about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the brand new OverWatch hero life Weaver
2s is here and to celebrate his arrival
3s there is a new game mode in the arcade
5s called Bob and weave you'll be placed in
6s a 3v3 deathmatch where every player
8s plays his life Weaver and must use his
9s kit to heal battle and win all while
11s moving Ash's trusted Butler Bob around
13s the map using life Weaver's life grip
15s ability each team will have their own
16s Bob who can change the tide of battle
18s but be careful as he's not Invincible
19s but don't fret because life Weaver can
21s use his healing Blossom ability to keep
22s both Bob and your teammates in the fight
24s to win the fight you can use the pedal
25s platform to lift Bob high up in the sky
27s or you can block the other Bob's line of
28s sight by using life Weaver's Tree of
30s Life alt that also supplies first
31s healing to your team of course you're
33s not without the ability to fight you can
34s utilize life Weaver's Thorn volubility
35s to make quick work of your opponents and
37s if you find yourself in a sticky
38s situation where you can use his
39s rejuvenating Dash to lightly heal
41s yourself and get yourself to cover I
42s highly suggest jumping into this quick
44s and fun game mode and getting a feel for
45s how lifeweaver Works before you unlock
46s him in the battle pass