over 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [cassette tape loading]
2s [cassette tape rewinding]
4s [cassette tape playing]
6s [pop-punk music playing]
8s [Mercy] Did someone call for a witch?
10s -[Reinhardt laughs] -[Zenyatta] Frightening.
18s [Genji] The demon and I are one.
24s [D.Va] One for my highlight reel.
26s [Mercy] New advancements discovered.
33s [Reinhardt] I feel like a new man.
38s [Reaper cackles]
42s [Zenyatta] Be reborn.
48s [D.Va] Bang! Ready to engage.
51s [Ana] I'm the angel on your shoulder.
53s Naptime.
57s [Baptiste] I always liked working with you.
63s [D.Va laughs] GG!
65s [Mercy] Someone call the whambulance!
67s [Reaper] I'm unstoppable.
70s [Reinhardt laughs]
73s [Genji] My sword is the way.