almost 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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317s so
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448s yay
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546s this
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583s so
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738s so
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879s as long as he can the point is allowed
881s to flip down the mayhem sweep them away
896s [Music]
899s what the hell did i just witness uh
901s pardon all right looks like pork's back
903s on the menu boys
905s killed two
906s and he jumps at sides three
920s [Music]
921s where did that come from
933s aloha and welcome to watchpoint i'm
936s aubulee may joined by jonathan
938s reinforced larsen and scott cuss to
940s kennedy and we're totally not salty that
942s we're not in hawaii right now
944s guys i was gonna ask if we're feeling
945s the fomo yet though but look at chinese
948s faces
949s how can you see anything at this point
952s no
953s i don't know where the camera is
955s just use muscle memory to remember
958s i was told this desk needed more hawaii
962s and here we are
963s and you brought it i wanted to say you
964s look like that kid who shows up to the
966s water park who's just ready to get in
968s there as soon as i am so ready to dive
970s into some overwatch diamonds
973s i'll give you i'll get
974s yeah oh god let's go that's how you
978s started he outdid me i i gonna just
980s accept it i got outdone today
981s you said that there was like some sort
983s of sentimental value to your pineapple
985s shirt well this is we this is the shirt
987s i wore last year when we were actually
989s in hawaii as a desk and i wore this
992s shirt so it has sentimental value
994s he's a child waiting for the pool i'm
996s just reminiscing to the good old days of
998s when i was actually in hawaii and alyssa
1000s our hair and makeup artist as soon as
1002s she put the flower in my hair went
1004s wait does putting the flower on one side
1006s signify anything like
1009s are you married are you like uh uh who
1011s knows and then she ran out the door so i
1013s don't know if i'm accidentally sending a
1015s message to anyone but if i am
1018s let me know in my twitter dms they're
1019s open for some reason but we are living
1022s our own little island life here on set
1024s in tropical irvine california so why
1027s don't we hang loose with our bracket for
1030s the tournament
1033s now yesterday the top four teams picked
1035s their opponents from our winners from
1037s yesterday starting with the shock
1039s choosing the spitfire the gladiators
1041s picking the outlaws the dynasty picking
1043s the spark which means that dallas would
1046s end up with shanghai gentlemen this is
1049s our bracket for the day
1051s scott any thoughts as we're taking off
1052s oh man i'm so excited to see all these
1054s matches we get to see the top four seas
1055s finally play we get to see some
1057s rivalries we get to see some exciting
1059s things uh the san francisco shock made a
1060s tweet of like kong versus godzilla talk
1064s about with chatty versus collusion like
1066s that's what it feels like that's the
1067s moment that we got today so i'm excited
1069s for it now johnny i would ask you what
1071s you thought about seeing the brackets
1072s but you can't see them
1075s move on because guys we have to go we
1077s took it off how can you breathe without
1079s your snorkel
1085s but guys guys we didn't get a lot of
1087s time to talk about uh the picks and
1089s everything last night so i think that
1091s it's time for good pick bad pick
1096s now before we start and get into good
1099s pick bad pick we actually have some
1100s inside information all the way from
1103s hawaii it's the one and only danny
1105s limnick
1107s danny danny boy
1114s awfully thank you uh yeah i just want to
1116s say before i start
1118s johnny and chris you guys look
1119s ridiculous
1120s take that take the flower off
1125s anyways yes guys of course we had no uh
1127s selection show i know so that's why a
1129s lot of you guys were i'm guessing that
1131s we're very curious to see why the teams
1133s picked who they picked don't worry guys
1135s i got you guys i talked to the teams
1137s probably like 30 minutes ago so i got
1139s all the info let's start off with the
1141s shock versus london spitfire i talked to
1143s head coach krusty and krusty said that
1145s they picked london to prove that they
1147s are the best overwatch league team and
1149s in order for them to do that their first
1151s step is to beat the london spitfire who
1154s are the best ryan team that we have and
1157s then from there they're going to take it
1158s step by step one by one by eliminating
1161s uh teams one by one uh and then when
1163s poco from london spitfire uh heard this
1166s he said quote shock is a really good
1169s team we lost against them in our first
1171s match of the season our team grew a lot
1174s since then and now we are more ready to
1176s take on the shock as for the gladiators
1180s i talked to head coach face and he
1182s simply stated houston outlaws were the
1185s worst team that were left and they just
1188s sort of had to go with that uh when
1191s coach jake heard this uh from face uh
1193s what he said was quote
1196s yeah well that's like your opinion man
1200s end quote
1202s and uh that's it for me guys and i guess
1204s back to you thus you guys look
1206s ridiculous
1211s we look great ugly right
1215s johnny looks great oh man daddy looks
1217s great he committed to it he's sitting
1219s there in sweden
1221s hey careful careful she may be sunburned
1224s oh yeah yeah sorry
1225s you sunscreened up right for the truth
1227s [Laughter]
1229s do we want to talk about what danny just
1230s shared with us though because i love
1232s that quote from jake well i mean that's
1234s just your opinion dude jake's just been
1236s getting beaten up do you remember in the
1237s kickoff clash as well when hunter went
1239s hard at him and jake's just like i got
1241s nothing they keep getting picked by the
1242s best is this the second time they got
1244s picked by the gladiators as well
1246s i think it might be so they've just been
1247s getting beaten up by the gladiators for
1248s the last two tournaments so yeah it's
1250s all jake's got he said uh from the
1252s gladiators coach and i quote outlaws
1254s were the worst team left
1256s that does sound like the aligners that
1258s does sound like something and they might
1259s have been right yeah i do like the shock
1261s picking uh spitfire because you know
1263s they want to take down the team with one
1265s of the best rhines out there so i mean
1267s props there yeah yeah props there um i
1271s mean i think it was the logical choice
1272s yeah for the san francisco show because
1274s they've just like they've been one of
1275s those teams to actually know how to beat
1277s that one spitfire with this rhino
1278s composition we've seen several times
1280s this season where the san francisco
1281s shock they know how to orient their way
1283s around the reinhardt shield you know to
1285s set up positions proper something like
1287s tracer like all that so i think it was a
1289s very logical choice because the shock
1291s they don't have any reason to be worried
1292s about the loan of spitfire where some of
1294s these other teams are just like oh
1296s johnny
1298s i was following up off the interview but
1300s i mean that exactly leads into our first
1302s match there with good pick or bad pick
1304s and as you say it's a logical one yeah
1306s and i i like i want to follow on like
1308s what johnny just said like the the
1310s london spitfire they're a great team we
1312s hyped them up all the time they they've
1313s been like popping off and they've
1315s exceeded expectations by such a large
1317s margin it's very impressive what they've
1319s done with the players that they have but
1321s we're talking about the san francisco
1322s shock we're talking about profile we're
1323s talking about kilo we're talking about
1325s all of their great rookies on top of
1327s that they have violet in the back line
1329s so they're looking absolutely dominant
1331s they should not be afraid of the london
1332s spitfire and as they said in the
1333s interview they aren't
1335s now as the second seed the los angeles
1338s gladiators were up next to choose and
1340s for their opponent they chose the
1341s houston outlaws so costa was a safe good
1344s pick or a bad pick i think it's a good
1346s pick the houston outlaws have been you
1348s know somewhat inconsistent and they've
1350s been solid throughout the season but
1352s they've never sort of hit that next
1353s level nowhere close to what the
1354s gladiators are right now we saw these
1357s two teams play off you know just a few
1359s matches ago and the gladiators got away
1361s with a clean 3-0 sweep there was some um
1365s i guess charlie niners in there some
1368s questionable positioning some
1369s questionable choices being made by the
1371s houston outlaws but if they're c9 that
1373s means they were in the game at some
1375s point they were close to winning so the
1378s houston outlaws aren't that far away but
1379s if you're the gladiators you have to
1381s come in confident in today's match yeah
1382s i mean if you don't c9 on new queen
1385s street and gibraltar in that series the
1387s houston outlaws they're one fight away
1389s from actually winning both of those maps
1390s against the alligators so even though
1392s that was the 3-0 i don't think this
1394s matchup is as cut and dry as we like to
1395s believe i actually do think that the
1397s houston outlaws even though they're the
1398s underdog they have a genuine chance to
1401s win this match i think we're gonna have
1402s spicy predictions later in the day but
1404s last but certainly not least of the
1407s choosers
1408s we're talking about another team right
1410s now we're talking about another match
1412s please let's uh share some spotlight
1414s with our next match which is going to be
1416s the seoul dynasty who chose to take on
1419s the hongzhou spark even after seeing
1422s what chai did to my poor philly boys
1426s yesterday so was this a good pick or a
1428s bad pick johnny i mean
1432s considering considering the two teams
1434s that were left yes uh i think this was
1436s the right pick from the soldiers this is
1438s a team you know um as you can see
1440s dancing swept spark in the last two
1441s meetings but also like if you're the
1443s sole dynasty like yeah they have shy but
1445s you have fit you have stalker like come
1447s on you can match them when it comes to
1449s the sojourn and the hit scan play and i
1451s mean then you have the entirety rest of
1453s the soul dynasty to worry about costa so
1455s i do feel like the soul dynasty they're
1456s in a pretty good spot here and if you
1458s might lose like the soldier in battle
1461s where it come to this matchup because
1462s shy is just like unbelievable alfie by
1464s the way i'll be so good
1466s okay but seoul dynasty as a whole i i
1469s think they are the better team so i
1470s don't think you should be too concerned
1472s are you really going to say oh alpha yi
1473s though when profit is on the other side
1476s and smurf you think bernard and alfie
1478s are going to go toe-to-toe with smurf
1480s profit well i no i i'm just saying alfie
1483s what's good
1485s but he's not profit good and that's
1486s that's my whole take for this match like
1488s we the hong kong spark they have been
1490s had good performances shai is gonna do
1492s shy things but stop at the end of the
1494s day seoul dynasty has one of the best
1496s dives in the world with profit and smurf
1498s why didn't you say yesterday that you
1501s said that shy bet his best hit scam
1503s player in the end
1505s he said that we can roll back the tape
1508s well i don't think we can we can't do it
1509s right now but twitter can do it okay
1511s twitter don't come at me okay because
1514s i'll i'll fight for this but yes i think
1515s he is one of the best hitscans in the
1517s world but you know fitz is no slash
1519s stalkers no slaps they can go toe-to-toe
1521s with him it's the rest of the team that
1523s you have to worry about the entire seoul
1524s dynasty we haven't even talked about the
1526s backline vin name has a rookie of the
1528s year candidacy going for himself right
1529s now on main support so i think that's an
1532s irony though
1534s i i don't have a point though i'm sorry
1535s i don't know i don't know super rich
1537s yeah i mean listen i'm just gonna like
1539s go speak with our graphics department
1541s and see if i could get like a lower
1542s third or something that pops up and just
1544s says in quotation marks custa says
1547s shai is the best hit scan player
1550s i love it i shouldn't have said that you
1552s know what that's a new show that's a new
1554s segment custa says we're just gonna fill
1555s it with all of just like these uh uh
1558s baseless not baseless because we
1559s actually saw the gameplay and shy
1561s slapped everyone but i do like that idea
1564s for this segment but guys those are the
1566s three matches that were chosen but the
1568s one which i suppose we can call the
1570s leftovers match might actually be the
1572s most compelling of them all we'll get
1575s into the dallas fuel versus the shanghai
1577s dragons right after this break so don't
1579s go anywhere bad pick bad pick come on
1582s they were left
1588s [Music]
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1709s [Music]
1720s [Music]
1722s hmm
1726s [Music]
1734s [Music]
1739s hey
1740s [Music]
1748s [Music]
1764s hey everyone and welcome back to
1766s watchpoint where when we wear sandals we
1769s also keep our socks on
1772s wait wait don't you have where are your
1774s feet did you put where are your feet
1777s on my legs usually what i thought you
1779s went did you take your you took your
1782s flip-flops off well what are the flip
1784s flops
1788s okay no no that's this we just got dane
1791s we got a ryan flop right here yeah i got
1793s i got my own
1796s i got my own little uh
1798s line here yeah we got ryan flip as well
1799s but the flip is hiding somewhere so uh
1803s yeah it's uh you know keep your eyes out
1805s uh for the hawaii line uh from reinforce
1809s uh something thank you to whoever made
1811s this i forgot who made it but
1813s i would purchase this bridge
1815s i thought you were just gonna shove your
1817s feet up and then that was our quick bit
1818s but i love the fact that you actually
1819s just had him on hand
1821s now later today the dallas fuel will
1823s take on the shanghai dragons these two
1826s teams seem destined to meet each other
1828s because this rivalry kind of defined the
1831s 2021 season custa yeah and this is a
1834s matchup that we've seen so many times
1836s over the last like 12 months because it
1838s was the east versus the west you know
1840s the shanghai dragons versus the dallas
1842s fuel all of last year they were the
1843s dominant teams coming out and you can
1845s see the results here on your screen the
1847s dallas fuel had the better of them in
1849s the first half of the season but as time
1851s went on as soon as shanghai dragons
1852s adopted that wrecking ball set up they
1855s started to get that edge and they went
1856s on to win the entirety of the 2021
1858s season we have not seen these two teams
1861s face off head to head so far this season
1863s and i'm excited for it because funnily
1865s enough we actually see very similar
1867s styles coming out from both of these
1869s teams the dallas fuel are playing on the
1870s back of that fearless winston they are
1872s still playing some of this lucio where
1874s oh my god look how many players are on
1875s this game
1876s this is 2021 footage obviously but
1878s there's the shanghai dragons as well
1880s playing facebook wrecking ball izzyaki
1882s likes to play that zenyatta he's not
1884s playing it here but they are playing
1885s those two styles right now so it's a
1887s clash of what we expect from both of
1889s these teams we know the dragons are a
1891s great team they stumbled a little bit in
1893s this mid-season madness started slow
1895s trying to lean on void but ever since
1898s they made that transition to fate being
1899s the main tank and playing around that
1901s dodge style they've looked a lot better
1903s so will dallas fuel have the answer to
1905s that in this matchup today what is this
1906s time
1908s this
1910s what
1910s two cp is dead and we we we are happy
1913s about that johnny we have to say it now
1914s can i say it oh okay oh yes you should
1917s say it now get it out of the way okay
1918s i'm gonna say it
1919s everyone of watchpoint
1921s i'm confused where's hanamura on the map
1924s cycle i like hanamura no we don't miss
1926s no
1927s you do not we're talking about something
1928s important here and you bring up hanamura
1930s no i want you like
1932s hanamura is n2cp they're gone thank you
1936s they're gone they're gone forever but
1937s you know it's knock on the history
1939s between these two teams jonathan because
1942s this one is extra spicy with both teams
1945s returning to their 2021 strategies
1947s despite so many changes in the game
1950s since like conor are being gone yeah i
1952s mean kosta hit on it it casts a hit on
1954s it perfectly
1955s but it's so exciting because even though
1957s we've changed to five versus five and
1959s like the game is all messed up or in a
1962s good way but
1964s the status of you are playing the same
1967s stuff they were doing last year with six
1969s players on their team they're playing
1970s this very aggressive dive style they
1973s like to bring out the moira you can't
1974s see the moira here but you can see like
1975s tracer soldier they did play some anans
1978s and yarin the mid-season madness but
1979s lucio winston these are the kind of
1981s heroes you're going to see when dallas
1983s fuel play the actual game genji in there
1984s as well 8.4 but if you take a look at
1987s the shanghai dragons they're playing
1988s what they were so good at last year a
1991s ton of sojourn brigitte senora like
1994s they're they're not playing this fast
1996s lucio style backline they're playing
1997s zenyatta and brigitte which is way
1999s slower and way more about controlling
2001s the game you can see wrecking ball as
2003s well eleven point six percent uh ash as
2005s well comes in eight point nine percent
2006s that's an apec favorite but you can see
2008s the difference in compositions from both
2011s of those teams and i think it's going to
2012s be so much fun to watch these teams go
2014s head to head because dallas fuel they're
2016s known for their aggressive dive style
2017s when fearless he can't play the doomfist
2019s like he's showing me right here punching
2020s people off the map but you're going to
2022s see much more winston from him come the
2024s actual game time and winston i mean
2026s we've seen a couple teams like utilize
2028s it like views for example from the
2029s toronto defiant but you really have to
2031s be like a top tier winston to be able to
2033s make it work but there's also been times
2035s when he hasn't been able to make it work
2036s so a lot of question marks going into
2038s this matchup when it comes to the dallas
2040s fuel and being able to play this winston
2042s will fearless get away with it he hasn't
2044s had the best year so far and then of
2045s course you have the shanghai dragons who
2047s already proved last year as we saw with
2049s the match of costa they're able they
2052s know how to punish fearless on this
2053s winston so i would say that dallas are
2055s the underdogs here interestingly enough
2057s the one the the thing that has been
2059s shutting down the dallas fuel is the
2060s doomfist the doomfist is very good
2062s against that winston with those shotguns
2063s the shanghai dragons haven't shown any
2065s willingness to play that so far this
2067s season so will that be a boon for the
2069s dallas field will they have more freedom
2070s to play their game compared to the
2072s shanghai dragons i mean just as you
2073s would said it the doomfist and fearless
2076s i just want to know do you think
2078s what else could be the x factor besides
2080s fearless on the squad i think you know
2082s we talked about lips so much yesterday
2084s how good he is on that ash i want him
2086s want to see him pop off because the
2087s dallas fuel don't really have an answer
2089s to that you know gurio has been fine but
2091s they haven't really been leaning into
2093s that this tournament and then we have
2095s you know edison who just hasn't really
2097s played much of that hitscan they prefer
2098s to play that like tracer genji or just
2100s fast style so the question becomes can
2103s the dallas fuel play fast enough to shut
2105s down lip and sort of not give them that
2107s tempo being able to get that damage out
2109s or will they just get you know as johnny
2111s said just ignore lip maybe that's not
2112s the
2115s ignoring that's strategy specific all
2117s right all right they need to shut down
2119s you can't just copy paste analysis yeah
2121s i can't work i can and i will that's
2123s what i do every day that's that's more
2124s about you to me
2126s let me just pull up a reddit thread copy
2128s paste this into that but i know that
2129s there are going to be quite a few people
2131s who will be excited for that match but
2134s when i woke up this morning i was
2136s excited for other reasons because we're
2138s getting a new mercy skin that's right
2141s you can get royal night mercy for 200
2144s league tokens now throughout august 19th
2147s now custa i know that you also like
2149s mercy like me so what do you think of
2151s this new skin yeah i actually really
2153s like it i think it's a cool skin
2154s everything about it it's very unique to
2156s what other mercy skins but i'm getting
2158s like tomb raider vibes like tomb raider
2160s ps1 from the breastplate so i don't know
2163s i don't know how to feel about it
2164s you know how i would feel if i saw a
2167s hanzo arrow flying at me full speed i
2170s would wish that i had a mercy
2172s breastplate like that because it's just
2173s gonna doink off and i'm protected yeah
2176s okay you're right you're right you're
2177s right anything that keeps me alive
2178s that's all i need
2180s what is bob made of is he made of plates
2183s metal because he's a he's a robot right
2185s is he like resistant to answer arrows
2187s because he's a bob plate nevermind
2190s i think we need to discuss this a little
2191s bit more in depth but we can't do that
2193s right now because we are going to take a
2194s short break but when we get back we've
2196s got our predictions and then we'll do
2198s our best to defend them and not throw
2200s stuff at each other on set this time
2203s again see you on the other side guys
2205s don't throw the pineapple or the coconut
2207s because that's put it down
2245s [Music]
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2376s [Music]
2389s welcome back to watchpoint as day two of
2392s the mid-season madness tournament is
2393s about to start it's time for predictions
2396s what what's that predictions now instead
2399s of at the end of the show my lord i'm
2401s changing everything up new houses
2403s let's go let's see him let's see
2405s no
2406s oh god i'm so out of room i can't wait
2408s to see what happens
2409s this whoa
2411s you did it
2413s what did you do
2416s oh
2416s my god gentlemen gentlemen hear me out
2419s okay that's disgusting shows i chose the
2422s outlaws i chose spitfire and i chose the
2424s spark and i just hear me out okay
2427s remember
2428s uh
2430s i'm good buddies with our friend jake
2432s who is the assistant coach over on the
2434s outlaws i have full faith in him and not
2436s only that but i found out that my buddy
2438s bishou is over there now too as like a
2440s manager yeah and that's why i think the
2442s outlaws are going to take it over the
2443s gladiators they've got no shot and then
2445s of course spitfire i'm sticking with
2447s them they're going to take the shock i
2448s don't care
2449s of course and then now hear me out for
2451s the final prediction okay
2453s i can't let the spark
2455s lose
2456s and potentially have to go against the
2458s fusion again in the loser's jacket i
2460s just can't let it happen i'm not strong
2462s enough i can't let it happen but listen
2464s that's enough from my very valid
2465s prediction please philly peso
2468s oh my god it's so genius oh my god
2470s because they beat souls you want soul to
2471s drop down so if you can beat them again
2473s that's exactly every that was exactly my
2476s game plan that was going on through my
2477s head the entire time scott you picked
2480s seoul so how confident are you in that
2481s matchup i'm
2483s kind of confident exactly for the reason
2485s that johnny just said so you know we're
2487s going to use some transitive properties
2489s here hex just taught me that long word
2490s so uh
2492s if seoul lose to philly and mn3 being
2495s sick like we all remember this match of
2496s m and three clicking heads we all went
2498s crazy and the fusion beat seoul in this
2500s matchup so then if
2503s shai and the hong joe spark beat philly
2507s then that theoretically means that
2510s by some form of idea of math or
2512s something then the spark should beat the
2515s soul dynasty if it all makes sense so
2518s there is a chart soul dynasty they are
2520s one of the favorites heading into this
2521s tournament they have such a great team
2522s we highlighted that earlier you know
2524s profit smurf all that good stuff but if
2527s shai does
2528s what he did to mn3 here and he can do
2531s this again the spark are in for a shot
2532s and there is always a chance because we
2534s know how much mn3 did against the sole
2536s dynasty last time they didn't have an
2538s answer to that hitscan prowls so yeah
2542s like
2543s 70 30. i would say 70 chance soul win 30
2546s smart wins
2547s yeah and look at this this is how much
2550s shy did against mn3 he went crazy on all
2553s these heroes he had 20 plus more final
2556s boys he had 20 more eliminations he had
2558s 10 less deaths and he did more damage
2561s than mn3 shy as i said best hit scan in
2564s the world right now if he can show up
2566s against seoul dynasty
2567s it could go crazy it could be an upset
2569s and then seoul dynasty would lose to
2571s philadelphia fusion in the lower bracket
2573s and seoul dynasty get knocked out first
2574s round like everyone thought
2576s i like this i like this thought process
2578s a lot but johnny you like most people
2580s have picked san francisco but you're
2582s looking even
2584s further uh ahead for what this
2585s tournament could mean for the shock i'm
2587s looking into the future looking into the
2589s future looking into the future
2590s and what do my brain what does my brain
2592s see well
2594s success for the san francisco actually
2597s the good things are coming their way i
2599s don't know why i'm speaking like a
2600s wizard because they if they beat the
2602s london spitfire here today
2604s it's actually really good for the san
2606s francisco shock the fact that they're
2607s avoiding vla gliders and they're
2609s avoiding the seoul dynasty the two uh
2612s kickoff clash champions in their
2614s respective regions so you can see that
2616s the san francisco shock if the beatles
2617s spitfire today
2619s that means that they'll play the winner
2620s of dallas fuel and the shanghai dragons
2622s and you know but before we get into like
2624s oh 2021 you know these teams were
2626s amazing like both of those teams have
2628s had their fair share of struggles in
2630s this stage
2631s dallas fuel of course they haven't
2633s really found out their identity shanghai
2634s dragons just recently found out who they
2637s were going to be with fate playing the
2638s wrecking ball and going back to a 21
2640s strategy so i think that the summit is
2642s going to shock they're unbeaten so far
2644s in the regular season and they struggled
2646s in the kickoff clash
2647s tournament itself but if they beat it on
2649s spitfire here today i would not be
2651s surprised to see the shock going go on a
2652s bit of a run in the upper bracket that
2654s could help them out
2657s and
2658s now you've been sharing this player's
2660s name basically as soon as i pulled into
2662s the parking lot gospel singing like
2664s awesome who is proper and why are we so
2667s crazy to see him play so proper let me
2669s let me just you know welcome to the
2671s overwatch league so exciting okay yeah
2672s proper is the truth okay he is a rookie
2675s of the year candidate coming in he's an
2677s mvp of the year candidate so far on ju
2680s not just his tracy look at those stats
2682s hero damage final blows number one but
2684s he has been good at everything else that
2686s he's ever had to touch for the san
2687s francisco shock team he can play the
2688s sojourn he can play the genji he's so
2690s versatile and that's been such a big
2692s boon for the san francisco shock this
2694s season he has been incredible and
2697s also legally we have to put him in
2699s everything we have to play um
2702s it was yeah it was written into his
2703s contract uh so but proper is that player
2706s but i do want to caveat this
2708s in the kickoff clash in the west he did
2710s not show up in the level that we know
2712s him for so when he was on land when it
2714s all came down to it the san francisco
2716s shocks team said we need to be better in
2718s the playoffs so that is the player i'm
2719s primarily looking at for the san
2721s francisco shock team to take them to
2723s that next level now that it all matters
2725s and hey this is hawaii this is the
2727s tournament gotta show up now and
2729s especially he has to continue to supply
2731s us with more obligatory tracer
2733s highlights yeah we got to keep them
2734s going got to keep them going
2736s absolutely zero shortages for us here
2739s but gentlemen that is it for watchpoint
2742s day two of the mid-season madness
2744s tournament starts right now
2746s let's go
2749s to the finish line cause we have to get
2751s it feeling fine keep it up and we'll be
2753s creeping up one another
2755s the team hits the shadow of his own and
2757s pins charon to the wall as long as he
2761s [Music]
2772s another one falls
2775s [Music]
2778s what the hell did i just win this uh
2781s pardon all right looks like pork's back
2783s on the menu boys
2785s killed two
2786s and he dropped it sights
2799s [Music]
2801s where
2803s [Music]
2812s ah yes once again the houston outlaws
2815s get dragged out to face the los angeles
2817s gladiators who sort of look around them
2819s and go right who do we have basically
2821s nailed down who do we feel most
2823s confident about getting over here until
2824s made it very clear last time the
2826s gladiators played the outlaws i mean we
2828s think you guys are the minnows here the
2830s weakest by far we want you to face us
2833s again matt
2834s yeah not exactly uh the nicest from the
2837s gladiators in terms of how they view the
2839s houston outlaws uh although houston
2842s feels like i think i saw jake tweet out
2843s that like it feels like they're all
2845s starting to hit their stride here uh at
2847s the right time so maybe the outlaws can
2848s make some noise i also gotta say uh
2851s oddly and reinforced definitely tried
2853s and made attempts and did the hawaii
2855s thing good scott put zero effort in
2857s whatsoever well no he said that he was
2859s wearing the last hawaiian shirt so it
2861s was more
2862s simply mentioned well his shirt the one
2864s he's wearing you know this yeah
2866s he said i wore this last time i was in
2868s hawaii you know what i mean so it's kind
2870s of like
2871s i don't know i feel it you know he wants
2873s to try and channel that same energy even
2874s though he's not sitting in a penthouse
2879s let me go find a shirt i bought at a
2881s store in hawaii and be like hey yeah
2883s this is it like i'm wearing my hawaii
2885s best today there are mountains on my
2887s shirt
2889s there are mountains in hawaii i believe
2890s i believe these are in mountains yeah
2892s the only mountain people
2894s yeah chelsea hates this shirt and she's
2896s away so i figured why not pull it out
2897s the only mountain i see is peeking out
2899s over their shoulders big guy but let's
2900s talk about this match up here these now
2902s laws and the los angeles using your uh
2904s your vo and those in those uh you know
2906s b-roll things coming up what do you
2908s think it keeps elevating your head you
2909s know it's we're gonna be you're gonna
2910s have to get a bigger box i'll be i'll be
2912s so i'll be so far off to the side
2914s they're little tiny boxes
2916s they've already offset the cameras i use
2918s a special lens to shrink the size of my
2920s noggin map but that's just more of like
2921s a insecurity thing again houston outlaws
2924s here going to this matchup jake said and
2926s i quote we're peaking at just the right
2929s time that's very important in
2930s tournaments like this one right
2932s now do you want to peak this early well
2934s maybe what a slow burn but you really
2936s have to hit another level against
2937s opposition like the los angeles
2939s gladiators man who frankly have been
2940s just been utterly dominant especially
2942s where it really counted right we think
2944s back to texas we think about that
2945s kickoff clash they were the team they
2947s like they had a clean sweep win against
2949s the fuel in that final it was undisputed
2951s that they were on top but online
2954s we know the shock have been doing well
2955s the gladiators still need to double down
2957s and improve here in this tournament they
2958s are the best
2960s yes i mean going into uh the kickoff
2962s clash like the live event in dallas like
2964s it was not clear cut that they were like
2966s the best team right you knew they were
2967s kind of like in the mix right they had a
2969s shot i think really proved there though
2971s uh not only to everybody else but i
2973s think more importantly to themselves
2974s right it's given them that confidence to
2976s then come in have a fantastic mid-season
2978s madness now looking to you know take
2980s down a team like the houston outlaws
2982s push deeper into this tournament uh you
2984s know good placing here right you know
2986s combined with some of their things
2987s they've already done the season gives
2988s them like a lot of leak points a little
2990s bit of leeway going with the rest of the
2991s season but uh confidence has to be at
2994s all time high there on the gladiator
2995s side absolutely i hear you guys enjoy
2997s here cast a start game let's talk about
2999s this starting lineup here for the
3000s houston outlaws let's let's get going
3002s with this match up here pelican and
3003s merit of course merit the artisan the
3005s creator of that that triple kill railgun
3007s shish kabob uh you know bonanza that we
3010s saw uh on coliseum
3014s incredible obviously very rarely we see
3016s like the triple kill of that one shot
3017s that was a very exciting game this team
3019s always is very exciting on a map like
3021s coliseum so i hope to see that one come
3022s up here
3023s but but again when it comes to the tank
3025s play we have a decent idea of what to
3027s see from these guys right it's the
3028s pigment the piggy sigma and obviously
3030s dante turns up and shows us how that
3032s doomfist goes
3033s yeah they they know
3035s uh
3036s if you're the gladiators you know
3037s basically by what the outlaws are going
3039s to come out and do
3041s uh in terms of the tank roll what kind
3043s of competitions you're going to get i
3044s think what that allows the players to do
3046s is they have so much flexibility just by
3048s keeping the same team in that they can
3050s you know plan strats around this
3052s relatively easily
3054s no doubt about it i mean this is this is
3056s a roster here that again it's always
3058s always always got something to prove
3060s here in the overwatch league before they
3061s can even look at taking on their
3062s opposition across the ocean they have to
3064s get a quote unquote domestic win here up
3067s against their opponents today the los
3069s angeles gladiators who've said that
3071s their capstone their defining
3073s achievements so far in the league
3074s outside of obviously winning the kickoff
3075s clashes being the most flexible roster
3079s and that it's kind of hard to argue with
3080s that especially how padapan very quickly
3083s got fast tracked into you know a top dps
3085s after a little slow of a start in that
3088s kickoff clash now
3089s there's no doubters left for him
3092s yeah you can see the gladiators just uh
3095s oh they're having a little bit of a
3096s laugh here uh
3098s it looks like yeah uh kept her
3100s threatening to throw a mouse across the
3102s room a pelican pelican was a little bit
3104s shocking that he started to laugh but
3106s [Laughter]
3108s he didn't flip him off i'm certain of
3110s that there's no way no no he would never
3113s if he saw some of the supplementary
3115s content both these teams say that the
3117s pelican and kempster respectively are
3119s like the biggest pranksters on their
3121s role which you wouldn't you wouldn't
3123s guess like with pelican absolutely every
3126s time danny interviews him pelican just
3128s trolls the hell out of the interview
3130s with like oh yeah piggy wasn't good
3131s today like needs to get better uh
3133s kepster you would never guess like just
3136s whenever we see him on camera just so
3138s focused like kind of like silent
3139s assassin type that you would never guess
3141s that but uh yeah it's quite funny that
3143s they gave those answers in the uh kind
3145s of that content leading up yeah i heard
3146s the gladiators got held up at customs
3148s trying to get hawaii obviously weapons
3149s and sharp objects not allowed so trying
3151s to get ryder's draw line through was a
3153s bit of a test for them but they
3155s obviously managed to make that happen
3156s this team looking ready to roll now as
3158s liang tower comes up first now again
3160s it's loser peak for these maps that's
3162s why the rest of this
3163s graphic isn't exactly filled in but lee
3166s jung first amount we've seen both teams
3168s look pretty uh proficient playing the
3170s doom fist uh reiner kind of plays
3172s everything the gladiators have not had
3173s to sub make any substitutions a tank to
3176s to have the full array of strategies at
3179s their disposal which is no mean feat
3183s and uh in this first map it is the
3185s higher seeded team that gets to choose
3187s this first map so uh this is a
3189s gladiator's map selection uh legion
3191s tower does have a lot of really good
3193s doomfist options so it tells you either
3195s the gladiators feel really confident in
3196s playing their own doomfist against this
3198s and they're countering what yellows are
3200s going to throw at them or they have
3201s something
3202s planned whether they want to run like a
3203s reinhardt let's say in the mix
3207s be a little surprised here if we get a
3208s switch look at it as a night market
3210s first and foremost here
3213s so gladiators on the doomfist plan seems
3214s to make perfect sense it's the back
3216s lines back that are more interesting to
3218s me right we have lucio here for the
3219s gladiators
3221s yeah interesting they'll go lucio with
3222s an anna so uh a little bit more of like
3225s a defensive uh backline so to speak like
3227s with lasher you're getting the discord
3229s orb on the zenyatta and the batiste with
3231s some extra damage as well so let's see
3233s hold on
3234s into this a rider goes right in and he's
3236s gonna get taken out that's immortality
3238s field you straight away though yeah and
3240s i think it will see mortality field that
3241s allows the outlaws to punish rhino in
3243s that way if that's not down there and
3245s there's multi kills uh that are going to
3248s occur against the outlaws so good
3249s response there but iris on baptiste is
3252s just a match made in heaven at this
3253s point
3254s and we talked about the last time we
3256s cast at the outlaws uh that dante does
3258s like a really nice job of peeling on the
3260s doomfist right getting back and
3262s protecting the supports and when you're
3263s playing this backline it is all about
3266s defense i feel like in my mind right
3268s with the immortality field the extra
3270s damage with the discord like it's not a
3272s tremendously high uh you know healing
3274s high octane setup you got here is the
3276s gladiators to go in and use that speed
3278s boost dante maybe realize that where his
3281s seismic slams would not where he wanted
3282s to be funny astra able to find that uh
3284s environmental kill here to start off the
3287s fight so you're really seeing the
3288s strength of both of these backlines at
3289s sort of different points here the glass
3292s obviously can make it much scarier for
3293s the outlaws to give up and play around
3294s the edges of the point with the lucio in
3296s the mix
3297s well well that's what happens when the
3299s immortality field doesn't keep people
3300s alive right you're able to just get
3302s right on top and punish and iris is
3305s going to switch over to the ana so this
3307s will give a little bit more uh no
3308s healing output also when the dive comes
3310s in uh instead of like the immortality
3312s fields won't have that you'll have a
3313s biotic grenade you can throw at your
3315s feet use on the other team that's gonna
3316s be a two-player biotic grenade right off
3318s the bat but capture with some kills here
3319s in the back line may not matter yeah
3321s follow-up isn't there because the
3322s gladiator's gonna take the initiative
3323s away from houston in that fight great
3326s start there as well with this shoe
3328s popping off early
3329s and even though iris you know tried to
3331s pave the way for the outlaws it's too
3332s plays it with their bionic magnets just
3334s no chance really do anything about it
3336s now it's uh at least even the gladiators
3338s moving in the lead yeah there was uh
3339s there was a sleep like as the gladiators
3341s were pushing towards the spawn uh there
3343s was a sleep that came in it looked like
3345s kepster was trying to like body block
3346s maybe it was like a biotic grenade or
3348s something but
3348s end up taking out funny astro but not
3351s enough speed to get back in the mix
3352s right fast enough you're gonna have to
3354s wait here if you're using
3355s a lot of burst damage there rider who
3357s has to
3358s pull out with the medial strike now back
3360s in position will be topped up some nice
3362s old percent there for sure to work
3364s towards find a grenade there to open
3366s this will just slow the outlaws down it
3367s might make the sequencing a bit odd for
3369s dante who's a little caught out of the
3370s moment he's gonna have to use the medial
3372s strike as well great timing from funny
3374s astro hit the sound barrier just in the
3375s nick of time and here's padapan
3378s with the overclock
3380s yeah the transcendence is there but that
3381s overclock will connect with a headshot
3383s and take a player out but
3385s still the gladiators in control oh
3387s oh i was going to say it look like it's
3389s going to flip but the 360 shot there
3390s from petaband also takes out dante
3393s pulse connection though on shoe pelican
3396s picks it up a notch in that fight there
3398s is just as well because if patapan was
3400s free to start to pressure the point it's
3402s a scary scenario for the tracer
3404s yeah another shot there from bonaparte
3406s you would not have bothered to see that
3408s if you're the outlaws but nanoboost here
3410s for both sides so uh potentially just
3413s nanos for the doomfist uh as they go in
3415s try and make a play see if kempster can
3417s land a pulse bomb we saw nice pulse bomb
3419s out of pelican before
3421s one from pelican just now
3423s like you said
3425s great start in this fight though rhino
3426s gets nano to blows here or something
3428s instantly and that really means that the
3429s gladiators are now home free they don't
3431s need to spend any more and heading into
3433s last fight territory with a flip here
3436s yeah no nano used there by the outlaws
3438s so it'll be pelican cannon get a touch
3440s you can potentially use the nano here
3442s even on telastro you wanted we've seen a
3444s lot of teams get the nano over to the
3446s zen to
3447s know make them even stronger right in
3449s terms of damage but also survivability
3452s merit here just trying to poke from
3454s medium range catch to those on the lurk
3456s left side of your screen
3458s pulse
3459s thinks better of it actually just gonna
3460s recall instead merit under pressure but
3462s he's about to deal with rhino the
3463s doomfist is down for the gladiators now
3465s this pulse bomb is even more important
3468s let's just seize the power slide and
3470s iris pulse there iris doesn't get close
3472s enough though to trade and so he goes
3474s down kempton picks himself back up and
3475s shoes found last row this is good for
3477s the clutch but they lost the flip midway
3479s through the fight so they won't win the
3480s round here and now
3483s hey they might though you're gonna have
3484s some players still here for the
3486s gladiators gonna end up flipping the
3487s point is pelicans going to get untouched
3489s he may not even get used to this nano
3491s boost if you're the outlaws that's the
3492s recall now pelicans got nothing left in
3494s the tank he cannot get away over time
3496s though we're still going because dante
3497s is back on the scene now that who's now
3499s for the doomfist destroyer tries to turn
3500s and get the seismic same slow in the
3502s back line of the outlaws but dante tries
3504s to dig a little bit deeper and he gets
3506s padded that's perfect with four players
3508s the houston outlaws come back onto the
3509s point pelicans set up the stall but the
3512s yellows aren't done yet ryder flattening
3514s merit coming down with a medial strike
3516s he's done he's forced off and the
3518s gladiators sneak this one away it's a
3520s little messy at the end there but a c9
3522s is a bit of a stretch there kev
3524s yeah i i don't think so look like dante
3526s may have used the seismic slam to get
3527s out of the way of the meteor strike and
3529s then as he's trying to get back onto the
3531s point just gets punched off of it uh
3533s wouldn't exactly call it a c9 but you
3535s know what though uh
3537s you're sharing the same room you see
3538s type c9 in the chat everybody on your
3540s side gets a little bit of a laugh it
3542s makes it makes it even more of a feels
3544s bad for the outlaws as uh the
3546s multipliers are about to start crossing
3547s the room
3549s yeah yeah you know they should have
3550s brought in some you know call of duty
3552s players coaches here yeah coming in kind
3554s of hawaii would have paid off paid off
3557s in the setup but
3559s uh we'll see what the outlaws probably
3561s go back to the tracer like i don't think
3563s they'll change anything up here i think
3564s you'll probably see oh okay so we're
3566s gonna see genji from the elbows you're
3567s also gonna see it from the gladiators
3569s but they're gonna keep the tracer in the
3570s mix so yeah ditching the sojourn here
3573s interesting both teams valuing genji but
3575s in different ways at least in comparison
3577s to
3578s some of these other dps heroes
3581s genji funny astro gonna chip in there
3583s and make sure pelican is
3584s taken down far too early the gladiators
3586s are in sync right now
3589s and i think when you kind of think about
3591s this point right and the surgeon's so
3593s good for like consistent damage and some
3595s you know medium to long range like kills
3598s uh with the sniper rail gun shot like
3600s what opportunity do you have that here
3602s especially because the outlaws came out
3603s there running the lusu here at the start
3604s right so they wanted to play a little
3606s bit you know faster and more aggressive
3608s you can play the tracer with the genji
3610s and get kind of your traditional type of
3612s dive going on but now the outlaws are
3614s going to switch things up last sure will
3615s come in on the zen and then you're going
3617s to have pelican move away from genji and
3619s he'll play the echo so want to move away
3621s from like that dive competition
3622s altogether
3625s pelican obviously wants to try and fill
3627s one of his opponents really early in the
3628s fight right that sort of burst impulse
3630s that can be provided there it is
3632s gets burnt down and that's a great
3633s defensive disrupter shot
3635s can't get close enough because the
3637s soldier at aoe very clever
3640s yeah basically just drops the disruptor
3642s shot on his back line and you can't just
3645s run into that right it's going to slow
3646s it's going to be very difficult
3648s especially with just the squishier
3649s targets
3650s for the gladiators so
3652s not able to run a really interesting use
3653s of the ability there for merit inside
3655s you'll have reiner go down but it looks
3657s like the gladiators want to push forward
3659s a little bit here poke a bit
3661s he's gonna have both supports coming
3663s online oh they use a nano and going
3664s straight away this is interesting
3665s because you're not at full strength you
3667s have the glass
3668s i like this stuff from the outlaws again
3670s you try and set the pace yourself and
3672s therefore i don't think dante expects to
3673s catch astral with that meteor strike so
3675s he'll be pleased with that one
3677s and that's all he really needs without
3678s the lucio the gladiators don't really
3680s have the maneuverability to get
3682s any opportunities to take the outlaws by
3683s surprise here
3684s well yeah you know you're gonna use two
3686s alts there though for houston and you're
3688s only gonna get to about even like maybe
3690s wait a little bit the gladiator's gonna
3691s pull straight away and that's gonna be a
3693s sound barrier combined with the meteor
3695s strike that's gonna be three kills
3697s straight away for the gladiators
3699s right so two ultimates for two ultimates
3701s matthew but the gladiators now
3703s are about to head back into the lead and
3704s the outlaws don't have too much left in
3706s the war chest
3708s being overclocked here from eric
3710s you know this is gonna be a potential
3711s fight win here for the gladiators you
3713s feel really good about it with a nano
3714s blade on deck
3717s so then what you're looking at getting
3718s up to like 70 plus percent depending on
3721s you know when that fight kicks off then
3722s you know if that ultimate goes away you
3724s think it does
3726s ryder there just
3727s forces the uh the immediate right click
3730s punch from dante hoping to interrupt
3731s them but here's that blade coming in
3733s nano of course last row is out of
3735s options in time
3737s pelicans seen better days as well kept
3739s is going to finish that kill off there
3740s and the gladiators make it two in a row
3743s that was their ultimate bank spent
3744s though now and the outlaws are coming
3746s back to a peak in their economy it's
3748s gonna have to be now
3750s but still enough in a scenario like this
3752s and when you're getting to last by
3754s territory on a map then the pulse bomb
3756s onto a support is enough to like change
3758s the the tide here now last year will
3760s have the transcendence but still oh that
3762s it's going to be a big dive coming in as
3764s reiner collapses with potable that's a
3766s nice part of grenade there from the
3768s outlaws here nails that one and merits
3770s able to start to push through a little
3771s bit more with that overclock
3773s okay nano here
3777s oh well it's a pelicans none yeah so
3779s it's so freaking just
3782s it's free like uh didn't really do
3784s anything but you may as well pop it uh
3787s in case the gliders start to march on in
3789s so outlaws have to be perfect from here
3791s on out you have both support alts here
3793s so pretty big advantage for houston as
3795s gladiators make a change and pattern
3797s going over to the sojourn here late
3800s all right
3803s won't be thinking about ultimate he
3805s maybe just dropped a shot to sort of
3806s this way but it won't work the same way
3808s against the composition that's certainly
3810s trying to dive in the same way pelican
3812s kept topped up in their left-hand side
3813s room though when rhino goes overhead
3814s good sound barrier typing from funny
3816s astro
3817s just quickly enough so the rider
3818s survives and now can get out with a
3820s meteor strike pelican is brought down by
3821s a rail gun and kev has been mostly
3823s undeterred for much of this fight again
3825s very defensive zoning here with that
3827s destructive shot but
3829s that's enough time at least for dante to
3830s get rid of shoot gesture being harassed
3832s by the doomfist they're padded pun
3833s that's a crucial kill he has a doom in
3835s his face man and he gets both of them
3840s he's not going to live for long though
3841s and pelicans going to get a nano on the
3842s way in
3843s tracing natto here pelican only has a
3845s few seconds to make this work greiner's
3847s going to be topped up though when
3848s pelican has to recall here another
3849s disrupt the shot thrown down by merit to
3852s create a little bit of that space but
3853s it's the gladiators holding the point
3855s right now and iris is down pelican is
3857s too late to save his arda and now he
3859s might be in trouble himself capture
3860s wants to try and control that mega
3862s health pack he picks it up and rhino's
3863s gonna back away here power block gives
3865s enough time for shoe to top him up and
3867s it's all the gladiators here
3869s they'll be looking just to finish the
3870s job now and lee jung tower
3873s goes away the purple
3875s and it was two pushes that started the
3877s same way and had the same type of action
3879s or really the ones that decided that
3881s round when funny ass show was able to
3883s follow up reiner uh who's using the
3886s meteor strike and going in with the
3887s seismic slam with that sound barrier
3889s that's when they saw tremendous results
3890s it was like patapon and reiner going in
3892s picking up some kills that first time
3894s and then you know reiner and kevster the
3896s second time but man that collapse is
3898s really strong there from the gladiators
3900s right it's a great example they win two
3902s fights in a row with ultimates that's
3903s third they have to kind of do it without
3905s you mention like a
3906s capture pole on our support it doesn't
3908s happen but they still win the fight
3910s because of that doom and genji dive
3912s another example of the gladiators
3914s showing flexibility with a switch in
3915s that second round to give them success
3918s don't go too far everybody this is far
3920s from done we'll see what the outlaws
3921s have for their map pick
3932s [Music]
3945s [Music]
3950s [Applause]
3951s [Music]
3961s [Applause]
3962s [Music]
3982s do
3984s [Music]
3996s [Music]
4000s so
4001s [Music]
4024s [Applause]
4025s [Music]
4027s [Applause]
4031s [Music]
4052s [Music]
4056s so
4057s [Applause]
4061s [Music]
4081s [Applause]
4084s [Music]
4121s [Music]
4142s [Music]
4146s huh
4152s [Music]
4175s [Music]
4186s in many ways these two teams are
4188s fighting for the chance of right i guess
4189s you could say to take on one of the best
4192s teams from the eastern region the winner
4194s between the outlaws and the gladiators
4196s only will advance of course in this
4197s upper bracket we're going to take on the
4199s winner of the hundred spark and the
4202s seoul dynasty there's been a lot of talk
4204s especially from the west about saying
4205s how they feel like they are well
4206s positioned to be the best region with
4207s the best teams that'll be their chance
4209s to prove it but in order to do so of
4211s course we have this the matter of this
4213s match to deal with here matt the
4215s gladiators go for like a different back
4216s line to start with here the outlaws
4218s trying to baptise look on lee jung tower
4220s it kind of it doesn't really work out
4222s they end up going for the anna and then
4224s the rosters look fairly similar with
4225s their picks but here in the second map
4227s we have dante coming out piggy coming in
4231s what are we seeing here
4233s uh well so the map will be midtown that
4235s is the outlaws pick uh i think you're
4238s gonna see sigma compositions right when
4239s you see that uh piggy comes in he's
4242s gonna come in probably play the sigma uh
4244s no changes for the tank on the
4246s gladiators like we mentioned i know
4248s reiner has been able to play just about
4249s everything they need and even i know if
4251s he doesn't play this sigma able to work
4253s some other things in that have been
4254s successful they actually bring in skewed
4256s so
4258s that'll be their big change skewed in
4259s for funny astro uh
4261s i thought that when the gladiators were
4263s like really upping the pace i think
4264s that's when the outlaws started to like
4266s struggle against it right uh you know
4268s really gave the backline some problems
4270s and just the outlaws not able to come
4272s out on top and some of those like more
4274s frenetic engagements but now maybe for
4276s the outlaws right you can bring in a
4277s little bit of a sigma composition slow
4279s things down here on hybrid
4282s definitely a sense that you know once we
4284s saw the tempo taken by the gladiators
4286s they just refused to let it go right
4288s refused to give it back the outlaws had
4290s a couple of scrappy engagements where
4291s they tried to take the upper hand or at
4293s least get control but it seemed harder
4295s for them it seems a little bit more
4296s difficult for them to have as clean
4298s executions as the outlaws so sigma here
4302s uh you know
4303s presumably is what we would see from
4305s piggy uh as that's what he's shown us
4307s obviously a few times he's always coming
4309s in for circuit royale for example
4311s uh yeah and obviously you know we know
4312s what skew plays right we see a lot of
4314s the the brigitte from spewed uh
4316s especially
4317s the kind of player i think that is uh
4319s really managed to nail down a lot not
4321s more than just the fundamentals of brig
4323s but also uh a lot of those finer points
4325s here so smiles here on the
4328s faces
4330s what do you potentially see like a brig
4332s zen type of setup uh no potentially for
4335s a team like the gladiators right um
4338s maybe even see that uh skewed comes in
4341s and uh you know plays
4343s i mean they could play a lot of
4344s different things but really the only
4345s thing that they lose here is the lucio
4346s right everything else they're able to
4348s kind of cover
4350s uh but
4351s in my opinion skewed probably comes in
4353s to play the break right we know how good
4355s he is in that hero yeah there is the
4356s option for like uh
4358s you know with this back line you can see
4360s like zen batiste or uh
4362s potentially as well so double sort of
4365s flex support as we use that sort of
4367s rather antiquated term is is on the
4369s table between these two but that's
4370s something that the outlaws have baked
4372s into their roster by default between
4374s iris and lastro uh lester of course you
4376s know really really prolific especially
4379s baptiste player in the past uh it's
4381s always iris so you have a lot of options
4383s there for houston both these teams
4385s looking maybe for compositions that
4387s offer them the greatest degree of
4388s flexibility heading into a map with a
4390s lot of different strategies and kind of
4393s different parts of the map that maybe
4394s dictate uh
4396s you know changes in approach here the
4397s outlaws will be defending on midtown to
4399s start
4401s and i think this is like an essential
4403s map for the outlaws uh obviously you
4405s wouldn't want to go down o2 but if you
4408s kind of play your doomfist set up on
4410s lijang which is like a pretty pretty
4411s good doomfist map right then you come in
4413s here and try something different with
4414s like a sigma and slow down approach and
4417s the gladiators really have to make
4418s minimal
4420s mineral changes to make things work and
4422s win i think that really makes it
4424s difficult on like what do you do for
4425s that third map right uh going into like
4428s an escort like which
4430s which do you decide to go with i think
4431s it'd be really difficult
4433s and this is uh
4435s i would say not an uncommon response to
4438s you know like the expectation
4447s i mean that's what we talked about a
4448s little bit at the beginning right it's
4449s very uh it's very telling uh who's going
4453s to be uh by who's in what tank you're
4455s going to get and what's craziest like i
4458s think every team knows that with the
4459s outlaws but they've been able to play at
4461s such a high level like piggy is so good
4463s on the sigma and then dante on the
4464s doofus has been tremendous like they're
4466s able to win on top of it uh it's just
4468s can you win at this level right like in
4470s a tournament scenario especially uh
4472s knowing a loser pick map scenario uh
4474s that we would get into here like let's
4476s see if the outlaws won probably becomes
4478s even tougher
4479s a lot of what the gladiators are gonna
4480s try and do here is ignore piggy actually
4483s just try and go around him if possible
4485s we often see defensive signals like go
4487s up the stairs right where piggy is and
4488s like play this high ground there's like
4490s off angle signal which we used to see
4491s like double tank play in overwatch one
4494s but again if you can sort of get past
4496s him find someone else to focus down it's
4498s pretty good also we've seen doomfist
4499s used to like knock the knock him off the
4501s high ground here but look i mean yeah
4503s ryan is in and piggy is
4505s not really able to directly interact
4506s right now they might try and pressure
4508s him directly though
4510s yeah interesting they kind of got reiner
4512s all the way through and then instead of
4514s uh waiting for his jump cool down and
4516s kind of playing for his support maybe in
4518s the back corner they actually have to
4519s just go right back towards piggy up by
4521s the subway i think a lot of the
4522s disruption potential comes from someone
4524s like pelican right to what degree can he
4526s put pressure on skewed and actually
4528s hover around that back line of the
4529s gladiator as well los angeles taking a
4531s fair amount of time to to sort of decide
4534s where to go here they're a composition
4536s that has to die but he has to be
4537s decisive and this milling about leaves
4539s him vulnerable for pelican to dive in
4542s i was gonna say you can only play in
4543s that open for so long
4545s like
4546s as a winston would just bubble against
4549s the type of damage especially with the
4551s discord or in the mix that the outlaws
4553s are putting out
4554s now reiner falls there
4556s it's gonna get merit and you're gonna
4557s have reiner coming back off spawn you're
4558s gonna have a nano boost here so this
4560s could be pretty good for the gladiators
4561s and that's an argument for the mulling
4563s about face right just allow
4565s to get good position this is quite a
4567s quite good position on top of the fire
4568s truck and find a pick and that really
4571s weakens the houston outlaws here then
4572s we'll try and play out with the sigma
4574s but it's a little uncomfortable moving
4576s into the open with that shield as it's
4577s obviously not only directional and there
4579s it is look i mean he's being ignored
4581s right now it's under the back line of
4583s the outlaws and iris gets popped like a
4585s balloon
4586s and i mean it's a nice accretion there
4588s but it doesn't really matter is yeah
4590s piggy moves out gets the nano what you
4592s have reiner and capture go right around
4594s him and then everybody else he's looking
4596s at just backs up
4597s and he's just kind of stuck hanging out
4599s in the middle of the point with a nano
4601s boost on him and uh can't really do much
4604s and look at this kepster's push up
4605s trying to get this top bridge control
4607s right away uh gladiators want to deny
4610s this area of the map
4611s but but this leads back to our
4613s discussion right at the start of this
4614s series man as to why flexibility is the
4616s main attribute that's going to be under
4618s scrutiny for these teams today it's not
4620s a big deal if teams know you're going to
4622s play sigma it is a big deal if they play
4624s around the sigma with the knowledge that
4626s he's coming into a pick like winston and
4628s sort of punish your lack of mobility
4632s flux here did it actually catch upon it
4635s does that's gonna be kept with a blade
4637s reiner gets put to sleep but it may not
4638s matter
4640s i'm pretty sure kevin deflected
4642s someone's projectile into iris's noggin
4644s there and then he's able to find a blade
4646s kill so very good start for the
4647s gladiators here and guess who's last
4648s alive it's the tank
4651s that's a very good sign for an attacking
4653s team if the you know the tank is sort of
4654s sat there looking like a you know
4655s stunned mullet with no ability to impact
4657s the fight
4659s yeah and the blade gets used by kebster
4661s and he switches off right away and okay
4663s we're going to get piggy on winston here
4664s so
4666s sees that this sigma is not going to
4667s work out going to go over to the winston
4669s uh piggy traditionally in overwatch one
4671s like an off-tank player really thinks
4673s like i know divas sigma so winston not a
4676s hero we seem to play it's fun of in the
4678s pants but very powerful hero just
4680s fundamentally here so let's see what
4681s piggy can do with that skill set well
4683s he's very good at turning around and
4685s showing his tail for this match
4688s and this is why a team like the atlanta
4689s rain uh we talked about it weeks ago
4691s where brad came out and said that they
4692s want to like try and really mold hawk
4694s into playing all the different roles
4695s uh i think that's like a really good
4698s approach because
4699s you have to have the tanks be able to
4700s play just about everything especially in
4702s the game that we're in
4703s currently uh one also thing in
4705s flexibility we've talked about like the
4706s tanks it's fun right uh you've had uh
4709s pada pan play the genji you've got
4711s kepster play the genji like the dps here
4714s for the gladiators they're so flexible
4715s between the two of them as well can play
4717s just about everything it's projectile or
4721s yeah there aren't any hitscan players
4722s that can play genji like name
4724s more than three i would say at this
4726s level it's very hard to do so very
4728s unique about patapon good sleep on rhino
4730s though iris standing up for accounts
4732s here there's a blade from pelican who
4734s seems to have a
4736s lack of targets the least valid ones at
4738s this time they're going to find rhino
4739s with that whale gun winston they waited
4741s out that nano boost on the sleeping
4743s winston
4744s and now pelican has found kepster going
4746s up he says
4748s the time has been pretty good though for
4750s the gladiators you've gotten around this
4752s uh you know second corner with that
4754s payload already three minutes plus on
4756s the clock it looks like pelican
4757s potentially is going back to the spawn
4759s to make a switch so we'll have to keep
4760s an eye on his portrait but incoming all
4762s right yeah
4764s interesting that wants to play the echo
4766s when they switch to the tracer because
4768s typically you would think that tracer is
4769s like pretty good uh against them
4773s he's the piggy dive
4774s did actually i want to put a shield down
4776s to try and break up some of the healing
4777s for piggy but it's a sleep dad but
4779s pelican having switched to the echo just
4781s now finds his way in burns shoe down so
4782s it's a trade here but the gladiators
4784s lack their honor and that's definitely
4786s going to slow them down in a big way and
4788s i kind of like i mean i don't know what
4789s you think about but i'll have the effort
4790s here as an extra deterrent against the
4792s winston that burst against tanks seems
4794s pretty helpful here
4796s yeah i mean you may think that the echo
4797s is
4798s really good against the winston to be
4800s able to like burn him down with the
4802s focusing beam also being able to get in
4804s put pressure on the supports
4805s uh
4806s you know you do have to be careful of
4808s kepster though because he just starts to
4809s run crazy a bit
4811s pulse from kepster speaking of which no
4812s connection there but apart open up the
4814s account found that railgun kill
4816s piggy slept that's big and scooters
4818s gonna be able to walk away from this one
4820s just kicked them in
4822s humane treatment
4824s of the angry simeon and yet the
4826s gladiators had moved the car to do this
4829s and piggy had ended up using uh his
4831s primal rage there i don't know whether
4833s it got off or whether he was like biotic
4835s or needed didn't get like any of the
4836s effects of the heel but man that is
4838s brutal especially at this last time
4839s where you can stall and the gladiator is
4841s going to come up on four ultimates oh
4843s yeah he could have bioed it could have
4844s been that when you nano someone right
4846s and there's that sort of window where it
4847s has to connect i'm not really sure
4849s either way he's lost that key ultimate
4851s matthew well spotted rhino has a primal
4853s though merit back towards the car now as
4855s he's just caught in the sights of rhino
4858s now with one swipe gonna be another
4860s elimination for the winston very clean
4862s stuff from the gladiators here the
4864s winston comp
4865s from start to finish looking stellar
4868s i'd also say when the outlaw switched to
4869s the winston complex it wasn't bad uh you
4871s know they were able to get a few holes
4873s there consistently once they went over
4875s to that winston it was really when they
4876s were trying to play this sigma which is
4878s why they have piggy in the game
4879s primarily uh that's when the gladiators
4881s are able to get most of their progress
4883s done so uh we'll see what the the
4886s outlaws decide to do on uh offense here
4889s it'll be interesting what they what they
4891s do do you go with a sigma-based offense
4893s and try and take some of the tiger and
4894s play a little bit slower uh
4897s because you're going to see probably the
4898s winston at the choke for the gladiators
4899s which could be pretty strong
4901s pad upon
4903s uh making it clear in chat yeah he's
4905s nine final blows and zero deaths right
4906s now fifteen and i presumably limbs
4910s but look i don't think you're happy
4911s about his stats versus kepster i don't
4913s even think he was really worried about
4915s the outfit yeah yeah kevster is number
4917s two yeah i mean we're concerned with
4919s kevster that's a pl i'm i don't
4922s there were a lot of players that have
4923s faced like extra scrutiny in the
4925s overwatch league in in the past right
4927s yeah i think that you know as we see
4929s this pad upon clip here i think patapan
4930s is obviously one of them right he's
4931s pretty clear to see that
4933s while he staved off a lot of the
4935s criticism i sort of shrugged it off
4937s publicly that he saw in the kickoff
4939s clash like it definitely affected him so
4941s emotional when they won that kickoff
4943s crash finally you could see how much it
4944s meant to sort of prove everyone wrong so
4945s i'm sure patapan is more than happy to
4947s keep reminding people who's top dog in
4949s cases like this
4951s well i think now you see that as he's
4953s gotten over that hump and the team
4955s really kind of getting over it as well
4957s by winning the kickoff clash
4959s it's allowed him to play a little bit
4961s more free a little bit more loose uh now
4963s he's kind of gone that off his back
4965s already and he's been playing phenomenal
4967s ever since right he had a great kickoff
4969s clash tournament been looking great ever
4971s since so interesting uh the outlaws they
4973s were coming out on a winston-based
4974s composition maybe thinking that there
4976s was going to be either you know the
4977s winston based
4978s uh com glad here's the other side but
4980s it's doomfist so yeah i'll switch now
4982s back to the sigma cop so they'll play
4984s sigma with the echo here
4987s definitely know that pelicans probably
4988s happy to see you do this there is
4991s really hard for doomfist to interact
4992s with the echo at all
4994s why we saw that picked early in the
4996s kickoff clash on a lot of those doomfist
4998s maps but
4999s reiner can still do a lot of work and
5000s this is what panapan does and i wanted
5001s to bring this up the style of the round
5003s it seems like a matter of time in so
5004s many of these fights matt when pada
5006s palms on sojourn but he just
5007s manufactures a pit whether it's on
5009s attack and it gives him a point on
5011s defense here or just buys like an extra
5013s 30 to 40 seconds
5015s well the sigma shield is not large
5016s enough to cover most of the choke right
5019s uh so he's able to get a sight line on
5022s some players coming in and last show a
5024s very slow target
5026s you know moving on this end let's be
5028s really careful same with the heroes
5029s right
5030s so we'll see if they can get these two
5032s supports through the choke alive cause
5034s cinderella's trying to play with this
5035s left building but oh it's gonna be
5037s playing again
5038s kill on a pelican
5040s i know i get it for some frustration
5042s maybe as well piggy's already so far
5043s forward that he can't get out
5046s not expecting lobster them to lose their
5048s echo here so two degree outlaws you know
5050s come here
5052s give up a decent amount of old
5053s percentage here and sort of have to back
5055s away
5057s there's not really a lot of speed to get
5058s players on the outlaws in right not
5060s running like a lucio uh the winston
5062s bubble
5063s although it is static same kind of like
5065s ones that's placed down like the sigma
5067s one uh just
5068s way bigger uh you know dome shape so
5071s pelican goes over to tracer here this
5073s allows them to get behind enemy lines a
5075s bit easier
5076s uh
5079s but even if you did get behind enemy
5080s lines like where they are i mean they're
5082s unreal nothing
5083s there's not really a lot you can do from
5085s that position with the heroes you can
5088s yellows haven't really had any pushes
5089s here mitch
5090s i mean just been eating how do you get
5092s the kill at the choke every time their
5094s composition is unwieldy it takes time to
5096s get them in position and then they need
5097s to stay alive while they get a pick
5100s right pelican switch off the echo right
5101s he realizes that it's too risky to hang
5103s there suspended in mid-air but i mean
5106s this is a great example of why this is
5107s so good why does not even play
5109s aggressively right now matt he doesn't
5110s have to no and that's what i was just
5113s going to say what the outlaws probably
5115s want to take a advantage of is that this
5117s is going to be asleep yeah a bunch of
5119s players coming in all the boys turned up
5121s for that one
5123s oh it actually doesn't move why
5127s um
5128s what you think this comp would be good
5129s for if you are the outlaws is like
5131s taking advantage of reiner when he dives
5134s in but he doesn't even have to because
5135s the kills are just coming in at long
5137s range
5138s i mean that's a great point the sigma is
5139s supposed to be reactive against the dive
5141s you hit him with an accretion right
5142s while he's power blocking or something
5144s oh my goodness yeah he's bouncing back
5148s i haven't seen them i haven't seen the
5150s dab since i was 18 what is going on oh
5154s oh man
5156s i mean that's how you know you're
5157s rolling
5158s just a little bit of a smile oh yeah
5160s this is a boy these boys look at this
5162s zarya
5163s so this is like old
5165s composition we haven't seen this in him
5167s in a while uh kepster with a blade the
5170s last show with the transcendence have to
5172s you have to keep my shirt alive here do
5173s this choke
5176s piggy takes a ton of damage trying to be
5179s fairly conservative with these bubbles
5180s but these charges nothing really to
5182s write home about and there it is another
5183s pick this time skewed he used that
5185s transcendence i guess pelican was
5187s putting some pressure on the captain
5188s says i'm going to use this to get close
5190s now they're forced to transit oh it's
5191s all going wrong the blade now great work
5194s from last row realizes he needs to
5195s double back immediately to merit keeps
5197s him alive through this overclock he gets
5199s rid of kestrel and scooters down there
5201s it's a key opening now for the outlaws
5203s to try and exploit and so they do rhino
5205s won't be getting healed here and the
5207s outlaws may they struggle from start to
5209s finish it's been a struggle but like get
5211s this first point at an extension
5215s at the final hour it feels like
5217s do you think we'll see a switch out of
5218s the gladiators no
5220s with the zarya on the other side i was
5222s wondering do we see like a large
5223s compositional shift
5225s um
5226s well that's also a really good point uh
5229s without with the time you sit right
5230s you've completed the map a minute 26. uh
5233s you're not exactly like back against the
5235s wall here right you can you can play
5238s this doom for a bit and extend this to a
5240s point where you know you get into a
5242s one-fight territory situation
5244s or just lead the clock out where you get
5246s one fight you take a bunch of ultimates
5248s chuck it on in and you're good uh you
5250s may not need to have a large reaction in
5252s this desired composition as well is is
5255s really incremental in how it takes back
5257s control right it really revolves around
5259s that bubble usage and that timing so
5260s piggy has eventually made his way to the
5262s high ground here he's really hard to
5263s shift now the fact that they get that
5266s doomfist kill means that piggy can
5267s slowly
5268s get that energy charged now i mean you
5270s can't really contest this high ground
5272s easily for the gladiators like what do
5273s you do like how do you pressure picky
5274s you've got two babbles and i'm not i
5276s think you play payload yeah you play
5277s payload yeah as you see kempster get on
5280s the payload
5281s it pushes pelican back a bit
5284s because yellows don't have the luxury to
5286s kind of duel this out right and just
5287s take high ground control and wait
5289s uh and get a position because the clock
5291s is dwindling down you're already down
5293s below a minute
5296s piggy's probably lost a fair bit of that
5297s charge as well of five you know if i had
5298s to guess
5300s so see the graviton surge they've been
5302s good are pretty crucial here there's not
5304s a lot the dukers can do out about that
5305s except beam me up scotty and move your
5307s strike away
5309s slow and steady though that may win the
5311s race here it is a race though be sure of
5313s that the outlaws now at 45 seconds left
5315s in the round no bubbles left but picky
5316s but he gets popped up just in time and
5318s he burns shoe down
5321s nicely done here the gladiators not
5323s really sure how to deal with this this
5325s is a very slow roll houston outlaws
5327s composition
5328s no and that's why i thought maybe you
5330s would see some switches but it'll be the
5332s outlaws who take that second checkpoint
5334s the zarya really paying off here
5337s for the outlaws it's just is it too late
5340s right like that's kind of what you're
5341s thinking about now like
5343s did they kind of make this change and
5345s figure this out a little bit too light
5346s because
5347s he takes loads of damage and he's gonna
5349s fall it gets hard enough for zaya
5351s because the sight lines are pretty long
5353s here and she doesn't have the ability to
5354s like go like high ground low ground or
5356s whatever it's very out in the open so
5358s we'll still see piggy go for this peak
5360s here but i'm curious to see how the
5361s outlaws get the same level of utility
5363s from desire
5365s capster
5366s checks his schedule here and it's uh
5368s pulse bomber clock apparently we'll have
5369s that ready for this next fight
5371s and this is what i was talking about
5372s where they're
5373s the gladiators are not in a position
5375s where they need to force something to
5376s make a switch because
5378s look i mean they're not even around the
5379s first corner
5380s uh
5381s i mean that's going to be a
5382s transcendence force there from pelican
5384s which is nice but they're not even
5385s around the first corner and you're at a
5387s minute to go right you've held onto
5390s three ultimates here
5391s rhino will end up getting a meteor
5394s strike as well yellows had to lose use a
5396s lot to even just get that second
5398s checkpoint or you're in the driver's
5400s seat here right you can lose a fight
5402s like the elbows have to dump ultimates
5403s in these fights to get the car going you
5405s can lose a fighter for the gladiators
5406s hold on everything and just come back
5408s and just everybody just run out and just
5410s kind of uh use your ultimate way to
5412s fight that way uh that
5415s you know just by completing the map it
5416s gives them such a huge time advantage
5418s labs can also force a transcendence here
5420s with like a nanoboosted doomfist in the
5422s back line which is something we've
5423s already seen them do this series
5427s overclock here from the high ground
5428s pelican can't get up there he can't
5430s recall for that position anymore so
5432s panapan eventually finds merit that's
5434s the thing about powder part it just
5435s seems like a matter of time and so many
5436s of these fights and it's an important
5438s kill to find pelican great job with a
5440s pulse bomb he gets a connection and
5441s kevster punishes here to trade though
5443s messy stuff the glads may be disinclined
5446s to use too much more here it's another
5448s nano now for mirrors they're going
5449s through it but they lose their
5451s transcendence now or they've used
5452s everything here so the outlaws better
5454s hope that this works out
5456s and this is talking about you're gonna
5457s have a grab here from piggy coming up uh
5460s but you don't really have that much else
5462s where you can use the nano boost on a
5464s reiner panapan now it's just over the
5467s ash so good damage with the dynamite
5469s because everybody's gonna have to play
5470s around the cart and also the ability
5472s even longer ranges to get those headshot
5474s kills
5476s yeah is it sort of constrained by merit
5478s to medium range or killing level
5480s great timing on that one to be sure
5482s piggies are you also that graviton surge
5484s is coming right up here reiner drops
5486s down he's waiting for him graviton surge
5488s deployed to get rid of the doomfist now
5490s the outlaws are sailing towards home
5492s here is we're in overtime but they're
5494s going to be happy with the completion
5495s one way or another panapan tries to
5497s coach got himself away from trouble but
5499s that'll be that
5500s and at least the outlaws get a map
5502s completion here and don't forget the
5504s glads took their sweet time getting that
5506s first capture key with that sort of
5507s winston comp that was waiting for a
5509s patapon pick so there's potential for a
5512s draw
5513s yeah
5514s completely agree here as uh the outlaws
5517s battled back using that zarya
5518s composition
5520s uh and they looked really strong
5522s especially against this doomfist set up
5523s from the gladiators what do you do on
5525s defense here though if you're the
5527s outlaws
5528s do you come out and play a sigma base to
5530s comp uh that's kind of what you got uh
5533s you know really kind of like rolled on a
5534s little bit at the start uh do you try
5537s and play zarya on defense try and make
5539s that work right uh it's interesting
5543s looks like
5544s they're gonna come out though with the
5545s sigma i i kind of agree with this
5549s there's not a ton of time for the
5550s gliders one
5551s two like i feel like play like you
5554s wouldn't play the doomfist here because
5555s you don't have dante
5556s uh playing the winston uh potentially
5559s like leaves you open to the duke is
5561s coming in and really causing problems
5562s and i think zarya
5565s that's the bubble i was talking about
5567s uh just the reaction time there from
5569s piggy was insane and then also with the
5572s bubble you get a biotic grenade right on
5574s top of last year and you're able to top
5576s him up really fast is i know you get
5578s that kill on the last show because
5579s you're all in at that scenario right
5580s with a nano boost on two brian oh yeah
5583s you get that kill it's
5585s what it it's it's all good if you're the
5587s glass
5588s so
5589s last time we saw the glass win on point
5591s a it wasn't because of clever rotation
5593s so much as the man on your screen so
5595s powder pump was the one that gave them
5596s the opening here i want to see what the
5598s gladiators sort of do with their winston
5600s set up and how they sort of proper
5601s weaknesses you know in the event that
5603s you kind of like guarantee an insta kill
5606s here kev's depression though piggy
5607s managed to find him as he pushes up not
5609s a good start for los angeles
5612s pelicans gonna be so careful though
5614s because
5615s you got these
5617s railgun shots charging up from hot upon
5621s all it takes is one right
5623s uh you kind of get caught coming through
5625s an alley and then you're in a lot of
5626s trouble so
5630s decent start though for the outlaws that
5632s first pick buys them some time
5634s 35 seconds left now that's the dive so
5637s we're over to the fire station here
5639s i'm here in nano here too piggy's in
5641s trouble
5642s i don't know how easy it's gonna be to
5643s keep them topped up here but merrick
5644s already catches this so the pressure the
5646s pressure release for the background of
5648s the outlaws is palpable now they can
5650s keep picking topped up pretty happily
5652s right across the map as he may be
5654s none of you son of a rider might be the
5655s play you need to get this backline of
5657s the outlaw's done
5659s it's got to be the play
5661s it's the only real target you have right
5662s now is hot button misses a shot there on
5664s the pelican
5665s gotta be here here we go slept
5666s immediately though is gonna be ryder
5668s he's on the point of the very least so
5669s we can guarantee some form of overtime
5671s but the bubble's gone can he keep rhino
5673s going heretic flux that's gonna catch
5675s skewed by the looks of things here but
5677s ryan goes down to a pulse bomb
5679s sorry kinetic grass from piggy rather as
5681s he eats up that damage and stays alive
5682s just long enough as kempster really
5684s trying to out fox him here but real
5686s credit to the outlaws they play this
5688s the right way and this time they're not
5690s dealing with early picture and
5691s powerpoint it's a draw on midtown
5695s it's a draw that almost feels like a win
5697s for the outlaws in a really bizarre way
5699s because the gladiators look like they
5701s had full control over this on their
5702s offensive side
5704s and then the outlaws once they switched
5707s and zarya comp really started to get
5709s things going they battled back they
5711s finished the map not with any time left
5713s but still then hold on that first point
5715s defense uh it's a draw but it feels
5718s pretty good for the outlaws yep desire
5720s switch from piggy see more like a last
5722s resort than anything else but it ends up
5724s being just what the outlaws needed to
5726s keep the gladiators at bay they're still
5727s behind by a map here but after the draw
5730s we'll see what map number three has in
5731s store this one
5732s i feel like we might have a match here
5751s [Music]
5759s [Music]
5775s [Music]
5788s [Applause]
5789s [Music]
5791s [Applause]
5794s [Music]
5824s [Applause]
5825s [Music]
5873s so
5880s [Music]
5962s [Music]
5973s [Music]
5979s my
5980s [Music]
5982s so i got no regrets
5985s [Music]
5995s [Applause]
6000s once a relatively common occurrence
6003s we basically haven't seen any draws at
6005s all this year until that one that was
6006s the very first time
6008s we've actually seen a map end this
6010s season without a result at least at
6012s least in the western region i'm pretty
6013s sure it's that's wild yeah the whole the
6015s whole darn league so uh credit to the
6017s outlaws for bringing about this
6019s occurrence for the first time this
6020s season and it took a lot of grit and a
6022s bit of a zaga pick switch up to do so
6026s yeah once the zarya came into the mix it
6028s was a completely different map uh
6031s everything was cruising for the
6033s gladiators we even got a dab at a rhino
6035s we did uh
6037s and and then it then if you were since
6039s it once was that dab moment everything
6040s went south
6042s it's uh
6044s so
6045s it's still the uh outlaws pick here uh
6048s for the next map uh being as they're the
6050s last team to have a lost a map ons will
6052s come in for pad upon uh so this will end
6054s up being dorado so uh you bring in odds
6057s play that widow maker uh piggy will stay
6060s in uh for the outlaws so
6063s uh it'll be interesting that like maybe
6065s uh at the outlaws they kind of see
6067s something that they can make work as the
6069s rest of the uh game goes on
6072s we've actually seen a a ton of different
6074s strategies on dorado uh so far this
6077s season and lately we're starting to see
6078s more and more wrecking ball that has
6080s precipitated
6082s some very strange uh uh sort of roadhog
6085s based compositions by some teams uh to
6087s specifically sort of shut them down so
6089s collusion do it from the san francisco
6091s shop so they're on the table uh i know
6093s what piggy's wrecking ball is looking
6094s like these days obviously picks like
6096s this sigma are still very possible if
6097s you're a defending team
6099s but it's hard to go past the gold
6101s standard for defenses on dorado right
6103s that the high ground that winston play
6105s on first i mean especially if you're
6107s bringing like a world-class widowmaker
6108s into your roster via substitution i feel
6111s like the gladiators probably want to go
6112s for something like that something tried
6114s tested and true
6118s yeah so uh see you know the gladiators
6121s are gonna run that widowmaker here
6123s uh going into dorado uh do we see merit
6126s answer bank with a widow of his own
6128s uh piggy do we see him play like a
6131s winston do they try and play a zarya
6133s based composition dorado seems like it
6136s would be really weird to try and do that
6138s uh sigma still potentially in the mix
6140s uh you can kind of play that high ground
6142s you think like first point even second
6144s point as well maybe uh deter the
6146s widowmaker a bit on the other side
6150s yeah i'm curious to see if they really
6151s try and match match match widows uh
6153s we've obviously got some moments from
6155s that previous map for
6157s your enjoyment as shu
6159s decides to uh reassume the position here
6162s uh
6164s obviously this is a nice little
6165s turnaround for ryan here again the fight
6167s really gets opened up piggy blows
6168s himself up with those hyper spheres and
6171s yeah i mean listen uh
6173s trash talk in and out of game we got
6175s this in wyatt as well thank you so much
6177s for that
6180s so glad we got to get this thing once
6182s more
6184s yeah it's uh
6186s it would have been cool if they finished
6187s the map
6189s but they didn't
6190s i mean you know you know there wasn't a
6192s ton of highlights up from from in-game
6194s when i got i literally have a producer
6195s and you're like hey guys we've got this
6197s footage of a dab so let's just run that
6199s all right okay obviously yeah not much
6202s faster we got not much to celebrate from
6204s the gladiators after that because uh
6206s yeah they struggled to sort of answer
6208s this this piggies zarya which is
6211s well like i don't recommend you
6212s necessarily try it at home although i
6214s suppose if you you know think hard
6215s enough there's some inherent advantages
6217s to playing that style it's just a little
6218s awkward
6219s dorado though
6221s probably not the kind of map you want to
6222s run that back on
6225s no uh that's why i'm curious of
6230s what we end up seeing it looks like at
6231s least uh as we load into game it'll be
6234s the outlaws on defense first so
6237s uh we'll get an idea early of what the
6239s atlas want to run i think if you're the
6240s gladiators probably like a winston or
6243s reinhardt based set up here uh is the
6245s way to go and protect your widowmaker at
6248s all costs right
6249s i think that's kind of uh you know
6251s really you bring ons into the game to
6253s take over i think that's kind of what
6255s uh what you're going to try and have to
6256s set them up to do yeah we know that
6258s merit strengths is the sojourn player i
6260s kind of think that's
6261s well he's developing a name for himself
6263s on that peak and obviously he's had some
6264s of the most disgusting moments on that
6267s hero and it's and we feel like surgeon's
6269s kind of fine everywhere right we've even
6272s seen it played on circuit royale like
6273s alongside a widowmaker here so i don't
6276s think anybody's gonna complain about
6277s seeing this pick here for merit
6279s obviously doesn't offer you the same as
6280s widowmaker but perhaps that's you know
6282s by design on the gladiator side right i
6284s get ash is an option now if you don't
6286s have inherent high ground though just
6288s doesn't seem like maybe you want to go
6289s there but i'm curious to see how it
6291s plays around that
6292s constraint
6296s so it looks like the gladiator is at
6298s least here on offense to start things
6300s off not
6302s okay so it'll be it's going to be what
6303s they're going to run with is going to be
6305s kept sir
6306s playing the widow and then on something
6308s ash interesting i mean this gives you
6310s the opportunity i was going to say for
6311s kevster to play like a genji or a tracer
6314s so you see that it's going to be right
6316s here just standing in that uh disruptor
6318s shot so i wants to soak up some damage
6320s that shoe can heal
6321s uh for the outlaws it'll be the sigma
6323s base set up so
6324s sigma on defense here uh with an echo
6327s wow they give up that high ground so
6329s quickly normally the car pushes up a
6331s little bit more but i guess they really
6332s just want to be in position and ready
6334s for this
6335s how do you feel about the ash here man
6338s i gotcha okay yeah the ash i i kind of
6341s like the ash in this setup uh being able
6344s to obviously put some big damage down on
6346s a pelican rather fast right not as
6348s susceptible to like an echo dive as like
6351s a widowmaker would be is oh you see
6353s right there almost a kill straight onto
6355s pelican with a nice shot
6357s a timing from arts as well just as the
6359s dynamite peeks over piggy's shield he
6361s detonates it so he'll get some value
6363s there dynamite's so good for that heel
6365s pressure right especially when you've
6366s got like an arno who needs to spend time
6368s actively clicking someone to
6370s counteract that
6371s kind of sleeper harmony or bottom like
6373s you can't withstand and this is
6374s beautiful and this is sequential from
6376s the gladiators right on looks like he's
6378s unbothered flourishing moisturized in
6380s his lane he doesn't seem to worry too
6382s much about pressure from flankers so he
6383s just starts to work down the outlaws and
6386s i think this is what you worry a little
6388s bit when you kind of commit to a map now
6390s that you're going to have to play the
6391s sigma on is like the sigma wasn't really
6393s what was working there uh on midtown uh
6396s the sigma is what the gladiators were
6397s actually able to take advantage of and
6399s set a pretty good time on offense uh it
6401s was really the zarya set up uh on
6404s offense that was the main difference
6405s maker
6406s elegant gets really low i was gonna say
6408s i wonder if there's gonna be a shot that
6409s comes in from the side to finish him off
6411s it's a dynamite as piggy gets forced
6413s into that you know mega health pack room
6415s i was gonna say there goes rhino right
6416s after him yeah wait absolutely no oh my
6420s the burst damage was ridiculous ryder's
6422s not gonna find piggy there but i don't
6424s think they're expecting a nano boosted
6426s winston and ryan gives us a blue steel
6428s for a moment there is he uh leaves bob
6430s in his wake to make sure that security
6432s detail is kept unlocked
6434s there's a nano lasher to keep him alive
6437s uh try and battle on through that i
6440s guess it uh eliminates you from having
6442s to use the nano onto them at that moment
6444s uh i know they'd be uh transcendence
6446s sure at that moment but
6448s uh still cart continuing to move
6451s uh you see who's that's cute on the
6453s outside yeah off angle there
6469s that railgun is the kind you really
6470s don't see coming
6472s now the animals who actually for the
6473s first time this round get to establish
6475s themselves after
6476s spawn time i guess
6479s that killed largely inconsequential
6483s yeah so the payload gets right
6484s underneath the bridge uh
6486s not any further though you don't have to
6488s burn the transcendence there
6489s uh if you're the gladiators now odds
6491s will go over to the widowmaker here so
6494s maybe you feel like just that one shot
6495s kill potential here
6497s a little bit too needed as you're trying
6499s to battle through some of this high
6500s ground
6504s all right
6505s sticks on the car wants to apply some
6507s pressure force the outlaws off of this
6509s high ground it's kind of risky business
6510s though especially with a sigma who can
6512s hit you with the accretion but answers
6514s playing such a wide angle here so many
6516s things are played from the gladiators to
6518s save the outlaws get off there get off
6520s that perch come to the low ground
6523s i still haven't had to do that though
6524s reiner gets taken down
6528s looks like pelican over the top gonna go
6530s try and get a health pack as
6531s things have stalled out a little bit now
6533s for the gladiators as reiner now goes
6535s over to wrecking ball so
6537s get to see how they approach this with
6539s the ball coming over from the high
6540s ground
6541s both back floors and scooter flanking
6543s through the power plant right now with
6545s the trace i'm not sure what that's about
6546s right on the ball by the way
6549s where pelican is looking for ants here
6552s should be a should be a slam dunk for
6554s that echo if he gets the drop on the
6556s widow
6558s transcendence here yeah arms doesn't go
6559s down it's expected merited with the body
6560s grenade he's not getting away right
6562s about to chase him now picky
6563s in danger what is his position again
6565s he's so weak that was her use of the
6567s nano two onto marion
6570s yeah frustrating there to lose him but
6571s player grenade not much you can do about
6573s it ryder causing all sorts of issues
6575s right now
6576s i mean we have supports on the wrong
6578s side of the map ostensibly is the
6579s gladiator skewed well behind enemy
6581s alliance
6583s and you see how aggressive reiner is
6585s playing right now just popping
6588s to the tempo here and that's how the
6589s gliders found success and map number one
6592s is
6592s he's gonna have a minefield here
6595s ready to go is the minefield actually
6596s probably pretty decent because you know
6598s with the sigma you're gonna play around
6599s the sigma in his shields you may
6601s actually catch a few players inside of
6603s that i love ryder just said no
6604s transcendence to kind of like get rid of
6607s the minds when you have the piggies yeah
6610s but i mean you lose that shield straight
6611s away which means that answer has like
6612s prime sight lines so it's a little risky
6614s to do that
6616s rhino just basically says you have no
6617s excuses a tank player not to play
6619s everything love it that's perfect that's
6620s exactly what you're doing it's widow
6621s here aunts is asking for it
6623s really hard to make we don't work in
6625s this part of the map to be fair so
6627s maybe a switch to ash now before pelican
6629s goes for the duke slept in mid-air
6631s though sleep of his own
6633s crazy sleep
6635s ryan we don't see it from shoes
6637s perspective
6642s yeah
6643s hard to follow for sure
6646s i like to switch by once uh you can see
6648s how effective uh no that echo is against
6651s the widowmaker
6652s uh from that pov is
6655s dynamite goes down nice shot there
6658s yeah again tough to make anything happen
6660s after the gravity flux so the action is
6661s in like a stagger position right now
6664s ryan maybe tries to get arms out but now
6666s no escape there
6668s gladiators have to reset hey look
6669s gravity flux pulse bomb right you deal
6671s with some big ultimates in that last
6672s fight you show at least proof of concept
6674s that the the ashes probably looks pretty
6677s good here and pelican realizes that too
6678s he switched
6681s yeah so we'll see
6683s now with the nano up on the high ground
6686s here potentially for the outlaws trying
6687s to think of like how the outlaws can get
6689s this to a
6691s uh a spot right with a minute and 30
6693s left where they do not give up a map
6695s completion
6696s all right because the gladiators are
6697s starting to bank some ultimates here
6698s four ultimates online for the gladiators
6700s really they need about what two fights
6702s potentially take it that's gonna be the
6704s minefield and they're gonna use the nano
6705s gear on it kept their beautiful sleep
6707s though yeah catch this still has to
6708s cross a wide expanse to get to his
6710s intended target the nano last row may be
6712s unnecessary but it keeps him alive and
6714s reiner
6716s tried to save the tracer tried the body
6718s block but the orbs came in above from
6720s the wrecking ball so nicely done
6723s and you talked about a bank of ultimates
6724s for the gladiators that has been mostly
6726s spent
6730s yeah i mean you spend all of those and
6732s a beautiful sleep from iris
6735s so nothing you can do now
6739s what do you have this pull spa i mean
6741s you're really looking at what you got to
6743s get the honor in this type of situation
6746s be merit i don't think the pulses of
6749s yeah i mean it's been tough for catcher
6750s i think to get value out of those so far
6752s but getting piggy yeah that's the
6754s jackpot here for sure
6756s he's off to the side of knowing there's
6757s no support help at all
6760s yeah now whatsoever again tough to do
6762s much about the pulse here
6764s takes so much damage initially
6765s transcendence is
6766s ornamental
6768s from last throw there buys a bit of time
6770s crucially 10 seconds left in the round
6771s now you can see aunt's moving up he
6772s knows he has a bob if he can send this
6774s into spawn
6775s it's gonna be very very hard to deal
6776s with oh he's gonna let it go now he
6778s doesn't have any time he gets brought
6779s down by iris good awareness from the
6781s armor there and uh it's rhino not able
6783s to touch
6785s unfortunately for the gladiators they
6786s cannot complete
6788s yeah but it's a good hole though from
6789s the outlaws i think from the outlaws pov
6792s uh especially losing piggy there uh at
6795s the start really just kind of like
6797s playing on the outskirts there against
6798s kemp starting to tell the pulse bomb and
6800s just
6801s i know taken down
6803s that's a really good hold right uh no
6805s being able to deny them from completing
6807s the map uh now it's just what do you put
6809s together on your offense right uh do you
6811s feel confident enough in this like sigma
6813s based setup on offense uh does piggy
6816s play like a winston here
6819s you can i don't think you could like
6821s could you try and even play like zarya
6824s like but i remind you that the outlaws
6826s look weak on offense on midtown as well
6829s they got like their last possible
6830s opportunity and they still end up
6831s finishing their map which is quite
6832s astonishing so the fact that they come
6835s back from such a weak offense there is
6836s good but you can't count on it
6840s yes uh i do think they looked good on
6842s offense yellows once you switch then
6843s zarya base count but
6845s you're not gonna be able to do that here
6846s right uh at least you would think maybe
6849s towards the end of the map possible uh
6851s but i think here at least at the you
6853s know from this like first part of the
6855s map knows that first checkpoint and then
6857s towards that second face high ground
6858s just two
6859s essentially
6866s yeah because of the height he gets he
6868s actually can get i mean reiner also i
6870s mean there's a bit of inertia with
6871s wrecking ball right so he tries to body
6873s block what he knows or orbs coming his
6874s way but the viewing angle for lastro's
6876s elevator because he got pile drove up
6879s answers uh you know on the widowmaker
6881s relatively really quiet yes i think the
6884s ash who's able to hit a few shots but
6886s let's see with the widow on defense like
6888s can they keep him alive does he have to
6890s switch
6892s yet again because you bring in odds
6894s because he's so good at widowmaker and
6895s like these you know long-range hit scans
6897s but if it's negated by got winston and
6900s you know echo type dive
6902s what do you do right
6903s there's more experience for rekko to
6905s cross here on the attacking side so that
6908s might work in answers favor it
6910s definitely feels like the outlaws have a
6911s pretty comfortable answer to the
6913s widowmaker pick in general and exhibit
6914s gladiators again and say okay well
6916s we haven't got widow valley now we need
6918s to give more space so that arsenal has
6919s another expanse to fire across you know
6922s they really have to try and play around
6924s this widow set up
6929s like they're not committing at all hank
6930s yeah no i mean
6933s where do you commit to
6934s like
6936s uh i think that the gap is too large to
6938s go towards that back line right you know
6940s you're gonna
6940s a few players probably gonna hit a few
6942s shots you know eat a few shots from the
6944s widowmaker you see pelican gets really
6946s low and finished off
6947s uh
6948s it's a very difficult situation here oh
6951s play from uh kev sorry like oh great
6954s fire knight
6955s yeah that's shoe coming to the rescue
6956s there in a big way can't deflect to
6958s disrupt the shot when he stood in there
6961s i could awareness by chemistry as well
6962s he needs to move into line of sight off
6964s his armor player so he has to move
6966s through the disrupter shot in order to
6967s do so towards a winston by the way
6971s the surgeon just gets out range so hard
6973s by the widowmaker like merrick can't
6976s challenge that in a distance and what
6977s like look at this i mean kepster just
6979s jumps up deflects gets right in his face
6981s and just destroys any sight lines that
6983s he has
6985s all right once again
6989s i see they're trying to get collapse on
6991s him from every witch angle yeah it
6994s worked out beautifully nicely done
6996s a lot of maneuvering around a widow
6998s composition piggy turns his back here
7001s equal parts disrespect and trying to
7003s obscure that headshot hitbox and yeah
7004s he's looking across the stage he knows
7006s what he's done nice job by the outlaws
7008s here anz is being
7009s handily dealt with
7011s yes
7012s they did a nice job when they were on
7014s offense with the widowmaker now they're
7015s doing a pretty good job
7017s uh know when they're on defense no
7019s dealing with that widowmaker is uh the
7021s outlaws
7022s see what they try and do can you get
7024s like the high ground control here early
7026s there's a nano blade possibility for the
7028s gladiators coming in kev's are going to
7031s probably try and set that one up
7032s probably a little bit sooner rather than
7034s later right but i don't want to allow
7036s them to get set up on the high ground
7037s now you're going to be in for sight you
7038s can definitely use it in a big way or
7040s try and get a pick here oh it's going to
7042s be reiner getting a pick there on euris
7044s okay not so bad though it's a trade
7047s and we've got a primary from piggy but
7048s he just needs to not die here if he
7050s walks away safe that's fine that was a
7052s transcendence here from the outlaws too
7054s though
7055s here we go time for the blade
7061s yeah that's tough a tough job right he's
7063s done so well on the winston in these
7065s last couple of fights
7067s yeah
7068s and now reiner's gonna match this gonna
7070s go winston v winston here is
7073s caps are going to give up on the genji
7074s dream going to go over to tracer so
7077s reiner's going to be careful he's going
7078s to try and get out but not able to do so
7080s is he'll have primal for this next fight
7083s but
7083s the outlaws are rolling here on offense
7087s i mean that's
7089s the rest of these things
7092s you're not really getting much out of
7093s the widowmaker i think you may have to
7094s go back to that ash again
7097s piggy uh shuts arms down yet again who
7100s is it popping off ryan comes back too
7102s late he's completely out of sync with
7104s the rest of his team because of that
7105s oxfam level feed we saw in that last
7107s fight so
7108s the gladiators haven't been in sync for
7110s pretty much this entire face of the map
7112s here and here's where the outlaws
7117s yeah this is not good for the gladiators
7119s that's gonna be the transcendence
7120s they're gonna try and use the
7121s transcendence to get players out since
7123s reiner coming over the top they're gonna
7124s get a kill out of this
7127s merit
7128s i would have punished at least so the
7130s gladiators while they're fighting their
7131s way out they're giving up that crucial
7133s checkpoint here they never got to fly on
7135s second and the outlaws are feeling some
7136s wind in their sails
7138s gonna be nano available for iris here in
7140s this next fight
7141s picking at the funny number here of
7142s course not far away from another primal
7144s himself
7145s i like outlaws in the winston mirror all
7147s of a sudden
7150s yeah now now you finally get a hold here
7153s is
7154s you'll have merit go and match your in
7156s the ash battle so i'm really interested
7159s to see like how how does ons gonna
7162s stand up in this type of battle right
7164s because typically when people play
7166s widowmaker against him like
7168s no it's not really that many battles
7170s right uh an ash here especially this
7172s part of the map you may see a little bit
7173s more action
7175s okay rhino oh okay ops not to go after
7178s lastro initially there that's where he'd
7180s have a chance to transcendence even if
7182s he'd wanted to and i suspect he probably
7184s wouldn't have there
7185s they're also gonna be slowed up a little
7187s bit but bear in mind they just have to
7189s finish the map that's it
7195s can they finish that the kind of stand
7198s right on top of their spot
7200s i mean this buys you what this it takes
7202s like 20 seconds for the outlaws to get
7204s from here to the car
7206s yeah this adds up in a big way
7208s oh especially you're going to be able to
7210s follow it up on some kills oh yeah yeah
7212s you showed that door frame kim
7215s well i i think he thought that he was
7216s actually going to go through there and
7217s maybe get one on the edge but
7221s man yeah look in this type of situation
7223s you're not going to see a c9 that far
7225s yeah
7227s well ah flutter i mean
7230s kind of showed us uh what you can do to
7232s our opponents who aren't aware
7234s this kind has made some decent progress
7236s though matt through a tough part of the
7237s map
7238s and now the yellows are breathing down
7240s the gladiators next they are so close
7241s with a fight win there they're in last
7243s fight territory now with two support
7245s ultimates to work with
7247s this is dangerous for the gladiators
7249s you're gonna have the same for the
7250s gladiator zone that's gonna be reiner
7252s getting the benefits of the nano going
7253s right over the top and look at that
7255s he split off the supports
7257s beautiful job there from rainer yeah
7259s that's gonna buy a lot of time
7261s yeah piggy frustrated they couldn't
7262s really do anything as uh piggy wasn't
7265s unable to help out whoever was stuck
7266s down the stairs unclear at this point
7268s but
7268s that was a nano boost on the rhino that
7270s had to be spent but the gladiator
7271s doesn't happen to part with ultimates
7273s this is the transaction right one
7274s ultimate equals 40 seconds yes you take
7276s that on defense absolutely
7282s now you're in trouble i think you know
7284s if houston uses some of these ultimates
7286s here mitch and it it doesn't end up
7288s going in their favor the cart's moving
7290s backwards right so you think even where
7291s the card is right now you're in the
7293s fight you're probably looking at two is
7309s okay that nano who's got nothing
7311s unfortunately for the outlaws and their
7312s fans and this could be nasty
7315s get the descendants gonna be a
7317s transcendence in play here postman
7319s thrown down cliffs are again a little
7320s weird with those today
7322s bob's gonna be a bit of a nuisance right
7324s now and you can see that yeah skew
7325s trying to make sure everyone he's topped
7327s up in this fight disastrous for the
7329s outlaws as the four alarm fire begins to
7331s clarkson there's 20 seconds left in the
7333s round and pelican has a play to make but
7336s he's already been sniffed out but yeah
7338s they know exactly where he's at so he's
7341s gonna get a stick i mean that that could
7343s be huge let's see you know coming back
7345s you have everybody marching on back here
7347s for the outlaws it'll be last year over
7348s to the break here then i'll get a primal
7350s these
7351s i that's naughty that's naughty
7354s yeah that'll be that the houston outlaws
7356s tantalizingly close to evening the
7359s series everything can't be a c9 no yeah
7362s well i mean like you're saying c9 now
7365s depends who you ask that's just not
7367s possible
7369s uh i think the outlaws have an
7370s interesting choice here going into push
7373s uh do you go with something like
7375s coliseum where you can run like the
7377s doomfist type setups yeah we've even
7379s seen like teams run some like reinhardt
7380s there potentially uh right or do you
7383s play something like toronto where we've
7384s actually seen teams in the past use at
7386s zarya based composition uh and stick
7389s with what you got uh at least early
7391s signs here the lobby looked like
7393s potentially dante coming back in uh so
7395s we'll see what they decide to go with
7396s with that yeah that's a curious one man
7398s we'll wait and see what the map
7400s selection is gonna be here from the
7402s outlaws their last chance to to pick a
7404s map so it better be a good
7407s get in one
7429s [Music]
7442s [Music]
7450s you
7456s [Music]
7467s [Music]
7468s so
7472s [Music]
7479s [Music]
7485s [Music]
7490s [Applause]
7491s [Music]
7496s so
7501s [Music]
7529s bye
7532s [Music]
7539s [Music]
7547s hello
7548s [Music]
7556s [Applause]
7562s [Music]
7570s [Music]
7572s do
7578s [Music]
7599s [Applause]
7600s [Music]
7602s [Applause]
7605s [Music]
7672s uh
7674s [Music]
7682s [Music]
7686s we need to start getting everybody to
7687s sit down
7688s dude can you literally be shocked
7691s can you really just listen to me okay
7698s [Music]
7708s me and wubber are the only people in the
7709s lobby dude you guys should well if you
7710s want to play what today
7712s [Music]
7715s would be
7719s [Music]
7729s every time i win an off roll i'm an
7731s off-road hero you didn't type you just
7732s talked soccer and you just lost hawk
7734s winston i need someone to type that
7735s matchup
7736s [Music]
7769s foreign
7773s [Music]
7794s [Music]
7796s today you guys need to carry me
7797s i feel like
7802s [Music]
7806s the only thing that matters in this comp
7808s is the ryan so oh
7818s welcome back ladies and gentlemen to
7819s this first match of the day for the
7821s outlaws and the gladiators a chance to
7823s advance in amid season madness winners
7825s bracket to take on the winner of the
7827s seoul dynasty and the hangzhou spark
7830s again second chance for the loser to
7831s drop down and may well be the outlaws at
7833s this stage because
7835s well i gotta be honest with you i don't
7837s know how much they got up their sleeve
7838s that is left the piggy winston looked
7841s really good actually uh especially on
7843s attack yeah they were they were
7844s punishing the gladiators early and then
7846s they came to a screeching hole in that
7848s last phase of the map as the as the
7850s gladiators rather came alive
7853s and you see on your screen we'll have uh
7856s no really one large sum it'll be dante
7858s coming in for piggy which
7860s uh
7861s fully expect now to this to be a
7863s doomfist composition as we go into
7865s toronto uh and uh comes in for aunts
7870s uh look when you when you see it come in
7872s for the outlaws we know what's going to
7873s happen
7875s fully expected patty to come back in for
7876s on says we really just see aunt's play
7879s like
7880s i mean really what just like dorado
7881s right they just like like that map for a
7884s long time
7886s maybe i i know that i watched on scrim a
7889s lot of illios
7890s with
7891s early in the season circuit circle
7893s royale possibly
7895s uh we've seen him like a handful of
7898s times throughout the year but
7900s look it can't be honest
7902s yeah and when he comes in though but i i
7904s don't know i've been a little
7905s underwhelmed but i don't blame him
7907s you're getting something for a map where
7908s you just have to pop off as we
7911s do we also just have insanely high
7914s expectations right i mean this is
7915s somebody who like
7917s wait but they're grounded in these past
7918s performances not anything else yeah
7921s which like right but those are in the
7923s past right they've been in the past for
7925s a bit now uh
7927s you still have to regard him as one of
7929s the best widowmakers that we've
7931s seen have right but i think do you
7934s expect these like
7936s magical performances from him you know
7938s just coming in for a dorado every once
7940s in a while
7941s uh
7941s i think it's just unreal like
7943s expectations like it's not like like
7945s sure maybe one out of every 10 uh but
7948s you know how many maps will you play all
7950s season right you're kind of like
7952s thinking unless you see like a
7953s widowmaker meta just pop up out of
7955s nowhere right where everybody's playing
7956s widow uh
7959s i think those pop-off moments are gonna
7961s be just
7963s rare uh
7964s especially when the other team is really
7966s not gonna like how many other teams like
7968s when they see ants coming to play widow
7969s we're gonna like challenge it right and
7971s be like yeah yeah let's let's try and
7972s play a widow of our own right like go
7974s head-to-head like most teams are just
7976s gonna kind of like straight against it
7978s yeah playing against the yeah yeah it's
7980s frustrating and he saw just i mean
7981s pelican is i mean his echo was one of
7984s the one of the main reasons why the
7985s atlanta rain was so dominant you know
7987s when he was on that lineup and
7988s especially when it came to like you know
7990s end of end of tournament play and the
7992s kind of play that get got them to hawaii
7994s in the first place right
7996s so no surprise i see that be really
7997s effective so okay so moving forward then
8000s uh instead of looking back padapan comes
8002s in here he looks incredible uh you know
8004s when we've seen in this series on that
8005s sojourn we are going to get to see new
8007s queen street but you know a map remember
8009s we've seen zarya that is true that
8012s that's not the plan for the outlaws
8014s right dante obviously is in here and we
8016s know what to expect here this should
8018s hopefully find the outlaws in like a
8019s comfort position there's always the
8021s chance that you can play like a hanzo
8022s right uh we've seen teams double in the
8024s hanzo i'm also on colosseum but
8026s sometimes here on new queen stream one
8028s of the more interesting things i think
8030s is that
8031s funny asher doesn't come back in right
8033s so you'll have the gladiators yeah
8035s they'll end up
8036s continuing to play with
8039s skewed in the lineup so uh what do we
8041s see from them in terms of uh the
8044s supports right do we see them go with
8046s like a gap zen they try and play
8047s something along those lines uh no anna's
8050s in do you play a forgita like uh surely
8052s not the few series
8058s okay so anna's dance
8061s okay so i mean
8063s why so good is sojourn though oh
8066s interesting
8068s all right
8069s you have my attention
8071s sir
8072s we got a neutral between the doomfist
8074s this often happens while the tracers
8076s make their way into the background look
8077s where this is in this part we're
8079s scooties you could also play the ash
8081s here at the start uh
8084s because early bot progress is so
8087s huge and crucial that if you get like a
8090s pick off let's say with an ashrae which
8092s may be a little bit easier you can play
8093s the longer range like maybe you can
8094s actually get a little bit more progress
8096s early on
8097s uh it doesn't seem to be working out
8098s that way though for the outlaws i mean
8100s excuse playing that crazy off angle
8102s and again he brings pelican down there
8104s so the gladiators had a fair bit of
8105s focus on the middle part of the map
8107s right fans playing inside that tube
8109s uh right here uh and excuse playing
8112s underneath sort of uh out of away from
8114s them a little bit more there so i like
8115s the initial setup for los angeles here
8118s panapan now is in a pretty powerful spot
8120s as you can see merritt cannot do that on
8122s the ash pad upon stamping his dominance
8124s here
8126s he couldn't do it on the sojourn either
8128s i mean you're going to just strafe into
8130s the line of fire of a fully charged rail
8132s shot and
8133s it really doesn't make it a difficult
8135s shot for paddy to hit
8137s uh he's gonna he's gonna hit shots like
8139s that
8139s all day uh so you'll have a nano here
8142s for the wall switch maybe give it on the
8143s dante that can test because uh things
8146s can start to get out of control rather
8148s quickly you're gonna have an overclock
8149s here uh you're also gonna probably have
8151s a nano from gladiators too so they're
8153s getting up to the butt scratch yeah i'd
8154s love like a counter like that's the wind
8156s probability based on like statistical
8158s data sort of going up or going down
8160s based on like that first fight progress
8162s or like the first team to get the block
8163s to x distance because that's the
8165s checkpoint already
8167s for the gladiators they don't look like
8168s they're slowing down ryder may be forced
8170s to uh bend the knee here you just hold
8172s out
8173s oh you're kidding
8175s just stay on in isn't it we're gonna
8177s push
8179s okay i think most most sort of stable
8182s individuals probably don't do that but
8184s that's that's right man he's he's
8186s cracked he's going for broke
8189s i mean more progress right
8191s you're gonna have players coming back
8192s off spawn here for the outlaws
8195s still with a nano
8197s but you don't have to play on the bot
8198s here uh if you're the gladiators you can
8200s back up a little bit concede some space
8202s wait for ryder to get back because he's
8203s gonna have that closer respawn and doom
8205s so fast you see he's already back in the
8207s fight stand up straight
8209s let's see iris is
8210s really tries to
8212s avoid skyping
8213s he actually
8215s i mean he knows somebody's honor players
8216s this year is that he actually you know
8219s deals with the projectile aspect of
8220s honest healing a lot and doesn't want to
8222s scope in if you can help it
8224s uh at quite long ranges he's still able
8226s to heal people like that's quite
8227s impressive
8228s i feel like this kind of jockeying for
8230s positions almost better for the
8231s gladiators in the long run because
8232s you're gonna have this transcendence on
8233s that any situation where game state
8236s doesn't get advanced in in the outlaws
8238s direction is obviously great for the
8239s glads right and they've got such a lead
8241s and they can just sit back and wait for
8243s pap arnold casey to find a big pick here
8245s last row gets that oh very very scary
8247s stuff you you approach with care as last
8250s row it gets a trade but you nano for a
8252s trade it's it's not good it's just not a
8254s great rate at all and that bot is moving
8255s awful quick back into position
8257s and dante's got to get back to the rest
8259s of the team be careful he knows that the
8260s pulse bomb was on deck
8263s who is this
8265s looks like pelican has uh
8267s made it all the way around okay trying
8268s to get out
8270s uh the bot doesn't make any progress
8272s really for the gladiators but doesn't
8273s really matter right they haven't such a
8274s great spot
8278s no one no not a lot of one here
8280s potential here like merit
8282s can't really you know like you can't
8283s just dish out a rail at long range for
8285s like an insta kill uh the way the
8286s paddock
8287s can so you know scoot can play these
8290s kind of long range angles he's kind of
8291s risky once and now he takes the he just
8293s backs away and he's oh oh
8295s what is that
8298s paddle with open arms he's pelican the
8300s kind of bear hug he'd rather avoid
8302s those are probably the easier shots to
8304s hit like think about when you play hanzo
8307s obviously way different uh
8309s but hanzo like just kind of like
8311s spamming chokes with like those arrows
8313s right like you have a rail and you think
8316s about tracer's body like takes up like a
8318s decent size of that window and the rail
8320s like projectile like with is like
8322s pretty forgiving like there's a pretty
8324s good chance you're gonna hit something
8325s uh as that projectile goes through
8328s 5 minutes and 30 on the clock
8330s switches come in for the outlaws
8333s but i mean this this bot is just rolling
8337s on in though this is leisurely for the
8339s gladiators now
8342s i mean
8343s [Music]
8345s okay dude
8347s why is he there who knows doesn't matter
8349s this is about to get out of hand i mean
8350s what a way to dispatch your foe by full
8352s clearing them in the last map of the
8353s series that start to look like a bit
8355s more of a distinct possibility now
8357s overclocked for panapan he's got that
8360s tack shoe to flick matt
8361s beware
8363s iris down to that headshot here and i
8365s don't hate that from dante but it's
8366s still not enough to put actual pressure
8368s on paddy's the ball will continue its
8370s inexorable advance and merits it's
8372s questioning whether he really wants to
8373s contest it i don't blame the guy
8375s honestly last trigger gets rid of rhino
8376s here and again it's going to be a war of
8378s attrition and the gladiators are winning
8379s out in
8380s 127 meters and counting dante with the
8383s biotic grenade he's done here and
8384s pelican won't be able to hang around for
8386s too much longer either oh my that was a
8388s stinker
8390s that is uh
8393s there's uh so the outlaws are playing
8394s that series close
8396s that is an absolutely brutal way to lose
8399s though uh
8401s the gladiators get control of the push
8403s bot
8404s and
8405s march him all the way down uh
8408s completing the map and i believe the
8410s almost finished with zero yeah zero
8412s meters of progress yeah just
8415s nothing uh there so you see uh hunter
8417s going in there beautiful haircut yeah
8420s with it all smiles under the definition
8422s of what we call dero chic
8424s uh yeah in australia yeah really oh okay
8427s darrow's like a short form of derelict
8429s you know like kind of uh
8431s kind of unkempt on purpose you know i
8433s mean that's kind of look there you love
8434s to see it bring back an iconic
8436s australian look and well well the
8438s houston outlaws can't be feeling good
8440s about heading down to the lower bracket
8441s after that kind of statement's been made
8443s against them not matt we said at the
8444s start of the series we established this
8446s we said
8447s what's going to be really put to the
8448s test is the flexibility and the range of
8451s strategies that the outlaws have at
8452s their disposal the fact is they came up
8454s wanting in that regard
8456s and i tell you what i thought piggy
8458s looked pretty good uh
8460s playing the winston uh when they did it
8462s uh and then azaria was really good it's
8464s just that it's interesting the two
8466s things that we know the outlaws are
8468s gonna fall back on is like the
8469s doomfist-based stuff and the sigma-based
8470s stuff it's the things that the linears
8472s were able to take advantage of rather
8474s easily right uh they knew exactly what
8475s was coming the comps are gonna run
8477s around it and how they were gonna
8478s counter it uh it's when they kind of
8480s threw in those wrinkles right of you
8482s know playing the zarya playing the
8484s winston that's when the gladiators had
8485s their trouble let's talk about our
8487s player of the match here for the los
8489s angeles gladiators definitely a few uh
8491s players standing up here but i gotta say
8493s uh rhino really impressed we've got to
8495s see some wrecking ball from him right
8497s which is a bit of a rare retreat here
8499s but the guy doesn't really seem
8500s perturbed about having to play any sort
8502s of tank hero it's a consistent piece of
8504s why this team gets to boast their
8506s flexibility as a unit
8508s no he had a pretty good series but i
8510s also think it just kind of the overall
8512s meaning to this team and kind of seeing
8514s how
8515s two teams handle things differently
8517s right where you kind of have to bring in
8518s multiple tanks for the outlaws to kind
8520s of play different stuff
8522s where the gladiators are able to keep
8523s him in and like what we saw him play
8526s we saw him play winston we saw him play
8528s doom we saw him play some ball we know
8530s we can play reinhardt uh
8533s like we've seen him do just about
8535s everything at an extremely high level
8538s and it's such a huge thing that the
8540s gladiators have that not many other
8542s teams in the league have at the current
8544s moment right as you go down to one tank
8546s uh it'll be having one person who's able
8549s to cover all of those different heroes
8551s uh
8552s is tough yeah and reiner i think played
8554s great today but i also think just kind
8556s of what he brings to this team is just
8559s so massive that i think you know when
8560s you see how the outlaws have to come up
8562s with it on the other side you kind of
8564s see that it's a huge advantage of a
8565s player like this and in fact and with
8567s the fact that both your dps players can
8568s play genji as well padapan is like very
8570s uniquely flexible in that regard we just
8573s don't see that kind of crossover between
8574s projectile and and hit scan heroes and
8577s then you have a bunch of specialists uh
8578s for your backline that can come in here
8580s it's a real recipe for success but rhino
8582s with uh you know upwards of 10 final
8584s blows per 10 is crucial you could see
8585s just how involved
8586s in so many of these fights that he is
8588s sometimes the fight gets opened up by a
8591s patapon like first pick sometimes though
8593s it's rhino that has to go in and
8595s manufacture those opportunities here so
8597s i think the gladiators have done pretty
8598s well backing up their statements saying
8599s we are the best we're here to dominate
8601s uh and it means that going forward in
8603s this upper bracket it's going to get
8604s exciting because them going up against
8606s the winner of seoul and hangzhou
8608s west fans probably feeling pretty
8609s confident right now
8611s yeah and i believe for the outlaws what
8613s it means for them
8614s i was just told that they were gonna
8616s play toronto defiant which i actually
8618s thought toronto played i thought they
8620s looked pretty good against shanghai uh i
8622s actually think you know shanghai
8623s obviously takes that but i thought
8624s toronto put up a really good fight so uh
8627s we're not surprised to see that series
8629s be it's a dangerous one
8631s very very dangerous you've left me when
8632s i've said this before but that
8633s definitely feels like a trap game stick
8635s around everybody don't go too far we've
8637s got more of our western region teams
8639s fighting to advance in this upper
8640s bracket stick around this is the
8642s mid-season madness global tournament
8665s is brought to you by upper deck the
8667s official trading card of the overwatch
8668s league
8670s and by teamspeak the official voice
8672s supplier of the overwatch league
8677s [Music]
8685s so
8693s [Music]
8704s do
8720s [Music]
8752s [Music]
8764s [Music]
8770s [Music]
8774s so
8792s [Music]
8803s [Music]
8816s [Music]
8830s [Music]
8861s so
8868s [Music]
8907s [Music]
8918s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
8919s joined now by reiner from los angeles
8922s gladiators writer congratulations on the
8924s win now uh a good start uh for the
8927s tournament for the gladiators and i do
8929s feel like i do want to ask uh was there
8931s anything i don't know if you watched the
8933s houston match yesterday i'm assuming you
8934s did
8936s yeah maybe not
8937s but i mean was there anything you
8938s learned from that match that sort of
8940s helped you get the win today well we
8942s obviously like went over in review right
8944s but the only thing i really remember is
8945s piggy playing run and i heard that i
8947s kind of just stopped paying attention so
8950s i mean
8951s it's typical houston dante and they play
8953s doom piggy and they play
8955s mediocre gameplay
8957s typical houston mediocre gameplay all
8960s right um and i also want to ask because
8962s i don't know if um i don't know if this
8963s is true but i remember seeing you today
8965s uh i mean gladiators playing the
8967s wrecking ball dive competition i don't
8968s think if we i don't think we saw a lot
8971s of that during throughout the regular
8972s season uh was that something you guys
8974s specifically came up with for the
8975s houston uh play or was that just on the
8978s fly
8980s well i might be banned from playing ball
8981s and officials uh that was a that was an
8984s in-game swap for the you know coaches
8985s are muted they can't say nothing
8987s you know i'm like the team captain other
8989s players can't say nothing so in-game
8991s audible worked out pretty good
8994s i mean it was great i don't think it was
8995s pretty good it was really good you
8997s really popped off on that wrecking ball
8998s so i'm really excited to see more of
9000s that uh and also lastly
9002s i don't know if you know but i remember
9004s avraham one of our casters tweeting
9006s uh tweeting saying that uh uh fate from
9009s shanghai dragons actually wanted to meet
9011s you guys and specifically you reiner uh
9014s because he really wants to see how good
9016s you are um what are your thoughts on the
9019s shanghai dragons and if you have any
9020s message for fate please go ahead well
9022s i'm really excited to play against
9024s shanghai obviously you know they won
9026s overwatch league last year but i
9027s wouldn't necessarily say it counted
9029s because i wasn't in the league yet so
9030s it's kind of a mickey mouse championship
9032s but uh i do have something to say to
9034s fate and you know he said it he's
9036s excited to see how good i am but i'm
9038s excited to see how bad he is
9040s i like that answer right and with that
9042s i'm going to wrap up this interview
9044s reiner thank you so much and let's head
9046s back to the desk uh all
9048s awfully take it away i'm sorry
9054s thank you very much danny did that
9056s interview just happened
9060s he is confident
9063s oh my god he started the game he started
9066s the series i guess first teabagging his
9068s opponents dabbing on the fans and then
9071s now he comes in and
9075s no
9076s respect for your elders
9080s mickey mouse championship
9084s okay i i'm so sorry jake and bisho i
9086s know that i was cheering for the outlaws
9087s before but oh my god the gladiators
9090s the gladiators with that spice coming
9092s out for reiner i feel like he's got to
9093s be making some either fans or enemies
9096s after that
9096s you've been to both
9098s you know
9099s you can't win them all but i i respect
9101s it except for the jab you know
9102s he dabs you know it's not 2016 anymore
9107s really i i respect the bag but you know
9110s dropping a dad that has to be the first
9111s time
9112s boomer dabbing is for boomers what do
9114s you mean dab no no no he's at least well
9118s i mean honestly he didn't need the dab
9119s to add spice with an interview like that
9121s tossing out like mediocre game play as
9123s you said mickey mouse championship
9125s it was so good and i actually think we
9127s have a replay of that there it is quick
9129s for it ready for it oh snowy boy my
9132s favorite is like he's like bouncing like
9134s getting ready for something well here he
9135s comes yeah there we go
9138s smirk too so he knew exactly what he was
9141s doing
9142s aggressive words coming out for reiner
9144s which johnny it kind of fits with some
9147s of the really aggressive compositions
9149s that we were seeing especially in like
9150s you know the first map we had the loose
9152s show that was coming out and setting the
9154s pace for the series so what did you
9155s think of that i mean the gladiators just
9157s came out like guns ablazing and like no
9160s time whatsoever for the houston outlaws
9162s to set up or like pull off what they
9164s wanted to do the houston outlaws they've
9165s been playing a lot of zenyatta on a only
9167s jing tower before so this was no
9169s surprise but the l.a gladiators did
9171s something funny asterisk you said on
9172s that lucio and i thought it was really
9174s interesting how they dope on top of the
9176s houston outlaws before iris or lasso
9179s could get any kind of angles with this
9181s senior nana so typically you you would
9183s see these compositions come out like the
9185s senior and diana and they would have
9186s long side lines and you would be able to
9188s peel backwards and hit the sleep darts
9191s utilize the harmony and the discord orb
9193s but the gladiators the way they
9194s navigated around the map with the close
9196s walls they would start the dives with
9198s kevster and reiner swell in the doomfist
9200s they didn't give houston outlaws these
9202s angles to operate this composition in
9204s the first place and with this aggression
9207s the houston outlaws they were always on
9209s the back foot they couldn't quite get
9211s into the groove and like kevster were
9212s just like harassing the team so much
9214s costa that even like pelican couldn't
9216s really get going either so a huge
9218s difference for me yeah i i absolutely
9220s agree i think this midtown
9222s was really and a little bit of toronto
9224s was the only times we really saw the
9226s gladiators stumble like gladiators had
9228s this map in there in their size it was
9231s going so well and then piggy zaire is
9233s apparently the hard counter and they
9235s only played it for that map but we went
9237s over to dorado and we got to see some of
9238s the strengths of the outlaws even with
9240s piggy on that winston but you know matt
9243s mitch sort of talked about this during
9244s the cast arms just hasn't really had
9247s that firepower for this team so far in
9249s this season
9250s maybe we are holding him to such a
9252s ridiculously high standard that it's
9253s hard for him to have those i mean he's
9255s still an elite he's still great but he
9257s did even in this map right here he
9259s didn't really have that dominant
9261s presence he wasn't taking over the game
9262s like we know he could so that might
9264s become more of an issue as we go further
9267s into the matches when he starts going up
9269s against the shanghai dragons we start
9271s going up against the seoul dynasty and
9272s there is some serious firepower on the
9274s other end but for me with these two
9277s players kepster and patty pan were the
9279s ones that really stepped up they were
9280s the difference makers for the gladiators
9282s i had questions about paddy pan heading
9284s into this tournament of is he going to
9286s be able to have that dominant hit scan
9287s performance he showed us up in the
9289s kickoff clash after we doubted him so
9291s maybe i shouldn't have doubted him in
9292s this one but he did show up but kepster
9294s versus pelican that was really the
9296s storyline the real storyline we actually
9298s have a stack card coming here of these
9300s two going head to head and kevs is just
9302s showing why he is an mvp candidate right
9304s now why he is so dominant on that hero
9306s yeah i mean the thing is well you saw
9308s this play out in game if we just take a
9310s look at the stats quickly it's like oh
9312s wow
9313s 44 final votes 25 i mean half the deaths
9317s 18 throughout the entire match from
9319s kepster we played four maps and he died
9321s 18 times and like every category he just
9324s like completely outpaced pelican but you
9326s also saw this like visualized when they
9328s were playing the game pelican it felt
9330s like it was always chasing around
9332s kepster houston outlaws they were
9334s playing the slower style so pelican is
9335s like your job is to make sure that
9338s kevster doesn't kill us
9339s and kev still killed you
9341s not again
9342s so you could really see the difference
9344s as well kevster was always in control
9346s always playing aggressive and finding
9347s those picks and it made such a huge
9348s difference now in the pre-show danny
9350s actually spoke with the gladiators head
9352s coach as to why they decided to pick the
9354s outlaws
9356s the outlaws were the worst team left and
9358s we'll probably have an updated tweet
9360s from the coach as well that we can pull
9362s up and see i'm not sure what it is yet i
9364s think it might be a little bit more
9365s trash talk there's
9367s oh
9368s jake despair
9369s how to win a single map in a tournament
9371s versus the gladiators ask houston oh no
9374s damn i wish i could read
9377s until we
9378s we he
9381s i'm just great i i like hunter you know
9383s he's i do you think he's influencing
9386s rhino do you think he has a bad
9387s influence on reiner and he is the reason
9389s that ryder is doing this or is this just
9390s reiner of his own free will
9393s i i'd like to believe that reiner
9395s operates as his own individual under his
9397s own circumstances and the reiner is pure
9403s he's pure really you think he's pure
9405s after that
9406s yes
9407s all right i like the optimism and the
9411s yeah the optimism in finding the good in
9413s everyone in the world but i absolutely
9414s love that tweet love the trash talk
9416s coming in we actually have an updated
9417s bracket uh with our new results plugged
9420s in so let's go ahead and take a look and
9422s see how everything is shaking up we have
9425s the gladiators moving on uh the outlaws
9429s dropping down into that match for going
9431s against florida mayhem as you oh no
9432s excuse me where are they there's a lower
9434s bracket there's a little buffer it's a
9435s lower bracket don't worry
9439s [Applause]
9443s they're gonna be going against the
9444s defiant right there excuse me for that
9446s uh first miss uh speak but okay outlaw
9450s is going against the defiant in the
9452s lower bracket what do we think about
9454s that it
9456s feels like a really houston moment where
9458s they come in with the expectations and
9461s like they do look good but toronto matt
9463s was speaking to it at the end of that
9464s match toronto had a really good match
9467s and it looks like that could be an
9468s absolute banger yeah and but houston go
9470s out in the first round would be tragic
9472s so
9472s hopefully i'm wrong i would love to see
9474s a potential atlanta houston match though
9477s that would be good that would be good
9479s again though a rematch it could be good
9481s yeah but then again oh you haven't seen
9482s that that was one of the worst c9s in
9483s the entire league so we'll catch you up
9485s with c93 so excited there's so much that
9488s we're gonna do we're gonna pull the ipad
9489s out in the middle of each of these
9490s breaks educate me please but listen
9492s before we do that we still have the next
9494s match that we need to get into which is
9496s going to be london taking on the shock
9499s and both of you guys were pretty decided
9501s that you think the shock is going to
9503s take this however i
9504s am still on the side of spitfire
9506s nepotism maybe hopium definitely i think
9510s that the spitfire can take this but tell
9512s me why you don't think they can scott
9515s on the helm of like just such talented
9517s players they have crusty as a head coach
9520s london spitfire's biggest sort of ace up
9522s their sleeve is they go oh rush do you
9524s know how to deal with it and usually a
9526s lot of these middling teams they do
9527s struggle to adapt they don't have the
9529s you know individual players to deal with
9531s it the san francisco shock has very
9532s rarely stumbled to these kind of you
9534s know pitfalls that are coming in from
9536s the london spitfire i think mechanically
9538s the shock players will probably be able
9539s to beat the london spitfire i would be
9542s shocked if the london spitfire kept this
9544s streak going and somehow managed to
9546s break down this 12-0 san francisco
9548s shopkin if i do have to give one
9550s head-to-head matchup to just keep your
9552s eyes on uh it's going to be shacks
9554s versus proper now we already talked
9555s enough about proper who he did but like
9557s shacks in like 2019 2020 he hit a stride
9561s on tracer and was like one of the best
9562s tracers around specifically a very
9564s aggressive tracer he liked getting in
9566s finding pixel supports and he might go
9567s down you know getting them but he found
9570s those picks eventually is he going to
9572s get that room to operate on tracer
9574s perhaps you know
9576s side by side with proper which is very
9577s hard to do that could be like an opening
9579s for the london spitfire a win condition
9581s if you will against the the shock to our
9583s favorite okay checks to be proper that's
9585s what it is no
9587s that's what i hope
9588s as well right
9590s a little bit a little bit i think we're
9591s going to have to let the fans at home
9593s decide what they heard from johnny as
9596s you know i can't take you as seriously
9597s when i don't see you with the snorkel
9598s mask and the snorkel just next to you
9601s but listen as he goes digging for his
9603s swim supplies we actually have the next
9606s match ready to go so let's go ahead and
9607s toss it over to our casters uber and mr
9609s x to get us into the game
9614s thank you very much overlea yes quite
9616s the preamble from our friends in the
9618s truck but i kind of thought we were
9621s going is that johnny's outfit for when
9622s he would go get a like go swim for
9625s mackerel i don't know how do you catch
9626s mackerel in sweden
9628s you get like
9630s kind of like a i'm just like a bear with
9632s your hands yeah mastery of banter you
9634s know what i mean johnny johnny needs to
9636s snorkel because he's drowning
9637s loads of mackerel then i'd i'd be the
9639s mackerel king yeah
9641s you'll be double fisting macro you'll be
9643s like they make a statue of you in the
9644s town square because you solve like
9646s they're like the tiniest the tiniest
9648s statue in every town
9650s yeah well i mean listen to scale what
9652s can i say and now this this game was
9654s something like the shock said they're so
9656s nice they said they chose the spitfire
9658s because they thought the spitfire had
9661s the best rush team and they wanted to
9662s play against that whereas hunters like
9664s yeah they think they were no
9666s they're full of it is krusty is like
9668s yeah you're lying
9670s think of the kids krusty you are lying
9671s to children how does that feel they'd be
9673s better off just doing what the
9675s gladiators do and just gaining a ton of
9677s followers right and just memeing on
9679s twitter instead of just being like oh
9680s yeah i think they're great like
9683s i mean listen because there's no way
9684s that that's happened okay
9686s look in fairness
9687s san francisco very good in online play
9690s this is
9691s not on online play this is in person in
9694s fairness san francisco definitely
9696s struggled in a stadium atmosphere no i'm
9698s not suggesting these are remotely the
9699s same
9700s i mean we've seen the discourse over the
9702s last couple days it's a little bit more
9705s scaled down than that but still i mean
9707s this team needs to turn up face to face
9709s and and put on a show because in texas
9711s they did not do that and the london
9713s spitfire are looking more and more
9714s dangerous as they go saying they've even
9716s managed to shed that ego they started to
9718s develop when they started to find these
9720s results no it's not a trap game but you
9722s know london definitely have a
9724s well-drilled approach to the game
9726s it's not a trap game because london's
9728s really good yeah i mean london has been
9730s on fire right in the the mid-seas
9732s madness like not many teams uh probably
9735s would have loved to pick london here as
9738s uh it'll be sparkler and shaq starring
9739s in dps uh backbone in to start in
9742s support so uh some zenyatta play gonna
9745s come in uh from the london spitfire uh
9748s but this is not a team to be taken
9750s lightly whatsoever like the start of the
9752s season obviously off to a rough start
9755s they have really started to hit a stride
9757s and
9758s they seem extremely confident and i
9760s think if you're the shock like this is a
9764s it's a it's a it's a really um
9767s i i feel like it's almost like a kind of
9768s like season defining game and it may be
9770s like really early to say something like
9772s that but you know with how good they've
9774s been in the regular season and then how
9776s they play it you know not able to win or
9778s make the finals in dallas was you're
9780s probably disappointing for them
9782s you know you pick your opponent you
9783s gotta come in and be your opponent here
9785s in a live setting face to face
9789s you don't win series like this i think
9791s you know people will just start kind of
9793s like writing off regular season success
9795s right like you know this is what's gonna
9797s happen with this team uh it's just
9799s uh let's see what happens at an event uh
9802s proper sam in the starting lineup with
9804s uh mikey here today
9806s uh
9807s looks like our uh first myth will be
9809s illios so
9811s probably i know some echo play maybe i
9813s know mikey potentially on the wrecking
9815s ball we'll see what the shock decide to
9817s pull out because london the most likely
9818s we know what they're going to do right
9819s it's going to be that reinhardt base
9821s setup
9822s yeah i mean that's kind of at least the
9825s majority of what they've been playing i
9826s do want to mention though that we've
9827s seen a little bit
9828s from the spitfire where they've played
9830s some wrecking ball they played some
9831s winston-based compositions they can do
9834s it they just not really had a good
9835s reason to switch away from that
9837s reinhardt setup so the biggest question
9839s you know we talk about you know san
9840s francisco definitely to back up their
9842s online play the biggest question is can
9844s that composition that core london
9846s composition be exploited because until
9848s that happens london are gonna ease their
9850s way into these matches they're gonna
9852s ease their way through this tournament
9853s until someone says no you're not gonna
9855s get away with this anymore and the
9857s shocker in an unenviable position
9858s because they have a lot of pressure on
9860s them and they don't even necessarily
9862s have like the the tournament defining
9863s results to back them up it's just online
9865s play it's just it's league play and yet
9867s everyone expects them to just go just to
9869s be haymakering their way into like an
9871s upper bracket final hit
9873s or a producer in our ear just told me
9875s that uh hottie just knocked down some
9877s push-ups in the room
9879s uh
9880s and i don't know whether that's like a
9882s move of intimidation i don't know no i
9884s won't
9885s what
9892s that's why i never do them so when i was
9894s in china casting some uh some overwatch
9897s uh myself and my co-commentator at the
9898s time
9899s or we were a bit nervous i was a bit
9901s newer obviously to sort of the the
9903s biggest we were in like an arena right
9904s so we would do some push-ups at the
9905s start of the game promise in china
9908s i mean
9909s i think doing push-ups
9911s it implies something very different to a
9913s defense in the arena so for us it was us
9915s working off nervous energy but um my
9918s understanding is that to them it implied
9919s like we were trying to show off
9921s masculinity you know what i mean and
9922s they found it very funny so
9924s you know they're not wrong yeah they're
9926s not wrong i mean we would trying to do
9927s that like we literally would just you
9929s know very sometimes you just replace
9930s push-ups with some with some bright
9932s shirts
9936s okay well i don't know if that was
9938s called for i've been in fairness
9939s everybody's getting some medium some
9941s medium shirt
9943s i don't know what to tell you because i
9944s look at the desk and everyone's looking
9946s like me you know what i'm saying i i
9948s look at i saw seth i saw kevin two
9951s very good looking guys looking like me
9953s with your passion don't try and rob
9954s everybody into this hey you're all
9956s you're all dressed in life
9958s you're in my world everybody's down with
9959s the trying to take everybody down with
9961s the ship
9962s or or we're gonna rise on the wings of
9963s eagles because you know this is this is
9965s the play this is this is the vibe
9967s and because everyone's trying to get
9968s this hawaii feel they end up dressing
9970s like me like i do all the time the
9972s joke's on you nerds welcome to my world
9976s you have mountains on your shirt huh
9978s normally you just wear something
9979s somebody's sack clock looking thing like
9981s a burlap sack just throw it over yet you
9983s walk on camera the day i start dressing
9985s like you i know i'll be selling like
9987s real oh yeah something like that your
9989s honor i want to call the course
9990s attention to a photo of mitch leslie and
9992s matt morello with matching gold outfits
9996s yeah you remember that one because i was
9998s like semi forced to no you're practicing
10001s i made it sure it is there was no duress
10003s involved i mean i've got my gold shirt
10005s right here i mean you want to run a
10006s backpack let's do it
10007s what when is that what do you think
10009s mine i don't i don't know if mine is in
10013s my apartment i don't know hey those are
10015s worried a lot yeah you should be holding
10016s our bed okay yep all right push ups
10021s listen donning the crusader armor
10022s requires some degree of strength right
10024s party's working on that uh credit to him
10027s such an aggressive ryan player tied for
10029s second and fewest deaths yeah
10032s and i also what i love about london is
10035s uh this team like went through some
10037s rough patches last year and
10039s they knew that this team had talent it
10041s was their first year in the league right
10043s uh you know that last year they were
10044s playing like long distance pretty
10046s difficult like everybody kind of like
10047s had remote locations from each other
10049s uh ednuki and the rest of the team were
10051s like look like we know these players are
10053s talented we've seen it before
10055s this is their first run in the league
10056s it's gonna get better and
10058s brought up brought a lot of the crew
10060s back you know some additions right to
10062s that core and they've looked they look
10065s fantastic here at the beginning of the
10066s season you know people people treated
10068s you know when dpa joined the vancouver
10071s titans right people treated this this
10073s revelatory when he said we're just gonna
10075s find one thing we're good at and just do
10077s that and we can talk about how that was
10079s working and reasonably well but
10080s christopher's been doing that with the
10082s london spitfire since the start of this
10083s season you know it's not this that's not
10085s necessarily a novel approach if you
10086s consider how these teams sort of built
10088s their foundation right that rush comp we
10090s were kind of joking about it was like oh
10092s trolls is like pretty easily exploited
10094s by high ground all the comps like that
10095s this team just kept working on they
10097s refined it now it's kind of an obnoxious
10100s for their opponents to deal with
10101s oh and we got on the ground in dallas
10103s there were lots of people who were like
10105s man i'm so happy london's not here
10107s because they've been just rolling
10108s everybody in scrims uh
10111s and typically you hear something like
10112s that and you're like all right like
10113s let's see if it like transitions into
10114s games but like in this you know second
10116s six games of the first half of the
10118s season
10120s they were the lights out i mean they
10122s they were the real deal so
10124s also looks like in the in the room there
10126s today like everybody kind of uh
10128s you know no no pressure on the london
10130s spitfire now you've been waving across
10132s across the way uh maybe even a little
10134s trolling going on where they're playing
10136s with house money right the shock picked
10138s them the shock had been undefeated
10140s throughout the first half of the regular
10142s season like all the pressure here is on
10145s san francisco to turn up with a big win
10147s today and despite what krusty may have
10149s said you're never going to convince me
10150s that this pick wasn't made because the
10152s shop just felt that the spitfire were
10153s weaker than some of those other options
10155s there you know what i mean uh i mean i
10157s might be surprised i may have a little
10159s bit surprised maybe you don't consider
10160s the outlaws there as a you know
10162s possibility i do understand why teams
10164s are playing regional rivals rather than
10166s like you know we have west versus east
10168s picks because they don't really
10169s understand those teams to the same
10170s degree it's kind of hard to study up on
10172s that kind of tape so here we have a run
10173s back of a match that we saw much earlier
10176s on this season at a time with san
10177s francisco or obviously dominant and
10178s london were finding their feet it's a
10180s different story now the london spitfire
10182s are here to shame all of the doubters
10185s and it's gonna start on ilios
10189s so this is the
10190s pick of the shock so
10192s uh what you kind of think of this map
10195s like well not a fantastic reinhardt map
10197s right uh
10199s ruins another one like long range like
10202s the ability to you know run some
10203s wrecking ball stuff pretty good or just
10205s like reinhardt not like excelling there
10208s uh the one you'd kind of think that the
10210s reinhardt composition could be pretty
10211s good in is a lighthouse right so
10214s it's you kind of look at the rest of the
10216s maps like what like licheng tower
10217s there's like a few good reinhardt
10218s options right
10220s we'll see though what
10222s london decided to do
10224s uh coming out with the roadhog would be
10227s i mean it would be it would be spicy
10230s that would be the most
10231s i mean just let me just knock out some
10233s push-ups and insta-lock them
10240s yeah it's like every uh you know
10243s gym
10244s gym protein drinking you know what are
10246s they my brother does crossfit right you
10248s know that's their friday night that's
10250s not the same
10252s hit the iron temple and interlock some
10254s roadhog jim right don't identify with
10256s crossfit there has to be some separation
10258s there but just shows you the level of
10260s fitness that i know
10263s oh yeah we know
10265s that orange theory arc was uh was a fun
10267s one for sure matt all right hardy on the
10268s wrecking ball here so we've seen this
10270s from him this season he's getting
10272s harassed big times he crosses the map
10274s and at least he's having to snap up that
10276s mega health pack big biotic grenade over
10278s the back line there survivor already
10279s starting by posturing very aggressively
10281s here in this matchup
10283s yeah and sparker gonna come out on the
10285s ass she's actually slept right now uh
10287s from a distance here by violence but
10289s uh the ash gonna give a little bit more
10291s consistent you know long range damage uh
10294s the hanzo some more burst potential
10296s right i think hanzo also uh a little bit
10298s better about guarding himself like
10300s against a tracer push coming in
10302s i think we've just been watching hardy
10304s go to 300 and then get healed up the
10306s entire outside
10307s meanwhile sparker finds two banger head
10310s shots
10311s uh on violet and sam huge opener there
10314s in london remaining control the point
10315s i'm busy i don't know about you guys i'm
10317s a little travel sick after that one
10319s well like i mentioned it's property
10320s takes out sparker and that's kind of
10322s what they have to look at is
10324s i know can they keep sparker alive
10326s through the kind of uh onslaught of a
10328s push from proper and mikey it's london
10331s and control the point first because if
10333s they can keep sparker alive control the
10335s angles across this point the ash is
10337s going to be a really good pick
10341s beautiful start to be sure
10343s sam's hanzo
10344s streaky at times if we're honest
10347s find a bit more of a common pick now
10349s we're seeing from him
10351s there's a possum online for shacks
10353s one of the members of that los angeles
10355s valiant team that managed to beat the
10356s titans at the height of their power back
10358s in 2019 and that's a beautiful stick
10360s somehow sam's able to get away from the
10362s blaster radius but violet has no choice
10366s and it's a minefield laid over the point
10368s there from potty so
10370s players not able to get in there and uh
10371s backbone on the zen like they're kind of
10374s newfound uh zen prodigy here is the
10378s backbone traditionally like we've seen
10380s him play a lot of dps
10381s uh it's really kind of like the first
10384s week it was a little bit of a rough go
10385s from him on the dps if you remember back
10387s yes um
10389s yeah
10394s yeah like kind of all the talk around
10396s then but he's been very good since then
10397s as he's going to find a pick on the fin
10399s crosstalk
10401s i mean there are a lot of people hoping
10402s to see the london spitfire do well in
10404s this series but so far this is probably
10406s better than even the most
10408s wishful of them might have expected
10410s what a beautiful first round stanley's
10412s able to find backbone here and proper
10414s trying to get into the back line he gets
10415s rid of land at the very least you're all
10417s keeping ali you p says in spark it
10420s catches that one
10422s yeah the bob's still on the point though
10424s it's gonna be uh sparkers bob on the
10426s point she's putting down some damage for
10427s a little bit is this be a flip that
10429s happens for the shock but still 99 for
10433s the london spitfire right off the bat as
10435s good as you can ask for uh what you're
10437s going to look at now is like what hottie
10439s will get minefield you can use minefield
10440s on the point maybe that forces finn to
10442s use the transcendence right clear that
10444s out so allow them to kind of you know
10446s contest keep control over that area so
10449s mikey's got to be careful can't get
10451s caught out here maybe the shacks of the
10452s pulse bomb could even open things up
10455s that's a hanzo shot and then the kit you
10457s know orbs as well
10460s might have been a sonic that shaq just
10462s wasn't aware of right uh to sort of
10464s reveal his position because that came in
10465s far too quickly for that not to have
10467s been a coincidence
10470s let me get close to what 50 here
10472s probably for the shot so
10474s just that early pick
10475s buys him a decent amount of time
10480s party there assertively
10482s forcing mikey out of his side of the map
10484s here we go there's the mines let's see
10486s if we see the transcendence to clear
10488s this out it looks like it's not going
10490s maybe no i mean it's just it honestly is
10492s a zoning on because you have no one on
10493s the point right now for san francisco
10495s you're playing around the hanzo cops you
10496s don't want to be on the point at all
10497s wreckable hanzo doesn't make any sense
10499s hardy wins the duel sort of uh duel i
10502s guess guess would have been there
10503s crucially
10505s they can't get to it because of the
10506s mines and you never get used to the
10508s transcendence
10511s man that is uh
10513s that is a really good start for london
10516s and
10517s you know you're
10519s you're uh and look at this i mean we get
10521s lighthouse next i mean well would have
10522s been the one that you wouldn't have
10524s wanted here where this gives you some
10525s options for london but also we just saw
10528s them go head-to-head in a
10529s non-reinhardt battle and coming out on
10532s top is
10533s maybe people been sleeping a little bit
10535s on london kind of talking about how this
10537s is just a reinhardt rush based team like
10540s you know we're starting to see them kind
10541s of you know use the russia as their
10543s basis right in kind of like build off of
10545s that foundation now
10547s so this pick
10548s drew hardy a lot of criticism last year
10550s but it was said by you know
10552s obviously sort of management over this
10555s this spitfire roster he's the hardest
10556s working player i've ever seen and the
10558s development obviously from hardy is
10560s obvious right he's really popular by the
10562s way in in china
10564s well the chinese fans really love hardy
10566s they're they really adore him so uh
10568s congrats to him on that sort of
10569s popularity
10571s yeah i can see why he's earned it though
10573s for sure
10574s sam on the echo here
10580s mikey with a biotic grenade they're
10581s gonna put enough pressure to force him
10583s back just a little bit is making his
10585s life tough right every time you can see
10586s the top right mikey's got the discord on
10588s him uh from backbone he's also you know
10592s getting hit with the biotic grenades is
10594s see the shot getting on to the point
10596s here first london was not able to just
10598s launch them from the high ground of he
10600s spoke a little bit too soon sparker gets
10602s one yeah i like that from sam good
10603s response sparker obviously makes a
10605s flanking plane just sort of you know
10606s blows way out he's not ready for it at
10608s all throws it disrupts the shock down
10610s but good appeal there from sam at least
10612s to secure a trade and this is kind of
10614s what you want to see from san francisco
10615s right their pillars i think are finn's
10617s ability to find these key picks and
10619s obviously the the time-honored strategy
10620s of proper go kill uh are very important
10622s when sam when sam fires up on this team
10625s that's when they really start to look
10627s unstoppable right when yeah if the dps
10628s are kicking off
10629s a slower start for sam here but again
10631s plenty of match to play
10633s and we've seen sam have some of those
10635s pop-off moments here you know straight
10637s away right so
10640s just the start here his heart he gets
10642s really low i don't know if they're gonna
10643s be able to keep him alive
10645s it's a nice long range healing there
10646s from landon coming in and that's gonna
10647s be the nano it's used on the smoker to
10649s keep him up yeah i like this again so
10651s the spitfire is so aggressive you can
10653s tell because this sojourn is jumping
10654s across the map right a little less
10656s common to see that sparka loves to play
10658s aggressively and sort of throw down
10660s those disruptive shots they don't want
10662s to they don't want the shock to benefit
10663s from being in the high ground position
10665s but this could go wrong here i mean
10666s mikey able to get rid of landed there is
10668s big
10669s dawn i was going to say that could have
10671s been huge there from shacks and sparker
10673s but a few players are actually hit by
10675s the biotic grenade they're a violet and
10677s you're able to get a point flip
10678s basically instantly
10680s huge play from the ana on the shot that
10682s kind of comes from long distance
10683s connections like three players allows
10685s the shock to flip rather fast
10687s something violet's always gonna be able
10688s to provide for you we're
10690s past the lucio arc at least for the most
10692s part here
10693s mine's on the point come down
10695s hardy you know can't do too much about
10697s that so good response from mike
10699s yeah i i think hardy probably thought he
10701s was going to be able to live a little
10702s bit longer maybe the mines wouldn't come
10704s through and he would have been able to
10705s get that primal rage off
10707s extend that fight a little bit
10710s and now you start to get in dangerous
10711s territory here if you're the london
10712s spitfire
10714s 80
10715s coming up here on the point for the
10716s shock
10717s with all the ultimates and how kind of
10719s long these fights could go with both
10720s transcendences potentially last by
10722s territory
10724s yeah this is the finesse and play we've
10725s come to expect from proper
10727s the pulse isn't going to quite connect
10728s but hey the mobility on spike a little
10730s bit hard to follow for sure again the
10732s spitfire will go aggressive they dive
10734s across the map primal rage here for
10736s hardy means fingers and careening over
10738s the edge spitfire able to flip things
10740s back despite a good start from san
10742s francisco
10744s and didn't get sent packing and he's got
10746s the transcendence oh nice play though by
10748s say i'm able to just
10750s hunt down hardy
10755s not going to happen so
10757s really good first point there from the
10759s london spitfire dominant bounce back
10761s here from the shot
10762s and i'll be honest with you some of
10764s these issues here stem from hardy's
10766s inability to be as disruptive as he was
10768s on that first map he's playing the
10769s winston you can see the spitfire are
10771s diving they're playing aggressively
10772s across the map but
10774s that sort of play they're going for you
10775s know the one with sparker is literally
10777s sort of power sliding forwards
10779s doesn't happen very often and there's a
10780s lot of round with san francisco are
10782s getting picks out of proper just playing
10783s aggressive trying to catch them on the
10784s back foot there a little bit quieter as
10786s well from backbone tough to have as much
10788s success on uh
10790s on the zenith cases like this but yeah
10791s mikey's wrecking ball definitely still
10792s something you've got to put some respect
10794s on
10796s is clean there
10797s potentially it came up to the third
10800s so it'll be london actually playing with
10802s the batiste here in the mix so
10806s this will allow them you know to use
10807s that immortality field a little bit
10808s aggressively right when they want to
10810s push
10811s behind audi and checks they can play
10813s with it or uh no allow them to not worry
10816s about as much of like peel right for
10818s their supports they're able to use it
10820s defensively and that's going to be
10821s backbone with a pick on a sam money
10823s backbone is a dps player we have now
10826s who's just been picking up the zen over
10827s the last like what two three weeks
10829s uh i mean he's gotten a few crucial
10832s kills on ruins and then starts off well
10834s here with a pick on the fin
10835s uh that's unreal especially with a point
10838s like valve you get control first you
10840s could easily run it down the distance
10843s yeah great opener there as well that
10845s first pick
10846s is what puts the spitfire in a strong
10847s position you said like they might want
10849s to avoid well but obviously they're
10850s already playing reinhardt at all this
10852s kind of map rock we've really really
10853s evolved past that period for this team
10855s so hardy goes back on that wrecking ball
10857s now
10858s that's a big zen picker now it's gonna
10860s be an ash pick
10862s just that first pick from backbone how
10864s easy it is to contest your own well uh i
10867s mean if anyone's just kind of like
10869s watching us played like a watch just in
10870s general like bob's right knows how
10872s difficult it is to flip this point back
10874s uh with heroes like tracer in the mix
10877s and wrecking ball like immortality field
10880s you can just stall this out for so long
10882s is that first pick from backbone uh
10885s it can't you can't explain how massive
10887s it is to give that early lead over to
10889s spitfire
10891s and already that lead is developing
10894s quite nicely
10896s lincoln eye and it's 47-0
10898s jackson's pulse here perfect what a
10900s stick on finn who's been modified mostly
10903s in this round
10904s mike elise is able to find sparkle who's
10906s dead with those first picks here but
10907s shaq's still running rampant and that
10909s percentage is still of course ticking up
10911s now everybody's has to be used on mikey
10913s just to keep him in the fight that
10914s discord off really punishing him there's
10916s backbone
10917s and keeping those enemy tanks very wary
10919s and mikey doesn't even want to play
10920s aggressively with the rest of that
10922s matter well
10923s you see when mikey goes into that back
10924s corner though he's dealt with the
10926s discord orb and the immortality field
10928s and can't survive through that and look
10930s at this
10930s two fights really you know in a row
10933s where the london spitfire gets him at 80
10936s sam's gonna go over to the sojourn now
10938s but look at i mean you have you have an
10940s ant matrix you have bob online uh you're
10942s gonna have transcendence minefield and
10945s the shock have not been able to build up
10946s towards anything this has been all
10948s london
10950s backbone doesn't matter a proper in that
10952s last fight
10954s what a weapon
10956s he is now on that set as well
10958s just another left mobile dps i guess
10960s until he does this and then he zoom in
10962s transcendence in play now we can do a
10963s little bit of mine sweeping if he so
10965s elects
10966s pressure on mike is that rick yeah okay
10968s the discordable mikey but sam's about to
10969s find a headshot crucial one of his
10971s backbones
10972s and vince gonna cross the map back to
10974s his team i don't know how he got so far
10975s away clearing some of those minds away
10981s looks like here at the end
10983s the shot gonna pull out
10985s this fight so they will flip it in their
10988s favor but they need to be perfect from
10989s here on out
10991s london just needs one fight to go their
10993s way to steal map number one
10996s shacks of the pulse bomb
10998s no support ultimate on like line like
11000s whether that's the transcendence or the
11002s nano
11003s keep anybody up through that so shax
11005s lands this big pulse bomb could be the
11007s map in favor of london
11011s perfect stick on finn
11013s he's had a couple of those
11016s pit stops he gets topped up
11019s proper constantly frustrated by this
11021s wrecking ball that seems to be in his
11022s way
11025s he needs to push through he probably
11026s needs to use the high ground to do so
11028s instead he wants to double back and put
11029s pressure on hardy you probably can just
11031s stay clear of this
11032s did you see how far back finn is playing
11034s too by the way yeah he has all the way
11035s up on the high ground back there needs
11037s to play so far back and that's a huge
11039s pick sam's able to take out sparkler
11041s what do you do here if you're london you
11042s just kind of keep growing at this
11044s you want to back out
11046s for him to get
11053s recall there from property has a pulse
11054s bomb but couldn't find a way in
11056s and this is where it begins remember
11058s it's a hard point to flip you need a
11059s decisive fight win in order to do that
11063s excuse me i'm talking here oh my god
11066s london haven't been able to do that san
11068s francisco give it up
11071s oh my god cast the curse in a half
11073s matthew
11075s that's ridiculous backbone down to finn
11077s though at least san francisco can
11079s convert on a bit of a rough start to
11080s this fight but they don't get any
11082s percentage during this time that hurts
11083s them
11084s right i was gonna say that still even
11086s with that flip for a little bit a period
11088s of time
11089s right you're gonna have 70 percent this
11090s would have been potentially the game for
11093s the shock if you're holding on there so
11095s ant matrix coming online transcendence
11098s available for finn and hottie with the
11100s minds uh how do you do this do you want
11102s to like drop a minefields in like one of
11104s like the back corners and use an ant
11105s matrix from the side kind of fires
11107s through that off angle uh it's a
11109s potential setup it's all you lose
11111s again that's two fights in a row where
11113s sam's been able to find this first pick
11115s look merritt had the same problem uh
11118s playing against the sojourners as ash
11121s you get out range by you know a charged
11123s rail
11124s another shot get back into this round
11126s this is not good for london they've
11127s gotta they've got to make a real play
11129s here now
11131s mine's
11133s he wants to wait him out he's got some
11135s of his they're gonna give the point back
11136s over again okay they contest yes they
11138s flip the ball a little flip okay the
11139s mortality field implication matrix goes
11141s up but backward a little out of position
11143s mikey though not confident enough to
11144s pressure that advantage he's playing
11146s until those mines disappear
11148s unbelievable so they're gone now boys
11150s wrecking ball ultimates two trans
11152s sentences it's been diagram of god knows
11154s what
11156s here comes hardy dropping down
11159s sam play from the middle of the map here
11160s this is whacky stuff is probably gonna
11162s have to duck back and get a health pack
11163s he's under a lot of pressure here he
11164s gets the mini but he has to recall out
11165s there's sam he strikes again san
11167s francisco
11179s why have you done this
11181s i gotta see you
11183s what is i would have to see what is
11185s going on inside of that room right now
11187s oh man what now as that
11191s if you are london that is as good of a
11194s start as you can imagine
11197s everybody leaves the point but honestly
11200s the shock had done that like a few times
11202s right just loud london just flipped the
11204s point uh out of nowhere
11206s this time they let them flip it but they
11208s just never get back on
11209s get this off my screen immediately
11213s we're gonna go to a prey we'll be like
11214s mac to
11216s a breather
11227s [Music]
11239s [Music]
11248s [Music]
11258s [Music]
11262s [Applause]
11263s [Music]
11305s [Music]
11326s [Applause]
11328s [Music]
11346s [Music]
11368s my
11376s [Music]
11392s so
11394s [Music]
11406s do
11413s [Music]
11452s all right everybody for the honorable
11454s charles ninth of his name what's how
11457s does this happen an agreement is c9
11462s tell me proper gets forced off yeah
11465s so there's the kill right it happens a
11467s little bit after this so mikey runs
11470s and
11472s he goes to the point
11476s about london like like they just like
11478s the fist bumps like yeah nice job guys
11481s like
11483s oh god i got all these phrases running
11486s through my head i'm like i'm not allowed
11487s to say any of these words
11489s it's like it's like a real air wheel and
11492s everything is like blurred out and it's
11493s gonna stop on something i've tried
11499s i'm sure griffin's got it like you uh
11501s you pull the little tab and the wheel
11503s goes around it's an animal noise but in
11504s your head it's just a phrase that you
11506s can't say oh are you the best part is
11509s the best part is that happens c9 is in
11512s the chat
11513s well okay then backbone times zen gap
11515s just
11516s just deleted
11518s what you did oh that's really funny um
11521s but
11522s like there were a few times where the
11524s shock just gave that point up uh
11526s collusion coming in from mikey here uh
11528s for map number two but there are like we
11530s talked about how difficult that point is
11532s usually to flip there are a few times
11533s where the shock they would get that
11534s first pick and then somehow london was
11536s able to flip um
11537s you just didn't expect it i mean when
11540s that fight kicks off
11542s the chakra in control of the point
11545s london flip it through that right
11549s and then
11550s the shot get off the point uh
11553s maybe maybe the shocker are unaware that
11555s london had flipped the points in their
11557s favor at that time i i don't know
11560s it'll be like involved here for map
11561s number two it was flipping back and
11562s forth and i've been saying i'm the
11564s caster cursor which is fine but you're
11566s the one that i'm just quoting you saying
11567s like it is hard to flip that point back
11569s right you said it right at the start of
11570s the round obviously because you have
11572s such mobile comps that are great at sort
11573s of stalling or keeping it over time
11575s going right you are you are correct
11577s there we i need to
11579s describe i will accept a lobotomy if it
11581s helps me forget about that one moment
11583s yeah i'll take like i'll buy the whole
11585s farm
11586s we need to move on to ikevolt here is uh
11589s there are high places for the shock to
11590s throw themselves off if they don't want
11592s to touch the point again that's their
11593s business uh but again um this is the
11595s peak of san francisco here
11597s uh london though have shown us that
11599s they've they've played russia on this
11601s map before uh on the attacking side
11603s winston-based defense though for the
11605s spitfire
11606s hello
11608s no
11609s it'll be uh
11611s it'll be another interesting map as
11614s you pick this map not great for
11616s reinhardt but
11618s london just squeaked out a win without
11619s having to play it uh we saw a backbone
11622s in here on the zen
11624s um we're just going to barely have to
11626s play yeah
11628s okay yes yes uh so we have cena at
11630s college play the diva
11632s which he didn't mention he thought was
11633s actually pretty strong uh
11642s and then they played it against a
11643s winston base okay so interesting maybe
11645s they kind of feel that the diva a bit
11647s stronger
11648s which is something that
11649s you know hardy probably doesn't have in
11651s his
11652s uh kind of hero so this is happening
11654s also in
11655s in the eastern region
11657s san francisco not the only team to do
11659s this
11659s but it's interesting because it's really
11661s slow and you don't always think slow
11663s because diva was a direct hero of
11664s albright but a role in this sort of team
11667s it's different it's so clear oriented
11669s it's like let's take incremental
11671s advantage it's kind of like the saga
11672s comp we saw from the outlaws in the
11674s previous map and look at it whether we
11675s back away we try and poke we try and
11677s work our way up sam finds a peak and now
11679s it's on for young and all this
11680s divacomp's really interesting and the
11682s shots are good at making it work
11684s yeah i gotta say you know sam has been
11686s able to get a lot of early kills in some
11689s of these fights they just have not been
11690s able to capitalize just yet is
11693s he comes across disruptive shot trying
11695s to force backbone out and oh point gets
11698s really close to going in favor
11700s to the shock and there goes so point a
11703s in favor of the shock
11704s relatively painless
11707s yeah and look pretty slow and steady
11708s again it's that first pick right the
11710s difference between sam on
11712s uh you know i think what we see him
11713s trying to play hanzo of course on elios
11715s here when he switched over towards the
11717s socho man he was really punishing
11719s sparker uh a lot of the time definitely
11721s seems to be a stronger pick for him
11724s yes uh collusion will have to
11726s jump off the side here reset get a mech
11728s this allow
11729s london maybe uh push up a little bit
11731s further i wonder what their answer to
11733s this would be
11734s like and maybe you can't really switch
11737s off of anything
11739s until the end because you need a hero
11741s who can kind of challenge high ground
11743s right well
11744s you want it you need to put collusion in
11745s the position where you can't peel
11746s effectively um a little hard to do
11749s but it might mean you need point three
11752s point three you can maybe play like a
11753s reinhardt right you know when you're
11755s inside and there's not a lot of
11756s verticality needed and play really close
11758s damn
11760s that's a possibility but london are
11762s trying to figure this out uh it's slow
11764s though they don't really know what to do
11765s so okay so clue's not appealing right
11767s now but his team says we're fine it's
11769s just a primal winston we have like an
11770s immortality field and proper is starting
11772s to go to work big time so
11774s by the way moving this entire time
11777s yes london still moving right on in
11779s that'll be
11780s transcendence has traded out on both
11782s sides wow
11785s you could tell london felt desperate for
11787s a fight win there
11789s now they're not able to do so is hottie
11791s do you even try and give him the nano
11793s and fight this now you back out it's
11795s right move here but man
11796s lightning fast pace set currently by the
11799s shock yeah san francisco play like a 45
11802s and they actually come out on top it's
11803s got a lot to do with proper finding
11804s those kills earlier on there but london
11806s get one
11807s one fight for that whole phase of the
11809s map because college is flying first
11812s class to
11813s stage three sat on that car
11816s back but they the first kill did that a
11818s few times on illios so
11821s that all force
11823s shot back a bit it's gonna be the
11824s hardest part of the map to kind of
11827s deal with though right you would think
11828s uh if you're the shock to make work so
11831s that'll be another pick here in favor of
11833s the spitfire where maybe the spitfire
11834s can put up a huge defense here right
11837s yeah first of all like one minute
11839s but you can't cross the bridge slow so
11841s if the spitfire get into a position like
11842s this right where they can punish people
11844s coming out of spawn that's pretty
11845s powerful for them
11846s but you know and once kalooz goes
11848s forward here it's a question of
11850s can i keep tabs on their winston because
11852s as soon as i dive there's going to be
11853s some counter diving we need to make sure
11854s we can win out in that scenario nicely
11856s done from senior blown back
11858s pogba is down
11864s and they end up using the overclock here
11866s so maybe this just buys a little bit of
11867s space
11868s but that's going to be a nano on the
11869s hardy and he's just going to push sam
11871s back it allows the shock to advance in a
11873s 4b5 and prop is now back in the fight
11875s because he's on tracer so i don't hate
11876s that
11877s i see kalooz has to yeah okay goes for
11879s self-destruct there proper gets the
11880s stick clues just gets removed killed out
11883s of mech there so
11885s maybe we see a switch here from them now
11887s i wonder if that stick was actually
11888s meant for uh backbone but it ended up
11891s landing right on top of uh shacks it
11893s looks like they were like kind of right
11894s on top of each other as uh like every
11896s concept you don't complain i think we're
11898s gonna see uh i think we're gonna see
11899s reinhardt here
11901s this is kind of what i thought would
11903s happen maybe on this part of the map but
11904s oh no
11907s okay it's a wrecking ball so gonna play
11909s the wrecking ball against the sigma
11912s potentially you could have played the
11914s winston still right i mean
11919s yeah playing with the ball so hard not
11921s what you can do if you miss that
11922s accretion which you probably will
11924s because ball is
11925s you know really mobile then you don't
11927s have a whole lot to interact with it
11929s you know you can be waiting for the end
11930s of a long corridor that also will help
11933s i was gonna say collusion's very good on
11936s the scene so he says he's the world's
11938s best signal he truly believes that so no
11940s word of a lie from the man so far he's
11942s living up to it
11946s i don't know how landon is able to stay
11948s alive through that by the way like he's
11950s like the only player for london alive
11952s for a period of time
11954s uh and able to get out with his life
11957s backbone with a orb on him the entire
11959s time
11960s yeah it looked like he started it was
11961s only collusion pressuring him as well
11962s down he's not hitting a lot of those
11963s hypospheres in that angle so
11966s this started with four minutes and 30 on
11968s the clock
11969s even a little bit higher
11974s my god
11975s beautiful open to that fight now san
11976s francisco are called well and truly an
11978s enemy territory with no hope of escape
11981s hardy can't outlast the hypospheres but
11983s again it will be a cleaner
11986s dude if london is able to stop them from
11988s completing their marriage
11990s there's no way that is a massive dub
11994s an insane dub uh considering that you
11997s got here with a few minutes of the clock
11999s sam has
12000s done a nice job since switching over to
12002s the sojourn that's another pick early on
12005s so you're gonna need backbone back up if
12007s you're london because you have
12009s the gravity flux coming online
12011s you have matrix here too
12013s lots of abilities the shock you dump a
12016s lot of ultimately this and you're not
12017s able to take it you may be in some
12018s trouble
12021s jax oh we really tried to confirm that
12023s pulse kill he waited like a moment extra
12026s and sam just ripped him a into one i
12027s cannot believe that
12029s like a powerpoint level
12032s did he not get the flux off because of
12034s the uh the shot that came through he got
12036s he got brought down before he could get
12037s the second part of that off sam had a
12039s discord all plus ant matrix so he just
12041s insta kills like a full health wrecking
12042s ball it's kind of scary but losing your
12044s sigma here it's bad news colluge he's
12047s back to the drawing board
12049s and they don't even have to use the
12051s transcendence because
12052s the gravity blocks doesn't come down so
12055s colluge is going to go back to sigma
12057s they'll take a look at this from
12058s sparker's pov
12062s oh he tries to actually get behind the
12063s payload and use his cover but he's up on
12065s the high ground
12066s his body back to winston now
12069s toulouse takes a
12071s ton of damage he was actually
12072s considering the doomfist there he
12073s switched for a moment back to the sigma
12075s doesn't lose any alt charge obviously
12076s he's
12077s died during one
12080s free charge for sparker bear that in
12082s mind very easy for these rails to be
12083s developed
12086s and there's an overclock shot kept
12087s scaring four minutes plus four minutes
12090s 50 man four minutes 50.
12094s what can they do sparker
12097s haggard looking rails there
12100s they forced out the transcendence on
12101s finn but he actually just kind of like
12103s guides propper in when they got out
12104s maneuvered there big time though proper
12106s and collusion was collapsed over that
12107s back line
12108s backbone still alive in fairness but a
12110s pulse here from proper should steal the
12112s deal
12113s ah well that was not good
12116s still been going down now backbone
12118s finally falling the lanes back in the
12119s fight he has a nanoboost as well that's
12120s for hardy straight away pressure on land
12122s and they're going after him here but
12124s hardy can stall all he's trying to do is
12126s buy a little bit of time glue's not the
12128s best
12129s primer he can't get there he can't make
12131s it sam finds two beautiful rails on that
12133s should put this one to bed
12134s [Music]
12135s still they got it from almost five
12137s minutes down to completing the map with
12140s no time in the bank
12142s uh you know london
12144s pretty terrible defense on point a and
12146s point b yeah i mean just kind of call it
12148s as it is but
12150s i mean once we got here towards the end
12151s which was i kind of where i thought they
12153s would put up their best stand i didn't
12154s think it would be this good though
12156s uh
12157s depletes your entire time bank it's huge
12159s i mean if you're in london now you kind
12161s of talk like yes serious chance to win
12162s this map right finish with some time in
12164s the bank uh
12166s then you have an opportunity to
12167s potentially
12169s well worst case draw right
12172s uh you can find yourself up to oh
12173s potentially
12175s i want to see what the defensive tank is
12176s here for san francisco
12178s because again uh the gladiators were
12181s able to turn around and put on great
12182s defenses to win you know those maps
12184s where they didn't quite finish or or
12186s what have you the dvd here for college
12188s really insistent now
12191s on i get it on point b right it's
12193s fantastic for sort of traversing this
12194s sort of low to high ground what do you
12196s think about defensive diva here on point
12198s a
12200s so i think the diva like you mentioned
12202s offers a lot of really good like
12204s uh peel oriented solutions right with
12207s the defense matrix i also think if
12209s they're going to play this kind of
12210s composition
12212s and maybe dive and split a little bit
12214s the diva is as good of any hero and like
12217s one-on-one even one-on-two scenarios
12219s he's a consummate artist
12221s right so like you know they leave the
12223s back uh back line open like you don't
12224s even need like proper there you probably
12226s just do it yourself on the diva
12230s the only one that could really test her
12231s maybe is you know we see jump between
12234s she obviously cracked duel as to herself
12237s what about my man reinhardt yours all
12240s right here we go finally daddy coming to
12242s town the p give the people what they
12243s want party knows how to entertain
12247s up against the diva
12248s who feels not too shabby
12252s said you were expecting it maybe you're
12253s like defense third
12255s didn't come out yeah that's kind of
12256s where i thought
12257s but here it allows you to move up like
12260s behind him right and it gives protection
12261s to land and playing for the computer
12262s shop over there
12264s yeah i just think there's too much
12265s verticality uh especially when you get
12267s towards that second point but
12269s it possibly can make it work here but i
12271s mean it gets a burnt down so fast
12275s and so often i think that san francisco
12276s almost want london to play that way uh
12278s the sort of lack of mobility is
12279s something that proper is like really
12281s well equipped to exploit
12283s hello
12284s yeah and just so much damage coming in
12286s from finn violet on the batiste and then
12289s diva does a decent damage to shields too
12291s right just a lot of damage coming out
12293s yeah one one try on the reinhardt and
12296s we're gonna switch right off
12298s so i think this is the the bat this is
12300s about the probably the narrative about
12301s you know spitfire being this reinhardt
12303s team this rush team only probably needs
12305s to go away like
12306s i've seen the wrecking ball the winston
12308s from hardy
12309s all really solid the only thing that
12311s don't really see probably this is like
12312s their doomfist diva looks
12315s yeah it's really about it
12317s kind of see everything else
12319s gotta be careful approaching sam and
12320s that rail gun charged up he's been
12322s hitting quite a few in this series as
12325s far as
12327s profits just a constant uses
12332s only wrap here yeah without all the
12334s harmony that's a stick though for shacks
12335s beautiful one sam's now been taken out
12337s of the picture good on shaq
12339s custer calls him such an aggressive
12341s tracer and he's not wrong but man he
12343s really knew how to approach that very
12344s dangerous situation going up against
12346s sojourn proper violence trying to fail
12348s the san francisco shock out of it
12350s collusion still alive with a
12351s self-destruct no less
12353s they can do this
12356s oh let's see he's still on proper he's
12358s trying to put pressure on the sparker
12360s that's collusion this will be the
12362s self-destruct you're gonna get some
12363s players back off the spawn here too
12365s he had no healers so he has to hope that
12367s he doesn't get killed outside of mecca
12369s with that self-destruct that's enough
12370s time he's actually bought enough time
12372s now for the shock to get back with all
12374s their players damn
12377s is it enough though you're gonna have an
12378s overclock coming out here so they have
12381s to track proppers same with another pick
12383s man yeah they asked for that though i
12385s mean all of the spitfire play inside
12386s that room maybe because it's like an
12388s anti-proper approach but they they get
12390s hosed down by that disrupter shot and
12392s sam finds another one sam on the sojourn
12395s that's big ups for me fantastic play so
12397s far the series
12399s yeah it looks really clean thus far is
12402s you also know how flexible he is like if
12404s they needed to switch to something else
12406s people just jump on it on the fly so
12408s london with four ultimates coming in
12410s here
12411s shocked with a very good defense thus
12413s far
12416s can can london break this he talked
12418s about how good their defense was at the
12419s end no their offense not looking too
12421s hard currently ah
12424s mortality field used there early to stop
12425s the shot to the high ground to deny
12427s violent that perch and look now okay
12429s sparkle forcing inside that disruptive
12431s shot i love that he follows it up by
12432s flanking
12434s talk about follow-up there's more where
12435s that came from sam has failed and the
12437s spitfire looks like they're going to
12438s break through here on defense now
12440s columbus doesn't have a self-destruct to
12441s rely on
12442s the shock are evicted
12446s it's not enough time though man
12448s you kind of think about like the game
12450s kind of working backwards from this
12451s point right
12453s now two minutes and 40 seconds to push
12455s basically from point a all the way
12457s through
12458s uh to point b
12460s kind of what's your time bonus in that
12462s capacity you put yourself in a situation
12464s where you probably don't finish with
12467s like enough time to to make it really
12469s impactful kind of your defensive stand i
12471s mean all you do is finish right get a
12474s get a run back an ot
12475s a minute each see what happens
12479s not bad considering how badly things
12480s went for london on that attack the last
12482s phasing last round
12485s finishing as the goal here
12488s landed on very wary of profit what a
12490s rough match up for him
12492s fun having to deal with that but
12493s obviously backbone is always going to be
12495s on the scene as well
12496s at his strength
12500s all right he's a disruptive shot high
12501s ground now air matrix makes this awkward
12503s but the spitfire have navigated it with
12505s a lot of finesse actually kaloush
12507s finally shows us a bit of those dive
12509s chops as he descends on sparker
12511s and there's sam you can count on him
12512s backbone is reduced to scrap metal by
12514s that rail
12517s so we
12522s going to just get a new mech back
12526s you know that was kind of uh you look at
12528s it from london's pov you really needed
12530s to win that fight and keep this cart
12531s going because
12533s this is where you're gonna have to like
12534s make up that time towards the end of the
12536s map right so to lose some fights here
12538s you know have these fights drag out it's
12540s like worst case scenario
12542s that's a back breaker momentum here
12544s london started this fight on the right
12546s foot here look at that oh look at that
12548s it will tell you good across the map
12549s kalu still has to concede the mech
12552s though
12553s london should be able to clean up here
12555s but again it looks like a good good
12556s minute here to start with
12558s they're in a precarious position still
12561s it's all on the table for them here they
12562s can't finish this next phase with a good
12564s next fight but kills like that you can't
12566s afford shaq's again goes down to sam
12570s yeah you just can't trade these kills
12572s and just have these fights go long at
12573s this time of the game because the shock
12575s just playing the clock
12578s sam
12579s gonna get hunted down which is a big
12581s hill but look there's players on the
12582s payload
12583s moving time going off the clock yeah
12587s yeah i mean the shopkins want to put
12588s london in an overtime scenario here
12591s and then we'll do that 20 seconds left
12593s in the round by the time the card gets
12595s to the doors we'll be at zero
12600s you got some ultimates to deal with the
12602s shock they don't have to feel like
12603s compelled to win the game here right
12605s they get hold they want it they've done
12607s enough right they're dwindling some of
12609s this clock
12610s that's huge
12612s sam down early in the fight sleeping
12614s hardy doesn't doesn't follow him too
12615s much so i think but it's gonna be trader
12617s jacks goes down again shaq's has been
12619s almost invisible so far in this round
12621s sparkle though at least is stepping into
12623s those shoes matt he said it was looking
12625s dicey for the london spitfire but now
12626s they've got a real chance he can have a
12628s real crack at this with the minefield
12630s making it impossible almost to contest
12633s they're gonna get there
12635s well especially because san francisco
12636s felt it was
12638s important enough to invest some
12639s ultimates into that fight so
12642s sam's got that overclocked but that's it
12644s at this moment so
12646s kind of like a little bit of a puncher's
12647s chance here if you're in london to
12648s finish the map with a little bit of time
12652s one minute ten and counting
12655s overclock here for sam and sparker
12657s so expect a little bit of volatility
12659s here with both sojourns reaching for
12661s those ultimates
12663s tell you what though that could be the
12664s game right if you're sparker and you pop
12666s in silver clock and you get a kill or
12671s that would be huge two gonna pop it
12672s straight away always the aggressor this
12674s sparkle
12676s the car will proceed here san francisco
12678s respects the soldier and ultimately i'm
12680s gonna fight one of his own though that
12681s one praises sparker but definitely puts
12683s the fear of god in him and someone
12685s should as pop was able to make the dive
12687s on the backbone there colludes leading
12689s the way
12690s san francisco putting the spitfire in
12691s last fight territory
12694s yes they push up they really wanted this
12696s kill on hardy but
12698s not gonna find it self-destruct here to
12700s clean off the car also a second life
12703s fantastic to be able to stall this out
12705s in this scenario
12706s this cart moving in the wrong direction
12709s for the london spitfires
12711s have one last shot of this
12714s with a minefield available again
12716s one fight to build that up
12718s commendable indeed
12721s [Music]
12723s again respectful distance being offered
12724s now trying to stay out of line of sight
12725s as much as he can there's that minefield
12727s and here comes jacks to ship with the
12729s cart forward
12731s proper has a pulse from here to look to
12733s end it
12734s jax needs a connection but sparker finds
12736s it first and there it is both sojourns
12738s getting headshots off the rails shacks
12741s is just struggling but it may not matter
12742s here self-destruct from colluge disrupt
12745s the shot thrown on the card hardy wasn't
12746s expecting to get caught by that at all i
12748s think that was a miscalculation and it's
12750s cost him the map
12753s i think it would have been difficult
12754s either way but honey looks like rolls to
12756s the opposite side of the cart the
12758s self-destruct damage still connects on
12760s him
12761s takes him out and that's a shock
12763s battling back and taking our second map
12765s where
12767s you know it was pretty easy for them on
12769s offense up until the end london put
12770s together a fantastic defense uh london
12773s just
12774s too slow to get anything going on
12775s offense yeah straight up though this
12777s feels more like you know
12779s texas shock than it was this online team
12782s right that's kind of the issue it's an
12783s unbesmerged record in online play but
12786s when it gets to the in person stop the
12787s face-to-face these guys look a little
12789s bit shaky san francisco look to bolster
12792s themselves heading now into the break
12794s it's one apiece in this series this
12796s one's heating up
12811s [Music]
12916s [Music]
12942s [Music]
12970s so
12977s [Music]
12984s [Music]
12993s [Music]
13004s [Music]
13023s [Applause]
13026s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
13028s twice has never met the san francisco
13030s shot
13034s it's on the most hardcore carry
13036s performances that i've ever seen just
13037s the depth of talent on their roster that
13040s can't be denied i mean what more could
13041s you ask in the shot this is going to be
13043s a wild ride
13045s [Music]
13046s pilot is cracked he's out of his mind
13049s i say that justice okay
13052s tasted everything right now she's free
13057s deadlifting right now actually
13060s tennis is doing so much cleans it up
13061s like dps
13063s san francisco has cemented themselves as
13065s the greatest team in overwatch
13071s well the mid-season madness legendary
13073s skin sure got the royal treatment it's
13075s royal night mercy on sale now through
13078s august 19th for just 200 league tokens
13082s so get yours today mercy blessed um with
13086s a plethora of just really dope skits
13088s this is definitely a chief among them so
13091s get your hands on this one
13093s before she runs out of the store
13096s yeah i might even play murder no you
13098s won't don't
13099s no you won't i mean i appreciate the
13101s center but at least i'd be more inclined
13103s to having the skin
13105s i would
13108s bro you're actually you're never going
13110s to play i'm i'm sorry she's got unreal
13112s skins anyway london spitfire
13115s look a little well rough around the
13117s edges i think you're on archival right
13118s it's a san francisco map pick um look
13121s london have a pretty abysmal defense
13124s uh you know san francisco definitely
13125s sort of punished them they pushed a long
13127s way through the map but uh san francisco
13130s got a hand into them they really dug
13131s deep in that in that map and
13133s again they're going to need more of
13134s these tough fort wins if they're going
13135s to take this series away because london
13137s mean business
13138s yup no subs here for london spitfire so
13141s we still got backbone in is uh he's
13144s unfortunately played himself into the uh
13146s full-time zen
13147s uh he's been really good on the hero so
13151s he'll end up staying in uh playing the
13153s zen uh and he will have kilo coming in
13155s for sam which i thought sam was actually
13157s playing quite good uh you know sam uh
13160s had some moments i think like on echo
13161s but really is so jordan like was where
13163s he was like picking up tons of uh early
13165s kills so
13166s uh we'll see how uh kilo fits into the
13169s lineup we know how talented he is uh
13171s it's london's pick
13173s they're gonna take us to route 66 which
13176s uh
13177s i think has loads of interesting
13179s possibilities right um
13181s there's some high ground
13182s areas to potentially play like some
13184s winston or wrecking ball type stuff if
13186s you wanted to if you're in london
13188s i also think like first point right you
13189s can play that reinhardt at that corner
13191s if you wanted to so uh we'll see which
13193s way they go with what they're gonna run
13196s i get on the side of san francisco right
13198s we've seen plenty of teams double with
13200s the sigma uh wrecking ball as well on
13202s this map i think but fuel were the first
13204s team to sort of show us that uh in this
13206s particular stage big shout out to proper
13208s had a fantastic uh map on ikevolt then
13211s we'll get to rehash those stats later on
13213s with the crew in the truck and do it for
13214s us but yeah huge stand out there for the
13216s shock and they're gonna need to keep
13217s leveraging him i think if they're gonna
13219s take this series away
13221s so there's a london spitfire selection
13223s here for route 66
13225s and again we are definitely waiting with
13227s baited breath to see what they select
13228s they'll be attacking first
13231s i i also think this is quite big because
13234s like
13234s either of the push maps you can probably
13238s like make work with london ideally would
13240s want to play right uh whether it be
13243s coliseum or
13244s uh new queen street so
13247s winning uh winning here would be huge
13248s for london right they put themselves on
13250s match point and then give the shock you
13253s know not the best of options to have to
13254s pick from
13255s uh in terms of like how strong a
13258s uh map could be in their favor but looks
13261s like shocked they're gonna come out on
13262s defense they're gonna play the diva here
13265s still on the diva okay
13268s colluge obviously
13270s really no stranger to this role not just
13272s you know on this team but
13274s in his past experience
13276s for london though
13278s wrecking ball seems fine here a lot of
13279s teams have really been able to get a lot
13280s of value out of the disruption it also
13283s it tends to create a lot of safe zones
13285s for your widowmaker to play a little bit
13286s more aggressively
13288s see what hardy lands on here
13291s wrecking ball again just the ticket
13295s we'll see if they stick on the wrecking
13296s ball when they see the diva on the other
13298s side like how you mentioned uh
13300s and we've seen like diva
13303s been played a bit
13304s uh in the apac region not as much in the
13307s west yeah so
13309s it's just these they've seen really
13311s really yeah the shock have played it and
13313s that's really about it so
13315s maybe this is something the shark
13316s realized like hey you know this diva
13318s composition could be really good against
13320s i know whether it's a wrecking ball
13322s whether it's against like
13323s reinhardt-based stuff can really give
13325s some problems to other teams
13328s hardy takes a straight run of the high
13329s ground there nobody q juicy for san
13331s francisco obviously buyer and collusion
13333s very quickly get back up so
13336s not too bothered about wrecking ball
13337s knocking them away they are trying to
13339s chase hardy down with that discord all
13340s but
13341s it's it's it's annoying because you need
13343s to keep chasing that wrecking ball with
13345s intent you can kill him but it's very
13347s hard to do especially if he snaps up
13349s that mega health pack in the cage
13352s eyes on hardy's routes here but kilos
13354s comes in for this map right already
13356s makes a big
13357s impact yes that's going to be a first
13360s kill there on that backbone is
13363s no real help for backbone to try and get
13365s through
13366s that choke of the map so
13368s he's going to fall and you're going to a
13370s few players for london here caught a
13372s really awkward spot as landon's gonna
13374s drop immortality feel that ain't gonna
13375s help him that's a real stagger in there
13379s okay again
13380s they get something for a killer goes
13382s down at the very least here but san
13384s francisco that fight gets dragged out so
13386s much that you know violet's able to
13387s build into this ant matrix here proper
13390s and shacks are in step in terms of their
13391s ultimate economy though
13393s yeah london's going to win for just
13396s it didn't go for so long
13399s yeah just players split off to the side
13401s and
13402s yeah i mean that could be really
13403s detrimental to london is uh they do make
13405s some payload progress but
13407s they have high ground not a ton
13409s yeah
13411s that's
13412s really important actually jack's
13414s recalling out there all the discord came
13416s in from finn
13417s here's that air matrix in the low ground
13419s san francisco trying to play nice and
13420s compact and can they get rid of sparker
13422s i want you to do that there was
13424s definitely an outmatrix involved in that
13425s elimination kilo wants to play around it
13427s as well but shax is just so hard to
13429s catch him i'm not even sure if that was
13431s a stick either way shaq's punishes the
13433s shot for playing so closer together like
13435s sardines in a tin
13436s gets the puff bomb kill
13439s on that land we got really low a lot it
13440s looked like hardy
13442s out of the way and
13444s self shocked over the top of the
13445s transcendence gonna keep everybody up i
13447s don't know if they know where proper is
13448s right now we actually recalled up to
13449s that high ground again
13450s [Music]
13452s surprised to say they spotted him now
13453s but a pulse bomb here could be a game
13456s because he's hardy he's low he doesn't
13457s even need a pulse get this kill
13460s landon probably can avoid that one there
13461s so not the outcome probably hoping for
13464s but already
13465s without boy
13468s i mean a minute on the clock is
13471s these wrecking ball comps into the diva
13473s have not looked pretty here
13476s for the london spitfire
13480s getting around maybe the corner of big
13481s girls that's gonna be overclocked from
13482s both sides yeah i think kilo knows he
13484s needs to kill sparker while he's doing
13486s this
13487s and the shocker in such a bad position
13489s in terms of like you know that high
13490s ground advantage and having good
13491s sidelines killer gets what he came for i
13493s guess why that eventually goes down that
13494s immortality feels removed but there's
13496s still stall here diva allows you to do
13498s that but finn i don't think is that able
13500s to keep the diva top down because most
13501s of the time of the dps are getting their
13503s harmony or appealing and collusion has
13505s lost a match so not a whole lot he can
13507s do except for stall but kilo finds shaq
13509s that's a big one some pressure off the
13510s back line perhaps
13511s lands in mortality down there but it's
13513s really just kilo he can't even get rid
13515s of backbone
13518s and yet proper coming in here as well
13519s violet gonna walk on through
13523s it's not gonna make much of an impact so
13526s london not pretty able to get this first
13528s checkpoint this is london's map pick as
13530s well so
13531s maybe they did not expect the diva right
13533s i can't imagine you know many teams and
13535s scrims are running this diva type of
13537s setup you know especially if we're only
13539s seeing it from like one team in game
13542s they're pretty difficult to beat here at
13544s this start but maybe now they'll you
13546s know london's got the payload out of
13547s that area they can start to get it
13548s growing
13549s that was lovely from shaq's just descent
13552s on kilo that doesn't give him any chance
13554s to to back away
13556s it could also be an answer to the rising
13557s like prominence of wrecking ball
13559s compositions from a lot of teams
13561s employees may just not prefer to play it
13562s feels like the diva offers them some
13564s answers against that
13565s so far though good start here in the
13567s second phase for the spitfire that's
13568s that momentum that they've been able to
13569s build
13570s finn has the transcendence here lanes
13572s lost their mortality field now so is the
13574s window i think would even
13576s literally i guess for the london
13577s spitfire to try and exploit
13581s yeah the transcendence comes from
13582s backbone a little bit later here is are
13584s you going to be able to get rid of finn
13586s the payload it made a decent amount of
13588s progress thus far
13590s and man they got to deal with proper
13592s dude he has just been a nuisance right
13594s now if you're trying to match dive
13595s versus dive which means that you're
13597s leaving your back lines without any hope
13598s of peel
13600s you're probably going to lose against
13601s the shock whose proper tends to have an
13602s outsized impact when he gets to you know
13604s dive these back lines on harry and he's
13606s dealing against like you know kind of
13608s busted zen right really powerful two two
13610s five hp zen and he's uh triumphant
13614s either that i mean you gotta be
13616s confident you're gonna be able to get in
13617s there with your tracer and wrecking ball
13619s and
13620s burn some of these players down and get
13622s these kills fast and you know get back
13624s to the rest of the team to be able to
13626s help with proper if you're not able to
13628s do that
13629s good luck
13632s golden opportunity here for san
13633s francisco get a big advantage in this
13634s map it's kilo oh what a pick jax walks
13638s around the corner headlong
13640s into some charge photons sparker is able
13642s to shut down that ultimate output one of
13644s his own version here's the power oh
13645s finally he's down
13648s spark off that's a clown that's another
13650s one unreal straight through yeah that
13653s was through colluge and it hit finn
13655s behind him in d-mec colluge and line up
13657s for that palouse goes well yeah i mean
13660s that is uh
13661s you talk about needed to make a play i
13663s mean they needed to play in the worst
13665s way to happen there and that was huge
13666s there from sparker we've seen some
13668s incredible sojourn plays this season
13670s that stands among them for sure
13673s still last fight scenario for london
13675s though can they keep that wind in their
13677s sailors is it early demek on kalushi not
13679s a great omen for the shock they lose him
13682s very quickly there to disrupt the shot
13683s and there's a great pulse connection
13685s here and you can see the morale starting
13687s to soar after what spark had just
13689s displayed san francisco reeling after
13692s that
13693s you know sometimes you just need
13694s somebody to make a big play and it
13696s seemed like they were london just kind
13698s of
13699s waiting for somebody to you know have
13701s that big moment that was going to give
13702s them that confidence back remember after
13704s map number one like we saw how
13706s they were like kind of smiling laughing
13708s everybody like in good spirits like felt
13709s like they
13710s could hang in this series and had a good
13712s chance to win it it kind of felt a
13713s little bit off there after that second
13715s map with how good the shock work but man
13718s to pick like that you know and a play
13720s like that from sparker that could they
13721s could change things
13723s already the texture of this round feels
13725s a little different
13726s even though finn starts off this fight
13728s with a defensive pick
13730s san francisco he's probably still
13732s see the after that zen gap called from
13735s backbone after that first map
13738s remember wrecking ball knocks you back
13739s in a hell of a long way now it's
13742s it's more than you expect more often
13743s than not
13747s somebody's gotta be so careful man
13748s getting hit with these discords and
13750s whatnot i feel like uh what he's doing
13752s is opening up a lot of space
13754s for sparker that is a wild shot there
13756s from kilo we don't can't join his pov
13757s but like shaq's just mid-jump like by
13760s the payload and just caught the top of
13761s his head
13763s all right a flurry of action here is
13764s collusion proper
13766s dig their heels in it looks like london
13768s are not going to be allowed to advance
13770s any further we're going to have trend
13771s sentences here from both zenyatta so
13773s it's definitely uh a touch situation
13775s here
13776s jax is going to be the one that
13777s acquiesces he'll kick this around going
13779s for now
13780s wrecking ball in the background it's
13781s hardy trying to pressure but he's
13782s hitting the discord orb he's forced away
13784s kaluso catches him as he tries to escape
13786s proper though
13788s not coming off well against backbone as
13790s he tries to dive
13792s no that'll be a transcendence from both
13794s sides and ant matrix so here from violet
13797s paul's throne kilo for two though he's
13799s always good for two
13800s shaq's now has to try and work his way
13802s around the periphery and buy some time
13803s for harding to return
13805s he knocks the shock back off the card
13806s here but he'll be subject to that
13808s combined rap
13810s and he cannot withstand it
13814s it's there towards the end i feel like
13815s when you have uh you know finn just able
13818s to discord hottie every single time kilo
13820s is landing these shots
13821s and just that long alleyway there's
13823s really nowhere for hottie to like hide
13824s in that type of position or uh you know
13826s get to a spot think about all the spots
13828s on this part of route 66
13831s you know you're trying to like break
13832s line of sight like most likely your
13834s supports don't have line of sight of you
13835s either without like so many like
13837s different like doorways and whatnot that
13840s he's not even really able to get a ton
13842s of healing going out so it makes it
13843s really tough on hottie there at the end
13846s and you see that the shock they're able
13847s to bounce back after that heroic play uh
13850s from sparker with uh you know we don't
13852s know how their offense is gonna go that
13853s still may be enough right you know just
13855s getting past that second checkpoint is
13858s huge here well we could always say for
13860s certain riders if sparky doesn't do that
13863s the spitfire don't get into that last
13865s phase of the map at all really i mean he
13867s no they were they were in a short-handed
13869s situation where sparker gets the trade
13871s initially and then pops that ultimately
13873s absolutely hog
13875s be upon wild
13877s hello yeah i mean the reason we're
13878s talking about this is potentially one
13880s that's like could go in london's favor
13882s it's really because of the play from
13883s sparker right
13885s let's see this is the shot on the tracer
13888s right that's an eight that's an 80
13889s charge rail as well so body shot
13891s probably yeah not not getting the job
13892s done this is sparkle yeah
13896s let's see
13897s one
13899s he gets the i believe he gets uh yeah
13900s now pops the overclock too
13902s then here it is yeah yeah it connects
13904s with fin and collusion one shot
13908s again just the shoulder of the mech but
13910s it's enough obviously to get that sort
13911s of d-max so
13913s he's just wandering into
13915s the firing line there
13919s what's kilo looking for
13920s got a wide funk in this widow again this
13922s is pretty
13923s pretty daring
13930s it's pretty risky the widow right i feel
13933s like it's very feast or famine here
13935s uh it's definitely making lantern though
13938s sweat of it you see just playing around
13939s that pole hottie getting really low
13941s colu's going to go in yeah you're going
13942s to have to do him that's what the widow
13944s does for you there i think hardy's sat
13946s in the worst possible place in his low
13948s health it's so easy for toulouse to go
13950s upstairs and finish the job
13955s now what are you gonna go over a
13956s wrecking ball you're gonna probably do
13958s this just to get back and try and get a
13960s touch right because i mean the
13961s part is moving so fast i guess yeah it
13963s might be preferable against the widow
13965s yeah oh man
13967s if they hit the jackpot straight into
13969s the back line they come up with violet
13971s and
13972s that's just perfect oh
13976s couldn't couldn't draw it up any better
13978s hello in a tough spot here
13982s you sign up for this when you play diva
13984s i don't have to tell you remember
13984s watching frd like in the longest stagger
13986s i've ever seen and just him just
13988s accepting he he may still be in a
13989s stagger we don't know
13991s titan's they're never helping him out
13993s he's poor poor guy oh man
13997s that'll fib he liked my tweet the other
13999s day he's he's doing fine i guess he's
14001s got the time to look at my nonsense
14005s all right proper
14007s where does this pulse bomb go exactly
14009s the is out of the picture here so
14012s it's off the approach just roll straight
14014s through proper all right
14016s they see him rolling and they hate him
14018s because they're down two players as soon
14019s as he turns up
14022s honey
14023s love that tactic
14025s yeah yeah heads upstairs
14027s because your impact radius increases
14029s when you use that ability so you can
14030s yeah whacky things with it
14033s is he going to get out
14035s they tried to chase there
14038s nice gucci
14041s it's it feels a little bit though like
14042s you're just kidding like throwing stuff
14044s out there right like where maybe violet
14046s maybe there's a better use of that
14047s matrix but
14050s still kind of throw it in there at the
14052s end and that's going to be the minefield
14053s that's going to try and block the
14054s supports you see in the outline and that
14056s lower tunnel from pushing on through
14059s yeah and also it means that no other
14060s groundborn units like crosstalk can get
14062s there really getting ready to lose here
14064s is that's so massive
14066s it's monumental
14067s chance gets headshot by kilo ghost so
14069s still is on the table but you know what
14070s spiker is like with the old second
14072s that's where the magic happens i don't
14074s think he sees proper there so
14076s yeah he takes a ton of damage and
14077s probably chasing this
14079s bit of a weird looking one from his
14081s perspective but the shock get that
14082s checkpoint
14084s still
14085s it's it could have been way worse right
14088s it was looking like it was gonna be way
14089s worse for london uh they're able to hold
14092s the shock to like a minute there uh on
14094s the clock so
14096s three minutes fifteen
14098s and see you can get sparker set up on
14099s the high ground right you have a
14101s nano potentially whether it's for
14103s backbone whether it's for hottie
14105s uh depending on who needs it worse
14108s oh actually that was violet up on the
14110s high ground and hani just rolls right up
14112s there with sparker he gets a discord
14114s they're able to take him out real fast
14116s denying that position away from fire to
14118s get if he gets too aggressive there's
14119s always a risk of hardy turning up and
14121s upending his plans
14124s this is fine for the spitfire right you
14126s want to make this costly for the shock
14127s that first pick is crucial
14130s jackson needs to find yet another way to
14132s sort of get in it's scary out there
14134s dealing with kilo but oh and backbone
14136s took care of that threat for him i guess
14137s still has to recall
14140s just pick here the
14142s up slowing down if you are london your
14144s main focus here is to burn clock you
14146s have completed this checkpoint right
14148s you've got checkpoint b on your side
14150s not not a
14152s a tremendous amount of push there
14154s towards the end but enough where if you
14156s can get this clock low
14158s you can make it pretty difficult for the
14160s shock to complete
14162s kilo that's beautiful two headshots no
14165s less
14167s yeah great turnaround after he started
14169s the fight uh on the receiving end of uh
14171s those orbs from backbone he comes back
14172s with a vengeance
14174s you can still come out and fight this if
14175s you're in london though you're gonna
14176s have minefield
14177s nano
14178s pulse bomb
14180s uh no ant matrix will see where violet
14182s sets up
14183s to use this but you can definitely come
14185s out and fight this you have a good set
14186s of ultimates to use
14188s audio touch
14190s he's dropping shot thrown down in front
14191s of the airplane
14192s the placement there is so far
14194s he's trying to get you to the back line
14196s up sorry close
14200s [Music]
14203s we gotta catch that again so uh instead
14205s of like nanoing like hottie right
14208s they nano
14209s sparker in
14211s they just he just darts out like slides
14214s in so fast gets high ground overclock
14217s turns
14218s and just burns like three people
14220s instantly yeah no way for the shock to
14222s react there
14225s stole the base and then hit a home run
14230s all right
14231s 60 seconds finney with a transcendence
14233s play
14234s 55 seconds in the round
14237s san francisco need to come up with
14238s something decisive here spark has been
14240s the one that's been dictated the pace of
14242s the game right now and the shock don't
14244s look comfortable one of those conditions
14245s proper these minced meters sparkle balls
14248s a hole through fin
14250s and now we'll be in cleanup phase this
14251s could take some time as well more
14253s stagger for the shock they're down to 35
14255s man
14257s again if they get this kill on a colluge
14259s could be big he's got self-destruct but
14261s probably doesn't want to burn in this
14262s type of situation all right he gets out
14264s with his life i was going to say
14266s he needs to remake
14268s yeah
14271s it's now or never london this be such a
14273s huge map when for london
14276s sparta has just been unreal so far
14279s he's the transcenders they force it
14280s early okay backbone didn't have one
14283s available so this is a very good result
14284s for the spitfire they just regrouped
14286s here so far so good first tick in the
14289s box for london harney backs away there a
14291s little bit of pressure but he sees kalu
14292s starting to threaten the card violet
14294s goes down that's huge but proper and
14295s kilo step up now hardy needs to decide
14298s how we get value out of these mines some
14300s stall is going to be important
14303s probably looking for another kill here
14304s on landon this time
14306s it's a self-fire nade landon
14308s he really just felt like he had no shot
14309s there no chats
14311s are you surprised that hardy didn't drop
14313s like the mines like because uh when he
14315s comes around that corner and pile drives
14317s there's a few players on the stairs no
14320s uh no transcendence available and
14322s potentially could have dropped like the
14324s play there the
14326s the well so it's possible it's really
14328s risky
14329s what you probably like better is saving
14331s it for this moment in time right where
14332s they have to walk through this
14334s uh hallway to complete the map uh kind
14337s of play for this scenario here is he's
14339s gonna drop them right on the payload
14340s there this is gonna buy some time
14343s the time
14345s now any eliminations as a result of that
14346s quite yet oh shaq has to recall you back
14349s up into all anyway
14351s party caught unawares by kilo as he
14353s moves up
14354s but that's all of his overclock done
14356s lana's gone down again poppers found him
14358s in both of the last couple of fights
14359s here and even violet's chiming in this
14361s is san francisco doing what only the
14363s shot can do
14364s everybody chiming in with some big
14366s eliminations and shaxes comes too late
14368s in the damn day
14370s harness can be able to step up on the
14371s wrecking ball for a time he gets a nano
14372s boost as well but there's an air matrix
14374s in play and hardy can't go anywhere
14376s it's a big amount of shielding coming
14377s from the adaptive barrier but it's going
14379s to be burned away in a moment in a
14381s heartbeat it's going to be the san
14382s francisco shock into that box of victory
14384s and it's up to shaq's to stall spark is
14386s there with a little bit of pressure but
14387s not enough damage to the mortality field
14389s in play from violet inoculates the shock
14391s against anything unexpected and san
14393s francisco steal the map away matt
14396s despite the heroics of the spitfire
14398s that's a crashing map loss
14401s yeah that is
14402s brutal there for london
14404s i mean that's kind of where you think
14406s like hey maybe you could have used that
14407s minefield right you were kind of trading
14409s some kills out at the start you knew you
14411s had forced out the transcendence
14414s but saving it there towards the end to
14416s try and go for the win doesn't work out
14418s for the spitfire and man they uh
14421s that's a tough loss because you also had
14423s uh you know sparker playing at such a
14426s high level
14427s this one's starting to turn into a bit
14429s of a memorable matchup between the shock
14431s and the spitfire and it's still all on
14433s the table for london they've just got a
14435s running back salty style stick around
14438s for map four
14446s [Music]
14455s so
14456s [Music]
14468s [Music]
14473s [Applause]
14473s [Music]
14486s [Music]
14507s [Applause]
14509s [Music]
14515s [Music]
14528s [Applause]
14530s [Music]
14537s [Applause]
14537s [Music]
14541s foreign
14543s [Music]
14560s oh
14561s [Music]
14584s do
14589s [Music]
14623s do
14628s [Music]
14648s [Applause]
14648s [Music]
14651s so
14658s [Music]
14688s i can read it in korean you know
14694s hey not funny
14700s [Music]
14710s who's the biggest prankster on the team
14712s i'd say nero
14714s hulk nero it's definitely it's
14716s definitely me or hawk i'd have to go to
14718s pelican this guy's just always up to
14720s something
14722s 100 felican
14724s maybe
14725s piggy and me
14729s it's
14735s always doing something to mess with
14736s people they're like they like making
14738s people mad sometimes me or hawk just
14740s trolls a team like everyone on the team
14742s no one's safe two
14752s i guess it would be me i like pulling
14754s everyone's leg a little bit he'll go up
14755s and change someone's wallpaper or
14757s something while they're not looking
14759s or if someone's mad just making them
14761s more mad just for their own
14763s entertainment it's just something that
14764s we do and we find it funny
14767s who has the best fashion in the league
14769s to be honest i don't know how any of the
14771s other players dressed so i'm just gonna
14772s assume it to me
14784s foreign
14807s i don't think our team got dripped we
14809s we're not dripped out you guys
14817s in the league i think
14819s shu has the best fashion and i think on
14821s our team it's probably kai and kevster
14823s actually yeah
14826s what teammate always likes your bike no
14827s matter what barley my judd
14830s it's my saudi brother i think they all
14832s have my back
14834s you know we trust each other a lot and
14836s you know we're a team or a unit and i
14838s don't think there's any like barriers
14839s between us
14845s i'd say everyone on the team we're all
14848s friends we help each other through
14849s everything probably pelican maybe
14852s dante
14864s [Music]
14868s route 66 is a london spitfire map
14872s selection
14873s it doesn't go their way much to their
14875s dismay a decent start for london and
14878s some incredible moments from sparker
14880s who's been delivering
14881s kill after killed in flashy fashion this
14884s series
14884s but it's not enough to get them over the
14886s line in san francisco matt they look
14888s anything but clean today but this is all
14891s you need to do to win a series of
14892s overwatch
14894s i i think against uh when you see these
14896s top teams play though i don't exactly
14898s think you're gonna see clean results
14900s uh a lot
14902s of the time though uh so i think you're
14904s gonna have to win some games that are
14905s gonna look real tough for the shock to
14908s end up taking this series out uh i can
14910s ball i thought was like all theirs they
14912s look fantastic there uh last map really
14914s kind of could have went either way it
14916s was a little bit of a swing map there uh
14919s excited for what's next though uh as it
14921s is the london spitfire matt pick again
14925s this time it'll be colicio so
14927s we have that map selection with some
14930s subs that come in from the london
14931s spitfire uh as we know we've seen them
14934s on this map run like reinhardt may comps
14937s fully expect to see that type of play
14939s again and what do they have cooked up
14941s against it i mean backbone literally
14943s playing in a different pc with this roll
14947s switch he's now uh obviously at the four
14950s of the screen moving over towards dps
14952s here and you'll see that yeah admiral is
14954s is coming back in here for the london
14956s spitfire so
14957s look a little telegraphed maybe at least
14959s in terms of what their back line is
14960s going to be but you think it makes
14961s perfect sense on a push matter
14964s yeah i mean what it's the first time
14965s today we've seen uh admiral as uh it has
14968s been all backbone playing the zenyatta
14970s back there all day long so now he moves
14973s over to the dps role with admiral coming
14975s in that tells me we're probably gonna
14977s see some reinhardt rush
14981s reinhardt rush
14983s from the spitfire makes you now realize
14985s why this might have been their map of
14986s choice now
14988s shax obviously comes out for this
14989s particular strategy we've seen backbone
14991s shows a ton of different picks the may
14993s has definitely been one of them they've
14995s managed to leverage
14996s i mean pretty effectively
14998s we've seen very clean picks and setups
15000s here obviously and it really placed
15001s nicely into a reinhardt centric style
15003s where you set up these short charges
15005s and also screen hearty from incoming
15007s projectiles on the side of the shock we
15009s have a substitution here is kilo comes
15011s out thought he looked really good in the
15012s sojourn definitely one of the bright
15014s spots for the shock in them getting that
15015s map win uh he'll you'll be replaced by
15018s sam who knows that hanzo in his pocket
15020s the genji and mikey comes in uh at tank
15024s so why do they want to play against this
15026s like uh
15027s do they want to play
15029s i mean i i think you'd you'd be kind of
15031s crazy to match reinhardt play do you
15034s want to play uh like wrecking ball type
15037s of compositions right
15038s uh what are your options here if you're
15040s the shark
15043s i mean
15044s we've seen mikey play uh push before and
15047s we've seen him play you know winston
15049s we've also seen him play the doomfist so
15051s obviously we're at a point now where we
15053s know that mikey's hero pool is not just
15055s restricted to to playing wrecking ball
15057s but my question is would it be so bad if
15059s that's what he rolled out on here
15061s against a reinhardt composition like
15063s does that
15064s does that you know smack of a bad
15067s compositional choice do you think it has
15069s value here on a map like coliseum
15071s it probably has some value if you're
15073s gonna like what you play proper on
15075s tracer and like echo right and you try
15078s and
15078s uh take out backliners fast if you're
15081s not able to do so i imagine like lucio
15083s speed boost comes into play and they
15085s just kind of
15086s run you down
15087s uh
15088s and i think it'll be really telling
15090s early on in terms of like composition
15092s like how
15093s the shock want to deal with this which
15096s it kind of feels like an inevitable
15097s reinhardt set up right so do you think
15099s okay here's my question then if the
15101s shock are going to win this map how
15103s early do you think you're gonna know
15104s like do you think that's gonna become
15105s really evident like early on with like a
15107s big lead or do you think there's more to
15109s it i think so
15111s i i think you're going to know rather
15112s early on i think push in general
15115s you know we've seen some more comebacks
15117s since it's gone to 10 minutes right
15120s but
15120s it you know it almost feels like whoever
15122s hits that butt scratch first you know
15124s that part where the pot stops and you
15126s get that forward spawn whoever hits that
15128s spot first like feels like they win
15130s uh a good amount of the time where
15133s if you're able if you're like let's say
15135s if you're london and you're able to get
15136s a good push go in and you hit that first
15140s uh
15140s and
15141s you know you're in the reinhardt you can
15143s kind of play that neutral the whole game
15145s like you feel like you're in a pretty
15147s pretty great spot to take this man
15150s crucial
15152s early fights here are things to look out
15153s for now as we have the spitfire come out
15155s yeah like we teased like it's the may
15156s for backbone alongside hardy on that
15158s reinhardt land on the batiste of course
15161s they're from san francisco okay so we
15163s actually have mikey here proper playing
15164s the genji which is actually something
15165s that we
15166s don't get nearly as often from him but
15168s when we get it it's it is incredible
15170s really really frightening and this frees
15172s up sam to keep playing this sojourn the
15174s soldier looks so good for him after a
15176s bit of a s like a slower start at that
15178s point
15180s and violet on the lucio they want to be
15182s a little bit
15183s faster to get in and out of situations
15186s so they're not as easily able to be run
15188s down right if speed boost comes out of
15190s admiral they start to spring forward
15193s you can do it on yourself and man sam he
15195s is played so well
15197s on the sojourn today is that it's going
15199s to be a first pick
15201s it's interesting isn't it they lose
15202s their soldier in there and does goodbye
15204s decide that that's the time to commit
15206s like to go forward to make something
15207s happen
15209s and obviously it doesn't work out
15210s they're down a player to start with your
15211s fact it goes horribly against them
15214s yeah i mean what do you do right you
15216s can't just stand there in the neutral
15217s and get
15218s wilted down i feel like eventually
15221s at all
15224s hard right
15225s maybe
15226s what happened here that was just fair
15229s though i think it was biking damage plus
15231s just violent incidental spam that gets
15233s that elimination
15235s yeah
15237s this has been really good start for the
15239s shock is
15241s now sam could get another pick that
15243s would be huge
15246s sam just maintaining that full charge
15248s here until he has an opportunity to
15250s make use of that rail
15252s party going a little low now as
15254s london is really trying to control this
15255s high ground san francisco aren't backing
15257s up as well normally teams just back away
15259s and try and look for like a better
15260s position to take this slide from and
15262s maybe that would have been advisable for
15263s san francisco but instead they bucked
15265s that trend and they keep pressuring
15268s yeah it looks like mikey gets pinned the
15269s reverse way yeah
15271s violet trying to make it out gets mikey
15273s gets pinned towards the
15275s london spitfire spawn so
15278s uh they do not get to that uh no tick on
15281s the top so they don't unlock that first
15283s point that's like the biggest thing
15284s because the bottle stopped there for a
15286s little bit and the second time around it
15287s will not stop
15290s so being able to unlock that first seems
15292s to be pretty crucial in terms of getting
15294s good progress to play shadow there is
15297s going to precipitate a sound barrier
15298s from fire and look at the shock surge
15300s forward
15301s and patience from sam there he lines
15303s fire up or at least he lets him walk
15305s into the crosshair
15306s and backbone is in trouble here yeah ice
15308s block eventually will subside he will
15311s come
15312s and that's uh yeah a nice little sleep
15313s down there in admiral before he went
15314s down
15316s yeah it's just really it's a really nice
15319s surgeon play from sam there it feels
15320s like every time we get into a
15322s five-on-five scenario he's able to get a
15324s first pick
15327s we know how important those are here in
15328s overwatch too so
15330s bottle get back to the barrier start to
15332s move around this corner here getting
15335s close to that tick
15337s i like london yeah they get right on top
15339s of it they know how important this is
15340s sparking here with the biome landers too
15342s slow
15343s a furrow in his brown as he realized he
15344s was too slow to save his teammate there
15346s within a mortality builder properly in a
15348s clean house
15349s both supports down to the genji
15352s this is starting to get a little out of
15354s hand
15356s yes no you're gonna get
15359s the forward checkpoint i think even more
15361s important though is like the forward
15363s checkpoint happens and there's nobody up
15364s to fight this immediately
15366s for the spitfire so
15368s the shock will get this around the
15369s corner they're gonna have a nano blade
15370s here mitch nanoblade you'll have a sound
15372s barrier available for the london so
15376s see if those counteract each other no
15378s the enemy's moving the barricade sparker
15380s looking for a first pick that would
15381s basically mean fight over
15384s doesn't see it though holding on to this
15386s chart for the camera proper he's digging
15388s deep it's a nano blade here prepare
15390s yourselves he will tell the killed used
15392s and proposed in an awkward spot here
15393s with that mayweal in the way he's out of
15395s the fight so there's two ultimates for
15396s nothing
15397s add insult to injury with the shock just
15399s straight up losing out in the rest of
15400s the fight
15402s it's a push on forward there from hottie
15405s he'll finish off a few here towards the
15408s end is a proper really low
15410s still i feel like if you're the shock
15412s quote unquote mission accomplished right
15414s the barrier will start to move in favor
15416s of the london spitfire but it's got a
15418s long way to go 85 meters for san
15421s francisco downside here for the shock
15423s you don't have any ultimates to work
15424s with you kind of blew everything there
15426s in those fights so
15428s you have an overclock available for
15430s sparker maybe that's good enough to win
15431s you one fight your shatter
15434s blizzard
15435s another uh another combo here
15439s violet close to a sound barrier here you
15441s see another shadow from hardy that might
15443s be the prescribed response plan it down
15446s oh my evil tardy could use sure
15449s but he himself is missing mikey's been
15451s removed from the fight spark is already
15453s uh backing up a little
15455s who's he looking but they go high ground
15457s finn actually hits a big biotic grenade
15459s there
15461s oh no like just about everybody so
15463s that was sparklers overclock not gonna
15466s get any progress for it it's uh
15468s the botch candy now standing in the
15470s middle of the map halfway more than
15473s halfway through this round
15477s all right hardy
15478s again maybe it may well boost up here
15480s nope just charge instead mixing it up i
15482s like that but finn was ready for it
15484s sleep dart already loose in the in the
15486s air as hardy went for the charge
15488s now the shop just needs to get value
15489s from this high ground position side spin
15492s fire won't be stopped that's a blizzard
15493s really heated into the distance there
15497s i think they thought they were going to
15498s be able to catch proper round
15500s i don't like it
15503s do they know how he's here they do now
15506s oh the bubble's in the way oh
15508s that is ugg lee
15510s still sparks about to find seven it just
15513s explodes in the direction of the
15515s spitfire
15516s that time another blade is a lot better
15519s i feel like the
15520s the blizzard and then like the flank
15522s shatter
15524s not huge isn't it
15537s i thought he was just gonna shatter
15538s straight away on the stairs and not
15540s really kind of like wait i feel like he
15541s had an opportunity to like hit like two
15543s players let's say he wanted them to see
15545s he wanted to see the whites of their
15546s eyes as he shattered them
15548s oh dear
15550s been there taken down
15552s san francisco obviously in an aggressive
15554s position presently
15556s and they'll stay in that one i think as
15559s they've
15559s re-established here that checkpoint
15561s party's gonna get taken down and the
15563s shock will be on the march once more
15567s no ultimate so but it may not matter
15569s right just getting more barrier progress
15573s it's really kind of it's it's like a
15576s death nail to london here is you know
15577s they need to now get this bot
15580s going in their direction
15582s in like you know the progress they burn
15585s needs to be basically double and they
15587s can't they can't spend every ultimate to
15589s do it like there's so much working
15590s against right now it needs to be an
15591s insane comeback i believe seven and a
15593s half minutes has already elapsed here
15596s backbone is uncanny with these ice cold
15597s connections obviously though endo fairy
15599s blaster right click
15602s but uh again it's the deficit that the
15604s spitfire need to make up that's really
15606s going to hurt them here less than three
15607s minutes to go much of this round already
15609s elapsed here in the shop you've been in
15610s control most of the time and honestly
15613s like there have been a lot of fights
15614s where london has had the ultimate
15616s advantage just not able to get anything
15618s going like look at this coming into this
15619s one four ultimates probably to san
15622s francisco shock zero so
15625s uh can you get any progress with it
15627s though it's really tough to land like a
15628s big shatter against this
15630s they don't have one currently but
15633s overclock available
15635s maybe a wall that cuts off sparker's
15637s line of sight
15638s of a dodgy round from the backbone at
15641s times i think back to the blizzard of
15643s this communication there about you know
15645s whether that wall should go up or not
15646s and that's bought enough time it's gonna
15648s get close to another here so nano blade
15650s again may well be on the cards here the
15651s shop just try and stay away from all
15653s this poke damage
15655s both teams trade supports
15657s they have a bunch crash for london
15658s though that is a big deal it's good for
15660s london yeah they and they get two kills
15663s here so they also have their sound
15664s barrier if needed uh and their own ant
15667s matrix so this is actually really good
15669s for the london spitfire you're going to
15671s get around this corner proper is going
15673s to have a nano blade but you have your
15674s beat to deal with it and if you get in
15676s that open uh you know just kind of like
15678s on top of the bridge you're getting that
15679s area that's when the shatter could be
15681s good here's the blade from proper no not
15683s again from finn it comes a little later
15684s in the day there's a sound barrier to
15686s contend with it gets cut through
15688s eventually though proper and the rest of
15690s the shot barrel forward it's a three for
15692s two trade here a little scary problem
15695s with the deflex it's pretty gainful a
15697s lot of pressure goes back towards spark
15698s at least in low without supports and so
15701s here's the situation
15703s this push here for san francisco may
15705s will be the last one 45 seconds left in
15707s the round spitfire might need to take an
15708s early fight here if they can
15711s well i mean they need to get this bar
15714s back going in the opposite direction
15716s they have an outside chance here in
15718s london if they can get this bar back
15720s fast
15722s wants to go quick he's going to block oh
15724s i love that he turns his shield so mikey
15726s can't be healed by the rest of his
15727s teammates and he's a sound barrier from
15729s fighter that doesn't reach their main
15730s tank either sparker finds another is
15732s going to be proper at least with the one
15733s but he has to deal with the immortality
15734s field pesky thing always getting in his
15737s way
15738s he might get caught here if he's not
15739s careful probably needs to get back to
15740s the rest of his team but he can't escape
15742s this is the spitfire's time now they're
15744s gonna have one good push one chance to
15746s do this and force a map five
15749s but they need to play perfect
15753s you're maybe going to get a blizzard
15754s here and you're maybe going to get an
15755s overclock that's like best case scenario
15758s for london
15761s both key ultimates and their matrix as
15763s well on the way for landon
15765s mikey trying to control the high ground
15766s a little bit of harass some poke but he
15768s won't have a primary to this next fight
15769s that disrupts the shot
15771s not really effective prophets just
15773s bathing inside sparker so he's low he'll
15775s need to be topped up here 77 101.
15778s sparkly usually air matrix now sees the
15780s winston take to the skies and no one
15782s from the shot can drop right now not
15783s with the window in the way
15785s he's an overclock say i'm going to slide
15787s to his device potentially spark it tries
15789s to line him up good strafing some fancy
15790s footwork twinkle toes is sam right now
15793s say i would have put a lot of that
15794s prince from sparker with the fights far
15796s from done propaganda when he's looking
15798s to try and find his way to the backline
15799s another immortality field gets in his
15800s way and it's hardy of course it's hardy
15802s to stand up and find two key
15807s he felt it's gonna be kills surely hardy
15809s shuts him down though came out with the
15811s charge
15812s put him out of the fight
15814s nasty are you gonna head out of the way
15817s and they're gonna have front spawn
15818s landon's gonna go to the moira try and
15820s get back right away
15821s potty getting close to a shatter
15824s winston over the top party under
15826s pressure charges no connection the light
15828s pole is in the way harney gets taken
15829s down the biotic grenade makes it
15831s impossible to keep him in the fight and
15833s here come the shock they're back with a
15834s vengeance
15836s and they're headed onto the next round
15838s a close 3-1 against the spitfire
15841s fantastic game between two of the west's
15844s most exciting prospects but importantly
15847s the shock is saying we can do it at land
15850s and that one goes down the fire i mean
15852s this is a really close
15855s 3-1 series uh no i can vault i think the
15858s one map that is like a blowout night you
15861s would favor in san francisco uh for san
15864s francisco but the rest of the series
15867s was so close back and forth and yeah
15870s that's a huge win for the shock you know
15872s london is a team that
15874s i i think could actually even in the
15876s lower bracket go pretty far
15879s london aren't used to
15881s suffering these kinds of losses anymore
15883s it's been a thing in the past for this
15885s team now but it's an important wake-up
15887s call reminder that there are still teams
15889s at the league that you know are kind of
15891s agnostic to london's specific style the
15893s kind of comp they can play like
15895s any time we see hardy on the reinhardt
15897s we know that it's going to be dynamic
15899s that it's going to be impactful and it's
15900s going to be impressive but it takes more
15902s than that and it says that volumes about
15904s the kind of player the profit is that
15906s when he pulled that blade i know i and
15908s many other people believed it was
15910s possible he got rid of landon and he
15911s made a pretty big gambit there but again
15913s london spitfire they're a danger to
15915s anybody in the lower bracket but to the
15917s upper bracket they should be fearing our
15919s player of the match because when he
15921s starts to get going
15922s i mean there's almost nobody that can
15924s hold a candle to him it's of course yeah
15925s it's going to be proper once again
15928s even losing maps uh proper consistently
15930s is the one that is sometimes dragging
15932s the shock forward
15933s really incredible series here and again
15935s young player with not a lot of land
15937s experience so this has been very
15939s important for us was texas it's his time
15943s it's just so difficult to slow him down
15945s we've really seen
15947s uh no not many teams if any able to do
15950s so uh where
15951s he can just make a huge impact on tracer
15954s uh play his own game so to speak and it
15956s makes the job of the rest of the team a
15958s little bit easier i also want to shout
15960s out sam i thought sam had a fantastic
15962s series when he was in specifically on
15964s the sojourn like time after time getting
15966s those first picks uh where you know him
15969s improper as duo looked really strong
15971s today yeah really impressed with sam
15972s sojourn for sure a really consistent
15974s output of the course of this series but
15976s again proper nearing 50 on that pulse
15978s bomb attached rate very very hard to
15980s kill and again a really solid showing in
15983s terms of those final blows for 10
15984s minutes yeah there were some maps where
15986s he was sometimes the only thing to write
15988s home about for that san francisco shock
15989s team there was a lot of really impactful
15991s dps players in the server today between
15993s mikey colluge hardy some great tanks
15995s really a lot of things for both teams to
15997s be proud of the london spirit fire
15999s aren't done yet they definitely get to
16000s fight through this lower bracket i
16002s desperately want to see the match up
16003s against some of our teams in this
16004s eastern region we're going to obviously
16006s see that from the shock if they sort of
16007s advance and go too much further speaking
16009s of teams in the eastern region we've got
16011s some of those waiting in the wings here
16013s so get excited everybody more games to
16015s come on the other side of this break
16016s here we've still got two more games to
16018s see the results of it'd be crazy to go
16020s anywhere
16029s baby
16035s good
16040s [Music]
16110s so
16112s [Music]
16133s [Music]
16157s [Music]
16166s do
16167s [Music]
16194s [Music]
16201s [Music]
16207s [Music]
16214s [Music]
16251s [Music]
16258s [Music]
16264s [Music]
16270s [Music]
16280s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
16282s joined by proper from san francisco
16284s shock proper congratulations on the win
16287s i gotta be honest that was that was a
16288s very close match um i mean despite it
16292s being really back and forth you guys
16293s definitely got the win at the end um
16296s what gave you guys the edge uh to win
16299s the match today against the london
16300s spitfire
16308s and also proper told me that he wants to
16310s answer this in english so everybody be
16313s nice to him
16315s i thought
16317s team but they really really strong
16321s i thought london was a really weak team
16323s but they were really strong
16325s they really were but you were you guys
16327s were i think stronger that's why you
16329s guys won
16332s and also with this win you guys are
16335s going to be facing either the dallas
16337s fuel or the shanghai dragons tomorrow
16339s who do you think is going to win that
16340s match up today and become your opponents
16342s tomorrow
16353s morning
16358s [Music]
16372s i really can't say uh who's going to win
16374s i can't really predict that but i really
16375s do want the dallas fuel to win just
16377s because you know i would like to sit in
16379s front of my opponents and play the game
16381s that way i think that will be very
16383s interesting all right proper thank you
16385s so much for your time and yeah uh and
16387s again uh congratulations on the win
16392s and with that being said let's let's
16394s send things back to avili take it away
16399s danny thank you so much for the
16401s interview and
16402s he waved to us
16404s we still get waves hey we have a problem
16405s we see
16407s and shout out to proper uh for stepping
16409s outside the comfort zone and doing a bit
16410s of the interview in english yeah that's
16413s super awesome yeah and it was so nice as
16415s well like we we we just learned like
16417s full 180 at the start of the overwatch
16419s league and everything i was like oh it
16420s was so nice you know they're so lovely
16421s to each other and then recently it just
16423s been like oh people are rude it's like
16425s they're trash they're awful and then now
16427s we're back together it's like oh you
16428s know they were pretty strong full circle
16430s no exactly even in just today we had
16432s reiner and then proper complete polar
16434s opposites uh but again congratulations
16437s to them and the shock stomping on the
16439s dreams of london spitfire here just a
16441s little bit
16443s and my dreams i wasn't going to say that
16444s explicitly but yes and my prediction
16446s dreams not doing too well for me right
16449s now but
16450s listen you guys predicted correctly that
16453s the shock was going to take it but the
16454s games ended up being a little bit closer
16457s than we had expected yeah it was
16460s actually uh a pleasant surprise i think
16462s here from the london spitfire we we
16463s always talk about them as this team that
16466s likes to play this rush style and that's
16468s sort of what they're good at and that's
16470s the only way they're really getting wins
16472s but a consistent factor throughout the
16473s entire the of this mid-season tournament
16475s has been they've been integrating a
16477s little bit of dive and it has been
16479s working from time to time
16480s they took it to the san francisco shock
16482s in this matchup on that first map of
16484s illios yes there was a catastrophic c9
16487s 10 that was a bad c9 yeah it was it was
16490s pretty bad but
16492s at least they were being competitive and
16494s they were you know moments away from you
16496s know being able to win this fight on
16497s ikemold they could have held they could
16499s have capped up the whole thing and then
16501s you know even onto the the third map we
16503s go to route 66 66.
16505s starts coming alive on that sojourn and
16508s that was you know one team fight away
16510s from them winning that one as well so
16512s this is not the last we will see of this
16514s london spitfire team and i think they
16515s have a lot more depth and a lot more
16517s consistency than we're giving them
16518s credit for especially as i said before
16521s on that spark of sojourn it just feels
16523s like he is coming into his own as a
16525s player we hyped him up as a rookie last
16527s season he came of age in the middle of
16529s the season and it didn't feel like we
16531s ever really got to see his true peak
16533s because he wasn't able to play that much
16534s but really something to show his prowess
16536s against some of the best players we have
16537s in the league yeah custo you and johnny
16539s told me to be on the lookout for proper
16541s in this game and we really did see him
16544s uh show up uh but again just kind of i
16547s was also really surprised by sparkers
16549s you said the sojourn coming out
16551s on route 66 making a lot of good plays
16554s there yeah i i feel like sparker is
16556s another one of those players and we
16557s actually have quite a few in the league
16558s now
16559s where soldier like kind of caters to
16562s their skill sets and it it it just like
16566s fits who they are like they're not going
16568s to be the best widowmaker in the league
16569s like they don't have the best like
16570s sniper aim they're not going to be the
16572s best tracer like blinking around and you
16574s know getting these quick dive frags but
16576s sojourn it's like a nice niche where
16578s it's like i do some projectile damage
16580s but also snipe from afar and it's also
16582s like you can go aggressive and you can
16584s sit back so it's
16585s just another one of those players in the
16587s league who i think really has benefited
16589s from sojourn being released into the
16590s game yes we've seen a lot of sojourn
16592s we've seen a lot of tracer but one hero
16594s that we haven't seen a ton of was diva
16597s and she actually got picked up quite a
16598s lot in this series yeah i think it was
16600s an interesting pick from the san
16601s francisco shock and they've done it a
16603s couple times in the past along with
16604s other teams and most notably on
16606s iconvalda because you have that high
16607s ground right so you can boost up there
16609s and you can play pretty defensive with
16611s your defense matrix but we also saw it
16612s on route 66 and i like this sort of
16615s defensive approach coming out from the
16616s san francisco show and i'm curious to
16618s see how other teams adapt and play it
16620s accordingly collusion of course as you
16622s can see the stats yourselves you know i
16624s wouldn't say that like mind-blowing
16625s stats on diva it's just like wow what a
16627s diva performance but it was integral to
16630s the strategy they slowed things down and
16632s then for the most part there are four
16634s members sticking together playing around
16636s that they want kilo to stay aligned with
16638s the soldier and then proper as the fifth
16640s member is just around doing proper
16642s things killing everyone
16643s so it's an interesting strategy because
16645s they're like proper just go do your
16647s thing and we'll stay alive and if you
16649s can't kill them fast enough we hope we
16651s stay alive long enough to kill them
16652s ourselves
16653s and i think it's a cool strategy it's
16655s hard to break down because property is
16656s that good at the game so yeah i think it
16658s we're only two days into the tournament
16660s so far so many more comps and so many
16661s more strategies that we could see pop up
16664s throughout the week but let's go ahead
16665s and take a look at our updated bracket
16667s now that we have the results for this
16670s game of course we are going to see the
16672s shock be moving on to thursday where you
16675s could see them in that match 15 and of
16677s course that means that the london
16678s spitfire are dropping down into our
16681s losers bracket and we will see them play
16685s tomorrow against of course florida
16688s mayhem now just a really quick
16691s thoughts on how we think that match is
16693s going to go costa flores florida has
16696s been struggling so far in this entirety
16698s of the tournament if london spitfire
16699s come out and play like they did today i
16701s think the florida mayhem are in trouble
16703s anything to add no absolutely nothing to
16706s add well you know what that's a-okay
16707s because we have another match coming up
16709s even sooner that we need to preview and
16711s talk about of course shanghai dragons
16713s taking on dallas now
16716s johnny yeah you did see lip of shanghai
16719s dragons just go absolutely crazy
16721s yesterday do you think that we're going
16722s to see a similar performance coming into
16724s today i mean the shanghai dragons yeah
16727s lip i think lip is going to be like the
16729s best player in the server
16731s which you know is a bit i wouldn't say
16733s it's controversial but considering the
16735s players who are going to be in the
16737s server stating that lip is going to be
16740s the best one it still has some like
16741s punch behind it you know as a take so
16743s you know occurred to me that was a good
16744s thing but
16746s i think lip he could have like a border
16748s like shy level performance here on the
16751s hit scan and the question becomes how
16753s does dallas deal with that how are daos
16755s going to prepare accordingly knowing
16757s that lip is on the enemy team um again
16759s like the way he just like deconstructed
16761s run to defiant yesterday was very
16762s impressive so i'm looking forward to see
16764s what answers dallas fuel have in store
16766s for a lip on the shanghai dragons in
16767s this match and i think that has to go to
16769s sparkle and that's not on the hits again
16771s we're not going to see the sparkle you
16772s know i'm not going to say he's a bad hit
16774s scan player because last time i said he
16775s is tracer was bad it's come back to
16777s haunt me ever since but him on that
16779s genji and them upping the tempo as we
16781s know dallas fuel wants to do that is
16783s going to have to be how they deal with
16785s it because i don't think they have that
16786s hitscan player to match it they need to
16788s go for their own strategy play that dive
16790s style and i think that will be their
16791s path forward and something that i was
16793s kind of asking you about i think even in
16795s our rehearsal or before the pre-show was
16798s you told me that both the shanghai
16799s dragons and dallas have had their own
16802s struggles before in the past that
16803s they've had to overcome
16805s so do you think that they've learned
16806s from some of their previous bouts i
16809s think both have struggled i think
16811s shanghai dragons have started to come
16812s into their own identity so far in this
16814s in this stage i think they've made that
16816s transition from void to fade and we've
16817s talked about that a lot already today
16819s but for me the dallas fuel i still
16821s haven't seen that like dallas secret
16824s sauce we saw them do it in the kickoff
16825s clash where they found that zaya
16826s composition on the back of hanuman
16828s something completely unique to their
16829s team and they made it work i haven't
16831s seen that so far so unless they have
16833s something rush pulls something out of
16835s his bag of tricks i think the dallas
16837s feel are in trouble even though they're
16838s the fourth seed i think they're running
16840s off of good kickoff flash performances i
16842s don't think they're really just there
16843s yet but i would love to have them prove
16844s me wrong if you actually want to watch
16846s this match and like put emphasis on
16848s something it would be that dallas fuel i
16850s would be way more desperate as a dallas
16852s fuel fan just like what is our team
16854s identity who are we going to be they
16856s need to find themselves in this matchup
16858s so i think all the pressure is on dallas
16860s fuel in this match well then hopefully
16861s we can find the answers as we head into
16864s the game right now let's go ahead and
16865s throw it on over to our casters to get
16867s us into the action lemon kiwi and leg
16869s day
16872s hey everyone this is gonna be so fun we
16874s got the second half of matches to go
16876s dallas fuel versus the shanghai dragons
16879s so great to have avaly on the desk too i
16881s remember you know her and i go way back
16882s on on puppy farts when it comes to the
16884s beta you know we got in that one game
16886s once but like they we go way back but
16888s unfortunately we couldn't meet each
16889s other in hawaii so we decided to get
16891s some good attire going
16893s yeah we're we're themed up with the desk
16895s and of course uh i'm in the hawaii theme
16897s here in europe as we all uh
16901s it's been an amazing couple of days here
16903s in europe oh yes it is quite true i've
16905s got the wind going today i've got the
16907s props out and one thing's gonna be
16909s heating up in this match as well we've
16910s got the dragon so we're gonna be
16911s breathing plenty of fire and as our
16913s analyst points out on the desk uh
16916s dragons seem to have fallen into a bit
16918s of an identity here and us less so lemon
16921s they still can't decide are we a winston
16922s team are we a doomfist team and one of
16925s the traits that both of these teams
16926s really share is that it seems like in
16929s every single reiteration when we have a
16931s patch both of them are slow starters
16933s like both of these teams started off
16935s their seasons as heavily vaunted and
16938s admired teams getting three owed by
16940s teams that some might consider a little
16942s bit beneath them at least in our initial
16944s power rankings and the same happened at
16946s the beginning of mid-season madness as
16947s well the void experiment for shanghai
16950s dragons was a
16951s resounding failure and of course we had
16953s status field going oh and six in their
16955s first two matches
16957s yeah both these teams started off open
16959s six in the mid-season madness take a
16960s look at the dragons though it's the
16962s first time these two teams will face so
16966s the shanghai dragons being led there by
16968s fate uh got third at the kickoff clash
16970s qualifier in the kickoff clash
16972s tournament hoping to turn things around
16974s like you said there was a bit of
16975s experimentation around the sigma but
16976s both these teams really went through
16978s that identity crisis together of just
16980s really starting off with the uh
16983s with the sigma
16984s and relying on void sigma and doom
16987s primarily then moving towards fate fates
16989s ball and winston to really find success
16991s after those first two matches and ever
16993s since they lost those first two matches
16995s against seoul and hongsho it's been
16997s smooth sailing for the shanghai dragons
17000s yeah the overarching theme of the
17001s overwatch leaguers who moved from like
17003s week two to week three of mid-season
17004s madness qualifier seemed to be uh oh
17006s winston it isn't terrible it we we all
17009s thought that he was dead in the water
17010s but turns out he can still do quite a
17013s bit when it comes to controlling space
17014s with that bubble in those dives fate in
17016s particular very accomplished on the
17018s winston one of the longest running
17020s competitors that we actually have
17022s in the overwatch league he is a survivor
17024s lemon from immortals gaming club and
17027s even further before that over in korea
17029s he was one of the first korean imports
17031s ever procured by a north american team
17033s before the overwatch league
17035s infrastructure came into place it was
17037s actually i think fate and envy who are
17039s picked up by immortals as a tanking duo
17041s and he's got such a veteran presence
17043s that he rarely cracks under pressure and
17045s i think that's part of a reason why
17047s shanghai can clutch out so many
17048s scenarios and speaking of that cracking
17050s under pressure i look at someone like
17052s lib who had to lead in that soldier meta
17054s and had like that slower start and
17056s really rose to the occasion and is doing
17058s so either on ash or on so during the
17061s season i know the desk loves talking
17063s about lip and his potential for this
17064s team and statistically lip at the top of
17068s his game when it comes to ash number one
17069s in hero damage and number one infused
17072s death so this is someone who is
17073s consistently adding to the equation and
17076s less taking away from it and he gets to
17078s play with more of flutter uh this stage
17082s versus who are you from the kickoff
17083s clash qualifiers
17085s all right let's go from shanghai dragons
17087s to uh their ex so let's bring up our
17089s dallas fuel starters because when you
17091s think about the dallas seal starters one
17093s of our first people comes to mind is of
17094s course fearless previously the secret
17097s source of shanghai dragons in season
17100s three really was a difference maker in
17102s fact was part of a infamous reverse
17103s sweep in one of her first uh inter
17106s uh one of the first tournaments that we
17108s actually had in overwatch league the
17109s first main melee against seoul dynasty
17112s and fearless is probably one of the best
17114s winston players in the world it's no
17116s surprise that with winston coming back
17118s into vogue that fearless starts to take
17120s more of a frontlining role for dallas
17122s fuel but also fearless has really
17124s impressed me recently with his uh with
17126s his aptitude on for doomfist being able
17128s to figure out all the best techs to try
17130s and control players and also look for
17132s environmental kills which in on quite a
17134s few maps is an underrated part of
17136s doomfist's current kit with the ability
17138s to knock back multiple people with one
17140s charged punch
17141s and just the whole tank situation with
17143s fuel was part of that identity crisis
17144s that you're we mentioned already where
17147s they started with fearless doom and then
17149s reinhardt then they even experimented
17151s with how do we integrate hon bin in then
17153s they played ryan and sigma for him and
17156s those were all types of question marks
17157s they even had that same 0-6 start that
17159s the shanghai dragons had and then they
17162s did a lot of han bin ball and sigma and
17165s finally found success with fearless as
17168s their primary tank on most of the maps
17170s either sporting the winston
17172s uh or the hammond but the issue for fuel
17175s i think in this meta has been really
17176s developing
17178s a top-tier sojourn and tracer this meta
17181s and it was really looking at guerilla
17183s and edison to trade off on the sojourn
17185s and then sparkle to really own that
17187s tracer role where i would say he's more
17189s known for his genji pop-offs and then
17191s they've been leaning more into that but
17193s i like that just fuel have been
17194s developing these rookie players to a
17196s level that is matching all the other
17198s teams making them more competitive this
17200s patch
17201s yeah dallas fuel and shanghai dragons uh
17204s this is a rivalry lemon that is very
17206s familiar to those who've been watching
17209s overwatch league at least last year
17211s here's a
17212s bunch of the
17213s showdowns we've seen between these two
17215s teams in playoff scenarios over the last
17218s couple years of course there were quite
17219s a few meetings in our previous run of
17222s hawaii events in 2021 and dallas fuel
17226s last season was kind of their
17228s renaissance
17230s it feels like we spent a lot of money to
17232s procure some of these element mystic
17234s alumni from places like paris eternal uh
17237s rush was the biggest acquisition of
17239s course like you pick up the famous
17240s element mystic coach and it feels like
17243s with rush comes a lot of
17246s sort of player deference where they will
17248s pick to go to dallas fuel as a team
17250s simply to work with rash who is one of
17252s the most accomplished coaches in the
17254s entirety of overwatch league or in the
17257s entirety of overwatch in fact because
17259s obviously never watch contingency at his
17261s moment in the sun as well on the other
17262s side you have coach moon right who
17265s let's be
17266s real he has an overwatch league title
17268s nothing can take that away from him that
17270s is the largest accolade that a coach can
17272s get especially you can get it twice like
17273s krusty but also moon
17276s has uh
17279s a less impressive title of
17282s we are owen seven los angeles valium
17285s 2019 the goats meta
17288s moon was slow to adapt there were a
17290s couple of members of a team who didn't
17291s get the proper usage because they were a
17292s little bit too smart in some cases
17295s and i think the coach moon and coach
17297s rush both are part of the critical team
17299s identities that i talked about here when
17301s it comes to slow starts in new messes
17303s both of them are better at perfecting a
17304s meta or making the
17307s skill sets of their rosters fit best
17310s into what's most strong
17312s with any given patch like we see people
17315s moving in towards the winston etc and i
17318s think the shanghai dragons and dallas
17319s fuel there's a bit of friendly rivalry
17321s between coach rush and coach moon which
17323s uh is going to put a little bit on the
17325s line today and i want to go back to what
17327s the desk said as well about dallas fuel
17330s and currently wondering what their
17331s identity is and i think it it very much
17334s lies in the tempo that was brought up
17337s dallas fuel are a ridiculously fast team
17339s they just want to go faster faster
17341s faster break the enemy calms down and
17344s make sure that there's no understanding
17346s of when and where these fights are gonna
17348s happen because dallasfield will take a
17349s fight in a weird place just to be able
17350s to go in and punch you in the face and
17353s in particular when it comes to shanghai
17354s dragons i'm worried that maybe li jaegon
17357s might be easier to catch out in these
17360s fast fights because he's known to be a
17361s little bit of a wild card when he's on
17363s the main support
17365s yeah i mean speaking of main supports
17366s both these teams running just that ligi
17368s gone on a lot of lucio chio as well this
17371s kind of facilitates those rotations and
17373s that speed you're talking about speaking
17375s of speed shanghai dragons had a swift
17378s 3-0 victory spoiler against the toronto
17381s defiant yesterday so just the advantage
17384s of dallas fuel being in the second round
17386s yeah they got the last pick you know
17387s that's there's no advantage there you
17389s end up with the scraps of the team no
17391s one wants to face which is the shanghai
17392s dragons very very much looking strong
17395s but the disadvantage of shanghai already
17397s have been playing is that they've
17399s already started to reveal their hand now
17402s dallas fuel haven't had that chance yet
17404s but yesterday we saw the shanghai
17406s dragons play a lot of fake ball
17409s fled on the tracer who had an amazing
17411s performance and when flutter wasn't on
17413s the tracer we saw him on the echo but we
17416s didn't see a special person who are you
17419s has not really been playing it's been
17421s lip by uh fled aside rocking the sojourn
17425s and also the ash which is a hero that i
17427s guess is unique to the style and
17430s interpretation of the meta when it comes
17431s to aipac there's kind of like we've been
17434s talking about how ash is like this
17436s budget sojourn in a way
17438s of consistent damage you have a bit of
17441s high ground a bit of mobility but mainly
17443s you don't have to charge up your shot
17445s when it comes to ash yeah maybe you
17446s don't have the sparker ace type of
17448s potential on ash but you can still get
17451s crazy picks so expect lip to kind of
17453s hover between the sojourn and the ash
17456s but we will be getting into a match soon
17459s looks like we do have some issues so
17461s we're just gonna get everybody settled
17463s we're gonna throw it to our break show
17464s you guys some content and we'll see you
17466s for map one
17475s [Music]
17485s [Music]
17523s [Music]
17533s [Music]
17561s [Music]
17580s [Music]
17626s [Music]
17652s aloha everyone we're back from the break
17654s and we're about to head into map number
17656s one speaking of which we should really
17659s talk about how dallas fuel
17661s they had not only the chance to choose
17663s their opponent the last one remaining
17665s but most importantly choosing the first
17667s map so they got something out of this
17669s deal
17670s yeah coming into our map set here oasis
17673s is for number four seed that's all that
17674s dallas you're really got to uh pick
17676s going into this match and oasis is going
17678s to be quite interesting here because i
17680s think it's going to lend dallas fuel a
17682s little bit more credence behind the
17684s doomfist a couple of these maps are
17685s quite narrow and they provide a little
17687s bit less space for fake to play on the
17689s wrecking ball in particular i'm thinking
17690s about university where the wrecking ball
17692s can have a little bit of an issue having
17695s good pathing simply because two of the
17697s areas where wrecking ball has to move
17699s through have very little cover he has to
17701s try and play around the outside instead
17702s and that's where fearless can be at his
17704s best on doomfist trying to knock people
17706s off the edge
17708s excited to see if it could be winston or
17711s hammond and maybe even some fake
17714s doomfist so it's all about that initial
17716s high ground control and there's actually
17717s a statistic about how important that
17718s first fight is for control
17722s as we wait to see the dps picks as well
17724s i know sparkle has been looking amazing
17726s on the genji so far and it's about where
17728s does edison fit into this equation where
17731s on the other side he has what guerrilla
17732s that can replace him or kind of
17734s interchange and that's all about edison
17736s providing the opportunity to also go
17738s tracer as we have a dive with the reaper
17741s lucio moira from fuel
17743s okay this is something a little bit new
17745s from the side of the
17747s medal show or actually something a
17748s little bit old to be honest there's some
17750s returning it's about reaper and fate
17752s here might not be expecting this and
17754s there's no real armor on the doomfist to
17756s mitigate those incoming shotgun damages
17759s oh that didn't work out and let gets to
17760s get charged up off the tank and just
17762s shoot sparkle in his face but 4v5 you
17765s can make a work not with that double
17767s empty that is a yaki just hit and that's
17769s how important that first fight is
17772s they get hit by the ante but they just
17774s disengage and they manage to keep their
17775s supports alive so lip in trouble too he
17779s gets picked off sparkle on the chase
17781s going after fleta chio gets the finish
17783s and you will get the cap first but
17785s without fearless you don't have that
17786s good initiator but you do have the rest
17788s of the team alive
17790s yeah that works out in the end for
17791s dallas fearless and edison moving
17793s through together allowing edison to
17794s actually stay in the fight for longer
17796s using the winston bubble so he doesn't
17797s have to use that ray form as early is
17799s critical for dallas fuel because that
17801s means that fielder has a lot more time
17803s to build up towards the coalescence as
17805s well by putting out huge amounts of aoe
17807s healing on that dive as it arrives and
17809s you see sparkle actually moved from the
17810s genji as well so with tracing that's a
17812s much better match up against the echo
17814s flood on the flank fuel pinch from both
17817s sides fielder able to keep everyone
17819s healed up and maybe help them
17820s coalescence out but
17822s i mean fuel took pressure but it doesn't
17825s seem like they're really dying they got
17827s field they lost fielder and flutter well
17829s he was the only one pitch at the one
17831s angle so fearless was able to clear the
17832s one round and there is edison clearing
17834s the rest of the road that blossom which
17837s we haven't even seen much of since like
17839s the kickoff clash so few will hold on to
17841s the point but not really having a lot of
17844s members remaining to defend it
17846s yeah fate is going to try and take
17848s advantage of that by moving up and
17849s claiming an advanced position he's
17851s actually getting harassed by these
17852s supports at the moment might actually
17853s have to run away they aren't going to
17854s charge up the fist which might be a
17856s touchful hardy as the meteor strike has
17858s to be invested simply to claim some
17860s safety is for coalescers to carve
17862s through multiple members of dragons
17866s sparkle gets a double pulse bomb while
17868s the dragon's club we're trying to run
17870s away this is almost a flawless round for
17873s fuel and they have alts to spare
17875s i want to give you a little bit of
17876s credit for that previous engagement as
17877s well where they actually forced out
17879s fates punch onto fearless to make sure
17881s that edison couldn't be easily stunned
17883s out of that death blossom and they also
17884s put down the winston bubble as well so
17886s that the sleep can be delivered huge uh
17888s accommodating of those stuns from dallas
17891s okay last fight for dragons they have
17894s overclocked they have dupe leather likes
17896s to go after those tanks we'll see if he
17898s can connect it's a sounder engage fuel
17900s taking the initiative fearless with the
17902s primal he has all the health and the
17904s shields in the world and the dragon's
17906s already down too liv didn't even have
17907s the opportunity to use overclock because
17910s you know he delivers on it and dragons
17912s haven't delivered us a single kill and
17914s this that's why it's not very exciting
17915s they did try to flip the point to
17917s relieve the pressure from the front line
17919s but not a single kill earned from the
17922s dragons but a hundred to zero around for
17924s the dallas fuel
17926s yeah it pops the overclocking spawn but
17928s at this point lemon it's all but
17930s hypothetical for the hit scan player the
17933s desk lorded lip as the best player in
17935s the lobby but when it comes to the team
17937s movements dallas fuel
17939s they had an identity in kickoff clash it
17942s was about visaya and the reaper but the
17945s real defining factor about dallas fuel
17948s is that they are a hive mind they do not
17950s have five separate brains they are all
17952s plugged into the rush matrix like he's
17954s playing in rts and it seems like they
17956s finally have once again
17958s found the mojo to move and act together
17962s as a singular voltron team
17965s we've seen dallas will run this exact
17967s proposition and strategy against the ny
17969s excel uh just a couple of weeks ago with
17972s the lucio warren they play as a clump
17974s and as a unit and dragons hope this you
17977s know divide and conquer this and how
17979s will they fuel first to get the high
17981s ground control flutter always on that
17983s off angle just like he was before but he
17986s has to be careful if he tries to solo
17987s that without a mercy pocket because
17989s he'll need to go back four packs from
17991s lee jae gonzo he's being a little bit
17993s more connected in that way sparkle might
17995s be in dash range he wants to go after
17997s flutter fate trying to keep this locked
18000s down on the right side fuel have the
18002s space to go for the point cap first
18004s dragon trying to prevent it there is a
18006s flank from the dragons that's fuel horde
18008s destroyer supports while they're
18009s unprotected fate is going after the
18011s backline and hasn't converted on any
18013s kills yet he's got great slows on the
18015s fielder and that's the execution fate
18017s was looking for fuel or left without
18019s support and they never captured the
18022s objective
18023s i think dallas uh fuel sparkle there in
18026s particular being a little bit hesitant
18028s with his usage of the dash to try and
18029s get those finishes when
18031s it meant that he essentially became a
18033s very weak poking dps on the genji and
18036s dallas fuel were unable to really
18037s leverage the massive advantage that they
18039s have when it comes to these comps and
18040s that is speed and that's what cheo's
18042s delivering on
18044s the uh on the lucio fields are actually
18046s getting that much healing out either
18048s sparkles already been picked off because
18049s lip has a much better poke set up here
18051s and dallas fuel can't really approach
18053s that easily yeah and when you play a
18055s shield tank like winston i know there's
18056s very few of them in this game but it
18058s just allows your sojourn to get much
18060s more energy and to find those random
18061s picks still splutta will be back
18065s we'll see dallas you'll get hit by an
18067s ante and fearless has to jump out you
18069s see chio is actually booping dragons
18070s away from trying to touch the point
18073s now the flip won't be going through
18074s quite yet fielder coalescence keeping
18076s fearless in the front dragons being
18079s warded away especially with fate gone
18082s and he's a yucky at one and fuel will
18084s get the flip in the fight with
18086s lija gone doing lucia gone things yes
18089s the frag is found but it is a longer
18091s staggering trust me that lucio is not
18093s going to be missing for long he's going
18094s to skate his way back over here and feel
18096s us now has access to his primal rage
18098s which is going to be really good for
18100s trying to make sure that fate's
18101s engagements are entirely way late so he
18104s can't find a huge amount of purchase
18106s from the positions he really wants to
18108s claim using those abilities
18111s i mean fuel could sound very engaged
18112s here if they want to shut down lip's
18114s opportunity on the overclock just like
18115s they did in the previous round
18117s initiative not found yet meteor strike
18119s fade is dangerously low below 200 hp but
18122s lip has the space the overclock
18124s activated in the sound barrier in
18125s response from chio
18127s and that's where the bubbles are placed
18129s and even the duplicate from flutter you
18131s have a second winston into play and this
18134s allows left to have some space to work
18136s with
18136s legion is down he's a yaki though he has
18139s to stay safe in this mini room to keep
18141s these members healed up but the bubble
18143s from fearless is blocking some line of
18144s sight fate has to play passive reconnect
18147s with the supports the point still in
18149s control of the phallus fuel as they
18151s re-engage back into many rooms to zone
18153s off those supports from the dragons and
18155s that's when sparkle can finish off all
18157s these low hp targets and fuel continue
18159s to be in the driver's seat but
18162s overextended a little bit lost edison
18164s and another in the engage so here comes
18167s dragons once again
18168s that's what apac teams love to do they
18170s love to continue brawling never give up
18172s a fight felix finally gets himself upon
18174s that point of the coalition's gonna back
18175s him up can this be interrupted yes it
18177s can excellent stun from fate but he does
18179s go low for it
18180s all the nano's available he's iak he
18182s usually likes to give it to fade but
18184s anyone who's in a great spot and it has
18186s a great opportunity and a great shot of
18187s the sparkle fuel are down three and
18190s there's no chance they can complete this
18192s the way they wanted to they'll have to
18193s give this up they get it to 98 so fueler
18196s within one fight territory before taking
18199s the map
18200s all right here i want to see shanghai
18202s dragons uh
18204s be a little bit more economical with
18205s their ultimate dallas fuel if they take
18207s an eco fight here they might be able to
18209s force out both for meteor strike and
18211s banana boost from shanghai dragons event
18213s have a clean potential final fight and
18216s 99 to 99 overtime
18219s gauge from fuel sparkle copies the
18221s doomfist and is instantly shot down by
18223s lip who got nano by izayaki dragons
18226s played reactively there edison misses
18228s the pulse was aiming for lee jaegong and
18230s dragons are still healthy and fine they
18233s buy themselves time and they need it
18235s because they still got 20 more percent
18236s to go
18238s oh man i asked for good economy and i've
18240s been blessed with some high tier gdp
18242s right here only one ultimate used and
18243s this was also used to generate the
18245s overclock and the other part's gonna be
18247s so good for keeping edison away and
18249s sparkle as well it's headshots galore
18251s for lip and guess what for dallas fuel
18253s that's once again back to the drawing
18255s board this is gonna have to be overtime
18257s or nothing and they're going up against
18258s a duplicate a meteor strike and the
18260s overclock with nothing to their name
18263s well edison has to touch here in a
18264s couple of seconds and fuel want to wait
18266s to take this fight until the last second
18268s they want chill back for the sound
18270s bearer chio has returned a 5v5 it's
18273s flutter copies the tracer and that's one
18275s of his best heroes he already forces the
18277s fade out of the fielder chio has his
18278s back with the sound barrier dallas fuel
18280s playing as a unit but fielder has been
18283s isolated fouled by lip the overclock
18286s popping off sled is still in tracer form
18288s the pulse bomb doesn't hit but dragons
18290s are still in a 5v3 fielder didn't even
18292s have a chance to use the coalescence and
18295s dragons at the last second the last mile
18298s were forced the round three now the
18301s second the shanghai dragons were in
18302s control of that point they found
18304s everything they wanted to alone because
18305s dallas fuel they don't want to invest
18308s that winston shield as they're commuting
18311s to the battle they want to be putting it
18312s down when they're on top of izuyaki are
18314s on top of fate to try and block off
18316s iziyaki's heels and that means that lip
18318s and flutter can freely pepper them with
18320s damage and fielder's coalescence
18322s honestly is not valuable enough an
18324s ultimate in many cases to be sort of
18327s uh denied by not giving over as much
18330s poke lip and flatter definitely want to
18332s be doing as much damage as possible so
18333s that fearless has to use resources
18335s before he needs to this is gonna be
18337s decided on city center dallas fuel once
18340s more will pick up the edgiest of all the
18342s edgelords with the reaper
18345s this went really well for fuel on that
18347s first round 100 to zero using that
18351s composition
18353s will be some high ground prioritization
18355s from fuel
18356s only but not fully committing looks like
18360s edison actually keeping to the other
18361s side the highway to see if he can catch
18363s dragons looking at the front line of
18365s fuel edison exposed himself finds flood
18368s already half hp lip just sprayed it to
18370s edison diaz it died then you got a five
18373s on three this is an easy cloud for fuel
18376s now they get a formal charge
18378s wicked slide bro
18380s excellent stuff and that was just really
18382s good communications and pinging there
18383s from dallas field forcing flutter to
18385s leave for sky by i assume a conflux of
18388s poke from fearless's right click and
18390s maybe fielder getting up on top of the
18392s pavilion and using robotic grasp because
18394s dallas fuel don't really have a well uh
18397s a reliable way of getting rid of flutter
18400s in the sky so florida's got to make use
18402s of that space and not be caught when
18404s he's low disengaging
18405s oh edison is in such a cool position on
18408s highway side and fuel kind of have this
18409s split push where dragons have to figure
18411s out who can they punish and edison is
18413s always within wraith range
18415s fate healed back up it's got the power
18418s block fearless disengaging and city
18420s center is definitely a point where you
18421s can just stall and soft disengage all
18423s the time and really get up to 99 percent
18425s quite easily dragons need a decisive
18428s fight flutter in the back focusing beam
18430s out but sparkle dashes meanwhile you're
18432s left with a four run four easy yaki has
18434s a nano legion gone he's taking too much
18436s pressure once lij going to carry his
18438s team to victory now that he has the
18440s rally needed that sustained the nano
18443s damage mitigation to live fuel still
18446s hoarded away the storm we got a three on
18448s two on the point favoring the dragons
18450s with a leftover rally from lee jaegon
18452s and as long as you pack faith he can
18454s gate keep the stairs and fuel don't have
18456s a moment to engage without fearless
18458s fearless getting out however gave
18459s fielder all the charge he needed from a
18461s coalescence but once more i'm looking to
18463s fight to try and cancel this it's
18464s combined with the blade it's beams and
18466s blades all over lemon yeah the
18468s coalescence to get all the targets slow
18470s and sparkle to get dash resets but there
18472s was so much healing from the rally of
18474s legion contact
18476s not a lot of reset the sparkle still was
18478s able to live can't say the same about
18479s edison 5v4 now the dragons with the copy
18482s flutter for the winston primal rage gone
18484s in a second fuel needing to flip back
18487s this point but deciding that you know a
18489s 3v5 is just not worth it so dallas will
18492s will reset
18493s legion really is the stop gap here and
18496s the thing is izuki he's having some
18498s pretty easy time hitting some of these
18500s aunties onto players like fioda and chio
18502s once those initial cooldowns like the
18504s fade of a bubble have been used izayaki
18506s is essentially home free if he survives
18508s that initial engagement and that's why
18509s fate's playing more of appealing
18510s doomfist to not thank these assailants
18513s i'm waiting for the timing of the sound
18514s bear chio uses it to engage caught the
18516s support of the dragons against the wall
18518s quite literally and they could afford a
18520s kill on the easy yucky and legit gone
18522s within the stars if you want a great
18523s position they just got to keep fielder
18525s alive but fielder was caught using fade
18527s and fate had the hunt down so neither
18530s team have supports and were left with a
18532s three on two dallas fuel though
18534s dangerously low they had the numbers but
18537s no longer it's two to split the reaper
18540s of edison looking at fate as fleta hopes
18543s to fly away now the supports of dragons
18546s are back and fielder can throw an orb as
18548s well from the fuel side this is an
18550s extended fight that dragons are
18552s benefiting from
18553s and is the ackee has for nano good to go
18555s additional survivability additional
18557s damage for last time it went on to lee
18559s jaegon and was able to mace their way
18560s through the entirety of dallas fuel
18562s stack once more lee jaegon's mace is a
18565s shine in lemon oh i don't think fearless
18567s want that smoke though that's a nano
18568s brigitte that's the ultimate boss of
18570s overwatch too and he found out the hard
18572s way now the rally starts and dragons are
18574s 5v3
18576s dragons are so good at identifying when
18578s fielder use uses fade you bring out the
18581s mortar for that survivability but the
18583s fuel are dead in the water and dragons
18586s we'll take map one
18588s in the end lemon it's a level one moira
18590s versus a level 100 brig boss who just
18593s manages to cleave through all who stand
18595s in her way the winston shield means
18598s nothing the damage of a reaper means
18601s nothing and fate kudos to him it's
18604s mostly been the ball so far and dallas
18607s fuel picked oasis i think in the hope
18610s that the ball would be less effective
18612s here swapping over to the doomfist
18614s instead and playing it in a wonderful
18617s peeling manner to make sure that yaki
18619s had space to survive against these big
18621s onslaught dallas fuel hand while it did
18624s begin in a grandiose manner it's ended
18627s with a little bit of a puff the fuel is
18629s starting to run out we'll see if it can
18631s be reignited after this break
18653s [Music]
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18684s do
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18828s hmm
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18880s do
18886s [Music]
18892s what's up everyone mid-season madness
18894s has been a banger and that first match
18897s went the distance uh first map i should
18899s say round three all the way down that
18901s was dallas fuels pick by the way on
18902s oasis and they brought out the strats
18904s the ace up the sleeve has come out the
18906s edison reaper of all things so dallas
18909s fear dallas fuel sure know how to change
18911s things up and we have some substitutions
18913s speaking of changes we got babe in for
18915s lee jaegon
18917s uh
18918s and we have guerrilla in
18920s for
18921s edison
18923s both of these are curious lemon as
18925s they are hallmarks of the previous less
18929s effective attempts
18931s at uh mities and mandela's qualifiers
18933s success of his team's hand gurio over
18936s the last couple of matches which dallas
18938s you'll have played very well has kind of
18940s been phased out on the sojourn in favor
18941s of edison and bay bay was part of the
18944s void experiment for shanghai dragons but
18947s babe being bought in here in the place
18949s of li jaegon you've got to expect that
18951s we're going to be seeing what we'd call
18952s a double flex support in the more
18953s antiquated term maybe playing a little
18955s bit more of the anna or the back
18957s alongside this iaki who'd likely be
18959s playing a zenyatta and gurio well he's a
18963s really good flick scan bloody good at
18965s things like widowmaker ash and of course
18968s for sojourn as well but dallas fuel was
18970s sort of hinting at how much they liked
18971s edison sojourn recently so i'm wondering
18973s if this is more of a lean towards
18975s something like an ash because of course
18977s we have that kind of trifecta at the
18978s moment of the ash the sojourn of a hanzo
18982s each fulfilling a slightly different
18983s role
18985s absolutely yeah guerrilla definitely
18986s kind of the ranged hit scan edison i
18988s guess now i was talking about the tracer
18991s option i didn't how could i ever forget
18993s about reaper
18994s but we just haven't seen this patch
18996s there's so many other options so we
18998s going to get we go into map two this is
19001s chosen by the fuel because they have
19003s lost map one their choice how could they
19005s they had the strat book out though this
19007s wasn't thick enough but we go to midtown
19010s and
19011s i gotta say this is maybe a weakness for
19013s the shanghai dragons because the last
19016s time they went to midtown it was against
19018s the chengdu hunters a couple weeks ago
19020s and they got full health by chengdu on
19024s this map so not sure if fuel are playing
19026s into their strengths but also playing
19027s into dragon's weaknesses
19030s maybe dallas field have been watching
19031s the tape trying to figure out what
19034s shanghai dragons trying to achieve here
19036s i do believe that uh shanghai dragons
19038s probably going to be uh attacking first
19040s i'm not entirely sure uh as we roll over
19043s here one of the places i want to really
19044s draw attention to lemon is second point
19047s and how
19048s powerful it can be
19050s as a defensive bulwark if you're playing
19052s either winston or reinhardt if you're
19054s playing reinhardt you can really deny so
19057s much space to an attacking team if you
19058s win the first fight on second we've seen
19060s london spitfire do it again and again
19062s and if you're playing with defensive
19063s winston where we currently are on camera
19065s at the moment that
19066s green tarp high ground is really a
19069s fantastic place for a winston to hang
19071s out and generate a crossfire with
19073s supports who would be hanging out on the
19075s other side who are just sitting on the
19077s bridge freely poking away and winston
19079s takes a lot of resources to dislodge
19081s from that area
19083s it feels like we saw just so much lee
19085s jaegon raid boss last map that is baby
19088s filling those shoes not now because
19090s there is no anna he's coming in to play
19091s lucio with these yaki's brig at least
19094s for now off the gates we shall see
19096s dragons last time they played this map
19097s you know the full health part uh it was
19099s ball tracer sojourn zen brig and this
19102s wasn't with baby in so they we'll see if
19105s dragons really learned from their
19106s mistakes and their weaknesses with a new
19109s substitute and with a similar type of
19111s comp sugaria was playing ash after all
19114s and one of the main strengths of the ash
19116s is that she can force out a flanker
19117s quite easily if they're playing solo
19119s using that dynamite and deny the
19121s spacecraft whose dps can generate an
19123s overwatch too when they aren't as
19124s heavily contested by tanks on an
19126s individual level you can see that lip
19128s already has a charged up railgun to go
19130s and this is going to be one of the
19130s things that fearless has to be cognizant
19132s of not giving over easy rail charge with
19135s his bubble
19137s yeah on oasis i mean lip was definitely
19139s part
19140s of some of the success you know
19142s getting those first shots with the
19144s sojourn but hasn't connected on anything
19146s yet fuel trying to cut off those
19147s rotations from dragons maybe going left
19149s side but fearless gets punished
19150s charlotte is charged up off the shield
19152s walks in and finishes them off and
19154s without that winston puehler just left
19156s to either hope that they can flank with
19158s sparkle or guerrilla can get a pick from
19160s range and at least sparkle delivers on
19162s the front with a double kill on to lip
19164s and flutter and gorilla got anted and
19166s got to one hp but dragons never executed
19169s so
19170s they're left with having to reset
19172s no time required sometimes the guns just
19174s work lemon and sparkle's gonna be
19176s rewarded for a pulse bomb for his
19178s efforts as well shanghai dragons they
19180s expected so many resources to deal with
19182s fearless initial dive even after they
19184s killed him they were kind of fighting
19185s from behind in terms of the overall hp
19187s available and fate playing here with a
19190s anna and a wrecking ball is not the most
19192s common because the anna allows you to
19194s take some extended frontline fights with
19196s a huge amount of point healing she gives
19197s over but the wrecking ball is weak when
19199s he's taking extended fights because his
19201s guns simply aren't that strong
19203s you just ain't built like that so i
19205s understand so i've seen a lot of lift
19208s nanos in previous matches but if blood
19210s is in the right spot at the right time
19211s he can deliver two but look at the nano
19213s jumps up back hands fielder drops down
19215s goes after fearless and dragons already
19218s started off a five on three fight and
19219s that is more than enough to get the
19221s point off of just one ultimate that's
19223s sick
19225s that's some that's a good deal right
19226s there lemon that's a bargain for the
19229s shanghai dragons first point of midtown
19231s and now dallas fuel i want to see if
19232s they utilize the crossfire of having
19234s fearless play on that green tarp while
19236s fielder and chio can play in a much more
19237s reserved position alongside gurio this
19239s will allow sparkle to probably do a 3-2
19242s split where they play a lot closer
19244s alongside fearless and likely given the
19246s harmony up to try and make some solo
19249s plays as well and you can see fearless
19250s here trying to control the area that i
19252s desperately wanted him to this is going
19254s to mean the shanghai dragons have to put
19255s some real effort into dislodging him and
19257s that's why
19258s he's up here i mean
19260s ghost at this point he's hung for
19261s something and fuel dropped down the nano
19263s to fearless and is about to squash baby
19265s if he's not careful but it's a ring
19266s around the roarsy and fearless gets
19268s impatient has to use the primal and it's
19270s just you know it's a good combo it's
19272s like peanut butter and jelly with the
19273s nano and the primal and that means
19274s fearless gets to make a montage out of
19276s it so two old fight win it's a
19278s successful equation for fuel income yeah
19280s from primal rage to hulking out kind of
19282s anger with banana huge amounts of damage
19284s done even with babe trying to ring
19285s around the rosie on that little pillar
19287s but you can see that fate is actually
19289s continuing to apply pressure in this
19291s position to try and make sure the
19292s shanghai dragons don't have to re-clear
19294s it on their next attack because that
19295s would take time and critical resources
19298s from your zen's attention span
19300s looks like fuel
19302s ready to be on the flank sparkle being
19304s checked by flutter who immediately
19305s recalls sparkles has come back here but
19309s carrillo can shot at a distance from
19310s flip and this could open things up for
19312s the dragons they do sleep the ball but
19315s immediately waking up and bears like who
19316s did that i'm reporting you but he gets
19318s on the other side of the cart he's chill
19320s finished off burned down dragons get a
19321s bit of space but it's about taking back
19324s the bridge control where fuel that's our
19326s secondary position to fall into pile
19328s drive from fate gets antied not slipped
19330s quite yet and he's half hp so he's going
19332s to keep the ball rolling fuel not giving
19335s up the bridge quite yet playing really
19337s passively sparkle doesn't have a pulse
19339s but he is going to try and flank every
19340s once in a while
19342s there's no generation here a second to
19343s none but it's made by who strikes first
19345s here it's given over to lip who's yet to
19347s pop the overclock it does force our
19349s transcendence from chio once that goes
19350s away maybe lift will be able to try and
19352s capitalize on this
19354s that's capitalization all right that's
19356s capital p for pain lemon
19358s the transcendence and the nano from
19360s dragons with only the transcendence from
19362s fuel so
19363s just a lot of time being trained and
19365s that's what i like to see from the
19366s defense of just if if the attack isn't
19368s getting car progression then fuel can
19369s just take the fight as slowly as
19371s possible they do lose it though so we'll
19372s see how this one next next one goes yeah
19375s dallas will have to be very careful they
19376s don't really have a good mind clearing
19377s utility apart from fearless bubble at
19380s this point and phyllis desperately needs
19381s that to take an engagement with baby to
19383s dance around lift avoids the incoming
19385s dive and lip just do not miss baby oh
19389s the pile drive into the shop by the
19391s sojourn and gorgeous and even the mind
19393s so if you'll have to sit there shoot
19395s mine the whole time but they gotta be
19397s contested and lip says well i wanna be
19400s on the cliffs of the week and he pops
19402s the overclock he's going after the
19404s reinforcements of fuel and this point b
19407s just got rolled by the dragons
19411s roasted and that's what field are having
19413s excellent nano generation as well i
19415s thought it was super impressive at
19416s fielder almost nano ready to go but
19418s fight after for nano dive from fearless
19420s actually won a fight for dallas fuel
19422s taking out babe early but dallas fuel
19424s are getting outpaced by shanghai dragons
19426s in so many respects which is uh sort of
19429s uncanny because dallas fuel are such a
19430s fast team but it's very rare to see them
19433s have to be the ones to catch an
19434s engagement but fate's getting such good
19436s advanced positioning that constantly you
19438s have to be mindful of dislodging fate
19440s and making sure he can't get a free ride
19442s onto chia
19444s we're just talking about that pressure
19445s that's on korea's shoulders who hasn't
19447s been able to compete against lip on this
19449s sojourn roll yet it's been lip all day
19452s with dragons they got two minutes i
19454s think fuel the way they play passive is
19456s to drain time but they're not it's not
19458s like they're winning either they're
19459s trading old and it's not coming out
19461s their way and it continues to go lips
19463s way he keeps getting first bloods this
19466s opens the window of opportunity a five
19468s on four but fearless the nanoprimal he's
19470s in the back he's going after baby now if
19472s only could locate him well he does dodge
19474s the sleep he's antied and now ball
19477s supports and flutter has entered the
19479s fray to beat fearless down the dragons
19482s can kind of regroup on the card and fuel
19485s don't want to take this without fearless
19487s buying a ticket to the zoo like we're
19488s literally going to beat you to death
19490s ain't madagascar anymore though lemon
19492s this is overwatch mid-season madness
19495s platter does not commit to the full
19497s fight
19498s on shio getting rid of that zen would be
19500s super important removing the classic
19502s flat trance
19512s a little bit just trying to stay alive
19514s in your spot how how dare he do that but
19516s dragons they got to win this quick they
19518s don't have baby very limited heels with
19519s the zenyatta speaking of which chio
19521s transcendence to anchor to the cart two
19524s meters away it's a bit of a waste not
19526s like anyone was healed but you stop the
19528s car from being capped it's up to
19529s fearless someone has to touch and he has
19531s to permanently be present there but
19533s there's mines from fate in the way now
19534s flutter has to be there a little bit of
19537s space thanks to fates mines and dragons
19539s have the fuels backed against the wall
19542s and they complete with 41 seconds on the
19545s clock all right ernesto entry frag also
19548s known as lit it felt like dallas field
19550s were permanently fighting a four versus
19552s five game here just because lip is so
19554s damn accurate when it comes to those
19556s railgun shots
19557s i'm getting flashes of shy in my mind
19560s but
19561s for my money it might even be better lit
19563s lip could be the premiere hit scan that
19566s we have in the league and according to
19568s shanghai dragons not even the best
19570s sojourn on the team i think i heard that
19572s they had a sojourn one versus one
19574s tournament when the hero was initially
19576s released and fletter was actually the
19578s one who won that and we've seen fletter
19580s absolutely dominate on the sojourn on
19582s maps like circuit royale when shanghai
19583s dragons can really overpower their
19586s opponents with double hitscan
19588s lip is overheating my laptop right now
19590s because he just went 16 and three on
19593s soju we were not capping when we said
19596s this guy was dominating on sojourn but
19599s you know fuel they they can sometimes
19602s crack under pressure but griot has
19603s performed on sojourn in our regular
19606s season matches and we get to go into a
19608s replay of one of the many of times that
19610s lip is doing his sparker impression just
19612s this map alone and even pops the
19614s overclock he headshots carrillo turns
19617s and burns on sparkle it goes after the
19619s back line and you don't even want to
19620s know what happens to fielder here do i
19622s have to even say it he dies by the way
19625s he dies he dies
19627s wicked stuff from lit sliding around
19630s dallas fuel now on their attack once
19632s more utilizing the lucio they are one of
19634s the few teams that uh do utilize a
19636s little bit more of a lucia but of course
19637s that's just for rollout shear swaps over
19640s to the zenyatta
19642s and this will allow for a little bit
19643s better poke fate's actually emoting at
19645s the moment in the laundromat
19648s just uh getting himself a little bit of
19650s that 3d peak and of course making sure
19651s that he's uh his white tees are
19654s completely clean
19655s i mean this
19658s dragons at least have been able to
19659s complete the map we said they got full
19660s held before look how the tides have
19662s turned and fearless gets burned alive he
19665s got 18 he got shot down by limp there
19667s was a trade fight sparkle while lift was
19669s focused down on fearless so you have a
19670s 4v4 but the engage
19673s is off but usually fearless who's
19674s actually turning to go towards a doing
19676s fizz to match fake just fearless just
19679s can't seem to survive all the bursts
19681s that dragons have
19682s you know the thing is we're fearless
19683s missing these engagements become more
19685s and more perilous for dallas fuel as
19687s they enter these crossfires chia was
19689s just a remnant of a attack long finished
19692s and was an easy pick up for those who
19693s remain
19694s fate charges up his fist and then simply
19697s leaves them and at the moment dallas
19698s fuel it's their time bank which they're
19701s wasting to uh paraphrase a teacher
19704s well you got a nano advantage i guess
19706s for dragons so
19708s usually giving this over to faye but
19710s we've seen it given to lift before you
19711s should give him a shiny sticker for how
19713s much lip is just his back has broken the
19716s deadlift happening
19718s he's got the nano crushes shio to death
19720s fielder well he's trying to land his
19722s sleeve but he's just the page is just so
19724s wiggly meanwhile uh i think baby hit his
19726s sleeve but unfortunately died so fuel
19729s it's their time bank is halfway gone
19731s and there's not much uh openings
19733s happening sparkle those creeping towards
19735s the point fearless engages the back line
19737s dragons disengaging towards spawn lift
19740s shows himself at the door and that's
19742s scary to do against zoomfist who still
19744s had nano now two minutes left for fuel
19746s they start that first take and the
19748s second dragons have the olds easy yaki
19750s is transcendence but do dragons think
19752s this is winnable it has to be fate uses
19755s the meter strike maybe to go towards the
19756s point you got a rail gun from lift the
19759s overclock trying to shoot down these
19761s supports and especially guerrilla who
19763s has to escape into top tunnel he's a
19765s yakis like let me lay this red carpet
19767s down for the transcendence right into
19768s the enemy team and fuel are just
19770s absolutely overwhelmed has have really
19774s lost control of the entire situation and
19776s fuel don't get the second tick
19778s yeah sparkler mister this was uh
19780s continuing to cap but unfortunately in
19782s the end dallas fuel there
19785s invested their nano which was one of
19786s their primary uh engagement tools simply
19788s to get the space and shanghai dragons
19790s had an excellent disengage is to put
19792s look at izzy yaki uh being a bit of a
19794s menace on the metro
19796s and of course
19801s i just love the transcendence and too
19803s i'm just repositioning to kick this
19804s other guy in the face
19806s i love that
19808s one minute though uh tables have clearly
19810s turned when shanghai dragons last time
19811s we saw this saw them on this map they
19813s got full held now fuel are one minute
19815s away from being full held on their very
19818s own choice attack they got four
19820s ultimates though if you'll don't get
19821s this done i'm just not gonna be a fuel
19823s believer anymore i don't know it'll be
19825s siri's point for shanghai dragons korea
19827s overclock at the ready get a charged up
19830s shot he had a chance to kill lip there
19831s you have a chance to make us korea
19833s believers but we'll wait until you pop
19836s the ultimate there's the initiative
19837s though from dragon's tread the nano
19844s through all of that and dallas fuel has
19846s to try and engage this in a three on
19847s four they kill baby so dragons have very
19850s limited heals they hope to just stall
19852s the sound until zyagi
19854s but clearly the dpos of dragons are
19856s doing more than enough to keep this
19859s stabilized
19860s and dallas was so desperate there they
19861s used all four of their ultimates chio
19863s finally swaps over to the lucio
19866s accelerando's on the menu the point it
19868s needs to be touched later slept sparkle
19871s is slain is a yucky says absolutely not
19874s this ends here two maps picked for
19876s dallas fuel and two maps lost in tandem
19880s oh my god yikes jinkies everyone i i was
19884s gonna give fuel a map or two i thought
19886s this was going the distance it's just
19889s dragons all day the full hold it look
19892s close on oasis and we still have more
19894s one more map to go i mean look at the
19896s confidence you have a flex support and
19899s transcending into your back line to kick
19901s you you got a body block on the fearless
19904s dragons are bringing out all types of
19906s new looks and it's just success all day
19909s long i can't wait to see where these
19911s teams end up in this tournament we're
19913s gonna throw it to a break when we get
19915s back we're on dallas fuels last life
19922s [Music]
19924s now getting started
19930s [Music]
19942s [Music]
19949s [Music]
19979s [Applause]
19980s [Music]
20056s so
20062s [Music]
20165s themselves
20167s [Music]
20173s [Music]
20185s that is
20186s [Music]
20188s [Applause]
20188s [Music]
20197s gamers get your pencils sharper than a
20200s lip rail flick there's no better time
20202s for now as a mid-season madness global
20205s tournament rages on submit your art
20207s celebrating the team or the region that
20209s you'd like to see win it all on the
20211s overwatch league fan art gallery lemon
20214s we certainly have two fan favorites here
20216s today but i don't think the dallas
20218s shield fans are going to be feeling
20219s pretty good about that midtown
20221s yeah let me pass you all a pretty ugly
20223s picture beautiful depending on which
20225s side of the coin you are or who you're a
20227s fan of dallas fuel are 0-2 in the series
20230s shanghai dragons on series point
20233s remember the winner of this gets the
20235s luxury of facing the shock the san
20238s francisco shock on thursday so i'm not
20240s sure how how great you're feeling about
20241s that but uh shanghai dragons one map
20244s away but it's fuel that choose to go to
20245s circuit and as we go to circuit you know
20248s who gets summoned here we got boyd we
20251s got han bin substituted in for tanks
20255s yeah boyden hundred coming in because
20257s sigma is love here on circuit royale
20260s lemon and uh well void and baby we're
20263s talking about how the uh initial
20265s shanghai dragons mid-season madness
20267s experiment did not go great with boyd
20269s and baby but it makes a lot more sense
20270s here on circle royale baby also i think
20272s winning one of their first maps in a
20274s while over on a midtown so uh excellent
20278s performance from him izzy yaki
20280s staying in i wonder if babe might be uh
20283s inclined to play a little bit brigitte
20284s here i think it's much more likely uh
20288s from the dallas fuel to play the
20290s brigitte here alongside sparkle on a
20292s genji if i was going to figure if i was
20294s going to postulate on what's going to
20296s happen between these two teams on
20298s shanghai dragons they're going to have
20299s lip and flutter play some kind of
20300s combination of double cycle of one on
20302s sodium the other one widowmaker likely
20304s and dallas fuel instead they're going to
20306s play a lot more for the sigma versus
20308s sigma match up with a brigita and likely
20312s a genji to try and overwhelm void before
20315s lip and flutter get their picks it's
20317s essentially a ticking time bomb when
20319s you're going up against the shanghai
20320s dragon snipers
20321s we've just seen new looks from both
20323s these teams including fate on the
20325s doomfist who is really not playing to
20328s play doomfist much at all this season we
20330s haven't even seen much of baby and here
20332s are the stats i mean most of fate's time
20335s on doomfist has been in the map you just
20337s saw and they want it
20339s and he has more time fearless on the
20342s doomfist so this is smash glass and and
20345s red alert in the in the fuel rooms right
20347s now um and even the shanghai dragons
20350s incorporate baby in a tournament setting
20353s where we've seen mostly him come in on
20355s the baptist in the regular season but he
20357s was on the ana so that izuyaki could be
20360s on the zen because it's usually yaki on
20362s the anna and beibei's saying it because
20363s of course you need a bat player on
20365s circuit royale where it's going to be
20367s poke central at least for our first
20369s point
20370s on second royale i do wonder if this
20371s might be a bit of a uh
20374s an over adjustment
20376s from the dallas fuel to try and make
20377s sure they won't be going up against a
20379s fake doomfist
20380s in my mind it feels like dallas fuel
20382s were planning for a lot more of a fake
20384s winston in the fake ball like you said a
20387s majority of the doomfist that fake has
20388s ever played in professional play have
20390s been in the last two maps the tape
20393s didn't really do much
20394s to give us an idea that fate would be
20396s coming into play this now dallas fuel
20398s are going to one of the few maps where
20400s the doomfist would be considered less of
20401s an optimal and you can kind of
20403s uh telegraph you're going up against the
20406s sigma at least
20407s however this does come with a trade-off
20410s but now you're going up against fletter
20412s and lip on a potential double sniper
20414s setup and to be honest if we're being
20417s brutal gurio didn't really hold a candle
20419s to it
20420s in uh midtown it was all lit all the
20423s time
20425s thanks my ears are bleeding dragons i
20427s get it for this to stop i get it
20429s i get it okay also we should also talk
20432s about what is accompanying said
20434s widowmaker who is usually a mainstay in
20436s this sparkles on the genji and usually
20438s you'll see anything from hanzo genji
20440s sojourn tracer there's so many options
20442s teams are going with but sparkle on the
20444s genji allows for quick dashes to really
20447s get in the faces of the enemy team get
20450s quick finishes and get out hopefully
20452s there is always a risk but the dallas
20454s fuel can play a lot more aggressive on
20456s that defense thanks to that flutter
20458s though he's on the sojourn
20459s one of the important things about that
20460s genji dash as well is that it does not
20462s get nullified by the kinetic grasp of
20464s the sigma neither does chios mace on the
20466s brigitte so if void uses that kinetic
20468s rast as a get out of jail card when you
20471s get super low they can be aggressed upon
20473s by the dallas fuel and potentially burn
20475s down okay here's the challenge sparkle
20477s dodge the giant meteors coming your way
20479s because that is the ultimate kryptonite
20481s to our superhero sparkle which fuel if
20483s there's one thing you can depend on it's
20485s sparkles genji he is turned around
20488s fights time and time again but if he
20489s gets rocked like that he could get first
20491s picked and that's just not this is not
20492s cash money fuel though they gave up a
20494s ton of space and i think that's because
20496s they're really worried about fled as one
20496s fleta's one-shot opportunity and the
20499s shield
20500s break happening for the dragons they've
20502s already picked off two they actually
20504s have control of the right side railing
20506s which gets great angles for someone like
20508s lip who's already had shot sparkle so
20510s sparkle can't be playing passive here
20512s because he's just gonna get poked down
20514s so if you'll have to be confident with
20516s this cop
20518s you have a poke here from dallas fuel uh
20520s or rather towards dallas you'll cannot
20522s be sustained for long especially with
20523s the limited overall healing throughput
20526s of a prageeta who's not in the midst of
20528s the action and the zenyatta's harmony
20529s all the shanghai dragons the amount of
20531s healing they can pump out onto boyd is
20533s so much higher for baptiste in their
20535s ranks
20536s looking forward to see
20538s how
20539s the dragons gonna push this top highway
20542s this is i think one of the most
20543s difficult parts for the attack but fuel
20546s are just rounding this corner but
20548s carrillo's gonna have great sights onto
20549s the back line so can he really deliver
20551s craft bucks from boyd i'm not sure
20554s really sure who he caught in that oh
20555s hockman's dangerously low and he has a
20556s dead scored orb and the supports of fuel
20558s or one hp they have to give up so much
20560s space after playing near the garages
20562s here is the engage from the dragons with
20564s the at matrix as humpband only gets the
20566s opposite tank with these crab looks but
20569s it was enough to pick off void and baby
20571s had to extend to try and heal that and
20573s he gets picked off and now the fuel have
20575s won this flight they can truly own top
20578s highway and even get first bloods and
20580s drain a lot of time from dragons getting
20582s rid of gurio though is a huge pick for
20585s the shanghai dragons this means that the
20586s approach towards the next fight is going
20588s to be so much safer when you're not
20590s worrying about that widowmaker she takes
20593s so long to get back to the fight because
20595s obviously her only mobility is that
20596s grappling hook lit already pops the
20599s visor carrier is going to be able to
20600s counter sooner than have an advantage on
20602s the defense which will stall out the
20603s shanghai dragons but they've already
20605s bought their position
20607s the rally starts
20608s from the defense shots exchange but
20612s finally sparkle gets involved and that's
20614s really the value you're hoping to get
20615s out of the genji is to apply pressure to
20618s some of these range hit scans that the
20619s dragons have and this is the first time
20621s in a while we've seen sparkle be able to
20623s get up in their face like that without
20625s getting picked so the dragons have to
20627s reset
20628s i love a little nod from lip when he
20630s died like yep sparkle sometimes these
20633s things just happen when you're going up
20634s against one of the most hotly
20636s anticipated player pickups of i think
20638s 2020 is when uh sparkle was initially
20641s picked up by the parish eternal to the
20643s surprise of many shanghai dragons now
20645s once again open up with the pick it's a
20648s lip ernesto entry fragger once more
20650s knocking at the door yeah it's usually
20653s the defense it has just better sight
20655s lines they have better protection up
20656s here when you're the of the attack it's
20658s around the corner and just be out in the
20659s open speaking of which dragons overclock
20662s plus the transcendence but holland waits
20664s for the perfect opportunity to grab flux
20667s and get the dragons low and sparkle he's
20669s already trying to dash reset through
20671s them hauntman is rocking the socks off
20673s of izayaki and there's no heels left
20676s from the dragons and void thought that
20678s was winnable and he fluxed a ghost so
20680s they were
20682s it was wrong
20685s it was a misread a misappropriation
20687s flatter swaps over to the genji now
20690s sobbing away from what worked in apac to
20692s deal with brand new threats and brand
20694s new approaches
20695s now izayaki having to move from their
20698s comfort zone a little bit playing the
20699s brigitte instead this is gonna be an up
20701s close battle now between the sigmas
20703s which of course has been dallas fuels
20705s bread and butter with the brawling dps
20707s that genji brings alongside the break
20710s just dragons
20712s allow just being allowed to go up the
20714s highway and fuel not really getting much
20716s picks into their back line just trying
20718s to play this from front to back
20720s rally versus ant matrix and matrix first
20723s from bay bay and just just completely
20724s catches guerrilla off guard and sparkle
20726s can't handle all the heat you gotta
20728s rally for burritos just to keep hongbin
20730s alive but you're just hoping and praying
20732s for a miracle if you're the fuel you're
20734s three versus five so dragons really have
20736s to put petal to the metal here if they
20738s want to claim point b before
20739s reinforcements get back and this
20741s shouldn't be a problem especially with
20742s hongbin dying last of course all right
20744s baby sitting that starcraft here apm at
20747s the moment and it was important that
20749s that fight be one with the amplification
20750s matrix because beyblade only really had
20752s one more fight on this uh fighters but
20754s they're probably gonna swap over to the
20756s zen to make sure that there's uh equal
20758s distribution of the discord orbs between
20760s these tanks because otherwise void can
20761s get very heavily bullied out compared to
20764s hanbin who's going to be able to weather
20767s a lot more damage without that discord
20768s orbit fixed to him
20771s the dragons
20772s cat b two and a half minutes for c
20776s will be really useful here for lift just
20778s to see who has control of pool who's
20780s maybe trying to contest the car baby's
20782s playing hide and go seek with guerrilla
20783s and he wants none of that he's more
20785s focused on trying to match up with lit
20787s there's the infrasight korea's position
20789s revealed and he just doesn't want to
20791s take that fight especially with
20793s infrasight up just disadvantage for the
20795s other widow
20796s dragons well how's the grab flux and
20798s it's like they're baiting fuel out of
20800s cool side to see if they can get them
20802s clumped up but fleta has already
20803s converted on two kills after swapping to
20805s the genji and this works out perfectly
20807s you got a great car push you're halfway
20809s to c
20810s and fuel are investing the transcendence
20812s they either had to die now or they had
20814s to go out with a swing and the
20816s transcendence runs out at the end of the
20818s grab flux and dragons stagger out three
20821s people and are heading at the end of sea
20824s the value from boyd they're unbelievable
20826s we'll probably have to talk about it
20827s after this round concluded because a
20829s rally is giving feather some extra armor
20831s some extra cushion but you need a big
20832s crusher to try and eat this blade
20834s sparkle it's instantly lost and so too
20836s is the objective lemon void managed to
20839s keep hundin fielder and shio staring at
20842s him across that bridge and that left
20844s gurio and sparkle with no support in the
20847s roadway they were overwhelmed in three
20850s versus one scenarios and then we saw
20853s chio try and or maybe field to try and
20855s engage with a trance and so that could
20857s be timed out perfectly by void that was
20860s a master class in demanding attention
20862s and creating mental space
20864s by the off tank that shanghai dragons
20866s have bought in just for circuit
20868s just what did flutter do like he just
20871s killed two can i get a i will give five
20873s dollars to the whoever is replays to see
20876s how flutter just killed two people for
20878s free like no blade nothing just god like
20881s genji plays because usually that part of
20884s the map there's such a long kind of
20886s brawly contest for pool control to get
20888s your widow set up and blah blah blah and
20890s then flood is just like i i'm just gonna
20892s 1v whoever and just that five on three
20895s alone is just fuel were forced with the
20897s decision of either transcending or dying
20899s and hoping that they reset in time and
20901s they chose the first option so it was
20903s the right option because i don't even
20904s know if they would have had time to
20906s transcendence at the end oh five dollars
20908s to you my man uh there is catching
20911s sparkle out of position he gets a dash
20913s reset right clicks and melees carrillo
20915s what a play this is what one dragons
20917s points see
20919s but the real critical thing there is
20920s that flatter wasn't the lone lemon
20922s there was the brigitte of izuyaki with
20924s him whereas chios brigitte was sitting
20927s up with hanuman infielder on the bridge
20929s essentially doing nothing
20931s just like guerrillas corpse as it falls
20933s to the ground lip opens up the widow
20936s versus widow once more in glorious
20938s fashion
20940s yeah lip continues to to div guerrilla
20943s where you're hoping guerrilla steps up
20945s for the fuel because this is fuel's last
20947s life dragon's cap with a minute 32 fuel
20949s gotta go all the way to the end with
20952s time you know that would be kind of nice
20953s or else you drop both three and you go
20955s to the lower bracket and you have to
20957s face fusion which who knows because
20958s you've never played them before so we'll
20960s see how that goes dragons though jump
20962s snipes from lip
20964s sparkle
20965s doing the cheating move he's trying to
20966s go on to the bridge because fuel our
20968s dragons are
20969s he's not actually cheating i'm tapping
20971s the admin sit down but he does go on to
20974s the bridge because dragons were playing
20975s far forward but dragons ended up
20978s disengaging picking off sparkle and
20980s that's a risk that fuel were willing to
20982s take
20984s and shanghai are happy to try and take
20986s this extended fight until chio and han
20988s bin really get up onto void because they
20990s have the
20991s overall healing from the baptist to make
20993s sure they can take these long range poke
20996s fights and they only really have to
20997s start disengaging when shio starts
20999s whacking upon the uh upon the sigma is
21001s delivering that inspire healing over a
21003s long term and this gives lit plenty of
21005s time to look for opening pins
21007s i really want to be inspired by the fuel
21009s right now because you just got to hold
21010s as much time as possible dragons rolled
21013s point a and got a lot of time here so
21015s fuel
21017s it's a time race that's what this
21018s payload map is all about maybe working
21020s up to some ultimates though but just
21022s getting some free space flood a little
21023s bit low and sparkle i mean he's narnia
21025s away he can't follow up on that it's all
21027s about guerrilla to deal with two rage
21029s dps on the other side because dragons
21031s are playing so far away it's boy just
21033s anchoring the cart he's going to use the
21035s gravity flux but his counter by fielder
21037s transcendence flood has poking his way
21039s through with the staircase and carillo
21041s hasn't been able to get a good sight
21042s line so he focus his attention on void
21045s before he gets healed back up by the
21046s transcendence
21047s but because flutter keeps being a little
21050s eager he eventually got punished korea
21052s only looked at boyd for a second but
21054s boyd's getting all the attention now and
21056s dragons are down to fuel just have to
21058s bully their way to point a and they got
21060s four minutes for b
21061s i gotta make my own five dollar offer to
21063s replay
21064s did that fox miss
21066s i think that from void missed
21069s i think you might have hit no one which
21071s is
21072s abysmal honestly if you're going to get
21074s that little value out of such a
21076s fantastic ultimate maybe a graviton they
21078s just didn't go up that high for now
21080s shanghai dragons they're almost confined
21082s to the hotel at the moment field is
21084s putting down so much poke here that void
21086s has to take a much more passive pathing
21088s forward to try and find some targets for
21090s lit via pings
21093s alone you know sometimes you have an
21094s unbranded mouse
21096s uh gravitic flux that happens it's a
21098s little goofy but this is your one map to
21101s shine on and it's about holding the end
21103s of b you got alts from the dragons
21106s overclock push against the wall and he
21108s puts shots in the hop and shield comes
21110s up and he just presents himself to be
21113s killed by the rest of fuel flutter just
21115s is unprotected trying to play on top of
21117s the tent to get angles to bomb at the
21118s sigma it just doesn't really get much
21121s but a few a few members of fuel low
21123s now they're pulling their way through
21125s and sparkle gets this blade shut down
21127s twice in a row
21129s this is just not happening for sparkle
21131s but he's going to continue on the genji
21133s now izu yaki is trapped and there's no
21135s getting out of this baby's just trying
21137s to blend it into the wall he's going to
21138s use that matrix dallas fuel d how bad do
21141s you want this easy yaki is now trying to
21143s kick his way to death probatic flux
21146s because fuel are tired of this they do
21148s not want to wait any longer a bunch of
21150s volts wasted we go back to the car it's
21153s four meters away fuel
21155s can we finish this today okay they're
21157s gonna cap
21159s that was some igor of a fight i'm not
21161s gonna lie to you uh i think that's the
21163s first time but i've seen mid fight a
21165s team take hostages
21168s izayaki and baby both confined to the
21171s garage hand actually puts up the shield
21173s in the doorway so they have no way of
21174s actually getting any projectiles out it
21176s splits shanghai in two no one else can
21178s receive healing and unless lip was able
21180s to get some mega pop off things were not
21182s going to go his way still for dallas
21184s fuel this is a respectable time back 3
21185s minutes and 40 seconds to try and get
21187s through this final area of circuit
21188s royale but this is often where we have
21190s seen teams halted for years upon years
21193s and lip has exactly the spot he wants
21196s control of the pool okay and he's making
21199s a splash
21200s and he's dead and that's just off of a
21202s lip snipe from pool so was the shield
21204s not up for hongbin what happened to
21206s shields up sorry wrong team but sparkle
21208s has to play charades now and do his
21209s impression of flutter where he gets a
21210s double kill and just kind of carries
21212s fuel through this fight but without
21214s guerrilla just fuel are not going to
21216s force it even with transcendence
21219s yeah it doesn't make too much sense
21220s guerrilla uh swapping over to the
21222s sojourn we thought the uh the sojourn
21224s from korea was pretty good it did
21225s eventually get kind of faced out by the
21227s edison sojourn over the last few weeks
21230s but we know that it's very much within
21231s his wheelhouse this is a very very uh
21234s aggressive play from dallas fuel they do
21236s force out the infrasights at least and
21239s so it's it's a moment to back off lemon
21241s contemplate and figure out their next
21242s move
21243s yeah because sparkles on genji and not
21245s tracer there's not as much carton
21246s presence or at least the way sparkles
21248s positioning he dashes out of that but
21250s this rest of his team is going to feel
21251s this gravity flux in the morning hanuman
21253s does get dangerously low so fuel take a
21256s second take a breather
21258s now we have rally so chio starts that up
21260s as soon as he has it and fuel are gonna
21261s bully their way through sparkle goes to
21263s the cart to stop its backwards
21265s progression and he's so dashable and
21267s flutter he wanted it so bad and sparkle
21270s came for his revenge fuel continued to
21272s get these first picks in the fight and
21274s dragons quickly disengaged it's about
21276s owning this high ground now lip is going
21278s to be on the all the way on the other
21280s side hoping to match with guerrilla once
21283s again or really whoever from fuel who's
21285s trying to push this cart but sparkle
21287s knows he wants none of that smoke he is
21288s nowhere close to even accessing flip all
21291s the way at the back so fuel they gotta
21294s just wait for gravity flux and they
21295s waited a bit too long especially without
21297s a shield lift his big grill yet again
21300s and this is just no bueno for fuel
21302s i think that hanbin may have just made a
21305s series defining mistake lemon over
21307s extending a touch too far into shanghai
21309s dragon's territory and losing his life
21312s yeah chio ends up staggering themselves
21314s but in the end with han bin gone dallas
21316s fuel had no way to really extricate
21318s themselves from the pool but yes they
21320s had bought for a huge amount of blood
21322s sweat and tears but without the gravity
21325s flux to really try and find the exits it
21328s was going to be a real chance especially
21329s because baby had already used the
21331s immortality field now baby has another
21333s immortality field there's a
21334s transcendence available shanghai dragons
21336s are now in a great position to hold this
21338s map
21340s oh just so much of that fuel time is
21342s gone
21343s you have the alts
21345s fuel
21346s you have to go all the way to the end or
21349s this series is toast honda shield's
21351s already low he's going to use the matrix
21353s and fuel are just trying to not get shot
21355s by lip for once infrasight activated he
21357s knows where the fuel are gravity flushed
21359s haunted is on his own here comes spiel
21361s they're life-saving oh and he's dead
21363s pawn bin it cannot be saved and now you
21365s don't have to take for 38 seconds you'll
21368s have to make a decision do we fight this
21369s without them or not and
21371s well they get wiped away at least they
21374s die quickly so 30 seconds remaining phil
21376s will have one last fight to go
21378s critically izzy did not break the iron
21381s will of the iron monk has stayed
21383s resolute and the transcendence now
21386s stands at the ready when sparkle brings
21388s out the blade gurio might try and use an
21391s early overclock here to force out the
21392s transcendence but izzy knows but against
21395s the head shots of the overclock it's not
21397s really a huge stimulus for the
21399s transcendence itself on the other side
21402s flutter gonna be basically unanswered
21404s when you use his own blade only hundred
21406s shields can really protect anyone never
21409s mind the blade lemon
21412s head jump after headshot i was waiting
21414s for my moment to say that
21416s fuel just lost
21418s i didn't even get to keep going lip
21419s didn't even get to keep going so sweet
21421s 3-0 for the shanghai dragons absolute
21425s domination over the dallas fuel with
21427s even a full hold on midtown a short
21430s series but not a short life for fuel
21433s because they'll get to go down to the
21434s lower bracket to face philadelphia
21436s fusion on a wednesday and if you're a
21439s shanghai dragon's fan you better tune in
21441s on thursday because they face the shock
21443s but this was still a fun series to watch
21446s i think i might have just witnessed the
21447s first ever iteration of an aim nine
21450s which is forcing the enemy to not be
21452s able to touch the point because you just
21454s hit every single shot as a sniper that's
21457s frankly bizarre but then again lip has
21460s never been anything but bizarre whether
21462s it's doing some weird emps or just being
21465s an absolute freak show when it comes to
21466s the aim what a performance from the
21469s sniper of shanghai dragons lemon
21473s and it's just guerrilla hasn't been able
21475s to even
21476s just
21476s put a dent into lip at all overwatch yet
21480s i think korea was maybe more looking at
21482s flutter sojourn than winning duels
21484s against lib it was just
21486s really cool to see just both teams
21488s playing their cards clearly both teams
21490s have studied a lot on each other dallas
21492s you're picking a few of shanghai's
21494s weakest maps turns out shanghai dragons
21496s don't make the same mistake twice going
21498s from being full held on midtown to uh
21500s obliterating dallas fuel with even time
21503s to spare so shanghai dragons pulling out
21506s all the punches but there's one player
21508s i'm gonna give you guys one guess and
21510s you can mess us up player of the match
21513s from the shanghai dragons you know who
21515s it is it's so jordan it's lip on the
21518s sojourn by the way uh he just was
21520s outstanding today
21522s bianchi fraganesto
21524s the creator of the aim nine lip might be
21527s the best hit scan in the world and right
21529s now he's certainly looking like it chang
21532s our dragons were by no means slouches
21535s today as a team but uh when it comes to
21537s individual performances i have not seen
21538s one this good since mn3 on new queen
21541s street and you know what lifted it for
21543s an entire bloody series
21546s it's been a it just stopped guria from
21549s being able to play the game we've seen
21551s guerrilla get a couple of
21553s good shots here and there to really
21554s soften up these targets but in the end
21556s when you're too worried about going
21558s head-to-head with flatter things start
21560s to fall through the cracks and those
21561s cracks get torn open by a player like
21564s lip
21565s yeah torn open indeed 64 real good
21567s accuracy that's the only number i care
21569s about how how well do you shoot shoot
21572s pretty good it says
21574s shoot good i mean the fact that this guy
21576s was good in the soldier meta good on
21578s sojourn good on widow like what can this
21580s guy not do there's just so much
21582s competition for just rookie a player mvp
21586s of the whole year and lip has to be in
21588s that conversation we have more
21590s conversations to have because there is
21592s another match around the corner the last
21595s one of the day hong zhou spark versus
21598s the seoul dynasty the last time these
21601s two teams have met
21604s uh seoul dynasty three of them and it
21606s wasn't pretty
21607s so will this be a different tale we're
21610s going to find out because the biggest
21611s stakes on the line well at least on the
21613s winner's bracket side of things hangzhou
21616s spark versus seoul dynasty on the other
21617s side of this break and we'll see you
21619s there
21643s the overwatch league is brought to you
21644s by the university of hawaii at manoa go
21647s to take me to manoa dot org today
21651s [Music]
21661s [Music]
21674s [Music]
21700s so
21704s [Music]
21713s [Music]
21755s [Music]
21776s [Music]
21793s [Music]
21819s do
21821s [Music]
21827s [Music]
21834s [Music]
21840s [Music]
21860s [Music]
21885s [Music]
21894s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
21896s joined now by fate from shanghai dragons
21899s fate congratulations on the win now my
21901s first question for you is i found
21903s something interesting i think um
21906s you guys were sort of predominantly
21908s using the wrecking ball dive in the
21910s regular season as well as yesterday's
21911s match as well but today we saw something
21913s different you guys were running a lot of
21915s the doomfist dive i was just curious was
21918s that sort of your strategy for the
21920s dallas fuel specifically
21927s [Music]
21976s i mean we always had um a lot of
21978s different strategies and and
21980s competitions in our in our toolkit i
21982s guess uh we had them all planned out but
21984s it just happened so that we never had
21986s the uh chance to sort of use different
21989s strategies other than the wrecking ball
21991s that we've been utilizing a lot but
21992s today uh fortunately we were able to use
21995s one of the many compositions that we
21997s have practiced so i think it sort of
21999s worked out and you know it's really
22001s helped us get the win today against the
22002s dallas fuel all right my next question
22004s for you fate is you know of course with
22006s this win you guys are moving up the
22008s ladder and your next opponent is going
22010s to be none other than san francisco
22012s shock i just want to hear your thoughts
22014s on the team and about the match tomorrow
22022s so
22026s [Music]
22032s um
22036s [Music]
22054s all right um i do believe that um i
22057s think san francisco shock is a unique
22059s team that sort of um uh they stay a
22061s little deviant from all the meta picks
22063s or meta heroes of that's what they sort
22065s of like to use um and they do have
22068s really good dps players as well so i do
22070s think that um it's not going to be an
22072s easy match but at the same time i don't
22074s think it's going to be that hard as well
22076s all right fate that is it for the
22078s interview thank you so much for your
22079s time and again big congratulations on
22081s the win
22085s thank you
22087s thank you
22089s bye
22092s did he tell me bye or did he tell him by
22095s i'm coming he said
22097s all right well you know it was great
22098s being on the deck
22099s i've been told that i'm not allowed to
22101s actually stand up from this chair
22102s because we're wired in and i would break
22105s the set yeah potentially everything
22106s would catch on fire the windows would
22108s break it'd be awful yeah break the set
22110s just like shanghai dragons broke dallas
22113s fuel in that series see what i did there
22116s i'm impressed
22119s i mean
22120s we're impressed i feel like johnny was
22122s impressed watching that game because
22123s halfway through he got so passionate
22125s seeing uh lee jay lee jay gong uh pop
22129s off in the one game that he played so
22130s johnny what do you have to say about it
22131s we gotta talk we gotta duck look at him
22133s we gotta talk all right i don't care
22136s look at me look at me look at me when i
22139s speak show give me give things give me
22140s that there you go
22142s we gotta talk about legion god okay i
22144s don't care that he only played one out
22147s of the three maps all right because this
22149s was some vintage lee jaegon
22152s i'm not allowed to say that word
22153s legion gone stuff i mean he was
22156s incredible in that very first match and
22158s i just gotta get the prop how often we
22160s talk about bricks how do we talk about
22161s main support not that often but this
22164s rally in overtime and he just carries
22166s his team the momentum forward gets a
22168s pick of the sparkle as well wraps it up
22170s with the flailing open
22171s but also keeps his teammates alive with
22173s the armor packs like consistently and we
22175s even saw a little bit more on that later
22177s in this very map in the next clip as
22179s well here on the point keeping his team
22182s alive against this lucio moira dive and
22184s then healing his echo with the armor
22186s packs as well keeping his teammate alive
22188s and peeling off all these dive
22190s characters i mean i i i just love lisa
22192s gone like he's to go and like he i like
22194s him he's he's so good i want to point
22196s out one thing if you know you know
22198s i have been walking around for this
22200s entire series saying lee jae gong
22202s instead of lee jay god and no one has
22204s corrected
22205s he leaves a god lee jay god
22208s i've been saying gong like wong
22212s he's been saying gone because i made one
22214s joke and now i'm hearing it's got i'm
22217s the new kid on the phone no one has
22219s corrected
22223s i don't want to say anything at this
22224s point but now you've brought it off
22226s afraid to ask but you know what that's
22227s totally fine we do it live
22229s on the on the show and that's of course
22232s fine there but i mean listen we got to
22234s hear a little bit from fate danny asked
22236s him about switching up some of the
22237s strategies uh had seen a lot of wrecking
22240s ball with our dear little hamster friend
22241s but actually breaking out the doom fist
22243s fate saying that it was something that
22245s they had practiced and they were excited
22246s to pull it out today they activated his
22248s trap card yeah you know they didn't
22249s expect it coming i didn't expect it
22251s coming
22252s heading into this match they had played
22254s almost no doom fest throughout the
22256s entire season so far so i wasn't
22258s expecting them to pull it out and i
22260s don't think the dallas fuel were either
22262s they seem to get caught off guard by
22263s this aggressive style of the doom fist
22265s and we know how good it can be against
22267s that winston those shotguns can do a lot
22269s of damage especially if you can punch
22270s him into the wall the moira you can
22272s cancel that coalescence with the
22274s doomfist punch and it just felt like the
22276s dallas fuel
22277s with this lucio mario comp that i'm just
22279s not in love with it doesn't have enough
22281s damage to close out these fights
22282s especially when you have as johnny said
22284s such a great main support in li jaegon
22287s on that brig so i wasn't in love with
22289s what they did in that first map we head
22291s over to midtown and we go towards a more
22293s mirror style with the sojourn tracer you
22296s know winston slash doom style and this
22298s is really when lips started taking over
22300s the game which so i've got so much this
22303s season and this series
22305s and he really delivered just absolutely
22306s going crazy and there was no answer to
22309s it on the dallas fuel side this is a
22310s consistent theme throughout this season
22312s that they do not have the hit scan
22314s player to be able to compete with the
22316s top dogs right now gurio on that slogan
22319s wasn't that impressive but really on
22322s this map i believe it was three final
22324s blows for guerrilla on that widow to
22326s lips 15 it was not close and even though
22330s the matter
22332s happened every time the dallas fuel
22333s started gaining steam lip just clicks
22335s head after head off the head i actually
22337s remember hex saying i'm going to throw
22338s hex under the bus here hexadocky and he
22339s goes oh that 3k wasn't that impressive i
22342s could have done that they would just
22343s walk into the cart i did
22345s so you know lip if you ever needed widow
22347s 1v1 we haven't accidentally i mean it
22348s wasn't wrong
22353s any disrespect to the lip is
22355s disrespecting me he's such a great
22357s player and no one has had an answer to
22358s it no one talked to liv about that ever
22360s again
22362s we're gonna need like a special
22363s watchpoint post show and then we're
22365s gonna have hex come out with a setup and
22367s we're gonna put his uh you know skills
22369s to the test right there but
22371s with that game results in we actually
22374s have the updated brackets i just heard
22376s him in my ear say bring it
22379s let's go ahead and take a look at the
22382s updated bracket for what we have because
22384s as we see the shanghai dragons moving on
22387s i do believe that they're going to be
22388s taking on the shock
22390s as you can see right here in our first
22392s match wednesday on thursday spicy indeed
22396s and then we are of course going to see
22399s dallas fuel move on to tomorrow's match
22401s in the lower bracket and they are going
22403s to be oh no oh oh god oh fusion so guys
22408s guys
22409s speaking to you i'm coming to you
22412s begging pleading as a fusion fan
22415s i got to know doorboy's got this
22419s i think i think fusion has a real good
22421s chance at this one yeah but they're so
22423s freaking disappointing that i don't
22425s believe in it yeah no i don't really
22427s want to side with you on this one so i'm
22428s kind of torn i actually think that they
22430s have a better chance of beating the
22431s dallas fuel okay but i don't want to
22433s become a fusion fan you know they've
22435s already burnt me once in this tournament
22436s yeah that's that's an awful thing yeah
22438s really
22440s i just feel so but they have a towel
22441s they do have a chance they have a chance
22444s like a good chance i'd say
22447s i'd say this one it's like actually like
22448s a 60 40 dollars maybe i'd say it's
22450s really good
22452s what do you think it's like
22454s 70 30 philly oh really i think i think
22457s philly i think philly is in a better
22458s spot i think dallas has still not shown
22460s me an identity they don't look great in
22462s the dive they don't have the hit scan
22463s player to back it up i think that the
22465s philadelphia fusion looked comfortable
22466s and i might actually pred fusion too so
22468s yeah
22469s i got it i want another one over it
22471s looks like i have managed to turn the
22473s entire desk to the side of fusion fans
22476s which is fantastic but listen that's
22478s going to take place uh tomorrow instead
22481s let's talk about the final match that we
22482s have going on today that's going to be
22483s the spark versus the dynasty now scott
22486s i'm going to start with you first
22487s because you just gave us a 70 30
22489s prediction for fusion but earlier on
22491s today you actually gave us a 70 30
22492s prediction for seoul dynasty yeah so you
22496s still standing by that i'm just making
22498s up numbers at this point but really
22500s there was logic behind the numbers in
22502s this one because uh mn3 we know that
22505s shai
22506s beat him down mn3 and we know mn3 beat
22509s down the seoul dynasty of the week prior
22511s to this so transitive properties is what
22513s i said in the pre-show i'm sticking to
22515s it shy if he can be that
22517s difference-making against the sole
22518s dynasty and if they are going to
22519s struggle against a top-tier hitscan once
22521s again it could happen but at the end of
22523s the day it's not just about the hit
22524s scans there are four other people in the
22526s server for their team no there's
22528s actually not you're wrong can i know
22529s about the hit stance i want to talk
22531s about stalker actually i want to talk
22532s more about the hit scan screw the
22533s support screw the tanks just you know
22535s show some stalker because i actually
22537s think this could be a breakout game yes
22538s that's right that's correct i'm actually
22539s going somewhere oh no so
22541s stalker on the soldier he's a rookie
22544s he doesn't see as much play time as
22546s other rookies are in the league but this
22548s could be a massive breakout game for
22550s stalker in this matchup you can see that
22552s shy he's leading him most out averaging
22554s about one more final blow for 10 minutes
22556s half a railgun kill for 10 minutes and
22558s the accuracy is you know slightly ahead
22560s um so i would actually say that child of
22563s course is the favorite going into this
22564s matchup he's the better hitscan player
22566s but considering that stalker is a
22568s rotational rookie this could be a
22570s massive breakout game for stalkers so
22572s i'm interested to see how he fares
22574s against cheyenne this one before we toss
22576s and before we say anything that isn't
22578s something about the hitscans
22580s smurf and profit i want to see what form
22582s they're in if their dive is good it
22583s won't even matter how good shy is
22585s prophetess go they will absolutely did
22587s you just say profit is watched no the
22588s ghosts oh they're going oh
22590s wow
22593s that way i'm sorry i'm sorry profit is
22595s the goat keep an eye on him he's you've
22597s never seen him play you're in for a trip
22598s heresy we're all in for a treat as we
22600s get into this game because of course
22602s we're gonna be led by our two casters
22604s taking us into the action lemon kiwi and
22606s leg day take it away
22609s wow
22610s i just saw a bigger fight on the desk
22612s than the between the dallas fuel and
22614s shanghai so we we keep the action rolled
22616s we got one more match to go and this one
22618s will be a banger i promise you hangzhou
22621s spark versus the seoul dynasty two teams
22625s who have met before the stars in line
22627s but only for seoul dynasty because they
22629s threw out them and they even full held
22632s them on midtown silver lining those
22633s spark fans don't come after me has been
22635s a few weeks and i mean every team is
22637s coming out with the punches and the
22639s different strats yeah it feels like a
22641s lot of teams are evolving heading into
22643s this particular tournament especially as
22644s we just saw from the shanghai dragons we
22646s we didn't know that they had a doomfist
22648s alas they have a doomfist dallas you'll
22650s said we're gonna take you to where we
22652s can't play wrecking ball and they went
22654s there
22655s sure don't care so we're going to think
22656s so what we do care about though let's
22658s have a look at hangzhou spark our
22660s starters here i think it's fair to say
22662s coming into this matchup honcho spark
22664s are the underdogs and as you said last
22666s time these teams met it was not pretty
22668s for hong joe but when i look at this
22670s particular lineup it's all about those
22672s dps it feels like this is one of the
22674s teams in the league where the support
22677s line isn't as much a play-making
22678s component as it is just an enabling
22680s component to allow shai and alpha yi to
22683s go bloody hard shy and alpha yi have
22686s been consistently impressive this year
22688s alfie is of course one of the newer
22690s rookies who's come in and has had a
22692s plenty of pop-off moments on both the
22695s tracer and on the genji and occasionally
22698s also turns up on the pharah out of
22700s nowhere
22701s well at least we have one super left in
22703s the league super rich i think it's
22705s probably one of my more favorite players
22706s even though you're dogging on him he has
22708s a little teacup and he just tried to
22710s meditate and then said psych guys let's
22711s get it so that's like the type of guy i
22713s want on my team and especially shy which
22716s just statistically has been at the top
22719s when it comes to ashes which is very
22721s unique to aipac he's number three and
22723s final blows scoped crit hit kills and
22726s bob kills of all things he is very low
22728s on fewest deaths but you know who's
22731s counting that you know if you ain't at
22733s least you know get some kills out of it
22734s and that's the type of guy shy is but
22736s people are more looking at shy when it
22739s comes to his sojourn performance was
22741s anyone up at uh at bad o'clock last
22745s night watching a spark yesterday because
22749s shy went absolutely feral he got the
22751s fans barking over his sojourn
22753s performance and i hope he brings that
22754s again
22756s yeah absolutely barking for it but uh
22758s goats don't bark but the goat is going
22760s to come up let's have a look at the
22761s seoul dynasty roster the uh vadesk was
22765s saying that profit is the goat and the
22767s reason is
22768s uh he is a one-time unfortunately
22770s champion maybe not the most accolades in
22772s history has had an apex win as well back
22774s when that was the premier competition
22776s over in korea but no one no one has been
22780s as consistently successful consistently
22783s dangerous and a source of fear in the
22786s hearts of opponents like profit has been
22788s over the course of his career smurf a
22791s two-time overwatch league champion with
22793s a san francisco shock now without having
22795s to share the spotlight with super he's
22796s his own man his own tank and doing it
22798s all by himself and stalker i've got a
22800s tidbit for you here i mean when it comes
22802s to my opinion of stalker this guy has
22804s the best mechanical tracking i've seen
22806s since bunny i've had a look at his
22809s gameplay and boy he is sharp
22812s sharper than dame's hair clips like let
22815s me know where you got those because even
22816s looking fly then dame and not even just
22819s fly like appearance-wise but also in
22821s game than dame i know i'm a little bit
22823s late to the binding bandwagon but vin
22826s dave is like
22827s gonna be mvp rookie whatever of the year
22830s because his zen it frags out and you
22833s know that looks cool and all but to see
22834s an intelligent brigitta player
22836s his package his overall awareness and
22839s you never get to compliment a brigitta
22841s player but when i vod review vin dame he
22843s goes hard for seoul dynasty speaking of
22846s the seoul dynasty they got to pick third
22848s and they pick a spark specifically
22850s because you know dodging shanghai
22851s dragons and playing a team you've
22853s actually beat down before remember seoul
22855s 3-0 the spark and soul got to pick this
22858s first map which is illios
22861s one of the things we need to address
22863s here as well is uh
22865s saying that i think a lot of us here in
22867s the overwatch league community are quite
22868s afraid of lemon
22869s that's something called playoffs profit
22872s which is uh
22875s when profit
22876s enters the playoffs
22879s he becomes an entirely different
22881s creature he ends as a cocoon
22884s he has a chrysalis a metamorphosis and
22887s he comes out the other side more
22889s powerful than ever that thou hast seen
22892s before and if playoffs profit is here
22894s for mid-season madness when seoul
22896s dynasty are going to be a serious
22899s contender to pick up their second title
22901s in this year out of two that are
22904s available to them hong joe spark on the
22906s other side we have the echo coming out
22908s profits picking up the hanzo that's how
22910s much respect they have for stalker as a
22913s tracking talent profit is giving away
22915s the tracer
22917s oh wow
22919s so stalker versus shy on the tracer
22922s alpha yi in the sky
22924s look at the echo
22926s you can be chased down so you have to be
22927s careful especially if you can lock eyes
22929s with crossfit you can get headshots and
22930s prop it's up in the sky in the roof he's
22933s already going to disengage out of that
22934s point unlock who will capture hurt his
22937s stall potential on this especially
22939s there's a window there he can see you
22942s the headshot alive perfectly easy for
22944s profit he got plowed drive but he cares
22946s about him uh bernard's also slept good
22948s job by creative i don't think they
22950s really have the burst to deal with that
22952s quite yet and now irony is also catching
22954s strains if somebody's shy profit
22957s playoffs profit has awoken he is a
22959s little bug fly he's already got 3k in
22961s the first fight
22963s he's a beautiful butterfly lemon what
22965s you may see is a potential rookie of a
22967s year candidate in alpha yi all prophet
22970s sees his fear and dead men 61 of the way
22974s towards the ultimate soul dynasty get
22976s the first cap and now prophet can have
22978s an extended poke phase as hong joe spark
22980s have to approach alfie is going to be in
22982s trouble if he peeks too high in the sky
22986s it's pretty quiet out here huh
22988s we're spark at okay trying to engage
22990s stars stalker he's already on the hunt
22993s it's in the name he's on the flank
22995s you see the rest of seoul dynasty i want
22998s to take off angles stalker wants to go
22999s unnoticed but he's already got all the
23001s sticky bombs on him he has the recall
23003s prophet has hit four shots he's got four
23005s kills and all the home shows work
23006s combined and more
23008s what is he on five and now he gets to
23010s kill bernard for free that's another
23012s stagger so who is here to challenge
23014s stolen especially profit
23016s makes you wonder why he even phased out
23018s bows and arrows turns out they're pretty
23020s damn good lemon profit is absolutely
23022s dominating at the moment oh my goodness
23025s stop it get it off my screen that's
23027s illegal send him to jail or even to the
23029s hague
23038s [Laughter]
23041s we're going to play a little bit of
23043s unbranded street of can we count divine
23046s two
23046s three four five six seven
23049s seven kills for profit
23052s now we gotta try volts available lemon
23055s oh yeah that's gonna be ugly well let's
23057s see spark last fight already i know the
23060s spark are still coming up on their first
23062s alts lions have been used to try and uh
23065s zone out the mini pack roma on the
23066s opposite side bernard got slept at least
23068s he lives i can't say the same alpha yi
23070s but stalker gets traded out you got a
23072s chance four before trance out souls
23074s dynasty using all their olds they know
23076s it's last fight and shaw he's being
23078s pressured crowdfunding is so from smurf
23080s but he's hoping to knock some people in
23082s that well bernard is doing everything he
23084s can to keep this up he got mines he got
23086s a double kill without creative soul are
23088s very much lacking in heels and friends
23091s and hope but smurf still gets the death
23094s ponzo spark got the flip so they have
23096s some time to work with here but there's
23098s three of seoul on the point and no one
23100s from spark and there goes the flip ot in
23102s motion alpha he has to touch it he's
23104s there but he's barely breathing spark
23106s are on their way back they're kind of
23108s slow they got the rally though super
23110s rich keeping everyone up with his
23112s meditation and more but do this can
23114s spark kill something that's what i
23116s really want to be proven here
23117s mythbusters style can someone kill other
23119s than bernard okay that's a good start
23121s from alpha yi and shy
23123s no support for seoul and spark are alive
23126s and well
23127s all right profit returned on the legs uh
23129s that's not gonna stay of course that was
23131s simply to return in good time with the
23132s sprint for the additional movement speed
23134s maybe go back to the hunter now indeed
23136s they will
23137s and the honda is actually really cool
23138s for dawning against alfie d because it
23140s means you can actually one shot alfie
23142s with a body shot if he's discorded and
23143s if he gets up close to you and doesn't
23145s have a discord you can wombo combo him
23147s with a fully charged arrow into a melee
23149s both of which will dispatch of 150 hp
23152s easily and that means alfie has to play
23154s a more medium range where the burst is
23156s less prevalent
23159s well
23160s spark got a lot of work to do gotta go
23162s from zero to a hundred you have the
23164s oldest to do it off the heel on the
23165s chase he has a pulse because he would
23167s invest it well scruff got the mega hood
23169s well it ain't worth it to alpha yi cause
23171s supports are in trouble zen's traded out
23174s from the range duels between shy and
23176s profit profit gets another he's getting
23178s the double digits everyone it is time to
23181s panic because profit just can't be
23183s stopped stopped and then stalker with a
23186s pulse bomb in the back prophet he knows
23188s how to climb though he's got the
23190s grippers on the hands but those bird are
23192s can he do anything but drop lines and
23193s leave well
23194s spark has to touch
23197s and someone has to do it i'm only seeing
23199s irony and shy come around the corner and
23201s there it is seoul absolutely dominating
23203s round one
23204s i'm getting the weirdest feeling of deja
23206s vu lemon you say range duels i say
23208s ranged massacre
23211s profit is in playoffs form at least in
23214s map number one
23216s i don't want to be a map one matthew but
23218s uh when you're hitting shots like that
23220s it is hard to uh not feel confident and
23222s that's exactly what you need as a sniper
23224s s character you need that mojo you need
23226s that good juju the confidence to take
23228s those angles then profits like you know
23230s what i popped off on the hanzo i'm going
23232s to pop off on a different character goes
23234s over to the echo instead for an aerial
23236s door here's another uh recount
23239s he just knows man gross
23242s what
23244s what
23244s i am once again requesting profit be
23246s taken to jail
23248s i said range duels i didn't save duels
23251s from another galaxy uh but all right
23254s profitee just knows the lineups and
23256s alpha he just can't even get close i
23258s mean that was one of the first picks was
23259s alpha yi just trying to get to profit
23262s but now they can at least duel on the
23263s same ground or in the same air i guess
23265s now both on echo
23268s so you see the point already being
23269s anchored by those hammonds we'll unlock
23271s in a second star stalker is more
23273s involved and now vin name two towards
23275s the point so seoul just have a lot more
23277s bodies there while the hangzhou spark
23279s have the middle of the map ben getting
23281s tossed up by bernard and bernard
23283s completely surrounded but enough focus
23286s right from the spark went into those
23288s levels of soul that were anchoring that
23290s objective and they were able to convert
23291s two kills so spark they do not get boom
23295s they wait for their moment to strike
23297s i think joe spark actually played that a
23299s little bit more uh
23301s smartly by keeping super rich up on the
23303s high ground with irony for a while
23305s longer and gave a great line of sight to
23307s continue giving packs over to alpha you
23309s so he could be a bit more audacious
23311s meanwhile dynasty they had vindim go
23312s over onto a point and that meant that
23314s when bernard came in to start contesting
23316s and chai was there as well they could
23317s start tearing through that brigitte
23319s before she could really get on a roll
23320s with those inspired procs and was just
23322s out engaged by the speed with which
23324s hangzhou could hit them see stalker
23327s going towards the point trying to draw
23328s some attention away super rich is there
23331s on brigitte trying to contest it but
23332s there's just so many cooks in this
23334s kitchen that uh super rich don't want
23335s any of that he is getting some
23337s assistance now from the rest of the
23339s spark but alpha yi dips profit in the
23340s sky a pulse behind the shield of vin
23342s dame will give spark yet another fight
23346s and starting that comeback to two fights
23348s in a row and about fifty percent and
23350s more
23350s beautiful uh stick there from shine also
23352s worth anything shy on the tracer not his
23354s most well-known hero more of a classical
23356s hit scan but it's definitely within the
23358s wheelhouse and it's must have been alfie
23360s who's been playing that particular hero
23362s this year alfie at the moment is hard
23364s different profit on the echo 30 ahead in
23367s terms of all charge and finding the
23368s final blows as well stalker here needs
23371s to be the difference maker with their
23372s own possum and take out super ritual
23374s irony asap
23376s and i know i've been talking a lot about
23377s soccer but shy's just been chasing smurf
23379s like cat and mouse and just not able to
23382s burn him down quick enough now spark
23384s have been able to just chillax near the
23386s point it's 80 and growing and seoul it's
23389s coming down to last fight and they got
23391s to do this without creative it's just
23392s not looking good discord or bob smurf
23395s focusing beam out alpha he even has the
23397s copy he could be as aggressive as he
23399s wanted he doesn't even need to use the
23400s ultimate soul haven't killed anything
23403s this fight is very spark-esque from how
23406s the last round went but spark i have
23408s done more than enough it's up to seoul
23411s to touch the point and no one is nearby
23414s so a hundred to zero how about that how
23417s about them apples
23418s uh i see a lot of apples for hangzhou
23421s spark and seoul dynasty they had four
23423s members of the team who didn't even
23426s reach an ultimate oh
23430s yikes okay
23432s so uh
23433s playoffs profit was more of a one stage
23436s samantha
23438s that's okay
23439s that's okay now we're heading over to
23441s ruins the topography of this map it's
23444s very narrow and very long so this is
23446s where you're looking for your hit scan
23448s such long-range duelists to be at their
23449s best shy and profit are once more going
23453s to be hotly contesting each other unless
23455s profit here swaps over to the tracer and
23457s stalker stays on the sojourn and the
23459s thing about the sojourn here if it stays
23461s for stalker it's going to have a lot of
23462s trouble building up towards that railgun
23465s lemon which means that stalkers uptime
23467s as a dangerous dbs is going to be
23469s severely limited compared to shy who has
23471s dps is becking cool that's what the uh
23474s ash really brings to the table that
23476s instant damage
23477s yes sojourn just having a bit more
23479s escapability if you can dodge a wrench
23481s you can dodge a hammock dip dive and
23483s dodge that's all you need and shy just
23485s picks off profit he was trying to push
23486s that left side bridge five on four for
23489s smart you're gonna take a little bit
23490s more real estate seoul trying to present
23492s themselves mainly stalker i wonder if he
23494s has like 100 charge trying to cite
23496s somebody but it's just not looking good
23498s for seoul to get any kind of return on
23500s that investment bernard also has some
23502s great scouting and that's a big dynamite
23505s from shai getting him up to almost 50
23507s bob which is such a big ultimate to have
23509s on a control map
23510s and the thing is the ash on the control
23512s map as well being able to set up good
23513s first fights with that dynamite is
23515s critical because it means you get this
23517s initial control and then you can play
23518s from a defensive posturing where the
23520s poking of shy is super valuable because
23523s also denies a huge amount of space from
23525s stalker to build up that rail
23528s well
23529s seoul has to play from behind and oh
23531s we're going bowling bernard already
23533s found one
23534s five on four yet again sparked with the
23536s first blood
23538s is their response from seoul they're
23539s completely trapped in the side and
23541s that's against the composition of sparks
23543s you got a dynamite on your face a tile
23544s drive and more you just don't want to be
23547s cramped up if your dynasty your style
23549s does not want to be cramped full spot
23551s misses thanks to bernard shoving targets
23553s out of the way thank you i'll save you
23555s hi
23556s i'll save it
23557s homie what a homie but bernard is just
23561s just helping out bin dame remember that
23563s when i'm doing triumphs next year you
23565s know i'm enjoying spark though they
23567s remain
23568s alive in this defensive posturing almost
23570s with the bob as well and the bob is
23571s invaluable here and because soul dynasty
23573s don't really have the healing through
23575s foot or the meatiness of tanking to be
23577s able to take a battle with the bob on
23579s the point vin dame drives everyone
23581s forward with the rally but that over
23583s health is going to be drained away by
23584s the dynamite
23586s well he's speaking of meaning is the
23588s soul have something to work with here
23590s with that rally overhead sort of useful
23592s he got the minds to place to gatekeep
23595s and girlboss spark away from the
23596s objective but sparkup just had all they
23598s have to do is live forehead because just
23601s existing near the objective they're
23603s already up to 90 plus percent are they
23605s about the 200 after what we just saw on
23608s well was that all a fever dream well it
23610s is it won't be 200.00 necessarily in
23614s seoul they're in charge for now
23616s spark
23617s they're at their most dangerous when
23619s they're angry and i believe that
23620s prophets hanzo made them angry this is
23622s the fight for hangzhou spark already the
23624s rally ticking away everyone's got the
23626s extra temporary green health still
23628s there's a transcendence if it's even
23630s needed but super rich is on the case
23632s oh you're getting pressured creative and
23635s irony exchanging that and over time into
23637s effect and profit that's the touch but
23639s he's so tunneled on iron he has to
23641s disengage from that rule and because he
23643s doesn't convert now you have two
23644s supports dead from seoul dynasty in the
23646s last seconds stalkers then instantly off
23649s overclock profit hits a pulse but how
23651s much does that matter at the end of the
23652s day there's only two members of the
23654s seoul dynasty left and all that matters
23656s is you don't get mentally boomed and
23658s spark have taught us a lesson they take
23660s the map
23662s as overly would say anything is
23664s combatable
23666s from one of the most dominant
23667s performances we've seen
23670s from profit on the first stage just
23672s being of a master of his domain hanzo
23676s shimada
23677s to
23678s a hundred to zero
23681s on lighthouse and then a dominant
23683s performance on ruins as well lemon this
23687s is going to be
23689s a certified banger
23692s already uh a different script than the
23694s trio that sold dynasty had against the
23696s spark in the regular season it's a
23699s different story sparked up first after
23701s this break seoul dynasty's choice of map
23739s [Music]
23746s [Music]
23752s [Music]
23769s [Music]
23804s [Music]
23816s [Music]
23823s [Music]
23835s [Music]
23851s [Music]
23859s [Music]
23899s [Music]
23906s [Music]
23919s [Music]
23924s this is why you don't tweet after map
23926s one yes profit can be stopped
23931s the savings are just in the toilet but
23933s spark are cashing in map one
23936s and they really dominate once they turn
23938s that that well around but it will be up
23940s the sole to pick what map they want to
23942s go to next so
23945s yes soul get the choice uh
23947s [Music]
23949s and it's gonna be one where jojo sparker
23951s found some previous success but seoul
23953s have also shown themselves to be
23955s quite the warriors here i can vote and
23959s when we go over to eichenwald it's one
23961s of a few maps the moment where we see
23962s the most
23963s variety in tanki performances not only
23966s with the overall approach of the teams
23968s but also in an inter
23971s uh kind of like an inter map kind of way
23973s you see occasional swaps between tanks
23976s for all three of the points because you
23978s like to exploit the 90 degree angles on
23980s the final point you need something with
23981s a little bit more verticality most of
23983s the time on second point because those
23984s shia high grounds are so difficult to
23986s try and fight against and then on point
23988s a you can play
23989s so many different things some teams like
23991s to play visaya some teams like to play
23993s the doomfist or the winston and where
23995s i'm going with this is that for my money
23999s smurf on seoul is the most omnipotent
24002s tank we have in the overwatch league
24005s and the only real competition he has is
24008s reiner
24009s and
24010s reiner gets subbed out on circuit royale
24012s so smurf wins by default
24016s i play more so i'm better
24018s uh
24020s platinum borders my games say but yeah
24023s smurf you know when we're co-streaming
24024s matches like this we look at smurf on
24026s the zarya on attack i can fall and we're
24029s like what is he cooking but at least all
24032s know what hong show sparker cooking
24034s because hong zhou played eichenwald
24036s yesterday against fusion and won this
24040s so clearly seoul have done some studying
24042s to see not only what spark are playing
24044s but also where they're positioning
24045s they're almost stalker getting that one
24047s shot
24048s we're in this team stalker returning to
24050s uh what is his
24052s you could say signature hero of the
24053s course of his limited play time with the
24055s soul dynasty for sojourn there is going
24058s to be a significant advantage here we
24060s talk about the railgun charge a lot it's
24062s much easier to charge up off a sigma you
24064s can see right now actually trying to
24065s burst down the sigma shield after
24067s stalker gets to 100 and then try for the
24069s head shot stalker's very patient after
24071s he gets discharged to make sure he can
24072s line up a shot properly
24074s you can try for the head shot but can
24075s you deliver well there's an ante that
24077s just got delivered expressly too shy the
24080s immortality was up and it's just done
24082s and dusted soul just pressure out the
24084s house with the health pack and spark are
24087s absolutely trapped and there's only the
24088s supports remaining and if they get
24090s staggered out there's absolutely no
24091s chance for a recontest and seoul can
24094s even take more space beyond that
24096s especially getting castle control after
24097s this point so a very swift first fight
24100s win from seoul five and a half minutes
24102s for b
24103s i'm a great new series but so honestly
24104s don't need to make any compositional
24106s swaps moving forward here with smurf
24108s already on the winston he can have
24110s access to the high ground with some soft
24111s dives to try and build up towards that
24113s nano and smurf actually just catch a
24115s little bit extra poke here you can see
24117s that he's just uh tempting
24119s shy on the sojourn to allow creative to
24121s heal up off of him and that will get us
24123s closer to banana which will be the
24124s primary engagement tool to try and
24126s dislodge hyung joe spark from a high
24127s ground position
24129s yeah i like that shy storing his no-no
24131s circle whenever soul are just trying to
24132s rotate and some nice headshots but who
24135s else is home to help out seoul have made
24137s their way into castle and shy does not
24139s want to open that door he's trying to be
24141s as far away from them as possible and
24143s saves the jumps for when smurf gets
24145s close meanwhile seoul yeah they got
24147s castle but then what they're trying to
24149s get some cart presents here because
24151s bernard is anchoring it which by the way
24153s on the defense he's starting to put some
24155s orbs into that back line so how do soul
24157s want to deal with bernard or do they
24159s want to go after the rest of the defense
24161s of spark grab flux at the ready bernard
24164s waiting for them to all chase after him
24165s you've all been faded this is all a plan
24168s from the spark bernard with a double
24170s kill smurf gets naded can he really have
24173s a response prophet's already killed i
24175s think one and the immortality don't
24177s count so seoul tried to invest to have
24180s an answer and just no one picked up the
24182s phone
24183s yeah without that nano it's going to be
24184s a little bit more difficult for a smurf
24186s to make a more meaningful engagement of
24188s course the primal rages here and you
24189s might use that to actually jump on top
24191s of super rich and irony and try and do
24192s like a 180 slap to get them off the high
24194s ground and into the reach of vindham who
24197s can really start doing some damage with
24198s that melee cleave otherwise vending's
24200s gonna have a good amount of trouble
24202s actually propping the inspire here what
24204s an accretion catch this idiot that's
24206s what i say every time i'm watching nice
24208s catch dummy
24210s so soul have to try this again pulsar
24212s profit hits alpha yi that's an opening
24215s the overclock activated stalker is on
24217s the high ground and he's dealing with a
24220s big old lamp from super rich but now
24222s transcendence and a super ridge
24224s amplification matrix uh the card is
24227s sailing someone has to touch and bernard
24229s is there to contest it but he's the only
24231s one there sparker is still rotating from
24234s bridge they're actually behind the seoul
24235s dynasty
24237s stalker is just ruining everyone's lives
24239s but really dynasty ran out of gas at the
24241s end the flank from spark actually paid
24243s off bernard stayed alive long enough to
24245s stop the cap and seoul had to reset
24248s i'll tell you what bernard sigma over
24250s the course of the last two games he's
24251s had has been absolutely amazing
24255s and i i think that it's going to be a
24256s major component in hong kong spoke being
24258s able to hold this here he essentially
24259s operates alone a little bit far away
24261s from super rich and irony and that might
24263s be able to be exploited by seoul dynasty
24265s by just diving past bernard onto those
24267s supports
24268s however that does leave seoul dynasty
24270s creative in particular quite exposed
24274s that's creative it just didn't hit and
24276s that's that's kind of what you get but
24278s seoul dynasty rally anchoring now near
24281s the car but they're all grouped up for
24283s the gravity flux and at least you have
24284s the name mid-rally who's getting fluxed
24286s so didn't end up paying off there for
24288s bernard at the end profit has been left
24291s unchecked in the back line once again
24292s hunting down shy and without shy is that
24295s the alfajita trying to profit and that's
24297s a hole has to do soul meters away from
24300s capping and there's only really two or
24302s three members from the spark bernard is
24304s getting hit from every angle that he's
24306s gonna have to go next i don't think the
24308s spark or i don't think uh the sparks
24311s really happens in the bag especially
24313s when profits going like that creative
24315s even nano's been deemed to ensure fight
24317s success because i don't want to be
24319s missing no seconds even creative
24321s sleeping irony in the back is kind of
24323s nice so soulful
24325s for three minutes
24327s ah i think i've figured out the soul
24328s dynasty plan lemon step one
24331s profit
24332s step two
24334s profit oh step three
24337s profit
24338s seoul dynasty i really want to see how
24340s much damage irony has taken because he
24341s seems to be quite a low tier target on
24344s the hangzhou spark at the moment he's
24345s being left alive for a huge amount of
24346s time it's actually causing seoul dynasty
24349s quite a few problems in these mid fights
24352s oh yeah bernard
24353s is trying to brawl out and maybe even
24355s able to bubble his back on especially
24357s shy if he gets pushed by profit
24359s can't really stop the one-shot potential
24360s of sojourn notice that bernard has to be
24362s on his a-game
24364s you can see that profit is already
24366s owning the top left so he's already on
24368s the plank usually that's where shai
24370s would like to be but he's on the bottom
24371s right side
24373s see there's a bit of a brawl in the
24374s front line i'll be trying to dislodge
24375s profit from their back line across the
24378s fades into the shadows goes back to his
24380s team they'll be up to some ultimates and
24382s solar coming up on almost every single
24385s one transcendence first from forced by
24387s irony and seoul just slowly disengaged
24389s they can't deal with all those resources
24391s smurfs and primals the reengaging sues
24394s from seoul the overclock now the stalker
24396s has space to work with and he already
24398s delivers he's killed shy and three ball
24401s from the spark and what a swift cap from
24404s seoul with two minutes in the bank
24406s potential the pains of b have been
24409s forgotten lemon because point c is an
24412s absolute breeze for seoul dynasty
24414s stalker finally comes alive after what
24416s was admittedly a fairly slow start for
24419s one of our better stated sojourns that
24422s we have in the league maybe a little bit
24424s of nerves admittedly this is uh
24428s only stalk a second time in a top-tier
24430s playoffs in the overwatch league has had
24432s significant success on gen g speaking of
24435s which genji is seoul dynasty's academy
24436s team where stalker came from they've
24438s been sitting on this kid for years he
24441s was there at the 2019 gauntlet as a part
24444s of genji and only just got bought up to
24446s the team proper they've essentially had
24448s a three year long dibs on stalker so
24451s seoul dynasty they have invested a huge
24453s amount in making sure this kid gets on
24455s this roster
24457s and when you go sorry on that defense
24458s it's about that long-term investment but
24460s it's then spark kept having to use
24462s ultimates first this clip right here is
24464s right after irony uses transcendence and
24466s soul knew it was time to go pedal to the
24468s metal and use every single ultimate
24471s because super rich didn't have rally
24473s there were no resources to make up for
24475s this and i think seoul even had leftover
24476s nano at the end so stockard has been
24479s measured with his approach and seoul
24482s really good at scaring spark into using
24484s their oils first and bernard the
24486s long-term investment of the zarya never
24487s really paid off he didn't have time to
24489s scale
24491s yeah like you said zaya is a heavily
24493s scaling tank you need multiple fights or
24495s at least multiple bubble rotations to
24497s really reach your most effective point
24499s and smurf simply paid a little bit
24500s faster to deny burn all those bubble
24503s rotations before people were in some
24505s fairly significant peril hongzhou spark
24508s here they're playing a lower healing
24510s comp because bernard can try and sustain
24512s himself a little bit more and we've seen
24513s burnout go off on some wild goose
24515s chasers i like involved in particular
24517s because going through second that's a
24518s huge pick on vin dame
24520s and that's what you hope you're
24521s sojourned to do but slid right into the
24524s ante and shai was hoping to get minnie
24526s and profit chases it down so the first
24529s blood that spark had is nearly forgiven
24532s by a double kill from profit and spa
24534s spark thought they had it they thought
24538s well profit has to get out of here
24539s quickly if he's discorded that tracer
24541s duel is not gonna be very preferable to
24544s take alfie's moved up a touch closer now
24546s and shy will rejoin the fray and but a
24548s second now seoul dynasty have backed on
24551s off and they have to consider how to
24552s make this engagement happen again
24554s remember vin games on the lucio which
24556s allows for a full team speed we're
24557s actually crouching as a group
24559s i mean yeah vindy went from zen when he
24561s got first picked to swapping to lucio
24563s giving seoul dynasty a chance to engage
24565s as five and that's a bold choice to make
24568s not something we usually see him on and
24570s then they get off the boy my eyes
24573s oh well two ticks that's what that's
24575s what you get for giving up two ticks and
24577s being a little bit too passive on the
24579s approach so a very swift cap i spark
24582s all that speed all that power all that
24585s ferocity and yet no point touch
24587s unfortunately there for seoul dynasty
24589s and then they will actually move back
24591s over to the brigitte here which is uh
24593s this is an interesting shift in the
24595s power dynamic here four hundred spark
24597s west assault dynasty profit should be
24599s able to get a little bit more in terms
24601s of feeling that was an ac one thirty
24602s star pulse bomb doesn't work out
24605s meanwhile irony has to make the decision
24607s as to whether he wants to
24609s uh bring over
24611s the
24612s discord orb onto profit rather than
24614s smurf to make sure that alfie has an
24616s advantage in that one versus one
24618s at least when dave's back on the brakes
24620s you can try and
24621s stop the incoming dive as much as he can
24623s profit has already jumped down and smurf
24626s is there with him the nano given over
24628s smurf's taking way too many shots though
24631s but seoul they took the initiative and
24632s it just did not pay off and now
24635s the counter clap that is ensuing from
24638s the spark is just even stronger so
24640s sparkle they
24641s started with bernard and alfie going to
24643s the high ground which scared seoul into
24645s okay we should actually fight while
24647s bernard and alpha you're gone just the
24649s nano didn't work out
24650s it seemed like a somewhat piecemeal
24652s engagement as well from assault dynasty
24653s creatives going over now onto the zen
24655s was is staying on the ana for the nano
24658s now with a discord all been played a
24659s little bit more uh a few more teeth
24662s behind the sole dynasty engage but
24663s unfortunately they have an entire
24665s dentist's office to get through here
24666s lemon as hunger spark have five
24668s ultimates good to go at their back and
24670s call
24671s yep and now seoul i hope they win this
24674s fight or this will be as painful as
24676s pulling teeth that's for sure four alts
24678s for spark which one do they want to use
24680s first alpha yi pulses and misses rally
24683s from super rich but he's just gonna get
24685s shoved off the map actually i don't even
24686s know who took that l okay it was super
24688s rich so he has some tea time while the
24690s rest of the spark hope to hold this down
24692s do you even want to use transcendence or
24694s do you want to meet the same fate well
24696s irony says okay the primal's over i
24698s can't be clipped off the map right a few
24700s more meters to go though from the spark
24701s and they've used all four ultimates they
24703s had in the bank and even shy's
24705s overclocked but it's meant by stalkers
24707s save ultimate but shy just doesn't have
24710s a lot of angles to take coming from
24711s castle and alpha yi he's at least
24713s converting with kills into the back line
24716s and spark i mean they still have two
24718s members at the front but they're still
24720s three or four from the seoul dynasty
24722s defending but eventually it was a slow
24725s struggle but alpha he came alive when it
24727s mattered the most
24729s and sparkle can't be they have four
24731s minutes received getting started seoul
24732s dynasty fans it's time to feel what we
24734s call a heckin concern
24736s because on the desk custer was saying
24738s that if profit and smurf are in sync
24741s hungry spark have no chance no matter
24743s how well shy plays but right now bernard
24746s and alpha you're actually coalescing on
24747s targets better than smurf and profit now
24750s smurf has moved over onto a wrecking
24752s ball just to try and mirror this one out
24754s and maybe get better setups off the back
24756s of these pile drivers but can store for
24758s even charging for rail to try and follow
24759s it up no way no way
24762s oh what's that looks really shiny says
24765s vendeem and alpha he kills full support
24767s he's about to dip uh whoever's back
24769s there running away scaredy cat well i i
24772s don't think this is gonna work out for
24773s seoul dynasty right here right now i
24775s don't think so nope and spark this is a
24777s pretty large huge time bank so seoul
24779s don't have a good recontest this is this
24781s is going to be
24782s real scary they are coming out of spawn
24785s bernard is ready with the mines getting
24786s the call up which spawned or they're
24788s coming out of all of solar coming from
24790s the left except creative on the right
24792s bernard's waiting for his chance he
24794s actually gets shoved down by smurf what
24795s a bully but now bernard has to give
24797s these minds over right he's being so
24799s patient with them he waits for seoul to
24801s actually get to the card someone is
24803s contesting from seoul bernard finally
24805s drops the minds and smurf is actually
24807s behind they just forgot about smurf but
24810s thankfully he's still alive he's taking
24812s the mines like a champ spark have the
24814s resources because they have rally and
24816s seoul they ain't got no kills and they
24819s shaved a bit of that time bank but it's
24820s still a pretty big time bank for spark
24823s at
24828s i don't know if they exist or not until
24829s our observers go and have a look at them
24833s it's been very quiet
24835s in the creative and vindane camp i think
24839s and seoul dynasty they were kind of
24841s scrambling for an identity over the
24843s course of that defense couldn't really
24844s set up a good fight
24846s and
24847s weirdly it all feels like it snowballed
24849s from a singular pick shy picks off
24851s vinday with a well-placed railgun a
24854s well-placed headshot on a zen vin dame
24857s has to go lucio to return to the point
24860s uh quickly using the speed boost and
24862s then seoul dynasty actually fully
24863s disengage and make a speed boost
24865s engagement c9 the point from there and
24867s then vindang starts to rotate around
24869s creative is stuck on the ana and they
24871s can't actually get on to the combat they
24873s actually want to play until c
24876s i don't know if vindem's shield got
24878s broken there but either way alpha yi is
24880s having himself a game he has progressed
24883s from alphage to sigma
24885s yeah he said alpha yi with that with
24887s that pulse bomb just the name was like
24891s me go forward
24893s and then
24894s and then you know the shield could have
24896s been there it's at his toes i don't know
24898s what was going to happen there but
24899s canceling that rally was pretty massive
24901s for the spark alpha yi is having a
24903s fantastic tracer performance today
24906s stalker no shot at the beginning
24908s seoul dynasty with a slightly smaller
24910s time bank we'll get to attack first see
24912s how this goes
24914s all right remember stalker's playbook
24916s here build up the rail
24919s be patient hit a support in the head
24922s and now
24923s when they're not up against bernard
24925s sigma it's gonna be a little bit more
24926s difficult to do that bernard's not gonna
24928s be catching too much poke here simply an
24930s exchange of fire between these two
24932s sojourns and to be honest shy can afford
24935s to do this for a little while because
24936s super rich is essentially acting as a
24937s pocket right now
24939s oh no no circle being thrown out but
24942s actually the creative has been found
24943s alone he just didn't feel like rotating
24946s that day so good capitalization by
24949s bernard and alpha yi who are just
24950s harassing the back line and they even
24952s chase down smurf before he could even
24954s find him the gauge
24955s so this already cuts down one fight for
24957s seoul and they're only left with one
24958s minute and profit can't afford to be
24960s staggered here
24961s probably picks up omega so at least it
24963s was uh a little bit too dangerous to
24965s consider
24966s for hunger spark to move in there but
24968s stalkers uh at least even with shy or
24971s not charge however it feels like seoul
24973s dynasty but being a little bit piecemeal
24974s here with their engagements they can't
24976s afford to allow creative to be caught
24978s out again because that discord orb is
24980s just too important when it comes to
24981s being able to win these dps doors which
24983s at the moment hangzhou spark are
24985s dominating it
24987s 30 seconds remaining
24989s no mistakes can be had profits already
24991s been forced to use recall he goes back
24992s to the team and alpha he stays with dave
24995s again hey this time he had a shield up
24996s it's just pointing them the wrong way
24997s and then alpha yi goes after creative
25000s there's no support for seoul alpha yay's
25002s out of 3k
25004s okay there's a recall smurf is one hp
25006s and now there's just no one left to
25008s touch in nine seconds seoul not getting
25010s anything done here
25013s creative and wind game again and again
25014s evaporated profit at least has the set
25016s up here to go and grab over time and
25018s pulse on his back pocket but it's a miss
25020s super rich dodges the well-timed shield
25022s bash profit returns but there is no more
25025s recall and you see bernard what's he
25027s cooking lemon with this minefield oh
25030s mines are on the menu it cuts off seoul
25032s dynasties rotations creative is just the
25034s ugly duckling who gets left behind on
25036s every rotation it's not transcendence to
25039s forgive that rotation bud and seoul
25041s dynasty they still have everyone in the
25043s mini room behind the camera but all you
25045s see is death because shy just hit a
25048s nasty 3k and spark had three leftover
25051s ultimates that was disgusting by the
25054s spark
25055s super rich attempting a touch of mental
25057s warfare there with uh c9 in chat seoul
25060s dynasty once again i gotta remind you
25062s both of these maps were seoul dynasties
25065s picks they entered these arenas lemon
25068s with an inherent understanding that they
25071s were
25071s better and the thing is hangzhou spark
25074s as well
25075s they've essentially
25077s popped off on point a on two different
25079s compositions now bernard sigma did
25082s pretty well especially on point b for
25084s stalling seoul dynasty
25086s and swapping over to a ball instead and
25088s making sure that seoul dynasties
25089s preparation just filled uh an attack
25092s against potentially the same defense
25094s again was stymied before they even knew
25096s what was happening
25098s seoul dynasty are looking a touch lost
25100s right now
25101s a little bit this is uh some of the i
25103s mean creative he could have steel toes
25105s and there's no kicking three people off
25107s of you great minds from bernard this
25110s stopped the rotations creative had an
25111s excuse that time but alfie is also
25114s sticking the name
25115s they're they're killing creative off
25117s rotations every time and then shy just
25120s slides in and kills three while seoul
25122s thought they could maybe win without
25124s discord but that's pretty cap so spark
25127s have 237 on the clock you get 33 and
25130s they go to series point that's tire ball
25135s yep it's tire ball not quite come
25137s backable
25139s but but like a not on us on a ship lemon
25142s it is certainly tireable hungzhou spark
25145s once again return to all reliable the
25147s default composition seoul dynasty now
25150s moving into the mirror
25152s creative and vindicating at least they
25154s have themselves a defensive position but
25156s they can't afford to get first picked
25157s yet again
25161s going well the first 30 seconds here for
25163s spark
25164s left side approach irony trying to
25166s charge up find any picks he can you see
25168s how profit is just still near the point
25170s he's just so scared of making any kind
25171s of mistake you can't afford to lose
25173s anyone this is one fight win for spark
25175s and series point in the bag the soul
25177s playing real deep and around the house
25180s kratos has been separated away from the
25181s flock it was this disruptor shot from
25184s shy that broke up creative and oh and
25186s the brigitta and that's just it there
25189s was a fight that happened
25190s but the supports just died and then
25192s spark went in the map so thai not
25194s tireable i guess
25196s i have analysis lemon and i have
25199s thoughts
25200s but most of all i have one word yikes
25204s seoul dynasty
25205s their supports have been thoroughly
25208s cyberbullied by the hangzhou spark and
25210s no matter what happens it seems like the
25212s pace of a hangzhou spark is out doing
25215s the seoul dynasty we look at profit we
25217s look at smurf and super rich and irony
25220s should not have more than one dimension
25223s let alone more than one health point
25226s left
25227s but no it's shy alfie bernard just
25230s absolutely dominating creative and
25232s vindam they are gonna go
25234s and i don't know get it together i am
25237s frankly flabbergasted lemon
25240s uh is this soul's odyssey uh number one
25241s david apex well we're gonna see about
25243s that uh we're gonna
25245s throw you to a break when we get back i
25247s guess we're on seoul dynasties last life
25263s [Music]
25295s [Music]
25309s [Music]
25324s [Music]
25353s [Music]
25367s [Music]
25382s [Music]
25415s [Music]
25432s [Music]
25438s [Music]
25444s [Music]
25454s [Music]
25468s [Music]
25479s [Music]
25491s [Music]
25499s mercy sips rise up a new skin just
25503s dropped oh look at her gorgeous royal
25507s night available now and you only have
25509s until august 19th to get them so uh
25512s don't be under that rock get use your
25514s 200 league tokens i know you're gonna be
25516s here all night you might as well put
25517s them to a good cause royal knight is
25520s looking fly and so do the hong show
25522s spark which is not what i was expecting
25524s to see today
25526s mostly because seoul dynasty are the
25527s number one team in apac
25529s according to the notes but all i'm
25531s seeing leg day right now is a 2-0 for
25533s spark
25534s yeah i'm seeing it away for spark i'm
25536s seeing two maps that seoul dynasty
25538s picked and two maps that seoul dynasty
25540s failed to register their mark upon we
25543s have ourselves a couple of substitutions
25545s lemon the first one a zoo i want to zoom
25547s in on here is stalker out and fits in
25550s profit and fits or profits together of
25552s course as they so lovely fit has been
25555s the primary dps line of soul dynasty for
25557s a long time fitz is a prodigious flick
25561s scan player on both the uh
25563s the widowmaker and the ash and of course
25566s on the sombra as well but on the other
25568s side spark have got a response slavin
25572s you've bought ian fitz you've bought in
25574s your main dps i guess fine master this
25577s one time i will use 10 of my power and i
25580s will draw the primal blade from its
25583s sheath gucci has been released from his
25585s kung fu panda tai lung style prison to
25588s play the winston on dorado
25591s yeah the actual power levels of alfie
25592s can we talk about that for a second
25594s going from zero percent on illios well
25596s to being a prophet's target dummy
25599s to matching him on echo beating profit
25602s on echo and then beating him down on
25604s tracer i beat alpha yi is is the picture
25608s of composure when it comes to just
25610s turning things around and he's having
25612s just the best performance of his life
25614s right now on the tracer carrying spark
25617s to that victory back on i could vault if
25619s you did just miss that but this is still
25621s soul dynasty's choice
25623s surely this one won't fumble we go to
25625s dorado and it will be a hundred spark on
25629s the defense gush way said gotcha i
25631s actually left the spot i almost got you
25633s no erisa
25635s almost had you
25637s watch it for a second but no but the
25639s primal blade comes in to do primal blade
25641s things and smurf versus goose way in a
25644s winston versus winston is uh it would be
25646s a very fun match up
25648s and you know what gushway is probably
25650s going to spend a good amount of time
25651s here trying to bully assault dynasty
25652s backline as as bernard went out probably
25655s gave gushwa a high five as he made his
25657s way into the gaming room like yep those
25659s supports are toast man easy clap just
25661s farm them creative and vin dame
25663s definitely need to be covering each
25664s other a little bit more here or the rest
25666s of seoul dynasty needs to be doing a
25668s little bit more in order to
25669s force gooshway to play more of a peeling
25672s role by putting more pressure onto irony
25675s and super rich you've been playing quite
25676s safe and allowing alfie and shai to
25679s simply pop off
25680s well he's creative has a better kid to
25682s defend himself with he has the sleep and
25684s the ante just don't forget kids
25686s rotations rotations rotations don't just
25689s focus on fragging because you'll you'll
25691s face the soul dynasty treatment uh like
25693s we saw on last map so
25695s his soul on the attack already
25697s establishing themselves in the top right
25699s where fitz can charge up off of bouche
25701s way he's being connected to someone and
25703s albany the first victim of course the
25705s casa cruise of just hyping up the man
25707s then he gets shot first first blood
25709s though
25710s and it's going well
25712s i don't think we're in kansas anymore
25713s lemon it's an entirely different game
25715s for alfa yi a brand new flick scout a
25718s brand new threat and hangzhou spark are
25720s forced to back on off here feels like
25722s this is a team that's a little bit less
25723s confident in playing without alpha yi or
25726s assault dynasty they do enjoy taking
25728s their three versus fours
25731s oh oh my
25733s god way
25734s the fitz continues to shoot things he is
25736s subbed in
25737s and is just bangs and then leaves i mean
25740s fitz is delivering on every level alpha
25742s yi get caught in the middle of three
25744s people while half hp fits gets slapped
25746s good peel by irony maybe at least alpha
25748s he gets to live and has a clap back for
25752s fitz especially just for him great pulse
25755s bomb and
25756s thinks he's safe oh alphagi didn't want
25759s to commit too many cooks in that kitchen
25761s the rally starts from ben dame creative
25762s is currently slapped so i don't know how
25764s much seoul want to leave him behind
25767s spark wanting to capitalize on that and
25768s they don't now you got a nano van dame
25771s instead of smurf on the primal well it's
25774s fine because seoul dynasty is still
25775s gonna fight win and a swift cap for a
25778s holy hell in a cell batman
25781s vin dame nanod
25782s smurf primaling that was a box of pain
25786s and hangzhou spark got their ankles
25788s broken within goofy didn't even get the
25789s chance to pop the primal rage and so
25792s dynasty are making pretty good time here
25794s fitz has turned up changed outsmart
25796s smurf's undetected smurf is an unknown
25799s factor and actually gets help
25800s disengaging there thanks to super rich
25802s cheers bud very nicely just paying back
25804s what bernard did before
25806s yeah he just tried to smurf in the back
25808s line it just didn't and he didn't get
25810s punished it did force goose way to pop
25811s down it's not like seoul had a good
25813s punish there fits not charged up there's
25816s the engage off the high ground but
25817s fences on the flight with overclock shy
25819s doing the same thing and fitz is the
25821s first to back down what a coward but
25822s it's okay i respect not wanting to int i
25825s wish my teammates were like that more
25827s but it just means a full overclocked
25829s exchange and really the the defense
25831s benefit from it
25834s unfortunately not relatable content i
25835s missed there from shy
25837s and fitz tries to take advantage of that
25839s expended railgun but you can see how
25840s quickly goose way is on this trying to
25842s deny you fits this space now realizing
25844s okay maybe i can't do as much to try and
25846s bully creative and vin dane but what i
25848s need to do is deny space from fitz and
25850s now he denies life from bits
25852s prophets in the background he was hold
25854s spawn
25855s and he kind of needs to start killing
25856s things quick because solar down two or
25859s three at this point and
25861s probably did kill irony and he's getting
25863s some good car push just wish he had some
25865s friends to help out in this fight just
25867s the one and done and profits gone
25871s that'll be more than enough
25873s one of the difficult things to profit
25874s here is that lining up this pulse bomb
25877s he has to make a considerably longer
25879s commute because trace doesn't have a
25880s huge amount of hurting ability he's
25881s actually caught here by alfie now if he
25883s takes a huge amount of damage the
25884s initial clip from profit is already
25886s forced out that recall and now he's in a
25888s position to try and get an excellent
25889s sticky onto super rich
25891s irony is playing so deep too so it's
25893s really hard to dive him
25894s irony will be able to hit the sleeve
25897s as long as smurf times doesn't time to
25899s bubble well yes in that case profit
25901s hoping to close the gap has already
25903s forced to recall seoul takes shelter
25906s below the bridge
25908s at least if they could be heading
25909s towards the card here which seems
25910s unprotected so profit hoping to get some
25913s good push in but kuchwa is in the back
25914s line with nano creative misses to sleep
25917s gets tossed up then they forced to use
25919s the rally just to keep everyone healed
25921s up now smurf hoping to do just that to
25924s irony but forced to back away great peel
25927s by gushway and profit gets the execute
25929s onto shy it's a five versus three and
25932s profit finally gets a chance to shine
25934s where was profit from elio swells well
25937s here he is soul few more kills to go and
25940s they get the cat b three and a half
25942s minutes receive
25943s and smurf back on the winston here is
25945s providing a lot more sort of space for
25947s profit to work with we saw that super
25948s rich and irony they were being a
25950s vibranium support line they were
25951s unbreakable together and not dying but
25954s that did require all of their resources
25956s to be expended
25958s amongst themselves as supports and the
25960s alfie shy goose way they had a little
25962s bit less to sustain them and profits
25964s damage would add up over time moving
25966s into third point here seoul dynasty
25968s still have three minutes and fitz can
25970s open this up strongly with an overclock
25972s to try and make sure these long sight
25974s lines can't be sustained by hangzhou
25977s it's like seoul taking up that high
25979s ground already alpha force the recall
25981s after the pulse doesn't hit profit
25984s sticks up though and that's the revenge
25986s soul dynasty death really needed
25988s overclock 2 on the high ground it's
25990s getting a ton of value for seoul dynasty
25991s already on the five on three but a quick
25993s disengage from sparta uh just kidding
25995s gooshways in the back of the tribal oh
25997s the rest of the team are leaving though
25999s and he didn't get the memo until now so
26001s the primal is just to be a distraction a
26003s zoning primal even but not gonna happen
26005s to sustain for the last play coming up
26007s and that's a pretty thick looking time
26009s bank for seoul but they don't have
26010s profit so can they keep this going looks
26012s like they have some good pressure on the
26014s spawns of the spark but now they have
26016s space to work with and shy slides right
26018s into fitz has the overclock ready might
26020s not even need it and now he's getting
26022s jumped up by smurf and shy is still
26025s killing through all the fire in the
26026s flames he do be carrying on and seoul
26029s have been wiped away and they will be
26031s able to sail away to sea yet
26033s i love how much faith shai has in his
26036s supports when he gets dived on by smurf
26038s a two-time world champion of overwatch
26041s league almost like yeah i'm pretty sure
26042s i can tank this i've got irony here no
26045s i'm going to be dying to this bozo
26048s that's a rick boza one creative as well
26052s i'm joe spark here
26053s have built up the uh preemptive railgun
26056s so shy once again is gonna be looking
26058s for an opening pick creative would be
26060s the uh the gold standard here
26064s oh
26065s he's on the high ground shy trying to
26067s overclock in the background i guess
26069s while he adds nano
26070s didn't connect on any shots this engage
26072s so strong from seoul and smurf is
26074s slapped and now these supports again
26076s left unprotected vietnamese already down
26078s creative is left on his own and at this
26080s point still need all five members to be
26082s alive to push this car to the end and
26084s they only have a minute to do it smurf
26087s on the primal tossing up shy against the
26090s wall but just not wanting to fully
26091s commit just is scared to just stagger
26094s out and waste precious seconds and he
26096s still gets staggered because shy doesn't
26098s give up
26099s this primal rage has bitten off a touch
26101s more than it can punch in goose way
26102s they're great synergy and we saw that
26104s shy was a little bit trepidatious about
26105s moving forward into a crossfire of three
26107s soul dynasty members gucci comes into
26109s that tiny area and puts down the winston
26111s bubble that cuts off creative from
26113s healing both pro uh fitz and vindam and
26116s gives a bunch of safety for shy to
26117s operate from profit used their pulse
26119s bomb somewhere wasn't towards a hangzhou
26121s spark member and that's one less tool in
26123s the bank lemon with only 20 seconds
26125s remaining for
26126s seoul dynasty
26128s well in the multiverse of madness that
26130s would have hit somebody in some galaxy
26132s but not this one soul last fight 12
26135s seconds left
26136s some cart push fits hoping to get this
26139s overclock going with the double post
26141s bomb that is not what the soul wanted to
26143s order off the menu how do they pull this
26146s off in the three versus five it's just
26147s not gonna happen chief gooshway with the
26150s primal is gonna assure they can't even
26152s touch and that'll be the end of the road
26154s for now for seoul dynasty as last life
26157s coming up spark had to push to this box
26159s of victory to sweep the series 3-0
26163s oh i tell you what lemon
26164s good winston's on dorado are a joy to
26167s behold you can essentially become an
26169s omnipotent guerrilla deity and that's
26172s what goucher was bringing to the table
26173s and the thing is because gushe was able
26175s to demand so much attention again and
26178s again that allowed alpha yi to make
26180s these precision incisions with the pulse
26183s bombs and with the pulse pistols to
26186s take away chip away seoul dynasty's
26188s numbers finding a final blow here uh an
26191s expenditure of a health pack there one
26193s of the players i really want to
26194s highlight from alfie even though it
26196s ended up being inconsequential is when
26198s they were chasing down members of the
26199s seoul dynasty in what was ostensibly a
26201s five versus five but happening outside
26203s of hangzhou sparks territory so it was
26205s almost like we were looking for stagger
26206s kills alpha yi was prioritizing using
26209s his blinks to steal the mini health back
26211s from profit and that's not just to deny
26213s the healing but it also forces vindaym
26215s to use one of his repair packs to keep
26217s profit in that door and that means that
26219s creative becomes more and more easily
26221s killable for goose way
26223s i'm just saying if okay well let me look
26225s at what alfie is doing oh yeah this is
26227s the double stick it hits smurf and then
26229s you know
26230s come have a look at this do you have a
26232s defuse
26233s he jumped
26234s prophet blinked away he had the right
26235s idea smurf just said hug me through
26238s death
26240s i gotta hug anyone who had a perfect or
26243s just had this bracket because anyone
26245s with a brain would have thought okay
26246s seoul dynasty number one should be
26248s winning this so i want to talk to
26249s whoever has the perfect bracket who
26251s would have predicted spark to go this
26253s far but this is a good series this is
26255s fun
26257s i'm having a great time
26260s [Laughter]
26262s oh
26263s goosh way
26264s is gonna be just uh playing space
26267s control at the moment as fitz is
26270s hard scoping in on the ash one of the
26272s things that's quite interesting here is
26274s that ash can actually be quite
26275s effectively dived by the sojourn more so
26278s than something like uh hanzo who can
26279s actually pop the storm out to stop
26282s a wicked slide die
26285s yeah i think this will be a lot easier
26286s for fitz to get away
26289s especially if creative doesn't hit the
26290s sleep just hasn't happened a whole lot
26292s often but at least profit hits the shots
26295s goes after gushway
26297s and now spark are just getting free car
26298s push but now they're going into this
26300s little room and super rich is very much
26303s overextended and he's anti and there's
26305s no healing through that and even irony
26307s tried to help and he gets smoked too so
26309s uh seoul they hold for now
26313s this is such a powerful area so honestly
26315s you want to exploit this for as long as
26316s possible lemon trader and vindem can
26318s both essentially reign free on the high
26320s ground and put down huge amounts of
26321s healing and damage and it allows fit
26323s some real freedom to operate as well and
26325s critically for smurf he can make a drop
26327s down engagement
26330s without having to expend his jump
26332s goodbye super rich that was uh that was
26334s quite intimate a stick wasn't it
26337s yeah you had the drop down all right
26338s just
26339s with one of these look me in my eyes
26341s when you stick me
26343s spike
26346s still the attack i know it hasn't moved
26348s very far almost half the time bank gone
26350s alpha yi is right below the defense he
26353s wants to sneak up those stairs if he can
26354s they maybe go after creative and vin
26356s dame the way he did on nikon vault where
26358s was that now shai is on the high ground
26360s he gets narrowed but he jumps down and
26362s now he's got to make something out of
26363s nothing he's got the jump yet again goes
26366s up kills vendame bubble in his way
26368s hoping to burst this both physically and
26370s morally and it looks like seoul even
26372s threw that bubble around that we're
26373s allowed to disengage shy slides back in
26376s kills creative and that has to be enough
26379s to ward away seoul dynasty smurf is
26381s going to buy time but doesn't even have
26382s time to primal
26384s maybe saving it for point b because i
26386s don't even know if still have a
26387s recontest at this point
26389s something had enough in for team number
26390s seven order up man that'll do just fine
26393s for shy who now has access to the
26394s overclock the pass the volt charge grabs
26396s it in the end bob is available if fitz
26398s can only get there and yes bob impacts
26400s directly with the car so that isn't
26402s moving for a couple of seconds
26404s and it's right at the front okay at
26405s least you gotta sleep from irony that
26407s stops it for now there's some initial
26409s damage going in and spark now forced to
26411s invest ultimates including goose way you
26413s got slept slept while he was trying to
26415s pry ball
26416s it's a spark can do they still have this
26419s in the bag this was all off of a stall
26421s from profit and a bob thrown by fitz of
26424s what a massive turnaround from seoul now
26426s spark only half a minute they think this
26428s is winnable they're starting the rally
26431s and they're fighting at point b can we
26433s get a touch on the point please well
26437s fitz is dead profit he's keeping this
26439s fight alive over on the point it's three
26442s versus five i think favoring the seoul
26444s dynasty and now they're nanowitting
26446s smurf just to clear up reinforcements
26448s from the spark the fight's not even
26450s happening near the car and that's what
26452s you get they're gonna cap
26455s what were they cooking
26458s irony and super rich essentially
26461s marooned in the back line super just
26463s like oh this is so sad can i have one
26465s gifted nano please and the nano indeed
26468s gifted over wax through profit and i
26471s think that seoul dynasty they over
26473s commit when it comes to that
26474s transcendence because there was no way
26476s for fitz to avoid being anti there so
26479s vindham essentially uses his trance
26480s there for nothing just to try and keep
26482s fitz alive and i think that maybe that
26485s was just a bad counting of cooldowns
26487s from south dynasty but in the end was
26489s hugely impactful
26491s ah caught them staring alpha you could
26493s have got the stick well it's okay
26495s vanilla shots just as good not even
26497s needing to use ultimates is actually
26498s really good gooshway has killed two he's
26500s got slept alfie has his back and you've
26502s talked about that synergy before and
26504s goosebump can keep playing aggro because
26506s you guys primal hasn't been a problem
26508s though uh the small problem profit and
26510s smurf are doing the same thing and
26511s they're in sparks backline and have
26513s killed creative
26515s so there's still progress on the cart
26517s though so soul might have to think about
26518s that soon
26520s oh that's a tough kill to drop however
26522s smurf getting out here if he survives
26524s this is huge that's a great amount of
26525s nano charge for creative that can be
26527s given over for free and yes smurf will
26530s survive
26532s profit sacrifices a lot of his life
26534s force here just to keep this car in
26535s place this allows for smurf to set up
26536s for a fresh dive almost dead already oh
26539s the shield is barely up for ben dave and
26541s he gets healed back to full how does he
26543s live that i have no idea profit misses
26546s the pulse he's auntie and forced to
26547s recall and he's in the middle of five
26549s people alpha he has the blinks he has
26551s the shots and everyone's dropping down
26553s in front of balfougi
26555s so now five versus three spark even half
26557s the nano who sure will take a little
26558s nappy nap and i don't know how much gas
26561s soul got in the tank smurf was also anti
26563s and he's in the back line dying and not
26566s much of a recontest for seoul at least
26568s the card hasn't been pushing a whole lot
26570s so definitely a touch available from
26572s profit but smurf is last to die so that
26574s sucks
26574s yeah there's been some good objective
26576s griefing here from profit just to
26578s continually keep it contested look at
26579s this gooseberry's already in the back
26581s line causing problems and he's got a
26583s primal if he needs to pop it this is bad
26585s news for seoul
26586s and the bubble from goose ray's just
26588s forcing soul dynasty to extend forward
26590s and now they have to nano smurf good
26592s small by profit just to make this fight
26594s possible but gush way is making living
26597s impossible for seoul dynasty's backline
26600s continues to bully them stuff them into
26602s lockers vendaive got slapped and he's
26605s last to die so spark will be capping b
26608s and they only have two minutes for c
26611s in 2022 gorillas have learned sign
26614s language and tool use
26616s in the 2060s when overwatch 2 takes
26618s place their tool use has expanded
26619s significantly lemon the primal blade is
26622s a huge evolutionary trait for goose way
26625s to pick up and boy is he primal blading
26627s today seoul dynasty at least they've
26629s drained down the clock significantly
26631s there's only a minute and a half here
26632s for hangzhou sparks so this is a far
26634s from guaranteed win as seoul dynasty get
26637s closer and closer to that rally
26639s and just with the amount of push that
26640s spark already have this is within one
26642s fight territory to sweep the series 3-0
26645s but seoul will go down without a fight
26647s it's been three or four kills against
26649s only the two that shot had which was a
26651s valiant effort with the overclock was
26652s shot down almost immediately so seoul
26655s gets to breathe for now
26657s i think i got the wrong memo there lemon
26660s that would have been so good to have
26662s especially against the rally when
26663s vindaya music just stripped away all of
26665s that additional health
26667s but now hunger spark they're gonna be
26668s moving into a potentially final fight
26670s here depending on how long they take for
26672s setup with limited resources only really
26675s a nano and yes it's an advantage over
26676s creative's nano but if he can stay alive
26678s for a good portion of this fight that
26679s now will be up in no time and fitz
26681s almost has an overclock of his own plus
26683s on top of all of this hunger spark have
26685s to invest resources to get through these
26687s chokes and find the high ground against
26688s smurf
26690s yeah and he's like get out of the way
26691s alpha i got to nano the right person
26693s here i can't mess this up prophet messes
26695s up the pulse though but spark head in
26698s there's the nano on the gush way forces
26700s out the rally from vin dame he shield
26702s bashes back to spawn fits thought he had
26704s a chance on the right side and gushway
26706s keeps them in
26707s and that is a big answer or at least
26709s heals from creative at the very least
26711s overclocked from fifth on the off angle
26712s no bubble to really stop him until
26714s gushway takes it for himself he has the
26716s primal rage and gushy is in the back but
26719s seoul dynasty on the counter flank they
26721s can't seem to get the same kills and
26723s hogs or spark are getting the push and
26725s it's that three oh sweep against the
26727s number one team of aipac the ultimate
26730s upset of the mid-season madness
26733s hangzhou spark defy every single
26737s expectation and it's an in-series
26739s turnaround as well who would have
26741s thought as he watched prophet dominia on
26744s well
26745s be untouched unfazed in his lane arching
26748s away with the bow and arrow like he's
26749s competing at the olympics instead and
26751s getting gold
26753s that hong joe spark would not only turn
26755s around ilios but they'd sweep through
26758s the entire series and make seoul dynasty
26761s look almost toothless in so many cases
26765s this was an absolute showcase not for
26768s alpha yi not for shai but for the
26770s entirety of hong joe spark because for
26772s facti's hungzhou sparks support line
26775s today has been worth its weight in gold
26779s oh man jesse saw the emotion from hong
26782s sho spark of how much work they put into
26784s this moment turning around a 3-0 that
26787s happened in the regular season seoul
26788s were beating them down i mean seoul had
26790s third pick they could have chosen
26792s shanghai they thought hangzhou spark was
26795s the easier opponent
26797s and they got three-owned and they lost
26799s every single map that they picked i mean
26801s soul a monumental fumble but you saw it
26805s on the faces of hangzhou spark just the
26807s emotion especially from alfie i was
26808s watching him even yesterday when they
26810s played i mean fusion's car or sorry uh
26813s sparks cards were on the table they
26815s played yesterday so it was up to
26818s it was up to seoul to study up and know
26821s where those weaknesses are and they
26822s still couldn't capitalize but you saw
26824s the faces of especially alpha yi who i
26826s even saw him slapping himself at one
26827s point i'm not sure if he was waking
26828s himself up or really just feeling
26830s defeated in those moments but man did he
26833s rise to the occasion today and you gotta
26836s say alpha yi really was the alpha this
26839s match now i think i do think he had a
26842s great competition against profit and
26844s that went back and forth but ultimately
26846s there is only one deserving of player of
26849s the match and it's alpha he from the
26851s hangzhou spark
26852s yeah he may have been slapping himself
26854s for a while but we're going to slap him
26855s with a player of the match title what a
26857s performance from alpha yi and let's just
26859s put this into context alpha yi
26862s out echoed
26863s profit significantly on illios one of
26866s prophet's favorite heroes and then goes
26869s over to the tracer prophet's most famous
26871s hero since his days on gc busan and apex
26874s season four alongside gesture prophet
26876s could have been the best tracer in the
26878s world season one a championship prophet
26881s was the best tracer in the world and now
26883s he's a rookie coming into the hangzhou
26886s spark going toe to toe mano amano with
26890s profit and winning out as tracer what a
26894s chat
26896s the spark after this win they'll go up
26898s against the gladiators
26900s so not an opponent they've ever faced
26902s before and that's one of america well
26905s i'll say one of america's one of the
26906s west's representatives
26908s and now seoul get to drop down to face
26911s atlanta and that'll be a tough match as
26914s well and look at the statistics a lot of
26917s great sticks from alpha yi and just
26919s overall the consistency and the fact
26922s that he was getting you know dominated
26923s by profit on the hanzo at ranges i've
26926s never seen before just swapping it up
26928s and never giving up and that's the type
26930s of pressure like when i said alpha he
26932s was like slapping himself it's like yeah
26933s you could feel that he was taking in a
26935s lot of the pressure to step up and
26937s perform and then so he did in the match
26939s that mattered the most so
26942s that was a series i wasn't expecting
26944s three o's two three o's today leg day
26947s but we're usually cursed with game fives
26949s but i'm really interested to see the
26951s desks reaction
26953s uh to this match and how much of an
26955s upset this really was so we're going to
26957s throw it to a breath to the desk
26960s break and we'll see you guys for the
26961s next matches
26966s [Music]
26969s oh
26984s [Music]
27002s [Music]
27011s [Music]
27019s [Music]
27040s [Music]
27051s [Music]
27059s [Music]
27067s [Music]
27091s foreign
27092s [Music]
27097s so
27102s [Music]
27216s [Music]
27229s ah
27233s [Music]
27244s i don't know what you just said very
27246s good is everybody sitting down right now
27248s we need to start getting everybody to
27250s sit down
27251s dude can you literally be shocked
27253s can you really just listen to me okay
27261s [Music]
27270s me and robert the only people in the
27272s lobby dude you guys said well if you
27273s want are we playing today
27274s [Music]
27277s will be
27278s wolves
27281s [Music]
27286s huh
27287s oh you say my name
27289s no
27290s never mind danny every time i win an off
27293s roll i'm an off-road hero you need a
27294s type you just talk soccer and you just
27296s lost winston i need someone to type that
27298s match up let's go
27300s gotta lose visited
27303s um
27334s [Music]
27342s oh
27345s [Music]
27356s [Music]
27369s the only thing that matters in this comp
27371s is the ryan so
27379s welcome to watchpoint post show
27380s everybody i'm danny lim i'm here with
27382s bernard from hanzo spark bernard
27385s congratulations on the win and yeah what
27388s a crazy upset i don't think a lot of
27389s people would have predicted the hangzhou
27391s spark win over the seoul dynasty but you
27393s guys made it happen how are you guys
27395s able to defeat the seoul dynasty today
27401s [Music]
27423s foreign
27438s i mean seoul is a great team and also uh
27440s you know we were sort of worried that
27441s because they were such a strong team
27442s that you know
27444s we weren't really sure how the matches
27446s were going to play it out but uh all in
27448s the end what we thought of was you know
27450s we just had to focus really hard on what
27452s we had to do and that was sort of what
27454s was the key uh to our success and the
27456s victory against the seoul dynasty today
27459s and i also want to follow up with
27461s another question bernard because i think
27463s i was watching your matches yesterday
27465s and today and i do want to say that
27467s hanzo spark you guys are popping off in
27469s the tournament right now um you guys
27471s always have been a great team but i
27472s think especially especially in the
27474s tournament this tournament cycle i think
27476s you guys are just going crazy uh
27479s what sort of did anything change
27481s internally
27482s to sort of just help that or was it you
27484s know just sort of like a tournament buff
27496s or
27512s a
27540s i mean individually i think we did
27542s definitely putting a lot of work in and
27544s we did a lot of practices and uh
27545s compared to the last tournament cycle uh
27547s we found a lot of the flaws that were
27550s that we had to fix as a team as well so
27552s i think working on that sort of really
27554s helped uh shape up the team for this
27557s tournament cycle all right uh bernard
27559s that is it for the question thank you so
27560s much for your time and again big
27561s congratulations on your win against old
27563s dynasty
27579s thank you so much danny and bernard and
27582s gentlemen like danny had said uh didn't
27585s really expect anyone to predict the
27587s spark to beat the dynasty
27590s oh wait except i predicted that and both
27594s of you thought that seoul the team that
27596s just got you know three owed were the
27598s ones that were gonna win that's so
27600s that's so interesting you said 70 to 30
27603s odds that they were gonna win
27605s what happened there scott
27608s side spock are really good now i i guess
27612s and the thing is you know we hype up shy
27614s we've talked about how great he is as a
27615s hit scan he didn't even have an
27617s outrageous performance it was honestly
27619s all the other players on the team really
27622s stepping up i think alpha yi especially
27624s on that tracer was just on a completely
27626s different level he went toe-to-toe with
27628s profit and just absolutely put in a and
27632s put in work especially on that again
27634s motor but here's how it went for me we
27636s get onto this iliops map and i'm i'm
27638s watching pro what was this i'm watching
27640s prophet do this and i'm like huh profits
27642s in the server this one's over and then
27644s we went on the lighthouse and i'm like
27645s wait no not like this they literally get
27648s absolutely rolled on this lighthouse and
27650s that set the tone as well for ruins
27652s where
27652s all of a sudden honjo sparks seem to be
27654s in the driving seat and i'm like okay
27656s well hong joe sparky you know it's just
27658s one map the soul dynasty can pull
27659s themselves back from this we go over to
27661s akamoto and they do dominate in at the
27664s attack the seoul dynasty are looking
27666s dominant they have the dive working
27668s stalker is playing well on that sojourn
27670s it doesn't feel like this sigma
27671s composition is going to work for them
27673s and then all of a sudden
27675s the the the hong kong spark have their
27677s attack and they finish with even more
27679s time the seoul dynasty crumble on their
27681s attack and all of a sudden it's a 2-0
27683s deficit and then dorado the rest is
27685s history but johnny we were talking about
27688s it we need to talk about it more the
27689s back line of the seoul dynasty we've
27691s hyped them up so far this season but
27693s creative and midnight
27695s were just
27696s everywhere they should not have been in
27697s this series i mean yeah credit where
27699s credit is due first of all the dives
27701s were good right like alpha yonder tries
27703s the tracer so much impact so many final
27706s blows um and the dive even from seoul
27708s dynasty was good like profit as you said
27709s like racked up the final blows to begin
27711s with it was pretty even when it came to
27712s dive
27713s but like the back line from seoul
27715s dynasty if we wouldn't get a bit
27717s analytical but like individual
27718s performances
27720s the backline just didn't help each other
27722s out and fitz on the ash like he was
27725s nowhere to be found it's such a stark
27727s difference from when we talked about san
27728s francisco shock and like playing around
27729s the batistes playing together as five
27731s this is uh irony and creative on all
27733s heroes in today's matchup and you can
27735s see for yourselves like twice the amount
27737s of deaths from irony final blows 19 to
27741s five he got five final blows on all
27744s heroes over the course of three maps
27746s playing like zenyatta and anna
27749s like oh it was a tough matchup the back
27752s line from seoul dynasty i didn't think
27754s that they helped each other out that
27755s good um you know supporting each other
27757s to keep alive to survive these tracer
27759s and winston dives and like on the
27761s opposite side of the spectrum like
27763s the hangzhou spark pack line they had a
27765s moment in the little hut you know on
27766s point a el dorado
27769s i'm going to none of you brig and
27770s brick's like i'm going to rally you uh
27772s seriously and we're going to make this
27774s work together as a team and like
27775s meanwhile being creative they were just
27777s like not playing well together fits on
27780s the ash i think you should have helped
27781s them out with the coach gun peel a bit
27783s more for his team and they just couldn't
27785s stay alive so seoul dynasty not what we
27787s expected of all from from them today in
27789s this match yeah definitely not what we
27791s expected from them but they still have
27792s the chance of redemption as they get
27794s knocked into the losers uh bracket which
27796s we are going to see in just a bit but
27798s first we're going to be talking about
27799s the best of the day because i think we
27802s had a lot of
27803s really good moments uh but i'm gonna go
27806s ahead and i'm gonna start with mine and
27808s this is actually from the san francisco
27810s shock game against the london spitfire
27812s you know me i'm a spitfire fan but i
27814s thought that this was really an amazing
27815s play if we could just go ahead and take
27817s a look at it
27818s honestly just game changing i think we
27820s could see it right here so we see i
27822s think we have like all five up on the
27825s side of the shock and then
27827s here we see it's you know being
27828s contested and then contested again
27832s until it is tested again what do we call
27834s this what do we call this overly we call
27836s it a cena there we go yeah
27841s good old c9 oh look at the reactions
27844s oh this batboy's just laughing
27852s and i think that was the only uh
27855s map that they had taken yeah well hey we
27857s don't talk about that we don't we don't
27858s talk about that we talk about that
27860s they play
27862s yeah and you know talking about people
27863s that uh potentially got over-confident
27866s in their matches uh we have
27868s uh a strange play by reiner you know
27870s we've all we've all talked about the
27872s tactical crouch we've talked about the
27874s impacts of is that a toxic thing to do
27876s is that a negative thing to do i i love
27878s a good tactical crouch you know a little
27879s bit of a tea bag onto them but ryan is
27881s taking it one step forward he's adding a
27883s dab into into into the mix here we go
27886s we're gonna see here
27887s getting on the pelican he gets the
27888s empowered punch he know he predicts the
27891s blink gets pelican in
27893s and gives him a tactical crouch for this
27895s the cam has to be here you guys ready
27897s for it wait for it oh
27900s damn sometimes you just gotta do it to
27903s him rhino absolutely popping off
27906s he knows what he just did
27908s that's how you know what you did inspire
27910s fear yeah into your the hearts of your
27912s opponents as well stand up dab on them
27915s houston did win the map or they drew it
27923s let that be a lesson to you kids at home
27925s don't you dare dab no diving
27927s i'm gonna tell kids to dab at home i
27929s think it's i think it's safe but johnny
27931s is dabbing still cool
27933s no
27934s it's never you didn't know
27935s no
27936s i have no idea yeah i have no idea right
27940s tick tockers please help me out is this
27941s a trend or are we back into
27944s more doja cats
27948s talking about my worst of the day
27951s of the day whoa
27953s actually some gameplay that was pretty
27955s cool on like you know random gestures
27958s that are not cool at all sparker on
27961s spitfire god i am meant to be a host
27963s with my transition
27966s i he he fragged out on race to route 66
27969s against the shock so even though they
27970s did lose the map i gotta give it to
27972s sparker not because he's swedish i'm
27974s biased but because he generally popped
27976s off so hard with this here as well got a
27978s collateral you know through the diva mc
27979s as well um spectacular performance by
27982s him on earth he just like didn't care
27984s she's like none of me up i'm sliding out
27988s use the ultimates and he just goes ham
27989s through the divo mech gets a nice pick
27991s on the violet as well um and we can
27993s actually take a look at his uh sodium
27995s stats like this entire map even though
27997s they did lose this map against the san
27999s francisco shock you will just see for
28001s yourself like he just popped off on this
28003s 75
28006s 75
28008s that is ludicrous that's actually
28010s madness
28012s that's crazy that's impressive it's
28013s cracked
28014s it's absolutely absolutely amazing so
28016s yeah inspiring no pretty good good good
28018s one good but not as good as our bonus
28022s best oh we're gonna avoid it we've got a
28024s bonus one and of course it is
28027s our tiny tea time oh we saw it super
28031s rich look at that look at that
28033s that's so cute we need to know what's in
28036s it there what what's what could it be in
28038s the tiny cup is it espresso is it i mean
28042s i think it might be is it like one of
28043s those thermoses like there's japanese
28045s thermoses that you've seen them right
28047s yeah well you pull it off and it's a cup
28048s on top yeah
28050s they're winning don't tell me they're
28051s winning
28054s [Laughter]
28056s nothing like a
28058s you got a bit of chug there as well yeah
28060s that's like five five or six different
28062s sips he's just like one two three is the
28065s manager just like okay another one
28067s another one here we go just reload
28070s i really want to see yeah just like the
28072s coach or the manager just halfway
28074s through the game come in with like a tea
28075s kettle and just be like
28077s more for your tiny tea
28079s for your tiny tea more for your time
28081s just for you
28082s of course
28083s we need to get everyone on the team tiny
28085s mugs yeah we won't find one
28088s can we get tiny cups on the desk can we
28089s get tiny cups we'll make it happen i
28091s mean we could take those coconuts and we
28093s could try to like cut open the coconuts
28095s right does anyone know how to cut open a
28096s coconut uh no do you what didn't you say
28098s you once cut your hand on a coconut
28099s trying to open it
28101s is that not a story you want a tone on
28102s broadcast
28104s this is watch point after dark this is
28106s what you asked for
28107s it's dark outside so all of the
28110s childhood trauma comes flooding back in
28112s yes i was not able to open up a coconut
28114s and instead i opened up my finger but
28117s you know what i do know how to do yeah
28118s pull up the bracket
28121s so let's go ahead and take a look
28123s at our updated bracket now that we've
28125s finished all of today looking at the
28127s upper bracket at our thursday matches
28130s we've got the san francisco shock taking
28132s on the shanghai dragons and then that
28135s second match for the day is going to be
28137s the la gladiators taking on our
28139s victorious let me let me amend that one
28142s that's on thursday thursday i'm starting
28144s tomorrow you did say thursday i didn't
28145s say that okay well never mind
28148s maybe maybe i'm changing history maybe
28150s you're trying to i don't know i thought
28151s i said thursday uh but wednesday which
28154s is tomorrow there we go that's where
28157s we're going to see seoul dynasty take on
28159s the atlanta reign houston outlaws take
28161s on toronto defiant dallas fuel taking on
28164s philadelphia fusion
28166s and london spitfire taking down and here
28168s we have tomorrow's schedule as we can
28170s see right here uh 4 p.m pacific time is
28173s when we're going to start with the
28173s spitfire taking on florida mayhem and
28176s this is going to be a good day great
28178s days yeah great day atlanta soul
28182s in the lower bracket one of those people
28184s are going out in the first round that's
28186s brutal philadelphia dallas
28188s that's all one of them is going home
28189s with the first one yeah i i mean i think
28190s about the soul is like the biggest like
28192s boom yeah match up but philly
28196s i mean we all know who's gonna come out
28198s on top there right yeah thousand people
28200s right no
28202s come on fusion fans i'm trying so hard
28205s to represent
28207s trying so i had quite a few people send
28209s me messages saying like thank you fusion
28212s grandma when can i expect my cookies oh
28215s uh have you told them that the cookies
28217s are a lie are you actually going to make
28218s philadelphia you know what i'm going to
28219s say this if the fusion win the entire
28222s tournament okay i'm calling up joe i'm
28225s calling up the fusion i'm calling up
28226s everyone and i will bake as many people
28229s cookies as i possibly can that's a smart
28230s safe bet because they historically have
28232s never been able to do it so shut up
28236s i know they showed me i'm sorry you
28237s didn't really put anything out there
28238s because they've never won i'm committed
28241s to this okay i'm committed to this and
28243s half of the cookies are going to say
28245s that custa sucks but gentlemen as we
28248s close out today do we have any final
28251s thoughts before we rest up for
28253s tomorrow timbers
28259s i
28259s lost it
28261s i'm taking these home if a palm tree
28263s falls on a watchpoint desk and no one is
28265s around to hear it does it make a sound
28269s because i felt like all of us were here
28271s and we didn't hear anything
28273s chad did you hear anything let us know
28275s the philosophical question yeah it costs
28277s any final thoughts from you no i don't
28279s know i don't want to hear it anyways
28280s because it's time to go thank you all so
28283s much for watching stopping me in hong
28284s kong stop it back tomorrow
28287s then we will see you we need to see
28288s pineapples it's the pineapple why do we
28291s have so many pineapples
28292s [Music]
28314s [Music]
28320s [Applause]
28321s [Music]
28324s [Applause]
28331s [Music]
28346s so
28350s [Music]
28359s [Music]
28368s [Music]
28381s [Music]
28392s hmm
28397s [Music]
28412s [Music]
28423s [Music]
28430s you