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Is anyone else waiting 10+ minutes to play any role? I’ve accepted the wait to play DPS but I’m getting the same or even longer wait times for healer and tank

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almost 5 years ago - /u/BillWarnecke - Direct link

Originally posted by jD3mo

After my last comment I just had another 11 min comp queue with my duo and I both queuing for support only (PS4 NA East). It’s 4pm on a Sunday too. Trust me when I say I’m not complaining because I know this is norm for DPS but it’s definitely not the norm for tank and support role queues. Something is definitely not right here.

u/billwarnecke - I’m very active on this sub and there’s have been a LOT of posts and comments from users experiencing this same issue in the last couple of weeks. Some users have also mentioned reporting this issue on the Blizz forums as well with no response that I’m aware of. Is that this something on your radar by any chance?

Hey there, I made a note on another thread, just a bit ago. We looked into this and made some changes, thanks for the reports and sorry for the hassle. Let us know how it looks over the next few days. Cheers