about 6 years ago - GeoffGoodman - Direct link

We’re looking at updating the PTR soon with the following additional hero changes:


  • Frag Launcher: Impact damage increased from 40 to 60


  • Speed Song: Effect lowered from 30% to 20%
  • Amp it up: Speed song amped effect reduced from 70% to 50%
  • Wall Ride: Passive movement speed gained while wall riding increased from 20% to 40%.


  • Bonus damage ramp from the previous 1.34 change will now begin after 1.5s, down from 2.5.


  • Passive: Healing amount reduced from 50% to 40%


  • Photon Projector: Primary fire damage ramp speed increased by 20%


  • Particle Cannon: Alternate fire radius reduced from 2-3 to 1-2 (based on energy level)


  • Orb of Discord: Effect reduced from 30% to 25%
  • Orb of Destruction: Damage increased from 46 to 48

I’m not sure exactly when these changes will hit PTR, but we’re hoping tomorrow or Friday.

about 6 years ago - GeoffGoodman - Direct link

Oops, sorry. This is an internal name we use (almost everything has a different internal name). Fixed!

about 6 years ago - GeoffGoodman - Direct link

Yep, sorry I forgot this note! This change sets his wall-speed to roughly as it was before the speed song nerf, but its actually a decent buff because it affects you while you’re in heal song as well.

about 6 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

The McCree Deadeye change makes it more effective against targets with HP higher than 250. It reaches 500 damage at about 2 seconds now (it used to take 2.4 seconds).

about 6 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

Yep, Junkrat now does 140 damage per direct hit. Impact is 60, explosion is still 80.

about 6 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

Can you guys elaborate the unit of measurement for this? Surely not in meters of length?

about 6 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

Sorry I meant the game engine… fixed.

about 6 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

Oh no doubt, I am merely citing off of information I got from BlizzCon (added a source link above).

about 6 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

Assuming that patch 1.34 is released before the end of the regular matches of stage 1, then yes.

As a reminder, Overwatch League usually postpone the ability to select new heroes or add maps to the pool until one competitive season with said hero or map has passed.

about 6 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

This is in-game “meters”. For comparison, Junkrat explosions have a 2m radius.

about 6 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

So we are talking explosion radius and not size of the projectile? That makes sense.