6 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what is up we are at BlizzCon 2023 we're
3s here with thunder bunny I'm n I'm David
6s Sor Panda Kika Sarah Julian and Julian
9s who are you cosplaying as right now
11s Undead Cassidy I got to ask how long did
12s it take you to make this 6 months and
15s planning about three with
16s procrastination and you know so I made
18s the coat this last week in a in a week
21s yeah I mean you got to turn around it's
22s a snowball look at it this is amazing
25s like you got the life pedals and
26s everything life weer is pretty viable
28s right right yeah he is so actually I did
30s have to ask you you saw a new character
32s today malga ma he big he's going to be
36s huge pres and all the fire guns and that
39s sounds wild I'm excited for it have you
41s been enjoying blizz gon so far yeah it's
42s this is my first bliz gon this is my
44s first time cosplaying as well so it's
45s just like fun first experience so well
47s you knocked it out of the park well
49s thank you very much I hope you enjoy the
50s rest of biscon give me another Victory
55s [Music]
57s post