over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1572s welcome everyone to day three of the
1575s OverWatch World Cup online qualifiers
1577s APAC Group B I'm your host Domino and
1580s I'm joined Again by the legendary pixie
1582s and Avril how we feeling today guys
1586s fresh
1588s good yeah very good thank you looking
1590s for some games on D3
1592s Australia New Zealand back on board
1594s today to play I mean everyone has all
1596s six teams will be playing so that'll be
1598s really interesting and again a very
1599s interesting matchup to start out with
1600s New Zealand versus India that'll be one
1601s I'm looking forward to yeah awesome all
1604s right well let's take a look at the
1605s tournament format uh that we are running
1608s here at the OverWatch World Cup as you
1609s can see we are there in the online
1611s qualifiers for Group B for APAC and it
1614s is around Robin format so every team
1616s will verse off each other they're quick
1618s games as it is the first to two wins and
1621s the uh the top two teams will make it
1624s all will go through to the land stages
1626s so a lot of the line here and yeah a lot
1629s Worth Fighting For
1632s let's oh you're sorry yeah and as
1634s mentioned you know we we're starting to
1636s get a really good feel for the group now
1637s in terms of how things are shaping now
1639s you know I kind of predicted a top four
1641s before we came into this event that's
1642s starting to become evident as uh you
1644s know Malaysia and Singapore are still at
1646s the bottom of the standings let's see if
1648s they can you know sort of climb back up
1649s today some more difficult games ahead
1651s New Zealand got their first win as well
1653s and um currently it's India and
1656s Australia leading the leaderboards
1657s they've only played one game each though
1658s but uh we'll see if that changes today
1660s yeah let's take a look at yesterday's
1662s games we had Thailand versus Australia
1664s Australia won that two to one then we
1666s had Malaysia versus India with India
1669s winning two nil and then versus New
1671s Zealand with New Zealand sweeping that
1673s 2-0
1675s and I mean it was fairly expected
1677s results across the board uh the the most
1679s contagious one of the lot is uh the one
1681s you're seeing here Thailand versus
1682s Australia that was the one that we kind
1683s of
1684s um looked at to be you know is Australia
1686s truly going to be Top Dog you know we're
1688s expecting that they're in that top four
1689s almost a shoe in for one of those two
1691s qualifying spots uh but you know when
1693s when they hit the concrete uh does that
1695s hold true and certainly in that series
1697s it did uh Thailand though still had a
1699s good showing and now the question over
1701s them is are they are they best the rest
1703s are they gonna be the other team that
1705s can take that top two slot obviously
1706s it's not set in sold yet Australia might
1708s still not make it out of this uh of this
1710s group they might not actually take one
1711s of those qualifying slots but certainly
1713s this was uh the start that they needed
1715s and a reasonable follow-up for Thailand
1718s in spite of the loss
1722s yeah I'm really looking forward to again
1724s to seeing uh obviously Australia does
1726s play it again today I think they have a
1728s very winnable match coming up ahead
1730s India is definitely as far as
1733s yesterday's games goes was most
1734s impressive team that I saw so this is a
1736s team now that looks really scary in
1737s comparison to the rest of the field and
1739s you're talking about the fact that you
1740s know does Australia have a freebie to
1742s get out of this group I think the the
1743s group is really heating up in terms of
1745s how close the competition might be so a
1747s real guarantees for anyone at the moment
1749s Australia probably walks away 2-0 today
1751s in terms of their overall score line on
1754s the standings and uh well India has to
1756s go up against New Zealand which means
1757s you know it's going to be more of a
1759s competitive match where no guarantees
1760s there for anybody
1762s let's take a leaderboard a look at the
1764s leaderboards currently as you can see we
1766s have India and Australia both sitting at
1767s the top with one win each and no losses
1770s so far Thailand and New Zealand and
1772s Malaysia all with one win and one loss
1774s and Singapore sitting at the bottom
1776s there with two losses so far but we do
1779s have a lot still to go so who knows
1782s where we're gonna end up and let's take
1784s a look at our schedule for today and see
1786s what we've got ready coming up so as
1788s mentioned we've got New Zealand versus
1790s India first which is going to be a great
1792s matchup I think to watch New Zealand's
1794s definitely going to be wanting to take a
1795s win today Australia versus Singapore as
1798s you have mentioned Avril potentially an
1800s easy matchup for Australia and then we
1802s have finishing us off with Malaysia
1803s versus Thailand this is quite an
1805s interesting day uh overall obviously
1807s that first match is kind of the the the
1809s main car main fight on the card right uh
1813s that's uh two of the teams that were
1814s saying are sort of in that top four New
1816s Zealand began their recovery yesterday
1818s after dropping on day one to Thailand uh
1821s Thailand who have intern lost to
1822s Australia so this is a very a big must
1825s win for New Zealand if they lose this
1827s one then you'd say Well they're in the
1828s top four but they're number four which
1830s isn't good enough right uh India on the
1832s other hand they they had a solid start
1833s yesterday
1834s um a reasonably expected win but nice to
1837s see them kind of stay the course so this
1838s is where they're looking for a really
1839s solid follow-up and they would actually
1841s be uh assuming Australia can uh can win
1845s their match today as well which you'd
1846s imagine they can India would actually
1848s still be holding parity with Australia
1850s in terms of their overall win record uh
1851s so that's a really important kind of
1853s beat there uh the other one I kind of
1855s want to highlight is right towards the
1856s end there uh Malaysia versus Thailand uh
1859s that's an upset potential it's an
1860s outside chance but all these good things
1862s have just been saying about Thailand
1864s their solar performance against
1865s Australia if they get upset here a lot
1868s of their hard work gets undone so again
1870s it's it's a it's a real stay the course
1872s kind of day for a lot of these teams
1875s so all the top four teams right they
1877s really can't afford to lose to anybody
1878s else and if you're New Zealand as you
1879s mentioned you've already lost to
1880s Thailand losing to India would probably
1881s at least in terms of trying to get out
1883s of the group with the nail on the coffin
1884s let's go ahead and take a look at Team
1886s New Zealand uh this is a team that only
1888s sitting at a one-on-one scoreline
1891s perfect 2-2 in terms of map differential
1893s as well so at one two zero they lose 2-0
1897s um no map differential at all yeah it
1900s ends up changing today it does sort of
1903s speak towards you know they've been able
1905s to beat the teams are supposed to beat
1906s and unfortunately they've also lost a
1908s little bit handily to the teams that
1909s they lost to as well
1911s and I mean it's interesting right that
1913s uh that map differential uh this is
1916s actually quite possibly a tournament
1918s where that could matter quite a lot
1919s right now on the standings India is only
1921s above Australia because with their one
1924s when there are 2-0 whereas uh whereas
1926s Australia had a two ones their map
1927s differential is only one that actually
1929s will start to seriously add up
1931s especially if we get any kind of uh
1933s triangular win losses right you know if
1935s we get something where I don't know
1937s Thailand beats New Zealand New Zealand
1938s beats India India beats Thailand map
1940s differential is going to start matter
1941s but because those are the teams that are
1943s fighting for one of those top two spots
1945s so uh picking up two o's ends up
1948s increasingly important here so the other
1950s thing we kind of want to see in this
1951s matchup for either team whoever wins it
1953s they really want it to be a two and zero
1955s just in case you end up in a triangle
1959s let's take a look at Team India now that
1961s New Zealand will be having to verse off
1963s and
1964s a very good perform s yesterday they
1966s showed that they are a team you know
1968s that is up for the challenge here and
1970s could potentially make our top four at
1972s the end of the day so a very strong
1974s lineup here to go in against New Zealand
1977s and both teams I can imagine are really
1980s going to want this win today so they're
1981s near the top of that leaderboard as well
1984s any other thoughts on Team India very
1988s strong I think this is a team that you
1989s know we've highlighted at the beginning
1990s but now is is now starting to prove
1992s their worth
1994s um a team that's very well put together
1995s everyone's got a contenders experience
1997s and a team that's I think taking not
1999s that other teams are not but this team
2001s in particular is taking the World Cup
2002s very seriously boot camping together in
2004s Vancouver currently as well so um a team
2006s that's putting it all out there
2009s um they're definitely putting a lot into
2011s it and let's take a look at the first
2013s map of today it will be a control map as
2016s always and we'll be going to beautiful
2018s ilios to start us off here today we have
2021s seen this map played a little bit
2023s already as the starting map so no
2025s surprises here a good one to start on
2028s control as always and of course it's
2030s losing Peaks subsequently uh and first
2033s at two we've sort of gone over the
2034s format already but we've actually seen
2036s that really matter quite a lot uh
2038s because it's so tight with that first or
2040s two uh situation having that map pick on
2043s the second one if you've lost is
2045s actually a big way you can start to turn
2046s things back around uh with
2048s um we've a couple of times seen that
2051s that picking team uh you know in these
2053s closer matchups when that second map to
2056s take us to a draw situation we saw
2058s Thailand do it against Australia
2060s um I'm trying to wreck I was uh I
2062s believe Singapore Malaysia first day we
2064s also saw it um and when we talk about
2066s map differential that really starts to
2068s add up
2069s all right well let's get into it now we
2071s head over to ilios as the players are
2073s ready and I'll leave you over with the
2075s Fantastic pixie and Avril to guide you
2077s guys through
2084s there's probably another color hex Echo
2086s map I'm afraid so
2088s see how Team India fares against Danica
2091s hex you had a pretty good Echo
2092s performance on day one versus Thailand
2094s of all remember finally the nombani map
2098s that he played
2100s which comes after no surprise Team India
2102s looking over towards pretty standard
2103s Lucifer
2105s through the ram as well
2108s New Zealand playing the dive India
2109s playing The Rush
2111s probably a little bit more die favorite
2115s do you think ABS has abs
2120s olutely
2121s automatic braking braking system
2126s yeah yeah it's every time you tap your
2128s brake pedal your brakes break
2129s immediately
2131s exactly
2134s pretty standard set up here color hex
2136s looking to utilize
2139s the heights Advantage is India kind of
2142s cowering in this small room combined
2144s space Captain crash gets picked up
2145s around the side and really nice wrap
2147s around finding ads and cash taking a lot
2149s of heat as well color hex able to pick
2150s him up with the bombs very nice open for
2153s New Zealand super clean unnecessary
2155s death on collects towards the end but
2156s they do at least find Iron Man and Alex
2158s can get back to this team quite fast
2160s a decent punish from Iron Man but now
2162s going to start seeing some changes come
2163s through would be surprised to see the
2164s Tracer on top of the fact that Akash has
2166s already gone towards the Winston
2168s I just need to probably get rid of the
2170s motor as well you'll start to look
2171s towards a open Dive compass for India as
2174s well they got wrapped around very
2175s quickly as mentioned color hex had The
2176s High Ground Play The off Angle action
2179s act out but it's okay
2191s taking their time for now
2194s okay kept pretty comfortably holding
2196s down the fort Iron Man is kind of
2197s Feathering on it making sure that New
2199s Zealand had to keep boots on the point
2200s unless they get it stolen out from under
2202s them so kind of forcing the issue coming
2204s a little bit low has to back out around
2205s the side find a health pack and the
2207s continued harassment here between Iron
2208s Man and Tommy they're not quite making
2210s their head where they want hack onto J
2212s cap no one really there to follow it up
2213s but color X goes down puppy finally
2215s finds his Mark and that was quite close
2216s to a duplicate as well pulse fog for par
2218s going away could have been a good
2220s recovery tool for New Zealand but at
2222s this point Jay cut getting forced away
2223s May well get demacked here going back
2226s into the thick of it feeling himself
2227s with the Nano boost at his back nearly
2229s has a self-destruct that let me make a
2230s lot of space on the point but the point
2232s could actually go the way of India calex
2233s is back in the mix now though so the
2235s fight just kind of continues
2237s and no long range even to keep color
2238s Hicks alive and that ends up being what
2240s caused New Zealand to lose the point
2241s they can prize hold on now comes the EMP
2244s it's only the catch of defend but it is
2245s in a kill August
2249s firm their point capture 20 plus yeah
2252s that was a really important one because
2253s that first little bit they'd sort of got
2255s the kill on color hacks they've got
2256s enough positioning they were able to get
2257s the point but they hadn't really closed
2260s the door on the fight so getting that
2261s follow-up there is really important that
2263s will maybe help them even up this
2264s percentage as well
2268s or lessons up next as well a little bit
2270s of hiding here coming from AMS as
2274s if that means they want to do a very
2275s deep diver cast already onto Primal as
2277s well so they can certainly afford to
2278s play Super aggressively here straight on
2280s top of color hexadecap ABS having a wrap
2283s around find his tank keep everybody
2285s topped off
2286s oh Iron Man picked up by color hex bit
2289s of a tough beat there for India New
2291s Zealand now have a lot of priority
2293s pushing forward pulse bomb does go oh no
2296s it's still connected stick but Captain
2298s pressure I think he backed up into that
2300s hitbox a little unfortunate unforced
2302s error color hex duplicating the Moira
2304s not sure if that was on purpose hasn't
2307s quite got himself a coalescence either
2308s unfortunately a cash low adds to back
2311s out despite the Primal Rage running and
2312s now the extra damage coming out from
2314s color Hicks back and the regular Echo
2315s fob still haven't quite on the point cap
2317s it's a real protracted one as j-cap
2318s actually gets steam egg goes down India
2320s managed to reset they've got a sound
2322s barrier at their back and New Zealand's
2324s a little bit upper creek without a
2325s paddle now in terms of ultimates they
2327s have a nano boost but power is fully
2328s fleeing from Iron Man will not survive
2330s it 90 now fight a fight territory India
2333s hold on throughout the whole thing
2335s 54 for New Zealand as well but now
2337s they're just losing everybody this is
2338s going Wayward very quickly for New
2341s Zealand he appear to finish things off
2342s oh heck's barely hold on to life and
2344s suddenly Jay kept remaining now with the
2346s self-destruct which you'll have to use
2347s but yeah probably won't be enough it's
2349s just to try and create some space on the
2351s point it has to go uh trade his own life
2353s for it unfortunately and uh bit of an
2355s unmitigated disaster there for New
2357s Zealand colleagues finding the one kill
2358s with Jacob coming back in meant there
2360s was an outside chance of them holding on
2362s but with him going down shortly
2364s thereafter they're just too lean at any
2366s given time of the point colleagues going
2367s in for a duplicate oh ABS off the well
2370s uh in the drink Finn does go down still
2373s trades his own life away August down as
2375s well so no support scholar it's not
2376s quite getting that EMP J cab back in on
2378s a doomfist they've they're just
2380s struggling to keep any members on this
2382s point not picking up the kills for it in
2384s India will walk away with the first
2385s point
2386s an initial 20 of India had after they
2389s flipped the points
2390s I'll call the hex down push New Zealand
2392s off
2393s never let go of the point again and if
2394s that was even despite I think a little
2396s tricky follow-up fight where they wanted
2399s to play aggressively you see Akash and
2401s abs very far up but not really fully
2403s committing just a little bit of
2405s harassment damage they have to
2406s eventually back out they even lose
2407s Captain Price to a bit of a sideways
2410s pulse burn from par on top of like the
2412s pillar beyond that full V5 they come
2414s through big time I mean coalescence
2416s forced out the duplicate from Colin
2417s hackson at the end of the day
2420s 4v5 India somehow winning that fight
2422s versus New Zealand who couldn't quite
2424s collect any kills I think they lost a
2425s lot of damage output once Kelly Hicks
2426s went over towards the Moira
2429s so India will continue now moving
2432s forward slow start onto ilios giving
2433s away 54 but a strong finish
2438s it's a really good opener for sure
2441s India taking their time on this rotation
2444s trying to hide their composition until
2446s Point opens at this point if you're New
2448s Zealand you know something sneaky is
2449s happening and she confirmed the
2451s composition is on the point and now New
2453s Zealand had to sort of play it's harder
2456s once fires down that's just a clean
2458s headshot from Iron Man with the right
2460s click the ice skills there and now
2461s locked out of the point collect's not
2463s able to get a whole lot of damage in
2464s trying to sort of Nick around the sides
2466s without finding much until they brought
2469s it down again
2472s India the rotation works out for them
2474s getting Iron Man Logan not able to
2475s finish him off and uh having a bit of a
2477s hard time approaching this point you
2478s don't want to get too up close and
2479s personal they keep putting that side
2481s teleporter up that sort of draws New
2483s Zealand's attention away
2486s you need to see August landed by known
2487s here that's one of the few ways you can
2489s buy yourself into the point outside of
2490s ultimates hello hex nearly has and all
2492s here and also be a I think an ALT on to
2495s a cash copy the Rhino wheel play there's
2497s the Pioneer we've been looking for yeah
2499s immortality field immediately gets
2500s deployed in color hex in going in trying
2502s to follow up on it provides himself just
2504s pummeled with damage they've got all
2505s those symmetro turrets set up on the
2506s interior now and another nice firing aid
2508s but it's right as Jacob's having a back
2510s out as well August might just get run
2512s down here if he's not careful able to
2514s retreat back to his diva just not making
2517s any Headway
2519s I was going to go over towards the Ash
2521s and honestly this is
2523s you're not going to have a lot of angles
2524s to shoot inwards you need to sort of
2525s pressure off angles one of the few ways
2527s you can get yourself onto the point time
2528s is slowly running out here as well Nano
2531s is one way to play through it's going to
2532s have to be a nano to J cap and I think
2533s color hexagon needs to be able to find
2535s this copy onto the Rhine or at least
2537s onto the May yeah force their way into
2539s the point or I mean if they've got
2541s akash's shield down a self-destruct will
2543s create some space and there it is
2544s they're going to try and use that one
2545s probably is out the middle of it
2546s protects himself with a light wall boat
2548s beautifully timed and now charging
2551s forwards cool for cash really Dustin
2553s close to the edge there but it's going
2554s to be just fine Finn however is not
2556s can't raise yourself but gal hex
2558s duplicating the May the founder Iron Man
2561s so that's good here we go there's the
2563s duplicated blizzard that's going to give
2564s them a lot of control over this point
2565s they've found a lot of Frozen members
2567s it's only color hex they're finishing
2569s them off but he will be able to get them
2570s forced out of the duplicate buyer
2572s cashback cash himself will go down so in
2574s New Zealand finally finding some play on
2576s to the point at that 96 mark
2580s for India it's an opening sort of rush
2582s Gambit that works out incredibly well 96
2585s they'll just throw away all these
2587s ultimates now because well there's no
2588s point replaying the composition it'd be
2590s much harder to play outside of the
2591s neutral
2592s they just got themselves a 396
2594s presentable so slow to respond they had
2596s no idea how to buy themselves a point
2597s and then you only have to win one fight
2601s not a comfortable position for New
2602s Zealand to be in heavy to go into the
2603s Reds on color hex ABS does go down
2606s though that keeps it interesting New
2608s Zealand's still in for a chance here
2609s only the valkyrie and the Bob use for
2611s this particular one not a lot of pickups
2614s but at least getting a caution Captain
2615s crash makes it a little bit less painful
2622s it's a little bit more moving for New
2624s Zealand this is where pie needs to think
2625s about the Tracer again you need
2626s something else that can really affect
2628s the point and play a little bit counter
2630s to Iron Man and plumbing at least mark
2631s them
2633s India can wait for ultimate say the EMP
2634s being the big one the time to play
2636s through again they have the massive lead
2639s ABS a little on the low side but there's
2641s otherwise fine color explaining around
2642s the sport that's a d-mac on Jacob forced
2644s to use the self-destruct and isn't quite
2645s able to use it on the point still finds
2647s his puppy a little bit of an error
2649s unfortunate for palmy and then collects
2651s up Akash and abs now Iron Man dropping a
2654s very Earnest fight when they're from New
2656s Zealand in the end that's a really
2658s important turning point I would say
2659s they're starting to approach a final
2660s fight of Their Own
2662s very interesting dying to the
2664s self-destruct I would have imagined that
2665s India had enough time to all hide away
2667s from it
2668s just play for the EMP that would have
2669s been fine
2670s on New Zealand started to build up a
2672s good slew of ultimates the team is also
2674s fairly spread which means that EMP is
2676s not going to have full Effectiveness
2677s curious to see where Plumbing Pops at
2680s school that's interesting once again
2682s can't sprez yourself Nana boost goes
2684s onto kallax and he hasn't found anything
2686s with it just yet go ahead and duplicate
2688s to Lucio immediately bumps out of it a
2690s cash super low but not dead the Primal
2692s Rage is now ready j-cap hacked out also
2695s super low India gets a cab and now New
2697s Zealand had to keep boots on it as the
2699s overtime Wick burns down the head yet to
2700s fight that he kills Jacob doesn't die
2702s nope finder goes down out of that Mech
2704s thanks to abs's coalescence and he's
2706s seeing Finn just having a duck and weave
2707s around the point balancing all that
2709s damage primary bumps August off
2711s coalescence dusts off par and it all
2713s falls apart for New Zealand to India a
2715s little bit more competitive on this one
2717s 97 to 99 but still very much in command
2720s of the game pulling out a huge lead and
2723s only needed that one fight
2725s you can just tell that team New Zealand
2726s had very little idea of how they were
2728s going to counter the Ryan composition
2730s once they got on top of playing they
2732s were kind of flustered around their
2733s Sidelines waiting for ultimates waiting
2734s for anything not a big fan of the ash
2736s pick I actually think potentially the
2738s Tracer is going to be a little bit more
2739s important just to get yourself onto the
2741s point and figure out the multi-angle
2742s approach also much faster charge up on
2744s the pulse form as well which could be a
2746s game changer
2747s took until color hex had the duplicate
2749s they actually had the duplicate for a
2750s while played on the point copied the may
2752s I said either the May or the the rhyme
2754s needed to be copied there and then they
2756s ended up being really a
2759s well done to India taking out the first
2762s map here against New Zealand that's
2764s going to be a bit disappointing I'm sure
2766s for New Zealand but both teams putting
2768s up a strong fight here as pointed out
2770s India maybe just starting off really
2772s clean there New Zealand did have a
2775s really strong start on well though they
2776s won the first team fight their
2778s positioning was really good and they
2779s opened it up cleanly but India just made
2782s the changes that they needed uh to
2784s counter their composition so well done
2786s to India on uh that one any other
2789s thoughts on the map we've just seen
2791s there it's competitive for sure uh but
2794s yeah real solid opener within from India
2796s you can't argue with that
2799s um New Zealand they as I sort of said
2802s before but you know because they go in
2803s with the next map pick and that was
2805s relatively close at least in some areas
2807s there's still a bit of Hope for them in
2809s this particular series uh it's gonna be
2811s a bit of a tough turn around and you're
2812s a tough customer here and uh this is a
2814s must win this is a dual dive for New
2815s Zealand so back against the wall now I
2817s think if they don't win this they're not
2818s getting out of this group so I'd love to
2820s see if they can deliver
2822s well they will have a second chance as
2824s they get to pick the map uh for the next
2827s uh fight and look we'll be back everyone
2829s with a short break and hopefully New
2831s Zealand can bring it back see you all
2833s shortly
2835s [Music]
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3000s [Music]
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3097s now if you are also just joining you we
3100s have just had India versus New Zealand
3102s on Lighthouse and India did take it out
3105s two to zero
3107s on all of those really Lighthouse and
3110s well included we already saw a little
3113s bit of the cracks don't deform I think
3116s on well when New Zealand start up 54 as
3118s you can see here but the rest of the
3120s entire Point goes the way of India once
3122s India starts to really come through
3124s strong on their Winston composition note
3125s again that they started on a ram Lucio
3128s Moro Club here and they changed the DPS
3130s time they changed the tank actually kept
3132s the supports going the entire way
3133s through even though I thought maybe the
3134s sports could have used the change as
3136s well they kept the pacing High
3138s um and once they play the dive
3139s compositions you use into New Zealand
3141s they had basically locked up well really
3143s comfortably I think when Carla hex stuff
3146s definitely goes down on this team New
3147s Zealand starts to fall apart a little
3148s bit and when the team is in a good spot
3151s in there winning you mostly most notably
3153s will notice that it's color hex in the
3155s driver's seat as well so definitely the
3156s linchpin for the team which is a good
3158s thing and probably also a bad thing
3160s considering the rest of New Zealand
3161s needs to be able to step up around color
3163s hex instead of being incredibly reliant
3165s on color hex to mostly carry the way of
3167s the team
3170s yeah color hex is quite a key player
3172s there he does have a lot of experience
3174s as well obviously previously playing for
3177s OverWatch league and things like that so
3179s I can see how he adds a lot to the team
3182s but look New Zealand do have a second
3184s chance here as they get to pick the next
3186s map that we will go into so let's take a
3189s look they can choose from an escort or a
3191s hybrid and it looks like they've chosen
3193s circuit Royale another map we've seen a
3195s lot of uh so far this weekend and back
3198s with some really good high positioning
3200s and angles a lot of widowmakers a lot of
3203s sigmas and I presume we'll see exactly
3206s the same thing when we go into this map
3207s here yeah one I want to see him so and
3210s well it's New Zealand's pick so they're
3212s quite clearly signaling that they they
3214s do feel that the the DPS play they have
3216s can outclass India's here on those more
3219s sniper oriented picks I think that's a
3221s reasonable call to make we're just kind
3222s of talking about the team uh I don't
3225s know if relying on color hex is the
3227s right term but but certainly very
3229s dependent on color hex's overall play
3231s and this is the kind of the kind of map
3234s where you know if color Hicks just kind
3236s of pulls it out the team can Coast a
3238s little bit on those coattails we'll have
3240s to see if it pads out
3241s there's nothing that he can play on this
3243s method really carry though the Hanzo
3244s will be the option but he's not really a
3245s Widowmaker player that'll have to come
3247s down to par I think the surgeon is a
3249s possible pick but again not something
3250s that kalex has been known from in the
3252s past so
3253s um J cap Sigma is going to have to carry
3255s that at least that's a good news for
3256s Jacob that's been his primary hero for I
3257s think most of his career so going over
3260s towards the sigma map definitely got to
3261s be a strong point but um you know
3264s expecting that Matrix gets subbed in
3266s again which is what happened with India
3267s yesterday
3269s India so look pretty strong
3271s well as we head over to Circuit Royale
3273s let's give a shout out to macca's you
3276s can grab a mcfeast lunch deal now for
3279s 5.95
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3283s if only I had 5.95
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3303s dollars
3305s I have 20 Australians so you can have
3307s five cents and change
3309s great effect I don't think Australia
3312s still does a five cent coin
3316s [Music]
3317s coming through
3319s and pile on the sergeant all right that
3321s does make sense neither the players
3322s really known for the Widowmaker
3324s should be fair and we go as we saw
3326s yesterday we were starting to get a
3327s little bit more
3328s of the soldiers being effective on this
3331s map with the automaker range nerve
3332s surgeon in particular and more
3335s effectively do all the uh we'll make it
3337s on these sight lines still not perfect
3338s the one about it will still outrange you
3340s but not
3341s as harshly as she used to in previous
3343s patches
3344s and India will with the exact same comp
3346s on the opposite end
3348s so a straight up mirror that's going to
3351s be really telling between these two
3353s teams
3354s it's probably good for New Zealand
3355s because I was a little concerned maybe
3357s that they would
3358s end up on the wrong side of automaker
3360s Jewel notably that Matrix isn't playing
3362s today so Iron Man's staying in
3364s cash was a real kind of jewel in the
3366s crown as well across ilios so as you
3368s mentioned jcap getting to play his Sigma
3370s we'll be happy to see that mirror match
3371s up as well
3373s well this has to be a matchup that Jacob
3377s can be able to win because otherwise
3378s there's not a lot of matchups left
3381s pickup is on what I would consider is
3382s probably being as best here you sound
3383s the Iron Man so that is
3386s that's not the side they need August
3388s taking an accretion there as well we'll
3390s be able to get out alive but they were
3392s already having to seed some ground Air
3393s New Zealand and uh try and play around
3395s this corner losing Jay cap at probably
3397s the most inopportune moment there
3400s they lost all the corners now well onto
3402s the straight
3403s and for New Zealand it's gonna be pretty
3405s bad news Jay campus too slow they have
3407s one good to touch for this at all
3408s whatsoever
3410s yeah one death yeah that's the point I
3414s mean and it's one of those things if it
3415s had been just about anyone else you can
3416s still kind of keep the pressure out and
3417s keep playing The Duel maybe find a pick
3419s but without the sigma there without the
3420s tank you're like none of the rest of
3422s your team is enabled on that first point
3424s so real unfortunate beat there for New
3426s Zealand uh they've got a long defense
3429s ahead of them now five minutes on the
3430s clock for India
3445s will comfortably get rid of both the
3447s immortality field and palmy and uh color
3449s Hicks feeling himself as well fighting
3450s Iron Man in that deal with the help of
3452s the Zenyatta
3454s so that's gonna be oh okay I'm gonna see
3456s you on the side as ABS assassinate Spar
3458s does trade his own life through it of
3460s course but uh it's a nice find at least
3462s for a near on the back end
3465s I mean stepping out a play stamp that's
3467s what New Zealand want mistakes from
3469s India well now New Zealand to be able to
3471s capitalize reset India a little bit
3472s because otherwise I think India were on
3474s a roll stand to head over towards
3476s ultimates good momentum up the hill
3479s does he only have equal eyes Okay flux
3482s will catch one on a cash they didn't
3484s even uh deploy the immortality field so
3486s they were comfortable they were
3487s confident that their cash wasn't going
3488s to go down now he deploys his own flux
3490s three members score all just dead in the
3492s air the rest do land out inside of the
3494s mortality field but it's quickly
3496s dispatched on no trades here no counters
3498s for New Zealand obviously losing August
3500s means no window to be deployed they find
3501s puppy that's a really important pickup
3503s takes a lot of pressure off Andrew was
3504s coming close to an overclock what else
3506s can New Zealand find they lose Finn
3508s Akash able to thread through get right
3510s up in the grill and uh throw down just a
3512s quick mealy for it transcending sport
3514s from ABS to keep momentum onto your side
3516s trade back shot
3518s started to come into his own now with
3520s that overclock looking for a cash now as
3522s well they will find a good contest that
3524s was a real knife edge situation for New
3526s Zealand they're able to steer through it
3528s calmly
3529s Iron Man really wishing he managed to
3531s connect onto par because he was looking
3533s for that kill onto the storage but
3535s plaster stays alive slides out back over
3537s towards born utilizes the window angle
3539s from all cases just shoots out double
3541s damage rails to allow New Zealand to
3543s complete the defense at least one now at
3544s least for that it's like entirely on the
3546s defensive
3547s India they were again in a decent
3549s position they rolled themselves on top
3551s of Finn but they killed down
3554s had the initial flux of three men Flex
3556s from Akash which was really nice to see
3558s three minutes left now of what I believe
3560s was it five or so minute time back so
3562s two out of those meds gone which is a
3564s good start but still a lot of time on
3566s the clock three minutes would be plenty
3567s enough to Cap B in its entirety
3570s so there's still a lot of work to be
3572s done for New Zealand but now very lean
3573s on ultimates India getting aggressive
3575s with the overclock from pummy just
3577s laying those rail shots down the long
3579s range
3580s a cash a little on the low side here
3582s dragonstrike across from Iron Man splits
3583s up the team immortality feel better keep
3585s J cap and color Higgs safe I like some
3587s low same with J cap nearly has a flux
3589s though we're going to be using that soon
3590s and Sim mortality field use the ready
3592s for Captain crash that could present an
3594s opportunity for Jay cap it's not going
3596s to be there for them and there we go
3597s able to catch Captain crash drops him
3599s down that's a kill now it's a permanent
3601s cash New Zealand's continuing the
3603s defense surviving those ultimates from
3605s India and timing out their ability usage
3608s is really really well
3610s New Zealand bent were not broken they
3612s were they were pushed really far back
3614s the team was fairly split as well a few
3616s members over towards the spawn side
3617s Jacob brought over towards the left-hand
3619s side from attacker POV and stuck in a
3622s corner he just had the shield up and the
3624s kinetic grasp
3625s fighting for ultimate it really was the
3627s flux I mean if it was before that things
3629s were looking pretty poor for New Zealand
3631s but the catch results in a Kill
3634s India reset once more time is becoming a
3636s real fact now New Zealand have found the
3638s bash of defense and being so far has
3640s gone well Taylor is very pushed up
3642s though so New Zealand can't afford any
3643s mistakes here yeah and well so far they
3645s have not made any uh in the course of
3647s this BD fence
3649s well maybe that's not quite fair to say
3651s but certainly they've continued to hold
3653s true and here we go big one there we go
3656s they all land down in the Middle Town
3657s the field gets quickly taken out August
3658s down adds low but not finished off color
3660s X is well now debt not able to find the
3663s productivity as the cash is getting
3664s right up in everyone's faces forcing
3666s them to address them and they just can't
3668s he's got too much help at his back then
3670s super late in this Transcendence they're
3673s trying to stay on the cart and see if
3674s they can keep this defense going they've
3675s got J cap in the mix getting the dps's
3677s back soon but nope Iron Man's got J cap
3679s dashboard to find Finn and I had to say
3681s there was a beat there where if they'd
3683s found ABS they maybe could have turned
3685s it back around but just weren't able to
3687s finish him off and they were so focused
3689s on him that cash had three Reign through
3691s the fight
3692s I was just a change in pacing from India
3694s they hop over towards Genji most notably
3697s but also the trace there for plumbing
3698s for a little while as well now he's back
3699s over towards the surgeon
3701s diving directly into the back line of
3704s Team New Zealand
3705s something but a Havoc there
3707s August tried to fall through on the
3710s window they got handed and counted by
3711s cash the flux was already back on 63 by
3714s the land now IMS gonna stay on the skin
3716s G play through the blade we'll see if
3718s that ends up being any active at all
3721s you're still not in an amazing spot on
3723s this current patch
3724s no major defensive tools for New Zealand
3726s though so if Iron Man can pick up one
3728s and get out with his life that will be a
3730s reasonable start
3732s cart starting to draw dangerously close
3734s to the captain man and a half it's gonna
3735s easily go either way and with
3736s pathfinding up puppy it's a slow down
3738s that New Zealand sorely need on this
3739s defense
3742s to fly through now oh there it is Iron
3745s Man tried to go in for it has to pull
3746s the blade out now took it a creation on
3748s the way gets one goes down immediately
3751s meanwhile the rest of India has just
3753s been smacked
3756s I think Iron Man might look for a change
3757s here so play through the life go for the
3759s blade
3761s no shot to come on through so he'll
3763s continue going through on the Genji camp
3765s that's the way you really do suffer in
3767s the long range battles Hanzo surgeon
3769s together is
3770s like difficult for India I think to deal
3772s with especially given the amount of time
3773s left to play through it
3786s this is actually approaching a bit of a
3789s dangerous spot for India if they want to
3790s complete this cap they should get a cash
3792s they should get a cash as well they can
3794s and there's no way big news they need to
3796s not overextend for a doe Akash low
3798s pressure they've lost their immortality
3799s kill but a cash around the
3801s corner and cover Jay cap doesn't want to
3802s go
3804s maybe too aggressive and now the shoes
3806s on the other foot color hex is a little
3808s bit out in the open a cash pressuring
3809s board Carla hex doesn't back up for the
3812s rest of the team you saw Jacob pulling
3814s out of there and now they want DPS down
3815s ABS going aggressive with the
3817s Transcendence August not rescued by Finn
3820s it's a bit of a bad start for New
3821s Zealand overclock running up from par
3822s needs to fight a lot only finds one
3824s trades his own life thinned out as well
3826s as Iron Man getting aggressive Akash
3827s still has a flux available overtime
3830s begins New Zealand have the spawns
3832s coming out soon but Jay cap is about to
3834s be back in base here's a dragon blade
3836s out what can he find with it oh sorry I
3839s lied it's a dragon strike and nothing is
3841s found Dragon Blade not there just yet
3843s just keeping New Zealand trapped in the
3845s base fin super low not even able to come
3847s out and I think that's gonna adjust the
3850s valve sealer for India and that was a
3853s little bit odd for New Zealand they
3854s should have been able to finish off for
3855s cash they ended up not and the whole
3857s thing unravels from there
3859s I mean you have to commit in that
3861s situation you're already five versus
3862s three by the way if you want to look at
3864s it through that lens it's an extended
3865s 5v3 that New Zealand lose because they
3868s failed to clean up the last three
3869s members it shouldn't be that difficult
3870s realistically yeah cash is already half
3872s HP he's under a lot of duress in a
3875s pretty poor situation as well bad
3877s positioning and New Zealand just
3878s couldn't get the damage and because they
3880s didn't kill Akash they end up being over
3882s committed they wouldn't have been over
3884s committed if they had secured The Kill
3886s or if they just let a cash go but the
3888s the high value play is to get the two
3890s picks they initially did then clean up
3892s the rest of three and getting the tank
3893s would have been the minimum there but
3895s failing to do that means multiple
3897s players are really far ahead as the team
3898s India respawns and rejoined the team and
3901s suddenly New Zealand starts falling
3902s apart because their players are kind of
3904s all over the place which would have been
3906s fine again if they managed to get the
3907s kill and end up just getting snowballed
3909s a couple of times that New Zealand have
3910s lost in the areas of this map were due
3912s to snowballs that was looking like a
3915s very clean defense on C
3917s up until that final moment
3919s and it's a little bit unfortunate
3921s because if you look back across how that
3923s whole map worked out essentially
3925s non-existent defense on a they took one
3927s loss on jcap at the worst possible time
3929s and had to completely abandon the a
3932s point had a great defense across B
3934s burned down the clock really recovered
3936s from what happened on a set themselves
3939s up nicely for a good sea defense and
3941s almost did everything they needed to
3944s they fell short of the Mark just in that
3946s last little bit now they have to Cap all
3949s the way out and then win in a time back
3951s situation if they want to keep their
3953s series hopes alive here and I dare say
3955s that tournament hopes alive
3957s yeah I think that would be correct oh
3959s Jacob does get Iron Man traded for his
3961s own life though so
3962s he will say that this is still good for
3964s New Zealand they have a closer respawns
3965s India are very much playing
3967s experimentally here with the Ryan
3968s composition not normal at all for this
3971s map unless you're going specifically for
3972s spawn cap which they are
3974s they can do with this copper spawn Camp
3976s so after they lose the situation because
3978s again it is a trade with Iron Man Down
3980s they have to back out yeah I think India
3983s is going to struggle for subsequent
3984s fights because all this comp can do is
3985s forecast yeah it's a little bit of a
3988s tough situation for India to be in New
3989s Zealand need a quick push through here
3991s as well obviously unlikely that they get
3993s something quite as quick as what India
3994s got on a but we'll have to see trying to
3997s send the Ryan back behind the team but
3999s that just leaves half the team behind
4001s right it cashes up having to charge to
4002s get back with everyone
4005s trying to deal with some of those
4006s structures the ice wall going up Iron
4008s Man taking another big hit there able to
4010s go cold and survive but no more
4011s immortality field here those abs stuck
4013s in for cover India is taking a huge
4015s amount of pressure but crucially New
4016s Zealand's not actually getting kills
4018s look at the clock they've started to run
4019s short on time a cash down no that's
4022s gonna open things up
4024s and finally that's the important kill
4025s and now this the rest of the dice for
4027s India start rolling through all the
4029s pieces of the puzzle break apart New
4031s Zealand you should pretty comfortably
4033s push through here a couple get a losing
4035s Finn they're not ideal but respawn still
4037s close enough
4039s looks like India might still retain the
4041s composition I mean they're they're
4042s probably just too heavily brought in now
4045s given that they have ultimates coming
4047s online a little bit of sun-cost fallacy
4049s there again just not playing the correct
4051s calm for the defense they took a massive
4053s Gamble
4054s I think that gamble is starting to go
4056s sideways for them
4057s certainly not paying off and uh
4061s all right light will get deployed well
4064s in advance to the points you're trying
4066s to fight for a cash into early goes down
4069s already and knocks the ability you'd
4071s usually expect but hey there it is
4073s they've already dealt with the
4074s immortality field just pressuring India
4075s back the ice ball to try to slow Jay cap
4077s around the side they're still
4078s comfortable fighting through that
4079s narrower sight line pick off Iron Man
4081s teleport play not sure what family was
4083s looking for with that one uh certainly
4085s distracted New Zealand little that's a
4086s true Man sound barrier Captain crashing
4088s ABS the only beneficiary is over the
4090s cash charging back in but wasn't there
4091s when that sound barrier came in it's
4092s already one uh One support short now
4095s losing a cash again it is stalling out
4097s the cap just that little bit longer so
4099s credit where it's due for Indian but
4100s that was a protracted loss and it let
4102s New Zealand charge up about ultimates
4104s they didn't have to use anything that
4105s entire Exchange
4107s and now India will finally make the swap
4109s happen I mean it was inevitable they
4110s were always going to have to make the
4112s swap the question was going to be when
4113s they sacked the entire 8.4 then it's a
4116s little bit of a weird situation because
4117s if you remember the opening engagement
4118s it was Iron Man that went down and while
4120s the four players alive you're not really
4122s making the salt band because too many
4123s players are still up you need a full
4125s reset by the time they found their full
4127s reset they were committed on ultimates
4129s ah Dragon straight out it forces a cash
4132s and Captain crash out in the open
4133s they're kind of stuck there had to put
4134s the immortality field down they are
4136s alive obviously and the team's able to
4137s regroup around them a bit but New
4139s Zealand has taken a lot of ground here
4143s we've got to get our range shares off
4144s Iron Man on the Genji's gonna be good
4146s for C but on B I'm gonna struggle with
4148s this a little bit last turn to play the
4150s ultimates very nice immortality feel
4152s keeping everyone alive as Iron Man was
4154s getting aggressive means he can't get
4155s those Dash resets and there we go par
4157s with the overclock on an absolute tap
4159s very comfortable find there and that
4161s should be a cap out for New Zealand
4162s they've got a good healthy amount of
4164s time on the border remember they need a
4166s cap all the way through C and then
4167s winning the time bank if they want to
4169s actually even the series up
4170s I mean this is still just India reeling
4174s from the decisions of earlier on they're
4175s getting snowboard from the rhinecart
4177s they played earlier because they didn't
4179s get the play for a realistically at all
4180s now they're behind on Ultimate because
4182s they had a light swap onto their desired
4184s Comfort beat
4185s and as I already mentioned the ins hop
4187s into Genji that's more of a c Point swap
4189s so they had already basically at least
4191s on some level conceded B is looking
4193s pretty hard here I just want to swap
4195s over towards C Point Club already
4197s they are on now a lot of time on both
4199s New Zealand they just have to finish
4202s fantastic overall
4204s India currently experiencing the
4207s consequences of their actions
4211s and a bit of free Pusher on the side
4212s going in for the dash oh Iron Man didn't
4214s find on the dash but he still managed to
4215s fight on a Quick Melee and they found
4217s part through the rest of the fight I'm
4218s industry is like the fountain bit as
4220s well there we go that'll stop New
4222s Zealand's short India despite the one
4223s loss in the middle there of Iron Man
4225s they get enough work done Jacob takes
4226s dive off the side he knows that this
4228s one's done for
4230s he's only had alts there as well
4232s couldn't quite play through them in a
4234s good position but they need to be able
4236s to consider committing to either The
4238s High Ground Play wrapping around
4240s the outside going close
4243s fighting for a little bit of control and
4245s pull all focusing on the point itself
4246s and the window out oh and Jacob not
4250s alting that means New Zealand just want
4251s to exit but Alex already use Dash yeah I
4255s mean there's been a few times where
4256s color hex has kind of died a little bit
4259s more in the open than is necessary uh
4261s expecting yeah nowhere to run that yeah
4263s no way to get out naturally but uh you
4265s know often there's been instances where
4266s he doesn't necessarily have the supports
4268s in sight lines he goes into the tank
4269s still with them they're just a slight
4271s bit of Disconnect here and there now
4272s getting aggressive here is Iron Man with
4274s the blade immediately cuts down J cat
4276s trade it out that's an opportunity for
4278s New Zealand they do obviously lose J cap
4280s on the whole in mortality field Hughes
4282s off and some windows out now is August
4284s ABS has a Transcendence running August
4285s goes down pummy with that overclock just
4287s pummeling these members the head's going
4290s down not able to pick up one of the back
4292s line with ads New Zealand they at least
4293s again have retained a number of
4295s ultimates but they're not actually
4296s getting opportunities to play through
4297s them anyway
4298s and now they're going to get spawn Camp
4300s here as well Jacob heavily out of
4301s position this should be a freebie jkf
4303s card reconnect with the racing team at
4304s all and he's not he needs to stop stop
4306s staggering here because he's trying to
4308s stay alive but maybe he will for now
4310s okay then Francis to come through
4311s they've managed to turn the tide just to
4313s smidge by finding abs and now color hex
4315s getting a Grace and finds Iron Man
4316s Captain fresh going down pop has to pop
4319s for nine o'clock to make it happen but
4321s they didn't have to use anything well
4323s I'm sorry I say anything else they did
4324s use the Transcendence obviously but jcap
4326s is again preserved the grav
4330s okay so hello ends up running away and
4332s gets away with it I suppose I thought he
4333s was going to die there for sure I like
4335s it don't get away from it I actually
4337s think for India they should have just
4339s over committed onto Jacob at least
4340s secure that killed and played the ball
4341s play before later on
4343s they kind of got older there's a couple
4344s members went out to Jay Cab New Zealand
4346s is alt out of sport and now New Zealand
4348s have recovered their situation they were
4350s at risk of being spawn camps
4352s that's right and has got the ultimates
4355s to back it up this flux is going to be
4357s so important it's been about three
4359s fights in the row where he's not
4360s actually used it got down too early all
4362s the team's just not been in a position
4363s to commit goes for it finds the cash
4365s they don't have great Sidelines to him
4366s though in mortality field has been
4368s committed already from India no longer
4370s in the play now they have that window
4372s down New Zealand taking their time this
4373s is a real touch and go fight they cannot
4375s afford to have anyone get picked off
4377s color hex looking for an angle on the
4378s blade has found himself Iron Man doesn't
4381s want to let himself get too low though
4382s still looking for entry around the side
4383s probably gonna be an overtime fight at
4386s this point no ultimates on the board for
4387s India there are ways away from even a
4389s Transcendence and color hex records he's
4391s found as opportunity no Iron Man turns
4394s around as the Zenyatta at his back color
4396s Hicks did not want to pull out the blade
4398s just for that one and now one man down
4400s 20 seconds on the clock New Zealand can
4403s they find anything you can't really
4405s afford to reach that's the worst time to
4406s die and so because they have to pull
4408s back
4409s still will die now and it was already
4410s pretty dual die to start with Orcs at
4412s least has window to play with long range
4414s has to be consider of the window angle
4417s this is it now touch payload blade in
4420s color hexall looking for off angle but
4421s he's just got to be in a jewel again
4423s versus Iron Man yeah he maybe just needs
4425s to straight up go in because ABS has a
4428s Transcendence now so New Zealand the one
4429s Stroke of Luck they had was that the
4431s ultimate still wasn't there one for one
4433s losing color hex though means no blade I
4435s get Finn is the one putting the team on
4437s his back fighting Iron Man a cash not
4439s getting much with the gravitic flux now
4441s just in the main trunk of the fight
4442s those respawners will be there no
4443s immortality builds either side of the
4445s fence Transcendence from Finn so
4447s critical ABS trying to Transcendence to
4449s get out of base and New Zealand they
4452s just need to deal with abs keep him off
4453s the cart for a fraction of a second and
4455s there we go they managed to pull it off
4457s in the overtime not super comfortable
4459s but they're still in for a shot
4462s man that was so whack I mean New Zealand
4465s ended up losing color hex again no blade
4466s to come on through and Finn saves today
4468s what a two piece from Finn to secure it
4470s for Team New Zealand
4472s and of extremely rough spot they had
4474s something like 16 seconds left to play
4476s through on the final contest
4479s two ultimates barely one of them didn't
4480s even get to be played
4483s India were looking like they were going
4485s to hold that win two maps but she
4487s doesn't have rescued it
4490s I believe ABS went down there's also no
4492s Transcendence until the very end and
4493s that's that's shocking unfortunately
4495s we're going to play through this time
4496s back now you have to remember a lot of
4498s this defense went wrong because of the
4500s decisions on a for India choosing to go
4502s for the Ryan spawn camp and that could
4504s work out if you hire all for that and
4505s you waste about two to three minutes
4507s it's really really good but you lose
4509s Iron Man and be in the first engage you
4512s can't afford to lose anybody in that
4513s spawn Camp as soon as you lose somebody
4514s spawn cap is basically done for and
4517s outside of Spawn camping that that comp
4518s has no value at all so India just sadly
4521s they shot themselves in the foot with
4522s them that's how they lost most of the
4523s time on a and b had to make most of that
4525s recovery happen on sea which nearly did
4527s happen but yeah into their new saved the
4529s day let's also remember New Zealand on
4531s their a defense had a pretty disastrous
4533s run of things just from jcap getting
4534s picked so if they can have a better run
4535s of it this time around a is where most
4538s of the gameplay is going to happen they
4540s need to not have that happen to them
4542s twice for one thing
4543s and they need a really set a presence
4545s when all the game players likely to
4546s happen and uh well getting an attack
4549s first New Zealand
4551s defense and as you mentioned it was
4552s Jacob dying before but remember Jacob
4554s died quite a while after this
4557s I need to be careful now how's the grasp
4559s available so okay for now one of the
4560s issues either with New Zealand's defense
4561s on a was that bay
4563s were not able to really contest it can
4566s happen at all that's immortality field
4568s Jacobs too much pressure yeah just
4571s stun some geometry probably more than
4573s happy to drill down the immortality
4575s field and throw the rail shot across
4576s they weren't able to heal up Jay cap
4578s while he was in their mortality field
4579s losing August as well and pushing
4581s continually four days India I don't
4583s think New Zealand are going to get a
4584s contest opportunity like this too many
4586s lay deaths
4587s that's that's too extra they can afford
4589s it okay Jacob can go down August is it's
4592s not ideal for him to go down collects
4594s can't go down
4604s what to do it will always be in overtime
4606s from here on out that's the one silver
4608s lining for New Zealand so cap or no cap
4610s or j-cap uh doesn't make too big a
4612s difference if they can win a fight and
4613s as it happens they've immediately found
4614s ABS they find Iron Man as well and here
4616s we go looking to collect the last two
4617s just forced into your office Point
4619s finding a cash no last minute turn
4620s around on this bike from India so that
4622s is essentially played to the a point if
4625s you get it and can move just a meter off
4628s you've got somewhere you have the win
4630s New Zealand is a very clearly defined
4633s goal
4634s well you do have to be able to
4637s cap a point though and that's the
4638s difficulty because in this one minute if
4640s there's any sort of slow down if there's
4641s any of your shoes or when you're sitting
4643s at all they've lost because one minute
4645s there's not a lot to play through
4647s and for one minute if you can even get
4649s an a cap you've done a lot you've done
4650s most of the leg work there so the fact
4652s that the payload doesn't move further
4653s than this is not a bad thing for India
4656s and it's the slow loss on a for New
4659s Zealand that haunts them again
4661s last time it was just the one kill that
4663s ended a point for them this time was
4664s three but they're always unanswered
4666s they're always losing unfortunately this
4667s kind of neutral damage the old Museum
4669s can't out damage India in that Duel at
4671s all
4672s we saw a little bit of experimentation
4673s from India last time on spawn Camp they
4675s got to do it again but this time with
4676s the ram instead of the Ryan I don't know
4678s this is necessarily better but it does
4681s allow them to have a little bit more of
4682s a stop Gap say if we do lose the early
4684s sporting camp we come back for a second
4685s contest on a ram comp has a little bit
4688s more to say in that matchup than a
4690s rhinecop would be so slightly safer but
4693s still not ideal I have to say
4697s J cab
4699s I'll bring around right now
4701s I haven't changed any other picks around
4703s I don't think he's actually Gonna Roll
4704s Out on this Ryan no he's not I don't
4706s think so there we go
4711s stop the payload
4713s and you're just wanting to waste New
4715s Zealand's time
4717s they're well aware that if they lose a
4719s member they lose a fight here
4721s could be over for them they'll have to
4723s find a contest further on on a but New
4725s Zealand also against the clock on the
4726s spawn Camp that's Iron Man it's a very
4729s nice start from par with that rail shot
4731s and now India split up if they had takes
4733s some trickle deaths here they could be
4735s in a lot of trouble Tommy goes down
4738s there we go looking to get a cash now
4740s that will collect both him and Captain
4741s crash as the card is underway India will
4743s have an opportunity to recontest and
4745s that burned out some clock so it will be
4746s a recontest in the overtime before the
4748s acap is truly being threatened but if
4750s New Zealand can pick up just one more
4752s pick one more fight they do keep the
4754s series alive
4756s well New Zealand can win this and they
4757s go to useful because they're close to
4758s the ultimates it's the one negative of
4760s that loss for India is this time around
4762s they got fully wiped at spawn everyone
4764s died Iron Man changes over towards the
4766s game you know he was the first Dead To
4767s Part nonetheless
4769s New Zealand should be the final
4770s ultimates you'll notice that we're into
4772s OT already off the back of one final one
4774s good thing about the spawn Camp is it
4775s takes all the time for New Zealand to be
4777s just barreling in
4778s just riding the second
4781s thick of it loses the immortality field
4782s and they've found a cash and I think
4784s that might spell the beginning of the
4785s end Iron Man try to wreak havoc in the
4787s back fly and they found it
4788s but he goes he gets the kill Passover
4792s it's only Jacob trying to fight both
4795s this DPS and supports with the windows
4797s down and he just has to sit on the card
4799s Finn cannot get to it and it's done
4802s Iron Man on his own turns it around for
4805s India
4806s wow 2-0 there coming through from India
4809s New Zealand just couldn't get it done in
4812s the overtime he had the early lead I
4814s think they had this the ultimate
4815s Advantage as well but couldn't stay
4816s alive Iron Man coming back on the Genji
4818s the Genji has been
4819s oh the secret pick for Team India on
4822s Circle Royale
4824s on New Zealand
4825s I think it's the a point for me that was
4827s the biggest difference right they just
4829s could not hold on a for either the
4831s regulation time or the time bank
4834s instantly losing it and this is what I'm
4836s saying it's like yeah India they capped
4838s a they don't get any further than to be
4839s but they don't need to just capping a
4841s might be enough to win the map and
4843s indeed it was India with a bit of
4845s experimentation there as well having
4847s those different comps holding the spawn
4850s doors really close which didn't pay off
4852s for them maybe at first but in that
4854s defense on the like fourth time round uh
4856s really worked well for them so well done
4858s on that it looks close it looked like
4860s maybe that wasn't going to work for them
4861s again and New Zealand was going to
4863s actually take that point but it appears
4865s that no uh that that did work out for
4867s them in the end and I got a risk yeah I
4869s have nothing but compliments for India
4871s on that uh We've sort of set the scene
4873s at the start of this of how important
4874s the series was for both of these teams
4876s uh for India to sort of climb through
4878s this with a very confident two and zero
4882s it does feel like a chunk of it was uh
4884s New Zealand not being able to measure up
4885s but that means India with a benchmark
4887s for New Zealand to cleared not the other
4888s way around and that's quite important
4890s for India moving forward uh two and zero
4893s uh both in terms of match record and map
4896s record within those matches is exactly
4899s the start they want the opponents are
4900s only going to get tougher and tougher
4902s they've still got Thailand on the cards
4903s they've still got Australia on the cards
4905s but they're starting to look like the
4907s first serious Contender for one of those
4909s top two spots
4911s it's a clean start I mean a 2-0 start
4914s they've won both their opening matches
4915s by the way they haven't dropped a single
4917s map yet either so 2-0 versus Malaysia
4920s 2-0 versus New Zealand You could argue
4922s that um as Matt said you're kind of
4924s starting on the lower end here and
4925s you'll start to get into more of the
4926s difficult games a little bit later on
4927s but yeah that's definitely the best
4928s start you could hope for for India
4930s I think New Zealand has also been as we
4932s kind of said a death now for their
4934s tournament life they could still have a
4937s bit of a resurrection here I'm not going
4938s to rule it out but I mean they've lost
4940s to Thailand they've lost to India what
4942s else do they have on the Slate here
4944s right they can pick up a win against
4945s Malaysia I think they should pick up a
4947s win against Malaysia can it be in
4948s Australia I think that's unlikely so
4950s overall I think this is the beginning of
4953s the end for New Zealand a bit of a
4954s heartbreaker not gonna lie but again I
4956s my actual takeaways I have nothing but
4958s compliments for India uh that's exactly
4960s what we wanted to see out of a team that
4962s uh had a very different showing the last
4964s time they were able to
4974s moment and have a chat with pummy who is
4977s on the line from India hi Pammy thank
4980s you so much for taking the time to chat
4982s with us how are you feeling after
4984s another win on the board
4987s I'm feeling great
4995s unfortunately cutting out a little bit
4996s for us there so yeah audio's getting cut
4999s a little bit there not sure if it's our
5001s end or yours I like the look of your
5003s answer though uh if I if I could leave
5005s lip read uh then I think that might uh
5008s let's try that try that again yeah
5012s yeah we're feeling good we had a hard
5013s week of practice so it's nice to be able
5015s to see that pay off and you know get the
5017s win I'm paying so
5020s and I was actually going to mention uh I
5022s mean obviously you guys have been boot
5024s camping a whole lot uh you're all you're
5025s all there played together which is
5026s obviously a big benefit in general uh
5029s but you have as you mentioned that
5031s downside of the Ping so how do you guys
5033s feel at this point in the tournament do
5036s you feel like the boot camping has been
5037s paying off do you feel like getting that
5039s little bit of differential just from
5040s having everyone in the one place knowing
5042s that you've got your harder matches
5043s ahead of you still
5045s yeah you know we we signed up for this
5047s we knew we'd be playing on PING so it's
5049s not an excuse it's not something you
5051s complain about we're just going to deal
5052s with it and play the best we can
5055s yeah you guys look good so far uh a 2-0
5058s star 4-0 in maps that last map was
5061s probably the the one map you nearly came
5063s close to losing I wanted to ask if there
5064s were any concerns on circuit Royale you
5066s guys opted to spawn Camp twice second
5068s time with the ramacha uh interested in
5071s the the decision making on that and if
5073s you felt like that map maybe went a
5074s little too close
5077s yeah you know I think I was negative for
5078s most of the map but uh that doesn't
5080s really matter because you got the win
5081s right so and uh
5083s uh yeah we decided to spawn hold we knew
5085s the second composition we had more wind
5087s condition alts uh like the remote and
5090s Toyota note and you know we knew that
5092s was a better comp and they would already
5093s have a read on the rhinestone so we kind
5095s of pulled that out from from deep down
5097s under so I'm glad it worked out and we
5100s were able to clutch that last fight I've
5101s got a quick question as well for you
5103s obviously you've uh you've had a solid
5105s start in this tournament now uh you
5106s currently have the best match record and
5108s that match record can't be beaten today
5110s at least
5112s um you're on track to me
5120s probably the gatekeeper for you guys how
5122s confident are you
5124s do I feel like going into Thailand you
5126s know we're really excited to play them
5127s and I think uh I think we're the team to
5129s beat though
5130s I think that's a very a very reasonable
5132s take given your performance just now
5134s against New Zealand
5136s well congratulations again on your two
5139s zero so far and good luck for the rest
5142s of your my matches thanks so much for
5144s your time today pommy
5148s congratulations
5153s oh well done to them what a fantastic
5157s win they seem very thrilled very happy
5159s they're in a fantastic position I'm sure
5162s they're going to go and celebrate now
5164s but that's all right we we are moving on
5166s to our next matches so up next week
5169s we'll have Australia versus Singapore
5172s which we have previously speculated that
5174s this should be a clean easy win for
5178s Australia there should be no problems
5179s here as far as we can see so far imagine
5182s the uh
5192s zero you'd still expected uh Australia
5195s to qualify out but maybe in that second
5196s slot rather than the first one
5199s well we'll just have to wait and see we
5201s are going to take a short break we'll be
5202s back soon everyone
5204s [Music]
5216s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
5220s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
5223s value means more at macca's so grab a
5225s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
5228s [Music]
5231s foreign
5245s [Music]
5268s [Music]
5272s foreign
5275s [Music]
5286s [Music]
5296s [Applause]
5297s [Music]
5302s foreign
5309s [Music]
5333s [Music]
5340s [Applause]
5341s [Music]
5359s [Music]
5364s [Applause]
5372s foreign
5380s foreign
5383s [Music]
5415s [Music]
5421s thank you
5430s [Music]
5470s thank you
5482s [Music]
5516s [Music]
5523s foreign
5533s we have just seen India win two zero
5537s versus New Zealand let's take a look at
5541s some of the
5551s relive this uh you know it happened we
5554s can forget about it we can all just we
5556s can move on with our days with our with
5557s our lives even I've never heard of of
5561s this team before I've never heard of
5563s this country I don't know anything about
5564s it
5566s um I'm actually closing my eyes that's
5568s what I'm gonna do they're not replaying
5570s the sound so if I close my eyes it's not
5571s happening what team New Zealand might
5573s have played this game with their eyes
5574s closed too I'm not gonna lie to you so
5575s that's yeah that's fair
5577s um no they they put up a good effort but
5579s there was just some clear issues
5581s happening here when you know you look
5583s back over towards ilios where outside of
5586s India starting out with a ram comp and
5588s then you know which is not an ideal comp
5590s to begin on and not a surprise they lost
5592s the opening a couple of fights but
5594s beyond that India were in control did
5596s you look over towards like
5601s elsewhere India wanted to come through
5604s with the Ryan comp
5606s um and again not an idea
5610s had to wait until you know duplicate was
5613s not available but um said to be willing
5616s to you
5626s and um Circle was a lot closer but um a
5630s point pretty tragic for Team New Zealand
5633s definitely did put up a 5 . they they
5634s knew it was in what it would cost them
5636s today if they got that loss so they
5638s tried very hard so well done to them but
5641s we do need to move on to our next match
5642s which will be Australia versus Singapore
5645s today and I think we're gonna take a
5648s look at the Australia team starting up
5651s first let's have a look here now I feel
5653s like we've spoken a lot about this team
5654s ah but we will have kapha starting uh
5657s today not Punk
5660s and a whole lot of bird
5662s log you you are a fan of the Bert log
5665s aren't you big fan of the just the name
5666s above all else it's it's straightforward
5669s it's punchy it's entertaining uh just
5672s yeah 10 out of 10 name one of the best
5675s I've seen in my career in fact
5678s I remember kafa did play yesterday or
5680s not I don't I think it was Punky mainly
5682s the entire way through I think we've
5684s seen a lot of punk play yeah it'll be
5687s good to see
5694s not that bill I think need too much help
5697s in this tournament until they get to you
5700s know maybe the team India game will be
5702s the scary one for Australia down the
5703s line but for today
5705s um
5706s might be a bit of a softball we'll see
5708s well while it might not be a scary match
5710s for Australia let's take a look at
5711s Singapore anyway and see who they have
5714s on their starting lineup here we've got
5717s Ash Kane in the tank VIPs and cups
5719s coming in for DPS and paper and Fafa on
5722s the supports yeah so still no vital in
5724s the DPS it's gonna be cups on that and
5726s uh starting off with Ash Kane we have
5728s seen xenofly uh only the once so far on
5732s Circle Brielle in their first series uh
5734s up against Malaysia so they've they've
5737s not felt a particular need to sub the
5738s tags in and out I believe we actually
5740s saw Ash Kane on Circle Royale again
5742s yesterday so they don't only bring in uh
5745s xenophy to play the sigma on that one
5747s particular map so this is the Singapore
5749s that we're that we're seeing for the
5751s time being and uh I mean we kind of
5753s we've kind of said all that is to be
5755s said about them uh and about what we're
5757s expecting out of this match up uh I
5759s suppose the real thing I mentioned
5761s before we uh for the break was uh there
5763s is the outside chance of an upset here
5764s Australia just needs to make sure that
5766s doesn't happen
5767s you know we're very very far outside
5769s chance like very very extremely far
5772s outside very slim yeah yeah I wouldn't I
5775s wouldn't buy that load of ticket
5776s unfortunately certainly not the odds are
5778s not really that good I think Australia
5779s should be the team that comes out I
5781s think heavily favored here
5783s I think a snowball would actually have
5785s more of a chance in hell
5788s well Singapore have their work cut out
5790s for them and they will be starting on
5792s lijiang Tower versus Australia good old
5796s control Maps uh is the map selection now
5798s for those wondering the loser of the map
5801s does pick the second map which would be
5803s an escort or hybrid and even though we
5805s don't think it'll go to a third if it
5807s does it would be a push map but we're
5809s pretty confident Australia will clean
5811s this yeah zero it's a real funny way of
5814s saying uh Singapore gets to pick the
5815s second map
5817s they will it's a real funny when you're
5820s saying Singapore gets to pick circuit
5821s Royale
5824s we'll see what it gets spectacularly be
5826s curious as to what kind of uh you know
5827s other map choices might come on through
5829s we saw Gibraltar yesterday actually and
5830s we did
5832s um Australia is one of the few teams
5833s that have gone to a map three
5845s good to see it today but uh we'll see
5847s how the match turns out all right well
5849s the players are ready and so we'll head
5850s on into lijiang Tower over to you
5856s there's a flag on that green spacesuit
5859s and I recognize it but I don't know
5862s where from and it's really bothering me
5867s and I don't know how to look it up I
5869s don't know how Google detectives to work
5870s yeah someone please tell me like I know
5872s that I know it but I can't remember what
5874s it is
5877s and it is driving me nuts that's one
5880s step above not knowing what you don't
5882s know oh you know what you don't know I
5884s know exactly what I don't know yeah
5888s much too much gonna start on the tour
5890s again that's what he played yesterday on
5892s Lee's young Talent
5894s versus a dive comp maybe they were
5896s expecting that on the opposite they must
5897s think what's going to roll out on the
5898s ram
5903s Singapore
5905s a bit of a slow starter for them they've
5907s at least out with Nando's turret but
5909s that's about it VIPs gonna be the first
5910s pick is cover just getting nice and
5912s aggressive with that oh that looked like
5914s cup over the edge yeah there he goes and
5915s collecting up the last couple of members
5917s in the fight very clean start from
5919s Australia
5922s first cap coming on through
5925s Singapore hoping for a better engagement
5927s second time around and you know
5928s realistically they have that somber
5930s Advantage as well
5931s Toba is annoying but it shouldn't be
5934s that hard to get past
5937s now that we're running our round through
5939s white room side still yet to really find
5941s much to work with here
5944s going for
5946s push through the side room instead
5950s and slowly matching the way down to the
5952s point is Ash Kane and we'll tally field
5953s already deployed taking a fair bit of
5955s pressure they actually find kapha
5957s obviously no immortality field on the
5959s side of Australia didn't have that
5960s coalescence available just yet and
5962s window deployed by paper so Australian
5963s just backing out of this one letting it
5966s happen nothing will be able to rejoin
5967s the team shortly now it actually finds
5969s VIPs so that might make this reset but
5971s quicker for Australia it's a 4v4 now 5v4
5973s is copper rejoins you can see him just
5975s in the distance there a couple of
5976s lessons as well keeping the team in a
5978s comfortable
5987s paper actually picked off by the tour
5994s it's very much
6001s posthumously doing a bunch of work
6003s Fernando there is mentioned
6005s and we'll continue through for now they
6006s didn't give up the point a little bit I
6008s mean Singapore rushed on Australia
6010s I guess uh respected that I think we
6013s gave over a little bit too much respect
6014s and allowed Singapore to Gig up to make
6016s the capture 28 they've got something on
6018s board EMP now available
6020s a little bit too over committed quite a
6022s bit over committed I always have to say
6023s on the annihilation there
6025s Australia Singapore it's I mean even the
6028s South America
6029s I'm so up and down is a bit of a
6031s tough date break but they look like
6033s they'll be able to dispatch I mean the
6034s top turret is absolutely yeah
6038s um well I'm having a good time this is
6041s funny
6044s actually I say burlog came in late
6045s possibly you know he he went as soon as
6047s he could after the hack and cuff had
6048s just fell too quickly so it would do
6051s Singapore did manage to get that kill
6052s but it's cheap
6054s ER kill three in that fight
6056s as an interesting circumstance
6059s yeah certainly a rare kill feeds uh like
6062s that one to kill feed bingo
6065s uh that's actually rarer than getting a
6067s tall panicle it feels
6069s Singapore they deal with the turret
6071s first the same they recognize that it's
6072s the main carry on Australia Quinn down
6074s as well nice fine from cups so gonna be
6076s forced off here as soon as Australia
6078s rather and that's at 98 so really
6080s important opening beat there for
6081s Singapore see if they can follow up find
6083s something else there we go taking up the
6084s carry again getting aggressive they have
6086s a dead Blossom and they want to get in
6087s position gets Hoops back completely red
6090s and now the commitment coming back in
6092s from Australia they've got the
6093s coalescence they've got the annihilation
6094s and just clean onto the point Singapore
6098s not able to find the timing find the
6100s opportunity to utilize those other
6102s ultimates that they had and Australia 98
6104s 99 overtime will burn down I don't think
6107s anyone here from Singapore will be able
6108s to touch
6110s but we're too far away then
6112s surely had all the ultimates to play
6114s through coupled with the annihilation to
6115s finish things off and a super clean
6116s wipes it's a Singapore curries do too
6119s much further about that on the re-engage
6120s and
6121s beyond that though Singapore got another
6123s sneaky cap in the middle I think there's
6125s been two back caps now essentially
6127s an Australia give away
6129s so Singapore at least had to walk away
6131s with a little bit of uh Point capture
6134s won't be a hundred to zero
6136s still very one-sided
6139s so far yeah
6141s significantly so
6143s not totally unexpected but uh
6147s still a bit of a rough start for
6148s Singapore
6150s I almost think it'd be funny if VIPs did
6152s in fact play it just to play the
6153s Australian hero he he is that's a real
6157s joke it's okay in the Americas
6159s not ideal but it's you know you'll
6162s slightly still lose out in the you will
6164s lose out of the May Ice War battle which
6165s is super important for math like this
6167s but
6168s you can find some good burst damage what
6170s Australians are a tricky spot
6173s walled out around the side
6175s trying to trying to throw the damage in
6177s as much as possible Papa's in getting a
6179s little bit low sweating a little could
6181s one of those be fine is now Singapore
6183s getting aggressive
6184s double Vortex everybody slow down
6187s ashgames getting kind of low and no
6189s immortality field here for Singapore
6190s obviously they've actually forced their
6192s way onto this point to start with
6193s Australia Nanda a little low there we go
6195s pick onto VIPs that's going to open the
6197s door for Australia to start partying
6198s back in they want to deal with Ash came
6200s first and their immortality Bill keeping
6201s Australia nice and safe because that's
6203s going to try to pressure forwards and
6204s here we go the rest of cleanup coming
6206s through now Buffer's in cup nope it has
6208s to do with the Stop and deal with that
6209s turret first either way point kept going
6212s back over there
6214s that'll allow people to go down here as
6216s well so a couple of late deaths couple
6218s and looking to maybe go too deep if he
6220s died so that would be really awkward for
6222s demonstrated but it is saved by the
6223s sports and back they go
6225s and a exit kill there by Quinn onto VIPs
6228s second time VIPs will die here
6230s unfortunately again
6231s Singapore hey once again get the 14 so
6234s it's not like they're not going to get
6235s any percentage can't be Australia give
6237s that one away and they played it super
6238s patiently they respected the junkrat
6240s didn't even play directly into the
6242s junkrat affect the range I mean they
6245s were very much playing on the outskirts
6246s until cuff I found an angle to run in
6248s there with a nemesis Foreman take Pips
6250s down
6252s and already real low on the entrance
6254s having to take the time to heal him up
6255s they had those support ultimates and
6257s there we go that's already down
6258s annihilation's running as Singapore
6260s teleport themselves onto the point just
6263s directly into the danger zone very cheap
6264s fight for Australia with just those two
6266s ultimates
6268s Singapore still boarding up towards some
6270s ultimates a bit of a Lucio battle on the
6272s outskirts here I think Bert loggers
6274s you know a little bit of pain but it's
6275s wasting the time or the Fafa
6277s oh okay well actually both the players
6280s will disengage
6282s joins the team
6284s Singapore can finally move forward they
6286s need to drop the photon barrier here and
6287s then play through the support office
6288s notably the coalescence coalescence is
6290s the most key ultimate to push forward
6292s with
6294s and there we go the wall is committed
6297s landed down early in the fight that's a
6300s good find there from Singapore Australia
6301s haven't really got anything much to turn
6303s around they're just backing out the
6304s point they're letting this one happen
6305s they know that it could be final fight
6306s if they can push their way back in later
6308s they're forcing more ultimates out as
6309s well they're actually committing now
6311s they've gone in with Quinn with the
6312s overclock I only find this cup and
6314s that's with a quick meally as well
6315s they're still ticking up faster 90th
6318s percentile they do Force more ultimates
6320s out of Singapore which is something
6321s Nanda coming in just him and copper but
6323s they reckon they can get this done
6324s they've found Ash Kane for one thing and
6326s they could well get it done Aki does go
6328s down in the tree but without ashken
6329s there there's not many people from
6331s Singapore to keep presents on the point
6332s bird log buffers in called out a
6334s one-to-one but no healers here for
6335s Comfort to stay alive with that means he
6337s will go down in Australia a bit of a
6339s drawn out one still finding kills now
6341s late in the day it's just Nanda on his
6343s own they've got they've got paper okay
6347s all right okay indeed all right and
6351s they'll get it done yeah Oz wins even in
6353s low numbers Nanda will be able to clutch
6356s on through VIPs had a couple of kills in
6357s there but
6358s Australia full confidence that they
6361s could fully come into that fight with
6363s whatever they had left and we'll be able
6364s to clean up 2-0
6366s sorry no counter engage from Singapore
6368s no point capture at the end
6372s well
6373s um
6374s I had a good time
6376s I enjoyed myself uh and that's the most
6379s important thing
6384s enjoy yourself there look I'd like to
6385s give a special shout out to nanda's
6387s Turret on the first point really doing
6388s some solid work there well done to uh
6391s you know Well Done by them um but look
6393s that very impressive yeah it's got some
6396s three kills at one point really you know
6398s opened up that team fight so well done
6400s um but look we knew that one was going
6401s to be a quick fight but 2-0 uh Singapore
6405s did get some times on the point but that
6406s might have just been Australia holding
6408s back a little bit and just relaxing a
6410s little bit you know they went too hard
6412s yeah just respecting the team that's all
6414s they just they just no reason to
6417s lose on point they can comfortably pull
6419s back a little and give it away and just
6420s push back in
6422s yeah definitely well Singapore will get
6424s to choose uh the map that they might be
6426s able to make a comeback on so uh we'll
6428s find out after this break what Singapore
6430s has decided between an escort or a
6432s hybrid map see you all soon
6435s [Music]
6446s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
6450s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
6453s value means more at macca's so grab a
6455s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
6459s [Music]
6472s [Music]
6482s thank you
6484s [Music]
6495s [Music]
6509s foreign
6569s [Music]
6601s [Music]
6621s thank you
6628s hey
6631s [Applause]
6631s [Music]
6636s thank you
6641s [Music]
6655s [Music]
6665s welcome back everyone and we've just had
6668s Australia versus Singapore on lijiang
6670s Tao which Australia did clean sweep 2-0
6674s uh any thoughts or anything else to add
6677s it was quite a quick match so not too
6680s sure exactly as we imagine what happens
6682s yeah
6684s really I imagined I would be richer uh
6687s when it happened so that that didn't
6689s quite line up in reality which is
6691s unfortunate I I would have if I were a
6693s millionaire while it happened it would
6695s have been better but you know I'll take
6697s what we got yeah if you're paid by the
6698s hour you will be rich you just have to
6700s wait for the hour to take over yeah yeah
6703s fair enough well look Singapore did put
6706s up a bit of a fight as we see here they
6707s did manage to get some time on the
6710s control point but unfortunately just
6711s could not hold it at any point Australia
6714s really just did have a bit of a stronger
6716s team and stronger comps here for this
6718s one
6719s Australia having a bit of a stronger
6720s team I think is going to be a very
6721s common theme in the games that they play
6724s they are still tipped to be the favorite
6726s here there's no two ways about it this
6727s is essentially the team that's going to
6729s attempt to be the favorite playing up
6730s against a team that we are at this point
6733s not expecting to pick up any matches
6734s they've already had their uh some of
6736s their more winnable matches pass than by
6738s unfortunately against both Malaysia and
6740s New Zealand they lost both of them
6742s um we're just kind of painting by the
6745s numbers on this particular one
6748s speaking of Australia as you can see
6749s here they have a bit of an updated
6751s roster going into map 2 we have Punk
6753s subbed in for tank in place of kapha and
6756s Nami has come in as the second DPS in
6758s place for Nanda a bit of an update there
6761s on their roster
6763s um still a very strong team
6765s it's very strong players the entire
6767s Australian roster very strong we're
6769s probably going to Circuit again I have
6771s to assume or something that would uh
6773s indicate an army and Quinn as a Duo
6776s coming in that was what we saw yesterday
6776s in circuit there it is uncle's also
6778s going to be there to play the sigma yeah
6779s well called circuit real we've seen a
6781s lot a lot of circuit yeah this seems to
6783s be the favorite for the second map for a
6785s lot of teams do we is there any
6787s reasoning we think for that I think it's
6789s it's because most teams are massive
6792s formula Lux fans
6795s they actually funnily enough I didn't I
6797s didn't even realize but where the studio
6798s I'm currently in actually physically is
6800s out front is a Formula One car right now
6803s oh wow that's really good yeah I think
6805s if I'm not mistaken the Red Bull 2020
6808s car I'm not mistaken about the red
6809s ballpark it's definitely a Red Bull in
6811s but it's yeah I think it's 20 20. uh
6813s 2018 apparently
6815s 2018 I've been told by a bigger Formula
6817s One nerd than me
6819s I'm glad we've got that clarified as we
6822s will head into circuit Royale once the
6824s players of course are all ready but yes
6826s a very popular map Choice here look I'm
6828s a little bit bummed I want to see some
6830s you know uh Kings Row I it's my favorite
6833s map I know we've seen a lot of
6834s Kingsborough over the years but I would
6836s love to see some of it but
6838s doesn't matter what I want we're gonna
6840s head into circuit Royale as the players
6842s are ready and I'll hand it on over I for
6845s one I'm glad that we got to see numbani
6848s uh earlier in this tournament that's the
6850s map that I've missed the most
6854s it's one of those things where like we
6856s haven't seen it for a while yeah I do
6858s kind of miss it then you see it one time
6859s like I no longer miss it that's the
6861s thing it's like I've kind of got around
6862s yeah I've seen you one time and I'll
6865s wait I'm happy to wait a full year again
6867s until I see it once again so
6870s I'm all numbanied out what's the map one
6872s occasion I'm trying to think what the
6874s map
6875s from nombani now what's the map that I
6877s see the least of
6881s ryzen lunar colony
6883s certainly certainly true haven't seen
6885s that one for a long while
6891s oh yeah oh look at that look at that
6894s duck float look at that rubber ring
6897s in the world's worst swimming pool
6901s that is a flotation device for a dog
6905s I like that
6907s I like that whoever is mounting that
6908s camera knows what the people want and
6910s it's the weird floaty in the weird pool
6914s is that roots that feels like a Roots
6916s thing to do
6918s what I want
6920s so the gates open in two seconds
6922s for steam Australia Tuesday composition
6924s Punk is
6926s doing a little bit of
6928s controlling the winter before you play
6930s the actual composition they are going to
6932s roll out on we don't quite get the full
6933s speed run by the way
6935s um because if Australia were defending
6936s first and full held then the overall
6939s game would be shorter but instead
6941s they're gonna have to go all the way to
6942s the end of c and then for old Singapore
6945s so it'll take that slight bit longer so
6946s Australia won't quite get the speed run
6948s record
6949s I think it's not going to be on the
6950s water maker today as Australia will join
6953s the growing lesser teams who are opting
6954s for a sergeant Hanzo look over the plane
6956s that would make it
6958s even though I think Thailand did a damn
6960s good job on that yesterday football
6961s takedown Quinn so first casualty on
6963s board rest of pepperonis immortality
6966s fields to keep Ash Kane alive as well
6968s and whoo cut breathing deep feeling that
6971s one a little bit but comfortably topped
6972s off now
6976s not a bad shot
6977s we can check oh that's a good shot
6979s massively slowed down
6983s okay things are picking up for Singapore
6984s things are looking on the positive yeah
6986s this isn't half bad and there we go acne
6989s as well as VIPs collects that one and
6990s now questions
6992s does go down that's an important one
6995s with a slightly closer respawned but in
6996s losing Nami still a little bit of a
6998s disconnect here for Australia quiz just
6999s trying to get right up in cups Grill
7001s does not pay off goes down to VIPs
7004s uh okay cool really slow staggering
7007s there I mean it's really kind of
7008s self-stagging because well they can't
7009s really exit so they had to go forward
7011s it means it's an extended Team Wave
7013s which Singapore you're quite happy about
7014s a minute 30 gone payload stuck on the
7016s airplane
7018s VIPs doing a decent amount of damage
7020s first ultimate on board is gonna be the
7021s dragon strike but with Cup coming down
7023s play Advantage moves towards Australia
7025s and that's probably enough to start
7026s breaking this one you see Punk getting
7028s very aggressive really noses limits
7030s Dragon strike separates up the team a
7032s little bit they're not in a position to
7033s follow it all as they say that ashken is
7034s actually able to slip around the side
7036s and dispatch of pug
7038s very important find Slows Australia down
7040s once again as they look for that respawn
7042s would have had that flux available
7043s shortly after as well so a bit of a
7046s rough beat of timing
7049s I'll give it a little bit of move on now
7052s it's where things count ultimates on
7053s board
7054s people sort of used one
7056s size VIPs
7059s flexors come on the rack you need to
7060s find this angle
7062s all the window to be dropped that's one
7063s way to cook it and the longer you play
7067s this is just giving time to kill yeah
7069s there we go immortality field already
7071s deployed to save ashken as he lands down
7073s now it's going to be Transcendence to
7075s keep everyone alive as they deal with
7076s the immortality field in Australia
7077s you're still
7079s now
7080s should all be back in the mix in just
7082s the hot second try to get aggressive
7083s once again is Quinn finds VIPs has an
7086s overclock if he needs it but might want
7088s to just avoid using it for time being
7089s his Nabi has his Dragon strike instead
7091s we'll uh we'll find ashgane with it
7093s there we go the acap finally looking to
7095s come over a bit of a slow one for
7097s Australia all things considered a minute
7099s on the board now as they get the cab
7101s after three minutes we have to get this
7103s cab and that is a shock goodness the
7105s sniper compositions are working out well
7107s for Singapore today
7108s I was heavier so we've seen them frag I
7110s mean two members will go down the ash
7111s game to follow you can imagine
7114s they are at least slowing down Australia
7116s as you mentioned they're actually
7116s getting kills which is also something to
7118s show a lot of on Legion tower now
7121s Australia are not quite on the back foot
7123s but taking a long time to make their way
7126s through the map
7129s and that's the real important thing here
7131s for Singapore they're just looking to
7132s slow Australia down run down that clock
7135s find that over time fight I mean it's
7136s it's again it's by the book kind of deal
7138s uh that's a really sold to start across
7140s hey B I think is where it could flip
7142s back in Australia's favor in a big way
7144s not that it's not in their favor mind
7145s you but if they can get a quick cap here
7147s then Singapore can find themselves in a
7149s really tight spot
7154s certainly does onto cup at least and
7156s down to more once the lamp is gone Ash
7158s game paper super low HP wow
7160s next not the most common one on the kill
7163s feed but uh there we go another one
7165s collected add that to your kill feed
7166s Bingo Lake kill on the fafizon as well
7168s really nice pickup at the big cat coming
7170s through just another four minutes on the
7171s clock for Australia
7173s and the amount of kills on a Singaporean
7176s have slowed down quite considerably now
7177s they didn't really get much on that last
7178s fight
7181s elsewhere Australia make up the last
7182s time a was slow but B much quicker
7185s just under four minutes to take through
7187s C now
7189s and it's going to be Australia taking
7191s the forward ground early Singapore still
7192s just kind of looking for any positioning
7196s be signing out on the pool side so I'm
7197s not going to be a forward hold from
7199s Singapore at all and I'll need to
7201s considerate of the rotation angle on
7203s Coast which Ash Kane is looking at now
7209s Australia getting aggressive flux
7212s finding three already killing VIPs
7214s before he hits the ground which means he
7216s cannot be rescued by that immortality
7217s field now separating out these members
7220s ABS separated from Ash Kane Ash Kane
7222s down and I am sorry paper will go down
7224s anybody
7228s oh
7230s look
7232s that's gonna be the reset Singapore want
7234s nothing to do with that fight good flux
7235s coming through from Punk on towards
7237s three
7237s and they've captured basically all parts
7239s of the map they need now I can't even
7240s get out of Spawn Windows solely for Nami
7243s why not trance on the plane and when
7244s looking towards the cat yeah it's it's
7246s probably again
7248s yep but I guess he's used it I mean you
7251s use everything you got right now I guess
7253s nothing from the flux from ashbane goes
7255s down as well as buffers in paper does
7257s have a window but he can use it to look
7259s at the car as it caps out
7263s there it is what a view
7268s there's the cap finally what are the
7271s what are the Dragons by the way this is
7273s I just kind of realized this because
7274s it's in the name really because like
7276s everything in OverWatch is like science
7278s based right like even you know even if
7280s it's like except the bits even if it's
7282s like a size yeah but they're like
7284s they're like or something like that but
7286s then like the dragons are just straight
7287s up magic just magic that's what I said
7290s it's straight up magic isn't that like
7293s everything else is scientific and then
7294s at the end it's just straight up no no
7296s no
7297s some of it is Magic some of it's not
7298s like what's something else that's just
7300s like and also
7301s if if something that's so
7303s technologically advanced you don't
7305s understand it might as well be magic so
7306s really it's all magic are there any
7307s other abilities that are like that don't
7310s have a scientific explanation
7314s because
7317s range does not have a scientific
7319s explanation but we accept it for
7321s gameplay purposes shells of the range
7323s shows into the range yeah
7325s she doesn't do the range so even
7327s zenyatta's ultimate is like I guess he's
7328s emitting some kind of healing nanotech
7330s like they've established that like
7332s nanotech to heal but like seriously
7335s dragons are just like
7337s two magical dragons
7343s anyway
7345s anyway
7347s back to the game
7350s I'm not letting this go this uh I I
7353s demand answers
7356s does magic just exist in the OverWatch
7358s Universe if so why does no other hero
7361s use it
7364s um he is gonna be on the one to make of
7365s this time around
7368s or out goes the Hanzo
7371s Singapore they're really going to stick
7372s onto cups symmetra that is an
7374s interesting question with people also on
7376s the mercy
7377s a little bit uh
7380s shall we say not quite mirror
7383s I wonder if there is
7386s I mean there shouldn't be a limitation
7388s here because cut was playing Widowmaker
7390s before
7391s it's uh assume doesn't really add much
7395s into team Australia that would be a bit
7397s strange TV your team away from the cart
7407s yeah well they playing bridge but
7409s unfortunately that means they're not
7410s going to be able to really push payload
7411s or take anything of that
7413s helps affect the range does improve as
7415s you get around the Hampton but still
7416s hard to really play on the open in fact
7418s you can't at all
7421s Punk a little on the low side but
7423s otherwise fine
7425s as Australia nearly on ultimates cut
7427s picked out there by Punk
7429s nice shots across on the ash cane as
7431s well keeping him honest forcing him
7433s backwards
7434s what is that Melody that's a good
7437s question Punk it's the sound of ashken
7438s dying now VIPs in trouble will follow
7441s Ash Kane to the grave and uh just a very
7443s casual defense there from Australia
7447s now right back
7449s into the Singapore spawn
7451s allow the payload to slowly move this
7453s off backwards
7454s look we'll play all the way up
7457s some Advanced scouting
7459s Singapore staying in the course on the
7460s composition
7464s for another two minutes of this
7469s yep
7472s looking forward to two more minutes of
7473s this actually five percent if it's down
7475s very early in this one Ash game looking
7476s to follow there we go
7477s an army really feeling himself with that
7479s infrastruct running
7483s up
7484s but easily it seems
7488s people will make it back into spawn so
7490s there's one player Standard Life nice
7494s I remember one time I used to do martial
7496s arts and yet The Grandmaster would hold
7499s a piece of paper near the punch fast
7501s enough to punch been through the piece
7502s of paper and none of us could do it and
7504s then one day I said can you do it and he
7507s got so mad at me for questioning his
7509s authority that he kicked me out of the
7510s class which was really just him admitted
7511s that he couldn't do it
7515s one sheet of paper it's the end of the
7517s anecdote unlucky it's a normal printer
7521s paper Quinn going down
7523s yes Singapore are getting the kills once
7525s again here we go
7526s it's got a lot more interesting what is
7529s your Melody hit us with your best mix
7530s two piece and nothing down in the
7533s immortality field Punk is low HP
7536s is getting healed up and now has his own
7538s uh as two for one in terms of those uh
7541s because those dramatic fluxes
7544s once again a sister mortality field
7545s deployed to answer it the barrier in
7547s place as well both on barium from Cups
7549s he's slowing things down for Australia
7551s on his defense cap not quite coming
7553s through there we go finding Papa's in
7554s Quinn go to get progressive video clock
7555s looking for more percent but by the time
7558s he's done two other members were already
7560s dead since paper soon to follow and
7561s Papas and goes down for a second time
7564s foreign
7567s 30 seconds left to go
7569s Taylor has good distance Singapore are
7572s all out of resources papers even on the
7575s loose here now and I'll say that's an
7577s improvement Anna nope back over towards
7579s the mercy so no improvements on the cob
7582s sadly
7587s Quinn down all right that's a bit of a
7589s stops again might be able to finish the
7590s healing thing
7593s from Singapore now firing through this
7595s window here is team Australia Ash Kane
7597s just brutalized papers are not able to
7599s follow up over time hello
7601s well that was for us
7607s hello there
7609s movie
7611s okay
7613s not my best impression you went too far
7616s on that one I don't have many good
7617s Impressions I think my best impression
7618s is probably Mickey Mouse
7620s uh and Kermit the Frog that's that's
7622s that's copyright and license so exactly
7624s I'm not gonna challenge
7628s outside of VIPs getting a couple of
7630s kills very clean defense for team
7631s Australia what pretty much is as you'd
7633s expect
7635s or hold
7637s a tin just born Camp not a lot just a
7640s slight tinge with Punk pushing all the
7641s way up
7643s report now still looking for their first
7646s win in this group I believe they're now
7647s Owen three
7649s I do have a map when they got that one
7650s map one versus Malaysia but beyond that
7653s still searching for more
7656s I would like to just uh let pixie know
7658s something you asked about hanzo's
7660s dragons and I just I have to tell you
7661s they're the shimada spirit dragon so
7663s they're not magic they're actually
7665s spiritual dragons
7667s controlled by the
7670s I know I know all that but I'm like is
7673s it actually that there's some like weird
7675s proprietary technology that everyone
7677s else thinks is like what's really
7679s what actually are they like aside from
7682s just saying Spirit dragons like what is
7684s that is is God real in OverWatch there's
7686s like actual deities and they get
7688s spiritual energy from whoever it is the
7691s shabbata house worships like what is
7693s what that's so weird
7696s oh goodness someone explained well maybe
7698s coffin I don't know much maybe coffiners
7701s will look we are gonna go and have a
7702s chat with cuffet now he played the first
7704s Bap against Singapore welcome kapha
7707s thanks so much for taking some time to
7709s have a chat with us uh you played your
7711s first match how did you feel playing
7713s against Singapore today with the team
7716s um you know I don't think we expected it
7717s to be any difficult match they have
7719s quite a weak roster compared to most
7721s teams in the group so you know a breeze
7724s was fun there
7726s playing that oh that's good
7728s yeah you uh
7730s seem to be going pretty well through the
7732s group so far you're probably one of the
7733s favorites as team Australia to make it
7735s out of this group but the competition
7736s looks pretty interesting now uh with you
7739s know Thailand's game yesterday was quite
7742s close you didn't play that matchup but
7744s it did go to one do you have any
7745s thoughts on how you guys went yesterday
7747s versus Thailand
7749s uh I think the both Mastery one were
7751s pretty convincing I think circuit's a
7754s bit of a Mickey Mouse map you know
7755s anything can happen they kind of
7757s surprises us with the Hanzo surgeon
7759s picks uh they're a really good team
7761s though I think Thailand are definitely
7762s the second strongest team in the group
7763s and maybe like India close behind but
7766s yeah I think that they got a really good
7768s uh DPS line so not to underestimate them
7771s for other teams
7774s adds two Mickey Mouse mentions in the
7776s last three minutes we're in trouble here
7778s um kafra did you know that you can get a
7780s mcface lunch deal for 5.95 uh but my
7783s actual question is um obviously you
7786s don't want to count your chickens before
7787s they hatch but uh Australia is a
7790s favorite to make it out of this group
7792s I are the boys already kind of looking
7794s ahead to what they might see elsewhere
7797s in the tournament obviously once you
7798s qualify into those other groups you'll
7799s have your opponents all lined up ahead
7801s of you or or I mean obviously the focus
7803s for now is on the matches in front of
7804s you but like how ambitious is the team
7806s feeling right now are you expecting that
7809s you are going to be in those groups and
7810s planning accordingly
7812s yeah I mean I don't think anyone would
7814s expect us not to qualify I don't want to
7815s jinx anything but we are definitely the
7818s favorites and you know there's
7819s uh we got a pretty strong roster I think
7822s and great coaches behind us so I think
7824s it'd be anything but weird to see us not
7827s succeed and yeah I think we'll do well I
7829s hope we go to uh America and play well
7833s hopefully get through the groups and
7835s play on the big stage that's the plan
7837s all right thanks very much uh clip that
7840s uh so that if you do end up not
7842s qualifying we have the clip that makes
7844s you look like a fool thank you very much
7846s cup appreciate that oh my goodness and
7848s look you do have a match your last match
7850s of the entire qualifier will be against
7852s New Zealand are you guys looking forward
7854s to that match because obviously a lot of
7856s you New Zealand and Australian players
7857s have played together on teams together
7859s so will this kind of be a bit of a fun
7861s match between all of you do you think
7863s uh it'll be a low ping match compared to
7866s the other ones that'll be good fun yeah
7869s qualify anymore unless like some miracle
7871s happens yeah I don't want to talk about
7872s a cuffer
7873s um
7875s the qualified like Joker said to me like
7878s see you at BlizzCon or whatever but that
7880s was like a while ago and I didn't say
7881s anything back because you know I didn't
7883s think they'd call no you can
7886s it's a shame that you couldn't clip him
7889s in that conversation unfortunate
7892s oh goodness well look thank you so much
7895s for your time Cafe and good luck for the
7897s rest of the matches uh we wish you all
7899s the best
7900s thank you see ya
7905s all right well uh that was all she wrote
7908s for Australia versus Singapore 2-0 the
7911s way of Australia and we will be heading
7913s off to our next games shortly which will
7916s be Malaysia versus Thailand as we can
7919s see so far we have as I think it was
7921s predicted earlier two zeros across the
7923s board how are we feeling about the
7925s Malaysia Thailand matchup do we think
7926s another 2-0 or two zeros across the
7928s board all two zeros yeah
7930s they're just an absolute Clean Run of it
7933s um I've got dinner reservations so yeah
7935s I'm looking for a 2-0 here from Thailand
7937s and funnily enough I'm actually going to
7938s a Thai restaurant
7944s because Thai food is notably expensive
7947s come on
7949s oh Thai food's great I'm feeling very
7951s left out all right well look everyone
7953s will be back shortly with Malaysia
7955s versus Thailand don't go anywhere
7958s [Music]
7970s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
7974s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
7977s value means more at macca's so grab a
7979s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95
7982s [Music]
7989s hey I'm Riley also known as Cafe and I'm
7993s the tank and igl of Team Australia
7997s uh what sets me apart from other
8000s OverWatch players they have to be how
8002s much time and how dedicated I am to it I
8006s see a lot of people have like other
8007s commitments and it's it's fair enough if
8009s you're not in tier one OverWatch might
8011s not be your entire
8013s livelihood but uh I think I put more
8016s hours than any other player in the same
8018s division so I think I've got a great
8020s advantage of time on my hands
8026s some of my biggest Role Models within
8028s the OverWatch Australia Esports
8030s Community would have to be uh Punk under
8032s face
8034s there's two La Gladiators coaches within
8037s the OverWatch league and the Vancouver
8038s Titans tank player it's kind of limited
8041s the resources you get within us so it's
8043s great to have these people available to
8045s help especially during the World Cup
8049s my go-to makizoro would definitely have
8051s to be a Double Quarter Pounder meal uh
8054s there's nothing better than those beef
8055s patties I'll tell you that
8059s make delivery is now on the my Mac
8061s attack how do I deliver Under Pressure I
8063s generally just focus on breathing
8065s techniques before and during important
8067s matches and my years of competing in
8070s like high stress situations is prepared
8073s me for the big big moments
8077s doing ranks all day every day won't
8079s actually get you as far as you think you
8081s have to be a lot more critical in your
8083s own gameplay and watching back pods
8084s seeing what mistakes you did and how to
8086s fix them watching Pros can also help a
8089s lot develop like cool strategies and you
8092s can understand how to play the game at a
8093s higher level
8097s foreign
8102s [Music]
8125s [Music]
8142s thank you
8144s [Music]
8159s [Applause]
8160s [Music]
8179s foreign
8206s [Music]
8213s [Music]
8230s foreign
8236s [Music]
8244s [Music]
8249s foreign
8252s [Music]
8269s [Music]
8289s [Music]
8307s foreign
8326s [Music]
8334s [Applause]
8335s [Music]
8345s foreign
8348s [Music]
8356s [Applause]
8368s [Music]
8371s foreign
8373s [Music]
8384s [Applause]
8385s [Music]
8403s foreign
8405s [Music]
8434s [Music]
8449s [Music]
8451s thank you
8462s foreign
8464s [Music]
8469s [Music]
8477s [Music]
8492s [Music]
8502s [Music]
8512s [Music]
8514s thank you
8516s [Music]
8531s welcome back everyone to the OverWatch
8534s World Cup APAC Group B qualifiers we've
8538s had some quick games so far we've had
8540s New Zealand versus India Australia
8542s versus Singapore and we've still got one
8544s more to go Malaysia versus Thailand this
8547s evening
8548s one more two and zero to go
8551s possibly potentially possibly it's been
8554s two zeros across the board so far
8557s um but so it might be another quick one
8558s which hey you you know everyone gets to
8561s go home early like I said I've got those
8563s dinner reservations and I want to hit
8564s them I can't afford to be late again I'm
8566s on thin ice already uh so yeah here's
8570s open here's hoping Thailand or or
8574s Malaysia pulls through I don't care who
8575s gets the two and zero I uh
8578s just want to be at that time at 8pm
8581s sounds good well let's take a look at
8583s Malaysia's lineup to start off here
8586s we've got Fantasy on the tank game
8589s produed and jw3 as their DPS and
8592s numinous and geminics as their supports
8596s the team has got the one map win well
8598s actually two map wins versus Singapore
8600s they won that match for Singapore
8601s struggled versus India now coming into
8604s their third game here to maybe prove
8605s something versus Thailand Thailand who
8607s we've already kind of talked about as
8609s you know especially now that cuff has
8611s also kind of setting himself one of the
8612s top teams in
8614s laser could struggle
8616s very similar in the ways they struggled
8618s versus India so I'll see if they've made
8620s any change in the last 24 hours to level
8621s up
8627s Thailand they're quite a strong
8628s Contender here and let's take a look at
8630s the Thailand lineup Calvin tank High
8633s vision and Ace on DPS and we saw some
8635s great plays from Ace yesterday he
8638s actually got our play of the game so
8639s looking to Ace again today and then
8641s aputo and Pali on support yeah he's just
8644s been the real standout so far Calvin has
8646s also quite comfortably held his own
8648s against a quite serious tank players uh
8650s obviously going up against Punk was a
8652s bit of a tough ask but that's a tough
8653s ask for everyone and that's the other
8655s thing that we sort of highlight here
8657s Raiders Thailand have already played
8659s their match against Australia in theory
8661s that's the difficult one done and they
8663s had a reasonable showing so they had the
8665s best showing anyone's had against
8666s Australia so far uh picking up that map
8668s uh in the middle and uh be relatively
8671s competitive on the other ones as well
8672s there was definitely a real shot there
8673s so that's why we're kind of expecting a
8676s two and zero out them they are uh sort
8678s of neck and neck for India right now for
8680s sort of best of the rest outside of
8681s Australia obviously we don't get that
8683s head to head for a little bit as well so
8685s it's just kind of where Thailand sit
8687s right now in the grand scheme of this
8688s tournament
8690s well Malaysia and Thailand will be
8692s starting off on Nepal for their control
8695s map now we haven't seen much Nepal yet
8697s played here so do you guys have any
8700s thoughts on what we should be expecting
8702s here on this map just some more
8704s domination from Ace I think as the DPS
8706s line of Thailand as mentioned by cover
8707s as well that is their strong point for
8709s sure
8710s a strong enough point there for Thailand
8712s should be enough to dispatch on most
8714s teams in this particular group but I
8716s mean they did well versus Australia oh
8718s and should look to continue doing well
8719s for the rest of the tournament
8722s kind of nice to go to a different map
8723s actually it's been it's been all Elias
8724s and lijiang so Nepal now and uh
8727s obviously standard procedure here loser
8729s picks subsequently uh either escort or
8732s hybrid and a couple of different options
8733s available in the pool and interestingly
8735s enough we were remarking on that earlier
8736s we've mostly seen teams going not just
8739s for escort but specifically for Circle
8740s rail I think we've seen only Circle
8742s Royale and then we saw London Barney if
8744s I'm not mistaken
8746s uh Gibraltar we did we saw one Gibraltar
8749s that's right that's right
8750s yeah I actually like Nepal I think
8752s Nepal's a fun control map um you know
8755s you've got that map which has the
8756s opening sort of in the center
8758s um which you can get a lot of some fun
8759s environmental kills um I I think Nepal
8762s is a really fun map to play on uh you
8764s can also maybe I don't know if people
8766s will but you could potentially have the
8767s Echoes here like to you know have that
8769s air control but potentially not I'm not
8771s too sure what we'll see but I think
8773s Nepal's a fun one uh that we'll get to
8775s hopefully see a bit of different comps
8777s on but maybe not
8779s and um whoever does win this one the
8781s other team will get to choose the second
8783s map which will be an escort or hybrid
8785s and if we do get a one to one the third
8787s map will be a push which will be the
8790s decider map but we don't think we'll be
8792s getting all the way to the third but
8793s we'll see yeah it may not be a clean 2-0
8796s but let's yeah let's find out as we head
8800s on in to Nepal here take it away
8807s thinking about now is
8815s take I want to say we might see some
8816s more comps here but probably not from
8819s the Malaysia side given their track
8820s records so far they've basically only
8822s just played
8824s realistically speaking either the junker
8826s queen or the sigma if we go to Circle
8828s Royale which makes you might be on the
8830s cards again if Malaysia end up picking
8831s that second map
8833s so it's gonna be an early prediction for
8834s me
8836s um
8837s but yeah I don't think the fantasy is
8838s going to really swap off unless there's
8840s something really confident there that
8841s fantasy hasn't shown that they'd like to
8844s just gonna be more Joker clean for now
8846s you'll see him you're seeming downright
8848s Clairvoyant with that one
8854s just uh easy prediction
8858s it could be a name
8860s Claire buoyant
8863s like Ella Mentalist
8865s you know what I think you might be the
8867s first person in the world that's ever
8868s said probably am probably possibly yeah
8872s be first never been said before is the
8875s original content
8880s two more on both sides
8882s we'll have to see what things one thing
8883s now is one lesson let's see what the JQ
8886s could accomplish fantasy color on the
8888s wrong side of a May wall as new and I
8889s was already down now fantasy soon to
8891s follow so what can the Jungle Queen
8892s accomplish not much
8898s okay
8900s super fast beginning for Thailand
8903s Malaysia
8905s now that they're kind of push back in
8908s with these retakes to the queen
8910s this is going to be where things
8911s struggle a little bit you have to really
8912s win these high school battles fantasies
8915s for the other side probably dead here
8916s unless we're all good pocket healing
8918s just barely keeps them up yeah jw3 as
8921s well having to use the ice block to stay
8923s alive
8929s uh nearly caused the fight loss in
8931s Malaysia our resetting often so rotating
8933s around Thailand's still everything to
8935s play for coalescence available for Pally
8938s so much damage fantasy basically went
8940s down there almost they will be able to
8943s eventually rotate onto the top of the
8945s point
8946s and there wow wow Pally just devastating
8949s with that coalescence finding two on his
8952s own Jeff Jeff I just uh just off into
8955s Oblivion there where does that lead do
8957s you reckon
8958s into Oblivion as you mentioned I'd like
8961s to imagine it's endless
8963s Luke's back around so when you get to
8965s the end you drop out of the sky it
8968s eventually connects to the realm that uh
8971s the shimados get their dragons from
8976s is it
8978s and not a happy spot for Malaysia
8980s they've got the correlations running but
8981s new and I was frozen
8982s not able to actually finish off their
8985s High Vision did have to go cold for a
8987s sec but they are still able to collect
8988s the rest of these kills just that
8990s fraction of her hair later High Vision
8992s over the edge Gemini will get one yeah
8994s get it too juvenile will get there one
8996s that's been happening two fights in a
8997s row now it's just one player booped off
8999s the map
9000s the freeze from high Vision will destroy
9002s the coalescence we'll ruin Malaysia's
9004s chance of using any other ultimates and
9005s my goodness fantasy is not on the Queen
9007s the first time that is interesting see
9010s how that works out
9011s just rolling straight in Ace wanted to
9014s get a sneaky death Blossom and I'm
9017s deploying this blizzard as well but no
9019s one's in it it's just all for nothing
9020s two ultimates used for no gain and now
9022s that's awesome directly on top of Gemini
9024s and fantasy will be able to clean them
9025s both off Galvin is dead but in the main
9027s trunk it's a fight that didn't matter
9029s and nobody was even on the point
9031s 100 to zero
9035s or late swap from fairness today maybe
9037s it could uh do you really do something
9040s find some legs and
9041s distance on a future round of fantasy
9044s decides to keep playing the ram
9046s as previously mentioned the queen does
9048s struggle a little bit in their matchup
9049s as did a lot of different things once
9051s Thailand got hold and started
9052s snowboarding their way through very
9054s little
9055s or Malaysia to come back with
9060s and only a couple of kills from Malaysia
9062s as well mostly coming through from
9063s Gemini and getting a couple boops one on
9064s each flight
9067s into Oblivion
9069s on sided so far I think that's expected
9072s this time rolling out on the Renault
9075s truck I'm not going to start off on
9076s track here we go
9078s we are met a slaving just like like just
9081s like I want to see
9084s truly asleep
9087s and nicely rotation from Thailand I'd
9090s love to see how Malaysia successfully
9092s pushed in I swore to isolate fantasy but
9094s has enough team with sight lines at his
9097s back still getting a little bit lower
9098s here ends up going down just too much
9100s damage coming in not enough healing in
9102s his back
9103s and obviously no tools like a
9105s immortality field with this particular
9106s lineup so easy pickings Gemini will get
9109s out but jw3 not gonna be so lucky that
9111s is a pretty tidy opening for Thailand
9115s alrighty
9117s Malaysia's still unfortunately not able
9119s to get too much done even with the
9120s slightly changed up compositions
9123s fans are getting heavily are damaged
9124s they're evil the hands up
9126s and survive
9128s Thailand massively set up on the
9130s sidelines they're expecting Malaysia to
9132s roll through potentially on the top but
9133s I think they're coming bottom instead
9135s in the case Ace will have the drop down
9137s on top and a nice ball to separate out
9139s these two members
9141s not quite getting the kills early game
9143s produced taking a lot of heat there we
9144s go jw3 goes down to a head shot for the
9146s May right click and uh
9149s Calvin now looking to go down note stays
9151s alive just barely numinos gets picked
9153s off instead Calvin has just end by the
9155s breath of the hair fantasy is not quite
9158s able to commit uh to uh connect on the
9161s kill rather again a clean four for none
9166s he's holding the death Blossom there's
9167s all no reason to burn it they knew they
9168s won that fight
9170s a couple of walls to me that was high
9171s Vision wall placement
9173s allow them to be able to find the fights
9175s they wanted a couple times in Malaysia
9177s they just got caught out by the wars
9178s couldn't get past and their team split
9180s couldn't exit either
9181s now the coast side rotation they have
9183s read that kind of likely is how I will
9186s hold The High Ground again
9188s death Blossom will be enough to collect
9191s pneumonards they've also used their
9193s coalescence they have a lot of tools in
9195s the tank here find jw3 came through look
9197s gonna be the next one onto the guns of
9198s ace and five for nothing not quite a
9202s gone just with how the timing and the
9203s death of numerals worked out but wow
9208s two volts all you need numerals also
9211s through one in there's also two for one
9212s trade
9214s unless you're still yet to be able to
9216s fly in a good opening here and then
9217s we're on the last fight 15 left
9221s still a wall to get past all the
9223s blizzard to get past blizzard on the
9224s point for the final fight very strong
9225s for Thailand has the extra sound barrier
9227s Gemini doesn't have his sound barrier
9229s yet which means it's because he gets a
9230s lot of value game for a new try to go
9232s around the size double blizzard is in
9233s play so no well there we go Pali finding
9235s data Kudos sound barrier not quite
9236s rescuing him and Malaysia with the wrap
9239s around play getting game for a dude in
9240s position ends up paying off for them he
9242s was outside of the blizzard just that
9244s little bit of extra damage they're able
9245s to throw in so not a total lock out from
9247s Thailand in the end
9249s Pali got froze in there and didn't get
9251s the sound barrier for some reason it
9252s might have been out of range might have
9253s been out of out of sight band but Pluto
9255s couldn't quite connect the sound bottom
9256s to Pali who goes down Gemini was the one
9259s that actually got the Kilner Pally so he
9261s didn't have the sound barrier finds the
9263s sound barrier off the damage and kill
9264s him to Pally and then turns the fight
9266s around with the lights down Bearer onto
9267s his own team but still quite a fair few
9270s number of plays alive in Malaysia
9272s huge old tray back and forth they come
9274s out ahead
9276s oh unnecessary death on gamepro dude
9279s there just the memorial all floating by
9281s him and he's getting aggressive with
9283s that death Blossom zones in Malaysia out
9284s at least here we go separating our
9286s fantasy who is not in their immortality
9288s field unlike the rest of the team goes
9289s down pneumonizes as well and just
9291s pressing forward to Ace clearly running
9294s down all these members of Team Malaysia
9296s we're going back across the way of
9298s Thailand not quite a double hundred to
9300s zero lockout but overall still very
9302s clean stuff from Thailand
9305s yeah one good fighting there for
9306s Malaysia like genuinely good actually
9307s they they had a good blizzard coming in
9309s finally got on top a point legitimately
9311s won a fight fair and square
9315s not All Is Lost but not enough to really
9318s challenge time for the majority of
9319s either round because you need a little
9321s bit more than that
9322s you want to get a map win versus
9324s Thailand one of our I think favorites
9326s for the group there to say so Italian
9329s looking comfortable one and zero
9331s yeah Thailand just did not want to let
9334s Malaysia get any of the point at all
9336s they did they held them off for so long
9338s Malaysia getting a touch at the 99 right
9341s at the end there uh very close but yeah
9344s Thailand good hold they they just said
9347s no to Malaysia just over and over you
9349s don't get to touch this point
9351s um so well done to them
9353s and as you kind of said uh Kevin this is
9356s you know they're they're one of the
9357s potential tournament favorites right now
9359s I think we've got a pretty clear
9360s delineation of the top three and uh
9362s Thailand are in it so that says uh three
9365s teams all kind of competing for two
9366s spots uh obviously this uh the series
9368s isn't over just yet you know there could
9370s be a turnaround here from Malaysia let's
9372s absolutely not ruled out but uh Thailand
9373s are looking just so utterly comfortable
9375s right now
9376s well we're going to take a short break
9379s but when we come back uh we will have
9381s Malaysia picking the next map that we'll
9383s be heading to see you all soon
9385s [Music]
9397s you asked we listen the mcfeast is back
9400s in all its beefy salady Saucy Glory
9403s value means more at macca's so grab a
9405s mcfeast lunch deal now for only 5.95.
9409s [Music]
9426s thank you
9429s now
9437s thank you
9447s [Music]
9481s [Music]
9488s [Music]
9503s foreign
9505s [Music]
9534s [Music]
9544s welcome back everyone you are joining us
9547s as we are currently watching Malaysia
9549s versus Thailand the first map has been
9552s completed with Thailand taking it away
9554s one to nothing on uh Nepal
9561s line
9567s this is Frozen uh if they'd stayed if
9570s they'd stayed on Gemini we would have
9571s found out where that Abyss leads to
9574s ah
9576s I guess we'll never know Center the
9578s earth I think it goes straight to the
9579s core all the way down to the hollow
9581s Earth that's where the dinosaurs
9585s just living down there with the
9587s Illuminati
9589s yeah
9592s ride the dinosaurs ride the dinosaurs
9594s they're in a in a war with the
9596s Freemasons who are riding dragons of
9597s course
9600s it's been a war this was a very
9603s one-sided one Malaysia had the one fight
9605s win on Shrine Thailand cleaned them up
9607s quite comfortably on both otherwise
9609s Shrine and uh sanctum that we saw a
9612s little bit of change up for Malaysia in
9613s terms of Team comp so I'm glad to see
9614s that they are shifting a little bit
9616s further away from the junker Queens
9618s no longer really I mean it wasn't really
9620s working even yesterday and today it's uh
9623s still not really work doing too much for
9626s Malaysia's chances to win this matchup
9628s Thailand we expect to be the favorite
9629s said they're delivering on that
9630s currently
9631s looking very comfortable
9632s well as Thailand did win that Malaysia
9635s we'll be picking the second
9646s yep there we go it is oh goodness we
9650s have seen a lot of this map but
9652s understandably it's a good map the teams
9656s must have all been practicing this map
9657s quite a bit so
9659s the team's like going there for the tax
9662s benefits
9665s but they're just tourists you know
9666s you're not a resident you're
9668s sure there or not just because we're
9669s just visiting we're just visiting Circle
9671s reality you don't get to stay there
9672s permanently unfortunately so unfortunate
9676s I think they are just going to see the
9677s duck this is a this is important for
9679s Fantasy this is important for Malaysia
9681s because this is where they get to play
9681s the sigma so there were no surprises for
9683s me I mean I mentioned they were going to
9685s go to Circuit before we even played the
9687s first map because it's just this is
9689s where fantasy needs to be able to fall
9691s through the signal once more it's one of
9692s their
9693s better opportunity so when a map comes
9695s from well definitely let's head on into
9697s circuit Royale and see if Malaysia can
9700s have a comeback
9704s what Mediterranean Nations don't have a
9707s map
9707s [Music]
9709s does Spain have one
9723s they don't have like the dalmatian codes
9725s we don't have one in Ireland there you
9727s go Ireland's famously not in the
9729s Mediterranean Sea famously in the
9732s Mediterranean I suppose there isn't a
9734s Maltese Iceland Iceland doesn't have one
9736s not doesn't have one you're quite right
9737s about that Greenland also no uh they
9740s also have Canada is a Mediterranean
9741s sector that does have a map so Canada's
9743s good I haven't tried the other side of
9745s uh the Mediterranean Sea where you've
9747s got you know Morocco and Tunisia and
9749s Egypt so there's you know a lot of
9751s untapped potential I wanna I wanna have
9753s a map in every city of Egypt
9755s Mediterranean country I I know we do but
9757s do we still we do and we don't we do and
9760s we don't we sort of do we used to
9764s we do
9766s uh but yeah we need to get all the rest
9769s Libya Thailand
9772s the Calvin RAM on the spam
9775s we'll do a little bit of Team India
9777s it's still playing otherwise when it's
9779s exactly the same as what you would play
9780s in a sigma composition just no signal
9782s now what body
9793s so
9795s after that
9797s looking forward to it of course have a
9800s have a Thai hero now that uh Nobby is
9803s quite chosen to pick yet including
9805s Thailand maybe maybe we'll see it the uh
9808s good reason yeah
9811s High Vision going down early and about
9813s here
9814s so a little bit of a tough break on the
9818s defense now Calvin as well that should
9819s be pushed underway properly for Malaysia
9821s this is why Calvin needs to go Sigma
9824s because once the shield goes down you
9826s just can't really do much in that range
9827s battle
9829s and there it is
9830s the instant swap
9832s and it likely is still yeah it's early
9834s enough so they are going to get a
9835s recontest here the payload has still got
9837s a little bit of distance to go
9838s so not All Is Lost retina and although a
9841s lot of lost time for Calvin on the old
9842s charge
9845s [Music]
9846s oh nice final kicks because that changes
9848s things up for this defense here is
9850s Thailand will get an opportunity to
9852s contest uh
9855s just the one pick so now Malaysia have
9857s to find something of their own again
9860s seems like Ace is one of the few players
9862s in this group that still willing to play
9863s the winner making shoulders prowess
9865s versus Australia yesterday unfortunately
9867s missed shot onto jw3
9871s widowmakers
9876s through the window now is jw3 in
9878s quicksmico
9880s Thailand just having to pull back around
9881s that corner but
9883s no free push
9886s and once the emphasized to both out no
9887s one really wants to push too far forward
9889s and now as that dissipates and actually
9891s dodged The Rock oh Ace on fire though as
9895s the rest of the fight plays out the flux
9897s only really capturing Calvin completely
9900s fine Ace two for one everyone else is
9903s going in for Transcendence here seems
9906s quite bold uh they've still got Calvin
9908s and high Vision in the mix so Thailand
9910s happy to commit their own flights to go
9913s there we go nicely done and now fresh
9915s reported the fantasy looking to collect
9916s another kill ideally and slowing
9918s Malaysia down pretty significantly just
9920s a minute and a half left on the clock
9921s for them
9924s thank you
9935s anyone in the shop on the sidelines but
9937s Island's not really playing that
9939s Halo slowly moving backwards no matter
9941s what happens
9943s on fire yeah oh and gets another one
9947s both DPS is down to Ace I mean that
9949s there's there's winning the sniper deal
9951s and then there's winning the sniper 1v2
9953s uh Ace we've said this before of him one
9955s of those players that warps the game
9957s around his presence in it
9960s oh beautiful
9965s almost as beautiful as a view of the
9967s Mediterranean Sea
9971s sniper well you're going to view the
9972s harbor behind you
9975s which is uh was it called Hercule
9978s Hercules Harbor
9980s uh maybe I honestly don't know I feel
9982s like I should know wow it seems like the
9984s kind of Truth should know his arms I'm
9986s ashamed that you don't know you should
9988s be ashamed I am ashamed I
9992s I can never go to Pub trivia again
9997s who knows where those dragons come from
9999s Ace fighting heads once again jw3 down
10002s looking for a body shot on Newman knows
10003s take a little bit of uh take a little
10005s bit of heat there let's set this up
10007s remove noise they're trying to stay in
10008s at Ace a little bit low can't be too
10010s aggressive here Calvin is down he's
10012s still desperately fishing through
10014s dramatic Flex will catch him oh man
10015s there we go even with the trade uh back
10019s there Thailand not enough members left
10020s on this point Pally Dunning for a second
10022s too late
10023s two and a half minutes on the clock for
10025s Malaysia to try and capture B but they
10027s do get their a cap out of the line
10029s our miraculous push coming through from
10030s Malaysia Well Done by fantasy there good
10032s gravitic flux catches Ace shot of a 3K
10036s but buy themselves the opportunity to
10037s push a little bit further I mean they're
10038s going to need it because Thailand's own
10040s attack is going to be probably quite
10041s deadly
10042s Jay swapped off the watermaker now over
10044s towards the trace so that'll give thanks
10046s a lot of free reign on these angles
10048s you think I think Jay is a little
10050s concerned about the lack of good
10051s offensive angles here but Ace has no
10053s Challenger now yeah that's a that's a
10055s big beat there losing fantasy
10059s and now numinole's going down so
10061s Malaysia fully repelled and Ace finds
10063s another just absolutely tearing it up
10071s we continue
10073s regular programming of Ace collecting
10077s hands high Vision or get in on that as
10078s well
10080s Malaysia getting handily our range there
10083s as well he would just struggle to round
10085s the bin put themselves Back In
10087s Contention touch the payload again even
10088s Calvin's quite pushed up numerals gets
10090s to punish
10092s the marking
10100s flux channel so not going to get the
10102s value out of it and now goes down they
10104s committed a window and just not getting
10106s anything out of either of those
10107s ultimates this is a big opportunity for
10109s Malaysia too for nothing a lot of
10110s ultimates expended
10112s Ace immediately back in collects two
10114s kills like it is nothing and suddenly
10117s shoots back in the other foot Malaysia
10119s they're on the cart but Thailand have
10120s enough time and space to play through to
10122s get the rest of these members back just
10123s off base collecting those two kills
10125s fantasy low HP has a shield up but not
10129s in time to save him from high Vision
10130s incredibly heavy off angle here with the
10132s imprecise aces looking for one ace will
10134s find more numerals on the sides
10136s shivering shaking oh and he's gone
10146s it's 20 seconds on the clock left for
10148s Malaysia that
10150s battle shine they had gets quickly
10151s clouded over by Ace so they're gonna
10154s have to find a significant pick it's
10156s gonna be a tough ask
10161s and
10171s carry it down but dies shortly
10173s thereafter jw3 down to ace to the poison
10176s right in fact as Cali's Transcendence
10178s will keep Tyler nice and safe flux up
10180s and down but not really any opportunity
10182s to follow up on those kills fantasy now
10184s dead and that is everyone from Malaysia
10185s the gong will ring out and Signal
10188s Thailand's successful defense that's not
10192s a whole lot of distance for Thailand to
10193s cover to secure this series
10197s not at all which is why I was saying you
10198s know for Malaysia pretty good that they
10200s got the a point in general but they're
10202s going to need a little bit more than
10203s that
10204s we had the ace sharp even in Aces World
10206s currently
10209s not a lot of challenges once jw3 got off
10211s the automaker
10214s the Tracer wasn't going to do a lot on
10216s the attack
10222s just really enjoying the view of the sea
10224s there it's a shame we only ever get it
10225s impossible there it is
10228s the duck have a name
10231s what Hercules is the name Port Hercules
10233s I'm going to call the duck Hercules
10235s actually
10240s yeah
10242s do you know how much it costs to
10245s I don't think this is the correct term
10246s park your boat in Port Hercules more is
10249s the term you're looking for I imagine
10251s there's like a minimum like million
10253s dollars or something
10256s a million dollars a day probably I don't
10259s know some ridiculous number some num
10261s like I guarantee the amount it costs to
10263s park your boat there I just said as well
10265s it's a more your boat in Hercules Harbor
10267s is like more than I will ever have at
10270s any one time in my life so go on what's
10273s the number
10275s uh the answer is it changes depending on
10277s what's on thanks
10280s well assuming nothing is off it's about
10282s 12 it's about 1200 Euros a day I think
10284s actually actually had 1200 Euro at some
10287s point in my life
10288s a day depending on what is on like if
10291s it's examining on
10294s such as for example
10296s whatever this race is a long time or or
10299s a fight there's a fight I imagine it
10301s would be very expensive a fight between
10304s almost the exact same Heroes but do you
10306s see a Sombra on board
10310s or Andre land I suppose but yeah
10313s and slow push here for Thailand to start
10315s things off uh again only about halfway
10317s through b they need to get looking very
10319s achievable if they can get a quick pick
10321s early in the fighter base can collect a
10323s few more he has been pretty good at
10324s clicking ahead there it goes bad shot
10328s fantastic from Ace
10330s will get the a cap looking for another
10333s one oh there we go fud's fantasy with
10335s the body shot that's the acap dunzo 58.6
10338s meters on B that's all they've got to
10340s get and they're going to have about five
10341s and a half minutes to do it
10343s take your pick which one of those clips
10346s do you want for play the match Jesus
10349s and you're looking at Ace play this here
10351s it's like it doesn't feel like widow's
10352s been nerfed at all
10354s it's trying to get us it's solo pushing
10356s oh Alicia's trying to get our spawn
10358s they're playing their C Point
10360s composition on B
10362s somebody tell Malaysia that this game is
10363s not going to go to Sea
10365s yeah this is gonna be a long one here
10367s fantasy already down it's looking pretty
10369s rough for Malaysia oh hey hey gets
10373s another luminars down fishing for more
10375s what will he find body shot Gemini note
10377s High Vision takes that one away from him
10378s looking for the last shot over onto
10381s kicksmico not gonna find that one ah
10383s does find it with the uh alternate fire
10385s he'll take it
10387s oh
10390s and it's over that was the last head
10392s shot that last shot he was even a
10393s headshot so there you go
10396s I mean Ace just he turned that into the
10399s eighth show
10400s look at sigma's weird toes what's up
10402s with that
10405s it's very judgmental you
10408s I don't think he uh I don't think his
10410s feelings will be hurt he's not real
10418s got like a million headshots no no the
10421s game likes ultimates it does like an
10424s ultimate if you use ultimate the game
10426s the game likes you a lot but yeah
10427s Thailand 2-0 Victory as expected I think
10430s the only real
10431s hurdles there was a single fight loss on
10434s Nepal
10436s train
10437s the loss of point a on circuit that's
10440s about it but Thailand just got
10442s themselves a bit of extended gameplay
10443s they count a and then just keep pushing
10444s on through ACE is continuing his
10447s long-range spawn camping if that's even
10448s a thing it basically is given how deadly
10451s he was just firing upon everyone walking
10452s out
10454s rice was having an incredible game uh
10456s there's nothing really else we can say I
10459s feel like just watch him get shot after
10461s shot so well done to Thailand they're a
10464s clean 2-0 on the board
10467s and this is a really comfortable place
10469s for Thailand to be right now right that
10471s was that's they already had a good
10473s showing against Australia in spite of
10474s the loss this is exactly the kind of uh
10476s result we should see uh in this
10478s particular match so this is Thailand
10480s kind of painting by the numbers is the
10481s term I've used previously today and I'm
10483s going to stick by it uh when you
10485s consider their overall tournament live
10487s they kind of got the hardest one out of
10488s the way India is going to be the real
10489s tell for them but they're in good form
10490s they should feel very confident right
10492s now
10495s yeah I think they they don't really have
10497s too many challenges here losing to
10498s Australia hurt but they're clearly Still
10499s A Cut Above everyone else they already
10502s beat New Zealand a little bit earlier on
10504s and as you mentioned now it very clearly
10507s might be Thailand versus India to decide
10510s who makes it I mean Thailand India
10512s versus Australia will still be a game
10514s that's important there might even be a
10516s three-way tiebreaker depending on how
10517s this goes around it's possible it's
10518s certainly possible map differential May
10520s well start to count as well which is
10522s where Thailand having that two to one
10523s against Australia could be a little bit
10525s of a Difference Maker in the grand
10526s scheme of things
10528s and if we look at today's overall wins
10531s we can see it was a 2-0 across the board
10533s as was predicted India Australia and
10536s Thailand all taking the winds out today
10538s well done to each of those teams
10541s they all had they all had Fairly maybe
10543s easy games except the Indian New Zealand
10545s one I think New Zealand put up a bit of
10547s a fight there
10548s um but the other two potentially easier
10550s matches match-ups for them today yeah
10553s certainly the closest of the night that
10554s very first one
10556s um but even even so you know the result
10558s speaks for itself and uh that was one of
10561s those matches where it's like that's
10562s that's the gatekeep right that's the
10564s team you have to be beating if you do
10565s want to get into that top four indeed
10567s that top three uh so the the scope is
10570s very much set now for this tournament we
10572s know exactly who our top three are
10573s exactly who our bottom three are uh it's
10576s gonna be a tough ask for any of that
10577s bottom three to dislodge one of the top
10579s three really is starting to look like a
10580s scrap between those three teams on that
10581s leaderboard
10583s yeah let's take a look at the
10584s leaderboard after day three India
10586s Australia and Thailand all sitting at
10588s the top there Thailand with the one loss
10591s though and New Zealand Malaysia and
10593s Singapore holding the bottom of the
10595s board so yeah it's looking like India
10597s Australia and Thailand are sitting
10599s pretty up the top there uh and we'll be
10601s sure three favorites
10604s yeah I think you're the the top four as
10606s noted free tournament but also the top
10609s three is now starting to form New
10611s Zealand being cut out of that and
10612s eventually we'll out of those
10615s looking like any two out of the three
10617s possibilities so unclear as to who
10619s exactly makes it out now but it's
10621s exciting that it's at least a minimum a
10622s three horse race exactly
10625s all right let's take a look at our
10627s macca's play of the day for for today's
10630s games and it is going to be color hex
10634s uh here with the cleanup uh when they
10636s changed over to them they copied over
10639s the May yep and getting that point
10642s very nice blizzard in that particular
10643s fight and uh one of the one of the
10646s stronger plays uh I mean one of the
10647s things we remarks about New Zealand is
10649s that they they sort of live and die by
10650s color hex right now um which isn't to
10652s discredit the other players uh it's more
10654s that you know color hex is really solid
10656s when he's on form when he's not quite
10658s able to hold hold his own against the
10659s opponents uh that's that's when things
10661s start to unravel a bit for New Zealand
10662s they don't quite have the depth in the
10664s roster compared to the other teams I
10666s think that's the most most critical
10667s detail really that speaks to how good a
10669s lot of these other teams are
10671s um one thing that's worth noting though
10672s is because there's a week now for the
10676s rest of uh before until the rest of this
10677s tournament there is time for teams to go
10679s away turn things around uh come back in
10681s slightly better form so as much as the
10683s settings are starting to look quite
10684s settled there's still a lot of time left
10687s in this tournament to turn things around
10688s it upsets very much
10691s Malaysia New Zealand both need to win
10694s the remainder of their games and
10695s unfortunately uh they have to play
10696s against each other which means only one
10697s of them can as I mentioned you'd need at
10700s least like a 3-2 score line here to even
10701s have a hope and even then you'd have to
10704s rely on some tie Breakers to go your way
10705s well we do have a lot of matches left so
10708s let's take a look at what we've got in
10709s store starting on Friday next week we'll
10712s have India versus Australia which should
10715s be a very good map to watch that's going
10717s to be quite I think a close tough game
10719s so I'm very excited for that one then we
10721s have Malaysia versus New Zealand
10722s followed by Thailand versus Singapore at
10725s the end some good maps good matchups
10727s that first one is is pretty interesting
10730s uh and so far as you still tip Australia
10733s as the favorite they were also able to
10735s beat Out Thailand what you're really
10736s looking for there is uh how good to
10738s India look because Thailand looked good
10740s India and Thailand don't play each other
10742s until later on in the tournament so
10744s that's really the one where you get that
10746s comparative data ahead of what will
10748s probably be the decider for the second
10750s seed and also as we kind of remark there
10752s as well New Zealand versus Malaysia
10753s that's a Do or Die whoever loses that
10755s does not have a pathway out of this
10756s group stage anymore
10758s absolutely yeah two really important
10760s games there Ben Thailand versus
10761s Singapore who are at this stage with
10763s their three losses uh they'll be
10765s fighting for you know at least a little
10766s bit of prestige and some some reputation
10768s then hopefully bring it back a little
10769s bit try and be competitive see what they
10771s can do after a week
10772s um well what a fantastic start to Group
10775s B here this weekend we'll be back next
10778s week everyone with some more games and
10780s to see who makes it uh in the top two
10783s and out of the online qualifiers catch
10786s you all then
10789s [Music]