about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s season 4 of OverWatch 2 brings big
2s changes to everything from the
3s competitive experience to map pools and
4s hero ability kits starting now in
6s competitive Play You'll no longer
7s receive seasonal Decay which means your
9s rank will maintain across Seasons you'll
10s also be able to see the average skill
12s rating of the match so you'll be able to
13s see how close you are to your opponent
14s after the match you can see your win
16s loss progress and at each competitive
17s update see how close you are to your
18s next skill division also map poles are
20s being removed allowing for even more
21s maps to be played during the season and
23s you'll also have the ability to swap
24s between unlocked spawns during a match
25s as well brigitte's old rally is getting
27s a large rework during her alt she now
29s gains restorable armor but will no
30s longer receive temporary health like her
32s allies plus her Shield is increasing in
33s size and health going from 300 to 750
36s and while her rally speed is being
37s reduced her Shield bash now impacts
39s multiple enemies and can briefly stun
40s them for your mercy Mains her guardian
42s angel cooldown is going from 2.5 seconds
43s down to 1.5 seconds her healing will
45s also be increased from 45 to 55 HP per
48s second but will no longer have increased
49s healing for allies under half Health
50s moira's coalescence all speed is being
52s reduced but she can now fade during it
54s and Cassidy's magnetic grenade damage
55s will be reduced from 131 to 120. now
57s these are just a few updates coming to
59s OverWatch 2 in season 4.