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Transcript (by Youtube)

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2456s thank you
2459s good evening ladies and gentlemen thank
2461s you for tuning in and welcome to week
2463s two of the OverWatch World Cup eight
2465s pack B qualifier it's a long one to get
2469s through my name is Matt Bixby Carroll
2471s joining me here and indeed here
2472s physically is Kevin Avril Walker and uh
2475s not here physically uh is Domino how are
2477s we doing this week guys I stayed still
2479s enough I was like maybe I could pretend
2480s to be a mannequin must be a wax statue
2482s yeah I don't know this could be a
2484s hologram I need some I need some sources
2486s to know you know you gotta prove that
2487s I'm actually here have you seen the wax
2489s statue of Mark Zuckerberg it looks more
2491s like a real person than Mark Zuckerberg
2492s does
2497s let's go ahead and take a look at the
2498s World Cup structure and whereabouts we
2500s are you can see it's just down there at
2501s the bottom eight pack Group B uh six
2503s teams in this group two of which will
2505s qualify into those wider group stages
2507s where they will go up against teams from
2509s all around the world
2510s [Music]
2515s and it's been a pretty uh I'd say
2517s exciting run of things so far I'm not
2518s just in uh not just enough qualify but
2520s uh across everywhere A lot of them
2522s everywhere yeah a lot of countries
2523s represented which is always exciting
2524s it's fun to fun to kind of have this
2526s back isn't it have a yeah
2528s um
2528s we're gonna be closing things out though
2530s we are final week before we qualify some
2533s teams it's going to be that for sure for
2534s real and then we go into the group
2535s stages where teams continue to qualify
2537s but it's different but that'll be
2538s that'll be way down the line way way
2539s down the line yeah don't even don't even
2541s think about that at this point in time
2543s uh but let's go ahead and take a look at
2545s how things shook out on the last day of
2547s last week we had three matches uh New
2550s Zealand versus India Australia versus
2551s Singapore and Thailand versus Malaysia
2554s and uh Domino walk us through what we
2556s saw
2557s yeah so it was some very fast matches
2559s last week two Nils across the board from
2562s every team India cleaning up against
2564s here against New Zealand but as we're
2566s seeing just here color hex uh which was
2568s actually play of the match I believe uh
2570s last week um he managed to hold the
2573s entire point and it was a really well
2574s play by them but unfortunately as we did
2576s speculate last week you can't have one
2578s strong player unfortunately for the
2579s whole team it's a whole team effort so
2581s New India did take that one against New
2584s Zealand um India very strong team here
2587s in the qualifiers and we actually think
2589s may be either first or second and
2591s probably will qualify out here as well
2594s yeah
2596s looking quite strong of course to end
2598s your lineup and then of course Australia
2599s versus Singapore I think this was quite
2601s an expected result probably I think you
2603s you Singapore at this stage they're
2605s pretty known quantity and unfortunately
2607s they're just not going to be able to
2608s bring enough Firepower to the table
2609s Australia they're the team that we had
2612s pegged his favorites early on definitely
2614s in a top two position that race is
2616s getting a little bit tighter now as
2617s we're mentioning India a little bit
2618s earlier and at this stage as well we'll
2621s see on the standings a little bit later
2622s but Singapore with that loss are
2623s unfortunately mathematically out of
2625s contention for top two they can't yeah
2627s find the group stage Malaysia is still
2630s roughly in there alongside of New
2632s Zealand but they do have to win today
2633s Thailand though I think this is a pretty
2635s expected result just like the Australian
2637s matchup vs Singapore Thailand A Cut
2639s Above Malaysia yeah expected uh and
2642s certainly still in contention for that
2643s top three here top two rather is
2645s Thailand you can see how the standings
2647s have shaken out so far so as you
2648s mentioned Singapore zero and three
2650s officially mathematically eliminated
2652s unfortunately for them uh India and
2654s versus Australia is one of the matches
2656s we have up today so right now India are
2657s actually only above Australia because
2658s they have uh the one map differential
2661s Australia dropped one map to Thailand
2663s that is the only difference between
2664s these two teams but obviously as soon as
2665s they've actually gone Head to Head
2666s doesn't matter anymore and that will
2668s probably be a bit of a preview of the
2669s two teams that we're possibly going to
2670s see uh coming out of this group I think
2672s if India take the win Indie Australia is
2674s probably the two qualifying teams on
2676s this Thailand really go on a storm
2678s across the rest of the storm India
2679s haven't been tested yet the biggest
2680s thing is in India last week they play
2683s what New Zealand and then they played I
2685s believe was Malaysia was the other match
2686s wasn't it so India haven't really been
2689s able to I think they haven't gone up
2691s against the real competition in this
2692s group yeah so they look very strong I
2694s think they're a clear favorite but they
2695s go up against Australia and Thailand
2697s this weekend it's possible they could
2699s fall to either one maybe both if they
2701s fall to both they're gonna be out of
2702s contention for top two then you would
2703s expect Thailand and Australia to make it
2705s through and qualify instead so but if
2707s they only beat one of them we could
2708s actually create like a three-way tie
2710s situation as well um that's where that
2712s math differential could really could
2713s really actually question
2714s as we were talking about map
2717s differentials and tiebreakers New
2718s Zealand Malaysia are depending on that
2719s the only way they can mathematically
2721s stay in and be in the top two is I think
2723s they get three and two a piece or one of
2725s them would have to get it because the
2725s other one won't because the Malaysia New
2727s Zealand play today and one team's gonna
2729s have to lose that so that's why it's a
2731s must win but uh the winner of that if
2733s they can win the rest of games in a 3-2
2734s record there's a possible tie break in
2736s there some way but it would have to go
2737s their way and there's going to be some
2738s really tough games for uh for both of
2740s those teams really if they are to In
2742s Contention but looking across what we
2744s have on the docket for today as we
2745s mentioned India versus Australia a bit
2748s of the title bout for the day those top
2751s two teams on the leaderboard uh finally
2753s one of them will have to take in El
2754s followed by Malaysia versus New Zealand
2756s and uh Thailand versus Singapore and uh
2758s Domino I think we've got a pretty pretty
2760s hot bucket today
2762s yeah definitely that India versus
2763s Australia game is probably the one I am
2765s the most looking forward to I think it's
2767s going to be a very fantastic match I
2769s reckon we may even make it to you know
2770s map three those tiebreaker things both
2772s of these teams would have watched a lot
2774s of odds from last week that probably
2775s watched each other's playstyles they're
2777s going into this both wanting to win they
2779s want to be at the top of that
2780s leaderboard as you've mentioned
2781s Australia is down a map as well against
2783s India so they do not want to lose any
2785s Maps here they want to be at the top
2787s there so I think this is going to be the
2789s best fight we're gonna see and I think
2791s it's gonna be a great match and of
2793s course India's still uh still currently
2794s boot camping they're all in person uh
2796s they're all currently playing in an
2797s internet cafe together actually us
2799s they've really been putting in the hard
2800s yards and you know they already look
2801s good you'll see what an extra week can
2803s do for this team speaking of which let's
2805s take a look at Team India Kevin another
2806s week boot camping and I think that
2808s should level them up a little bit
2809s further in a lot of ways this is kind of
2811s like this is the schedule that you want
2812s if you're Team India you want to start
2813s off with some of the more simple teams
2816s that you should be able to be the teams
2817s that you'll be favored against and as
2819s your boot camper through Azure
2820s practicing as you're gearing up for the
2821s more difficult games then you can start
2823s introducing Australian time into the mix
2824s when you have a little bit more time you
2826s see them here here's the footage they're
2827s in Vancouver they've already been there
2829s for over a week now with um you know
2832s last week's matches and this is live by
2834s this it's a live camera they're in there
2835s they've got now to the coach behind you
2837s know the team staff the committee got
2839s the members playing
2840s um it's uh it's a very serious effort
2843s from teams you know they're all doing
2844s this out of their own pocket as well
2845s which I think is commendable yeah which
2847s is quite exciting as well because
2848s obviously we haven't had a World Cup for
2850s a couple of years now last time uh last
2851s couple of times we uh we saw an Indian
2853s Squad uh quite quite mixed results and I
2856s feel like that kind of sold them short
2857s there's a lot of a lot of talent there
2859s so it's nice to actually see them
2860s tapping install but having a little bit
2862s of a better better showing of things or
2863s at least so far obviously we need to see
2865s how things work out uh Team Australia uh
2868s Domino I assume you know them all
2870s personally so walk us through uh walk us
2871s through team Australia
2873s yes that's exactly how it works in
2875s Australia all Australians know each
2876s other definitely um but no they have a
2879s very strong lineup here and we've got
2881s kapha starting in his tank and as many
2882s know there is also Punk available as a
2884s sub as well uh cuffer and punk both
2886s plenty of experience under their belt
2888s and then you have really strong DPS
2890s Nando Quinn uh and then obviously Bert
2893s Logan ackee and Burt log is one of
2895s probably Australia's best support
2896s players at the moment seven wins under
2899s his belt I believe it is for contenders
2901s I think if you look at his liquipedia
2902s Pages there's like one second place but
2904s otherwise really strong team across the
2907s board and I think they are going to be
2909s prepared for India we saw India do a lot
2912s of really interesting plays last week a
2914s lot of different plays things we didn't
2916s expect and I reckon Australia is has
2918s been spending time thinking about how
2920s they're going to make sure they stop
2921s India from doing those different plays
2923s and forcing them back to the meta no
2925s doubt and interesting to know they're
2926s obviously starting with kapha in the
2928s lineup over Punk obviously Punk came to
2930s play on PING so you know there's a
2931s little bit of a trade-off there uh Punk
2933s being OverWatch League tier so let's go
2935s ahead and take a look at the map
2937s selection obviously we are once again a
2939s first to two format this first map is
2941s preset loser will pick subsequent map
2943s and uh for the second one there we go
2945s into either an escort or hybrid
2947s depending on what the team picks
2948s followed by push and if we uh really get
2950s that far down the thing I believe we go
2952s back into a control yeah so
2955s Punk by the way fun fact also playing
2957s from Vancouver because he's on the
2958s Vancouver Titans so he would actually
2959s have an even ping with the players in
2961s India so he wouldn't he wouldn't be
2962s behind he wouldn't even be disadvantaged
2964s in that but um yeah happy to see cover
2966s start out it does say that they're
2968s leaning towards Winston compositions
2970s I suppose that's a very interesting fact
2973s yes and um as you mentioned we're
2975s heading over to Nepal
2977s um I am hoping we're going to see some
2979s Nanda Farah I I know that he's very
2982s strong with that character but maybe
2983s we'll see some Echo instead not like
2985s there's quite a few High grounds that
2987s maybe could be taken advantage of
2989s um but I'll be interested to see if
2991s Nanda will pull out the pharah here and
2993s force force that we know he's so strong
2995s with it but India also might be prepared
2996s for that and we might just not see him
2998s in the sky and having that High Ground
3000s Control at all but I'm hoping for it and
3003s that's the very thing you make good
3004s mention of uh India can very well have
3006s prepared here you know you'll look at
3008s those particular Niche picks you'll look
3009s at things that particular players are
3011s known to run uh and and yeah that is a
3013s particular one that Australia have in
3015s the pocket with Nanda now that they've
3016s seen him subbed in over Nami for this
3018s first map
3019s they may well be expecting such a thing
3021s here uh any final thoughts before we go
3023s ahead into Nepal yeah Nanda is unlikely
3026s to be subbed out I think this entice
3027s unless we go to like shambal you see
3028s coin and Nami together at the same time
3030s for the double hit scan look
3032s um Farah very high chance look at the
3034s weather report here pretty high chance
3035s of seeing fire on the poor one of the I
3037s think reasonable maps for a fire to come
3039s through and the interesting thing is you
3041s look at abs and Captain crash on the
3043s backside for India they the support line
3046s they come from Europe they're playing
3047s that you've seen pretty experience I
3049s think versus a player like izan they
3051s would have gone up against us on a fire
3052s Specialists already so we'll be
3054s interested to see now how they come up
3055s against what I like to call like the
3057s yazan of Australia which is Nando's very
3060s much a fire specialist as well we'll see
3062s Domino on the other side forecast cloudy
3064s with the chance of Justice I'd love to
3067s see if Nanda goes ahead and uh flicks
3069s over there currently on the tourbillon
3070s so I think he's gonna stay for this so
3072s for this Shrine conference already
3073s coming through on a ram they're going to
3074s TP in
3076s uh no me though from that is very
3079s interesting it seems like it is just
3081s going to be the tour maybe they were
3082s expecting to go into more of a dive look
3084s from India possibly looking at you know
3086s Akash being on the Winston instead this
3089s might end up being a little bit of a
3090s wear matchup now Fernanda let's see Iron
3092s Man has that wall Advantage which is
3094s very important in this room yeah and man
3096s uh sojourn and may combo lower tour of
3100s your notes they hear a rock and stone
3101s and obviously mirroring on the ramachas
3104s slightly different lineups across the
3106s whole thing here also seeing uh the
3108s Moira over the Baptiste or Australia yep
3111s and they played the Luciano version
3112s which means they want to rush in but
3114s they're also kind of missing the song
3115s but look typically we do see a lot of
3116s somber Reaper together here Quinn would
3118s have been your summer play which would
3119s have put Nanda on the replay it's really
3121s nice one forced out an Iron Man by the
3123s way so yeah I think it's losing
3124s resources here now Australia have been
3126s able to just kind of muscle their way
3127s onto the point it's really advantageous
3129s for them with that with that tour Beyond
3131s they can just kind of set themselves up
3132s knock the point down it's really about
3134s how India are going to try to approach
3135s this you can see snaking around the site
3137s trying to catch those shots with the
3139s rail oh actually with the coalescence no
3141s hesitation and they've watched out a
3143s cash Captain practicing to follow and
3145s that's gonna be the first fight go in
3146s the way of Australia just ultimate
3148s difference there on Aki very well
3150s utilized
3151s super quick haul Essence the game I mean
3154s the gameplay just got away from India
3156s here where they took too long to find an
3158s angle in the opening ice walls weren't
3160s really isolating anybody they really
3161s want cover if possible but Australia are
3163s really well stacked together you're not
3164s just going to find a single player and
3166s they weren't able to be able to sort of
3167s break through find any sort of picks
3170s pummies rails wasn't able to really
3173s build up towards anything significant
3174s there to find an opening and as soon as
3176s Aki or somebody has an ultimate it's
3178s really going to have advantage
3180s India now speaking of ultimates do get
3182s to come back in with a few of their own
3184s ABS wasting no time throwing down the
3187s amplification Matrix just trying to
3189s force Australia back give themselves a
3191s little bit of space to work with you can
3192s see covers backed away there he goes the
3194s only thing onto bird loggers puppy
3195s catches a body shot with that rail
3197s Lander getting Frozen up you do have to
3200s go uh Ice Cube there does Zone man but
3202s Australia taking some big losses for the
3205s ultimate's investment for India using uh
3207s the annihilation as well from Akash but
3209s all things told very clean fight from
3211s India I mean Australia want to back out
3213s and not fight into the window everyone
3214s needs to be out of Los you can't have
3216s anybody really still looking and peaking
3218s especially not your Lucio player maybe
3219s kuffler could do it if he wants to be
3221s able to take a bit of extra damage wacky
3223s to build up another coalescence still is
3225s able to tank up a decent amount but for
3226s everyone else it's too dangerous and
3228s foreign
3230s 45 Australia could have still looked
3232s towards ultimates but chose not to put
3234s in the molten core I thought like molten
3236s core would have been decent there that
3237s also allows Nana to maybe go back over
3238s towards the May
3240s he's going to be bought into this
3241s ultimate for at least one extra fight
3243s it's gonna be sound barrier very early
3245s from burlog there catching fresh kind of
3247s waiting here biting his time on that the
3249s lean into the amplification Matrix first
3250s goes ahead with sound barrier now as the
3252s cache needs it and there we go the
3253s damage Fighter coming out to dust off
3255s cuffer and Quinn having to dig a little
3257s bit deeper the ultimates there was India
3259s Australia did commit three of their own
3261s though India a little bit drained dry
3263s for this next defense but so far
3265s continuing to hold you're really strong
3266s that's the second call out from Aki as
3268s well so Australia's been able to rotate
3269s a decent amount of ultimate this is like
3271s I said Nanda now finally gets to come
3272s out on me but I would have liked to have
3274s seen that molten called the last way she
3276s gets to play the May a little bit
3277s earlier
3278s a little bit less awkward for Australia
3280s now they're starting to run a
3281s composition that's a lot more natural a
3283s lot more standard for what you would see
3285s uh Nana doesn't really Play Sober though
3287s she's gonna see that version one more
3289s window coming through from ABS not
3290s really usable by most players not in a
3293s great angle and comfort going in with
3294s the annihilation has already found
3295s Captain fresh good trade back though
3297s fighting Quinn who did have a death
3298s Blossom available ABS leading into the
3301s air mortality field has to slip out of I
3302s think actually it might have run out
3303s copper just on a tear right now nearly
3307s had all the kills attributed to just him
3309s so great fighting from Australia even
3310s that percentage there from India trying
3312s to just drag it out and should get as
3313s close to 90 as they can looking like
3315s final fight for potentially both of
3316s these teams you see the instant value
3317s from Australia coming through Nana swaps
3319s over towards the main in the first I saw
3321s in that fight blocks out the other way
3322s so pretty much everybody on Team India
3324s outside of a caution You could argue
3325s that ABS drop down the window
3326s specifically for a posh should be able
3328s to punch through because well that's one
3330s of the unique sort of interactions that
3332s Iran can do in Nemesis one you can still
3333s get double damage but yeah the car's
3336s just caught in there run down by five
3337s members and here we go India don't
3339s really have much time to sort of feather
3340s on to the point and wait for ultimates
3342s wait for cooldowns they've just kind of
3343s got to get stuck into it the cash has
3345s that anniation and Quinn though the
3346s death Blossom is a serious throw but
3348s they've found landed nice and early in
3349s the fight Quinn looking to go in for it
3351s with this death Blossom have they found
3353s enough Army does go down they think
3356s they've managed to get enough uh
3358s defenses in place the blizzard helping
3360s slow things down there as well bird
3362s locked down and out for the cow try to
3363s pick up a few more kills now Quinn's
3365s still in the brawl hasn't got maximum
3367s value and there we go drop down as well
3369s but it's still controlled by Australia
3370s right now yeah extra sound barrier from
3373s Captain fresh I don't know if that was
3374s necessary well they're already found or
3376s they were about to finish off for ackee
3378s and they've got the point at least they
3379s wanted to secure it they want to secure
3381s it because they were struggling to turn
3382s their fight around they probably could
3383s have had this is a little extra they're
3385s looking for extra exit kills it's
3387s forcing that in a blizzard Australia
3390s oh that might be a little bit of an
3392s overexpect I liked what they were going
3395s for there in theory they were maybe
3396s trying to force the fight way away from
3397s the points that Australia could even
3399s touched they ended up losing a cash
3401s now he's gonna have to come back on a
3402s doomfist oh Iron Man fighting a critical
3404s catch on to Quinn luckily getting one
3406s with the overload um the over what am I
3408s trying to say overclock there we go over
3411s watch probably got a kill off that is
3413s what I really wanted to say in India
3414s actually pick up our first map huge yeah
3416s so they took some risks there they did
3417s you know spend a little bit extra on the
3419s end looked at the time remaining was 90
3421s plus they're thinking look if we can get
3423s another exit frag here play through the
3425s coalescence Russia to spawn Force us
3426s some extra resources just make team
3428s Australia get desperate make them Force
3431s an error out of them and think that
3432s actually did happen and it pulled
3433s through an extra blizzard just to try to
3435s save this team and not have indeed just
3436s run into their spawn Australia had to
3438s split up their team Quinn went Tracer to
3440s go for the touch burlog eventually got
3441s there as well their team was just not
3443s able to actually find a team fight this
3444s is with the cash down but the rest of
3446s Team India as a four-man kept the point
3449s going kept the defense going killed the
3450s touches cash comes back on and doom
3452s anyway with bow and Andrew and Clinton
3454s down in a fight it was over now we're
3456s going to see the fire Brave play working
3458s out and yeah we'll have to see what the
3460s answer it is for India to that side
3463s either maybe or is he going to stay on
3465s they're gonna go and lease a song bro
3467s let's see how far much further they want
3468s to go yeah Winston okay they're going to
3470s go to lease Winston so Lucio Moyer
3472s Winston is is pretty decent I think if
3473s you win the D with you'd probably even
3475s have to start thinking about bring Anna
3476s maybe you change up a lot more of your
3477s composition but all of those options
3479s were available
3481s Winston mirror outside of the fact that
3483s the supports are quite different from
3484s the GPS and they're getting Captain
3486s Price in the early rotation buffer
3489s manually hacked out on the point but not
3491s quite enough threatening damage here
3492s from India just yet and they lose the
3493s extra bit of mobility and healing
3494s Captain Price may be able to get back
3495s with the team ABS down now
3498s so only Captain crash to heal up and I
3500s know the quiet thing I think is only
3501s just going to be coming back to join the
3502s team now you can see a cache taking a
3503s bit of a pummeling does not have as many
3505s healers at his disposal as usual so they
3508s are very late death on him as the point
3509s cap goes over to Australia
3511s this is the problem dealing with a
3513s proficient fire plant instant frags
3515s coming on through long range as well I
3517s mean you just have a singular player
3519s down Captain crash is dead your rotation
3521s speed is slow now
3522s India struggling to Flying Tigers
3524s they're great you're still playing the
3525s dive chord you still need to be able to
3526s drop down and actually dive on a Target
3527s and really it's acting who they need to
3529s go off and he's hacked out for now I
3531s could be in trouble getting some low to
3533s the ground Captain crash able to slip
3535s away avoid the most of those Rockets
3538s as himself a barrage available there we
3540s go strong to the point drop side man
3541s immediately confirms on abs and pummy as
3544s well very nicely done bit of a back cap
3546s from India in all of that loses his own
3548s life to his own rocket bit of a lark but
3550s Australia will be able to recap the
3551s point here
3552s and the race wasn't blocked either so
3554s burlock knew get the pressure still
3556s there the Boop was available and the
3558s price I think was just going for the
3560s potential stall to you know Boop away
3562s but log prevent the res which would at
3564s least slow down Lander probably the case
3567s 37 plus now for team Australia India's
3570s still waiting for important ultimates
3572s it's been slow for absolutely
3575s without death yeah pulse bottom as well
3578s connected onto a cache doesn't quite
3579s kill him it brings him low enough to be
3581s killed quickly thereafter Iron Man now
3583s with his own pulse bomb not really
3585s getting much play here India this is a
3587s lot of what the EU teams have to
3588s experience when they go up against Saudi
3589s Arabia you know when Nissan drops on the
3591s fire this is very hard to beat if you're
3593s not prepared if you don't have the
3594s counters if you don't have the
3595s proficiency to shut land out of the
3597s Skies I mean it will require someone
3598s like Iron Man to at least at minimum go
3600s towards an echo here Plumbing can
3602s realistically only go for the hacks onto
3603s Nanda but that really hasn't happened
3605s either because he's mostly gone towards
3606s ackee and they just haven't been able to
3607s dive on top of ackee oh once again
3609s Captain crash down early this time it's
3611s not even dander it's just kapha where
3613s the dive during the rotation and now a
3615s cash controller is to pop a Primal Rage
3617s going to be eating a lot of damage and
3618s slept as well real Heartbreaker they do
3621s at least find Bert log but losing far
3623s more than they're getting okay another
3624s one that's both supports out of the
3626s picture currently India are able to
3628s catch the cap in the middle of all the
3630s chaos a lot of damage coming across onto
3632s a cash I've got more money bargained for
3634s I think with the one healer already dead
3636s thanks to kapha the cat does come
3638s through at string it's time to take it
3639s back so this gives into your a little
3640s bit of this Breathing Room given that
3642s we're approaching final fight but these
3643s late deaths and Australia regretting the
3645s point that might be all she wrote for
3647s India they're going in for it with an
3648s EMP public only finds Quinn with it
3651s though they just have to do something
3652s coalescence currently running out from
3654s ABS boats
3656s is he gonna be able to get away with
3658s that I don't think so okay let's stop
3661s shooting now for Team India
3663s that's a very expensive way for plummy
3666s to begin this flight and well they sort
3669s of capitalize on the fact that they can
3670s convert them to burlock as well can they
3671s get further than this I can get a little
3672s bit of trouble here it's Cutler hacked
3674s out though
3675s Australia fully backed out so if India
3677s confirmed the point rescued it at the 99
3680s Mark and that was the first time we saw
3682s a bunch of ultimates as well first EMP
3683s out of India first call inside of India
3685s India as well
3686s now that they've got control of the
3688s point they can maybe have a slightly
3690s easier time keeping control of Nanda oh
3692s Quinn in that Jordan This finger witch
3694s Nanda manually hacked out
3696s but not in too much trouble Queen
3698s especially for something with his pulse
3700s from Captain crashed out again cannot
3702s catch a break that poor guy and now Iron
3704s Man ABS as well Australian just finally
3705s pick up the pick here India look at all
3707s my headless in that entire passenger
3709s play not a lot of cohesion between the
3710s 99 already for Australia as they re-grad
3713s I don't know if then you're already
3714s gonna get another shot at this puppy's
3715s barely not even gonna be able to touch
3717s and a cash card quite get there either
3718s and even if Akash didn't touch he was on
3720s no HP he's instantly dead as soon as he
3722s touches this as we can see there and
3723s into the map so it's a difficult run
3726s through and team India's first major
3728s hurdle here is to discover what it feels
3730s like to go up against again a very
3732s specialized play on a very specialized
3734s hero and they need to quickly end this
3736s series figure out a solution because
3740s this cannon will continue I mean part of
3742s the solution is is if India loses this
3743s map and they get a choice of next map
3745s they have what like six different Maps
3746s they can choose from of which there's
3748s plenty of options to play because if I
3749s go something like circuit Royale there's
3751s no way Nana plays a fire there so
3752s there's that but then you have to think
3754s about math three you have to think about
3756s the fact that Australia hazmap Choice
3758s there color show is like mildly friendly
3760s towards the fire
3762s in any case Australia are going to
3764s change composition so if India wanted to
3766s counter this round they would have
3767s invaded they were stuck to their guns
3768s they want to play ball again kafa
3770s rolling out on an orisa interesting game
3772s covers I think we've seen a tiny bit of
3774s Versa and it does sometimes come through
3776s specifically on a sanctum map so
3779s Australia are opting into the ball but
3781s solution Warrior version that we saw on
3783s Shrine as well just again different
3784s tanks
3786s a lot of this is going to come down to
3787s Ultimate tacky on the motor we've seen
3790s an early coalescences be very
3792s fight-defighting we saw that back on
3795s shrine
3798s just taking their time kind of firing
3800s along across this way it's open though
3801s India's cap and they have the rotation
3803s to it so Australia gonna need to do
3804s something about it they're separating
3805s the team out here probably still on the
3807s point capturing it the rest of India
3809s managing to hold down the fort Captain
3811s pressure stuck in the weaving weaving
3812s and ducking as Quinn's already gone down
3814s Iron Man feeling a little bit cold about
3816s things but this fight has not really
3818s gone the way of Australia they finally
3820s pick up a couple of kills and who's
3822s covered in the process Iron Man going
3824s down is a really important one Nanda
3825s Staying Alive at Cash though we'll be
3827s able to dust off nandra Bert log down as
3829s well they've still got control of the
3830s point by the way India and now rotating
3832s back to it Australia trying to back cap
3833s but no such luck I see what Australia's
3836s game plan was now okay they don't bother
3838s going for the point they knew pumpy was
3839s capping they're saying we can maybe play
3840s this like five versus four I mean our
3843s slays off the map for Sally uh go jump
3845s at the end of that slate yeah big
3847s unforced air down well they do treat
3849s them back this is not awful yeah
3851s comfortable really important phone on
3853s Aki who did have the coalescence but
3854s they lost the point unfortunately in the
3857s whole passage played that and this need
3858s to actually deal with the rest of this
3859s fight fighting ABS uh Australia looking
3862s in decent shape and just keeping this
3864s fight away from the point itself copper
3866s finally going down but the cash wasn't
3867s that important for so long it forces out
3869s a blizzard from Nanda that fouled the
3871s tank for in Australia collecting even
3873s more kills honestly if puppy hadn't gone
3875s down right at the start there that
3877s probably would have been a bit of a wash
3878s from India getting that kill onto Aki
3880s you know I mean it depends as well in
3882s terms of Australia's rotations
3885s um Australian rotating towards that sort
3886s of side room forced puppy to slide away
3888s and probably slid towards death and then
3890s you lock the rest of India on Coast side
3892s and no roster right listen to lock them
3894s through very competitive final round
3896s here four Nepal Australia hold a lot of
3898s ultimate so one of them will come
3899s through
3901s okay it's gonna be blizzard thrown out
3902s here for my man on the defensive but it
3904s got eaten very nicely done copper no
3908s more immortality field either Australia
3910s well not a lot more Russia India have
3912s gone in deep with their ultimate Usage
3914s Now both support ultimates used for abs
3917s and puppies still picked up they've only
3918s found Nanda so far to at least Force out
3921s the sound barrier from Bert log as well
3923s so Australia a little bit leaner on
3925s ultimates as well after all this but
3926s it's looking like a late death to come
3928s through on a cash note forces Quinn away
3929s and late death on Bert log instead
3931s I'll do it like we'll be able to come
3933s back pretty quickly as a Lucio player
3934s but India's solution here to at least
3936s the original is the match with their own
3938s Arisa cash is kind of fed up with the
3940s rematcher gameplay into this Samara
3943s and they have largely kind of struggled
3944s up against the I think Trump cards and
3948s the extra picks that Australia are
3949s coming through with
3951s we're heading to final flight now yeah
3953s Bobby at least has that overclock damage
3956s coming through once ackee pummy taking a
3957s bit of a brief stop otherwise fine as
3960s ultimate now available for our cash
3962s they'd already have any playoffs any
3964s actual members here there we go great
3965s big off lots of Akinator as well just
3968s destroyed on the point India will be
3970s able to catch uh catch this cap God
3973s those are two very similar words
3975s coffee Gets Out Alive importantly there
3977s as well so no delay on cuff his life
3979s good spare and the car should be able to
3981s exit
3982s Australia
3985s losing out on being able to just finish
3987s in that then and that
3989s as it was the same from Plumbing
3991s the old from Akash that they've run out
3994s now okay we've got sound barrier coming
3995s on through Australia really start to
3996s move up towards important that's a huge
3999s Kill from pond because that will slow
4001s down Australia it might actually Force
4001s Australia to reset and given Australian
4004s resetting here if they do and that is
4005s locked out he has to ice block yeah can
4008s you see copper on the wrong side of this
4009s as well
4010s this is yeah such an important break
4012s moment for India there as you mentioned
4014s Queen getting picked off because Iron
4016s Man's behind of Nana I meant he's
4018s Nando's got the blister time and needs
4019s it to be at the count of the result
4020s Captain Price finds a sound barrier
4022s which will be imported in the ultimate
4024s trades in that blizzard trade for sure
4026s we've got a lessons straight down the
4028s whole team in you try to rotate
4029s backwards not able to get out in time
4031s the blizzard there 99 for Australia so
4034s pretty much as soon as they get this
4035s re-grab Iron Man threw down his ultimate
4039s and died I don't even think it finished
4041s challenge channeling as you say just the
4042s cash now a little bit too devastating a
4045s wife there for India nearly managing to
4047s recover that whole situation but I have
4049s to say and not overemphasized but bring
4051s it back that one fight where they didn't
4053s have pummy that was the moment where
4056s they lost control of the point they were
4057s otherwise well poised to pull out a
4059s pretty significant leads and just didn't
4062s quite have Things Fall their way I think
4064s they also were suffering up against what
4066s mostly I considered to be a stronger May
4069s game from neander here as well this was
4071s the map winning for the entire map now
4074s that we can tell blizzard coming on
4075s through Straight to the back lines and
4077s yeah they just caught everyone the back
4079s side you can see they ran past the
4080s costumes still in that midsection he's
4082s looking at everyone running pasta
4083s including Aki what they call it since we
4085s didn't even care they just wanted that
4086s back line they found and froze the back
4088s line up that final fight's the one that
4089s really counts as well so
4091s they had a a really strong lead there
4094s with the Aristo gameplay I think the
4095s Arista did throw off Team India and I
4097s think the fire also threw up in Team
4098s India so it's a slight it's the slightly
4100s off meta pick so I can't really make it
4102s a difficult for India not the hottest
4103s start for India unfortunately but uh I
4106s mean Domino what's the thoughts of the
4108s nation how's Australia feeling right now
4109s smug I imagine
4112s definitely
4113s um obviously that's a huge win here for
4115s Australia you know first map but they
4117s will obviously have to go against India
4119s picking the second map and India is
4121s probably going to pick a map that's
4122s going to work in their favor not in
4123s Australia's favor it's not going to have
4125s the high grounds it's not going to have
4126s something hopefully where Nanda can pull
4128s out the Pharaoh again
4129s um to Echo Avril as well I was a bit
4132s surprised by the erisa picks there like
4134s I am surprised always when teams pick
4136s Arisa when ramatra is available
4139s um he's obviously quite a stronger tank
4141s but so I was surprised by that as well
4143s but Australia seem to be picking their
4144s comfort picks picking what they know
4146s they're good at and that they can do so
4149s nandra on the Farah cover there on the
4151s erisa like it's working for them however
4153s in saying that I think India obviously
4155s made some mistakes which I'm there aware
4156s sure they're aware of like pummy falling
4159s off the middle there that was not good
4161s for for them and and they're going to
4162s know it they know that they made some
4163s errors there but I'm sure they'll come
4165s in just as much stronger into the second
4167s one and ultimately still a fairly close
4169s Affair as well with that we're going to
4172s go ahead and take a little bit of a
4173s breather we'll see what Indian choose to
4174s pick and whether they can start turning
4176s the series back around or whether we're
4177s just going to have another collection of
4178s a two and zero we'll be right back
4182s [Music]
4193s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
4196s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
4199s value means more at macca's so grab a
4202s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
4205s [Music]
4221s thank you
4223s [Music]
4231s [Music]
4250s [Music]
4258s foreign
4265s [Music]
4300s [Music]
4313s [Music]
4329s foreign
4331s [Music]
4343s [Applause]
4345s [Music]
4356s [Applause]
4368s [Music]
4371s welcome back hot stuff yes I'm talking
4374s about you Sam in particular
4377s thank you very much for joining us we
4378s are 100
4379s Australia versus India and not totally
4383s unexpected I will say but still uh India
4386s not having the start to their map their
4388s match rather that they want and
4390s obviously they do now get the next map
4392s pick so we are waiting with breath to
4394s see what they actually go ahead and
4395s select you'll have to wait a little bit
4397s longer let's talk a little bit about the
4399s shrine per the shrine opening as well
4400s because this was where India was able to
4403s lock it through part of this was due to
4405s the fact that I think Nana started the
4406s wrong hero he was on the tour break and
4408s that's the kind of here you'd bring to
4409s the table if you expect India to begin
4411s on something like a Winston lineup
4413s instead eventually Nana did swap over
4414s towards the May at the end but comes a
4416s little bit late Australia they got
4418s staggered for the last one India looked
4419s reasonably strong on train it was the
4422s rest of the two rounds here where again
4423s to repeat myself I think the sort of off
4425s meta comps caught India off guard they
4428s specifically did not know how to play up
4430s against this fire and that was a huge
4432s problem and that means that now into map
4433s number two they need to make sure they
4435s stay away from any fire maps and Domino
4436s will see sanctum in a second you had
4438s some particular thoughts about about how
4439s that went or indeed didn't go for India
4442s yeah I think it was a really strong roll
4445s out for India on sanctum or they were
4447s going against Australia who as Avril has
4449s mentioned have unusual comps and not
4451s maybe what we're expected to so
4452s Australia rolled out in this Brawley
4454s Camp they had to close that Gap against
4455s India they had to get on top of them but
4457s then India had someone like pummy
4459s sitting on the side although we did just
4460s see pummy unfortunately slide off the
4462s map there which was not
4464s their favorite all but having pummy off
4466s to the side being able to get those
4467s picks really worked out for them but
4469s then Australia changed Quinn over to
4470s Tracer and just shut pummy down so
4472s Australia has done really well in I
4474s guess the chess match up here and
4476s countering anything India is pulling out
4478s at them where India seems to be
4480s struggling a little bit more where
4482s they're not able to play the chess match
4484s up and counter back against them so I'll
4486s be interested to see what their map
4488s selection will be and whether it's going
4490s to favor this Farah choice and these
4493s unusual picks or whether it's going to
4494s favor what India knows we'll start your
4497s mental drum rolls we're going to go
4498s ahead and take a look at what that map
4499s is and uh obviously you would have seen
4501s that uh all right here we go we're going
4503s to shambali so just straight back
4505s straight back into dangerous straight
4507s back into the same country
4509s yeah this actually so I think law wise
4511s on the other side of yeah in any case
4514s this is a dangerous pick because the
4516s problem is if Nanda wants to force it
4518s fire is playable here super playable uh
4521s and he's still on the lineup because
4522s Quinn is he's been swapped out for now
4524s me which is pretty standard for this map
4525s Punk also comes in and that's I believe
4528s mostly just got to be due to the fact
4530s that some remote gameplay for shambali
4531s now I think with Team India if you want
4533s to go and play more ramatram Mirage this
4536s is a great place to be able to go to and
4539s maybe they don't want to really look at
4541s widowmakers on a map like circuit Royale
4543s Nami he's definitely got to play the
4544s Widowmaker we've seen you know pummy and
4547s Co and even this whether it's Iron Man
4548s or Matrix being subbed in they're not
4550s really willing to play the water make on
4551s Circle round that could be a bit of an
4553s issue so I'm gonna stay away from that
4554s map
4555s um I think there are other Maps you
4556s could potentially go to but shimbali
4557s we've I have personal experience having
4560s casted Nano on Ground Zero he's he's not
4563s shying he doesn't shy away from playing
4564s fire on the smart you can play it here
4566s we'll have to see if he actually pulls
4567s it out I think this is this really smart
4569s choice because neither team played
4572s shambali Monastery last week so we
4574s haven't seen either team play on this so
4576s either team hasn't been able to go back
4577s and watch your vods they haven't been
4579s able to see what each other's Gonna Roll
4580s out if they think that the fire is going
4582s to come they're prepared for that but
4583s Australia has not watched India play on
4585s this map
4586s and vice versa I actually think this
4588s card would be quite smart I don't know
4589s there's much I don't know there's much
4590s that India can really pull through here
4592s in terms of like really off meta stuff
4593s over the fire is already off matter
4595s enough and uh they didn't show Too Much
4597s promise versus the fire on map one
4598s they'd have to show it now if the fire
4600s does come through well let's go ahead
4602s and jump on and thank you very much
4603s Dominic we'll see you on the other side
4604s shambali Monastery this is actually
4606s personally my first time covering this
4609s map is it yeah okay enough yeah
4611s um
4612s yeah kind of excited for that and the
4614s other thing I'm excited for is this uh
4616s make a shout out quick shout out of
4617s course to macca's you can't keep a
4619s legend out of the lineup of the mick
4621s Feast is back
4624s so shambali finally as we have seen how
4628s many was it six Circle royales I believe
4630s so far in the qualifier that was all in
4631s week one
4632s out of seven map choices on map two six
4635s circuits and one nambani
4638s something like that yeah so
4641s predominantly circuit right there we go
4642s there could have been a timeline where
4644s you just entirely dodged shambali yeah
4650s kind of excited I've seen it obviously
4653s but I haven't been able to
4654s actually cover it
4658s and so beautiful
4659s another map that's fairly difficult to
4661s finish so
4663s see how these teams go in that regard
4665s India will be playing Philly standard
4667s here it's the sojourn May combination
4670s run back on further Ram compositions or
4673s brawl
4674s Choice here is going to be the spawn
4676s camp
4677s Australia wants to recognize a spawn cam
4679s I think Nami stays on the Hanzo here
4681s actually really good at the appointment
4682s off angles on the spawn camp
4684s and here we go just rolling out very
4687s quick into the ball Nanda a little bit
4690s cold all the surrounded but assignment
4691s is really taking the majority of the
4692s beating Nami as you said on the off
4693s angle there we go already fighting Iron
4695s Man's this early spawning cap not quite
4696s working out for India they could maybe
4698s pick up a kill here they could turn
4700s things back around but not in great
4701s shape of cash getting a little bit on
4703s the low side no more immortality field
4704s available unfortunately is on cooldown
4706s ABS now dropped as well that'll be a
4708s clean start here for Australia getting
4710s out the base and underway yep one left
4712s one last player left to go through and
4714s unfortunately it's a bit of a
4714s self-stagger as Nami already takes to
4717s payload away so the early gamble for the
4719s spawn Camp doesn't really work out too
4721s off India you'd like to get more than
4722s one minute out of the defense or rather
4724s the attacking side you want to make sure
4726s that we're below three minutes for
4728s Shredder to actually start pushing the
4729s payload a spawn Camp I think roughly
4732s only shaved up about 35 seconds which is
4734s a little bit below part if you want a
4736s bit more out of that I'm starting to
4738s fight two and Beyond it's Accu with the
4739s first alternate I believe oh Iron Man
4741s picked off again first today in the
4744s fight Australia leaning into that
4746s mortality field going to keep those
4747s members just fine actually has the
4748s ultimate available might not need to use
4750s it just yet
4752s no kills coming across from India not
4754s even really starting off the payload a
4756s whole lot here as the cash goes
4757s aggressive with the annihilation trying
4759s to get around to the cart and the
4760s fight's completely topsy-turvy Australia
4762s aren't really slowed up a little bit but
4764s still technically moving as they clean
4765s up the entirety of the initial cast yeah
4768s I'm Andrew The Last One Alive quickly
4770s taken down a lot of this comes down to
4772s First ultimate different difference as
4773s well Accu falls through the window quite
4775s early you know karsh does have the uh he
4777s does have the annihilation as well but
4779s team Australia they stack up together
4780s you saw when Akash dies it's like all
4782s five members that contributed towards
4784s that kill some of the window damage does
4785s come through as well and India struggled
4787s to be able to keep Akash alive and if
4789s Akash was able to stay out longer maybe
4790s they actually fight through the window
4791s being dropped by Aki at least at minimum
4793s their Force Direction ultimate from Team
4795s Australia but ends up being very cheap
4797s and beyond that they got an extra
4798s ultimate out of Akash which makes things
4799s super good for Australia yeah not be not
4802s able to particularly slow down the cut
4804s either during these fights so you see a
4806s lot of time on the clock here already
4807s halfway through this stretch of course
4809s dragon dragons right here by the way is
4811s off just straight down our Cardinal
4812s blizzard gonna be throwing out ah Dragon
4814s strike directly on top you can see that
4816s cash has been caught out in it and there
4818s we go as soon as the immortality field
4819s is gone so is a cash nice catch onto
4822s Captain fresh as well and uh India are
4824s just absolutely routed here completely
4826s split up all these members and uh they
4828s are actually still in the cart this time
4830s Iron Man just kind of throwing his body
4831s on it will lose his life for that not a
4834s great slow down all things considered in
4835s Australia just kind of enjoying some
4837s free it might be enough of a Slowdown
4838s though because pressure's on 99 Akash is
4841s back he'll go for the initial touch and
4842s then they can extend this onto the sound
4844s barrier but a touch has to happen now
4846s the Wall's gonna block it out nope sure
4848s he's yeah I think maybe you see Iron Man
4851s all the way back Iron Man was too far
4852s behind so India didn't want to go as far
4854s yeah two leader death and they didn't
4856s quite have everyone back in the mix
4857s didn't want to commit and they've had
4859s enough uh Troublesome fights I don't
4861s think they wanted to use the fuel tools
4862s they had in a potentially losing
4864s situation probably already taking an
4865s absolute beating able to pull back to
4867s the immortality field a cash flow down
4868s once again Captain precious not
4870s committed the sound barrier but I'll use
4872s his captain crashes held on and that's
4874s with plummy using an ultimate as well
4876s still super low I mean at this point
4878s they need either commit some Ultimus or
4880s just back out
4882s oh devastating gets canceled out
4886s oh that was an absolute Heartbreaker for
4888s India really non-committal and it ends
4890s up costing them dearly it's got it's
4892s costing them huge because they've got
4893s team white there they lose another
4894s ultimate in fact it may be multiple
4895s because Plumbing resulting at some point
4897s as well and now Australia marching this
4899s payload to the end and they got tons of
4901s time look at that
4902s more than four so 421 is what they had
4904s what could they run out of ultimates and
4906s or India will have to play the blizzard
4907s now it's the only thing they've got on
4909s the docket and they've got the cart at
4911s least very targetable shall we say with
4914s that blizzard Iron Man already having to
4915s go popsicle about it does not catch
4917s anyone with the blizzard unfortunately
4919s Australia just waiting it out now
4920s looking to approach they'll have a
4921s dragon strike make a bit of space for
4923s themselves with that here we go Naomi
4924s committed that one out of cash taking a
4926s bit of a beating has the annihilation
4927s running he's already sort of slow look
4929s at that gets finished off anyway in what
4932s Sally Field does get finished off but at
4934s that point Australia two kills up
4936s largely uncontested here an absolutely
4939s brutal time on the board for Australia
4942s like you might not have cast this mail
4943s before but I can tell you 342 is an
4945s insane time that is a lot of time on
4947s this map a map that I shared before even
4950s came in was going to be like a difficult
4952s map to cap and that's true because most
4954s most times I've seen this may have
4956s played especially on you know any of the
4958s most recent matches where Ram brawl Rush
4960s mirror is the
4962s ideal composition of play so I think in
4964s the sigma meta this was like a far
4966s easier map to cap and now that we've
4967s entered full Ram better for this map a
4969s lot of teams don't finish a lot of teams
4971s get caught up on B especially the fact
4972s that Australia got through b seamlessly
4974s is the biggest issue for India because C
4977s is an easier Point than b a is debatably
4980s easier than b is not B for this matchup
4981s is where most teams fail and India just
4984s they they got heavily snowballed in
4986s their phase of the game Australia had
4988s four ultimate Soul push so about to roll
4990s through payload at good pace
4993s and they were just able to dub ultimates
4995s in Dragon strike into blizzard a cash
4997s caught in the blizzard late death in the
4999s DPS especially onto the you know into
5000s Iron Man as well where it's got to be
5002s slower for a May and then India wasn't
5004s able to despite I think the the well
5007s decided choice of Captain Price to go
5009s for a bit I saw the payload wasn't long
5010s enough sadly to allow India to regroup
5012s together for a final contest on B and
5014s they went for an early contest on the
5015s sea which I personally don't agree with
5017s I think early contests on sea are not
5018s that strong I'd rather they just throw
5020s ultimates your 4v5 yeah play the 45 use
5023s the sound barrier Force sound barrier to
5024s build on at least both teams gonna have
5026s to spend for that Australia definitely
5028s got to spend because they can't afford
5029s to lose their fight they got a cap so I
5031s think you'd rather just lose at the end
5033s to be Force ultimates and then place the
5035s afterwards the entire rhythm of India
5037s just kind of fell off on that defense
5039s we'll have to see if they can get their
5041s groove back on the offense I sworn
5043s forcing Australia back to start with
5045s does at least get them a bit of payload
5047s movement so no super early spawn Camp
5049s here from Australia just getting muscled
5051s back bit by bit we'll have to see what
5056s as well pretty quickly thereafter and
5059s that'll be Australia removed handily
5062s from the cart yeah as soon as Australia
5063s started backing out losing the corner
5064s Nami can't afford to just chill on the
5067s off angle maybe if he wasn't spotted at
5069s all but he's not playing like someone
5071s that has real one shot potential you
5072s have to build up for rails and there's
5074s no way you can just sneak up on someone
5075s an Indian rail then it's just not
5077s possible so no I mean unfortunately it's
5079s just gonna
5080s cop an early death pair Punk sorry not
5083s part of the rest of Australia would have
5084s likely have been fine that they all
5085s pulled back together as a five and just
5087s play the longer sidelines
5089s India now pushing up ramp which ramp is
5091s typically a good place to defend but
5092s Australia don't have positioning trying
5094s to get into it now but sort of Miss
5096s their window
5098s speaking of which
5099s ultimates nearly available yeah ABS
5102s Anarchy
5104s coalitions first I think yep very quick
5106s commit there from India trying to
5108s leverage that one Punk's going
5109s aggressive they've got the new mortality
5111s field down got the annihilation running
5112s and they find Nanda out though Akash
5114s getting aggressive in his own right
5115s sound barrier to keep the team nice and
5117s toasty as they collect Punk but Logan
5119s Nami wow that'll be the cat coming
5121s across pretty good time and it's
5123s expensive for Australia because they use
5125s saltments there as well including the
5127s annihilation for Punk so it's almost
5128s like the exact same scenario flip where
5130s Akash used and died of the annihilation
5132s and their eight point defense of the cap
5133s came through anyway here it's Punk on
5135s Australia's eight point defense that
5136s ends up using through the annihilation
5138s to not a lot of results but on top of
5140s that they also lost the window India
5142s spends more because they had to spend
5143s two but Australia also spending two
5144s means we're matched at parody but India
5146s win the fight they push on through
5147s they're in a better spot and they have
5149s three ultimate still this is about the
5151s same amount of time as in as Australia
5153s were pulling as they were passing
5154s through b as well and
5156s we're about halfway through no
5158s immortality Fields here for Australia
5160s has already gone just trying to get
5161s aggressive here is puppy right guys
5164s in so deep as ABS in his back getting
5167s right on top of Navia pays off losing
5169s cash bit of a tough break they forced
5171s out a sound barrier cash going down
5172s though unfortunately with that
5174s Annihilation really poppy though just
5176s keeping the team on his back as much as
5177s he can furlock have something to say
5179s about it can't quite go for that Health
5180s back has Punk up in his grill and that
5182s was that was very aggressive from India
5185s sadly I mean I mean it's almost paid off
5188s he just needed to be able to fly he
5189s didn't miss one rail but he eventually
5191s matches up and gets a couple of frags in
5193s there the issue is India over commitment
5195s to saving Plumbing a lot of players that
5197s were going on the high court akashes
5198s then caught our solo on the payload I
5200s believe I don't think he was one of the
5201s players that went up there and Australia
5202s just cut their losses okay we don't have
5204s to just all focus on putneyville here
5206s and we can just go for the actual tank
5207s line cautious vulnerable he alts but not
5210s gonna be strong enough sadly Iron Man
5211s he's been able to sneak up they have not
5214s noticed him here gonna deploy blizzard
5215s directly on top of Australia very nice
5217s in place losing his own life for
5219s immediately though and that's going to
5221s take off a lot of their potential damage
5223s output we're not able to kill off Punk
5224s who was otherwise Frozen up and largely
5226s vulnerable struggling to get that
5228s payload a little bit further up now cash
5230s burned down so much damage out just the
5233s freeze beam across the storm arrows as
5235s well let's give me another big beat for
5238s India and this is what I'm talking about
5240s right B it's quite difficult to push
5241s into these caves a lot of teams will
5244s falter in here
5245s India might meet the same thing Akash is
5247s going over towards the Doom David
5248s kieving up on the ram comp entirely here
5250s this is still a couple you can play
5252s quite quickly but I'm not really sure if
5254s I kind of feel the Doom here
5256s very easy for Nana to still just block
5258s out with the wall
5260s Australia okay Punk's disconnected
5262s that's rough Punk was on like 80 high
5264s 80s for the annihilation
5266s that's a huge ultimate to lose at this
5268s stage so
5269s the Australian internet God's punishing
5271s Punk there and uh well they'll be
5273s helping out theme Indio teams it's funny
5275s the favor for Team India she's the one
5277s guy who's not actually in Australia
5279s that's true wow that's crazy yeah
5282s Australian how ironic that potent it can
5284s they will find one Australian guy in
5287s Vancouver and shut them down and just
5288s like get him wow maybe it's uh I mean
5291s you as you mentioned he is in Vancouver
5293s the same place that India is right now
5295s so I was just a team India agency I'm
5297s just counting on face it's still there
5299s that nobody's uh what if just out of
5301s shot Punk has sat in the same internet I
5303s would have some questions for the
5305s Luminosity org in terms of why uh
5307s Bunker's not in the team facility for me
5308s you really would wonder you really would
5310s uh no that's pretty that's pretty cool I
5313s think Punk also has a run back from
5314s sport yeah that's actually extremely
5317s rough he he is effectively going to be
5320s dead for the next fight
5322s instantly respawning but like dead in
5324s terms of positioning with his Ultimate
5326s Reset yeah it's about as bad as you go
5328s down that's what team played down as
5329s long as let's also just mention uh we
5332s don't know the cause of the disc it does
5333s sound like we're going to be back in
5334s game but I was gonna say we don't know
5335s the course of the disconnect so if it's
5336s something major like a power outage uh
5338s where he isn't gonna be able to resolve
5340s it quickly that would be the most
5341s devastating in a ridiculous way but he
5344s is back end we are back underway he does
5346s have to take
5348s this payload is going to freely push
5351s potentially into the open yeah which is
5354s right where they've won India forcing a
5355s fight before pun can quite get back with
5357s the team a cash on that doomfist and
5358s here we go you got punk in the mix now
5359s but nana already down and out of the
5361s count nice shot across on Toonami plummy
5363s really feeling himself to down the
5365s soldier with no one Sally Field in place
5367s he can dust off punk as well trying to
5368s Zone live for it but the damage has long
5370s since been done it'd be hard to get a
5372s similar time is what Australia got here
5374s obviously on uh Point C but still cap
5377s Insight well I don't know dude if there
5379s if there is a God India definitely break
5381s to it right there I'd say imagine Punk
5383s being punished by into that's a straight
5386s up internet differential that came
5387s through there Australia massively
5389s punished by pure RNG
5392s that's that's all that was because Punk
5394s was nearly Annihilation Australia in the
5395s position defended being out taking India
5397s given a shot a chance
5400s very unfortunate oh nice catch on the
5403s palm he slows down in there in a big way
5405s and now fully left running for the Hills
5409s gosh nearly got caught behind a wall
5411s that would have been pretty staggering I
5413s don't know the Doom composition has
5415s enough stability to make it towards the
5416s end of the map
5417s I think it's fine for like a one and
5419s done you push through b
5421s Unk wasn't there whatever custom got a
5423s lot done but now that we're on to see
5425s what sort of longevity does this cop
5427s really have can you really brawl through
5429s eventually Punk catches up gets his
5430s Annihilation again Australia can play
5432s The Stroke for quite a reason a while oh
5434s for cash has to go in for a meteor
5436s strike has to decide whether to use it
5437s defensively or aggressively try to wait
5439s out Nanda no such like Nanda was still
5441s in that ice cream for long enough but
5442s does die to a funny rail shot but dealt
5445s with the immortality Fields Aki sound
5447s barrier in his back Akash and Iron Man
5449s both down a two for two so far
5454s survives the double healers there and
5456s with bummy down now not enough damage
5458s left in the tank two minutes on the
5460s clock let's see if anything you want to
5461s make some changes
5463s I'll have to think about it not on the
5465s back line have some pressure on Ultimate
5467s so that's not going to change for now
5468s it's just so much Slowdown
5471s I mean India I kind of Lucky in the fact
5473s that because we're on an escort there's
5474s not gonna be a draw only scenario but
5476s there's been major slowdowns here B was
5478s a major slowdown C at the beginning of C
5480s is not only to slow down for India
5482s Australia
5483s I could just believe the entire time and
5485s down it could be that Indiana Capital
5487s this is a winning scenario for Australia
5490s right now Bert log down early that was
5492s that washes him with the coalescence
5495s pug down as well so this will be India
5497s finally getting back underway getting
5498s back in control of the case the cap is
5501s on the dock for them a minute 25
5503s Australia they could yet hold out though
5505s and that would be a serious win for them
5507s well this is well this is where now the
5508s ultimates that we were waiting for does
5510s come through pretty strong as well Punk
5512s on the annihilation after disconnecting
5514s earlier on the crash is ready for that
5516s one with the sound bar he wants to hold
5517s it all right very early on five of that
5521s sponge using the annihilation Nami using
5523s the overclock as well pumpy has his own
5524s running what can he find try to go Julie
5526s with nami knows his life hacking
5528s Scotland a lot of low members of
5530s Australia in here but critically not
5531s fair to cash dusted off as well and with
5534s that India gonna have to walk away a
5537s tail between the legs on this one not
5539s quite getting the cap across but just
5541s enough time for one last go around but
5543s they really like resources now I think
5544s that sound barrier did enough that
5546s didn't as much as it could really do I
5548s mean it kind of got double value there
5549s was a little bit of layering of ultimate
5551s overclock came through Annihilation
5552s didn't take too long afterwards and
5554s or soundbarrow roughly covered at least
5556s the start of the annihilation plant got
5558s low HP they said he didn't even get
5559s maximum value out of assault Iron Man
5561s now changes over towards Genji so we're
5562s slowly moving over towards more of a
5564s dive composition for India and away from
5565s the bomber
5567s to accomplish just under 20 seconds of
5570s the clock of cash has to go in for it
5572s not quite getting the early conversions
5574s that they need Nanda Lowe but a cash
5575s can't quite collect it has to go for a
5577s medial strike sound barrier is there for
5578s Australia whereas Akash can reposition
5580s two wasn't able to go for Nanda once
5582s again a little bit lower bumping the
5584s back need to start getting to the cart
5585s blizzard down from nanza zoning them
5588s away at Cash's bows and crashes down and
5591s there we go three members dead bendy and
5593s no response no kills in return and
5596s that's the defense that's the hole that
5598s Australia were looking for even with
5599s punt disconnecting in a critical Moment
5601s Australia smooth two and zero despite
5605s India's Challenge and this was again a
5608s dangerous map for India to go to not for
5609s the exact reason I outline I said that
5611s perhaps the fire could still come
5613s through and then it has shown that in
5614s the past for a map like shambali but
5616s this was just a clean Ram mirror I think
5618s for Australia no gimmicks at all came
5621s through and said we can just beat you in
5622s the mirror if we're quite I think the
5623s Hanzo choices much stronger than the
5625s surgeon Choice here overall especially
5627s when we look towards caves the soldier
5628s pick does slightly improve once we get
5630s out of the maps and we go over towards
5631s the sea point which is where Nami then
5633s made the slot happen but uh it was the
5636s early unfortunate spawn Camp failure
5639s that only you roughly shaved down 35
5641s seconds not really enough and they kind
5642s of lost spawn Camp quite quickly was
5644s India beyond that
5647s um they got snowboard heavily a was a
5649s complete wash they lost Annihilation
5650s there b was a complete wash huge amount
5652s of snowball and then C was I don't even
5655s think there was any slow down I don't
5657s believe Australia lost a single fight on
5659s even seapoint because they backed out
5661s from the blizzard but then just
5663s re-interest right away and yeah one
5664s really really smooth across the board on
5666s that entire on that entire side that was
5667s India's pick as well uh really really
5670s impressive stuff that we just saw Domino
5671s is the national pride uh sort of it's
5674s the fire in the chest right now
5676s oh yes I I'm very thrilled uh I was
5680s almost one to like get up out of my
5682s chair and just be like you know yes but
5683s then I realized no one would be asking
5685s me on camera my head would be too far up
5687s and so I was like I know I better stay
5688s seated um but I would like to reiterate
5690s what Avril said I agree I think the
5693s Hanzo pick is a bit stronger here you
5696s can get some really great angles you can
5697s kind of just shoot trees down at the
5700s team on an angle and you know it can
5702s work very well you have a very you know
5704s if you can get those headshots it just
5706s really opens up those team fights and
5709s Australia as you said as well Australia
5710s did snowball a little bit and
5712s they did really well bringing it back
5714s together even when they had the
5716s disconnect with Punk there like
5717s obviously losing a tank especially when
5719s you only have one tank now in the game
5721s that you know you get it's very
5723s important for the tank to be there but I
5724s feel like Australians are very familiar
5726s with disconnects they've played with
5727s these things they think they're they're
5729s aware of this and I think they would
5732s have probably pulled back a little bit
5733s made sure they taxied Punk back with the
5735s Lucio as fast as possible just to get
5737s back into that fight and so well done to
5739s Australia there for holding on I think
5741s it says a lot when Australia can still
5744s sort of recover from the disconnect they
5745s lose a whole point off there I think
5746s they even lose a lot of early pressure
5748s on C4 but eventually you know they
5750s control let it on C they hold C and like
5752s that's fine with a huge Home Bank and at
5754s minimum even if they cap through this
5756s map we're gonna just kind of have the
5757s massive time back advantage to play
5759s through for the actual next phase of the
5761s game and uh they they recovered and won
5763s the map and didn't even allow the full
5765s uh the capture to come through so that
5768s was huge from Australia yeah it seems
5769s like you know Team India they got they
5770s got one sort of extra Lifeline there
5772s you're around the genius lamp but this
5773s Genie only gave one wish well let's go
5775s ahead and catch up with cuffer to see
5777s how he feels about this uh this
5779s fantastic when kafa congratulations
5782s um I'll start off with a quick easy
5784s softball question this is the classic
5786s sports interview uh how the boys feeling
5788s right now
5789s yeah pretty good I mean we've pretty
5792s much guaranteed our way to America now
5794s so that's good
5795s chill
5797s all exciting
5799s yeah I'll I'll check in with you about
5801s uh where the team is looking towards and
5804s in terms of your play time versus Punk's
5806s play time I think in the opening week
5808s Punk played a little bit more you sort
5809s of only came in towards the end of week
5811s one
5812s um you started to play today you came up
5814s for Nepal and then Punk off comes in to
5816s play The Ram so yeah um I don't know if
5818s ping plays a a bit of a factor in there
5821s in terms of choosing or is it more just
5823s match dependent for comps you know how
5826s how's the team handling the substitution
5827s between you and punk at the moment it's
5829s more Mount dependent for comps so like
5831s Maps when we play monkey mainly is the
5833s maps that I'm gonna play in like erisa
5835s and then Ram comps he'll play divacom
5838s stinkcom so yeah I'm mainly just like
5840s monkey and erisa right now and we we had
5842s this like lined up what we're gonna play
5844s on the pole so over a second one that
5846s monkey can't one map One Cop uh one that
5848s Ram so it just made sense to put me in
5850s for this one and ilios last week like uh
5853s we played Diva so Punk played that game
5855s and then the same the legion game uh I
5859s played as well because yeah so yeah it's
5861s mainly just me for monkey and then he
5863s plays the rest yeah
5865s uh cover I want to ask you've had
5867s probably your two toughest match-ups so
5870s far Thailand last week India this week
5872s so is the team feeling pretty
5874s comfortable now is there any other teams
5876s that you're like going nope you know
5877s we've got to make sure we're really
5878s switched on for that or is it everyone
5879s kind of relaxing a little bit more
5881s because the hardest two are probably
5883s under your belt
5884s I mean we don't want to put the foot off
5886s the gas but like it it's looking good
5888s like we should we should qualify it
5890s would be India and Thailand
5892s um it'll be fun diverse New Zealand I
5894s feel a bit bad for what I said on the
5895s broadcast last time didn't really mean
5897s it to go that far
5899s um but uh yeah it was a good good series
5902s today uh a lot of ajax's
5905s just the one but one is enough you know
5907s one is too many it was three there was
5909s three three how many yeah how many more
5911s times wait who else HS are we watching
5914s this this game
5916s Captain press he Ajax three times in
5918s that series
5921s Once on uh Nepal sanctum with the
5924s blizzard and then once I missed that one
5926s all right once on Village or skyrise the
5930s well I mean played Farah so yeah three
5931s times in the series oh okay there it is
5934s two of them even got I know we didn't we
5938s didn't even notice we didn't machine to
5939s get half those kills anyway yeah because
5941s yeah just ac 130 yeah
5944s um and uh look I'll throw a bit of a a
5946s wider one cup for uh obviously you're as
5948s we said you're likely going to qualify
5950s uh into the group stages the World Cup
5952s now uh you've only got a couple of
5954s matches left all of which are looking
5955s pretty winnable for you guys as much as
5957s I hate to say that about my own national
5958s team
5959s um looking more broadly are there What
5962s teams do you really want to avoid being
5965s in your group assuming you qualify what
5967s teams would you really want to have a
5969s chance to play against like what are
5971s there any thoughts in fact about the
5973s rest of the teams in this tournament
5974s that you might now have to play in the
5975s groups
5976s I think it's just like a bit of a
5979s storyline you know you want to avoid
5980s career at all costs giving out a lost
5982s history with Australia versus them
5984s um but no the rest Bring It On yeah
5986s it'll be chill I know you're lucky when
5988s we go South Korea I think it's Australia
5990s yeah yeah 110 it's gonna happen well
5994s congratulations car for as we said uh
5996s sort of the last uh serious challenge
5997s for you guys out of the way uh barring
6000s Act of God you should be comfortably
6002s qualifying in fact I think
6003s mathematically they are definitely going
6004s to qualify it's just a question I think
6006s so whether it's in first or second place
6008s uh we'll let you catch up with the rest
6009s of the team and uh and you know
6011s celebrate enjoy your Victory busk in the
6013s glow of it for the time being uh
6015s congratulations and we'll catch you the
6017s next one
6017s thank you see ya
6021s and we're not done for the day of course
6023s that was only our first match of the
6024s night a big one and a series one very
6026s important one but the important matches
6028s certainly do not stop we have New
6030s Zealand versus Malaysia coming up
6032s shortly a must win indeed the team that
6035s loses will if I'm not mistaken
6036s themselves be mathematically eliminated
6038s really on the line for this one and
6040s we'll see that match right after this
6042s break
6042s [Music]
6055s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
6058s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6061s value means more at macca's so grab a
6064s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
6067s [Music]
6078s [Applause]
6083s [Music]
6092s thank you
6096s [Music]
6121s thank you
6128s [Music]
6135s [Music]
6145s thank you
6151s [Music]
6156s foreign
6158s [Music]
6166s [Music]
6175s foreign
6185s [Music]
6207s [Music]
6209s foreign
6224s [Music]
6238s welcome back ladies and gentlemen thank
6240s you for sticking with us through that
6241s break uh we just saw India versus
6243s Australia Australia sailing through with
6246s another two and zero Victory seems to be
6249s a little bit of the order of the day
6250s these days so with that all being said
6251s and done probably the uh that last tough
6253s customer yet and uh pretty impressive
6256s showing from Australia yeah it really
6257s was super clean gameplay I think a lot
6259s of people were maybe concerned about
6261s Australia after the Thailand game like
6262s all that ones was cutting a bit close
6264s but speaks quality to Thailand's ability
6266s because they they got that one map India
6268s unfortunately could not quite get their
6269s one map and while Thailand and India
6271s still have yet to play and that will
6273s come soon this week and it'll be a very
6274s important one for both those teams as
6276s you know they will be likely now the
6278s team's battling for second place
6279s Australia leading their way through
6281s three and zero having caught the most
6283s yeah last two games remaining Malaysia
6285s New Zealand
6286s given how the standings are currently uh
6288s likely to not be as strong as either
6290s Thailand or India so Australia looking
6292s pretty solid for potentially first place
6294s yeah really starting to feel that way
6296s and uh well as you mentioned Malaysia
6297s New Zealand being is next to a part it's
6299s also playing against each other in this
6301s next match uh Domino what are we
6302s expecting out of this as we go ahead and
6304s take a look at Malaysia's lineup
6306s yeah I'm expecting a pretty close game
6308s they've both got one win on the board um
6311s and two losses so I'm not too sure
6313s exactly who I think is going to pull it
6315s I I I'm leaning towards New Zealand but
6317s maybe I'm just being biased you know
6318s them being the neighbor of Australia and
6320s everything but I'm honestly not too sure
6322s I think Malaysia's got a really good
6323s lineup here I think fantasy is being
6325s quite a really strong uh tank player for
6328s the team here so yeah personally I'm not
6330s too sure on this one I think this one
6332s could go either way but I think it's
6334s going to be a tough match and both teams
6335s are really really going to want to win
6336s this so that they're still in the
6338s running
6338s well you're allowed to be ever so
6340s slightly biased I think that's
6341s reasonable I also hope the New Zealand
6343s win because if they lose I'm gonna have
6344s to go and beat up all of them that's
6346s going to be a really exhausting thing
6348s for me to do let's go ahead and take a
6349s look at New Zealand's lineup uh the five
6351s people who I may have to fight tonight
6352s if things don't go their way
6354s I think New Zealand should be at the
6356s full three here given uh even in their
6358s losses and they've had to play through
6360s some tough customers so far they did
6361s lose uh to India and they also lost to
6365s Thailand I believe so yeah and but both
6367s those were open too but there was a
6368s couple of competitive moments in there
6370s some things about New Zealand that still
6372s kind of ring through and you're thinking
6374s okay well this is reasonable they've had
6376s a bit of a week to sort of figure things
6378s out here as well and perhaps come
6379s through with a bit of improvement in New
6380s Zealand I technically as well as
6382s Malaysia still in the running still in
6384s the game checking score lines Australia
6386s is not even mathematically guaranteed
6388s yeah they're at the top of the standings
6389s but they're not mathematically in which
6390s means if Australia then lose two matches
6393s somebody else could sneak in there there
6395s is a possibility of maybe a small chance
6397s here of like a multiple 3-2 tiebreaker
6400s 3-2 score line of which both New Zealand
6403s and Malaysia if they want to be part of
6404s that 32 tiebreaker they'd have to win
6406s their next two matches including this
6407s one which is why between them it is a
6409s must win really interesting situation
6411s there and I mean as much as it's
6412s unlikely that we'll see that you've
6414s still got to play for the percentage
6416s chance you always have to go for it
6417s let's go ahead and take a look at what
6419s our first map is going to be and of
6421s course once again first to two this
6423s first map is preset loser will pick the
6425s subsequent map between hybrid and escort
6427s then we will go to push then we'll go
6429s back to control if we have somehow had a
6431s tie on the second map there
6433s and this will be no fire Shenanigans
6436s this time unless color hex decides to go
6438s towards that but uh maybe a little bit
6439s Echo probably not
6442s um same map again Nepal I'm expecting
6445s the echo I feel like color hex is gonna
6447s pull it out because it can be really
6449s strong on one of those Maps uh with The
6452s High Ground so I I'm kind of expecting
6454s it but maybe we won't there's a lot of
6456s me I think you may ran broad the entire
6458s way through likely
6460s a little bit of paw surgeon
6463s Alex has favored the echo though he has
6465s quite on dive Maps dive Maps you never
6469s know I could see that I learned earlier
6471s today that I actually didn't know the
6472s name of a focus beam I just I mean I did
6474s but like not properly it was just a
6476s theme in my head it's like it's it's
6478s simply B imagine if you didn't know
6479s being but your new focus is focusing
6484s focusing them all this is really
6487s focusing hard right now it's so focused
6491s that sounds like there's like a real um
6495s like you gotta like train for years it's
6497s like a Jedi mind power kind of thing
6498s right it's like you can focus someone to
6500s death
6510s quite focused as we said this is a this
6513s is a do or don't match uh uh for their
6515s man for Malaysia and uh I think the
6518s eyeball test still has New Zealand as
6521s the stronger of the two here I think
6522s Malaysia kind of uh they've struggled on
6524s the whole obviously picking up that win
6525s early against Singapore was very
6527s emboldening but what we've since gone on
6529s to learn is that Singapore are
6531s struggling against everyone so that one
6533s kind of means less and less for every
6535s other subsequent team that beats out
6537s Singapore uh so and also New Zealand uh
6540s they also beat up Singapore but much
6542s more convincing there was a swift 2-0
6543s absolutely not a lot of Frills there uh
6546s New Zealand just kind of you know as
6548s you'd expect they're just kind of be
6550s able to win that matchup very minimal
6552s mistakes and you know said it earlier as
6554s well but in the other in the other
6555s matches we had in India Thailand those
6558s are the same matches the Malaysia's
6559s played through much more competitive
6561s despite the two zeros from Team New
6563s Zealand a lot less flexible the
6565s compositions on the Malaysia side as
6566s well which we'll have to find out what
6568s happens on that end yeah and it does
6569s sound like we're having a slight delay
6570s getting this game all set up and going
6572s so we're gonna go ahead and take a
6574s little bit of a breather we'll be back
6575s in a moment uh hopefully with New
6576s Zealand versus Malaysia so don't go
6578s anywhere
6579s [Music]
6591s thank you
6608s [Music]
6614s foreign
6618s [Music]
6626s [Music]
6638s [Music]
6645s [Music]
6652s [Music]
6667s [Music]
6671s foreign
6697s [Music]
6702s [Music]
6711s welcome back ladies and gentlemen I
6713s believe we have the issues resolved we
6714s should be getting stuck right on into
6716s New Zealand versus uh versus Malaysia
6718s nearly said Australia that's not a
6721s little Sunday yeah later later uh before
6722s we get into that though uh Domino any
6724s final thoughts in this particular
6725s matchup what are we looking from either
6726s of these teams here to secure the win
6729s yeah I I think New Zealand will maybe
6732s win it out I think they've got some
6733s really strong players individually it'll
6735s just be coming down to whether or not
6736s they can really come together as a team
6738s with communication and timings and just
6740s outplay Malaysia here I know Avril
6743s mentioned we'll probably see a lot of
6744s Rush comps I'm really hoping for some
6746s Dives though because I would love to see
6747s color hex and the echo I'd love to see
6749s August on the honor I think August is a
6751s fantastic Anna player uh has some
6753s amazing needs and things like that so
6755s you know fingers crossed for some dive
6757s here but we'll see what happens all
6758s right we're gonna go ahead and get stuck
6760s into Nepal and uh I think you raise a
6762s valid point quite difficult for new
6763s zealanders to communicate as a rule
6765s because we omit vowels from our
6767s sentences
6769s it's really hard to figure out what
6770s people are in a new language I mean it
6772s essentially is that yeah
6777s look at this Americans say bro wrong new
6780s zealanders have it down to a science
6781s we've really nailed the bro but
6783s America's like bro bro they're adding a
6785s w at the end of it it sounds ridiculous
6787s stop using bro America you haven't
6789s earned it
6792s yeah what he said also say herb
6794s correctly For Heaven's Sake sorry for
6796s Evan's sake
6799s do I used to see me is Jacob thinking
6802s about the junker Queen it's usually
6804s fantasy fantasy plays a lot of jungle we
6806s didn't really see I think we saw one map
6809s around
6810s maybe even half a map of ram from
6812s Fantasy last week There's Jay and Jake
6813s around actually stands for junker Queen
6815s Malaysia going to Fantasy is going to be
6817s upset he's like I could have just been
6818s playing Jungle Queen murder the whole
6819s time Jacob's gonna opt into it color hex
6822s will in fact be going for afar we
6824s mentioned uh he may want to go for that
6825s or an echo I'm saying I was thinking the
6827s echo but he's actually going to go the
6828s fight now a long time ago yeah I had to
6831s really go back in time here 2018 I
6835s believe it was when color X was still
6837s playing in contenders Australia he was
6840s super well known for the fight back then
6841s but it has been a hot minute it's been a
6843s few years now more than a few years a
6845s long time uh he's also had a couple of
6847s roll swaps in between there
6849s and uh he's sort of jumping back on the
6851s saddle for DPS recently just for this
6853s tournament as a point that we talked
6854s about last week as well so we'll see how
6856s practice he is but he would have been he
6858s would have been like the pharah player
6859s for the region before Nana was really
6861s part of contenders Australia but you
6863s know given uh recent proceedings it's
6865s nanda's definitely taking that title
6866s away and come hexes at least for the
6868s first time now looking to yeah
6871s jump back on the hall see what he does
6873s yeah we've uh because we have you here
6875s physically Kevin we're gonna get horses
6878s we're gonna get lots and lots of pauses
6880s uh that's that's how because I'm here
6882s because we're here physically exactly as
6883s soon as we're in the room together
6884s pauses that's how it happens uh I think
6887s April's fault yeah exactly I think our
6889s longest one was like 45 minutes one time
6891s I remember when it was that intimate wow
6893s it was um
6895s I don't remember that one it was like
6897s there was just constant back and forth
6899s pauses across the map so it was never
6901s any one time long enough to just like it
6903s wasn't a singular 45 minute pause yeah
6905s it was like it was a lot of delays over
6907s the course of one game that's where
6908s that's where we had the the um the three
6909s bean soup joke which still sticks in my
6912s mind classic I won't retell it tonight
6914s you're gonna have to go back and watch
6915s the clips it's for the people that were
6917s there yeah they didn't enjoy it because
6919s they knew they were there exactly for
6920s the ogs
6922s what's the longest pause you've had to
6924s handle it'll be this one right now right
6926s now yeah
6929s exactly this is this is already taking
6930s the cake no I haven't changed huh
6933s definitely haven't had very long ones
6935s definitely have had a lot within the oce
6937s scene because obviously uh is amazing I
6941s remember the first time I ever did a
6943s broadcast on uh on television we went
6946s live and then the internet cut out so we
6948s couldn't access the game servers and
6950s then the backup line also cut out and we
6951s had to fill that was about 45 straight
6954s minutes uh just filling Non-Stop
6958s tell you what you uh you really earn
6960s your paycheck at that point hopefully
6962s this isn't going to be 45 minutes do you
6964s talk about that stage huh um that's just
6966s uh I well we were on a very strict
6969s instructions to keep talking about the
6971s game that hadn't happened yet oh that's
6974s even worse I know I know we know I mean
6976s nowadays you know we're more advanced
6978s we're more modern we can talk about
6979s whatever we feel like
6981s um and I right now feel like uh taking a
6984s break making some some toast uh maybe a
6988s cup of tea uh yeah hopefully we'll have
6990s these issues resolve you shortly ladies
6992s and gentlemen do stick with us we'll be
6993s right back
6996s good
7001s [Music]
7007s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
7010s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
7013s value means more at macca's so grab a
7015s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
7019s [Music]
7049s thank you
7082s thank you
7092s [Music]
7139s thank you
7143s [Music]
7154s foreign
7155s [Music]
7167s [Music]
7222s thank you
7223s foreign
7235s [Music]
7259s [Applause]
7261s [Music]
7263s foreign
7265s [Music]
7286s [Applause]
7291s [Music]
7299s foreign
7307s [Music]
7316s just told a very funny joke and you'll
7319s never get to hear it we're gonna go
7320s ahead and get stuck into this game we're
7321s not wasting any time players all ready
7322s to go we're all lined up should still be
7324s underway and unpausing so let's get
7326s stuck in yeah I've retold the three bean
7328s soup story but only between the two and
7330s it was still very only between the two
7331s of us yeah so if you want to hear it
7333s dear view you still have to go and find
7335s the old clip I don't even know where I
7337s don't even know where which which game
7339s stream no idea surely it would be
7342s too far back it would have to be on the
7345s old because this was before
7349s it was too long ago it's a twitch clip
7352s is it on the full circle Channel still I
7354s think the you know what
7358s the vars might even be gone anyway babe
7360s anyway the things speaking of things
7363s from 2018 color hexas Farah color hex is
7367s Farah from 2018. huh
7369s and now Malaysia now that Malaysia have
7372s seen the composition this is like
7374s fantasy is also going oh I can play
7379s and New Zealand are gonna they're just
7380s gonna keep going they're gonna keep
7381s going on I dig that I almost wonder if
7383s they they play Jungle Queen expecting
7385s fantasy to play it I think it's actually
7387s New Zealand opting into the mirror
7389s another New Zealand saw that he wasn't
7391s realized he probably will now yeah and
7395s I'll just they'll just both play it they
7397s also now they also realized if I was
7398s going to come through and they haven't
7399s really done anything about that not all
7401s teams choose to directly deal with it
7403s so we'll see if it becomes a problem for
7405s Malaysia they're just going to try and
7406s avoid him it's because it's not
7408s successfully doing that another one onto
7411s double three
7412s and another one to game Peru color hex
7414s and another one back
7416s and another one come on all five no
7419s Jacob
7420s how dare you
7423s I don't know I just got the assist on
7425s that one yeah not bad here comes the
7427s changes now Echo
7429s Percy
7431s it's a pocket edition yeah
7439s just just a rocket well it's already a
7442s deal but just firing them off into
7444s nowhere huh just hoping for keeping each
7447s other busy color actually not up to date
7448s you all at all and just start firing on
7450s other members
7451s immediately two arms are game pro dude
7453s and drops and fin does go down jw3 gets
7456s on top of that covers yourself baby Alex
7458s eating some bombs otherwise just fine
7461s really low yeah likely to go down here
7463s there we go August has it
7466s wait a noodles go that was really weird
7468s you saw no healing to Jay at all you
7470s must took a bunch of damage he's also
7471s down like that should not happen and
7473s fantasy just takes the dive no that was
7475s a call looked like they had kind of
7478s started to turn that fight around just a
7480s little just a tad
7481s can you get
7483s it's not the case not the case yet
7486s color hooks now with a rocker barrage
7488s available that he won't really be able
7491s to use it's like there's nothing for him
7492s to bed he's about to solar barrage
7494s fantasy at this rate and
7498s would be Gemini can just fail fantasy
7501s out with Isuzu Jake and just get the
7503s kill onto collection while that's
7504s happening there's a lot of reasons why
7505s really
7507s but uh there you go fantasy already
7509s taking some damage gamepro dude has
7510s found par in the Tracer duel that's a
7512s decent start color still with numerology
7517s straight on to it now looking to get in
7520s on numenos going aggressive rocker
7521s barrage with the fantasy as Jim and I've
7522s gone down cut cleanse tag when you're
7524s dead
7526s but I mean you can't really do most
7527s things when you did actually you can
7528s decompose it's a clean double metal
7530s coming through from color hex on to Jay
7533s mechanic's still there and we're about
7535s to finish the rounds yeah now uh New
7538s Zealand just kind of walking it in on
7539s this one Gemini will be able to get away
7541s here
7542s there we go Newman's already picked off
7544s early deduplicate for jw3 I didn't even
7547s catch who was able to copy with that one
7548s does find color hacks that's something
7550s but trade zone like for it Fred getting
7552s aggressive
7554s go Finn go
7556s got three three he actually picked up
7559s three now what an absolute Banger from
7562s Finn and a hundred zero love to see it
7566s I'm from here I'm biased unashamedly and
7570s I'm happy to see it
7572s you are quite shameful I'm usually quite
7575s shameful but I'm unashamed about it
7580s that way quite poorly for Malaysia even
7583s trying to counter out the fire directly
7584s that's about as direct as you can go to
7586s this
7587s Echo Mercy pocketed Echo plastic men
7590s well they through they the only thing
7593s they could throw further than that is a
7596s kitchen sink and also a fantasy on the
7598s diva I think that would have been that
7599s would have been it after that there's
7600s not more that you can really do but that
7602s would require fantasy to not play junker
7604s Queen and frankly that's not happening
7606s Jacob's gonna do a little bit of coffee
7607s cosplay here yeah out comes your
7609s restaurant round number two color hex
7611s still feeling it with the pocketed yeah
7613s uh you can you can totally fire on
7615s sanctum yeah the uh the Skybox is high
7619s enough and the long shots down here as
7620s well they've got harder help with that
7622s so it's actually quite a lot on the
7623s changing no it's rotating quick rotation
7625s as well I mean they're still going to be
7627s stuck if they if they go through the
7628s drop down here they're going to be stuck
7630s underneath the map luminous feeling a
7632s bit of heat which is swapping size of
7634s the map or yeah okay keep going they're
7635s still gone Ring Around the Rosie let's
7638s go I mean New Zealand is just better go
7640s for the point instead why not J cap
7643s getting right up in Malaysia's business
7645s that's an interesting War 003 going
7647s colds
7648s this fantasy very low does find Jay
7651s Kappa Newman I was actually going to be
7653s the first one to go down one is
7654s available for color hex still has the
7656s mercy in the body
7657s doesn't need it uses it here we go it's
7659s gonna get one looking to pick up Gemini
7661s as well we'll be able to get that right
7662s in the end and then jw3 also going down
7665s solid star from New Zealand getting the
7667s cat while Malaysia just kind of rotated
7669s endlessly and New Zealand could have
7670s kept rotating his arm I mean Jacob
7672s didn't even need to go up into the face
7673s of Malaysia it would have been really
7674s funny just to see both teams rotating
7677s away from each other why all New Zealand
7679s hold the point I mean they could have
7680s done that
7681s because Malaysia were going all the way
7683s around the mountain they were going
7684s around the world there
7686s now it comes to cast one more time
7689s hopper for a little bit more this time
7691s throw that polished along the ash or
7693s quite a decent amount of outrange that
7695s coalescence it's thrown forwards towards
7697s J cap not feeling too much pressure and
7701s Finn happy to drop out of the pocket to
7703s top Jake at off here we go Gemini down
7706s part a little bit low for his travel
7707s game for who does the wrap around but
7708s with close supports Dead Fantasy is a
7710s Sitting Duck three also sitting not
7713s quite sure what kind of bird he is in
7715s Game Pro dude I'm gonna say is a sparrow
7717s no a hummingbird
7723s finally goes down that actually opens
7726s things up here for Malaysia New Zealand
7727s is three down on this well they are
7729s respawning and they have to back out a
7731s lot Malaysia are going to use that
7732s opportunity to rush on point as a full
7734s four man squad we'll be able to get the
7735s cap
7736s the J cap that didn't actually get jcap
7739s he was still alive
7742s no out he comes
7744s to ultimates on board for New Zealand
7745s Ball but too far away there as old Bob
7747s would have been good great catch from
7749s Pirates game pro dude jw3 on the Cassidy
7753s not finding much going down to Jay cap
7755s and New Zealand very clean fight to pick
7757s the point back up so gamepro dude bit of
7759s a flash of Brilliance there and it gives
7761s accumulation 19 but J cap uh just as
7765s brilliant and doesn't require in brief
7767s moments of inspiration it's a consistent
7769s thing New Zealand didn't even need to go
7771s for the Bob area that was just a little
7772s bit extra they just wanted a six-member
7774s they kind of uh hold for us now which is
7776s a little bit of Fortune for them color X
7779s will just continue to Chase and game
7780s producer nowhere to run there very clean
7782s rocket barrage available straight and
7784s drop that on to Fantasy 99 that
7787s sure who quite was able to get it but at
7789s any rate nobody there to follow it up I
7790s think it must have been Gemini and the
7792s overtime work will burn down not quite
7794s 100 to zero on the second goal round but
7796s that was off the back of that one play
7798s from Game Pro dude pulse Bob to
7799s collector kill got two people low
7800s clipped them off there for uh or
7803s thereafter well color hex was reloading
7805s the Rockets solid star from New Zealand
7807s very one-sided extremely one so 100 to
7809s zero on our first round
7811s where I don't even
7814s know New Zealand really had anyone die
7815s there maybe one player died from a
7817s country that sometimes accidentally gets
7820s left off Maps
7822s you say it's an accident
7825s I know someone recently sometimes I know
7828s someone recently who was traveling
7830s somewhere I can't remember where it was
7832s and they got stopped at the border and
7834s questioned because the person hadn't
7835s heard of New Zealand and then they go
7837s you need a point where it is on the map
7838s they pull up a
7840s maps
7842s and they got they genuinely genuinely
7845s had to like pull up on them
7847s it was the old Zealand's here yeah it'd
7851s be like it's like that but on the other
7852s side of the world there's a new one yeah
7854s we made a whole New Zealand it's just as
7857s good if not better uh that was that was
7860s a fun game that was a really fun start I
7862s mean how are we feeling about that
7863s Domino I'm even gonna kick my leg up I'm
7865s feeling relaxed
7866s so I think the question of today
7868s everyone is how do you deal with a
7870s pharah because we've seen teams struggle
7873s with it Australia pulls out the Pharaoh
7875s now New Zealand's put out the pharah and
7877s no one I think has successfully stopped
7879s the pharah um you know how do you stop
7882s them from controlling the skies and just
7883s you know being you play a better Echo
7887s it might simply be better at the game
7890s but the the Opera of word being better
7892s and the echo was not better yeah sad to
7894s say uh well I mean not sadly for me I'm
7897s having the time of my life my country's
7899s team is winning that's all I care I'm
7900s gonna go ahead and see if they continue
7902s winning I almost want them to tie on
7904s this map uh just so we can go to a third
7906s one because I want to see more of this I
7908s want to see more of some success from
7909s New Zealand it's been a long time coming
7911s we're going to go ahead and see a little
7912s bit more of New Zealand just after this
7913s break
7915s [Music]
7924s thank you
7926s you asked we listen the macbeast is back
7930s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
7932s value means more at macca's so grab a
7935s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
7938s [Music]
7947s [Music]
7958s thank you
7965s [Music]
7976s [Music]
7992s thank you
8014s foreign
8016s [Music]
8039s [Music]
8075s [Music]
8082s [Music]
8092s welcome back to the land of huge success
8095s New Zealander 1-0 up against Malaysia
8098s right now I'm going to continue to be
8100s unashamedly biased uh there's no two
8102s ways about that we get to be smug for
8104s once the Aussies have had far too much
8105s of a field day lately isn't that right
8107s Domino
8108s uh yes well we have and I'm going to be
8110s biased about it as well go Australia
8112s nice work done um but New Zealand has
8115s won the first one against Malaysia and
8117s as we saw color hex absolutely popping
8119s off on the farad can he do it again will
8121s the second map be able to have a pharah
8123s on it we'll have to see what Malaysia
8126s have chosen uh for the map against them
8128s but yes as we can see here look color
8130s hex just uncontested in the skies
8133s um just kill after kill uh Malaysia just
8136s had no answer they tried to pull the
8137s echo out but it just didn't work for
8139s them well they have an answer it's just
8140s it didn't work unfortunately it would
8142s work for most teams but you have to
8143s outplay the fire I mean the echo needs
8145s to be a good enough Echo performance to
8148s be able to outplay the phone you even do
8150s this block to me usually when you count
8151s on the fire fire has to be positive Echo
8154s doesn't a solo Echo is normally expected
8156s to beat the Pharaoh as a Duo because
8158s then you 1v2 them even if you don't win
8160s that 1v2 you sort of pull two away and
8162s play the 4v3 elsewhere but here Malaysia
8164s went for us about as hard of a count as
8166s possible so I mentioned the only thing
8167s they could have done more is play Dave
8169s as well which fantasy unfortunately is
8170s not going to bring to the table but uh
8173s no they couldn't deal that at all and
8174s then you move over towards second round
8177s and things unfortunately did not really
8178s improve their improve slightly because
8180s they did one flight win all of a sudden
8182s huge plays from game project yeah that's
8183s about it living up to his neighbor maybe
8185s that's what it is maybe if jw3 changed
8187s his name to Pantone he'd be superior to
8189s color hex and uh we'll see in just a hot
8192s minute as well what Malaysia choose to
8193s uh to pull up for their map obviously
8195s choosing between escort and hybrid and
8197s we've been saying that there's the
8198s possibility the technical possibility of
8199s drawers that's why there are four
8201s potential maps that we can play and
8202s that's only if we specifically go to
8204s hybrid and then have a draw
8208s draw a bath
8210s uh do we think we're going to see
8211s secretary
8214s there it is
8216s had some reasonable showings on this
8220s um the player that has had the showing
8222s on this it's I think the main reasons
8224s for Malaysia to pick this is so they can
8226s play Fantasy on the sigma that's the
8227s like the only other reliable
8230s hero choice for fantasy and a girl I
8234s actually prefer his segment to the junk
8235s winner she said you can't play Sigma you
8237s can't play Sigma most of the maps
8240s shoes no shirt no shoes no service rules
8243s on other Maps uh Circle Royale uh is the
8246s difference which is ironic because
8248s it's a hotel it's starting to be quite
8250s fancy you'd think they'd have a dress
8252s code but actually it's the one place
8253s that doesn't as long as you float over
8255s the time they don't want you walking on
8258s the track and damaging it on your greasy
8260s that's why actually he's preferred
8262s because he's floating anyone who can
8263s float or fly Echo fan of echo Pharaoh
8267s yeah it doesn't even have footsteps that
8269s boy that's how float he is I assume
8270s Sigma doesn't have footsteps either
8273s laughs
8275s well he does with what's
8277s certainly certainly does
8279s I mean sort of Zenyatta in fact as
8281s quickly as a kick
8284s thank you
8286s very sharp up angle on why don't you
8289s tell us all about the time that you went
8290s to Monaco that you're so proud of I've
8293s never been okay I just thought that you
8295s would I assume that no I mean I have
8297s been to it's like a chunk of Europe but
8299s not Monaco
8301s um wow because like because you have
8302s something against them yes
8305s um I'm a monogamous you know like
8306s principalities is what you know like as
8308s a rule as a rule uh microstates and
8311s micronations yeah
8313s miss me with that San Marino I think
8315s it's like San Marine no I think if you
8318s cut New Zealand in half so it was North
8319s on South different states they would
8321s both be microstates they'd still
8322s actually be bigger than like Vatican and
8324s like San Marino like would they be small
8326s enough to be microstates yeah I don't
8328s think so because they're still bigger
8329s than like Liechtenstein and Luxembourg
8331s and like sort of like Andorra they'll be
8333s bigger than some of the Pacific Islands
8334s as well maybe I mentioned oh absolutely
8336s the Pacific Islands live Mass wise are
8338s like really small okay the thing is a
8340s lot of the Pacific Islands are like
8341s technically like
8343s countries they're like Island groups so
8347s it's like do you count the overall
8348s footprint of the garden group including
8350s the Ocean between them or do you just
8352s count the landmass itself and the land
8353s mass that's also underwater that one day
8355s will rise uponic activity on average uh
8358s there's something like it's something
8360s like 2.17 popes per square kilometer in
8362s the Vatican oh okay yeah
8366s anyway
8367s circuit Royale snipers check out map as
8371s well
8372s the thing is if you want to go to
8373s Circuit Royale while Jacob is very happy
8375s to pull out his base here which is also
8377s in this segment
8379s oh hello
8382s it has been a hot minute has also played
8384s any Widowmaker so this is uh
8387s maybe a challenge color hex just I was
8390s gonna say barely lives or fantasy will
8391s make sure he doesn't j003 just clicking
8395s some heads
8397s yep
8399s oh there's another one and a big very
8401s big head there on Sigma yeah Asian 003
8404s our playing cards and Casino Royale
8407s that's what this is
8409s Monty Casino Royale
8413s come actually off the Widow as I
8415s mentioned color X already is Maybe
8418s having to pull about a double duty
8420s off-rolling here back onto DPS
8422s and uh whatever suddenly he hasn't
8424s really had in 04 for some time so I've
8426s been moving off that quick let's take
8427s really quickly I would have been
8428s surprised he's not on the hands I think
8430s that would have been the natural next
8431s choice
8432s let's go for Genji and it's not a well
8434s supported engine typically if you want
8436s to go Genji you're supposed to also be
8438s brake rest in pepperonis Jay cat not
8440s sure what happened there
8442s continuing on forward I really want to
8445s see color hex get a deflate headshot on
8446s the jw3 that would just that's one of
8448s the only ways that you can yeah I mean
8450s it's the only way you win that match up
8451s without diving in
8453s it's a real classic it never gets old
8456s we've also got shimada Bowl here not
8458s often do we get to see that one
8461s relive The Cinematic you can't remember
8463s cinematic anymore actually
8468s New Zealand is slowly getting some space
8469s back after it's kind of struggling early
8471s on nothing to counter this one out so
8473s just a free window from Malaysia to
8475s clean this fight without too much issue
8477s yeah finding par with that and yeah this
8480s is a very surprising slowdown from New
8482s Zealand they look a little bit lost
8483s because they're not playing double
8485s sniper and color X's value on the Genji
8488s is pretty low here like especially and
8490s again like I said if you want to play
8491s the engine you need the brig support to
8493s really push in with Jake up on the sigma
8496s you're the sigma and the brick pushing
8497s it together
8498s flying space for color hex and then you
8500s can hard poke up color hex with the with
8501s the cookies you throw as well
8503s all right they've got themselves a flush
8505s they've nearly got themselves Dragon
8506s Blade and they use the window to get a
8508s little bit of space
8510s sector coming in that one out and there
8511s we go
8513s uh okay that's an interesting
8515s combination there they use the flux to
8516s lift sector out of the Dragon strike
8519s part does go down early in the battle
8522s here and Finn goodness gracious New
8524s Zealand just no answer to these snipers
8526s as J cap he gets absolutely nothing out
8528s of his flexes well and loses his life we
8531s haven't talked about the backline yet
8532s but I would have assumed as Jacob's not
8534s Jacob because I just got to try really
8535s Hardy and try he will
8537s that if you were gonna if knowing that
8539s it's Circle Royale knowing that you're
8541s very likely to play double flexible here
8542s you would have kept August in to play
8544s one of the said two flag Sports
8546s and then between Phoenix tech I don't
8548s remember which one of those two is is
8549s really a flexible player none of them
8551s might be sector actually in sub thin out
8554s so that you can keep August into play
8556s one of these two but uh
8558s okay so here we are I think the lack of
8561s the Hans or the lack of the second
8562s sniper probably hurts New Zealand more
8563s than anything else though yeah really
8565s feeling the difference there Pargo has
8567s the overclock we'll go ahead and commit
8568s that has the window out from Gemini that
8570s he's got to deal with trying to get
8572s those long shots down every time he pops
8575s his head out both snipers really have
8577s his Mark the color he's still waiting
8579s for an opportunity to go in for a dive
8580s needs to get something needs to get a
8582s bit of a squishy member get some resets
8584s in all the dashes time
8586s this is an odd spot for New Zealand now
8589s calhakes has to go in with this blade
8590s they find fantasy
8594s all right this is this is this is
8596s certainly a game the problem is Malaysia
8599s didn't have to pull that far back four
8600s members just like vacated
8602s Stranger than that is okay she's
8606s overclocking shimai responds with the
8609s window but then they abandoned the
8610s winner you could just it should be power
8612s hiding for his life it should be the
8614s other way around power needs to respect
8615s the window and not get shot up by the
8617s window not four members of Malaysia just
8619s running away look at how much space
8620s they've been able to take as well just
8622s because the only thing left was those
8624s two snipers and I believe uh I believe
8627s it was Gemini it would uh was also alive
8629s at the time sektar does get picked off
8630s by game bro dude this has become a very
8633s unusual game calex is not sound of blade
8636s for a long long time I I would have
8638s imagined he would have had the ball that
8639s last fight but they only needed to kill
8640s fantasy the cap so I guess not yeah now
8643s they can
8644s towards blaming for this particular
8646s point at some stage
8649s nice rock Landing onto fantasy flux as
8652s well drop down and there we go no
8654s mortality field deployed to save him it
8656s was further back didn't quite catch
8658s fantasy unfortunately it was the slam
8660s down that killed them so with him dead
8661s it's the same thing Malaysia just have
8663s to get forced Way Way Back
8666s shame because they don't have other
8667s outfits as well it's like
8669s you know a Transcendence in that
8671s particular area would have been
8672s fantastic both of those ends have kind
8674s of that's slow old charge on that Dragon
8676s strike was slightly too far away it's
8678s finally available now
8680s just looking for a shot onto Jacob
8682s they're not finding it again immortality
8683s Fields not in play anymore fantasy
8686s nearly as a flux is dead though I mean
8689s surely Collings goes
8690s you don't need it yeah he doesn't but
8692s he's I mean if all you need to do is
8694s kill fantasy and cap you can just do
8697s that
8698s that's three times now that's really
8700s awesome thank you for the Hercules
8702s updates you just kill fantasy once and
8704s you count three times Well twice really
8705s look at him three three five wins I
8708s should say not three caps
8710s what kind of a duck is purple anyway
8719s it's color hex
8721s well he's certainly still got a blade uh
8724s that much normally normally I would say
8726s man he's holding for too long here it's
8728s just like well he just hasn't needed to
8729s use it does die a bit funny and now be
8733s funny if he swaps just never
8736s eventuation that he wanted Jack and
8738s she's actually legitimately good here so
8739s yeah might as well might as well they
8741s sort of passed the part where the
8742s snipers really have total unbounded
8745s control the jw3 off the Widowmaker now
8747s as well of course everyone's sojourn
8750s passed it was that overclock lot also
8752s it's actually on the table for New
8753s Zealand but it's New Zealand pushing so
8754s Malaysia need to be the ones to do
8756s something about this first they are
8757s forced to answer this because we're free
8760s pushing all right right on in no delay
8763s there Transcendence oh able to lift him
8766s out of the Transcendence to get the kill
8767s into game for a dude nicely done and
8769s finally the blade he finds Gemini fights
8771s numinos really getting the kills
8772s collected fantasy low May yet go down
8775s certainly not to the blade but we'll go
8777s down to par get in the party shot that
8778s was a 4v5 by the way because I remember
8780s in New Zealand I believe one of the
8781s sports was solo pushing the payload the
8782s entire way through very tasty and oh
8785s game pro dude most likely getting out of
8788s the gate our fantastic catch jw3 not
8791s gonna last long either Gemini is not
8792s even touch and they went from being
8796s really on the back foot possibly not
8798s even capping eggs and actually
8799s completing the map in the end while
8801s they've finally got their way around the
8803s corner I think what came through was you
8804s know ultimate started coming online for
8806s New Zealand
8808s they use one overclock from par and
8812s Malaysia gets so scared the whole team
8814s just backs out
8816s fantasy obviously holds the front line
8818s on the payload but he's the only one in
8819s any position to maintain that position
8822s so as soon as he dies Cap's gone and
8824s militias gets snowballed from that point
8826s on New Zealand continue rolling through
8828s continue building ultimates collection
8830s Now find better angles as he's no longer
8832s playing a single Lane long sight lines
8835s and C was maybe the most confusing part
8837s because you know C should not have been
8839s that easy for New Zealand to see as
8841s supposed to be the most difficult point
8842s for
8843s any attacking team I've got a question
8845s and get Malaysia couldn't hold it all
8848s didn't even stop playing I've got a
8849s question what is the
8850s what is the like the lore of this map
8853s why are they escorting a race car and
8855s off the side you can see race cars like
8857s actually driving so that you can
8859s actually um push it onto the track and
8861s what's going on they're actually part of
8862s the race but this this car you have to
8864s push it doesn't have a functioning it's
8867s very slow it's like it's like a
8869s Flintstones car you have to kind of
8870s manually get along Nigel manso did that
8872s once
8874s down yeah he broke down and uh
8877s are you
8881s I believe even if he had got it over the
8884s line uh he wouldn't have it wouldn't
8886s have counted see engine must be working
8888s I think it's more that you have to be
8890s driving it so the people who came out
8895s and pushed you you're still driving
8895s you're still in the car uh there's other
8898s rules that prevent them from going out
8899s with the track right
8903s the higher people just to fill up the
8904s track
8905s just in case that happens
8907s because if they start on the track
8908s there's no miss you
8911s it's getting no way huh
8914s well suddenly that's what's happening
8915s here there's cars in the way too yeah
8917s just a lot of things in the way it is
8919s yeah terrible times you don't see their
8921s position here so different Museum
8922s they're confident actually you know
8926s fast Flying J does punish that so that
8928s is that is what you're going to do you
8930s see New Zealand Rock up towards your
8931s spawn you have an opportunity to get a
8933s Punisher that's what you got to do
8934s because otherwise team feeling very
8936s comfortable like New Zealand is going to
8937s try and push you as far as they can even
8939s defensively
8942s show the respect here Connex also by the
8945s way now on the hanza which I respect I
8946s think this is a much more sensible uh
8949s decision for a point the other shimada
8952s I remember we used to joke there was a
8954s third shimada brother
8957s I do appreciate that they haven't quite
8959s brought that one in yet
8960s Jeff shimada who just handles the
8963s accounts runs the books he's not like a
8964s ninja or assassin or anything
8968s oh Jacob down as well so a bit of an
8971s opening here now for Malaysia
8974s well they're not really pushing along I
8976s mean New Zealand still hang around
8978s they're five maybe New Zealand have hung
8980s out for a little too long because now
8981s because they've got to get cleaned up or
8982s at risk of force out the actual window
8984s from Gemini which is something but they
8986s can't afford the losers remember sector
8988s I was gonna say if sector gets out of
8990s life that would be pretty tragic for
8991s Malaysia not having the cleanup he
8994s nearly was dead and just nobody was
8995s particularly looking at him at that
8997s particular moment they do find color hex
8999s late at least but they can retake before
9000s so New Zealand can still retake all four
9002s which they're currently kind of doing
9003s the checkup
9006s you're not pushing further forward in
9008s you just don't seem to have the
9010s confidence by the looks of things flux
9012s is available
9016s what is that Melody you tell me jw3
9019s lifted Sky High drop down sector is dead
9021s but he got the immortality field off
9023s first that helped New Zealand out in
9024s just a little bit numerous Transcendence
9026s long since run out Ben pops his in
9028s response to dragons of Game Pro dude
9031s speaking of which is down to color hex
9033s and the defense coming through for New
9034s Zealand niminals down as well fantasy
9037s yeah fantastic
9041s good punish again color hex wanted to
9044s chase maybe slightly Greenly for the
9047s final kill
9048s and Jay's been I think the one
9050s outstanding factor for Malaysia that's
9052s kind of kept New Zealand honest that was
9054s the case would have sniper on the
9057s defense
9058s like one of the offense here as well the
9059s one that's kind of if anyone able to
9061s turn the tide
9062s one one minute left
9064s in that one minute do or die from
9066s Malaysia here if they lose this one not
9069s much of a pathway to qualification for
9071s them
9073s very critical defense for New Zealand on
9075s the other side of that came in the
9076s tournament hopes alive obviously
9078s they will still be reliant on other
9079s teams uh getting into tiebreaker
9081s situations but still we've got to play
9083s for the opportunity in New Zealand
9085s certainly are
9086s really felt that one was past serious
9089s part with the overclock running just
9090s laying other damage they are running the
9092s clock down oh that's a shot
9095s absolutely brutal big opportunity now
9098s yeah massive opening exposed here oh but
9100s they find game bro dude so all Even
9102s Stevens now it's just color X and jw3
9105s it's going to be first a flux out from J
9107s cap dumps fantasy with it jw3 down and
9111s it's all going to start unraveling less
9112s than 10 seconds left Jacob living
9114s without a lick of death there
9116s Dragon strike across from color hex just
9118s to stop those respawners from running up
9120s and contesting the cart Gemini not going
9122s to get close enough and the whole
9124s complete change
9125s hi Hercules and you see the desperation
9127s in there where unfortunately even for
9130s jw3 sort of one differential Factor here
9134s that trade is really best and had some
9137s good things on from fail to killing
9139s sector the end there sector getting well
9141s one HP brutal and they've started 5v4 as
9145s well they got an early pick and just
9146s couldn't capitalize it was a
9148s if that if you caught one in that moment
9150s then unfortunately the map is just going
9152s to be too far away from you and two of
9154s them done yeah for New Zealand exactly
9156s seemed like a little bit of a lack of
9157s confidence there from Malaysia uh so
9161s congratulations to New Zealand for the
9162s win as I said keeping the tournament
9163s hope alive and I think very well played
9165s on the whole certainly certainly that
9167s little bit cleaner across Nepal I think
9169s with the ferret in pocket but uh welcome
9171s back Domino it appears you've gone for a
9173s dip
9174s just gonna say it's Hercules
9176s I love it I love the duck
9179s um uh I I don't have a huge amount to
9182s say I feel like I you and everyone kind
9184s of pointed it out a lot like Malaysia it
9185s was very hesitant or they were sort of
9187s playing safe like they kept walking
9189s backwards when they were defending and
9190s then when they're attacking they just
9191s weren't walking forwards enough so they
9193s weren't taking these opportunities to
9195s either push or hold aggressively when
9196s they should have which really just
9197s allowed New Zealand to kind of get in
9199s there and get the kills they needed um
9202s as you pointed out we saw color hex hold
9203s and ALT for so many team fights because
9205s it just wasn't needed because Malaysia
9208s wasn't being aggressive enough and just
9210s wasn't holding forward for New Zealand
9212s to have to use these abilities
9214s a little bit of a heartbreaker I think
9216s for Malaysia and certainly some
9218s questions raised there about uh I guess
9223s they're
9224s I don't know you don't want it because
9227s that makes it sound like it's too like
9228s you know it's too like singularly
9230s focused but certainly it seemed like
9231s they just lacked Direction I think the I
9233s think the decisiveness is more accurate
9235s what I believe it would be yeah there's
9236s a lot of things there like there's a lot
9238s of lack of confidence going on they
9240s probably do know that their player
9242s quality tin quality is on the Lower Side
9244s compared to New Zealand and despite New
9246s Zealand sort of losing to the Thailand
9247s to the Indians tournament they are still
9249s clearly A Cut Above the bottom too
9252s well that has now very much been locked
9254s in and uh do you believe we are going to
9256s be able to have a little bit of a catch
9257s up with one of the players
9260s hi Finn how you doing
9262s hi I'm doing good uh I was about to
9265s question why it was so dark there but I
9267s didn't realize it is actually night time
9268s I don't know why I was surprised by that
9270s uh how's everybody's feeling after that
9272s that was a bit of a must win for you
9273s guys given how last week went so how are
9275s we feeling it's a bit of the Mojo coming
9277s back
9278s yeah I mean it was good to get it when
9280s um I'm not sure like what the chances
9283s are if I still qualifying her but yeah
9284s it's it's so good to come in here and
9286s win some games
9287s well it would require you to beat
9289s Australia that's another must win for
9291s you so uh that is no longer just going
9293s to be a fun trans Tasmanian sort of
9297s rivalry matchup that you need to beat
9299s Australia now to have a chance at all to
9300s have a shot so how do you feel about
9302s that eventual matchup as that I believe
9303s it's going to be your final game of this
9305s tournament
9306s yeah I mean it'll be a tough match like
9309s Australia is probably the best team in
9311s the group so we'll have to like go above
9313s to win that one but uh
9315s I'll have to say on the day it'll be a
9317s good game
9319s yeah and I guess if unfortunately you do
9322s not qualify through has the team found
9324s that this has been a really good
9325s learning experience for them like with
9327s training and that like is this just you
9329s know in your careers as OverWatch
9330s players is this kind of an experience
9332s that's been really beneficial for you
9334s guys
9335s yeah it's definitely been like a really
9338s fun few months leading up to the
9340s tournament
9341s um
9342s I think personally for me like these are
9344s the best teammates I've played with so
9345s it's given me like a really great
9346s opportunity to to learn and um get a
9349s chance to play with some like really
9350s great players so
9352s yeah it's been it's been a really good
9354s time and I've really enjoyed it I'm sure
9356s everybody else has as well really just
9358s roasting some of your other teammates
9359s there but um I got a quick question uh
9362s here as well so obviously from week one
9364s to week two you've had another
9364s opportunity now that you've played some
9366s of these teams to go in a little bit
9368s more detail with your prep what do you
9369s guys feel the biggest things that you've
9371s actually changed and worked on and
9372s improved between uh last week and this
9374s week
9376s um
9378s mostly we've just focused on playing
9380s what we're good at instead of trying to
9382s like force The Meta I think in a
9384s tournament like this the matter is not
9386s really defined as as hard as like maybe
9388s an OverWatch League it is so we can
9390s definitely get away with playing more of
9391s our style like I think you saw the
9393s Pharaoh today is more into like
9395s um the mechanical like skills of our
9397s teammates so yeah I think you can expect
9399s more stuff like that
9401s um in our last game
9409s thank you very much for your time think
9411s congratulations to the boys and best of
9413s luck moving forward hopefully you're
9414s still in contention when that Australia
9416s trans Tasman bout comes up on the docket
9419s on the final day
9420s oh thank you guys
9423s and with that we have only one match
9426s left up on the card for tonight that is
9428s of course going to be Thailand versus
9429s Singapore another team technically still
9432s in contention Thailand looking at the
9434s heels of that top two especially now
9436s that India has also lost out to
9438s Australia as Thailand did earlier on in
9441s the tournament gonna be a very exciting
9443s one uh well if you're a Thailand fan
9445s maybe stick around for that we'll be
9446s right back
9449s foreign
9454s [Music]
9460s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
9463s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
9466s value means more at macca's so grab a
9468s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
9472s [Music]
9498s [Music]
9504s thank you
9509s [Music]
9525s [Music]
9530s thank you
9542s [Music]
9560s [Music]
9590s [Music]
9592s thank you
9595s [Music]
9612s foreign
9621s [Music]
9626s [Applause]
9627s [Music]
9636s [Applause]
9637s [Music]
9645s [Music]
9659s welcome back ladies and gentlemen thank
9661s you for sticking with us through that
9662s break we have just seen New Zealand
9663s picking up a much needed win against uh
9665s shall we say lackluster looking at
9668s Malaysia uh uh good to see the boys uh
9671s keep the tournament hope alive I suppose
9673s we're actually just looking in the
9674s breakup
9675s what needed to happen for New Zealand's
9678s path to the top two to stay open yeah go
9680s ahead it will actually require a
9682s specific result from this particular
9683s game as or about the head into Thailand
9685s versus Singapore and uh basically New
9687s Zealand need a bunch of 3-2 tiebreakers
9690s to happen at minimum two out of the
9692s three teams between Australia time and
9694s India they would have to be at a three
9695s and two you have to force a three-way
9697s 3-2 tiebreaker assuming Australia just
9699s makes it in by default Thailand Indian
9701s New Zealand have to be in a three-way
9702s three to Target for that to happen
9703s Singapore needs to beat either India or
9706s Thailand and Singapore playing Thailand
9708s right now so right now this would be one
9711s of the games that Singapore would have
9712s to win in order for New Zealand to have
9714s a shot that let's go for it that well
9716s Australia has to lose to Malaysia
9720s New Zealand still has to then beat
9722s Australia yeah yeah but I mean hey
9725s stranger things have happened it would
9726s be wild if Singapore did the legwork for
9729s New Zealand only for New Zealand today
9730s yeah Singapore's like come on I really
9734s did the solid really well too oh well
9736s but uh of course that is the match that
9737s we have coming up now Thailand versus
9739s Singapore let's go ahead and uh take a
9741s look at the teams
9743s yeah so let's take a look at Thailand
9745s Thailand actually has probably one of my
9746s favorite players currently uh Ace Ace
9749s last weekend was so good to watch they
9751s got some Aces they were uh quite a key
9755s player here and so I'm really excited to
9756s see them play again
9758s um I I do think this will be an easy win
9760s for Thailand so despite avril's very
9763s complicated maths there I don't think
9765s Singapore will take this one out um I
9768s think Tallinn has a very strong team
9769s there probably not but that's what New
9771s Zealand needs to play on right now
9774s they are praying to the internet Gods
9776s which uh the big upset which boomed Punk
9778s they did so if there's a will there's a
9781s way if there's a way to to you know rub
9784s the the Genie's lamp again and and make
9786s a wish happen
9790s the internet odds do listen apparently
9792s uh let's go ahead and take a look at
9794s Team Singapore uh vital VIPs Ash Kane
9797s paper and cup
9799s or on the starting lineup for tonight
9801s and vitals back vital is okay vitals
9805s back so
9806s it's uni question mark
9809s different comes back with a support
9810s you're gonna be playing support recaper
9812s and I think I actually think it's very
9815s important that vital is back almost
9816s because I think he was the best player
9817s on the Singapore roster on day one that
9819s we saw would you say it
9821s vital no okay I would uh it's probably
9824s why you met up watch league and I didn't
9826s Domino what do we think about this team
9829s I have to agree with Avril I think vital
9831s is a very strong player and was very
9833s strong when we saw them play on day one
9835s so look maybe there is hope for New
9837s Zealand that Singapore is gonna surprise
9840s us here maybe uh now I'm interested to
9842s see I didn't realize they had the change
9845s up so interesting change of events but
9847s yeah it still might not be enough but
9849s it's a at least it does have shards and
9852s how it won't be enough yeah there's a
9854s good it probably won't be enough but it
9856s does help it does it certainly does help
9858s it certainly does help it's like
9861s it's like
9862s if you're drowning it helps if you
9865s haven't also been shot
9871s I'd be shot
9873s if you're drowning uh do you ever I
9876s don't know if I saw it on episode of
9877s Mythbusters if you could like avoid
9878s Bullets by being underwater and they
9880s found out it actually works we're going
9882s to start things off on Nepal three for
9884s three on that one tonight we're really
9885s feeling Nepal today you want to be
9887s invulnerable just go into water the
9888s breathing thing is a bit of an issue it
9890s is a bit of a problem but yeah you know
9893s that's why we have hiccups it comes from
9894s like before we like revolved out of the
9897s ocean it was a way of like getting um
9899s getting air out of your out of like the
9901s the body because we took an oxygen from
9904s the water
9905s um so that's actually still a reflex
9906s that exists the funny thing is we didn't
9908s ever lose that reflex instead we just
9910s developed like a part in the brain that
9912s like shuts it off so when you see cases
9914s of people who have hiccups for like 20
9916s 30 years it's usually because they've
9918s suffered a brain injury that's damaged
9920s the part of the brain that is all to say
9921s the default for the human body is yes
9924s hiccups and there is a specific switch
9927s that turns us into no hiccups that could
9930s break at any time
9932s all right well thanks for that
9934s interesting fact I'm going to take us
9935s back to talk about Nepal and question do
9938s we think we'll see another Pharaoh do we
9939s think we'll go three for three with the
9941s Farah plays do we know any key factors
9951s that's why that's how Singapore are
9954s gonna pick up their win it's gonna be a
9956s massive upset New Zealand is going to
9957s stay in contention I can see it call me
9959s Clairvoyant we do have a lot of a delay
9962s though getting all these teams lined up
9964s into the lobby so we will be right back
9966s with you don't go anywhere
9969s [Music]
9980s you asked we listened the macbeast is
9983s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
9986s value means more at macca's so grab a
9989s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
9992s [Music]
10001s thank you
10004s foreign
10005s [Music]
10042s foreign
10044s [Music]
10070s [Music]
10088s foreign
10096s [Music]
10111s [Applause]
10113s [Music]
10133s [Music]
10167s foreign
10170s [Music]
10174s [Applause]
10177s [Music]
10192s I do believe we have everything resolved
10194s we're all lined up and ready to go for
10197s Thailand versus Singapore before we go
10198s ahead and jump straight into that any
10200s final thoughts
10202s Thailand wins
10204s that's that's my only thought uh
10206s Singapore put up a fight but I think
10209s Thailand's gonna have this one in the
10211s bag and they need to have this one in
10212s the bag if they want to stay in the top
10213s two to qualify I think Ace Avril I think
10216s Ace hits a 5K in this match all right
10218s ace gets the ace there we go well let's
10220s go ahead and get stuck into it we have
10222s DePaul as our first map on the match
10225s and I love that elephant I really do
10228s why
10230s I think it's just that it's so familiar
10232s to me now what are these animals nope
10234s don't care
10236s I'm not as much lion with face of man
10240s and rhinoceros and
10243s small horse you know they decided the
10246s line to be more threatening with the
10247s face than that you know I actually agree
10249s I disagree that's kind of whack that's
10250s wild what's going on there what's up
10253s with all those like in medieval books
10255s there's a lot of people fighting snails
10257s what's up with that I did that giant
10260s snails and I don't even understand what
10262s you just said I'll send you pictures
10263s later it's really weird it's just a lot
10265s of large snails and medieval manuscripts
10268s yeah you know your prehistoric times
10270s this is obviously going way back before
10272s medieval just bigger animals bigger
10274s creatures no seriously everything was
10276s bigger just bigger bigger in general
10279s things were large
10283s still shank them first we've started
10286s Shrine first twice played sanctum second
10289s got one Village in there no Village last
10291s time because I didn't make the all three
10292s rounds
10294s Singapore Gonna Roll through on ramble
10296s Thailand mostly the same except they're
10299s playing Lucio more version
10302s and Hanzo okay good so not the Reaper
10305s we're gonna get the Hanzo for the off
10306s angles hanser does really well in the
10308s lanes here as well so do enjoy that
10309s photo going over to the widowmakers very
10311s strange yeah very tight map
10314s look to see how that pays off
10317s as uh
10319s am I something a little bit forward but
10321s uh Thailand just kind of Happily
10322s rotating
10323s oh that's a one that's an actual one HP
10328s good wow gracious
10333s there's four HP left of the Hill model
10335s just want to say that yeah come on
10337s Sports get with it not quite connecting
10339s the headshots are now Under Pressure
10341s Dove onto
10343s with that four hit points have been the
10344s difference to get him to that health
10345s pack I wonder a poodle though down in
10347s the trade so a bit of a trade-off there
10349s left outside yeah can he get on to the
10352s point though with the team at his back
10354s he has survived thanks to the
10356s immortality field but maybe not much
10357s longer now that it's gone he's still
10359s super low and the support's not quite
10360s able to top him off super easily
10361s contesting the point for sure Ash Kane
10364s finally getting topped off VIPs now
10365s taking a shot will go down training for
10367s Ace that's something and Ash Kane's
10369s still just sitting pretty on this point
10370s though with paper down only cup healing
10373s up might be a little bit of a a Garner
10375s here Ash Kane as the coalescence from
10376s Pali will secure it and uh obviously
10378s Thailand having already had the pipe cap
10380s just keeping control
10382s and now okay I think vitals
10386s must have been really close for that to
10387s happen
10388s Singapore sniping on a spawn sucks this
10391s is where the water is unfortunately
10392s going to be even worse I was expecting
10394s maybe if I could look towards the Hanzo
10396s you're not giving much up anyway
10398s infraside is not a great ultimate so
10400s it's not like you're really hurting for
10401s that if you give it away
10403s uh but sniping out a spawn doesn't give
10405s you anything to work through at all
10409s those are available from high Vision to
10410s keep the point locked down cup taking a
10413s few shots in rotation is vital having to
10416s grab all those oh yeah grappled to
10418s safety paper goes down to the rotation
10419s they've got a wall up to isolate Ash
10421s Kane ice indeed is high Vision keep it
10424s in Frozen VIPs going down as well now
10426s vital finally dusted off by Ace getting
10429s real to a lockout really close not
10431s rather really fast rotation because you
10433s saw a bunch of players from Thailand I
10435s think even including Calvin chasing are
10437s survival they still made it to the back
10438s to the point on Time battle out Ash Kane
10441s take him down Singapore and now coming
10443s up to all of their first ultimates this
10445s is where they're going to use them
10446s Dragon strike across the team just to
10448s try and slow Singapore down they're
10450s throwing a blizzard in the mix as well
10451s haven't already caught many people with
10452s that they do dust off VIPs that's
10454s something in Singapore they commit their
10456s own blizzard Ace actually goes down so
10457s does a poodle but vital I had nobody
10459s able to actually touch the point I
10461s believe it was vital who was going for
10463s it so nice find there by Pally I think
10465s cut would have been realistically the
10468s best player to do it but
10469s yeah this is a sad comp I think you know
10472s vital should be the game changer but
10474s maybe not like this this wouldn't make
10476s it just does not work on sanctum at all
10478s realistically doesn't work on this map
10481s generally speaking so there's something
10484s a little bit different here I think Ace
10485s could possibly even go off for the Hanzo
10487s here and look more towards uh not
10489s necessarily A Genji but I was thinking
10491s potentially
10492s depending on the hero pool I think Ace
10494s is more of a head scan isn't he so no
10496s he's not he's the flex DPS so he could
10497s go towards an echo he could go towards
10500s repair Sombra depending on how they want
10502s to play through this it is going to be a
10504s Jungle Queen from Kelvin are they
10506s expecting ashken and for Winston because
10507s now I think they're going to be yeah
10509s maybe a bit lacking in the mirror but
10510s they should still be the out skill on
10512s individual mechanics
10514s and that's certainly what they're gonna
10515s have to be leaning on for this exchange
10517s opening scrap
10520s trying to use a wall to isolate up
10521s Calvin
10524s in too long and not able to pop the
10527s ability to freeze himself stay safe
10530s and now two doubt as Ash Kane goes down
10533s as well Thailand just sort of forcing
10535s the brawl to happen there and uh it pays
10537s off brilliantly for them
10539s and again they haven't lost a fight yet
10542s I have barely lost members
10545s can't even remember too many players
10547s dying on the first round if any
10551s I took a long time for Singapore to find
10553s outfits as well on sanctum I took her
10556s definitely way too long
10558s vital down early and about to Ace just
10562s getting all over him and now trying to
10564s get aggressive here adds a low low
10566s Calvin but able to stay topped off as
10568s they dust off paper Singapore train to
10570s make the fight happen trying to follow
10572s up and secure Calvin but they just end
10574s up in so deep does go down and VIPs able
10577s to freeze himself up to stay alive
10580s and there we go come on back come on
10582s come on he did get vital previously
10585s that's true can you I guess because it
10587s can't encounters you you doubled up with
10589s the same play but I call it I call it
10591s you know delayed Ace oh okay let's go
10593s down I get at least half point on that
10596s one that's worth half a point yeah
10599s that's how trivial Works yep yep
10608s and now just a bit of an honest brawl
10611s double coalescence love to see it the
10614s Singapore trying to rotate on towards
10615s the point thanks to that Lake Hill on
10616s Ace he is back with the team though
10618s Calvin quite low vital dead in Singapore
10620s do get a cap here we go blade coming in
10622s from Ace we're gonna get done with this
10624s taking a lot of heat for his trouble so
10626s married from cup kind of making it
10628s impossible for him to pick up any kills
10629s instead it's gonna be the overclock
10631s running now a sound barrier from maputo
10633s is here we go both High vision and Ace
10635s pick up one high Vision picking up five
10636s more though in the end so a lot of cards
10639s thrown down onto the table for both
10640s teams Thailand's still comfortably
10642s winning the fight double DPS ultimates
10644s if it wasn't going to be ace high vision
10645s gets to easy clean up there as well
10647s brilliant shots coming through the vital
10649s is just getting demolished is not really
10652s a fun game just choosing the wrong
10653s character yeah unfortunately this can
10655s happen you can just lose at the
10657s character selection swing that's what's
10659s happened that's how I tend to lose
10662s was your shoes the right character then
10663s ah my bad
10668s now final fight territory here for
10670s Thailand
10672s Ace already fighting vital huge huge
10676s catch there with the Rampage from Calvin
10677s very quick clean up and again it's going
10680s to be nobody touching at the 100 Mark
10682s here for Singapore Thailand two and zero
10685s very comfortable yeah and they they lost
10687s one fight in there but Thailand still
10690s no issues whatsoever yeah not quite a
10692s 200-0 but as close as you can get
10695s only the first round in particular was
10697s just like a complete Wipeout on Sanctum
10702s uh yeah this was this is the
10706s first Ace got one with the blade and
10707s then High vision went I can do better
10709s and dead got three well the blade got
10711s sound barrier so hard to get something
10713s with the sound barrier running that was
10714s a pretty solid start I think exactly
10716s what we were expecting to see out of
10717s Thailand including an Ace from an ace uh
10719s how do we feel about that Domino
10722s yeah no no surprises there except for
10725s maybe vital being on a widow uh was
10727s probably the surprise there uh as uh
10731s Avril has mentioned look obviously
10732s definitely Heroes there are better picks
10734s for certain maps and certain
10735s compositions and sometimes you just do
10737s need to know what those are and you just
10738s need to play into them um so I am of
10740s course surprised to buy the Widow picks
10742s as well like I can see both teams trying
10744s to do this raw composition where you do
10746s have a DPS off the side that's getting
10748s the pick so whether that's the sojourn
10749s or the hanza or someone off the off
10751s angle but I just don't think it works
10753s there with the Widow not only go there
10755s not only are there better picks but in
10757s this game it is also possible to have
10758s worse picks as well so you don't just
10760s have you're not just going back to
10761s neutral doesn't go back to zero if you
10763s didn't pick the right pick you can go
10764s negative yeah you can actually become a
10767s liability on the team sometimes which
10769s genuinely was it was constantly getting
10770s dope constantly getting finished off
10771s because it was such a free kill if you
10773s wanted to get on top of him just wasn't
10775s really able to impact the game and a
10776s little bit of a rough start there for
10778s Singapore unfortunately as we know
10779s already mathematically eliminated from
10781s contention to to fight really this is
10783s all just for Glory now just sort of
10784s recover a little bit from uh what was a
10787s disastrous first week and not the
10788s hottest start to that recovery we'll
10790s have to see if they can maybe turn
10791s things around after the break
10793s [Music]
10805s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
10808s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
10811s value means more at macca's so grab a
10813s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
10817s [Music]
10823s [Music]
10826s thank you
10829s [Music]
10842s [Music]
10885s foreign
10893s [Music]
10900s [Music]
10924s foreign
10928s [Music]
10942s [Music]
10953s foreign
10963s [Music]
10972s welcome back ladies and gentlemen we are
10975s in the throes of our final series for
10977s the evening between Singapore and
10979s Thailand Thailand picking up a
10981s comfortable win on Nepal and uh I mean
10984s yeah as we kind of said fairly expected
10987s result from that map and uh no points
10989s for guessing what map we're going to
10991s next but I still maybe expect a slightly
10993s wider Singapore I was like man vitals
10995s back in maybe they could do a little bit
10997s more no unfortunately he ended up being
11000s the issue I'm not gonna lie yeah I'm
11002s glad that you're an artist agreed
11004s yeah
11007s I was hoping as well that we'd see a bit
11009s more there but yeah Thailand just I feel
11012s like they almost weren't contested at
11014s times Ace and high Vision just played so
11017s well and got so many comfortable kills
11019s and
11020s yeah I don't have much else to add
11022s either I mean ironic for a guy called
11024s vital that there just wasn't a lot of
11026s life that he brought to the game
11028s and uh that does mean it's Singapore's
11030s map pick something they've done a lot of
11032s uh and I believe they've picked the same
11034s map every single time in fact it's been
11037s our most picked map so far by a
11039s significant margin Landslide it's
11041s circuit Royale
11045s this is a map that you can play
11046s automaker on is in fact that's why so
11049s hey good choice good choice
11051s [Music]
11053s uh we as you said not surprised uh if
11056s they didn't pick circuit Royale we would
11057s have definitely been surprised because
11058s if they are going to force that
11060s Widowmaker this is the spot to do it but
11062s I know that Thailand is going to have
11064s their answer to this they're going to
11065s have their own Widowmaker and their own
11068s sojourn or Hanzo they're going to be
11070s ready for this so I think Thailand will
11073s still have this one in the bag but yeah
11074s no slouches in the sniper Department
11075s here Thailand it's just going to be a
11077s tough ask uh all up also going over to
11079s the sigmas is a is a thing there and uh
11082s that's what I mean once again I really
11083s feel Calvin will kind of just have the
11085s number on this one I mean beyond that
11087s we're just we've seen way too much good
11089s stuff out of Ace I mean one of our
11090s cleanest cleanest highlights that we
11092s have had this entire tournament has been
11094s Aces dominance on the automaker
11096s especially on circuit that's all we
11097s really played yeah Ace is happy to take
11099s up their battle and um show what's up I
11102s think yeah what is it about is it just
11103s that everyone really likes playing the
11105s snipers what's up is it with circle
11106s Royale
11107s because if you can choose to go to
11109s Monaco why wouldn't you that's fast free
11113s though I've never had the choice
11115s have you had the choice you said you
11117s said that you've gone across Europe and
11119s clearly you've just been south of France
11121s I've largely avoided France I've been to
11123s Paris I like to treat I tend to treat
11126s French tourists here the same way that
11128s they treat tourists in their country
11129s which is to say I've mugged many
11131s Frenchmen
11133s okay that's that was a comment okay you
11136s can skip it you can skip France all
11138s together
11141s I
11142s I feel like you've gone so excited
11146s yeah yeah well we'll get your final
11148s thoughts Domino as we go into Circle
11149s Royale
11151s I honestly got so distracted there I
11154s don't even know what I was going to say
11155s I think it was just agreeing with Avril
11157s about Ace and being very comfortable on
11159s that Widowmaker and again probably
11161s seeing a lot of Aces scored themselves
11167s a place to do it in style and glamor
11171s fun circuit Royale Monte Carlo
11177s I said that's the whole city state there
11180s beyond that is it I like that Highway
11182s you can see in the background that goes
11184s over the harbor or sub Hercules how's it
11186s going I was going to say what's popping
11188s but that's maybe Anonymous thing to say
11189s to an inflatable I like that Highway you
11192s should see in the background that just
11193s like snakes out over the harbor and then
11195s goes back in then you sort of like
11196s what's the point where's that going
11200s connecting Monaco to the rest of France
11205s I don't even have their own Airport
11207s imagine that imagine you're not even
11208s having your they do have a support
11211s that's because they're by the sea
11214s they certainly are what's the name of
11216s the port
11217s uh I know it's Hercules Port Hercules
11221s yeah we talked about that last week
11223s monogask
11225s the club is going to play zarya uh
11228s Thailand's gonna do something wild all
11230s right they are really they're they're
11233s ready to mingle here this is this is
11234s different
11235s now now given this is not something I
11237s think they would ever run versus other
11239s teams Beyond Thailand Malaysia but I
11241s think
11242s I think it might be okay but vital
11245s certainly uh doing uh what we wanted to
11249s see out of him our vision just gonna
11251s have to sort of dust up along the side
11253s take his time poking out Ash cane we'll
11256s probably get a bubble on him as he goes
11257s aggressive not quite able to get stabbed
11259s now yeah they're forced out very nice
11262s for vital
11263s Pop I think Tyler had to keep playing
11265s real calm now I think Tyler okay you
11267s messed around enough time to go Sigma
11268s guys time to play some time to play an
11271s actual here we go but now the change is
11273s happening they understand there we go
11274s yeah good one fellas work out didn't get
11276s the early dive off the Genji would have
11278s been real flashy but didn't have anyone
11280s low enough wasn't able to get the dash
11281s kill and get the resets and as soon as
11282s that immortality came down the
11284s immortality field rather came out from
11285s cup he was a Sitting Duck
11289s as opposed to a swimming maybe in France
11292s is acceptable you're across the border
11293s now now you're now yourself you're not a
11295s coach a little different fellas
11297s no Shenanigans in the principality there
11299s we go high Vision on board oh early
11302s catch very nice opens the door for
11304s Thailand
11306s slowly around the corner to go paper
11309s yeah this is so far out getting tons of
11312s bits there there's Pally they even let
11314s him pick up The Kill supporter combat
11317s Style
11318s now it's cut taking a little bit of a
11320s pummeling here Ash Kane eats a rock
11322s getting topped off bit by bit but we're
11324s still in trouble with vital downtown
11326s solo flux why not
11329s Calvin why don't you Ace me while just
11331s popping off flicking heads wasn't even
11333s necessary but they'll just do it anyway
11335s the dock
11340s oh hell Hercules the dark
11346s the sun it's gonna be a solo push for a
11348s while
11350s so vital kid just backspawn
11356s this is uh oh no I think he's committed
11358s no wait no never mind it's gone
11361s what
11362s a deal oh that's a real time waster for
11366s Singapore sorry the spawn is uh the
11369s spawn is to the side actually it's not
11371s there it's a little bit further back
11372s luckily able to find Calvin in the trade
11374s but losing lips and now ashken likely to
11376s go down here as well
11378s so they don't commit to finishing them
11379s off there we go it finally goes down and
11380s still with cut pushing forward so just
11382s an absolutely disconnected Singapore
11384s right now
11386s should we know the dead player it is he
11388s was marked by the dragon payload has
11390s arrived after mostly cyber pushing yep
11393s Ace does go down so VIPs collecting an
11395s exit kill there but uh honestly he
11397s really wants
11399s long since dead only just getting back
11401s with the team now and already low
11403s victims don't go down to Pali actually
11405s who collects the head shot and uh I mean
11407s Singapore are barely present right now
11409s on this defense
11412s seems to be
11415s you know Thailand they screwed around a
11417s little bit of the start but now they're
11418s gone serious mode
11425s [Applause]
11426s Nino that is what soldier 76 said he
11430s certainly does
11433s little boy right
11435s that's what you are
11437s yeah sure I mean compared to you yes
11440s um okay I mean you are just a physically
11445s larger guy than most Dragon strike
11448s committed from high Vision Ash Kane
11450s gonna go ahead and pop the flux
11453s to the car directly to the Grave
11457s directly Ash Kane eating some damage up
11459s did before he hits the ground there I
11461s really like it when we're seeing High
11462s Vision about to shoot summon and as soon
11464s as he fires the shot the person already
11466s drops dead because Ace just killed them
11468s uh Transcendence over the point here for
11470s a paper a lot of dead memories
11473s yep uh technically does get the
11475s contested there's there's no Focus here
11477s it's a contest with no win condition
11479s with no sense of stalling uh to get the
11481s team back in the mix uh it does stall it
11484s does stall to get the team
11486s the cost of your own life ultimate and
11489s it's not like the rest of it it feels
11490s like they're not even talking to each
11492s other
11501s there was very little of it it was both
11505s shocking and lacking
11508s it didn't it didn't it didn't lack any
11511s shock Factor though like the shock
11512s Factor yeah and a maximal shock
11516s whenever you meet some of those other
11518s things maybe you meet something called
11519s Max you always hope that it's short for
11522s Maximilian but it never is
11524s we both know someone called Max and I
11526s don't know what it's sure for Maxwell
11531s sometimes you get a maxim uh if they're
11535s if they're uh from Eastern Europe these
11538s days and I really despise this these
11540s days I keep meeting people who are just
11541s called Max it's not even short or
11543s something and I'm like is that short for
11544s Maximilian or maximum they go no it's
11545s just max it's just math disgusting
11554s I think the best name the best name that
11557s was ever invented is Elizabeth because
11559s that name can be anything that is the
11562s most versatile name like I've got three
11565s family members all called technically
11568s called Elizabeth and they are they go by
11570s Liz Betty and Beth and you're like those
11573s are three completely different names
11575s but they're not that's the same name
11578s impressive stuff
11580s got a lot of mileage on that name really
11582s do really can get any mileage today on
11585s the life Weaver this will be some of our
11587s second time we've actually had life
11589s Weaver being played first was
11591s very short I think it was
11595s I don't actually think I think it was in
11597s sport for a brief second and changed off
11599s before it actually saw action uh of
11601s course so no sorry I've confused this
11604s with uh continuous Australia Ace is
11606s about to get enough kill yeah we won't
11608s want to stop we're not going to mention
11609s this
11610s and now for another one come on ash Kane
11621s one in the first map and now he'll
11623s definitely get one this map beautiful
11624s stuff getting pulled to safety by Pally
11627s with the life grip
11628s so our first real life Weaver gameplay
11631s then
11632s as uh Thailand do a little patrolling
11635s but there are at least planes four out
11636s of the five Great characters instead of
11638s last time which was minimal
11641s is a um the character is from Thailand
11644s isn't he that's actually true they don't
11646s play the Thai character really rapid
11648s it's a shame the team Australia have not
11650s played junkrat for that reason but they
11652s have played junker Queen wait no they
11654s haven't actually haven't that's right
11655s they haven't touched any of the Hometown
11657s Heroes on that either I think roadhog is
11659s technically a kiwi it's technically
11661s because I'm confirmed unconfirmed it's
11663s from dubious location in Oceania man of
11666s dubious origin oh nice catch on the
11668s paper Ace continuing to click
11669s headscarbon does go down but even then
11672s Singapore not really in a position to
11674s benefit much from that opportunity nice
11676s enough to pull Ace to safety was
11678s otherwise about to start feeling legit
11681s legit nice gameplay from Life Weaver wow
11684s unbelievable
11697s though uh with that flux trading back
11700s now vital and VIPs both out as Calvin
11702s reenders has a flux of his own major
11704s solo flights Ash Kane again the flux
11706s Flex I like to call it
11709s just backing away letting it go
11714s 135 left of this
11723s at least it's
11725s um
11727s the flux should be coming through this
11729s place surely Ace you're not gonna get
11731s him I think you know it's funny it's
11733s like Pally saving the life grips just
11735s for Ace not even one Ash Kane is super
11738s low totally out in the cold here nobody
11740s able to quite finish him off as the
11741s healers at his bag VIPs low but once
11743s again Singapore have had to back way out
11746s of the play that's still waiting to get
11748s topped off of course they lost cup
11750s no one can
11752s hide only just back now and in for Sight
11754s running
11756s VIPs away away from the ultimate still
11758s maximal respect for the emphasize no one
11760s even really wants to Peak that at least
11761s without a shield Max and a million
11764s respect
11767s just the three little words three
11770s letters
11773s and there we go VIPs that's another one
11774s it's more than three that is but he's
11776s down and I mean Thailand just looks
11778s cruisy on this defense paper now going
11780s down just clicking some heads inside
11782s when it gets down to just ash Kane
11784s they're like all right guys who wants it
11785s we slow that one down a little bit
11787s that's the last slice of pizza 20
11789s seconds
11791s that's a goal installing fresh going to
11794s respawn here
11796s and uh I think Calvin fluxes them off
11800s the point and no one touches because of
11801s that it probably is what's going to
11803s happen only eight seconds left and that
11805s is if they don't all just get their
11806s heads clicked on the way to the cart
11807s VIPs is going to go ahead and dive for
11809s it is in position
11813s what's happening where's the tree bims
11816s does go down though did go in for that
11817s ultimate so uh dragon blade canceled
11820s High Vision just hanging out around the
11821s side still holding him we've already
11823s committed the flux the tree is out
11825s didn't save High Vision paper down Ash
11827s Kane low cut the wall uh the window
11830s rather is out certainly not a wall
11832s Ash game still just keeping presents on
11835s the cart vital now down behind him not
11837s many members here laps does finally go
11839s down and that's gonna be the last iota
11841s of resistance on the cart see you later
11844s Hercules
11847s I'm kind of unexpectedly when and uh
11851s what was your attacking time again it
11853s wasn't like it was three four three
11855s forty yeah sounds about right let's take
11858s a look at the 5K again yeah we missed
11860s the first two kills one and this is how
11861s he got him two it'd be funny if the game
11863s didn't give you all five
11866s three there we go then he gets paper
11868s in the game yeah yeah and again didn't
11871s give you all five that's what I said
11872s because the last one
11873s unfortunately came through too slow yeah
11875s it took a little took a little bit of a
11876s time there but uh yeah absolutely
11878s unsurprising result there uh yeah Domino
11881s do you have any thoughts because I don't
11884s not a huge amount uh I feel like
11887s Thailand just proved they have a very
11890s strong Widowmaker player actually
11891s they've got a very strong DPS lineup uh
11894s both the Widowmaker High vision and Ace
11896s both really good and then I kind of
11897s loved that they played someone they
11900s played a life Weaver which obviously we
11901s don't often expect so that was kind of a
11904s nice sort of to see that there but then
11906s I loved that Ace knew they had life we
11908s were like kind of in their back pocket
11910s so Ace could play really aggressively
11912s play some angles you maybe wouldn't but
11913s that's fine because lifewave is just
11915s gonna pull you back if it gets uh you
11917s know if you get into a dangerous
11919s situation so I kind of love that they
11921s had that going on I wonder how the
11922s communication was there like it must
11924s have been quite good you know Ace knew
11926s when they had could go forward so I I
11928s really love that they uh did that on
11930s that final map there
11933s yeah why not all right I have to say
11936s towards the end of this it it started to
11939s feel like just kind of punching the
11940s clock for Thailand this felt very bad I
11943s would certainly look at the clock I yeah
11945s it was very I don't know it felt very
11947s routine it felt like uh you know when
11949s you do your dream job for long enough
11950s and it just becomes your job
11958s it starts to lose its lust it starts to
11961s lose its charm Thailand we're just sort
11963s of like I guess uh uh no that is
11965s actually a genuinely uh you know a solid
11967s win in Thailand should be very pleased
11968s themselves and uh let's go ahead and
11969s actually catch up with the Thai player
11971s let's go ahead and say hello once again
11972s to a Pluto another win in the pocket you
11975s guys are still in contention to qualify
11977s out of this group how are you guys
11978s feeling
11980s feeling great yeah very confident right
11982s now
11984s how are you guys uh preparing for this
11986s week differently to last week because
11987s you had a good start in week number one
11989s but then you had the loss versus
11993s uh who did you lose to
11996s uh why am I listening to Australia time
11999s Thailand yeah so you guys have still a
12003s pretty tough opponent in India left so
12005s what sort of changes are we going up uh
12007s into week number two
12008s that listen to titawat
12012s Ina what
12014s he tried like to fix everything for us
12017s and it's worked
12018s yeah I think the most the most
12021s the most effective thing that change is
12024s communication
12026s yeah I actually have a question about
12028s your communication uh because we were
12030s talking just then about how you guys had
12031s a life Weaver and an ace being played
12033s like I know you didn't play either of
12034s those characters but is there a lot of
12036s communication going on there so that Ace
12037s knows when lifeweep is going to be able
12039s to grip them back and support them and
12040s stuff so that uh you know your two DPS
12042s are very well supported by your support
12045s backline
12046s um by you and the life Weaver there I'm
12049s guessing there's a lot of communication
12050s going on for you guys there
12051s or we just left our DPS play and support
12054s this thing about how to support like we
12056s didn't talk anything we just see if he
12058s wants to do something we just look at
12060s them and support them yeah
12063s that's awesome amazing feel it purely
12065s off Instinct and uh yes Kevin Riley
12067s pointed out still a solid tough customer
12069s opponent in India who played against
12072s Australia earlier today now they
12074s actually uh suffered a worse loss
12076s against Australia than what you guys did
12078s you still took that one map off
12080s Australia so how do you feel in that
12082s head to head against India do they feel
12084s beatable do you think Thailand is going
12086s to be one of the two teams qualifying
12087s out of this group
12089s for me I feel like Thailand can be one
12092s of the two teams of the group but it
12095s depends on us as well sometimes our
12097s communication is not good we can lost
12099s them
12101s on that situation yeah I hope tomorrow
12105s everything
12108s is not
12111s everything goes smooth yes yeah well
12114s hopefully you do end up having a nice
12116s showing in the rest of your matches
12117s thanks very much a puto good to catch up
12120s with you again and uh if I'm not
12122s mistaken that leaves us just about
12124s wrapped up for the day congratulations
12126s on the winniputo we'll catch up with you
12127s again next time you get a win
12129s coming up thank you thank you
12135s and a really I guess solid kind of day
12137s overall fairly expected results that
12140s first one Australia versus India was
12141s probably the the closest in terms of
12143s overall contention but Australia
12145s captively picking up that win means they
12147s are officially topping at the
12149s leaderboard Thailand only one game
12151s remaining and that will be against India
12153s that's gonna be a really critical one
12155s that's the one that keeps the dream
12156s alive qualifying out of this group for
12158s Thailand and you can see riding further
12160s down the leaderboard New Zealand keeping
12162s their hopes just barely alive to maybe
12164s still sneak into one of those top two
12166s spots Malaysia and Singapore now both
12168s mathematically eliminated and you also
12171s see by the way that uh due to the loss
12174s of Singapore suffers to Thailand now New
12177s Zealand knee