over 2 years
ago -
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Console players will still have their own console pool rank separated from that of PC players (not to mention console players cannot play in the Competitive PC pool anyways).
Console players will still have their own console pool rank separated from that of PC players (not to mention console players cannot play in the Competitive PC pool anyways).
Itβs okay, crossplay is not really changing from what we know of it now. Cross-Progression is the big news that came out yesterday and you can get all of the details here:
No, they are still good to confirm. They need to make sure they are linked at account.blizzard.com/connections and then confirm when logging onto the PC version of Overwatch.
Basically, whatever console account is linked to the BattleNet account you confirmed, everything on that console account up to launch of Overwatch 2 is rolled into your BattleNet account when the new game launches.