about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [mystical music]
2s [Kiriko] For generations,
4s my family has served and protected our city...
9s ...by following traditional paths.
14s Me? [chuckles]
16s I made my own.
20s Some of the old...
23s ...some of the new.
25s [in Japanese] Kitsune, please guide the way for my allies!
30s [Genji] Ah, much better.
36s [Kiriko] I run with blades all the time.
45s [Moira and Reaper groan]
47s [Kiriko] Come on, Shimada.
51s -[bell dings] -[Junker Queen] Bow down!
54s [Kiriko, in Japanese] Restoring you.
59s [Junkrat cackles]
61s [RIP-Tire revving]
64s [Kiriko] Thank me later.
65s [laughs]
71s Let the Kitsune guide you!
76s [in Japanese] The gates open and the hunt begins!
80s [Doomfist groans]
82s [Reaper and Zenyatta groan]
85s [Kiriko] Can't change the world by following all the rules.
87s [mystical music]
about 2 years ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s Can't Change the World by following all
6s the rules some of the old
9s some of the new
13s I went with blades all the time come on
16s shimaba
18s guys
23s Mario