over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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760s thank you
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814s [Music]
822s wow
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848s [Applause]
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872s all right
876s thank you
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895s thank you
896s [Music]
901s it started as a promise
904s the promise of something different
907s a promise of Heroes
912s but the path to glory is never promised
917s a knock down drag out No Holds Barred
919s Paul what a devastating loss Heartbreak
923s City this is the largest mountain to
925s climb
926s [Music]
934s but someone a glimmer of hope resists
938s the promise of a new era
942s just get ratcheted up a notch
945s Ed
945s [Music]
951s an era that celebrates where we came
953s from
956s at a place we call Hope
958s [Music]
961s which Heroes will fall
964s which Heroes will rise
967s the OverWatch League playoffs start
969s right now
975s welcome one and all to watch point we
979s are here live in person at the Anaheim
982s Convention Center beautiful weather out
984s today the Palms are swaying the fountain
986s is babbling and we're already ready now
988s to kick off the OverWatch League 2022
991s playoffs I am your host Zoe schmind and
995s uh joining me here on our brand new
997s snazzy analysts there are no others
1003s reinforce Costa and Danny unfortunately
1007s not with us we traded him in for a desk
1009s worth it
1013s sorry about it no but Danny is feeling
1016s under the weather unfortunately so we
1017s hope you can join us soon get well but
1020s uh you're with us in spirit custom
1022s reinforced it's finally here the
1023s playoffs are happening and I'm as
1025s excited as can be it feels surreal to be
1027s back at Anaheim as well I know right
1029s it's World Cup we have so many memories
1031s all the way back from 2017 so it feels
1033s like we're home finally
1035s thanks for coming home
1037s I'm telling myself it's not best con but
1040s it's the OverWatch League playoffs all
1041s right because you know this is this is
1043s the home of blizzard in many ways and
1045s BlizzCon so being here it's amazing to
1048s be here in place and I can't wait to get
1049s these players started well you're in
1051s luck because that's gonna happen very
1053s very soon as we enter the final week of
1056s the overage League 2022 season and we
1058s need to take a brief look back to catch
1061s you all up to speed and it's also just
1063s so happened to be our very favorite
1065s segment it is
1068s music to my ears let's take a look at
1070s that season standings starting with the
1073s western region Dallas fuel locking in
1075s the number one seed followed by San
1077s Francisco shock and the Gladiators those
1079s are going to be the guys at the top
1081s fighting for it all but we had some
1082s other teams sneak in Florida Mayhem
1085s dominating through the planes while the
1086s Toronto defiant just sneaking in at the
1088s end there as well it could be anyone's
1090s game
1094s [Music]
1098s full Dynasty and the Shanghai dragons
1099s been trading blows for number one and
1101s number two and then it was Philadelphia
1102s fusion with the number three seed
1104s qualifying for the playoffs as well as
1105s Seinfeld spark qualifying through the
1107s play-ins beating out the Guangzhou
1109s charge and the Changi Hunters I love
1111s that the fusion placement still makes a
1112s Costa shakers we just can't believe
1114s there's nothing to happen and 11 and 13
1116s qualified at the third seed in the East
1119s enough that's that's how I see it now
1122s let's take a quick look at the bracket
1124s moving forward for this week of course
1127s the top seeds are waiting to chase their
1128s opponents a little later this evening
1130s but that bracket man like that got us
1132s hyped last week when we saw that I mean
1134s just looking at the first match here
1135s Spitfire Fusion what a throwback the
1138s memories
1138s rematch of the 2018 Grand finals and
1141s because the teams have shifted regions
1143s of course it's the first time we're
1145s seeing Lana Spitfire take on the Philly
1147s Fusion since 2019.
1149s you mentioned that a little earlier
1151s today which is kind of crazy if you
1153s really think about it oh it's like we
1155s haven't seen like the map catch up
1156s verses in like since 2019 it's pretty
1159s pandemic it's it's nuts I can't wait to
1161s see this and it's from the before times
1162s everyone before times I barely remember
1165s those but uh yeah I I do want to take a
1168s quick look now also at what we're all
1170s playing for what is this worth the cash
1172s the money the glory the infamy this is
1175s what it's all about one million dollars
1177s for the champion second place will take
1179s home five hundred thousand dollars and
1181s the third will be granted 350 and the
1183s rest you can see on your screens I'm a
1185s little too lazy to read it all out for
1186s you but I think you guys can figure it
1188s out yourselves but it's a lot on the
1190s line for those teams as we are heading
1193s into those playoffs so a lot to play for
1196s but of course there is a lot of history
1197s here as well to catch everyone up to
1200s speed uh yeah these are the previous
1202s Champions uh as you can see San
1204s Francisco shop they won that title twice
1206s already can they make it Thrice that's
1208s really the question San Francisco
1209s shocked they have been one of the more
1211s dominant teams in the history of the
1212s league the Shanghai dragons trying to
1214s repeat their performance from 20 21 but
1217s our first match of the day was the 2018
1218s finals as we're talking about there's a
1221s lot of history going back there Cafe and
1222s Poco are actually playing in that match
1224s today as well and they were on the same
1226s team in the Philadelphia Fusion now
1227s they're playing against each other yeah
1229s and we have so many contenders this time
1231s around as well usually we have like two
1233s three teams yeah they could probably win
1235s it all but this time we're on
1237s five six teams that I could possibly win
1240s the finals uh we're blessed with so many
1242s amazing teams joining us this week yeah
1244s I mean throughout the entire season
1245s right the middle of the pack has been so
1247s stacked it was just really unsure who's
1249s gonna like emerge on the top at the end
1250s but uh we're here to find out now we'll
1253s see who comes out on top this year and
1255s OverWatch of course has always been a
1257s game about adaptation and this year
1259s there's gonna be no different as we're
1261s playing on a new patch for the playoffs
1263s so let's take a quick look at the patch
1264s notes guys please walk us through it
1266s yeah starting off with the damage Heroes
1267s we got Sombra and Genji having some you
1270s know the changes to themselves Sombra of
1272s course feeling less damage to hack
1273s targets as well as a manual hike ability
1275s the duration is reduced from 1.75 to 1.5
1278s seconds Genji as well reduced the
1280s maximum ammo goes from 30 down to 24 and
1283s less shuriken damage from 29 to 27. so
1286s we've seen tons of Genji already so I
1288s don't think anyone's going to miss Genji
1293s come on we were watching all season but
1296s yes this probably gives us a hint that
1297s we'll be seeing less Sombra less Genji
1299s throughout playoffs Zaya also got pretty
1301s hit pretty hard with the Nerfs her
1303s bubbles will not last anywhere near as
1305s long 20 shorter so her survivability
1307s drastically goes down with the cooldown
1309s also being increased by one second so
1311s probably less Zaya but the big one for
1314s these playoffs is Kirito is going to be
1316s playable in the playoffs so with this
1318s will be the first time we'll see the
1320s professional supports get their hands on
1322s this hero how will that affect the
1324s matter we'll find out and I hope
1325s everyone else at home takes note on how
1327s to play kiriko right customer you're
1329s looking at me as if you think I'm really
1331s bad am I not supposed to be in the
1332s enemy's background no you are not no
1334s really okay that's used to me well we're
1336s gonna learn this week for sure now last
1338s but certainly not least I want to take a
1340s look at the map pool because we do have
1341s some changes here as well maybe you guys
1343s want to walk us through how this could
1345s impact some of the teams yeah so taking
1347s a look at hybrid and escort we will not
1349s be playing on Midtown or Hollywood and
1350s for escort we will not be playing on
1352s Gibraltar so how that affects teams well
1354s if your Dallas fuel I mean you remove
1355s the three worst maps that they have in
1357s their pool so they're allowed thing
1359s they're they're having a great time
1360s Houston Outlaws you're removing some of
1362s their best maps so you know this will
1363s definitely affect the team's performance
1365s throughout the week a little bit of
1366s Texas buys coming in from Sean Miller on
1368s sound nothing
1369s so Esperanza the new push map we have
1371s not seen that be played in the OverWatch
1373s league in the past as well just came out
1375s with the launch of OverWatch 2 how will
1377s that map change it's very different to
1378s all the other push mats very big very
1380s long spawn run backs so I think it's
1383s going to be a very different look for
1384s the league I am so excited to see what
1386s the teams are going to make of that map
1388s cool and who's going to come out on top
1389s now we've checked a lot of boxes here in
1391s a pre-show setting the stage for the
1393s OverWatch League 2022 at playoffs
1396s already but what uh what good is
1398s checking metaphorical boxes uh when you
1400s can check literal boxes so uh I uh I
1404s think we should bring in our best PA
1406s actually
1407s this is Sean Miller oh yeah okay and if
1410s he works really hard he might one day
1412s get to the top of the league thank you
1414s Sean so much Sean Miller what is this oh
1417s look at this Bingo board there it is
1420s time again we're gonna play some Bingo
1422s here thank you so much Sean I'm gonna
1424s put in a good word uh to your bosses for
1426s you and now I will keep an eye on this
1428s very bingo aboard throughout the
1431s playoffs so all week long and also we
1433s should all keep an eye out on the teams
1436s that we think will make it through the
1438s playoffs in our perfect record
1440s competition so if you haven't done it
1442s yet please head on over to pick
1445s him.org.com and pick your perfect
1448s bracket win some League tokens of course
1450s to spend on some really nice skins and a
1454s chance to get some really really neat
1457s prices we'll make our picks for who will
1459s win the championship a little later in
1463s the show of course so if you haven't
1465s done that yet make sure to do that right
1468s now as you still have some time before
1470s the games are starting now before we
1472s continue on we want to share our
1475s condolences around the heartbreaking
1477s it's a one tragedy that occurred
1479s yesterday in Seoul um
1481s this is really rough of course uh Seoul
1484s in South Korea have just been such a big
1486s part in such a beloved part of the oh
1488s League family uh so we all mourn
1490s alongside our Korean owl Community our
1493s hearts do go out to the victims as well
1495s as their families and all who have been
1497s impacted by this terrible loss
1682s welcome back to watch Point all year has
1686s been building to the playoffs and it's
1687s finally here so it is time to make bold
1690s predictions to put a pride on the line I
1694s was always oh yeah we're known for that
1696s on this desk
1698s yes
1704s I think who we who we think will win the
1708s whole thing in our new segment who you
1711s got oh no I I don't want to take this
1714s claim too early I don't know why you
1716s guys are making such a big deal this I'm
1718s the one who's losing in preds exactly I
1720s got like the worst rep over here and
1722s you're moaning about it I don't think so
1724s Prince Let's Go yeah let's let's just do
1726s it so uh let's start off with uh Danny's
1729s prediction actually uh he unfortunately
1731s isn't here but I still want to have his
1733s pick represented so a few weeks ago
1736s actually Jonathan you've been like all
1738s in on the Dallas fuel uh and that just
1741s so happened to be Danny's pick to win it
1743s was it so it was yeah so the surprise
1746s but now I want you to make a case for
1750s his case if that makes sense yeah I
1752s thought Danny was going with Toronto but
1754s okay if it's the Dallas fuel all right
1756s seven times in a row Dallas fuel is like
1759s the most layupie of layoff picks like
1761s they are the number one seed going into
1763s the tournament they are our most recent
1765s champions in the western for the summer
1766s showdown in a way and they are
1769s they have two of the best tanks in the
1771s game in fearless and hanbin it doesn't
1773s matter what the tank matter is because
1775s they're going to rock up with like a top
1776s three tank in any role possible four
1778s great damage players and a roll star
1781s worthy backline with Geo who has been
1784s our best rookie main support player one
1785s of the best lucios in the game and also
1787s fielder who earned himself a road star
1789s owners last year and I'm I I predict
1792s that he gets it this year again because
1793s he has been so phenomenal in that role
1795s so there you go the number one seed most
1797s recent stage Champions as well as roster
1800s full of Road Stars I think Dallas fuel
1802s they're an obvious pick to win it all
1804s but we got some more spicy stuff in
1806s store that's true so I mean Danny all
1809s right taking the lower hanging fruit but
1810s that's also why he's ahead of us in the
1812s predictions so he's true one would say
1814s he's smarter than us Johnny wants to go
1817s alone every single time and that's why
1818s he's at the bottom of the leaderboards
1819s unfortunately well it's
1821s well it will work out it will work its
1824s way out
1825s I'm reiterating wait we have an entire
1828s week okay to figure this out now uh I
1830s think the next one that's gonna be my
1832s pick and it should come it's no surprise
1833s or dare I say shock
1836s wow oh my God that's right I picked
1840s proper to win the grand finals who
1843s proper alone yeah while the San
1845s Francisco proppers
1851s uh no but a San Francisco shock is going
1854s to be my pick seems like an easy one too
1857s because they've won it twice why not
1859s make it three times uh however yes I
1862s have properness I've been harping on
1863s just how insanely talented he actually
1867s is uh of course the rest of the team is
1869s very stacked too but I think what really
1870s comes down to for me personally is the
1872s coaching of that team the fact that
1874s they've managed managed each and every
1876s season to be so competitive or even win
1878s it all with completely different rosters
1881s it really just speaks absolute books of
1885s the coaching from their team how they
1887s just always manage to make it
1889s competitive and I think just coaching in
1892s general is something that kind of goes
1894s under appreciated in our league we don't
1896s talk about it enough probably also
1898s because we don't have as much Insight in
1900s it as we would like to but I think shock
1902s is a prime example where coaching is
1904s really really on top of the game and
1907s this is what you need especially when
1909s the meta has shifted so close to the
1911s playoffs and to the finals like good
1913s coaching is essential and the shock they
1915s got it and also they still got proper if
1918s all else fails so there is that there's
1919s God who you got okay I'm going
1922s for the Gladiators I think the
1924s Gladiators have the most stacked roster
1926s in this league they have so much
1928s diversity depending on compositions and
1930s as you just said we're entering into a
1932s completely new meta and I think the
1933s Gladiators have no holes in it and I
1936s want to take a look at their resume from
1937s just this year because they have had a
1940s lot of success they are the most
1941s successful team this year they won the
1943s kickoff clash in the west the last time
1945s we had an International Tournament in
1946s the mid-season Madness they also won
1948s that as well obviously the elephant in
1950s the room is that for the summer Showdown
1952s and the jokes matter they did not make
1953s it but they have since bounced back in
1955s the countdown Cup going 6-0 I think the
1958s Gladiators are going to be back in a big
1960s way and if we're gonna play the dive
1961s style Reiner and Kessler when they're
1964s able to play that Winston Tracer that is
1965s why they were so successful in the
1967s kickoff Clash they have that hive mind
1969s mentality that the Dallas fuel we always
1971s trap but how good they are at that as
1973s well the Gladiators are gonna come up
1975s clutch and if that's not enough for you
1976s kiriko Mata shoot I don't even need to
1980s say more he's going to be so good at it
1981s we talked about how need to play
1983s aggressive on that hero and shoot is the
1985s mechanically the best one that we have
1987s in the league so I think the Gladiators
1989s are going to feel comfortable in this
1990s matter going into the playoffs yeah I
1991s don't think any of us actually ever
1992s de-boarded the shushu trains so we're
1994s still very very hyped on it and going
1996s it's my way to the Grand finals
1997s potentially now Jonathan as I said a few
2000s weeks ago you were still very high in
2001s the Dallas field I do believe you even
2003s said they're going to win it all but you
2005s just announced some spots can I pick two
2007s no no okay you cannot but this is this
2009s better be a spicy one who you got spicy
2012s one spicy give it to me well I felt a
2014s bit alone in this one I felt a bit
2015s lonely but then I realized that I
2018s actually have an army of supporters
2019s behind me oh boy this one goes out to
2021s the smurfets I'm going with the soul
2024s Dynasty all right and for good reason I
2027s mean they won their first start the
2028s stage title earlier this year the
2029s kickoff clash in the Eastern region of
2031s course and they have an incredible
2032s lineup first of all you have Smurf of
2034s course one of the best main tanks to
2036s ever play the game with the San
2039s Francisco shock he won the 2019 and the
2041s 2020 Grand finals of course just get his
2043s resume people want a bunch of stages and
2046s you want two grand finals and he brought
2049s that first stage title to Seoul Dynasty
2052s franchise you know League Of course and
2055s that's not all okay you have you have
2056s like an All-Star main tank what else do
2059s you got you got the greatest of all time
2062s it's profit all right he won the 2018
2065s Grand finals with some incredible clutch
2068s plays you can see his resume as well and
2069s yeah they did It win 2020 but they got
2072s second so not only do you have one of
2074s the best tanks in the game in Smurf
2075s playing the Winston you also have
2077s arguably the best player of all time and
2079s the best Tracer in the game profit so if
2081s we're heading into a Winston enough
2083s Tracer meta this could be the most
2085s lethal duo in the game I don't care
2087s about you know watching some of the
2089s other teams around the place I just want
2091s to watch Smurf and profit dive on the
2093s Winston and the Tracer lineup this could
2095s be absolute Insanity they've been
2097s waiting for this medal to come around
2098s all year long and now when it's finally
2100s here I gotta go with the Seoul Dynasty
2102s alone if your nickname is playoff profit
2105s from good in the playoff because you
2107s don't
2109s you don't get by being bad in the
2110s playoffs so I'm very much looking
2112s forward to seeing Smurf and profit in
2113s action they got a stacked roster overall
2115s but those two star players they stand
2117s out for me it's just a slight little
2118s counter argument there yeah play of
2120s profit we know what you can do in the
2122s playoffs but we also know it's Soul
2123s historically does in the playoffs we'll
2125s play a prophet counter out play of souls
2128s they got second in 2020 come on that's
2131s pretty good right an immovable object
2133s hits an Unstoppable Force we'll find out
2135s are throwing shade at my page leave me
2139s alone with the smurfets Smurf heads full
2141s no that is unbelievable I didn't say
2144s this about your picture I'm sorry
2148s give me this come on now you know what
2151s though like you're a good salesman I
2153s would have absolutely bought the soul
2154s off of you you got you got me so hyped
2156s about seeing them on on a good
2158s old-fashioned dive that I almost want to
2160s change my brand yes
2163s the thing is against the rules this is
2166s who we got until the very end all right
2168s I died you better make this work for me
2171s uh anyway that's who we got winning it
2174s all of course this is still subject to
2176s change uh over the course of the next
2178s couple days but it is now time to get
2180s into the matches London versus Philly a
2183s repeat of our 2018 finals is the first
2185s match of the 2022 playoffs we'll get
2187s into that match right after we come back
2189s after this break
2202s foreign
2203s [Music]
2219s [Music]
2240s [Music]
2246s thank you
2254s [Music]
2286s thank you
2289s [Music]
2315s foreign
2319s [Music]
2326s [Music]
2328s [Applause]
2329s [Music]
2358s thank you
2361s [Music]
2372s welcome back to watch finds live here
2373s from Anaheim and in our fifth year we're
2377s going to throw it back to the inaugural
2379s watch League season London's Spitfire
2381s will be taken on the Philadelphia Fusion
2383s I know feels good to say that out loud
2387s and not just in my dreams of course the
2389s rosters have drastically changed over
2392s the years on the matter likely shifting
2394s as well so Cafe I want to hear it from
2395s you what do you want to see from that
2397s London Squad in this very meta and
2399s that's really the big question that a
2400s lot of us have the London spit by
2402s they've had a incredible season none of
2404s us predicted them to be this successful
2406s coming in at the number six sea just
2407s automatically qualifying for the
2409s playoffs so they have been successful
2410s but they've played a little different to
2413s everyone else has in this league so far
2414s they've always had that Ace up their
2416s sleeve which was playing that Reinhardt
2418s with chadian playing that Rush style
2419s catching teams off of guard but if we're
2421s going to have a look here at Hardy's map
2423s win rates right here very successful on
2425s the Reinhardt very successful on the
2427s Jungle Queen with Winston he's only won
2429s seven maps for a 41 map win rate so when
2432s they have had to play that dive style
2434s they haven't been as successful on the
2436s other things that they're more
2437s comfortable with as we go into this meta
2440s where it could be Winston kiriko like we
2442s are expecting what are the London
2444s Spitfire going to play do they go back
2445s to their comfort try and force Rush
2447s against teams that will not expect or
2449s have experience against it or will they
2451s stick to the matter will the matter be
2452s too important to play and they have to
2454s go against the brain of what usually
2456s makes them great obviously they're all
2458s still a great team backbone has shown us
2460s a lot of Versatility as of like playing
2462s other Heroes they have Khan joining
2464s their back line as well so who could be
2466s a very good mechanical player on the
2467s Kirito so that's really the big question
2469s that I have for London what are they
2470s going to play are they going to go back
2472s to their comfort or are they going to go
2474s to the Winston and defy the expectations
2476s that we've had from them this season
2478s absolutely now I mean some players might
2480s have to pick up different Heroes heading
2482s into this meta however I do think that
2485s sojourn still pretty good and the Damage
2488s line for the London Spitfire has been
2490s very impressive I specifically really
2492s want to take a look here at sparker a
2494s player which really really stood out on
2496s his sojourn and probably a player which
2498s a lot of people didn't have on their
2500s radar heading into the countdown copper
2503s General even into the season but I
2505s really think he held his own on that
2506s surgeon I have no idea why he was
2508s smiling like that I swear she was on my
2509s radar well in that case no one else
2513s Barry and Forrest had him on his radar
2515s but I mean playing sojourn like what you
2518s need to do is get those picks yeah that
2520s is your job and if you're doing that
2521s you're doing great and he has been doing
2523s that and uh some on top of that because
2526s he actually is third in first
2527s elimination rate in the entire season
2529s and first in the countdown Cup itself
2532s unfortunately the team is not doing very
2535s good at actually winning team fights on
2537s the back of those first links he's
2538s getting so he's pulling his weight and
2541s he's doing what he needs to do as a
2542s sojourn is now all up to the team to
2545s follow suit and follow up on those first
2547s Olympics because he has certainly been
2548s doing really well he spoke like a true
2550s ranked DPS player right there I'm
2552s getting the picks and everyone else
2553s really needs to step up for me right now
2555s if it's true it's straight up
2558s I wish I had a stacker like that in my
2562s rank game so I can you know show them
2564s that it's not it's not me it's you guys
2566s yeah that's that's how it is though I
2568s reinforced so I'm gonna I want to have a
2570s quick talk here about Philly because
2573s that team has been a bit of a conundrum
2575s and that's not true the season everyone
2577s that's been since their Inception uh so
2580s yeah the big question I think we all
2582s have here is the DPS I want to know
2584s who's going to level up in our new
2586s segment leveling up presented by
2588s Butterfinger yeah we got a couple of
2590s questions about the Philadelphia Fusion
2592s because of course cyst has been their
2594s standout damage players so far this
2595s season he's been he's a rookie on the
2597s team and he's been fantastic in that
2599s Flex damage role but he's sustained an
2601s injury just a couple months ago we saw
2603s him in a cast in his arm of course and
2605s he couldn't play the game so we had
2607s Carpe fill in now Carpe these no slouch
2610s oh all right Carpe is one of the best
2613s damage players to ever play the game and
2615s if we take a look at his all-time stats
2617s if you're new to your boss speakers you
2619s need to remember the name Carpe just
2620s take a look at the ranks second in hero
2622s damage second elimination second finals
2624s this is the per 10 minute set this is
2627s all time totals in the OverWatch League
2629s these five years we've been playing the
2632s game so Carpe he's one of the all-time
2634s greats throughout the league but if you
2636s take a look at this year he's taking a
2638s bit of a step back specifically on the
2639s Tracer which is his signature hero you
2641s can see third eliminations tied for
2643s fourth in front of blows but the hero
2644s damage isn't quite there and his pulse
2646s bomb kills he really needs to step that
2648s up for the playoffs now the Philadelphia
2650s Fusion they've already tweeted out the
2652s starting lineup in fact and it is going
2654s to be in fact mn3 and carface who we
2656s expect in this meta so we'll see the
2659s rumors are we're seeing a bit of Tracer
2660s and potentially Reaper in this meta as
2662s well with space to card base durable
2664s strengths and if you're really down on
2666s Carpe from his uh from his performances
2668s so far this year Custer he actually did
2670s look pretty decently recently yeah
2672s you're seeing replays of this match
2673s against Seoul Dynasty which was their
2675s most recent match that they played yes
2677s they did go on to lose but Sol is the
2679s best team that we have in the East and
2680s Carpe performed at a very high level
2682s better than a lot of us have seen from
2684s him this year so if Carpe comes back
2685s into form that could be a big thing for
2687s the Philadelphia Fusion I also would
2689s like to add quickly as well that if
2690s you're looking for someone to root for I
2692s would say that Carpe is the best player
2694s to never have won anything in the league
2695s so if you're hoping if you're really
2698s hoping for someone that like finally can
2700s win something a stage title a playoff
2702s championship Carpe is your guy he's been
2705s around forever he's an all-time great
2706s but he still hasn't won a tournament
2707s we're looking out for him to do that
2709s this is the chaos and and how fantastic
2711s to to have carpool again a legend
2714s potentially returning to Old form still
2716s playing for that Fusion team as well
2718s which I mean you said it before and I
2721s was actually not aware of that fact yeah
2722s he is the only player since the
2724s Inception of the OverWatch League to
2726s stay on the same team throughout forever
2729s coffee is literally the Philadelphia
2730s Fusion what it feels like at this point
2732s if he can come back into form and win
2734s the Philadelphia Fusion a championship
2735s at the very end it would be history he
2739s would be Monumental he would be crazy
2740s yeah that'd be a real good storyline
2742s also because Fusion just uh is very well
2745s known to be the bridesmaid always never
2747s the bride always coming second so maybe
2749s maybe this is the year where they change
2751s their Fortune uh for now though I do
2753s want to just take a look at our
2755s predictions for the very first match do
2757s we think that the potential Underdog
2759s London Spitfire will pull
2763s okay oh Danny you believe her
2766s Danny is a bit of a London Predator
2768s though yeah
2770s the guys you know a lot of times well
2772s here's the thing I'm actually surprised
2773s that so many of us went for the
2774s Philadelphia Fusion the London Spitfire
2776s are the higher sea for me the reason I
2778s went for Philadelphia Fusion is I think
2779s this meta winds more off with the way
2781s that they like to play the game compared
2783s to London but I would not be surprised
2785s Philadelphia Fusion will have no
2787s experience playing against the rush if
2788s that's the direction London want to go
2790s into so they could catch them off guard
2791s with the ace up their sleeve that they
2793s keep pulling yeah and it's weird that
2795s this is this Ace is not in their seat
2796s they're literally wearing it outside
2798s like this is not a surprise like if you
2800s play against the London Spitfire you
2802s should know that there is a potential of
2803s that Rush come coming at you yep so if
2805s you're not prepared for that uh chokes
2808s on you we'll see how it goes for the uh
2812s Philadelphia fusion in our first match
2814s here today but that's it for watchpoint
2816s it's now time to get the OverWatch
2818s League 2022 playoffs started the matches
2821s will start right now
2827s it started as a promise
2830s the promise of something different
2833s a promise of Heroes
2838s but the path to glory is never promised
2848s this is the largest mountain to climb
2851s [Music]
2859s but someone a glimmer of hope persists
2863s the promise of a new era the stakes get
2867s ratcheted up a notch
2876s an error that celebrates where we came
2878s from
2881s at a place we call Hope
2883s [Music]
2887s Heroes will Farm
2889s which Heroes will rise
2892s the OverWatch League playoffs start
2895s right now
2904s if OverWatch lives and breathes ladies
2908s and gentlemen then we are coming to you
2909s live from its Beating Heart that's right
2912s Anaheim starting to feel the Tremors of
2915s what is to come in an OverWatch
2918s 2022 playoffs Matthew what an exciting
2921s time it is finally we get our Top Cut of
2924s OverWatch League teams from across the
2926s world 12 of the very best converging at
2929s the Anaheim Convention Center to Viper
2931s Supremacy and of course the championship
2934s title
2936s yeah finally right it feels like a very
2938s long time these teams have been battling
2940s through I know regionals the mid-season
2943s tournament right you know to just
2945s play-ins to get here to this moment to
2948s have uh everybody Under One Roof being
2950s able to see you know the best OverWatch
2952s played with you know all of the new kind
2954s of editions which came through with the
2956s balance updates you know Rico new maps
2958s it'll be exciting to see absolutely so
2961s much ground to cover so much as well
2963s unknown territory we really are on the
2965s bleeding edge of developments here in
2967s the professional OverWatch scene and we
2970s have two teams to take this new patch
2972s for a spin up first that's right those
2974s sheets and those chairs rather are nice
2976s and shiny and these players are able to
2977s pop themselves in them and show us what
2979s they've been working on the Philadelphia
2981s Fusion and the London Spitfire both of
2984s these teams it's been a long time since
2986s they've gone head to head of course and
2988s it is a rematch of teams from our very
2990s first ever Grand Final map that you and
2992s I had to prep yeah the pleasure of
2993s presiding over in New York at the
2995s Barclay Center these two teams have been
2998s able to avoid play-ins crucially so
3000s they've both had plenty of time to
3002s acclimate to this new patch and prepare
3004s something special for us today
3006s yeah but both teams do come in with
3008s their own flaws right uh London they
3010s have a style of play that they would
3012s ideally like to play you know a rush
3014s style of play you know may see right
3016s around that Reinhardt with his Hardy
3017s specialty uh but sometimes that's always
3019s not in the meta right you know whether
3020s zarya comes in again or kind of stays in
3023s the meta or maybe we see some Winston
3025s could end up like affecting London's
3027s game a little bit and Philly I think is
3029s a franchise is uh you know they've had
3031s awesome teams going into these big
3033s moments that we've had and just for
3035s whatever reason not able to get the job
3036s done it's been a pretty tough season for
3039s the Philadelphia Fusion Matthew they in
3042s fact come into our 2022 playoffs with a
3045s negative win to loss uh not by a whole
3047s lot but by all accounts they're very
3049s much snuck in here to the the playoff
3051s cut off in that Eastern region this is a
3054s team that has had high highs and some
3056s pretty low lows across the course of the
3058s year but then went out to adapt they've
3060s been able to keep Pace with many of the
3061s Front Runners so many of the match-ups
3064s that featured the fusion and the Soul
3065s Dynasty for example that we tout as one
3068s of the very best in the East went to
3070s five Maps so this Philadelphia Fusion
3072s team definitely knows how to take it to
3074s those top teams a really tough matchup
3077s on their hands today as well as we have
3078s a a different look at the roster as
3081s venerated captain of yesteryear comes in
3084s Carpe will be playing at DPS
3088s what what does he bring to the table
3090s right like you know we've heard teams
3091s maybe experimenting playing some Tracer
3093s here in this meta coming into playoffs
3095s that what we see from Carpe uh you know
3097s zest has been very good throughout the
3100s season so to not have him available here
3102s for the playoffs is pretty difficult
3104s again
3106s the last time these two teams played was
3107s here back in 2019 with zest out of the
3111s picture for the time being
3114s the fusion are gonna have to rely on
3115s something else now it was highlighted on
3117s the desk I think Scott wanted to make a
3118s real point of this that when Carpe did
3120s come in despite his detractors it's
3122s despite people sort of criticizing his
3124s ability to keep up with these young guns
3126s that keep getting brought into teams
3127s like the fusion he had a really solid
3129s showing on his team he's a veteran he's
3132s obviously had to flex those leadership
3133s muscles a heck of a lot
3135s and this team ups and downs but again
3138s I'm expecting to see big things from
3140s them as they've had time to prepare
3141s prepare for this patch and you'll notice
3143s that bellisria here in the starting
3144s lineup quite often a play we saw on dive
3147s tanks for the Philadelphia Fusion we'll
3149s expand upon that in a moment let's now
3151s bring out the London Spitfire a team
3154s again who really have blown their
3156s expectations out of the water this year
3158s Matthew
3160s yeah and look I think I think you kind
3162s of thought this team would be like a
3163s fringe playoff team they were really
3165s good uh throughout periods of the Season
3167s uh Admiral and Landon in terms of the
3170s supports here to start things off I
3171s think that means you're not going to
3172s really see any of those Flex supports
3174s maybe we see some of uh koriko maybe we
3176s see some Lucio uh in play and then uh
3179s even when kanazaria was strong at points
3182s like they still kind of kept Hardy in so
3184s party will stay in in that tank roll but
3186s for me a huge match up here Mitch is
3188s like between sparker and mn3 I think
3191s that it's gonna be a crazy matchup as
3193s we've seen both of them play some insane
3195s soldier in all year long yeah during the
3196s countdown cop I think sparka been
3198s excellent all year but really came alive
3200s on the slow turn again was noted in the
3202s pre-show the kind of player setting up a
3204s lot of those early pick picks that were
3206s not always able to be capitalized upon
3208s by the rest of his team he does come out
3211s of the countdown cup number one in hero
3213s damage on sojourn crucially second in
3216s Solo kills something again that's very
3218s closely tied to the ability need a
3220s manufacture a first pick to give your
3222s team that five versus four and enable
3224s you to ease into a fight that you hope
3226s to win based on that player Advantage
3228s this match is not an elimination match
3231s for either of these two teams a loser
3233s would then fall down to the lower
3234s bracket but still a lot on the line you
3237s really want to avoid these hungry teams
3239s also falling down in the lower bracket
3240s and their fight for survival is scary
3243s especially when well I think it actually
3246s so it's obviously not an elimination
3247s match but uh with a new meta kind of
3251s forming I think you would really go into
3253s panic mode losing this match for either
3256s of these teams if you're at London it's
3258s like do you have the roster to be
3259s flexible enough to cover the different
3261s types of things we could see throughout
3262s this playoff week uh and if you're
3264s Philly
3266s kind of breeds into more of the same and
3268s which has kind of happened and plagued
3270s them throughout playoffs in their
3271s history
3272s of course ladies and gentlemen this will
3273s be a first to three series hit loser
3276s selecting Maps Lee Jong Tao are going to
3278s be coming up first and we wait with
3280s baited Brent here to see what these
3282s teams have developed in the time that
3284s they've had the Spitfire being at sixth
3286s place in the west region like I
3287s mentioned are able to circumvent that
3289s grueling play in stage that saw Florida
3291s Mayhem just go absolutely hock Wild on
3294s their opposition so you think they've
3295s been prepping something but what we
3297s normally see from Hardy of course is
3299s very Reinhardt Centric play this is a
3302s patch this is a matter that may not
3303s allow for that as smoothly as before but
3305s London have always bucked the trend
3308s every time they've been told you can't
3310s play right in this matter they bring him
3312s out they play May especially on control
3314s maps and they frustrate the heck out of
3316s their opponents we'll see if they're
3318s able to get away with it here or if it's
3319s something different up their sleeves
3322s it he and you know how much experience
3324s let's say if they did end up pulling
3326s some of those Reinhardt different
3327s compositions out does Philly have
3329s against that type of play style I I
3331s don't think much uh but I also just
3333s don't think Reinhardt is in a spot right
3335s now that's gonna be quite useful in this
3338s type of meta I think you're gonna be
3340s looking at four you know if you're gonna
3341s play karika and you find Curry could be
3343s strong right with the things he said she
3344s provides you're gonna play an aggressive
3347s style of play right you're going to be
3349s playing fast so you're going to be
3350s looking at characters like Winston uh no
3353s even sojourn who can get into the mix
3354s and throw a little bit more for a longer
3357s range damage dealer as looks like both
3359s teams here at the start you know Bob
3361s Winston has the tank with the Lucio
3363s carrico as that back line then yeah
3365s Reaper in the mix with sojourn so uh
3368s Reaper really gonna try and compete
3370s become a nuisance to the enemy Winston
3372s Dallas real solo early on perhaps not
3374s expecting to Reaper there but Carpe is
3377s also on that particular pick Landon of
3379s course able to capitalize on that large
3380s Winston headbox inflation there with one
3383s of those knives a great opening here
3385s with Brothers three are already out of
3386s the mix for Philly not on auspicious
3388s start for them
3390s and you don't know what actually he took
3392s large chunk of damage from uh it could
3395s have been a sojourn rail shot uh could
3397s have been reaper I also like uh you know
3399s it could have been like a rail shop
3401s what's like the kariko headshot right
3402s the correct that's triple damage I mean
3404s really oh take out an enemy quickly and
3407s that's gonna be another three hitting a
3409s rail shot of the spark it's the perfect
3410s opening here Justice spark is starting
3412s to get comfortable and it's the team
3414s holding the point he can play in a
3416s pocket of safety he picked out of the
3418s mix pretty much straight away and now
3420s the fusion will only try and hold the
3422s bridge as much as they can to release
3423s try and Telegraph the enemy Winston's
3425s movements towards them here bear in mind
3427s a lot of free sojour in charge coming
3428s off of these Winston bubbles so may see
3430s more of those rails here is the fusion
3432s give up the point
3434s they just get bullied off uh they get
3437s that first pick they flip for a little
3438s bit and then they just get fully back
3440s off of the point here by London to
3443s London able to get control again uh both
3445s teams will have their three coat so
3446s expect to see loads of damage and fast
3449s action coming soon here it is
3451s trying to catch Hardy in the middle of
3453s their team and he gets absolutely blown
3454s to Smithereens they could open up both
3456s teams lay down the roads as Carpe wants
3459s to push out here the sound barrier used
3461s by fixer something not available to the
3463s Spitfire in that fight and maybe a key
3465s component of them regaining control at
3467s some point backbone needs to be wary
3470s and I think even if London had that some
3473s barrier it's better off to save it
3474s because now you can come in and engage
3475s with the sound barrier connects onto
3477s everybody and look at this they get a
3478s kill right over that's glossy fellas
3480s caught out of position at the start of
3481s that fight he gets boost to the side as
3483s the Spitfire engage with that sound
3485s barrier he's forced to look on and
3486s display as the rest of his team are sent
3488s to the Chop Shop
3491s you just need that sound barrier right
3493s they use the overclock there as well for
3495s sparkler to get high charge on that
3496s Soldier and just hit a rail shot quick
3498s see if Billy tries to push in here
3500s you could end up seeing like a death
3502s boss in front backward but he's not even
3503s gonna need it unbelievable picks here
3505s from sparka first up on mm3 protection
3507s Susie thrown down there it's getting a
3509s little bit dicey for Carpe he's trying
3510s to farm Hardy for a little bit of that
3512s help but he can turn into a edgy pancake
3514s yes as the Winston jump claims him and
3516s the Spitfire now head to 72 crucially
3519s death Blossom available here for both
3521s sides and the Primal raid will be in
3524s play
3525s if I just had his Philly attack and it's
3527s like London is playing so close and so
3529s aggro that if Philly is gonna try and
3531s get towards that point they're probably
3533s gonna have to spend a ton of multiples
3534s to do so and when they get there it's
3536s probably gonna be like most you know 95
3537s for London for London can save and be
3540s pretty conservative in this fight and
3541s then just come back and win one more
3543s cinnamon three again who serves that
3545s pickup on a platter we'll do the fusion
3547s means already fight for their meal here
3549s but if we don't seem like apex predators
3551s right now that's a death Blossom there
3553s that was from backbones Harper is going
3555s to get out of the rainfall Kieran
3556s villasreas trying to disperse the
3558s Spitfire as well as he can across the
3559s point him in three with the overclock
3561s it's a lot of damage mostly just getting
3562s pumped into Hardy right now who's able
3564s to get away lands are not so lucky
3565s though his head against the steaming
3567s hole Port through it and carp he's able
3569s to bring sparker down to Fusion they
3571s fight dominantly for this point but as
3574s you highlighted Matthew the Spitfire
3575s will have plenty of time to get back in
3577s the driver's seat
3579s plenty of time I think this next fight
3581s though will be pretty interesting and
3582s pretty telling about how you know this
3584s could go where London could end up using
3586s this casino rush and getting the point
3587s back rather quickly uh but Philly a
3590s really good counter to that is you just
3591s kind of send that Reaper in with the
3592s death Blossom just force everybody out
3594s of that area so they lose some of that
3596s attack protection says you can buy a
3598s little bit of time to get away from the
3599s epicenter of that death Blossom where
3601s the Carpe positions this correctly
3604s speed Fire won't know what is coming
3606s against Parker much like mn3 has been
3609s probing here at the start of these
3610s fights nothing easy to farm for this
3613s charger till the bubble comes down he
3614s can build some of that up but m3's
3615s already found Admiral headshot with the
3617s railgun the perfect game to go here
3619s whatever the Spitfire were cooking up
3620s and they're out of the picture again
3623s so they had to use sound barrier uh to
3626s engage there and go in and make a play
3627s but you're looking at like last fight
3629s territory so at least Philly gives
3631s themselves a puncher's chance here at
3633s the end right with how good sojourn is
3634s with like some fun shot potentials you
3636s see mn3 just trying to form some damage
3638s there to be able to get like a
3639s high-powered rail the one shot whether
3641s it be on like a Lucio or a grigo steals
3643s the deal for your team Conway trying to
3644s preempt the fight he recently can't
3646s spockner immediately it's another sound
3647s barrier only applied to four players
3649s Copper's able to be seen Gage While most
3652s of this sound barrier expires and that
3654s ice in the hole for the land of speedify
3655s gets used a little prematurely here
3657s blender looks like also there was a
3659s casino Rush involved in that last fight
3661s to the Spitfire now a little underarm as
3663s they're trying to approach the point
3664s once more and Bella three are going for
3666s the Primal Rage was hoping for a
3667s knockback kill but look at the damage on
3669s him there he'll Circle back with sparkle
3671s and backbone have already done their
3672s fair share of damage Venice that's
3675s expired he's down and it's only aim God
3676s left nowhere to jump to here has a
3679s London Spitfire come out on top this one
3682s is gonna be quite the brawl
3684s very back and forth though and you just
3687s see how powerful the overclock is and
3689s sparker was you know towards the later
3691s half of the season right one of the
3693s better sojourns we had you know in the
3695s western region uh really able to come up
3697s with clutch plays time and time again so
3699s Admiral nice movement on the Lucio able
3701s to get in get that touch but sparker and
3703s backbone sealed the deal there for
3705s London
3707s for him in three so many of his kills in
3709s fact almost all of them come as first
3711s picks in those fights right which is
3713s huge to to open up those engagements
3715s where backbone just gets them for
3716s himself into the mix here you see he
3718s waits for a carpet already falling
3720s crazy to say that this is almost
3722s Overkill in this situation saw the
3724s protection Susie used there by aim God
3726s not really able to benefit from that is
3728s just Butler Surya getting lit up for a
3730s moment and then eventually getting comes
3732s out of size
3734s yes no comp changes here going into the
3738s next round here on lijiang Tower is I I
3740s think these are going to be some of the
3742s comps that we see throughout like a
3743s majority of the playoffs uh you know
3745s Reaper really good in terms of like
3747s self-survivability and also putting
3749s pressure on to that you know Winston uh
3751s has a little bit of an involvement of
3753s himself being able to escape with a raid
3754s form uh and then Soldier if you know how
3757s powerful she is at the highest levels
3759s the players just nailed these shots so
3761s easy with those in play you definitely
3764s need something else to answer just a
3766s very large Health pool of the Winston
3768s spark of charge up here Matt oh a lot of
3770s pressure being put down there Philly
3772s extremely low
3773s they're not in a great position to
3775s contest right now mn3 hope to find a
3777s rail down there as he peeks the
3778s left-hand side comes in with very little
3780s on this big fire doing a great job of
3781s just pulling the fusion away from the
3783s objective here again but that's where
3784s he's out of position for the time being
3785s becoming a knock across on the left-hand
3787s side the Spitfire happy for the future
3789s figure out how to get to them first
3793s the first fighter the real difference
3794s there where is like sparker hits a rail
3796s shot you just gets a player too weak and
3799s just backs them up but this is going to
3800s be the casino Rush right away the
3801s protection there giving everybody the
3803s involved for a little bit Ned Phil he's
3805s gonna die
3806s okay that's enough to clean this good
3807s fire away but eventually they get a look
3809s to be coming back to reclaim once
3810s there's Point does get flipped into this
3812s fight here and it's going to be a sound
3813s barrier now for the fusion who want to
3815s hold on to this but it comes a little
3816s later from the Spitfire which means
3818s right now they have that extra
3819s durability Advantage sparket doesn't opt
3822s to go through a rail guard here the
3823s fusion again just gets shuffed away from
3825s the objective then a point split back
3828s London just seems to have a great
3830s understanding of like the pace and flow
3833s of the game right now in terms of the
3834s meta right where they know they can back
3836s off for a quick second to give up for a
3838s little bit they know they have the
3839s ultimates the abilities just in general
3841s to be able to flip that right back and
3842s get the advantage it's two players with
3845s that death Blossom Belgium has to use
3846s Primal and he's gonna get absolutely
3848s nothing for it it's London in complete
3850s control regardless of the better game
3852s this is actually something London are
3853s very good at doing right they control
3854s the point they push up and then someone
3856s just gets a little out of position in
3857s that case it was aim God who had to
3859s switch step away but he's already taken
3861s so much damage and Hardy had a jump
3863s available to go in the block Unico
3865s that's a great way to begin the fight
3867s this is a very effective Sony ornament
3868s for the most part give Bella three a
3870s cops one sweet there is he's forced back
3872s for even longer at 72 this is a mirror
3875s image of last round so far how did the
3876s fusion give back him now with that mn3
3879s and he also have Hardy with a primal Ray
3881s drain as they try and push in use some
3883s of that speed death Blossom that's gonna
3886s result in nothing as you're just so
3887s desperate Mitch streaming in terms of
3889s bully Cafe just looking for anything at
3891s this stage still London gives them
3892s absolutely nothing it's a light could
3894s turn their rocks from the Spitfire and
3895s they're going to use this to capitalize
3896s here this is so classy from the London
3899s Spitfire man they know that katuna Rush
3901s has a limited length so they disengage
3903s so the fusion had to move off of their
3906s own kiriko ultimate and lose that Heist
3908s bonus and then they use one of their own
3909s as they're getting pushed into lovely
3912s stuff from London Spitfire just there
3914s comprehension about like you said man
3916s the way this meta game works at least in
3918s this matchup really shining through
3921s and you can see where they put down that
3922s continue Rush where Hardy was actually
3924s able to you know get in the middle of it
3926s use some of it on the outside then dip
3928s back into it then go to the other side
3929s and go you know attention to the players
3931s and put some pressure down and still
3933s have that Ace buff really good use of
3936s the character there at the start of the
3937s London Spitfire yeah great opening and
3939s again backbone really critical on that
3942s Reaper you know in terms of skill
3944s expression and that a hero not always
3946s easy to show you the highest of heights
3948s and the peaks of what Reaper is capable
3950s of doing but backbone's the perfect kind
3952s of player to put him on like a
3954s consistent output hero that has a very
3956s impactful area of effect ultimate he's
3958s exactly where he needs to be he stays
3960s alive and he's there when it counts nice
3963s stuff here for the londoners to fly good
3964s opener is Philadelphia now left
3965s scratching their heads how do they
3967s answer this they're losing out in the
3968s mirror
3972s [Music]
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4215s games tickets available now
4221s and so it's a shell-shocked Philadelphia
4223s Fusion that we see Ocean's about Matt
4227s can they acclimate to this matter does
4229s Hardy have what it takes to to strap on
4231s that Winston and just go absolutely wild
4232s the answer I guess to both questions is
4234s yes London with their coaching staff who
4237s we've just spent a lot of time
4238s complimenting this season have crafted a
4241s style that seems to suit their approach
4243s really well they're an aggressive
4244s Relentless team who'd love to identify
4247s and then make the most of small gaps
4249s small opportunities to push in and get a
4251s Fight Win very impressive opening from
4253s London
4254s yeah and although it's like a
4256s winston-based camp right you wouldn't
4258s necessarily call it something like
4260s reminiscent of a dive right like if you
4262s kind of subbed out the Winston for let's
4263s say gazaria you would probably be
4265s calling this comp that looks very
4267s similar to something like a a rush style
4269s of play which is right in the London
4271s spitfire's wheelhouse like that's the
4273s exact style of play they want to do so
4275s uh at least after that map one good
4277s things looking for the London Spitfire
4278s yeah really enjoyed the way Dimensions
4280s get a lot of value out of Reaper again
4283s we discussed it a little bit the back
4284s lines here quite often you know you're
4286s looking for a bit of utility from your
4287s supports the kind of utility in some
4289s cases when you use Zenyatta that can let
4291s you pressure down tanks a little bit
4292s easier especially once they don't have
4294s static shielding
4295s but because that's not available
4371s give a lot of ground in that first map
4373s right you mentioned they were getting
4374s bullied away a lot it definitely seemed
4376s like they were disengaging quite
4378s frequently uh you know at the risk of
4380s just getting blown out in a straight-up
4381s fight
4382s and I think you probably see them
4384s disengaged because I thought actually in
4386s the first map you know Sparkle was doing
4388s a great job nailing some of those shots
4389s on the sojourn right those rail shots
4391s can just take like large chunks of HP uh
4395s from an opponent and also there's like
4397s not a lot of like burst healing right
4398s like you don't have like a Baptiste like
4400s regenerative bursts or just the healing
4401s that he provides like you're playing
4402s Lucio
4404s and that's a beautiful shot there dude
4407s we've seen backbone do that oh there's a
4408s small iPhone
4410s historically not historically a
4413s Widowmaker player but has been able to
4415s do that time and time again oh he's got
4417s to let him know he doesn't need Matt
4418s backbone switching over the reaper now
4420s because his work ostensibly is done no
4423s sojourn at the start of the fight for
4424s the Philadelphia Fusion
4426s they have to disengage there no doubt
4428s about it find a way to come back in here
4430s and then they go here's the die fellas
4432s we have booped up and gonna be blown up
4433s pretty quickly he's like gonna get out
4435s there's gonna be protection suzu
4437s employed to make sure he can walk away
4438s in one piece the londoners could fire
4441s almost three ticks on this point already
4442s and oh God the fusion step off the
4445s points
4447s uh it's it's playoff time you can tell
4450s by the way the Billy Fusion are playing
4452s right now it's uh oh man is uh you know
4456s not the best of starts right now from
4458s Philly is uh and wide I mean London now
4461s 5 30 plus on the clock uh you gotta have
4466s like some type of like big play if you
4467s like happen for Philly right you get
4469s like a fight win you know something
4470s really goes your way you can start to
4472s build some momentum because right now
4473s London I mean every time we go to like
4475s individual shots and player can't trade
4477s everybody's laughing they're loose they
4478s feel like they have a great
4479s understanding of the game I I don't let
4482s up do that the London Spitfire they they
4484s can take it though don't don't worry
4485s there have been many teams that have
4487s been more than happy to have fun at
4489s their expense in Years Gone by but now
4490s they've worked for this to be a team
4492s that can threaten the likes of the
4494s fusion and they're making the most of it
4496s in the match chat Philly though
4498s very much focused on the next phase of
4500s the plan which is go oh God help us oh
4502s God stop the Spitfire at all costs
4504s they're going to continue their ass up
4505s their sleeve here they've got to keep
4506s Carpe alive they're open up able to
4508s reach him and he's continuation both
4510s teams now this is gonna be pretty
4511s intense man
4513s I mean just so much damage that's
4516s unanswered but you have the sound
4517s barrier available for the London
4518s Spitfire first let's see if they can
4520s capitalize in that brief moment they do
4521s they get a kill on AIM that's huge picks
4523s a win for the sound barrier but angle
4525s wasn't able to have Capital benefit from
4526s it rather now Sparky comparing from the
4529s periphery but backbone's able to clean
4530s up Carpe with the death Blossom mn3
4534s finding an exit kill will call it as he
4536s backs on away very quiet start for the
4538s fusion here
4541s and you also had a little bit of a
4542s window there where Admiral had the sound
4545s barrier in the Philadelphia Fusion are
4547s still kind of like building up towards
4548s it in Philly gets it probably like I
4551s don't know like three four seconds after
4552s but that's enough for London to locate a
4554s player who's we can finish him off which
4555s I think Spock is on the clock oh he was
4558s carbon gets picked up for the start I
4559s propose absolutely nothing as far as we
4561s can tell he just walks up to the car
4564s West with the right maybe he doesn't
4566s expect a face full of Hellfire shotgun
4568s pellets from backbone and that's another
4571s checkpoint given up by the fusion they
4573s had four players alive they're under a
4575s little pressure granted but it's not a
4577s great look either as the Spitfire now
4578s are absolutely blasting through the map
4580s and air backbone love a little bit of
4582s checkers
4584s yeah being able to get that uh
4586s teleported midair I saw a clip uh
4588s seagull playing symmetry he was able to
4590s get a sick teleport back on the map uh
4593s just the attack here man this is an
4595s insane time from the London Spitfire
4597s four minutes plus to take the final
4600s point and it's not even just the final
4602s footage like they're gonna get like
4603s almost around this corner where the the
4605s end of the map is right there pompe just
4608s trying to keep people away from the card
4609s key you notice he's really not extending
4611s outside of the payload sphere of
4613s influence Connie too deep it's going to
4615s be another continue Rush deploy here and
4616s God doesn't have his yet backbone's
4618s gonna be firing extremely fast and I
4620s think the you should know we can't find
4622s them inside this ultimate
4626s what do you do I mean sparker is able to
4628s get to you have the reaper on the cart
4630s you can't get rid of him Victor touches
4632s even though there's nobody to teleport
4634s to and that is
4636s 884. this is a Philadelphia map pick
4639s score in the London Spitfire on their
4642s opponent's map pick just runs it down
4646s finishes the map with 407 in the bank I
4650s mean I watch the aim God try to heal
4652s fixer right with the uh the overdose
4653s like he's trying to give out like you
4655s know first class tickets to morbius and
4657s fixes like no no no I don't want that
4658s just you can't get any of the healing
4660s because the bloody bubble just got
4661s dropped on top of the card and not a lot
4663s going on so London Spitfire feeling very
4665s good 20 final blows for the whole of the
4668s Spitfire eight of those for backbone
4670s seven for sparker a poultry five for the
4672s Philadelphia Fusion oh dear they are not
4674s ready for this car paint unable to get
4676s on the board with that Reaper where his
4677s backbone has been cutting a bloody swap
4679s through his opponents
4681s I think uh the London Spitfire in the
4684s chat there are there talk about secret
4687s agent in James Bond I assume you know
4689s Carpe uh there's a thing in car you know
4691s you put up that uh oh and seven the 007
4693s it was a little James Bond stat line
4697s there you start the half that's rough
4701s broken piece
4703s now switch steps available
4706s but he touches the okay so he touches
4708s the death zone before that ability can
4710s actually activate now bear in mind
4711s there's there is like a little bit of a
4713s channel to it yeah right and there also
4715s wasn't a vulnerability window uh with
4717s that ability but a vulnerability sort of
4720s frames don't really care about
4721s environmental deaths you sort of will
4722s die regardless of those it overwrites
4724s them and plus that invulnerability phase
4726s has been cut much shorter in the latest
4728s patch
4730s how do you bounce back from this if
4732s you're Philly like bro you need carpet
4735s you chose coffee wake up yeah you coming
4738s there it is okay in there there it is
4740s yeah
4741s two o'clock going off there back time's
4743s gonna be dispatched early here and three
4744s has a pocket to play in the National's
4746s not able to get out of his line inside
4747s quickly enough
4748s good start for the fusion here two big
4751s picks to open things up as fit five
4752s maybe not expecting diffusion to probe
4755s in that particular manner Carpe just had
4757s that one on a silver platter but it'll
4758s take it
4759s yeah beautiful start there I mean that
4761s you you can I I asked like how do you
4763s bounce back if you're Philly and that's
4765s exactly how right you end up getting
4767s Carpe in getting Carpe and kill and then
4769s three able to hit a nice rail shot in I
4772s think even if you don't get the best
4773s game from carpet you know Emmett three
4775s starts to do some of the things that
4776s you've seen throughout you know his run
4778s throughout the season on the sojourn uh
4780s it doesn't really even matter what
4781s happens with your Reaper right I I think
4783s you could really start to turn that's a
4785s great point I mean can you can you
4786s expect that out of MN Free Ride who's
4789s you know obviously coming into this team
4791s pretty fresh start of the year
4794s uh I don't want to say it's easy to play
4797s great during the regular season it's not
4799s but you know you got some teams in the
4802s regular season you know
4804s not up the car with some of the way that
4805s some of the teams here in the playoffs
4806s are gonna play like now is the time you
4809s gotta show up like it's great you show
4810s up and you know week two of the summer
4812s Showdown but really this is what matters
4814s the most uh if you can't put those
4816s performances here in the playoffs and
4818s against the top teams it kind of goes
4820s for not interestingly there backbone
4822s again gets caught by the start of that
4824s fight there is the Spitfire defensively
4826s finding a little bit hard to navigate
4827s their Winston composition
4830s just looking good for Philly Dude too
4832s look I mean you're gonna have five volts
4834s coming into this fight Admiral not even
4836s close to sound barrier with how fast
4838s these fights have gone in favor of the
4840s Philadelphia Fusion as you're in a spot
4843s where Philly where you could actually
4844s put yourself in a position if you win
4845s this fight it's actually end up with
4847s like four time in the bank going into
4849s that final checkpoint bear in mind these
4852s shots Pierce
4854s Fusion definitely got a bright line of
4856s sight and trying to avoid clumping up
4858s there around the car party trying to
4859s stop them here as they go in sound
4860s barrier for fixer Nails Landon's gonna
4862s go over the consume they Rock him in
4863s three much of this damage being
4865s dedicated to the enemy Winston he needs
4866s to get him out of a picture here over
4868s the top he comes again I ain't gone oh
4870s here okay yep can't get out of that he
4873s actually switch steps to a teammate as
4874s he goes over the edge and gets caught in
4876s that death loss and by backbone who now
4878s turning up here in the second half
4880s I tell you what though man that was the
4883s fight that they needed to win for the
4884s Philadelphia Fusion now you're gonna
4885s allow the London Spitfire to stabilize
4887s here you know get control of the top of
4890s the castle sparker is going to be able
4892s to rain down I mean this is such a good
4893s angle for the sojourn like you do not
4895s want to be trying to fight that angle
4897s from no low to high trying to hit those
4899s shots see the disrupter shot just end up
4901s there like kind of forces him off that
4903s ledge just trying to get them into that
4905s castle probably just drop the show I
4907s will be up here for Sparkle which gets
4908s extra annoying if you try and take the
4909s stairs as the fusion
4911s day instead up to
4913s well uh dally a little bit here
4916s they're trying to get the drunkenstein
4918s challenges fair enough cramped by their
4920s land boys
4925s such as you know put the way to get
4930s through the door just blocks it in look
4931s at that beltrio goes right over the top
4933s and the London Spitfire they just sound
4935s better and speed boost right on through
4937s and backbone just insta kills carpet
4939s that's not the first time that the
4940s London Spitfire have done that this is
4941s characteristic of them and we saw it
4943s actually on Legion tower garden right
4945s bellisria tries to engage he gets pooped
4948s to the side and then Admiral sound
4949s barriers speed boost the rest of the
4951s team man Bellator is caught outside the
4953s plate
4954s terrible for Philly as well as it took
4957s like what it took like a minute off the
4959s clock to set all that up uh and it was
4962s over in seconds I mean they really got
4964s nothing for it is look at his hottie
4966s just getting a good survey of the
4967s Lansing where everybody's moving for the
4969s Philadelphia Fusion they can set up this
4971s next fight
4972s ER losing charge here this is not made
4975s contact with a foe for a minute but he's
4977s still maintained a little bit
4980s the shop give me a tickle there Hardy
4982s and
4988s Winston but Hardy taken licking as a
4991s result still able to play around the
4993s card ah Philadelphia they want to push
4994s this in it's backlines death Blossom
4996s though that is a Death Note for the
4999s fusion it's another push getting stuff
5001s and Hardy has been so aggressive man
5004s getting into the back line of the
5006s Philadelphia fusion and they have not
5008s made him pay for it at all and how many
5010s times do we see balustria just jump in
5012s and he's getting hit with whether it's a
5014s headshot from the kariko and some you
5016s know sojourn and Reaper damage and he's
5018s like base basically did by time he gets
5020s in there uh they are not punishing Holly
5022s at all Admiral Admirals makes you
5025s impossible for balestry to actually get
5026s in a position to get damage off of his
5028s champ let alone being ranged to actually
5030s do damage with the Tesla can keep an eye
5033s on how Admiral just
5035s repositions Bella three as he tries to
5037s engage it's really frustrating for the
5039s fusion you can't get him in that
5040s position again we're fighting in the
5042s castle another great place we just drop
5043s the shot and everybody's lined up this
5045s could be scary gets taken down Sparky
5048s just has to wildly aim to the Turning
5050s massive Fusion bodies as they try and
5052s push their way up the stairs from there
5053s absolutely nothing for that he did
5055s death blossomeda in that corner to try
5057s and maybe like they were gonna bathe in
5059s run on in and nobody took the bait there
5062s from London is what now you have to back
5064s out here things have gone terribly for
5067s the Philadelphia Fusion after their
5069s point a take Philly can't read London I
5071s mean Carpe is expecting them to follow
5072s up on that but they already get uh two
5074s kills for that engagement
5076s and you see where like uh hotty's
5078s playing it's like uh you know they're
5079s almost kind of like stalking the
5081s Philadelphia Fusion it's like okay we'll
5082s let you guys get in that position and
5084s then they just start positioning London
5086s around them and collapse on them so many
5087s different angles and Philly can't do
5089s anything about it I'll be Whiting as
5090s well for him and three to use his slide
5091s because he knows that there's no
5093s Mobility for the sojourn to evade him as
5095s he tries to jump in and then he probably
5096s calls his boys come out the trees and
5098s start knocking heads here come the
5100s fusion grouped up now pass the disrupt
5102s the shot and then three doesn't have a
5104s good angle to make use of this older
5106s clock but he's got no choice he has to
5107s try and find some value here but it's
5110s fine sitting in the corner they're just
5111s waiting to support ultimate online with
5113s him in three's able to find backbone at
5114s the start of the fight it's a good
5115s opener to be sure katuna rash used here
5118s with this big fire in no position to
5120s come out and stand upon the Hallowed
5121s Ground their Force back inside the
5123s castle and finally the fusion finds some
5126s picks from mn3 bit of a Hail Mary but
5128s they'll take it well the mn3 gets a
5131s really good first pick but they also the
5133s Carpe turns around and with vixxer they
5136s take care of Hardy instantly Hardy just
5138s trying to be a nuisance in the back line
5139s time and time again was not getting
5141s punished at all that time they adjust
5142s they turn they they take him out fast
5144s and they're able to win the fight it's a
5146s rush here for the fusion they're far
5147s from done again this big fight
5149s disengaged make it so the fusion can't
5151s benefits from that haste
5153s well they'll return to that area but
5154s great disengage that we've seen a bunch
5156s from the Spitfire Admiral really has
5158s this on lock
5159s until The High Ground goes Hardy now
5161s he'll just tickle from that corner
5162s backbone hoping to punish delus rear as
5163s he repositions as well great walk had to
5166s be used not not a burst healing for the
5168s fusion so it'll take a while to get
5169s bellatory a fighting fit once more
5172s and London's okay with this like they're
5174s okay with Philadelphia just kind of like
5175s posturing and playing a little bit slow
5177s here because of how much time they have
5178s in the bank let us rear finds himself
5180s just in the middle of that bubble with
5181s backbone he's trying to dance it spark
5184s is just able to find a window to get an
5185s easy headshot kill
5187s and I feel like this is like the wrong
5189s approach with a metal like this I feel
5191s like you just need to take as many
5192s fights as possible as a big death
5194s Blossom with the disruptor shot making
5196s it difficult for players to get out
5197s because you know there's so much burst
5199s damage here Mitch that like if you just
5201s play slow and wait to just try and get
5202s the perfect fight the fight ends before
5205s you even have a chance right whether
5206s it's like a a raper shotgun like insta
5209s kill in close range a railgun shot that
5212s I think you just need to take constant
5213s fights with a metal like this down
5215s barrier for the fusion they're going
5216s forward here both support ultimates from
5218s the Spitfire and the fusion are a long
5220s way away and from the cart no chance of
5223s touching there and I love what you
5224s mentioned right about the idea of just
5226s trying to take these fights early and
5228s often the fusion might be playing with
5229s the mindset of a previous meta where
5231s your fights were predicated on the
5232s ability to get it the pick was sojourn
5235s or allow your damage it to zero in on a
5237s low Health Target and then jump in and
5238s make the assassination speeding the rest
5240s of your team in now you don't really
5243s need anything special to start these
5244s fights you need your Reaper in a good
5245s spot close enough to the enemy tank and
5248s you need that speed boost available
5250s that's about it this bit fire say we can
5252s make the Taj Mahal with you know flint
5254s and Tinder right now we're willing to
5256s use very little to turn it into a
5257s winning fight and you'll see the stats
5259s if you get a chance to so many fights
5261s taken by the Spitfire even when they're
5263s ostensibly in control of objectives we
5265s saw that on controller Bunch before
5266s Philadelphia will have to find a
5270s response maybe get their land legs here
5272s there's a London Spitfire constantly
5273s keeping them off balance stick around
5275s and see if this team for the East has
5277s got enough game to hang with a Spitfire
5283s foreign
5290s 222 days since our screens were last
5293s graced by the OverWatch league so good
5295s to be back of course
5299s [Music]
5305s banana was at the ready for crypto could
5307s give this marble or striker on the tack
5309s visor he wants many room control but got
5312s zoned off by Falls but he's gonna come
5313s back around full 360. Striker coming
5316s from the backlight and the kids 4K he
5320s strikes again as false goes back to
5322s spawn
5323s oh The Prodigal Son of the Boston fans
5327s has returned home did you miss him
5329s Boston
5332s happy
5333s might find themselves an angle here as
5335s we take a look she's Twilight why in the
5338s world was that someone calling sick
5340s there's no way happy hits those
5345s okay the story is cool but she got a lot
5347s of Health okay
5349s are we gonna be at someone's YouTube
5351s video so I got a shout out my mom
5354s [Music]
5360s you're cracked
5363s howdy a little bit scared of Finn I
5365s would be too to be fair he's got a lot
5366s of utility Nano available Nano blade for
5369s Sam he dashes straight to the backline
5371s insta killing land and Spark a dead
5374s backbone two there's Admiral another 5K
5377s no proper steals it come on man
5381s oh you're supposed to give him the clip
5383s sand though still with four kills nice
5387s work
5400s [Applause]
5402s he's not he's got three and the Outlaws
5405s that should be enough to take a point
5406s that should definitely be it the good
5408s thing here for fuel is that they build a
5410s lot about the clock and this is going to
5412s go down there for merit getting a lot
5414s there a lot of value and this is just
5415s continuing to show as the fight breaks
5418s down Soldier is so dangerous
5419s [Applause]
5422s the Mayhem didn't really have a chance
5423s to respond there with alts of Their Own
5425s no no I take it back I take it back Nero
5428s prove me
5430s [Music]
5432s those are massive anti from ultraviolet
5434s nanoed Nero with the 5K okay there's the
5438s smile that I wanted to see forget map
5440s number one eigenvalde is yours oh my god
5444s oh
5446s okay so this is the antinade that set
5449s the entire thing up oh my God
5453s what is more satisfying than that I
5456s cannot name a single thing
5484s foreign
5494s [Music]
5513s [Music]
5526s has a space
5531s shot through aim God he's looking for
5533s the elimination he goes on the offensive
5534s but he's got shuts him down
5537s everybody really loves
5541s himself okay
5547s there's still time to get your tickets
5549s that's right join us at the OverWatch
5551s League Grand finals and catch Leah
5553s Denise and Sharice Booth the voice
5554s actors for junker Queen and sojourn live
5557s tickets are on sale now come hang with
5560s us in Anaheim eventually they're gonna
5562s pry me out of this garage and bloody
5565s send me over there as well so we can all
5567s enjoy The Vibes together ladies and
5570s gentlemen it is going to be absolutely
5571s mental no better place to return than
5574s the Anaheim Convention Center which is I
5576s mean for me Matt it's really
5578s the epicenter of where some of the most
5580s incredible moments of OverWatch have
5582s occurred
5583s OverWatch I mean I I've been there for
5585s like amazing Call of Duty events uh
5588s throughout the year just like an awesome
5590s Esports venue just so many great events
5593s that have happened there uh where I'm
5595s excited to see though with obviously the
5597s first two maps of the playoffs in the
5599s books uh kind of how things shake out
5601s for the rest of the field as we go uh
5603s towards next week absolutely if this is
5605s anything to go by the height in this
5608s matter is going to be fast and furious
5610s you'll notice that neither of these
5612s teams really making any uh any changes
5614s any sort of uh you know to the to the
5616s lineups right in terms of our hero
5618s compositions they are sticking with very
5620s much the same formula all the way
5622s through Matt London just seemed to be
5623s better I mean Philly better hope that
5624s Route 66 ain't the end of the line if
5626s you know what I mean
5628s yeah you know what was uh you know Game
5629s of Thrones season one it was like a life
5631s for a life right I feel like uh you know
5634s hexagrams to to get the Eagles back on
5636s track sacrifice the Philadelphia Fusion
5638s ah hey look they're like dead right now
5641s man I mean that's tough the way they
5643s lost like involved because they actually
5645s put together a really good offense on
5646s point a uh it was just after that things
5649s fell apart I think they kind of upped
5651s their pace of play like I I think just
5653s you know with how this minute is and I
5656s think like how fast some of these kills
5658s and fights go down and I think just
5659s historically in OverWatch the more
5661s fights you take I think like the better
5663s off you are I just really slow for the
5665s second part of the map they end up
5667s having like four minutes plus going into
5669s that uh B checkpoint well I know trying
5672s to attack that castle and they just kind
5675s of like walked around for a minute plus
5677s before that second fight took off in
5679s what happens your backbone just kills
5680s Carpe instantly uh there's nothing even
5682s happened by the time you get to the next
5684s fight right you know you've heard about
5685s a minute and 40 on the clock it depends
5687s possible recover from stuff like that
5689s well for this sort of for moderate
5692s healing output that Lucio and Moira
5694s sorry and kiriko excuse me provides
5696s there's not much you can really do about
5698s being in the middle of the fight and
5700s then a reputation playing on live
5702s talking about Moyers uh I mean but if
5705s you get headshot by Reaper there's no
5707s way you're coming back from that there's
5708s just not enough time to get you topped
5710s up maybe if you've got an incredible
5712s Kitty coach you could throw down a
5713s protection Susie but that's it backbone
5715s backbone excels at these Widow headshots
5717s off the rip uh let's see everybody
5719s playing close though I don't know that
5721s because they're obviously not using a
5723s Sonic Arrow like the days of old to
5725s scout this out but they're well aware
5727s now is Hottie pops his head up there to
5729s look over The Back Fence and sees his
5731s neighbors having a party and God has the
5733s suzu himself steps away
5736s yeah yes the TP pretty far away uh over
5739s at Airman three to be able to live there
5740s in has to they use the inval not himself
5743s before even using uh the Swift step so
5745s you have some of those cool Downs down
5747s now uh until you see Kelly playing a
5749s little bit further back now Hardy goes
5750s deep there trying to make a play for him
5752s and three in The High Ground so let's
5753s hurry up get caught yeah it's gonna be
5755s traded though mn3 and Spark are both
5756s striking blunt here not a Spitfire
5759s probably happy with an exchange like
5760s that now as Carpe wanted to buy a couple
5761s more seconds comes out of that right
5763s walk a couple extra shots in a backbone
5765s to force him away and aim God's knives
5767s go to work
5769s yeah because I think that story moved
5771s from Billy you have to play close I
5772s think playing clothes probably gives you
5774s like three fights versus two you know
5776s you get another fight here and then
5778s probably another one there at the end oh
5780s man with a kill on an aim God that is
5782s massive you have no you know uh in-bone
5785s there you know the healing output of
5787s carico is really strong and so
5789s everybody's gonna have to just run on in
5790s try and get his kills and maybe trade
5792s here it's not gonna work out for Billy
5794s and you see his Fockers timing he's
5796s immacula there he knows that Bella three
5797s is gonna try and deploy a projected
5799s barrier mid-fly because he's worried
5801s about getting hit shot on his way in in
5803s the days of old Winston's used to tone
5804s their back on their dive Target so they
5807s couldn't be headshot like by a widow for
5809s example but he actually gets a Charged
5811s wild headshot just before bellisrae
5813s deploys that bubble so the timing's
5815s perfect and it's like a half Health
5816s Winston that touches the ground and then
5818s he gets swarmed on by the rest of the
5819s Spitfire not the start I think the
5822s Philadelphia were looking for you they
5823s trade up at every occasion a Carpe
5825s oh buddy Fish Out of Water am I right
5829s yeah so that'll be point a taken there
5832s by the London Spitfire uh and it's
5835s interesting uh in the break I actually
5836s saw you know primzo kind of tweet
5838s whether it was like Power Rankings it's
5839s about the the teams right now but he
5841s also expected to like kind of put a note
5843s that he expect to see like a little bit
5844s of crazy results with a meta like this
5846s and I I think you can kind of see why
5848s right with like sojons being able to
5850s just like one shot players before fights
5852s even kick off you know how new carico is
5854s uh I think when you look at teams you
5856s have these like really strong soldiers
5858s players you can pop off at any time
5860s those are ones you could look at for
5862s maybe creating some upsets whereas far
5864s from playing lights out today
5867s I think going when it comes to those
5869s rail gun headshots it's gonna find
5870s something here land's already dealt with
5872s Carpe the kunai come flying freaking
5874s fast when you're standing inside that
5876s Kitsune Rush very very scary especially
5879s if you're getting consecutive headshots
5880s on large targets like Winston
5882s the Spitfire now want to slow things
5884s down just a little bit but spark is not
5886s able to get on the same program as the
5888s rest of the Spitfire quite in time
5890s villasrea here most of what he's doing
5892s is trying to check Heidi's position for
5894s this Primal range
5896s golf you can't Sparkle a little bit uh
5898s further out and decided to make a play
5900s in to be honest you needed to make a
5902s play at that moment in time because
5903s you're getting absolutely nothing from
5904s the rest of the squad and now you lose
5906s him in three sound barrier used for both
5908s teams here just trying to keep players
5910s alive as maybe you can now push back up
5913s to the cart and gain some control
5917s twice they've found themselves in so
5920s they do they pressure forward Hardy
5922s eventually gets caught out later in the
5924s fight card being able to come alive
5925s Sparkle returns over the flourish she's
5927s able to find that one elimination with
5928s the help of Landon
5930s and background wants to keep fighting
5931s against London exemplify just keep going
5934s play style they've been showing us
5937s well the reaper is so difficult uh to
5940s just dislodge from areas especially when
5941s you're playing that Winston because he's
5943s so tanky whether it be the life seal you
5945s have a wraith uh forum for some you know
5947s invulnerability you have the protection
5949s shoes you now uh for inform as well lots
5954s of ways to just keep Reaper just
5955s surviving on the point where yeah if the
5958s enemy Reapers down and you know you're
5960s kind of like in an even match up you
5962s push forward if yours is alive you know
5963s use that Reaper it's like a battering
5965s ram
5966s all right here comes the fusion they get
5967s caught on The High Ground though look at
5968s how he sort of throwing them quite
5970s effectively he gives off his life in
5972s order to do so though is the line is bit
5974s by those to get what they came for don't
5975s they Matthew another checkpoint to their
5977s name Billy just have to try and make
5979s this convincing Fight Win can't generate
5981s some old charge start to dig in for the
5983s next phase of the map
5986s if you're Philly he needs to stop the
5989s bleeding right so to speak you need to
5990s play close here you need to Rattle off a
5992s few fights in a row because you know you
5994s lose a fight you're gonna give that
5996s ultimate advantage over the London
5997s Spitfire with the way the game looks
5998s right now
6000s and they're just going to walk this
6001s thing home with how they've been playing
6002s so far
6004s I've got there trying to stay mid-range
6006s as much as possible away from the reaper
6009s but close enough that the healing
6010s doesn't take too long to get to Bellator
6011s travel time on Hill is something that we
6013s haven't really explored much in
6014s OverWatch as much of its instantaneous
6018s him in three big pick there the fish are
6022s not in a position to take like a full
6024s fight quite yet but they'll move up here
6025s and posture more aggressively
6029s I think they should be playing more
6030s aggressively the entire Series right
6032s like you know they they end up like
6034s backing up uh to play from this corner
6036s and that casino rush comes in like they
6038s end up having to back up even more they
6039s give up some space there like force
6041s London to use those ultimates like right
6042s outside of their spawn door as opposed
6044s to just kind of inviting them in and
6046s giving them some Halo progress so you
6048s know not a ton of progress but still
6050s it's something fries and fighter from
6052s velosteria even if he was in Primal Rage
6054s he looks to try and cut backbone away
6056s for the rest of his team he's able to do
6058s so for the most part it'll be back for
6060s more backbone
6061s doggedly pursuing the back line great
6064s beat climbing there a second later and
6066s that's the end of them in three he still
6067s goes down anyway his backbone gets his
6069s teeth in and one flat Joe ain't God
6071s meanwhile out of the picture here very
6073s scary healing situation now for the
6075s fusion Carpe has to turn tail again
6077s Philadelphia constantly being stained
6079s off by the Spitfire fight after fight
6082s did they disrupture shot damage enough
6084s to take out Carpe at the end so Dolce
6086s has to jump onto the point but you see a
6088s weak he is right off the rim yeah he's
6090s in deep trouble again the healing comes
6092s quicker from kiriko with that ice buff
6093s but it's a slide after keep them alive
6095s not against the burst damage of sparker
6097s from the top of the truck here can't be
6099s trying to go for again but looking for a
6101s deck Blossom it only comes up with
6102s Admiral and that is far far too little
6107s oh and dude it's difficult to finish
6110s this map in general but to finish with a
6113s minute 29 in the time bank it's just
6117s another God punch I think to Philly
6119s where this is their map selection yet
6122s again as you just see London has such a
6125s command over the flow of the game right
6127s now in my opinion
6129s and again you said you you'd like to see
6131s Philly just be more aggressive in
6133s general
6134s you know I know that obviously having to
6136s play with that zest changes the calculus
6137s a little bit right there's no doubt
6139s about it
6140s um but getting Carpe into a position
6142s where he can succeed is such an
6144s important part of making this
6145s composition work he's been able to make
6147s a couple plays alongside bellisria right
6149s late in the fight sometimes yet they're
6151s able to coordinate but spark has been
6153s all over mn3 in terms of finding those
6155s first picks in these fights uh but when
6157s you look at like the comp so Mitch right
6159s uh it's not like you're missing out like
6162s zest playing like uh you know something
6165s that is uh highly mechanical right like
6167s a Genji an echo a tracer right I I feel
6171s like the reaper is just mostly like
6172s positioning cooldown management decision
6174s making right like uh although carping
6178s has not played a ton this is still a
6179s pick that we've seen from Carpe in the
6181s past he should be able to play it at a
6182s high level here
6184s having a slightly better time than the
6186s last couple of maps is all well and good
6188s for Carpe but
6189s gonna take more than that to put the
6191s fusion position where they can actually
6192s have Tempo that's the word I'm looking
6194s for I don't think the fusion have had
6195s any sort of tempo throughout this entire
6197s series
6199s reminders are more than happy to to
6201s engage very quickly I do Wonder like how
6203s London to find the wind condition in
6205s some of these fights right a long time
6206s backbone is trying to Wade through the
6209s massive bodies and just fine mn3
6214s therefore
6219s and the hovered but look at this and
6221s interesting that London will allow them
6222s around the corner here maybe they want
6224s to just give them some space to just
6226s kind of maybe have till you actually
6228s split themselves off from each other you
6229s know Force Philly to play aggressively
6231s get back by like an easter Minecraft
6232s that includes a health pack along the
6234s way
6235s might be the answer
6237s oh okay he doesn't expect Carpe to be
6239s behind so he takes a bunch of damage
6240s against the suzu treatment Fusion it
6243s grouped up here except for mm3 playing
6245s on the card I think London just stick
6246s like that we'll leave him they think
6247s that can take a fight before but marker
6250s immediately blown up
6252s see how much you know the the karika's
6255s used to be just kind of her offensive
6257s purposes right you know that triple
6258s headshot damage really strong you know
6261s especially after squishies but even for
6262s the Winston as
6264s feel silly it's done a nice job here
6266s getting the part moving here right off
6267s the rip London can't lose control of
6270s this High Ground here on big girls tough
6271s going to find good damage when there's a
6273s Winston bubbling fight she does nothing
6274s to them generally really hard to break
6276s them he doesn't want to be inside one
6278s for risk of just getting too close he's
6279s very fragile if she gets called out all
6282s righty is picked off though so the
6283s fusion they have to go you think of the
6284s players button because you need to
6285s pressure it a bit more okay kids in the
6288s rap's gonna be in their face gonna be
6289s three spotted from the back line he
6291s intended to get to there Spitfire holder
6293s a little bit longer but Admiral
6294s obviously not opting to sound barrier
6296s here stall if he can but there won't be
6298s much in this defense for the Spitfire
6302s the fights that they've been successful
6304s in the Philadelphia Fusion it's been mn3
6306s getting a Pick Off on the surgeon which
6308s I think you know even for London they've
6310s been really good you know at that as
6311s well capitalizing uh and then making
6314s party pay for jumping into that back
6316s line that time it was you know fixer
6318s with some help from Carpe once that
6320s happens you're able to push the reaper
6322s and the rest of the squad in rather you
6324s know easily uh and it's good things that
6326s happen for the Philly Fusion they gotta
6327s punish Hardy Boys once he jumps in he
6330s gets close to that back line gotta make
6331s him pay better team in three there the
6333s big pick is carpe was getting turned
6335s away with nothing after that first
6336s engagement again they're trying to
6338s access him in Harley's able to find the
6339s response
6341s crucial way to even The Ledger somewhat
6343s and Hardy even gonna stop off for a mega
6345s is he seems pretty dispersed at the
6347s moment
6347s see backbone's not a tracking back a
6349s little bit here and God wanted to follow
6351s Carpe in there with a Swift step
6352s fortunately there's going to be a sound
6353s barrier in play from fix-up and backbone
6355s cannot hold up in the middle of this
6357s Fusion melee
6360s if this is really good for the Philly
6362s Fusion uh you needed to get some type of
6364s momentum back in your favorite nice body
6366s blocking here they fellas just
6368s preventing some of those players to walk
6370s on through back towards the spawn as
6372s you're gonna get sparker because of that
6373s you have the time hold here too you can
6375s play up on this High Ground you can
6377s actually just play for this door yet
6378s again as Billy could put themselves in a
6381s good position to finish the map they'll
6383s definitely have some ground to make up
6384s in the Spitfire went in this position
6386s filling it up well not being able to
6388s touch the card even though the lower
6390s round yeah I think hearty scouted that's
6392s what it was really supposed to be but
6393s that quickly and they've lost them in
6395s three I Wrong they've lost landed and
6397s then three was having to set up on that
6399s high ground with the London Spitfire
6400s choosing oddly not to engage in that
6402s fight so just get picked off inventory
6405s has he slide to be able to get away here
6406s hard is gonna have to look elsewhere
6409s right now you'll be seeing nothing sent
6411s back to spawn and here come the fusion
6413s now in this last phase of the map
6415s then you see how much how different the
6418s game looks when they're able to protect
6420s them in three you know Hardy's not back
6422s there causing problems putting bubbles
6423s down uh you know causing issues and you
6426s give him Lanes to shoot from and he he's
6429s you know as good of anybody in the
6431s league as sojourning you know you hit
6433s those shots it's just forces London back
6435s or just gives you an advantage early on
6437s in the fight
6438s Phyllis Ray are able to drive a winch
6440s between the two sides of the Spitfire
6441s now but get caught a little bit too
6443s close and close to the Thorns here
6445s backboat brings him down Fusion forced
6448s to back away slowly here plenty of time
6450s to work with the Philly it is tough to
6452s defend with winston-based compositions
6453s we've seen on many Maps here London are
6455s getting a couple of these individuals
6456s caught out namely backbones sometimes
6458s just overstinning ever so slightly
6460s that's another big pick from mn3 I don't
6462s know how he expected to see Sparkle
6464s coming on that flanking route
6466s and that was sparker's overclock as well
6468s uh Sparkle was coming from that angle
6470s with the overclock and just trying to
6471s maybe get a pinch on with the rest of
6473s his team but him in three with a
6475s headshot takes him right out and he's
6477s got an overclock and he hits it up on
6478s top of this trailer I mean this could be
6480s you know an even faster time than London
6483s create a side pocket for mm3 this
6485s ultimate could be devastating this is
6487s quite the narrowed Lane to play in right
6489s now I mean three Sliding Away Susu has
6491s to be used there it's not available here
6493s at ms3 might be Macabre at work if he's
6495s not careful no sound barrier timed as
6497s well but of course sooner Rush here for
6499s the London Spitfire they double it up
6501s with the sound barrier the fusion don't
6503s want to peek into that so they wait a
6505s little bit and here's our overclock from
6506s mn3
6508s easy everybody trying to get behind some
6510s type of cover here for the London
6512s Spitfire weed it out but mm3 it's
6514s raining five to Demand right now Matthew
6516s in the morning mn3 comes alive the
6519s London spit by now struggling to answer
6520s the threat this is sojourned McCafe is
6523s going to be brought down my Admiral Now
6525s The Brute Force aspect of the fusions
6527s lineup has been taken out of the picture
6528s for now and Hardy's able to force mn3
6530s Away by nothing but he's full this is a
6532s great spot for this from backbone picks
6535s his opening well with the death Blossom
6536s yields a team Fight Win
6538s oh that got dangerous there is the
6540s payload's so close to completing the map
6543s as what had to happen there Mitch is now
6545s everybody from the London spitburg
6547s trying to come outside of that uh the
6548s spawn door from the left and that's
6550s really Bella three and the rest of the
6551s team playing and Hardy can't really go
6553s back to help them because he has to get
6554s the one contesting the poison he said on
6556s the point to whose job is hit it to
6557s clear that area out it's backbone he
6559s gets over there fast with a speed boost
6561s gets the death Blossom right in the mix
6562s and takes a few players out that was
6564s massive
6565s once more to the breach for the fusion
6567s Carpe has a death loss in this time
6569s around first forces backbone away that
6572s rainforce must make a health pack means
6574s that his opposite number will be safe
6576s for now
6577s really only wins the battle used there
6578s by Hardy because
6580s somehow getting rid of the enemy Winston
6583s Philadelphia this spear is no tip
6588s you know obviously not gonna be you know
6590s a Target to be teleported to from the
6593s kariko because not gonna TP into your
6595s own death uh in Lucio is not going to be
6598s able to get over there to Gill anyway so
6599s fellow street really with no there's no
6601s like honor you know Zen to be able to
6603s heal a little bit at range uh as soon as
6606s you break that line of sight you're in a
6607s little bit too deep there's no help in
6609s you
6610s Philly now with less time to get the map
6612s done
6613s then the Spitfire having their Bank
6615s just getting the map done at all is
6617s going to be their main priority here
6619s spark is able to force fixer to run away
6622s here meaning aim God's only one with the
6624s proximity to heal properly and even he's
6626s out of the pitcher now spark is just
6628s able to pick bellus rear out of the mix
6629s and again the Towering tight for the
6631s fusion picked off early it ain't got
6633s even oh man he even went for the
6635s ultimate
6637s away
6643s from London they get that fight win they
6645s hold on to Primal which is going to be
6646s great to stall they have sound barrier
6648s and they're going to have the casino
6649s rush I mean they are in a perfect
6650s position to win this I think if you're
6652s Philly you know you're looking at what
6654s does carpe have a you know an OverWatch
6656s one season one get Blossom kind of in
6658s the mix right that takes out everybody
6659s but I think it's more aligned on mn3 to
6662s hit some of these shots top eight
6664s doesn't get where he needs to be also he
6666s thinks but Hardy was a piece Rockets
6669s became the Primal race
6673s now down for the spitfighter sound
6675s barrier is going to be there as well
6676s backbone coming in with the dead Blossom
6678s and mn3 is failed balustria clinging to
6680s life and you know what they say Matt the
6682s more things change the more they stay
6684s the same once again the London Spitfire
6687s dominate the fusion in a post-season
6690s game
6691s what a showing from this Spitfire really
6695s hard to have criticisms of their play in
6697s this match
6699s no they look lights out awesome in this
6702s matchup against the Philadelphia Fusion
6705s they look like they had a real
6706s understanding of how this meta is
6708s supposed to be played sparker I know
6710s goes toe-to-toe with no mn3 who's
6712s fantastic on the sojourn himself uh
6715s London with a really good first win here
6719s [Applause]
6721s and what a proof of concept for their
6723s take on the current meta looks like
6725s they've had plenty of time to work on it
6727s looking very very clean on occasion
6730s right The Usual Suspects for the fusion
6732s turn up oh the usual suspects rather
6734s it's mn3 is able to show us some death
6737s defying Antics on that sojourn but it's
6739s not enough even when Carpe having a much
6741s better map on that Reaper his
6743s performance
6744s it's not able to sort of take things
6746s over the top for the Philadelphia Fusion
6748s but yeah outside of the individual I
6750s think our biggest criticism is leveled
6751s at the fusions hesitancy
6755s lack of interest in sort of taking these
6756s fights early and often and their
6758s difficulty in getting back getting
6760s bellisria into a position to actually
6762s pressure backlines
6765s it felt like they started to to get in a
6768s little bit of a Groove there late on
6770s Route 66 but you know it's so late in
6773s terms of uh the game in the series right
6775s that you put yourself so far behind it
6777s just felt like a little uh you know too
6780s little too late which you know now you
6782s drop into the loser bracket for Philly I
6784s mean there's gonna be Killers down there
6785s right I mean there there's not going to
6787s be a tough team in that are now going to
6790s be a uh easy team in that loser bracket
6792s so
6793s I I think if you're Philly you gotta
6795s watch this Vlog again go over what you
6797s can improve on but I think I agree with
6800s you just up the speed of play Pace to
6802s play Let's Talk play the match now
6804s Matthew in this first playoff game it's
6807s the one the only the German Dynamo known
6809s as Hardy leaning from the front like all
6812s good leaders should from start to finish
6814s a squeaky clean performance on Winston a
6816s hero that he faced a ton of criticism on
6819s especially last year people said he was
6821s feeding he was dying too often out of
6823s position you name it it was leveled at
6825s this guy but now his game has been taken
6827s to another level the hard work that he's
6829s purported to have put in absolutely
6831s paying off this first delegate from the
6834s east region absolutely Shell Shocked by
6837s the Spitfires Relentless assault
6839s yeah and I think what you saw from
6841s hottie specifically in those first two
6843s maps he was able to just cause so many
6845s problems for the Philadelphia Fusion
6847s back line in mn3 and there was no
6850s response from Philly for those first two
6852s maps and that's why they were able to
6854s really dominate the London Spitfire uh
6856s this third man Route 66 they definitely
6858s made it harder on hottie but a fantastic
6860s series on the Winston no doubt about it
6863s dealing with Winston uh you know going
6865s into a lot of these Reaper based
6866s compositions he's always a pretty scary
6868s Prospect and yet Hardy has less than
6871s four deaths per 10 minutes which is a
6872s really very very good result for a hero
6875s like Winston who needs to be in the
6877s enemy team's face who only has very
6878s limited Windows of durability based
6880s around in his bubble the fact that he's
6882s able to get it away with having such a
6884s high impact with this over 20
6886s eliminations per 10 minutes he's
6888s involved in every fight in a very key
6890s way and the rest of his team are
6891s preventing him from falling to these
6893s really nasty tank Killers like Reaper
6894s great showing from Hardy really
6897s important another step in the evolution
6899s of this London Spitfire team it must
6901s feel good for them to come on you know
6903s into this tournament with even footing
6905s with a lot of teams they've had a decent
6906s amount of time to acclimate to the
6908s change in patch and this meta game
6910s I don't think
6912s Philadelphia gonna be the first of their
6914s victims in this regard there should be a
6916s lot of teams even from the western
6917s region even who placed higher than the
6919s Spitfire the should feel it going
6920s forward
6921s [Music]
6922s yeah I absolutely agree I think with the
6924s way that this matter looks to be shaking
6926s out uh favors teams like the one that
6929s Spitfire who can play this fast
6930s aggressive for all the Play constantly
6932s but also have a really good soldier in
6934s there you know in their back line level
6936s and they'll shots like sparker so I I
6938s think teams like I know London I'm
6940s excited to see you know uh some of the
6942s other teams like the Gladiators play in
6943s Dallas and this type of meta I think
6945s it's going to be really interesting
6946s that's it there's much more of course to
6948s come from today's matches ladies and
6950s gentlemen so stick around for more all
6951s of your OverWatch League 2022 playoffs
6954s don't go anywhere
6956s sweep
6981s the OverWatch league is brought to you
6983s by Butterfinger crispity crunchy peanut
6986s buttery no one lays a finger on your
6988s Butterfinger
6997s foreign
7025s [Music]
7029s foreign
7047s [Music]
7069s foreign
7082s [Music]
7101s foreign
7103s [Music]
7117s [Music]
7131s foreign
7139s [Music]
7151s [Music]
7163s [Music]
7171s foreign
7179s [Music]
7187s [Music]
7196s [Music]
7210s foreign
7211s [Music]
7232s desk here for our game break and we now
7235s have backbone from the London Spitfire
7237s joining us for a quick word after a
7239s convincing Victory backbone
7241s congratulations how you feeling thank
7244s you uh film very good very good
7246s wonderful we take that now you went up
7249s against the Philadelphia Fusion
7250s obviously that's a historical matchup
7252s for everyone watching not so much for
7254s the players playing though you also
7257s didn't I assume got exposed to them very
7259s much this season given that you're
7261s playing in different regions so what was
7263s your preparation looking like heading
7264s into that match against the Philadelphia
7266s Fusion uh we weren't really prepping
7269s specifically for them we were just
7270s playing what we thought yeah is good
7272s what we've well we know most teams are
7275s playing
7275s um they're just playing like the match
7277s up today that's what most teams play so
7280s it's not anything new
7282s um it wasn't really any specific Philly
7284s practice we weren't really scared of
7285s them at all to be honest not scared at
7287s all we're talking about what's good I
7288s wasn't expecting to see this much Reaper
7291s in The Meta give me the lowdown what
7293s makes Reaper so good with the Winston
7295s and the kiriko uh I mean the kiriko
7298s makes reefer like all of Reaper's worst
7302s parts are better the new DPS passive
7304s with reefer makes him really strong it
7306s like you're getting a limb you get
7308s faster and better reload speed that's
7310s two of his weakest points uh and then
7312s monkeys just monkey he's just going
7314s anywhere
7315s funky's monkey yeah so I feel like
7317s little Spitfire you guys don't look just
7319s like perpetually you know underrated and
7321s underdogs into every series of course so
7323s how are you kind of like using that as
7325s fuel going into this playoffs and how
7327s far the ultimately do you guys think you
7329s can go this playoffs I mean I don't
7331s think anyone really expects us to go far
7332s at all
7334s um I mean no one's expecting anything
7335s from us or anything but Danny does
7336s actually uh yeah Danny Danny does
7338s Danny's always got her back No but I
7340s mean we're kind of just we're just
7342s having fun I mean I don't know if you
7343s heard at the end of that route with the
7345s aftercoms but there was a lot of barking
7346s going on there's a lot of barking going
7348s on in our concert we heard Alana
7349s Spitfire is sweet sweet yeah there's a
7352s there's a lot of just uh we're just
7354s having fun like so many of the teams
7356s here feel the pressure that they need to
7358s win or get the finals which we're just
7360s here to have fun awesome we love to hear
7362s that and we can't wait to see more from
7365s you guys in these playoffs so once again
7367s thank you so much for joining us and big
7368s congratulations to the first W thank you
7371s cheers backbone right on so let's dive
7375s into the match highlights three and oh
7377s not really result any of us would have
7379s expressed it yeah
7384s you're doing great Danny but I do want
7386s to talk about
7387s um what I feel like is a little bit of a
7389s disappointing look here from the
7391s Philadelphia Fusion they played so
7393s passive with a composition which doesn't
7395s really allow for you to play that way
7397s yeah it was an interesting look we the
7400s reason we predicted the Philadelphia
7402s Fusion is they've shown better
7404s performances on this dive they have good
7406s coordination but none of that was really
7408s on Showcase in this match they were
7410s flat-footed they were slow and that are
7412s really allowed London Spitfires to be
7414s the aggressors in a lot of ways and they
7416s were aggressive to say nonetheless Heidi
7418s was getting in there not being punished
7420s and backflowed death boss Master death
7422s boss is getting maximum value so
7424s ultimate's being used better as well
7425s other than mn3 coming alive on that
7427s Route 66 on the sojin falling a little
7430s flat and very disappointed with first
7431s performance from the fusion yeah I think
7433s if anything maybe you'd want to see them
7435s forced Tracer duels more because we know
7437s carpet is a fantastic Tracer player
7439s right and well we know that backbone
7441s maybe not the strongest Tracer around
7442s the league either so maybe Fusion
7444s looking back on this are there other
7446s maps in the pool where we perhaps could
7448s have forced a tracer duel instead of a
7449s Reaper definitely seems like Reapers
7451s here to stay and it's going to be the
7452s Mainstay so far but there are other
7454s teams around the league that are
7455s probably looking at this match of
7456s themselves going oh boy we gotta play
7458s Reaper for the entire time it's going to
7459s be tough for us yeah and I think
7461s background made a really great point I
7462s didn't think about it when we added that
7464s new DPS passive of you get an
7465s elimination you get more reload speed
7466s movement speed that really plays into
7469s everything that makes Reaper a weak hero
7471s so that is why he is really coming
7472s through so something we weren't
7474s expecting folks you should get used to
7476s it it might be a staple for these
7477s players yeah I mean honestly it's
7479s exciting to watch isn't it but I
7481s reinforced uh background just said it
7483s best monkey is monkey so let's discuss
7486s uh that very topic because I really felt
7489s like the Philadelphia Fusion they didn't
7491s really play that Winston like you're
7493s supposed to be playing you're supposed
7494s to take up space you're supposed to be
7495s aggressive and do something for your
7497s team but one of the two winstons just
7499s kind of stayed back yeah I think below
7501s from Fusion he fell a bit flat in this
7503s matchup and really just like handed on a
7505s Spitfire are pretty uncontested win here
7507s if you want to break it down big picture
7509s I think a Winston generally has two jobs
7511s right it's called testing space and it's
7513s disrupting the enemy team right and
7515s fusion they didn't really get to
7517s contesting the enemy backline because
7519s they just had so much trouble
7520s controlling space right so below taking
7522s a look at the stats against Hardy of
7524s course they lost to you know they are
7526s going to look bad okay I don't want to
7527s always emphasize on how bad these style
7529s circus they did suffer a brutal loss but
7531s what I want to highlight is almost twice
7533s the deaths right there and also the
7535s lower knockback kills and final blows it
7538s really didn't feel like Palos Ria wanted
7540s to go in there I want to highlight on
7542s these specific highlights right here but
7544s also yeah he's almost like away from the
7545s fight he's so scared of contesting the
7548s reaper from the London Spitfire that
7550s he's trying to stay out of these fights
7551s he's doing big leaps up into the air
7553s he's not really being present within the
7555s fights themselves I'd rather see him you
7558s know create some space for the rest of
7560s his team here be like in the front line
7562s and try to at least make challenge for
7564s the long space fire to grab this space
7566s to get into these fights this jump right
7568s here just jump straight into the card
7569s you cannot do that and you see he's
7571s immediately head shot by the enemy
7572s sojourn 100 HP and then he's out of the
7575s fight instead utilize The High Ground on
7577s your surroundings because you can jump
7578s to The High Ground wait a couple seconds
7580s and you get that leap back quicker right
7583s he didn't try to do anything of that
7585s instead it was either all in and he died
7587s to the reaper or it's like oh I'm gonna
7588s jump in and then kind of be like you
7590s know have fun guys I don't want to be
7592s part of this so it's a bit disappointing
7594s it was strange because watching that it
7595s almost looked like
7597s he was not doing the shot calling like
7600s he was just kind of following suit with
7602s the rest of his team but really when
7603s you're playing that Winston you kind of
7605s have to be the aggressive you kind of
7607s have to call the shots there I I do want
7608s to give a little bit of credit to London
7610s because even in the very first team
7611s fight that we saw for them bellisria
7613s jumped in tried to take that space and
7614s London was like absolutely not and that
7616s really set the tempo for the rest of the
7618s series so belisria needs to go back to
7619s the drawing board and the entire
7621s Philadelphia Fusion to find a way to
7623s enable it yeah you have to find a way
7624s you have to find a way to contest the
7626s enemy team and know your limits you
7628s can't shy away from your job as a
7630s Winston because you're scared of a
7631s Reaper you're scared of getting picked
7632s you sort of have to do your job in a
7634s serviceable way but philosoria he just
7636s stayed out of the fight most of the time
7637s and when it did go in it was just head
7640s first and like Doc please please don't
7642s dive you know it's two minutes you know
7643s with the pool do I do calculated over
7646s extension that's kind of how you have to
7647s play a win
7649s calculated over extensions Johnny's
7652s career in a nutshell
7655s uh it doesn't work out for everyone
7657s though that's that's a problem and now I
7659s do want to quickly preview our upcoming
7662s match is going to be the spark going up
7664s against the Shanghai dragons uh the
7666s dragons coming in of course as the
7668s favorite here but I would like to take
7670s some time to take a look at who needs to
7673s level it up in leveling up presented by
7675s Butterfinger caster which of these teams
7677s need to really step up their game for
7679s this one it has to be the hongdo spark
7681s this is a team that in our last
7682s International Tournament in the
7683s mid-season Madness had an incredible
7685s performance on the back of Shai's
7686s sojourn this is something that they can
7688s lean back on again but as of late in the
7691s last two stages in the summer showdown
7692s in the countdown cup they have been
7694s struggling they need to level up look at
7697s this one and five in the summer Showdown
7698s one and five in the countdown cup if
7701s they can get back to that previous
7702s performance that we saw in the kickoff
7704s clash in the mid-season Madness they
7706s could be in for a run they played well
7707s in the play-ins and that's why they're
7709s here today need to keep that going for
7711s them now I do also want to get a quick
7715s uh quick hint and what we could expect
7718s or hope map wise because he's gonna be
7720s our map guy
7722s Johnny the map I'll be your guide he has
7726s like
7727s these five trees to get every
7730s information humanly possible
7732s on everything map related so what do the
7735s stats say well I will tell you this out
7736s of all the playoff teams hang chose Borg
7739s they are the third best hybrid team for
7742s the second map we're pretty good for
7743s that they are the worst escort team by
7746s far they have like a 32 win rate on
7748s escort so if you go down 2-0 in the
7751s series and you have to win escort bad
7753s look for the hangtail sport if I'm a
7754s huncho spark fan I want to see them win
7756s hybrid or control to give me an
7759s opportunity to get the push and then
7760s maybe we can win out the series all
7762s right there you have it I hope the Hong
7763s Kong spark listened in on that segment
7766s good information too so bad at escorts
7768s now I do want to take a look at that
7770s Prince although I doubt we're going to
7772s see any surprises however I mean Danny
7774s you know like yeah I'm talking about shy
7776s shy is like one of the best soldiers so
7779s he could throw this for a loop but they
7781s can't just keep relying on Shai to kill
7782s everybody your strategy cannot be why
7784s not go kill everyone
7786s it worked in the mid-season Madness but
7788s Shanghai dragons are the 2021 Champions
7790s and they are such a well-rounded team I
7792s don't think they're gonna give shy the
7793s opportunity to do that especially when
7795s the guy on the other surgeon is lip
7797s probably the best surgeon we have in the
7798s world so spark have a tough task ahead
7800s of them absolutely let's see if they can
7802s get it done for now we're heading into a
7804s very quick break and then afterwards
7806s we're going to be back with match number
7807s two here in our 2022 playoffs
7813s foreign
7835s [Music]
7847s foreign
7851s [Music]
7870s [Music]
7880s foreign
7884s [Music]
7922s foreign
7927s [Music]
7967s foreign
7970s [Music]
7989s foreign
7993s [Music]
8013s [Music]
8019s foreign
8020s [Music]
8054s well if the first match was the fuse
8057s being lit then I'm telling you fireworks
8059s are about to go off here live from the
8062s Anaheim Convention Center or up to our
8064s second match of our OverWatch League
8067s 2022 playoffs and this one is going to
8070s be a head-to-head rehash of rivalry
8072s between Eastern region Rivals Matthew
8075s yeah and I totally agree with everybody
8078s taking the Shanghai dragons in the
8079s series obviously historically a
8081s fantastic team outside of season one uh
8084s in the OverWatch League uh but uh I
8087s actually think the honcho spark is a
8089s team that when yoga teams have
8091s potentially could cause upsets right the
8093s Gucci on the Winston shy on the sojourn
8096s like you know putting players in their
8098s best roles you know best heroes like
8100s Comfort picks uh and they just have
8103s insane mechanical skill I think they're
8105s a team that could really be a sleeper
8107s pick I mean this is the same hunk show
8109s spark that gave us an incredible five
8111s map series against the Los Angeles
8113s Gladiators in the mid-season man it's a
8115s team that really made a Deep Run in that
8117s bracket it was a great time for them a
8119s great minigame for them to shine things
8122s started to take a turn for the worse
8124s though as we moved into summer Showdown
8126s and countdown cup that's when the Sparks
8128s started to find themselves foundering
8130s just a little bit more this team though
8132s like you mentioned a huge roster
8134s gigantic team so many players that can
8137s be rotated in and so many specialists
8139s that are waiting for their chance to
8140s take to the stage when the meta suits
8143s their best heroes and you've already
8145s hinted at seeing gushway someone who we
8147s haven't seen much of lately right
8148s Bernard has been in a main tank for this
8151s Hunter spark team and they had to get
8153s through the play-ins it was the 3-0 win
8155s against the Chung to Hunters but that
8157s game both teams were throwing Haymakers
8159s this spark has to hope that now is the
8162s time the right time for them to Peak
8163s because going up against the dragons is
8165s going to be quite the task indeed let's
8167s not waste any time out let's jump into
8169s this let's welcome to the stage here at
8171s the Anaheim Convention Center the
8172s Hangzhou Spark
8175s foreign
8177s I think this is going to be a good meta
8181s for the spark but is it good enough to
8183s beat the dragons uh I I don't know but I
8186s think if you were looking at you know
8188s players on Heroes we know they can excel
8190s at I think you have a really good shot
8193s with the players that the sparkers Gonna
8195s Roll out here today we talked about a
8197s lot of the metrics in that last match I
8200s feel that made Hardy so successful
8202s playing the Winston coming in and
8204s maintained there and one thing we really
8205s pointed out was his survivability right
8207s the fact that he's able to play up
8209s against these uh you know these Reaper
8211s based compositions and still find
8212s success that's definitely gonna be
8214s something we're gonna be looking out for
8216s on the side of the spark here because
8218s gooseway currently holds the title for
8220s the highest time alive as a Winston
8222s player and the fewest deaths in the
8224s entire league coming in to these
8226s playoffs he has got to come alive here
8229s and stay alive in many of these fights
8231s to have that big impact
8233s yeah and I think you're really looking
8235s at Gucci and shot like if you're gonna
8236s turn this series in favor of the spark
8239s you're gonna have to see it from the
8240s Winston and the sojourn that most likely
8242s you're gonna see from this team uh they
8245s have all the mechanical skill that you
8248s could need to take it to a team like the
8249s dragons but it's just the dragons you
8251s know are gonna come in as a you know
8253s well-oiled machine right they're going
8255s to be you know on the same page they
8257s rarely make mistakes can the spark play
8259s up to that level uh the scary part with
8262s the spark is sometimes we see that
8263s sometimes we don't which spark are you
8264s gonna get here today and genuinely if
8266s you want to look at previous results for
8268s this team uh you know spoilers that
8269s haven't been exactly compelling against
8271s the Shanghai dragons you can probably
8273s throw that script out a little bit here
8275s is we have a pretty significant shift in
8277s metagame one thing that Eastern
8279s OverWatch fans have been treated to
8280s frequently is this matchup of sojourns
8283s right lip versus shy either one of them
8286s can take the game over at the drop of a
8288s hat I gotta be honest with you we are
8290s dealing with a championship caliber team
8292s on the other side of the stage so the
8294s Hungary spark had better be ready for
8295s the Shanghai dragons
8299s [Music]
8302s we know are tough for anybody to deal
8305s with uh and I feel like a little bit of
8308s a do you want to say like a chip on
8310s their shoulder so to speak I feel like
8312s they've come in with not like
8314s everybody's picking the Gladiators you
8316s know Soul dynasties uh pretty you know
8318s hot pick the shock I feel like the
8320s dragons have gone a little bit under the
8322s radar to where maybe they want to come
8324s in and put together a really good show
8326s and let everybody know that they're
8328s still the real look I think that
8329s probably has a fair bit to do with the
8331s dominance at the Seoul Dynasty in in
8333s sort of more recent history being able
8334s to bring into this region Shanghai
8337s though uh you know despite maybe some
8339s some rockier periods uh in that so in
8341s the countdown cup uh have been really
8343s strong I think you know you look back
8345s over there them records and losing to
8347s Guangzhou and Philadelphia uh sort of in
8349s back-to-back games they're at the sort
8351s of end of September not the most
8353s suspicious signs for this team but no
8355s one no one even the even the people that
8357s are the lowest on this particular team
8359s are going to deny the caliber of players
8360s on this particular still right between
8363s fighting void you have a lot of options
8364s here flatter has always been incredibly
8366s reliable and the back line of this team
8368s is just quite exciting right I think a
8369s lot of people are looking at iziyaki uh
8371s and you're going to be asking the
8372s question all right how well does he
8373s develop how well does he adapt he's a
8375s veteran player in the league now you're
8377s putting flutter presumably in a position
8379s you know maybe to play Reaper you feel
8381s confident about that the guy is so
8382s reliable yeah so consistent and that's
8385s what you really need from Reaper's right
8386s just not to get blown up at the start of
8388s five tier does he have to pop off and
8390s have these like legendary moments on
8391s Reaper no he doesn't he just needs to be
8394s a consistent force in these fights and
8396s capitalize maybe when someone like lip
8398s opens the way
8400s and I think if you're the spark like the
8402s path to Victory here is probably what
8404s shy plays a game in which he can kind of
8407s like neutralize lip uh to in the sojourn
8411s matchup and then you have Gucci just
8413s make it it's so difficult for I know
8417s izyaki in the back line of the Shanghai
8419s dragons uh which allows like Alfie and
8422s the rest of the crew to play a little
8423s bit safer a little bit more you know up
8424s on the cards and objectives and use that
8427s Reaper as a real big damage source
8430s that is assuming of course if these
8432s teams are subscribing to the same theory
8433s on the the best way to play right now
8436s which you probably suggests that they do
8438s I don't really think the dragons have
8440s been a team that have always opted to go
8442s for wacky stuff I think that when this
8444s team looks strongest this year was
8445s actually uh you know during during who I
8448s use stint uh you know playing a lot
8449s against you on this team that was uh
8451s very very strong for them uh and very
8454s very scary this is your reigning
8455s Champions the Shanghai dragons who like
8457s many teams have had to contest with a
8459s lot of big meta changes as the years
8460s gone by and they've really worth the
8462s test of time uh in that regard so
8464s there's a lot of reasons to sort of pick
8466s them as you know I can't believe we're
8468s saying like an outside chance here
8469s it's 18 wins and six ounces right the
8473s dynasty have 19 and five so
8475s realistically they're one game behind
8477s the leader in this Eastern region should
8479s be expecting them to bring their best
8480s here and I guess everyone looking at
8482s home show going okay you've got a
8484s different main tank we've got a
8486s different tank player helming this
8487s roster now that we sort of had in more
8489s recent history is that a Difference
8491s Maker Goose Ray the Primal blade as he's
8493s known can he have the impact can he make
8496s the difference I mean his opposite
8497s number is a true veteran of the league
8499s in fate
8501s greatness uh I would say though like if
8503s you're looking at uh in terms of play
8505s style you would probably categorize like
8507s fate and fletta in more of like a
8510s conservative like safer place though
8512s when you look at like the reaper and uh
8515s Winston players where you know can they
8517s play like if the game gets ratcheted up
8519s to a really fast pace right and the
8521s sparkle really pushing them to another
8522s level can they play at that level of
8525s aggression and Pace because like you
8527s mentioned I think the best point we've
8528s seen from the dragon so he's seen who
8529s are you in Who Who Are You is another a
8532s big time playmaker to put next to lip
8534s right especially when he's on the Genji
8535s and really can you know open things up
8538s for himself you know flood I think is
8540s more of he can play everything at such a
8542s high level uh and not as much like the
8545s you know Playmakers maybe like from a
8547s few seasons past
8549s and I guess we're going to get an answer
8550s to the question in this matchup like
8552s what degree is their wriggle room in in
8554s this sort of five hero composition right
8557s looks like most teams seem to be in
8560s agreement that this is just absolutely
8562s the way to go
8563s teams coming out mirror compositions
8565s again sojourn Reaper they'll Winston
8567s with the kiniko and of course Lucio over
8569s to the spark to opt to take the hike
8571s around position to start with you hope
8572s to give shy some really nice sight lines
8574s to find an opening
8577s yeah and disruptor shot from Cheyenne to
8579s one side of the train force him to the
8580s other and oh wait already in the window
8582s at all oh that is a slide up to The High
8585s Ground and a headshot right and Shy's
8587s face they just don't do that two kills
8589s from Liam that doesn't happen I mean you
8592s really expect a lot of soldier in place
8593s to bite their time and you know and let
8596s their wind speed go in first but lip is
8597s essentially leaving the charge an
8599s absolutely Pummel shot
8602s let me just uh you know left one with
8605s the assault you know uh 4K they're in
8607s the B to kick things off four from blue
8609s one from Coletta as the point goes over
8612s the dragons first that is disgusting shy
8615s again the kind of player that you expect
8617s hung show to really try and use as their
8618s secret weapon here lip gets in his face
8620s and says the court belongs to me buddy
8622s great way to make a statement early here
8624s again not so subtly until The High
8626s Ground goes alpeggy joined by gooset
8629s let's begin maintaining a little bit of
8630s an off angle here and is sitting in a
8632s relatively safe pocket now as fake just
8634s wants to disengage for the time being
8636s his leading a little lower that middle
8638s pillars I'm gonna find flatter though
8641s yeah that's a huge pickoff and this is
8643s what you want to see if you're a
8644s Sparkman you know Gucci get right in in
8647s live space make a play very early Rush
8649s there from izaki sound very also
8651s combined
8652s compiles like these teams are trying to
8653s use those ultimates in conjunction early
8654s and often just to make sure they have
8656s the durability to back the haste buff up
8658s I'm sure gonna try for one of their own
8660s but super rich is busy sipping his King
8662s and spawn no chance to build up the
8664s barrier yet
8666s oh yeah usually the Primal Rage who's
8668s trying to make a play for Legion he
8670s actually ends up getting his Yaki as I
8672s believe he teleports right to him and
8673s he's gonna get lift and through the
8675s Primal blade that's why they call it
8676s that somehow I'm gonna find an
8678s inordinate number of kills from an
8679s ability in OverWatch 2 that really easy
8681s for disruption and sowing Discord among
8684s ranks good way though incredible
8686s juggling prowess displayed and the spark
8689s are going to get back in they give up a
8690s lot of percentage in order to do this
8691s time
8694s still like even even though they flipped
8696s the point you're gonna see more players
8697s come in here for the dragons because you
8699s have the reaper you have both supports
8701s and it's just usually on the point right
8702s now try making the play here overclock
8704s used dragons pulling their heads back
8706s inside do not want to expose themselves
8709s to this but then it has no choice try
8711s around the corner puts one right between
8712s the eyes and now fate really wants to
8714s destroy by some time he's the arc Into
8716s The High Ground here lips able to find
8718s shy so the sojourn threat is down but
8720s the dragons a little on demand in order
8722s to have a full takeover of the point and
8724s izaki doesn't have Swift step for now
8725s he'll play safe around the corner he's
8727s very limited options about where to go
8730s now his uh fate just stays within now
8733s his range gives him an exit there as
8736s Shanghai they'll have both support all
8738s tier Mitch in their death Blossom I
8740s think this is this is their opportunity
8741s to flip the point back okay you're gonna
8743s get pretty close to tying this game up
8744s this is far let's see if Shanghai have
8747s that same bloodthirst is the uh Spitfire
8749s dear looks like yes they are gonna leave
8751s with both those support ultimates here
8752s Alpha ye staved off very quickly the
8755s spark might just opt to give this up
8756s here especially losing Goose right now
8758s hard to stall to point out like this
8760s when so many support ultimates come into
8761s play
8763s yeah they they have to it was a nice
8765s attempt there from the spark they
8766s actually have Gucci jumped down and put
8768s a bubble right on top of Alfie as he's
8770s trying to use that death Blossom inside
8772s of the casino rush but uh no nothing
8774s home there uh not able to connect with
8776s anything and also a really nice play
8778s from Legion with that my whole exploding
8780s players I'm still able to connect with
8782s everybody with the sound barrier they're
8783s trying to start the fight off for the
8784s dragons terms here but he gets this
8786s clobbered by shy Primal Rage there from
8788s gushway again gonna make it hard yet
8790s again it finds another kill lead Gone
8792s Going Down the dragons get to 99 though
8795s hamster I want to hold on to what they
8797s have left is they're in a win position
8798s here
8799s now they're back at 64 and Counting for
8801s them the long road to Hope
8805s Gucci blind ends up with that pressure
8807s and take out the ziaki but didn't want
8809s to go right into the reaper and still
8810s able to take them out and get out with
8811s his life as he's pushing on forward
8814s spark getting aggressive and this is
8816s what I feel like they can really excel
8817s at against this Dragon taking the fight
8819s to the dragons make the dragons be
8821s reactionary not gonna take fights on
8823s their terms I think that's where the
8824s spark can see success puncture support
8826s ultimates are out of phase though it's
8828s either beat or Kitsune rush and never
8830s both of them in this game so far I went
8832s to Super Rich dying early in their first
8833s fight
8835s okay sounds good start to last fight he
8838s dies in on link and his already gonna be
8840s felt if I didn't stop the shot let him
8842s carry little value from the dead Blossom
8843s sound barrier owing to that in a big
8845s wave and hang show just happened to have
8847s that come up at the right time they're
8849s in charge now and their dragons are
8851s gonna be forced back Shanghai again the
8854s way the plane these fights him out right
8856s using both their support odds at the
8857s same time in theory I guess less
8859s opportunities to to have these explosive
8861s team fights with extra durability or
8863s haste
8866s so what you also saw there in that first
8868s round like think about think about every
8870s time you saw Goose might use like the
8872s Primal Rage right like it's kind of been
8874s a thing historically in OverWatch where
8876s he's been so good with that Winston
8877s ultimate uh I I can think of like at
8880s least four kills he got during you know
8882s that first round with that Winston
8884s ultimate which is usually used to just
8885s kind of stall where and nothing really
8887s on the on the Shanghai side where I
8890s think that's gonna be really difficult
8892s for them to deal with I hear
8895s and again to what the gray is like super
8898s Rich's shots from downrange the Cheerios
8900s helping out in a killer it just looks
8902s like Goose way in the highlight of lit
8904s so quickly
8906s couldn't ask for a better pick off there
8907s and a great way to start the fight
8908s really high arcing jump there as well to
8910s give the rest of his team time to get
8911s positioned
8913s beautiful opener Master Winston play
8915s here from gooseway
8918s now for yi he gets really low so that's
8920s why they have to back up and now the die
8922s is going to come in from the dragons
8925s Peru at range here
8927s trying to play safe if you possibly can
8930s down the pit goes Goose Ray will be able
8932s to join the rest of his team in just a
8933s moment here a little bit in disarray on
8935s the spark they try and group up in the
8937s right side runekey but the dragons are
8938s posturing further forward they see
8940s Terror but they can't get to him and
8941s that buys enough Time Charlie's able to
8943s take fate down now again the initiator
8945s is off the table for the dragons
8948s uh and I really like the way this work
8950s played that they move into that room and
8952s you don't want to actually just send the
8954s wings in to kill kind of head on into
8956s the reaper uh and you're just kind of
8958s stuck in no man's land right fader's
8960s just kind of like stuck in the middle of
8961s nowhere on the point
8963s doesn't want to go in can't really kind
8964s of stay there not even you know making
8966s an attempt to actually get the point for
8968s Shanghai to start puts him in a really
8970s tough spot it's gonna rush to the point
8971s here for the dragons but with they play
8973s the points they step out of that
8975s they'll be able to play on the point
8977s with this ultimate plentiful's back
8979s there right walks away and the door
8981s shutting his face terribly disrupt the
8983s shot
8984s drops down he'll pack may not be enough
8986s to keep him up but the sound barrier
8988s sure will good timing from Super Rich
8990s here as the dragons still struggling to
8992s find purchase on the point finally flip
8994s it in their name
8996s and they backed off of it there for the
8997s spot I actually thought they could have
8999s used that sound barrier and really sort
9000s of Juggle the point uh where maybe you
9003s haven't just jump back he's going to use
9005s the Primal Rage their player down going
9007s for the kills here everybody's so low
9009s though they're gonna slip away and
9010s somehow gooseway comes up with two he is
9012s so good bro Luigi gone gets lit limp
9015s from limp his extremity huge as a club
9017s now his view Toy looks to follow up on
9019s that one
9020s scary display Pancho flipped the point
9023s back usually gets out alive because of
9025s course dude here we go here's Winston
9027s his Winston is just Next Level man like
9030s you know me now in a bit but it's still
9034s he just has such a Mastery over that
9036s Primal Rage now that allows him to flip
9039s the point way after a lot used by both
9041s teams well the clocks from both sides
9042s here both soldiers trying to peer in for
9045s those picks and super riches down first
9046s punctual control the point even the mind
9048s of the line I'll put his death Blossom
9050s if they can get him in position for it
9052s flip again very slippery hard to catch
9054s and that zuzu's a second too late from
9056s teruv
9063s shy is he's just gonna exist him for a
9066s little bit but this is also like this
9068s should have been percentage in theory
9070s right Mitch should have already been
9071s just going over to Shanghai right like
9073s spark had about like 50 or something
9075s like usually able to use that Primal
9077s flip it gives him about an extra like 15
9079s or maybe a little bit more
9082s it it could be big later in the game
9084s right just having that extra time
9085s already banged for the spark
9088s Shanghai back to the point here
9091s perhaps want to try and play around
9092s kiriko ultimate on the point itself
9096s pleasantries exchange by the rivers here
9098s forced to get away here comes both into
9101s their rushes into a mouse from a Madness
9103s and out for you he explodes forward
9106s reminds me of the Beyblade days of old
9109s lays way to the dragons
9112s and I think Lee Jacob was going for the
9113s sound barrier there and I'm not I'm not
9115s sure he got it off
9116s look at this replay here yeah tries to
9120s beat her again not able to get it off
9122s that he's huge there from Alfie there's
9124s just no saving anybody on your team when
9127s you have that hasted Reaper multi and
9129s the spark now have their own sound
9131s barrier and they're gonna end up with a
9132s Primal Rage out of this they could steal
9134s Mach 1. Super Rich here trying to make
9135s sure we can get a good barrier doesn't
9137s have to worry about the Shield breaking
9139s it up now here it is beat is thrown down
9141s the spot gonna go forward at 97 of the
9143s Dragon clock and have a chance to get
9144s test here dead Blossom from flatter it
9146s gets the kill on shy at the very least
9148s here and over time it's been secured
9150s usually can't quite break through the
9152s reaper here so he turns back toward fade
9155s away from the point it's gonna be four
9156s players for now for the hunger's five
9157s trying to hold on faith being popped up
9159s here and someone being forced out from
9161s the side Terror able to get away but
9163s gushway gets caught amongst the massive
9164s Shanghai dragons clutching had a chance
9167s to stay alive in his first map they
9169s flipped the point and they're gonna come
9170s out on top in this fight what a crucial
9172s one to win here for the dragons
9178s he overextends the spark though not in a
9182s position to capitalize all that quickly
9184s they'll try and be fast about this if
9185s they can oh they're gonna try I mean
9187s you're gonna use overclock and try and
9189s get right in there the dragons
9191s have a consumer Rush available here
9193s overclock probably could be around and
9196s fight very very low to your Force back
9198s here's the kiriko ultimate and lit goes
9200s forward now where are the targets oh for
9202s you oh my gosh you can't be serious the
9206s dragons are ready to contest that and
9209s Terror and shy both are correct the
9212s dragons at the end of the round are
9214s unable to touch the point that's Charlie
9216s neither
9218s and look I would not have picked the
9220s spark to win this series I think
9221s Shanghai uh with what they displayed
9223s over the course of the whole season but
9224s I think you kind of see what I was
9226s laying out at the beginning of the
9228s series where you get Goose Ray on the
9230s Winston with shy on the sojourn and
9232s Alfie playing this Reaper just in the
9234s mix you put players on some of their
9235s best heroes and they can really set the
9237s pace against this Shanghai team and
9240s they're dangerous man the spark steel
9241s map one
9243s scary stuff we knew this would be the
9245s type of show their best work with
9248s gooseway at the helm they look
9249s Unstoppable so far Shanghai need to
9252s double down and find a way to answer the
9254s big Burly Simeon threat that currently
9257s looms over them
9259s [Music]
9262s foreign
9268s [Music]
9302s foreign
9303s [Music]
9321s [Music]
9359s foreign
9363s [Music]
9377s [Music]
9395s [Music]
9399s foreign
9401s [Music]
9433s foreign
9434s [Music]
9446s [Music]
9460s foreign
9461s [Music]
9493s is fighting four members in that fight
9496s shy is a one-man Army finds fifth blade
9500s pulled out immediately finds profit
9502s finds Smurf architect huge picking up
9504s more elimination with the blade itself
9506s managers go in he comes up with two
9507s quick kills his Yaki and lip both
9509s falling gets a third for the Hangzhou
9511s spark they can absolutely contend with
9513s the best the best
9520s that there's can be no doubt about it
9523s man's got hands 10 final blows three
9526s deaths in that first map leaving his
9528s team in a metric that you rarely see
9531s Winston players leading at times maybe
9533s you'll see him you'll be very much a key
9534s part of fights but I'd love to know how
9537s many of those kills came from Primal
9538s Rage I'd say almost half of them
9540s stunning work yeah again from Goose way
9543s here
9544s I look at the look at the dragons right
9545s incredible players season veterans
9547s Fate's not that guy he is not that
9550s high-flying player that takes Winston's
9552s skill expression necessarily to another
9554s level that's not been his role stopping
9555s his job it's not been what's expected of
9557s him the spark just have that to fall
9559s back on here and what a great opening
9561s here in this series Shanghai down a map
9564s already
9566s yeah and there's Shanghai uh for their
9569s map selection will I end up taking us to
9571s Kings Row and does that change anything
9573s we see in terms of the meta I I I'm
9576s gonna kind of go and say I I believe it
9578s does it I think we're gonna kind of see
9580s this mirror match up uh unfold over the
9584s course of a lot of the maps throughout
9585s the entire weekend maybe quite frankly
9587s all of them uh but king throw definitely
9590s a staple a just kind of like home field
9593s for just about every team in the league
9594s at this point
9596s it's been in the game for a long time
9598s definitely one of the most iconic Maps I
9601s will say one that we don't always see in
9603s matters that have more options maybe for
9606s tank play don't receive Winston be the
9608s go-to here but again it's Defenders you
9610s have natural high ground advantage that
9611s you can use to your advantage and this
9613s attackers you can absolutely use Winston
9615s to try and gain control that high ground
9616s and transition into it so not out of the
9619s question that we see that again here and
9621s you have to feel like the Spiker favored
9623s in any situation they can bring for
9625s Simeon scientists into the fold
9627s I would just believe that if you were
9629s going to see some different things you
9630s probably would have saw some adjustments
9632s in terms of the lineups right like if
9635s you were going to see some type of like
9636s uh Sigma play or you know this is Arya
9639s play from Shanghai uh you probably would
9642s have solved
9643s uh you know the same on the other side
9645s for I know hunger like for an arm but I
9648s I think with the way these rosters are
9650s constructed and with no subs going into
9652s this game I think you're gonna see more
9653s of the same where the Winston can still
9654s uh you know he can kind of control The
9657s High Ground but he can at least threaten
9659s right and kind of like position for it
9662s tough to defend with Winston comps in
9664s general I think it's something we
9665s observed even in the previous Series
9667s where the spit Firework the better team
9669s by at least half of for almost the
9671s entire series and even at times they
9673s find themselves you know trying to
9674s engage his Defenders and getting blown
9676s up pretty quickly so there's always that
9678s level of lethality there you know at
9680s defending Winston has to be very aware
9682s of when he tries to drop into a
9684s composition that is shuffling a Reaper
9686s at them at speed Terry here yes uh
9689s pardon okay might have had to sue to
9692s himself there might be able to Swift
9694s step away
9695s interesting little opener there is both
9697s Jericho's using the wall climb to get
9699s info and poke a little
9702s you know also can get out of Harm's Way
9704s with that Swift step right
9706s TP right out oh and that's gonna be
9709s shy getting that first kill getting a
9711s better lip there they're just trying to
9712s march on in and you know this is where
9714s gushway can do his thing get aggressive
9717s and again first kill for Defenders here
9719s they can drag this out Matt they can
9721s make it hurt for the dragons who've
9723s almost lost them entire minute already
9724s passed in a Flash
9727s I'd say as well I think this is really
9730s good that the the Sparks start things
9731s off on the day here right because you
9733s take that map number one you know any
9736s team right regardless of how confident
9738s they are like a little bit of Doubt will
9739s free them snap like that
9743s lip is so low already terrible it's
9746s actually sexy he's gonna steal this yeah
9747s you're in a good spot Terry I think says
9751s he's playing with house money because of
9752s the he's the ability to switch stuff
9754s away right he finds like a couple
9756s headshot connections there at least puts
9757s like a man he'll press it down on the
9759s dragons early that puts his team in a
9761s significant advantage and the risk he's
9763s in back right for you right it is back
9765s to the rest of his team rejoin them
9766s before the fight begins in earners
9784s for both sides on the point here sound
9787s barrier is though being held in reserve
9788s for the Times League
9790s no blood drawn yet in this fight shy
9793s holding of course
9794s this has to feel like this famous hunger
9796s now they can force the dragons to play
9798s out of this choke the fatty goes for
9800s Legion sound barrier here but what do
9801s they get as a result of that extra
9803s durability Matthew
9805s the hard might not be anything as a
9808s Gucci trying to make a player I believe
9810s this is yaki up The High Ground they
9812s know flood is still back here as well so
9813s you have two more players still split
9816s off here
9821s he's just in the middle of nowhere
9825s coming into this game you really have to
9826s reassess your expectations I think for
9828s how this match plays out now you've seen
9830s what we've seen Shanghai are down to
9833s less than half of their time to attack
9834s with Kia they do have Primal race but
9836s they've lost lip again at the start of
9837s the fight lip open the series with this
9840s absolutely hair brain assault on shine
9842s just running into him getting the head
9843s shot but now it's all been about shy and
9846s that sound barrier really they might not
9848s even have been necessary
9851s I think you would have wanted that sound
9853s barrier for this next fight or just the
9855s threat of it holding it coming up right
9857s I know overclock death Blossom final uh
9861s you're not gonna have anything there to
9863s hold on but I tell you what I mean this
9865s is about as good of a start to the
9866s series as you could have asked for if
9868s you're a Hangzhou Sparkman daryu
9871s heading back to the rest of his team
9872s after his initial forays once more
9874s probing for weakness it's great wolf
9876s used here and yeah there's that Primal
9877s Rage making it possible for shy to get
9879s away so fate gets one on the board there
9881s Shanghai had the ultimate advantage to
9884s work with him looks like the spark may
9885s not be in a great spot to get use of it
9887s right now that is that consumer Rush of
9889s course they haven't been on the point
9891s the entire time are you going to be able
9892s to come back and challenge us again if
9893s you're the score it looks like you're
9895s actually yeah it looks like where was
9898s that go where'd that come from
9899s he was like in the choke and then tped
9902s out that's insane what kind of good
9904s start for the dragons here here come you
9906s can tuna rushes
9910s wants to push forward that death Blossom
9912s is devastating out of these conditions
9914s all too easy for the dragons to finally
9916s pick the spark apart but prior to that
9919s it was anything but
9921s yeah and I mean the kill on the shy
9923s there from mizaki is massive I believe
9925s he just kind of like pushes us forward
9927s and actually is able to take him out
9929s with a headshot and then TP out uh but I
9931s think Super Rich using that sound
9932s barrier like imagine that sound barrier
9934s there that's a much closer fight
9950s value because Winston bubbles really
9953s make it hard for you to do that you just
9954s you're better off just healing for most
9955s of the time for this initial probing try
9958s all this like I think in the fights just
9960s sort of throwing knives seems to find
9962s some uh pretty impressive purchase from
9964s this kiriko players
9967s that was sound barrier used by Shanghai
9969s to try and keep everybody alive there as
9971s they were putting pressure right before
9972s Point hungry and usually ends up using
9974s the Primal and he ends up taking out
9976s league on there towards the end so he'll
9978s take that train any day I think if
9979s you're the spark live trying to slip
9981s away there is he hears the overclock
9982s from his number
9984s shy he's from the shot here a lot of
9987s people have to play inside that one I
9989s mean Rock meet hard place
9992s right looks like a disruptor shot just
9994s on one side of the doorway a death
9996s blossoming Reaper on the other side uh
9999s no options to survive there if you're
10002s the Shanghai Dragon so
10004s and and they don't when they push up
10007s they're trying to like get a lot more
10008s cart progress than this they don't even
10010s really make it clear around that first
10011s Corner remaining not a great spot for
10014s the dragons to be in
10016s they've had their successes at times
10018s here right you're capping the point and
10019s then that sort of next fight a good open
10021s it from lip he's been pretty quiet
10022s outside of that so far match so this is
10024s absolutely necessary shy is having a
10026s Trader backed on they've lost Lee take
10027s on where's that if it's just gonna come
10029s from now no speed boost available for
10031s the dragons they're trying to peer in
10032s and find just picks here live gotta be
10034s topped up as he's getting good under
10036s extreme scrutiny by gooseway there but
10038s fake deals for super rich and shy deep
10040s in the enemy backlines great peel great
10042s awareness from face there to salvage the
10044s fight for the dragons
10047s it's a lip even without the overclock
10049s comes up with three there
10051s some massive plays from lip is Shanghai
10055s going to get really close to taking this
10056s to Second checkpoint we're probably
10058s gonna end up in OT a Super Rich has to
10061s sound barrier which is going to be the
10063s main difference going into this fight
10064s yeah and Primal too
10067s can he find an openly at the start of
10069s the fight
10070s looks less than likely here but the rush
10072s is gonna charge the dragons 40 and try
10075s and close the gap take the space away
10076s from people like shy primer rage they're
10078s coming out from both sides Distributing
10080s these spark plays bit more sparsely
10082s across the card but fate is low one
10084s healthy needs to get away it's gonna
10085s take a while to pop him up is a Yaki
10087s going to work with those administrations
10088s but he's only at half Health as he tries
10090s to contest here death Blossom for
10092s flatter is going to be huge he needs to
10093s find a way to get in here but they've
10095s already last fight this is gonna be
10096s enough sound barrier there for the
10098s dragons and Splitters at least able to
10099s find Super Rich here out Mickey Clinging
10101s On he's able to find another splatter
10103s and Terror he's able to slip away at the
10105s last moment but flat anywhere he turn up
10107s shotgun to the back of the head and now
10109s alfiggy has to try and stand and trade
10110s blows with flutter it's about buying
10112s some time here but in overtime the
10114s dragons will scrape in the last phase of
10116s the map
10117s uh and that is why you love watching the
10120s Shanghai dragons play and you love their
10123s chances in a long playoff like this I
10126s mean just to to contest the payload and
10129s wait out the sound barrier they're used
10131s by the spark I mean just perfect the way
10133s they just kind of juggled it between so
10135s the responsibility the Lucio the Winston
10137s The Reaper and then just building up
10139s towards their own sound barrier and able
10141s to take it that's another shot there
10143s from lip to open things up not even the
10145s slightest twitch from humerus he sets
10147s off that railgun smooth like butter from
10150s lips
10151s and now the spark will be stuck back
10152s inside their spawn this is a lot of
10154s ground to be gained by the dragons who
10156s still have some time to work with here
10158s and another overclock for lip Kung Fu
10161s need shy to make a retort here in some
10163s way shape or form
10165s big time I mean we've seen just lipco
10167s unanswered here is that's going to be
10169s shy popping his overclock as well lift
10172s his deep Behind Enemy Alliance he
10173s disrupt the shot
10175s Sidelines though and in the meantime
10177s flutter gets picked off by shy gets
10180s through their rush now for the hung
10181s showing spark and a sound barrier that
10182s they'll surely hold in reserve there'll
10184s be one fight left for the Shanghai
10185s dragons here they're gonna have to hope
10187s they can build a sound barrier going
10189s into it
10191s I I look I think they're going to be
10193s able to do so but are they even gonna be
10195s able to make it back 10 seconds left
10196s here and Gucci's gonna have Primal Nice
10198s disruptor Shot just slows down Fate and
10200s takes some of his health away five
10201s seconds left it's a long way to get back
10203s to the car look how far forward Matt the
10205s spark have been able to push and they're
10206s trying to make sure the dragons can't
10208s slip through no chance for Shanghai to
10210s get back to the cart Hangzhou astutely
10212s moving the battle line up making it so
10214s hard to slip through
10217s I really like the decision by the spark
10220s they push up they realize
10222s now how much time is left on the clock
10225s now I think it's up let us switch over
10227s to the Sombra there just to probably go
10228s in this try and get a touch but you know
10230s disrupt the shot winstein right a lot to
10233s I know uncloak the Sombra
10235s stopper stop the summer from getting
10238s towards the payload and the Primal there
10240s to use as well gets popped at the end uh
10243s pretty good defense here from the spark
10244s honestly with how things are going at
10246s the start you almost are probably pretty
10247s happy with that as the dragons right
10249s because it was not looking good for a
10251s very long time I mean you're getting
10252s spawn Camp uh you know for a few minutes
10255s there on your offense yeah look I think
10258s they Salvage a potentially devastating
10260s situation to something that they can
10262s work with right they can start to cycle
10264s some of their ultimates effectively on
10265s defense and make sure that you know keep
10267s fight topped up as he will try and dip
10269s in contest the points here
10271s then they might be okay and there's a
10273s lot to fear from the hunk show side of
10275s things right Goose way is just such an
10276s expert at identifying uh you know ways
10279s to get into the fight while still giving
10280s himself enough breathing room to back up
10282s get healed up
10283s kiriko needs to be relatively close to
10285s her I intended target of healing because
10287s it was travel time right and obviously
10289s her healing can be obstructed so there's
10292s always a risk there at the taru of
10293s trying to stay close to the diving Goose
10295s where you put yourself In Harm's Way we
10297s saw Terror as well start the last round
10299s Matt try and go for some pokes here
10300s we'll see if he tries to use that wall
10301s climb again to open things up
10304s really aggressive play from Teru uh on
10308s the curry go so see if it's matched by
10310s iziyaki is yaki seems to be playing way
10312s safer around the rest of the team bright
10314s damage with crucial by the dragons here
10316s they do top him up though
10318s both teams take a quick breather now but
10320s ground has been gained in left by the
10322s spark now to play around the statue and
10324s closely in the hotel live sideline now
10326s is very narrow who's trying able to play
10328s quite closely here but it's still going
10330s to be staved off once more fate
10331s reasserts his position on the ball tarun
10334s he just Dives in this Yaki full spell of
10337s a kunai to the head taru I think use
10339s Gucci to dive into that just where he
10341s was yeah the guy is absolutely unhinged
10345s he is deep and and what does he do he
10348s starts like fighting and battling a
10350s little bit he uses the the Susie for
10352s even more involved on himself uh and
10354s then get to kill him just tb's on out
10357s that's despicable stuff way different
10359s yeah I mean way different use of the
10362s hero right uh then you're gonna see like
10364s iziaki potentially uh playing against
10366s but very effective it looks like thus
10368s far your biggest issue is with your with
10370s your kunai I travel time and damage
10371s warlock you can answer both of those by
10373s closing the gap
10375s Peru previously prolific Genji main
10378s player also a lot of flex support in
10381s this background never forget his 5K 6K
10383s bracket blade I think we saw starting to
10385s Great open and they look at this the
10386s dragons are unseasoned so easily here
10389s they look uncomfortable in dealing with
10391s the thrusts here from the spark
10393s ing
10395s Terror was able to get sneaky right
10397s around those Corners uh you know their
10399s headshot puts anybody here basically one
10401s shot range right uh outside of probably
10404s the team uh and the rest of the team can
10407s just kind of like dive in if if Shanghai
10409s commits on the terryuks and uses like
10411s their abilities to do so he just TPS on
10413s out a lot of road work Happening Here
10415s fight though takes the fast lane into
10418s Shai's domain over to clean them up
10419s pretty comfortably here and flat a will
10422s end the fight
10424s again I think you know in in total
10427s kiriko and Lucio have pretty similar
10429s output across the course of a map right
10430s Izzy Arc actually is less damage than
10432s Lee Jacob for example
10434s um but your damages kirikou can quite
10436s often come in these bursts right uh you
10438s obviously have higher burst damage
10439s potential that sort of pseudo wins to
10441s kill potential getting out close to the
10443s knife sometimes you're still fine these
10445s these kills all key headshots are like a
10447s close Winston that skewed the tank fight
10450s heavily in your favor
10454s kind of hell like the sojourn railgun
10457s shots right here so impactful hitting
10459s them at range whether or not still or
10460s not I mean look how low fake gets there
10462s that shy doesn't even wait for that
10464s second round shot to charge on
10465s completely from his overclock he knows
10467s he has quite dead to rise comes in with
10469s a hit shot instantly again as Tanki as
10472s Winston is all these defenses get laid
10474s pretty bare once he eats a face full of
10476s these rail shots and the sparkle while
10478s on the way here to another checkpoint
10479s there's a sound barrier for both teams
10481s here sooner Rush not on the table so
10483s bear that in mind it's gonna be pretty
10484s similar old profiles outside of Fate
10486s having the Primal Rage
10490s Sound area from both sides and let it
10492s goes in actually thought about maybe
10493s using his own death Blossom but that's
10495s gonna be Alpha he already using his
10496s possibly he was waiting at the sound
10498s barrier a little bit there is pretty
10499s preemptive from out for you to dive in
10501s with that Reaper ultimate so I'm gonna
10503s find one kill at least deceased in the
10505s in the elimination of one player there
10507s but a lot of that damage went into that
10509s overhealth
10513s so they have to be a little bit careful
10515s you see like uh they thought maybe like
10517s taru could actually have like played for
10519s maybe a sneaky kind of rapper payload
10522s there yep uh because he gets TP right on
10525s out if uh you know he gets in trouble
10526s where and he'll have that consumer Rush
10529s from the hondro spark so this could be
10531s an opportunity where you know face up on
10533s The High Ground you get get a good
10535s Alleyway here with your Reaper and
10536s making him fight poop fight now has to
10538s go back to his back line and maybe
10539s instead feel he gets redirected and the
10542s sparkle ready for this that whole time
10544s it looked like alphagy gone because he
10546s shot on The High Ground he actually did
10547s nine feet away from Plankton that
10549s balcony entirely just by walking up on
10551s him and then he dropped down great way
10553s to open the fight and the dragons didn't
10555s have kiriko ultimate up they were in a
10557s distinct disadvantage
10559s and I love the route that Alfie takes
10561s like you mentioned right they they
10562s rushed down that staircase and like in
10565s that Alleyway and Alpha e actually comes
10566s from the opposite side so he gets the
10568s effects from it on the opposite side but
10570s there's so much happening that like in
10572s front of the Shanghai dragons it makes
10573s it pretty difficult to like turn and
10575s focus now on the reaper who's like the
10577s real benefit of that like how we heard
10579s backbone talk about in that interview
10580s and focus him down which allows Alfie to
10583s just you know do his thing for free so
10584s if later realizing he needs to consider
10586s do it out but he does Ryan assert
10587s himself in maintaining that defensive
10589s High Ground position Super Rich gets
10592s tough short mirrors lip sees him
10594s skittering by and meets him with a
10595s headshot alphagy now is just I'm not
10598s sure what's going on there just trying
10599s to make sure he gets eliminated as
10600s quickly as possible Terry will follow
10602s soon after
10605s look man Shanghai looks awesome and
10606s looks able to get like four kills in a
10608s fight
10609s I know outside of those it's it's been
10611s pretty tough uh to get anything going is
10614s you're gonna have sound barriers for
10616s both teams so it's gonna be a death
10618s Blossom available uh but limp stops the
10622s push and stops everything going on for
10623s the spark before they could even get
10625s something going there with that railgun
10627s shot he and shy really evenly matched
10629s here Matthew both have 11 charge shot
10631s kills uh shy 57 lived 61 charge shot
10635s accuracy they are already recording
10636s right now
10638s and honestly uh like how I talk about at
10641s the beginning of the series like a path
10642s to victory for the spark I talked about
10644s that even match-up uh I think if they're
10647s even that is a win for the smokes
10649s they've got so many other secret weapons
10650s to rely on like this one here death
10652s Blossom from Fletcher sound Barry was
10654s there though again timing not favoring
10656s the dragons both teams go for those
10658s Lucio ultimates and now with these
10659s katuna rushes out of face for one
10661s another we'll have a team use them to
10663s steamroll the other in many of these
10665s fights this one is hangzhos and they'll
10667s hold on to the death Blossom going into
10669s the next one that card one fight away
10671s from the end of the map
10673s and you're gonna be forced to fight on
10675s the goal right with where the payload is
10678s what is that lift just comes out of the
10679s spawn that's a poop knocks healthy up
10681s and then a shot with the railgun yeah if
10684s the one-man band right now instantly
10686s cuts the threat from hungjo down in half
10689s the start of that fight
10691s so much I could do except tread water
10693s and kind of wait for their fights to be
10694s met tarot again nice little pick but
10696s doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of
10697s things hunk shows time starting to run
10699s short
10700s yeah it's starting to get into a
10703s dangerous territory here right where you
10705s know isiaki has I know the casino rush
10708s and then Fate has a primal uh I think if
10711s you're hung Joe you're looking at maybe
10712s just trying to get a really fast fight
10713s get some of those ultimates out of the
10715s shots throw to his position so his
10717s Sidelines aren't great at the moment
10718s he's caught in the middle this fight
10719s still he finds lip Howe so much pressure
10722s coming from fate and yet Shy's able to
10724s draw a beat on his opposite number what
10726s a huge way to win the fight without just
10727s smashing kill with your kiriko ultimate
10729s and now Alpha he wants to make this even
10731s worse waiting for his death not some
10733s opportunity now and he gets him uziaki
10735s goes down
10739s the pedal stays off the gas right now
10742s tries to float around that Winston
10744s bubble in the middle of the fight but
10745s this is it this is John the hung show
10747s spark get it done taking this second lap
10750s in this series
10751s in in when I was trying to lay out that
10754s path to victory for the spark at the
10756s beginning of the series nope shy and lip
10759s basically has to be a neutral battle
10761s which we're seeing here and you know you
10763s have to get that you know big time
10765s playmaking from now Alfie and gushway
10767s are seeing it as well from Teru and
10770s Shanghai doesn't have an answer for that
10772s type of pace and you know the aggression
10773s that's coming out from the spark so
10775s spark jump up 2-0 Jai comes alive in
10777s those final moments there ends I win 18
10779s final blows it is a Titanic clash
10782s between Soldier and players and Hangzhou
10785s win it out again it's a zero two
10787s situation for the dragons they get a lot
10789s to rumor that on but not much time stick
10791s around the third map it's coming right
10793s up
10799s foreign
10804s [Music]
10822s [Music]
10832s [Music]
10839s [Music]
10846s is
10850s not working
10853s [Music]
10856s uh try try unplugging in replugging it
10859s first
10860s better
10863s what does he say
10866s I can't hear you
10869s [Music]
10872s oh yeah
10879s you ready sir yeah man I'm ready are you
10883s scared yeah terrified
10895s [Music]
10904s thank you
10907s please no one respond to Crimson
10909s let's go lighthouse first
10913s get it out of the way
10917s okay
10918s [Music]
10924s good luck guys watch out you're good
10928s um
10933s [Music]
10938s story of a lifetime
10942s about a man's lifetime story
10948s of how to find love
10950s within his lifetime
10953s this year's best-selling novel
10956s listening to the wind
10959s get ready for a Fearless love
10963s London Landon landed in L.A
10967s Blanding every shot
10972s I know I
10976s gotta make a doom guy for Fearless after
10978s this
10983s nice nice guys
10991s [Music]
10995s [Applause]
10996s [Music]
11021s postseason perks are here new community
11023s design of Watch 2 Cosmetics alaskan's
11025s four Heroes including surgeon junker
11027s Queen and kariko and three for three
11029s perks are back three League Home and
11030s Away skins for every three hours watched
11032s connect your Battlenet ID to your
11034s YouTube account and watch the perks pile
11035s up
11041s but missed the kickoff Clash legendary
11043s team mix skins the Seoul Dynasty tiger
11046s skin is on sale now through November
11048s 15th for just 200 League tokens that's
11051s right that's that Luchador Reaper with
11053s that Soul Vibe of course to commemorate
11056s their success from one of those key
11059s tournaments
11060s pretty good looking one actually I do
11061s like the uh I do like the Vibes the gold
11064s neat
11066s big wrestling fan love Luchador Reaver
11069s it's cool look uh hey once this uh once
11073s this patch hits live you may be able to
11075s get some real good use out of that
11076s Luchador Reaper so you may you may be
11079s seeing uh you may be seeing him a ton on
11081s some of these Maps his uh Reaper has
11083s been a steeple thus far Winston uh
11086s sojourn uh kariko and Lucio uh so far
11090s today and in this matchup yup that is
11092s the 12th seeded Hangzhou spark mind you
11095s we have 12 teams in the playoffs uh
11098s really taking it to the fifth seed
11100s Shanghai dragons uh in
11103s in a series where I think if you looked
11105s at the teams obviously the Shanghai
11106s dragons have had the better totality of
11108s the season but with what you saw there
11110s for the first series and what this meta
11112s could be uh you could tell this could be
11115s a very scary series if hongsho kind of
11118s showed up at some of their peaks for
11120s some of these players on these Heroes
11121s and that's exactly what we've seen in
11123s the first two matches this isn't the
11124s first time we've seen this from Hangzhou
11126s it just doesn't happen all the time
11127s right thinking back to mid-season's
11129s Madness I'm sure why I would have
11130s leverage this kind of play really
11132s effectively it was actually a better
11133s game where a lot of otherwise top teams
11136s struggle because it involved a lot of
11138s this sort of more diver into play style
11140s around Winston this is absolutely
11142s tangzhou's natural style something that
11144s fits them very well Goose way from
11146s Primal rages alone run away it's got six
11148s final blows these numbers are completely
11152s uh disproportionate to what you normally
11154s expect Winston be able to do with that
11155s ability we've harved on that a lot
11156s though it's a Route 66 map Pit by the
11158s dragons here
11159s let me tell you what Mitch this is why
11162s it's so important for those you know
11165s seeding weeks and regular season
11167s tournaments to be able to earn those
11168s League points because you know top four
11171s you get a Vibe right you're you're not
11173s in a situation like this if you're the
11176s Shanghai dragons with a new meta going
11179s up against the team who's a very scary
11181s uh no playing some of these Heroes uh
11184s that top four really paying off for some
11186s of those teams to be able to sit and
11187s watch uh and then ultimately end up
11189s picking their opponents yeah no doubt
11190s about it a lot of uh you know
11192s information gathering going on from the
11194s teams waiting in the wings at the moment
11196s I'm sure that you know this definitely
11198s changes uh the calculus in terms of
11201s selection of opponent in a big way
11203s hungry now looking like one of the teams
11205s to beat in this kind of mini game Matt
11208s where's the dragons again like
11210s you know we see a lot of their success
11212s come from different picks in the past
11214s fight a very very strong tank player
11216s who's who's you know whether the
11218s onslaught of so many top uh you know
11220s tank opponents in the past but have we
11222s seen him climb to the same Heights in
11224s specifically the Winston category is is
11226s goose Ray no not necessarily hard for
11228s him to have that same level of impact
11230s and on these team fights
11233s well so we we have seen fate play the
11236s Winston at like a league best level but
11240s in the in the past right
11242s um in OverWatch 2 and like 5v5 I think
11245s Gucci's play style which is like way
11247s more aggressive uh you know pushing the
11250s pace you know deep into the back line
11252s right being a real disrupter probably
11254s plays a little bit better than like
11256s Bates type of play style I know as
11258s obviously the change is five on five and
11260s yeah what not so uh I I think like yes I
11264s think both of the winstons on both teams
11266s are just tremendous I think it's just
11268s like a playstyle uh difference right now
11270s I mean fight's not playing badly at all
11272s he's having an excellent no it's just
11275s his style manifests so differently the
11276s goose ways and Goose way is able to find
11278s these higher highs in in many of these
11280s moments where he just you know think
11282s back to Oasis man where he is a losing
11284s fight it's like a 3v5 or something you
11286s know pretty hard to play into he pops
11288s primer rage and all of a sudden his team
11289s have the point they're back in control
11290s and you go what just happened Primal
11292s just is a completely different ultimate
11294s between the two teams right now right
11295s for Shanghai uh you know it's a it's a
11299s nice to have right like extends fights
11302s you know dislodges people uh for the
11305s spark it's like resulted in like you
11306s know a kill or two right uh or or
11310s leading to some of those kills right
11312s where uh you can think like Gucci kind
11313s of uh pushing Lee Jay gone you know what
11316s happens there no on King's role winter a
11319s really difficult position and he ends up
11321s getting taken out so uh just way
11324s different mechanics I think between
11325s those two players and these two teams
11327s right now
11328s and I think we need to talk about shy
11329s still even though gooseway is definitely
11331s delighted excited us with these
11332s mechanics on that Winston shy in the
11334s head-to-head against lip is winning out
11336s uh if we want to use metrics like final
11338s blows or or accuracy with those charged
11340s shots or kills that come as a result of
11342s those not by much might do both these
11346s days are playing at like you know the
11347s quality League best levels here guys
11349s just a little better when it comes
11351s together
11355s if you could have told the spark at the
11357s beginning of the series Shai is going to
11359s match lift in the sojourn battle you
11361s would have taken that 100 uh like to
11365s have the deaths mentioned live no
11367s potentially you know the best sojourn
11369s player and not just in the in his region
11371s but in the league uh in shine we know he
11374s has those highs
11377s that's a disruptor shot he actually gets
11379s lower than Terry with a headshot
11381s finishes him again it's easy to line
11382s that up the slowing effect of the
11384s disruptor shot means that he can
11386s actually lead his Target a little bit
11387s easier in theory or he does Cactus him
11390s with a with a white with me but either
11391s way that's right but a headshot is uh
11393s still gonna be pretty brutal even sort
11395s of medium range like that but if you
11397s can't if you can't depend on it to be
11399s the difference making here in this
11400s sojourn in battle right where else do
11403s you turn where else do you look on this
11404s Shanghai drag who else steps up and
11406s actually creates a you know a disparity
11408s in role against her opposite number to
11410s help you across the line I mean I I
11412s think you got to look at iziyaki and I
11414s think you got to look at fate being more
11415s impactful trying to get to that high
11417s ground and it'll cause some problems
11419s both kirikou players have had a couple
11421s Peaks showing Kuru is in the back line
11424s for a spell at least quickly returning
11426s to patch coach way up and get him back
11428s in the fight but this way is extremely
11429s low yeah as soon as plenty got close
11431s enough there's just no chance of keeping
11433s that Winston fighting fit
11436s yeah but Shanghai is going to have to
11437s back up so you're probably gonna get no
11439s Gucci back into this fight before the
11442s next one kicks up
11443s I think as well dude there's probably so
11445s much pressure on the dragons right now
11447s right knowing they're the fifth seed
11448s knowing they're going up against our
11450s last seated team you know the 12th seed
11452s at home show spark like on offense right
11454s now you start to like stall out a little
11456s bit and that clock dwindles down already
11457s being down 2-0 so that doubt starts to
11460s creep in two day rush comes up first for
11462s the spark question will be how quickly
11464s they opt to make use of it that's been
11466s answered now shy here trying to do a
11468s fight goes into Primal and he just
11470s juggles shy up so Lyft can pick it off
11472s clay pigeon shooting here for Liberty's
11474s found two back-to-back kills on both DPS
11477s on the side of the spark leaves him
11479s looking a little toothless for the rest
11480s of the fight
11483s yeah and you were I was going to wonder
11485s I was like do you see them maybe try and
11487s fight this like if super rich is able to
11489s get out with his beat and you can get
11491s the Primal on there and get players back
11493s in but no they lose Super Rich they have
11495s to back out so really good offense so
11497s far you're from the Shanghai Dragon
11498s we're pointing out fight might not be
11500s finding kills with the problem
11507s in air for a Time
11510s fight their nabs off that health pack
11512s he's looking pretty good so far as a
11514s facilitator for the dragons after a
11516s little bit of a slow start don't show
11518s sparked to have
11519s run into many of these ultimates pretty
11521s quickly the one thing to worry about is
11522s the dragons can layer these support
11524s ultimates
11527s so low and they're not going to be able
11529s to use the sound barrier to keep them
11530s off that's going to be layering both
11532s supporters on top of each other now it's
11534s terrible for the dragon it's a crucial
11535s stays clear the landing zone for as long
11537s as he possibly can right the heist is
11539s still very scary but without Rinker to
11540s make use of that he'll increase his fire
11542s rate to make him a true tank Buster it's
11545s so hard for the dragons to get good
11547s value out of the Kirito ultimate fight
11548s goes down now and that hurts got it
11551s hurts so bad for the dragons Matthew two
11554s critically important support ultimates
11556s use and you lose the fight hard
11559s I gotta say uh as well great patience
11562s from Super Rich and terrible like Gucci
11565s gets extremely low in there right
11567s outside and they end up being able to
11569s hold on to sound barrier oh and take
11571s some time off it's a beautiful hitch out
11573s there's taru's really uh you know
11576s showing us a new way to play Rico well
11580s if your gold is actually the current way
11581s to play it but I I take the point really
11584s getting aggressive and getting a ton of
11586s value out of that three times headshot
11587s multiplier can't believe you're throwing
11589s shade at your own I'm diving fine thank
11592s you
11592s having to exposed myself on that one
11594s Alfie catches Lee Tech on there though
11596s in the dragons now might be forced to
11598s play from inside that tunnel they don't
11600s have the maneuverability to get
11601s themselves
11612s shy here you're gonna be able to
11614s experience
11616s on there nice uh boobs and back so let
11620s us go into no exit with this light
11622s you're not gonna be able to make
11624s anything really out of this so I think
11625s Shy is going to be back already up on
11627s that High Ground behind
11628s it's uh it's been about two minutes plus
11631s you're stalled out of this door in a
11632s spot from held off to these ultimates
11633s just so long they've not had to use them
11636s Alfie though won't have a chance to use
11638s that death Blossom at all as Midway
11640s through that animation it's not all
11641s invulnerable for the reaper flip is able
11644s to find that kill the shark gets chased
11646s away to your fate more than happy to
11647s probably use Primal just to chase as the
11649s spark did try and sheepishly disengage
11652s Shanghai should have an advantage here
11654s though uh double support alts going into
11657s this fight where the spark just have
11659s primal uh and they have their death boss
11662s like he's behind them
11668s we just told cop site Primal maybe
11670s pretty much for buying time to return I
11674s feel great either way he's not really in
11675s a position to contest directly losing
11677s Terry he means he's just figured about
11679s it just forget about it tough one for
11681s Gucci he really gets caught on the
11682s outside looking in there Matthew
11685s yeah that was just he gets like caught
11688s in the choke uh from the the fight
11690s previously and never ends up making it
11692s back to his team and then also they just
11694s don't even care Shanghai to go back and
11696s challenge it and try and make a play for
11698s him so no that's dangerous you can't
11700s lose anybody here is yeah Shanghai is
11702s starting to get rolling his lips
11703s starting to find these kills it's gonna
11705s be the awareness from Super Rich that
11706s the dragons are trying to push their
11707s advantage here and uh gain some extra
11710s old percentage and also get the car
11711s closer to the corner early on he's just
11714s sort of all climbing on that pillar it's
11716s very easy for limp to pick him up
11717s summoned his color anyway nice to the
11719s redirect there on Fate's dive he's not
11721s in a great spot to make use of it here
11722s in a bit disengage from that consumer
11724s Rush DJ gone fortunately not a thing to
11726s use the sound barrier might want it now
11727s though is his yakis down to the death
11729s blossom
11731s oh there's a flooded teleports gets
11734s right on in and everybody's already gone
11735s so we saw a Carpe go with a little bit
11738s of a predictive death plus and it
11739s doesn't work out that time you see how
11741s it can work out where everybody gets
11743s aggressive but behind the rush there uh
11746s for the dragons and the death Blossom
11748s around Alfie just waiting on the other
11749s side
11751s upside for the dragons here obviously
11753s being able to maintain a sound barrier
11755s for this next engagement
11757s r ing though so I'd like to see the
11760s music proactively
11762s keep quiet where continue Rush can't get
11764s value but the dragons are caught on the
11766s back foot here to spark get the exact
11768s engagement they want where they want it
11771s down please the story of the whole
11774s series right if all these fights have
11776s been you know fought on the Sparks Turf
11778s so to speak where uh or this Sparks
11781s taste actually takes out China at the
11784s end see I tell you what if lift wasn't
11786s having the series he's having which like
11788s is actually this guy would be on the
11789s series even even down two up yeah we'd
11791s be done with this series by now I mean
11793s that's how good live has been on the
11795s soldier just honestly getting these
11796s first picks dragging his team Kicking
11798s and Screaming here into a competitive
11800s showing on this third map of the series
11802s sound very differently Jay gone Goose
11804s race Primal Rage here will tick down and
11806s he won't find much for it the overclock
11808s comes up at an opportune moment for Lyft
11810s to punish Alpha Yee there's a lot of
11812s space look at how they fan out towards
11814s the spawn doors here no one's on the
11815s card one player in the car right now
11817s right so they're able to get it close to
11818s this last cul-de-sac and what do the
11820s spark have left to try him out of
11822s Defense
11823s nothing I mean they're just gonna try
11825s and play for OT at this point let up
11827s with the Death Watch could just get
11829s everybody off of the car Ah that's
11831s pretty big the sojourn Placer Lucio was
11833s enough to get the job done Shanghai they
11836s realize it right I think towards the
11837s start of that last phase hey we've got a
11839s great opportunity to set our battle
11841s lines really far forward far further
11843s than the card is and make use of our
11845s long-range hit scan pressure from
11846s someone like uh lip to get a lot of free
11849s push and make it possible for the Spy to
11851s get fights on their terms there's one
11852s fight right there Matt where you sort of
11854s pointed out the Hangzhou spikes start at
11856s first it's on their Tempo and looks
11858s really good but after that they really
11860s use up a lot of their resources and let
11862s the dragons sneak in a map completion
11863s I'll be in overtime
11866s so now I think that's kind of what the
11869s spark when you see that last part of the
11871s map in the timing on the clock that's
11873s kind of what they're playing for right
11874s is to just do not let Shanghai finish
11876s with any time on the clock uh you know
11879s finishing that OT where now the spark
11883s your kind of goal is like okay if we
11884s finish with any time in the clock we
11886s have a chance to finish this series here
11887s I guess look the fact that it's a pure
11889s escort map means that it doesn't hurt
11891s the dragons that much to finish in
11892s overtime right they'll get an extension
11894s uh regardless
11896s so yeah for them to be in a position
11898s where they can maybe tax hangzhou's
11900s progress to the same degree
11902s then they're uneven
11904s yeah
11908s this is the uh the spark because Kevin's
11910s trying to make one of his classic sneaky
11912s plays and live instantly shuts the door
11914s off
11915s this is where they lost tons of uh time
11918s on defense here where Gucci was just
11920s kind of hanging out Behind Enemy Lines
11921s for a while same with uh Teru for a bit
11925s okay so ha some roadhogs junkrat action
11930s look roadhog you got it between good
11933s against this uh paper calm
11936s um
11938s the last time I saw this was collusion
11940s by the way uh Clayton's on Oasis against
11942s the wrecking ball composition and it
11944s works it worked really well there's no
11946s bionic grenade right about to punish
11948s this this robot amongst other things
11952s you get so wrapped up and trying to like
11954s Focus down the road hog that you realize
11957s like just just kill him last ah but you
11960s already see them switch off a bit as uh
11961s it's a it's a fun part at the start
11964s maybe get a hook get a kill right they
11965s end up getting a hook on a beat but not
11967s the kill after that I think yeah you
11970s gotta switch off of it
11973s Hunter though they do identify that the
11975s dragons play close and play aggressive
11977s early there's taru
11983s a fantastic dive how do poor dragons
11985s players just materialize on Shai's front
11987s doorsteps
11989s in the poor shot you you see everybody
11992s else from the Sparkman like pushed up uh
11995s nobody there to be able to help him out
11997s have you heard the good word of Our Lord
11999s Nation
12003s I mean uh no it's there for the spark
12005s sometimes
12007s sometimes it's not no so they got to be
12011s careful as well like can you go in on
12012s these flanks constantly with the kariko
12014s like because eventually Shanghai is
12015s gonna figure it out right
12017s they can put pressure on the other side
12019s that's gonna happen right huge shot
12021s there there's just a lot of volatility
12023s that is offered to you by having a
12024s sojourn on your side of the map
12026s the Dragonstone In fairness rather
12028s undeterred by this turn of events
12031s well there is no Lucio to disengage
12034s right now uh for the dragons I think if
12036s you're the spark you need to push the
12037s advantage like this is where they cannot
12039s hightail it out of there and get all
12041s healed up but you pretty much conceded
12043s that Advantage this guy would normally
12045s like to catch fight with the head shot
12046s before he touches down there but the
12048s angle was too sharp for him to line up
12050s and he didn't know where fight will be
12051s coming from so if I get the Primal Rage
12053s Dragon are trying to ignore the Winston
12055s as much as possible and try and connect
12056s their headshot but there's just a
12058s churning massive bodies here on the top
12059s of the girl making it very hard to pick
12061s out any individuals okay Sal barriers
12063s now come out from both sides here we've
12065s seen both kids in their rashes so far
12067s Goosebumps Primal raid what does it feel
12069s to put in a spark but doesn't have yield
12071s anything that was
12072s that was flood is that Blossom as well
12074s he doesn't even actually get through the
12076s animation like the animation doesn't
12077s even like start uh if he gets taken out
12080s so his yaki'll get a kill here on the
12082s exit so to speak but this should be the
12084s spark taking this first checkpoint and
12086s they hold on to their death I think an
12088s old Topsy might have revealed a couple
12089s kunai in the cranium of flatter there as
12091s he tried to go for the death loss if he
12093s eats a ton of damage and Terry was
12095s involved in that elimination by the kill
12096s feed so great work to shut down the
12099s reaper and that death Blossom his
12100s flutter was trying to make a late fight
12102s Gambit keep his team in it
12107s disrupting and you get flip off of this
12110s High Ground so good on the sojourn that
12112s like you need to dislodge him from these
12114s types of positions because that's where
12115s he can really start to take over what
12117s would you take the fight somewhere
12118s that's out of outside of his purview
12119s right I think that's what the spider's
12120s hopes to do by fighting over that Mega
12122s room but still a little bit scared about
12124s a week coming up close and just blowing
12126s Goose way up
12129s and also like they're trying to beat
12131s gushway in right like the Swift steps
12133s gone there but if he would have dove in
12135s like the the China's Dash there from the
12137s sojourn with the jump is still in play
12139s where lift would have been able to just
12140s get him down and they did they do he
12142s goes into the saloon I guess an offer of
12144s a cold beverage and companionship this
12145s luring him into Close Quarters where the
12147s dragons just dropped that kiriko
12149s ultimate and run rough shot over the
12151s sponge
12155s at the end
12159s it looks like a little bit of a Chase
12161s but yeah just gonna make it out there
12163s with that wraith form but a little bit
12165s of an advantage here for the spark right
12167s uh CNA rush in death Blossom available
12169s nothing else but I think before you
12172s start to use his ultimates you got to
12173s make sure you gotta get lit's face
12175s because now that death Blossom comes
12176s down he's just gonna hit I mean that is
12178s a stationary character he's just gonna
12179s land a headshot off
12181s there's a sense that the dragons are
12182s starting to get a feel for this matchup
12184s Matthew afield for the tempo the sparker
12186s drumming out
12187s giant just going down at the start of
12189s the fight is very scary but like he
12191s mentioned lift positioning here puts him
12193s in a great spot to spot targets and
12195s they're easy to pick people up
12196s especially shy who want to play away
12198s from the main Peloton of his team
12200s and Shanghai is not going to bother this
12202s right like the the sparkle inside of the
12204s saloon like oh yeah we're over player
12206s let's go in but they know that Alfie has
12207s the death Blossom he's been holding on
12209s here for ages usually trying to dive
12210s here on lit a lot of pressure on Mick
12213s but he's able to find a pocket to work
12214s from Lee Jacob gets kicked off I think
12216s that railgun might have been meant for
12217s Lipton Alfie is going to be able to
12218s follow up at the end of it anyway good
12220s train of The High Ground any chance for
12222s izuyaki to dash away and he'll take it
12224s so he does disappears in a papa sucker
12226s of blossoms and here come the spark
12228s though finally getting back into control
12230s looking a little less lethal though
12232s against the dragon too and now more
12235s acclimated to this pushing pull between
12237s these dive cops
12239s again interesting Alpha Eve will
12240s teleport to towards the uh low ground
12243s there so Gucci has the Primal up on top
12245s so maybe Alpha you can kind of catch one
12248s right as they're gonna try and probably
12249s push for this High Ground
12251s and Alpha you can get a Kill from
12252s underneath
12254s always the top one to fight through slow
12257s you up but the dragon's out to get a
12258s five player sound barrier excuse me for
12260s The High Ground denies it for much of
12262s the Dragons knocking people away with
12264s Primal Italy goes down to shy
12267s it's gonna be another notch in the belt
12268s for the soldiers from the spark and a
12270s key kill to find but fate is able to
12271s double up
12273s and get the trade at the very least but
12274s it's waiting for people to drop down for
12276s a Moment Like This here's your death
12277s Blossom Miss terun can't quite get away
12279s and super Rich's pinned to the woodwork
12281s at the top of the saloon the dragons are
12284s putting it together right now and the
12285s spark are running out of time
12287s as the dragons have seen to figure it
12289s out here on this point B defense and
12292s mixing the the right kind of uh you know
12294s times of aggression with knowing when to
12296s just now fall for some of the traps laid
12298s by the spark is
12299s sparked one last attempt here to get the
12301s payload moving
12303s nine seconds left for this lead take on
12305s and gets a little Court here Fate has
12307s the double back as the numbers starting
12308s to turn against the Shanghai dragons and
12310s they get the touch there's no one in the
12312s vicinity either how did the dragon slow
12314s this down a couple players may be coming
12315s off respawn can slow this up for two on
12317s the card for that time gives it a huge
12319s boost flatter may have to double back
12321s and face the music and by music I mean
12323s the licking tendrils off the Tesla
12325s Cannon Goose way finds but it now wants
12327s to chase him down gives him a tase for
12329s good luck and izuyaki has to Sousa
12331s himself to stay alive with the dragons a
12334s key vulnerability exposed there in the
12336s the spark get her over the line
12339s yeah just like I was uh saving that a
12342s lot where they were like oh yeah you
12343s know they've done a great job you know
12345s knowing when to not fall into some of
12346s the traps as they go in deep there to
12348s try and get the kill and finish off this
12350s map in their favor Shanghai and they end
12353s up having two players drop and then he's
12355s able to make it all the way around
12356s towards that payload now the cart's
12358s still moving try a little low there
12360s suffering some early pressure in this
12362s fight but that card is on the move and
12363s here comes a consumer Rush hit him
12365s powder a little move feet Fox feet
12367s brother and the sparker hustle forward
12370s and now that the people I take on off as
12372s he tries to retreat good use that
12373s ultimate gives him the fight win sound
12375s barrier on the horizon as well if the
12376s spark on a double down here but so far
12378s looks like they're paved the way
12381s yeah and they gotta get close to those
12383s four doors here Mitch you know they
12384s finished in OT the spark trying to
12387s finish with some time on the clock they
12388s have to be pretty much perfect from here
12390s on out no mistakes can be made
12393s that's a mistake so they're huge pick
12395s off awesome how does that one smell
12398s dragons straight up in this small door
12400s there and they are denied any access to
12402s the rest of the map and the card is
12404s gonna get home
12406s oh that is massive so they finish with
12410s that time they'll have a little bit of
12411s an advantage a minute and 16.
12415s still giving themselves a chance to
12418s finish this one off here
12421s you have a little bit more time than the
12423s dragons that's massive
12425s in fan is that 15 seconds Matt that
12428s disappears at the in a puff of smoke
12429s very quickly especially if a defending
12431s team is able to play forward right for
12433s all intents and purposes I'm inclined to
12435s put these two teams on even footing in
12438s terms of
12439s what their aspiration should be in this
12440s overtime
12442s yeah I mean for a second there it didn't
12444s even look like they were going to even
12445s be able to finish the map right uh with
12447s the way the sparkle looking I I think
12449s that extra
12450s the time depending on where this like
12453s offense ends right the dragons like
12456s could be big right like if let's say the
12458s dragons end on like the first corner
12460s like you know that little bit of extra
12462s time is like two spawns right so to
12464s speak so like you know in theory you're
12467s able to take like fights a little bit
12468s faster and maybe have a little bit more
12470s uh no of a chance to like brawl out like
12473s an overtime scenario uh depending on how
12475s far it gets though
12483s [Music]
12490s he's leading his team in those final
12492s blows shy just behind at 14. DPS putting
12495s out numbers here for the spark
12497s especially in that luck the second half
12498s of that previous round so the Dragons
12500s It's not a close defense for the spark
12502s here
12503s this feels like a battle for the
12505s soldiers here in OT with how much time
12507s is on the clock I don't know and kind of
12509s the stakes really a shy versus lit
12512s match-up to sit in this map it's fully
12516s charged but look at this patience you're
12517s waiting on the shot and there it is
12519s enough damage on Terry by the looks of
12521s things to just explode that kiriko and
12523s where's your healing now Hangzhou
12525s happy
12527s and you're if you're the spark what do
12528s you decide to do here you have to
12530s they're gonna back up and probably
12531s decide to take just one final fight
12534s for this checkpoint day as shy comes out
12537s tries to just Farm some damage just be
12538s so careful flip right around the corner
12541s everybody up here damage control for the
12543s spot the second piece here it's very
12545s doable they have to double down and have
12547s a strong showing in this fight though
12548s and that's a great start Olympus already
12551s shot finds the perfect pick
12554s absolutely Mount that one over the
12555s mantle
12557s and the hung Joy spark put the dragons
12559s to bed here setting themselves up for a
12561s win condition by no means a sure thing
12564s but it's definitely possible now
12568s it's it is very possible here for the
12572s spark to win this series I mean a 3-0
12574s over the dragons I think you could have
12576s predicted in the win but 3-0 is a crazy
12579s scenario but I mean what with where the
12581s card is Mitch you're you're a uh
12583s depending on where they decide to play
12585s right like can you afford the play close
12587s up here if you're the Shanghai dragons
12588s like they did like inside of the the
12591s truck I think you probably have to play
12593s the corner I mean that's the question do
12595s you get a second fight if you do that or
12597s it right and if you do play the corner
12599s you may not get a second fight
12600s especially if uh let's say you kind of
12602s have the sojourn take out the Lucio or
12604s the grigo up on The High Ground right so
12606s what do you do there's probably not a
12608s second place
12609s uh I I actually think you probably even
12614s though it's not great probably have to
12617s play the corner I think you can kind of
12620s just play this 50 50 game in the corner
12621s for a little bit and dwindle some of the
12623s clock uh to where let's I think it's
12626s just too risky like we've already seen
12628s these spark right they played the road
12630s hog here at the start they try to get
12632s like a hook and a pick really quick like
12634s you don't know what they're gonna do
12635s right are they gonna play you know are
12636s they gonna Sonic this and then hook like
12638s is there some other types of shenanigans
12640s but Shanghai they're gonna go for this
12642s up close so oh up close even if you lose
12645s this first fight you're going to get a
12647s second one right uh
12649s all right let's take the glancing flow
12652s early you saw the Hellfire knock down to
12654s half who Square wants to be pretty
12656s expedient about this
12658s pressured by Reaper early back to the
12660s safety of The High Ground they can fight
12661s but that's huge the Winston is down
12663s Super Rich having to run him down with
12665s the help of shy it is trying to back
12667s terror is missing but you need the
12669s damage not so much to Healing right now
12671s when you have the advantage in the fight
12672s you want to push it and so the spark do
12674s flat up Susan for a moment is yaki Falls
12677s right in the crosshairs then there's
12679s plenty of time for the spark to have all
12681s five players ready for this next fight
12684s and you're gonna get on top of it girls
12686s you're gonna get control of the gas
12688s station here where players are going to
12690s be walking around this corner right
12691s you're going to have that disrupter shot
12692s up on The High Ground
12695s what could shy do here
12697s or is it going to be lift the brakes
12699s together I'll be so careful Terror
12701s passively as well not going for those
12704s Wild Things nearly so much seeing shy
12706s out of pressure from fate he tops him up
12707s briefly both wins the bubbles used here
12709s plenty of charge for the show during
12711s players and we're sitting here waiting
12712s for an explosive pick that could open
12714s this right up flipping very Casey not
12717s offering much for himself behind the
12718s sign of big girls at all shy Falls to a
12720s little reload there fight redirecting
12722s the media Terror it's Terror to find the
12724s pick on his Yaki the two knives might be
12726s Paving the way but Beethoven to take Shy
12728s down Alfie is in there they've already
12730s got a dead Blossom there's no coming
12732s back from that the Shanghai dragons send
12735s karini into the lower bracket it's a
12737s clean 3-0 for the Hangzhou Spark thank
12740s you
12741s oh and that is like best case scenario
12745s for the spark how they could possibly
12748s look and Ascend to the levels that you
12750s think with the talent on this team
12752s that is like a perfect series from this
12755s team and you see kind of like how
12757s excited they are to end up winning this
12759s one
12760s tip underdogs here against the dragons
12763s and they take it 3-0 I tell you what I
12767s would not want to see this team in the
12768s winner bracket you know without no I I
12771s think like shy you know you probably
12773s favor him against like just about any
12775s other soldier in the league at times
12777s right uh and then Goose Ray on the
12779s Winston I mean especially the way Tara
12782s was playing the kariko right like going
12783s on these flanks and being able to find
12785s these early pick-offs uh that is a
12787s dangerous team in the Hangzhou Squad
12789s dominant showing especially over the
12790s first couple of maps the dragons are an
12793s elite team and they're able to begin to
12796s adapt but it's not quick enough it's too
12798s late and by the time we get down to the
12800s meat and potatoes of Route 66 they get
12803s cut down and Teru impatiently going for
12806s these flanking plays I even outright
12808s stated that he looked like he was
12809s playing more safe more passive at the
12811s start of that last fight I guess I was
12813s wrong it wasn't a a headshot kill right
12816s off that q9 but still an elimination on
12818s the enemy kiriko that's what Terry adds
12821s to your team guy who moonlighted as a
12823s DPS player for quite some time and very
12825s legitimately took games over on his own
12828s on a weaker Vancouver Titans such an
12830s impressive showing for him and a true
12832s weapon at Flex support to be going
12834s forward with
12836s and what about the dragons they they
12839s come in as the fifth seed right top four
12842s overall seeds get a buy uh you know
12845s you're one spot off of not even being in
12847s this match and you end up losing it 3-0
12849s now you go down to you if you're trying
12851s to make it back to the finals here if
12854s you're the Shanghai dragons you
12855s literally have the longest road to get
12858s there uh it is going to be have to be an
12861s epic run back you're right man no more
12864s second chances for our reigning
12865s OverWatch League champions they fight
12867s for survival in the lower bracket from
12869s here on out that's what player of the
12871s match here Matthew it's gonna be the one
12873s the only the Primal plays Goose way much
12876s harder for him to get value out of the
12877s uh you know the Primal uh rage on that
12879s last lap of Route 66 but man where the
12882s map allows for him to Corner players in
12884s rooms like this he's coming out with a
12886s disgusting disorder disproportionate
12889s amount of kills
12890s [Music]
12892s it is so good to see douche on the
12895s Winston man uh you think back to like
12897s OverWatch World Cup you know previous
12899s iterations of the hung 2017. like like
12902s this is this is his thing man like he he
12905s just has the mechanics on Winston uh
12908s nailed down so good that he's able to
12911s come in and take over a series here
12912s against the Shanghai dragons where you
12915s looked at these two teams and you're
12916s like hey like how is fate going to play
12918s this aggressive style of play that it
12920s looks like this meta is dictating and he
12922s was not able to play at that same Pace
12923s with that same level of aggression as
12925s gooshway and Goose were able to come up
12927s look at that Primal Rage kills per 10
12929s minutes I mean three and that is that is
12931s a high number for that ultimate and I
12932s want to remind you something I touched
12934s on at the top of the game who's right
12936s came into this series with the lowest
12938s number of deaths per 10 at 4.3 so he's
12941s coming well in under his average now
12943s it's a different metagame but it's one
12944s that still features Reaper so the fact
12946s that he's able to stay alive as as long
12948s as he does is absurd incredible play for
12952s the spark who now really I mean okay
12954s sure man you get less of alpha Yi maybe
12956s showing a bit more of his hero pull here
12958s right I think if you're consigned to
12959s that Reaper Duty you're definitely
12960s expected to be you know having
12962s consistent output without these sort of
12963s gigantic picks but their team is really
12966s well suited for this meta game the time
12968s is right for the Hangzhou Spike to make
12969s a deep run here Matt I don't want to be
12971s picking them in this upper bracket at
12973s all if I'm the collabs I might be stuck
12975s with them at this stage oh yeah I mean I
12978s I would not want to be picking that team
12979s to go up against because
12982s they're they're so dangerous because of
12984s the individual skill that each of those
12986s players has and you know obviously you
12988s see when the teamwork kind of comes
12990s together and you know they hit some of
12992s their highest up high it's like how
12994s scary they can be I'll also say like if
12997s you're the dragons like what what is the
12999s Outlook now I mean you end up losing 3-0
13002s to the 12th seed although they don't
13004s look like a 12 seed in this kind of
13005s version The Meta and now you're down
13007s there having to battle through all of
13009s those teams through the rest of the week
13011s uh you put yourself in such a terrible
13014s scenario here you said it yourself what
13016s does this team look like if lip isn't
13019s putting this insane sojourn performance
13021s table if you're a dragon's player or fan
13023s you'd better hope you don't find out
13025s stick around everybody more playoff
13026s action coming at you live from the
13028s Anaheim Convention Center as our first
13030s day of OverWatch League playoffs for
13031s 2022 kicks off where the bank's been
13033s great so far and there's plenty more
13035s goodness to come
13038s the OverWatch league is brought to you
13039s by Butterfinger crispity crunchy peanut
13043s buttery no one lays a finger on your
13045s Butterfinger
13050s thank you
13063s [Music]
13069s thank you
13075s [Music]
13083s [Music]
13093s foreign
13125s [Music]
13134s foreign
13135s [Music]
13166s foreign
13169s [Music]
13187s [Music]
13199s foreign
13200s [Music]
13206s [Music]
13213s [Music]
13221s [Music]
13239s thank you
13250s [Music]
13263s foreign
13274s [Music]
13284s [Music]
13292s spark so first of all of course
13295s congratulations to your Victory against
13298s the Shanghai dragons and yeah let's Dive
13301s Right In there because you and your team
13303s you were considered the underdog heading
13305s into this match but not just into this
13307s match I dare say into the entirety of
13310s the playoffs as well do you think that
13311s label is still Justified
13314s foreign
13355s uh I think it's quite natural that
13357s people think that we're on the door
13359s because we didn't do well we didn't do
13361s well in the previous two stages however
13364s after coming to La we also on the
13368s beginning of the training we didn't do
13371s quite well on screens but good food days
13373s we have made progress and we have become
13375s better yeah and that's it all right well
13378s on that note I wanted to ask you guys
13379s it's a good metaphor you swear on
13381s Winston do you think this is a good meta
13383s and for that reason do you think you
13385s have a good chance of making it deep in
13386s the playoffs
13388s foreign
13415s [Music]
13416s uh yes we do think it's a good meta for
13419s our team because most of our players are
13422s playing the heroes that they are good
13424s they are good at and they have they have
13426s confidence in for example Winston and
13429s shy is playing sojan and Teru is playing
13431s kiriko so I do think that we will go
13434s further in these playoffs
13437s right on thank you so much guys best of
13439s luck in your next match and we are now
13443s going to dissect this match we just saw
13445s 3-0 for the spark not really a result
13448s that any of us expected but let's be
13451s real everyone at home
13452s I think most of your brackets brackets
13454s are busted we're in trouble I I do not
13456s think that there is more than well maybe
13458s five percent out there we still have a
13460s perfect bracket there's no way there's
13463s no one who tweets at us just like you
13464s guys were wrong well if we're all wrong
13467s exactly I feel like if everyone is wrong
13470s at the same time then we're kind of all
13472s correct this sounds like denial
13475s it is and I'm very good at it too uh
13478s however I do want to talk about the
13480s match and how the spark got it done
13481s there were so many standout performances
13483s by individuals and the team as a whole
13485s of course yeah and it's interesting
13487s hearing from gooseway as you just said
13488s they are on their comfort Heroes this
13491s should be a very good meta for that and
13493s they showed that in this match Goose way
13495s back into Prime 2019 Winston form which
13498s is creating so much space we talked
13500s about it in the last game break about
13501s how important it is to dictate the floor
13503s of the game and Goose way does that
13505s perfectly and that really enables Alpha
13507s Yi and shy to just get in there and get
13509s picks and shy on the sojourn doing what
13512s we know can do on land once again yeah I
13515s think this is really what you're able to
13517s see as well when you have a Winston that
13518s trusts his kiriko as well diving in
13520s utilizing the invulnerability of course
13523s to protect the winds and really make
13524s Gucci feel comfortable like just compare
13526s the proactiveness of gushway being able
13529s to dive in being able to be aggressive
13531s and confident without feeling like you
13533s have to steer clear of the action stay
13535s away from the Reapers because you know
13537s that the healing is going to be there
13539s also the Primal Primal blade mechanics
13542s usually he's back in many ways he was
13545s he's playing some of the best OverWatch
13546s he's done since 2019 World Cup and I
13549s mean what an amazing story for this guy
13550s I think we'd all agree that so far this
13552s year he said a bit of a Down year
13554s usually hadn't looked like the best tank
13556s on hydro sport many times that was
13557s Bernard instead who was playing the off
13559s tank Heroes like Soria for example well
13561s usually he's coming in clutch here for
13562s the playoffs in Hangtown spark an
13564s amazing 3-0 Victory against Dragon I
13566s also want to give a special shout out to
13568s Terry gushue saying that it is his
13570s signature hero apparently so apparently
13572s he is a signature kiriko now but really
13574s the surgeon had to head was the defining
13576s factor of this match lip tried his
13578s darndest it's right so hard all the
13580s Shanghai dragons back into this match
13582s even in a 3-0 sweep lip managed to keep
13585s it close but shy was doing shy things
13588s look at those numbers almost 10 000
13590s damage per 10 minutes he was dying from
13592s time to time that's just the sheer
13594s pressure that you get in this meta but
13596s just doing it once again can the
13598s hongzhou spark another International
13601s miraculous run it's entirely possible
13604s they can yeah I'm looking forward to it
13606s I mean after that performance yes I
13609s don't want to like be fooled but you
13611s gotta give him credits oh yeah so so but
13614s I I do want to say that I felt like both
13616s teams felt comfortable with the meta so
13619s I am interested to see what they have in
13621s store for us moving forward how how
13623s different was this match compared to the
13626s first one in terms of how the meta is
13627s being played well the matter as in terms
13630s of the heroes that are being played is
13631s almost identical we're going to see a
13633s lot of that throughout this entire
13635s playoffs but I think the tempo was the
13637s thing that sort of caught me off guard
13638s and this hot spark you know to talk
13640s negatively about the Shanghai dragons
13641s Unfortunately they did a great job of
13643s making fletter feel uncomfortable all
13645s the time every time Fletcher forced
13647s wraith they were chasing him down every
13649s time he got out of position they were
13650s forcing him same thing with fate so I
13653s think the tempo and the way that the
13654s Hong Kong spark were reacting to what
13656s the Shanghai dragons were doing was
13657s better than we've seen in previous in
13659s the previous Series so I think the spark
13661s are a team to be feared but also if
13662s you're on the lower bracket Shanghai
13663s dragons are no joke that's going to be a
13665s difficult team to face down not unfair
13668s imagine facing off against the dragons
13670s in the lower bracket well that's nice
13672s I'm in danger
13674s uh now we got another Banger match
13676s coming up of course we're gonna preview
13678s that in just a second Atlanta Reign
13680s going up against Florida Mayhem but
13682s first we want to take a look at a
13684s leveling up presented by Butterfinger
13686s which of these players has to Step It Up
13688s In This Very match well funnily enough
13691s ironically enough hydron could take it
13693s to the next level he's already pretty
13696s high he is pretty high hydron has some
13698s of the most ridiculous Soldier
13699s statistics in the entire league and I
13701s believe he leads as well in first
13703s elimination rate when it comes to the
13704s soldier being able to find that pick and
13706s pick fights five versus four if we take
13708s a look at hydron Stats so far as soldier
13710s in the countdown Cup this was a stage
13712s prior going into the playoffs of course
13713s 11.6 final goals for 10 minutes 2.3
13716s overclock kills for 10 minutes eight
13718s charge shot kills per 10 minutes he has
13721s an absolute Menace with the railgun and
13723s if he is able to come into this matchup
13725s against a favorite Atlanta reign with
13727s someone like Kai for example Kai Hale is
13730s one of the best soldiers one of the best
13731s long-range hits campers in the entire
13733s game this is hydron's opportunity to
13735s take good statistics good performances
13737s in the regular season but really take it
13740s to the next level against some of the
13741s very best here in the playoffs the big
13742s question is what type of form is cayenne
13745s because we it doesn't feel like we've
13746s seen him much at all as of recently as
13748s ever since speedily came into this
13750s lineup they've really been relying on
13751s him to be that play it but now you can
13753s pair almost both of them up you are Kai
13755s on that sojourn speedily on that Reaper
13757s that is going to be a scary matchup for
13759s the Florida Mayhem to deal with but the
13761s big story for me with the Atlanta Reign
13763s is what tank are we going to see
13764s obviously Hawk has been the Mainstay for
13767s this team throughout the entirety of
13768s this year being very flexible on that
13770s Diva the doomfist honestly anything
13772s they've required from him but Gator is
13775s the Winston player is he going to come
13777s in to play his signature hero or are
13778s they going to try and rely on Hawk to
13780s play it
13781s yeah yeah
13782s gonna find out in just a little bit but
13784s first I mean you just announced the
13786s Atlanta reign as the I guess
13789s are they the favorite in that match you
13791s think there's a higher seed they're
13794s famous
13794s I can't wait to see our objectives over
13797s that one because for me this was a
13799s heartbreaker ISD the ultimate the
13801s thunder rain fine girl I agree with you
13803s you have to go against oh my that's
13806s right we went for Florida uh yes they
13810s dragged me out of the bottom of the
13812s pickets like they so did Atlanta
13817s last year they did this year not so much
13819s guys so with a heavy heart I had to pick
13822s the Mayhem and a lot of that is based on
13824s hydrants insane performance on that
13826s Soldier and he's been such a playmaker
13828s for that team that but also the big
13830s question for the Atlanta Reign
13831s throughout the rest of the playoffs how
13833s is Hawk going to play this Winston Hawk
13836s known for being a diva player he's
13838s played some doomfist earlier this year
13839s but Gator their main tank player Winston
13842s reinert haven't had that much play time
13844s so how will the Atlanta terrain adjust
13846s to a Winston meta throw the name on the
13848s other hand someone statistically leads
13850s eliminations funnel votes for 10 minutes
13852s throughout the regular season so Florida
13854s Mayhem they have an amazing Winston in
13857s their pocket and they're ready to go in
13858s this matter the Atlanta Reign more
13860s questions great damage great support but
13862s what about this tank roll what are they
13863s going to look like when they play
13864s Winston in this match yeah and I'd love
13866s for them to convince me uh and and make
13869s I I want to be wrong yeah I want to be
13871s proven wrong I want to be right please
13875s all right well we all have different
13877s goals here on the desk however we are
13879s ready for this match and for all the
13881s action we're going to toss it over to
13882s Admiral and kellyos
13890s thank you very much Zoe and the rest of
13892s the desk and hello to all of you lovely
13895s viewers I'm Achilles here alongside
13898s Avril we'll be getting you through the
13899s final two matches of our first day of
13901s the playoffs everybody give a nice
13904s little congratulations to Avril on his
13906s first proper uh in a postseason series
13908s that he's going to be casting here with
13910s me it's gonna be uh Good Times we'll go
13912s ahead break the mold a little bit more
13914s here we'll see what happens between
13915s these two squads we have the Florida
13917s Mayhem going up against the Atlanta
13918s Reigns already
13920s some unexpected results we could say I
13922s guess yeah look first of all first of
13924s all thank you for that and also you know
13926s when a cast is now so we're getting all
13927s going to the na cards here Florida
13928s versus Atlanta hey let's do it I'm into
13931s it I'm ready for it uh apparently what
13933s was the stat again set that was like 20
13935s brackets left out of all the pickups
13938s brackets there's only 20 left as said by
13941s Sean Miller that are still perfectly
13943s eligible for that 100K prize they either
13946s just picked on based on their favorite
13948s color or they flipped some coins I don't
13949s know Seth but what a crazy start already
13952s only 20 people left
13954s I think they consulted the Ouija boards
13956s and they were just communing with demons
13958s and what not to be able to get the the
13959s results correctly and if anybody think
13961s that we should obviously double it at
13962s this point so shocking the uh the
13966s OverWatch League don't 3-0 game right
13968s now is set to Insane Mode because no
13970s one's been able to pass that maybe in
13972s this series of two teams that are ever
13973s so familiar with each other perhaps we
13976s can actually have a series uh between
13977s the two of them rather than a 3-0
13979s blowout but we'll have to just wait and
13981s see what happens I mean look I think the
13983s disc said it as well it's like
13985s you have Atlanta who has been generally
13988s speaking a much better team over the
13989s course of the Season Florida have had
13990s the highs and lows uh they come in as a
13992s play-ins team there was a little bit of
13994s snippet as off you've been through
13995s Twitter uh gumbo as a interview where
13998s he's basically saying like Florida have
14000s not had a lot of time to scrim on the
14002s current uh playoffs patch right they
14004s were on a different patch for play-ins
14006s and so they had to prep differently and
14008s alongside Toronto you know it's been
14009s quite limiting for them so they come in
14011s maybe slightly less prepared than the
14012s other playoffs teams who have been on
14014s this current uh kariko patch with this
14017s you know the zarya Nerfs Etc uh Florida
14019s I definitely have a bit of an uphill
14021s battle ahead of them but I think they're
14022s one of the teams that you really look at
14025s with uh you know
14027s as a potential Dark Horse at this
14029s tournament because they had such a good
14030s shelling in the planes
14032s yeah
14033s well let's go ahead and bring out the
14035s first team to the battle
14037s they're going to be able to come out on
14039s top there from the desk it's hard to
14042s call who is really the underdog in this
14045s matchup brain coming in as a higher seat
14048s but Florida have been looking absolutely
14049s impeccable as of late so there's
14052s definitely no rest to be found for the
14055s side of the rain they need to be
14057s prepared for the Florida man and this is
14060s you know based on what we've seen the
14061s matter as well you know Checkmate is in
14064s play-ins was this fantastic Genji play
14066s he's gonna have to shift over towards
14067s that Reaper position now so you know
14070s maybe the Hard cap on how much he can
14072s carry is potentially there I mean the
14073s the main DPS we're gonna be looking is
14075s hydron who has taken over XE on that hit
14078s scan position on that surgeon and was a
14080s driving force for that success that we
14082s saw in the plane so I think someone's a
14083s very flexible player he's only moving
14085s over towards the Winston probably uh I
14087s would what I say it's a for me he's
14089s actually performing Rings really well in
14091s so many different tank picks now that's
14093s uh you know being one of the most
14094s flexible tanks in the league originally
14096s I would have said yeah I mean Winston
14097s probably is one of his top heroes uh
14100s even across his hero pool so that's
14102s probably a good thing for the former him
14103s overall
14105s well we're talking about here at pools
14107s we're talking about Winston's let's see
14108s what's gonna happen as we bring out the
14110s Atlanta rain there's a lot of questions
14112s around who is going to be playing this
14114s do we see The Return of Gator is it just
14115s gonna be Hawk who is very much just
14118s locked down that position for himself we
14120s will find out as they make their way out
14122s onto the stage and he Crocs now I'm
14124s seeing Hulk okay I'm also seeing UV
14127s coming through as well so
14130s here's that next one might be OG speedly
14132s is in next to Kai okay so no Venom I
14134s think we may have been right looking
14136s forward to maybe a bit of Venom here as
14138s well you can't play that Reaper Tracer
14140s is a potential pick for certain teams as
14142s well uh but they're gonna go with speed
14144s lease here but which actually opens up
14145s the echo pick that's something I'm going
14147s to be very interested in seeing like is
14148s that going to be something that the rain
14150s fall through
14151s um you know it's still mostly Reaper and
14154s sojourner's VPS too but I don't think
14156s it's impossible to try some other Heroes
14158s here as well uh Ochi plus UV combo it
14161s could have been OG with vigilante as
14163s well but the choice here has gone with
14164s UV for the kariko so that would be
14166s really interesting we do expect OG to be
14168s in here for mucho obviously and the tank
14170s position I think is was the other one
14171s that was very contentious right are we
14173s going to see Gator it's going to be Hawk
14174s most teams uh pretty much every single
14176s team actually is playing the Winston how
14178s good is Hawks Winston are they gonna
14179s play Winston is it gonna be something
14181s else to say
14183s uh yeah I mean lots of questions still
14185s very much unanswered I mean we know
14187s who's going to be starting here but if
14188s he comes out with the Winston it seems
14189s like Lorraine are going to have a lot of
14191s pain in Hawks performances on that hero
14194s we're just gonna have to wait and see
14195s how it does look gator in all likelihood
14197s you would anticipate is going to be
14199s waiting in the wings
14200s um it's just a question of whether or
14201s not we get to to see him because if Hulk
14203s comes out here and he is able to step to
14205s someone really good toe-to-toe with him
14206s then I I see no reason honestly to make
14208s it to make a swap because you always
14211s have that added depth with Hawk in this
14214s role when he's playing that if they need
14216s to swap for a certain point or to
14218s counter something that maybe Florida's
14220s bringing out there's a little bit
14221s unanticipated he's going to be good for
14223s it I think this is one of those things
14224s where like if you're Florida you're
14225s pretty happy with this matchup generally
14227s speaking you have someone who's good at
14229s Winston that's one of his ski Heroes um
14231s Hawk has far less practice on the
14232s Winston and even look at statistics
14234s right Hulk despite having played here's
14236s the thing about Hulk and Gainer Hulk has
14238s played 91.6 of all of Atlanta Reigns
14241s games this year over 10 times as much as
14243s Gator so on one hand you'll get his
14245s hero4 the Hawks played 90 of the game so
14247s he's been your dude for pretty much the
14249s entire year first map choice is going to
14250s come through for Legion Tower
14253s um and you know the thing at the back of
14256s my mind is if you're a hawk right now
14258s what is what are your options are we
14260s going to potentially see something like
14262s even uh an Orissa or a doom Hawks
14266s obviously played a lot of Doom this
14267s season I think control center might open
14270s up for oh do I even call it cheese like
14272s something like an original on there uh
14274s that or he's just got a one trick
14275s through the winter like everybody else
14276s we know Florida probably is just going
14278s to one trip through that Winston though
14281s well we'll see what happens it's gonna
14283s be lijon Tower to kick things off in
14285s this series as with the previous two the
14287s loser will then select where they want
14289s to take us we will have hybrid then
14291s escort push etc etc lined up hopefully
14294s we can make it this time around to a
14296s push map not have a 3-0 blowout that's
14299s what I'm keeping my fingers crossed for
14300s here ladies and gentlemen my breads are
14301s already boom so from here on I am just
14303s cheering for some damn good OverWatch
14305s League playoffs so we'll go ahead and
14307s kick things off in this third series of
14310s the evening as we jump into Night Market
14312s there it is I lost many of these two
14314s teams in week 23 3-2 victory for Atlanta
14316s rain but that wasn't the only time that
14318s rain had beaten the Mayhem they've had
14319s like what four straight wins this entire
14321s year they beat the Mayhem Mayhem haven't
14323s taken down the rain a single time in
14325s 2022 and now we're in the playoffs when
14328s the business end of the entire season
14330s what a time it would be for an upset
14331s fare from the Florida Mayhem we've
14333s already had a couple of those today at
14335s least one of them here we go rolling
14336s through
14337s gates open for map number one in this
14340s series and it is going to be so hard
14341s mirror on both sides questions answered
14343s Hawk on that Winston like I said
14346s all right now it's all about putting it
14348s to practice let's see how it looks first
14350s and foremost it down hydrogen find him
14353s is that maid coming out puts you around
14354s the corner quick little shot to the Head
14356s Hawk gets taken down the Florida Mayhem
14358s pick things off with a bang two kills
14360s nearly a third found a speedily as
14362s narrow release their life a little bit
14363s longer but I've been able to claim him
14364s in the end getting himself a second
14365s elimination for the Mayhem still playing
14367s forward someone down 19 HP does end up
14369s dying the point's still not locked down
14371s now Atlanta rain have a potential
14372s opportunity to get in the contestant but
14374s the initial lockdown will be there
14375s someone really caught that and lands the
14377s rain pounds they have the player
14378s Advantage now despite formatting having
14380s the initial count with hydron down and
14382s by the way was three on three final
14383s blows to the team it's looking quite
14385s difficult here
14388s it's not great here gonna be a fast flip
14391s back into the paper the Atlanta ran a
14392s bit of an overstay from someone lost
14394s some dearly shades of Shanghai dragons
14395s there in Route 66 pushing forward and
14397s then suddenly the car gets taken from
14399s behind them but here we go fast foot
14401s rain gonna be poised to go ahead and
14402s take the lead here ultraviolet yeah like
14404s the first ultim online very soon as well
14406s after one neutral shoot he's just coming
14407s through almost straight away
14409s someone does they only have a primal
14410s online though I don't think the time is
14412s gonna work hell what a shot from a hydro
14413s that removes the katuna rush
14415s that it does takes him out of the frame
14417s kite circum has to circumnavigate back
14420s around the front in fact just really
14421s stay over there because the rest of the
14423s team does get cleaned up with him out of
14424s the action huge pick comes through
14426s that's gonna be Florida Mayhem just as
14428s quickly regaining control I mean that is
14430s game change that is a fight turning shot
14433s coming through from hydron UV had a
14435s katuna rush just before RuPaul did in
14437s this sort of meta the tempo counts the
14438s first person the first play in the
14440s kariko two get that ultimate to put it
14441s through makes a big difference Here
14443s Comes Ruby now
14447s trying to get well out of there but he
14449s cannot they all pursue forward find the
14451s elimination he gets taken down it's
14452s gonna be the death Blossom out of the
14454s equation for now but Ivan again with
14455s another shot takes Kai out great
14457s headshot rail claims him overclock is
14459s popped he's looking for a little bit
14460s more so the Skybox goes talk comes
14463s dropping back down now has the Primal
14464s rolling overclock going to be expiring
14466s but no one really being taken low at all
14468s on the side of the floor made of him now
14469s they have that shielding as well as Hawk
14472s will get claimed push around the front
14474s they're looking for some staggers
14475s getting ready to push up over 60 now
14477s speedily pulls the trigger manages to
14479s find two someone taking down the analog
14480s to the death Blossom look at the tree
14482s this one back into their favor now off
14484s in a bad spot but still gets the
14485s headshot of ultra violet yep still
14487s keeping the game alive and how to kill
14489s the kai here as well
14490s Atlanta rain I have to flip back in that
14493s control solo members though before the
14495s Mayhem can't bring spawners they have
14496s the angles to work through we get rain
14498s backing out forgive that Captain
14502s there's only gonna be a couple people
14503s from the side of the rain keeping this
14505s contested for now you can see the rage
14506s Walkers inching back and forth not to
14507s the point they're trying to not
14508s surrender this slip over they know they
14509s need to take this one close but in fact
14511s it is going to be snapped up now that
14512s Blossom goes in off the side of the map
14514s goes Hawk and Checkmate claims too he's
14516s got the TP showing off a little bit here
14518s as the whole team kill comes to fruition
14520s for the Florida Mayhem now at 80 percent
14523s you can see the speed in this game here
14525s as well where neither team really wants
14526s to give up too much ground Florida
14528s Mayhem might lose a couple members they
14529s stay in someone who's Primal next fight
14531s land to rain they'll lose a few they
14533s stay on the outskirts of the points
14534s they'll try to keep it alive as we head
14535s to final fight territory from now RuPaul
14537s the probably the map winning the round
14539s winning ultimate available both teams
14540s actually have now katsuna Rush should
14542s see this one overlapped
14545s Italy arrives
14547s gonna be thinking down Hawkins on top of
14549s him and that is a prime target now the
14550s beat gonna be layered in as well and I'm
14552s nearly his one of his own but losing two
14554s people gonna be best to just hold on to
14556s it and go for the next fight flip is
14558s there Atlanta rain get a second lease
14560s online but they're only at 50 animal 90
14562s six percent unfortunate four percent
14564s away from use to soundbarrow to save his
14566s team what you see here twice in a row
14567s not quite in the road but definitely
14568s twice to find The Rounders both the UV
14570s and OG pop in that casino Rush plus
14572s sound barrier as a combo double support
14574s ultimates overlaid the first of the
14577s first time we saw RuPaul didn't even get
14579s a chance to use his ultimate here
14580s Groupon doesn't just use the general
14581s Rush thanks for soundbarrow emoji is too
14583s much
14584s all right there's the overclock it's
14587s quite a bit of damage layered in South
14588s barrier now drop Hawk the first one to
14590s fall Checkmate if we get on top of him
14592s and with him come on now Kai taken down
14594s as well that will just be the flip back
14596s into their favor as well as the closeout
14598s Florida Mayhem they take night market
14600s for themselves 175 percent
14603s one and I think Hall goes down at uh the
14605s mid 90s there as well so very close
14608s margins for a lot of these players in
14610s several fights where you know several
14612s percentage differences is everything
14614s Hawk doesn't have Primal there
14616s Flora mayhem get to come back in they're
14617s already at 99 animal held on to that
14619s extra sound barrier after not having in
14621s a previous fight
14622s I get to walk on through hydron you have
14625s to talk about this guy hard carrying on
14627s the soldier right now this is their
14629s checkmates uh Jeff Watson with their key
14632s details in there as well
14633s use you on top of them to make sure that
14635s he can't uh you know be killed inside of
14637s it then obviously he gets away with his
14639s life
14640s running a round of uh kills there coming
14643s through from Florida Mayhem stat wise
14645s though I don't even know if we're gonna
14646s have time to get okay
14648s so far this is Hulk come out of Orion
14650s with speedly on a bash so you want to
14653s see something that's not the Winston Cup
14654s you want to see something off middle
14655s when we got one
14657s uh yeah okay changing things up in a big
14659s way looking for some targets though so
14661s far is really struggling to fight and he
14663s found these to park everyone's been
14665s piloting around him relatively well
14666s Checkmate however does get left out into
14668s the open the hawk is able to go ahead
14669s and Swing Swing the hammer away to get
14670s some kills
14672s bounces in the nade some extra damage
14675s and for now will be the Atlanta Reign
14676s I'm not having the first point you can
14677s see Florida Mayhem pulling back if you
14679s want to if you want a way to shut down a
14680s Winston and really burn him through
14682s Wheels mode on The Bash and there's one
14684s way to do it someone goes up towards the
14685s Arista now so let's say maybe we can see
14687s a bit of erisa today thought that might
14688s come from the Atlanta red will come
14690s through from the Florida Mayhem instead
14692s so it's gonna be more of like I guess if
14694s we're all match up now speedly is still
14696s a problem Shield
14703s so far he's still going to be saved
14705s Speer does connect on a hawk you beats
14707s ultimate at about half HP would have
14709s made him in the meantime they've
14710s actually gotten a flip here they managed
14711s to get a bit of a back cap just drawing
14713s all that attention toward the Forefront
14714s towards that alrissa and take control
14715s now it's going to be at the Atlanta
14717s Ranger to put this back for their favor
14718s so it's good look at this on the board
14720s of Mayhem back into the yeah back in the
14722s third form she's looking to mow them
14723s down someone taking a beating goes lower
14725s and lower and eventually will get
14727s finished off sound barrier dropped in by
14729s Og at the same time very shielding keep
14731s everybody nice and protected hydrant's
14733s still gonna be able to find one but
14734s that's about it then commit the
14736s overclock to the fight they only get the
14737s Bastion brain in the meantime they
14739s re-flip and they didn't even lose the
14740s lead and Florida Mayhem was so close to
14743s continuing that fight as well Adam on
14744s RuPaul both looking towards the
14745s ultimates but it's a katuna Russian
14747s combination with speedly going towards
14750s the you know the the turret form it's
14752s just so fast there's so much damage
14753s before they have to run away artillery
14755s out now probably won't hit anybody
14760s yeah a little bit of damage there onto
14762s someone who hits the floor off the
14764s shatter and Hawk claims him with a
14765s buyer's strike cleans him up please
14767s dealt with Checkmate able to get on top
14769s of the Rhine finds that elimination but
14770s then is dealt with by ultraviolet a
14772s great headshot coming through kind of
14773s the overclock plans hydron with one of
14774s his own looks for anamo takes him lower
14776s and lower pushed over the side but but
14778s if he gets the kill or doesn't doesn't
14780s really matter because the fight is
14781s already won someone being hit there no
14783s four to five RuPaul could save him in
14785s time with two Hawk now back on a
14786s doomfist an Atlanta Reigns facing there
14788s and disengage was so beautifully played
14790s they just go back in towards the white
14791s room floor to make him try to push up
14793s Kai gets really hot behind Hawk Shield
14795s just cleans up the floor to make him who
14797s are looking for opportunities
14801s but how do they close the gap
14804s realize Hawk back on the news now I'm
14807s dying on the line one of the rejoins
14808s quickly hit the fight was extended grabs
14810s them all together looking for the
14812s elimination speedly gonna be taking down
14813s a Checkmate actually doesn't pull the
14814s trigger on this death Blossom yet
14816s continues to hold it 95 established for
14818s the side of the rain Hawk gonna be taken
14820s down and that should be the window of
14821s opportunity for Florida regain some
14823s sequence of control a little bit of OT
14826s Force output though G dying that will
14828s just go ahead and be the flip but it's a
14829s long road now Florida want to take this
14831s 2-0 and if actually has to come down to
14833s Checkmate getting something done here
14834s maybe they have to get a spare off the
14836s side of the map for environmental kill
14837s because otherwise we're seeing UV coming
14839s through the consuming Rush oh she's
14840s about to drop that beat again it's the
14841s same combo we sold all overnight Market
14843s Casino Rush plus sound battery at the
14845s same time
14846s we're just waiting for UV to get it hold
14847s back on a Winston they can just play
14849s through normally
14851s dive into the back line ultraviolet
14853s trying to go for it but he gets pushed
14855s on the side of
14857s the map off the side by someone charges
14858s him in with the spear finds the
14860s elimination under the overclock as well
14864s damage dealers dealt with that will be
14867s them maintaining control just holding
14868s the bridge I mean the play getting
14870s pooped off you can't really help there
14871s but you know the rest of the team begins
14872s to walk up with a katuna Rush full green
14875s HP off the sound barrier you're already
14876s 99 that would have been a win condition
14878s for sure now Animo also has that little
14880s forward kitchen Rush
14883s Rush does come out salvary dropped by Og
14885s and Alma now gonna be using one of his
14886s own Hawk already gonna be taking it down
14888s they've just melt through that Lucio
14889s shielding so very quickly two off the
14892s side of the map for a fast reset here
14894s and yeah they need to do it quickly 18
14895s left to go for the Florida Mayhem to be
14897s able to take this I mean no race also an
14899s ultimate to work through kayak needs
14900s this overclocked very fast Speedy's gone
14902s over towards the trace Just a Touch he's
14904s gonna have someone and chicken with
14905s ultimates I mean these are really good
14906s ultimates but defending a point when
14908s it's last fight Atlanta right have to
14909s come in touch and the terror Surge and
14911s the death
14914s yep they take him down the healing very
14916s much mitigated now his ultravines the
14918s last one standing with checkmate with
14919s the death Blossom will go ahead and
14920s clean him up as well as Hawk high he
14922s pops the overclock but I don't think
14924s he's gonna be able to do a damn thing
14925s finds one is dealt with by someone with
14927s the alt and that will just be the
14930s cleanup coming through rain to kick
14931s things off by showing us something a
14934s little bit different some cheese coming
14935s out and it works a treat but Fordham
14938s Mayhem they finally managed to stabilize
14939s they play around it and they take the
14941s first map of lijong 2-0 and a killier so
14944s what surprises me and maybe even
14946s confuses me is a couple of things why
14948s swap off the rhyme to go which was doing
14950s I don't think that Hulk was that far
14952s behind it wasn't like he was training
14954s the team in terms of tempo like he
14956s wasn't going to make it back I think he
14957s added plenty of full time to work
14958s through the Rhine was honestly work if
14960s you're going to be playing the sort of
14961s Ash and having that Shield up protecting
14963s your team bringing this more stationary
14965s tank allowing Kai and speedly or two DPS
14967s to do the damage I mean that's fine come
14969s back on the Doom that strategy falls
14971s apart Doom is not good in this minute's
14973s realistically one of the worst Heroes
14975s and then beyond that we talk about the
14977s UV OG combo something they displayed
14979s quite a lot in the in the Night Market
14980s Round And at work to treat them I won
14982s them a lot of fights like the chinarush
14984s and the sound barrier to get they work
14985s 99 if they double altered and layered
14987s their supporters I think they had a good
14988s chance to win sure a play being booped
14990s up you can't help but the other four
14991s guys are still tanky doing a lot of
14993s damage
14995s well a little bit of everything there in
14998s that first map and I think if it's just
14999s a taster if that's just our our hors
15002s d'oeuvres for the rest of this series
15003s then I for one M ready to Feast but
15005s Florida Mayhem they do start things off
15007s up 1-0 Atlanta Arena are now going to
15009s have their map pick as we do look
15011s forward to going into hybrid we'll see
15012s where they decide to take us when we
15014s come back to the brakes and don't go
15016s anywhere guys this battle between these
15018s two na organizations continues in just a
15020s few
15023s foreign
15025s [Music]
15035s [Music]
15059s foreign
15073s [Music]
15079s [Music]
15094s [Music]
15102s foreign
15103s [Music]
15119s [Music]
15129s foreign
15133s [Music]
15143s [Music]
15151s [Music]
15163s [Music]
15165s foreign
15185s [Music]
15207s thank you
15214s [Music]
15225s [Music]
15241s and welcome back everybody we are just
15244s one mapping into this series where right
15245s now the Florida Mayhem are leading 1-0
15248s what a performance so far what a great
15250s showing a 2-0 start on Lee Jung Talon
15252s hydron I was kind of trying to bring up
15254s some of the stats in the middle of the
15255s game but it was going so quickly the
15257s tempo of these teams have been so fast
15258s but at the end of Lee Zhang now I can
15261s confirm 18 final blows out of a total of
15264s 38 on the Mayhem nearly a deadlift on
15267s their map nearly and I want to bring
15268s attention towards another stat line yeah
15270s that's crazy to me charge shot accuracy
15272s 73 now with all the soldier nerves that
15276s we have seen on previous patches where
15278s the accuracy of the railgun had been
15280s nerves so quickly we've seen you know as
15284s high as like 80 plus percent from shy at
15286s one stage you know drop down I think to
15288s more of an average of 60. if you're a
15289s pro surgeon play around in the obvious
15291s League to me the expectation is if you
15293s can get a 60 charge shot accuracy just
15295s any right click body shot a headshot
15297s you're doing a really really damn good
15299s job anything above 60 anything even
15300s reaching towards 70 means you're in the
15302s upper echelon of all surgeon plays in
15304s terms of actually hitting 73 and being
15306s above 70 and getting numbers close to
15309s like pre-nerf surgeon is wild to me
15312s absolutely wild to me and beyond that as
15314s well said the alt time to charge for
15317s hydron 136 to Kai's 215. that's a nearly
15321s 40 second gap of high drunkenness
15323s ultimate the overclock 40 seconds on
15325s average quicker than kite
15328s because that extra 40 seconds that he
15330s was spending in the death chamber
15331s waiting to respawn because he kept
15332s getting head shot by hydrogen but uh as
15334s you can see here we do have some
15335s substitutions because we'll have so much
15338s stepping in as well as Nero coming in
15340s for speedily on the opposite side so one
15342s sub a piece Gator nowhere in sight seems
15345s like Hawk still going to be the play as
15347s we get ready to go into hybrid well now
15348s I think you know you you bring Nara in
15351s he's been a steadfast uh I guess Reaper
15355s play for the team also having the main
15356s capability uh as well as you know the
15358s Genji and some other stuff speedly I
15360s think when you stop thinking about some
15362s of these substitutions talk about magic
15363s in a bit as well because that one does
15365s confuse me slightly
15366s um I can sort of see the reasoning for
15368s why you would maybe have speedily in
15371s over
15372s um Nero and then swap that out as we
15373s head to King's Row I think there was
15375s more of a chance that maybe you could
15377s see the echo coming through on a control
15378s map that's probably less likely to
15379s happen on King's rope here I'm a little
15381s bit more confused by the the magenta
15383s RuPaul pick I think both are essentially
15385s just going to end up playing to Rico
15386s here I don't really see any sort of
15388s changes unless legit is really coming
15390s into play something slightly different
15392s like could it be an Anna I don't know I
15394s don't really see Florida deviating from
15396s their set strategy of what where the
15398s meta is in terms of Winston comp so this
15400s one is a bit of a one-to-one change for
15401s me on the Florida side we'll see it has
15404s all right I mean we'll have to just wait
15405s and see because I certainly didn't
15406s anticipate to see a Reinhardt Bastion
15408s calm coming out of gardens so perhaps uh
15410s there is going to be some funny business
15412s here from the side of the Florida Mayhem
15413s and they will steer away from what we're
15416s trying as the playoff medicine from
15418s Monkey Business series it's a silly
15419s business
15421s with a hog earlier from goo straight
15424s what else we're going to see today yeah
15426s true I mean we're missing what Sigma
15429s Diva Zaria
15431s if somebody picks like a what's a good
15435s segment the second way out I think those
15437s are two good signal Maps I think if that
15439s gets fixed I genuinely think a sigma is
15441s on the card on the cards and uh Tracer I
15443s have heard is the potential for this
15445s matter as well
15446s as crazy as it is I did hear of teams
15449s experimenting with doom but like it's
15451s still to me
15452s I'm not I just I just don't think Doom
15454s is a Great Hero so it's like it doesn't
15456s seem like a strong pick even though Hawk
15458s is probably one of our best student
15459s players it's quite risky and I'll be
15461s interested to see what Dante plays a
15462s little bit later on but focusing on this
15464s match now someone was hovering over the
15465s Orissa obviously he locked that in to
15467s try and counter the Bastion plus Ryan
15469s combo earlier now though after Checkmate
15471s Texas opening shot
15473s he has can you go back over which was a
15474s Reaper in Florida play the standards
15478s yeah
15479s all righty well just swinging around the
15481s opposite side of the statue so far some
15483s shots coming down as Nero's gonna have
15485s to make his exit three pull off because
15486s get popped himself out to safety but a
15488s whole lot of damage if you being pushed
15489s out from both sides tiptoeing on to the
15492s point for now are the Florida Mayhem
15493s because he continuously after rain or
15494s widely playing back behind hotel now
15496s look to go on
15498s push four right here but Hulk gonna be
15500s taking the lowest and that's gonna be in
15501s exchange on the Winston so far 100
15503s opening things up Ramiro was looking to
15506s shut the door first tick getting ready
15508s to be established and they will be able
15509s to grab that one relatively for free the
15511s Winston's getting ready to rejoin the
15512s frame someone's about him someone's
15514s about here right now Hulk has got a
15515s longer respawn this is bad for Atlanta
15516s they need their five alive they're
15518s currently stuck at the moment their team
15520s is being split up as well I think some
15521s members of the hotel pork has finally
15523s arrived
15524s themselves back in they do stop the
15526s final cap coming through 93 just about
15528s builds up here for the side of the
15529s Mayhem if Hydro tries to go around on a
15531s flanks which is through hotel for just a
15533s brief little moment what a Mayhem
15535s besides a place a little bit but hydrant
15537s eventually finds him the shot goes
15539s across OG take it down once more someone
15541s will be fell but Hawk is eliminated and
15543s dealt with just his swim plate now Nero
15545s and Kai will be cleaned up and that will
15546s be the extended team kill as well as the
15548s cap on a five minutes ten seconds here
15551s for Florida Mayhem and it's just the
15553s Florida Mayhem pressure on the actual
15554s point itself like I said both of that
15556s Winston's going down the same time but
15557s the attack aside Advantage yeah someone
15559s gets a reach on the team a little bit
15561s early Atlanta already have no space to
15562s work through they're trying to keep
15563s touching the point they're trying to
15564s keep this point alive we head over
15566s towards the second Tech in Atlanta Reign
15567s they need this katuna Rush ultraviolet
15569s was leading Majid here but there wasn't
15571s enough time he dies on 98 hydron someone
15574s that opens the account again premium
15575s shot into OG and now he gets the shot on
15577s Kai
15578s thank you
15579s again a major pickup here found by
15584s hydron who is just going absolutely
15586s insane you may have disengage they're
15588s putting the team on his back but it's
15589s not like anybody else is really
15590s performing poorly it's just that he is
15591s going out of his mind
15593s and he's gonna drop down off The High
15595s Ground overclock road goes sliding
15597s forward aggressively looking for a
15599s Target and everybody scatters to the win
15601s very wisely switch on the corner gets
15604s the shot across onto Hawk who's
15605s relatively safe see in that position
15608s they just wait out the Alton out look to
15609s go ahead try to displace him they take
15611s him low he can get his head slice
15612s forward actually goes down nine HP they
15614s cannot keep him alive hero Pops in a
15616s closet managed to find just that one
15617s elimination but given that a time it
15618s just might be enough the rest of the
15620s Florida Mayhem however are still
15621s pluckboarding
15623s trying to go ahead track them down finds
15626s Majid here with the gear code manages to
15628s get the elimination Checkmate dead as
15630s well and with that cleanup coming
15631s through the cart is going to be locked
15633s into position by the Atlanta Reign
15634s season they will finally get in the
15636s floor to Mayhem displaced I gotta say
15638s though Hydra for all the good that he's
15639s done so far in this series he was so far
15641s forward he could actually see him
15642s sliding into the Atlanta Reign trying to
15644s be healed by the rest of his team animal
15646s tries to drop that beat as well to save
15647s him unfortunately not quick enough and
15649s that could have been a very different
15650s fight for the Mayhem you know Nero
15653s actually comes in a shutstown by the
15654s Checkmate and Hydra Checkmate again
15655s super super slow and you know passive
15658s even on these death bosses never had the
15660s opportunity to use that testify it now
15662s but have made him wait too long UV has
15665s the katuna rush again Laura Mayhem needs
15667s to win the point we need to get that
15668s camp off in the Jets
15671s okay well full blown Ring Around the
15673s Rosie being played right now with the
15674s card
15675s s Atlanta ranges shift back moving
15677s towards the attacking spawn
15679s someone pushes forward and making this
15681s place and they can't start stealing this
15682s cart away which is why the rain have to
15684s play foreign
15691s that gets absolutely no one as far as
15694s the kills are concerned and that will be
15696s the car once more locked in position I
15698s mean Kai takes down the primary carry of
15699s the Florida Mayhem they also I think
15701s Checkmate might have been displaced
15702s there by boot by Og or something but did
15704s not get value at all on the death
15705s blossom
15706s katuna Rush also just allows it runs of
15708s rain to disengage I mean they can both
15710s engage and get out this Blossom so
15712s easily with the extra speed boost from
15713s the ultimate and that's all the rain the
15715s UV has been mostly outpacing Majid and
15719s some of that comes down the fact that
15720s Atlanta rain have been more active and
15721s wanting to use these ultimates Florida
15723s tried to disengage the initial Casino
15726s Rush from UV successfully in a previous
15727s fight now we can see it's mayhem's turn
15729s once again to drop that off from UV
15731s though sorry not UV OG on the other side
15733s with the sound barrier I mean they could
15734s probably just fly the side
15737s again shifting positions overclock at
15740s the reading someone has a full charge
15741s rail that he'd like to send out first
15742s because the head pops it doesn't find
15744s anything for his trouble because found
15746s on either side thus far but Hawk near
15747s all falling dangerously low tries to
15750s escape hawk toad gets struck down to the
15752s end Checkmate people to find that kill
15753s hero as well sliver of HP remaining for
15756s him has the death Blossom available will
15757s will get taken down kills finally coming
15760s through but it's a good amount of time
15761s blotting here from the side of the
15761s Atlanta rain but now the cap is going to
15763s be coming in it's going to be just about
15764s three minutes in the time being from
15766s Florida yeah Kai pop that overclock so
15767s late though I think like once Atlanta
15769s wrang knew that the original couple of
15771s ultimates you know the puff Primal they
15773s had the sound there and they won't fight
15774s within the flights just yet they need to
15775s throw in a bit more resource and they
15776s didn't Kai Waits until I think the walk
15778s even goes down then he uses the
15780s overclock and Elijah shuts him down with
15781s his own rail it's another full remain
15783s him they get to walk away
15785s but rather than they had the original
15787s consumer versus sound better now they
15789s have fall off that's why they can just
15790s walk up
15792s [Music]
15796s there's the opener from Checkmate it is
15799s huge they use both of their GPS
15801s ultimates have over four but now they do
15803s get the card rolling forward like it's
15805s gonna be rounding the final corner here
15806s now maybe hydron didn't need that but it
15808s ends up being fairly worth they get a
15810s full cleanup versus the rain it's just
15811s an error now to death Blossom Animas
15813s ready for that hopefully Sir Magazine
15815s with high debt fight before they get if
15817s they commit a Panera it's probably dead
15818s it's probably gone
15831s ends up getting picked off but OG and
15833s Hawk are both dead and we just cannot
15835s get that touch in time there for Kai and
15837s even if he had he would have been just
15838s dealt with very swiftly thereafter so
15840s maybe an extra two or three seconds
15841s block but instead it is going to be a
15843s finish here of a minute 59 seconds for
15845s the Florida Mayhem on King's Row so well
15847s played by the support Joe Florida made
15848s him there as well you see the death
15849s Blossom from Nara Majid responds with
15851s Isuzu allows time for Animo to drop that
15854s sound barrier at no risk at no cost and
15856s they can just double support all that
15857s one Flora Mayhem have the five power to
15859s finish it through which is why I'm like
15860s even with hydron blowing the extra
15862s overclock it seems like they'll have
15863s enough resources to finish the map and
15865s they will be able to do so there like I
15867s said 159 that's a pretty good time bank
15870s um if it wasn't for the Atlanta Reign
15871s kind of slowing down b as much as they
15873s did Florida Mayhem might have had a
15874s better time there the real big loss for
15876s Atlanta Reign there was that sort of
15877s final B defense where you know uh they
15881s had most of the ultimate shut down and
15883s for Mayhem won that off the initial Rush
15885s alone which I I don't even know if I
15887s want to say that's what I want to put
15888s them because again that sort of get soft
15889s counted by Og sound now so one for One
15891s support out train it's after that the
15893s port of Mayhem just slowly worked right
15895s into the neutral didn't have spin in the
15896s office and got the snowball so hard on
15899s scene
15901s [Music]
15902s it's ran them down
15905s see it was coming
15907s helps clean them up
15908s right in the end it doesn't end up
15910s causing them the thing that the worst
15912s part about that for the rain is that
15913s they lose inside their own katsuna
15915s Russian typically for that ultimate in
15917s this current matter that's supposed to
15918s be aware that's got to be a W for you
15919s you use that Rush it's supposed to be a
15921s team Fight Win for you so if you get
15923s shut down in that and death wasn't
15924s clears your whole team that's a big loss
15926s so right now I have a lot of work to do
15928s and you know talk about potential cheese
15929s coming on through it is the Hawker
15931s wrestler I tease this at the very start
15932s we are going to see it now properly
15935s to held this goes
15940s all right pushing forward make their way
15942s very easily through the hotel you can
15944s see just very spread out defense right
15946s now from the side of the Florida Mayhem
15947s does mean that they're that much
15949s difficult to try to attack given that
15951s you do have this Reaper who wants to get
15952s up close and personal being able to do
15954s that is very tough but nice gets the
15956s head shot takes down hybrid
15957s major opening here for the rain now to
15960s feel a bit more comfortable with the
15962s sport posturing onto the point first
15963s kicker to be snatched up a hamster like
15965s him out they can wait for the Rings more
15967s let's go for the five to fight retake
15968s getting yourself on for now the Majid
15970s potentially got a position he's so far
15971s away from his team
15973s actually
15976s spear out on a Checkmate goes low heels
15979s come across they can keep them alive for
15980s now both at least here it goes neck and
15982s neck as far as getting those consuming
15983s rushes up
15986s the person is going to be able to pull
15987s the trigger on that one first could be
15988s the one that wins the fight here for
15989s either side Hawk is tucking back trying
15992s to stay safe but Ultra miles gets the
15993s head shot on the back of the spear
15995s Checkmate now it's gonna be dealt with
15996s there's the Run coming through much of
15998s matching on the opposite side now it's
16000s all going to come down to just trying to
16001s outplay but hydrone again gonna get head
16003s shot by Kai and this should be the point
16005s cap coming through for the side of the
16006s land to rain they get to lock down and
16007s now very similar starting time bank for
16009s them just a couple second shies it's
16011s over five minutes I think legit was
16012s maybe hoping that OG would respond with
16014s a sound bar just doesn't get that off
16016s the opposition so it ends up being a bit
16017s of a wasted uh Kachina Rush coming
16019s through from Mayhem it's a full V5
16021s situation right and you don't have the
16022s reaper which is one of the main
16023s beneficiaries of the tuna Rush that's
16025s part of the reason why Reaper is in this
16027s matter right now speaking of which I
16029s mean Checkmate so far thought he dies he
16031s actually had the shift available as
16032s watching that cooldown specifically and
16033s it was up someone jumps away at that
16036s point you know Checkmate you're on the
16037s front line now you are now currently the
16038s tank and you have to be very careful
16040s cognizant of how much damage is going to
16042s come your way he gets taken down 120
16044s damage here children UV and that bike
16046s fly before
16048s pressure on a kite
16051s from ultraviolet keeps him topped up
16052s he's looking go aggressive pushes up
16055s around the corner it might not be a full
16056s charge rail shot down to about half HP
16059s very easy kill he gets 112 minutes slide
16062s casual stuff there from Kai someone
16065s leaving down a couple managing to find
16067s two with that Primal before he's
16068s eventually dealt with they buy about a
16070s minute off the time back but the card is
16072s again rolling forward for Atlanta rain
16073s they have a lot to work with I mean you
16075s you waste a bit of time there for the
16077s range you get a couple of kills which
16078s forces them to at least regroup a little
16080s bit here but ultimately I think that
16081s Primal would have been better served to
16083s defend for the final Fighter beat had a
16085s couple of Mayhem ultes now go the
16087s wayward
16088s I mean it depends on how much value you
16089s really place on stalling the payload for
16091s as long as you're dead I think you've
16092s still had that touch regarded
16095s okay overclock for overclock that gets
16098s his canceled out early for now no damage
16100s dealers left in the fight Atlanta Reign
16102s gonna have to try to hightail it out of
16104s here
16105s well stagger's gonna be found as Hawk
16107s will be the simply the last one to false
16108s it's like yeah OG very well out of there
16112s okay space bought a Mayhem now have a
16115s decent position to be able to hold this
16116s card for a while and this is a really
16118s sore spot for Hawk as well because I
16119s think if he had used his ultimate the
16121s terrorist search he'd be looking to stop
16122s over towards Winston now he has to come
16123s back on this arrestor and look for an
16125s ultimate play and that's gonna be
16126s difficult in a bit more of a I would say
16128s retake but they are the attacking team
16130s here not trying take a position well
16132s they are trying to retake a position uh
16134s from the attacking side Checkmate on a
16136s bit of a flank and you have another
16138s situation where Cinema Jet and animal
16140s can work together suzu into a sound
16143s barrier
16144s Hawk of the low ground here hard
16146s position to be in with rain to have a
16148s lot of opens
16151s it's just been down it's gonna be the
16152s rush out from Ultra violence so things
16154s off the air drops in that Blossom
16155s rolling finds Checkmate but then dealt
16158s with one elimination fast speed for beat
16159s on opposite side the nominal gonna be
16161s stuck in the corner Hawk just pins him
16163s spear is spinning jumps him to pieces
16166s truly into the beat grinder for him
16168s spear not gonna connect but eventually
16169s they will be able to deal with someone
16171s they take him down that will be the cap
16174s coming through so three 48-2-3 for the
16176s quarter Mayhem if they want to avoid
16178s these Extra Innings our shed will
16180s eventually get dropped the rain start
16182s pushing
16183s despite all the smart ultimately drop
16185s down I think there we still got a kill
16186s in the middle of that sort of mayhem
16188s someone unfortunately didn't have the
16190s primal
16191s percentage points away
16192s Checkmate could not answer with his own
16194s death was Blossom in their own
16197s well they are inside in that fight as
16198s well
16199s so ability for someone to play
16201s aggressive now with that right oh my God
16203s I mean Arc is just stopping to stop from
16206s coming through someone down below forced
16208s out the Primal Rage so jump back since
16210s the brain widely you're gonna be okay to
16212s just wait out the remainder of this
16213s ultimate back around the corner
16215s instantly there trying to find some
16218s positioning great move back as well the
16219s nice that stop but time does get picked
16222s off Checkmate finding that elimination
16223s overclock now rolling looking for
16225s ultraviolet he's a little bit too
16227s elusive for Hydra to be able to line up
16229s the shot but he eventually gets OG on
16230s the back end of the fight just won by
16232s the floor to make him all the same
16233s Atlanta rain have about one good fight
16235s lift to try and equalize his time back I
16237s think it's looking pretty unlikely it's
16238s only halfway through on the C point so
16241s far I do whack some ultimates to really
16243s push towards the end
16244s we're looking at definitely Florida
16246s having the better turn back with almost
16248s seven done Kai coming from virtually
16250s unblocked
16251s oh Checkmate is just looking to run it
16253s down straight in on top of the DPS it
16255s gets in deep and eventually we'll find
16256s the kill the final takes up that death
16258s Blossom I'm sick the rest of the team
16259s dangerously low Nero eventually dealt
16261s with someone cleaning up The Kill
16263s just like that another fight victory for
16266s the side of the Mayhem
16268s they will be able to get him in the end
16270s for some late staggers and everybody
16271s won't talk about it even later want OG
16272s trying to make it out but Checkmate gets
16274s him in the head of the very last second
16276s yeah that'll definitely Hurt Now
16277s checkmate's setting up for some flanking
16278s angles as well love that play from so
16280s much Ed by the way Checkmate goes in
16282s super aggressively great read versus Kai
16284s wants to shut him down with the death
16285s muscle to deny the overclock legit just
16287s drops in he uses Susan now has tuna Rush
16290s available
16291s I mean they're just diving in OG has to
16293s use the sound barrier in response to
16294s this rush in Florida Mayhem say that's
16296s good enough for us to go ahead they back
16297s away
16298s major support ultimate now gonna be
16300s taken down phenomenal gonna have a sound
16302s barrier of his own in response to ultra
16303s violence if they even have to use it
16305s okay he's gonna still commit the beat to
16307s the fight but ultraviolet was the first
16308s one to fall now Nero eliminated and
16310s Hawkins desperately just trying to
16311s gallop his way back over into the spawn
16313s room but once more he's just not allowed
16315s it's continued stackers down at every
16317s Twist and Turn Florida Mayhem they just
16319s disengage then go diving board towards
16321s the spawn doors over and over again and
16323s this kind of push-pull gameplay is kind
16325s of cool Atlanta right in a bit of a loop
16326s Majid and Adam are both use ultimates
16328s there not at the same time we had the
16330s katuna rush first then made him pull
16332s back and then animal goes back to the
16334s sound barrier and Checkmate the entire
16335s time setting the pace getting really
16336s aggressive now and getting a lot of work
16338s done something UV they have the consumer
16340s rush but after they win this fight they
16342s still don't have enough just to cap just
16344s yet they're gonna have to burn this all
16345s now
16346s yeah it has this feel like Groundhog Day
16349s here for the Atlanta ranges and every
16351s time Florida Mayhem Lane set back in
16352s dying oh yep they just go ahead they
16354s just engage he's not looking to play
16356s around against this rush they say okay
16358s it's fine we can give up a little bit of
16359s spacing here Kai tag down low the
16361s healing starts coming out he manages to
16363s escape but again the Atlanta Reign
16364s they're pulling all the way back towards
16366s the Squadron doors all gonna be taken
16367s down I've been able to snipe him here
16369s with that overclock now Nero dealt with
16371s it as well and here we go again space
16374s bought given to them by the Florida
16376s Mayhem and then they just go ahead and
16377s send her right back into their hands
16378s like just outplay some of the ultimates
16380s in some of the place from Atlanta so
16381s well they out just straight up disengage
16384s out of the kitchen Rush from ultraviolet
16386s Atlanta rank can do nothing really about
16387s that they want to find some members for
16389s May if they cannot and then may him
16391s re-engage the Primal now we're heading
16393s to final fight Kayan needs to win a
16394s fight off this
16396s someone so dangerously low a rush used
16399s by somebody just trying to keep
16400s everybody alive shot goes across hydrant
16402s gonna fall that's an opening for the
16404s side of the rain who need to think push
16405s across in OT and even then it's just
16408s gonna be playing out for its raw death
16409s Blossom dropped in Checkmate uses one of
16410s his own he's protected by the bubble
16412s throw grease for the moment there hero
16413s drops out of the right block finds
16414s someone kills off the main tank with top
16416s of the card still Advance four they have
16418s knocking distance hydrant has swapped
16419s over onto the Widowmaker he found out
16421s Jew in the first shot sound barrier
16422s dropped him by a novel and they're
16424s looking to finish just right here right
16425s now they don't want to go to Extra
16426s Innings but Nero looks the fight back
16428s finds one Checkmate eliminate Hydra
16430s plays around the corner gets him in the
16432s head
16433s OT gonna start plummeting here very
16435s rapidly all they may have need to do is
16437s this place them for a brief for a moment
16438s ultraviolet dealt with OG down to a
16440s sliver trying to self-heal himself back
16442s up but the OT will bleed away before
16443s somebody else can touch and the hold is
16445s successful Florida Mayhem they will win
16448s on King's Row and now move up to zero in
16452s the series
16454s instead of my first Satan hydron is so
16457s good in the series so far he comes out
16459s on a Widowmaker pick by the way just out
16461s of I don't know if I want to call it
16463s desperation but there's a bit of a you
16464s know one of those outer spawn instant
16465s value type of picks he got 75 towards
16469s his infraside ultimate on that one life
16471s just coming out of forms a couple of
16472s picks in there as well
16473s outstanding stuff in Florida Mayhem
16475s outside of just the individual mechanics
16477s where looking at their team play their
16479s ability to have this kind of push-pull
16481s gameplay where they can disengage so
16483s well from the rain will Rey want to go
16484s in and then re-engage back into the rain
16486s when rain leaves expected when they're
16488s not ready for it mayhem even running
16490s towards the rain spawn on sea that's
16493s just so insane
16496s just incredible displays right now from
16500s the side of the Florida Mayhem and the
16501s rain they start off looking really good
16504s they nearly match the time pick on that
16505s initial cap five minutes six to five
16508s minutes and ten from the quarter Mayhem
16509s on their attack it's looking neck and
16511s neck to get a hell of a lot of distance
16512s over towards point B but it was really
16514s that initial lock up after they got seen
16516s the constant resetting the constant
16518s spawn Dives coming through from the
16520s Florida Mayhem to shoot down that clock
16521s now they find themselves at Match Point
16523s here looking to send the rain down to
16525s the lower bracket they need to need to
16526s fight their way out of here they've got
16528s one more map pick to make it happen
16529s we'll see if they can get it done when
16530s we come back from the break
16532s foreign
16545s [Music]
16556s [Music]
16562s [Music]
16571s foreign
16606s foreign
16623s [Music]
16651s thank you
16673s [Music]
16675s foreign
16678s [Music]
16693s [Music]
16709s foreign
16720s [Music]
16744s [Music]
16745s time
16746s [Music]
16768s [Music]
16783s foreign
16792s lead at the moment here for the side of
16794s the Florida Mayhem but first let's talk
16796s about Clockwork Zenyatta because it's
16799s only on sale for a limited time so you
16800s silly Billy's better get you off your
16801s booty and make sure you go ahead and
16803s lock that down before it is gone forever
16805s got it done until November 15th 300
16807s League tokens and whatnot you guys been
16809s watching a hell on OverWatch you should
16810s have more than enough to go ahead and
16811s pick that one up for yourself because
16813s it's uh it's a pretty damn good looking
16815s skin I actually haven't seen this one
16816s before and I I like it and I think I'm
16817s gonna have to buy it after this yeah I
16819s mean I got I copter straight away uh
16821s Gone Forever Until maybe five years time
16823s when the OverWatch League Vault unlocks
16825s again who knows and by the life speaking
16827s of like you know stage skins and stuff
16829s like that we got one more coming the the
16831s champions of the Season get their own
16833s skin as well but that one is still you
16835s know who knows who knows gonna who's
16836s gonna get it that's what the playoffs
16838s are all about Dynasty as uh you know
16841s sorry
16842s threw that one in there I had some
16844s hopium stuck in there yeah I let's talk
16848s about uh what's going on here as well I
16850s kind of want to highlight some of the
16852s stuff happening on the support line
16853s because I think animal and submerged had
16854s a great map on King's Road that we just
16856s saw Summer jet in particular uh his
16860s performance over both UV and his own
16863s team at RuPaul has been staggering it
16864s does still like drive a bit of question
16866s in my mind they're like okay well what
16867s was the sort of the point of
16869s substitution with ripple on for the Jung
16870s map so magent comes in
16872s um obviously a bit of a difference in
16874s the maps you know I think uh Kings Road
16876s generally it probably goes a bit longer
16877s it was a pretty quick 2-0 on Lee Jong
16879s All Things Considered so Ripple didn't
16880s get as much time per se but Majid comes
16883s in and Deals like three times as much as
16886s damage is what Rupal had on the jungle
16888s different map but just want to point
16889s that out but even uh in terms of how
16892s that's looking across the border with
16895s his healing as well something that's
16896s really interesting about because people
16898s think of there is this really high
16899s damaging sport she can certainly get
16901s some shots but she is still kind of like
16903s the main healer for the team and usually
16904s we'll do the majority of the healing and
16906s you'll probably be surprised but Lucio
16908s players have a very similar amount of
16910s damage done if not sometimes more damage
16911s done than even the kariko plays because
16913s you need to bomb up these katsuna rushes
16915s you do that very quickly off the back of
16918s just mainly healing for the fact that
16919s Majid's being able to do a ton of damage
16921s on top of the healing is what he's
16923s setting on the bike
16926s all righty well chunker Town needs to be
16928s the staging ground for the Atlanta reign
16931s because they look to pull off a reverse
16933s sweep so far we have had nothing but
16935s three zeros here in our first day of the
16938s playoffs can Atlanta be the difference
16941s makers even just for one map for God's
16943s sakes let me see somebody fight back
16946s that is what I'm hoping for here as we
16948s will I think you'll get into this one
16950s and see if they're able to get done and
16951s I think the reason you'll get it is
16952s because this is a smart map choice for
16954s the land to rent it allows Hulk to play
16956s the sigma if you want a positive tank
16957s match up for the rain
16959s this is probably going to be the one
16961s he's currently hovering over the Winston
16962s but let's keep our eye out would be
16964s interested to see if that remains to be
16966s the case
16967s um
16968s there is still a position and a
16972s possibility for Sigma on circuit Royale
16974s also this particular map of junker town
16976s to be a great pick and right now uh
16980s someone is clearly I don't want to say
16982s he's the better Winship he's the far
16983s more practice once he has so much more
16984s time on this hero
16986s and Hawk has been mainly an off tank
16988s player who's played primarily I think
16989s doomed this season
16991s and to rain if there's a time to pull
16993s through something a little bit different
16996s this would be a great map to do so we
16998s saw the Aristo in King's rope that had
16999s some success but eventually fell out of
17003s capability of finishing that map and as
17005s gates open for Killers I think for now
17007s yeah Hawk's going to stay on see what
17009s happens on the defense though
17012s you've been with it
17014s this guy just looks the Pokemon brought
17015s around this High Ground gets a good
17016s amount of damage in trying to build up
17018s that rail shot
17020s across which is a brief little moment
17022s it's a window of opportunity to maybe
17024s find a pig
17026s or if it wants to hold on this right
17028s click sends it out someone getting
17029s tacked low he's in too deep should be
17031s taken down and he is talking to find a
17034s kill First Blood they're on the map as
17036s Florida Mayhem now gonna have to give up
17037s a considerable amount of space as they
17039s wait for their main thing to go ahead
17040s and rejoin them I mean what a shot from
17042s Kai though the burst damage the one tank
17043s yeah well
17045s still is a bit of a main yeah well if
17046s you're the one tank you are also the
17048s main tank in this sort of situation as
17049s well but Atlanta Reign using that 5v4
17051s advantage to great success someone
17053s rejoins only now
17056s trying to poke it right around the max
17057s he's kind of on that flank so he can he
17059s gets himself up over towards the card
17061s let's put some attention but instead
17063s it's just dealt with near him able to
17064s get on top of him finds that elimination
17066s kind is still safe still chunking down
17068s members as Checkmate goes down to a
17070s sliver of HP stays alive for now if we
17072s go ahead and just do get out of the
17074s death row and then ammo will not be able
17075s to survive OG with the Cheerios in the
17078s face finds the kills and hero is just
17080s continuing to push forward he appeals
17082s and trying to build up towards that
17083s first death blossom
17085s it'll be the cap coming up the resolve
17087s so now just over five minutes and
17088s Atlanta don't have to hold for that at
17089s all they didn't have to use anything for
17090s that I think you'd be at a situation
17091s where Mayhem actually got a counter
17093s trade somewhere UV would be forcible
17094s team would be pressure to do so the land
17096s to Reign after you know you still see
17098s Kaya Nero particularly getting those
17099s kills in there Atlanta Ranger say hold
17101s it we're good
17102s and a very I think uh straight forward
17104s cap a little bit of resistance from
17106s Mayhem but otherwise with someone dying
17108s in the very early seconds of the game
17110s having to play this 5v4 but for Mayhem
17114s losing a bunch of space he had to get
17115s someone back but some half of the
17117s reclaims based on that the rain are
17118s pushing the highway through they are the
17120s first ones to Ultimate for the majority
17121s of offense
17123s he also finds himself at about a 20 the
17125s opposite as well underneath the hawk
17126s towards that Primal range
17129s to rely on the rest of the team to do
17131s some point here with their ultimates
17132s rushby Rush gonna be coming through and
17135s responds and checkman just take it down
17137s now might have as well falling someone
17140s down to about 5 HP up on the high
17142s grounds he grabs a health pack somewhere
17144s and he's gonna try to go ahead and
17146s Escape they continue to pursue in Hawk
17148s looking to zap him down
17150s so he will be allowed to stay alive but
17152s Atlanta rain are just steamrolling their
17154s way through this map second point about
17156s to be snatched up Florida May in half
17157s four ultimate social they got to get
17158s this retake in quickly it's got to be a
17160s bloody one both teams gonna be ulting
17162s pretty big hit someone's gonna fly well
17164s there it is the clock first
17165s yeah Primal does get popped I think the
17167s animals feet gone along Zone grabbing
17169s around the back
17170s that Blossom's gonna be hell but
17172s Checkmate actually does find the
17173s elimination here on the hawk does he
17174s commit his off to this it seems like
17176s Atlanta rain are more than happy to go
17178s for the reset here
17179s because there was going to try to escape
17181s and actually almost takes down some
17182s water does narrowly survive and offer up
17185s a good amount of all charge here for his
17186s supports
17188s I think that's a semblance of control is
17189s found this could be a potential mistake
17191s from the reign as well because they give
17192s up good map control now I think it's
17193s fine to disengage another situation but
17195s disengaging and just kind of
17198s I don't know if they want to say opting
17199s to lose there but certainly they weren't
17200s Keen to uh commit Hawk doesn't frame
17204s already like that was a lot of key
17205s things now it's probably the sniping
17206s animal rain could definitely go and
17207s probably still have to alter a little
17209s here but maybe they can save some
17213s but now we're still taking their time
17214s itching forward jumping across the
17217s opposite way drops down knocks someone
17218s away and into Nero's welcoming arms they
17221s find that elimination Checkmate has
17222s tried to buy a little bit of time as
17224s much as they possibly can but it's
17225s hooked to the side hops to death Blossom
17227s and doesn't get a damn thing for it two
17228s quick kills every guy as well with the
17229s overclock and all the chaos the cap
17231s comes in and it's over four minutes
17234s for the side of the Atlanta Rangers to
17236s get ready to push into the final stretch
17237s that's going to be one of the more
17238s depressing uh death Blossom to see how
17241s to Checkmate when anyone really it just
17243s it's entire team's already dead I think
17244s there's like two people left just him
17245s and one other and then it's just him and
17247s he gets pooped Away by Hall just batting
17249s with the bigger other arms on the win
17251s survival and Checkmate goes slow death
17253s wants him anyway it just does nothing
17255s that's one ultimate that Mayhem will
17256s want back but Majid's gonna have the
17258s early katuna Rush here
17259s we'll need to use at the regain space
17261s pretty low HP though on someone
17267s and Rangers don't play towards it
17270s if Hulk live here I mean UV can just
17272s counter Alton's good for rain yeah I
17273s mean
17274s similar to what we saw in King's Row
17276s with Mayhem disengaging with rain kind
17277s of just get out of the katuna Russian
17278s doesn't do a lot
17280s [Music]
17281s and you're all pushing forward death
17283s Blossom dropped in Checkmate immediately
17284s taken down and ammo into the back we'll
17287s stay safe but now good Boop just keep
17289s Hawking an arms distance but he's got
17291s the zap starts with the right click
17293s Snipes him down another shot across on
17294s the hydrant here
17307s managing to find two eliminations here
17309s for himself as it's a very bloody roll
17311s back and forth here someone trying to
17312s stay alive but eventually will be felt
17314s Nero finding that elimination but he
17316s himself as well is going to get dropped
17317s and I get to the end of it all somehow
17319s the Florida Mayhem successfully do get
17320s the hold one narrow died at the start of
17322s the fight right you've seen never dying
17323s here again that's because he just
17324s respawned so he kind of dies twice in
17326s the same fight
17327s and Florida Mayhem also get a lot of
17328s value on someone's Primal again he's a
17330s very experienced Winston play this is
17331s one of his top picks he's been getting
17333s successes on that primal
17335s we land to rain now Hawks don't have to
17336s prove he can do the same thing with his
17337s own final coming up online they get some
17339s good distance I mean I think for UV it
17341s wasn't the worst squeaker all has
17343s reasonable Valley but they definitely
17344s wanted more out of the kills afterwards
17349s yep
17351s oh honest right now hero goes up to
17353s match
17369s which could be monstrous
17371s kindness to set the pace right now
17373s I need to take control of the space they
17375s currently don't have this High Ground
17376s Control either nearest slowly pushing
17378s Kai still holding legit is on now
17383s but he's also going to take it down he
17385s uses it checkpoint's gonna get for one
17386s but then the overclock comes in from Kai
17388s finds the kill catches Hydra trying to
17390s push up onto that left side flank breaks
17393s it down to size gonna be eliminated
17394s Under Fire 65 HP remaining for him and
17397s there's not much else that he could do
17398s someone kind of botches the jump forward
17400s so he's not going to be able to get the
17401s punish here for the added stagger but
17404s anyway let's get his way out to safety
17405s but they still manage to hold this and
17407s it's gonna be Hawk who's actually traded
17408s on the back end and that's probably even
17410s better there as well because it's a
17411s later kill than where Kai would have
17412s been yeah someone gets two regardless I
17414s think he won the kai getting away even
17415s if they don't kill Hulk someone kill him
17417s through there once again this time
17418s without a primal by the way it is so
17420s huge for the team but Jen dies popping
17422s down the consumer rush but the team
17423s still gets to use it
17424s despite chick made a hydro getting shot
17426s there that was a reasonable ultimate
17427s from car he got a lot of work done but
17429s they couldn't convert that further they
17430s couldn't clean up the rest of the
17431s members of someone has been a huge
17433s problem and now he's got the Primal
17434s again
17437s off The High Ground
17439s the blossom held
17441s he's gonna rush out from ultraviolet and
17443s some kills someone staying alive
17445s despite the Primal HP there and yeah I
17448s mean Nero's definitely trying to find
17449s somebody but everybody's flying quite
17451s far away he decides to go into Ops the
17453s ultimate Checkmate rape walking away but
17454s two kills are gonna be found traded back
17456s as Kai does get dropped the cart just
17458s two and a half meters left to go now as
17459s Jimmy tries to keep this one contested
17461s the dive comes back in so might have
17462s just hungry Hill forward into the
17464s sweeper trying to keep him alive use the
17465s cleanse as well Hawk gonna be taken down
17467s and find the eliminations out of town
17468s bear are gonna be dropped into
17469s desperation from this out of OG he gets
17471s the right click kill Checkmate now gonna
17472s be taken out well they may have someone
17474s swaps over on I'm sorry and tries to get
17476s back in here but just gonna evolve
17477s nearly the alt online but they just
17479s barely get pushed off of the card the C9
17482s calls come through from the side of the
17484s rain score and that was looking damn
17486s holdable seconds for the Florida Mayhem
17489s they had ultimate magent Kim comes back
17491s he's got a katuna rush he was at 99 we
17494s know he had a barrier too and yeah that
17496s was so horrible I think Mayhem will be
17498s left wanting
17500s legit says awesome
17502s awesome uh it's one way to look at it
17505s yeah well it's uh to be fair the Silver
17507s Lining there for Mayhem is still like
17509s what was the what was the time back for
17510s Randolph's gapping B about four minutes
17511s right four minutes plus
17513s so may him still bring that one right
17515s down to 4.2 which is okay but they would
17517s have loved to have held that instead
17519s because it was well within their grass
17520s but slips through their fingers instead
17523s someone's still getting a number of
17525s frags at Checkmate and the Jed's taking
17527s a life for so long by the way two
17529s invulnerabilities there checkmate's got
17531s the raid form drops down the suzu
17534s and then our Reaper just does not die
17537s so now once again as we head to the
17538s defense of the rain we look at the cops
17539s Hawk is not going to go for these Sigma
17541s so
17542s maybe circuit Royale will be the pick
17544s Jonestown certainly is let's take a look
17545s at the C9 here again
17547s so here comes all the members coming up
17549s through pay attention to animal Majin
17550s have a lot of ultimates and then Nero
17552s pushes in someone tries to go onto the
17554s Halo animos are fights there just wasn't
17557s anyone there no one even got booed off
17559s there just wasn't anyone there
17561s maybe that maybe Florida felt like
17563s someone was closer than he was but he
17564s just wasn't he was on Azaria not a
17566s Winston he couldn't jump on
17569s well this is a bit of a different look
17570s here as we have a very forward hole for
17572s the southern land of rain
17573s that they have a lot of people who can't
17575s just disconnect from this position with
17577s relatives with the jump the TP the slide
17582s they're gonna be putting the player on
17583s the back side of the shed for now
17584s checking around the flank trying to make
17586s sure that Nero isn't going to be coming
17587s in from behind guys
17589s Hawkins taken down as well so yeah I
17592s better try for playing man much better
17594s trade for Mayhem even though they're
17595s giving the kill yeah Majid trading on
17597s divided that's going to help Majid get
17598s the ultimate later on
17599s very back and forth we have to remember
17601s Mayhem have the closest spawns here rain
17602s have a big lot long run back so these
17605s remaining players have to leave before
17606s they get stated they can stay here that
17608s becomes much worse for the rain
17610s so pretty iffy and catches
17613s I think if Hawk doesn't die that would
17615s be an acceptable holder with Hulk just
17617s getting rolled by Checkmate who just
17619s runs up to him a few shotgun blasts to
17621s the face
17622s now Reyna forced to hold the same
17623s position I think the Silver Lining over
17625s the rain is at least they still get this
17626s choke point
17628s yeah
17629s sure all right pressure into the back
17632s should I go sliding to the side some
17634s self elusive for now
17636s to build up that next rail
17638s break down the bubbles Hawk makes his
17640s exit low HP there for the Winston
17643s good top back up oh she won oh he's
17646s gonna be found there yeah he goes low
17648s barely Manchester surviving right now
17650s the HP bars from the side of the range
17651s not looking all too great Kai getting
17653s jumped on yet again the subject mate
17655s will be able to do him in finds that
17657s kill hawk gonna be under Fire ends up
17659s falling and it's gonna be a fairly quick
17660s capture from the side of the port of
17662s Mayhem as they just now clean up the few
17663s remaining members of the rain I think
17665s the the thing there as well is like you
17667s know I mentioned that rain at least
17669s still had the choke point to play with
17670s that sort of kill box before we get to
17671s the open area but the other issue is
17673s Mayhem already have sort of some high
17675s grounds played through there as well the
17677s first to that area and Reina kind of
17678s trying to find some positioning
17681s one kind of cool thing we do see there
17683s with grain losing despite the losing the
17685s fact that UV keeps something legit it's
17687s like you'll be dying you'd be actually
17688s dead magenta did not and both Rico are
17690s still finding out at the same time so
17691s ultraviolet's been doing a lot to get
17694s these very fast alternates for an am
17696s currently set on four nearly five this
17698s is rain drop down
17702s okay rushes pop on either side the other
17704s clock there for a hydrant The Violet
17706s gonna be the first one to get taken down
17707s but holding out of the corner on him
17709s getting jumped on it grabs that Mega
17711s package about to stay alive for a little
17712s bit longer but someone's got the juggle
17713s on him and he manages to take him down
17714s to the end General finds one for his
17717s trouble but will get cleaned up near
17720s Indiana someone nearly survives
17723s additional stagger foundation will get
17724s dropped and Florida may have to get this
17726s car rolling risk keep it very patient
17728s rewarding time in there for Animo he
17729s held onto the sound barrier for quite a
17731s long time UV and OG dropped fairly uh
17734s consistently together Majid responds
17735s Majid actually had his own kariko katuna
17738s rush but it's animal with a slightly
17739s later beat that allows for Paula May him
17741s to get super aggressive with someone
17742s with a fantastic Corner track on the kai
17744s removing Kai from the equation is a huge
17746s deal Now setting up for the potential of
17748s a death boss from Checkmate has been
17749s found playing or aware of the
17751s positioning you see my chicken with the
17753s TV as well
17754s yeah
17756s so aggressive Blossom held overclocked
17760s pop by Kai off screen spots him here in
17762s the hallway but everybody disengages
17764s back
17765s line of sight making sure
17767s they don't get their heads clipped on
17769s here this Focus looks to hold the top of
17771s the stairs
17772s but it may have now very much contained
17774s into the back spots here of this map
17777s that need to be able to break free and
17778s Hawk is going to be looking to dive in
17779s Hydra onto somebody but now that's gonna
17782s be hydron getting the head shot Nero
17783s taken down Kai as well low on HP
17785s continues get chipped away after the
17787s death Blossom dropped in by Checkmate
17788s finds two ultraviolet joining him in the
17790s grave
17791s the cleanup comes through and it's again
17793s a four plus minute time bank here is the
17795s Fordham a.m look at the storm that way
17797s to the end of the match and Ryan has to
17798s have a great sea hole just like Mayhem
17800s did what a way to sort of out rotate
17802s Hawk through see Hawk forced to Primal
17803s in
17804s Hulk tries to find some quarter tracks
17806s trying to find some members inside the
17807s small halls for the floor Mayhem they
17809s just walk out they go back over towards
17811s the point hydron flies a shot De Niro
17812s and then Checkmate gets to death wants
17814s him on the actual point itself
17816s and lands of rain no answer for it Hawk
17818s super low HP now as well they can't even
17820s take space made him have the turntable
17822s on the top high ground they have the
17824s payload pushing someone's about to play
17826s an ultimate machete is the first
17827s consumer Rush Mayhem are in position to
17830s get a lot of that again they can just
17831s bring push and they don't have to hold
17832s unless Reign responds
17835s made finding some good value slows them
17837s up kind of push around the front side
17838s get some damage through as well yeah
17843s I'm back
17844s kill major opening here as Hawk drops
17847s down he's trying to keep this thing
17848s contested with someone I mean he's got
17849s that Bolton's back pocket he's ready to
17852s pop at a given moment Rush gonna be used
17853s on either side Hydra does can take it
17855s down all people will find that kill
17856s first and foremost sound barrier now
17858s gonna be coming in late second here from
17859s anamo but he continues to get worse
17861s lower and lower and nearer will find the
17863s elimination in the end so despite the
17864s sound barrier investment yeah you just
17866s have no way of fighting back they all
17868s get taken down to the rain now have
17869s control of the card but it's a big
17870s investment from the Florida Mayhem and
17872s someone realizes over it doesn't burn
17874s the Primal good choice to make really it
17876s was a kill to hydrant right we talk
17878s about the fact that someone jumps in
17879s we're like man Halsey just managed to
17882s find a pick Holt kind of does the same
17883s thing drops on top of hydron and that is
17886s the key pick I think of that fight that
17887s allows rain to win because otherwise
17888s heidelines damage might have made that
17890s difference
17893s foreign
17903s [Music]
17925s cleans up both the supports gets kind of
17927s boot and Hawk just doesn't stand a
17929s chance just under two minutes now gonna
17931s be bumped up to just under three as they
17934s complete the map and that pick on the
17936s Hulk is so huge as well I think he was
17937s on about 200 he was left he listened to
17940s half HP
17942s but still had ample opportunity I feel
17944s to maybe have gone for that primer but
17945s he gets taken down very quickly from
17948s below half doesn't respect the damage up
17950s from the floor to make him
17952s but because he goes down landed down to
17954s four members they can't hold on someone
17956s gets super aggressive he was cleaving
17958s three members towards the rain base the
17961s spawn for quite some time instantly goes
17963s Primal pop somebody down with the prime
17965s will just instant delete somebody Hawk
17967s eventually comes out for the primer but
17968s it's too late I think you already lost
17970s that fight Chipman has the death Blossom
17972s on the point they already can't think
17974s you want to touch you've got to run him
17975s to death Blossom perfect opportunity for
17976s the Florida Mayhem now off the back of
17979s one fantastic kill on the Hulk they
17981s gotta get a brilliant time at 253 versus
17983s one minute
17987s your advantage but we have seen teams
17990s push out from you know these positions
17993s many many times in the past you can see
17995s it's just checkmate
18000s just ran up to the spawn and press Q if
18002s that works yep no zoning ultimates here
18005s this is fully for the aggression
18009s someone you had an early death last time
18012s let's see if you can avoid that it's
18014s only a minute that they have to work
18015s through but dying this close up would be
18018s uh pretty devastating sends out a couple
18021s zaps and we'll just go ahead and leap up
18022s over onto the opposite High Ground I
18024s think he definitely knows that uh his
18025s death was probably the impetus of
18027s Atlanta Reigns initial eight point cap
18029s so
18030s has to be careful this time as you sort
18032s of mentioned the legit able to climb up
18034s a decent amount of alt charge off of the
18036s Damage Done to someone so far also can't
18039s afford real make him you can't afford
18040s for Kai just a landing shot so that
18043s first rail will go
18044s to the right 30 seconds
18048s all right here's the contest under the
18050s initial Bridge
18052s this one locked in place all members of
18055s the Florida may have playing here on the
18056s low ground it's like five minutes might
18058s be gonna rotate back around but no he's
18060s actually just playing right there inside
18061s of the joke
18062s he possibly can and I'm taking a load
18065s somewhat nearly dead the pumping heals
18067s out as quickly as they possibly can but
18068s he still will Falls because we can cause
18070s some Hydra as he and Khan find a kill a
18072s piece
18080s but look at the 86 percent from magent
18082s even if the payload gets to the end of a
18084s and there will be enough time for the
18085s Mayhem to come back in they pop the
18087s katuna rush and that is a major win
18088s condition Oshie does also have a sound
18090s barrier coming online though sort of
18091s beat that connection between those two
18093s ultimates one per side
18096s okay they went out the grenade just for
18097s a little bit longer someone now jumping
18099s forward keeps it contested there's the
18100s rush
18101s Jets popping that trying to keep them in
18103s this house OG ultraviolet nearly with
18106s that next one now and I'm gonna be using
18108s the shielding as well to push away
18109s they're on to Nero attack back in for
18111s free for the moment but there gives his
18112s life flight for it OG now gonna be
18114s taking it down the cleanup is coming
18115s through Hawk will find one but as he
18117s leaps away from the cart that will be
18119s the end of this assault
18121s Atlanta rain can't quite make it to
18123s point a with the hold that position and
18127s two minutes and 53 seconds if they want
18129s to be able to take this map
18131s bit of a change in the chat there
18133s Majesty's not going to say I think he's
18134s talking about the C9
18136s guy says do it what I want to mention
18138s there is as well it really wasn't I
18140s think I think and it absolutely wasn't
18142s but nowadays I think players just throw
18143s it in there at all times
18145s um I'm going to talk about the fact that
18146s there was that one Fade Away kill they
18148s got into ultraviolet on I think the
18150s first fight as well and I sort of
18152s mentioned vegetables ahead by about 20
18154s on the consumer Rush that ends up being
18156s a defining Factor because ultraviolet
18158s Atlanta terrain and that eight-point
18160s push on about 98 99 towards the katuna
18163s rush so that one death on UltraViolet
18166s slowing them down from finding the
18167s cartoon Rush win previously I mean it's
18169s sort of mentioned but even uh not just
18172s this map but the other Maps as well
18173s ultraviolet's timing for consumeration
18175s has been really good whether he's alive
18176s or dead but yeah because he doesn't get
18178s that extra time to find the damage and
18180s couldn't respond to if both sport offers
18182s command OG had the Soundbar which is
18184s great that's that Sean's ultraviolet by
18185s the way getting him down they're
18188s basically will slow him down from being
18189s the response of the Zone Casino Russian
18191s that could have been the Difference
18191s Maker I think it would have actually
18192s been the Difference Maker
18197s here we go again with the forward hold
18199s up on top and they need this to be an
18202s absolute bunker
18204s income for the rain if they want to be
18205s able to hold this off and take us oh my
18207s God
18210s just starts off the Widowmaker and they
18212s just do not see it coming at all OG
18214s instantly taken down and the rest of the
18217s rain half to this place they have to
18218s scatter as quickly as humanly possible
18220s but getting out of this position now
18221s this is going to prove to be difficult
18223s if not impossible to clean up comes
18225s through and put a fork in it this is
18227s looking very well done I mean they will
18229s still be contested if there will still
18231s be another option for the land to rain
18232s and to be fair that's not nearly as bad
18234s as the what Violet Bap jumping on King's
18237s Road Akai sniping him and you know
18239s playoffs of years past ironically it's
18242s the rain now popping the end of that
18244s sniper rifle
18246s and Hulk's back on a doofus oh this is
18248s gonna be really rough I think he would
18250s have had time to come back and Winston
18251s but he trust his dude this year they
18252s don't have much to work through this has
18254s to be a very good neutral for the rain
18260s this is the girl absolutely nuclear here
18262s but he's instantly chunked down a half
18264s HP Dives in decent seismic slam off
18268s the heels come forward just trying to
18269s keep him alive as much as they possibly
18271s can fists go up trying to mitigate
18273s coming out of half Hydra dead Kai finds
18275s the opening kill that's the first step
18278s someone as well getting focus fired
18280s stunned up pushing into the side the
18281s water tank gets taken down seems like
18283s for now Hawk is absolutely destroying
18286s with the deal
18287s what's up with a couple kills and they
18288s will be able to hold this card position
18289s but it's just 2.6 meters away with a
18291s minute 25 left to go but he definitely
18293s survived I think Mayhem also play that
18295s one very safe as well they didn't really
18296s want to get engaged directly on top of
18298s Mayhem so it rained rather
18300s and they couldn't sort of
18302s sort of force these ultimates come to
18303s result it looked like they wanted to
18305s play patient for the ultimate so they
18306s knew they were ahead but because they
18307s lose that fight rain catch up and
18308s Hawking particularly gets himself an
18310s ultimate in that one fight
18312s okay rushby Rush the beat still held by
18315s an ammo he's gonna go ahead and drop
18316s that one in OG 10 away from him
18318s instantly get taken down hydron up onto
18321s The High Ground
18322s manages to snipe out one and that is it
18325s they Zone Hawk back the push comes
18327s through the Florida Mayhem will be able
18329s to make it happen here in the Extra
18331s Innings and we do not have a series on
18333s our hands it is yet another instance of
18336s three OverWatch as the Florida Mayhem
18338s will keep themselves here in the upper
18339s bracket Atlanta Reign now gonna have to
18341s Duke it out down and dirty in the lowers
18343s and it's the Florida Mayhem in the 10th
18345s seed a play-ins team that takes down the
18348s Atlanta rank coming at the seventh seed
18349s as well
18350s and if you're really 900a Cube if you're
18352s a really big brain you're probably
18353s thinking oh I guess we'll have to rain
18355s low breaker right that makes a lot of
18356s sense this is where they're strong maybe
18358s they just lost on purpose of killers
18359s gotta get sent down low brightness early
18361s so they can just make the powerful run
18362s through it's like the 2021 playoffs all
18364s over because they got to the finals from
18366s being dropped to the lower bracket last
18368s year maybe they could do it again but I
18369s still got to say I think this is an
18371s upset from All We Gather from the four
18373s domain but they're a good team they're a
18375s great team but they were underprepared
18377s coming into play-offs given they had to
18378s play the play-ins patch instead very
18380s limited scrims as said from their team
18382s and they come through and they freezer
18384s they land to right hydron has a
18386s fantastic game someone is all amazing on
18388s that Winston on the Atlanta Reign they
18391s tried some different stuff we saw some
18393s Arista coming through from Hawk we saw
18394s the Bastion as well we saw the Ryan at
18396s one stage
18397s but they end up not winning any of that
18399s they don't take any rounds on Lee Jung
18401s couple of potential mistakes there from
18403s my POV I think on guarded specifically
18406s and then the other maps I mean close
18409s Affairs like you've got to say for
18410s junkertown at least we get to a time
18412s back but even when you look at the
18413s difference in the time back it's about
18414s three minutes to the one minute the
18417s Flora Mayhem has just so much more extra
18419s they can work through they're allowed to
18420s lose more fights on that a point time
18423s back and they do but they could come
18424s back in have another shot and that shot
18426s gets the victory
18429s well I said it before there was one man
18431s who really kind of put the team on his
18432s back especially in those those first two
18434s maps even though the rest of the team
18436s was playing absolutely incredibly he
18437s just went above and beyond that is our
18439s player of the match in hydron who just
18441s had an absolute whale of a time playing
18444s the sojourn the whole way throughout
18448s 10 000 damage per 10 over the course of
18450s the three maps and I think on
18451s specifically uh final blows pretend
18453s King's Row he had 13 000 damage pertain
18456s so uh that particular map was so damn
18459s good we talked about Lee Jong already
18460s had the 73 charge Sean accuracy on that
18463s one 10 final blows but 10 by the way is
18465s a really good Benchmark for a player
18466s that means obviously you had a lot to
18469s work through and that stat line
18471s specifically as well I mean last year we
18473s looked over the course for the entire
18474s season only one player averaged 10 out
18477s of 10 BattleBots but 10 that was leave
18478s he was the MVP that's obviously over the
18480s course of the entire season though but
18481s really sets the stage as a bit of a
18483s standard that if you can get that in a
18485s single map then you're kind of hitting
18486s that level that's the level you want to
18488s be at as a DPS player but I think we saw
18490s the impact here even saw it on the
18491s Widowmaker by the way as well seapoint
18493s defense jungle type automaker you're
18494s certainly eight point attack instant
18496s headshot into OG Atlanta rain
18498s didn't respect the possibility of a
18500s Widowmaker they got punished for that
18502s um
18503s but how much impact does it look the
18506s first pledge I think multiple times on
18508s King 12 first flight coming up
18511s yeah I just at every twist and turn I
18514s mean there was times where it seemed
18515s like Atlanta rain had the great had
18516s great positioning seemed like they had
18518s things under control and then all of a
18519s sudden uh hydron just came down off the
18521s top rope out of nowhere just dropped in
18522s with an overclock dropped in with a rail
18523s shot and was able to start really
18525s turning the tides of these fights I just
18528s didn't quite get heated up into the kai
18531s that we know he can be on that sojourn
18533s play it was a little bit rough around
18534s the edges uh for him and for the rest of
18536s the Atlanta Reign so very well done here
18538s from the side of the Florida Mayhem but
18539s rain will have to keep an eye on them
18540s like you said maybe this is that that
18542s intentional loss to them to be able to
18544s have that strong lower bracket run as
18546s they often do but a lot of questions how
18549s are they going to look moving forward
18550s into their future series are they going
18552s to continue to run Hawk here in every
18554s single situation or will we seem to see
18556s Gator because we had that question at
18557s the beginning of this match and at the
18560s end of it all he was uh you know Gator
18561s was not found today or nft for short
18563s whichever one you want to use but we'll
18565s have to see if they're going to be
18566s bringing him out in the future
18567s yeah I'll look forward to it great job
18570s by the Florida Mayhem a second upset of
18572s the day
18574s there it is and uh yet again another 3-0
18576s but we have one more match to try to
18578s stop that from happening maybe we can
18579s actually have a series maybe we can see
18581s some back and forth brawling we'll have
18583s to just wait and see what happens if we
18584s get ready to go into that fourth and
18586s final one of the evening but we're gonna
18587s go to a quick little break and then the
18589s desk will break down this third match
18591s for you when we return so don't go
18592s anywhere
18597s do my question
18607s [Music]
18613s sorry
18615s the OverWatch league is brought to you
18617s by Butterfinger crispity crunchy peanut
18620s buttery no one lays a finger on your
18623s Butterfinger
18627s [Music]
18647s [Music]
18658s foreign
18660s [Music]
18671s [Music]
18683s [Music]
18698s [Music]
18704s thank you
18718s foreign
18739s [Music]
18745s [Music]
18752s [Music]
18759s foreign
18761s [Music]
18791s foreign
18791s [Music]
18811s [Music]
18818s [Music]
18831s foreign
18834s [Music]
18845s [Music]
18872s first of all of course congratulations
18874s to you and your team a convincing 3-0
18878s victory for the Mayhem in the very first
18880s match now please fill us in and tell us
18883s how did you get it done what gave your
18885s team The Edge today
18886s thank you I mean I don't know we're just
18889s like really good in this meta and we
18891s just pulled it out
18893s just really good man pull it out oh yeah
18894s well I want to know like were you
18897s expecting Atlanta to throw some of these
18899s strange pics at you obviously they came
18900s out and played a Reinhardt Fashion on
18902s one of the rounds how did you deal with
18904s that I mean I didn't play that mob but
18906s like our team just like
18908s adopted I guess
18910s right so some clean adapters
18914s all right so asking more about kiriko
18917s then because you did play some kuriko in
18918s this series uh of course I mean we
18920s should ask a couple of questions about
18922s this hero in general now you're known
18924s for being a bit of an aggressive player
18925s so first off I just want to ask does
18927s your team ever tell you to like heal
18929s more no like they just let me play the
18931s game and do myself yeah that's okay I
18934s just hit my shots and go away all right
18936s well how comfortable are you feeling on
18938s the hero obviously very limited practice
18939s heading into this tournament how do you
18942s personally feel it do you think you're
18943s quite good at it I mean I played like
18944s crying like 20 hours in the hero and
18946s I've been grinding a lot where I like
18948s the team playing in playing so
18951s under here like really fits my playstyle
18954s since like I play aggressive yeah and it
18956s shows and it worked out for you and your
18958s team so we're gonna let you get back to
18960s celebrate and prepare for your matches
18962s tomorrow thank you so much for joining
18963s us and good luck in your next match
18964s thank you for having me of course now
18966s let's break the action down it didn't
18968s even break his sweat he just he seems so
18970s casual I was like I played 20 hours
18973s you know all right it's great for them
18976s but yeah that boats well for the rest of
18978s the playoffs great the other team's hard
18980s grinding going into so much strategy and
18982s so much I was like yeah I just just
18984s played her a little bit she's pretty
18985s good you know one morning I just woke up
18986s and then I was a really good then I
18988s chose violence exactly that's how it
18991s goes let's discuss uh this match though
18993s actually let's start with something you
18995s just mentioned in the interview
18997s um Atlanta did thrill of you people
18999s questionable picks maybe add them uh
19002s were they just like the aspiration picks
19003s or was there you think strategy involved
19005s well we uh we posed this question
19007s heading into this match of what are the
19009s Atlanta rain going to play because
19011s they've been wanting to lean on Hawk but
19013s Gator is that Winston player for them so
19015s we get the answer that they are gonna
19016s play Hawk on that Winston but at certain
19019s times he's trying to do something a
19021s little different to throw the opposition
19022s off guard you know they played that
19024s Reinhardt fashion we even saw a little
19026s bit of doomfist a little bit of erisa
19027s from Hawk as well but someone just
19029s really had his number in terms of
19031s quickly adapting to deal with that uh
19033s Hawk had some good moments I don't think
19035s it was a big just main tank difference
19037s in this matchup but Florida Mayhem
19039s looking very comfortable in this matter
19040s with once again hydron stepping up to an
19043s even higher level oh yeah I mean hydron
19046s was absolutely popping off in this
19047s series as well we did hype up the Kai
19049s versus hide on match up as the matchup
19051s to look out for in this series in
19053s particular because we respect the
19054s Atlanta Reign when it comes to their
19056s damage players I was on speedly in the
19058s mix of course and Nero here on the
19059s reaper as well but also the backline
19060s ultraviolet and OG that's one of the
19062s best backlines in the game but the big
19063s question mark was the tank player Hawk
19065s now playing Winston formerly known as a
19068s diva player doomfist stuff like that
19070s right how are they going to adapt uh but
19071s hydron he stepped up when he came to the
19073s damage roll as well giving Florida mayor
19075s an additional win condition that they so
19077s desperately need when they face top
19079s teams like the Atlanta Reign for example
19081s someone on the Winston I thought he was
19083s spectacular this is what he's really
19085s known for this is his best hero he's at
19087s a breakout rookie season 44th Amendment
19089s if you take a look at the stats in this
19091s matchup 8.1 the final goes on for 10
19094s minutes as a Winston like are you
19096s kidding me 8.1 4.6 Primal Rage kills per
19099s 10 minutes as well you know a bit of a
19100s bit of a good way blade kind of Primal
19102s blade finger you're just gonna keep
19103s saying that aren't you yeah
19106s the energy the Anaheim he's just
19108s channeling Primal blades yeah I love it
19109s but this could really be the tournament
19111s where we go that someone is just like
19113s you know an average above average gonna
19115s thank player to like
19117s actually like a great fantastic tank
19119s player being able to contest with some
19121s of the best tank players around the
19123s league maybe not smurfing fearless and
19124s hunting level are you a doubter the
19126s doubter maybe I'm a doubter I'm just
19128s saying someone on his best hero on
19129s Winston here in this tournament he could
19131s really make a name for himself so I'm
19133s keeping my eyes on the Fordham man and
19134s someone to really Elevate their play and
19136s make a name for themselves throughout
19137s this week yeah I'm excited to see more
19140s from that team now if we're looking at
19141s the I find the rain though moving
19143s forward do you guys feel like leaving
19146s hawk in as uh taking up that Winston
19149s role is the right move to do because
19150s yeah it allows more flexibility uh if
19153s they want to switch to other tanks but
19154s does that make sense in what we suspect
19157s to be the meta or would you rather have
19159s gator who is a very a very good uh
19162s Winston in my opinion it's too late to
19164s switch the gator if they've already made
19165s that decision to play Hawk that means
19167s that they've played a lot of their
19168s scrims with him being in the lineup
19169s maybe they just move away from Hawk
19172s trying to play a lot of different wacky
19173s things like speedily on that Bastion him
19175s on that Reinhardt and just stick to the
19177s win said it's not that bad it is
19179s definitely not going to be their winning
19180s Factor but if he can just at least go
19182s even with some of these other guys it
19183s could be a good thing end at the end of
19185s the day let's remember it's the Atlanta
19186s raid you know Atlanta Reign loves to go
19189s on these long runs through the lower
19190s bracket they've done it this season they
19191s did it last season yeah through the
19193s lower bracket to make it to the Grand
19194s Final so you know never count them out
19196s absolutely and we certainly hope to see
19200s that happening or I certainly I'm not
19201s going to speak for everyone I am I'm
19202s still an implantic fan even though I
19204s didn't predict them for this one uh you
19206s did however so you were wrong
19207s congratulations we're playing three or
19210s OverWatch and I am currently Owen three
19212s on the desk so I'm not sticking with
19213s theme yeah no I I love the commitments
19215s commit to the bits that's what Costa is
19217s known for I do want to preview our last
19220s match of the day Houston Outlaws will
19223s face off against a Toronto defiant and
19225s first I want to take a look at who needs
19228s to level it up and leveling up presented
19230s by Butterfinger who you got your eyes on
19232s I have to look at Dante because once
19235s again this man is going to have to level
19237s up for the Houston Outlaws because if
19239s they are going to rely on him to be
19241s their tank player which you know he has
19243s been a staple in the same way that Hawk
19244s is he's gonna have to learn another hero
19247s so Dante you've been collecting The
19249s Infinity Gauntlet of tank Heroes we saw
19251s him earlier on in the season picking up
19253s the new doomfist playing very well and
19255s we're like oh you know he's a DPS player
19257s of course he knows how to play doomfist
19258s but then we had junker Queen come out he
19260s played incredibly on that junker queen
19262s as well for them in the summer Showdown
19264s he played some Zaire in the countdown
19266s cup as well like just look at these stat
19267s cards he's very good at what he does but
19270s this is a completely different beast in
19272s the Winston Johnny you are a tank player
19274s you played a lot of Winston do you
19276s genuinely think Dante could come into
19278s this lineup in the playoff play the
19280s Winston and play it at the level he
19281s needs to play
19283s there's nothing Dante can't do
19294s Winston
19296s is it going to be World beating
19299s I don't know about that but I'm just
19301s saying if Dante comes out and play
19302s Winston I wouldn't be surprised yeah
19304s absolutely all right I I hear that
19307s there's something I dodged that question
19308s heavily
19309s around that very professionally that was
19312s the most awkward skirting around the
19314s place whatever yeah I don't know I I
19316s somehow felt like there was a tiny
19318s little spark of faith in adanta Winston
19321s yeah the tiny Sparkle look he played
19324s Diva there they look great people clown
19326s on him for his Diva doing goat smell and
19328s don't they look good in the Sombra so if
19330s he come out to Winston you know do a
19331s little bit of Leaping napping raging
19334s punching you know zapping you know what
19336s I'm talking about very easy to do yeah
19338s everyone can play Winston yeah come on
19340s just do the dumb thing I'll say this
19342s what did the numbers say though the
19344s numbers yeah what do the numbers say map
19346s wise oh map wise my papers here uh yeah
19349s this this is a fun fact for you and I
19352s didn't know this going into the stuff
19353s Houston Outlaws is the best team we have
19356s in the league on control Maps really
19358s yeah 7 50 win rate on control maps that
19361s is the Houston Outlaws for you so you
19363s guys know why that is funny because
19364s there used to be like that used to be
19366s their Kryptonite yeah I cannot tell you
19368s how many of those are in map five but no
19371s last season didn't they lose every
19372s single controller was that so that was a
19374s weird start like that was that last
19376s season of the Season before that's
19377s probably shock you're thinking that I
19378s was like oh we lose some control but
19380s then you're like well yeah
19381s okay someone help me out so he is
19383s changing that's already happened no
19387s certain oh man why did I say that yeah
19389s but um I can't back you up so all I can
19393s say is Houston Outlaws today in this
19396s series that's about happened
19398s you need to do well on control okay if
19401s you can get to map five statistically
19403s you're good in control all right so in
19405s many ways you know in our butter finger
19407s segments I could say this is the bread
19408s and butter
19409s hell so you make it get us out of here
19412s anyway let's take a look at our prayers
19414s to get out of that one
19416s um
19418s Danny picking Toronto that's that's
19420s great it's on brand honestly that is on
19422s brand it's Johnny okay you defend this
19424s Royal defiant Pig because they should be
19426s more comfortable in this matter with
19427s these coming back into the line look
19428s I've just abandoned all like prior like
19431s like results like if you're a great team
19433s in like 2020 I'm like I don't care
19436s anymore like I really don't care are you
19437s good today this week well to run to the
19440s fight they have Muse I'd argue that he's
19442s almost like a top five top six Winston
19444s when it comes to the lineup we have here
19446s in this week
19447s um so yeah I think Muse is gonna do
19448s fantastic for this team I'm looking
19449s forward to see Toronto be a bit more
19451s comfortable you know Winston dive meta
19453s he's too on the surgeon maybe so yes
19455s Houston Outlaws they've had the better
19457s season so far but in this meta they own
19459s Winston I'm going with Toronto all right
19461s I'm looking out for that Wednesday or
19464s Dunstan no stop just
19471s the game
19473s good fine just for you Jonathan let's
19476s get that last match going in once more
19478s we're gonna toss over to our cancers
19479s Avril and kill us
19486s thank you very much Zoe and the desk
19489s wants more I like this is it feels weird
19491s because this is probably the closest
19492s that we've had to face-to-face
19494s Communication in years at this point but
19497s it's good to see everybody they're on
19500s site in Anaheim which we can do the same
19502s but we're gonna be doing our best from
19504s our little remote setup that we got
19506s going on here we hope that you guys have
19507s been enjoying the games as much as
19508s myself and Avril have been but we uh
19511s would enjoy things a little bit more if
19512s we could have some close series and
19513s perhaps this one here the defiant versus
19515s The Outlaws can be the Difference Maker
19517s maybe not we can stop this three
19518s OverWatch Shenanigans read that we've
19520s been seeing I mean we're already 3-0 on
19522s three O's so you know why don't we just
19524s push a little bit further here uh who's
19525s gonna get the 3-0 though I mean which
19527s but why don't we just call out the first
19528s map because then you know the rest of
19529s the map two and three will probably go
19531s the same way right who knows at this
19532s stage it's been a wild day so far some
19535s really interesting results that I think
19537s most people did predict I'd be
19538s interested now if uh Sean could update
19541s everyone maybe on his Twitter or
19542s whatever like how many out out of the 20
19544s remaining people have had a perfect
19546s bracket after the Shanghai spa game how
19549s many of those 20 people left Silver
19550s Perfect brackets does anybody have
19552s perfect bracket will anybody still have
19554s a perfect bracket after today is it
19556s already over I mean that that could be
19557s the case
19559s I mean there still is there's still a
19561s pricing rate for the people who have the
19562s closest uh to perfect brackets at the
19565s end of it all so whoever has the
19566s mathematically closest to be one of
19567s those one out of those 20 people some
19569s money that way so they can split 29
19570s somebody out of those 20. so if you
19572s weren't in that 20 remaining I think all
19574s of us are out of the cash it's too late
19577s not me but uh yeah it is what it is I've
19579s only gotten one prediction correct so
19581s far as far as the match winner is
19583s concerned I'll tell you I'll tell you
19584s right as well by the way
19586s the the prolific cursor of the of the
19589s predictions he's got an all three wrong
19590s so fast everyone that he thought was
19592s going to win ended up losing and he
19594s thinks Houston is going to win so I
19595s think Houston might be in trouble here
19598s well we'll have to just wait and see
19600s what happens but first we'll go ahead
19602s and introduce the other team that is
19603s going to be in this series and that is
19605s the Toronto defiant and then we'll make
19606s their way out onto the stage and take
19608s their seats and get ready to do battle
19610s yeah trying to find her to battle their
19612s way through plans much like the Florida
19614s Mayhem who just came out with a huge
19617s Victory so you know maybe but a lack of
19620s play time on the patch but it certainly
19621s didn't affect Florida versus uh eight
19624s Lance in their match will it affect
19625s they're trying to Define Now versus the
19628s Houston Outlaws it's a team that had to
19630s get past uh seems like Boston Uprising
19633s and Washington they did that pretty
19634s comfortably and now as we head into the
19636s Winston patch Muse comes back in and
19638s look at playwrights between moves and
19640s Hopper it's been about 70 news
19643s so it's 70 hot but 30 News so far this
19646s year so not that much news all things
19647s considered I think you played early on
19649s the Google flash didn't get that much
19650s game time the rest of the year because
19651s we started moving into more of an
19653s off-tank meta
19654s um but the the main talking point has to
19657s be Houston because I think today it's
19659s it's very likely going to be a he suit
19660s versus Merit Showdown two fantastic
19663s surgeon plays
19666s all right well on the opposite side of
19669s this stage it's the people looking to
19671s upset the bad patchy Mario curse perhaps
19673s it's the Houston Outlaws let's see if
19675s they can keep themselves in the upper
19677s bracket by taking down for the fire
19681s you shouldn't have had
19683s a bit of an up and down Journey so far
19685s this year but all things considered
19687s coming through sixth seed
19690s pretty successful season for the Houston
19692s Outlaws when you look at the five-year
19694s history
19695s LED mostly I think uh as a I don't know
19699s if you would say a surprise standout but
19701s darn thing on the tank I would say maybe
19703s supplies the fact that everyone expects
19704s them to have a DPS yeah and he comes out
19706s as the tank play this does answer
19708s another question as well right is doe
19710s gonna be coming in because he is also a
19712s tank player who has that Winston airport
19713s but it's got to be Dante I think dog is
19715s actually in Anaheim as well uh what is
19717s Dante play though because we needed to
19719s ask this question of Hawk from Atlanta
19720s just one match ago is Hawk gonna be the
19723s guy playing the Winston and here I think
19725s Dante's gonna have to play the Winston
19727s because if he doesn't Doom I don't think
19729s it's going to be good enough Euro to
19730s break through you're not playing the
19731s Jungle Queen obviously so Dante's here
19733s report is pretty limited I think of the
19734s zarya is out of the question here as
19736s well so that's got to be the biggest
19738s challenge for me I also am very keen for
19740s this backline challenge as well between
19742s the kariko players
19744s um but the key matchup for me at the end
19746s of the day is still going to be the sort
19747s of Merit versus Houston battle I think
19749s you know potentially the top two players
19751s on both teams have had such great
19753s results specifically on surgeon he issue
19755s has been such a hard carry for 200 to
19757s find in some of the worst moments he's
19759s been the North Star
19763s see what happens is we get ready to go
19765s into this as well as what the map said
19766s is going to be as per usual it'll be the
19769s highest seed having to select for the
19771s initial control map and then from there
19773s the loser will pick and so far that has
19776s not been a boon for any of the teams who
19778s have lost the first map because of the
19779s three zeros that we have seen so perhaps
19781s that will be a little bit different this
19783s time around we can see Busan will be
19785s kicking things off for us and then from
19787s there is just all up to make up who is
19791s able to you know win this
19794s and so far the trend has been
19796s this is maybe debatable but to me at
19798s least the trend has been a little bit of
19799s the or not just the matter I was going
19802s to mention in terms of Winston
19803s performances generally speaking so far
19805s today the team with the more experience
19807s when it's in play or you could even
19808s argue the better Winston player has also
19810s come out on top
19811s um that definitely seemed pretty good in
19812s the last matchup between someone and and
19815s Hawk where you know someone's had a ton
19817s of experience on the Winston one of his
19819s main Heroes
19820s um and Hulk just doesn't have that same
19822s experience down takes very much in the
19824s same boat as Hawking he's got up against
19825s the Muse who's played this hero for
19827s years right at the professional level uh
19830s despite news not having had a lot of
19831s game time on his team this year compared
19833s to his teammate in in Hopper that's
19835s maybe the only downside right someone
19836s had a as he's been starting the entire
19838s time Adam didn't see a look at him time
19840s whereas on the defined side they've been
19842s trading tank positions mostly favoring
19843s Hopper so uh could there be a downside
19846s to now swapping tanks late in the season
19848s and having a team sort of re-gel with a
19850s different tank player compared to the
19852s one they're playing 70 of the time that
19854s might be something they're trying to
19855s have to work through but aside from that
19857s I think Muse could back himself
19858s mechanically that's that's important
19863s pressure
19864s mounting here for these players to get
19866s ready to jump into the action so we
19869s already saw Busan going to be kicking
19871s things off we'll see if there's going to
19872s be any variants but by just thinking
19874s about you know pretty much all three of
19876s those
19877s intermaps or those sub Maps the Winston
19880s likely going to be seen so I don't think
19881s we're going to see any differentiation
19882s in that regard but then again I again I
19885s also was not anticipating to see the
19887s right questions
19889s I think you know maybe hold your breath
19891s a little bit for Mecca base possibility
19893s of something like an orisa coming on
19894s through erisa's kind of like the I
19897s wouldn't say she's one to one with zarya
19898s but if you want to try something more
19899s bizarre style she's probably close
19902s um possibility for Ryan but I would only
19904s see Toronto playing the right I don't
19905s know if Dante would really do that so
19907s because Dante's circle is a little bit
19909s more limited in that kind of way because
19910s you know Hawks at least played a bit
19912s more in the tank roll I mean we'll see
19914s Dante has been again uh a surprisingly
19917s strong factor for the team given that
19919s he's not previously really a tank player
19921s I know he played Diva like a million
19923s years ago but we're talking about like
19924s you know recent Pro game time
19926s um that is still going to be important
19927s factor I'm also looking towards creative
19929s the new member of The Outlaws as some of
19933s the criticism laid towards creative is
19934s that he's mostly an Anna player right
19936s what is the rest of his hairball look
19937s like does it really match up so now
19939s we're in a very heavy kariko manner what
19941s is Korea creative's critical look like
19943s because we know Twilight is an extremely
19946s experienced player so that's one of us
19948s creative match it could be interesting
19949s as well
19950s it's all going to be interesting but
19952s we're going to have to wait a little bit
19954s longer to get into it as you can see
19955s you've got an admin out on stage
19956s something to take care of on the side of
19957s the Toronto Define it I do think so
19959s we're gonna have a quick little break
19960s and then when we come out to come back
19962s we should be able to jump into the
19963s action so don't go anywhere guys just
19965s quick little one we'll see you in just a
19966s few
19979s [Music]
19982s foreign
19984s [Music]
19993s [Music]
20003s I'm back strong
20008s [Music]
20015s foreign
20018s [Music]
20026s [Music]
20032s [Music]
20042s [Music]
20049s foreign
20054s [Music]
20068s [Music]
20077s [Music]
20082s foreign
20099s [Music]
20114s foreign
20116s [Music]
20123s [Music]
20132s [Music]
20141s foreign
20149s things underway here in just a brief
20152s little moment
20155s sitting the stage everything should be
20157s prepared as we get ready to kick off our
20160s final series of the first day of the
20162s playoffs and it's already been a very
20165s interesting one given the one-sidedness
20167s that we have seen in all of the series
20169s so far I've been a couple teams being
20171s able to fight back but no one being able
20172s to take Maps away from the inevitable
20175s winners here's just a brief little
20176s reminder that we won't be kicking things
20178s off on Busan and then from there the
20180s loser will be selecting for hyper
20183s match history between these two teams so
20185s far as well as they played five times
20187s over the 2022 season
20189s and the record stands at three to two in
20191s favor of Toronto but most interestingly
20193s two out of those wins came somewhat
20196s recently one of them was Toronto
20197s literally knocking out Houston from uh
20200s Toronto's own event in the summer
20201s Showdown
20202s and then there was the I believe for the
20204s final match in the regular season for
20206s the countdown comes to 3-1 victory for
20207s Toronto so they have that to work
20210s through
20210s um which makes things very competitively
20213s I think you know you would most likely
20215s look at this as a Houston favorite
20217s matchup but given that tomorrow has
20218s beaten them fairly recently becomes hard
20221s to say
20224s well it is going to be Mecca base to
20227s kick things off for us
20228s [Music]
20230s you're mentioning maybe we see something
20231s a little bit different here on this
20233s particular sub map we'll have to just
20235s wait and see as the gates get ready to
20236s open it for now Dante gonna be hovering
20240s over on that Arisa
20244s it's that week 24 game 3-1 for decline
20248s pretty much the same play as a minus
20249s amuse plus hot butt different meta we
20252s were seeing a little Sombra from Houston
20254s back then as well but still mostly the
20257s piece of sojin
20259s Zary emitter back then Dante had a
20261s fantastic Zara even outplayed the fuel
20263s and outplayed ham but at one stage
20265s he's hovered over the wrist and that's
20267s something to talk about right I could
20268s once again kind of like tease the
20270s possibility of a that megabase could
20272s have some flexibility for different
20274s picks and that one of the picks that
20275s could come through is actually gonna be
20277s the risk it seems like Dante wants to
20279s bring that through it's also creative on
20281s a map so a Lucio Babcock which is
20283s actually similar to what we saw in the
20284s last patch just instead of um these are
20286s you have the Arista because that was
20288s Lucia bath as well plus the actual uh
20290s Reaper which is great for the Winston
20292s but we used to see zarya Reaper in a
20294s composition you can't sort of bubble
20295s Pelican here but you can still do a lot
20297s of other stuff um to get aggressive
20299s build space for Pelican that will make a
20301s lot of sense here so yeah Toronto's
20303s gonna have to work this one out very
20305s quickly when they see it
20308s a lot of things that can happen once we
20310s uh get things ready which the readings
20312s are coming out into the chat right now
20314s so seems like a quick little turn around
20316s a little just Stutter Step pump the
20318s brakes
20319s on that pause and then now we can go
20321s back into it or go into it I should I
20323s should say since we haven't really done
20325s anything at all the doors are about to
20327s open as this timer will go ahead and
20329s count down and we finally get to jump
20331s into the action so there is some
20333s difference here is yeah creative goes
20335s out the game with the battle
20336s just a prolong Dante's life the
20339s longevity there super important you
20340s can't play the creature here is all that
20342s creative choice is gonna go towards that
20344s bat finale and who's taking a bit of
20345s damage early on
20348s get stunned up there by the spear as
20350s well for a brief in a moment he's down
20351s to half HP
20352s cool and Twilight do the damage trying
20354s to keep everybody alive but Houston was
20355s able to plan for his blood good real
20356s head shot across takes down Pelican not
20359s they will find toron for his troubles
20360s though so it's gonna be a DPS in
20362s exchange for a support at the end of it
20363s all
20364s team now on the blind trying to escape
20367s as quickly as they possibly can but they
20368s don't have that Lucio there to heal them
20369s they don't have that speed boost either
20370s they will still be able to successfully
20372s lock down the point first and foremost
20374s however
20374s ultimate
20386s yep just gorgeous from him you can see
20389s the Slowdown oh he's that one out
20390s patiently after he builds it up to 100
20392s gets the head shot across on the last
20394s row
20396s trying to find now firmly in control
20397s pushing very far forward they should see
20400s that this is going to be okay from the
20402s Houston Outlaws I'll put you got a man
20403s yeah they're just gonna push in with a
20405s katuna rush it's hard to tell how far
20406s they can go the grave drops down the end
20408s make drinks
20410s trying to push back to defiant now
20412s let me clear that one off
20423s trying to keep them in this fuse down
20426s low eight percent away from having that
20429s that Primal Rage up but he keeps claimed
20430s in the end chore will die as well so it
20432s seems like after crested 50 Houston
20434s Outlaws should be able to get this flip
20435s into their favor so go ahead and gain
20437s control here I actually think it's
20438s dangerous which one would get aggressive
20439s like that because you're pushing into
20440s very small angles there and I was going
20443s to try and save the day with the death
20444s Blossom but it's just too little too
20445s late here they need to move still alive
20447s and he just have the Primal like you
20448s sort of mentioned there if you're the
20450s throne to find you have no risk of being
20451s sort of counter altered by a katuna rush
20454s on the other side creators playing Bap
20455s right in the window doesn't have the
20457s same value you also need space to work
20459s through to get value in the window so to
20461s write could have probably played that
20462s super patiently and allow the Houston
20464s Outlaws to come out and then use the
20465s kituna rush once Outlaw's actually
20467s committed there they just jump in and
20468s they instantly have to back out
20480s using his own overclock since we shut
20483s down he's so claims him in the end
20485s cleanup is there back into control he's
20487s trying to defiant regain control of the
20489s point they don't even lose the lead for
20490s it now at 60 we're talking about the
20491s Haitian versus Merit battle but it's
20493s been one-sided so far he's who's had
20494s some insane Valley Merit could not get
20496s his ultimate off the ground
20498s creatives in another position to use uh
20500s amp Matrix but again because you're on a
20502s bad period you have to find Windows of
20504s you know angles of life or you can't get
20507s that without map control they don't have
20508s any map control
20510s foreign
20529s does get cut down they find the tank
20531s they find finale well this is going to
20534s be the Houston Outlaws maybe find
20535s themselves with a flip here the last few
20537s seconds
20550s does get cut down a size a good rail
20553s shot across from Merit keeps the Houston
20555s Outlaws in this for at least a little
20556s bit longer the Flip's still not there
20558s but now they will be able to get it
20559s Dante pop seal won't find anything for
20561s his trouble but I think they'll be more
20562s than happy just to get in control of
20564s this point for now yeah the pressure
20565s coming on through though Dante forces
20567s and extra ultimate there Outlaws ended
20569s up paying quite a bit I think if Muse
20571s doesn't uh sorry Truong doesn't die
20574s there Toronto Divine just went off for
20576s twice because he got last throw down no
20578s sound there for the Houston Outlaws if
20579s the deflects pull trigger Charles just
20581s used the beat that's a 5v4 with the beat
20583s I mean tomorrow can skip the 100.
20585s incredible counter trade marriage rail
20588s shot coming on through to equalize if
20590s that doesn't happen this map's over
20593s escapes there and now he's gonna back on
20595s the offensive Houston stuck in the
20597s corner needs to get to appeal goes out
20598s of 15 HP sound barrier is used but he
20600s does not receive it Merit he's able to
20602s pursue to get the elimination in the end
20603s time Vera now out from Houston Outlaws
20605s just looking to save off the few
20606s remaining members of the Toronto to defy
20608s him he's gonna work a treat for them
20609s maybe a bit of an over commitment in the
20611s end but either way they win the fight
20613s and now they're looking to take the
20614s round and it's getting sloppy for
20615s Toronto now because they're not getting
20617s full values on the sound barriers you
20619s have he's getting called out as well 99
20621s about to be found for outlaws and they
20623s can hold these chokes so Victory care
20624s Toronto even touch
20628s to try to but looks like they do barely
20631s meant to make it happen he's still
20632s finding one take it down now the damage
20634s deal is out of the fight for the side of
20636s Toronto Muse eliminated just five
20637s percent away from that Primal Rage
20639s Houston Outlaws
20641s berm on the retake will be able to
20642s maintain control this one as the OTP
20644s leads down there was no further hope
20646s found here even with Twilight alive
20648s doing things on the kiriko he's not
20649s gonna be able to drag them back in this
20651s position so it's 199 as Outlaws take
20654s Becca base for themselves and I think
20656s for outlaws as well they play well to
20657s their win conditions of something that
20659s the Arista does really well in the mega
20660s bases once you have map control and they
20662s didn't have that for a very long time as
20664s we get into another pause here is okay
20667s Dante does spin the extra uh terrorist
20669s surge he they do get their cap but then
20671s they get to sort of whole chokes and you
20673s can see how hard is which one to break
20675s out of those short calls it's much
20676s easier for Dante on the orisa from the
20678s Houston Outlaw side to break out when
20679s it's Toronto sort of camping those
20681s strokes but the opposite becomes very
20682s difficult for Toronto
20684s um and a very awkward fight from from
20686s that stage as well he should get slow
20687s Merit chases him down and Toronto still
20690s dropping sound barriers they still try
20692s and break out last show responds and
20694s they just send more to work through
20696s um some really good stuff coming through
20697s from Twilight that flank that we saw
20699s getting Pelican down was so good how
20700s ever the issue with that is Muse dies
20703s that would have been really good for
20704s Toronto if Muse doesn't also get traded
20706s because then Toronto get to hold the
20708s lead there Twilight should have probably
20709s a TP back a little bit sooner he tries
20711s to do your last row when you're the main
20713s source of healing you need to keep news
20714s up and Tyrone can't do that on his own
20716s so that's why I like to he does a good
20718s job doing damage but he got greedy there
20722s well
20723s again quick little thing to take care of
20726s and now we're back we'll take a replay
20729s take a look at a replay I should say
20731s daunting on the battle cattle
20733s we're sure if we were going to see it
20735s but we get it in the Yan and oh yeah
20736s okay that's interesting shutting down
20738s that death Blossom rather quickly great
20741s little reaction from him I will not die
20743s yeah that was a brilliant plane you just
20745s played the night of value
20747s so some very impressive stuff coming
20749s through so far okay that is a legitimate
20751s hog and that is going to be a another
20753s answer from the Houston Outlaws in terms
20755s of what they are going to end up playing
20757s now we have heard some Rumblings of the
20759s strength of uh what is the combo kariko
20762s hog right
20763s uh usually that's the kind of you know
20765s alleviate what an Anna would do to hog
20767s there's no Anna in this man apparently
20768s so you don't have that you still can do
20771s a lot to save Dante here he's gonna need
20773s to be really good at this one as well
20776s yeah he's through taking count first and
20778s foremost you're talking about the Tracer
20780s whether or not we're gonna see it we saw
20781s a little bit of it from Lee Jong in the
20783s first map but that was for time buying
20784s this is just straight up being pledged
20786s Pelican gets value out of it immediately
20788s First Lock onto the point is found
20789s Houston Outlaws in control
20792s needs to play really close to chess here
20795s with the DPS try and push white pelican
20798s that 120 damage head shot on the kunai
20800s by light really messes up Tracy gameplay
20802s here
20810s but it won't be counted by Souza
20813s come on one for one One support for the
20815s other but then Pelican again comes up
20817s big takes down Muse pulse bomb not
20819s really needed but still build one up
20821s rather quickly it would seems another to
20825s boot on the backhand just making sure
20826s that everyone cannot get out of there
20827s with his life intact this is huge from
20829s Pelican so far he's built a banalt
20831s through that one in there
20832s still gets killed doesn't matter that he
20834s didn't hit
20835s a Houston Outlaws they have the cap they
20837s hold strongly with the fact that if you
20838s want to dive in you're diving into Dante
20840s here meanwhile you're gonna be splitting
20842s up your team a little bit with Pelican
20843s harassing in the backline
20845s so it's been rutful that you wanted to
20846s find to find an entry here and now we
20848s have tuna Rush available on both sides
20849s just about
20852s gonna breather keeps himself alive
20853s pushes up tries to get Muse and he will
20855s there's the hook it's the pull on the
20857s tour off but cannot find the execution
20858s so he's still gonna be alive for now but
20860s Pelican again comes up big takes down
20862s Houston now playing so far forward just
20865s keeping the defiant locked back into the
20867s spawn room doors
20869s that's why I think was about 10 off
20871s there so I couldn't quite respond in
20872s time you use obviously doesn't have a
20874s Prime on trunk doesn't have the sound
20875s barrier so trying to fight had no real
20877s ability to counteract that creative
20879s katuno Rush the timing of it was just uh
20881s brilliant from The Outlaws
20883s and no matter what I mean Outlaws are
20885s going to be heading towards the 90s
20886s difficult to find Walking
20889s waiting for last year's bait rush comes
20892s out the beat gets dropped gets everybody
20894s on his team and Muse goes down
20896s pitches helps set up for the kill but
20899s Winston falling takes another breather
20901s okay yes a flip the hairline one there
20904s is the simpleton points in just a brief
20905s little moment so trying to find himself
20907s instead of a forward posture position
20908s but for how long do they hold oh it
20911s seems like not long at all Merritt with
20913s a great headshot takes down he Sue he
20915s gets Twilight to boot and that will be
20917s it they get the repos back into their
20919s favor the respawn still waiting but Muse
20920s is going to be an extended little
20922s stagger that should be them ticking up
20925s to a hundred with no one else able to
20927s touch 115 percent of dominance showing
20929s here on Sanctuary Houston Outlaws kick
20932s things off with a bang at 2-0 Victory as
20934s they take Busan I think there was some
20936s regretch there in the naked eggs from
20937s the Toronto side but from the you know
20939s when you look at Sanctuary that was just
20941s all the Houston Outlaws a hundred
20943s percent of the way Pelicans starting out
20944s in the early game a creative coming into
20946s the mid game around the 60 Mark of the
20948s katuna rush that will win you a fight
20950s and then you'll look towards Dante last
20951s year and the rest of them countering to
20953s Runner defines one good push
20956s let the 80 something 80 to 90 mark on
20959s the actual cap itself and the one um
20961s sort of interaction you have to remember
20962s is when you continue rush in as Twilight
20964s and they're trying to Define it Dante
20966s pops the whole hog and that just pushes
20968s everyone away so it kind of messes up
20970s with your ability to actually engage
20972s that fight properly and the fact that
20974s there's the extra Soundbar there from
20975s last show because because Toronto never
20976s got a chance to force any of these
20978s ultimates out I mean that's just huge
20979s get two members on Toronto at the end of
20981s that map at the end of that round of
20983s century who never got an ultimate finale
20984s amuse never got to use their ultimate
20986s the entire round
20989s I mean well it just continues to deliver
20991s right now the playoffs as far as the uh
20993s the picks in the matter that we are
20994s seeing we've got a actual use of the of
20996s the road hog and it works a treat for
20999s the side of the Houston Outlaws so
21000s another one checked off the list but a
21003s big win for them to kick things off
21005s nicely where the map went on but it's
21007s gonna be Matt pick now for Toronto to
21009s fight we'll see where they want to take
21010s us as we get ready to go into hybrid
21012s submitting a hell of a lot of Kings Row
21014s here today maybe let's boost it up a
21016s little bit but we'll find out when we
21017s come back for the break
21020s foreign
21025s [Music]
21056s [Music]
21066s foreign
21067s [Music]
21073s [Music]
21094s [Music]
21101s foreign
21116s [Music]
21121s [Music]
21129s [Music]
21139s [Music]
21148s foreign
21150s [Music]
21157s [Music]
21165s [Music]
21177s foreign
21182s [Music]
21197s [Music]
21208s foreign
21210s [Music]
21221s [Music]
21261s [Music]
21265s can't answer my phone now just leave it
21268s there
21272s [Music]
21278s and we are back and ready to go into our
21281s second map here in our final series of
21283s the evening Houston Outlaws currently
21285s leading one zero three two zero Victory
21288s there on Busan we saw the roadhog come
21290s out on sanctuary and it worked a treat
21292s for them trying to defiant now needing
21294s to play off the back foot and see if
21296s they can tie things up one to one with
21297s their upcoming map pick on hybrid and I
21300s just uh went ahead and checked some of
21301s the Pickens on the OverWatch League app
21303s by the way make sure you get that uh and
21306s it actually tells you how many perfect
21308s Breakers remain apparently six are out
21310s of 20 that we had previously six remain
21312s in terms of perfect brackets we will see
21314s how many of those six are still
21315s remaining after this particular matchup
21317s how many people have got I think a lot
21319s of people probably do have Houston uh
21321s winning this one but by what score line
21322s we've had a 3-0 day for every other game
21325s it's just gonna be another 3-0 matchup
21327s one of the questions that still has yet
21328s to be answered for me here akilios is uh
21331s are we gonna see any Winston from Dante
21333s today so so far he's only played the
21335s erisa and the the hall he hasn't played
21337s any Winston maybe he hasn't had to play
21339s one so we didn't go to City Center maybe
21341s on City Center he would have been forced
21342s to we'll have to find out on map too if
21344s that ends up being the case
21348s that we will see where they want to take
21351s us as well to kick things off and then
21353s maybe get a better idea as far as what
21355s we can anticipate from
21357s he picks because already we've been
21358s shocked we've been surprised
21360s I'll tell you what right so for our
21362s hybrid map and on Paraiso I tell me I
21365s think you're gonna have to think about a
21366s Winston here because of The High Ground
21367s low ground verticality it's a very
21369s vertical map on that eight point
21371s especially uh maybe on the defense Dante
21373s could get away with playing a bit of hog
21375s something like a wrist set because I
21376s think defensively you start on The High
21377s Ground right but uh attacking wise I
21379s just don't think that would really work
21380s for you so this has got to probably push
21383s use a little bit great mattress coming
21385s through from Toronto
21388s all righty let's see if it's gonna be
21390s enough to uh drag it out of him or if
21392s Houston have something else up their
21393s sleeve that they want to try to surprise
21395s them with
21398s see what happens though is we do jump
21399s into this very colorful map fun fact
21401s about it they have some colorful
21403s gameplay to back it up one uh fun stat
21405s line that I have about Busan by the way
21407s as we move into map two uh daunting
21409s creative only had one death on that
21411s entire map so both players only died one
21413s time wow Tire Busan map across both
21415s rounds survive so that's kind of crazy
21417s well I think Dante didn't die a single
21419s time on
21421s Sanctuary right I don't think Korea died
21423s either they both would have died once on
21425s megabex
21426s and that's it yeah
21429s it's a great game but a good performance
21433s oh I mean you heard the desk coming into
21435s this saying that Dante needs to be one
21438s of the ones to really level up for
21439s Houston if they want to walk away
21440s Victorious and so far he has been
21442s looking good and so far he is going to
21443s be showing us that Winston he's got it
21445s covered up there in the spawn room and
21448s with limited time I don't think we're
21449s gonna be seeing a swap off
21451s full three yeah on the last patch you'd
21455s get away with zarya or Diva here here I
21457s think you kind of just have to play the
21458s Winston here it comes
21461s dancing I don't know what uh
21465s Dunstan
21468s checks him is it done for any 90s kids
21470s out there
21471s this is this one's so done
21476s Okay jump up
21478s back across I think he's gonna be able
21480s to find the first kill yep he's too
21481s gonna be taken down and drawing in a
21483s really bad spot gets zoned out doesn't
21485s lose his life but
21486s still it's gonna be out of position now
21489s cleanup continues to come through and
21490s Houston looked damn good here on the
21491s first attack should be the lock down to
21493s the point as jorong will fall that was
21495s so quick that was incredibly fast
21496s Toronto just lost all ground they
21498s started losing members no ability to
21500s trade
21501s significantly behind in some cases well
21503s not significantly but the Rings will
21505s amount behind at all charge of some
21506s players good to see that Twilight's kept
21508s up despite losing the first flight
21509s Twilight keeping up with creative means
21512s that they can at least have some counter
21514s play versus the consumer Rush coming on
21515s through
21517s Houston Outlets hind bank so far after
21519s capping a is looking pretty monstrous
21521s that was not at all contested by Toronto
21525s now very much looked absent there on the
21527s point
21529s well cart moving with a monstrous time
21532s Bank of over five minutes
21535s gonna be able to come up the works at
21537s all here for them and yeah doctor is low
21539s will get punished and now finally it's
21541s not the Defiance should be able to buy a
21542s little bit of space quick and then
21543s playing as far forward can come at risk
21545s as you see finale nearly losing his life
21550s what is what I do here that's the
21551s question right he holds the ultimate
21553s currently flash throws ahead of chorong
21555s though so if this goes a little bit
21557s longer Houston's just kind of light for
21558s the sound bear to be up they've all had
21559s that as Advantage we'll see if they have
21561s read what charon's on oh my God you
21564s can't afford that don't they go down
21565s again though
21566s no you cannot now last we're gonna be
21568s joining him in the graves finale he's
21569s able to scoop up two kills very quickly
21571s a shot from Merritt will be able to go
21573s ahead and get a punch on a key suit with
21575s a faster respawns closer response using
21577s Outlaws should be able to get some
21578s position back onto this cart to break
21580s through stop this forward defensive hold
21582s as Twilight uh okay he beat it into a
21585s bad position but they don't really have
21585s anybody there
21586s puts himself in a really precarious spot
21591s you'll see those you want to have so
21594s much respect for the fact that he's
21595s dying needs to have to pull back now the
21597s casino Rush coming through from creative
21598s Charon responds lashford goes as well
21604s getting into the back lines there
21606s Pelican trying to displace him off his
21607s cards to continue to inch forward here
21609s off the back of the sound barriers
21610s Shield
21612s could be that Blossom out now from the
21613s finale but he doesn't find anything for
21615s it's not even the final episode we'll go
21616s ahead and leave down Twilight Pelican
21618s drops the blossom in finds two both the
21621s damage dealers going to the side of the
21622s defiant Muse is nowhere to go get taken
21625s down by the overclock in the end still
21627s with a monster his time Bank Houston
21628s Outlaws will continue the push rounding
21630s the final Corner can we use respawn in
21632s time it's not looking likely he had
21633s Tyrone's not there for the speed boost
21634s either if Toronto want to touch this one
21636s they gotta go in right about now he's
21639s just trying to get there
21640s and finale or TP for it okay work
21642s Future's got the alt
21646s right
21648s dealt with
21650s three meters left to go here for the
21651s Outlaws that's gonna slow them up just a
21653s bit so some more time bought defending
21655s from here would be damn impressive from
21658s the Toronto defiant
21659s very defendable ball trying to regain to
21661s control over some of this High Ground
21662s yeah consider that all the ultimates are
21664s gone as Twilight suck Casino Rush is
21665s coming up next it was very expensive for
21667s the Houston Outlaws two flights to go
21669s five ultimate Spin and I would have said
21671s that was 100 worth if they got the cap
21673s but I want to manage to touch in time
21675s and they hold in time as well it's
21677s probably gonna save himself a Souza
21678s they'll get rid of the cartoon Rush
21682s coming through there's the rush to go on
21685s the aggressive trying to just get the
21686s shots across there on the Creator
21688s because man Dodge the majority of them
21690s but that's from Pelican still get gunned
21692s down to the end finale finding both of
21694s those limbs the cart now rolling back
21696s two and a half minutes remaining here
21697s for the Houston Outlaws still gonna be
21699s fairly respectable but the late little
21701s cleanup here is finale gets himself
21703s around the back and off the side of the
21705s map
21706s TP is there of course that try to stay
21708s safe I gotta mention this as well but
21710s you're wrong holding the sound barrier
21711s is huge for the Toronto fight because
21712s now when Credo drops down the Zone
21714s Casino rush trying to actually have a
21716s counter available they actually have uh
21717s you know resources to play through very
21719s different story I'm sure I had to
21720s actually use that
21722s so we talk about how like this we're
21725s defined to actually hold B I mean again
21727s this position is very defensive throwing
21728s now pop that number
21731s there it goes it's looking a little bit
21732s risky there for a moment okay shielding
21735s down that place I'm gonna get part of
21737s the finale to Falling In the End Merit
21739s finding a second kill with the overclock
21741s now rolling helps clean up views and
21743s with the team kill that will be then
21744s pushing through to point B so a minute
21746s and a half could be out of the time
21747s thanks to a decent amount of time to
21749s work with here is they have just over
21750s three minutes to get to the final
21752s stretch
21753s let's look at creative here this is just
21755s him keeping out safety I've never mind
21757s we're actually team fight going on
21759s so I believe this is actually live now
21761s yeah yeah we'll drop the replay
21765s I can tell you create a TP he lived I
21768s mean that's the end of that
21770s finale he dies here though
21773s he needs a little play but yeah I can
21774s pronounce this little poking prod from
21777s the side of the Outlaws finding one kill
21778s after the other
21779s just chaining these together is good for
21781s them to be able to get themselves into
21782s it and remember the final stretch you
21784s should walk into this point with real
21785s bits up because they didn't actually
21786s have to spend that much I think finale
21787s felt like he was going to get more value
21789s in the dead person than he actually got
21790s he doesn't get anything done on the
21792s v-point defense to Toronto
21793s didn't get to really hold that beat
21795s point in fact they don't even really get
21797s to burn a resource out of using out or
21798s to get to spend a primal for a team
21800s Fight Win
21803s now let's go to live versus this Rush
21805s last Crystal holding ultimate
21807s and he's gonna be heading for the hills
21812s pushing forward will be able to find
21814s Merritt on the end for a little bit of
21815s additional stagger so now they take the
21816s time back below two minutes threshold
21819s it's needed to be committed to that
21821s fight
21822s I mean ready to stack up four of their
21824s own you have to consider that just
21825s Toronto winning that fight though gives
21827s them so much map control now you just
21828s have to sort of re-push for that you're
21831s also putting the pressure on as well
21834s did you push quite far forward Pelican
21835s gets himself into the back we'll find
21836s Twilight for his troubles down low as
21839s well he's gonna be using the Primal
21841s keeps himself alive
21842s to find much else off the back end of it
21844s we'll have to just wait and save it
21845s lasts are now gonna be dropping the beat
21846s they want to get the punish they want to
21847s get this push going through he's out
21849s let's have a minute and a half remaining
21850s it's not his suit up here onto The High
21852s Ground tries to slide out of there but
21854s slides to his demise Merritt gets the
21856s kill finale going down good amount of
21858s space gonna be bought here for the side
21859s of the Houston Outlaws they should be
21860s able to get just about to the final
21862s Corner yes and a light Death Punch it's
21864s one of them as well that's actually
21864s gigantic hey perfect pick that's the
21867s Houston Outlaws now will have some
21869s unmitigated free push Toronto can't do
21871s much about this until they have all five
21873s alive and look at where the payload is
21875s Karina can just finish this one's on for
21876s The Rush
21887s him down finds views as well playing on
21890s the back of the continuing Rush
21892s beautifully and they will be able to get
21894s this push in the end with time in the
21896s bank 45 seconds remaining for the
21898s Houston Outlaws really good time buying
21899s by the Toronto defiant considering how
21901s things started on point a took them a
21903s little bit but they found their footing
21904s but they cannot deny a time back and
21906s most of that was actually done and be
21907s right the good defense for sure Toronto
21909s was done on that beat Point defense
21910s however for Houston I think after they
21912s won that very critical fight on B
21914s retaining three ultimates they had some
21916s reasonably good snowball it was slowed
21917s down by the fact that trying to throw in
21919s some extra ultimates but when we start
21920s coming back in trying to want to get
21922s aggressive with hisu on the overclock
21924s you see Pelican going for this gigantic
21926s flank with the death Blossom and it
21927s works a treat Houston just out rotate
21929s Toronto and off the back of that flank
21930s from Pelican they're able to push
21932s through that payload a large distance it
21935s was a very slow loss for Toronto as well
21937s which meant they're never to regroup
21938s properly and at the end of all that
21940s toilet gets taken down at a very late
21943s Time by Dante must have been a long
21944s range zap on the right click and that is
21946s a back-breaking kill for the Toronto to
21948s fight because if that hadn't happened I
21950s think Toronto can advise I need to see
21952s this final fight here where it's like
21953s you know did you send them so much work
21957s through Merit gets like a gigantic
21959s shutdown onto finale as well then he
21960s gets furthermore kills after that
21962s shutdown Houston play the final portions
21965s of that sea attack so well
21969s I mean finale was a thorn on their side
21971s for that b defense
21973s continuously picking up kills but so
21974s Merritt getting that shut down must feel
21977s pretty damn good at the end of it all
21980s 45 seconds something by the way rely on
21982s there for Houston Outlaws should this go
21984s to Extra Innings you know you we talk
21985s about the Hester versus Merit battle and
21987s that didn't look very good for mayor on
21989s uh Mega base eventually Outlaws America
21991s started catching up here it's married on
21993s 11 final plus he's here and one trying
21995s to get very aggressive right off the cup
21998s s taking a lot of damage but this match
22000s to survive
22009s hits the ground has to make his exit
22011s jumps back over to the side some healing
22014s to go again
22016s Reef walk as well gonna be burned by
22017s finale
22019s so hard for Toronto to walk up here okay
22021s they take some High Ground finally
22022s Houston respected Houston actually gave
22024s up a lot of ground care this is now two
22026s fights
22027s potential to start walking up
22032s married in trouble
22034s yeah so love it's creative in a hell of
22036s a lot more of it now last we're gonna be
22037s taking down there's no support people
22039s are still managing to fight back Eric
22041s Gets the outlet gets that elimination
22043s but can they do more I don't think so
22045s she's now just gonna be completely
22047s surrounded can't even slide out so that
22048s will be the cab coming through here for
22050s Toronto to fly him took him just over a
22052s minute so the time bank is still gonna
22053s be huge and so much of that is Toronto
22055s Divine just kind of taking that initial
22057s High Ground to our right side of the
22058s camera here and then you see the TP from
22060s finale onto that sort of blue area where
22063s he was now is all so they just take all
22065s The High Ground around the point he soon
22067s just fighting on you Superior despite
22068s the finale in that 1v1 they still lose
22071s the team flight because well the rest of
22072s the team including children who got
22073s active with kill feet found those kills
22075s and now you're looking strong as why
22076s didn't they have the first sport
22077s ultimates
22078s Toronto can play very aggressive here
22080s and they probably should before Outlaws
22082s can respond
22086s okay rush out here from Twilight but
22088s he's so instantly taken down with
22090s another great headshot finds that punish
22093s just better get the value of that gonna
22095s go ultimate hold supports attacked alone
22100s forces him to think twice about 74 here
22103s but you should nearly have four more
22106s ultimates as soon as Pelican has this
22108s death Blossom online and creative is
22109s gonna hold now you can see how much I
22111s want to hold because he wants hold
22112s versus the thrush coming on through
22116s oh but he can just continue to hold it
22118s find a kill not to take it down didn't
22120s have to bailout ultimate anymore already
22122s had expired
22124s Pella gets down to a sliver of HP just
22125s locked apart in position as long as he
22127s possibly can but it definitely smile
22128s does die a male-defined can gain quite a
22131s bit of distance I mean that's both teams
22133s kind of Fanning their own consider
22134s rushes because they lose one at the top
22136s of the fight right they're playing 4v5
22137s they like a damage deal they like just
22139s the damage output
22140s and for the Toronto fight yeah he
22142s usually just starts killing members
22144s inside the katsuna Rush from creative
22146s and
22147s turn on like you said doesn't even need
22149s to end up using an alternator
22153s down barrier out from both sides yeah
22156s gonna be grateful that that one managed
22158s to hit the floor Pelican now goes in
22160s with a death Blossom of his own will
22161s find he still gets Twilight to boot
22163s security maybe teleported into that one
22166s either way The Kills are found at
22168s Houston Outlaws will gain control and we
22170s saw how much time that you turn into the
22173s fight we're able to chew up and by the
22174s way very same position but it's not even
22176s the same position because the Houston
22177s Outlets are good to play a lot more
22178s aggressively here take a look at that
22179s death wasn't again dropping on down yeah
22182s in the small room pushed it found him
22184s he's brilliant stuff and that's also off
22186s the back of the fact that last one does
22188s land that big life he doesn't get the
22189s sound barrier it could be a very
22190s different fight you see Toronto Japan
22192s get very aggressive trying to drop in
22193s the beat last short felt the pressure to
22194s respond but he also doesn't want to Ajax
22196s now Twilight's got that Rush coming
22198s through and there's no response from
22199s Outlaws in low HP
22200s oh
22201s it's nearly picked off still under Fire
22203s Pelican as well you always have to work
22205s it out for him right now on the side of
22207s the Outlaws
22208s can use just twice to keep the first
22210s corner here contestant Atlanta where are
22211s you
22212s way into the back lines ends up getting
22214s taken down that alone could just be the
22217s push coming in to be creative pops the
22219s rush just to try to turn the tide to
22221s this fight laughter now respawns looks
22222s to join back in as quickly as he can but
22224s as Ellen kid is going to be taken down
22225s since one respawns another goes right
22227s back into the respawn room overclock
22229s rolling is
22231s yet he's so damn close goes right over
22234s the head of creative but finale will get
22236s on top of him in the end finds the kills
22238s and there's the cap three minutes and 40
22240s seconds now to work through for the side
22241s of the Houston Outlaws and I think Dante
22244s knows the fight's lost Phil he doesn't
22245s really want a primal he would have to
22246s instantly Primal if he wants to anyway
22248s and there's not a lot of players left
22250s there like you said the shots coming on
22252s through the last row it begins with him
22253s right in the Georgia playing keep on
22255s going forward they needed now snowball
22257s and they are doing so Dante did off the
22259s cup how does that happen
22261s I did just three-man push up the side
22264s two Supply you know I support two DPS
22266s they kill off the tank finally trying to
22268s excuse me across break line of sight
22270s makes his way through the safety
22273s he has some questionable positioning
22276s here from last year on Dante
22278s those last two exchanges
22281s three minutes remaining as the contest
22283s on the card comes in Dante dropping down
22285s knows that he does have that Primal try
22287s to play through but it's so many alts
22290s attachment finale Hawkins dead
22293s he's gonna use it pops it off screen
22295s doesn't find too much value there last
22297s or holds onto the sound barrier for a
22298s little bit longer but everybody's just
22300s going to be taken down it would seem
22302s there's the extended team kill car again
22304s pushing forward the last corner is right
22306s here it's gonna be Dire Straits for them
22308s to try to get this Recon test three alts
22309s still held by the or two all still held
22311s here finally five and look at the time I
22312s saw Twilight has the same ultimate as
22314s creative disc with Houston with bush and
22316s create we might be able to get this in
22317s time as well
22320s okay touch any touches okay
22322s let's get back onto the carton 1.29
22324s meters left to go merit with the other
22325s clock we'll find showrooms that finds
22326s him a little bit more space but they
22328s have to keep the same contested
22330s rush comes out from creative it's
22332s interesting to find we'll go ahead and
22333s pull back around the corner and
22334s disengage I don't know that career
22336s needed to do that defiant will slowly
22337s losing their fight anyway but Houston
22338s wanted to confirm and with that defiant
22341s world back on out but very little
22343s members actually died they're defiant
22345s actually disengage away and because they
22347s receive the extra rush I mean that
22348s actually is not bad for the fight they
22350s solve enough time to get a bit of time
22351s back then the Houston Outlaws
22354s just need to keep Houston finale alive
22356s he's sneaking his way into the back
22358s lines and he's as soon as he pops and he
22360s gets his head taken off he's still gets
22362s the shutdown has the overclock finds
22364s creative on the back end as well Merit
22366s now dead the cart rolls in and it's
22368s gonna be a minute and 49 seconds to just
22371s a minute as we go into Extra Innings
22373s that was so good for me so who turns
22375s around Flames Pelican that was the move
22377s for the Houston levels that was what
22378s they were relying on
22380s to defend one more time bring that time
22382s back down
22384s and two shots from hisu will Center on a
22387s defiant into a 49 Second Surplus on the
22390s time bank compared to what Houston
22391s Outlaws have
22393s so we may very well indeed sneaky beaky
22395s like be looking forward to maybe a
22397s one-on-one school I'm here if Toronto
22398s can confirm this 49 Second lead into
22401s maybe a cap on towards a or just
22404s whatever Houston Outlaws set if they set
22406s anything at all I think your circles
22407s will need at least like two texts for
22409s this to be defendable
22413s all right
22415s coming through the first point is going
22419s to be a major decider we haven't seen
22421s either team find too much success on
22424s their defensive holds here so far
22427s a team that can hold this for the
22428s longest is likely going to be the one
22430s that's able to take it in the end
22433s storm your way through if both teams are
22434s able to storm their way through who
22435s knows it'll all come down to that street
22436s space but you can see Pelican thinking
22438s like yep I've got to jump on him but
22441s he's who turns around a perfect moment
22442s gets the head shot into pop on the deal
22445s and then from there to the great shot on
22447s the creative midair yeah I mean it's
22449s just a damage beautiful as well there's
22451s only three members left you know it's
22452s over
22453s it's also going to be interesting is if
22456s is this going to be a slow 80 because so
22458s far the teams you know I think both
22459s teams were short Houston kind of got
22461s fast but at the same time you know they
22464s said
22465s push in off this hike when they have to
22467s get turned off this High Ground first
22468s you have to work that does take a lot of
22470s time to do
22474s pelican
22475s eliminated great opening kill foul 30
22478s seconds about to be in the time back
22479s here for Houston as they continue to
22481s suffer some losses
22483s would be good but yeah I mean
22486s the he's as least as they say
22492s Last Chance less than 20 seconds now the
22495s Houston Outlaws still have not been able
22496s to remove the Charger fight from this
22498s high ground
22499s and at this point they have to go for
22501s the touch stop me who can even go for a
22502s Dante Pelican would have to dive
22504s they gotta skip the higher ground go
22506s underneath but this is which one it can
22507s strike future in the open
22511s oh God doesn't connect
22513s touches there elegant kind of below half
22515s HP the healing starts coming through
22516s trying to keep this Reaper alive Dante
22519s and Merit both falling low first kill
22521s does cut through Pelican Scoops up a
22523s second views take it down and maybe
22525s there's still yet hoping here for the
22526s side of the Houston Outlaws as long as
22528s they can keep themselves TP away from
22530s Twilight the rush nearly online for the
22533s first take about to be garnered
22535s queen of assault waiting for Twilight
22536s they'll both of the casino Rush yet it
22538s could be very interesting he shoots on
22539s looking at overclock
22541s dead goes over into the side room and
22544s ends up getting taken down Korean and
22545s puts benign to the back of his new skull
22547s to find that kill Barrett gets the head
22549s shot of the Twilight this is not done
22551s yet it would save
22553s you should get cleaned up you will find
22554s one for his troubles but that is going
22556s to be the lockdown coming through here
22557s on point a Houston Outlaws they get the
22559s push past the initial point and it's a
22561s 3v3 initiated by Pelican responded to by
22564s some of the defiant members however it's
22566s also a respawn distance difference
22568s Houston have a closer respawn they can
22571s play the 3v3 effectively
22573s trade ultimates on the katuna rush and a
22575s huge it out almost have so much more to
22577s work through and this is already great
22579s for one minute I mean whatever distance
22580s they get now is far more than Toronto
22583s flight can afford to lose
22589s through the initial Archway news goes up
22591s high ground as we drop down around the
22594s back the death Blossom is there as well
22595s and last stroke is taken down absolutely
22597s assassinated by the death Blossom if the
22599s rest of the team can buy some time he's
22600s gonna be coming back in with a sound
22601s barrier and could be absolutely
22603s monstrous for their odds of getting us
22606s put going further Toro now the shielding
22607s expires Merritt finds that kill that
22609s cuts down the healing considerably as
22611s Twilight now gonna be the lone support
22613s available for their team sound barrier
22615s does come through Houston Outlaws
22617s continue to gain distance cartoon tested
22619s for now TP over to the side somehow some
22621s way but now Ernest to find a stagger
22623s Runner even with finale getting away I
22625s mean he's in no man's land he's
22627s completely out of the fight Toronto
22628s still waiting for hisu this amount of
22630s distance while Outlaws right now is
22631s insane that was a must win fight for the
22633s flight they still only have 149 by the
22635s way Houston out was about to get to the
22636s end of eight
22638s yeah that 149 is entirely defendable
22641s Houston Outlaws continuing to push
22643s Pelican the death Blossom nearly there
22645s creative trying to catch up as Violet
22647s will have that Rush available
22649s could be the stopping point here if they
22652s can execute on the back of it there you
22653s go creative gets his online answers back
22655s Pelicans going low gets some healing in
22657s the right block form that creative gonna
22658s be the first one to fall finale find the
22659s kill the best Blossom online he pops it
22661s instantly he's looking for some kills
22662s but it's gonna be his team that is dying
22664s around him rather than his enemies he
22665s looks for one he will not get it the OT
22668s will bleed down but with just a minute
22669s to start this was probably more than
22671s they could have hoped for for the side
22672s of the Outlaws it was more than they
22674s could have hoped for just from the eight
22675s cap alone and then some a tiny amount of
22677s distance on either fact that there was
22679s another fight went on a that allowed the
22681s Houston Outlaws to get all the way to
22683s this little Bridge section tomorrow
22685s defiant had potentially just lost the
22687s map off that alone I mean with 149 after
22690s lastro died too
22693s and that's the other thing it was the
22694s actual 5v4 and last shot hasn't there
22697s was enough time bought by Houston that
22698s last year comes back in after dying
22700s drops a sound bearing and they win off
22702s that sound barrier that's how much extra
22704s time the Houston out was actually
22705s brought off that 4v5 and they couldn't
22708s leave the payload they were forced to
22710s play payload in the overtime so Toronto
22711s is a plane stay heavily needed to win
22714s that fight that specific fight they had
22716s to fight before would last for a dime
22717s but they did not win that and that is
22719s probably the defining uh the fight loss
22721s and we'll see if it is because trying to
22723s find something to cap a but that's only
22726s the start of their issues 149 is
22728s probably not enough time but absolutely
22730s is not enough time to get the kind of
22731s distance that Atmore said despite
22732s Outlaws having less time to play through
22734s they got way more than they bargained
22736s for
22739s well now on the attack with a minute 49
22742s seconds let's see if Toronto defiant can
22744s recreate a bit of the magic that Houston
22746s Outlaws showed us on that OT push it's
22749s what they absolutely need to do if they
22751s want to tie this up and finally give us
22753s uh you know a non-3-0 series otherwise
22755s Houston Outlaws will be moving up too
22757s well CashPoint will be in their hands
22759s looks good for Houston right now I
22761s thought that maybe they picked up go
22763s ahead let's go I was just going to say
22764s it let's go to Houston right now in
22765s terms of denying that uh one to one
22767s rifle they want to keep the three hours
22769s going today
22771s provider will have to have a very smooth
22773s day to have any shot at camping through
22774s b as well there's a lot of fights they
22776s have to win here in a row as well
22780s Marin stays safe but Pelican does get
22782s left out in the dry ends up falling hell
22784s shot through Muse taking low jumps up on
22786s The High Ground that's gonna be laughter
22788s taken down seems like to buy it in that
22790s ball rolling towards this a cap down to
22793s about a sliver of HP Dante trying to
22795s hold out but he still will find him in
22797s the end
22800s finale will be looking to rejoin
22802s potentially the first check mark done
22804s however hold that thought as Dante being
22807s alive now is there going to be any shot
22809s for Houston Outlaws no I don't think so
22810s too far away I think if Dante was close
22813s sir if he died earlier respawn earlier
22815s Etc if he just was available there they
22817s could have gone for the retake but there
22818s is also inherent risk for the retake for
22820s outlaws if they go for they fail they
22822s could lose a map of that but they're
22823s gonna get aggressive now
22825s yep very aggressive push coming in made
22827s it down low Astro finds the kill takes
22829s out Muse and that Pelican Point of fall
22831s Easter with a headshot rail takes him
22833s out now Baron dead as well because he's
22835s right three members gone inside of the
22836s Houston Outlaws Dante the last one
22838s standing trying to stay alive pops the
22840s bubble TP forward look for the
22843s elimination but it seems like he's not
22844s gonna get staggered but they've broken
22846s through the initial choke point the
22847s problem with that fight now for Houston
22848s Outlaws is they've given away a lot of
22850s all charge towards to fight so we talk
22852s about these OT fights and defining the
22854s snowball they're going to get that
22855s through
22856s the only ultimate that Outlaws will have
22858s is creators the fact that creative has
22859s more ultimate of the rush is so huge in
22862s comparison to Twilight
22865s one playing forward there for just a
22867s brief moment
22870s the Russian Rush can be online very
22872s quickly random's holding let's build up
22874s that final seven percent the corner
22876s gonna be held there's the overclock
22877s first from Keystone looking for some
22879s targets
22880s one crew catches the classroom in the
22883s chest sound barrier now online for him
22884s hasn't dropped it yet now goes the match
22886s double support ult coming through
22888s overclock rolling from Merit double shot
22891s the cross on Amusement
22893s loses his head they shut down the death
22896s Blossom that might just be enough Dante
22897s finds Muse as well they'll clear them
22899s off the card and the Houston Outlaws
22901s after the miraculous push they give
22903s quite a bit of distance here to the
22905s Toronto the Flyers but they managed to
22907s shut them down in the last few moments
22910s they stopped the push they get the win
22912s they're now up 2-0 match point is theirs
22914s yeah that's amazing I mean again you
22916s look at that overtime push from the
22917s Houston Outlaws on one minute they
22919s nearly clear B and it's just too much
22921s distance to run to fight with having
22923s more than you know they have a 49 Second
22925s Advantage there they can afford to lose
22927s an extra fight and you know they get a
22929s really good push themselves but
22931s issue does not get the value on that
22934s overclock that he was looking for the
22935s smile on Pelicans Facebook as well
22937s douching out was they know how well they
22939s played in part of eso and Merit shuts
22941s down finale the one death Blossom that
22944s could maybe still save the day for the
22946s trying to defiant is not going to be
22947s there it's not going to be good enough
22948s and the Houston Outlaws now leave two
22950s and zero and they are looking for that
22952s 3-0 finish to round out an entire day's
22954s worth of potential three zeros
22956s [Music]
22958s that they are and right now they're just
22960s looking so damn good we weren't sure
22961s whether or not we were going to be able
22962s to see the Winston I mean like we said
22964s we like the the show we liked the map
22966s pick up today so to try to make the
22969s Outlaws try to make Dante a little bit
22971s more uncomfortable playing that Winston
22972s but honestly he piloted it pretty damn
22975s well in the end so they get the win a
22977s 2-0 lead now for the Houston Outlaws can
22980s they complete another game of three
22983s OverWatch or will to defiant be able to
22985s fight back we'll have to just wait and
22986s see they have one more map pick to try
22988s to make it happen on escort we'll see
22989s where they decide to take us and whether
22991s or not they can get that win to extend
22992s the series when we come back from the
22994s break
22995s foreign
22997s [Music]
23008s [Music]
23017s [Music]
23028s is it our best now
23030s universe
23031s [Music]
23034s it's going in
23037s are you guys
23040s going in
23048s well the OBS people seem like they're
23050s always enjoying themselves you know it's
23053s always special what if they pick their
23055s own names if they could have signed it
23056s you know I think they have to kick it
23058s right like if you've got a signed
23059s junkrat I would not be happy yeah
23065s [Music]
23072s on this one
23075s [Music]
23089s your family what's your opportunity yeah
23092s yeah YouTube yeah YouTube YouTube yeah
23095s all Saudi watch
23100s yes only you because you yes only player
23105s yeah I agree
23108s foreign
23109s [Music]
23120s [Music]
23133s foreign
23135s [Music]
23145s Foreigner does it warms up your cold
23147s hands
23149s yeah it's in the name but yeah I can see
23151s where you got like confused about it
23153s it's like kind of easy misunderstanding
23154s sometimes
23157s [Music]
23180s [Music]
23181s foreign
23183s [Music]
23200s [Music]
23215s foreign
23220s [Music]
23241s [Music]
23247s [Music]
23252s ERS it's gonna be it's uh it's on sale
23255s you have till November 15 to buy it
23257s limited time at least once again so go
23259s ahead spend your OverWatch League tokens
23261s it's just 200 for this one make sure you
23263s guys snatch it up while you still can
23266s and they get two skins this year but
23268s also because they have one but also by
23270s The Diamonds you want and honestly also
23271s have a skin
23273s so uh yeah we've got a tiger one and a
23278s lion one that's actually kind of cool if
23279s you think about it it's a tiger one and
23280s a line one but no bears no oh my
23285s God here's something else that's cool
23286s looking over some stats for that last
23288s map I did mention that he should had a
23290s bit of a slow start he did a venture
23291s catch but one stage I think when we
23293s uh swap sides and
23297s um so at the end of the first half it
23299s was married on 11 final boss used one
23301s one I believe but at the end it's
23302s married on 17 he's won 18 however
23306s aside from that this is where marriage
23308s Gap starts to be shown Beyond just the
23310s actual final blows the damage output was
23312s a pretty significant Gap here Merit was
23314s the only play in the entire Lobby who
23316s hit more than 20 000 damage again he
23317s landed at 22
23319s 610. he spent 18 668 and then I also
23324s damaged for 10 Merritt was the only
23325s player on five digits so he had 11 537
23329s damage from ten every other play in the
23330s lobby had Below in that regard despite
23333s having one less final blow that he sue
23335s the raw damage output across the board
23337s was so insane for a minute
23340s well looks like it's going to be Dorado
23343s with the final map pick coming through
23345s here for the side of Toronto to fight
23348s and see if they can go ahead and pick up
23349s a w to extend this series but of course
23353s if they do that's gonna just be the
23354s start of a necessary reverse sweep it
23357s also means that Houston Outlaws would
23358s have map pig from then on out so it's
23362s very much working against them right now
23363s this series not being able to get a win
23365s earlier on I think I'll tell you what
23367s reverse sweep would be a very huge
23369s shutdown I'm gonna once again despite
23371s Toronto also losing part of Izu I still
23373s think you know that was a smart pick for
23375s them this is again a smart pick for
23376s which we wanted to find in terms of
23377s where their strengths are they are
23379s trying to
23380s maybe widen or create a gap between Muse
23383s and Dante so why Dorado this is a very
23385s Winston heavy map very dive heavy map
23387s right
23388s um fantastic for Winston skill
23390s expression now the thing about that is
23392s that would be great for Muse if it
23394s wasn't for the fact that dances were
23396s pretty ring small and that wouldn't
23398s maybe maybe Johnny wasn't uh too far off
23400s by saying that Dante could just pick it
23402s up because you know he does pick it up
23404s looked good certainly didn't look like a
23407s liability for the team I mean I think
23409s one time maybe he kind of gets killed
23411s out of nowhere but for the most part
23414s yeah Dante has been holding his own on
23416s this hero that's super impressive for
23417s Houston allows them to have some real
23419s contention for the playoffs
23422s yeah I think it was just the one uh that
23425s one little positioning when he was left
23427s side of the final stretch of the map we
23428s Define on the attack there trying to
23430s push through into C didn't get caught up
23432s on The High Ground it was melted down
23433s but other than that it has been very
23436s well piloted by him he's very much going
23439s to continue as the gates open up
23440s teleport set up here onto The High
23442s Ground it's a big poop denied well set
23444s up and well predicted there by Turlock
23447s denies the positioning
23449s I don't see what Houston can do in the
23451s low ground though should have some
23452s attempts here okay that's a big pick off
23454s right away
23455s that's kind of the advantage of defying
23457s starting on High Ground they you know
23459s knock Houston Outlaws down the low
23460s ground and they just find that opening
23462s straight away
23465s which also has top the impact of
23468s allowing twice to get very far ahead
23475s and Twilight will definitely take that
23476s and we saw him clicking some heads
23478s especially on Busan is uh not as much on
23482s that second map but so turns will go
23484s down on either side lasso however gets
23486s traded out after finding the elimination
23487s and it's just okay everybody's just
23488s gonna die
23489s start an explosion of death here over in
23492s the side room as hell again killed off
23495s midair by uh who is just going out of
23498s control denies The High Ground access
23499s and then just rips people to shreds all
23502s right
23502s giving the closer response I think it's
23505s important by the way that trunk does get
23506s the kill to creative because uh that
23507s stops great from catching up the
23508s Twilight there is still a little bit of
23510s a gap in terms of the general Rush
23511s building
23512s finale's also been playing Tracer has
23514s impossible available
23516s wow
23522s protect you
23524s there they are just hugging tearfully as
23526s finale goes ahead and sticks up the last
23528s little was there no shoes in their lives
23531s created uh apparently not okay
23535s then so I mean yeah I don't know that's
23538s uh you see the stick on a Dante and he
23540s does did he not I guess he didn't have a
23542s jump available because he was just stuck
23543s in celestein they both die hand in hand
23546s that's hashtag Valley on the pulse bomb
23550s it is I mean considering that we haven't
23553s been seeing too much pressure here today
23555s okay good amount of value to be found if
23557s Merritt take it down he's with a great
23559s head shot
23560s she's an outlaw just can't really seem
23562s to get five players together on this
23564s card you can see they're very much split
23565s apart right now Dante left out Hall and
23567s flown some Primal is gonna be held on to
23569s definitely would have been
23571s just not worth it to go ahead and commit
23572s it to the fight they need a full run
23574s kills not something that they really had
23576s I mean they win the fight they get the
23578s ground so you take those in terms of
23579s small victories but I think one killed
23580s the consumer rush I think I would have
23582s wanted a little bit more some stagger
23583s did say Houston Outlaws now push from
23585s The Underpass will be sort of tunnel
23587s side go straight for the arch fight and
23589s they can play their own Rush
23592s you're gonna try to get themselves over
23594s the car Pelican gonna be forced into the
23595s race walk here nice and early overclock
23598s rolling
23599s we threw these shots but far isn't
23602s finding too many connections Dante just
23604s keeping him occupied so it doesn't have
23606s that full charge since one out we'll go
23607s ahead and whip on that down there how
23609s we're gonna be dropped didn't go wrong
23610s we'll need to keep the rest of the team
23611s protected rolling confused but the focus
23614s fire is just looking so damn good from
23615s the side of the Outlaws they managed to
23616s take him down finale as well going to
23618s fall creative with a great little hunai
23619s headshot takes him out and with these
23622s eliminations that will be the captain
23623s eventually coming through here on to
23625s point a so Houston Outlaws now three
23627s minutes 20 seconds to work with but that
23629s is not too much here for the second
23632s stretch of this map
23634s just one lie that wasn't all the
23635s alternative was Pelican fifth boss but
23636s he built that one I think towards the
23638s back end when Houston were already
23639s winning so a big expenditure from both
23642s sides that was like what about nine
23644s ultimates being spent roughly something
23646s like that flying fudge damage in that
23648s including a headshot okay
23652s can't make it out
23656s all right but okay Pelicans using the
23657s Death Watch so really try to open up
23659s this High Ground for the rest of his
23660s Squad allow them to get that car roll
23662s double supports
23664s son well he got one of the two supports
23666s off that's why they're gonna take him
23667s down so should be some pretty push some
23669s easy push with the Houston Outlaws now
23670s we're building up towards Twilight's
23672s katuna rushes
23674s you head into this underpass and once
23676s you sort of Round the Corner here you've
23677s got a great length drop in that katuna
23679s Russian also a little bit of knock like
23680s spawn Camp certainly controlling the
23682s trophy
23685s trying to LEAP his way out onto this
23688s High Ground eventually has to drop down
23689s to stop this there to match pressure and
23691s Pelican is just charging his way into
23692s the bag
23693s thank you about half HP but now the rush
23695s could be used by Twilight we're gonna
23697s try to win out the fight's in a really
23699s bad spot kind of gets bogged down right
23701s there in the corner of the room it's a
23702s falling in the end
23704s with the low HP bars but there may yet
23707s still be some additional staggers pulse
23709s already finale holding on to it for now
23711s dashes in gets the stick Merritt gonna
23713s be taking him down unable to save once
23716s more the pulse bomb finds some value
23717s nips back right for the back of the car
23719s still inches forward getting closer to
23720s the rounding the final quarter but
23722s inevitably yeah well we'll have to back
23724s away and reset and with a light death on
23726s the floor a death on Dante has to reset
23730s looking for no further discharge Roger
23733s flying getting very aggressive in the
23734s bank there just rush the entire thing
23736s down takes the target they have the 5v4
23738s and Houston Outlaw still wanted to
23740s respond Creator dropped in his own Rush
23742s the damage output certainly was not
23744s there from the Houston Outlaws a minute
23745s 20 remaining now roughly
23747s so they can definitely can't be off the
23749s back of this one pedal positioning is
23750s good but this High Ground Control from
23752s trying to find it's gonna be a bit rough
23755s news gets aggressive
23765s a bit more aggressively here and Merritt
23767s will be able to find all three of the
23768s eliminations that come through so far so
23770s I'm gonna be running back sound barrier
23772s at the ready but with a late kill on a
23773s finale the contest is going to be pretty
23776s Bare Bones if they can even get one
23777s these jump sport gives his life and that
23780s is just gonna be the cap coming through
23781s so just over two minutes now remaining
23782s for the Houston Outlaws of the final
23783s stretch I mean churong dying there was
23785s everything right because lastro ends up
23786s using a sound barrier 2005 doesn't have
23788s that in response control being sniped
23789s out
23791s they're doing so much work didn't even
23792s have overclock and they didn't use it so
23794s that was just broad neutral play
23798s can they finish the map though because
23799s this is still quite a bit of work to do
23801s despite the two minutes being van
23804s it's awesome about to be online Merit
23806s should look to overclock pretty soon
23807s here as well
23814s for it overclock after PC First Merit
23817s still holding on to one of his own
23818s Pelicans taking low and the final shot
23820s will go ahead through the chest finds
23822s that elimination so the rest of the team
23823s tries to escape finale will lose his
23825s head at the very end but I don't think
23826s he's going to be too bothered by it
23828s that the rest of the Divine are able to
23830s hold the door and hold the car in
23831s position so here's downloads have read
23832s that and trying to find had a lot of
23834s ultimates there so I guess the game plan
23835s was to just kind of shove the payload in
23837s see when Toronto were going to respond
23840s because they would have to respond
23841s eventually and once they throw an
23842s ultimates Outlaws back out they save and
23845s they build towards the win condition
23846s here as creative looks into the next
23848s rush now
23852s he does finds Muse finds Twilight two
23855s quick kills from Eric the cold spot this
23857s time around from the finale not going to
23858s be able to fight the damn thing in fact
23859s all he finds depth Pelican gets on top
23861s of him
23883s decide to go ahead and use it the back
23885s of that Rush as well that's lots of
23887s playered in finds show up gets the kill
23889s mew's gonna be taken down and there's no
23890s one to condense the card so somehow
23892s someway Houston Outlaws despite the
23894s limited time Banks they were working
23896s with both at A and B they managed to get
23898s to the end of Dorado with time but I
23900s think there's 28 seconds remaining for
23901s them I think it's that final or second
23903s to last push there with the Merit
23905s overclock that's what gets the value
23906s there the fact that he finds three kills
23907s in that so huge
23909s and trying to find you know they it's
23912s it's a pretty difficult situation for
23913s trying to be in because if you pop the
23914s sound barrier there you know you don't
23915s have it to defend against the katuna
23917s Rush from creative later on so Houston
23919s Outlaws had
23920s they were quiet to win two fights and
23922s they got both fights now off both of the
23924s important ultimates that they needed and
23926s sound barrier even with Chong vs
23927s creatives uh Katrina Rush didn't end up
23930s being enough when Pelican could just
23931s rock up with the death Blossom inside of
23932s that Rush find Value put moves down to
23934s one take him down as well no Defender is
23936s not gonna touch
23937s still with 28 seconds left to go
23940s like it's done so
23942s decent Shine from Houston so like you
23945s mentioned as well slow on a but B and C
23948s were much quicker especially C was
23949s actually one played
23955s this is
23960s goes for the pop the shield gets broken
23962s and Muse just has no two three
23964s whatsoever great little quick shot
23966s through on Twilight
23970s very nicely done by Merritt has been
23972s very much I'd say the the brightest
23974s spark here by the way Houston Outlaws so
23976s far in the series it's not even just
23977s that sequence of kills coming from here
23979s it's the fact that Toronto couldn't get
23980s a counter track because at least they
23981s got a counter trade off the back of that
23983s and by the way this is Houston Outlaws
23984s between the same TP punish but way more
23986s effective because actually get a Kill
23988s trying to find not getting a trade at
23990s the end there means that Houston gets to
23992s walk up as five and they don't have to
23993s play slowly and wait for a uh three
23995s spawner from their own side so that was
23998s another factor for loosen that was
23999s camping and straight away on the First
24001s Defense unusual so success from The
24004s Outlaws as well
24007s trying to fish for a couple tags there
24009s on a creative or on the Twilight rather
24010s I should say
24011s it doesn't find any
24019s everybody can make their way out safely
24022s and really putting pressure on the news
24023s here he's been struggling to really get
24025s into position for a dive
24026s jump on any High Ground that being said
24029s though with the payload still moving in
24030s help Moors have been pushing up and use
24032s it tonight again
24035s now about half
24038s okay for the time being the rest of the
24040s team trying to hold forward if you tag
24042s lower and lower but with music the rest
24044s of the Outlaws can storm up and yeah I'm
24046s just trying to gain control this card
24047s mayor down to one Twilight it will get
24048s it with a head shot at the end to get
24049s the finishing blow and suddenly that's
24051s the turn of the tides we're trying to
24053s defy it now I have the advantage to go
24055s kills back over the car I'm plunge has
24057s been doing some crazy damage today he's
24059s Chanel will convert that's actually
24060s really critical because Outlaws are
24062s about to win they were going to win
24063s without the ultimate but now they're
24065s just gonna get picked apart
24067s I mean look at Dante 86 can pay the
24069s muses 54. Dante Liberty and Houston can
24071s stole that one they get ultimate support
24073s ultimates they're Primal so much the
24075s workers will break on and it starts for
24078s Twilight getting that initial pickoff as
24080s well I believe it was under mirror Mike
24083s yeah I'm a little too close to the Sun
24085s there did The Outlaws with that forward
24087s defense now it's gonna be the Raj and
24088s Twilight looking to make this a very
24090s aggressive push wants to open up an
24092s immense amount of space because the
24093s clock is being brought forward and
24094s Merrick is going to fall under the
24095s pressure and only down to 59 feet can
24097s finish off Pelican able to find that
24098s elimination Dante now jumping into the
24100s back gets the corner here onto hisu who
24102s should die but actually he manages to
24104s slide away and the healing comes in from
24105s Twilight to keep him topped up this is
24108s life intact for a little bit longer but
24109s then eventually finds himself to get
24111s another corner and that time there's no
24112s Escape he dies for a little bit of an
24114s additional stagger and Houston Outlaws
24116s will be able to actually establish a bit
24117s of control off the back of that fight
24119s but while it again opens things up look
24121s at the Turn and Burn from the Houston
24122s Outlets as well right they bad couch
24124s disengage from Twilight Casino Russians
24126s one of his own in will push back but as
24130s that happens they lose a planet regroup
24133s they start moving the payload the only
24134s downside of all of that for the Divine
24136s is that the payload wasn't really moving
24137s the whole way through should be dead
24139s Blossom coming for Pelicans looking for
24140s it
24142s they'll can end finale both holding on
24145s to this is an immense on either side
24147s three for the Outlaws four for the
24148s defiant final rage is going to be used
24150s now the overclock from Izu as well
24160s finish off the Winston that should be
24162s them holding the cart he's got a sliver
24164s we'll finish off at the end finally
24166s tries to escape through the bank but
24167s just too many people to try to pursue
24169s cleanup comes in
24171s once more Houston Outlaws they have an
24173s opportunity to try to buy some time off
24174s this time bank Twilight harassing around
24176s the back just wait for the TP out there
24178s it is I gotta say it's what we look at
24180s the performances of individual members I
24182s think Twilight has had a potentially
24183s better game than creative right nearly
24185s double the creative damage output
24187s but that being said merits just had so
24189s much better of a soldier performance on
24191s this map as well it felt like that was
24192s kind of the case already on part of use
24194s over here it's 16 final blows from Merit
24196s four for he soon and Merit also shut
24198s down he sues overpowered just before so
24200s I mean
24201s this death Blossom doesn't work out on
24204s either side of him but now he really
24205s needs to hit something
24207s he does there's the Blossom from both
24209s sides and Pelicans gonna be able to find
24210s two but it gets traded back as well go
24212s down the mouth no damage dealers left in
24214s the fight for the Houston Outlaws great
24216s and falling as well
24218s throwing a Twilight though they are
24220s bringing the card forward because you
24221s said Outlaws have kind of gotten
24222s themselves split apart Dante six percent
24224s four percent now away from that primal
24227s trying to disengage clients saying yeah
24229s we need to get grouped back up so they
24230s managed to disengage successfully and
24232s group back up as five yeah a lot of
24233s respect being shown there's obviously
24234s Houston weren't trying to stop the paler
24236s they knew they'd respawn as you seem to
24237s run to Define as well not trying to just
24239s back up there because they also knew
24240s that Houston had respawners so both
24242s sides want to reset for the 5V fights a
24244s lot of time Burn by the time Toronto cap
24246s if they cap that all they're going to be
24247s working with pretty similar time to what
24249s Houston had on the scene
24252s hell can hold the car under two minutes
24254s now remaining for the defiant look to
24257s get this minute and a half plop up to
24259s the final stretch Dante taking a little
24261s bit low but he's well into the back
24262s lines has that Primal pop he's looking
24264s to get the hit there onto his Superman
24266s to play elusively enough to keep himself
24268s safe Primal widely not gonna get too too
24271s much done buys a little bit of extra
24273s time then expires that should be
24275s mirrored again nearly on the overclock
24277s we've seen the save the day Toronto
24279s nearly has the sound barrier must pop it
24281s in response you have to oh my God it
24283s doesn't even matter
24285s quietly just swings right back out and
24287s baron snatches up the opportunity
24289s finds the kill holds onto the overclock
24291s sound barrier gonna be dropped in by
24292s last row making sure that they could go
24293s ahead and win out the rest of this fight
24294s and they will
24296s clean up comes through on to four
24298s Toronto I mean he's he's trying to
24300s escape through the bank but they know
24301s exactly what his Escape Routes are they
24303s cut them that's some extended stagger
24305s and the thing is like chorong knows what
24307s the game plan is he understands like at
24308s this time cannot allow Merit to get
24310s value in the overclock must the
24311s sound bearing spots however American
24313s load the overclock that was just again
24315s raw neutral damage from there finds the
24317s speaker to Twilight and Chong's freaking
24319s out so he pops a sound bar with the four
24321s because they gotta live they gotta try
24323s and win something here
24324s and now Houston Outlaws bring the time
24326s bank down below a minute they're looking
24328s towards good win conditions now Mary
24330s still has the other clock he soon has to
24332s match if you shoot can't kill Merit here
24334s and if he dies to marry it again I think
24336s it's over
24338s fair enough risky position now the
24341s overclock comes through he's trying to
24343s catch him in the toes goes down below
24344s half HP he'll start going his way but he
24346s Sue hits him with a rail the headshot
24348s goes across but he's gonna be training
24349s it out they shut down the rest of that
24350s ball telekin finds it drops it as
24352s blossom in Finale High Talia as quickly
24354s as he possibly can
24356s seconds remaining his Twilight jumps
24358s over Toro Dante however quick on the
24361s pursuit finale finds one that supports
24363s now gone Pelican taken down the Stagger
24365s start coming in Houston Outlaws unable
24367s to reset unable to play together as a
24369s fought full five but as Merit rejoins he
24371s finds the shot the touch is there they
24373s force up the OT Dante jumping back
24375s through the Primal expire can't try to
24377s smack anybody off this call there and
24379s end up dying sound barrier dropped in by
24381s trong to keep everybody else protected
24382s creative gonna fall last from Under Fire
24384s should get dropped here Pelican rejoins
24387s here on the soldier 76 he's desperately
24389s trying to get this kill onto hisu and he
24390s will but he gives his life for it and
24392s the cap is there all the same a minute
24394s 20 seconds now remaining for the Toronto
24395s to fight as it can't be I gotta say the
24397s Charon finding a second sound barrier
24399s and record time is huge did not expect
24401s that to happen I don't think Outlaws
24402s expected it either if it was for the
24404s sound barrier very defendable for the
24405s Houston Outlets the one is that like one
24406s sound barrier after one bite incredible
24410s timing yeah but do they have enough time
24411s now to finish on that they're definitely
24412s not going to match 28 seconds that's for
24414s sure looking at cap at all then looking
24416s for an OG push and they can only afford
24418s to reset one time
24420s that was about to hit sometimes here
24422s themselves no they're not heated by the
24423s shot
24424s yeah he's hit headshots is what he's
24426s hitting give the follow-up kill Pelican
24428s now take it down the rail barely misses
24431s huge final the cleanup is coming through
24433s and this is monstrous for the Toronto
24435s defiant snowballing right now and they
24437s very well can end up matching this time
24438s back if they can continue to find these
24439s individual picks I think however should
24441s slow them up well the sound barrier is
24443s going to be either a sub Houston from
24444s overclocking but it will come down to
24445s overclock versus overclock again
24446s remember he's a dead Kilmer in the last
24448s change he dies himself but at least they
24451s don't Merit down early Primal now
24462s for his troubles before dying
24465s he was able to find that elimination
24466s they have to take glue to this card but
24469s they're just getting zoned back away
24470s Pelican goes up onto The High Ground
24472s needs some healing but as he drops down
24474s this could be damn dangerous for the
24476s rest of the defiance
24477s the rush confused bubble drop use trying
24480s to stay protected laughter the first one
24481s of all ESO with a head shot looking good
24483s but Merritt now finds views the main
24484s tank
24485s you take it down the blossom comes in
24488s Pelican cleans up two he said he tries
24491s to fight back he gets married but he
24493s ends up getting dropped and in the end
24494s the card will not be able to get to the
24497s finish of the map Houston Outlaws will
24499s successfully defend
24500s despite some close moments despite some
24503s nail biters there throughout Dorado they
24506s will hold strong and they will not
24508s divert from the script it is another 3-0
24511s series as they keep themselves here in
24513s the upper bracket absolutely an
24515s amazingly well played as well you looked
24517s at how para is open you're thinking man
24519s there's just no way Houston Atlas in one
24521s minute versus 149 I mean Toronto can
24524s lock this up shortly doesn't happen
24525s insane push on the time Bank in the
24528s overtime look over towards this map is
24531s all on Dorado
24532s the B defense drops Toronto down to an
24536s OT and Toronto start to make some real
24538s waves in the final push he shoots down
24540s to come alive but once the respawners
24542s get in there
24543s it's married again popping off
24545s Pelican with a final nail in the coffin
24548s a death Blossom to centroid to fight him
24551s down into the lower bracket as Houston
24553s Outlaws will continue forward
24556s and the team that I think most people
24557s would have predicted to have one do
24559s indeed win and they do so in a 3-0
24561s fashion as well without dropping a
24563s single map and you know we'll have to
24565s get another update on how many perfect
24566s brackets remain but I think at least
24568s this one was probably a little bit more
24569s easy to predict of few upsets today but
24572s Fusion outlaws they're not going to get
24574s upset at all
24577s I'm gonna guess
24578s zero perfect brackets remaining uh just
24581s because things have been wild and I
24583s think that most people probably would
24584s have anticipated this series to maybe be
24585s a little bit more Scrappy as well but
24587s not having any
24590s taken by the losing team is quite a
24593s statement to be made by all the teams
24595s who have successfully kept themselves in
24597s the upper bracket
24598s so very nicely done by all four of these
24601s squads that walk away Victorious that
24603s walk away with perfect victories but
24606s somebody who looked damn near perfect
24607s throughout this series on the side of
24609s Houston that is going to be our player
24610s of the match and that is Merit who
24612s continues to just look damn good the
24614s sojourn players just slurping up the
24616s player of the match wins it would seem
24617s but it's very well deserved at the end
24619s yeah very strong performance on a strong
24621s hero I mean it starts out on our first
24623s map of Busan it really it didn't end
24625s right this was by the way you could
24627s probably consider Busan to have been his
24628s most quiet meth and even then you've
24630s seen some good highlights it really was
24632s for me on part of izo like I mentioned
24634s the 22 600 overall damage 11 500 damage
24637s per 10. monstrous performance shutting
24640s down players as well because finale
24642s finale didn't even get to really play
24644s much of the game he never really got to
24645s drop down to death was there to deny him
24648s time and time again
24650s yeah just down twice on the same map
24652s because there was also that that one you
24654s know on that final push he gets the head
24656s shot on the finale just cutting him down
24657s to size now so it was very very well
24660s done by Marron by all of the Houston
24661s hours I mean somebody else who very much
24663s we should give a shout out to is Dante
24665s who we weren't sure how it was going to
24666s look picking up the Winston week gave
24668s props to the defiant for their picks
24671s trying to force him into a bit of an
24673s uncomfortable position but Dante seemed
24675s very well at home very few mistakes made
24677s as he brings out that tank pick uh so
24680s I'd say you know run around if not
24682s co-player of the match we talked about
24684s the fact that you know High drum was 10
24686s final plays out of 10 was great how
24687s about 11.1 so even one further per 10
24690s just to go to show you know merit's got
24693s the one in his name right so that's
24694s where the extra one kill comes from
24696s um yeah just a show just to show how
24698s much extra he can be on top of what was
24700s an insane performance by hydron in our
24702s previous series as well but Houston
24703s Outlaws looking dangerous and and maybe
24706s the one quote-unquote potential weakness
24708s for the team doesn't look that weak at
24710s least not yet Dante will still be tested
24712s versus other Winston players I'm sure
24714s but right now like he said he just needs
24715s to not be a liability and he actually
24717s looked like a reasonable force to be
24719s reckoned with at times as well
24720s um some decent charge times of the
24722s Primal Rage uh and allowing space and
24725s time for Pelican and Merit to have their
24727s moments and you know Pelican close the
24729s series Mary had a fantastic series all
24731s around Houston out was that looking like
24732s a dangerous team
24735s that they are I mean all the teams right
24737s now that are keeping themselves in the
24739s upper bracket are teams to be feared I
24741s mean a lot of results that we didn't
24742s necessarily anticipate I mean the 3-0
24744s score lines aside uh I mean the the
24747s Hangzhou spark being able to come out
24748s and look as strong as they did it has
24751s just been a wild wacky day it's not for
24753s us to break down however we luckily have
24755s the desk to do all of that and recap
24757s everything that we got to see here today
24758s on the first day of playoffs but that
24760s does it for myself and Abra we'll see
24762s you guys again tomorrow for some more
24763s matches but make sure you stay tuned
24765s because the desk will be breaking things
24766s down in just a few minutes
24768s foreign
24789s ER
24792s crispity crunchy peanut buttery no one
24796s lays a finger on your Butterfinger
24799s foreign
24803s [Music]
24821s [Music]
24835s foreign
24839s [Music]
24845s [Music]
24854s [Music]
24867s [Music]
24881s [Music]
24890s thank you
24895s [Music]
24906s I'm back strong
24911s [Music]
24934s [Music]
24940s [Music]
24942s foreign
24943s [Music]
24950s [Music]
24957s [Music]
24964s [Music]
24977s foreign
24985s [Music]
25006s [Music]
25009s foreign
25010s [Music]
25016s [Music]
25030s [Music]
25039s [Music]
25042s post show we're back here on our
25044s watchpoint analyst desk we're ready to
25047s wrap up the Deva first things first we
25049s do have an interview ready on the stage
25052s with no other than Pelican from the
25053s Houston Outlaws and we got Jake joining
25055s us as our translator so uh thank you
25058s guys so much for taking the time
25059s congratulations 3-0 we continue to
25062s distroll through sweep City so uh let's
25065s dive into our questions Jake we really
25068s like to know from Pelican uh which team
25070s he hopes will be picking the Houston
25073s Outlaws tonight when they do the
25075s selection okay
25083s oh
25085s so
25088s pilly says he'd like to meet Seoul
25090s Dynasty tomorrow hopefully he hopes that
25092s they pick us
25094s why that is oh
25100s [Music]
25112s Phillies like to meet uh one of the APAC
25114s teams in the playoffs and I guess only
25116s uh Dynasty is of the top four seeds so
25118s he prefer to play the HD all right I
25121s love that yeah seeing a profit and Smurf
25123s as well that's gonna be great um I'd
25125s like to ask about the current meta you
25127s know we're saying we've seen pretty much
25128s just Winston Soldier and kariko pretty
25130s much all day here
25131s um what teams does Pelican think are
25133s going to benefit the most from the
25134s current battle we have okay
25142s foreign
25145s [Music]
25154s yeah thank you so much uh also Jake you
25157s coming for every single job here I think
25159s the only thing you haven't done yet is
25160s now he's our translator as well like
25162s what are you what are you doing for our
25163s job security there Jake I'm so nervous
25166s this is the first time doing uh any kind
25167s of Korean translation on broadcast so
25169s thank you guys we don't speak Korean but
25171s we think you nailed it that was awesome
25174s Jake I'm impressed yeah very impressed
25176s and we hope to see much more of you and
25178s your team thank you so much and good
25179s luck in your next game thank you so much
25181s thank you
25182s I feel so inadequate
25186s props to the Korean players when they
25188s come and talk English in the interviews
25190s oh yeah Jake talk Korean all this I mean
25193s that was sick great job Jake I mean he's
25195s been on the desk as as an analyst uh to
25198s fill in as a guest he's been doing
25200s casting he's a player he's a coach
25204s now he's a translator the only thing he
25208s hasn't come for is my job
25210s can't have it looking forward to 2023
25212s soy we're gonna miss it we'll be posting
25214s why not you know what you can probably
25216s really
25218s I'll coach The Outlaws make them yes
25222s that is my goal the control issue that
25225s this is
25227s yeah we looked it up by the way and I
25229s was right and that's really important to
25231s me that everyone knows that I forgot
25233s about it also it's important that's
25234s because we all kind of blocked that out
25236s of our memory except from that one thing
25238s now I do want to talk about the match
25240s because Toronto defined unfortunately
25243s fell 3-0 which is all we got on day one
25246s apparently every team just decided that
25248s that that's gonna be uh our end result
25250s so sweep City uh lives on but I want to
25254s know how to use not lost God it's done
25256s well it was kind of funny because we got
25258s into the first map and I'm like oh
25260s Houston Outlaws this is what we're gonna
25262s do in the playoffs Dante comes out on
25263s the erisa in the first round and then in
25265s the second round unironically goes the
25267s roadhog and actually has a lot of
25269s success with it you can understand where
25271s this pick is coming from but I was a
25273s little worried about the longevity of
25274s that on different maps you can play a
25276s little silly on control because it's so
25278s linear but Dante actually went over to
25281s the Winston on the later Maps you're in
25283s Dorado and he actually looks quite
25285s serviceable I'm not going to say that he
25286s was an exceptional Winston but he you
25288s know went toe-to-toe with news and did a
25290s pretty good job so Dante can keep that
25292s up that's a big move for the Houston
25293s Outlaws because he has more Synergy with
25295s the rest of the team yeah he didn't drag
25297s his team down you know he didn't go in
25298s there in thing and just gave Tony a
25300s fight for an advantage inherently in
25301s these fights no he did a good job you
25303s know positioned his bubbles adequately
25304s and then bought a time and space for
25306s Pelican and America him in a ways to
25308s just pop off like Meredith When Merritt
25309s plays Soldier uh he's incredible top
25312s five Soldier and yeah arguably like a
25313s top three surgeon in the league right
25315s being able to take it to some of the top
25316s teams around the league in Pelican as
25318s well we know that Tracer perhaps isn't
25320s really his comfort hero so having the
25322s meta shift towards the reaper instead
25324s that's a big Boon for the Houston Outlaw
25326s so overall you know stepping away from
25328s Individual as well I think Houston
25330s Outlaws as a team they played really
25332s well when it came to positioning
25335s um Evan flow Within These fights as well
25337s engaging with these Casino rushers for
25339s example disengaging at the right time so
25341s overall I think and others had a really
25343s good performance here being able to
25344s change things up too yeah funnily enough
25346s the more I watch this meta the more it
25348s kind of reminds me of the 2021 kind of
25350s what we coined the zombie comp with the
25352s Winston the Lucio and the Moira but now
25354s you have that Kirito and it just sort of
25355s UPS the speed of the reaper and that
25357s enables him to do so much you know
25359s Pelican does a great job he is a very
25361s smart player and was able to utilize
25362s that while on the other hand I think
25364s Toronto defined just a little too slow
25365s Off the Mark with a couple of things I
25367s liked the look of the finale Tracer
25369s something that we might see a little bit
25370s more from them but unfortunately wasn't
25372s enough to even get a map from The
25373s Outlaws now I do want to uh go a little
25376s bit more into that you were just
25378s mentioned in Houston's engages and also
25380s the disengages and you wanted to share
25383s more insight on how Houston is doing it
25386s yeah I mean I predicted Toronto finds
25387s something I'm disappointed in my voice
25389s you know come on I got a pred wrong
25392s because of you guys so part of it I
25393s think there's 2005 I wasn't quite
25396s satisfied with the ultimate value they
25398s got from their team when it came to
25400s playing these Ebbs and flows rightly
25402s whether it's you know death Blossom with
25403s Reaper or in this case Kitsune watch you
25406s know it's a huge momentum ability uh
25408s face from the LA platers the coach of
25409s Alexander the Kitsune watch might be the
25411s best ability in the game but look at
25413s Twilight just unleashing the katuni rush
25414s there's no green in sight they're all
25417s gone and then they re-engage when
25419s katsuna Rush is gone right and this
25421s happened a couple times here on point BS
25422s wrong sir it happens once more here
25424s consumeros being used Outpost we're out
25428s we we we're gone and so this is a great
25430s job at the Houston Outdoors to disengage
25432s from these very important abilities and
25433s recognizing that we're not we're not
25435s going to try to win this fight we're
25436s going to step away because you have the
25438s advantage but similarly I'm a bit
25439s disappointed throughout the defiant does
25441s get sooner Rush uh Rush abilities not
25444s the greatest placement yeah I didn't
25446s really optimize the placement of that
25448s ability to allow your team to chase
25449s because you know the enemy team is going
25451s to disengage right it's so powerful you
25453s have to put it in a place where you can
25454s capitalize on it and so I was a bit
25457s disappointed in Twilight it's a
25458s legendary flexible player maybe they can
25460s utilize that a bit better tomorrow
25465s is one of the strongest ultimates in the
25467s game if you try and fight into it
25469s without you know a response of ultimate
25471s on either katsudo rush or a different
25473s ultimate you will just get run over that
25475s that is the whole point that you know
25476s kiriko's almost played to a point so I'm
25478s excited to see how that sort of evolves
25480s and adapts because there were teams that
25482s were utilizing it better than others I
25483s think the Houston Outlaws did a good job
25485s with their own but they did a better job
25487s of recognizing Toronto Defiance
25488s weaknesses yeah like seeing that again
25490s being played out and talking about it so
25492s specifically that votes really really
25494s well for every huge nalo spawn should be
25495s excited right now because the show's
25497s really good team communication and
25499s awareness and that is exactly what you
25501s need in the meta like that where those
25503s disengages are so very crucial now uh we
25507s did have four matches today and there
25509s were three and O's however a lot
25511s happened and that means a lot of
25513s movement uh in our Bingo boards as well
25515s so uh Costa uh will uh do us the honor
25519s of uh Crossing through what we saw
25523s okay the first we
25527s we can't do the broadcast yeah we can't
25530s hear you I can hear you
25534s interesting what you just said no so I
25536s don't I don't think the desk made the
25538s unanimous prediction run that didn't
25540s happen Ajax did happen Ajax did happen
25542s at the sweep that that very much it
25545s happened four of them to be precise yeah
25547s yeah
25550s C9 yep
25555s what's the road talk pick on ironically
25557s yes the robot was picked on ironically
25561s by Dante and they wander round that was
25563s great
25565s um Well Fusion got second place in their
25567s match does that count no that's not okay
25570s all right
25572s jinx's team yeah but party Murray did
25574s Jinx their team uh yeah someone
25576s mispronounced Esperanza I know we didn't
25578s uh
25580s Well you certainly just did
25584s oh maybe maybe it was me it's me maybe I
25586s did it just now yeah uh desk makes an on
25589s Anonymous prediction Spark
25592s oh that did happen yeah yeah we all yep
25596s yeah tactical crouching after kill Hardy
25605s I still don't think we actually uh made
25607s sure what what that means at deadlift
25610s the hydrant got close but not quiet I
25612s think it was like three kills off so
25614s yeah I think that's it for day one I
25615s think that was a productive day one that
25617s was a very productive day one yeah I
25620s think there was also like almost a
25621s deadlift but not quite so we'll save the
25623s deadlift one great job there because
25625s they're walking away without your
25626s microphone and then talking
25627s it only goes so far it's not a wireless
25629s microphone I can't really do much with
25631s that uh I was just I much prefer like
25634s the the logic lapse of just just me
25638s well here's why as I have no way of
25641s communicating with the audience but yeah
25642s we are following along with the
25644s OverWatch League Twitter as well so make
25645s sure to check that out they are the
25646s official up and down we don't actually
25648s ready for a quick guessing game Guess
25650s how many perfect brackets are still
25651s alive four two it's two oh you're so
25656s smart wow I am is that a prediction
25658s Point
25659s okay all right fair enough all right all
25663s right well it is time for best of the
25666s day uh the games were quick but quite a
25668s lot of action happened and one thing
25670s that stood out for me was Gucci's return
25672s to Glory seeing him once again on that
25675s Winston fueled by the rages of the past
25678s in the Anaheim Convention Center that is
25680s spirits of Anaheim yeah the spirits of
25682s Anaheim Winston something something oh
25685s sorry I don't know it's Halloween
25686s weekend but I felt it and so did Gucci
25689s and the Primal blade awoke in Anaheim
25692s once again what this is just so much fun
25695s to watch honestly I've missed how it
25697s feels it feels right not the point we'll
25700s play you think the the goose way on
25701s Winston and popping off he's like a
25703s stapler of the league and it feels like
25705s it's been so long since we've really
25706s seen him come back it would be awesome
25708s to see him have this playoff performance
25709s and keep putting up these numbers
25710s because the spark are really a Dark
25712s Horse the further they go into this
25714s tournament because they looked very good
25715s on the back of good choice I mean I know
25717s that there were there was you know a
25719s specific someone who called out to Which
25720s Way throughout the season and you know
25721s questioned whether yeah but you
25722s abandoned
25724s um I'm gonna cut you off you abandoned
25725s that hopes yeah they might be around you
25728s here no you sold all your stonks on them
25731s okay so let me do my best of the day
25732s because the Shanghai dragons you know
25735s someone had to do it someone had to be
25736s the first in the league and in these
25738s playoffs to C9 in the playoffs the the
25741s Shanghai dragons getting hit with a a
25743s change to the way that the control works
25745s they thought they had touched it but in
25747s the overtime right now with 99 you have
25749s to stay on the point and they just don't
25751s get there and honestly the Hong Kong
25752s spark team was just laughing I mean
25753s they're on there that they like step off
25755s yeah but you can't do that anymore yeah
25757s that's the rules dem's the rules
25760s there's some muscle memory though that
25762s that's probably the issue here right
25764s there is some muscle memory where you
25765s just used to a certain way as a player
25767s when it comes to OT
25770s it was just I think it's poetic that had
25773s happened to the Shanghai dragons you
25774s know they've had so many great Shang
25775s nines throughout this year if anyone
25779s the spirit of the 2019 Shanghai dragons
25782s we can't just keep yelling Anaheim every
25784s time
25785s [Laughter]
25788s I love it all right so do I Jonathan
25790s what tickled your fancy uh today I mean
25793s we had a lot of Winston with a lot of
25796s surgeon a lot of Reaper Lucio kariko I
25798s name them all but we also got a taste
25801s just like some cherries on top Bastion
25803s oh no orisa are you kidding me I mean I
25808s love to see this from the Atlanta rain
25809s we were like can Hawk play Winston
25811s brings out the Rhine who expected this
25814s speedily as well on the Bastion um and
25816s he actually you know has him quite a few
25817s moments like this one for example you
25819s know lob it out uh it looks good there
25822s he goes that's the sound effect right
25824s you sound just like him yeah RuPaul is
25826s like what is this I've never seen this
25828s before unbelievable
25831s um so yeah it didn't work out and then
25832s Hulk like went Doom or something and
25834s then uh you know for someone diorista
25836s for someone uh we didn't get the road
25838s again there but don't they play roadwork
25839s as well and goes away for like two
25842s seconds but you know and it works for
25844s the Outlaws yeah
25848s yeah sure
25851s I feel bad because like off Time Players
25853s around the world they're like that's not
25855s cheese that's my hero it's not cheese
25857s but it's like yogurt right like it's
25858s almost cheese
25861s it's somewhere along the lines it's
25863s heading towards cheese okay okay on the
25865s way on the way it's cold it's good
25868s speaking of culture bracket I don't know
25870s transition but I do want to take a look
25872s at the bracket whoa thanks for getting
25874s that perfect
25879s all right Dallas of course got the first
25881s pick and they did a drum roll pick the
25884s Hangzhou spark that is a surprising pick
25887s from me my bracket is broken I did not
25890s have Dallas picking the Angels work well
25892s I didn't have any of these four teams
25894s pretty much being at this point if I'm
25896s being honest uh but there's there's so
25898s many interesting matches to come out
25899s here the San Francisco shot versus The
25901s Outlaws that's a matchup that we've seen
25903s a lot throughout this uh throughout this
25904s year and Coach junk box formerly part of
25907s the coach Crosby and 9k of course
25909s historically winning some championships
25910s so a bit of a coach rivalry there
25912s between outdoors and Shop have a good
25914s rivalry which we just make up on the
25916s desk as we go because the players and
25918s the coaches don't really care but we do
25920s it's like the talent takedown but for
25922s coaches
25923s nice we love that now here is of course
25926s tomorrow's schedule he was tomorrow's
25928s schedule I'm just very slow
25930s but yeah you you got a quick glance at
25933s the schedule so we have more games
25934s coming your way tomorrow same place same
25937s time but that's it for us here at the
25939s analyst a desk gentlemen it's been an
25941s absolute pleasure once again tomorrow
25943s maybe we get some pickings right uh no I
25946s got one wow I also got one one out of
25949s four bad considering the day that we had
25951s actually true
25954s that's yeah it's adding up crazy how
25956s that works but yeah no we're done we're
25958s getting some rest you at home get some
25959s rest as well so we can see you again
25961s tomorrow bright and early at 2 p.m
25964s that's not really bright and early is it
25965s no 2 p.m it's 2 p.m though can't wait to
25968s see you all again goodbye it's always
25970s bright and early somewhere
25976s [Music]
25992s [Applause]
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26022s [Music]
26030s foreign
26032s [Music]
26043s [Music]
26068s foreign
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26092s [Applause]
26102s foreign
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