almost 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hmm
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696s so
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755s yay
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762s foreign
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883s as
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896s another one falls to music
900s [Music]
901s really starting to go off now what the
903s hell did i just win this uh pardon all
906s right looks like pork's back on the menu
908s boys
909s killed two and he dropped
924s [Music]
936s hello and welcome to watchpoint i'm
938s avilee may and with me today are
940s jonathan reinforced larson and scott
942s custa kennedy and on wednesdays
946s we wear pink obviously i mean i like the
949s different shades of pink that we've got
950s going on we've got the plaid pink we've
952s got the pink beret pink shirt and then
954s guys i'm just like i am a pink flamingo
958s you said wear pink and this was i this
960s was out of your house
962s yeah there's a lot of blue here for a
963s pink thing but but look there's the
965s flamingos you have to have the contrast
967s that's true so you did fine you just
969s rock a little bit of that now walk me
971s through what you've got on your head
972s right now because what i noticed was uh
974s sav commenting under your twitter post
976s saying i don't understand how you took a
978s beret that i made look so cute in my
980s profile picture and turn it into this so
983s here's what happened you you came in
985s you're like on wednesday we're going to
986s wear pink and it's like obviously we're
988s going to wear pink hair you know look at
989s it and so i put i got my pink shirt i
991s got my pink shorts and i'm like okay but
993s it's it's too basic and i and then from
995s across the room i see it sitting on the
997s nightstand a pink beret and i'm like
1000s i'm a i'm feeling a little spicy for
1002s this one so yeah here we are i think i'm
1004s rocking it sam says i i i look weird i
1006s think i look great did you tell you
1008s a bit like a luigi a pink luigi yeah
1011s pink luigi i'm like that weird cousin
1013s that they have that they haven't
1014s introduced to the game yet
1016s i would yeah
1017s no you will sorry
1021s no no no
1023s no sorry
1025s we're we're at hump day ladies and
1026s gentlemen we are at hump day and johnny
1029s is feeling it but listen we are heading
1031s into day three of the mid-season madness
1033s tournament and if you miss the first few
1035s days first of all shame on you second of
1039s all of course we've got you all covered
1041s in the all-important all-knowing
1043s all-wise bracket oh there it is let's
1046s take a look at it we see the results of
1048s monday and tuesday and right now we're
1050s looking at the upper bracket if you're
1051s going where's wednesday i only see
1052s thursday well don't you worry because
1054s once we take a look at our lower bracket
1057s we're going to see all of the matches
1058s that we have for today starting off with
1060s dynasty taking on the rain outlaws
1062s taking on defiant fuel taking on fusion
1064s and then finally spitfire taking on the
1067s mayhem but this is you know the bracket
1070s and the schedule basically for today but
1072s scott these teams are playing for
1075s something more than just bragging rights
1077s are they not yeah they absolutely are
1079s they are playing for league point and
1081s money so everyone who is qualified for
1083s this tournament will receive league
1085s points everyone gets at least one but if
1087s you win you get four league points three
1089s for second place and two for third place
1091s but look at the money on the right side
1093s we have five hundred thousand dollars
1096s it's a lot of dollar dues going to the
1097s champions and it gets distributed
1099s further down for the teams in the top
1101s six so it's not just bragging rights
1103s there are league points which matter for
1104s the grand scheme of playoffs and then a
1106s little bit of money always helps johnny
1108s 500 000 being deposited into your bank
1110s account what would you do with it buy
1112s berries
1113s lots of raise i respect it i respect it
1115s yeah i mean this right here is like a
1117s treasure like five thousand dollars
1118s maybe yeah so i could afford 100 100 yep
1123s excellent how many shades of colors are
1124s there a brace
1126s yeah i'm endless johnny endless and
1128s there's so many different combinations
1129s that you can get
1131s 100 all right
1132s listen if you are a beret shop owner hit
1135s up johnny because he's going to make you
1136s a very very rich person now today is the
1140s first day of our lower bracket which is
1142s a nice way of saying losers bracket to
1145s the teams who have already managed to
1146s drop a game now despite being only a
1149s single loss away from elimination some
1151s teams are keeping their hopes high and
1153s their eyes on a lower bracket run back
1155s into the finals because for them custa
1158s this tournament is still combackable
1162s combatable only combatable's not going
1164s to be a thing stop trying to make it a
1166s thing it's going to happen compactable
1168s is definitely going to happen it's going
1170s to happen but scott scott listen if you
1171s have such an issue with this let's start
1173s with you because there are a lot of
1174s talented teams who have taken a stumble
1176s into the lower brackets so which team do
1179s you still think could make a run in this
1181s tournament come back
1182s no not combatable it is winnable for
1184s this team in the lower bracket and i'm
1186s going to talk about the london spitfire
1187s we've talked about this team so much but
1189s they have continued to impress me they
1191s were kind of like a meme for the first
1194s you know for a few weeks of like oh my
1195s god they're finally doing it they're
1197s playing the rush style and it's working
1199s but in their match yesterday against the
1201s san francisco shock they went toe-to-toe
1203s with our 12-0 team in the league for the
1206s regular season on these dive heroes
1208s hardy on that wrecking ball was looking
1209s good and sparkler on this sojourn had so
1212s many cuts especially from this route 66
1215s so it feels like they are a team that is
1217s peaking at the right time and you have
1219s to also look at backbone on that
1220s zenyatta the bone back zenyatta has just
1223s been absolutely incredible out of
1225s nowhere just putting up top tier
1227s zenyatta performances and today of all
1229s days is his birthday and
1231s tomorrow is poco's birthday so if you
1234s are not cheering for the london spitfire
1236s you hate fun and birthdays and poco so
1239s and backbone which is why i've been
1241s cheering for the spitfire since we began
1243s it wasn't just the barbecue but it was
1245s also the birthday party that i'm
1246s expecting to get invited to if i
1248s continue to cheer for them yes event
1250s birthday party in hawaii when london
1252s spitfire win the whole thing
1253s oh birthday party in hawaii that would
1255s definitely be fun i want a coconut cake
1257s and then pineapple your birthday is
1259s there but you don't get thrown up
1261s listen if i'm giving them my energy and
1263s my love i'm expecting some party
1267s now london could definitely be poised to
1269s run it back they'll face florida in our
1270s first match of the day now another squad
1273s that not a lot of people expected to be
1275s here in this lower bracket johnny it's
1277s the soul and this is a mercurial team
1279s and they haven't lived up to their
1280s potential so far what's going on it's
1282s combatable it's compackable for the
1284s seoul dynasty oh we're making it a thing
1287s overly we're making it up we're making
1289s she doesn't even go to here we're making
1291s it a thing making it a thing it's
1293s combatable for the soul dynasty what was
1296s yesterday
1298s come on seoul dynasty you're the king of
1300s clash champions representing the east
1304s and you just got swept
1305s by the hangzhou spark i mean we're
1307s really messed up wearing pink are they
1310s not playing yeah
1312s come on
1313s i mean
1315s we had such high expectations from the
1316s seoul dynasty um of course profit came
1319s out firing and all cylinders racked up
1321s 12 out of 20 uh
1323s final blows uh for seoul dynasty on that
1325s very first round of billions and then we
1327s won't talk about the rest of the series
1328s we don't think about the rest of this
1329s year the first round it's all that
1330s matters but the backline for seoul
1332s dynasty what happened if we take a look
1333s at vindim's zenyatta stats in the
1336s mid-season madness qualifiers fourth in
1338s air damage fourth in eliminations tied
1340s for second in the final blows for 10
1343s minutes astoniata out of 23 players with
1346s 60 plus minutes these are great stats
1348s except for healing these are great
1350s styles screw the healing
1353s okay but
1354s yesterday
1355s it was it was a clown fiesta it was it
1358s was garbage okay it was not what we
1360s wanted to see from saul dancing you can
1361s do better than this the dice were good
1363s the tracer plate was good from profits
1365s smurf did a pretty good job in the tank
1367s row but the back line just couldn't help
1370s each other out they couldn't stay alive
1371s so here you see this is them beating the
1373s philadelphia fusion in the kickoff clash
1375s finals and claiming that first stage
1377s title for this franchise but then i
1380s guess it sparked it yesterday it fell
1382s all apart vin dime and creative they
1384s couldn't keep each other alive fitz on
1386s dorado on the ash i would like to see
1388s him help them peel a bit more and you
1390s might say well they they had bad stats
1392s because they got three years they got
1393s swept both maybe if they didn't have bad
1395s stats they'd actually win
1398s that's ridiculous if you have good stats
1400s you win more so i i'd really like to see
1402s the back line from seoul dynasty step up
1404s and show some of that cohesion like
1406s seriously like show some of that team
1408s chemistry yeah because i just don't
1409s think that the soul backline did any
1411s favors to themselves yesterday so i'd
1413s like to see them step up more and maybe
1415s they'll uh bring up the rest of the team
1417s with them yeah i'd like to see that too
1418s especially since going into yesterday
1420s you two hyped up that squad so much when
1422s you're like good reason play let's see
1424s him go and i'm like um guys the spark
1427s just kind of steamrolled them uh
1430s should you two really be the analyst
1431s that i have on my desk with me right now
1436s jokes
1437s jokes or is it well listen soul had the
1439s unfortunate luck of running into that
1440s dastardly spark team who are getting a
1443s pass today because on wednesdays we
1445s stand pink but that same spark team took
1448s out the team that i think has a path
1450s that is totally combatable and can you
1452s guess who it is
1454s can you guess of course it's philly it's
1457s the fusion and let me tell you why even
1460s though this is my first time being
1462s awfully delphia fusion i love that
1466s now listen this may be the first time
1468s that i'm you know on the desk with you
1469s guys but you know what we were talking
1471s about in rehearsal just what philly is
1474s made of and more specifically what
1475s philly cheesesteaks are made of which is
1477s what makes the great region so fantastic
1480s apparently the water that they use to
1482s make the bread for philadelphia
1484s cheesesteaks it's like got alkaline or
1487s something in in philly which makes the
1489s bread so fluffy so delicious and similar
1492s to this squad all of the players just
1494s loaded with all of these
1496s water good
1497s things
1499s [Laughter]
1505s that's what's going to make each player
1507s strong to build and need the bread of
1511s the fusion i'm going somewhere with this
1513s uh analysts want to help me out anywhere
1516s you're what you want us sorry
1518s three days in you want us to defend you
1521s defending the philadelphia fusion we've
1523s told you that this is a bad idea time
1525s and time again they're not going to get
1527s the bread
1528s we we need to suggest a change here we
1531s really like we there has to be another
1534s way there i don't i don't know if there
1535s is another way because all i know is
1537s that the fusion have my heart my soul
1539s and everything in between but listen
1541s even right now while i've been
1542s demonstrating my dedication to the
1545s fusion squad since my arrival you two
1547s are always trying to sway me into
1549s supporting another set of players and
1551s i'm not gonna have it which is
1552s unfortunate because our next segment you
1554s guys are gonna be trying to switch me
1556s onto a different team and we're going to
1557s see if you two can be successful after
1559s the break so don't go anywhere stick
1561s around this is going to be interesting
1567s [Music]
1606s so
1612s [Music]
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1659s [Music]
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1732s [Music]
1747s welcome back to watchpoint now guys
1749s before we get into it i want to shout
1750s out one person in the chat who i guess
1752s really enjoyed my bread analogy
1755s they said this is laroid saying loaded
1757s with empty carbs water and shattered
1760s drinks
1761s philly fans in a nutshell silly fans in
1764s a nutshell
1766s and that's why we care about you and
1768s that's why we don't want you to go down
1770s guys listen it's no secret that i've got
1772s blatant biases in the overwatch league
1774s okay but i've yet to see a player that
1776s could convince me to betray my love for
1778s this oh come on i've i i haven't seen it
1780s yet what you think that there's someone
1782s who can change my mind
1784s players and teams it's teams and players
1786s scott what you got for me all right let
1788s me start off and this is this for me it
1791s was the obvious story
1792s it's wednesday okay it is wednesday it
1794s is wednesday so we wear pink so we're
1796s gonna hype up the hondros and
1798s specifically come on
1800s yes this feels right up your alley
1802s they're a pink t perfect shy is an
1804s incredible player you've seen it over
1805s the last couple of days but you know
1807s being a great player is really going to
1808s sell you on this team
1810s shy
1812s and the hong joe spark they have an
1814s anime character as a player of their
1816s team
1817s sorry that that's something that sort of
1819s leans into you you like anime
1821s on top of that
1822s shy cosplays as well we've seen shai do
1826s some cosplay yeah
1827s he has some moments okay wait we're
1829s getting a picture up here so just be
1830s ready because you're about to change
1832s your mind philadelphia fans they're
1834s about to lose you look at this there you
1835s go
1837s the cat killer cosplay
1838s this shy cat girl cosplay for the spark
1841s shy has done it for the spark he is the
1844s sole denominator of this team of why you
1846s should be a fan right now look at this
1848s the before and after gosh
1851s okay well now this is actually
1853s convincing me with that being said like
1855s listen i'm coming from the league scene
1856s where we've we've got sneaky and i don't
1858s know what filter shy is rocking no
1860s filters sneaky uses filters as well
1862s organically dare you sneaky is all
1865s natural all beauty
1867s she's always shy no she don't back down
1869s to her that's right
1871s sorry that's what he said yeah
1873s no filters slightly convincing but i'm
1875s not totally swayed just yet i'm not
1878s totally swayed just yet okay but it's a
1881s pretty good day to uh pitch a pink team
1884s but johnny what do you got for me i'm
1885s not totally convinced yet okay so in my
1888s understanding you like trash talk you
1890s like the spice epicante yeah yeah i love
1893s the smell reiner yesterday very spicy
1895s yeah in that interview great interview
1897s talking about the shanghai dragons and
1899s the whole spiel
1901s we saw the tea bags coming out we we we
1904s saw the dabs we saw it don't no
1907s good yeah yeah we're on the single here
1908s so it doesn't matter
1909s yeah there we go oh my god so reiner i i
1913s i feel like it's right up your alley and
1915s he's good at the game too this is his
1916s doofus that's this season
1918s first three eliminations first in final
1920s blows first you knocked back kills
1922s top five and here at emerson like reiner
1924s is really good at the game too and he's
1926s a rookie you could get in now support
1929s rhino get in early and then in two to
1931s three years time you'll be able to claim
1933s so much clout because you're getting on
1934s rhino early and you become a fan you
1936s become glad your son look players fan
1938s they're equally as tragic as the fusion
1939s fans but they're better they're better
1942s and you know they actually have good
1944s players so i'd get in on reiner
1945s immediately i think it's a great
1947s prospect and you you get so much clout
1949s in a couple years yeah you know what i
1951s am someone who loves trash talk i love
1953s seeing personality uh in the league and
1955s honestly in the esports scene in general
1957s and getting that the tea bag and then
1959s the dab um yesterday like that really
1962s got me excited and also you told me that
1965s he named himself reiner after attack on
1967s titan yeah that is true
1969s come on it's a matchmaker
1971s this is the moment johnny uh johnny's
1974s kind of in the lead right now
1979s uh listen i'm not gonna call anything
1982s too too soon because you've only
1984s presented me with two players right now
1986s okay well we do need to get one out of
1987s here before i mean like i swear to god
1989s if you say proper again i'm walking out
1991s the door
1992s we're contractually obligated to talk
1994s about proper because he's so talented
1996s he's so he gave us a wave yesterday he
1998s did it he's so nice he's such a nice guy
2001s even when he is so talented he's
2003s respectful to his opponent
2005s if you don't like the trash talk proper
2006s is very respectful even though he's
2008s better than everyone else he plays
2010s everything as well we talk about
2011s everything his tracer is
2013s genji's great he we've talked about it
2015s if you could clone
2016s a player and turn them into five players
2018s and play every role proper would have
2020s one of the best teams in the world
2021s because of how multi-talented he is as a
2023s player that's very weird how do you how
2025s do you not like him
2026s i mean we don't have the cloning
2028s technology just yet but if we
2031s did if we did
2034s proper would be
2036s you'd be a san francisco shocking
2037s problem
2038s we are on like the blizzard campus right
2040s now i feel like we should go into one of
2041s these offices and just be like listen i
2043s get it world of warcraft new expansion
2045s coming out what if we invested in
2046s cloning tests that's what i'm saying oh
2048s yeah future i don't know i don't think
2050s i'm sold on a rookie you know
2054s i don't think i'm going to pull out the
2055s biggest joke it's not it's not
2057s the big one you you need to play
2063s how about
2065s the greatest overwatch player of all
2068s time all time all the time
2070s and he's not even like overrated no he's
2072s not he's like you know you get you're
2075s not getting in late by any means it's
2076s profit from the soul dynasty you could
2079s get in now and just recognize real real
2081s recognize real do you want to be real
2083s because if you are real and support the
2085s real you'd be supporting profit this is
2087s all time one of those and then oversleep
2089s the entire league all about watch
2091s history we're not talking about the apex
2092s 700 more final blows over carpe who's
2095s the runner up and you know
2098s yeah but
2100s better than anyone ever has been on the
2102s future you should get enough profit now
2103s because of all time this is him fragging
2105s out for one round before getting swept
2106s 3-0 but actual spark we don't talk about
2108s that no seoul dynasty amazing and profit
2110s he is the god
2112s look
2113s you know you heard about faker well
2115s profit is not really a faker but he's
2117s almost like a faker kind of he's like an
2118s overwatch league
2120s faker yeah
2121s no not budget more more more like you
2124s know middle class the figure
2127s it's really good getting on profits
2128s seoul
2130s they're on a high
2131s come on
2132s guys these were actually really good
2134s arguments but the fatal flaw with all of
2137s them is that none of the players that
2138s you named play for the fusion and that's
2141s why i'm gonna have to go ahead and pass
2143s i mean listen you said uh potential
2145s budget faker why not go with the org
2146s that's connected to the real faker on
2149s the t1 side and also
2152s thank you scott you said that uh you
2154s know shy cat girl cosplay let's talk
2157s about the real first cat girl cosplay if
2159s we could go ahead and pull up this
2160s surprise image on the side of the fusion
2164s previous coach beezy for the fusion
2167s actually pulling out the first cat girl
2170s this is a diva cosplay uh that he had
2173s just look at the hope look at that
2176s i think it was diva i think he was like
2178s cat girl it was like a made something
2180s ah this came out of left field yeah it
2183s did yeah it did and i don't think you
2184s can uh
2186s you know convince me to betray the
2188s fusion squad that that face right there
2190s those shoulders but here's the thing
2192s would you say that cosplay was better
2194s than chai's yes well it's not it was
2196s second best and that is the philadelphia
2198s fusion motto we're just trying to
2199s protect her she's lost we've lost them
2203s fine she's true to be a fusion fan we do
2204s what do we care i'm always gonna be the
2207s fusion fan unless oh no no i would still
2209s take fusion over the spitfire if they
2211s had to uh meet each other sorry london
2213s so sorry that you guys kind of lost the
2216s game of this segment but uh you know
2219s speaking of
2220s losing things i've lost my train of
2222s thought into this next mercy skin promo
2225s so let's go ahead and look at it again
2227s because here is the new royal night
2229s mercy skin plate and all and it could be
2231s yours for the low low price of 200
2235s overwatch league tokens skin is
2236s available now through august 19th look
2239s at how gorgeous we got the chest plate
2241s we got the little wings i like her
2243s haircut what do you think about her
2244s haircut i love the haircut personally i
2247s thought it was really good also the
2248s polish on the armor someone scrubbed
2251s that armor someone polished i don't know
2252s how to use polish armor but someone did
2254s that okay i grew up in a nation we don't
2256s have the polish armor but someone did
2258s that so you know
2259s all right well spend those tokens
2261s because they deserve it spend the tokens
2262s now later today the toronto defined and
2264s the houston outlaws take the stage to
2266s find out who will be the first team sent
2268s swimming home we'll get into that
2269s matchup right after this break so don't
2271s go anywhere
2277s [Music]
2310s [Music]
2322s [Music]
2335s [Music]
2354s [Music]
2356s we're clear for takeoff
2364s [Music]
2377s [Music]
2410s [Music]
2424s [Music]
2455s welcome back to watchpoint now later
2457s today the houston outlaws will face off
2459s against the toronto defiant the winner
2461s moves on the loser is out of the
2463s tournament both of these squads had some
2465s tough matches to end up in the lower
2467s bracket but each had moments against
2470s some very tough opponents so reinforced
2473s you saw some positive signs from the
2474s outlaws yesterday yeah i did see some
2476s positive signs from the houston outlaws
2478s and
2478s look you they played the alligators very
2481s tough match-up but really i there were
2483s some moments in that where i was just
2484s very impressed by the way they handled
2486s their composition and played around
2488s their composition so we like we know
2490s that they like playing the on in the
2491s zenyatta composition with the soldier
2492s and we're going to take a look at this
2494s clip this is reiner diving in with the
2495s doomfist he gets slept this failed dive
2497s just like the way they navigate this the
2499s biotic grenade comes out to heal uh the
2501s disrupter shot as well onto the back
2503s line to make sure that no one can dive
2505s on top of them and here you see as well
2506s that merits going to comb onto kefster
2508s and peel kepster away so all this
2510s coordination very fast-paced very quick
2513s about knowing how to navigate this quick
2515s dive coming in from the gliders with the
2516s lucio but they peeled them away and i
2518s love that from the houston outlaws i
2520s think they did a fantastic job at
2522s peeling for their team one asked for it
2524s got a bit troublesome when the lag
2526s ladders decided to play on ascent
2528s themselves and they opted for the mirror
2529s but there were definitely some good
2530s signs for the houston outlaws in that
2532s matchup and i look forward to see if
2533s they can build on that to have a better
2534s result today yeah the outlaws did show
2537s some flashes they had a draw the first
2539s one of the season which that was kind of
2541s crazy and that's pretty good against the
2543s gladiators so scott taranto has been the
2545s gatekeepers of the middle all year long
2548s so what player can propel them on a run
2550s through the lower bracket yeah i'm
2552s looking at the back line for the toronto
2553s defiant we always talk about the dps
2555s players he sue and muse but i actually
2557s think that the twilight chorong backline
2559s is incredible and one of the ways that
2561s the houston outlaws actually stumbled in
2562s their most recent match against the
2564s gladiators was how strong and defendable
2566s that back line was for them so look at
2567s twilight's stats on this right here
2570s third in hero damage first in enemies
2572s left first in sleep dart success rate we
2575s know how good he is on anna he's been
2576s doing this since he came into the league
2578s in 2019 one of the best that we have in
2580s the business and it also frees up
2582s churron to play that zenyatta if they
2584s want to play that more defensive style
2586s against the outlaws so twilight for me
2588s is the linchpin for this toronto defiant
2590s team if they can find a way to shut down
2592s this dante and pelican dive i think that
2596s is going to be their best bet because
2598s toronto defiant was a team that coming
2600s into this tournament i was like this is
2602s probably they're going to fall out first
2603s round they're probably going to go out
2604s but after their performance here against
2606s the dragons i was thoroughly impressed
2608s and i think the houston outlaws will be
2610s impressed as well they have to do their
2611s homework if they're going to close this
2613s one out yeah yeah now johnny is there a
2615s player on houston who could also be the
2618s one to carry their team on a streak as
2619s well yeah i think going into this
2621s matchup if we need to put the spotlight
2622s on someone it has to be pelican in my
2624s opinion uh look this is a rollstar
2626s caliber player
2628s if you were to go over the houston
2629s outlaws roster pelican would be the
2631s first player you'd look to because he
2633s has that much name recognition at this
2634s point you can see that his tracer stats
2636s so far this tournament tied uh first for
2638s post bomb kills for 10 minutes tied
2640s first or pulse bomb pumps attached 75
2643s that's extremely high okay so pelican he
2647s is supposed to be the star player for
2649s the houston outlaws but so far in this
2651s tournament i'd say in general despite
2652s those stats he's been pretty middling on
2654s the tracer this is his amazing pop-up
2656s moment in the kickoff clash tournament
2658s capturing this final colosseum
2660s checkpoint for the outdoors against the
2662s defiant who they are playing again in
2664s the lower bracket in an elimination
2666s matchup so pelican he has the ability to
2668s clutch out this moment and be this big
2670s character for this team but he needs to
2672s do it consistently in my opinion this is
2674s his time to shine in the elimination
2675s match yeah and for me
2677s pelican he did not have a great
2679s performance against the gladiators we
2680s did his head-to-head stats against
2682s kempster in that match and it wasn't
2684s very good yes the team got three owed
2686s but it needs to start with pelican as
2687s johnny said he is that star player for
2689s this team if they are going to start
2691s going there making their way through the
2693s lower brackets it needs to start with
2694s pelican he needs to put up those rookie
2696s of the year performances he did last
2697s year definitely sometimes i can't take
2699s you seriously as i look up and i just
2702s see the little cherries it just looks
2703s fabulous dangling from your forehead you
2705s know what it's amazing i love it but one
2707s thing that i would like to focus on are
2708s actually our predictions so let's go
2710s ahead and see who everyone predicted to
2713s win for today i bet that went with
2715s dallas fuel
2727s the first impression were sold yesterday
2729s wasn't great probably
2731s yeah no also you had told me that the
2734s rain were kind of like our
2736s edge lords in a way in a way and i would
2739s like to see more of that but seoul
2741s dining i can't believe the pikms the
2744s fans went for the atlanta reign over the
2746s seoul dynasty like i understand they did
2748s get beaten and swept by the spark but
2750s that is a
2751s that's a stretch right there to say that
2753s atlanta is the favorites going into this
2754s match
2755s uh yes
2756s yes yes i can't defend it i can't defend
2759s it as well yes seoul dancing they're the
2761s king of clash champs so i am too
2763s surprised did all three of us go
2764s fulfilling are you bleeding into us yes
2768s absolutely all three of us went for the
2770s fusion because you know you two you're
2772s seeing the light but i'm surprised fans
2775s didn't believe so
2776s yeah well philadelphia fusion fans a lot
2778s of them have left over the last few
2779s years you know it's a hard time it's a
2781s hard thing to consistently go through so
2783s what you're telling me is that i need to
2784s get all of them back right here right
2786s now that's not what i know yes all right
2788s guys listen
2789s it's my first week here on the overwatch
2791s league broadcast uh i'm coming to you as
2793s a new fusion fan hopefully i can get you
2796s to be new fusion fans as well uh you
2799s know so start dropping all the love and
2800s all the likes in the chat and on social
2802s media and we're gonna cheer the fusion
2804s on through this
2806s is that did that help
2807s was that an impassioned enough speech
2810s yeah sure
2812s i j
2813s i feel bad for the philly fans we're
2815s just so mean to them that's totally fine
2817s but listen there's only one way to find
2818s out how all these predictions are going
2820s to uh you know play out and who of
2822s course is going to be right which is
2823s probably me and who's going to be wrong
2824s which is probably you two and that's to
2826s get into these games so the lower
2828s bracket of the mid-season madness
2830s tournament starts right now
2834s but i'll beat you to the finish line
2836s cause we have to get it feeling fine
2838s keep it up and we'll be creeping up one
2840s another
2841s the team hits the shadow of his own and
2842s pins joron onto the wall as long as he
2845s can the point is allowed to flip down
2846s the mayhem sweep them away unbelievable
2851s are you ready
2861s [Music]
2864s what the hell did i just win this uh
2867s pardon all right looks like pork's back
2869s on the menu boys killed two
2885s was that a triple collapse
2889s [Music]
2900s we are day number three elimination day
2902s my name is jaws for uh joined by rose as
2905s always and uh yeah today is gonna be a
2908s very sad day for a lot of teams and fans
2910s out there but it's also gonna be a very
2912s happy one for a lot of teams and fans
2913s out there of course if you do lose you
2916s will be going home but if you win you'll
2919s progress through the lower bracket rose
2922s we have london and mayhem first up
2925s yeah that's why that's why i've got my
2926s my best the my best on my my wednesday
2929s best
2930s actually it's because i stole the
2931s pineapples off the watchpoint desk okay
2933s that's why they're gone you rattle all
2935s the way down to irvine that's crazy
2938s all the way back to philadelphia that's
2940s a little insane i believe it though i
2942s believe it
2943s i can do it look the london spitfire
2946s they've been looking pretty good against
2948s teams i don't think a lot of people
2950s expect them to do well against like they
2952s played the san francisco shock yesterday
2954s was one of their hardest matches of the
2956s season but showed up pretty big
2959s yeah absolutely i mean i think that that
2961s they showed up pretty big is like
2963s like kind of like that's an
2964s understatement i think that london was
2966s expected to just get rolled over and the
2969s fact that they were able to hold their
2971s own and like sparker had an incredible
2973s performance like that was just so
2975s special and i think london spitfire fans
2977s should be very very excited about that
2979s and i think that's also why london
2981s spitfire are predicted in this matchup
2982s to win so
2984s easily against florida mayhem because
2985s you got to look at the flip side too and
2987s jaws they don't look good they yeah
2989s they've looked rather lackluster
2992s recently
2993s but like this is the time to turn it
2995s around right like you're in the losers
2996s bracket but it's not been an easy ride
2999s um they played against the outlaws the
3001s other day it wasn't very close at all
3002s they're currently a zero map wins
3005s yeah it's rough but you know there's
3007s still bright spots for the team uh xe
3009s coming into the roster a little bit
3011s later than obviously he'd hoped but
3013s actually has always been a star player
3015s with incredible star
3017s power but it's actually getting that on
3019s show and showing the other teams and
3022s showing the world what he's made of
3024s we do have checkmate someone rupal and
3026s animo starting today and again someone
3029s has also been a tank player rather
3031s animated of course i think that's why a
3032s lot of people love him is that he's so
3034s animated which is which is great to see
3037s can yeah they take down the loan to
3039s spitfire i don't know rose it feels like
3043s they're kind of they're kind of climbing
3045s mount everest right now i was trying to
3046s think of uh a mountain in the uk i guess
3050s do you have any mountains yeah we do
3052s there's
3053s mountains bordering whales uh snowden oh
3057s that's pretty cool snowden i think it's
3059s snowden yeah i think so i can't i can't
3060s really remember my english geography not
3062s great when it comes to mountain areas i
3064s suppose there you go anyway there's the
3066s iron spitfire backbone in at the dps to
3068s start off today i can imagine we're
3070s going to see him a little bit on the zen
3071s because
3072s my god he's looked so good both on the
3075s zen and on whatever dps plays
3078s yeah he has looked really good and i
3079s think that's one of the reasons why
3081s london's gonna be a bit more of that
3084s mountain to climb for florida which is i
3086s think surprising to a lot of people
3088s because exe and hydron have been
3091s constantly towards the top of the
3092s sojourn leaderboards and as sojourn has
3094s been one of the more meta picks recently
3098s you can definitely feel the impact a
3100s hero like that can have in a match but
3102s when you're also looking across the
3103s board at backbone playing the mei
3105s sparker also playing the sojourn and
3107s having those incredible pop-off
3108s performances
3110s it you know i think you start to lose
3111s the edge that you would have by having
3113s such a strong sojourn
3116s well it looks like spirits are pretty
3117s high in the london camp and it looks
3119s like they want a little bit of shock too
3121s kind of a
3123s cute little plushies they had uh they
3125s they're bringing home some uh
3127s fun stuff to keep on their on their
3129s desks at home yeah or some gifts for the
3131s fan all right lee jang tower is our
3134s first
3135s map now of course it's something that we
3138s talked about just a second ago rosen
3139s that what the desk mentioned too was
3142s that london
3144s early on in the season it was like a
3146s little bit of a meme it was like okay
3147s they're only playing ryan they're only
3148s playing this rash and they ended up
3150s working out really well then other teams
3152s started running the rush and then
3154s he played winston everybody was like
3156s okay so he's winston definitely not as
3157s good as his ryan but recently it's been
3159s quite the opposite winston's been
3161s looking unreal
3163s oh absolutely i've been saying this
3165s since the beginning of the season
3167s everybody looking at hotties winston and
3168s going haha joke joke reinhardt only one
3172s trick lal but like that's not true and i
3174s think that hottie especially this stage
3176s has been able to put a lot of that
3178s criticism to rest of course we are on
3181s control center to start on lijiang so
3183s we're gonna see the reinhardt on both
3185s sides of the field but i would not count
3188s london out especially when they are able
3190s to have that versatility of such a
3191s strong dive in their pocket as well it's
3194s mirror rush though i mean does mayhem
3196s want to play against uh the best rush
3198s team
3199s in uh in the west right now i'm not sure
3201s they do jeremy trying to find an angle
3203s on the back line backbone is going
3204s pretty low he needs to heal up yeah pops
3206s the ice block just in time jaime is
3209s still checking him though on the
3210s sidelines immatality feels already been
3212s used from the mayhem now is the chance
3214s for the spitfire to run on forward
3215s checkmate goes down at no block no
3218s immortality field no pack no health no
3220s nothing same with someone just gets run
3222s over a very early immortality field
3224s force from the london spitfire just left
3226s mayhem a little behind dry
3229s well this is a really tough position for
3230s mayhem to be in now too i mean yeah
3232s that's a great snipe on the backbone and
3234s you're gonna see my mayhem start moving
3236s in very quickly on that but
3238s you can still find value as the may if
3240s you're able to get back in fast enough
3242s and london are good at hanging on
3244s they're extremely good at hanging on and
3246s i'll be hanging on to haddies every
3247s single word right now although xe snipes
3250s another one admiral takes a head shot
3252s double kill for
3253s the sojourn but backbone comes back from
3256s sport double headshot sparker on the
3258s side now unleashing the overclock
3261s checkmate does pop the block to buy slur
3264s mayhem a little bit more time on the
3266s point they did end up finding the cap
3268s for london spitfire quite handily come
3270s back and find the flip
3273s that was really patiently done by london
3276s as well you could see that hottie was
3278s like ah yeah okay like it's it's
3280s upsetting that we couldn't go back in
3281s and park the overtime just a little bit
3283s longer to deny that cap but look at how
3286s far forward they get to play now nice
3288s wall i just got a shatter charge in from
3291s someone immortality feels been used once
3292s again hardy's just lining this one up
3294s doesn't want to
3296s doesn't want to test it
3298s you don't know how close someone is we
3299s know he's 20 away from a shadow but if
3301s he goes for one i say that jumps around
3303s the corner three men on their back and
3305s london spitfire are gonna get uh they're
3307s gonna wipe the florida mayhem actually
3309s gets pinned and there we go
3311s london
3312s continuing
3314s why did it actually pop the overclock
3316s though
3317s good question
3318s it was after it was after the earth
3320s shatter hit too so it looked like it was
3323s kind of a response of xi to use that
3325s overclock maybe try to get a couple of
3326s picks and save the team yeah but when
3328s you've got three members on their backs
3331s oh no in an isolated reinhardt too and
3334s an isolated checkmate it looked like he
3336s was trying to set up for a blizzard
3338s shutter comes out from someone this time
3340s but not nearly as effective as it was
3341s for the london spitfire admiral saving
3344s on to that beat knowing florida may have
3346s to make a push on to the point the beat
3348s eventually comes through as florida
3349s needs to be able to touch to cause ot
3352s unlikely to happen at this point is the
3354s london spitfire just fighting kill after
3356s kill after kill
3358s and there you go round number one is
3360s spitfires
3362s round number one is also very convincing
3365s and a great example of why you don't run
3367s the rush into london spitfire just don't
3370s do it stop all of you stop
3373s there's just no practice for it
3375s people i have actually noted this a few
3378s times right jaws that when thinking
3380s about how to prepare to play against the
3382s london spitfire especially being
3384s the only team right now that really runs
3387s this rush as clinically as they do
3390s how do you actually get practice against
3391s it
3393s unless you're screaming against london
3394s or you're playing them against them in
3395s an official then you don't but yeah
3398s see
3399s you see the the earth shatter and then
3400s the the overclock i heard it you all
3403s heard it now too yeah
3406s that is pretty rough
3407s hey what's not so rough is a pause oh
3410s wow
3412s wow that was very well timed for myself
3414s huh
3415s i was going to say uh yeah florida
3416s mayhem running pharah instead
3419s i think uh
3421s looks like florida made him just need
3422s one minute
3424s don't know what the pause is for but
3425s hopefully we'll get back into the game
3427s asap in fact those that are already
3428s already
3429s typed so yeah we're good all right uh
3432s yeah florida mayhem
3433s running animo mercy checkmate on the
3436s fara rose
3438s well i mean that's you have to do
3440s something different obviously the rush
3442s versus the rush doesn't work despite
3444s kind of the classic look of control
3446s center being that reinhardt rush
3449s composition
3450s for the meta but
3452s you just can't do that against london
3454s and so having
3455s very few avenues to be able to practice
3457s against it i think you just have to go
3458s with something that's a little more
3460s unconventional
3462s and hope that that's going to be
3463s something that can catch this
3464s composition from london by surprise
3466s there is a change though and that's
3467s going to be sparker on the sombra
3469s instead of the sojourn
3471s much easier to do with someone that's
3473s for sure
3474s that is a very interesting place to
3476s translate you've got to be a little bit
3478s careful you check me
3482s gotta watch those hacks spark had taken
3483s three shots does he know where he went
3485s back to he did kind of look to his right
3486s but it was actually all the way by that
3488s mega health pack it could be quite easy
3490s to take out florida may have much fun
3491s checkmate's on the ground again however
3494s the hack doesn't last all too long
3495s nowadays and hardy charging off the
3497s screen finds not only xe but rupaul
3501s checkmate and someone do for themselves
3503s on the board for the london spitfire a
3505s couple of well a couple of pixels away
3507s from actually captain is up to someone
3510s to actually stay on the point he's up to
3511s checkmate to actually kill people and
3513s force them on the spitfire back avril
3516s does end up going down and backbone
3517s without the block is easy pickings for
3520s the mayhem and now he's just to dealing
3522s with hardy and there you go foreign are
3525s going to be able to find the cap
3527s oh look at that too
3528s there's some big staggers coming through
3531s as you know the point being unlocked
3533s yeah london trying to potentially get
3535s back
3536s checkmate is just
3538s really doing well on this pharah really
3540s nice um kind of
3542s forward thinking shots that are coming
3543s through and so i'm really excited to see
3546s if this composition can kind of keep
3547s working for mayhem especially when
3549s they're able to play so much more spread
3550s out which does make playing the
3553s composition that london wants to just
3554s running into somebody way harder like
3556s how do you hit the pharah here except
3558s trying to send sparker to hack it yeah
3561s it's a little bit tough haven't you got
3563s emp now i suppose but suddenly being a
3565s far not the wisest normal there's the
3567s hack just sliding on the roof as the
3569s thrusters come back up it's all good
3571s really they do have to worry about this
3573s barrage and the mines as they as london
3576s head towards the white room however
3577s sparkle with that emp could
3580s negate all of that
3581s checkmate now hearing that window coming
3583s up but london spitfire i've already done
3584s the damage there's a barrage in the
3586s small room only finds one landing was
3587s the only person there a fire strike
3589s always actually ends checkmate's life
3592s for london spitfire taking advantage of
3594s checkmate being on an off angle
3596s um and they end up capping the point
3598s nice barrage yeah true true true
3601s well
3602s yeah
3604s nice
3606s it was gonna get tucked in the drink
3606s then that was close i actually thought
3608s so too
3611s hang on
3614s wow look how he just stole the health
3615s pack away too anybody that would have
3617s wanted to flank around that way
3619s a bit tough for london a bit tough for
3621s mayhem i should say on the point they're
3623s going to do with that shatter quite easy
3625s kill onto someone no barrage to really
3627s worry about but now they've got to look
3628s towards xc he's already got one kill the
3630s late b from the london spitfire's trying
3632s in the fight had he once again finds a
3634s miracle pin and dunno how the last does
3636s it someone comes back from the spawn
3638s kills landon but april now revenging his
3641s support uh means london spitfire just
3644s continue to hold with xc going down
3646s there's not really too much damage
3649s coming out from someone a checkmate to
3650s deal with hardy on the point sparker
3652s trying to go for the manual hacks again
3654s but london still in control watch out
3655s for this one yeah they're in really
3657s strong control as well i mean sparker's
3660s gonna have another emp to be able to
3661s close out when we get towards that last
3663s by territory and checkmate i was already
3665s forced to back off when the manual hack
3667s comes through
3669s forcing
3670s it's okay that's a really good play by
3673s backbone
3674s clearly rupaul did not expect someone in
3676s white room that early sparker does end
3678s up going down and then what's happening
3679s field has been used by a lot of spitfire
3680s already the barrage comes out but yet
3682s again it's a nice one we've got zero
3684s nice alone in spitfire at least lana
3686s used the window out in the open as check
3688s ma mate is now just hounding down hardy
3692s london spitfire have the emp but they
3694s don't have the backup
3695s to follow up
3696s they end up foregoing the point honey
3698s again finding a ridiculous pin but gets
3700s cleaned up in the very end
3702s yeah you just you're going to be taking
3704s too much damage from those blasts from
3706s checkmate
3709s the sphere barrages have really been
3711s uh not good
3713s uh hopefully this next one that
3714s checkmate's building up to could be a
3716s little bit better but as it stands
3717s florida mayhem they've not been finding
3720s much value at all out of many of their
3722s ultimates i mean the fact that rupaul
3723s had the transcendence already focused oh
3726s my god getting focused down now
3729s we took those every day of the week i
3730s don't know how the wings though but now
3732s he has got a lot of people to rest maybe
3734s he just goes battle mercy no admiral
3736s takes him out of this guy it's pretty
3737s easy and just like that a blink of an
3739s eye london managed to find the flip 90
3742s percent of building now
3744s you can see a quick panic
3746s swap too from mayhem to go to the tracer
3748s the moira and the lucio trying to get
3750s back to point in time but london really
3753s poised to take this second round in his
3754s first map also available from backbone
3756s over time is ticking down mayhem need to
3759s touch and continue that checkmate so
3761s close to brass it's the only ultimate
3762s they have in their tank after all the
3764s swaps the beat comes out for london
3766s spitfire it hits five and xc bites the
3769s dust ot is still ticking through the
3771s barrage is here rupaul finds two kills
3773s out of nowhere so that was a three on
3775s three rupaul is still pretty low but
3777s kept delight by the right click and the
3779s healing off arnimo however can't put out
3781s enough healing for before backbone takes
3784s care of the moira and now is hardy in a
3786s 2v1 overtime still sticking down as
3789s sparker comes back to the point in time
3791s to continue the ot hardy gets healed up
3794s once again as london spitfire now need
3796s to come in and hit a big earp someone
3798s puts up the power block and nz xe comes
3801s back with a little bit of revenge onto
3803s april now landon's going pretty low
3805s forced to use the lamp and he survives
3806s and kills checkmate london spifi still
3809s on the point with an emp and minds
3810s coming up morita mayhem have absolutely
3813s nothing to play with it's a double emp
3816s rupal and animo still alive but not for
3818s long ot ticks down and london spitfire
3821s will find that one
3824s that was a very impressive stall from
3826s london spitfire at the end as well to
3828s maintain control and then also get up to
3832s eventually capping that second round i
3835s mean that was scrappy too but the fact
3838s that they were able to hold on long
3839s enough to be able to buy enough time for
3841s the rest of london to come back like
3842s with the emp very very impressive
3846s yeah that stall was insane i mean i
3848s thought rupaul killing two there was
3850s enough i mean you have the boy lucio
3852s you're so survivable but
3854s didn't end up working now that barrage
3856s from checkmate also uh not helping the
3859s cause unfortunately they tried to make
3860s some changes but couldn't quite find the
3863s key that fit i didn't spit fire still
3866s very very strong looking we have to see
3868s what happens in map number two it is
3870s losers picks so it's florida's chance to
3872s choose we'll see in a bit
3879s [Music]
3887s so
3893s [Music]
3899s [Music]
3911s [Music]
3914s so
3918s [Music]
3959s [Music]
3978s [Music]
3991s [Music]
3998s [Applause]
3999s [Music]
4003s [Applause]
4005s [Music]
4024s [Music]
4040s [Music]
4099s [Music]
4123s [Music]
4129s welcome back good start for london
4131s so far 2-0 on control mayhem tried to
4136s change it up a little bit there rose on
4138s that last round they run the farah mercy
4142s but the barrage is hitting like zeros on
4144s carols like it's tough out here for
4146s mayhem they they can't run the rush
4149s versus london because rondon known for
4152s their rush but then they also run
4153s something like the pharah which is to
4155s kind of counter and hey you can't even
4156s touch us in the skies because you have
4158s sombra and you have a may
4159s but then london just run rings around
4161s the rest of the team
4162s [Music]
4163s yeah i think it's such a tough matchup
4164s for florida because i think that they've
4166s had a couple of
4168s collaboration issues on the team like
4170s the team synergy just feels like it's
4172s falling a little short and even when
4174s you're looking at something like a rush
4177s or just even some of the ways that these
4179s ultimates were getting utilized it felt
4180s like florida was looking at it from an
4183s individual lens rather than the team
4185s fight as a whole so we are going to see
4188s some swaps across the board as we look
4190s ahead into our next map you're seeing
4192s one of those on your screen right now we
4193s will see sir majed jumping into the
4195s roster here for onomo and then we're
4197s also seeing london spitfire making some
4200s adjustments as well
4202s yes we do and uh guess who it is it's
4205s backbone going to support we are going
4207s to i converted rose and backbones i
4210s converted but yesterday was just
4213s unreal like his zenyatta play was
4217s ridiculous i kind of wish i remember the
4219s stats like the livestocks from those
4220s games because he was pumping out numbers
4224s oh i say i don't even need to know i i
4226s just want though i just i have highlight
4228s reel
4230s shots like flitting through my mind now
4233s jaws like when backbone just hit the
4236s volley straight through this crazy angle
4240s into
4241s spawn
4242s and killed somebody that is the classic
4245s chuckle that is the classic spot the
4247s widow or zen spot you stand up there to
4249s try and get the spawn kill it never
4251s normally works and
4253s i say this a lot rose and like those
4255s little angles
4256s if you are right clicking there's a zen
4258s like in pro play in overwatch league
4260s play you're like okay no one's going to
4262s go for those they're too obvious like
4264s people with solo kudo those all the way
4266s down to like you know silver and if
4267s you're not doing them silver you
4268s probably should you get some more kills
4269s and maybe some sr but like if to see
4272s that in pro play it's like okay like
4274s it's kind of the reverse mind game we're
4276s not gonna why would i do that that's so
4277s silly like it's so obvious but then when
4279s it does happen you're like okay well you
4282s just kind of say
4284s it it makes a beautiful clip so i'll
4286s tell you that right now um we do oh just
4288s it was the amusement on backbone's face
4290s though which made that whole clip for me
4293s it's like yes he was like chuckling to
4295s himself as this happens
4299s watching london play even though um they
4302s did lose the the shock the other day
4304s they they had a lot of smiles on their
4306s face i think especially like yeah
4308s considering they got one map and they
4310s also did very well on the other maps it
4311s was definitely something to be happy
4313s about and now we just let's look at the
4316s florida mayhem because they're also
4318s changing a couple of their players we
4319s are seeing so much shed come in we're
4320s seeing excellent checkmate staying in uh
4323s for dps and
4325s again it's a team that's had a very a
4327s very slow start actually came into the
4329s roster a little bit later on like we
4330s were mentioning before but they've not
4332s found a single map win as of yet in the
4336s mid-season madness like
4338s claiming someone uh claiming one on a
4340s map pick is gonna be nice but they've
4341s kind of already had those chances and
4344s yeah maybe they've had some tough
4345s opposition but you need to start now you
4348s your your tournament lives are on the
4349s line in this series
4351s yes it absolutely is for both of these
4354s teams and
4366s like
4367s he is already in their heads backbone is
4370s planting the seeds of doubt in the
4372s florida mayhem you best believe they're
4374s checking every single like pixel angle
4378s that a backbone could take us to zen
4381s yeah wait what okay florida mayhem must
4384s realize what's coming they're the ones
4387s that picked eichenwalde okay it's loser
4390s pick
4391s and florida mayhem picked eichenwalde
4394s and uh let's look i i'm just i'm good
4397s just i'm i'm getting the i told you so
4399s prepared in case backbone actually does
4401s hit him with a five orb
4404s i'm telling you more for the reaper
4405s package i'm all for it
4409s all right we're just about to jump in to
4411s the game just waiting for all the
4413s players to be ready and waiting looks
4415s like hattie is ready and uh i believe
4417s the florida mayhem are not that far off
4420s either so map number two
4422s mayhem needs to come up with something
4423s big they did end up losing to the
4424s houston outlaws yesterday
4426s outlaws being a fairly strong team right
4429s now a bit up and down in terms of
4431s performance but still like exceptional
4433s with players like pelican they got 3-0
4435s by them the other day
4438s um where they didn't actually go to i
4440s convolved to be fair so again maybe
4442s changing up that
4443s um changing up the strategies going uh
4445s later on to the tournament okay midtown
4447s didn't work for us versus the outlaws
4449s yesterday um we didn't even have a point
4451s unfortunately you know maybe iconvaldo
4453s is our map
4455s yeah possibly
4457s i i really do hope that this works for
4458s them i want to see them try out
4460s something that's just a little bit
4462s different that really allows them to
4465s synergize better than just having these
4467s individual performances and hoping that
4469s that's going to be enough to change the
4470s tides and i think that someone's winston
4473s is absolutely the right way to do that
4475s and that's one of the reasons i love
4477s that florida mayhem actually did choose
4479s iken valda because we talked about
4481s hotties winston which is going to be
4483s that flavor of composition we'll see
4485s london spitfire set up on the defense
4486s with but what about someone's winston
4488s jaws i feel like that's been a really
4490s particular standout hero pick for that
4493s player
4494s yeah it it is definitely been good um
4498s but you have to look at like checkmate
4500s and xc to match sparker and shacks too
4502s like if we just kind of forget about
4504s backbone and landon for for the meantime
4506s because we know they've both had very
4508s good performances i think xe who was
4511s finding a fair few picks on the first
4514s map like you've got to look to him again
4516s to open things up i doubt this widow
4518s shot hits no it does not always trick in
4520s the book um
4522s but
4523s xc just need to continue to do that and
4525s then may him need to capitalize on that
4528s yeah absolutely i think that's been
4530s definitely i think um where some of that
4532s miscommunication has come through is
4534s that maybe a pick happens for florida
4536s mayhem and there's not really enough to
4538s be able to capitalize upon that and just
4540s continue to carve that forward but look
4542s at how someone is able to really
4545s approach these fights with just some of
4547s that aggression and there you go they've
4549s got to go on this jaws okay there you go
4551s that's what we want exit with a pick
4553s sparka cleans him up and howdy cleans
4555s rupaul so it's a two for two someone
4557s doing a fair bit of damage but shacks
4559s staying alive in the small corridors
4561s tracer pretty disgusting amount of
4563s damage little 1v1 tracks is pretty well
4565s chevy's lost him hang on a second
4566s where's waldo where's shax he gets the
4568s uh gets the recall i should say where's
4571s wally really well where's waldo's the
4572s american version
4574s i'm sorry
4575s um it's okay
4577s are they gonna be able to touch maybe
4579s shax is here yeah he does okay discorded
4581s he's gonna have to hit the recoil at
4582s some point there you go but disruptive
4584s shot in the choke point's gonna be
4585s fairly nice stop london spitfire already
4588s approaching through that elbow nice
4590s stick by checkmate finishes off landon
4593s and that will be the points
4596s there you go this is the synergy that we
4598s wanted to see from florida mayhem i love
4601s this someone has just been such an
4604s aggressive winston and you can see how
4606s much space that's really being able to
4608s create for the team and xe is taking
4611s full advantage of that to be able to
4613s show off why he is considered one of the
4615s best sojourn in the west
4618s so florida they've got the point
4619s unlocked they've got this payload moving
4621s they've got control of the high ground
4623s also and look at sir magette trying to
4625s do his best to trying to fight warp
4628s somebody i was about to say he's trying
4630s to fight off he doesn't need you though
4633s there's a right click from someone
4634s beautiful stuff tank mains do have any
4636s they have to they have to now with the
4638s with the winds
4639s good start for the mayhem wow they not
4642s only win this fight now rose they got
4643s high ground for free
4645s they do and this is huge i mean look at
4647s this there was such a quick fight win
4649s for them they have so much time in the
4650s bank to be able to move this forward
4652s that they're not even worried that much
4654s about having multiple members push the
4655s payload at this point
4657s let us spitfire have to get set up by
4659s this checkpoint but
4662s maybe
4663s get a pick with this too beautiful
4665s beautiful force for the transcendence
4667s that bubble to stop the healing coming
4668s through from so much head good stick by
4670s shacks he's been nano's sir margie in
4672s the whole heap of trouble does kick
4674s shanks away forcing him to recall and
4676s actually a nanowrim response so much
4678s head still going pretty low for getting
4679s pumped by rupaul hardy finishes him off
4682s with the primal rage he jumps to high
4683s ground to find anybody else rupaul's
4685s still sitting on the payload with the
4686s help of someone but london spitfire have
4688s the spawns and spark coming back with
4691s the overclock is going to be a good
4694s point for london to push off of
4696s they're still contesting it looks like
4698s florida made him happy just back up for
4700s the time being want to regroup his five
4702s and go again
4703s yeah they have to they've got to wait
4704s for sir magic to come back and so you'll
4706s see that that zenyatta finally in range
4709s to be able to provide that orb of
4710s harmony over to checkmate so now check
4712s we can go into a position to use this
4714s pulse bomb wow really nice checking the
4716s checkmate there
4717s very good
4718s just force him all the way back force
4719s that recoil so he can't permit touch the
4721s payload force transcendence on backbone
4723s there too not a good start and with
4725s hardy going down london spitfire
4729s in a sticky situation actually does fall
4731s but with the tank and both dps being
4733s available oh okay well maybe not uh not
4735s we're not both dps anymore
4737s checkmate dies with poles and now
4739s sparkle on the flank rupaul was already
4741s dead it's just sir majed to deal with as
4744s london halt the mayhem once again
4749s you're gonna see a london spitfire have
4751s a bit of a better time defending from
4754s that bridge anyway just because it is
4756s more defensively favored and so they can
4758s get sparker set up on the high ground
4759s kind of create some of those crossfire
4761s angles then of course shax has some
4763s great health packs to be able to play
4765s around as well
4766s there's just so much area that florida
4769s mayhem are going to have to traverse and
4770s they're gonna have to start setting the
4771s pace here especially if shax kind of
4774s keeps getting the upper hand on the
4776s mayhem i mean look at this
4778s at least someone's able to force them
4780s back towards the point
4782s yeah this is really what you want to see
4783s from checkmate just perma pressure in
4785s the payload i mean we saw it from
4787s flatter the other
4789s you force day
4790s positioning and london spitfire are too
4791s far away you get a free cab
4794s ideally checkmate just stays around that
4796s mega health pack and then zips back up
4798s to the point in fact it's actually gonna
4800s be someone but with two people committed
4802s it's a little worse especially if you
4804s have someone committing on top of that
4806s like you can't then force high ground so
4808s ideally you just send the tracer but it
4810s is someone on the payload once again
4811s trying to give his support enough time
4813s to rotate up towards the high ground but
4815s it might be a wave of two on two there's
4817s the nano xc
4819s has popped the ultimates but can he find
4821s too much damage sparker is in his size
4823s we used to get bopped around and bubbled
4825s completely denied by haddie's winston
4827s bubble are actually taken out both
4829s winston's end up finding kills as hardy
4831s is put to sleep he's still in a primal
4833s race so there's a lot of hp to manage
4836s however being in a small corridor he is
4838s going to have to worry just a little bit
4839s but forces the transcendence which is
4841s good once again for the london spitfire
4843s forcing the traps from shed again and
4846s again and again
4848s yeah it's been just time and time again
4851s sure surmaj is going to be able to get
4853s the leg up onto backbone but i don't
4856s know if that's going to be enough as
4858s long as spitfire can continue to turn
4859s the tide pack in their own favor
4862s these fights are just unbelievably
4864s scrappy 40 seconds to go it wouldn't
4866s feel like there's been what like four
4868s minutes
4869s feels like there's been two two like
4871s very prolonged fights london spitfire
4873s they've got transcenders coming online
4875s they've got both cps alts and there's 30
4877s seconds to go
4878s i mean that's such a good point though
4879s josh like where did the time bank go
4881s there really hasn't been a proper reset
4883s here for either of these teams in
4885s florida mayhem just kind of continued to
4887s just throw bodies at the point and hope
4888s that that's going to be enough looks
4890s like checkmate can get back into a
4891s position to try to contest the payload
4893s but that does pull shacks back into
4895s action yeah you don't win that though if
4897s you're checkmate you're discorded and
4899s the other treasure is harmony or there's
4900s just no way another early transcendence
4903s force but this time on the side of the
4904s london spitfire checkmate is contesting
4906s payload to trigger overtime as someone
4908s does join him you know we need that
4910s primal rage and he's pretty low that
4912s bubble from hardy is absolutely massive
4914s blocks a lot of that healing sparker
4916s does end up going down but very little
4917s bodies now on the point for the mayhem
4919s is they're going to be up to rupaul not
4921s the person you really won't touch it and
4923s there it is couldn't even get there in
4925s time sermonship was on a flank a kick in
4927s frustration and the florida mayhem that
4929s hold on the bridge
4934s yeah that's a good position for the
4936s london spitfire florida mayhem no i
4938s think that we have been able to see how
4941s well this winston is utilized on a
4942s defensive angle as well and so maybe if
4946s someone can kind of
4949s hold back a little bit more
4951s just to be able to be a bit more
4953s reactive as a winston
4955s in this defensive position then maybe
4957s that will be the secret sauce that
4959s florida mayhem needs to be able to tie
4961s up the series
4962s but i don't know jaws london right now
4965s they look really really good and they
4967s are playing as a team and that is such a
4969s big difference
4971s yeah unfortunately we haven't had any uh
4973s montage moments yet from backbone but uh
4976s i'm sure we'll get them
4978s in a moment maybe next match we'll see
4980s but yeah um someone's been kind of
4982s hanging out with checkmate just kind of
4983s linking arms and running to the payload
4986s more often than not and then
4988s it feels like they're not clearing high
4989s ground is what this is screaming to me
4991s um someone and checkmate are just kind
4993s of so concentrated on touching the
4995s payload you know forcing london
4997s spitfire's positioning but then london
4998s like that's fine we can send shacks over
5000s there if we really need to we can send
5002s hardy and then someone then has to react
5004s to mayhem's support trying to take the
5007s high ground with xe but then that's
5009s difficult because hardy's in the way
5010s like
5011s it's uh
5013s it does feel a little bit disjointed
5015s right now for the mayhem
5017s yeah yeah they don't really seem like
5019s they're all on the same page of how they
5021s want to coordinate but oh
5024s don't get five or backbone you you
5026s agreed in chat whoever gets five or
5028s first loses this this game yikes yeah i
5031s wasn't quite a fight but uh that was a
5034s railgun to the dome
5036s somerset may be
5037s trying to ego duel back bow just a
5040s little bit there
5042s steps into the wrong angle and ends up
5044s going down honey back on to the
5046s reinhardt uh yeah i mean i was going to
5048s call it a miracle pink cause he does
5049s find a lot of them but that was a pretty
5051s easy one as they go
5052s xd ends up falling a two sparker second
5055s kill of the fight for the sojourn and
5057s london spitfire
5059s taking this
5060s very easily maybe made him come back but
5062s checkmate's already forced the recall
5064s yeah there you go he dies
5066s yep
5067s yeah suraj is not going to be too long
5069s for this either and someone has got to
5070s get the heck out of here
5073s why is rupaul there too i mean he
5075s committed i suppose okay he's dead he
5077s got a kill but uh yeah i guess at that
5079s point you committed you were like uh
5081s i'll just get oh i suppose
5084s i i think that that's a good example
5085s though of of how like this
5087s miscommunication has kind of been coming
5089s through like are you gonna go contest
5092s whose job is it london spitfire capped
5094s and then there was still florida mayhem
5096s people buy their spawn doors maybe it
5098s was the spawn camp that that was the
5100s ticket right
5101s yeah
5102s just to be ready and prepared for the
5104s spawn camp
5106s maybe a little bit too ready oh wow
5108s there's uh someone with a very
5109s aggressive dive it doesn't get antied so
5112s he is good to back off you have to be
5114s careful about losing your healers when
5116s you're against the zen because you get
5117s blown up
5119s speaking getting blown up quite
5120s literally though someone almost dies
5122s perfectly time made from rupaul and a
5124s couple of shots heal him all the way
5125s back up to full i said the discord does
5128s so much work
5129s should be nerfed though just saying as a
5131s zen player he's going back in once again
5133s nano squishes landon getting out back
5136s mode to the gyro jam yes he can nice
5138s double kill easy support cleanup and now
5141s the spitfire gonna have to go again
5144s they've got a little bit of progress and
5145s they've got the doors open which is the
5146s the more important thing there
5149s yeah but like look that's great that
5151s that is exactly the coordination we want
5153s to see oh this book is so low
5157s so many resources have to be invested
5158s into keeping
5159s someone alive
5161s you can see he's already back up to full
5163s and on a spitfire they get to go again
5166s uh look at the way that they're playing
5167s so spread out though and i mean this is
5169s this does allow itself way better for a
5171s composition like this because at the end
5173s of the day when you switch sides
5175s you just didn't have enough point
5176s presence i feel like for the strategy
5178s that mayhem was trying to go for but
5179s this time around yeah you can leave your
5181s supports alone and just wreak havoc in
5183s london spitfire's backline
5186s someone using
5188s that uh primer age pretty early pulse
5190s bomb from checkmate lands on to land
5192s another transcendent sport or what i can
5194s only imagine was forced he wasn't high
5196s grounded
5197s with exe just to be chilling nice point
5200s shot somewhat as the overclock comes
5202s through xc wins that duel quite easily
5204s with a high ground advantage
5206s uh nice little body shot onto sharks you
5208s know by summer sheds i wouldn't i kind
5210s of want to know what happened so much
5211s it's transcendence there whether it was
5212s forced or he's just kind of uh using it
5214s to help people uh backbone's been nano
5216s yeah run xe run you're 20 hp does he get
5218s the final orb oh he goes
5222s that's what i'm talking about nano
5224s zenyatta also scary in this so is hardy
5226s in a small room with a primal rage three
5228s minutes to go only a few meters left
5231s between match point and the london
5233s spitfire right now
5235s yeah you've got rupaul that just
5237s respawned someone about to join the fray
5239s as well but it has to be checkmate first
5241s to touch touch he touches okay
5244s there are touchers i still get scared
5247s no touchdown
5248s there are no touches
5250s c9 yep high fives everywhere yep no
5252s touches uh miscommunication you were
5254s talking about it rose there you go i
5256s hate it i hate it here they got the
5257s touch but then they did not retouch
5260s wow stop but we were so close to not
5263s having that happen yeah all right well
5265s you know what we got out of the way it's
5266s day number three of the mid season
5268s madness we got our third c9 in the
5269s tournament so far we've got one every
5271s single day no more today okay that's it
5277s oh man i'm glad we caught it at the very
5279s end there backbones of small little
5280s sarcastic clap
5282s good stuff good stuff well what a way to
5285s start out the day
5287s a c9 on uh i can fall down cool and
5290s we're going to a very special map for
5292s the london spitfire in just a moment
5293s it's going to be watchpoint gibraltar
5295s the the c90s map that all of c9 stop
5300s it's stupid we're going to go to break
5301s we'll see you guys
5305s [Music]
5321s [Music]
5354s [Music]
5369s [Music]
5383s [Music]
5390s [Music]
5414s [Music]
5425s [Music]
5440s [Music]
5448s [Music]
5455s [Music]
5468s [Music]
5497s so
5499s [Music]
5508s [Music]
5526s welcome back everybody before we get
5528s back to the games i just want to give a
5531s special shout out to our friends at the
5533s university of hawaii at manoa for being
5536s such a wonderful host to us this week uh
5538s it's been a fantastic
5540s run so far and i'm glad we get to uh
5544s have an event at such a wonderful place
5546s without the help of the university and
5547s it's easy sports car for this week's
5548s global tournament would not be possible
5550s so from all of us here at the overwatch
5552s league thank you so much um yeah from
5554s everybody it's been it's been great to
5556s have the players live in front of each
5558s other which is awesome and being able to
5560s play um
5562s across the two regions as well like it's
5563s it's been great so yeah thank you so
5565s much for uh hosting us
5567s um let's go back to the series rose
5569s mayhem and spitfire yes another c9 i
5572s know feels like we are cursed at this
5575s point
5576s with
5576s everything we are possible
5579s we we are
5580s that well that's why they put rose and
5582s jack together it's because we're the
5584s titanic
5586s yeah
5587s hey is it it's a sinking
5591s oh man sorry i mean i had to say it at
5594s least once yeah that's
5596s reasonable reasonable has to be said
5598s backbone's got the eye mask on okay took
5600s it off it's all good
5601s honestly at this point just put it back
5603s on bro just put it back on
5605s [Applause]
5607s mayhem we're going to maybe step off the
5609s payload anyway uh look
5611s we're going to watch points
5612s as our next uh next map and this was
5616s also the map that london spitfire played
5619s where there were just an unbelievable
5623s amount of c9s like again it does feel
5626s like we're a little bit cursed here
5628s um but i think london are gonna be
5630s pretty happy with that one that was a of
5632s course against the uh the dallas fuel
5635s and there was three or four c9s in that
5637s series like it was absurd so hopefully
5641s we don't get more here i know it's very
5642s painful for some for some people and
5644s fans especially fans of mayhem right now
5647s yeah oh yeah that was
5650s we're just gonna focus on what's ahead
5652s which is
5653s hopefully a map win here for the florida
5656s mayhem they're still looking for their
5657s first map win
5659s of the mid-season madness tournament
5662s they do not want to go home yet but
5664s london spitfire of course are looking
5666s poised to send them home
5670s but this next map though maybe i mean
5672s we're still going over to a very good
5674s winston map
5676s winton
5677s maybe somewhere
5680s winton zap
5682s the new one i did see
5685s oh man i forgot the text that goes after
5688s it but it's like
5689s blue circle emoji
5691s like
5692s winston i was gonna go winston emoji but
5694s like gorilla emoji or something and then
5697s the text i thought that was very funny
5699s i will protect you with my uh blue
5701s sphere
5702s no it is a very very good winston map um
5704s they foreign may have made a small
5706s change animals coming back in
5708s so yeah brigitte makes the most sense
5711s especially on the high ground they're
5713s going to be on the offense first we'll
5715s see what exxon checkmate can do because
5717s rose they've not looked incred well
5720s actually found some nice picks and
5721s florida have been able to capitalize on
5723s those things but
5725s xc has also been kind of using alts
5727s weirdly like the when had he got a
5728s three-man shadow he used the overclock
5730s to try and turn the tide but yeah that's
5732s a three-man it's pretty hard to do so
5734s checkmate's had some decent pulse bombs
5736s um or like forcing the transcendences
5738s but it's just like the capitalization of
5741s those small advantages that flora mayhem
5743s are currently struggling with
5745s well i think that's the problem
5747s is that florida mayhem has been using
5748s their ultimates too reactively and so
5751s they're not getting the value that
5752s synergizes the best with their team's
5754s play style whereas if you are going to
5757s kick things off with
5759s something more aggressive like go in
5762s with someone's winston jump
5765s and then try to capitalize on maybe yeah
5768s sleeping winston right there excellent
5770s that's the stuff that we want not oh
5774s shatter um let me see if i can save my
5776s team bro yeah hold up a second it's okay
5779s exe widow very strong very powerful
5783s wow
5786s wow
5788s i mean he even gave me like the comedic
5791s timing that was very generous if you
5793s sparkled actually there thank you very
5795s much for sending up what a fantastic
5797s clip
5799s well uh they still got a lot of push
5801s here killing hardy uh a little bit ago
5804s can you find another shot nope good
5806s reactions there from anime gotta be
5807s careful though
5808s he's on the flank
5813s where is xe
5816s like how i think this is so smart from
5818s london to kind of like force mayhem to
5821s go server
5822s and then this happens
5824s and then do that
5826s throw a big knife
5827s harley jumps in sparkle with the
5829s disruptive shot easy game
5832s good start but honey didn't even how do
5834s you didn't even get the health pack
5835s there can we just point out that hottie
5837s actually didn't get the health pack
5839s that was all off the back of landing
5841s keeping hottie alive
5843s yeah it doesn't need help back when you
5845s got a uh adamantium back line
5848s true
5850s or rooney backline sub g
5852s florida mayhem they still got a fair
5853s amount of cart push and at least at this
5856s point too when the car around's in this
5858s corner actually can sit on the high
5859s ground he of course does have to worry
5860s about sparking still no longer on the
5862s widowmaker
5863s rather a short distance for a lot of the
5866s london spitfire to cross to try and get
5869s to xc so this makes a lot more sense
5872s engagement into the server room nice
5874s little shot onto spark a disruptive shot
5876s providing a lot of cover actually kind
5878s of kiting landon
5880s into the rest of his team but the
5881s problem is shax is already in there
5884s backbone gets nano's backbone in the
5886s corner still killing people checkmate is
5889s committed his entire self
5892s to kill backbone with the help of
5893s someone luckily the primal rage was in
5896s the way
5897s otherwise backbone probably would have
5898s cleaned up with that nana someone is
5900s pretty low how the fact we're spawning
5901s in a couple of seconds but sparky is
5903s there to clean up overclock online
5906s rather soon another nice kill from the
5908s sojourn and london spitfire still
5910s holding the point now
5915s yep
5916s florida really do trying their best
5919s right now
5920s i think it's just gonna be really hard
5922s to break this defensive hold that london
5924s spitfire have i mean
5926s they're even getting
5928s member advantages in these fights and
5930s florida are still not able to
5935s convert that into progress
5938s another nice thing he's just
5940s jumping is so fast nicely instantly gets
5942s woken up though but hardy can't really
5944s do the damage he can't sustain himself
5945s for there for too long someone had a
5947s good amount of payload pressure push the
5949s payload almost to the checkpoint a few
5952s meters to go but now the re-engagement
5953s transcenders from backbone more
5955s aggressively this time he's gonna have
5957s to do something here that pulse bomb is
5958s big report landed do end up going down
5961s so his honor as the uh breaker versus
5963s the zen healing match up
5965s shaq's utilizing the pulse bomb a little
5966s bit later on in that fight and now spark
5968s is all alone in the side room it should
5970s be florida mayhem capping the point yes
5972s it is
5973s a very good start i'll take brig over
5975s zen any day of the week in that small
5977s corridor if you've got honors to back
5979s you up so a nice pulse bomb
5982s from london spitfire i couldn't quite
5983s save them
5985s yeah really nicely executed now we get a
5988s chance to see florida mayhem take a
5989s couple more adjustments here and the
5991s brake choice is very nice i like that i
5994s think the zenyatta just unfortunately
5996s wasn't
5997s converting enough
5999s over for the the florida mayhem i think
6001s in our last uh
6003s iterations of this type of composition
6005s and so seeing the brigitte here which is
6008s able to kind of follow around maybe
6011s kiting for rupaul or just being able to
6013s go in with some of these dps players
6016s matters a lot more
6018s here's the primal rage
6021s oh wait she's tv right now
6023s there we go nice kill oh stick wow whoa
6028s yep sparkle was mid-slide when that
6030s stick happened unlucky landed you can
6032s blame sparkling with that one florida
6034s mayhem with a nice double kill there
6035s from checkmate's pulse form
6038s they're pushing the payload a couple of
6039s meters to go they oh yeah you have to
6041s back up animo in a whole lot of trouble
6043s but a nader from rupal keeps him in the
6045s fight can you finish the tracer no he
6046s cannot but checkmate kind of putting the
6048s floor to make him on his back right now
6052s as they push on forwards they're gonna
6053s have to reset with animo dying but
6055s checkmate he's putting in lord's work
6059s yeah checkmate has really been carrying
6061s on this one
6064s and i like that the pulse bombs have
6066s been maybe even not just flashy with the
6068s double pick there but also
6070s really high value even if you're trying
6072s to force something out we've seen maybe
6074s backbone get forced into a couple of
6076s awkward transcendence uses from
6078s checkmate and just the backline in
6080s general taking their attention away is
6082s great
6084s not quite a special delivery didn't even
6085s connect unfortunately good sleep on to
6088s someone didn't really result in all too
6090s much as he was with the rest of his team
6091s now you don't have that for the new
6093s winston who's jumping to high ground
6094s yeah landon's regretting that sleep dart
6096s but backbone's there to the rescue with
6098s the transcendence he doesn't escape
6100s alive with landon to now back all the
6103s way up a late nanoboost here could turn
6105s the tides of war but that rally is going
6107s to be hard to chew through the florida
6108s mayhem push on forwards good shot onto
6111s shacks but they do trade their traces
6112s it's a 4v4 with the rally on the point
6115s xc is more than healthy with that over
6117s health but checkmate does end up
6118s falling meaning that pulse bomb can't be
6121s built up for this fight london spitfire
6123s rolling their ultimates fairly well in
6124s this engagement now someone's had to
6126s back up backbone super far forward in
6129s fact in the spaceship london still
6131s controlling the high ground as the
6132s mayhem struggle to put the payload in
6135s there's six seconds to go is the london
6137s spitfire holding down
6139s yeah look at how you have sparker set up
6142s as well with a hundred charge shot ready
6144s to take somebody out as soon as they
6146s touch that payload but they they have
6149s touch there's overtime yeah
6152s no nobody get off nobody get off super
6155s glue yourself to the payload
6157s someone at least checkmate on the flank
6159s backbone deals with them easily someone
6161s trying to punch off to the left to try
6163s and deal with somebody but it was in
6165s vain pulse bomb wasn't even needed his
6168s backbone finds he had another kill and
6170s it's just arnimo
6171s to keep the point alive but it ain't
6173s gonna happen the london spitfire halt
6176s mayhem before the second point
6179s so a valiant effort especially when
6182s london spitfire looked almost
6183s unbreakable on the first point and then
6185s mayhem were able to
6187s get past that and then at least get
6189s towards the end of seconds
6192s wasn't that weird we saw a second point
6194s under walter huh
6196s yeah it does feel a little bit weird
6199s it's a little weird
6202s anyway
6205s what a side note
6207s now we get to switch sides london don't
6209s have too far to go but
6211s maybe florida can finally put the pieces
6214s together
6215s to
6217s oh start working as a team
6220s those are cute yeah i've never seen they
6222s make those
6224s i don't maybe
6225s maybe i want a pair yeah they're pretty
6227s cool i would be surprised i would buy
6229s one i do it rather comfy
6233s i have like four pachymaries
6236s oh
6237s what was that
6238s what was this oh this is the initial
6240s push
6243s wow
6244s that was a
6245s very well timed survive that pole spot
6248s hardy do incredible
6253s hardy winston
6254s extremely strong he's looking good i
6257s mean he's got 30 of his team's damage
6260s right now
6261s someone actually on the other side has
6262s got 29 percent so the tank's doing a
6264s whole lot of work
6265s it is checkmate finding a lot of the
6267s final blows but
6268s cannot underestimate the damage from the
6270s winstons
6273s i like all these these cheeky start
6275s strategies that we see we saw this from
6277s florida mayhem on their attack bush as
6279s well but the the quick roadhog kick just
6282s to give roadhog like an extra 10 seconds
6284s of play time every map uh but also to
6287s see if you get the cheeky hook
6290s combo
6291s because boy would that be devastating
6293s yeah oh you've seen that once already
6294s before
6295s never again these things happen once in
6297s a blue moon the unwatched league thank
6299s god at least
6300s oh what a shot wow
6302s yeah this is what you really want to see
6304s from xe
6305s especially on the widowmaker
6307s this is uh florida mayhem's ticket right
6309s now again i did it again gosh darn it
6312s john stop talking
6315s stop talking sparker clearly listening
6318s to caster comes right now
6320s and sexy is live pretty quick
6324s yep now we're gonna see the payload get
6326s moved under the car wash hottie's gonna
6328s start pulling people off of the high
6330s ground
6332s but don't all go into the same tiny room
6334s hotties almost got primal rage
6336s yeah he's built it up so fast
6338s 75
6340s someone is almost equal that backline
6342s does end up going down nice executed
6344s dive by someone and checkmate there
6347s yeah this is where florida mayhem look
6349s to perform their best i i mean i i think
6352s that this is the
6354s oh
6355s okay checkmate used to pulse bomb
6359s don't know how much i agree with that
6361s one there
6364s what i was going to say is that i think
6366s this speaks better to florida mayhem's
6367s play style of allowing some of these
6370s more hero plays to come through
6373s yeah when they come through surprise i'm
6375s back
6377s jumps down here's the primal rage jump
6378s straight back up again trying to kill
6379s the briggs pretty hard especially when
6381s you have a
6382s roof wall right next to him even with a
6384s nano boot if you can force that nano
6385s that would be sick but doesn't end up
6387s working out in fact just feeds a lot of
6388s old charge to the brigita
6391s body shot with the nano instantly ending
6393s a tracer's life there sparkle on at the
6396s point for someone actually gets nano and
6399s cleans up three people mayhem with a
6402s fantastic start to their defense with a
6404s minute and 40 seconds to go rose it is
6406s watchpoint gibraltar first
6408s tough to complete but they're looking
6410s strong they've got that rally for the
6412s next fight
6413s yeah this is amazing especially florida
6415s can navigate this next fight maybe
6418s towards server where that rally could be
6419s a bit more effective for everybody then
6422s florida could definitely keep up with
6424s this defensive hold xe doesn't want to
6426s get crunched here by hotties winston
6430s or woohoo
6431s where are my shacks i guess
6435s he's been crunched a couple of times in
6437s that position he got out this time
6438s though discord in a couple of shots from
6440s landon everybody else following up with
6442s damage
6444s shots are tough to hear headshots
6447s straight below you
6448s incredibly difficult okay does line the
6451s spiff i want to go again potentially
6453s yeah it looks like how he's backing off
6454s he was purpled
6456s oh what a shot he does trade
6459s it isn't the worst widow's effective
6460s range is pretty long so you can get back
6462s to the point or get back to an effective
6464s range pretty quickly
6466s however hardy is saying it's go time
6468s he's getting body blocked in fact perma
6470s blocked couldn't get out of that small
6471s room was hoping he could build up that
6472s primal rage and no one was going to fall
6474s on the side of the mayhem because they
6476s had rally going on all right 30 seconds
6478s to go and now checkmate cleaning house
6480s sparker does kill him but again tracer
6482s very quick back to the point london
6484s spitfire they got alts but can they get
6487s this first point
6489s well the biggest thing that london
6491s spitfire can do here is just go forward
6493s make sure that they are able to get the
6495s overtime activated on the cart you can
6497s just go under car wash while you see
6499s florida keep them busy and then as soon
6501s as they jump down pop the overclock here
6502s with sparkler feels like they're ready
6503s to go what a nade by rupaul and now they
6505s want someone and they don't to land an
6507s easy game now the primal rage is used
6509s everybody's in a small room no way you
6511s can escape you've got no heels this
6513s could be a triple field for someone it
6514s looks like it there it is the london
6516s spitfire with two people left landon's
6518s coming back and had he is trapped in
6520s that mega health pack room he's got the
6522s health back but he ain't got a hope in
6524s touching that point the florida mayhem
6527s setting themselves up in the series
6529s stop that 3-0 london spitfire is still
6532s on match point but signs of life for the
6534s mayhem now
6535s yeah that looked great that absolutely
6538s looked great and you know again it
6539s speaks to the ability for xc to maybe
6541s play a little bit more of like a solo
6543s hero carry and then you also get a
6545s chance to synergize with two of the kind
6548s of more important sustainable pieces
6550s with the winston and the tracer and so
6553s it all just kind of comes together in a
6554s composition like this i'd like to see
6556s more of this if they are able to as we
6558s look ahead to push as our next map type
6561s yep yep we'll have to wait and see yeah
6563s someone checkmate looking great on the
6565s dies communication cleaned up for sure
6567s we're going to cover ceo as our next map
6569s we'll see after this
6571s [Music]
6583s [Music]
6603s [Music]
6617s [Music]
6626s [Music]
6631s [Music]
6756s [Music]
6770s [Music]
6771s so
6774s [Music]
6779s [Music]
6785s [Music]
6790s the final week before the mid season
6793s madness kicks off
6794s [Music]
6804s gaga now taken down leading on finding
6807s that kill tries to stay alive and leave
6808s will finally fill it finish him off with
6810s that rail jin moved 20 hp in a dream
6812s dashing and ducking around somehow still
6814s hasn't died he killed it both what just
6816s happened on the screen there's no way
6818s any claps
6821s and somehow he kills them both and
6823s that's enough for them to get the cap
6825s here we go there we go thank you
6826s observers
6829s they just don't enemies
6832s [Music]
6834s them
6836s wow just he just kneeled out he just
6838s kneeled out of control he just dodged
6839s every shot
6842s i think they're getting ready for it as
6843s well as you can see pelicans are trying
6845s to get the dash reset up and running
6847s okay he's got dash he's calling for it
6850s nano blade straight to the back the
6851s transcendence not enough to save
6852s victoria the slash and then dash goes
6855s punk too what a nade
6857s from iris
6859s that does absolutely nothing when
6861s pelicans in your face
6862s a five kill for the genji
6864s and that's the pelican we know and love
6868s feels like yeah you might actually leave
6870s as it goes off leave us to pop up
6872s surely he gets whipshot away pops the
6874s transcendence just keeps everybody alive
6875s here for the time being ten percent left
6877s to go leonardo jaegon gonna fall is a
6878s yaki as well eliminated the overclock
6880s finds the elimination leave
6882s try to go in there
6884s gets the hit
6886s taken down and they're gonna make it
6888s happen the full hold fate knows it's
6890s over he just sits still
6892s 92.4 percent
6894s leave playing off the back of monks
6896s contest they make it work that's your
6899s mvp from 2021 baby
6903s in for
6904s bigger difference maker could actually
6905s be the dragon strike that will force
6907s fusion off the payload and that could be
6908s a cap but fetch is dead
6911s two great shots from him and three he
6913s gets a third he's looking for some more
6915s immortality field buys a little bit oh
6919s incredible volley from mn3 shutting them
6922s down one after the other
6924s taking a bunch of damage straight up
6926s and he's dead they get the alley-oop mn3
6929s able to find the head
6931s just take him out dynamite not at the
6933s ready otherwise you could try to flush
6934s these guys out for the back of that dude
6936s uh it's like it's like we never left
6939s circle royale we we're still there we're
6940s still on circuit royale we have this
6943s that is absolutely insane today what on
6945s god's screen is going on why did they
6947s feed him today is this the work of the
6949s cheesesteaks i know they took him to the
6950s gym
6951s basically
6953s this is the secret formula
6956s blizzard from the back do they expect it
6959s slightly krimzo pops the transcendence
6961s victoria's in a little bit of trouble
6962s but with the immortality field he should
6963s be good piggy has also been frozen but
6965s saved with an immortality from iris
6967s merritt
6970s was that a triple collat where did that
6972s come from i think that was a triple kill
6976s with one rail gun i could be wrong that
6978s wasn't true
6979s replay replay
6982s oh my god they were standing in a street
6987s best sojun player in the league stats
6990s wise hey add that one yeah to the replay
6994s package oh yeah mary comes out with the
6996s first triple kill with the right clitor
6998s with the overclock in the league that
7001s was just absurd
7011s welcome back mayhem have found a map
7013s they took watchpoint gibraltar as now is
7016s london's turn to pick as we had to push
7019s and i mentioned we're going to call ceo
7021s what a surprise
7023s london picks a map that they can play
7025s rush on
7027s admiral's back in support backbone
7029s swapping over to dps
7032s it's looking all finding dandy in the
7034s london camp
7036s well i mean we expected london spitfire
7039s to play the colosseum
7042s not just because of the reinhardt but
7044s also because if you look at some of
7046s london spitfire's past performances on
7048s this map
7050s they have put on clinics for everybody
7052s when it comes to some of the angles and
7054s the positioning that you can take on
7057s coliseum and try to find these really
7059s fantastic angles
7061s my eyes are on sparker what is sparker
7063s going to do the soldier 76 flanks and
7066s stage one were absolutely crazy
7069s and what can he really get done here
7070s with the sojourn as well
7072s even more mobility
7076s i mean look at the end of the day
7079s there's only one person i'm looking at
7081s right now
7083s and that's hardy and his opponent
7085s someone in the mirror and will they end
7087s up going the mirror uh it didn't work
7089s out on lijang
7091s control center and it didn't work out
7093s when they even tried to then flip the
7095s script a little bit and run the pharah
7098s it's uh it's a tough a tough call for
7100s the florida mayhem right now
7102s and
7103s this isn't really a map you can play the
7105s winston you we we've seen things like
7106s doomfist of course from uh like london
7108s owls but
7110s it's definitely a map that london are
7112s very comfortable with like very
7114s comfortable
7115s xe has been performing pretty well like
7117s on the widowmaker on the sojourn he's
7118s staying in as animo is back so you know
7122s signs do point to rush once again do
7124s they want to run something a little bit
7126s different maybe go for some really crazy
7129s like super aggressive dive to try and
7131s kill the london spitfire back line um
7136s it's going to be tough it's going to be
7137s tough but there is a possibility for the
7139s mayhem to bring this to a map five let's
7141s have we look at some uh checkmate stats
7144s on watchpoint gibraltar he was putting
7146s in some bad numbers rose actually um he
7148s was just permanently in the kill feed
7149s for the mayhem
7151s yeah this this is where
7153s mayhem have looked best the entirety of
7156s the series and they finally started to
7157s put all the pieces together on gibraltar
7160s when checkmate could play the tracer
7161s alongside someone's winston and of
7164s course having exe to kind of round out
7166s that big dive with the follow-up damage
7169s from the widowmaker or even kind of
7170s engaging for the dive with some of that
7173s damage and so checkmate definitely able
7175s to go in clean up things really fast
7176s generating those pulse bombs very
7178s quickly as well
7179s so definitely finding tons and tons of
7182s value but is that going to be
7184s doable on coliseum when you know you're
7187s going to be playing against the rush
7189s flavor from the london spitfire you have
7192s the lucio that will be able to help keep
7195s your back line more mobile more agile
7199s and that tracer may be less effective
7201s playing against a backline like that
7206s yeah
7207s yeah i mean that is true
7210s that is very true it's just tough i
7212s don't know man it's just
7214s it's just tough you know when london
7215s spitfire get their chance to use map
7216s they'll choose a map they can play
7217s russia
7219s absolutely let's see if mayhem can come
7220s up big
7222s i mean a lot of it is down to the way
7224s the may plays
7225s on top of like the reinhardt and whatnot
7227s those walls can be just ridiculously
7230s impactful either separating the rhine or
7232s maybe separating the support maybe even
7233s separating the mage separating someone
7235s to then find a quick kill
7238s is always imperative but
7241s the issue i think the london uh the
7242s florida mayhem
7244s ran across on lee zhang tao when they
7246s played the rush mirror
7247s was they were getting forced to use
7249s things like lamp things like wall things
7251s like ice block like super early like
7253s super early and it was an extremely
7255s tough battle when the enemy team has
7257s those cooldowns and you don't and in
7259s fact we're not even seeing the rush from
7261s the mayhem and i think that's a smart
7262s move uh going for a little bit more of
7264s an aggressive dive
7266s with the genji with the wins i agree
7269s this is definitely what the floor i i
7272s don't trust the rush mirror for any team
7274s into london spitfire
7276s i just
7277s i always get a little defeated in my own
7279s head when i look at that and go i don't
7281s know about this one
7282s feel free to prove me wrong but this is
7284s a great start here for mayhem getting a
7286s big pick on the sparker
7288s yeah another fantastic pick from xe i
7290s would love to know how many times xc has
7292s found like the first blood in a fight
7295s because it has got to be nine times out
7297s of ten for the mayhem right now almost
7299s kills afro in the sky in fact does
7300s finishes him off just with the left leg
7302s and that backbone's in trouble triple
7304s kill for the sojourn make that a quad no
7306s rupaul takes it away
7308s the mayhem once again off the back of
7310s xc's initial pick do you find the win in
7312s the team fight
7315s excellent stuff i mean this is the
7317s problem that we had before where we were
7319s seeing exit maybe get some of those
7320s initial picks but then not enough
7322s follow-up coming through for the rest of
7324s the mayhem to be able to make that pick
7325s worth it oh what a wall
7329s that was a really big ball stopped exe
7331s from sliding off
7333s ends up helping get the kill
7336s i'mma kill someone uh didn't even need
7337s that tank player apparently sparker did
7339s end up going down however with the bot
7342s in the controller and spitfire this
7343s should be good that was an extremely
7345s intelligible had a very good stagger
7347s kill onto rupaul
7349s yeah wow i mean that yeah that staggered
7351s pick was big but man like this is why we
7354s chow backbone as one of the best maze in
7356s the league it's because of some of this
7358s heads up play when you look at oh yeah i
7360s could use my wall here's the range that
7362s it has and perfect
7364s execution and reaction to just making
7366s sure that you're able to get that pick
7368s rupaul does have the nano ready to go to
7371s someone to start
7373s this dive
7376s it's already pretty low
7378s nano does heal you up luckily so you can
7380s just oh there you go oh nice boot from
7382s admiral booting back so he hit his head
7384s and he's stunned oh goodbye nice pin
7387s easy kill uh that window stops florida
7389s mayhem from aggressing and using that
7392s nano winston for space on a spitfire
7394s deal with that perfect
7397s well i mean london they've played
7399s against so many different teams that
7400s like to use this more aggressive winston
7402s style and as the team that runs this
7404s rush you know that they had know the
7406s intricacies of how they can utilize the
7408s things in their kit to really give them
7410s favors in these matches
7413s exec coming up big
7415s over and over again with the rail gun it
7417s does get cleaned up but
7419s killing delusio in the rush comp
7422s britigan
7424s london don't even take the lead well
7425s they're sorry they take the lead off of
7427s that by not by a whole lot florida
7429s mayhem have only got a couple of meters
7431s before they end up flipping at the
7432s script there
7435s yeah they should be able to flip this
7436s before i think london will be able to
7438s get back
7440s nope unfortunately okay
7444s yeah i wouldn't either i'd back off too
7445s if i knew that's parker if i was keeping
7447s track it's parker had an overclock no
7448s heels uh no heels rupal and animo were
7451s completely alois by someone's
7452s positioning
7454s perfect shadow and uh so shadows like
7456s that are good i can you know you
7458s normally like oh three two men water
7459s shadow whatever but do you get a winston
7461s or someone off on the sidelines that
7463s can't get healed even a bit arnold even
7465s if he invested the b in that situation
7467s that would have gone to waste like good
7468s luck getting it around that corner
7471s yeah well why is the rest of mayhem
7473s playing so far back
7474s then
7476s and out of
7477s los
7484s engage the blizzard comes out
7486s defensively used for the spitfire they
7488s ended up burning a lamp in that
7490s situation but beat blizzard for blade
7493s not the worst beat for the florida
7495s mayhem now admirals a couple of
7497s percentage points away from his so a lot
7499s of london has been married to backing up
7500s oh the beat doesn't quite hit sparker
7502s who gets juggled in the back line now
7504s someone trying to isolate the support
7505s with this primal he's got landon in the
7508s skies and now a clear shot for exe onto
7510s april
7511s nice work by someone
7514s yeah see that's that's why i like it
7516s when sometimes you do see someone get
7518s really aggressive into the back line and
7520s start kind of
7521s you know bullying the sojourn the anna
7525s whatever baptise that's in the back
7528s it works out sometimes for someone
7532s and something
7533s but it is very good
7535s nano boost jump in there's the windows
7538s someone's health bar disappearing right
7541s before your eyes
7542s can do much of anything there didn't get
7544s frozen but slowed for long enough
7547s for him to get extinguished good head
7550s shot by sparker there
7551s mayhem however they do end up getting
7554s the lead
7556s by about 20 meters so now lens people
7558s have to escort the back all the way back
7561s yeah but london's starting to work up to
7563s things that will be able to get them
7564s there i think florida as well are on the
7566s clock to try to race hotties earth
7569s shatter you've got the overclock from xc
7572s hopefully that's going to be able to do
7574s them some favors and then also you're
7576s looking at checkmate's blade
7578s to not get countered by the blizzard
7580s this time and also
7582s be the decisive fight winner that we
7584s know that those dragon blades can be
7586s what annoying position for batman to be
7587s in almost double taps on a mo in fact
7590s yep
7590s true will taps him instead that'll do
7592s losing illusions not great because now
7594s apple can run you down actually trying
7595s to take care of that problem himself but
7598s it's met by sparker on the other end of
7600s it luckily rupaul and checkmate on the
7602s high ground were able to kill off
7604s backbone and london spitfire lose
7606s control of the body again florida mayhem
7608s now with a blade and almost a primal
7610s rage coming up and the spitfire unable
7613s to gain any meterage on the bot push
7616s there
7618s they don't get any to try to match what
7620s mayhem did but they did push the bot far
7622s enough that they get to come back with
7625s that all the all the ultimates in the
7627s world or just into the loving arms of
7629s hottie couple of swings no primal rage
7631s force not bad though kind of take those
7634s ultimates where you can now they just
7635s have to deal with him now he turns into
7636s a giant old battery but a giant old
7638s battery for rupaul too another pick by
7641s xc to start off the fights this is what
7643s you want to see there's the pin from
7644s hardy goes wide this time the backbone
7646s on the flank once again takes care of
7648s one of the supports can i just spin fire
7650s come on top of this engagement looks
7652s like it for the time being as someone
7654s and check may go down to the large
7655s swinging hammer of hardy as the bot has
7658s been stolen by backbone he is just a
7661s menace right now he is a menace on the
7663s may like
7664s not only seeing the bot solo blizzard in
7667s the back line the florida mayhem they
7669s lose control of the bar it walks all the
7670s way back to their side of the map
7672s wow i mean look at this you know animal
7674s could just go ahead and taxi hottie back
7676s to the bots and so we were worried a bit
7679s about them getting some progress well
7680s here's a great way for them to start
7681s making that up they forced out ultimates
7683s for the florida mayhem get to come back
7685s in with an overclock and a beat and also
7687s a window if they want it
7690s nano blade though
7692s another blade or just uh
7693s nano onto the winston we'll see what
7696s ends up going down sparky using that
7698s overclock trying to peek and hunt for
7700s things the nano the blade sparker's life
7703s obliterated now the london spitfire have
7705s to use old to try and see them through
7707s this fight a very late b for the mayhem
7709s but the blade already did the work for
7711s them
7712s and spitfire lose a fight in the same
7715s position for the third time in a row
7717s just unable to push that box
7720s any further well i guess they got an
7721s extra five meters but nowhere near the
7723s 62 that the florida mayhem currently
7725s have and with two minutes to go the time
7728s bank be dwindling
7730s uh that's absolutely true i mean xc is
7732s coming up on another overclock as well
7734s that's a great zoning tool even if it
7736s isn't going to be enough to get some
7738s pics
7739s you hear the voice line josh i feel like
7741s you back up you go hide somewhere you
7743s don't want to get one tapped by the
7745s sojourn but hottie's already back in
7747s here you know that he's got the earth
7748s shatter ready to go but look at actually
7751s poison ready to with this overclock
7753s coming online post taste
7755s doesn't quite find the pick there's
7756s another solo shot onto someone and a
7758s perfect shield from hardy to stop
7760s someone getting healed window was used
7763s by landon they're doing the same kind of
7764s combos over and over again just denying
7766s as much space as possible peak antenate
7769s by rupal can anybody clean that up okay
7771s landon does actually end up going down
7773s there's another kill by checkmate
7775s another dash reset another spin fire
7777s once again unable to really move the bot
7780s that was an unbelievable hero nade from
7782s rupal there to save them oh
7785s yes it was and sometimes those hero
7787s moments can work for florida mayhem as
7789s long as the
7791s it's getting communicated and the team
7792s can go in and actually capitalize on it
7795s but as it stands we've kind of been in
7797s this
7798s checkmate sort of situation
7801s where who's gonna be able to actually
7803s get control of this as we enter into
7804s some one minute territory and florida
7807s mayhem are in the lead
7809s yeah mayhem don't really feel any
7810s pressure at all to try and push this
7813s ball they can very much just fight in
7814s the neutral fight on the ground that
7816s suits them overclock available actually
7819s just going to pop it the blizzard comes
7820s out actually gets a collat but doesn't
7822s find the kills he gets frozen got a
7824s little bit greedy there trying to clean
7826s on up was just sat in the blizzard a
7828s lamp isn't going to survive long not
7830s against checkmate building up towards
7831s the plate is he's just nano's there's 20
7833s seconds to go on the florida mayhem on
7836s london's map pick might end up taking
7838s this one they don't even need to push
7840s the pot and it doesn't look like they're
7842s going to oh well tell a lie in fact
7844s animo is going to try and escort it for
7845s a little bit but no they're just going
7846s to push past it to stop london smart
7848s fire from touching there's four seconds
7850s and counting someone's got a touch and
7853s slams already come out but they're not
7854s going to be able to get there in time on
7856s london's map pick florida mayhem bring
7859s it to a map five
7861s they've been looking better and better
7863s over the course of this series though
7865s jaws i mean even just looking at how
7868s much better florida mayhem played
7870s together as a team on gibraltar and then
7872s seeing how they played smart on coliseum
7875s as well i love that you called out that
7877s they were just kind of playing on their
7879s own terms because it wasn't all about
7881s the aggressive go go go from someone to
7883s try to
7884s push the payload at all they recognize
7886s we've got control we have the lead we
7889s just need to make sure that they don't
7890s touch
7891s the bot that's it
7893s they didn't over commit and they didn't
7895s also try to over execute
7898s all right florida mayhem just turning
7900s that turning new leaf
7902s xc pick it up just first blood after
7904s first blood just getting these initial
7905s picks and they're able to capitalize on
7907s them and playing to their wing condition
7908s not overextending like you said rose
7910s they're looking good you're going to a
7912s map number five right after this break
7914s you're not gonna want to miss it
7920s [Music]
7928s [Music]
7954s [Music]
7980s [Music]
7989s [Music]
7994s foreign
7997s [Music]
8018s so
8024s [Music]
8052s you
8052s [Music]
8068s foreign
8096s uh
8105s [Music]
8112s [Music]
8118s [Music]
8139s map number five and maybe a reverse
8140s sweep for the florida mayhem as they
8143s take coliseum london's map pick mind you
8146s rose
8147s out on a map they're very strong
8149s like the rhine comp the rush comp like
8152s you'd expect london to win that one nine
8154s times out of ten but
8156s surveys ended up saying well actually
8158s mayhem off the back of xc more often
8160s than not finding those initial picks and
8161s playing to that win condition perfectly
8164s yeah that win condition often times
8166s being just xe maybe getting an opening
8168s pick and then the follow-up coming
8170s through from florida mayhem to able to
8172s turn that one pick into a team fight win
8176s and it wasn't even a flashy game either
8178s neither side got to the first checkpoint
8182s but they didn't have to because about
8184s for florida it was about just
8185s controlling the game and controlling the
8188s tempo of these team fights and that's
8190s something that they did incredibly well
8192s on coloseo and they have just looked
8194s better and better as the series has
8195s progressed but we are about to head into
8198s the fifth and final map of the series
8202s we are going to oasis which is again
8204s london's map pick
8206s so here we go and well to be fair
8209s another map you can play the rush on but
8212s maybe london spitfire want to pivot
8214s towards the winston they can do that
8215s still even with the the lucio which is
8218s what admiral's probably gonna play
8224s yeah with admiral the roster you're
8225s expecting to see the lucio
8227s for sure and then really it's landon
8230s that ends up playing a bit more flexibly
8232s to be able to lend itself to the rest of
8235s the team's
8236s composition and then also just the map
8238s that we are on
8240s curious though we're starting to see the
8244s compositions already i believe florida
8246s mayhem's a little bit more that that's
8248s what they're going to be stepping out of
8249s spawn with
8250s obviously quick symmetra teleporter and
8252s then go back over to the tracer and just
8254s kind of continue to play this dive
8255s moment that we've been seeing from
8256s florida mayhem but it's london that i
8259s think
8261s is the different what it's obviously the
8263s different one you've got the lucio and
8264s the moira here which speaks to me that
8266s london's about to try to hit them really
8269s fast with the dive so they've got to go
8271s faster they've got to find value
8273s they actually get a big value hack on
8276s the mega health back there so man don't
8277s really want to fight that there's
8279s basically another healer with you if you
8281s fight in that
8282s location so mayhem realize that back
8285s away yeah
8286s jupiter's on the point however hardy can
8288s just perma juggle the point if he really
8290s needs to capitalizing off those hacks
8291s like you were saying rose is going to be
8293s key but look who's in the kill feed
8294s again for the mayhem exe finds another
8297s pick and it's a big one lana going down
8298s is disastrous and back moan now taking a
8301s nap three two one
8304s gets to try to get it somehow off but
8305s still didn't matter london spitfire with
8307s two people in the bin
8309s end up going down to mayhem find the cap
8312s yeah look at how
8313s far forward xe can play as well just to
8315s continue to charge up these shots
8317s howdy's just a huge battery right now
8320s for this and that would have been such a
8322s big pick if xe had been able to land
8324s that shot with all of that charge
8328s okay backbone still getting checked no
8330s would you look at that another first
8331s pick for xe
8333s okay mayhem
8336s coming out rather big like this is
8337s completely the opposite of what happened
8340s in the first map like full of 180 brand
8342s new day kind of team
8344s yes it is i mean let's look back at that
8347s first map shall we florida mayhem some
8349s of these players using ultimates after
8351s the fight had already been lost hoping
8353s that they were going to be enough of a
8354s difference maker to keep their team in
8356s this one but i think that's almost
8358s underestimating the their opponents the
8361s london spitfire
8363s london though they are playing for this
8365s emp to be able to get themselves back
8367s into this first round
8370s checkmate 2b check it spark post bomb
8373s gets thrown out get damaged but not a
8375s kill
8376s huddy is rather strong with that over
8378s health from the shields but
8381s he does kill animo he has got mines but
8383s someone and checkmate once again just
8386s forcing the london spitfire to fight on
8388s their terms
8389s 70 percent for mayhem and they've got
8392s two dps
8394s they got the beat coming up like london
8396s spitfire they haven't even earned
8398s themselves a coalescence yet
8400s no
8401s that's that's the thing that is such a
8403s stark contrast to me
8405s is okay they've got the mines but you
8407s expect honey at this point to be putting
8408s in enough damage admiral landed have
8410s been perma
8413s spawn
8414s but yeah just yeah it's been bad it's
8417s been so bad so far and that just speaks
8419s to the level of control florida mayhem
8421s right have right now on the situation
8423s manual hack on to someone emp available
8425s for london spitfire they might want to
8427s use it to do us a race the beat
8428s especially with someone going down they
8430s do end up finding the flip mayhem uh
8432s okay with this
8433s and just back it away they don't want to
8435s use alt they want to force london
8436s spitfire to do so but now london
8439s they could shift the tempo pretty easily
8441s if they didn't win that fight it would
8442s have been over but they now have double
8445s support they've got pulse
8447s emp
8449s yeah they've got a lot of stuff here
8450s just going in with the emp now
8454s easy game five man emp
8457s jimmy still finds a kill with a pulse
8459s bomb
8460s uh
8461s yeah it's it's 4v1 ain't gonna happen
8464s son
8465s it was a wrecking ball too you hope
8468s you're able to land to stick on to a
8469s wrecking ball they are pretty quick
8472s i will say that i'm trying to defend my
8473s own tracer they are pretty quick
8476s no they're very fast that's for sure but
8478s it just means also that hotties able to
8480s get back to the point very quickly so
8482s you're not seeing that really translate
8484s over to the value you wish that would
8487s have had someone though has switched
8489s over to the doom fist
8491s so we've got some one punch potential
8492s now on the board huh
8494s all right double beat
8496s sparkle checked already sparkle trying
8498s to set up for a box that's hit that
8500s recall by the looks of it there's other
8503s spitfire just happy just to contest the
8505s payload uh point for as much as possible
8507s there's the beat
8508s florida mayhem not satisfied with
8509s london's positioning and then the
8511s karbala lessons on top double support
8512s overuse from the london spitfire but
8514s apple's already dead london spitfire's
8516s health bars have just fallen what
8518s happened to landon's ultimate did he get
8519s punched out i'm not sure the london
8521s spitfire just collapsed double support
8523s ultimate men nothing the florida mayhem
8525s recap the point
8527s and now a one
8529s round away
8531s from reverse sweeping london spitfire
8533s and sending them home
8537s they are getting closer
8539s they are getting closer and they have
8541s earned this you know this has this
8543s series overall has been such a wonderful
8546s evolution of the mayhem to watch where
8548s they struggled a lot in those first two
8550s maps and then
8552s something started to click for them
8554s maybe it was the halftime break maybe
8556s they all got snacks or something i don't
8558s know but let's watch this coalescence
8560s because i had questions about this too
8562s but you see the coalescence here and
8563s then
8564s yep
8566s someone
8567s it's the moira is so tough to play
8569s against the doom the cooldowns are so
8571s fast
8572s okay yeah it's it's easy to get off
8574s kilter with that for sure this is
8576s london's comp right here maybe not with
8577s the with the moira but
8579s they're running anyway they just want to
8580s go fast
8582s go hardy back on the rhine
8586s it's not a bad call when you know that
8588s there's not a doomfist on the other side
8591s you know but it is usually sparker that
8593s plays the sopra here
8595s hp
8596s oh my god he's got a dream though
8600s luckily
8601s might turn into a nightmare if they're
8602s not careful already one wound away from
8604s going home
8605s all nice little three clip here on
8606s ripple
8608s diving and dodging that's just to get
8610s out forces the recall
8612s and hardy ends up falling oh my god what
8614s is this london right now
8616s after uh like a fantastic two days
8619s enough bracket round one and
8621s uh against the shock in the upper
8623s bracket quarter finals this is very
8625s uncharacteristic but this is all mayhem
8628s like
8628s yeah you've got to think back to when
8630s they last played they last played i
8631s think it's outlaws they got three owed
8633s like it it wasn't a super close series
8636s but this is a completely different team
8639s we're looking at right now even from the
8640s start of this series to be fair rose
8642s yes absolutely it's been a huge
8644s evolution for the mayhem they look like
8646s a completely different team right now
8649s but if you if you're a mayhem fan you
8650s are very very happy about that xc is
8653s high ground control and look at how well
8655s he's keeping the support line in check
8657s for spitfire hottie has no support in
8660s the front line
8661s he was going pretty low and had to back
8663s off to make him still control the point
8664s and could juggle if they really need to
8666s someone close to that primal rage nano
8669s online uh for rupaul in a couple of
8672s sparker eventually trying to check xe
8674s but he's at 100 energy one little body
8676s shot now might end sparker's life he
8678s does end up going for it and whipping
8680s but now the play from checkmate is good
8682s a beautiful nano played in fact chasing
8684s straight up to landed a triple kill for
8686s the genji
8687s almost made that a 5k but backbone
8689s zipped back just in time and the florida
8692s mayhem have alts to boot
8697s this is a great rotation for mayhem
8700s this is phenomenal they have ways to be
8703s able to deal with the emp and while
8705s backbone has this emp online faster than
8708s that round number one
8709s is the animal sound barrier that could
8712s just completely save mayhem here and
8714s push this over the edge for them to take
8716s this series win shatter
8718s whiffs
8719s overclock coming in as overtime is a
8722s approaching suit
8723s tie in the sky gets the poop onto xc but
8725s just send him down to low ground now
8727s landon has to come up with this
8729s coalescence but spark is already dead a
8731s trade one for one as the coal comes out
8733s rather late someone's primal raging the
8735s hardy on to the wall as london do find
8739s the flip apron even committing the beats
8741s it does hit four and the florida mayhem
8743s have a beat of their own but maybe they
8745s just hold on for the next fight looks
8747s like they're going to as the spitfire
8749s refused to go down without a fight
8752s look at this sparker's actually gonna
8754s switch over to the sojourn looking at
8757s that as a bit more damage output than
8759s the tracer has been able to provide so
8761s far
8762s hopefully that is going to be what gets
8764s them to get up to that 99 bring us into
8767s a third round i want to see this go all
8769s the way
8770s but florida still haven't used a sound
8772s barrier i love that you point that out
8774s because now they get to go in aggressive
8775s with us if they want to
8776s hack onto xe still gets to the beat
8779s though so he's good sparkle changed over
8781s to the sojourn but now he's going
8782s straight back to spawn might need to be
8783s tracer rupaul kills two the london
8787s spitfire quivering right now they need
8789s to touch the florida mayhem are gonna
8791s find this flip and in fact they're gonna
8793s chase the london spitfire all the way to
8795s their sport abroad is dead overtime
8797s ticks down in the mayhem come up huge a
8800s massive reverse sweep to see them to the
8803s lower bracket round two
8806s mayhem
8807s holy moly
8809s and that's called the the missis and
8810s madness but like i kind of like the
8812s sound of the mid-season mayhem
8814s that's that's not bad
8816s that's not bad the literation's still
8817s there right
8819s i mean it's close it's close it's been
8822s pandemonium honestly
8824s the florida mayhem
8826s come up massive a reverse sweep off an
8829s extremely hot london spitfire taking a
8832s map off the shock looking fantastic
8834s against the rain
8836s and the florida mayhem keep their hopes
8838s and dreams alive in this tournament
8840s after what was an extremely cold day one
8842s against houston outlaws like
8844s this
8845s is uh a florida mayhem i did not expect
8847s to see here today but i'm so happy that
8851s we're seeing it
8852s i mean their next opponent is either the
8854s dallas fuel or the philadelphia fusion
8857s which is another matcher later on today
8860s rose oh wow what a way to start off day
8863s number three
8865s yeah absolutely holy moly i mean i
8867s remember even just at the top of the
8869s series i think you and i were both
8871s expecting that hey yeah
8874s one is bitfire they look really hot
8875s florida mayhem they've looked bad
8877s they haven't had a single math win yet
8879s in the mid-season madness tournament and
8882s yet here we are
8883s a five-mapper showing us all of the
8886s different sides that florida mayhem has
8889s to offer but there's one player jaws i
8891s feel like stood above the rest and that
8894s was xc oh yeah player of the match is
8897s definitely going to be xc the amount of
8899s picks he found to open up these fights
8903s for
8904s the florida mayhem was insane
8907s like every single time a fight started
8909s he had already killed somebody and yeah
8911s maybe it didn't work out in the first
8913s couple of maps but on coliseum like help
8916s them win more often than not they played
8918s around that wing
8919s look we've got the lead we can just play
8920s back wait for xc to get a pick and then
8922s we can win these team fights like what a
8924s standout performance today
8927s absolutely i mean xe's still one of the
8929s best sojourn in the league that's 60
8932s percent railgun accuracy man just what
8935s is it about the mid season madness
8937s tournament that we have seen soldiers
8938s hit like 55 plus accuracy on these rail
8942s guns
8943s it's just super impressive when you see
8945s numbers like this
8946s yeah i mean he is just a beast he took
8949s that small break of course and then came
8951s in late to the florida mayhem this
8953s season but he slided right in and he's
8956s been looking real good him and hydron
8958s unbelievable sojourn players and you
8961s know the florida mayhem yeah they may
8963s have got zero maps on a day number one
8965s of the tournament but they come back
8966s with three now knock london out and they
8970s go on to the next round rose
8973s they do they still have a tough opponent
8975s ahead as you pointed out there's two
8977s pretty heavy hitters i feel like that
8979s could be waiting for them when they have
8982s their
8982s match up determined but what a great
8985s start to the day and i know we have so
8987s much more overwatch to show everybody
8988s yes we do toronto defining the houston
8990s outlaws are playing next it's gonna be a
8992s nail biter don't go anywhere we'll see
8994s you after this break
8996s [Music]
9002s [Applause]
9008s [Music]
9014s [Music]
9015s oh
9023s the on watching is brought to you by
9025s upper deck the official trading card of
9027s the overwatch league
9029s and by teamspeak the official voice
9031s supplier of the overwatch league
9075s [Music]
9081s do
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9227s [Music]
9277s welcome to game break everybody uh so i
9279s had a hard time deciding who i wanted to
9281s talk to for the post match interview and
9283s so i said hey i want both xe and someone
9286s so we got both of them here from the
9287s florida mayhem guys congratulations on
9290s the win how are you guys feeling like
9291s right now
9297s i don't know
9320s i mean the first two um i mean first two
9322s maps we were really losing and up until
9324s that point you know we really didn't uh
9326s get our hopes up and we're like let's
9328s just concentrate and i think it was from
9330s gibraltar where we said hey we should
9331s really focus up and try to really win
9333s this game because uh if we don't then
9335s we're out so that really kept us going
9337s and you know i think that mentality
9339s helped us go all the way through oasis
9341s and for us to get the get get the win uh
9344s for today's match all right actually how
9345s about you how are you feeling right now
9347s [Music]
9349s um
9365s foreign
9370s uh coming for the qualifier matches i
9373s think uh uh i think how we got into the
9375s tournament was when we beat the boston
9376s operations we reverse swept them just
9378s like we did uh london for fire today it
9380s was uh lost loss win win win and it sort
9383s of repeated the same thing for today so
9385s it just got me thinking you know at that
9386s time i got the mvp i got mvp today as
9389s well and i think i just want to say
9391s thank you to boston all right uh
9394s okay next question i think i'm just
9395s gonna you know what ask both of you guys
9397s so your next match because of this win
9399s you guys are going to be facing off
9401s against either dallas fuel or
9403s philadelphia fusion uh who do you want
9405s to
9406s meet in your next match
9437s uh last time i think i really want the
9439s dallas fuel to win and i want to see
9440s them in the next match because last time
9442s we played we lost against them and
9443s that's how we got disqualified so i want
9446s that revenge against the dallas fuel all
9447s right actually how about you
9449s hello
9453s [Music]
9472s i also think that the dallas fuel is
9473s going to win because um you know they're
9475s a great team and not only that i the
9477s their coach in that team i have spent uh
9479s four or five years of training with them
9481s and also they're a really great team so
9483s i do believe that the dallas view are
9484s all going to win and also i really want
9487s them to come up because i've been part
9488s of the dallas fuel family and so you
9491s know now with the florida mayhem i
9492s really want to you know i want to be the
9495s one to put them down to the ground all
9497s right lexie and someone thank you so
9498s much for the interview uh and again big
9501s congratulations on the winter when
9502s you're singing
9504s that comes out
9505s all right let's think back let's send
9507s things back to avali take it away
9511s thank you so much danny guys before we
9514s talk about that match of what just
9515s happened let's talk about that interview
9517s he wants to put dallas into the crowd
9520s aggressive wording
9521s i mean listen do you not trust danny oh
9523s well that's true no i i wasn't judging
9525s danny i'm more saying exe is competent
9527s you know he did you know you might know
9528s he was supposed to play with the dallas
9530s fuel but he had to retire due to
9531s personal injury and now he's back
9533s to bury the dallas fuel apparently
9537s i just like the idea of like overly like
9539s maybe not knowing that lexi was supposed
9541s to be part of the dallas viewers just
9542s like why why would he want to put him in
9544s the ground
9545s wow that's awful he's very aggressive
9548s but i mean uh listen he can be
9550s aggressive because that game right there
9552s that was our first five maps of the
9555s tournament so far of this week so far
9557s it's the first reverse sweep that we've
9559s had
9560s and it's uh potentially backbone's first
9562s birthday
9567s [Music]
9569s happy birthday unfortunately 3-2 victory
9572s for florida mayhem but scott
9575s as a spitfire fan it felt like they had
9578s it what happened in that third game yeah
9580s i think all of us predicted the london
9582s spitfire
9583s i i and we thought they had it you know
9585s in liangtao it's a map that they're very
9587s comfortable in they went over to that
9588s one they played the rush composition no
9590s answer from the florida mayhem as we as
9592s a lot of us expected the diff was there
9594s the mtd was there from hardy and then
9596s you know it was like okay you know this
9598s is going to be very difficult for the
9599s florida mayhem to sort of overcome we
9602s then went over to ikembota which it
9604s didn't it was closer but it still looked
9607s like the london spitfire had the
9608s advantage in that dive match up as well
9610s so it was like oh okay well just feels
9612s like florida's just gonna fumble out of
9614s this one but then when we get over to
9616s the watchpoint gibraltar they had that
9618s bad that had that bad attack as well
9620s that gets caught on the second point and
9621s you know i was i was ready i was putting
9623s my ears in i was getting ready sitting
9625s down at the chair like oh time to talk
9627s about the disappointment but something
9629s snapped and you know someone said that
9631s in the interview of like
9632s we realized that if we lose this map we
9635s are out of this entire competition we
9637s are going home the first team to be
9638s eliminated and someone and xe really
9641s stepped up in this map that defensive
9643s hold on the first point against the
9644s london spitfire someone just went
9646s absolutely crazy you can see him doing
9648s it right here in this room and exe was
9651s able to get a bunch of those frags to
9652s just slow down that time but then it
9654s became the checkmate show in my opinion
9656s yeah go over to colosseum we go over to
9658s oasis and checkmate really starts
9660s stepping up and this is someone we don't
9661s really talk about enough for this
9663s florida mayhem squad because he is sort
9665s of that sort of secondary player and he
9667s hasn't had those big pop-ups but we need
9669s to give him credit his blades were so
9671s good at stopping every time london
9673s spitfire got to this bridge tried to
9675s push it past this 40 meters this
9677s happened checkmate gets the nanoblade
9679s goes absolutely crazy and puts a hold on
9681s to that push and then on fifth map
9683s london spitfire they look demoralized
9685s they didn't have an answer to the dive
9686s of the florida mayhem and
9688s london no one expecting them to go out
9690s in the first round no i don't think so
9692s they are going to be our first team
9694s eliminated which means that we will not
9695s be seeing them anymore in the tournament
9698s but again it does mean that florida
9699s mayhem are going to move on to the next
9702s part uh the next portion of the
9704s tournament which again either gonna be
9705s the dallas fuel or philadelphia fusion
9708s and as you heard the players say they
9710s want to see uh dallas as their next
9714s opponent and look at the reactions from
9716s the mayhem right there look at them
9717s super excited they were down 0-2 look
9720s high five
9723s [Applause]
9724s almost the best oh smiles across all of
9727s their faces but johnny as they move on
9729s as you were saying lots of strengths
9731s coming out from this team so what else
9732s do they have to focus on as they
9733s continue throughout yeah i mean we all
9735s predicted a lot of spitfire and i think
9737s part of that is actually that we didn't
9739s like what we saw from the florida mayor
9741s but there were actually several examples
9742s i found in that matchup where i liked
9745s what i saw from the front of me i think
9746s they're very strategic and methodical
9748s team so as we take a look at a couple of
9749s these fights where it worked out for
9751s them we can see what the furthermore are
9753s good at what are their strengths and
9754s somebody who comes here they're capping
9756s point there on i came out there and
9758s checkmate very tactical and tracer we're
9760s playing long side angles with the on and
9761s the scene the other and we're going to
9763s kill off hobby here and when hardy is
9765s out of the mix that's when we can push
9766s the momentum five versus four and we're
9768s going to end up capping this point there
9770s on eigenvalde so do you find the stick
9772s as well brilliant you know individual
9774s play from checkmate there but it's very
9776s methodical and then we're also going to
9778s see another play on gibraltar as well
9779s this time you're playing a brigitte
9781s which means you have more defensive
9782s capabilities you're going to pick off
9784s hardy once more he's pioneered so you're
9786s utilizing the honor skill set and then
9788s again four five versus four you can push
9791s the momentum when hardy is dead he's the
9793s tank of the london spitfire and then
9795s checkmate once again just capitalizing
9797s off this one frag and he's going to
9799s you know push the momentum here he's
9800s going to rack up three quick frags uh to
9803s to finish off this fight here and so
9805s again the first instinct from foreign
9807s it's really good the first kind of like
9809s plan they have set in place for each
9811s team fight i think it's really good and
9813s as a final example
9814s we're going to take a look at oasis here
9816s the non-oblate from checkmate hardy is
9818s going to push in that opens up the back
9820s line and that means that checkmate can
9821s capitalize on the backline being exposed
9824s for the london fifth fire so every time
9826s going into a team fight the florida
9828s mayhem they have good plants they have
9830s good shot calling where it breaks down
9832s for for them is after like the first
9834s plan fails that's where you have
9836s checkmate okay he's no profit you have
9838s xc he's all right but he's no shy that's
9840s where the individual skill kind of
9842s falters if the first plan doesn't work
9844s out so i still like the strategic
9846s methodical nature of the vora mayhem and
9848s excited to see if that can help them
9850s more win turns loses bracket definitely
9852s we're going to have to see how they
9853s continue on through that loser's bracket
9855s so let's go ahead and take a look with
9857s our results now plugged in i do believe
9858s we have the bracket ready to go
9862s and here we go look at that first
9865s thursday or the second thursday match i
9867s should say florida mayhem moving on
9868s going to be taking on either dallas fuel
9871s or fusion and again as we heard they
9873s want to play the fuel
9875s now i mean the weight well you go ahead
9877s i'm going to say that people are playing
9879s but then again that means they beat the
9881s fusion and i'm like okay
9883s yeah okay i think all three of us
9885s predicted fusion too so
9888s i i don't believe that doubt like i
9890s think dallas has been really struggling
9892s i think philly should have the edge but
9894s you know everyone does believe in dallas
9895s and dallas has that x factor to be able
9897s to get there i i would be interested to
9898s see a dallas fest uh florida mayhem
9900s matchup yeah i'd be good i think it
9902s could be good but again that's a match
9903s that's happening tomorrow let's talk
9905s about the match that's happening today
9906s because the next one that we're going to
9907s see is toronto versus houston and i know
9910s we previewed it a little bit in our
9912s pre-show so have your thoughts changed
9914s at all coming in
9916s no not really i think this is actually
9918s probably the closest match that i had
9920s expected coming into today's match
9921s because you know the houston outlaws are
9923s a great team but it feels like they
9924s always seem to fumble in the playoffs
9926s and you know that was you know the
9928s tradition so far already they looked
9929s good in the first day when they played
9931s their first match but when you went over
9933s to their second match they they just
9934s really did not show up and just fell
9936s over while trying to find also they took
9939s a loss in their first match but they did
9940s look improved they don't look like the
9942s team we saw in the regular season so
9944s honestly it's anyone's game it really
9945s comes up to who shows up in the server
9947s who's playing their best out because i
9948s think strategically there isn't that big
9950s of a difference
9951s it is very usable isn't it it's very
9953s huge
9955s you'll say it i said it it's very
9956s houstonable um you know credit to the
9958s houston outlaws i showcased also what i
9960s liked from them in in you know earlier
9962s this week but toronto defiant as well i
9965s think toronto defiant they're better
9966s than their 12th seed like you know
9969s for them that shows them so throughout
9970s the defiant if they like polish up a few
9972s couple things they could be a team to be
9974s reckoned with so we'll see and something
9976s to also point out is yesterday on
9978s twitter jake did post another book photo
9981s saying learning how to read again so who
9983s knows if that's going to play out
9984s together giving away the strats teaching
9986s jake how to read i know right doomed
9989s soul
9990s doomed doomed their entire team but
9992s we're just going to have to find out how
9993s that match plays out when we come back
9995s from this quick short break so don't go
9997s anywhere because coming up next we got
9998s toronto versus houston
10002s [Music]
10028s [Music]
10034s do
10048s [Music]
10080s [Music]
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10144s [Music]
10159s [Music]
10185s [Music]
10198s [Music]
10217s [Music]
10230s [Music]
10246s day number three of the mid-season
10248s madness we've already had one banger
10250s game first five mapper in the uh in the
10254s mid-season tournament
10256s i look mayhem end up taking the dub
10259s london spitfire
10260s still killing it on the timeline um
10263s rose
10265s yeah
10265s yeah that's pretty sick
10269s this is really good
10272s i took one one of those pineapples from
10274s the watchpoint desk and i cut it open
10276s and it was pink so you sprinted to
10278s philip uh from philly to irvine in the
10281s break and all the way back
10283s dammit
10284s well yeah it's pretty fast
10286s you're gonna share that with me with the
10287s with the audience or not you're awesome
10290s put up to the camera it's really good
10291s put it on the camera lens because she
10292s won't like look it's actually pink like
10295s uh you guys might think it's like color
10296s correction or something but it's like
10298s legitimately a pink that's pretty cool
10300s pineapple i've never seen a pink panel i
10302s will say that although i've seen i guess
10304s they're not pink but like candy floss
10306s grapes or cotton candy grapes those are
10308s really good they're pretty nice those
10310s are really good yeah so what it kind of
10311s reminds me of but
10313s yeah i'm not gonna lie
10314s that's not gonna be real it's kind of
10315s like that i don't know it's like it's
10317s not like differently flavored it tastes
10318s like a normal pineapple but it without
10321s that compound like the bromelain or
10323s something that causes it to sting your
10325s mouth
10327s i kind of like that it has less of that
10329s i've got to i'm you know i kind of i
10331s actually kind of like that it's i know
10332s do you like spicy food sharp things like
10336s food that makes you go like you know
10337s like i i like spicy food yeah i'm i
10340s wouldn't say i'm like uh
10342s too crazy with the spice but it's yeah
10345s it's pretty good i like it okay okay
10348s that was bad as well yeah see i don't
10349s like food that like hurts me so i i vibe
10352s with the pink pineapple here and
10354s non-spicy food but we do have some spice
10357s jaws and that is match number two here
10359s and even season madness toronto defined
10361s and the houston outlaws
10364s now toronto defined had a rather
10367s lackluster showing but they were against
10369s the dragons who are currently
10371s six and zero in maps
10373s uh which is yeah a little bit insane
10376s and they are against the houston outlaws
10379s today which have
10381s also looked you know outlaws looking a
10383s little bit up but let's have a look at
10385s toronto defiant his finale muse chorong
10388s and twilight a very very strong backline
10392s um that toronto are running and there's
10394s something that they talked about on the
10396s desk rose
10397s absolutely i mean you can't talk about
10399s toronto to find it with also looking at
10401s trollong and twilight and how well
10403s they've been able to play support for
10406s this team i mean twilight one of the
10407s best anas in the league chorang there
10409s with the support from the lucio and also
10412s you're able to use the two at their best
10414s when you're able to put them on those
10415s two heroes and that's a look that
10417s toronto defiant have really been relying
10418s on which is putting muse on the doomfist
10421s to really help to kind of bolster their
10424s team's offense let's have a look at
10426s houston outlaws they three owed the
10428s florida mayhem in uh upper rocket round
10431s one then then got three owed by the glad
10435s to you know kick off clash winners like
10438s glad still looking incredibly strong so
10440s we'll see if the houston outlaws can
10443s make that lower bracket run i mean mera
10446s has just been performing out of his mind
10448s and actually rose you mentioned it in
10450s the last game or in the last series the
10452s sojourns recently just been out of this
10454s world and the the clip that is going to
10456s stand out to everybody is the triple
10458s collat from merit
10461s like that is going to go down in history
10463s that's going to be on the vaude reel for
10466s a uh a long time i'll tell you that
10468s right now just how unbelievable that
10470s player oh yeah but him and pelican have
10472s just been
10473s dominating
10475s more often than not when they don't go
10476s against teams like the gladiators
10479s yeah that's a great point though that
10481s merit and pelican really have been just
10484s having such explosive impact on the
10487s houston outlaws and you know while we
10489s were looking at even just our past
10491s series sometimes you can have great dps
10492s that get opening picks but you need to
10494s have the rest of the team be able to
10496s follow that up i think houston outlaws
10498s does have that ability to follow up on
10501s picks at merit and pelican are getting
10503s so
10504s you know when it comes down to both of
10506s these teams though doomfist versus
10507s doomfist dante and the starting lineup
10510s here for the houston outlaws it's gonna
10512s be a pretty big banger of a match but
10515s jaws we got to get the people what they
10517s want and it's this triple collat
10520s just insane stuff not sure where we're
10523s ever gonna see that
10524s again
10526s you just don't see people lining up like
10528s that these days you know no like maybe
10530s uh maybe you've bought lobbies but i
10532s mean the ragdoll physics also make it
10534s sojourn did like six flips
10537s that's ridiculous but yeah i mean
10539s pelican and merit doing
10540s uh doing wonders for the houston outlaws
10544s start the season off
10546s houston have been a bit up and down but
10548s it very much felt like they found their
10550s groove especially against the mayhem um
10552s the gladiators are just a completely
10554s different beast we'll see how they do
10556s they will the winner of this series will
10558s face seoul or atlanta
10561s in lower bracket round two which is
10564s again gonna be a tough fight i think
10567s everybody expected seoul to win
10568s yesterday
10570s a lot of preds were just like yeah three
10571s or so three or so or whatever
10573s the wheels that managed to get the 3-0
10575s spark plug correct and
10577s whoever you face uh from
10579s whoever ends up winning this game and
10581s facing seoul dynasty is gonna have a
10583s tough tough task but that is lower back
10585s at runs right you're on one life
10586s remaining you haven't got that safety
10588s life uh anymore yeah you gotta get there
10590s first exactly you just gotta get there
10592s first and so that's the task ahead for
10594s both of these teams we're looking at
10596s oasis to kick off this series and for
10599s toronto and houston i think this is a
10601s great map choice to start things off
10604s teased a little bit how we've got the
10606s muse doomfist versus the dante doomfist
10609s and how those two are really going to be
10611s battling it out
10613s but i start to look at how are the dps
10615s going to support that doomfist
10617s engagement and also how do the backlines
10620s respond to this i think a few times
10622s we've already noted how dante plays a
10625s bit of a different beat when it comes to
10627s the doomfist and that's to be a little
10629s more peel oriented to help out iris and
10632s lastro in the back line and that could
10634s be a huge difference maker here
10635s especially if toronto decided to
10637s go after them
10640s so he's going to stay on the ball it
10643s very well could
10644s as he could not crazy about flank angles
10646s or anything you can go with the wrecking
10647s ball but it's
10648s it's not the worst pic in the world and
10650s especially if you know uh the outlaws
10653s backline might be a little bit of a pain
10654s point although to be honest with you it
10656s hasn't been a pain point for the houston
10658s outlaws uh iris specifically has just
10660s been uh an absolute god on the honor his
10663s sleeps have been crazy recently
10666s but still take out the back line
10667s normally end up winning last year was
10668s always a good thing
10672s yeah but i think that's why you look at
10674s maybe toronto defiant going with some of
10676s these other pieces like the wrecking
10677s ball can definitely go back there and if
10679s you're going to force dante to go peel
10682s easiest
10684s well there you go maybe just pelican
10685s just appealing for you yeah
10688s i mean discord hits every sticky bomb
10691s he's good to go
10692s all right should be point cap for the
10694s outlaws no one's gonna juggle that if
10695s you're defiant uh point cap i said set
10697s point poincare there you go
10701s listen we're cursed we can't say
10703s anything anymore
10706s wow dante missed that punch completely
10709s the trunk deals him very like you just
10711s kind of kick him push him away and
10712s that's it as good as dead iris and
10715s lastro however for the outlaws looking
10716s pretty clean with kills of their own
10718s finale is on the point tried to double
10721s blink in there to pelican didn't end up
10722s finishing him off to fight so close to
10725s cap in they do end up flipping someone
10727s touched it for half a second so the
10728s outlaws lose a bit of percent finale can
10731s juggle this and so can use a bit of a
10734s slip up for the outlaws they trade both
10737s honors too houston outlaws needs to be
10739s able to find uh control of this point
10740s once again but looking rather unlikely
10742s as he was back in the mix taking care of
10745s pelican
10748s yeah wow look at that i mean
10750s it looked like houston maybe just
10753s stumbled for a second and we're gonna be
10755s able to pick it back up
10757s but
10758s pretty strong territorial control right
10760s now for the defiant as i say that though
10763s of course they like to prove me wrong
10764s charon goes down so does he sue i can
10767s stop talking
10769s doing a training three on three
10771s transcendence for last row with iris
10773s death that's the only healing they've
10774s got the outlaws do find the cap and
10777s astro pops out of the transcendence and
10779s transcends twilight up to the heavens
10781s there you go houston that was find the
10783s cabin
10784s i'm glad we talked up uh last round at
10786s the very start this game because they're
10788s kind of dominating right now with the
10789s final blows
10791s yeah i mean they don't necessarily need
10793s to have that peel it's just no i think
10795s the safety net of knowing that the peel
10796s is available whether it's going to be
10797s pelican or dante that kind of goes back
10799s in case they start to get bullied
10802s but if they're left to their own devices
10804s then
10805s i don't i don't want to be going toe to
10807s toe with that back line and here it says
10808s a nano as well
10811s now on to last year why not uh yeah he's
10814s already got three final blows making
10815s some more yeah
10816s all right pelican gets one kill onto
10818s twilight he does dupe in fact into the
10820s ash could be a very quick bob online if
10822s he gets a big dynamite looks like he's
10823s already used it has to actually land
10825s some shots 88 hp you got a pocket him
10827s but it may not even be needed the bob is
10830s available the coffee bomb gets thrown
10831s out so does the dynamite he fades away
10834s or uh sorry the ash fades away the bob
10836s not necessarily fading that quickly at
10838s least he gets a couple of extra shots
10839s off and then uh disappears but 80 for
10842s the outlaws there's a toronto defiant
10844s unable to make anything stick
10847s yeah we're entering into last fight
10848s territory as well where houston are
10850s really poised to just keep control
10852s they've got the overclock from merit if
10854s he's set up on the high ground or in a
10855s corner then you know he's gonna be able
10857s to get some really quick shots onto the
10859s enemy team as muse goes rolling towards
10861s spawn
10862s yeah
10863s i mean he didn't even knock down a
10864s couple of pins like
10866s he needs to be able to get back he's
10867s getting very little support from the
10868s rest of his team in fact he's finished
10870s off by pelicans sticky bombs they do
10871s trade tank for tank but now they have to
10873s deal with this overclock a nice headshot
10875s oh onto finale that was beautiful and
10878s now the supports in a whole lot of
10879s trouble
10881s no way define can touch and merit
10885s who's really surprised killing a whole
10887s lot of people on the soldier only 25 of
10890s his team's damage pelicans got 30 but
10893s he hits him with the overclock and yeah
10895s he looks fancy at doing it
10898s he does look super fancy but you also
10900s don't have to be flashy as a dps in
10902s order to find that value we normally i
10905s think with the eye test look at a dps
10907s and the kill feed and go oh yeah like
10908s that dps is putting in a lot of work
10911s um
10912s but i think that the fact that merit
10914s still has like such a large percentage
10916s of the damage
10917s but you're not necessarily seeing that
10919s in
10920s the kill feed like he's still definitely
10923s putting in the work to be able to get
10925s houston outlaws that first round victory
10928s second round though not seeing a whole
10930s lot of changes for either side as it's
10933s still gonna be the sojourn echo doomfist
10935s for the outlaws and defiance still
10938s sticking to the tracer ash wrecking ball
10942s pretty easy to get some environmentals
10944s if your muse here it's also way
10946s beneficial oh
10948s my
10950s they god of saw him coming too which was
10952s kind of sad
10953s dante was asleep through that engagement
10956s oh yeah i mean come on you can't poop an
10958s echo
10960s you you sure can't try though you you're
10962s sure yep
10964s yeah
10965s i mean that's great example of why the
10968s wrecking ball does work here i love that
10969s now we speak something into existence
10971s and like they give you a great example
10973s yes
10974s it's very tricky perfect
10976s he's going to do it again luke
10978s yeah it's caught out a little bit should
10979s get the support required yeah there we
10980s go
10981s now you can just kind of chill in maine
10984s just wait for a couple of boobs yeah it
10986s was wonder i think he was wondering
10987s there if pelican had shift of course he
10989s did in the end last row steps out into
10991s no man's land where was he
10993s oh you've got to get the polo express or
10995s what like
10996s he's just three kills
10999s oh my gosh yeah
11002s that's this is just unfair this is like
11005s pinball new new overwatch game mode
11008s bimbo yeah someone's probably made that
11010s in workshop i would i wouldn't be
11011s surprised i bet look at this position
11014s you can do it again you do be chilling
11015s though
11016s oh come on oh look you can see pelicans
11018s like looking for muse too
11023s oh they didn't hear him either
11026s trouble good follow-up from finale there
11029s good slam by muse
11032s it's a much better map for toronto to
11033s find if they remain in control heisu
11036s could do so much work on this high
11037s ground with the help of twilight the
11039s coach gun to peel away from dante
11042s outlaws need to do something 70
11045s they've got the nano boost but that's
11047s about it and pelican goes down
11049s already yeah i mean this this is this is
11052s oh you should die he's got slipped out
11054s of the line
11056s no mines went down but
11059s he did get slept
11060s triple blinking finale
11063s equal trade-ish and they're both going
11065s to get back to uh the fight relatively
11067s quickly bob transcendence nano boost
11070s album's only got a nano boost to work
11072s with dante's
11073s gonna get media strike there's the nano
11075s nana wants a charm though now you can
11076s just kick dante away and with a discord
11078s or bondante he doesn't really want to
11080s fight charon still does a lot of damage
11082s bts strike opens the high ground a coach
11084s come from he soon to send him flying so
11086s he does no damage now the bob is on the
11088s point contesting for the toronto defiant
11091s he eventually disappears as well as
11093s charon but they do trade as zenyatta's
11096s muse just dominating though in the
11097s neutral
11098s the overclock has been burned by the
11100s outlaws as they put themselves on the
11102s point and there you go only one person
11104s left is twilight on height but outlaws
11107s do
11108s control and uh yeah goodbye twilight
11114s what an incredible call and response
11116s from both of these teams though i love
11118s the way that dante positioned himself to
11120s get out so many different tools from the
11124s defiant before the rest of the outlaws
11125s decided to go in and get the follow up
11128s like
11128s the the nano on the chorong and then all
11130s of a sudden out of nowhere once that was
11132s over dante goes back in forces out the
11134s transcendence
11135s those were two massive tools just
11137s completely taken off the table that they
11140s had to fork over because dante was in
11142s their face that's how much respect
11144s toronto has definitely been giving over
11145s to that doomfist
11146s but is it going to be enough because
11148s houston did also have to use a lot of
11150s ultimates there too nice stick
11153s pelican takes care of charon
11156s good positioning from pelican in fact
11158s muse has been very annoying i think for
11161s the houston outlaws but pelican's kind
11163s of doing the same thing he's playing new
11165s simulator just hiding on the wings
11167s gets a decent amount of volt charge for
11169s the next pulse but 50 building okay
11171s outlaws looking good yeah they're
11174s looking way better i mean at first
11177s they were taking way too long to try to
11179s get back to the point
11181s but now that they're playing from a
11183s defensive position they really seem to
11185s understand how they want to
11187s make this second round a victory for
11189s them as well as muse just
11193s don't fall victim to it again
11196s another triple blink finale kills iris
11198s with the pole struggle income recall
11201s it's been working well for finale thus
11202s far meteor strike for dante as alastro
11206s kills twilight from afar sitting all the
11208s way back near his team oh finale was one
11210s bullet away from killing dante he
11212s eventually gets him with the melee but
11213s not before merit pelican
11215s can put the rest of toronto to find it
11216s in their place
11217s 95 for the outlaws this could be a
11219s hundred to zero flip here
11222s i think it's going to be look at that
11224s the lucio from chocolate oh they don't
11225s get back oh
11228s that's not really a c9 i mean no i was
11230s expecting charring to touch i think
11232s toronto defiant were as well
11235s houston outlaws looking good that was a
11238s complete flip toronto development 99
11241s outlaws on zero and they managed to whip
11244s that one straight around wow muse was
11247s putting in
11248s absolute work on this map he only had 18
11251s of his team's damage though i will say
11252s it was uh mainly his doing the damage
11254s that muse fillings from people off by
11256s the looks of it but he's now allows off
11258s to a fantastic start
11260s not even breaking a sweat on that
11263s defense for oasis
11265s as we jump to a quick break do not go
11267s anywhere icomalda up next
11286s [Music]
11302s [Music]
11310s me
11326s [Music]
11334s [Music]
11344s [Music]
11351s [Music]
11359s [Music]
11365s [Music]
11402s [Music]
11414s [Music]
11424s um
11429s [Music]
11448s [Music]
11478s [Music]
11484s [Music]
11505s [Music]
11515s [Music]
11536s cause i'm back in my zone
11544s all right welcome back
11546s houston outlaws with a 2-0 on control to
11549s start the series off
11552s we head into ikembada as our next map
11554s that's defiance pick rose
11557s his defiance pick so originally when i
11559s looked at that i went yeah that makes a
11560s lot of sense i mean muse there's some
11562s great doomfist rollouts on this map but
11565s they must be cooking up something really
11568s special jaws because it's in fact hoffa
11571s that is going to be subbing in from mews
11573s and when we see hotba in the toronto
11574s defiant roster you can definitely expect
11576s them to play around some of those
11579s off-tank heroes zahapa is so good at and
11582s so known for so i'm very excited to see
11585s what toronto have in terms of strategy
11587s going into this map yeah and houston
11589s allows uh keeping dante in so
11591s dante versus hopbur
11594s as he just joins the lobby
11598s yes rather curious we have it's been
11600s mostly muse it's been winston a bit of
11601s wrecking ball obviously i'm used to
11603s really well on that last map uh on the
11605s ball getting loads of like early picks
11607s capitalizing off of his damage they just
11610s weren't able to clutch out the very end
11612s houston outlaws still proving they're
11614s quite the formidable opponent i mean
11617s merit is still putting up big numbers on
11618s the sojourn
11619s [Music]
11620s yeah well i mean when you think of
11622s houston outlaws i think that one of the
11623s characteristics that comes to mind first
11625s is that they're scrappy they're
11627s resilient right every single series i
11630s feel like we've seen from houston
11632s outlaws at least the ones that you and i
11634s have casted towards the end of stage two
11636s qualifiers
11637s boy did houston put on a show
11639s like goodness gracious i thought i was
11641s gonna
11642s stop playing with my emotions like that
11644s a lot of the time so it was cool to see
11646s them get that zero to 100 flip on the
11649s second round of oasis and they're just
11652s going to be sticking to the things that
11653s have been working for them the most
11656s and i guess that's another reason why i
11657s have some questions about the hopper
11659s switch in here is
11661s maybe they maybe toronto defiant doesn't
11663s feel comfortable enough playing against
11665s the dante doomfist if that's what
11667s they're expecting to come out
11669s cornholber what you're picking
11671s it's not diva
11673s it's a diva
11675s i don't think so not on first that would
11677s make sense okay okay i was like um yeah
11679s i don't think you played diva on a first
11682s it would
11683s more like second there's not really a
11685s lot of high ground on first you can
11686s really take control off so well there is
11687s i guess you got the bar area but
11689s sigma makes way more sense okay
11691s yeah i love hot baron sigma so we'll
11694s have to see how he can contend with
11696s outlaws of course you know what outlaws
11698s are going to play uh dante's in doomfist
11700s he's not going to play winston or if he
11702s does i'd be very happy but i don't think
11704s we're going to be seeing that for quite
11706s some time
11710s what we're seeing from houston is kind
11712s of just a classic composition from them
11715s we've got merit sojourn that has been
11716s creating those waves pelican though off
11718s of the echo not even playing the genji
11720s here either but just going to stick to
11721s the tracer to have a little bit more
11723s mobility to
11725s approach the back line of toronto
11727s defiant and also just be able to tussle
11730s with finale that's going to be on that
11731s tracer as well oh dear oh no maybe free
11735s pick here there's a shield right in
11736s front of finale very nicely placed by
11738s hotbar stopping all the damage coming
11740s through from the choke
11742s can't quite capitalize on that sleep
11744s however it does mean finale had to burn
11746s the recall so plays uh safe near the
11748s gates
11749s however hopper starting this fight off
11750s with a bang killing last strike does get
11752s cleaned up at the small corridor but
11754s he's who can stay alive and just pepper
11755s the back line it should be good speaking
11757s of which
11758s double kill for the ash
11762s unfortunately he sue is going to go down
11764s there but
11765s not without taking some names with him
11767s and his who has enough mobility in the
11770s ash kit to be able to get back and have
11772s that long range damage available for
11773s when houston decides to move back in
11775s especially when you've got lastro that
11777s is going to be
11779s punished a little bit here with those
11780s orbs of discord you have to be nervous
11783s trying to move in on that
11786s pelican being a rightly warrior there on
11788s the high ground it's really nice
11789s position to take so hopper can't get on
11791s the point without taking three damage
11793s pogba shields just getting destroyed and
11795s so is his health bar now charon in a
11797s little bit of trouble too
11799s trying to define tried to attack from
11800s three different angles finale wasn't
11802s quite in position quick enough before
11805s the outlaws could pounce there's a tick
11807s and a little bit yep and that will just
11809s be that outlaws will cap the point and
11812s get the payload
11815s we're gonna see toronto defiance start
11817s to get set up on the defense they're
11819s able to take that height very very
11821s quickly
11823s like that hop up also on the sigma is
11825s able to get these really nice coverages
11828s of those angles as well with that
11829s movable shield
11831s see you kind of have to start moving a
11833s little bit because of the
11835s sojourn looking in your direction
11841s outlaws of the transcendence hopper
11843s needs this flux online you can deny the
11845s nano blade with the flux
11848s or obviously charm would be great to
11850s have the transcendence online but
11853s there's the nano he's our hp is he gonna
11856s go for the blade yes he is gets
11857s instantly healed up nice little deflect
11859s the coach gun
11860s sends he sue a flying back he only gets
11864s one kill but they're granted positioning
11866s off of all of this make that two in fact
11868s make that three thank you but i'll make
11870s that four pelican okay make it a fifth
11872s not quite merit steals that one right
11875s from under him
11877s and we've seen a couple really nice uh
11880s genji 5ks
11882s full team wipes coming through so far
11884s maybe another day pelican i mean the
11886s legendary antenate on that corner at the
11888s very uh yes exactly with infinite dash
11891s resets
11892s i felt pretty good
11893s there's bob
11894s he's the fifth man on the night unlucky
11897s hopper is dead so it's a five at the
11900s core
11904s yeah bob didn't really do too much but
11905s still denied a fair bit of space away
11907s from the outlaws i'm losing iris like
11908s that not great they're gonna have to go
11911s again
11912s yeah i think that was perfectly fine at
11914s this point i don't know what else you're
11915s really going to be expecting out of the
11917s bob except for
11918s just
11919s territorial control i mean putting that
11921s on the cart was really nice
11923s but whoa
11925s oh wow okay
11926s okay and he was also dead merit does end
11929s up going down but lastro and mario
11931s coming up huge late transcendence for
11933s the toronto to fight but it is a 4v2
11937s right now on the point finale is going
11939s to be able to get back in time but not
11940s before pelican and dante have their way
11943s with the toronto front line
11945s still a little uh a nice defense from
11947s toronto two and a half minutes
11950s turning into four for last is a fairly
11953s sizable time back but you if you're
11955s trying to you can't lose players that
11956s early in fact there's even more staggers
11958s coming through
11960s yeah if you saw that i think you just
11962s have to back up and unfortunately i
11964s think
11965s there was maybe a bit of a
11966s miscommunication where
11968s they didn't get the call to fully back
11971s up and so of course houston with the
11973s mobility that they have from some of
11974s these heroes can just go ahead and take
11976s advantage go in and get those picks so
11978s now just like that the card has rounded
11980s this final corner and started to make
11981s its way towards its final destination
11990s unfortunately nano blade for pelican the
11993s pulse bomb misses a double slash onto
11995s hopper a reflected shot onto twilight
11997s it's an aid on his feet but it's not
11999s enough to save him from the damage
12002s dante tussling with finale as the
12004s payload is still moving oh nice
12007s predictive punch in the small corridor
12009s pelican with another kill five meters
12011s ish to go for the outlaws nano onto a
12014s hotbook ball to put them on the payload
12017s but still the toronto fine are trapped
12020s in at their own spawn and nade from
12022s twilight is going to be good enough for
12024s his who to find some kills with the help
12026s of bob but they're still outwards
12028s members alive and well in the back lines
12031s can hopper clean them up yes he can with
12033s the help of charon he's just kicking
12034s people away
12035s and that'll be the defense for the time
12037s but again houston that was just piling
12039s on the pressure with these nano blades
12042s yeah it's so tough because you know
12044s transcendence can only heal so much and
12046s so you're able to get some nice combos
12049s and that's something that pelican is
12050s very very good at then sometimes that
12053s transcendence really isn't enough to be
12054s able to bite through blade plus that
12057s nano on top
12059s houston outlaws they did use a lot of
12062s the gas that was in the tank though and
12063s so now pronto might be able to find some
12066s footing especially as charon is moving
12067s up to that transcendence and can use it
12070s more aggressively here rather than as a
12072s reactive tool for the dragon blade
12076s yeah i mean dragonblade's coming up
12077s rather soon twenty percent
12079s away off and iced it again
12081s oh and charon's done again
12083s disaster it's falling apart this seems
12086s like an old book there's two v three on
12089s the point and it is only the honor to
12091s touch which one is so close to nano but
12093s ends up going down to merits and i don't
12095s want to do
12097s now going to wait for pelican they could
12098s just end this now nice double punch in
12100s fact
12101s on to hopper and charock a nade finale
12104s and hopper glow bright purple as merit
12106s now takes to the skies dante refusing to
12109s die kills charong with the slam and that
12112s will be that point three meters to go
12116s hopper eventually falls
12119s and with a minute to spare the outlaws
12121s complete i can follow
12125s good bit of time bank that toronto were
12128s able to get out of houston outlaws
12130s before that full capture came through
12132s but not quite under that one minute mark
12135s initiating match so toronto definitely
12139s have to finish this map with time in the
12141s bank to bring us into extra rounds yeah
12143s it does always feel
12145s very painful having the other team
12146s finish with that uh yeah that extra
12148s eight seconds or nine seconds
12150s technically i guess
12152s uh yeah unfortunate but there it is
12155s to be fair they had four minutes going
12156s in to the last point they chewed off
12159s three of them
12160s there's some yeah valiant valiant
12161s defense but yeah outlaws do come up
12163s ahead again it's uh finale in the last
12167s few fights that we saw rose they're
12169s going down first and it's pretty tough
12171s against the sojourn a lot of the time
12173s like merit is just cons we saw with xc
12176s as well right
12177s the sojourns in general getting a lot of
12179s early picks
12181s merit is charging up his railgun off of
12183s the shield of hotbar who was playing
12185s sigma and then peaks round or does a
12187s slide
12188s snipe see the finale or chorong and then
12190s it's an instant uh advantage of players
12195s oh look at that oh yeah this is the
12197s beautiful clean up from pelican oh
12200s everybody is just so low
12203s man
12204s yeah you got four kills uh after that
12207s yep pelican definitely going in there
12209s and playing a little bit of super duty
12213s got a really interesting look here from
12216s defiant let's see if it sticks obviously
12218s he's
12219s just going over to the widowmaker for a
12221s quick pop up atop the building try to
12223s get a quick shot and we'll go back over
12225s to the ash but my eyes right now are on
12228s the hot busaria jaws i'm very excited to
12231s see this
12232s yeah the zarya does a lot against the
12234s doomfist right you can bubble people
12236s that are punched and so they can't get
12238s it finished up
12240s ideally you have uh targets permanently
12242s that are out in the open but it's
12244s honestly just finale or off on the north
12246s so you've got to save all the finale and
12247s save a bubble for your support
12250s and then doomfist does not like a high
12252s energies sorry to be fairy though
12254s although no one does too there but uh
12256s especially not doomfist he's gonna get
12257s he can power block yeah but
12259s the beam just chews through him oh nice
12262s uh counter flank there mary was trying
12264s to find an off angle but he's just
12265s checking and again he doesn't like
12267s either that beam goes straight through
12269s the reflect hopper with a nice
12271s bit of forward momentum as the outlaws
12274s are pushed all the way back to the bar
12275s already 90 energy onto the zarya
12279s look at that you go well you just get so
12281s much energy so quickly and then maybe
12283s all the way can pull down
12285s oh it's fine it's fine it's fine it's
12286s fine he had to back up anyway he was
12288s discorded 100 energy almost a graviton
12290s surge as well for hopper okay he's
12292s pretty close he does end up going down
12294s to a very quick thinking outlaws who
12296s just walks straight past hopper the
12298s graviton surge comes out dante is
12300s history
12301s but the houston outlaws are still
12302s holding on hopper with three kills make
12304s that a fourth maybe merit is just going
12306s so low he's charged up to 100 the hopper
12309s still got bubbles to spare hopper almost
12311s 1v5
12313s but that i would i would have believed
12316s it if you had said that hotpot did 1v5
12318s like that was insane
12321s but look at that too hoppa gets to walk
12323s away with all of the charge that he
12324s built up
12326s and
12327s get the nano on top of it just keep
12329s feeding the resources you know he's
12330s gonna do the damage transcendence pop
12332s really early for houston outlaws they're
12334s healthy for this fight but that's not
12336s good graviton surge is 50 percent away
12338s he's charging up off of dante right now
12340s use the power block so you don't get too
12342s much old charge but there you go a nice
12344s little punch but instantly good reaction
12346s time to the toronto defiant backline
12348s trunk here's the transcendence and now
12349s bob's on the field dante would know
12351s power block gets instantly destroyed and
12354s the houston outlaws looking like they're
12355s gonna forgo
12357s point a
12358s graviton surge being built off the hot
12359s but dude looking real good for this next
12362s one
12364s yeah wow i mean
12366s i think toronto defiance really happy
12369s with how that
12371s that ended up working out for them
12373s hop up with another graviton surge and
12375s maybe
12376s that could be a great answer we talked
12378s about the gravity flux from the sigma
12380s maybe being an answer to the dragon
12382s blade but what about if you just grab
12384s the genji
12386s just grab the genji that is very true
12388s well honestly it's like it's like shadow
12390s right you can't get one grab uh one
12392s person the gravity is fine it's more
12394s than okay
12395s uh because the swing is just so massive
12398s all nice triple second headshot though
12399s very cool
12401s blade available oh wait who's the bike
12404s oh my god okay pelicans oh the reflect
12406s kill him to he sue he thought he had his
12408s back turned can he kill the zen two nice
12410s little right click a reset off of the
12412s kill from merits that was a beautiful
12415s 180 reflect there from pelican ending
12417s he's who's life
12418s wow
12420s okay so i said no you you can't use the
12422s graviton surge to to get the genji
12425s that's fine go again toronto defiant
12427s only used one ultimate in that fight and
12429s so now they get a chance to to build up
12431s this pulse bomb from finale finale has
12433s had some incredible sticks
12435s and it's all up to maybe forcing dante
12438s to peel
12439s use those pull downs and then go back in
12441s when dante is least expecting it to go
12442s after the supports
12445s oh finale looking to go demon mode right
12446s now on this high ground triple blink
12449s throws the stick out doesn't quite get
12450s the connection that's now back all the
12453s way up hop is trying to create as much
12454s space as possible
12456s trying to capitalize on the dante sleepy
12458s is nano dante trapped he's dead and now
12461s mara popping the overclock can he
12462s actually find heads he does find he
12464s super a coach gun
12466s sends him off kilter pop is still doing
12468s so much work on this daring
12471s wow yeah well this is the secret spice
12473s we wanted right
12475s this is what we wanted to see it was all
12476s about the attack push here from the
12478s defiant i feel like houston we're not
12480s really expecting this coming out from
12482s this team
12484s but can it be enough they are starting
12486s to get closer to that second objective
12489s they've got to get it over the line he's
12491s got a third of his team's damage right
12493s now is hot but 12k damage but yeah crazy
12496s he's controlling the high ground the
12497s thing is right now you don't really have
12499s someone to touch like hopper ideally
12501s touches because he's the tank right but
12502s you have to be so careful of dante doing
12504s exactly this nice little bubble and in
12506s fact he's gonna get all the body block
12508s with the transcendence
12511s sorry that was ridiculous dante was
12514s nanoed in that corner the toronto vine
12516s just gonna put this payload in bob's on
12518s the bridge playing point guard and there
12520s you go two minutes and 45 seconds for
12523s the toronto define attacking point c
12528s that's a lot of time in the bank hapa is
12530s rolling up to another graph
12533s that's got to be plenty here for the
12535s defiant like i'm expecting this to be a
12538s capture but
12540s it has to be a capture with time in the
12542s bank that's what's so upsetting about
12544s that one minute eight second time bank
12547s that toronto were able to whittle down
12549s in the houston outlaws
12551s grabs coming online grab nade like
12554s dynamite on top like
12556s disgusting amounts of damage finds two
12559s dynamite thrown over the antenate is big
12561s it kills pelican dante shoots up into
12564s the sky using the old finds he sue
12567s caught slipping just a little bit but
12568s who's in the kill feed it's only hot but
12571s it is now in a little bit of trouble
12572s give him the 5k not quite
12574s a toronto defiance pushing a pelican off
12578s the point one minute and 50 seconds they
12580s end that round with
12583s that time that's what that was what they
12585s wanted
12586s that's perfect and the fact that it's
12588s like twice the time bank of houston as
12589s well is a really good thing for defiant
12592s you know with a minute left it's always
12594s at such an awkward point of are you
12596s gonna actually get ultimates online to
12599s be able to
12600s win a fight with n it's tough you could
12605s generally get some support ultimate up
12608s but with two minutes almost two minutes
12610s toronto could get potentially a full
12612s slate
12613s and that could be a big difference the
12615s right hopper is charging grabs apps
12618s that's two grabs
12619s yeah exactly
12620s absolutely gets to grab online i mean
12622s the best thing about um
12625s about the com the outlaws are running
12627s i don't know if merit maybe merit stays
12629s with the ash here you're gonna get a lot
12631s of value if you find a headshot with the
12634s railgun from sojourn so maybe they opt
12637s into that instead
12639s or he plays this oh is that
12641s this is the asserting dominance body
12643s block
12644s [Laughter]
12647s dante is pretty slow to begin with i
12649s guess where 90
12651s speed reduction but i mean that that's
12653s still so funny transcendence in your
12655s face
12656s yeah why not that's ridiculous
12660s all right okay
12661s one minute and eight seconds for the
12663s houston outlaws to try and find a piece
12665s in this one looks like mary is sticking
12667s on this ash instead of the sojourn
12670s a lot less one shot potential and i saw
12672s a tracer
12675s well you also get the point presence too
12676s if you're able to get the bob we've seen
12678s bob do some incredible
12680s wait he didn't even mean to kill finale
12682s hey finally just jumped in front of him
12684s he's trying to shoot dynamite they end
12686s up training dps for dps finale for
12689s pelican pelican switching over from the
12691s echo onto the tracer to get back to the
12692s point in time and that's given them so
12694s much space now finale is not here to
12696s harass the backline of the outlaws not
12699s good for toronto to find although finale
12701s will be back in a moment's notice now
12703s was found is like for liking pelican
12705s who's got the recall so it should be
12706s good dante with a punch into the small
12708s room hopper in a little bit of trouble
12710s but use the bubble to protect himself
12712s but dante changes his target straight on
12714s to twilight who was burning to death
12716s merit
12717s he ends up getting the kill but they
12719s lose dante in the process and hopper
12721s getting healed up to full hp the toronto
12723s defiant losing both dps now need to deal
12726s with mero who's on the high ground he's
12727s who is back in the action and so is
12729s chorong there is a couple of seconds to
12731s go isla is the only member left alive
12733s for outlaws on the point before dante
12736s gets back in time he is dealt with but
12738s now dante is pretty low it's a trickling
12740s of members from the toronto fight on the
12741s point but it's good enough
12743s 56 for the outlaws
12746s is the only progress they get
12750s wow oh my gosh last row was just
12754s seconds away from that transcendence
12759s so so close that might have been enough
12761s sustained but
12762s there you have it the line has been
12764s drawn in the sand here
12766s and toronto if i know exactly what they
12768s want to do with this
12769s sub two minutes to
12771s get the job done
12773s what a smart map choice
12776s yeah hop hop azaria looking clean is if
12779s they can replicate the same kind of
12781s things they did on their previous attack
12784s hopper got like three kills he threw out
12786s a grab on what looked like a very uh
12788s well almost unwinnable scenario
12791s he's definitely feeling himself i was
12793s gonna run the same same thing here merit
12795s on the ash pelican on the tracer uh
12797s they're not dicing with the echo it
12799s seems
12802s no i think this is just safer
12805s i want to see this uh
12808s the case
12809s is oh
12811s [Music]
12824s his aim is
12825s is uh is extremely good is he not gonna
12828s go grab a widow
12830s it never works but it's
12831s always worth trying yeah no it's not
12834s when it what when you get the pick it
12836s feels so good okay what what like the
12841s it works okay sure
12844s yes
12844s [Laughter]
12848s no no dash works it's consistent damage
12851s that jesus clip was a great example of
12853s that
12855s he's fine he's fine no stressing it's
12858s the worst
12859s possible feeling when you're burning
12860s death by dynamite and no one's healing
12862s very stressful
12864s all right they've got to deal with
12865s marrow on the side oh we've got headshot
12866s easy kill finale yeah double blink melee
12869s instant kill now dante is pretty low the
12871s houston outlaws corralling in the small
12873s corridor and uh well would you look at
12874s that hop was already on point 60 energy
12876s to his name and a couple of bubbles
12878s dante had to do something twilight does
12880s four but they need to touch pelican goes
12882s down to isu just like that the toronto
12884s to fight
12886s thai the series
12890s wow
12891s hop azaria that was the secret sauce
12894s jaws
12896s the secret sauce yeah i mean he did 32
12899s percent of his team's damage three grab
12902s kills at the very end like yeah that is
12904s what you want to see 15 final blows only
12906s two behind his finale falling a little
12909s bit further behind only four final bows
12911s for finale uh 18 are limbs but
12913s hopper and heisu show
12915s that map for sure
12918s yes they have
12919s very much practiced the zarya ash
12921s combinations and that was such a treat
12924s now we get to go into extra maps here
12927s houston allies get to pick so they do we
12929s see what they want to pick after this
12930s break don't go anywhere we'll see in a
12932s sec
12977s [Laughter]
13014s [Music]
13037s [Laughter]
13044s do
13059s [Music]
13136s [Music]
13144s [Music]
13156s do
13167s [Music]
13205s the mid-season madness legendary skin
13208s sure got the royal treatment it's royal
13211s night mercy which is on sale right now
13214s uh through august 19th for just 200
13217s league tokens so make sure you pick that
13219s one up before it disappears
13222s oh
13223s don't make don't let it disappear but
13224s it's got it children tokens it's not
13226s that uh it's not that many should have a
13228s couple of banked up anyway from uh
13230s watching this tournament so there you go
13233s yeah
13235s what's up i'm gonna go cop the skin yeah
13237s i already got it i signed in the other
13239s day i was like not gonna pass it up
13241s also i've got the spray that's smart
13242s which is cool that's smart
13245s so yeah i wait too long and then like
13249s i forget so
13250s yeah okay don't yeah go do it now it's
13252s basically don't do that trying to tell
13254s you go get it now yeah there you go all
13256s right toronto and the houston outlaws as
13258s you can see two handsome lads have
13262s joined either team for this one uh we've
13264s got two substitutions both in the tank
13265s roll piggy coming in for dante and we've
13267s got mew stepping in for hopper so
13270s complete tank swap up we are going to
13273s dorado for the next map and that was
13275s houston's pick
13278s zorado makes a lot of sense i think that
13280s this is a great time for houston outlaws
13283s to flex
13284s some of the dive that they have been
13286s working on i mean uh also you could also
13289s just maybe run piggy sigma pick pigma
13294s yeah i i guess yeah i guess that kind of
13297s works
13298s is that is that what we landed on yeah
13302s no no no hold on a second hold on a
13305s second i didn't start this i'm
13308s sorry but i'm exacerbating it i am
13310s someone said it before me okay i don't
13312s know who i'm not gonna put the blame on
13314s anybody else but they have said it
13316s before i gotta make sense you just it's
13318s like sig pig
13320s yeah
13321s i get it
13321s [Music]
13323s yeah sigma but yeah we definitely could
13325s see uh piggy on the sigma it's also a
13327s decent map for stuff like winston too
13329s which we've seen yeah defiant run let's
13332s see what they want to go toronto will be
13334s on the defense first
13335s outlaws on the offense
13339s yeah i think that you know toronto is
13341s one of the
13343s teams that we look at is a bit more
13344s flexible so i think whatever they end up
13347s having to play
13349s they will pull out all the stops to be
13351s able to do so i mean muse of course
13352s we've seen muse play the doomfist the
13354s wrecking ball the winston
13356s i think picking
13357s a little more sense but piggy is trying
13359s to say hello to his but he's just not
13361s responding
13362s oh no
13364s oh
13366s rip
13368s he is zoned in
13370s attackers incoming that's sad he doesn't
13373s want to mess around hello
13374s i mean that's fair
13377s charong did though trunk just hit a
13379s pinata yeah that's true could you
13380s imagine kicking a pinata in real life uh
13384s yeah if i had a shoe on i don't know why
13386s i'm thinking i'll do this barefoot but
13388s if i had a shoe on yeah i could you
13389s could probably kick a pinata i think
13391s that's i think that's a valid way of
13393s opening one if they're hung up on a tree
13395s could go for like a bicycle kick or
13396s something like a full-on like flip and
13399s kick
13407s there you go there you go
13409s as long as you're wearing a shoe yeah
13411s yeah
13413s shoes on all right so we are seeing
13415s piggy on the winston this was a big
13417s question actually for the houston
13419s outlaws coming into this season with
13421s piggy um as the like i guess not solo
13424s tank because dante plays doom but
13426s as the
13427s is the only like main tank player like
13430s primary tank player because he's not
13432s he's not a main player technically
13433s player can he play the main tanks
13435s there's something he's been doing uh
13436s very well is actually the
13438s the winston it's good to see you piggy
13440s yeah diversifying throughout the entire
13442s uh roster of tank heroes
13445s yeah absolutely i think that you could
13446s still have the ability to play like the
13448s sigma on this map if you want to
13450s especially when you're looking at third
13452s point but
13453s i think a story for a lot of these tanks
13455s and a lot of these rosters has been one
13457s similar to piggy which is you know can
13459s you play everything
13463s i'm glad to see that a lot of these
13464s teams are answering that with a kind of
13474s he was just on phase two he's like five
13476s hp unfazed
13478s just
13479s almost there hello to the grim
13481s reaper there oh nice counter now they
13482s want to
13483s blast him straight out of his own bubble
13485s oh
13486s just a little 45 degree headshot and
13488s then a nice little tap on to pelican
13490s he's sue
13492s the heath is lease already
13494s houston that was with uh two minutes in
13496s a bit to go
13499s trying to define in a good spot very
13501s nice reactive nano from twilight he got
13503s sent him with the nano of his own we've
13504s got a bob and a pulse for this fight
13507s well it was great because it wasn't just
13508s the reactive nano but it was also his
13510s coach gun that just bopped piggy
13513s backwards and away from the team so
13515s while piggy had already used his
13516s cooldowns to to engage he didn't really
13518s have anything to be able to follow that
13520s up with
13521s so great stuff from toronto so far
13523s another big pick
13527s okay
13528s oh and finale kills piggy okay there you
13531s go
13533s finally uh
13534s didn't have a crazy amount of final
13536s blows last man but determined to find
13538s some more oh that was close yeah i don't
13540s want to mess with that for too long he's
13542s getting spammed with heels from spawn
13547s at this point chiron has the
13548s transcendence twilight gonna be building
13550s up to that nano boost once again pretty
13552s quickly
13554s um
13554s so so that's at least helpful for
13556s toronto but
13559s you're looking at kind of the same tools
13561s on the other side as well for houston mr
13563s bob has arrived
13566s finally coming up big again very early
13568s pick off transcendence forced to buy
13570s piggy who's using the primal rage how
13572s could he find much else he's rejoined
13574s the rest of his team and now using the
13575s transcendence to push on forward there's
13577s the killer charon as he was out of the
13579s ultimate already a copy just before
13582s twilight dies and now with three healers
13585s on the field the houston outlaws should
13587s be good
13588s to see this one through
13590s three nano boost
13591s i'll take that oh hello
13593s he's just hot
13609s he's like someone in the way he's like
13611s so animated yes he's just taking the
13614s viking view software across
13616s the room
13617s all right this is ending now maybe for
13620s the toronto defined finale is already
13622s dead with a nice set of angle actually
13623s denying a lot of space from his to get
13625s much done dynamite lands on there but
13627s that's about it disruptive shot on the
13629s front of the payload and there we go
13631s using outwards he eventually take at the
13633s first point wasn't after a small
13635s struggle
13636s but they get there in the end
13638s yeah they don't have much time left i
13640s mean look at that two and a half minutes
13642s to be able to deal with second point and
13645s you want at this point for houston
13647s to take the high ground to make sure
13649s that they are not going to give that
13651s advantage over to someone like hisu or
13654s twilight on toronto defiant but look at
13657s where they are so far
13659s houston hasn't really taken the time to
13660s do that i think he's been playing a
13662s little bit more reactively with this
13664s winston
13665s which is working out for houston but it
13668s does mean that you've got to be careful
13669s about who you're going to send up to the
13671s high ground to deal with those big
13672s threats
13673s okay
13675s it's going to be yeah there's going to
13676s be two very large threats on the board
13677s right now so nanos
13679s are available from both honor players
13682s piggy's close to their primal rage he
13683s did a lot of damage in that last fight
13685s you've got to heal them up
13687s or uh before he bites the dust there's
13689s the first nano a later nano would be
13690s perfect oh very short hop there from use
13693s perfectly times nice mechanics feels
13695s good man piggy primal rage up on the
13697s high ground and amongst the chaos that
13699s was downstairs the toronto defiance uh
13701s bunker on height did not expect that but
13703s finale amused with a later primal rage
13706s they're in a good spot muse maybe not so
13708s much he's 21 hp and he's now just trying
13710s to look for pelican to make sure he
13713s doesn't kill him there he is
13714s oh okay i was worried about that
13717s oh you can see it on his face
13720s he didn't expect that beam damage
13723s no you knew that like that was always
13725s going to be super risky but i think
13727s muse had a tough decision do you go
13729s after the health pack that's in the
13730s church or do you just try to go get to
13732s the sight lines of twilight
13733s um
13734s or just the loving abrasive pelican
13737s with three
13738s yeah it didn't work out great but
13741s toronto can definitely come back into
13742s this one and continue response from
13744s finale good stick again double kill for
13747s finale there it's true dies the pulse
13750s bomb and what was the good engagement
13751s from the outlaws and nano boosted piggy
13754s up onto the high ground they take care
13755s of his super
13756s finale again with these pulse bombs
13758s looking super good 30 seconds to go now
13761s for the outlaws they've only got
13762s transgenders to work with
13763s yeah they've got it back up here too
13765s because if they get staggered at all
13767s there's no woman really with enough
13768s mobility to be able to get back into
13770s this and have a full five on five team
13773s fight with
13774s you can see piggy chasing after
13777s finale but
13779s god i get postured for this final fight
13781s trying to push over the edge
13783s yeah they don't have height they also
13784s what do they have transcendence what are
13786s you doing
13787s melee mode oh he's got the transcendence
13789s i suppose speaking of which nade from
13791s twilight's up in three seconds he might
13793s just be able to end this here this
13794s transcendence valley is absolutely
13795s massive from charon that's true does end
13797s up going down but trades for twilight so
13799s only a support on each side now houston
13802s outlaws have iris alive and well but
13804s it's only piggy that's touching the
13805s payload over time has been triggered
13807s once again as the primal rage has popped
13809s from piggy but he's getting focused the
13811s discord all doing too much for piggy to
13814s handle he does manage to get out in time
13816s and in fact gets naded iris comes back
13817s at the perfect time to heal piggy almost
13820s up to full the merit bob finishes muse
13823s and the outlaws aren't out of this just
13825s yet
13826s oh look at that too you can see twilight
13828s wing in the wings for somebody to be
13830s able to come back to support
13832s but there's nobody else that could touch
13834s the cart that is another minute and a
13836s half added to the time bank here when
13839s houston outlaws were running out of time
13842s still don't have much to work with going
13844s into this last point and
13846s that's uh twofold as there's very little
13848s time and also
13850s what do they have besides this nano that
13853s is coming up
13854s what is he cooking
13856s what is he cooking
13858s might be cooking for dinner maybe
13860s oh doesn't quite get the last shot
13863s okay that was sneaky oh nice sleep can
13865s they do anything about this maybe just
13867s send the winston with the nano don't
13868s think so it's just gonna be that
13870s teenager piggy he's gonna have bubbles
13871s it's good
13873s and the healing antennae doesn't last as
13874s long as he used to only three seconds
13876s now not four
13878s double blink over the top nano boost on
13881s to the winston
13882s uh finale here in the floor pulse but
13884s it's all good mu's got the alt or the uh
13887s nano boost finished off piggy with the
13889s help of finale there 30 seconds to go
13891s outlaw's in a very similar situation as
13894s before
13895s we've got to reset we've already got one
13896s support oh again and it's nano
13898s yeah but nano really could top up
13900s something big here for outlaws i think
13902s merritt's gonna get the bob online no
13904s problem but if picky get a primal rage
13906s up and the team overall can sustain long
13909s enough to be able to chew through the
13910s transcendence coming up for toronto
13912s then that could be what houston needs
13915s but it really comes down to when these
13916s ultimates get used
13918s and what value they find what a nade
13921s surely not irish does end up using the
13923s nano onto mera who's extremely low the
13925s transcendence from chorong straight to
13927s the back line of the houston outlaws and
13930s now he's behind the rest of the team the
13932s houston outlaws have control of the
13933s payload and the bob is actually playing
13935s a doormat right now luckily he's focused
13937s on muse's bubble so toronto to fight can
13940s escort themselves around it to the point
13942s piggy ends up killing his in the heat of
13945s it all but he is so so low primer agent
13947s about 10
13948s but luckily muse has got it first over
13950s time ticket down piggy is finished off
13953s and the houston outlaws stopped before
13956s third
13959s good push
13961s from houston
13962s toronto though did have to give him a
13964s bit of a run for their money felt like
13966s houston constantly was working against
13969s an overtime situation for the
13972s for finishing up that point and then
13974s just didn't have enough time in the bank
13976s to be able to complete that third but
13977s now it's a pretty minimal situation here
13980s for toronto i think when they are
13982s switching sides
13984s just depends on how
13987s muse decides to kind of continue to lead
13989s the charge i feel like a nice defining
13991s characteristic of toronto as well is
13993s that they've been showing us so many
13994s different looks
13995s of their team not just in composition
13997s but in play style
13999s just really good adjustments
14003s adjustments all right by the looks of it
14004s piggy on the sigma yeah
14006s on to the sojourn i mean this is kind of
14009s what we thought he'd play coming in so
14013s it makes more sense having the winston
14014s on the offense because you have to
14016s control the high ground um but on the
14018s defense it's a better engager too
14021s exactly yeah
14023s but yeah you're right on the defense
14025s that sigma is gonna be way more
14027s impactful
14041s it's so impressive like how well
14043s twilight and chorong play together i
14045s think it's another thing that i've been
14046s very impressed about and another
14048s characteristic of toronto i like looking
14049s at is that charlie and twilight like i
14052s we could probably talk forever about how
14054s good they are individually as support
14056s players and like they're they're best
14058s heroes but gosh together they are just
14061s so
14062s so good
14063s they keep each other alive so well
14067s yeah that's what you need it's what you
14068s need honestly and i watched you there's
14070s not another tank to obviously appeal for
14071s you so yeah your back line needs to be
14074s solid
14077s yeah toronto definitely got that
14079s look at this though
14081s pelicans gonna have to back off
14083s nice rotation from houston though to be
14085s able to meet toronto under
14087s the
14088s car wash
14091s let's get a pelican to kind of uh keep
14093s checking the tracer there oh my very low
14096s blinked into the wall had to recall
14098s yeah it doesn't really want to go down
14100s this early especially uh since the
14102s toronto defiant have managed to gain
14103s this high ground but now they have to
14105s deal with piggy he's already used uh the
14107s shift and with pelican going down not a
14109s good start whatsoever he's now trying to
14111s go for the flank these heels gets it in
14114s the bucket load
14115s there you go now i'm using a good spot
14117s disruptive shot at those small corridors
14118s like he's taking infinite damage but
14120s there are two supports behind him but
14122s look at the amount of space that trying
14123s to fire now being granted the payload
14125s push is kind of insane it's actually up
14126s to pelican to touch to stop it from
14128s going anywhere else a very early nano
14131s boost on to muse he jumps towards the
14133s back line astro isolated but they do end
14135s up trading a good pulse bomb from
14137s pelican as they do trade once again
14139s merrick coming up big on the sojourn the
14142s heroes very much known for at this point
14144s muse kept alive in the thicker things
14146s but unfortunately not alive for long
14149s enough for him to earn that primal rage
14151s merit what was that four kills in that
14153s fight
14154s okay yeah shrug it off go again two
14157s minutes ago for toronto to find
14160s i mean that's a quick overclock there
14162s for the sojourn as well i mean iris
14165s didn't even have to use the nano we saw
14167s twilight
14168s engage with toronto defiant with that
14170s ultimate but wow i mean houston so much
14173s control and so much patience
14176s to be able to follow through on these
14177s game plans that they've put together
14179s i mean look at merits merits about to go
14181s like sicko mode or something with this
14183s overclock i feel
14185s there's also a flux available from piggy
14186s there's so much toronto defiant have to
14188s deal with
14190s he's he needs to find a big pig with the
14193s railgun because it's looking very
14195s unwinnable right now i say that she has
14197s music against the primal rage come on to
14198s merit piggy's now in a lot of trouble
14200s that flux did almost nothing toronto
14202s defiant with only a single ultimate
14204s versus outlaws almost five stacker bolts
14207s are looking really good last stroke does
14208s end up getting nano but muse is doing a
14210s little dance on the bubble but not quick
14212s enough
14213s as last year ends of life with a boot to
14215s the face the transcendence utilized but
14217s the toronto defines still winning this
14219s fight luckily piggy gets back to the
14221s point in time for this nano and the
14223s trance should end it all it's just piggy
14227s with only a zen healing him up
14229s and the toronto defiance
14232s with a single alt entering that fight
14235s end up winning it
14236s oh my god
14238s he's who killed merit when merritt
14240s popped the overclock
14242s oh my god they used my overclock at the
14244s same time and merit went down he's like
14247s i i've done diff i'm gonna go ahead and
14250s go back to the ash now i've done my job
14252s oh my god that was insane like
14256s it just i think houston i looked like
14258s they made a mistake going with the the
14261s transcendence
14264s like i
14265s still don't believe with like
14267s how they tried to hold on to that but
14269s man they got a lot of resources out of
14271s defiant yeah they did they've only got
14273s the pulse bomb but you say that trade
14275s any day of the week
14277s you end up just kind of eviling the the
14278s ultimate banks now
14280s oh pelican sneaky sneaky no spotted
14283s oh hello finale
14285s no rob in the bank today
14287s oh force the recall on finale but he's
14289s got uh the discord or the harmony orb
14291s sorry i will be able to get one in a
14293s second
14294s and three payloads should put her under
14296s the fire right now he's now always
14298s unwilling to contest for the time being
14304s well that's it
14307s well now houston have to back up yeah
14308s they really do i mean it's not the worst
14310s it's at this point it's like super
14312s defendable
14313s but it's also houston-able so
14315s there is that no don't make that a thing
14318s please
14319s we're already cursed enough don't that
14321s is we should talk that is
14325s all right our walls are coming back to
14327s the point they nano piggy and send him
14329s into the back line he's discorded but
14330s the damage resistance going to be good
14332s another post thrown out this time on
14334s pelican but looks like it was a wall
14335s pulse more than anything he's who deals
14337s with him swift head shot's gonna end his
14339s life and with one minute and 30 seconds
14341s to go the toronto definer in good stead
14344s pity makes another re-engage but has to
14346s fight for his life on top of this
14347s minivan as he gets taken out by his he's
14349s due with three high ground control right
14352s now he's controlling the battlefield
14354s sends bob to the point who's gonna look
14355s to cap
14356s point three meters to go toronto to
14359s fight unlock that third point matt is
14361s gonna end heroes
14364s another dirty kill on top oh that was
14367s nasty
14369s okay
14371s you said that he was unleashed
14375s he is in fact least i'm pretty sure that
14378s that count that this at this point
14381s yeah i think i think we're good i think
14383s we're good to assume that i mean at the
14385s and like looking at toronto what they
14387s have to continue to snowball this with
14389s you've got the nano you've got the
14390s transcendence another pulse bump
14393s finale huge stuff here to just to kind
14396s of finish off this map
14399s backing up he's getting crunched right
14401s now good sleep in the bubble oh did he
14403s wake him up i think he woke him up
14404s himself by accident actually forces the
14406s transcendence out of the toronto defiant
14409s piggy went pretty low after anti rejoin
14411s the rest of his team as the primal rage
14413s subsides and now it is time for another
14416s offense i think he gets nano straight
14417s into the back a little right click onto
14420s twilight as they trade backlines outlaws
14422s coming out on top as last row existing
14425s still with the discord orb is good but
14426s the toronto defined getting a lot of
14428s free payload to push
14430s outlaws who got their closest spawns and
14432s with pelican killer muse that should be
14434s good heisu again taking care of oh my
14437s gosh
14439s he can't do anything off it but it it's
14441s clean shots
14442s wow i mean look look at how much like
14445s hotba on ice was able to make such an
14447s impact for the team and now he's on this
14450s ash
14451s has just been so standout kizu has
14454s another bob for this last 60 seconds and
14457s couple of meters to go on this map
14460s so much disruption just push that into
14462s the back line there's bob he's joined
14464s the fight coach guns away to get to that
14466s mini health pack bob chilling bob now
14469s yeah unfortunately chilling in another
14471s life now
14473s outlaws they haven't got any alts to
14475s spare toronto to find they've almost got
14477s that primal rage and the kill on
14478s tomorrow there's a whole lot of damage
14479s now missing the houston outlaws backline
14481s in a good position to deal damage from
14483s afar and with twilight falling bad news
14485s for the toronto fight it's 35 seconds to
14488s go with muse of sleep not doing all too
14490s much i might have spoken a little bit
14491s too soon piggy bit angry and the cam's
14493s there no they don't touch
14496s oh dear the coach gun
14499s from his to push the outlaws off of the
14502s point
14504s the toronto defiance with a defiant
14507s stand
14508s on last on their defense managed to just
14512s bip outlaws to the post the last couple
14514s of seconds 2-1 up in the series
14518s we're going on to push as our next game
14519s mode rose
14522s yeah it's gonna be a
14525s good match to keep looking forward to
14527s after we get through this next break huh
14529s yes it is smiles on their faces for now
14532s huge outlaws they're map pick again
14534s after this break
14538s [Music]
14555s [Music]
14573s [Music]
14582s [Music]
14590s [Music]
14599s [Music]
14791s i can read it in korean you know
14798s hey not funny
14804s [Music]
14813s who's the biggest prankster on the team
14815s i'd say nero
14817s hulk nero it's definitely it's
14819s definitely me or hawk that would have to
14820s go to pelican this guy's just always up
14823s to something
14825s 100 felican
14827s maybe
14838s always doing something to mess with
14839s people they're like they like making
14841s people mad sometimes me or hawk just
14843s trolls a team like everyone on the team
14845s no one's safe
14854s probably how i don't i guess it would be
14856s me i like pulling everyone's leg a
14857s little bit he'll go up and change
14859s someone's wallpaper or something while
14861s they're not looking
14862s or if someone's mad just making them
14864s more mad just for their own
14866s entertainment it's just something that
14867s we do and we find it
14869s funny who has the best fashion in the
14871s league to be honest i don't know how any
14873s of the other players dress so i'm just
14875s going to assume it's me
14877s i think
14910s i don't think our team got dripped we
14912s we're not dripped
14920s in the league i think
14922s shu has the best fashion and i think on
14924s our team it's probably kai i'm kevster
14926s actually yeah
14929s what teammate always likes your bike no
14931s matter what barley my judd
14933s it's my saudi brother i think they all
14936s have my back
14937s you know we trust each other a lot and
14939s you know we're a team or a unit and i
14941s don't think there's any like barriers
14942s between us
14949s i'd say everyone on the team we're all
14951s friends we help each other through
14952s everything probably
14964s [Music]
14966s foreign
14968s [Music]
14971s welcome back toronto fine and houston
14973s outlaws
14975s facing off uh toronto divine won that
14977s last map so it's outlaws
14979s it's their turn to pick and they're
14981s going to policy oh and we're having a
14984s substitution dante
14986s is stepping in
14987s piggy stepping back
14989s now
14990s coliseum dante doomfist
14993s great
14994s [Music]
14996s awesome
14997s however
14998s he sue is just kind of tearing it up
15000s right now in the server
15001s [Music]
15002s yeah
15003s but but but think about this
15006s how many times have we seen houston
15008s outlaws clutch
15009s on coliseum
15011s okay
15012s so it's a lot i don't know the exact
15015s number off the top of my head but i can
15017s think of exactly two times yeah so
15019s you've seen houston outlaws on that one
15022s corner right by the bridge
15024s just completely dominate the game and
15027s it's such a surprising fashion as well
15030s i mean they now i mean they best hope
15032s they're on
15034s yeah they're on the correct spawn side
15036s of things maybe it's they only play well
15038s on that site when they play from that
15040s side
15044s it's been ridiculous pelican had the
15046s insane hanzo clip uh merritt had
15049s obviously the triple collat
15053s it's it's all fine and dandy right
15056s but toronto to find they've been looking
15058s good uh this series so far hizu
15060s especially on the ash just shutting down
15063s the tracer like over and over again like
15066s every single fight pelican just peeks
15068s his little head in boom
15070s instant headshot instant kill with the
15071s ash like it's looking too good and when
15073s your hit scans are on hot streaks uh
15076s they don't stop
15078s nope
15079s i would totally expect toronto to find
15081s key pisu on the ash not that the sojourn
15084s has been bad i mean we did see
15086s the the sojourn pop off from his onto
15088s merit in dorado but it's been the ash
15090s that he sue has been really stand out on
15092s i think it just also synergizes a little
15094s bit better with
15096s what the looks that we've been seeing
15097s from the tank line of toronto so it
15100s mostly mused this series we did see a
15102s little bit of that hot but zarya earlier
15104s which
15104s whoo
15105s really super spicy super spicy yeah not
15108s too surprised to see muse here makes
15111s most sense yeah they can play ball
15113s doomfist etc
15114s i do you just have moves in for
15117s the um for those picks and then you have
15120s of course every other pic like sigma
15122s maps and whatnot you can just you can
15123s swap out it's not too much of an issue
15126s yeah um
15128s now the outlaws of course are gonna run
15130s this it's just where they can actually
15131s shut down the he sue
15134s yeah that is a big question i mean the
15136s fact that hisu is on ash and has that
15139s coach gun available does make that way
15141s more difficult i think what you really
15143s need to do as houston is find a way to
15145s kind of force that coach gun out so that
15146s he sue has a little bit more of a
15148s difficult time
15149s repositioning and just kiting away from
15151s the damage and then say maybe send
15153s pelican on the tracer behind him and try
15156s to take him out here but not what muse
15158s is going to try to land the first punch
15160s slam here's how tonight himself keep
15162s himself in the fight
15163s he's taking a whole heap of damage
15166s didn't have discord or bottom i wonder
15167s where it was
15169s yeah you could just keep recycling this
15171s over and over again just going for the
15173s slams finale finishes uh tries to fall
15175s out and finish someone off or he soon
15177s thrown in a dynamite
15179s so the perfect combo
15180s you're not surviving that uh slam with a
15182s dynamite and finale shooting them it's
15184s pretty tough oh they did sleep muse
15188s nice burst damage
15190s 700 health to zero
15193s yeah that just disintegrated
15196s i mean that's the power of like the iris
15198s offer though
15200s all of the sleeps but
15203s okay this is just ridiculous how does he
15205s keep getting away with this
15207s pelican's movement is exceptional uh on
15209s the tracer yeah but he's to aim
15212s better apparently
15214s nice slam again from muse antiques
15216s but he has got the harmony orb and yeah
15218s a whole lot more healing after that
15220s biomaid now twilight is gonna be
15223s stepping too far forward nano boost onto
15225s dante
15226s triple kill not quite quad kill for
15229s outlaws as a whole it's only finale that
15231s survives has to run
15233s away i don't know i don't know if
15235s dante's gonna let that one slide
15238s okay i think you have to now because the
15239s trip will blink away but
15241s that's the power of the doomfist right
15243s there and i think one of the reasons why
15244s houston has been able to clutch on this
15246s map in particular so often is that those
15249s 180 punches
15252s impressive it's coming up
15254s last round
15255s double right click kill from last row
15257s here both isu and twilight with a single
15259s right click
15260s oh boy houston outlaws
15263s rose what i say they're on their side of
15265s the map this is the clutch spot right
15266s here the outlaws yeah yeah
15268s 44 meters and counting toronto to find a
15271s volts to come back in this almost a
15273s slight like a five stack of volts
15276s but merits on the bridge and he's got
15277s overclock top and bottom guys
15280s oh my gosh you also have last year that
15282s could come in clutch with the
15283s transcendence pieces pelican is waiting
15285s for
15286s twilight super low transcendence from
15289s the outlaws all the way into spawn tron
15290s didn't stand a chance the houston
15292s outlaws with an
15294s unbelievable amount of tempo
15297s just spawn capping them oh finale nice
15300s play nice to play around the disruptive
15301s shot by pelican there so finale can't
15303s get in his grill um that was super nice
15305s positioning from him houston outlaws
15307s they get the checkpoint rose
15309s they do i mean like look at that houston
15311s ella's kept toronto defiant busy through
15314s the entirety of that butt scratch mode
15316s and like now we're already working
15318s around the the corners iris jumped into
15320s the mines the bob in that corner it's
15322s just
15323s uh you you can't dislodge that corner it
15326s was jumped into a mine i saw you do that
15328s all right nice defense from toronto
15331s don't use the support ultimates either
15332s but they still have to contend with
15334s merit pelican
15335s yeah but i mean houston didn't have to
15337s do anything there either they recognized
15339s yeah that bob positioning we can't get
15340s past that may as well just go ahead and
15343s reset
15344s and just like that houston are back in
15346s this pelican
15348s finds muse
15350s yeah i mean that's that's ideally what
15352s pelican does right it's just make sure
15353s muse can't get these big slams oh he's
15355s coming on the dps though it's merit this
15357s time oh a pelican
15359s two for one trade and meteor strike for
15361s dante forces out the transcendence
15363s that's actually not bad for the huge
15365s downloads they're stealing wanting to
15367s fight presumably they put the nano on to
15369s dante gets kicked away as iris nanos
15372s lastro in a response or sorry nano's
15376s chorong in response uh twilight managed
15377s toront wrong dps uh support line there
15380s 12 meters accounting for the toronto
15382s defiance
15384s oh i like that fight that houston took
15387s because we've seen teams get more
15389s strategic about push maps which isn't
15391s just like oh we gotta win the fight then
15392s we gotta keep pushing the bot at this
15394s point houston recognizes we have such a
15396s big lead over toronto we just have to
15399s keep it and so if that's gonna be biting
15401s some time off the clock that's what you
15402s got to do and look at how many olds they
15404s got out in front of the clip ain't gonna
15406s happen everybody's running away they
15408s know what happened last time around on
15409s this map
15410s yeah pelican kills finale can he come up
15412s with the goods again twilight dead
15414s doesn't look like it iris has been
15417s exceptional with these sleeves muse is
15419s having a tough time really doing
15421s anything he had a couple of good slams
15423s to start off the map rose but wrecking
15425s balls getting shut down
15427s i think it's because of the way the
15428s houston outlaws are checking their
15430s corners so you're not getting surprised
15431s anymore you see last year going
15433s completely on a flank where's he going
15435s and then pelo gets going other which way
15439s wow i take that trade easy game
15442s yeah marathon height slides directly
15444s towards finale but he's good for the
15445s time being pelican with the pulse throws
15447s it out dodges toronto to find take a
15449s step back as iris goes back to spawn the
15452s bot has gone over the checkpoint again
15454s so they get the four uh the i'll always
15456s get the forward spawn
15457s shouldn't matter all too much
15459s for them though uh outlaws losing dante
15462s yeah they want to go again they can take
15464s the fight a little bit early rose but
15465s like you were saying and perfectly well
15467s said like they don't have to go these
15469s crazy fights like they can't just jostle
15471s the payload because they've got such a
15472s distance
15473s yeah they're just going to go fine
15475s again
15478s someone kill him
15480s okay yeah dante just jumps straight to
15481s the back line and assassinates the
15483s support
15485s four minutes to go
15487s how they didn't play last year i don't
15489s know but
15490s he ended up
15491s doing a little bit more than what they
15493s what they anticipated you'd never really
15495s expect
15496s the zenyatta to be on a flank like that
15499s no
15500s you wouldn't
15504s no
15505s just me never never i don't know that's
15507s ranked player right there it's okay guys
15509s listen
15510s high seed bone back okay that is true
15514s you you can't tell me that you can't
15516s expect a flanking zenyatta in overwatch
15518s too
15519s double nano
15521s is he sue with the nada he's been doing
15522s most of the damage this
15524s game already can he put the nano to good
15527s use bob's actually doing a fair bit of
15529s work backing all the way up at the
15530s houston outlaws they're gonna a fair few
15532s meters off the back of that push up to
15534s 95 with three and 20 minutes to go 23
15538s and 20 minutes imagine three minutes
15541s 20 seconds to go
15543s uh houston was in a very very good spot
15546s absolutely i mean look at this every
15548s single time her toronto tries to make
15550s any amount of headway towards
15552s matching the distance that houston have
15554s already accumulated they get stopped in
15556s their tracks
15558s great rotation through these ultimates
15560s houston's finding so much value these
15562s big picks in the back line for the front
15564s wait there it goes uh where'd mews go oh
15566s my
15567s okay pelican once again descendants
15571s he just kind of walked up and got a
15572s headshot his little ragdoll fell for the
15574s ground
15575s oh nice like weird slap cancel there by
15577s dante
15579s finale finds that stick somehow but
15581s houston outlaws
15582s regardless of the losing people at this
15584s point toronto to fight are very much on
15587s the back foot he soon another headshot
15589s onto pelican his aim is still looking
15591s clean
15592s but they need to win these next couple
15593s of fights and they've not had any luck
15596s pushing past this small archway
15599s well now that muse is switched over to
15600s the doomfist and is off of the wrecking
15602s ball you we might see a bit more of that
15605s explosive damage that we want to see in
15606s the front line especially when you've
15608s got tron with those orbs of discord
15610s that's why houston has been able to find
15612s so much value is just how quickly you
15614s can delete people we just have to see
15616s muse do the same
15618s i mean he sues up 37 of his team's
15620s damage right now he's looking super good
15623s muse ends up going in power block gets
15625s cancelled merit with two kills looking
15627s for a third twilight
15629s cleaned up an easy one with the
15632s overclock the houston outlaws once again
15635s force the toronto to find all the way
15637s back to spawn and lo a minute and 30
15639s seconds to go it's the biggest hill
15641s toronto have to climb now and they've
15642s only got the bob to defend here
15646s but this is exactly where houston
15648s outlaws want to start making their
15650s comeback if toronto won here houston go
15652s home they don't want that just yet they
15654s gotta show us what they've got on their
15656s map choice
15657s looks like maybe it's going to a map
15658s five or last row with a big pick
15660s last row uh yeah enforce the
15662s transcendence but my team are doing too
15663s much
15664s oh dante's asleep but pelicans already
15667s done the damage
15669s three kills for the tracer and houston
15671s outlaws they're in control of that bot
15675s got the bots
15677s they've got the distance they're going
15679s the extra mile here
15681s pelican might just be able to shut it
15682s all down here looking at that pulse bomb
15685s he's doing a little finale as long as he
15687s distracts finale here it's perfect like
15688s america could just sit on this uh sit on
15691s this high ground and force the toronto
15693s to fight towards them dante gets
15695s narrowed into the uh into the back line
15697s does take a quick nap but he's still
15699s narrowed so he can't get instant kill
15701s well tell a lie uh he sees now so yes he
15703s can nice double kill for his maybe make
15705s that a third a little punch to finish
15707s off merit but now with 30 seconds to go
15709s the toronto to fight have to play
15711s perfectly
15714s it's gonna be such a tough hill to claw
15717s him i mean muse switched again is now on
15720s the zarya this time around can he pull a
15722s page out of hopper's book and really
15725s make a tear through the defense of the
15727s outlaws they've got a long way to go
15730s here jaws but if they can play this
15731s right through the transcendence ride it
15733s into
15734s maybe a graviton surge
15737s toronto could just finish it out here
15739s if they play this right
15741s good it's a
15743s a very big could
15745s on if
15746s merit popping the overclock pelican on
15748s the duel the transcendence has been part
15750s of the toronto defense keep them in this
15753s fight merrick trying to pick people off
15755s from the
15756s back lines but it's not working in fact
15758s muse just lobs a right click at him he
15760s sue with another couple of kills
15762s continuing
15763s that damage or again still 40 percent
15766s almost for his
15767s team damage
15769s with 38 meters they have to climb an
15771s unbelievably big mountain overtime is
15773s here and the houston outlaws are coming
15775s back with alts
15776s yeah they do i mean they at least have
15778s the pulse bomb but you know
15781s maybe there's a way that toronto defy
15783s could still get through this i still
15785s think this is very much in houston
15786s outlaw's favor and it's up to them
15788s whether or not they win or lose this map
15790s bob available for hisu
15792s merit not quite so lucky as he's just
15794s changed pelican with a double blink to
15796s get onto the back line now he's doing a
15798s whole lot of trouble but so is chorong
15800s twilight with a perfect peel but finale
15803s over the pulse in the back
15805s turn to the fight need to play perfectly
15806s here and that's currently what they are
15808s doing muse switching over to the zarya
15810s is working out thus far but losing he's
15812s who is not good but scratch mode
15814s initiated as toronto still in overtime
15818s well the fart's gonna get moving again
15820s you can see a bit of a forward
15821s positioning being taken by toronto but
15823s they don't want to over extend they do
15826s sniff out pelican in the rafter
15828s that's so early that's such an early
15830s nano dante might just have his way with
15832s him he's not careful a transcendence
15833s from the outlaws to keep everybody alive
15834s and well he sue comes back and gets one
15836s kill but it's all over the outlaws have
15838s wiped the toronto defiance and have
15840s taken us to a game five
15843s amazing stuff here it really did for a
15846s brief moment look like toronto might
15848s have been able to do it and boy
15851s they did do a lot with what little they
15854s were given in that last couple of
15856s seconds for the map but houston once
15858s again showing us why colosseo is their
15861s turf
15862s whoo boy another map five here jaws
15867s yeah mid-season madness
15870s it's giving a lot right now and i don't
15872s want it to let up
15873s the houston outlaws taking us to a map
15875s five off of their choice now it's
15876s toronto's time we'll see where they want
15879s to take us this fifth and final game
15882s we'll see you after this break
15900s so
15909s [Music]
15953s so
15966s so
15978s [Music]
16008s oh
16032s [Music]
16074s [Music]
16096s [Music]
16102s [Music]
16110s yeah the light is really shining on us
16112s today that's for sure gifted another
16115s map five
16117s toronto defined and the houston outlaws
16119s going all the way not quite a reverse
16121s sweep here but
16123s the outlaws they chose coliseum and with
16127s very good reason
16129s yes they did i mean
16131s i think that at that point like this is
16133s kind of like
16134s the map you don't want to take houston
16137s to ever right just when you think of
16139s houston outlaws just don't take them to
16141s call ceo you just don't want to
16143s um i know it was their pick but
16145s obviously in the future i think all
16146s teams could look at that and go yeah
16147s we're never taking them to coliseum
16149s again
16150s ever again
16152s yeah on to the next one tower is the
16155s fifth and final map series will end here
16157s one team will go home
16159s toronto to find this was their pick here
16161s rose
16163s yes it was and i think also for good
16165s reason when you've got muse in the
16167s roster i think muse has
16169s been showing us a lot of different looks
16172s but let's look at a bit of a journey
16174s backwards for the toronto defiance so
16176s far as we've looked at how they
16178s progressed through stage two
16180s of this season and i think toronto
16183s struggled a little bit to find out what
16185s they wanted to play that would give them
16187s the best chance of success
16189s i'm pleasantly surprised today that a
16191s lot of the different flavors they've
16193s showed us have looked very good but that
16195s wasn't always the case and i think they
16197s needed a bit more practice to be able to
16199s show us that they do have all of this
16201s versatility and lijiang is one of those
16203s maps that i think you could throw people
16205s for a loop a little bit and when you
16206s look at when dante's in the roster
16208s you're like ah doomfist there's one
16210s round you kind of don't want to hit on
16212s the shank it's going to be control
16213s center i know we're going to that one
16215s first
16215s but
16216s muse zarya
16218s question mark okay exclamation point
16221s yeah well i mean zarya's been working
16223s out regardless of who's playing it
16224s hopper played it earlier on he did very
16226s well on a map that they did win
16229s and
16230s now mu's rocking it i like it against
16232s the doomfist feels pretty good
16238s yeah it does look good and i mean look
16240s at houston they're they're a little
16242s scared to approach last stroke
16248s nice double kill from pelican
16250s oh he's feasting on the back line triple
16253s kill make that why not make it a fourth
16256s they were spoiling that one we'll get on
16258s to muse but pelican with four kills in
16260s that fight
16261s outwards cap the point
16264s yeah i mean i love the positioning that
16266s last okay listen
16268s we talk about flank zenyatta as kind of
16270s a joke here but now it's actually
16272s something that you you actually need to
16273s keep an eye out for because last year
16275s has this great tendency to just get
16277s behind the enemy team and if you're not
16279s be careful you're not looking behind you
16282s then well you're going to be looking at
16284s spawn pretty quickly because last year's
16286s there
16287s so
16289s yeah
16290s okay all right
16292s what happened there
16293s no one knows
16295s who's just dying
16297s things yeah maybe dante like uh punch
16299s him around that corner there because it
16300s didn't look like the toronto defiant
16302s supports had a sight line oh i thought
16304s pelican was gonna get timing then but
16306s it's all good
16310s yeah we're good we see pelican kind of
16312s checking the the flank as we see finale
16315s creeping into the back line there's muse
16317s you can't deflect that one pelican
16320s lovely tracking onto pelican there beam
16322s going through deflect of course
16324s now a nice bubble 100 energy thank you
16326s very much harrison a whole lot of hurt
16328s same with last row this what you can do
16330s when you get going azaria oh it needs to
16332s reload wait get it okay they're good
16334s easy finishes that up and the point gets
16339s everyone flipped me
16341s yep yeah we're following you muse don't
16343s you worry
16344s he sue you are indeed on fire he's doing
16346s crazy things right now he's he entered
16348s this game with the most final boys in
16351s the server like he's yeah was
16354s obviously a little bit more now pelican
16355s and merit were not too far behind him at
16357s 46 each
16358s so he's who's doing the a lot of heavy
16360s with lifting in terms of final blows
16362s right now he's gonna have bob online
16364s music with a grab he does manage to find
16366s one there is no transcendence for lastro
16369s muse here in that bubble as soon as he
16371s jumped into the grab with iris to finish
16373s him off so he didn't get antiqued
16375s and outlaws they have
16378s have five votes for the next fight they
16380s still have to contend with their
16381s transcendence
16384s yeah nano muse with energy
16388s yeah yeah i don't want to deal with that
16390s i
16392s am worried too that the blade will not
16394s be as impactful if muse continues to
16397s just be able to use this
16399s dante doomfist is so clean
16402s he has all the way to the back line in
16404s one swoll
16405s swoop or punch i should say there's the
16407s overclock those bubbles from use now
16409s timing out bob's on the point for some
16411s more help but oh oh oh
16415s 180 flick there on to finale's head
16419s yeah bob wasn't too much help
16420s unfortunately
16421s he's just sent that one in pretty late
16424s houston outlaws regain control to fire
16426s though with a nice 73 percent they're
16428s gonna have to win this next fight before
16430s it's their last
16432s finale is working up to the pulse bomb
16436s iris and last year seem to be kind of
16437s left with their own devices a little bit
16439s as dante's had to play a little more
16441s upfront and personal
16444s trying to define getting torn limb from
16446s limb right now
16447s john goes down super early was in server
16450s um and twilight wasn't there okay
16452s charlie's not going lucio i'm gonna have
16453s to 90 in building finale if he dies here
16456s it's uh all over almost although trump
16459s can still touch point quicker
16462s yeah you've got toronto again you've got
16463s finale touch
16465s triple
16468s to really touch this point that's the
16469s thing there's the blade a nice little
16470s boot but he jumped straight back into
16472s him he had to to try and touch
16473s he's against uh finale gets back in time
16476s he's got the pulse bomb the pelican with
16477s no deflect would have been a nice target
16480s but decides not to throw out just yet no
16482s we can just throw it into that grab but
16483s dante's already dealt a lot of damage a
16485s triple kill for the doom it's only
16486s finale now to touch he triggers overtime
16489s once again but dante with four kills in
16491s the fight charon is back but not for
16493s long the outlaws wipe defiant and take
16496s round one
16499s yeah this is definitely the best stage
16502s for the doomfist control center that was
16504s the one that surrounded the fire we're
16505s like we probably would rather not roll
16507s that
16507s but they did that was the first one
16509s toronto still put up a heck of a fight
16511s though especially with that zarya but
16513s this is really
16514s where i want i think we will see the
16517s reasoning behind why defiant chose
16520s lijiang
16521s are way less
16522s avenues for you to get good punches roll
16525s outs as the doomfist on these next maps
16529s but
16530s here's a great example of the doomfist
16532s punch was so good
16535s god oh wait that was five kills
16539s my bad
16540s my bad
16541s yeah he confused two at the very very
16543s start of that one my bad dante yeah oh
16544s that's right five kills for dancing in
16546s the last fight
16548s yeah like i mentioned it in the map too
16549s but dante's
16551s doomfist is so
16554s what how did that happen
16562s yeah
16563s okay i think that
16568s although now he's in trouble don't know
16569s hp not gonna happen
16571s well that was a unbelievable pick for
16573s merit there
16575s but uh of course it was he's cleaner
16579s yeah i mean finale just gotta go back at
16581s the point now that it's unlocked
16583s but yeah i think this is really where
16584s the zarya can shine i mean how many
16587s possibilities really are there for the
16589s houston outlaws to surprise
16592s the toronto i mean okay seeing a
16595s doomfist fly across your screen's a
16596s great way to surprise people
16599s that was fun i like that rollout
16602s that was close
16604s all in a lot of trouble versus charong
16606s merrick once again at the start of the
16607s fight picks it off we're gonna go the
16609s same way though trying to fight clutch
16611s up they've already killed last row point
16613s is being perma contested by the outlaws
16616s someone needs to touch they do just in
16618s time but mary's gonna burn to death
16619s before he gets healed
16620s luckily dante was on the case
16623s and did get the flip and now has the
16625s back up of iris almost has that nano if
16628s he stalls out for long enough he should
16629s be good but twilight in kind is a couple
16631s of percentage points away it depends how
16633s high a charge muse is right now should
16636s be a fair bit but with no bubbles oh
16639s it might not be an issue now with dante
16641s going down to that pulse spot
16644s yep
16645s and muse is gonna go ahead and you know
16647s quietly take that nano to the front line
16651s all right nice stall coming through from
16652s houston iris actually decides to nano
16654s pelican can you get much stuff done not
16657s really there's still a lot of bubbles
16658s that music can throw on his teammates
16660s his 75 energy and with a grab dante is
16663s back in just for some stall
16666s 33 now building to 39. oh pelican still
16669s a good stall
16671s oh yeah look at that oh
16673s oh no should be good
16675s yeah the obvious sail over his head oh
16678s good
16679s i like the echo though i think that with
16681s the tracer you're just you're taking a
16683s little or at least again you're taking
16685s maybe a little too long to try to get
16687s into position the defect also just not
16689s working so echo why not just stick to
16692s the skies
16693s all right yeah nice crap uh just solo
16695s grab is more than enough but uh look at
16697s that pelicans already in the back line
16698s and parrot is up in your face
16701s hit that overclock gets a double kill
16703s easy as you like the houston outlaws
16706s even though they get grabbed or dante
16707s getting grabbed just shrugged it off and
16709s they're gonna go again
16712s yeah that's the power of the the pelican
16715s echo
16716s just
16717s you can't deflect the zarya so
16720s why not just uh get out of the rain
16723s yeah just just just ignore her forehead
16726s it's fine
16727s it worked out fine
16729s don't test amuse don't test him
16734s for another three seconds
16735s he's good
16736s finale not so much though recall
16738s straight into a destruction shot full hp
16740s again after a brief heal bob on the
16743s point but twilight in the spawn
16745s transcendent forces finale for uh falls
16747s pretty low the houston outlaws trying to
16749s make it this last fight and they might
16751s just do that dante gets some free charge
16754s there for his power block but
16756s unfortunately in the meantime him just
16758s kind of camping on the point they did
16760s lose pelican
16763s yeah well these pelicans can fly back
16764s over but boy you gotta watch out for
16766s hisu
16768s nano misses the punch it was a power-up
16770s one that is a sleep a nice little auntie
16773s but dante still kills twilight they woke
16775s him up too early
16776s the defiant half the numbers on the
16778s point but houston outlaws have dante
16781s surely he goes down he is so low there's
16784s no way he survives this a little bit of
16786s a stagger kill too outlaws on 99 percent
16791s yeah i like the the nano definitely good
16793s from iris to just try to keep dante in
16795s the game
16797s i think they would have been better
16798s served to save it just to have it for
16800s this next engagement but at least you
16802s know that the duplicate is coming online
16804s pelican can play a bit more aggressively
16806s here and they're gonna have to go fast
16807s they're running out of time we are
16809s indeed charms already dead trying to
16811s divide on 95 they do trade as pelican
16813s goes down but all eyes on mera right now
16816s he's so close to overclock he builds
16817s that up it could be all over disruptive
16819s shot to stop one of the chokes being
16822s pushed through now his who gets nano the
16824s perfect target some would say and even a
16826s nade on top of him too to keep him alive
16828s last year and a whole heap of hurt the
16830s toronto to fight determined to keep
16832s their life in this tournament alive
16833s pelican is back in gets the dupe not
16836s quick enough to activate it
16838s as the toronto defiance are taking us to
16841s around three
16843s oh
16844s my goodness
16846s five laps three rounds for our final
16849s control
16851s i cannot believe it all comes down to
16853s this jaws one of these teams is going
16855s home tonight but they are not going to
16857s make it an easy
16859s fight to get through that is for sure
16863s it comes down to gardens oh my goodness
16866s yeah we truly have been gifted with some
16867s stella overwatch already
16869s let's have a look at the heath
16872s and he's been doing so much work
16874s throughout this whole
16876s wow okay yeah
16878s that's look that's hard on last year
16879s right there that's super tough
16882s you ain't escaping that one
16884s nope
16885s no not the range that the dynamite has
16887s it's
16888s a little too fast for those zenyatta
16890s legs to hover him away from
16894s but similar compositions coming out from
16896s both teams
16898s gungmu's wrecking ball which did work
16900s out for them
16901s on a night market or market i'm just
16903s calling it market
16905s but even though americans has opening
16907s picks
16908s i feel like i don't know defiantly i
16910s feel like they just sustained through
16911s this and then they're
16913s fine that has been the the pattern that
16916s has been the theme yeah
16919s and they are gonna just orb finale on
16921s point
16922s so he can contest yeah okay muse is
16924s there
16925s even though they lost one they can still
16927s fight but look at this oh just the spawn
16930s cap oh
16931s deary me
16933s merit sojourn is insane
16936s these now was too much to cap that point
16939s halfway to another clock already and
16941s they're just going to hound down the
16942s toronto defiant ain't standing a chance
16946s houston outlaws they find the first cap
16948s and they've got ultimates coming in line
16949s already
16951s look this is why i like bringing it up
16952s that hey sometimes merrick gets the
16954s first pick but it doesn't always
16956s translate
16958s it translated this time thank you
16960s houston for proving me wrong
16962s to get the first cap and they're also
16964s going to get a nano coming up soon
16966s finale is a pulse bomb though what the
16968s way what you've been doing did that
16970s happen
16973s when did that happen
16974s a lot of damage
16976s well mary's near in the overclock i
16978s would be scared especially going in
16980s white room that's
16981s not the best place to be when you're
16982s against
16984s all right there's the pulse he earned it
16986s quickly but uh threw it away even
16987s quicker
16989s now with the overclock now everybody's
16990s all lined up oh he gets one make that a
16993s second he's jumping out the way charon
16995s wasn't quite so lucky merits finding
16998s four kills in that fight
17000s the cleanest sojourn you'll ever see
17003s oh there's another day in the office for
17005s him meredith is sitting here like i
17006s gotta focus about focusing up where are
17008s they coming are they spawn yet
17011s that's crazy not even a smile
17016s not even a little smile
17018s okay 30 away from knocking toronto
17021s defiant
17023s out of the mid-season madness
17025s that's true now it's up to pelican
17027s pelicans got the blade can follow that
17029s up
17030s as long as he doesn't get taken out
17031s first by this new zario or this finale
17034s tracer in the back line
17035s he's just super low already he's
17036s literally one shot someone please
17038s healing finale doesn't have that recall
17039s so has to dodge back towards that mega
17041s health pack the nano odds used to say
17043s keep him alive but it wasn't gonna work
17045s he got antiqued the placement pools the
17047s outlaws are shredding through the
17049s toronto defiance their hopes and dreams
17052s of staying in the mid-season madness all
17054s but coming to an end finale doesn't even
17056s get back to the point in time before
17058s outlaws win
17060s a three to a full round of control to
17063s end it out and outlaws will advance
17066s through the losers brackets
17069s oh that is a clutch from houston that is
17072s for sure i like how we talked about
17074s going to a third round too and houston
17076s we're like nah fam we're gonna 100 zero
17079s this like it's it's all good that was so
17082s decisive from them in that final round
17084s and
17085s you have to give it so much credit over
17087s to the dps on on houston i feel like
17090s merit pelican just put in so much work
17092s on that final match marriage sojourn
17094s just
17095s does continue to impress that is for
17097s sure i mean the back line for the
17099s houston outlaws looking great
17100s they did take a small knock um coming
17103s into today they lost 3-0 to the glads in
17107s the in the upper bracket
17109s but with a match like this yes it was
17112s close toronto defined ha have been on a
17115s a slight upwards trajectory in terms of
17117s their play especially people like keisu
17119s which
17119s has been shown off today too
17121s so it's uh something to keep your head
17124s high i think if you're a toronto fan for
17125s sure but houston outlaws
17127s they do take it to a game number five
17129s they do come out on top and they will be
17131s facing either seoul or atlanta rain
17134s later on
17136s yep we've gotta figure out who their
17138s opponent is going to be but we also have
17140s to celebrate the player of the match
17142s because while we can give credit over to
17144s the dps of houston i think we also need
17147s to shine a bright spotlight onto lastrow
17151s the zenyatta for the houston outlaws
17153s yeah especially the star the series he
17155s was finding a lot of value on the zen
17159s like the backline for for the outlaws
17161s has always been a strong point i know if
17164s you like conor like avast have been
17166s talking up iris for a long time last row
17168s has been uh fantastic fantastic uh
17172s support oh my god oh that was the double
17174s kill yes okay fine yeah i'm glad we saw
17175s that yeah i knew i knew we definitely
17178s have a clip of that but um he's just
17180s been a fantastic zenyatta for the team
17182s and the thing that you want from your
17184s zenyatta and you've always wanted was
17186s just to
17186s stay alive the the more time you're up
17189s the more discord you can put on people
17191s but with last stories like yeah more
17192s discords but also a lot more damage and
17194s a lot more kills
17195s yeah i mean look at the amount of
17197s offensive assists hello 13 percent
17202s that's a lot
17203s that's like so much and every single
17205s time you look at the kill feed as well
17207s houston outlaws whenever they get a pick
17209s onto somebody it's usually accompanied
17211s by iris or lastro's picture next to
17215s whoever ended up getting the final blow
17217s it's because of the fact that those
17218s discord orbs were constantly getting
17220s followed up on and the communication of
17221s this team
17222s is what has been so good and why they
17224s can also get these massive clutch
17227s moments and these clutch wins
17230s yeah they've looked good
17232s look the outlaws yeah they took it to a
17234s map number five but you know it feels
17236s like this is where their run
17237s has started and they need to continue
17239s that role because they're gonna face one
17241s of two top oppositions uh later on this
17244s week in the dynasty or the reign
17246s and we'll find out just who that is
17249s after this break we've got two more
17250s unbelievable games coming up soon don't
17253s go anywhere we'll see in a bite
17276s [Music]
17282s [Music]
17301s [Music]
17313s [Music]
17328s do
17332s [Music]
17337s [Music]
17342s do
17355s [Music]
17372s [Music]
17396s [Music]
17404s [Music]
17409s [Music]
17412s do
17420s [Music]
17426s do
17431s [Music]
17440s do
17444s [Music]
17457s [Music]
17467s [Music]
17479s [Music]
17493s [Music]
17503s [Music]
17512s [Music]
17517s welcome back to game break everybody i'm
17519s here with pelican from houston outlaws
17521s for the post match interview pelican uh
17523s before we start you look pretty tired
17525s are you are you okay
17527s people are watching the internet
17541s he said he's very tired because he had
17543s to go i mean he had to play all the way
17544s to matt five but hey i mean at the end
17546s you guys did get the win and like you
17548s mentioned there was a very uh back and
17549s forth match between you guys and the
17551s toronto defiance oh what helped you guys
17553s get the win today against the toronto
17555s defiance
17559s [Music]
17573s i mean this wasn't this was definitely
17575s not our like map five win uh we sort of
17578s had all these uh these sort of
17580s situations happen time to time and i
17582s think you know having those practices
17584s and having having to go through those
17585s experiences really helped out for our
17588s clutch moments uh for today's match all
17590s right and also pelican um you know like
17592s you said this match was very very tense
17595s but you did get the win uh if you had to
17597s pick a player that gave you personally
17614s [Music]
17627s all right um i do definitely think uh
17629s that he sue from choice of defiance gave
17630s me the hardest time um you know he's a
17632s good player but also you know there's a
17635s part of me thinks that um i played bad
17637s as well uh but it has to be his because
17639s other than hizu there's not no other
17641s players for me to choose this is the
17644s best player in that team all right
17645s pelican again congratulations on the win
17647s and thank you so much for the interview
17651s and with that being said avali take it
17653s away
17657s danny you can't just ask people why
17659s they're tired
17661s you can't just ask people why they
17663s looked up
17664s he can he did and pelican was very nice
17668s in his response
17669s well as far as daddy translated why
17671s didn't you ask people by the time just
17673s first of all it was a mean girl's
17674s reference thanks for picking that up as
17676s we're all wearing pink on a wednesday
17678s second of all
17680s no i was just poking fun at them because
17681s i mean we did go all the way to a full
17683s five maps he said that he was tired at
17685s the end of it because i don't think they
17687s expected to go a full five especially
17689s with the little bit of an anti-climactic
17691s finish there for the outlaws yeah
17693s everyone was like oh my god map five
17695s round three the ultimate match up and
17698s then houston just
17699s dominated them like it wasn't even close
17701s in that final round and you know the
17703s funny thing is we said going into this
17705s match it was houston-able but i think
17706s this was
17708s is this them turning over a new leaf
17710s there no they're
17712s okay well i just thought i'd give the
17714s houston fans a little bit of optimism
17715s but it was awesome to see them finally
17717s coming back from a deficit themselves it
17719s feels like
17720s it feels like every time a match was
17722s getting away from them they never really
17723s had that ability to bounce back but they
17725s did a great job of it in this match so
17727s they obviously came in here and took the
17729s first map and you know it looked like
17731s the houston outlaws were going to start
17733s feeling themselves they were doing very
17734s well their back line iris and lastro
17737s were just flanking all over the place
17739s last row i don't know what he decided
17742s at some point that he was just gonna
17744s flank a hundred percent of the time and
17746s just all over the place and the defiant
17748s didn't really have an answer to it the
17750s hot bozaiah here on iceworld really did
17752s turn this map around it felt like
17753s houston outlaws were going to run away
17755s with it and they felt like they really
17757s did like desire versus the dante
17759s doomfist it started to work what would
17761s happen is dante would go in and they
17762s have those bubbles and if they ever got
17764s charged on the xayah it would work for
17766s them but it did not work for them in map
17768s five for muse so you know trying to find
17771s i think they've had a good tournament
17772s all things considered i think
17774s maybe not on the regular season but in
17776s these playoffs they really sort of hit a
17778s new gear so i'm excited to see more from
17780s them in the future especially history
17782s going absolutely crazy but that is the
17784s end of their tournament run right here
17785s and the houston outlaws stay alive yeah
17788s i i completely agree with you on the
17790s toronto refine i mean it just felt like
17792s they hit a wall unfortunately with the
17794s tank flexibility against dante's
17796s doomfist and it did feel like muse's
17798s sorya pick only jang tower to wrap it up
17801s it was a bit of an impro pic just like
17803s yeah well the winston didn't really work
17805s out i played a ball for a bit but zarya
17807s feels like the best bet obviously you
17809s know it kind of works here on control
17810s center but you know even even on the
17812s other rounds it did feel like a bit of a
17814s stretch for views so 205 they gave it
17817s all we highlighted several times how we
17819s thought that finale had a great
17820s performance on tracer he's as well pops
17822s off as we expect him to do but
17824s ultimately i think that houston outlaws
17826s they're a pretty well refined team now i
17828s will say merit saved him so many times
17832s uh
17832s with the soldier and i mean he got early
17834s picks all the time uh great by the way
17837s to see the teams you know thank you for
17839s a great match you know shaking hands um
17842s you know we haven't had that many two
17843s western teams facing off and you know
17845s checking out and you know it's good to
17846s see yeah no it is nice and to be able to
17849s have that sportsmanship give everyone
17851s either a hug or a high five or handshake
17853s is what we were kind of seeing there but
17854s unfortunately yes that does mark the end
17856s of the
17857s toronto defiance run as we are going to
17860s see houston outlaws continue on through
17861s the tournament and i do believe we have
17863s a lower bracket that we can take a look
17865s at now that we can update it with all of
17868s our results so far so as you can see
17870s this is our losers bracket with the
17872s outlaws
17874s mayhem both moving on and
17876s outlaws are going to play the winner of
17879s seoul dynasty versus the atlanta reigns
17881s so that's going to be a very interesting
17884s match up for them but listen
17886s we have to get into our next match which
17888s is going to be the philadelphia fusion
17890s taking on dallas fuel which is coming up
17893s and gentlemen i know you're the analyst
17894s but let me just go ahead and put on my
17896s analyst cap right where's the parade
17898s where's the give me the beret the right
17899s oh yeah can i have the beret okay there
17901s you go here's your philadelphia fusion
17902s hat this is my analyst cap and i will
17905s put it on with pride and with cherries
17909s on the top
17910s now if you're to ask me an overwatch
17913s league professional why i thought the
17914s fusion was going to win
17917s i would have way too many reasons to
17920s listen
17923s just hold up let me just pull some like
17925s baseless uh claims and analysis out
17928s remember when you showed me that uh
17930s player
17931s chart at the beginning of the day in our
17932s pre-show and carpe came in second yeah
17935s for final i think final blows or final
17938s blows yeah okay yeah wow you're really
17940s making those up as we go yeah higher
17942s higher than any dallas fuel player let's
17944s go
17946s uh well okay so uh
17948s carpe has been uh strong okay carpe has
17952s been struggling a little bit so far
17954s throughout the season with they've been
17955s leaning more on m three and zest and as
17958s much as that one you know that's great i
17960s think we gotta look more at mn3 we most
17963s recently saw the dallas fuel fall to the
17965s shanghai dragons on the back of that
17967s great hit scan performance from lip and
17969s we saw gurio come in a little bit on
17971s that circle royale and they just
17973s couldn't match up so i think that is
17975s going to be the problem that the dallas
17976s feel are going to have to overcome once
17978s again we said if they can shut down that
17980s ash it'll it'll work for them they were
17982s not able to shut it down now they get a
17984s second chance at it against a different
17986s team in the philadelphia fusion
17988s so maybe we'll
17989s start to see the dallas you'll have some
17991s no too much opium for the philadelphia
17994s fusion by the way here well okay tell me
17996s why dallas is going to win tell me okay
17998s a lot of rookies
18000s rookies okay dallas fuel if they play
18002s the lucio moira it's something different
18006s not a lot of teams in apac play lucio
18008s moira and then you're like oh because it
18010s doesn't work well
18012s sometimes it works it worked last year
18015s it worked last year
18020s you know we all love a classic so you
18022s know maybe dallas fuel to bring it out
18023s and fusion are like whoa moira we've
18025s never seen this before like we don't
18026s know what to do i'm just saying i think
18028s that the philadelphia fusion it's going
18030s to be a game of adaptability for the
18032s fusion i'm being serious here by the way
18034s i need to put my foot down i'm thinking
18036s yes
18037s yes but
18039s with dallas fuel this is going to be a
18040s game of adaptability for the
18042s philadelphia fusion because you haven't
18043s practiced against lucio moira and when
18045s that was fueled they step up the tempo
18047s and they play their best lucio moira it
18049s is a different game so yes i know that's
18051s fusion no they're great that you know
18053s all tracer head-to-heads and you know
18055s ash and sodium stuff like that it's a
18056s different ballgame all right so prove
18058s that you can adapt accordingly and i
18060s will believe the fusion they don't need
18062s to adapt what philadelphia fusion is
18064s doing has worked against the dallas fuel
18067s we saw the shanghai dragons just do it
18069s the dallas fuel the team that need to
18070s attack they have gone and stuff
18075s great players and they have a good dive
18077s sometimes i'm not going to say this
18079s no this is dragons i you can't compare
18081s shanghai
18082s gentlemen confusion i enjoy the energy
18085s but i think we have to let the actual
18087s players fight it out on the map so we
18090s are going to get into that game but
18091s first we have to take a quick break i'm
18093s gonna let them fight off screen so
18094s everyone stick around because when we
18095s get back we're gonna see the fusion take
18097s on the fuel no this is my hat it's mine
18135s [Music]
18156s foreign
18188s [Music]
18195s [Music]
18279s [Music]
18344s and welcome back it's time to carry on
18346s the day we're at the halfway point now
18348s it's time for some more overwatch league
18350s action i'm achillios here with avril i
18352s heard for whatever reason we're wearing
18353s pink something to do about wednesday it
18355s might not be wednesday here on our side
18357s of the world april but i decided to do
18358s it all the same but here we go
18361s fusion going up against dallas fuel we
18363s will unfortunately continue to send some
18365s teams home question is which one of
18367s these two is it going to be you know the
18369s best part we didn't coordinate this
18370s again i i didn't ask you you didn't ask
18372s me we just high-minded we went through
18374s the internet everybody through the
18376s internet i mean like no we didn't even
18377s contact each other we just showed up and
18379s this is how we look we just both will
18380s think you know what this is the
18382s wavelength we're on uh you said
18383s wednesday in my mind is it five map
18385s friday already i have to check the date
18387s because we just had two back-to-back mad
18389s fives yeah
18391s uh yeah already been quite the day and
18394s uh like i said only at the halfway point
18396s so maybe we could just go all the way
18399s why not 20 maps
18401s let's just do it i don't know just full
18403s send it uh we'll see if it happens uh
18405s but yeah fusion versus dallas fuel this
18407s is gonna be an interesting one dallas
18409s fuel coming in
18410s falling down a little bit later
18411s obviously so they're going to have their
18412s map choice we'll see where they decide
18413s to take us uh but fusion
18416s have a little bit of a little bit of a
18417s shaky start need to bounce back yeah and
18419s i think dallas as well but at the same
18421s time when you when you look at these
18422s teams going up against shanghai it's
18425s always a bit rough to start things out
18426s with fusion as well yeah you know this
18428s is a team that we feel has super high
18430s highs in terms of their peaks but at the
18432s same time as well you know they've had
18434s some lows throughout the season hoping
18436s for some highs to continue through the
18438s lower bracket here they did lose a
18440s hundred spark but considering how good
18442s the hundred spark had been so fun the
18444s upper bracket they also three zero the
18446s sole dynasty we'll be seeing the solve
18447s dynasty right after this match as well
18450s it maybe isn't so bad because well hong
18453s joe just looked like they're on a
18454s different level and uh fusion and seoul
18455s dynasty happened to be in their war path
18459s yeah i mean huge step up from the hong
18461s kong spark who i had a lot of questions
18463s surrounding them coming into this
18465s tournament obviously you know have very
18467s rarely made it to the tournaments and
18468s then when they do haven't found that
18470s much success but right now it looks like
18473s they're very much showing up dynasty
18475s like you said we'll be seeing them after
18477s this series we'll see if they can bounce
18478s back as well but for now we'll focus in
18481s as here as the starting five for the
18483s dallas fuel and this is the similar
18484s story right because dallas feel also
18486s fell to the shanghai dragons who by the
18488s way as pointed out by jose necker a
18489s little bit earlier on six and zero as
18492s far as maps across the two matches so
18493s far they took down the toronto deflane
18495s who now have been eliminated by the
18497s houston outlaws dallas feel also on in
18500s the in the pathway of shanghai through
18502s their rampage in the upper bracket is
18504s also fuel looking for a bit of a bounce
18506s back and
18507s unfortunately
18508s these two teams you know big fan bases a
18511s lot of hope to try and
18513s make it far in the tournament um some
18516s unluckiness as far as you know covert
18517s issues for the fusion as well it's not
18519s been
18520s amazing behind the scenes for the fusion
18522s so really they're just hoping for the
18523s best to see how far they can make it
18525s through but
18526s to lose one of these two teams here this
18528s early it doesn't feel good
18531s no it definitely doesn't i mean these
18532s are these are two teams that you would
18534s expect to have you know a very deep run
18536s from but unfortunately here in the first
18538s day of the eliminations one of them is
18540s off the chopping block well rather that
18542s they're both in the chopping block but
18543s only one of them is going to get chopped
18545s well you say deep run but consider this
18547s both of these teams were runner-ups in
18549s the kickoff clash they already had those
18551s deep runs so that's why it feels kind of
18553s weird right you get second place for the
18554s fusion from their loss to seoul dynasty
18556s in the kickoff clash dallas fuel as well
18558s 0-4 versus gladius and there west inside
18560s the kickoff clash it's also both teams
18562s that came second one of them has to go
18565s now map number one coming up and this
18567s first of three here i've chosen by
18569s dallas feel oasis now we saw this
18571s yesterday versus the shanghai dragons
18574s admittedly this was their best map i've
18576s been a bit of a critic of the lucio
18578s mario so far but when you consider the
18579s three maps being played by dallas fuel
18582s that was their best look so my question
18583s will be are they going to run that back
18585s again is that going to be very effective
18588s versus fusion today
18590s i mean even just earlier in our previous
18592s series we should see a little bit at
18594s least it locked it in um coming out
18597s didn't go so hot though earlier on but
18600s these guys seem to have it mastered so
18602s if the fuel are going to be piling up
18603s give them a little bit more leeway
18605s mayhem actually dropped it earlier they
18606s didn't run it versus
18608s uh the who did they just play the london
18610s spitfire and they actually look pretty
18612s reasonable off the back of that one so
18613s we'll see how this one goes coach rush
18616s very much believing in the capability
18618s for this loser and mario to pop off
18619s edison back in the reaper as well spark
18621s on the genji this is basically the
18623s blueprint for hal they looked
18624s competitive versus the shanghai dragons
18626s on this map yesterday but again they did
18628s not win so philly what are we going to
18630s do about this dallas fuel
18632s early rotation straight away towards the
18633s jump pad side for the fusion wall rotate
18636s opposite towards i think coastal now
18638s they're still playing around name for
18639s now
18640s this could prove to be a little bit
18642s painful for the side of the dallas fuel
18643s if
18644s zest is able to really nail his shots
18645s get those sticky bombs and cross onto
18647s the squishier targets because i don't
18648s really have
18649s too many people who can really reliably
18652s try to take him out of the skies
18653s everybody fairly short range sure
18654s sparkle could throw some shurikens
18656s trying to dash up get on top of him but
18658s can prove to be rather difficult we'll
18659s have to see how they decide the pile at
18661s this one that's for now opening skirmish
18663s comes through is the point has opened up
18664s fuel dangerously close to getting this
18666s initial lockdown if they could just
18668s clear it out but fusion are here to stay
18669s for now mn3 falling low pops the recall
18671s goes back in gets behind fielder puts a
18673s hell of a lot of damage down onto that
18674s moira but so far no kills to be found
18677s they finally clear out the point and
18678s that's gonna be the lockdown first here
18679s for the side of the dallas fuel now
18680s ticking up well look at this you have
18681s the fusion support line on the high
18683s ground so far sparkle will kind of flow
18684s spud on to zest now finally getting on
18687s top of aim god and fix the should be
18688s cleaner from the dallas fuel now and it
18690s is
18691s yep great dash through they find him god
18693s fix the taken out there's the supports
18695s gone fellas right he's gonna grabbing
18696s the health pack to make sure that he
18697s stays alive exits back over towards the
18700s spawn rooms for now dallas fuel is gonna
18702s be sitting pretty already moving up
18704s above 25 percent
18706s fusion unable to keep zest alive then
18708s and then obviously you see sparkle
18710s challenging the sports on the high
18711s ground that's the key contested area
18712s this is why does phil started their
18714s rotation initially on the rollout
18716s towards a jump pad side and for the
18718s philly fusion if you want to put aim god
18719s back up there they'll have to fight for
18720s it once more innocent looking for some
18723s angles as well first off what's coming
18724s through that's gonna be a call from
18725s fielder
18727s yep built it up very quickly pops that
18729s one's looking for the kill and it's
18730s gonna be zest taken down sparkle once
18731s more getting on top of that echo does
18734s end up falling quite a bit of damage out
18736s onto the enemy genji as the pile driver
18737s comes down the minefield dropped in as
18738s well
18741s so far everybody just backing away not
18743s looking to play forward into it
18745s it's mn3
18746s looking for an opportunity to invest
18748s this pulse bob
18749s knock up there
18750s falling a little bit lower now he's
18751s going to be dropping the beat though
18752s shields coming through transcends gonna
18754s be out from maine god pops they try to
18755s keep everybody alive
18756s to play the blade he could pull on the
18758s back end he does he pulls it out he
18759s manages to find him got a sliver of hp
18761s for sparkle but somehow he manages to
18763s stay alive does it eventually get taken
18765s down as the dps do on the side of the
18766s field will fall but it's without
18768s supports right now for the side of the
18769s fusion which means that zest goes down
18771s as well the fuel went out the fight they
18773s maintain control at least we're a little
18775s bit longer here as the cup is nearly
18777s coming through but the point has now
18778s been cleared and this is lapse fight
18780s territory and preventing fixer from
18782s popping the rally is all that would have
18783s been the next ultimate on rotation
18785s sparkle with that blade just trying to
18786s wait out the timing of the transcendence
18788s from aim god philadelphia fusion very
18790s much lacking and kills so far they've
18792s only got two frags that last fight was
18794s their first two first bloods coming on
18795s through fixture now gets their rally up
18799s he does
18800s the duke at the ready go
18805s getting taken down there's gonna be the
18806s duplicate out onto edison big booth he
18808s goes for the wraith form he tries to get
18810s in on top of fielder that's plus i'm
18811s gonna be invested and will manage to
18813s knock this back out so he takes right
18815s back up to the skies
18816s same god eliminated as the next
18818s coalescence comes through from field and
18819s he's just keeping everybody alive fusion
18822s not finding anything at all
18824s it will get cleared off for the point
18826s it's a hundred percent to zero to kick
18828s things off here for the fuel and it's
18829s balanced rear as well the uh part of the
18831s reason why they wouldn't have been able
18833s to touch is while bellasri going for the
18835s big slam goes a little bit too high
18837s there drops the mines could have been a
18838s turnaround probably unlikely three
18840s versus five does feel very much ahead
18842s and uh let me touch up on the point i
18844s was trying to make a little bit earlier
18845s as well in terms of the the sort of crag
18848s output the damage output leading to
18849s kills from the philly fusion
18851s it took until the second to last fight
18854s there for them to even get their first
18856s kill on board and there was only a total
18859s of two final blows the entire way
18860s through unfortunate situation fixture
18862s there ends up but
18864s i think it booped in or was that a
18865s shield basher in either case just dice
18866s to mine so we have one final blow for
18868s mn3 one final blow for zest and that's
18870s it no further kills from philly fusion
18873s that entire round
18875s i don't need to step it up a bit more is
18876s now we're going to be having sparkle
18878s matching in the skies with the echo
18880s shifting away from the genji already
18882s good amount of damage coming out off the
18884s rip there mn3 falling low will be safe
18886s though is edison trying to slink around
18888s the back and get on top of these
18889s supports and so far he is being quite
18891s stealthy finally does go ahead and open
18893s up with a shotgun blast so now they know
18894s exactly where he's at he is looking for
18896s bella's ria to get him dangerously low
18898s health pack does get snatched up takes
18899s the wraith walk moves back over to the
18901s point dallas fuel looking for that
18902s initial lockdown once more
18905s nearly have it just have to try to clear
18906s them out aim god getting jumped on just
18908s off screen doesn't manage to stay alive
18910s for a little bit longer here and it's
18911s gonna be a trade-off fusion finally able
18913s to find some kills right off the rip
18915s they pick up two the points still not
18916s going to be locked down from either side
18919s confusion seems like they may be able to
18921s make this happen for themselves bell
18922s street will get out with his life so
18923s best friend so far has avoided death
18925s multiple times by the way the only
18926s member of fusion that actually hasn't
18928s died so far over the course of satire
18930s oasis first ultimates coming online now
18932s with m3 fighting this pulse bomb edison
18934s falling the fusion can they get further
18936s percentage of this cap
18938s massive pile driver to find the killer
18940s on edison knocking up multiple members
18942s on the side of the dallas fuel the
18943s cleanup comes through quickly thereafter
18944s with sparkle and fearless going down
18946s looks like the support duo do manage to
18949s make their escape fairly elusive when
18950s you have the lucio and the moira they
18952s stay alive dallas fuel gonna reset and
18954s look to retake this point of sparkle he
18957s shifts off he's going for the tracer
18958s and that's going to
18960s oh it's uh
18962s very hard to heal the aircar i think
18963s with the lucio moore composition sir
18965s sparkle being a little bit more
18966s self-sufficient on the tracer for the
18968s following flights will do them some good
18969s more ultimates coming online perfusion
18971s though this is where dallas feel a
18972s little bit further behind they want to
18973s go aggressive here but they need that
18974s coal essence it's just about up
18977s women three times 17 hp pops the recall
18979s stays alive fixer this time the shield
18981s bash it doesn't send him to his death
18982s instead he finds sparkle gets the
18984s elimination the pulse pop stick goes
18985s through edison gonna be taken down and
18986s this is a wash for the side of the
18987s dallas fuel fusion winning the fight
18989s quite handedly as the cleanup will be
18991s there felix just using the rest of the
18993s primal rage to make his exit and he's
18994s gonna be swapping over the ball as well
18995s so further adjustments being felt you
18998s know to be necessary for the side of the
18999s fuel because right now they're in danger
19001s of also getting 100 to zeroed it's a
19002s cheap fight it was a rally plus a pulse
19004s bomb sparkles killed immediately in the
19006s side of that fight dallas feel wanted to
19008s get aggressive with the coalescence but
19009s like i said the timing meant that they
19010s had to wait slightly longer to get it
19012s done a couple fresh scares like you said
19014s the fearless ball now coming on through
19015s low hp on ain't got but it'll just trans
19019s pops the trans big crasher they're from
19020s fearless
19022s there's the lucio duke got a kill with
19023s that two once i get that sound barrier
19025s yeah he does manages to take down shio
19028s gets in
19030s finishes with a melee hit and okay yeah
19031s yeah looking pretty good here as he
19033s charges forward so not gonna be finding
19035s a sound barrier but still fighting an
19036s immense amount of impact and they are
19038s fighting so far away from the point
19039s which is right now not being contested
19041s at all there you go the roll through
19043s does come in fearless able to force at
19045s the overtime but fusion have realizes
19047s they send multiple members over to deal
19049s with him and try to keep him zoned back
19050s crash back through sparkle goes in gets
19052s the touch the beat gets dropped from
19053s shield manages the shield up on the four
19055s people fields are going to be the only
19056s one without anderson immediately getting
19057s tagged down to half hp does manage to
19059s stay alive for a little bit longer it
19060s would seem
19062s as they need to win out this fight but
19063s edison eventually does get dropped now
19064s field are going to be taken out of the
19065s equation as well geo continuing to get
19068s tagged lower lower and the healing
19069s through put from the lucio is just
19070s nowhere near good enough to try to keep
19072s them alive in this fight fearless cannot
19074s make his way back in and there it is a
19076s hundred to zero in reply from the fusion
19079s taking us to a final round of oasis it's
19082s a big big response as well you know we
19084s talk about the fact that they nearly had
19086s no final blows first round a total of
19089s two right one between one for m and
19091s three one for zest so shared between
19092s those two players they go from two final
19094s blows to 17 so 15 found on that last
19097s round on gardens so a major improvement
19099s bella street is still deathless by the
19101s way so very hard to punish that ball and
19103s you kind of see that at the beginning of
19104s gardens with dallas fuel wanting to
19106s chase him down we're in edison's pov
19107s he's specifically trying to punish bella
19110s syria but he plays for the health packs
19112s he's sitting here from a distance by aim
19113s guard he's able to flip slide on through
19116s and uh no one able to really do too much
19118s about him dallas fuel now are not going
19119s to start on the fellas once again they
19121s believe the ball instead spark on
19123s towards the genji so i'm not going to be
19125s on that echo to start things out with
19129s right back into the skies zest not
19131s really getting too much with the initial
19133s sticky bomb volley
19134s continuing to poke and fraud is she out
19137s trying to keep bellows free at arm's
19138s length piledriver does come down it's
19140s good about damage come out of charge mn3
19142s manages to find sparkle
19145s the kill coming through is right now the
19146s attention of the supports on the side of
19147s the dallas fuel is being pulled every
19149s which way
19150s as the point now unlocks sparkle's still
19152s looking to rejoin so it seems like
19153s confusion just going to get this locked
19154s down initially relatively for free
19158s yeah they'll get the cap almost
19159s immediately here philadelphia fusion as
19160s well climbing an ultimate sparkle coming
19162s back on towards the tracer dallas field
19164s needs to be the initiators here and they
19165s finally get better down that's his first
19167s end
19168s up an initial pick looking good edison
19170s trying to go for the deep tp but
19171s immediately he's met with some damage
19172s and has to pull out of there
19174s keeps himself safe now just looking for
19176s a target but chio gets on top of him god
19178s finds that kills zest going down as well
19179s so dallas fuel looking for a very fast
19181s flip this time around you should just
19183s gonna be looking to delay as long as
19184s they possibly can but the flip will come
19186s through only 25 established right now
19188s for philly and i think this is the
19189s desired team composition for all
19190s fearless and sparkles as well as far as
19192s the dallas feels overall lucia morocco
19194s is concerned oh the first blood for
19196s sparkle though that's really unfortunate
19197s it's gonna be another five before coming
19199s on in and ultimate still roughly fairing
19201s the fusion except for that coalescence
19202s that might have to be popped now
19205s does get popped
19207s i'm in three sitting at the pulse bomb
19208s knocking shut
19212s fielder finds that kill but it's gonna
19213s be traded out the same god falls as well
19215s so fixing out gonna be the lone source
19217s of healing for his squad sound barrier
19219s dropped by chio they want to be able to
19221s maintain control of this point and with
19222s the kill on a pixel that means that
19223s there is no support to the fight here
19225s for the side of the fusion until aim god
19226s can try to rejoin and even then you just
19228s have that single target healing from the
19229s orbs of harmony that being said fusion
19231s still managed to come up with multiple
19233s kills they look for feelers to the beam
19235s at the very last edge of it he's got
19237s just enough pixels there on that range
19239s to be able to take him down gets the
19241s elimination the flip is there fuel at 47
19243s percent of fusion back in control
19245s fantastic endurance by the philadelphia
19246s fusion they lost both supports like you
19248s said they were waiting for aim got to
19249s return zest plays for the duplicate
19251s actually gets pretty reasonable value he
19253s just prolongs his life comes out of
19254s duplicate form gets a double kill so
19256s pretty damn good stuff there for the
19258s fusion and now they get to win that one
19259s just off the back of one ultimate
19261s catching up to the 47 percent that
19262s dallas fuel have
19264s waiting for dallas field to engage again
19265s off the back of their three else but
19267s with edison having to shift out
19268s something good
19270s it's gonna be the minefield to start
19271s from fearless bellatria now gonna be
19273s using his as well looking to cut off
19274s their access into the point itself
19277s sparkle still hovering down low on
19280s awesome as well gonna be looking for a
19281s target green hp out of the members of
19283s the fusion
19284s rally now expiring they still hold on to
19286s the transcendence fuel they would love
19288s to have some support ultimates right now
19289s but they're still so very far away
19293s nice on edison super important that he
19294s gets us off this might be the
19295s opportunity sees a couple of supports
19298s tries to bait out the transcendental
19299s main card but end goal is not going to
19300s pop it
19302s he does not
19305s holds on to it zest overstepping just oh
19307s hey just going in track him down gets an
19309s elimination but look at the fight coming
19310s through they just rush him down pixie
19312s gets right on top of edison make sure
19313s that he cannot use that death blossom
19315s whatsoever trance now on the back end to
19317s escort everybody else forward so you
19319s shouldn't want to finish this right here
19320s right now they don't want the dallas
19321s fuel to try to get another opportunity
19322s to flip this back into the favor fix it
19324s however going to get dropped the
19325s coalescence built up fielder trying to
19327s stay alive trying to keep his teammates
19328s topped up and so far it's looking rather
19329s good for them god is gonna be taken out
19331s of the equation as well no supports now
19333s for the side of the philly fusion the
19334s sound barrier on the way as well for
19336s chiop and win this fight and have that
19338s in their back pocket it's gonna be
19339s looking rather good for them and there's
19340s the flip
19342s and dennison doesn't have to use the
19343s death blossom there either some pretty
19344s good pickups on aim god and fix the
19346s fusion trying to get aggressive there
19347s they will buy themselves a couple of
19349s frags some space to work through they
19350s definitely get that 99 percent which is
19352s all important but that's not going to
19354s have any heroics this time with a very
19355s late dupe we have another situation
19357s where they don't have supports zest goes
19358s for the duplicate finds a moira but
19360s can't get too much done on that morage
19362s who barely has a second of coal lessons
19363s so opportunity now for dallas field to
19365s take this one to 99 they have a lot of
19367s ultimates and they're going to use one
19368s now
19369s he's going for the dp tp he's got the
19371s death blossom and he lets it loose
19372s managing to find one the pile driver
19374s comes in for bells riyad does manage to
19375s shut it down making sure that they don't
19377s bleed out anymore
19380s we're going into last fight territory
19381s here as chess gets eliminated on the
19382s back end of the fight so two quick kills
19384s now at 85 percent dallas fuel looking to
19386s finish this out and sparkle can finish
19388s that as well because if he picks up
19389s another support kill or anything here
19391s could be lights out for the fusions
19392s that's moving towards the reaper as well
19394s look with all that stability kind of
19396s losing a bit of faith on that echo not
19397s sure if that's going to be the right
19398s call but for fusion it's the call that
19400s they're going to make here come sparkle
19401s now
19403s very last second pulse bomb not going to
19404s connect and zac set there he gets the
19406s head shot sparkle goes down and the
19407s pulse pump found absolutely no value
19409s minefield now dropped here looking to
19412s escort the rest of the members of fusion
19413s forward onto the point the rally gonna
19414s be rolling from fix a fielder nearly
19416s there to have another coalescence but he
19418s needs it stat we'll see if he can get
19420s his sparkle's gonna be swapping over oh
19421s it's gone to be there he can take it
19423s down it's interrupted the weapon picks
19425s is absolutely massive and now fellas
19426s will fall that looks like the rug has
19428s been pulled out from beneath the dallas
19430s fuel the ot bleeds away no one else can
19432s touch and the fusion after starting off
19434s this map that first round of city center
19437s going zero to a hundred they turn it
19439s around they get the win oasis is theirs
19442s and very closely for university towards
19444s the end there as well fix it with the
19446s shutdown
19447s feel this coalescence but really for me
19449s said it starts from the fact that
19451s sparkle going for the pulse bomb as he
19453s should barely misses
19455s picks up dashes away use that shield
19457s bash but the fact that sparkle ends up
19458s dying he was even very surprised by they
19460s could see his cam i mean wasn't expected
19463s to die there ends up being another 4v5
19465s situation a lot of first deaths in
19468s multiple fights for sparkle costing
19470s dallasfield a number of opportunities
19472s there but uh dallasville really did push
19474s philadelphia fusion towards the end
19475s there they were behind fusion had the 99
19478s first dallas fuel still got there but it
19480s slips through their fingers
19481s unfortunately
19483s it also just felt like a lot of
19484s indecision constantly having to swap up
19486s when things didn't really go well you
19488s know you get that that first death going
19490s through immediately swap off the energy
19491s over to something like the tracer and
19492s whatnot uh so we're seeing these
19494s adjustments from the side of the fuel
19495s but it seems like once they have to make
19497s those they're not able to really find
19498s their footing and you know carry that
19500s comp forward for a win fusion kick
19502s things off 1-0 we'll see if the dallas
19504s fuel can answer back because once more
19506s they will have a map pick as we get
19507s ready to go into hybrid we'll see where
19508s they take us when we return from the
19509s break
19525s so
19531s [Music]
19569s [Music]
19584s [Music]
19597s so
19620s [Music]
19646s [Music]
19670s [Music]
19680s [Music]
19693s [Music]
19699s [Music]
19707s [Applause]
19724s [Music]
19736s [Music]
19748s [Music]
19755s and welcome back guys do you like fan
19757s art i sure as hell do make sure you guys
19760s go ahead and submit your fan art
19762s celebrating the team or region whatever
19764s it may be uh that you want to see win
19767s the entirety of the mid-season madness
19769s tournament the overwatch league fan art
19770s gallery get that stuff through because
19772s we need some better art we can't rely on
19774s on mr x to continue to push carl or
19776s whatever he's called we need some actual
19778s artists to show us some good stuff you
19780s know
19784s maybe that's just me
19786s but that's what i want to see i don't
19787s know either way
19789s try to try to carry on with this series
19792s see what happens as the fusion have
19794s already kicked things off 1-0
19796s see some pretty good out recently as
19798s well you know there was that play of the
19799s game that merritt had the 3k uh
19801s immortalized in a comic style um from i
19804s believe the artist's name is milkfish
19805s brilliant stuff uh
19807s paragraphs as well we actually requested
19810s a fat out of us as a duo that actually
19812s did come and we're going to go with the
19813s fair credit we actually did that was
19815s pretty fun so let's talk about the next
19817s map coming up though kings are being
19818s picked by the dallas fuel here and
19821s substitutions being fury coming in for
19822s ballisteria we are coming in for edison
19825s so the read here for both the teams is
19827s that feel are going to be moving away
19829s from the lucio moyer plus reaper
19831s combination they're going to be moving
19832s towards more of a i think the double
19835s flex sport here the the anna zen with
19837s fielder anna plus cheers in uh sparkle
19839s genji fearless winston mcgurry most
19841s likely on the
19843s sergeant as well whereas uh the fusion
19846s are probably gonna be playing more that
19847s sigma style maybe bittersari in there as
19849s well but usually when you bring fury in
19850s he is there to play the sigma
19853s i'll have to just wait and see what they
19855s decide to piece together if they want to
19856s change it up and subvert our
19858s expectations or if it's just going to be
19860s you know straight shooting from both
19862s squats we'll find out as we do get ready
19864s to go into king's row and also see if
19866s the fusion can
19867s take this to a 2-0 lead bring it to
19869s match point dallas fuel obviously this
19872s is their map pick they are banking on
19873s this yeah you know to get them
19875s themselves on the board tie it up one to
19877s one and then try to retake the series
19878s from there
19879s contextually as well the the last match
19882s that fuel played which is versus the
19883s dragons when it was there turn a map
19885s pick for the hybrid they actually took
19886s us to midtown we've joked plenty of
19888s times about the midtown incident for the
19889s philadelphia fusion but they've actually
19891s been a lot better at midtown now so it
19892s does feel for whatever reason they've
19894s opted to shy away from that particular
19896s map
19897s and now over to king's row and set we
19898s actually haven't really seen much of
19900s king's row if even at all i think so far
19902s the tournament uh one thing i do want to
19904s comment on is this is where i would like
19906s to see the gurio substitution really pay
19909s off because
19910s unfortunately versus the shanghai
19912s dragons
19913s may be no real fault to guryo because a
19916s lip is just a monster let's be straight
19917s lip mvp runner from last year in my mind
19920s the number one hit scan player last year
19921s as well rookie's a new
19923s rookie coming on m
19925s it's a pretty hard matchup this time
19927s however he's up against rookies on the
19928s other side m3 has been dominant on the
19930s hitscan so far in the regular season so
19933s more work cut out but guerrilla needs to
19935s step up from yesterday for sure still
19938s i like even just the little micro
19940s adjustments he knows that people are
19942s going to be anticipating that initial
19943s widow shot to come through so actually
19944s the waits a little bit longer before he
19946s peeks the corner still doesn't find
19947s anybody and we'll just be picking up the
19949s soldier
19951s here we go starting to poke out through
19953s hotel
19955s rail across but obviously not going to
19956s be finding any kills no head shot there
19960s now you just straight forward on the
19961s point starting to tick up probably just
19963s working that way forward slowly just
19965s fury you know move that shield up trying
19967s to get some feet on towards the point
19968s itself
19969s possess as well huge i mean really good
19972s high ground down there just to put
19973s dallas field
19974s keep them honest
19976s yep fury's gonna find fearless fielder
19978s and shio had both been taken down so
19980s very low i think they had to break line
19981s of sight which meant that they could not
19982s try to bail out their main tank here
19985s he does go down he's going to try to
19986s swap over onto the wrecking ball to
19988s rejoin the fight maybe they do want to
19989s fight this one out he's nearly back but
19991s someone's gonna have to touch here
19992s pretty damn soon and uh they're not
19994s gonna do it the call comparison it's
19996s gonna be five and a half minutes in the
19997s time bank he can't make it in time and
19999s this is just what we're seeing as well
20000s and changes similar to all aces but at
20002s least on our waist i think ball has a
20003s bit more value typically speaking on a
20005s map like king's row
20007s especially after a the the it just gets
20010s more difficult to play the ball you know
20011s as you're going to be as you're going to
20012s see
20013s bulb has less and less value in my mind
20015s uh which would probably be most ideal
20017s here the other reason is you want to
20018s have a good target feel the two you have
20020s the nano losing jio here is
20022s exceptionally unfortunate so dallas
20024s still they have to give up space
20026s yep not having that zenyatta not being
20028s able to break down the front lines
20030s having the discord orbs and whatnot
20031s means that they have to concede a hell
20032s of a lot of space so no initial choke
20034s hold coming through from the side of the
20036s dallas fuel mm3 will take down but
20038s quickly traded so yeah another sojourn
20040s going to be falling on the opposite side
20042s trying to cut across from the flank
20044s angle but now he is rotating over
20045s towards the fusion spawn he's out in no
20047s man's land he's falling lower and lower
20048s the sticky bombs will basically finish
20050s them off they're just self-centering
20052s there's no reason for fearless and
20053s fielder to try and make that play
20054s they're already down multiple members
20056s they're more players trying to come on
20057s through i could understand if fearless
20058s wants to try and get a little bit tricky
20060s there's no anna on the other side he
20061s might eat a rock but fearless should be
20063s otherwise fine why is fielder there
20065s though fearless makes sense feel this
20066s should not be there at all
20069s yeah
20071s bit of a head scratcher for sure all i
20073s know is that the fusion are making
20075s impeccable time right now on this push
20077s the window is out as well before they
20078s send them back sparkle going to be
20079s diving in assisted by the nano
20082s just a couple percent shy fearless
20084s however still gonna be taken down mn3
20086s even without the overclock just manages
20088s to chunk them out with the help that is
20089s cord orbs they get that elimination what
20091s goes through the blade now at the ready
20092s does he decide to pull it we'll have to
20094s just wait and see aim got however now
20095s gonna be taken out mr chancellor said
20097s it's gonna be used by geo but
20100s kills still continue to be found here
20101s for the side of the fusion one for two
20103s now falling fielder out of the fight in
20105s the transcendence it doesn't buy them
20106s any space it takes a couple seconds off
20108s the time bank but they still will manage
20110s to break through it's five minutes for
20112s the final stretch with four alts in
20114s their pocket and that's the thing right
20116s because you could see the the pressure
20117s on the chio do you burn the
20119s transcendence now do you say that he
20120s would love to save the transcendence to
20122s counter the flux from fury but they're
20124s down members their sparkle waiting for
20125s an opportunity to blade and god actually
20127s gets slept that would have been the
20128s perfect time to play because you could
20130s kill aim god there you could prevent the
20131s trance he dies anyway but sparkle dies
20133s almost immediately after so dallas fuel
20135s just couldn't find the opening to
20136s actually get that contest surely
20138s underway i mean they touched shaw but
20140s how do you actually win that until you
20141s can get the blade out
20144s a lot of damage there's fuel there
20145s almost gets taken down curry up his
20147s dying breath with one final overclock
20149s shot will find aim got in the head
20150s before says finds the elimination the
20152s duke possess pulls the plane does get
20154s broken out and taken down they finally
20157s will find their footing and stop this
20158s cart from pushing forward fearless
20160s cleaning up three in the back end of the
20161s fight the dallas fuel at long last in
20164s control so three foot two ultimate train
20166s there dallas bend three fusion burnt two
20168s and zest as well nearly got that blade
20170s up he actually duplicated sparkles genji
20172s and we know how damn good zest can be on
20174s that genji he's like you know what got a
20175s taste for that genji let me lock it in
20177s for real now as we move into see smart
20179s choice would actually prefer that to the
20181s echo had he gotten that genji blade up
20183s that could have been a very hot contest
20184s for the philadelphia fusion losing end
20186s god though to me was a big turning point
20188s they couldn't block out sparkle sparkles
20189s genji blade so no trance there
20191s unfortunately fusion still opportunity
20194s though mn3 ain't got having those
20196s ultimates up especially looking at mn3
20197s here to make some moves
20201s slow and steady now fusion just poking
20203s and prodding and after the swaps have
20205s come through
20207s you know thinking about swinging around
20208s the corner looking for a head to click
20210s on
20211s by that barrier the dynamite
20214s not going off i don't believe
20216s mn3 falling lower actually slides out of
20218s the immortality deal which doesn't get
20219s cleaned up but maybe you send some heals
20221s over his way
20224s back to the window yeah allowing them to
20225s start rounding the final corner fearless
20227s looking for the crash here
20230s at the floor mm3 taken down sparkle
20233s finds two gets fixed against him and
20234s three gets him god and sparkle cleans up
20238s four kills in the fight now just 27 off
20241s his next blade
20242s yeah
20243s that's the sparkle we know and love
20244s that's the role star we're talking about
20246s here letting mad valley on that genji
20248s with the big flank using fearless as
20249s bait there to slam on in everyone's
20251s focus on the ball sparkle comes in
20253s unbeknownst to the philadelphia fusion
20255s airmen three will now go over to the
20257s tried and true his signature wouldn't
20259s make it you can't get anything done here
20262s sight lines are limited until fusion can
20264s make space for him so
20266s for now fuel coming up to closer
20269s ultimates have a lot to play through
20270s fellas can also make him into his life
20272s really difficult as well
20274s oh they get to sleep across looking for
20276s the head shot
20277s to take him low enough to be able to get
20278s the elimination this however did fall
20280s chill with a shield patch takes down the
20282s enemy genji now gets fixed with a whip
20283s shot and it's gonna be a bloody brawl
20286s back and forth but the dallas fuel
20287s priority
20290s still rolling back and fusion now
20291s dipping below two minutes and they won
20293s that without ultimates as well so you
20294s know just off the back of neutral frags
20296s they get to hold on to four
20298s it's a decent pickups by chiro towards
20299s the end there as well and like you
20300s mentioned time being a bit of a factor
20302s fusion have majorly slowed down
20305s at risk of maybe not finishing the map a
20307s very big fight about to come on up with
20309s flux and maybe even the blade coming
20310s online but with dallas having so many
20312s defensive ultimates plus respawn
20313s advantage i mean they're in a good
20314s position to hold
20318s certainly
20319s bob i'm gonna be sent down first the
20321s flux coming through picking up a couple
20322s members on the side of the dallas fuel
20323s but fielder still holds on to the
20324s transcendence knows that they are not
20326s under any severe threat straight to the
20328s ball i'm cleaned up for now fusion still
20331s trying to poke and throw their way back
20333s over towards the card fearless gonna be
20334s slept as he goes into the minefield
20335s still zones them back away from the car
20338s though
20339s good placement of these mines finds more
20341s space for the side of the fuel
20342s and just kind of waiting out certain
20344s ultimates here fusion don't want to pull
20346s the trigger until they can get rid of
20347s the mines still waiting for m3 to maybe
20349s get a pick there as well got a couple of
20350s close shots saw the sparkle that he got
20352s hit here now
20354s that's deflection use first dashes in
20356s the back transcendence comes in from aim
20358s god sparkle was hitting around the back
20360s and okay he dies he doesn't have his
20362s jump to try to make it back off the
20363s opposite side of the platform and now
20364s field is going to be taken out as well
20366s as gurio
20367s three kills but sparkle sacrificing
20370s himself
20371s looks like finally the fusion will be
20372s able to get things going but it's just
20373s thirty-five
20374s the dallas fuel should be able to
20375s recontest they're gonna try to get this
20377s strategy actually sparkle he dashes in
20380s the transcendence is there 1.46 meters
20383s left to go as this is going to be
20384s expiring rather soon he pulls back away
20387s touch comes through kurio playing
20388s forward but slicing and dicing is zesty
20390s he's looking for another target he's
20391s going to be able to get the reaper
20392s fearless has come back through but it
20394s would take an absolute miracle one of
20395s which that is not going to arrive for
20397s them and finally we'll be able to clear
20399s it up and crucially fusion do finish
20400s this map with time in the bank but it
20402s was a great hold from the side of the
20404s dallas fuel i mean reminder five minutes
20406s at the start of this final stretch
20408s to try to finish king's row they take it
20410s all the way down to 13 seconds
20412s a really strange situation coming
20413s through from sparkle there as well you
20415s know it doesn't really make too much
20416s sense for me for having to haven't reset
20419s that i really did think that he had the
20420s dash i didn't actually check the the hud
20422s to see if he had or not i just assumed
20423s that he did you know jumped down there
20424s we've seen that play from echoes and you
20426s know perhaps games you can do it too
20428s dash on up the other side wall climb
20429s you're okay
20430s but uh yeah it seems pretty
20432s anti-climactic pulls the blade can't get
20434s too much done to be fair the
20436s transcendence was there and the fusion
20437s ride the wave of
20439s snowballing those frags they didn't
20441s really lose anybody they had plenty
20442s members up nanoblade coming online for
20444s the final fight with the final contest i
20446s should say from the dallas field where
20448s phil the has to burn a transcendence
20450s just to touch sparkle on a tracer just
20452s to get that initial touch there as well
20454s and uh well philly like you said
20456s cleaning up with just 13 seconds
20458s remaining in a situation where it was
20460s looking dire their ability to cap and
20462s that's considering like you also
20463s mentioned the amount of time they walk
20465s through on to sea with you have to give
20466s credit to the dallas field to be able to
20467s hold that long
20469s uh just unfortunate didn't end up being
20471s the completed hold on c because it was
20473s so so close but for fusion probably you
20476s know you'd have to imagine after capping
20478s b they should be able to finish the map
20480s and uh well they do but the time is very
20483s low four
20485s three oh here we go now fuel on the
20487s attack
20488s see how this looks for them
20490s zest
20491s playing on the hanzo sent out the recon
20493s arrow just look at the scout and see
20494s what they're gonna be
20495s prepping in the spawn room
20498s slide up oh really aggressive high
20500s ground contestant three out dodge is out
20502s of the accretion though and sparkle he's
20504s getting in deep finds him in three finds
20506s zest the dps are gone fixes out of the
20508s fight as well and aim god is the last
20509s one standing
20511s just trying to stay safe up there in the
20513s high ground but that is such a quick gap
20514s the first volley takes it dallas fuel
20517s have a massive time being to work with
20518s yeah blinker you'll miss a ray sparkle
20520s coming through with some more heroics on
20521s the genji
20522s look he might have just kind of fallen
20524s off the map on that c defense but
20525s straight away on a he just gets the job
20527s done zest now moving over towards
20529s that's uh
20530s echo and for mn3 is all on to the
20533s sojourn so a little bit more
20535s survivability maybe against that genji
20537s but didn't get a lot done on the ash
20540s straight off the rip when sparkles in
20541s your face that was fuel now oh my
20543s goodness ain't god has been pretty good
20544s with these so far
20547s not a good pick from him
20550s out of the fight early
20552s and because it was such a clean fight i
20553s mean she oh you know he doesn't really
20554s have to do too much healing so he
20555s doesn't build up towards that sound very
20557s very quickly now getting picked he's
20558s gonna be further delaying it so i'm
20560s sitting at 35
20562s as the goes out sparkle just trying
20563s to stay safe rotates back around doesn't
20565s want to take the fight against this but
20566s gurio does gets the rail and that's
20568s gonna be the echo out of the sky well
20569s that's what you want to see out of korea
20571s right now he's pulling some real weight
20572s to be able to get those how many first
20574s bloods that means they won't have to use
20576s that window just here it's going to
20577s mention that field is quite close to
20578s that matrix that would have been their
20580s entry point to get a fight underway but
20583s with the opening frag just one kill
20584s makes a huge difference they'll push
20586s through a couple of different corners
20587s now
20588s and this is where fielder can set up for
20589s his actual window and they might be at
20591s the window just for the final cap as
20592s well which is really strong
20597s being held on the corner of the dive
20599s comes through from fearless primal
20601s nearly up
20602s back down guerrilla once more with the
20603s rail does take him out of the skies
20606s not finding much value right here on
20607s this defense fury contained into the
20609s corner falling lower and lower fielder
20611s will eventually be able to take him down
20612s and it looks like the dallas fuel will
20614s not be the nine will not be slowed up
20616s very much here on this attack here just
20618s diving in on top of bixa finds that
20620s final blow check the time about to be
20622s you know five and a half minutes of the
20624s time bank for the fuel 542 for the final
20627s stretch and this is going to be an
20629s incredible defense for the fusion if you
20631s can turn this down but it doesn't seem
20632s likely well fusion have the ultimate so
20634s we are expecting a reset come on through
20635s pretty quickly here let's already burn
20637s the primal this is going to need to be
20638s the beat coming through from chio if
20639s sparkling get this blade up as well but
20641s most of these ultimates can be counted
20643s the fact that there is going to be
20644s rainbow transcendence we're expecting
20646s the fury flux to come on in first it's
20648s going to be the window cheer doesn't
20650s have the beaches he can't counter this
20652s you know he does not have it fearless
20654s gets dropped now just gonna be taken
20656s down with the fuel more than happened
20657s just go ahead and concede the rest of
20658s this fight just let me try and deny as
20660s much altered as they possibly can and
20662s back away if possible
20664s seems like the two dps will manage to
20665s make their way out of there is fearless
20666s is now gonna be swapping back over onto
20668s the wrecking ball once more he's
20669s actually in a position to go ryan if he
20671s wants to because they're already playing
20672s lucio back right and i actually think uh
20674s you know the right is a reasonable
20675s option on c but he'll move over towards
20677s the ball seems like they really just
20678s want to be playing towards more of a
20680s dive style that really does kind of help
20681s sparkle a bit more so i can see that
20683s being a capability and possibly for the
20685s dallas field
20687s snipe on the field though there'll be a
20688s reset
20691s quick pick
20693s m3 kicking things off and i mean this is
20695s exactly what you need if you're gonna
20696s try to you know drain this time bank
20698s down it's already gonna be just over a
20700s minute gone every single pick that
20702s you're going to be able to find is
20703s effectively going to be you know 15
20704s seconds 20 seconds bought depending on
20706s who it is and how long it takes them to
20708s rotate back so something so
20710s can really set the whittle away at it
20712s here we go
20713s oh
20713s there's the blade but there's the flux
20715s out on the two beat comes through from
20717s chio helps keep them alive sparkle gets
20718s on top of fix it finds the first
20720s elimination of the fight the cart once
20721s more gonna be advancing forward for the
20722s side of the fuel now the overclock gonna
20723s be popped by gurio falls down to about
20725s half hp and zest goes for the duke has
20727s to slide away continues get taken in
20729s lower and lower the pile drive will go
20730s ahead and knock him out of the duplicate
20732s and the overclock will finish him off
20735s massive space
20736s broken open here for the side of the
20738s dallas fuel once more advancing forward
20740s as fielder gonna be respawning now
20741s looking to rejoin quickly as quickly as
20743s he possibly can
20745s three minutes 42 seconds remaining to
20746s get within four meters now the overclock
20748s there m3 absolutely flattened felix gets
20751s on top of him knocks him out of the park
20753s will get taken down just get traded with
20755s the help of this quarterback for maim
20756s god though that's the main tank
20759s that does slow them up and deny their
20762s rather reduce their ability to play for
20763s all of the cards the dallas fuel might
20765s have to go for a little micro reset here
20766s yeah they just don't have the five power
20768s anymore guru goes down to aim god as
20769s well
20770s and again credit to guerrilla to kind of
20772s give dallas feel brilliant chance that
20773s he landed the initial rail under airmen
20776s three as it comes out of spawn that then
20778s enables fearless to get the slam down so
20780s they can get the kill on him and deny
20781s the overclock but when we pull back even
20783s further let's rewind slightly more
20785s fusion
20786s in the previous fight ingot didn't pop
20788s the transfer sparkle pop the place then
20790s lose fixed immediately and put
20791s themselves at a disadvantage i don't
20792s know how mn3 dies as well seems like
20794s he's suicidal definitely fell off the
20796s map
20797s but uh unfortunate scenes for the philly
20799s fusion it comes down to the fact that
20801s they had to pull the whole squad
20803s together use that respawn advantage fuel
20804s slowed down the frags the infusion
20806s started to stabilize still two minutes
20808s 40 remaining here dallas still waiting
20809s for mines
20812s just a couple percent more to go
20814s fearless gonna have that i mean even if
20815s he goes in with a pile driver that'll be
20816s enough to get the alt ready now has it
20819s starts moving forward the minefield's
20821s gonna be dropped in pops that the depth
20823s of shield as well trying to keep himself
20825s protected fury this is getting
20826s absolutely swarmed right now that is
20827s cooled orb is out onto him and he needs
20828s to try to stay alive he's got the flux
20830s online two kills come out it weighs
20832s as he gets sparkle and shio is gone
20835s looks dropping him down they find
20836s fielder zest is there for the alley-oop
20838s catches him as he hits the floor
20840s two quick kills and now just two minutes
20842s remaining as the card is going to start
20843s rolling back my god thin margins here
20846s for fury's life there fixer holds on to
20847s the nano booster thinking is fury gonna
20850s die here if yuri dies the nano isn't
20852s used that's gonna come down to fix
20853s that's fusion potentially losing that
20855s gap as well so
20856s big props to i guess you know the
20858s confidence to say all right well maybe
20860s we don't need the nano here just pop the
20861s healing in fury ends up living off the
20863s back of a flux as well though with the
20864s defense
20866s oh
20867s and they rolled the dice and it came up
20869s great for him geo again picked off sigma
20872s by the way as i said these initial
20873s pickups every single kill that they find
20875s is so much time taken out of the time
20877s bank dallas fuel down below a minute and
20879s a half they have so many holes to work
20881s with though and so to the fusion nearly
20883s about to have four online zest finally
20885s gonna be eliminated but not before he
20886s does get sparkle fielder anted out a
20888s sliver of hp remaining on that zenyatta
20892s early nano i don't know about this all
20893s the person over here for a little bit
20894s longer this is very aggressive from
20896s fusion they don't need to do this right
20897s now they need a way for field to come
20898s into them play the nano defensively oh
20901s although i guess m3 can just keep doing
20902s that so every single time the dallas
20904s field want to start pushing on end like
20905s you sort of mentioned previously
20907s somebody namely mn3 most of the times is
20909s going to get that first one and now
20911s we're under one minute we started with
20912s 540 and it happens again him in three
20916s yeah fearless and sparkle taken down
20917s fielder's been walking a tightrope with
20919s his hp bar the last three minutes
20921s somehow has not died finally will fall
20923s and zest moves forward there's the pulse
20925s bomb won't get the kill but it doesn't
20926s matter they still find the supports they
20928s continue to bleed them dry 37 seconds
20930s remaining as three's on an off angle
20932s holding on to this overclock
20934s and if this is a cap that's gonna be an
20935s ot cap as well dallas will have a
20936s plentiful bank of ultimates to play
20939s through
20940s fearless is you know played enough on
20941s towards the segment now that he actually
20942s has 68 percent coming online gary will
20945s finally find him in three this is the
20946s five before dallas phil have been
20948s waiting for
20949s okay the pre-rally coming through geo
20952s gonna get that green hp out onto as many
20954s people as he possibly can
20956s the fielder not really receiving any of
20957s it flux comes in from fury drops into
20959s the floor they don't get the
20960s transcendence out they just take
20961s fearless down to about half pig
20964s overclock expiring nade going through he
20967s catches him and three on the flank the
20968s answering need comes through griot's got
20970s to reposition sparkle however in the
20971s blade goes over towards the spawn finds
20973s pixar zest gets dropped princess rolling
20976s from both of the zenyattas duking it out
20977s there on the cart his fury will be taken
20980s out
20981s gets one headshot of the gurio but
20983s sparkle is cleaning them up
20985s gets him in three get same gun they will
20987s get the finish and it's going to be a 13
20989s second difference as we go into extra
20991s innings yeah i mean five minutes ago it
20993s seemed like what we had was
20996s a dallas fuel time bank in the making
20998s that was just going to flatten the
20999s philadelphia fusion but both teams stall
21002s our defenses on sea point i mean just
21004s aren't letting anything go it only slips
21006s through in the final moments there and
21007s like i sort of mentioned if it's going
21008s to be a camp ends up being an ot cap
21010s there a shutdown on mn3 question marks
21013s towards aim god there with the late
21014s transcendence twice in a row he doesn't
21016s say fixer second time that's actually
21017s happened there when sparkle blades first
21019s target ends up being fixer trance comes
21021s in after fixer dies
21024s and then uh well fusion whacking one
21026s healer sparkle still on killing spree
21028s coming up with some major frag swords in
21030s there including a shot down into airmen
21031s three but for me it does start with
21033s gurio turning the tide around with the
21036s initial pick off onto mn3 we had about
21038s what four or five first pledge from
21041s either m3 or zest or maybe even aim
21043s guard from philadelphia c defense fusion
21046s couldn't push on sorry fuel couldn't
21047s push on through consistently down 4v5
21050s right but the one time career gets him
21051s and three down that's the go time for
21053s dallas fuel
21055s i mean just great not quite spy checking
21058s obviously not december but pretty damn
21059s close catching them on that flank
21062s opening things up for them to finally
21064s you know
21065s breathe a little more easily as they
21067s went back in for that push but now we're
21069s going into the extra innings a minute on
21071s the clock for the dallas fuel
21073s see how they fare it was a very fast
21075s attack on point a last time around can
21077s they make it happen again they
21078s absolutely need to what's off the back
21080s of sparkle right so it comes down to
21082s can't fix it and god stay alive this
21084s time we are going to have the back of
21085s the defense also oh it's just kind of
21087s not going to happen
21090s the mortality killed is there but fix it
21092s fury managing to find two eliminations
21094s it's going to even the playing field a
21095s little bit but feel obviously going to
21097s have those faster run backs fearless as
21099s well picking down fix it on the back end
21101s all right the fuel are posturing forward
21103s on the point zest desperate need of some
21105s tlc receives that orb of harmony from
21107s aim god should be a contest gonna have
21108s to try to fight for this one but here
21109s he's still so low they need to get some
21111s healing on him right now
21114s is this in a 1v1 as he needs to be
21115s able to touch somebody's got to make
21116s this happen and he confusion are right
21118s here no they're not going to go for it
21120s at the end of the day like all five
21121s members are not that far but they are
21123s considering a situation where okay
21125s they'll give that up but they'll just
21126s play the close defense with this fight
21128s they need to win desperately fusion need
21129s to win now
21133s sparkle once more trying to get into the
21134s back lines break things open first team
21136s as he has done time and time again so
21138s far on this map
21140s seems like right now they are none of
21141s the wisers to his position but here's
21143s the rotate around the side the deflect
21144s comes out and very quickly zest falls
21146s down about half hp the mortality field's
21148s going to be forced as well they clear it
21150s out
21151s no healing going his way he was locked
21153s into the alleyway ends up dying and
21155s sparkle gets on top of fury as well once
21157s more the deflect going through picks up
21159s nowhere to go sparkle cleans him up can
21161s he get an ace he's certainly looking for
21163s it but chio says no gets his hands dirty
21165s as well finds the kill on the aim god
21167s but the dallas fuel have broken open the
21168s second phase of king's row
21171s an immense amount of distance here on
21173s this push is incredible okay there
21175s should be one looking test because fury
21177s is going to come in with that flux but
21178s they're waiting for a couple more
21179s members because there are like staggers
21181s and it's in ot as well the respawn is
21183s going to take a very long time so dallas
21185s feel at minimum are going to get maximum
21187s distance on b but if they can't they
21189s probably win this map
21192s oh yeah i mean
21194s contests they're very far between where
21196s you see these kind of pushes coming
21197s through in overtime and curio gets right
21199s on top of fix at midair
21201s snipes him in the head the flux not
21203s gonna find a damn thing fury taken out
21205s there is the cap
21207s like you said that might just be it that
21208s might be dallas fuel effectively tying
21210s up this map we still have to see the
21212s fusion go on their own push but yeah
21214s it feels like it's already over well
21216s it's very difficult to reach this amount
21218s of distance in one minute one minute
21220s thirteen you know the extra 13 seconds
21222s basically it's just one reset it's one
21224s player dying or respawning here but
21225s dallas fuel they actually still have
21227s ultimates online so they can push
21228s further
21231s appearing at the half moves up to the
21232s high ground the contest coming through
21234s the blade gonna be pulled he's gonna be
21235s broken out of the back very quickly
21238s maybe david deal dealt with it as well
21240s here listen to the backgrounds with the
21241s primal rolling gets on the whole three
21243s there's the clear they're going to
21243s finish them out and this is just
21245s absolutely immaculate from the side of
21247s the dallas fuel they clean them up
21249s fixing desperation swapping over the
21250s lucio to try to go for the touch he will
21252s be able to dive in but he's just as
21253s quickly dealt with and there you go
21256s six point cap on king's row with a
21259s minute to begin with the dallas people
21260s have certainly set the stage
21263s for the fusion they say hey if you can
21265s match it
21266s best of luck
21267s yeah that is so very unlikely it's a
21270s perfect snowball it is a perfect
21272s snowball all the way from the first
21274s initial portion to a
21275s down right to the final uh push that we
21277s had on the end there as well in dallas
21279s field the fact that they didn't even
21280s really need ultimates to cap b it's just
21282s a snowball effect this is where we again
21284s rewind back to the moment after a was
21287s capped the decision was made from the
21288s fusion we are not going to contest this
21290s point fury was close but like you said
21292s was missing a bit of health zest was in
21294s position to maybe go for the touch but
21295s he was a 1v1 with sparkle as well
21297s probably would have ended up going down
21299s there had he gone in
21301s and the risk reward decision making for
21303s fusion is okay zest can go in but if he
21306s just dies and we're going 4v5 we're
21308s probably going to get wiped if that
21309s happens we're gonna get
21310s super snowballed so the decision is
21313s don't touch but we will fight for the
21314s archway if you fight for the archway
21316s that subsequent fight is a must win as i
21320s described fusion
21322s desperately needed to win that fight
21324s because that was the choice that they
21326s had made no touch means you win archway
21329s means that's a defendable point you
21331s failed that now you're being gigger
21333s snowballed and that's exactly what
21334s happened they were never in a position
21336s again to have greater old business than
21337s dallas fuel could barely even contest
21340s for b and then don't even talk about c i
21342s mean they just had nothing to work with
21344s we're in this together we don't talk
21346s about the sea incident
21349s moving forward m3 looking for the pop
21350s shop with a widowmaker as per usual
21352s doesn't spot anything
21354s recessed
21356s quite a bit of damage there on a
21357s fearless but it's not enough to get the
21358s elimination
21361s there's the rail out chest shot m3 down
21363s to a sliver of hp and sparkle manages
21365s the chase deep enough to get the kill in
21367s the end
21369s already
21370s only half the time bank gonna be taken
21372s away from them
21374s that's 13 seconds there that that's the
21376s only 13 seconds they have that was the
21378s only advantage they had coming in they
21379s cannot lose another fight now fusion if
21381s they have any shot of capping all three
21383s points which is exceptionally low by
21384s though it would take a miracle this has
21386s to be flawless now
21389s it absolutely does sparkle pulling back
21392s stay safe knows that how instrumental he
21394s has been on this map and what's the nano
21396s field to perform
21399s it's nearly there as you say 19 left to
21400s go sparkle stop up there for just a
21402s moment to get on top of fury though
21404s finding the tank i feel they're going to
21406s be traded out that is going to be
21407s taken out of the equation now sparkle's
21409s gone down as well geo slept just the
21411s opposite side
21412s of the statue and so far he has not been
21414s dealt with but they finally will spot
21416s him
21417s kicked into the wall and there you go
21418s the cap will be there for the son of the
21420s fusion so at least get an opportunity to
21422s make this depot push yeah insane damage
21425s apple from aim got there really pulled
21426s this weight and for the dallas fuel as
21428s well losing the key member that they
21430s needed the nano bridge that would have
21431s sealed the deal nano onto either sparkle
21433s or fearless and that that would have
21435s given them potential fight when chio
21437s being slipped as well right off the
21438s field that dies zero supports alive
21440s sparkles in deep he can't get healed at
21442s all in dallas field they know how
21443s important this is this fight now as
21445s fusion lost this fight and then end up
21446s losing all the rest of the caps dallas
21448s know they have to win this fight
21452s faults coming up for both sides the
21454s duplicate nearly there gorilla making
21455s his exit as the sticky bombs come flying
21457s through from zest
21459s so far starting to breach their way
21460s through the archway dive into the back
21462s from fearless that nando's gonna be used
21464s fearless empowering their tank mn3 the
21466s first one to be taken out of the
21468s equation here transcendence rolling for
21470s maine god trying to keep everybody else
21472s in this fight fielder will get traded
21474s out overclocked now gonna be bob from
21475s gurio as he looks for a target but fury
21477s ends as they book you on top of him the
21479s duke to keep himself alive he was down
21481s to a sliver of hp but he times it out
21482s perfectly the cleanup going to be there
21484s as chio does fall still holds on to the
21487s beat they still will have an opportunity
21488s to try to recontest this cart
21490s seth look at the economy though this is
21492s really unfortunate the fusion they
21493s wanted to hold on to ultimates yes they
21495s win the fight but it's a marathon race
21497s here you still have uh two to three more
21499s subsequent fights to go dallas feel held
21501s onto ultimates they were happen cop that
21503s loss as long as they made the fusion
21505s spin and the fusion had to empty their
21507s piggy bank just for that fight now the
21509s dallas will can come in with everything
21514s need to win out
21515s try to pour some errors on the side of
21517s the fuel
21519s see how their focus firing looks is
21520s they're gonna go aggressive the beat
21521s comes through m3 taking down the blade
21523s gets pulled in god eliminated both dps
21526s gonna be anti down to the side of the
21527s dallas fuel but they do not give a damn
21528s they are more than comfortable right now
21531s they have cleared out the fusion fury
21533s unable to get there but even if he could
21534s have kept it contested for a little bit
21536s longer he would have simply died dallas
21539s fuel on their map pick of kings row do
21541s get the win they tie it up one to one
21544s really clutch at the end that you have
21546s to give credit to dallas field that
21547s entire push through in the time bank is
21550s unbelievable just a single minute and
21553s they finish the whole damn map and then
21555s you look at the defense there as well
21556s okay they did lose eight they did lose a
21559s subsequent fight as well but the
21560s economical trade is the important thing
21563s to note here dallas feel forced every
21565s ultimate out of the fusion while keeping
21567s their own and that is what's going to
21569s give them the edge to come back and
21570s defend how had the dallas field lost the
21573s next subsequent fight with three extra
21574s ultimates then you would say the fusion
21576s have a very strong opportunity to cap
21577s there but as was mentioned if dallas
21580s fuel had even kept b that probably is
21582s the win condition seth and we didn't
21583s even need to go to c because fusion and
21585s their time back could not get to b
21589s well all tied up at one to one we have
21592s already had two map fives here today can
21596s it happen once more here in the third
21597s series of the evening i'm certainly
21599s hoping so because right now these teams
21601s are firing on all cylinders dallas fuel
21603s though getting that win fusion now gonna
21605s have their map pick as we get ready to
21606s move into escort we'll see what they
21607s decide to take us for that map when we
21609s return from the break so don't go
21610s anywhere guys there's still so much
21612s action to dive into
21620s [Laughter]
21637s [Music]
21651s [Music]
21660s [Music]
21686s [Music]
21691s [Music]
21699s [Music]
21715s [Music]
21746s [Music]
21780s [Music]
21793s [Music]
21839s [Music]
21846s [Music]
21851s [Music]
21860s [Music]
21864s is
21866s [Applause]
21867s [Music]
21876s and welcome back guys dallas fuel able
21878s to go ahead and tie things up at one to
21880s one with a map win on their pick of
21882s kings row and a hell of a lot of it had
21885s to do with this man right here on your
21886s screen sparkle looking rough on that
21888s first map of oasis but he clapped back
21891s in a big way
21893s disgusting stuff made 23 final blows uh
21896s he opened up a point twice in a row as
21898s well and just generally had fantastic
21902s genji you know plays outplays everything
21904s that you want out of sparkle like i said
21907s you know towards that uh c point defense
21908s as well this is the role star player
21911s that we need this is the role star
21912s player that dallas needs to be able to
21915s come in deaf guys like zest if possible
21917s you know we've got young blood on the
21918s philadelphia fusion we're really showing
21920s up on the genji but sparkle he is the og
21923s genji so
21924s that is going gonna give the dallas fuel
21926s a lot of momentum through for those that
21928s curious as well uh sparkle like we saw
21930s in the stack got their 23 final blows
21932s the next best on his team was fearless
21935s on 12 then gurio on 11 so he was
21937s significantly pulling weight on the
21939s dallas field talk a little bit seth
21941s about the next map coming on through as
21943s you all start to see the substitutions
21944s ballast bring it in hondan in as well
21948s you'll be surprised because you think
21950s it's going to be circuit royale but
21951s fusion have actually opted for route 66
21954s which to me
21956s feels like
21958s it should have been circuit royale given
21960s the fact that that has been the map that
21961s sure had popped off the most on with m3
21964s widowmaker you can still play the water
21965s making here but much better circuit
21966s royale and also given the fact that feel
21969s looked exceptionally weak to the dragons
21971s on circuit royale in their previous
21973s meeting so that to me would have been
21974s the perfect map to go to the fusion they
21976s have other ideas
21978s i mean even i think at that point dorado
21980s uh could have been a good selection to
21982s have as well because it also still does
21984s lend to that long range sniping play
21986s style that mn3 in particular has
21988s absolutely excelled in but it seems like
21990s they have something up their sleeve they
21992s have different thoughts so we'll see
21993s what they do have prepared for sunrise
21995s 66. obviously snipers can very much
21997s still come into play on this map but
21998s just not quite to that same degree as we
22000s have been seeing in the other two escort
22002s maps
22003s i could see a situation where you're
22004s like maybe let's not take us and take it
22007s to a very good winston map i think
22009s dorado is a good winston that gibraltar
22010s in particular is an excellent winston
22012s nap that's also good sniping mapping you
22013s want to give him in three of those
22014s opportunities
22016s uh
22016s circle royale again is the other way the
22018s other reasons ideal is okay you are
22020s going up against the hindman sigma but
22021s you have fury on the sigma whose is also
22023s a fantastic player on that role so i
22026s don't think they should be scared to
22027s face the hymen sigma at all jin's got
22029s something cooking up behind the scenes
22030s for sure in terms of why they would want
22032s to go to root instead of that map and
22035s you aren't personally i'm dying to see
22036s it because i need to be convinced i need
22038s to be convinced that this is the right
22039s choice for the philadelphia fusion
22043s well time will tell see what they do
22045s have pieced together
22048s which side with the swaps made will be
22050s able to find victory because winner of
22052s this one is going to be moving up to
22054s match point and they are then one map
22056s away from moving forward staying alive
22058s in this tournament and eliminating their
22061s opponents so everything to play for and
22063s with each map go into the deeper that
22065s the series goes the more pressure is
22067s going to be applied to these players one
22069s extra thing i'll add here in terms of
22070s match up differential is the fact that
22073s fuel because they're not running
22074s fearless they're not going to end up
22075s being able to play the ball here route
22077s 66 very appropriate on the both a
22079s offense and defense is gonna be that
22081s wrecking ball i'd say b is all pretty
22083s damn good for it see i think the sigma
22085s is going to come in a lot heavier for
22087s zarya i'm sorry sorry for hanbin and
22089s azaria as well like i was about to say
22091s uh is a pretty reasonable pick there so
22093s i think there are some key heroes that
22094s harmon can play across this map but
22097s fusion and and most of the other teams
22099s would rather play ball
22104s well just 15 seconds and then we'll get
22106s to
22107s seeing what these guys do have ready to
22108s go
22110s so we open up the gates
22112s but
22113s fusion
22116s rough position
22117s losing out on that last map i mean fuel
22119s making just such a miracle run to be
22120s able to push all the way to the end once
22122s more that king's row they need to make
22124s sure that they're keeping their mental
22125s clear staying focused on the game can be
22127s difficult when you do have these rookies
22129s playing in a you know high pressure
22131s situation made it to a grand final in
22133s their first ever tournament
22135s now they find themselves trying to stay
22137s alive fighting for their tournament
22139s lives in their first international event
22142s as you can see the police pause coming
22143s through from the players so we'll just
22145s get a another little moment to go ahead
22147s and chat about whatever the hell we want
22149s i mean let's just even kind of go over i
22152s will stick to the game for now until i
22154s get a little bit bored of it but dallas
22155s feel let's talk about their opening comp
22157s because they're on the defensive side
22158s and they're actually going to roll out
22159s with this uh guerrilla ash spark will
22161s trace the hamburg sigma field the zen
22163s chio break so it's going to be
22165s kind of like you do see this sort of
22168s composition on on the circuit uh you
22171s know
22172s london had been playing something
22173s similar to this as well where instead of
22175s the tracer you play the genji right and
22177s then that ash position could either be a
22179s widowmaker or a sojourn here it's going
22181s to end up being the ash and that's
22182s actually a very i think apac style of
22185s thing i wouldn't be surprised if men3
22186s also does play the ash but sergeant
22188s across all three points here is also
22190s pretty damn strong uh m three's ash
22192s though as we've seen in that victory
22194s versus soul that's something to behold
22196s so that's something that they really
22198s really need yes and if fusion can win
22200s this map or actually even a fuel in this
22203s map uh the next
22205s map type is going to be push fusion have
22207s the capability to go to new queen street
22209s we can maybe relive some of the moments
22210s of mm3 ash on new queen street versus
22212s salt dynasty if usually want to take us
22214s there so i think there is a fair chance
22216s that this can go to five given that new
22219s queen street is next and fusion are
22221s probably favored there have effusion
22223s when this one dallas takes us to maybe a
22225s colosseum instead
22226s maybe they win that one we go to a map
22228s five so i think the capability from map
22229s five is definitely on the cards now
22232s yeah it seems like it's just a a product
22235s of the day you know everybody going to
22236s the map fives we'll see if that can
22238s happen but thank you very much the
22239s mysterious masked admin who very quickly
22241s dealt with the issue so that we can jump
22243s right into the game so as you mentioned
22246s ash here for gurilla
22248s see how he fares going up against you
22250s know potentially mn3s
22254s probably going to never see we've never
22256s had a bastion in a pack have we no i
22258s don't and for good reason you know you
22259s you want to play some good heroes yeah
22261s so you know for the most part i say good
22263s heroes with the asterisks because
22264s sometimes you do see the sombra in apac
22266s but you know it is what it is so here we
22267s go tracks are going to come through
22268s resistance as well i think that's
22269s expected you want to have some dive
22271s capabilities with valasria m3 on the
22273s sojourn uh which i think is a great
22274s matchup into the sigma here charge up
22276s those rails off of hanbin shield and try
22278s and get some opening picks that way
22281s enemy
22284s spot on them
22285s as right now the fuel kind of scattering
22287s to the wind playing spread out
22290s bellstream looking for the catch of
22291s nigeria but it doesn't come far enough
22293s into the cave to actually get knocked
22294s back there so i'm not gonna be really
22296s displacing and harassing the ash too too
22298s much this time around though we'll go
22300s ahead and get a crash through i'll pack
22302s up from chio looking to go ahead and
22303s keep him alive and sparkle pops the
22305s recall has to exit back up on top of big
22307s girls trying to stay alive and it's
22308s going to be gurio getting the better of
22309s him n3 for that first block
22313s oh yes he is it's going to be careful
22314s about getting around the back side the
22316s dynamite
22317s burning away at them as well cleanup's
22318s going to be there bells right just
22320s rolling back over to the diner to try to
22321s stay alive iris high reward for
22323s guerrilla today okay i appreciate it
22325s yeah but if he does go down there that
22327s would have been potential advantage for
22328s the philadelphia fusion as far as
22329s respawns are concerned ash not the
22331s fastest hero right so you have to be a
22333s little bit concerned not to feed but
22334s because the early damage coming on
22336s through in a successful flank 68 towards
22339s a bob very early on that's the highest
22340s charged ultimate good to see
22346s right back into it trying to inch this
22348s card forward
22350s slow and steady here for the side of the
22351s fusion
22352s fuel looking to put an end to it
22355s oh man i've been good advantage find the
22357s kill onto him god yeah
22359s immense amount of damage going through
22361s the zenyatta falls to the floor fix it
22363s as well just so far forward trying to
22364s contest trying to get this kill onto the
22366s enemy sigma but han bin is being
22368s sustained by the rest of his squad they
22370s keep him alive as he just hugs back
22372s around the wall and once more the fusion
22374s are going to have to go for a reset and
22375s that's going to be half the time bank
22376s drain down already well they got sparkle
22378s but he's a tracer right so that's not
22379s really necessarily going to end up being
22381s an advantage he'll be able to triple
22382s blink back and do all of that you can
22384s see silhouette wise sparkles already
22386s basically here now
22387s dallas will have all these ultimates to
22388s play through you do have fusion catching
22391s up but for the most part dallas are in
22392s control economically this will be a
22394s pretty decently big ultimate fight if
22396s you'll don't pull the trigger early it
22398s doesn't look like what happened so
22399s fusion will be right five now
22402s dangerously low there
22404s barely manages to stay alive the flux
22406s coming through the pulse bomb on the
22407s drop down but now fielder's gonna be
22409s taking the kill for himself says sorry
22410s very sorry sparkle but that one's mine
22413s snatches it up so you know consolation
22415s price of the fusions hit the pulse bombs
22417s out of the way
22418s they still haven't found much purchase
22420s that's two uh two ultimates for just the
22422s possible zest there that means that
22424s amgar gets to use his transfer another
22425s fight i didn't end up countering the
22427s flux there at all it's minimal loss for
22429s fusion this is actually an acceptable
22431s position for fusion to be in but this
22432s fight needs to be really good now and it
22434s starts brilliantly
22435s yeah really big pick off rally rolling
22438s just giving that green hp over to
22439s everybody on the side of the fusion and
22441s fielder goes down so that's gonna be the
22442s transcendence out of the fight now
22444s nailed up the nade up over the top of
22447s the sign there just looking to zone them
22448s back and the fuel have collectively
22450s pulled away just waiting for fielder to
22452s rejoin they should be some distance to
22454s be found here with a fusion now with 48
22456s seconds remaining and the bob will be
22458s the first to contest give him some space
22460s to work the really good boot coming
22461s through from chio
22464s made around the back rally rolling from
22466s chio not on the point buying space
22468s keeping everybody alive sparkle gets on
22470s top of him and three plays off the back
22472s of that body shot from guryo they find
22473s the kill the bob is not on the card
22474s however
22475s the minefield comes down fielder just
22476s looking to clear that one out with the
22477s transcendence rolling fix are now going
22479s to be picked off the supports out of the
22480s fight as gurio gets both of them
22483s and now with 20 seconds remaining zest
22485s is just hiding back inside of the cave i
22486s do believe
22487s waiting over time to try to contest this
22489s as m3s going over for the zombie true
22491s desperation yep spy chicken from korea
22494s as well a little bit wonky on the bob
22495s there i think
22497s it mostly gets lost but ends up working
22499s out anyway guerrilla finds the kills on
22500s the rifle itself thousands of times
22502s holding up the pulse
22504s no they can't it's just got it this
22505s there's there's sombra tracer and ball
22508s there's no excuse for not touching
22509s really
22510s i was yep it just made me uh question
22512s for just a moment look
22519s and unless you and i are casting chengdu
22521s and either way bell street are gonna be
22523s taking out mn3 as well following the
22524s pulse bomb is good to get chio out of
22526s the fight but i don't know if that is
22528s going to be anywhere near good enough
22529s here
22530s once more the touchscreen through aim
22532s god gonna be picked off fix uh i mean
22534s he's just rotating around the back he's
22535s trying to get a kill on a hund but but
22536s he can't make it happen
22538s just continuing to play a little bit
22539s elusively but as the recall gets burned
22541s he will fall bellasri up there's no
22543s chance of survival and it is a full hold
22547s in reply from the dallas fuel on the
22549s fusion's map pick
22551s it's a disastrous situation for the
22553s fusion and now
22554s in a very likely scenario where if
22556s fusion do lose this and it's looking
22558s like they will
22560s you're gonna have to start asking the
22561s question what was he cooking jen head
22563s coach of the philadelphia fusion had the
22564s opportunity to pick the circuit royale
22566s map ops to pick route 66 still don't
22568s know why we are on this map i
22571s can't see what the plus size for the
22573s fusion are really
22575s we had one good fight ain't gog in the
22577s first pick
22578s on to fielder cool that gets them caught
22580s distance davis will come back in still
22583s plenty ultimates to play through you'll
22584s notice that dallas field didn't try to
22585s initiate a counter dive and try and like
22588s force a fight for v5 or anything they
22590s say okay we'll wait you still have
22591s distance to push through we'll fight at
22593s the end here we still have ultimates to
22594s play in field that comes back and we
22596s have a 4-5 play through the bob and the
22598s rest of the alts and they end up
22599s completing that full hull fusion now
22601s have to get a fuller hold
22603s and unless jin's strategy is like you
22605s know we're just gonna
22607s our plan is to full of hold which is a
22609s rubbish plan uh i've i
22611s there's no justification for this map
22613s choice i'm sorry there isn't one
22617s definitely a bit of a head scratcher
22618s perhaps a uh some no hill
22620s experimentation no hill experimentation
22622s i guess i should say coming through just
22624s stayed up for 16 hours and say
22626s i got it route 66 yeah this is the play
22628s like a fever dream choice he must have
22630s ticked it on the wrong you know he got
22631s the sheet it's like all right pick your
22633s next map and he just takes the take the
22634s wrong one that happens you know what
22636s happens yeah could very well
22638s be the case it means mn3 is like i could
22640s be playing widow right now but you know
22641s i'm not
22643s here's what it is
22644s no he's not he is on the sojourn which
22646s did not look great on that attack let's
22648s see how it fares with the defensive
22650s sight lines
22653s in theory should be better can't get
22654s much worse than what we just saw to be
22655s honest
22660s gurio's ash so far has been impressing i
22662s think this is the kind of turnaround we
22663s need to see right you know fair
22665s criticism to curious performance
22666s yesterday versus lip wasn't great it is
22668s lip balm at all he will get all dragged
22670s here but saw opportunity for dallas you
22672s know this is fusion like fusion are
22674s going to get a fuller hole they need to
22676s start like that so
22678s that they do filter still quite far
22681s forward they're trying to get on top of
22683s these supports and feel it will finally
22684s go down she up shortly thereafter picked
22686s off this oh nice shot from mn3 you know
22689s definitely looking a lot more alive so
22691s far on the defense but they're uh that's
22694s 25 of the way
22697s multiple more times basically got as
22699s many frags in that last fight as they
22700s did over the entire attack just
22702s previously so
22703s uh
22705s you need to start snowballing somehow
22707s you'll notice as well on the flip side
22709s when fusion were attacking by the time
22711s ultimates came up both teams had a lot
22712s of ultimates here
22714s dallas feel have that first pulse bomb
22716s fusion aren't that far ahead and
22718s ultimate so it's very likely we're in
22719s another situation where both teams will
22720s have equal ultimates coming in
22726s at the back and zest is there great
22728s combo play to take down fielder just
22730s further delaying these support ultimates
22732s they're only at 50 some odd percent here
22735s lame got a well out in the lead towards
22736s his own transcendence as zest hunts for
22738s a little bit more help back claimed by
22740s sparkle means that he just stay alive
22741s and manages to exit with his life intact
22744s pulses available on either side could be
22746s absolutely monstrous for the field to
22748s finally break through in this push yeah
22749s harder for zest i think than sparkle to
22751s pull this off it really depends on what
22753s kind of flank control we have
22756s and zest is not keen to play hyper
22757s aggressively or anything he just needs
22759s to make sure he marks sparkle so they're
22760s kind of looking at each
22765s assistant other once more a little bit
22767s of a back and forth between the two
22770s also the ready
22772s somebody please help zest he's been
22773s begging for something so
22775s now finally does receive it
22778s he sees the supports over on the side
22779s sparkle throws the pulse bomb off screen
22780s doesn't find an elimination m3 popping
22782s the overclock gets fielder in the head
22784s takes him down guria will manage to
22786s answer back finding a single pick off
22788s but he's not going to be able to do too
22790s much more
22791s force back around the corner
22797s don't get stagnant here they actually
22798s have better responses m3
22800s on his way back in but can you make it
22802s in time to affect this fight dallas were
22803s already working their way up and they
22805s they actually force ultimates so it's a
22807s situation where fusion would prefer to
22809s alt second there but because harmon's
22811s push up they get the old first
22813s bucks catches goes for the flux finds
22815s one catches aim god gets dropped down
22817s has the transcendence field in the
22818s meantime taken down moments before he
22821s was going to have his own transcendence
22823s available the pulse bomb stick good from
22824s zest the pile driver takes out gurio and
22827s once more the fusion managing to
22829s persevere 44 seconds now remaining as
22831s they look to complete this fuller hold
22833s that's gonna be taken down but can
22834s rejoin rather quickly well that's what
22836s that needs to stay safe feels much
22838s better for the fusion up because i
22839s actually got the flux out of hammers
22840s going towards diva
22842s uh well i guess they just want to play
22843s this one a little bit quicker if there
22845s is a dive option available for hanuman
22846s the first choices of being diva his hero
22849s is not not going to include the ball or
22850s the winston here they have two defensive
22852s ultimates plus the bob so they can
22853s contest well
22856s riley rolling nade comes through korea
22858s falling low
22859s will manage to stay alive
22861s looks for a target to try to take the
22863s head off of it but so far they're
22865s playing around and away from him bob's
22867s gonna be thrown into the back
22869s card contested over time forced out as a
22872s guarantee bob's gonna be cleaned up and
22874s god just dealing with that one as
22875s quickly as he possibly can
22876s hp from the rally widely going to be
22878s gone she also holding on to just a
22879s little bit of his own as the pulse pump
22881s gets slapped down onto the floor but
22883s it's not gonna be finding his tickets
22884s not gonna be fighting a kill sparkle
22885s cannot break things open for now the car
22886s just gonna be steadily advancing forward
22889s that's all of the fusion plate around
22890s the back of big girls contest is going
22892s to be there zest jumping forward has to
22893s recall spells here comes rolling in
22895s sparkle taking down m3 with a headshot
22897s off the back of the rail finds that kill
22899s gurio now going to be gone have they
22901s actually managed to make it happen but
22902s it certainly is looking like it in god
22904s gonna be picked off hanuman down to
22905s about half hp the stick is good fielder
22907s is out of there just finds the kill chio
22909s is eliminated the pile driver takes
22911s hundred out of the mech and oh my god i
22914s cannot believe that they've actually
22916s managed to make it happen but you said
22918s if the the whole strategy is to play for
22920s the fuller hold that is a bad plan but
22922s either way it works for the fusion they
22925s manage to make it happen
22928s they get the win they move up now 2-1 in
22930s this series well sometimes a bad plan
22932s can still work when the attacking team
22934s just fumble right happens
22936s uh
22937s it's uh an unfortunate way for dallas
22939s field to lose their map i think they
22940s were in a commanding position had
22942s completed the full hold had reasonable
22944s ultimates coming in for that final fight
22945s as well uh did kind of get clapped by
22947s mn3 earlier on but uh i thought jin
22951s dodge is a bullet here for sure
22953s maybe there was something else to be
22954s played on b or c
22956s relying on a fuller hold is that's just
22959s simply not a strategy so bailed out by
22962s dallas fuel unable to push him through
22963s and blessed by zest with a fantastic
22965s pulse bomb in the final front the
22966s fielder as well and
22968s uh the rest of philly fusion completing
22970s that hole so you know props to fusion
22971s for getting that map when
22975s uh yeah had to very much dig deep for it
22977s but now the fusion are going to be
22978s bringing us into match point territory
22980s one more map they will stay alive in the
22983s tournament and send the dallas fuel home
22985s dallas fuel gonna have their map pick as
22987s we get ready to go into push we'll see
22989s if that is gonna be good enough for them
22991s to move forward keep us going in this
22993s series and extend us to yet another map
22996s five it's gonna be coming up in just a
22997s few minutes and as i always say you
22999s don't want to miss it this has been a
23000s wild series so why would you step away
23002s now
23045s [Music]
23057s [Music]
23076s [Music]
23104s [Music]
23113s [Music]
23148s [Music]
23154s [Music]
23161s [Music]
23174s [Music]
23230s [Applause]
23232s [Music]
23247s and we are back and oh boy things
23250s continue to heat up the fusion narrowly
23252s scraping by with a victory on their map
23254s pick up route 66 a fuller hold is what
23257s it took but they got it done all the
23259s same dallas fuel now moving forward with
23262s what would be their last map pick in
23264s this series to see if they can extend
23265s this into yet another map five set yeah
23268s we get ready to go into push i'm gonna
23270s try and forget that last map happened uh
23272s philly tried their hardest not to win
23274s and then one anyway thanks dallas fuel
23276s as we move on to new queen street where
23279s like i did mention here here was the
23281s here was going to be the map drafting
23282s strategy for both teams uh had if dallas
23286s feel win
23287s then you know
23289s fusion get the map pick they got a new
23290s queen street
23291s if fusion uh you know if uh the other
23294s the opposite happens then dallas fuel i
23296s thought could have potentially looked at
23297s coliseum turns out they are going to
23299s take us to new queen street anyway so
23301s this is
23302s uh
23303s going to be an interesting choice i
23304s think this is a great map for the
23305s philadelphia fusion but um for the
23308s dallas fuel as well if they're a fast
23310s team what i'll say for them is the one
23312s good thing about them going to new queen
23313s street and i hate that i'm about to say
23315s this but it actually does allow them to
23317s play stuff like lucio moria a little bit
23319s better than playing it on the colosseum
23321s map so if they if that's really what
23322s they want to do then i think new queen
23324s street is actually the right call for
23325s them as well
23327s i'll see if that is going to be the uh
23329s the play but
23330s it has to be concerning because
23331s obviously you know pool is limited when
23333s it comes down to push right now we just
23334s have the two maps in until we move you
23336s know further along with the betas and
23337s whatnot and uh can add those new maps
23340s into the overwatch league
23342s it's kind of a coin flip you know which
23343s one you want to go for you just have one
23345s or the other new queen street is that
23347s map though that we saw mn3
23350s utterly dominate with his ash on so this
23353s is a terrifying prospect no matter how
23355s comfortable you feel with the comp that
23356s you might be able to run if it is going
23357s to be the lucio moriah that you know
23359s people have been able to find success on
23361s you still have to have that thought in
23362s the back of your brain that mn3 could
23364s just do you dirty and that kind of
23366s happened right i mean you're looking at
23367s the final route 66 defense uh mn3 start
23370s to really pop off he was heating up
23371s already on towards that sergeant we kind
23373s of felt that pressure onto king's row as
23375s well so i would say we're gearing up for
23378s an insane
23380s m3 performance potentially i mean this
23382s is the exact map that
23384s he really i feel like he already had a
23386s bit of a breakout this year but he
23388s really broke through like kick the damn
23390s doors open
23391s just like oh yeah kool-aid man through
23393s the wall
23394s on this map versus the seoul dynasty so
23396s if that happens here
23398s dallas fuel are potentially going to be
23399s in trouble they have to be concerned at
23400s least a little bit about mn3 and there
23403s needs to be a game plan
23405s in hand about how they're going to shut
23406s it down maybe that's through sparkle
23407s maybe it's going to be more genji game
23408s play that is actually potentially good
23410s route to play through but that does need
23412s to happen they need to shut down m3
23416s see if they are up to the task but
23417s dallas fuel have
23419s absolutely everything to play for right
23421s here in this map they need to get this
23424s win to take us into map five otherwise
23426s their tournament run and mid-season
23428s madness will come to an end and they
23431s will sadly getting back on a plane
23434s flying home
23439s and boy have they gone to a lot of
23441s hawaiis
23444s atlanta even that's why i think they
23446s should probably just have a vacation
23447s home
23448s oh yeah this one has to just like
23451s have a have a second base in hawaii at
23453s this stage
23454s let's get a condo right on the beach
23456s yeah very
23458s very
23459s veteran as far as going
23461s to hawaii okay let's take a look at what
23462s we're playing out the gates here so i
23464s did mention this was going to be a
23465s reasonably good place for the lucifer to
23466s come back through that it's indeed
23468s what's going to happen here i think the
23469s good news is felix is starting on a ball
23471s it had felt like that fearless wants to
23473s play ball with this composition and
23474s multiple points and oasis he swapped off
23476s the winston to go ball this time he just
23478s starts with the ball that's good to see
23483s a little bit of a square off there at
23485s the center of the map
23486s as fuel are going to be rerouting taking
23488s a long swing back over towards the
23490s cooldown called coast side i want a
23493s sphere off because it's two balls
23495s ah
23496s there you go
23498s it's squared up but there you go
23500s fearless the first one to fall mn3
23502s already finding first blooded oh what a
23504s boop fellas for you blink and you miss
23507s it but yeah she up sends sailing off the
23508s side of the map into the icy depths as
23511s they will just get the cleanup rolling
23512s through sparkle falling low pops the
23514s recall pile driver not going to connect
23516s but that's still playing forward looking
23518s to harass him out currently has a 20
23520s lead towards that first pulse bomb i
23522s don't know what it is it's like opposite
23523s day for fearless whatever hero fearless
23525s spawns on for the neutral he's always
23527s guaranteed to not play that hero and
23529s just immediately come at back to
23530s something else so
23532s he's just doing the opposite all right
23534s let's trust the fearless winston as we
23536s normally do dallas three though with the
23537s number of kills that he got already
23538s seventy four percent zest effects are
23540s getting kills this is a done deal fight
23543s yeah that one is uh very much over zen's
23545s coming up with two fearless now gonna be
23547s just kicked right in the chin there by
23549s aim god he's able to find fielder as
23551s well on the back end an effective team
23552s wipe coming through as the bot will be
23555s pushing forward for the side of the
23556s fusion and this yeah it is a very scary
23559s prospect here
23560s yeah well the field is slop now too
23562s because they've moved from lucia mora
23563s comp to a standard winston and a dive
23565s club which means two players start on
23568s fresh off it's credit to fearless you
23569s got 61 on a single life but mines are
23572s here now a bunch of other ultimate here
23573s now philly are very likely to cap
23577s certainly looking for it just point two
23579s meters away
23580s from having that checkpoint in the
23581s forward spawns jumping into the back
23583s there's the minefield drop down hits the
23584s tracer up into the into the air sparkle
23586s doesn't matter it is back out of that
23588s position stay safe but nano's out
23591s that's mn three looks really good gets
23593s fearless and fielder he's gonna tuck
23596s inside to try to stay safe dynamite goes
23598s through does connect on to them and
23599s cleanup comes in checkpoint already
23603s done with the bot his break is over they
23605s continue to push and they stretch this
23606s lead that's mn3 for you man i mean you
23609s you picked this map versus fusion you're
23611s asking for that smoke
23612s this is what's going to happen bob's
23614s available protect mn3 and that's how
23615s philly can win more often still coming
23617s online for both teams now primal been
23619s used
23621s that it has into the back line sparkle
23622s as well going to be invented the pulse
23623s bob doesn't manage to find an
23624s elimination but fearless does get zest
23626s kind of pinned to the stairs there
23628s comes up with a kill
23629s won't force the fusion back as they look
23631s for a little bit of a reset but they
23633s have an immense amount of space to work
23634s with 73 meters off the first push
23636s basically is
23637s insane and now
23639s m3 gets another headshot overclock going
23640s to be used by curio he's got the half hp
23642s the discord is out onto him and he will
23644s finally manage to find a kill but he's
23646s off the side of the map pelosi once more
23649s comes crashing across finds a kill
23651s fearless auntie now aim god gets the
23653s finishing blow
23655s drives right back onto the edge
23657s absolutely beautiful tech from him as
23658s geo he's got nowhere to go ends up
23660s getting dropped sparkle forced to recall
23663s and he is just heading for the hills
23664s this guy's the food master you know you
23666s can't boop him up he designed it he
23668s knows the ins and outs of how to play
23669s that situation three ultimates no four
23671s online perfusion still waiting for that
23673s bob by the way that could be pretty
23674s deadly here and again credit to fearless
23676s for getting a primal in one and a half
23677s fights sparkle
23679s genji
23680s where's that bob oh that was inside of
23682s the bus stop so isn't going to be
23684s getting uh too many primary targets
23687s the focus fire but this is andre known
23689s them
23694s pushing forward and there's nothing that
23695s they can do i mean this could be a
23697s finisher on the map they might be able
23698s to just push to the end because right
23699s now the dallas fuel they have no ground
23701s to stand on it does almost doesn't even
23702s need to be a finish a hundred and ten to
23704s zero literally zero point zero zero by
23706s the way six minutes left to go
23708s dallas field
23710s they need to win every everything from
23711s here this is difficult
23713s okay curio does get the rail shot
23716s into the head but sparkle taken down
23717s fearless very low on hp and with fielder
23720s the only one alive they just cannot get
23722s him so the pot is going to be shipped
23723s right back in front of the dolphins
23725s and these daggers are so brutal geo he's
23728s the only one alive he does have the
23730s sound barrier but isn't going to be good
23731s enough for them to play through to
23732s finally gain some control the bot
23734s continues to advance
23737s contests
23738s there pulse bomb from zest not going to
23739s connect
23743s and fusion kind of back out a little bit
23745s because they can he comes to me
23748s to drop the beat the shielding there
23750s the block just kind of getting juggled
23751s back and forth the transcendence is
23752s going to be used by aim dot fearless
23753s well under the back lines has to try to
23755s wrap back around to safety little man
23757s should make it out piledriver
23759s connecting from bell's real auntie out
23761s will be finished off sparkle able to get
23762s in on top of the wrecking ball to get
23764s the finishing blow anthony does go
23766s forward the field is going to be taking
23767s a nap but finally the fusion can breathe
23770s a very brief sigh of relief as they have
23772s control of the bot yeah but
23774s unfortunately this is their they're
23775s jumping out of the frying pan into the
23777s fire here
23778s still on 0.00 half the time is now
23782s elapsed and expired
23784s and
23786s really make no mistake this is everest
23788s for all they need to climb everest here
23791s doubt but they lose a member sparkle
23792s going down here the nano anyway they
23795s have to try and win this
23797s yep nano out onto fearless aim god will
23799s get picked
23800s with a nice lob in on that antenate
23802s finds one now with fix eliminated gurio
23804s starting to find some value here the
23805s overclock comes up with two kills
23807s elsewhere just looking to slide out make
23809s his exit will be allowed to do so and
23810s the fuel can finally start establishing
23812s some
23813s real distance point 35 meters not quite
23815s gonna cut it now they're moving forward
23816s into double digits well the snowball is
23818s what's required here you know zest is
23820s going to be as annoying on the back line
23821s as possible
23823s gorilla is actually very far forward i
23824s think guerrilla's going to try and make
23826s a play here it's difficult to do that as
23827s a sojourn because you can't hold them to
23829s rail charge you can see he's got zero so
23831s it's not like you just pop behind
23832s somebody in 100 to zero then
23834s not quite the right here to deal with
23835s he's gonna go in now
23837s oh really aggressive position finds both
23839s of the supports let's get in the corner
23842s yeah massive kills coming through from
23843s gurion breaking down both of them m3 is
23845s well traded out so it is a two for three
23848s in the end in favor of the side of the
23849s fuel but however it's being slowed up
23851s below making sure that they cannot gain
23854s any meterage whatsoever for free
23856s yeah just finding stumble supports there
23858s you know unguarded as well it seems like
23859s the philadelphia fusion were obviously
23861s very
23862s much uh
23863s distracted by the fact the fuel pushing
23864s so both supports ended up being alone
23867s good situation for guru to find himself
23868s and and off the back of the nade as well
23870s we'll be able to get a lot of damage to
23871s actually find those kills so maybe he
23873s will find a hundred to zero there's two
23874s of them in fact
23876s there's the crash through adaptive
23878s shield once more from bellatria just
23880s continue doing harass jumps them back
23881s goes the pile driver b comes through
23883s nano now out on the mm3 trying to keep
23885s him alive sparkle just retreating still
23887s holds on to the dragon blade for now
23889s shots flying and aim got somehow getting
23891s guriou takes him out of the meantime is
23894s being shipped by zest he does this all
23896s the time it's a great pop bamboozle once
23898s more here on new queen street at the
23899s hands of zest the pot is going right
23901s forward in front of the dallas fuel
23903s spawn which they're going to realize
23904s pretty soon because everybody's dead
23906s everybody looks at the payload of the
23907s map and now they have the forward
23909s yeah they have the forward position they
23910s win that 4v5 they win that 4v5 and
23913s philadelphia fusion now have ford spawns
23916s as well this guy is the most
23918s unbelievable payload thief that exists
23920s in this entire league he's done this to
23922s every single team and nobody learns no
23925s one can stop zest he's a burglar
23928s fearless has just melted
23930s nowhere near the healing required to try
23932s to keep him alive
23933s everybody piles in on the winston they
23934s find the elimination sparkle now in
23936s desperation gonna be pulling the blade
23937s as there's two minutes left
23939s jumps forward no kills to be found yet
23940s and in fact he is gonna be taken down
23942s fixer gets them in the rear with the
23944s shield bash
23945s eliminations there the minefield takes
23947s down fielder and once more the pod is
23950s pushing forward
23951s the fusion looking absolutely
23954s insurmountable
23955s they gotta pop bolts but they once you
23957s do that economically gonna be behind
23959s right fusion they don't have to finish
23961s the map they can play this defensively
23963s forced out to over spin and the fusion
23965s can just bank up
23968s fusion 100 feeling it right now they
23971s pull back they say yeah we've got so
23972s much distance you've got not even 40
23974s meters
23976s and you still have to bring the pot back
23978s out of the map
23979s you should need to get aggressive and
23980s force results out
23983s what bells are getting top back up
23985s should see the re-aggression there it is
23986s he goes sliding forward hold on with
23988s already zest looking for a target
23990s fielder again
23991s nicole will be a throw it out one for
23993s one on the supports looks for a little
23994s bit more but can't quite take down shio
23996s who is getting closer and closer to that
23997s next sound barrier
23999s overclock going to expire korea picked
24001s off on the back end the bot once more
24002s just being held in place by zest making
24004s sure that they cannot bring this back
24006s into a neutral position they maintain
24008s those forward spawns for as long as
24009s humanly possible yeah mm3 ghost was a
24011s sombrero there as well so fusion are
24013s trying to give dallas for a bit of a
24014s chance here i respect it dallas still
24016s can we make something up there's less
24017s than a minute left to go now
24019s certainly he's going to be really good
24020s scouting setting up for a big dive here
24022s as well so you got three potential
24023s flankers coming on in
24025s spotting fearless that's going to be the
24026s target
24028s gets the hack just looks for some damage
24030s the sound barrier now going to be used
24031s from shield drops that
24033s moves forward trying to get on top of
24034s the sombra but m3 just goes ahead zips
24035s away and now the sound bearish shielding
24037s has expired
24039s sparkle pulse bomb nearly online hasn't
24041s really been connecting with these too
24043s much here today in this series needs to
24045s absolutely nail somebody with this stick
24049s just on the back dashing forward it goes
24051s into the wall it's not going to find any
24052s kills gio does manage to get on top of
24054s picks up but gurio's already out of the
24055s fight chio finds both of the supports on
24058s the side of the fusion
24059s massive opening here they have the man
24061s advantage for the time being but zest
24062s will get fielder in the end
24064s the stick is out fearless gonna be
24066s falling low they take him down below
24068s half hp but the kill has not been
24070s confirmed yet on to the winston as i say
24072s it though m3 does arrive does get the
24074s kill as we go into overtime
24076s but you can't get off the payload tested
24078s for now by the supports they're pushing
24079s it forward and reminder they have not
24080s gone
24086s coming through with a shield bash
24087s pushing them away sparkle in the corner
24089s nowhere to go gets taken down
24092s contest coming through fuel there once
24094s more now gonna be eliminated it's all on
24095s shio and no one can get there in time
24098s absolutely impeccable as we said the
24101s dallas fuel they did not have
24103s a great choice in push maps but this was
24105s definitely the worst of the two and
24107s fusion absolutely excel on new queen
24110s street once more it might not be the
24112s utterly dominant pop-up performance from
24114s mn3 this time it's much more of a group
24116s effort from the side of the fusion
24117s collectively but no matter they get the
24120s win it's 3-1 they stay alive in the
24122s tournament dallas fuel they go home it's
24125s far too much meterage found there for
24126s the philadelphia fusion i think even at
24129s the six minute remaining mark
24131s it was going to be nigh impossible for
24133s the dallas fuel yeah this is the that's
24135s the nature of playing push when you're
24137s down that many meters it is so difficult
24140s and in the final fights there all fusion
24142s need to do is trade members if they get
24144s any kills it puts dallas fuel into the
24146s bin because they need the respawns but
24148s the respawns are too far away it's too
24150s slow because you're in the ot fearless
24152s dies can't come back it's going to be
24154s instantly a 4v5 or less if you don't
24157s have the numbers there and we talk about
24159s dallas fuel needing to scale mount
24161s everest unfortunately they're not going
24162s to make it to base camp that was
24164s domination from the philadelphia fusion
24166s on that final map competitive throughout
24168s the series still got to give credit to
24170s you know the dallas fuel for
24172s taking king's row that overtime attack
24174s is is one for the ages sparkle had a
24176s great map but yeah a single map does not
24179s win you this matchup and does not
24181s progress you in this tournament
24184s no it certainly does not
24185s well
24187s this is another one of those tough
24188s moments of you know trying to figure out
24189s who is the player of the match but at
24191s the end of it all especially with the
24192s great bamboozle as he always does on new
24195s queen street on you know on push in
24197s general it's going to be zest who picks
24199s it up for his squad and uh very much was
24202s instrumental in them being able to get
24204s this win and stay alive in the
24205s mid-season match
24206s i think this was the most equal in terms
24208s of everybody's output for the
24210s philadelphia fusion i think typical
24212s games that we've casted it's like okay
24214s mm3 obviously popped up here zeus had a
24215s great game here maybe aim guard or even
24218s fixer or you know fury ballast three
24220s have their individual moments but
24221s today's victory for the fusion was kind
24223s of like an overarching victory where
24225s everyone pulled weight at various times
24227s some you know everyone kind of
24228s contributed to some mistakes here or
24230s there but uh can't dwell on those for
24231s too long because one of the key aspects
24234s of this win today i still have to rewind
24236s us back to route 66 because that was an
24239s unbelievably winnable map for the dallas
24241s fuel one i think they have to kind of
24243s they're going to be kicking themselves
24244s for because
24245s that's a situation where i feel like
24247s fusion actually misdrafted in terms of
24249s what map they took uh the dallas fuel
24251s towards dallas will set themselves up to
24253s a great single situation to be able to
24254s win it and had they won their net we
24256s would actually be going to a map fight
24258s we could maybe even argue that new queen
24259s street is not the most ideal place to
24261s take the fusion given that that is i
24263s think one of their strongest maps next
24266s to new queen street so i got one of the
24267s fusion powerhouse maps in there and it
24270s shows like a hundred and what is it 20
24272s meters as well halo theft committed by
24275s zest airman three had some good moments
24276s here didn't just take over the map had
24278s some strong moments and dallas feel you
24280s know
24281s this is what seoul dynasty experienced
24283s on this exact same map not that long ago
24287s yeah i just like we said a much more
24289s shared effort and i think that the
24290s secret this time around avril was that
24292s not only mn3 had a cheesesteak this time
24294s it was everybody on the team got a
24296s cheesesteak everybody feasted they got
24298s energized they got ready they tapped
24300s into that secret power and uh they were
24302s able to get the win and you know i felt
24305s it i thought it was going to happen so i
24307s decided to join them and i ordered a
24308s couple cheesesteaks for myself
24310s i'm going to be feasting on this so i'll
24312s just go ahead let you throw us to a
24314s break while i devour this thing yeah so
24316s so what this is you're like the anti you
24318s like the counter bad patch of mario you
24319s bring good luck to fusion i understand
24321s now well that's gonna be uh match number
24323s three done and dusted folks we are gonna
24325s go to a break when we come back atlanta
24327s rain and salt dynasty but first of all
24329s obviously we're gonna take this to the
24330s desk so obviously in the rest we'll meet
24332s you on the other side of this
24358s the overwatch league is brought to you
24360s by the university of hawaii at manoa
24362s go to take me to today
24366s [Music]
24378s [Music]
24388s [Music]
24432s foreign
24453s [Music]
24456s him
24461s [Music]
24472s [Music]
24481s [Music]
24497s [Music]
24499s hmm
24503s [Music]
24533s [Music]
24548s [Music]
24569s [Music]
24575s [Applause]
24586s [Music]
24594s so
24601s [Music]
24610s hello everyone and welcome back to
24612s watchpoint now guys three one win for
24615s the fusion it's it's kind of interesting
24617s who has been a fusion fan this entire
24620s time despite the doubts despite the
24623s second place stuff and sure it's not
24625s like they just won the entire tournament
24626s but i'm gonna act like they did so
24628s fusion fans rejoice
24630s uh that being said there were a couple
24632s moments where it looked like the fuel
24634s was uh you know coming out a little bit
24637s but
24638s it wasn't talking it wasn't perfect
24641s we were all right yeah we also chose we
24644s also chose the fusion
24646s i'm gonna ignore that fact
24648s because as we were going into the game
24651s uh from our break johnny you are
24653s actually popping off about the fuels
24655s lucio uh moira potential comp and we got
24658s to see it a couple times and it did no
24660s it wasn't yeah
24660s [Laughter]
24664s twitter knows all roll it back yeah look
24666s i predicted philly because i thought
24668s that philly would win but you know if
24671s it's like a 65 35 of course i'm gonna
24673s give dallas few like the 35 i'm not
24676s gonna sit here and act like oh dallas
24677s fuel they suck they have no chance it's
24679s like no i'm gonna give them their 35
24682s then you know tell it how i see it but
24684s fusion i believe them to be the
24686s favorites going into this one i was a
24688s bit spooked
24689s perhaps by you know the
24691s them being a bit of a rookie team here
24693s with fixa for example on the main
24694s support role being able to handle the
24696s aggressive dimes coming in but they know
24698s like they did a good job adapting uh
24700s says duplicating lucio's etc but also um
24704s you know sparkle got picked several
24705s times it felt like here on oasis and um
24708s fix actually had a couple of pop-off
24710s moments here on the brig where you got
24711s like you know double kills with the
24712s whiplash
24714s it was a good performance by fusion
24715s overall but i mean dallas fueled they
24717s had the opportunities i feel like
24719s yeah well like this king's row it shows
24722s when the dallas fuel are able to play
24723s their comfort heroes you can get sparkle
24725s on that genji on a map like this sparkle
24728s went crazy he like doubled any other
24730s player on the dallas fuel in final blows
24733s and like when he has that comfort when
24735s they can have that coordinated dive it
24737s looks good and you know honestly i was
24739s starting to doubt myself a little bit
24741s for the not on the lucio moyer on the
24742s dallas fuel when we went over to this
24744s route 66 they had a full hold they
24747s looked good everything was starting to
24748s work gurio was coming alive but then you
24751s know the worst thing ever that could
24753s happen happened the fuller
24755s hole
24757s came out for the philadelphia fusion and
24759s that just felt like a demoralizing
24761s moment because that was the best
24762s opportunity that dallas fuel had to
24764s start getting everything moving and then
24766s we head over here to new queen street
24768s and like now i want to talk about the
24769s lucy moore because they come out on a
24771s wrecking ball lucio moira composition
24774s with like sparkle and genji i think and
24776s then they make three switches in the
24778s first like minute when you know exactly
24780s what the philadelphia fusion were going
24782s to come out and play philadelphia fusion
24783s weren't doing anything unique they
24785s weren't changing their play style it was
24787s the dallas fuel who were just almost not
24789s anticipating what was going to come out
24791s and then switching in the middle so
24793s i think the issue with the dallas fuel
24796s throughout the entirety of this
24797s mid-season tournament is they just
24798s didn't find an identity they didn't find
24800s a way that they wanted to play the game
24802s yes they don't feel comfortable playing
24804s that double flex support which is very
24805s prominent right now in the meta they
24807s didn't really want to lean on gurio all
24809s the time especially at the beginning of
24810s the tournament so
24812s you know it's just one matter you know
24814s the dallas feel they are a talented team
24815s i expect them to bounce back from this
24817s but this is definitely one that they
24819s will want to forget it's got to be
24820s fixable for them in the future though
24822s right yeah no they have they have a
24823s great roster
24825s i thought you made a fix a fusion joke
24832s i'm mad at myself that i didn't get it
24834s i'm mad at myself that i didn't get it
24835s but it's okay we'll move past it because
24837s even though they are knocked out clearly
24839s it's not just the end of
24841s it for them it wasn't a 3-0 they did put
24842s up a little bit of a fight and there
24844s were some really close back and forth
24845s matches so
24847s end of the line for dallas fuel they're
24849s going to be sent either swimming home or
24851s hopefully flying home i hope they fly
24853s right i hope that they fly too or i
24856s don't know if they would fly though
24856s because it seemed like they just kind of
24858s like sank in the match against fusion
24860s well that's just me
24861s no i know i feel he won but you don't
24862s have to be mean to dallas
24864s spitfire got knocked out philly is my
24866s only horse in the race now if they got
24869s knocked out i would be a very sad host
24871s for the week but you do have one more
24873s team i do
24874s the outlaws
24876s you're supposed to transition to your
24878s slam terrain oh well i mean yeah they're
24880s next to my predictions but like
24882s oh you don't think that's strongly about
24883s them oh i see i would i i all right
24885s we'll we'll get into them in a second
24886s because first thing that we select is we
24888s need to look at our updated bracket
24890s before johnny just tries to take us all
24893s over the place
24897s well let's take a look this is the
24898s loser's bracket that we could see right
24900s now the philadelphia fusion are going to
24902s be taking on the florida mayhem who just
24905s got finished knocking out the london
24906s spitfire so then of course in our final
24909s match of the day we are going to see
24910s seoul dynasty take on atlanta rain and
24913s the winner is going to go on and face
24915s the outlaws in tomorrow's match on
24918s thursday so let's start talking about
24920s atlanta rain versus seoul dynasty
24922s because first of all i don't think that
24924s atlanta rain expected to uh face seoul
24928s dynasty when they dropped into the
24929s losers bracket and i don't think that
24931s seoul dynasty expected to even be in the
24933s losers bracket especially this early
24937s yeah i think the atlanta reign are
24938s definitely they they had that bad loss
24940s to london spitfire but i'm sure they
24942s were like yeah we'll just get our legs
24943s in the losers bracket but now they have
24944s to go up against you know the profit
24947s fitz doy and the dps potentially stalker
24949s but you know you talked about it a lot
24951s yesterday jenny the back line for the
24953s seoul dynasty are the things that need
24954s to be tightened up so i'm kind of
24956s curious to see how these two teams match
24958s up because the reason the soul dynasty
24960s struggled yesterday is their backline
24961s was just getting absolutely run over by
24963s a great dive but that's not really how
24965s atlanta rain likes to play the game hawk
24967s likes to be disruptive on that doom fist
24969s and then hope that kai can start getting
24971s that damage out are you worried for
24972s atlanta in this matchup oh yeah i'm
24974s worried for them to rain because i don't
24976s think they can really pull off the same
24978s style that hank joe spark did yesterday
24981s but there are different strengths with
24982s the atlanta ring like i would look to
24984s someone like kai in this master for
24986s example that could really take over the
24988s game and then four soul dances hands
24990s like oh my god kai is just popping off
24992s he's so good on sojourn or ash for that
24994s matter if you want to you know counter
24995s dive a little bit we have seen atlanta
24997s rain though they have opted sometimes to
24998s put og on that zenyatta and play the
25000s double flex themselves maybe that lack
25003s of like an immortality field or lack of
25005s you know inspire healing from a brigitte
25007s for example maybe that opens up the door
25009s for smurf and profit to just wreak havoc
25011s because you have to be feared uh scared
25013s rather of the uh the dives coming in
25016s from seoul because it's so potent yeah
25017s absolutely super potent we're gonna have
25019s to see uh and actually let these players
25021s speak for themselves with their own
25023s actions as we get into our final match
25025s of the day before but before we do that
25027s we're gonna jump into a quick break but
25029s don't go anywhere because when we come
25030s back it's gonna be atlanta versus seoul
25047s [Music]
25060s [Music]
25067s [Music]
25073s [Music]
25095s so
25104s [Music]
25114s [Music]
25135s [Music]
25146s [Music]
25166s so
25171s [Music]
25188s [Music]
25206s [Music]
25225s [Music]
25263s [Music]
25278s and welcome back guys it's time to go
25279s into our final series of the evening we
25281s have still to send one more team home
25284s soul dynasty getting ready to go up
25286s against the atlanta reign both of these
25288s teams if i'm gonna be brutally honest
25290s have looked kind of abysmal in the
25291s matches that we've seen so far and now
25292s they square up against each other to see
25294s who stays alive in the tournament and
25295s who has to get back on the plane or just
25298s stay in their apartments i suppose for
25299s the dynasty
25301s oh you or you know the gen g facility
25303s they're look they're looking for their
25304s second star here they got the post up
25306s they're very beautiful silver star from
25308s the kick of flash victory but um you
25310s know the last two matches including i
25312s say last two because they had also lost
25314s to the philly fusion in the regular
25315s season here before entering the
25317s mid-season madness and then losing to
25319s the sparkle the way they did was a bit
25321s of a surprise for everybody so sol
25323s dynasty have have a better bounce back
25325s to do now it's an interesting game
25327s achilles because
25329s i still expect a lot in this lower
25330s bracket actually from both teams i think
25332s they both have this identity of being
25334s lower bracket demons atlanta rain last
25336s year in playoffs got knocked down very
25338s early then spent you know had this
25340s incredible run all the way through to
25342s the grand finals with shanghai right but
25344s sol dynasty remember they lost to
25346s shanghai very early in the upper break
25348s for kickoff clash then also went through
25349s the law breakers so both these teams
25351s looking for that very similar lower
25353s bracket run now but only one of them can
25355s make it
25357s it's very fair point we'll have to see
25358s who's able to come out on top i mean
25360s fusion already i think exceeding a lot
25362s of expectations with their win if you
25363s missed that first that last year not the
25365s first series because that was the third
25366s series of the day because we had these
25368s damn long days with plenty of action but
25369s uh yeah i mean a 3-1 victory uh just
25372s looking absolutely incredible by the end
25374s of it all able to get that win and um
25376s you know something we didn't mention but
25377s on alarm's birthday of all days a very
25380s great gift for him as well uh so really
25382s well deserved from them now dynasty and
25383s atlanta reign going to be looking to do
25385s much of the same so we'll see who is
25387s going to be able to dig deep enough
25388s because both squads absolutely have
25391s their work cut out for them
25393s so take a look at the atlanta reign
25395s first and foremost they uh lost on day
25397s one to the london spitfire who
25399s themselves actually got eliminated today
25401s and
25402s you know we were obviously there seth
25404s covering the atlanta rain it did not
25406s look very inspirational from the atlanta
25408s rain you know felt like they were behind
25409s the pace from the london spitfire the
25411s entire time couldn't quite match up the
25413s rhine from hardy to be fair no one
25415s really has been able to and now no one
25417s will for the rest of this tournament uh
25419s ultra violent overview i think
25420s uncharacteristically didn't have a great
25422s performance kai didn't look very good
25424s against sparker either
25425s a lot needed to change from the squad
25427s but they sort of need to change the pace
25429s now because they're not going to be
25431s playing a team like the london spitfire
25433s they're going to be playing against you
25434s know next to i guess hunger sparks
25436s current form salt dynasty where this is
25439s apex best as far as dive goes you know
25441s i've been saying for some time now that
25443s i do believe apec has much stronger dive
25445s teams than what we see in north america
25447s which means for the atlanta rain you got
25449s to be prepared for this one seoul
25450s they're they're angry they're not going
25452s to be happy about losing to the spark
25453s who right now look like next to
25456s the shanghai dragons obviously because
25458s they're both still in there the top two
25460s eight pack teams super scary um
25463s but seoul dynasty you know we've seen
25465s what they're capable of we know they
25467s underperform we know that this isn't
25468s them at their true strength and sure for
25471s the atlanta reign i could probably make
25473s that conversation happen as well so for
25474s both teams it's about the redemption to
25477s play up and towards their true form that
25479s they've displayed over the course of the
25480s rest of season up until this point
25485s the dynasty looking to bounce back let's
25487s see creative not getting his uh shoulder
25489s massage this time around maybe like you
25491s said kind of overworked the shoulders
25493s was a little too loose in that last
25495s series we'll see how he fares here today
25497s but we do have fits out the gate along
25499s by profit we'll see if stalker shows up
25501s as we go deeper into the series or if
25503s they say you know what let's go with the
25504s kind of tried and true duo of of uh
25507s profits and i actually i have a
25509s prediction here i think fitz is mostly
25510s going to end up playing the sojourn so
25512s it might just be a stylish stylistic
25514s choice to say like okay well stalker
25516s started yesterday on the sojourn we're
25518s going to give fits that opportunity now
25520s um and real quick as well before we
25521s actually get into the match when i
25522s looked at the history between these two
25524s teams would you believe it they've only
25526s ever played each other twice
25529s throughout the entire history of the
25530s overwatch league this is i think one of
25533s the rarest matchups that we have in the
25535s whole league
25537s find me a match after teams
25540s that is less than equal to or less than
25542s two total matches played in the history
25543s of the overwatch league only two
25545s unfortunately 2019 season three week two
25548s overwatch league 2021 countdown cup
25550s tournament specifically in that
25552s countdown tournament as well which is
25554s you know hawaii last year one of the
25555s many hawaii trips that the reign had
25557s made and the only tournament entry the
25559s seoul had made last year because they
25560s also didn't make the playoffs remember
25562s seoul got knocked out of the countdown
25564s cup
25565s without winning a single match
25567s they bowed out 0-2
25570s and now
25571s that storyline is still possible here
25573s because they already lost their first
25575s match if they do not beat the reign this
25578s will be their second international in a
25580s row where they bow out zero two and
25582s don't win anything
25585s well they certainly uh that is a faith
25587s that they would like to avoid but
25589s atlanta reign like you said both of
25591s these teams have in the past display
25592s themselves to be those lower bracket
25594s demons those dark horses who get knocked
25596s down early and then manage to make a run
25598s through we'll see if they can do it as
25600s once more as we take a look at the map
25601s set we are going to be heading into
25602s oasis to kick things off i swear like
25605s calling
25606s calling solar dark horse just doesn't
25608s feel right it sounds it sounds good all
25610s right it sounds like it shouldn't be the
25612s case i'm happy to call it land to rent a
25614s dark course because i actually do
25615s believe they are one but sol dynasty are
25617s meant to be a favorite here which is why
25618s it's so shocking that they are down and
25620s the lower brackets so early um
25623s i i still think they're probably favored
25625s atlanta rain have their work cut out for
25626s them but a team that you can't count out
25629s simply because we know how good they
25630s have been in previous lower bracket runs
25632s this is definitely the weakest that
25634s we've seen land terrain in some time
25635s though especially compared to their
25636s performance in the kickoff clash rate
25639s um and now they're gonna have to play
25640s the number one seed from the eastern
25642s division it's gonna be spicy oasis being
25645s picked by seoul dynasty uh this seems
25647s like a run-back moment for the sol
25649s dynasty they did actually play this one
25651s as not they'd actually like completely
25652s lied they actually played ilios versus
25654s hundred sparks we're actually going to
25655s change things up a little bit
25657s a little bit you know change of scenery
25660s look to avoid the shortcomings from
25662s helios
25664s as we turn ourselves once more to city
25666s center
25666s there's the starting
25668s round
25670s see how they fare and what these comps
25671s look like as we get ready to have the
25674s gates unlock in 30 seconds
25677s both teams looking like they're coming
25678s through on doom now the thing about
25680s seoul dynasty is it shouldn't be very
25682s difficult for them to read the opening
25683s strategies or any strategies out from
25685s the atlanta reign they at this point
25687s should know that hawk is going to be
25688s likely the only tank to be getting any
25690s sort of play time here again is just
25692s going to have some fun in hawaii for now
25694s hulk is going to be playing mostly
25695s doomfist with a little bit of
25696s opportunity to maybe get into
25698s obviously a segment would be pretty good
25700s for him as well see what happens on uh
25701s escort uh low chance of also going
25704s towards the rhine and some of the other
25705s main tanks but smurf will be much more
25707s comfortable on those so sol dynasty
25708s given that information
25710s they're gonna come through with their
25711s own doom anna out in the open it's
25712s pretty much gonna be a mirror on both
25714s ends except for the ash for fitz and kai
25716s coming through with the surgeon
25718s yeah we saw him hovering the sodium at
25720s the beginning there for fits but just
25721s decided to swap it over and for now is
25723s having a little bit of pressure applied
25725s from venom but manages to pull away
25727s profit picking the high ground now
25729s dropping down looking for a target
25731s setting a couple shots the pulse pistols
25732s over towards hawk let's now perceive
25734s that discord falls down below half hp
25737s will be sustained for the moment smurf
25739s gonna find first blood though gets in on
25741s top of venom finishing him off with a
25742s melee hit now looking for a little bit
25744s more problem as well under fire goes
25746s down to 30 hp
25748s back around utilizing center piece here
25750s of the map breaks line of sight keeps
25752s himself safe and now dynasty going to be
25754s looking for the initial cap but probably
25755s gets eliminated
25757s thinking down the rail shot from kai
25758s looking good smurf as well sliver of hp
25760s remaining for him but the healing starts
25762s coming through creative surging up the
25764s head of ultraviolet will manage to keep
25765s him sustained he can't drop by the
25767s dynamite and the cap is there brain in
25770s control pronoun and soul dynasty had a
25772s plus one there as well they actually got
25774s two frags to kai's only one that's the
25776s sort of situation where soul were unable
25777s to hold on to the cat itself nano coming
25779s on through now first ultimate of the
25780s game
25782s the smurf diving into the back line and
25783s that's gonna be both of the supports
25784s falling down so they look very very fast
25786s flip kind of sliding over into the wall
25788s buys himself a little bit of extra space
25790s with the nade but smurf just knows his
25792s limitations knows exactly what he needs
25794s to do in order to get the damage output
25796s necessary to get a kill yeah he does so
25798s the dynasty get a flip but now we get a
25799s pause and we're getting a very early
25801s sort of preview of you know smurf his
25804s capabilities and the the width of his
25806s with the breath of his hair pull as well
25808s i think this is you know assuming that
25809s he can have a great performance today i
25811s i
25812s would you say he may be underperformed
25814s versus 100 spot because i felt like the
25815s entire seoul dynasty were just at the
25817s whim of alpha yi and shai on that
25819s particular match so maybe you can see
25820s the whole squad didn't look particularly
25822s great but seoul on their best day smurf
25824s is a powerhouse he is basically
25826s everybody's oh yeah ideal
25829s kind of like north star what you want
25831s out of out of a maintained current any
25833s tank and i think when you look at the
25834s strategy coming through from the atlanta
25835s reign in terms of their um substitution
25838s strategy we're looking at a situation
25840s where brad has publicly said that he
25842s wants to put the main focus on hawke so
25844s they can develop him into a player that
25845s can play across the entire tank here or
25847s something that smurf has been the player
25849s in the air of so far so currently we're
25851s still within a situation that you know
25853s both tanks are comfortable in this
25854s matchup doom versus doom it's all good
25857s uh venom i think is having some issues
25859s technically on his end so you know we'll
25860s get that one fixed up and see what
25862s happens
25863s uh atlanta rain though not a bad start
25865s to this opening they they have less
25867s frags overall they just lose a fight
25869s here but because they have the opening
25870s 26
25871s it's a slowdown for the seoul dynasty
25873s but from here on out it could be it
25874s difficult because sol dynasty wants to
25876s get in control or see if they ever let
25878s them go
25879s yeah energy is a little bit further
25881s ahead of inhame by you know 11 so
25884s somewhat negligible but
25885s crucially the atlanta reign do have will
25887s have both of their support ultimates
25889s available creative obviously just having
25891s used the nano boost so uh a decent
25893s advantage for atlanta rain as they do
25894s get uh do look for the retake here once
25898s we can get back into the game as you can
25900s see just making sure that all of his
25901s settings and everything are good to go
25903s and then i want to get underway
25904s hopefully i want to talk about the og
25906s vin dame sort of match up here as well
25907s because in my mind and you know correct
25909s me if you you might have a different
25911s player in mind but vin dame to me kind
25914s of leads the race in main support
25916s players off rolling towards a flag
25917s support like a zenyatta um
25920s and i i i don't count players like
25922s skewed by the way because he's actually
25923s a flexible first who off rolls to a
25926s break i'm talking the other way around
25927s uh vin dame to me has been quite a
25929s leader in that regard so og
25931s uh obviously to be fair vin dame also
25933s did kind of play poorly in the opening
25935s game as hunger spark but the normal
25937s vindem that we're used to is very good
25938s on the zen og is going to have to step
25940s up there as well because i think both
25941s support lines between og and ultraviolet
25943s creative vin dame didn't look
25945s particularly good in their opening games
25948s well once more our mysterious masked
25951s admins leaving the player area so we
25953s should be getting underway in just a bit
25955s but here's a little zoom in on vinhem so
25958s far
25958s uh obviously you know just a single
25960s match played and oh this is the
25962s qualifiers never mind not the actual
25963s season madness i know how to read uh but
25966s yeah his stats very respectable when it
25968s comes down to the zenyatta
25970s yeah 20 second on healing though but you
25971s know who cares deep it's a it's a dps
25974s you're playing zenyatta as a dps yeah
25976s healing optional
25978s is my policy on that one so
25980s it's all about the you know tied second
25982s for final blows love to see it it's the
25984s impact as well this is the kind of
25985s flexibility that
25986s teams that don't have the extra support
25990s players like this is not a team that
25991s runs three support players this is a
25993s team actually just like the atlanta rain
25995s that only have the two support players
25996s and require that their main support does
25998s flex over
25999s we should be in a situation where we are
26001s unpausing very shortly it seems like uh
26004s venom's issues are about to be fixed so
26006s as you sort of
26008s pointed out here og slightly ahead on
26009s the old charge compared to vin dame
26011s let's see if that ends up mattering
26013s yeah both teams gave the ready so we go
26015s right back into it venom just now
26017s respawning
26019s we'll look to steadily rejoin in with
26021s the rest of his team as quickly as
26022s possible but rain do have a small little
26024s window of opportunity to get in here and
26025s try to find some pictures as well
26029s yep there it is ultraviolet has finished
26031s that one off og just 14 away from that
26033s transcendence now is hawk getting beaten
26035s and battered uses the media strike to
26037s avoid the pulse bomb explosion does keep
26038s himself alive and has to actually take
26041s this very aggressively and he gets smurf
26043s he just stopped the everlasting hell out
26045s of him dives into the back sleep is
26046s gonna be there from creative
26048s as the
26049s ants he goes out of the prophet he'll
26051s stay alive
26052s as hawk now still diving forward has the
26054s nano he's looking for creative only a
26056s light charge up with a punch though so
26057s doesn't get too much damage still and
26058s ben hame on his return finds two hawk
26061s and ultraviolet violet now going down
26063s smurf right back into the freight dives
26065s forward helps pop and find og
26067s third overall final blow for vin game so
26069s far really cool stuff coming out from
26070s orcs no fair diving on top of smurf not
26073s going to be a defensive media strike
26074s just going to use it offensively to kill
26076s smith you'd love to see something like
26078s that the follow-up nano boost from uv as
26079s well to keep hawk alive to try and give
26081s atlanta rain a little bit more to play
26083s through unfortunately those side salt
26085s dynasty off the back of vindham couple
26087s of frags profit as well pick up a kill
26089s about 70 now so quite a significantly
26094s i'm getting into last by territory here
26096s for the dynasty to be able to close that
26097s out there's a dive into the back and he
26099s needs to pull through it smart while
26100s he's not actually exit he has the media
26101s strike available but he doesn't use it
26103s in time kai
26105s doesn't give me the opportunity he takes
26106s his head off with that rail shot still
26108s holds on to the overclock flip nearly
26110s there just need to finish clearing out
26111s the points so far has not happened
26114s dynamite on the kai sticking him down to
26116s about half hp is okay but now but fitz
26118s finds venom takes his head off overclock
26120s popped kai looking for some targets
26122s we'll find one that spits at smurf a big
26125s opening here brain still have not gotten
26126s this flip through profit kills og kai is
26129s taken down ot now starting to bleed away
26131s ultraviolet rushes forward does get the
26133s reset on the overtime but they need
26135s somebody to arrive and venom he has to
26137s recall just shy of touching
26139s and even if he had gotten there
26141s it didn't look very great for them
26143s overall so there you go the dynasty they
26145s gain control of the point once and they
26147s never lose it 126 on city center yeah
26150s some good heroics from kai you know have
26152s to give him credit for that one pulls
26153s the overclock in yeah we know kai
26155s sojourn is capable of turning fights
26156s around but you know playoff p is also
26159s going to do that you're up against
26160s profit in a situation where you know
26162s backs against the wall as far as the
26164s tournament is concerned profit's not
26166s going down easy this guy is is something
26168s that atlanta rain uh
26171s outside of playing plays like proper
26172s from the shock you're not going to have
26174s opportunities to play against the
26175s caliber of that that that skill level so
26177s sol dynasty
26179s will as previously mentioned once they
26181s get control of the point not ever really
26184s give it away smurf actually coming
26185s through on azaria so they got a mirror
26187s hawk pretty much the entire way through
26192s that they are
26195s garden again
26197s university will be the final round if we
26199s can make it that far but yeah nate was
26200s massive flips kai clipped og no
26202s follow-up damage to find the
26204s eliminations
26205s smurfing out
26206s challenging up on the high ground
26209s spots them rotating around the back it's
26211s however
26212s taken out side with a nice head shot
26214s once more
26216s breaks it down finds first blood for his
26217s squad the flip lockdown
26219s is going to be there atlanta rain once
26221s more gaining control first and foremost
26222s now pushing forward to looking for some
26224s additional kills as well as an energy
26226s reset on the smurf but he ducks back
26227s around the corner manages to keep it
26230s this is gonna be an interesting matchup
26231s as well because i i would have rather of
26233s expect normally i've expected smith to
26234s go something like a winston maybe a ball
26236s or a doom here uh playing the zarya
26238s versus hawk is definitely playing
26239s towards his strengths and well despite
26241s getting a double fire nate they didn't
26242s really press for any sort of map control
26245s oh well two quick kills in reply the
26248s mortality field gone as well as dynasty
26250s want a fast flip once more
26252s that guy know where to go ends up
26254s falling it's going to be 30 percent
26256s another side of the atlanta reign that's
26257s the flip is there ultra farther going so
26260s very low the bubble from hawk doing just
26262s enough to keep him protected
26266s so first flex support ultimates are
26268s online it's gonna be window versus the
26270s nano boost
26271s uh
26273s now the targets here what i mean most
26275s likely gonna be on to smurf shouldn't it
26276s so the graviton surge is gonna be online
26278s and they can actually it so there's
26280s gravel
26281s oh he just lobs it in the ante on top of
26283s all of it and that's the immortality
26285s field goes down the kill is found it's
26287s one on the ultraviolet but og
26289s as he swings the corner of binham is
26290s there the follow-up kills will be found
26292s profit now turning back
26295s playing forward still holds on to the
26296s pulse bomb and dynasty win out the fight
26298s ultraviolet now going over towards the
26299s anode that's like a perfect counter as
26301s well because that
26302s is okay well that's gonna be an
26303s opportunity for atlanta to at least push
26305s on in
26306s but uh window comes up smoke eventually
26308s grabs in the timing of the grab could
26310s not have been a little more perfect so
26311s atlanta reign will have their
26313s opportunity to grab now
26314s they better come in quickly because fitz
26316s is on his way back
26317s [Music]
26319s they have the rally rolling to escort
26321s them forward og still 17 off of his own
26324s bop
26325s thrown in as kai looks for some targets
26327s smurf locked up here into the ground but
26329s managing to stay alive he didn't have
26331s the rail he had to go for the reload
26332s that kind of cost him that moment to get
26334s the elimination coach cut from fifth
26335s will final for pilot he gets taken down
26337s kai wants more but smurf still is
26339s absolutely wreaking havoc hawk and og
26342s both taking down kai trying to slide his
26344s way out to safety will be able to stay
26346s alive but hawk now knowing that time is
26348s not on their side swaps over onto the
26350s doomfist yep and the zen coming through
26351s from og as well so just gonna be
26353s changing the cop a little bit further
26354s now seems like the pace just wasn't
26355s there for the rain right you see the
26356s early pick on defense five versus four
26359s and rain failed to press the advantage
26360s and also fitz came back use the bob it
26362s ends up being a 6v5 because the extra
26364s mob the guilfords again can they use
26366s this
26368s looking for it
26369s make it back there for venom he stays
26370s safe the flip getting ready to come
26371s through from the side of the atlanta
26372s reign and we'll just go ahead and
26374s concede this dynasty more than happy to
26376s give up a little bit of extra time a
26377s little bit of percentage over to the
26379s side of the rain they know that they
26380s have a significant lead
26382s that's what they should have done last
26383s time really but better late than never
26385s buying a landing on two for the soul
26387s dynasty no ultimates online just yet
26388s reigns struggling to hold on i mean they
26389s need to fight a pick through high
26391s ideally
26392s wait for the nano
26394s gun at the back he's looking for bits
26395s but look at the damage in response for
26397s dynasty take him down about half hp
26400s just back away another auntie going
26402s forward smurf cleanses it
26405s just waits for it to expire as the right
26407s clicks coming through he's instantly at
26408s 100 energy looking for a target hawk
26410s going to be slapped nanoed up in the
26412s back lines then it will find a pulse
26414s bomb stick but here comes the graph
26416s slaps it down oh gee gonna be the first
26417s of all ultra violet as well gonna be
26419s burnt down by the dynamite
26421s get traded it's falls and it's going to
26423s be the rain actually managing to hold
26425s out
26425s creative now in a rough rough position
26427s has to die but time is not on their side
26429s anymore dynasty need to get back into
26431s this if they want to try to close this
26432s out otherwise it's looking like
26433s university is on the horizon well fitz
26435s is going to go sorry smith is going to
26437s go over towards the doom as well to come
26438s back quickly and well you also see that
26441s smurf was just trying to trade backlines
26442s knew that his backline was in trouble
26444s but if he can get a successful graph off
26446s receive the narrow and carry possibly
26448s could have been a fight win fitz
26450s kneeling towards the bob hawk on the
26451s media strike should be able to stay
26452s alive but kai to be the difference maker
26454s on the overclock could get atlanta to
26456s reign this round
26458s he's got it ready to bob
26460s almost there for fitz now online
26463s out off the point yeah he ends up
26465s falling didn't have the meteor strike
26466s smurf moving up into kai's face we'd
26468s love to push him off the side of the map
26470s hasn't been able to do so now he's
26471s getting beat and battered manages to
26473s make his exit the flip starting to come
26475s through kai finds bits once more
26477s seemingly just has these rail shots
26478s magnetized to his skull but now it's in
26481s the double overtime on either side with
26483s the dynasty in control then hey falling
26485s low trying to kite back to rally nearly
26487s there for him he's about to have it
26488s online profit throws at the pulse pop
26490s doesn't manage to find an elimination
26491s takes the recall out stays alive the
26493s rally rolling for vinheem
26494s stand up for a brief moment
26495s transcendence coming to perochi kev has
26498s it to buy some extra time and once more
26500s they have the rain have now gained
26501s control of this point for themselves
26503s profit going in he knows that he's got
26505s has to get rid of kai they haven't been
26506s able to do it yet creative snipes finds
26508s one then goes out onto smurf he goes
26510s straight in for ultraviolet finds that
26512s hawk gonna be taking a nap the
26513s transcendence expires from og and fitz
26515s manages to find the elimination before
26516s getting traded back and they're zoned
26518s off the point but the flip is there
26519s actually in the rain they managed to
26521s take this one right out from beneath
26523s their noses hawk gonna be slapping the
26524s c9 they're in chat
26526s back and forth between the two teams on
26528s a razor's edge but this will extend us
26531s into a third round i gotta say that he's
26533s not wrong that technically to me is
26534s probably a c9 prophet needed to stay on
26536s the point there reign actually got the
26538s flip a little bit earlier about maybe 15
26540s seconds early so they actually had the
26541s cap going the entire way through for the
26543s most part and at that sort of time and
26546s look rain know there's better than
26548s anyone from that c9 on ilios against
26550s houston right if you step off the point
26553s for even a second when we're that deep
26555s into ot the thing disappears instantly
26557s the wick burns out so tall dynasty
26560s unfortunate mistake there they look like
26562s they actually had a decent player
26563s advantage great sleep on the hawk that
26564s enabled them to kill the back line the
26566s salt dynasty everyone went hunting for
26568s the frags prophet stepped off and the
26570s round is over
26574s now
26576s last round to settle it and see who
26577s starts off this elimination series with
26579s a map win under their belt
26582s cop not being really altered by either
26585s side still just gonna be the tracers the
26586s ash versus the sojourn which of course
26589s kai
26590s has been fighting an immense amount of
26591s value with it consistently taking down
26593s fits
26594s we'll see if smurf ends up staying on
26595s the zarya as well because this time hawk
26597s actually starts on the doom
26599s and the pressure's already wrong on here
26601s sold honestly trying to make some space
26602s happen
26604s i try to find a kill but this time fitz
26606s will get the better of him too much
26608s damage being applied fits now however
26609s out in no man's land will fall down as
26611s the pincer comes through
26613s put him on the one side hawk on the
26614s other the kill is there been him gonna
26616s be taking a nap and it's a very rude
26617s awakening from ultraviolet sending him
26619s back into the respawn room and once more
26621s for the third time now atlanta raiden
26622s will start things off with the point
26624s locked down that's all dynasty kind of
26626s feed extra members there when smurf is
26627s already down you know vin dame is still
26629s in the next dies in my opinion
26631s unnecessarily you know you kind of do
26632s have to wait for smurf it's a very
26633s unlikely they can turn around the fight
26635s without him prophet at least is very
26636s close towards the pulse bomb so is venom
26638s to be fair oh gee
26641s needing some peel it does come through
26643s uvs force them back
26645s profit and venom both about the half
26647s these alts online the pulse pumps now up
26649s but once more kai does fine fits the
26651s head shot great sleep dart creative
26654s helping to keep smurf safe
26656s knows they're going to have to pull up
26657s with the ante is absolutely massive
26659s manages to find three and the cleanup
26660s starts coming through
26662s just the dps left alive hovering back
26664s over towards the spawner in the rain
26665s very handily win out the fight they hold
26667s the point now cresting 40 percent yeah
26669s great nano coming through is all to say
26671s venom and then collect the rest of the
26672s kills you mentioned the
26673s biomass already coming on through it's
26675s good lead from the atlantic terrain
26676s similar to what we saw earlier the salt
26678s dynasty starting out on the back foot
26680s it's their turn to nano
26682s and much harder to access the back line
26684s with their sort of nanos unless you just
26685s want it an added profit but most likely
26686s they'll go on to smurf
26688s and he probably won't have that much
26689s energy available at this current time so
26691s it needs to build that up again
26694s fits once more falling down son of both
26698s supports pulse bomb there from venom not
26699s gonna find an elimination but the
26700s follow-up is still looking great from
26702s the side of the rain who continue to
26703s just push forward creative gonna be
26704s taken down looks like this round this
26706s last round of oasis might be an absolute
26708s watch for the side of the dynasty as
26710s they cannot find a single kill in the
26711s fight well this is just uncharacteristic
26713s from seoul because they're playing more
26714s of a brawl style with azaria with their
26716s signature has always been dive so
26718s they're really trying to force the zarya
26720s to work and reign are outpacing them at
26722s all fronts they're able to consistently
26723s get these fights in when soul dynasty
26725s haven't had any ground to make ninety
26727s percent left to go and a bunch of
26729s members on soul still looking for their
26730s first ultimates again the nano is online
26733s and they need that to be able to push on
26734s in
26736s profit trying to put pressure out in the
26738s back lines rally rolling from fin hey
26739s emoji holding on to the transcendence
26742s nano at the ready creative not using it
26744s yet the graph gets thrown in but he's
26745s just switching he uses the nano now
26747s smurf taking down fits so very low the
26750s sun out onto everybody and no one can
26752s make it to the point
26754s absolutely clean in the final round
26756s atlanta rain
26758s looking very much alive great shutdowns
26760s consistently on to fitzkai just making
26763s sure that yeah dynasty were basically
26764s operating as a four-man squad this
26766s entire way through they closed it out
26768s very nicely and they start this series
26769s off for the win i don't think
26771s competitive on both ends when you look
26772s at the first two rounds but once we got
26774s to university
26775s you're just left wanting look at the
26777s seoul dynasty because if you've watched
26778s the sol dynasty before you know again
26781s specialty is going to be dive here the
26783s zarya composition so slow for them
26785s completely outpaced they never got to
26787s fight if they want a creative waiting so
26789s long to nano ends up nailing vin dame
26791s half the team's already dead you're just
26793s not going to get a fight when doing that
26795s they had no opportunity to even get on
26797s the point to start a fight
26799s that just isn't soul dynasty to me what
26801s they're doing here on this map but
26802s particularly on the university is so
26805s outside of their normal style it doesn't
26807s make sense
26810s well
26811s a rough start once more for the side of
26812s the dynasty
26814s looks great you know at times they're
26816s especially that first round
26817s managing the atlanta rain with relative
26819s ease but rain very much focused in those
26822s last two
26823s flaps back now they start things off
26825s with the right foot forward matt went
26826s under their belt see what happens so
26828s once more the dynasty going to be having
26830s their map pick as we set our sights
26832s forward to hybrid we'll see what they
26833s land on where they want to take us and
26835s whether or not it's going to be good
26836s enough to tie this series up one to one
26838s again an elimination match a must win
26840s for both these teams so you can get it
26842s done when we return
26850s [Music]
26883s so
26885s [Music]
26925s [Music]
26931s [Music]
26937s me
26946s so
26960s [Music]
27017s [Music]
27058s [Music]
27060s two shots dead on the ground we're in
27062s the same pull up three rounds bro you
27065s done we let it rain head pop so look out
27068s when we in the zone don't play around i
27070s got a strap put your back tell you now
27072s we laying it down yeah bow bands up
27075s trapped out i bring the doors gang up
27078s [Music]
27086s in a savage who you
27091s [Music]
27097s [Music]
27100s and welcome back the atlanta reign
27102s starting things off nicely with a win on
27104s you know dynasties matt pick of oasis
27107s came in as a higher seeded team elected
27109s to go there for control and they fall
27110s shy of the mark after stepping off the
27113s point in the second round and not really
27115s being able to do a damn thing on
27116s university well they once more have a
27118s map pick at their disposal but can they
27121s make use of it that is the question
27123s things look as normal for the sold
27125s dynasty on the opening city center right
27127s but after that is when things start to
27128s really get away
27130s and atlanta rain really kind of shown
27132s their capability especially on that
27134s university like i said it looked it was
27136s a bit of a weird look from seoul dynasty
27137s in my opinion
27139s uh fitz also kind of having a bit of a
27141s rough time versus kai after kai
27144s definitely warmed up over the course of
27145s the entire
27146s three rounds of oasis so it's time to
27149s see what salk can do instead as we head
27151s into our hybrid map nero also coming in
27154s for venom as you would normally expect
27156s for the atlanta rain uh venom mostly
27158s only just plays the opening controls and
27161s nero will take care of the rest as we
27162s move through the series
27165s yep which was kind of what we had
27167s initially with stalker but now he's
27169s going to be coming through for the
27170s second map with fit stepping away and
27172s uh you know it's it's you don't want to
27174s point fingers and be like this was the
27176s problem but it's had such a rough time
27178s with kai just regularly being able to
27180s take him down even by the end there on
27181s university venom was getting his hands
27183s dirty in dealing with fits oh i want to
27186s see how stalker does fare
27188s whether or not his uh swap out is going
27191s to be good enough for them to be able to
27192s get a win on our next map here's the
27194s stats from kai on oasis though man was
27197s uh putting up numbers i'd love to see
27198s how many of these final blows were
27199s against fitz because it feels like just
27201s about all of them were well he certainly
27202s was the final leader across the board
27204s for both teams here 15 the next highest
27208s was venom on 10
27210s and then finally i believe it was smurf
27213s on nine so
27215s if you're curious to where fitz is
27216s because i've named three players and
27218s fitz hasn't been on the list yet he was
27219s actually the one afterwards coming
27220s through on eight but that is basically
27222s half of what kai had as well with double
27224s the deaths as walk i had six deaths fits
27226s at 12 deaths so
27227s to say that he definitely struggled in
27229s that matchup is i would say it's pretty
27231s accurate kai definitely towards the end
27233s i think kai maybe didn't really
27236s have that matchup under lock until we
27238s got to the second round but from there
27241s yeah it was definitely mostly kai in for
27242s the seoul dynasty now an opportunity for
27245s the young stalker to come on in the
27247s rookie on the sergeant as in previous
27249s games that we had kind of noted top
27251s sojourns of the eastern region stalker
27254s had been
27255s at the top of that list for a while you
27256s know next to players like shai uh and
27258s then eventually left that also got there
27260s as well but you know i think stalker's
27261s performance
27263s on
27264s their opening match versus hunger spark
27266s left a bit to be desired because shy
27268s definitely handled them that was that
27269s was not a normal day for stalker he
27271s would normally be able to compete
27272s against shy much more evenly he's going
27274s to have to play much better now versus a
27277s player like kai which we know
27279s traditionally has been basically the top
27281s north american sergeant
27284s well we should be getting ready to go
27286s into our second map here in just a
27288s moment as the players have gotten
27289s settled our substitutions look a minor
27292s issue there for nero as well but
27294s everything should be taken care of they
27296s should be able to get things underway i
27298s mean it's we kind of i was gonna say
27300s it's been five maps the whole way
27301s through but that's not the case actually
27302s fusion got a three one my memory already
27305s starting to fade i guess from that
27306s series
27307s was a hell of a lot longer than it was
27309s we got like six points on king's row
27310s speaking of which is gonna be our next
27312s map it was a super long king's row right
27313s so it did feel like a potential
27315s five-mapper
27317s i also route 66 took years off my life
27319s so the just added to the length in a way
27321s even though that was a short map uh
27323s king's robin the choice of soul dynasty
27325s is an interesting one to me i convulsed
27327s it would have been an obvious choice
27328s it's a little bit more dive favored but
27330s seoul dynasty you know especially on
27331s oxygen seem to have been kind of shying
27333s away from the dive outside of the
27334s initial doom pick for smurf so question
27336s mark will be on what does sol dynasty
27339s want to play with here we've seen kind
27340s of smurf play through a different entire
27343s gamut of different heroes uh sigma being
27345s one of them he's obviously played the
27347s winston here as well
27348s so
27349s signing out on something that hulk
27350s should actually be pretty comfortable on
27352s we'll have to see if atlanta reigns want
27353s to maybe think about matching this one
27355s once they see the composition out from
27357s the seoul dynasty
27359s because i'm sure hulk would love to get
27360s into a sigma 1v1
27365s well certainly it was a bit of a weak
27367s point at least at the you know early
27369s days
27370s for smurf once we started seeing sigma
27373s kind of you know fall under the meta a
27374s little bit more
27375s but uh is drastically improved it
27379s since then
27380s let's see though for now kai just gonna
27382s be waiting going for an initial shot
27383s with the widowmaker nero looking like
27385s he's going to be coming out against the
27386s genji
27387s one other thing if you can find any
27388s value
27390s is that i think hawk has definitely
27392s struggled a little bit on the main tanks
27393s like the rhine and the in the uh the
27395s winston's while there's a gators here is
27396s right so given the charge maybe hawk
27398s will think about what he can do in this
27400s particular matchup for now though does
27402s look like they want to play just the
27403s standard dive here wouldn't sin then
27405s that will be there as well narrow on
27407s towards the genji
27409s so no need for no cause for concern in
27411s terms of changing things up
27412s already on towards the point sold on fc
27415s to respond
27418s like the way that they play that they
27419s try to contest the high ground with nero
27421s force out the accretion and the winston
27422s comes through but kai does get taken
27424s down right at the right of the rip
27426s getting him back over onto the zenyatta
27428s continuing to find some nice value push
27430s around the corner stop not going to
27432s connect and he goes out onto smurf and
27434s he's just going to go ahead and back
27434s pedal
27435s back float away from the winston
27439s he's been taking a bit of heat from
27441s ultraviolet so far he's been eating
27442s bayern sleep a little bit early on there
27444s as well could have lived to his death
27446s that's right look at that there's take
27447s we'll find it sold honestly no contest
27449s for that
27451s once more challenging the high ground
27454s the force smurfs position would love to
27455s get him down onto the ground but nano's
27457s coming hard dynasty not feeling the need
27460s nano as you say about to be about for
27461s both sides of an ultraviolet fairly neck
27463s and neck
27465s a little bit closer here for ultraviolet
27467s continues to spam now has it ready to go
27469s hero in the meantime auntie out down to
27471s half hp the nano goes forward looks to
27473s pressure them out in the hallway halfway
27475s down to that second tick as smurf is
27477s completely on an island they managed to
27479s segregate the rest of the dynasty away
27481s from the tank they find the kill stalker
27483s pushing out just managed to find nero
27485s but somebody's gonna have to contest you
27486s pretty darn soon profit moving forward
27488s pulse pump built up finds og stalker up
27491s over the top of the statue gets one and
27493s ultraviolet's got nowhere to go tucked
27495s into the corner but there's no health
27496s pack there is no saving him he ends up
27499s going down that's half the time bank but
27501s two ticks established for the reign yeah
27502s creative actually didn't have the now to
27504s save smurf there i think he was maybe
27505s one percent off so the finest margins to
27508s keeping smurf alive unlike the end of a
27510s waste of state creative will definitely
27511s use this nano in a timely fashion puts
27513s onto stalker who will make very good use
27516s of that one alongside profit to collect
27517s the kills necessary and now they have
27519s further ultimates coming online
27520s including flux and overclock to deal
27521s with the land to rank high
27523s actually kind of struggling to keep up
27524s with the ultimate charge but the rest of
27526s the players are coming up
27528s so far
27529s now in the lead right now his stalker
27531s now he's going to pop it smurf
27533s desperately looking for a target just
27534s find og on the back end and the primary
27536s fire will finish him off stalker in the
27538s meantime comes up with two with the
27539s overclocks looking for a little bit more
27541s as nero's last one standing and he
27543s cannot escape will end up falling
27546s there's a team kill dynasty holding firm
27548s but still have to wait for some of these
27550s respawns to rejoin so it's an expensive
27552s fight for salt dynasty though two
27554s ultimates traded for only the one
27556s and important ultimates for rain coming
27557s online so waiting for kai to get that
27559s overclocks is quite significantly behind
27561s stalker to be honest with you comes down
27562s to the transfer vending profit has to be
27564s the one to make a play here because
27565s otherwise salt don't really have
27566s anything to open with
27569s 60 seconds
27570s transfer
27572s is going to be available here unless one
27574s of these zenyattas get picked
27576s oh gee but they have his just a little
27578s bit sooner dive coming through there's
27579s the blade pulled profit creative and
27581s smurf everybody going down
27583s there's just so much damage there in the
27584s hallway the kills come through have been
27586s a very wisely knowing that uh pop in the
27589s transcend it's not gonna do a damn thing
27590s holds on to it smurf now gonna be
27591s swapping over the winston to match and
27593s it's just over three minutes for rain in
27595s the time bank it was three separate
27597s kills and i think in mostly three
27598s separate areas as well so almost
27600s impossible for vin name to do much about
27602s it even if he pops the trance he'll save
27604s one two members at best a third one is
27606s guaranteed to go down that will be
27607s playing on a deficit but this is more
27610s along the lines of the salt dynasty that
27611s we're used to smurf going back over
27613s towards his
27614s trademark winston
27616s playing the dive alongside profits
27618s tracer so that that has been the dynamic
27619s duo for the sole dynasty that has gotten
27621s them a lot of distance over in the
27623s regular season
27626s already quite a forward push here from
27628s the side of the rain wanting to keep the
27629s dynasty at arms length make sure that
27631s they cannot get established over by the
27632s archway
27634s they can try to lock that payload
27635s through so have been able to break
27636s through
27638s as nano goes out onto smurf nate coming
27640s down suburbs pushing forward forces the
27642s transcendence out they hit him found
27644s hawk i believe it was also just trying
27646s to duke it out and break down the back
27647s lines at the side of this whole dynasty
27649s it does not work out now the
27650s transcendence gonna be used for finnham
27651s as they go charging forward behind the
27653s pressure for their eliminations the
27654s chase is there kai taking down profit
27657s able to just double up alongside smurf
27659s they get the kill they get nero who was
27661s taking it after the back lines
27663s dynasty will be able to halt the cart
27665s amazingly well played by creative
27667s especially there you see the nano coming
27668s through onto smurf to start things out
27670s but he actually shuts down hawke because
27672s there was a bio name placed on the hawk
27674s meant that no atlanta rain members could
27676s do anything to help him stay up smurf
27678s still alive he's able to shut down kai
27680s just getting in his face and kai can't
27681s get this overclocked to really find any
27683s value for the atlanta rain so now
27684s they're freshly out of ultimates waiting
27686s for at least the primal rage to come up
27687s south dynasty have drawn a line in the
27689s sand
27690s yep smurf has gotten on pace after that
27693s last fight basically alongside hawks for
27695s the primal rage
27697s catching up despite the late swap oh gee
27699s oh no
27701s oh in the hell he's out in the middle of
27703s nowhere prophet scoops that lops in the
27705s stick gets hawk as well
27708s it looks for the final shot there on de
27710s niro and stalker will be able to claim
27712s those but
27713s i mean oh gee just out in the middle of
27715s nowhere gets punished and prophet will
27718s just find the perfect play to take down
27720s in the alleyways as well
27722s doing his best jack the ripper
27724s impression or something in the streets
27725s of london is the sol dynasty i mean
27726s that's going to really make things
27729s difficult for the atlanta reigns further
27731s attack attempts 45 seconds of remaining
27733s sulphuric system to play through waiting
27735s for the next play to come on in but uv
27736s has no nano boosters once it's gonna
27738s have to be a dry blade from nero
27741s hawks taking that high ground position
27743s there for just a brief moment smurf does
27745s find him
27746s probably primal at the ready blade about
27748s to be up for nero no transcendence to
27750s mitigate that damage from ben him yet
27753s that's a good amount of catching up to
27754s do in that regard 33 off
27757s for now atlanta rain is poking and
27759s prodding looking and hoping for a pick
27762s hawk will be taking a nap over by the
27764s way
27765s wakes up there's the primal the supports
27767s and it's zoned out away from the rest of
27768s the squad that needs to feel he's
27770s knocking him down into the tube creative
27771s getting juggled around but somehow not
27773s dying the trance is there from bit him
27775s to keep him alive
27776s forever
27778s he gets his head taken off stalker
27780s fights both supports the point gets
27781s pulled but nero's instantly down to 48
27783s and there's the shot from stalker
27785s absolutely goes nuclear finds three in
27788s the fight and there it is for the ot
27790s bleeding away
27792s one bell swoop a great start overall for
27794s the the side of the atlanta reign and
27796s that initial push out but as soon as the
27798s dynasty gained control of the cart they
27800s do not release it at all it's an insane
27802s couple of pickups from stalker as well
27804s the young kid just come on on in
27805s deleting ogie and ultra violet two
27808s rookies on the side of the atlanta rain
27809s but that was trans tonight it was nano
27812s tonight as well you're probably asking
27813s what was going on with the rain were
27815s they not meant to pull a dry blade
27816s should they not have gone earlier they
27818s actually wanted to wait for the nano
27819s ultraviolet was sitting around i think
27821s 84 85 percent and for the atlanta rain
27824s they're thinking well final fight is
27825s definitely upon us we could pull the
27826s blade but if we kind of just play this
27828s out a little bit longer try and really
27830s sold out the fight we're gonna be able
27832s to use double support ultimates actually
27833s get a nanoblade and go in seoul dynasty
27836s cut that plan in half
27838s they had the tempo on their side this is
27839s what i'm talking about why it's so
27840s different to what that look on to
27841s university solve dynasty on a dive able
27844s to be so much more aggressive able to
27846s take the game within their own hands can
27847s see here again koji had no chance
27850s ultraviolet because he was booped into i
27852s guess the tunnels there could not see
27854s nero could not see anybody to use a nano
27856s and both og and ultraviolet are gonna
27858s end up dying and ending their fight
27860s without using the results
27864s well it's all right there an immaculate
27866s final fight from stalker both supports
27867s just stuck down inside the tube
27870s they get cleaned up with relative ease
27872s now the dynasty
27873s have a win condition
27876s to play off of to try to tie up this
27878s series the last second flip around here
27881s as prophet not actually going to go for
27883s the shot
27884s swaps off the widow straight into the
27885s genji no one there so fair enough
27887s yeah yeah the race assault dynasty
27889s walked out i was like no one's scared
27891s you can just swap off it's fine
27893s we'll be able to spot hawk
27895s very briefly
27896s proper genji as well so
27899s haven't seen a lot of that this stage so
27901s far obviously was a big factor kickoff
27902s clash but for the most part profits have
27904s been playing tracer in the mid-season
27906s madness qualifiers
27909s it's bonsanero has the mega pack to play
27911s off but grabs that for himself
27913s oh we have a little bit of a wet noodle
27915s fight between again but stalker once
27917s more
27917s finds an opening kill he gets kai as
27919s well
27921s stalker he's looking to dip him
27923s the name and proven will go down however
27925s so it's gonna be a two for two
27928s no progress being found on the point
27929s just yet they will start inching their
27930s way forward but hawk is still around to
27932s keep this contestant he's like a rail
27934s shot catches ochi in the chest not the
27936s head shot that he so desperately wanted
27938s so the dynasty just gonna have to go for
27939s a bit of a brief reset oh just making og
27942s skip a heartbeat though that was a shot
27944s that connects regardless hawk now eats a
27945s fire nade possibly will go down they're
27947s trying to get stuck and they'll get him
27949s it is a trade though
27951s yep makai's taking out binhame comes up
27953s with two both dps dead into the
27955s zenyatta's headshots
27957s and the supports are now contained back
27959s through the archway the point cap coming
27960s through for the side of the dynasty they
27962s can't go for maybe a last-second contest
27964s here as the second tick is just about to
27966s come in hero returning
27969s trying to get the position hawk makes
27971s his way through and yeah they're gonna
27972s try to fight for this one let's see if
27974s it works out nano boost starts things
27976s off binham take it down
27978s massive kills already found for the
27979s sunny land the rain so yeah the go
27981s button the nano boost it does wonders
27983s for them they save off the dynasty for a
27984s bit longer and that all comes down to
27986s the fact that ultraviolet kept og alive
27988s at the corner there as well because you
27989s did see in a previous fight towards the
27990s ann smith diving very deep towards the
27993s bookstore to try and chase down og was
27995s discorded by van dame as well but he
27997s backs off he didn't have the support or
27998s no zone side he didn't want to over
28000s commit and get slapped had they actually
28002s killed og though that would have been a
28004s different situation i don't think the
28005s lantern could retake
28008s it again falling low
28010s being able to do nothing to me to get
28011s the damage coming out from the wind
28012s stand
28014s and now the kills just continue to spill
28016s forth nero finding two of them the team
28018s wipe now a minute and 40 seconds
28019s remaining outside of the dynasty that's
28021s significant because this is a situation
28023s where seoul dynasty are very likely to
28024s have to spend here the nano is already
28027s gone they're about four alternates yeah
28029s time is going to be factored now the
28030s good news for solas they don't have to
28032s finish the map here only the one point
28033s for land to rain so part way through b
28035s is the target for soul
28038s their ability to snowball is going to be
28039s impacted if they spend too many alts
28041s here and i think around to rain they're
28042s gonna force it
28044s oh nero though we're gonna be slinking
28046s around the back he has not been scouted
28047s yet looks like they finally do turn to
28049s the side
28050s check their corners
28052s spot him out
28053s pulse bomb at the ready nero could
28054s absolutely shut down this push once more
28056s and now we're getting below overclock
28058s however pop from stalker and he
28060s immediately finds kai looks for nero as
28063s well moves forward pops the recall has
28064s not used that pulled pump yet hawk goes
28066s in he's a two for one special in the
28067s melee hit
28069s gets the kill first on the manhattan
28071s then follows up for another pulse bomb
28072s slap down near not gonna be able to find
28074s a kill though and creative will just be
28077s able to spam him out off the back of the
28078s ante nade
28079s this fall
28080s in his dying breath i did again sleep
28082s out on the hawk and go sleeping forward
28084s yeah as you say kai has just not really
28086s been able to play too much overwatch on
28088s this map in the meantime the point was
28090s captain it's three minutes here for the
28092s dynasty to try to push forward still
28093s holding on to two waltz there's three
28094s ultimates burned there by the soul
28096s dynasty you see that hall coming on in
28097s did have a lot of impact and trying to
28099s hold on to that point especially off the
28100s back of uv popping the nano as well but
28102s kai being dead straight away twice i
28104s mean you have a situation where the
28105s stalker kills him kai returns from spawn
28108s and profit kills him as he comes back in
28109s so didn't really get to play the game
28111s there nera gets out played by creative
28112s as well who also sleeps hawk so creative
28115s did a lot of work on that offense
28117s speaking of work cut out for the salt
28119s dynasty they lost a lot of time on a two
28122s ultimates available in atlanta building
28123s back on for more defensive atlanta rain
28126s reset sold again atlanta put themselves
28128s into a position to win this map
28132s smurfs just trying to play sneakily here
28136s drops down off down about half hp does
28138s have that primal rage to rely on should
28140s he fall low
28142s golden box the victory getting ever
28143s closer here for the dynasty
28146s they're looking to finish it off goes on
28147s the offensive forces the trans out
28148s immediately blade now gonna be pulled
28150s he's looking for og the trans comes
28152s through in reply prophet not really
28154s gonna be able to find too much value
28155s here in fact he goes down
28156s so much damage coming through from hawk
28158s from nero they get the elimination vin
28161s name is only able to get og at the end
28162s of it all smurf will just get cleaned up
28164s here
28165s knives here once more gonna have to
28166s reset and go again yeah this is
28168s disastrous now for the soul dynasty
28169s because this is the position where
28170s atlanta rain can actually set up
28172s defensive positions they can have flanks
28174s as well looking narrow they'll be
28175s looking towards the back line if assault
28178s dynasty the snowball has been impacted
28180s this is a kind of flow on effect from a
28182s you know they had to spend ultimates to
28184s just get a done they have limited
28185s ultimates to play through for b limited
28187s time as well because they really
28188s couldn't cap a with any sort of
28190s efficiency creative did not have nano
28191s for the previous fight which could have
28192s been a big difference maker they'll have
28194s it now but i guess i'll just have to go
28196s on to maybe even stalker if they can
28197s just wait a little bit longer but no
28199s smoke first
28200s it goes the smartphone og falls profit
28202s this time finding his target with the
28204s swap over onto the tracer now out onto
28206s kai
28207s challenge there from smurf moves up the
28208s high ground gets woken up off the back
28210s of the sleep dart now he's in the back
28211s lines punishing ultraviolet putting him
28214s to bed the cart moving forward nero
28216s dashing up manages to keep him contested
28218s for just a brief moment but the
28219s overclock is there stalker gets the kill
28221s the push comes through the dynasty they
28224s tie it up one to one
28227s big players come on in smurf straight
28229s towards the back line
28231s now they've been popped in
28232s ends up working out perfectly for smith
28234s he had the primal to play through there
28236s as well so the survivability on smurf to
28238s be able to make space for the rest of
28239s his team brilliant stuff soccer was on
28241s 80 towards the overclock found it during
28243s that fight that's exactly what you want
28245s to see so atlanta rain good effort i
28247s think on that a initially to burn down
28250s the timing and maybe even potentially
28252s get that full hold which i think would
28254s have been definitely the death now for
28256s the assault dynasty 2-0 would have been
28258s amazing for the land to reign but we
28260s expected the salt on ac to be able to
28262s bounce back like this i don't think they
28264s would have gone down quietly versus a
28266s team like the atlanta reigns so one and
28267s what it is
28270s and then it is we'll see if there's
28271s gonna be any swaps though depending on
28273s what escort map we end up with saw the
28274s route 66 in the previous series could it
28277s be the circuit royale i don't know we'll
28279s have to just wait and see what atlanta
28280s rain wants to try to take us to and you
28283s know what the flow on effect is going to
28284s be for the rosters see if there's any
28287s changes see what map we have at our
28289s disposal but for now we are tied up one
28291s to one the dynasty able to fight back on
28293s king's row we'll see who can take the
28295s lead move it up the match point of the
28297s next map when we come back from the
28298s break
28303s [Music]
28312s [Music]
28317s so
28320s [Music]
28327s [Music]
28342s [Music]
28344s do
28365s [Music]
28376s [Music]
28401s so
28420s [Music]
28430s [Music]
28513s [Music]
28525s [Music]
28537s [Music]
28544s and we are back everything tied up now
28546s one to one and a lot of it is to do with
28549s this guy right here on your screen
28550s stalker coming in from map number two
28553s and look absolutely fantastic on king's
28557s row which is exactly what seoul dynasty
28559s needed especially considering that
28561s stalker didn't play particularly well
28563s versus shai in their opening matchup as
28565s the hong kong spark but now versus
28566s atlanta reign fitz who had a trouble
28569s dealing with kai on oasis stalker wasn't
28571s gonna be falling for the same
28573s shenanigans here in fact it feels like
28575s opposite day on king's row uh as noted
28578s statistically kai had
28581s just about doubled the amount of kills
28582s this fits in half the amount of deaths
28584s here stalker as we steal the stat card
28586s 19 final blows to wait for it kai only
28589s four so quite a significant difference
28591s in the amount of output in terms of
28593s actual final blows and uh as far as
28595s deaths goes pretty similar to the
28596s difference between client fits on the
28598s oasis kion 11 stockholm six are just
28601s about half there nearly you're probably
28603s wondering why fitz is in now over
28604s stalker considering that difference well
28607s it's because we are going to circuit
28608s royale which i think is a brilliant map
28609s pick for the atlanta reign they
28611s definitely have this over the london
28613s spitfire in the initial matchup they
28615s were very good vs atlanta vs london
28617s spitfire mainly because of kai's
28619s difference maker on the water maker so
28622s why is fitzen because fitz is the
28624s dedicated wooden maker player for the
28625s seoul dynasty stalker he's playing the
28628s sojourn that's kind of his role in the
28630s team currently and seoul dynasty plays
28631s their belief in fits for their widow
28635s that they do and i mean he's delivered
28637s impeccable moments for us in the past
28640s just hopefully for his sake is able to
28642s shake off that first map where he got
28644s hard dipped by kai and you know with a
28647s slightly different match up moving away
28648s from
28649s the ash into the widow properly maybe he
28652s can find some success let's just wait
28654s and see though as the atlanta reign will
28655s be first on the defense you get rc kai
28657s he's got the widow in hand and i'm
28659s interested in what profit is going to
28660s play i think mostly in the past he's
28662s gone towards the hanzo here
28664s uh in my opinion
28666s the the best thing to do on a map like
28668s this in terms of dps lineups you should
28671s be playing two out of the following
28673s three heroes between whatever maker hans
28675s and sojon you should be having two of
28676s them if you only have one of them it
28678s doesn't feel good if you have none of
28680s them you'll probably you need to
28681s readdress what you're doing on this map
28683s like you have to ask yourself what it is
28685s that you're trying to achieve here
28686s because the meta dictates that you
28687s should be playing two out of those three
28689s um genji has been seen somewhat
28692s some teams do play towards that if you
28694s are going to be playing the genji you're
28695s looking to get very aggressive in this
28697s kind of matchup uh whereas playing
28699s anything else would mean that you want
28700s to be playing mostly for the poke so
28702s being that the genji is going to come
28703s through they at least still have the
28704s widowmaker
28706s prophet's going to go over the top
28707s pretty standard stuff no one's going to
28709s play forward this play by the way that
28710s prophet just did doesn't catch anyone
28712s out anymore because well the defense is
28714s usually around the corner
28717s yep uh well
28718s that they are i just sat right here on
28721s the ground not hiding behind statue or
28723s anything just
28724s found fits early shut down a great start
28727s for the side of the atlanta right here
28728s on this
28729s defense profit very much going to have
28732s to be the one to get on top of that
28733s widowmaker trying to get the punish well
28734s we're about to get a shield fight coming
28736s through but prophet doesn't have as good
28738s of a long range pokes kind of hero so
28740s this is where atlanta ring can get an
28741s advantage nero playing this hanzo means
28743s that when we get into the actual shield
28744s fight nero can really do a lot here
28747s provided he does hit the shots and
28749s they're all just hit them
28751s yeah he had the recon arrow out spits
28754s not playing back
28755s stays in that position he gets a perfect
28757s little shot right through the blades of
28759s the grass
28761s fitz goes down once more
28764s 23
28766s standard hanzo position as well everyone
28768s sort of plays that spot prophet's also
28770s played that spot defensively also um yep
28773s so everyone should know about the fact
28775s that nero is going to be found there
28777s so fitz is going to go hunting here we
28779s go prophet's going to dive in as well
28782s that he does i mean throwing everything
28783s right now and nero to try to displace
28784s him to discord or battle for the hanzo
28786s as well immortality field used by
28787s ultraviolet just to keep him in the
28788s fight
28789s they didn't take that down his falls low
28791s 20 hp somebody's got to give him some
28793s healing
28794s kai gets profit now
28796s infrasight already up i mean you can see
28797s bits he's got 37 all charging widely
28800s that's just been natural charge
28802s he hasn't been hitting too many shots
28804s that's just a steady tick up
28805s hawk will find three
28807s creative so looking for the reset we'll
28809s find one
28810s i'm gonna point this out you want to
28812s talk about a death
28813s here's a stat card for you kai two final
28815s blows it's fine
28817s fits obviously zero final blows here's
28819s the kicker though kai currently sitting
28821s on 2050 damage on widowmaker fits
28824s 190 not even 200 he hasn't even done
28827s enough damage to kill a single 200 hp
28829s player he's on 190 i was
28832s i was going to say let me guess before
28833s you before you set it up i was going to
28834s say 215 so i wasn't that far off
28837s you would have been 25 off yes so fitz
28839s has done literally kind of nothing at
28840s the moment he needs to really be able to
28842s sign some shots
28844s smurf
28845s top of the flux catches what three four
28847s people there immortality field however
28849s is at the ready hawk does get taken down
28851s in the chaos if it's nailing the head
28853s shot now og going to crumble so that
28855s will be the point a snatched up for the
28858s side of the assault dynasty so two and a
28859s half minutes gonna be out of the time
28860s bank as they look for some additional
28862s kills for some stagger here yeah as well
28864s as maybe okay there we go mitchell split
28866s spawns
28867s fish just did about 900 damage in the
28869s space of that one fight he's now up to
28870s 1100 so
28871s two kills three final blows and a lot
28874s more damage output as they start winning
28876s their fight blow the doors wide open
28877s vending mostly solar pushing here
28880s so let's see how much distance they can
28881s get and how far we can get the snowball
28883s going double in for sights being popped
28885s so bit of a stall moment here as both
28887s teams will wipe this out or maybe they
28889s won't oh well maybe smith no they will
28891s not apparently
28892s smartphone advantage does get tagged low
28895s though the headshot coming across
28896s discord goes down below half hp every
28898s side's about to expire from either side
28901s then we go right back into a more
28902s neutral fight but profit
28904s dead off the rip this time around as
28906s nero
28907s rejoins in with the rest of the team
28916s to come back infants is already there
28917s but once brock returns yeah blade has to
28919s be uncalled and this blade needs to be
28921s poppin og's transcendence such that'll
28923s give smurf the free clutch later on
28926s there's the dragon strike jumps through
28928s forces creative forward
28930s still safe though they have the
28932s projected barrier
28934s hugs behind that as well as the
28935s architecture of the map keeps themselves
28937s safe down the window gonna be invested
28939s it's
28941s coming through smurf already dead kai
28943s finds that shot grisham gets some of the
28945s bin ham and said it's used by creative
28948s they just have to back away though
28950s they're using the off to escape
28952s now the atlanta right they're pushing
28953s forward they're looking for these kills
28954s oh
28955s wait
28956s prophet's just dead
28958s oh geez strikes him down kai gets
28959s creative
28960s and he will find og fights nero suddenly
28964s young rookie on the dynasty look at the
28966s drag this back spare themselves some
28968s blushes in the fight but they still only
28969s have to wait to
28972s i don't know if they do
28973s cart still slowly inching forward and
28975s they've got enough people now to the
28976s rain to go ahead and keep this contested
28978s so it's not just going to be a free cap
28979s smoke that's all here this is where
28980s you've got to counter this ultimate if
28982s you can okay we'll solve dynasty i guess
28984s they back out because the players aren't
28985s there
28986s that's one way of countering it you're
28987s just going to walk away from the window
28988s it's if they really wanted to take the
28990s space but you sort of see that situation
28992s part of the reason why seoul can't push
28994s up despite there being only two atlanta
28995s rain members is because their own
28996s members are still respawning
28998s that's gonna be a solo catch
29000s the hawk who's still alive
29002s flux only found one i think he actually
29004s did like a 360 while he was in midair
29006s either way still alive
29008s sight for sight once more between the
29010s widowmakers
29011s of course targets hawk continuing to get
29013s beaten lower and lower
29016s immortality field fighting and events
29017s amount of value thrown down around the
29018s corner so they haven't been able to
29019s clear it out smurf eventually does get
29021s on top of them now finds the kill and
29022s the cap is going to be there they were
29025s just sliver away finally do get it it's
29027s gonna be two and a half minutes now as
29028s the team kill is there dynasty on the
29030s final stretch of the map the question is
29032s can they finish yeah the time is uh you
29034s know it's getting a little bit low here
29036s and circuit royale can be quite
29038s difficult to finish we've actually seen
29040s a decent amount of circuit rail finishes
29041s more lately so teams are getting a
29043s better hang of the attacking phase
29045s especially when you can try and snowball
29047s a little bit towards the pool this pool
29049s control is going to be super important
29050s seoul dynasty uh payload
29053s has not moved up far enough the rest of
29054s their four members can actually push up
29056s so they'll just give away most of the
29058s full control for now but they need some
29060s sort of vault to actually fight for it
29062s vin dane would love to use the window
29063s eventually he will but nero is saving
29065s this dragon for it so as soon as the
29066s window comes down nero is going to count
29068s on the dragon
29071s cart just being moved forward
29073s profit
29075s having that be his job
29076s rounds the final corner spitz goes on
29078s the hunt spots kai but kind spots him
29081s just a little bit faster
29083s headshot flies across fits back to the
29085s respawn room once more
29088s this might change as well this is not a
29089s good point for widowmaker offensively
29091s far more advantageous for the defense it
29093s wouldn't make a lot of water makers on
29094s attack yet end up going towards the
29096s sojourn
29097s or in the case of m3 he actually goes
29099s towards the genji but that's because uh
29101s something else
29102s uh prophet's already got the genji
29104s though and fitz doesn't normally play
29105s that so that'll have to we'll have to
29106s see what happens fitz will for now stay
29108s on it this is gonna be the big push oh
29110s what is that
29111s hello yeah i mean a huge amount of
29112s damage from creative he might not be the
29114s point one's fighting the kill but he
29115s certainly helps set up off nero and og
29117s both just evaporating the blink of an
29119s eye now the window gonna be used
29121s here just now respawning so it wasn't
29123s there to try to force that position the
29124s dragon strike could be coming in on the
29126s back end
29127s dynasty just waiting it out
29129s pushing in past the pool
29131s continuing to try to keep this high
29133s ground contest
29134s 11 away from having the flux
29137s taylor still pushing by the way so they
29139s have the pool control profits on the
29140s ground atlanta rain have to put out two
29142s fires at the same time
29145s the dragon blade at the ready profit
29146s again falling low transcendence is there
29148s however this time creative escorting him
29149s forward kai gets been him smurf take it
29151s down before he can use the flux it's a
29153s big trade up here for the side of the
29154s atlanta terrain only losing out on their
29155s hanzo they've got the faster run backs
29157s fits however even set out just a little
29159s bit more taking down ultraviolet the
29161s name now swapping over to lucio just
29162s trying to rejoin a little bit faster and
29163s probably eventually gets that shot
29165s through across onto kai dives in oh gee
29168s falling lower and lower he's forced back
29169s into the spawn room
29171s cart held bit him there gets the touch
29173s hawk pulled up into the air cart still
29175s contested to europe jumps forward on the
29177s tracer making sure that it's still
29178s contested while their tank is up for
29180s them should be a hole guys
29182s we're gonna be taking down benjamin
29183s falling yeah as you say it's looking so
29185s very likely and the ot will bleed down
29188s so right in front of point c is as far
29190s as it goes for the side of the dynasty
29192s the win condition is there for the
29194s atlanta reign if they can finish the map
29195s so big from kai towards the end they're
29197s getting important frags i mean smurf not
29199s being allowed to use his flux on the
29201s final fight having to respawn come back
29203s in and attempt to get against a hero
29205s flux it's just really not the same salt
29208s dynasty if they can't quite get across
29210s the line with both the blade and the
29211s flux then the respawn advantage of the
29213s rain especially ot was going to
29215s overpower them they killed kaik shaw but
29217s they ran out of resources kai will
29219s respawn atlanta reign of more members
29221s hawks going to be able to survive
29222s against the flux given that the rest of
29223s his team has arrived has the kinetic
29226s grasp available to avoid a bunch of
29227s damage despite being slammed down
29229s atlanta rain will mostly be fine but
29231s seoul dynasty made it very far given the
29234s fact that they did this crazy wide swing
29237s up the stairs towards the pool
29239s two frags straight away
29241s nero dies so well
29243s don't actually lose i'm trying to
29244s remember who exactly don't don't lose
29245s two straight away
29247s and uh it's an incredibly rough
29249s situation for the atlanta right that was
29252s almost strange how two players instantly
29253s died in that way you would have imagined
29255s that iron terrain would have been able
29256s to hold the angle they would have had
29257s the initial damage output they certainly
29259s have the ultimates but couldn't use them
29261s until they respawn
29265s well now dynasty
29267s gonna be needing
29269s a strong defense here fitz
29272s once more having a rough go of it see
29274s how he fares with those defensive
29275s sidelines
29279s kai
29280s has been on a bit of a tear he's fitz
29282s has started to catch up a little bit
29283s current tally for final blows is seven
29285s for kai five for fit so we're not
29287s talking about a monumental gap anymore
29289s kai stifling still has the better
29290s offense but it is at least slightly
29292s closer
29295s well great start this creative gets hawk
29298s not exactly certain that that one
29300s happened but either way dynasty not
29301s going to question too much be grateful
29303s for it yeah
29305s like you said it's a it's a dps then hey
29307s was showing that earlier now creative's
29309s doing it
29311s well it took awhile
29316s it took them so long to dislodge nero
29318s from that same position but nero just
29319s destroys profit so the hanzo position
29322s behind the statue instantly taken away
29324s he wasn't even behind the statues behind
29326s the barrier on the street itself he was
29328s so much further forward so much less
29330s cover and
29332s just kind of out in the middle of
29333s nowhere great shots though
29335s two for one profit hitting the chest
29337s shot with the arrow in the fitz finding
29339s one as well and there you go the heat up
29341s i feel like it's working well finds
29343s another jump up tries to get the
29345s headshot on the ultraviolet can't quite
29347s get that punish from the stagger the
29349s rest of the rain being able to pull away
29351s is good for them this ultraviolet
29353s narrowly survives the forward push from
29355s smurf tell you what they maintain
29356s control of the car in the corner
29358s sometimes you just need those defensive
29360s sight lines in the widowmaker right
29362s attacking watermaker you kind of need
29364s your team to build space for you first
29366s to get those angles otherwise all you
29368s can really hope for are those hook shots
29370s defensively spits there's a lot more
29372s space to play through but as we talk
29374s about building space hulk pushing up
29376s that's going to give kai more to use
29384s fits again looks available
29388s shot not going to connect flux looking
29390s decent he does manage to get the catch
29391s onto three the immortality field not
29393s there for kai
29395s it's dropped down
29396s dead once more ultraviolet stunned up by
29398s the accretion as they push forward the
29400s immortality field here keeping dynasty
29402s alive into the fight as fitz finds
29403s another kill this time ultraviolet does
29405s go down
29406s the hawk will get punished the front
29407s lines a minute and 47 seconds now
29409s remaining for the rain
29411s three alts nearly there for them i need
29413s to utilize them yeah this is i think the
29416s the difference between defensive sniping
29418s offensive sniping fitz is now overtaking
29420s kai both in final blows and in damage
29422s not by a significant amount by about 100
29424s damage and two final blows but uh kai
29427s definitely not able to find the same
29428s value attacking as defending which is i
29431s think similar to what we saw when kai
29432s was defending the fence was attacking
29434s still three ultimates on life were sold
29436s before soon including creative with that
29438s transcendence looking for qaeda maybe or
29440s rather hawk to maybe open up this fight
29441s with the flux
29444s to jump across oh gee taking the shot at
29446s the chest
29447s would have been catastrophic had he
29448s fallen there same with kai
29450s just
29451s shot in the chest they stay alive though
29453s smurf falling low discord or about onto
29455s him kai gets the head shot there's the
29456s finish now profit dead as the infrasight
29459s is pulled and the cleanup is going to be
29461s found accretion gets the hit there onto
29464s korea if the cleanup comes through
29465s atlanta rain get the cap now they've got
29467s three minutes and 18 seconds for the
29469s push and there's some good snowball
29470s potential here as well because for
29472s whatever reason fitz went for the
29473s infrasight his team was already kind of
29475s dying he pulls an infrasight out you
29476s can't even call that a hero alt because
29478s it's not a dragon blade or anything
29479s right it's just a bit of info and the
29481s only info that fits as well i think
29482s we're losing he'll at least get the
29484s opening shot coming through
29486s the snowball potential i was going to
29487s talk about is the fact that kai can
29488s actually use infrasight up when
29489s ultraviolet respawns to give themselves
29492s an info varnish over fitz who can't
29493s count it with his own infrasight usually
29495s both imprecisely used to trade each
29497s other here salt dynasty have to play
29499s blind
29501s what they do which means that they're
29502s playing back around the corner
29505s kai gives a wave seeing pits over on
29507s that right-hand flank
29511s pushing forward kinetic grasp out still
29513s takes a hell of a lot of damage as soon
29514s as it expires though
29516s he needs to continue to play safe but
29518s kai gets fits no infrasight no problem
29521s finds the shot gets another
29523s taking down ben out of the fight and kai
29526s is absolutely on fire profit trying to
29528s trade him only and he can't make it
29531s happen yeah four as you say
29533s huge sequence of events from kai and
29535s there you go a massive time bank now to
29537s work with on this final stretch is
29538s created
29540s the alley-oop is there nero just moves
29542s forward storm arrows at the ready gets
29544s the kill and this is i think the
29545s difference of the infrastructure like i
29546s kind of teed it up right this is what
29548s you can do when the other team doesn't
29550s have an infrasight so it is not
29551s insignificant that fitz wasting a zipper
29553s side trying to defend a
29555s really you know cost his team a big
29558s information disadvantage the soul played
29560s extremely lost for the later parts of b
29563s because they had to play defensively
29564s versus kai's offensive infrastructure
29566s and atlanta reign use that to perfection
29568s kai got a number of kills off the back
29570s of that one and seoul dynasty just
29572s didn't know what hit them
29573s i mean look at his percentage he's at 97
29576s already one more tap or just you know
29577s four more seconds he's got another
29579s infrasight already
29581s just massive from kai if it's trying to
29583s catch up but still 38 left to go but
29586s rather 28 left to go i can do math
29590s and just pushing on the ground you see
29591s that ray not even going for the poor
29592s soul dynasty have to kind of push on out
29594s they can't afford to sit idly by because
29596s they're just allowing this payload
29599s they are and while it's not the headshot
29601s that we were looking for there on our
29603s screens it's creative you can take it
29604s down nero opening it up
29606s drop it now eliminated somebody's gonna
29608s have to contest there's the drop down
29609s smurf trying to play the trench
29611s mortality
29612s creative he's got the transcended to the
29613s red he needs to use it lux's not going
29616s to connect but how creative has the
29618s touch
29618s transcend is going to be expiring here
29620s rather soon profit coming back clears up
29622s the immortality field but up on the high
29623s ground nero just snipes away kills them
29625s off in providence a second too late to
29627s keep it contested atlanta rain on their
29629s map pick will be able to push it to the
29632s end they complete and now they move up
29634s two to one and it really comes down to
29636s me i think kai is the playmaker that
29639s gets it across the line for the atlanta
29641s reign um and part of the part of the
29644s difference between the two teams is the
29647s fact that okay both water makers are
29649s going to have initial struggles
29651s attacking as water makers specifically
29653s on a but fitz didn't really start to
29655s catch up until we got further into the
29657s map specifically on the defense kai
29659s found a pretty wide opening gap that he
29661s took advantage of on b that pushed him
29664s forward i'm gonna go back to the
29665s infrasight advantage you know it's rare
29667s to see that specific ultimate provide
29669s you the tools to get a payload across
29672s the line and when you fight you don't
29673s normally think an infrasight is going to
29674s be the difference maker but here i very
29676s specifically think it was kaizen for
29678s sight where fitz didn't have one that
29679s got rained that
29681s advantage very much agree well the
29683s players taking a quick little break but
29685s they don't have very long when we come
29686s back we'll be going into what very well
29688s could be the last map of this series
29690s last map for the dynasty in the
29692s mid-season madness unless they can take
29693s the five we'll see where they elect to
29695s go for push when we return
29699s [Music]
29713s [Music]
29747s [Music]
29773s so
29806s [Music]
29828s 222 days since our screens were last
29831s graced by the overwatch league and it's
29833s an honor to don the headset again to
29835s bring you our fifth season i'm excited
29837s first day of overwatch league 2022 i
29841s mean it has been a treat of matches
29842s today all types of upsets feels like
29844s forever since we've had overwatch league
29847s to be back with such a fresh game i'm
29850s here for it soldiers back in the mix
29852s genji's back in the mix it has been a
29854s long time coming and it feels great to
29857s be back proppers just eviscerate the
29859s eternal's backlight cropper has arrived
29862s there is a direct pipeline from the very
29864s best talent to the san francisco shot
29867s pelican could take down all the pokemon
29869s he's gone the revenge live events are
29872s back here at the overwatch league
29875s hello they do this composition to
29877s perfection
29879s funny asteroid has been incredible for
29881s his entire career just forcing the
29883s position of the dallas fuel
29885s okay so this is the antenate that set
29887s the entire thing up what is more
29889s satisfying than that i cannot name a
29891s single thing come at me bro let's see
29894s what you got can fight on top of this
29896s what a trade there's no way happy hits
29899s those are we gonna be in someone's
29900s youtube video where's your god now dante
29904s on doomfist think it's one of the
29905s biggest standout things for that team
29908s fire the breath the sleeping dragon has
29911s awoken they've pushed the current
29913s reigning champions to the brink
29916s of him and free one fight to rule them
29918s all now
29924s [Music]
29928s he obviously vented for this spot backs
29931s are just looking so open i just saw this
29933s guy kill development he is the alpha
29936s envy of mega he is everywhere and
29938s nowhere all simultaneously cliche gone
29941s getting a triple boot hello top five
29943s plays attack hudson is available look
29945s who's gonna pop that grand finals mvp
29947s flip sealing the deal all five members
29951s they show that they can absolutely
29952s contend with the best the best
29954s gooshway is going eight mode and spark
29957s are just pummeling down the fusion
29960s who expected this your power rankings
29963s are terrible
29964s [Music]
29971s feels pretty darn good to be back here
29973s in a land setting it's been quite some
29975s time the overwatch league's most
29977s decorated franchise here in a new era
29980s the pulse on the mag another from proper
29984s spark on against you better sparkle
29985s found an opening there's one there's two
29987s that's the sparkle i want to see in this
29989s series those stats
29992s getting padded by sparkle sparkle with
29995s two and another one it's gonna be a heck
29996s of a weekend i'll tell you right now you
29998s get kai set up it is gonna be just like
30000s that the rest of the game back on their
30002s side of the map that's a stick oh jack
30005s bates
30006s a widow player potentially without equal
30008s that is some filthy stuff where did that
30011s come from a triple death blossom the
30013s pelican comes out of nowhere that's two
30016s with the storm arrows
30021s check my dragons just continue to play
30022s right out in front of the spot there's
30023s the blade b can be used nice pin long
30026s pin two they'll be in the back they're
30028s managing to fight two basically the
30030s equivalent of three people he nearly had
30032s all the kills seoul dynasty have not
30034s defeated the shanghai dragon since the
30036s 2020 playoffs i think these are the top
30038s two teams in a pack
30039s three goes absolutely monstrous they
30042s take down the dragons sweet best
30045s widowmaker in all of apac no he fell
30048s onto it chester who has been frightening
30050s ever since he joined this team smurf
30052s knows what it feels like to win
30054s everything hungry to experience that
30056s feeling once more
30058s [Music]
30060s edison is locked in ready to go and
30063s assemble with a 5k
30065s that's what you want to see they might
30067s just pull the trigger here they do but
30068s i'm unreal
30071s now the stakes get ratcheted up
30074s unnotched yeah this two all died pops
30076s the recall he's looking for the target
30078s comes in he's gonna might fit him
30079s probably meantime found two with the
30080s pulse bomb
30082s han bin is the best sire in the world
30084s right now
30086s has absolutely taken matters into his
30088s own hands
30090s free firing on the fuel and after so
30093s very long the dynasty will be able to
30096s best the dragons playoffs profit has
30098s certainly arrived the script riders
30100s they're not messing around today you
30102s step onto the plate son with a
30104s victorious war the gladiators are just
30106s tearing them apart seoul dynasty will
30108s dominate their way and secure the
30111s kickoff clash title
30113s [Music]
30118s and we are back the dynasty backs up
30121s against the wall on their last legs two
30124s one the score line at the moment as the
30126s atlanta reign closed out a win on
30128s circuit royale the dynasty now need to
30130s win on push to take this into five if
30133s they want to stay alive in the
30134s tournament the reigning champions of the
30136s east very well could be going home today
30139s yeah i don't think it's a big surprise
30140s that we're here as well and let me
30142s explain what i mean by that specifically
30144s circuit royale is a fantastic map for
30147s the land terrain i don't even say it's
30148s probably maybe their top map given that
30150s it just plays towards all their
30151s strengths you get to have hawk on his
30153s signature um segment over there kai
30156s obviously on the widowmaker has just
30158s stepped everybody on this map now we saw
30159s him yesterday or on day one rather
30162s completely annihilating london it was
30163s the only map they actually won but kai
30165s got that win for them and now versus sol
30168s dynasty fitz once again just cannot hold
30170s the candle too kai whether that be on a
30173s surgeon or ash on oasis or now on
30175s circuit royale
30176s where the salt dynasty have succeeded is
30178s with sake in to play the sojourn they
30180s won kings right off the back of that
30182s plus smurf playing dive now they can go
30184s over towards coliseum where more dive
30186s hopefully is on the cards for a player
30188s like smurf on maybe a ball maybe once
30190s and again sol dynasty relying on the
30191s young kid stalker and that's i guess the
30194s horse they have to ride to try and take
30195s this one home into on that five i do
30197s think we have a high shot of a map five
30199s here questions as to what lantern rain
30201s will run yesterday well not again not
30203s yesterday it feels like yesterday to me
30204s day one they played hawk on rhine versus
30207s hardy didn't go well but today you're
30210s not playing against the london spitfire
30212s anymore
30213s is it gonna be the rind again
30215s yeah there it is
30216s it's gonna do it
30219s but they are
30220s let's see if the dynasty you know decide
30223s to swap things up once they see the
30225s composition should have a decent read
30227s that you know this could be coming
30228s through
30229s don't let the score lines at the top of
30230s your screen
30232s fool you at all there we go thank you
30234s production on point
30236s flip it over 2-1 atlanta rain on match
30239s point if they can close out coliseum
30241s here and now they stay alive they
30244s eliminate the eastern champions
30247s well the problem the composition for the
30249s sol dynasty can be pretty tricky to rush
30251s down so for the atlanta reign
30254s i think ryan is pretty well played here
30256s and one thing that we did want to see is
30258s okay
30259s london's not here anymore we don't get
30261s to see london versus apec team but we do
30263s get to see atlanta rain play a ryan
30265s brawl versus an apec team so how assault
30267s dynasty gonna dissect this one we
30270s already have potential flanks coming on
30272s through smurf that we saw making a big
30273s flank up from the back now
30276s there he is goes into the pile driver
30277s gets to knock up on the two
30280s this is a safe maywal out from nero
30282s just cutting things off make sure that
30285s they can top everybody back up now go
30286s back on the offensive hawk perceiving
30288s the discord orb gets knocked down about
30289s half hp keeps that shield raised ducks
30292s back here
30294s into the side room man
30296s but stalker once more finds an opening
30298s kill and now he gets a second one hawk
30300s goes down kai we'll put an end to this
30303s there's the damage already dealt is it
30305s far too late for them to continue
30306s forward we'll have to just wait and see
30308s kai gets another elimination has been
30309s him goes down piledriver from smurf
30311s finishes off near oh dangerously low is
30313s creative gets the kill on the kai og
30316s there for the alley-oop but it's quickly
30317s traded thereafter it's an absolute
30318s bloodbath as the bot will start pushing
30321s now for the side of the dynasty looking
30323s to retake the lead just 0.2 meters away
30325s from that can't quite make it happen
30327s hawkey arrives everybody scatters mirror
30329s comes back on sombra as well i was
30330s actually gonna suggest maybe he swapped
30331s over towards a tracer to chase down
30333s smurf's ball but if sombra actually
30335s works for that as well this is one of
30336s the few times well uh where i will
30338s actually accept the sombra i think it's
30339s a good counter it's a good way to sort
30341s of at least put the pressure on the
30342s smurf may isn't gonna do you a lot of
30344s favors in this particular matchup so
30345s that might have been a misread coming
30347s through from atlanta rain but i do
30348s believe they are on the right heroes now
30350s kai versus stalker though that has to be
30353s the conversation so far both players
30355s looking towards an overclock
30357s the pulse bomb there's the stick it
30358s could be massive mortality field does
30360s come up in time to keep them safe and
30361s stalker again finding another kill finds
30363s a second that's the support of the fight
30365s he's gonna get himself a third
30367s absolutely massive from stalker
30370s once more he comes back through
30371s continues to deliver on the sojourn yeah
30373s absolutely there'll be the the 3k
30375s allowing the overclock to be coming
30376s online i mean kaiser they're far behind
30378s but salt dynasty off the back that will
30380s be able to get some decent mileage right
30382s to rain now move over towards the doom
30384s so this is an ever-changing composition
30386s look if atlanta rain want to play
30387s towards an actual dive composition we'll
30390s see if they want to continue with the
30391s back or not because this is where you
30393s actually want to think about maybe
30394s ultraviolet playing the anna again it's
30396s much more helpful to hawk and it can
30398s counter smith as well
30400s they down looking for hawk they put
30402s decent damage out onto the doomfist he
30404s jumps up onto the high ground
30406s breaking line of sight is stalker
30409s aware of guys position pops the
30411s overclock looks for a target but
30413s everybody it's quite far back so i'm not
30415s sure how much value he's going to be
30416s able to find with this all maybe a bit
30418s of a zoning alt here as it will expire
30420s distance though give some push true
30426s using it seeing the supports looking for
30428s the shot text video so very low the
30430s immortality field was there he keeps
30431s himself alive for a little bit longer
30433s but the transcendence is far too late to
30435s try to save his cohort creative could
30437s not keep him in this at least does
30438s manage to stay alive for a little bit
30440s longer and stalker once more continues
30441s to do work this time fighting
30442s ultraviolet but nero quickly trades it
30444s back profit finds og tries to get an
30447s elimination with that pulse bomb but
30448s here it does manage to find the kill
30451s heavily back and forth very bloody but
30453s it's the dynasty still pushing as you
30454s say
30456s yeah they won't be able to get quite at
30457s the camp here i think uh smith will try
30459s and make it competitive in terms of just
30460s being annoying he actually could cap a
30462s little bit more if he wants to but won't
30464s take the wrist there doesn't want nara
30465s just hunting him down so 61.77 just a
30468s little shy from actually getting the
30469s checkpoint but it is a decent early lead
30472s in the first four minutes so salt
30474s dynasty can certainly be happy with that
30475s stalker
30477s leading so far in the final blows
30478s department as you'd expect i mean so
30480s impactful in those early four minutes
30484s damn it
30485s there he is
30487s bought contested for now the emp thrown
30488s in been him taking down the dive into
30490s the back line looking great for the side
30491s of the atlanta reigns were fully able to
30493s find og before taking a nap that was met
30495s with a hack his problem
30497s smurf does find another one the supports
30499s are gone as you say but
30501s it's just gonna be smurf left and he
30504s will falls the bot now getting some
30506s distance for the side of the rain not a
30507s lot of distance though because
30509s eventually rain had to slow down that
30511s the white was supposed to push on up so
30512s this isn't going to be a situation where
30513s rain can necessarily force a flip see
30515s how far away ultraviolet og is i talked
30517s about oh uv eventually moving to anna
30520s that's uh definitely happened at this
30522s stage i just wanted to play the window
30524s first and it's not going to be a lot of
30525s distance right 21 meters and had they
30528s had at least one support alive possibly
30530s could have pushed further than that but
30531s you'll do for this now
30534s the window goes out meteor strike
30535s dropping down immortality kill the
30536s response spin him
30539s johnny on the spot with that
30541s keep some in the fight of the overclock
30542s gonna be popped by kai stalker pulling
30544s back around the corner still just nine
30545s percent away from having that old
30547s himself smurf drops the minefields back
30549s over towards the bot dude creative takes
30551s kai's head off as he was trying to get a
30553s little bit of a cheeky flank angle smurf
30555s however caught out nowhere to go ends up
30557s falling but the same could be said for
30558s hawk overstepping his bounds stalker
30561s cleans that up finds ultraviolet as well
30562s as in his dying breath throws the nano
30564s onto og but it doesn't matter the
30566s cleanup is still there
30569s now down to about four minutes created
30570s with a further frank as well it's
30571s actually going to be a late stag on the
30572s narrow opportunity here for seoul
30574s dynasty to maybe force a cab if salt
30576s dynasty actually hit the checkpoint they
30578s got to get that stall moment through and
30580s just getting that through means they had
30582s a lot of advantages for the rest of the
30583s push available and finally yep that's
30585s gonna be the checkpoint confirmed
30589s so five alive
30592s they are
30594s again seismic slam out finds three
30596s stalker gonna be taken down nice punch
30598s there from hawk and another one being
30600s sent to sailing off the side of the map
30603s dangerous precarious spot to be playing
30605s in the bot will be taking control over
30606s here for the side of the rain yeah good
30609s distance is set up the checkpoint
30610s already established for dynasty seven
30612s three eight nine really really good
30614s distance here for the sol dynasty 50
30616s ahead of atlanta rain uh quick
30618s turnaround though that's what you
30619s definitely want to see with hulk being
30620s able to just punch a couple of guys off
30622s uv by the way on a big flank with
30624s nearest so i have to catch up on what
30625s ultraviolet wants to do there may be
30626s looking for a you know backlight sleeped
30628s out or by grenade
30631s [Music]
30633s trying to get into the back line here no
30634s pulse
30635s with profit has one though and he's
30637s gonna take down og
30639s it's the supports once more out of the
30640s fight for the side of the rain with hawk
30642s as low as he is that's a quick cleanup
30644s dynasty just do not allow the rain to
30646s gain too much distance at all the bot
30648s once more under their control nero yeah
30650s late death
30651s right now just the supports alive at the
30653s side of the range they're gonna have to
30654s reset and try to wrest control away from
30655s the dynasty so the little excursion that
30658s uh uv and nero go on unsuccessful uv
30660s dies almost immediately to stalker you
30662s know maybe if you slip creative a vin
30663s dime an era goes in that could have been
30665s a kill
30666s but uh you know try to get tricky with
30668s it
30668s sadly it does not work out 2 45 now time
30671s is seriously becoming an issue for lean
30673s to rain and there's a lot of distance
30675s okay
30677s okay he narrowly manages to escape that
30679s was looking catastrophic for the side of
30680s the rain nano now out on the hawk 65 hp
30683s they're trying to kill him
30685s through the mitigation
30687s lower still somehow does manage to stay
30689s alive yeah but profit eventually does
30691s hand him down
30692s gets the kill swerve as well pulling
30694s lower ansi has expired profit just walks
30697s in behind og go to the back the head
30699s pulls the trigger zenyatta gone then hey
30702s getting chipped away at shield is raised
30704s nearer finish them off and as prophet
30707s tries to peel kai shuts down profit
30710s well it doesn't mean that sold on
30711s actually no longer push but once again
30712s this is not their goal right sol dynasty
30714s this far ahead no longer need to play
30716s for distance they just got to play for
30718s stall play for the defense prevent
30720s atlanta rain for pushing underneath this
30721s entire archway there's a few different
30724s ways they can contest this one and
30725s atlanta rain until they can get all five
30727s it's not really going to look good for
30728s them waiting for ocean to catch up but
30730s och is actually not 1v1 against smurf
30733s sneaky nero
30735s dropping down trying to get the one clip
30736s there on a great if he cannot do so
30738s it actually ends up falling the whip
30740s shop for vin him elimination stalker and
30742s kai both have the overclocks rolling
30744s this guy tries to dig the high ground
30745s stalker denies it a great headshot
30747s follow-up hit his hit is there as
30749s ultraviolet dies oh gee dies quickly
30751s thereafter there's the atlanta reign
30754s feels very rare when they've been able
30755s to actually play with both of their
30757s supports in the fights consistently
30759s getting picked off dynasty once or
30761s keeping the bot locked on rain side of
30762s the map this is going to be a rough
30764s overt for rain rain at this point need
30766s to bank up very significantly and
30768s ultimates they would ideally be able to
30769s win a couple of fights just in the
30771s neutral without having to spend anything
30773s you're having to think about the long
30774s game now if you're the atlanta right a
30775s minute left to go brilliant opening pick
30778s before that's what you need you need
30779s these you need these fights we can just
30781s get fixed and don't spend
30783s that's not gonna be taking a nap in the
30784s back lines as well they'll turn their
30785s sights over towards him and he goes out
30787s and he doesn't stand the damn chance the
30789s cleanup comes through hero picked off by
30791s creative in the back end but uh creative
30793s himself was in a poor position so kai is
30795s able to find it so it's additional
30796s stagger
30799s see how close they can get this to the
30800s checkpoint here if they don't get
30802s creative they're just down 4v5 they it's
30804s very hard to wait for narrow right
30805s despite him being a tracer he has to
30807s come back all the way from his spawn so
30808s you have to get a trade there so very
30810s good from car to get that train
30812s now once more on the hawk good juke
30815s there from ben have to dodge the punch
30817s meter strike dropping down onto smurf
30819s but it's enough to kill good damage
30821s focus on the side of the land terrain
30822s they get rid of the tank watch the cat
30824s out however still van game just giving
30826s that green hp over to people and the bot
30828s once more pushing forward getting closer
30830s and closer to the checkpoint atlanta
30831s reigns starting to feel it been him
30833s gonna be taken down you still need to
30835s make the checkpoint as we get to rinda
30836s over time they have just shy of four
30838s just over four meters rather left to go
30840s but ultraviolet is dead smurf dropping
30841s in the minefield finds hawk as well two
30843s members now down the pulpit mount for me
30845s are not gonna be able to find anything
30846s the transcendence is here from creative
30848s they keep everybody alive another kill
30850s for smurf make it four in the fight as
30852s the ot ticks down and we are not done
30856s yet the dynasty fight back they say uh
30860s we have not picked up many maps so far
30861s this tournament in fact this is just the
30863s second one that they've gotten
30865s but they fight tooth and nail to take
30866s this all the way to game five they have
30868s the wonder sub right when you start
30870s losing you feel like fitz isn't really
30872s able to come up to stuff against a
30874s player like kai stalker certainly can
30876s saga comes in with a massive statement
30879s i'm the better sergeant in this series
30881s you might be the better widowmaker but
30882s wouldn't make is only going to be
30884s effective for that one map the rest of
30885s the series is still within the hands of
30887s the soul dynasty smurf playing a dive
30889s here going over towards the ball atlanta
30892s reigns slow start remember they came
30894s through with the initial ryan brawl with
30896s the main as well for nara i will again
30898s repeat i think that is a mystery not
30900s necessarily the rhine but certainly the
30902s main you have to know that soul are
30903s going to be playing a dive there meg's
30905s not going to help you hawk and
30906s ultraviolet eventually have to change
30907s gears as well so that's three players
30909s that had to swap off their initial picks
30912s which does slow them down significantly
30914s as far as the economy is involved and
30916s that's why sol dynasty can win the
30917s neutral four swaps have ultimate
30919s advantages and snowballs 70 meters very
30921s quickly
30923s i like the map and smurf just combing
30925s his hair making sure that he looks good
30927s on camera he is just cool calm and
30929s collected as is stalker who's been
30931s looking immaculate in the two maps that
30933s we've seen him and honestly at this
30934s point it seems like we're likely going
30936s to see him stick through for the fifth
30938s and final we'll see if he can continue
30940s to have this immense amount of value and
30942s help them get a win in a map five
30944s dynasty they need it to move forward to
30946s the tournament atlanta needs it who's
30948s gonna get it i don't know but we'll have
30950s to just wait and find out
30958s [Music]
30962s so
30967s [Music]
30978s childish
30983s [Music]
31016s [Music]
31024s [Music]
31033s [Music]
31056s [Music]
31075s [Music]
31116s so
31124s [Music]
31134s [Music]
31148s [Music]
31167s and welcome back ladies and gentlemen we
31169s of course have a fifth and final map for
31172s you here to round out the first day of
31174s eliminations dynasty holding on by a
31178s thread managed to get a win on coliseum
31180s now we have one last round of control
31182s selected by the atlanta reign to decide
31185s who is staying in mid-season madness and
31187s who is going home
31189s this one's for all the marbles
31190s only one sub coming through will be
31192s venom coming in for nero which basically
31195s dictates that the lantern reign will be
31196s mostly playing a dive composition here
31199s uh fun fact though rain can actually
31200s still play the full ryan brawl if they
31202s want to venom also plays a pretty sick
31204s may that's something a lot of people
31205s don't know but he actually did display
31206s that during the kickoff clash but
31208s unlikely to see much more out of that i
31210s think for the rain going back towards
31212s the doom going back towards more of
31213s their own dive style is probably going
31215s to end up being corrected for the seoul
31217s dynasty though this is also a pretty
31218s good map i think this is not a
31220s particular map that favors anybody this
31222s is the most neutral map that we could
31224s really go to um ilios
31226s i don't even know who i would favor on
31228s that one but uh we don't even have to
31229s think about at this stage thing jung is
31231s just going to be a very clean honest 50
31234s 50 here i legitimately think that either
31237s team could potentially take this one
31239s however the one swing card for me the
31242s one piece
31243s of utility on the side of seoul dynasty
31246s is stalker i think he's been by far the
31249s outstanding play here of all 10 players
31252s and if atlanta can't shut this guy down
31255s they're not going to beat the salt
31256s dynasty aside from that though atlanta
31258s rain have a very good shot
31260s yeah i mean
31262s we saw with fitz in able to control him
31264s able to get those punishes regularly but
31266s it's uh very much few and far in between
31268s when they've been able to get the better
31269s of stalker the guy has just been
31271s basically immortal in the two maps that
31274s we've seen from him so far now we'll see
31275s if he can maintain that as we go into
31276s the third a couple celebratory baskets
31279s going through to give them some good
31280s luck yeah as the gates open up stalker
31282s gonna be swapping not onto the soldiers
31284s onto the tracers profit takes to the
31286s skies and kai is dead off the rim yeah i
31288s think prophet might maybe has a bad read
31290s here as well he maybe assumed that it
31291s was going to be orion coming through but
31292s in either case they have the opening
31294s frags they're going to win this fight
31295s regardless of lucio moyer from atlanta
31297s terrain i mean i i don't know if you
31299s want me i don't know if you want me
31300s complaining about this lineup anymore i
31301s mean looser more like i said my piece
31303s during the dallas game i don't think
31305s this comp works
31307s well that was just an opening shooting
31308s gallery everybody
31310s getting involved there from the side of
31311s the dynasty
31313s quick kills coming through
31315s there's the atlanta reign
31317s looking to rush to back over to the
31318s point now
31320s discord onto hawk smurf down below half
31323s hp
31324s jumping around the corner there's
31326s quite a bit of damage there on event him
31327s ultraviolet in position gets the kill
31329s smurf taken down as well
31331s like brain may be able to find a pretty
31333s quick flip here but stalker doesn't
31334s manage to find one pops the recall to
31336s stay safe chase is there from venom
31338s grabs the mega pack but atlanta have
31339s control of the point the problem here is
31341s because talk is on the tracer prophet
31343s can't swap off unless he goes genji
31345s prophet is typically not a surgeon play
31347s on the steamboat okay echo is actually
31348s an okay choice as well but ideally what
31350s you want here is you want prophet tracer
31352s and stalker sojourn so this is
31355s a potential pitfall for seoul dynasty if
31358s they can't figure out their cop
31362s hawk better getting a bit of that damage
31363s kai with a nice head shot take spin him
31365s out
31366s stick comes through kai dead
31369s stalker continuing to find some value is
31371s hawk gonna be taken down this time
31372s around sticky bombs are able to get it
31374s done
31376s just poking a product makes his way
31378s through the windowsill throws out some
31380s more bombs this time not really going to
31381s be finding too much of a connection the
31382s beam is going to be in early cancels he
31384s turns the sights over to og who makes
31385s his exit out the window
31387s now available
31389s uv down as well this is big smooth oh
31393s absolutely huge i wonder if that was
31394s knocked off the side of the map or if
31395s they just straight up died should give
31397s it his position right here i think it's
31399s going to be the former og has to make
31400s his exit just as quickly as they gained
31402s control the rain they do lose it dynasty
31404s now back let's take a look thank you
31407s observance for the replay
31409s oh that is disgusting that's so good
31414s and he gets his beanie strike off the
31415s back of that as well so what you're
31416s going to see here is he and play
31417s aggressively when ultraviolet goes for
31419s the coal smurf can just dive on top of
31421s the nano
31422s yeah the trans is already out for bit
31424s him coalescence used but probably
31426s down out of the skies can't keep him
31428s protected
31430s smurf now goes up into the sky does he
31431s want to take it aggressively is the
31433s question overclock is rolling from kai
31435s spots him he's got no hp and kai he says
31438s thank you very much all too easy for me
31441s creative dead to the pulse bomb venom
31442s finds both of the supports the cleanup
31445s will be there dynasty gonna be losing
31447s control of the point once more and
31448s atlanta right now in a position where
31450s they can retake this lead
31451s break uh gonna be on the cards for vin
31453s dame now seoul have to identify the
31455s coalescence is the prime target there
31456s that's the strength the atlanta reigns
31458s when they have coal lessons they their
31459s go button so for the sole dynasty bad
31461s timing profit ends up going down early
31463s it's a 4v5 if they're gonna commit into
31465s that fight and they're actually dead you
31467s need to send smith and you have the nano
31468s there available as well uv got his full
31471s coal and salt on it she can't allow him
31473s to do that again
31478s stalker and venom
31480s a little mild skirmish over towards
31482s white room the supports with dynasty are
31484s hanging out currently
31486s smurf contested the point stalker
31488s backing them up pulse bomb still
31490s in the pocket
31492s he's looking for it pushes forward tries
31494s to get kai can't make it happen in fact
31496s kind while under that pressure
31498s caught smurf in the head with a rail
31500s venom fine stalker prophet still
31501s committing the duke to this fight
31503s despite the fact that they lose a couple
31504s people creative doesn't manage to help
31506s swing it back in their favor
31507s but taking down og but now creative is
31509s gonna fall profit does build up for a
31510s meteor strike with the duplicate but
31513s he's gonna pop it but he needs to find
31514s some some value some kills he's not
31517s finding a damn thing gets knocked out of
31519s it immediately gets taken down stalker
31520s rejoining does find a single elimination
31522s dealing with ultraviolet
31524s the ot is gonna start bleeding away
31526s faster and faster in the rain they still
31527s will maintain control of the point the
31529s first round lee jung tower gardens going
31531s their way
31532s and i have to rewind this again and we
31534s have to talk about the discussion of
31536s prophet coming in on the fire i think
31538s that is a fatal
31540s misread coming through from the seoul
31542s dynasty i say fatal because
31544s they're now down severely match point
31547s against atlanta right we move over to
31548s control center and if it ends here seoul
31550s dynasty are gonna have to revisit that
31552s moment with a lot of pain in their eyes
31554s you you have to assume they they they
31557s must have assumed that land terrain
31559s where they come through with the rhine
31560s comp or something like that they were
31561s thinking okay maybe you know we'll do
31563s the typical thing that most people do
31565s against london spitfire when they play
31566s up against their ryan on gardens you
31568s bring up the pharah
31569s you know uh seems to be able to work it
31572s worked for mayhem earlier today the
31574s biggest issue i have with profit
31576s starting onto the fire whether they
31577s believe it's going to be a reincarnate
31578s atlanta reign or not is the fact that
31580s stalker begins on the tracer which locks
31583s out both profit from playing his own
31585s tracer and also potentially locks out
31587s stalker from playing the sojourn because
31589s you now have to delete two ultimates
31592s two players swapping to get onto your
31594s actual heroes
31595s reminder how did seoul dynasty beat
31598s atlanta reign of the maps they've
31599s actually beaten them on stalker playing
31601s his sojourn different kai sergeant
31603s sergeant for kai here no competition on
31605s the other end profit playing an echo
31607s that's easy money for kai to beat you
31610s need stalker back on a sergeant you need
31611s profit on towards a tracer a fatal error
31615s in the opening composition that
31617s snowballed out of control in terms of
31618s losing that round for them that is
31620s really poor from the soul dynasty
31624s well we'll see if they get their heads
31625s on straight and rectify the mistakes
31627s that we just saw there on gardens but
31630s oh pressure certainly is mounting and
31633s dynasty have not been pushed like this
31634s for quite some time i mean i guess you
31636s would say they haven't been pushed like
31637s this since they bested the shanghai
31639s dragons in that lower bracket during the
31642s kickoff clash that was pretty much the
31643s last time they felt this much pressure
31645s it's uh maybe able to get the better of
31648s them here today let's just wait and see
31650s what the comps look like what they
31651s decide to piece together as we do go
31653s into control center for the second round
31654s but they absolutely need to find success
31657s here ready-ups are coming through from
31659s the side of atlanta reigns whatever
31661s issue they were experiencing that should
31663s be taken care of when we can get you
31665s know this action going once this is and
31667s this is what i said earlier before we
31668s got into lee jung tower right this is
31670s very winnable for both teams but
31672s specifically atlanta reign would need to
31674s get over the line of dealing with
31676s stalker well seoul dynasty just big
31679s stalker deals with himself when he's
31681s just not playing the surgeon clearly so
31684s yeah randomly like thank you very much
31685s sol dynasty you dealt with stalker for
31687s us this is where it needs to turn back
31689s around the other way again
31690s i don't know if university is
31693s particularly a strong round for the
31695s seoul dynasty in terms of submap here
31697s they don't necessarily get to play dive
31698s in fact they're going to come through on
31700s towards the broad composition what does
31701s stalker go
31702s tracer all righty well they better hope
31705s this is going to work it's going to be a
31706s cassie tracer zarya brawl versus a doom
31709s lucio moyer
31712s okay well just as quickly as we
31715s got back into it well i have another
31717s pauses i'm profit calling for it yeah
31721s hang on hang on he's like are we on the
31723s right here
31724s are we really on the right
31728s but my h button isn't working i would
31732s i would strongly prefer stalker or
31733s actually start on maybe a genji here if
31736s only for the possibility that it allows
31737s profit to go back on a tracer if things
31739s go poorly
31740s because you're in the same sort of
31742s situation sure now that stalker is
31743s locked in tracer profit cannot take the
31746s tracer he's gonna end up having to go
31748s towards i suspect maybe a genji here
31750s instead of the echo simply because the
31751s echo being blocked in terms of the
31754s height of this particular map but also
31756s you want a good nano target echo is a
31758s fine nano target but genji is just so
31760s much better because the blade
31762s those things become important
31764s i'm also a little bit nervous about the
31766s smurf zarya because i i don't think this
31768s was good for them on oasis so
31770s yeah this would be a very disappointing
31772s exit for the sold dynasty if
31774s to me
31775s they threw away gardens they did a great
31777s job of coming back to even get us here
31779s by winning coliseum and now we finish in
31781s a situation where i don't know if this
31783s zarya comp is gonna be good enough
31785s assault to win
31788s it's a lot of eggs all in one basket i
31790s mean i guess basically it is the way
31792s that they have to play this out they've
31793s only got you know
31795s two more rounds to be played if they can
31796s win here on control center try to extend
31798s it over the night market
31800s but
31801s right now from what we are seeing it is
31803s a very risky gamble that they are taking
31808s because here's the thing what the issue
31810s is but hopefully nice marketers
31812s to me fighting for the salt dynasty
31814s smurf can go back towards a doom you
31816s definitely will play the soldier tracer
31818s there
31819s to bow out in map number five
31822s when stalkers sergeant is what got you
31824s here to not even have stalker play
31827s surgeon at all on that five i think is a
31829s critical error
31830s truly i do it's a
31832s bit of a bit of a weird one really
31835s odd adjustment but
31836s who knows i don't know coach toby making
31839s the call but it could come back back to
31842s bite them in the rear rolling dice he's
31843s rolling dice that's all i'm saying
31846s and they are
31847s big gambles being taken
31850s and uh somebody is going to be very
31852s upset at the at the end of it they're
31854s going to lose their life savings on
31856s these gambles i mean i have to wait and
31858s see if it's you know on the side of the
31859s rain or if it's the dynasty i think
31861s atlanta rain have been given a lifeline
31863s i think they are very comfortable into
31865s the sort of match-up i i
31867s i would even go i don't want to curse
31869s them by saying i favor them here but you
31870s know this is this is the best shot for
31872s land to rain and
31874s no matter what happens here i think both
31875s teams have played
31877s very well very well so far i mean let's
31878s take a look at the tracer stats uh just
31881s from that opening round onto gardens uh
31884s obviously a bit of a struggle for the
31885s seoul dynasty now stalker does have a
31888s pretty good tracer but i think his key
31889s here once again is a sergeant so
31892s solar kind of doing themselves a
31894s disservice by not playing that hero
31897s uh i mean maybe they'll uh make an
31899s adjustment in the end just kind of have
31901s to wait and see i think they're ready
31902s ups once more getting ready to come
31904s through so hopefully
31906s we'll get this back underway in which we
31909s are right now time ticking down
31912s and uh hopefully we can avoid
31914s any further issues
31916s yep it is just going to be that cassidy
31918s let's see how it looks for profit it's
31920s right now braille charged up to kai
31922s waiting for an opportunity looks a bit
31923s different
31926s than smith have become the same person
31928s that's fine
31929s coming through from home
31931s losses
31932s yeah yeah
31934s it's a little sleeper agent there's
31936s smurf will be taken down
31939s kai finds the elimination the nade able
31941s to just go ahead and clean him up and
31942s atlanta reign much like we were seeing
31944s on the first map of oasis are able to
31946s lock down the point first and foremost
31947s stalker as well gonna be taken down
31948s everybody collectively retreating
31950s backward over towards the drop ship
31953s very comfortable opening fight win for
31955s the atlanta terrain hawk with the triple
31957s punch
31958s leading to a number of frags salt
31960s dynasty walking out
31961s good damage from stalking prophet though
31963s the dead is actually almost available
31964s that's
31965s maybe something they can work with
31967s 70 percent on the nano as well
31970s oh boy meat grinder here in the hallway
31972s the name gonna be taken out soccer does
31974s manage to find hawk and profit down to a
31976s sliver of hp he's trying to hold on but
31978s oh gee just gets right on top of him
31981s just
31982s pumping that primary fire right there
31984s into his head
31985s that's the kill as stalker tries to make
31986s a guy over to the health pack but cannot
31988s do so
31989s smurf changed smurf now swapping it up
31991s and this is the thing i i felt like this
31993s was they were they were gonna realize
31994s that i felt like they should have
31995s realized already wasn't the answer after
31997s oasis this just
31999s is unfortunate and now they want to be
32000s playing the dive but again the dps
32002s situation means that they are stuck on
32004s these heroes for the time being
32007s coalition's coming by the way
32010s i have to show let's call that really
32011s there have been him just a little bit
32012s further behind og as far as that charge
32014s is concerned venom
32015s lobbing for trying to get the stick
32016s profit going to be there
32018s oh my goodness okay master that eye
32021s comes up with both supports
32023s the kill coming through dynasty long
32025s last going to be able to lock down the
32026s point for themselves but atlanta rain
32028s they give themselves a nice little lead
32029s 71 established i asked for a coalition
32033s shutdown prophet says one of those
32034s coming right on up dead i will collect a
32037s couple of kills here uv now moving over
32039s towards the anna that's gonna do great
32041s into the matchup versus smith creative's
32042s already there sound very available for
32044s both
32047s profits teams up there for just a moment
32049s smurf and hawk going back and forth the
32051s meteor strike used first here by hawk
32054s doesn't get the shielding though
32056s you're used while he was still up into
32057s the air but it will just be a trade out
32059s both of the doomfists now falling
32061s continuing to push up yet gets the head
32063s shot profit eliminated and looking for a
32065s little bit more oh she anted out
32067s creative able to snipe and find that
32069s kill but he's under an immense amount of
32071s pressure appeal does come through and
32073s everybody just piles it on top of kai
32074s they get that kill
32076s does get created but ultraviolet going
32077s to be traded just as quickly and dynasty
32079s looks like they may just be able to
32080s maintain control of this point but now
32082s they're without their support so things
32083s do become a little bit more dicey
32085s possible better for stalker has to stay
32087s alive he actually ate a punch from i
32089s believe hawke but out of live soul
32091s dynasty you can catch up to percentage
32092s points 71 not that far away and a couple
32095s more ultimates available than the rain
32097s do including ones that are closer smurf
32099s and creative profit actually kind of
32101s making this cassie work strangely i
32103s don't consider this hero to be as good
32104s as a soldier but seoul this is the cans
32106s that they've been dealt they have to
32107s play it
32109s all right recall forest stalker
32112s pulse bomb
32114s held waiting for an opportunity now
32115s gonna be anted out he jumps forward
32117s there's to be a stick goes out on the
32118s hawk
32119s hello they managed to find the kill in
32120s the end it's going to be a two-for-one
32121s smurf has fallen before using the meteor
32123s strike problem for now going to be
32125s taking a nap and oh boy it is one that
32127s he's not going to wake up from
32128s kai puts that rail right into his
32131s head clean up on the cass that he is
32133s there nano still being invested they
32135s want to try to win this and get this
32136s flip right now before dynasty can make
32138s their way to 99 within him going down
32140s that looks a hell of a lot more likely
32142s smurf falling low takes the meteor
32144s strike up comes straight back down
32145s doesn't find a kill for oh damage either
32148s big fire nade out onto three venom
32150s recalls to get rid of the debuff there's
32152s a dead eye for prophet point point
32153s they're on to hawk not gonna find the
32154s kill but the primary fire will in the
32156s end kai turns his attention back over
32158s the cowboy takes his head off once more
32160s the flip is there atlanta right now one
32162s can get up and he's genji 99 but it's
32163s gonna be last fight opportunity for them
32166s yeah he hasn't changed just yet though
32167s the nano is coming online as well
32169s created very slowly they have to be able
32170s to get back in for this final contest it
32172s might all end here 99 to 99 console take
32175s us to a third round or atlanta rain
32177s gonna knock soul out of the mid-season
32179s madness the support ultimates could not
32181s be further away for soul though
32184s the touch needed to come through here
32185s route relatively old
32187s makes his way up onto the high ground
32189s rolls away loot's getting locked down by
32191s hawk a massive kill i don't put her
32194s there for the side of the dynasty as
32195s we're in the double ot ultraviolet now
32197s og dead hawk stunned up off the back of
32199s the meteor strike he will get dropped
32201s and oh man
32203s huge opening kill for prom but the
32205s close-up comes through
32207s knocked away they say
32208s uh no touch for you
32211s we will be getting that third and final
32214s round
32216s saying hey
32217s look but don't touch baby we're gonna go
32219s all the way
32221s another map five another third round
32224s and for seoul dynasty
32226s what on earth a prophet cassidy
32230s is the tool that they were going to use
32232s and somehow that ends up working
32234s here's what i can guarantee for this
32236s final round profit will be starting on
32238s the tracer stalker gets to play a head
32240s scan he can move either between the ash
32242s or the sojourn and the atlanta reign i
32245s felt like they had an olive branch on
32247s that uh control center but i guess no
32249s one expected the prophet cassidy to
32251s actually do as much work as it actually
32252s did
32254s i certainly didn't we've only seen it a
32256s couple times i mean we've only seen
32257s cassidy period in the overwatch and not
32260s from prophecy not from him
32262s from like from hitscan plays not from
32265s flex dps
32268s well he worked a treat nice oh bio need
32270s to open ogn hawk both having to back
32273s away
32274s pushing the corner looking for
32275s some shots
32279s not much to be found atlanta rain will
32281s take the inside track to get their way
32282s over to the point as it gets
32285s they're going to be looking for it
32286s smurf's starting to make his way over
32287s though and the contest is there i'll
32289s punch you over to the fight not going to
32290s find anything they do pull off the point
32292s for just a moment so the camp is there
32293s for the sunday atlanta reign starting to
32294s pick up
32295s hawk however he's overstepped
32297s he put himself in the corner
32300s and shut him down venom as well sliver
32302s of hp remaining just managed to grab the
32303s health pack as og kind of getting bogged
32306s right there in the corner narrowly
32308s survives anted out looks like he will be
32310s allowed to escape but it's a very fast
32312s flip here for the dynasty only 18
32314s literal one hp there for og but like you
32316s said escape some fantastic biomates have
32319s landed from creative one on top of hawk
32321s and obviously hawk doesn't have a media
32322s strike he's just going to die once he's
32324s been purpled so creative has really been
32326s popping off in terms of landing the
32327s skill shots nearly has a nano available
32329s that could be the first ultimate of this
32330s round
32332s looking for the dive on a creative he
32333s does manage to stay alive for a little
32335s bit longer but og knocks him off the
32336s side of the map it's the support's gone
32338s now the dps getting ready to join him
32340s drop it with the recall stays alive for
32341s a little bit longer but smurf dazed up
32343s nowhere to go gets hounded down venom
32345s finding the kill and dynasty yeah they
32347s take a lead by nine percent but now
32348s they're about to lose it and they have
32350s to get really active here now because
32351s we're once again back in coalition's
32353s territory atlanta rain
32355s can do quite a lot of damage with that
32357s playing with the ash by the way also
32359s means that salt dynasty can't play coast
32361s they have to play maine or at least if
32362s they try and play coastal we'll be in
32364s trouble you have to get this bob in and
32365s hope it doesn't get robbed
32369s he's just dead he just absolutely gets
32372s bodied right off the rip now been him
32373s gonna be taking down as well with the
32374s pulse bomb stalkers just flat by the
32376s meteor strike
32378s a quick cleanup and that's two waltz
32380s committed to the fight from the side of
32381s the dynasty oh man absolutely nothing
32383s for them
32386s stalker like 50 percent later from
32387s atlanta is like yeah that surgeon here
32389s that i carried on earlier i might want
32391s to play that a little bit more the bob i
32392s don't know where when i was going to say
32394s you can't afford to have the bob get
32395s knocked away and not hit the point but
32396s they got bigger problems to worry about
32398s when profit dies at the rip
32399s straight away 4v5 doesn't look great
32402s self dynasty
32403s finally playing the comp that i thought
32405s they just played from the entire way
32406s through but we made it there at the end
32408s 70 accounting for rain and here comes
32410s the
32411s goal quite a bit of damage there on
32413s ultraviolet profit turns his sights over
32415s to og jumps forward tries to throw in
32417s the pulse pump doesn't get the kill but
32418s stalker swaps the sojourn kills kai
32420s question mark coincidence i don't know
32422s gets that elimination though now hawk
32423s going to be taken down
32425s sniped as well i don't know how that was
32427s a headshot hey killian
32428s either way he gets it
32431s it's almost like now stalker plays his
32432s best hero they are winning wow
32435s that's i i can't believe it who knew who
32438s knew
32439s couldn't be me
32441s definitely wasn't toby apparently but
32443s here we are hey we're we're geniuses for
32445s figuring this out so much sooner wow
32448s wait stalker and surgeon wow
32451s who figured that one out
32453s congrats
32454s well uh he died
32456s at one plus one equals two uh
32460s headshot
32461s and uh that's devastating because
32462s dynasty did not have time on their side
32464s whatsoever nate coming down pushing the
32466s corner the overclock is through and
32468s finnaim is dead atlanta right now
32470s looking for the flipping they are 92
32471s percent touch
32472s no one there to contest the touch going
32475s to have to come through
32476s smurf playing right now he's there
32479s where is it there you go moves in forces
32482s the ot profit dead again
32484s kai charges up the rail hits him in the
32486s back the kill comes in nano boost out of
32488s the smurf to try to give him a live
32489s stock
32491s he's trying to stay alive he gets taken
32492s down oh geez outfit him dead creative
32495s able to find hawk that's the only kill
32497s they've gotten so far smurf the last one
32499s left standing his prophet needs to
32500s rejoin the meteor strike he drops back
32502s down he gets both of the supports is
32504s that going to be good enough it's
32505s perfect now having fallen profit needs
32507s to go play off mode try to drag this
32509s back into their favor if they want to
32511s have a hope if they want to have a
32512s chance but he is so damn low and now
32514s he's dead then henry joins the nade
32516s comes in stalker comes back finds venom
32518s straight out of the tracers he's dead
32520s has fallen once more the supports that
32523s clear off the point finnaim has to make
32525s his exit and that is going to do it
32527s they try smurf just can't quite get
32529s there in time the atlanta reign will
32532s take down the champions of the east the
32534s seoul dynasty are eliminated as rain
32537s take this series 3-2
32539s number one seed from the eastern
32541s division number 3c globally
32544s down and out two matches not a single
32547s victory and the atlanta reign will
32550s complete the biggest upset i think so
32552s far of this entire tournament we thought
32555s mayhem being in london was going to be a
32557s big upset no way this one was huge
32561s and the rest of the team coming in
32563s to celebrate
32565s gala moving from the blue hatch to a
32566s purple hat it is what it is gladiators
32569s hat yeah i know
32570s wild
32572s well take those
32573s you take the 3-2
32575s incredible stuff i mean again that last
32579s lee jung tower i truly did feel
32581s once more that it was anybody's map to
32583s take it truly was but i i i still i
32586s still look back at gardens even even
32588s that control center despite soul dynasty
32590s winning it that was tough for them to
32592s win they just personally for me did
32594s themselves no favors in that sort of
32596s matchup
32597s took stalker 50
32599s of night market to finally go towards
32602s the sojourn but when push comes to shove
32605s kai getting that initial pickup on
32607s stalker after stalker came in at what a
32610s flight and then allowing atlanta rain to
32611s snowball that point further forward some
32614s major heroics from smurf and profit
32615s towards the end to try and pull it
32616s through that was legitimately like that
32619s seoul versus shanghai earliest moment
32621s where you're thinking is profit gonna do
32623s it again is he gonna create magic where
32626s they probably will be in a situation
32627s where they could lose and what it comes
32629s down to is seoul come back ken stalker
32631s is alive but he's hard focused down og's
32633s running after him they know who the
32635s target is they know if they kill stalker
32637s they probably can't win that and the
32639s atlanta terrain they pull through in the
32641s last seconds and what an incredible
32643s finish that's a photo finish to me
32646s yeah uh absolutely
32648s fantastic from the side of the atlanta
32650s reign you know we talked about it these
32651s guys have had these lower bracket runs
32653s and this is definitely a first step
32655s forward and a major one for them to be
32657s able to take down the eastern champions
32659s and the you know the third overall seed
32661s team so a very unfortunate event here
32664s for the side of seoul dynasty but uh
32666s atlanta could be holding their heads
32668s high and probably holding kai up over
32670s their heads lifting him in celebration
32672s because he is going to be our player of
32673s the match he was just so consistent the
32675s whole way through so widowmaker didn't
32677s really matter guy was just looking
32679s absolutely incredible yeah i mean even
32681s when he was struggling versus stalker he
32683s was still putting up numbers it wasn't a
32685s gargantuan diff it was a notable death
32687s but he stuck in there and he was
32689s incredibly good especially versus fitz i
32691s mean that entire circle royale that's
32693s that's all guy and it's one of those
32695s magic moments where we saw versus london
32698s they weren't able to get a lot done but
32699s this was going to be the map that we're
32701s going to win no matter what and so being
32703s able to pick this map having this up
32705s their sleeve knowing that they were
32706s gonna have the better widowmaker in this
32707s matchup having hawk play the sigma as
32709s well gives them at least this one map to
32712s play through coliseum doesn't go well so
32713s there's things to work on we know the
32715s atlanta rain still need to consider how
32717s they're gonna start winning push maps in
32719s the future thank goodness for them this
32721s entire tournament is double control
32724s but when when you get to that final map
32726s i mean atlanta rain they
32728s were able to clutch on through get
32730s important kills when it mattered
32732s they were able to actually make the
32735s solution warrior work in various ways um
32737s and thankfully for them as well you know
32739s i think seoul dynasty took their foot
32742s off the gas pedal decided to do some
32743s weird stuff and for the atlanta rams
32745s they're like you know what if you're not
32747s interested in winning we are we're going
32748s to progress forward
32751s and that they did i mean nearly a kill a
32753s minute there from kai on the sojourn
32755s throughout that and again the widowmaker
32757s something that teams really have to be
32759s concerned about moving forward um
32761s just a wild day overall ever we nearly
32765s nearly maxed out we went 19 out of 20
32767s potential maps throughout this evening
32770s just the fusion who were able to make it
32771s a little bit cleaner with that 3-1
32773s victory um but yeah what an absolute
32776s crazy day it has been here to kick off
32777s the eliminations of the mid-season
32779s madness truly living up to the
32781s tournament's name but uh that does it
32783s for you and i as far as the casting is
32785s concerned we'll be back tomorrow to
32786s bring you guys some more action but of
32788s course we have the watchpoint post show
32790s that's going to be breaking down
32791s everything that has occurred today and
32792s there's been a lot to unpack so good
32794s luck obviously johnny and costa i think
32797s you guys have a hell of a lot to discuss
32799s and they're going to be coming up in
32800s just a few minutes don't go anywhere
32801s guys
32806s [Music]
32819s [Music]
32820s let's go
32837s [Music]
32850s [Music]
32857s [Music]
32866s let's go
32888s [Music]
32909s [Music]
32921s let's go
32936s [Music]
32985s [Music]
32988s okay
32994s [Music]
33047s me
33053s [Music]
33066s welcome everybody to the watchpoint post
33068s show my name is danny i'm here with
33069s venom from atlanta rain for the post
33072s match interview venom congratulations on
33074s the win and why are you so good
33077s [Laughter]
33083s he just says thank you and i think he
33085s admitted it all right i mean let's talk
33087s about this match i mean this was one
33089s crazy match and i think you guys all did
33091s a fantastic job but i want to ask you
33093s about seoul dynasty uh what were your
33095s expectations of soul dynasty going into
33097s the match and how were they like or what
33099s how were how were they like in uh while
33102s during the match all right
33110s guys
33113s [Music]
33132s i mean um i didn't think that they were
33133s any different uh from us um i mean
33136s throughout in our screen scrims uh in
33138s the past couple weeks uh we've didn't
33140s really have a good scrim uh we didn't
33142s really have good results so going into
33144s today's match we just wanted to focus on
33146s what we were doing and really focus on
33147s the the ball rec ball tracer and i think
33150s it sort of really worked out well for
33153s our team all right uh let's look forward
33155s so tomorrow you guys your next match is
33157s going to be up against houston outlaws
33160s uh what can we expect from the atlanta
33162s rain tomorrow
33165s in this video
33198s for tomorrow i mean we did lose to the
33200s houston outlaws before but tomorrow i
33202s know that the houston outlaws love to
33204s really support other genji players uh
33207s which is pelican so i think we're going
33210s to try to use that to our advantage for
33212s tomorrow's match against houston outlaws
33214s all right venom thank you so much for
33215s your time and again big congratulations
33216s on the win
33220s [Music]
33221s i didn't have to translate he understood
33222s it all right everybody that is it for
33224s the interview amelie take it away thank
33226s you
33227s [Music]
33229s thank you very much danny and venom uh
33232s guys that last game of the day going all
33235s the way to five maps i'm gonna be honest
33237s it was incredibly entertaining for me to
33239s watch because the two of you just got so
33243s frustrated watching seoul the team that
33245s you predicted to win
33247s just get cleaned out by that and listen
33250s listen i took i chose atlanta
33254s i'm the prediction queen but before i
33257s let you guys talk about the game i took
33259s down some quotes while you two were
33261s yelling back and forth and i just want
33263s to read a couple right here
33265s what is this yes i did because i'm a
33268s professional of course
33271s so on the final map where a prophet came
33274s out with cassidy custa you said how does
33276s he win the game if he's on a trash
33279s hero johnny comes in with
33282s seeing profit on cassidy is like a 35
33284s year old in a soccer game
33287s and then of course finally we hear
33289s custis say dang it soul you did this to
33292s yourself
33295s factual
33296s oh factual
33298s come on soul you are the number one seed
33301s in the east you are a great team you
33304s have great players and you're gonna tell
33307s me in the final map of lijiang tower on
33310s the first round you're gonna come out
33312s with the prophet pharah on the second
33315s round you're gonna come up with a
33316s prophet cassidy and in the third round
33318s you're gonna come out on an ash instead
33320s of sojourn for stalker come on man you
33324s just may had it they're so good if they
33326s just took the dive mirror they played
33328s zaya on both control maps unable to win
33331s any of them but they are the better dive
33333s team every time they ended up in that
33335s doofus mirror they won i
33337s it's why are you wearing this come on
33341s you're hurting me i'm physically pain
33344s it's just so difficult because each time
33346s the dynasty come up to play you keep
33348s telling me just watch for profit this
33350s team is going to absolutely dominate if
33352s they've lost both times and now they're
33354s out of the tournament
33355s yeah i i mean i tweeted out it's just
33357s like i kept yelling just like prophet
33359s can't keep getting away with it and he
33361s actually didn't
33362s which is surprising given prophet's
33364s reputation of course and you know how
33366s clutch is in these player moments in
33368s many cases like it was prophet who
33370s didn't show up on that night market
33372s instead it was venom actually who came
33374s up clutch for the atlanta reign on the
33376s tracer um and also i think stalker was
33378s like seoul's the best player in the
33379s entire series which is he's a rotational
33382s rookie so again like yeah um
33385s disappointing but you know we gotta give
33387s credit to the atlanta reign of course
33388s you know they always battle these out um
33391s and you know achilles and admiral they
33392s actually have dressed it on the cast as
33394s well like you know if soul dinosaur's
33396s reputation is to always come out ahead
33398s in you know these tournament matches
33400s without the rain they never lose like
33402s when you really expect them to they go
33404s on these big playoff runs even though
33407s like their form might not be great you
33408s know they've been losing like
33410s uncharacteristic matches like about the
33412s rain they come together and start
33414s winning these matches in the lower
33415s brackets so they're doing it here once
33417s again taking out the kickoff clash
33420s champions of the east in the first round
33422s of the loser dragon it's crazy yeah i i
33425s have to i just sorry i want to jump in
33426s like atlanta
33428s like i don't want to take away from them
33429s i was actually really disappointed when
33431s i saw them like i'm like i think seoul's
33432s going to win this but atlanta actually
33433s looked to be in good form i like what
33435s they've i've seen from them in this
33436s match
33438s yeah
33439s yeah well yeah the lucille were on the
33440s last map we won't talk about it it's
33442s fine to play lucio boy if the other team
33444s throws harder but it was funny because
33445s me and johnny get yelling at our screen
33447s during this moment when prophet blinked
33449s through the window in a 1v2
33451s i really thought he had it i really like
33453s he's done it so many times in the past
33455s but venom kept his composure and took us
33456s to him and won that 1v1 yeah definitely
33458s and the one thing that i wanted to add
33460s just at the end is having seoul dynasty
33462s our third seed get knocked out this
33465s early do you think it's gonna have any
33467s further implications on the rest of the
33468s tournament
33469s well i don't even know anymore because i
33471s thought having seoul dynasty in the
33473s lower bracket was gonna be a big
33475s implication that was going to be a lot
33476s of teams like i thought they were going
33477s to like they were going to take out
33478s atlanta reign they were going to take
33479s out the houston outlaws and they were
33480s going to have this like weird effect
33482s where if you just ended up on the same
33484s side of the bracket as the seoul dynasty
33486s was going to be difficult but hey they
33488s okay but this thing i'm not going to
33490s defend them i'm not going to say it like
33492s seoul dynasty are a great team they
33493s deserve to lose they deserve to lose
33495s this match and i'm glad that they went
33496s out of the first round in the way that
33498s they did
33499s clip that and then just send it to seoul
33501s dynasty i'm wearing a stupid hat during
33503s this whole thing as well
33507s what was this i just paid the big bucks
33510s we're all professionals here on the uh
33513s desk uh johnny if that's oh actually no
33516s we do have one more play that i think
33518s you wanted to talk about a little bit
33519s well you know it's it's you know it's a
33521s it's a it's a moosh boosh for the uh
33524s coming later on you know you know it was
33526s a nice little honestly a trip you know
33528s we usually do something in the water uh
33530s you know called best of day but you know
33531s this is a little appetizer for that you
33533s know
33535s the bionate you go with this big
33537s flankers and all that you're like
33539s i got this guys i got this figured out
33541s this is my time to shine they have a
33543s trance doesn't matter i have a
33546s and vindem's like who's that up there
33548s [Laughter]
33551s in the neck
33553s [Laughter]
33558s oh it's brutal you're getting he's
33560s lining it up he's like
33562s i love it i was too good that's too good
33565s that's perfect i like and as you said
33568s just an appetizer is we're about to get
33570s into our best of the day and scott i
33573s think that you're starting us off with a
33575s clip of your own yeah we're actually
33577s going back to what feels like a mortal
33578s age ago uh the dallas fuel match uh this
33581s is when spark was on king's row he was
33583s going absolutely crazy and no one can
33585s stop him and he made that even more
33587s emphasized in this play where he's like
33590s oh no i've gone too deep i'm in trouble
33592s well you'll have to be alive i will be
33596s the decider of my own fate and i will go
33599s into the pit i think he he forgot that
33601s he used his dash
33602s so he just yeah
33604s just yeah spectator is not not happy
33607s with it but i just i just thought it was
33608s funny uh you know
33610s i think many of us have jumped in that
33612s pit before with no real
33614s follow-up plan yeah looking up in the
33618s final shuriken
33619s yeah yeah
33621s it's like maybe this will get me
33623s somewhere
33625s it's so good my people need me
33628s who's down there
33629s where are we going my people where have
33631s you gone yeah oh but johnny what do you
33634s view wow
33636s talking about you know the death pit on
33637s king's row got another moment and this
33640s was the same map actually yeah just
33642s moments later and then three tried to
33644s you know what up him well this case you
33647s know
33647s instead of going in try to leave and
33650s things did not go too well let me let me
33653s just take this angle here
33660s [Music]
33662s are you down there
33665s oh
33667s oh you hate to see that that's that's
33669s awful
33670s yeah yeah
33671s the little head your little head poked
33673s up and we know all the difference that's
33675s like the definition of miscalculation
33678s these are pro players they should know
33680s every pixel of the map this is an
33682s elimination match come on in a
33684s tournament for like a million dollars
33685s and you slid into the roof
33687s [Laughter]
33689s now both of those are very good best of
33692s the day clips but listen remember the
33694s fusion boys won today so for my best of
33698s the day i'm bringing it back pull it up
33700s because you know exactly what i'm
33702s bringing up if you watch the pre-show oh
33704s no it's not my predictions even though
33706s that's right it's the fusion diva beezy
33711s cosplay this is absolutely the highlight
33714s not only of the day but probably the
33716s entirety of the overwatch's league's
33718s history yeah uh and look at you get this
33721s this there are so many viewers who are
33723s like who is this man yeah why is he on
33726s my screen and you
33728s i love that i'm going to screenshot the
33730s chat saying who and i'm just going to
33732s send that to him
33733s uh but again guys just celebrating the
33735s fusions victory is what i'm going to
33737s continue to do we love history here on
33739s the overwatch league yeah that was that
33741s that was definitely a part of our
33743s history for a better awful work
33746s one of them
33747s yeah that was one of them it was
33749s definitely a moment
33751s but uh listen we could talk about the
33753s best moments uh for hours and hours but
33755s we've been here for the last 12 hours so
33757s let's go ahead and talk about the
33758s bracket and see how everything has
33760s shaken up with today's results
33764s and here we go we see our first two
33768s matches in the upper bracket the winners
33770s bracket that are going to take place
33771s tomorrow thursday first match you're
33773s going to see is the san francisco shock
33775s taking on the shanghai dragons match
33777s after that we are going to see the la
33778s gladiators take on the hong zhou spark
33782s then we're going to go ahead and take a
33783s look at the lower bracket
33786s and here we go we have atlanta rain
33789s taking on the houston outlaws and we are
33791s going to see the philadelphia fusion
33793s take on the mayhem and we could also
33795s take a look at our schedule for the day
33797s even though i just read through it
33798s because hey we like seeing the time
33801s zones on the board that's right we're
33802s going to start tomorrow off 4 p.m as
33805s usual and that's going to be our first
33806s match the atlanta reign who we just saw
33808s win
33808s taking on the houston outlaws uh guys
33813s this has definitely been a day we had
33815s multiple
33817s five map games
33819s three of them yeah and i think
33822s yeah four and five game days my brain is
33825s fried you can tell i'm just running no
33826s way we're just saying words at this
33828s point yeah you got any final thoughts
33830s before we sign off i'm really looking
33831s forward to florida philadelphia fusion
33833s because the color palace looks like ice
33834s cream so
33836s you know orange and you know pink kind
33839s of like it looks it looks yummy i'm
33841s excited for what comes tomorrow if you
33843s think i look ridiculous now just wait
33844s until you see what i look like in
33846s tomorrow's pre-show because
33847s awfully runs the show here and i have
33849s i've lost control of the rain so here we
33852s are
33852s i am absolutely unhinged they can't
33855s control me and uh yes tomorrow we've got
33858s a special treat for the watchpoint
33860s preview show so
33862s don't miss it okay be here be there
33865s because
33866s this is gonna get even weirder and
33868s crazier but that was our show for today
33870s thank you all so much for watching and
33871s we will see you all tomorrow for some
33873s more overwatch
33875s what's happening
33877s [Music]
33882s [Applause]
33883s [Music]
33896s [Music]
33899s [Applause]
33903s [Music]
33906s [Applause]
33911s [Music]
33918s so
33919s [Music]
33932s [Music]
33935s [Applause]
33936s [Music]
33940s i'm unstoppable
33944s [Music]
33963s [Music]
33970s [Music]
33976s [Music]
34001s [Music]
34010s you