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574s my name is Andy Belford I'm a part of
577s the OverWatch 2 Community team and we're
579s here with another episode of Dev chat
580s joining us today we've got a couple of
582s very special guests uh introducing uh
585s our good friend Alec Dawson the lead
588s hero designer say hi Alec hey everybody
590s excited to chat today
591s awesome and then because we are going to
594s be diving into some nitty-gritty about
596s supports well it only made sense to
599s bring the most well-known support
600s specialist in the OverWatch community on
603s board ml7 say hello to everybody out
605s there everybody I'm ml7 and I play
608s support not helic that's right
613s oh I can feel the twitch chat now all
616s right so we've got a lot to talk about
619s uh with lifeweaver
621s um you know we just made this
622s announcement a couple of days ago if
623s you're out there on the YouTube you
625s should be seeing a lot of videos from
626s content creators popping up about now
629s um but before we get into that uh Alec
632s how do you feel about talking a little
634s bit about season three because I think
636s from an overall Community perspective it
638s feels like season three was in a pretty
640s solid state from a balanced perspective
642s we've seen a lot of you know really
645s positive sentiment regarding some of the
647s changes that we made with uh um sojourn
650s um some of the balance adjustments that
652s we've made especially with the Wrecking
654s Ball like seeing him come out within the
656s meta and being a dominant hero so like
658s how are you feeling about the way things
660s are and how's the team feeling about
662s balance in season three yeah it's a good
664s question uh the team's been doing great
665s I think with season three you know we
667s saw a lot of variety especially at the
669s the tank role in particular tons of
671s variety there a lot of Reinhardt a lot
673s of wrecking ball as you mentioned even
675s later on this season we've seen some you
677s know uptick in zarya play and things of
678s that nature so a lot of variety overall
681s I think the game's been in a very
683s healthy State I've only been just insane
685s in terms of Heroes can get picked uh
687s going to season four or even dropping
689s map Bulls so we feel like that's even
691s gonna increase more variety on specific
693s like overall there's you know this
695s season had a lot of sniper maps and
697s things of that nature so that might pull
698s going away will actually open up even
701s more for the whole roster
702s I think it's a interesting point there I
705s I know that personally I'm really
706s excited about the removal of map pools I
709s know that a lot of players will be
710s excited to to get kind of get that more
712s map variety because for a lot of folks
714s like maps are a big reason why they play
716s OverWatch
717s um and then you know I would Echo what
719s you said from a balance standpoint like
721s we kind of have a saying in community is
723s that if everybody's a little bit unhappy
725s with some things but overall happy with
727s most things then we're in a good place
730s and that doesn't mean we should rest on
732s our Laurels of course like we're
733s constantly looking for opportunities to
735s approve adjust and change the experience
737s but you know ml like I'm interested in
740s your take and you know I know you had
741s some questions about like season three
743s what have you been seeing uh seeing on
745s live servers what have you been
747s experiencing during your streams and
748s what questions do you have I feel like
750s season three was a really good season
752s team comp wise we had a lot of Heroes
754s being played
756s like we've seen a lot of geinhardt a lot
758s of Wrecking Ball
759s anasi a huge diversity of Heroes
762s compared to season one and two in my
764s opinion so the game is slowly but surely
766s evolving into a really good State
768s gameplay wise but I do gotta ask you
771s what are some of the heroes that koryoga
773s tension in season three
775s yeah I think some of the ones that
776s definitely caught our attention um you
778s know we made those adjustments early on
780s to wrecking ball right I think that
782s definitely caught her eye the story of
783s wrecking ball there's a decline over
785s time oh not too steep but wrecking ball
788s didn't fall off but no there's a steady
789s decline throughout the season so it was
791s interesting to see where that story
792s ended up and then who else rose with
794s wrecking ball you know we saw a lot of
796s break play we saw a lot of Zen play you
798s know we weren't really seeing those
799s Heroes as be as much meta picks and then
801s late in the season you know we've been
803s seeing a lot more may even in some pro
804s games as well and some of the Pro-Am
806s stuff we've been seeing may get played a
807s lot so we're keeping an eye on seeing
809s where she ends up
810s so let's get a little bit specific
812s talking about some of the tanks that you
814s just brought up I mean namely of course
816s like Ryan uh and here's one that was a
818s little bit surprising for me to hear
820s about zarya has actually seen an uptick
822s in usage um and then of course like
823s wrecking ball what have we actually seen
825s since the mid-season patch that happened
827s just uh well a few weeks ago at this
829s point but uh you know that happened you
831s know back mid-season
832s yeah sorry was definitely the biggest
834s winner there in terms of her win rate
835s overall right I think we're in a
838s comfortable state in terms of like how
840s long the cooldowns are on the bubbles
841s and how long they last so we're in like
843s this nice state where it isn't you know
845s it isn't OverWatch 2 launch in terms of
846s how powerful she was but it's in a
848s pretty good State she went up from being
850s a hero that's around 45 win rate uh at
853s multiple segments to being around 50 you
855s know so that's a pretty big adjustment
856s there and we feel like she's in a good
858s place now I think it's one of those
860s things where when we Nerf Heroes we want
862s to look at them over time see how they
864s perform see if we want to make any small
865s Buffs and sorry to this point got a few
867s to get back to that place where we feel
869s like she's you know pretty viable now
871s okay so Alec uh you know you did mention
875s like you know we are seeing a lot of new
877s tanks in The Meta right now uh you know
879s ml like that's that you just call that
881s out like it's a big reason
883s what are you seeing out there and like
885s what have you what has been like the
886s impact on like the fun factor in the
889s games that you've been in I feel like a
892s guy now OverWatch has always had
894s gameplay-wise at least in um in tough I
897s found good you have always been having
898s the issues in which you have players
901s that would specialize in one year ago
902s and then you could contact that Hugo
904s pretty well the guy now with how balance
907s is made I feel like for example if you
909s want to play with zagya you'd have a
910s chance at winning if you want to play
911s with a wrecking ball you have a chance
913s at winning and I feel like the dev team
916s music is spawning quite fast to seeing
918s Heroes that don't have that big of a win
920s rate because of the previous Nerfs like
922s Sarah got a bunch of Nerfs from Oregon
924s member a couple of months ago now small
926s Buffs and we're still seeing her being
928s played I think that's that's how
930s OverWatch should be every hero should be
932s viable even if not optimal and you
935s shouldn't feel this coverage that you're
937s gonna lose the game if you're not on the
939s strongest steam comp available in The
940s Meta right now right then because nobody
943s plays perfectly let's be honest the
945s mistakes can happen and having all of
947s these Heroes available with different
948s play Styles Reinhard with the shield all
950s the wrecking ball just according to the
952s back line and zaga just walking up and
954s zapping you is what makes OverWatch fun
957s right on
959s um and you know one of the things to
961s keep in mind though too is that actually
962s changes uh you know around the world as
965s you go from region to region you know
966s we're talking about zarya we're talking
968s about you know wrecking ball we're
970s talking about you know uh uh Reinhardt
972s being strong however and this is really
974s interesting I uh the community team we
976s were just talking to Alec about this
977s earlier this week you know in Korea like
979s actually diva is considered very strong
981s meta right because they focus much more
983s around the dive Rush kind of comps you
985s know Alec uh what do you what do you
987s think when you hear you know what ml
988s just broke down and then kind of
990s contextualizing it with some of the
991s feedback we're getting from other
992s regions yeah I think part of our our job
995s is definitely looking at some of those
996s outliers still you know I do think
998s there's Heroes at the bottom end that
999s we're still looking at in terms of
1001s trying to bring them over time or
1002s they're in a position where hey there's
1004s more of a a rework in progress you know
1007s Heroes like roadhog I think aren't
1009s meeting that bar you know sometimes we
1011s look at orisa was she over nerfed over
1013s time we're still taking a look at that
1015s as well so those are some of the heroes
1016s we're talking about Sombra you know in a
1018s few seasons we'll talk more about like
1020s what her changes are going to be so
1022s those are some of the heroes that we
1023s definitely see are on the bottom end
1024s we'd like to lift up overtime as well
1026s because you know while we have a lot of
1028s variety it's never good to have some
1029s Heroes that may just feel like they're
1031s out of the game or out of the meta and
1032s you know we want them to be more
1034s involved and be more viable overall I
1036s want to ask Alex something are there any
1039s Heroes that you think the community
1040s might be
1042s undervaluing strength wise like Andy
1045s said about Diva you know like I know
1047s everybody's talking about groundhog
1048s making balls are there any Heroes that
1050s you think are in a strong state but we
1053s haven't caught up or we haven't caught
1055s onto that yet
1056s it's interesting I think a lot of the
1058s heroes are in strong States you know
1059s people have mentioned or been seeing
1061s some comps like pop up like Bastion has
1063s been seen a lot more play May's been
1065s seen a lot more play
1066s um one that people kind of know of but
1068s they don't really talk about that much
1069s the sigma I think Sigma has been strong
1071s for quite a while actually especially on
1073s some of the masks we've been playing
1074s lately uh it just doesn't gain a lot of
1077s iron or anything like that he's never
1078s really a Hot Topic in the community so
1080s you know there's an adjustment to Sigma
1082s coming into season four pretty small one
1084s to the Rock so we'll talk about more of
1086s that more later too I think with Sigma
1088s like it's one of those things and I
1090s think sigma's starting to kind of fall
1091s into some of the Reinhardt category
1093s where you know you know if you look at
1095s like I know ml has said this I know
1097s flats and emong and several creators
1098s have said this is like when Ryan is in
1100s the meta like the game is in a healthy
1102s state right
1103s um and I feel like Sigma is kind of
1105s falling in that way now keep in mind
1107s like this is my you know gold silver
1109s Andy uh opinion here but like you know
1112s with Sigma it feels like there's some
1113s very obvious counter play to it like and
1115s it's easy to under stand and you know
1117s what you're playing around like you know
1119s the cool down on the Rock like the
1120s shield has that value right and it's
1122s only got the set amount of uh the set
1124s amount of utility things like that and
1126s so
1126s um just an observation I think that that
1128s that possibly could be contributing to
1130s that I would also like to say that I
1133s feel like
1134s old school OverWatch here goes I really
1137s loved
1139s uh meta wise and we will always default
1141s to them like me personally I enjoy
1143s playing with the geinhardt team comms
1145s with Winston team comps and stuff and
1147s sigma's kind of new he wasn't there at
1149s the beginning and the experience that
1152s we've had playing with certain hugos
1153s will slowly but surely make us feel like
1155s it takes some time what I'm trying to
1158s say to get adjusted to new Heroes a new
1159s play style and I feel like even if Sigma
1161s is not seen as really strong I think
1164s that he's strong kit wise and stuff but
1166s he just doesn't Stand Out experience
1169s wise like he's not that frustrated to
1171s play against he's like okay Sigma is
1172s good on that map good design overall
1174s he's not like a big shield in front of
1176s you I pin in I'm either too strong two
1178s weeks so overall I think that his design
1181s overall his design is what makes them go
1184s a little bit under the gray dog
1186s so because I know we got a lot still to
1188s get through here I'm going to go ahead
1190s and move us on to damage uh you know you
1192s were you were mentioning uh you
1193s mentioned somber that I thought that was
1195s kind of funny because she saw a lot of
1196s plays in this uh in the recent
1198s tournament right definitely great to see
1199s but let's actually take a second to talk
1202s about Cassidy
1204s um so we're going to be making some
1205s changes to Cassidy in season three and
1207s season four and it's going to be
1208s targeting the mag grenade um and this is
1210s you know like look from the community
1211s side we've been getting a lot of
1212s feedback about this over the last few
1214s months
1215s um a lot of Cassidy Specialists have
1216s been you know having some conversations
1218s with us and we're trying to understand
1219s like what's the point of frustrations
1221s with Cassidy and so uh the changes we're
1224s going to be making
1225s um we're going to be changing magnetic
1226s grenade damage reducing that from 131
1228s down to 120.
1230s um and then we're also going to be
1231s reverting his base Health back from 225
1233s down to 200.
1235s um Alec uh what are we what's the what's
1238s the goals here what are we trying to
1239s accomplish yeah I mean a lot of times
1241s this is looking at you know where's
1242s Cassie in the meta and Cassie's by far
1244s away the most popular damage hero it's
1246s it is it's not really really close in
1249s terms of the percentages from what we're
1251s seeing uh and then some of those changes
1253s there are to a personal grenade people
1255s we get a lot of feedback about Mac
1257s grenade in particular how frustrating
1258s you can maybe play going down to 120 uh
1260s hit some of those break points you know
1261s on a 200 hp character uh also with the
1265s HP decrease we're sort of looking
1268s overall at Cassie and whether he should
1269s be framed as this mid-range hero or
1272s maybe a little bit more long range
1274s um so actually down the line we have
1277s some further changes for magnet grenade
1278s plane that we're still working on and
1280s that might become more long-rangeability
1281s too so we're working as kit holistically
1284s trying trying to figure out you know
1285s exactly where he's going to end up but
1287s uh you know putting that ESP back
1289s because he did get that that gun in in
1291s terms of the gun buff from from last
1292s season that's been doing a lot of work
1294s for him too so we're reducing a few
1296s things
1297s um hopefully not as whenever Cassie is
1299s good he instantly kind of becomes one of
1301s the most popular characters in the game
1302s and that's been true basically off
1304s season three
1305s I just want to say that Cassidy is
1307s really consistent over goal it's all
1309s about like that the risk factor like
1310s Widowmaker you might miss your shots
1311s with Cassidy okay you missed three org
1314s Fork you're gonna load fast and then
1315s consistently put out a bunch of damage I
1318s just want to say that I
1319s just thank you for making it feel less
1323s frustrating to play against the Cassidy
1324s when you get body shot and then you get
1326s the grenade attached to you you would
1328s die because that would be over 200
1329s damage right now it's at 190 I think so
1334s should definitely be less for us to get
1335s into play against
1336s if you would like to go check out the
1338s full patch notes uh you can read more
1340s about that this stuff on the official
1342s forums we have them live now so let's
1344s get into support before we talk about
1346s life Weaver let's talk about support
1349s um so you know we've seen some we've
1352s seen some changes like we've mentioned
1353s before like Brig Zenyatta they're coming
1356s into the meta Alec uh you know I know
1359s support's been like one of our biggest
1360s like areas that we've been focusing on
1362s for a long time like Aaron just released
1364s a letter
1365s um you know stating like the approach
1367s that we were taking to supports and like
1368s the kind of feedback that we get how how
1371s do you feel like supports are feeling
1373s since the mid-season patch and we feel
1375s pretty good it's about to say support at
1376s the moment and you know there's been a
1378s lot of Buffs over time there's even some
1380s more Buffs here for for the supports uh
1382s holistically we've just been looking at
1384s the role and how much pressure they've
1386s been you know feeling and how have they
1388s been able to actually fight back in a
1389s lot of positions too that's where a lot
1391s of their Buffs have been targeted at
1392s times as well so I feel like there's a
1394s lot of uh Variety in the role at the the
1397s moment on itself very popular and then
1399s we're going to be adding new support
1400s that I was talking about later so that
1401s that increases hopefully even more you
1404s know choice there I think that's really
1405s important to us over time is to build
1407s out the support role add more supports
1409s throughout the year and hopefully you
1411s know players can latch on to ones that
1412s they really love so we feel pretty good
1415s about it um ml what about you I'm gonna
1417s say this Alec I think that compared to
1419s season one support does feel a little
1422s bit better to play I think that we still
1424s haven't found the Sweet Spot yet but
1426s definitely definitely I can see more
1428s tools than before being added to the
1431s game to try to help out support and
1433s support gameplay overall so I'm excited
1435s for the future again what season 4 has
1437s installed for us very cool uh you know
1440s uh I I know that you had another
1443s question you were wanting to ask here
1444s about the Synergy between you know
1447s seeing Brig and Zen popping up and the
1449s Synergy between them and like wrecking
1451s ball did you want to expand a little bit
1453s more on that ml uh yes so from my
1457s understanding brigensen has have been
1459s played together quite a lot compared to
1461s before guide
1462s so we've seen an uptime in the play time
1465s do you think that this is because of
1467s wrecking ball being uh Vegas strong and
1470s if yes if let's say a wrecking ball will
1472s not be played that much in the future do
1474s you keep an eye out for Greg and then if
1477s they're going to be at the same Park
1478s level or not
1480s yeah we'll definitely keep an eye on it
1482s I mean wrecking ball particular they
1483s they do play nicer I think like brick
1485s and Ryan can play together a lot too you
1487s know there's a lot of that going on
1488s Zen's just been quite strong got that
1490s little bit of a buff overall to reduce
1492s how many windows of vulnerability that
1495s he has in terms of increasing the ammo
1497s uh to 25 now so we'll keep an eye on
1500s them independently as well and just see
1502s you know when these changes come in with
1504s you know wife Weavers well what comes
1506s through the game with life weeper is
1507s that going to be a thing right so uh
1509s that's how we'll be kind of taking a
1511s broader look at it okay so you're
1513s waiting to see with the new support if
1516s they're gonna gel differently if you can
1517s see different team support combos to see
1519s if they need changes or not in the
1521s future definitely okay
1524s speaking of changes uh and uh I just
1528s want to make sure you all are buckled in
1529s for this one uh because it's time to
1531s talk about Mercy are we ready
1534s okay so as always Mercy is a very
1539s polarizing hero within the community
1542s um and I think that you know no matter
1544s what like any change that we we make to
1547s Mercy is always going to drive a
1549s significant amount of conversation both
1550s critical and positive right and you know
1553s I I think that you know Alec be curious
1556s to know like you know your take on
1557s community response to uh the changes
1559s that we introduced to Mercy in season
1561s three
1562s um and also like let's talk also about
1565s like where we're gonna be moving to with
1567s that so uh you know why don't you go
1568s ahead and go through the your thoughts
1570s on that response and then I can give a
1571s give an update on what we're going to be
1572s doing with Mercy in season four yeah of
1574s course I think uh the season three
1576s changes there's a lot of good and there
1577s are some things we weren't weren't as
1579s good right I think in particular if you
1581s look at something like uh the buff to
1583s the change to her staff where your
1586s healing allies that they're underneath
1587s 50 uh you're healing them more
1590s I think as a design goal that was
1592s achieving what we wanted in terms of her
1594s being this triage healer she's really
1595s like looking for like when she might
1597s need to heal and actually save some of
1598s her allies a bit better right on the
1600s opposite side on the enemy's side it was
1602s like well how can I can't kill this
1604s target that's how it felt for a lot of
1606s players right they felt like it was
1608s really hard to chew through that healing
1609s really hard to actually you know kill a
1611s Target that Mercy was pocketing so we're
1614s we are gonna be reverting that to
1616s entirely going back to 55 as a standard
1618s uh no honor getting that bonus but then
1621s some other things we really enjoyed like
1623s our sympathetic recovery passive where
1625s as Mercy heals her allies she gave us as
1628s well we really like that one we're gonna
1630s keep that so there's a number of things
1631s going into season four that we're
1633s keeping number of things that we're
1634s looking back on that hey this isn't
1637s entirely what we wanted to get out of it
1638s and there was a good goal there I mean
1640s I've gotten there 100 I think another
1642s thing is regarding Angel changes right
1644s uh now we're looking at it so it broke
1647s some of our synergies that she had in
1648s her kid say you fly to an ally AI to Res
1651s them there was definitely some moments
1653s there were hey Mercy could kind of be
1655s sitting really vulnerable now if you do
1658s that this the cooldown's going down so
1659s you'll be able to get out but if you're
1661s opting into using or Crouch cancel or
1665s the spacebar to actually get that extra
1667s Mobility you're going to extend your
1669s cooldown so give me a bit more
1670s optionality there than what we have
1672s currently all right so speaking of those
1674s changes and kind of like going going
1678s back on some of the things that we we
1679s implemented before in season four Mercy
1682s will see her caduceus staff healing per
1685s second increase from 45 to 55. Healing
1688s is no longer increased for allies under
1690s half Health Guardian Angel we're
1693s changing the cooldown from 2.5 and back
1696s to the 1.5 seconds jump Crouch uh AKA
1700s super jump which is you know something a
1701s lot of Mercy Specialists like really
1703s enjoy about her kit will now keep the
1706s ability active for an additional 0.5
1708s seconds previously it was one second and
1710s so that's a a little bit of an
1711s adjustment there and I think add some
1713s challenge to the mobility baby well but
1715s still being responsive to player
1717s feedback that we've gotten stopping
1719s guardian angel with the ability input
1721s after using a jump or Crouch cancel no
1723s longer starts to cool down sooner
1725s and then for valkyrie the support role
1727s pass of healing is now active for the
1728s duration of Valkyrie as well so Alec why
1732s did we make these changes specifically
1734s yeah a lot of this is you know based on
1736s just how merch has been playing season
1737s three or the feedback from the community
1739s looking at how players are feeling as
1741s Mercy or how are they feeling playing
1743s against mercy and these are some things
1745s where hey the valkyrie change that we
1747s made we wanted to kick that back in a
1749s lot of players like they don't always
1750s have to be healing to get you know
1752s healing allies to actually get that
1753s kicked in they can they can go around
1755s and fly as mercy and try to use their
1756s guns sometimes like nobody players
1757s really do enjoy trying to do things of
1759s that nature too so oh this is Tiny
1761s adjustments over over time and getting a
1763s lot of feedback from the community to
1764s see what's feeling best and hopefully
1766s this state of Mercy will feel really
1767s good
1769s awesome I feel like
1772s um with Mercy I play mercy from time to
1775s time not not too much but whenever I
1777s play mark C considering how many
1779s Integrations she had
1780s um she acquires a lot of muscle memory I
1782s like the fact that you're bringing back
1784s the guardian angel at 1.5 seconds
1786s compared to 2.5 seconds and I want to
1788s ask you this is this the iteration that
1791s you think you'll be satisfied with going
1793s on into the future and if yes and if
1797s this is going to become if she's going
1798s to become meta will we just see number
1800s adjustments or can we expect morgue
1803s changes to hug mobility in case she's
1806s really strong
1807s yeah I think changing her Mobility is
1809s something we're really sensitive to
1810s right and if anything you know we've
1812s been doing maybe too much at this point
1814s in time so we hope that this change in
1816s particular will let it settle for a
1819s little while see how this goes maybe
1821s look if there's any other changes that
1822s need to be made maybe we'll get the rest
1823s of the kit then Target her Mobility
1825s initially
1826s um because as you said that muscle
1827s memory is really important players have
1828s been building that for a long time and
1830s hopefully this one we can settle on and
1832s then see how the rest of everything else
1833s plays out
1834s so coming in season four we also have
1836s some changes for Moira fade can now be
1839s activated during coalescence coalescence
1841s bonus movement speed has been reduced
1843s from 50 to 40 percent and biotic grasp
1846s lingering heel duration has been
1847s increased from two to three seconds Alec
1850s give us a give us a little bit of
1851s insight as to the design goals here yeah
1853s so what schools we've been having
1855s firmware for a while is you know
1856s increase our play making ability we
1858s still in the background or maybe looking
1860s at where her utility is does anything
1861s need to be added
1863s um but we we played with this change in
1865s particular we could fade during
1866s coalescence and it's just a lot of fun a
1868s lot of highlights there for Moira she
1870s feels really powerful during the
1872s ultimate even more than she did before
1873s so this change in particular you know is
1875s part of that playmaking ability when she
1877s activates her older she can you know
1878s jump into the back line and things of
1880s that nature so it's pretty cool
1881s uh you know Moira has been I think
1884s through a lot of evaluation uh even you
1886s know back in the beta phase right and
1888s ml7 like you you probably remember like
1891s the the Moira like the biotic orb buff
1893s that we made uh to try and add some uh
1896s utility to it yeah
1900s I I personally love that but dps's and
1903s tanks didn't I've always been a fan of
1905s Moga I love playing moega my only the
1908s only thing with my guy feel like is the
1910s fact that apart utility wise she only
1913s brings healing and damage and we see
1915s that in season four she gets a small
1917s healing buff
1918s that the lingering effect increases from
1920s two to three seconds and we also see
1923s that you can fade during coalescence so
1925s you can readjust and reposition in the
1926s team fights either to escaper to secure
1928s kills which is cool you know like I can
1930s definitely see like the play making
1931s potential but at a higher ganks it
1933s always comes to the question if we need
1936s more than healing and damage then we're
1938s not gonna pick oh my God what else who
1940s else can we pick so the question that I
1942s have for you is the following are you
1944s considering adding some form of utility
1946s to moega argh then healing or damage or
1949s gag is satisfied with the fact that
1951s moega is I would say probably the
1954s highest healing support in the game
1957s it's still something we're looking at
1959s but I don't I wouldn't say it's you know
1961s top of the list in terms of what our
1963s game needs right now in terms of what
1964s the cast may need in terms of those
1966s reworks or who might need the most
1968s attention I mean a Moira we want her to
1970s be that Comfort pick we don't want to
1972s mess it for flow too much you know we
1974s really want her to be this place where
1975s hey if you do you feel like you're you
1978s need damage or you need more healing she
1979s has some of those raw numbers especially
1981s at some of the lower ranks right so we
1983s want to make sure we don't mess over
1984s flow she stays in sort of that role that
1986s she is providing for a lot of players uh
1989s but we have tried some things you know
1991s we have tried some things I had some
1992s utilities some of the orbs and seamless
1994s I've been nothing nothing has stuck just
1996s yet so we're still working on that in
1997s the background do you give us one
2000s example I know I'm reaching gosh not the
2003s one that almost made a toy fix one just
2005s just one one idea
2008s that's not happening uh but we
2010s definitely played a fun where as you
2012s launched the orb um it would actually
2014s reveal any Targets it was hitting but
2017s the problem was like it was just it was
2018s so many and it felt like it wasn't
2020s really natural to Moira and who she is
2022s and what her kit actually is about
2025s um so that's not going to happen uh but
2027s you know we've investing up a bunch of
2029s them you know we'll keep messing around
2030s there's a lot of stuff I think yeah even
2033s someone's in the future they may see in
2034s events like we've been trying things but
2037s yeah nothing to announce when you're
2038s looking at other utility you can add to
2040s moega do you look only at the orb or got
2043s the fade and coalescence as well
2045s yeah I think or was one of those places
2047s where we just believe that there is room
2050s for that in particular you know we but
2052s at the same time we don't want to break
2053s that flow we know so it's like is there
2056s room for utility and when the orbit
2058s shots you know and you don't have to do
2060s anything else right this doesn't do
2062s something a little bit different in its
2063s effect things like that so that's just a
2065s place where I feel like you know those
2067s those moves are relatively basic there
2068s might be a little bit of room to add a
2070s tiny bit of complexity there but we
2072s don't want to overdo it I do think Fate
2074s has you know quite a bit already on it
2075s with the jump and everything the
2077s movement and yeah yeah
2080s now speaking of adding utility uh let's
2082s transition to one of my favorite
2083s supports brigitta
2085s um now in mid-season two we increased
2088s the health on her Shield uh in the start
2090s of season three we added that additional
2092s burst of healing to her health pack
2094s um so I think you know we've been pretty
2096s steadily like uh looking and examining
2098s brigitta and Alec you've actually been
2100s talking about wanting to take a close
2102s look at the ultimate ability and folks
2104s players are gonna see Briggs new
2106s Ultimate ability starting in season four
2108s Alec do you mind kind of going over
2110s these changes and uh let's get into it
2112s yeah so there's a number of changes here
2114s the goal is being to make this a bit
2116s more situational in terms of you know
2118s how good it can be in certain situations
2120s uh and also increase like what you're
2123s thinking of doing with the old also
2124s makes breaks bring a little bit more
2126s scary in the old as well so at the
2129s beginning of the ultimate she gains a
2131s hundred armor health and this is
2133s restorable for duration of rally right
2135s so she she just gains this she pressed Q
2138s it comes up she has it but no wonder
2140s will she actually build up the gradual
2143s temporary health like all of her allies
2145s so you have to think about that in terms
2147s of you know do you have this armor
2148s health and you're using Inspire to keep
2150s it active and up right
2151s the biggest change are I guess in terms
2154s of size uh is that her Shield actually
2156s gets bigger during the salt so it
2158s actually gets pretty wide it's a pretty
2159s pretty big thing for Brig and it's
2161s helpful goes from 300 to 750. so she now
2164s has a big old shield on the front of her
2166s and during rally uh so during the
2169s ultimate that Shield can stunt so it
2172s actually has as wide as it is you can
2175s actually use Shield bash during the
2176s ultimate so you get you can get one I
2178s think maybe two at the end of it
2180s um you can actually apply a stun there
2182s with that ultimate so she is pretty
2185s scary and to make sure she's not too
2188s like brutal in this uh her movement
2190s speed has been decreased there while
2191s she's in the alt from the 30 increase to
2193s down to 15 but yeah this one's a lot of
2196s fun we've been playing it for playing
2197s with it for a while been waiting to let
2199s the community get their hands on it as
2201s well but I think the shield and
2202s everything has just been a great job on
2204s the team in terms of like the art and
2205s the presentation of it how it looks
2208s I think uh anybody who has uh watched
2212s some of the trailers that we put out for
2214s uh for OverWatch over the years and you
2216s know has seen that that one where Brig
2218s and Ryan like make the super mega shield
2220s and so you know the minute I heard this
2222s I thought about that and I'm just like
2224s uh I love this you know really just like
2227s you know makes brick feel like a tank uh
2230s for for just a moment for just a moment
2232s the question uh that I would have is
2234s like you know these changes they're
2236s really cool like and you talked about
2237s some of the design goals um
2240s we know that this change you know might
2242s be a little
2243s polarizing for some people like what are
2245s your feelings there on that and like how
2248s are we going to keep monitoring that and
2249s adjusting yeah I mean we'll keep a pulse
2251s on whether this feels overwhelming or
2253s not in terms of being on the being on
2255s the enemy side and how that feels Our
2258s intention there is to make break feel
2259s like she's much more impactful during
2261s her olds and actually have a lot more
2262s decision making within that adding some
2265s layers to the ultimate itself so those
2267s are two things we're going to be mostly
2269s monitoring you know is is break
2270s terrorizing everyone in terms of running
2272s around and stunning the whole enemy team
2273s uh that doesn't happen that often unless
2276s she's comboing with like certain other
2277s certain abilities too so I think it's
2279s one of the things that we don't want to
2281s introduce and then break suddenly is
2283s just the meta pick immediately
2285s especially when we're you know
2286s introducing a brand new support hero to
2288s the lineup as well we want to make sure
2290s like this is something that's really
2291s great for break but also not too
2293s overwhelming on the other side
2294s I have a lot of questions yeah that's a
2297s lot of questions yeah because I'm I have
2299s I'm a bit scared about a great boss Greg
2301s again played a bunch of OverWatch one
2303s and she took control over the meta for a
2305s very long time
2307s but here are my questions so first
2309s things first
2310s how did you come up with the increase in
2313s the shield size yeah I think that it's
2315s actually a change the team's been
2317s playing around with for a while this is
2319s before I was on on the team but there's
2321s a change that the team's been keeping in
2323s the back of their mind something that we
2324s knew we wanted to look at
2326s um it didn't get into the initial
2328s OverWatch 2 changes we didn't have
2329s necessarily the the exact design we
2331s wanted at that point in time but we
2333s tried a number of things and the shield
2334s still getting bigger was one of those
2336s things we've been trying there was
2338s actually an iteration where the shield
2340s was invulnerable uh during the ultimate
2342s uh that proved I don't think it had the
2344s stun at that point but that proved to be
2346s a little bit too much and you kind of
2347s just like sat there with the shield and
2348s enemies were shooting they're like wait
2349s what's what's going on here you know so
2351s so it kind of like takes the goal of a
2354s tank doing hug ultimate that's the
2356s intention a little bit yeah you know say
2358s if you have the the sense where like you
2360s know Reaper's gonna come down you can
2361s maybe pop this right before stun the
2363s reaper like right before he also an
2365s assault and you know sort of make some
2367s of those types of flights
2369s thrown around and if yes why were they
2373s scrapped for this one yeah I
2375s I involved Shield one was one of the
2377s ones I distinctly remember there was a
2379s number of other iterations uh but that
2381s was the one I think we tried with the
2383s most and try to get most gameplay sense
2384s out of but it proves it just not be
2386s something that was intuitive to the
2388s enemies
2389s would we CNA extra utility added to her
2392s in the future other than her being just
2394s tanky of a goal because this is what I
2396s feel is like Briggs identity kind of
2398s like a very tanky here you go doing her
2400s ultimate at least yeah we feel like
2402s she's in a relatively good place in
2404s terms of you know how much she's getting
2405s played and how much how useful she's
2407s being in certain places I I do think the
2409s armor pack adjustment that we made gave
2410s her a little bit better of a way to you
2413s know actually heal her allies as well so
2415s we'll sit on this one for a while just
2417s like some of those Mercy changes see
2418s where Brig ends up and see if there's
2420s anything that actually needs to be added
2422s and I have one more question more
2424s possible one more okay because
2426s okay
2427s um you mentioned the stun doing her
2429s ultimate how long is the stand duration
2432s it's pretty brief uh so it's just like
2435s the old stun in terms of how long that
2436s was I think it's a 0.5 seconds correct
2438s point five and you can hit multiple
2440s targets with it you can hit multiple
2442s targets yeah okay so I mean it sounds
2445s gonna be fun for the perspective of the
2446s big player but I'm curious why the enemy
2448s team will feel like but you assured us
2451s that you're gonna keep a close eye and
2453s on on Dragon how strong she is or she
2455s isn't and hopefully if she becomes like
2458s a very strong pick things will get
2460s adjusted quite quickly yeah I will
2462s definitely be keeping an eye on this one
2463s yeah it's it's interesting too because
2466s like you know we're talking about like
2468s adding new utility to Heroes right and
2469s we're going to be talking about life
2471s Weaver in just a few moments but one
2473s thing I'm noticing like with this change
2474s and with life Weaver's ultimate ability
2476s like we're actually giving supports more
2478s ability to kind of take up space on the
2480s map right and to offer Zone control is
2483s is this like a trend that you kind of
2485s want to continue Alec or like what are
2487s you what are kind of the team's goals in
2489s adding this additional utility to the
2490s roster yeah yeah it's one of the goals I
2494s mean I don't I think sort of not
2496s necessarily the break change follows
2497s this goal but there's like a overall
2499s goal of supports that they're a bit more
2501s Scrappy
2502s um in OverWatch 2 then they sorry we're
2504s in OverWatch one and I think all the
2505s changes we've been making over time will
2506s say like Zen kick right and and some of
2509s those types of changes where they can
2510s fight for themselves you know it
2512s shouldn't be this thing where a damaged
2514s character you know faces down a support
2516s character and sort of like knowing
2518s what's going to happen in in that
2519s engagement you know they sh they sort of
2521s they should be able to defend themselves
2523s they should be able to fight in that
2524s engagement at least a little bit right
2525s so this is sort of the overall we want
2527s them to be pretty Scrappy compared to
2529s how they may have been OverWatch one and
2531s adding some you know some things to let
2533s them fight back and I think you've seen
2534s changes over time that have gotten them
2536s into that position
2538s so that's a lot of balance changes
2539s coming your way in season four but I
2542s think we know why most folks are here
2544s today so let's go ahead and dive
2546s straight into it and let's talk about
2548s our newest support hero lifeweaver
2550s before we dive in dive into the kit if
2552s you haven't checked out the trailer be
2554s sure to go check out the trailer be out
2556s be sure to check out the story the story
2558s video it's all amazing I know that you
2561s all will love it and love the character
2562s of life waiver but Alec let's get into
2565s the nitty-gritty about hero design and
2567s balance and also have a little talk
2568s about some meta impact there so to kick
2571s things off would you like to go over the
2573s uh life waiver's abilities yeah I'll
2575s review the kit for those who haven't
2577s seen it yet
2578s um so starting off wife Weaver's primary
2580s fire is healing Blossom you know you
2583s hold its charge actually this flower in
2585s his hand and then your release it has
2586s homing and soft targeting so it will
2588s actually home into your ally healing
2590s them just like Mercy a lightsaber
2592s actually does have a weapon swap as well
2594s though
2595s um so he can deal some damage he has his
2597s Thorne on on the weapon swap it's a
2600s little unruly but can deal some damage
2602s there now moving on to his abilities our
2606s first ability here is rejuvenating Dash
2608s uh you can Dash in any direction it's on
2611s relatively low cooldown and heal
2612s yourself gives life Weaver a little bit
2614s of Mobility there
2616s and then we have on the secondary fire
2619s pedal platform so pedal platform is
2622s lifeweeper actually throws out this seed
2625s and it creates a platform in in the
2627s world right and as someone steps on it
2630s they lift it up so you can use this on
2632s allies to with say you know a Widowmaker
2634s up to get a nice little vantage point
2636s you could use on enemies say you know
2638s stopping in alts like erisa or something
2640s like that or use it for yourself
2642s um a lot that's actually one of the
2643s biggest use cases like we were threw it
2644s on the pedal platform and give himself a
2647s nice vantage point to heal his allies
2648s from
2649s our next ability is definitely one of
2652s the the
2653s most eye-opening abilities that
2655s lifeweaver has is life so you actually
2657s pull an ally to you
2660s um to your location so you envelop them
2662s in in vulnerability State and then they
2664s actually get brought towards you it's on
2666s a pretty long cooldown it's 20 seconds
2668s but this can save all your eyes at their
2671s low Health in a bad situation say your
2673s Genji went in and he doesn't have any of
2675s his cooldowns left it's like all right
2677s get back over here right a Reinhardt
2678s your Reinhardt charges in might have
2680s missed uh get back over here so things
2683s of that nature are really great and this
2686s ability in particular has a lot of a lot
2688s of play making ability and just in tied
2690s up in it you can you combine some
2692s ultimates to do some crazy stuff too so
2694s a lot to talk about there
2695s next up Tree of Life is the ultimate
2698s life Weaver builds this tree in the
2701s world and on the initial build it
2704s actually does a pulse of healing and
2706s then every every second another pulse of
2708s healing so it's just safe space that
2710s your your team can actually rally around
2712s and they can get constant healing from
2714s it can be destroyed by enemies though
2717s and it has a thousand Health uh just
2719s like hell platform these things can be
2720s destroyed without platform as 400 Health
2722s the tree of life has a thousand health
2724s and then last but not least there's a
2726s passive online fever as well called
2728s parting gift so when he dies he leaves
2730s uh this flower in the world uh and
2734s enemies or Allies can pick it up uh so
2736s Alex can pick it up for her health and
2737s you can also pick up her health but
2738s allies do get more so that's likely
2741s versus kits I'm really excited to talk
2743s about this here it's one of my favorite
2744s Heroes we released so far uh and excited
2746s about you know any questions you may
2747s have about them so before we actually
2750s get into those questions and talk about
2752s the gameplay impact we recently recorded
2755s some scrims with several of our very
2757s well-known content creators
2760s um so what do you say folks you want to
2761s take a look and listen at that let's do
2763s it all right let's roll it
2767s and put a wall on top of the flower
2770s oh my God I really want to trap someone
2773s in a room wait can we actually do that
2775s at the site
2776s can we try like just to see how high we
2778s can get I want to see
2782s this is a flower down
2784s yeah what are we trying to flower down
2786s right now
2789s oh sorry
2793s I guess
2795s have it in five
2797s what are we doing
2799s with it
2801s yeah maybe maybe yeah I want to see how
2804s far yeah I think it's gonna bounce just
2807s put the bar down I mean yeah
2812s okay cancel bar
2815s oh my God oh my God no you can't wait
2818s can we can we do that at the start can
2820s we do it here I wanna I wanna sit up
2822s there for the rocket yeah
2824s it's too late just right here
2827s excellent Angie
2832s I'm gonna put a platform that goes high
2833s right there
2836s okay
2842s okay
2847s I pulled my face perfect
2850s we're told they pulled them
2852s I'm in the Weaver though Soldier one
2856s I'm gonna flank left side
2858s can we kill signals alone
2862s oh they're resting
2865s hello
2868s one Sigma one
2870s okay
2874s I need help oh there he is
2877s oh nice
2881s here
2882s we can chase her yeah
2887s oh
2893s zero one
2895s I got lost
2899s I think I pulled oh there's that red or
2901s the rose thing
2903s right now
2905s I put a platform on the corner
2911s hold on I go
2912s yeah I see him
2917s heels on you thank you
2922s I'm one of them
2927s oh he wanted one Oh wrong buttons
2932s RC one Mercy one oh do you control so
2934s hard
2935s yeah it's gonna be really painful
2938s don't make any support main mad
2941s yeah that's that's definitely true on
2945s rissy Missy one rich one rich one yeah
2948s Soldier High Ground
2950s I can go for him soon
2954s I miss them I'll push point it I'll get
2957s one he's up
2961s I blocked Eva's Escape
2971s I can't help you guys I think we're good
2975s okay come here you can do it here
2977s they're not gonna expect it here hold on
2980s hold on yeah yeah
2983s oh
2987s I'm dead
2988s oh
2990s oh that's our flower
2992s yeah they put a tree on top of it yeah I
2996s was just wondering why I didn't die with
2998s EMP
2999s eror
3000s [Music]
3003s I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm
3004s coming
3013s here
3018s kill this ball yeah yeah yeah now the
3021s problem is I can do that every time but
3022s we don't have damage to kill him yeah
3024s I'm chasing myself
3028s sorry sorry
3033s oh I forgot
3035s yeah I can pocket your blade I can go in
3038s for blade I'm going in for blade
3048s oh got the blade
3050s is that our Trio there's mines
3057s all big
3062s try to reload yeah you ain't
3071s um
3072s that'll back up a little
3074s I'm gonna go and swap
3076s I can't play ball here
3082s I have outside
3084s I might go Honda 30 MP is matching but
3087s Ultra
3097s all right
3105s honestly you could try to bait the tree
3107s like put it really far in their back
3108s line and then yeah
3110s or something I like that it'll hinder
3113s their vision
3115s I'm 85.
3117s I'm gonna valve now
3121s all right I'm putting it all the way
3125s oh
3127s sorry hello
3128s hi cameras
3130s I'm cut off by a tree
3133s just kill the tree
3136s nice
3138s hold on I'm here on their supports I'm
3140s on their supports
3148s oh nice
3151s that was so smart Austin
3154s and if that's all he's going for you
3156s know yeah yeah
3160s you can't see
3166s yeah
3167s initiating match
3172s they did that platform visor then you
3175s can stand directly under the platform
3176s and I can't shoot you true
3191s I feel like there's gonna be like spots
3193s you can learn where you could body block
3194s people
3196s yeah with this thing
3198s yeah
3201s it's really weird I don't know oh
3205s it picks the height that it goes up to
3209s um they said it was based off of like
3211s whatever's above it when people run off
3213s without me
3223s yeah there's gonna be a bunch of spots
3227s oh thank you let me know when you have
3228s Bob I want to say my e for it oh my gosh
3232s same spot three two no no no don't use
3235s it or switch off and then switch back so
3238s we can too late
3240s okay let's go right here go right here
3243s everyone's okay
3246s three two one
3249s ice wall
3251s wait okay we got no why are you go
3257s what uh they're stealing my thing
3272s Graham right time
3275s I don't know oh I got scared
3300s yeah three two one
3306s she doesn't heal more if you're at half
3308s now
3309s yeah
3311s oh I can grapple it what the heck
3315s lifted it as I had a grapple on it oh I
3318s just used you to body buck
3323s [Music]
3324s yeah
3326s yeah
3327s oh
3329s um
3336s I was able to do like uh diags off of it
3344s it's just gonna be sick
3354s we're going up
3356s let me know how great I'm gonna stop
3360s I can pull you up
3362s no I ain't no way he just did that to me
3364s oh
3365s it just Rivers though
3368s I'm gonna give him some ticks and I'll
3370s go
3371s yeah wait I'm here with you you got her
3374s you got her oh
3378s follow follow
3380s me
3381s just press through them
3384s nice oh I just killed him is that tree
3387s gonna die to the cart
3390s nope no
3395s okay I'm pocketing Guru from now on
3397s goodbye
3405s I'm carroting
3411s take the platform
3413s yeah
3416s I got a Genji and a ball on the cart oh
3419s uh we need to help her full name for me
3426s Indian
3435s uh pulling in six
3444s they have to like jump you see that
3447s flower yeah
3454s love you Paul
3456s oh it doesn't oh it doesn't yeah I put a
3458s platform though oh no it doesn't do
3460s everything
3461s we're so spoiled
3466s oh
3468s he's antsy he's um
3471s he's burning
3473s nice
3476s goodbye
3492s I get scared
3495s Mercy one
3497s I have the banana hug
3501s oh okay
3505s I trusted you hey I won this was
3508s terrible we forced them all
3512s right we can kill inside
3517s protect me
3519s I'll try it nice I used to eat a body
3523s box
3523s yeah I was able to uh
3526s yesterday I was able to like hold
3527s somebody to save myself yeah yeah
3531s I can Nano anyone
3534s there's a platform Decor to your right
3536s oh yeah
3541s oh
3542s um okay they don't go that far
3546s and I'm dead
3549s you're going in the
3551s whole thing actually that was clutch I
3554s was actually clutch
3571s seconds
3574s nice
3576s what I pulled you while you were
3579s remaking
3580s wasted a tree huh all right get the tree
3585s filling okay let's win this one we win
3588s this
3589s yeah
3591s I can platform on the center of bridge I
3594s think we just did like the right way um
3596s you just do it on me here when they come
3597s out okay
3599s you can do it I think
3609s enemy here
3612s is that possible to do it right under my
3614s feet or it does it like not deploy until
3617s I move
3618s why can it only be beside me
3621s okay coming back
3628s oh my God
3631s uh platform Bridge right there
3642s the grocery for me no I'm sorry
3646s one ball
3652s thank you that was actually really good
3654s oh my God
3656s [Music]
3661s well it's gonna be retouch
3663s oh okay okay okay
3666s holy
3667s so Genji yeah
3671s is that lower
3677s I don't have my ship
3684s they have kiriko now
3687s [Music]
3689s are you cooking over there
3692s he's cooking let him cook
3695s it
3698s oh you're so good over here
3701s all right
3702s I got booped forward
3711s I'm almost back I'm gonna go up since
3713s you guys are back there
3716s Weaver Weaver
3718s oh nice
3721s fashion wait that one nice
3727s Soldier main careful yeah I'm running
3730s I'm running
3738s interesting
3741s [Music]
3743s I'm coming I'm coming
3747s over there
3753s can you want me up to the thing
3758s good morning
3759s Fashion's up top he's on his one he's
3761s one he's so low what you got your oint
3763s sorry I thought I hit him
3765s like what's happening we went there yeah
3768s platforms platform whatever
3777s yeah yeah I'm going here again
3789s I gotta pull for whoever
3795s nice
3804s oh my God there's so much stuff on the
3807s screen there's like trees there's like
3810s so snares and there's like all right
3814s my tree placement at the end there
3817s just cutting off Guru from our whole
3819s team
3821s it's okay I was on the like the
3825s flower thingy to help him
3827s oh mercy on The High Ground
3834s it'll be funny if someone was like alone
3836s on the cart and then you pulled them off
3838s the cart oh
3841s or if you leave them up and they've seen
3843s on
3844s oh my like anime yeah this is definitely
3848s a character that you're gonna have to
3850s take from people to lock it yeah
3861s thank you
3863s [Music]
3869s foreign
3871s have you guys picked up my death orb
3874s no honest honestly I forgot it existed
3878s yeah
3881s you should try it I'll shoot a rocket
3883s there give it a sniff
3887s three
3888s two one attackers
3896s he's on the platform
3902s crowd
3912s break right side yeah
3915s Rim packed
3919s platform on you group
3922s to your right to your right
3924s you're running into it
3925s yeah I tried it oh it's like it was on
3928s top of something
3931s I have another one and two put it on
3932s Metro
3935s one
3940s guys
3943s can you play by me they Wonder oh
3946s it's okay it's okay
3949s oh we can push Azaria I'm getting ready
3951s left close left low
3954s uh
3956s thank you
3964s so disorienting when I like Guardian
3966s Angel to somebody yeah and then they're
3968s gone and I'm like oh I don't know what
3971s you need for MP do I save my blazer for
3973s MPV
3987s I got this
3998s all right
4006s probably I'm just gonna empty it
4015s 30 seconds
4018s I'm gonna push Azari off top
4021s IC good I'm pushing her
4026s rally
4028s oh
4030s stay behind my shield
4035s [Music]
4037s what 15 seconds
4044s bro
4046s this is really cool
4054s that was insane
4061s it'll get quaked on
4064s I don't know Bill Aspen block Aspen off
4067s never mind
4072s they might have Rambles no no they just
4075s use it
4077s come up here
4082s [Music]
4085s wow okay so what is plainly evident just
4089s from watching that video is that there
4091s is so much to learn with this new
4093s support hero
4094s um
4095s I think what I'm gonna do right now is
4097s I'm gonna actually turn this over to the
4099s expert ml7 you are a support legend in
4103s the OverWatch community so we know the
4106s questions that you're gonna have are
4107s going to be exactly some of the ones
4109s that many of our support Specialists are
4111s going to have so let's get into the
4113s details get granular get nitty-gritty
4115s what kind of questions do you know that
4117s high rank support players will have I'm
4119s gonna dive right into it Andy I'm super
4122s excited about lifeweaver being added to
4124s the support of the gospel because I
4125s think that his kit will cover one of the
4127s main weaknesses that a lot of Heroes in
4129s OverWatch have which is the lack of
4131s Mobility I've always classified supports
4133s as escapists and it's like vivalists
4136s what I mean with this escapists OG higos
4139s that have a way of getting away from
4141s Team fights but usually the ways of them
4143s running away from Team fights I just
4145s themselves I'm looking at uh Swift
4148s step orgas fade and also you have what I
4151s call survivalists as in if you want to
4153s take the fight against them they're kind
4155s of forced to take the fight so Heroes
4157s such as Anna or xenyatta they lack
4159s Mobility so I think that lifeweaver will
4163s bring a lot of utility into the support
4164s roster same as like similar to Lucio's
4167s speed boost because he gives you the
4169s possibility of repositioning teammates
4172s in fights especially with his uh with
4175s his pull and also with his uh flog that
4178s he lifts his allies up now I got a
4180s question for you Alec about about life
4182s we've introducing a new Hugo always
4184s brings a big Shift Into The Meta do you
4186s think this will be the case with him as
4188s well
4189s you know I I think
4190s when we introduce a new hero yes they
4192s always Shake Up The Meta in some way I
4195s think in particular for life waiver
4197s there's multiple tools that we could see
4199s really shaking it up and that it could
4200s be pedal platform it could be life group
4202s I think you know having those both on
4203s One support is definitely going to bring
4206s some change uh it's just some some of
4208s this stuff we've been seeing some of the
4209s compositions and some of the plays you
4211s can make we're excited to see what
4212s players at like a really high level
4214s actually do with all this tools too do
4216s you think that he has like a very high
4218s skill ceiling to master him it's
4222s interesting because actually part of our
4223s design intention when we were developing
4225s life we were was to have a support that
4227s actually didn't require a lot of aim
4229s skill you know so his primary healing
4230s for example you know has homing you have
4232s that charge up you it has good amount of
4235s range so you don't really have to be
4236s super you know amazing at aiming to
4239s actually play wave Weaver what it does
4241s take is a lot of Team coordination you
4243s know there's a lot going on you you know
4245s your teammates might need to be aware of
4247s where the platform is when you're going
4248s to use life group effectively so there's
4250s a lot of game sense here with life
4252s waiver but I wouldn't ask to say it
4254s there's like a ton of uh actually
4255s mechanical skill um because you are you
4258s know you have that home in healing and
4259s that's one of the things we really
4260s wanted to focus in on at the beginning
4262s of his development kind of like are you
4264s focusing on him in the battlefield with
4266s like setting up your allies rather than
4268s just getting ready to kill your team I
4270s guess to just to go at damage that's the
4272s philosophy behind him a lot of it I
4275s still think you know life Weaver you
4276s know you still got to like fight for
4277s yourself because sometimes you switch to
4279s the you know switch to Thorn volley and
4281s do can defend yourself in some
4283s situations and knowing exactly you know
4285s where to throw the platform to is
4287s important but our Focus was making a
4290s another support that was easy to heal on
4292s in terms of the aim skill necessary and
4295s could you describe his playstyle as then
4297s is it is this something that we've seen
4299s in the support the gospel so far or is
4301s this something completely unique
4303s I think these abilities are definitely
4305s completely unique in terms of what we've
4307s seen in the uh support roster I I look
4309s at sort of Life Weber as having very
4311s high healing output so you know in terms
4314s of Who You may pair alongside lifeweaver
4316s uh not a ton of burst healing you have
4319s to be prepared for those situations if
4321s you aren't prepared for those situations
4322s you know his healing isn't as strong
4323s right
4325s um but I think the two things we talk
4328s about like being able to control space
4329s and put your allies in different
4331s positions you know he can really warp
4333s how the fight is approached and how your
4335s allies approach it and how aggressive
4337s your allies can be you know I think some
4338s of the examples we talked about so it's
4340s like Reinhard or Genji or you know some
4342s of those flankers that may go in and
4344s they can be a bit more aggressive maybe
4346s in a little reckless because they know
4347s life fever is protecting them as well
4349s you know in some of those battles yeah
4351s it's an interesting point you bring up
4352s about having to be a little bit more
4354s prepared for healing and I think you
4356s know as players are kind of trying to
4358s draw some comparisons and I know ml
4360s wants to get into this a little bit
4361s later on but like you good I I
4364s personally when I played him in some of
4366s our internal play tests the way that I
4368s thought about it and approached it was
4370s almost kind of like the kariko of who
4371s does right where it's like you know and
4373s or even like for me going way back as
4375s like a wow player right you know it's
4377s the the idea of pre-healing right of
4379s anticipating the damage is going to come
4381s to your uh come to your tank your damage
4383s whoever's getting targeted right and
4385s knowing having the game sense to know
4387s when it's appropriate that you should
4389s actually be pre-healing and anticipating
4391s that so
4392s speaking of internal play tests uh ml I
4394s do remember you have a question actually
4396s about some of our internal play tests
4398s do you think that life we've worked will
4400s be as polygizing in the game as kikako
4403s was team comp wise do you think that he
4405s has the possibility of defining the next
4407s meta
4408s yeah I think you know he brings a unique
4411s set of tools
4412s um so I definitely think there's there's
4413s a chance to like we were unlocks a lot
4415s of compositions you know in particular
4417s like what what damage characters are
4419s playing alongside him which team cares
4420s are playing alongside him uh so yes
4422s there's potential there for here to just
4424s unlock new things and new ways of
4426s playing in new ways that teams are
4427s actually approaching the game whether
4428s that be from because you have life group
4430s or whether because you have the pedal
4431s platform that can actually put your team
4433s in you know new situations and new areas
4435s of the map
4436s other parts of his kit that you feel
4438s might be too weak or too strong
4441s I I think the one thing we're definitely
4443s gonna be looking at as lightweaver
4444s launches is you know his healing is you
4448s know how is that healing tuned is it
4450s actually you know too high for how much
4452s value he's getting elsewhere in his kit
4453s as well and then I think lifebearp in
4456s particular my group's probably one of
4458s those very
4459s um
4460s it's probably the most one of those very
4463s attractive abilities within a fight and
4465s we need to keep an eye on like okay how
4466s much value are players actually getting
4468s out of it because we we think it's very
4470s very powerful but are players seeing
4472s that value immediately you know in those
4474s first few weeks as they're playing like
4475s Weaver
4476s number wise how does his healing and
4479s damage output feel like compared to
4481s other supports
4482s yeah so this healing per second follows
4485s the timing below Mercy um but you know
4487s you do have that range you do have the
4489s Homing you do have all of that so it
4491s does feel really good you can be a very
4494s high healing output support on life
4497s waiver and the damage is is pretty high
4499s it's about like 110 DPS on his Thorn
4501s volley
4502s um so that could be pretty high it's one
4504s of those skills we see in playtest in
4506s particular as players get used to
4508s lifeweaver they're using that a little
4510s bit more you know swapping weapons a
4512s little bit more in terms of their you
4513s know going back and forth
4515s um so they're getting more damage
4517s overall but the weapon itself as I said
4519s earlier is like unruly it's not
4521s necessarily it does have a significant
4523s amount of spread right
4525s um so you have to get to really kind of
4526s learn how that feels I wanted to ask you
4528s like how fast can you swap between his
4531s healing Blossom and his um his Token
4534s Valley is it similar to swapping from
4536s healing to damage boost on morgacy or is
4538s it similar to swapping from the staff to
4539s the pistol it's faster actually than how
4542s Mercy can swap uh but the one thing you
4544s have to keep in mind is when life Weaver
4546s swaps back to Healing he doesn't have it
4549s charged right he then has to recharge
4551s his healing and get it back up so you
4553s have to be pretty mindful of that in
4555s particular because life Weaver at zero
4557s charge isn't going to be able to Output
4559s much healing until he charges up healing
4561s Blossom to some significant level
4563s all right folks we are running short on
4567s time but that is okay because today we
4569s are introducing a new segment that we're
4572s calling rapid fire here's how this is
4575s going to work
4576s we're gonna put some time on the clock
4578s ml7 will have all that time to ask as
4581s many questions that he can ask and get
4583s an answer from alicon Alec are you ready
4587s let's show I'm ready as I'll ever be
4589s that's all right ml7 are you ready I'm
4593s good to go Andy
4595s here we go folks on your mark get set go
4599s it's live grip how do you plan to
4601s prevent the 12 potential there's some
4603s baked in logic there to prevent some
4604s troll potential and we actually allow uh
4607s allies being pulled they can use
4608s movement abilities inside of it so they
4610s can get out of it Miss clicks happen in
4612s game will this ability have a
4613s confirmation option like ecoscopy
4615s organo's nanoboost it will not have a
4617s confirmation option at watch
4620s is there gonna invulnerability to it yes
4622s allies aren't vulnerable for the
4624s duration of the life group ability petal
4626s platform in tiogi can you have 100
4628s uptime of your petal platform no there's
4631s going to be a little bit of time where
4632s you do not have it it's on a bit longer
4634s cooldown and that is where white flavor
4636s is at his most vulnerable new place of
4638s May wall or your sim TP on top of it yes
4640s you can do you think that this ability
4642s might influence the meta the most I
4644s don't think Telecom will influence the
4646s meta the most but has a lot of neat
4648s tricks you can do with it such as
4649s raising up your allies or hey you know
4651s see Arisa ulting and raise her up and
4653s then that old's gonna be kind of not
4654s doing anything anymore and he activated
4656s halfway across the map you can activate
4658s as far as you can throw it it's actually
4661s something you you throw from from wife
4663s Weaver it could bounce off wallsu it
4664s will not go halfway across the map a new
4666s grapple hook to it yes you can now
4668s moving on to the passive parking gift
4671s does this stay up until he responds it's
4673s up for 12 seconds so slightly longer you
4674s pick up Parting Gift up like you could
4676s back in the day pick up toybian's armor
4678s packs you just walk in over it and
4680s that's how you'll pick it up like a
4681s health pack how much does it heal it
4683s heals allies for 250 and enemies for 75.
4686s can you activate pedal platform without
4688s having anybody step on it a player has
4690s to step on it it's a pressure sensitive
4692s platform at that point it will rise up
4694s can you activate it with a Teleport
4696s no it will not activate that way does
4699s the healing from the ultimate work
4700s through walls or is it the line of sight
4701s dependent it does need line of sight
4703s does he have any movement decks Yes
4706s actually at the as you raise up on a
4708s platform if you jump at the top you'll
4710s actually get a much bigger jump does he
4712s have a modified headshot amplifier like
4714s hiriko has or is it the same like most
4716s other Heroes that can headshot it's like
4717s most other Heroes it's times two and
4719s ding ding ding ding ding we are all done
4722s there thank you so much for that that
4724s was actually a lot of fun I don't know
4726s Alec how did you how did you like that
4727s yeah yeah well I love talking about life
4729s Weaver um we're very very excited about
4731s this hero oh I'm doing more talking
4733s about the rapid fire you may have to we
4735s may have to start doing all of our
4736s interviews like that sure sure yeah
4739s well
4741s let's talk about let's let's uh let's
4743s wrap things up folks
4745s um there is like we said earlier there's
4747s a lot of changes coming your way in
4748s season four from hero balance to
4750s competitive updates to Quality of Life
4752s Changes Everything aimed at making
4754s OverWatch 2 uh the most fun and most
4757s exciting and the best experience
4759s possible for all of you
4761s um so for all the details again please
4762s be sure to check out the season four
4763s patch notes those are live on the
4765s official forums right now
4767s before we get out of here though ml
4769s would love to get your perspective on
4771s lifeweaver now that we've had a chance
4773s to ask all these questions I really want
4776s to know from your perspective what is
4778s the impact that lifeweaver is going to
4779s have on the bat on just overall game
4781s balance and how may he shift The Meta
4785s I think that life opens up a lot of
4788s possibilities that weren't possible
4790s before because a lot of Heroes lacked
4792s mobility and he covers that weakness
4795s very well now initially I suspect that
4799s he will not be
4802s um
4803s it will take some time to master his cat
4804s is what I'm trying to say he seems like
4806s a very complex here goes so the more
4808s hours we're gonna have on him the more
4809s you're gonna understand how strong he is
4811s team comp wise I feel like initially
4814s people are going to play with him in
4816s such a way that you want to like pull
4818s allies that are getting dived but with
4820s time we might see this evolve into
4823s trying to speculate that extra Mobility
4825s that he can offer to his allies by just
4828s stacking he goes that he can play with
4830s that have a lot of Mobility themselves
4832s such as Winston maybe even Genji
4836s interesting Alec your take on what ml
4839s just said yeah I mean that all sounds
4841s exciting I think it's one of those
4842s things where you know once we unleash a
4844s hero in onto the entire playbase we get
4847s this we just are delighted when we see
4849s what they come up with too that we maybe
4851s not have seen in our initial play test
4852s right so we're excited to see how white
4854s flavor shakes everything up and to see
4855s the creative compositions that players
4857s build around him
4858s very cool so obviously like we don't
4861s want you to be like making your meta
4863s predictions or you're like uh you know
4866s hero balanced hearing uh Alec that's
4868s that's not that's kind of like not what
4870s we do like we don't determine that stuff
4871s we let the community talk to us about it
4873s right
4874s um but
4875s from a design perspective though and you
4877s as the leader of the hero design team
4879s like I'm really curious to know what are
4881s you hoping to learn with season four
4884s yeah I think with season four we're
4886s really weren't looking at you know how
4889s when a new support comes out like what
4890s do players do initially uh with that
4892s with that hero you know it's been since
4894s launch you know we haven't had a new
4896s support yet this was carico and now we
4898s have life Weaver and just seeing how
4900s players adapt to the support that really
4902s they need to be aware of right I think
4904s the platform in particular is something
4906s where it's like life is gonna throw it
4908s up for you are you ready for it do you
4910s know how to like actually play with this
4911s thing do you know how to play a round
4913s life Weaver so I think those are some of
4915s the things I'm most excited to see
4916s players answer that question I'm most
4918s excited to see like how they're adapting
4920s to life grip and you know what are they
4922s something they're in the back of their
4923s head they're like oh I can do this I can
4925s go in Reinhardt because I know
4926s lifeweaver is going to protect me I'm
4929s excited to see how they really adapt
4930s there and that this is something that
4931s was you know this here in particular
4933s there's so many tools available in his
4936s kit that you know it's gonna be really
4938s interesting
4939s that's actually super interesting Alec
4941s um you know I know me personally uh like
4944s I'm super excited to see when uh the
4947s OverWatch League Pros get their hand on
4948s life Weaver I think he's going to open
4950s up so many different comps I think it's
4953s gonna be really exciting and interesting
4955s to see folks with that kind of like high
4957s of a skill ceiling get their hands on
4958s him so well I just wanted to take the
4961s moment and say thank you to all of you
4964s for watching with us we really
4965s appreciate you we hope you enjoyed this
4967s content also take a moment here to say
4970s thank you to Mr ml7 thank you ml for
4972s joining us today would you like to tell
4973s the folks at home where they can find
4974s you on the interwebs thank you for
4976s having me on Andy this has been a lot of
4978s fun if you wanna check my content out
4981s then you can just find me at mo7 support
4983s on my social media
4985s very cool Alec uh speaking of social
4988s media we know that you've got a very
4990s active presence on Twitter uh talking to
4992s players answering questions and even
4993s occasionally hosting a q a uh where can
4996s folks find you online yeah it's a GW
4998s underscore Alec and you know send me
5000s some questions if you have them and I'll
5001s do my best to answer them and for all of
5003s you watching at home whether you're
5004s watching on Twitch where we ask you to
5007s please follow us and turn on your
5008s notifications or if you're watching us
5010s on YouTube where hey like subscribe
5012s please comment in the video below let us
5014s know how you like this content but until
5016s next time my name is Andy Belford and
5019s this has been devchat
5039s thank you
5059s [Music]
5071s [Music]
5078s [Music]
5107s thank you
5108s [Music]
5114s foreign
5120s [Music]