about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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567s so
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893s as long as he can the point is allowed
895s to flip now the mayhem sweep them away
910s [Music]
911s really starting to go off now what the
913s hell did i just win this uh pardon all
916s right looks like pork's back on the menu
918s boys
919s killed two and he dropped it sides three
936s where did that come from
938s [Music]
946s hello everyone and welcome to watchpoint
948s i'm audley mayne if you're asking
950s yourself who is she and what is she
952s doing here well so am i but i'll be
954s filling in as your host for this week
956s but luckily i won't be doing it alone
958s because joining me is jonathan
960s reinforced larson and of course scott
962s custa kennedy guys what's up i'm here
964s i'm joining you this
967s is gonna go places i feel like we did we
970s did our thing last week we did we did a
972s live stream we gave you a crash course
974s on the overwatch league you're now a
975s professional uh that went terribly so
978s we'll see how this goes terribly what do
979s you mean okay we have to explain for the
981s people who may not be following uh your
984s stream please i was interested in the
986s overwatch league i was interested in the
988s scene i'm like you know what it's been a
989s little bit since i've checked in and you
991s were gracious enough to put together a
993s powerpoint presentation for me i'm a
995s professional yeah about all of the teams
997s you stole graphics from some of your
998s co-workers and then yeah
1000s giving credits yeah no credits i just
1003s think the end result was a bit
1004s disappointing so i i think we're all
1006s bracing ourselves because you turned out
1008s to be a fusion fan so we're just oh oh
1010s we're gonna jump into that a little bit
1013s later there johnny because i don't
1014s understand you know what the um but
1017s we'll get into it a little bit later but
1019s yeah guys i'm super excited to be
1020s joining you uh for this overwatch league
1022s and especially uh for this week's
1024s tournament because i think it's going to
1025s be a lot of fun please be nice to me i
1028s will not be nice to them though i'm not
1030s going to be nice to you guys yeah we
1032s expect that you're not you're not very
1034s nice to me this whole time i feel like
1035s you're going to make fun of me and
1037s johnny and we're just going to
1039s everyone's going to laugh and point it
1040s out
1042s raise yourself it's fine i just love the
1044s fact that the way that i know both of
1046s you is because i know each of your
1049s fiances yeah that's the funniest part of
1051s all of this they didn't know me
1053s apparently yeah that's old me and i'm
1054s like who no oh oh you're they're fiance
1058s oh okay
1059s i know where we are now but regardless
1061s guys i'm very excited for this desk and
1063s hopefully everyone else is too because
1066s you're stuck with us for the mid-season
1067s madness tournament but we'll be bringing
1069s you the hype plays and hot takes all
1071s week long starting with arguably the
1073s most exciting part of the day
1076s the mid-season madness bracket let's go
1079s rock it let's go
1082s there we go we have all four of our
1084s matches on the screen today because
1086s we're kicking the week off with four
1087s games today to see who will move on to
1089s tomorrow's matches against our top four
1092s seated teams and who will drop into the
1094s losers bracket on day one so custa why
1098s don't you uh explain a little bit how
1100s today is going to go in terms of the
1101s bracket cause clearly we see that we are
1103s seeing eight of our teams participating
1106s today yeah they're going
1108s yeah so we have these eight teams
1109s playing today the winners of these
1111s matches will then be chosen
1113s by the four teams that you see on the
1115s tuesday brackets so they are the number
1117s four seeds they get a buy in the first
1119s round and then they will select the
1120s winners of those matches the losers of
1122s today's matches though they are not out
1124s there is a loser's bracket down there
1126s it's just a lot of matches so it's hard
1127s to show in a single graphic so they will
1129s go down to the losers bracket everyone
1131s has two chances in this tournament and
1132s we of course we're starting the day off
1135s with london spitfire taking on atlanta
1137s rain then we're gonna see the shanghai
1139s dragons take on okay well toronto defy
1141s and then we have of course two more
1143s matches after that now gentlemen i know
1145s that we are only on day one of the
1148s mid-season madness tournament because
1150s it's my first day i would like to start
1153s it off by wildly speculating as to who
1155s you have winning the entire thing of
1157s course yeah of course
1160s we haven't started shot so we're going
1162s to jump right into it to reinforce who
1164s do you got call your shot so okay here's
1166s how it is here so it is okay i i i
1168s approach this question and i thought
1169s it'd be super boring like how lame of a
1171s person could you be to pick a team like
1173s the l.a gladius so i went with the
1175s shanghai dragons for this one i think
1176s they're a bit of an underdog going into
1178s this tournament of course they won last
1180s year i know they won last year but they
1182s struggled so far this year um they
1184s figured out their tank issues going into
1186s this one they're playing the
1187s compositions that they did last year
1189s that israel like claimed to fame so you
1191s know they're like a you know band
1192s playing the old hits again on tour and
1193s you're like yeah finally you guys
1195s realize this is all you have to do and
1197s we'll be satisfied i avoid kevin of the
1199s sigma sometimes like here on circuit
1201s real for example but for the majority of
1204s the time they've chosen to have faith
1206s play the tank roll for them it just
1208s makes more sense when it comes to the
1209s shot calling for them playing these
1211s wrecking ball dive compositions isaiah
1214s here on the honor but he's playing a lot
1216s of zenyatta too so the shanghai dragons
1218s i really do think that they're a great
1219s pick to win this tournament because they
1221s found their strength and this is what
1222s they're sticking to they found their
1224s identity and they're leaning into it so
1225s many of these other teams around the
1228s entire league they're picking all these
1230s different kinds of compositions they're
1231s trying to outsmart their opponents
1233s outrageous themselves in many in many
1235s ways shanghai dragons they're pretty
1236s much only going to pay this throughout
1238s their tournament the entire tournament
1239s but they're fantastic at it they are so
1241s good at this composition and i think
1243s that strength will carry them through so
1245s many of these matches this week we're
1247s just gonna have to see if that's how
1248s it's gonna play out but johnny is
1250s dancing with the dan the dragons so
1251s custer who are you repping
1253s i'm going for the boring team according
1255s to johnny
1257s i'm going for the los angeles guys i
1258s don't know how apparently i'm the boring
1261s one when you chose the 2021 champs
1265s yeah but the gladiators that's because
1267s they're on the rise they're an exciting
1268s team to look at right now because they
1270s have been incredible throughout the
1272s entire season they only have two match
1274s losses throughout this entire season and
1276s that was the back-to-back reverse sweep
1278s two matches that they should have won
1280s against the dallas fuel and the san
1281s francisco shock so the gladiators since
1284s then they're on like a 10 match win
1286s streak something ridiculous right now
1288s and it is on the back of this kevster
1290s and rhino dive we know kevs that can
1292s play the genji tracer reiner can play
1294s the winston doomfist and just the
1296s coordination that they manage to have it
1298s is some of the best dive that we've seen
1300s throughout the entirety of the league
1301s and then you just look at their backline
1303s they have shoe and skewed they have the
1305s flexibility to play that double flex
1307s support but skewed can only go over to
1309s that brig if needed it's just really an
1312s exciting team and the gladiators are no
1314s longer the sadiators the big linchpin i
1317s think of this tournament is going to be
1321s paddy pan on this sojourn he is someone
1323s who has been inconsistent throughout the
1324s season but he has been incredibly
1326s dominant on this surgeon from time to
1328s time and he was i guess the kickoff
1330s clash standout for that team last time
1332s so will he step up in the land once
1334s again i'm sorry did you call them the
1336s zadiators the saudiators
1339s satiators yeah they're sorry okay
1342s i heard zaddy is that
1344s i heard the zadiators and i'm like you
1346s might be turning me from that team like
1348s hold on what's going on but explain what
1350s you were saying so yeah the gladiators
1352s have
1353s inherently always disappointed their
1355s fans this is the first time that they
1356s haven't been disappointing us time and
1358s time again so they are no longer the
1360s satiaters they are well and truly the
1362s gladiators and i hope they keep me glad
1364s throughout this moment all right i'm
1365s just i would like to right here on
1367s watchpoint coin the term zadiators
1370s though because i think that that should
1371s be their new social media some anime
1373s thing or something yeah i know you've
1374s never heard of zaddy no what's that no
1376s is it a veggie
1378s it's like a carrot squash kind of thing
1379s you know what
1380s let's talk about it later all right
1383s gentlemen both of your guesses were
1385s pretty good but also very very wrong
1388s because i'm calling it right now my
1390s first prediction ever on the watch point
1392s desk and saying that philadelphia fusion
1394s are going to be taking it all okay
1396s hear me out i may be completely and
1398s totally biased since i had a friend who
1400s is coaching uh the fusion for a little
1403s bit and he said if you don't cheer for
1405s my team i will not be your friend for
1407s all of eternity uh and then sounds like
1410s bias
1411s no not at all and then because you had
1413s told me that philadelphia fusion
1415s connected with t1
1418s t1 has faker in the league of legends so
1421s you know i have to just assume that by
1423s association this is very different than
1425s this
1426s very different to pop off and then in
1428s addition to that joe marsh used to sign
1430s my paychecks
1432s and i want him to continue doing that so
1434s that's why i think that
1436s are going to be the ones who are going
1437s to take this entire tournament so you're
1440s on the payroll is what i'm hearing right
1442s now
1443s maybe i would like to stay on the
1445s payroll maybe i would like to see that
1446s payroll being increased or maybe i just
1448s have such a you know like a strong and
1450s passionate connection for the fusion
1453s fans i mean like
1454s tweet yeah and and the money but wait we
1457s so yeah we we should tell you about
1459s something about the philadelphia fusion
1460s this is how it is yeah uh they are
1462s they're great as you can tell they've
1464s made it very far a lot of times
1466s historically they have never won
1468s anything ever
1470s never never play in tournaments but you
1472s know playings don't really count one two
1474s three four that's six second place yeah
1478s yeah
1479s uh so you can you can it's it's i've
1481s heard it's really fun being a
1482s philadelphia fusion fans they're always
1484s really cheery on twitter and
1486s i think you'll fit right in they
1488s complain a lot about how their team is
1490s like just doesn't make it and they're
1491s like in a depression cycle so you sound
1494s like a roller coaster yeah you like
1495s really i like theme parks but you know
1497s what all that graphic showed me with
1499s those six second place victories
1501s is that they are due for a championship
1504s win so i am sticking with my guns it's
1506s gonna be the fusion first place
1509s fans hear me out we've got this okay
1512s now we all have our opinions as to who
1514s will leave this week the winner so i
1516s can't wait for this segment's check-in
1518s later this week when we recall our shots
1522s you see what i did there
1524s got a week of this
1525s you're stuck with me for the full week
1527s buckle in now we've got four great games
1529s today and coming up next we're gonna
1531s make custa and reinforce fight about
1533s three of them so don't go anywhere
1564s [Music]
1577s do
1590s [Music]
1635s so
1643s [Music]
1678s [Music]
1701s do
1716s [Music]
1719s hey everyone and welcome back to
1720s watchpoint now guys i opened up the chat
1722s just first do that i opened up the chat
1724s just for a second because i wanted to
1726s you know excuse myself see everything
1728s and all i saw was just a flood of she
1730s doesn't know she doesn't she doesn't
1733s know as soon as i started prepping the
1734s fusion so i like the chat yeah you like
1738s chatting i like the chat oh i see
1739s pandering to the audience i like it
1741s you're gonna need it you need someone on
1742s your side when you're a philadelphia
1744s fusion fan you need someone to hold as
1745s you go you have an entire support system
1747s laid out yeah it's it's impressive yeah
1749s all right please keep feeding me all of
1751s these support links for the fusion in
1752s the chat guys because i'm gonna need it
1754s but we have got so many games to cover
1756s it today so why not kick off the day
1758s with a game for ourselves i'm gonna turn
1761s reinforce and custa against each other
1762s in a good old-fashioned face-off
1767s very intense
1769s now here is how it's going to work i'm
1772s going to assign each of you a side to a
1774s match-up and then you have 45 seconds to
1777s tell me why you think your team is going
1779s to win now when you hear the buzzer you
1782s better stop talking otherwise i'm going
1784s to curse all your future overwatch games
1785s so
1787s do we get to pick the teams no
1788s absolutely not i get to pick the teams
1790s i'm in charge here okay i wrote it in my
1792s contract must be able to play puppet
1794s maps i can do this for everyone i can do
1796s this i got this here you go okay then
1798s let's start off with houston vs florida
1801s now scott you've got houston let's put
1802s 45 seconds up on the clock and go okay
1806s the houston outlaws they have been an
1808s incredibly strong team throughout this
1810s season they have a double flex support
1812s meta i know i didn't start off very
1814s strong with that one but they have they
1815s have iris and lastro they finally have
1817s the proper meta in which they can
1819s utilize their pieces merit statistically
1821s is one of the best solutions that we
1823s have in this league and they have been
1824s leaning onto it they're going up against
1826s the florida mayhem xe is going to fall
1828s over in comparison to merit and then you
1831s have so many great things like the dante
1833s doomfist dante is going absolutely crazy
1836s they have the option to sub in piggy
1837s something that they did not have in the
1839s kirchhoff clash they are just a better
1841s team yes they've only ever won one
1843s playoff match as a franchise team but
1845s this is the time houston outlaws jake
1847s i'm looking at you i'm no longer in a
1848s bathroom i'm no longer anywhere i want
1850s you to pop off i want you to take this
1852s to the next level you can't lie to me
1854s you can't hurt me here i'm in a truck
1856s let's go houston
1858s [Music]
1860s it's time for you and i'm glad that you
1862s brought that up because i was about to
1863s ask you like did jake tell you all that
1865s no i know i didn't tell you about this
1868s just in my nightmares he lives rent-free
1871s playing a game of telephone like you
1873s walk into the bathrooms just jake is
1875s that you give me the stress
1878s that was pretty good but uh okay johnny
1880s you are about to do something that no
1882s one has ever done before
1884s defend florida 45 seconds up on the
1887s clock and ready set a go
1890s well first of all i don't have a
1892s bathroom story so i think i win by
1894s default
1895s like
1896s the florida mayhem they're actually like
1898s a respectable team in that regard they
1900s might be known as the florida mid-m
1902s because they can't actually beat any
1904s good teams but they also don't lose
1906s against any bad teams and you know
1908s houston outlaws houston above of course
1911s there's always used to them all so the
1912s florida mayhem they just have to show up
1914s and they're essentially going to win
1915s this match it doesn't even matter what
1916s they do they have someone he's an
1918s absolute chad in the tank roll the
1920s energy he brings he's going to turn up
1922s to the server and just dominate the
1924s opposition against the houston outlaws
1926s hydrant as well xc it doesn't matter who
1928s you sub in they're both really good
1930s soldiers so in that regard there's two
1932s against one okay meredith is one good
1933s soldier player in front of miami's two
1935s you can't play two at once though
1938s well now you don't have your time
1939s anymore but you know i'm sorry
1942s i can't speak when he's speaking you
1943s can't okay you know i mean you can if
1945s it's funny okay you'll allow it
1950s that's okay uh zero points awarded to
1952s you a million plus yeah one
1955s there wasn't a point system until five
1956s seconds ago but i've just introduced it
1959s johnny
1960s let's go
1962s now our next matchup is toronto versus
1964s shanghai now johnny you already called
1966s shanghai to win it all so why not give
1968s us your point again but this time make
1970s it louder and more aggressive like they
1973s do in those sports talk shows so 45
1975s seconds up on the clock and go the
1977s shanghai dragons one of the best teams
1980s to have ever existed in the overwatch
1982s league fate on this wrecking ball you
1984s don't want to mess with him the way he
1986s rolls around the map controls all the
1987s surface area it's incredibly difficult
1990s for the opposition to even move okay
1991s they don't have any level whatsoever
1993s okay you get claustrophobic when you
1995s play against faith and it's wrecking
1996s ball because he's so damn good at it
1998s lift on the sodium as well we know that
2000s he was one of the best hitscan players
2001s in the entire world but he's turning up
2003s once more and he he might as well be the
2004s best soldier in the entire league it's
2006s unbelievable what this guy can do in the
2008s server and they're just going to tear
2010s the opposition to shreds mark my words
2013s flat as well
2014s not a reigning mep but he
2016s might be the reigning mvp the way it's
2018s been playing the last couple of seasons
2019s i'm telling you this damage line would
2021s fade as well and i haven't even spoken
2023s about the support line it's the best
2024s support line in the entire it is not the
2027s best what are we living in
2031s watching them this season you'll have
2033s you'll have your 45 seconds you'll have
2034s your 45 but johnny i just do want to say
2036s that
2037s you belong on tv like that was just
2040s excellent you think that you really have
2041s the voice for it but now i think that
2044s it's
2044s time to hear from custa now that i think
2046s about it i think that you actually have
2047s the perfect face for radio so let's go
2049s ahead 45 seconds on the clock for
2051s toronto and go
2052s why would you say that there was
2054s no noise
2057s they are a team that no one is really
2059s expecting to pop off they have no
2061s expectations heading into this but they
2063s are the definition of a team where the
2065s talent is there they have heisu he is
2067s one of the best hitscans that we've had
2069s over the last couple of seasons he is
2070s consistent the backline twilight who is
2073s a championship winner he is incredible
2075s he is one of the best animes that we
2076s have in the league even zenyatta that we
2078s know from the 2019 goats era they have
2080s churung standing next to him one of the
2082s best rookie main sports coming into the
2084s league and then muse is apparently
2086s statistically just one of the best
2087s doomfists that we have in this league
2089s he's been integrating some of the
2090s winston where he needs to from time to
2092s time and i just think they're going to
2094s be stronger team and you can never count
2096s them up yes they're going up against the
2097s shanghai dragons yes they're great but
2099s johnny's hyping them up saying that
2100s they're the best franchise of all time
2102s they went 0 and 40 in the past season
2104s and that is true even i heard about that
2107s everyone loves a good comeback yeah but
2109s if the comebacks are over they've
2110s already won once you've heard the word
2112s come back a bowl before right yeah no
2115s that's not a wood c come back no
2116s winnable
2117s no comebackable combatable that's not
2119s come back that's not a word it is a word
2121s it's not a word it's a word and it
2123s exists within esports because if you see
2124s a game and it looks like oh no it's
2126s winnable it's okay it's combatable no
2128s it's winnable
2133s we'll take a look after but uh next up
2136s is a match that we've already seen time
2138s and time again before which makes it a
2140s great match to end on so scott do the
2143s fusion fanatics proud and tell us why
2145s philadelphia is going to beat hangzhou
2147s 45 seconds
2149s go i'm getting only some opium right
2151s here mn3 just put in one of the best in
2153s the individual performances that we've
2155s ever seen on hitscan on that ash he has
2157s been dominant at it and he is going to
2159s dominate the hong joe spark in this
2161s match and on top of that they have zest
2163s someone who is a rookie of the year
2165s canada just off of how good his genji
2167s and his tracer has been bellis rio on
2169s those dive heroes has been good yes they
2171s have not had a great stage yes they have
2173s not been living up to the expectations
2174s that we had from the beginning of the
2176s season but they always show up in the
2178s playoffs you know we just looked at a
2180s graphic of a lot of seconds you know
2181s what is great about coming second that
2183s means you dominated everyone else to get
2185s there so i think the philadelphia fusion
2187s is a team that will always show up to
2189s the playoffs will they win probably not
2190s they're going to come second again but
2192s at least they're going to win this match
2193s against the spock
2195s all right i'll i'll allow it you know i
2197s was even going to give you an extra 45
2199s seconds there you beat out the buzzer um
2202s they're not going to come in second
2203s they're going to come in first can i get
2204s a million and one points for that just
2205s so i'm ahead i forgot we were doing
2206s points yeah sure you get a million haha
2209s we have to hear from johnny first
2210s although i don't know how you're going
2212s to combat that because that seems pretty
2213s flawless to me but go on go why do you
2216s think hong kong's going to win 45
2217s seconds
2218s so as someone who's new
2220s to the scene overall what if i told you
2224s that hangzhou spark is the philadelphia
2226s fusion but better
2231s but better okay
2233s look they they have a pretty similar
2235s like match record so far this year
2237s they've gone head to head against each
2238s other many different times we're not
2240s going to talk about who's the better of
2241s these two teams when i go head-to-head
2243s against each other but overall i do
2245s think that the hangzhou spark still is
2246s the better team of the two i mean shai
2249s yeah he's an incredible uh hit game
2251s player and also he cosplays so i don't
2253s know if that's bonus but
2255s yeah well uh it's like anime things
2258s or something i i don't know i don't know
2261s weeb stuff i don't know
2262s but they have lots of great other
2264s players and just in time for this they
2266s started utilizing all their players
2267s custom the hanger sparks they're using
2269s all their players this is a great style
2270s can i just follow up that question you
2272s know
2273s you know when he said they're better
2274s than philadelphia fusion how did hong ko
2276s spark do in the kickoff class shauni
2279s did they win a map i think if they
2281s didn't win which is the same as the
2283s fusion so fusion was there at the end
2285s coming second yet again but they were
2288s there
2289s all right no the producer is in my ear
2292s saying okay crazy lady let's move along
2294s so i think that's what we kind of have
2295s to do right now but it was a lot of fun
2297s and i can't wait to see chat and social
2299s media tear you two up over your opinions
2301s because i sure know that i will now for
2303s everyone at home we're just minutes away
2305s from the start of atlanta versus london
2307s so don't go anywhere
2319s [Music]
2332s [Music]
2348s let's go
2358s [Music]
2360s so
2370s [Music]
2391s [Music]
2402s let's go
2418s [Music]
2461s me
2469s me
2473s [Music]
2478s [Music]
2492s welcome back to watchpoint we're about
2493s to start our first match of the day
2495s where the london spitfire are taking on
2497s the atlanta reign now this first match
2499s of the day should be a banger and a
2501s brawler so reinforce london has defined
2505s the reinhart role in the 2022 season so
2507s what else do they need to do to improve
2509s well they have to utilize that
2510s composition because they are so
2512s extremely good at it but now when you've
2514s qualified for the mid-season manners
2517s you're playing some of the best teams in
2518s the league and they know what you're
2519s going to play so you're not going to
2521s have like the strategic upper hand with
2523s the element of surprise if we take a
2525s look at the hero usage stats so far in
2527s the mid-season matters qualifiers forty
2529s five point nine percent reinhardt's
2531s usually not gonna walk
2533s look at the bottom reinhardt usage
2535s league average is 5.9 so they're using
2537s it 40 more than other teams on average
2541s they love this dude all right but it can
2544s only like go get you so far it's very
2546s hard to counter the rhino composition
2548s you have to be extremely good at you
2550s know taking all these different kind of
2551s angles poking them down out rotating
2553s them but if you take a look at some of
2556s sparker's soldier and stats as well i
2558s mean he's been lights out at that hero
2560s so the long spitfire in my opinion they
2561s have to pick and choose really of course
2564s you can play the sojourn with the
2565s reinhardt as well if you'd like to do
2566s that but i think that the long spitfire
2568s they're going to have to pick their
2569s moments when they want to bring out the
2570s reinhardt this tournament because
2571s they're just simply going to get like
2573s overrun they're going to get poked out
2574s against some of the better teams in my
2575s opinion
2576s but it's something you can lean on on
2578s maps where it really caters to your
2579s advantage on midtown kingstrom for
2581s example but those kind of maps link
2583s tower right those are maps you can
2584s really bring out the reinhardt and gain
2586s an edge and it's going to be hard to
2587s counter but if you have to play like
2589s route 66 i mean just
2591s lean on sparker sojourn instead because
2594s i think they've proven so far at this
2595s stage that they actually can play some
2597s of these other compositions like the
2599s sigma composition for example they can
2600s force some of these dive compositions if
2602s they want to at a reasonable level so
2605s the longest spits fire more than any
2607s other team in this tournament in my
2608s opinion they're going to have to
2610s choose very wisely whether they want to
2613s commit to rhino compositions on certain
2614s maps or other more dive compositions on
2617s other maps and i heard atlanta has a
2619s good sojourn on the other side as well
2621s i've heard of a player called the kai
2623s guy so custa who is the key for this
2626s atlanta rain squad kai is a great
2628s surgeon but i don't think he is the key
2630s to the success for the atlanta reign in
2632s this tournament i actually think it's
2633s going to come down to hawke their coach
2635s brad has come out on social media and
2636s said they don't want to use gator for
2638s heroes like winston or reinhardt if they
2640s don't want to they want to use the
2642s flexibility of hawke and just how
2644s talented of a player he is and just
2646s utilize that so he has more synergy with
2648s the rest of the team this is his hero
2650s usage of tanks in the uh monthly melee
2652s not monthly melee the mid season madness
2654s tournament qualifier so far he's played
2656s a lot of doomfist the hero that we know
2658s he is very good at but he has that sigma
2660s in his back pocket but he's even been
2662s playing a little bit of this winston
2663s reinhardt and wrecking ball and i think
2664s for the london spitfire if you do want
2667s to win you need to get him onto those
2669s heroes you need to get him onto the
2670s things that he's not comfortable with if
2672s they can end up in this reinhardt
2673s miranda spitfire that's best case
2676s scenario for them so i think atlanta
2678s reign has that flexibility but it is not
2680s their strength that was a disrespectful
2682s shadow underdove they're right there but
2684s hawks are time to play excited to see
2685s more from them atlanta reign has been an
2687s inconsistent team so far this season
2689s which one of them is gonna show up in
2690s this tournament
2691s all right guys well after hearing from
2693s both of you on both of these sides of
2694s the team there's only one more thing to
2696s do let's pull up the prediction let's go
2699s here we go let's get into it who do you
2700s think are going to be the winners for
2703s today let's go ahead and take a look and
2705s of course we have zoe here okay in
2707s london all right london i see how it is
2710s johnny went for spock
2713s i did go for spark yeah you're off the
2715s group look i i i proclaimed my uh my
2719s allegiance with the hanging of spark for
2720s this season and i'm going to commit to
2722s that i think they're a fantastic team
2724s let's just wait to see the android sport
2726s actually winning and then we'll be all
2727s happy it's never happened so we'll see
2729s yeah it seems like we're in agreement
2730s everywhere else except for uh london
2732s spitfire you win london no you went
2734s london i went london but i'm staying
2736s right there you went london is it
2738s question mark well london is like the
2740s dark horse they're the popular team but
2742s are they actually going to win this
2743s match
2744s probably not but they did win the last
2746s time these two teams face so you could
2748s be right i'll tell you something
2750s my buddy robin used to be the manager
2752s for the spitfire
2754s wow that doesn't change anything and he
2756s invited me to barbecue at his house the
2759s other day so i'm going spitfire
2763s i told you full week of this but guys
2767s please don't go right straight into this
2768s please don't be right about yourself
2770s straight into this game watch the watch
2772s the prediction come out on top it's
2773s gonna happen but guys there's only one
2774s way to find out who is going to be
2776s victorious with these predictions right
2777s now and that's to jump into the game so
2779s the mid-season madness tournament starts
2782s right now
2795s [Music]
2799s unbelievable
2812s [Music]
2815s what the hell did i just witness uh
2818s pardon all right looks like pork's back
2820s on the menu boys
2821s killed two
2822s and he jumped at sides
2829s double three in overtime massive opening
2832s is shy looks incredible
2836s was that a triple collapse
2840s [Music]
2851s and good evening ladies and gentlemen
2852s and welcome to the mid-season madness
2855s tournament i'm achillios here with avril
2857s and that's right baby we are here for
2859s some international competition apple
2862s congratulations this is gonna be your
2863s first international bout that you get to
2865s come back a date and it's going to be
2867s absolutely wonderful we'll be bringing
2869s you guys the first two match-ups here of
2871s the day starting off with the london
2873s spitfire going up against the atlanta
2875s reign yeah you didn't think i'd skip out
2876s of the mid-season madness did you look
2878s i'm all geared up for hawaii this is my
2880s best hawaiian shirt or close enough that
2881s i can handle over here first time ever
2883s casting north american teams it's
2885s exciting for me i've been watching these
2886s teams from far for so long finally
2888s getting stuck into it here opening match
2890s of the entire tournament here our first
2892s ever global tournament said it's going
2894s to be atlanta rain versus london
2895s spitfire i think this is one of the
2897s developing north american rivalries from
2899s this year that it's just so cool to
2900s watch
2902s yeah it absolutely is but can't wait to
2904s get it i love how we we actually didn't
2905s even talk about what we were going to be
2907s wearing we just ended up kind of
2908s coordinating this uh just on the hive
2911s i'm going
2912s i'm going to guam next week and i was
2914s just like you know what i'm in a mindset
2915s to go to guam so i threw this shirt on
2917s and i'm like oh yeah oh what i like
2919s below you you've got to cut you know the
2921s pine tree leave kind of thing going i
2922s got the flower right above me fitting
2924s with my aesthetics you know we're all
2926s good we're all set it's all part of the
2927s thing we also have we also have the blue
2929s and the red so i'm spitfire and you're
2931s atlanta rain yeah i'm on the wrong side
2933s here we gotta swap around but other than
2935s that we're good we're good
2937s all right well this just worked out
2938s beautifully and in more ways than one
2940s and none of it was planned whatsoever i
2941s promise you that chat but
2943s yeah it's gonna be uh a very interesting
2946s series we'll see uh who we have for
2948s either side as well as we go ahead and
2950s take a look at our starting rosters to
2952s get into that so we can get into the
2954s action we'll be taking a look at the
2955s atlanta rain to kick things off
2957s yep atlanta rain uh last time they faced
2960s the london spitfire it did not go well
2962s for them but honestly this team still
2964s goes from strength to strength backed up
2966s by what i think is still you know on the
2968s eye test probably the best sojourn in
2969s the entire league here had some words
2972s from sephie their head coach brad as
2973s well saying that they've mostly put all
2975s their effort into hawk now in the tank
2977s position so we're less likely to see
2978s gator in f at all that was one thing
2980s that i had a little bit of christmas
2982s about their last bout with london being
2984s that it didn't seem like they were very
2985s prepared to face london on that mutual
2988s like sort of ryan match-up right this
2989s time around i think they're a lot more
2991s practice they've been playing hawk on
2992s the right as well hopefully if we do see
2993s that ryan match it'll be a good one
2998s yeah for sure i mean they've been saying
2999s you know a lot of stock being put into
3001s hawk wants to be you know kind of the
3003s the centerpiece of this team moving
3004s forward so we'll see how that does look
3006s if that matchup does come to fruition
3008s and we can only hope we can only keep
3009s our fingers crossed that it indeed does
3012s i'll have to just wait and see though
3014s and also see you know what the map said
3015s is going to be looking like whether or
3016s not it's really going to lend to that
3018s ryan comp style i think kind of
3019s regardless we can expect that the london
3021s spitfire are going to do their damnedest
3022s to make sure that they are uh running it
3024s no matter what they seem to be able to
3026s kind of fit that square peg into the
3028s round hole when it does come down to it
3029s they're just too damn good at the rush
3030s composition but you are starting spy for
3033s the side of the london spitfire almost
3035s said starting six
3036s pass anyway well they got more plays
3038s they got more players yeah they do they
3041s do obviously you know we have seen poco
3043s coming from time to time as well but
3044s this is going to be the starting five
3045s we've got backbone not boned back but
3047s we'll be in the dps lineup well that's
3049s the thing right i want to touch up on
3050s that that's i think one of the key
3052s conversations i have about this team is
3053s that when backbone goes to the flex
3055s support it's more than likely that you
3057s are seeing the dive right they're
3057s bringing shacks to play the tracer
3059s hearty goes to the winston backbone
3061s places in that's one of their key looks
3062s that they've been showing i think it's
3063s important for the london spitfire
3065s because early on especially the kickoff
3066s clash they were kind of like a ryan one
3068s trick team and that's you know fair
3070s criticism didn't look like a flexible
3072s kind of team roster at all christopher
3074s though it's kind of developed them into
3075s a much more flexible team now that we're
3077s seeing a lot more of the dive coming
3078s through that's not just looking at the
3080s ryan and you know they've been kind of
3082s match up against the dallas fuel even on
3083s that it's also that's been super
3085s impressive but it does also lead to the
3087s fact that i think the read on their
3088s roster and what they bring to the table
3090s is a little bit predictable like i sort
3091s of mentioned earlier shaq's coming in
3093s backbone got his end you know exactly
3094s what they're gonna play
3097s yep so it does kind of have that just
3099s translucent aspect i suppose as to what
3101s the playbook includes but again this is
3104s a team that has shown time and time
3105s again that they are just so darn good at
3107s what they like to play that even when
3109s you know what's coming it can be
3111s difficult to deal with we'll see if the
3113s atlanta rain are up to the task as we
3115s take a look at our map set it's gonna be
3116s liang tower selected by the london
3118s spitfires they do come into this as the
3120s higher seeded team and then we'll have
3123s the loser select from there on out as we
3124s make our way through the bracket
3128s and lee jung talon makes a lot of sense
3129s as the selected map here for the london
3131s spitfire given that i think of the
3133s control map pool this was the
3134s friendliest one for ryan rush i mean
3137s we've had comments from dp the head
3138s coach of vancouver titans saying as much
3139s as well um
3141s but i mean
3143s a very strong opening they certainly
3144s aren't going to be picking illios i
3145s think if we go to five maps if we go
3147s anywhere in that sort of territory
3148s atlanta will be wanting to take us more
3150s towards those less ryan friendly maps
3152s really test out to see how good hard is
3154s when cerrito gets how good the rest of
3155s london spitfire's dive can really be
3159s it's the all time atlanta having the
3160s upper hand what attempts does come down
3162s to these control maps so we'll see how
3163s they fare
3165s right here at the start of the middle
3167s season madness tournament let's go ahead
3169s and dive into the action for now hawk
3172s jumping forward takes the teleporter is
3174s going to be out there on that doomfist
3175s barker going to be on the sombra
3178s no surprises here i mean i think you do
3179s want to be playing something like a
3180s doofus on this map but does also play
3182s directly into hardy's reinhardt being a
3184s very good matchup for hawk something
3186s hawk is extremely practical but playing
3187s this all the way since the start of the
3189s entire season
3191s we'll have to see how uh eventually this
3193s sort of dive goes for atlanta right
3194s because they're also playing the genji
3196s version which is a pretty reasonable
3197s match up into hardy as well
3199s oh the pin out of nowhere hottie
3201s always manages to kind of weave these
3203s ones through kai gets caught up ends up
3204s going down hottie gonna be out of fire
3206s this corridor gets shifted over to
3207s sparker audi still going to be hovering
3209s at about half hp with london spitfire
3210s make their way onto the point to stop
3212s the contest from going through on the
3213s side of the land to rain the wall comes
3215s up they wrap around the side they find
3216s out g-hawk goes down but nero managing
3218s to trade one back got rid of the
3219s immortality field as well to boot but
3221s now has to try to run out of here the
3222s flight comes up just in time to keep
3224s himself safe can exit and grab that
3226s health pack but it is going to be the
3227s london spitfire gaining control the
3228s point first and foremost i gotta say
3230s hardy's consistency on these long-range
3232s pins is unbelievable he keeps finding
3234s stuff like this just opening kills it's
3235s almost like he's playing a slow doomfist
3237s but he's able to land these one punch
3239s one punch hits all the time just you
3241s know
3242s tons of damage onto a player like kai
3244s you get the hat coming through a
3245s sparkling hawk as well that's the other
3246s adaptation that london do make because
3248s as much as say that london can't be
3249s predictable you can also predict what
3251s lantern gonna rain uh run they're gonna
3252s have the doom for south so they want to
3254s have the option to hack their doom away
3257s already a good opening kill as og goes
3259s down land and finding that
3260s frag there getting rid of the enemy
3262s zenyatta for they're gonna be slowing up
3264s nice ice block their front backbone
3265s takes a bit of damage pops at one
3268s itchy trigger finger keeps himself safe
3269s the cleanup comes through as kai goes
3271s down once more that's gonna be really
3272s delaying
3274s this buildup here on the overclock nano
3275s actually committed to the fight here as
3276s hawk is trying to stay alive window
3278s comes out it's gonna be a little bit
3279s wonky still enough on an angle to try to
3280s play through but now the blade is gonna
3281s be pulled out by nero and he instantly
3283s evaporates landon cuts them down to size
3285s hottie gonna be antsy down here for the
3287s moment this cordova goes forward onto
3288s the rhine but he is perfectly fine the
3290s kills continue to fly through london's
3292s been fight spitfire win out the fight
3294s it's great targeting from the london
3295s spitfire right they're constantly out of
3296s five versus four advantage it just seems
3298s like atlanta reign can't be the ones to
3300s find the opening frag losing og at the
3301s top of it is going to be really damaging
3303s to atlanta's reigns ability to get in on
3305s that fight and then beyond that as well
3307s you see the nano come out from uv onto
3308s hawk to save him you're not going to
3310s find this nano blade but even if you
3311s hand the nano blade even with the blade
3313s come through narrow instantly shut down
3314s by this kind of defensive listen and now
3316s the earth shatter coming through they
3318s just want to get a solo kill that's
3319s enough
3320s it's just bullying it's absolutely
3322s bullying they shatter him they put him
3324s to death after the hat comes through
3325s hawk just not a damn thing he could have
3327s done in that situation
3329s goes down now the emp gonna be pulled
3330s through og louisiana the shielding is a
3332s quick and easy target sparker finds the
3334s elimination now sound barrier going to
3335s be used as they take the fight further
3337s touch them aggressively forward here
3339s towards the side of the rain and as you
3340s say that should be this round of lee
3342s zhang done and dusted no one can touch
3344s the point as hawk goes straight back in
3347s doesn't get an opportunity to try to use
3349s a meteor strike and it's 100 to zero
3351s kickoff here for the spitfire and
3352s speaking of untouchable kelly ocea guess
3354s what there have been only a single death
3357s on the london spitfire side hardy died i
3359s think in the opening fight and that's it
3361s nobody else in the entire london
3363s spitfire roster here in that opening
3365s league young night market actually went
3367s down backbone sparker admiral landon
3370s deathless on night market and they had
3372s the pacing behind them they had
3374s everything behind them in terms of
3375s snowballing the ultimates they want
3376s every single fight playing to rank
3377s consistently down four versus five at
3378s the start of these fights and you look
3380s at players like hardy he knows that he
3381s has a massive advantage of the earth
3382s shutter comes through that's one of the
3383s quirks about this kind of rhyme versus
3385s doing that job is when the shadow is
3387s there it's always going to be a free
3388s shatter reign are going to try and i
3391s would guess sort of counter this one
3392s with a fire look it is backed up by
3394s mercy that's actually a little bit
3395s strange because when we see fire in the
3396s apac especially on this map typically
3398s you don't play the mercy with anymore
3399s you just play the zen so we'll see how
3401s that works on the ground now where uv is
3402s the only literal support for the rest of
3404s the players
3406s yeah only a couple times it feels like
3408s we have seen the mercy coming through
3410s backbone gonna be slept but you see
3411s hottie just rotating over keeps them
3413s covered making sure that they cannot get
3414s an elimination on him he does go into
3415s the ice block a little bit earlier on
3417s there but they'll be able to exit to
3419s safety here as here continue to try to
3421s weave around the side the hat comes in
3422s they're looking for the elimination and
3423s sparker is going to find it oh gee
3426s as he had to retreat seems like the
3428s answer is going to be yes because no res
3429s to be found sleep out onto hottie just
3431s around the corner but he's gonna be
3432s woken back up
3434s got his beauty sleep through and hawk
3435s gets taken down by admiral in the
3437s meantime in london spitfire will once
3438s more lock down the point first and
3439s foremost yeah you need to see a lot more
3441s damage coming through from narrow but at
3442s fault she a brilliant hack to come
3444s through from spark of the manual even
3445s one second kilios seems to be enough to
3448s take down this fire once that's your
3450s player numbers uh shifts again we have
3452s another 5v4 in favor of london they play
3454s that situation perfectly and don't lose
3456s anybody for that they have the opening
3458s cap again and they're very steadily
3459s building up towards the first ultimates
3463s good direct hit there on the landing but
3464s unable to find the follow-up he tucks
3466s inside
3467s keeps himself safe yet again a hack
3469s gonna be dropping near down to the
3470s ground i mean good snipe hi headshot
3472s backbone just sending out that right
3474s click finds the elimination and it's the
3475s supports bullying hawk this time it's
3478s landon coming up with the elimination
3479s and as the doomfist once more goes down
3482s 37 percent
3483s the side of the spitfire and reign are
3484s struggling to find a way in and this is
3486s going to damage their dive opportunities
3487s as well because now you can't really get
3489s this tracer combo with hawke hall kind
3491s of just ends up having to go in by
3492s himself now it's about to be available
3494s but the timing ends up all being off
3495s because rain wanted to go for rocket
3497s brush with two players going down they
3499s can't make a play anymore so what to
3500s look for
3501s though okay yep
3503s quickly there's the immortality feels
3504s going to be cleared up near with the
3505s barrage able to find landon at the end
3508s well still alive still holds on to that
3509s sound barrier sure he decided to use it
3511s in the meantime backbone comes up with
3512s the eliminations hawking ultraviolet
3513s both gonna be taken down and now the
3515s beat is dropped admiral shielding up the
3517s rest of the squad backbone just pulling
3518s away just dodging out of these shots
3520s throws at the wall tries to keep himself
3522s protected no iceland nowhere to go so
3523s nero will be able to pick him off in the
3524s end as you say the ice block just coming
3527s off cool down at the very end i do
3528s believe nero instantly however gonna be
3530s hacked as the turnaround comes through
3531s as the pharmacy duo gets taken down out
3533s of the sky
3534s hawk three arriving manages to jump back
3537s across the opposite side of the gap as
3538s he looks for a follow-up pack here with
3540s him chunk down to about half hp hawk has
3542s to time this out slowly
3544s place is so available this is a really
3546s difficult situation it's still a free
3547s shadow there's nothing to block in the
3548s shadows and when all goes in he's not
3550s going to be able to use his meter strike
3551s putting personal hardy is absolutely
3552s correct they need to get hiding down and
3554s that's the one key player that can swing
3555s this
3558s his way into the back of the point the
3560s blizzard comes through just look at this
3561s on the mall but it doesn't occupy the
3562s entire space so they still can continue
3563s to try to get this one contested animal
3565s riding up into the skies right click
3567s kill finds zero takes him down
3570s at the ready i do believe but just not
3572s quite saving up there for og also got
3574s hacked out there's gonna be the dragon
3575s strike thrown through and finally the
3576s atlanta raid will get a taste of
3578s pointage here in lijiang tower they
3580s managed to get the cap coming in hawk
3582s gonna be pinned over into the wall the
3583s fire strike not gonna be able to kill
3584s and now hottie the question is has he
3586s overstepped the barrage gonna be thrown
3587s in he sends the fire strike up towards
3589s the far up but his attention is being
3591s twisted and turned to too many sides he
3592s ends up going down parker back in the
3594s meantime throws a kill out on takai and
3597s that's gonna be the point flip here back
3598s in favor of the london spitfires hottie
3600s looks like still going back over ot
3602s starting to bleed away as it does
3603s continue onward the nano boost comes
3605s online throws it out instantly onto
3606s hawking nero nearly survives pulling
3608s back out of the window kill however it
3610s does manage to come through in the end
3611s sparker finding it but hawk turning to
3613s the side gets rid of backbone takes down
3615s that pesky tracer that's gonna be a lot
3616s of the delay tactics now taken away from
3618s the side of the london spitfires parker
3620s however once more doesn't manage to find
3622s cover has been cleared out that's the
3624s foot there for the side of the atlanta
3625s right hawk gonna be stunned up he
3626s continues to go lower and lower all the
3628s heels being pumped now into that
3629s doomfist he manages to stay alive now
3631s yeah they're going to go for a strike
3632s online for the beat gets dropped the emp
3633s goes through
3634s both gonna be taken down the fire strike
3636s the follow-up one vermont he finds og
3639s the flip is back in the hands of the
3640s side of the london spitfire and that
3642s should be the closeout kai returning
3644s will find sparker gets them with the
3646s rail but admiral will once more get his
3647s hands dirty and there it is a 2-0
3651s closeout from the london spitfire hottie
3653s drops the c9 in the chat i disagree with
3655s that one sir but
3657s i can congratulate you on the map win
3659s all the same look at this stage i think
3661s both teams just going to spam cena no
3663s matter what the game state is it is what
3664s it is that we see here in this kind of
3666s inner rivalry but london spitfire my
3668s goodness that last fight lasted forever
3670s hardy literally dies twice respawns
3673s twice they still use ultimates to try
3675s and keep it going that one flip they had
3676s for london spitfire really made it a big
3678s difference towards ending because it put
3680s the pressure back on the atlanta reign
3682s after the raid had used everything and
3683s then london spitfire started to come
3684s back into their own arms ultimates i
3686s like the sound barrier i like the emp to
3688s close things out as well and uh special
3690s mention going out to admiral here who
3692s will finish the entire map deathless the
3693s only player that did not die at all not
3696s a single death on all the legion
3699s golf collapser admiral a very wonderful
3701s performance from him and the london
3703s spitfire in general fantastic way to
3705s kick things off so they get the victory
3707s there on their pick of lijang tower
3709s atlanta rain though we'll get to answer
3711s back we'll see what map they have
3712s selected for us when we return from the
3714s break so don't go anywhere guys
3715s mid-season madness continues in just a
3717s few
3728s [Music]
3760s do
3761s [Music]
3787s so
3789s [Music]
3796s [Applause]
3797s [Music]
3800s so
3804s [Music]
3816s do
3818s [Music]
3950s and i just realized that i was muted so
3952s there we go but welcome back ladies
3955s and gentlemen welcome to achilles
3956s everyone not so
3957s not so flawless for me in the end of it
3959s all the time
3961s tower
3962s win for the side of the london spitfire
3963s tell you what look it's been early days
3965s okay it's we've been up since like four
3967s in the morning i'll tell you i am now
3970s cut me some slack on the muting i i got
3972s you bro i got you sparkle just hacked
3973s you as all you were silenced for a
3974s second we understand but apparently for
3976s the london spitfire it's enough to get
3978s kills right and let's take a look at the
3980s manual screens here what got in the
3981s replay there was a adam raw sound
3983s barrier that saves hardy and that
3984s enables him to get a couple of fire
3986s strike kills um something that really
3988s stands out is the fact that we look at
3991s night market the opening pin kill the
3992s kai stuff like that is so standard for
3994s hardy that you just don't see out of
3996s other place i don't know how he gets
3998s these insanely good sort of
4000s these these long range charge pin kills
4003s like realistic they just shouldn't
4004s happen but i guess on the overwatch 2
4005s ryan hut we can steer the charge a
4007s little bit you can get a little bit more
4009s precision on those pins but the level
4011s precision that hardly brings the table
4012s is kind of just unmatched here as is the
4014s pacing for this entire ryan brawl
4016s composition we even saw a great example
4018s that on gardens where nero goes for the
4020s fire barrage right
4022s and then reigns uh london's response
4024s push to spawn push atlanta spawn trade
4026s backlines and just see what happens when
4029s you know
4030s okay they they will delete landon from
4031s us we're going to take their supports
4032s too and then fight it out and see how it
4034s goes after that and it ends up being
4036s that london gonna get a greater trade
4038s out from that situation the rain did
4042s oh let's see as we take a look here some
4044s substitutions coming through from the
4046s side of the land to rain venom gonna be
4048s stepping in
4049s see if the adjustments are gonna be good
4051s enough for the atlanta ready to be able
4052s to tie things up with their map pick as
4054s we get ready to move into hybrid is
4056s going to be iconvalda uh to see if they
4059s can make that happen of course we have
4061s backbone shifting over into that flex
4063s support
4064s pretty standard stuff i mean uh we're
4066s going to like where both a and b
4068s particularly b is a very dive centric
4069s map you need some high ground low ground
4071s mobility winston is going to be the
4072s ticket for both teams here or maybe hawk
4074s could actually stay on the doom that's a
4075s pretty viable pick as well but like i
4078s said in the pre-show here for london
4079s spitfire when you see sex come in
4081s backbone moves the support position you
4082s know exactly what you're about to get
4085s now the one thing about the atlanta
4086s reign is i think they kind of missed
4088s venom a little bit especially on gardens
4090s i'm not saying that venom should have
4091s played lee jung necessarily because
4092s there's more rounds on lee jung would
4095s you rather have narrower than you'd
4096s rather have venom but that one gardens
4098s met where you did see kai swap off from
4099s the tracer onto the hanzo was was kind
4102s of telling for me like man this is where
4104s you'd actually really want to trace it
4105s to pair with hawk comfortably but kai
4107s just felt like he wasn't getting enough
4108s done there sniped out by back bones may
4111s as well who i think is the best man in
4112s the world at this point uh but taking
4114s him off tonight forcing him onto the
4115s scene instead which is off roll is i
4117s think the way to go for your plan to
4119s rain because you are removing some of
4120s the strength away from the london
4122s spitfire and now we're getting into the
4124s rain's i think comfortable territory
4126s which is live
4128s yeah i i think it i think you'd be
4130s really hard-pressed to make an argument
4131s for anybody other than backbone when it
4133s comes down to make just just on the the
4135s whole point of you know just raw play
4137s time i know we were highlighting how
4138s much hottie plays ryan compared to the
4141s league overall you know he is so much uh
4144s play online where it's like five percent
4145s for the entire league but i mean
4146s backbone it's gonna be a similar thing
4148s if you take a look at the may stats
4149s obviously people like profit and whatnot
4151s have played it but have not looked
4153s anywhere near as good as this guy i
4155s think that the only person that could
4156s maybe give him a run for his money is if
4158s we could get libero to come back so
4159s libero uh wherever you are oscar please
4161s ross because somebody needs to take this
4163s guy down
4164s roscoe's mate was really good he's on
4165s the dallas currently as a coach but i
4167s mean hey you know rush just if you guys
4169s got to play some uh some may brawl you
4171s know the guy to put in i don't even
4172s think he's on a player contract but in
4174s any case
4175s speaking of ex-london no um
4177s the verbiage
4180s it is a good look for the london
4182s spitfire so far the the one concern is
4184s can they match the other teams on this
4187s winston dive because it seems like they
4189s are very committed to playing something
4191s like this if you paid attention to the
4192s dallas match from previous as well uh at
4194s the end of the mid-season madness
4196s qualifiers they actually opted to play
4198s the winston dive on king's row
4201s versus dallas field when that is i would
4204s say normally a pretty strong rhine map
4206s for a team like spitfire they actually
4207s opted to do that instead so they are
4209s attempting
4210s to utilize more of the winston dive
4212s instead um and i think if they can get a
4215s good grasp of that then they will
4216s finally be like a very good well-rounded
4218s team that can take a top take it to
4220s every single other top three because
4221s otherwise there will always be their one
4223s weakness i think ryan is great in the
4225s hands of hardy and the rhine composition
4226s is great in the hands of the london
4227s spitfire but you can't win an entire
4229s tournament you can't win an entire
4232s global tournament especially off the
4234s back of one composition so good to see
4235s that they are changing things up
4238s take a look at backbone here put him
4240s under the microscope a bit from that
4242s first map i mean yeah it was just a
4244s great performance twelve and two overall
4246s you're never gonna really feel too bad
4248s about that kd the man was putting in
4249s work he's landing his right clicks wall
4251s timings as well uh i think one of the
4253s hardest things that you can work on when
4254s it comes down to make is a lot of people
4255s can aim and get that timing down to hit
4257s those right-click head shots um but he
4260s really knows how to just really cut off
4262s the enemy team's rotations catch them
4264s out put them in a really rough position
4266s and then the whole team can move in and
4267s get the punish so that's something that
4269s takes a hell of a lot of work a hell of
4270s a lot of coordination and backbone with
4272s the rest of london spitfire he's got it
4274s in spades and i actually want to
4275s highlight another player here sparker um
4277s from reviewing london vods have been
4279s becoming more and more impressed with
4280s his sojourn play especially and i think
4282s one of the key matchups especially on
4283s this map is going to be kai vs now if
4286s you remember in the kick of clash one of
4288s the key matches was that soldier matchup
4290s between kai and spike and i did feel
4292s like when london beat rain one of the
4294s areas that they actually had over the
4295s reign was that sparker played a better
4298s soldier than kai which seems weird
4299s because kai is i think a top maybe the
4301s top western hit scan dps and in that
4304s particular match when when rain lost you
4306s makai was pissed he was visually pissed
4308s on the camera i can understand he felt
4310s like he probably did get outplayed a
4311s little bit maybe sparker you know did
4313s something that the rain weren't
4315s you know prepared for uh we're into more
4317s of kai's more of kai's meta because i
4320s think it is a v it is a very kind when
4323s you're playing the soldier but now we're
4324s on the sojourn i think a lot of people
4326s agree despite merit having i think the
4327s highest stats
4329s for a sojourn kai has been visually by
4331s the eye test the best social that we've
4333s seen sparker is catching up now i do
4335s think kai's been in this matchup but if
4336s sparker catches up again and has another
4338s great performance versus kai like he did
4340s in their last matchup kickoff clash
4341s that's going to be a problem for the
4342s atlanta ring
4345s oh almost certainly but yeah i mean
4347s even you know with all the praises
4349s talking about kylie you said sparkler is
4351s been has been catching up and there's
4353s not that much separating these two
4355s players right now as far as those
4357s figures are concerned playtime obviously
4359s something that you can't take into
4360s consideration uh when comparing the two
4362s but yeah sparker not that far behind so
4364s who knows if he is absolutely fired up
4366s today and it looks like the london
4368s spitfire are for the most part um then
4371s he absolutely can walk away having the
4373s upper hand and helping to bridge that
4374s gap even further to try and overcome kai
4377s and become known as the best sojourn at
4379s least in what we'll say in n.a well
4381s we'll see yeah because there's some
4382s really good sergeant place from the
4383s airport side that we are yet to see in
4385s so the test will be there for sure for
4387s the n18s but i also want to mention
4389s spark is a his um sombra from the last
4392s map as well while we sort of wait to get
4394s into the map here where
4396s you know part of me is like okay well
4398s sombra is not a great hero currently in
4400s the overwatch team better however the
4402s way that he was piling the sombra in
4404s that sort of composition that london
4405s were playing because as i sort of
4406s mentioned right
4407s as much to say london are predictable
4409s atlanta rain versus london that same
4411s sort of matchup it can also be
4412s predictable whether
4413s the the sombra can get a lot of work
4414s done you are hacking the doomfist from
4416s hawk which provably did have impact we
4418s saw hawk being able to uh not really be
4420s able to play his game at multiple times
4422s we need to get hector emp
4423s but more importantly the one second hack
4425s on nero's sparrows is humongous like
4428s that really swung everything because
4430s fire normally would be a pretty strong
4432s pick versus the side of london
4433s spitfire's raincop but uh not in that
4436s particular instance so we'll move to i
4437s can weld it as reminded as atlanta
4439s reigns pick they want to stay away from
4441s rhine based comps as much as possible
4443s and well we already know that london
4445s spitfire are probably not going to bring
4446s ryan here at all given their current
4448s starting lineup for this map so let's
4450s kick it off and see if there winston
4452s matches up to the dive of the atlanta
4454s right
4457s all right well let battle commence no
4459s take a little while longer but it's okay
4461s and you know make sure everybody's nice
4463s and comfy cozy in their seats here as
4466s they get set up there of course with the
4468s substitutions it can slow things up a
4470s little bit but it's okay guys you don't
4472s have to have to panic because i know
4473s there's probably a panic going on in the
4474s chat as there often is everything's fine
4476s we're getting into game now we can
4478s continue the action myself and evil can
4480s go back to yelling
4481s ready
4482s that's ultimately what we maybe a little
4484s from what we want a little bit more from
4485s you than me
4487s true i do most of my yelling through the
4489s keyboard if you know you know you're a
4490s little bit more sophisticated
4494s intelligent yells i try okay hawk on the
4497s doom expected probably end up be staying
4499s on that one
4500s double flexible for the london spitfire
4502s again expected
4504s so
4505s kai should be going for an opening uh
4507s water peak here and then copping
4509s straight back on towards the sojourn
4511s this composition these this kind of
4513s matchup i should rather say is going to
4514s come a lot down to that sort of opening
4516s pick potential from either your sergeant
4518s play between spyker and kai or your zen
4520s play between og and backbone two players
4523s kind of off rolling more so backbone
4524s than og oh geez uh he's still a support
4526s but usually a main support player been
4528s really impressed with his game to play
4529s as well
4531s all right well everybody denying sight
4532s lines anticipating that shot
4536s hang back swap will come through it's
4538s gonna be the sojourn here so overall
4540s could be fairly mirrored
4542s just gonna be the doomfist versus the
4544s winston as the key difference here
4546s sparker building up rail at the ready
4548s sends it out gets the tag there onto
4550s hawk
4551s under a little bit of fire pools back
4552s over here to the back but really
4554s aggressive taking quite a bit of damage
4555s there's the dive forward seismic slam
4557s getting a couple connections in is
4558s hottie to be hit with that
4560s orb managing to pull back the sleep is
4562s there ultraviolet though he gets woken
4563s up they can't find the elimination he's
4565s had a sliver of hp and shax will finally
4567s manage to get the finishing blow
4568s with the melee backbone as well gonna be
4570s sniping hawk down there's a recall to be
4572s burned there by venom is being tracked
4575s shax rather pushing forward trying to
4576s get a punishment looks like he will not
4578s be able to do so has to concede the
4579s fight but spitfire that win the opening
4581s volley shaq is the extremely tall
4583s basketball player which is not that one
4584s but london spitfire uh landon brilliant
4587s sleep dark connection on to ultraviolet
4589s who's already low from the rail shop via
4591s sparker cleaned up eventually but
4593s plan to reign off to uh early fight loss
4596s here like an opening ultimates it's
4597s going to be the anna nada boost
4598s available should go and party there it
4600s is
4601s yep there's the head shot on the
4602s backbone takes him down nana does go out
4604s onto hottie as you say in the meantime
4606s dashing and ducking around has this
4608s pulse bomb at the ready just waiting for
4610s an opportunity to invest that all trying
4612s to find a pick-off audio on the back
4614s that this wardrobe goes out is he going
4615s to go ahead and send it that's not done
4617s so yet health pack can be picked up
4618s looks for the stick unable to find it
4620s hardy going to be alive for a little bit
4621s longer at least for the dive comes
4622s through hawk getting
4624s in there managing to find that
4625s elimination here at the very end the
4627s rest of the london spitfire now trying
4628s to pull away as the tick starts coming
4629s through for the saturday land terrain
4631s already grabbing two if they're gonna
4632s contest this they're gonna have to do it
4633s rather soon meteor strike dropped in
4635s that's gonna be the elimination there on
4636s a sparkler but shax manages to come up
4638s with two ultra fighting pilot and kind
4639s now which is the cab fight but landon is
4641s taken down nearly there 92.1 shacks now
4645s going to be eliminated and hottie
4646s discorded up nowhere to go tries to dive
4649s in and out of the bubble but eventually
4650s will be felt it's just shy of four and a
4652s half minutes now in the time bank for
4653s the side of the land to reign yeah very
4655s cool stuff coming through from hawk
4656s there multi-flag towards the end
4657s shutting down shacks with a single punch
4658s but really it starts to me coming
4660s through from kai the head shot on to who
4662s i believe it was backbone enabling the
4664s five versus four nice nana to save hardy
4666s at least but they like the damage output
4667s the extra harmony healing the also
4669s discord damage that would have been
4670s there for london spitfire without the
4672s zenyatta player atlanta rain okay they
4674s did lose a couple of shacks but with a
4676s 3v3 situation closer respawns for the
4678s atlanta reign they're gonna be able to
4679s take that fight and importantly they
4681s didn't have to spend any extra ultimates
4683s having both nano and the transits
4684s available now it's gonna be super
4685s important
4688s jack just working his way up here onto
4690s the high ground
4691s poking and prodding where possible
4692s trying to catch up towards that next
4694s pulse bomb where venom is leading him
4695s just a little bit landing getting dove
4697s on but the heels come through and see it
4698s out discord atlanta hawk is going to
4700s have to make his exit away from land
4702s ties one
4704s now falls low 70 hp as oddi gets the
4707s stop finishes off kai hawk will make his
4709s exit the car the meantime is still
4711s steadily advancing forward though for
4712s the side of the atlanta rain so they are
4713s gaining distance hawk however gonna be
4715s slept there's the charge up there from
4716s backbone on the right clicks they get
4718s the elimination ultraviolet taken down
4720s as well mccarten now finally gonna be
4721s halted and this is one thing that london
4723s do very well that we saw in lee jung
4724s town that we're seeing here again that's
4726s when atlanta really want to get
4727s aggressive london are great at trading
4728s backlines so okay hawk wants to go with
4730s the nano cool hardy's on a prime on the
4732s back line he focuses on kai most
4734s importantly gets him out of the picture
4735s solos that kill and it turns into a
4737s reasonable situation for the london
4739s spitfire they still have mostly high
4741s ground in their control a solo player
4742s pushing for man to reign i mean they
4744s need to be pushing what they got to do
4746s but that technically means they're
4747s another player down oh whoa okay that's
4749s big
4750s uh okay shaq's finding two again this
4753s time the pulse pop taking down both of
4754s the supports just hugging terrified in
4756s the corner and shaq shows no mercy it's
4759s the elimination sven i'm now gonna be
4760s recalling but he's stuck over back by
4762s the cart so ends up going down a little
4764s bit of added stagger there
4766s go ahead and take a look at how he made
4767s this one happen
4769s so then he was there
4770s okay just blink straight into double
4772s sports coming through the choke point
4774s and that's gonna be it and i think both
4777s supports just accepting their fate there
4779s og's like not gonna blow transfer this
4780s one but what it does means with the
4782s couple fight losses down now london
4784s spitfire in the lead venom also gets
4786s deleted he was trying to solo push the
4787s payload shrine for some attention
4789s towards him and i think he got that
4790s attention
4792s he certainly did
4794s back on digging his head off here's the
4795s drop down here on the high ground hog
4796s immediately gonna be met with a sleep
4798s darts gets knocked down off the high
4800s ground backbone has that charged up
4802s headshot what's more going to get
4804s punished but it will be a trade out on
4805s those tanks but backbone is absolutely
4807s stomping
4809s three kills for the zen cleans up both
4811s supports the back end of the fight and
4812s that is going to be so much of the time
4814s big drain down nearly three minutes gone
4816s oh what happened
4820s just as soon as he respond he puts him
4822s right down there
4824s gap yeah i think it might be right oh
4825s gee with a lullaby look it is pretty
4827s accurate
4829s phones back baby gotta say unbelievable
4831s three in a row there she's even got a
4833s smile on his face like i respect her she
4834s said oh gee by the way he came out he
4837s came out the left side uh entryway he's
4839s like i'm not gonna take the main i don't
4841s want to die again respect it
4845s unbelievable
4847s a fantastic series of events there from
4848s backbone continues to just hold at the
4850s top of the rampart time is an issue
4852s though stacked up here put this out of
4853s the spitfire sparker crashing through
4855s tries to get that nade down overclocked
4857s now gonna be popped however kai finds
4858s the shot finishing off shax
4861s rotating around the back and he's
4862s looking for another target spots hottie
4863s on the floor
4865s party however now got to be popping that
4867s prime will get to the top of ultraviolet
4868s and hawk is going to be eliminated back
4869s home comes up with yet another
4870s elimination he gets kai mid slide as
4872s well two for backbone in the fight looks
4875s for a little bit more og will get a
4876s minor amount of revenge but is quickly
4879s dealt with shortly thereafter and the
4881s car in the meantime is rolling back this
4883s is an utter catastrophe for the rain it
4885s certainly is 30 seconds remaining to run
4887s out of ultimates as well hawke's about
4888s to hit the media strike but that'll only
4890s be good for resetting his own life there
4892s london spitfire great trades on the
4894s ultimates there nana on the backbone
4896s ends up working well as well
4898s getting damaged coming on through he's
4899s leading frags by the way nine total
4901s final blows two above shacks on seven
4903s and final fight territory in
4906s speaking of shacks once more gonna be
4907s starting the fight off as he goes down
4909s oh gee
4910s managing to get the connection there to
4912s the skull with the enemy tracer finds
4914s the elimination kai as well dealing with
4916s the other dps member on the side of the
4918s spitfire parker now out of the fight
4920s hawk falling low jumps back over rejoins
4922s with the rest of the squad the cart
4924s finally starting to make its way across
4925s the bridge diamond comes through from
4927s hottie gets punched away then his
4928s corridor goes out and he's still so very
4930s good but there's the stick that cuts the
4932s supports down
4933s in half ultraviolet eliminated now ben
4935s i'm going to be taken out backward once
4936s more finds another elimination kai finds
4938s the head shot rail but sparker gets hawk
4941s there's no one to contest this card
4942s anymore oh gee left allen is lonesome
4945s they look for the final kill here on the
4946s back end but there you have it they'll
4948s hold just at the end of the bridge here
4950s for the london spitfire they have a very
4952s real win condition to play for i think
4955s harness is talking about his parent or
4956s cloud9 you know it does make sense the
4958s other london spitfire i understand on
4960s this spitfire uh
4961s yeah exactly let's spit fire though
4963s great hold coming through what we do see
4965s silver lining for the atlanta rain is
4967s that despite losing b and i think it was
4969s pretty fair to assume that they weren't
4970s gonna really can't be there had they
4972s kept beat we're not going to finish the
4973s map anyway based on the amount of time
4974s remaining
4976s they managed to push the payload nearly
4978s to the end of b so distance does matter
4980s here because they get a couple of
4981s important frags in what became the ot
4983s fight london spitfire waiting patiently
4985s for respawns hardy didn't want to go in
4986s alone he wanted to wait until at least a
4988s couple more members were there
4989s especially shags coming through as well
4991s uh ellen terrain used that opportunity
4992s to
4993s not quite cap the point but 116.36
4996s that would give them a very defensible
4997s position now to play through so small
5000s silver linings here to be able to do
5002s things with
5003s combination of sleep dart into a kick
5005s into a right-click headshot combination
5007s from backbone that'll delete cork and
5009s that's exactly how you outplay dooms
5013s utterly impactful gets ultra violent
5015s just moments before he would have
5017s crested over the opposite side of that
5019s wall broken line of sight
5022s hashtag supports a week by the huge
5023s punishes
5025s yeah
5026s yeah
5027s i mean and he didn't he didn't even have
5029s to utilize the the massive kick from the
5031s zenyatta to get those kills to come
5032s through just did it with uh the base kit
5035s of the zen
5036s all right coming back over through the
5037s first fight now hawk is actually gonna
5039s be starting out on the diva
5040s which is an interesting choice this is
5042s part of the
5043s i don't know if i could say issue for
5044s hawk being the lineup because he's still
5046s trying to adapt to gain his hero picks
5048s it would be better for him to be able to
5049s winston here but i don't know how
5050s comfortable he is on that winston just
5052s yet it's not been part of his hero
5054s traditionally so he's going to come and
5055s bring out the diva who on this
5056s particular batch is not made of two guys
5058s but on this beta one patch diva still
5060s doesn't have the sort of buff she has in
5062s the cart patch
5066s dropping down fishing for a tag down the
5068s fire strike right side doesn't get a
5070s connection
5072s all right gonna say as well to advance
5074s forward but right now he's getting
5075s beaten and battered from this side right
5077s now well this is different to the london
5078s spitfire normal ryan completely dude
5079s that only fragment og though so this
5081s could be the fight indeed they're
5082s basically playing ryan died because it's
5084s a dive composition with a double flip
5086s support but it's got a rhyme
5088s and they've already got two eliminations
5090s now they're looking for a little bit
5091s more hawk just gonna be going off that
5092s side of the map backbone
5094s getting him a final little kick
5096s and coming down just making sure to zone
5097s back ultra violence can keep shacks
5099s alive they get those kills and it is so
5101s very swift from the light from the side
5103s of the london spitfire
5105s as they just go ahead and pick this up
5106s and uh
5107s yeah she's just there so uh we'll go
5110s ahead and
5112s if he got a frag maybe that would have i
5114s mean he tried he had a full charge rail
5115s unfortunately just doesn't connect right
5116s a little bit unfortunate but he was he
5118s was very far forward so
5121s now waiting for the long walk back good
5122s news they have to they have to wait for
5124s this gate to
5125s open uh
5126s you call the support of colors
5128s but i don't think that's right
5130s is it so it's just a report call us yes
5133s just reporting it is what it is i just
5134s said it wrong
5135s oh good all right cool so there it is
5137s there you go waiting for the border
5138s colors to come up so i'll give it a line
5140s to rain the opportunity to read through
5141s properly almost another stick that
5142s doesn't still gets the kill doesn't it
5144s doesn't matter
5146s ultraviolet just jumped up and down on
5147s top of it like it was a trampoline and
5149s he ends up dying venom will find a kill
5151s on the opposite side though as parker
5152s does get
5153s dropped so a bit of wiggle room to work
5155s with here on the side of the plan to
5156s reign but i think the london spitfire
5158s going to be tuned on plus about it now
5159s shacks continues finds the other
5162s component there in the supports gets rid
5164s of the game then we traded out his venom
5165s gets that pulse bomb out on the backbone
5166s yeah the stick is different jacks
5168s continues to find value finds hawk
5170s highly going to be slept ultraviolet the
5171s bionic will be able to take him down so
5172s a train out here on those tanks as venom
5174s tries to hold the card there's a bit of
5176s support coming through there from
5178s ultraviolet just keeping him topped up
5179s but once more the cart is going to be
5181s inching forward for the spitfire and
5182s that's really important for venom as
5184s well the cardinal is actually mostly
5185s stalled out now that's because venom won
5187s his duel earlier on he actually got i
5189s think they killed the backbone there but
5190s also maintain presence on the payload so
5192s usually in the situation even if london
5194s were losing they could sneak payload
5195s distance the same way atlanta rain would
5197s doing but now okay you're right atlanta
5199s rangers die apparently would you start
5200s the fight and three though what what is
5201s happening
5203s i mean honey just sleeps in the high
5204s ground and ultraviolet just dies he's
5206s just left out the dry now everyone's
5207s getting picked up one after the other
5210s time it's round in the final corner
5211s kite's just all he just has got to go
5213s now yeah
5215s you just have to throw everything and
5216s hope that something sticks on this
5218s defense touch your way out
5220s okay the touch is gonna be there hawk
5221s makes his way over still gonna be 28
5223s percent shy of having that prime already
5225s ready to go back pops the trans with the
5227s head shot is there from kai finds land
5228s and venom gonna be traded out jax
5230s finding the elimination he pushes
5231s forward he's looking for sparker kai
5232s finds the finishing shot it seems like
5234s the rain will manage to make this hole
5236s come through backbone just give a little
5237s parting gift there to kai before he goes
5240s down but the team kill is completed they
5242s hold the cart point five meters away but
5245s they still have to go through three
5247s whole minutes on the time bank i mean
5248s that was literally a last second contest
5250s here so finally someone does touch you
5251s get some i don't know about you man but
5253s watching some of the games that we had
5254s over the past but you're getting some
5255s ptsd looking at payloads going towards a
5257s checkpoint and well no one kind of
5259s getting there venom basically has to
5260s stay on this payload permanently now we
5262s actually had the interview from og last
5264s time we said okay one of the key focus
5265s on the team was just to stay on the
5266s payload and speaking of staying on
5268s shaq's is staying on pilot
5271s uh yeah that's ultraviolet out of the
5272s fight hawk jumping over keeps the car
5274s contested probably gonna be popped by
5275s honey hawk still holding on to his own
5277s but look at kai zone so very far away
5279s and honey manages to track him down gets
5282s that elimination this quarter does come
5284s through he falls a little bit low makes
5285s his exit pulse bomb not going to find a
5287s connection i mean hawk actually kind of
5289s swatting away from that one now the
5291s overclock gonna be popped and hawk gets
5292s taken down by the nade from sparker of
5294s all things
5295s looks for a little bit more hunting a
5297s target but venom is already dead hottie
5299s the one to find that elimination kai
5300s trying to play around the back side of
5301s the card the bionic comes in from
5303s ultraviolet they get that healing
5304s booster to try to keep him in this fight
5306s but oh gee now kai all go down to the
5308s nano dup scientist honey claiming two
5311s hawk finished up by backbone the push is
5313s through in the london spitfire now move
5316s up 2-0 match point in their hands this
5319s doesn't look good for the atlanta ring
5321s today they're being sort of outpaced on
5322s lee chiang tao with the doom versus the
5324s rhine composition here coming through
5326s into eichenwalde which is atlanta range
5328s pick dive versus dive seems like london
5330s have the better of that match up here as
5332s well you know we're getting a lot more
5333s value out of the winston doom seems to
5335s be heavily counted by backbone and land
5337s in the combination which has just been
5338s unbelievably good i mean if you told me
5341s that backbone was a dedicated flexible
5342s player who specializes in zen i would
5344s 100 believe you he was one final blow
5348s behind the kill leader for this entire
5350s map shacks on 14 backbone on 13 those
5354s are number one and your number two's
5355s backbone was doing so much work
5360s unbelievable performance here from the
5362s side of london spitfire i mean we had
5364s the lower third earlier on it said the
5366s last time that these guys did square off
5367s against each other it was a 3-2 london
5370s spitfire weren't able to walk away but
5371s right now they're looking for the 3-0 a
5374s reverse sweep is what is necessary as
5376s i'm looking at that replay from backbone
5378s it's absolutely insane but guys we're
5381s gonna go to a quick little break grab
5382s some coffee and when we come back we'll
5384s see if the spitfire can close this out
5385s or if the rain can put a maf win on the
5387s board
5393s [Music]
5395s hmm
5398s [Music]
5432s um
5436s [Music]
5458s to
5462s [Music]
5486s me
5487s [Music]
5491s so
5493s [Music]
5513s do
5515s [Music]
5529s hmm
5536s [Music]
5576s [Music]
5605s two shots dead on the ground we're in
5607s the same pull up three rounds bro you
5609s done we let a rain head pop so look out
5612s when we in the zone don't play around i
5614s got strap puts your back tell you now we
5617s laying it down yeah bow bands up trapped
5620s out i bring the doors gang out look
5622s don't wanna fade and drop out got no
5624s clout think smart this crucial crucial
5627s we ain't no average usual no
5631s who you
5635s [Music]
5643s [Music]
5646s and welcome back it's the atlanta rain
5649s and they need a reverse sweep because
5650s right now they're down zero too uh
5652s they're gonna have another master ball
5653s coming up though so we'll see if they
5655s can make that happen if they can start a
5657s reverse sweep
5659s two blue hats though so we're increasing
5661s the number i think if they get to five
5662s blue i do have legitimately like the
5664s wheeler they get to five don't think
5665s their final form does unlock yeah it's
5667s not looking good has to be reverse sweep
5669s and uh
5671s i would have liked to have seen a lot
5672s more coming through from their die i i
5674s felt like that would have been a strong
5675s point versus london spitfire but as i'd
5677s mentioned in the pre-show right or even
5678s just before we go into the last map if
5680s london can get this dive underway is
5683s another very strong composition for
5684s themselves
5685s i don't know if they have any major
5687s weaknesses to be exploited anymore you
5689s know poker is going to come in for map
5690s number three get his escort he's going
5692s to come into play a bit of that sigma
5694s this is kind of i mean it literally is
5696s final chance of rain at least as far as
5697s this matchup goes but for hawk as well
5699s he's kind of running the gamut of like
5701s okay try to counter the hardy rein now
5704s try to counter the hardy winston now
5706s you're playing sigma versus poco cygnus
5708s this guy it's got to be a winning match
5709s up somebody somewhere in here
5712s kai and nero coming together on the
5714s potentially double sniper could be
5716s pretty strong as well um there's got to
5718s be something that this team can do
5719s better than the london spitfire to get a
5721s win today i think this should be a
5722s pretty ringable map for the rain but
5724s their chance of actually making reverse
5726s sleep are starting to look slim
5730s certainly have their work cut out for
5731s them if they can make it happen would be
5733s a monumental way to go ahead and kick
5735s off the mid-season madness tournament
5737s and keep themselves you know in that
5739s upper bracket and whatnot uh but yeah
5741s it's looking really really tough for
5744s them right now they haven't quite been
5745s able to hold a candle to the london
5747s spitfire in any regard which is
5749s a bit interesting to see because again
5751s the last time they squared off against
5752s each other it was a very close series
5754s the london spitfire had to win it in a
5756s 3-2 setting we'll see if they can
5759s get more towards that again but it's got
5761s to start on the next map obviously lots
5763s of substitutions made here nero coming
5765s back through obviously there's some
5767s change-ups his backbone's going to be
5768s moving back into the dps slot shacks
5770s going back onto the bench poco stepping
5772s in admiral is here who is we'll keep a
5775s track we'll keep track of this but right
5776s now admiral was deathless in this series
5778s because the only true first map didn't
5780s play didn't die so we'll see if we can
5781s maintain that that would be a hell of a
5783s feat um uh we'll definitely keep our
5785s eyes peeled i have a question for what
5787s backbone is going to play on this map a
5788s bit of spiders but we are moving to
5790s circuit and i just want to announce it
5791s so we can start discussing things for a
5793s little bit
5794s but it is normal that you do play sigma
5796s on this map double flex support cool
5797s standard double uh snipers as well when
5800s i say double snipers we're either
5801s talking about widow plus sojourn or
5803s maybe a widow plus hanzo or at the very
5806s minimum i think you're going to be
5806s looking towards sojourn plus a hanzo
5808s which means back bump probably comes out
5809s on hanzo here he's not on his signature
5811s mate pick he's not on his signature i
5813s would say zen pick here has always got
5815s two signatures uh can the rest of his
5817s picks come on through to sort of match
5818s up because this is a sort of situation
5821s where okay well
5822s surely the the chinera combo combination
5825s on these double snipers
5826s can be the strong point for atlanta rain
5828s right i did say that kai was meant to be
5831s the better of the two dps between him
5833s and sparker but sure it seems like today
5834s um i wouldn't necessarily say it's kai's
5836s fault but he hasn't been popping off as
5838s hard as we normally see but the entire
5840s atlanta range squad has been looking
5842s pretty underwhelming this entire series
5843s so it's hard to even look at a single
5845s player here it does seem like a pretty
5846s major team diff overall
5849s and that's why it's looking difficult
5850s for the rank to make any sort of
5852s comeback but this really is the last
5853s chance sigma versus sigma battle if
5855s there's one place you can win maybe that
5857s are going to be a fantastic matchup for
5858s hawk at least
5862s well we'll see how they piloted as as
5864s you already spoiled how dare you circuit
5866s royale is going to be coming up and this
5869s could be very well the decider if london
5871s spitfire can go ahead and close it up
5872s they are going to be looking for this
5874s three zero hottie's been dropping c9s in
5876s the chat after the first two maps even
5878s though there's not been a c9 in sight
5882s god for that it's completely fueled up
5883s on this rivalry right now
5886s so uh i know that you know even though
5888s he's not playing in this lobby right now
5890s poco probably gonna drop a c9 for him if
5892s they can tell you what it's happening
5893s now that hardy's uh he's taking a bit of
5895s time off from this map i you know i'm
5897s really hoping they put some cameras on
5899s the the gator versus hardy charity
5901s boxing match that's actually happening
5902s behind the scenes right now so i'll pay
5904s you to watch that one but we'll see if
5905s we can get some results see if we get
5906s some live updates from danny on that a
5907s little bit later on here we go let's
5909s take a look at the compositions uh
5910s backbone on the genji now that's
5911s interesting we have seen genji paired up
5913s with one of the snipers here not playing
5916s the watermaker i think is a little bit
5917s weak and requires london to be very
5920s active because they're also playing the
5922s brig version of this matchup as well so
5924s they're not going opting for the double
5926s flex support uh the brig version
5928s requires that your entire team poke
5930s commander emerald working to get a
5931s little bit more active in the front
5932s lines to pressure out hawk being in the
5935s atlanta area playing a more poke style
5936s heavy composition they want to play a
5938s bit slower they want to rely on kai to
5939s find opening picks they want to use
5940s their double flex supports to sort of
5942s out poke the london spitfire composition
5945s so uh kind of hoping here that okay just
5947s stays on the watermaker for reasons like
5949s that
5950s yep i saw that one happening in slow
5952s motion sparker
5955s life flashing before his very eyes kai
5957s taking his head off but backbone does
5959s manage to find the elimination get
5960s cleans up that immortality field as well
5962s now dives in looking to try to take down
5964s kai for the heels come through and he's
5966s just going to go ahead and point blank
5967s finish him off there
5969s that unscoped left click
5971s trade out but does buy some time and
5973s space here for the side of london
5974s spitfire but now they are very much
5976s corrupt caught and surrounded land
5978s london should get cleaned up hinged on
5980s feeling lower and lower and well poco's
5983s gonna try to run at them kai does end up
5984s falling landon finding that kill and
5986s somehow does manage to stay alive
5987s healing orb is out onto pogo steadily
5989s trying to keep the sigma in the fight so
5991s far the kills somehow have not come
5993s through which is a little bit surprising
5994s but nero will finally go ahead and get
5996s the head shot through on that well now
5997s the cleanup is there for the sound gonna
5999s keep pushing
6001s what they do finally look they finally
6003s got the kills i mean london did take a
6005s while to die there i'm not too happy
6007s about that because that is going to be
6008s staggers for the london spitfire squad
6011s they're trying to find ways to maybe
6012s come back there saw a kill come through
6014s for landed i think backbone even dived
6015s in for a single kill but that fight was
6017s as good as done as soon as kai actually
6019s hit that opening shot it's gonna be
6020s difficult position to defend now london
6022s spitfire have to kind of run it and the
6023s good news is because the supports there
6024s for so long they're going to have double
6026s support ultimates they should be able to
6027s walk in with this rally and sort of take
6029s a fight off the back of that one lantern
6030s rain are going to have to end up popping
6032s some ultimates of their own here we go
6034s oh well the window gets opened up first
6035s and foremost the nero he makes use of it
6038s finds a head shot on the poco taking
6039s down that sigma now admiral is going to
6041s be gone so no chance to even pop the
6042s rally just two meters left to go to go
6044s ahead and get this cap coming through
6046s and landon the only one who's able to
6047s find an elimination right now sparkler
6049s falling lower and lower neo has to go
6050s for the reload and sparkle will slide
6052s through get that melee hit make his
6054s escape up here onto the high ground
6055s chase comes in and it looks elimination
6058s violet will get slowed up but they get
6060s the kill all the same so some additional
6062s stagger to be found the cap is there
6064s it's four and a half minutes down for
6065s the rain and this is not going to get
6067s any easier for the london spitfire until
6068s we get to c let me i'm not saying b is
6070s going to be a watch just yet because
6071s there are some london spitfire outfits
6073s that could make a difference here the
6074s blade could be pretty reasonable and you
6076s know maybe an opportunity for backbone
6077s to redeem himself uh in terms of okay we
6080s know he's great on certain other heroes
6081s but he did he did kind of cop some fair
6083s criticism for his genji early on in the
6085s season how do you deal with kai though
6086s is a big question to answer
6091s block's gonna be used first by hawk
6092s transcendence comes out from landon
6094s keeps everybody alive for the time being
6096s backbone receiving that discord falls
6098s low has to deflect up also got the kill
6100s moments before they're on the kai
6102s alleviating that will make a pressure
6103s rally rolling as they continue to push
6105s forward looking to find any additional
6106s kills they possibly can the dash through
6108s comes out oh gee he pops the
6109s transcendence off the back of that
6110s immortality field as well going to be
6112s used
6113s for all the healing the immortality
6115s field it's taken down the cleanup can
6117s come through poco fighting too backbone
6120s with another and there you go london
6121s spitfire finally resting control away
6123s from the rain i'm a little surprised
6125s rain plays so hard that fight is on
6127s they're just committing all these
6128s ultimates and i think it's reasonable
6130s for them to actually reset okay this is
6131s what happens because when you reset you
6133s can just play for poke anyway and that
6134s the reset regardless because they did
6136s lose that fight the transcendence did
6138s not save them from the flux because it
6139s ran out too early poker had the great
6142s flex timing still got the kills
6143s regardless but again it comes down to
6144s kai to carry them through can they
6146s survive the play though uh backbone
6149s falling lower and lower will get ultra
6150s violet for his troubles but that's just
6152s going to be it an old committed just for
6154s the single kill and you can see the
6155s restylane terrain still very much
6157s interested in advancing forward so they
6159s get right back over the car they start
6160s inching it up around the corner like a
6162s window soon good angle coming up
6165s absolutely can don't have any olds to go
6167s with it but i mean you've got a sojourn
6169s you've got those rails you've got a
6170s widowmaker as well so plenty of use to
6172s be found from it
6174s sparkler there we go picking of both
6175s just have the overclock ready to go
6177s tries to send out the nade
6179s them back it's not going to happen
6180s instead everybody just tucking away
6182s behind the corner here for the side of
6183s london spitfire trying to break that
6184s line of sight poco trying to make his
6186s way back up to keep the car contested
6187s but ends up going down mid transits
6188s parker however pops that overclock finds
6190s kai the chest shot good enough to finish
6192s him off they down on the stairs og
6194s falling lower and lower as they look for
6196s the elimination but it's actually going
6197s to be hawk who's found first and og will
6199s fall in the london spitfire once more
6201s steve off the rain
6203s a really good opening pick up the kai
6204s there is on me that really makes the
6205s entire difference because otherwise kai
6207s is completely unconscious at long range
6209s if you can do anything to shut him down
6211s attempt to contest him that will be
6213s something that turns the fight around
6214s atlanta rain get the notable distance
6216s and the opening advantage of the fight
6218s via the
6219s the amplification matrix window which at
6221s that sort of position covers the entire
6222s airport that's exactly what you're
6224s looking for i'm going to head just kind
6225s of miss from kai it could have been
6227s another 5v4 but atlanta rain still got a
6229s little bit of time to play with here
6230s they can wait for another pick to come
6231s on through especially while the
6233s infrasight is on
6235s now has expired
6237s landon just about to try to clear that
6239s angle oh that's huge kai he does find
6241s land anyhow the rally rolling not enough
6244s green hp to try to save him from that
6246s ends up falling poco is well cleaned up
6248s by the flux now it's just three members
6250s left alive with backbone down to a
6251s sliver of hp he still does manage to
6253s duke it out against ultraviolet finds
6254s that kill og gonna be taken down the
6256s supports are out of the fight kai will
6258s find sparker for the london spitfire
6259s they might be able to win this extended
6261s fight out the rest of the team
6262s respawning getting ready to rejoin
6265s no supports they can't really push this
6266s they just have to kind of take to take
6267s this fight off the back of hawk shield
6269s and when that gets low or hawks hp gets
6271s low as it is now they have to back on
6272s out this is something london again three
6274s maps in a row now killers have done
6276s perfectly which would say that if we are
6278s losing this fight we can effectively
6280s trade backlines and they do that
6281s successfully which ends up resetting the
6283s atlanta right despite atlanta kind of
6285s winning that
6287s all right flux comes in that's going to
6288s be the train
6290s while he's up above the tram's healing
6292s they focus fire him and it's not enough
6294s throughput to try to keep him alive he
6295s ends up going down nero going to be
6296s taken out as well as he pops the
6298s overclock funny absolutely no value hawk
6300s with the accretion will take down poco
6302s but that is it that is the cherry on top
6304s of a pile of trash right now for the
6306s side of the atlanta reign there is
6307s nothing to play around with 24 seconds
6310s remaining on there they have to make it
6312s to be they're not going to count because
6314s they you can't get a good window anymore
6315s but where's my support you can't push up
6317s because london should just start a fight
6318s early they have all these ultimates to
6320s just get aggressive into your face they
6321s have a transcendence as well so unless
6323s kai can just kill landon off the rip
6325s there's not a lot of chances here for
6327s the terrain oh he's got backbone
6331s a massive pick up there that's gonna be
6332s the blade out of the fight this backbone
6334s will have to try to rush to rejoin nero
6336s pushing up over the top looking to
6337s contest the transcendence going through
6338s landon looking to escort everybody
6339s forward as the overclock is rolling but
6341s sparker is going to be taken down hawk
6342s finds that kill kai will get admiral out
6345s of the fight poco under fire falling
6346s lower and lower in the accretion will
6348s finally finish him off but it seems like
6349s here in the final moments that opening
6351s kill on the backbone was absolutely
6353s everything
6354s the cap will be there the atlanta rain
6357s managed to make their way through
6358s because kai comes up with yet another
6360s fantastic shot and not only does it kill
6362s backbone but what that extends to you
6364s know the snowball effect is that london
6366s cannot aggressively play into this
6368s window like they could have usually if
6370s backbone doesn't die atlanta they're not
6372s going to get a window because london
6374s walked forward they played on in they
6376s used some of the other offers they have
6377s they can just trans aggressively as well
6378s and your window placement is not going
6380s to be good at all so kai in these
6382s opening fights off the rip on these
6383s resets has been giving glenn terrain
6386s every single opportunity but that's
6388s going to end for c now the sight lines
6390s on c for watermaker are far less
6392s favorable
6396s see how they pilot this one with just 50
6398s seconds now remaining
6400s off sending out the accretion gets the
6402s stun there on the backbone
6404s through out onto the coast side
6407s a whole lot of damage skirmishing back
6409s and forth poco i think he's okay with
6410s this he's trying to build up for that
6411s flux bucks does come in drop some down
6413s spark are going to be taken out by the
6414s storm arrows and backbone loses the
6416s blade a huge secretion from hawk hitting
6418s some right as he tries to pull it out of
6420s the sheet
6421s backbone
6422s taken down there's the kill in the
6424s atlanta rain they are pulling a rabbit
6425s out of a hat right now you see that
6427s atlanta lantern actually played that
6428s patiently as well they were free pushing
6429s for a long time knowing they had london
6431s spitfire when they see london pushing up
6432s that's where they go for the flux now
6434s linder on the ropes
6437s dragon strike sent through just trying
6439s to interrupt their interrupt then push
6441s them away from the car for the london
6442s spitfire have pushed past
6445s rally now expiring a bit of green hp out
6448s og popping his own but hawk has already
6450s been eliminated the flux comes through
6451s pulls the dps up into the air nero gonna
6453s be taken down sparker finds the
6454s elimination the ot will bleed down
6457s london spitfire they almost give up this
6460s final stretch of the point reign a
6462s fantastic
6464s comeback to nearly finish the map but
6466s they cannot get there and once more the
6468s london spitfire have a win condition if
6470s they can get to the end of the map they
6471s will take this series 3-0 well atlanta
6474s had no time left right because they
6475s walked into this with only 1 30. i'm
6477s going to repeat the line that i said
6478s last night for i can weld it but this
6479s time i think it's a lot more relevant in
6481s the sense that on eichenwalde like
6483s getting an okay b attack despite losing
6486s it's reasonable i don't think it's a
6488s real win condition now though in a
6490s situation where they they being atlanta
6492s right barely looks like they were going
6494s to camp b they do miraculously offer
6496s great headshot kill on the backbone
6497s which denies the blade from even coming
6499s on through tonight again a little bit
6500s later but we'll touch on that atlanta
6502s rain get the free push through most of
6504s uh c point they lock up the entire
6506s london spitfire on the extremity with
6508s that flux wouldn't fight off the back of
6509s that shut down backbones genji blade
6511s with that accretion from the hawk like
6513s you sort of mentioned
6514s and the result of that is atlanta rain
6516s bypasses the pool phase entirely usually
6518s what happens for these teams is once the
6520s attacking team gets to see they have to
6521s immediately fight for poor london
6522s spitfire's positioning meant that
6524s atlanta were never going to actually get
6526s a fight for paul because they would have
6527s pushed through a choke which they can't
6528s do so atlanta right ignore it they go
6530s for the free push they know their flux
6532s advantage they bypass the pull and they
6534s get to the end of the map with 130
6536s remaining coming through from ot on b
6538s that is a significant amount of distance
6540s and that is very defendable now for the
6542s c defense when once we get there three
6545s two
6546s one well now the gates opening up london
6548s spitfire on the attack
6551s see how they fares they're just gonna be
6552s running the same composition that we saw
6555s on their defense
6558s yeah i still have to answer the question
6559s presents here from the side of the rain
6561s of how you kind of get rid of kai so one
6563s thing that can happen is backbone is
6564s going to go and do the jimmy maneuver
6565s that we see in apec
6567s go over the wall again don't i know
6569s there's some ptsd about florida doing
6570s this one but london they're not cheating
6572s they're actually you know they're
6572s genuine gamers here we're not not that
6574s cheating florida team uh and
6577s backbone i don't know maybe he felt like
6579s he could have gotten an angle to place
6580s but atlanta rain like most teams now are
6582s going to end up holding this first
6584s corner they've got to play playing too
6585s far forward
6590s seeing all from there with the recon
6591s arrow
6592s and he's just sending arrows in from the
6594s flank it's right into their hips
6597s mentality feels good to be clean there's
6598s stance on the shoulder
6600s now in a bit of a rough spot in the
6601s other dive coming through or more but
6603s he's out on to him he's trying to stay
6604s alive and somehow the game was the same
6606s for a hell of a lot longer than i might
6607s have anticipated but sparker will manage
6609s to finish him off but during all the
6610s chaos kai manages to lock down poco gets
6613s a head shot across takes out the enemy
6615s sigma front line now going to be broken
6617s down but the cart continues to inch
6618s forward just getting it right here on
6619s the corner this spitfire say okay that's
6621s far enough let's disconnect and wait for
6622s poco to return it has to be the
6624s ultraviolet uh amplification matrix that
6627s will turn this fight here once we get to
6628s the next engagement but i i'm not a fan
6629s of how atlanta just kind of abandoned
6631s nero like that the register's team
6632s pulled back it's like narrow maybe
6633s didn't get a message or they didn't
6634s relay the message because nero from his
6636s pov looked like he was in the right
6638s position but i know i did the rest of
6640s his team that had already left and rain
6642s just kind of left him out the dryer
6643s there so thankfully kai once again gets
6645s it opening picking he will get it again
6647s yes he does landon gonna be taking out
6649s og as well finding backbone and it's
6652s just the one kill onto nero the only
6654s thing that london spitfire are finding
6656s right now is a consolation
6658s hawk just pushing forward spark is
6659s sliding to his death and that will be
6661s another one fight here for the side of
6663s the atlanta reign off the back of the
6664s window
6665s yep
6667s a lot of time being lost too but it's
6668s gone now two authors spent though london
6670s haven't spent anything they're still
6671s building up to the first
6672s line of ultimates
6675s yeah they have nothing to do and this is
6677s where i'm concerned about london's
6678s composition i say get to c but
6680s realistically you have to win a and b
6681s first right and you know
6684s the composition difference is that the
6685s widowmaker is so incredible on this map
6687s if you're not running a widowmaker
6688s you're just going to have trouble versus
6690s kai and kai's been opening up so many
6692s fights if the only fight that didn't
6693s look good one of the only fights you
6694s didn't look at for atlanta was when he
6696s missed the opening hook shot other than
6697s that he's mostly
6698s he's mostly hit he just does it again
6700s yep yep he just finds the opening kill
6703s time and time again sparker gonna be
6704s taken down now poco is well eliminated
6707s it's a quick reset and once more i mean
6709s we're just talking about how much time
6710s was lost as these cleanup kills come
6712s through backwards
6713s deflected just die just die you need to
6715s reset right now
6717s there's nine seconds now remaining
6719s there's a mental game going on here as
6720s well you're getting scared to pete kai
6722s because his consistency is incredible
6724s right now you don't want to be playing
6726s any open sight lines you can't walk
6728s forward unless poker just apparently has
6729s a shield up you have like five options
6731s coming online so there's still faith in
6732s london to get this fight win off the
6734s back of fight ultimate some of which can
6735s get counted by og but if kai gets
6738s another opening pick i'm not feeling
6739s good about the london spitfire's push
6743s yeah definitely not
6744s five volts to throw at this fight
6748s zero close they can't lose this one flux
6750s gonna be use the rally rolling as well
6752s just trying to offer up that green hp
6754s and nero taken down by that rail
6756s headshot transcendence does get used by
6758s og
6759s keeping everything yeah that's the best
6761s as possible the blade's gonna be pulled
6762s to dive forward looking for the supports
6764s and backbone it will help find them
6767s the cleanup is there kai accepting his
6769s feet just says go ahead do what you must
6771s the cap will be there it's 2 45 now for
6773s the london spitfire i love the spitfire
6775s throw everything at the wall there and
6777s notably atlanta rain only had the one
6778s ultimate to counter right so you have to
6779s use that to counter the flux and
6781s everything else is just gonna and you
6782s and it's gonna end the fight via
6784s especially the dragonblade which can't
6786s get shut down with hawk dead so as soon
6787s as hawk dies no one can touch anymore
6789s and the atlanta rain will lose the a-cap
6792s the respect being shown i mean you see
6793s poco heading up first of all puts out
6795s the shield strength to kai's face and
6796s then through the window as well people
6798s are just very careful about crossing
6799s those sight lines they wait for kai to
6801s take the shot he doesn't connect because
6803s people are far more i guess engaged with
6805s the fact that he can't get the kill and
6806s then they get through the fight
6808s so say there's the challenge from
6810s backbone making his way forward
6812s window does get used
6814s spitfire
6815s respecting it here but the overclock
6817s didn't get burned sparker unable to find
6819s any eliminations with it
6821s good response just forces
6822s the one in spitfire position back down
6825s the ramp flux now looking pretty juicy
6828s picks them up transcendence is there
6829s however landed trying to keep everybody
6830s alive poking poco still nearly focused
6833s fire down does manage to stay alive as
6835s hawk pulls back around the corner
6836s keeping himself safe kai
6838s bailey
6839s it's out of shot looks for admiral not
6841s quite going to be able to get him in the
6842s head though sir animal lives the fire
6844s another day and as i say that it is a
6846s cancer blessing for nero the storm
6848s arrows come across they get the
6849s connection they find their target and
6851s the kills fly through
6852s swiftly their abs are two more going to
6854s be joining them
6855s in 20 seconds remaining the london
6856s spitfire popping in this fight sparker
6858s will find two on the back end of that
6860s but he's all on his lonesome with a
6861s sliver of hp needs to make his way out
6863s because if he dies now it'd be a massive
6864s stagger yeah he got the mega there so
6866s brilliant 1v1 win from sparker to save
6868s his own life doesn't get self staggered
6870s we'll actually force an error to respawn
6871s it comes back onto against you know i
6873s think that's actually reasonable because
6874s this should be a pretty close quarters
6876s fight uh gone of the day's just purely
6878s poking out
6879s and uh with about a minute left here
6882s possibly room for one last good fight so
6885s for reign to defend b successfully they
6887s they again need kai to do that
6890s yeah that role is uh very much not and
6892s he hasn't been deathless for a while but
6894s a great opening kills they look for pogo
6896s a little bit more oh what a quick shot
6898s kai finds landon
6901s and kai is just saying yeah i'm not
6903s letting this could be a 3-0 i am not
6906s losing like that he's put the team on
6908s its back and it's delivered time and
6909s time again that's just what the water
6911s maker does on this map but ruins your
6912s tempo like i mentioned earlier spitfire
6914s they want to play fast a fast style
6916s sigma because they're running both the
6917s genji and the brig you can't do that if
6919s kai consistently picks players off he's
6922s forcing you to slow down when you don't
6924s want to and
6926s how many i don't know how many fights
6928s has been it feels like more than 75
6929s percent of the fights we've had kai got
6930s the opening pick
6934s incredible consistency is the car the
6936s contest is there the ot will be forced
6938s out transcendence rushing forward from
6940s emoji just trying to keep them alive
6941s through that flux
6943s unable to find any kills kinetic grass
6944s could be used trying to buy some space
6947s 99 broke blade is going to be pulled
6949s hawk doesn't get taken down kyle
6951s managing to find one finds two poco
6953s eliminated but now he is zoned into the
6955s back backbone however he cannot really
6957s continue to push forward 14 hp that his
6959s cord orb is through he has to tuck back
6961s away but nero chases forward the dash
6963s the melee he finds a kill kai gets
6965s another one a third of the fight he's
6967s looking for a little bit more as admiral
6968s tries to stay alive but he cannot
6970s and while it looks like maybe the
6971s spitfire going to be able to make that
6973s happen get that push get that extra
6975s minute and a half they cannot off the
6978s back of some fantastic shots once more
6980s from kai they close out the fight and
6982s they put a map win on the board we are
6984s not done yet yeah that is far more
6986s convincing through from the land around
6987s exactly what you want to see in terms of
6989s playing to your strengths you have
6990s kovacs guy in your team you have one of
6992s the best guests if not the best western
6994s headscan we knew that he was going to be
6995s fantastic on the widowmaker sparker does
6998s not match up he didn't play the water
6999s maker i don't know if that was a coach
7000s called i don't know if that was like a
7002s confidence through from sparka but if
7004s you fail to play the widowmaker at least
7005s something a little bit more comparable
7007s like even a hanzo something that will
7008s give you a chance to take down kai genji
7011s is not going to be enough for that
7012s because you can't reach the back line
7013s sparker gets out ranged heavily by
7015s widowmaker that is a gigantic difference
7019s maker for the squad and is why i think
7020s atlanta reign played the superior
7022s composition on this map as far as amb go
7024s london spitfire did a reasonable job but
7027s no water make it no win
7028s [Music]
7029s yeah fantastic map pick there from the
7031s side of the atlanta rain exploiting a
7033s weakness in the armor of the london
7034s spitfire they get themselves on the
7035s board but they still need to keep it
7037s going now spitfire have their map pick
7039s we'll see where they take us when we
7040s come back
7046s [Music]
7060s mmm
7064s [Music]
7091s do
7093s [Music]
7119s do
7120s [Music]
7144s ah
7156s [Music]
7220s do
7231s [Music]
7245s do
7251s [Music]
7257s [Music]
7262s do
7264s [Music]
7277s do
7285s i can read it in korean you know
7291s hey not funny
7297s [Music]
7307s who's the biggest prankster on the team
7309s i'd say nero hawkinero it's definitely
7312s it's definitely me or hawk that would
7314s have to go to pelican this guy's just
7316s always up to something
7318s 100 felican
7320s maybe
7322s piggy and me
7331s always doing something to mess with
7333s people feel like they like making people
7335s mad sometimes mere hawk just
7348s i guess it would be me i like pulling
7350s everyone's leg a little bit he'll go up
7352s and change someone's wallpaper or
7354s something while they're not looking or
7356s if someone's mad just making them more
7358s mad just for their own entertainment
7360s it's just something that we do and we
7361s find it funny
7363s who has the best fashion in the league
7365s to be honest i don't know how any of the
7367s other players dress so i'm just going to
7368s assume it's me
7378s my name is
7404s i don't think our team got drift we're
7406s not drift out you guys
7413s in the league i think
7415s shu has the best fashion and i think on
7417s our team it's probably kai and kevster
7420s actually yeah
7423s what teammate always likes your bike no
7424s matter what barley my judd
7427s it's my saudi brother i think they all
7429s have my back
7430s you know we trust each other a lot and
7432s you know we're a team or a unit and i
7434s don't think there's any like barriers
7436s between us
7442s i'd say everyone on the team we're all
7444s friends we help each other through
7446s everything probably pelican maybe
7449s dante
7457s foreign
7462s [Music]
7465s and we are back
7467s atlanta rain able to stay alive here in
7469s this first series of mid-season madness
7472s they managed to pick up a win on their
7473s map pick of circuit royale but now
7475s london spitfire they of course after
7478s losing that map have a map pick of their
7480s own as we get ready to move forward into
7483s push
7485s hardy coming back in for push
7487s which makes a lot of sense to me that's
7489s a normal they should be playing the
7490s rhine here as well the unfortunate thing
7492s for the line to reign is when you
7494s consider the fact that they did lose the
7495s first two maps every single map pick now
7498s for the rest of the series if it
7499s continues going through the distance is
7502s going to be london spitfire in terms of
7503s what they want to pick so um we'll talk
7505s about the map coming up again i'll spoil
7507s it it's going to be color co i knew
7509s queen street would have been the
7510s preferable map choice for atlanta rain
7511s colosseum far more preferable for the
7513s london spitfire being that it is a
7514s better rhine map and i think there's
7516s something to be said about where new
7517s queen street is before orion team like
7520s spitfire because dallas kind of showed
7522s how to play around the ryan how to beat
7523s the hardy ryan and the london spitfire
7525s brawl composition on a map like new
7526s queen street so they're gonna opt to
7528s avoid that one when we get to the final
7529s map if we get to the final map rain
7531s would love to pick ileos but i think
7533s spitfire will take us elsewhere again so
7535s it's not going to get any easier here
7537s for the atlanta rain
7538s we don't really have any major widow
7541s maps as well so the one i think match up
7543s the one area that the rain had been
7545s significantly differing the spitfire on
7547s is probably going to end up being closer
7548s to them for the rest of the series now
7551s yeah for sure i mean it was again very
7554s smart map pick there from the side of
7556s the atlanta ranching we know that they
7558s probably aren't going to play widow and
7559s even if they do we feel like we're going
7560s to win out in that metric so let's go to
7562s the widow map in the mat in the meadow
7564s right now and they get that win but now
7566s they need to fight back in some you know
7569s of london's territory granted with push
7571s you're limited your your options are
7573s obviously limited given that we only
7574s have two maps in that pool right now so
7576s it's a bit of a 50 50 and you can kind
7578s of assume which one they're gonna be
7580s taking you to but we'll see how they
7582s fare because they need to fight back as
7584s mentioned before multiple times the last
7586s time these guys did square off it was a
7588s 3-2 series the london spitfire were able
7590s to walk away with atlanta rain now are
7592s looking to flip the script and atlanta
7594s reign actually debuted their own uh ryan
7597s rush composition on this map as well
7599s versus paris and their final match in
7601s the qualifiers as well now they did beat
7603s paris on it but i have to say you know
7604s that's very different competition now
7606s compared to where london are so is the
7609s hawk ryan is the atlanta rain ryan brawl
7612s going to be as good or it's going to
7613s match up to london at all history would
7615s say that london aren't to be matched by
7617s anybody on this composition but the
7618s bigger question will be do atlan terrain
7620s even bother trying to play that because
7623s that ended up being the bane of
7625s their series versus london last time
7627s right gator tried to come in play the
7629s rhine they were under prepared rain is
7631s slightly more prepared this time but the
7633s truth is can you ever really be truly
7635s prepared up against london's rhine
7637s trying to play it yourself
7640s uh
7641s no i think at this point the answer is
7643s pretty much no
7645s we'll have to just wait and see maybe
7647s some of our apac teams will be well
7649s prepared enough to to do well
7653s they won't try and match hardy that's
7654s for sure we've seen far too many teams
7656s try and play up against hardy and it
7658s hasn't gone well can rain be the first
7660s they didn't do it last time with gator
7662s this time it'll be hard coming in for
7663s the honorable ryan deal i do wonder how
7665s the uh the hardy and gator matchup
7668s behind the scenes went so i hope to get
7670s some results for that but let's take a
7671s look at what we have on the rollout here
7673s it's just going to be a clean mirror
7674s nero made now as much as i said that
7676s backbones may have been phenomenal last
7678s year before backbone joined the league i
7680s felt like nero on the shark had probably
7682s one of if not the best maze as well so
7684s big competition now
7687s all right well out the gates body gonna
7689s be charging forward
7691s atlanta rain going towards fountain
7694s and we can let battle commence
7696s hottie landing the first fire strike
7698s he's got the upper hand 14 charge
7701s towards that shatter yep
7703s be funny if that actually did make a
7704s difference you just see like
7706s hardy on 100 hawks on like 92 and that
7709s it's it's just like okay well there it
7711s is there's that that's that extra five
7712s strike damage coming in big uh we'll see
7714s if the kai and sparker can open things
7716s up or maybe narrow and backbone get a
7718s snipe here as well oh gee i'm pretty low
7720s hp
7722s that he is roll rotates over manages to
7723s grab that body probably gonna be falling
7725s low immortality field comes through to
7726s try to keep him alive does get cleared
7728s out but they haven't been able to find
7729s the eliminations yet admiral making his
7731s exit as well as og once more getting
7733s tagged up but i like that he dodges his
7735s head over to the side he's kind of
7736s playing like he's in a vr game right
7738s there
7740s watch the uh flex support here we're
7741s nearly onto the window that could be the
7742s difference maker hulk load down all the
7744s walls up yep they're cutting off that
7746s retreat path hawk tries to make his way
7748s through the flank side but he cannot do
7750s so they get the punish there's gonna be
7752s first blood drawn out for the side of
7753s the london spitfire the bot now
7754s advancing forward gaining distance yeah
7756s that's huge i mean this is going to be
7757s the you know opening pickup that's so
7759s insane to learn the spitfire we've only
7760s had the one kill so far this entire
7763s opening neutral but you know it does
7764s make the difference window from
7765s ultraviolet spitfire respected they back
7767s out
7768s not fast enough though oh backbone
7770s pinned
7770s off managing to find that kill
7772s immortality cleared out once more from
7773s the side of the spitfire but sparker
7775s trades it back at the ps4 at dps and now
7777s he gets both
7779s follow-up rail shot connecting nero
7781s taken out of the frame and he's going to
7782s find a third sparker really starting to
7785s pop hawk getting pushed back there's
7787s nowhere to go linden will clean him up
7789s and the bot can continue to push you for
7791s the side of the spitfire take a look at
7793s that again sparker coming on through
7795s and losing backbone not looking pretty
7797s good and it happens i think just as
7799s window comes down i don't know if i got
7801s amplified by the window because i didn't
7802s see this cyst coming through from
7803s landing but you don't really need it you
7805s have a charge shot go straight to the
7807s head of the atlanta ring that will give
7808s you the play advantage you need shady
7810s has the shadow available hawk does not
7811s quite have it but the blizzard can't be
7813s the difference maker when it comes up
7815s now hardy just stuck it
7817s drops down the shatter finds nero right
7820s off the bat the old getting the kill the
7821s fire strike finds the follow up the
7823s second fire strike will claim hawk and
7825s there you go chad is back in the lobby
7827s and he is here to pound london spitfire
7829s continuing to advance forward never had
7831s no idea him there just got completely
7833s dunked on by arty spins around the
7836s corner does a crit chat on nehru's face
7838s no time to even enter ice block and then
7840s they'll finish off the rest of the
7841s atlanta reign who you know at that point
7842s in time hawke had no response hawking
7844s leaving a response now trying to get out
7846s of the blizzard but he's dead
7848s he cannot makes it easy he gets frozen
7850s right there at the last second sparker
7852s lines up the headshot punishes him back
7855s he's inspired will be able to answer one
7856s back hawk drops the shatter the
7858s mortality field let's go through to try
7860s to keep him alive and i think spitfire
7862s right now they're just vibing they're
7863s having fun the bot has already made its
7865s way through the checkpoint it's had
7866s smoke break it continues to get some
7868s distance it's nearly 82 meters set up as
7871s hardy drops the mtd in the chat probably
7874s uh looking a little bit greedy there has
7876s zero respect for the atlanta right
7878s apparently goes to atlanta right spot oh
7880s yeah it's a solo shadow from hawk but i
7882s respect it you do need to get a kill
7883s like that you remove hiding from the
7884s server suddenly you can win a fight but
7886s the checkpoint has been made 81 meters
7888s has been kept and now london can just
7890s spend the rest of the map defending if
7891s they want to
7893s yeah and they recontest right before the
7894s pot would even start pushing here so the
7896s lantern are able to gain no distance
7898s whatsoever off of that fight now nero is
7900s going to be taken down he throws a
7901s blizzard but is instantly met with a
7902s rail to the skull
7904s finds another one once more cutting down
7906s both of the dps on the side of the
7907s atlanta rain hawk stunned up taken out
7909s admiral finds the kill and the atlanta
7912s reign just cannot hold a candle to them
7915s at all kai's got to give it up you know
7917s he says nice shot but oh man yeah like a
7921s performance right now from the entire
7923s london spitfire it is and i love the
7925s respect coming from kai as well you know
7926s i kind of talked about the fact that
7927s sparker was a notable matchup sparker is
7930s definitely playing better than kai
7931s currently eight final blows to kai's one
7933s sound barrier coming on through hardy
7934s does maybe land the shot again doesn't
7937s sound better though okay
7939s hottie does end up falling admiral
7941s finding og off the back of the beat
7943s landon somehow surviving there actually
7945s kills off kai ultra violet now gonna be
7947s taken down
7948s suddenly the fight starts getting swung
7950s back here into the favor of the london
7951s spitfire a bit the bot once more still
7954s being pushed forward admiral and
7955s backbone they say yeah it's just us two
7957s first three
7958s screw it keep pushing
7960s yeah they squeeze extra distance i mean
7962s that's incredible just every single
7963s extra meter you get can be pretty
7965s important
7966s okay well under fire wall now start to
7968s back on out back one could be in trouble
7970s just lives on like any party
7973s he just doesn't care he just charges
7975s hawk gets the pin takes him down the
7977s beat was there to try to keep him alive
7978s backbone doesn't end up getting
7979s eliminated kai chunking him out finds
7982s the kill bot going to be contested here
7983s for the moment as sparker looks for a
7986s target with the overclock would love to
7987s take nero's head off once more
7990s hasn't quite been able to find him
7991s though now jumps up over the opposite
7992s side of the wall and uh uh he's kind of
7993s zoned himself i don't want to back out
7995s like they kind of want to do that yeah
7997s they're just going to start backing off
7998s now as admiral does get taken down i
8000s actually think london shouldn't have
8001s backed out there i know they were down
8002s one member and you don't really want to
8003s take those flights but on a map like
8005s this where there's limited time left and
8006s you are leading by 83 meters you got to
8008s get ultimates out of the rain if they
8010s played that 4v5 there's a good chance
8011s you're forcing two ultimates or more out
8013s of the atlanta reign and that economical
8015s fight is what's important as we get
8017s lower on the time then here comes that
8019s blizzard now for backbone
8022s and the response was their hawk
8026s taken out
8029s start pushing forward and once more just
8031s no real distance able to be accrued
8033s 3.82 meters
8035s all that's set up for the side of the
8037s range
8038s the push forward kai take it down
8039s backbone is just plus boarding
8041s no so ever he gets ultraviolet as well
8044s catches it mid leaf the pin not gonna
8046s connect from hawk and now he is left out
8048s the dry ends up going down the right
8050s click into the leg into the chest
8052s backbone finds near the bottom once more
8054s gaining distance for the spitfire they
8056s cannot be stopped he's a right-click
8058s sniper on the main icicles what's going
8060s on here london spitfire
8061s they should be in a really rough
8063s situation we're allowing to reign out
8064s like four ultimates to play through but
8065s they just completely delete them kai
8066s goes down immediately clearly to right
8068s need that overclock they desperately
8070s need kind of all
8072s shatter
8073s dropped in not finding any connections
8075s there hottie has the over step looks
8077s like the answer is going to be yes but
8078s once more the distance is so significant
8080s it's one one one make a wish spitfire
8083s fans i hope you're wishing for a victory
8084s because right now you're not too far off
8086s from it that gun's gonna be taken out
8089s as again will be the rain able to rest
8092s control away getting the bot for
8093s themselves but can they gain any
8095s distance can they win the fight i think
8097s you're gonna wish for something a little
8098s bit more grandiose because the winner is
8099s giving it this right you're gonna just
8100s gotta get that no matter what no need to
8102s wish for 111 to three meters with three
8104s minutes remaining and lend a spitfire
8106s winning these neutrals you're gonna get
8107s another neutral here in the mid point i
8109s mean atlanta can't even get past the
8111s midpoint currently
8113s they're just not as good of a ryan brawl
8115s team
8118s now the blizzard's gonna be thrown in by
8119s backbone in the shatter drop by hawk
8121s gets frozen though so can't make a play
8123s off the back end of it ends up falling
8125s as the immortality fields get cleared
8126s out on either side
8128s once more
8129s no distance to be found here unless they
8131s can continue to try to win out this
8132s fight but kai is going to be taken down
8134s admiral finding that elimination hottie
8136s finding one with a fire strike and
8137s admiral comes up with three he might not
8140s be deathless anymore but he's still
8142s getting his hands dirty playing a
8144s bloodthirsty support
8146s let's just continue to resetting this
8147s payload as well i mean it's typically
8149s 4v5 what admiral does but you can just
8151s shove it right at the top the goal the
8152s spitfire is they don't even really need
8154s to push any further but they'll just
8155s keep pushing it back as much as possible
8157s something like the right for playing the
8158s game
8161s and they have ultimate advantage now i
8162s think they're just going to come on
8164s but as soon as they break through he
8165s gets the head shot on the kai
8167s the overclock still held on to
8169s hottie moves forward drops the hammer
8171s like gone
8172s goes for the pin drags hawk into the
8174s corner and they will leave his corpse
8176s there
8177s sparker jumped on nero trying
8179s desperately finished on that appeal for
8181s his squad but he can't do anything and
8182s yeah the map it may as well get finished
8184s at this point the beat is still held by
8185s the london spitfire as they look for the
8188s finish there it comes out on hanzo just
8190s give up on the name i mean it's just
8192s they're at least rainer running out of
8193s ideas like i said there's no ultimates
8194s available at all he doesn't become the
8195s smartest so maybe the hanzo can't work
8197s out
8199s does find the kill here on the hottie as
8201s well and admiral of course just gonna be
8202s holding the beat
8204s just gives his life forward as they
8205s continue to keep the plot contested
8207s right in front of the rain spawn they
8210s have their work cut out for him they've
8211s got a minute to do it it would be an
8213s absolute miracle one of the best if not
8215s the best play on push that we will have
8217s witnessed across n a and a pack regions
8220s if they can get a win here on coliseum
8222s the problem is it's not even just up to
8223s rain to play well they would need london
8226s to throw they would need london to turn
8227s off their monitors stop playing the game
8229s take their hands off their keys boards
8231s because
8231s it's 129 meters to push in a minute and
8234s london spitfire have just been the
8235s better team this match up the entire way
8236s through
8241s something for a moment the beat gets
8242s dropped in kai the first one to fall
8243s sparker again finding his head sparklers
8245s staying alive with a sliver of hp and he
8247s is going to get sustained back up nero
8250s gets taken down hawk eliminated it is
8253s done it is dustin stick a fork in it the
8255s london spitfire once more will continue
8258s to win out fight after fight if they are
8260s not directly in front of the reigns base
8262s the london spitfire seemingly just
8264s cannot be stopped they once more will
8265s ship the bot back across they are
8268s looking for the finish or at least to
8269s hold it locked into this side of the map
8272s let's let's place a little dirt one
8273s blizzard will probably end this at the
8274s moment
8275s right around trying to push back in
8278s one shot available for hulk as well
8281s cybernetics
8283s there's the ot forced out backbone down
8285s nero finding an opening kill clears up
8287s the immortality field is that the start
8289s of a miracle run back
8291s far they will continue to move forward
8292s the the kills coming in
8294s spark of the last one to get dropped as
8296s the team wipe is their rank
8298s will finally be able to get this bot now
8300s start gaining some distance now do it
8302s four more times without losing any
8304s members is the atlanta rain come back
8306s challenge might be more than four yeah
8308s whatever the number is you can't lose
8309s anybody because if somebody dies in ot
8311s they can't respawn back into the fight
8312s because they're too damn far away so
8314s literally rain have to win every single
8315s fight from here on end without losing a
8317s member good luck get some tags through
8319s they're looking for landon can't make it
8321s happen hottie gonna be hitting the floor
8322s as they go pin for pin the bot again
8324s going to be locked into position the
8325s blizzard not finding too much there's a
8326s shadow by hawk he manages to stand up
8328s under three that's gonna be landed in
8329s honey now cleaned up backbone take it
8331s out here's the first fight victor that
8333s you were asking for the team wipe comes
8334s through atlanta rain finally gaining
8336s some distance they get in the double
8337s digits but look at this london spitfire
8340s vault with a play through
8341s the shadow can really end this a party
8343s lands it in time spiker as well has an
8345s overclock pushing uphill is going to be
8348s exceptionally difficult the good news is
8349s atlanta reign have already managed to
8352s get on top of that bridge so in terms of
8354s finding a reasonable fight could be okay
8356s they have one place for pushing below
8357s there goes market
8360s o'clock at the ready honey playing on
8362s the high ground for now
8364s the first one to fall though that's
8366s gonna be the dragon strike basically out
8367s of the fight he was just five percent
8368s away from it they find the kill hawk
8370s getting bullied in the corner
8372s they both hit the floor but now hawk
8373s going to be taken down hottie finds the
8375s kill the shields are gone the shatter
8377s gets dropped in and the london spitfire
8380s it's an extended team kill as they get
8382s the win on coliseum and take the series
8385s 3-1
8387s just brilliant stuff coming through from
8388s the london spitfire won almost every
8391s single matchup the only thing they need
8393s to maybe work on is looking over towards
8395s what happened on the circuit royale i
8396s think the water maker was a bit of a
8397s problem that beyond that obviously the
8399s better running team we expect them to be
8401s the much better ryan team on coliseum
8403s they've proven that atlanta reagan have
8405s tried to you know shift hawke over
8406s towards more of the main tank options
8408s that gator used to play i think it's
8410s good to sort of have one tank player
8412s cover as many roles as possible i mean
8414s that's what we're seeing players like
8415s smurf like someone be able to do quite
8417s comfortably but it's still a sort of
8420s learning face for atlanta rain because
8421s they were nowhere near as practiced on
8424s this rhine cop as the london spitfire
8426s are which is strange to say because in
8428s 2021 last year they were probably the
8430s best ryan team but now it's different
8433s london they are the kings orion they
8435s beat land to rain they move forward in
8437s the bracket
8439s a fantastic way to kick things off here
8441s in mid-season madness for the london
8443s spitfire for the atlanta rain though
8444s they do fall down into that lower
8446s bracket and they will have to fight
8448s their way through it if they want to
8449s stay alive and be victorious at the end
8451s of it all but clearly some things to
8452s work on if they're going to be piloting
8454s those ryan comps in the future
8456s so focusing in on our player of the
8459s match it's going to be going away a
8461s backbone a man who wears many hats and
8463s has played many a character throughout
8465s this series from the may to the genji to
8468s the zenyatta as well a very well
8469s deserved victory for him
8471s you know i think both sides are backbone
8473s performed admirably you have the
8474s backbone version which is the uh the
8476s main stuff and then you have the bone
8478s back version which is what we're seeing
8479s here which is the zen stuff so you know
8480s the fact that he's got these two
8482s different looks is what really enables
8483s him under spitfire to have two competent
8486s compositions to play through and to get
8488s wins on but stuff like this is unmatched
8490s just completely deletes multiple players
8493s such extremely precise main right clicks
8496s you can't beat something like this
8499s yeah it was just impeccably played and
8502s again we saw so many times especially
8504s thread collision at the very end
8505s backbone just throwing up those walls
8507s denying damage coming through cutting
8509s off those retreat points for the side
8510s deal and terrain like i said that is
8512s something that you can't really teach
8514s it's something that comes with just
8515s playing this character over countless
8518s hours it looks utterly impeccable on it
8520s as he often does i'm gonna highlight as
8522s well eliminations per 10 over 20. that's
8524s insane because what it means is he's not
8527s only getting final blows which he has
8528s 7.9 of out of 10 but he's also assisting
8531s in damage and kill participation 203 is
8535s an insanely high
8536s number for kill participation which
8538s means he's a part of all of these frags
8540s he's contributing to all of these frags
8542s that the london spitfire are getting
8545s not only that but also i mean just even
8546s 6 500 nearly 6 600 damage pretend is a
8549s maze
8550s kind of ridiculous yeah i mean that's
8552s not in everything he is just
8555s maybe doesn't farm damage may is not a
8556s damage farmer you know you're not
8558s playing soldier you're not playing a
8559s chassis you're not playing any of the
8561s normal dps's like the trace of the
8563s soldiers as well they can really farm up
8564s high damage but ash i think is notorious
8566s for farming up high damage numbers
8567s nate's not that so you know he's hitting
8570s a lot of right clicks he's getting the
8571s face of the enemy you know spraying them
8573s down with his left click as well so
8575s he's able to do all of that perfectly
8577s with the rest of his team and you know
8579s london spitfire the most well-oiled
8581s brawl team that we have in this entire
8583s league
8585s well an incredible victory from them
8587s gonna be holding their heads high
8588s unfortunately for the side of the
8589s atlanta reign it was not to to borrow
8591s avaly's word come backable uh she and
8593s the rest of the desk though will be
8594s breaking down the action there from that
8596s first series in just a few minutes and
8598s then when we come back we'll be bringing
8600s you guys the houston outlaws versus the
8601s florida mayhem so that's gonna be
8603s breaking down the action in just a few
8604s minutes don't go anywhere
8606s [Music]
8623s [Music]
8625s the on watching is brought to you by
8627s upper deck the official trading card of
8629s the overwatch league
8631s and by teamspeak the official voice
8633s supplier of the overwatch league
8638s [Music]
8676s [Music]
8689s [Music]
8708s [Music]
8744s [Music]
8780s [Music]
8785s [Music]
8795s [Music]
8805s [Music]
8862s [Applause]
8864s [Music]
8874s [Music]
8880s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
8882s joined now by the player of the match
8884s backbone from london spitfire
8886s i mean backbone today you guys
8888s completely look like a different team
8889s you guys were always good but today you
8891s guys were just amazing dominant showing
8893s from the london spitfire
8895s what sort of change coming to the
8896s tournament um we honestly didn't really
8899s change that much we knew we know how
8901s good we are we we knew what we needed to
8903s improve on we've been focusing on that
8905s but i think mainly it's just been about
8908s getting rid of the expectations we
8909s started playing on ourselves like once
8910s we started winning so many games it's a
8912s lot harder to
8913s go in with the underdog mentality that
8915s we've been wanting to do all season
8916s uh but we've kind of taken a step back
8918s from i guess the ego we grew and it's
8921s been very helpful
8922s yeah and i mean also you especially you
8924s guys you of course got the player of the
8925s match because you were one of the snad
8926s out players but i mean you and both
8929s backbone i mean backbone boom back onto
8932s zenyatta and you on the mate as well you
8934s you guys were really popping off was
8936s there any like special training that you
8937s did for the tournament because you guys
8939s were crazy uh no not really i mean just
8943s you know we've been letting it back
8944s playing scrims and stuff
8946s but other than that nothing's been done
8948s outside i'm i'm literally just showing
8950s up and playing and it's good enough to
8952s win so
8953s i don't need to do any more yeah man i
8955s mean and also uh i mean throughout the
8957s whole match you guys are very dominant
8958s but circuit royale i think was the only
8960s if i had to nitpick was the only method
8962s you guys sort of struggled uh what
8964s what went wrong on that map and like
8966s what sort of problems were you guys
8967s running into uh it's just it's just a
8969s weird map like there's no other map
8971s where you play anything remotely similar
8972s to it right now so it's hard to practice
8974s too because you're practicing something
8976s that only works for one map
8979s uh so it's not it's not when we practice
8980s a lot we kind of just uh you know play
8983s it and just flip a coin when will we
8985s lose
8986s it's not like what we prioritize it's
8988s not a map we really care about i mean
8990s yeah at the end of the day you guys
8991s still got the match win so that's good
8993s for you guys and and this means that you
8995s guys are moving on to the next round i
8996s mean the spitfire won't be picking the
8999s next opponent but uh boom back back bone
9002s but i am getting so
9004s backbone is there is there a team that
9005s you want to face off tomorrow
9008s uh i want to play one of the apac teams
9009s so i hope soul picks us honestly i think
9012s that'd be a fun game yeah it sounds like
9013s an interesting match all right that is
9015s it for the interview backbone thank you
9016s so much for your time now let's uh send
9018s things back to ollie and the uh the two
9020s other guys i don't know you guys
9026s he's forgotten us he has forgotten you
9028s but thank you so much danny my fellow
9030s perfect prediction pack beginners
9034s beginners
9036s unbelievable lists right now on the desk
9039s who have told me that they understand
9041s you know the scene and our professionals
9043s and yet i'm the one
9045s i'm on watch point first time on an
9047s overwatch league broadcast and i'm the
9049s one sitting here with perfect
9050s predictions viewers pick and viewers
9053s yeah okay unite yeah
9055s don't blame us blame yourselves too
9058s it sounds like it's overly okay yeah
9059s yeah she's trying to be your friend
9061s she's also when she's flaming us she's
9063s flaming you to your youtube channel
9066s absolutely not i saw multiple people on
9068s my side saying that spitfire was going
9070s to take it and boy oh boy were their
9072s correct dozens there's dozens of us but
9075s i mean scott let's start with you just
9077s what went wrong for the team that you
9079s predicted so wrongly well i just think
9082s for me the first match
9085s these setups are just going to be too
9086s much throughout the day
9088s we go on to liang tower and it's pretty
9090s much what we expected they played the
9091s reinhardt rush it's a it's a map that's
9093s great for that style of playing it and
9095s atlanta rain you know i was expecting
9097s them to struggle on this map was not
9099s expecting that much of a struggle i
9100s believe it was like 30 kills to eight at
9103s the end of this map it was just
9104s absolutely incredible and just the
9106s coordination you can see the
9108s coordination of the spitfire playing
9109s with hawke was just not able to play the
9111s game as that doomfist and the pharah
9113s composition just did not work out but
9115s the real sort of
9117s failure i think for the atlanta rain is
9118s when we head over here to ikemoto
9120s because it's just it's a dive map this
9122s is something that the atlanta range
9124s should be better at but ultraviolet just
9126s could not stay alive they were doing
9128s such a good job of isolating him and
9130s that essentially is it atlanta reigns
9131s just asleep at the wheel a little bit on
9133s this map and losing this dive map it
9136s just sort of made it difficult for them
9137s to be able to come back into the series
9139s after this one we went over to circa
9140s royale a map that we know they're great
9143s great at on the back of just kai's
9144s widowmaker oh ultraviolet going for a
9146s fly right there but yeah guys kai's
9148s widowmaker was just absolutely
9149s incredible in this map he did turn it
9151s around for them was able to get them to
9153s win but then we go over to coliseum that
9155s reinhardt and it's just at that point
9157s they just can't match this skill level
9159s on that composition from the london
9161s spitfire so
9162s you know i talked about the
9164s inconsistency heading into the match for
9166s the atlanta range so far throughout this
9167s season the bad side of that team came
9170s out now they have to make a lower
9171s bracket run definitely i think it's
9173s interesting that we heard in that
9174s interview right there too saying like
9176s yeah circle royale it's kind of like a
9177s weird map don't really know how to
9179s prepare for it at all but uh you know
9181s we're gonna win everywhere else and
9182s that's exactly what they did so johnny
9184s coming to you i mean
9188s where else did atlanta go wrong against
9190s the spitfire because besides that one uh
9193s map they look like they were struggling
9195s pretty hard yeah i mean
9197s i i think atlanta they played very
9199s scrappy this series throughout and
9201s that's not what you want to do against
9202s rhino compositions particularly on
9203s league junk tower stuff like that but i
9205s actually want to commend the london
9206s spitfire because i do think that they
9208s played it really well especially in the
9210s mid fights which is not something that
9212s we usually talk about but we saw it on
9214s legion tower like when you lost the
9216s member already how you turn fights
9217s around when we saw it once more on
9218s circuit royale so here you see atlanta
9220s rain they're playing this poke
9221s composition they got a window out
9223s they've on a spitfire they're playing
9224s the angles they're going to lose poco
9226s here but they're going to turn it around
9227s they're playing the brigitte they're
9228s playing the genji so they're playing
9230s trying to play around the inspire
9232s healing the armor packs being fed into
9234s backbone here and with this offensive
9236s dive they're going to end up turning
9238s this fight around despite losing poco
9241s early on so they know they win condition
9243s we're not going to beat atlanta in poke
9245s because they're playing kaio widowmaker
9246s they're playing near on sojourn so we
9248s can't beat that poke coming in from afar
9250s instead we're going to pick our moments
9252s in the middle of the fight and then
9254s dictate when we go aggressive and i
9256s think donald did a great job of that on
9258s league tower when they played the
9259s reinhardt composition sitting back and
9260s then engaging but also on circuit real
9263s sitting back and then pouncing when it
9265s is your opportunity to go so on a
9266s spitfire if they can keep that up
9268s there's going to be a huge backbone for
9270s them going if throughout the return back
9271s back back oh he had that one in his back
9274s pocket for a while oh so i do want to
9277s add one thing i don't know if i was the
9279s london spitfire and i was backbone if i
9281s would challenge the seoul dynasty to
9283s pick me seoul dynasty look incredible i
9285s don't think they know what they're
9286s signing up for
9287s exactly right and that's something that
9290s they're just going to have to wait and
9292s see to see who is going to pick them as
9294s they go into that next
9296s stage of the bracket now that being said
9298s atlanta rain they're not out of this
9300s just yet there is still the losers
9302s bracket that they have and
9304s it is combackable for them no it's not
9306s compatible it is it is winnable tonight
9309s come back
9315s uh but you know what should be at the
9317s front of their minds in terms of what
9318s they need to focus up on and improve on
9321s if they want to make this a comebackable
9324s run as they drop in i'd like to like to
9326s start off here because i
9328s i didn't feel like they played to their
9329s strengths a lot of the time and i mean
9331s especially on colosseum like you face
9333s the reinhardt mirror matchup whatever
9334s like you're not going to play a ton of
9335s rhino teams anyway but even on iconvalda
9338s that was the no the map that you hit on
9340s because as well they should have won
9341s that map i mean that's where you want to
9343s take maps from the low spitfire because
9344s you're supposed to have the advantage i
9346s don't think they really play to their
9347s strengths you need to put kai in a
9349s position where he can win the
9350s head-to-head on sojourn but also you
9352s know that shax is a really aggressive
9354s tracer so maybe like default to the
9356s brigitte to poke him away but also feed
9358s your own tracer the armor packs to peel
9361s shacks off and like try to cater through
9363s these strengths of yours instead they
9365s went to like a head-to-head with the
9366s zenyatta and the honor and they just
9369s simply got like beat man-to-man and they
9370s didn't really lean into their strengths
9373s they were willing to take a mirror
9374s matchup yeah i don't have the numbers on
9376s the top of my head but i said it like
9377s ultraviolet died a lot he was getting
9379s punished and it wasn't even just great
9381s play by shaq's and the dive of the
9383s london spitfire sometimes he was just
9384s out of position so something definitely
9386s was out of sync for them on that map
9388s they need to get that together because
9390s london spitfire is by no means the best
9392s dive team we have in this league and
9393s this is the playoffs you can't make
9394s mistakes like that anymore definitely i
9396s even remember as we were watching the
9397s games together there were multiple
9398s moments especially on eichenwald where
9400s the question of wait ultraviolet he's
9402s dead wait what happened why is he on the
9404s bridge no what's going on here he's
9406s getting dove like
9407s definitely something that they need to
9408s focus up on but hey that was just the
9410s first match of the day we do have
9412s another match coming up florida versus
9415s houston and this is a match that i
9417s believe all three of us voted or
9419s predicted houston on so johnny
9423s we
9427s yeah now why do you think so why do you
9429s think it's so across the board that it's
9430s going to be the outlaws honestly like
9432s straightforward answer to keep it short
9434s i think houston outlaws are just like
9436s the better team like even like man for
9437s man i think that meredith is a really
9439s good sojourn and is proving himself this
9441s stage that he belongs in the overwatch
9442s league um i think pelican as well i mean
9444s this is this is like a roll star kind of
9446s caliber player you know one of the best
9448s damage players around the league and
9450s dantes won the doomfist they know their
9451s identity they know who they are they've
9453s had problems staying on the objectives
9455s so far this stage
9456s but if that if they like fix that which
9458s is a relatively easy fix just stay on
9460s the point like they are a really good
9463s team at florida mayhem i just haven't
9464s seen them play to that level yet so far
9466s i i will say the silver lining that i
9468s have for the mayhem they've been putting
9469s xe on this sojourn and he has that
9471s firepower obviously went missing last
9473s year due to personal health reasons but
9474s he's back in a big way but the biggest
9477s issue with the florida mayhem overall
9479s has been staying alive sir majed playing
9481s too aggressive getting punished for that
9483s exe has the same issue when he plays
9485s aggressive he has a very high death
9486s count per 10 minutes on surgeon if they
9488s can just stay alive and still get the
9490s same form of results they might start
9491s winning these matches and turning maps
9493s against the houston owls staying alive
9495s seems to be the name of the game and we
9497s are going to get into that match but
9498s first we are going to take a quick short
9500s break so don't go anywhere because when
9502s we come back we're going to see florida
9503s take on houston
9508s [Music]
9519s oh
9521s [Music]
9534s [Music]
9551s [Music]
9563s [Music]
9613s [Music]
9673s [Music]
9683s so
9690s and we are back it's time to get ready
9692s to go into our second series of a very
9694s stacked day of action coming up next
9696s we're gonna have a florida ham squaring
9698s off against the houston outlaws if
9700s you're just now joining us you missed
9702s the london spitfire able to get a
9704s victory over the atlanta reign so
9706s they're gonna be moving forward the rain
9707s now gonna have to battle their way out
9708s of the lower bracket one of these two
9710s teams is gonna be joining them down
9712s there at the end of it all
9714s yep so this is gonna be an interesting
9716s matchup because i i think both teams
9717s have very similar styles as well
9719s especially when it comes down to the
9720s dooms uh you know dante versus someone
9723s is going to be pretty hype like i've
9724s i've managed to avoid casting someone's
9726s entire year after covering the guy
9728s contenders not a fan of the name but my
9729s goodness is a good player though so i'm
9731s glad he's got that going for him
9734s yeah i mean you know the the story of
9736s how he got his name adorable but
9738s it can be a little it can be a little
9740s frustrating at times when you're caster
9742s and you're like someone it's just like
9743s the most blanket term that we we've been
9746s blessed to dodge that one for the entire
9747s season until now but here we go
9750s yeah yeah well we'll have to deal with
9752s it we'll see how we fare but uh i think
9754s that we should be quite all right as we
9756s get ready for these teams to make a
9757s battle so we'll see who's able to come
9759s out on top i mean the desk seemingly
9761s feeling like it's going to be a bit you
9763s know outlaw's favorite coming into this
9764s one we'll have to wait and see florida
9766s mayhem definitely need to uh level up a
9768s bit if they want to walk away victorious
9770s so fun fact the florida mayhem have not
9772s beaten the houston outlaws since uh 2020
9776s week 21 which is i believe june the 28th
9779s of 2020 so it's been a damn long time
9781s now the last four times they've met
9783s which is uh the only four times they've
9785s met since that one when that since the
9787s win that florida mayhem blast on the
9789s mayhem uh other than the houston outlaws
9791s it's been all houston so houston's won
9792s four times in a row now it's a major win
9794s streak versus the florida mayhem that
9796s extends all the way back to 2020. um and
9799s right now i mean they've only played
9800s each other once so far that was a three
9801s and two victory but when you sort of
9803s look at the histories of the the two
9805s teams and the most recent games being
9807s played
9808s houston have had some close calls
9809s they've had i think it's what three
9811s five mappers in a row but they've always
9813s wanted that fifth nap they've always
9815s been able to clutch it through they beat
9816s boston new york atlanta as well so yeah
9819s i mean they go the distance i think this
9821s is a series that could go distances
9823s especially considering that florida
9824s mayhem did tank the houston houston
9826s distance before but i don't think the
9828s desks are wrong either because houston
9829s has looked like the better team in
9830s recent games considering uh florida's
9832s losses in their recent matches as well
9835s i mean hey if the soul dynasty can
9837s conquer their demons and you know break
9838s the law streak against the shanghai
9840s dragons then certainly anything becomes
9841s possible so maybe the florida mayhem can
9843s do the same here in a tournament setting
9845s just like we saw uh the dynasty able to
9848s do time will tell though but first we'll
9849s go ahead and start taking a look at our
9851s starting lineup starting with the side
9853s of the floor to mayhem see who they're
9854s gonna be fielding here for their initial
9856s five and uh go ahead take a look it's
9858s gonna be hydra then check me somewhat as
9861s you said uh rubble and then namo to
9864s round it all out so if this is
9865s interesting there's two things that
9866s interesting to me one is that hydrant is
9867s playing over xc now normally xe has been
9870s the starter for this team for some time
9871s now since he arrived for florida but
9874s oasis which is going to be opening matt
9875s for control is a very i think dive
9877s favored kind of map and hydron is kind
9880s of the tracer player of this team so he
9881s will be coming in to specialize on that
9883s role the other part that's interesting
9885s is the rupaul versus surma jet
9887s conversation who's going to get the play
9889s time because they've both been featured
9891s on the same position playing alongside
9892s animal in previous games and i think you
9894s know one match was so much going on in
9896s most of the play time one map it was one
9898s match rather it was rupaul they've also
9899s shared play time where they play the
9901s double flick support as well right but
9902s it does seem like now that we're moving
9904s forward a bit more make him a focusing
9906s more so on rupaul than sir majin
9909s let's see how they fare is not much kind
9911s of you know chilling back reclining in
9913s the scene a little bit further away uh
9915s from the cam then the rest of the
9916s players but you know he's in his comfort
9918s zone what leave does all the time he's
9919s like loosely goosey
9922s true
9922s four players and the one dude just like
9925s halfway to going to bed really
9928s yeah
9930s well enough about leaving players who
9931s aren't in this tournament let's go ahead
9933s and look at the starting roster the
9935s opposite side it's gonna be the houston
9936s outlaws starting five let's see what
9938s they have prepped for us uh here today
9942s just a bit of overwatch league law you
9944s know how it goes so dante starting
9945s things out uh there's two main looks for
9947s the houston outlaws that people are
9949s probably quite familiar with now and i
9951s mean you know exactly what you're in for
9953s depending on which tank is playing dante
9955s then it's gonna be do it's piggy most
9957s likely on the sigma that's their two
9959s go-to comp so if you can sort of figure
9960s out and how to navigate around those two
9962s looks from houston you've basically
9964s figured houston out easier said than
9966s done though like i said past three
9968s matches they've been close but houston
9971s have won all of them i do consider
9973s houston to be a bit of a gatekeeper team
9974s because they kind of beat everybody
9977s that's more of a mid-tier team or below
9979s them and they have also consistently
9980s lost to top of the table teams like
9982s glads and shock i don't think they've
9983s actually beaten them so far this year so
9985s houston outlaws they're they're a hard
9987s team to get past the desk likes to refer
9989s to the florida mayhem support with him
9991s so look if florida want to shake off
9994s that kind of reputation if they do have
9996s to get past the gatekeepers or the
9997s houston outlaws
10000s let's see if they're up to the task i
10002s mean obviously a bit of a gap between
10004s the two the 11th place first the sixth
10006s place coming into this event florida
10008s mayhem either punch up a little bit if
10011s they want to be victorious and break
10012s that lost streak but anything is
10015s certainly possible we just saw a fairly
10016s clean takedown of you know the atlanta
10019s reign of the hands of the london
10020s spitfire so maybe florida can just try
10023s to channel a bit of that similar energy
10025s come out swinging managed to catch them
10027s off guard time will tell we'll just have
10029s to wait and see what they do have
10030s prepared for us because you know they're
10031s already surprising us a little bit with
10033s the the roster selection where they want
10035s to try to focus this five-man core um
10037s and maybe that is going to be you know
10039s finding success right and the other
10041s thing that we do notice is that animo
10042s can play some of these flex supports as
10044s well so you know he's been flexible
10046s enough to also pick up the anna here or
10047s there so if they really need that
10049s secondary player that makes fault to
10050s step it up animal can do that so that'll
10052s be something to look out for i'll be
10054s interested in seeing what the rest of
10055s the players are going to pick up here
10057s like there's going to be a trace of
10058s genji sort of style here is hydron going
10060s to be you know looking more like an xe
10062s with the sojourn in which case you do
10064s start asking the question like well why
10065s isn't xe playing then if hydra just
10068s plays the surgeon i'm suspecting to be
10069s more so hyper and tracer then maybe a
10071s checkmate genji check my echo even we'll
10073s sort of see how we're getting i know
10074s it's not early us but he has shown that
10076s look in the past um someone most likely
10078s matches the doomfist i think florida
10080s mayhem have played so much doom in their
10083s previous matchups really his signature
10085s here so far has been like kind of doom
10087s and then bringing out the ryan on
10089s something like coliseum which is a map
10090s that i hope we get to because i think
10092s that is a very winnable map for the
10094s mayhem given that what i've looked at
10096s outlaws previous matches especially on
10098s push they've been great at new queen
10099s street but colossians always you know
10102s especially the previous match they've
10103s had had a little bit iffy for them
10105s they've not been consistent on the
10106s colleagues here so that could be an area
10108s for the mayhem to attack if they get a
10109s chance to play that map
10111s and this is one of the you know my
10113s favorite thing about the tournaments is
10114s it's not having just that set
10116s map list going into a match being able
10119s to you know draft if you do suffer a
10121s loss try to go for something that you
10123s know you find to be advantageous for
10124s yourself much like we saw the rain do
10126s with that pig on circuit royale so yeah
10128s always great to see in tournament play
10130s but let's take a closer look here at
10131s dante who of course has been piloting
10133s that doomfist more often than not
10134s absolutely so he's been one of the
10136s leading players on the fest as far as
10138s getting in early in the middle we
10139s remember that uh
10142s match in san antonio between the houston
10144s apples and dallas field right the
10145s beginning of the season right where
10147s dante kind of debuted his doomfist and
10149s they crushed the dallas fuel 3-0 that
10150s was
10151s a very shook it up that assume that
10152s we're quite ready for what dante was
10154s going to be bringing to the table this
10155s first time we saw the the tank dante as
10158s well
10158s and now that we're deeper into the
10160s season more players have sort of come up
10162s on that doomfist uh you had hawk as well
10164s that started very early on that doomfist
10166s but like we sort of
10167s seen in our last series here
10169s the doomfist power i think it's starting
10171s to dwindle by the time we get to the
10172s next patch we probably won't be playing
10174s doomfist at all because again he
10175s received a lot of nerfs on the beta2
10177s patch currently on the beta one patch
10178s for the overwatch league so still a
10180s reasonable place for dante to come out
10182s on this uh someone will 100 be looking
10184s to match as another person that also
10186s mentioned is very very much leaning
10188s towards the doomfist now
10191s here is the map list as much as as we do
10195s know obviously with oasis starting
10197s things off on control and then from
10198s there the loser will select
10201s houston outlaws deciding to take us over
10203s to oasis to kick it all off
10207s yep
10207s see what happens when we get over
10209s towards
10210s university as well because i think the
10212s flexibility of the florida mayhem on
10214s their tank which is someone that plays
10216s everything across the board much like
10218s smurf over on seoul dynasty they have
10220s the options of playing more main tank
10221s options like the winston like the ryan
10223s especially on university we actually got
10225s university straight off the rip
10227s good to see you question mark now is
10229s someone going to go straight for the
10230s rhine because that's not something that
10232s houston outlaws can immediately go to
10233s with
10235s dante we will be loading into the game
10237s here in just a moment like you said
10239s university to go ahead and kick it all
10242s off
10243s as the players begin communicating with
10245s each other
10249s i also look towards pelican
10250s as uh as a major difference maker here
10253s as well the pocket says i'm shy
10256s he uh
10257s i've been peeking a little bit of
10259s pelican and some of the team content
10261s uh
10262s and his english has been really
10265s staggering actually that was massively
10267s improved from last year so good to see
10268s pelican
10270s really getting comfortable
10271s on the next rosters on the n8 teams
10273s rookie of the year from last year one of
10275s the most impressive players that we have
10276s in the league
10277s and uh a major problem for teams like
10280s florida making to deal with so someone's
10282s actually going to come out and do first
10283s early lucid moira
10285s not too sure if i'm a major fan of lucio
10286s moore but it is one of the support looks
10288s that this team has
10290s had a lot of play time on but one of the
10291s questions is answered here that's gonna
10292s be hydraulic tracer check my genji
10296s all right
10297s battle commencing already it's gonna be
10299s houston outside outlaw's able to find
10300s first blood but it will get traded back
10302s at 2-2 thus far as lastro and iris are
10304s gone to the outlaws now without their
10306s supports merits still managing to find
10307s checkmate however the trade-up comes in
10309s but it's quickly traded back dante will
10311s get an ammo on the back end of the fight
10313s all of this death all of this bloodshed
10316s before the point is even unlocked now it
10317s has dante for now just trying to keep
10319s things contested merritt manages to get
10321s that rail across it's hydrant in the
10323s skull
10324s kill onto the tracer now houston outlaws
10326s posturing forward should be able to get
10327s this initial lock down the point
10330s yep cap goes forward checkmate by the
10331s way swaps over towards that echo so
10332s another one of those looks that i
10333s mentioned that could happen for somebody
10335s like checkmate wants to play up against
10337s pelican i think merritt is going to be
10339s someone that's hard to deal with
10340s considering rail shots onto everybody
10341s it's going to be pretty deadly pushing
10343s out also
10344s double kill from pelicans beautiful
10345s stuff
10347s he comes out of the pit is instantly
10348s greeted by the sticky bombs that an
10350s anti-nade goes down quickly thereafter
10352s pelican cleaning them up three in the
10353s fight looking for a little bit more the
10355s beam will be good as pelican scoops up
10358s four kills i do believe there
10361s get that
10362s outlaws winning the follow-up fight now
10364s already at 30
10365s there's a lot of pressure on to someone
10367s here as well i mean both of these echo
10368s players
10369s trying to beam down not in the tanks but
10371s when you get the stickies onto the back
10372s line as well
10374s massive damage output high jump with the
10376s pulse bomb available has been spotted
10378s though so this would be tough
10381s okay pulse from hydra not gonna be able
10382s to find any picks would have been
10384s crucial here for the floor may have to
10385s be able to pass it forward try to get
10387s this flip going through someone slept in
10389s the front line ends up going down
10390s pelican finding that elimination
10392s as checkmate tries to play forward but
10394s merritt says no catches him with a rail
10396s hydrant will be able to find one
10398s with the front line broken down and i'll
10400s now anthony now finished off by lastro
10402s the cleanup comes through houston
10403s outlaws they will be holding firmly not
10406s letting this point slip out of their
10407s grasp and the thing about playing lucio
10408s mara is you have to be a super fast team
10410s and ideally you're building up these uh
10412s coalescences mega quickly as well
10415s but uh so far florida mayhem haven't
10417s been able to get enough frags in these
10418s fights haven't lasted long enough so
10420s still waiting for ultimates to come on
10421s through had the pulse bomb hydrant went
10423s for probably the more difficult pulse on
10424s the back line the ease one would have
10426s been on to dante before he finds that
10427s media strike right but sometimes you do
10429s have to make the high risk high reward
10430s play
10431s battle coming through now he's not going
10433s to find the ante but a rupal gonna be
10434s taken down dante finding that
10435s elimination merit getting check made as
10437s well
10438s and then the kills come through and i
10440s mean we fight by territory and almost
10442s the only one who's still alive he may be
10444s good for a touch here but doesn't have a
10446s sound barrier for an extended fight or
10448s takes his weight up doesn't stand he
10450s forced out but is instantly melted down
10452s the ot now bleeding away someone trying
10454s to get there but he cannot and it's just
10456s gonna be alt pop in celebration from the
10458s side of the houston outlaws didn't
10459s really have to use too many of them a
10461s hundred to zero as they close out of
10463s university i'm excited speaking of
10465s ultimates there florida mayhem only used
10468s a total of one ultimate that entire map
10471s oh my god just the pulse bomb the other
10473s four members didn't get an ultimate
10475s didn't get it animo died on 99 no sound
10477s barrier
10478s i mentioned that this is a team that has
10480s to go quickly you have to pay for coal
10481s rushes you have to play off the back of
10483s coal that's just never had one for
10484s report just didn't get one so take a
10486s look at this double kill coming through
10487s now yeah just a bunch of stickies landed
10490s some help from dante there as well
10492s uh and then just drop it in the the beam
10494s so
10496s we
10497s for the floor of mayhem to to get this
10499s lucio moira off the ground
10501s their pacing has to be far greater than
10503s you know so i think they started well
10504s right they they got the initial double
10506s trade on the back line with the irish
10508s and last year kills heiress rather and
10509s last row kills but they couldn't convert
10511s that into a win because they lost three
10513s members themselves the double dps plus
10515s one tank alive for the houston outlaws
10516s ended up doing enough damage and you
10518s know i do enjoy bringing this that up uh
10520s speaking of dante didn't die at all on
10522s university zero deaths
10524s yeah
10525s i just
10526s claimed doomfist's performance from him
10529s florida mayhem definitely need to level
10530s up as we get ready to go into that
10532s second round i believe it's city center
10535s let's see how they fare and whether or
10537s not they can extend this all the way
10538s into garden but that is uh
10542s a bit of a rough start to say the least
10544s i'm going to be feeling pretty shaken
10547s let me outline what needs to happen here
10548s for florida making firstly i i do think
10550s they probably should still be going for
10551s the uh tp play the pelican is going so
10554s expect hydra to change over to sim
10555s really quick for that but because
10556s they're playing lucio moira again which
10558s i think has a bit of problem with
10560s verticality on this particular map i
10562s well not more so than houston playing
10564s anna zen but hear me out for a second
10566s here they need to off the rip on the
10569s neutral
10570s have a very successful opening fight
10573s where they prevent houston outlaws from
10574s gaining control on the mega pack so it's
10577s not coastal the mega pap pack jump pad
10579s side of things because that's where iris
10581s and last year iris rather and lasher
10582s want to be staying and holding up on for
10585s the majority of the city center so
10587s florida mayhem can control that side of
10589s the map they prevent houston outlaws
10590s from playing their game plan if florida
10592s mayhem failed at opening neutral houston
10594s going to get the high ground and flora
10596s will find it difficult to reclaim that
10597s high ground again
10600s we should have the players readying up
10602s here in just a moment not quite sure
10603s exactly what the issue is but hopefully
10606s everything's been taken care of just
10607s mandated banter you're not back in here
10608s you just got to pause some mandated
10610s banter then you know get back in so a
10612s little bit a little bit of uh you know
10614s small talk before before business hours
10617s before the bulk of business begins
10619s i think they i think they figured you
10621s know what achilles is casting this one
10623s he's the he's the pause king every time
10625s he casts there's gotta be a pause so
10627s let's just go ahead and throw one if
10629s hello if hydra doesn't tp okay is he
10631s going for it if he doesn't do it i think
10633s they'll be slow out uh on the rollout so
10636s yeah
10639s they have a speed boost they have that
10640s over the hustle so this might be a
10642s little bit more even but
10643s uh the opening roller from florida is
10646s not going to be checking mega side with
10647s that thing said hydrant is kind of there
10649s you can see the double supports are
10650s using outlaws already going towards jump
10652s pad
10653s there comes someone on the back someone
10655s moving forward puts the fists up to try
10657s to stay protected but still as soon as
10659s the fist comes down merrick greets him
10661s with a rail finds a head shot checkmate
10663s checkmate cleaning up two man used to
10665s find both of supports once more using
10667s outlaws losing their supports at the
10668s start of the fight but can they continue
10670s to win it out we'll have to just wait
10671s and see
10672s point now
10673s can take him down then it goes through
10674s merit finds hydro but then he quickly
10676s falls afterwards
10678s uh or
10679s with the cleanup on the dante it seems
10680s like florida mayhem will find their
10681s first ounce of percentage here on this
10683s first map yeah i took the scenic route
10685s here i thought i think hughsaw maybe a
10686s little it seemed like maybe they were a
10688s little slow to get up on top getting uh
10691s was it
10692s it was last year on the zen getting him
10694s down super early was a big boom for the
10696s florida making like you sort of
10697s mentioned getting supports down but this
10698s time florida mayhem have enough members
10700s alive they can take hold of the
10701s permanent damage and no healing
10705s iris under some fire trying to stay
10706s alive pelican and merritt each able to
10708s find an elimination merit finds a second
10710s with someone going down huge cleanup is
10713s now it's just the supports left alive
10714s and uh yeah not long for this world the
10717s cleanup is there on the guananamo i mean
10718s he could try to play a little bit longer
10720s but merritt gets the headshot all the
10722s same the flip is there it's a rather
10723s fast one just 31 established here for
10726s the mayhem ripple going over towards the
10728s anna here as well so they've changed
10730s they're going to be changing up their
10731s play style you know not just kind of
10733s rushing in anymore also supporting
10734s someone on the winston important this is
10736s one of the extra looks that mayhem cam
10738s pulled up that the houston outlaws can't
10739s do a map like this so i do think winston
10741s is a great place on this map this will
10743s hopefully help out the floor to make him
10744s a lot but they are otherwise behind
10746s especially ultimates
10748s and once more than looking for iris
10749s appeal is going to be there hell kid
10750s comes up with an elimination let's check
10752s mate the beam nothing that again you
10753s could do against that one
10755s ends up going down now the overclock
10758s drop down looking for a little bit more
10760s squats hydro the shot not going to break
10762s but he's just going to reset off the
10763s side of the map yeah i mean and that's
10764s going to give me the extra old
10765s percentage over to you so completely
10769s let's talk about the fact that was a
10770s super quick overclock coming through i
10771s believe that was one of if not the first
10773s ultimate online between both teams maybe
10775s hydra got a pulse bomb slightly early
10777s but he is on a tracer that's expected
10779s we'll just pull out the overclock very
10780s quickly not a lot that florida can do
10782s against it and this is kind of what i
10784s mentioned right once using outlaws can
10785s park themselves up on this side of the
10787s map can be pretty difficult to dislodge
10789s as we saw from previous fights
10792s oh look at the lobby on iris not gonna
10794s get that connection dante
10796s slept after the meteor strike
10798s last year though rally rolling trying to
10799s keep everybody alive and i drawn oh boy
10802s punched into oncoming traffic dante
10805s shuts him down finds checkmate as well
10807s to deal with the dps duo houston outlaws
10810s quite handily win the team fight they
10812s get the team kill full cop moving up
10814s above 80
10815s poor car says dante not for hydra poor
10819s car
10820s yeah
10822s i don't know if you can get that one
10822s fixed in time but i don't know how
10824s florida can fix this situation they
10825s would love to wait for nanoblade but i
10827s don't think they can they just have to
10828s go with it now they're being aggressive
10830s dante's just indeed
10832s i mean the blade is pulled from
10833s checkmate he's looking for an
10834s elimination he will manage to find last
10836s straw but then he gets taken down
10838s merritt grades him with a rail primal
10840s rolling from someone manages to cleave
10842s down two
10843s good eliminations found pelican gonna be
10844s knocked knocked out of his duplicate
10846s takes right back up to the skies but
10848s someone hounds him down huge kills off
10850s the primal blade which is gonna be there
10852s florida mayhem not going down without a
10853s fight but the outlaws have time on their
10855s side yeah it's one of the blades that'll
10856s pop up there the one with the over a
10858s thousand hp is gonna get the work done
10859s so good to see come through for the
10861s floor to make him this is kind of the
10862s issue with having rupaul do
10864s a reasonably late swap he starts on
10866s towards the moyer they give up on that
10867s strategy goes towards anna but not
10869s enough time to build a banana so no nano
10870s blade no net on someone either he'll
10872s receive the nano now which they
10874s desperately need for this fight
10876s looking for dante he rotates over he's
10878s grabbing back up into the mega pack
10880s keeps himself safe merit in the meantime
10881s finds rupaul and shot off the rail gets
10884s an ammo as well the support's now taken
10886s down iris traded pulse bomb out from
10888s hydra not going to be able to find
10889s anything the shield was raised from last
10890s row
10892s safe the flip getting ready to come
10893s through i can check mate both gonna be
10895s taken down someone the only one
10896s occupying the point right now needs to
10898s try to stay alive jumps over the side
10900s trying to play elusively but he just
10902s doesn't have anything left to work with
10904s that one now gonna be taken out once
10906s more the ot bleeding away steadily and
10908s that will be the closeout houston
10910s outlaws a very clean start a bit of a
10912s back and forth here on city center but
10914s they get the 2-0 victory on oasis and
10917s the back and forth is largely down to
10918s the fact that someone on that primal
10920s rage is able to do so much with that
10922s ultimate but otherwise it's a cleanup
10923s from the houston outlaws they lose one
10925s fight they come back stronger on to the
10927s next merit on to the sojourn as deadly
10930s as ever mentioned at the previous
10931s broadcaster has mentioned on the desk
10933s before but statistically the best ocean
10935s that we have in the league and starts to
10937s show why i mean he just gets these shots
10939s in so cleanly so accurately and florida
10942s mayhem you know this is the issue i have
10944s the lucio moriah sort of lineup here is
10946s it's just so one dimensional and the
10948s fact that they got outpaced on that
10950s opening university really says a lot
10952s because lucio morris meant to be one of
10953s the fastest comps you need to be a super
10955s fast team and florida mayhem didn't even
10958s get ultimates only hydra got an ultimate
10959s the other four didn't get a single alt
10963s yeah it was really a rough going for
10965s them but now this is going to at least
10967s give the florida mayhem their map pick
10969s we'll see where they decide to take us
10970s for hybrid and come back from the break
10972s and see whether or not it's going to be
10973s good enough for them to go ahead and net
10975s themselves a map when tie things up one
10978s to one the action is going to continue
10979s here at the mid-season madness
10981s tournament when we return so do not go
10982s anywhere
10989s [Music]
11000s do
11004s [Music]
11027s do
11028s [Music]
11053s so
11062s [Music]
11101s [Music]
11108s [Music]
11113s [Applause]
11115s [Music]
11123s do
11127s [Music]
11155s [Music]
11177s [Applause]
11180s do
11184s [Music]
11195s [Music]
11204s [Music]
11215s [Music]
11237s [Applause]
11244s all righty we are back and right now the
11246s outlaws looking hot merit especially on
11249s this soldier and putting out uh an
11251s absolutely stellar performance in that
11252s first map of oasis
11254s and 59 railgun accuracy as well is
11257s exceptionally high i mean anything above
11258s 50
11259s is
11260s i i think is the standard for an
11262s overwatch league level sergeant player
11264s with i but i don't know if this is still
11266s the same i'll have to get nowhere to
11267s double check for me but last that i
11269s checked shai was leading globally number
11271s one in terms of railcon accuracy at 60 i
11274s believe one percent 61 so the only
11276s player that was above 60 which is
11278s unbelievable as an average across all
11279s their games but merit being at 59 look
11281s he's one percent off of that on justice
11283s map so far which is great to see and uh
11285s it really shows you statistically why
11287s he's so far up the table as far as
11289s sojourn performance goes and that should
11291s continue for the rest of the series here
11293s as we're about to hit in the next map
11294s which is going to be a hybrid picker
11296s coming in for that and you know if
11298s piggy's in you're pretty much guaranteed
11299s to see him play the sigma
11302s that you are has been his specialty for
11305s quite some time ever since he made his
11307s debut here on the outlaws we'll see how
11309s he fares now no changes on the side of
11311s the floor to mayhem though just gonna be
11312s sticking with the same five as midtown
11314s is their map selection for hybrid and i
11317s have questions about uh the lack of
11319s substitution for florida maine because
11320s this is the way you would definitely
11321s normally see xen he usually comes in to
11324s play the socialist map i can understand
11325s the high drum pick for the tracer on
11327s oaxis but does this mean hydro is either
11329s going to be playing more strikes on
11331s midtown or is he going to be the one
11333s pick up sojourn to try and match merit
11334s on midtown what you're going to see from
11336s the florida mayhem by default should be
11338s a doom but i have also noted that
11340s someone's been playing a lot of ryan
11341s this map as well so if you're reading
11343s this matchup correctly ashford mayhem
11345s you're mcgravy your gumber you're
11346s looking at houston outlaws you're
11347s thinking piggy's going to play here it
11349s is going to be sigma can we run this
11350s over with the rhine cop so that's why
11352s we're looking at checkmate going over
11353s towards the may and well hydro is going
11355s to be playing over towards sojourn which
11357s begs me the question of
11359s shouldn't xc be in here right to me that
11361s that is what they'd shown previously so
11362s this is a bit of a departure
11366s changing it up
11368s catching us off guard a little bit
11370s perhaps but the question is will it
11372s catch
11372s the houston outlaws off guard right now
11375s and justin by the way because piggy just
11377s hovered the rhine with what they
11379s consider that as well that had been here
11381s that ryan that had been here that piggy
11383s was thinking about uh he has been
11385s showing a little bit and famously he did
11387s actually beat i believe london spitfire
11390s in the right matchup versus hardy early
11391s on this kick of clash now on circle
11393s round but that's been a while since
11394s we've seen that he's going to come out
11396s on towards the winston but with piggy
11398s backing back out is it ryan it is right
11401s they're gonna go for the mirror
11401s interesting i do enjoy that though i
11403s think that's the right paul sigma might
11405s be a little slow here
11406s winston uh i mean it could work but
11409s you're probably relying more so on
11411s seeing if mary can get the job done
11412s early and i think this is just mostly
11415s houston back to themselves and saying
11416s okay florida you want to play ryan we're
11418s confident we can beat you here
11421s wall coming up pelican looking to try to
11422s cut some people off takes that rail from
11424s the flank and immediately has to go into
11426s the ice block to try to stay alive
11427s immortality feels going to be committed
11428s as well
11429s huge pick that one up and pelican gets
11431s the headshot a massive kill now they
11433s look for a little bit more and they will
11435s get them last year chasing deep
11436s alongside the may they get the kill onto
11438s an almo last we're gonna be cleaning up
11439s the second one as well as checkmate will
11441s fall that is point a broken open and
11444s that is gonna be a massive time bank to
11446s try to chew through for the florida
11447s mayhem on this defense yeah insanely
11449s good start i mean pelican getting that
11450s opening kill as well you have to
11451s remember so much of the strength for the
11453s atlanta reign last year in 2021 when
11455s they played these brawl matchups is
11457s pelicans may plus heiresses back that's
11459s now back but it's on a different team
11461s it's with the houston outlaws merit
11463s still gets the pound on the sojourn
11465s gets himself on alive i think for now
11468s piggy just free swinging here as the
11470s wall goes down pelican does get
11472s eliminated piggy just pulling back away
11474s trying to stay alive so there's plenty
11476s of barrier health
11477s fire strike not going to be enough to
11479s try to threaten so you can see the wall
11480s coming up trying to lock them inside the
11482s firehouse for now
11484s first ultimates coming online as well
11485s notably that someone actually has
11487s greater alt charge than piggy on that
11489s rhine shatter it could be a difference
11490s maker if you channel those did not read
11492s this correctly
11494s especially
11496s is for free he messes up the pin however
11498s and the immortality field comes through
11500s through not gonna be able to find a kill
11502s off the back end of that but does at
11503s least go up the works a little bit by
11505s some extra time lastro
11507s throwing out the right click trying to
11508s keep him out of arm's distance but over
11510s extended end up falling and he has a
11512s little bit ends up dying the blizzard's
11514s gonna be dropped in here by pelican
11515s checkmate not trying to match okay
11517s finding an elimination three kills
11519s coming through his merit claims two for
11521s himself but it's just a back and forth
11522s brawl with two people left standing
11524s enemies at all
11526s he's just hugging again he's still
11528s hurting himself
11529s into place
11530s but that's not why himself but uh he he
11532s locks the payload for like one second
11535s and that's cost florida make him 10
11537s seconds worth of time for a one second
11539s payload lock
11540s absolutely rubbish trade and for the
11542s florida man wouldn't go for that
11543s speaking of rubbish trades checkmate go
11545s for the hero blizzard what on earth is
11547s that i don't really think florida would
11549s have been able to win up that hero
11550s blizzard that's a little too far
11552s there's a back-to-back hero plays
11554s attempted here from either side of the
11557s support from the dps neither of them
11559s really working out now houston outlaws
11560s get the card moving and they got an
11561s immense amount of space to work with us
11565s the wall cuts off the exit beautifully
11567s timed
11568s is picky looking for a little bit more
11570s won't be able to get any kills there but
11572s i mean look at this it's just free push
11574s for the side of the real estate record
11576s time no contest to be had
11580s but the cap is already there it's nearly
11582s five minutes in the time bank the pin
11584s comes through and an ammo back to back
11585s questionable plays drops the beat no
11588s hope in the world whatsoever to try to
11590s get that contest
11591s and now the outlaws are just cruising
11594s i'm gonna i'm gonna contradict that i
11596s would not blame anima on that one that's
11597s a team call if you're going to recontest
11599s you're going as a team but you need to
11601s be able to go fast enough that someone's
11602s going to touch in time the sound barrier
11604s is fine the fact that no one could touch
11606s is the major problem there so i don't
11608s think that's necessary animals fault but
11609s it's not a good play for the mayhem
11611s i mean either way it's a
11612s misidentification as to whether or not
11614s they're going to be able to get there in
11615s time so
11616s you can go ahead and blame the entire
11617s team if you feel necessary i suppose
11619s there's checkmate again gonna be taken
11621s out long pin just dragging piggy over to
11624s the flank tries to drop down manages to
11626s get three man stun but can they get the
11627s kills in the back end picking the first
11629s one to fall someone does manage to swing
11630s away takes out iris looks for a little
11633s bit more fire strike not gonna find the
11635s kill goes for the deep charge merit with
11637s the slippers he does get taken down by
11638s hydrant in the end and fond of the
11639s florida mayhem will be able to stop this
11642s car in its tracks yeah four more minutes
11643s of this
11644s uh in houston outlaws have plenty of
11646s time to build up charge in terms of the
11648s ultimates to get towards the end should
11650s be still looking at a cap the question
11651s mark would be what kind of time back is
11652s available rupaul instantly out with the
11654s window
11657s there's two walls blocking keep them
11658s locked back
11660s just trying to buy as much
11662s space and as much time as they possibly
11664s can three and a half minutes left the
11666s time make now for the side of the
11667s houston outlaws last row dropping the
11669s beat as they look to go aggressively but
11671s i don't know if too many people will
11672s receive that shielding or it was taken
11674s down rather quickly wall comes up though
11676s they're looking to take out someone
11678s falls lower and lower the immortality
11679s feel they were fighting an immense
11680s amount of value there for the side of
11682s the floor to mayhem checkmate gets
11683s pelican but now
11685s opens it up finds both of the dps with
11688s the overclock the nade's gonna go down
11690s shatter dropped it picky gonna be
11692s stunned up there for a moment but it is
11693s going to be someone who falls as merritt
11694s claims the third in the fight looks for
11696s a little bit more gets the head shot
11698s onto an ammo there's the fourth can he
11699s get the last one no he cannot pick he
11701s will take it for himself the ace gonna
11703s be denied away but the houston outlaws
11704s finally managed
11706s they get this push going once more it's
11708s still too many individual hero players
11710s coming through checkmate goes for
11711s another hero blizzard that the entire
11713s houston elders just ignore because
11714s merrick's already on the front lines
11715s he's already overclocking someone goes
11717s for a hero share that it's just not
11718s gonna do enough the team they've already
11720s lost a team fight
11722s the blizzard coming through overclock
11724s now out from hydra needs to find some
11725s immense value but the shadow gets
11726s dropped in from piggy and the kills just
11729s comes spilling forth on the back end of
11731s it all and ammo now trying to dive
11734s forward but once more just does not have
11736s that beat available gives his life for a
11739s final touch two minutes and 17 seconds
11741s left as they complete the map outlaws on
11744s an absolute tear and i think that the
11746s key moment here for me is that b-side uh
11749s defense which ended up being capped
11752s through i i don't know if i officially
11753s call that a cena i guess it is because
11755s you florida were all one side defense oh
11758s wow yeah it's a good call
11760s it was more like a b-side offense at
11762s times because florida went hard aggro on
11764s towards the b-sides uh the beast
11766s attacking spawn for houston right see
11767s someone literally walking and kneeling
11769s to the houston spawn he gets mega
11771s punished that's not something that can
11773s afford to be happening for the florida
11774s make him because that ruins the tempo of
11776s the defense entirely but i i think the
11779s call to do the sound barry into the
11781s final fight on b was correct they just
11783s didn't end up touching the payload now
11784s have they won that fight i think they
11786s were favored to considering that when we
11787s got to see they did end up winning that
11789s fight and then initiating a spawn hold
11791s on see
11792s that was a
11793s very winnable situation for the florida
11795s mayhem that just needed to happen one
11797s fight earlier so that houston outlaws
11799s aren't spawning right out of sea they're
11801s spawning all the way back at b instead
11805s take a look back at this shatter i mean
11807s yeah
11808s the funniest part about the shadow is
11810s someone got hit but because he got
11812s frozen first he never got put on the
11813s ground he's just standing there like an
11815s ice block get a
11817s little ice cube
11820s but uh in any case we can talk about the
11822s fact that piggy with the
11824s capability to bring the sigma that's his
11826s key signature pick here the pigment
11828s flora mayhem i think that the right call
11830s here would be to identify the sigma go
11831s back to spawn and go towards the rhine
11833s and uh try and
11835s i guess outplay this sigma composition
11837s with the rhine comp instead but they're
11838s going to go loosely moira
11840s and uh well they're dead
11842s merritt finds a headshot
11844s once more someone also low tucks over
11847s into the corner of the contest starting
11848s to track having the outlaws yeah just
11850s continue to come up with kill after kill
11852s that's three for them in the fight the
11853s rest of the florida mayhem scrambling to
11855s try to exit
11857s and uh and i'm always out in the middle
11858s of they're gonna they're gonna
11862s this is going to cost him so much time i
11863s think for the floor to make him uh what
11865s we did see there is the the high
11867s progression on to aries despite losing a
11869s player that's a good call to make
11870s because if you can trade that player
11872s then instantly die and reset you're
11873s going to have a 5v4 as iris slowly makes
11875s his way back from spawn but they failed
11877s to get the kill great pocketing by last
11878s through and then secondarily even if
11880s they got the kill animo stags themselves
11881s so it wouldn't have helped them
11886s all right well
11887s second attempt see unfairs but the
11889s supports already under fire hovering
11891s around 50 hp someone going forward
11893s trying to get that punch across it again
11895s again
11896s this man's headshot accuracy with these
11898s rails is absolutely insane
11902s comes up with another kill hydrant taken
11903s down up into the air doesn't quite get
11905s the tracking there to finish off but not
11906s moving doesn't matter fun fact it's on
11908s top of them
11909s got a great fun fact for you you know
11910s how we we we finished the oasis with 59
11914s rail accuracy for merit currently
11915s halfway through or just slightly over
11917s halfway through midtown he's sitting on
11919s 63. so he's improved by four percent
11921s he's crested over 60 which is the
11923s important thing that that was a very key
11926s uh milestone that i didn't mention for
11928s surgeon players
11930s well let's see want to keep a key
11932s another opening for everyone's just dead
11934s i mean marriage just looks at him and he
11935s dies it's i mean it's just an explosion
11937s of dashes
11938s this is the same thing we saw on oasis
11941s it's this kind of lucio moira run at the
11944s other team hope for the best type of
11946s composition and i truly think revisiting
11948s this they've already shown that they can
11950s play the right yeah okay did they lose
11951s the rhine battle maybe but the the ryan
11954s matchup versus the sigma i think is a
11956s reasonable matchup for the ryan the fact
11957s that they don't choose to do that seems
11959s to be really weird and here's the other
11960s thing if you snowball that one let's say
11961s you beat piggy sigma with your ryan and
11963s houston swap ryan as well you've
11964s snowballed you just lost another play it
11966s doesn't it's not even merit but it
11967s doesn't matter
11970s okay they get a stick hydrant doesn't
11971s manage to find an opening kill and it's
11972s on the merit which is probably the
11973s highest value target that he can get at
11975s this point
11976s but everybody else is still alive
11978s and they now have five volts for this
11980s defense with a million 25 seconds left
11982s to go looking for the full hold
11984s for mayhem
11988s florida need ultimates as well but they
11989s just they need to get them now
11992s someone's already had to use this
11995s okay well there's the opener
11998s coalescence going through matched by the
11999s transcendence from last row now the nano
12001s boost gonna be used on a pelican as the
12002s blade comes in and he instantly dashes
12004s through finds one checkmate with his own
12006s blade will find merit
12007s hell kid looking for a little bit more
12009s it's gonna be good enough they get the
12011s cleanup just the two kills we found
12013s florida mayhem gonna have to reset that
12015s was everything invested houston outlaws
12017s still hold on to the overclock and now
12019s it's 45 seconds remaining and the
12020s overclock is probably enough to finish
12022s this as well i think for florida there
12023s the best case scenario is they burn
12025s minimum ultimate and force maximum
12027s ultimate expenditure out of houston
12028s outlaws here it's a pretty even trade
12030s and even then houston finishes with one
12032s exactly it ends up being a really even
12034s trade so that that works for houston's
12036s favor florida do not win economically
12039s trying to get the accretion hit can't
12041s quite get someone but pelican just finds
12043s two he gets a third
12045s of the barrett now with the overclock
12046s rolling trying to track down hydra he
12048s does play a little bit more elusively
12049s but merritt has to clean up the last two
12051s kills going his way there's the team
12054s kill it's 10 seconds remaining someone
12056s has respawned but can he get the touch
12058s i'll have to just wait and see the
12060s houston outlaws they're playing so very
12062s far forward
12063s and no they're not going to be able to
12065s make it there in time yes a full hold in
12067s reply houston outlaws making it look
12069s easy just speeding their way through
12072s this series now at match point and just
12075s like atlanta rain in that first series
12077s the mayhem are in a position where they
12079s need to reverse sweep
12081s and this is where you know you look at
12083s what florida mayhem are choosing to do
12085s especially on that attack and also on
12086s awakeness and you're like if dallas fuel
12088s are not succeeding and not finding
12090s victories with their own lucio maria and
12092s they are like the lucho moro team having
12095s rush pioneer that composition last year
12098s what hope can you have that this is
12100s gonna work for you i just do not think
12102s that's a good composition to play it
12104s just it doesn't have enough and i think
12106s they had the answer in front of them i'm
12107s just so surprised that ryan wasn't the
12109s answer to play against picking now we'll
12111s move forward by the way for future map
12113s map choices
12114s florida better not pick circuit because
12116s i don't think you want to be playing
12117s sigma into pigment anymore you need to
12118s be picking something that's not circuit
12120s royale
12121s for sure well you can see keyboard being
12124s wrapped up there xz walking across the
12125s screen so i think that kind of tells us
12127s you know what's going to be happening
12128s here in the very near future as far as
12130s the lineup is concerned from the side of
12132s the mayhem we'll see if there's going to
12133s be any additional changes on top of that
12135s you know what the map pick is going to
12136s be because it needs to be a good one and
12138s it needs to get them a win if they want
12140s to stay alive in this series a reverse
12141s sweep is what is necessary unless they
12143s want to fall down to that loser's
12144s bracket we'll see if they can make it
12145s work when we come back from the break
12152s [Music]
12224s [Music]
12253s [Music]
12267s [Music]
12274s do
12278s [Music]
12291s oh
12295s [Music]
12305s [Music]
12316s [Music]
12320s [Applause]
12321s [Music]
12334s [Music]
12349s bye
12352s [Music]
12356s so
12357s [Music]
12364s [Music]
12375s [Music]
12387s [Music]
12394s and welcome back guys it's no better
12397s time than now and as we have the
12398s mid-season madness finally officially
12400s kicked off make sure to submit your art
12402s celebrating your favorite team your
12404s favorite region whatever it is we know
12405s it's apec you know as far as favorite
12407s regions are concerned uh
12409s go ahead and submit your artwork we want
12411s to see what you guys have for us and
12413s look at it all on overwatch league in
12415s the fan art gallery and have your stuff
12417s featured i already had some nice fan art
12419s earlier on twitter which was great so
12421s thank you much to the artist who made a
12422s nice little doodle about me
12424s uh okay yeah very cute how do i get a
12427s video and i want to see more of it
12430s can we get a can can we get a duo doodle
12432s does that work
12434s yeah yeah can we go am i allowed to make
12436s we got the matching kind of shirts going
12437s on yeah
12439s a little caster doodle duo going on
12443s uh let's talk about moving into the i
12445s was thinking like can i can i
12448s let's let's doodle some new players does
12450s that work no it doesn't let's just see
12451s what happens here with xc coming in now
12453s i most likely play some sniper so the
12456s the map that houston needs to go for
12458s here is a map that you can play winston
12460s and a water maker on so this is going to
12462s really push merit to the limit to see
12464s okay can merit match up on the water
12465s maker or not something that uh he wasn't
12468s super known for contenders so maybe
12469s that's been rapidly improving in the
12471s overwatch league with houston outlaws
12472s we're about to find out uh piggy staying
12474s in here is going to be interesting
12477s because he's going to need to bring out
12478s some dive tanks if we move to something
12479s like a gibraltar right that is probably
12481s the most likely right call to make a
12483s dorado could be interesting but still
12485s has a lot of
12486s movement room for the sigma to get work
12488s done you want to take piggy into an
12490s uncomfortable territory you can't just
12492s rely on the sigma and you want to make
12493s sure someone gets to play something like
12495s the the winston which is actually pretty
12497s reasonable on the city center so play
12498s the mayhem strengths here with their map
12500s picks and try and remove outlaws from
12502s some of their strengths
12505s well we'll see if they're going to be
12506s able to get it done as we get ready to
12508s go into this third and you know
12510s potentially final map always have to put
12512s that out there as outlaws all are
12515s already at match point one of the things
12517s i was kind of thinking about during the
12518s break ever was and i don't mean to
12520s i don't mean to be a jerk but
12523s before we take a look at these stats
12525s this has felt like one of the most
12526s one-sided series that we've commentated
12528s so far this season
12530s uh it's it's probably up there because
12533s well definitely in a tournament it just
12535s feels like
12536s you know the florida mayhem they they
12539s they don't look all
12541s quite there for this matchup today i
12543s mean they're
12544s especially noted that as we you know and
12545s i hope xe can sort of save them here as
12547s we look at some of the comparisons on
12548s the sojourn even though i expect
12550s actually to be mostly playing widowmaker
12552s on this map um
12553s some of the more glaring things for me
12555s is just the fact that you know on
12557s midtown the amount of solo plays that
12559s each player on the mayhem was often
12561s going for like checkmate twice trying to
12563s make these heroic blizzard plays on his
12566s own completely disjointed from the team
12569s and both times just completely failing
12571s as well you know i've seen someone go
12573s for the big shadow play when he's like
12574s it's just him and one other person alive
12576s versus mostly houston outlaws being
12578s there
12579s it's they're just such low probability
12581s plays that if you're trying to play
12582s percentage or flowchart or watch which
12585s is what i consider to be clean overwatch
12586s if you're trying to play that style
12587s overwatch you're just doing it all wrong
12589s because you're going for the low
12590s percentage place way too often and
12591s they're all solo plays as well
12595s yeah uh well there's a hell of a lot of
12599s you know cracks that kind of fill in
12601s here i think for the side of the mayhem
12603s to stop everything from falling apart
12605s exe is he good enough to be the glue to
12609s keep it together that is kind of the
12611s question i mean we just had the stats up
12612s there him versus merit not that much of
12614s a disparity between the two tell you
12616s what so we know that he can absolutely
12617s perform on that sojourn but is it gonna
12620s be good enough if he comes out of the
12622s water maker and and kind of i don't know
12624s has the sort of high level performance
12626s that we saw in our previous match where
12628s atlanta were not looking good versus
12630s london let's be very clear about that
12632s but then on circuit
12634s big widow make a map
12635s kai comes through and just demolishes
12637s the london spitfire that kind of needs
12639s to happen now for the florida mayhem
12641s versus houston gibraltar not as heavy of
12643s a sniper map as circuit royale but still
12646s a very very good sniper map nonetheless
12648s so you know bringing xem third map deep
12650s when
12651s historically i think it would have been
12653s uh more prudent to have him in the
12655s previous map but you know we'll trust
12657s that maybe florida felt like hydron
12659s had potential other looks he could have
12661s pulled out maybe they were planning on
12662s playing but a tracer just never panned
12664s out for them now they are just going to
12665s rely on xe and so this has to be the
12667s turnaround moment for the florida mayhem
12671s that it does
12672s gibraltar all that is now standing
12674s between the houston outlaws and a 3-0
12677s victory to kick off their own mid-season
12679s madness tournament
12681s florida mayhem needing to dig deep
12683s we're talking about the sojourn stats of
12685s course for mexi but the thing that made
12687s him you know he made his name on was the
12689s widowmaker way back when i got to cast
12690s his initial debut
12692s uh and he was utterly impeccable at
12694s widowmaker back in 2018 contenders and
12697s he still is sp you know and
12700s well i have to find out if merit decides
12701s to match or not because
12702s i'll be straight i i haven't watched
12704s every single houston outlaws game this
12706s entire season you know we we've been
12707s busy on apex
12709s my point here is
12710s i don't know how much would make a
12711s marriage been playing his history on o2
12713s blast is he sat behind kilo when kilo
12715s was his teammate playing the water maker
12717s so if merritt comes through on this now
12719s i don't know how practice it is compared
12720s to everybody else especially considering
12722s that you like you mentioned this is xc's
12724s signature hero so we're expecting a lot
12726s of xc on the sporty maker
12729s taking to the skies there pelican
12730s sending a couple shots his way so far
12732s not quite finding the connections that
12734s he's looking for and there's the dive
12736s takes a quick grapple over the side and
12737s lou's getting hit by that rail now looks
12740s a challenge
12741s this marriage just back and forth in the
12743s line of sight but does not get hit
12746s starting to inch forward now
12748s someone relocating cart advancing in
12750s piggy sleeping up onto the high ground
12752s and ammo gonna be anted out here for the
12753s moment but bubbles come through we'll be
12755s safe no one really in a position to
12758s really challenge him and find that
12759s opening pick on the brigitte tell you
12761s one thing because houston outlaws don't
12762s have a tracer a genji here no one is the
12765s dedicated kart pusher it's not really
12766s ideal because you want piggy mostly
12768s playing for dive pressure on the high
12770s ground you don't want him to pushing
12771s payload pelican oh hello i'll be a
12773s little bit sneaky here he's also not a
12775s great payload pushing neither is married
12776s so that's probably gonna be the one
12778s weakness of this eight push someone is
12779s gonna go down uh
12781s yeah okay they find enough damage
12783s on the pill i don't even think he was
12784s anted out i think his picky actually got
12786s anted someone goes down they get on top
12788s of xe and that is just going to be the
12790s spiral
12791s as yeah the cap looking inevitable
12793s firing an absolute miracle but with
12795s checkmate dead someone
12797s doesn't leap up onto the high ground but
12799s even if he touches it would definitely
12800s be suicidal that's the thing right he
12802s just dies if he touches so it's a free a
12803s capture what do you actually see that
12804s despite me saying it should be difficult
12806s for houston to push a great pick by exe
12808s by the way is that houston still got a
12810s good push on that a uh payload
12812s progression since mayhem never really
12814s challenged that so
12816s that should be one area that mayhem had
12817s on the lock but they they couldn't even
12818s control the payload
12822s next he does get taken down piggy able
12824s to find him
12825s opens up things a bit here for the side
12827s of the houston outlaws they look to make
12828s their way into the hangar the door now
12830s shutting the cart ready to be pushed
12831s forward once more he's going to be
12833s emptied out taking a nap
12834s kill actually said earlier take those
12837s fight merit he ends up going down
12838s there's a primal whale into the back
12840s that was piggy tries to find an
12841s elimination onto the enemy widowmaker
12842s has to rotate out grabs that health pack
12844s now he's gonna be panting wants to grab
12846s the other mega pack and eventually will
12848s be allowed to do so but he is very
12849s disconnected from the rest of his team
12851s as the florida mayhem look to go aggro
12853s and throw out banana boost onto someone
12855s he gets on top of last row finds the
12856s kill looks for a little bit more
12858s with the alley from checkmate they will
12860s find iris so now with the supports out
12861s of the fight the hughes and outlaws are
12862s gonna have to reset that was an
12864s excellent collapse from florida mayhem
12865s so credit what critters do with piggy
12867s out of the fight and he's technically
12868s still out of the fight here houston
12870s outlaws lose their main tank player
12871s entirely and florida mayhem just go for
12873s the back line they know they have a 5v4
12875s situation while piggy's still healing up
12876s looking for health packs right they
12878s don't over chase him which is exactly
12879s what you want to see
12881s piggy still being here is a little bit
12882s annoying for florida to work with but
12884s work against rather but
12886s they have to also consider the fact that
12887s houston can't really push forward from
12889s spawn without their main tank or can
12890s they because apparently someone just
12892s lies the pelican
12894s yeah
12895s he's getting eliminated piggy taking a
12897s nasty shot there
12898s good whip shot from an ammo as well just
12900s keep some zone back for a moment leaps
12902s forward once more some of the nano
12904s rolling and with pelican joining in the
12906s fight that's gonna be xe taken down
12909s rally now gonna be popped and i'm gonna
12910s look at this quartz and back forward but
12911s they both supports are gonna get clipped
12913s by they're not pushing
12915s so they have sport control but they're
12917s not really gonna push up yeah i think
12919s somebody was contesting they might have
12920s been checkmate on whatever but let's see
12922s if there's copping to get
12926s i think he jumps forward he was able to
12927s contest that one and now has the primal
12929s pops he's typing in the back will get on
12930s top of last row finds that elimination
12932s his pelican went for the duke tries to
12934s build up the nano
12935s throws it out on the piggy but will be
12937s taken away from him as the they break
12939s them
12941s straight back into the echo form now as
12942s piggy continues to play for the primal
12944s online pops it looks for a target jumps
12946s up to the side finds xbox once more who
12948s just has not been able to get to play
12950s the game too much right now on this
12952s widowmaker piggy continues to get on top
12954s of him time and time again
12955s and i'm going to take it down the
12957s overclock shot from there and find
12959s someone that's going to be the card
12960s rolling in defeat so an extra minute and
12962s a half added let's just shy of four
12963s minutes at the time back now
12964s yeah this could be staggers as well
12966s because players got bad spawns kind of
12968s unlucky for both xc and animo
12969s specifically animo looks like he might
12971s be to get out with it though and
12972s actually even punish his pelican for
12974s overextending does get traded by merit
12975s here i was going to say florida maine
12977s did a good job of stalling the payload
12978s while they were being kept out from the
12980s entire b point but ends up not being
12983s enough to really save them b at all
12984s we're still looking for the pop-off
12986s moment from xc to really control the
12988s temp profusion outlaws the way kai was
12989s doing to london earlier been a bit quiet
12992s from exit so far not gonna lie
12994s honestly i don't even think checkmate
12996s was spotted there decides to back up all
12998s the same no one has to pop the recall
13000s someone
13001s getting into the back line trying to out
13003s pressure
13005s cannot do so has to make his exit and
13006s checkmate gets found before he can even
13008s use the pulse bomb pelicans striking him
13009s down the melee finish
13012s nano coming up someone just tucked away
13014s piggy jumping into the back the anthony
13015s gonna be good finds both the supports on
13017s the side of the houston outlaws but they
13018s will be safe
13020s they'll dive through
13022s still rejoining the fight how much free
13024s push can houston get before they're
13026s forced to go for nano i mean maybe this
13027s is it now okay
13029s diving into the back once more the
13031s trench coming online as well you're
13032s ready to possibly get next he's now
13033s going to be swapping it up tries to go
13034s over to the soldier the pulse bomb
13035s thrown in checkmate doesn't find
13037s anything in merit we'll claim him with a
13038s rail someone has the primal pop but the
13041s out the focus fire is just too damn good
13043s they melt right through his hp bar the
13045s rally rolling from an ammo but it's just
13047s nowhere near enough hp everybody else is
13050s locked into the spawn room the houston
13051s outlaws will be able to push to the
13052s finish here on gibraltar two minutes and
13054s 27 seconds remaining and i think there
13057s was only one reset there for the houston
13059s outlaws and that was when piggy went for
13061s the super deep dive with the primal on
13063s to exe then uh goes for a couple of
13066s health packs onto the back
13068s on c while for the remaining player to
13070s fight before that was the one clean
13071s fight that florida mayhem did get and it
13073s was a well deserved clean fight one and
13074s the only time they fully race at the
13076s houston outlaws why i mentioned the
13077s resets is important is because that's
13079s the key moment for your water maker to
13080s establish control because once the fight
13082s actually starts and you lose map control
13084s you want to make it gets less and less
13086s value the more pushed up houston outlaws
13088s are but if you should outlaws or reset
13089s the back and spawn you now control the
13091s entire hangar and xe has maximum
13093s coverage of the entire map space on b to
13096s play with the fact that florida mayhem
13099s couldn't really give xe more
13101s is
13103s not allowing this widowmaker is not
13105s working out as well as it should have i
13106s think is the conclusion that i want to
13108s reach towards because three final blows
13110s for exe here which still is one higher
13112s than the rest of his team i think you
13113s know we've got someone checking out a
13114s rupaul all on two
13116s they're all not really getting the frags
13117s in but you you need to see this this
13119s would make a particular on i think a was
13121s a little bit concerning b more so as
13123s well because of the lack of space to
13124s play through like the sidelines on b can
13126s be an issue if you're
13128s not able to get some clean time just to
13130s scope in the fact that you know once
13132s using outlaws like you're seeing here
13133s get the fired in figures on your back
13135s line he's primarily he's specifically
13137s targeting xc as well that we noticed in
13138s several fights yeah that just doesn't
13139s allow xc to do anything
13143s all right here we go the gates now
13144s opening up
13146s as uh someone taking a nap off the rip
13148s but we'll be fine no one from the museum
13150s also going to go that far forward he's
13152s trying to get a punishment throw is
13154s actually going to be head shotting axey
13156s he's been targeted i mean that's he's
13159s has the highest amount of death so far
13160s across the board on the server six
13162s deaths the next highest uh someone who
13163s checked my number four piggy hasn't died
13165s yet so he's still deathless on this
13167s winston which is rare for i think a tank
13170s play on gibraltar
13172s seems unbelievable given the slim
13174s margins that he was playing around with
13176s at times
13177s on that attack especially in the hangar
13182s again looking for a target
13186s you need someone to be so there we go
13188s someone's jumped in that that would have
13189s been at the time flex didn't get a frag
13191s but uh he was actually relocating his
13193s angle while someone went in so it's a
13194s little bit disjointed
13197s so the pop shot
13199s just
13200s his options
13202s none of them very good even even piggy
13204s playing back breaking line of sight
13206s making sure that he's not going to get
13207s tagged up by the widowmaker
13210s okay warning shot on top
13213s look at the difference in nano by the
13214s way iris is about to get this which
13215s means houston can strike first if they
13217s want
13219s yup now has it ready to go
13221s rupaul's still
13223s 21 off having that all ready to go
13226s someone does have a nice lead over piggy
13228s as far as the primal is concerned though
13230s so potentially can open things up in
13231s that regard i'll have to just wait and
13233s see but xc gonna be taken down by lastro
13235s once more but he doesn't see the nano
13237s boost he's gonna be slapped but can they
13238s get a punish is the question doesn't
13240s have that nano so damage mitigation
13242s gonna be huge and yeah they'll just let
13244s him wake up naturally someone just
13245s popped the primal gets into the back
13247s line finds lastro actually can be
13248s breathing a cyberleaf now feeling a
13250s little bit safer perhaps as piggy once
13252s more you're gonna be slept as he jumps
13254s onto the high ground they look for the
13255s elimination the ante comes down and they
13256s will be able to get first mate picking
13258s up the kill
13259s there you go
13261s and he was asleep that's all he actually
13262s found here for the side of the
13263s quarterback but now the blade is gonna
13264s be pulled pelican goes into the back
13265s lines finds ripple looks for a little
13267s bit more just trying to hide his head as
13269s x he tries to trade this one back nine
13271s hp and we'll be able to get him in the
13273s very end
13275s as you do see
13276s merrick going down there without popping
13277s us off but piggy by the way has got to
13278s mention is he he was slammed so he
13280s couldn't pop the primal otherwise he
13282s probably wouldn't have died he'll have
13282s the primal now so they're putting a play
13284s through last year can't follow this with
13285s a trance
13286s if animal dies just probably fight over
13291s still holds on to the rally
13293s piggy not going to be getting too much
13294s done there
13296s as the rally comes through overclock is
13298s out
13299s merritt looking for a head just like his
13300s body tags but someone still does end up
13302s falling if he made out onto two they're
13304s looking for the follow-up kills here
13305s though are the florida mayhem so far
13306s they're only able to find lastro hear us
13309s under a little bit of fire but he's
13310s gonna survive the nano now available and
13312s piggy gets exe you're gonna be taken
13313s down he doesn't get to use
13316s absolutely massive now with merritt
13318s falling definitely a big win over here
13319s for the florida may him to be able to
13320s win out the fight and get this cap
13322s coming through pelican trying to keep it
13323s contested but ends up dying i'll take
13325s them down below a minute but it's not
13327s going to be a full hold not this time
13329s there on to a now three minutes 20
13331s seconds of the time making the floor to
13332s mayhem they really want to stagger
13334s heiress out here and maybe force him to
13336s misplay popping an ultimate early not
13337s going to happen very pocketing by last
13339s throws using outlaw safely back out of
13341s that situation but so speaking of aries
13343s he gets taken down there without getting
13344s a chance to use nano humongous
13346s difference maker merit as well not quite
13348s finding purchase on that overclock is
13350s also going to mean that the outlaws
13353s don't get the kind of kill pressure they
13354s normally have they needed basically
13356s picking the jump on top of xc with merit
13358s to get him down and actually even traded
13359s himself so brilliant play by exe in that
13361s situation
13365s oh it's limited on either side at the
13366s moment go to mayhem though dangerously
13369s close to having five elmo gonna be the
13371s first one right now trying to build up
13372s for that next rally
13374s it's definitely a window of opportunity
13375s to work with this there's the overclock
13377s popped piggy trying to contest on the
13378s high ground does force x he's positive
13380s oh wow gets great head shot there on
13382s demerit it's like sniping him down finds
13385s last year as well in the back end but
13386s taking down nanoduck dives into the back
13388s line does manage to find the punish
13390s gets slept and he goes through he still
13392s has the primal to rely on he's going to
13393s pop it if he's got multiple members
13395s locked into a very small room
13398s that's going to be the supports now
13399s taking down checkmate off screen able to
13401s find nearest in the end of it all piggy
13403s moving back into the drop ship keeps
13405s himself protected and all of this the
13407s card is actually rolling back
13409s and houston outlaws could potentially
13410s chase further but they're respected
13412s because piggy's too low hp if piggy got
13414s healed up and i don't want that's maybe
13415s easier said than done when he's super
13417s super low and you have limited time to
13419s go after florida they could have maybe
13420s have gotten further kills and staggers
13421s which would have put florida further
13422s behind but uh well played by piggy there
13424s prime will actually get a decent amount
13426s of value somewhat here let's kill merit
13429s huge here's stuck for the pulse bomb
13431s checkmate finds that elimination the
13432s supports now out of the fight the lions
13434s share their damage taken away pelican
13436s will get dropped no chance of a hero
13438s play with the blade it seems like that
13440s should be the border mayhem breaking
13441s through getting that extra minute and a
13442s half out of the time bank
13445s desperately need
13446s there you go two minutes 53 so right now
13449s not going to be able to best the time to
13451s get the houston outlaws that is uh very
13453s much gone hope for them but they can
13455s still get this finish and take it to
13456s extra innings but i can feel the
13458s momentum shifting a little bit right
13459s because there's a little bit of hope now
13460s the floor to make him can actually get
13462s this cap someone probably dives a little
13463s bit too deep there but
13465s you know for the rest of it for mayhem
13466s got a decent number of kills you just
13468s need to see a little bit more discipline
13469s especially out of players like someone
13470s that you know uh has been noted for
13472s getting quite aggro that's going to
13474s allow houston outlaws to start taking
13476s some map control so it's not
13477s insignificant that someone overextending
13479s there is a bit of a negative impact
13481s because otherwise sporter would have had
13482s map control instead
13492s just above ready to strike
13494s someone moving up onto the high ground
13495s looking to contest him they do take
13497s picky down to about half hp and he will
13498s make his exit joining back in with the
13499s rest of the houston outlaws over towards
13501s point c
13503s just hiding behind the pillar there does
13505s get topped up there's gonna be a blade
13506s banana blade pulled out actually the
13507s first one to fall did you get the
13509s antenate out on the pelican but can they
13510s get the finishing blow looks like the
13512s answer is going to be no
13513s the nano helps keep him alive as he
13515s comes up with three kills
13517s check made to the back line able to find
13518s last row but that is not going to do a
13519s damn thing for the florida mayhem as
13521s they have to reset silver lining here
13522s for florida is that they did uh when
13525s economically zero alts traded for two
13527s from houston outlaws so when we get to
13529s the end point the goal remember is to
13531s cap here so florida mayhem no illusions
13533s of matching 227 in fact no illusions of
13535s getting any sort of major time bag just
13537s getting zero and camping would be a
13539s pretty major win here so pushing for i
13541s think what is like a kind of final push
13543s we have five ultimates it's pretty ideal
13545s but with piggy coming up to primal it's
13546s gonna be easier said than done that one
13548s primal can stall out for a very long
13549s time
13551s pulse bomb at the red he checked me he's
13552s got his target to the sides let's look
13555s for last row but that's gonna be the
13556s transcendence force here off the rip
13558s merit now juggled into the corner by
13560s someone who's falling lower they didn't
13561s nano someone under the winston doing an
13563s immense amount of work no they did not
13565s goes out of the checkmate of all people
13566s and he just managed to make use of it
13568s though finds last stroke to open things
13570s up the overclock for maxine now gonna be
13571s expiring still holds on to this hundred
13573s charge braille tries to catch pelican
13574s but he does manage to stay elusive
13576s dashing away
13577s checkmate was traded out
13579s piggy waiting for his moment to go in
13581s for the recontest but he's hovering
13582s lower and lower as far as the hp has
13584s been killed he ends up getting dropped
13585s 1.23 meters left to go now for the side
13587s of the floor to mayhem with 32 seconds
13589s left to try to make it happen last year
13590s going to be taken out however anomalo
13592s gets traded pelican and merritt still
13594s just trying to keep this cart contested
13595s and it's gotta be all on pelican right
13597s now he falls lower and lower pops recall
13599s piggy rejoins the fight coming now out
13601s on the diva pelican does get taken down
13603s everything invested now on this debut
13605s try to keep things going but there's
13606s just so much damage focus coming through
13608s and the d matrix is not gonna be good
13609s enough last row and out forced away the
13612s supports cannot touch we go to extra
13615s innings as it strikes over time a minute
13617s for the florida mayhem versus 318 they
13620s need to have an immaculate push and
13622s defense to the florida mayhem if they
13623s want to extend this series houston
13625s trying their best to solve that one out
13627s further if they could because aries is
13629s very very close to nano you see just
13630s coming online towards the end there so
13632s if they could have kept peggy up for a
13634s couple more seconds he would have
13635s received nano that would have been the
13636s potential for a bit of a turnaround no
13638s idea if it could actually happen but it
13640s certainly would have been on the cards
13641s uh florida mayhem thankfully we'll still
13643s be able to get a good push and despite
13644s missing the nano onto someone i'm gonna
13646s stick on that a little bit longer
13647s because it's very important that someone
13650s as the only tank player here that's in
13651s the front lines he's on one hp he
13654s doesn't get the nano he has to fly back
13656s if you now check mate cool he's going to
13657s replace someone in the front lines you
13659s now have a 300 hp tracer who trades
13661s himself one for one here that's still
13663s not really ideal for the loss of map
13664s control florida still swing it back
13666s around but that wasn't clean in my
13668s opinion keeping someone in the game
13669s would have been far stronger just tiny
13671s nitpicks like this but
13673s again florida will get it across the
13674s board so we'll breathe a sigh of relief
13676s the goal was to cap with any amount of
13679s time no illusions of getting a good time
13681s bank they are looking for a situation
13683s where they can make a lot out of the
13685s single minute that they have here so if
13687s they can cap a they give themselves the
13688s opportunity to win 318 is a lot of time
13691s compared to the one here so florida i
13692s think to actually win this map reliably
13695s probably do have the campaign
13700s kate's opening
13702s the middle of the time bank not very
13704s comfortable at all for the side of the
13705s floor to mayhem he said need to be
13708s absolutely immaculate with this attack
13710s actually once more back over the
13711s widowmaker has not fined found the most
13714s success so far
13716s needs to be clicking heads if they want
13717s to get some distance gained
13719s yeah 20
13720s critical hit you want to see a little
13721s bit higher than that on a
13723s star water maker player at least he's
13726s you know he has had that reputation
13727s needs to continue and
13729s prove it again i would say but uh
13730s opening
13732s neutral here is reasonable for the
13734s florida mayhem not gonna see some real
13735s action until payload gets up the hill oh
13737s he's jumped on i need a house okay tries
13739s to make his exit pelican not gonna over
13741s pursue pulls back away
13744s just move down into the car wash instead
13745s just hit the top of the hill just keep
13746s it the car contested not allowing it to
13748s roll up any further there's no
13749s alternates by the way very low on the
13751s ultimate charge which means it comes
13752s down to perspex
13754s it's full neutral fight territory and he
13757s goes out of the two
13758s piggy and pelican both down to about
13760s half hp with the anti-explosion that
13761s needs to be killed
13763s he's looking for the shot but he doesn't
13764s quite manage to make it connect he
13766s doesn't stay alive he looks for merit
13768s makes him a little bit lower but has to
13769s back away once more it's gonna be a
13771s trade out a one for one as they both
13772s kill each other from beyond the grave
13775s the card advancing once more watch the
13777s nanos by the discord out onto him here
13779s is now going to be auntie the sleep dart
13781s connects onto rupaul
13782s as they look for the elimination it's
13784s going to be laughter taken down but now
13785s the front line broken down to the side
13786s of the floor may have exe swapping over
13787s the soldier just to try to rejoin a
13789s little bit faster the card continues to
13791s advance closer and closer piggy drops
13793s back down and that's gonna be the nano
13796s out onamo
13797s trying to keep it contested but
13799s because he wasn't close enough
13802s i'm gonna be honest here doesn't touch
13803s it it's a it's a technical c9 well it is
13806s a c9 because they they
13808s let me explain it it is a c9 because he
13810s was
13810s on the payload but it's not a c9 in the
13813s fact that i don't think they were
13814s winning like to me
13815s there's two definitions right it's like
13817s should you just have touched the payload
13818s in any circumstance and then there's you
13820s are winning the fight and then you just
13821s don't touch the payload or something
13822s like that but in this case they were
13824s superbly down the nano ends up going to
13826s animo very minimal impact that's going
13828s to have for you uh you needed someone to
13830s stay lively who was by the way 88 so if
13832s you have a situation where you have
13834s someone still alive you give given the
13835s natter he builds a primal off that
13837s that's a potential win condition for the
13838s florida mayhem
13840s really need to see more from xe again
13841s because we saw that it looked like a
13843s free kill going to server on the last
13845s round and he wefts the shot like you
13847s cannot be missing that that's got to be
13849s a guarantee kill that would have been
13850s the 5v4 that really swings it for
13852s florida to make him at the top of the
13854s fight and they don't cap and this is
13855s where i think things are going to be
13856s problematic because if you remember the
13858s florida a defensive regulation it wasn't
13860s good that's why i'm saying florida need
13862s to cap it because i don't think they win
13864s unless they cap a and they're gonna have
13865s to have a
13867s masterful defense now to have any hope
13869s for winning this map
13871s yeah i mean this would be a monstrous
13873s fuller hole if they could pull it off
13875s otherwise the houston outlaws are
13876s looking for a very
13878s swift 3-0 victory
13881s three minutes and 18 seconds to work
13882s with xc once more back over onto the
13884s widowmaker sends out a shot finds a
13886s couple tags thus far elimination zombies
13888s last one tries to drop down off the high
13890s ground that is the exact shot that he
13892s needed to hit
13893s yeah make it up for it now he can do
13894s that 50 more times i think to get this
13897s fuller hold do that over the course of
13899s three minutes right you know i think
13900s it's possible i think you absolutely can
13902s merit something
13903s pelicans also going towards the genji
13904s now
13905s so they'll give them a little bit more
13907s capability to push the payload but
13908s someone's already just kind of keeping
13909s them busy towards the ground can another
13911s kill the aeros just keeps things into
13913s 5v4 which is exactly what florida won
13917s one support respawns the other one dies
13921s head shot there on a piggy actually
13923s seemingly warmed up a bit but all takes
13925s is one coordinated dive from piggy and
13927s pelican
13928s to get rid of xe now they're looking for
13930s it and he's just not the wiser scoped in
13933s completely tunneled on his target
13935s pelican gets right on top of a right
13937s click to the skull goodbye good night
13938s the widow's out of the fight
13940s worse than that the payload started to
13942s move now this is not good for florida
13943s they need to find treys almost
13944s immediately even if houston loses fight
13946s pella can get pushed this to the upper
13948s hill so you know that's going to be a
13950s momentum
13951s they're actually winning the fight
13952s anyway
13954s yeah they're chasing in someone is not
13955s going to be allowed to escape the kills
13957s come through checkmate is only able to
13958s find iris xc on his return does get
13961s pelican car for now not going to be
13963s getting advanced forward it's a good
13965s track we'll find last row a couple kills
13967s coming in the card is not moving that's
13969s going to give you time for the rest of
13970s the quarterback will they join that's
13971s because actually killed the push of
13972s bush's pelican he's the dedicated car
13974s pusher but not only that checkmate held
13976s up the entire back line trades his own
13978s life while just completely denying
13979s houston outlaws from making space it is
13981s still a holdable position for mayhem not
13984s quite over just yet especially with
13986s primal rage online florida they had a
13988s very poor fight just previously but they
13990s could still recover
13993s okay some more
13995s head shots going through piggy just
13997s getting chipped away at the infrasight
13999s rolling iris
14001s hiding keeps himself safe at the moment
14003s actually falling lower and lower if the
14004s pursuit comes in dangerously deep from
14006s piggy now he's gonna pop the primal rage
14008s he's looking to get rid of this
14009s widowmaker the full focus on the side of
14011s the floor to mayhem trying to keep bexie
14013s alive but they cannot do it piggy finds
14015s an elimination finds an ammo as well but
14017s check me out it's work right now if
14019s you're a florida fan gets rid of the
14021s supports pelican down to a sliver of hp
14022s as well has to try to escape checkmate
14025s pops a recall someone says yep i'm just
14027s gonna occupy card space right now
14029s braille comes across merit now popping
14031s the overclock the dive comes through he
14033s throws the name over towards server
14034s rules good sleep here about that the
14036s sleep guard connects
14038s they get the elimination
14039s the kills continue to fly through and
14041s it's 38 seconds remaining florida mayhem
14043s can they make it happen there's a tweet
14045s we are seeing mistakes from houston
14047s there's a blade here because they didn't
14048s wait for it earlier they're trying to
14050s run before they can walk houston outlaws
14052s just near the pace themselves a little
14053s bit they had a full minute to work with
14055s and that was the fight that they didn't
14057s need to throw everything into play for
14059s the nanoplate they put the nano on to a
14061s different player instead and now pelican
14063s has a dry blade hope for the best
14068s i can't keep him alive through with the
14069s transcendence
14070s barring
14071s an anteater out from rupal
14074s rally's up
14075s time
14076s ticking lower and lower the rally is
14078s online as you say now popping that one
14080s instantly but both support's gonna get
14081s clipped by an ante diving to the back
14083s pelican looking for xc the second slice
14086s managing to find the kill
14088s 4.79 meters left to go no more ultimate
14091s falling lower and lower than his scored
14092s orb is out last year are able to clean
14093s him up and there's no kills to be found
14095s right now for the side of the florida
14096s bay and they need to get something but
14097s they are finding absolutely nothing
14099s checkmate the last one alive trying to
14101s keep it contested and he cannot it was
14104s looking possible they drained the clock
14106s down after a three minute 18 second
14108s start but they cannot stop the houston
14111s outlaws just too much time to work with
14113s the final alts are good enough there's
14115s going to be a 3-0 victory here for the
14117s houston outlaws to stay in the upper
14119s bracket florida mayhem however they fall
14121s down
14122s yeah it all comes down to the a push
14124s coming through and this is where you
14125s know florida mayhem a little bit more
14127s distance if they could get more in that
14129s one minute i understand that maybe it
14130s sounds a little bit unreasonable because
14132s what you can get in one minute is very
14134s little but this is where you know you
14136s need to turn that inch into a mile for
14138s sure if you're in the florida mayhem
14139s push it over towards b and then we're
14141s looking towards a real win condition
14143s three minutes is plenty for houston to
14144s work with and even then i think houston
14147s probably got a little bit too greedy at
14149s various times and we will go back to the
14151s the areas pelican moment where he you
14153s know puts a nan on the pelican hoping to
14155s build the the blade during the nano and
14158s it just does not work for them they lose
14159s their fight credit to florida mayhem for
14161s keeping it very competitive on the end
14164s for uh this watch point gibraltar look
14167s the attack
14168s was
14169s starting to get somewhere you know i get
14171s no
14172s no hope for them to get any meaningful
14174s time back but just pushing us into the
14176s actual time back itself and you know to
14178s get the extra innings i think is an
14180s important step for the floor maker to
14182s show that they can compete didn't really
14183s happen in the first two maps though so
14185s that part's a little bit disappointing
14186s but at least gibraltar's showing signs
14188s of life
14190s yeah i mean and after what was you know
14192s witnessed on that
14194s on that midtown it was definitely good
14195s to see the signs of life coming out from
14197s them but hughes and outlaws just
14199s certainly had their number today a
14200s relatively one-sided affair overall and
14202s let's go ahead and take a look at our
14204s player of the match for the houston
14205s outlaws and uh i think he could have
14207s made a couple arguments across the board
14209s but it's gonna be merritt walking away
14210s with the w at the end of it all
14213s and merit i think we had our eyes on him
14215s right from the very beginning straight
14217s on that one uh noted how clean he was on
14219s the sojourn and really you know proving
14222s why he is
14223s kind of touted as one of if not the top
14225s sergeant that we currently have
14226s especially you know i think given that
14227s kai looked a little bit
14229s lesser than what we expected on his
14231s opening matchup versus london today and
14233s mary coming through very dominant versus
14235s the florida mayhem um very well deserved
14237s player of the game even just tracking
14239s his stats across both the maps he
14241s improved his rail gun hit accuracy on
14243s that second map here i'm still
14245s reasonably good on gibraltar 55 right
14247s it's it's above 50 which is i think the
14249s floor for an overwatch league
14250s professional on surgeon um just a
14252s fantastic player overall
14256s yeah i mean from the outset was just
14258s looking incredible and
14260s i thought i was getting hopeful a little
14261s bit he did flash the widowmaker for a
14263s moment as they were getting ready to
14264s open up seeing the hack i thought maybe
14267s he was to go for it but he did not but i
14268s mean you're talking about you know
14269s hitting that 50 in the end his overall
14272s is 58 which is fantastic throughout the
14274s you know entire length of a series so
14276s continues to just keep his numbers up
14278s towards that 60 mark so utterly
14280s impeccable performance from merritt who
14282s just is definitely making a name he
14284s wants to you know throw his hat in the
14285s ring and say yeah i i'm in consideration
14287s for best soldier in nna as well
14290s yeah and you know maybe further than
14292s that when they eventually play up
14293s against some of the apac teams you know
14294s we have some great surgeons from there
14296s as well
14296s um but honestly a very good opening for
14299s the day considering uh
14301s you know our first time at least my
14303s first time for sure overall but you know
14305s our first time as a duo this year
14307s casting some night teams and you know
14309s getting to see what they're up to and
14310s honestly i'm liking it i'm very
14312s impressed by teams like london today i'm
14314s hoping to see great stuff out without
14316s them further me but
14317s the the one game i think we've all been
14319s waiting for kilios is one that actually
14320s comes up after because we're finally
14322s gonna get some cross regional gameplay
14325s there we are and it's gonna be exciting
14327s but of course uh that's gonna that's
14328s gonna happen after a little bit of a
14329s break we're gonna have the desk cut when
14331s we come back break down a bit of the
14332s action here from the second series of
14334s the day but we're just at the midway
14336s point there's still more you know two
14337s more series to be played out that's
14339s gonna be it for myself and avril for
14341s today though it's gonna be you know
14343s brought to you by necro and uh
14346s the tiny british man i forget his name
14348s anyway they're gonna be bringing
14350s those matches so make sure you guys stay
14352s tuned uh and the desk will be breaking
14354s things down to the back end of this
14356s break
14357s love you we'll see you next time
14377s [Music]
14390s [Music]
14398s [Music]
14410s [Music]
14416s do
14424s [Music]
14435s [Music]
14455s [Music]
14463s [Music]
14473s [Music]
14485s [Music]
14512s [Music]
14536s [Music]
14622s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
14624s joined now by piggy from houston outlaws
14627s piggy congratulations on the win and i'm
14629s gonna be honest i was actually sitting
14631s across from you guys from the backdrop
14633s and i heard a lot from you you were very
14636s vocal you were cheering for your team
14638s you were
14639s honestly
14640s screaming at the top of your lungs a lot
14642s of the times you know every team fight
14644s you guys uh won throughout the whole
14646s match so was this uh sort of a strategy
14649s that that houston came up with to uh to
14652s intim intimidate the opponents i mean
14654s those were you know your the other teams
14655s that were sitting across from you guys
14657s or
14658s are you just simply just kind of like
14660s that you know are you that do you just
14662s normally just have that personality
14673s yes
14676s [Music]
14702s you know i do i'm a very vocal player
14704s but also it was sort of uh a strategy as
14707s well where we wanted to sort of
14708s intimidate and sort of play with uh the
14710s opponent's mental as well all right
14713s that's an actually very interesting and
14715s smart strategy from houston now my
14717s second question for you uh piggy is i
14719s think in midtown it was where you guys
14721s came up with the winston dive and then
14724s as soon as you saw the florida mayhem
14725s pull out the uh the ryan rush
14728s competitions you guys went for
14768s all right i mean we did uh one speed run
14770s the spitfire uh in the uh ryan rush
14773s mirror competition in that battle so
14775s whenever we we have the opportunity to
14777s go for the rhine rush mirror fight then
14780s we are sort of
14781s or moving towards where we use uh the
14784s mirror fights and you know because we
14786s know that we could win all right piggy
14788s that is it for the interview thank you
14789s so much for your time and with that
14790s being said avali take it away
14795s danny just because piggy took the series
14798s doesn't mean that he can take your mic
14800s fight for it danny fight for it
14803s uh but yes again congratulations to the
14805s outlaws and a very difficult uh series
14807s there for florida mayhem
14809s johnny i do want to come to you first
14811s with this post game just because in that
14814s during that last map i overheard you
14817s almost like talking to florida basically
14819s being like okay be careful all right uh
14821s well you know pull back a little bit
14822s almost like a dad teaching his kid how
14824s to ride a bike
14826s so what did what did you want to tell
14828s them in that moment dad to ride a bike i
14830s mean that's a dad teacher was very like
14832s that it was it was a lot of confidence
14834s yeah
14835s yeah no that's fine yeah you can go in
14837s oh no not too far yeah he likes that
14839s yeah yes
14841s will you teach
14845s yeah i mean i was coaching i was trying
14847s to coach them a little bit you know i'm
14849s watching these teams and i'm like trying
14850s to judge them i'm like hi i'd like to
14852s like
14853s push up a little bit here i like to
14854s withdraw a little bit like i i think
14856s this was a very interesting
14857s compositional matchup especially on
14859s gibraltar which you will see later in
14861s the highlights because
14862s houston outlaws throughout this entire
14864s series you can see it right here even
14866s they're always playing the soldier
14868s because soda is so good when it comes to
14870s the damage capabilities right and then
14872s we saw them play a lot of zenyatta and
14874s honor you you have the discord orb you
14876s got the biotic grenade you got the sleep
14878s dart the houston outlaws so they're
14879s playing a very potent composition in
14881s that regard the florida mayhem on the
14883s other hand when they pick gibraltar and
14886s they're going for the widowmaker and
14887s they're going for the brigitte
14889s they don't have these
14891s big abilities to like turn these big
14893s fights around so they need to be way
14894s more disciplined they need to be way
14896s more clinical about their positioning
14898s about the way they take some of these
14900s fights and the florida maine they needed
14902s to be very precise with their
14904s engagements and their positioning and we
14906s didn't really see that from them so i
14908s was trying to coach them i was trying to
14909s tell them like hey you need to push up
14911s here you need to punish this etc but the
14913s florida they're not really known to be
14915s this disciplined team either we even
14917s have admiral avril mentioned it on the
14919s cast like someone he has a tendency to
14921s jump in a little bit too far getting
14923s picked off xc as well on the widowmaker
14925s he didn't hit those shots he was
14926s required to do because you don't have
14928s the soldier in damage so you need to get
14929s the final blows but he wasn't able to
14931s get those final blows in the first place
14933s and animal as well
14934s not the greatest gains from him so
14937s i think that in general houston outlaws
14939s they played very potent volatile
14940s compositions with a lot of offensive
14942s capabilities and it was just too much to
14944s bear for the florida maine and they need
14946s to be way more disciplined with their
14948s positioning when they're opting not to
14950s play the sojourn here
14951s if if johnny is the supportive dad
14954s i am the angry uncle because i
14957s am not
14960s i am not happy with this moira
14962s composition that they played in the
14963s first two maps it doesn't really make
14965s sense they're not playing that surgeon
14966s they don't have that high damage output
14968s they can't get those picks with that
14969s style and then the moira rupaul was just
14972s unable to stay alive he yes he has that
14974s fate yes he has that survivability but
14976s he was still just dying time and time
14978s again i'm not in love with what they're
14979s trying to do and i hope they don't go
14981s back into it because they actually
14982s looked a lot more coordinated playing
14984s the winston dive playing that style with
14986s around someone's winston who really is
14988s the forefront player for that team so
14990s they take a pretty brutal loss to the
14992s houston outlaws here but i want to see
14993s them bounce back because they do have
14995s good players but it just doesn't feel
14997s like they have an idea of how they want
14999s to play it right now especially with
15000s that warrior composition like why wasn't
15002s xen to play over hydrogen did they not
15004s want to play that surgeon are they not
15006s comfortable in it i mean the genji
15007s tracer i think just but it's
15010s quite work yeah like it was not just
15013s like playing genji tracer into sojourn
15015s echo
15017s ah
15018s just doesn't hurt a little bit
15020s it hurts
15021s it's tough the kid took the training
15023s wheels off and you just pushed him down
15024s the hill and said go right yeah
15027s and he failed
15028s and he failed now he's not allowed back
15030s in the house
15031s all right well uh actually before i move
15033s on to this point i know we talked a lot
15035s about the downfalls of florida right
15037s there but anything that we want to shout
15038s out in terms of the outlaws because
15041s they did this is our first 3-0 of the
15043s week
15044s i actually i have two i think merritt
15046s obviously going crazy on the soldier you
15048s know i think he was doing well again but
15049s we've already shouted him out that
15050s before but picking on the winston and
15052s the reinhardt kind of surprising me
15054s right now i i haven't been in love with
15056s some of his reinhardt performances or
15058s his wisdom performances but everything
15060s was there today i'm actually a little
15061s bit more excited to see how he does
15062s against better teams and if he is going
15064s to be able to hold his own like he did
15065s today yeah i think houston outlaws over
15067s time they've like reassured us that they
15069s are actually a great team they're not
15071s dropping these maps or series to lower
15073s teams anymore now they just need to
15075s punch upwards and actually beat some of
15077s the better teams which is what we're
15079s expecting from them at this point all
15080s right well if you're the supportive dad
15082s the angry uncle i've never heard that
15084s i've never heard of an eyebrow
15086s you guys don't have angry okay then i
15088s will be the caring grandma and wish them
15091s luck as they move into the lower bracket
15094s because remember florida mayhem is not i
15096s like this i like this brand for you the
15098s fusion grandmother it's just
15099s fusion grandma where did that come from
15101s we're talking about florida oh but you
15103s know what i'll take that i'll bake i'll
15105s start baking like fusion cookies or
15106s something like the little icing on them
15109s like
15110s i'm going to start at my bakery follow
15112s me on twitter and that's where you're
15113s going to be able to submit orders and
15115s stuff but let's go ahead and talk about
15116s our next match up because that's going
15118s to be toronto define against shanghai
15120s dragons and scott i want to start with
15122s you because when we looked at
15123s predictions i think it was shanghai
15125s dragons across the board i know john
15127s even has them potentially winning the
15129s entire event so
15131s he's biased we're all a little biased at
15133s the end of the day barbecue invitation
15135s leading to a correct prediction
15137s i'll take it but that being said what
15139s does toronto defiant need to do in order
15141s to surprise everyone here today
15144s it's an uphill battle i think this is
15146s probably one of the more one-sided
15147s matches that we have for today shanghai
15149s has been dominant but they need to find
15150s a way to shut down lip i think lip has
15152s been absolutely incredible in the apac
15154s region started a little slow this season
15156s compared you know he was the mvp
15157s runner-up that we saw from last season
15159s but he has been just absolutely
15161s incredible especially on that ash and
15162s this is the first time we see the east
15164s taking on the west and something that
15166s the east likes to do is they love to
15168s play the ash instead of the sojourn and
15170s just look at the stats here from lip out
15172s of 12 players with 20 plus minutes
15173s played he's just been absolutely
15175s incredible his hit scan and his
15177s flexibility have just been adding to the
15179s dragon's dominance over the last couple
15181s of seasons so
15182s if the toronto defiant and primarily
15185s heisu can find an answer to lip then i
15187s think they do have a chance maybe the
15189s sojourn will work better against the ash
15191s than we we will think because this is
15193s not a matchup that we've really seen the
15195s ash has more damage against the winston
15198s the wrecking ball because you don't have
15199s to charge up that rail onto high moving
15201s targets and the ash just has more
15203s consistent damage so i'm excited to see
15205s how this is going to play out between
15206s these two teams and if the toronto
15208s defiant can really lead the west to
15210s showing that their style might be better
15212s than the east i i would actually say
15214s that lip is so good that they shouldn't
15216s even like play into it like don't don't
15218s even like
15219s accept that it's over just accept it
15221s like lip is the superior hit scan like
15223s he sue don't try to ego duel like lift
15225s because he's you're not that good okay
15227s if there's anything we know
15229s you know if there are anything we know
15230s from the throttle fine it's there
15232s they're going to play doomfist yeah
15234s because muse has actually looked really
15235s good on the doomfist and doomfist is a
15237s good matchup against winston and against
15239s wrecking ball so if anything i would
15241s just like avoid lip and try to kill fate
15245s and then you can go when you're like
15246s five versus four just hopefully it
15248s doesn't kill three before you kill fate
15250s look it's a lip okay
15254s we're not we're not talking about like
15255s the shock wave when the vancouver title
15257s we're talking about lip shock wave
15258s catching the string is low encouraging
15261s encouraging words from you johnny as
15263s well as you scott i'm trying you know
15266s i'm gonna cut you off right there
15267s because it's time to actually sing
15269s anything
15270s speak for themselves as we get into the
15272s next match and joining us on the casting
15274s desk it's going to be jaws and necro so
15276s take it away and get us into the game
15277s don't throw things at me
15286s just ignore lip just ignore lip choice
15289s yeah don't worry about him
15291s bruh
15292s like
15294s it's the first time
15295s that he's to meet in the west
15297s and apparent potential maybe the
15300s shanghai dragons winning the whole thing
15301s according to johnny and they go up
15302s against the toronto
15304s defiant who have looked incredibly mid
15307s uh quite literally mid six and six in
15309s the regular season up until this point
15311s uh how is this gonna go probably
15313s shanghai's way i like the enthusiasm
15315s though and just keeping spirits high on
15317s the toronto defiant camp but the clash
15319s of stars rose is going to be i think the
15321s tale for this series but shanghai
15323s dragons just look
15324s unbelievably dominant like
15327s permanently it's uh the same old dragons
15329s and with the ash against the sojourn
15332s there's a lot of consistent output but
15334s face wrecking was going to get knocked
15335s around by muse i don't think so
15337s yeah it's a lot of different things that
15338s we need to look at for this series in
15340s particular but when we look at east
15342s versus west classically there's just two
15344s vastly different play styles that we see
15346s for coming out from both of these
15348s regions the east has predominantly
15350s looked for dive moments really playing
15352s around the wrecking ball is kind of one
15354s of their main staples in that meta and
15356s then over on the west it kind of feels
15359s like anything goes we've seen a lot of
15361s reinhardt rush we've also seen a lot of
15362s the doomfist and seen some more of those
15365s winston moments as well and so when you
15367s get these two regions coming together
15369s when they have different pacings as well
15371s it makes for some explosive action and i
15374s cannot wait to get into it
15376s let's have a look at toronto defiance
15378s starting lineup remember this is the
15380s first time this year we are seeing the
15383s clash
15384s east versus west
15386s toronto defiant representing the west
15388s right now the rest of region
15391s muse heisu finale charon twilight
15394s incredible
15395s team
15396s they have the talent says mitch console
15399s i think a lot of other players say the
15400s same thing but like i mentioned um they
15403s did kind of scrape in this tournament
15404s they six and six and uh six and six
15407s overall in the regular season
15408s unbelievably mid-looking but
15411s this clash of stars maybe throws dragons
15414s off just a little bit i mean that's kind
15415s of what you're hoping i everybody on
15417s paper should have the dragons to win
15419s this series but
15421s we could see it going the other way like
15423s well the first series of the mid-season
15425s madness tournament rose with london's
15427s fit fire dominating the atlanta reign
15429s anything can happen at this point
15432s absolutely i feel like when you look at
15433s toronto defiant and you look at that six
15436s and six score line i don't know if it
15438s tells you the full picture about how
15439s toronto defiant have really done i mean
15441s just looking at stage two toronto really
15444s started off with this super awkward kind
15446s of winston sombra dive that wasn't
15449s working for them but as soon as mews
15451s started to switch over to the doomfist
15453s and toronto was able to play twilight on
15456s more of the anna which is his signature
15458s hero
15459s toronto defiant really started to liven
15462s up and i'm really excited to see if they
15465s are able to use this doomfist to like
15467s you said kind of surprise the dragons
15470s let's wait and see dragons let's have a
15471s look at their starting lineup today a
15474s fun fact in fact a silly stupid fact if
15477s if you if you really want it the last
15479s time
15480s uh these teams met was in 2019 and in
15482s fact they've only ever met once before
15486s like
15488s insane obviously crazy things happened
15489s in 2020 so it kind of prevented a lot of
15492s these
15492s teams playing each other but they've
15494s only ever faced each other one time and
15495s of course they were very different
15497s rosters lip flood of fate as yucky and
15499s li jay gone
15500s obviously on your screen right now but
15502s back then when they played against each
15504s other for that first time it was gamsu
15507s on tank envy was there as well like
15510s luffy
15511s and
15511s do you look at the side of the define a
15513s completely different roster too sharik
15515s was on that roster we had gods as well
15518s the hulka god uh neko and aide in the
15521s support like
15522s this is how long it's been since these
15525s two teams have played together which is
15526s insane but of course you can see uh the
15528s dragon starting lineup today i feel like
15531s it's gonna be uh an affair where lip
15534s just kind of dominates rose his ash is
15537s unbelievable right now it is so good
15540s absolutely and it really rounds out this
15542s more veteran roster just really nicely
15545s you look across the board and i know
15547s that the rosters look a little bit
15548s different but when you look at the
15549s shanghai dragons you know these players
15552s you know how well they have performed in
15554s the league in previous seasons and it is
15556s so exciting to get a chance to see them
15559s here
15559s competing once again in this east versus
15563s west clash but you know when i look at
15565s the dragons i'm kind of expecting them
15567s especially with fate and legion gone in
15569s the roster to really start playing more
15571s around that wrecking ball and that
15572s winston dive
15574s shanghai also struggled a little bit to
15576s find their footing in stage two just
15578s like toronto defiant but finally landed
15580s on something that is really working for
15582s them so jaws i feel like both of these
15584s teams know where their comfortability
15586s lies and this first map is going to be
15589s super telling on how the rest of this
15591s series might be able to play out based
15593s on
15594s what they feel from each other
15596s i mean you you mentioned an excellent
15597s point like toronto's defiance their
15599s turnaround
15600s um previously we were seeing his a lot
15603s on this sombra a lot of people didn't
15605s like the sombra at that point uh in the
15607s stage of the matter and then it was like
15609s wow okay now you can play sojourn oh my
15612s god wow he's insane who'da thought
15614s who'da thought he sue he's who god on
15616s twitter uh was a good player like it was
15618s a ridiculous come up like complete
15620s transformation for the toronto to find
15623s and that's where they started um getting
15625s a lot of their wins they've had a couple
15626s of close series here and there against
15628s teams you shouldn't if you're trying to
15630s define like against the paris eternal
15632s but um we'll see if they can kick off
15634s the mid-season madness with a bang
15636s against the dragons does it like we're
15639s just gonna jump into game in just a
15641s moment but it will be illeos this is our
15643s first uh map today rose
15646s yeah we're gonna be kicking things off
15647s on illios but we gotta also look at his
15650s versus lip you know i love that we get
15653s to bring up that lip is such a
15654s phenomenal ash but we also have to look
15656s at the sojourn stats across the board
15658s because he sue phenomenal lip may be
15662s trailing behind just a little bit in
15664s terms of some of these statistics coming
15666s out from the sojourn play but i think
15669s we're really going to see lip focus more
15671s on the ash here unless the sojourn feels
15674s super necessary to get that more
15676s explosive damage with those charged up
15678s shots
15679s yeah this that's pretty similar but yeah
15682s like you mentioned it pulling a away
15684s slightly as hiso especially in the
15685s damage uh pretend and then the final
15687s blows of course silicon is about the
15689s same overclock and uh deaths kind of
15691s similar but those final blows and the
15694s hero damage overall very much he sue
15697s favored in that regard but yeah i don't
15700s i just
15702s especially with the way the shanghai
15703s dragon's been playing i'm not sure we're
15704s going to see that sergio one-on-one i
15706s kind of want to see it but i don't think
15707s it's gonna happen shanghai dragons like
15710s you mentioned rose have pretty much very
15712s much found their groove the only team
15714s they really struggled against recently
15715s and in fact their kryptonite i should
15717s say is uh the seoul dynasty which we'll
15720s see a little bit later on this week
15722s which is going to be quite exciting
15724s yeah oh absolutely i mean seoul dynasty
15727s has just been tearing up a storm in the
15729s eastern region and it's going to be
15731s really cool to see them in action in
15732s this tournament as well as we do have
15735s that clash of
15737s these regions but you know when i look
15739s at the dragons and i'm looking at lip
15741s and flutter
15742s there's so much versatility that they
15744s could go for here
15746s they're both incredible dps players
15749s their hero pools are very deep and we've
15752s seen a lot of different looks from the
15753s shanghai dragons when lip and fleta are
15756s so flexible
15758s yeah the dragons
15759s the last four games rose they only lost
15761s one map and that was the chengdu hunters
15763s so very much on a hot streak right now
15765s looks like it's true
15767s everybody whacking their heads at us on
15768s looking good trying to fight should be
15770s uh getting into game in just a moment
15772s sorry for the brief pause before we jump
15775s into map
15776s number one
15777s let's look at some more stats while we
15779s shall we are we wait
15781s fate versus muse on the winston although
15784s fate has been preferring the wrecking
15785s ball as a recently amused actually on
15787s the uh doomfist but when if they do want
15790s to go to a winston-style comp maybe on
15792s watchpoint gibraltar for example
15794s although you can still play ball
15795s doomfist there we might sing a little
15797s bit of that winston and this is from the
15799s mid-season manus qualifiers per tenth
15802s yeah look at that i mean you're
15804s absolutely right fate has definitely
15806s been rocking more of the wrecking ball
15809s but wow this is whoo geesh mutes like
15813s looking good
15814s yeah six point three deaths per ten for
15816s museum only three for fake don't die
15819s i mean that's very much of how you know
15821s lucha gone and izuyaki in the back line
15824s but how much winston is there for this
15826s uh sample pool huh
15828s strength
15829s maybe it's 30 seconds we don't know no
15832s it'll be hard imagine imagine the world
15834s one of the lowest
15836s hero pick rate is in the air watch
15838s league right now must be gone it must be
15840s like cmos no not not junk brad
15843s double shield double wall meta tour at
15845s some point not sure not sure i'm also
15848s very aware rose that you're wearing
15850s quite uh quite a cool little hawaiian
15852s shirt going on i've only got two kind of
15854s flowery hawaiian shirts going on at the
15856s moment so i didn't want to wear it today
15859s because i wanted any stuff
15861s i just felt like i was gonna i just
15863s wanted to match the the great style of a
15866s cute house in avril earlier today i was
15868s like oh you're right it was something i
15870s just completely forgot about in terms of
15873s what am i gonna wear for the mid-season
15874s madness tournament i thought about this
15876s and then like
15877s uh
15879s i don't know like a not a trench coat
15881s what is the thing that a trench coat
15883s okay if you turned up in a trench coat
15888s i wouldn't know what to think i got
15889s looking like morpheus out here you
15890s should get the glasses as well
15893s uh it looks like uh unfortunately we are
15894s jumping to a quick break toronto defiant
15898s currently uh have a small issue but that
15899s should get worked out in just a moment
15902s we'll see you on the other side
15911s [Music]
15919s [Music]
15934s [Music]
15940s so
15945s [Music]
15973s [Music]
15979s [Music]
15996s so
16005s [Music]
16010s so
16030s [Music]
16042s [Music]
16054s wow
16061s [Music]
16065s so
16068s [Music]
16075s [Music]
16077s so
16079s [Music]
16089s welcome back we're about to get into the
16090s game in just a moment we're discussing
16092s our fashion sense of broadcast the only
16093s thing i have that is
16095s maybe hawaiian i don't know is this
16097s small little uh thing of sand this yeah
16100s that's about it i've just got a just a
16102s container full of sand a takeaway
16104s container for the sand that's about it
16105s that's about as uh sandy as it gets
16108s where i live gonna be real i live quite
16110s away from the from the ocean so uh yeah
16112s there's uh there's that that's what i
16114s brought to the table today you bought
16115s the fabulous dress sense as well as uh
16117s avril and seth and i bought uh just a
16119s picture of sam epic stuff
16121s yeah
16123s yeah whoa exactly i mean
16126s i was just trying to i was honestly
16127s trying to think this morning just kind
16128s of running uh through my apartment like
16130s what
16131s do i have anything that's like kind of
16133s hawaiian related i can like bring on to
16134s the broadcast but no just uh just some
16136s sand unlucky unlucky toronto defined
16139s should have sought their problem yeah
16141s and we are getting into the lobby and
16142s into the game in just a moment just
16144s waiting for the other couple of players
16146s to jump in the lobby then we should be
16148s good to go but shanghai dragons versus
16150s the toronto defiant is the game on your
16152s screens in just a moment rose
16154s so east versus west the first time we
16156s get to see it this year
16159s it's gonna be exciting i think
16161s we're not gonna see any funny silly
16162s games and you said or uh we were kind of
16165s wondering what heroes were least played
16167s and you were right it was junkrat who
16169s was at least played this season and then
16170s we spotted hogg down there as well i
16172s don't think there's going to be any
16173s crazy shenanigans where hulk's going to
16174s get played but a man can dream amazing
16178s they will revisit that point for our
16180s fourth series of the day we might have
16182s some things to be said about what might
16184s happen over there
16185s don't speak it into existence yet okay
16188s we have a match on our hands right now
16191s um
16192s but yeah i don't think we're gonna see
16193s roadhog here that's for sure
16196s yeah i mean hey it can counter wreckable
16198s if you can land the hook but then you
16200s get farmed by everything else and arno
16202s is played almost permanently so
16204s and there's yeah probably not gonna
16206s happen but you never know maybe hog gets
16208s like a giant rework at some point and
16210s they just or or they just ignore him
16212s which is fine by me to be very honest
16214s with you although people still you know
16215s do be queuing up hog in the beta right
16217s now so uh that's also not fun especially
16220s when it's just a permafrank hog which
16222s you can't really do in the overwatch
16223s league i will say you just get utterly
16225s owned so well okay maybe not the flank
16228s roadhog but have you thought about the
16230s flank zenyatta we've definitely seen
16232s that before oh yeah i don't mind that at
16235s all hey the more nanos
16237s we see
16238s on zen in the overwatch league the more
16241s confidence it gives me in uh ranked to
16244s ask for a nano every single time um i'm
16246s gonna be real with you give it to me
16248s maybe i'll probably i'm gonna be real
16250s i'm not gonna hit a single orb it's
16251s gonna be pretty embarrassing um tell you
16253s what's not embarrassing though
16254s the stats this season it's been looking
16257s pretty clean pretty clean but who's
16259s really surprised it is flutter of course
16263s absolutely i mean when we look at the
16265s shanghai dragons and we have lip and
16267s fleta playing simultaneously with each
16269s other you see lip more on the hit scan
16272s heroes and then fleta has been flexing
16274s over to like the echo the may and of
16277s course the tracer which i really don't
16280s think should be a surprise to anybody in
16282s terms of how long fleta can stay alive
16285s and also find value with those pulse
16287s bombs
16288s yeah there's possible ones to be kind of
16290s hitting though i mean tied second for uh
16292s pulse bomb kills attach rate is rank one
16295s deaths rank one damage not so much
16296s though 5k out of 10 not great but it
16299s says out of 17 players and he's 20th
16301s place
16302s math checks out almost
16304s i think uh still we're going to see
16308s the dominance from the dragons this
16310s series it's really up to the toronto
16312s defiant um to live up to the dragons and
16315s hopefully catch a couple of maps because
16318s at the end of the day they have been a
16320s team that's lost against the good teams
16322s one against some of the worst teams and
16325s they're just sitting in mid like uh
16327s just a middle of the table six and six
16329s in the regular season like
16331s this is the first time we're seeing
16333s these clashes but uh the dragons it just
16335s looks like an assailable mountain right
16337s now for them to climb yeah that is the
16339s toronto fight but there is still hope
16341s here we've seen a lot of individual hero
16343s plays from people like muse but i mean
16345s the dragon yeah
16347s they do but let's look at it from a
16349s different perspective as well in terms
16351s of the eastern teams that shanghai
16354s dragons has had to play against
16357s i don't know jaws i feel like i have a
16359s little bit of a question mark yes they
16361s have a 9-3 record but i feel like there
16364s are still some questions about where
16366s this team falls in the top four teams
16369s from the east that actually made it into
16371s the mid-season madness i mean
16372s earlier on in the stage shanghai dragons
16374s took some losses to seoul and hongsho
16377s spark so i just i wonder they're still
16380s really good i'm not trying to
16383s say otherwise but
16385s maybe toronto can actually pull out some
16388s amount of surprise factor that could
16390s throw dragons off their game because i
16392s do feel like when they take losses it's
16393s because maybe they don't have a game
16395s plan of how they want to approach things
16397s like the beginning of stage number two
16399s or there's just a surprise that they're
16402s not really sure how to adjust to
16404s yeah we'll have to wait and see um do i
16406s spy a mr packing 10 in mises camera i
16410s think i do
16411s absolute chad
16413s warlord um
16415s what
16416s seth's not on the broadcast anymore
16418s right he got off
16420s and then we jump into a giant port uh it
16422s seems like the time rift is opening and
16424s somehow seth is still on the broadcast
16426s because
16428s this is the team that he usually casts
16431s yeah so
16432s yeah
16433s yeah missed
16434s property here maybe he's still in the
16436s voice
16437s we don't know i don't know maybe he's
16439s still lingering around just to give us a
16441s little bit of a curse potentially looks
16442s like uh toronto defines still trying to
16444s sort out a couple of uh small problems
16446s but
16448s we should be
16449s there in just a moment all right i'm
16451s saying that i hope of course
16453s [Music]
16455s we'll see
16456s we'll see how it goes
16458s yeah
16460s would do be like though
16463s so what is your what's your favorite
16464s fish it doesn't have to be a hawaiian
16466s fish but uh what is your favorite uh
16468s kind of fish you know i love talking
16470s about fish
16471s i know yeah no this is great i usually
16473s have
16474s interesting things planned just in case
16478s to try to like entertain you with fish
16480s facts oh okay i i completely forgot so
16485s uh i don't have anything prepared for
16487s that right now but i will i will later
16489s ask me again like
16491s next time next time we're on
16493s the broadcast for mid-season madness but
16496s my favorite fish
16500s is
16502s salmon
16503s because it's tasty okay yeah
16505s all right okay i'll take that i like
16507s that okay yeah salmon is pretty pretty
16509s nice i like salmon they do have uh
16513s i they do have an interesting life cycle
16515s i will say if you ever look up or like
16517s watch a small documentary on salmon it's
16519s quite sad but
16521s they do uh they do taste quite good too
16523s which is uh really great i can name some
16525s sharks that are native to hawaii or like
16526s hang around hawaii okay um a lot of reef
16529s sharks yeah there's a white tip reef
16531s sharks black free sharks yeah gray reef
16534s sharks galapagos sharks smooth
16536s hammerhead actually um dang around
16539s hawaii as well which is pretty sweet
16541s that's pretty cool so uh if any of the
16543s players want to go shark spine that's
16544s quite possible a lot of them hang around
16546s obviously the reefs enter their name but
16548s yeah there's a few different species of
16550s shark that hang around hawaii which is
16551s kind of cool
16553s it's pretty cool
16555s looks like toronto to find enough shark
16557s facts and fish facts for now we'll come
16559s back uh in just a moment with more facts
16561s if they are not ready but we're gonna
16562s have a look at some of the top plays of
16564s the week from the toronto defiant we'll
16566s see in a bit
16569s this is the final week before the mid
16572s season of madness kicks off
16577s [Music]
16584s gaga now taken down legion on finding
16586s that kill tries to stay alive and leave
16588s will finally fill it finish him off with
16589s that rail jin moon 20 hp in a dream
16592s dashing him ducking around somehow still
16593s hasn't died he kills it both what just
16595s happened on the screen there's no way
16599s 1v2 and somehow he kills them both and
16602s that's enough for them to get the cap
16604s here we go thank you observers
16611s [Music]
16617s out of control he just died
16621s i think they're getting ready for it as
16622s well as you can see pelicans are trying
16624s to get the dash reset up and running
16626s okay he's got dash he's calling for it
16629s nano blade straight to the back the
16630s transcendence not enough to save
16632s victoria the slash and goes
16636s from iris
16638s that does absolutely nothing when
16640s pelicans in your face a five kill for
16642s the genji
16643s and that's the pelican we know and love
16647s feels like yeah he might actually leave
16649s has to go as well leave us to pop up
16651s surely he gets whipshot away pops the
16653s transcendence just keeps everybody alive
16654s here for the time being ten percent left
16656s to go leonardo jaegon gonna fall is a
16657s yaki as well eliminated the overclock
16659s finds the elimination leave
16666s and they're going to make it happen the
16668s full hold fate knows it's over he just
16670s sits still
16671s 92.4 percent
16674s lead playing off the back of monks
16676s contest they make it work that's your
16678s mvp from 2021 baby
16682s infrasifer infrasight here bigger
16683s difference maker could actually be the
16684s dragon strike that will force fusion off
16686s the payload and that could be a cap but
16688s fetch is dead
16690s two great shots from him in three he
16692s gets a third he's looking for some more
16694s immortality field buys a little bit
16697s what an absolute incredible volley from
16699s mn3 shutting them down one after the
16702s other
16703s taking a bunch of damage straight up
16705s and he's dead they get the alley-oop mn3
16708s able to find the head
16710s just take him out dynamite not at the
16712s ready otherwise you could try to flush
16713s these guys out from the back of that
16714s dude
16716s uh it's like it's like we never left
16718s circle royale we we're still there we're
16720s still on circuit royale we haven't seen
16722s it it's absolutely insane today what on
16724s car screen is going on why did they feed
16726s him today is this the work of the
16728s cheesesteaks i know they took him to the
16729s gym
16732s the secret formula
16735s blizzard from the back do they expect it
16738s slightly krimzo pops the transcendence
16740s victoria's in a little bit of trouble
16741s but with the immortality field he should
16742s be good piggy has also been frozen but
16744s saved with an immortality from iris
16747s merit
16749s was that a triple collapse where did
16751s that come from
16753s i think that was a triple kill with one
16755s rail gun i could be wrong that wasn't
16757s true play replay replay
16761s oh my god they were standing in the
16763s street
16766s best sojun player in the league stats
16770s wise hey add that one yeah to the replay
16773s package oh yeah mary comes out with a
16776s first triple kill with the right clitor
16778s with the overclock in the league that
16780s was just absurd
16791s welcome back
16793s we are getting to game promise
16795s soon they've traveled one more player i
16797s think to jump in the lobby uh toronto to
16800s find versus the shanghai dragons
16802s hopefully you've got yourself a small
16803s drink maybe a snack
16806s and yeah excited for the game that's uh
16808s coming up
16809s rose yeah we're going to get into it in
16811s just a moment you said you have a fish
16812s back to me what is the fish
16815s okay so
16817s i love this because i believe it is the
16819s longest fish name in history it's also
16821s the state fish of hawaii and it is
16824s called
16828s it's a trigger fish but it's really cool
16830s looking but it is very long of a name
16832s and i like it
16834s that is a cool fact actually a good
16836s topical fact for for the uh hawaii event
16840s okay that's great i
16841s i would never pronounce that rose i just
16844s look
16844s props and hats off to you pronouncing
16846s that hey i studied
16848s i studied fish in college like that was
16850s one of my that was part of my major
16853s subject title just called fish yeah i'll
16855s take that yeah well fish ecology and
16858s biology but yes yes there was yeah so i
16861s don't know why i thought you said fish
16864s ecology and i thought you said fish
16866s ecology like college fishy college
16870s fishing
16871s i don't know why i felt like it's
16872s getting late but it's not even that late
16875s right now i mean what time is it for me
16876s it's like 8 p.m it's not that late it
16878s doesn't feel that late but i don't know
16880s maybe it's the pause maybe it is uh mr
16882s paul's king i'm trying to call him out
16884s in the group chat it's not happening uh
16885s he may be asleep already i wouldn't be
16887s surprised with you i blame seth
16889s everybody should just blame himself for
16890s this one not our fault that's that's all
16892s i have to say is that you know what it's
16894s not our fault
16896s yeah so um oh oh finale he just sent to
16899s the lobby i just sure but it looks like
16903s maybe both teams are gonna be ready in
16904s just a moment let's have a look at the
16906s updated brackets though
16908s um before we get into this game
16912s but don't worry we're almost there there
16913s you go the updated bracket would you
16915s look at that how magical that was
16916s started off the day pretty crazy
16918s actually spitfire versus rain 31 and a
16921s 3-0 for houston outlaws and the mayhem
16924s remember there is a losers bracket so
16926s the teams that do lose here today will
16928s fight through the lower bracket
16930s all the way up to that finals if they do
16933s make it there but i see the lobby chat
16937s and i see our god tier admins i see the
16939s godzilla players in the lobby too
16941s looking like everybody's about to be
16944s ready and jumping into the game again
16946s very much apologize for the pause but we
16949s should be good to go
16952s yeah
16953s very excited i know it's been a little
16954s while since we did the intro of both of
16957s these teams so let's just catch
16958s everybody up to speed real quick
16960s with a refresher we've got elios is our
16962s first map of the series shanghai dragons
16966s of course in toronto defiant being our
16967s first clash of the east versus the west
16971s shanghai has really been looking at
16973s wrecking ball and winston compositions
16975s but toronto looking a lot at the
16978s doomfist because that's been looking
16980s really really good for them
16982s maybe there's some surprise factor here
16984s but jaws as we also stated shanghai
16986s dragons are looking really good coming
16989s into this tournament
16991s they've been looking super good like um
16993s like we mentioned before as well toronto
16994s defiant they need to step up to the
16996s dragons level they're incredibly mid
16999s right now
17000s both physically and literally and
17002s metaphorically i suppose that
17004s performance has been wavering throughout
17006s the season but this is really
17008s where you want to come alive right i
17009s think a lot of the players especially
17011s people like twilight hisu they've been
17013s in these situations before these big
17015s tournament situations these playoff kind
17017s of situations that veterancy is very
17020s much going to lend to a lot of their
17021s rookies on the team
17022s i agree with that absolutely and you're
17024s going to see them kind of start to rely
17026s on some of those pieces that have really
17028s worked for them you know twilight's anna
17030s has been such a staple and the backbone
17033s really for toronto's team as a whole and
17035s so the fact that they get to rely on
17037s that more throughout this stage as they
17039s do look at more of the winston and the
17041s doomfist as the center of their
17043s composition i think that's going to set
17045s toronto defiant up here for as much
17047s success as possible no way oh
17050s managed to get back on the edge it's all
17051s good charon woman's got a unbelievable
17054s kill on the wrecking ball but it's yaki
17056s is actually the first one to fall
17058s faith still pretty low receives a cookie
17061s from the dj gone to heal him back up but
17063s the trunks define off to a decent start
17066s as the point unlocks and they find the
17067s first cap
17069s yeah look at that their audio issues all
17070s fixed and they look like they're ready
17072s to rumble here shanghai dragons walk
17074s away with a lot of ultimate charge
17076s though and especially when you look at
17077s how much disruption fate on the wrecking
17079s ball has been putting into the back line
17081s i think trolling and twilight are gonna
17083s need to watch out here which is why you
17084s end up seeing charon kind of playing a
17086s little bit more forward to try to make
17087s sure that twilight isn't left alone
17091s forced to recall already pretty low he's
17092s got the orb on him but muse was there to
17094s pick up the pieces nice dive by the
17096s toronto to fight front line however they
17099s do end up trading is now a 2v3 which
17102s while they still alive should be good
17103s for the toronto to fight but fake cleans
17105s him up one man wrecking crew right now
17107s is a fate maybe even another kill no not
17110s quite
17111s news hangs on for dear life this is
17114s toronto to fight just continue to hold
17116s loading up towards that nano boost this
17117s should be a pretty easy fight
17119s yeah that's awesome they have a great
17121s rotation coming up here with the nano of
17123s course maybe you get the primal rage for
17125s muse and of course that overclock on
17128s hisu is something else that you're
17129s looking at here
17131s it's gonna be a great rotation for them
17132s if they find value here
17135s should go pretty fast there we go
17137s there's the nano onto mu straight to the
17139s back line he's getting bobbed around but
17141s twilight fighting a killer defender is
17143s going to be nice a primal rage from use
17145s doesn't get the knockoff on delegate god
17147s neither does fate however him just with
17150s his nano fists clean them up just with
17151s the damage toronto to fight holding a
17153s firm
17154s shanghai dragon's back line just getting
17156s crunched right now
17158s but that's exactly the weak point that
17160s toronto defiant have
17162s found they have identified that izayaki
17165s and li jaegon are going to be
17168s integral they just gotta take him out
17170s now so that's been great
17172s nicely twilight was just hanging around
17174s trying to find an early auntie on the
17176s back line and set up another die but
17177s shanghai dragons actually cage side on
17180s right
17181s now i look at that held back pulse bomb
17183s available there's the beat hits four
17185s doesn't quite land on muse he might need
17187s a little bit of extra support shanghai
17189s dragons pop the doop a pulse bomb from
17192s finale force the transcendence on it's a
17193s yaki a double kill with the lead
17195s vladimir
17196s goes to the monkey gets both supports of
17199s the toronto defiant
17201s and that will be the shanghai dragons
17202s winning at that fight was quite
17205s expensive forcing that transcendence
17207s from uh from izu yaki was stella trying
17210s to fight now come in with 99 on the
17212s board
17214s yeah that's great you know toronto
17215s defiant they said hey we've got such a
17217s massive lead over the dragons and while
17219s that fight ended up being expensive
17221s ultimate wise
17223s but they're okay you know twilight's
17225s been doing a lot of damage a lot of
17226s healing look at how twilight has flutter
17230s in their scope and that nano's
17232s definitely going to be coming online
17233s very quickly to get muse back up to
17235s another primal rage
17237s yeah it's only 20 percent away
17240s it's where they can actually stay alive
17241s but long enough rally available for the
17243s shanghai dragons muse touched down there
17247s to earth and just got obliterated the
17250s shanghai dragons with nice focus fire
17252s take down the winston take down the rest
17255s of toronto and will continue to hold the
17258s point however there is they did use
17259s riley in that fight and they got to deal
17261s with this nano winston coming up
17263s yeah they do but look at how much
17265s territorial control shanghai dragons can
17267s take with the pulse bomb from lip and of
17269s course also the mines coming in from
17272s fate that's just so much crowd control
17275s and i worry that if fl lip is able to
17277s grab a nice pick on the back line here
17280s toronto really gonna struggle to get
17282s back in this game
17283s these are going pretty low lip lining up
17285s for a full spot connects it to summon i
17287s think that was the shield so i didn't
17289s get all of anything mines were used by
17291s fate so two ultimates already down now
17293s that winston's traced the back lolita
17294s gone didn't stand a chance and either
17296s this is yucky unless he can get a boop
17297s kill ain't gonna happen though moves
17300s with a nice two piece but fled it and
17302s lit even at the table three on three on
17305s the point with fate cleaning up these
17306s kills twilight and chong now dead muse
17309s is on his own but that's a primal race
17311s of milan if he really needs it tries to
17312s jump straight forward towards the tracer
17314s pops the prime motive guarantee the kill
17316s is 90 for the dragons is building up
17319s towards that elusive 99 the toronto
17321s defiant their supports are going to make
17323s their way back to the point just in time
17325s but it's going to be a scrappy final
17327s fight with weather changing into the
17329s tracer 20 to waste that pulse bomb there
17331s he is antique can he land this stick
17333s that's the question twilight's in his
17335s sights the sleep dart misses the stick
17337s connects
17338s and twilight goes down a nice return
17340s killed by muse killing off the lucio for
17342s the shanghai dragons still in control
17344s drawn to the final don't want to get
17346s swept here on this first round remember
17349s dragon dragons flipped over at 99 for
17352s toronto when they had zero a
17353s transcendence for the dragons to keep
17355s them in but another pulse bomb lands for
17356s the dragons it's lit this time he takes
17358s care of chorong and the toronto defiant
17361s they did find the recap but dragons win
17364s the fight and win the round
17366s oh boy that was super scrappy i felt
17369s like that last fight was going on for
17371s forever but shanghai dragons time and
17374s time again
17375s just had everybody on toronto defiance
17378s number they knew exactly who they were
17379s going after really nice focus fire
17381s coming in and
17383s i don't know you know i i feel like when
17385s toronto used all of their ultimates they
17387s just weren't able to get back on track
17389s in time to really be able to deal with
17392s shanghai catching up
17397s it was a clean
17399s i want to say reverse sweep but that
17401s normally entails the entire series but
17403s it was i mean 99
17405s dragons flipped over when they had zero
17406s like
17408s feels pretty good
17410s toronto did had well they had some nice
17412s engagements very early on that's how
17413s they were uh able to hold the point for
17415s so long just the execution on to isiaki
17418s nijigan but look at this rose they're
17420s actually just gonna mirror the dragons
17422s on the ball in the ash
17424s wow well i mean if you look at this and
17426s you look at how long shanghai dragons
17428s has been playing lip on the ash and fate
17430s on the wrecking ball this is looking
17432s real good for the dragons right now
17434s i think toronto is gonna have to be very
17436s careful
17438s yeah dragons very much a master of this
17440s composition twilight does find one kill
17443s but the shanghai dragons just running
17446s around toronto right now rose
17448s i mean something that you talked about
17450s in the preamble leading up to the game i
17452s know it was very long time ago it feels
17454s like but uh fighting music two kills
17455s hang on a second hold that thought
17457s what i was gonna say is that you want to
17459s force twilight into a peak that is not
17461s the honor and they've done just that
17463s although trying to fight keeping
17464s themselves in this fight but the hands
17468s of muse right now is they've prevented
17470s the shanghai dragons from capping in
17472s fact facing a little bit of trouble nice
17473s little bit of tech there jumps to the
17475s high ground but with twilight killing
17477s flutter toronto to fight they're going
17479s to cap first
17480s well this is good news for them you know
17482s they were able to get up to 99 on that
17484s first round and that was off the back of
17486s some really nice defensive play just
17489s stopping shanghai dragons from really
17490s grabbing those attacks like look at that
17493s twilight with a huge pick onto izayaki
17496s to continue to rack up that percentage i
17499s mean that's just huge jaws
17501s shanghai like this they've got to be
17503s able to sneak past a lot of this damage
17506s that's coming their way and maybe
17508s they'll be able to grab the point and
17509s then do the the reverse sweep i guess as
17512s we want to call it
17513s oh
17514s what an unbelievable dive there car
17516s driver with the tracer damage falling up
17518s izzy dies and look at the uh disparity
17521s between the zenyattas like
17523s 64
17524s to twilight having the transcendence not
17526s so much anymore as he used it
17528s to push stronger to find forward not bad
17530s nice little stick to finale looking
17532s pretty good shanghai dragons are gonna
17534s have to go again but yeah you are right
17536s rose they don't want to get they don't
17537s want a 99-0 situation again let's be
17539s real with ourselves maybe they just lose
17541s a fight here and just go okay we'll just
17543s go again we don't look maybe it got into
17546s our heads last round
17547s yeah absolutely i mean toronto still
17549s looked really good in that first round
17551s but now we're looking at shanghai
17552s dragons working up to a full slate of
17555s ultimates they have their choosing they
17557s could go in with the mines here lip also
17559s has the bob that's an extra person on
17561s point now
17562s bob
17563s the sick man he's online the rally
17566s should be good enough for the time being
17569s but with twilight going down they lose
17570s that discord orb it's really tough to
17572s take down fate and in fact bob looked
17574s like he capped the point did his work
17576s he's clocked in clocked out he's gone
17578s shanghai dragon
17580s in control
17581s yep he did something but look at that
17583s finale is still wreaking havoc in the
17585s back line of the shanghai dragon so wow
17587s we did see bobcat the point jaws it's
17589s not over just yet i think toronto's
17591s gonna come back in in this one i think
17593s uh shanghai dragons are playing bob
17594s enough that's for sure yeah finale doing
17597s lords work there getting a nice little
17598s double kill toronto to find they do lose
17600s that fight but end up getting the recap
17602s pretty quickly now he's who's got the
17603s bob i was going to mention that he was
17605s very far behind lipper a moment ago but
17608s that's just going to be more beneficial
17609s for this final fight
17611s they don't have any support ultimates
17612s they may have pulse bomb and they're
17614s going against two support ultimates from
17616s the dragons bob on the point to contest
17618s is gonna get focused if they're not
17620s careful but look at the suppressing fire
17621s onto lee jae gone have to back all the
17623s way up that over health isn't actually
17625s extending over to the rest of the team
17626s and look at that needs to go on lip is
17628s yucky are going to go down and there's
17629s over time ticks through it's up to
17631s flutter and fate to try and keep this a
17634s point contested tonight he's just
17636s hunting him down 60 hp a pulse bomb
17639s doesn't even need a dream as a round is
17642s completed by toronto and they tie elios
17644s up one a piece
17646s look at that too hey if bob can do
17648s something like half the point or he can
17650s do something by uh zoning everybody else
17653s off so that actually worked out great
17655s for hisu to have that bob come online
17657s secondarily to lips but we're heading
17660s over to lighthouse now and
17662s we're seeing some maybe interesting
17665s things happen here
17668s yeah of course it's twilight just
17673s certified
17674s nasty angle there
17678s easy yucky you just don't want to be
17680s peeking that
17682s wow
17683s yeah i yeah that's rough i don't know
17686s how much you expect that to happen
17687s exactly yeah it's like three pixels wide
17691s the orb just slots in between it
17693s perfectly it's tough it's really tough
17695s you've got to know that this ends on
17697s mega pack and you're like oh maybe i get
17699s right clicked here but
17700s not uh not something you could really
17702s counteract a lot of the time
17704s all right
17706s third and final round
17707s for illios
17709s they're trying to set up
17711s someone cheeky with fate yeah they found
17713s both supports look at this peel though
17715s coming out from chorong right now
17717s protecting
17718s twilights no recall available from the
17720s lip he gets chased down isu finds the
17722s final blow in there
17724s again trying to set up something with
17726s the rest of his team just unable to do
17729s so
17730s yeah i mean just look at how much
17732s consistent damage is coming out from
17734s toronto right now especially when he was
17736s able to play the ash that's why we look
17738s at the ash versus the sojourn right now
17740s and we look at ashes having a bit more
17743s of that damage output just because you
17745s don't have to charge up those shots but
17747s shanghai they're playing a very divey
17748s composition instead of that poke
17751s and that's why you play the dies
17753s nice dive on tc
17754s they shouldn't be in too much trouble
17756s sony wrecking ball versus wrecking ball
17758s still needs a little bit of help however
17761s point is in control of toronto to fight
17763s of course charon going down this should
17764s be an easy cleanup nice dive onto he's
17767s on the high ground rose a bit more
17768s difficult for is twilight and chong to
17770s poke him out there
17772s yeah you do have the brigitte which
17774s allows you to have at least more of that
17775s long range as well as of course the orb
17778s of harmony but i think you're still
17780s looking at that being a bit difficult
17781s when you are
17783s fighting against heroes on shanghai
17785s dragons that can just chunk you down so
17788s fast lip can one clip you to the point
17790s where you're below half health and then
17792s fleta can just go in with a focusing
17794s beam and finish you off so you've got to
17796s be very careful as a defiant to not get
17798s caught out on your own
17801s all right
17802s dragons once again trying to clear his
17804s off the high ground
17806s as fate and muse just tackle this point
17810s both explosive ultimates are online that
17812s possible and the minds but lose
17813s postponed get something done a little
17814s bit quicker as he soon ends up falling
17816s and now the execution of the dive onto
17818s is yaki but you're not going to be quite
17819s so lucky no one elijah gone is right
17822s next to him
17823s easy to be one twilight kicking three
17826s people away from him but uh you still
17828s have to deal with that break son
17830s all right 54 percent now on building
17832s rose
17833s yeah shanghai is definitely keeping
17835s control of this point but toronto and
17837s shanghai right now are looking at four
17840s ultimates apiece izuki might also just
17842s get a big pick here
17845s transcendence a lot of old spots uh from
17847s the shanghai dragons they lose the gong
17849s pretty early
17852s those mines to waylay the toronto
17854s defiant but they trade transcendence for
17855s rally this yaki is pretty low lee gone
17858s and twilight
17860s are the supports with the alts right now
17862s trying to define put themselves on the
17863s point already but it should be contested
17865s pretty easily there we go flood is in
17867s making moves change into the wrecking
17869s ball 50 ultimate charge already off of
17872s one slam swings are right back around
17874s now he's trying to help fate double
17876s wrecking ball on the field there's a
17877s dirty joke there but i'm not gonna say
17879s it the shanghai dragons are 95
17881s building up to 100 they just clear the
17883s mines off of the point fletter
17885s transforms back into echo bob is dealt
17888s with and now turn to the fight trying to
17890s get back in time they're not so lucky
17893s couldn't even get that transcendence off
17895s the shanghai dragons off to a massive
17898s start
17899s yeah that looked really clean from the
17901s shanghai dragons for that third round
17904s but honestly i just feel like both of
17906s these teams when they're able to play in
17908s their lane they're going to perform
17910s really well here we saw great moments
17912s from toronto defiant when we look at how
17914s ruins went and also just the first round
17917s of illios overall was really close so
17920s i'm really excited to see what's gonna
17921s happen for the rest of the series
17924s yeah i look forward to
17926s maybe avoiding lip let's uh let's send
17928s that one right over sign johnny to the
17930s toronto defiant we'll see how much that
17932s ends up working out because right now
17934s not quite so lucky as the toronto
17937s defiant dragons off to a good start
17939s we'll see after this break for map
17940s number two
17954s [Music]
17969s [Music]
18026s do
18030s [Music]
18038s [Applause]
18038s [Music]
18176s um
18177s [Music]
18189s [Music]
18201s [Music]
18208s welcome back toronto divine and the
18210s shanghai dragons kicking us off here in
18212s dana one of the mid-season madness the
18214s first time we're seeing the east teams
18216s versus the west teams i can bother is
18220s our next map it is when it uh loses pick
18222s so trying to find select that one
18225s yeah love it maybe get to play some
18227s doomfist maybe a bit more
18229s winston definitely something that's up
18231s toronto defiance alley we've seen them
18233s perform really well and i can vault us
18235s so far
18236s and maybe that's just what toronto needs
18239s to make shanghai just a little
18241s uncomfortable to give them more of an
18243s edge in this series
18248s yeah just like we're heading straight
18249s into the map yeah no substitutions
18251s either rose so we are seeing just like
18255s for like i don't think there's going to
18256s be many during this series but
18259s we can all hope and pray i have to wait
18262s and see if any team has got some wacky
18264s strats coming out of the gate
18266s for this one but i think uh i think like
18268s you said rose is going to be some more
18270s doomfist for muse
18274s i think so i mean muse didn't look bad
18276s on the winston either when we or the
18279s wrecking ball i think there were
18280s definitely some great moments on both of
18282s those hero picks in that first map but i
18285s i think that when you look at how muse
18287s has been performing over the past few
18289s weeks it's really been that doomfist
18291s that toronto defiant has been super
18293s comfortable with so i'd love to see the
18295s doomfist here
18297s yeah there you go you've got your wish
18298s uh doom fears from twilight
18302s on the ash okay
18303s and not doing it too bad whatsoever and
18306s then twilight also play
18308s his hero that he is very much known for
18310s in the honor this is the look of the
18312s toronto define i think a lot of people
18313s were expecting to play almost
18315s permanently in the mid-season madness
18317s yeah absolutely i mean twilight again
18320s has was one of the best honest that we
18322s have in the league right now and then of
18324s course when you're able to use all of
18326s these pieces like it works out well this
18329s is what toronto tavian is really good at
18331s we've seen other teams that look for
18333s these very strong moments like london
18334s spitfire great example reinhardt rush
18337s that's what they're good at that's what
18338s they're going to excel at when they get
18340s a chance to play it so really nice look
18342s from toronto to find it so far to play
18344s in that comfortability but shanghai is
18346s switching things up here as we see them
18349s come out of their spawn doors with the
18352s sojourn and the zarya here
18357s going to be looking those spawn doors
18358s again in just a moment
18360s there's nice little dive there from
18362s toronto
18363s yeah i really like the zarya pig you can
18365s save a lot of people from not only the
18367s antis but obviously the doomfist as well
18370s quite beneficial when your back line can
18372s sometimes be crunched quite quickly
18374s although with a break in an honor it's
18375s not the word okay wow
18378s didn't see that one coming
18380s i don't think he did either
18388s right well fight oh slipped got a bubble
18391s off just in time
18392s however antenates are being flung
18394s another nice headshot by liv now she's
18396s jumping straight up onto the high ground
18398s to try and dissuade the rest of toronto
18400s to find liv
18402s just
18403s extending this fight for the shanghai
18404s dragon should be pretty easy to clean up
18407s they got two ticks already finale tried
18409s to get the assassination the one clip in
18411s the back ain't gonna work lift with a
18413s right click on the melee took him down
18415s he's trying to get a little bit of
18417s damage in but twilight actually from the
18420s high ground still existing not for long
18422s enough though unfortunately as the
18425s shanghai dragons do end up capping point
18426s a
18427s uh charong is like quickly backing off
18430s here as well gave that orb of harmony
18431s over just to see if twilight could
18432s survive a little bit longer and eat some
18435s time off of the clock but ultimately
18437s yeah shanghai dragons going to go ahead
18439s and cap that first point open up these
18441s doors and get the payload rolling look
18444s at how toronto defiant have already set
18446s themselves up on the high ground as well
18447s to be able to take that advantage as
18449s finale looks for a target with this
18451s pulse bomb
18455s yeah i guess it's nice to have the high
18456s ground i suppose
18457s yeah don't worry guys we've got height
18459s it's fine
18461s all right finale with the poles
18463s just trying to chill out right now they
18464s don't want to give faye any free space
18466s if they gets up to height and then
18467s couldn't pocket lip and uh better it can
18470s be quite devastating is the aki to be
18472s fair but he's trying to make it in road
18474s spots targets to pulse but instantly
18476s hits that recall doesn't want to get a
18477s head shot on melee
18479s now he's even getting checked by the
18481s rest of toronto but look at that now
18484s they're slowly just
18486s getting as yaki and lizzy gone on the
18487s high ground rose
18488s yeah well you have to because how else
18490s are you really going to contend against
18492s twilight and also nice stick
18496s tracer really does love the pulse bob
18498s that's kind of crazy nice kill onto fate
18500s now though on two muse he spotted a
18502s victim it is izzy yucky and oh in fact
18506s uh in return on to liv doesn't really
18508s get anything done with it at all maybe a
18509s bit of poke damage but not much else
18511s didn't even combine it with overclock
18513s because the fight was already over
18516s it's a bit of a wasted ultimate as muse
18518s just takes care of the rest
18520s well i think izuki with that nano was
18523s really hoping that lip would be able to
18525s do something with it right maybe you
18526s don't have to charge up those shots as
18528s fast and you can just kind of take that
18530s extra little punch of damage and try to
18533s make something happen but
18535s muse knows how to punch yeah i don't
18537s know i don't know where i was going with
18538s that transition but let's talk about
18540s muse real fast because he basically
18541s cleaned up the fight and he might just
18543s do it again
18544s yeah kind of kind of crazy control
18546s museums right now i will say yeah he
18548s punched uh fate into that small room
18551s took him out easy peasy but it started
18552s off with his who actually head shotting
18554s uh izyaki on top of that yeah trying to
18557s find in a good spot mew's looking for
18559s another engages meteor strike
18561s there's a get out of jail free card and
18564s the small rooms too can be quite
18565s devastating
18567s nice little leap cancel
18568s now they're just chasing it down on the
18570s high ground there is the bob that he's
18573s who gets dealt with but there's still
18574s five people online for the defiant bob
18577s putting down a ton of damage but lip and
18580s fled are going to match that and more as
18583s the shanghai dragons just take control
18585s this high ground
18586s it was a really nice attempt from
18588s toronto kind of using the bob to make
18590s sure that shanghai dragons were in a
18592s position where muse might be able to get
18594s some big pigs with that meteor strike
18596s but the way the shank knight dragons use
18598s those cooldowns just to stay alive is
18601s why they are coming out ahead in this
18603s fight where it looked like fate was
18605s going to go down but had those bubbles
18606s ligia gone had the rally and now we're
18609s looking at this where shanghai fate can
18611s just go ahead and use the graviton surge
18613s at the door
18616s could do a muse first nice little punch
18618s there's the grav they didn't get anybody
18621s in fact maybe some on the other side of
18622s the wall nope not at all oh he's getting
18624s kicked oh i got kicked off the edge
18627s oh my god you got you've got to be happy
18629s with yourself if you're charming right
18631s now two post bombs they do trade looking
18634s good though with toronto find on the
18635s point and uh yeah there's those zen
18638s buffs coming in for you kicking the
18640s zarya straight off the map oh my god
18643s hey i thought zarya worked out but
18644s clearly it's the zenyatta that's working
18647s out just a little bit more there i mean
18649s this is really big though for toronto
18650s because they got the pulse bomb out of
18652s flutter they're actually forcing fate
18654s off of the zarya as well we're gonna see
18657s face switch over to the wrecking ball
18658s here it does get you towards that second
18661s point just a little bit faster there's
18663s just so much ground to cover as you're
18665s hoping that these dives will be a little
18666s bit faster
18669s wow muse's health bar disappeared in a
18671s blink of an eye just then straight up to
18673s the bar nope decides not today yeah even
18676s that's a little bit too much damage even
18677s if you have the damage resist from the
18680s nano
18681s still want to control height the
18682s shanghai dragons have 40 seconds to go
18685s to put the payload in is so close i
18687s guess ideally you want to be able to
18689s force it somehow force the toronto
18690s defiance positioning but it looks like
18692s dragons are happy with just taking high
18694s ground lives got a perfect shot he could
18696s line up with the transcendence from the
18698s toronto defense keeping everybody alive
18699s and well but they're gonna
18701s there it is oh what did i say put
18704s pressure on the payload towards the
18705s position of the toronto defined and
18706s that's exactly what happened but they
18708s didn't force anything because the
18709s shanghai dragons just hit him with a fat
18712s c9
18714s well that's the west region for you for
18716s those of you that are unfamiliar with
18718s how the west region operates sometimes
18720s they just
18721s leave the payload alone
18724s so here we are third point i can follow
18727s shanghai dragons moving towards that
18729s final destination it very much feels
18731s like you should like you should be used
18734s to getting c9 at this point not
18735s necessarily the toronto defiant but the
18737s uh
18738s the west region but yeah
18740s there we go um that's not new
18743s yeah very like the last couple of weeks
18745s have just been a blur
18747s of c9s and just
18750s random games a minute to go for the
18752s dragons though of rose
18754s got a fair few tools or at least a few
18756s tools coming up good stick finale with
18759s the recall each one goes down and check
18760s out dragons cannot waste another small
18763s push they're going to have to go again
18765s that rally is too valuable
18767s absolutely and look you might even be
18768s able to get izayaki up to the nano boost
18771s as well so that's another tool in the
18773s shanghai dragon's back pocket but what
18777s is this
18778s was not alive yet
18780s why the pulse bomb and the mines here
18782s dragons
18784s yeah a bit of a
18786s over investment nice bit of attack there
18787s by muse puts the power block up gets the
18789s powered up punch from the mind damage
18792s again started off with one of the
18793s supports getting a pick toronto defiance
18795s churro managed to find a right click on
18797s to flutter and that muse is holding
18799s super far up riley to start off the
18801s fight however the bob is going to way
18803s lay the dragons for just a time a short
18805s amount of time i say that he's now
18807s napping on the job liv does get punched
18810s into the wall as every ultimate and then
18812s some is thrown in
18813s twilight does end up falling down not
18815s before wasting a lot of that overclock
18817s sent out by lip muse into the back line
18819s takes care of the yaki so dragons now
18821s only have one support remaining so to
18823s destroy the fire but the healing output
18824s from that transcendence is all too good
18826s chong does fall as he comes out of the
18829s trance as the toronto defiant now health
18831s bars are dwindling as the dragons remain
18834s in control of the point ot is here spawn
18837s advantage is the toronto fight he's
18838s gonna be good though rose it's gonna be
18840s good i think for shanghai dragons fates
18842s working up to those mines just gonna go
18844s ahead and throw those on the point if
18846s they even
18847s goes down charon to follow in an ot
18851s shanghai dragons managed to cap that
18853s point at the very end
18855s that looked bad when isiaki went down
18857s and that rally really did help him at
18859s the end of it
18862s not gonna say that this was because
18864s shanghai dragons got a bat cap initiated
18867s but
18868s i do think we would be in a very
18870s different situation if toronto defiant
18872s had not let that back cap happen
18875s yeah
18876s yeah we all yeah
18879s oh man i mean
18881s unfortunately we're jumping into a brief
18882s pause
18883s um
18884s i guess toronto pondering what happened
18886s with that c9 but yeah that's i think
18889s that's what
18890s a lot of people were thinking over the
18892s last couple of weeks with the amount of
18895s c9s that did happen i mean the gibraltar
18897s game i think we casted that one was
18900s potentially the most horrendous lot of
18902s c9s i've ever seen
18904s what four with how many did you write on
18906s that card it was like three i think
18908s three or four oh yeah i'm just out there
18910s yeah
18911s yeah
18912s yeah that's uh burned into a lot of
18914s people's memories right now yeah just
18917s trying to forget about that thanks for
18918s bringing that back up yeah sorry my bad
18921s i don't know well you know some of the
18923s maybe uh the viewers out there that only
18925s watch the the apac broadcast maybe
18928s should be
18930s informed of what happened in the last
18931s couple of weeks of north america it's
18933s just c9 after c9 after c night
18936s by
18937s london spitfire and against london
18938s spitfire it was a crazy time looks like
18941s twilight might be having a couple of
18942s small issues
18944s so again apologies for the brief pause i
18946s know seth's not here we can't blame him
18949s but i'm going to blame him in spirit
18952s there we go
18954s uh-huh
18955s yeah
18957s it's not our fault that's that's all we
18959s want you to know cat it's not our fault
18962s casters can't actually start the game by
18964s the way that's true that i mean
18968s there's definitely a point now where
18970s people don't actually believe that
18971s although to be fair way back when when
18974s was this like
18976s six plus years ago when i like first
18978s started i was technically in control of
18980s lobby so i could do that
18982s but uh not so much anymore
18989s six years ago that's fine i don't really
18991s i don't really mind that too much
18993s okay lip looking pretty good on the
18995s sojourn of thus far 50 railgun actually
18998s not bad but look at that two deaths 12
19000s final blows yeah that's not dying and
19003s then some
19004s yeah that's nutty that's really really
19006s good and you know we talk about a lot of
19009s times who's leading the sojourn
19011s leaderboards in the west but we do have
19014s to look at the sojourns that are at the
19015s top of the leaderboards in the east as
19017s well and lip is definitely one of those
19019s players that can perform well on whether
19022s it's the ash the sojourn we've even seen
19025s cassidy come out from lip as well it's
19027s just been really great to see that
19028s flexibility and also the impact that
19031s this particular player has been having
19033s on this team
19036s yeah i mean
19037s avoiding as johnny said maybe toronto
19040s definitely had been doing that because
19041s the amount of deaths would
19043s indicate yeah exactly it would indicate
19046s that pretty well i think
19048s there we go yeah like i mentioned before
19049s we are in a brief pause
19051s but we should be good to go in just a
19054s moment i guess yeah we are kind of
19055s catching up
19056s to the rest of uh the
19060s the apac broadcasters pauses and stuff
19062s like that so yeah gotta get our time in
19065s somehow
19067s yeah and this is quite funny rose if
19068s seth is the the king of pauses then i
19070s think we are the king of c9s
19073s that would be yes quite quite the title
19075s considering that london game on
19077s gibraltar i will say
19078s i don't know if i want that title but i
19080s think it is an honorary title that we
19083s have now
19085s acquired as we look at the c9 because we
19087s can talk about it all day but i feel
19089s like we need to sh to show it
19092s might as well will you show it again
19094s flutter do be chilling
19096s i think he's going to emote that
19098s that is the most bmc nine of all just
19101s emoting on payload
19103s oh man that's a that's a real rough and
19105s just as i spoke about pressure at the
19107s payload too it's almost like it read my
19109s mind
19110s perfect stuff
19112s it's quite and uh i wouldn't say it's
19113s like an egregious amount of distance
19115s away but still it doesn't have the
19117s numbers on the screen so it's uh yeah
19119s pretty pretty crazy
19122s yeah it's it's not that bad i mean you
19125s know tracers can sometimes be slippery
19128s very mobile so
19130s maybe they just kind of
19132s sneak past you but
19134s we've seen some egregious c9s yeah we
19137s have there's got to be there's got to be
19139s some sort of tealist maker out there
19140s right now that has a list of all of c9s
19144s that have like links to the c9s they
19146s just you know what we need
19148s you know what we need you know how we
19149s have the hide like the player hydration
19151s list
19152s of oh showings
19154s what teams have been victims of c9s oh
19158s god
19159s there's got it
19161s that i don't know how you could build
19163s that into the stats but
19165s if there was a way it definitely should
19167s be built in at this point
19169s but i i think most teams have fallen
19171s victor to a c9 at one point in the
19173s overwatch league there's gotta be
19174s there's
19175s well
19176s yeah surely surely every team is c9 at
19180s one point or like bin c9
19183s has to be there can't be a team that is
19185s just strictly immune to c9s but that
19188s would incr that would just take an
19191s unbelievable amount of research on like
19194s uh
19195s on how many c9s a team uh each someone's
19198s done it though i feel like someone out
19200s there has actually maybe this
19202s yeah
19204s it was a lot harder too actually to be
19205s fair and overwatch one because there was
19207s more players so like it was way harder
19209s to see knowing because you were just
19210s like well that's true
19212s you just have the diva or whatever sit
19214s on the payload so or near the payload
19217s so i guess in overwatch two you could
19219s argue because there's less players
19222s it is easier to c9 is that headsets on
19224s heads
19226s looks like it
19227s are the lads ready
19229s maybe hopefully we'll get into the game
19230s in just a moment yeah sorry for the
19233s brief pause once again
19236s should be good to go then
19238s well at least if you're just tuning in
19239s you haven't missed much
19241s one and a half maps
19243s there you go
19244s in our first of three we paused for you
19245s person that just tuned into the stream
19247s we paused for you
19249s exactly imagine me pointing at you and
19251s going we pause for you
19254s all good
19256s well
19258s yeah i mean
19259s look if not we can just go back to uh
19261s fish facts again
19263s or
19263s sure talk about the
19265s sharks that kind of chill around hawaii
19268s i'm down for that you know what is a
19269s cool looking shark which has a giant
19271s wingspan why i say wingspan fin span
19274s oceanic white tips their their fin span
19278s is it looks huge they're quite cute
19281s looking sharks or thresher sharks are
19282s quite cute looking they've got a giant
19284s tail that they use as like a
19285s it's like a whip and it just cracks in
19287s the water and uh they use that to stun
19290s fish which is pretty sweet that is
19292s really cool how some animals have
19294s adapted to
19296s actually use like that electrosensory
19298s against other animals
19301s because like that's just the shock of
19303s like the tail hitting the water is
19305s enough sometimes to stun a fish like
19308s that it is pretty cool
19310s they are pretty sweet oh my god i see
19312s the chicken
19314s people are are everybody is r r r fate r
19318s t y
19319s i'm r
19321s are i'm pausing okay we're on pausing
19323s we're getting back into the game don't
19325s worry don't worry hopefully that didn't
19327s take the steam out of the sales or the
19329s wind out of themselves yeah i guess you
19331s could blow steam into the cells of the
19333s payload bad work yeah the the gas out of
19336s the payload i don't know but regardless
19338s we are going back into the game it's
19339s gonna be shanghai dragons now on the
19341s defense and yeah ot cap fought the
19344s dragons uh in that previous round
19347s yep that's right so toronto here can
19350s cap all three points and as long as they
19352s get over a minute left in the time bank
19355s to do that then
19357s that's a winnable situation for them and
19360s that might tie up the series and then we
19361s get to go into extra maps and definitely
19363s looking towards that but we've got
19366s another replay here and this is um
19368s all the news
19370s yeah punch
19373s into chorong is a loving
19375s kick
19377s it's still so silly and like oh nice
19380s little bird shot that was cool um
19382s i i still think
19384s it feels a little bit weird playing
19385s against the zen with a kick because
19386s you're always like oh yeah there's no
19388s you know you're on the edge of the map
19390s you're like oh there's no lucio and then
19391s you remember oh yeah zen got that buff
19393s where you can just kick people off and
19394s he gets 50 yeah damage like if it was
19396s like
19397s a lot of people are used to it at this
19399s point but still it's a little bit
19401s surprising when it does happen um if
19402s you're on the receiving end of it you're
19404s like oh yeah
19405s he can kick me away that kind of sucks
19408s yeah for sure four minutes from the time
19410s bank
19411s trying to defiant
19413s on the same comp just going to run his
19415s on the ash amuse on
19416s the doomfist
19418s yeah but take a look at shanghai dragons
19420s defense here they've already switched
19421s things up a little bit fate's on the
19423s winston to kick things off for this
19424s defense and i really like that because i
19426s feel like when we see shanghai dragons
19428s play some of these more divy
19430s compositions on the defense they're able
19432s to hold on really strong because
19434s basically you're waiting for cooldowns
19436s to come in
19437s and then get shots like that
19439s yeah i'm real shocked
19442s nice little body block there from elijah
19443s gone protecting izyaki
19446s who is suffering from a little bit of
19447s burn damage
19449s yeah lip has just been on fire on the
19451s sojourn already
19457s yeah it's been looking great i mean lip
19459s at this point has a lot that you can
19460s kind of charge off of i feel like
19462s especially when muse is powering up to
19464s jump in that's a really nice
19467s charge battery uh to kind of refresh
19470s your shots here but
19471s heisu also can just get some nice
19473s consistent damage in especially if you
19475s can avoid that winston bubble altogether
19478s oh nice headshot can he finish it off oh
19480s the joke oh there's one hp that would
19483s have been such a nice big pc to find but
19485s luckily quick things on the supports
19486s from the dragons to keep lip alive
19489s couldn't quite get it on to flutter
19491s however who does end up going down is
19493s the aki looking immortal there for a
19494s second as muse was nano straight into
19496s him lee jaegon could probably take this
19498s 1v1 but maybe not the 2v1 muse is sob 60
19502s hp ends up killing a lip as the shanghai
19505s dragons fall over and they're trying to
19507s define or unlock the pilot
19509s nice quick cap for them as well so
19511s toronto they're also walking away with
19513s quite a bit
19515s they didn't have to use much there at
19517s all i mean even twilight
19518s chose lucio just to try to get back a
19520s little bit faster but ultimately going
19523s back over to the ana because that spawn
19525s is so much closer now
19527s but shanghai dragons already getting set
19529s up on that high ground of these often ct
19531s teams do
19533s and with lip having the overclock
19535s already jaws this might be tough for
19538s toronto to fight to get past
19541s yeah somebody pretty scary run into him
19543s that's for sure on the
19545s best of days
19547s oh they got two post ones kind of deal
19549s with him maybe if another post one
19550s morning but quite unlikely just hunting
19553s for the support i can imagine payload's
19556s still moving finale setting up for a
19557s dive on the high ground spots both
19559s supports lobs in at the pulse doesn't
19561s quite get much i think maybe that was a
19564s stick or some sort of connection a
19565s legion just
19567s just managed to bash away so we didn't
19568s get uh it didn't connect there is the
19570s overclock from lib news goes so far low
19575s and nice double headshot maybe go triple
19577s chill wrong in the way oh flair takes
19579s one kill luke doesn't want to tussle
19580s with the bob for the shanghai dragons
19582s dps clean that up
19584s now lips also just trying to pay mind
19587s over to charon as well you just don't
19590s really want to be in that zenyatta's
19591s sight lines
19592s but now at least toronto they've gotten
19594s a few of those heavy hitting ultimates
19596s out of the dragons and they can really
19598s use this transcendence not reactively
19600s but maybe more proactively to try to
19602s keep themselves in an aggressive stance
19605s to get past the dragons and the
19606s stronghold that they have on this high
19608s ground
19609s yeah maybe they can use it to
19611s oh there it is
19612s okay okay get away he do be kind of
19615s chilling though that's about it he's you
19618s died to a head shot strong with a nice
19620s kick away from the on to the winston
19622s does save himself for the time being in
19624s fact gets narrowed by twilight to keep
19626s him in the in the fight i sleep on to
19628s fate who is also a nano people send to
19630s the ground for the time being a little
19632s punch but a primal rage pop for fate is
19634s going to keep him alive and well in this
19637s fight still the perma pocket on chorong
19639s to keep toronto defined nice and healthy
19642s finale was sleeping just for a moment
19644s but it's actually fighter who's now
19645s sleeping with the fishes as the toronto
19647s defiance now trying to take control of
19649s this castle finally forced a recall as
19652s the meteor strike crashes down to earth
19654s and kills ligia gone these punches from
19656s muse looking so good right now is yaki
19658s forced into the front line of toronto
19661s cleaned up and the dragons are now gonna
19663s have to defend on the bridge
19665s what a nice example though of how muse's
19667s doomfist has been so impactful for
19669s toronto defiant as a whole i mean i
19672s definitely wouldn't want to be against a
19674s doomfist in those close corridors of
19676s that castle but especially not against
19678s muse you could see how much trouble the
19680s dragons were having even though izayaki
19682s actually landed asleep but where are the
19685s dragons now they've got to come back in
19686s and contest here and faith's already
19689s gone
19690s yeah so lee jay gone
19692s another pulse bomb from flutter
19694s transcendence hey honestly maybe you
19697s just die there if you're trying to be
19698s honest like don't even waste the
19700s transcendence of course that was like a
19701s split second decision making thing but
19704s yeah fletcher throws away the pulse bomb
19706s point capped for toronto two minutes and
19709s 50 seconds rose you were saying they
19710s just need more than a minute and they
19712s should be good and look at this they
19713s might end up with uh more than two if
19715s they're lucky wow i mean they definitely
19717s could just roll through this twilight's
19719s getting the nano online but lip
19721s overclock
19722s yeah okay i spoke maybe a little bit too
19726s soon there yeah charmander museum of
19727s going down the overclock
19730s does clean up the rest
19732s dragons still in a nice position they
19734s have two support ultimates coming up in
19736s just a moment
19738s that's gonna be good for them as long as
19739s they don't have to layer them on top of
19741s each other hopefully the nana was able
19743s to get one of those bigger ultimates up
19744s online maybe you would save it use it to
19746s save somebody but i'm really looking at
19748s ligigon's rally as kind of the biggest
19751s factor in maybe winning this next team
19753s fight especially because at this point
19754s if you're shanghai dragons you just want
19757s to stall out toronto defiant long enough
19759s that if they are going to cap all three
19761s points they do it with no time in the
19763s bank or less than a minute
19766s glad to hear that recall pretty early on
19769s in that fight that bob doing an
19772s unbelievable amount of work flooded he's
19774s still behind the team and bob's just
19776s going to be playing thor man right now
19778s somewhere she can really do he's got to
19779s wait that bot to disappear before he
19781s tries to enter the castle pulse bomb in
19783s the spawn kills a lip as toronto to
19785s fight with a minute and 30 seconds to go
19788s are ready to rock and roll another nano
19790s boost on to chorong look at this one man
19792s army in the front line needs you going
19794s does he stand a chance lucky he's got a
19795s shield in front of his face and the
19796s rally's going off so chorong couldn't
19798s make quick work of him in fact it was
19800s the other way around lip finishing off
19802s with a head shot as soon as that nano
19803s ran out twilight has been sussed out no
19806s hiding in the events for you i don't
19807s think although saying that mew says they
19809s don't have fun and kill until dj gone
19811s and the payload is near the point
19813s however with the better spawns the
19816s shanghai dragons do win out the fight
19818s and now though toronto defiant doesn't
19820s really have enough left in the tank it
19822s feels like unless chong or we see finale
19825s maybe get a big pick we just need this
19828s transcendence to come one line to be
19830s able to give toronto defiant a better
19832s fighting chance in these final moments
19834s it's 45 seconds left jaws and look at
19836s where fleta is positioned right now to
19838s try to get a pick before toronto even
19840s move in
19842s looks like he's on cams right now just
19844s making sure he knows where everybody
19845s from toronto to find is holding down
19847s pulse bomb no transcendence available
19848s for tron if he wants to save himself
19850s look fled us sneaking up target is
19853s either twilight or charon here
19854s he can't get that transcendence of
19856s course he doesn't know how close he is
19858s pulse available stick doesn't go out
19860s just yet but twilight is now in his
19862s sights but further had to recall so
19863s early they might not be able to do
19864s anything sure in fact use the
19866s transcendence to push them forward but
19867s while is now already dead with that
19869s trance out the way the shanghai dragons
19870s might be good for a defense the pulse
19872s comes out from finale it's going to be
19874s good for a kill but legion gone is there
19876s to finish up three seconds to go for the
19878s toronto defined but with a team wipe the
19880s dragons are gonna claim map number two
19882s and find match point
19884s oh my gosh that overclock from lip was
19886s just nasty and that was all that
19889s shanghai dragons really needed in order
19891s to seal out this map it was a close one
19894s though jaws i feel like this series
19895s overall has been close just shanghai
19897s dragons getting a slight edge over the
19899s toronto defiant in these first two maps
19902s yeah they three minutes toronto to find
19904s hack going into that third point
19908s the dragons with
19910s really really nice uh just ultimate
19912s usage like not layering the support also
19914s it's like you were saying those and then
19916s lip coming up big with the rail gun who
19918s else bought lip really let's jump to a
19920s quick break do not go anywhere
19923s map number three coming up soon
19943s [Music]
19950s my
19953s [Music]
19970s so
19986s do
19988s [Music]
20011s so
20013s [Music]
20041s so
20051s [Music]
20078s you
20080s [Music]
20091s foreign
20094s [Music]
20110s do
20119s [Music]
20168s so
20169s [Music]
20193s welcome back time to british man here
20196s with rose again we're going to dorado as
20198s our next map and maybe our final one in
20201s fact rose trying to define neat to be
20203s able to get back in the series and it's
20204s been a lot closer i think than a lot of
20206s people anticipated toronto defined six
20209s and six in regular season very mid um
20212s but they're actually giving the shanghai
20214s dragons to run for their money right now
20216s it's definitely very close and i feel
20218s like when toronto defiant has been
20220s losing these team fights it has a lot to
20222s do with the ultimate economy that is
20224s available to them and whether or not
20226s they're actually finding value with some
20227s of the ultimates that they need to i do
20229s feel like maybe chorong's transcendences
20232s like the timing of them or what they're
20234s used for haven't been super impactful
20236s and maybe that would be a bit of a
20238s difference maker here but it isn't just
20239s the transcendences right it's a couple
20241s of other things as well maybe just not
20243s seeing like the pulse bombs land or
20245s something like that but toronto i think
20247s they can get their act together it is
20250s still very close and maybe this pick of
20254s theirs will be what brings them back
20255s into this series
20258s yeah losers pick losers pick is always
20261s quite nice although you don't want to be
20263s in that loser's situation but at least
20264s then you get to pick a map that you're
20266s comfortable with and you practice yeah
20268s so
20269s there is that biker mother was also
20271s their pick so
20273s maybe a 3-0 to start off
20276s their run well
20278s let's not forget the c9 let's not forget
20281s the back cap that happened there i do
20283s think that we would be in a different
20284s situation
20286s if
20286s toronto had not let that come through
20289s because if they had won that team fight
20290s i don't think shanghai dragons would
20291s have had time left
20293s uh to be able to actually capture 0.2
20295s but neither here nor there we are in
20297s this situation now
20299s yeah
20300s so look what comp they're running who's
20302s really surprised uh
20304s fate's back on the ball
20305s oh yeah tv to height
20308s and then oh no the tv to low they just
20310s do they're just chilling on a low ground
20312s fly was already up there i suppose so
20313s you don't really want to tussle with
20314s that especially if he has a perma pocket
20317s and then fate is ready or muse is ready
20319s to dive in
20322s true
20322s but look at the height that lip has
20324s taken now you're able to use that coach
20326s gun as well just to be able to get up a
20328s little bit above the rafters and oh
20331s you're definitely looking at twilight
20332s right now and just most of toronto to
20334s find to start pushing them back off of
20336s this high ground as this card starts to
20337s round the corner and toronto they're
20339s definitely making a nice quick pivot
20341s here
20342s yeah they really are
20344s they can just kind of ignore lipid that
20346s distance too oh what a jump in shot by
20349s heesu 100 energy straight to the dome of
20352s lib
20353s liberals like kind of ineffective at
20354s that range and like you said rose a
20357s rotation for toronto to fire kind of
20358s bait slip in he says
20360s with the kill
20362s easy as you like
20363s yeah now you can see toronto kind of
20365s pivot back over to that high ground as
20367s they're looking left and right seeing if
20369s shanghai dragons are coming behind them
20372s maybe
20372s below them from the stairwell
20375s but this is a really nice movement from
20377s them good rotation once again
20379s just a collapse
20381s yeah big collapses yucky that was a
20383s unfortunate nade missed there by
20384s twilight i saw that hit the rafters
20386s instead flippers also won hp for the
20388s majority of that fight so
20389s couldn't even do anything with the rest
20391s oh that rag doll
20393s okay well he's dead i didn't think he
20396s expected lib to just be adsing around
20398s that corner but
20400s go expect something a little bit
20401s suspicious especially when lipstick hp
20404s charon ends up going down to fate and
20406s what it's quite a turn of fate is the
20408s toronto to fight now getting forced all
20410s the way back nice anti-date onto fate
20412s and to fleta
20414s fight gets finished up for the shanghai
20415s dragon still moving that payload top to
20417s muse to try and get back to it just in
20420s time one meter uh one meat eater and a
20422s half to go but lip finds another kill
20426s yeah you see the look on muse's face
20427s there that should have been an easy
20429s cleanup of the toronto to fine end up
20431s letting go in that payload shanghai
20433s dragons with a good first point push
20434s well that was tough because you see aki
20436s was there to back lip up with that orb
20438s of discord so you ended up having the
20440s ability to just kind of chunk down
20442s muse and then yeah i think ash wins that
20445s fight nine times out of ten especially
20447s if you're gonna be hitting into the
20449s winston dome
20450s but now that shanghai dragons have taken
20453s this high ground advantage away from
20455s toronto as well
20457s oh
20458s look i mean look at this pincer
20460s uh attack that shanghai is really
20462s grabbing here you've got the cart
20464s covered and also the high ground on the
20466s other side
20467s yeah both supports just chilling off on
20469s height with the lip lip almost says the
20471s bob
20472s feeling pretty good if you're the
20473s shanghai dragons right now turned and
20475s fine could jump down if they wanted to
20477s with that primal rage a transcendence is
20480s going to get popped but legion gone was
20481s already antiqued so toronto to fight
20483s just take it in their stride pulse bomb
20486s does kill chorong so they trade
20488s the brigitas but flutter still doing a
20492s ton of damage twilight drops super low
20494s didn't have those packs to heal him back
20496s up with the shanghai dragons taking this
20498s into their own hands finale is not done
20500s just yet unleashes that pulse bomb but
20503s something saw a little bit earlier on in
20505s the season actually kind of reminds me
20507s vlad has been doing it too is he's very
20508s late pulse bombs to try and turn these
20510s fights but this time around the dragons
20512s came up big
20513s yeah absolutely i mean sometimes you
20515s just see players just kind of use the
20517s pulse bomb to just shore up that fight
20519s and so i love that folder is able to
20521s find those types of openings in order to
20523s carve out that advantage for the team
20525s but and shanghai dragons still have so
20527s much left in the bank to use here to cap
20529s the second point
20531s bob on the high ground nice knock up
20533s onto twilight perfectly executed
20535s shanghai dragons popping the rally
20538s and with two and a half minutes to go
20539s the payload not too far away from at
20542s that point
20543s they just have to rely on lee ji gong
20545s for the heels primal rage from muse
20547s talk through that over health that came
20549s from that rally and the toronto defiant
20551s are holding on
20552s it's still a break so they're still hard
20554s to kill
20555s and with his going down it's going to
20557s make it even more difficult for the
20559s toronto to fight to hold on they just
20560s got spawned in their favor and maybe
20562s this nano coming up minds to block the
20565s entrance to the payload as fate now just
20568s starts on swinging it's a nice little
20570s defensive counter measure there from the
20572s toronto defense using the nano on to
20573s muse but look he's just getting focused
20575s down stuck on top of that discord too
20578s much damage for him to deal with the
20580s shanghai dragons taking these ultimates
20582s to toronto to fight ascending out in
20584s stride
20586s as they do enter the foundry stage now
20588s of this map
20589s yeah i mean wow flood has been building
20592s up to these pulse bombs so quickly as
20594s well and they feel like they come online
20595s at just the perfect moments to be able
20598s to make sure that these objectives can
20600s get captured and look at the staggers
20603s that was it almost a sick body block
20605s their
20606s fate
20607s it's not every day oh it's not every day
20609s you see a body block on a tracer but you
20611s know he ended up going down anyway so
20613s he's all good
20615s look at that though finale goes down
20616s with the pulse bomb at least he's able
20619s to get a bit of revenge onto lip and
20621s that should slow down the shanghai
20622s dragons just a little bit
20625s but
20625s at this point shanghai dragons they want
20627s to make some type of eco push here try
20629s to get these ultimates online while also
20632s making sure that they don't fall to the
20634s finale pulse bomb
20636s when they start moving back in
20639s yeah they really need that bob
20642s it's been such a useful tool just
20643s clearing high ground or just kind of
20644s touching the payload speaking of which
20646s both fake and flutter on top of it right
20647s now leaving their back line a little bit
20649s more vulnerable than they wish
20651s your gun does fall to a whip shop with
20653s charong and with two minutes to go the
20654s dragons they don't want to do much so
20657s yeah there you go rose that's your eco
20658s push i suppose
20660s they do get the rally for their sins
20664s yeah they're gonna have the pulse bomb
20665s the transcendence i i think they're just
20667s gonna get everything here especially
20668s because fate's gonna build up to those
20670s mines so quickly as well and there's the
20672s avoidance of the pulse bomb big ghost
20675s signal for shanghai dragons
20677s those now chasing finale down who's now
20679s one hp oh i mean the quad body block you
20682s ain't gonna survive that muse
20684s unfortunately the eco push worked out
20686s the shanghai dragons bought almost all
20688s of their ultimates they've got a mine's
20689s coming up and the transcendence but it's
20691s looking like they're trying to find her
20692s on their last leg they need this rally
20694s online 99 there it is can they actually
20696s get the over helpful muse in time not
20698s quite so lucky
20700s that shield bash sends you flying
20702s nowadays but the rally still takes time
20704s to build up and muse ends up going down
20707s the mice to block the thor
20709s shanghai dragons with a minute and 26 on
20712s the point
20713s i mean that third point was just a
20714s master class from the shanghai dragons
20716s of how to
20718s body block like i don't know how
20722s that was so good that was so good
20724s toronto defiant couldn't even walk out
20726s of spawn like it wasn't even just the
20728s mines to try to crowd control toronto
20730s away
20731s but the way that fate actually used to
20734s the ground pound as well to knock
20736s everybody up bought time
20739s as well like that was just so cool it
20741s was so cool to watch
20743s yeah the body block from fate onto
20745s finale went down eventually and then
20748s muse
20750s oh he's trying to get body blocked it
20752s doesn't remind me of that um
20755s very i it's not too much of an old clip
20758s but
20758s frd mr fried
20761s getting staggered as diva and just like
20763s perma body block oh yeah oh no base in
20767s the cam and he's just chewing gum i'm
20769s like that potentially the longest
20770s stagger that has ever happened ever like
20773s oh like look it just kind of reminds me
20774s of that it's just a very sad moment
20777s this is just sad shield bash knock-up
20780s minds that's all she wrote there
20783s like that was such good rotation through
20786s those cooldowns
20788s shanghai has just been on like they've
20790s been a locomotive this entire
20792s match
20793s and i hope that toronto can pull
20795s something out of here to be able to
20797s bring us into extra rounds of this map
20800s and maybe even into extra
20805s you have to wait maps see i'm use back
20807s on the winston rose not even trying to
20810s tussle with the doom
20813s maybe not confident i mean the rollouts
20815s can be a little weird on this map i feel
20817s like especially when you have so much
20819s high ground that might be difficult to
20821s cover as a doofus
20824s you also just don't want to
20826s los your anna either like if you're if
20828s you don't have twilight to back you up
20829s that's not gonna be a happy time
20832s yeah it's really not
20833s man i was like is that i'm gonna heal
20835s his head he was like one hb standing by
20838s in that wall
20839s he's good though slowly but surely
20841s they're moving the payload up
20843s there's just a matter of time before the
20845s shanghai dragons execute their dive
20847s ideally with fled alive okay there you
20849s go he gets away
20851s luckily enough
20854s oh i like that too he's just kind of
20856s looking behind him to use the dynamite
20858s to just make sure that no one's gonna
20859s sneak up on a flank
20861s wow okay big kid on to legion
20864s not bad good stuff yeah flutter
20867s i felt like flatter going super low uh
20869s towards the start of that fight and he
20871s was as he was going underground it
20873s stopped him really following up on the
20874s flights uh pile driver there which is
20877s kind of annoying and see he's still in
20879s the back line like can shanghai touch it
20881s looks like they're going to be able to
20882s but fleddy needs to be able to help fate
20884s secure a kill they've used finale to
20887s start off the fight good little headshot
20889s but the nanopus onto muse is going to
20891s separate the dps the shanghai dragons
20894s but now they have to back off because
20896s they don't actually have dps of their
20897s own right now because he's who dies
20899s she said the toronto defiant just
20901s getting dealt with the worst hat
20903s possible they use the nano to try and
20905s get an ear into the fight but the
20907s shanghai dragons just clean up with the
20908s supports but now looking for a pulse
20910s bomb hits the wall only a little bit of
20912s damage but it was merely a tickle than
20914s anything else trying to fire a couple of
20916s meters away from getting the payload in
20918s and now flutter is all alone but the
20920s shanghai dragon's just running rings
20921s around him right now look at the
20922s positioning from toronto well i know
20925s like are they on the defense or attack
20927s i'm not really sure
20929s okay there's the ball pulse bomb was
20931s good charm cleaning up is iaki okay
20934s signs alive there we go fernan also
20937s poking his head in the fight one minute
20939s and 30 seconds to go as twilight takes
20941s the matters into his own hands with a
20942s couple of kills on the board wanted to
20944s find i mean they were just chasing the
20946s dragons around the whole time they did
20948s manage to come out on top in the end
20951s yeah i i'm gonna go ahead and call that
20953s some nice kiting all right i think is
20955s what happened there right you have to
20957s pay a lot of respect to lip i feel like
20959s is what happened in that last fight you
20960s even give the nano over to muse to make
20962s sure that muse might be able to win out
20964s that 1v1 this time
20966s um but yeah i
20968s really nice rotations it worked out
20970s maybe finale is able to continue to get
20972s these legs up onto the dragons as well
20974s as this car moves forward
20977s all right he's who's got the bob will be
20980s coach gonna put the high ground put that
20982s bob on height so it kind of denies the
20984s space might be the play but i have to
20986s see just one second off angle right now
20988s but uh yeah
20990s head shot couple little body shots easy
20993s as you like and now it's lit on the
20994s ground now we're sending that back to
20996s height hasn't got coach gun so it's a go
20998s time for muse the rest of the toronto to
21000s fight nano and the rally were popped by
21003s toronto and a forcing of the
21005s transcendence by muse not the worst
21008s thing in the world but not having
21010s support ultimates for this next fight
21011s might be a little bit of a pain in the
21013s side for toronto however with jae gone
21015s going down and he's potentially on high
21018s ground at this point they might be good
21019s good sit by flutter kills muse but still
21022s the rest of his team
21023s go down
21025s yeah i think toronto is okay with that i
21027s mean muse can just kind of jump back to
21029s point here
21031s or just roll back i guess as he switches
21033s over to the wrecking ball and bob comes
21035s out oh
21036s that was a nice little boot but uh he's
21038s still sitting in the doorway so he
21039s should be good
21040s still doing a little bit of damage but
21042s most of it's avoided speaking of bob's
21044s there's another one almost tanked the
21045s pulse bomb there get down mr president
21047s wasn't quite quick enough unfortunately
21049s but bob on the point is going to be a
21051s pain for toronto to deal with and the
21054s shanghai dragon's still in control
21057s i know but that that bought time for
21059s toronto to come back because that bob
21060s wasn't really an los of anybody from
21062s toronto when they could just back up
21066s nice dynamite he sue he's just getting
21068s permanent though as long as he stays
21070s alive and just keeps throwing the
21070s dynamites it's so much easy damage he's
21073s 55 towards another bob we might see a
21076s four bob fight
21077s oh i don't want to call it too early as
21079s lee jiggle does die and fate is put to
21081s sleep you trade break for break the
21084s shanghai dragons i'll take that uh for
21086s them any time
21087s as they have the nicest spawns twilight
21090s doing so much work actually on its own
21092s almost managed to get a nice double kill
21094s for the shanghai dragon still in a good
21096s position fate does fall and twilight
21099s goes down to izzy yaki but fled is not
21101s getting off the payload just yet he
21103s knows the importance of not c9 that is
21105s for sure but there's four men on it
21107s they do end up capping at the very last
21110s moment the shanghai dragons they didn't
21112s quite get their second bob online maybe
21114s that was the maybe hey we got three out
21116s of four though three out of four that's
21118s pretty good
21119s pretty good worked out for the toronto
21121s defiant finale now looking to
21124s keep everything moving where is flutter
21126s right now
21127s hello you got to watch behind you you
21130s see that finale
21131s dodged the pulse bomb from flutter and
21134s then sprayed the red x on the wall
21136s yeah but it did but they didn't see it
21138s but we saw a finale you're good
21141s he does end up going down rally pop from
21143s the dragon seems like a pretty easy
21145s cleanup finale with the pulse moment in
21147s close cause only finds chip damage
21150s that over health doing a lot of work for
21153s dragons in that tight corridor
21156s yeah i think defiant just takes the l on
21158s this one the rally in the tight space is
21161s not going to do you any favors if you're
21162s going to be playing against that but now
21165s toronto has a rally of their own they
21166s also have the nano they have a great way
21168s to crowd control as well with the mines
21170s from muse
21172s that was fast
21173s too to charge that up music literally
21175s just switched over like a minute ago
21178s yeah crazy quick
21180s pretty big
21181s big slams will get you that will charge
21183s pretty fast oh it's asleep it's all good
21186s it was pretty quick
21189s all right no bobby bob it's lips pop oh
21191s my god
21194s man he got folded like a bit of paper
21196s yeah see that one coming
21198s the ball from lip and then fate on top
21201s of that like double knock-off with the
21203s pile driver and then bob knock you
21205s sky-high it's unfortunate they're trying
21207s to fight did you use their rally
21209s to start off that engagement and uh yeah
21212s not much else already came with that so
21214s they've only got that nano boost for
21216s this last
21217s fight 50 seconds to go rogue
21219s yeah i i mean look at how much they've
21222s been able to get out of the dragons
21223s though the rally that for that fight
21226s just a little bit ago the transcendence
21228s and
21229s we also just got the pulse bomb out of
21231s the dragons
21232s the toronto's okay with this they
21234s they're walking in with three more
21236s ultimates here even though yeah twilight
21238s died while trong was using the rally
21241s toronto still have alt economy here and
21243s they've got the advantage if they use
21245s these smartly
21246s ot is approaching pulse bomb on the
21250s ground only gets uh a couple of mine
21253s kills not necessarily a kill
21255s on the enemy unfortunately charong is
21257s dead he did get nano to 60 towards that
21261s rally but it wasn't quite to be the
21263s supports in the shanghai dragons fell on
21265s the kill feed with red right now and
21266s spilling all over the floor too high
21268s ground from lip is a good place to be a
21271s dynamite on twilight he does heal
21272s himself up with the name but that's just
21273s about it he hasn't really got much else
21275s to rely on and now players hunting him
21277s down his lip versus a finale on the
21281s point luckily he's got the bob sends it
21284s in the corner and now it's up to the
21285s toronto define to this lodge lift before
21287s he annihilates the rest of the team
21289s jordan goes pretty low his overtime is
21291s here and the back up from the dragons is
21293s uh just leeching out of the spawn they
21295s need to get the rally coming online they
21297s got the transcendence too looks almost
21298s unlosable for the dragons right now they
21300s just need to find the kills but each one
21302s ends up going down charon once again
21304s finding the better in the brick duel as
21306s the defiant now in a 5v4 situation love
21308s the dynamite over and get that payload
21310s moving
21311s oh but we're starting to look at that
21312s territory where who's gonna get those
21314s support ultimates online second and are
21317s they gonna have the sustain
21318s you gotta touch there's the rally from
21320s leecher gone charon gets his online and
21322s instantly pops it and now they gotta go
21325s flared with the pulse could end it here
21327s nice pulse onto the support that should
21329s be it the shanghai dragons with a
21332s transcendence
21333s to top it all off it's finale on the
21335s point as charring ends up going down and
21337s the dragons they start off the
21340s tournament run with a bang
21344s oh my goodness shanghai dragons i feel
21346s like just throughout the course of this
21348s series got better and better
21351s you know i'd they just i love the way
21352s that they're able to adjust and adapt in
21355s any type of situation and they're coming
21357s into this tournament very hungry that's
21360s for sure
21362s yeah the hungry for gold like
21364s the mythological dragons i suppose
21367s i mean it is it feels like um
21370s that that series and the way you put
21372s that
21373s sums up shanghai's uh run in the regular
21376s season two they start off a little bit
21378s cold but then coming up pretty big
21381s still a good look from the toronto
21382s defiant though um a team that i think a
21384s lot of people
21386s pegged
21387s is not doing super well against the
21389s shanghai dragons still gave them the run
21391s around a lot of that time absolutely i
21394s mean especially just even not on just
21396s the doomfist i think that was what was
21398s really impressive about the way that
21399s toronto defiant played is you know at
21401s the beginning of the series we kind of
21403s prefaced this match as toronto has
21405s looked best on this doomfist composition
21408s but the fact that they were also able to
21409s show us different compositional moments
21412s and still perform well both really well
21415s for them for the rest of this tournament
21418s yeah looking super good we'll see what
21420s they can do in the lower bracket run but
21422s the shanghai dragons do end up advancing
21425s and the player of the match for this
21426s series is gonna be a lip it wasn't a
21430s flooded deadlift it was a lip deadlift
21433s in i can valder his sojourn looking so
21437s good still i mean
21438s what can't this guy do
21441s all right yeah that that's a definitely
21443s easier to count the things that he can't
21445s do on one hand than the things that he
21447s can because that's that's a lot of
21449s things that's for sure i mean look at
21451s this like the way that lip was able to
21453s clutch out these final moments and i can
21455s weld it with the overclock active and
21458s just really performing on the sojourn or
21461s the ash i mean ash is just such a
21463s standout hero for lip and it shows
21466s whether it was from
21467s bob finding value from just having point
21470s presence or using it to be able to zone
21473s the rest of the members of toronto
21474s defiant off it's great to see how lip is
21476s able to adjust to based on the situation
21480s okay almost 10 final blows but 10
21483s almost 12k damage per 10.
21486s yeah
21487s pretty insane right now and
21491s we talk about the bob being being the
21493s sixth the sixth person in the on the
21495s team but they it does a whole lot of
21497s work like it's harder for you to touch
21499s the point like yeah you can discord it
21501s you can burn it down with a zen but if
21502s you're building up bobs like routinely
21505s and you definitely expect lip to be
21508s doing that and he did just that in the
21510s in the series just gone it's just so
21512s much value like an unbelievable amount
21514s especially on um not only obviously the
21518s push i was gonna say push but like
21520s escort maps and hybrid maps but like on
21522s control we saw it too the amount of
21523s times
21525s just put bob on the point and then you
21526s can don't really have to worry
21528s uh for at least a few seconds and then
21531s it gives your team a lot of space and
21532s time to maybe execute a dive
21535s absolutely i mean hey we saw bob capped
21537s the point
21538s like exactly
21539s so what more can you ask for well maybe
21542s another game we got philadelphia fusion
21543s and the hungry spark coming up after the
21545s break but we're gonna take a quick
21548s breather and we're gonna head over to
21549s the desk after this we'll see in a sec
21553s the overwatch league is brought to you
21555s by the university of hawaii at manoa go
21558s to take me to manoa.org today
21561s [Music]
21577s [Music]
21648s [Music]
21666s [Music]
21732s [Music]
21754s [Music]
21768s [Music]
21791s [Music]
21806s welcome to game break everybody i'm here
21808s joined now by lit from shanghai dragon
21810s slip congratulations on the win uh
21812s before we get started because this is my
21814s first time talking to you this season
21816s how are you feeling right now
21819s um
21856s all right i mean uh in the previous
21858s tournament which was the kickoff clash
21860s you know it was we didn't really have
21861s the time to go east versus west but uh
21864s this tournament currently is the first
21866s iteration of the east versus west so uh
21868s first of all i think i'm very thankful
21870s and happy that we got the win today and
21872s i'm very excited for the next matches
21874s that are about to come up because we're
21876s going to have a lot more of these east
21878s versus west matches uh talking about the
21880s east versus west lip i do want to ask
21882s today of course like you said it was the
21884s first time that we were seeing that sort
21886s of battle uh and you guys did come on
21888s top but i do feel like toronto despite
21890s the uh 3-0 law i mean zero to three loss
21893s for them uh they did prep a really good
21895s fight uh what were your thoughts on your
21897s first opponent
21913s [Music]
21935s [Music]
21937s foreign
21941s i mean i did hear uh from people uh
21944s people around me that saying that you
21946s know toronto defiance in the west
21947s weren't really a strong team but uh we
21950s didn't really think about that going
21951s into today's match uh we uh focused up
21954s and we sort of prepared as much as we
21956s can and despite their loss you know
21958s because they have a really really solid
21960s roster so it was a definitely a tough
21962s win for us all right my second question
21964s for you shanghai dragons or lip from
21966s shanghai dragons is also um i feel like
21969s shanghai dragons this season have found
21971s a lot of success after uh leaning a lot
21974s towards the wrecking ball uh dive
21976s composition do you believe that is sort
21978s of the best composition currently in the
21980s meta or are you guys sort
21998s [Music]
22005s [Music]
22008s foreign
22023s there's not really a one top pick uh for
22025s the composition wise i think what's uh
22027s for the current meta the best thing is
22029s or whatever the team feels comfortable
22031s or confident confident in whatever
22033s they're really good at that should be
22035s the competition that uh you should run
22037s for this meta uh so to answer the
22039s question the wrecking ball dive meta is
22041s sort of our color that is what fits our
22043s stock play style the most for the
22045s current meta that is why you that that
22047s is why we're using it the most all right
22049s that is it for the interview thank you
22051s so much for your time and again big
22052s congratulations on the win
22061s all right task back to you guys
22066s thank you so much danny i'm just going
22068s to pause before we go into the recap
22069s every single time he knocks out like a
22072s translating interview like that i'm just
22074s sitting here going
22075s he is a god
22077s an absolute god just going back and
22079s forth so props to you uh danny we love
22081s donnie
22082s we stand down here he's amazing although
22084s he's in hawaii and we aren't so because
22087s he's talented and we're successful
22089s you're right you're right we gotta learn
22091s a new language but
22092s congratulations again to the shanghai
22094s dragons going three and oh there but
22097s i'm gonna come to you because
22099s it seemed like from the desk's
22100s perspective going into this game it
22102s wasn't gonna be as close as we actually
22105s saw for some of these games despite it
22106s being a 3-0 yeah it was a 3-0 but you
22109s know it's one of those classic coin
22110s terms of it was a close 3-0 it's not the
22113s score line doesn't show like how close
22114s this match what we said a lot yeah it's
22116s it's really getting a little bit
22118s monotonous but you know it's it was true
22120s like the toronto defiant especially here
22122s on this elios they were it looked like
22125s they were poised to take it the first
22126s two rounds they their dive playing on
22129s that muse finale just going forward all
22132s the time izu yaki and the shanghai
22134s dragons just were really struggling to
22136s get positioning on the map and were just
22138s struggling to get anything done but just
22140s by the skin of their teeth just through
22142s the experience that they have as a team
22144s were able to just claw down some of
22146s these maps and you know they do get this
22148s win onto illios after some pretty clean
22150s wrecking ball play from fate but then we
22152s head over to eigenvalder and this could
22154s have been a very different map if that
22156s c9 by fleta does not come through
22158s because
22159s that really turned the tide because that
22161s was going close to being dragons held on
22163s the second point instead it flips on its
22165s head and they out do manage to fully cap
22167s and toronto find just did not have the
22169s answer themselves so
22170s for me
22171s shanghai dragons weren't their fully
22173s formed self i think they were trying
22175s they were struggling with the aggressive
22176s doomfist tracer style that we see so
22178s commonly in the west but they were
22180s slowly starting to get it but i also
22182s want to give props a try to find they
22184s played incredibly well especially for
22186s the expectations that we had for them
22188s coming into this tournament they're by
22189s no means the best team that we have in
22191s the west but the execution of those
22193s dives was just immaculate but
22196s the eight foot seven gaming warlord and
22198s lip said enough of this
22200s gets over that ash and that was a big
22202s ash dip here on this dorado and that
22204s ended up getting them the win in this
22205s series absolutely and i do want to
22206s continue talking about toronto defiant
22208s right now because again they aren't out
22211s of it yet just because they took a loss
22213s on day one doesn't mean that they have
22214s to kiss the tournament goodbye they are
22216s going to drop into the losers bracket so
22219s johnny what does this team really need
22221s to polish up to ensure that this loss
22223s does not happen again honestly i
22225s not a lot yeah like this toronto defiant
22228s that we saw today they're the lowest
22230s seed
22231s they're like 12 seed and you look at
22233s that number and you're like wow are they
22234s bad they're 12.
22236s wow that was blue
22239s that was a really good performance
22243s probably the most controversial thing
22245s i'll say all day
22246s is that i think they're like maybe like
22248s two changes away from being like uh like
22252s maybe getting like fifth in this
22253s tournament or maybe like even competing
22255s for like fifth two changes
22257s they're pretty two big changes okay
22259s because they're pretty okay what are
22260s these changes yeah it's not like oh i
22262s make your hair in the morning and you're
22262s fine it's like pretty big changes like
22265s first of all
22266s i i really liked the
22269s the the attack when i come out there
22271s because i think that was an instance of
22272s them like you know putting their foot
22274s forward they were playing the honest and
22275s composition and they were playing museum
22277s doomfist and they really forced the
22279s shanghai dragons to like whoa we gotta
22281s adapt we gotta play around your
22283s composition and that that's when you
22285s start competing and taking it to like
22287s lit that's when you force faith to be a
22289s little bit uncomfortable but then we saw
22291s them they were actually like on the back
22292s foot when they played against faith on
22294s the zarya and they were like doomfist
22296s themselves on defense and then they're
22297s like whoa like they play zarya like
22298s we're a bit passive we're a bit timid
22300s like we don't exactly know what to do
22302s see if i want to turn through a fine
22303s then i re-watched this series
22306s unlike a lot of matches i wouldn't look
22307s at what we're doing wrong and i can fix
22309s it i would look at what did we do right
22311s and how can we keep doing that and i
22313s think you'll see a lot of aggression
22314s coming in from them setting the tempo
22316s like custom mentioned the dives coming
22317s in from finale and muse at times really
22320s good and just like completely shut down
22322s the shanghai dragon's back line before
22323s the fight even started yeah and then i i
22326s mean the second thing they can't really
22327s fix themselves so we're just like lip
22329s was just like really good at times
22331s just
22334s that's what i wanted to question i was
22335s like how do you fix the problem that
22336s heisu just got heavily outpaced in the
22338s hit scandal like that was in my opinion
22340s the crux of the issue of if his who had
22342s a better performance is this cope it's
22344s not that bad
22348s a little bit more like don't get picked
22349s as much
22351s as a moment there was like a 2v4 finale
22353s and he had like a 2v4 on point b dorado
22356s attack to cap it out and i was like wow
22359s like
22363s i do need to cut you off but hopefully
22365s toronto defiant can make those two quick
22368s changes even though one of them
22370s out of uh their hands but i mean listen
22372s speaking of hit scan we got to talk
22373s about our next and final match of the
22375s day where it's going to be philadelphia
22377s fusion taking on hong sho spark which is
22379s actually our first east versus east team
22382s for or match i should say for this
22384s tournament uh so johnny i'm gonna come
22386s to you first because listen we were just
22387s talking about hitscan we have two of the
22389s best hit scan players in the world
22391s coming into this game so what can we
22394s expect
22395s mm3 one of the best discounts in the
22397s world i mean you're right right because
22398s element 3 is like elevated perceived
22401s like reputation going into this matchup
22403s it's like a large a lot of it is based
22405s on his performance against seoul dynasty
22407s he just like one of the best hit scam
22409s performances ever yeah like ever it was
22412s that good and so now mn3 he has the
22414s opportunity to continue on that momentum
22416s and really take it to some of the best
22418s players around the league in this very
22420s tournament i would say that chai
22421s is the better of two itam players like
22424s more consistent average basis but mn3 if
22428s he repeats that performance
22430s he could be like an mvp of the
22431s tournament because that was insane that
22433s was utterly crazy
22436s yeah and you can just see the stack card
22437s right here like you see there you can
22439s see shy he does that more damage he does
22440s have those more final blows and i think
22442s this is going to be a crazy head-to-head
22444s but not just these two players i think
22446s both the philadelphia fusion and the
22448s hongdro spark they're very dps
22449s orientated they're they're really big
22452s heavy hitters are in their dps lineup so
22455s i think alpha yi going against zest is
22457s also going to be a big performance and
22460s determining factor of this series they
22462s both do like to play that genji but as
22464s you said johnny if mn3 has this
22466s performance like you're seeing right
22467s here he went crazy and he was the sole
22470s reason really they got over the line
22472s against the seoul dynasty so if mn3 can
22476s replicate that i don't think the hong
22477s kong spark will have an answer
22478s definitely not we're looking at the mn3
22480s highlights right now and i think we have
22481s a couple from shai coming up i mean this
22484s is just nuts yeah
22486s he's just rea
22487s it's all reaction at this point and it
22489s just impresses me because hit scan
22491s players over the years you know when i
22493s was a player it was like people were
22495s getting a critical hit accuracy of like
22496s 15 percent and everyone was like oh
22498s that's pretty good but now these guys 30
22501s critical hit accuracy on the widowmaker
22502s on the ash they just do so much
22504s consistent damage and they are the t
22506s they are like if you can have that
22508s performance people are going to be able
22509s to do that and shy's been doing i said
22511s this last year i'm going to take credit
22512s here should i i said shy was the best
22514s hits game in the world last year and i
22516s think he is still performing to that
22517s level from time to time he is not the
22519s best guy in the world i think last year
22521s when he was starting to put up some of
22522s those performances the spark team is not
22525s always that good around him but i think
22527s he has put up those performances
22530s i need you to say it i don't think he is
22531s right now okay he has been and he has
22533s pulled up those performances and he can
22535s be
22536s i tried it i tried it i know he he tried
22538s i chickened you tried so much i'm
22540s excited hey we still have a full week of
22542s this so maybe that's pretty good maybe
22544s we can get uh it out of him but guys i'm
22547s excited to get into this final match of
22549s the day i already have a lot of fusion
22551s fans hitting me up asking for grandma
22553s avilee cookies
22555s as we discussed in a previous segment
22556s today but i mean listen all of us want
22559s to see the match so i think we should
22560s jump straight into it so let's hear from
22562s our casters once again jaws and necro
22564s take it away
22569s thank you very much ollie in the desk
22571s look if you're going to hand out the
22572s cookies maybe i want one you know bring
22574s him in tomorrow and we get a little
22576s taste review he can turn the stream into
22578s a like a food review channel maybe i
22580s don't know
22581s i'm sure custer and johnny will fit into
22583s that role quite well um yeah mn3 versus
22586s shy i think that is the
22588s that is the match up for today it's not
22590s philadelphia fusion versus the hungry
22592s spark it's mn3 trying to kill shy and
22595s then trying to kill mn3s the rookie
22597s versus the veteran rose absolutely i
22600s mean that's kind of what the story of
22601s this entire match is though right both
22603s of these teams have incredible veteran
22605s talent but they've also have both been
22608s infused with the rookie talent from
22610s their cat respective academy teams and
22612s so when we look at how all of these
22614s incredible players have kind of started
22616s to
22617s formulate into their teams i just think
22619s we're going to be in for such a treat
22621s especially because philadelphia fusion
22622s and hangzhou spark have played each
22624s other a few times already this season
22626s yes they have let's have a look at the
22628s philadelphia fusion starting lineup who
22631s we're gonna see today yeah of course of
22634s course mn3 is in of course he is zest uh
22638s bellows three aim god and fixer your
22640s starting lineup right now
22643s yeah look at the end of the day rose i
22645s know johnny's got a lot more crazy
22648s predictions and crazy like takes i just
22652s want to see as the week progresses
22654s johnny's hair getting crazier and
22656s crazier like i'm sure it's gonna like
22659s he's he's gonna be losing his he's gonna
22661s be losing his goddamn mind like it's
22662s gonna yeah i mean it's gonna be a fun
22664s way
22665s that's why i cast overwatch is to see
22668s just go for it get progressively more
22670s crazy as the week goes on it's going to
22671s be good but it's called
22673s yes
22675s yeah i love this
22676s hey this is the this is a look that
22678s we've seen a lot from the philadelphia
22680s fusion obviously we're going to see
22681s bellasriya start out in that tank roll
22684s but we would be remiss to not show you
22686s the lineup from the hong kong spark as
22688s well to see who is going to be leading
22690s the charge there and of course we talked
22692s about how the whole mn3 versus shy
22694s matchup but you also have to look out
22696s for alpha yi in that dps world don't you
22699s jaws
22700s yeah he's also been incredibly scary
22702s indeed
22703s man it's
22704s i'm excited to cast this team i really
22706s am because people have been also piping
22708s up uh alfie they've been hyping up super
22710s rich for a long time and like this is
22713s his year to uh finally make the league
22715s and the hangzhou spark doing an
22717s exceptional job so far in the regular
22721s season and that's that feels so strange
22723s to say because the hong kong spark um if
22726s you look at the last couple years
22727s they've just been so like whoa they do
22729s crazy amount of work and then it's like
22731s okay and then they have this 12-man
22733s roster and it was like who are they
22734s going to play and how did they mix
22736s like this feels like
22738s a more stable static roster that they're
22741s willing to run and it's good to see them
22743s doing well and
22746s koster called it
22747s um last year at least and he said on the
22749s desk like shy
22751s was uh
22752s like one of the best hit scout players
22754s right but he's not had that same like
22757s consistency
22758s this year but then can mn3 kind of
22761s emulate that and because he's already
22764s had a pop-up performance one of the best
22765s hit scams yeah out there right now but
22767s can then he now keep this rolling to
22770s potentially be crowned one of the best
22772s hit scans in the league oh for sure i
22775s mean i think we we need to point out
22777s that philadelphia fusion has been
22780s inconsistent you know like they they
22782s either look really good when they're on
22785s and they're focused
22787s or they don't look super great and the
22790s their opponents can walk all over them
22792s but i have to point out one thing you
22794s know you mentioned that there is this
22795s kind of core of hongsho spark that
22798s hungzhou has really been relying on to
22800s be able to take them through
22802s these matches but usually it's bernard
22805s that's going to be in that tank world
22806s instead of gushway who we are seeing uh
22809s on the reinhardt as of right now but it
22812s makes a lot of sense because we are
22813s starting things off on lichen and
22815s gouchewest winston is a great way to
22818s kind of glue together this dive that
22820s we're seeing from the spark
22822s stephanie gonna
22824s be a problem for mn3
22827s they kind of like spotting him out
22828s already it's effective range of course
22831s you can stand way in the back in the
22832s little house but actually getting onto
22834s the bridge and not getting instantly
22835s checked by the rest of the angel sparks
22837s going to be a bit of a problem i can
22839s hear him and i think the rest of the
22841s hungarian spark can yeah and nice
22843s deflect gets the shot on demon three
22845s gushro finishes him off and that's going
22847s to be the big problem there m3 to
22848s actually operate he can't stand too far
22851s he can't stand at a reasonable distance
22852s away because that's just not how the map
22854s is laid out
22856s oh okay uh fixer got the boot kill
22860s and now he's in the drink all right oh
22862s well i mean look at that that one kill
22864s was enough to bully mn3 off of the ash
22867s completely and we're seeing mn3 come out
22869s of spawn with the soul bruh
22872s okay big change up i mean
22878s okay fusion coming out the gate so wing
22881s it
22882s all right i i mean hey that works bella
22885s sria is such an aggressive wrecking ball
22888s that this is gonna be a really nice
22891s compliment to mn3 sombra if this is what
22894s he decides to stick on the other thing
22896s that i like about the sombra too is it's
22897s not even just the hacks jaws it's about
22900s controlling the health packs and the
22901s areas of which hangzhou spark are
22903s actually able to approach
22906s if you can hack that mega health back
22908s there um that is
22910s a large amount of their health pool
22911s disappearing from the from the supports
22914s nice poop on to gushway
22916s denying the space right now is bellatri
22918s with those mines but fixer dies to a
22920s pulse bomb after you've got nanoordered
22922s on the point didn't earn himself a play
22923s but
22924s pressure on the point is what hundreds
22926s of spark need right now bella sorry is
22928s not really doing much damage to the back
22929s line of the spark because he's the one
22930s that's having to contest good pick off
22933s from aim god or jack god depending on uh
22936s if he follows instagram or not he takes
22938s down shy receives a little cookie the
22940s blade's going to get pop mm3 standing
22942s all the way at the back and yep the
22944s naked play doesn't do all too much
22946s but israeli cleans him up and pushes
22948s goose way off the mat yeah look at that
22950s fix up coming back in time to be able to
22952s use the rally
22953s and now philadelphia fusion they keep
22956s control of the point which is super
22958s important but they also have a finishing
22960s move here josten that's the emp that mn3
22963s has earned in that last team fight you
22965s could open this up with a pick from
22967s zest's pulse bum or you could kind of go
22969s with the surefire way which is try to
22971s get as many members as possible in this
22972s emp and close out this first round that
22974s way
22975s nice boot little bit of revenge from
22977s super age taking care of balasaria do
22979s philadelphia fusion want to try for an
22981s emp looks quite unlikely as they've lost
22985s aim god goodbye and then three nice
22987s little smart reset there you don't waste
22989s too much time race
22991s no exactly especially when you're
22992s already in that one fight territory you
22994s may as well just you know try with pulse
22996s bomb it didn't get anything zest is
22998s already working up towards another one
23000s but you still have that emp to try to
23002s re-engage with this fight you're also
23004s looking at bellasria kind of being able
23006s to use those mines too
23008s but
23009s is there enough damage on the board to
23010s be able to deal with these critical
23013s ultimates here from the spark like that
23015s sound barrier
23016s oh post one
23022s spark at least have this sound barrier
23024s but it's again the dance between mn3 and
23027s super rich perfectly timed super rich
23030s leading that dance to perfection post
23033s bomb from shy will finish aim god that
23035s should just be it there you go both
23037s supports down
23038s super rich stayed out of uh site uh that
23041s emp and it did take a fair while to
23043s build up and use in the end and it was
23045s rather ineffective goose way still
23048s taking them yeah okay i was gonna take
23050s take a lot of damage from the primer
23051s rage but gets away
23053s yeah look at that too as well like you
23056s know spark they're playing with that
23058s lucio and that moira so they get a
23059s chance to play really aggressively here
23062s so i kind of like the switch off of the
23064s ana so that spark can have this
23066s coalescence and this also dragon blade
23068s to go into this final fight with but
23070s yeah we're in that last fight territory
23072s here it's do or die for both of these
23074s teams it's indeed coalescence available
23078s they got it they use it post bomb and
23080s transcendence thrown out fusion i'm
23082s going to go down without a fight nice
23083s little kill onto goose way is going to
23085s be good
23087s can the honk show spark hang on to this
23088s they have got that blade like you were
23090s saying rose the fusion finder flip
23092s patience now for the spark as they do
23094s hang back they know they had a few
23096s percentage points there to to give and
23098s alfie now putting himself on point to
23100s try and contest nice little early
23102s engagement from bella cereal but he is
23104s pretty low hack on to alfie doesn't
23105s result in all too much as bella sorry
23107s ends up going down the emp is absolutely
23109s massive the hangzhou spark didn't see
23111s that one coming out for you couldn't
23112s import the blade in time shy throws the
23114s pulse bomb goes a little bit wide and
23116s now the fusion trying to end this fight
23118s with a rally gushway gets back to the
23120s point just in time to see himself flop
23122s over and face part the floor as shy gets
23124s cleaned up
23126s an easy kill on to the moira as the play
23128s comes back in super rich was low before
23131s he got any damage off same with alpha yi
23135s an mn3 might not be on the ash but his
23138s impact is equal on the sombra
23141s yeah that first emp
23143s not fantastic
23144s but that second emp came online at just
23147s the right time to be able to close at
23149s that first round for the fusion
23151s i would like to see mn3 play something a
23153s little different on control center i
23156s think that hit scan damage can go a
23159s really long way here especially when you
23161s have so much natural architecture to be
23163s able to play around
23165s but let's see what these tanks decide to
23168s do to lead the team
23170s that's what i'm really curious about
23171s you're in such tighter quarters on this
23173s round
23174s so
23175s yeah doomfist makes a lot of sense here
23177s spark decided to come out on that and
23179s then oh we get some reinhardt
23182s okay
23183s okay okay
23185s i like it i like it
23187s rush versus the doomfist
23191s dude is way more like cooldown reliant
23192s of course than uh
23194s then ryan is
23197s all right should i just trying to get
23198s some off angles it's nice to charge up
23200s with the shield rose but that's really
23201s about it like just waiting for the speed
23203s boost oh yeah they felt the wall behind
23205s them that's always the the worst feeling
23207s i think at overwatch is feeling the may
23209s wall behind you as you try and hold a
23210s head
23211s yes
23212s try to back up but there's no escape
23215s from the exactly
23217s it's kind of horrible
23218s i think uh
23220s nightmares
23221s to this day facing me real even i've
23223s watched it
23224s all better with a nice kill on the honor
23227s nice uh nice body shot from edmond three
23229s point is unlocked and the fusion get the
23232s cab see what it means you just get run
23234s over
23235s already the spike ended up changing here
23237s they uh invested a fair bit into the
23239s doomfist they almost got the alt but
23242s it feels like a change is better than
23243s just kind of sticking out for the meteor
23245s strikes not crazy effective
23247s yeah you don't want to get into this
23249s sunk cast fallacy of i've been on the
23251s doomfist i almost have the ultimate so
23253s let's just go for it but maybe it's
23255s gonna be what spark needs to kind of
23257s open up this door especially as they're
23259s pushing fusion away from that choke
23263s yeah that
23264s opening of the door is gonna be quite
23265s tough but in the neutral the fusion is
23267s just uh you can easily kind of run over
23269s the doomfist as soon as you use that
23271s power block but
23272s yeah spark way more ultimate reliance
23275s good kill onto mn3 shy once again up on
23278s the high ground controlling that space
23280s to perfection oh aim god okay trying to
23282s go for a little flank maybe the rest of
23284s your team are dying by the way and
23285s they're dead uh nice flank but
23287s unfortunately wasn't able to help the
23289s rest of his squad is now aim god versus
23291s the world
23293s and the hung show spark end up capped
23294s the point well i i think what am god
23296s wanted to do there was to just control
23298s that corridor to make sure that shy
23301s didn't get a flank you know if aim god
23303s had been able to find shy there
23306s then yeah you just take this overturn
23308s out and then you might be able to still
23310s win the team fight but didn't work out
23312s that way philadelphia's fusion they've
23313s got to go again
23315s they've got a lot to be able to make
23316s this work
23318s how is zest in the back line he walked
23320s through five people
23322s there's the blizzard the wall luckily
23324s hunger spark of lucio with their backs
23325s they're able to run away and they don't
23327s get frozen speaking of me of frozen zest
23329s already popped that block more
23330s vulnerable but runs back to the rest of
23332s the team and he should be good goose way
23335s unhappy about that engagement from
23337s himself then then three ends up taking
23339s the kill there's the nano there's the
23340s blade beat to match 35 hp in a dream
23342s alfa yi is going to get healed up and
23344s he's already found one kill a windows
23346s doesn't say name go through the fight
23348s and a lamp to keep him alive and well he
23350s was anti but it didn't mean all too much
23353s a re-engagement from the spark as they
23355s use alpha yi where were you shattering
23357s bella
23358s there was nothing there
23359s what are you doing
23361s okay well uh maybe
23364s headset the wrong way around maybe
23366s directional audio messed up don't matter
23368s if your smart brains are messed up right
23370s now zest is still on the scene
23372s as gushway comes back from the grave and
23374s is met with a frosty dead
23377s they eventually find the recap
23380s 70 for the spark
23383s yep
23384s yeah i'm still thinking about where
23386s bella was aiming that shatter what's he
23389s shattering i don't know hey just in case
23393s it was it was a summer next to me yes
23396s he's not in that game
23398s fast enough it's fine well you know the
23401s good thing here for the fusion is that
23403s they're going to have another blizzard
23404s online that will help to be able to
23406s control the spark and where they decide
23408s to engage
23409s but look at the flank that they're
23410s taking this high ground for shy
23413s man yeah shy has been kind of dominant
23416s up here thus far but with the rest of
23417s the fusion just backing up to help the
23419s rest of the team
23421s should be uh should be fine now well
23423s there you go backing up not quite so
23425s much 93 and building for the fusion just
23428s stall time now for zest does he have
23430s block i'm not sure he does no he does
23433s not still look at ot
23435s spark have 70 now
23438s hello that fight went so
23441s off
23442s hilter for the fusion like they got so
23443s split there
23445s now philadelphia fusion have one more
23447s chance to come back
23449s spark are gonna have a full
23450s five ultimates here airmen three just
23453s switched over to cassidy feels like this
23455s is a start of a bad joke here for the
23457s philadelphia fusion but let's see if
23458s they can make something happen with this
23460s blizzard and the shatter
23462s i mean the spot oh zest trying to do it
23464s again he's trying to go for the big
23465s flank he's gonna make it before the rest
23467s of his team die i don't think so alfie
23470s receives the nano he's five percent
23471s towards that blade there's the blizzard
23473s they find the pick on to honor and the
23476s alfie with a nice little ghost dash
23478s straight to the front line again double
23479s kill for the genji a nice little reset
23482s can't get on the lucio just in time
23484s fixer's got fancy footwork but is it
23486s enough to put him on the point aim god
23488s is dead but m3 comes back on the legs
23491s fixer falls no healing but that's a
23494s healing station from a man three
23496s the soldier versus the world that's
23498s about it ot ticking down is the spark in
23501s control of what was a good start from
23504s the fusion
23505s slips away
23506s from them
23507s control center belongs to the spark
23510s we're going to round three on control
23513s what was really tough about philadelphia
23515s fusion running that reinhardt
23517s composition is that with that comp you
23519s really just kind of want to pick a
23520s target and just go forward
23522s and smash into the enemy composition but
23525s what ended up being difficult about the
23526s way that spark played that is that they
23528s were so spread out that fusion didn't
23531s have a good target so if they were going
23533s after goose way for example then well
23535s where's alpha yin shy there's kind of in
23537s your back oh
23539s bella sorry uh
23541s okay
23542s um
23544s had a few
23546s rough ones yeah
23548s to be fair
23549s get genji the doomfist is pretty mobile
23551s right they've got lucio so it's like ah
23553s shots kind of hard to land on the yeah i
23555s suppose but yeah no you're right but not
23558s the best thing to be
23560s caught on uh home video there
23562s no we're gonna we're just gonna go go
23565s forward bella's roots not playing
23566s reinhardt this time around in fact we're
23568s gonna see the ash and the wrecking ball
23570s from the fusion we're also gonna see the
23573s sojourn winston coming out from the
23574s spark so very different flavors of these
23577s comps
23580s man shy just
23581s it permanently has that 100 charge every
23584s single time we look at him
23586s i said it was spawn push from the spark
23590s half the fusion was split there rose
23592s like they were getting towards the point
23593s and then half of them were kind of stuck
23594s in that choke and spark took advantage
23596s of that even without a lucio they were
23598s able to capitalize on the space
23601s home was unlocked and captured by the
23603s fusion
23604s but with the dps doing this much damage
23607s not already much else you could do
23609s if you're philly
23611s yeah if you're if you're the spark you
23613s just wait fusion can cap the first
23615s couple of percent and then you just go
23616s in when the time is right and take back
23619s control i love the way that spark is
23621s just has all these different angles as
23623s well i mean you can see that where zest
23626s is trying to go on a flank here but
23628s it's it's not working not how is spark
23631s are playing so
23633s spread out
23635s oh i heard a box about a million miles
23637s away yeah there you go
23639s not bad starts
23642s however with the sparks com still fairly
23644s survivable out for you doing something
23646s sneaky oh
23648s whips the pulse bomb
23650s shifted to the right instead of the left
23651s unfortunate philadelphia fusion find the
23653s recap i thought spark maybe hold on for
23655s that uh a little bit longer
23657s apparently not to be mine's available
23659s from bellator as he tries to find some
23661s environmental he's gonna have to be
23662s careful though because briggs bash can
23664s send you over the edge now there's sorry
23666s finding the back line scouting the rest
23667s of the team out that's a nice little uh
23669s like uav there from fella syria finding
23672s the position the rest of the hangzhou
23673s spark alfie is pretty low same with shy
23675s shines now getting chased down by the
23677s wrecking ball as 45 percent and building
23680s for the fusion as the mines finally laid
23682s on to the point shy in a whole heap of
23685s hurt gets killed off by mm3 and
23687s extremely late double support ultimate
23689s use there from spark they use the nano
23691s and alpha yi and then they use the rally
23695s yeah that's not it chief
23698s i mean look at this
23700s bellasria is like in their spawn or
23702s something
23703s philadelphia efficient still have
23705s control of the point
23707s this is not looking good for the spark
23708s right now they're struggling to get
23710s these alts online
23712s and they're struggling to keep members
23713s up
23714s oh yes they are look at that
23717s and then three doing what he does best
23719s of course i said that and we switched to
23720s him and he gets headshot unfortunate but
23722s it's all good
23723s i mean fusion what 80 percent
23726s bob yeah rally
23728s like his post round he's gonna have to
23730s be big
23730s i mean mn3 can just also send the bobbin
23733s from afar so it's okay that he went down
23736s he can still be useful bob will do
23738s something
23739s but spark i mean they just haven't been
23741s able to find any value so far because of
23743s how fast of a pace fusion has been
23746s setting these fights
23748s there's the rally
23751s the point is being contested by only a
23753s single alpha yi he needs help
23756s someone send him help pulse bomb goes
23758s wide philadelphia fusion holding onto
23759s the ball but not for long and then three
23761s takes care of super rich the ball taking
23763s a little bit of a nap but it should wake
23764s up and get a little bit of damage down
23766s somehow and amongst the chaos the spark
23768s end up capping at the point now it's up
23770s to bella's rear zested mm3 to try and
23772s find a little summing something but with
23773s their support dead
23775s that might be little to nothing vanessa
23778s still trying to push people off the map
23780s and get some value for the hangzhou
23782s spark end up coming out on top
23785s they will indeed finally getting
23787s something done and getting more
23789s percentage on the board but what are
23791s they really going to have to follow this
23792s up we saw
23794s the
23795s unfortunate use of the rally in the nano
23798s so irony uh will be able to get at least
23802s the nano back online
23803s but i feel like everybody else on the
23805s spark is just too far away for that nano
23808s to really help top something off that's
23810s going to be really impactful like alpha
23811s you might not hit the pulse
23813s nicely
23815s enough to get the oh
23816s off yeah not a good start oh they do
23818s tray be very possessed those three's got
23821s the mines
23823s a lot of hp still
23825s can't be a ball like 700 hp it's kind of
23827s whack kind of wacky
23829s funny
23831s little wacky a little weird ponder
23833s sparks still have control of the point
23835s though
23836s but
23837s let's see what bella syria is able to
23839s get done with these mines yeah he's
23840s gonna need to summon rose because
23842s overtime is here spark up 99 double
23845s support auto available from the spark
23846s now
23847s and they've even got the rally to back
23849s them up and god needs to survive he gets
23850s this transport to a trance for
23853s unopportune time could be bad news bears
23856s rally is up over health be stacking zest
23860s trying to be clapping but he ain't gonna
23862s work there's too much healing on the
23863s side of the spark and that over health
23865s was too much possessed to chew through
23867s he's got the pulse bomb and the
23868s philadelphia fusion have found the flip
23870s but not for long was the spark every
23872s single one of their members is on the
23873s point already ces had no recall and now
23875s he just chases him up better through his
23877s backbone for long and the spark will
23879s claim map number one
23881s wow look at that
23883s this was so scrappy i mean this is what
23885s we were expecting coming out from the
23887s series right jaws these two teams have
23890s been going at it this entire season so
23893s far and i love that spark is coming out
23896s guns ablaze especially when gooshway was
23898s playing in the lineup today too i
23900s haven't seen much of him yet
23902s oh man
23904s that's real short in the play of the
23906s game the double boop off on the on the
23908s supports
23909s an incredibly close game it looks like
23911s philadelphia fusion had that one in the
23912s bag it was like 99 they had good olds
23915s coming in but
23916s unfortunately that won't go spark off to
23918s a good start though two and one on
23920s control as we jump in to the break we'll
23923s see on the other side
23949s [Music]
24008s [Music]
24019s [Music]
24038s [Music]
24086s [Music]
24089s so
24098s [Music]
24104s [Music]
24126s [Music]
24140s [Music]
24149s what's up family lambs we are back
24151s hungry spark versus the philadelphia
24153s fusion i can bother is our next map
24157s and we're going back to some of it's a
24159s little bit more familiar rose we having
24160s bernard coming back in yeah we haven't
24163s seen goose way at all
24164s really really not really comes in wins a
24167s bat he's a game
24168s yeah absolutely i mean maybe that was
24171s just the secret weapon of the spark
24173s right play just one map of the entirety
24177s of the mid-season madness qualifiers and
24180s then come out guns blazing on this first
24182s map of the series and definitely seemed
24184s like it caught philadelphia fusion by
24185s surprise
24187s especially when goose was so good with
24188s those main tank rolls
24190s really loved to see it but we do have
24192s bernard back in the roster and this has
24194s been a look that hangzhou spark have
24196s heavily relied upon for
24198s their mid-season madness qualifiers and
24200s even just like looking at how the
24202s kickoff clash went so bernard definitely
24204s bringing some spice
24206s yeah i mean what gooseberry played about
24209s it's about like 13 minutes or something
24211s crazy
24212s in the qualifiers which is insane to
24216s then obviously the first game you play
24218s in the actual tournament you're like wow
24219s we're gonna put crucible in but like you
24221s said rose maybe it was that secret
24222s weapon and that was against the chengdu
24224s hunters and he he did pretty well uh
24226s when he played the winston so yeah you
24228s know carrying on that uh
24230s carrying on that streak why not
24233s why not but yeah bernard's back in for
24235s the spark so as we head to arkansas what
24238s do you expect we see
24240s i mean this is a tough one because i
24242s feel like just the diversity of the
24243s philadelphia fusion makes it really
24245s difficult for me to pinpoint what
24247s they're going to play
24248s but when you know you take a look at how
24250s bernard has been playing i i feel like
24252s you just end up kind of seeing
24255s a lot of synergy around like the sojourn
24258s play the ash play and then also just the
24261s tracer from alpha yi and bernard just
24263s really helps to support those hero picks
24265s um definitely expect you to see more of
24267s that come through as we head over to
24268s ikenfalda but this is philly's map pick
24271s so they've got to have something up
24272s their sleeve for this
24274s yeah they've gotta be cooking summit
24276s that's for sure
24277s i mean as well i can bother is you can
24279s play so many different
24281s comps on this map it's kind of crazy
24283s like every single point is so different
24285s and the way it's yes
24286s like
24287s can be tough to say but i can imagine
24289s philly just want to play the ash let's
24291s be real i want to put mn3 on ash and
24294s it's a good map for it you reach second
24295s point you have a dominant ash on the
24296s high ground like feels pretty good
24298s it does feel good yeah but i do like
24301s that you point that out because because
24302s of philadelphia fusion's flexibility
24305s i like that they could just change
24308s things up if they need to and i don't
24309s feel like they're going to end up being
24310s on the back foot so let's say we get a
24312s third point and the ash is not working
24315s anymore or whatever else they're playing
24317s they can just kind of say okay well
24319s let's switch let's see what happens when
24321s we when we switch things up and
24323s then go a different route
24327s okay
24328s defense for the spark then yeah
24331s got a little bit shy
24333s on the sojourn and then alfie on that
24336s tracer okay
24338s kind of a semi-aggressive uh
24340s semi-aggressive uh defense i suppose i i
24343s love the like the core
24345s trio of sigma with the back and the zen
24349s the amount of like outward damage is
24351s kind of insane
24353s um
24354s especially if you have a good batiste
24355s like they are just pumping out damage as
24358s well that's true because it's not like
24360s on his gun where it both heals and
24362s damages with the same bullet like it's
24365s you can right click but then you can
24366s left click to do damage you right click
24368s to heal like it's uh it's
24370s kind of kind of ridiculous sometimes
24372s especially when you have a window up i i
24374s think this is a double edged sword
24376s though right like sigma bap and zen can
24377s synergize really well together but also
24380s means that you have to play
24382s with a slower tempo overall and i feel
24384s like with the composition that fusion is
24386s playing like i mean look at bellasri is
24387s already behind the team this is going to
24390s be a fast one
24392s nice little double boot tech there by
24393s the looks of it yeah he's taking a lot
24395s of damage and that is only a mini pack
24396s mind you
24397s it's not a mega health bag
24399s bernard is already dead mm3 with help of
24402s aim gobs discord took the tank out and
24404s now zest is in the back line should be a
24406s pretty easy cleanup especially if they
24408s can kill this zen first rear doesn't
24409s have to worry about anything that's one
24411s second away from that recall being
24412s available gets it online but gets the
24414s heels before he even needs to use it
24416s there you go there is the dive straight
24418s on the supports just kicked into the
24420s wall no escape for you kicked out of the
24423s lamp thank you very much
24425s hunger sparks defense falls
24427s yeah that's such a quick take and look
24429s at how much damage zest did
24431s already has a pulse bomb hello
24435s like like whoa
24437s oh spark didn't even get back to touch
24440s yeah i thought maybe i was like i don't
24441s want to call it too early but it looked
24443s like they were going against
24448s but yeah that's super unlucky
24452s yeah that definitely doesn't feel good
24453s and now spark is in this bad position
24455s where they they had to fall back but
24457s they're not really set up the way that
24458s they would want to i mean look at how
24460s isolated bernard is on the sigma just
24464s kind of down in the lower parts of the
24466s castle
24468s don't like that
24471s what was that zest almost hitting the
24472s one clip there
24473s ah yeah should be chased out yeah
24475s goodbye goodbye no more escape routes
24478s it's kind of annoying about the
24479s disruptive shot you just like put it on
24481s a doorway anybody that's trying to
24482s escape a fight or anything they just
24484s can't go it's uh very frustrating
24487s what's even more frustrating is losing
24488s your zen that early that's a nice right
24490s click from aim god a recall no pulse
24494s bomb attempted by alpha yi there's the
24497s window from super rich to try and see
24498s them back in this fight a rock through
24501s the window's gonna be good enough to
24502s kill mn3 not how much damage that is but
24504s i can imagine it's a lot nice pulse bomb
24507s from lpe however it connects with a
24508s shield so he does get a stick but
24510s nothing uh of anything as fixer tried to
24512s return to center but didn't quite get it
24514s i mean the fusion still moving this
24516s payload rose
24517s yeah at some point sparks gonna have to
24519s drop down onto the payload and try to
24522s contest but
24525s wow looking shy
24526s unable to get any overclock shots off
24529s there was a transcendence right in front
24530s of his face pictures also trying to bash
24532s him out the way
24533s was enough for them to end the fight
24535s forcing the transcendence like that it's
24536s just go time for bernard use the flux
24539s straight after trance and you're good to
24541s go
24542s yeah it was a nice call on response
24544s there but it was very expensive
24547s uh
24548s i mean that's that's a lot of ultimates
24549s to throw at trying to contest this point
24553s bellasri is still in your back line does
24555s anybody know
24556s do they know
24558s oh they got to know someone's about to
24559s go off the bridge that's all i have to
24561s say
24563s look at that they don't know
24566s oh
24567s you go
24568s that was close wow bernard's
24571s thankful for the tank passive the heck
24573s so you get pooped as much
24576s he do be floating though so
24579s maybe sigma should just step over the
24581s ball don't know
24582s oh
24584s driver there wow bellatri is health bar
24587s almost evaporated
24591s yeah that was uh maybe bella syria
24594s shouldn't do that i don't feel like
24596s that's been working
24598s uh
24599s but maybe it's enough of a distraction
24600s amy name god just found a nice pick
24603s again he picks up another support last
24605s fight
24606s um
24607s last poses then now the bab like you
24609s don't want to be in a position where
24610s you're just losing supports like this
24612s super early on payloads being moved in
24614s the mean time
24616s shall i said they are on the high ground
24618s aims pretty clean but still needs to
24619s build up the charge on the railgun to
24622s make any meaningful damage now going
24625s straight to melee mode hello goodbye
24627s nice headshot and the writer on the
24629s melee will finish off mm3 but it's very
24631s scrappy which has been the tale of this
24634s entire series so far rose
24636s just demonstrated
24638s yeah i mean
24640s the action just hasn't stopped i feel
24642s like neither team has really taken the
24644s time to reset
24646s and i'd love to see philadelphia fusion
24648s just try to approach this final
24651s stretch of this objective as a full team
24653s of five
24654s like bellasri has been trying to do some
24656s fancy stuff and the fancy footwork kind
24658s of helps but it hasn't been as impactful
24661s as fusion really needs to get this card
24663s to its destination and also try to reach
24665s that third checkpoint
24668s so no
24669s w
24671s maybe zest oh no look at that alfie is
24673s playing so far back he's like no no no
24676s we watched planet earlier on
24678s we ain't letting that happen again oh no
24680s way
24680s all right
24681s there's alfie making an impact in the
24683s fight throws pulse gets lap forced out
24685s but there's a transcendence to stop all
24687s the damage from the flux through the
24689s window mm3 kills shy with an overclocked
24692s uh rail gun and that's everything thrown
24697s into one small corridor fight mm3 finds
24700s three maybe a fourth oh tries to go for
24702s the little whip shot there mrs super
24704s rich but fixer claims him up
24706s philadelphia fusion
24708s that was a more defensive fight i think
24710s that's been the most decisive fight
24711s we've had all series so far
24714s it's been very scrappy but they do
24715s unlock the doors i was just laughing at
24718s the fact that fellas rio was like
24720s jumping on the payload like it inched
24723s forward i don't know there was something
24725s about that this is amusing i just yeah
24729s oh look at a big change though this is
24731s what we were talking about with the
24732s flexibility of the fusion
24734s not off the wrecking ball now and over
24737s to the zarya
24738s now this is like a really strong forward
24741s w composition where bella's reel gets so
24744s much charge and if you can just go in
24746s and beam people you're pretty happy
24747s about that so fusion just posturing for
24750s themselves to get bellasriya up to full
24752s charge or just get a huge pick
24755s wow okay mm3 takes care of out for ye
24757s overclocked pop by shy
24761s finches is like for like and uh there
24763s you go that's exactly what you were
24764s talking about perfectly time bubbled up
24767s a triple blink and a stick and a kill
24769s for zest the philadelphia fusion a few
24772s meters away from completing the payload
24774s with time to spare there's a minute to
24776s go
24778s as long as you spark two at the spawns
24780s the philadelphia fusion need to end this
24782s fight they need to find pigs they don't
24784s want to be staggered out and in fact
24785s that's exactly what's going to happen to
24786s them shy comes back to the fight
24788s headshots bella surya and the
24790s philadelphia fusion they've lost their
24792s foothold
24793s yeah and there is dangerous territory as
24795s well because you've got 40 seconds left
24797s you're starting to lose cooldowns you're
24799s losing numbers left and right
24801s burner came out of spawn with the
24803s wrecking ball just to be able to stall
24806s and it worked out beautifully and so now
24808s philadelphia fusion have one more chance
24811s at this they lost the charge in bella
24812s surya they're gonna have to try to get
24814s it back but it's hopefully gonna be off
24816s the back of this amplification matrix
24820s okay not someone that off you really
24821s wants to tussle with
24823s is zest can get a pulse of course nice
24827s scouting by zest though i will say
24829s just going up there normally you
24830s wouldn't but you just got to make sure
24832s someone's uh
24833s not chilling
24836s all right well there's the window for
24837s this room i'll be able to earn a grab in
24839s this fight we'll have to wait and find
24840s out big slam in the back forces the
24841s transcendence and the lap at the same
24843s time not good for the fusion they need
24844s to be able to find a fight now the back
24846s lines a little bit more vulnerable than
24847s they'd hope alfie does throughout the
24849s pulse bomb but can't quite find anything
24851s in fact a huge right click from the zen
24853s straight through the window the hong
24854s kong spark
24856s just in the blink of an eye just
24857s eradicate the fusion
24860s with a nice little spicy defense
24863s just before point three
24865s really well played by the spark
24867s absolutely i mean i think fusion gave it
24868s their best shot but ultimately
24871s couldn't get the ultimates that they
24873s wanted online fast enough to be able to
24875s just really push that cart over the edge
24877s i mean look at how they had to approach
24879s sparks defense on second point jaws they
24881s had to throw four ultimates into a tiny
24884s room to play tiny overwatch
24886s just to be able to capture that second
24888s point
24888s it was a lot of investment they just
24890s didn't have that same type of investment
24892s for that third
24895s yeah if bella's really got that grab
24897s online i feel like it in such a
24899s different story but it started out with
24901s a giant slam
24904s from the spark and then as soon as that
24906s happened you use trance and you use lamp
24910s at the same time
24911s like in this split second um in this
24914s split second circumstances
24916s you know the comms the comms are wild
24918s like they're going out of control
24920s absolutely but
24922s it's not really something that
24924s you know like only you know only strands
24927s it's just kind of a well we're right
24929s next to overtime we need to find kills
24932s we can't get off the payload um
24935s and it just so happens they overlaid
24936s them um the lamp is just so crucial
24938s especially around those corners like it
24940s can be so valuable uh for bella's rear
24942s to stay alive and grab obviously the
24944s transcendence too right to help the rest
24947s of the team stay alive it just kind of
24949s fell apart as soon as those uh abilities
24951s i feel like there was a miscommunication
24953s issue right i feel like i saw some of
24955s the fusion especially the back line
24957s trying to disengage
24960s but bella cereal was still tanking in
24962s the front line it didn't really get the
24963s memo to back up
24965s uh so yeah i think that that alongside
24968s just the over
24970s investment of those cooldowns made it
24972s very difficult for fusion to actually
24974s get what they wanted which was that
24976s third point captured but sides are
24978s swapped let's see how spark choose to
24981s approach this attack
24983s oh
24986s versus mf3 is just all mm3 right now it
24989s feels like
24991s this is the aim of this guy's unreal
24993s we've got some ridiculous aims now i
24995s like the fact that scott brought up on
24997s the desk about you know uh back when he
24999s was playing crack in the day you know um
25003s it was like wow 15 you know 50 60 70 cr
25006s accuracy that's kind of cracked and then
25008s a lot of the players these days are
25010s picking up 20 plus percent you're like
25013s jesus and we're seeing
25015s a lot of like the railgun headshots too
25018s just those percentages sky-high
25021s yeah it's just it just shows you how
25023s good players get over the the course of
25026s the games like lifespan you know just
25029s every single year the the competition
25031s and the level of skill and the level of
25033s play just
25035s unbelievably uh shoots up with like
25037s it's absolutely nuts
25039s big stick
25040s nice like imagine if you transported mn3
25043s zest any of the tracer players in his
25045s campus back to like
25047s 2018 like how much of a god
25052s for sure i mean i feel like every single
25054s year that skill ceiling gets higher and
25056s higher
25057s and this is a great example of that i
25059s mean spark definitely putting on a show
25061s for everybody too about how good some of
25063s these rookies are i mean come on i know
25066s we talk about shy but about alpha yi
25069s gotta talk about alpha yi alfie's tracer
25071s has been pretty phenomenal whether it's
25073s been getting big sticks or
25076s just
25077s at the duels
25079s yeah he is
25081s all very much a jeweler unfortunately
25082s though rose i knew that was going to
25084s happen you were like alfie's great and
25085s then he just died of course of course
25089s i mean
25092s i was going off on the tangent and all
25093s of a sudden i see philadelphia fusion
25095s lighting up the kill feed and i go
25097s well there's no turning back on this
25099s snake yeah i don't want to back out now
25101s because i won't go too far so exactly
25104s oh there you go anyway the spark look
25106s they've got a lot of ultimates coming
25108s into the castle side i mean ideally you
25110s want to put out view of someone on the
25111s payload to push around go for that flux
25114s we'll see
25116s what about those ant matrices though
25120s ambitious
25122s tracer can throw but she can't throw
25123s that far not against the uh sojourn
25126s anyway geez that mobility is a little
25128s bit ridiculous that's true almost half
25129s hp already still got the minds nice move
25131s away shy and bernard already just
25134s destroying the fusion
25137s flux overclock used
25139s two support ultimates in the back pocket
25142s penis rear tries to go for that big slam
25143s there rose slam into the mines just got
25145s completely denied by super rich
25148s absolutely i mean look at the way that
25150s spark are just kind of putting
25151s philadelphia fusion on notice
25153s i love that super rich especially has
25155s been just keeping a really good eye on
25157s the back line so that nobody is left
25160s alone to have to deal with the zest
25161s tracer
25164s well they have to deal with it at some
25165s point he's got pulse but
25168s fusion they've got five volts
25170s hung spark they've got two supports
25172s there's the window there's the pulse
25174s there's everything else rally for the
25176s hung show spark is now zest trying to
25178s just contest payload so hangzhou swag
25180s can't put it in the fusion have to just
25182s fall out of these tight corridors and
25184s mn3's done just that now sending himself
25186s to the sky straight into the mines for a
25189s little bit of protection but
25190s unfortunately the rally was just too
25192s good from the spark it's still
25194s unbelievable ultimate luckily aim god is
25196s still doing the damage necessary to keep
25198s them in the fight they just have to now
25200s deal with fixer in the sky a slam
25202s straight on top of alfie's head and
25204s actually bernard falling over the rally
25206s was good but the philadelphia fusion
25208s outlasting the spark at the very end
25211s wow fixes moon boots
25214s my god stay like so long i i even
25217s bernard was able to hit it with an
25219s accretion and he still like didn't get
25222s stunned he i was already like super
25224s jumping
25226s the rock hit i mean look bernard looks a
25229s little frustrated actually going over to
25231s the wrecking ball now just to try to up
25233s the pace a little bit because hong show
25235s sparker running out of time
25239s there's a little bit of wall right there
25241s oh wow
25247s on that guy not to use lamp there he was
25249s one hp and was like oh i'm good i mean
25252s to be fair the bat shift right now is a
25254s little bit insane with the instant hp
25256s but but still i mean yeah you get it
25259s back really quickly but
25261s they
25262s they lose ain't got again one minute and
25264s 18 seconds to go for long show spark the
25267s fusion they lose one support rose the
25270s sparks still need to gain a lot of
25271s ground here they're gonna be able to
25273s gain too much as that window gets used
25275s and with bernard they with an are gone
25277s they can't really create that space like
25279s they could before look shy trying to
25281s pick his head around the corridor to get
25282s a kill onto aimgod or fixer but it's
25285s impossible right now bella's rear with a
25287s nice slam saved by the lamp and now shy
25290s try to take madison to his own hands
25292s with the overclock he does find one kill
25294s but that might just be about it he
25296s hasn't got much support left and has to
25298s back off he only got one shot off and
25300s actually zest comes back with a
25301s postmodern super rich the hong show
25303s spark unable to win a fight on this
25305s final little point here before the
25307s checkpoint unlocks
25309s wow even after losing the supports out
25311s of the way it was just bella ceria to
25314s try to contest the payload
25316s there's a big stick though all right i
25318s think congratulations park got this now
25320s yeah okay there we go
25322s man shai just got completely denied yeah
25325s in that last fight
25328s 14 seconds to go they do manage to cap
25330s and they get the doors open
25333s map will end here regardless
25336s of who wins as the fusion didn't end up
25338s capping only got 62 and a bit meters
25346s that's big
25347s that's big that's bad it's not quite the
25350s werewolf but it is the hunger spark shy
25352s does end up going down fairly early
25354s however
25355s the fusion i think they you know
25357s definitely happy without the spawns or
25359s their backs
25360s especially happy as super rich used at
25362s that rally however once again these
25365s traces just getting dealt with
25367s mm3 in a little bit of trouble wow those
25369s mines can't survive those unfortunately
25371s the pile driver into the mine components
25373s perfect embellish three and go straight
25375s back to spawn to get all his health back
25376s but someone's gonna touch please touch
25378s okay
25379s okay we're not in the west not anymore
25381s two eastern teams playing let's be real
25383s zest manages to touch the point just in
25385s time but the transcendence the spark
25386s might be able to survive the uncoming on
25388s sort of damage from mn3 but super rich
25390s and bernard jumps straight towards the
25392s spawn to give him no space and time to
25394s act
25395s and the spark will take a map number two
25400s and find themselves in match point
25405s this match still looks close
25408s still gonna call this close
25411s but sho spark just seem like they're
25413s starting to pick up the pace a little
25415s bit
25416s maybe this is going to even out the
25417s score line between these two teams
25419s philadelphia fusion has the edge so far
25421s in their matchup history this season
25423s with a 2-1 but
25424s looks like hunk just spark are making
25426s the comeback
25428s yeah i mean the the story has been mn3
25430s versus
25432s shy
25433s feels like shy is getting the better of
25434s him right now yeah like you mentioned
25437s rose fusion
25439s 2-1 versus the spark this season will it
25441s be two and two will spark take it home
25444s just one map number two
25446s fusion's time to choose where they're
25448s gonna go we'll have to wait and find out
25450s we'll see you in a bit
25469s [Music]
25497s [Music]
25515s [Music]
25537s [Music]
25570s [Music]
25585s [Music]
25591s [Music]
25612s [Music]
25618s [Music]
25644s [Music]
25671s welcome back
25672s fusion and the spark head to head
25675s currently um shy
25677s do be gigalift him right now thank you
25679s for uh the star bro by the way uh 22
25682s final blows for shahi
25685s versus mn3s 11 which is the highest on
25689s the fusion yeah
25690s i said it at the very end i didn't
25692s realize how big the gap was currently
25695s shy looking mighty clean facing off
25697s against the rookie
25699s yeah i mean hey you saw on the eye test
25703s that shai was kind of diffing him in
25705s three and i love that we've got the stat
25706s to back that up
25708s um
25709s definitely feels like it's playing into
25711s sparks favor right now and now philly
25713s trying to
25715s get some leg in this get some stay in
25718s this game you know what i just
25720s my point is that philly has picked
25722s circuit royale and they have some subs
25724s we've got carpay and fury coming into
25727s the roster
25728s yeah so well it doesn't mean we get cm3
25730s widows that's uh awesome that's true
25732s fantastic that little replay package
25733s that we had at the very top of this game
25736s just m3 clicking on everybody's heads
25739s and when you're on fire with the widow
25741s or just like any hit scan there's like
25743s no shot you can miss you know you just
25745s yeah it's just in your veins at that
25747s point it feels so clean but can he
25750s actually get that feeling back can he
25753s just continue his will to make
25755s performance from the other day of course
25756s it's different day different server
25757s different you know different team you're
25759s facing up against but
25760s like
25761s if you get a hot strikers widow it feels
25763s so so good maybe that's what they need
25765s to come back in this series rose yeah
25768s well i mean the other thing that i'm i'm
25770s thinking about is that mn3 is a rookie
25772s you know yes we've seen some incredible
25773s performances from the fusion so far but
25775s i hope that mn3 isn't getting into his
25776s own head about the performance so far
25779s and kind of shy
25780s doing more damage and having a bit more
25782s of an impact
25784s we've seen philadelphia fusion on
25785s circuit royale in the big match that
25788s everybody is probably thinking about
25790s right now we're going to talk about is
25792s the philadelphia fusion versus seoul
25794s dynasty match which was one of the final
25796s matches for the mid-season madness
25799s qualifiers on circuit royale we did see
25802s mn3 carpe and fury in the lineup and it
25805s was that widowmaker that sojourn and
25807s that sigma so hopefully this is enough
25809s to be able to deal with what the spark
25811s are going to be coming out with but
25813s i would still be a little concerned
25814s knowing that bernard is so good at these
25817s off tanks
25820s yeah it's still pretty scary and you're
25822s on the back foot
25824s yeah we're the veterans of course fury
25826s and carpe coming in so and aim god to be
25829s fair
25830s yep all right i've got a veteran at this
25831s point
25834s yeah absolutely i mean this is what we
25835s were looking at for these rosters uh
25838s playing together we've got mix of
25839s veterans mix of rookie talents and
25842s sometimes it is those veterans that hold
25844s the glue of the team together just to
25847s keep their heads on straight and focused
25848s for the matches ahead but
25851s philadelphia fusion really hope they're
25852s not destined for second place again
25855s gotta gotta win this match keep
25857s themselves in the game here on circuit
25858s royale
25859s that is the tiniest mug of all time
25862s super easy is that is that an espresso
25864s cup
25865s i think it might be an espresso one yeah
25867s that is the tiniest mug
25869s nice that's uh no way near the saddle 2l
25872s that's
25874s super rich tea i don't oh super rich tea
25877s actually that kind of makes sense
25878s probably uh probably an espresso though
25881s um maybe yeah uh the rookies
25883s versus the the veterans i mean look if
25886s there's one map you can do it on and get
25888s that hot streak going is circuit royale
25890s with the widowmaker so we'll see if mm3
25892s can stand up and i was just thinking
25894s about it too um
25896s with this kind of rookie in the
25898s in the veteran
25900s kind of debate
25901s you can kind of see in the stats from uh
25905s i spoke about at the very top 22 to 11
25907s final blows
25909s 68 railgun accuracy 16 rogan kills way
25912s less deaths like shy right now
25915s a gigalift uh the hundred spark on that
25918s map and like i said if you're on with
25920s that hit scan rose you just carry that
25923s through the series and it can just carry
25924s your entire team if shy i don't think
25927s he's gonna slow down just yet i don't
25929s think so either i i mean you got to
25931s remember that this is a team effort
25933s right like yes your dps if they're
25935s really good can carry you but only so
25937s far
25938s you have to have to give some credit to
25940s the rest of the spark for being able to
25942s support this type of solo hero play
25945s coming out from shai
25947s and also just you know the positioning
25948s of the team as a whole to make sure that
25950s shai can really put in the legwork here
25952s but yeah these are
25955s these stats are staggering jaws
25957s yeah oh my goodness 13k 13 uh a big k
25962s damage done not bad whatsoever we should
25965s just be heading into game in just a
25966s moment
25967s looks like we're just waiting for the
25969s teams to ready up but one of them's
25971s ready but we just went here now so
25973s should be all good to go
25975s yeah i was just thinking too um bernard
25977s specifically
25979s he he was around uh contenders at the
25982s time that was like the sparkler the doha
25985s era goats like and then doom goats and
25987s uh elephants etc like he grew up and he
25991s was
25992s playing fusion uni at the time and he he
25994s grew up with a lot of the players that
25997s are now in the league at like the top of
25999s their game and he ended up joining the
26001s london spitfire
26003s for 2020 and just didn't really find
26006s anything at all on that team that was
26008s the
26009s that was oh sorry 2019 to uh yeah to
26012s 2020. that was the weird year for london
26016s spitfire and they didn't do hot at all
26019s and it's good to see him now showing
26021s what he can do on this big stage against
26023s a team like the philadelphia fusion
26025s against seoul dynasty shanghai dragons
26027s etc throughout the
26029s the regular season because i think he's
26031s always been a player with uh exceptional
26033s talent and it's showing right here right
26036s now yeah shy's putting in a lot of the
26038s leg work and a lot of the deadlift in
26040s there but i don't think you can count
26042s bernard out of that lifting especially
26045s with the the way the hunger spark have
26047s been playing over the last few weeks
26049s rose i agree i wholeheartedly agree here
26053s i mean we see this in some of the
26054s western teams too your dps they can be
26057s good but it's not usually enough to be
26060s able to carry a team and i think this is
26062s another great example of that where
26064s bernard's you know sigma
26067s whatever it is that he's really gonna be
26068s coming out of the gates with is plenty
26071s to make sure that the rest of the spark
26073s feels supported to be able to do their
26075s best work bernard is going to be
26077s sticking at sigma for this defense and
26079s shy on the widowmaker to duel it out
26082s once again with mn3
26086s i'm always curious what widow goes to
26088s the grapple shot there you'll see if
26089s it's a little bit more of a passer widow
26091s or offensive one
26094s oh
26095s okay
26096s okay
26098s we started off this i'm saying you get
26102s the moves you get the blood in your
26105s veins pumping when you're on that hit
26107s scan
26108s that can just roll through and carry you
26111s through some games like widowmaker play
26112s we've seen mm3 do it once we might see
26115s him do it again right here to keep him
26117s in and there's another kill just
26119s sticking on mn3 permanently just palmer
26122s look at m3 because he is going to be
26124s lighting this one up shy and i'll be
26126s dead super early look at the push now
26128s from the fusion should be easy on this
26131s first corner another kill make that
26133s three for mn3 already carpe eventually
26136s picks up one even tracking alfie through
26139s the skies grapple up there he is if he
26142s hit that i would have crushed my headset
26144s i would have
26146s yeah i mean wow philadelphia fusion wins
26150s those hands down
26152s spark couldn't even like hold a
26154s candle to whatever it was happening over
26157s there
26158s i mean now i'm in three gets to get set
26160s up
26161s i'm gonna get sideswiped so fast like
26164s look at how much
26165s evan three is outpacing shy right now oh
26168s my gosh i can't even walk out of spawn
26171s god that was nasty
26173s and this is this is it too this widow
26175s like mind game uh they got going on when
26178s you've got a couple of kills up against
26179s the enemy widowmaker they're gonna be
26180s way more scared to actually peek you go
26182s for the grapple shots on you like
26184s yeah because the enemy will make is just
26186s uh
26187s they're online
26188s yeah they're ready to go like and now
26191s mm3s are such a massive advantage with
26193s the with the sights too
26195s big blocks from around the corner super
26197s rich got lifted up didn't have the lamp
26198s got killed in the air anyway and now uh
26201s fury is just
26203s flying through the rest of the team
26206s yeah i mean
26208s oh my gosh oh stop it
26211s mn3
26214s what a roll so far the fusion have look
26218s at how much confidence evan three is
26220s playing with right now sparker's so
26222s scared
26224s i would be too
26225s i am scared
26227s i'm scared for spark
26231s five minutes and 20 seconds yeah
26234s up to point two like that is insane and
26237s they've already gotten high ground like
26238s what more can you ask for
26240s oh my gosh
26244s yeah nuts i mean fury gets really low
26246s there you see the immortality field able
26248s to keep him alive
26249s but mn3 still on the hunt for somebody's
26253s head
26254s they can just wait out these sights
26255s though
26256s yeah they're all
26257s good
26260s if you can just hide behind a shield
26261s they know where the zen is but yeah you
26262s ain't peeking that
26264s nope
26265s you
26272s your widow jumps around the corner as
26273s well at the same time like it can be
26274s yeah
26275s quite an easy duel for men3 he's low
26277s please heal thank you
26281s let's see
26282s like the widow mind just to check the
26284s flank
26287s but oh my gosh evan three is just
26289s looking at an easier point now batman
26291s three just to kind of
26293s set up shop
26294s big corridor to look down but i need to
26296s be able to touch the point but right now
26298s it's actually all on alfie just kind of
26301s juggling away he spots the enemy
26303s wouldn't make his mn3 and has to back
26305s off a nice flux kills fury
26309s that was uh nowhere to be seen
26310s unfortunately nice reflect well if he
26313s doesn't get his head taken off
26315s fusion still though look how far the
26316s player's gone already rose they're so
26317s close to that final point i mean this is
26319s ridiculous as well because on circuit
26321s royale we don't
26322s very often see completions of this map
26327s it looks like they're going to be
26328s stopped for a little bit longer as
26330s fusion have to you know they're going to
26332s reset here but
26334s not without mn3 taking a few names first
26338s yeah it's just about the widowmakers
26339s right now
26341s what is this
26344s i've never seen a fight directly on this
26345s corner there's two windows looking
26347s straight at it nice reflect kills from
26349s alfa either yeah fury has to back all
26351s the way up they were touching point as
26353s you can hear the music m3 does he get
26355s the shot no he doesn't always right
26357s behind him not sure how and then three
26358s ended up there was feeling himself just
26360s a little bit i think
26362s yeah why not i'll just put myself in the
26364s middle of the team we'll see what
26364s happens
26365s hey i don't blame him i mean
26368s maybe you get the attention turned back
26370s towards you if you're on cart i mean
26373s fusion were trying to play on the super
26375s weird corner by the pool and and now
26377s they're back as a full team
26380s another use of the sight lines though
26382s here for mn3 just to try to grab some
26385s amount of a pick
26387s what a bold peek there from shy luckily
26389s he took a body shot it wasn't a headshot
26391s flux coming out from the fusion they've
26393s got a whole lot of volts going on at
26394s once overclock has also been used
26397s there's the play from alpha yi on the
26398s corner of the payload but it's going to
26400s get negated by that transcendence and
26402s the three finds shy not a body shot but
26405s uh not a head shot but a body shot this
26406s time around oh no he just killed carpe i
26409s think with a reflex kill he's even
26411s claiming his own team as kills i'll be
26414s is now in his face gets rocked by fury
26417s but the spawns are still good for the
26419s spark they are going to force uh
26422s philadelphia fusion all the way back
26424s three minutes down off the time bank it
26426s was this it's got to be a reflect kill
26428s surely surely
26430s [Music]
26432s we take those
26435s oh no
26436s i mean okay i've fallen victim to that
26438s so many times you try and
26441s you try and predict the end of the
26443s reflex timing yeah and you end up either
26447s killing yourself or came the teammate
26448s like it feels pretty bad shy now
26451s grappling to the sky kills fixer he's
26453s put his name on the board but someone's
26455s in the flank he has to be careful who is
26457s it of course his mn3 he's not satisfied
26459s with the withered duel anymore he's
26460s going to go onto the genji instead shy's
26462s pretty low in fact 70 hp but he's still
26464s peaking
26465s iron he does find the kill off to mm3
26467s eventually and now super rich on the
26469s height has got a nice little perch to
26471s sit on as he heals up bernard the
26473s philadelphia fusion unable to make good
26475s use of their time bank and now only down
26478s to
26478s one minute and 15 seconds but this is
26481s good for the fusion if you want to see
26482s them get a full map completion here they
26485s got the window out of super rich would
26486s be a great zoning tool for the spark to
26488s have and realistically the only thing
26491s that's going to be a major impact that's
26492s going to take some time off the clock is
26494s going to be
26495s shy sights
26497s but that's going to expire with plenty
26499s of time for the fusion to build up to
26500s some of these more critical ultimates
26502s i mean this window also another zoning
26504s tool but in the favor of the fusion this
26506s time
26508s yeah but it feels pretty bad using it
26511s there
26512s i mean i guess you
26513s get a high ground but
26515s the spark are fine with that because
26517s they just back up to the last point they
26518s know they don't have a window to deal
26519s with anymore flux for fury and carpet
26522s may be nearing an overclock of his own
26524s i'll be
26525s finding people in the skies and uh i
26527s mean bernard just got his off a little
26529s bit better than uh the fury did a few
26531s resets for the genji 20 seconds to go
26534s the hung show spark of burnt down a
26536s gargantuan time bank that the fusion
26538s built up capping point b
26541s i don't think they're going to be able
26542s to get back in time maybe fixer on the
26543s lucio but that's about it oh fury on the
26546s doomfist but this fight is not looking
26549s great transcendence and blade available
26551s for the spark
26553s oh okay doofus rollout gonna get fury
26556s there though goodbye
26558s and you're done son oh yeah
26561s oh no
26563s over his face i'm glad we got caught
26565s that one on camera doesn't end up going
26567s down and a transcendence and then three
26568s actually kills bernard through it a
26570s slash and a dash will end his life
26572s before the tracks can heal him up in
26574s time over time is still ticking down as
26576s carpe unleashes the overclock
26578s everybody's in the corner protected by
26580s the immortality field but it's long gone
26582s a nice anti actually from pixar he comes
26584s back on the honor it's gonna save this
26586s fight somehow the fusion in ot get back
26589s to the point in time and fix it comes up
26591s absolutely massive
26593s aim god clears the mech of bernard and
26595s that'll be it's the hangzhou spark are
26598s eradicated and the fusion by the skin of
26601s their teeth cat point c oh wow we were a
26604s panic mold there for a little while too
26606s jaws
26607s it didn't look like philadelphia fusion
26609s with 15 seconds left were gonna be able
26611s to touch
26613s and then doomfist rolled up barely
26615s bought some time
26617s boy
26618s fix our name god sure did carry that
26621s last fight
26623s that was a massive
26625s massive ante like everybody who's
26627s cowering in that corner with the lamps
26630s uh behind the pillar so they can't kill
26632s it easily but
26633s fix it comes up huge
26636s well there you go they managed to get
26637s the completion rose like i still can't
26639s believe there was five minutes and 30
26641s seconds in the time bank a circle royale
26644s is hard to complete at the end of the
26645s day
26646s it is you've got the respawn advantage
26648s for the defending team and unfortunately
26650s if you're going to continue to stick to
26651s the widowmaker i think we saw a really
26653s nice example of how sometimes the
26655s widowmaker on those third and final
26657s points can be a little tough
26659s if you're not getting the picks as the
26661s attacking team widowmaker
26663s you're not really providing a whole lot
26665s of value because you don't have point
26667s presence either but look at that anti
26670s my god and then yeah aim god just
26675s yeah aim god and fix up they just they
26677s just carried that that entire last fight
26680s the supports do be carried
26683s that's gonna feel so good though like i
26685s love that we get to see that highlighted
26687s in overwatch too
26689s yeah definitely feels good stop stealing
26690s our limelight nano the zenmore
26693s luckily a lot of teams are doing that
26694s right now so i'm not complaining jump
26696s peak from mn3
26699s sees nobody
26700s all right double way to make it again
26703s y'all love to see it
26707s but
26708s will it work out better for shy this
26710s time around playing the attacking
26712s widowmaker not getting anything with a
26714s grapple
26715s unlike mn3 on that first
26717s grapple shot
26718s yeah i mean
26720s i feel like that point of this point of
26722s the map is m3's domain like the amount
26724s of clips he's got
26726s that's true
26727s ridiculous rose oh he he's practiced
26730s he's practiced this map in the angles
26732s absolutely he's just like
26734s the only thing he's been doing is just
26736s spawn capping people uh in the overwatch
26738s to
26739s the beta oh well whoops oh
26741s carpe not really having much of an
26742s impact this game and even less so now as
26744s you get rocked
26748s yeah everybody's really trying i mean at
26751s this point you do have to wait for the
26753s rest of the fusion to uh
26755s get back here uh namely carpe
26760s so gotta give up a lot of space here to
26762s the spark as they start to round this
26764s corner
26766s mn3 still trying to scope out where shai
26769s is
26771s you can see through these little
26772s railings as well like all these little
26774s like uh
26776s arrow signs i guess there's like small
26777s little gaps you can shoot through but
26779s very limited angle
26783s it's going to be a little bit easier for
26785s shai to find an angle here
26788s but mn3 still staying relatively safe
26795s see ya
26797s all right nice headshot by carpe
26800s you're going to start off the fight i
26800s don't need to worry about the winner
26802s anymore so they can attempt to dislodge
26804s bernard
26806s murray's rooted in place at this point
26810s look at this even alpha e has been kind
26812s of sussed out of the hiding spot
26816s but i don't i love that fusion still
26818s playing this very patiently like it's a
26820s lot of teams might make the mistake of
26822s well you gotta pick so move in right
26824s but that's definitely not how you want
26826s to be playing this corner you could
26828s overextend
26830s that was nice
26832s that was a really nice pair of three a
26833s quick a big headshot then a quick
26835s headshot to finish him off and then
26836s calmly just through the window
26839s cleaned up the rest of the hungry spot
26840s but
26841s rose they're taking so long to to really
26844s find or do anything they got a minute
26846s and 20 seconds to go
26850s yeah that's not a whole lot left for the
26852s spark
26853s they don't have a whole lot more
26855s distance to cover to be able to capture
26857s this first point but
26858s yeah that time bank is certainly
26860s starting to run out i mean shy hasn't
26862s even worked up to
26863s the ultimate yet
26865s and alpha yi barely getting there with
26867s the dragon blade you're really
26869s as a spark waiting for these ultimates
26872s to come online and then you've got to
26873s kind of use everything here
26875s good start
26876s all right very good start with mm3 dying
26880s shy now takes a nice little position oh
26882s lamps gone too not good for fusion might
26884s have to burn the trance
26886s carpe can he come alive again nice body
26888s shot onto shy finishes them off
26890s bernard's next in his sights
26893s nothing much else he has a hundred
26895s charge you know extremely low alfie he
26898s dives in with the blade there's a
26899s transcendence used by aim god he's just
26902s slashing the air right now and his mn3
26904s with the sights fixes end up going down
26907s first for the fusion as alfie in fact
26910s finds a triple kill maybe a quad no not
26912s quite is it what he just said
26915s is his head set yeah and then through
26918s the quick 180 clears up out for yi but
26921s not before the spark can win that one
26923s yeah dave do you play do you play
26926s okay look well well you always get to
26928s see alfie try to go after the rest of
26930s the fusion right and so after alfie does
26933s get these picks on the aim gotta carpe
26935s tries to go up after evan three as well
26937s but we didn't do him too dirty right we
26939s didn't show him it through taking him
26940s out after that point that's true it did
26942s win them the point
26944s oh
26946s yeah i don't want to shoot that one
26948s not again
26949s not again
26951s i wish there was a stat for like team
26952s kills like the reflect kills onto your
26954s teammates
26957s friendly fire yeah friendly fire yeah
26960s exactly see who ends up with the most
26961s friendly fire damage at the end of the
26962s year i think oh no very silly a very
26965s silly stat
26967s all right i would like to see last
26969s corner now before this
26971s points
26972s shy almost hit in the head there of mn3
26975s but the shield was in the way both
26977s fluxes are available transcendence is
26979s not quite there so a lamp to counter is
26982s going to be the plan first flux used by
26985s bernard akape already dies the lamp has
26987s been used already as fury ascends to the
26989s sky he's using a flux of his own gets a
26991s little bit of damage but that's just
26993s about it mm3 is completely out of the
26995s sight line luckily fury with a couple of
26996s extra spheres finishes off one but now a
26998s late window from the spark is going to
27000s push them around the corner alfie is
27002s already into the mix but fury takes care
27004s of him lamp will be coming up soon for
27006s the fusion so they're good to go on the
27008s aggression and the three kills super
27010s rich and that'll be the spark now with a
27012s minute to go on the time bank a very
27015s different story
27016s what we found uh earlier on with fusion
27019s they steamrolled point a and b if they
27022s did and i mean when you look at what the
27024s spark even have to be able to complete
27026s this second point
27027s you're starting to scratch your head a
27029s little bit
27030s are they gonna be able to actually do
27031s this with the blade there's a great
27034s answer on the fusion and aim god is
27036s surely going to get that transcendence
27038s online before alpha yi is able to pop
27040s that blade
27042s this is it though
27043s yeah
27044s away so it should be good it's up to shy
27047s to really open this one up
27049s sites available for mn3 ideally you
27052s counter sites uh in the last few moments
27056s you don't want to give the enemy way to
27057s make her an opening
27060s so i can imagine that's why mm3 is
27061s currently
27063s uh
27063s sights there they are okay only about a
27065s second or so
27067s nice rock on to fury stops him using
27069s that uh
27070s the suck
27072s and now it's up to the spark to really
27074s touch after he gets rocked again still
27076s has to blame his back pocket and aim god
27077s like you mentioned rose built up towards
27079s that transcendence a long time ago it
27082s might as well be in a different era
27084s flux available for fury in 10 alpha yi
27087s trying to find something another nice
27089s rocks again stops fury from doing all
27091s too much but he's still building up her
27092s for a long time on that ultimate the
27095s windows were a little bit ill-placed the
27098s aim god transcendence not even needed
27101s okay now he's gonna use it to stop that
27103s flux going off they weren't worried
27104s about the blade whatsoever but not going
27106s super low or he's gonna keep him alive
27108s but not quite alive enough to touch
27112s the fusion
27114s they have their way with the spark on
27116s circuit royale
27118s on the back of emin three thirteen final
27121s blows at the end of it all 21 a limbs
27124s with a disgusting amount of crits
27128s depends on perfusion not out of this
27129s series just yet rose
27132s maybe we're gonna it's combackable as
27134s awful he would say
27137s combackable through that a combatable
27140s all right the hangzhou spark still match
27142s point the philadelphia fusion claiming
27144s that map we're gonna be seeing sparks
27146s map choice after this break don't go
27149s anywhere we'll see in a second
27160s [Music]
27226s so
27237s [Music]
27243s [Music]
27292s [Music]
27320s [Music]
27326s [Music]
27343s [Music]
27388s [Music]
27396s [Music]
27407s [Music]
27419s [Music]
27431s [Music]
27437s yep welcome back
27439s fusion and the spark head to head
27442s apparently spark up two maps fusion
27444s looking for the reverse sweep it's
27446s possible very possible on what was a
27449s stellar performance on
27451s uh circuit royale we're going to
27453s colosseo as our next map but we're not
27456s seeing the same roster as we did on
27457s circuit royale surprise surprise fury
27459s stepping back then let's read back in as
27461s well as zest in for carpe rose
27464s yep i mean i feel like this is going to
27467s be the lineup regardless of what
27469s push map we went to but
27471s for hong sho i think they had one choice
27474s and it was just not new queen street
27477s that that's it like like they hit a
27479s picking map they just can't pick new
27481s queen street don't give mn3
27483s ash sight lines
27486s the the because fusion will run with
27488s that you know they will
27490s oh yeah that if they have their map big
27493s yeah a thousand percent they're going to
27494s new green street that's for sure
27496s consider a little bit of a different
27498s beast i mean you can see it uh we see
27500s the rush here we've seen that a little
27502s bit already but yeah a lot more of this
27505s dive i can imagine just with m3 sitting
27507s at the back and you can still play the
27508s ash to be fair um but the long sight
27512s lines
27513s especially when they have dive they run
27515s at ya and you're gonna die you just
27517s gotta be careful of that
27519s yeah you die against the dive is that
27521s right you die against the dive well the
27523s thing is it's only like one track right
27525s uh with the one that's true it's true so
27528s you get a few good shots but
27530s the robot also provides like a
27531s substantial amount of cover when you're
27533s in that corridor and there's a lot less
27536s of uh like a a semi like a small off
27539s angle for the widow to find kills on the
27541s support it's very much just like a
27542s tunnel
27543s which is sometimes good but sometimes
27545s kind of bad for the ashes is a lot
27547s better to be fair with the dynamites so
27550s probably what fusion gonna
27552s stray towards i can imagine
27557s we will see yeah we're back to the
27559s starting lineup means we're probably not
27560s going to see this like double
27562s hit scan
27565s i mean more zest tracer we love zest
27568s tracer
27569s yeah sojourn tracer that's kind of what
27571s i'm expecting here we've seen some teams
27574s just really utilize these flanks with
27577s the tracer just so beautifully
27580s and especially when you have a tracer
27581s like zest that is going to be
27584s landing so many pulse bombs
27587s boy we we got treated on this map now
27589s don't we with the with the tracer pulses
27597s but then i was like oh yes don't spawn
27599s you could switch
27600s damn that is some
27602s uh i'm on normal tech unnormal abnormal
27606s is the correct word for that one
27609s it's getting a little uh-huh it's 11 p.m
27611s it is late it's two hi it's 2 a.m we're
27615s we're entering gremlin hours here on the
27617s east coast
27619s that was 20 21 for me the whole year
27622s welcome
27623s all right the hangzhou spark
27626s right now what they've done in the pre
27628s in the past i mean they just have to
27629s shut down m3 right uh easily yeah
27632s yeah
27633s yeah easy easy clap
27642s that's how you do it he was looking one
27643s way shy was uh looking straight at his
27645s back there nice engagement from bernard
27648s they burnt the lap super early thing is
27650s with the philadelphia fusion con rose
27652s with mn3
27653s uh like i said the flange routes
27656s for the ash not great for the wrecking
27658s ball and something like that they are
27659s pretty good because you are so quick
27662s yeah i do like that we are seeing these
27665s wrecking balls and tracers on both teams
27667s playing together but with the
27669s differences in the sojourn for the spark
27671s and the ash for the fusion
27674s i i think fusion's gonna take a bit
27676s longer to set up here
27678s shy just has way more mobility so it's
27680s easier to be able to try to take better
27682s angles against the other team
27685s um look at this even bella syria just
27687s kind of getting bullied away fusion
27689s doesn't really have a choice except to
27691s try to play the bridge but what happened
27693s there
27695s i don't know
27696s i do
27697s i don't know what i think people die
27701s hey i will almost guarantee that people
27703s died
27704s i mean wow the fusion just kind of flop
27707s unfortunately like that's why i'm
27709s confused like what was that that wasn't
27712s the defense
27714s that wasn't a defense that is my
27716s favorite line from you ever that wasn't
27719s a defense what was that well it wasn't
27722s it's true it's very true
27724s well we'll see if they can make more of
27726s a defense on on this point oh super
27729s racist okay flanks
27731s unfortunate but shy on
27733s locking his hidden beast oh he's got the
27735s minds to recover no one can approach it
27737s he just has to land the headshots
27738s there's one can he get another they're
27740s on the thai corridor oh gets kicked away
27743s doorman zenyatta and once again bernard
27747s setting himself up with a dps oh someone
27749s wasn't moving the bot oh no someone
27751s stole the bot sorry i think it was zest
27753s who ended up stealing it okay i was
27754s going to say
27755s all right hangzhou spark on an absolute
27758s tear plus they've got two support on
27759s what's coming up
27760s they do i mean this is just a roll right
27763s now spark gonna capture this first
27765s objective we enter into the butt scratch
27768s mode just briefly but not before i feel
27771s like spark get a chance to gather their
27773s breath here if it fellas ria is getting
27775s bullied all right the mines come out and
27778s bernard's asleep at least shy ends up
27781s going down nice discord nice kill from
27783s zest
27785s they do end up getting the the forward
27786s spawn which is nice there's the supports
27788s holding each other's hands just walking
27790s away
27791s should be good to join the rest of their
27792s team that um
27794s they will
27796s end up losing that forward spawn as soon
27798s as that bot does enter the middle of the
27800s map so that's a little bit unfortunate
27802s but they're still 65 meters off your
27804s first push and you put a lot of time
27805s down not bad
27808s yeah but now we're looking at
27809s philadelphia just being able to do some
27811s stuff with this now
27814s he's not oh look at him go
27816s he kills shy oh yes i don't think that
27818s now we're supposed to go on the ball but
27819s it ended up working out the post one
27821s gets thrown in by alfie to find a
27823s semblance of this fight but nothing
27825s comes of it
27827s there you go that's what you get when
27828s you now know the bob an easy win i've
27830s got a good feeling that was supposed to
27832s go on mn3 north shore was supposed to go
27834s on bob but whatever it was cool we don't
27836s see a nano bob every day of the week so
27840s it's okay i mean bob's an omnic too
27842s right if you're gonna give the nano over
27844s to zenyatta then you know bob needs a
27846s little love also
27848s that is true just a thought
27851s nice 180 pulse there from set very nice
27855s work and then three does end up going
27856s down however philadelphia fusion is
27858s still in control of the bot edging it
27860s slowly forwards but a nice right click
27864s from shy will end the life of both
27866s supports 41 meters we'll call it 66
27871s for the spark as the bot makes his long
27874s trudge back
27876s i feel like sojourn being able to chase
27879s a wrecking ball feels just
27881s unnatural to me
27883s but i mean look at these shots holy moly
27888s okay you know we got the chance to
27890s highlight like mm3's ash but i feel like
27892s this match has been all about shy
27895s the soldiers specifically just so so
27898s good
27901s so far i mean final blows he's on 11.
27905s the closest one to him right now is out
27907s for ye on two
27909s uh a hell of a deadlift by shy right now
27912s make that make that 12.
27914s it's all shy it's a shiny world and
27916s we're just living in it the spark have
27918s control of the bot he's on the high
27920s ground the 1v1 versus mn3 an easy
27922s cleanup make that 13.
27925s the philadelphia fusion as a combined
27927s total currently have 12 and shy has 13
27931s final blows so yeah not the best they
27934s unlock their uh the checkpoint once
27937s again philadelphia fusion struggling to
27939s find too much however they're flying in
27941s the courtyard right now way
27943s far away from the robot alfie cleans up
27946s zest who i can only imagine was trying
27948s to find a pulse bomb kill on the back
27951s line
27952s yeah spark setting up for success on
27954s this final approach
27956s oh you're you're absolutely right there
27958s i mean zest didn't even get the pulse
27960s bomb online though but whoa bella's
27963s through the back line once again with
27965s the mines
27966s and he's going pretty low superintendent
27968s ends up dying to the pulse bomb can
27970s alfie turn this fight around with the
27971s position of his own no he cannot the bot
27973s is in no one's control currently but
27976s still the hunger spot with 100 meters on
27978s the board
27980s shai unfortunately didn't have a say in
27982s that fight it's still 74 rail accuracy
27986s right now
27987s that's unheard of
27989s that's unheard of
27991s like you you're lucky i feel like
27993s sometimes when you see a stat and you go
27995s 50 that's pretty good
27998s but so it's 74. might be some more now
28001s m3 goes down he's looking for blood
28004s almost a collapse didn't quite line up
28006s correctly and nano on to aim god who
28009s uses transcendence slayer in the support
28011s ultimate so to a whole new level he gets
28013s a little orb off but that's about it shy
28016s trying to find yet another kill but it
28017s is bernard who steals it away from him
28019s he's eventually shut down by bella syria
28021s but not before the back line of the
28023s philadelphia fusion
28025s just gets owned the spark are cleaning
28028s up two minutes and 50 seconds to go rose
28031s double support ultimate the mines the
28033s pulse bomb the spark almost have
28036s everything online for this next fight
28038s yeah they do i mean look at this even
28040s fix is going to go over to the batiste
28042s here just to try to
28044s have something some amount of utility
28047s the immortality field just anything
28051s this is going to be rough for the fusion
28054s pulse there's these opportunities
28056s straight in the small room nice
28057s transcendence from irony however he does
28059s double layer the support ultimates which
28060s is rather unfortunate
28062s now fixer is gonna die pretty quick he's
28066s got to get out alive to keep the rest of
28068s his team in the game not quite so lucky
28069s though as alpha he deals with the lamp
28072s and then fix his life the boss not
28074s moving but it doesn't need to as the
28076s spark can gain control once again zest
28079s chased it down after he's still got the
28080s recall if he really needs it look like
28082s ernie there was trying to touch the
28084s spawn and god does end up killing him
28086s but the spark are now pushing on forward
28088s yet again a couple of extra meters will
28090s do with two minutes left in the bank the
28092s fusion need to find a way back into this
28094s game and into the series
28096s look at the lead that spark have though
28099s you're definitely looking at this and
28100s saying you should might not be able to
28102s overcome this obstacle
28104s but
28106s what is why are these wrecking balls
28108s behind the team okay
28111s alfie oh he's got the poles the laps
28114s already dead and so is aim go before he
28116s hit the ground alfie just going crazy
28118s wants to at least match the kills on shy
28120s and he's found
28122s 11 final blows the boy is getting stolen
28125s by zest this entire time but that means
28126s it was just a 4v5 in the front line
28129s alfie determined to
28132s to not get deadlifted by shy he wants
28134s some of the glory too
28136s yeah he does but wow i mean philadelphia
28138s if you should still have their work cut
28140s out for them we've got a minute left
28143s and spark at this point are looking to
28145s just complete coliseum outright offagi
28148s could get a big pick opening things up
28150s with this pulse bomb
28152s and then you also have shai that's been
28154s doing absolutely nuts on this sojourn
28157s that overclock is going to be coming up
28158s post taste
28161s nice slab on aim god another lamp to try
28163s and save him and then three's now on the
28165s ball with three kills okay that's what
28166s you want to see if your fusion make that
28169s four in fact a fifth yes there it is a
28171s 5k for mn3 the team killers there but is
28176s the game 20 seconds to go for the fusion
28179s they need to make at least three perfect
28182s fights to take this map
28184s oh yeah this has got to be hero run here
28186s for the fusion i think they can do it
28187s they've got the transcendence up as long
28189s as nobody gets picked by alpha yi's
28191s pulse bomb they might be able to make it
28193s to this checkpoint but they cannot give
28195s up control of the spot
28197s nice control of battlefield now from
28199s zest aim god
28201s waiting around the corner to clean up
28203s the kill a pulse bomb almost killed zest
28206s that would have been embarrassing not a
28207s way to end the game irony is still alive
28209s in the spark of a good spawn position
28211s both support ultimates are coming up
28212s rather soon in fact you should use both
28214s of theirs to keep them in a slider
28216s drive-by onto fixer shy is demolishing
28220s the fusion right now a transcendence
28222s online for the spark i'm not sure
28224s they're gonna need even to use it to be
28226s on severe overtime is here it's ticking
28228s down and the spark 3-1 the fusion on the
28232s day one of the mid-season madness almost
28235s a deadlift by shy
28237s an unbelievable performance from the
28239s veteran
28241s yeah wow i mean we were looking at this
28244s matchup at the beginning of
28246s the match and just saying hey it's gonna
28248s be the mn3 versus shy show that's what
28251s we're looking at to make the biggest
28253s difference here is there so not many
28255s other differences we can look at for
28257s this team
28258s but yeah shy just completely dps stiffed
28263s that was
28264s absolutely bonkers
28267s that was like he was what like giga
28270s lifting the team up until the point that
28272s alfie said hello like he almost managed
28275s to tie the final blows of shy at the
28277s very end but wow what a performance from
28280s the spark to start off today i mean
28283s we
28284s wow honestly like you you go to a map
28286s like circuit royale you expect demon
28288s three to do extraordinarily well and he
28289s does widowmaker but it felt like
28292s spark had every single answer
28294s to mn3 and just the fusion as a whole
28298s well the desk pointed that out that
28300s that's what spark we're going to need is
28302s if they wanted to win this matchup they
28304s needed to be able to keep mn3 in check
28306s and they had so many ways to do that i
28308s mean you even just look at the way that
28310s we saw bernard play the sigma in order
28313s to keep that shield to be able to block
28315s a lot of that damage and sure yeah while
28317s we did end up seeing philadelphia fusion
28319s take circuit royale it wasn't easy
28322s especially when you look at that final
28324s point it took them so long it took them
28326s five and a half minutes i know
28329s what
28330s it was close
28331s it was very close they did manage to get
28333s one map in circuit real but we got to do
28336s the honors the player of the match who's
28338s it gonna be of course yeah it's shy
28343s his sojourn performance this series was
28346s immaculate
28348s overall to be fair he hasn't cracked
28350s shots on the widowmaker two you can't
28352s count those out
28354s you look great about the in uh the
28356s entirety of it and if they can keep up
28357s this performance the spark they're gonna
28359s go pretty far
28360s they absolutely can i mean it was the
28362s entire team that really set up shy for
28364s success like look bernard sets him up
28367s shot and knocks him down
28370s and the way that super rich in irony
28372s really helped to keep shy alive
28375s i mean that's just ridiculous like shai
28378s is able to do some really
28381s really crazy things yeah that's super
28383s super nasty
28386s i mean they came into this series two
28388s and one the this is the fusion they came
28390s in uh two and one overall versus the
28392s spark this season it's now tied up in
28394s the head-to-head but that was also the
28396s first time that sparker managed to take
28399s a push map off of the fusion in what
28402s dominating fashion too look at that
28403s railgunner chris at the end of that game
28405s gross oh this match sorry not even that
28407s map yeah well that map was it was at 74
28411s like most of the
28413s colosseum like oh yeah
28415s almost 10 railgun kills per 10
28418s 13 olymps
28420s per 10
28421s what can't should i do not much like
28423s it's almost like you know how you get
28425s some players
28427s um they
28429s just gravitate towards a certain hero
28431s and it feels like the hero is built for
28432s that player like jonathan zen for
28434s example yep sojourn for shy maybe like
28437s it's almost the perfect hero phone
28439s i think so too i mean just the way that
28441s shy is able to use that mobility it's
28443s very obvious that he understands all the
28445s map architecture as well to be able to
28447s take some nice flanks and get those
28449s sweet angles
28451s huh what a treat i love the east region
28455s that was so cool um
28457s well
28458s we aren't done just yet we're gonna take
28461s a quick break we've got something spicy
28464s lined up straight after it we'll see in
28466s a bite
28471s [Music]
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28681s [Music]
28685s [Applause]
28686s [Music]
28701s [Music]
28723s welcome to the watchpoint post show
28724s everybody i'm here joined now by alpha
28726s yi from set from hangzhou spark
28729s congratulations on the win now uh 3-1
28732s victory for the hangzhou spark great way
28734s to start off the tournament for you guys
28737s how did you guys get the win against the
28738s philadelphia fusion
28742s [Music]
28754s um
28771s foreign uh i think in our scrims and our
28774s practices uh we didn't really focus on
28776s our like individual uh place we focused
28779s more on
28780s our team synergy and you know just
28782s focusing on a certain target as a team
28784s or uh really attacking the backline
28786s together as a team and i think those
28788s sort of plans really uh helped us out uh
28791s in today's match against the
28792s philadelphia fusion all right uh second
28795s question i've asked this a lot of times
28797s to the western teams but to the east
28799s teams i actually haven't so this is my
28801s question to you um is there uh i mean
28804s today's match was another east versus
28805s east but in the in the matches moving
28808s forward i'm sure we're going to see a
28809s lot more east versus west so alpha is
28811s there a team from the west that you
28813s really want to beat in the tournament
28818s [Music]
28824s videos
28838s [Music]
28855s dallas fuel uh mainly because you know i
28857s have two friends in that team uh two um
28860s ex teammates uh in the dallas fuel that
28863s i was with uh previously so you know it
28866s would be nice to see them as opponents
28868s and it would be really nice to beat them
28870s in this tournament cycle all right
28871s alphae that is it for the interview
28872s thank you so much for your time and
28874s again big congratulations on today's win
28883s from
28884s all right thank you overly back to you
28893s thanks danny
28894s first time
28897s i thought that they could pull off the
28899s reverse sweep what happened i was so
28901s confident in the fusion coming into the
28903s day yeah
28904s that's i tried to warn you we did try
28906s and tell you that this is what it's like
28908s and you predicted them too i know but as
28910s i said i'm a veteran at this point i i'm
28912s used to being let down by the
28913s philadelphia fusion i'm just trying to
28915s support you know a newcomer
28917s can i just say something
28919s i don't think shy should be allowed to
28921s play the game anymore as a fusion fan
28922s that's just all i have to say yeah i
28924s think it's a little well you have mn3 he
28926s did we don't know we did have mn3 yeah
28929s those were some incredible bits but guys
28932s 3-1 at least it wasn't a 3-0
28935s help me out here where did fusion go
28938s wrong
28940s don't laugh don't laugh that hard johnny
28942s don't laugh that hard that's a loaded
28944s question because
28947s we could get do you want to go back to
28948s the franchise or you know the whole
28950s thing or just this match well let's just
28952s focus here on this match
28956s it just it felt like they were in
28958s control for part of this match yeah and
28961s especially on this league tower
28962s everything was looking good it felt like
28964s they were they were having their moments
28966s and then
28967s for me one of the big standout things
28969s especially when they're playing this
28970s dive is bella's rear is just going walk
28972s about bellis rear is just existing in
28974s the back line of the opposition team
28976s which is great to have those flank
28978s opportunities but he didn't feel like he
28980s was having enough impact on the game so
28982s his dive alongside with zest just wasn't
28984s getting that sort of support and that
28986s sort of effectiveness and that made it
28987s really hard for mn3 to maneuver around
28989s the map and contest shai who as you said
28992s just went absolutely yeah so which was a
28995s problem here for the philadelphia fusion
28998s they did get it back here on circle
28999s royale with some great individual
29001s heroics from mn3 but you know they only
29003s just clinched out this map oh yeah and i
29005s believe johnny i think that you were
29007s actually the only one who had predicted
29009s spark from the predictions don't don't
29011s quote me on that but i think that you
29012s were there okay well so then you
29014s predicted this from the beginning so
29016s what made you so confident in predicting
29018s that uh
29020s bias
29021s [Laughter]
29023s uh look i haven't been invited to
29025s barbecue from from the heinz park but
29026s hopefully i will in the future uh you
29028s know i've heard it it's really good um
29031s really just though i i think that
29034s philadelphia fusion even though like
29036s they've had these amazing pop-up moments
29038s and like mn3's performance against seoul
29040s dynasty so fresh in our minds
29042s this is also the stage where they lost
29045s to the los angeles valiant
29048s this is also the stage where they lost
29050s to the chengdu hunters
29051s i do think that the beat's going to
29053s charge just from top of my head but like
29054s nice one they've been inconsistent like
29057s they have lost to some of these weaker
29059s teams and so yeah they had a great win
29062s against the seoul dynasty but it was
29064s also like double push week um and
29066s they're you know they're good at push we
29068s already we heard how you know you don't
29070s want to play them on new queen street
29071s because they're so good on that map so
29073s you know to be fair they did win control
29074s here and they looked really good on
29075s control as well
29077s as wrecking ball for example the way
29078s they played around i thought it was
29079s really good but overall i do think that
29081s thanks for spark they've looked the
29082s better team the times and they've been
29084s more consistent when they play they play
29086s around shy's ash their parents chase
29088s sojourn they like to slow things down
29090s the hangzhou spark and i think in
29092s general they have a pretty good game we
29093s haven't even mentioned alfie's tracer
29095s yeah phenomenal so far like this damage
29098s pairing from hydro sparks so far this
29099s tournament
29100s impeccable so the hunger spark they came
29102s out firing they lost leader and tower
29105s but besides from that that they're gonna
29107s be a tough opponent from whoever decides
29109s that they want to play him yeah i i
29111s would like to go back to a thing i will
29113s actually say out loud now that i think
29116s shai is the best hits game in the world
29117s right now and i want to add to that of
29119s the idea that you have to add
29120s flexibility into that as well his
29122s ability to go over and play some of
29123s these other heroes the tracer the echo
29126s on top of his performance to be able to
29127s play the widowmaker against the best in
29128s the world his sojourn looks to be one of
29130s the best in the world his accuracy is
29132s bonkers like i genuinely think he has
29134s that carry potential if the team around
29136s him can play well i think we would see
29138s better performances and more people
29140s would agree overall but i think his gets
29143s sort of overlooked to players that are
29145s on better teams like lip like arms and
29147s stuff like that
29148s lots of uh you know
29151s faith in the spark as they move on to
29153s the rest of the tournament but because
29155s i'm gonna need you to help me and the
29157s other fellow fusion fans out there right
29160s now they're dropping into the losers
29161s bracket that we're gonna see later on in
29163s this week what do they gotta change to
29166s make this comebackable victory for the
29169s tournament come backable's not a thing
29172s it's not a thing um
29176s i think philadelphia fusion like they
29178s have those individual piles through the
29180s law bracket especially in those first
29181s couple of rounds i think that will get
29183s them across the line for me like they
29184s have those players like mn3 they have
29187s zest they are good individually and that
29189s will probably work against you know some
29191s of the teams that we saw lose today but
29193s i think overall is
29195s when they move further in it's going to
29196s be more difficult they need to have more
29198s team coordination more chemistry and not
29200s just rely on m 3 to kill everyone time
29202s and time again definitely well with that
29204s victory hong show spark are going to be
29206s moving on to tomorrow and for everyone
29209s who is waiting to find out who's going
29211s to play who because as we know the top
29213s four seated teams are going to be able
29214s to choose their opponents from the four
29216s victorious teams today we will have that
29218s bracket for you shortly not just yet
29221s but shortly in this uh post show and i
29225s just want to point out can we call this
29226s watch point after dark this is 100 it is
29229s very dark outside like
29232s [Laughter]
29236s to show that it was dark but uh you know
29238s i'm trying but listen we're gonna move
29240s on to our next thing which is uh best of
29242s the day and guys
29244s i know that it's my first time joining
29246s you yeah so i'm gonna go first and i'm
29249s just gonna say that you know i came in
29251s to the show today i came out swinging
29253s for fusion all right did they come out
29254s swinging for me
29256s in the series no but in game one yes in
29259s game one we got an amazing oh wait
29262s where's this do we have all the
29263s predictions right there yeah oh yeah
29264s those are all of our predictions mm-hmm
29266s for the day is this your rest of the day
29268s this is my best event you're just going
29270s to glory
29271s [Music]
29272s predictions i
29274s selected the spitfire i thought it was
29276s going to be the spitfire and guess what
29277s happened why didn't you think it was
29278s going to be this goodbye it didn't even
29280s come down to analysis or anything it was
29282s just because you went to a barbecue yeah
29284s robin invited me to his barbecue
29287s this was going to be the fusion winning
29289s yeah originally and this was your backup
29291s point
29296s would have been everyone but me
29298s predicting the fusion this is my actual
29301s pesticide
29303s it's my actual one i'll show it to you
29305s right now
29306s uh or yeah this one right here oh okay
29309s all right
29310s all right fair enough okay
29312s saved all right come out and bump them
29315s with the wrecking ball um listen we we
29318s both came out swinging again maybe not
29320s in the series but i do want to call out
29322s you know my amazing prediction that was
29324s almost flawless almost
29327s until it wasn't it was almost flawless
29330s we were so so close but i don't think
29333s you could top my best of the day but
29335s what do you got for it well mine's a lot
29337s more nuanced because this is not
29339s anything you probably would have seen i
29340s like saw this out of the corner of my
29342s eye when i saw the game and this
29343s probably isn't even finale meaning to do
29344s this but it's an interesting individual
29347s play and it's protect the bomb it feels
29349s like we always get bob to protect us but
29351s we never protect bob so we're going to
29352s have the bob from heisu get booped by
29355s lee jaegon with a great boot into a
29357s corner where he can't be that effective
29358s lee jaegon wants to poop it again but
29360s finale guess says get down mr president
29363s he puts his body in front of the line of
29365s bob so he stays shooting and being
29367s effective so finale takes that
29369s on top of that he protects him once
29371s again the third whip shot that legion
29373s gone tries to throw he gets postponed by
29375s finale so finale is the hero of bob in
29377s my eyes and i respect that because you
29380s know
29381s we we sometimes throw him off the edge
29383s we sometimes leave him to die we
29384s sometimes put him in useful spaces but
29386s finale respects bob and i appreciate
29388s that it's good to have a little bit of
29390s respect for bob at the end of the day
29391s especially when as you've said so many
29393s people just
29394s aren't giving him the boy throwing him
29396s away like he's nothing not cool we've
29399s seen him do multiple great plays just
29401s today but johnny for you can you match
29404s up to bob
29405s i've got someone getting punches of
29407s traffic
29408s this is so cool i mean just brutality
29412s let's find us doomfist and they're just
29414s going to smack him he's asleep look he's
29417s asleep there's a sleepy it's like oh i
29419s woke up time to pump some through them
29420s boom
29422s boom it just drained into a dropping
29424s okay
29425s he just woke up that's somebody else for
29426s breakfast oh my should have used your
29429s blinker oh
29430s god get out of here get out of here i
29434s love to see it that that's that's that's
29436s amazing just like i just love how it
29438s just pops up and it's like i'm asleep
29440s i'm awake
29442s i don't know
29444s straight into oncoming traffic i love
29447s that should have used your blinker yeah
29448s that's super cute
29449s uh but all right those were all of our
29451s best plays of the day so now all that's
29453s left to do is to take a look at the
29455s bracket that we have after today's
29458s result so let's go ahead and take a look
29461s and see who has selected
29464s would you look at that san francisco
29466s shock picking the london spitfire then
29470s we are going to see the los angeles
29472s gladiators choosing houston outlaws
29475s seoul dynasty selecting
29477s bart that's interesting and then last
29480s but certainly not least dallas shanghai
29482s getting stuck with shanghai
29486s uh battle right there oh wow quick
29488s thoughts okay
29490s okay
29491s where do you want to start okay
29493s well i want to start with the first pick
29494s let's start with san francisco shock
29496s they're choosing the london spitfire
29497s this makes sense they these teams make
29499s sense recently in the last couple of
29500s weeks and shock dominated them they're
29502s so great just confident in the match-up
29504s right there yeah and i mean then you
29506s have the leg ladders playing the houston
29507s outlaws which gladiators did dominate
29509s the houston outlaws but there was also a
29511s couple of c9s
29514s something of involved pillow and sold
29515s picking hank joe which they already know
29517s and then dallas feel saying i just hold
29519s on there just i'm sorry i just got all
29521s the matches but i'm i'm really just so
29523s happy by the way that shock uh you know
29525s western team picked the western team
29526s that gladiators i was in the peter
29528s weston team and that is seoul an eastern
29530s team picks an eastern team like
29532s great good job yeah you know what i
29534s think you want to know
29536s about this whole thing
29538s i want to know what you think dallas
29539s fuel versus san francisco shock we are a
29542s like a year later to what we did last
29544s year but they're both kind of playing
29546s the similar comps to what they did last
29547s year dallas fuel is playing that lucio
29549s mora winston they are running it down
29550s and the shanghai dragons are playing
29552s wrecking balls then yeah so it's
29553s literally the repeat of last year just a
29555s year later in hawaii once again
29558s we're pointing at each other like we
29559s know yeah we're pointing at each other
29561s like we yeah tomorrow's gonna be a very
29564s fun day i mean today we already had like
29566s amazing matches back to back to back to
29569s back we had a three one two three o's
29571s and then another three one sure yeah
29574s i don't know i love the attitude that
29576s you're giving by the way like what fans
29578s didn't get to see while we were watching
29580s the matches was in this final series all
29582s of us were screaming wow yeah johnny
29584s johnny johnny's cheering on shy
29587s obviously saying it's not fair that shy
29589s exists
29591s it was all over the place it's not fair
29593s at all there were a lot of like angry
29595s sentiment and words just being chucked
29597s across the production truck but hey
29600s we're just getting started for this
29602s tournament for the week but gentlemen
29604s any final thoughts before we close the
29606s day scott
29607s oh
29608s i am excited to see more east vs west so
29610s thank you very much overwatch league
29612s teams for not giving us that but we got
29613s the dallas shanghai one coming up so i'm
29615s excited for that
29616s johnny
29617s no
29618s no no you got nothing to say no
29621s he's just so happy that he was right
29624s about that final prediction i mean i
29626s guess from me uh thank you so much to
29628s everyone for welcoming on my first time
29630s at watchpoint hopefully i didn't
29631s disappoint you too oh yeah i'll say that
29633s the way that
29634s the fusion has slightly disappointed me
29637s but that's it for our show today thank
29639s you all so much for watching and we will
29641s see you all tomorrow
29643s [Music]
29656s [Music]
29663s [Music]
29676s hey
29679s [Music]
29701s [Music]
29703s oh
29716s thought of you
29726s [Music]
29753s [Music]
29820s you