about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
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51s so
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78s so
92s so
107s [Music]
122s so
129s [Music]
133s so
141s [Music]
158s me
162s [Music]
190s [Music]
196s hmm
208s [Music]
218s [Music]
219s so
227s [Music]
240s [Music]
248s [Music]
258s [Music]
272s [Music]
282s [Music]
292s [Music]
314s [Music]
347s [Laughter]
354s [Music]
369s [Music]
384s [Music]
401s so
408s [Laughter]
415s [Music]
428s [Music]
445s [Music]
457s [Music]
495s [Music]
504s [Music]
513s so
523s [Music]
535s [Music]
538s [Applause]
546s hey
551s [Music]
598s [Music]
621s [Music]
640s [Music]
689s [Music]
750s [Music]
753s do
755s [Music]
774s [Music]
800s [Music]
809s my
812s [Music]
825s [Music]
835s [Music]
847s [Music]
868s so
870s [Music]
891s as long as he can the point is allowed
893s to flip down the mayhem sweep them away
896s unbelievable
908s [Music]
911s what the hell did i just win this uh
914s pardon all right looks like pork's back
916s on the menu boys
918s killed two and he dropped it sides
925s double three in overtime massive opening
928s is shy looked incredible
932s was that a triple collapse
945s welcome to watch point i'm olivia may
947s with jonathan reinvert
949s scott custic kennedy and welcome to our
952s mid-season slumber party who practiced
955s i cannot believe this is where we ended
958s up
959s winning sports i'm having prices
962s we can do whatever we want
964s i just want to point out the fact that i
966s think it was a couple weeks ago i
967s started tweeting about how i was
968s frustrated that for esports broadcasts
971s big shows and everything they always
972s want you to dress up put on a dress put
974s on a suit and i'm like
976s this is esports welcome to east well
978s honestly this is how what the people
980s want you know chat yeah you guys might
982s think you want a professional broadcast
984s with hard-hitting analysis with serious
986s tones no no no it's this
989s let's wait actually chat let's get this
991s let's get some squeaks in chat if you
993s like johnny's onesie let's get some
995s oinks in chats
998s customs and then
1002s yeah so some winston winston
1006s he doesn't i don't know peanut butter
1008s bananas start spamming into the chat for
1010s me uh well for those of you who are
1012s wondering why we're rocking onesies we'd
1014s love to tell you but you're just gonna
1015s have to wait a little bit because first
1017s up we've got breaking news it's the
1019s bracket
1021s [Music]
1022s four teams are out eight remain and two
1026s more will be out of the tournament today
1028s we see the winners bracket on our screen
1030s right now and of course we do have the
1032s losers bracket right below it now
1033s gentlemen quick hits before we you know
1035s move on through the day what's the
1037s biggest surprise of the bracket so far
1039s custom oh it has to be sold dynasty
1041s going out in the first round
1044s and the dallas fuel going down in the
1045s first round obviously they've had a
1047s worse tournament but like seoul looked
1049s to be on form so i don't know i'm just
1051s lost and here's the schedule and how
1053s today is going to break down we have our
1055s first match at 4pm that's atlanta taking
1057s on houston outlaws then we have of
1059s course florida taking on philly
1061s mark taking on the gladiators and
1063s shanghai dragon taking on the san
1065s francisco shock to rap huh she's she's
1067s bleeding she's bleeding into me at this
1069s point i i i think i'm a philly fan now
1072s the power of association i think i'm
1075s just i'm invested in the philadelphia
1077s fusion i i kind of want to see how it's
1079s going to play out corruptions johnny
1080s yeah i'm going to get you too by the end
1083s of this week i'm going you're going to
1084s be a fusion fan by the end of today
1086s you're going to be a fusion fan you're
1088s going to be squeaking and wiggling those
1089s little hamster ears for the fusion
1092s whenever that's
1097s as you said the bracket hasn't been
1098s exactly what most of us have expected so
1101s far but then again neither has our
1103s entire been for the week now to
1105s celebrate getting to the halfway point
1107s of the mid-season madness tournament we
1109s all wanted to rock our overwatch spirit
1111s animals and talk about our strengths
1113s throughout the week so far so johnny
1116s does it get hot rolling around in that
1117s ball all day for our players no
1120s if it's made in america we got ac in the
1122s wrecking ball all right fresh cold air
1125s right in hamster cool and ready to go
1127s just like these four wrecking ball
1130s players still remaining in the mid
1132s season madness tournament all right
1134s they're stacked okay so let's kick up
1136s with the fusion the fusion vibes it's
1138s bellows rio all right great wrecking
1140s ball keep your eyes on this dude the
1142s tech keys displayed it's been amazing so
1144s far we got bernard as well my dudes on
1146s the huntington spark i've been impressed
1148s with bernard being able to pick up the
1149s wrecking ball you know he's supposed to
1150s be like an off-tank player right we got
1152s fate spinning the hamster wheel of fate
1155s is fake
1156s own the wrecking ball all right be ready
1158s for this guy and also mikey picked up of
1160s course what part of the boston uprising
1162s a couple years ago for his wrecking ball
1163s play but now he's a fully fledged tank
1166s and he's bringing the wrecking ball play
1167s as well look at these moves
1171s sayonara in hamster speeds i don't know
1173s what that is there's something
1176s keep your eyes out for these wrecking
1177s ball players because they are going ham
1180s so far in the meeting
1182s i am loving what i'm seeing for these
1184s the four
1185s the four ball men of the apocalypse i
1187s don't know
1188s i put you too far that's my that's my
1190s name they're four ball men of the
1192s apocalypse belongs to bernard fate and
1195s mikey
1198s he committed that's that's commitment if
1200s i've ever seen it before i'm impressed
1202s i'm laughing so hard that my stomach
1206s no
1207s or should i say pigsta i'm a little
1209s confused as to your attire for today
1212s because i don't think we've seen a
1213s single road hog in the tournament so far
1216s when we pitched this idea i thought we
1218s were talking about players not heroes so
1220s i feel like i missed the memo on this
1223s one but hey it works let's talk about
1225s piggy on the houston outlaws he's been
1227s absolutely incredible so far in this
1229s tournament we saw in the kickoff clash
1231s the houston outlaws were kind of one
1233s dimensional with that dante doomfist and
1235s it didn't feel like piggy was ever
1237s getting any legs but oink oink he's here
1239s in the mid-season madness tournament he
1241s has been playing everything as well he
1243s has been playing desire as you can see
1245s right here on the screen pretty good
1246s against that doomfist we've also seen it
1249s move over to the sigma on maps like
1250s circa royale he's even picked up the
1252s winston here on dorado he has been
1255s impressive on them as well like usually
1257s when we see some of these other off-tank
1259s players move over to the main tank roll
1261s it can be pretty hit and miss but piggy
1264s has been impressing me so far even on
1266s the reinhardt the the
1267s the pig heart if you will i don't know i
1270s i don't have as good of ones as you
1271s johnny but
1273s you can't it's the pink queen and you
1275s can't be
1276s too upset with what piggy has been doing
1278s so far in this tournament and you can't
1280s not love him either he's so animated in
1283s his camps he's such a funny personality
1285s to have in the league i'm the piggy fan
1287s that's why i got a piggy one john i love
1289s it okay well it's great from wrecking
1290s ball and roadhog but guys listen you
1292s have been like flaunting your analysis
1294s all week long and i really wanted to
1296s catch up and really yeah
1298s as winston and i i chose winston because
1301s not only am i a genius scientist but i
1305s also
1306s love peanut butter all right and so
1308s that's that's why i chose winston for
1310s today where are we going
1312s oh you got a banana as well okay
1315s yeah i am winston you are winston
1331s is that custom what do we do what do we
1333s do
1334s thanks i don't i didn't get us out of
1336s here next we need you to get us out of
1338s here
1339s maybe give me the peanut butter you
1340s don't need the hex get us out of here
1342s outta here breaking nice
1344s give me the peanut butter
1363s [Music]
1374s hey
1378s [Music]
1410s [Music]
1419s [Music]
1457s [Music]
1472s [Music]
1489s [Music]
1527s welcome back to watchpoint
1529s although we weren't invited to hawaii we
1531s made up for it by harvesting a nice
1532s coconut harvest for ourselves
1535s in sunny irvine california also if you
1538s live near the blizzard campus and saw a
1539s girl in a monkey costume stealing
1541s coconuts from your trees no you didn't
1545s there's coconuts here it's california
1547s what what
1549s i'm pretty sure i've seen coconut trees
1550s i don't i don't think that's fruit palm
1552s trees don't they have coconuts in them i
1554s don't think so maybe are they
1558s you're asking a sweden in australia
1560s you're the one who's supposed to know
1561s this i thought
1563s boys regardless these are very special
1565s coconuts because inside each and every
1568s one of these are the teams which are the
1570s lower seeds in today's brackets now
1572s you're going to select a coconut without
1574s knowing which team is inside and then
1576s you're going to explain how that team is
1578s going to pull off an upset against the
1580s higher seeded team that they are playing
1581s against all in a segment that we like to
1584s call
1585s coconut set
1587s we didn't
1589s it was late when we had to come up with
1591s the name for that one so i feel like
1592s that wasn't our best i was not part of
1594s that conversation
1595s i really like it we were here until like
1597s i think one in the morning and i think
1599s that was our best
1601s i think that was our best idea
1604s but rainforest we're going to start with
1605s you first so pick your first coconut
1607s show us who you have and tell us how
1609s that team is going to pull off the upset
1611s and you get the that one yeah you start
1613s with that one
1615s you ready
1617s reveal its wonders
1618s what do we got
1620s it is
1622s the florida
1624s man
1628s do i have to say what lord are going to
1629s win now they're going to win
1632s but what if they can't
1634s no that's not that no
1635s you got this come on coconut florida
1637s they got upswings
1639s uh they're not too many ball players i'm
1641s lost uh
1643s florida mayhem yes of course the florida
1645s mayhem uh they have a chance to beat the
1647s philadelphia fusion here today uh i was
1649s impressed by the way they reverse sweep
1651s their own spitfire big mental big mental
1654s strength there being able to overcome
1655s the o2 deficit i like their first
1658s engagements here checkmate i think that
1660s he's a very tactical tracer player the
1662s way they took down hardy early on and
1664s gained themselves a man advantage big
1666s pull sponsor great by the way from
1667s checkmate that's a very hard you know
1669s looking downwards widowmaker shot if you
1671s played overwatch you know how hard it is
1672s those shots as well they have the
1674s strategical depth here for the florida
1677s miami to overcome the philadelphia
1679s fusion yeah
1683s what's the strategical depth that you
1685s like about them um i like their plans
1687s their compositions they're well thought
1688s out the shot calling the rotations the
1690s uh the team planning of course uh for
1692s example we could see that at nineveh
1693s point b yesterday the way they decided
1695s to approach the payload instead to draw
1697s the opponents away from the castle the
1699s high ground in a way to force player
1700s movement so i i like the strategical
1702s things from florida they're very smart
1704s very smart team so maybe they could
1706s outsmart their opponents in the fusion
1708s today so if they play smart that's how
1709s they could pull off the coconut set
1712s i did my best
1713s i like i just have to keep finding ways
1715s to say coconuts but custa you're up next
1718s to go ahead and choose your nut
1721s i feel it
1722s i think this one
1724s you say i have to choose this one's
1725s called the blue one i can tell that it's
1727s calling to you
1728s i got
1730s the overwatch league oh no wait a second
1732s i got the atlanta right um
1734s the atlanta rain this is an easy one
1736s actually i got yeah this is you guys you
1738s guys listen
1740s the atlanta reigns just beat the seoul
1741s dynasties this should be if they can
1744s beat the seoul dynasty they can beat the
1746s houston outlet the sole dancer did go
1747s out there yeah but seoul dynasty are the
1749s best and you know why because they got
1751s kai kai is one of the best hit scans we
1753s have in the world we're always like ooh
1755s is kai really the best the east have
1757s such great hit scans kai
1759s dominated fitz on their attack he was
1762s all over them we know that he has that
1764s prowess to take over games so he can do
1766s that then you look at this back line
1767s they have ultraviolet and og og is
1770s showing the ability to play these double
1771s flex support heroes if they need to do
1774s it so they're just this talented
1776s backline that is just starting to get
1777s into their own on the playoff stage and
1780s then you know venom on that tracer he
1782s went toe-to-toe with profit in map five
1784s in the final team fight of all time and
1786s won the traits of 1v1 you know how many
1788s other people have done that before
1789s nobody nobody nobody has ever been able
1791s to shut down playoff p in the moment
1794s atlanta rain they got this easier over
1795s the houston outlaws houston alola's
1796s going to choke as they always do that's
1798s pretty good oh well ouchy for all the
1800s houston fans who are watching us right
1802s now but uh johnny for you squeak squeak
1804s squeak squeak squeakums yes
1807s which means of course select your next
1809s coconut that one's just too far away no
1811s you don't get the pink one i you you get
1813s that one it's closer to you
1816s wow real real mom vibes today my guys
1821s you took
1825s [Laughter]
1826s for our next team is going to be
1830s the shanghai dragon
1834s you get an easy one the shanghai dragons
1837s i mean i don't even know who put this
1838s thing here number five against the
1840s number one san francisco shock but look
1841s okay the shanghai dragons they're going
1843s to win this one easy okay they are the
1846s 2021 champs they found their group they
1849s figured out the five versus five issues
1851s lip he is the best hitscan player in the
1853s world that's right he's better than shy
1854s lip is just a phenomenal player and he's
1856s going to dominate in today's game as
1858s well they have the experience they
1860s played so many playoff games together
1862s whereas san francisco shocked they're
1863s coming in with rookies san francisco
1864s shock of course they underperformed in
1866s the kickoff clash tournament this is
1867s just prime time for the dragons to come
1870s out on top and really show us that
1872s veteran experience being able to live up
1874s to the moment i think the shanghai
1876s dragons are looking so good right now
1877s whether it's void here playing sigma
1879s circuit real life on the widowmaker
1881s faith and his shot calling the way i
1882s approached the wrecking ball i think
1884s it's phenomenal yes the back line been a
1886s bit of a question mark but i'll be there
1888s question mark for the shanghai dragons
1889s it hasn't really been you know summer
1890s showdown 2021 levels but it's going to
1892s be completely fine the dragons they're
1896s going to come out on top on the san
1897s francisco show it's just way too much
1898s confidence going up against the number
1900s one seed i did it bad mouth you're
1902s atlanta rain pick but it's because i had
1905s i had they're playing against the
1906s houston outlaws
1907s but the san francisco shock are a
1910s phenomenal team and they look to be
1911s coming into their own i just i guess i
1913s feel like you're being
1915s too unfair to the shock but he's right
1916s shanghai dragons are the fact that
1918s they're even number five save this stuff
1920s yeah i mean didn't the san francisco
1921s shock have that one uh c9 moment so they
1924s aren't flawless everyone's having they
1927s can bleed oh no
1929s everyone's had a bad day
1931s all right well there's only one coconut
1934s left so scott i believe that is yours to
1936s select power of deduction my last one is
1939s going to be
1941s quicha
1943s i'm i've even i've even dressed up for
1945s the occasion oh you match the hongzhou
1947s spark are looking dominant this is a
1950s team that has always struggled to show
1951s up in the playoffs but they had a great
1953s first match knocking down the seoul
1955s dynasty into the low brackets so they've
1957s been incredible the los angeles
1959s gladiators i needed to be more
1960s convincing well okay just i'm ramping up
1963s johnny okay the los angeles gladiators
1965s we always talk about how great this team
1967s is but they just dominate the west the
1968s west schmest the east is where the real
1971s powerhouses are that's where shai is
1973s that's where alpha yi the valiant the
1975s guantanamo challenge yeah those great
1978s great teams that exist in the east
1980s the cheyenne after you though have been
1982s on a different level we always talk
1983s about shai but alpha yi on that tracer
1985s in that match against seoul was
1987s absolutely ridiculous he went toe-to-toe
1990s with the goat and came out on top but
1992s now has shown his flexibility so far and
1995s even gucci has come in to play that week
1997s and i i've been harsh on the goose way i
2000s think he's a little washed but he's been
2001s performing so well in the playoffs right
2003s now that i can't even you know be too
2005s upset about it and irony and super rich
2007s were able to deflect the dive the super
2009s cup that smurf pacific and he has the t
2011s the t that i don't know how to pronounce
2013s he has that xanthan chrysanthemum
2017s you
2024s in his little cup that will lead them a
2027s little cup big hopes and dreams in that
2029s cup and he's sipping it every day and
2032s that's why they're going to get the win
2034s are you flicking all these cards he's
2036s flicking it you don't see that he's
2037s making i'm making a pile it's a very
2039s neat pile in the corner we're healthy
2041s not health uh environmentally conscious
2043s here yeah well mercifully that segment
2047s is over and that's the segway
2050s because we've got a new mercy skin royal
2053s [Laughter]
2059s and this knight design can be yours for
2061s the low price of 200 overwatch league
2064s tokens which i recently just learned
2066s that you earned by watching the
2068s overwatch league but i can't get any
2070s through hosting yeah so uh
2075s hit me up please now link your account
2077s and tune in and you get the mercy skin
2079s or you get to the opportunity to buy the
2081s mercy skin i should say please send me a
2083s code i want the skin
2084s [Laughter]
2085s now we've got a day full of games ahead
2088s of us but the match that caught our eyes
2090s is the battle of champions shanghai
2093s versus san francisco and actually guys i
2096s have the name of the winner of that game
2099s in my coconut right here so i'm gonna
2101s open open it up and i'm gonna i'm gonna
2103s predict it so i'm just gonna open up you
2105s guys got my coconut i got the script
2107s i have the script yeah you know it's not
2109s white and you got it yeah i have do we
2111s have anything sharp and we need to get
2112s the print strike we need a knife we need
2115s i need how hard is your hammer oh yeah
2117s yeah yeah yeah yeah hit me on the head
2118s right yeah ready three two one stop uh
2122s not working no i need to know who the
2124s winner is
2125s okay you know what gonna break and by
2126s the time we come back i think i could go
2128s break it on the pavement yeah we can
2129s break it on the pavement let's get up
2130s okay let's go break it on the paper oh
2132s god let's go try this really fast
2134s banana i'd love a banana yeah could i
2136s have the banana yes okay let's give me
2138s the banana then we're gonna go break it
2139s on the concrete all right
2142s can i have the banana yeah but it's too
2144s far away
2174s [Music]
2241s [Music]
2249s [Music]
2255s [Music]
2270s [Music]
2326s welcome back to watchpoint i just want
2327s to point out this one message that i saw
2329s in the chat really fast this is from
2330s ashura cujo saying custa will now vote
2333s for the justice every single time
2335s because of avili no yeah no i do feel a
2338s little woozy i'm disappointed
2342s aren't here you know they are the best
2343s team in the overwatch league and i i
2344s think they're my them i'm their number
2346s one fans that's explained so much where
2348s the coconut go we got to give them
2349s another punk
2351s everything
2352s get that get him back out of his head
2353s get him back in all right guys well it
2356s may be the last match of the day but we
2358s couldn't wait to talk about the san
2359s francisco shock versus the shanghai
2361s dragons both of these teams have been
2363s dominant in the last few years of the
2365s league so this is the battle of the
2367s giants for the uninitiated let's take a
2370s look at what these teams have
2371s accomplished scott san francisco shock
2373s one of the best franchises that we've
2375s ever had in the league we don't talk
2376s about 2018 but uh they've been dominant
2379s since then the 2019 grand finals 2020
2381s grand finals winners they were
2383s incredible they were just above everyone
2385s else by such a large margin they have
2387s had a bit of a stumble in the 2021
2390s season they just didn't live up to the
2392s expectations with a couple of those
2393s newer players but they're back 2022
2396s they've added a lot of new rookies they
2399s look to be a dominant franchise and
2400s they're currently undefeated in the
2401s regular season so
2403s shock you know poised to take a
2405s championship that's a pretty nice
2406s looking resume but johnny how are the
2408s dragons looking they're looking pretty
2409s good all things considered recently
2412s shanghai dragons have been on top so
2413s yeah san francisco shock might have two
2415s championships shanghai dragons have the
2417s most recent championship and they've
2418s been so dominant since the 2020 season
2421s of course dominating in the apac region
2423s separate from the shock winning all
2424s those stage titles there and then also
2427s winning the grand finals last year you
2429s know that'll fuel they started out a bit
2430s ahead i would argue last season of
2432s course winnie the main melee etc but the
2434s latter half of the season it was all
2436s shanghai dragons so this is really the
2439s battle of like the two most successful
2440s franchises in overwatch league history
2443s so uh we're in for a treat yeah now
2445s custom while the dragons have been
2446s winning and have looked good so far
2448s throughout the tournament you have some
2449s concerns about the backline yeah the
2451s back line has been a little iffy so far
2454s for me you know li jig on an iziyaki you
2456s know you just talking about the
2457s dominance of them recently they were
2459s really the pioneers of like the backline
2461s especially with izyaki on that zenyatta
2463s he is just an aggressive player likes to
2466s use that transcendence as a personal
2467s healing tool and a get out of jail free
2469s card but the rookie finn has been
2472s stepping up this season and in the
2473s mid-season madness qualifiers so far
2476s he has just been incredible look at him
2478s beating him in damage healing final
2480s blows def sorry offensive assists and
2482s has less deaths and i want to give
2484s credit to finn because he is a rookie
2486s the rookie is becoming the master but
2488s for me if the shanghai dragons are going
2490s to make this big comeback it needs to be
2492s back on the back of izayaki i think he
2494s has not been having those same level of
2496s performances on that zenyatta as he has
2498s in the past so
2500s you know come on izzy i believe in you
2502s now johnny throughout their history the
2504s shock have been dominant and a lot of
2506s that comes off the back of innovation
2508s and strategies that other teams just
2510s quite frankly don't run and they're
2512s doing it once again
2514s yeah uh the san francisco shock i mean
2516s we're about to show a staff card that is
2518s just like so crazy when you actually
2520s take a look at it they have been playing
2522s more diva than anyone else and i just
2525s don't mean like more diva like they've
2526s been playing all the diva
2528s what is this collusion with almost 30
2531s minutes of play time on the diva so far
2533s in the mid-season madness tournament and
2534s meanwhile hanbin is second with one
2536s minute 15 seconds on route yesterday
2539s sorry what so of course a bit of an old
2541s pick here bringing out the diva in the
2543s mid-season madness tournament but i like
2544s it for the san francisco show the added
2547s defensive capabilities with the defense
2548s matrix it ensures that you can protect
2550s sam you can protect um kilo as well on
2553s those long range hitscan picks and it
2555s makes it difficult for the opponent to
2556s come in and get value you have the
2558s defense matrix you have an immortality
2560s field it gets hard to wrap up those
2562s final blows for the opponents and so i
2563s like this added defensibility for the
2566s core of their team which is the backline
2567s and their long-range hit scan and proper
2569s he can just you know blink around do
2571s proper things get a couple of picks and
2573s well there you have it you survived long
2575s enough to find yourself in a mad
2576s advantage so i like the diva pick coming
2578s out from the shop and it's an added
2580s extra a little bit of a quirk for the
2581s shanghai dragons to deal with
2584s unfortunately we didn't really have a
2585s diva onesie for one of us to wear as
2588s we're talking about you know the tank
2589s match-ups but i don't think i would do
2591s well in the diva onesie you know it's
2593s it's very tight i feel like i like the
2595s baggy piggy outfit a little bit yeah i
2597s heard that you pulled off a good mercy
2598s though my mercy cosplay was good yeah i
2600s committed i shaved the legs yeah no all
2602s don't google it content warning uh but
2605s yeah no no i mean again as we're talking
2607s about tanks we don't have the diva we
2608s also don't have uh
2610s i guess a tank onesie for the next
2611s player that i'd like to talk about
2612s because the tank matchup is getting very
2614s interesting because the dragons are
2616s throwing in some wrinkles as well yeah
2617s the shanghai dragons and fate most
2619s recently said in an interview yeah we
2621s have played a lot of wrecking ball but
2623s that's just been because that's what
2624s we've needed to do no one has really
2626s pushed us into our other strategies that
2628s we have in our back pocket and we most
2630s recently saw one of those strategies
2632s with that doomfist fate picking it up he
2634s hadn't played it at all so far this
2636s season but in the playoffs he picked it
2637s up and was very good at it and we know
2639s how great of a player fate is on this
2642s tank roll and he was able to step up so
2645s i think that might be an important thing
2646s you know you just talked about johnny
2648s the diva a different look coming from
2650s the team i was a little worried about
2652s the flexibility of the shanghai dragons
2654s coming into this you know playoff
2655s situation are they only going to be able
2657s to die on that wrecking ball hill but i
2659s actually think there's a lot more there
2660s than we give them credit for so i'm
2662s excited to see more from fate and the
2664s shanghai dragons and what they can show
2666s definitely excited again this is the
2668s final match of the day so we do have
2670s quite a few other games to get through
2672s before we get to see these two face off
2674s but gentlemen
2675s it's that time once again it's time to
2678s see predictions
2680s i'm leading i'm leading a prediction
2682s that's not true only me i think it is
2683s just me no ties just me don't fact-check
2686s that but let's go ahead and take a look
2687s at our predictions for today
2692s oh
2693s yes scott
2696s okay i want to defend oh wow that's
2698s that's a back and forth
2700s let me defend my juice and pick as well
2701s because it's completely something out of
2703s the server atlanta rain i know how short
2706s this turnaround is for them to play
2707s another match because we were also here
2709s late last night they only have like a 12
2711s hour turnaround to recover get ready for
2713s the next match while houston should be
2715s rested i think that might weigh on them
2717s and i think that might be difficult for
2718s them to get back into the server but
2720s it's going to be a close match okay but
2721s kai tweeted that lebron gift i would be
2723s scared
2724s he did he's hecks i need a change
2728s before my handshake spark pick over the
2731s l.a gladiators
2733s i don't have anything to say
2735s oh oh what did they do that's cuz what
2738s are you doing is this how hamsters eat
2740s fruit no one wants to watch this anymore
2742s no one wants to watch this anymore we're
2743s going to go to a quick break because
2745s that's it for watch point day four of
2746s the mid-season madness tournament starts
2748s right now oh and stop it
2752s but i'll beat you to the finish line
2754s cause we ought to get it feeling fine
2755s keep it up and we'll be creeping up one
2757s another
2759s the team hits a shadow of his own and
2760s pins charon to the wall as long as he
2762s can the point is allowed to flip down
2764s the mayhem sweep them away unbelievable
2768s are you ready
2778s [Music]
2782s what the hell did i just win this uh
2784s pardon all right looks like pork's back
2786s on the menu boys leopard killed two
2789s and he jumps at sides three
2794s it's a double pulse and double pulse in
2797s overtime maximum opening is shy looks
2800s incredible mirror what
2804s where did that come from
2807s [Music]
2816s well i think we can all agree matthew
2818s that the mid-season madness so far has
2821s delivered and here in the lower bracket
2823s the stakes are continuing to get higher
2825s and higher it's elimination time for
2826s both these teams and hopefully somebody
2828s there is helping johnny out maybe giving
2830s him some counselling because what he
2831s just did to that banana that should not
2832s be allowed
2834s yeah i think i saw a soda pop and eat a
2836s banana once uh
2838s yeah i say no more man that doesn't
2840s really help johnny's case as far as i'm
2842s concerned yeah the desk is you know look
2844s it was a late night last night crazy
2846s games like we were just talking about
2847s okay like the games have been incredible
2849s this week uh for the most part like
2851s every game has been like relatively like
2853s even if it was like a 3-1-3-0 it's like
2855s been close like back and forth uh i
2858s think this first game is kind of set up
2859s to be something like that as well they
2860s talked about atlanta with like a quick
2862s turnaround uh from last night to today
2865s uh but it atlanta is a team that rise to
2868s the occasion i would not be
2870s shocked if they come in and you know
2871s look pretty fresh oh i love that you
2872s point that out because obviously the
2874s atlanta reign are coming off an
2875s incredible match against the seoul
2877s dynasty a team packed by so many to be
2880s the best or at least one of the best
2882s over in the eastern region they overcome
2884s that ridiculous challenge but their next
2886s match up it's super charged with emotion
2889s all right houston versus atlanta it's a
2892s classic matchup with the last time these
2894s two teams met it was an unreal c9
2897s situation in map five uh an expression
2900s on hawke's face that will be
2902s immortalized the shock of what had
2904s happened to the atlanta reign they're
2906s here to run it back now not only for
2908s their survival here in the mid-season
2909s madness but also to settle an old score
2912s i think uh a lot of c9s this season is
2915s players just trying to figure out uh
2917s that's one lesson right diva diva or
2920s lucio right uh those would be the
2921s players that would get on and touch um
2925s you know this is kind of like where you
2927s would uh
2928s stay like they're
2930s they're definitely going to be up for it
2931s today like there's not going to be a
2933s uh situation where they forget to get
2935s onto the payload i also thought one of
2937s the the more interesting interesting
2939s things is like you know how they've
2940s committed to this setup with hawk is the
2942s tank now he's able to
2944s play against seoul dynasty last night
2946s against smurf like in winston and stuff
2947s like that which is like right up smurf's
2949s wheelhouse one of the best in the world
2950s and uh yeah it looked fine and took the
2953s win smoke is so similar in that regard
2955s he was hailed as the really flexible
2957s tank that you know was rotated he was
2959s super back in the heyday of that san
2961s francisco shock but he's the man on your
2963s screen a lot of investment into this guy
2966s to make the tank roll on this team
2968s indomitable let's throw have a look at
2970s the other side of the aisle here is
2971s again these two teams are in the same
2974s room now an inauspicious loss to the los
2977s angeles gladiators for the outlaws with
2979s some extra spice at the end on social
2981s media you'd better believe a fire in the
2983s belly for this team then they've had a
2984s day off to prepare themselves now
2986s fighting for their survival the winner
2988s of this game goes on and takes the win
2990s takes on the winner of what shock and
2992s the dragons the loser they're headed
2994s home
2995s yeah i mean that is uh
2998s this tour whoever wins this tournament
2999s like this is the uh hardest road right
3002s like they're you know turn them into the
3004s past you have like four teams even like
3006s you know eight but not international
3007s like
3008s just think about like oh well after you
3009s get past this round and losers you'd
3011s have to play the loser of shock dragons
3013s like it's not really a a great prize uh
3017s you know you could kind of go home with
3018s dante's starting here uh for the elbow
3021s so that tells you uh some doom fist here
3023s in map number one uh and it is the
3025s outlaws map pick
3027s yeah absolutely they'll be selecting uh
3029s oasis first up in this series spoilers
3031s uh as they come in as uh the higher seed
3034s not by much but again being able to
3036s select that control map makes a big
3038s difference especially when you're you're
3040s playing with a tank that we know dante
3042s doesn't play a ton of stuff outside the
3043s doomfist right this team this outlaws
3046s team they are opposite to the reign in
3048s that they're pretty telegraphed in what
3051s their composition choice is going to be
3052s based on what tank they've got in up
3054s until now oh we just got a smile out of
3056s kai hello you know uh one of the the
3059s first times ever i think got a little
3062s glimpse of why i
3063s think it was something uh funny one of
3065s the outlaws players did on their side of
3068s uh
3069s of the uh set up but
3072s i i think kai versus merits like a crazy
3074s matchup right when they uh when they
3075s were ranking the sojourns like a few
3076s weeks ago they were up there uh
3079s like really like near one and two uh
3082s both of them like a really strong
3083s argument for either of them being
3086s one of the best in the region uh in the
3088s west so excited to see that match up
3091s yeah i think that merit flew under the
3093s radar for for much of this season
3095s honestly until surgeon was playable and
3097s then we started to see him alongside a
3099s lot of other hitscans really make their
3101s mark something to look out for no one
3103s can take away uh that triple clap the
3105s triple kill with the one rail that we
3106s saw from maradona coliseum that was
3108s obviously an incredible moment but he's
3110s looking to add to that cache of memories
3112s here
3113s with some dominant play on oasis gonna
3116s be our first map in this series and
3117s again it's gonna be loser pick here in
3118s this first to three series and to
3121s reiterate ladies germs
3123s winner takes on the shock uh the sorry
3126s the loser of the shock and dragons and
3127s the losers goes home and what i'm what a
3130s match to have for an elimination match
3132s already trash talking the lobby there's
3134s trash talking in the room there's gonna
3135s be plenty of that from start to finish
3138s that's what i love about atlanta i know
3141s some people are like i don't really love
3142s the the trash talk right but i
3144s i mean i love it uh no
3147s coming from call of duty uh no it's kind
3149s of
3150s kind of just ingrained in you we all
3152s want something different out of this
3153s whole experience right but uh even even
3156s people that sort of don't like
3158s the vibes of the atlanta reign have to
3160s admit that this team has been impressive
3162s for quite some time
3163s i like trash talk i know you've been
3165s asking for years that they just had like
3167s a little pip in the bottom of the
3168s gameplay that's just you standing there
3170s casting do you remember what trump was
3172s at 20 dollars to make your dreams happen
3174s was that 2020 world cup where like they
3176s were able to pip ourselves
3178s because we were like
3184s they go back and watch those games that
3185s was uh it was a hell of a time uh that
3187s was acid with uh josh because he started
3190s a match and brent was in the bathroom
3192s yeah we just like picked a headset up
3194s and someone heard me getting angry
3195s because there's no watercolor branded as
3197s a diva forever uh
3198s damn tracer versus genji here uh that's
3201s really kind of the thing you look at
3202s from both of these teams that's the the
3204s difference where pelican he's had like
3207s you know some big moments with like
3208s blades i feel like but just uh kind of
3210s without that ultimate a little bit up
3212s and down performances on the genji so
3213s see how it works out his echo has been
3215s great especially against like the
3216s anti-winston or on the anti-winston plan
3219s it's a good start here though hawk
3220s eventually just kind of loses out in the
3221s neutral there if you could even say
3223s there's one with these compositions iris
3225s and merritt though merida is doing a lot
3226s of work here from the sidelines it's
3228s definitely an outlaws fight win to kick
3230s us off started off by pelican
3232s yeah he got in there there was a discord
3234s on to hawk and then they were able to
3236s put down some damage and i think that's
3238s a little bit more of the advantage of
3239s the genji versus tracer like i think the
3241s tracer can get in and finish those kills
3243s off but obviously takes a little bit
3245s with the blinks depending on how many of
3246s them you still have available right uh
3248s you have to get in there finish it off
3250s pelican just dashes on in just able to
3252s cut right through hawk and take him out
3254s pretty easy i'd suggest that this is the
3256s kind of game the venom really has to go
3258s above and beyond here it's a tough
3260s matchup at all times matching pelicans
3262s impact is going to be crucial and that's
3264s a great start take that caster curse
3266s down as venom finding an opening here in
3268s this fight by removing dante but again
3270s point could be hard to flip here you
3271s better believe the outlaws are gonna try
3273s and make this a little difficult but
3274s with errors going down they lack the
3276s infrastructure to mount a response
3279s yeah that's a nice long range sleep
3280s there from ultraviolet uh onto last year
3283s at long range and
3285s it's one that usually it will stall out
3286s for a little bit but like you mentioned
3288s the outlaws not able to hold on really
3290s there at all and you keep that one going
3292s uh you know they do come back though
3294s here with a nano blade available i know
3297s potentially all five ultimates available
3299s uh coming into this next fight so
3301s if they they're able to get a good blade
3303s here out of pelican they can flip this
3304s rather quick og drops off the high
3306s ground they're just concerned about
3308s we're getting picked off as he would
3309s have to wait for a bit for that passing
3311s to kick in yeah this is nano do for sure
3313s and it's in response to dante jump in
3315s hawk trying to deal with the enemy
3316s doomfist here as dante goes low but he
3318s gets a nano himself and he's gonna
3319s meteor strike on out of there oh my
3321s there is he's not ready for this medial
3324s strike and that is a flat armor
3326s unfortunately for the rain dante's be
3328s going to work on the back line himself
3329s it seems neither team's been able to
3331s stop the doomfist from getting in there
3332s but dante has a bigger impact
3335s yes
3336s we don't see a little bear because
3338s ultraviolet is in like a really nice
3339s spot he's trying to sit in the corner
3341s get a biotic grenade from behind but i
3343s think dante just kind of like shoots out
3345s of a cannon there on the doom face so
3347s the nano and he's able to just roll
3349s through
3350s players on the atlanta reign so just
3352s like that atlanta they do get up to 45
3354s they make it close but houston able to
3356s flip it and with only using the meteor
3358s strike and the nano boost
3360s merit once again
3362s into the middle of the map and that's a
3363s big hit that venom just took discord or
3365s bottom there so he has to recall
3367s annoying for him to waste that so early
3368s on he'll have to hope it comes back
3370s online quickly but kai's found dante
3372s headshot with the rail and now he's
3373s looking for the backline doesn't respect
3375s the transcendence but doesn't see mirror
3377s coming with an overclock of his own
3378s that's two for merit now
3380s clearing the way for the rest of the
3382s outlaws here to continue to mount
3384s he's pretty nasty looking score 84 and
3386s counting matthew atlanta are struggling
3388s to keep in step yeah and that is one
3391s where it looked like atlanta potentially
3393s was going to be able to come in make a
3395s play for the point but mero with the
3396s overclock was just too strong there and
3398s now last year able to keep a teammate up
3400s using the transcendence hunting gets
3402s right on top of kai forces him out it's
3404s gonna be venom getting on the touch
3406s then i'm looking for last row oh the
3408s hulk goes down what a huge pick off
3410s lassro has time to flip the bird to his
3412s opponents and get a huge kill like that
3414s on a hawk that's ridiculous houston in a
3417s great spot now and pelicans really just
3418s trying to do this for insurance's sake
3420s who chase ochi down the kick is oh it's
3423s so frustrating as genji's he struggles
3425s to get to grips but pelicans done more
3427s than enough this round as the outlaws
3428s secure it
3432s i think just really first kills there
3433s you know marriott was able to pick up a
3435s few on the sojourn they did a nice job
3437s of discording hawk and making his life
3439s pretty difficult on the doomfist we'll
3441s see if they're able to
3443s replicate it yet again
3444s i'd also say for delano
3447s if you don't win this map uh it doesn't
3449s go your way
3450s you could really kind of force the
3452s outlaws into what composition they play
3453s moving forward right with your map
3455s selections as we know they kind of uh
3457s rotate those tanks around and have
3459s specific looks for each one yeah take a
3461s look from merits pov so got a kill
3464s earlier yeah and then one with a
3465s disrupter shot and then finishes off
3468s then a
3468s biotic grenade that's nice
3472s very tidy little finish there for
3474s houston but that really was about the
3476s first pick i think oj just ripped uh
3479s excuse me last row rip talk a new one at
3480s the start of that fight having no
3482s doomfist means you have
3484s minimal pressure on the enemy back line
3486s makes it even easier
3488s and we're going to see kylie come out on
3490s ash and something interesting is like we
3492s haven't seen a ton of ash
3494s uh
3496s in the world really for the western
3498s teams yeah we've seen it in the east but
3500s not exactly in the west as uh venom gets
3502s left there
3504s someone tried to surgically extract
3506s lastro's foot from venom's behind before
3508s they can respawn
3510s um yeah look and you can see how like
3512s the disadvantage at range that merits
3513s suffers against ash can be circumvented
3516s by uh power sliding forward
3519s and uh just trying to to belt uh that
3521s enemy ash before they have a chance to
3522s respond so that's a question from
3524s houston taking the space away from kyle
3529s maybe houston knows how important this
3531s match is for last row
3536s there's a lot on the line there's two
3537s friends that extra prize money
3539s he's gonna start uh
3542s at least
3543s we'll have a tally for you
3545s yeah maybe that's what he was trying to
3547s give his teammates more motivation like
3549s hey
3550s if only the outlaws have more scrim
3551s bucks to pay that off with
3553s unfortunate
3556s i mean he's uh he's earning his keep you
3558s know i mean i don't know if last year
3561s he had not been able to get anything
3562s going man
3563s like
3565s the outlaws just upping the pace like
3568s pushing atlanta back where
3570s like there's not even a lot to talk
3571s about from the planet's pov like let's
3573s see how they come in here like a nano
3574s maybe on a hawk but and look at houston
3577s you got the overclock you got a nano of
3578s your own you got a blade like now you
3581s win these fights in such dominant
3583s succession like you're going to end up
3584s like 70 on the point all the ultimates
3586s that you can
3587s dream of here i want to reiterate venom
3590s has to have a big impact here last time
3591s we did like he's stuck on really nice
3592s pulse for dante that's how you should
3594s start these fights hawk is getting shut
3596s down consistently oh then i don't know
3598s you know you're walking into that dji
3600s mate oh my pelican
3602s absolutely ripped limb from limb by og
3604s there who then has himself a quiet sit
3606s down with iris another atlanta reign
3609s back in control a little bit spay in
3610s that fight to be fair
3612s but again nice job there really setting
3614s og up to bring the paint
3617s yeah now you have a transcendence so uh
3620s no blade on the other side you use it
3622s pretty freely what they have to worry
3623s about though is like uh the last time
3625s they used it trying to keep ultraviolet
3626s alive it was uh here's a nice biotic
3628s grenade then you still have merit able
3630s to take him out through that is right
3631s now you have to be so careful going up
3633s against america he's able to like just
3635s build up this charge on the switch just
3637s make these railgun shots connect feels
3639s like almost every time
3641s here's under pressure transcendence
3642s aggressively from emoji goes forward but
3644s it's a bit of a non-boy because hawk
3646s actually got out of the fight as og was
3648s trying to go aggressive and there's
3649s ultraviolet failed by a rail gun kai at
3651s least is able to fire one back but it's
3653s just not enough and again it's dante
3656s having a way bigger impact than hawk has
3658s been able to so far there are a lot of
3660s things going right for the outlaws here
3661s in the atlanta right need to sort
3663s themselves out quick
3665s i also feel like uh you know they
3667s they've really made hawks life pretty
3669s difficult uh you know atlanta trying to
3671s play around him maybe not the best setup
3673s at the current moment because he went in
3675s and made an impact there and i know him
3677s i'm gonna chase down pelican here uh but
3680s they tried to follow it up with the
3681s meteor strike and the transcendence and
3682s it just wasn't enough the the atlanta
3685s rain may flip this year but everybody's
3686s alive for houston coming back no i don't
3688s know if they're flipping this at all
3690s they're down to two players before this
3691s fight really starts kyopp had to go and
3694s touch he had no choice but man the rain
3696s could have benefited from his firepower
3698s in a moment like that surely the houston
3700s outlaws a strong start here
3703s and looking pretty pleased to themselves
3705s well i mean the faces actually they
3707s normally pull so it's really up to your
3708s interpretation but i'm going to say for
3709s the sake of a good story that they're
3711s looking pleased smile on the face of
3714s last row there and a great start for
3716s houston matthew gotta be feeling pretty
3717s good about that first round
3720s yeah i do do think though atlanta rain
3722s with their map selection can really
3723s force what they want out of the outlaws
3725s that's what i'm interested to see moving
3726s forward yeah keep your eyes on that
3728s let's see what atlanta end up choosing
3729s and how the outlaws respond can we
3731s exploit the telegraph nature of
3733s houston's tanks we'll find out
3741s um
3754s [Music]
3792s [Applause]
3794s [Music]
3835s [Music]
3847s [Music]
3857s [Music]
3888s [Music]
3927s [Music]
3935s cool
3940s [Music]
3948s so
3975s [Music]
3983s is
3985s [Music]
4008s [Applause]
4013s having the highest seed in this match
4015s the houston outlaws make their selection
4017s of control map
4018s up first enough to take oasis away
4020s pretty comfortably
4022s now that the atlanta ranger to make a
4024s selection mat they're definitely looking
4025s to play to their strengths so what do
4027s houston have in response
4030s yeah so atlanta ends up picking king's
4032s row here for map number two uh i believe
4035s we saw them played this against the
4036s seoul dynasty the other night they ran
4038s hawk on the winston uh and dante will
4041s stay in for the houston outlaw so tells
4044s you you're gonna be dealing with the
4045s doomfist cops and i think if you're
4047s atlanta rain you kind of know like hey
4048s where can we take advantage of some of
4050s this uh stuff maybe you feel like it's
4052s getting through
4054s all right let's go a little deeper then
4055s how do the atlanta rain take advantage
4057s of presumably going up against the
4059s doomfist set up here for the outlaws
4062s and so oh what on kings road defense
4064s like you have like multiple options
4066s right like could they play a winston bay
4067s set up uh you know that's possibility
4070s for the atlanta reign here uh now that
4072s we've seen hawk play that sigma is
4074s available right where the houston
4076s outlaws don't really and we haven't seen
4078s dante play sigma i'm sure you know he
4080s can play it but just have what level
4083s uh a lot of different options here
4086s uh
4087s for the atlanta reign to play where
4089s houston is kind of just full committing
4091s here
4092s to the doomfist where yeah so on defense
4094s like i mentioned you can play the sigma
4095s winston
4096s uh they're gonna play sigma here to try
4098s and control some of the high ground now
4099s we've seen this matchup happen on a
4101s couple of different maps actually where
4103s a midtown is one i think of right where
4105s we see doomfist going up against the
4107s sigma often tries to unseat the sigma
4109s force them away from his back line or
4111s just deny him that like that handy off
4113s angle setup that those signals often go
4115s for
4116s again to what degree is hawk gonna be
4117s able to respond to you know dante's
4119s dives here
4120s that's probably a question for the
4121s atlanta reign to answer
4123s i do feel like there's better
4125s options for high ground control here
4126s than like midtown on the defensive side
4128s of things right when you're looking at
4129s midtown like you're just kind of set up
4131s by that subway and that choke they can
4133s just kind of run through like here
4134s you're just gonna allow them to move
4136s through the choke but once you're
4137s through right you have complete control
4138s of this high ground still
4140s so you can see how the rain has spread
4142s here along that top
4145s causeway
4146s and again the outlaws have a lot of
4148s checkpoints that need to pass if they
4150s want to get to the back line at all our
4152s first pick here would be huge obviously
4153s usually like a sojourn manufacturing a
4155s pick across the map can't count on those
4156s but they've been crucial in the past
4158s they pap on the kind of player that's
4159s been able to manufacture those
4161s but merit closes the gap already through
4163s the hotel wants to pressure venom down
4165s the orbs are coming in thick and fast
4167s and og claims what
4169s i was gonna say the supports for the
4170s atlanta reign up on the high ground uh
4172s no ultraviolet was able to hit a big
4174s biotic runny that hits dante and pelican
4177s the first go-around and you can see it
4179s at the top of the screen there's kind of
4180s like paying attention to you know
4182s dante's box in particular now he jumps
4184s to the high ground he got hit with an
4185s accretion discord orb on him constantly
4188s uh makes it very difficult to stand up
4190s there and kind of try and trade as a
4192s doomfist
4193s against the sigma based compositions and
4195s i think the supports especially though g
4197s getting to pick there on the zen even
4199s just kind of dealing with the players to
4200s his left dealing of players on the point
4202s doing a nice job
4204s knows he can barely interact with people
4206s in og's position unless he closes the
4208s gap somehow his primary fire is not
4209s built for that kind of range so the
4211s outlaws give it a tickle drop onto the
4213s point briefly now as pelican looks to
4214s try and isolate some play but always
4216s sees a sigma and an accretion
4218s immediately after he's able to back away
4220s and dante tries to dive again an og
4222s deflects another
4224s and they actually use the nano boost
4226s there onto dante but falls before he can
4228s get him uh yeah and i i don't even know
4232s if the actual impact made it there even
4234s like the damage direction or anything i
4236s think it was something where i know nano
4238s like you can kind of almost like
4239s it's a really weird like almost like in
4241s flight like you know kill somebody like
4244s and they don't get the effects of it
4245s that's what it kind of looked like so
4246s you don't have that uh big key ultimate
4248s here for the houston outlaws
4250s devastating because ultraviolet sure as
4253s heck holds under here that can go to og
4255s or hawk fork obviously got a great
4257s candidate for that in any case but
4259s still an option
4261s so dante takes the low ground here and
4262s he's hoping to fight venom in to the
4264s lightest side of merit presumably and
4266s the outlaws are still trying to maneuver
4267s trying to force the rain out of their
4268s hidey holes but so far not so great
4270s venom gets a nano but has to recall out
4272s so dante's able to get in position to
4273s protect iris against the nano tracer and
4276s then step towards the point here's the
4277s transcendence from last row though where
4279s providing flux might break this up
4280s though as pelican looks to try and get
4281s some free damage in midair and that's
4283s the bio to follow it up ultraviolet
4285s douses the outlaws in his concoction and
4287s houston nice back to the drawing board
4289s isn't it
4290s yeah that is three players here with
4292s that biotic grenade has played a landing
4294s there for the houston outlaws as that'll
4296s be a kill on the venom is outlaws still
4298s lingering around the point
4300s one minute left here is lastro
4303s is that on the point now dante moves
4304s into position
4306s kai
4306s the cogs turning in his head right here
4308s deciding whether or not it's time to go
4310s for the ultimate pressure on mirror but
4312s pelican has been coming
4314s he sees him and the transcendence is in
4316s place oh gee comes to the rescue just in
4318s time then pelicans are able to find any
4320s value from that blade he's a doomfist
4322s high being pressured oh get finds
4323s another one he's having such a big
4325s impact against the enemy tanks and now
4327s supports his last rose felt as well
4329s the the supports for atlanta reign have
4331s dominated this first half of play uh
4334s they have been tremendous being able to
4336s stay alive on the high ground i know
4338s some extra damage from og ultraviolet
4340s constantly hitting these big biotic
4342s grains pelicans gonna switch off the
4343s genji not working here but no tank
4345s switches of course from houston because
4347s they don't with this setup which means
4350s that the rain i don't know what they're
4352s going up against at any time
4354s pelican again wants to it hawk this time
4356s with the echo
4358s dante takes a health pack here venom
4360s there was no hell back for him to pick
4361s up so he has to recall instead
4362s frustrating for the tracers venom's out
4364s of the fight for a couple seconds but
4366s pelican finds kai the sticky bombs
4367s connect on the slow journal that's a key
4369s defender down until they come with a
4370s second and they should be houston
4372s finally breaking through kind of a
4374s little sleep there but it won't be
4375s enough
4378s watch break here from the outlaws as
4381s pelican on the echo made an impact right
4384s you know the sticky bombs being able to
4385s get a little bit more uh vertical like
4387s even above where land is setting up so
4390s elena looks like they're making some
4391s changes as you can see edge gets right
4393s into the window as kai is nothing you
4395s can do about that
4397s beautiful stuff pelican makes a switch
4399s at the last moment
4400s one of the pieces of this outlaws
4401s composition that is extremely flexible
4404s and they make use of that
4406s when and as they can so two minutes ten
4408s on the clock here atlanta reign have got
4410s to be happy you know i'm mean king's
4411s throat the long map plenty of pitfalls
4413s for the unwary here and they got a pulse
4415s bomb to work with
4416s venom
4417s not expecting that little stash
4420s and uh something of a change here for
4422s the atlanta rain they've actually
4423s switched ultraviolet off of the on it
4425s over to the batiste so
4427s having the immortality field uh being
4429s able to fight a little bit longer there
4431s nice pulse bomb
4433s that's going to connect on the ears
4435s no the houston outlaws they just push up
4437s right after that first pit yeah it's
4438s getting og at the start of that fight
4440s that's really impactful ultraviolet
4442s doesn't really have the chance to
4443s respond to rail guns with that
4445s immortality kill so if ochi is like
4447s if he's low enough and health if he
4448s takes enough poke damage ultraviolet
4451s can't save him and that's kind of what
4452s happens in that fight
4454s and this might be fast enough where
4456s you're gonna make up like you're not
4457s gonna make up all the time right but
4458s you're gonna make up enough time to give
4460s yourself an opportunity here at the end
4462s the outlaws are able to take the second
4464s checkpoint right now
4466s pelican waiting for them to come out he
4469s doesn't do anything he knows that he's
4470s just going to force a recall and not get
4472s a kill here's the gravity flux though
4474s lasts for affected by but w's
4475s transcendence pretty much immediately
4477s merit banking on piano build up that
4479s ultimate before this fight really gets
4480s hot and heavy it's gonna be dante down
4482s to start with this is great for the
4483s defenders here immortality field gonna
4485s force pelicans back in a way the hawk
4487s eventually falls both teams without
4488s their tanks and the transcendence in
4490s play here for og mirror trying to get
4492s value off the railgun here he'll
4493s eventually bring down the enemy zenyatta
4495s but it's gonna be a trade 3v3 pelican
4497s was in a dupe of sigma for a time but
4499s it's kind of stand up three for kai and
4501s counting that's four
4503s to really break this deadlock down but
4505s dante's back in the fight venom has a
4506s recall though he actually can't fight
4508s the doomfist right now he needs to wait
4510s for hawk and finally the cavalry's here
4512s oh they're able to hold on as that goes
4515s right down to the wire it's ultraviolet
4518s being able to use that jump from the
4519s batista get to the high ground there
4521s with kai as uh venom was able to contest
4523s that was clutch as i know atlanta rain
4526s you have this
4527s ant matrix you can use on the high
4528s ground pelican goes off of the echo now
4530s goes over to the genji
4533s all right what kind of value do you oh
4535s that's a great start dante lobe he gets
4537s netted immediately that's going to
4538s inoculate himself but now yep that's a
4540s classic isn't it that's just bloody
4541s brilliant
4542s the atlanta raid and outlaws no for the
4544s c9 there's another one for you
4548s well look at dante's low
4551s there's no tracer there
4553s no lucio right so i think team paints
4555s probably expect him with the nano to get
4557s onto it uh we didn't see it from his
4560s perspective like whether he used the
4562s seismic slam to maybe like i think he
4564s did
4565s get away or got stuck either way he
4567s wasn't doing it towards the card right
4570s yeah or he could have done it to like
4571s more of the the left or the right of the
4573s card and maybe he thought he's within
4575s like the hitbox radius of the cart but
4578s not actually but
4579s uh still pretty good defense there from
4581s the atlanta ring really good on uh point
4583s a
4584s uh
4585s you know all the way through that
4586s straight phase it was looking like the
4588s outlaws type of game but
4589s atlanta able to clutch up at the end
4592s yeah look i mean and like you said a lot
4594s of that is really set up by how stoic
4596s they were on that first point the sigma
4598s composition
4599s and like you mentioned a little bit
4601s harder to unseat the sigma or at least
4602s he has sort of more favorable defensive
4604s positions than a map like midtown where
4606s you sort of play by the train cart i
4607s hope you don't get knocked off here it
4609s is the anatomy of a c9 okay so
4612s so really you're kind of looking at from
4614s so the ant matrix nobody wants to walk
4616s into you oh the punch
4618s the punch on the genji was what got it
4619s pelican can't touch he tries to i think
4621s when he gets knocked back
4623s that's filth oh yeah
4625s that's a huge play from hawk there oh
4627s i'm going to be absolutely screaming at
4628s a replay sorry
4633s he'll scream at anything
4635s it was pretty crazy
4637s oh all right
4640s it's a huge play by hawk though right uh
4643s because they fully probably expect
4644s pelican to be the one that touches there
4645s it's a good uh good catch obviously not
4648s able to do so that ends their whole hand
4650s coming back from the doom big play dante
4652s nicely picked up ultra violet
4654s dove d for that one but he comes up with
4656s a good wonder if we i wonder if we see
4658s the batiste whis switch here for the
4660s atlanta ring pelican
4662s uh playing the tracer here not the genji
4664s um
4665s but you know if you're gonna be prone to
4667s this dive and and not be able to get in
4670s a
4670s really advantageous position you know
4672s maybe the batiste and play a little bit
4674s more defensive is the right way to go
4677s yeah hawk just trying to get his team in
4678s a position to poke down this sets og up
4681s right gives him a safe bodies to try and
4682s do this damage from get five orbs
4685s dude now coined the turret
4686s just dropped the shot there just uh
4688s between hawk and his back line so no
4690s huge impact there nice little rail
4691s connection oh gee
4693s getting hit markers dancing is extremely
4695s low it hasn't been topped up yet so
4697s almost two ticks now and counting
4698s houston they're playing this on hard
4700s mode and penny's asleep yep that'll be
4702s the finish venom finds him and kai
4703s brings dante down it feels like we found
4706s a critical mass here in this attack for
4708s the atlanta reign and they're gonna have
4710s a pretty smooth sail here to the rest of
4712s the map
4712s yeah that is a sick sleep with uh just
4715s so much pressure being put and look at
4717s this this is gonna be a uh
4719s pretty long stagger so you're going to
4720s be without your honor for a while but
4722s what sets that up is they just get dante
4724s so weak right at the beginning of biotic
4726s grenade the discord orb on him uh takes
4728s a ton of damage and not able to like
4729s really heal him up in time because it
4731s looks like everybody was quite low hey
4733s you're asking about the the potential
4735s batiste switch right but obviously that
4736s honest sleep against enemy doomfist is
4738s pretty crucial and if you hit a tracer
4740s then
4741s it's all over red rover at that point
4744s 435 that is a beefy
4746s beefy number
4748s and the outlaws don't it doesn't feel
4750s like they have the luxury of being able
4751s to come up here and fight uh pretty
4753s aggressively looks like they're gonna
4755s have to wait especially now losing last
4756s row they're in a world of trouble
4760s atlanta rain building up like an
4762s avalanche
4763s he's getting a bit hot in here though
4764s kyle wants to pressure down the pulse
4766s button locked there by pelican just
4768s hey i guess pelican trying to play safe
4770s and not to get too close but makes it
4772s impossible for him to guarantee a stick
4773s and this cart is still on the move oh
4776s man the outlaws under extreme duress
4779s right now and they need to come up with
4780s a way to break this surge in momentum
4783s merit that's what you want explodes
4784s forward and gets rid of venom
4785s immediately with a rail gun he also has
4787s plenty more up his sleeve with that
4789s overclock hawks able to pick himself
4791s back up and get a shield but he's in a
4792s very compromising position and
4794s desperately ultraviolet was trying to
4795s keep him alive but he just couldn't do
4797s it houston find the stop they need at
4799s the critical moment
4801s yeah and for atlanta you invest the
4803s transcendence there and obviously it
4804s doesn't work out still a ton of time uh
4807s kind of happy you don't really throw
4809s anything else at it right like don't try
4811s and throw your big flux at it you know
4812s if you would have gotten the overclock
4814s like save those uh because the outlaws
4816s are in a spot where they cannot hold on
4818s anything they're gonna have to use
4820s ultimates constantly to be able to hold
4822s this on defense and
4823s secure it and then eventually you'll
4825s figure you're gonna get an ultimate
4827s advantage at one point
4830s it might just be a matter of waiting for
4831s that to come around
4833s let's see how much patience atlanta are
4834s able to display here as lastro is
4838s all he's showing the strategy for the
4840s double birds right now where that blows
4841s up in his face what a huge mistake to
4843s have made here
4845s daddy
4846s but he's taking a ton of damage and kai
4848s he's already made short work of iris oh
4851s golly gee
4852s oh gee though can't get himself out of
4854s that situation no transcendence so
4855s pelicans might have put the alloys in a
4857s position where they can salvage this
4859s scuppered ship but there's three on the
4861s card that's moving awful fast here the
4863s outlaws have pelican to step up and he
4866s well he combusts
4867s yeah oh that's unfortunate uh maybe if
4870s you would have been able to get a touch
4871s there the accretion from hawk knocks
4874s dante back
4875s because you had transcendence rolling
4877s there for the outlaws maybe you're able
4878s to make something out of it but atlanta
4880s secures their map
4883s images taking moments before disaster i
4885s feel like on board with lassros zenyatta
4887s trying to flank play a cheeky angle and
4889s immediately getting absolutely ranched
4892s not what the outlaws were looking for
4893s there but it feels like they were always
4895s playing from behind with their
4896s composition so let's see how they try
4897s and play to their strengths
4899s we got a match on our hands so don't go
4900s far map three after the break
4918s [Music]
4933s oh
4938s [Applause]
4942s [Music]
4961s [Music]
4973s [Music]
4982s [Music]
4993s right
5002s [Applause]
5004s [Music]
5021s [Applause]
5029s [Music]
5036s [Music]
5045s [Music]
5055s [Music]
5081s do
5087s [Music]
5101s [Music]
5130s [Music]
5132s two shots dead on the ground we're in
5134s the same pull up three rounds bro you
5137s done we let a rain head pop so look out
5140s when we in the zone don't play around i
5142s got strap put your back tell you now we
5144s laying it down yeah
5146s bands up trapped out i bring the doors
5149s gang out look
5150s don't wanna fade and drop out got no
5152s clout think smart this crucial crucial
5155s we ain't no average usual nah
5157s we let rain ain't a savage
5160s [Music]
5172s and there's no better time than now it's
5174s the mid-season madness global tournament
5176s rages on submit your arts celebrating
5178s the team or region you'd like to see win
5181s it all on the overwatch league fan art
5183s gallery and if you're looking for a game
5185s to draw some inspiration from this match
5188s is already establishing itself early as
5190s a bit of an instant classic the rain on
5193s the outlaws again locked in this
5194s seemingly endless struggle this time it
5196s is for survival and they've gone back
5199s and forth matthew in these first couple
5201s of maps
5202s yeah when i when you're just reading
5204s that for the art gallery i just thought
5205s about uh you know the desk for their
5206s predictions being able to just like draw
5209s them out tomorrow or something like that
5211s like
5212s they've just been going wild there in
5214s the truck
5215s with the hangzhou
5216s by the way that's gigantic that was
5218s spicy that was spicy but you know you
5221s know how johnny selects you know if he's
5222s if he's wrong he's like i was just you
5224s know just trying to be under there's
5226s content he's right he's like see i told
5227s you guys yeah well you know it's a he
5230s makes a
5231s loose situation you know yeah so that's
5233s the point uh piggy and for dante houston
5236s outlaws matt pick
5237s uh they picked dorado here so
5240s uh we've seen piggy play a little bit of
5242s winston uh recently um you know
5245s obviously piggy a very good sigma player
5248s uh so maybe you want to bring that in to
5249s try and match hawk in that type of role
5252s maybe we get like a really
5254s i mean some really bizarre right because
5256s it's kind of what you're going to see in
5257s like overwatch 2 obviously in 5v5 but
5259s like
5260s a battle of two players who are
5261s traditionally off tanks playing main
5263s tanks possibly
5265s uh i also think uh potentially setting
5268s up for a really good uh you know
5271s long-range hit scan battle for between
5272s kai and merritt
5275s that's definitely going to be exciting
5276s on a map like this neither team i mean i
5279s don't feel like atlanta really prefer to
5281s play that much we don't make her right i
5283s definitely seem more comfortable having
5285s kai on the sojourn hey he dubs it up
5287s quote unquote boring hero
5290s when you see him play it looks uh i mean
5292s nothing but exciting so
5293s that's definitely something to be
5294s looking forward to and we've seen that
5296s match up already over the course of this
5297s series but
5299s like you said man dorado is the kind of
5300s map where that particular head-to-head
5304s gets amplified that head-to-head really
5306s comes under the microscope here is we
5308s see teams often leveraging that longer
5310s range hitscan uh potential to create
5313s space or at least to pave the way
5314s forward for attackers i'm excited to see
5317s this battle of tanks especially
5319s and merit is actually a really good
5321s series so far uh so if you are the
5323s outlaws like you'll put your faith in
5325s him and start making some plays even
5328s further uh so it'll be the outlaws and
5329s defense and look at this so uh pelican
5332s he's been kind of going back and forth
5333s between like tracer genji a little bit
5335s echo there
5336s on king's row but he'll come out with
5338s tracer here to start uh and then you're
5340s gonna have merit on the ash so
5343s not like a widowmaker here or no sojourn
5345s you're gonna play the ash at long range
5347s uh the ash pretty good in combination
5350s with the sigma right being able to kind
5352s of stand behind the shield i know put
5354s some damage down with the zen uh players
5356s come in you got coach gun you have the
5358s biotic grenade right to kind of like
5360s stop that dive
5362s uh lana rain obviously with some options
5364s here as soon as uh the door opens and
5367s they get a look at what is gonna be on
5369s the other side uh for me does hawk end
5372s up staying hawk is asleep uh does hogg
5374s end up staying on the winston i think
5376s this is like a another big test for hawk
5378s because i know trying to play some more
5380s winston he looked pretty good on it
5385s again you know
5386s the rain
5387s will look to leverage a bit of a
5388s difference in tank styles here this time
5390s she's on the other foot right i already
5392s saw hawk on the on the signal beforehand
5394s but this hardly
5395s i mean hardly any presence here from the
5397s outlaws early they really just want to
5398s play this choke man
5400s yeah they're gonna they're gonna back up
5402s but this choke is where like space opens
5405s up and the winston can you know get in
5407s get behind make a make a play here in
5409s combination with venom
5412s well we'll see pelicans got to be super
5413s careful here with the sojourn discord
5416s orbs coming down that staircase every
5417s time he peeks his head out he takes a
5419s you know and all voices incidental
5421s damage from somewhere
5423s pelican good purchase on venom so far
5425s he's been able to stave him off but the
5426s pressure is mounting the atlanta reign
5428s are definitely
5429s trying to force an error
5431s there are no kills being happened here
5432s but atlanta is just getting so much
5433s space like hawk like i mentioned was
5435s able to just jump into the back stay
5437s alive inside of his winston bubble and
5439s that just forces yellows to keep backing
5441s up backing up backing up like eventually
5443s look at this i mean you're gonna get
5444s this payload pretty close to getting on
5446s in it's gonna be a nano boost built up
5448s already is gonna give that on the hawk
5450s as a pretty odd first point here if the
5453s cap goes across the line yeah a lot that
5454s sleep down on hawk there makes it harder
5456s to get value out of the nano boost and
5458s the outlaws have some players back in
5459s position to defend venom looking at the
5462s fringes and he's found last row now can
5463s he deal with this then oh flying foot
5465s came his way before he recalled pulse no
5467s good last draw comes out on top
5470s and he gives the reign
5471s uh another gesture this one chewing them
5474s away far less you know far less against
5476s the rules this one won't get fined for
5478s yeah it's uh
5480s houston battles back there at the end uh
5482s they end up using the nano i believe
5484s that is actually on the last show and i
5486s think it probably just in response to
5487s the pulse bomb uh no iris probably
5489s doesn't know at that point kind of uh
5491s whether it's been stuck or what not so
5493s ends up just kind of like firing it off
5495s uh but you won't have it here
5497s and this is what i was uh looking
5498s forward to at the beginning of this map
5500s potentially we get a piggy winston
5502s versus hawk winston battle
5505s they're nice to see that switch back
5506s there houston realizing or deciding
5508s they'd like to be a little bit more
5510s proactive here instead of
5511s kind of hoping that the rain overextend
5513s in some manner or another
5515s so with that said
5517s still the outlaws currently take the
5519s high ground they've given up a lot of
5521s map control already kai is safely
5523s embedded here and obviously you'd still
5524s need to get through hawk and code before
5526s you did anything like that
5528s trying to punish pelican there for that
5529s positioning pie not able to
5534s pelicans still here lurking behind enemy
5536s lines this would be big
5538s yeah ultraviolet hatch that one like an
5540s egg matthew pelican has to recall again
5542s because it's just pointless to commit
5544s i'll do a
5546s but still it looks like the outlaws get
5547s what they came for here in a big way
5550s yeah it outside of that odd first push
5553s it's really been all outlaws since
5554s they've been able to stand strong on
5556s defense here is
5558s og not in a position to be able to like
5560s save ultraviolet there i know from a
5562s pulse bomb stick is atlanta they're
5564s going to bank on having all five
5566s ultimates coming in this fight
5568s kai trying to keep that charge nice and
5570s high
5571s an early pick here would be
5573s immensely helpful
5575s whether he does with the rail or with
5577s the ultimate
5579s not so relevant primal rage here from
5580s hawke i'm here and bob on the scene
5583s yeah they're going to let that one go
5584s here piggy taken down by a pulse bomb
5586s they're going to land together i mean
5587s they build up those alternates man they
5589s kind of let them go here all could have
5591s been a bit more work still to do when
5592s last year wants to pressure him down he
5594s has the transcendence in place so now he
5595s transitions that towards the card itself
5597s this gives pelican the ability to be a
5599s bit more aggressive but eventually that
5600s zed ultimate is going to be over and kai
5603s nails him there with that rail
5605s over the top comes picking here trying
5606s to buy a little bit more time here and
5607s he's mindful of the card he's pressuring
5609s kyber who's on the card well there is a
5612s player there for the outlaws but they're
5613s eventually felled as well
5615s and the rain a lot of low numbers on
5617s that top left there matt they had to
5618s spend big to get that point
5621s yeah i was gonna say uh
5623s not really too surprising there
5624s considering you come in and you're able
5626s to use every single ultimate to be able
5628s to take down but the outlaws though they
5630s invested pretty heavy into that fight as
5632s well uh now they come out the other side
5634s of it with just a pulse bomb so
5636s i will see now if atlanta rain can get
5638s this high ground control get some more
5640s payload progress uh
5642s i think it'll be i think you know
5644s obviously atlanta on offense here we're
5646s going to see where their push ends up
5648s i'm really kind of more fascinated about
5650s like what the houston outlaws offense
5652s looks like uh especially like you know
5653s are you going to run this winston are
5655s you going to play a sigma based setup a
5657s lot of questions as we go into that next
5658s half good chance of the contending with
5660s potential winston high ground defense as
5662s well so we'll see how they respond kai
5664s finds very early on here there's that
5666s early pick that we alluded to earlier on
5668s great sleep that does hawk in easily
5670s yeah pelicans just gonna scoop that one
5671s up and take it all the way to the banks
5674s kyle's still a threat though and pelican
5676s picks his head around the corner just
5677s long enough to have a steaming hole
5679s board through it the rain is still on
5681s the move here even without hawk he'll be
5682s back in a moment the outlaws need to
5685s make a decision
5688s uh well you just have piggy like jumping
5689s down contesting the cart then backing up
5692s you're not going to get a lot of
5693s progress here with just venom but uh now
5695s maybe a little bit more seriously in the
5697s fight he jumps out yeah he gets slipped
5698s right away special delivery for hawk
5701s he'll be topped up though as he tries to
5702s go after pelican maybe hoping the pulse
5704s would blow up on him but still him
5706s surviving
5707s is enough gonna be an anaboost on piggy
5709s though this could get dangerous and
5710s pelicans gonna bring kai down before he
5711s can let that rail go in the direction we
5713s liked transcendence here for ochi but
5716s doesn't feel great for the atlanta
5718s raiders they are extremely split hawk a
5720s long way away and they land around have
5722s to regroup without their support
5723s ultimates at all
5725s oh yes this is going to be tough it's uh
5728s the last show getting close to a
5730s transcendence you don't really have
5731s anything here for the outlaws uh maybe
5734s hawk with a primal able to kind of like
5736s uh you know displace lastro if they're
5739s gonna use transcendence don't get the
5740s best use out of it here
5743s now low 20 seconds
5747s 15 and counting kai finds pelican early
5749s on here good signs for the attackers but
5751s merritt has a pretty powerful spot up
5753s here
5754s can they pressure him away extreme
5757s long-range railgun action here but
5758s piggy's gone lower that's a double bite
5760s of great connection lastro's
5761s transcendence is for nothing the outlaws
5763s could have held there surely but that
5765s hernik the healing gets turned off
5767s and the rain hurdle towards that second
5769s checkpoint primal here this should deal
5771s with the zen
5772s master i can top himself up eventually
5775s venom will converge
5776s dealing with pigging out the primer
5777s right he's buying some time and there's
5779s an orb of discorder i'm here to make it
5780s harder to hang around
5781s beautiful pick from pelican oh gee goes
5783s down there's four up for the atlanta
5784s rain though where they have the numbers
5786s to pressure and i get that checkpoint
5788s man
5788s ah man in the clutch the atlanta reign
5792s comes up yet again where uh no it's the
5796s first pick there from kai is huge right
5798s you're able to get pelican uh who's
5800s obviously got to play pretty aggressive
5801s to get any value out of the tracer able
5803s to catch him off guard a little bit
5805s land a shot and that opens the door for
5807s them to take that second checkpoint not
5809s a lot of time here left though at the
5811s end i mean what you know a minute on the
5813s clock you're looking at two maybe three
5815s pushes here depending on how this goes
5818s yeah three's definitely uh
5821s gonna be a bit of a struggle still
5823s though good early progress as the
5824s outlaws weren't really able to slow
5826s atlanta rain down at that choke just
5828s based on how
5830s the last fight ended and where it ended
5831s specifically
5833s bob here for merit
5835s can't really interact too much until he
5837s goes to the high ground now with uh of
5839s course that coach gun great pressure
5840s here on kai hits him with a dynamite
5842s which is huge and then they have to
5844s finish the job
5845s trade though is
5846s iris is down for the outlaws they need
5848s that that nano boost here for piggy
5851s and i'm not sure if he sent that bobbin
5852s to contest but he runs like all the way
5854s through he actually goes through that
5856s like tunnel there and ends up hitting
5858s the wall so i'm not able to contest so
5861s you got a little bit more progress there
5862s from uh the atlanta reign not a ton but
5865s final fight territory transcendence
5867s available for atlanta it's got to work
5869s for roji so the outlaws had their plans
5871s ruined by by the grenade this cannot be
5872s the same pikachu with that but uh that
5875s mana booster is going to be put to sleep
5877s woken almost immediately but the discord
5878s orb is a problem he has to back away and
5881s just fight his time and that causes that
5883s nano to expire here we go though
5885s transcendence in play merit trying to
5886s pressure down he's hitting the biotic
5887s grenade
5888s but venom's not able to take advantage
5890s of that while that's in place still the
5892s atlanta reign muscled their way through
5893s heliken is down and hawke has a primal
5895s now lastro is not going to be touching
5897s the car so piggy is the only issue and
5899s he'll be knocked away he gets knocked
5901s away
5902s and that is a that is some nice play
5904s there on the winston from hawk right
5906s using the primal you know knocking last
5908s show out of the way just in case he had
5910s like a transcendence or something right
5912s and then able to obviously venom
5914s probably a little bit worried right as
5916s his tracer on the card uh gets back to
5918s it and then they just knock back uh
5920s piggy and get him out of the way
5924s yeah i mean with lastro was
5925s too far away from the cart to do
5927s anything i think clever from hawk to
5928s sort of identify that and all they
5930s needed was
5932s such a small amount of progress on the
5933s cart so it goes back
5935s and buys enough space to get the job
5936s done so all things considered matt
5940s pretty decent result here for the
5941s atlanta reign uh you know we saw houston
5943s they ended up switching to like a
5944s winston nero we saw that piggy is
5946s very capable uh i think for the most
5948s part in in making that pick work i'd
5950s also suggest that uh iris shutting hawk
5952s down with you know frequent sleep darts
5955s was a huge part of the outlaw's ability
5957s to buy time defensively hawke seemed to
5959s run into some trouble with that crowd
5961s control
5963s kai comes out on sojourn here so no ash
5967s for the atlanta rain on defense but
5969s obviously a much different setup right
5970s when you're going to play the winston
5972s sojourn uh with the dash and then the
5974s jump can be a little bit more aggressive
5977s than let's say an ash would be ash i
5978s think
5979s kind of combos better with sigma for a
5981s little bit more they uh
5983s they don't want to say like a bunker
5984s comp but one that's going to be a little
5985s bit more static so
5986s uh the out walls see pelican yeah maybe
5989s he stays on this echo i think he's
5991s talking about
5992s i think echo is pretty good against
5994s winston right there's some risky yes
5995s there's some risk here and obviously
5996s pelican having to cross this expanse so
5998s you notice he's very
6000s mindful of just how much altitude he's
6001s gaining and how vulnerable he would be
6002s to like a whale from kaya but he can he
6004s can sort of deny positioning on top of
6006s these buildings pretty effectively right
6007s there's nothing all can do about this
6009s poke damage that's gonna constantly come
6011s in so by the time piggy jumps up there
6013s hawks already half hp great way to deny
6015s like a high ground hold here no
6017s guarantee it works fully though
6020s and also if the if hawk gets uh a little
6022s bit low
6024s right you always have to have the threat
6026s of the pelican coming in on the echo
6028s with the focusing beam and just kind of
6029s burning him down right
6031s yeah it's a great point which means hawk
6033s effectively has half the hp that he
6034s thinks he has in situ what he had to
6036s play as if he did you know what i mean
6038s oh look he doesn't know what was coming
6040s from behind him but it's still very low
6042s and here we go that high ground that
6044s obnoxious high ground defense has
6045s basically been watered and pelican is in
6047s the back line getting rid of og first
6049s ultraviolet second the dps of the
6052s outlaws converge on their prey
6054s yeah and i wonder if you stay on like
6056s the sojourn if you stay on this
6058s composition here for the atlanta rain
6061s just kind of figuring out how worried
6062s you are about this echo pick
6065s it's uh it looks like at this at least
6068s for now atlanta going to stay you're
6069s going to have a nano boost here
6071s available for hawk
6073s so you'll be able to get another fight
6075s at this i'll try to open a ferrari
6078s yeah that's so big hawk though discord
6081s all but i'll see with the fighting
6081s grenade and to sleep down first this is
6083s what i'm saying iris just unleashes
6084s everything he's like khajiit with the
6086s words he just throws them all at hawk
6088s and shuts him out of the fight but
6089s kaiser with a headshot on piggy both
6091s tanks being down and again top stuff for
6093s the outlaws there is the dps of the rain
6095s come alive especially venom standing up
6097s in a key moment
6098s yeah and that's unfortunate uh for you
6100s know iris and the outlaws because that
6102s started off pretty good right when hawk
6104s gets the nano uh he's a little bit low
6106s and hit with a biotic grenade pretty
6107s much like a second before he gets the
6109s nano boost so doesn't get any of that
6111s health from it gets a little bit of the
6113s damage reduction right but not enough to
6115s keep him alive for long
6117s and out but the time
6120s finished the job he got it done he
6121s didn't have the focusing beam that now
6123s he's uh
6124s which is great obviously by grenade
6125s impactful in these situations but the
6127s barrier was a problem for him to get
6128s through i mean that is beautiful stuff
6130s and this is something that not every
6132s team can do
6133s i mean you i think you you might even
6135s need to bring nero in if if you're
6137s atlanta and you want to play this way
6139s and that's why you asked about the ash
6141s right is kai gonna play that it can it
6143s can be good at shutting down the echo
6145s there needs to be something leveraged to
6147s deal with pelican isn't he's a menace
6149s right now
6150s yes oh look at this he's going to ch
6154s that is
6156s [Laughter]
6164s [Music]
6169s he's like come on man
6171s like really
6172s oh man dad has to hit him or it hurts
6174s though doesn't he
6176s all right
6178s well uh pejoratives aside
6181s three minutes 18 on the clock there
6183s hawks gone uh gone digging by the looks
6186s of things here they're trying to drop a
6187s pulse off at the door but the wrong
6188s address apparently
6190s now he'll turn his eyes towards piggy
6192s while he can it's a transcendence from
6193s last row here to try and again inoculate
6195s the outlaws from the impact of hawks
6197s primal rage he'll head back upstairs now
6200s and they are trying to keep tabs on
6201s pelican if they can
6203s yeah hawk does drag a few players back
6206s right so both supports merit there and
6208s then piggy had to come back now piggy
6210s we're gonna get to see his uh primal
6212s rage and he's he's out he's getting him
6214s getting flamboyed on the high ground man
6216s he lost 500 hp in a matter of seconds oh
6220s oh yeah go on kai put it in chat again
6222s mate
6223s merritt huge pick there he gets
6225s snattered okay see i like to use the
6227s ultimate no he doesn't need it
6228s apparently hawk goes down that
6229s transcendence from og's looking
6231s extremely sad you may have entered the
6233s iris sir but the rest of your team is
6235s stranded outside of it
6238s the payload is still moving though
6239s somebody is on the payload here for the
6241s outlaws
6242s as
6243s it's going to be piggy so piggy was
6245s actually still here with pelican they
6246s gotta get out yeah i was gonna say you
6248s hang around here for a little bit longer
6249s you're gonna end up uh
6251s you know dead is
6253s will be the outlaws probably trying to
6255s get some high ground here uh with merits
6257s overclock they don't exactly have to
6259s push like pretty standard you see right
6260s here coming around this outside oh
6262s that's beautiful oh thanks right it look
6264s like he hit like the echo's wing there
6268s yeah pelican
6269s obviously not really airborne there so
6271s it's a valuable opportunity for tracer
6273s to get a pulse bomb stick and now that
6275s outlaws time makes been cut in half
6277s since they got that second checkpoint
6279s still a one fight sort of situation here
6281s for able to win it but we've had some
6282s real scrappy engagements man kind of
6284s like early five versus five
6288s and uh you know for atlanta you don't
6289s really have anything here to work with
6291s right you're gonna have a duplicate in
6292s the overclock on the other side so
6293s you're just trying to find maybe a
6294s support a little bit further off on
6296s their own at this time oh yes the
6298s intellectual choice once again from
6300s pelican
6301s extra healing on board for now for the
6303s houston outlaws
6304s you just have to wait this out uh if
6306s you're atlanta you're going to get the
6307s nano now it's probably going to go on
6309s the hawk yeah
6310s what can he do from here iris has that
6312s orb of harmony on him but that's it
6313s that's all the healing he can get he
6314s didn't have a body grenade available
6316s pelican's still able to trade and get
6317s rid of venom of all people and there it
6319s is that's how scary it is it's winston
6321s to deal with echo as soon as hawk goes
6323s slightly low pelican just lazes the limb
6326s off
6327s yeah and i think if you would have had
6329s ultraviolet alive it would have been a
6330s little bit more of an interesting fight
6332s there uh because hawk was getting like
6334s he was three percent towards primal rage
6337s i know you have the ana alive there a
6338s little bit more healing output than just
6340s the zen solo uh he might be able to get
6343s that and keep that fight going
6346s transcendence here for the outlaws so
6347s the rain need to be wary
6350s if they're tracking this they'll know
6351s that any dive would be extra dangerous
6355s helicopter a bit of pressure here that
6356s discord stuck to him he's able to shrug
6358s that off though and he wants to get pork
6359s out of the way he wants to guarantee the
6361s high ground control but
6362s so far not so great on that plan
6367s he can be pretty aggressive oh yeah that
6370s head comes in huge
6372s it's uh you can be pretty aggressive on
6373s the echo because you have the the
6375s ability to just fly out of the way there
6378s not using it to kind of access that high
6380s ground that part of the map so be able
6383s to use this an escape tool where
6385s yellow's roll in here this last part of
6386s the map yeah we're looking at extra
6388s innings at this rate look at those our
6389s ultimates the outlaws have been able to
6391s bank here venom can he break the
6392s deadlock with a big pulse bomb is the
6394s question but piggy's gone with the
6395s primal so venom cleverly is stalling on
6397s his own right now he knows that the rest
6398s of his team have been waylaid by the
6400s frenzied scientists so he stands his
6402s ground for now iris pulse no connection
6404s there he should be able to step away
6405s from it so he does merit punishes
6407s enemies he tries to get away in a cringe
6409s from venom there as merritt hits the
6411s mark once more the cart tantalizingly
6414s close here but outlaws have lost pelican
6416s can they get it done without give they
6418s have a nano boost here still america pop
6420s off but it's kaia's moment right now to
6422s go for the overclock
6424s yeah there's gonna be a nano boost
6425s coming in on to piggy he gets actually
6427s put to sleep hawk comes out on diva here
6429s for a little bit of a stall here at the
6431s end
6431s merrick can't find anything here at that
6433s moment in time then gonna find a venom
6435s on this floor big biotic grenade there
6438s huge one from ultraviolet isn't it
6439s enough to break the deadlock here
6441s a sleeping target i like this hawk so
6443s defensively oriented on this particular
6445s pick right now and pelican tried to to
6447s imitate him unfortunately it was a a
6449s cheap approximation he tries to get a
6452s remake on hawk as well the audacity of
6454s it but the rain hold this is getting
6456s scary for houston
6457s well we talk about how good diva is in
6459s like these one-on-one scenarios and oh
6461s you see why flies right in with the
6463s missiles discord or be able to try and
6465s they're gonna try and finish off the
6466s earth as well that's gonna be both
6467s supports down for houston
6470s you a man that can do everything hawk
6472s with another switch to one of his old
6475s i guess he's old flames see if the diva
6477s comes out and he's able to control space
6479s play defensive and shut piggy down
6482s that one's gonna be frustrating for the
6484s outlaws that's them after they you know
6485s sub piggy in for they feel confident
6487s after switching to a winston mirror
6489s but man pelican geez pelican almost gets
6492s them there man incredible echo play but
6494s it's not enough
6496s yeah i mean that's the that's the
6498s pelican of last year right on the echo
6500s play but man the switch to the diva at
6502s the end with getting the nano and just
6504s being able to really just brawl out with
6506s targets on the payload paid off for the
6508s atlanta reign now we're starting to get
6510s to the business end of this series the
6512s houston outlaws need to have an emphatic
6514s response on the other side of the break
6515s don't go anywhere because map number
6517s four is sure to be a doozy
6549s do
6552s [Music]
6607s [Music]
6650s [Music]
6658s do
6662s [Music]
6667s [Music]
6673s [Music]
6702s [Music]
6708s [Music]
6717s [Music]
6770s i can read it in korean you know
6776s hey not funny
6783s [Music]
6792s who's the biggest prankster on the team
6794s i'd say nero
6796s hulk and nero it's definitely it's
6798s definitely me or hawk i'd have to go to
6800s pelican this guy's just always up to
6802s something
6804s 100 felican
6806s maybe
6807s piggy and me
6817s always doing something to mess with
6818s people feel like they like making people
6821s mad sometimes me or hawk just trolls the
6823s team like everyone on the team no one's
6824s safe
6833s probably how i don't i guess it would be
6835s me i like pulling everyone's leg a
6836s little bit he'll go up and change
6838s someone's wallpaper or something while
6840s they're not looking
6841s or if someone's mad just making them
6843s more mad just for their own
6845s entertainment it's just something that
6846s we do and we find it funny
6849s who has the best fashion in the league
6851s to be honest i don't know how any of the
6853s other players dress so i'm just going to
6854s assume it's me
6855s hydron i think
6861s oh
6889s i don't think our team got dripped we
6891s we're not drift
6899s in the league i think
6901s shu has the best fashion and i think on
6903s our team it's probably kai and kevster
6905s actually yeah
6908s what teammate always likes your back no
6910s matter what barley my judd
6912s it's my saudi brother i think they all
6914s have my back
6916s you know we trust each other a lot and
6918s you know we're a team or a unit and i
6920s don't think there's any like barriers
6921s between us
6928s i'd say everyone on the team we're all
6930s friends we help each other through
6931s everything probably pelican maybe
6934s dante
6938s okay
6945s [Music]
6950s so it comes down to this two to one in
6953s the series the atlanta reign lead the
6956s houston outlaws a frustrating map for
6958s houston they select dorado when they
6960s cannot get across the line it's
6962s it's close it looked like the outlaws
6964s would even finish with some time but in
6966s the last minute or so the wheels fell
6968s off the cart
6970s and now they're gonna have to try and
6971s find a way to stay in this series on an
6973s iconic map for this team matthew coliseo
6975s has had some some huge moments uh for
6977s the houston outlaws in the past
6980s yeah uh we'll see dante come back in for
6983s piggy here uh on this map selection uh
6986s for the houston outlaws so
6988s gonna go back to running some of these
6990s doomfist based compositions man the last
6992s two maps have really been close even
6994s think back to king's row uh
6997s dante almost able to get back to the
6999s cart uh on defense like right when
7001s atlanta wanted they had a transcendence
7003s rolling not able to do so some big plays
7006s from the atlanta rain late here on
7008s dorado make this a game point scenario
7010s for them
7011s great point it's been like the last
7013s minute of each map where it's really
7015s been decided and it's been atlanta ryan
7017s finding an extra reserve of energy in
7018s those moments to to give their team
7021s enough to make the difference
7023s they're just a team that seems to be
7024s coming up clutch pretty consistently
7026s right like whenever they need a play to
7027s happen
7028s uh they're able to get it and work it
7030s out in their favor in some way uh no
7034s can you win all of the time that way
7038s probably not you're gonna see some kind
7039s of like results or don't want to win all
7041s the
7043s uh i time no not really but
7046s uh you know you need some of that like
7049s big game play making where you know
7052s things don't look as good all right well
7053s here goes like no ultraviolet hits a
7056s massive biotic grenade right turns a
7057s tide in a fighter here comes you know
7059s hawk and he's able to switch over to the
7061s diva and come up clutch right uh it just
7064s seems like they constantly come up with
7065s that
7066s shout out to the
7067s obviously uh you know the doom switch
7069s from hawk to sort of knock pelican away
7071s to sort of make it not a c9 and actually
7073s legitimate hold your shout out to the
7074s nerd on twitter got mad about that
7076s but uh that was incredible switch as
7078s well so the rain in a pinch always
7080s seemed to have the right answer what on
7082s earth is this approach
7085s yeah so uh atlanta they'll actually go
7088s with a doomfist of their own so they're
7090s gonna play the doomfist with the lucio
7092s and they want to go fast oh that's they
7094s want to up the tempo even more
7096s two for one trade they'll take those
7097s pelican also looking awful haggard there
7100s merritt able to pick og out of the mix
7101s here this one is going to go to the wire
7103s in this fight but venom and kai are
7105s loose ends here late and all of the
7107s atlanta right taking an extremely
7109s roundabout literally figurally approach
7111s to winning that first fight
7119s uh the last time we did see the atlanta
7121s rain play against like the doomfist set
7123s up i thought dante and code did a really
7125s nice job i think specifically on oasis
7127s right getting uh into the back line and
7129s making a trouble for og who's playing
7131s the zen at that time so the lucio's a
7132s little bit i know better in terms of
7134s defensive setup too right uh no the
7136s boobs a little bit harder to hit
7138s obviously than is in you still get a uh
7140s you know support alt alt-right to keep
7142s teammates alive again you lose hawk here
7145s but kai with another shot on the belly
7146s again israel got headshots on genji's
7149s they're unlikely even them in the best
7151s of situations but ty is stringing them
7153s together like they're nothing
7154s like the macaroni necklace
7157s that is not what you want to see if
7158s you're the houston it was because when
7160s kai starts to heat up and like get going
7162s like
7163s there is a there is nothing like
7164s watching him play the hitscan heroes
7166s when he is starting to click like that
7168s so a few times in a row he's come out
7170s hit some big shots and that keeps
7172s continuing you can see you see this go
7174s pretty far for the atlanta raid
7176s yeah that's when it starts to get a
7178s little breathtaking
7181s right now atlanta be satisfied with that
7183s early lead they've been able to
7184s to dig out here they're also playing
7187s sort of along the outside of this area
7189s at the moment not wanting to expose
7191s themselves to too much of this poke
7192s damage
7193s if you think they can be happy
7196s they don't want to play where their
7197s barrier is because of that high ground
7200s uh
7202s just deletes venom as he takes it a
7204s little bit
7206s sorry i think i'm done to get knocked
7208s down twice in quick succession once
7210s asleep and once a punch and still matt
7212s the outlaws are able to come out on top
7214s merit huge fight from him
7217s get the first kill on to venom uh and
7220s then they're just putting down
7222s enough damage on the hawk to finish him
7223s off losing some charge here on the uh
7225s sojourn it's gonna go back to zero but
7228s it's still a decent amount though for
7230s the outlaws to make up it doesn't seem
7231s like a lot of like meter push from the
7233s atlanta right at the start but they've
7235s gotten it like a little bit around the
7237s corner where
7238s you know you're gonna have to fight this
7239s high ground here if you're houston
7241s pushing forward
7243s or happy with that that's his staging
7245s grounds he tries to drop into a virus
7246s but it's fighting grenade sleep dad all
7248s of it hitting him
7249s crucial timing from og finds the sound
7251s barrier but still the owl is able to
7253s find a kill off dante's meteor strike
7255s and then pelicans there for the
7256s follow-up beautiful stick it's so clean
7259s from the houston outlaws
7261s they will be run away
7263s at this rate looking to get into the
7265s lead
7266s again look they had to take that fight
7268s in the disadvantageous position but they
7270s turn it around
7272s yeah and they'll take the lead now in
7273s terms of push as og will go over to the
7276s zen feel like you maybe need a little
7278s bit more damage this time you capitalize
7279s on a sleep so
7281s houston going to have to hightail it out
7282s of there without dante
7284s that's where the outlaws push ends but
7287s they've got to be happy enough with
7288s getting a lead there especially from
7289s winning a fight from the low ground
7292s it's scary
7294s that's true it is close
7297s nicely done pelican lands that one on
7299s kyle
7300s sometimes he hits a little bit different
7301s when you're playing in the same room huh
7305s then am i going to get much done in the
7306s back line oh that's dirty iris chases
7309s him with
7312s yes it doesn't look like you're going to
7313s be able to find anything here if you're
7315s atlanta you're just trying to back up as
7317s using the power block to friend
7319s escort og is actually find a player off
7321s to the side i believe that was last row
7323s so you're going to be able to get a pick
7324s off of this
7326s by getting some value there out of that
7328s railgun iris another big sleep on hawk
7330s but can he handle this kind of here the
7332s answer is no atlanta
7335s seeing a little bit of extra ground in
7336s that fight but it's time now to get back
7338s to neutral
7339s there have been a few times where
7341s atlanta has been able to catch like last
7343s row off kind of like on his own right
7345s we've seen hit uh no remember king's row
7346s right he was going on that like
7348s trying to make a play from behind didn't
7350s work out they've caught him a few times
7352s i know in an off angle right there
7353s they're able to capitalize on it and it
7355s kind of turns the tide there's a lot of
7357s volatility that's predicated on these
7359s sojourn picks
7361s i'm going to see these early head shots
7362s from merida from kai and it really paves
7364s the way for a fight win for your team if
7365s you can get one oh gee
7367s pressured pelican trying to chase this
7369s ultraviolet he ends up coming out with
7370s because origin was flattened by dante
7372s kai finds another consistent whale
7374s connection but the outlaws have some
7376s momentum there look at the leverage now
7378s they're still behind the rain
7381s houston hoping to put this to a stop
7382s this is a very defensive play the wall
7384s takes too much damage has to get out
7386s hell's pack but no healers to top him up
7388s so this is a little scary for atlanta
7391s yes venom is just trying to stay here to
7393s prevent the bot from going so far back
7395s right so we're a bit more than halfway
7398s through this game
7400s both support also be online for the
7401s atlanta rain hawk you know he was doing
7403s some big damage in that last fight you
7405s give him the nano boost here and same
7406s type of part of the map maybe he's able
7408s to make a big play
7410s another pulse from pelican would be
7412s just what the octa doctor would never
7414s order
7414s because he's trying to preserve lives
7416s but
7417s could be on the cards here is this nano
7419s for oh okay he gets a hit there but
7421s hawk's able to finish the draw on
7422s pelican all right so the atlanta reigns
7424s by the way come into this fight with
7425s what one ultimate one and they're able
7427s to push up here this is huge
7429s transcendence comes online for og and
7430s dante falls for the outlaws they've got
7432s to be furious they have six ultimates
7435s here matt
7436s and a few kills towards the end here is
7438s gonna be huge for the atlanta reign and
7440s that's why venom you know stalling that
7441s bot there was so important because if
7444s the yellows were able to get it back to
7445s 50 like yard line to the map
7448s the atlanta reign are not gonna be able
7449s to take the lead off of this fight but
7450s they are now right those are meters not
7452s your ridiculous freedom units
7455s 60 meters now for the atlanta reign
7457s and that puts them you make a great
7458s point right like keeping that bot at
7459s neutral at worst is what allows the rain
7462s to get into the lead here now can they
7464s capitalize can they follow up venom
7466s dueling on the barrier for now possible
7468s throwing down but looks like vulture
7470s violence able to get away from it or
7471s currently sleeping here's a
7472s transcendence now for the houston
7474s outlaws ultraviolet blowing up there and
7477s that bot's already been moving this
7478s whole time by the way
7481s yeah just a little bit further uh now
7484s for the atlanta rain they don't get to
7486s that uh no infamous butt scratch right
7489s so
7489s houston outlaws gonna try and
7492s get there here first is hawk back off
7494s spawn probably going to want to try and
7496s contest this as soon as possible do not
7498s want to give up the lead here
7500s both these teams fighting for
7502s incremental leads
7504s back and forth
7506s no pulse connection this time from
7507s pelican although dante looks to go
7508s deeper your wrist is taken down low the
7510s atlanta right now but a stave off
7512s for houston this is devastating they're
7514s in a position to really start to
7515s pressure and get an advantage with their
7517s attack
7518s it just collapses on itself
7521s yeah now atlanta will get going the
7522s other way and this is a scary moment
7524s here for the houston outlaws you're
7526s going to be coming up on this defense
7528s right before you know the infamous about
7530s scratch that first checkpoint unlocked
7535s you're going to have a nano boost
7537s available here and an overclock you lose
7540s this fight uh no this is going to get a
7542s significant amount of progress for the
7544s atlanta reigns that you may not be able
7545s to come back from
7547s dante and kai just fight to pick on
7548s aries this is all going wrong for
7550s houston the lead for atlanta is going to
7552s continue to increase and now we're under
7554s the two-minute mark and we've hit the uh
7556s uh we've hit the butt scratch because
7558s that's huge
7559s well and you can't fight here either
7561s right like if you could fight here for
7563s the houston outlaws stop it there we've
7565s seen games end in that type of capacity
7567s uh you're not able to kind of play
7569s defense here directly on that checkpoint
7571s so you're gonna get a forward spawn from
7573s hawk he'll be back a little bit sooner
7575s uh then oh
7577s normal
7578s jittering in his chair
7581s the barrier is still moving though like
7583s now we open it alone and yeah
7585s i feel like atlanta might have just
7587s gotten a free
7588s five to ten nieces there even in a
7590s losing scenario
7593s and because of the way you know they
7594s kind of win that fight they're in a spot
7596s where they get past that checkpoint uh
7598s that this is this is huge for houston
7600s this is the push all five ultimates
7602s obviously if you're the elena reign
7604s there's a good chance you have an idea
7606s that they have all these ultimates you
7607s want to take a fight early which is
7609s exactly what they're doing you want to
7610s take this fight early get some of these
7611s ultimates out and then play for a last
7613s second fight because the the bots are
7615s not going to move fast for the outlaws
7616s right because it has to stop at that
7618s checkpoint
7619s pelican tries to fly inside kai but it's
7621s him
7622s that falls foul of hawk
7624s pelican drop pork eventually going to go
7626s down here saw a 4v4
7628s great pulse down dante as soon as he
7630s comes back down to earth reality hits
7632s hard
7633s and the atlanta rain are not going to
7635s allow houston to control it so now he
7636s should have the full scale retreat they
7638s have to group up for one interrupted
7639s push to win this it's all on the line
7641s here houston this has to be the push
7645s and they have
7647s four of the ultimates available
7649s atlanta does not want to push it much
7651s further than this right they don't want
7652s to run into the high ground because
7654s that's a fight they most likely lose
7656s and houston doesn't have to use anything
7657s for it is uh houston will have to get
7660s touch on the bot keep it moving
7664s said atlanta trying to build up to malt
7665s here
7666s hopes on the line here mid-season
7668s madness
7670s is in the air for the outlaws now it has
7672s to be an uninterrupted push if they want
7674s to stay alive and it's tournament that's
7676s a good start og falls belly good
7678s pressure and dante goes overhead both
7680s backliners to the atlanta reign are down
7682s so that's the first tick in the box for
7684s the outlaws but there's many more that
7686s must be satisfied
7687s uh and you only had to use the nanoboost
7689s there for the houston outlaw so that is
7691s massive only use the nano
7694s the bot is gonna hit the barrier here
7696s shortly uh and then you see at the top
7698s of the screen it's gonna stop now at
7700s that checkpoint it's gonna have to
7701s unlock that this is where maybe atlanta
7703s can make a play right if you can get kai
7705s up on that bridge with the overclock
7707s shooting down
7709s maybe that's where you can get a hold
7710s here get in the bus crash with a biotic
7712s grenade yep he backs away looking
7714s playing inside of his own disruptive
7715s shot
7722s outlaws looking to make magic again but
7724s kai ain't about that life last through
7727s the last one standing in overtime and
7729s two extended middle fingers won't be
7730s enough to keep the outlaws alive they're
7732s going home as the rain continue their
7735s lower bracket run
7738s so man what a play from kai comes around
7741s the corner with the overclock i was
7743s mentioning you can come from the high
7744s ground use that ability slides down
7747s connects with a few shots
7750s and that kind of seals the deal there
7752s for the atlanta reign as they stay alive
7755s in the tournament
7756s i mean more than just stay alive we talk
7758s about survival and that is on the line
7760s here but the atlanta right now starting
7761s to flourish a victory against the seoul
7764s dynasty and went all the way this time
7766s they handily dispatched the houston
7768s outlaws and let's not forget multiple
7771s houston picks are won by the atlanta
7773s reign and they're showing us that maybe
7775s maybe they're onto something hawk has
7777s played so many different tanks across
7779s this series and many times they've been
7781s able to exploit the outlaws lack of
7783s flexibility in that way the back line
7786s for the atlanta raid is showing that
7788s sort of you know incredible power they
7790s had in the first few weeks of this
7792s season returning to that height sort of
7794s og and ultraviolet phase this is
7796s incredible stuff in the atlantic rain
7797s and i got a feeling there well they're
7799s far from done
7801s yeah yeah i think that commitment to
7802s hawk and really giving him the time to
7804s play all these other tanks it's a huge
7806s difference for the atlanta reign not
7809s just uh overall in the season but in
7811s this series right you kind of see what
7812s houston has to do in terms of swapping
7814s out tanks trying to get the exact kind
7816s of composition they want uh and
7818s rightfully so because dante is so good
7819s on the doomfist and then piggy's so good
7821s on the sigma but man
7823s hawk was the player of the match today
7826s for all the things we just talked about
7827s being able to play the sigma play the
7829s winston the doomfist right uh diva right
7832s we saw so many different tanks from him
7834s today and he was a huge difference maker
7836s i mean i feel like on king's row there's
7837s almost a sense of inevitable
7839s inevitability whatever it was guaranteed
7842s that the atlanta reign were probably
7843s going to win that because of how they're
7845s able to exploit uh you know the opponent
7847s tank like hawks ever played whatever he
7849s likes you know the sigma looked huge
7850s even on attack he plays it and they
7852s sequentially take this space obviously
7854s returning to the doofus dog colosseum a
7857s great series incredible series here from
7859s hawk and we're continuing to understand
7862s now why it's so important for that one
7864s tank player to have so many options
7867s yeah it is
7868s it's something that i think a lot of
7870s teams are going to look at how atlanta
7871s handled this i know pretty early here in
7873s our season and i imagine they're going
7876s to try and copy some of this format
7878s right there's a nice break i know after
7880s this before we start our third
7882s tournament of the year uh where i think
7884s a lot of teams gonna look at their
7885s roster and say like is there one tank we
7887s can focus on who can play a lot of these
7888s different things because i know junker
7891s queen ray coming in like there's a lot
7892s of tanks now that they're going to be
7893s able to utilize and you want to utilize
7896s as many as possible map to out yeah
7898s fantastic result here for the rain the
7899s outlaws of course a bit to work on
7901s they're definitely sitting well within
7903s the pack but they need to break through
7905s later on in the year so they'll have a
7906s break now as matt mentioned we're gonna
7908s have one too i'm gonna learn how to say
7910s words while we go to the desk and help
7911s him wrap this one up of course we'll
7912s come back with our next very spicy badge
7915s after the break
7920s yeah i'm coming
7921s soon
7938s oh
7940s [Music]
7944s the on watching is brought to you by
7946s upper deck the official trading card of
7948s the overwatch league
7950s and by teamspeak the official voice
7953s supplier of the overwatch league
7958s [Laughter]
7973s [Music]
7980s [Music]
7986s [Music]
7995s [Music]
8001s [Music]
8021s [Music]
8035s [Music]
8050s [Music]
8081s [Music]
8090s [Music]
8115s [Music]
8128s [Music]
8172s [Music]
8178s [Music]
8184s so
8191s [Music]
8198s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
8200s joined now by hawk from atlanta rainhawk
8202s congratulations on the win and yeah
8205s apparently you're the the joke there's a
8206s there's a new term going around uh
8209s all among uh overwatch league tank
8211s players and it's a it's a joke yeah jack
8213s of all tanks jack of all tanks you just
8216s yeah jack of all tanks so i mean it's
8218s been going around the western players
8219s people calling everyone jokes but
8221s i guess today i had a flex i had to flex
8223s around the tank roll and you know jack
8225s of all tanks today is there is there a
8226s limit on like how many uh tank heroes
8229s you have to use in order to acquire that
8231s term uh i think it's mainly just having
8234s one tank like always in the lineup like
8236s if you're flexing around tanks then uh
8238s you're not a joke apparently but you are
8240s definitely a joke i guess i guess so you
8242s are a joke yes okay
8244s all right yeah i'm talking to the jolt
8246s of atlanta rain everybody oh yeah let's
8249s talk about this uh this match a little
8250s bit i mean i think you guys atlanta rain
8252s were very dominant this whole match but
8254s other than the first map oasis so what
8256s were some of the problems that you guys
8258s had in the first map and how are you
8259s able to turn things around at the end um
8262s the first map uh pelican was just taking
8265s a lot of space on genji just hit orb and
8267s he just like pretty much he was pretty
8269s much playing like a second tank just
8270s walking up and we just didn't poke them
8271s out that well but on the second third
8273s map we were able to abuse their uh their
8276s tank
8277s player that was in and um
8279s able to pretty much
8281s uh
8282s just worry about that he would have to
8283s go to echo and then we didn't worry
8284s about the echo so it's complicated but
8286s yeah sorry every time every time you
8288s talk about tank players now i just think
8290s about that joe turman
8292s sorry guys all right i mean we were
8293s talking a little bit about houston you
8294s were talking a little bit about houston
8296s uh i mean so my second question is
8297s actually about houston uh i mean
8300s how were the houston outlaws today in
8302s your perspective were they sort of
8303s better than uh your expectation um well
8306s last time we played them there was a
8308s complete tragedy what happened on uh in
8310s the well so um
8313s yeah yeah
8314s so uh
8316s the comics they're slow team they like
8317s to play very slow and um
8320s it's it's a different environment here
8322s everyone's face to face and uh it's also
8324s tournament so you get to pick your map
8326s and um
8328s yeah just a different environment if you
8329s get to pick your map and we just want
8330s our map so yeah yeah and you guys did a
8333s great job and last but not least uh
8335s apparently
8336s your next match is going to be up
8337s against either san francisco shock or
8338s the shanghai dragons the loser of that
8340s match will be going up against the
8341s atlanta reign uh who would you want to
8343s see in your as a next opponent um
8347s would i want to see i'd rather see shock
8348s but i
8349s think we might see shanghai because i'm
8352s not sure yet though we'll see how it
8353s goes but uh
8355s i think we might see shanghai why why do
8358s you want to go up against shock i mean
8360s we were pretty much up against them in
8362s tournaments and uh you know happened
8364s last year in grand finals so and now but
8366s it's a different game so anything that
8367s happened a little bit a little bit of
8369s revenge that little revenge on both ends
8372s all right well hawk that is it for the
8373s interview thank you so much uh for your
8374s time and again big congratulations on
8376s the win with that being said let's go
8378s back to the desk away take away take it
8380s away
8384s thank you so much danny and hawk the
8386s joke is this a term that this is a new
8388s one this is that
8389s yeah it's a new one coming around we're
8391s making history here exactly yeah right
8393s you called me the boat back in my day
8395s what's that i don't know i haven't
8396s figured out yet
8398s someone else may have figured out
8399s everyone guess what that could possibly
8401s be in the chat because i don't know what
8403s it is so hopefully the chat is a little
8405s bit more uh in june
8407s the pot i don't know man are you
8410s pointing out i'm gonna call you the
8411s point from now on
8413s this can go on for what does it mean
8417s but again congratulations to the atlanta
8419s three and one over the houston outlaws
8421s destroying my predictions i believe
8422s yours as well you predicted that yes you
8425s predicted them though i am dominating
8428s because of this tournament yeah no i've
8430s gotten a little spot i think it's you i
8431s think you're the problem you are rubbing
8433s off on me the analytical person is so
8435s converted to predict this would have
8437s been atlanta like
8438s is always better in the playoffs houston
8440s always kind of struggled but you i don't
8443s know
8444s i was think i was looking at like the
8445s bigger picture because atlanta rain they
8446s were the last
8448s match yesterday they could be a little
8450s bit tired they're on hawaii time a
8452s little bit of relaxation and then to be
8454s the first game the next morning that's a
8457s pretty quick turnaround johnny it's a
8458s pretty quick turnaround
8460s but it didn't matter because stuff
8461s because atlanta rain are just that much
8463s better in this one uh no for real though
8466s like these are pretty too evil teams
8468s then i mean i think it was a bit of a
8469s coin flip going into it i started with
8471s the atlanta rain because like purely
8473s historical narratives really i mean
8475s they've been the better team so far this
8477s season in general houston outlaws
8479s they've struggled to get over these kind
8481s of playoffs humps so far and i do feel
8483s like we've seen a couple of standout
8485s players for the atlanta reign kai didn't
8487s even have the greatest of games in this
8490s one specifically and i'd say it was one
8492s of the weakest players honestly the way
8493s kai got picked many times but
8495s ultraviolet even yesterday the way he
8498s impacted the game with his sleeps with
8499s his violence og is finding picks on the
8501s senate hawk as well the flexibility as
8504s they talked about he's been impressive
8506s on so many different heroes but the
8507s venom venom specifically
8510s has been a standout player on this
8512s tracer and in many ways stepped up from
8514s his regular season performances and this
8516s is a rookie keep in mind i think venom
8518s is having a bit of a breakout
8520s performance here in this very tournament
8521s they're starting to make a name for
8522s themselves uh crucial pulse bombs
8524s crucial picks here in the duels and even
8526s though pelican isn't the strongest racer
8528s player i feel like venom is very much in
8530s charge of the game he's not put on the
8532s back foot he's not trying to peel off
8534s for his team he's going aggressive he's
8536s aggressively finding picks he's being
8537s proactive these are great traits for a
8540s tracer player so liking what i'm seeing
8541s from venom and if he can keep up this
8543s momentum that's going to be a huge boon
8545s for that mountain range rest of the
8546s tournament yeah on the other hand though
8547s the houston outlaws their woes continue
8549s in the playoffs they literally a mirror
8551s matchup of what happened in the kickoff
8553s clash they go to the lore bracket early
8556s they beat the toronto defiant only to
8557s lose in the next round and you know i i
8560s there's a couple of things that really
8561s stood out to me in this match is lastro
8564s i understand that the flanking has
8566s catches people off guard but the atlanta
8568s reign was so ready for this and he was
8569s punished time and time again and it just
8572s felt like they were just kind of relying
8574s on individual performances rather than
8576s playing as a team and you could see that
8578s in their ultimate usage but bringing it
8580s back around the venom i completely agree
8582s venom on this tracer has been
8584s exceptional so far not just in these
8586s matches but over the entirety of the
8588s season and you can understand why he is
8590s playing over a great player like nero
8592s just on this tracer so excited to see
8595s more from him you know
8596s we just heard they're going up against
8598s the shanghai dragon
8599s or the san francisco neither of those
8601s teams are going to be easy so i'm
8603s excited to see how long this atlanta
8605s rain run can go in the playoffs because
8607s you know you're new here but they do it
8609s every single time like literally they
8611s did it in the 2021 finals like this team
8613s they went to the grand finals no one
8615s expected them that no one did a kickoff
8617s clash they did the same thing again so
8618s i'm curious to see where the train is
8620s going to stop definitely we'll see if it
8621s just keeps on a chug in but with that
8624s game come to a conclusion let's go ahead
8625s and take a look at our updated lower
8627s brackets
8629s and you know as you said atlanta rain
8630s going to move on take on either the
8632s shock or the dragons i believe he said
8634s that he preferred to try to take on the
8636s shock but probably could see the dragons
8638s as well there was the atlanta rain
8639s moving on uh and then we will see the
8641s philadelphia fusion take on florida
8644s mayhem that's going to be our next match
8646s so gentlemen going into there you know
8647s that i'm biased you know i'm a fusion
8649s fan i predicted them you predicted
8651s fusion
8652s yeah we all predicted fusion so we're
8655s all in agreement there's no analysis
8657s that we need to jump into
8659s i'm just playing the game
8661s going into this match what are your
8662s anticipations
8664s yeah i i for me i don't know i can't
8665s speak for johnny philadelphia fusion
8667s they haven't been the most impressive
8669s team in this tournament but the
8670s philadelphia sorry the florida mayhem
8672s were lucky to come out of yesterday's
8673s match reverse weeping the london
8675s spitfire they did start to have that
8677s sort of realization and someone said
8679s that in his interview if we lose this
8680s match we're going home and they sort of
8682s flipped that switch someone xe checkmate
8685s really sort of hit a fifth gear and they
8687s started coming through if they are going
8688s to beat the fusion they need to start in
8690s 5th year they need to be coming out and
8692s relying on that dive and that hitscan of
8694s hexy yeah i mean florida mayhem so far
8696s i've said it many times already now that
8698s the past couple of days i like the
8700s compositions that florida man were
8701s bringing out i like the playstyle they
8703s have got going but the philadelphia
8705s fusion i mean i i think their individual
8707s skill is just so ridiculously high um
8711s mm3 of course had a bit of a break-up
8712s performance against seoul dynasty we
8714s just like you know made waves like
8716s really everyone was just like wow mm3 he
8718s popped off in such a dramatic way cest
8721s has been like a consistent carry
8723s performer for the fusion so that's a
8724s great damage to you you got already fury
8727s is one of the best tanks of all time on
8729s the philadelphia fusion as well and
8730s belas ria he's had some nice wrecking
8732s ball tech you know navigating around the
8734s map so the philadelphia fusion i feel
8736s like
8737s they have this rookie roster you know a
8739s bit inexperienced they did have a nice
8741s kick of clash run but really in these
8743s global tournaments like the fusion they
8745s could really impress people here and you
8748s know
8748s elevate their reputation a little bit
8750s because i do think that people think of
8752s them as a bit of you know a middling
8753s kind of team and they could really like
8756s make a name for themselves and really
8757s elevate that to a top tier contender
8759s yeah for me as well with philly i i this
8762s match isn't as much of are they going to
8763s win it or they're going to lose it i'm
8765s curious to see the form that they're in
8766s are they going to be firing are their
8768s individual performances going to be up
8769s there because how far can they go
8771s they're a team that always does seem to
8772s show up in the playoffs and they can
8774s just like all of a sudden just be like
8775s if zest mn3 aim god all start hitting
8778s peak performances they can start
8780s knocking out teams that we wouldn't
8781s expect to be knocked out by them so i'm
8783s really just sort of getting a vibe check
8785s and if they get knocked out then you
8786s know that's the vibe right there they're
8788s not going to be very good really quick
8790s i'm going to add on top of the
8791s predictions i think they're going to go
8792s 3-0 for fusion i i think they're gonna
8795s go through as well i think they're gonna
8796s come out firing and i i expect fusion to
8799s hit that fifth year uh i'm gonna go with
8801s a 3-2 for the fusion error oh you think
8803s they i think i think florida mayhem have
8805s some good stuff off their sleeve you
8806s can't underestimate someone's
8808s flexibility on the tank roll like even
8810s bringing out some reinhardt stuff that
8811s could be a good matchup for the florida
8813s mayhem so i like the strategies and
8815s compositions from the mayhem so maybe
8816s they can you know catch
8818s not lose anymore just don't play losers
8823s you're gonna break poor reinforces heart
8825s but spicy predictions hopefully going to
8827s lead us into a even spicier match
8829s everyone we're going to be taking a
8830s quick break but don't go anywhere
8832s because when we come back we're going to
8833s see florida take on the philadelphia
8835s fusion
8854s [Music]
8911s [Music]
8924s [Music]
8970s [Music]
8984s [Music]
8989s [Music]
9000s [Music]
9011s [Music]
9045s [Music]
9062s [Music]
9081s our second match of the day features
9083s another lower bracket head-to-head
9085s between two teams that used to play
9086s pretty frequently now it's been quite a
9089s while matt what ties both the florida
9092s mayhem the philadelphia fusion together
9093s is that both teams that turned up but
9095s they could kick off clash and there was
9096s some hype about that early on they
9098s suffered at the kickoff clash in their
9099s respective regions and they've been
9101s trying to rebuild some form since then
9103s on the florida mayhem side right we're
9105s very excited about their new support
9106s line seeing how hydra fits in maxie were
9108s waiting on him to see and come into the
9110s roster on the philadelphia side of
9111s things there was absolutely a honeymoon
9113s period with this rookie laden team but
9116s getting back in the kickoff clash
9118s they're still looking for the glory that
9119s seemed within arms reach at the end of
9122s that first tournament and they're gonna
9123s have to get through the mayhem to keep
9125s going
9127s i think for
9128s philadelphia like they have the higher
9130s ceiling of the two teams right like if
9132s you were to look at just kind of like
9134s skill across the board like kind of
9135s where they could potentially go as a
9138s team i think you would definitely say
9139s the philadelphia fusion i know if
9141s everything goes right they could you
9143s know find themselves up there with some
9144s of the best in the league uh florida
9147s mayhem i think what you're looking for
9148s going into this match is that like
9150s they're not just like content with
9152s yesterday's result then it's like oh
9154s yeah we we reverse we blunden we're
9156s still in like that's great like you know
9158s a win like that can almost feel like
9160s you've just like you kind of completed
9162s your mission and you're just done uh
9165s where it could be a little bit hard to
9166s kind of get up into like game
9169s form today so i think looking at how
9171s florida mayhem starts uh that's what i'm
9173s looking at in this series well speaking
9175s of that matthew we got our starting
9177s lineup here for the mayhem featuring
9179s rupal alongside sir margins so we're
9181s expecting to see uh potential double
9183s flex support action we've seen so much
9184s it on the lucio before we've seen it on
9186s illios before as well it's incredibly
9189s aggressive not unlike super margins
9192s every other hero to be honest with you
9194s matt xe is the superstar uh of this
9197s mayhem team after what we saw against
9199s the london spitfire what a reverse sweep
9202s an incredible back end of that series
9204s from the mayhem and xe was the one that
9206s really put uh i feel the spitfire bet in
9209s those last couple of maps this team is
9210s riding a hype but it was a long day
9213s yesterday yeah absolutely i think xe has
9216s definitely
9217s made a huge impact since coming over and
9220s joining the florida mayhem
9222s uh
9222s it's a little bit unfortunate i think
9224s hydro is actually playing quite well but
9225s i think when you have a player like xc
9227s and you're able to get your
9229s hands on a a player that before he kind
9231s of uh retired took a break uh whatever
9234s you want to call like due to injury um
9236s he was one of the best hitscans in the
9238s league so being able to acquire him is
9240s huge uh philly we can take a look at
9242s their starting lineup coming into today
9245s and like the desk mentioned i think the
9247s sky is the limit for this team uh you
9250s know mn3 we've seen what he's been able
9252s to do i know aim god really you know
9254s with uh what carpe and fury like the
9255s veterans of this squad uh
9258s but if if they can get everything
9260s clicking and i think use this tournament
9262s you know maybe you get past florida here
9265s maybe you can even give the next
9266s opponent right you know you come in play
9267s well run for their money uh you start to
9271s i think scott's it like kind of just
9272s like make more of a name for yourself
9274s but i think just more give your team
9276s confidence that you can contend with
9278s those top teams and build even further
9281s right going into the future with this
9282s squad will you talk about this philly
9284s fusion roster having a high ceiling but
9286s the question for this team is how long
9288s can they operate at that level for the
9290s issue for them is that consistency right
9292s such an explosive start in the league
9294s they slowed down in a big way sort of
9296s following that into the kickoff clash
9297s finals but this is the team that is you
9299s know it's it's a couple veterans like
9300s you mentioned surrounded by these
9302s rookies here it's gonna be aim god
9304s obviously being the old head in this
9306s permutation of the roster with bella's
9307s rear coming in and playing uh main tank
9309s here or other tank i've got to say
9311s though mn3 and zest there's a reason why
9313s everyone's talking about them at first
9315s it was zest it was the genji and later
9317s the tracer play that really uh really
9319s excited us this comes in to the
9321s mid-season madness tournament tied for
9323s first on solo kills per 10 as tracer
9326s pretty important we see a lot of teams
9328s just try and have their traces without
9330s support go and try and hit these back
9331s lines hard and it's so hard to get those
9334s solo kills now with zenyatta being as
9335s powerful as he is zest is overcoming
9337s that particular issue in a lot of
9340s situations so it's a real boon to the
9341s fusion when he can get rolling in that
9343s way the team's really exciting uh but
9346s again people are not really sure where
9347s to put them i went against the dallas
9349s fuel though dallas looking a little bit
9351s weaker in this current meta game to be
9353s fair but that's still a huge patch to
9355s put on their shoulder as they try to
9357s advance here through this lower bracket
9359s it's still a huge win i know it del
9362s i guess like an unoptimal meta or an
9364s ideal meta for the dallas fuel uh
9366s they're still a very talented they'll
9369s still be on a lot of teams uh in that
9371s state and uh you can see this uh
9373s tracer's stats so far this season uh
9376s very impressive all around uh in terms
9378s of it really just kind of in the top
9381s what seven across everything pretty much
9384s uh
9385s top half of the league that's really
9386s impressive to kick off the season yeah
9388s and i think that now in a 5v5 format
9391s those solo kills are something you
9392s really can't rely on right especially
9395s with back lines you know starting to get
9397s patched in such a way that they become a
9398s little bit more self-sufficient so being
9400s like i said being able to achieve those
9402s these are the stats that matter right
9403s pulse one kills awesome is you know is
9405s pretty important but again if you have a
9406s player that can truly be a low economy
9409s high impact individual it releases
9411s reduces the pressure on your team in
9413s other areas of their game that's
9415s something to keep an eye on here as we
9417s you know want to see more from zesters
9418s this team really needs someone to push
9421s them over the line here the desk says
9424s they expect a 3-0 uh between the fusion
9426s to make him here that's pretty high
9428s praise for philly when they had their
9430s shakiness as well
9432s well i think if you are
9435s the florida mayhem and you come into
9437s this series expecting to just you know
9439s whoa
9440s maybe we'll kick it off you know
9442s and fall down too low and then you kind
9444s of like wake up say i don't know if
9446s you're going to be able to
9448s do that against this philadelphia fusion
9450s team right
9451s uh you're able to get by the london
9453s spitfire with it but philadelphia it
9455s just has a lot more firepower right i
9457s imagine you know if they're clicking to
9459s the point they're up too oh they're
9460s going to put you to sleep
9461s the bellas rear wrecking ball something
9463s we're seeing more of lately has been a
9464s pretty good look for philly fusion and
9466s mm3 if he comes out on that ash
9468s obviously one of the sort of earlier
9470s adopters of that pick in that eastern
9471s region we always talk about how we
9472s really see in the west uh definitely was
9475s it was incubated in that in the eastern
9477s region and m3 one of the core proponents
9480s of that pick if we get an xc widow
9482s though that's going to make this pretty
9483s spicy because i mean mm3 has some of the
9486s best widow stats in the entire league
9488s and it's not particularly close so
9490s that'll be fun if we get that but out of
9491s the gates here on elio someone will be
9493s on the wrecking ball the back line of
9495s rupaul and sir major here but i think
9496s it's interesting we've actually got brig
9498s zen for philly
9500s yeah he brings in has been pretty
9502s popular with the wrecking ball uh in
9504s combination so you have the harmony orb
9507s at range for the wrecking ball you can
9509s also kind of protect some of these
9511s players in the back uh with the brig but
9514s surma jet finds an early pick off okay
9516s both teams able to get key eliminations
9518s on the superstars of
9520s either side i'm in the fusion that move
9522s up to try and set up on the point here
9524s velocira wants to try and pressure
9526s margins direction
9528s yeah he's in trouble here they're very
9530s my mind very aggressive zen play but
9531s also both sort of highest deaths per 10
9533s in the league because of that play style
9534s so it's a double double-edged sword here
9536s from belazaria he takes that one
9537s upstairs
9539s yeah it makes it look easy getting up
9541s there to the high ground as he's gonna
9543s chase uh xe as well
9545s doesn't want to give that
9546s widowmaker any sight lines it'll be the
9548s philadelphia fusion getting in control
9550s first the wrecking ball also really good
9552s against the widowmaker right uh being
9554s able to just
9555s constantly put pressure on dexy
9560s like immaculate
9561s bone structure and aim
9563s for rexy but getting around the wrecking
9565s ball in his face is
9567s no mean feat for even
9568s the greatest of our hit scan players in
9570s the league and nxt is trying to
9572s he's trying to worm his way around a
9574s little bit here oh my mn3 gets a free
9577s haircut he didn't he didn't want that
9578s one that's what happened
9580s yeah he was he was i think looking at
9582s the brig maybe for a second the brick
9584s shield went down and mn3 just kind of
9586s walked right into that one
9588s absolutely nice job there yeah you see
9591s zesty you know through the outline right
9593s just kind of
9594s holding in that position allowing bella
9596s tree to come from the side and put down
9597s some damage and look at how much they're
9599s trying to get xc out of the way yeah i
9601s mean execon i mean he struggles to do
9603s much from this position right that's so
9604s close recall there from zestimate
9606s through pressuring no grapple available
9609s and bella sorry sings them over the edge
9610s of the font farewell
9611s getting rid of some of these proximity
9613s mines here is remember it's the mayhem
9614s who flipped the point back and forth
9615s relax the background to get the thing
9618s done freebie on rupaul though and hang
9620s on philly are back on the point
9622s yeah a little bit of a cross mapper
9624s there
9626s not able to stay alive uh
9629s it's like what is it like a modern
9631s warfare where you throw the tomahawk up
9633s yeah
9637s yeah
9638s it's kind of like murdered them right
9639s yeah it's more of that
9641s all right xc with the infrasight he
9643s would love to handle mn3 and three knows
9645s he can't contend a long long range here
9648s with xc
9649s but the the latter is forced to place in
9651s these awkward close angles while he's
9652s under duress from the wrecking ball and
9654s such
9656s zest versus checkmate here
9658s [Music]
9659s zest forced away the pack
9662s a little too far off but i ain't got
9663s opens up the account nicely here without
9664s bella's rear the philly fusion
9666s just gonna try and get aggressive with
9667s their dps there and that oh my okay
9669s immortality feel forced there from
9671s rupaul i think you're happy enough with
9672s that here as the mayhem can't play on
9674s the point they can't get to the point
9676s with immortality they use it already not
9678s a good sign
9679s yeah name god has the transcendence in
9681s case they just kind of jump onto the
9683s point start a brawl someone will try and
9685s contest there yup he'll get it for a
9687s second now he's gonna get stunned and
9689s knocked out of that animation again
9690s bella's real ryan x his face forces him
9692s away marcia decides to try and come to
9694s the rescue with the transcendence i'm
9695s sure he keeps the widow in the fight but
9697s what else can they make him achieve with
9698s that ultimate someone can't even be kept
9700s alive but that's a big problem checkmate
9702s kind of lifts the pulse bomb there
9704s nothing doing in there's an immortality
9705s field in play but it's looking a little
9706s bit lonely nobody's basking in those
9708s rays margin eventually is removed and
9710s the philadelphia fusion
9712s really kicked the pace up a notch zest
9714s is limbering up for what may be a spicy
9716s series
9718s i was gonna say they had no answer for
9720s zest there early is
9722s he is able to just cause havoc for the
9725s supports of the florida mayhem
9728s so even though like are you playing the
9730s widowmaker there too so not like any a
9732s ton of like dps help like checkmate can
9734s kind of try and shadow him a little bit
9736s but
9737s man that is uh tough to deal with if
9739s you're in florida we'll see how they
9740s handle it here going into well
9743s so here's rupaul taking a elegant swan
9746s dive
9747s onto a bed of spikes
9752s yeah
9753s okay
9755s unlucky for rupaul they're not able to
9756s clear the way for himself before he
9758s dropped down had other things to worry
9759s about dog is unamused by that yeah hugo
9762s not a fan yeah
9764s yeah hugo is not a fan you tell him yeah
9766s you tell him
9768s it's a big fusion 3-0 believer so you
9770s can go on a walk
9773s close running matt is at home alone with
9775s the dog so much responsibility for this
9776s man still finds time to chop it up with
9778s me on the cast
9780s axis oh man he's feeling the pressure
9782s hey well you know what we tried to get
9784s everybody else to work with you but i'm
9786s the only one who will do it
9798s like
9800s basically instantly so like this is a
9801s really good start for florida right like
9803s as a bounce back maybe a little bit of a
9804s wake-up call in that first round
9808s yeah i could open it for them they i
9809s mean xc was so low on the high ground
9811s bella three was making good inroads
9814s they won't take the point now
9815s philadelphia is like kind of coming back
9817s and
9818s well yeah a lot of that fights were like
9820s happening off of the point nobody
9821s actually takes it there i don't want to
9822s cast the curse this again matt but we
9824s discussed this last time it could be
9825s hard to get like a complete cap on this
9827s point when there's a couple players
9828s still standing portraying ellen proves
9830s us wrong there this time
9832s so philly gets demonstrated back in the
9834s fight
9835s like you really need
9837s you know like three on threes especially
9839s with like howl mobile and survivability
9841s uh being huge for some of the heroes
9843s that are played in these compositions
9845s like even a three on three is probably
9847s not good enough to you know be able to
9849s or even like a four on three good enough
9850s to flip the point right i know tracer
9853s immortality field uh you know the
9855s ability to just roll on his wrecking
9856s ball roll off like a recall right like
9860s there's so many different things that
9861s you can just stall this out for
9862s teammates to get back
9864s you really need to pick up a few kills
9866s uh he sees me in the corner here pulse
9868s now he can recall out of that he knows
9869s his opponent will recall the same
9871s location though yeah zest debt to rights
9873s there got spotted out early by checkmate
9875s still a decent lead for philadelphia and
9877s four players to maintain this stall with
9879s but they're going to wrap around and aim
9880s god's direction here nobody mn3 is close
9882s by with bob available the transcendence
9884s is gonna be forced here here goes ain't
9886s got trying to support bella sorea in his
9888s attempt to pressure that background and
9890s he does force the transcendence from
9891s margie but elsewhere mn3 is filled by
9894s axi across the map philly now might be
9896s in store protocol
9899s yeah as we'll see so two players on the
9901s point here for philly they're gonna drop
9903s their ant matrix here is uh not able to
9905s get anything out of that as maybe they
9907s thought they can still fight it but zest
9908s you see this recall you know able to
9910s dive around a little bit that's gonna
9911s buy about i know five to eight percent
9914s so 72 for philadelphia fusion right off
9917s the rip they end up using a lot there
9919s towards the end i mean they use the
9920s transcendence in the minefield and then
9922s they also threw the ant matrix in
9924s from fix it after that so
9927s just to let the bob to work with here i
9929s mean bob's not there's no sleep right uh
9932s but bob you can just burn him down
9933s pretty quick
9935s plenty of opportunities to lose him
9937s unless he's placed in a particularly
9938s obnoxious place on point here's the ball
9940s from both sides transcendence okay
9942s immortality feel from fixer there living
9944s up to his name that could have been
9945s dangerous for the fusion mn3's bob
9948s though is summarily dispatched
9951s now the fighting will occur probably in
9952s that sort of low room on the left-hand
9953s side as zest is on the creep
9957s thanks now to vex his position so margin
9959s might be a tasty morsel here with a
9961s pulse
9962s remember zest has a extremely solid
9965s pulse bomb kill ratio and that's the
9966s stick he's looking for plus l plus
9968s didn't ask
9969s actually back to spawn now
9971s someone getting pressured a little bit
9973s but philly's still not in control yet
9974s and they may have managed to build up
9976s over 50 percent
9978s who is checking this pulse bomb doesn't
9980s connect oh someone's trying to roll good
9982s but doesn't get the contest yeah so it
9984s will flip to the fusion you still have a
9986s few players here split for the florida
9988s mayhem where they got to come up with
9989s kills here they got to go big
9992s margin
9993s okay that aggressive play style that's
9995s exactly what we want from him right now
9997s philly did flip the point back though so
9999s florida lose the chance to extend their
10000s lead in a winning fight
10002s drawn out as it may have been
10005s someone
10006s well that's a haitian pancake
10009s i gotta say the the the kills here for
10011s marchette was huge because if he doesn't
10014s come up with those two no you're at like
10016s 80 plus percent you have a few players
10018s still lingering around you lose those
10020s players like your last fight territory
10021s here for florida mayhem and it does not
10023s look good in that scenario so those two
10026s kills for surma jet huge
10029s someone hoping to continue to pressure
10031s here
10032s a lot of health on that wrecking ball
10034s but i ain't got opens up the account as
10036s xc down both ash players struggling here
10038s to have a real big impact
10040s he's called on balance for him but also
10041s someone who still goes forward despite
10043s that the transcendence comes in just a
10045s little too late from marjet still though
10048s the backlines are doing their job mn3 is
10050s brought down here florida still control
10052s the point
10053s and philly don't look any closer to
10054s taking it back ain't got to have the
10056s transcendence here now can they turn
10057s that into a kill opportunity on margin
10059s the immortality field from rupaul is
10060s gone and so margin tries to back off but
10062s fix it won't let him get away bellatria
10065s hopes to flip here and he gets it the
10067s minefield assisting with that and
10068s someone had his eyes turned elsewhere
10070s mn3 is back in the fight but philly have
10072s control they can go to 99 themselves now
10076s yeah and you've lost someone and you've
10077s lost checkmate so who's gonna stall it's
10078s gonna be bob as he runs right into
10080s another bob and gets pushed back bumpy
10082s bob action you'll have to see it but
10084s crucially it's still filling with
10086s control right now
10088s checkmate's looking for a location for
10090s this pulse bombers rupaul's the
10091s mortality field is removed but he was
10092s able to get the wrecking ball with that
10094s timer checkmate sticks it mn3 forced to
10097s tip the king is he'll continue to
10099s pressure this back line further this is
10101s good looks to the mayhem and now xc gets
10103s involved in a big way
10105s tracer stalls for just a moment but what
10107s can zest do not a lot we've gotta even
10110s game here only leos
10114s fbi every time we're on with a tracer
10115s it's just a pulse bomb that
10118s connects with these ashes for both teams
10121s it's uh i feel like you know xc and mn3
10123s it's been a little bit of a rough go to
10125s start things off right uh you know how
10127s much pressure they're under the wrecking
10129s balls the tracers in the mix right
10131s that's
10132s really difficult because you know
10133s actually picks up a few at the end but
10134s this is where i think the game turned uh
10136s because you look at the type of
10137s situation they're in they're down there
10139s tracer the point just flips over you
10142s have players all over the place and yeah
10144s i mean those are two sick kills
10146s so madrid leads his team seven final
10149s blows to his name on that zen
10152s very much a third dps just when the
10154s mayhem needed him much
10158s he really does play like a third dps i
10160s mean you talk about a progression right
10161s we see like last show in the last series
10163s gonna go on some of these blanks and
10164s take these off angles uh you don't see
10167s the same type of like flanks from the
10168s surmajit but you do see him take lots of
10171s fights and be very aggressive in terms
10173s of uh you know chasing down kills and
10176s not being afraid to duel out with some
10177s dps yeah like look at this so like he's
10179s not flanking oh man but he's taking
10181s aggressive sight light so trying to give
10183s himself kills yeah at longer ranges xe
10186s okay
10187s barely able to stay alive bella freya
10189s says okay that's an immortality field
10190s i'll take that
10191s oh dear that's gonna have to be a recall
10194s good is causing so many problems here
10195s for the makeup and they've got to do
10197s something about bellatria
10199s yeah i was gonna say he is getting so
10200s close to getting like an environmental
10202s kill but while he's doing that someone's
10204s serving and i believe checkmate push on
10206s forward and they're able to get two
10208s players so now that you don't have the
10210s point for philadelphia this is going to
10211s be an advantage for the florida mayhem
10213s and they should be able to get control
10214s first i mean you're gonna be so
10215s frustrated if you're bella three are
10217s here for the fusion you really you cause
10219s a lot of disruption make it hard for the
10220s mayhem to execute their plans but the
10222s rest of your team gets flattened at
10224s range no less
10231s for philly now how do you try and
10233s approach this you want to try and take
10234s some of the high ground as you see
10236s fellas three and zest up here they tried
10238s this earlier though it didn't work oh
10240s it's gonna be some legit with a pick
10242s long range on m3 it's a lot of damage
10244s out of the way with the ash another pick
10245s from sir majid here early in the fight
10247s these are first picks
10248s continuing to lead the way for the rest
10250s of his team so below tries to shut down
10252s that amplification matrix there to some
10254s degree it works but so marcia's not
10256s using it he's playing elsewhere
10259s no and having a zen who can play
10263s this offensive i know and damage dealing
10265s focus and being able to come up with
10267s some huge pick-offs especially first
10268s picks to game changers uh fellas real
10271s dropped the minefield on the point over
10273s towards the florida mayhem side so we
10274s have pulse bomb that connects right bus
10276s down philadelphia they know it's dire
10279s they had to get so much i mean yeah no
10281s team no philly no no one else knows how
10282s to play against a third dps like this i
10285s don't know how anybody is supposed to
10287s deal with this fix of those able to get
10288s his opposite number across the map here
10290s there's a duel between zest and xc the
10292s latter who is very very low and that
10293s discord on someone makes him an easy
10295s mark but bob comes bustling in all of
10297s the point
10299s and now i'm not going to be able to take
10300s this minefields plus bob on the point
10303s how do you get in there and make a play
10304s after the philadelphia fusion the
10306s florida mayhem you know after that first
10308s point they bounced back in a big way
10311s really kind of dominating here in
10312s lighthouse
10314s so far it's been an absolute shutout in
10316s this third round
10317s fellas three are under pressure
10320s fix it keeps him topped up but again xc
10321s wins the duel he beats mm3 man to man
10324s like the third fourth time in this round
10326s maybe who's counting it doesn't matter
10327s to make him the only number they care
10329s about is the one at the top it's 98 and
10331s it's going up someone eventually goes
10333s down but he's able to get fixer for his
10334s troubles here would be checkmate trying
10336s to stay zest off at the point a bit of a
10338s tracer duel here and they're going to be
10339s a recall force from zest that means this
10342s overtime gets precariously low zest has
10344s to now stand and deliver without that
10345s defensive cooldown and a discord orb
10347s makes this all the harder checkmate
10349s decides instead they go for aim god but
10350s that might have actually been his
10351s undoing as the zen slaps him down
10354s and says to get out with a touch and
10356s recall he's doing some serious work for
10358s his team now and finally they get to the
10359s point but fixes set a light immediately
10361s zest eventually finds his mark it's
10363s margin going down and better sprays
10364s having to deal with xc now someone
10366s hiding in the corner rupaul now going on
10368s to offensive mode and he finds a second
10371s now an air matrix in play and mm3's in
10373s dire straight beautiful stuff from the
10375s mayhem and there's a zen gap in the chat
10378s love to start a series like that in
10379s florida looking good
10382s and they needed a start like this
10386s what we talked about was yesterday
10388s against the london spitfire took them a
10389s little bit to wake up i realized hey we
10391s don't want to go home just yet and come
10394s out today here no they lose that first
10396s turn to philadelphia but the next two
10398s all florida mayhem they're they seem to
10400s be kicking in all cylinders yet again
10402s you know taking some of that late series
10404s heroics from london into today's matchup
10406s which is scary for philly oh yeah
10408s they're just looking good xc magic just
10410s beautiful stuff so far florida with
10412s every reason to be pleased right now but
10414s it's a long series and there's much more
10415s to be played so don't go too far it's an
10418s elimination match between the mayhem and
10420s the fusion
10438s [Music]
10459s [Music]
10528s [Music]
10567s [Music]
10598s yay
10611s [Music]
10642s a hotly contested back and forth map one
10645s on elios sees the mayhem come out on top
10647s and some heroics here in the final
10649s stages from rupaul who not only deals
10651s with a lot of aggression in his
10652s direction but he helps someone clutch
10655s the round out here
10657s yeah massive start here for the florida
10659s mayhem i know you hear everybody on the
10661s desk fully expect uh philly to come in
10664s get a 3-0
10666s uh in florida
10668s squashes that right off the rip right
10670s and see some of the healing done on the
10672s batiste i wasn't even playing batiste
10673s the entire time right i know there was a
10675s little bit of change up there you know
10677s playing uh some breaks so just i believe
10680s they're
10681s on lighthouse these are massive numbers
10683s yeah rupaul obviously uh you know played
10685s the baptism that first round uh and had
10687s a bit of a slow start on ruins right so
10689s the fact that his stat card looks that
10691s impressive uh after such a slow sluggish
10694s start from the flow to mayhem
10696s well that means a heck of a lot here got
10698s some substitutions coming in though so
10699s the uh the double-edged sword of sir
10701s majid comes out here sheath for the time
10704s being is artemo the veteran comes back
10706s in we have a substitution here for the
10708s philadelphia fusion fury talking about
10710s veterans fifth year in the overwatch
10711s league will replace rookie bellasria
10714s yeah and it'll be going to king's row
10716s will be the philadelphia fusion pick uh
10719s you bring in fury uh you know able to
10721s play the really you're kind of looking
10722s at sigma probably right here uh no sigma
10725s at a very high level i know we've seen
10727s him play diva in the past really just
10729s one of the more mechanically talented
10731s tanks that we've seen in overwatch
10733s history now also he kind of mentioned
10735s right he's like one of the only players
10737s still remaining right from the inaugural
10739s season i mean fury's been around for
10740s ages i mean he and carpe they're you
10742s know two five-year veterans on the same
10744s team but uh not many of rosters can can
10747s boast that same achievement uh fury also
10749s credited with one of the most uh
10750s freakish moments of premonition as a
10752s diva player with a uh you know
10754s season one season two maybe a a
10756s unnatural flick with a uh you know a
10759s pulse bomb heat from the defense matrix
10761s on gibraltar just really impossible
10763s things yeah we it's definitely up there
10764s with like that triple collat of merit
10766s just these astounding moments from star
10768s players so fury really wrote the book on
10770s that that flex tank that off tank play
10772s in overwatch one and he's here to
10774s continue his legacy man let's see if he
10777s can get a double fusion who frankly
10779s again uh show us two sides of a a coin
10782s there in that first map getting shut out
10784s in that last round not a good look
10787s and i worry
10789s i think you worry really if you're the
10791s fusion if you lose this map
10793s right all kind of like you say mostly
10796s like a rookie lineup right now you do
10798s have some veterans on the squad but
10800s do you lose the confidence right florida
10803s now they're starting to click right that
10804s would be what uh
10806s five maps in a row right i know the
10809s reverse sweep yesterday is like let's
10810s say the first two today like that's team
10812s it's on fire right now
10814s uh
10815s you'd be really worried about philly
10817s potentially going home in a
10819s pretty commanding fashion by florida
10822s i mean yeah that would be uh pretty
10825s incredible considering i think
10826s expectations for the mayhem aren't
10827s exactly
10828s sky high right well we saw them at
10830s kickoff clash we we sort of felt like we
10833s we took their measure pretty accurately
10835s the team has definitely evolved a lot uh
10837s since then though i feel like we're
10838s seeing obviously rupaul's edition uh you
10840s know smoothed out a lot of the rougher
10842s edges and also someone showing us a
10843s deeper
10844s tank pool like the wrecking ball their
10846s reinhardt player on that's like colosseo
10848s there's much more to this team than
10849s meets the eye and actually adds that bit
10851s of star power here that it's been pretty
10853s mind-blowing and how he's been able to
10855s just win those first pick duels against
10857s mn3 on the ash versus ash consistently
10859s in that last map it it's like two
10861s completely different um
10864s style of teams you would say right we're
10866s like philadelphia we talk about how much
10868s of like potential and like the
10869s individual skill of each of these
10871s players right and like if they can reach
10873s their highs like they can be one of the
10875s best teams in the league
10877s uh but sometimes it doesn't happen right
10878s sometimes like they'll have a fantastic
10880s game sometimes you have a little bit of
10881s an off game you know kind of like
10884s as weird as it sounds like you know how
10886s you feel in that day kind of uh scenario
10889s uh where florida
10892s they're just like they're not super
10894s flashy they're consistently good right
10896s uh and you feel like you know some of
10898s their more impactful players like
10900s someone exe sir majed they they are
10903s pretty consistent with their performance
10904s right uh to where
10907s if a team like philadelphia let's say
10909s you would look on paper maybe say hey
10911s you know they do have a little bit more
10912s you know talent they're able to hit a
10913s higher level
10915s if they don't come in and hit that
10916s higher level florida is skilled enough
10919s that they will just win a series like
10921s that right because they play pretty
10923s consistently gaming and game out
10925s and uh you are now looking at the source
10927s of our it's like delay here as we're
10930s getting animals oh we give that away and
10932s uh yeah the baby the people standing
10934s around sort of is it is it like
10939s might need some uh some some surgery
10941s here
10942s and you're uh
10944s you're pretty you know seeing that
10946s entire room and being able to figure out
10948s or
10949s figure out what the problem is i mean
10951s it's not even that impressive i'm
10952s actually just seeing the one shot of a
10953s player and figuring it out so i would
10955s say i have even less information to make
10956s that inference on making it even more
10958s impressive here's uh here's someone
10960s pretty darn impressive on illios here 10
10962s points but
10964s sports awards probably do they let you
10966s do that ring this is that how i'm gonna
10968s get the edge over like some random
10970s league of legends or cod guy the real
10972s all right all right we'll get maybe
10973s maybe uh but all right i'll hit up your
10975s uh
10977s let's talk about this though i mean uh
10979s again we saw a lot of those first kills
10981s the first kills don't always manifest on
10983s these on these stat boards right they
10984s they usually just fall under like
10985s another one or whatever but look over
10988s 10.6 on ash that's pretty huge uh
10990s especially and i think this would be
10991s even more damning if it was side by side
10993s with mn3s ash on elos because a lot of
10996s the time these two players are seeking
10997s each other out early so they don't have
10999s to worry about getting right on the
11000s headshot they get rid of the ash and
11002s then they go to work
11004s i think it's also like we've seen so
11006s many players kind of come
11008s uh and go with like really explosive
11010s performances since xc like we've seen
11012s him at his peak right but you think back
11014s to like when he was on paris eternal and
11016s like the stuff he was pulling out
11018s like he was one of the more exciting
11021s promising players in the league right uh
11024s and when like he's not able to play for
11026s dallas fuel uh that kind of leaves a
11028s huge hole in their lineup like
11031s obviously i think still kind of getting
11032s a little bit more into like uh you know
11035s not like maybe like game shape so to
11037s speak right uh like kind of getting back
11039s to like the level of pro play
11042s but
11042s man like he is a scary player like a
11045s type of player who can take over games
11048s against the best and like what felt so
11050s tragic is that like actually was played
11052s by injury right it was actually physical
11054s limitations that prevented him from from
11056s playing uh and he had like must be so
11058s hard because he wasn't like reinforced
11060s where he just got lazy it was
11062s he had an actual issue
11064s i mean listen being being windsor's
11066s charge monkey can only you can only go
11069s so long doing that you know like you
11070s just jump in with his eye bubble and die
11072s so your other tank can get charged i
11073s don't think you want to do that in the
11074s long term i don't blame johnny i was in
11076s china with him i saw how that went down
11078s but in in the next case right like
11080s you know you want to try and you know do
11082s all this while you're young a lot of pro
11083s players like really want to fit this
11084s kind of experience in their lives and
11086s when you take a year off for an injury
11088s you have to have such dedication to get
11090s back to that same form you're talking
11091s about matt so this is a huge achievement
11093s for xe now he's going to deliver in the
11095s in the team format you know
11097s yeah because i'm sure in like
11099s seriousness if you are to speak to like
11100s you know custer johnny or any like pro
11102s player like
11104s yeah there's really nothing like it uh
11106s so to be able to kind of like bounce
11107s back from injury get back into it it has
11109s to feel awesome for xc's now it doesn't
11112s feel awesome is probably some of those
11113s you know damage boosted shots from zest
11115s on top of his head as it'll be a
11117s reinhardt base comp here uh kind of
11119s gives you a little bit when animo comes
11121s in you know you're gonna see some kind
11122s of like lucio type play uh and they're
11124s gonna play it with the may here so
11126s interesting setup philadelphia fusion
11128s are bringing out
11129s oh until zest brings the spice that
11133s damage boosted echo something that again
11135s we see some echo in the west drive but
11137s the mercy to invest even more heavily
11140s into that role man i mean it's it's like
11142s a unicorn out there so the mayhem have
11144s got to figure this out and i'm gonna
11146s have to do it quickly
11148s man i i'm just thinking about someone's
11150s pov of playing reinhardt into this and
11152s it is brutal he just gets punched
11154s right away chase goes for a charge and
11156s fury just dodges it and now he's kind of
11158s just stuck on the point yeah it feels
11160s like you're at like a zed concert as the
11161s reinhardt looking down there's like
11163s lights at all and everything flying
11164s around rail guns as well as mn3 makes it
11167s to
11168s someone
11169s forced to stand behind the shield and be
11171s more of a prop than anything else
11173s has the philly fusion whacked them by
11174s him for point eye
11177s so we'll see what the florida mayhem
11178s decided to do uh in terms of composition
11181s uh
11182s i think that reinhardt has a better
11183s chance a higher success rate at this
11185s part of the map than the first one
11187s against this type of comp because the
11189s street is so narrow uh and i think
11191s you're able to use the speed boost to
11193s get on top of you know aim god a little
11195s bit easier but
11197s man that first part of the map it is
11198s tough for someone
11201s tough for anyone if they're playing ryan
11204s so here aim god is the one
11207s shepherding forward someone there okay
11209s briefly knock down fury trying to make
11211s something happen there is someone
11212s classically tried to charge backwards
11214s but it's enough the mutual knock down
11215s with fury in the enemy territory is the
11217s perfect response from someone so it's a
11218s free doom kill right there
11221s yeah the damage boost in the mercy is
11223s also a little bit
11225s off-putting probably and just a little
11227s bit odd for someone as well and that'll
11229s be echo duplicate probably just to live
11231s there as the push is coming in
11233s from someone onto zest but
11236s just knowing like how much damage your
11238s shield is going to take and then a break
11240s right but when the the damage boost
11241s comes in and like there's extra damage
11243s coming through it's definitely going to
11244s be a little bit odd so you talk about
11246s not knowing how much damage is coming in
11247s combine the fact that you can't tell
11248s when sojourn is fully charged with her
11250s being damage boosted right that's pretty
11252s volatile for you as defenders i love
11254s that punch from fury that is just on
11256s point knocking someone forward into mn3
11258s forcing him to drop the shield for just
11260s long enough there and fury's trying to
11262s do that a lot here matt you'll notice
11263s he's just trying to dive in and just
11264s separate the rhine make everyone more
11266s subject to this damage coming in
11268s especially from zest oh yeah i mean what
11270s what is he gonna what is someone gonna
11272s do turn like a rally with his shield
11274s yeah like charge the dude while he's
11275s punching
11277s right but you know then he's gonna have
11279s a mercy pocketed echo behind him put a
11282s few shots into and then just focus ah
11284s immortality field is the thing bro don't
11285s worry about it rupaul's got him
11287s trust in the homies
11291s that's a shadow mn3
11293s knocked to the ground and someone with a
11294s very quick charge follow-up so quick in
11296s fact that even zest first couldn't
11297s answer it there's xe coming out now with
11299s an overclock and he'll claim
11301s the skyborne zest that'll be enough for
11303s the mayhem here to hold on he can invest
11304s a sound barrier
11306s yeah i i'm trying to figure out why
11308s invested the sound barrier maybe they
11310s thought that fight was still going to go
11312s on a little bit longer and fury is
11314s actually using a meteor strike and i
11315s believe checkmate was on the ground
11316s sleeping so maybe they thought i know
11318s trying to be able to keep him alive uh
11320s that was that impactful probably to be
11322s able to counter some of the echo play
11324s but
11325s you don't have that a positive sign
11327s though is that like the the philadelphia
11328s fusion don't have like a massive support
11329s all to use here either so
11331s not at a huge disadvantage
11334s checkmate trying to keep tabs on zest as
11336s a disrupts to the shot will make it a
11338s little bit hard possessed to pass
11339s through this area at all constantly
11341s being pocketed by fixer though means
11342s that zest can be a sticky threat
11344s resilient and hard to shift and mn3
11347s commands the higher ground here sending
11348s animo to an early grave and someone's
11350s gonna have to charge to get out of this
11351s little snafu and matrix thrown up there
11353s so the healing coming in from rupaul is
11355s good but it's not enough to keep someone
11356s up and eventually zest will claim the
11358s baptiste as well checkmate though is an
11360s issue he's going after fury there next
11362s he's able to fend him off here this
11364s could be big for the mayhem they have a
11365s couple players left but mn3 is gonna dig
11367s deeper and go more aggressive until he
11369s gets what he wants and that's the
11370s checkpoint
11372s the and they actually get a res off
11374s during that on to aim god so aim got
11376s able to hit a sleeping a biotic grenade
11378s after that so
11379s the mercy is paying off finally
11381s someone's like can i please stop playing
11383s right right guys uh it gets on to the
11386s winston so uh winston with the lucio in
11389s the mix so
11390s i wonder if this is a situation where
11392s like man you wish you had like a majed
11394s in is you know potentially play the zen
11396s against this fury when he sees the
11398s winston come out he's going to end up
11400s going over to diva
11401s oh man
11402s the image the way these dps are playing
11405s to play you play anything
11407s with the way you know that you're
11408s playing
11409s the soju and hitting a little diff
11411s though i mean mm3 is getting the better
11412s of xc quite often here on this map a bit
11415s of a mirror image of what we saw with
11417s the ash match up with ilios here's a
11418s valkyrie matt coming from saying that
11420s 2023
11422s in the the zarya swat just for someone
11424s and the zarya is actually
11426s pretty good against the diva obviously
11427s as you've kind of known in the past is
11430s that so that they duplicate here he's
11432s going to get a graviton sir just yuri
11434s comes up with two
11437s dominants from philadelphia this is
11439s overkill philly going so fast i thought
11441s you were in next year already
11443s nice dupe there from zest to zayas
11446s now one of them accompanying the dv here
11448s we're throwing it back for philly
11450s good looks there in general the mayhem
11452s aren't able to come up with the answer
11453s in time i don't think we've seen much of
11455s someone's eye or at all so it's pretty
11457s clear to see that florida are being
11458s forced to explore some alternate
11461s strategies to try and answer first it's
11463s the sort of the echo mercy set up and
11465s then fury making that diva switch
11467s it's tough out there you've got to be
11468s quick on your feet to deal with these
11469s teams from the east
11471s yes uh you know the the reinhardt pick
11473s we talked about uh pretty difficult to
11476s make work there i know with animo in the
11479s game you don't have the option for like
11480s double flex support um
11483s so you're really kind of trying to build
11484s stuff around like lucio and brigitte for
11487s like his hero pool and kind of what do
11488s you make work with that
11490s uh philadelphia fusion you know just
11492s dominant on offense they'll have you
11494s already pick up the sigma here on
11496s defense which i mean we know from the
11498s past how good he is on sigma one of the
11500s best in the world
11502s yeah definitely one of his more
11505s well-known hero onslaught the diva which
11507s we got to see earlier on there so
11509s someone has shown us uh a fair bit here
11511s obviously florida that favored the
11512s winston play a lot earlier on in the
11513s kickoff clash so here's fury
11517s just very present in this fight
11521s what's even backed up by zest makes a
11522s big difference here but again i mean
11524s this guy's right at home on the diva
11526s shutting down
11531s the checkmate on genji here so this will
11534s allow them to access that high ground a
11536s bit better xc on the sojourn because you
11538s want to play that it's a little bit more
11540s dive aggressive with the winston they do
11542s not waste any time they are right in
11544s yeah and it works someone gets aimed
11546s straight away the fusion we're not ready
11547s for this level of aggression they are
11549s going to collapse in a screaming
11551s in three at least hold up but not much
11553s left here if you're making a late fight
11555s come back that was huge how philly it
11558s down two players there to bounce back
11560s that is a big deal
11562s it's crazy right because they use the
11564s immortality field up on the high ground
11566s they're still able to take out aim god
11568s it just doesn't seem to matter
11571s you get no progress on the point after
11573s this but they want to keep fighting fast
11575s here for florida as someone comes right
11577s over the top of anima comes right in
11579s they want to go challenge that high
11580s ground deny it from philadelphia yet
11582s again so i guess the issue becomes okay
11584s you can start the fight off but getting
11585s rid of mn3 is a big issue they do that
11587s right in the beginning here but it's a
11589s long range
11590s yeah it's a long range accretion to the
11592s high ground there and he's able to trade
11594s that that is a massive and then takes oh
11597s maybe three for fury here
11599s yeah philly started to take
11602s uh some liberties here with the miami as
11603s they dive in and they're doing it
11605s shortly they're doing it short-handed
11607s mn3 went down first in that previous
11609s fight there but the response from fury's
11611s fury was so quick that they may as well
11612s not have been a player disadvantage at
11614s all that is just scary to watch here so
11616s many threats for the fusion who do you
11618s target first
11620s and that is a really tough accretion to
11621s hit because fury is down on the low
11623s ground and axia is up on that top right
11625s platform like right above where someone
11627s is currently
11628s uh
11629s in that kind of angle and hitting a
11631s sojourn who has like a very small hitbox
11633s that is such a difficult thing to do
11636s all right aim god
11638s otherwise known as jeff
11639s having a back up there a little bit
11641s someone accretion didn't go towards him
11643s as this was enough to get rid of the
11645s winston
11646s and that looked awkward for the mayhem
11647s right looks like their rotation plan was
11649s a little unclear getting a freebie on
11651s zest there is nice do they have staying
11653s power they're waiting for someone again
11657s and you're gonna have sound barrier here
11659s like
11661s you can speed in
11663s with the sound barrier trying to use it
11664s that way you know a little bit more
11666s survivability uh
11668s just kind of kicks someone off of the
11670s high ground that'll be an ant matrix and
11671s it's going to be a gravity blocks uh
11673s that's a sound barrier but you you've
11675s had two people die already so you're
11677s really not going to get much value and
11678s transcendence if they need a map they
11680s just don't though oh m3 finishes the job
11682s there i mean hats off to fix a huge
11685s immortality field there against that
11687s dive
11688s yeah and i wonder when the sound barrier
11690s goes down it sounds like the gravity
11691s flux is coming out i wonder
11692s uh if it just like doesn't connect with
11694s the people in the sky or if they're too
11696s low that it doesn't really matter uh
11698s someone now goes over to the doomfist is
11700s florida just searching for answers but a
11702s brief switch here from fixer unclear
11704s what that is attempt it's supposed to
11706s anticipate here
11707s so a little bit less of that first
11708s healing the doom swap well i mean that's
11711s that's beautiful because i don't know
11712s how we got that telegraph to him
11715s rupaul down to a pulse so this fight's
11716s already over
11718s and yet
11719s okay
11724s we've seen florida get a few first picks
11726s but it has not resulted in anything
11728s right no i mean to be fair
11730s it's almost always traded back
11732s pretty quickly yeah fury gotta be
11735s careful this is very dangerous for the
11736s sigma armor finished with the job there
11738s but m3 sends the bob
11740s to control that high ground so now that
11742s my him again without the mechanisms to
11744s to make a substantial push here and
11746s animo he's hanging around that's fine
11748s but yeah just you know he throws himself
11750s out into m3 skyline after having that
11752s high ground denied that that's a huge
11754s stagger very punishing
11757s and nano blade a possibility here but
11760s target's just going to be everywhere
11761s from philadelphia fusion you go for the
11763s supports they have the transcendence
11765s last chance for the mayhem
11767s yeah nano blade might be the answer here
11769s xe
11770s doesn't have the sidelines here
11773s thought he had might have had something
11774s there but no rupaul's gonna go down
11775s another pulse on to ana from zest that's
11777s huge he is absolutely delivering that
11780s tracer position inside the blade yep no
11782s chance checkmate goes down before it
11784s happened again it's the pulse bomb on
11786s rupaul that denied the possibility to
11788s set up with the genji
11790s zest with the easy in chat and why not
11792s philly look vastly superior on king's
11795s row
11796s oh and actually goes to easy agree it's
11799s uh there's really nothing you can say
11801s there from the florida mayhem side
11802s philadelphia fusion they pick king's row
11805s they show why this one was as one-sided
11808s as it gets sad man mn3 and zest really
11812s came to life i also feel like florida
11814s they were in a tough spot
11815s compositionally i feel like they didn't
11816s have uh the best tools to fight back
11819s against fulfill he was thrown at him you
11820s might be right looks like fury on the
11822s sigma was a bit of a hard one to shift
11824s there so dig deeper into the metal mine
11826s here for the florida mayhem let's see
11828s what they can come up with as they'll
11829s have a map pick after the break
11842s [Music]
11855s [Music]
11878s [Music]
11908s so
11926s [Music]
11940s [Music]
11960s [Applause]
11960s [Music]
11965s [Applause]
11970s [Music]
11986s [Music]
11993s so
11994s [Music]
12002s [Music]
12061s [Music]
12073s [Music]
12085s [Music]
12091s royalty is in our midst the mid-season
12094s madness legendary skin royal night mercy
12096s is on sale now through august 19th for
12099s just 200 league targets so get yours
12102s today great time to snap that skin up it
12104s is i mean it's pretty sick mercy skins
12106s always kind of kind of hit this this one
12108s no exception to that one but hey what's
12110s royalty to a god here his aim got on the
12112s rest of the fusion to make short work of
12114s the florida mayhem on that second map
12117s king's row is uh who win it like you
12119s said it matt doesn't get much more
12120s one-sided than that
12123s no as uh
12125s there's really nothing uh really nothing
12127s that the florida mayhem did there that
12129s like
12130s made it remotely close uh it's pretty
12134s pretty much all philadelphia fusion
12136s there
12137s yeah look really solid obviously that
12138s you know a lot of those first doors
12140s getting won out by mn3 that sojourn
12142s popping off in a big way and it
12144s definitely seemed like while the dives
12146s started off well for the mayhem right
12147s they were getting like a kill on
12148s zenyatta straight away eventually as the
12151s fight went on you know with the baptiste
12152s play of course from the fusion they're
12154s able just to push back and and make it
12156s impossible uh for the mayhem to win so
12158s very impressive stuff
12160s this is just mn3's attack round on
12163s king's row now bear in mind they
12164s finished they did finish the map on that
12166s one so 12 final blows though six of
12168s those obviously coming from railguns and
12170s yeah pretty nasty railgun accuracy there
12172s up by 63
12174s just the attacking round bear that in
12176s mind
12177s yeah no it's uh it's crazy the way that
12180s uh mn3 play there just the one death
12182s there on king's row
12184s i know the 12 final blows uh i mean just
12188s there was no answer and you were
12189s wondering like you know is he gonna come
12191s alive uh definitely bounce back there in
12193s king's row
12195s i mean you know bear in mind the winner
12197s of this matchup will go up against the
12199s loser of hangzhou and the gladiators so
12202s i mean no easy matches going forward
12204s from either
12205s either of these two so they'd better get
12207s used to it at this stage
12210s no easy matches from here on out i was
12212s gonna say there's really no easy matches
12214s throughout the entire tournament but man
12216s that's why it's just damn good overwatch
12218s like oh man it's been it's been a i mean
12220s again look both regions obviously have
12222s teams that are really dominant teams
12223s that are still finding themselves here
12224s but these are opportunities to kind of
12226s you know get your snapshot your two
12228s regions at their best and i'm excited
12230s about this next map peak map for one
12232s reason and that is gibraltar with like
12235s the top widow in the league
12236s statistically mn3 and actually who we
12239s know will pick that even in compromising
12240s scenarios there is potential for quite
12243s an explosive matchup of snipers here
12247s yeah and you're going to have uh with
12249s the gibraltar pick you're going to have
12250s a animal state in the game so
12253s uh no double flex support option here
12256s for the florida mayhem uh you know you
12258s can still if you want to play like
12260s wrecking ball right you could
12262s um
12263s but you're probably just going to play
12264s like that winston lucio stuff yet again
12266s right that's kind of what you're
12267s thinking about
12268s yeah it's good chance of seeing that
12269s there
12270s philly obviously have multiple avenues
12273s uh available to them i'd like to see the
12274s ball from them there's a there's a fun
12276s game right now where you can't see it
12278s but it's in the lobby i want to explain
12279s it basically when the admins are taking
12281s us in the game they they type in chat
12283s going in right and when everyone's ready
12284s yeah so what xe is doing is he just
12287s randomly just types going in out of
12288s nowhere to try and you know stress the
12291s fusion out thinking that an admin is
12292s trying to take the game in he's just an
12294s absolute troll
12295s uh this time though we are actually
12296s going in
12298s i i think he's just more just trolling i
12300s don't know if it's like a psychological
12302s war no he's just trolling but he's
12303s telling telling the admins to give him
12305s their job actually i think you're in the
12307s i'm not gonna yeah i'll i'll ask you
12308s over and see what they think but i think
12310s like the the hot shot superstar pro
12312s player job might be the better one to
12314s have right now
12316s don't i
12317s haven't worked either of those jobs
12318s personally
12321s yeah i mean
12322s we'll see what happens i mean if you
12324s kind of you're going up against mn3's
12326s widowmaker here and it doesn't go well
12328s it might not be better
12329s so we'll see
12331s uh
12332s on defense here with the wrecking ball
12334s uh we got a pause here quick so we'll
12337s figure out uh what's going on
12340s particularly devastating he did troll
12342s yeah maybe trolled him so hard that
12344s philly weren't actually ready for this
12346s uh we'll have uh confirmation the reason
12348s for that as well obviously of course
12349s know yeah there's a pause in affiliate
12350s game where that the face games just
12352s don't exist so like it's not like we can
12354s just throw philly up on the screen and
12356s show you what's going on there they are
12357s uh they are about a collection of pixels
12360s uh that don't move to us right now
12362s i believe it was uh rupaul called for
12365s the uh pause there uh so i believe it
12367s comes from the florida side so
12369s uh should be getting that sorted out and
12371s then right back in again it's his mouse
12373s wow it seems like they're ready already
12374s yeah all right so maybe just making sure
12377s that was connected he had that flipped
12378s over and spun it around briefly
12381s you see here that uh animo
12383s got some wrist apparatus going on of
12385s course
12386s exe with the the double sleeves that
12388s guy's just
12391s all right it's clean philadelphia fusion
12393s here on the rollout again we don't get
12394s the widowmaker match up off the bat mm3
12396s opting to play arguably the more
12398s conservative the safer option in the in
12399s the sojourn yeah
12401s and i think uh also when you combo this
12404s is james and the giant peach
12411s there should be some some collision
12413s there
12413s [Laughter]
12415s that's what happens to the hamster
12418s as uh
12420s you can play the sojourn with the tracer
12422s and the ball right it's like a really
12423s aggressive setup
12425s south florida probably just a roadhog
12427s hook here off the off the bat see if you
12430s can get anybody from the high ground and
12431s then
12432s a little bit of a switch you got to do
12434s it it's your due diligence on a map like
12436s this just like a hanzo sonic is on route
12439s 66
12442s on winston now
12444s winston the ball
12446s and maybe you wanted uh more of the
12448s brookie to play from animo uh being in
12450s the game because
12452s you're a little bit worried about like
12453s how good like zest has been on the
12454s tracer and then
12456s also the dive from the ball
12458s uh
12460s obviously i think you do lose out on a
12462s bit of damage not having the zenyatta in
12464s the mix and it's so strong right now
12468s we saw what major did for the team in
12470s that first map i understand there's
12471s protocols you don't just throw him in
12472s because he had a good map but
12476s obviously tough to see him go without
12477s him
12478s actually hardly perturbed by that
12480s disruptive shot there
12482s no collision so m3 had to basically
12485s estimate where that would stop
12487s pretty clever
12489s so they may have taken up this high
12490s ground residence with limited resistance
12492s from the fusion really uh happy to give
12494s that space up now and let's see how they
12496s may have made use of it
12500s yeah but the card is not like made
12501s enough progress right like you usually
12503s see like the high ground really make an
12504s impact when the cart's made up with
12506s weight through the tunnel but it hasn't
12507s made it just yet
12510s those rear going around and right until
12511s he gets put to sleep now a world of
12514s trouble doesn't have anything to use
12516s here but he's gonna get healed right
12517s back up i mean the one thing you should
12518s take note of is the fact that rupaul is
12519s not getting looked at by anyone he got
12522s the heel up someone entirely and he's
12524s under no dress whatsoever philly's i
12526s guess their target priority they're not
12528s really where it has to be i guess fellas
12529s ready to have backup whichever way you
12531s slice it too much space before it is
12533s honor and rupaul makes extensive use of
12535s it
12537s yes i'm really odd first point here like
12540s it was just trying to kill fusion
12543s not entirely sure uh as you know maybe
12546s this is something where philly's gonna
12548s have to change up a little bit is uh
12549s felicia is
12551s pretty far behind look at the picks up
12552s on the high ground there
12554s that's right great disruption but it's
12556s not enough to stop fix it from getting
12558s caught out there so the mayhem are
12559s definitely on the way
12561s perhaps this is just a map that they're
12562s much more comfortable with from a
12564s strategic standpoint mn3 though cares
12567s little for those things
12573s we know maybe it's something that
12574s they've watched uh the philadelphia
12576s fusion play and figure you know they're
12578s not
12579s they're not playing the right comps or
12581s maybe you don't have the you know right
12583s person i'll do it on this map as uh it's
12585s gonna be two kills for
12587s zest yeah i mean sometimes you can put
12590s him on tracer yeah you're in a good spot
12593s i think they got bailed out pretty big
12594s time there by uh mn3 incest did the
12596s fusion especially with bella freya's
12598s you know less than impactful positioning
12600s and allowing them to just hand over the
12602s fixer elimination so early in their
12603s fight
12604s can't afford that too often here
12607s checkmate under pressure here zest
12610s keeping him honest and again aim god
12611s going down here so another support
12612s picked off early
12614s the mayhem again started the fight on
12616s the right foot
12618s the end someone gets right on top of
12619s them and then three takes him out
12622s so it looks like you're gonna give this
12623s up a little bit if you're florida just
12624s this fight not this entire point you're
12626s gonna back out you know minefield
12628s transcendence overclock to be able to
12630s fight
12630s as the payload gets close to that second
12632s checkpoint
12635s it's kind of hard to see how bellasriya
12636s is linking up with the rest of his team
12638s here uh in some cases i just point out
12640s the fact that obviously a lot of
12641s pressure on the back line for the mayhem
12642s and that's kind of part of it pulse bomb
12644s from zest no connection and then three
12646s though nail someone and that's huge
12649s that'll relieve a lot of that pressure
12650s from philadelphia now maybe they can
12652s retake this high ground actually falls
12653s back by the disrupter shot him in three
12655s low
12656s valeria trying to get an etsy's face but
12658s doesn't have the staying power to shift
12659s him from there so
12661s i mean philly get elimination but
12663s florida's still able to jockey for good
12664s position
12666s yeah and florida will come back they'll
12668s have their nano boost here potentially
12670s to use on to someone or even animo so
12672s that'll be the rally use up here on the
12674s high ground as philly wants to get
12675s aggressive they don't want to allow
12676s florida to set this pace i mean that's a
12678s punish there in three punished for
12680s power sliding aggressively there is
12681s someone had the nano and of course a
12683s jump pack cooldown available now it gets
12686s a little bit dangerous fix it playing
12687s inside this small room of course you
12689s want your brick to be uh running in all
12691s cylinders here and someone with a
12692s discord or bottoms gonna make it very
12694s very hard for him to get out without
12695s that primal so he uses it nice plaster
12697s over there from bellator to slow someone
12699s down but it will still be a force
12700s transcendence out of ain't gonna
12701s actually still has this pole position
12705s yeah you're still controlling the high
12706s ground here for the florida mayhem uh
12708s you see feliciario trying to get up
12710s there into the ship but
12712s not able to finish anybody off just big
12714s damage coming down from florida mayhem
12715s and it looks like some kills gonna
12716s happen over time here but still another
12719s trade is
12720s you know philly has not been able to
12721s dislodge florida from the high ground
12723s but also florida hasn't really done
12724s anything with the high ground we're
12725s gonna sat here in this neutral state for
12727s a bit yeah or at least like it's been
12729s like a trade of kills just like this one
12731s checkmate goes deep here to try and
12733s group up with someone but it's a trade
12734s again
12735s that's lovely from bellazaria perfect
12737s use of the minefield and knocking the
12739s manhattan into them here i've got to say
12742s despite bella's three for all
12743s appearances playing a solo i also like
12745s that he's they're sort of trying to
12747s potentially body block something there
12748s donna's very very very good at using
12750s power driver to disrupt the rhythm of
12752s the maiden see like every time someone
12753s tries to dive matt he gets sort of
12755s knocked up and disrupted midway through
12757s that cooldown it's very frustrating for
12758s winston in that situation
12761s i like the ash swap here
12763s really good at long range and when we've
12765s been seeing a lot of these fights
12766s there's such close quarters that if
12769s you're able to get a good dynamite in
12770s that close quarter just a lot of damage
12772s no built up the other team's gonna have
12774s to run puts you in your better sight
12776s line is
12777s see that's a that's a kill again for the
12780s flight about him can they capitalize on
12782s this though i love that timing from
12784s someone he knows that from the high
12786s ground your mn3 is gonna be ejected so
12787s he links up perfectly with that
12789s displacement and philadelphia will have
12791s to see the checkpoint the mayhem with
12793s only about two minutes to work with so
12794s we'll see if this ash switch is the
12797s difference maker because just in terms
12798s of how x he's looked
12800s definitely been a better pick for him so
12801s far this series
12804s yeah i think the the ash has been really
12806s uh i think for the western region teams
12808s been something that they've started to
12810s use a little bit more we've seen it in
12811s the east but the teams in the west have
12814s been pulling out the ash it's been
12815s pretty effective in certain situations
12817s and certain parts of the map i feel like
12819s right here this is kind of like almost a
12821s part of a map that like ash was like
12823s designed for right like the perfect
12824s sight lines perfect distance
12828s elevation really good wind velocity yeah
12831s humidity
12833s all right check my pulse here as
12835s veloceria makes a strafing run
12839s just waiting for the dive here oh no
12841s pulse bomb connect but doesn't matter
12842s because he has the the damage that just
12844s ruined xc with the pulse pistols
12846s someone's primal rage here now i wonder
12847s how he tries to use this he wants an
12849s environmental kill but he realizes it
12850s might be too risky especially with a
12852s player down here
12854s that's still pretty good payload
12856s progress here you're going to get it
12857s under this bridge
12859s see it looks like you're waiting here
12860s just to get everybody back at full
12862s strength you can see axis outline coming
12864s on back
12866s chimney takes so much damage going in
12868s with that pulse bomb 35 seconds he's out
12871s of sync with someone someone's diving
12872s back at the same time his checkmate
12874s tries to commit for a kill so even if he
12875s gets something
12877s yeah because the minefield tap in here
12880s mm3 wants to start this one himself oh
12882s rupaul can't do much about that one
12884s these rails are hidden hard
12888s not a whole lot to be done there that
12889s was a great pc grail from mn3 didn't get
12891s kills for those but the damage was big
12893s this is bad news for the mayhem now
12895s their odds of a map completion starting
12898s to get away from them
12900s yeah and someone is going to switch over
12901s to the doomfist it's going to be a pulse
12903s bomb from zest on to rupaul but uh yeah
12906s fix it here using the rally not able to
12909s make it back towards the payload but
12912s pretty decent progress there for florida
12914s mayhem you get both checkpoints and you
12915s get about halfway uh towards the end of
12918s the map i think it's been a really
12919s interesting map so far because both
12920s teams are like evidently being faced
12923s with you know different struggles right
12925s philadelphia are obviously uh giving up
12927s a lot of ground at the start of that
12929s round and bella's real with that sort of
12930s weird play inside server room with no
12932s backup and we're watching rupaul just
12934s basically sip cocktails and throw
12936s grenades and look very comfortable and
12938s then florida getting slowed down towards
12940s the end of that map there and finally
12941s the disruption from philly starting to
12943s starting to take hold seeing a little
12945s bit of uh you know out of sync plays
12948s from the mayhem here so quite
12949s fascinating but philly the ones that end
12950s up recovering like in the round and hey
12953s i'm at completion
12954s and maybe a widowmaker out of the gates
12956s could be on the cars for philly
12959s that would be exciting seeing this
12961s widowmaker battle so maybe xc expects it
12964s to happen here
12965s that this is so huge
12968s yeah the anakila i'm pretty sure
12970s and probably not even expecting that to
12972s happen right
12974s well and that by i mean i think such a
12976s kill doesn't happen i don't think that
12978s someone can touch in time anyway well he
12981s probably got slowed down i guess by like
12982s half a second by having to maybe like
12984s die backwards and not get blown up but
12986s he would have died to the pulse anyway
12987s so still
12988s it was very nice and it would have made
12990s it impossible for florida to win a fair
12991s fight there
12998s finally get a philly game are you doing
13000s me like that okay i'm in three on the
13001s sojourn once more
13003s johnny was on the edge of his seat
13004s probably seeing the the moyra zen hover
13014s [Applause]
13021s actually yeah 80s wheaties apparently
13026s ah bella in the back line uh he just got
13029s hit with everything
13032s really nice sleep dart and then the
13034s biotic ready to follow it
13041s is such a
13042s tremendous hit scan player that
13046s you know he can just take over these
13048s games sometimes and starting off here on
13049s the widowmaker
13051s i mean he has looked phenomenal thus far
13053s and it's going to force the switch mn3
13055s is going to try and play the widow to
13056s match it yeah fair enough xc is a real
13058s terror on this widow
13060s and there it is
13062s and then three opens up and gets that
13064s counter widow kill
13065s now a fusion have the ability to advance
13070s yeah it's like uh
13072s but i would love to see that shot it had
13073s to be a grapple and a really interesting
13076s spot is a bow supports your stuff for
13078s florida mayhem
13080s that par driver would have been lethal
13081s to animo he would have been popped up
13083s into mn3's purview these head shots on
13086s someone are coming consistently enough
13087s to keep the winston out of the fight and
13089s god follows up i mean you've got to ask
13092s the question why we haven't seen widows
13093s so far from him in three or before he
13095s just headshot a bloody tracer off screen
13099s it also helps that zest gets right up in
13101s excess girls he's trying to come out to
13103s spawn
13104s and he does it yet again here just uh
13107s oh and he's gonna be like hey everybody
13109s is here
13110s florida they're in a tough spot do you
13111s try and i tell it you have the wrecking
13113s ball behind you uh it's gonna be a
13115s difficult spot to get out of
13117s the pressure from zest makes it hard for
13118s the mayhem to coordinate on the
13120s following up on that sleep dart on
13121s bella's rear so the wrecking ball gets a
13123s stay of execution for philly and they
13125s continue to advance
13127s xc pops the infrasight here
13129s and philly know that trying to advance
13131s through this is inadvisable
13136s yeah you're wondering like how are they
13137s going to stop this potential you know
13140s fast push from philadelphia fusion the
13142s infrasight's just so scary i know you
13145s play like xc that vision he's going to
13146s be able to knock down those shots pretty
13148s easily
13150s three not taking widowed angles right
13152s now because he knows
13154s i think he actually someone want to jump
13156s up top and he actually hit his head on
13158s the overhang no value from the nano
13160s still the primal on the horizon and
13162s pressure being applied now to mn3
13165s pressure of the simian kind looks good
13170s someone gets right back in the mix here
13173s uh you're not even worried about having
13175s to protect xc bella austria can't get in
13177s close enough to
13179s really make you sweat if someone can
13181s control this high ground can mm3 keep
13183s forcing the widow from this position do
13184s you think
13187s it's going to be tough right because
13189s well what is what are your options uh
13191s i mean you move off of the widow
13195s axey is gonna what stand on the ship and
13197s you know just kind of click heads to the
13199s rest of the game
13200s you need the widow to kind of keep them
13201s honest but if someone can just control
13203s the high ground like we see him doing
13204s currently
13206s i mean he may just kind of play the rest
13208s of the the round looking like this
13210s without a primal someone likely would
13212s have died there
13213s there was enough players i think on that
13214s high ground to follow up on the
13216s immobility the pile driver would have
13218s imposed on someone
13221s better mind swatted away in midair okay
13223s easy as you like
13226s you go like that because you can't play
13228s i mean what are you gonna do play ash
13229s here right
13231s i mean
13232s you'll be able to survive the winston
13234s but
13235s you're not going to be able to go in
13236s against these widowmakers oh he's done
13238s he's absolutely cool nice position from
13240s someone with the body block and
13243s i would love to see from x's pov like
13245s what does the pressure look like that's
13246s being put on him because
13249s you know he's been at like full hp the
13250s entire time we've seen his outline like
13253s zest is able to get a kill on the honor
13254s there well where is this pressure coming
13257s in he might
13258s the philadelphia fusion on x i think the
13260s issue is if x is playing on top of the
13261s shuttle how does tracer really get there
13262s would you like to try you can't really
13264s blink across like you have to go to the
13266s bridge
13267s you don't have verticality as tracer you
13269s need to go the old-fashioned way and
13270s then maybe he just runs into rupaul
13272s first
13273s in the shuttle and says well i have to
13274s pulse this or i'm going to get ranch
13276s there it is xe gets him in three and
13278s philly are stumped matthew
13281s yes they cannot figure this out
13284s and what do you do with your wrecking
13285s ball right okay so this time they
13287s actually knock they knock him into mines
13289s but i don't know if it's going to be
13290s enough for like a fight win here his aim
13292s guard's going to use the transcendence
13293s going to try and keep everybody alive in
13294s this closed corridor the bio big one
13297s fixer
13298s gasping ferreira is checkmate
13300s trucks the life out of him
13303s pulse bomb there for check might as well
13304s plus yeah
13306s yeah when you go to the high ground
13307s mitch as the wrecking ball like just
13309s think about it from like this point of
13310s view right uh you're most likely playing
13312s the anna like up there with the
13313s widowmaker
13314s it's not like you have a winston shield
13316s to kind of like throw down and block a
13317s sleep dart coming in or something like
13318s that right like or even if the brig is
13320s up there with a uh i know a a whip shot
13323s right to just force you back like you're
13325s just flying up there and like what you
13327s get slapped by a grenade you have to run
13328s away like the tracer can't get up there
13330s with you it's pretty difficult
13333s zest and then three are both having
13335s issues getting through
13337s someone
13338s quite the door man if i must say so
13341s this knows he can't stand still for too
13342s long otherwise he loses his head to the
13344s enemy widow this is how he gets onto the
13346s shuttles we can double blink across
13349s but again rupaul always stands in his
13350s way in between him
13352s and axey and someone is constantly
13354s pressuring
13356s and that's just brilliant a headshot on
13357s the enemy tracer philly don't have an
13358s answer
13360s and someone's not even like
13362s worried about having to get back and
13363s like peel for the team like everybody is
13365s totally fine there
13367s as a
13369s man three he's got the hard wire but
13370s that's gonna be a biotic grenade yes
13373s and someone's even got primal here so
13375s you're not you're not really worried at
13377s all man these are fundamentals though
13379s that philly are stumbling on going up
13380s against uh you know a winston widowmaker
13382s set up on gibraltar it's been like this
13384s since the game is released 5v5 or 6v6
13387s but the fusion cannot figure this out
13390s florida looking very very good setting
13392s up exit for success here and zeskin's
13395s pulse
13396s pulse right checkmate
13397s what a dab on him at the end of this
13399s round in philadelphia fusion i mean
13401s they'll be hanging their heads after
13402s that one devastating loss of momentum
13405s here on gibraltar
13407s well we talked so much about this like
13408s epic widowmaker battle right
13411s we like hardly even saw it uh
13414s because
13415s someone just dominated there like as
13417s soon as we got to the second part of the
13418s map he was absolutely dominant there on
13421s the high ground uh mn3 was non-existent
13424s once they got to that part of the map
13427s and it's really because someone just
13428s controlled that entire choke
13430s these two rookie lineups are trading
13432s blows and this series is about to get
13434s pretty scary for philadelphia they do
13436s have a map pick here that it better be a
13438s good one otherwise florida are gonna run
13440s away with it and lock them out of the
13442s tournament stick around everybody this
13443s is not the series you want to be missing
13445s map number four is right around the
13447s corner
13491s [Music]
13498s [Music]
13512s [Music]
13526s [Music]
13560s [Music]
13567s [Music]
13573s [Music]
13601s [Music]
13621s [Music]
13628s [Music]
13643s [Music]
13650s [Music]
13663s [Music]
13675s [Music]
13681s [Music]
13688s [Music]
13694s florida mayhem are showing us a
13695s multitude of different looks and someone
13697s is helming all of them this guy can do
13700s anything
13703s already
13705s [Music]
13720s someone has to eat the spaghetti
13722s someone was just able to follow up clean
13724s him up indeed someone's gonna flatten
13726s yurio here and dallas field get
13728s absolutely
13732s [Music]
13734s someone trying to clear a few minds he's
13736s very very low but he catches violence
13737s still somehow
13741s when it comes to rookies i think someone
13743s is someone that we're really gonna have
13745s to start heavily considering as one of
13747s the best
13754s yeah no doubt about it someone man of
13756s the moment and if you heard me say the
13758s spaghetti no you didn't someone though
13761s keeping it all very much in hand that
13763s was an incredible winston defense
13765s admittedly admittedly bellas ray on the
13767s wrecking ball kind of just you know
13769s living his best life out there
13771s it looked like the game plan for the
13772s philly was kind of non-existent but i've
13774s got to say this guy really really shut
13776s them down
13779s he was he was tremendous there on
13780s gibraltar uh
13782s really huge difference maker going
13784s through that highlight package i mean
13785s he's got so many like celebrations
13787s dances you know everything he's super
13789s animated uh
13790s he's our poster i think
13793s yeah i i was going to say you know
13795s well last year's got to use some of his
13797s moves right you won't get fined you
13798s still look cool
13800s and he's got to start copying someone's
13802s stuff
13807s i love it it's a high jun will come in
13809s here for exe uh and then you'll have a
13811s sir majid in fort animo so
13813s uh like some of the largest moves we've
13815s seen from the florida mayhem so far
13817s obviously uh xc coming up for hydra is a
13820s interesting one
13822s uh i wonder if this means uh you want
13825s like could check may play genji here
13827s right and you want maybe a tracer look
13829s as well and haidron comes in but we see
13831s nexi play tracer but look it's it's
13834s pushed so i'd be surprised if you get
13836s full dive bear in mind yeah like florida
13838s are very capable of playing like
13839s reinhardt based compositions on this map
13842s that's true um you maybe you get like a
13844s who knows i mean like a baptized zen set
13847s up without without lucio though the
13849s reincomp doesn't seem as great right so
13851s that might rule that out it's all gunbar
13853s there as well just behind sumatra a
13854s couple of words of encouragement here to
13856s you know this young player who's you
13858s know definitely playing the most high
13860s stakes match of his overwatch career i
13862s think that's sort of safe to say now
13863s elimination match they've really made a
13866s decently deep run here in the mid-season
13868s madness after a disappointing campaign
13869s in the kickoff clash
13871s and he delivered him map number one
13872s right we talked about uh you know just
13874s how involved he was and so many of those
13876s final blows and really really doing just
13878s a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of
13880s just eliminating the enemy team he's
13882s been he's faced criticism before for
13885s being reckless or dying frequently but
13887s you know you take that in hand with his
13889s offensive power and i think you still
13891s say that's a fair compromise
13893s absolutely i think for philadelphia here
13896s mitch
13896s uh no subs on their side
13898s uh i think you learned a little bit
13900s about like
13901s hey what's this team made out of right
13903s like they're kind of going toe-to-toe
13905s with florida right i think philadelphia
13907s probably the favorites for most people
13908s coming into the series um
13911s you find yourself behind
13913s like how do you bounce back out of this
13915s right
13916s uh
13917s because you know to go far in some of
13919s these bigger tournaments of the year
13921s right you know the the mid-season the
13922s playoffs uh
13924s you're gonna need to battle out of
13926s situations like this um
13929s i i think it's it'll be really telling
13931s how they come out and look here at this
13932s start
13933s on push because you know with zest and
13935s m3 they have that firepower like we
13937s talked about uh to really take it to
13939s florida and we've seen it at moments but
13942s uh you got to get everybody on the team
13944s kind of like on that same page right i
13945s think uh you know specifically i think
13947s like you know bellatria versus someone i
13949s think someone's had a tremendous game
13951s where you know bellatria has some
13952s moments but uh you know he can play
13955s better than what we've seen today
13957s again our issue was more with the game
13959s plan i think um yeah you know like i
13962s think that part of gibraltar the shuttle
13964s phase can be really oppressive
13966s especially because the attacking widow
13968s can only come from tougher ball yeah
13970s yeah exactly but the attacking we can
13971s only come from like one of four
13972s directions and most of them are kind of
13974s covered
13975s she usually doesn't want to play from
13976s the low ground so that rules out half of
13978s those options right and
13980s if defenders can get to a rhythm it can
13981s be punishing so philly have to like try
13983s and they have to manufacture some
13985s momentum here new queen street pick of
13988s theirs so let's see if they've got what
13989s it takes
13991s i mean that dominant king's row is not
13993s it's not that long ago
13995s uh
13996s he knows like
13998s philly could easily come out and put
14000s together a dominant performance here on
14001s push uh
14003s although when you do have to like select
14005s a push map right we only have a two in
14007s the pool like i feel like all teams are
14009s like pretty good at both of them now at
14011s this point right but you at least have
14013s something you can fall back to on either
14015s of them uh where
14017s you know it's not as huge an advantage i
14019s think it's like picking a map like an
14020s escort or a hybrid right but
14023s still we know we just saw in king's row
14025s what this team's capable of uh against
14028s florida
14029s i'm more interested now of like one can
14031s philadelphia reach that and kind of
14033s force us to a game five
14036s and what does florida have planned with
14037s this lineup that you got in right uh you
14039s sub in hydron uh you sub insert majed i
14042s think we know what's gonna happen in
14043s terms of the supports
14046s okay so maybe the sombra player this
14048s would be fascinating he would obviously
14049s have checkmate on yeah okay would have
14051s had him on like a less you know known
14054s hero of his
14056s so i think florida have maybe identified
14058s that bellis rear is a potential weak
14060s point here for the fusion if you exploit
14061s that wrecking ball and you know place
14063s sombra into it you might be able to
14065s derive some form of advantage there but
14066s it doesn't mean that there's no one to
14067s contest mn3 on those longer sight lines
14069s here
14071s yeah just think about though that the
14073s discord orb with the sombre hack onto
14075s the wrecking ball i mean
14078s that's going to be tough even onto the
14080s tracer right if you're able to get a
14081s hack off with that damage amp that's
14083s going to be tough yeah he's not going to
14085s mend three the dive oh it's sublime mn3
14089s sent cartwheeling into the wall
14091s and the florida mayhem game plan is
14093s revealed in spectacular fashion
14096s you see from uh mn3's pfp like just kind
14100s of looking everywhere right he's got the
14101s tracer coming out from one way uh he's
14103s got the sombra from another uh it looks
14106s like that'll be hydra on here
14109s so uh something on the floor to mayhem
14112s side but
14113s uh man that sombra looked uh really
14115s strong there early on able to come out
14117s and get that first pick they also have
14118s control of the bot currently right so
14120s the bot is uh about 10 meters nothing
14122s too significant but still moving a bit
14124s so again you know we kind of hinted that
14126s this composition might be leveraged to
14128s punish the wrecking ball but all the
14129s mayhem did there was identify him in
14131s three's location and dive on him right
14134s they opted out of a neutral because
14135s they're not playing a poke composition
14137s philly don't get the luxury of sitting
14138s back and and trying to you know draw a
14140s beat on their opponents with mn3's ash
14144s it's still this like um
14147s you're not so in the last map right when
14149s we saw actually play the widowmaker uh
14152s especially on that second point like
14154s zest and uh bellatria is like a duo
14157s we're not able to really give a lot of
14159s trouble to the back line
14161s maybe you feel like hey bring surma jet
14162s in the mix right you get some extra
14164s damage on the zen harmony orb onto the
14167s ana right and being able to heal each
14168s other make it even harder right for that
14170s back line and then also your dive is
14173s going to be even strong like your
14174s aggression is going to be even stronger
14176s right with someone on the doom and then
14178s a tracer sombra combination and take
14181s advantage of the philadelphia backline
14182s right because they're getting no appeal
14184s no type of support uh in which you feel
14186s like maybe that's where you can kind of
14188s find a little bit of a hole a little bit
14189s of an advantage so you are countering
14191s the wrecking ball without actually
14192s focusing the wrecking ball you're just
14194s trying to exploit some of the weaknesses
14196s of bellasreya's hero choice here by just
14198s sort of working around him and you and
14200s you trust himself
14201s to stave off zest and bella
14203s with the help of rupaul in many of these
14204s situations
14206s yeah exactly uh because we've seen him
14209s be able to do that you know with some
14210s help uh in the past then also even in
14213s this series of time so uh right back
14215s into the game
14217s someone oh he's a problem isn't he
14219s zest absolutely ruined fair and
14221s meanwhile i'm god
14223s brought to his knees by hydra
14228s and they got the philadelphia fusion
14230s back it up now so someone's taking a
14232s little bit of damage that's going to be
14233s mn3
14235s potentially the huge pick off there on
14237s sir magenta so
14239s just back in the fight i mean keen has
14241s been throwing himself into the fray
14242s against someone once more
14245s really fighting a couple of these you
14246s know kills mn3 now i mean like he's you
14248s can't touch him really here
14250s that was a fast kill though onto him i
14253s mean he is out of the equation so
14255s fastest
14257s that's a summer call back
14259s yeah they'll go in favor of the philly
14261s fusion uh they'll get the bot moving
14263s they'll kind of cross at
14265s midway point so they'll get their
14267s barrier moving at least
14270s but i'm interested to note i'm more
14273s looking at like what is kind of the
14275s deaths for the florida mayhem supports
14277s from like the tracer
14280s in the
14281s ball combination so that's a full spawn
14283s that goes on to someone so you get the
14284s tank from the florida mayhem out of the
14285s way should be able to move that barrier
14288s even further up see the hydrant got shot
14290s out of the fight completely there if you
14291s hit if you hit sombra with dynamite she
14293s cannot hack until the top stops taking
14295s damage it interrupts that channel
14297s obviously so i don't just like i'm
14298s bugging this i'm out of here i'm just
14299s gonna go heal up
14301s nice little bit of tech there from mn3
14304s intentional or otherwise
14305s hydrant returns to the frey soon enough
14308s gets the hack on zest and splats and
14310s look at that that is a discord the hack
14313s and then the nano boosted doom right on
14315s top uh there's nothing he can do means
14318s zero
14319s time to react
14321s and again the hack duration is shorter
14324s but even a short window can be exploited
14325s there by the fusion mm3's bob is slipped
14327s everything's going wrong for philly
14328s right now
14331s the hack duration
14335s is short yes but
14337s now right there when you get that damage
14339s down and then also amp the damage of
14341s sombra being able to finish some off
14343s some of these kills
14344s you see someone
14346s got in trouble
14348s someone hydron and checkmate just like
14350s as a three-person unit just
14353s roaming the map just searching for
14355s players who are a little bit too split
14357s no supports in sight
14359s they want to pick up those kills so this
14361s is always a test of rookies in game
14364s can you can you adapt mid-round without
14367s coaches input or interaction because
14369s they need to come up with an answer to
14370s this software composition they may even
14372s get to pick and choose their target and
14373s more often than not they're able to
14374s dispatch it with this excellent
14376s coordination they're displaying another
14378s hack another death
14379s again got down rather fighting three
14381s from that high perch was able to find a
14383s key kill on someone
14385s and god provides
14387s yeah now before aim god goes down he's
14389s actually able to kill checkmate which is
14391s huge
14392s they jump on aim god and within this
14394s second of being uh able to take him out
14396s he's not actually able to use that
14397s transcendence so
14399s uh
14400s looks like he'll have fellow stream fall
14402s here towards the end hydron's still
14404s alive i was gonna say is there a chance
14406s like hydra like tries to spawn camp
14407s another high oh they get a hack
14409s yep
14410s now if there's old enough to get the
14411s recall if there's more than three
14413s players maybe that's a kill on zest but
14414s he's able to escape because you pointed
14416s out
14418s still i mean
14420s puts the fear of whatever deity you
14421s serve uh in your opponent when you
14423s hacked him like that and just jumped
14426s test again got a full foul the hack
14428s again he's just having a recall that's
14429s dude i like that check mate doesn't
14431s quite make the prediction though
14433s a little late i think you dropped it a
14434s little earlier i think it would have
14436s been uh
14436s it's one of those situations where
14437s better late than never doesn't really
14439s apply
14440s much down though better is able to find
14442s the zenyatta here
14443s someone always in the mix to try and
14445s trade with the wrecking ball starting
14446s now to have some impact
14448s what is moving forward i still have to
14450s leave but someone is
14451s believed to say the least
14454s yes it's gonna be the philadelphia
14456s fusion bouncing back for the fight when
14458s able to take the lead
14460s they're gonna get to the checkpoint here
14462s they have to use all their ultimates to
14463s do it they have fixed a nail on the brig
14467s let's see if the emp could come in here
14470s hydrangea trying to figure out
14472s the best targets the best times a few
14474s players up there at the high ground
14476s yeah i mean obviously aim god dies
14478s instantly basically if hydra is able to
14480s shoot him after the emp
14484s someone here
14485s actually just trying to get a bit of
14486s information for the time being
14488s he sees bella's rear at the back here
14491s you'll know there'll be a wrapping flank
14493s here on that right-hand side for the
14494s ball do mayhem definitely need to make a
14496s move though they are behind we're in the
14498s halfway point of the round just past it
14499s here hydra is still holding his emp man
14502s yeah i think they're actually trying to
14504s with someone there what we were seeing
14505s he's just trying to find a target i
14507s think and
14508s a little bit scarier to go after that
14510s zen when the brig is in the mix now
14512s right
14513s yeah i mean not that it wasn't scary
14515s enough already that's it mn3 picks up
14517s hydron at a distance that emp gives you
14520s nothing mn3 starting to control that
14522s higher ground this is something we
14523s highlighted right there's no long range
14525s opposition for mn3 so how will it be
14527s kept in check well mate's got it
14530s philly though
14531s want to keep advancing here and another
14533s wrecking ball inclusion from bellatreya
14535s bot is still going for the fusion
14539s do you switch off of this if you're the
14540s florida mayhem like what are your
14542s thoughts you don't have an emp here you
14544s don't have pulse bomb i think you
14545s probably a tracer seems to be like the
14549s the one consistent pick against like all
14551s compositions uh
14553s do you consider trying to throw
14554s something else in the mix here
14557s this may well be like their
14558s anti-wrecking ball protocol
14560s on this map
14562s or anti-doom as well as we've often seen
14564s it used against teams like atlanta and
14566s houston
14569s doesn't look like he's really inclined
14570s to make that switch promise he can't
14571s really contest so if he's like the last
14573s player he has to just watch the bot go
14576s i don't take a ton of damage there
14578s potentially from burn it's unclear
14579s there's damage over time either way
14582s florida are a little bit disarray right
14584s now good pressure but they someone can't
14586s break through here great hold by this
14588s back line as aim god gets rid of him
14591s and they now know sir machete and he
14592s just like
14594s there's a bunch of players dead at that
14595s point she kind of jumps down from that
14598s high ground getting sloppy
14600s yeah i wonder if it was like maybe even
14602s meant for someone and you know up in the
14604s high ground just kind of someone walked
14605s into a uh someone's head walked in the
14607s line of scientists
14608s yeah this is
14610s this is starting to look like the philly
14611s fusion we saw in king's row right where
14614s they were just putting up a tremendous
14616s performance
14618s philadelphia are recovering here the
14619s mayhem again three is yep again not he's
14622s not contested
14623s might have been a big error
14625s you know going towards a sombra instead
14627s of trying to match longer range hit scan
14628s because philly is starting to make this
14630s a bit of a blowout now
14632s zest
14633s he's hunting
14637s even when he doesn't really need to
14638s you're getting close to finishing the
14639s map and this will be the rally oh what
14641s is to give some over health everybody
14644s okay clearly over 100 here this is
14647s dangerous for the mayhem with only two
14648s minutes left in the round i ain't got
14649s hack though so i can chase him down
14651s getting value out of the sombra here is
14652s imperative
14656s what's terrible for florida as well is
14658s they don't have the checkpoint currently
14659s right so when the bot goes all the way
14661s the other way
14662s it's gonna stop for a period of time
14663s yeah so like even if i'm contested here
14666s you're looking to start to get to your
14667s barrier
14668s with probably what like a minute and ten
14671s a minute a minute on the clock right uh
14675s you know best case right here's some
14676s kind of stall coming to hydra
14679s yeah so you're in a real top spot you
14681s need a faster oh
14683s this is enough
14684s the window is so slim hydrant hacked aim
14686s god if i'm not mistaken and then emp but
14689s i ain't got managed to get a
14689s transcendence in between oh yeah mm3
14691s still goes down but that's quite
14693s remarkable you know itself the robot
14695s still needs the button
14697s he moved back i pushed the other way
14698s though zest was on it like the ball was
14701s about like towards the mid point here
14703s and zest actually got on it and pushed
14704s it back a little bit so that bites
14706s philadelphia even some more time
14710s all right the minefield could be a
14711s problem in overtime for florida as well
14713s hydron down him in three picks him off
14716s pulse bomb though is a good one on a
14717s fixer and someone you're gonna go
14718s aggressive with this one mm3 there's no
14720s escape
14721s so it looks like
14723s something i'm saying this butt scratch
14724s on the menu
14726s is bellasria
14728s not advised to try and stall here
14731s yeah it's uh just let it go
14733s let's get this checkpoint 30 seconds to
14735s go
14736s aim god gonna switch off of the zen and
14738s go to ana so maybe feel like uh you
14741s could get a sleep here on to whether
14743s it's someone or hydrant the biotic
14745s grenade could be big it's like a
14748s defensive use oh they're gonna try and
14750s nano sir majed here on the flank i love
14752s that he's the distraction though and
14753s then someone comes in from a different
14755s angle and disrupts the backline of the
14756s fusion in a huge way and yet it's still
14758s going to be a trade event three is able
14759s to deal with checkmate that might end up
14761s being a huge kill and here's the nano
14763s sir my jet looking for his next target
14765s but
14766s down to presenting themselves trying to
14768s chase ballistria down but he's gonna try
14769s and break line aside and someone's under
14771s a lot of pressure right now special
14773s delivery possessed it's air mail
14775s straight to rupaul's forehead and have
14777s all claimed the honor someone's in a lot
14779s of trouble burning down now and the
14780s overtime scenario goes as we feared as
14782s the philadelphia fusion they're forcing
14785s a map five
14787s so that is the philadelphia fusion i
14789s think people expected to see in this
14791s series today they saw it on king's row
14794s you see it here on toronto to force this
14797s game five
14799s i just don't think the florida mayhem
14800s really got things clicking with that
14802s sombra composition a bit of a gamble
14804s here
14805s doesn't pay off excited to see what they
14807s bring into this fifth game though cool
14808s man way to make it spicy so many of
14810s these elimination games are going all
14812s the way and we wouldn't have it any
14814s other way stick around everybody it's
14816s time to decide the fate of the mayhem
14818s and the fusion only one can advance in
14821s this lower bracket
14848s [Music]
14885s [Music]
14892s [Music]
14906s [Music]
14920s [Music]
14937s [Music]
15039s [Music]
15046s well here it is four maps of incredible
15050s and rather swingy overwatch later we're
15053s here in our map number five and the one
15055s question is
15056s who's got more left in the tank to make
15059s him losing that fourth map they get to
15061s select map five but whichever way you
15063s slice it it's gonna be a control map
15065s and i'm just gonna put it out there
15067s philadelphia map fives
15069s not exactly a match made in heaven uh
15072s that's putting it lightly so it's time
15074s to break the curse if they want to
15075s advance
15077s and you see some subs coming in here
15079s before the florida mayhem and i think
15081s they're quite interesting so xc coming
15083s back i think uh you know if you're not
15085s going to play the sombra that seems like
15086s what they kind of have hydra and working
15088s on now
15088s that makes sense animo comes in for
15090s sermon jet uh their map selection is
15093s also legion tower uh
15096s does i mean this kind of like at least
15098s to me uh seems like are we gonna see
15101s like some rhinos
15103s uh lucio type action uh or maybe
15108s yeah i mean some decision-based stuff i
15110s mean you can still play like maybe they
15112s want the brigitte in the mix uh on some
15114s of these compositions as well
15116s uh
15116s i think it's a really interesting call
15118s here
15119s do we get that from philadelphia orion
15122s lucio based
15124s rush looking styles
15126s again uh we've seen a lot of teams on
15128s control center especially offer genji
15130s that's absolutely hero
15132s in both checkmate and zest's wheelhouses
15136s both of them have actually displayed
15137s really impressive performances on them
15139s and xc comes back in right so we know
15141s we're probably not going to see any sort
15142s of sombra-esque strategy it's probably
15145s going to be hard hitting dps coming out
15148s from both of those longer range hits
15149s again here's the road ahead for the team
15151s fortunate enough to to advance here so
15154s obviously loser goes home and like i
15156s said for the winner it's a match up
15158s against the loser of hangzhou
15161s and the gladiators
15163s i mean that is uh
15167s these matchups are just insane like uh
15171s you know johnny actually picks the spark
15173s in that match yes
15174s i love it it
15176s it's a it's a little bit of a wild card
15179s pick but you know
15181s i'm just saying
15182s shy versus padapod that's some spot
15186s shy is crazy good uh
15190s you know another type of player like we
15191s talked about like xc and mn3 that could
15193s just dominate
15194s a lobby uh
15197s we'll see what the florida mayhem have
15198s cooking up here for this final map this
15200s was their map selection
15203s control center first if you were trying
15205s to play some reinhardt lucio stuff i
15207s mean you could not
15208s get a better map here first and yeah it
15210s looks like that's what they're hovering
15212s out here early on so interesting enough
15215s that they go back to this when it did
15218s not work on king's row uh king's row
15221s obviously very very different uh fury
15224s was able to play the sigma be on the
15225s high ground a lot of the time
15227s uh
15228s you know
15229s it was just he was just dominant
15231s domination from philadelphia
15235s can you run this wrecking ball set up
15237s here against this
15239s florida mayhem
15241s brian heart based composition it's yeah
15243s maybe it's more of a matter of will you
15244s want you as bellasreya the acquiesces
15247s it's going to be a wrecking ball versus
15249s reinhardt match up
15250s philly with the baptist zen look here
15252s florida with a pretty classic uh the
15254s composition that london really pushed
15255s right reinhardt rush with the may in
15257s there as well baptiste
15259s and lucio
15262s this is going to be a background sojourn
15264s yeah soldier seems to fit into any
15266s composition is
15269s not here he's being snuck up on
15272s jay mate holds it upon down
15274s aim god falls there to the endothermic
15276s blaster and zest is very hardly any
15278s better but i know he's under a lot of
15279s pressure bellatoria drops in this is
15281s going to be a scrappy affair but florida
15284s may have come out on top as that dust
15285s starts to settle a little bit but that's
15287s right able to find checkmate late in the
15289s fight but it's just it is too late
15291s hello
15292s yeah definitely too late so emma and
15295s three up there just kind of firing shut
15296s someone someone was quite low i actually
15298s thought he was going to fall first and
15299s philly was going to come out on top but
15301s a speed boost around the corner and
15303s check right up in his face solo
15305s one clip solo kills zest
15308s leads the league in lows and now you're
15310s seeing why trying to force the ice block
15311s out of check mate but he's a little too
15313s canny for that apparently someone though
15314s might be a decent candidate for this
15316s delivery and there it is that's another
15317s possessed someone goes down and animals
15320s in better days oh that discord made it
15323s awful hard to stick around what a way to
15325s open the fight for zest
15327s yes his tracer has been clean all series
15330s long like you know and mn3 has had some
15334s he's had a lot of good moments in the
15335s series like you kind of think back to
15337s gibraltar when it was really slowed down
15340s uh you know that's kind of the
15342s consistent player for the philadelphia
15344s fusion throughout is they'll have a
15346s minefield here set up so could be pretty
15349s good against this comp right florida
15350s needs to play close together
15353s just again hunting
15355s florida clumping up as their composition
15357s allows for
15359s constant pressure but that's going to be
15361s relieved by a nice kill to the cranium
15364s checkmate's effort to stave obsess and
15365s then destroy fix it this is a great look
15368s from florida right now someone may have
15370s gone down let's see how key he is to the
15371s planet at this point in the fight but
15373s the fusion don't really have the
15373s personnel to force anything to be back
15376s to the mayhem
15378s yeah i feel like at that point the
15379s damage is done right as florida will get
15382s the point back in their favor philly not
15384s even able to get up to 50 percent uh how
15387s do you get used to blizzard here
15388s like i i find this to be
15392s difficult uh you know maybe it's just to
15394s try and get the back line uh you're just
15396s gonna try and go after the zen rig
15398s uh with the blizzard because those are
15400s really the two like stationary targets
15402s everybody else has tons of mobility
15404s that was really lucky to get away there
15406s the main wall almost
15408s claimed him would have trapped him in
15409s there with his enemies checkmate has to
15411s ice block there he had a discord on him
15413s as well animo gets the sound barrier
15415s it's not interrupted but who's
15416s benefiting from it's just checkmate
15417s really that's a big investment to make
15419s in one teammate and checkmate eventually
15421s is failed anyway and then three's gotta
15423s connect those but actually shuts him
15424s down with a rail of his own bellasreya
15426s though dealing with the offending
15427s sojourn it's a big slam bella knocked to
15431s the ground and someone cleaned him up
15432s and the may have moved to 75 to 47.
15437s they have to use everything to do it but
15440s the fusion with some of the switches
15441s they've made you know you had the
15443s transcendence you haven't been able to
15444s build up like a secondary support office
15446s no rally nowhere close to being online
15448s and what are you relying on right now
15450s zest to make a play as someone gets
15452s taken out that's a discord with some
15454s extra damage coming through someone
15455s trying to follow up with the blizzard
15457s apparently but actually loses this
15458s sojourn duel mn3 comes out on top and
15461s philly are able to kind of swap through
15463s the mayhem and they'll have to flip as
15465s well below has to respect check mate he
15467s tries to store with an ice block on the
15468s point but it comes a second too late and
15471s that will give philly the advantage for
15472s the time being but all florida need is
15474s one fight win
15477s so what are you looking at here for this
15478s next fight uh ant matrix probably comes
15481s down do you do like a minefield near it
15483s right to force people out of
15485s uh you know that area so you're not able
15487s to get the big you know damage buff from
15489s that could be crucial
15491s probably what you're looking at here
15493s maybe just kind of like around the
15495s corner and you hit the sand matrix
15497s goddess rave is passing through for the
15499s time being
15500s animo okay zest in his way he's worried
15502s about where that trace is going he takes
15503s the mega himself seth doubles back but
15505s now that i have a split they are split
15507s up by bellatreya they're trying to
15508s regroup here you can see
15510s the checkmates left on his own
15512s so all the main have to back away
15513s because they realize you're in such a
15514s weak position
15518s yes this has taken so long to develop it
15520s like florida's speeding around the
15521s mountain
15522s and now it's actually taking out aim
15524s guard that's a big opening here zest can
15526s still equalize but he eats a fire strike
15527s from someone that's all falling apart
15530s for the fusion here to make him a fourth
15532s place to work with banners for his
15533s minefields having at least claimed
15534s arnhem over wearing the fusion a stick
15536s of root pile he couldn't get away from
15537s it though we mortality field for him now
15539s obsessed having to go against three
15541s trying to stay alive but it's just not
15543s going to be enough the maywall will
15545s compound the issue further and the
15547s mayhem take the first round in this
15549s fifth map
15552s it still comes down to the wire where
15554s now you're playing this composition for
15556s the philly fusion
15557s pretty much like the entire series right
15560s and you've been banking on it and
15562s i know right now here at the end i
15563s actually think this map's probably the
15565s best draw they could have gotten uh
15568s you know as the next stage i think
15571s you can use the wrecking ball here and
15572s be a little bit more effective uh lucio
15576s moira composition here potentially for
15578s the florida mayhem
15580s uh
15581s i don't love the combo uh i i think you
15584s just miss out on a ton of utility with
15586s like anna with the sleep the biotic
15589s grenade the nano boost
15591s but if you're going to play as like a
15594s you know suit of death ball right and
15595s run around with the doomfist uh moira
15598s does provide a lot of just healing you
15601s gotta strike first and strike hard with
15603s this setup
15604s so the mayhem take point
15606s first the lucio speed boost giving them
15608s the natural leg up there
15613s [Music]
15616s already picked fix it out with a
15617s beautiful rail headshot
15619s what a start for the mayhem here to try
15621s and end the series
15624s oh no
15626s oh it's knocked off the side but
15628s you know time and time again on the
15630s sojourn he's able to come up with these
15631s first picks is
15633s now ash obviously really good for the
15635s consistent damage
15637s just and also has like one shot
15639s potential right but not to the level of
15641s sojourn and i also think with surgery
15643s you just don't know how charged up the
15645s rail is at any time right you could be
15647s going in and you can yeah you don't
15648s really save not a lot of damage or you
15651s know it's a fully charged up rail and
15652s you're just gone love that switch of
15654s focus there is aim god is identified as
15656s a great target but someone ends up
15658s having to give up his life for that is
15659s it gonna be worth it checkmate is trying
15661s to make sure it is but he eventually
15662s goes down to mn3
15664s actually knocked into mn3's part so has
15667s to very quickly try and rectify that as
15669s zest moves in to start the cap close to
15671s a pulse bomb he is here but he's
15673s unwilling to fully commit
15675s the maim are playing for the fringes now
15676s as their doomfist returns to the fight
15678s and they're going to solidify their
15679s control for now
15681s yes you're actually able to get back to
15683s full strength here for the florida
15685s mayhem is name gone back now for the
15687s philly fusion
15690s 50 percent it seems like they're just
15692s trying to figure out where to attack
15693s this from
15694s that's perfect i mean a little bit of a
15696s a different route there to make him
15697s leave the point in order to dive mn3 but
15699s they get the ash out of the picture now
15702s they can go forward platinum was taken
15703s down by a minefield though as bellas
15705s reyes trying to get some defensive
15706s structures in lieu of his opponents on
15708s the point and it's looking good for
15709s philly exits brought down bella's ray
15711s now just rolling around the edges here
15713s someone is low and checkmate has to
15715s recall here and long fight not good for
15717s the moira compositions as we see
15720s mayhem brought down it's really moved
15722s into residence here but at 74 already
15724s for florida matt yeah
15726s it took a long time to develop uh they
15730s are finally able to just kind of like
15732s outlast
15733s uh the florida mayhem and their
15735s composition is
15736s and now all the pressure on florida how
15738s would he break back in a few ultimates
15740s online for philly
15742s you know
15743s looks like someone like one tight over
15744s the top and you're gonna follow this up
15746s yeah has to be a transcendence here x he
15748s doesn't care about that of course
15749s bob in play for m3 so actually doesn't
15752s want to fully commit now as bella's real
15753s rolls through and someone is failed bob
15756s gets the john job done for him and three
15757s and that's two for him in this fight
15759s a lot of ultimates had to be spent but
15761s the mayhem had their fair share of them
15763s too
15765s yeah it's uh as soon as someone dies
15767s that pretty much all falls apart there
15769s and didn't want to use the overclock he
15771s actually got fixed pretty low didn't
15772s want to use the overclock because the
15773s transcendence was still rolling you pick
15775s up kills through but just really risky
15778s so you end up using the sound barrier
15779s there rally for some over health gonna
15782s be able to come in for the philly fusion
15783s is someone gets in there real fast yeah
15786s big guy but a pulse bomb will send
15788s someone packing almost as quickly as he
15790s arrived now that may him are in an
15792s awkward spot if this gets dragged out
15793s any further
15795s they might be in trouble 65 and counting
15797s that fight will bring philly even with
15799s the mayhem
15801s this next fight the most important
15804s and this is where like you know them
15806s the moira provides the healing but like
15808s you know the biotic grenade or a nano
15810s right if you get hit with a pulse bomb
15812s for the damage reduction to you know
15814s trying to live through it
15816s it's sort of the honor makes a big
15817s difference right look at zest constantly
15820s hurrying
15820s like a hornet
15823s xc has not used that ultimate yet
15826s still sitting on it it's time to go
15827s though overclock fired off him in three
15829s a little bit lower aim god takes a big
15831s head he'll charge forward and claim mn3
15833s with a headshot that was unnecessary at
15834s that point fixer also going down but
15837s he's off the map bella's rear gets rid
15839s of the hot shot xc but philly don't have
15841s the players they may try and regroup but
15842s sisters snuck onto the point now while
15844s they dive and it comes up behind
15845s checkmates philly here at 99 here the
15847s mayhem lose control the round is over
15850s really not worried about the point get
15852s clearly a zest backs away they have a
15854s buffer and they're allowing the mayhem
15855s to get some percentage but now it's
15857s trying to hit the point if someone's
15858s down
15859s yeah someone pushed up it was mn3 it's a
15861s headshot hits a hedgehog on a rupaul as
15863s well this is going to be a flip they
15865s have lucio in play the mayhem animo can
15867s dip on and keep that over time going and
15869s he does so checkmate's forced to recall
15871s early and the bob is going to be
15872s deployed here by mn3 someone's on the
15874s scene but xc goes the other way ships in
15876s the night they pass each other as
15877s teammates and it's gonna be the
15879s philadelphia fusion cleaning up bob
15881s throwing to the point of rupaul barely
15882s touches the ground
15884s philly just bring it back in overtime
15887s and it wouldn't be a philly game if we
15888s didn't go all the damn way
15892s long as you can possibly go
15895s in the series
15898s so we will i i do not want to see the
15903s moira uh lucio combo again yeah i i much
15907s prefer
15909s what we're seeing the florida mayhem
15910s hover with this
15912s anna and brick setup
15916s yeah this is uh yeah see someone comes
15918s in to try and
15919s get okay uh get a kill there on uh he
15923s was actually looking for zest there
15924s because this was quite low didn't have
15925s recall oh uh but did not expect mn3 to
15929s be right there there's a lot of
15930s disruption there bellasreya fixer on the
15932s brigitte as well coach gunn to knock
15934s someone back it's hard out there
15936s for the doom to connect
15938s and it all comes down to this the final
15940s round on lee young tower only one of
15942s these teams can advance in our
15944s mid-season madness tournament
15947s you got a god tell him to take the wheel
15952s they go through this gruelling series
15953s just to play the loser gladiator spark
15957s as uh that'll be xe
15960s opens things up
15961s on the sojourn with a nice rail shot on
15963s mn3 is
15965s i feel like when you have the sojourn in
15966s this type of scenario and you can play
15968s more aggressive right i think this is
15970s where it was really working out well
15972s for the florida mayhem as fellow trying
15974s to get on the point contest this will be
15976s florida able to take it first says a lot
15978s actually when philadelphia's dps are the
15980s the first two players would drop there
15981s and fellas ray is not able to
15983s interpose himself in between florida and
15985s the rest of his team
15986s so a great start for the mayhem here
15989s bouncing back after a bit of a chaotic
15990s previous round and now xc can get
15993s entrenched in a pretty safe spot zest
15995s really has to go hunting here she wants
15997s to pressure any of these backliners
15999s and also like you know rupaul can play
16002s from a safer position and if you wanted
16004s to you can follow up
16005s someone with a biotic grenade like when
16007s he kind of comes out collapses down on
16009s some of the players on the other team
16011s he's so piled down
16013s someone wanted to call and dive there
16014s but realize now that's not possible so
16017s rotates to a defensive position while
16018s still being able to contest the point
16019s here
16020s mayhem gonna try and drag this out
16022s actually somehow have to get a lie away
16023s alive rather but bella runs him down
16026s someone probably realizing now that the
16028s odds of being a hole here a low so stall
16031s it is for the mayhem 48 and counting now
16033s outermost shield
16034s allowing him to staunchly hold the point
16036s for a time
16038s but eventually this will be a philly cat
16041s that's still you're getting good
16042s percentage here from this stall from the
16044s florida man finally goes over
16047s uh
16047s not an insignificant amount of time
16049s there or there
16051s they're just kind of stalling it out
16052s philly now gains control yay like you
16054s mentioned someone was trying to call a
16055s dive but
16057s nobody died nobody coming out
16062s fellas right again
16064s keeping tabs on check mate the mines
16066s could be devastating here rallies in
16067s play always let the mines go good
16070s heavens
16071s the mayan i want to shrug them off for
16072s the most part though animals rally in
16074s play and aim god is failed to make him
16076s reach their intended target to someone
16078s rip some limb from limb it's only m3
16080s able to stand up now and that's just not
16082s going to cut the mustard
16084s because rupaul backs away he's able to
16086s hold on to that nano good to see you i
16088s mean sick play from him but just look at
16090s how more effective like that on it is
16091s right about putting shots at distance
16094s right into someone right some damage
16096s down into bel belseria yeah you have
16099s zest coming in right and he gets right
16100s in his face there's a biotic grenade at
16102s the ground puts a shot into him like
16104s uh didn't even have to use the nano
16106s there i also hit his sleep so just like
16108s tremendous utility with ana in the
16110s mixers
16112s uh i i think if you're a florida mayhem
16114s fan you'd love to see this more than
16115s kind of some of the moira comps
16118s what about safe positioning here rupaul
16120s still being pressured from this spot
16122s wait did they hit bob
16124s unclear if they actually slept him or
16125s not rupaul's gonna fall to aim god
16127s either way at long range but it's 90 and
16129s counting to mayhem though are in trouble
16131s this transcendence really makes it
16132s harder to get anything going after
16134s losing a player so they'll have to
16135s concede here and
16136s theoretically not commit any more to
16138s this fight
16140s that's totally fine though if you're the
16141s florida man they had to use a ton of uh
16143s stuff to get in the door you come back
16145s you have a pulse bomb which is in you
16147s know an ability that can just open the
16149s game up for you just on its own
16151s you also have the ability to nano
16153s someone and he can go make a play as we
16155s see many doomfists do
16157s you're still in a really good spot here
16158s if you're the florida mayhem really have
16160s to hold the point indefinitely if they
16161s want to advance good start though zest
16164s tasting initiative and removes arnimo
16167s from the equation
16168s from the mayhem don't fancy working
16170s through that kind of calculus oh wait a
16172s time i'll check mate looks to flank
16174s if you lose another player here though
16176s like that's going to be like a solid 30
16178s percent probably
16180s over to the philly fusion check my pulse
16181s doesn't just offer that pulse bomb
16184s nothing for checkmate though
16186s 76 and counting this he's getting a
16188s little dicey
16190s [Music]
16192s this is where legends are born matt
16195s mc3 with two crucial headshots now it's
16198s philly lose control the point though
16199s they need to keep an eye on that
16202s big kill from mn3 and he's controlling
16203s this face now someone it's nobody
16206s dropped to the ground affiliate now in
16207s control and this is now
16209s last ditch territory for the mayhem xc
16212s switches to the castle you'd better be
16214s enough
16216s yeah and you know you uh rupaul downing
16218s at the end here is he's gonna go to the
16220s lucio is coming even though he'll be on
16221s checkmate to get a touch just check my
16223s recalls here
16225s where are the rest of them though
16226s someone needs to make the push and he
16227s does he's on the point zested with the
16229s seismic slam dynamite throwing out
16231s that's a lot of good damage and badass
16232s three is going to threaten on the
16233s outside xe marks the spotted mn3 finds
16236s the treasure it was the frag rally the
16238s castle he's out of the picture now and
16239s m3 finds another one but someone's
16241s keeping his team in it two kills for the
16243s mayhem's doomfist now and zest has to
16244s respect
16246s but there's no chance either of these
16247s teams are leaving the point now rupaul a
16250s little off bellas reyes looking okay bob
16252s sent off the map but that's the pulse to
16253s end them all sas fights rupaul knows
16256s that no lucio in the fight at all here
16258s for the make him an m3 has a safe
16259s position to play from artemo falls
16262s bullet between the shoulder blades and
16263s actually finds one between his eyes
16265s the philadelphia fusion have done it in
16267s overtime
16269s three to two victory and they will
16270s advance in the mid-season madness
16273s tournaments
16275s oh
16276s some
16277s absolutely clutch plays there at the end
16281s from the philly
16282s [Music]
16284s as
16285s you know florida they they they put
16287s together a really good series
16289s better than i think a lot of people
16291s thought but just come up a little bit
16293s short and
16294s i think if you're in florida you go back
16296s look at some of those compositions and
16298s yeah maybe you can work on some of those
16300s and
16301s man just i feel like at the end there
16303s specifically though
16305s like zest and mn3 just took over
16308s like you know when you have those fights
16310s and they get chaotic and they get
16312s separated
16313s and
16314s you know dps can make an impact find you
16316s know an opening
16317s you know mn3 at the end was able to get
16319s like two three head shots like you know
16321s zest coming up with pulse bomb kills i i
16323s think actually probably the biggest kill
16324s that round like it's gonna sound super
16326s bizarre is the solo pulse bomb stick on
16329s the animal yeah uh
16331s because that gives them about like 20
16332s percent extra extra point probably i
16335s mean that was three that might have been
16336s i think was that was that rupaul on the
16338s on the uh lucio actually he switched
16340s over to try and touch the point at the
16341s end yeah and we talk about these mn3
16343s solo kills incredible that he's able to
16346s provide so many of those at uh crucial
16347s moments but zest there in in that in
16350s that moment as the tracer we talked
16352s about how leads the league in those solo
16354s kills per 10 and
16356s he found it when he truly needed it
16357s let's talk about our player the match
16358s here matt uh so many to choose from the
16360s on the fusion side they're already
16361s floundered midway through the series but
16362s they're dps that really carried them
16364s forward and in those last moments in my
16366s opinion player of the match is going to
16368s have to be mn3 what a legendary moment
16371s there in those final seconds
16373s kill after kill
16375s what a way to finish off an incredible
16377s series of overwatch
16379s and it's not even just the
16381s like first picks from mn3 that are like
16384s super impressive it's you know
16386s philadelphia fusion starting off a fight
16387s down a player and then he just like
16388s comes up with three uh and you know just
16390s landing these headshots out of nowhere
16392s especially at the end there on lichen
16394s tower but
16395s uh him and zest is a combo and you got
16398s zest rolling on the tracer and this
16400s level of pressure and you know hit scan
16403s dominance back there
16404s uh you get the rest of the team kind of
16406s right
16407s they're gonna be a tough out for anybody
16409s uh i mean the skill of mn3 and zes is
16412s crazy oh yeah it is ridiculous i mean
16415s zest operating is the solo killer that
16417s people were hoping that decay could kind
16419s of be right on that justice team and
16420s everyone sort of hailed him as like that
16422s an individual that could really turn the
16423s game on its head but the best part for
16425s zest is that he sat next to this guy uh
16427s mn3 who really of the course this match
16429s was was great you know we talked about
16431s uh the ash duel he was taking with xc
16433s early in the series he didn't look good
16434s for him when it moved to sojourn he sean
16437s the widowmaker matchup on gibraltar a
16439s tough one for him but it was really had
16441s a lot to do with the map and how good
16442s someone was at controlling those spaces
16445s but he gets his revenge he gets his come
16447s up it's in that final map
16449s and his ash is the one that shines
16450s brightest philadelphia fusion always
16452s know how to make it exciting and they
16454s set themselves a date with the loser of
16456s the hung show spark in los angeles
16458s gladiators there's more incredible games
16460s on the way not only for the fusion but
16462s for us tonight we're already halfway
16464s through we're gonna go to a break i'm
16466s going to wait till i get off cam to you
16468s know fist pump we'll see you guys later
16470s on
16479s [Music]
16485s [Music]
16492s oh
16510s [Music]
16538s [Music]
16549s [Music]
16556s so
16563s [Music]
16587s [Music]
16611s [Music]
16615s do
16616s [Music]
16649s [Music]
16681s [Music]
16709s [Music]
16734s hey everyone welcome back to watchpoint
16737s that was oh
16739s my god
16742s that was the most stressful game or most
16745s stressful series that we've seen this
16747s entire week i think all of us were just
16749s kind of at the edge of our seat just
16750s going like oh my gosh there's no way
16752s they take this can they take this can
16754s they take this mn3 comes in at the end
16755s and we're all just oh uh it was just too
16758s much i like i i was like yelling because
16760s i'm with i'm on the philadelphia fusion
16761s train because you brought me here it's
16763s awful here it's awfully it's stressful i
16766s we're like yelling at zest and mn3 to
16768s kill more people you know we have we
16771s have xc just going like crazy and just
16773s popping heads i don't know that was just
16775s it was just too much that was the
16776s epitome of the awards league yeah just
16779s like fifth map
16780s last round last fight and just like two
16783s three people struggling on the point
16785s like even seth's point of view like i
16787s understand that he's like a professional
16789s player but he looked lost like in the
16792s moment and i don't blame him i mean that
16794s was just craziness uh
16796s absolute you know it was a barn burner
16798s gigabyte whatever you have uh amazing
16801s match and here's the uh the final
16802s moments you're leaving tower oh god oh
16805s man three he's so talented and handsome
16808s i it's it's just it's crazy like how
16810s many shots he hits like he kills xe gets
16813s the double tap in there in there and
16815s then you have zest this is when johnny's
16816s like he's lost like there's just so much
16818s going on in this position
16821s oh my god there was so many clutch plays
16825s that came out there for philadelphia
16827s fusion even in those final minutes where
16829s florida was able to recap the point and
16832s then fusion had to get back on because
16834s there wasn't a single second to lose
16836s with that overtime
16837s sorry johnny like i was like they did it
16839s and they were like wait philly had the
16841s point for the last 10 seconds like oh no
16843s i got the rally lucio was there as well
16846s like florida mayhem they had 99 on like
16849s all three points i believe like they
16851s were one fight away on so many different
16853s times right so
16854s i mean that would
16856s literally the wire
16858s the thinnest wire possible
16861s i mean yes it we went all the way to map
16863s five and it was well played on both
16865s sides otherwise we wouldn't have had you
16866s know this long and this intense of a
16869s final match so i mean just to speak to
16872s florida yeah yeah i mean in many ways
16875s they you know they won map one so they
16876s came out uh on top here and sir my jet
16878s had an incredible zenyatta performance
16880s here you know ended the map with the
16882s cendiff in the uh in the all chat you
16885s love to see that um but again like so
16887s many people for the florida mayhem
16889s turned up to this one so much out here
16890s on the senora but also checkmate has had
16893s a really good mid-season madness
16896s tournament um i think checkmate has
16898s played some of the best overwatch she
16899s ever has in this very tournament xc as
16902s well had a reputation for being this
16904s elite hitscan player when he was on the
16906s dallas fuel of course and before that um
16908s and he he fired on all senators too so
16911s this was
16912s the ending of this match was the
16914s culmination of two teams being
16916s incredibly competitive over the course
16918s of five maps and so i'm just really
16919s grateful for the from am they go out
16921s here in the losers bracket but they put
16923s up one hell of a performance and they
16925s should be really proud of that
16926s performance yeah but you know i i've had
16928s enough of being nicer philadelphia
16930s fusion right now because yes they got
16932s over the line yes they got there but one
16934s of the biggest issues for them as a team
16936s is they're relying too much on
16938s individual brilliant they do they're not
16939s they're not playing as a team they're
16941s not having this massive synergy and you
16943s saw that issue become
16945s massively highlighted here on this watch
16946s point gibraltar where when bell's rears
16949s just can't get any traction zest is
16950s being hunted down mn3 has someone on him
16953s at all times there's just nothing
16954s happening for them at any moment and
16956s then like even as you go further into
16958s the maps like obviously they had a great
16960s new queen street but even there on that
16962s lee zhang tower that wasn't great
16964s teamwork that really got over the line
16966s that was zest and mn3 just going
16969s absolutely crazy so
16971s looking forward to them as a team
16973s because they do have somewhere to go
16974s they have to play the loser of spark and
16976s the gladiators individual brilliance
16978s will not get them across the line they
16980s need to find some form of coordination
16982s and synergy if they are going to beat a
16984s great team like them so if i was to ask
16986s you to put on your coach custa hat for a
16988s second and sit down with the fusion what
16990s would you tell them how would you
16992s inspire uh teamwork rather than just
16994s waiting for mn3 or zest to pop off one
16996s of the big issues that i think i'm
16998s seeing from them is moving aimgod and
17000s fixer around the map without losing them
17002s because it feels like aim god fixer and
17004s mn3 sometimes are on different pages and
17007s bella's rear and zest need to start
17009s linking up a little bit more because it
17010s feels like at times they're going in
17012s individually and they're just unable to
17015s execute as a unit right and that's what
17017s makes them rely on individual brilliance
17019s especially in the back line like fixer
17021s didn't have a great series here dying
17022s first a lot of the times that leaves aim
17024s got exposed so just tidying up some of
17027s those bolts getting that synergy going a
17028s little bit better and they can go far
17030s because the gameplay is there just not
17032s as a team listen speaking of synergy all
17034s three of us on the desk found that
17036s synergy because we all predicted fusion
17038s to take the win but johnny extra points
17040s to you because you called the 3-2 that's
17042s right called the 3-2
17044s and look i'm just saying i predicted the
17046s atlanta ring i put it to the 3-2
17049s and i predict the heinz part
17056s we're going to talk about that in just a
17058s second but the first thing that we need
17059s to do is look at our updated lower
17061s brackets again congratulations to the
17063s fusion for moving on in that lower
17066s bracket that we see uh the winner
17068s they will be playing the winner of as we
17071s said match 16 where is it sorry the
17073s loser yeah it's in the upper bracket
17075s yeah i'm lost sometimes you know there's
17076s so many brackets around here but yes
17078s this is the
17079s the fusion are not winners uh obviously
17081s you know what they're winners in my eyes
17083s right now
17086s don't take this away from me we don't
17088s know how long it will last
17091s but i think that they are going to go
17094s the distance but yes they are going to
17095s play the losers of this next match which
17097s is of course the spark versus the
17099s gladiators i know you two started
17101s getting into it so one of you want to
17103s start well i want to hear that hongdro
17105s spark hopium first before i come in with
17107s the gladiators kicking down the door
17109s you're calling this hopium is the
17111s definition of hoyp like like it's just
17113s some gas just evaporating within the air
17116s or no what no this is substantiated all
17120s right this is substantiated analysis and
17123s to counter my own very argument i'm
17125s going to bring up a stat card that makes
17126s me look ridiculous and it's kempster
17128s versus alfie on the tracer where kevster
17131s of course he's only played 38 minutes so
17134s far this tournament you know it was a
17136s pretty dominant performance and 68
17138s minutes for alpha who's obviously played
17139s a bit more some more matches here but
17141s you can see the stats yourself alfie
17143s comes down on top when it comes to the
17144s hero damage and the pulse bomb kills per
17145s 10 minutes but kevster's final blows
17148s reduce this i i think this is the match
17150s up to watch for both teams here really
17152s because i think when it comes to you
17153s know shy of course someone we talked
17154s about a lot i think he'll be the best
17156s soldier and player you compare it to
17158s potiphan but kevster has been such a
17160s dominant force of nature and no one has
17163s really been able to seemingly stop him
17165s so alfie i think he's like great
17167s tournament so far alfie another player
17169s who's playing some of the best of what
17170s she's ever done and if anyone's going to
17172s bring it to kepster it could be alpha yi
17174s so that's a head to head i'm watching in
17176s this match but for me it's not yes alpha
17178s yi and cancer are important but it's the
17180s they're partners in crime and that's the
17182s main tanks and that's the person i'm
17183s looking at for the gladiators and that's
17185s where i think the major differential is
17186s going to come in rainer has been a joke
17189s jack of all trades maintain coming in
17191s for this league he has been able to play
17193s everything especially on that doomfist
17195s and when he synergizes the dive with
17196s kevster that seems to be that next level
17198s that the gladiators have been at and i
17200s just don't see the spark being able to
17202s hit that yes they have the great hitscan
17204s in shai who does pop off consistently
17206s but for me overall the gladiators are
17209s just a better team and we haven't even
17211s talked about shoe in the back line we
17214s got funny astro to come play that lucio
17216s super rich in my teacup all right all
17218s right
17220s that's where the opium's in it's in that
17221s teacup right now chrysanthemum hopium
17224s that's actually the main ingredient but
17226s honestly uh reiner kind of won my heart
17228s over with his trash talk that we had
17230s earlier in the week but i want to keep
17232s the ball rolling okay i really wanted to
17234s make a hamster joke there but you're not
17235s wearing the lindsay anymore all right
17237s i'm going to keep the prediction ball
17239s rolling i want to get your match
17240s prediction how do we think that this is
17242s going to go
17243s i'm going to go gladiators 3-1 3-1 for
17246s gladiators
17247s all right
17248s so you think they'll win on push that's
17250s a pretty good bet right there yeah um
17253s the dive is good look i i respect the
17255s alec letters i do okay so i'll say i'll
17257s have to say three two hunch of spark all
17259s right
17260s yeah we're going the distance we're
17261s going to control once more uh and it's
17264s gonna be a great series you know more
17266s giga bangers we all want more giga
17267s bangers yeah so bring it up here for the
17269s long haul we're coming to midnight again
17271s oh you know but hear me out hear me out
17273s spicy three oh gladiator oh
17276s three the disney no that is that is
17278s baseless all right taking my entire
17282s overwatch league career on this
17284s prediction okay and there's only one way
17286s to find out if me obvi will be
17288s successful in all my future predictions
17290s oh wait i already messed up my first one
17291s today dang it jake
17294s all right well we have to take a quick
17295s break but stick around because when we
17296s get back we are going to see that match
17298s between the spark and the gladiators
17315s [Music]
17360s [Music]
17382s [Music]
17415s [Music]
17430s [Music]
17437s [Music]
17457s [Music]
17463s [Music]
17489s [Music]
17537s so
17545s and welcome back it is time to get into
17547s our last two matches of the evening i'm
17549s achilles once more joined by avril we'll
17551s be guiding you guys through the rest of
17553s the action here today we'll be your
17555s ushers please take your seats and let
17557s battle commence once more it's gonna be
17558s the hangzhou spark going up against the
17560s la gladiators let's see who is gonna be
17563s moving forward
17565s officially in the top six now with our
17567s upper bracket teams here these are the
17569s top four as well uh still a couple lives
17571s to play through but my goodness we're
17573s finally getting into what i truly
17574s believe is like you know this is top
17576s tier n a versus top tier a pack it's not
17578s going to be salt danish but i think
17580s hondro spark the way they defeated seoul
17582s just not even that long but the 3-0
17584s anyway this is looking like one of the
17585s top teams now so pink versus purple this
17588s is gonna be epic
17589s it absolutely could be to see what
17591s happens once we get into it you know
17592s what the rosters and whatnot are going
17593s to look like but
17595s uh a hell of a lot of potential here for
17596s some showdowns obviously you know alfie
17598s looking incredible patty pan here in his
17600s first season of the overwatch league as
17601s well also looking utterly impeccable so
17603s those two clashing is a very exciting
17606s prospect shy as well and hit scan can
17608s have some stiff competition there from
17610s the side of the gladiators we'll see if
17611s that comes to fruition but here's our
17613s starting five for the side of the
17614s hangzhou spark while we did see them
17616s experiment a little bit with the roster
17618s at the end of the qualifiers widely have
17620s been sticking to this core right here
17623s no surprises i mean you're probably not
17625s going to see goose way until we get to
17626s an escort type map maybe something like
17627s a gibraltar where it's very winston
17629s focused but
17631s even without the crucial i think
17632s bernard's just been fantastic so far
17634s this tournament cycle i mean he's really
17635s impressed this was a play that last year
17637s people were really down about but
17639s currently spark are having their best
17641s ever season in my personal opinion led
17644s mostly by this dps like shy and alfie
17646s alfie probably one of the most
17648s overlooked rookies coming in there was
17649s some notable hype surrounding guys like
17651s proper i mean that's deserved and
17653s respected um but alpha yi has kind of
17656s swept the table and he's really come
17658s into his own he
17659s kind of
17660s got a very deserved play of the match
17662s versus sol dynasty as well i mean this
17663s guy has been tearing things up on the
17665s tracer we've also seen him on the genji
17666s his echoes up there as well sharks
17668s looking like one of the best hit scans
17669s once more his trojan is right at the top
17672s of my list
17673s yeah way up there making a name for
17676s himself for sure on that newest pick but
17678s here is the starting five for the side
17680s of the gladiators kevster patty pan
17682s reiner shoe and skewed try to maintain
17686s some n a dominance and see if they can
17688s take down the hangzhou spark
17690s and rhino has been super impressive on
17692s this tank position as well you know i
17693s think the disc is starting to talk about
17695s this kind of new term the jolt right
17696s there
17698s what is it again i think hawk even came
17700s up with it maybe but uh jack of all
17702s trades kind of tank we're starting to
17703s get in there you still need to see you
17705s know before hawk he's still trying to
17707s move into those main tanks for reiner as
17708s well
17709s will be a question mark in terms of
17710s whether he ends up playing any sort of
17712s off tanks this is not really an off-tank
17713s meta so we're not releasing zarya yet um
17715s only kalu seems to be running diva we'll
17717s get into that in the future match but
17719s for now you know expecting typical ball
17722s doom winston kind of stuff coming
17723s through from rhino the interesting pick
17725s is actually going to be that skewed
17726s starts over funny astro on our opening
17728s map or for the control typically we have
17730s seen a lot of funny astro uh but i think
17733s those would normally be you know that
17734s would be your roster choice if you're
17736s going to something more like a lee jung
17737s tower we're about to head into oasis
17739s here which is the gladiators map pick so
17741s they're going to be looking at something
17742s more along the lines of a skewed brig
17745s with shoes in all the double flex
17747s support as well both really strong
17748s options for glads in this map
17752s see if they can get a win here a lot of
17754s teams been taking us to oasis as their
17756s map picked to begin and have not been
17757s able to put up the numbers so will that
17760s happen once more or can the gladiators
17763s close it out cleanly start things off
17765s the right foot forward and get the w we
17767s are about to find out as we are moments
17769s away from jumping into the action and
17771s carrying out this incredible week of
17774s games
17776s and these two teams you know we talked
17778s about rare matchups yesterday
17780s when the atlanta ring took on the salt
17782s dynasty this is a pretty rare one here
17784s as well only three times the ali
17786s gladiators have met with the hangzhou
17788s spark and tell you what they haven't
17789s seen each other in three years the last
17792s matchup between la and hangzhou was in
17794s 2019 for the playoffs so it's been a lot
17798s of years yeah but these two squads have
17800s not met brand new rosters here i don't
17802s even think there's a single returning
17803s player from either side from that 2019
17806s squad as well so
17808s franchises squaring up here pink versus
17811s purple map number one shred on gardens
17815s there we are gates opening up and hey
17817s look at that police pause immediately
17819s into the chat
17821s oh this is just what happens when i uh
17823s show up to cast i suppose but hopefully
17824s it's gonna be a quick issue here for the
17826s side of the gladiators to get dealt with
17828s obviously having those admins right
17830s there on standby in venue is going to
17832s make for a pretty i thought uh
17835s i thought you started you know shoving
17836s some of that curse over towards jaws and
17838s necro they obviously had that long pause
17840s of toronto and shanghai
17842s on the uh i think was the first day
17843s mildly contagious
17846s it is it is
17847s but let's talk about a little since we
17849s do have opening line
17851s rather line up so we have the opening
17853s compositions as well
17854s uh which i'll go through very briefly i
17856s don't know if anyone caught that but it
17857s was going to be the main difference is
17858s going to be burner on the ball versus
17860s rhino on the doom so
17862s not super unexpected from either side
17864s super rich brig irony zen shu coming
17866s through on the back skewed on the brakes
17867s so scooter is going to be playing the
17868s brig first and foremost with the bat
17871s option for shoe he'll he might consider
17873s going towards the anna after he sees the
17875s ball here i think the anna's gonna have
17877s a lot more defensive utility to mis
17880s display spurners born also support
17881s reiner so that might be something that
17883s the gladiators look towards uh if they
17885s get a reset reiner just checking if his
17887s camera is working padded pan and shy
17888s coming through on the surgeon as
17890s expected alpha yi versus kefster on the
17892s tracer now alfie took down profit
17894s kevster is another one of those top tier
17896s tracer players that alfie will be tested
17898s again now
17900s well we'll see how these match up and
17902s whether or not there's adjustments that
17903s you're talking about you know the ana
17904s swap perhaps if that does come through
17906s if the gladiators are still gonna at
17908s least give it a fight or two and see how
17910s uh it goes piloting this comp but
17912s we'll have to just wait and see has been
17914s a big amount of uh trash talk coming out
17917s from the side of the gladiators runner
17918s in particular uh you know really trying
17921s to make a name for himself and uh say
17923s yeah i am you know one of the best if
17925s not the best tank in the league right
17926s now and it's also you know rookie season
17929s yada yada uh has been looking utterly
17931s incredible for the squad
17934s well you know he
17936s wants to face up against well there's
17937s there's been a bit of the back and forth
17939s between him and fate sort of from afar
17940s via different interviews
17942s uh smurf's out of the picture now so you
17944s know currently there's burn on screen
17946s gucci maybe a little bit later on which
17947s would be a fantastic matchup as far as
17949s winston's go because we're looking at a
17950s situation where you know right as a
17953s rookie gooshway is i think the origin of
17956s the primal blade that he
17958s he is like the first person that really
17960s displayed the primal play back in 2018
17962s world cup i believe it was so that'll be
17963s a big test for rhino you're seeing stats
17965s right now right up there in terms of
17967s doomfist he's been one of the top
17968s doomfist players uh certainly you know
17970s from the na side of things he kind of
17973s pioneered that alongside dante alongside
17975s hawke those are probably my top three uh
17977s so you know ryden has been fantastic
17979s throughout and i'll be interested to see
17981s if we go to circuit royale as well
17983s because that's the one map that space
17984s does come in for to play that sigma
17987s bernard's obviously going to be
17988s comfortable with that as well so uh
17990s that'll be an interesting pick that we
17991s can sort of look into later on i'm sure
17994s that ons would love to get sniping m
17995s that actually might end up being a
17996s weakness for 100 spark they didn't look
17998s very comfortable with that uh matchup
18000s between shy and mn3 look shy's been
18002s dominating on the sojourn but
18004s his widow has maybe taken a bit of a hit
18006s negatively in a recent game so that
18007s might be one area that glides if we get
18009s you know once we get to map three
18011s depending who gets the pick circuit is
18013s one i'm looking forward to
18014s well looks like everything should be
18016s good to go the ready checks coming out
18018s in the chat we should be underway once
18021s more and we can finally see these teams
18023s clash and see who's going to be able to
18024s draw first blood get that initial lock
18026s down here on guard in an oasis i'm not
18029s sure exactly what the issue was but it
18030s seems like it's all taken care of and
18031s she was ready to party
18034s as always a little bit more time to
18036s think about where things are going to go
18038s all right well back into action pretty
18040s much you'll notice that burner is taking
18042s control of mega so it seems like hunter
18044s spark will not be coming through from
18046s the side rooms playing straight from
18047s main gladiators touch point first 15
18049s seconds to unlock
18053s all right slow and steady gladiators the
18055s inside track now it's going to be
18057s occupying the point they say yep we're
18058s more than happy to have the hunger spot
18060s captain come to
18061s us building up for a rail
18064s looking for a decent enough target
18066s trying to swing around the corner and
18067s there you go he finds shot and catches
18068s him completely off guard irony as well
18070s going to be taken down she ends up
18071s getting traded bernard picking that one
18073s up trying to keep the honking spark in
18074s the fight but with super rich out
18076s there's no supports here for the side of
18077s the hunger spark gonna have to concede
18079s this as the cap is there and gladiators
18081s are starting to pick up
18083s yeah first on the cab first on the kill
18085s feed as well there great pick from paddy
18087s pan on towards shy that's the majority
18088s of the damage going from the hangzhou
18090s spark i believe they did get one trait
18092s in there with shoe going down but
18093s otherwise guys with their presence
18095s already being on the cat looking very
18097s fast picking on the second fight shy
18099s response to padding the rail not quite
18101s connecting but still does a good amount
18102s of damage there on to skewed and alpha y
18105s manages to get on top of them they find
18106s the kill they answer back shoot falling
18107s lower and lower the immortality field
18109s already burned and cleaned up it's a
18111s quick little turnaround here for the
18112s side of the hangzhou spark 32 set up for
18114s the gladiators as they take control
18117s clean as well don't think anybody from
18119s spark died this look at the full setup
18120s now yeah
18122s first ultimate stunt to come online it's
18123s both tracer players probably shouldn't
18124s be too much of a surprise there kepster
18126s versus alfie a matchup that we've been
18128s really looking forward to again it's the
18130s brand new rookie of alfie that's been an
18132s absolute terrorist so far it's not up
18134s against a player that is capable of
18136s being a role star and kept saying
18137s hiccups pulse lands onto irony gets that
18140s one it's a rerouting there for alpha he
18142s wanted to do pretty much the same exact
18143s thing there's they were fumbling through
18145s the choke managed to make it happen jump
18147s in shine now going to be taken down to
18148s trade out on the sojourn this is still
18150s going to be oh i was going to say it two
18151s for one but now it's a two for two
18152s overall is the spark still in control of
18154s the flip getting ready to come through
18156s bernard scratching across the point
18157s keeps the contest for a little bit
18158s longer super rich taking so much damage
18161s point blank there from kepster they
18162s managed to find the final blow in the
18164s end bernard trying to escape grabs the
18165s mega pack and use the ball lower and
18167s lower the orb of harmony steadily
18168s putting some healing down onto the
18170s wrecking ball and he will be able to
18171s make it out with his life intact but the
18172s point has to be conceded gladiators now
18174s back in control getting ready to retake
18176s a lead
18178s no super rich their brilliant sleep
18179s coming through or just you know maybe
18181s start or something oh he went down into
18183s the case and we'll burn out low hp also
18185s can't really go in there it's shy once
18186s again though opening things up on the
18187s rail get off the batting
18189s he's the one who's walking into the
18190s point first before pretty much anybody
18192s else and he finds these eliminations
18194s driving to the back there that's right
18195s from ryder looking to take this a little
18197s bit more aggressively
18199s gives him a little bit of green hp
18200s overclock now out though and reiner ends
18202s up diving into the minefield nicely set
18204s up there from bernard they get the
18205s punish to get the kill onto the enemy
18206s tank how do you practice managing to
18208s find alfie bernard take it down by a
18209s pulse definitely still fightable here
18211s for the side of the gladiators
18213s they look to maintain control but the
18215s spark have cleared them off the point
18217s just enough to be able to get that put
18218s back into their favor
18219s a little bit of fire there from the side
18220s of irony going lower lower down to about
18222s half hp the rally coming oh dude however
18224s helping to keep alive it's shy once more
18226s finds paddy pan in the head the rail
18228s accuracy from shy continuing to look
18230s utterly phenomenal gets that punish and
18232s the spark will be able to win out the
18233s extended fight
18235s super important picks coming through now
18237s big clean up here as well i'll just
18238s fight to be able to overtake the 72
18240s percent in just a few moments
18242s late stag is always good for the hunger
18244s spy planet is trying to get their own
18246s trades in but at this point they just
18247s need to reset they need to get some
18248s respawns in
18250s kevstep that was his first death by the
18251s way losing out too shy so hadn't
18253s actually died before then he spoke about
18255s shy israel gone actually was 75 percent
18257s in that previous fight has killed powder
18259s pen a number of times now gladiators
18261s looking to come in for this 99 contested
18264s hunger spark
18267s keeping tabs on the members of the
18268s gladiators they spawn capsule reiner
18270s diving forward falls a little bit low
18271s the healing comes pumping through to
18272s keep them alive
18274s shoot tries to get that next window
18276s online
18277s pulse bomb
18278s held by both the tracers we'll see if
18280s they can find any primary targets trying
18282s to open things up and ryan are now stuck
18283s in the corner of the immortality field
18284s gonna be cleared out he tries to make
18285s his exit the healing comes in he will be
18287s able to stay alive for a little bit
18289s longer pulse pump goes out gets the
18290s stick i believe in a skewed shield so it
18292s doesn't find an elimination but as they
18293s push up onto the high ground shy helps
18295s set up the kill on a shoe they find the
18296s kill paddy band gonna be taken down as
18298s well two for one now but this time the
18299s hong kong spark as he looked to close
18300s this out and it's looking damn good for
18302s him hopefully he finds one the brakes
18304s both gone on either side of the ot
18306s bleeds away they managed to get a touch
18307s back through for just a brief moment but
18309s reiner cannot stay here he puts the
18311s fists up trying to buy some space kevin
18313s kepster rather dashes out
18315s every time starts plummeting once more
18317s now the transcendence popped by irony
18319s it's trying to keep everybody else alive
18321s pull back away from the floor again
18322s moment the minefield's gonna be dropped
18323s in as you say 5v5 but it's quickly
18326s taken right back into the hands of the
18327s hangzhou spark in their favors the
18328s minefield clears out one shy gets you
18331s and there you go the ot bleeds away at
18333s long last 172 percent as spark will take
18335s garden
18338s a really long final contest they're
18339s coming on through ellie glady is doing
18341s their best to survive and eyes on rhino
18343s there who actually did live for an
18344s extremely long time great healing coming
18346s through from the supports of the la
18348s gladiators but speaking of which shoe
18350s tries to go for a window on high ground
18352s which usually can be quite successful
18354s shy they're sliding directly in taking
18356s down shoot denying any sort of value
18358s that the window could have had
18359s and even though they do kill shai with
18362s skewed down no supports gladiators can
18364s only just try and have reiner still
18365s touch the point a couple times allows
18367s you to come back onto lucio continue the
18369s touch the end of the fight and the final
18371s completion of the round comes through
18373s for the fact that shai did actually have
18374s an overclock comes back and there's
18375s enough time for sparks to be able to
18377s wait for as well while holding the point
18379s the overclock's gonna be enough so
18380s moving on to the next round now shy with
18382s the ash and this is gonna be the apac
18384s special
18385s the roadhog control
18386s health on the mega pack side and the
18388s roadhog like you sort of mentioned here
18390s is going to be trying it to be a direct
18391s counter to burn osmol
18393s see what he can get done already taking
18395s quite a hefty chunk of damage obviously
18397s don't mind it too too much as a roadhog
18399s because as long as you're not dead you
18401s can take a breather get a good amount of
18402s charge or just let those orbs of harmony
18404s sit on you to really build up towards
18405s the transcendence for skewed hook not
18407s going to connect super rich has the
18408s shield raised keeps himself protected
18410s i'll be already though finding the first
18412s kill gladiators they might get the first
18414s cap but could quickly go back over into
18416s the hands of the hangzhou spark here and
18418s skewed waits to respawn reiner this cool
18420s door about onto him
18422s down a little bit lower now just
18423s currently hiding up the center of the
18424s point picks up three they're trying to
18426s get himself up back up actually shy
18428s gonna be taken down as he swings the
18429s corner ryder finds the elimination but
18430s irony gets some revenge very quickly
18432s thereafter now she's gonna be dead so
18434s ask skewed looks to rejoin the fight his
18436s cohort in support ends up falling i'm
18439s just spark should be able to convert
18440s this into a point flip but it hasn't
18441s happened yet
18443s well that's the thing right and
18444s gladiators despite losing this fight
18446s actually have the point control first
18447s it's because they are playing the road
18448s hog spark have to dance around and they
18450s have to tiptoe they don't want to fight
18451s rapidly into the hog rider swapping off
18454s now and you're right they don't have it
18455s just yet but it is a five before we are
18457s expecting the spark flip it just it's
18458s coming in really slowly yeah i mean this
18460s is so much later there's so much more
18462s percentage to the side of the gladiators
18463s than you would have anticipated given
18464s the kills and the spark were able to
18465s find at the very beginning of the fight
18467s rider once more just falling low hides
18468s out behind the center pillar crashes
18470s back through here onto bernard as they
18471s look for the elimination that's actually
18472s going to be alpha he diving into the
18474s back to assist his tank they do get the
18476s kill on the flip will finally be there
18477s but i don't think the gladiators are
18478s going to be too not up about that
18480s they managed to get the 52 percent
18482s i mean the only thing that's about
18484s negative for the gladiators is that ryan
18485s it does start late at the ball so he's a
18487s bit behind in the old charge towards the
18488s mines
18489s and you know the opening hog gamble is
18491s just that i'll say that they actually
18492s gambled pretty you know
18495s they got the payout here in terms of the
18496s 52. so if you're gonna go for a roadhog
18498s gamble which doesn't allow you to fight
18499s for high grade at all which is why
18500s gladiators are playing so close coast
18502s side towards the cars
18504s uh but they had 52 right they managed to
18506s hold on to the point which is really
18507s important for progress
18513s staying safe looking for another target
18515s bob going to be open to the shy best
18517s that goes right over towards the
18518s gladiators entry point to the side but
18520s he is now going to be taken down out
18521s being gone as well stick comes through
18523s super rich out of there gladiators
18525s looking like they're going to be able to
18526s retake this before the sport can even
18528s tie up the percentage bernard is the
18529s last one standing but with the discord
18530s orb not long for this world gets cleaned
18532s up they're five percent shy of tying it
18534s up is the gladiators regain control
18536s i mean look at the spark ultimates i
18538s mean that that probably could have been
18539s a five for the spark to actually try and
18540s commit into but a couple players got
18542s bursted down quickly they did kill shoe
18544s mid window but the rest of the players
18546s including pader pen finding kills via
18548s the window spark
18549s thought about maybe playing for a
18550s minefield which would have been great
18551s counter towards the window thought about
18553s playing the transcendence from irony as
18554s well but it's just too late because well
18556s oh batman's already down speaking off
18558s down it's great damage i think from shy
18560s in the alpha value alfie gets himself at
18562s the perfect position to find that
18563s elimination there's the stick excuse
18565s transcendence gonna do not to do it not
18567s do a damn thing is what i'm trying to
18568s say since the explosion will take him
18570s down now
18571s trance expires bernard does fall finding
18574s kebster however minefield could be
18576s dropped in from ryan or trade it out
18578s quickly thereafter in the minefields not
18579s going to be finding any additional value
18581s so the flip is there for the side of the
18582s hangzhou spark and they only have to
18583s invest a pulse bomb yeah
18586s and it all comes down from an opening
18587s headshot from shy but at long range so
18589s pedopec is taking down a 1 hp great
18591s communication or use of pings there to
18593s allow alfie to again get that alley-oop
18595s kill force to five versus four another
18597s alley gladiators lose the point off of
18599s one frag so
18601s being able to consistently get better
18602s man down certainly has been paying
18604s dividends for the hunger spark over the
18605s course of two rounds
18606s that overclock at the ready thrown out
18609s just clearing out some of those lines
18610s for now not finding any kills oh it's
18613s gonna be the spark who are finding so
18614s much value patty and shoe now skewed
18616s gonna be taken down ryder i believe out
18617s into traffic ends up going down
18619s and that is gonna be final fight coming
18621s up now gladiators with one last attempt
18623s to get this flip back into the favor and
18624s if they can win it they will take the
18625s round the hangzhou spark are looking to
18627s hold it most likely trance
18629s yeah they really need nano here as well
18631s if they can you actually have kefsta on
18633s the flank coming through so that's a
18634s play that is unaccountable for the
18635s hunger spark
18636s one transcendence to try and block out
18638s as much as possible paddy has to be one
18640s to end this one the overclock there it
18641s is and he instantly finds out for ye
18644s great head shot off the rip super rich
18646s as well dangerously low hovering up
18648s above the point for the moment tried to
18649s get a body shot as well bernard comes
18651s crashing through the flip is there
18652s however gladiators managed to take this
18653s from right out beneath the spark
18656s left a point just a little bit too much
18657s elevation trying to keep it contested
18658s now they had to put it back into the
18659s favor as we go into double overtime
18661s shots coming through but are falling
18662s lower and lower the transcendence is in
18664s response irony just trying to keep the
18665s tops up the need comes down over on the
18666s stairwell pulled punch from kepster not
18668s gonna find a damn thing alfie still
18670s holding on to one of his own cue taken
18672s out shy traded a one for one so far
18674s support for a dps i'll be could still be
18676s a bit of an x factor here for the side
18677s of the spark of cot bleeds down they
18679s manage to touch back through keep it
18681s contested the piledriver kill fire
18683s reports are now out of the fight already
18685s gonna be taken down but does it matter
18686s we'll have to just wait and see the
18688s super rich is still here ryder moves up
18690s the top side of the point falling lower
18692s and lower goes to the mega pack the
18693s health pack it's not there
18695s it's lower and there's the pulse pump
18696s stick out he takes him down the flip is
18698s there and the hongzhou spark will claim
18700s the round they'll claim the map oasis is
18703s there's a 1-0 start
18706s a 2-0 score line on oasis as well it was
18709s damn close as we got to multiple ninety
18711s nines there little gladiators really
18713s pushed the hundred spike extremely hard
18715s but opening pick coming through from
18717s hungary spike multiple times whether
18718s it's shy alfie or somebody else
18720s exceptionally good ella gladius near
18723s heroics coming through from paddy pan in
18724s the last fight see the overclock said
18726s that he needed specifically to pop off
18728s and open things up he does that onto
18729s alpha yi
18731s but once nano comes on through they're
18733s unable to get any further kills than
18734s that hunger spark delay the point with
18736s the bob
18737s eventually find both shu and skewed
18739s skewed tries to comes back tries to come
18741s back with the transcendence but he's
18742s about one percent off so that really
18744s makes a big difference glads can't hold
18746s on to the point skewed can't trance and
18747s it's all over
18749s slim margins for the victory here for
18751s the side of the hangzhou spark but a 2-0
18753s on oasis nonetheless gladiators now will
18756s have a map pick once more like i said
18757s people are picking oasis and they're not
18759s winning on an april hong show spark
18761s managed to take it away from them but
18762s now for hybrid gladiators will have
18764s their map selection once more we'll see
18766s where they want to take us and whether
18767s or not they can get a win on it when we
18768s come back from the break
18777s [Music]
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18944s [Music]
18951s do
18961s [Music]
18971s [Music]
18982s [Music]
18983s alpha yi as he goes in his bound for
18985s rookie of the year i think he basically
18987s the equivalent of three people it would
18988s seem the guy's been putting up such
18990s significant numbers how does this man do
18992s it on every single hero
18995s high ground as they go ahead and take
18996s the fight up towards super rich alfie
18998s managing to fight two oh no they have
19000s over stepped their pounds in got now
19002s they're alpha rather into the back there
19004s finds fix up
19005s cleans up the kills and i mean he is on
19006s a terrorist though he's gonna fight man
19008s damn he nearly had all the
19013s yeah man just kills away he comes up
19014s with two quick kills yucky and lip both
19016s falling seems like this is fine at the
19018s moment for the for them to break through
19020s i was looking for who are you waiting
19021s for the deflection double rockets
19023s greeting him as he hits the floor and
19025s seems to stay alive though
19027s the meantime managing to find pixa
19029s follows up gets a second elimination
19031s gets a third healthy okay starting to
19034s pop i think he heard what i was saying
19035s he says okay let me show you some uh
19037s some magic on the tracer
19045s and alpha yi looking
19047s impeccable at the start here already
19049s putting up some solid numbers on the
19050s first map of oasis here's his stance
19052s with the tracer a sixty percent pulse
19054s bomb attach right radia it's pretty good
19057s it's pretty good
19059s very good in fact and 15 final blows as
19062s well which was top fragging in the
19064s server across the board for everybody
19066s for those that are curious kevs on the
19068s other side had eight so it's a
19069s difference of seven but it is nearly
19071s double here uh the curious thing about
19073s the two players so far and you know i i
19075s am drawing comparisons between these two
19076s is alpha e is really coming up to fight
19079s up against kepster in this particular
19080s match up pat geff's actually had more
19082s damage there but only by about 400
19084s there's a lot of elims for alpha y as
19086s well he did less damage with higher
19088s final blows what that really says to me
19089s is that alfie had a lot of opportunities
19091s where he was able to capitalize on low
19093s hp members where damage was done by
19095s somebody else and that to me is
19097s evidenced by one specific kill that i
19099s want to highlight again the shy headshot
19100s on the panapan into the alpha yi allyu
19103s from the low ground things like that
19104s between cheyenne alfie and even burner
19106s is how hunger spark able to find these
19108s picks picks specifically as well a lot
19110s of them actually off the shoe who had 12
19113s deaths in that game that is the highest
19114s across the board for any member the only
19116s player with double digit deaths he was a
19118s key target for the hunger spark and if
19120s that continues gladiators will struggle
19123s well now on midtown
19126s secondary map pick here for the side of
19128s the gladiators after not getting their
19129s win on oasis let's see how they fare
19131s whether or not they can in fact tie this
19133s up it's gonna be the hong show spark
19135s first on the defense
19137s gladiators
19138s not the gates on the attack we'll see
19140s what they can get done alfie for now
19142s showing that torbjorn which was in the
19144s highlight package that we did play but
19145s we'll swap off he's gonna go over to the
19147s echo instead
19149s well there was a highlight as well that
19150s was actually on this map i think it
19152s might have been versus fusion but i'm
19153s honestly forgetting a little bit it was
19154s alpha yi genji wow and he had that
19157s brilliant dragon blade on b where i
19158s think one slash hits four members
19160s something like that just ridiculous
19162s stuff it was one of the most impressive
19163s genji plays i think i've seen so far in
19165s this season but you know for a lot of
19166s north american fans this is probably
19168s your first time seeing alpha yi and well
19170s you're in for a treat because this man
19171s has completely kicked down the door in
19173s terms of rookie of the year discussion
19174s speaking of people in that discussion of
19176s course reiner is still here thought that
19178s maybe doom would have been the pick
19180s obviously with shoe and skewed in we're
19181s not looking towards ryan there's no
19182s funny asher for the lucio
19184s this is also a map where burner can play
19186s sigma their own double flex so
19188s gladiators moving into midtown you know
19189s this has to be an expectation that it
19192s you can be going up against a sigma on
19193s the other side let's love that stat that
19195s we just had up there though
19197s as far as you know highest match final
19199s blows records said the last time that
19200s these two teams did square off which was
19202s in 2019 so records that have now stood
19205s the test of time for a significant
19206s period and you know with some fairly
19209s familiar and missed names in surefour
19211s and bazzy
19213s let's see if anyone will be able to
19214s maybe break those numbers here in this
19216s season
19218s at some point patty though chunked out a
19220s little bit slides back stay safe for now
19222s he's shy
19223s just outside of the train card would
19225s love to displace him but just has his
19227s attention pulled to too many sides right
19228s now
19230s i mean they have good map control you
19231s can look at this patter pan already has
19233s fire station as long as he has teammates
19234s around him he does right it's also there
19236s as well get some kills
19238s he went downstairs to grab a snack just
19241s much fun kevster right there took him
19242s down gets the follow up on the paddy pad
19244s and the fire station no longer occupied
19245s by the gladiators there right back into
19247s the respawn room
19249s or well played by alfie getting the
19251s initial pick up on the padded pan but
19252s also surviving against reiner as well so
19253s he doesn't get staggered he doesn't die
19255s well rather he just doesn't die at all
19257s which would have been awkward because
19258s ali gladiators could potentially use
19259s that window
19261s but also you look at irony as well kind
19263s of pocketing there they just play the
19264s 2v1 against reiner who would love to get
19266s a kill to anybody in that sort of
19267s situation anna now the bushes online
19269s from shu so this is going to be the nano
19270s coming through onto rhino to open up the
19272s fight
19274s i'll be getting pressure just a bit here
19276s as he just hovered down on the ground
19277s kept there looking for the kill oh he
19279s takes the skies
19280s bring some distance between them trying
19282s to answer back with a little bit of
19283s damage but has to land go into the
19284s window try to stay a little bit safer
19286s here just taking a while to get the
19287s diving
19288s and it is trying to get the pincer
19289s maneuver there onto him ryder joining in
19291s as well still haven't quite been able to
19293s find him but one for one shy goes down
19294s but shoot gets traded that's going to be
19295s the nano potentially out of the fight
19297s and now both supports are gone i'll be
19299s fighting that kill finding ryder the
19301s door will go down i'll be hitting the
19303s ground the pulse bomb stick is good oh
19306s turn the sides over here the
19310s he managed to stay in it and that shut
19312s down everything from the side of the
19313s gladiators that was their moment their
19315s chance to be able to get in onto the
19317s point and it completely gets reversed
19319s fantastic play from alfie
19321s yeah he dodges the pulse bomb using the
19323s eye frames for the dubai let's take a
19324s look at that again boom he has
19326s milliseconds of time to react to that
19328s one then then he outplays powder pen as
19330s well what an absolute guard in the flex
19332s dps and super rich and irony both died
19334s irony maybe threatened to play
19336s transcendence doesn't even do it they'll
19337s have to do it now though the window is
19339s up paddy pat nearly getting a double
19341s there looked like he was gonna have to
19342s collat does not instead just gets super
19344s rich gladiators finally able to occupy
19346s the point after some good initial kills
19347s and skew we'll go ahead and swap the fly
19349s so with alfie out of the sky this could
19352s very well just end up being the cabin
19353s i'm just spark they're close by but it
19356s looks like they don't want to try to
19356s contest this one so we'll just go ahead
19358s and let it go yeah they take them down
19360s below a minute so it's only gonna be
19361s three minutes and 20 seconds in the time
19362s bank but glad nearly have five volts in
19364s the push well
19365s i have to kind of speaking of ultimates
19367s i have to kind of ask where the ironing
19368s transcendence was in that last fight we
19369s did see super drop down the window but
19371s would have liked to have seen further
19372s support maybe a couple members got blown
19374s up too early then ironing he's like wow
19375s we just caught the lost here three
19377s versus two don't want to burn the trance
19378s you are going up against fourth place on
19380s the other sides of those so very
19381s difficult situation for the hunger spark
19383s to me this has to be an aggressive move
19384s from shai you might not want to burn the
19386s trans but the overclock needs to come
19387s through here to at least force ultimates
19388s out of the early gladiators
19392s right back into it finding kepster who
19394s does nearly have that pulse bomb online
19396s to complete the fifth and final piece of
19397s exodia for the gladiators
19400s they got it
19402s what do you do we often joke
19404s there's the dash forward shot gonna be
19406s taking down the pulse bomb looking great
19407s patty as well going to be getting super
19408s rich with the overclock
19410s drops down rotates wraps around behind
19412s him
19413s just looking for a target won't be able
19414s to find one until lb shows his head
19415s right here managed to dash away for a
19417s brief stagger but kevin gets on top of
19419s him yeah it's a nice stagger reiner as
19421s well narrowly surviving means that she
19422s was going to be able to build up towards
19423s that next nano
19425s well look at this with the paler is
19427s nearly at the finish line now so you
19428s actually need to see spark go they had
19430s opportunities to start a fight this was
19431s so slow the tempo is off from the hunter
19433s spark finally the transcendence comes in
19435s through the barely touch
19437s answering overclock auntie was there for
19439s just a moment shy does stay safe they
19441s push him back down here into the
19442s underpass bernard leading the charge
19443s goes crashing
19445s a little bit lower and as you say
19447s the payload it is crested over the
19450s finish line of point b so a bump up with
19452s the time bank and now the port spawns on
19453s the side of the gladiators i'm joe spark
19455s they're looking for some eliminations
19457s but it's uh just kind of putting them in
19459s a bad spot bernard
19460s just having a wet noodle fight with
19462s reiner but oh boy tragedy has struck
19466s that is definitely
19468s such an unfortunate situation for the
19470s 100 spot but super avoidable as well
19472s they they needed to start fights very
19474s quickly on b they allowed a lot of free
19476s pushing me that should have been more
19477s than a one fight 400 400 spike in terms
19480s of how many fights are available on b
19482s they've realistically only had a single
19483s fight there instead of two
19486s so now
19486s this is the bet that they have to lie in
19488s already on towards c barely defended the
19491s last two sections of the map so far a
19492s was decent but uh pretty invisible on b
19495s if that comes back to bite them and
19496s loses them in the map they're gonna be
19498s kicking themselves over it
19500s maybe we'll get a replay of it as well i
19501s believe it was probably kepster able to
19503s go ahead and drag that one across point
19504s b but
19505s patty already finding two alvey and
19507s bernard both gonna be taken down it's
19508s the sights of the super rich he's got a
19509s shield bash away shy will level playing
19512s field just a little bit but now he's
19513s sucking the corner the nade there the
19515s head shots fly in paddy pan really
19517s starting to come into his own was a bit
19519s of a rocky start for him
19521s looking a hell of a lot better than the
19522s latter half this map
19524s okay well this is gonna be the first
19526s reset on b and c we'll just talk about c
19528s now as the hunger spark desperately
19530s needed to find a kill there the rally
19532s being traded through so glad we'll take
19534s that on what one away and screw up for
19536s the next round now or the next round of
19538s fights okay powder pan going down to
19540s another 10 seconds lost and this is what
19541s hundreds is trying to make up for
19542s last time occasionally a lot of payload
19544s distance found though which doesn't feel
19546s good for spock and they need the mines
19548s to defend this next point as well
19550s yeah even having the win condition if
19552s they can stop the car from finishing
19553s this is still a good amount of distance
19555s but the gladiators have built up
19558s so
19559s definitely just need to be playing to
19561s halt this in place make sure that they
19563s do not get that completion so they can
19565s try to play away from those extra
19567s innings don't be playing down wrapping
19569s around the backhand side here looking
19571s for that flank angle padding that's
19572s super annoying
19575s very difficult to deal with as well we
19576s have all the plugs about to be online
19577s now this is where the glass want to go
19579s trade out one of the supports a piece
19582s gonna be taken down i'll be dashing
19584s forward helps finish off ryan doesn't
19586s even need to use the pulse bomb here
19587s hold it now for the follow-up point in
19588s all likelihood is paddy pan yeah just
19590s gonna be taken out shoot trying to
19591s escape down below half hp looks like he
19593s may be okay at the very end here
19597s 50 seconds remaining for the gladiators
19599s multiple ultimate once more getting
19601s ready to be online
19603s so just a short skirmish there see if
19604s you can poke out a few members of spark
19606s it was an initial pick up i believe it
19607s was from powder pad but if ali glad he
19610s does want to start dropping members it
19611s is going to be the reset they don't want
19612s to overspend ultimates pulse bomb gone
19614s but the other four
19615s it's gonna be pretty large here nano
19617s clock available as well between powder
19618s better shoot which would be pretty
19619s decent out on the hot spot it goes that
19621s wide it's the pulse bomb not able to get
19624s that stick now it's gonna be the nano
19625s clock coming through from patapan
19626s transcendence is matched on either side
19629s but our here for the mom and paddy
19630s desperately trying to get a head shot
19632s with these rails but has not happened
19634s doesn't find too much of anything there
19636s the shy under pressure however tries to
19637s slide away but it definitely gets taken
19639s down campuses they're scooping multiple
19640s kills in the fight skewed gonna be the
19642s only casualty on this at the gladiator
19644s so far kepster still here holds on to
19646s the pulse pop is alpha he gets taken
19647s down the delay tag thinks it's all on
19649s bernard but he's got no hp now super
19651s rich tries to occupy the card for a
19652s little bit longer but it's not gonna
19654s happen they managed to take it down into
19656s overtime but the gladiators will make it
19658s to point c
19660s that's the silver lining for the
19661s hangzhou spark right they are at least
19663s able to defend until the overtime it
19665s comes down to and unfortunately miss
19666s pulse bomb from alfie lurking on the
19668s back end so effectively but just in the
19670s final moments you see shoes strafing
19673s right side alpha you thought he'd go
19674s left
19675s it's one of those free kicks you find
19677s you know in a football match it's like
19678s which way is the goalie going to go
19680s and offer you is going to swing wide
19682s unfortunately he's not going to land
19683s that ball into the net that could have
19684s made the big difference there as well as
19686s i said they had been very much targeting
19688s shu on oaxis shu's had a much better
19690s game so far on the attacking side of
19693s midtown
19694s i mean a lot of this to me still in
19696s terms of how this map has gone down
19698s comes down to how poorly hungry spark
19700s played on b not prioritizing the fact
19702s that they were down on ultimates for the
19703s initial defense which means to
19705s effectively economic to trade
19707s economically you have to be the ones
19709s throwing yourselves at the allegations
19710s to burn their ultimates and even if you
19712s do lose team fight
19714s i mean they're going to push anyway so
19715s you're either just going to sit there
19716s doing nothing if they're going to push
19717s or you're going to be active maybe
19718s you're losing their push but at least
19720s you get to win economically so you got
19721s to do something there if you're the
19722s spark on top of the c9 it was just a bit
19724s of a disaster they'll at least be able
19726s to make a small comeback on c but this
19727s is gladiators i think drawing the line
19730s in the sand in terms of having their win
19732s conditions set
19733s and looking like a very winnable map now
19735s for la
19737s it really is if they can match that
19741s attack or at least you know parts of it
19743s with their defense here they should be
19746s feeling pretty all right about it
19747s super rich swapping out the lucios with
19749s brigitta bernard goes crashing forward
19751s on the wrecking ball looking to scout
19756s looks like no swaps to be had though
19758s we'll just be sticking through with this
19762s ultra spark as well i mean no real
19765s obvious win conditions out of sight of
19766s charge maybe getting a peculiar very
19767s pick focused kind of composition between
19770s ball tracer and sojourn
19772s so that alley cloudy is here building
19775s nanos until towards the back really
19776s effective caps are also on the genji
19777s here so no tracer but their dive
19779s potential is really strong with the game
19782s well shield headshot
19784s big opening kill it's patty trying to
19786s stay safe the roll through he's looking
19787s for the pile driver he makes it around
19788s the corner does keep himself protected
19790s for a little bit longer but are
19791s inevitably joe's man should get on top
19792s of the enemy soldier and finds that kill
19794s a couple openings here but however he's
19796s going to be training for 12.
19797s yeah it's just a bloody mess it's cute
19800s finds the second one pulls up both dps
19802s rather gonna be taken down by him finer
19804s here in the stairwell duking it out
19806s skewed arrives makes it a bit of an
19808s unfair fight they find the elimination
19810s they will hold firmly no ticks given up
19813s i mean that's almost exactly what we saw
19815s earlier with alpha yi and irony playing
19817s on the high ground as well with ryder
19818s tries to chase this time it's going to
19820s be burner trying to chase rhino can't
19821s quite get the kill so despite the
19822s heroics from shai opening on to shu they
19825s couldn't translate that into further
19826s kills outside of just padded pan
19828s and gladigate is off the back of skewed
19831s to get a number of amazing trades that
19832s keeps them in the fight bernard's dead
19834s already
19835s somewhere off screen trying to dive a
19837s back line perhaps and shu gets the
19839s better of a maybe a sleep into an ante
19841s with people corralled around him
19843s either way
19844s it's a big pick here for the side of the
19846s gladiators half the time bank getting
19848s ready to be drained down joe's spark
19850s first alt coming online the pulse bombs
19851s there oh what is that
19853s oh my goodness right between the legs
19855s gets stuck
19856s mid air
19857s great stick from lpe and that's going to
19859s be the break open they make your way
19860s over to the point and also allows for
19862s irony to try to catch up
19865s ernie's dead though okay that's gonna be
19866s a decent pick coming through from glads
19867s i mean they can come back here now they
19868s have nano they're about to have the
19870s transcendence as well but you're right
19872s this is a small cap coming in he's
19873s trying to he's looking for the
19874s elimination he takes him low but oh
19877s yeah sure he pops in the need he gets
19879s that healing buff he manages to keep
19880s skewed alive they can't force the
19882s transcendence though
19883s now he's out of there no ticks
19885s established chemists are dead but with
19887s bernard this disconnected from the team
19888s they can't really play off the back of
19889s this pick now kevin kepster's respawn
19891s he's coming back into the fight
19894s and that was a perfect reset from glass
19895s they saw like five ultimates by the way
19897s they haven't had to spend anything that
19898s should have been the camera spark they
19900s got skewed down they nearly had a
19901s successful spawn camp as well but again
19903s they can't translate into anything
19905s useful with that pick coming through
19906s spark half the reset and this is
19908s disastrous for the spot because
19910s economically again glads are massively
19912s in the lead
19913s spark despite shining out for you
19915s getting these kills they're just not
19917s able to find any success
19918s trying to look once more bernard goes
19920s forward the minefield coming down but he
19921s knocks you away from it rather than into
19923s it so he can't find any kills captain
19925s gonna be shut down no kills to be found
19927s with the dragon blade skewed falling
19930s that's gonna be a two for three hundred
19932s spark
19933s winning out it's petty weights take shot
19935s at the ready tries to send it through
19937s tries to get a head shot he cannot but
19938s the hunger sparks still taking the damn
19940s time getting their way over onto the
19942s point it comes down that'll zone them
19943s back for the moment the overclock he's
19944s going to slide forward look for an
19945s elimination but the rails do not connect
19948s first tick finally gonna be grabbed
19950s so nearby skewed transcendence
19953s ready to use it was get escort the
19955s forward should they feel in the fight as
19956s winnable shoot now going to be taken
19957s down alfie gets him with the pulse bomb
19960s a major pickup again they went up
19962s this point in this fight
19964s dive in reiner down to a sliver
19966s healing going his way the manager keeps
19968s this thing for a little bit longer but
19969s eventually shy and bernard have them
19971s surrounded to get the kills and the cap
19973s will be coming through for the side of
19974s the hangzhou spark but the time bank is
19976s significantly weakened they have to
19978s absolutely pop off during the street
19979s space if they want to finish the map
19981s it's another perfect disengage from ali
19984s gladiators because they're able to get
19985s all their members back in scavengers
19986s comes back on a tracer
19988s however the sticker from alpha yi once
19990s was take a look at this one it's on
19992s towards shoe just loves it in there
19994s skewed doesn't even matter if he turns
19996s around for sure because that is gonna be
19997s a perfect kill so eventually alfie he
19999s actually got two kills there is going to
20001s help spark get it over and it's actually
20003s five office burn for gladiators so
20004s sparks not only get the cap but they
20006s make it incredibly expensive as
20008s expensive as possible
20011s pretty much
20012s leveling up the playing field as far as
20013s the old economy is concerned shu a bit
20015s of a lead towards that nano boost
20018s already gonna be trying to catch up as
20019s best as possible but gladiators just
20021s occupying the high ground they're more
20022s than happy to go ahead and give up a
20024s little bit of distance and then try to
20025s stop the card waiting for nano top of
20026s this underpass ramp
20029s shoe's nearly there as well so kind of
20031s delaying here it's all keeping tabs on
20033s the payload they don't want it to get
20035s past the sort of underpass here it's
20036s just been slowly pushed in and as we
20038s stall out further further gladiators are
20039s looking for wind conditions via
20041s ultimates they're nearly there that's
20042s when things get difficult longer sparks
20044s so time for alpha inside to find that
20045s opening again before gladiators can move
20049s spark skirmishing they do manage to take
20050s this high ground for now alfie just
20052s going to be itching the cards forward a
20053s little bit more nano goes through goes
20055s out of the ryan or kemp's are trying to
20056s drop down the pulse bomb and shy he
20057s doesn't move away from it he has a
20059s falling skewed down to a sliver of hp
20060s once more but you will be able to keep
20062s him
20063s alive no kills to be found super rich
20065s dead as well i'm just sparking i have to
20067s reset and go once more but they do not
20069s have time on their side they need to win
20071s on this next fight or else this is going
20072s to be the gladiators tying up the series
20075s well no stick from kevster but the aoe
20077s of the pulse one that's just enough to
20078s clip shy's legs i believe so still
20080s enough for a kill alfie you tried to
20081s trade for skewed as we saw did not
20083s commit the pulse bomb nearly got the
20084s kill
20085s unfortunately at the recall away
20087s couldn't quite survive in the situation
20088s the only silver lining here for the
20089s sparks they did get a one for zero and
20091s alt trade but we'll see how much that
20093s ends up counting for them i think oh
20094s sorry actually uh two ultimates out
20096s because they're the nano and the pulse
20098s bomb so economically they look good time
20100s is such an unfortunate situation for the
20102s sparks so yeah they have to cap here
20104s they need to cap this and they need to
20105s do it cheaply
20107s jump forward man out bernard gets on top
20109s of a shoe as well they find an opening
20111s kill transcendence now
20113s clearing out the minefield spider-man
20115s around the back overclock rolling he's
20117s looking for another target pushes up
20118s over the ball
20121s now looks for a little bit more he will
20123s get pressured out however super rich
20124s finds that elimination already taken
20126s down reiner saying alive drops down he's
20128s looking for a semi-aggressive meteor
20130s strike either way won't be able to
20131s connect onto anybody the touch is there
20133s alfie forcing out the overtime recalls
20136s back the pulse bomb not gonna find an
20137s elimination
20138s now they need bernard
20140s to try to clear this out
20141s pile driver goes through gonna be taken
20144s down shy taken out as soon as he pops
20145s the overclock as well and this is
20147s looking like a wash of ot bleeds away
20150s the gladiators with a great defense will
20153s be able to take their map pick up
20154s midtown and tie this series up one to
20156s one
20157s that's a fantastic turnaround coming
20159s through from the la gladiators you see
20161s the humongous pick from powder paint
20163s towards the end there the only serious
20165s wind condition left for the spark was
20166s shy also popping his overclock and maybe
20169s getting a few picks to turn around for
20170s the spark and actually can't be but kept
20172s a killing shy just before that's allowed
20174s to happen is everything the glads need
20177s to finish things off on this particular
20178s map still have to kind of rewind and
20180s address the fact that spark to me really
20182s threw away their opportunity on defense
20184s on that b point completely invisible if
20186s it wasn't for that maybe spot could have
20187s made it really competitive gladiators
20190s capped the map completely don't allow
20191s sparks to get past b and it's gonna be a
20193s one on one
20195s there we go we have as we often say a
20197s series on our hands which is exactly
20199s what we want to see between these two
20201s squads so matt pick working well for the
20203s side of the gladiators now the hongzhou
20205s spark they will get a selection of their
20207s own as we set our sights over towards
20209s escort shy and you know could expect
20212s maybe something to play a little bit
20213s more towards the widowmaker potentially
20215s draw out odds we'll have to just wait
20217s and see what they land on when we come
20218s back
20227s [Music]
20235s [Music]
20253s [Music]
20267s [Applause]
20270s [Music]
20339s um
20342s [Music]
20355s [Music]
20357s my
20362s [Music]
20369s [Music]
20380s [Music]
20428s foreign
20430s [Music]
20437s [Music]
20463s [Music]
20474s and welcome back we are tied up here in
20476s our third series of the evening
20478s gladiators able to answer back with a
20480s win on their map pick up midtown now we
20483s could look forward to hangzhou's pick of
20485s escort see where they want to take us
20487s and whether or not they can go ahead and
20488s move forward in this series up to match
20490s point
20492s i think the
20493s real options here for the spark were
20495s going to be gibraltar or dorado i didn't
20497s mention earlier before we got into the
20499s series that going towards circuit royale
20501s might not be the correct choice for the
20503s spot given that shia struggled in the
20504s water uh match up ons you actually do
20507s see just down the tattoos is coming in
20510s i'm yeah that's that's the key right
20512s there
20512s who's got the middle who's got the
20514s better tad drip is it going to be xc or
20515s ours you decided to chat but uh ons is
20517s nonetheless going to come in for the
20519s escort and you know it is going to be
20520s dorado so we're going to get some
20521s sniping in it's going to be really nice
20523s to see um
20524s still has to be something that shy comes
20526s up against in terms of giving the
20528s hangzhou spark something to work with
20530s for a map like this
20532s uh and the other substitution that we've
20534s talked about is that bernard's been
20536s subbed up for gucci so we are moving
20537s towards a more winston sort of favored
20539s map which is why i was thinking either
20541s gibraltar or this dorado because they're
20543s both really winston favored rhino
20545s obviously doesn't mind he's going to be
20546s flourishing here regardless and
20548s um yeah i mean a brilliant map from
20551s gladys we saw some fantastic macro
20553s strategies the decision making that
20554s disengages i mean
20556s that really is
20558s the most immaculate
20560s i think decision making in terms of how
20561s they're disengaging when they're using
20563s ultimates all that kind of stuff on that
20564s midtown that's masterclass to me
20567s it's absolutely excellent to watch now
20569s we'll see how they fare as we move into
20571s dorado hangzhou spark
20574s bringing us here to see if they can take
20576s the lead once more
20577s trying to close things up with a 3-1
20579s gladiator cell looking very much alive
20582s playing a hell of a lot more uh
20586s together i suppose
20588s convincingly as well and not only that
20590s but like
20591s any team that can survive situations
20595s but you can still but you can still sort
20597s of make that comeback and i'm not just
20599s talking counter frag because counter
20600s frag is like the most straight up way to
20602s try and make that comeback happen but
20603s just regrouping while sort of keeping
20606s objectives contested you know that sort
20608s of disengage we saw in midtown where
20610s they're down multiple members alfie gets
20611s that vertical stick which by the way is
20613s exceptionally difficult to do
20615s um which is why it was so impressive to
20617s see but even despite that spark couldn't
20619s find a single tick on on a and you know
20621s that stuff really makes all the
20622s difference but as we move over towards
20624s escort focus maps
20626s is coming through versus shai we'll see
20629s what shai wants to do here there's
20630s actually the surgeon first and foremost
20632s not even going to look at the water yet
20634s uh interesting to see that will come
20635s through maybe on the b point instead
20638s but rhino versus goose ray i think is is
20640s the key battle here for us because we
20641s sort of noted that in the
20642s pre-show as well about how good goose
20645s was winston has been historically versus
20646s now the rookie of rhino
20648s oh didn't spot him out he was right on
20651s the opposite side of that wall i'm
20653s surprised he didn't put any damage into
20654s ons but
20655s by the way on's not finding too much
20657s just a shot into the shield of super
20659s rich swish weight jumping across the
20661s opposite side for now carter's gonna be
20663s inching forward by reiner good choice
20665s slept on the high ground can they get a
20667s punish is the question kevster moves up
20668s the bionate comes down gishway gonna be
20670s making his exit leaping back in with the
20671s rest of the squad
20672s as alfie and kepster duke it out a
20674s little bit here on the high ground push
20676s up for months he's looking for the god
20678s so very close hasn't quite been able to
20680s nail it yet though bubble comes down
20682s goose way stays protected as he eats yet
20683s another ante
20685s continuing to get chipped away out needs
20686s to get jumped back in with the rest of
20687s the team he's got a little bit of hp
20689s someone get this man some heels
20692s we'll be able to do the cut kefsta is on
20695s the genji so he can't just blink it as a
20696s tracer he's playing for verticality here
20698s the good news that gladiators with
20699s effective damage of the goose ray still
20701s get this push in you know this is even
20703s including the fact that they dropped the
20704s member to shy so
20705s a 4v5 that guys don't really care about
20707s they'll just play the situation slowly
20709s wait for the reese for the shot once
20710s again picking up the opening frag that's
20712s two now coming through from shy can
20714s spark get more ground off the back of
20715s this one gladiators have a lot of paler
20717s push so far yep this is the archway push
20719s without a single kill coming through but
20721s then shy he rectified that kept the
20723s ticket down now the dive comes in we're
20725s looking for the cleanup and all these
20726s kills they can find
20728s gonna be pretty devastating from the
20729s side of the gladiators in the time bank
20730s that they lose
20732s some extended
20734s little pickups here for the side of the
20735s hangzhou spark
20737s not only the giant staggers but that's
20739s actually going to be a lot of old farms
20740s as well specifically rhino dying i was
20742s kind of you know had major compliments
20744s for the early gladius macro up until
20745s sort of that point but you know i won't
20747s be grilling them too hard for that one
20749s you know those kind of things happen and
20750s typically they've been playing pretty
20751s damn good so far the fact that they had
20753s zero kills by the way and still managed
20754s to push the payload under archway is
20756s phenomenal i mean that that is really
20758s exceptional stuff to have zero kills and
20760s that much push really good just great
20762s pressure being applied forcing gucci's
20764s position really opening up to the push
20766s there capture now it's going to be man
20767s up as the blade comes through so far
20768s kind of slashing it air and oh boy
20771s ironing weights it out manages to get
20772s asleep and he's woken back up i wonder
20774s if that was super rich coming through
20775s the minds swinging the flail
20777s who does uh
20778s lead to his supports death but the
20780s cleanup is still looking good for the
20781s side of the hangzhou spark as the health
20783s packs come flying through as quickly as
20784s he possibly can
20786s as well and shy he does finally get
20788s cleaned down this bridge just rerouting
20790s trying to avoid reiner as much as
20793s humanly possible alfie off screen got a
20794s pulse bomb stick on the shoe found that
20796s elimination now with the transcendence
20797s expiring skewed he's got to pull way
20799s back away
20802s spark though still waiting for members
20804s you see that glads actually have area
20805s control ryan is healed back up he's
20806s going back in the rally was decent from
20808s super rich but because they lose sight
20810s unfortunately gooseberry going down
20812s after primal
20813s the hunger really in trouble could be
20815s catastrophic for him shot he's gonna pop
20817s this the overclock just now built up
20819s looking for a target and there it is
20821s back to back headshots odds and shoot
20823s full taking out of the fight reiner
20825s trying to play around the bubble but
20826s eventually falls
20828s absolutely massive from shy i thought
20830s maybe he was going to save it because it
20831s looked like all hope was lost in this
20833s fight for the hong kong spark but shy
20834s says uh-uh it's winnable and he makes it
20836s happen
20838s yeah people keep talking about merit
20840s they talk about kayak
20841s i'm number one baby this is what the
20843s best soldier in the world is supposed to
20844s look like and hunger spark will be able
20846s to rescue themselves shy with opening
20848s two first blood kills on previous fights
20850s will save this payload and this point as
20852s well with heroics on the overclock and
20854s now down to 30 seconds that's disastrous
20856s for the hailey gladius but they have
20857s another blade coming on through no real
20859s defenses on the hunger spark so they
20861s need to survive against him okay the
20863s blade once more sleep duck goes out the
20864s deflect was used captain you're gonna be
20866s sniped out of the air super rich take
20868s him down the cart started the inch
20869s forward someone's gonna contest it and
20870s they do
20871s two meters left to go gooshway going to
20873s be anthony here for the moment the nano
20874s comes through he dives into the back
20875s line finds ons taken out skewed under a
20879s little bit of fire the support holds
20880s nearly there for the side of the
20881s gladiator shoe nearly playable finally
20883s the primals gonna come through ryder
20885s dives in the back he manages to find
20886s irony this time no sleep start there and
20888s try to shut him out of this detroit
20889s gonna be matching with the discord orbs
20891s applying so much pressure and he's got
20892s to make his exit without irony there the
20894s healing is just so very slow and steady
20896s from the side of super rich who has now
20897s fallen skewed cleaning up some kills
20900s gets those eliminations through and they
20902s will finally be able to break into point
20903s a get that two and a half minute time
20905s bump but oh boy the hangzhou spark they
20908s made them dig deep
20910s yeah that was a hard stopping moment
20912s there for the ali gladiators they had
20913s kept says play to get shut down by shy
20916s but the back line of the alley gladiator
20918s stands strong shoe and skewed did not go
20920s down the healing throughput onto ryan to
20922s allow him to stay on the payload gucci
20924s trying to bounce back between two
20925s different fights the same time he wants
20927s to go after the supports of the
20928s gladiators but at the same time he needs
20930s to help his team contest the payload so
20932s he couldn't really focus on either of
20934s the two engagements happening and spark
20936s just don't get the kills alpha you
20937s missed the pulse bomb as well and the
20939s gladiators stay in the game
20941s dynamite out flips on the goose way
20943s that's gonna give on the first bomb
20946s it's alfie
20948s noted
20951s kepster's just calling for him saying
20952s yeah yeah can we please deal with this
20954s guy kempster deals with him oh my
20956s goodness
20958s puts him right on the ground a huge play
20961s from him in the cart once more making a
20962s good distance with a relatively low time
20965s investment from the side of the
20966s gladiators but now is the cleanup oh
20968s gonna be a little bit more costly ryder
20970s jumped up over the top was slept once
20972s more gonna be woken up as he looks for a
20975s little bit of value with this ultimate
20977s but widely he's not going to be finding
20978s a damn thing now needs to try to make
20980s his way out to safety the shot's coming
20981s his way and i don't know if he quite
20983s realizes
20984s behind him but there's the cleanup he's
20986s taken
20987s out in either case i mean i think he was
20990s he was pretty comfortably dead there and
20992s that was a a fight for the hungry
20993s sparkler that went through draw picks
20995s alone because alex glady has put
20996s themselves in an interesting situation
20998s they have payload control they also have
21000s the ultimates in spark the only owning
21001s where they're committed to engage hard
21003s find those picks and then you're
21004s shooting your arms or you're confused do
21006s i pop the outfits here or not shoe pops
21008s to the nano but arms here's the tapes on
21009s the bob so the clarity is they have to
21011s accept their loss there and now spark
21013s are the ones looking at five volts alfie
21015s playing solo low ground just keeping the
21016s car hauled to the bottom gonna be coming
21017s through instantly delete super rich on
21020s finding an elimination in that regard
21021s but everybody else piles in around him
21023s they get the elimination shy once more
21025s finds you finds scooty gets right
21027s against every damn person on the side of
21029s the glass just about and there's the
21030s ocean god cleans up kebster to boot and
21033s it's a team wipe with no time left in
21036s the time saying
21038s i don't know i don't know what you think
21040s the highest railgun accuracy you've ever
21042s seen this but shy's on 85 85
21046s he's only missing 15
21048s it takes the cake the math checks out
21050s utterly incredible the touch is there
21052s they will force out over time the
21053s gladiator still now such a significant
21055s amount of distance to try to close if
21056s they want to get that extra minute and a
21058s half the hong kong's parked the old
21059s economy is still so damn healthy for
21061s them
21062s skewed holding onto the transcendence
21063s for now pulse pump from caspers they're
21065s not gonna find a kill ons once more
21066s under fire goes low nearly gets
21068s eliminated but we'll lift the fight
21069s another day would see
21071s take him down low because alfie trying
21074s to track doesn't have a recall available
21076s for a couple more seconds dips around
21077s the corner throws out the pulse it
21078s sticks to the wall and it's not going to
21079s get a kill irony in the meantime
21081s eliminated reiner finding the pick off
21084s hope he has to make his exit to jump
21086s back over here onto the car goose way
21087s trying to keep it contested but again
21088s the kill discord orbs the target
21090s focusing from skewed is so good they
21093s find the elimination 1.75 meters left to
21095s go now 0.37 they have to keep it
21098s contested without b dying they cannot
21100s the gladiators continue to scrape by and
21103s get these caps by the skin of their
21104s teeth
21105s a minute and a half to try to finish
21107s this map it's not looking great for them
21110s yeah shy could get staggered here as
21111s well but now he'll finish off ryan and
21112s that is going to be at least a number of
21114s a number of trades coming through for
21115s the hong kong spot so many times from
21118s that fight by the way how low shy was
21119s gladius know that he's the key target
21121s they are running out of trying to keep a
21122s lid on that guy and because he was
21124s literally on one hp from just way too
21126s extend over time for the hunger spot
21128s they didn't heal them up in time
21129s the damage wasn't enough alex gladys
21132s when push comes to stop we get
21134s twice in a row now brilliant opening
21135s shot from arms as well by the way
21137s it's going to be the ot push on a the ot
21139s push on b reiner staying alive boot
21141s straight going down alpha you missed the
21142s pulse bomb and now the snow
21144s uh the snowball coming through from the
21146s la gladiators with a few more important
21148s kills
21149s oh irony in a bit of a rough position
21151s now
21152s appeal they're attempting it to get the
21153s sleep dart out on the right or the ante
21154s down as well and shy will be able to
21156s finish him with the rail look at the
21157s distance however is free pushing right
21158s now with 30 seconds left to go and it's
21160s nearly at the finish line but shy once
21162s more he comes back through instantly
21164s finds two kills the nano had gone out oh
21167s shy reception as well the overclock
21169s popped spot shoot over here in the flank
21171s room gets him in the end with the rail
21173s kept her dead gladiators once more
21176s suffering heavy losses with just 10
21178s seconds remaining but they do get such a
21180s significant amount of distance here
21182s should be able to get a final touch here
21183s from ryan who nearly has the play more
21185s it's not looking like no it should be
21186s careful shy he just destroys a mid-air
21189s shot as well get out of the server spark
21191s i definitely gotta be to hold this one
21193s but
21194s i have to put an asterisk on that one
21196s don't celebrate too early for the spark
21198s gladiators
21199s the heroics to be able to cap that
21201s amount of distance
21203s especially under duress again a point ot
21207s push spark wanted the full hole didn't
21209s get it
21210s b point ot push spark wanted to hold on
21212s b did not get it look at this distance
21214s on c as well that's disgusting for 130.
21217s glads are happy with that look i think
21219s it's
21220s it's a pop-off moment for spark in
21222s various cases but the glads as a team
21225s in terms of the objective they get it
21227s done 80 46
21229s this is a blue collar day for the l.a
21230s gladiators it's not pretty they
21232s definitely got their hands dirty but the
21233s job is done that's a winnable position
21235s for the gladiators that they can't be
21236s mad at but uh i repeat again
21239s spark here
21241s uh mechanically
21243s off the back of shy especially
21245s hitting some of the most disgusting
21246s shots that we're looking at
21248s see it here once again
21254s the only kill that he was not able to
21256s net for himself
21258s i just
21259s slides in for utterly peace
21263s jesus christ oh yeah you finish him off
21266s finish him off the mid blink again
21272s yeah so
21273s start line coming through here
21275s shy currently sitting on 20 final blows
21277s the entire l.a gladiators only have 23
21280s final ones they say only it's a decent
21282s amount but shy is three final blows away
21284s from matching the entirety of all five
21286s members of the gladiators is he dead
21288s lifting currently because it
21290s kind of feels like it he is 20 out of
21293s 33. he's he's more than deadly we've
21295s heard of flinder deadlifts welcome to
21297s shy deadlift
21299s that is uh just so
21301s 20 out of 33
21305s uh just casually picking up nearly 66 of
21309s your team's skills
21312s oh it's a normal day for shia ricken
21314s it would seem like it
21316s jump up here gets himself in on the high
21318s ground sends out the nade this time the
21320s rail not gonna connect
21322s accuracy takes a hit
21324s so does reiner so he makes his exit back
21325s up on the high ground
21328s i mean he's just got free range right
21330s now no one's punishing him
21332s look how far forward he's live
21335s i can't get that kill
21336s just take him to the chest man just to
21338s survive trying to not diving forward
21340s good weight once more just these discord
21341s or this cord orbs are just sitting on
21343s him excuse me yeah we just got to get
21346s rid of the monkey if we can do that
21347s but we're going to be sitting pretty so
21348s just keeps them on good way constantly
21353s there's a scary moment as well 100
21354s charge being held
21356s doesn't want to burn on rhino or iron
21358s strikes first so that can be the risk
21360s you take take too long to fire no one's
21362s is putting their head out for display
21373s a little minor assist from irony who
21374s does end up getting dropped at the back
21376s end of that kepster falling low and
21378s nothing to do to mitigate the damage
21380s yeah three kills for him trying to get
21382s sights over towards reiner who can just
21383s grab that health pack and exhale over
21385s the wall back into the market area
21391s and now this is real distance coming
21392s through nano should be coming on to ryan
21393s in the next little bit we'll maybe even
21395s say for kevs that the blade is nearly
21396s there that could be a win condition now
21398s on the other side nearly here for irony
21400s expect a big old fight coming on through
21402s arn's desperate for a pick that would be
21403s brilliant for the helicopters a single
21405s pick from irons but he gets killed that
21407s he does shy once more because out aiming
21410s him with the rail takes his head off
21412s kepster he pulls the blade he's added up
21414s but he is so very low has to make his
21416s exit and this one's just right just
21418s slicing there ryan are in the meantime
21420s dead now they know where kevin's at and
21422s they're just gonna wave at him as the
21424s car goes gliding by and he gives up he
21426s just sits there kevin says yeah just go
21427s ahead kill me i need to reset
21429s yeah he will do so well thank you
21431s i i i understand kev still but ryder had
21434s an option for primal there maybe they
21435s just accept the fact ally gladius as the
21437s whole the call from the team is give it
21439s up we'll play for b instead
21441s saddest nano blade in the world there
21442s just a 40 hp cancer running for a health
21445s pack with his nano blade ryan with the
21446s primal obstacle not blow it
21449s we'll now go for the b defense
21451s we're talking about irons needing to
21452s open up for a frag that side against
21454s arms from a long range alpha you pick up
21457s with the shoe as well now high ground
21459s being contested very early by the hunter
21461s spark it's a few and far in between
21463s where we're seeing these shots coming
21464s through from on dude it keeps happening
21466s keeps happening shy gets another one now
21468s the infrasights up but
21470s doesn't have too many great targets to
21472s choose from ryan are going to be taking
21473s a nap and he does get woken up he's
21474s trying to take down shy but look at all
21476s of the resource allocation and just keep
21479s him alive
21480s reiner has barely managed to make it out
21482s of there
21484s as well under fire will get taken down
21485s by gucci
21487s push continues hangzhou spark breaking
21490s open his point b stretch
21493s look out just the shy's ability just to
21495s pressure down the glass they can barely
21497s even walk out of spawn they're just
21498s taking so much damage i will take the
21500s opposite side that's a shot coming
21501s through that connects as well really see
21503s onto who overclock available this is
21505s going to be deadly
21506s we're actually just going to transfer it
21508s so the transfers force cushion for
21509s stretch yeah he's just popping it he's
21511s all the way out into the back the pulse
21512s pump in offers up a hell of a lot of
21514s damage onto the rest and skews is an
21516s easy cleanup kill now the support's gone
21518s ryanair auntie dead
21521s it's just kepster and there's just not a
21523s damn thing he can do here he'll build up
21524s the pole oh my god a few seconds but
21526s four minutes
21528s they just didn't even really have to
21529s finish the map
21532s does get a return frag but i don't think
21534s you know
21535s yeah the split spawns coming on through
21537s some bad spots for a few players there's
21538s shy slow down here but still moving on
21540s through nano clock available watch out
21542s for that one 195 rails will be shy he's
21544s been accurate on the head shots this
21545s time just a breath of wind on a couple
21547s players plus the body shots enough for a
21549s kill
21550s nano online for shoe in just a hot
21551s second here but it's three and a half
21553s minutes to get to the end of see they
21554s don't have to finish them out but they
21556s do have to get to the end
21560s drop down there's the stick very nice
21562s little real play from kepster
21564s making it look flashy
21566s made comes out from shy just to keep
21568s them zoned back
21569s for now hong sho spark will just wait
21571s for the reset
21572s for irony to rejoin they do have time on
21574s their side for the moment overclocking
21577s already
21578s deleted
21581s to close the sun there is my boy
21584s yeah he was looking for the very
21585s aggressive
21587s peak
21588s so his ego gets checked at least a
21589s little bit there good to know the
21590s gladiators about that all right at least
21593s allowed to be able to get that frag on
21594s him
21596s the previous one by the way
21598s where i'm strongly actually who died
21600s there but in either case gladys you know
21602s two picks ago reset the hyundai spark
21604s and that's very important as far as map
21606s control goes because otherwise spock
21607s will look at the snowball there's irony
21609s i believe
21611s oh and then forward shoot take it down
21613s good way moving in rails now flying and
21615s odds got nowhere to go but the respawn
21617s room taken out recall used by kev to
21620s just try to keep himself protected
21622s reiner pops the prime old does juggle
21624s around irony quite a bit and eventually
21626s gets the elimination enough cheyenne
21628s has to slide out of the corner there
21630s however manages to trade it back now
21632s caps are going to be taken down i'll be
21633s fine with the kill that pulls pop let
21634s loose not gonna find a kill
21637s keeps them at an arm's length continues
21639s to poke and prod
21640s back up but yeah he built it at the very
21642s last second
21643s so very low his max skewed over towards
21646s the cart that's gonna be the
21646s transcendence and the nano boost both
21648s used onto the zenyatta just so he could
21650s try to stay alive
21652s rejoin over back towards the car
21654s reiner falling lower and lower pull
21656s pumps and kept they're not going to find
21657s anything anthony goes out of the two
21659s irony getting chipped away at now
21661s eliminated shoe finds that kill but
21663s ryder and skewed have both fallen
21665s ons along the bottom
21666s is gonna be invested it goes through but
21668s super rich is gonna sit in front of it
21670s they focus fire take out the bob clean
21672s up the rest hans will fall the cart once
21675s more gliding forward skewed with a
21676s desperate swap over the lucio just
21678s cannot stay in this and reiner can't
21680s arrive in time with a pile driver just
21682s too far up into the air
21684s the old tizzy play
21686s from apex season four and there you have
21688s it hangzhou spark will be able to finish
21690s the map they will get the win and move
21692s up to win one
21695s take
21696s take a bow shy as well i think the
21698s single greatest sojourn performance
21700s we've seen this entire season hands down
21702s yes tell me if there's a better one
21705s never talk about merit or kai in the
21707s same sentence as shy ever again that was
21709s unbelievable in terms of what the output
21713s was again as a reminder
21715s i literally saw the stat line come up
21718s at the b point defense for the hundred
21721s spot before they lost
21722s 85
21725s railgun accuracy for shy 85 8 5
21730s he's he's just nasty
21732s absolutely incredible play from shine
21735s from the hang show spark collectively
21736s because everybody was sharing in that
21738s wind gucci with some fantastic moments
21740s as well but that is the hangzhou spark
21742s now bringing in this two match point
21744s with a win gladiators have their choice
21746s for push see whether or not they can tie
21749s it up once more and give us yet another
21750s map five
21764s [Music]
21766s hmm
21770s [Music]
21792s do
21800s [Music]
21815s [Music]
21836s [Music]
21842s [Applause]
21868s [Music]
21879s 222 days since our screens were last
21881s graced by the oval watch league and it's
21884s an honor to don the headset again to
21885s bring you our fifth season i'm excited
21888s first day of overwatch league 2022 i
21891s mean it has been a treat of matches
21893s today all types of upsets feels like
21895s forever since we've had overwatch league
21897s to be back with such a fresh game i'm
21900s here for it soldiers back in the mix
21903s genji's back in the mix it has been a
21905s long time coming and it feels great to
21907s be back proppers just eviscerate the
21910s eternal's backlight
21912s there is a direct pipeline from the very
21914s best talent to the san francisco shot
21917s pelican could take down
21920s the revenge live events are back here at
21923s the overwatch league
21926s they'll school they do this compositions
21928s perfection
21929s funny asteroid has been incredible for
21931s his entire career just forcing the
21933s position of the dallas fuel
21935s okay so this is the antenate that set
21937s the entire thing up what is more
21939s satisfying than that i cannot name a
21942s single thing come at me bro let's see
21944s what you got can fight on top of this
21946s what a trade there's no way happy hits
21949s those are we gonna be in someone's
21951s youtube video where's your god now dante
21954s on doomfist thing is one of the biggest
21956s standout things for that team
21959s fire the breath the sleeping dragon has
21961s awoken they've pushed the current
21964s reigning champions to the brick oh
21968s [Music]
21975s [Music]
21979s he obviously vented for this spot backs
21981s are just looking so open i just saw this
21984s guy kill development he is the alpha
21987s envy of mega he is everywhere and
21989s nowhere all simultaneously these are
21991s gone getting a triple boot hello top
21993s five plays attack fighter is available
21995s lift is going to pop that grand finals
21997s mvp flip stealing the deal all five
22000s members
22001s they show that they can absolutely
22002s contend with the best the best
22004s gooshway is going eight mode and spark
22008s are just public down
22011s who expected this your power rankings
22014s are terrible
22015s [Music]
22020s [Applause]
22022s feels pretty darn good to be back here
22023s in a land setting it's been quite some
22025s time the overwatch league's most
22027s decorated franchise here in a new era
22030s [Music]
22032s another for proper
22034s spark on against you better sparkle
22036s found an opening there's one there's two
22038s that's the sparkle i want to see in this
22040s series those stats
22042s getting padded by sparkle sparkle with
22045s two and another one it's gonna be a heck
22047s of a weekend i'll tell you right now you
22048s get kai set up it is gonna be just like
22051s that the rest of the game back on their
22053s side of the map that's a stink oh
22055s checkmate
22056s a widow player potentially without equal
22059s that is some filthy stuff where did that
22061s come from a triple death blossom but
22064s pelican comes out of
22071s dragons just continue to play right out
22073s in front of the spot there's the blade b
22075s can be used nice pin long pin two alpha
22078s into the back there managing to fight
22080s two basically the equivalent of three
22081s people he nearly had all the kills seoul
22084s dynasty have not defeated the shanghai
22085s dragon since the 2020 playoffs i think
22087s these are the top two teams in apac mc3
22090s goes absolutely monstrous they take down
22093s the dragons i swing the best widowmaker
22096s in all of apac no he fell onto it
22099s chester who has been frightening ever
22101s since he joined this team smurf knows
22103s what it feels like to win everything
22105s hungry to experience that feeling once
22108s more
22109s [Music]
22111s edison is locked in ready to go and
22113s awesome with a 5k
22116s that's what you want to see they might
22117s just pull the trigger here they do but
22119s i'm unreal from
22121s now the stakes get ratcheted up
22124s unnotched yeah this two or three pops
22127s the recall is looking for the target
22128s that comes in he's gonna might fit him
22129s probably the meantime found two with the
22131s pulse bomb
22132s han bin is the best sire in the world
22134s right now shu has absolutely taken
22137s matters into his own hands
22139s but
22140s free firing on the fuel and after so
22144s very long the dynasty will be able to
22146s best the dragons playoffs profit has
22149s certainly arrived the script riders
22150s they're not messing around today you
22152s step up to the plate son with a
22154s victorious war the gladiators are just
22156s tearing them apart sword dynasty will
22159s dominate their way and secure the
22161s kickoff flash title
22168s and we are back and oh boy this series
22172s has been absolutely insane so far 2-1
22175s the lead here for the side of the
22176s hangzhou spark after just putting on a
22179s clinic on their map pick of dorado
22183s turns out to be really really good for
22184s the hunger spark you know guru schwein
22186s coming in for a map that he's very
22188s confident on you get to see the goose
22189s right uh winston again but as we move
22192s forward to a push map here this is where
22194s bernard rejoins the team likely to be
22196s playing some like a ball here which has
22198s been pretty popular on coliseum that is
22199s going to be the map choice from the l
22201s gladiators pedophile also coming in for
22203s arms as well to be taken over sergeant
22205s duties funny astra for skewed gives you
22208s a few options for playing potentially
22210s reinhardt this is gonna be the one thing
22212s i want to focus on uh the possibility of
22215s ali gladiators playing a london style
22218s rhine brawl composition with the ryan
22220s man himself rainer the funny guy is
22222s specifically on the lucio for that it's
22224s an option i don't know if they're gonna
22225s go for it but this is the test because
22227s we have had this conversation multiple
22229s times with the uh other personalities
22232s and the you know broadcast talent as
22233s well which is to say can the eastern
22236s division teams from apac play up against
22238s the best of north america's brian brawl
22241s if this does happen
22242s then that question will be answered
22245s we will see gladiators up gonna need the
22248s dig deep see if they can take this into
22251s yet another map five scenario
22254s fusion were able to persevere in one
22256s just before this long joe spark they
22259s want to avoid it though they want to
22260s look like a little bit of a cleaner
22261s representative here in apac is one of
22263s the last two remaining and uh they want
22265s to be able to take this with a 3-1 loser
22267s of this series of course will be falling
22269s down and playing up against the fusion
22272s in their next series
22275s see who it's going to be the gladiators
22277s need to get a victory right here right
22278s now
22280s and i'll tell you what no matter what
22281s the result of this right now is
22283s you know i think we all win as viewers
22284s because this is the absolute highest
22287s tier overwatch that you really can get
22289s between what is now in my mind because
22292s seoul have dropped out of the tournament
22293s sparker arguably the best apac team
22295s coming in still pending what
22297s shanghai dragons and shock do a little
22299s bit later on glads have been arguably
22301s the best north american team coming in
22303s again pending what shock do later on as
22305s well
22306s so really no matter what you're getting
22308s the very best of both regions clashing
22310s here
22310s and
22311s spark being up 2-1 at this very moment
22313s in time with gladiators looking to maybe
22315s bounce back this to a map fly by winning
22317s their map pick on to coliseum i mean the
22320s very top of both regions squared off
22323s very impressively even across the board
22325s any team can win
22326s well the gates have opened on coliseum
22329s as you can see gladiators moving forward
22332s over towards fountain
22334s joe spark seemingly expecting this
22336s positionings they hang back a bit
22338s waiting for the bot to go ahead and
22339s unlock and allow for bernard to use this
22342s person ball to go ahead and do some
22343s scouting and kepster doesn't he doesn't
22346s know how to turn right he didn't see him
22348s so they don't know where the ball is he
22349s wouldn't have expected that he probably
22350s would never expect that burner was there
22352s but you see that you know hundreds
22353s they're ready for it obviously because
22354s they spotted him but ironing even had oh
22356s okay and instantly kev drops on top of
22358s shy with the help of rhino
22360s uh very nice
22362s early kill to kick things off different
22364s side of the gladiators and get this spot
22366s moving irony gonna be taken down as well
22369s lasted a little bit longer than i might
22370s have anticipated for zenyatta but
22372s it does end up falling all the same
22374s thought he's going to be contested for a
22375s moment but they've already gained 10
22377s meters here and with these kills coming
22379s through they've broken open the map and
22381s can now
22382s now start to get this push going
22385s yeah that's a really strange situation
22387s as well where spark had knowledge that
22388s it was going to be a big flank from
22389s kepster and yet they seem to be somewhat
22391s prepared in in some ways but also
22393s unprepared in other ways because the
22395s combination of reiner punching shy first
22396s again they know who their main target
22398s here is with caps also coming in for the
22399s early kill
22401s is going to be the 4v5 that gets
22402s snowballed heavily
22405s there's the stick
22406s that's the shield super rich he had to
22408s drop but just the frame
22410s captures manages to weave that one throw
22413s gets the kill now chasing forward love
22415s to get that punish on the alpha yi for a
22416s little bit of additional stagger but
22418s doesn't want to pursue too terribly deep
22420s healthy he does
22422s gets on top of him but now shy caught up
22424s at the crossfire ends up going down lpg
22426s lobbing in the pulse pawn but it doesn't
22428s get the stick doesn't get the connection
22429s in the gladiator lately unhindered right
22431s now bernard slows it up in just a moment
22433s but he's by himself and realistically
22434s can't do anything here super rich will
22436s finally find kevster leaving in a bit of
22438s the pressure but the pot continues to
22440s advance forward the checkpoint may just
22441s be able to be taken
22443s here that was the first kill by the way
22445s coming through from spark that's their
22446s second on the shoot
22447s funny ash with the sound barrier it's
22448s not gonna end up saving shoot but they
22450s can still cap this one just a few more
22451s kills required backline gone for the
22452s spot now
22454s broken down shy taken out as well
22456s bernard rearriving to stop the bot from
22458s moving forward and taking his little
22460s break
22461s starts hinging forward once more with
22462s the cleanup of the bernard there you go
22463s the checkpoint achieved gladiators
22466s in
22467s i want to say like record time managed
22469s to get all the way here 65 meters away
22471s start pushing again yep
22473s two and a half it's insane and you know
22474s you see the gladiators back out now this
22476s is more that fantastic glides macro you
22477s see not going to over commit for further
22479s push sneak up to 70 meters it's enough
22482s you want to regroup with shoe here bit
22484s of a quiet start for the hangzhou spark
22485s only two frags one from burner one from
22487s super rich and ella gladius after sort
22489s of reviewing what happened on dorado
22490s they're putting all their attention on
22492s killing shy and he's died three times so
22494s far but here's the overclock quick
22496s damage over towards paddy will be able
22497s to shut him down a nice response here
22499s for the side of the hong kong show is
22500s sparking shy gets another kill as well
22502s with reiner falling his own overclock
22504s now at the ready funny astro will be
22506s sniped so some crucial kills to be found
22508s but the healthy gladiators they set
22510s themselves up so nicely at the start of
22512s this map that the hong kong spark have
22513s their work cut out for them if they want
22514s to be able to tie this up
22516s yeah and they have the time advantage
22518s here as well for the alley gladius and
22519s the fact that they have so much to play
22521s with to try and defend rp good stick
22524s coming through that's going to be a
22525s hundred spark 5 versus full now glides
22527s have the option of just trying to play
22528s aggressively here to go for trades
22529s because if they do get trades their
22531s respawn advantage helps them out but
22532s their call is going to be to wait for
22533s the respawns play the proper five versus
22535s five the issue is they don't have
22537s ultimate spark are still technically
22539s snowballing too well to mitch the play
22541s through riley could be pretty huge here
22545s jumping into the back looking for irony
22546s picks him low bernard slept
22548s looks like he will get eliminated there
22551s in the end maybe for just a brief moment
22552s he's going to be able to survive but
22554s kepster gets on top of him reiner
22555s narrowly surviving looks for alpha he
22558s forces the recoil the punch is perfect
22560s time to read from him but outfit he
22562s still manages to shut him down funny
22563s astro however hovering nearby gets that
22565s kill then we'll have a sound barrier
22567s online i'll go spark in the meantime
22569s continue to push a little bit as they
22570s get slowed up here can't count four
22572s meters but they're not gonna be able to
22574s make it to the cap
22576s there's just not enough members alive so
22577s the gladiators are gonna be able to
22579s trade effectively i mean ryan even just
22581s forcing the one
22582s he doesn't get the kill himself but
22584s funny ashrae cleans it up right xalphi
22585s he was on one hp and like you said an
22587s insane read on the recall coming from
22589s alpha yi stops his rampage spark without
22591s the help of all their members alive they
22593s have to back on out 44.76 is all the
22595s spark will get brilliant defense by
22597s clouds
22599s looking great so far in the old economy
22601s really in their favor alfie he sends on
22604s the pulse bomb the only open they did
22605s have at the disposal and it doesn't find
22606s any purchase so no kill ironing dead
22609s shot not taking down as well but they
22611s our day answer back who's gonna be
22613s invested in the chemistry super rich
22614s finds that kill he'll be able to clean
22616s up bernard as well after he swaps over
22618s onto the zarya
22619s continues to chase forward alfie just
22621s and diving away does stay safe
22624s but once more the gladiators get the
22625s push going for themselves
22627s they're just going to sneak meters
22628s though again the goal isn't to try and
22630s finish the map or to hit 100 they'll
22632s obviously take that if the opportunity
22633s presents itself it ends up being a nano
22636s to i guess
22637s confirm the fight win sneaking like what
22640s three-ish kind of four-ish meters there
22642s just to make things a bit more difficult
22645s for the spark burner now swallows off
22646s zara back onto the ball you got it
22647s behind the shield
22649s and irony was tucked in behind them
22651s they both
22652s go boom big opener here from kepster
22654s gets himself a third kill in the fight
22656s why not a fourth
22658s cleans them up and once more the bot
22660s just continues to remain on this side of
22661s the map the hong joe spark
22663s yeah really able to ship it back across
22666s and this will be
22667s as well because glads actually have
22669s members alive now there's they're not
22671s just kind of skirmishing for slight
22672s payload theft they're actually going to
22674s go for a proper push that can go up to
22675s 90 or more
22677s and this is a master class from campus
22678s so far he has been indomitable on this
22680s racer
22681s okay well a good pick off bernard
22683s finding shoe gets with the pile driver
22684s reiner exiting with the meteor strike
22686s not using it aggressively either just
22688s getting himself out of the safety is
22689s paddy will get cleaned up
22691s runner just gonna be i thought he's
22692s gonna drop off the high ground but i
22694s think he's more than happy to just go
22695s ahead and die because they know they
22696s have such a significant advantage as far
22697s as the distance is concerned yep
22700s every reset every reset is extremely
22702s costly for the spot because you're going
22703s to see another fight come through from
22704s the neutral now because we're up to 19
22706s meters spark push one back to mid four
22708s spawns will end in a second but the
22710s force points allow them to take this mid
22711s fight right that's the important thing
22713s the flank's been covered by kefs so
22714s alpha you can't take that rope they
22716s still have it reiner locks the bot in
22718s place
22719s starts moving forward it's just a couple
22721s meters away from
22723s locking out those forward spawns but now
22725s we'll still be holding on
22727s he looks for target oh man what a turn
22729s of his attention spot shoe at a glance
22732s double dashes forward finds the kill a
22734s big opener he was gonna have the nano up
22736s in this extended fight now they will not
22738s have it ironing going to be taken down
22739s at the back and the pulse bomb from
22740s kepster but beyond the grave will still
22742s find super rich i'm not sure if the
22744s shield was destroyed or not either way
22746s he goes down so a bit of a bloody brawl
22748s but it's one that the spark will be able
22750s to win out on and start moving the bot
22751s forward a little bit
22753s and by the way that was a very light cap
22755s on the mid by as well and what i mean by
22757s cap is you have to push the bot past the
22759s midway point to deny the fourth spawn so
22761s alex has actually got a full wave of i
22763s think four spawns there mine is fighting
22765s astro which is why they get to reinforce
22766s so quickly we're gonna have another
22767s fight in the mid despite huntress spot
22770s winning their fight it's just they
22771s couldn't capitalize in time and they
22772s also lost both their supports
22775s down two and a half minutes now ryder
22777s going in deep the meteor strike coming
22778s through super rich puts the shield up
22780s gets punched shut down diving to the
22781s back they are looking for the kill here
22783s on iron if you think of lower load for
22784s the rally helps keep him alive shy dead
22786s as you said but one for one overall so
22789s far but now alfie joining him in the
22791s grave both of the dps on the side of the
22793s hung hangzhou spark gonna have to try to
22794s rejoin the fight a little bit late but
22796s the health bars from the side of the
22797s hangzhou spark which is so damn low
22799s they're gonna remain that way with irony
22801s dying as well
22802s it's a bridge trying to keep the rest of
22804s the team and himself in this fight but
22806s it's just so much pressure being applied
22808s right into city of the name doesn't care
22811s eats the damage all about sunny
22812s charge over towards his teammates
22814s disaster finds shy once more
22817s yes the second kill in a row on towards
22818s side actually shut down it's overclock
22820s so they're doing a much better time a
22822s much better job of actually putting the
22824s little shot again this is their target
22825s focus they want to get him down shy
22828s currently got eight deaths tied with
22829s super rich on eight as well for the
22830s highest amount of death so gladiators
22832s are just diving on top of shot whether
22834s it's the lucio player funny astro or
22835s somebody else like reiner and kepster
22837s they have to get those kills and they
22838s are hundreds is struggling it's
22840s foreign spawns once more as bernard goes
22842s back over to zarya for the second time
22844s capster playing out right in front of
22845s their spawn several members contained oh
22847s they're not paying attention there's the
22849s and super rich is just magnetized for
22851s these right now catcher gets them once
22854s more follows up for irony the supports
22855s are out of the fight how depends gonna
22857s be taken down by alvin here the back end
22858s kept her dead as well so the dps dealt
22860s with but with a minute remaining
22862s nearly 60 meters that they have to go
22864s ahead and cover this is looking done and
22867s dusted
22870s and ryan looking for more kills here i
22872s mean this is all slow rider doesn't care
22873s if he dies
22875s here and he's just going to go for this
22876s one
22877s yeah it slows the spark
22879s at the deal with them okay they do sleep
22882s him he almost gets out for you
22884s put him in there to the wall they will
22885s finally be able to deal with them but in
22886s the meantime the bodice just sat here on
22888s the bridge continuing to make its way
22890s across the hangzhou spark have not been
22892s able to rest control away from the
22893s gladiators whatsoever patty pat now
22894s gonna be
22895s nanoed up
22896s overclock nearly at the ready to manage
22899s to pile up find the enemy sojourner
22900s finally can start moving the bot away
22902s i'm gonna one day miraculous ot push
22904s this would be the bot for now not being
22906s occupied by the hot the side of the
22907s hunger spark they're actually trying to
22908s play forward
22909s selfie falls lower and lower has to kick
22911s back
22913s i mean this is all about done i mean
22914s you're ready to load up map number five
22915s already hungry spark will go for the
22916s miracle push at this point if the alec
22918s ladies kill even one person the map is
22920s done called it finished hunger sparked
22923s with another man picked to go forward
22924s and it's just not a good pulse at all
22926s funny astral builds up the sound barrier
22927s drops the beat keeps everybody shielded
22929s paddy pants gonna be dead however before
22930s he can use the overclock rider slept
22932s falling lower and lower and okay the
22934s fight they do win this one out kevin
22936s recalling
22937s still holds on to the fourth bomb and
22938s likely will and yeah doesn't want to let
22940s it loose funny answer is going to go
22942s ahead and forward gets the reason off
22945s three more fights question mark left
22947s forward
22948s to actually do anything here
22950s yeah maybe four considering that to push
22952s 60 meters and ot again
22954s the key thing here is one death hunger
22956s spot literally can't die not a single
22958s member i mean they haven't got the
22959s checkpoint yet right
22961s at least wait for that they're still oh
22964s then it's over okay that should
22965s basically be it
22966s well shy he does have his own overclock
22969s puts a chest shot there on a paddy pant
22970s now if he manages to scoop it try with a
22973s head shot we'll find shoe reiner getting
22975s super rich however as he falls lower and
22976s lower but with no supports now in the
22978s fight this is looking
22979s so very hopeless for the side of the
22981s hangzhou spark especially with shy dead
22983s the cleanup comes through it's all
22984s announced
22985s no hp to speak up and there you go ot
22988s bleeding away the gladiators they will
22990s win on coliseum they will extend this
22993s into a fifth and final map
22995s not going down without a fight hangzhou
22998s spark they have their pick of the litter
22999s but whether or not it's going to be good
23000s enough to deal with the gladiators after
23002s what we just saw especially from kevster
23004s on this tracer
23006s this is a scary position to be in
23009s it's carry performance after carry
23011s performance we're shy in the previous
23012s map kefstar will bounce back now
23015s on this trace is so phenomenal in terms
23017s of the pulse bomb sticks the kill
23019s pressure it starts with a one-two punch
23021s from rhino first and kept coming in for
23023s the kill onto shai in the opening minute
23026s and then from there it's done
23028s an impeccable performance from him from
23030s the rest of the gladiators the hong kong
23032s spark now being pushed to the brink
23034s can't close that out cleanly can they do
23036s what the fusion just did moments before
23038s them and win in the map five we'll have
23039s to see and we'll see where they take us
23041s for our last round of control when we
23042s come back from the break
23045s [Music]
23065s [Music]
23067s so
23070s [Music]
23085s [Music]
23122s [Music]
23133s [Music]
23199s um
23203s [Music]
23210s [Music]
23213s um
23217s [Music]
23224s [Music]
23231s so
23237s [Music]
23248s [Music]
23257s and we are back the action continues
23260s with yet another map five hong kong
23262s spark unable to clean it out
23265s unable to get a victory on the map pick
23267s of coliseum from the gladiators they
23269s take it now we set our sights on ilios
23272s as the final map in this series
23275s really good mad pic choice from
23277s gladiators to go towards colosseum
23279s playing to the strengths of the
23280s gladiators that this sub in from funny
23282s ashrae made a big difference as well to
23283s their speed and pacing their ability to
23285s get onto the back line funny asher
23287s really getting active the kill feed as
23288s well have to remind everyone that you
23290s know shy was a big problem on dorado and
23292s gladiators made it a point to try and
23294s shut them down as hard as possible on
23296s coliseum and they did that through a
23298s multitude of different ways every single
23299s player contributed to getting spark down
23303s getting the win conditions away and
23304s having the early leads you know 19
23306s meters at the start they're even
23307s sneaking an extra push to get to 100
23309s even further see reina basically spawn
23311s camping but that just delays 100 spark
23313s further gladiators are sneaking even
23315s more meters in all of those small things
23317s really lead to gladiators taking away
23320s the map and what i believe a dominant
23322s fashion i don't get baited by those ot
23324s pushers i think once you get to a
23326s certain map state in a certain game
23327s state once ali gladius have set that up
23329s um
23330s from a macro perspective it it really is
23332s all but one like kung ju spike would
23334s have to play
23335s better than they did on dorado which i
23336s don't think is possible to really have a
23337s chance there so we go to map five now it
23339s is spark's map pick and so far the team
23342s that picked the map has won the maps so
23346s spark an opportunity here maybe outside
23348s of oasis we should say
23351s that's the one that right yeah fell
23352s spill through the
23356s yeah has been a big boon for the squad
23358s but with control it always is a little a
23361s little less cut and dry when it comes
23362s down to you know what kind of advantages
23364s you can really gain for yourself so
23366s we'll see if it does work a treat for
23367s the side of the hangzhou spark because i
23369s mean just a reminder to set the stakes
23370s here winner from this series advances
23372s forward to play against the winner from
23373s our next series in the day and then the
23376s loser falls down to that lower bracket
23377s that has to go through the philadelphia
23379s fusion if they want to stay in this
23381s tournament so everything to play for not
23383s an elimination match but obviously you
23386s don't want to be making that lower
23387s bracket run
23390s and i'll repeat myself here again you
23391s know really no matter who wins we all
23393s win because this has just been the
23394s highest level overwatch that we've had i
23396s mean it is incredible how well these two
23398s teams are playing the mechanics being
23400s shown the macro play the decisions being
23402s made as well the strategic plays from
23404s both teams i think especially glad it is
23405s in some cases has just been phenomenal
23408s so
23409s uh whether n a wins or apac wins or
23411s whoever loses it's going to be a three
23413s and two results you really don't get
23414s overwatch better than this this is about
23416s as close as you can get as well no it
23418s absolutely is and you know i
23421s i made the mistake after our second map
23423s of goalie and ceiling how's how's the
23425s chat doing today go ahead give it a
23427s little sniff did a little investigation
23429s you have some people saying like wow
23430s these these apac casters are so biased
23431s for the hong kong spark guys we're not
23434s map three i guess it was escorted after
23436s dorado we're not they just played really
23438s really well on dorado so we sang them
23440s praises and then we're saying praises
23441s for the gladiators and coliseum because
23443s they played really really well so just
23444s use some critical thinking put your
23446s heads together and you can come to uh
23448s you know a conclusion as far as what's
23449s actually going on
23451s here good overwatch we are not here for
23453s anybody in particular for any region to
23455s win this
23457s it's crazy team winning gets compliments
23459s team losing
23461s gets criticism and uh no matter who it
23464s is that stays consistent imagine that so
23466s uh we'll see who wins and loses here and
23468s who gets the compliments and the
23469s criticisms as we move on forward
23472s as elios being the map choice
23475s chosen by the hangzhou spark uh i think
23478s the most important thing here is that
23479s funny astro is staying in yeah so pace
23482s for the gladiators
23483s boost it up to 11 here speed is going to
23486s be important their dives have looked
23487s immaculate off the back of finding out
23488s your rhino and kept the playing together
23492s i wonder what kind of comps we'll see as
23493s well because this is a pretty bold
23494s favorite map which is what burner wants
23496s to play he wants to play the wrecking
23497s ball here is rhino going to match that
23499s or go back towards doom because he's
23500s been phenomenal on the doom well as we
23502s can see on our screens and you guys will
23504s see in just a moment it is going to be
23505s well drawn for the first round of illios
23508s so i mean funny answer if you physically
23510s wanted to could stick with the lucio but
23511s we'll have to just wait and see what the
23512s overall composition looks like
23514s this is the could be a brilliant
23516s ground for lucio's
23519s i will say that if they do want to play
23520s brig skewed probably would have been the
23522s right call here from a substitution
23524s standpoint so if you do see funny astro
23526s it really should be the lucio otherwise
23529s again
23530s putting skewed here for this particular
23531s map so it is going to be the lucio in
23533s reiner currently hovering the winston
23537s uh this is well is it not so well pretty
23539s damn good for i think i think doom would
23541s even be preferable to a winston for
23542s rider and it does look like he's gonna
23544s stick on through about a couple seconds
23545s left here to maybe decide ball is
23548s definitely the preferred choice if not
23550s doing so right we'll have to see if this
23551s one works out
23554s and here we go the gates opening for the
23556s last map the first round of elios
23559s tp forward echo for alfie once more has
23561s been a staple pick from him and it's
23563s been very few and far between where he
23565s gets punished on this pick see how he
23567s fares again
23569s the shoe under some early fire spots
23571s kepster up over top by windmill just
23573s turns his sights over to the supports
23578s larry is rotating through it but rpe
23579s trying to get in as much damage as
23580s possibly super rich on the high ground
23582s there as well they're looking to
23583s collapse onto this burner on the sides
23586s finally barely getting out with his life
23588s get the beam unable to connect otherwise
23589s maybe i'll be would have been all over
23591s him down diving forward though funny
23592s astro receiving quite a minute here
23594s those sticky bombs they'll stay alive
23596s shoe just rapidly building up towards
23598s this nano 28 left to go and decided the
23601s hangzhou spark not much to speak of as
23603s far as the old charge is concerned for
23604s their supports and it's gonna be irony
23606s eliminated first and foremost she does
23608s get traded out super rich however under
23611s too much pressure ends up crumbling the
23612s gladiators have broken up but they
23614s should be able to get this first cap
23616s yeah this double supports down spark now
23618s are definitely in trouble they have to
23619s rely on health packs should be the cap
23621s coming through in just a few moments
23623s without you falling there really isn't
23624s much hope for the 100 spark anymore ryan
23626s making a little bit of a whippy play
23627s there believe he went off the map
23629s it would seem like it gladiators do lock
23632s down this point for how long is the
23634s question put with bernard out of the
23635s fight i'm just sparked looking like
23636s they're just going to sit back go for a
23637s reset
23639s gladiator should be quick as well i want
23640s to highlight shoe because
23642s schumer has a nano available but he also
23644s opened up that fight he does die but he
23646s enables to come to irony because he
23647s landed a long where he sleeped up on top
23649s of irony which allows ryan to get the
23650s kill so that's how things start for the
23652s glads boss is available now for both
23653s teams
23655s scored gets the stick it's on the rider
23656s though and he's going to be nanoed up so
23658s doesn't find two too much damage
23659s kempster in the meantime he gets an
23660s elimination with his killing irony now
23663s super rich again gonna be taken down no
23664s support in the fight for the side of the
23665s hangzhou spark is alfie
23667s broken out of the new by funny astro and
23668s he's just trying to kite back 39 hp
23671s drops down grabs the health pack will
23673s manage to stay safe the flip is there
23675s for the side of the hangzhou spark with
23676s this many members of the side of the
23677s gladiator still playing far forward they
23679s could get a quick flip rhino he's going
23682s lower and lower but are trying to play
23683s forward to get something done here they
23684s can't get the punish onto the enemy
23685s winston but they'll keep him at arm's
23687s length for the time being but funny
23688s astro again as soon as irony rearrives
23690s tim's like he's right back into the drop
23692s ship
23694s yeah rhino saved that just got the
23695s primal available bernick is taken down
23696s by shoe mid ultimate so the mines might
23699s be out in play but gladiators should
23700s have this one they lose shoe
23702s still four
23703s though
23705s jumping into the back they're looking
23706s for super rich he's just stuck in a
23707s corner with nowhere to go no one appeal
23708s for him
23709s he dies i'll be in shy will manage to
23711s find one a piece but it's just not going
23713s to be good enough for them in this fight
23715s still waiting on the supports the reason
23716s why he joined the fight the primal does
23718s come through from ryder looks for a
23719s target spots shy but can't quite get on
23722s top of the tracer with a relative ease
23724s so widely the primal just gonna be
23726s keeping him alive rather than doing
23727s damage
23729s well keeps the point alive as well so
23731s gladiators don't lose control there they
23732s get all their five members back waiting
23734s for the blade to come through for the
23735s next fight under spark looking for a
23737s rally shy opportunity for the
23738s possibility while kips will get it first
23740s he gets another one another support
23742s taken down and i stick there from shield
23744s or onto you rather from shy these sh
23747s names gets that pick but shooting his
23749s dying breath got a shot across on the
23750s super so once more his building supports
23752s go on the side of the hangzhou spark now
23753s alfie out of the fight as well and
23755s that's a hell of a lot of the firepower
23756s here
23757s shy having to pull away the flip not
23759s there 90 percent online for the side of
23760s the gladiators paddy could be coming
23762s back through with the blade ready to be
23763s pulled out should he need it
23766s right now that's even unlikely let's
23767s just use it all the same though crowley
23769s rolling super rich
23772s trying to keep him up and as you say the
23773s beat is available from funny astros he
23775s doesn't get picked mid-drop he's still
23776s very low
23778s get the kill alfie finally beams him
23779s down
23780s a big opening but they have to win out
23781s the fight they have to get this flip and
23782s even then they are still not out of the
23784s woods
23785s point so very far away
23787s from being one from the side of the hung
23788s just park the kills finally flying
23790s through they should be able to clear
23791s this one out as they deal with kepster
23793s they will gain control but they're
23794s starting at 17
23797s and i'm so surprised it's been difficult
23799s for the hunger spot to kill ryan because
23801s that's winston has much more difficult
23802s time surviving than a doom would on this
23804s map than a ball would on this map the
23805s lack of mobility right the shoe and
23807s funny astro keeping rhino up his own
23809s winston mechanics as well keeping him up
23810s staying alive via the primal rage ryan
23812s has actually only died twice this map
23814s which is incredible for winston in this
23816s sort of matchup
23817s on the other side that should just beam
23819s you down right yeah so uh glads have
23822s about five ultimates they they might
23823s have lost their fight but they're in
23824s position to take the round
23826s okay sound barrier dropped in from funny
23828s astro bernard antique but that'll expire
23830s pulse bomb at the ready once more from
23832s capture paddy diving into the back of
23833s the blade but he's gonna be focused
23834s fired up he comes through with that beam
23836s cuts them down to size now the supports
23838s are gonna be out of the fight as well
23839s and reiner wisely holds on to the primal
23841s rage they know that they still have a
23842s couple more fights in this before
23844s they're really in a dire situation it's
23846s patty it's gonna be swapping over
23849s and look at this as well hunger spark
23850s held onto three ultimates there where
23851s was the nano from shoe paddy goes for
23853s the play but either shoe was under
23855s pressure or he just couldn't see paddy
23857s but that was
23858s some sort of miscoordination from the
23859s gladius a very rare moment where you
23861s beat in you're obviously playing for a
23863s blade the nano was required doesn't get
23865s played and the rest of the players like
23866s well we lose this fight hold on to the
23868s ultimates come back for another day
23870s sombra just to get him quick i'm out of
23873s here final fight now of 99.
23875s that it is
23876s down to a wire a major reversal here
23878s from the side of the hangzhou spark to
23879s get this far can they close that out of
23881s the question
23882s alfie
23884s oh no oh he's jumping
23888s back out of there in time ends up going
23890s down it will be a one for one shoe and
23891s design breath offering up the nano boost
23893s to try to keep his team in this fight
23894s but he has to run to the wall who's down
23896s for hp he still stays alive he actually
23898s gets irony as well he's doing such
23900s genetic amount of work here the flip
23902s still not there however for the side of
23903s the gladiators i'm joe spark fighting
23906s tooth and nail to keep this point
23907s occupied to make sure the flip cannot
23909s come through but now
23911s that is the delay tactics widely dealt
23913s with bernard still hovering near five
23914s the flip is coming in
23916s bernard three arrives gets back in keeps
23918s it contested down below half hp need
23921s some tlc they clear the point that's the
23923s gladiators now in control alfie taking
23924s down shoe returning to the moira comes
23927s up with two kills and it's good enough
23928s to get the cap
23930s the first round goes to the gladiators
23933s my goodness daniel hathaway go to the
23935s sticks that is a performance on the
23937s lucio and a half the boot kill on to
23939s alphagee when he comes out of duplicate
23942s form cannot fly out in time the kill
23944s into irony as well he got three kills in
23946s the middle of that fight and he's been
23948s doing so much over the course of the
23949s last two maps i mean he gets subbed in
23951s for carlos ceo
23953s has the ability to shut down cheyenne
23955s multiple times sprit says keep play
23957s sombra i think let's take a look at this
23959s again that's one boob on to alfie was
23962s massive if alpha he gets to fly out of
23964s there as an echo that could be
23965s game-changing because you have the rally
23967s available hundred spike would have sold
23968s five
23969s players it would have been big funny
23971s astral puts them in the pit well reiner
23974s answering back saying who are you
23976s he's on a different team and probably
23978s won't play but
23980s either way he's keeping up with the
23981s trash talk here where are you i mean
23983s super rich has widely been absent in
23985s these last two maps
23987s consistently getting picked off by the
23989s likes of kepster
23991s see how he fares now is honjo sparker on
23993s their last legs need to win
23995s here on lighthouse extend this to ruins
23997s if they want to be able to take the
23998s series otherwise the gladiators
24000s looking like they may just be able to
24002s move forward
24003s irony taken down dealt with off the rip
24006s shoot does fall as well
24009s hp but somehow he still manages to come
24011s up with a kill shine collapses it gets
24013s that elimination on him a little bit of
24016s a trade up here as paddy will go down to
24017s the back end of the fight funny astro as
24018s well under some duress does get cleaned
24021s up super rich making his name known
24023s the cap was there for the hong kong
24024s spark so they begin ticking up oh and
24027s the easy drop down there as well sip
24028s some p
24030s stole that t baby all right super rich
24032s like you said you want to see a little
24033s bit more that's four final blows coming
24034s through so far
24035s not like gladiators funny astra though
24037s getting that opening pick again super
24039s impressive from funny asteroid to be
24041s able to do that i think it's on plays
24043s like irony most importantly and ryan
24045s being able to trade himself shoot with
24046s the only pick now though
24048s dealt with
24050s good sniping from chill
24052s flip nearly there again bernard moving
24054s forward keeps the point contested recall
24056s gonna be burned by shy pulse bomb goes
24058s out clips on the rhino but it's not
24059s gonna be enough for a kill the
24060s gladiators they managed to take the
24062s point in all the chaos fourth pump at
24063s the ready they're super rich stuck once
24065s more
24066s and kepster
24067s knocks him right back into obscurity
24070s a great kill and i i can't see it
24072s because of the chat yeah he said easy as
24074s well i was gonna say his camera's
24075s blocking but now i can see it
24080s we know when the trash talk comes on
24081s through and this is by the way like map
24084s number five uh loser goes down a lower
24086s bracket
24088s gladiators have double support ultimates
24090s online trying to control the points
24092s should be the 37 online pretty soon for
24094s themselves as well alphae
24096s in a lot of trouble actually showers are
24098s dead
24102s good from funny astro continues to look
24104s absolutely excellent
24106s i'll be getting right on top of shield
24108s nothing that realistically he could have
24109s done all that wow you know maybe nailing
24111s his sleep dark but two kills coming in
24112s funny answer does drop the beat offering
24114s up that shielding to the three members
24116s of the live on the side of the
24117s gladiators and so far they still do
24118s maintain control of this point as super
24120s rich was sent back to the squadron once
24122s more bernard cut off
24124s he's getting out in front of him finds
24125s that elimination and spark
24127s doesn't seem like they're gonna be able
24128s to get onto the point this time
24131s boss goes out again this time it will go
24133s wide but the nanoblade is about to be on
24134s live had it been nine away from it after
24136s you copy over towards the tracer one of
24137s his key heroes double tracers on board
24139s now for spot
24140s can you get a pulse bombing if it builds
24142s it up can he find a nice target to stick
24143s paddy pan pulling out the blade man it
24145s up shoe fighting the opening kill shy
24147s goes down
24148s i'll be here he did get a pulse but
24150s didn't get anything with it right before
24151s he gets a second
24152s does get taken out
24154s back into the raw echo form beam comes
24156s through does fine reiner patty pan low
24158s the whip shop from super rich we'll
24159s finish them off they continue to look to
24161s contest this point and get this flip
24162s into their favor super rich continues to
24164s clean them up look for a little bit more
24166s now with funny answer going down they
24167s should be able to get this but
24168s gladiators are thinking about ninety
24169s percent this is still dire straight for
24171s the hong kong spark
24173s well alpha yi is able to get a number of
24175s kills there i mean just a little while
24176s before you see him floating down
24178s something about floating like a
24179s butterfly singing like a bee i'm sure to
24181s get the kill to shoo in more
24183s hunger spark like you mentioned it's
24184s gonna be a bit of a hill to climb they
24185s are behind quite significantly so i
24187s would love to get a stick there but
24188s we'll miss
24190s doesn't get the connection good auntie
24192s out on the two slows up the supports a
24193s little bit buys them some spaces kepster
24196s looking for the back cap look nearly
24198s there shy has to contest he moves
24199s forward this chemistry just plays around
24201s the winston bubble to keep himself
24202s protected
24204s does now expire
24205s force the recall it's right here back
24206s here on the point half the dash out
24208s the flip is through gladiators back in
24210s control all right they're going to be
24211s taking it out for the moment she going
24212s to be taken down kev's there pulse bomb
24214s nearly at the ready jumps forward he's
24216s looking for irony but he cannot get that
24217s elimination falls low manages to stay
24219s alive 99 now in for the side of the
24222s gladiators the flip nearly there once
24223s more from the side of the hanzo's part
24224s they clear the point they get it 70
24226s percent as bernard crashes through two
24228s to get the eliminations they're back in
24230s control and it's gonna be final fight
24231s territory once more for both teams
24234s south bear plus primal though i mean
24235s this one can go the distance gladiators
24236s have a lot of resources left to play
24238s through rally plus mines and duke for
24240s the hundreds you need to see a good
24241s dupe out alpha yi would really not want
24243s to see the dupe onto funny ashes lucio
24245s again ideally after he gets either
24247s kepster or powder pan for a trace or
24249s genji those are ideal picks because he
24251s has signature picks on those
24252s bernard waiting gets a slight poop there
24254s they're looking for shoes out there
24255s comes in from funny astro keeps diana
24257s alive auntie out on the rider falling
24260s slow pops the primal the flip getting
24262s ready to come through back over onto the
24263s point so far the recontest has not
24266s happened lp dips in manches
24269s to lock it in the dupe comes through
24271s this is more gonna be over onto the
24272s tracer the point cleared out the
24274s gladiators they step back through they
24276s give the flip to merch now gonna be
24277s taking down funny astro breaks it open
24278s once more shoe gonna be eliminated funny
24281s after down to about half hp continues to
24282s get whittled away at the pulse bomb from
24284s shy not gonna find anything
24286s sedan was out of luck he's looking to
24288s clean him up and rider gonna be taken
24289s down bunny astro now looking to delay as
24291s much as he possibly can stop this foot
24293s from coming through sticky bombs offered
24295s up over the side does get kept in the
24296s blade pulled by patty pan dashes through
24298s cuts down bernard looks for a little bit
24300s more he's gonna get shy he gets super
24301s rich he gets absolutely everybody
24304s they clear them off the point the
24305s gladiators will manage to take it
24308s a 2-0 on illios a 3-2 in the series they
24311s stay in the upper bracket
24315s pop off there from panapan on the genji
24317s towards the end they're massive
24318s celebrations they know how hard this
24320s game was
24322s spark put up a monstrous performance but
24324s when it comes down to the end a
24326s brilliant colosseum map leading to an
24327s elios 2 and 0. powder pan with a play of
24329s the game selected in the game there as
24331s well a genji blade to save the day and
24334s prevent the third round from being
24336s executed by the hangzhou spark denying
24339s that tracer dupe as well that could have
24342s been everything for the spark but it
24344s doesn't end up doing much for them and
24345s the la glady is i think the funny astro
24347s sub in on maps four and five was so damn
24351s impactful for this team
24354s right when they needed him the most
24355s patty coming up with a big blade after a
24357s couple botched ones from that first
24359s round of ilios the hangzhou sparked this
24362s is not the end of the road for them but
24363s this is definitely going to be a very
24365s bittersweet moment because now they have
24368s to fall down and try to knock out their
24370s cohorts from aipac in the philly fusion
24373s yeah so apac will be eliminating itself
24375s come tomorrow i suppose but the
24377s gladiators they stick around now they
24380s have to just sit back relax wait and see
24382s who their opponent is going to be after
24384s we get through that next series between
24385s shanghai and the shock our player of the
24388s match though i think uh after the last
24390s couple maps there could really only go
24392s one way it's gonna be kevster picking it
24394s up that coliseum performance from him on
24396s the tracer was just absolutely gorgeous
24399s and it didn't stop on coliseum either
24401s because we saw how impactful he was on
24402s elias as well yeah just really had a
24404s field day on that tracer i mean kepster
24406s came up so massively on those last two
24408s maps
24409s uh it's the funny extra substitution
24411s it's the caps the tracer the paddy blade
24413s right at the end there as well reined
24415s actually performing super well on that
24417s winston on a map that i think
24418s traditionally would be better suited for
24419s the doom and the the ball but you know
24421s rhino kept it up he didn't have that
24423s many deaths especially on that opening
24424s well
24425s kevin's at the end of the day though i i
24427s think coliseum would not have gone as
24428s clean for this team if it wasn't for how
24430s damn good kefstar was on the straights
24432s for the sticks with everything else with
24433s lining up the dives the rest of the team
24436s uh really was just a brilliant
24437s performance coming through from the
24438s gladiators yeah very well-rounded i mean
24441s funny astro stepping in uh for those
24443s lasting maps and he looked absolutely
24445s phenomenal still incredibly well
24447s practiced on the lucio and one of the
24448s best in the world in that regard but
24450s kevster
24451s absolutely putting up figures here for
24453s his squad was just
24456s such an incredible uh performance from
24458s him on the tracer he just took over and
24460s did not like you said he did not back
24462s down going into illios he maintained
24463s that level of performance from kozio
24466s and i gotta say as well i think that the
24468s key map for me in this particular series
24469s is actually midtown we have to kind of
24471s rewind that second one because that was
24472s the one that i felt like uh was
24475s blundered massively from the spark right
24477s that b's like defensive c9 has to be one
24480s that you revisit because i think the
24482s rest of the series was very close very
24483s competitive but the one part of the
24485s series it does stick out like a sore
24487s thumb that's um you know was just
24490s not good overwatch i mean if we say that
24491s the overall game was great overwatch
24493s that one piece unfortunately was not
24495s that's something that sticks out for the
24496s spark really poorly the rest of it was
24498s very competitive and very enjoyable to
24500s watch but midtown uh is going to be an
24502s unfortunate position for the spark to be
24504s in and i think for the gladiators as
24505s well if you want to see
24507s just what i consider to be perfect macro
24509s on the defense especially that a side
24510s defense gladiators executed beyond what
24513s i've seen any team do just brilliant
24515s tactics uh they knew exactly how to play
24517s that map yeah it was perfect and it's
24519s something about midtown just always has
24521s incidents occurring but this time it's
24522s the hongsho spark who fall victim to it
24524s like i said who's gonna come back to
24526s bite them in the rear if they lost this
24527s series and i think that that one is
24528s gonna be weighing on their minds for a
24530s little bit but it's about shaking loose
24532s you know not focusing on those mistakes
24534s from this series being able to clear
24536s heads and move forward for that series
24537s tomorrow against the fusion so we'll see
24539s if the hogs just spark you know how they
24541s can bounce back from this and see
24542s whether or not the gladiators can
24543s maintain this dominance but we have to
24545s figure out first who they're going to be
24546s playing against that's going to be in
24548s our next series with the shanghai
24549s dragons taking on at the san francisco
24551s shock but first we'll have the desk
24553s break down the action from this
24554s incredible five map series after the
24555s break
24574s [Applause]
24583s the overwatch league is brought to you
24585s by the university of hawaii at manoa go
24588s to take me to manoa.org today
24592s [Music]
24606s [Music]
24615s [Music]
24621s [Music]
24631s [Music]
24659s [Music]
24665s [Music]
24692s [Music]
24724s [Music]
24827s [Music]
24836s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
24838s joined now by paddy fan from los angeles
24840s gladiators patty
24842s what a match what a match and that last
24844s uh team fight and that clutch moment can
24847s you just briefly tell us what was going
24848s through your head when you were playing
24850s uh pulling out that genji blade with a
24852s with funny astro by her side i mean yeah
24854s i was betting the entire team i was
24857s betting shoe betting right there rating
24858s everybody um
24860s but i wouldn't be able to pull pull that
24862s off against a like better team such as
24865s chalk or something like
24867s i think
24868s it's not me being good it's just
24871s it's just it's a shot it's just it's a
24873s spark just
24874s not that good yeah yeah
24877s so if it was any other team it wouldn't
24878s have worked like good good team it
24880s wouldn't work but it worked because
24882s because they are bad okay you guys can
24883s fill in the blink i mean yeah i mean
24885s that was that was great um about the
24887s spark though because they did really
24889s give you the run for your money and were
24891s there anything that sort of surprised
24892s you going up against the spark i mean
24895s did this surprise me from a minor region
24898s um
24902s you can't
24904s there's no one behind you
24905s no one behind you no one behind you okay
24908s they're a good team i'm sorry yeah
24912s they're they're a good team yeah he was
24913s joking paddy was joking was there
24914s anything surprising like were there any
24916s standout players from the show from
24918s spark i mean i would like to shout out
24920s to shai um
24921s i used to play against him like on like
24924s four years ago on world cup
24926s 2018
24928s i was playing against china team and
24930s i don't think he improved that much but
24934s he's still a good player like he didn't
24936s surprise me he improved a little bit a
24938s little bit a little bit i lived i left
24940s this game for two years and then he came
24941s back and won him like i don't know
24943s all right and my final question for you
24945s fatty is um you guys will be going up
24947s against the winner of the next match
24948s which is san francisco shark versus uh
24950s shanghai dragons who do you think is
24952s going to win
24953s i think shark
24954s shark because because why not kachong is
24957s good because shark is good i believe my
24959s boy flopper
24960s shock is right there smiling all right
24962s patty that is it for the interview thank
24964s you so much for your time and again
24965s until yeah until we said that
24968s that's on him
24970s all right all right well you guys you
24971s guys take care of that and why you guys
24973s are doing that uh awfully take it away
24975s i'm weak
24979s thank you very much danny what was that
24981s i i'm reading between the lines here
24983s paddy pan is being held hostage by
24985s hunter to trash talk the eastern region
24988s johnny how are you feeling about
24990s everything that
24991s he said like spark is bad not cool and
24994s shy is bad as well hasn't improved in
24996s years i mean i you know on if he wants
24999s to say that i think that reflects more
25000s poorly on him
25003s then it does shine
25007s is real and everyone is being real for
25009s recognizing shai besides party pond so
25014s i don't know what's going on polyphant
25015s come on
25016s it was on top antu is holding him i
25018s think we blame the australians contrast
25019s them yeah yeah australians yeah no
25022s powderpoint is actually a very nice kid
25023s yeah he's very good he did seem very
25025s nice he couldn't even trash talk and
25026s hold a steady face
25028s keeling over hitting the floor going
25029s like no no no just kidding just back
25031s pedal back pedal but
25033s don't don't backpedal communicate with
25035s yeah commit to do it with vigor uh it's
25038s a work in progress
25039s home grand finals it'd be great you need
25042s reiner to come back and then teach him a
25044s little bit and get him to you know tea
25046s bag dab whatever it was that reiner
25048s pulled off before but guys let's start
25049s talking about this series because again
25052s another five map game gladiators really
25055s came out and especially on that final
25058s map there was only one person's name
25059s that we were absolutely screaming from
25061s the rooftops and scott who was it my boy
25064s funny astro came in clutch i like that
25067s sort of pinch hitter because he did the
25069s same thing on coliseum as well he came
25070s in he played that lucille and i really
25072s like what they did because opposed to
25074s what patty fans say shy absolutely
25077s dominated them in like the first couple
25079s of minutes not even close not even close
25080s he was deadlifting
25082s the best team in the world he was
25083s absolutely dominating but my boy finding
25084s astra comes here on illios look at these
25087s stats six final blows five deaths but
25089s look at the healing done and the damage
25091s done on lucio he got so many important
25094s frags going absolutely crazy really
25096s getting the gladiators over the line and
25099s honestly it just enables everyone else
25101s to play their game so i wanted to give
25102s him a special shout out because i think
25104s you know he came in clutching the
25106s kickoff clash he's done it once again in
25107s the mid-season tournament there were so
25109s many points throughout that series as
25110s well where you had like all the stats in
25112s front of you and you're going like funny
25114s astro has the same amount of damage as
25116s such and such and he's actually like
25118s well it's funny because you know patty
25120s pen just did a lot of trash talking but
25121s like i'm at the end of this helios mouth
25123s i'm looking at the stats i'm like funny
25124s astro has more damage than paddy pan
25127s and i'm like
25129s funny astros doing a lot of work
25130s hey hey he won the game with the blade
25132s right now he carried he totally carried
25135s yeah that was great come out with it at
25137s the end i think we have like a couple
25138s highlights from that series that we
25140s could go ahead and take a look at but
25141s again gladiators really coming out and
25143s showing up in that final map where it
25145s mattered most but unfortunately spark
25146s just
25148s what happened all right so is this my
25150s therapy session now like what was going
25151s on here i mean look okay i
25154s you know i do think that wow i'm just
25156s immediately jumping to the cope here we
25158s go
25159s was like the better team when it came to
25161s like the neutral battle when they were
25162s able to play the zenyatta tracer um the
25165s shot was able to play the ash and the
25166s soldier like this performance here on
25169s oasis was like amazing like they ran
25172s circles around the l.a gladiators uh
25174s whether it was with the wrecking ball
25175s the tracer alafaye had like a
25178s mind-blowing game on tracer as well just
25181s keep finding these picks and then shy on
25182s dorado like these guys popped off like
25186s the stuff i haven't seen since like
25188s shanghai dragons like last year in
25190s dallas field when they were like at the
25191s very peak of the game it was an
25193s unbelievable series but what was even
25196s better like what made the series so
25198s complete it's like what we talked about
25199s it was the funny astro substitute the
25201s lucio pic to speed up the tempo and
25204s prevent tangjon spark from being able to
25206s play their style i mean we're going to
25208s the dorado highlights here like
25211s i mean just enjoy it like really
25214s this was an unbelievable performance
25216s from shai um this might be like a top
25218s three top five carry performances we've
25220s ever seen in the overwatch league on a
25223s map this dorado so you gotta give credit
25225s to where credit is you um but you also
25228s have to recognize that it's so hard to
25230s make these on-the-spot substitutions
25232s that the ellicott did with funny astro
25234s because we always criticize on the desk
25236s we always criticize like you know
25237s they're subbing this guy in for map five
25239s and it doesn't make any sense and it's
25240s because these teams they stick to their
25242s regiment they stick to their game
25243s planning what they've practiced but
25246s this almost certainly i mean we don't
25248s know but this almost certainly was like
25249s an undefined decision to sub in funny
25251s astro and speed it up and i have to
25253s recognize like the brilliance the
25255s strategic brilliance of that and how it
25257s paid off beautifully to beat the spark
25258s who in my mind was the better team from
25260s the start of the match well i think
25262s towards the end you really saw the
25263s differences in the coordination and as
25266s you said the adaptation because on the
25268s other hand we credit the gladiators for
25269s that funny astro lucio swap on coliseum
25272s bernard went from wrecking ball to zaya
25274s for 30 seconds to wrecking ball to zaya
25277s in the last little second was not better
25279s teams but they had the better pop-up
25281s players they had the better
25282s team
25283s yeah but i think that's something that
25284s spock has always been known for it seems
25286s like they're starting to fill in those
25287s holes a little bit and it hasn't been as
25289s bad in the playoffs but definitely in
25291s this match when they got pushed against
25293s the wall when all of a sudden the
25294s gladiators like you can't just keep
25295s relying on try to pop off they sort of
25297s fell apart but you know this shy
25299s performance is really the standout thing
25301s and i i always worry about the spark of
25302s like if shy can't do that every time we
25305s see shy not pop off in the way that
25306s we're about to say like it's just
25308s it's kind of hard to watch a little bit
25310s because after he has been stepping up
25312s but
25313s if without shy if you take shai out of
25315s the game and he doesn't show up that's
25316s what happens in these last two maps that
25318s we saw from the gladiators but
25320s yeah i mean at the same time though like
25322s i i completely agree with you that like
25324s liars have the better team synergy and
25326s you know teamwork but also like this is
25329s hangzhou sparkle recognizing how
25331s powerful sojourn can be when you put so
25333s many resources into sojourn yeah it was
25336s not just like shy just like popping the
25337s overclock and just like oh i'm just
25338s gonna shoot all these people like yes
25340s that was obviously like what you see but
25342s it's also super rich with a really good
25344s brigitte performance it's like the armor
25346s packs the inspire like rotating all
25348s these supportive cooldowns to put that
25350s resources into shy like that's the
25352s reason why they beat seoul dynasty the
25354s other day because their backline was so
25356s efficient and so good at taking care of
25357s each other so you really saw that at
25359s like the highest level in this series
25361s too so
25363s you know what just came to my mind no i
25365s know just reminded me of the 2018
25368s shanghai dragons when they put all of
25370s their resources into undead and just
25372s tried to pop off but now they actually
25374s have shy so it works so honestly the old
25377s 40 shanghai dragons are under something
25379s they don't have shy you are cool
25385s how dare you i'm just saying maybe they
25387s had merit that is cursed we should get
25389s out of here
25391s with the correct predictions right now
25392s mr three and two sparks okay all right
25395s you know what makes me feel better
25398s you're a fusion fan so enjoy you know
25400s your little parade
25402s about the rain houston that was a great
25404s match here today good pick there right
25406s yeah houston yeah dang it jake
25410s anyways that being said this game coming
25412s to its conclusion gladiators are
25414s continuing onwards in that upper bracket
25416s we could go ahead and take a look at all
25418s of our updated brackets as it is and
25420s remember the spark is still in it
25421s they're just going to be dropping down
25423s lower so here we go we have the winner's
25425s bracket and there as you see the
25426s gladiators moving on to that next match
25428s you can also take a look at the lower
25430s bracket and see where the spark are
25433s falling down into
25434s and that's right i said oh wait oh no no
25437s way
25451s don't worry everything we just saw it's
25452s not gonna happen to philly it's fine you
25454s have said some things
25456s me and the spark and the teacup were
25459s coming for you all right
25461s i'm so scared of script shy don't worry
25463s philly always pull through in the end
25466s super rich i'm putting on the cattle
25468s let's go
25470s rebuild oh i don't feel good about this
25472s at all but guys we still do have one
25474s more all right oh my god
25476s one more prediction for us to
25478s potentially all get right or wrong and
25480s that's going to be the shock taken on
25481s the shanghai dragons now as we get into
25483s that game i know we heard about the
25485s resumes i heard we heard about a lot of
25487s uh thoughts in the pre-show which was
25489s like
25490s very long oh very long i'm not even
25492s wearing a watch that's how
25495s long of a time ago it was but just quick
25497s thoughts before we get into that game
25499s uh i think i went for the shock and you
25500s went for shanghai right yeah yeah i i
25503s think it's going to be an interesting
25504s match it was
25506s i i honestly have the shock i'm pretty
25508s confident in them i really like what
25510s they've been doing with colluge with
25511s proper and all that kind of stuff
25513s shanghai dragons they've looked shaky
25515s you know fate says he has tricks up
25517s their sleeve but i'm not sold
25518s i just need lip to pop off
25520s [Laughter]
25522s we can just change the names honestly
25524s just change the names that's honestly
25526s like that's kind of what it's shanghai
25528s they played pretty similar to angel
25529s spark yeah they put all their faith in
25531s lip being able to pop off on the sojourn
25535s and then san francisco shocked a
25536s strategic team play well not really but
25539s you know they they pay diva so that's a
25540s strategic thing i guess
25542s look lip just pop off all right that's
25544s all i ask i couldn't do it but
25546s apparently i'm an apex synth now so here
25548s we are all right that's totally fine
25550s being a simple is fine now i do have to
25551s ask
25553s thank you
25554s no we shouldn't think we shouldn't stay
25555s on broadcast
25556s exactly what he just said i'm just
25558s repeating it as a new kid here
25561s i want to get your predictions before we
25562s get into this uh fourth and final game
25564s of the day so custo let's get you i hope
25566s we go to another map by banger honestly
25568s i i like quick pause before we move on
25571s this has been some of the best overwatch
25572s we've seen one of the best tournaments
25573s we've ever had there's been so many
25575s close matches i hope this one goes the
25577s distance as well they're all great teams
25578s and great players so you're back uh map
25580s five san francisco show wins yeah quick
25583s three-year-old dragons
25585s i'm gonna be honest i don't remember
25586s what i predicted but i do want to see a
25588s full five maps as well so you know 3-2
25591s with whatever i wrote this morning
25592s everyone we're gonna take a quick break
25594s but stick around because when we get
25595s back we're gonna get into that final
25597s match of the day and do not miss it
25598s because it is going to be a doozy
25600s between the dragons come on
25602s please
25615s [Music]
25624s [Music]
25636s [Music]
25649s [Music]
25661s [Music]
25667s [Music]
25680s [Music]
25693s [Music]
25699s [Music]
25711s [Music]
25727s so
25738s [Music]
25753s [Music]
25777s [Music]
25791s [Music]
25800s do
25804s [Music]
25818s [Music]
25823s so
25826s [Music]
25835s [Music]
25847s and we are back it's time for the final
25849s series of the evening and oh boy have we
25852s been saving the best for last a long
25855s standing rivalry between these two
25856s organizations it's the shanghai dragons
25858s going up against the san francisco
25860s shock it's been a good long while since
25863s we've seen these two clash now it's here
25864s and overwatch too different roster on
25866s the opposite side shanghai dragons
25868s widely looking the same now it's time
25870s for them to make battle and see who
25871s comes out on top
25873s it's crazy that you're saying saving the
25875s best for last is what we just got is
25876s going to be hard to top look
25878s usually
25879s five minute fridays uh today is actually
25882s friday for the two of us so five bet
25884s friday officially activated we're gonna
25885s take this all the way again
25888s this is going to be epic though it
25889s should be but uh look san francisco
25891s shock shanghai dragons
25892s two championship teams two of the best
25894s teams in overwatch history with london
25896s gone now because the only two
25898s championship teams franchise wise that
25900s remain in this tournament now clashing
25902s in the upper bracket
25904s we had glads versus hangzhou being so
25906s damn good yeah i think this uh this
25908s match has got to deliver us all it has
25910s to
25910s yeah i mean so many people saying like
25913s that was you know maybe one of the best
25914s series that we've we've had so far in
25916s overwatch league here in 2022 uh let's
25918s say you know oh that last matchup goes
25920s up into the the top matches of all time
25923s i think this one could absolutely take
25924s the cake and if it doesn't honestly it
25926s feels like we will have been robbed
25928s because these two teams this absolutely
25930s should go to the distance it should be
25931s an incredible match between the two
25933s here's the starting five for the side of
25935s the shanghai dragons you and i were
25937s talking a little bit earlier when we're
25938s hanging out with mr uh uh connor prince
25941s and uh you said we're probably not gonna
25943s see lee j god but here he is from the
25945s outset
25947s i was joking though because they were
25949s they were they were meaning on him but
25951s they forget that lee jay gone uh and the
25953s map one versus dallas fuel absolutely
25955s carried on that break
25956s but the man that you have to worry about
25958s is left we talked about sergeants which
25959s saw how good shai was lip is also an
25962s absolute freaking not just on the
25963s solution but also on that water maker so
25965s there's an opportunity especially on
25966s that map free of escort whatever it ends
25968s up being if lip can play the water maker
25969s again
25970s it could get very interesting kilo's got
25973s his work cut out for him but these two
25974s teams in 2022 cannot be more different
25978s you have the shanghai dragons with not a
25980s single rookie on this team as a team for
25982s the veterans a team for the champions a
25984s team for the mvp candidates roll stars
25986s you name it and on the other end
25989s are some of the top rookies in the
25991s entire world all coalesced onto a single
25993s roster led by violet really is uncle
25996s violet and i think it is the count now
25998s six rookies on the squad with violet the
26002s prime of them being obviously proper
26004s second left on the screen this is the
26005s guy you gotta talk about um desk is
26008s again contractually obliged to talk
26010s about him at all times and probably for
26011s good reason i think he is still the top
26013s rookie that we have had so far and has
26015s been the top performer every single time
26016s that shot get into trouble this guy
26018s bails them out he is phenomenal
26022s yeah he's just been taking the league in
26024s north america by storm now gets to try
26027s his hand against the current reigning
26029s champions who have been getting back
26031s into form as of late obviously an
26033s incredibly rough start to the season for
26035s the side of the shanghai dragons they
26036s were playing under incredible you know
26038s circumstances given the lockdowns that
26040s they were undergoing but still did
26042s manage to put up some solid numbers now
26044s that they are back in the team house now
26045s that they're back on camera they have
26047s really been tapping back into that 2021
26051s potential that we saw from them that got
26052s them the championship victory we'll see
26055s how they fare now going up against the
26057s two time
26059s and there's a seven match win streak for
26062s the san francisco shop that has not been
26064s broken
26065s their last loss was actually versus the
26067s dallas field in the kickoff clash
26068s tournament in dallas itself live since
26071s then
26072s seven straight wins
26074s haven't lost
26075s looking phenomenal shanghai dragons
26077s though might prove to be the toughest
26079s competition for the shock yet the last
26082s time that these two teams met it was in
26084s that playoffs run when moon picked shock
26087s in the opening round and 3-0 then krusty
26090s didn't want to pick dragons this time
26091s but the dragons will find you anyway
26093s let's kick things off here back on oasis
26096s it's going to be university key thing to
26098s note is that colluge and kilo and
26100s usually you see mikey on this map
26102s playing the ball you get sam in here
26103s playing bit of sojourn as well but it is
26105s going to be a different look for the
26106s shock they've been holding this in their
26107s sleeves
26110s let's see so far the teams who have been
26112s electing to take us to oasis haven't
26114s been coming up with wins on it can it be
26116s a different story for the side of the
26118s shock come into this as the number one
26121s seed overall
26123s gates have opened up
26125s minor differences here in the
26127s compositions no sojourn for the side of
26128s this shock you look
26130s here with the ash
26133s it's usually the airpack team that plays
26134s the the ash right into the team plays
26136s social but today we're gonna get a bit
26138s of an opposite experience flip feeling
26140s himself with the rails oh he survives he
26142s doesn't collusion
26145s diving in off the back of the dynamite
26146s finds that elimination now looks for a
26148s little bit more faith trying to make his
26149s exit but proper gets on top of him
26152s two quick kills here for the side of the
26154s shock the point lockdown goes their way
26155s with relative ease
26158s the proper as well on defletting me
26160s that's gonna be a very interesting match
26161s up
26162s flat out one of our historic best races
26164s that we've had on the mvp lip being
26166s taken down grandfather's mpp from last
26168s year
26169s shocked looking pretty good so far
26172s then just sat way back playing this off
26174s angle
26175s towards coast side
26177s lobbing in those right-click charge ups
26178s his fate under some pressure it does
26180s fall low is a yaki he'll just go ahead
26182s and nom up that healing though
26184s yeah go ahead keep getting chunked out
26186s long as you don't die i don't mind i
26187s want to get this nano up as quickly as i
26188s can right now looking to contest that
26190s high ground has to drop back down he's
26191s instantly evaporated great focus fire
26194s the discord orbs flying across finn the
26197s target selection in this regard has been
26198s utterly impeccable
26201s enemy in sight yeah slept there as well
26203s could have ended up with a kill but to
26204s get woken up very quickly
26206s very very slow start with the shanghai
26208s dragons zero kill so far not a single
26210s final blow yet to find an opening
26213s and four four the san francisco shock
26214s allowed them to get fifty percent okay
26216s dive into the battle first kill faith
26218s heard you talking smack shuts down kilo
26220s who's gonna be taking a nap and you're
26222s standing outside was able to go ahead
26223s and scoop the kill
26225s fade as well now going to be
26226s anti-sleeping it's uh not woken up but
26228s won't be taken down stay safe the flip
26231s is going to be there 63 locked in for
26232s the shock three times
26234s yeah just uh you know no opinions
26236s inserted there for me just stating the
26237s raw effects of it and the raw facts will
26239s have the shanghai dragons go from zero
26241s to five kills gonna be the entire san
26243s francisco shock taken down starts with
26245s fate and it ends with a cap 63 to catch
26248s up on though it is a bit of a distance
26250s to go in san francisco shock still have
26252s ultimates to play through they haven't
26253s really had to alt yet so here we go
26255s both teams looking to play through bob
26257s to probably open up this as well
26260s i think you being a similar mind to me
26263s off to hold that thought actually huge
26264s damage going through the nade comes in
26266s kilo and pilot
26267s getting a battle in as they look for the
26269s rest of the cleanup shot unable to
26270s create any kills
26272s what is gonna say you should know by now
26273s that people don't like to listen to
26274s facts they'll fight back against them
26279s he said shanghai are doing poorly he
26281s must be any bias there you go keep up
26283s make sure the energy is consistent at
26284s least make sure the energy is consistent
26285s guys shanghai dragons four ultimates now
26288s shock on five the catch-up is here so
26291s the
26292s opening kills from the dragons doesn't
26293s allow them to hold onto the point so far
26295s always finally big stick though violet
26298s out the nano boost did go forward on the
26299s collusion is now up into the air with
26300s the meteor strike bait going to be taken
26302s down aquila finds him once more
26304s they see it up collusion getting back up
26305s towards the point gets the punch there
26306s knocking limp away does come back in
26309s though gets a great head shot onto the
26310s enemy ash with the overclock rolling
26312s now shanghai dragons have taken the
26315s proper down as well
26317s making his presence known after kind of
26319s getting farmed in the early days but
26320s this is the lift we were anticipating a
26322s bit
26323s double kill after kill gets violent on
26325s the back end of the fight i believe
26327s that's four total throughout for him as
26329s they will maintain this control now
26331s shock last fight for them no wants to
26333s work with
26336s they have to come in collusion entering
26337s first and
26338s hope that they can keep them alive
26339s shanghai dragons they can just make this
26341s dive onto the back line lip is already
26342s still
26343s really far out look at the initial kill
26345s fake goes in
26346s there he does kilos out of him doing low
26349s kilo gonna be taking down fate finding
26350s the elimination over time forced out
26353s dive forward kalooz trying to take down
26355s lip 12 hp now down to seven proper
26357s manages to make his way forward gets
26359s that kill in the end shock having some
26361s presence here on the point but widely
26363s it's just colluge proper joining in once
26365s more the pulse bomb 23 percent away gets
26367s knocked back from the whip shot clutch
26369s emptied out has to make his exit for a
26370s brief moment fade as well so low and
26372s proper as it will chase he gets the
26373s melee hit they finish them off and that
26375s kill alone is enough for them to get the
26376s flipper they're back in control aj gone
26378s having to get his weight back
26380s everybody in an arm's length and now the
26382s shanghai dragons they're the ones who
26383s have to retake
26385s really clutch coming in from the shock
26387s assaulting you talk about retakes they
26389s lost kilo early on they still contest
26391s and still grinded out there fights a
26392s shark signs on life importantly that
26395s could have been disastrous for them but
26397s major plays especially proper result
26398s that we saw getting fake down putting a
26401s blink into the mega lake flatter on the
26402s hunter has been spotted dodges asleep
26404s though the pulse goes out into the wall
26407s but finn still gets dropped then it was
26408s now going to be used collusion the
26410s recipient once more
26411s profit the proper rather on the hunt the
26414s stick is good lift knocked out of the
26416s fight meteor strike going to be used
26418s staying safe the flipping of the
26418s meantime has been there for the side of
26420s the dragons they retake control of the
26421s point
26423s they still need a hell of a lot more if
26424s they want to win this one the t's
26425s bleeding away no one's able to touch
26427s flutter cleaning up two in the back end
26429s the shanghai dragons will nearly walk
26431s away with a win on university
26434s a c9 i'm going to call that right now uh
26436s everyone was basically dead on the shark
26438s probably had to recall away kilo and
26440s finn not really expected touch there
26441s when college dies in proper recall it's
26444s basically done five alive on dragons
26446s versus three and dragons will finish
26448s things off a very slow start
26450s exceptionally low start there for
26451s dragons i believe it was first 50 for
26453s the shock that they had capped out
26455s dragons had zero final blows not a
26457s single kill from dragons when shotgun 50
26460s on the cap
26461s dragons will end that round with 19
26463s frags from zero to 19
26465s in quite a quick fashion you know
26467s shanghai
26468s usually called you know the shang ai
26471s they take a little bit of time to
26472s download the stretch from the other team
26473s download what the other team are doing
26475s once that download has started we'll see
26477s where it ends san francisco shock now
26478s rolling out pretty much the same
26479s composition as before dragon's now
26481s playing ball with fletter on the echo
26484s and a little lip tracer as well
26487s leaching on
26489s instantly knocked down low stays alive
26493s just goes rolling across the point here
26496s well a little ring around the rosie
26497s rotating around the map a little bit of
26499s a scenic route for him as the point gets
26500s ready to unlock
26502s shock do have a little bit more of an
26504s inside track dive into the back the
26505s stairwell it's a massive pile driver
26507s here but it's gonna be flutter who
26508s actually gets taken down trying to play
26509s off the back of fate setup
26512s debated him by his tank follow-up kill
26514s they're on the lip as the point lockdown
26516s will once more be there for the side of
26518s the shock first and foremost
26520s well played by violet there you see the
26521s anti-man coming through off the planet
26523s mocks them up with the purple
26525s chances to get too much done after that
26526s so
26527s yeah you're just seeing uh the shock
26529s trying to get further kills to stagger
26530s out the shanghai dragon is not going to
26532s happen fake will be there to protect
26534s and now fled will be the one taking the
26536s traces so a bit of a swap here two
26538s player swapping does hurt for the
26539s dragons as far as looking at alt economy
26542s goes that's two players resetting back
26543s to zero
26547s dragons they're gonna get this flip so
26549s far
26550s too much of a contention from the side
26551s of the shop
26553s then you rotate down now
26554s slippery joins the sojourn in hand
26558s pulse bomb at the ready limp going low
26560s and there's the chase proper gets on top
26561s of him once more
26563s he's able to play off these setups from
26564s his teammates so perfectly well
26567s and has been traded but now fate gonna
26568s be taken down it looks like the shock
26570s should be able to hold this for a while
26572s once more auntie out on the two there's
26574s the pulse pop just for good measure
26575s proper cleaning up the supports
26577s 50 percent now crested
26580s when we talk about good rookies this
26582s year so far we've seen alfie versus ryan
26584s but here we go proper
26586s every single time another rookie looks
26587s good probably says no no i am leading
26589s this rookie the year race currently and
26590s he is going to keep the shock
26592s continually in the lead here 63 and
26594s counting nano still available bob coming
26596s up for kilo dragons
26598s finally looking at some important
26599s ultimates again lip and flinders
26600s severely behind and alts because they
26601s swapped like
26605s they're trying to play catch up here
26607s you can do it quickly shock right now
26610s looking great on pace for a hundred and
26611s zero on the round
26613s gonna be nattered up but it doesn't
26615s matter
26616s they just get right on top of him the
26617s back of the
26619s get the elimination flip moving up onto
26620s the high ground now going to be taking a
26622s nap violet putting him in the bed for a
26623s little bit and there's the kill
26625s for the charge up takes him down but
26628s proper was dealt with in the meantime
26630s bob going to be occupying the point
26631s keeping this contested legion just
26632s trying to poop him off we'll be able to
26634s get enough distance there faint touches
26637s in forces out the ot flat ticking down
26639s taken down
26640s then finding a kill once more now has
26642s the transcendence ready to go cluj gets
26643s the hit on the lee jaegon maybe even
26645s setting off the side of the map didn't
26646s quite get to catch it is the yucky dead
26648s as well no supports no tank lift dead
26650s there's the closeout shock with a
26652s fantastic reply an incredibly close
26654s first round now they just absolutely
26656s sweep them one garden
26659s so they don't give any opportunity for
26660s the dragons to make that comeback right
26662s it's not
26663s uncommon for the dragons to be down by
26665s quite a lot of percentage points when
26666s you go back to toronto versus dragons
26668s matchup as well dragons are uncanny in
26670s their ability to make a comeback right
26671s toronto started at 99 i believe it was
26673s illegal as well shanghai come back 099
26676s doesn't matter they get the zero to 100
26678s here shock just go don't give them any
26680s breathing space which is exactly how you
26682s need to be playing against the shanghai
26683s dragons from start to finish
26686s proper collusion i mean that sleep down
26687s as well multiple sleep thoughts from
26688s violet that connects beautifully
26690s allowing for kills lip sleeping there
26692s he's thinking it's one of the worst
26693s situations you're thinking maybe i'll
26694s wake up i'm probably alive when you see
26697s finn walk up with a fireball clean you
26699s up
26700s there it is the shock wall actually come
26701s out with the same strat as the alley
26703s gladiators it's going to be the road hog
26705s from colluge in a very similar fashion
26707s to the clyde's trying to counter
26708s bernard's ball
26710s wants to try and get facebook but he's
26711s yucky it's the first one quick first
26713s blood at that still 12 seconds until the
26715s point lock uh unlocked so finn will have
26717s an opportunity to rejoin
26719s let's set them up nicely to posture
26720s forward though and try to go for that
26722s initial control pile driver in gets the
26724s knock off the charge
26725s not going to be able to connect there
26727s from busy yucky goes to the hook trying
26729s to drag fate in but there's just too
26731s much pressure being applied to the
26732s roadhog so ends up going down
26734s point unlocked this time the dragon's
26736s able to establish control off the rip
26738s we'll see if kaluj wants to flip away
26740s and yeah he's gonna go over to that diva
26743s which has been kind of his signature
26745s pick so far i'm personally still just
26747s waiting to be more convinced by the diva
26749s he kind of showed this versus london as
26750s well usually waits until i get bald to
26752s pull it out but here we go straight away
26754s on oasis city center the devil will make
26757s an early appearance is it gonna be good
26759s enough
26760s so fresh swap as well kilo as well zero
26763s ultimate charge dragon said 700 hp worth
26766s of roadhog to build up holds
26769s speed kind of getting beaten and
26771s battered as he looks for an opening
26774s pops the adaptive shield doesn't get too
26775s much shielding there stick comes in and
26777s hit the two on one special proper takes
26780s out flutter takes out lip in one fell
26782s swoop
26783s fate i don't even know what happened
26784s there went off the side of the map i
26785s don't know i don't care
26787s all i know is the shock absolutely
26790s pounded in the fight kilo cleaning up
26792s two on the back end as well and now
26794s they're in control
26796s proper so phenomenal on this tracer
26800s the double kills coming on through what
26802s he did on the previous round in gardens
26803s as well
26804s more than keeps
26806s shock into this plate now they finally
26808s get the percentage up 20 and counting
26810s dragons still working over towards some
26811s of their own outfits flirting about to
26812s hit that pulse bomb as well let's
26815s flatter versus proper matchup has been
26816s super super exciting but profit
26819s he's made this one he's trying to make
26821s this one as one side as possible that he
26822s can
26825s lose just eating that damage from behind
26826s widely stay safe but for the discord orb
26828s invested as well he will get demect
26832s looking for the kill on the baby diva
26833s take him low haven't finished him off
26835s yet but he's also not gaining too much
26836s as far as that pistol is concerned
26838s trying to get back into his mech but
26840s proper tequila still just doing the line
26842s share the work here for the side of the
26843s shock lipidly take on are taken out izzy
26846s yucking pressure being applied and he's
26848s actually going to pop the trans he
26848s commits it here to the fight after
26850s taking down finn i feel like they can
26852s turn this but
26853s i don't know if i'm fully convinced yet
26855s pulse bomb lobbed in proper not gonna
26856s find the hit takes the recall out back
26858s up the full hp makes his exit grabs the
26859s mini pack
26861s that's a little bit of damage there on
26862s the faith by dragons they use that
26864s trance they haven't been able to make
26865s their way over to the point they're
26866s trying to get this flipping now izzy is
26867s gonna be taken down it's just league
26868s left alive shield raised trying to
26870s survive the pressure being applied he
26872s cannot they break it down proper finds
26874s the kill in the shock looking to run
26876s away with this map
26878s beautiful stuff from proper there just
26879s staying alive putting the pressure on
26880s forcing the trance and he might not be
26883s able to kill yuziaki well they'll
26884s eventually get izyaki down but the
26886s dragons are just struggling to put a lid
26888s on properly going down now they have to
26890s use a rally 99 coming up now for the
26892s shark dragons would have to make the
26894s comeback kilo also getting some
26895s brilliant opening picks
26897s looking to see if lift can do the same
26898s thing
26901s overclock the overclocked pin with the
26903s transcendence about to be up rallies is
26905s well available for either side
26907s limp searching for a target spots a few
26910s there's the rally going through he gets
26911s kilo in the head
26912s shuts him down and that's gonna be a
26914s pause called in the middle of the action
26920s okay
26921s deep breaths in 99 up
26924s remember
26936s [Music]
26945s [Music]
26953s [Music]
26959s alrighty well
26961s uh huge kills going through looks like
26963s everyone might be having a little bit of
26964s an issue as well as we have this pause
26966s so it's all right you guys just hang
26967s tight with me
26969s and uh we will see how this all develops
26972s not sure exactly what the issue is seems
26974s to be on the shock side of things but
26976s hopefully we can get this taken care of
26977s we'll go right back into the game as
26979s this is a very tense moment what avril
26981s was trying to say is that
26983s uh given the situation right now for the
26985s shock even if they do lose out on this
26987s fight should be in a comfortable
26989s position and since they are already at
26991s 99 percent of the dragons have to start
26993s from 40 try to build all the way back up
26994s to the top but we'll see if they can
26996s even win this one out because the shock
26998s have been incredibly clutch so far
27001s see
27002s what occurs and if i get any updates
27003s obviously i will share that with you
27005s guys but for now we're just going to be
27006s hanging out
27007s and getting ready to go back into this
27008s and i can't hear you i'm not sure if
27010s you're prepped on stream or not but uh
27012s hopefully okay seems like we are good
27014s apple's back and uh yeah we're still in
27017s a boss
27020s [Music]
27028s [Music]
27032s okay
27033s looks like he's looks like he's still
27035s having a couple of issues so it's okay
27039s this is what happens you got sometimes
27040s the online productions and uh this can
27043s occur but it's fine
27046s i'm here and i will i will keep you guys
27048s company as we uh
27051s uh get our way through these bosses of
27053s course this is just things that happen i
27054s i've been cursed for so very long ever
27057s since contenders of 2018 and whatnot
27059s even before then some of the other games
27060s that i cast the long pauses have come
27062s through and it's just uh it's something
27064s that continues to follow me you know
27066s it's just uh it is what it is but you
27068s get used to it at a certain point you
27069s just have to sit back and uh relish the
27071s pauses and now you get to have a little
27072s bit of a podcast moment normally i have
27074s somebody accompanying me but hopefully
27075s we can get avril back into this and get
27077s everything worked out on his uh side of
27079s things so that we can carry on and i
27080s have somebody to converse with otherwise
27082s you guys are just going to be listening
27083s to the ramblings of a madman as i
27085s steadily decline into insanity uh
27087s sitting here in a pause by myself so
27090s either way whichever way you know it you
27092s know transpires it should be uh
27094s entertaining at least for you guys uh
27096s because if the game starts up then we're
27097s really excited and if it doesn't then i
27099s keep talking you get to watch me go
27100s crazy so there we go uh entertainment
27103s value no matter which way you slice it
27104s once more i think i'm hearing apple
27106s we'll see if his uh connection
27108s situation has leveled out and if we're
27111s gonna be good uh but yeah still waiting
27114s on the pause hopefully taken care of
27116s i don't know what's going on
27118s so how are you guys doing
27121s i hope chad's uh hanging in there doing
27122s well
27123s so
27125s you know
27128s i can't read the chat it's not going to
27130s and then if i did you guys would be like
27131s a minute behind so it's kind of
27133s difficult to have a a conversation but i
27135s hope that you guys are hanging in there
27136s alongside me and i have been enjoying
27138s the matches so far today because it has
27140s been a pretty crazy day as we have had
27143s kind of
27144s each and every day in this tournament
27145s which is great this is one of the things
27147s that we've been lacking for a while and
27148s i've been really looking forward to
27149s obviously is international competition
27151s and i'm really glad to see that so far
27153s all of the teams are very much
27155s delivering we haven't really had too
27156s many one-sided affairs uh in this
27158s tournament series and everything has
27160s been
27161s pretty damn awesome to watch so
27164s i for one is super excited to continue
27167s things and just uh see how everything uh
27169s keeps going
27171s so i hope that you guys are enjoying it
27173s as well i know that it's it's you know
27174s depending on where you are in the world
27176s it's late it's early it's in the middle
27177s of the afternoon uh so for those of you
27180s guys who are waking up early or staying
27181s up late to be able to watch these
27182s matches we appreciate all of you i
27184s personally appreciate and love all of
27186s you
27186s so
27187s keep fighting the good fight which is
27189s you know fighting against your
27191s needing to have to sleep
27193s and stay in here with us because you
27194s know if i could if i can do this if i
27195s can get up at five in the morning for a
27197s tech check-in and then start casting
27199s like seven hours later and try to keep
27201s you guys entertained then uh
27203s it should be uh you know
27205s it should be all right
27207s i think you guys can hang in there but i
27209s think we're gonna be getting things
27210s underway in just a moment so hopefully
27213s we'll be going back into the action and
27214s i will be
27215s uh
27216s i i will be your guide i will be your
27218s ferryman taking you through the rest of
27219s this map it would seem as we just
27220s continue to work on avril's side of
27222s things so it's all good you're in good
27225s hands as it turns out
27227s so hopefully we'll just get this
27229s resuming here pretty quickly reading uh
27232s in the chat league on saying uh
27234s or no collusion saying please don't kill
27236s me so it seems like he thinks he might
27237s be in a bit of a rough spot as we get
27239s ready to go out of the pause and here we
27241s go the action's gonna resume lift the
27242s overclock now expiring looking for
27245s another target had just taken down kilo
27246s moments before we had that pause come
27248s through
27249s probably getting tagged up as well this
27250s rail still being held transcend it's
27252s going to be used by finn
27254s you'll be very alive for the moment
27255s proper pulse pop nearly online he finds
27258s fleta takes him down to about half hp
27260s the ot starts to bleed away rapidly
27261s violet gets on top of the legion god
27263s finds that elimination and they can't
27264s get on to the point fleta steps off for
27267s just a moment and all that build up all
27269s that weight to see what was gonna happen
27272s and it all comes to an end so the kill
27274s on kilo be damned the shock they brush
27277s it off they get the win they spam the
27280s chat with some c9s and they draw first
27282s blood over the shanghai dragons moving
27284s up 1-0 in the series
27299s i'm like i'm not gonna lie i can't hear
27301s apple he's he's coming in really choppy
27302s every now and then i wasn't sure if he
27304s was back he's not so uh you guys are
27306s just still with me for the time being
27308s but there we go a great lead for the
27310s side of the san francisco shock and a
27311s fantastic showing they're going to be
27312s feeling great after getting this win a
27314s team finally won on their pick when they
27316s selected oasis to start off a series
27318s that's something to celebrate all by
27320s itself but now it's gonna be the
27321s shanghai dragons who do have map pick at
27323s their disposal we'll see where they want
27326s to take us for hybrids been a hell of a
27328s lot of kings row as of late so maybe
27329s we'll get some more of that i don't know
27332s all i know is that we are going to take
27333s a little break see if we can get avril
27335s uh right back in here alongside me but
27337s either way i'll be here and i can't wait
27339s to resume we'll go to a quick little
27341s break and we'll see what the shanghai
27342s dragons land on for their map pick
27355s [Music]
27361s [Music]
27379s [Music]
27405s so
27415s [Music]
27420s do
27422s [Music]
27575s do
27588s so
27649s ah
27653s [Music]
27664s i don't know what you just said very
27666s good is everybody sitting down right now
27668s we need to start getting everybody to
27670s sit down
27671s dude can you literally be shocked
27673s can you really just listen to me okay
27681s [Music]
27690s me and robert the only people in the
27691s lobby dude you guys said well if you
27693s want are we playing today
27694s [Music]
27701s [Music]
27706s huh
27707s oh you say my name
27709s no
27710s never mind danny every time i win an off
27713s roll i'm an off-road hero you need to
27714s type you just talk soccer and you just
27716s lost that hawk winston i need someone to
27717s type that match up let's go
27720s gotta lose visited
27723s um
27724s [Music]
27726s [Laughter]
27753s me
27756s [Music]
27776s [Music]
27781s [Music]
27789s the only thing that matters in this comp
27790s is the ryan so
27800s alrighty we are back and hopefully
27802s everything is uh good to go moving
27804s forward we've got avril back in the
27805s driver's seat alongside me and we are
27807s going to carry forward with this series
27809s shock able to take the first map their
27811s pick of oasis they lock it in it looks
27814s good now the dragons as we move forward
27816s to hybrid they're gonna be taking us to
27817s eichenball
27819s two on one finish there from the shock
27821s there as well dragons could not bring it
27823s back on city center
27825s and i don't know if we got this one in
27827s the broadcast a little bit earlier on
27828s but i was saying that that is actually
27830s the first map loss of the shanghai
27832s dragon so far this entire tournament
27834s they are actually zero they're actually
27835s six and zero in map wins across their
27837s two matches so
27839s they had looked pretty indomitable but
27840s shock coming through
27842s and prove that the dragons can indeed
27844s bleed
27846s they have the dragons though the
27848s question is has this angered them or
27850s weakened them will they be able to reply
27853s get into form and look to shut them down
27855s and tie up the series as mentioned i can
27857s both gonna be the map pick for hybrid
27860s we'll be moving forward
27861s seeing if the shock can take a stretch
27863s lead i mean what a statement it would be
27865s if they are able to get a 2-0 start and
27867s force the shanghai dragons into a
27869s reverse sweep
27871s position
27873s and really set themselves up for success
27875s to move forward here in this tournament
27877s shanghai dragons yeah we know what can
27879s happen when they are pressed we know
27880s that even if they do get into that
27882s position they are fairly reliable and
27884s you cannot count them out if a reverse
27886s sweep is necessary uh but obviously you
27888s want to avoid that they want to be able
27890s to come back into this wii and gain
27892s control in the series
27894s i mean we expected that this is going to
27895s be competitive series right a two and
27897s one finish on oaxis dragons finally
27898s losing their first map
27900s the san francisco shark now also
27901s bringing sam in over kilo so we have the
27904s eye convolved or actually did sort of
27906s tease this map uh while we were going
27908s through oasis when collusion brought up
27909s the diva right this is actually a map
27911s that cluj has specifically been running
27913s the diva on
27914s to be very clear this is definitely what
27917s i would consider off meta even from
27918s talking to you know some of the other
27920s coaches as well to get their thoughts on
27921s where diva's place is in the middle uh
27923s it's pretty unanimous across the board
27925s uh well minor shock here that uh diva
27928s definitely isn't really one of the main
27930s picks on tank that you would expect so
27932s shock have definitely been the one team
27934s that want to do as much of this as
27935s possible dragons now tasting their first
27938s little bit of defeat in the mid-season
27940s madness tournament see if they can
27941s bounce back
27943s well here we go
27945s doors opened up same on the echo up in
27947s the sky proper of course just gonna be
27948s on the tracer why would you put him on
27950s anything else given the performance that
27951s he's put up already in this series let
27953s alone the whole tournament in season
27956s long
27958s making their way forward now on the
27959s attack shanghai dragons getting ready to
27961s assault the point fate hanging back
27962s because the moment leader got out in the
27964s open shield bashes away to break line of
27966s sight still falling low and the shield
27968s is down he's swinging
27970s instead of keeping himself protected the
27971s healing throughput ferments izzy is
27973s nowhere near high enough
27975s save his cohort lyft doesn't manage to
27976s find one though putting proper in the
27978s dirt
27979s good headshot from him but let's control
27980s it off the back if it wants to just wait
27982s and see lee jiang is gonna be rushing to
27983s try to rejoin
27985s yeah it's five before currently proper
27986s still needs to get back here from spawn
27988s they're trying to dive on top of colluge
27990s if dragons cannot kill they can force
27991s the fight before once more already one
27994s tick a second one getting ready to come
27995s through conceded by the side of the
27997s shock dragons seemingly satisfied with
27999s that go ahead pull back away from the
28001s point
28002s sure that everybody is nice and safe
28004s topped up on the hp bars and look to
28006s re-aggress
28010s there's the roll out very big ring on
28012s the tampon i mean we saw the two ticks
28014s coming on through it so i haven't had
28015s any ultimates online for either squad so
28017s this is just going to come down to
28018s neutral picks we find one easy twice i
28021s mean they just rotate away from proper
28022s he still will get his yaki on the end
28024s but not before
28025s he claims two big pickups now but it
28028s finds violet paint dropped proper still
28030s alive pulse bomb at the ready this is
28032s still turnable for the side of the shock
28033s jump over to the side grabs the health
28035s pack but with clues broken out of the
28036s mech that is going to be the cap coming
28038s in but maybe robert was able to commit
28040s on that fight
28041s could have turned it around but it is
28043s not here's the z
28044s like to do
28046s yeah so you know you see the dragons
28048s actually a multi-man dive easy aki part
28050s of the dive with both lip and fate i
28052s mean she's looking from easy people he's
28054s he goes through that sort of left side
28055s and then instantly lip slides in fate
28058s rolls in and they roll two members of
28060s the shock instantaneously the shock dude
28062s respond with a couple of frags but it's
28063s not gonna be enough to save the point
28064s proper did not get to use that pulse one
28066s still has an available filler flitter as
28068s well together in i'll be looking for his
28070s own pick
28073s from now
28075s forward choked surrendered by the shark
28077s not looking to contest it yet as the
28079s cart moves up to the first corner this
28081s is when they'll start getting involved
28082s kalu's dropping down to the low ground
28084s instantly chunked out to about half
28085s rotates up top stay safe get some long
28088s range coming through
28090s you know is available pulse not flip
28092s flooded not gonna find anything though
28095s no opening kill to be found so the cart
28096s still widely gonna be locked into
28098s position as
28099s dragons are looking to retake the castle
28101s here
28103s yeah this is likely maybe a defensive
28104s nano because there's no great now to
28106s tigers you could be narrowing sam but he
28107s doesn't have the ultimate mana gets a
28109s kill though or you just hold onto i need
28111s to burn the ultimate at this stage yeah
28113s don't just keep it held on inches the
28115s card forward a little bit more but now
28116s with this yaki going down it's gonna be
28117s further staggers
28119s but in deep antenate out onto two the
28121s chase ford is there proper trying to get
28123s that execution
28124s can't quite get it but does force them
28126s back
28127s three minutes 20 seconds now
28131s low all trade game here as well because
28133s you see that one pulse one for flatter
28134s but the other nine members are holding
28136s on as more and more ultimate start
28138s piling in and this is probably what you
28140s expect right a dragons member will dive
28141s on top of a shark invite will probably
28143s use the now defensively unlike finn if
28145s he gets into trouble
28146s dragon's trying to take a little bit of
28148s high ground control here you see them
28149s rotating around the map they've
28150s abandoned the car they just want mass
28152s control
28154s rally opened up from legit gone proper
28157s looking to shut somebody down with this
28159s pulse there's quite a bit of damage
28160s there from mizuyaki
28162s now they're aware of property's position
28163s nano goes forward out on the step
28166s no overclock yet using the transcendence
28168s both support ultimates burned into the
28170s fight here but as the rally expires the
28172s pilot on top of the legion go on the man
28173s to find that elimination overclock pop
28175s by lift we'll find one
28177s takes the head off looks for more
28180s some damage through onto collusion now
28182s let's loose with that self-destruct goes
28184s it up into the air but actually explodes
28186s just behind this castle walls so it's
28188s not able to catch anybody doesn't manage
28190s to make it back into the neck safely
28191s however
28192s a chance for a re-contest plena on the
28194s hunt nothing
28196s though he might even die to his own
28200s makes it easy
28201s rail to the head flutter out of the
28203s fight cart still being brought forward
28205s by legion caught but now the high ground
28207s is taken by the side of the shot he's a
28208s yaki he's left on the drive no one there
28210s to peel for him gets taken down to quick
28213s cleanups here a lot of the supports the
28214s dragons once more back into the squadron
28217s and that was nearly disastrous from the
28219s san francisco shock as well but what you
28220s do see is the self-destruct from college
28223s actually buys time for both college and
28225s proper to regroup with the rest of the
28227s team usually the self-destructs are not
28228s particularly useful in this particular
28230s matter you'll use them to reset your
28231s mech that's a situation where dragons
28233s were probably gonna look for the cleanup
28234s on the last two members but they can't
28236s get the kills because of the deeper bomb
28237s oh man
28238s it's just getting bullied right now
28240s doesn't manage to survive but the lip
28242s cannot say the same
28245s and another kill another
28248s slow up
28249s spade
28250s keeping the cart locked by the bridge
28252s resetting the rollback timer
28255s everybody else is just getting picked
28256s apart izzy i can take it down probably
28258s with a sliver of hp still holding on
28261s pin cleans up flat out it'll slip
28264s loosely take off
28266s again
28266s does the damage okay yeah they see that
28268s they see that they are going to be there
28269s in time yeah
28271s just in time it looks like feedback
28272s stuff i think fake should have committed
28274s there's a real small window that would
28275s maybe if they just said a little bit
28277s longer but you'll get out with his life
28278s i think he does want to value the fact
28280s that he has a flank going for him i
28282s wanted to mark him you see that violence
28284s even maybe looking behind proper could
28285s be chasing but they don't want to over
28287s chase this one they want to focus on the
28289s front lines here
28290s fake doing a lot of work though to keep
28292s dragons in final fight churchill 30
28293s seconds remaining couple ultimates there
28295s for the dragons but real it is about
28297s fade if he can maybe find a way to flank
28299s 30 seconds i mean he's just trying to
28301s keep him busy he's buying attention he's
28303s pulling the shots back towards the point
28304s b finish rather than forward where they
28307s can try to cut down the approaching
28308s members of the shanghai dragons say i'm
28310s still looking to do that though as they
28311s take on the shield just fractured ball
28314s low and he dies lit will find finn
28316s before he can use the trance
28318s just trying to keep everybody else alive
28319s now in the fight
28320s six seconds remaining the touch still
28322s needed to come through to force at the
28324s overtime someone's going to go for it
28325s flutter low on hp makes his way forward
28328s gets it ot forced
28330s they're finding an opening kill colluge
28332s down a half but holds on
28334s actually he's going to open up within
28335s the rail will manage to take one down
28336s but lip has got nowhere to go ends up
28338s getting dropped fate
28340s limited by the pulse bomb as well
28342s transcendence now to keep everybody else
28343s pinned here to the cart finn just
28345s ushering them forward keeping this
28347s contested they want to end it right here
28348s right now and have a win condition under
28350s their belt
28352s rather than give them access to the
28353s castle itself is a yaki eliminating
28355s there's an explosion of death comes back
28357s on the doom cleans up too and there you
28360s have it shanghai dragons cannot make it
28362s to
28365s be just like the damage there i mean the
28367s biggest thing that we see is the fact
28369s that self-destruct once again is able to
28370s buy space
28372s no remake for college lift will get that
28375s mid-air rail shot however because lip
28377s had nowhere to run the self-destruct
28379s kills him what we even see there towards
28380s the end is lip actually had an overclock
28383s so had lip stayed alive or if he didn't
28386s die to the self-destruct which at this
28387s stage didn't really look possible right
28389s like he was dead to rights given the
28390s angle and trajectory of that diva bomb
28393s that could have been a different fight
28394s for the shanghai dragons you had the
28395s legion rally popped as well but the
28397s damage was not available only fleta
28400s could really get more damage in san
28402s francisco shock buying time for closure
28403s return divided with a major double i
28406s think even maybe triple and teenage hit
28408s combined with colludes punching a couple
28410s members that it's instant death in the
28411s dragons did not have time to play any
28413s further it's all done
28417s i mean what a return
28419s instant punch pinned against the wall
28423s taken down fantastic return
28428s and a great swap you know already fine
28430s found value with the self-destruct and
28433s is able to go over to the doomfist and
28435s shut them down even further
28439s the shanghai dragons a bit of a struggle
28441s on that attack i mean i think the a
28443s eventually got there which is decent but
28445s that entire b offense seemed very shock
28448s favored
28449s proper made it difficult colludes while
28451s staying alive in the deep at a very
28452s critical moment in the middle
28454s of that uh offensive phase where you
28456s know again two of them are live proper
28458s on one hp but shanghai dragons cannot
28460s clean them up and if it wasn't for fate
28462s sort of back capping
28464s that may not have even been that much
28466s distance either
28473s dragons now
28475s all into the defense you have a strong
28477s performance
28479s but lip is taken down off the rim fin
28481s just catching him in the head
28484s great opening kill here shocking out
28486s very much feel comfortable posture
28488s as well discord is out of the hand but i
28490s believe it's gonna be proper who's
28491s chasing forward trying to get that kill
28493s legit gone
28494s he's trying to peel for him he ends up
28496s getting caught up in the crossfire balls
28498s that's the point capped five and a half
28500s minutes in the time bank his flight
28502s dives in the back end
28503s they can't find a damn thing the shock
28506s break through and there you see they're
28507s very much hungry for this
28510s i mean they might get to kill the lip
28511s again if that happens and that's just
28512s going to be a long stagger dragons would
28514s love to beat the regrowth properly but
28516s that certainly not going to happen with
28517s lip down twice fired opens that one up
28519s big though he lands a double bar on it
28521s which hits both lip and i believe it
28522s might have been legit gone at the
28523s beginning lip couldn't get healed up and
28525s then finn finds that kill
28527s pulse bomb now into easy action it just
28529s doesn't stop prophets pressure on the
28531s shanghai dragons is phenomenal this
28532s giving san francisco shockwave should be
28534s giving them free push they're actually
28535s on the payload at the moment that needs
28536s to change so finally pushing that
28538s payload up
28540s making it
28541s push forward but i mean it doesn't even
28543s matter honestly right now the way that
28545s this is going it feels like they could
28546s leave the payload there for three
28547s minutes and then just come back to it
28548s comfortably and be able to push time and
28551s time again the picks are just coming
28552s through and shanghai dragons just
28554s aren't playing together and they can't
28556s play individually versus this pressure
28559s they don't have memphis they're always
28560s down one they haven't been able to reset
28562s properly because plays like proper and
28564s you know finn collusion always in their
28565s face payload's been pushed onto the
28566s bridge now fake got slipped at it maybe
28568s dragons can actually get a fight go with
28570s five up
28571s what a falling glow nearly take it down
28572s by the maid there
28574s does have a pulse getting ready to come
28576s through builds it up there by shooting
28577s spin but izzy aki once more picked off
28579s the nano who's goes through tim finds
28581s the kill violence gonna be traded though
28583s look with a nice headshot trying to even
28585s it up but now lip is gone you have a
28587s clock as he searches for yet another
28589s target sees the recall whips the jump
28590s but in the meantime here's the card no
28592s one can contest fate down below half hp
28595s and it's just yeah there's just not
28596s going to be a touch
28598s there's just not going to be a touch
28601s too far away fate was still coming back
28603s from spawn he's yaki's too slow on the
28604s zen
28606s fledera was dead
28607s so not a single person could actually
28609s touch and that just comes through from
28610s excellent snowballing on the san
28612s francisco shock
28613s again credit divided for finding early
28615s bioneed connections on towards a that
28618s the shock will be able to get picks from
28620s finn as well getting some really good
28622s damage and they never let that pressure
28624s go the foot of the neck of the dragons
28626s the entire way through b which was the
28628s biggest struggle for the shanghai
28629s dragons now on both the offense and the
28631s defense you barely saw a fight from the
28633s dragons at all on b this now has to be a
28636s reverse sweep we were hoping that this
28638s one was going to be a banger spark and
28639s glads really showed what the top level
28641s gameplay could be but currently dragons
28643s are struggling
28645s uh i think struggling is is putting it
28647s lightly honestly i think you just need
28649s to go all in this is a visible look for
28651s them right now this is the dragons doing
28653s their best dynasty impersonation in this
28655s tournament
28656s they are not showing up in this matchup
28658s now again as i was saying before they
28661s are in a position where they have to
28662s reverse sweep they've been good for in
28663s the past but they have never looked this
28665s out of sorts
28666s work cut out for them we'll see if they
28668s can dig deep enough to get a map win on
28670s the board once more they will have their
28671s selection we'll see where they take us
28672s for escort when we come back for the
28674s break
28681s [Music]
28701s [Music]
28713s [Music]
28737s [Music]
28754s [Music]
28773s [Music]
28797s [Music]
28808s do
28820s [Music]
28826s [Music]
28845s [Music]
28857s [Music]
28866s me
28869s [Music]
28880s [Music]
28895s whoever said lightning doesn't strike
28897s twice has never met the san francisco
28899s stock
28903s some of the most hardcore carry
28905s performances that i've ever seen just a
28906s depth of talent on their roster that
28908s can't be denied i mean what more can you
28910s ask in the shop this is going to be a
28912s wild ride
28914s [Music]
28915s violet is cracked he's out of his mind
28918s i say that justice okay
28921s at face with everything right now jesus
28923s christ
28924s [Music]
28932s san francisco has cemented themselves as
28934s the greatest team in overwatch
28938s [Music]
28940s and the san francisco shock looking
28942s incredible just like our new legendary
28944s skin the royal night mercy on sale for a
28947s limited time so make sure you guys grab
28948s it while you can it's on sale
28951s until august 19th just 200 league tokens
28954s you earn it by watching the stream you
28956s should have enough pick it up while you
28957s still can
28959s anyway i think even better when as uh
28962s i'm pretty sure you know the winning
28963s team will get their own flavor of the
28965s skin as well which at the
28967s moment between shock and glad still in
28970s the upper bracket i mean shocked
28971s definitely leading the series
28973s it's
28974s the final moments here for dragons to
28975s try and pull something through they are
28976s going to make substitutions we're seeing
28978s void and baby come on in you're probably
28979s wondering what that's about we're going
28981s to an escort map circuit royale did tee
28983s this one up a little bit earlier in
28985s terms of
28986s a bit of a teaser for what we can expect
28987s moving forward this was
28990s an incredible map from the dragons
28992s versus the dallas field
28993s earlier on in this tournament lips do we
28995s make here void obviously here to play
28997s the segment baby an easy argument for
29000s the double flex support a comfortable
29002s matchup i think for a player like
29004s colluge on the shot because sigma is his
29006s best hero the big test now will be if
29009s kilo can match the water maker of lift
29011s now that happens
29012s the dragons are likely to topple because
29016s for the rest of it been invited been
29017s phenomenal proper as well well proper
29019s does as proper does right that's uh very
29022s standard stuff from proper the way he
29023s was carrying on that last map
29026s yeah i mean it's just been
29028s a perfect performance the whole way
29030s throughout from him and i mean widely
29031s from everybody on the side of the shock
29033s very little to ridicule at all
29035s the shanghai dragons just have the
29037s pressure mounting against them time and
29039s time again we'll see if the swap in here
29041s from bay bay and void is gonna be good
29043s enough for them to get the victory as we
29045s do get ready to go into circuit royale
29046s for escort but yep i mean it's
29049s everything to play for from here on out
29050s need that reverse sweep you cannot
29052s afford to
29054s you know fall off for even a moment
29056s because even while the dragons are
29058s driving the dam this the shock are just
29059s shutting them down time and time again
29060s so they need to level up and they need
29062s to maintain that performance the whole
29064s way throughout
29066s there would be a pretty comprehensive
29067s win for the shock as well if they can
29069s sort of defeat every
29071s version of the dragons what should say
29073s that okay we're going to an escort map
29075s the other players from dragons come on
29077s in and so if this isn't going to be a
29080s dragon's win well first of all they're
29081s definitely going to go down 0-03 but
29083s shock would certainly be cementing
29084s themselves on the top and we talked
29086s about the fact that this is a rookie
29087s versus veteran battle where
29089s you know
29090s you can look at the shock you can look
29091s at some of their previous match wins
29093s you're thinking you know why you know
29094s they're just kind of beating up on some
29096s of the lower n8 teams you know they're
29098s sort of winning against the i don't have
29100s to name them you can just look at the
29101s standards in a and just
29102s confirm for yourself who they've been
29104s beating but the point is now it's not
29106s just those teams that they're favored to
29108s be we're talking about
29109s the shanghai dragons here the champions
29111s of 2021 and shock coming through with an
29114s entirely new squad minus violet
29117s and currently 2-0 leading on match point
29119s i mean that's uh that's a big statement
29122s absolutely is now we'll get ready to
29124s jump into this map and see if it's all
29127s going to come to a very fast conclusion
29129s or if the shanghai dragons can in fact
29131s fight back because as you mentioned at
29133s the top of the show on top of this match
29135s rather shania dragons have not tried had
29138s not dropped maps
29139s up until this point and now they
29142s themselves are in threat of being swept
29144s which would just be
29145s i suppose poetic justice at the hands of
29147s the san francisco shock but very much
29149s disappointing
29150s for shanghai as well as just all of
29153s their fans and everybody who is hoping
29155s for a much closer series including
29157s ourselves
29159s i've been saying watch the piano of
29161s course we had uh some thin piano playing
29164s when
29165s when was it last time was it during the
29167s kickoff clash i believe
29168s [Music]
29170s and uh uber said beautiful when that
29171s happened shotgun here we go
29176s [Music]
29180s pretty good
29181s [Music]
29184s a nice finish i get a little scared
29186s though if it's too good we might get
29187s dmca so credit defender for at least
29189s just you know a little bit at the end a
29190s bit of
29191s freestyle just gonna start playing
29193s freebird on the piano something like
29194s that
29195s get us in trouble
29198s licensed music only
29199s [Music]
29205s he's doing a good job of it though
29207s but now with the timer ticking down
29211s swap over to the zenyatta as the gates
29213s open up kilo here with the widowmaker
29215s looking for a pop shot from blimp
29219s and this is going to be the lip platter
29220s special as well where flanna can also
29222s play the sergeant but the interesting
29223s thing is we look towards the sharp side
29225s that's also something proper does says
29227s time to be picking that one up
29229s early couple of uh shots coming through
29231s from kilo and let's actually see the
29232s differential in the uh what is it the
29235s ultimate charge there kilo has done the
29237s significant about more damage but no
29239s final blows obviously
29241s not yet
29242s a couple chest shots
29244s it's on the hunt though
29248s a little bit of a back and forth here
29249s between them the barrier are going to be
29250s broken down to the front lines is yucky
29253s that absolutely could have been yellow
29255s it's not a pop shot now but everyone's
29256s pulled back comfortably around the
29258s corner breaking line of sight but this
29259s is a good amount of space offered up for
29262s free by the shanghai dragons
29264s they know that they are in dire straits
29266s but lip he does manage to open things up
29268s with a nice head shot looks for a
29269s follow-up there but
29271s no proper sliding away keeps himself
29273s safe there it is once more and it's
29275s actually going to be proper he gets the
29276s connection
29278s yeah it has to be considered there
29279s because the problem has a headshot he
29280s can't actually dive at little play that
29282s spirit arranged it
29284s and uh proper won't be able to land that
29285s rail shot that leaks not to the head
29287s still got the pressure on the luge
29289s has taken down the immortality field
29291s which now both teams and gets to kill
29292s the baby it was just kind of trapped in
29294s the corner there flooded as well
29296s eliminated kilo this time getting some
29298s revenge that's point a broken open with
29300s relative ease
29302s now one kill from lips
29304s making it look a little bit decent
29306s providing some hope
29308s it all comes tumbling down maybe for now
29311s just sat inside of his body i think he's
29312s trying to stay quiet around the corner
29314s but here's the hunt
29316s and uh this is not gonna end well
29318s and that's a good that's a good read as
29320s well in terms of looking at the respawns
29322s understanding that baby probably got a
29323s bad spot in which he did and they'll be
29326s able to clean that one up lips response
29327s is going to give shanghai dragons the
29329s opportunity to maybe push on out if san
29331s francisco shock actually falls a
29332s dragon's alt here just for them to leave
29334s spawn that'll be huge currently free
29336s pushing payload and shock claiming a lot
29339s of foreground
29344s flux does come through but i don't know
29346s if boyd actually really caught too many
29348s people there maybe colluge by the way
29350s was set up he isn't a bad spot though
29352s boyd gets the accretion stun they get
29354s the punish
29355s they open it up just a little bit the
29356s cart still however steadily making its
29359s way around this final corner towards b
29361s the alts in the meantime he's getting
29362s banked up from this out of the shock
29365s and it looks like when dragons actually
29367s use their flux from boyd and push on out
29369s collusion cut off from his team the rest
29370s of shock had to back out and collude
29372s still very far forward and nowhere to go
29374s proper with the brittley sniper the lip
29375s can this be the push from dragons or
29377s rather from shock he's gonna look to
29378s make it happen and there it is proper
29381s look gets himself the 4k can he get the
29384s ac absolutely can
29386s what a shutdown and what a time bank
29389s five minutes plus here for the side of
29391s the san francisco shock at the final
29392s approach
29394s matt pick be damned oh hopper can not be
29397s stopped
29398s yeah he's still going nearly down take
29401s him
29402s was still happy about that though
29404s signature little smile plus the head
29406s wave tiny dance to the seat it's not
29408s going to pop off the way someone does
29410s but doesn't need to yeah it's got the
29411s pop-up in the game instead flutter going
29413s down tequila the swap now from proper
29415s onto the genji
29417s kilo could potentially look for another
29419s swap as well it is often that you see
29421s the widowmaker player actually swap off
29422s from the sea offense but oh that'll be
29424s proper going towards the genji first
29425s he'll be the dedicated car pushing out i
29427s mean given the shots that he's hitting
29429s right there i mean doesn't get the head
29430s shot on the lip but still
29432s chunks him out
29433s he might just be feeling it enough to
29435s stay
29436s on this pick
29440s blue just flux by the way
29442s no one see him
29446s respecting lip
29448s wise thing to do even if he has had the
29450s upper hand for the most part
29453s barrier out now gone kinetic grasp
29456s absorbing quite a bit
29457s boy dropped pretty hefty shield there
29460s yeah
29461s boyd does look to contest now as the
29463s card is so very close
29465s around the corner though hold it from
29466s here as the window comes through
29469s the knee based window
29471s he's dead the now picking him up
29473s in the corner is a he goes forward with
29475s the transcendence trying to keep
29476s everybody alive head shot there's a
29478s proper get slipped not sure if it wasn't
29479s effective just the shark is either way
29481s it's a massive breakthrough
29483s mortality field is out the cart once
29485s more pushing forward boyd gonna be taken
29486s down
29487s such a one-sided affair
29490s an absolute explosion at that the entire
29492s team evaporates
29493s three minutes and 19 seconds for the
29495s shock
29496s they are hungry for the 3-0 win
29499s yeah they look like they're about to get
29501s that one as well shanghai dragons have
29503s not really shown up on this defense or
29505s indeed maybe over this entire series so
29507s far only four final blows across that
29508s entire defense three of which came from
29511s lip
29512s initially the shanghai dragons when push
29514s comes to shove and we get towards the
29516s final moments there
29518s collusion proper pushing the payload
29520s along
29521s lip can't find that pick violet will
29523s drop down the amplification matrix to
29525s seal the deal and dragons do not have a
29527s response that one colludes flux that
29529s we've been waiting for the entire
29530s offense
29532s comes through in a pretty decisive
29534s manner and will allow the shark to
29536s completely clean up the shanghai dragons
29538s defense and get that kill and like you
29540s sort of mentioned while proper shutting
29541s down
29542s lift towards the end there flutter
29543s getting first flooded yeah there's just
29544s not a lot to say about the shanghai
29546s dragons in terms of that defense
29548s i just
29550s felt like they're not really even loaded
29552s up into the lobby right now
29567s the whiffy at the end is is actually i
29570s would say technically better for the san
29571s francisco shot because they're actually
29572s staggering izaki slightly it's not
29574s probably going to amount to anything
29575s that they can use but i'll take it
29578s there's uh no piano playing from the
29580s shanghai dragons here they've got to
29581s square up and get serious because they
29583s uh you know to say they're in dire
29584s straits would be an understatement
29586s flip has tried his best he's got some
29587s frags in there but it's not been enough
29589s to carry them
29598s slow and steady now
29600s on this push there's the shots complying
29602s with the widowmakers neither finding too
29604s many hits
29607s one shock also do you need to see
29610s you do need to see flint up kind of come
29612s into his own hair a little bit as well
29613s because he was very invisible on that
29615s defense yes no final blows half of
29617s prophet's damage
29619s in this range so look you might say
29622s maybe the side does matter while dragons
29624s are playing the other side now
29625s so no more excuses he has to show up
29630s boyd
29630s having a rough go of it there's one up
29632s okay there's one involved gets one
29634s proper take it down
29635s hug out behind the statue
29638s good kill try to open things up now he's
29640s sliding forward aggressively during the
29641s nape trying to cut off escape but kilo
29643s on the back of that gets the shot gets
29645s slipping the follow-up now looks for a
29647s little bit more
29649s and will be eliminated
29650s mortality field coming through the
29652s window as well built up rapidly by baby
29654s has him at the ready throws it down but
29655s kaloosh gets void
29657s push still going through but proper
29659s returns get to zayaki the shock you're
29661s gonna be able to hold this
29663s yeah
29664s decisively as well and that one
29667s hold here on a specifically let's take a
29669s look at kilo actually first and foremost
29672s really
29674s and then boom i mean barely a pixel a
29676s micro second there just to peek on
29678s through and find lip but knew the angle
29680s that he was playing at this is now
29683s dragons unable to match the 390. we
29685s probably didn't expect them to be able
29686s to match 319 anyway just very difficult
29688s to be able to match but that'll confirm
29690s it a single loss fight means that
29691s dragons now just play for any sort of
29693s map completion no longer fighting for
29695s 319.
29698s now looking trying to retake the card
29700s for themselves there's the flux to start
29702s void picking up violence drops them down
29704s immortality kill comes out hp bars
29706s however are still quite low but points
29708s is even lower and it's non-existent now
29711s the head shot comes in
29713s lift trying to jiggle around this statue
29715s to challenge
29716s it just can't do anything he's going to
29718s try to grapple away and he's still out
29720s in a dangerous spot proper takes
29721s advantage
29722s gets the kill and it's just such a wash
29726s that's the infrasight advantage i mean
29728s lip can't see kilo kilo sees everything
29730s including taking down void as well
29733s and there's a flux coming online for san
29734s francisco shock i mean forget about
29736s finishing the map dragon's just gonna
29737s focus on capping a cause this could be a
29739s disastrous full hold what's us for the
29741s dragons to be celebratory for the shock
29743s look at the ultimates three of them
29744s lighting up
29747s it'll be an ot push of nothing else
29754s overdrive at the ready the transcendence
29756s the flux everything to work with flutter
29758s popping his overclock
29760s looking for some targets flux there from
29762s colluge
29763s not gonna find any
29765s eliminations flutter
29767s same can be said
29769s no one playing close enough christian
29770s doesn't get the stun here
29772s he's continuing to play forward discord
29774s is out of me
29777s transcendence out of the clock that's
29778s going to expire violent getting stunned
29780s for a brief moment and stay alive proper
29782s get the head shot taking down lift pilot
29784s gonna be taken out as well now the
29786s overclock rolling seeking a target the
29788s barrier broken down
29790s shot goes through it's quite a bit of
29791s damage in can't finish the kill
29794s shanghai dragons will hold on by a
29795s thread they get the cap for 30 seconds
29796s remaining
29798s yeah so they have a slight window to
29800s play through now to
29801s give themselves an opportunity to push
29803s on towards c this has to be clean they
29805s have to get b as cleanly as shark got it
29808s and that's considering the fact that
29809s shark should actually technically lose a
29811s single fight when crews got caught out
29812s here so it wasn't a hundred percent
29813s clean but dragons they have to make up
29815s for lost time a lot of lost time
29818s i absolutely do
29820s i mean even coming up to flux even if
29822s they can just steady push through here
29824s uh you know matching the time bank
29826s it's not impossible for him by the way
29829s is okay
29830s that's actually huge
29832s emphasis now surely as they push through
29834s the final quarter that's the perfect
29835s timing for another site to be about now
29837s he hasn't gone for it but he nails the
29838s follow-up
29840s huge place from lift that's what they've
29841s been lacking
29843s now he finds it looks for violent
29845s catches
29847s he still doesn't even use the
29848s infrastructure he's just holding on to
29849s it
29850s boyd take it down his problem
29852s rejoins carte steadily advancing forward
29854s probably proper moves up
29856s let's keep this contestant for now kilo
29859s comes back
29861s mortality field use just to exit safely
29863s wrap back around with the rest of the
29864s team and the shock they're taking the
29865s fight to the dragons they're pushing
29867s forward shock stabilized dragons
29869s couldn't proceed i mean they had
29871s payload control they were looking for
29873s that cab but then they slowed down on
29874s the kills or rather i don't know i guess
29876s slowed down but the rest of the dragons
29878s watches back in on out gloosh now has
29879s flux advantage infrasight finally coming
29881s through kevin will be up to match a hot
29883s second there it is
29884s pops
29886s they see each other through the wall
29887s there
29888s now they're really swinging out kilo now
29890s taking a more aggressive position trying
29892s to put some shots down on the board pop
29893s shot
29895s blocked by the mirror
29898s there it is man can't just lift that
29900s rules the timing of the dragons dragons
29902s want a window there but now because they
29903s lose slip they have to reset they
29905s actually can't make this play happen
29906s they're just losing way too much time
29908s this is going to be another ot push
29910s potentially remaining even if they
29912s finish the point right now they would be
29914s starting with two and a half minutes
29916s 50 seconds shy of the shocks finishing
29919s time right now they're just going to be
29921s as soon as baby windows
29922s is going to hold
29924s the luge is going to counter the window
29925s straight away
29926s they might have the double support just
29928s to get through this and even that's not
29929s a guaranteed push whatsoever trying to
29931s push up onto the corner instantly met
29933s with some damage offers a bit back over
29935s towards proper just hugging in behind
29936s this pillar
29938s keeping himself safe there's the flux as
29940s the window comes through as you
29941s predicted the transcendence in response
29943s keeps them alive and now they need to
29944s win out the fight lifts gonna open
29945s things up against kilo once more the
29948s window fire
29950s back behind the corner violet caught mid
29952s jump lift once more comes up with three
29954s this time surely they can win out the
29957s fight and get the push completed
29959s the push forward pin going on the
29961s offensive but flat out will mention
29963s pitch tomorrow but with 10 seconds
29964s remaining the cap wannabe will be there
29966s but it's a minute and 35 seconds they
29968s start this final pushing kilo comes
29970s right back in and takes down flutter
29972s the only mistake there from the shock
29974s was that finn actually used the
29975s transcendence if he wanted to trance he
29977s needed to do that while violet was alive
29979s so they could play together they're
29980s probably going to go for the overclock
29982s to be fair they finally did die to a
29983s snipe so maybe the trains wouldn't have
29984s helped that much but neither case that
29986s ends up being one wasted ultimate still
29989s shock extremely favored to win this map
29991s considering the time left remember 30
29992s seconds remaining for dragons when they
29994s kept a only 10 remains of the dragons on
29996s b and now about a minute left as they
29998s have to push through the entirety of c a
30000s very difficult position to push on
30002s through especially when they can't
30003s snowball due to the fact that kilo got
30005s an opening effect
30007s could have matching infras here in a
30008s moment it's kilos just 11 off so
30011s one two shots
30013s connecting and he'll have it ready to
30017s roll use his before kilo can get it
30019s available
30020s drops down
30022s looking for a target everyone widely
30023s just breaking these lines of sight and
30025s there it is
30026s seize one for just the moment of mine
30027s it's the mind taken down
30030s looks for him over at the stairwell
30032s can't get him is it for sight now
30034s expired kilo uses his own window out
30036s from violet
30037s his lip gets picked violet finding the
30039s kill
30041s barrier with not much hp point
30043s playing back not escape
30045s dragons are stuck in such a bad position
30047s proper looking to make his way forward
30050s they play into the room and as a yaki
30052s finds the upside kill spider-man finds
30054s the opening kill onto zayaki
30056s mortality kill does get cleared out
30058s here's the flux drops him down to the
30059s floor but proper immediately top back up
30061s boy taken down kilo out of the fight
30063s someone's gotta punch the cart and
30064s nobody can and there it is the san
30067s francisco shock
30070s they put their foot down they say okay
30072s you're coming into this series you
30074s haven't dropped the map yet we're gonna
30075s make you drop three consecutive they
30078s sweep
30079s the defending champions
30082s and move forward knocking the shanghai
30084s dragons down
30087s that seven match win streak now
30090s adds up to eight but i gotta say this
30092s eighth one
30093s this is the one that takes the sweetest
30095s take down the defending champions a full
30097s team of rookies and right on the end
30100s they had everything to play with
30103s kilo as well playing with the venom mine
30105s positioning i mean that is an exact spot
30108s that he knows that if he gets head shot
30110s it'll hit the venom mine and not his
30111s head so played that situation perfectly
30114s violet coming down the window getting
30116s the kill into the lip and that ends up
30117s being the beginning of the end
30119s catching shanghai dragons in the side
30122s room shanghai dragons had no escape they
30123s had to commit they can't reset no time
30126s remaining they had to use all their
30127s ultimates in shock were not perturbed
30130s perfectly played gotta see a flawless
30132s run through all three maps that was a
30134s brilliant
30135s bit of overwatch big play from the shock
30137s but really can't say the same for
30138s dragons disappointing in for them all
30140s right incredibly disappointing not
30142s showing up at really any point a couple
30145s moments obviously there on oasis did
30147s make that a two for one uh for the shock
30150s to be able to take it but then from
30151s there on out they found no purges no
30154s ground to stand on whatsoever the shock
30157s absolutely manhandled them at every
30160s twist and turn and from the outset while
30162s this was very much a team effort we saw
30164s a hell of a lot of great plays from kilo
30166s but from the outset the guy who really
30168s was just lighting up the kill feed time
30170s and time again is our player of the
30171s match and it's proper
30174s who else could it be i mean i think
30176s everyone did show up in some cases but
30177s this guy just farms mvp awards he farms
30180s play of the matches he
30182s really just gets all the attention for
30184s all the right reasons it's hard to not
30186s just give proper all the compliments and
30189s i mean look at this
30191s so many situations where shanghai
30193s dragons would love to get some players
30195s going they'd love to be able to do
30196s anything here but proper shuts them down
30198s this ace plus one towards the end i mean
30201s proper is just even egoing the shanghai
30203s dragons on this particular map on the
30204s golf fence and he can because he knows
30206s he's dominating he knows he's got the
30208s shanghai dragons tightly in his iron
30210s grip
30211s and proper is coming in fresh as a
30213s rookie but i think deservedly so is the
30215s most hyped rookie that we've ever had
30218s and he's living up to that hype and then
30219s some
30221s oh absolutely i mean
30223s an impeccable performance from him
30224s whether it was on the tracer on the
30225s sojourn just incredible but this was
30228s again i you know if not for his hard
30231s carry performance that we were seeing
30232s you know on oasis and whatnot i think
30234s that you could kind of throw a dart at
30235s the dartboard and no matter which member
30237s of the shock you hit you kind of could
30238s make a solid argument for him everybody
30241s played to absolute perfection
30244s um
30245s and it's just
30246s so rough to see this is not the series
30248s that we
30249s were anticipating that we wanted we
30251s sometimes throw around the term
30253s entertainment thieves usually for when a
30255s team just uh you know doesn't do well at
30257s all the shanghai dragons they robbed us
30259s of what could have been a fantastic
30261s match what could have been the best
30263s series of overwatch that we've had so
30264s far in 2022 they didn't show up in this
30266s one and uh it doesn't look anywhere near
30269s close
30270s yeah and then this is kind of reminding
30272s me of the the early 006 shanghai dragons
30275s at the beginning of the mid-season
30276s madness qualifiers where they couldn't
30278s really sort of find their footing yet um
30280s and they did seem to be able to i don't
30282s know get a grasp on the meta and start
30284s to come on through and improve you know
30285s things around shanghai were improving
30287s for them logistically as well uh but
30289s coming into this one you know didn't
30290s drop a single map shot came through can
30292s entirely sweep them and i did say as
30293s well if shark actually beat them on
30295s circuit royale then they have
30296s comprehensively beat them because they
30298s beat every single different look from
30299s the shanghai dragons and it's not even
30301s just the substitutions but we had the
30302s question that wouldn't make a part as
30303s well kakilo outsniped lip he ends up
30306s doing that pretty impressive uh proper
30308s absolutely outplay flitter there that
30310s was not the best that was absolutely not
30312s the best we've ever seen plato uh had an
30314s entirely invisible defense zero final
30316s blows half of proper damage it's uh
30319s baffling i think for the shanghai
30320s dragons and you know they are probably
30324s at least glad they have another life to
30325s try and figure it out but it's going to
30326s need to be a majorly quick turnaround
30328s they go to the lower bracket now and uh
30331s they go up against i guess the atlanta
30333s reign is it so that'll be a fun rematch
30335s for them but we are guaranteed a shock
30337s versus glads in a upper break final
30339s which means at least one in a team is
30342s gonna make the grand final yeah i mean n
30344s a right now putting up great figures
30346s saying you know what we are the superior
30347s region and right now they're able to put
30349s their money where their mouth is there's
30350s still a chance for that lower bracket
30352s run to come through but
30353s uh it just doesn't get very easy for the
30355s apac fans at all because you also have
30357s to watch two impact teams clash against
30359s each other one of them's gonna be going
30361s home so they have to eliminate
30362s themselves we'll see what happens of
30364s course as the action continues tomorrow
30366s that does it for myself and avril but of
30368s course we will have the desk breaking
30370s down everything that occurred today and
30371s setting the stage for some more matches
30374s coming up tomorrow so make sure you guys
30375s stay tuned for that
30395s hey
30417s do
30437s [Music]
30531s [Music]
30545s [Music]
30571s let's go
30625s let's go
30637s welcome to the watchpoint post show
30638s everybody i'm here with finn uh from san
30640s francisco shock for the post match
30642s interview fit finn congratulations on
30644s the win that was a clean 3-0 victory for
30647s the san francisco shock uh did you
30649s honestly believe that this was going to
30651s be such a
30653s one-sided affair
30660s but
30667s [Music]
30691s all right i mean i did actually expect
30693s this to be a very very easy win for the
30695s san francisco shock um i it was
30697s unfortunate that we gave them a round uh
30699s on the first map uh we could have gotten
30701s it we could have ended this match way uh
30703s way earlier than that um aside from that
30705s um i remember i don't remember if it was
30707s a san francisco shock last year that
30709s picked shanghai dragons or if it was the
30711s other way around but i just remember uh
30713s before going into the mess that uh our
30715s head coach krusty was very angry at the
30717s shanghai dragon so before going into the
30719s match uh we as a team told krusty that
30722s we will get that revenge and that's how
30724s it went down all right uh looking
30726s forward i mean based on how you guys
30727s played today um you guys are going to be
30730s going up against the los angeles
30732s gladiators uh is there anyone from the
30734s gladiators that you are sort of worried
30736s about for tomorrow's match
30764s because you know he's pretty good as
30765s well but i'm not too worried because we
30767s also have someone that's pretty good
30769s it's proper so i think we're going to be
30771s pretty strong as well all right finn
30773s that is it for the interview thank you
30774s so much for your time and again big
30775s congratulations on the win
30782s all right let's head back to the desk
30783s everybody
30786s [Music]
30787s thank you danny and finn danny are you
30790s wearing a romper because custa needs to
30792s know i i was looking at it it has a
30794s drawstring so it might be a two-piece
30795s but it definitely has romper vibes to it
30798s so
30800s johnny have you ever worn a romper
30801s before
30803s it's like a one-piece jump suit kind of
30805s thing but it has shorts
30808s one kind of one piece
30810s and it says animals
30812s [Music]
30814s oh you thought oh you thought i'm at the
30816s anime no i'm not you meant the anime
30818s what are you saying the anime suits we
30820s were at the in the pre-show that's a one
30822s z not a one piece one piece is a anime
30825s slash manga that apparently i'm from
30827s sweden all right
30828s all right all right you know what that
30829s that does it it's a global phenomenon
30832s anyways anyways before i get too angry
30834s congratulations again to the shock 3-0
30836s uh guys we went into today saying that
30839s this was going to be the banger of all
30842s bingerist matches and it was a clean 3-0
30845s sweep and finn even saying oh yeah i
30848s feel bad that we even gave him a point
30849s because i felt like we could have ended
30850s this a whole lot earlier
30852s yeah honestly that's just i don't know
30854s if the west is just bleeding into all
30857s these players but the west is really
30858s toxic these days and honestly i get
30860s behind it and when you play a match like
30862s this can you really blame them this was
30865s just straight up not close shanghai get
30867s this first point here on oasis but from
30870s there it was just the san francisco
30872s shock show they just it just didn't feel
30874s like the dragons had an answer to the
30876s double flex support of finn violet and
30878s then that just allows proper to move
30880s around the map sam came in to play that
30882s sergeant dominated kilo came in also
30885s dominated it just
30887s i don't know it felt like the shanghai
30888s dragons and the issues that they were
30890s having earlier in this stage really came
30892s to fruition here as they start to play
30894s against better teams yeah i think the
30895s tank flexibility of the shanghai dragons
30897s is proving to be quite the problem and i
30899s think i think the san francisco shock if
30901s i had to guess their game plan was to
30903s bring out the diva early with kalooz of
30905s course because they knew that fate he
30907s would be restricted to play the main
30909s tank calls you know winston wrecking
30911s ball he's not really a player you like
30913s to see on the doomfist or preferably the
30915s zarya into a diva of course because you
30917s can't you know shield yourself from the
30919s soil damage so i think the shanghai
30921s dragons they're once more suffering from
30922s this tank flexibility issues and when
30925s you have these very flexible teams from
30926s the west like the show like the
30928s gladiators because of a beautiful 5k by
30930s the way from proper but when you have
30932s those tank flexibility issues
30934s the elite teams are going to expose you
30935s and take advantage of that so it was a
30937s very strategic uh
30939s move from the shock and i mean it paid
30941s dividends here so i i also kind of want
30943s to like question some of the decisions
30945s by the shanghai dragons as well going
30947s under agavold that's a map the shock
30948s have not lost this stage and it has not
30950s been close like collusion on that diva
30952s has been a massive problem for every
30954s team and shanghai dragons just kind of
30956s walked into that one then they go over
30958s to circle royale yes
30960s they have lip and he has dominated some
30962s of the some of the west c or sorry the
30964s east teams playing that but you're going
30965s into double flex support you're playing
30967s into the zen baptiste that we have for
30969s the show yeah i mean i guess you're
30970s scared of rude because kalush is going
30972s to play deeb on the route 662 and then
30973s like dorado dorado maybe um
30976s you know
30978s yeah either way hopefully this sweep is
30980s a wake-up call for the dragons as they
30982s drop into the lower bracket and we'll be
30983s able to take a look at the bracket in
30985s just a bit but first we've got to talk
30987s about best of the day let's do it so
30990s many clips this was a day filled with
30992s you know
30993s multiple map 5 games but i'm going to
30996s bring up mine first and this is actually
30998s probably my favorite defensive uh play
31000s of the day and honestly like it was a
31002s very aggressive opponent i know one that
31005s came in
31006s really strong and as you can see right
31008s here here is winston minding their own
31010s business trying to eat their bananas and
31012s peanut butter and just road hog tries to
31014s come in for the gank and here we see it
31015s in slow motion you see the extension uh
31018s almost like right in front of the miata
31020s kick yeah of sorts so really oh and then
31023s of course we have the coconut break and
31026s uh unfortunately uh you know this this
31029s offense was strong enough to break open
31031s that coconut
31033s but you know what was strong enough
31035s the shock sweep because we do have this
31040s and there is our flying uh you know
31043s little flag right there the lower third
31044s is covering it there you go oh there we
31046s go that was our prediction coconut oh it
31048s was always like that yeah exactly
31051s it knew that the shock was going to win
31052s i don't think it thought 3-0 but we
31054s always knew it was always written in the
31056s coconut yeah it took us seven hours to
31058s open that coconut that's coconuts
31060s but those were my plays uh custa how
31062s about you um i also had a very
31064s aggressive play but this was uh actually
31066s in the server this time mn3 uh i'm gonna
31069s go back to the philadelphia fusion map
31071s five banger just it's like it happened
31073s today you know sometimes you think back
31075s to it and the great moments that happen
31076s this is mn3 putting a exclamation point
31079s at the end of this series putting the
31081s florida mayhem away with just some great
31084s plays this was the one before that i
31086s thought they had won with but follower
31088s mayhem had the point flipped so m three
31090s just had to do it again comes in in 99
31093s 99 gets a great pick on the xe stays
31096s alive
31097s dinks out uh checkmate with a double
31099s dink and it just it's just clean and you
31102s know i saw someone say this on twitter
31104s it's like it it gave me shades of carpet
31107s philadelphia fusion's cafe 28 i'm just
31109s throwing back to 2018 this year this
31111s show apparently but 2018 you know that's
31113s gotta be the winner also when i thought
31114s of my player days okay you get over it
31116s am i getting old johnny
31118s it's all right
31120s well you used to be a player
31121s yeah i was pretty good oh i didn't know
31124s that wow
31126s brutal
31128s uh move along anyway uh johnny you have
31131s a play
31132s yeah
31134s i was way more enthusiastic about this
31136s play before my predictions were proven
31138s wrong where alfayi was just an absolute
31141s chad and popped off in the server
31144s usually he did not trace of course but
31146s this echo play
31147s to dodge
31149s the pulse ball
31151s he gets stuck i like to believe here
31153s here he goes and then he duplicates in
31156s the frames i mean oh my god we we we
31159s need to go frame by frame here because i
31161s mean
31164s i haven't seen this stuff since the
31165s smash days yeah i mean there's like
31167s invisible frames
31170s you know it's unbelievable so i i just
31172s love that i mean the timing was
31174s impeccable really but you know then they
31176s went on to lose the match and everything
31177s but that moment was
31179s yeah and actually guys i think we have a
31181s bonus best of the day from our newest
31185s member of watchpoint oh baby
31188s exactly zoe has had her baby
31191s congratulations
31194s both happy they're both healthy so
31196s awesome to hear that go through and uh
31198s excited to meet both of them on the
31199s watchpoint desk they they probably won't
31201s be here but i'm excited for sorry over
31203s 40 hours that's wow
31206s amazing job by so and i'm so happy for
31208s her and her family of course uh
31210s welcoming this beautiful baby into the
31211s world yeah think about it for a second
31214s while we talked about overwatch all day
31217s so we created life
31219s well we created a narrative and that is
31222s just as impressive
31225s we were dressed up in one season
31227s absolutely well speaking of which we
31229s gotta know where the story goes so let's
31231s go ahead and pull up our brackets to see
31233s how everything has shaken up with all of
31235s the results that we've seen from today's
31238s game since we can see our friday match
31241s san francisco shock taking on the l.a
31244s gladiators wow white of california uh on
31248s for our upper bracket friday match and
31250s then looking at the losers bracket we do
31253s see shanghai dragons taking on atlanta
31255s reign and the hangzhou spark taking on
31258s philadelphia fusion and of course this
31260s isn't the order that they're being
31261s played in we'd have to look at the
31262s schedule for that so the first match
31265s that we're gonna see is the rain taking
31266s on the dragons then we're gonna see the
31268s rematch of fusion taking on spark then
31271s of course the la gladiators taking on
31274s the shock and then that is going to be
31276s our uh fourth and final game of a
31278s mystery of whoever loses i think no it's
31281s whoever wins i think it's the one
31283s or losers don't coin me on this but it's
31285s probably the winner of atlanta shanghai
31287s and philadelphia yes kids are the
31289s winners
31291s the colors threw me up i didn't know
31292s where we were anymore but yes that is
31294s our bracket and our schedule for the
31296s rest of the week uh does atlanta beat
31298s shanghai after that performance
31301s gentlemen we have an entire pre-show
31303s tomorrow where we can
31306s no spoilers there's plenty more coconuts
31308s to crack open and plenty more oh no i
31310s think we ran out of onesies our producer
31312s burned them as soon as he saw us we're
31314s the best i think oh it's very
31316s unfortunate but final thoughts before we
31318s say goodnight
31319s honestly great day on my watch except
31320s for the last one there were that was
31322s some crazy overwatch i'm excited to see
31324s more of it tomorrow uh and apparently
31326s the west is just the best who would have
31328s thought eastern eastern teams in
31330s shambles i don't know how i'm gonna go
31331s over my preds really
31333s oh no johnny i'm not gonna get over this
31336s all night are you gonna print spark
31338s against philly again yes
31340s no yeah keep the hat on you better for
31342s that one
31343s cause we know the fusion are gonna take
31345s it all totally unbiased commentary from
31347s me but for everyone thank you all so
31349s much for joining us and watching today
31351s and we will see you all bright and early
31352s tomorrow in the afternoon but that's an
31354s esports morning bye
31356s bye-bye
31358s you look ridiculous
31365s [Music]
31372s what
31383s so
31390s [Applause]
31391s [Music]
31397s so
31401s [Music]
31410s so
31413s [Music]
31420s [Music]
31432s [Music]
31433s [Applause]
31451s [Music]
31501s me