nano to
17174s get built up uh from Lindsay I mean
17176s they're not looking for a nano blade
17178s engaged and then they'll be able to have
17179s a free ravidic flux after that so uh I
17182s think if you go in with a naked blade uh
17184s you have time to build up especially
17186s with how slowly Lindsay is setting this
17187s up you could probably get another play
17188s before they get the first Nano online
17191s oh here's the oh okay this is impossible
17194s I thought Arenas was gonna actually try
17196s to Target uh Andrew P there for a second
17199s but still Papa Joe gets pushed up and
17201s out back down to some of the damage
17203s actually getting healed up quite quickly
17205s here as light weapon Zoo likes making
17207s some numbers out but the Dragon Blade
17209s coming out and they managed to push it
17211s back further it's a 2K to come down but
17214s it's okay because you see that damage
17215s and you see the potential they were
17217s leading up to this moment Morello again
17219s our our second hand sniper coming
17221s through from Guatemala Stills though
17224s listen we said the stones were up on
17226s Papa Joe so we're still not we're not
17227s letting it down just now
17229s uh impossible how does he live through
17232s that fight because he was so low and I
17233s know the kinetic grass builds up some of
17235s the overshielding uh and gets you back
17237s into a fight but I mean there was no
17239s healers available uh relies on the many
17242s and still 1v3 wins the fight and now
17246s they're back in position they're gonna
17247s have the gravitic flux online for this
17249s next fight no Transcendence here for uh
17252s for uh marleo they're gonna have
17254s actually a free one the only thing that
17256s might save what about right now is the
17258s fact that they have the Nano they can
17259s keep somebody alive
17262s actually using the gravitic flux perfect
17264s timing as well Papa Joe taking a nice
17267s backhand angle doesn't get the stun off
17269s but it's okay still everybody behind the
17271s healers you're looking at them taking
17272s that High Ground spot in the shield down
17274s down as well damage is immense right now
17277s and they are kept alive Papa Joe is
17280s Unstoppable right now just based off of
17282s the work that we're seeing like within
17284s zulics do keeping that alive keeping the
17287s dream up right now now able to actually
17290s reconvene with the teammates here
17292s zulux just lapped marleo in
17295s Transcendence charge
17297s and as can still continuing to pull even
17300s further ahead so that is the work that
17302s zulax uh you know former Gauntlet
17305s competitor back in 2020 uh with Sakura
17308s so I mean we're they're just getting the
17310s work done they're getting the work done
17311s and I'm so proud of the Steve right now
17313s good lord they're putting it on they're
17315s putting the screws in Guatemala
17317s uh that's not proud of him as well okay
17319s Dragon strike now coming through to it
17321s Richie making something happen trying to
17325s take a completely different angle now
17327s around the top view and the confidence
17328s now booming right now
17330s but again a lot of difficulties here you
17332s see the push back you see the way that
17334s everybody's working together here with
17335s vendetti Tron
17339s and again that pushback is going to be
17342s immense I think a big portion of what
17344s exactly we're seeing here is then that
17345s Iran has been
17347s really pushing on that
17349s on that tank side still waiting for the
17352s rabbitic flux to hit now the dragon
17353s strike there for talisman I mean the
17355s fact that Puerto Rico is very uh is very
17357s patient here give them the chance to
17360s recollect themselves here in this fight
17361s light wolf takes down the striker that's
17363s great that's a perfect Dragon strike
17365s through the cover and now they're gonna
17366s be able to win this fight pretty much
17367s leading hopefully nobody goes down uh I
17371s mean they're really working in on top of
17373s this they've got them cornered yep that
17374s is everybody going down less than 30
17376s seconds for 5.5 less than five meters so
17379s I mean one fight uh here to decide if
17381s they get inside of the hotel and uh well
17384s Papa Joe can actually do a sigma nine
17385s here and just completely deny them any
17387s kind of touch
17389s yeah speaking of the nine of any kind of
17391s touch it's pretty evident right now what
17393s and why
17395s they're just not able to do anything
17396s especially up to this moment of
17398s Guatemala they pushed very very far and
17400s I have to give them that OT now coming
17401s along Dragon Blade making some numbers
17405s especially as it comes down with the
17407s prophetic flux they paused it for a
17409s second with a 2K from Arenas that might
17411s actually hold things down just a bit
17412s over time still completely there but the
17414s snipers now
17416s you're coming through it Talisman going
17418s down so it's up to and repeat to try to
17419s make some of that damage happen to the
17421s OT you've managed to push themselves
17422s back off off of the cart but again it is
17425s the Tracer coming through from Richie
17427s that still doesn't make it happen the
17430s damage immense and the OT over Puerto
17432s Rico managed to keep things down and
17435s it's a possibility but again it's far
17437s enough to the point where there could be
17439s some problems absolutely I mean the fact
17442s that Arenas gets a 2K
17445s while in the middle of a grid Vedic flux
17448s with a Transcendence right on top of
17450s them and they still pick up two the Nano
17453s blade getting the full value right there
17455s and I I think that we had a little bit
17457s of of hubris here out of Puerto Rico uh
17460s they they tried to push up too far uh
17463s they absolutely got
17465s lately knocked out of their comfort
17467s range they got their wits back together
17468s with them on point B coming around the
17470s chicane turn here they really had their
17473s sight lines down as you can see andropy
17474s picking up heads left and right I mean
17477s really had a perfect uh map here that's
17480s far as the Widowmaker using very
17482s creative sight lines to take the domes
17484s of their pla of their opposition and
17485s Guatemala I mean I'm still impressed
17487s with what we saw on on lijong Tower uh I
17491s tell you what they really did turn it
17493s around here uh here on uh here in Monaco
17496s so yeah this was a good look from
17498s Guatemala I mean there's no dye there's
17500s no give up in this team and I love to
17502s see the fight back yeah and there was a
17504s lot of fight honestly I would have to
17505s say out of Richie right it was seeing
17507s that Hanzo being able to see the amount
17509s of times that honestly when the storm
17511s arrows came out the damage came out as
17512s well this was very big on their parts to
17515s kind of play with that Genji and of
17516s course you're you're kind of looking at
17519s these two brothers Collide here and that
17521s Hanzo I felt like really made is some of
17524s those numbers count Richie again back
17526s onto that Han so now playing on the
17528s defense so uh we're talking about
17529s winning out the sniper fight and I feel
17531s like it might just happen again
17532s well I mean it's all about positioning
17534s once again you've got the uh you've got
17535s the shooting blind up here rich is going
17537s to take the off angle here while you
17538s wait uh to have the Widowmaker have the
17541s better shots and uh well and repeat
17543s that's making the rotation and well that
17545s is a huge kill with the storm Arrow
17547s right through the Doma Richie
17551s I'm actually still stuck towards the
17553s bottom
17554s entropy having no vision whatsoever on
17557s what is going on but still having it
17559s rely on Talisman to make some of these
17561s shots count
17562s still with the sigma slowly moving
17565s upwards again this team a very very big
17568s when it comes to Puerto Rico very big
17570s when it comes to
17571s um pushing these players back but the
17573s biggest portion is losing out on the
17574s sniper fights Arena's actually taken out
17576s Andrew P on a shot that they had tried
17578s to originally hit
17580s doesn't work out so they miss out on
17581s that one DPS damage of course running
17584s think here missing out on some of their
17585s shots alone there from Talisman but
17587s still managing to make numbers count the
17589s speed at which questioning who is going
17591s right now is insane
17595s that is uh that that's tasty uh out of
17599s Talisman uh I thought the tracer was
17601s darn good the Hanzo is even better the
17603s tracking is so good I mean this is
17605s exactly which one Paw Patrol is doing
17607s the right thing here just claiming all
17609s of this space from Guatemala and not
17611s allowing any aggression to come in
17613s there's the there's the maturity that I
17615s was talking about dumpers you go up you
17617s take the space that you can once you
17618s realize that you're getting to the point
17620s of being overwhelmed you pull back you
17622s regather your resources and go back in
17624s for a second contest they've already
17626s come around the first quarter of the
17627s chicane basically for free
17629s I think a big thing right now is where
17630s are the heels for vendetti roll on it
17632s feels like everybody's pushed along the
17634s back way too far then gone are not even
17636s able to actually play for what their
17637s role is intended to for the damage right
17640s now but marlio still stuck around the
17642s back and the damage is insane when it
17644s comes to it Puerto Rico right now might
17647s have just been able to say Gigi in the
17649s chat because they're still up towards
17650s the push-pop but Joe again with the
17651s pressure here and I'll be able to pull
17654s through with their ultimate able to see
17656s the graphic flux in action now with the
17658s accretion to push back even more and the
17660s heels are not there and they never will
17662s be because it might just be a
17664s possibility that a win to come through
17666s be able to utilize some of this track
17668s and blade right now Arena
17670s it is a beautiful play
17673s Papa Joe ends it before it can start
17677s everybody off of the point it's up to
17679s Papa Joe with two b one and the
17682s accretion she'll do a good job but no
17684s heels left
17685s no shot I mean he 120 health of 140 and
17688s there's the immortality bear from
17689s downtown the Frisbee throw gets it done
17692s and now they're they're back into full
17693s fight
17696s I'd be afraid right now Andrew he's
17699s feeling it especially with the shots
17700s that we just saw right now but the
17702s pushback has been pretty good still able
17704s to see Arenas they are lacking that
17706s ultimate but the Hanzo was big there
17709s at least being able to see Talisman
17711s really pull through the team in those
17713s last seconds with Puerto Rico they had a
17715s very very good play
17717s wow okay that that was just
17721s you done be gone bye-bye
17727s I mean they treat him like a cockroach
17728s there seriously honey that was
17731s if there was anything that I could say
17732s more about what just happened uh on the
17735s Attack Base for Puerto Rico
17737s um they lost I think three people in the
17740s entire team uh and pulling people back
17743s but Ash uh you're coming back in here to
17745s talk with us after what you just saw go
17747s down uh in the streets of Monaco on the
17749s formula Luxe race track that was pretty
17752s comprehensive out of uh out of Puerto
17754s Rico I mean it was really really solid
17757s but I also still want to give it to
17758s Guatemala for the fact that they did try
17759s to make those adjustments come through
17761s and it felt like a honestly a closer
17763s matchup than it did over on lijiang
17766s Tower earlier on so at least you see
17769s that that ability to warm up that we had
17771s talked about a little bit between both
17773s of these matches but Gompers I've got to
17777s hear from you what was the nail in the
17778s coffin nail in the coffin for me was
17781s Papa Joe I'm gonna be honest with you I
17784s listen
17785s the person you always see on the front
17787s line which I hope so because he's a tank
17790s but the person that you're always
17791s looking on those front lines hence why
17793s you did get to see they knew exactly
17794s when to push for Papa Joe they won out
17796s the group fight they managed to push
17798s even further so that they could stall
17799s for some time and also gain that map
17801s control which is one of the biggest
17802s things when it's leading down to a game
17805s like hybrid and whatnot so I think for
17808s this for me was really Papa Joe's game
17810s but you also have to give it over to
17812s those supports like we heard Billy
17813s talked about earlier as well whole
17815s reason why he's able to take all of that
17817s space is because he's got those players
17818s backing him up and being able to feed
17821s him all the help that's needed for the
17823s insane sustain that we saw especially in
17826s those last few seconds of that last
17828s matchup Billy I mean just the uh just
17831s the uh the Frisbee throw from light work
17833s to get the immortality barrier from way
17835s downtown uh Papa Joe took that fight 1v3
17838s and had actually taken two out before
17840s the immortality barrier came in and took
17842s out a kitty go uh with the accretion and
17845s then the hyperspheres after that
17847s um and then was battling uh vendetti Ron
17849s on the wrecking ball at that point so I
17851s mean you know sometimes you need a hero
17854s sometimes you need to have that main
17855s tank energy uh and you know make them
17858s maintain different even though it's it's
17859s Sigma traditionally an off tank uh plays
17863s like a main tank here in OverWatch 2 uh
17866s with the ability to take the space to
17868s mitigate damage and really just got done
17870s and the snipers behind the support
17872s behind I mean just everything was
17874s absolutely working perfectly here for
17877s Puerto Rico I mean yeah they got a
17879s little bit overzeal at some point a on
17880s their defense uh but they really pulled
17882s it back together look at these creative
17883s lines I mean would you expect a
17885s Widowmaker to be peeking through the
17888s signs here or the barrier is here and
17890s taking a head off I mean not me not in
17892s this one
17893s that was gross that was really gross
17895s coming out for Andrew P I mean yeah hey
17898s there's a reason why he was the MVP on
17900s Legion Tower and we'll see who ends up
17903s being the MVP for circuit Royale here
17905s but Gompers I gotta know like overall
17910s I know we said that
17912s um the side of Guatemala did make some
17914s of those adjustments but yeah
17918s do you think it was
17920s as much as you kind of like expected
17922s them to be able to make in such a short
17923s span of time do you think they have a
17925s little bit more wiggle room to try and
17927s go even a step further I think it was a
17929s perfect pacing from what we saw before
17931s if I'm gonna be pretty blunt with you
17933s because look at what we saw before they
17935s pretty much got zero percent at some
17938s point down in control like they were
17939s suffering when it came down to what
17941s Puerto Rico had to offer and then you
17943s kind of saw them at a very very
17945s progressively get better and better down
17947s in that second time they uh the second
17949s time down in control they actually
17951s almost won out that round and now coming
17953s into this there was that possibility
17954s that they could have taken further down
17955s to that that second point so for me I I
17959s do really feel like this team was
17961s showing such promise but again you're on
17963s a big stage you have a big name behind
17965s your own you're playing for your country
17967s like there's a lot of pressure when it
17969s comes to what you're trying to show here
17971s and who you're representing absolutely a
17974s lot of weight on your shoulders to be
17976s the ones to represent the entirety of
17978s your nation right and again at least for
17982s the side of Puerto Rico you do have the
17984s fact that there is some of that
17987s experience bleeding into that as a
17990s factor for this team to be able to
17993s actually have that mentality keep
17994s pushing forward and whatnot and I don't
17997s quite have as much information on the
17999s Guatemalan Squad unfortunately there but
18001s still it's a huge opportunity and just
18004s for learning overall here within the
18006s OverWatch World Cup as well and Papa Joe
18010s finally Chef Philly
18012s MVP that you're looking for look at
18014s those numbers oh my God the mitigation
18018s that's the big number uh for a tank
18020s player especially if you've got a shield
18022s or defense Matrix or something else this
18024s was done through the experimental
18026s barrier and also the kinetic grasp and
18028s Papa Joe really did uh cycle those
18031s cooldowns to the highest effect and I
18034s mean 40 eliminations yeah that's
18035s tickling people with the hypersphere so
18037s I don't really look at that number
18038s necessarily it's the damage uh I mean
18041s that that's the the secondary number but
18043s the the mitigation is the biggest number
18045s four is Sigma if you're you know through
18047s one and a half points almost two points
18049s and you're at around 9.5 K as far as
18052s mitigated damage you are putting in some
18054s serious work uh in the tank position and
18057s I I think that really uh we saw the
18060s maturity come out once again uh and
18062s taking that 1v3 being able to Shield
18064s dance that's something from uh from
18067s OverWatch one as an erisa player or a
18069s sigma player that you learned it's part
18071s of your of your take uh core uh what you
18075s learn how to do how to be able to you
18076s know dance and keep yourself alive
18078s letting your team get back into the
18080s fight it came out in Spades there man
18082s I'm impressed I'm impressed I I'm yep
18084s stonk's way up Papa Joe uh definitely
18086s bullish on this player
18089s yeah the other flow really really nice
18091s coming out there from photos but
18093s is the wrap-up of game number five for
18096s today we are gonna take a quick little
18099s break before you come back with the post
18100s show analysis
18108s all right
18111s [Music]
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18224s thank you
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18421s foreign
18428s [Music]
18431s it's been a long day of OverWatch World
18434s Cup 2023 online qualifiers and that last
18438s match was insane to watch it's been
18442s clean to an O Suite throughout the day
18444s here guys for day number one and we're
18448s gonna actually break down a couple of
18449s these games look at the overall
18451s statistics of how these matches actually
18453s panned out first one we're actually
18456s going to be starting with here is going
18458s to be Chile versus Brazil and uh Chef
18462s Billy I know that you were watching that
18463s one from the sidelines oh yeah I mean it
18466s was really really good here from from
18468s Brazil and I mean five and one so I mean
18472s they win uh the two maps on control and
18474s get the full three points on Gibraltar
18477s um I mean dalka was so uh dominant in
18481s the tank position for Brazil so I think
18484s for for team Brazil uh yeah if you
18487s enable once again if you enable your
18489s tank and you're looking at Lou if you're
18491s looking at svenko being able to go in
18493s behind that and he's ankle had a
18495s disgusting Sombra
18497s um I was really impressed with our DPS
18498s lineup but I think the biggest strength
18500s here for the Brazilian team is it's
18503s going to be XFL on the honor the sleeps
18505s were absolutely disgusting the
18508s anti-nades were huge uh and sleeping as
18511s Sombra uh with a little bit of a flick I
18513s mean that was I think so far I think
18515s that's like the play of day one for me
18518s across all the games was that flick
18520s sleep that xvil did uh I believe it was
18523s on to uh
18525s from Chile so I mean ROM uh did the The
18530s Barrage nine
18532s on on well they got
18535s a mercy wasn't grounded and they weren't
18537s close enough in proximity to the point
18539s to trigger the overtime and get the flip
18541s because they had won the fight
18542s but they lose ilios on the back of that
18544s so I I think that really set the tenor I
18546s think Chile you know a Frack uh just
18550s didn't have the same amount of resources
18551s put into them I think lazu and Papo
18553s really needed to get their uh get it
18555s back together and really pump the
18557s resources into Frac to be able to deal
18559s with the forward aggression that was
18561s coming from Doncaster but for them uh I
18566s think for chile when they go into day
18568s number two uh I think they need to be
18570s very cognizant of making sure that the
18573s resources for their tank if their Tank's
18574s gonna go in that deep you've got to be
18576s able to hold them up
18577s oh that is for sure and that was the
18580s really interesting part as well was even
18581s looking at those statistics Chile was
18583s coming out on top overall as far as just
18586s pure numbers but Gompers that tells you
18588s about how much the positioning really
18590s matters being able to even like just
18591s generally peel for your team and put
18594s that pressure in which is something
18595s Brazil we're really good at was just
18598s that overall aggression
18600s yeah overall aggression again something
18602s that is heavily reliant on number one
18604s your tank number two on your support so
18606s you know you're kind of looking at again
18608s this is kind of the trial of who is the
18610s strongest teams and who are a more per
18613s se kind of like The Underdogs uh that
18615s need some of that development leading
18617s forward into this grouping stages right
18619s so again you get to see some of these
18621s very colorful pictures and you get to
18623s paint a picture as well as to who you
18624s want to put at that top I think we saw a
18626s very very good showing out of both of
18629s these teams out of uh obviously you know
18632s when you're looking at Brazil and uh
18635s I'm brain farting and Chile it was those
18639s two that really kind of put a staple in
18642s my mind as to you know again this was
18644s kind of one of the closest games that I
18646s could have enjoyed
18647s yeah and that's the thing that the part
18649s that you were talking about
18651s um both of you about just like that
18652s General Synergy and just being able to
18654s pull that all together and the
18656s importance that that plays with Indie
18658s matchup regardless of the numbers that
18659s we see on the screen is the fact that
18662s for the Brazilian team they had that
18664s history together right Chef Billy that
18667s really allowed them to have that extra
18668s edge up where Chile we're just not quite
18671s as polished because they lack that
18673s chemistry sure and I mean we joke about
18676s it a lot of times I get I get accused of
18678s putting it out there a lot but the power
18680s of friendship can honestly do so much
18683s for a team because you have the
18685s familiarity you have the comfort you
18687s have the understanding of your other
18689s players tendencies so I I think for uh
18693s foreign I mean this is going to be
18694s absolutely beautiful for them I I think
18696s that they could really make a powerful
18699s run through group b
18700s yeah and especially considering the fact
18702s that there's only those two slots
18703s available but we gotta head over towards
18705s the group a matches to do our little
18707s analysis on them we're gonna head over
18709s to that third game that we did see today
18712s that was Canada versus the USA Chef
18715s Billy I know you and I it was a
18717s heart-wrenching loss Gompers definitely
18719s feeling the dub there for USA Squad
18722s I I did feel the job man and listen I I
18726s saw you cash you were in a lot of pain
18727s during that day
18729s after we headed back to the cameras I I
18732s kind of felt bad for you I'm not gonna
18733s lie but listen they had a good fight
18734s there there was that that
18737s equality that I will per se but I did
18740s feel like uh I was really looking
18742s forward to see hydron on that Tracer
18744s like I I kind of enjoyed the gameplay
18745s that I saw at the DPS there especially
18747s since we got some of that Echo action
18749s which for me it's it's these really
18751s diverse players and and heroes that I
18754s like to see a bit more especially in the
18757s compositions that we got to see
18758s obviously uh or with liberty and the Ash
18761s and I mean and the Anna kind of working
18763s out for this team as well because there
18765s had to be some of that backup for
18766s ultraviolet I mean they were getting
18768s targeted like like crazy so you know
18771s when you're kind of looking back towards
18773s that game and what exactly this team had
18775s to do I felt like he would say they were
18777s a lot more intact uh in terms of who I
18781s guess I could consider the best team in
18782s America's in general I I could say USA
18785s for sure but uh man it's it's really
18788s hard to say yeah they were they came in
18791s guns blazing too right because we had
18792s some doubters as far as like the general
18795s Community due to some of the recent
18796s performances from Toronto defiant and it
18799s really came to show what they were made
18802s of on that team sugar-free especially
18804s stood out to me there on Team USA he was
18808s an absolute Menace yes focused on the
18810s Echo and Tracer but especially the
18813s Tracer just continuously poking and
18815s prodding on that plank onto that back
18817s line some insane pulse bombs as well and
18820s USA a big thing Chef Billy that Moxie
18824s and Dustin kept touting was the fact
18825s that they were just completely in
18827s control of the tempo of the game I mean
18829s they they took the team they took the
18831s fights on their terms that was the big
18833s tenor of the conversation all day long
18834s is that it was on their terms uh they
18837s decided when to engage they decided how
18838s the fights were going to go the ultimate
18840s rotation was absolutely spot on uh and I
18844s think that the team Canada uh maybe a
18846s little bit too much poutine in the mouth
18848s but not enough spice
18850s in their game oh no I'm just saying I'm
18854s just saying uh I mean I I got a chance
18856s to meet hydrant uh when they were at uh
18859s when they were at Illinois State uh I
18861s got to meet him uh in person uh got to
18863s see a play in person and just the uh the
18866s dedication uh I I think and the
18868s intensity of hydron is something that a
18871s lot of people you don't get a chance to
18873s see it unless it's in a land environment
18874s or if you're in person with them just
18876s the fact that he was up against the
18878s Dallas field of time well the fuel was
18880s still in America and he was owning the
18883s fuel so I mean I know the drive of this
18885s gamer and he put it on display today big
18887s time
18889s yeah it's just the showing just the
18892s individual prowess they're coming out
18893s from cmusa but enough about that last
18897s matchup we actually have to move on to
18898s game number four I'm sorry I gotta keep
18901s the show rolling as much as I'd love to
18902s continue talking about it we gotta
18904s revisit that Costa Rica and Mexico
18907s matchup that we just saw that you guys
18909s ended up casting in Mexico were so so
18913s strong bumpers
18914s they were they played immaculately when
18918s you're looking at Mexico uh listen I
18920s wasn't expecting kind of the stomp that
18922s we saw I was expecting something
18924s completely different come out of this
18926s team but being able to kind of put two
18928s and two together when it comes to who
18930s you again like kind of like what I said
18932s before you can connect to be the the
18933s best team in said bracket it's it's nice
18937s to know Costa Rica I think they put up
18939s such a good fight but it really was
18940s Angel volado with uh chobolux pushing
18944s that DPS so far down their throats that
18946s it became impossible to play
18949s and I feel like it just really showed
18951s the amount of effort and time that the
18954s Mexico team invested in under that
18956s midnight Banner there Chef Billy and
18959s just the success that they found off of
18962s that General investment with building
18965s that chemistry over the last few months
18967s during the trials to build teams for
18970s each Nation
18971s the big number that sticks out there for
18973s me because the damage was almost
18975s identical between these two teams the
18977s big number is the eliminations it was
18979s almost two to one in favor of Mexico and
18982s that just really shows the focus and it
18985s shows the comms right there that tells
18986s me that they are playing as one hive
18988s mind rather than five individual players
18990s and you saw it timing time again I mean
18992s right there that was my favorite play it
18994s may not have been the it may not have
18996s been the like the Z who are best play of
18997s the day but I think that really
18999s demonstrates what identity that Mexico
19001s has right now is that they play as a
19004s five they play for each other they're
19005s not playing just for you for just for
19007s themselves they're playing for their
19008s team they're playing for their country
19010s it's like cohesion something that we saw
19012s locking from a few teams today overall
19014s to be honest I don't want to show
19016s anybody out specifically but it was that
19019s lack of focus on knowing when to focus
19021s on on one player that's being isolated
19023s and actually following up on the picks
19025s that you need because when it comes down
19027s to it it with OverWatch the entire thing
19030s is all about moving kind of like a hive
19032s mind you are a unit the second that you
19035s get staggered it's all over Gompers
19039s it felt like that happened a couple
19041s times too uh especially when you're
19043s looking at Costa Rica as well but
19046s it's super difficult to kind of uh
19049s you know really see what exactly could
19051s have worked out because again you saw
19053s hodelo with some of those action plays
19055s and action shots that really did allow
19057s me to see okay there's potential here
19058s with the DPS but it felt like you know
19060s maybe the cohesion there with the tank
19061s and you know the DPS or maybe the
19063s support just wasn't there to assist was
19065s uh one of the things that I felt like
19066s were really falling apart so in terms of
19068s what Costa Rica had to to utilize and
19071s what they could do it was there it was
19073s just not the money maker
19075s yeah unfortunately there you got to make
19078s sure that all your priorities are
19079s unified here within OverWatch and now
19082s heading on to the last game the one that
19084s we just had the pleasure of watching
19086s there between Puerto Rico and Guatemala
19089s is that was a star-studded appearance of
19092s course from Puerto Rico talk me through
19094s the numbers Billy just look at it I mean
19097s it's on your screen right now the damage
19099s is only 15
19101s 000 apart right but look at the
19103s mitigation and then look at the
19105s eliminations that is uh what that is
19108s five times almost more than what
19111s Guatemala had so I mean that right there
19114s is focus fire uh pure and pure and
19118s simple and it it's them collapsing upon
19121s a vulnerable Target and getting the work
19123s done and then just steamrolling through
19125s it's almost like the Lord of the Rings
19127s where you see the ghost Army go into
19128s Mordor and just completely annihilate uh
19131s the dark kingdom there uh I mean that's
19134s that's Puerto Rico just got in there
19136s they got the job done and then they
19138s moved on to the next fight
19140s and golfers I gotta ask okay Puerto Rico
19147s of course what would you say gomp is
19150s what other teams are gonna have to look
19152s out for to enable them to shut them down
19155s and take down the supports lifting them
19157s up
19158s if you want to shut down a team like
19161s Puerto Rico the thing you have to keep
19163s in mind is uh you gotta have really good
19167s healers backing up your tank you got to
19169s have a support that is unbreakable and
19171s again I feel like something that kind of
19173s plays into that is um I think honestly
19175s something that would have worked is
19176s there wasn't a lot of damage coming
19178s through for the tank here I felt like
19180s they were playing way too heavy onto
19182s again that Lucio and that Baptiste and
19185s and maybe the Brigitte and the honor but
19187s I felt like there should have been some
19188s of that really high damage plays we
19190s didn't get to see a mercy we didn't get
19191s to see a Zen I kind of wanted to see
19193s that I wanted to see them really have
19194s that high damage boost to try to
19197s actually counter what Papa Joe was
19198s hitting for because it was impossible to
19200s get the shield down and when they
19201s finally did Papa Joe was already in
19203s their faces
19204s like like stuff like this like should
19206s just not happen and if again it's that
19208s lack of damage control
19210s I can't get over I can't get over that
19213s envir those environments we'll fix the
19214s 3K to come off of that boat Billy it's
19217s just that's just gross there's no other
19220s way you can put it other than just plain
19223s disgusting I mean and it's disgusting in
19226s the most wonderful way I mean for the
19228s fans for the fans I mean even if you are
19230s a team Guatemala fan you still have to
19233s applaud that uh you have to applaud the
19236s play and I mean if you don't then you're
19238s a hater and you should you know go put
19239s your nose in the corner or something
19240s like that because you
19243s the the 3K environmental I mean I mean
19246s God has done it so many times uh in his
19248s career and now we see uh light wolf
19249s bring up one of their own I mean that is
19252s absolutely worthy of it and I mean
19254s zoolex you know we didn't mention their
19256s name a lot and that once again you know
19258s something that Dustin and Moxie said
19260s earlier today is that if you don't
19262s really mention
19264s the the support line they're doing their
19268s job and boy did they do their job today
19269s Papa Joe was sitting you know wrapped in
19272s the comfort of his of his support so I'm
19274s just like they're there Papa Joe oh I'm
19276s sorry you've got a scratch here you go
19277s and and Papa John's like oh I'm done
19282s well you definitely love to see it right
19286s so just to take everybody through the
19288s results of today's matches of course
19291s like I mentioned before is a 2-0 sweep
19294s across the board however coppers I mean
19296s for day one of an online qualifier day
19300s one in events in general that's when you
19303s typically expect to see these kind of
19305s score lines
19306s yeah day one definitely just because
19309s again you kind of have the groupies
19311s against the group phase and there is
19312s going to have to be that distinction as
19314s to who is the strongest right so we're
19316s able to figure that out and tomorrow we
19318s actually have some spicy matchups so for
19320s me like this is just the beginning
19323s it is just the beginning however okay I
19326s know we've talked about it before but I
19328s think that the United States versus
19330s Canada matchup was the one that everyone
19333s was expecting to really go the distance
19335s there's Chef Billy so when it comes down
19338s to this Canadian Squad we do have to
19340s talk a little bit about what they need
19341s to do tomorrow uh don't crap the bed
19344s that seriously I mean they absolutely
19347s spaghetti all over the floor
19349s uh unwillingness to adapt unwillingness
19353s to uh coalesce as a five-man unit I mean
19355s they were playing like they had
19357s repelling magnets against each other so
19360s uh I mean for Team Canada tomorrow
19362s they've got to come back and just
19363s completely put what was the Marquee
19366s matchup of the Americas behind them get
19369s to work uh and start taking their
19371s frustration out on the rest of brube
19374s no for sure but I'm Gonna Leave us say
19376s your final words before you wrap up on
19378s the broadcast numbers why don't you
19380s start us off
19383s it's for me honestly
19386s [Music]
19389s honestly brain farting honestly brain
19390s farting but I guess I'll say more so
19392s thank you guys for having me uh super
19393s happy to be able to be a part of
19395s obviously OverWatch World Cup not to
19397s mention Americas right I got to see uh
19399s Costa Rica Mexico right Guatemala all of
19402s these again Hispanic representations
19403s that really uh fit into being able to
19407s see Puerto Rico pop off too was one of
19409s the things where it's like okay you know
19410s we got we got some good players so
19412s United States Canada whatever they they
19414s gotta watch out that's all I'm gonna say
19416s so
19418s you love to hear you love to hear it
19420s okay Chef Billy I'm gonna give you the
19422s floor to say your goodbye
19424s I I just think that uh for the teams
19427s that maybe were expecting an easy ride
19429s through this uh this is the World Cup
19430s and you've got to bring your A game
19432s every single map every single team fight
19434s I want to see more Focus tomorrow out of
19436s everybody and you know what for the
19438s teams that lost today steal sharpen
19440s steal so this is your first chance on
19442s the on the world stage take the loss go
19445s VOD review with your team get a positive
19447s mindset make sure you have a full stop
19448s making lots of water uh and then you
19450s know bring it tomorrow because it's a
19452s new day
19454s so that is for sure to all the teams out
19456s there
19459s out there today and rest up
19461s and well for myself it was a pleasure
19463s working with you Gompers and Chef Billy
19465s on the desk and of course Dustin and
19468s Moxie earlier on as well and of course a
19470s big shout out also over towards Lega Ace
19472s for the production in the background the
19475s lovely lovely broadcast team but that's
19478s over and out here for day number one you
19480s guys stay tuned for tomorrow as we come
19482s back for day two of the OverWatch World
19484s Cup online qualifiers
19486s Columbia
19498s [Music]
19507s [Music]
19527s the entire game
19531s [Music]
19544s swims
19546s [Music]
19554s [Music]
19554s uit
19563s takes away the doomfist doesn't get to
19565s punch off who eventually punch but with
19567s the Nana boost in brigitta and the diva
19569s along here and nobody else alive that
19571s ends Chili's push without that Ash
19573s having to do him on the backside could
19575s find some more but his name is
19578s Chase is also immediate immediately
19579s there
19580s with that beam and it's too much damage
19582s for Canada to deal with at the moment
19583s they get immediately white just without
19586s secret and false just backing up Seeker
19588s does get delayed false does straight
19589s back the loose button will also lose the
19591s Mecca's USA flipped that point back in
19593s the favor
19594s no kills just dead he's also answering
19596s it and is chased down but he backs up
19598s now the bomb committed from the fire
19600s secret as well
19603s [Music]
19610s [Music]
19616s pulling it back out wow that's blossom
19620s still now moving forward of course it is
19623s enough to keep themselves intact here
19624s for Mexico that was big we're just at
19628s the car lot we're under two minutes this
19630s is starting to look very dire already oh
19632s and now it's even harder to try to get
19635s away from this just needing fondella to
19637s take his yeah
19645s foreign
19654s [Music]
19677s actually getting healed up quite quickly
19679s here is light weapon zulux making some
19681s numbers out but the Dragon Blade coming
19683s out and they managed to push it back
19685s further it's a 2K to come down but it's
19687s okay because you see that damage and you
19689s see the potential they were leading up
19691s to this
19691s [Music]
19705s thank you
19708s [Music]
19725s thank you