about 1 month ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hey so what's the deal with your whole
4s blinking thing well Winston described it
6s as localized time travel time travel
10s like you can go back in time and be
12s there from when they laid the first
13s brick of the Great Pyramid of Giza no
16s exactly but I guess I've never tried our
20s research on chamali shows that the human
22s monks abandoned it a thousand years ago
25s indeed it sat dormant until Aurora's
28s arrival I bet they left because they
31s defined that omnic would need it in the
34s future an interesting
39s Theory I happened upon some artifacts in
42s an old necropolis would you care to look
44s after them would I I should warn you
48s they might be
50s cursed even
53s better
55s ha guess chivalry is dead