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1964s foreign
1966s to day two of the OverWatch World Cup
1970s online qualifiers for APAC Group B and I
1973s am joined today with Pixie and Avril
1976s again how we doing today guys uh about
1978s the same as yesterday I had a different
1980s dinner though so we'll see what effect
1983s that has on my evening
1984s fancy you know this guy is humble
1987s bragging about having different meals
1988s every day you know you're just he's
1990s living a good life in the studio I have
1992s money bags over here exactly dude
1996s all right let's take a look at the
1997s tournament format for the OverWatch
1999s World Cup so we are here with Group B in
2003s the online qualifiers as you can see
2005s there now it is around Robin so every
2007s team will face off each other and it
2010s will be the first to choose so we have
2011s some very quick Maps here today
2015s two teams make it out of this group as
2018s well going into the group stage so yeah
2019s it's uh it's a pretty tough setup here
2021s in terms of who's going to end up making
2023s it out we have some pretty competitive
2024s teams I have it in my mind that I think
2026s there's going to be a pretty clear top
2028s four as well and maybe even a little bit
2030s more of a cut off into the top three we
2031s saw in my mind two out of those teams
2033s play Yesterday where uh we're in New
2035s Zealand and Thailand and today we'll get
2037s to see the rest of the teams India and
2039s Australia who did not play Yesterday
2040s yeah I think that's the real thing that
2041s we're kind of looking forward to is the
2042s teams that we have not yet seen
2044s especially India being a little bit of a
2046s wild card right now we're we don't we
2048s have no data we have no relevant data to
2050s go off
2052s yeah definitely and speaking of
2053s yesterday's matches we saw Singapore
2056s versus Malaysia which Malaysia did end
2058s up winning after they did lose the first
2060s match and then we did have Thailand
2061s versus New Zealand with Thailand uh
2064s sweeping to nil there against New
2066s Zealand unfortunately
2068s so Malaysia start out you know I think
2070s this is a interesting matchup where
2072s Malaysia Singapore in my mind are
2073s probably the the two teams that need to
2075s do the most work in this bracket to have
2077s an opportunity to make it out of the
2078s teams that have the least amount of
2080s known contenders at minimum contenders
2082s level Talent uh Malaysia was a good
2084s surprise to say a fantasy took out
2086s player of the match for Sigma on Circle
2089s real
2090s um and was a
2092s really really good Sigma play really
2094s good tank play and generally speaking
2096s Malaysia I don't know if it was a
2097s surprise that they beat Singapore but
2099s Singapore started out at least good in
2100s the first map Things slowed down a lot
2102s by the time you got to map three which
2104s was this new Queen Street it was
2105s incredibly one-sided Malaysia nearly
2106s capped out the fall map and
2108s interestingly you highlighted the tank
2109s player there as well because we noted
2111s that in Singapore they actually have two
2113s tank players that they subbed in and out
2114s during the course that's uh that series
2116s uh between xenophy and Ash Kane
2119s and neither were able to hold a candle
2121s fantasy uh New Zealand Thailand on his
2123s screens now a bit of a rough run for New
2126s Zealand there's no two ways about it uh
2128s this what you're seeing right now is the
2130s only point that they actually managed to
2131s get the whole series which was uh the
2133s middle of control and weren't able to go
2135s any further than that so really tough
2137s start for New Zealand we were sort of
2138s talking about potential top three maybe
2140s four between Australia New Zealand and
2142s Thailand so Thailand picking up a win
2144s early against another one of the teams
2146s in that theoretical top three is quite
2148s significant
2149s and he's only had an okay run on Bali
2152s they made the competitor we got to a
2154s time bank but beyond that unfortunately
2156s New Zealand couldn't take it any further
2157s so here is the current standing there's
2159s a time in Malaysia leading at the top
2161s Thailand and number one for now having
2162s the better map record and Australia
2165s India in the middle having yet to play
2166s but they will be joining our leader
2167s award today yeah and uh they don't play
2170s each other which is the nice thing about
2172s it uh they play completely different
2173s teams and I think we're going to see
2174s that in just a second
2176s yeah definitely we've got a lot of
2178s matches coming up this evening so let's
2179s take a look at what we've got in store
2181s today so we have Thailand versus
2183s Australia first which I think is going
2184s to be one of our longest and probably
2186s best matches match-ups today to very
2189s strong contenders here then we have
2190s Malaysia versus India followed by
2192s Singapore and New Zealand to end us off
2194s this evening the first one is a really
2196s strong game yeah we we caught up with a
2198s poodle after they beat out New Zealand
2200s last night and I sort of asked them a
2202s little bit about that Thailand Australia
2203s match that's obviously the most serious
2205s one for any team actually in this group
2207s but obviously if Thailand can walk away
2208s with a win on this one between that and
2211s beating New Zealand they're kind of a
2212s shoe in for the top two
2213s I'd say so I mean at that point you've
2215s taken out I think your closest
2216s competition India afterwards could still
2219s be competitive but we'll get to see
2220s today whether that ends up being the
2222s case they do get uh Malaysia to start
2224s off with New Zealand gets to face
2225s Singapore as well which might be a bit
2227s of a comeback story for New Zealand
2228s Singapore possibly still in a little bit
2231s of a struggling situation at the moment
2233s um possibly though we'll get to see them
2234s make a comeback in Malaysia and
2235s Singapore all sort of need or Singapore
2238s especially need that next win and
2240s between Singapore and New Zealand who
2241s both lost you say somebody will end up
2242s getting the first one and that matter
2243s one is quite interesting as well
2245s Malaysia India right because Malaysia
2247s picking up that win yesterday is a
2248s really solid start for them if they can
2250s actually go ahead and pick up a win
2251s against India who might be a fairly
2253s strong team again there's still some
2255s question marks potentially uh around
2257s them just there's a lot of you know a
2258s lot of good talent on that team we just
2260s haven't really seen it in action uh so
2262s if Malaysia pick up that one then
2264s actually they start kind of scraping at
2266s the bottom end of that top three top
2268s four especially if they then went on to
2269s maybe take out a team like New Zealand
2271s then they're in for a genuine shot so
2273s there's a today I think it's going to
2275s really determine a lot of the onward
2276s trajectory of all of these teams yeah I
2279s think you need at least three wins here
2280s minimum three so you know that would be
2282s great for whoever ends up two wins up
2284s over two days
2285s yeah definitely and before we get into
2288s today's first matches let's take a look
2289s at the starting lineup for the teams we
2292s take a look here now at Thailand and we
2294s can see their starting ladder as you say
2296s we spoke to a Pudo yesterday who's a bit
2299s of a veteran here in the scene
2300s um and potentially someone with the most
2303s experience here on this team for
2305s Thailand
2306s and here we have their cams as well we
2308s can see them here in the action in their
2310s environments getting ready in the lobby
2312s there
2315s for me Beyond just the Pluto High Vision
2317s had a really good performance yesterday
2318s uh the silent team I think has a lot of
2321s potential again most
2324s predominantly made up of members of
2326s cracking Esports who did win contenders
2327s most recently in summer series for Apex
2330s so I mean this is a very strong looking
2332s team that you know if anyone caught up
2334s with ePay group a as well Japan who is
2337s basically the entirety of Team pharaoh
2338s who came second at contenders also
2340s looked pretty decent and that group as
2341s also
2342s um I think it's just clear that teams
2344s that have majority contenders players
2345s some have watched league players and
2347s known Talent are going to be the team to
2348s watch out for which is why Thailand sort
2350s of Rises at the top of the list yeah as
2351s is always going to be the way right and
2353s that's kind of satisfying to see as well
2355s I I sort of touched on it yesterday but
2356s Thailand is one of those teams where
2358s even across previous World Cups they've
2360s kind of brushed at it that's where we've
2362s got a lot of our first International
2363s exposure to some of those names like
2365s Caputo or more notably patapan and
2368s they're always an impressive and
2369s exciting team to watch for exactly that
2370s reason Australia has always been a real
2372s heavy hitter on the international stage
2373s and that's why I think this in
2374s particular is such an exciting matchup
2377s yeah definitely let's take a look at
2379s that Australia lineup here starting us
2381s off today and you'll notice that we do
2383s actually have Punk here starting out as
2385s the tank so as many might know Punk
2387s actually plays in the OverWatch league
2389s so you know strong in-game lead and
2391s in-game tank there to start you off and
2393s we do have some big other players here
2395s Quinn nanza Bert log and Aki all play in
2398s contenders in Australia and have done
2400s very well it was mentioned earlier
2403s um actually it was mentioned to me off
2404s cast as a bit of a reminder that burlock
2405s I believe Avril you said has won seven
2407s contenders yeah burlog is now on number
2411s seven for the amount of contenders
2413s championships he's got so in Australia
2416s is made up of obviously the most notable
2418s name of this team is punk could
2419s currently plays for Vancouver Titans
2420s Vancouver Titan this year is currently
2422s having a pretty decent run as well so
2424s Punk is inform strong player the only
2426s down Point here is that he will be
2428s playing on
2430s still in Vancouver
2432s um so potential to see coffee still come
2433s in I think couple will be looking strong
2435s with his main tanks cover who's been
2437s playing on a bunch of n a teams Timeless
2439s he was in the program as well a lot of
2441s power on this team the entire DPS lineup
2443s is compromises The Ground Zero Squad as
2446s well who most recently came third in
2448s contenders Australia so possibly not the
2450s result they wanted but still a very very
2452s strong team and Melinda in particular
2454s who is going to be I think a Menace In
2456s The Sky Is he's a very well known fire
2458s player and I think that will be brought
2459s to bear today
2461s yeah definitely all right so we're going
2464s to take a look at our starting match uh
2466s sorry starting a map today which is
2468s going to be of course a control starting
2469s off with Elias like we did yesterday a
2473s good Fair map to start off uh some would
2475s say
2475s um and yeah
2477s control map's always a good one to start
2478s with and obviously uh same format as
2480s well so first two uh not a lot of room
2484s for error yesterday we actually saw our
2486s first hybrid map which is the element
2487s game mode where a drawer is possible uh
2489s so usually we're going to see uh we're
2491s going to see two to one two to zero uh
2493s we're probably not going to see any
2493s draws in the middle there and the reason
2496s I bring that up
2506s uh the sudden death thing is a real big
2508s deal you know a team picks up the first
2510s map second one has to pick that second
2512s map and that's we often see those
2513s one-to-one splits that's where uh that's
2515s where I think teams really get tested in
2516s a very serious way it's not often you
2518s see a genuinely close two in zero
2521s Australia as well as a team that you
2523s know all of all the teams here
2525s um they are the team has gone the
2527s furthest in all cup histories and a lot
2529s to play up towards Australia is you know
2533s at least in the past the top eight team
2535s globally for World Cup wonder how things
2538s have changed the last four years since
2539s we last had the World Cup but um it's a
2541s huge amount of pressure to live up to
2542s and as always you know you you sort of
2545s have at least the one star on your team
2547s previously we've had customer on team
2548s Australia now you've got punk
2550s um starting out on Elias to speak
2551s towards today's match as well this is a
2553s really strong map to begin on for
2554s someone like Nando we talked about a
2556s little already the hero pool to look
2558s forward to and um both the Echo and the
2561s fire but specifically the fire Fernando
2562s I think it's going to be pivotal for
2564s team Australians something that's gonna
2567s weapon something that was difficult I
2569s think for teams in
2571s emac to deal with when they're playing
2573s against us on Saudi Arabia as well or
2575s something like that
2577s Elias
2580s this point and as you pointed out nice
2582s to step in the daytime
2585s definitely not based on any real world
2587s locations
2594s all right well yesterday when two and
2597s one so we had some
2599s Eastern back and forth between Singapore
2601s and Malaysia on Elias today
2605s let's just see
2608s my name is not Matt Coral by the way
2611s it's Matt Carrollton underwater versions
2616s please don't talk about things that are
2617s underwater right now tend to be not
2620s um but as I was sort of saying Elias is
2623s interesting because the sub maps are
2625s fairly different to one another ruins
2627s especially it's quite different to the
2628s other two and that's where you'll often
2630s to see just that little bit of extra
2631s I think that's why it's one of those
2632s control maps that so frequently goes two
2634s to one rather than a 2-0
2637s buddy well are you sort of you're
2639s hovering over the echo I think a minimum
2641s on Lighthouse you'll be looking towards
2643s an echo
2644s when thinking about his counter starting
2647s on the ash as reminded Nami is also on
2649s this roster and
2651s maybe at least somewhat surprised that
2652s Nami is deciding I think part of the
2654s reason is they value Quinn and his
2656s potential the Sombra on the Tracer Bill
2658s looks already in the fight on the on the
2659s mercy which means nana will be swapping
2661s over towards the fire that would be one
2662s of the only reasons you wouldn't run the
2663s mercy however Pluto's also going to be
2665s matching on the other side
2667s put a pocketing towards Ace
2669s done their homework let me know they
2671s want to take down and this is one of the
2672s ways
2674s getting that aerial superiority will be
2676s so critical and I feel like it's uh very
2678s absent something called Aces on a flying
2681s hero
2684s the target's there ah kelvin's gonna be
2686s D-Max super early that's so rough Punk
2688s meanwhile completely fine despite this
2690s slide for that and to heal on him now no
2692s Calvin means bunker just kind of sit
2693s pretty on that point they don't need
2695s that extra bit of aerial superiority now
2697s they've got the ground game in their
2698s command
2699s this is also one of those Maps got his
2702s best hero as well a lot of connection on
2704s zapally they're completely annihilated
2706s I don't think Thai then have so far yet
2708s to get a kill they're being routed
2710s that's what it'll be an extended team
2712s wipe I mean High vision's the only one
2713s that didn't end up going down and that
2716s at least five Vision does trade his own
2718s life but everyone on the pilot has gone
2719s down and I mean even then Bert log
2721s getting the rest on to Quinn anyway so
2723s it's sort of erased that little bit of a
2725s little bit of progress that Tyler did
2726s get as soon as Pali got found down
2729s things just kind of unraveled for
2730s Thailand they're a rack of kills that I
2733s uh I don't think they were expecting to
2735s have to suffer so that's really dragged
2736s out their restart and reset time
2740s going down first and our Ace might end
2742s up falling trying to turn around some
2744s good pocketing that Calvin coming to say
2746s with the Matrix and he's down already
2747s Dynamite burning him out in Thailand one
2750s man down to begin with ah going in for
2752s the raise but a Pluto trades his own
2753s life for it aces really good at the pay
2755s that one back they do find Bert log
2756s though so this is a real opportunity for
2758s ace against Nanda has that opportunity
2761s to get the Errol superiority finds it
2763s Punk D Megs does self-destruct the reset
2765s that Calvin said he got his own
2766s self-destruct by the way his Ace trying
2768s to reel around towards the point manages
2769s the figure finish off punt just before
2771s the Remake beautiful work by Calvin with
2774s the help of Ace and now getting the
2776s point off Australia pretty clean
2778s engagement all up despite losing a
2781s poodle early a good trade on burlog
2783s works out well they lose Ace early but
2786s the residents are being paid off I mean
2787s that's exactly what you need Ace back in
2789s the mix
2790s being forced away Ace just gets a bunch
2792s of kills Nanda included pug and all out
2795s the Remake there some extra damage from
2796s the sticky problems despite not getting
2797s the assist in the kill feeder Ace was
2799s definitely part of that kill
2801s so one Sacramento is from Buddha doing
2803s plenty of work and speaking of that Ace
2807s put a lid on top of Nanda yeah really
2810s take a breed to Dad nope that's the beam
2812s to finish him off really nice work once
2814s again Thailand man Advantage with the
2816s valkyrie running now as well puto has
2818s just uh had that run out burlog has his
2820s own Valkyrie still running Bob V Barb on
2821s the point as uh I mean on the side I
2824s guess Punk fighting out Pally as well
2827s training back and forth as Calvin going
2829s to go for a self-destructure reset the
2830s mag to get the res off on Pali Calvin
2832s will not be able to remake Ace slapped
2834s during that duplicate so not in any uh
2836s not really with any ability to get the
2838s uh what am I trying to say there's a
2840s Rocker price happening to find this High
2841s Vision that's far more important than
2842s Ace's ultimate being used for now opuno
2845s going down Australia clawing that one
2847s back despite a hot start for Thailand
2849s they're still coming against this banana
2850s boosters on Ace they aren't able to keep
2852s him alive long enough to even finish off
2853s Punk who is dangerously low
2855s now one HP the nearly Odin would have
2857s been forced to use self-destruct
2859s and a still flying Troop
2861s he's okay for now not enough long range
2863s damage not enough to pressure him down
2865s Australia holding on to point
2868s looking for that first 99
2870s I'm not a lot to use here for either
2872s side mostly ultimate to speak I've got
2873s used in the previous fight so this one's
2875s going to be
2876s pretty dry
2878s for the Second Life As We already
2879s mentioned final fight now it's gonna be
2881s coming through on neutral depiction
2882s damage look at Quinn and before Oh
2886s Punk looks up sees that last little bed
2888s pumps a few extra shots in it that's
2890s gonna be a hard one for a Pluto to raise
2891s I don't even think it's possible for him
2892s to resin so the overtime workburn
2894s Thailand just have to go for the point
2895s Ace having to come back on a tracer just
2897s to get here in time Calvin D next
2899s already pug still is a self-destruct
2901s which at this point he can just use to
2902s Zone people off the point force them to
2904s trade their lives to keep it going and
2905s nope not able to even touch it
2910s not bad though in terms of Thailand's
2912s offense 61 kept it a little bit close
2914s there
2916s you have some interesting moments where
2918s Ace again had some pretty heroic plays
2920s after being raised by a poodle but
2921s outside of that Australia dominated the
2923s neutral gameplay
2925s land as far as still kept really clean
2928s stayed alive for basically the entire
2930s game the early part of that round was
2932s very Australia dominated
2933s the backhand as well look over towards
2936s the final fight first pick coming up
2937s from Quinn easy cleanup 5v4 from there
2939s not a lot the rusty not a lot left to
2942s use from either team but Australia held
2943s the point they got the opening pick
2948s that was at least reasonably competitive
2950s Thailand were picking up some decent
2952s picks and converting some reasonable
2954s fights but Australia quite consistently
2956s edging them out we'll have to see if
2957s that continues and uh Nanda has opted to
2959s completely abandon the Pharaoh it's
2961s gonna be a tourbillon
2963s the solution with the Tobin said it's a
2965s little bit RAM and uh will take care of
2967s him so Nanda might look to
2969s swap over to something a little bit more
2971s and go towards a song Behavior that's
2973s typically Quincy area this might be a
2975s bit of an issue for Nana's here report
2977s stay for now it does still work out well
2979s versus high Vision on the Tracer but
2980s it's going to be pretty bad versus Ace
2981s they're kind of stuck in this confined
2983s space Thailand have all the space to
2985s play with well Australia wait for data
2986s to get back has them now as the point's
2988s already gone the way of Thailand now the
2990s fight starts to break out once again so
2992s you see Australia Wheeling towards the
2993s point burlog eating an anti-na it needs
2995s to be just that little bit careful for
2997s the nut time being but uh overall
2999s Thailand are just kind of hanging on
3001s Australia haven't made a serious pass
3002s just yet
3004s struggling to get onto Point Aces damage
3006s is so high he's already got an ultimate
3007s duplicate on board and remember he
3009s didn't get that opening pick of the
3011s Nanda as well
3012s shruggling to deal with ace at this
3014s point in time
3016s isolated from his team not sure why they
3019s kind of got out rotated there now Pally
3021s goes down he was stuck there in the
3023s pocket of Calvin that felt like a bit of
3025s an unforced error from Thailand they
3027s didn't quite catch Australia's long
3029s rotation around the point ends up paying
3031s off for Australia who ended up using the
3032s coalescence they were sort of banking on
3034s using that for the fight works out a
3036s charm
3037s and Calvin would normally be okay in
3038s that situation because you have you know
3040s still boosters you have the Matrix as
3042s well but I think both work on
3044s Hallie as well didn't quite the Nano to
3046s save Calvin so it wasn't necessary that
3048s Calvin had to die there but
3050s somehow gets called out pug rotates into
3052s him
3052s locks out any escape room
3055s that's just a snowball from that point
3056s onwards in Thailand we're coming up to
3058s some big ultimates and they still have
3059s the duplicate
3060s Australia haven't quite equalized the
3062s percentage this is a big opportunity for
3064s Thailand here Ace going in with the
3065s duplicate on the martial solid start
3067s Punk low has to pop that Annihilation
3070s does not get mileage out of it Ace is on
3072s an absolute tear right now now trying to
3074s turn things back around as Quinn only
3076s finding High Vision found Pally before
3077s that to finish off charging the death
3079s Blossom Ace getting another one still in
3081s the duplicated form before finally
3082s reverting back over goes down but at
3084s this point the damage I think is well
3085s done Thailand with Calvin still on the
3088s point burlock stalling it out but the
3089s point will go the way of Thailand
3091s then it needs to get off this era now
3093s because they've changed compositions
3094s Australia is now moving towards pretty
3096s much a Dive Club
3098s and actually still staying I mean you
3100s can keep the Lucio here but it's a
3101s really weird calm now because it's
3102s halfway we just want to dive and kind of
3104s like a broad anti-dive molten call
3106s doesn't really have value who are you
3108s even throwing the multicore on both your
3110s two flyers in this team I don't even
3112s know how Quinn catches Ace it should be
3114s in the skies here with a quick merely no
3116s less so that tells you everything you
3118s need to know he was unnecessarily
3119s grounded and that's costly a poodle
3122s obviously not able to Res him not sure
3124s where Ace even went down but that's a
3126s bad start
3127s costly for just one death I mean
3129s Thailand and not losing one play and
3131s they have to back completely out give
3132s the point away now Australia takes a
3134s lead
3135s Australia again are the team they're
3137s having to play the sort of weird
3138s try and make this work slightly better
3140s in the overtime but Ace gets sniped out
3144s yeah three shots in a row Nanda just
3145s Snipes out Ace from the sky again Caputo
3148s obviously not quite in the pocket and
3150s not in a resident spot Ace is switching
3152s off they feel they don't need the aerial
3154s superiority no need to continue playing
3156s that opudo obviously going down Pali as
3158s well so big change up here from Thailand
3161s they're actually playing into the hands
3163s of Nana slightly they're going to go
3164s more towards the ground composition
3165s Reaper so it's basically a full brawl
3168s this is one way you can certainly force
3169s your way onto part but this is now a
3171s good position for now to play the molten
3173s core players are going to struggle to
3175s get past this they've got to go they've
3176s only got three percent left they're not
3178s even going to be able to touch at this
3179s rate that's a really unfortunate way for
3180s that to go that all unraveled from Ace
3184s getting picked by a tracer with a quick
3187s mealy Thailand had to completely abandon
3189s the point and they never got another
3191s pass at it
3192s yeah and then the future flights as well
3194s Ace ends up being taken out somehow by
3196s Nanda yeah and you don't expect that to
3198s happen where a Tob on the ground should
3200s not be able to safely snipe out an echo
3203s on the sky especially while it's been
3204s parked and that's a very very strange
3206s kill and obviously
3207s unfortunately we'll die in a situation
3209s that's not going to be reasonable either
3210s so uh yes two situations where planet in
3214s some ways kind of lose the star of the
3216s show for earlier specifically and their
3218s entire team is unable to or maybe even
3221s unwilling to take the 4v5 to try and
3223s make your counter trades try and make it
3225s more difficult for Australia buy time I
3228s mean I don't think you should ever
3229s abandon Point even in the losing
3230s situation like that because you need to
3231s be racking up percentage points on the
3233s cap you can't just give it away
3236s yeah definitely well played there by
3239s Australia it did look like Thailand was
3241s maybe going to take that second Point uh
3243s so we'd be going on to the third but
3245s Australia will take the first map one to
3247s zero against Thailand and we'll head off
3250s to a short break don't go anywhere we'll
3253s be right back
3254s [Music]
3266s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
3269s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
3272s value means more at macca's so grab a
3275s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
3278s [Music]
3289s [Music]
3314s [Music]
3318s thank you
3320s foreign
3322s [Music]
3341s [Music]
3348s [Music]
3360s [Music]
3374s thank you
3380s [Music]
3420s [Music]
3427s foreign
3433s foreign
3452s [Music]
3480s [Music]
3509s [Music]
3518s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
3520s World Cup APAC Group B and did you know
3524s the World Cup Home and Away skin bundles
3526s are now live hurry and get them before
3529s they leave the shop on the 27th of June
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3549s 2 in-game shop learn more at
3551s overwatchworldcup.com
3554s and look we're going to take a look at
3556s the last match that we just saw or map I
3558s should say with Australia versus
3560s Thailand here and starting out on
3562s lighthouse we did see the Australia go
3566s straight in there and take really good
3567s control of that High Ground
3569s a little bit of back and forth in the
3570s middle and you know I think this is
3571s where I started to show a little bit of
3573s the potential on the echo echo who
3575s always will have a pretty decent
3576s Advantage into the farm and still not
3580s enough gas in the tank for Thailand and
3581s as we got over towards well I you know
3584s we had some really good gameplay coming
3586s out from Ace on this map as well and
3587s Thailand even LED them out for a little
3589s bit I actually would have imagined that
3590s this round goes to Thailand but
3592s Australia just kind of forces their way
3594s back in plays a very unconventional comp
3596s eventually in Thailand pitch your legs
3598s they give up the point they sort of back
3600s out they lose Ace a couple of times the
3602s rest of the floor don't really fight for
3603s control anymore they don't fight for
3604s trades or anything and then they
3606s themselves will then play into the Tour
3608s by playing more of a ground-based
3609s composition not being able to touch the
3611s point in time getting themselves and
3612s caught off the point yeah overall
3617s it was some there was some like this is
3618s a
3621s chick but Australia was just more
3623s polished uh you know we noted that the
3626s particular pick uh coming across from
3628s the ace uh from Quinn sort of an
3630s unnecessary Death followed by another
3631s one and the whole thing just kind of
3633s unraveled from there on that second map
3634s you're not seeing Australia making those
3636s kinds of mistakes and you know when when
3639s you got two relatively close teams those
3641s are the marginal differences that matter
3644s it's not as close as I thought it was
3645s going to be though we probably think
3646s that Australia is the favorite in this
3648s particular group and that's kind of
3650s proving itself today Thailand beat New
3652s Zealand yes saying right now it's really
3654s looking just that much better than time
3656s to be a fair I think ilios is just a
3657s brilliant map for Australia given you
3659s can play planxty but you can play Nando
3660s the pharah as we move on forward they're
3663s curious to see what we have for map
3664s number two and if we're going to be
3665s changing locales a little bit away from
3667s dive and you know maybe forcing the
3669s ground game a bit more yeah let's take a
3672s look at what Thailand has chosen for the
3674s second map so they can choose between an
3676s escort or a hybrid and it looks like
3677s they've gone with an escort they've gone
3679s with a circuit Royale so something a map
3682s with some really good sight lines a lot
3684s of widowmakers we see here a lot of
3686s hanzos taking control of those High
3688s grounds and those angles here on circuit
3690s Royale so I'd say a good choice
3692s potentially from Thailand here High
3694s Vision was impressive uh excuse me
3696s yesterday on some of those picks so I
3698s think we're just going to see a whole
3700s lot more of that I think he's got a much
3702s tougher customer though in Australia
3705s compared to the match they had yesterday
3706s against New Zealand so we'll have to see
3708s how how A's and high Vision end up
3710s stacking up uh also obviously eyes on
3712s that tank line up and we do see Sigma
3714s game play uh Kelvin comfortable enough
3716s on that Australia you've got punk there
3718s already they could swap out I guess but
3721s probably won't no they won't
3723s this is the map for Punk to fly 100
3725s again so yeah there's gonna be Punk play
3726s second round thing but you're just
3728s playing into Punk's hands again where
3730s the sky is going to come through on uh
3731s one of his key Heroes alongside the day
3733s where it's going to be the sigma it's
3734s going to be right back at the off Tank
3736s Hero pool and you have a situation where
3737s I think Nami probably gets subbed in
3739s here I'd be surprised if he doesn't
3740s because this is a heavily as Steph
3743s mentioned a sniper dominated map it's
3745s going to be honzo and what America if
3748s not the surgeon into play so NADA goes
3750s out Quinn and Nami will play in Nami
3752s will play that Widowmaker could most
3754s likely then pops over towards a soldier
3756s which is one of his comfort Heroes and
3758s then we have the pretty standard Sigma
3759s double long range double Flex support on
3762s the back end as well which
3765s I don't they have another Flex support
3768s on team Australia I don't actually think
3769s they do
3770s so the afternoon they do with uh I think
3772s Aki Amber log together because they
3774s actually have two main supports with
3775s Atlas and uh bird logs so they didn't
3778s they didn't pick up a second Flex
3779s support that'll be uh a bed there lion
3782s though so let's see if Bert log can play
3783s some Flex supports today I believe well
3786s as sorry pixie
3789s I simply believe in Bert log
3793s I am glad to hear that look let's head
3796s on in to Circuit Royale and as pixie
3798s believes in Bert log we believe in the
3801s McDonald's mcfeast as the mcfeast is
3803s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
3806s value means more at macca's and I'll
3809s hand it over to pixie and Avril for
3811s circuit Royale
3817s if I were a rapper beefy Glory would be
3820s my name
3822s who would you beef with as I at that
3824s point I think you have the rappers
3825s you're making your entire career off
3827s beefing alone all other wrappers
3832s whole album is a diss track
3835s let's see how
3837s the team comes sort of pull out here as
3841s my only question mark was going to be
3842s what Bert log decides to play this is a
3844s trick of the Irish this is a really
3845s shallow pull that's extremely shallow
3849s the flotation device not necessary it's
3851s only two inches deep
3853s it's just a pool that you put your feet
3855s in that's fine unless you're a mouse in
3858s which case you would need the extra
3859s buoyancy
3861s is going to play the Hans over here
3864s which was on the table again you pick
3866s one of the three for the long range
3869s eyes on Burt log Bap ends up being the
3871s answer I think a lot of main sports do
3873s at least have a little bit of that Bap
3874s in the hero pool I would have expected
3876s minimum maybe a break would not have
3878s been as strong but okay bams in both
3881s sides and so what are both sides
3884s the Calvin's got a bit of a test on and
3886s see if he can take down the high ping
3887s Punk so let's stop from high Vision I
3890s noted it was a strong when the snipers
3892s yesterday and has really come out
3894s swinging taken down Bert log
3897s HP bar is looking pretty bad for
3899s Australia for now Nami as well
3905s Dodge of the rock there that would have
3906s been pretty catastrophic losing another
3907s player losing more time
3909s Sicily low though Quinn and punk is down
3911s damn yeah and I think that was uh I
3914s actually think that was before they were
3916s able to get Bert log properly back with
3918s the team
3920s well it hurts losing a path early as
3921s well because now you're gonna be behind
3922s a poodle should be a lot further ahead
3924s than this but I guess Thailand just
3926s hasn't taken that much damage actually
3928s he's not going to kill everyone by
3929s himself as his end
3933s it's a really brutal hold right now a
3936s poodle gets picked off that's an
3937s important opening opportunity now no
3939s more immortality field so Calvin is dead
3941s to rights and finally Australia able to
3943s open back out onto the rest of the map
3945s get a little bit of play going through
3946s oh a still exacting his toll making sure
3949s they at least get one more on the exit
3951s of the fight High Vision was just there
3952s to stall out the cart
3954s still plenty of space to play through
3956s Staton is okay for now they've held
3957s fairly fast forward for a sigma team
3960s and given that sort of distance they can
3962s play the time a little bit
3964s I know what kind of space is still left
3966s to play in towards 88 for Aces infraside
3969s and that's gonna
3971s be really big I think differential in
3973s the actual automaker gameplay
3975s so not something Naomi can answer
3977s payload has moved a decent amount on
3978s Thailand's been a bit slow to recontest
3986s Punk
3987s nearly ready with the flux
3990s oh
3991s it's for the infrasight knocks Nami
3993s Quinn finds Ace in return though Dragon
3996s strike immediately out from high Vision
3997s they're committing Calvin's gone in uh
3999s he's bad Punk he goes up down into the
4001s no the immortality field expired before
4003s he landed back down so here's a quick
4004s pickup very nicely done by Thailand
4007s they've invest in the ultimates it pays
4008s off for them Australia didn't end up
4010s using their ultimates really aside from
4012s the window
4013s I didn't have a chance to too low HP too
4016s many players down Calvin cancels the
4018s window oh at least cancels the impact to
4020s the window with the well placed flux
4021s timing
4022s Thailand continues to hold they stop the
4025s payload short of the final corner
4027s less than 130 left to play through so
4029s Australians pacing still
4031s what do we desired here they will be
4034s coming in with this time a lot more
4035s ultimates to play through they will have
4036s their own bit of flux to ideally counter
4040s out a product
4042s I'm gonna have to go in for it here we
4043s go flux first High Vision a little bit
4046s out in the cold there not able to get
4048s into an immortality field he was lifted
4049s Justin up above it Ace down quickly
4051s that's going to break straight through
4053s Dragon strike across finds Pali and
4055s there we go Australia just kind of
4056s stormed through that was starting to
4057s look real good for Thailand looking like
4059s a potential for honey but just
4060s unraveling in that fight
4061s this Paladin all day either Pluto waited
4064s for the lamp I mean he should have used
4066s a lamp a lot earlier but he expected
4067s high Vision to live he was clearly
4069s waiting for the drop end of the flex to
4071s come the flex to come through before he
4073s ends up in playing the immortality field
4075s because he wants to block the damage off
4076s for that he doesn't want his land broken
4077s too early but because he plays it late
4079s for that reason you end up just losing a
4081s play I think one of either played the
4083s lamp early or played the Transcendence
4085s for high Vision needed to happen and
4086s neither dead pilot again they lose one
4089s play and they just get rolled over
4092s now Australia
4095s time on this side
4098s Thailand kind of needing a pick who
4099s Quinn takes a bit of a beating oh Ace is
4102s the one who finds it threads the
4103s headshot throw into an army that gives
4105s Jason High Vision a lot of superiority
4107s on the sidelines High Vision avoiding
4109s the damage around the side there from
4110s Punk who's just going right up in
4112s Calvin's Grill taking a lot of heat for
4114s it Aki may want to pop a Transcendence
4116s if Australia don't back out here
4117s pumpkins really taken some heat the
4119s whole Townley field was used by a Pluto
4121s no further ground for the time being
4125s Calvin's got all those segments just
4127s play the defensively they got low the
4129s back down waiting for heels bucks only
4131s one team end up using lap and media
4133s Transcendence from hackie very nicely
4134s done and that mortality field will be
4136s back off code out now for a puto Pally
4138s goes down oh excuse me what a find there
4140s with the storm arrows train back on
4143s sorry and further damage rather on to
4144s Calvin and it just kind of comes a part
4147s of the seams Tyler not finding anything
4148s in that fight
4150s and because Thailand had to back out a
4152s little bit in the sigma trade they
4153s couldn't hold the payload Punk got extra
4154s push on for Australia and with that
4157s they're gonna be able to win this fight
4158s and instantly cap out so no further
4160s contest from Thailand what a shot from
4161s Cordon to Pali to deny the Transcendence
4163s which would have been important in their
4164s play especially given that bird like
4166s pulls in with the uh amplification
4169s Matrix and Calvin instantly just gets to
4171s leave that would have been the time all
4172s the trends to come on through to save
4174s Calvin's life
4175s I end up losing the rest of B
4179s and uh
4182s very
4183s not a lot of Defense I gotta say
4187s yeah it's kind of been uh
4189s a whole lot of nothing from Thailand
4191s even when they have Fountain pegs they
4192s actually started off that last
4193s engagement with uh Ace getting a kill
4195s directly on to Nami I mean a has been
4197s good yeah a point was good it was
4199s fantastic oh Ace down unfortunate High
4202s Vision taking a bit of heat as well and
4204s once again Thailand are just losing
4206s ground here
4208s one free push with Punk at the moment
4210s notably Australia isn't currently going
4213s Outdoors they're not going home so far
4214s to animals to Challenge from that angle
4216s going around the corner for a flux there
4218s is Park moving back towards the cart a
4221s bit of an awkward brawl through this
4222s corner bit of a wasted ultimate it was a
4224s dragon strike as well from high Vision
4225s now and burns down Calvin devastating
4229s blow there trades coming back through
4231s continuing to favor Australia even in
4234s losing the support lineup here punk is
4236s still nice and healthy they're getting
4237s just a little bit of free push so I
4239s contested now obviously but Thailand
4242s will be able to muster another defense
4243s here Australia having lost those
4245s supports will need to back away from
4246s this oh but they can't fight much longer
4248s so they can only get a little bit more
4249s push if possible but a poodle drops down
4251s he's got the extra healing
4253s and even though Punk had okay HP none of
4255s that can be healed up and at minimum
4257s Australia ends up being pushed away and
4258s I don't know about this Riverside from
4260s Nami either this ends up being used very
4262s late as their team was losing the fight
4264s but now because Australia don't have
4265s actually the numbers to push forward it
4268s was a solo infrasight where the Titan
4269s gets to hide away they don't have to
4271s contest the water is not going to be
4272s pushing payload
4274s such an infraside going to the wind
4276s Nami should probably think about getting
4278s off the water maker here anyway it does
4280s this is not the best location anymore
4282s for the world you can sort of force it
4284s but oh excellent High Vision now playing
4286s the Tracer Hanzo combination instead Ace
4288s was getting bumping and about for a hot
4290s second there but otherwise fine trying
4292s to continue contesting this payload
4294s without costing it him uh without it
4295s costing him his life but nope there it
4297s is that are able to find the extra shots
4298s to confirm the kill Tyler now one man
4300s Dow Calvin having to hold down the fort
4302s not able to sit in the immortality field
4304s had to back out of it was getting
4305s pressured forward too much from
4306s Australia now Quinn down on the Aussie
4308s side of things both immortality Fields
4310s use flux does not quite cat shacky does
4313s still catch Punk and he goes down for
4315s his travel bird log as well to follow
4317s it's looking like this is going to be
4319s where Thailand drawn their line of the
4320s sand 30 seconds left on the clock
4321s Australia get one last pass in it and
4323s it's going to be a bit rushed
4325s to see an army goes over towards
4326s anything different again
4328s probably not because when's already
4329s taken the Tracer away it's Australia
4331s they're going to run back at it with the
4332s exact same composition Thailand looking
4334s good towards three big ultimate
4336s strengths and it's most important of
4338s which rank and strike also in the OT
4340s extremely powerful
4342s it's going to come down to punk and bird
4343s log not a lot of good positions I think
4345s too and you're going to have to try and
4347s play through the
4349s and make sure it's just off the lane
4351s Nami pinks out unfortunately by the
4354s dragon strike from high vision and he
4356s also saw that uh that flux get used from
4359s Punk on Calvin to no effect they've
4361s traded tanks now bird lockdown acne
4363s dropped and it's going to be the total
4365s length of distance for Australia so nice
4367s defense at the end there where it
4368s counted most but I have to say Thailand
4370s did give a lot of ground away
4373s and they've eventually recovered on to
4375s see I think this is where you just start
4377s to see the the watermaker fall off in
4378s terms of usefulness
4381s some critical fights in that final Lane
4383s as well where what double supports down
4385s for Australia ended up being I think the
4388s nailed the coffin they only would have
4391s had 30 seconds remaining that's exactly
4392s what they had to play through difficult
4394s to find a final push you need a lot of
4396s value on the flux you need a lot of
4397s value on the air Matrix and
4399s Fortune neither was going to end up
4401s being the case I mean you would have had
4403s a lot more value on the flux if you
4404s already had push the payload towards and
4406s force the final contestant just flux
4408s enemies off the payload
4410s drag and strike as I mentioned in the
4412s final hour as well is a Difference Maker
4415s anybody who has to end up touching
4417s payload has to get off in Thailand just
4420s dig their heels and comfortably on C I
4422s think
4425s they're attacking a half Now Thailand
4427s obviously this is sudden death for them
4428s they have dropped that early map to
4430s Australia they got a defense which means
4433s if they can cap the map out they're
4435s still in for a chance in this series but
4437s that's a solid if as it stands Australia
4440s have looked great they're not going to
4441s give up ground easily
4443s the full map it's a bit of a tall order
4449s Thailand had a good defense on AIM
4451s struggled to defend on B on the
4453s attacking end
4454s actually gonna go and forego the Widow
4457s entirely so
4459s was already going to be fairly gnarmy
4460s favorite on the watermaker battle given
4462s that he's on the defensive side now but
4463s Ace will not even play into it I think
4465s for the opening point this could end up
4467s being a mistake
4469s the opening Lane here this big straight
4471s extremely difficult to play into
4473s automaker
4476s once the sojourn with those rail shots
4486s or Australia
4487s and Asia's going to go down here as well
4489s a bit of a slow bleeder for Thailand as
4491s they wait for some respawns
4494s you can only hide behind a shield of
4496s Calvin for so long
4497s and they just can't challenge the long
4499s sight lines as well playing the sojin
4502s with the Hanzo version I think you do
4504s need the automaker once again
4505s back line is going to start pulling away
4507s in terms of old charge for Australia
4508s here as well Pluto is still leading
4511s actually quite a bit further behind
4513s Calvin in a lot of trouble here bigger
4515s mortality field used already Ace not
4518s able to benefit from it ah and there we
4519s go Calvin still goes down as soon as the
4521s immortality field expires just too much
4524s pressure and as you only point out Ace
4526s and high Vision are just struggling to
4528s make Headway here they're desperately
4529s fishing for a pick they actually do find
4531s one they managed to get the railgun shot
4533s across on tsunami that opens things up
4535s with the respawn coming in from Calvin
4537s Ace trying to push on forward they've
4539s got the cart movement now they're gonna
4540s get around this corner
4541s the knee first ultimate Thailand's
4543s getting kind of close but Punk is that
4545s much further ahead than Calvin
4547s Australia have a pressure valve to
4549s release and mortality field is down I
4551s want to move up forward but Calvin is
4552s just so far up at the moment he's taking
4554s a bunch of damage yeah it's a freebie
4555s like I said immortality field was used
4557s earlier by a pudos that's off the table
4559s they at least five Bert log so no window
4560s a Pluto has deployed his but without
4561s that tank they're sort of trying to
4564s force it
4565s but they find yeah Nami what a great
4568s catch that keeps Thailand in it now as
4570s Calvin looks to come in to respawn
4572s Dragon strike across from Quinn
4573s everyone's able to avoid it quite easily
4575s in the side room Ace controls that Quinn
4578s now punk goes down Ace unbelievably on a
4582s tear with that overclock now finding
4584s Pally towards the end
4586s and there we go nicely Darden
4589s despite being one zero down I think Ace
4590s might be the player of the match so far
4592s in terms of just the overall impacts on
4594s the echo now on the surgeon out Snipes
4596s an army long range of the Rails that was
4598s what put Australia behind the first
4599s place on a and then continues forward
4602s the amount of rails coming on through
4604s the overclock to finish things off and
4606s get the cap and once in guarantee the
4608s time we're going to be able to get the
4609s cap either because Australia has
4610s multiplied through double support opens
4612s coming online
4613s Calvin big push-up here from Thailand
4615s it'll be Calvin's time find the huge of
4617s flux drag and strike across to split the
4618s team first and here we go it's Flex time
4620s doesn't have a lot at his back trying to
4622s wait out the bulk of that trendsetters
4623s they found Quinn that's a free pick Bert
4625s log dying to the very back end of that
4627s Dragon strike that was used a while ago
4629s already by high Vision but they managed
4631s to get the work done Calvin dangerously
4632s low finally goes down but they trade it
4634s for Punk so Thailand's still getting
4636s pretty good push it's not totally free
4638s push but it's the next best thing
4641s well Punk is going to end up returning
4642s before Calvin so that is a huge issue
4643s for Thailand doesn't mean that Thailand
4645s probably have to give up this angle
4646s unlikely to be able to actually get this
4648s cap yeah Australia's just too close to
4650s you should be at the run for it going
4651s for it now
4653s they do and it works out but they
4655s immediately trade Aki and now Thailand
4657s they want to force the issue Ali pops
4659s Transcendence to try to fight more
4660s losing Ace though that's really bad for
4661s them they only have high Vision putting
4663s out the damage they lose him as well in
4665s Thailand they had a bit of an
4666s opportunity there doesn't quite pay off
4667s they finally pick up they might still
4670s try and take something here if Quinn
4671s goes down there he is that's gonna get
4673s the card over the line despite losing
4675s both dps's Thailand are actually still
4678s able to get the fight done as soon as
4680s they had punk out of the way
4682s well they just managed to out damage
4684s Punk's healing and it was burnt like
4685s alone trying to get the heels and maybe
4687s he was on a Reload
4688s Aki dad couldn't put the Harmony on they
4691s already used the lamp early remember
4692s they they had to touch off the supports
4694s usually land because Punk was still
4695s coming up and punk was going to be there
4696s before Calvin that's a guarantee they
4698s couldn't quite touch in time so
4700s sacrificing his support it's expensive
4703s that was a bit of a nothing flux
4706s out of no man's land right now punk may
4708s be in a bit of trouble here trying to
4709s retreat to his healers try to route in
4711s Calvin to get a bit of a surround on him
4713s may get work out indeed it does over
4715s extend their desperately try to finish
4717s off Punk and they've not really been
4719s pushing the car while that's happened as
4720s well they've got a fair bit of it only
4721s just getting back to it now Australia
4723s are backing out because they have low
4724s health bars but they can push straight
4725s back in and it's going to be tight I
4727s don't have to give up the position
4730s does that I don't think Thailand could
4732s really continue too much further forward
4734s here they already got a decent amount of
4735s ground they need to try and play the
4737s angle on the window again setting that
4739s one up straight in the lane for the
4741s final push
4742s Calvin coming up over towards the flux
4744s as well so they've got good ultimates
4745s online four or could be the final push
4747s plenty of time to play through but this
4749s is the important push this is the one
4750s where they're going to have the big
4751s ultimate Advantage nearly onto five
4753s Australia about 15 away at least it
4755s supports they're going to make the long
4756s rotation on The High Ground this has
4757s been spotted because now I'm imposing
4759s them for sight
4761s out of dragon strike there goes Quinn
4763s doesn't find much with it oh Ace though
4765s still goes down not able to rotate
4766s quickly they had Transcendence they have
4767s Ace wasn't in it I'm just kind of
4769s threading one through to find that
4770s they're still going to go in for this
4772s fight they've got their own dragon
4773s straight trying to isolate Punk nope not
4775s able to get it the barrier is able to
4777s cover his Retreat he's got the supports
4778s at his back not too isolated for them
4780s losing power in the main thrust of the
4782s fight as well look they get a little bit
4783s more push they've still got two and a
4785s half minutes on the clock this is doable
4787s for Thailand but they have to give this
4788s one up uh for now yeah it's not doable
4791s in this fight quit on the earth angle
4792s from the window I mean Thailand they're
4794s trying to rotate around now they want to
4795s rotate it down to the low ground into
4797s the small room where Punk was in a bit
4800s of a 1V one but that leaves your team
4801s open so
4803s when flying's the angle again through
4804s the window where Target are pushing the
4806s paint a little bit the tank is all the
4808s way in the side room instead
4809s Australia end up holding so two minutes
4811s more to hold through surely doable
4813s enough to go past that fight oh early
4816s death on quindo that opens the door
4818s we'll have to see how these fluxes work
4819s out double flux Punk gets the better end
4822s of it in the initial bit but loses his
4824s own life that's a two for one favoring
4826s Thailand losing High Vision a bit rough
4828s but Aces back with the team getting a
4830s little bit more free push past Bert logs
4832s window as well now looking around the
4834s side what can Calvin find trying to fish
4836s up ackee will be able to get him does
4838s not use Transcendence and it could start
4840s to come apart Quinn goes down the wheels
4842s are coming off for Australia on this
4844s last stretch of the defense a minute and
4846s a half still on the clock as they deal
4848s with nami and burlock both Punk Dean
4850s Megs came back out the diva immediately
4852s loses look at that Thailand keeping the
4856s series competitive they pick up Circle
4857s Royale their own map pick and we tie up
4860s one to one
4861s wow Falls away the seams and you're
4863s right where was that Transcendence from
4864s Aki this gets dived upon he's low HP
4867s Aces about to fly into his face
4869s they also end up using the ultimate punt
4872s goes down swaps back on the D where
4873s they're trying to hold that look it was
4874s gonna be a long hole because
4876s three minutes I think on the scene
4879s really fast A and B push ultimately by
4882s time they struggled on their a again I
4883s think the lack of the Widowmaker was a
4885s problem but Ace comes from the sojin and
4887s does an extremely good job out Snipes
4889s Nami on the surgeon with the rail on a
4891s couple times and then the overclock to
4893s finish off the a point
4895s then you have the sigma trades on B
4897s which ultimately despite Punk making it
4899s back earlier just not quite in time to
4901s let your tank be the one to go for the
4903s touch you had to play the supports or at
4905s least the DPS somebody else had to touch
4907s instead he ended up losing that play you
4909s end up losing the signal battle once
4910s Kelvin actually does come in giving
4912s Thailand a ton of time to play through
4914s for the C Point push and eventually
4916s they'll be able to use that time to
4917s finish the map
4919s I was actually really surprised that Ace
4921s didn't play Widowmaker there on their
4924s attack but um I think by playing the
4926s soldier and they actually found some
4927s really great off angles and caught
4928s Australia out a few times and look
4930s Thailand did pick that map they knew
4932s what they were doing here I was still
4934s surprised by the lack of the Widow pick
4935s but hey it worked really well in their
4937s favor so well done to Thailand uh making
4939s it a 1-1 here versus Australia which
4941s means we'll go into a push map after the
4944s break so we're gonna jump to a quick
4946s break everyone and we'll see you soon
4948s [Music]
4958s all right
4960s you asked we listen the macbeast is back
4963s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
4966s value means more at macca's so grab a
4969s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
4972s [Music]
4975s foreign
4977s [Music]
4992s [Music]
5004s [Music]
5037s thank you
5042s [Music]
5050s foreign
5053s [Music]
5060s [Music]
5088s Papa
5120s [Music]
5138s thank you
5174s thank you
5200s [Music]
5208s thank you
5218s [Music]
5227s foreign
5230s [Music]
5249s [Music]
5258s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
5261s World Cup APAC Group B online qualifiers
5265s and if you're just joining us we are
5267s currently watching Australia versus
5269s Thailand and it is currently at one to
5271s one Australia having won the first map
5273s in Thailand having secured the second
5275s map which they had chosen themselves on
5278s circuit Royale let's take a look at how
5280s they went there
5282s suddenly kept things interesting being
5284s able to pick up a map and that a defense
5286s we noted at the time that a defense was
5289s really really good after that though not
5292s a whole lot of presence across B gave up
5294s a lot of ground on the sea however they
5296s won a couple of critical fights in a row
5298s when it counted most completed a hold
5300s quite close to that c Point Australia
5303s had about two minutes two and a half
5305s minutes by the time they arrived there
5306s so solid defense by Thailand and then on
5308s their attacking half as soon as they'd
5310s cleared that initial bit of sight lines
5312s it was just consistent momentum
5314s Australia had some good scraps back but
5315s overall it was just Thailand
5317s consistently winning team fights
5320s as Thailand really had uh a comeback in
5323s this particular map because Ace of
5325s surgeon was something to behold even
5327s though defense I think the Widowmaker
5328s from Ace was really damn good versus
5330s numbing and I I was thinking this could
5332s be a really difficult man for Thailand
5333s to play through now obviously they have
5335s good reasons to be here you have to kind
5336s of trust and your ability to win that
5338s Sigma battle win on the sniper battle as
5340s well for the most part I think Punk
5342s actually LED Calvin but Calvin held his
5344s own
5345s didn't fall down too hard
5347s and then allowed enough space for Ace
5350s and high vision and especially Ace to
5351s pave the way for Thailand to get this
5353s win
5356s yeah definitely and look we will be
5359s going into the decider map here today it
5362s will be a push map that will be decided
5364s by Australia and this will be the map to
5367s decide who takes it out against versus
5369s Thailand versus Australia and look I'm
5372s going to be biased I want Australia to
5374s obviously you know win this one as an
5377s Australian myself so I'm hoping
5379s Australia will take the push map out
5381s here today
5382s sellout professional just showing you
5384s buy us outright like that I can't
5385s believe you do that yeah um I like
5388s someone from New Zealand yesterday
5390s um yeah that was yesterday that's in the
5392s past it doesn't matter anymore uh
5394s anyone could have said anything back
5396s then
5397s all right well let's take a look at what
5399s Australia has chosen for the final map
5402s here today and it looks like it's going
5403s to be coliseo now I know we have some
5407s long sight lines on coliseo but I feel
5409s like maybe we might see some sojourn
5411s play again here over the widowmakers any
5413s thoughts on this map well it's
5415s definitely not going to be any
5415s widowmakers probably not going to be any
5417s surgeons either this is definitely
5418s looking more towards a ram Focus matchup
5420s we are three for three on Mediterranean
5423s Maps people
5425s can you believe it possibility of uh I
5427s think maybe the winstons but with no
5429s cover being subbed in I think that would
5431s be a rarity I certainly won't cheat on
5433s the team Australia side of things so I
5435s think you're looking over towards Point
5436s pulling either Jungle Queen or Ram here
5437s are looking over towardsolution Memorial
5439s maybe Lucio bap certainly over towards
5442s the the reaper May style kind of stuff
5444s here for probably both teams and
5446s removing Ace from being able to carry on
5449s stuff like you know the echo Widowmaker
5450s and surgeon probably the right idea
5452s yeah okay so more of those sort of rush
5454s comps all right well let's take a look
5457s that I hear the players are already up
5458s in the lobby so let's head on over to
5461s lovely coliseo in Rome Italy take it
5464s away guys have you ever been to Rome
5466s Kevin
5468s no I've never been to Europe actually oh
5470s interesting I
5473s I've been to row I've been to Israel
5478s maybe I didn't go to Rome
5481s I went to Florence Florence was cool
5483s uh saw the leading Tower of Pisa I took
5486s the Hokey tourist photo that everyone is
5488s required to take
5490s um
5493s I was like six no I was younger I was
5495s like five four or five I'm trying to
5497s remember we stayed at a venue and wasted
5499s trips to remember I I and I distinctly
5503s recall uh we stayed at this Vineyard for
5505s about a week and then in the last uh
5507s actually it was longer about a week and
5508s a half and then for the last like two
5510s days with some other friends of ours uh
5513s in the UK come and join us and then we
5515s left and I continued going to do some of
5518s the stuff and then went back home they
5520s stayed at the vineyard for like two more
5521s days afterwards when I got back that
5523s friend was insistent that they were
5525s there longer than us and I'm like no we
5527s were there for like a week before you
5529s he's like no after you left we were
5530s there for longer than you we stayed
5532s longer and he just couldn't his
5534s four-year-old brain couldn't conceive of
5536s how time worked and the fact that things
5538s occur when he's not around to witness
5539s them
5540s I hope he's doing okay in life right now
5543s so witness this Ace is going to go back
5545s over towards the surgeon he'll force it
5546s into play I mean it's acceptable it's
5548s gonna be the looser and it was also
5550s Thailand playing I think maybe a
5552s slightly I wouldn't call that outdated
5553s but not the most modern Luther Moro
5556s version of the same composition that
5557s allows Australia just to rush forward
5558s Quinn leaving the way onto the Reaper
5563s working double time to heal him up
5565s having to heal himself up as well while
5567s he's at it and you're seeing that little
5568s bit of difference in the healing there
5569s Ace is the one who actually gets picked
5571s off it's Nanda who threads it and Ace
5574s not quite able to get what he wanted out
5575s of the soldier nice trap there to Calvin
5577s barely surviving I imagine not for much
5579s longer and if he is it's going to be in
5581s full Retreat up there we go finally
5582s blasted down by Nanda with the right
5584s click and that's gonna do it for this
5587s opening scrap Australia in control
5589s Thailand still taking losses on the
5591s retreat
5592s yep I mean the light of the deaths here
5594s the ball free punch that Australia's
5595s going to get looking over tours maybe 40
5598s to 50 here if you plays push forward old
5600s bits are coming online ackie sitting on
5602s coalescence Moyers building up that
5603s ultimate cook as you'd imagine
5605s in Thailand just being Al Pace this is
5606s why you played Lucia Moore version you
5608s get past the initial May battle watching
5610s that is kind of lower the moment and
5611s then you're just running home coal
5613s lessons at Australia's back here
5615s Thailand just kind of have to wait that
5616s one out oh what what what never mind
5619s just use overclock Two Shots three shots
5622s four shots come on get Quinn as well I
5624s don't believe it
5626s 5K
5630s you found your Marcus play of the game
5631s for sure Ace with the ace on our third
5633s now the decider to stop team Australia
5636s right before the cap can come through as
5637s well best player in the lobby I'm going
5639s to say it look yeah okay I get that
5640s punkers OverWatch league but DPS flashy
5643s hero Soldier do cool things Ace of the
5645s 5K entirely I don't want to roll
5648s I had a dream last night that I dropped
5649s an F-bomb on the broadcast and let me
5651s tell you I got close watching that 5K uh
5654s but I I held my tongue meanwhile
5656s Thailand pushing forward still Australia
5659s back in the mix Now Thailand a little
5660s lean on ultimates compared to Australia
5662s neither quite willing to commit anything
5664s just yet wanting to scrap it out maybe
5665s find a pick Force the other team into an
5668s arrow
5670s here we go Australia's still sitting on
5671s some decent places
5673s Annihilation out from Calvin Punk
5676s totally frozen up unable to use his own
5678s ultimate and that's gonna start stealing
5680s things for Thailand just able to get in
5681s there a little bit quicker but like
5682s popping the sound barrier Pluto choosing
5684s to match they're able to last out
5686s Quinn's death Blossom thanks that as
5688s well Nana boost and coalescence coming
5690s up soon but we're nanded down ackee I
5691s think would be remiss to try and commit
5693s this coalescence now especially with
5694s Quinn and fertlog Ace once again warping
5697s the lobby around his presence
5699s yeah I mean that's just the star sign of
5701s a player that is so commanding a star
5704s player Ace has been number one in the
5706s sloppy he forced his way to Victory on
5708s Circle round that was forcing Thailand
5710s into what could be a winning push here
5712s might see the flip on the payload
5714s distance getting close to threaten the
5716s cap as well but this is where Punk gets
5718s to use the annihilation as you mentioned
5719s couldn't use the last time you've been
5720s frozen straight away here in too deep
5724s really quick commit there from Australia
5726s Bert log just
5728s commanding everybody in with the speed
5730s boost they had the coalescence at the
5732s back very quick convert there that was
5734s unfortunate for Thailand they kind of
5735s needing to take a back-to-back win pull
5737s ahead in the distance instead situation
5739s is reset
5741s and look I I don't I'm not trying to be
5743s funny here but legitimately I think Pali
5745s might I think legit at least they could
5747s legitimately might have been actually
5750s in a good position to boost you ever put
5752s up there because he was in trouble I
5753s think if you boost your there on purpose
5754s a Buddha stays alive and you might be
5756s able to pull back and take another fight
5758s out Road take the annihilation you trade
5761s Annihilation for sale for Nano and I
5763s think that's a worthwhile trade for Ali
5764s once a poodle goes down I think the
5766s fight starts to go really far south even
5768s if you're Nano Kelvin no guarantee you
5770s win Ace has another overclock though and
5772s we can see brilliant things from him
5774s once again already around the side
5775s committed with it Nanda super low finds
5777s bird log that's one okay what else is he
5779s gonna get oh he goes down he's in too
5781s deep Australia they are ready for it
5782s they react to it them is uh Annihilation
5785s rather from Calvin able to find Punk
5786s they're pulling ahead and numbers just
5787s fairly High vision goes Ice Cube just
5790s out laughs Pally down though they're
5792s really struggling to close this last
5793s little bit out they're fighting Quinn
5795s though should be able to dust off Aki
5796s and they will get those respawners in
5798s before Australia
5803s was a situation where they need to try
5805s and actually get this flip
5808s Australia fully respawned planning I'm
5810s going to pull back a little bit make
5811s another fight in the neutral Pluto's
5813s still gonna taxi a couple players in
5815s that lay death on Pally really costing
5816s Thailand on time there
5818s well they're not gonna be able to take a
5819s flight in the open that's for sure
5820s there's going to be a blizzard train in
5822s the open
5824s Nano to boot on the back side like he
5827s might be able to push things a little
5828s bit further towards Australia's
5829s Advantage with this additional cold
5832s Essence banana could also just get a
5833s sniper yeah just found that already and
5835s now Thailand had to make some serious
5837s decisions about whether or not they're
5838s going for this
5839s they've already got Calvin up deep in
5841s the mix they're a little bit low they
5842s had to go ahead and commit an animals
5844s onto Calbert here comes the blizzards
5845s now just skirting around the edges of it
5847s Sidelines directly Fort Punk and to heal
5849s on him try to push forward past that
5851s barrier sound barrier gonna be committed
5852s from Bert log for Australia
5854s and he is indeed pally's already down to
5857s puto not there on the sound barrier
5859s still as the Fight Continues Calvin
5861s super low AIDS down again
5864s are you kidding me two people unforced
5867s error from a poodle
5870s it just pulls out this I think he was
5872s trying to save the last two members but
5873s everyone just melts in time and that is
5875s not what you want to be dropping the
5876s sound barrier
5877s let the fight go hold on to the ultimate
5879s for the following fight
5880s you probably end up losing the cap I
5882s mean you guarantee to lose it now but
5883s you would have lost the cap potentially
5885s from no you should have the sound bar
5886s you would have still down by hand you
5888s saved it
5889s they tried to make sure Annihilation for
5891s this fight with caught on the extra
5892s death Watson
5894s they nearly had a contest they had to
5896s give it up with that ice will block in
5897s the sideline and now Quinn is charging
5899s up into the sidelines looking to get
5900s into the back line with a deathclaw said
5902s has the whole Squad in front of him
5904s beautiful absolutely beautiful
5909s 4K from Australia on to Quinn's death
5912s Watson
5913s now he is going to be the Doom push this
5916s is doubling the distance Thailand now
5918s and even more looking towards triple
5919s digits
5920s tying with Ace on the fire you're really
5923s trying to pull through anything extra
5924s that they can find
5926s yeah I'm sure Ace is going to find some
5927s decent angles on this fire not a lot
5929s that Australia can do to contest
5931s that's great but Australia can also just
5932s pull back out they've got to confirm the
5934s 100 and exit the point but not ponkey
5936s stuck behind a wall oh that's dangerous
5938s about barely gets away thanks that extra
5942s bit of Defense in the Nemesis form
5943s that's a rocker barrage directly on
5945s funk's face though not gonna be able to
5947s outlast that one not able to go in for
5949s the race there is a puto Nano Nanda
5951s rather guarding the body for the time
5952s being acting down that red sets long
5954s since gone but they've got the extra
5956s kills coming through so Thailand they
5958s needed to dust off the last few and then
5960s they'll be able to start pushing by the
5961s way the distance back of their own
5963s hey Scott that rocket barrage on record
5965s time as well he was getting so much
5966s flash Damage Done finds a rocket rush to
5969s even chase Punk through the window
5970s Landing onto two kills
5973s anything that was slow there for Tyler
5975s is they
5976s struggled to maybe get back control of
5978s the payload so we'll get back to the
5979s neutral now finally with 2 30 remaining
5981s time he's not looking good this is also
5983s where fire is not good either
5984s Nanda has Aces number as soon as I said
5989s ace was warping the lobby around him
5990s Nanda heard me and went well I've got to
5993s do something about that has kept such a
5995s lid on this guy for so long and now once
5997s again Thailand just as they finally
5999s reset to situation neutral after a
6001s minute and a half elapses they are
6004s immediately finding themselves on a
6005s losing end of a fight
6007s but it's because Ace is on the wrong
6009s hero here he's only playing the fire to
6011s I guess you have some decent
6012s opportunities to play the fight in the
6014s open space but you can't win those
6015s neutrals once fire ends up playing
6016s inside The Concourse in the midpoint
6019s really low value so how is Thailand
6021s meant to be able to come back into the
6022s game when they likely are not going to
6025s be able to push past his midpoint again
6028s Nando going cold here
6031s has himself a blizzard available minute
6034s and a half on the clock this is real do
6036s we'll die for Thailand and they start
6037s off by fighting Quinn can Australia
6039s start to recover it they've got the
6040s blizzard deployed A's has a rocker
6042s barrage waiting at the blizzard first
6043s Calvin running his low he's in trouble
6046s he's in the immortality field but it's
6048s not going to last much longer Ace is
6049s trying to get into the mix here to do
6051s some damage so low Trends his own life
6053s and I don't think that was worth it
6055s thank goodness Calvin has been able to
6057s survive and pick up a chunk of kills
6060s with the entire duration of the
6061s annihilation but even then they have to
6064s wait for Ace to get back in I don't know
6065s how much distance they're going to get
6066s off just that
6068s well they need you exactly I used to
6069s have to try and take the shortcut not of
6071s the fastest here although you got one
6072s con place to move you along Calvin's
6074s Staying Alive behind the wall was
6075s everything the land being put into that
6077s extra Annihilation
6079s armor as well and yeah he's in a lot of
6082s trouble yeah played that way too close
6084s to it they were expecting a sooner than
6085s he was able to arrive only against one
6087s before going down once again Nanda has
6088s his number has a puto's number two and
6091s uh between that I don't know it's not
6094s looking good for Thailand now 30 seconds
6096s on the clock losing a fight I can have a
6098s hard time resetting and Australia
6099s they've got that hundred meters they can
6100s just back away
6107s again first time to come to them because
6110s time is a factor it's actually the place
6111s you push the payload into Thailand spawn
6114s the more likely the higher the
6116s likelihood they actually touch the
6117s payload but in another case leave it in
6118s the bed exactly get away from the
6120s payload
6121s forced iron to come towards you you hold
6123s all the ultimates here four out of the
6124s five ultimate side and have three Aces
6126s down towards the reaper finally off the
6128s fire all right well they're able to at
6130s least get to it but here comes the fight
6131s Ace in first on the reaper slow down pug
6133s just sitting pretty in the middle of the
6135s fight here comes Quinn with another big
6136s death Blossom it's gonna be a blizzard
6138s as well they have no real defensive
6139s tools the rally is nowhere near enough
6141s and that's a freebie for Quinn Australia
6144s absolutely commanding on that final map
6147s Thailand did seriously look good on
6149s Circa Royale especially on that
6151s attacking half but they do not hold a
6154s candle to Australia yeah I think just a
6157s more well-rounded veteran team veteran
6159s presence of punk in the lobby as well
6160s for team Australia the team play on the
6163s actual romantra ball just that much
6165s better it doesn't help that Thailand
6167s ended up moving over towards the fires
6169s are good to see the ace 5K here again
6171s and this is the thing right I think for
6173s Thailand it's a lot of individual star
6176s power when I say that specifically I'm
6178s talking about one guy's person you're
6180s watching on screen here you talked about
6181s eggs warp in the lobby it's exactly what
6183s he did but outside of that outside the
6185s soldier once he shifts away from that
6187s hero goes on towards something that's
6189s just not going to bring the same value
6189s like the fire on Coliseum which is a
6191s strange pick to say the least Nana's not
6193s even going to play the fire then he is
6195s the far a guy that dude is he's
6196s basically a designer you
6198s so yeah I think it's a weird composition
6201s from Thailand but even then you know in
6203s general I think they've just got to be
6204s less coordinated on the rematchable
6206s Australia are going to be a little bit
6207s more well-rounded on that
6209s yeah definitely and look um I I was kind
6213s of on the edge of my seat there between
6214s Ace and Quinn and just like 4ks and 5Ks
6218s just like absolute team wipes um I it
6220s was impressive to watch it was really
6221s fun to watch
6223s um I actually thought Thailand had a
6224s really good chance there but it doesn't
6225s look like they did well played by
6227s Australia they will get a mark up on the
6230s leaderboard and we did we did it as you
6232s said earlier we expected Australia to be
6235s the team that will come out on top
6237s overall on the leaderboard and they've
6239s shown Us in the first Maps today that
6241s yeah they're a strong Contender yeah
6243s they're the team to be there's no two
6245s ways about it uh Thailand they have
6247s still a good start under their belts
6249s having had that win on the board
6250s yesterday against a country that will
6252s not be named so even this loss doesn't
6255s have to sting too hard for them there's
6257s still a lot of easy pickings if you will
6259s in this group for a team like Thailand
6262s uh I mean look if they end up making it
6264s out of this group uh through that top
6266s two you can start asking questions about
6267s how far they'll go beyond that but
6269s that's the question for another day
6271s right now I think they should still be
6272s very pleased with this performance if
6275s Australia hadn't shut them down so
6276s consistently I'll push there I do
6278s actually see a world where Thailand
6280s could have evened things up made it
6282s really competitive possibly even stuck
6283s push out from underneath Australia and
6286s walked away with the upset themselves
6288s we're taking one map in the series is
6290s going to do wonders for any potential
6291s tiebreaker situations like you know we
6293s talk about the fact that Australia is
6294s the likely favorite in this particular
6296s group and they'll take one of the two
6298s positions out of this group into the
6301s then land stage a little bit later on
6302s facing off the other teams around the
6304s world but the final space out of this
6307s group The Last of the two spots if
6309s Thailand has a good differential if it
6311s comes down and maybe in Australia versus
6312s New Zealand tiebreak India could get
6314s into that fight as well uh Thailand
6316s having lost Australia but with the map
6319s extra is going to be the bonus that
6321s might push them ahead and get them their
6322s second spot because I think they played
6323s Australia close here winning the map was
6325s great yeah Posh was a little bit more
6327s one-sided there was an opportunity
6329s however you have to remember that
6331s Thailand still even when Ace was popping
6334s off the surgeon they never actually took
6335s the lead on the payload they're actually
6336s still behind the pillow the entire way
6338s through they just couldn't quite
6339s be able to push through under the bridge
6341s the most difficult part of California
6343s going under the bridge going up the
6344s spiral that part of the map was just a
6346s little too hard bought team tired and it
6348s got even more difficult once they
6349s changed off the surgeon and they were
6350s having a real hard time keeping a lid on
6352s Quinn even if we ignore uh how
6354s consistently Nanda was starting to pick
6356s out Ace or even just find good picks on
6358s the main no less we saw Quinn twice get
6361s massive death blossoms and it was like
6363s just totally by the book uh just
6366s shifting to the back line walk up death
6368s Blossom 3K 4K uh it made it look
6372s absolutely easy right that's the sort of
6374s thing that a team like Thailand you'd
6376s like to feel should be able to get on
6377s top of obviously it's not that cut and
6379s dry right Quinn is also timing those
6381s well and spotting those opportunities uh
6383s but yeah just getting such huge huge
6386s value you know to the same level of what
6388s uh Ace has been able to get out of some
6389s of those overclocks but when you're
6391s getting that far more consistently uh
6393s you've got punk in the mix there playing
6395s I mean just as solidly as he usually
6397s does we highlighted Calvin yesterday as
6399s you know bit of a superstar player but
6401s when you stack them up against a player
6403s of the caliber of punk suddenly he just
6404s looks like a regular guy that's not to
6406s discredit him that's just again how good
6408s Punk actually is on the whole this is no
6411s surprise for Australia
6413s well congratulations to Australia our
6416s winning against here against Thailand
6418s look everyone we are going to take a
6420s short break and we'll be back with some
6421s more OverWatch World Cup action see you
6423s soon
6425s [Music]
6437s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
6440s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6443s value means more at macca's so grab a
6445s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
6448s [Music]
6455s thank you
6494s thank you
6498s [Music]
6524s [Music]
6540s [Music]
6543s thank you
6570s [Music]
6577s thank you
6584s [Music]
6593s thank you
6596s [Music]
6620s [Music]
6628s foreign
6632s [Music]
6664s [Music]
6677s thank you
6691s [Music]
6694s foreign
6702s [Music]
6707s to the OverWatch World Cup APAC Group B
6711s and if you're just joining us we've just
6713s had Australia take the win against
6715s Thailand any thought pixie and Avril on
6718s the games we have just watched yeah I
6720s think I think Australia made a made a
6722s real Splash uh entering into this
6724s tournament
6725s um I think Thailand really took a dive I
6729s think they were crushed you could say
6730s that about their defeat
6732s yeah just really feeling under the water
6735s under the weather on on that entire
6737s series for Thailand which is just
6739s unfortunate you you really you really
6741s hate to see something like that happen
6743s so I think it's pretty expected
6745s Australia again comes in as the heavy
6747s favor for this uh this group so they
6750s should be looking to finish first place
6751s in APAC B for sure in Thailand I think
6754s they're at least minimum maybe second
6756s place here a high likelihood of coming
6758s in second fighting for top three as a
6761s base lane but High likelihood of maybe
6762s even their second spot
6764s and our second match up for today will
6767s be Malaysia versus India let's take a
6770s look at the breakdown for team Malaysia
6773s as their starting lineup
6777s now you can't talk uh saw this team
6780s yesterday and picked up a really
6781s critical win against Singapore we
6783s already noted and that gives them a lot
6785s of breathing room uh this is a really
6786s nice follow-up opponent for them it
6788s feels like they're kind of uh on an
6790s upward gradient in terms of difficulty
6792s of match up this is a very winnable game
6794s for Malaysia uh we saw quite a bit
6796s shining out of fantasy and by the way uh
6798s fantasy is actually the tank player game
6800s producers at DPS uh so that's kind of
6802s the player that uh that I'm gonna be
6804s looking out for today is fantasy
6806s let's take a look at
6809s uh you have you have pixie's permission
6813s I hope you're going to talk because now
6814s we're going to talk about India and I'd
6816s love to hear your thoughts because uh
6818s you guys were both saying oh I think
6819s maybe pixie you were saying this could
6821s be a bit of an underdog here India
6822s coming up I I also would love to hear
6824s what Kevin has to say about India what
6826s do you have to say about India
6829s oh no
6831s no I'm not talking
6833s we've lost him Kevin's commitment to the
6836s bit is legendary how do we get him out
6840s of this we don't uh this is him for the
6842s rest of the night it's just it's just
6844s going to be the two of us
6850s Malaysia to the ropes you'd Hope anyway
6853s money's a concern about India as I said
6855s yesterday is the fact that you know the
6856s the team is basically all nna at the
6859s moment I think they might have been boot
6861s camping there was
6862s um potentially they've been boot camping
6864s together somewhere like in Vancouver but
6865s there's still the Ping is going to be
6867s pretty difficult to play on we'll see if
6868s that ends up impacting them I think this
6870s is a team that has uh a lot of potential
6872s but um
6874s uh they all likely not get tested until
6876s they go up against at least like a New
6878s Zealand Australia Thailand kind of uh
6879s level Malaysia could still be in trouble
6881s here based on that alone I think when we
6884s talk about known factors and known names
6886s who have at least played the contenders
6888s level and are ideally active and content
6890s is now India has some of those players
6892s in Malaysia
6895s society as we mentioned but uh not
6898s amazing performances sadly yeah not
6900s exactly the most high caliber of uh of I
6903s mean as you say not a top performing
6905s team but again this is one of those
6908s teams where you see those odd little
6911s upsets I mean we're kind of saying that
6912s about both of these teams they could be
6914s a little bit more of a Dark Horse you'd
6915s probably pin India as the you know you
6917s tip them as the favored one on that
6919s particular trajectory but I can see it I
6921s can see Malaysia doing it uh if they if
6923s they really kind of shape up and that's
6924s why I say this is kind of a nice match
6926s for them because they get a bit of a
6927s smooth curve upward if you are able to
6930s just uh really uh really kind of find
6932s your groove find your mojo and improve
6934s during the course of the tournament then
6936s they've got the breathing room to do
6937s that given that this is their next match
6939s up and they're not like immediately up
6940s against Australia or Thailand
6943s well let's take a look at the first map
6945s they will be fighting off this evening
6947s it will be a control map and it'll be
6949s good old Legion Tower as we saw again
6952s yesterday we'll be starting out here
6954s today on this map any thoughts you'd
6957s like to give on Lee Jong Tao or
6958s gentleman
6959s well Malaysia played earliest yesterday
6961s so we didn't get to
6963s you know we'll see how they play into a
6965s map that I think is maybe a little bit
6966s more RAM focus a little bit more brawl
6968s focused we just see some rain yesterday
6970s as well coming through New Zeal not Lee
6972s Jones after a little bit of Legion
6973s gameplay you know even in the past
6975s Legion it's been slightly more geared
6977s towards raw compositions and for for my
6980s I mean Malaysia uh they played a little
6982s with the junker Queen I think that's
6983s been kind of their default into that
6986s cell I don't believe Malaysia ended up
6989s playing Ram at all yesterday so if that
6991s doesn't happen again they'll end up
6992s playing the Jungle Queen Once More
6994s what's
6995s the law yeah
6996s what do you reckon because there's like
6998s the Space Center but then there's also a
7000s garden
7001s and then the last one is a night market
7003s like what is that building
7005s I have to be honest I haven't thought
7007s about it nor have I looked into enough
7009s detail of the OverWatch law but look
7011s let's get into lijiang Tower pixie and
7013s Avril take it away
7015s so let's face it has got flowers around
7017s it that's like that seems like it's a
7019s significant Museum okay I guess it's
7021s about as far as you need to know it's a
7023s space museum
7024s there's a lot in the garden going on on
7026s this Tower
7029s hopefully there ideally will be a lot of
7030s happening on their Tower today there
7032s certainly will be
7033s as
7035s your first look at Team India
7037s a team that doesn't have a
7039s huge history you know I've watched World
7041s Cup in
7042s he was just looking towards
7045s prior performances I mean yeah they
7047s played in 2019
7049s very different team back then
7051s in 2019 I believe they just played in
7054s the you know
7056s preliminary stages
7058s I don't believe they made it to the
7060s actual or most teams did not make it to
7062s the actual uh in game India ended up
7064s losing against Italy and brancacy and
7067s that's about it so
7068s a new day a new year Akash coming
7070s through on the ram as you'd expect this
7072s is the ideal comp
7075s the fantasy coming through on the Jungle
7076s Queen as we expected
7079s early scrap up on this High Ground
7081s damage coming out from palmy Big
7084s immortality field rescuing everyone from
7086s India they're able to restabilize their
7088s health off the back of that game produte
7090s and jw3 load there we go gamepro dude
7093s it's going to be the first casualty of
7094s the battle Malaysia taking even more
7096s damage as India pushed down from the
7098s staircase clean pickups there at a nice
7101s early cap from India
7104s well it should be expected here we'll
7105s see what happens further forward I don't
7107s think fantasy is going to swap off the
7108s Jungle Queen given that and really
7110s happened yesterday
7113s see if uh okay we're gonna get a pause
7115s for now as
7116s Team India comfortably takes their first
7118s point
7120s really really nice start there's not
7122s much more that we can say about it it
7123s was just a nice start
7125s what did you have for dinner
7128s too early for dinner ah I forget
7133s yeah
7134s early dinner because otherwise I'm not
7137s getting out of here until like eight or
7139s nine o'clock and that's far too late for
7140s dinner so I I just went ahead with like
7143s a gas station pie real
7146s solid set me right that's a workman's
7149s lunch that's what that is
7151s well while we are waiting uh if you guys
7154s don't mind me asking I'd love to have a
7155s chat about like we obviously have the
7157s ramacha coming out versus the Jungle
7159s Queen do you think that they'll make the
7160s change sorry the other team do you think
7161s they'll change is going to bring the Ram
7164s at all today I mean well let's get back
7165s into it
7167s well there is a need but he won't be
7168s able to play it
7175s and then you just kind of need comes up
7177s yeah and if you had 75
7179s and you have the support altered
7180s Advantage here I do believe the more
7182s aversion so the more version It's Gonna
7183s Get
7184s have a little bit more of the pacing a
7187s little slightly behind on that charge
7188s though because they didn't lose a fight
7189s light wore nice and early that's also a
7191s really early immortality field trying to
7193s deal with it they're unable to actually
7194s get the sight line through to kill ads's
7196s immortality field and they're just
7197s getting pummeled by the window with that
7199s light wall as well so slight cap from
7202s Malaysia in the middle of the scrap
7203s there but India ultimately in control
7205s the whole way through that fight and now
7206s also in control in terms of the point
7208s oh Malaysia's just lagging too far
7210s behind in terms of finding any alts you
7212s still are on 99 for numerals only taken
7214s over to what's called now
7216s and it's nearly there
7219s huge beat into oh depending on what
7221s order you want to play in but certainly
7223s going to be that Annihilation for a
7224s Caster's fight
7226s fantasy just barreling forward gets a
7229s nice catch with all five members but
7231s sound barrier from Captain crash to keep
7233s everyone safe in mortality field dealt
7235s with but again India just leaning back
7237s on their defensive tools between the
7239s sound barrier and their mortality field
7240s completely fine absolutely untouched not
7243s a single casualty two fights in a row
7245s here for India
7246s yeah I mean it's been I think more like
7248s three flights in a row by now Iron Man I
7250s think you might be right not having to
7252s use that blizzard get into this
7254s engagement and neither did j003 but
7256s importantly for that for India means
7258s they get to hold parity in terms of
7259s where the old site you'd expect that the
7261s winning team should have less Souls by
7262s now but just not the case
7264s heading into the high into the 80s about
7266s to be the high 80s and then it'll be
7268s final fight territory yeah it
7269s essentially is Gemini will at least have
7271s himself a sound barrier but not just yet
7275s he needs to live long enough to deploy
7276s that jw3 first and the blizzard Iron Man
7278s still holding on to his that's actually
7280s going to mean DNA is going to have a
7281s sound barrier just for the back end of
7283s it they've found fantasy early in the
7285s fight though good trade there to find
7287s Iron Man keeps it a little bit
7288s competitive for Malaysia light wall
7289s again out from pummy trying to split
7291s that fight up a little bit 99 this is a
7293s Do or Die for Malaysia and it's die die
7295s die indeed from Game Pro dude in fact uh
7298s all three of those dies with him
7299s referring to himself and wasn't able to
7302s pick up any kills with that death
7303s Blossom and uh very tidy half there from
7306s India
7307s yeah and again only giving up that five
7309s percent I think that came in maybe the
7311s first fight after that
7313s nothing really came through from
7314s Malaysia it was in a second fight it was
7316s just
7317s every single fighter
7319s yeah I was gonna they it was a fight
7321s that they lost but sorry that they won
7322s but because they were backed off the
7323s point Malaysia technically held held it
7325s for five percent it's effectively
7327s because the insulation points really
7328s they just kind of were able to have a
7330s bit of a sniff of that point but for
7332s Malaysian I mean this is kind of the
7334s issue that I have with playing the queen
7335s into these matchups no protection for
7337s the queen at all just gonna fall over
7339s unfortunately you know as much as you'd
7342s like to run the Lucio back here for the
7343s extra mortality field it would lose too
7345s much pacing for it and the only way for
7347s this queen comp to have any real value
7349s is to be able to rapidly rush into India
7352s with gosh interestingly is going to go
7354s on towards the Doom here so we're
7356s changing things up quite a decent amount
7359s uh this is a bit of a risk for India I
7361s gotta say
7363s I mean the odd to see if it pays off but
7365s already finding game pro dude and
7366s starting to run around on the back line
7367s fantasy in trouble here has to get
7369s topped off
7370s and here we go here's the isolation
7372s trying to find jw3 has Gemini on the
7375s back line and there we go the conversion
7377s on the second DPS now it's fantasy Stern
7378s it ends up working the charm a cash just
7381s kind of running dominant running in
7382s circles around Malaysia
7384s I'm not able to really catch him out
7386s this is where jw3 needs to think about a
7388s tracer instead maybe a Sombra something
7390s that would assist in shutting down a
7392s caution there's a swap mate has no real
7394s good value in this matchup anymore
7397s fantasy is still going to end up taking
7398s a bunch of damage hacks will be annoying
7400s the deal at least it's not super long
7401s range damage anymore a new model is in
7403s this engagement is getting the faster
7405s call lessons that's something Malaysia
7407s have to play with
7409s now just sitting pretty on the plane
7411s Malaysia making the push in in all
7413s fairness that is what junkie wants to be
7415s doing likes to press forward
7417s jw3 train to duck and weave in and out
7419s of the fight it's EMP across only
7421s fighting two not really getting much
7422s value out of it double coalescence now
7424s India the slightly later of the two the
7426s cash has himself an ultimate they find
7427s Gameplay hold on Snap for a week while
7430s same with Captain crash no need to
7432s expend anything further just the EMP and
7435s coalescence out from India
7438s another good flight from India really
7440s should be a stagger here if they can
7442s cash numerals low HP cars wants it but
7445s has to respect the fact that he's out of
7446s position Malaysia respawning Akash
7448s doesn't want to end up being caught up
7449s being forced to use the media strike so
7451s let numerals get away
7453s as Gemini X is about to have the sound
7454s barrier in time for the next fighting
7457s but they'll need everything they can get
7458s captain crash holding onto his own sound
7461s barrier to counter fantasy who
7462s eventually ran page through
7473s really wanted to go in with the sound
7475s barrier they're back but India
7478s so common collected in there you saw a
7480s Cassius reposition with the meteor
7481s strike dangerously back into the fight
7483s solid sound barit timing from Captain
7485s crash just clean as a whistle
7488s I mean as you just completely had your
7490s Rampage denied either single punch
7491s punches fantasy out of the way
7493s doesn't even end up catching the Rampage
7496s onto Akash either because it's
7497s technically a stun the punches
7500s so one of the big ultimates of blind
7501s Malaysia and has been completely
7502s nullified
7504s absolute freebie finds both backliners
7507s Malaysia up a tree without a ladder on
7509s the point you got gamepro dude barreling
7511s for it he's gonna be the shift on to the
7513s point tries to go in for his own death
7515s Blossom doesn't even get the first die
7518s off before going down 100-0 lockout the
7520s first one was effectively hundred to
7522s zero as well India that is the most
7525s one-sided start we have seen to a match
7528s yeah I think this is where the cutoff is
7530s right when you when you sort of look at
7532s the power rankings of this group you
7533s have a very clear cut top four in my
7535s mind that is all the teams unfortunately
7537s except for Malaysia and Singapore and
7539s now you're starting to see the kind of
7540s difference where you go from number five
7542s to I don't even want to say the Indians
7544s number four just yet we have to still
7545s see how far they can get in this one
7547s because New Zealand caught the loss of
7549s Thailand yesterday but among that sort
7551s of Circle of Australia India Thailand
7552s New Zealand they seem to be our
7554s Powerhouse teams in Malaysia not quite
7556s able to compete in the smash-up
7561s well that'll be the first map won by
7564s India versus Malaysia there and I would
7567s like to note that Malaysia did actually
7568s beat Singapore yesterday but today it
7570s just they couldn't seem to stand up
7571s versus India India just really had good
7573s control that yeah yeah completely
7575s different yeah um that was so fast I
7578s barely took any notes because it was
7580s over before I uh unfortunately could
7583s really make a lot of notes about it but
7585s um yeah well played by India and we'll
7587s Malaysia will uh be picking the second
7589s map and they'll get to pick an escort or
7592s a hybrid uh and hopefully to keep
7593s themselves here in this game a little
7595s bit longer Malaysia get to choose how
7597s they die
7609s um
7611s the place of me where can you even go
7612s the I think the main problem I'm in
7614s Malaysia right now is that one trick in
7615s this Jungle Queen a little too hard I
7616s did notice that I didn't know in the in
7618s the sort of pre-match discussion that
7620s that was going to potentially end up
7622s being a problem fantasy was nearly first
7624s picked every single control center
7625s Fighters all and you just can't tangle
7627s that kind of beating as Jungle Queen in
7629s this matter you lack the sort of sustain
7632s you're not even going to get close
7633s enough to get the bleed to heal yourself
7634s back up
7636s and so I don't really know what fantasy
7639s is going to bring to the table I mean
7640s what else do we place or did we go to
7642s the circle Royale so I guess Fantasy on
7645s the sigma that was the planet that we
7647s had yesterday that was good that's gonna
7648s have to be it I think you go back to
7649s Circuit yeah maybe yeah well we're going
7652s to take a short break shot break my
7654s apologies everyone and we'll be right
7655s back with India versus Malaysia
7659s foreign
7664s [Music]
7670s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
7673s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
7676s value means more at macca's so grab a
7679s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
7682s [Music]
7692s hey I'm Riley also known as kapha and
7695s I'm the tank and igl of Team Australia
7700s uh what sets me apart from other
7702s OverWatch players it'd have to be how
7705s much time and how dedicated I am to it I
7708s see a lot of people have like other
7710s commitments and it's it's fair enough if
7712s you're not in tier one OverWatch might
7713s not be your entire
7716s livelihood but uh I think I put more
7719s hours than any other player in the same
7721s division so I think I've got a great
7723s advantage of time on my hands
7728s some of my biggest Role Models within
7730s the OverWatch Australia Esports
7732s Community would have to be uh Punk under
7735s face
7736s there's two La Gladiators coaches within
7739s the OverWatch league and the Vancouver
7741s Titans tank player it's kind of limited
7744s the resources you get within us so it's
7746s great to have these people available to
7748s help especially during the World Cup
7751s my go-to magazotto would definitely have
7754s to be a Double Quarter Pounder meal uh
7757s there's nothing better than those beef
7758s patties I'll tell you that
7762s make delivery is now on the my Mac Assad
7764s how do I deliver Under Pressure I
7766s generally just focus on breathing
7767s techniques before and during important
7769s matches and my years of competing in
7772s like high stress situations is prepared
7775s me for the big big moments
7780s doing ranks all day every day won't
7782s actually get you as far as you think you
7783s have to be a lot more critical in your
7785s own gameplay and watching back pods
7787s seeing what mistakes you did and how to
7789s fix them watching Pros can also help a
7792s lot develop like cool strategies and you
7794s can understand how to play the game at a
7796s higher level
7815s [Music]
7825s [Music]
7828s thank you
7829s [Music]
7839s welcome back everyone and India has
7842s taken the first map against Malaysia we
7845s are one to zero and what are your some
7848s of your thoughts about the the map we
7849s just saw there on control pixie and
7851s Avril
7853s my thoughts are that Legion Tower is
7857s probably
7858s like a like a Sci-Fi style megastructure
7861s you know like those theoretical like the
7863s whole city is in one building type
7865s things like that right so it's like like
7868s on the ground floor you've got like
7869s shopping and then you've got like
7871s Apartments there's like a museum it's
7872s like all in one building you know that's
7874s that's my thought
7876s okay unless the fantasy Sigma can pull
7879s Malaysia back in this is going to end up
7880s being a fairly quick Series in the uh
7884s unfortunately for Malaysia clearly just
7886s going to be the better team here right
7887s now and uh it's difficult for Malaysia
7889s to catch up
7890s yeah do you think that um Malaysia have
7893s practiced this comp with the junker
7895s Queen uh tank and so they're just kind
7897s of playing with it because it's what
7899s they know it's what they're used to do
7901s you think it's maybe something like that
7902s that's happening here I think it's just
7903s a problem with fantasies yeah report
7905s limited pool is all it is
7906s [Music]
7907s um
7907s yeah let me tell you five minutes ago
7909s this guy with that Jungle Queen would
7911s have been on an absolute Tower
7915s yeah Jungle Queen was uh quite strong
7917s but it does look like yeah it's a lot of
7919s ramatry play at the moment and now we
7921s are looking here now at India's lineup
7924s uh we can see that Matrix has been
7926s subbed in and Iron Man will be sitting
7929s this next map out and the map choice
7932s will be by Malaysia as well as they did
7935s unfortunately lose the last map to India
7938s so let's take a look at what map they've
7941s chosen it will either be an escort or a
7943s hybrid so quite a few choices they can
7946s make and it's going to be another
7948s circuit Royale Avril you called it Circa
7951s Royale it's going to end up being
7952s obvious this is the only place in
7954s Malaysia was this is the way Malaysia
7955s started to look reasonable versus
7957s Singapore yesterday and the only
7959s opportunity they can sort of find and
7961s reusable tank match up is like pulling
7964s it over towards the sigma
7966s see if it ends up being enough so this
7967s is probably what also is why you have
7969s Matrix coming in time to play some
7971s automaker time to play some double
7972s sniper really for India as well this is
7974s where they're strictly their roster lies
7975s they have kind of the their choice of
7978s whoever they like for DPS because all
7980s three have contenders level experience
7982s so um yeah it's a strong point for India
7984s for sure
7985s I think it's yeah it's it's going to be
7988s a tough one right because as you kind of
7990s rightly point out like where else in
7991s Malaysia you're really going to take it
7992s but
7993s I mean the tank different was a serious
7995s issue uh against Singapore where they
7997s subbed out uh Ash Kane and something in
7999s xenophy to play the sigma and fantasy
8001s absolutely had his number I don't know
8003s that Akash is going to suffer the same
8004s kind of issues I wouldn't be surprised
8006s if uh if a Cassius pulls out the sigma
8009s has it very comfortably and this is a
8011s non-factor
8013s well the players are already up there in
8015s the lobby so let's take it on to Circuit
8017s Royale and I'll leave you over with
8019s Pixie and Avril
8022s but what will I order for dinner
8027s uh pretty clear that you had that
8030s earlier on so you're right you'd just be
8031s you know honestly you're good just got
8033s to be gluttonous good catch on the
8034s continuity there
8036s yep I'm in I'm in The Hobbit country I
8038s can have second dinner
8043s with each meal I am Adam Matrix both uh
8047s named after a movie
8053s can't argue with that you know what
8055s that's
8056s sure you could what fantasy's named
8058s after this genre yeah
8062s wow that was the worst possible noise to
8065s cut to
8068s that gave me a fright genuinely
8072s let's see if a cautious Sigma is going
8073s to be up to par today I think generally
8075s generally speaking though for Team India
8078s seem to be A Cut Above
8080s akash's uh history is as a maintained
8083s player so
8084s wouldn't have been known for any Sigma
8086s gameplay and see if that ends up being
8088s enough and no opening Widowmaker for
8091s India interesting attacking team not
8094s opting for the automaker sure they'll be
8095s playing the sergeant Hanzo version
8097s instead worked out for Ace we'll have to
8099s see if uh pummy can have a similar level
8102s of success
8107s the opportunity for jw3 I think to find
8109s the advantage he's got the range look
8111s how far back Malaysia is though they
8112s didn't at all play this Lane they just
8114s kind of backed out yeah you do have the
8116s first bit coming off you need to start
8118s walking forward again if you're Malaysia
8120s because you are not giving jw3 sight
8122s lines if your team has pulled that far
8124s back
8124s yeah that's the real thing it's just
8126s very little space to work with they
8127s wouldn't have been able to push into you
8128s that far back and you just sort of hung
8130s a little bit back off the payload waited
8132s for the respawn back in the mix now
8133s pushing forward around this corner is
8135s going to be very important
8137s in India straight away take the corner I
8140s mean Malaysia get one pick and 40. a
8142s little further back
8144s Jay's losing sight lines I swear Honey's
8146s gonna have a much better game time just
8148s giving up grasses Matrix
8150s the car should just continue walking up
8152s and Malaysia's continually walking
8153s backwards yeah it's like they're afraid
8155s to take too much of a brawl here and I
8158s mean yeah without that long a sight line
8159s now I guess but
8161s it just seems so unnecessary so much
8163s space being given they control the side
8165s room now they find fantasy and that is
8167s gonna unravel the entire jumper for
8170s Malaysia not even a single bit of
8172s contest they just gave that away
8175s they really are yep it's uh do they have
8178s any reservations or something
8181s um they got somewhere to be
8183s yeah spawn maybe yeah somewhere deeper
8185s inside Circle Royale that's why we're
8187s heading over towards the hotel stage
8188s that'll be Point C
8190s is India and now I'm gonna start
8191s overtaking in terms of ultimate still
8193s opportunity for Jay to get some decent
8194s picks out of this but I make Malaysia
8197s are to start with India uh not quite
8198s spawn camping but they're basically over
8200s towards the choke because they have a
8202s solo Pusher probably likely to be abbs
8204s just solo pushing for now and there we
8207s go double window oh Tommy immediately
8210s finds one Matrix phones a second Matrix
8213s does go down but the damage is long
8215s since Dad and put me comfortably pushing
8217s forward has banked up an overclock for
8219s the next fight as well I don't even know
8220s if there will be a next fight India
8222s control all of this ground lay kill on
8224s Jay the cart starting to catch up with
8226s the team now a bit of a freebie across B
8228s for India look how far upper cautious is
8230s he's like deep inside sea now capping B
8233s by the way he's like fully inside the
8235s hotel at this stage India run out of
8237s alts outside the overclock the other
8239s club will probably get played here as
8240s Malaysia have to dub everything to the
8241s retake yeah throwing out the dragon
8243s strike just to keep the team split up
8245s jw3 already low Transcendence kind of
8247s wrap around the side not we're near
8248s enough to Matrix I think as uh as he'd
8251s like
8251s no overclock running it's uh I mean it's
8254s just so easy looking for India even with
8257s the accretion getting eaten by me not
8258s getting much out of the overclock
8259s they're still getting so many kills
8260s across the rest of the board not a
8262s single casualty on that and that's what
8264s the Malaysia throwing every Ultimate
8265s they had into the mix
8267s I think this is uh looking Philly Joker
8269s to me
8270s it's not looking good for Malaysia
8272s Unfortunately they uh
8274s essentially unable to even
8276s walk forward versus India
8279s what's the pressure of plumbing and
8280s Matrix and the rest of the team
8282s full long range damage Malaysia now
8284s swapping over to this exactly what they
8286s did versus Singapore it worked versus
8287s Singapore
8288s BS as to whether it'll work versus India
8290s but it's got to be the full dive comp
8292s wholesale swap coming on through yeah
8294s let's be honest with ourselves Singapore
8297s and India are two very different teams
8298s and it seems like Malaysia are just
8300s hitting a bit of a ceiling up against
8302s India who look absolutely indomitable uh
8305s cash eating Emmanuel Hagan and Andy Hill
8307s but otherwise it's going to be fine they
8308s continue pushing the card forward that's
8310s the thing even with that much pressure
8311s on the tank they're not really slowing
8313s into your down meaningfully as a cash
8315s has to go duck and hide into the
8316s immortality field but still gonna be
8318s able to pick up a killer to Gemini
8319s anyway Matrix just firing off with that
8321s storm Arrow comfortably collecting more
8323s kills continuing the push Jade trying to
8325s run interference not fighting enough car
8328s continues forward
8330s as soon as Malaysia loses one they've
8332s kind of just
8333s give up on any potential to trade all
8336s plays back out and pro dude at least was
8339s in there to find a bit of extra damage
8341s for that's not going to be the best Paul
8342s sadly completely wide try to find a
8345s little bit more old charge I was going
8346s to say it's okay there we go Malaysia
8349s finally belts up their trousers and goes
8351s for a dive they're going to be able to
8353s collect three no response now okay
8355s finally a late one on to Gemini but it's
8357s a little bit ineffectual at that point
8359s first win 320 on the clock 73 meters
8363s into sea and I don't just mean this man
8365s by the way I mean in the series right
8367s let's fight one of the series so far
8369s Akash not going to move over towards the
8371s Winston India are going to give up on
8372s their long-range composition could you
8374s be fair there's not that much to push
8375s through in
8376s wanting to go one to one here the only
8378s issue is they're really far behind an
8379s ultimate they also got to be playing the
8380s Lucio carrico version
8382s which you know maybe you need to save
8384s some players off the back of the EMP
8386s from Game Pro dude might end up being
8387s effective
8389s this will be a biggie in people's short
8390s detected though oh he's yeah he's been
8393s detected and immediately taking a chunk
8394s of damage ends up going down and Jay is
8397s able to just kind of or other Matrix say
8399s but it kind of last it out and back away
8400s with the recall now it's fantasy stuck
8402s in a bit of a corner cash is a little
8404s bit surrounded here able to pull back to
8405s his team bubble down nope followed up
8407s ABS I think just took a dive there went
8409s off the edge all right well that's
8411s another minute
8413s that looked weird I thought maybe he was
8415s looking to dive up the edge and then TP
8417s back on and lose aggro that way but
8420s um no I've just shredded fell off the
8422s map so
8422s India reset I You could argue he was
8425s trying to reset but that would have been
8426s weird as well because you're still in a
8427s 5v5 in fact I think they had a player
8428s Advantage oh Palm me down
8430s so early lost there it's going to take a
8433s little bit more time off the clock and
8435s you're trying to sneak around a back cap
8436s with that they don't need to they can
8438s just take their time nice fight with the
8439s pulse bomb even more slow down now for
8441s India we'll be able to collect up
8443s pneumonoscia though as a cash and that
8445s opens the door very comfortably gamepro
8447s dude also going down and as they
8450s recollect themselves they've got the
8451s team all coming back into the mixer cash
8453s goes down to the front line Matrix pulse
8455s bomb out they don't quite fine to try to
8456s collect fantasy but he has the Primal
8459s Rage
8460s can't we do much without a cache despite
8462s the good early start there
8465s start to look at a little bit more
8466s tricky for India but they do have the
8467s EMP on board so
8469s how you load in the correct position win
8471s one flight they'll get the cap
8473s good opportunity still get that account
8474s but they've lost a couple of flights now
8476s so momentum for India has really shifted
8480s away from them on the sea attack
8483s and there we go directly onto numerous
8485s clean as you like Captain crash does go
8487s down in the trade there
8489s Malaysia only finding that with the
8491s manual hack Gemini I had the sound
8493s barrier it saved a few members there for
8495s a little bit but now with the Primal
8496s Rage running out from Akash quick
8498s collection on the last few and that's
8500s going to be the one that finally
8501s confirms the cap it feels like India got
8503s a little bit sloppy towards the end
8504s there uh we're just sort of trying to
8506s see if they could sneak one out and
8507s force a fight through weren't playing as
8509s cleanly but they still have plenty of
8511s time on the clock and they still pulled
8512s it out when they needed it I don't think
8514s that they needed to pull through for a
8517s swap on the composition they could have
8518s just kept playing the sigma comp
8520s but uh yeah they opted to match Malaysia
8524s but the issue is when you go and match
8527s the opponent's composition and you're
8528s one fight behind on that you're going to
8531s be really far behind an ultimate in
8532s Malaysia held all the cards of the EMP
8534s that everything else going for them
8536s EMP did pull through on the coast side
8539s of the map in India strangely lost if I
8541s still not too sure what happened to ABS
8543s I don't even think he got boobs off the
8544s map in any case India off the back of
8547s that loss
8549s they then just uh had to wait a long
8553s time build up ultimates of get by me
8554s that EMP
8556s still have some okay push but not enough
8559s real Pace to get it to the end and
8562s eventually though 59 seconds left EMP to
8565s win and you'll get it so
8567s yeah I think they could have just won
8568s with a sigma though firstly honestly
8569s yeah
8570s at any rate the real tell is going to be
8572s whether or not Malaysia can actually cap
8574s out the map they didn't have any success
8577s until as we noted three minutes 20 left
8580s on the clock uh all the way deep into
8583s sea they finally got their first fight
8584s win not just on the map of the series so
8586s far they're gonna need to get a lot lot
8587s more of them if they want to be in for a
8590s chance still India seemed to be
8592s outclassing them so far I'd be excited
8594s to see Malaysia really kind of pull the
8596s finger out and uh start performing a bit
8599s better
8600s so even on the defense India is going to
8602s forego the Widowmaker and you want to
8603s imagine if you are not a fan of Widow
8605s and attack I could get that but what on
8607s defense is pretty damn good
8609s Jake's not going to shy away from it at
8611s all
8612s see how much further up India is going
8614s to play though they kind of need to be
8615s playing further because you need to give
8616s punny a little bit more medium range to
8619s fight up against Jay otherwise uh you
8621s know this Widowmaker is just going to be
8622s difficult to play against
8626s taking their time here
8628s India giving up fair bit of ground for
8630s now obviously they want to take the
8632s shorter sight line around this corner
8633s they don't want the super long because
8634s they need to play tight on this corner
8636s they need to play tight on their hairpin
8637s at minimum
8638s and this is the opportunity now
8641s while Jay doesn't have too much of a
8643s free sight line
8644s just trying to keep tabs on Jay
8647s felt that one whiz by his head he did
8649s trying to pick up something
8652s well you should take a little bit too
8653s much heat on the front line there with
8654s fantasy and have to back away
8656s Leisure is trying to take a bridge for
8659s now interesting
8662s they're not really able to I mean yeah
8664s they've got The High Ground they have to
8666s drop off you're not going to have good
8667s sight lines up not really
8669s catch and it's not what you'd expect a
8671s lot of low members but everyone getting
8673s comfortably topped off by India and
8674s they've got the window available for uh
8677s well anything really as soon as related
8679s to stop pushing around this corner
8680s they're going to have to deal with that
8681s they've got a window of their own but
8682s they lose jw3 abs has been the one
8684s collecting a lot of these skills with
8686s the help of Matrix mind you but
8687s nonetheless fantasy now having to back
8689s way out of this one still more kills
8691s coming to the back line nice fine on
8693s pummy though with the closer respawns
8695s that does present a potential
8696s opportunity to Malaysia
8698s it's the only thing that in Malaysia
8700s will be able to walk away with in
8702s there's a brief moment of a fight before
8704s India will back out towards the corner
8706s once more
8708s I mean it's thankfully not that far away
8710s but Malaysia is once again moving slow
8712s enough that iv4 window is already closed
8714s I think mummy's here
8716s in Malaysia that's the payload straight
8718s back into a 5v5.
8721s double flux there fantasy against the
8723s far better end of that impressive stuff
8725s they're able to deal with the
8726s immortality field can India maybe find
8728s something back now Matrix taking a lot
8730s of heat fantasy kind of free pushing
8731s around the corner this is to be expected
8734s after winning that tank trade and now
8736s there we go another one onto pummy so no
8738s overclock here on location that will
8740s indeed be the cap took them away while
8742s though a little bit of extra stalled out
8744s from Captain crash there but collects it
8746s late death onto Matrix a cash did not
8750s need to come in
8752s estranged why he's unfortunately
8754s committed he was strange death because
8755s we saw that ABS pop transcended so he
8758s must he got bursted so quickly the
8760s trenched and save him everything was
8762s there
8762s I think he must India got Megan left in
8765s the air he just took everything at the
8766s same time yeah
8770s unfortunately all lifted up together so
8772s I I don't think he was over the AOE
8775s maybe the timing was a little bit off
8776s but
8777s no one
8778s would have imagined he could live there
8779s but just had to have been all the damage
8781s all at the same time
8785s after I could strike out for Matrix not
8787s collecting my travel clock running from
8788s Pammy trying to Barrel forward find
8790s something newmanos with the
8792s Transcendence and we've got the
8793s immortality field deployed from Gemini
8794s servants just fine game Peru's own
8796s dragon strike collects up Matrix so
8798s opening the door in a big big way India
8800s not really finding anything back no
8802s particular trades here probably not
8804s accomplishing a whole lot doesn't really
8806s have any silos to play through his abs
8807s goes down and it's all going to start to
8809s unwind here for India it's going to be a
8811s pretty clean beat cap for Malaysia
8814s just a snowball over through from A to B
8817s Malaysia not losing too much time there
8819s okay I'll pursue you now to finish the
8821s map India does finish 59 seconds
8823s remaining
8825s just over fall from Malaysia here
8827s now Malaysia is the type of team to
8830s consider the swap over to the Winston
8832s dive comp that's gonna happen yet they
8833s want to play through the elves first
8837s where does India dig their heels and
8838s because they haven't been able to really
8840s alt for a little bit we did see the
8841s dragon strike in the last fight but yeah
8844s this is actually a simple question
8846s similar time is what India had
8849s on the clock as they came in to see so
8851s real opportunity presented to Malaysia
8853s here they could cap out oh and they find
8855s palmy early except excellent stuff from
8858s gamepro dude
8859s that keeps the payload moving forward
8861s once again three minutes 20.
8863s well three minutes 30 rather what can
8866s indica and trade there we go a rock onto
8868s fantasy and he is indeed rocked
8871s Rock to sleep I suppose
8875s they first been reset
8878s this is where India starts to
8880s I mean just off the back of one window
8882s ultimate as well that wasn't very much
8884s as
8885s single ultimate to get a fight win
8886s another good rock from Akash
8890s Malaysia's gonna start losing a lot of
8891s time it's the first minute of the fourth
8893s of the hand on siegon
8895s they'd spend just kind of scrapping and
8898s just as they get in position to stop
8899s moving forward again and making
8901s something happen they lose gamepro dude
8903s just kind of in a one-on-one against
8905s Matrix fantasy is staying in it trying
8908s to keep the floor pressure down takes
8910s another Recreation has the uh the window
8912s at his back tries to go for a rock of
8914s his own back onto Akash it's just this
8916s really Scrappy back and forth here we go
8918s Transcendence committed they have
8919s already lost palmy now losing made
8921s shrinks unforced there fantasy going in
8924s for a nice flux collects a cash and the
8927s role ends up working out that was really
8929s odd through that window
8931s was uh triple ultimates used to have
8934s fantasy gets around the back he cancels
8936s out of conscious ultimate so he said
8938s Rock from fantasy on to a cash but then
8940s India kind of stuck in that position
8942s they want to push forward away from into
8945s the window and away from the flux but
8946s Malaysia have the double angles to work
8949s through payload now is right at end with
8951s two minutes remaining
8953s single Dragon strike actually might be
8955s enough from game producer they can
8956s really force a fight especially into the
8959s side room here throws it down around the
8962s side Jay is already low Akash eating a
8964s lot of that Dragon strike they've lost
8966s the immortality field already Matrix has
8968s to throw his own one out now straight
8970s down the main line there fantasy a
8972s little bit isolated from his team and
8973s will go down for his trouble very
8975s critical here for India to Anchor the
8978s defense and start running out the clock
8979s the rest of Malaysia going to be forced
8980s back we'll see if Akash could pick up
8982s anything on the exit no they will not
8984s but still they force the stoppage
8986s I mean Malaysia needs some sort of point
8988s pressure because Dragon strike on the
8990s actual point itself is what will
8991s actually get you the capital threaten
8993s the cap
8993s Matrix stores into the side room and as
8995s you mentioned fantasy caught out alone
8997s didn't get to back out the rest of the
8999s team supports an opportunity to save him
9001s went down to the last minute so many
9004s minutes ago things were looking pretty
9005s reasonable for Malaysia they'd
9007s snowballed through b that snowballs now
9009s easily dissipated
9011s in India holding strong morals to play
9014s through cash coming up to another flux
9015s Malaysia out of resources I mean I think
9017s a good slide from Jay is maybe the only
9019s thing that can really save them and
9020s that's how they feel already finished
9021s off and that's a free kill onto J with
9024s the right click or the rail shot there
9026s from palmy nicely done and there we go
9027s 45 seconds on the clock not necessarily
9030s final fight here for Malaysia but
9032s certainly it's going to be tough for
9033s them to come back into the next one
9034s fantasy has to take the dive it's gonna
9036s be a slow reset
9038s I mean they don't even they didn't even
9039s have to use the flux I think they
9040s already had the the fight one they could
9042s just
9043s kind of pull the fight out a little bit
9045s longer drag the time further out make it
9047s really awkward for Malaysia to go for
9048s the Recon test which they're going
9049s towards now and talk about the fact that
9051s Malaysia does sort of look towards a
9052s dive eventually on sea and they'll do it
9054s in the last 30 seconds no ultimates to
9057s play through
9058s fresh composition into the oval clock
9060s that can at least be thanked for the end
9062s you use a bunch of vaults as well but
9064s Malaysia have everything now to do in
9066s the last 10 seconds
9067s and manual hack to open things out on a
9069s cash they want to try and drill him down
9071s but he just backs up has the team at his
9073s back didn't even want to commit the
9074s immortality field there Captain crash
9076s feeling safe with that one nice value
9078s like a department that keeps the
9079s overclock at Bay for just the hot second
9081s longer but still finds a shot on to
9083s genome Pro dude and it all comes a part
9085s of the seems funny gets the overclock
9087s finds a chunk of kills and Malaysia and
9091s Mick finished
9094s just like that good attempts Malaysia is
9096s hard to jump together A Little Bit
9098s Stronger on circuit Royale
9100s attacking side A and B especially on
9103s that B and B was fantastic a
9106s little bit more touch and go the burst
9108s damage on a cash is what allow them to
9110s actually get that cap
9112s see is when things got really
9114s troublesome
9115s the game fell away from them India held
9118s strong continued playing the sigma super
9120s light swap onto the Winston calm coming
9122s through from Malaysia just unfortunately
9124s was not going to do it at all and they
9125s got a good distance I mean we saw the
9126s payload go towards the end they just
9129s lacked the capability to actually finish
9130s the nap
9131s well done to India they have now won
9135s with a two
9136s two Euro versus Malaysia some very fast
9139s match-ups they're all fast team fights I
9141s should say Malaysia did put up a good
9143s fight they did choose that map they
9145s picked a map where fantasy could shine
9147s on Sigma but it just wasn't enough
9149s unfortunately India still just had the
9151s upper hand in a lot of those fights
9152s there
9154s I will say if there's maybe one remark I
9157s could have about India there actually
9158s more so on Circle Royale I did see a
9160s couple of moments where it felt like
9161s they lacked confidence uh most notably
9163s on their attack in half uh they they
9165s took a bit of an L we saw the
9167s compositional swap from Malaysia and
9169s India
9171s um they they started to get a little bit
9173s unclean in their play they ended up
9174s making some swaps of their own look it
9175s works on the end they got it over the
9176s line it feels a good more confident team
9178s would have stuck to their guns kept it
9181s tidy kept their gameplay uh really
9183s really tight
9184s um and then also on the defending half
9186s as well we saw it wasn't much but just
9188s the old time where maybe an ultimate
9190s extra was used that wasn't totally
9191s necessary and a few little slips here
9194s and there it doesn't seem like it
9195s rattled them or that they were kind of
9197s unraveling or anything but I do think
9199s there's uh there's some improvement that
9201s could be made which is a good thing for
9202s a team that just won because if they can
9204s tidy that up a little bit if they can
9206s just have the self-confidence to go
9207s we're a good team we can win these
9209s matches we know what we're doing then we
9212s keep talking about them being a
9213s potential dark horse that is how that
9216s starts
9217s I think India is starting to really buy
9219s into you know the ability to again
9221s get into that top two as well and uh I
9225s think today Malaysia it wasn't going to
9227s be the strongest opponent versus them
9229s it's a good early
9231s um look at India in terms of what
9232s they're capable of they'll be tested a
9234s little bit more when they play up
9234s against more like a Thailand Australia
9236s level type of team but with only two
9239s spots and I think four competitive teams
9240s you know two end up missing out here two
9242s will make it through Malaysia in
9244s Singapore
9245s or try their best to
9247s find wins where they can uh plus you
9250s know maybe that'll be versus Team like
9252s New Zealand because Singapore plays New
9253s Zealand next
9254s that's going to be an opportunity but
9255s here in Malaysia I think completely
9256s outclassed by India India is just a far
9258s better team absolutely a very good start
9260s to India like uh you know the first game
9262s they've played for the online
9265s um qualifiers you know that's a really
9266s great start they should be happy with
9268s that you know coming in strong as you
9270s mentioned yes maybe an easier team but a
9272s really good start for them to show
9274s everyone else in this competition what
9275s they're made of and to show where they
9277s shine and yeah how they're playing
9279s really well as a team so well done to
9282s them and look uh hopefully we might get
9285s a chance to maybe chat with one of the
9287s players really cool but yeah
9292s uh yeah and and I mean I think mentally
9295s as well this is a quite a significant
9297s beat as well you sort of mentioned there
9299s at the start of that Kevin
9301s um we haven't seen uh an Indian World
9303s Cup team for a very very long time
9304s obviously there hasn't been a World Cup
9306s for a couple of years now but
9308s um the last time we saw them it was a
9309s very different looking team and not one
9310s that you would expect to really have a
9312s lot a lot of performance potential
9314s things have changed quite significantly
9315s since then this is a solid roster so
9317s this is a really nice uh I would say
9320s emboldening start for uh not just this
9323s team specifically but also the the fans
9325s in the country backing this team it's
9327s always nice uh having a team that you
9330s feel like you can root for that could
9331s potentially Go the Distance uh really
9333s really satisfying uh that this team has
9335s already come out just performing as we
9337s expected them to
9338s good looking team yeah yeah all right
9341s everyone we are going to take a show a
9343s Shrek but don't go anywhere because we
9345s will be back with Singapore versus New
9347s Zealand
9348s [Music]
9360s you asked we listened the mcfeast is
9363s back in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
9366s value means more at macca's so grab a
9369s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
9372s [Music]
9387s [Music]
9414s [Music]
9434s thank you
9438s foreign
9442s [Music]
9469s [Music]
9482s [Music]
9491s thank you
9492s [Music]
9505s [Music]
9507s foreign
9512s foreign
9513s [Music]
9526s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
9528s World Cup APAC Group B online qualifiers
9532s and did you know the World Cup Home and
9534s Away skin bundles are now live hurry and
9537s get them before they leave the shop on
9539s the 27th of June there are three bundles
9541s the emec APAC and Amel bundles you get
9545s both the Home and Away skins for all the
9547s heroes in the bundles and these bundles
9549s support the teams directly by
9551s contributing to the World Cup prize pool
9553s shop now on Battlenet or the OverWatch 2
9556s in-game shop you can learn more at
9559s overwatchworldcup.com now let's have a
9562s bit of a chat about India versus
9563s Malaysia we just saw them battle it out
9566s India has one two to zero and they were
9569s some pretty fast matches I would say
9571s pretty fast Maps there any thoughts yeah
9574s just very one-sided I think we expected
9576s that India was going to be I expect
9577s India was going to be a strong team
9578s coming into this one and I think they
9580s prove that's uh well and truly in that
9582s matchup a little bit of a slower uh not
9584s quite as dominant on circuit Royale but
9587s um map number one Lee Jung was about as
9589s quick as you'd ever see honestly yeah
9593s um yeah quite quick yeah well look let's
9597s take a look at our next teams we have
9599s Singapore versus New Zealand so let's
9601s take a look at the Singapore lineup and
9603s their starting team now we did see
9605s Singapore play Yesterday versus Malaysia
9608s and it looks like we'll have a similar
9611s lineup here
9613s start us off
9614s any uh comments we'd like to make about
9616s the Singapore team from yesterday and
9618s how they played yeah well I I don't know
9620s if this is correct but it says coppers
9621s on DPS yeah
9625s uh what is Iran a roster I mean where's
9628s viral because vital was one of the other
9630s players right so this is not the same
9632s starting lineup you are correct I
9633s misread that also wow VIPs his favorite
9637s hero is apparently he said there's four
9639s support Heroes on your screen right now
9641s now there's three handsome people on
9643s your screen
9645s all the support players are in all right
9647s well we'll be interesting to see how
9649s that goes and hopefully we'll get to
9651s we'll take another look at the New
9653s Zealand breakdown in a moment and see
9655s the team Knack obviously pixie New
9657s Zealand your favorite team here I mean
9659s let's not go nuts uh but uh I mean I
9662s kind of have to more than anything I'm
9664s sort of obliged to root for them uh
9667s because if I don't they can hear me
9668s they're within earshot of the studio at
9670s all times a small country we've been
9673s over this um so I guess uh yeah
9677s hopefully they can have a bit of a
9678s better showing uh than yesterday
9679s obviously yesterday a bit of a tough
9680s beat against Thailand uh but that's the
9683s sort of Team you can't be too upset
9684s about losing to that being said you
9685s actually should be because you need to
9686s be beating teams okay if you want to
9687s make it into that top two Thailand of
9689s course just took a loss against
9690s Australia so if you sort of look at what
9692s that maybe does to the pecking order
9693s this is a critical win now for New
9695s Zealand if they want to actually show
9697s that they do deserve to be talked about
9698s when we're talking about who's going to
9700s make it out of this group
9703s I wouldn't say they're out of the
9705s tournament but if you lose to Singapore
9706s here as well your ability to catch up to
9709s Thailand in Australia is going to be
9711s shot out so I think New Zealand kind of
9713s has to win here if they lose my passport
9715s you let your house oh goodness well I
9717s think New Zealand I think they should
9718s lose yourself
9720s it's gonna be very bad for my uh my gut
9723s microbiome if I eat a passport but you
9725s know yeah you've got enough
9727s microplastics in there might as well
9729s throw in a macro plastic
9731s oh well goodness well look they have a
9733s very strong lineup they've got J cap
9735s leading him there as the tank color hex
9737s we have spoken about before you know
9738s previous OverWatch League player quite a
9740s flex player as well very strong players
9743s across the board here for New Zealand so
9744s look I think they're going to go into
9746s this match very strong very confident
9748s this should be one as you've said that
9751s they they should win because of the
9752s little blue plus next to the name
9754s because he's playing support Finn just
9757s looks like a nationality like it just
9759s looks like a saying that's where he's
9760s from
9762s um yeah I'm not gonna talk about what's
9765s that I mean have they that could be
9767s anything that's just four stripes
9771s what gives just a I've got my pants
9776s I mean four Stripes there's more stripes
9779s than most countries flag because it
9780s happens yeah um yes that's all being
9782s greedy actually yeah we had a whole
9784s referendum to change our national flag a
9786s few years ago and a bunch of people
9787s protest voted because they went oh well
9789s it's a waste of money so I'm going to
9791s vote for us to keep the old flag and
9793s it's like well now you've guaranteed
9794s that it's a waste of money by not
9796s changing the flag your buffoon
9799s so let's take let's take a look at our
9802s first map today uh for Singapore versus
9805s New Zealand it will be of course a
9806s control map and we get to go to lovely
9808s Legion Tower again so pixie you can do
9810s more speculation about lijiang Tower and
9812s what is going on there for our control
9815s map today
9817s a super villain Lair Maybe
9820s you know like a Billionaire's Private
9822s Collection it's just one guy's house
9825s the night markets it's all for him he's
9827s got all these shops that's why there's
9829s no people there all these shops and all
9832s these places you can go and it's just
9833s for him he just picks which one he wants
9835s to give patronage to that evening
9837s well we've seen a lot of Lee Jeong
9839s played uh it is a control map that is
9842s very much favored and look we're going
9843s to get straight into it because the
9845s players are all ready to go so take it
9847s away pixie and Avril
9854s I've said it a lot I think I'm hoping
9857s for a bit better gameplay online Market
9859s specifically today I think that was a
9861s weak point for New Zealand yesterday
9862s um
9863s not a fan of how they played their
9865s reincomp very sloppy from Team New
9867s Zealand unfortunately color hex a bright
9868s spot talked about him already and that's
9870s uh echo on demanding was certainly the
9872s turnaround for the team
9876s I mean
9878s I don't think it's crazy that Thailand
9880s beats him and they're looking like one
9881s of the better teams not quite good
9882s enough to beat Australia and you sort of
9885s mentioned this earlier but we're getting
9886s a little bit more refined ordering of
9888s the pecking order so far
9891s in New Zealand can they at least
9894s bring it back today to climb back into
9897s what I think should be a top four for
9899s New Zealand Singapore did not look
9900s comfortable versus Malaysia yesterday in
9902s Malaysia
9903s just had their game handed to them by
9905s India so um yeah Singapore and Malaysia
9908s it's looking a bit rough unless
9909s Singapore can do something special today
9910s I mean that's the thing right for for
9913s both of these teams it's a it's a do or
9915s die kind of match right for Singapore it
9917s would be starting off Owen two and
9919s probably not going to have the
9920s opportunity to recover from that
9921s position if they lose this one if New
9924s Zealand lose it you would have serious
9926s doubts about their ability to make it
9927s into that top two even if they do start
9929s to have some recovery games because even
9931s if after that they turn around they beat
9933s India they uh you know let's say they
9935s beat everyone else but Australia well
9937s everyone's gonna be well it adds
9939s Thailand obviously they've already taken
9940s that L uh those are all teams that you
9942s could probably expect to beat Singapore
9944s themselves so you'd really start to
9946s worry about New Zealand's potential to
9948s make it out of this group so a real on
9949s the line kind of match for this
9951s particular one
9952s yeah like I said if New Zealand lose
9954s here it'll end up being a three-horse
9955s race between India Australia and
9957s Thailand
9960s now let's see
9961s if single single poor could buy
9963s themselves back obviously the Singapore
9964s have a super difficult Journey given
9966s that they lost Malaysia so
9968s I mentioned yesterday as well like
9969s between Malaysia and Singapore if one of
9971s those teams is going to have any real
9972s shot of even potentially fighting for a
9974s top two you have to beat the other team
9976s in that sort of battle so it's already
9978s starting behind but the good thing about
9980s this matchup is somebody does have to
9981s win both teams it was in yesterday and I
9984s have the opportunity to turn that one
9985s around zero one to at least a one and
9987s one
9991s and this is I mean that was in fact a
9994s correct lineup earlier we have seen a
9996s significant change up on Singapore
9997s already cut off support Auto DPS buffers
10001s in is going to be coming in as the other
10002s support where cup was yesterday so odd
10005s uh makes you wonder whether yesterday
10006s wasn't their Preferred lineup or maybe
10008s today
10011s I think you don't you can't be
10013s performing please vital off the EPS here
10015s yeah excuse the plan but pretty vital to
10017s the team and speaking of things that
10018s have right on New Zealand getting their
10020s TP Strat right this time we don't not
10021s seeing the Ryan it's gonna be the ram
10023s you're a little bit safer and the the
10025s Rhino's okay but not if you're not
10026s practicing New Zealand paper and cut let
10030s Ash came through yeah just sat in the
10031s middle of the vortex taking beam damage
10033s from past turrets really nice setup
10036s there from New Zealand kind of forcing
10038s Singapore to bust their way on to the
10039s point completely controlling the
10041s geometry of that fight and very
10043s comfortable with the opening cap
10047s the opening J cap one might say
10050s very good thank you thank you I was
10052s playing very very good that came to me
10053s in a dream but it was the same dream
10055s where I dropped an F-bomb on this
10056s broadcast so I won't draw any more
10059s inspiration from it
10061s I'll be a nightmare for the broadcast
10064s it's Singapore
10067s let's see if they can get past the ice
10069s wall battle first and foremost they have
10071s the window to play through that's going
10072s to get blocked out by color hex so
10074s that ends up being deployed
10077s there it is all right uh yeah I'm just
10080s really clean Park had a dusting off VIPs
10083s not getting anything out of that window
10085s as paper goes down not a single casualty
10087s for New Zealand possibly even an over
10088s investment at ultimates and that's
10090s saying something given that they only
10091s used two
10092s yeah maybe just the one required there
10094s but two is going to be okay for now
10096s Singapore still trailing by a lot but
10098s you consider that people also use a knob
10100s it's basically only in excess of one so
10102s it's a two for one auto trade but New
10103s Zealand
10104s very quickly now
10107s us away sixty percent colax looking for
10110s the wall into the blizzard hasn't been
10112s spotted yet
10114s separates the team out there's Ash Kane
10117s free easy pickings
10119s collection a sound barrier just kind of
10122s coming to nothing
10123s and there we go the fighting cups VIPs
10126s paper will also go down farther's in
10128s nope not even him making it out there
10130s not a single casualty from New Zealand
10132s so far
10133s still not yeah paper Frozen that fight
10135s is also no laughter coming to save Ash
10137s King again just no one saw him no one
10139s checked the corners very obvious not
10142s just me position but Reapers hide there
10144s as well another New Zealand are running
10145s a Reaper but you commonly do run into
10147s Reaper sometimes
10148s check your Corners even in this game
10152s and Ash Kane just wants to try and
10154s Barrel onto the point set himself up
10156s with his annihilation
10157s Ice Cube there from Keller hex pops the
10160s blizzard down as well
10162s yeah they still lose Ash Kane itself
10165s that's a decent death Blossom they find
10167s August that's their first kill on the
10168s board but that's the only one they're
10170s going to be able to pick up is New
10171s Zealand collecting the rest of the kills
10173s in this particular belt paper not gonna
10175s be able to recontest hundreds of zero
10176s absolute and utter lockout
10179s yep very dominant they tried to catch
10182s par they have apologies TPS away and you
10184s can see from Ash Kane's POV he just did
10185s not know which way to look
10187s really find anything there
10190s a little bit left to be desired on
10191s vips's uh lizard there as well as it was
10194s pretty cleanly dodged out by New Zealand
10196s they just speed out of the way TP out of
10197s the way if they need to
10199s and it begins quickly with New Zealand
10201s just having the early teleporter strand
10203s getting onto the playing forcing
10204s Singapore to come to them and from that
10206s point always New Zealand never got off
10208s the point never had to get off the point
10209s only lost how many two players
10211s if even that only happened in the last
10213s flight
10216s what do you reckon Singapore's favorite
10218s anime is
10222s I guess we can I tell you if I'd watched
10225s but I don't know so I mean if they win
10227s we could maybe ask them in an interview
10231s okay
10232s just uh they'd have to do a lot to win
10235s though they get the health pack pick up
10237s but because
10240s he's definitely going to go down there
10243s not much that that defense can do for
10245s him cup gonna have to take the dive
10247s doesn't actually take any damage on the
10249s way out thanks to that right form so it
10250s doesn't give away any kill credit
10251s doesn't give away that little bit of alt
10252s charge so add something micro plays you
10255s know if you're going to lose you don't
10256s want to be as brutally as possible
10258s I'll just be giving away the point
10260s instead and New Zealand will happily
10261s take that
10263s at least have a full mirror matchup this
10265s time around
10266s Singapore
10268s unsure if that'll end up being enough
10270s and see which direction they want to
10271s pull in from it's going to come from
10273s White Room no maze to think of here
10275s which is probably a good thing for
10276s Singapore they're not going to get
10277s locked out they can just walk onto onto
10278s point
10279s nice manual hack again
10282s VIPs already low has a duck for safety
10286s Singapore
10287s they actually kind of absorb that first
10288s bit of pressure contesting the point no
10290s kills just yet
10293s and ultimate's not quite there either
10294s paper and August are closest and paper
10296s is actually slightly ahead as this gold
10297s Essence first now August comes into
10299s match it's just a bit of a beam battle
10302s as there we go Carla hex death Blossom
10304s quick three beautiful pickup
10306s wow
10308s as well
10311s I might have to get confirmation but I
10312s don't think Fafa actually called The
10314s Sound battery off awesomely off the
10316s check but
10320s I saw him die as it uh I saw him die as
10322s it was coming through in the hood APA
10324s barely got to call lessons going as well
10325s color hex just clinged his way through
10330s Singapore
10332s I don't think have they got a kill yet
10334s this man this well this round I gotta
10336s kill last round this round it's looking
10338s pretty dire once more Parr manually
10340s hacked though and taking a bit of a
10342s beating finally that expires he's able
10343s to throw out his own EMP and quick
10346s conversion there J cap fighting two
10349s three now collecting Cup who was
10351s otherwise trying to get work done with
10352s it as Blossom only found color hex for
10354s his trouble looking on track for another
10357s 100-0 lockout color hex gonna come back
10359s in on a pharaoh one quick can't kill
10361s concealer
10363s and she came down to the diva
10365s it'll be a little bit quicker to go
10367s towards the point I mean you could
10368s imagine it's a coincidence that he goes
10369s to even ask for his father but I can
10371s promise he was just a faster
10374s they're one man short as Ash Kane
10377s manually hacked not gonna last very long
10378s in this Magpie that looks things has the
10380s support status back at least they're
10381s able to get healed up a little bit but
10382s struggling as the feathers step off the
10384s point there we go there's the d-mac to
10386s come through obviously low self-destruct
10388s to be able to reset it buffers in goes
10389s down and there you are 200-0 lockouts
10393s back to back New Zealand that is
10394s absolutely the recovery they were
10396s looking for after yesterday
10398s yeah I'm thinking your passport is
10400s pretty safe at this rate not that it was
10402s a difficult bet to make at all I was
10404s like will the sun come up tomorrow I
10406s guess well yeah sure I was starting to
10408s think about it if my son doesn't come
10409s off tomorrow I guess I'll eat my
10410s passport what a bet to make but uh yeah
10412s Singapore 200-0
10415s unfortunate uh they're they're making
10417s interesting lineup changes don't know
10419s where vital is today
10420s but missing that play is definitely
10422s going to hurt the team this is where
10424s color hex just rolls through and cleans
10425s up on the death blossom
10427s I mean that's the tricky thing we've
10428s already had questions about Singapore's
10430s roster because of the significant
10431s changes they've made to it already and
10434s now not having vital in the mix today I
10436s mean the questions just start to
10437s compound and uh well the the net effect
10440s of it all even if we're not getting
10441s answers to those questions is uh
10443s Singapore just don't have the stuff on
10446s the day they aren't able to measure up
10447s right now
10449s um Singapore did seem to crumble a
10451s little there they didn't seem to have an
10453s answer they couldn't fight back they
10455s just lost every team fight it was made a
10457s point at one uh one moment there that
10459s had they even gotten a kill they got a
10461s kill on the first uh point they did take
10463s August down but after that there was the
10464s question of was there any other kills
10466s that had had come out so yeah quite a
10469s struggle there for Singapore
10470s unfortunately yeah I mean I I think I
10472s expect a little bit more but
10473s singapologists they're not delivering at
10475s all India Malaysia New Zealand New
10478s Zealand was got to be the better team
10479s here but this is kind of what I've been
10480s saying since day one Malaysia in
10481s Singapore probably on the lower end and
10484s you'd like to see a bit more gameplay
10486s India kind of put Malaysia away and Team
10488s New Zealand might do the same to
10489s Singapore that's what I was about to
10490s remark is India Malaysia looked really
10491s one-sided on that control map but even
10493s then uh Malaysia had a fair bit of
10495s proactivity and fights India just had a
10497s handle on them I mean in this it was
10498s like Singapore were even struggling to
10500s muster a fight position they they never
10503s seemed like they were on the front foot
10505s there was very little opportunity for
10507s them to be proactive and part of that is
10509s just good game play out in New Zealand
10510s but yeah it's interesting that it's even
10512s more one-sided than what we just saw
10515s well let's see if they can bring it back
10517s in map two as they will get to choose
10519s the map but we will take a short break
10521s and we'll be back soon everyone
10524s [Music]
10536s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
10539s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
10542s value means more at macca's so grab a
10545s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
10548s [Music]
10554s [Music]
10565s [Music]
10567s thank you
10573s [Music]
10586s thank you
10592s foreign
10595s [Music]
10638s [Music]
10643s [Applause]
10648s [Music]
10652s thank you
10653s [Music]
10665s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
10667s World Cup APAC Group B online qualifiers
10671s if you're just joining us we are
10673s currently in the middle of New Zealand
10674s versus Singapore and currently New
10677s Zealand are one to zero versus Singapore
10679s they took out lijiang Tower and look I
10684s don't like to say it but I'm gonna it
10686s was a pretty clean sweep there they 100
10689s to zero on both points I can't really
10692s call it any other way I feel I mean the
10695s thing you didn't want to say I I said
10697s much more brazenly on the Belfast model
10700s Brash as well so
10701s I mean
10703s I think I at this point I've somewhat
10706s called her that was just way too long so
10707s to be fair Malaysia had a little bit of
10709s a comeback on mat number two versus
10710s India
10712s Singapore
10714s I can I say that this opening map looked
10716s even more one-sided than the India
10718s versus Malaysia map one you can because
10720s that's exactly yeah I've already said
10722s exactly that so yeah well I think we're
10724s all in agreement this is so far brutally
10727s one-sided and uh it's interesting that
10729s you mentioned that second map actually
10730s between India Malaysia because that's
10731s going to be the real tell here if
10733s Singapore do have even just a little bit
10734s of gas still in the tank if there's
10736s something that can still come out of
10737s this uh this particular incarnation of
10739s the roster this is the map where it's
10741s going to have to happen otherwise I
10742s think we're going to have our most
10743s one-sided Series so far and possibly of
10746s the tournament well actually Australia
10748s one side so far yeah yes
10753s the worst day of your life yet
10756s all right well let's take a look at the
10759s map that Singapore have chosen here to
10762s hopefully have a bit of a comeback and
10764s they have picked watchpoint Gibraltar we
10766s haven't seen that yet for these online
10768s qualifiers uh a point uh with some very
10772s in this region anyways and things yeah
10773s not in this region true but yeah some
10776s great High angles at the starts there
10777s I'm gonna guess we're gonna see a lot of
10779s maybe double snipers against some
10780s hanzo's here this map changed a little
10783s bit you know we've shifted home
10784s positions on you know of all this later
10787s season so Gibraltar is it's still mostly
10789s the same it's like near identical but
10792s just a few changes in terms of spawns
10794s and different dollars and whatnot uh the
10795s flow of the game I think is still
10797s largely the same so that won't change
10798s too much but a dive heavy map as you say
10800s which opens things up for snipers on on
10802s big angles but with the water Nerf as
10804s well some of those angles are going to
10805s be less effective I'm not exactly sure
10808s how uh these particular two teams will
10811s be handling that today I think when you
10813s look at their lineups ODP did get
10814s swapped in yeah over J cap for this map
10817s which means New Zealand at least want to
10818s be looking towards the Winston I think
10820s diva from Jacob would have also been
10821s fine but we're going to be playing the
10822s Winston version instead which likely
10824s means brigging out on the back line
10826s and possibly trace the Sombra on the
10828s front you might not even see any snipers
10830s if we just play trans Sombra I was going
10832s to say you talk about dive ODP that's I
10834s mean yeah New Zealand have very clearly
10836s signaled what their intention is
10840s all right well let's get into it the
10841s lobby is ready and we'll make our way
10844s over to Gibraltar and I'll leave it over
10846s with Pixie and avram
10854s many more to add on
10856s the ODP I really don't I've already
10858s described him I described him yesterday
10860s as handsome generous and loyal and I
10862s stand by that
10865s how would you describe
10867s as a good you know what I just I think I
10870s think three is enough I don't wanna what
10872s does it stand for on that does it stand
10873s for anything uh I don't you know what I
10876s told you yesterday you didn't pay
10877s attention so no you just wondered one
10879s day
10880s punch
10882s it's a punch that takes all day to
10884s complete
10886s it's like the one before I was yeah like
10888s the one inch punch the the Bruce Lee one
10891s the one inch punch yeah
10893s well if there's a unit of measurement
10894s that starts with the D you can work on
10896s that
10898s I got you thinking One Direction bunch
10902s I think we've all been there which is
10904s every which is every punch actually you
10905s I don't think they do tend to go at a
10907s single it's a very front to back of the
10910s punch
10911s uh don't be baited by the hog this is
10913s just to check out doors same as what
10915s we've seen before so catch all right the
10918s life of a pullback yep that's a little
10921s new typically you would have had the TP
10922s back for that one but the new life would
10924s pull back very cute will be what we play
10926s through Halifax on the ash you know
10930s DPS of all he was more of a yeah he was
10933s a flex DPS play so not really known for
10935s the head scans it's a little bit of new
10936s for color heads
10937s love to see uh how well uh how good it
10939s looks on him
10942s and uh my gut says it'll be good but uh
10945s I mean my gut is full of microplastics
10947s as we've established so it cannot even
10949s be trusted
10951s not having that bash cane okay that's a
10954s really good sleep
10956s and at first I've been already getting
10957s much and uh damage on cop actually is
10959s the first one to go down that's all
10960s that's just collecting that uh VIPs now
10963s down as well nice straight back ashken
10965s finally finding one but he's deep on the
10967s back line for that not really where he
10968s needs to be on the cart counter diving
10971s is not the order of the day when your
10972s team is actually losing the main trunk
10973s of the fight and this is going to be a
10975s cap here we go find the ash game coming
10976s in for the contest but quite possibly
10978s get a Trader's life for it power is
10980s right on top of him
10990s he's kind of distracted a lot of these
10993s members here the two supports add par
10995s all busy trying to deal with him he ends
10997s up picking up August on the way out as
10998s well allowed Singapore so as you noted
11001s sort of wrap around and dust off ODP so
11004s preventing that early cap there
11007s a bit of slow down already
11010s I think some improved gameplay from
11012s Singapore the stick though that's the
11014s five before we're looking for we start
11016s heading into ultimate territory actually
11017s it's not enough to find the Minefield
11019s like it's deployed very aggressively and
11021s oh apart at least there's still a
11022s contest on the point pod does not have
11024s that recall he used enough to drop in
11025s the pulse bomb so he got low had the
11027s antinate on him and I think bumped into
11028s a mine as he stepped backwards they
11030s opened the door quite wide with that
11032s possible but haven't quite been able to
11033s walk through it was just yet cup now
11034s down though dive with the Nano boost on
11036s ODP was fishing for something nearly had
11039s a wrap back onto paper ends up going
11041s forward now on uh vibs ashkay does die
11044s finally Primal Rage bag top so ODP has
11046s to commit it getting a little bit low is
11047s keeping that fourth space though as the
11049s Caps come through already and a few
11050s extra kills on the back end collected so
11052s but a free push now on the cards for New
11054s Zealand across B
11057s we start picking up the pace mindful got
11059s deployed super earlier from Singapore
11061s and I would have imagined that would be
11063s better place on the payload
11065s it was nearly at the cap would get four
11067s other ultimates slowly coming online
11069s over the course they fight
11071s none of which ends up being used as the
11073s team slowly loses in New Zealand
11076s see what kind of opening momentum we can
11077s find here there is a little bit of storm
11079s pen I think that might be cup awesome
11081s the Ash King slowing that down
11083s all right that's going to be a nano
11085s boost on the Papasan who has the rally
11087s running ODP dangerously low but able to
11089s get back at Winter's life no cup dusts
11091s him off with a pulse bomb that's a lot
11093s of ultimates used for Singapore though
11094s and they only end up collecting the one
11095s kill New Zealand they have used their
11097s own Bob and pole spawn but they've
11099s traded The Kills back losing ODP does
11100s mean that New Zealand can't get much
11102s done despite that trade but even so
11104s Singapore now very lean as the Fight
11106s Continues ODP will be getting back with
11108s his team in our second Vince has already
11109s down fappers in overextended Ash came
11112s now uh maybe a little bit too deep yep
11114s we'll go down she tries to rap back to
11115s the rest of the team just finds himself
11117s staring down the Tesla Canada for
11118s Winston that's going to be New Zealand
11120s back under
11121s underway that's what I'm looking for
11123s isn't it underway yeah
11126s third hearing those defense for now they
11130s should be able to come back in for a
11131s contest ashkanes arrived but a real
11133s resources looking over towards flying to
11135s the Michael Ashley wanted to live though
11136s but he's down yeah did not have enough
11139s shielding there did not have enough uh
11141s support sight lines to help him out and
11143s VIPs has come back here on a Genji yeah
11146s caps already come through and now VIPs
11147s goes down
11150s which came now over towards the Winston
11152s a little bit more safe game play
11153s especially
11157s is much better with the ball but
11160s Singapore might not have the required
11162s coordination to make the ball Dives work
11165s I also by the way paper and FIFA could
11167s have just gone back into spawn and back
11170s spawned maybe they don't even realize
11172s that
11172s mechanic is in the game but they didn't
11174s have to come out and die like that they
11175s could have just backspawn
11178s yep
11180s a little bit of a hangover from
11182s OverWatch past Maybe
11185s had to unlearn some of those instincts
11187s but uh yeah unnecessary unforced error
11189s one would say power fishing for
11191s something with the pole don't they just
11193s run down five percent and cup don't even
11195s need the pulse bottom paper now a bit of
11196s a freebie as well just dragging it out
11199s playing with the foods uh people's
11201s trying to walk back into a spawn that
11202s doesn't exist where the old spawn door
11205s is and he's going to walk back into the
11206s old spawn door this is a player who we
11208s also just sort not utilize a mechanic
11210s that is new to the game I think that's
11211s really telling about the state of the
11213s Singapore team right now
11215s possibly possibly a lot of the changes
11218s that you can actually we get a nice
11219s little
11220s third person top down view the final
11222s point there that's where most of changes
11223s on Gibraltar came through they picked
11225s this map so
11228s we get to see a bit of a variety some
11231s variation so thank you Singapore for
11232s that yeah
11233s and again look I'll see all spawn balls
11235s locked out now yeah I I said I said it
11238s before it's hard to unlearn those
11239s instincts so you know one can be a
11242s little bit exactly necessary and
11244s required especially when it's a map that
11245s you intend on picking that is not that's
11248s a weird mistake to make
11251s it is among many strange things it's uh
11255s attacking side now for Singapore we
11257s don't have to worry about they don't
11258s have to worry about defensive Sports on
11260s C4
11261s the rest of the series
11264s depending on who picks Gibraltar who
11266s doesn't pick it maybe not for the rest
11267s of the tournament is that it's the first
11269s time and we'll see if Gibraltar comes up
11270s and again we've had a lot of circle
11271s royales and
11273s I didn't mention that Ash came on the
11274s ball was at least providing a little bit
11276s more distraction some perhaps individual
11280s prowess coming up against New Zealand
11281s was good to see
11283s there was that one sort of goose chase
11285s that we had earlier on with ashken on
11286s the ball running par around the map
11288s while ODP was dying that was maybe the
11290s one highlight from Singapore and that
11291s defense the rest of it was
11293s actually not super present
11297s and now on their attacking half
11298s Singapore
11300s I mean everybody got their workout after
11302s they've got to cap out the whole map
11303s they've got to do it with a competitive
11304s enough time and just under three minutes
11306s on the clock for New Zealand is a hell
11308s of a lot so even if Singapore cap out
11309s it's going to be a time bank on the back
11311s foot one would expect we have to see how
11313s far they can go and whether they can
11315s maybe make this a little bit competitive
11320s here we go it's a double Widow sorry the
11322s double sniper composition of which Widow
11324s is a part of it
11326s and you still do outrange the ash by a
11329s little bit but not as monstrously as
11331s before free Polar push for nothing
11333s that's fine I think if you're Singapore
11336s keep Ash can on the payload New Zealand
11338s okay they do contest it's probably par
11340s in the low ground oh heavens B eating a
11343s few head diet that's actually good yeah
11344s New Zealand really in trouble ate a lot
11346s of harassment around the side from paper
11347s and then ask him wanted to follow up
11348s unfortunately not able to continue the
11350s follow-up as New Zealand just sort of
11352s ripped back around isolated paper
11354s realized it was easy pickings collected
11355s the other support now cut down ashgane
11357s trying to run an interference kill X
11360s maybe something on the way out but not
11361s able to find it loses his own life and
11364s that ends up being a bit of a failed
11365s non-starter there for Singapore
11367s so the problem with a good dive is it
11369s was a one-man dive because there's no
11370s other dive Heroes really unless people
11372s wants a tpn two snipers you're kind of
11374s just hoping that your two snipers
11376s connect shots while the players being
11377s boosted up by the power driver kind of
11380s in the open but that didn't really end
11382s up happening
11384s to Singapore once again slowly pushing
11386s their way around I don't know why cup
11387s would drop down
11390s for the 360 no scope
11392s VIPs burning with the dynamite as well
11394s survives but not for all that long
11396s already he's just got his number with
11398s the follow-up buffers in stuck around
11400s the side here's part of collect one
11403s we'll be able to finally find it took a
11404s hot minute gets in with the Quick Melee
11406s ashkins had to pull all the way back to
11407s spawn
11408s doesn't want to heal himself he wants to
11410s wait for the supports to come out so
11411s that they can get the old charge for
11412s healing him
11416s slow going
11419s New Zealand's still in the same okay
11421s five HP didn't make it out where's
11422s payload still in the car wash yep
11425s one for one fighting Power is good but
11428s they keep losing members Primal Rage now
11429s ODP is keeping them stuck in their base
11432s this is uh pretty brutal's ass paper
11435s just stepping out far too long goes down
11437s and at this point that one kill they got
11439s on par is wiped clean power is back with
11441s the team there's nothing game for
11443s Singapore
11444s this is looking like a full hold I think
11445s 130 roughly left to go another one
11448s players trickling in
11451s slowly changing this composition but not
11453s into anything that will give you too
11455s much confidence I'd say at the moment
11456s New Zealand's just holding on to
11458s ultimates because they can oh pulse
11460s bombs which is expanded very nice
11464s one minute 15 left on the clock in
11466s Singapore have yet to even Mount much of
11467s an offense here they don't even know how
11469s to start approaching New Zealand do they
11471s go in with the Wrecking Ball in the
11472s Minefield do they try and pick something
11474s off with verps cup is now out on a
11475s soldier they're all over the show
11484s between a ball player and a minefield
11488s finally getting some decent payload
11490s movement
11490s and going now back up onto The High
11492s Ground trying to dislodge August and
11494s Finn not able to find it an ODP with the
11496s Nano business back Dives forward finds
11498s VIPs so that's a reasonable DPS trade
11501s collects will be getting back with the
11502s team in New Zealand and just slowing
11503s this one out stalling it out ODP finally
11505s goes down
11506s but the cards so far back New Zealand
11508s get another shot of the contest here
11509s calex comes back in with the Bob they
11512s are not wasting any time with this
11513s they've still got the supports down and
11515s here we go Finn just absolutely
11517s barreling forward with that rally
11518s running it's collecting nikel's power is
11521s really feeling himself and all of that
11523s good one from Singapore just starts to
11525s fall apart 15 seconds now and they're
11527s back in spawn
11530s he's yelling back in the same position
11532s they were before which is extremely
11534s defendable position on a a ash gain is
11538s probably not going to make it out
11538s Heaven's Vape maybe if he didn't get
11540s caught around the jaw geometry but
11542s that's gonna be a tank on no touch it's
11544s over
11545s pretty brutal
11547s pretty brutal as expected that was that
11550s was one of the uh one of the more
11552s one-sided full holds I've seen in a
11555s while uh just not getting any kind of
11558s play stuck back in sport I mean we we
11559s saw uh we saw Ash Kane having to roll
11562s all the way back to spawn and then just
11565s wait there didn't want to go all the way
11566s in to heal but you know next best thing
11568s while he was waiting for those supports
11570s to come back just absolutely brutal
11574s and that'll be a 2-0 favoring New
11578s Zealand there well done to them uh Pixie
11581s you must be pretty happy New Zealand's
11582s you know got a win under their belt now
11584s well I'm relieved um I think if they'd
11586s taken an L there that would have been uh
11588s that would have been a bit of a death
11590s knell for New Zealand if they'd lost
11592s that I'm going to be completely honest
11593s with you so wait yeah good to see good
11595s to see them actually pulling out
11597s um pulling out a win where they should
11598s certainly keeps their tournament hopes
11600s uh uh not well yeah it keeps them alive
11603s they're a long way from dead but
11605s satisfying shall we say satisfied is how
11608s I feel
11609s necessary required when the F1 New
11611s Zealand and uh
11613s I do that even even I think maybe
11616s strangely one-sided because maybe I just
11617s expected a little bit more out of
11619s Singapore but they they came in with
11620s even a different lineup today and not
11622s the kind of lineup that is like oh I can
11624s understand why they're doing this but
11625s like vital was one of the better Players
11627s yesterday and they've moved a support
11629s player onto a DPS and I did not look
11632s like it helped things at all
11633s um yeah players that haven't played the
11635s new Gibraltar yet despite picking this
11637s map it was all over the show sadly from
11639s Singapore yeah yeah you know you know
11640s the saying bringing a knife to a
11641s gunfight it feels like Singapore brought
11643s a shovel to a gunfight to dig their own
11644s grave first out of respect for their
11646s opponent
11647s oh goodness we'll look Singapore
11650s unfortunately did look like they
11651s struggled a little bit there they
11652s couldn't even get the first point um a
11654s bit unfortunate as you said they picked
11655s this map
11656s um so not too sure what was going on
11658s there they really pushed that ball as
11660s well which maybe that wasn't the right
11662s uh Choice there like so many sleeps kept
11665s happening or August just kept all down
11667s like constantly so yeah well played by
11670s New Zealand there for them and like I
11673s said I'm satisfied uh this has been a
11676s a gratifying outcome to the evening I
11679s like that they keep putting these New
11680s Zealand matches right at the end so that
11681s I have to wait the whole time just to
11684s see what the outcome is I'm pretty sure
11685s like it's on the last day is New Zealand
11688s versus Australia is it also the last
11690s match I won yeah
11692s I just got to wait that entire time I'm
11694s not going to be able to sleep I'm not
11695s going to be able to eat I'm gonna be a
11697s wreck by the time you see me next week
11698s I'm gonna be disheveled I'm going to be
11700s unshaven I'm gonna have no shoes on I
11704s actually currently have no shoes on it's
11705s going to be disastrous it's gonna be the
11708s worst version of me
11709s well thank you that was a bit of TMI but
11712s hey thank you for that uh Pixie let's
11714s cut over to the leaderboard and see
11715s where the standings are at the end of
11717s day two and as you can see we've got a
11720s few there India and Australia both with
11722s wins on the boards no losses so far
11724s followed by Malaysia New Zealand and
11726s Thailand all each with one win and one
11728s loss and Singapore at the bottom
11730s currently with two losses
11733s and um at this point as well you know I
11736s think um India really impressed today
11738s this is rounding up to be the expected
11740s top four position I think the the real
11742s question is you know where does the more
11743s top three kind of look and even beyond
11745s that what does the top two kind of look
11747s like
11748s um I could also kind of argue that for
11750s Singapore they played the two opponents
11753s they maybe had the highest likelihood of
11755s being which is both Malaysia and
11756s possibly a New Zealand that wasn't on
11759s form but New Zealand was on form for
11761s this particular game and now beyond that
11762s when you consider the rest of the team's
11764s Edge player India who dismantled
11766s Malaysia Thailand who beat New Zealand
11768s and Australia who've been Thailand it's
11769s like
11770s yeah I wish the game's looking pretty
11772s rough well there were a lot of amazing
11775s plays today but let's go over to the
11778s macca's play of the game and see who
11780s took that one out for today I think I
11782s might have it in Klingon this one
11784s oh yeah
11787s the Ace Ace and I'm actually lost my Jew
11791s which is I think kind of really telling
11794s for how genuinely good this play was and
11796s indeed just how good his play overall
11798s was uh we we use that term game warping
11801s when we talk about real High Caliber
11803s players like that so to to even have
11805s that impact felt in a game you end up
11807s losing I think really speaks to the
11809s skill of that player
11810s yeah that was the price of Ace really
11812s was uh the dominant force in that game
11814s for sure and uh it's impressive when
11817s you're going up against team Australia
11819s and despite losing you can look like the
11821s best player in the lobby Aces want to
11822s look out for yeah definitely Ace played
11825s really well today as we saw there some
11828s amazing uh shots there um and look we
11831s have so much more of the action where we
11832s we ah Tongue Tied we will be back
11835s tomorrow let's check out the schedule
11837s for tomorrow we'll have an amazing
11838s matchup New Zealand versus India
11840s followed by Australia versus Singapore
11843s and to tie us off at the end Malaysia
11845s versus Thailand so plenty more to look
11847s forward to tomorrow I don't have to wait
11849s just straight up first thing get it out
11851s of the way done and dusted uh then
11853s Australia gets to two and zero Singapore
11855s that's gonna be nice that's gonna be fun
11856s uh Malaysia Thailand is going to be an
11858s interesting one as well that should be a
11860s pretty by the book Affair for Thailand
11862s but uh Malaysia after taking an L today
11864s if they if there is a world where they
11866s start recovering taking Out Thailand and
11868s that's kind of having an upset of that
11869s caliber would be a real big way to turn
11872s their tournament hopes around so an
11873s interesting day on the Slate tomorrow I
11875s think that first one uh is definitely an
11878s important one for the trajectory of two
11879s teams that could very much still take
11881s that one of those top two slots the
11883s other the two are a little bit more just
11886s staying the course
11888s I think New Zealand versus India has
11889s huge implications right because both of
11891s those teams are kind of among the the
11894s top teams fighting for one of the two
11895s spots and you already have a New Zealand
11898s that lost to Thailand so if you lose to
11899s India as well it's it might actually be
11901s a situation where you're locked out of
11903s potential top two
11904s well plenty of action to look forward to
11907s tomorrow so everyone we will be back
11909s tomorrow with some more OverWatch World
11911s Cup APAC Group B online qualifiers so
11914s make sure you come and say hi and check
11916s it out all out tomorrow see you then
11920s [Music]
11932s thank you
11940s [Music]