about 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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829s look we have here we got unknown in
832s Korea in Korean uh South Korea you're at
835s the venue hate
837s um first of all I'm just really jealous
839s because I'm not there honestly but uh
840s yeah can you just tell us what the what
842s the vibe is like over there it's the
843s final day of the mid-season Madness
845s Tournament how's it like being over
846s there
848s hey Danny uh so here gonna we as you can
853s see we're getting final preparations
855s done
856s slowly coming in a lot of them a lot of
859s the professional players are also here
860s so a lot of like good land Vibes this is
864s like for me personally this is what you
866s come here uh this is what makes you uh
869s you know feel that you work in Esports
871s uh the it's the atmosphere is hook right
874s now I wish you were here as well
876s I wish I was up but it's fine uh we're
878s I'm I'm feeding off the energy that
880s you're getting also from from the screen
882s I'm getting it right now uh I also want
885s to ask I mean from the last two days
887s like I saw the crowd that was packed do
889s you know by any chance if uh which team
892s had the most fans at the venue
895s oh well I don't want to play favorites I
898s don't want to upset a lot other people
899s but I think definitely the home fans
902s Soul infernal had a lot of real fans
906s um I think Boston Uprising also had a
908s lot of fans they uh they had a fan
910s meeting
911s with the line that lasted about two
914s hours I think even after the entire show
916s uh but and overall there were a lot of
919s people
920s um a lot of fans supporting all the
922s teams I think it was just more of a
924s OverWatch League fan
926s um more like a festive uh event rather
929s than just reading on one team oh no
931s thank you so much hey good luck today
933s you've been killing it one final day
935s good luck thank you so much
938s thank you bye-bye
941s one million dollars up for grabs final
944s day of the mid-season Madness Tournament
945s let's go
947s [Music]
953s Madness
954s [Music]
968s welcome one and all to watch Point
971s mid-season Madness will conclude today
974s we have two more matches to go and we're
976s here to tell you all about it about the
979s matches about everything you wanted to
981s know and some more as well we of course
983s have the big brains in the OverWatch
985s scene with us today Danny starting on
989s this side Jonathan Larson Jake line and
992s Danny I thought just for confusion's
994s sake you're going to start on the other
995s side guys we're ready for this are we
998s not ready for this I think we're always
999s ready incredible OverWatch over the past
1002s two days and I think we're in for a
1005s treat again today as we have two more
1007s matches as I said we of course have the
1008s grand finals but first we need to
1010s determine who is going to meet the
1011s Atlanta Reign there and play that for
1013s all the marbles there is one more
1015s actually than one thousand one million
1017s US Dollars on the line distributed as
1020s you can see on your screens right now so
1023s it's a lot of money uh currently of
1026s course the soul infernal the Hong Kong
1028s as well as the Boston Uprising already
1030s figured out how much pocket money they
1033s can walk home with and let's see who is
1036s still alive because yesterday we had to
1038s say goodbye to three of our six teams
1041s the first to go was the sole infernal uh
1043s it was a real Heartbreaker of course in
1045s front of their home crowd after that
1047s hangso spark went went down against an
1049s explosive looking bus nap Rising who
1052s unfortunately could not continue their
1054s lower bracket run Mayhem make quick work
1056s of them and kept themselves in the
1058s running for a shot at the mid-season
1060s Madness mad Labs title nice nice I'm
1063s gonna run with it until it becomes an
1065s actual thing yeah so they need all your
1067s energy in fact all the teams need your
1069s support and what better way to show your
1071s support and undying love for them than
1073s with a team jersey they're up to 20
1075s percent off on our website right now so
1077s head on over to
1079s shop.org.com and grab yours now I think
1083s we had some certified bangers as already
1085s said in the last two days um there's
1088s definitely more to come so make sure to
1090s let us know your hot takes everything
1092s you feel like we should know use the
1094s hashtag al2023 and you might be ending
1097s up on a big screen you certainly are
1099s entertaining US during the breaks when
1100s we get to see the Twitter board
1103s yeah we read it we read all of it we're
1106s also charging you profile pictures just
1107s so you're true
1114s out there social media we've seen some
1117s we've seen some crazy ones also the
1119s names so far we also judged the name
1120s yeah the handles if you if you're trying
1122s to sneak something in we we see don't
1125s try any funny business now but some some
1127s snuck in there so congratulations you
1129s made it but no more no more of that no
1132s more of that uh now of course uh it's
1134s been a fantastic two days so far uh
1136s already the mid-season map is tournament
1138s uh the journey was arduous and to catch
1141s you up on some highlight matches in case
1143s you missed it we want to call out our
1145s APAC teams are no longer alive in a
1148s bracket but they gave us some of the
1149s best matches and both of them were
1152s against the Florida Mayhem so let's talk
1154s about it
1156s ah ah feels good feels good take it in
1159s feels good
1161s come on now the better division okay
1163s Jake obviously doesn't want to do uh
1166s give them the proper hype they deserve
1168s the honcho spark they came into this one
1170s taking down some of the toughest
1171s companies charge for example uh they
1174s reverse what they're going to a charge
1176s and honestly they looked lethal with
1178s this Winston Tracer Sombra competition
1179s they beat Florida name in their Opening
1181s match we all predicted to Florida we all
1183s thought the Florida was going to win the
1184s series but thanks to a spark they had
1186s other ideas so great execution when it
1189s comes to the dive composition functional
1190s spark but Soul Inferno I mean they at
1193s least gave for the man around for their
1194s money you know I was impressed I gotta
1195s admit by some inferno's willingness to
1197s play Rush comps into Florida man who
1199s looked like one of the stronger Rush
1201s oriented teams in the west so respect to
1203s Sol Inferno for having that
1204s compositional versatility but alas they
1207s couldn't get it done in map five it
1210s really was if you missed it that ilios
1211s map 5 between Florida and Seoul really
1213s was all about those you know n a
1215s compositions right the more recurico
1217s came out
1218s um some some Anna break or Mantra with
1220s merits Widow came out for Florida and
1222s you know with those Innovative comps
1223s Florida was able to take the series and
1225s really at the end when I looked so close
1226s that was when Seoul fell flat and just
1228s got they looked like they got
1229s outstranded by Florida
1231s outstandard and well based on what we've
1233s seen from the Florida Mayhem thus far in
1236s the lower bracket run how does that vote
1238s for the team in their match today
1239s well I think it is good but you're going
1242s up against the Houston Outlaws who are I
1244s think no not scared whatsoever of these
1246s like off meta kit picks or different
1248s comps that might come out so I think for
1250s the Florida Mayhem I don't think you're
1252s going to be able to win this one in the
1254s same way I think you need to win you
1256s know really on the fundamentals you have
1258s to be able to take it to them in that
1260s summer Tracer mirror I do think Florida
1261s is a strong team I think they absolutely
1263s can be a threat I don't think the
1265s Houston Outlaws can take them lightly or
1266s expect this to be an easy win but I do
1269s think this is kind of Houston's series
1271s to lose if you think about both these
1272s teams the range of their performances we
1274s need to see Florida at their best and
1276s honestly we need to see Houston
1277s slouching a little bit slowing things
1279s down I think for Florida to expect to
1281s get the win if you take a look at the
1283s Tracer stats Checkmate versus happy
1285s happy has been a standout on the Tracer
1287s and going into this tournament I don't
1288s think we expect it happy to be you know
1290s a top three Tracer but you can see the
1292s numbers versus the Checkmate so far in
1294s the mid-season Madness 8.1 final blows
1296s to Checkmate 7.5 pretty big discrepancy
1299s in the hero Damage Done honestly but the
1301s rest is about even so this is going to
1303s be a matchup we have to look out for
1304s here today Florida Miami as you said
1306s Jake I do think they're you know the
1308s underdog in this series so we'll see if
1310s they come out and they try to match the
1311s sambar Tracer certainly they have the
1313s aggression you know someone he is so
1315s vocal always in the communication from
1317s someone wanting to dive in and maybe
1319s that can rally Checkmate and Merit
1321s really follow up on that and maybe an
1323s aggressive dive could be what works for
1324s Florida man but Houston Outlaws they
1327s have the edge in that mountain
1328s right on well let's talk a little bit
1330s about those two teams because while the
1332s Mayhem are still alive in this and they
1335s do have two more opponents that need to
1337s take down and those are the two
1339s juggernauts really currently we have in
1342s the league of course I'm talking about
1343s the Atlanta Reign and the Houston
1344s Outlaws first up it's going to be the
1346s Houston Outlaws where to even begin and
1349s no I do not want to begin with you Jake
1351s actually I want to hear it from you uh
1353s yes I want you to tell us what makes
1356s Houston such a good team right now so
1359s what I really love about Houston Outlaws
1361s is I think they're really good when it
1363s comes to reactive gameplay they see what
1365s the opponent is doing and then they
1366s react based on that information based on
1368s those abilities and then they win the
1370s fights that way someone who is pivotal
1372s for this team is violet the Brigitte for
1374s this team I think that the way he keeps
1376s is support your shoe alive on the honor
1378s for example we take a look at the stats
1380s he is top two in most of these
1382s categories which you won the Atlanta
1383s terrain being number one in most of them
1385s but something like rally armor
1387s efficiency for example violet leads that
1389s category so whenever Violet pops the
1392s rally he gets the most efficiency out of
1394s it out of all the Briggs this entire
1396s tournament sames goes for the inspired
1398s uptime percent 37 that leads to this
1401s tournament as well so Violet his brigite
1403s is going to be pivotal dare I say I
1405s think Violet is under more pressure than
1408s chiowit because of Atlanta Reigns
1410s aggressive instincts you know lip is in
1412s the back line stalkers in the back line
1414s don't get goes aggressive so it puts so
1416s much pressure on Violet on the brake to
1418s play well and not commit any mistakes
1420s and so far I think about it has been a
1422s spectacular job and it's part of why
1424s Houston outposts went to my fire against
1425s yesterday yeah I mean yesterday that
1428s might have been the best performance
1430s we've seen from any team out there
1431s really against the Atlanta Reign uh but
1434s let's focus on the Atlanta rain here
1436s what makes them such a juggernaut why do
1437s they look so untouchable so we've talked
1440s a lot about Atlanta Reigns teamwork we
1441s talked a lot about their backline about
1442s how solid they are as a unit but I want
1445s to kind of throw all that to the side
1446s for a moment and just talk about one
1448s individual player which is stalker I
1450s don't think it's an exaggeration to call
1451s Stalker the best Tracer in the world
1452s right now many have tried to hold on to
1455s that title and it proves to be very
1457s difficult to maintain for a long period
1459s but I think stalker has a very strong
1461s case for being on top right now just an
1464s insanely strong player for me what makes
1466s him so different is not actually the
1468s pulse bombs which I've highlighted as a
1469s crucial ultimate in this comp but it's
1471s when he doesn't have old he he still
1473s makes Incredible Clips it's like his
1475s damage is really unparalleled regardless
1478s of having the pulse bomb he's one of
1480s those few players who is like
1481s consistently taking down Briggs and anas
1484s even without the pulse bomb I mean he's
1485s such a scary individual threat that I
1488s think he's a huge part of the success in
1490s this met I think the Tracer somber meta
1491s really favors them and we came into the
1493s season singing Lips Praises which which
1495s is totally fair but stalker for me he's
1497s you know to have number one on on both
1499s DPS roles is a little bit absurd right
1501s now for the Atlanta Reign and I think
1502s ultimately that's kind of what's making
1504s them look so strong their DPS are Just
1506s Deadly so filter and chill you just stay
1508s alive you're gonna win like stalker will
1510s out produce almost every other player in
1512s the Tracer role yeah it's it's a scary
1514s Prospect uh Florida Mayhem definitely
1516s have their work cut out for them and
1518s then some Florida Miami have to go up
1520s against a huge not lost forest and of
1522s course as I said the Atlanta Reign are
1523s waiting in the finals for either of
1526s those two teams and while I'm sure they
1528s give us a show well
1530s um I felt like we need a little more
1531s Flair like yeah they popping off on the
1534s service that's awesome love those teams
1536s big stars great lineups but I think like
1539s we can even improve on that so uh for
1542s the finale in Seoul Korea we decided
1544s that we here in beautiful Burbank
1548s K-pop band with the players we have in
1551s the mid-season Madness
1553s exactly that the Hub of K-pop Burbank uh
1557s so Danny and I will be the judge and we
1559s have two teams it's going to be a
1560s Jonathan and Jake going up against them
1562s hey Ricky Kitty both of you will make
1566s your own K-pop band and then we too
1569s decide who's gonna K-pop off
1572s okay that was funny wow that's a good
1576s one I mean anything you want but there's
1578s there's no rule like judge with your
1580s heart cool well then I mean Vicky Kitty
1582s and necromance that's correct
1587s ladies hello hello all right so we put a
1591s lot of thought into this because we have
1592s to make sure that we have to be one of
1594s the most competitive people on the desk
1596s obviously Jake and Johnny guys I'm sorry
1598s but we have to actually strategize over
1600s here and we have a lot of ideas necro oh
1603s we have I mean first off you gotta start
1606s with the obvious like K-pop Star the
1609s pink hair
1610s pink hair everything no it has to be
1613s thick so no they like they took fixer
1618s I mean well you know what both move
1622s later but yeah I'll try it again you put
1626s it on the head
1636s all right let's see if we can find it
1639s because we have to navigate through here
1640s you know say it's a little complicated
1642s it kind of looks like figuring it out a
1644s lot of time went into this second yeah
1645s we strategize over here you could tell
1648s actually I can't imagine taking these
1650s desks you guys know right all right I
1653s may not got the moves but we know
1654s somebody who's got the moves and It's
1656s gotta be
1660s we need a handicap Johnny we gotta make
1663s this close
1664s they just get to pick all their five
1665s firsts
1666s well we have we have I mean you're gonna
1669s overlap if you want but then you're kind
1671s of cheating and copying us yes it just
1674s looks a little pathetic if you pick the
1675s same one yeah
1678s for my homework too you know so listen
1680s right
1684s the person in the middle like the the
1686s one the only the one bringing the heat
1689s yeah no no no
1692s no
1693s no you know what Johnny we knew a lot of
1694s these would go in the first round oh
1695s what do you mean first round this is all
1698s the first five rounds yeah they get
1699s first five and we get the next five oh
1701s my they're picking all the best this
1703s isn't a snake draft there's a lot of
1705s guys I like this I like what I'm looking
1706s at okay okay
1710s we had to strategize this all right
1712s don't you dare
1713s why is it because he's taller than you
1717s oh that that is just slander yes we got
1720s it we have to happen we have to do it
1722s stand out yeah we need the tall dark and
1724s handsome one yeah exactly that's
1726s definitely lip that's
1728s he's not that tall we can do better he
1730s actually he probably is taller than
1734s you do I don't know but his personality
1736s is way bigger
1737s one more
1739s one more okay we still have one
1746s one month we have so many ideas I know
1748s I'm telling you we put a lot of work
1750s into this
1751s um I actually don't remember I mean it's
1753s hard to pick there's some really good
1755s players
1757s we did talk about style and that that
1760s has to be gooshway so
1763s um
1764s that's the random card that will get to
1767s you guys a little edgy right like a
1769s little little edgy we can beat this
1770s Johnny no problem yeah we can beat this
1772s I don't know about that this is so
1774s pretty because it's got a lot of our
1775s ideas all right but
1799s we've got to bring the ladies to the
1800s shows we've got to keep them interested
1802s and so smart business and so the
1804s business right in the middle there it is
1807s there he is
1809s okay all right we're starting off strong
1812s everyone loves marriage that's true that
1815s was one of our other options too
1816s actually yep
1818s instead don't don't even don't even
1821s talked about style he was our second oh
1824s oh oh oh oh you're gonna go there now
1825s Jake you're gonna go there now let's go
1827s let's let's go don't think junk I
1829s gotta know what you like the guy
1831s that would be pretty funny but no yes
1834s yes yes things up right not everybody
1837s can be the front man pretty boy we need
1839s somebody dark mysterious mischievous
1842s little Edge little Edge to him you know
1845s and that's why we got violet yeah a
1847s little bit of dark energy in the shows
1850s now we need it we need to have a uh we
1852s got a cute Merit we got edgy this is
1856s really good wow
1859s feel out of left field out of nowhere
1862s we're going big International
1864s worldwide not Mr worldwide this is group
1868s worldwide we are Global boom
1871s oh so you need your Diva you need your
1874s Diva I'm talking about it
1880s okay I'm thinking I mean this is off the
1882s cuff this is off the cuff don't go off
1884s the government I'm gonna go off the cuff
1885s on you guys can you at least ask me ask
1888s me I think we need to get we need a
1889s youngin you know we need to bring okay
1890s we need eight variants here oh well
1894s that's one way to put it sure we've been
1896s Focus grouping all right we've been
1898s focused we've been focusing yet we're
1899s running the data running the data I
1901s think I think and Hawk we've got yeah
1905s the Atlanta tank dual Synergy we've got
1907s the veteran teaching the young one you
1910s know I think that's really good social
1911s media message here yep really good
1914s analytics right here we need to fill
1916s this out like who there is
1919s uh
1931s we need our star the star the star oh
1934s the biggest I've forgotten the biggest
1937s of stars I knew it I knew it Fearless
1940s predictable right here literally the
1943s biggest star on the planet you know
1946s don't even bother with Ticketmaster I
1948s mean those tickets are just like off the
1950s charts I thought Merit was the center
1951s Merritt was a star he's not the Stars
1953s we've got the Stars you need two stars
1956s you need like a Duo yeah this band is
1959s going to last a year and then there's
1960s going to be internally
1969s Fearless is going solo I can tell that
1971s already like he's gonna he's gonna
1973s happen
1974s solo
1976s for a legacy album five years
1981s they tried dancing is a crucial
1983s component of a K-pop band so I think we
1986s need some demonstrations right yeah and
1988s since you guys are the wait a minute
1990s managers or I don't even know what to
1992s call you but I feel like these bands
1994s need signature moves so I need both of
1997s you to come up with some signature moves
1999s to really sell your K-pop groups
2002s do we do we need one for one purpose
2005s wait hold on you guys are trying to see
2007s you guys over there or do you want to do
2008s one big signature move for the entire
2010s thing oh no we're just I think okay
2014s I think we should go just one we're
2016s ready we're ready we're ready follow
2018s your leaders wait I was gonna follow
2020s your lead well we'll figure it out all
2022s right we got this in the back let's go
2023s with the Swedish classic the Swedish
2025s classic yes
2035s one two three four
2040s please
2042s this is not good enough all right
2046s we gotta do the baby bait the baby
2050s I think Johnny and Jake are doing better
2052s the baby bay come on 2019 goats meta
2056s that's what I'm talking about
2060s this is hard okay
2063s the members are like necra and vickies
2066s but honestly the dance moves I gotta
2068s give to Johnny and Jay I mean that's
2070s what's up
2072s you plugged apples and then you shook it
2075s around a little bit I just don't know
2076s like you're a hater
2079s you're a hater you know what I mean I
2081s think she's joking you want to join us
2084s yeah join the crew
2086s come here
2089s can chat make the call Dad yeah you know
2092s what yeah
2096s so uh yeah we've seen that K-pop lineups
2099s we've seen their moves or whatever that
2101s was now it's up to you chat to vote on
2104s which pair no guys no stop it go away uh
2108s it's on everyone in chat to tell us
2110s which pair did it best it is a lovely
2112s Vicky and necra or the matlabs is it
2115s Johnny and Jake let us know
2118s who is going to come out on top of that
2121s one to keep it competitive uh yeah so
2123s these are these are teams I like it
2126s though I like the effort thank you all
2127s so much thank you guys that was a
2129s beautiful demonstration these are our
2132s favorite but what are yours let us know
2135s we're calling on all fans to show us
2137s their skin in the game as you can see on
2140s your screen right now Great Clips of
2143s your best pop-up moments wearing your
2144s fairy team skins and submit post them on
2147s Twitter or on Tick Tock if you want
2149s using the team hashtag and the official
2152s hashtag skins in the game you can submit
2154s that through August 10th and you can
2157s also of course check out the leaderboard
2158s at alwaysleek.com you can see where we
2160s add to see uh you know which team is
2163s currently on top and the top team in the
2166s end will be getting a custom skin and
2169s that will be available to all our fans
2172s uh how very exciting I have an idea
2175s already of who might be coming out on
2177s top of this one but you know I'm happy
2179s to see you all prove me wrong and now
2181s Florida versus Houston Outlaws is going
2184s to be our first match of the day we're
2187s going to talk all about it right after
2188s this break
2191s your team need
2194s now more than ever
2196s sure Victory beautiful
2198s simply post your epic gameplay
2200s highlights on tiktok Twitter or
2202s Instagram with your hero wearing your
2204s team skit
2206s the score big for your squad use these
2208s two hashtags hashtag skins in the game
2210s and your team's unique hashtag every
2213s post earns your team a point so rally
2216s together to dominate the leaderboard
2218s a team with the most points will win
2220s their own in-game spray unbelievable
2224s turn up the hashtag skins in the game
2226s we're fans become Legends
2229s [Music]
2230s unbelievable
2263s thank you
2267s [Music]
2277s [Music]
2294s foreign
2297s [Music]
2312s [Music]
2324s foreign
2327s [Applause]
2329s [Music]
2361s foreign
2364s foreign
2365s [Music]
2376s [Music]
2387s [Music]
2390s [Applause]
2399s [Music]
2414s foreign
2415s [Music]
2420s foreign
2422s [Applause]
2422s [Music]
2426s [Applause]
2426s [Music]
2456s [Music]
2460s [Applause]
2463s [Music]
2469s [Music]
2475s [Music]
2479s friends
2486s [Music]
2495s dreams
2497s [Music]
2507s well Welcome to our life indeed here is
2511s where it's all going down we're about to
2514s witness the loser bracket final battled
2517s out between the Florida Mayhem and the
2520s Houston Outlaws and the winner will
2523s advance into our grand finals at
2525s Face-Off against the Juggernaut the end
2528s boss the ultimate villain it is the
2531s Atlanta Reign tough opponents ahead of
2534s the Florida Mayhem who were definitely
2536s considered the underdog in this entire
2539s anime script at this point but how far
2543s can they take it we'll find out soon
2544s americhek made someone shurong and
2547s RuPaul will give it their all as they
2549s face off against the Houston Outlaws the
2553s scary Squad front to back it's gonna be
2556s a really really really uphill battle a
2559s really big uphill battle for the Florida
2561s meme so let's discuss here how they can
2564s get it done what was the best look from
2566s the Florida May him what do you think
2567s they should be relying on today look I
2570s think at the end of the day we can talk
2571s a lot about these brawl compositions
2573s we've seen so far but it becomes clear
2575s that the most important composition is
2577s going to be the Winston Tracer and the
2579s Sombra composition now as you can see
2582s right now in your screen Florida Miami
2583s they have shown different kind of
2585s variations of this composition like
2586s right here someone is playing the Ramada
2588s instead it gives you the same kind of
2590s like engagement tools about swapping out
2592s for the remotra instead you sort of make
2595s it more difficult for the opponent team
2596s to get out you can get punished as to
2598s Winston by playing this from other
2599s composition instead we can maybe see
2602s them pick shambali Monastery for example
2604s Havana go to these kind of escort maps
2606s and force this broad composition but I
2608s think the most important composition
2610s overall for the Florida Miami will be
2613s the Winston Tracer Sombra drive because
2614s it just seems to be the pivotal
2616s composition Jake when we only have three
2618s teams remaining yeah I agree at this at
2620s this level right trying to win the whole
2622s thing really for all these three teams
2623s still alive you're gonna need to be able
2625s to win on that comp I do think though
2626s for Florida they are when it comes to
2627s their map picks they should be taking us
2629s to rush Maps I think they have a much
2630s better hope there however I'm a little
2632s bit worried because I think the Houston
2633s Outlaws is one of the better brawl teams
2635s and I think it all starts in the support
2637s line I think Shu and violet have looked
2639s like some of the best supports in the
2641s league and I think while while chew and
2642s fielder might be a step above on like
2644s the honor break comp I think when you
2646s bring out Baptiste and kiriko into the
2648s into the mix I think I take shoe and
2650s violet when we bring out those comps
2651s right a little bit more individual
2652s aiming fragging power on the supports
2655s that's where shoe of I looked terrifying
2657s and I think
2658s for Florida to win this match it has to
2661s all start with chorang and RuPaul we've
2663s talked about them both as really really
2664s strong players this season I think
2666s trailbox Brigg has looked really
2667s Immaculate at times RuPaul has made big
2669s plays but by the same token we've seen
2671s teams pick apart Florida Mayhem starting
2674s from the support line right in that
2675s Lucio morric comp it was the Lucio and
2677s Murray going down first all the time and
2679s I think that's the type of pressure that
2680s Houston should be putting on Florida
2681s don't let those supports play the game
2683s you know leverage your backlines
2685s advantage by punishing the enemy
2686s supports first
2688s well for looking at a few snow
2691s I'm a more in depth do you guys feel
2693s like they really showed a big crack in
2695s their armor is there anything obvious
2697s that the Florida Mayhem could be
2699s focusing on here no I kind of don't
2701s honestly I think yesterday between the
2703s Houston Outlaws and Atlanta Reign it was
2705s just a battle between two spectacular
2708s teams playing top tier OverWatch like it
2710s minimally called mistakes for either of
2713s these teams I do think that the Houston
2714s Outlaws they have shown that they're not
2716s quite as willing to be you know take
2719s initiative compared to the Atlanta Reign
2721s the Atlanta rain are just like
2722s ruthlessly aggressive like lip and
2724s stalker is going to be in your backline
2726s at all times Houston Outlaws they play
2728s spacing a little bit more a bit more
2730s Fearless Common Sense Winston just plays
2733s space expertly so that means that
2735s they're just really well-rounded
2736s reactively or initiatively I think the
2739s Houston Outlaws are going to be really
2740s good I don't think there's a weakness
2742s here that the Florida man can expose I
2744s think you just have to commit to this
2745s one hoping to play your best game and
2747s maybe just play to your own strengths of
2749s what you're comfortable playing yeah so
2751s let's uh take a look at our predictions
2752s for this one uh I think uh it should be
2755s used now laws across the board here they
2757s have to be considered the favorite and
2758s for good reason if the match against the
2761s Atlanta Reign yesterday is any indicator
2763s of what's to come then this is going to
2765s be a top one for the Florida Mayhem huge
2768s stat loss they will take advantage of
2771s every small mistake you're making and
2773s the Mayhem has shown a lot more mistakes
2775s than the Outlaws they did but you got
2777s you're forgetting that you know
2778s afternoon to hongs or sport they clawed
2781s away all the way up to the top three
2783s right yesterday
2791s [Applause]
2795s I doubted you guys yesterday but today
2798s let's go oh no honestly I respected
2801s Danny I do think the Florida Mayhem
2803s could be a team to throw wrench in the
2805s works but I just don't know if the use
2806s and outlaws of the team that's going to
2807s fall victim to that I think playing
2809s these Rush compositions you let you let
2811s Pelican either take the mirror on the
2812s May or you let him bring out the echo
2814s you're letting uh Violet and chew
2816s potentially play double Flex sport
2817s you're kind of opening yourself up to
2819s some very scary compositions if you step
2821s away from the dive and if you take the
2822s dive mirror I think Houston wins so I've
2824s got them all day here I think I
2826s proclaimed enough in this pre-show that
2828s I'm all about the Houston Outlaws I
2829s think their favorite in this one and I
2830s can't wait to watch Houston versus
2831s Atlanta
2832s right on neither can we Danny I respect
2835s you I love you and you you got this
2838s maybe
2839s but you know what I
2842s I love it though like you you're coming
2843s in with an aggressive pick and if that
2845s pans out you're gonna look like a genius
2846s speaking of geniuses we got two on
2848s standby to bring you all the action for
2850s the loser bracket final it is of course
2852s necra and Vicky hey guys all right I
2856s just gotta give a shout out to Danny
2858s because he's got more faith than I do
2861s you remember yeah exactly that's what
2865s I'm saying no no I'm not for Florida I'm
2867s from Florida and I'm not for Florida
2869s I mean look I don't know what it is
2872s about Florida and having these really
2874s tight situations but they really love
2876s living on the edge
2878s um I really want to see this team
2880s succeed but the Houston Outlaws looked
2882s so good Necker yesterday and of course
2884s we've seen these two teams Fair off
2885s against each other before yes we have so
2887s like the last time that the Florida
2888s Mayhem and the Houston Outlaws played
2890s against each other was during the
2891s regular season it did go to Five Maps so
2894s maybe there's a little bit of hope for
2895s us to be able to get a great close
2898s series on our hands but I feel like
2899s since we ended up seeing them in the
2901s regular season both teams have really
2903s leveled up maybe Florida Mayhem getting
2905s a little dizzy with the compositions
2907s that they're running but Houston Outlaws
2909s looked at the top of their game during
2911s the tournament so far yeah it goes down
2913s to what Jake was saying earlier can the
2914s ram comp really come through for the
2915s floor and Mayhem Houston Outlaws though
2917s in terms of consistency and fundies this
2919s team's really got it we saw some of the
2921s best OverWatch being played yesterday
2923s between the Outlaws and the Atlanta
2924s Marine now as we get started for our
2926s first series necra it's been a wild
2929s Journey so far this weekend but here we
2931s are in the lower bracket finals already
2933s and we've heard it from the desk the
2936s journey that the Florida ma'am have had
2937s since the very beginning losing to Hanjo
2940s spark and now here they are they clawed
2942s their way through that bracket we are
2944s starting things off on Antarctic
2945s Peninsula I mean the lower bracket Run
2947s for the Florida Mayhem has been
2948s absolutely insane and that speaks to the
2951s volume of just how good these players
2953s are at really being able to clutch up
2955s when the situation actually counts and
2957s you know coming off of the win at the
2960s Pro-Am you ended up seeing them have a
2962s great start to the season as well but
2963s they're looking to close out the first
2965s half very strong here Against The
2967s Outlaws though that I mean they're
2970s coming through from the upper bracket
2972s I'm I'm a little nervous yeah a little
2974s nervous here for Florida I mean the
2976s thing is Houston almost again they just
2978s look so good this is the reason why this
2980s team is one of the top two teams in the
2982s west and also displaying like here in
2983s the mid-season Madness the performance
2985s that they had against the Atlanta rain
2986s was amazing but also the capability of
2988s adapting which is what I'm worried about
2990s when it comes to this series as we get
2992s started you see the crowd going crazy we
2994s saw some cosplay in the crowd as well
2996s you'd love to see the energy from our
2998s Korean audience it really doesn't get
3001s any better than this it really doesn't
3002s and especially when both of these teams
3004s have so much on the line right now
3005s you're playing for that third place spot
3008s you're making a name for yourself as
3012s well as one of the best teams in the
3015s west as we are going to get a little
3017s brief technical pause before we actually
3020s kick off the action on pelican quick
3022s just checking something
3024s better early now before you start off
3026s with the series in case you don't feel
3027s comfortable with what's going on here
3029s but touching up earlier on on the
3031s history between these two teams and what
3033s we've seen already to qualify to even be
3035s here we talk about the uh adaptability
3038s from the Houston Outlaws and the changes
3041s that they've brought into what they feel
3043s like they should play into their
3044s strengths and which is what we've also
3045s seen with their map choices in the
3047s previous series that lead up to the
3049s final day
3050s um even though it went to a game five
3052s versus the Florida Mayhem in the last
3054s time that we saw these two teams play up
3055s against each other in the qualifiers
3057s Houston Outlaws ended up coming out on
3060s top in the last two maps in that series
3062s Houston won the lose map 4 on You Queen
3065s Street push we know uh how a push is
3067s when it comes to Florida Mayhem they
3069s sweat a little bit they struggle out
3070s here and then map five they also won
3072s against the Florida man on Nepal so it's
3074s about ramping up to see that you don't
3076s have more of these Close Encounters that
3078s Florida Mayhem obviously are very
3080s familiar with we've seen it all
3082s throughout this weekend too playing in
3083s these game five situations and that was
3085s another situation that they were also
3086s trying to come back from a game five
3087s situation
3089s I think what's really interesting about
3090s the way that the Florida Mayhem have
3092s approached a lot of these series and
3094s just kind of the history that this team
3096s has had for this particular season is
3099s just kind of looking at how they
3102s approach control this has been a very
3105s good game mode for them so if they're
3106s able to get the win on an Arctic
3107s Peninsula to kick off our series I feel
3109s like Florida Mayhem are going to feel a
3110s little more confident moving forward
3112s especially knowing that they have a bit
3113s of wiggle room there when it comes down
3115s to playing out escort and push which
3117s really have been their struggle points
3119s in these past few Series yeah and you
3121s know something else that I consider we
3123s talk about the ram composition from the
3125s Florida Mayhem let's not forget that it
3127s was Florida Mayhem themselves that made
3129s a note that gargoyle Ram do be going
3132s crazy they said that and you know we've
3134s seen gargoyle coming out uh when it
3136s comes to playing on that Flex tank and
3138s certain maps and you know when it comes
3140s to AP here too I feel like we're going
3142s to be seeing a lot more of those Close
3143s Quarters fights as we get set up again
3145s looks like everything is good to go just
3147s making sure everything is sit here but
3149s also wanting to note the energy from the
3151s crowd every single time we got into a
3153s single game the crowd was erupting
3155s yesterday day one two we see the arena
3158s getting filled up by everybody it's
3160s gonna be a good time here for our finals
3162s day absolutely but both of these teams
3164s of course they have a tall task in front
3166s of them not only do they have to win
3168s this match but then they also have to go
3170s forward to play the Atlanta Reign and
3174s that's been the favorite pick to win the
3177s entire tournament looking at their
3179s undefeated record from the regular
3181s season but Houston Outlaws did give them
3183s a run for their money yesterday and so I
3185s think that's why they are ending up as
3187s the favorites coming into this match
3189s yeah they're played so well that was an
3191s insane game anybody who missed out on
3193s the upper bracket final definitely
3195s recommend you check out to see the
3196s journey that has brought the Houston
3198s Outlaws to where they are currently in
3200s the lower bracket final Florida mam
3202s obviously also making that lower bracket
3203s run as we get started already we're
3205s going to see Rancho brawl come out from
3207s both of these teams a little bit of a
3209s different look coming out from Florida
3210s though they really like to play this
3212s aggressive style of girl and especially
3215s when checkmate's gonna be putting up the
3216s icicles like this nice repeat from what
3219s we ended up seeing from Checkmate
3220s yesterday yeah Checkmate May is
3222s absolutely insane here what a great
3224s first pick in favor for the Florida
3226s Mayhem also going to deny that EMP
3228s charge opportunity that's gonna play
3230s into the win con for the Houston Outlaws
3231s I think the other thing about this
3233s particular composition though is when
3234s Merritt is going to be able to play this
3235s Reaper you get a chance to get really
3238s good damage onto fearless or at least
3241s you end up forcing him to be able to use
3243s those cooldowns try to negate a lot of
3245s that damage and that leaves him
3246s vulnerable for when the fight goes on a
3249s little bit longer about these raid
3250s bosses from the support lineup of the
3251s Outlaws we talk about the best supports
3253s in the league right now between the rain
3254s and the Outlaws and they are out here
3256s see currently having The High Ground as
3259s someone is going to try to Duke it out
3260s between Fearless who's incredibly low
3262s right now managed to get saved by Shu
3263s who has a nice alternate position here
3265s right behind him someone though is not
3268s saved Pelican is gonna be able to find a
3269s nice wall also set up by Pelican as he's
3271s approaching the blizzard already
3272s Pelican's gonna get that blizzard online
3274s so fast even now pacing checkmate at
3276s this point but it's RuPaul with the
3277s coalescence first that's going to be
3279s able to get the drop on Pelican while he
3281s uses the blizzard I never that's the
3283s change up here too Nicole yes it charged
3285s up incredibly quickly and that's the
3286s difference between what we see from the
3287s support line that's the H2 out here that
3289s had the Nano boots Fearless cleaning up
3291s what is left of the Mayhem and it's
3292s cleaned up on aisle four as now the
3294s Houston Outlaws are able to retake the
3295s point now and that's going to be really
3297s good for them when you take a look at
3298s the economy of how they ended up playing
3299s into that last fight Happy's gonna get
3301s the EMP online and this should be a
3304s really great tool for the Houston
3305s Outlaws to rely upon in order to shut
3307s down the Florida Mayhem as they start to
3309s reapproach this point the big key Target
3312s is going to be chorong that has that
3313s sound barrier available so Happy's going
3315s to want to try to deny that to allow the
3317s Houston Outlaws to define success here
3319s see if they can get behind them too take
3321s a look at the old economy Flora Mayhem
3323s they only used up that coal lessons in
3324s that previous fight to stop the
3326s engagement from Fearless didn't work out
3328s here as happy it's already set up on The
3329s High Ground waiting for the opportunity
3331s to unleash the EMP as you mentioned
3333s torong just trying to play safely
3335s Happy's trying to isolate them in the
3337s back before trying to call it out and as
3339s the sound barrier is Unleashed first
3340s before like EMP comes out that's gonna
3342s benefit them even though someone bumps
3344s the annihilation can just turned things
3345s around here it helps them with
3347s survivability
3348s at first but it prevents Checkmate from
3350s utilizing the blizzard it's a trade for
3352s trade after you Outlaws lose out on shoe
3354s with a Fearless position here too laying
3356s right around the barrier here trying to
3358s get our way and the Meg while coming up
3360s on Pelican it's another trade now it's a
3362s support lineup with Violet going down
3363s shoemaking his way back and married with
3365s the death Blossom has finished off with
3367s his left of fearless this is a great
3369s scrappy fight that we're currently
3370s seeing right here and robot use another
3372s cool lessons earlier
3374s gonna be a big switch up for taurang to
3376s go over to the kitty Coke get the Swift
3378s stuff online to get back to the team as
3381s Florida Mayhem are able to take back
3383s control of this point Pelican was able
3385s to get the blizzard online in that last
3387s fight so Houston Outlaws have a great
3388s way to be able to crowd control when
3390s they come back in for the Recon test but
3393s Checkmate has one too oh we've seen this
3394s before we have seen we've seen yes and
3397s it's always a great communication
3398s between Checkmate and Merit in these
3400s type of situations they know they don't
3401s know look look at violet look at the
3402s position between Violet as Checkmate is
3404s inching forward look who's right there
3406s you're doing trying to get in he defeats
3408s the tread locator now as he's been able
3409s to isolate shoot but shoe Stone sends
3411s out the Nano boots I see him sending out
3413s the blizzard here it's also Pelican on
3415s the other side but Checkmate he got
3417s exactly what he wanted and that was shoe
3419s in this situation happy went down
3420s without able to use the EMP here too
3422s maybe he still wanted to hold on to it
3424s since shoe had gone down first in that
3426s fight but nearing 90 already now in
3428s favor for the Florida Mayhem yeah this
3430s is going to be exactly where that EMP is
3432s going to matter as Houston Atlas they've
3434s got to win this next fight here in order
3436s to win this round you got a lot to work
3438s with down already this is huge here but
3441s the trade losing on troll wrong it's
3443s only up to Rupaul who try to send up the
3445s goal looks like got canceled right out
3446s of here too Carly C the annihilation
3449s activated between both someone and
3451s fearless 99
3453s like two they're going down you probably
3455s see someone out grounding around the
3457s side of the point trying to find Happy
3458s trying to locate right out of there over
3460s time taken down as someone is trying to
3462s prevent them from getting right outside
3464s of this window putting Florida Mayhem in
3466s the driver's seat knocking down the
3467s overtime and round one goes in favor for
3470s the Florida Mayhem here Florida Mayhem
3472s played such a great control in that game
3475s they were really able to make sure that
3477s they were taking over that space
3478s efficiently and that sneaky sneaky
3482s coming in from Checkmate to try to go
3484s flank behind and use the blizzard being
3486s able to get that translocator out of the
3488s way meant that happy wasn't able to come
3490s in and be able to help support that back
3492s line when they ended up falling to the
3494s Blizzard
3495s man
3497s both lizards being Unleashed at the same
3499s time but in that moment it was Checkmate
3501s going for the sneaky
3504s Crouch approach to isolation it worked
3507s yeah it worked in that situation and
3509s that's what allowed for the ma'am to
3510s actually regain control over the point
3511s well Florida Mayhem are going to be
3513s switching things up here a little bit as
3514s we head over to Icebreaker this is one
3516s of the rounds of Antarctic Peninsula
3518s that we sometimes see those tanks switch
3520s over to the Reinhardt and with Merit
3523s also picking up the Cassidy this is a
3525s hero that started to fall off in
3527s popularity a little bit looking at the
3529s regular season but what Merit is able to
3531s provide with this long range hit scan is
3533s these off angles and Icebreaker has some
3535s great architecture to be able to play
3537s around to make sure that you are set up
3539s to get those sight lines yeah let's not
3540s forget we're playing on the patch before
3541s the dark queen Buffs out here too and
3543s that's with Cassidy falling off and
3546s falling off here back to the spawn here
3548s is going to be Pelican finding that
3549s heady on some Merit gonna be able to
3551s take over the point with that ice block
3553s nice ice wall now to try to isolate
3555s someone so I'm trying to set him up into
3557s position nice pressure coming in from
3559s the Florida map despite Houston Outlaws
3560s taking control over this point here
3562s first but it's the battle between and
3564s the ram that we continue to talk about
3566s throughout the entirety of the Season
3567s thus far and it's going to be a tough
3569s one I think for someone to be able to
3570s get into this especially when Charon
3572s goes down there's no way to be able to
3574s micro maneuver around the point all eyes
3576s on Paul who has the window here
3578s survivality has been insane so far but
3580s he's going to want to hold on to it now
3581s losing out on someone Checkmate getting
3583s hacked here Houston Outlaws take the
3585s steam fight the beginning and they were
3587s able to get control at that point so
3588s early as well so they're already
3590s starting to work on that percentage
3592s progress to try to be able to tie up
3594s this map and go into a third round happy
3597s meanwhile as well look at how many
3599s ultimates are going to be on the board
3600s here for the Houston Outlaws yes Florida
3602s Mayhem have the amplification Matrix
3604s from RuPaul however even though if
3606s you're able to lay that down there's a
3608s great way for Houston Outlaws to flank
3609s behind maybe even get a little bit of a
3612s surprise Blizzard or a surprise EMP here
3614s and an Annihilation here too and a boost
3617s Annihilation here yeah the Nana boost
3619s was put on some Fearless right now
3620s finally gets taken out though after
3623s Violet pops so rally but it doesn't even
3625s matter Here Comes Fearless still holding
3627s on to the annihilation using that Nano
3629s booster's advantage and clearing out
3630s what is left of the Florida Mayhem
3632s losing on another team fight before it
3634s even looks like you began here and the
3635s even more important ultimate that
3637s Houston Outlaws were able to hold on to
3638s was the EMP so now the Houston Outlaws
3641s are approaching up to that 75 Mark it's
3644s gonna be one more fight for them and
3646s they can win this round so the fact that
3648s happy still has this heavy hitting
3649s ultimate it's going to be huge here
3653s see happy waiting to get into position
3655s before rejoining with the rest of the
3656s Outlaws
3658s that communication someone's looking for
3660s the opportunity as the EMP comes out
3662s from Happy Here Comes striking out here
3664s too the double someone finding filing
3667s was beautiful
3669s now after using that shutter and the
3671s fire strike here over on the other side
3672s Checkmate manages to wrap around the
3674s corner finds Fearless someone popping
3675s off now finding shoe that is only three
3678s left for the Outlaws but at 99 that was
3680s detrimental for the Florida man to take
3682s that fight yeah but that amplification
3683s Matrix placement was so beautiful from
3686s RuPaul oh and Checkmate getting a pick
3689s on the Pelican as well this is going to
3691s stall out the Houston Outlaws from being
3693s able to regroup and get back into this
3695s one the other thing about the Houston
3696s Outlaws coming back is they're really
3698s gonna try to take an Eco push they want
3701s to try to get as many ultimates out of
3702s the floor to Mayhem as possible but
3704s they're farming ah the two for two deal
3705s here for checkmate he's definitely gonna
3706s take one of those
3708s eat it for free out here while they back
3710s up but that's a good amount of pressure
3711s and time wasted away from the Houston
3713s Outlaw so then rejoin again exactly and
3715s Pelican right now is going to be the
3717s closest player to an ultimate
3719s but if they keep getting picked like
3721s this it's going to be more trouble for
3723s them to try to come back in as a team of
3725s five and Checkmate has the blizzard as
3727s well Florida Mayhem might start to get
3730s on the road wait someone what have you
3733s eaten the maywall blocking the only
3736s Escape Route from Fearless can he get
3738s away with you feeling the pressure too
3740s that is the shish kabob between fearless
3742s and shoe the two for one again now
3745s Checkmate finding him that's two out for
3747s the Outlaws and more time wasted away
3749s after they had the advantage at this
3751s point as well Fearless is going to
3752s switch over to the Winston wants to be
3754s able to jump onto the back line as
3756s RuPaul is playing a little bit more of a
3759s dive Target in that Baptiste it also is
3761s able to get the immortality field out
3763s early if Fearless is able to play it
3765s right but the big thing is that Shu does
3767s have the Nano boost and that's going to
3768s go right on to fearless and it loses
3769s Fearless jumps in amazing opportunity to
3772s isolate Merit and now the blizzard
3774s coming in from both Pelican and
3775s Checkmate you've mentioned the
3776s immortality Fields both are off the
3778s table here but chorong is the first one
3780s to go out and that means the back line
3782s has been eliminated from the Florida
3783s Mayhem yes you have that desperate
3785s shatter with the overtime taken away
3787s Houston Outlaws though have cleared the
3789s floor from the Florida Mayhem we got a
3791s great series on our hands here next
3792s right now it's tied 1-1 apiece on first
3794s map oh in this next round this next
3797s round is really where it's going to
3800s start to get tough when it comes down to
3802s these brawl compositions
3804s heading over to sub-level and that's
3807s where you can see sometimes the dive
3809s sometimes you see the ramatra rush it
3812s really depends on what these teams are
3813s going to start to feel comfortable with
3814s but it's going to be a great litmus test
3816s heading into the next maps of the series
3818s as we get a chance to check out this
3819s replay from Fearless that Nano boost
3822s really bolstering up his attack without
3824s having to use the annihilation too this
3825s is the second team fight that we got to
3826s see in that second round here cleaning
3828s up what was left of the Florida Mayhem
3830s beautiful
3832s now getting started round number three
3834s seeing some change-ups here as well
3836s looking at the Florida Mayhem yes
3837s they've been changing between the Lucio
3839s more but now we're seeing the Kirito now
3840s coming out yeah the kiriko Baptiste this
3842s is a very aggressive backline coming in
3844s from the Florida Mayhem chorong has
3846s really started to pick up this hero in
3848s order to be able to get some nice shots
3850s in with those kunai especially if you're
3853s able to hit the head shots you're gonna
3855s be able to start to delete Targets in
3857s the back line like Shu and violet so
3859s this really allows Chong to play a bit
3861s more aggressively but you do lose out a
3862s little bit on the burst healing when it
3864s comes down to not having something like
3866s the Anna but the Baptiste is able to
3868s cover that too if you could do that 150
3870s damage out here onto happy if he's
3871s pressuring that back line that's
3872s something that tauren can look out for
3873s here is fearless tries to jump on top of
3876s The High Ground also someone gets hacked
3878s and then anti right afterwards a group
3879s call with a Saving Grace on the
3881s immortality field helping him replenish
3883s that health and Checkmate taking a nap
3884s in the back don't worry though see
3886s throwing right next to him here is
3888s fearless tries to capitalize nice split
3890s High Ground here though splitting the
3891s attention of the Florida am see someone
3893s being able to pick off Pelican for that
3894s Houston Outlaws now looking to see if
3897s they can disengage since the point now
3898s it's finally gonna get unlocked and now
3900s go in favor for quarterman Fearless is
3902s still trying to play this one out though
3903s especially knowing that shu is has that
3905s Nano boost online so Fearless can take a
3907s little bit of a step back try to get
3909s healed up wait for those cooldowns to
3910s come back so he can find the right
3912s target to jump onto but someone's got
3915s control of this High Ground now but here
3917s comes the Nano boost oh see then that
3919s goes onto Fearless but Violet someone
3921s again finding a Majora finding shoe with
3923s the heady here as she had put down that
3925s Nano boost onto Fearless that's an old
3926s wasted away here from The Outlaws and
3929s Florida ma'am are going to be able to
3930s restabilize with a plethora of ultimates
3931s on their own Florida Mayhem are such a
3933s scrappy team as well you're seeing them
3935s take a lot of these 1v1 fights they
3937s ended up isolating a lot of their
3938s targets like what you just ended up
3940s seeing there from fearless and the
3942s follow-up has been there so Florida
3943s Mayhem really on a roll here when it
3946s comes down to this ramatra brawl but you
3949s got to be careful because happy playing
3951s the trace sir got the pulse bomb ready
3953s to go really going to be trying to look
3955s out for somebody in the back line
3958s Pelican 2 wait for him to get into a
3961s position our Florida Mayhem gonna give
3963s this up oh the communication committee
3965s into isolate RuPaul his immortality
3967s field gets a lead in it he's been a
3968s problem his survivability is amazing as
3970s the blizzard gets called in from
3971s Checkmate the Russians welcome here but
3974s merits with the pulse bomb is going to
3976s be with fine shoot still the number
3978s Advantage goes in favor for the Houston
3979s owls but not for long when someone had
3981s use of the annihilation earlier to find
3983s Violet that's Violet going down without
3985s utilizing the rally here as opposal gets
3987s sent out from Happy doesn't find a stick
3989s but don't worry Pelican is the insurance
3990s policy that you need to finish off what
3992s is left of the man to flip the point
3994s RuPaul's gonna pop the amplification
3996s Matrix as well even though they're down
3997s a few members in this fight they might
3999s be able to get this done but
4000s unfortunately Fearless is just putting
4002s on too much pressure into the back line
4004s that was an expensive fight for both
4007s teams but Violet is still gonna have
4010s that rally to be able to utilize in this
4012s next fight as Houston Outlaws are now
4014s starting to look down having to play
4016s this out perfectly the sustainable
4018s ability will really help the Outlaws to
4020s be able to withstand something of the
4023s pressure of someone especially when you
4024s look at someone wanting to try to play a
4026s little bit more forward in the front
4028s line I know we already know this but
4030s Fearless is just absolutely insane the
4032s way that he positions himself to go for
4033s those shorter hops to close in the Gap
4035s without overextending to keep himself in
4037s the line of sight of shoot who is
4038s enjoyable to see us happy does get
4040s hacked here by Marriott looking around
4042s Ood for trying to predict where the
4043s recall was gonna set up happy here still
4046s Happy's gonna be able to survive and she
4047s was gonna be able to stay on The High
4048s Ground you can see on the other side
4050s someone trying to contest the back line
4052s of the Houston owls but don't worry
4054s Daddy Fearless skier protects you and
4056s violent and so is this rally the fall
4058s from Pelican is going to be able to
4059s punish someone for getting a little
4061s overly aggressive out here on that High
4063s Ground without an escape option
4064s meanwhile Jordan Paul hitting a nasty
4067s nade onto happy fearless and violet but
4070s then immediately get re-stabilized by
4071s shoe again who still has a Nana who's
4073s here in Checkmate finding happy nanopus
4075s put on some Fearless here and he's also
4077s got the Primal if he wants to live for
4078s been longer after the Nana was done
4080s violent though while he's stuck in the
4082s side room you know you're dealing with a
4085s right demon he's gonna be able to find
4086s two and someone gets the Revenge after
4088s he comes in he bumps the annihilation
4090s points the opportunity since everybody
4092s was just funneled inside of that side
4094s room with Violet and I never seen
4096s Fearless pop the Primal Rage as well as
4098s Happy's gonna switch over to the ash
4100s that Dynamite damage gonna be a really
4102s great way to keep the Houston Outlaws
4104s with control at this point especially
4106s playing on The High Ground but look at
4107s Merrick wants to be able to play with
4109s that but the dynamite there to be able
4111s to sniff out Merit and where he's hiding
4113s with the Sombra is this gonna be a trade
4115s of the backlines here as we come down to
4117s the last fight
4118s get past happy out here with that
4121s Dynamite while we take a look at Merit
4123s stories of translocator from Pelican
4125s yeah because he's got the EMP he has no
4127s Escape option here but it's fine with
4128s overtime taking away they have to push
4130s in on this prevent the Florida Mayhem
4131s from trying to contest here saw the
4133s rally that was activated as the EMP goes
4136s out a costume of a violence life and
4138s clashes shoe and fearless gear they get
4141s the trade Checkmate going down thinks
4142s the happy being set up on this position
4144s who can stop happy though this is a good
4146s spot for the Houston all of us to stay
4148s on The High Ground also Houston owls
4150s staying on the point while the overtime
4152s takes away the numbers are dwindling
4154s through the Florida man to allow the
4156s Houston olos to sit in the driver's seat
4157s Fearless being the nail in the coffin as
4160s the Houston Outlaws take map number one
4162s that was such a slug Fest though when
4165s these two teams were going at it for
4167s Antarctic Peninsula felt like it was so
4169s back and forth there and especially very
4171s dependent on whether or not the Somers
4173s were able to hit their marks yeah and
4175s even though we even saw was Violet at
4178s one point go down at the very end of
4179s that fight first it was the way that the
4181s Houston owls had set up on The High
4183s Ground and remember what the deaths I
4185s talk about they're very quick to adapt
4187s depending on the comp switches that they
4189s need to do on the Fly well we saw the
4191s ash which coming out getting set up on
4193s The High Ground who's gonna check right
4194s now when you're on overtime and you
4196s don't really have the moving ability to
4197s try to contest where Felton was here
4199s yeah it just has to be the Sombra in
4201s that case yeah and sometimes that isn't
4203s enough especially when you have the
4204s coach gun you're able to do a lot of
4206s burst damage to that Sombra which forces
4208s her to translocate but if you're gonna
4210s be able to have somebody on your side
4213s like happy and Pelican just kind of
4215s working together Pelican is able to
4218s have a good read on where those
4219s translocators are and they also were
4221s able to nail down what the the primary
4223s problem was for the Florida Mayhem and
4225s we talked about RuPaul's survivability
4226s earlier on in the first two rounds he
4229s had only died once he was doing a really
4230s good job at disengaging when those
4232s fights seemed out of loss and then in
4234s that final round we saw that a lot of
4236s the primary focus was to prevent RuPaul
4237s from also allowing Merit and Checkmate
4239s to set up here too so great awareness
4241s from the Houston Outlaws don't expect
4243s anything different here I mean this is
4244s the Outlaws at the end of the day as we
4246s take a look at some of these highlights
4247s here
4248s RuPaul with the coalescence I really
4250s like the Moira pick coming out from the
4253s hack the Florida Mayhem it makes you
4255s just have such a cleaner Frontline brawl
4258s when it comes down to being able to help
4261s ramatra stay alive but I think as well
4265s when you look at just the coordination
4266s of the Houston Outlaws that can really
4270s reign supreme when you're able to get
4272s happy in Pelicans set up next to each
4274s other and the fact that they are able to
4276s cover each other's hero pools as well
4278s gives them so much flexibility someone
4280s had some time to shine there too we saw
4282s the first shatter that led it to the
4284s double fire strike so you try to clean
4285s up that first fight in the first round
4287s here too as we get to see Pelican also
4289s trying to get set up and isolating cool
4290s wrong here nice communication from
4292s fearless and Pelican to try to make sure
4295s that there was going to be put extra
4296s pressure on that back line saying
4299s Checkmate as well being able to find
4300s happy in the feed but Violet this is
4301s where we saw the raid boss action go
4303s down in that side room you'll have to
4305s see it and then we saw someone also
4306s retaliate with the annihilation a lot of
4309s back and forth going on so far in this
4311s series and we are moving on to King's
4312s Row for map number two Negra it's gonna
4314s be a really great showing here is this
4316s is going to be the Florida mayhem's Pick
4318s to move on to that next map and you know
4322s they've got something up their sleeves
4324s here when it comes down to being able to
4326s use something like the remotra yeah we
4328s got to see how that's going to play out
4329s here on the other side of this break we
4331s got map number two
4337s foreign
4340s [Music]
4369s foreign
4372s [Music]
4407s foreign
4408s [Music]
4425s [Applause]
4431s [Applause]
4431s [Music]
4434s [Applause]
4443s [Music]
4444s [Applause]
4447s [Music]
4449s [Applause]
4458s foreign
4459s [Applause]
4466s [Applause]
4468s [Music]
4486s thank you
4491s [Applause]
4491s [Music]
4494s [Applause]
4500s [Applause]
4509s [Applause]
4521s [Music]
4529s welcome back everybody to the mid-season
4531s Madness we're in the lower bracket final
4533s and we just wrapped up map number one
4536s Houston Outlaws taken after the third
4538s round necro it was such a big map to
4542s kick off this series as well just so
4545s much back and forth happening between
4546s these two teams and it makes me really
4548s excited to see what's gonna happen next
4550s look at all the love for Houston Outlaws
4553s as well I know they have such a big fan
4555s base both in the west as well as an APAC
4558s so really nice to see them show up here
4560s today to support their team yeah I love
4562s seeing the crowd love seeing the art out
4564s here guys don't forget hashtag
4567s owl2023. I know a lot of you guys are
4569s rallying behind Danny in the Florida
4571s Mayhem they need your support see we got
4574s some Florida Mayhem fans out there too
4576s honestly the crowd has been so
4579s supportive of both of our teams they
4581s just want to be able to see some great
4583s games and this is already delivering
4585s that see it slowly pack up here too
4589s love that little drawing a little
4590s penguin I mean we did just play on uh
4592s Antarctic Peninsula so
4594s Hanzo skin also has my heart here I know
4597s right
4599s hahaha
4600s Jack Barrett
4602s I literally do make the perfect
4604s combination don't they they do is they
4607s really do all together now
4609s and we got to see what our next map is
4611s going to look like as well necra and a
4614s little worried here because we know how
4616s good happy is as we take a look at the
4619s side by side on the ram after that first
4622s map very close here in terms of the hero
4625s damage done and the survivability as
4627s well here someone in Fearless for
4628s playing very back and forth the final
4629s blows do go in favor for someone as well
4632s as old efficiency but we also saw some
4633s swapps going in from someone well so
4635s this speaks to how good someone is when
4638s the annihilation is online yeah and for
4641s the other side of things with fearless's
4643s ramatra we're really looking at his
4645s ability to play with the team like the
4648s lower deaths really speaks to the back
4651s line helping to make sure that he can
4653s stay up yeah and it also really
4655s highlights the back line though from the
4657s Houston Outlaws and keeping Fearless
4659s alive the commit the communication
4661s coming in to allow Fearless to make that
4663s space as well as calling out issues that
4666s are coming from the Florida Mayhem like
4667s they were able to pinpoint RuPaul into
4669s survivability in that second round very
4671s quick to adapt here while we're getting
4673s set up
4674s heading to King's Row is really
4676s interesting though because we saw King's
4678s Row for the very first time yes
4681s yesterday when we saw the Florida Mayhem
4684s take it to the Boston Uprising it was
4687s Boston uprising's pick so maybe Florida
4689s Mayhem feeling a little confident
4691s knowing that a lot of these teams
4692s haven't had practice on this land stage
4695s playing this particular map except for
4697s them yeah you talk about the structure
4699s of King's Row here too the verticality
4700s that it provides allowing you to really
4702s take control over The High Ground is
4704s going to be a priority Fearless
4705s obviously wants to make sure he can
4707s clear that space up there we see Echo
4708s sometimes coming up here on King's Row
4710s but when I think about King's Row I also
4712s think about the open sight lines that
4714s you have especially with before you get
4715s that payload out of the garage leading
4717s up into the close quarter fights that
4718s you find in that point B section and I
4720s think about happy one of the best hit
4722s scans in the league out here that could
4723s really Excel on King's Row yes Florida
4725s ma'am they won against Boston Uprising
4728s that was a very difficult series for the
4730s Boston Uprising and to even watch it
4731s play out and Florida Mayhem may be
4733s feeling themselves after now picking it
4735s for the second time they've seen so far
4736s all weekend long exactly exactly the
4739s point that I was trying to make there
4740s earlier but I think what's going to be
4742s super interesting to watch is how
4745s someone and fearless decide to approach
4747s this particular map
4748s you talk about the verticality Fearless
4750s definitely going to want to play into
4752s that one as is Winston is very strong
4754s but when it comes down to the streets
4758s ramatra very good very good yeah
4763s and opting to be on the defense here all
4765s the Houston Outlaws
4767s to go on the attack
4769s see how this is going to play out here
4771s for the Florida Mayhem in terms of their
4772s positioning really smart for merit to go
4774s ahead and auto pick this ash to begin
4776s with expecting Pelican to come out on
4778s the echo this is a look that we've seen
4780s from the Houston Outlaws many times
4782s especially when you look at how Tracer
4784s and Sombra don't necessarily like to
4786s play on this particular Point too many
4789s very obvious flank routes for both of
4792s those Heroes and so you know that
4793s they're going to be able to get sniffed
4794s out pretty easily so that's why we're
4796s gonna see Pelican out on the Echo and
4798s happy actually picking up the Hanzo as
4800s well to really make great use of the
4801s wall climbing capability not even
4803s surprised here too look at the way that
4805s happies is trying to find these angles
4806s knowing exactly where Merit is currently
4808s and jorong's like don't worry I got to
4810s get down Mr President as you currently
4812s see Merrick getting hit with an ante
4814s things coming in incredibly early
4815s already as Pelican having to get away
4817s the open sight lines here is miracles to
4819s send out the dynamite someone
4820s capitalizing finding Pelican huge here
4823s as half he's also gonna fall low to talk
4825s about wall climb just so that way he
4826s could try to reposition himself that's
4827s going to overextend but it's about
4829s controlling this High Ground that is so
4830s important for this first point
4833s you'll see the vortex come out though so
4835s someone already gonna be able to get
4836s some nice dot damage onto that he's not
4838s lost the slow as well being really
4840s important
4841s but look at how they're isolating the
4843s back line they're all getting closed
4845s into the backup Point as Florida Mayhem
4847s start to get sandwiched oh someone
4850s activating the Nemesis form duking it
4852s out finding him in the ring here
4854s so much damage over pause also under
4856s some pressure no help from someone
4858s though as Fearless is gonna be able to
4860s Now find someone and marry this is what
4862s we're talking about controlling The High
4863s Ground the priority from Fearless gear
4865s especially on that Winston is gonna be
4867s able to control so much space yes he's
4868s taking a nap here but the rest of the
4869s Houston Outlaws are still here that's
4871s why RuPaul just didn't have a sight line
4873s there on to someone
4874s just getting locked down by the front
4876s line of the Houston Outlaws so it made
4878s it impossible for him to be able to poke
4879s his head out so a really nice capture
4881s here coming through from the Houston
4882s Outlaws payload gets unlocked and we
4884s enter into the streets phase Checkmate
4886s is already gonna make the pivot over to
4888s the Tracer
4889s plays way better on the second point and
4892s into third and you also are able to
4894s start playing around with these flank
4896s angles and it also plays into the second
4898s Point what you mentioned earlier with
4899s the ramatra playing in this fourth
4901s quarter Alleyways here happy still set
4903s up on The High Ground trunks is trying
4905s to
4906s used to utilize that Shield to prevent
4907s Happy from getting any sort of impact
4908s knows exactly where Checkmate is
4910s Checkmate can't be as cheeky as he
4911s thought Nana boost put onto someone here
4914s but the Houston Olas are taking a much
4915s more patient approach they're just gonna
4917s wait out this Nano boost or is it to
4919s really contest here while they're still
4920s by the choke point it's Fearless is
4921s going to be able to LEAP into the back
4922s line Nana boost onto Fearless he's
4924s trying to isolate chorong and Rupal now
4926s having to go for a reposition seeing
4928s that the Florida may have all split up
4930s you're gonna be able to take out Merit
4931s because he's alone with no help you saw
4933s her chorong and RuPaul was and then
4935s Pelican is able to fly over and finish
4937s whatever damage that Fearless was able
4938s to put down here despite the fact that
4940s we see Merit on the ash Pelican is
4942s getting away with murder right now this
4945s is so difficult for the Florida Mayhem
4947s to be able to play against because
4948s especially when you're going to play the
4949s ramatra you have way less ability to end
4952s up shielding the rest of your team so it
4954s falls onto chorong to be able to help
4956s make sure that the back line is staying
4958s safe or you end up putting up that
4959s shield for merit in particular to be
4962s able to operate and with Fearless
4964s subtracting Merit from the equation of
4965s the very beginning think of that
4966s previous fight that means that Merit
4968s can't deal with the issue in the sky
4969s which is Pelican in this case who has
4970s duplicate apparently Violet's got the
4972s rally ready here Mayhem also has
4974s plethora of ultimate to work with too
4981s someone also has the annihilation ready
4983s but with trolling activating the rally
4984s he's trying to keep the reservoir man
4986s stabilize the annihilation now comes out
4988s nice name from RuPaul heating up the two
4990s that look it's still in this
4991s Annihilation form by the way before he
4993s gets booted right back to the echo here
4995s backing away in time and it's the
4997s disengage and the communication once
4999s again being shown by the Houston Outlaws
5001s to call out when these fights need to be
5003s backed up Checkmate try to go for a
5004s cheeky Falls swamp stick but it did not
5005s stick right there no but at this point
5007s Houston Outlaws are trying to play with
5009s this Dragon strike from happy to split
5010s up the team
5014s their only Escape Route blocked five
5017s dragons right here someone gets the
5019s trade though trong and violet and
5021s Checkmate finding happy puts the Florida
5023s ma'am and the number Advantage Houston
5025s Outlaws now losing out on Fearless
5027s snacks it's gonna have to be a reset
5028s here for the Houston Outlets this is
5030s getting dicey though for Houston yes
5032s they were able to get the card forward
5033s of great distance two minutes left on
5036s the clock though for them in just a
5037s little bit more shoes Nano boost can go
5039s a long way here though that's really the
5041s only ultimate that they have in their
5043s bank and because that fight was so
5044s expensive the verily shoe can help to
5047s try to get fearless's Primal Rage online
5048s as quicker or maybe even make violet
5053s into a raid boss here either way it
5055s should be a good approach here for
5057s Houston as long as they're able to get
5059s something done with the Nano to be able
5060s to get another ultimate online are you
5062s situational especially depending on the
5064s positioning that we're seeing here
5065s Florida man playing again a little bit
5067s split up like we saw initially Pelican
5069s just trying to figure out an opportunity
5070s to see where the floor are stationed up
5073s on The High Ground
5074s two does have that Nano boost like you
5076s mentioned trying to find chore wrong
5078s here that a boost activated onto
5080s Fearless as he's been able to isolate
5081s the back line of the Florida Mayhem
5083s needing some help here but the ball
5084s finds Pelican they too trade that off
5086s for Charon before Fearless manages to
5088s back away in time but he gave this back
5090s to the rest of the juice now loss and
5091s that has enabled Checkmate gear seeing
5093s the trade-off once again Merit being
5095s able to find shoe as Violet comes right
5096s back in Checkmate has been almost a
5098s killable at this point he was trying to
5100s find as I said that he was trying to
5101s find these different flanking options
5103s and happy shutting him down almost
5104s immediately
5106s this should be the Houston Outlaws being
5107s able to get this second Point capture
5109s but the respawns are coming in really
5111s fast here for Florida and they've got
5113s ultimate support as someone's gonna get
5114s the annihilation oh no and as someone
5117s with the annihilation the rally was also
5118s come came in and happy with the ball oh
5121s song is actually huge here wait they got
5124s the point what
5126s they were able to get the point in that
5128s previous fight the rally was used the
5130s annihilation was used and now we're
5131s seeing
5132s Violet Zen someone was right there yeah
5136s exactly he had the sustainability he had
5139s the Firepower to be able to dish out but
5141s Houston outlaws they're able to clutch
5143s up that second point and get them a
5145s little bit of extra time but I love that
5147s you called out the Violet Zenyatta
5149s because that's going to be really fun to
5150s see the burst damage come through from
5152s the Houston Outlaws especially when
5154s you're gonna end up playing into some of
5156s these more heavy hitting ultimates here
5157s with the rally being online for Florida
5159s you also going to enable the follow-up
5162s damage here as we saw the swap up from
5164s Violet back to the brig wondering if
5166s maybe Pelican gonna be able to try to
5168s get the fall from the Discord orbs here
5169s she was trying to check in the back for
5171s Mary I think it's too difficult to run
5173s the brig you've got married and
5174s Checkmate exactly oh no but hey with
5177s violent Fearless rather finding
5179s Checkmate here and shoot getting hacked
5181s in the back it's gonna be able to take
5182s that pick and get close the distance of
5184s this next corner here the rally is going
5186s to be at activity control run Checkmate
5188s has that post bomb ready for Pelican on
5190s The High Ground someone needs to contest
5191s him Merit being back on the summer means
5193s that you want that's it scan to deal
5194s with Pelican who now activates the
5196s duplicate here to be able to copy
5198s someone's Winston you see the way that
5200s Florida maim are backing off in time yes
5202s you get hacked but it doesn't work it's
5204s like marriage eme that they're so
5205s desperate to use you have less than a
5207s minute now on the clock on the payload
5208s is taxing along Fearless finding group
5210s Hawk here after she would use the Nana
5212s boost earlier on it's all on going down
5214s next gear to the back line has been
5216s deleted from the Florida Mayhem and
5217s Violet's about to get the next rally
5219s look at this if someone goes down as
5220s well the rally helping to both defenses
5223s Merit though can't touch gonna touch
5226s your old trickling down one by one but
5228s it's too much pressure even seeing the
5230s desperate swamps from The Floor Of
5232s Mayhem into the giriko here wasn't
5233s enough Houston almost had a lot of
5235s momentum rolling forward after we saw
5238s the swap back to the brig we saw dupe
5240s the duplicate coming out as well the
5242s echo wasn't really dealt with that
5243s entire time all kicked off with a nano
5245s boost right before for capturing that
5247s second Point as well but what a big
5249s misstep there from the Florida Mayhem to
5251s not be able to contest the cart before
5253s that ended up sneaking Over The Line
5255s as we take a look at the side swaps
5258s Florida Mayhem yeah Pelican was a
5261s problem the ash wasn't enough none of
5264s the hit scan pressure onto the echo was
5265s able to take Pelican down so I would
5268s assume that Houston Outlaw is feeling
5270s pretty comfortable in that pick with
5272s also all of that pressure to be able to
5274s play that on the defense too but can't
5277s cannot happy either and that was
5279s actually insane I mean this is Happy
5281s Hanzo
5282s we've seen this before the impact coming
5285s in any of the sniper right yeah it's
5287s happy it's scary come on and uh Houston
5289s Outlaws I see taking that payload all
5292s the way to the Finish Line less than 35
5294s seconds on the clock here for them but I
5296s like to talk about the survivability
5297s shoe died only once in that round so far
5300s and he was doing a really good job at
5302s helping enable fearless and preventing
5304s really Merit from being a problem after
5306s we saw Merritt make the swap over to the
5307s Sombra well you called out something
5308s really important during that attack push
5310s from the Houston Outlaws and that was
5312s how well they were able to kite away
5314s from any of that incoming damage you saw
5316s the Nano boost go on to someone Houston
5318s Outlaws backed up right away so she was
5321s able to keep himself nice and safe and I
5323s think that's another thing that Florida
5324s Mayhem are going to have to play around
5326s is that the way that they were trying to
5327s approach the back line just didn't work
5330s but let's see what they're able to bring
5331s on the defense here
5334s Checkmate this Echo right now you know
5337s Pelican is feasting
5339s while sticking to the somber Tracer comp
5341s here while Violet is sticking to the Zen
5343s here which is very interesting when it
5345s comes to the damage output that they're
5346s looking to get the followed four
5347s fearless and happy and Merritt finds the
5350s heady out to Violet as we talk about it
5352s no Discord orb is gonna be a problem
5353s here nope not anymore now that Violet's
5356s out of the picture it really does rely
5357s on the Houston Outlaws getting into the
5359s back line if I was actually going to try
5360s to get back a little bit faster hope
5362s that the immortality field maybe would
5363s be a great
5365s piece of the kit but Violet actually
5367s gonna stick over to the Zenyatta as
5370s Houston Outlaw's got to give up a little
5371s bit of this point to wait for Violet to
5373s get back Florida Mayhem too the way that
5375s checking is playing around statue here
5377s Pelican translocating away
5379s so holding onto The High Ground it's
5381s gonna be Fearless now repositioning the
5383s way that Houston Outlaws once again
5385s hiding away from the pressure that is
5387s the Florida Mayhem to rejoined together
5388s group someone gets hacked by Culligan
5391s building into that EMP nice anti-nate
5393s onto choron as Merit gets healed up
5395s again by troll on here too Fearless
5397s taking a nap though on The High Ground
5398s RuPaul's gonna be able to finish him off
5400s Violet then gets revenge onto Checkmate
5402s those are the Discord orbs really coming
5404s through it's fine you got violate with a
5406s nano boost on him from shoe that's
5407s finally doing all the damage that he
5408s needs to do to waiver off all the
5410s pressure from Florida Mayhem all right
5411s may have to start to capitalize on this
5413s one though especially when Fearless is
5415s and you don't want to check into that
5418s hotel catch me outside on the side room
5420s of this hotel bringing out the guns it's
5422s gonna be someone finding Violet and
5424s finding the payload out of the garage
5426s while Checkmate is going to take a much
5427s more aggressive position so that way
5429s they can clear this next color Corner
5431s well they don't want the Houston Outlaws
5432s to play around the bookstore especially
5435s if they're tracking the ultimate howling
5437s does have the EMP online and that would
5439s be a lot of pretty much a momentum stop
5442s here for the Florida Mayhem after
5444s unlocking this payload so you will see
5446s them play a little bit more aggressively
5447s here but Houston Outlaws trying to get
5449s into a position as Pelican yep he's
5452s looking for it he's looking for it they
5453s want to take this fighter on the
5455s bookstore Houston Outlaws have a great
5456s defensive position from there they know
5458s where happy is too that could be a
5459s slight indicator of where Pelican could
5461s be approaching from it he's on the low
5462s ground here
5464s trying to see drawing also swinging away
5468s right in position here to unleash the
5470s EMP good checkmate
5473s it's waiting for the most impact that
5474s he's got here
5475s as he comes out and the immediately
5477s capitalizing finding strong Paul getting
5478s caught in the line of sight of the EMP
5480s and it's mayor with the dragons clearing
5482s the space and trying to isolate Fearless
5484s he's got the Primal he'll definitely be
5486s able to survive these manages to get
5487s away get us a disengage from The Outlaws
5489s to recognize the situation as the vortex
5491s controls some space trying to slow down
5493s Fearless he activates the problem he
5494s jumps away in time they had coming in
5496s too as well as the sleep here as Violet
5498s has a trans ready Nana boost now on some
5501s Fearless just to prolong all the extra
5502s pressure that he was able to put on
5503s originally with the Bravo Now finding
5505s Merit nice ante here but it's not going
5507s to help you out he's going to be able to
5508s back away once again in time because
5510s it's happy that's gonna be able to
5511s retake this payload prevent any more
5513s pressure as Barrett makes a swap over to
5514s the Sombra Checkmate now the trade-off
5516s trade losing out on shoe and Checkmate
5518s losing out unhappy against happy here
5520s rather and he's got the pulse bomb ready
5522s for this next fight a lot of Scrappy
5524s fights here for the Florida man to deal
5525s with in these Alleyways they're so split
5527s up Houston Outlaws have really been
5529s doing a great job of controlling this
5531s space so that they're able to take these
5534s 2v1s maybe these 1V ones very confident
5537s in their ability to be able to duel up
5539s against some of these members of the
5540s Florida Mayhem pilot as well though on
5542s the Zenyatta has been able to put so
5544s much pressure with these orbs of Discord
5546s but I would be worried now that someone
5548s has that Annihilation it's been able to
5550s get so much work done with that old
5552s it's a survivability here too that the
5554s Outlaws were able to go right through
5555s that previous fight Now setting this up
5557s Violet falling incredibly low and it's
5558s the annihilation that girl you mentioned
5560s here allowing someone to find the
5562s problem taking control over this Higher
5564s Ground Fearless you're the next victim
5565s here but he jumps away in time a lot of
5567s pressure now coming up from Florida man
5569s when Pelican also falling low he's about
5571s to get this efp would be crazy to
5572s survive through this but they've lost
5574s out on shoe here and with someone moving
5576s all the way forward it's to help enable
5577s the rest of Florida man to close that
5578s Gap I think that's okay for the Houston
5580s Outlaws though they get one more attempt
5582s to add a defense here and with the EMP
5584s that you called out they also have a
5586s nano boost coming online Houston Outlaws
5588s have a great chance at being able to
5590s stop the cart here the one wrench that
5592s could be thrown into their plans is
5594s trorong's Rally if he's not caught in
5596s the EMP then he's able to come back in
5598s with that but there you go there's nice
5601s EMP yes it costs football's life which
5603s means the nanopus won't be involved in
5605s this fight yes strong had activated the
5607s rally in a nice frame right before the
5609s EMT was Unleashed to help sustain
5611s someone here but again it's only at the
5613s trunk for Less survivability and it
5615s doesn't look like it's going to be
5615s enough now that someone goes down thinks
5617s a Fearless capitalizing happy now
5619s finding chorong over the side and Shu
5621s going down with the Nana boost ready the
5623s Wii would re-engage here and there's a
5625s minute and 20 seconds on the clock for
5626s Florida man to get to the second Point
5627s Florida Mayhem are going to have someone
5629s switch over to the Winston as they are
5632s looking at that time bank starting to
5634s quickly expire but Florida Mayhem want
5637s to try to play off the back of this EMP
5638s as well as checkmate's pulse bomb he's
5640s been really great at Landing these so
5642s far in the mid-season Madness Tournament
5643s so as long as he's able to get one of
5645s these members down that's going to be
5646s really great to maybe force out an
5648s ultimate here Pilots Transcendence I get
5651s a little worried about that one for
5652s Houston but mayor versus oh Pelican you
5655s this was coming it was looking for merit
5657s after doing the point knowing that he
5659s was right behind them you can even hear
5661s him too the EMP was Unleashed from Mary
5663s earlier catching happy we'll be able to
5665s get back into this fight just as quick
5666s as he is on that Tracer and Houston
5668s Outlaws still maintaining all these
5670s ultimates now the natives is put on some
5671s Fearless yeah that Transcendence too to
5673s help with that survivability but it's
5674s about clearing up this right around here
5676s less than 30 seconds now on the clock
5678s neck run it's gonna be a really rough
5680s one for the Florida Mayhem to get
5681s through they have to be able to use this
5682s Nano boost and the pulse ball and it's
5684s cycling through the survivability or
5686s don't banana boost now you activate the
5687s Primal gear from Fearless as Merit now
5689s on the tigron he's the one with an atom
5691s who's put on to him from Rupal they lose
5693s out control on it'll be nice to see that
5694s Raid Battle earlier on with troll on
5696s being alone with the Nano boots but
5697s that's not gonna be the plan happy
5699s sending out the bullet bomb getting that
5700s stake finding her ball checkmate's gonna
5702s be able to find shoes so it's a back and
5703s forth Transcendence from Violet to help
5705s boost the Outlaws move away to the Recon
5707s test here it doesn't look like the
5709s Florida ma'am are gonna be able to put a
5710s toe on this point oh they're gonna try
5713s though you've got the chorong Lucio
5715s coming back but that looks like it might
5716s be it oh no here Florida Mayhem no
5720s bodies left to touch the point the fist
5723s bump the aggression from the Houston
5725s Outlaws to take map number two while
5728s they're sitting already at match point
5729s necra
5731s that was a quick map there coming
5733s through and pretty decisive from the
5735s Houston Outlaws that was Florida
5737s mayhem's map pick as well but the fact
5740s that the Houston Outlaws are able to
5742s force these dives into the ramatra
5745s they're really able to get some nice
5747s work done with that and I'd really like
5748s to see the Florida Mayhem at this point
5750s as a last-ditch effort to keep their
5753s series dreams alive
5755s try to go toe-to-toe with the Winston
5757s also the impact that we saw from the
5759s sombros like Pelican had 14 enemies
5761s hacked meanwhile Philly Checkmate only
5763s had like four or five at that point it
5764s was very difficult to let Checkmate to
5766s work into that win con the floor Mayhem
5768s really wanted to excel in with the emps
5771s here losing out on another map now it's
5773s Florida Mayhem living off their last
5775s lives potentially but so much on the
5778s line here with the Houston Outlaws
5779s really feeling themselves and it's about
5781s those disengagements they're so good I
5783s know I went to disengage they lose out
5785s on one body that's already enough for
5787s them to try to take a different angle or
5789s to then try to re-engage when they're
5790s fully grouped up together I mean Houston
5792s Outlaws too when they're able to take
5794s these little penguins
5797s I don't know they're so cute yeah but
5800s you know Houston Outlaws when they're
5801s able to force these fights these 2v ones
5803s remite or these 1V ones that just the
5806s raw mechanical skill that the US and
5808s outlaws are putting down is really
5810s difficult for the Florida Mayhem to deal
5812s with when they're not able to play
5813s grouped up with a brawl composition
5816s that's what the bra is so good for as
5819s you can see Fearless exhibit a of how
5821s he's able to isolate a lot of these
5823s targets can't get any sight lines onto
5826s the team
5826s and then on King's Row here too Fearless
5829s just gets to get into position so quick
5831s Florida Mayhem still trying to stick to
5834s this Ram comp as well and we saw at 1.2
5837s someone in the situation actually had
5839s used the annihilation and stepped off
5840s the point just ever so slightly allowing
5843s the use of Outlaws to then capture that
5844s point when they were the ones on the
5845s attack that time around here too
5847s Fearless also being able to isolate the
5849s back line and get the follow-up with
5851s happy was beautiful let's also not
5854s forget the time when they were on the
5855s attack Pelican was literally just
5857s running it down here on King's Row
5858s without getting interrupted no one
5860s really to check him there
5863s Paul hitting some nice sleeves though I
5865s love the impact we're able to feel from
5868s the honors on both sides whether shoe
5871s whether it's RuPaul shoe though with the
5873s Nano boosts able to find so much value
5876s and this goes back to what we're saying
5878s the impact between Pelican the emps
5880s coming in that allows them to find
5882s RuPaul's a first pick to deny the Nano
5884s boost that would have been online for
5886s that fight so much here that is being
5888s dipped between the Houston Outlaws and
5890s Florida now we get to move on to map
5892s number three necra and we are going on
5894s some Rialto
5897s that's an interesting choice from the
5899s Florida Mayhem I feel like the Houston
5902s Outlaws are able to do a great job on
5905s Rialto yesterday despite the fact that
5908s it was a loss versus the Atlanta rain
5910s yeah I we also haven't seen this coming
5913s out from the Florida Mayhem yet this
5915s tournament I will be able to dance it up
5916s here on Rialto on the other side of this
5918s break you don't want to miss it because
5919s like Houston Outlaws are currently
5921s sitting at match point
5927s [Applause]
5930s [Music]
5933s thank you
5936s [Music]
5957s thank you
5959s [Music]
5969s foreign
5970s [Music]
6004s all right
6007s [Music]
6044s foreign
6045s [Music]
6078s [Music]
6103s [Music]
6117s [Music]
6128s [Music]
6134s way up
6135s [Music]
6138s Houston currently poised to meet the
6141s Atlanta reign in the finals to take the
6144s trophy home they are currently sitting
6146s at match point two to O right now versus
6148s the Florida May I'm in the lower bracket
6150s finals Florida Mayhem have had a tough
6152s goal of things in this particular series
6154s looked really close on an Arctic
6156s Peninsula but even on their map pick of
6158s King's Row
6159s Houston Outlaws had a very very dominant
6162s performance and now we're going to be
6164s heading over to potentially the final
6166s map in the series NECA on their map pick
6169s that they were undefeated on currently
6171s in the season until that moment right
6174s there so you know trying to go for a
6177s comfort pick that didn't work out in
6179s their favor now moving on to Rialto that
6181s could be a confidence Buster there
6183s really could be a confidence Buster you
6184s know that you've been able to put up the
6186s numbers on that map but this is going to
6189s be another chance for the Florida Mayhem
6191s to get back into the series but Rialto
6193s is kind of a head scratcher for me they
6196s haven't picked this map at all when it's
6199s come to the mid-season Madness
6200s Tournament we've seen most of their play
6202s on shambali Monastery too pretty
6204s middling success but maybe they're
6206s trying to switch things up here as we
6208s head over to Rialto
6210s see if they can get it done see what's
6212s going to work out for them too you know
6213s they've been really trying to force out
6215s this Ram here and that was what we were
6217s kind of expecting going into the
6218s mid-season Madden's been seeing a lot
6220s more RAM Incorporated from the West how
6222s is that going to fare against ABAC I
6224s mean we know how that story played out
6225s but now seeing the Outlaws playing to
6228s what Fearless does best playing in that
6230s Winston what's really interesting about
6232s the Houston Outlaws approach to this map
6234s is we don't have any subs coming in from
6235s either team Houston Outlaws have the
6238s ability to play gargoyle in their roster
6240s very well known for the diva we see a
6242s lot of Diva play on this map in
6244s particular but we actually didn't see
6246s the Houston Outlaws do this yesterday
6247s either versus the Atlanta rain they
6250s ended up playing Fearless on the Winston
6252s which is something that we're going to
6253s end up see them hover over at the very
6255s least
6256s [Music]
6256s [Applause]
6258s hear the crowd
6261s they are cheering on their teams right
6264s now there's been a lot of love there for
6266s the Houston Outlaws as they are going to
6269s get ready to make their attack push but
6271s the Florida Mayhem are going to set up
6273s on this ramatra brawl once again
6276s three except Merritt on the Widowmaker
6278s things might get a little spicy I love
6280s it I love it even whenever we see
6282s oh oh we're committing we're committing
6285s okay
6289s he tried but that was a really great way
6292s to be able to get the concussive Blast
6293s Off try to push the Florida Mayhem back
6296s do a little bit of scouting and then go
6298s back to spawn to be able to lock in this
6300s Tracer pick but what an aggressive
6302s backline here for the Houston Outlaws
6304s Merritt dancing around just trying to
6306s call a pelican who he knew was there you
6308s can hear the shuffling sometimes the
6310s silver gets a little too close to you
6311s here backing away in time while Pelican
6313s manages to get away
6315s feels gonna have a lot easier time and
6317s getting right back to The High Ground
6318s here and they're trying to pinpoint
6319s Merit as I mentioned earlier you love
6321s hearing the crowd go crazy when you see
6322s that one hit scan shot nailed down on
6324s the head here and fearless falling
6326s incredibly low forcing him to back away
6327s in time but the health pack was also
6329s denied by Checkmate he took it before he
6331s was able to get to it and finally gets
6333s hit with a nice ante having to backfile
6335s it away here and wait for the rest of
6336s the Houston Outlaws for Fearless this is
6338s one of the big issues of trying to play
6339s against the Tracer right if they are
6341s able to be a little bit quicker to the
6343s punch be able to grab those Health packs
6345s but Houston allies if they're able to
6347s get set up here a pelican could hack
6349s those to make sure that Fearless has
6351s access to them in the future but wow
6353s Pelican just has merit's number right
6356s now does not want to let that Widowmaker
6358s get set up one pick from Merit could be
6361s disastrous for the Houston Outlaws
6363s attack trying to extinguish the campfire
6365s on this High Ground here for merit so
6366s that way America can feel a little comfy
6368s RuPaul is doing a really good job too to
6369s just be a Saving Grace holding his hand
6372s raiding the friendship bracelet here
6374s together here to make make sure that
6375s Pelican isn't an issue but while Merit
6379s is set up it's going to be difficult for
6380s shooting Violet to close in that Gap the
6382s Nano boost is going to enable Fearless
6383s Alpha Mountain violent finding Merit
6385s finally the Target that they've been
6386s trying to nail down from the beginning
6387s now it's gonna Force the Florida Mayhem
6389s to collapse right underneath them
6391s Checkmate on The High Ground here too
6393s just try to work magic in someone's
6395s taking a nap while the rest of his team
6396s is back in the spawn someone is just
6398s trying to stall the card for as long as
6400s possible he is able to get back to the
6402s cart before this is going to reach the
6404s checkpoint but he allowed some time for
6406s the Florida Mayhem to be able to respawn
6408s so that they can get ready for this next
6411s defensive attempt they did buy a lot of
6413s time off the clock as well you have the
6416s sights being activated here from there
6418s you get a lot of really nice Intel on
6421s where the Houston Outlaws are going to
6422s come from but Houston are coming in with
6424s a lot of vaults Vicky I'm looking at
6426s that EMP from Pelican right now their
6428s harassment America was good the rush
6430s also activated here projection two
6432s chorong with the rally Fearless also
6434s activating the Primal is zooming away
6437s here gonna be able to reposition just
6438s immediately right afterwards nice anti
6440s again once from RuPaul I like installing
6442s up to him again so right now finding
6444s three gets into position to find
6445s Checkmate someone and chorong right
6447s after that rally was done from the
6448s Florida ma'am it was a Houston owls
6449s against healing away to help out both
6451s true and violet and then waiting for the
6452s rally to end re-engage here to EMP now
6455s someone has the annihilation enough time
6457s bought in and that's gonna be space as
6459s Fearless tries to run away he's still
6461s manages to survive I don't even know how
6463s he managed to live because I think it's
6464s the Nano Boost from shoe meanwhile happy
6467s while all the attention from someone's
6469s on the front line was able to get that
6470s pulse bomb Pelican now also finding
6473s someone for the Mayhem it's the split up
6475s scrappy fight once again that we saw on
6477s King's Row excelling in favor for
6478s Houston Outlaws
6482s able to get this first checkpoint they
6485s had to throw everything that they had in
6487s the bank to be able to get that cart
6489s over the line but it was worth it in the
6491s end you have three minutes now to work
6493s through this second checkpoint Merritt's
6495s still trying to get set up on The High
6497s Ground here but happy
6499s happy looking for somebody in the back
6502s you're really looking at chorang and
6503s RuPaul right now it's the best targets
6506s for that but merid also just constantly
6508s hacked every single time Merrick can't
6511s breathe you can't take a break and shoot
6513s finding jorong and that nice ante right
6515s after that here amazing Nate from shoe I
6518s mean I'm not surprised here yes they're
6519s gonna be able to find shoot but that's a
6520s trade that they're absolutely gonna take
6521s with the backlight deleted from before
6522s demand look at how aggressive Violet is
6525s getting with the kitty CO as well oh my
6527s God that's why all the treasures be
6530s crying they all know that situation that
6531s girl oh he just walked right into the
6534s sight lines of violet and into the
6536s loving arms of the kunai Violet is able
6539s to just get so slippery when it comes
6541s down to being able to use the Swift step
6543s eventually Merit is able to take him
6545s down and that's gonna delay the attack
6547s push for the Houston Outlaws just a
6548s little bit as you see them kite away try
6551s to disengage but Florida Mayhem don't
6553s want to give this up goodness the double
6555s whammy the pulse bomb stick to someone
6558s deleting shoe right afterwards
6560s restabilizing here the Florida Mayhem
6562s finally it's the Houston Outlaws getting
6564s called out between fearless and shoe but
6566s we're also gonna have Fearless coming up
6567s with the Primal soon Primal Rage and the
6569s Kitsune rushes well that's gonna be a
6571s really nice alternate to be able to lay
6573s down right in front of that second
6575s objective Houston Outlets have to get
6577s there though even if you don't lay it
6579s down there you're able to at the very
6580s least be able to use it to try to push
6582s the Florida Mayhem back
6584s it's all of this exactly then play out
6586s here earlier too Fearless activating the
6588s Primal gonna be able to use that speed
6590s boost to just move all the way up but
6591s he's taking a nap it is RuPaul that's
6594s gonna be able to find that sleep someone
6595s wakes him up here too as Merritt is just
6597s trying to reposition as well Merit
6599s finding Violet is gonna be big and
6601s that's why he's been the primary target
6602s for the Houston nailed down someone's
6604s gonna be able to find fearless and that
6606s plan immediately shut down they use the
6608s rush they use the Primal and now you
6611s have less than a minute on the clock to
6612s get to that second checkpoint and
6613s they're getting staggered they are
6615s getting staggered here which is going to
6617s delay their ability to get back to
6620s points those Pelicans trying he's trying
6623s he's been doing this for a couple of
6625s fights now but at the very least you
6626s know get a little bit of car progress
6628s maybe get a little bit more damage to be
6631s able to get this EMP online he was
6633s already only a couple percentage away
6634s but now that you know that you have this
6636s ultimate Pelicans going to be looking to
6638s get into position for this one as this
6639s is the last chance for Houston to try to
6641s get the second objective and as the Hail
6642s Mary that everybody's trying to pull off
6643s here or two with the echo because
6645s Merritt has been on that high ground and
6647s this EMP now deletes him following up
6650s it's gonna be Fearless here and they
6652s have shoes Nano boost to try to claim
6654s that second point if it could be the
6655s nail in the coffin they have to deal
6656s with chorong's rally and someone still
6658s has the annihilation for the
6659s survivability Houston playing against
6661s split up and they got to put up toe on
6663s that payload because he's got less than
6664s five seconds to force the overtime well
6667s it's gonna be two seconds remaining is
6668s anybody on the car it looks like
6669s somebody's gonna be able to get there
6670s but there is a contest finally going
6672s down here first and the annihilation
6674s that was being held onto from someone is
6676s gonna be able to find the back line here
6677s putting that extra pressure Houston
6678s Outlaws nowhere to be seen here to
6681s continue the push on this part Florida
6683s mayob are gonna be able to clear this
6684s out and Happy's gonna be the last one to
6686s fall here it's one by one as they
6687s trickle down necro but the Houston
6689s Outlaws they were trying to cycle
6690s through these different picks but they
6692s couldn't really nail down the problem
6693s they got him a few times that was their
6695s primary focus and it was gonna be Merit
6697s well I wonder if they should have put
6698s their focus on somebody else it wasn't
6701s working to try to Target down Merit
6703s there yes you're able to Stave off the
6705s pressure of that hit scan for just a
6706s little bit longer but at the end of the
6708s day you're really looking at someone's
6711s room Matra that was just putting in so
6713s much work Houston they struggled against
6716s that strong defense from the Florida
6718s Mayhem that looked really clean from
6720s them to be able to play around these
6721s stairs as well as these pillars on the
6723s second Point yeah there was two
6725s instances where when they did find the
6727s opportunity to even use the katsune rush
6729s into a fearless's primal they were able
6733s to find Merrick twice during that second
6735s checkpoint point and in that moment
6738s someone had Annihilation those two times
6740s and that's what was able to clear out
6742s the point forcing Houston allos
6744s eventually split up and one by one they
6746s were picked off especially the back line
6747s between Shu and violet they were feeling
6749s the pressure of the annihilation trying
6750s to give someone that space that way it
6752s could run out here to take a look at the
6753s replay his Checkmate and we're gonna get
6755s that sticky and then finish off what was
6757s left of shook here
6759s that was the problem mate was the
6761s problem Merit yes a little bit of a
6762s problem to try to Tool against this
6765s aerial unit from happy as happy did
6767s switch over to the echo towards the tail
6769s end of that round but Checkmate was
6772s really the big issue putting up that
6774s damage on the Tracer maybe you know not
6777s too far off from what we ended up seeing
6779s coming in from Pelican onto that
6781s particular pick as well but just like
6783s basically doubling the damage I mean
6785s that that's tough yeah Pelican
6787s survivability is is definitely there but
6789s that was better yeah it was it was
6790s Checkmate that was doing a really good
6792s job at also trying to help peel for this
6794s back line as we get to see set up
6796s already go on oh no check out erupting
6799s air for him RuPaul is the first one to
6801s get taken out while Houston Outlaws are
6803s holding on to this High Ground this is
6804s why you have happy being able to play
6805s the hit scan whether it's the Hanzo
6808s whether it's the Widowmaker these are
6810s heroes that happy excels at and that's
6812s why you're able to put Pelican on
6813s something like the Tracer and have them
6815s swap rolls a little bit when it comes
6816s down to who plays the Tracer and the
6818s Sombra Houston almost have to give away
6821s a little bit of Leverage on this point
6823s though oh
6824s we got it the double heady and Charlie
6826s was able to put down annihilating happy
6828s here great advantages to set Florida
6830s ma'am up on the driver's seat as someone
6832s gets hit with an auntie from shoe now
6834s trying to claim onto this High ground
6836s it's Merit trying to deal the pressure
6837s from Fearless who by the way we talked
6839s about the ram ditto now coming in
6841s between both these teams nice anti now
6843s coming in from RuPaul to Fairless happy
6846s that Patrol on still find happy again
6849s now they're gonna be able to nail down
6850s how they get some Revenge enough that
6852s they were just trying to nail down Merit
6853s but now the GPS line up before Mayhem
6855s have been taken out of this equation
6856s it's a violent engine who are upset
6858s trying to retake this High Ground so she
6860s was able to keep control of The High
6861s Ground now able to help heal up the rest
6864s of the Houston Outlaws that are
6865s available Happy's gonna be able to get
6867s back into the mix very quickly but
6869s Pelican just kind of locking down those
6871s sight lines right now throwing out the
6873s pulse bomb is Happy is able to take
6875s advantage of the setup and that's why
6878s Trump was trying to deal with him
6880s because happy is very happy setting he's
6883s feeling himself
6884s he's smirking he's absolutely smirking
6887s Merit meanwhile then finds Violet it's
6890s the trade-off here
6891s 1v1 between Merit and happy in the setup
6894s happy has the sights available this is
6896s going to put some pressure onto the
6898s Florida Mayhem to just lay low for a
6901s little bit they don't want to get taken
6902s out by happy happy has been able to get
6904s a first pick after first pick on this
6906s round and if he's able to get another
6907s one with these sights active it's not
6910s good for the Florida Mayhem
6912s it's activated see where Checkmate is
6914s here don't worry he's going to be at
6916s back end
6918s Fearless trying to take control over its
6920s High Ground while the rest of the
6921s Florida Mayhem try to contest him on it
6922s and fearless now be able to find merit
6924s with an animals being put on to him he's
6926s about to get the annihilation he has it
6927s ready here
6928s but he's already forced the rest of the
6930s floor to maima off this Hydra and it's
6931s fine it was all aboard man trying to
6933s contest fearless and he's absolutely
6935s gonna take that because nekker look at
6936s the time back he got a minute in less
6937s than 30 seconds now and Florida Mayhem
6939s are just getting their first ultimates
6940s online in this round they have a lot to
6943s be able to work with though really
6944s looking at something like the
6945s annihilation from someone to help push
6947s Fearless back but Fearless has one too
6950s as well as you have the rally that's a
6952s huge difference between the two
6954s compositions that are being run right
6955s now you like to talk about the
6956s survivability Violet's going to be able
6958s to have that in Spades as the rally
6960s comes online for this defense and Char
6963s wrong with the kituna rush has to be
6964s able to put the push that back see how
6966s they're gonna be able to use this with
6967s less than a minute now Dragon sent out
6969s someone taking in all that damage he's
6971s got the annihilation ready oh the pulse
6973s on put in but nice retaliation with the
6975s Nano Boost from RuPaul someone
6977s activating the annihilation means that
6978s Fearless gets taken out right afterwards
6980s right when you're down 40 seconds left
6983s here Fearless couldn't use his own
6984s Annihilation drives the back away in
6986s time for someone then finds Violet right
6988s after happy literally running away with
6990s his life but it's fine they're gonna
6991s give this space or the Florida map so
6993s that way they can get set up on The High
6994s Ground here looks like there's a bit of
6995s a contest coming through though as
6996s Happy's gonna take a rotation around now
6998s that Fearless gets to come back with the
6999s annihilation as well the coffin here for
7002s Florida they have to run what the EMP
7004s though okay yippee coming in here too
7007s the ante onto Fearless but the
7009s annihilation isn't gonna be enough
7010s Florida Mayhem with a good fight from
7013s the Houston olives to delay the
7014s inevitable they finally get this first
7016s point to add some extra time in the time
7019s in overtime though you've got two and a
7021s half minutes now for the Florida Mayhem
7023s to be able to reach that golden Fox of
7025s Victory we have to see a bit of a swap
7027s up though and that's going to be
7028s absolutely big because Florida Mayhem is
7030s going to go back to basics this is a
7032s composition that they ran on Antarctic
7034s Peninsula they're very comfortable with
7035s this especially knowing that RuPaul has
7037s some great sight lines to be able to
7039s shoot that coalescence down once it gets
7041s online
7042s working into their strengths with the
7045s rush
7047s or to Mayhem trying to contest Houston
7049s Outlaws also on this High Ground hat
7051s coming in from Checkmate onto shoe
7053s Checkmate back in way right now before
7055s it just translocates out of danger
7057s that's gonna work into the EMP that they
7059s want here as well fighting on that
7061s catwalk Bridge here it's gonna be
7062s Pelican having to back away but Fearless
7064s putting in a good amount of pressure
7065s here without wavering off you have to
7067s take a look at Checkmate who's
7068s constantly being a pest on this back
7070s line splitting up some of that attention
7071s is going to allow the rest of Florida
7072s ma'am to walk through look out for this
7074s Nano boost though Shu has a great Target
7076s and fearless right now as you're looking
7078s for him to be able to hold down the
7079s front line
7080s hack onto chorong who's about to get the
7082s sound barrier
7083s nanoboost here from Shu like you
7085s mentioned he's getting set up in the
7087s back you still have to worry about
7088s Checkmate he's doing a really good job
7090s at trying to split that attention
7091s Annihilation online for someone
7094s playing around the wall pillars here
7095s golden bots of Victories right there as
7097s a Vortex comes out and Shu puts down
7099s banana boost on so Fearless but it costs
7101s his life as he finally tries to help him
7103s out with the rally it's not gonna be
7105s enough here it's the trade-off because
7106s they lose it on chorong which means the
7108s sound barrier not gonna be useless here
7110s either the EMP will find for Paul
7112s someone in Merit Merit has the death
7114s Blossom and finding Violet here to clear
7115s up that space they have less than a
7117s minute now left on the clock and Pelican
7119s is the next one to go down
7120s it's gonna be on to happy to try to
7122s stall out this card as long as possible
7124s Violet's gonna try to get back here on
7125s the Batiste to at least be able to lay
7127s down the immortality field but Fearless
7128s is gonna have to make this Annihilation
7130s work
7131s oh yeah peanut coming in and even though
7133s the United States online the immortality
7135s feel for Violet helps keep Fearless
7137s alive oh my goodness with the
7140s annihilation Fearless putting in the
7141s damage but he has got no support the
7143s backlight gone because Merritt had the
7145s death Blossom Freddy he fights show and
7147s violet happy retaliates get the ball
7149s from fake but never it's not gonna be
7151s enough here Florida Mayhem are in this
7153s series and they take Rialto
7156s great ultimate execution coming in from
7159s the Florida Mayhem to keep themselves
7161s alive in this series their tournament
7163s lives are on the line here and they're
7165s playing like it
7166s married at the end with that death
7170s Blossom even though he got picked off by
7172s happy he took out the problem that was
7174s shoe and violet
7176s look at the face of the use of Outlaws
7177s they're still sitting at Match Point
7179s RuPaul is there taking a deep breath
7182s with a mini pop-off before they hydrate
7184s here but the Florida Mayhem coming in
7186s with the comp that they feel comfortable
7188s with and finding the success at the very
7190s end making the adjustments that they
7191s needed it was a smart switch up as well
7193s knowing that you're gonna be playing in
7195s those Close Quarters especially on The
7197s High Ground by the stairs of that second
7198s point that Reaper applies so much
7201s pressure to the remotra on the other
7202s side that you don't really have a choice
7204s except to try to back up and get away
7206s from that damage but that space really
7209s allows those DPS choices on the side of
7213s the Florida Mayhem to have that space to
7215s work with and with the death awesome
7217s coming at the very end too you saw him
7219s getting into position the EMP had been
7220s Unleashed already at that point he was
7222s able to get follow up here too you'd
7224s love to see the fans also getting really
7225s excited but that was also
7231s and that's actually really impressive
7233s from the Florida Mayhem as well they
7235s were able to hold on to the aggression
7238s wait for taurang to come back they
7239s didn't even need the sound barrier to
7241s try to finish out that second point
7244s actually insane there it was going back
7246s and forth a little bit too at one point
7248s like it's all about the positioning that
7250s we saw from the Florida Mayhem at the
7252s very end
7254s wow what a series we got here necra
7256s can't wait to see some of these replays
7258s here that was played out unreal so but
7261s it's the comeback I don't know why
7262s Florida Mayhem love to play like this
7263s right Decker like we can't constantly
7265s see them making these comebacks and
7267s whether it's a reverse Suite that we
7268s currently see from their opponents they
7269s always are playing with their lives on
7271s the line and it's so stressful to watch
7273s it's always map fives it's always map
7276s fives with both of these teams
7278s and hopefully it's not houstonable this
7280s time around Houston Outlaws though we're
7283s going into push as our next game type
7287s oh my God Houston doesn't have to play
7288s this very much they just haven't had to
7290s play the push very much and we know the
7293s unfortunate circumstance when it comes
7294s to Florida and these push Maps here too
7297s the odds are are stacked against them
7299s here but this may be the momentum that
7301s they needed to sway back into their
7302s favor we saw what a problem Checkmate
7305s was you highlighted it before on that
7307s first round here too someone with the
7309s annihilation is going to clear up that
7310s point until they made the swap ups
7312s between Merit to swap right over onto
7315s that Reaper deal with happy at the very
7317s end over time ticking away here
7320s but even chorong that we saw get the
7322s double heady oh that was insane finding
7325s Happy who still was enabled at some
7327s point to get debris set up in this point
7329s and this is where they denied most of
7330s the time away they did deny a lot of
7333s time here but Florida Mayhem ultimately
7335s had all of the tools to be able to work
7338s with so many ultimates on the board at
7340s the right times as well to be able to
7342s make sure that they were going to be the
7343s second to hit and we are rondoing round
7346s of wooing back to New Queen Street
7348s Within These two team matchups this is
7351s something that we've seen before necron
7352s Houston Outlaws came out on top we're
7355s gonna have to see how this plays out now
7356s as we move on to the next map currently
7359s USANA still sitting at match point and
7361s we'll come back with the next map on the
7362s other side of this break
7365s [Music]
7368s thank you
7373s [Music]
7381s [Music]
7392s [Music]
7394s [Applause]
7403s [Music]
7424s thank you
7427s [Music]
7429s foreign
7433s [Music]
7460s foreign
7464s [Music]
7480s thank you
7481s [Music]
7495s thank you
7513s [Music]
7527s [Music]
7532s thank you
7534s [Music]
7540s [Music]
7541s foreign
7548s [Music]
7560s keep their chances alive to claim that
7563s trophy themselves because now I'll still
7566s sit at match point right now and we are
7568s moving on to new Queen Street which has
7570s some interesting stats necro between
7572s these two teams uh yeah Outlaws are
7575s undefeated on this map Atlanta rain
7577s ended up actually playing against them
7579s yesterday and despite the fact that they
7581s had some really interesting pics coming
7583s through on the side of the Atlanta rain
7585s Outlaws were able to have dominant
7587s control of this map in particular and it
7589s makes a lot of sense why they would want
7591s to take them here and we've seen a lot
7593s of struggles from the Florida Mayhem
7595s over all on pushes of game modes yeah
7597s between Esperanza which in general I
7599s mean Florida Mayhem may be their demon
7601s out here don't have that nice record the
7604s Houston Outlaws are repping I mean alone
7606s for this weekend they are sitting at an
7608s O2 stance looking at the Florida Mayhem
7611s side of things so very difficult
7613s situation to come back from but also you
7616s just won the previous map you've had two
7618s days to figure out what you got to do
7620s differently here on push
7621s hopefully that's going to be enough time
7623s for them to work with to make those
7624s adjustments I think a lot of what
7626s Florida Mayhem have really needed to be
7628s able to do is just rely on their
7631s intuition a little bit more I mean look
7633s at checkmate's Stats here on the Tracer
7635s he has been able to put up some numbers
7637s and while yes we talk about the Atlanta
7639s rain having one of the best tracers in
7641s the entire league right now Sombra as
7643s well you can't count out Checkmate
7644s because even coming into this particular
7646s tournament he was second in a lot of
7649s stats fourth top five yeah easily top
7652s five look at the polls one with Patrick
7654s 6.7 that's above average always trying
7658s to mark down shoot and violet if he has
7660s that chance you talked about it actually
7662s a little bit unreal so when uh we saw
7664s Houston Outlaws try to nail down Merit
7666s as the problem meanwhile Checkmate was
7667s enabled opening up their backlines here
7669s while they were so fixated on trying to
7671s dive on to Merit well Checkmate was
7673s really that problem there it's bull
7674s spawn attachment is beautiful see that
7676s 5900 hero damage done and uh currently
7680s getting set up right now it's gonna be a
7682s map that they have to conquer
7684s this is going to be a tall tall task
7686s though Houston Outlaws I mean it was
7689s very Scrappy yesterday but one of their
7691s keys to success on this map in
7693s particular is being able to play a very
7695s aggressive back line Jake was talking
7697s about it a little bit on the desk
7698s yesterday but you look at something like
7701s the Anna and Kirito that shoe and violet
7703s respectively are able to bring out of
7705s their back pocket and we've seen how
7707s that's been able to work in this series
7709s so far with both of these teams trying
7711s to make sure that they are able to get
7713s into the back line I mean violence
7715s kiriko is kind of nuts so kind of yeah
7719s it is insane like look look at the
7721s harassment he's able to do in the back
7723s line too he's able to wall climb play
7725s very slippery make sure he's getting
7727s some great damage into the actual back
7730s line of Florida Mayhem and then Fearless
7732s comes in and Cleaves yeah I know we saw
7734s for half of King's Row but also seeing
7736s Violet Zen always gets me excited here
7738s to see you however I see that too yeah
7740s see how that goes down here saying that
7742s the comp that we're gonna roll out
7743s something in the Floor of ma'am
7744s obviously finding the success on where
7745s they feel comfortable with is that Rush
7747s as we get started potentially on the
7750s last map now necra Houston Outlaws once
7752s again are sitting at match point
7753s [Applause]
7763s it gets me so hyped up because it really
7766s could be the final map of the series to
7769s see who will be moving on to face off
7771s against the Atlanta rain in the grand
7773s finals of our mid-season Madness
7776s tournament and we're gonna see a bit of
7778s a switch up here someone coming out on
7780s the doomfist we saw Fearless on this
7782s pick to be able to kick off this map
7783s yesterday but it's going to be the
7786s anakiriko for the Houston Outlaws the
7788s Lucio kiriko from the Florida Mayhem
7790s Florida trying to play a very aggressive
7792s game with these Dives and look at their
7794s positioning already you highlight
7795s aggressiveness they're already
7796s positioned on top of the team cards
7798s right above the bot which is a great
7799s position to hold on to as shoe gets
7801s punched right out of the window right
7803s now trying to fight for his life but
7805s it's not gonna be enough look Checkmate
7807s on the wrestler man they rolled out and
7809s they were able to find shoe but that's
7810s gonna cost RuPaul's life nice hat coming
7812s in from Pelican because immediately the
7814s Houston Outlaws had answers being put
7816s into a different position while in
7817s Florida man were we're kind of following
7818s up together when they escape through
7820s that window Houston Outlaws are going to
7822s be able to get control of this spot
7823s first and it's starting to look a little
7826s bit treacherous here for the Florida
7828s Mayhem especially when Houston Outlaws
7830s they lost shoes so early but Violet was
7832s able to focus changes Focus onto healing
7835s the team a little bit more he's already
7836s 75 percent to the Kitsune Rush right now
7839s versus RuPaul's 34 almost double of
7842s what's going to be seen here as Houston
7844s Outlaws are starting to get that halfway
7846s point to the first checkpoint we know
7847s that shoots been a problem especially
7849s without consistent he is on sleeps and
7851s sure I'm going down versus Shu once
7853s again gets shut down denying that old
7856s charge opportunity into the Nana boost
7858s that Houston Outlaws want to play into
7859s especially looking at the EMP coming up
7862s closely by Pelicans nearing the 80 Mark
7864s as happy unleashes the pulse bomb is
7866s gonna be able to find someone and his
7867s only Escape Route covered but Houston
7869s Outlaws are playing around that despite
7871s the fact that shu is going down you're
7873s still able to keep the pressure going
7875s here as look at the Kitsune Rush look at
7878s pelic in the back line right now of the
7880s Houston Outlaws they got Florida ma'am's
7883s plan playing aggressively and put it in
7885s the dumpster and said now that's ours
7886s and now we're seeing a swap up from
7888s someone playing the diva I mean we've
7890s seen Diva blader before to try to take
7891s over The High Ground here but
7893s um right now Houston Outlaws look at the
7896s progress that they've made they're about
7897s to round up to that first checkpoint but
7899s the Moira too Florida Mayhem are so
7901s behind on their ultimate generation they
7903s really need merits EMP to be a big
7906s threat in this next team fight ah that
7909s Swift's up Mr La Vista here as the EMP
7912s comes in and it finds Checkmate and Char
7914s wrong and that's the EMP charge that we
7916s talked about earlier on that Houston
7917s Outlaws were going to play into since
7919s they already had the advantage Pelican
7920s and happy are going crazy getting the
7923s hack two on the health pack here over to
7924s the back it's gonna also enable Houston
7926s Knowles to take this forward position
7927s but Pelican being able to hit the EMP
7929s First Merit has had a problem this
7932s entire tournament finding the right
7934s opportunity to be able to use these emps
7936s done already the consumer Rush gonna be
7940s off the board for this next fight
7942s and that's gonna be more time Twisted
7944s away as EMP now comes in all right it's
7946s the trade-off year it's gonna be Violet
7948s going down next
7949s EMP hitting onto three shoes still
7952s surviving
7953s old enough for along with Checkmate
7955s gonna be able to find that pulse bomb
7956s and fearless falling low and he's got no
7958s sustainability we talked about the
7960s health pack being hacked here and it's
7962s not going to be able to help out
7963s Fearless small Health he could have used
7964s the Primal Rage there he did have that
7966s available but it's something that you
7968s would rather hold on to especially when
7970s you know you've got the closer spawns
7971s here as well everybody's back on the
7973s board before that has been shut off by
7975s the Florida Mayhem Violet going down
7977s though Merit may be starting to get on a
7979s roll here when it comes down to being
7981s able to outmatch Pelican right now on
7984s that EMP chart Big pick on a happy two
7987s Florida Mayhem they need to start
7989s getting some progress down with that
7991s meter Ridge and this might be the
7992s opening to do so check against Tracer
7994s Here Kitty goes so good the damage
7996s output and all you need is that 150
7998s damage out here is Pelicans gonna find
8000s Merit
8001s nice change up too because then you're
8002s gonna have Pelican having the EMP old
8004s charge advantage while the Violet they
8006s take it off by someone making this Diva
8008s pick work here playing around bubbles
8010s also very nice to see you get to
8012s immediately reposition before you reset
8014s from the diva bomb also just waiting for
8016s the rest of Florida map to come here I
8017s like the plan and the way that Florida
8019s name are positioned himself in terms of
8020s timing too
8022s happy has forced to recall though has
8024s the post bomb online it's looking for
8026s someone like chorong to stick that onto
8028s or at least be able to force out
8030s oh
8032s narrowly escaping the man who's now
8035s after avoiding that coalescence we know
8036s Jones will be able to get that online to
8038s get soon but a huge EP finds forever
8041s he's just had proof all here are we
8043s gonna get the fall of though potentially
8044s no no follow-up here forcing Pelican
8047s away Houston Outlaws a little bit split
8049s up here before ma'am are trying to match
8051s them with that Florida Mayhem had a lot
8053s of those Mobility cooldowns online when
8054s Pelican hit the EMP as well the trouble
8057s wrong able to fade away Merit now able
8058s to clap back hey you know even with that
8060s One EMP that's all you need because
8062s you've denied the rush you get the
8064s trade-off because now Merit gets taken
8065s out here too as well as a hack put onto
8067s someone but you'll just be able to
8068s reposition right afterwards recall from
8070s Checkmate he's waiting he's got the
8072s pulse ball ready can he send it out if
8073s he has the opportunity with you being
8074s right there this doesn't even need to
8076s use it he's got some help with someone
8078s they're gonna take care of Shu too look
8080s at the progress of seesaw on this
8082s pushbot job's not done yet though
8083s Florida Mayhem at this point need to at
8086s least be able to get this next
8087s checkpoint otherwise it's gonna be
8089s really tough to claw back from someone
8090s said picking up Pelican though that's a
8092s great way to be able to stim a little
8094s bit of that pressure especially with the
8095s EMP but however kisuna restaurant
8097s violated to try to make up for that lack
8099s of players but looking for a man just
8101s being able to kite away from there just
8103s reposition in the split area on both
8105s High grounds on the train car inside of
8108s that building Fearless getting hacked
8110s here by Merit Checkmate still holding on
8112s to this pulse bomb waiting for the
8114s opportunity as soon a rush now gets
8115s called in from a ball so your ball now
8117s taking advantage of this trying to give
8119s some support over to someone who has a
8120s diva bomb so that way they can go for
8122s the reset but that's without cholon
8123s going down without using the coalescence
8126s themselves it's fun check beat finding
8128s the back line as the Houston Outlaws are
8131s trickling down falling like a pair of
8133s dominoes they're gonna be able to unlock
8135s that first checkpoint for the Florida
8137s Mayhem as well so very close to starting
8139s to be able to match that progress in the
8141s Houston Outlaws you still have a couple
8143s of tools to work with as well Checkmate
8145s putting in so much work that he has
8147s another pulse bomb online for this next
8150s fight that could be detrimental for the
8153s Houston oh no it falls down oh we didn't
8157s have the two step here too I don't know
8158s they knew that there was two right there
8159s in the EMP on top of that someone
8161s doesn't have an ability to reset you
8163s didn't have the diva bomb it's a matter
8164s of time where he gets reset and this is
8166s going to be the Houston Outlaws using a
8168s lot here they had the EMP they used the
8170s Primal they take over this team Fight
8172s Win and they're gonna be able to now put
8173s the bot back in their favor
8175s it's really important that they were
8177s able to deny Florida Mayhem from getting
8180s the leg up in this map they shut off
8183s those forward spawns as well as the bot
8185s starts to go back into their own
8186s territory but Meredith is another EMP
8188s looking for the perfect opportunity to
8190s be able to use this right now is she's
8192s also getting set up with the coalescence
8194s trying to stay out of that line of sight
8196s that's going to be the answer to that
8198s EMP that they're going to want to use
8199s but she uses the coal lessons first here
8201s getting away in time ready use the bay
8204s that can be communicated here for the
8205s Florida Mayhem and that's exactly what
8208s they do the answer the EMP deny the rest
8211s of the goal lessons and isolate shoe
8213s Violet tries to enter back with the
8214s consume Rush as he gets hacked right
8216s afterwards now currently you see Merit
8219s you see Checkmate and they are following
8221s with each other beautifully here someone
8223s sacrifices themselves but it was all
8225s worth it here as a Florida Mayhem are
8227s able to retake this bot but going back
8228s to the neutral Houston Outlaws are
8230s already back on their feet gonna be able
8232s to get back into this one so quickly
8233s especially when Pelican has been doing
8235s so much work in the back line that
8237s another EMP is almost online but she's
8239s got to be careful almost got hacked out
8241s and caught with his pants down without
8242s the fade he faded so quickly I was like
8246s that is not my problem in that situation
8248s here is he manages to get to safety
8250s Pelican with the EMP finds the back line
8252s huge here if we can get the follow
8253s withdrawal with the gold lessons keep
8255s group home live subson on this Diva has
8258s had so much success now finding Fearless
8261s the follow-ups here allowing Torah to
8264s keep someone alive and to enable him to
8266s keep holding forward
8268s the bot is moving so quickly back into
8270s Florida Mayhem territory you get a
8272s chance to start pushing it forward now
8275s with someone with the diva bomb
8276s available can play so aggressive you
8278s know that you're able to have that get
8280s out of jail free card
8281s [Music]
8286s not having a good time in these past few
8289s seconds now another clean wipe from the
8292s Florida Mayhem look at this look around
8294s the lead
8296s They're Gonna Take the Lead here this is
8298s really important for the Florida Mayhem
8300s especially now that we're getting into
8301s one minute remaining territory that
8305s means that Houston Outlaws are gonna
8306s have to win three fights in order to be
8308s able to have a decisive Victory on this
8310s map and we'll take the series three two
8313s is down three to fight two and then the
8315s EMP doesn't matter if Violet was already
8316s low it's about four single Houston
8319s Outlaws to Triple out to stagger them we
8321s still get the retaliation for the used
8323s Outlaws we see them fine too throwing on
8325s someone out of this fight and RuPaul may
8327s meet them back in the spawn when you
8328s have Fearless primaling in your face
8330s here now with Houston Outlaws despite
8333s losing out on that back Lane to start
8334s off that fight they're still able to
8336s take this more aggressive position that
8337s you currently see Fearless in Florida
8339s Mayhem can still play keep away with
8341s this bot though they have the lead it's
8343s 30 seconds remaining and they're really
8346s looking at toront to try to get a
8348s coalescence online but with happy with a
8350s pulse bomb this might slip through
8353s Florida mayhem's fingers looking for an
8355s opportunity to get that post down and
8356s with another EMP coming up soon it's
8358s gonna be a huge decision maker here too
8360s sorry Pelican trying to form that EMT
8362s charge onto someone originally shoes got
8364s that Nano boost and someone's incredibly
8366s low seeing this battle between uh
8368s someone and fearless has just been
8369s insane now you have less than five
8370s seconds
8372s foreign
8386s manages to survive and on overtime you
8388s got to stay on this but this is gonna
8390s Force you lose to the Outlaws to play
8392s around this area and that's completely
8394s fine with that Storm still uses the
8396s whole lessons but there's now three
8397s members is this gonna be enough here
8399s with an Adam who's put on to Violet this
8401s could be it this could be it no
8403s reinforcements with the Florida Mayhem
8404s available and stress gonna be
8406s embarrassed no way no way no way there
8408s was right there too oh but it was too
8410s late Houston albums with the timing the
8414s timing of that one so good for the
8416s Houston Outlaws and with the win on new
8419s Queen Street that puts them right back
8422s into the finals against the Atlanta
8424s Reign trying to get the repeat they
8427s gotta get it done now Vicky they gotta
8430s get it done now
8432s I cannot believe the ends right there
8434s Houston Outlaws with the dub getting
8438s closer to obtaining that trophy
8441s themselves necro sitting in the grand
8443s finals to play against the Atlanta brain
8446s to get the Revenge that they need
8448s Pelican by the way in the last game
8450s alone he got like 36 hats oh my God
8454s just the DPS the DPS of the Houston
8457s Outlaws went absolutely sicko mode when
8460s it came down to being able to clutch
8462s that out for their team weather was
8464s happy it's like I just kind of talk
8467s about happy as well just the amount of
8469s pressure he was able to put onto the
8470s back line Houston Outlaws were so set up
8473s for success in this match
8476s the story is written itself we're just
8479s watching the destiny unfold
8481s seeing who's that was deny the script
8484s from the Florida ma'am of loving these
8486s game five situations says no at the very
8489s end staying on that bot
8491s and taking that map was so close necra
8494s and even seeing at the very end RuPaul
8496s with the final stride of just using that
8498s coales and seeing what he could get done
8499s but you already lost it on three it was
8501s a really rough situation for the Florida
8503s Mayhem to come back from but what an
8505s excellent example of why new Queen
8507s Street was picked there from the Houston
8509s Outlaws to try to close out this series
8511s they have such a great understanding of
8513s the map where the health packs are where
8515s they can start to take these fights how
8517s to funnel their opponent into these
8519s close spaces
8521s they got so much done and now they get a
8524s chance to get that Revenge Vicky there's
8526s Grand finals his Grand finals is gonna
8529s be so fun to watch and that also closed
8532s the door on Florida Mayhem sitting in
8534s third they had such an insane
8536s performance highlighting the fact that
8538s they went down in that first round
8540s against Hangzhou spark then playing that
8542s lower bracket run like demons to get to
8545s this lower bracket finals they put in a
8547s lot of work and they also looked great
8549s on that pushback in comparison to the
8551s previous push map attempts that we saw
8553s from the Florida Mayhem so Props to them
8555s for making the adjustments that they
8556s needed what a good point to bring up
8558s that incredible lower bracket run there
8561s by the Florida Mayhem this is a team
8563s that they started out their season so
8565s strong winning the Pro-Am being able to
8568s show so many different looks really
8570s showing their progression and evolution
8573s as a team throughout the course of this
8575s first half of the season they were able
8578s to take down the Los Angeles gladiators
8581s make the lower bracket run there yeah
8583s The Knockouts in order to even get to
8585s this point the scrappiness of the team
8588s Gotta Give it up for the Florida Mayhem
8590s their commiserations to them but
8592s Fearless come on now let's re-celebrate
8595s the Houston Outlaws being able to make
8597s it to the finals yeah I said at the very
8599s end you know the most entertaining fight
8601s to seeing the someone versus Fearless
8603s play out here and fearless is just so
8605s crazy and we talk about this all the
8607s time but look at this even the terms of
8609s just following up between the hacks the
8612s nanoboost Primal into the combo into
8614s finding so much space in that second
8616s point there too dealing with the ram
8618s Rush at one point one of Florida's best
8620s comps that they could run out the only
8622s Western team that really has been able
8623s to find their footing on a composition
8625s like that and dealing with it
8626s appropriately even someone who came out
8628s first on that push map with the doomfist
8630s had to immediately swap over to the diva
8632s and despite even finding that success it
8635s was Fearless that was able to take care
8637s of someone at the very end as we take a
8639s look at the stats survivability right I
8641s keep bringing this up because it's
8642s always so crazy to talk about here four
8645s deaths here you got final blows a point
8648s 0.2 that's fine you enable the rest of
8650s your DPS but the elims here 19 elims
8652s it's so much like Fearless is putting in
8655s so much work it's no question why we
8657s tout him as one of the best winstons in
8660s the entire league especially knowing as
8663s well just the amount of pressure you're
8664s able to put on not only with the Winston
8666s and the front line but also the back
8668s line look at the aggressive stance that
8670s the backline of the Houston Outlaws were
8671s able to take in this match and also just
8673s some of the previous matches one of the
8675s first teams to really start to rely on
8677s the Moira and the kiriko to try to flank
8679s around with Fearless on the Winston I
8682s get it I get why you know he was on the
8684s lineup for the K-Pop group that we had
8685s going on earlier I mean he really is
8688s fearless at the end of the day and he
8690s puts that name to the task here Fearless
8692s is such an insane player and now we get
8694s to see him shine in an excellent series
8696s that we have on our hands coming up next
8698s Necker I cannot wait to see how this
8700s Grand finals is going to play out and
8702s there's a lot to break down after that
8703s preview series we saw some Life coming
8705s in from the Florida Mayhem it just
8707s wasn't enough to bring in the script of
8709s playing in these game five situations
8711s you don't want to play your life on the
8712s line here Houston Outlaws are absolutely
8714s gonna take that walk and get closer to
8716s that trophy guys that was the first
8718s series in the lower bracket finals we
8720s got Grand finals on the other side of
8722s this break you don't want to miss it
8726s foreign
8729s [Music]
8743s [Music]
8770s [Music]
8777s thank you
8796s [Music]
8807s thank you
8808s [Music]
8827s [Music]
8829s thank you
8839s [Music]
8850s [Music]
8870s foreign
8897s [Music]
8909s [Music]
8912s foreign
8928s [Music]
8947s Wicked more are truly a legendary skin
8950s probably one if not the best more skin
8953s out there and it is on sale right now
8955s will cost you 300 League tokens and it
8958s will also be off sale on July 11th so
8962s grab it while it's there and uh yeah we
8965s have more things to look forward to not
8968s just the skin we also have a fantastic
8969s winner interview standing by with Danny
8973s and Pelican sorry thank you so much I'm
8975s here with Pelican for the Post match
8976s interview with Houston Outlaws versus
8978s Florida Mayhem I'm going to move by very
8980s quick I want you to take that break for
8982s the Grand Final so Pelican how'd you
8984s guys get it done
8993s foreign
9004s honestly going into the match you know
9006s we were not scared of the Florida Mayhem
9007s but surprisingly they were really good
9009s so uh but fortunately we were better and
9011s we I am just uh thankful that we did get
9013s the win uh you know I think this as the
9016s series went on Florida had a lot of
9017s different and in unique looks I think we
9019s we saw some Ryan Cassidy and all the way
9022s up to new Queen Street uh they were
9023s pulling out the diva what was sort of
9025s the Houston Outlets answer to all those
9027s interesting comps uh
9030s um
9048s foreign
9061s it was definitely something there were
9063s some weird cups from the Florida Mayhem
9065s and that definitely threw us off guard
9067s they sort of forced us to even pull out
9069s our own Moira as well but that didn't
9071s really work out for our team we had to
9073s go back to the Anna break but thankfully
9075s at the end that did work out and with
9077s that you guys are going to the Grand
9079s finals one final match against the
9081s Atlanta Reign it's a rematch from
9083s yesterday what can the Houston Outlaws
9085s do differently this time around to get
9087s the win
9089s Atlanta uh
9110s yesterday we just went all the way to
9112s the end it was so close uh we were just
9115s so disappointed that we had to lose when
9117s we went to uh the map five but this time
9119s around we're confident that we could get
9121s the win I honestly believe other than
9122s stalker there's no other great players
9124s on the Atlanta Reign so we are going to
9126s get the win all right Pelican I'm Gonna
9128s Let You Go thank you so much and good
9130s luck on the grand finals
9134s I think hi team Dave thank you so much
9137s Falcon thank you so much Danny fantastic
9140s interview great to hear from him Pally
9142s as you lovingly call him because you
9144s guys are like this
9146s I think so yeah you don't tell me
9147s anything
9148s I like that he's got that confidence
9150s against everyone I mean I I agree
9152s stalker I think he's putting on the best
9153s performance for the raid I don't know if
9155s I'd say they don't have any other good
9156s players but I think that's that's
9157s exactly the mindset you have to have oh
9159s yeah as well keep going into this match
9160s you can't put too much respect on your
9162s opponents especially when they're you're
9163s both Elite teams like you have to be
9165s believing in your Dives believing you
9167s can you can take down anybody yeah
9168s that's talk about the Houston Outlaws I
9171s mean yes they won against the Mayhem it
9174s wasn't a clean sweep have there been any
9177s moments which made you worry especially
9180s looking ahead now going up against the
9182s Atlanta right I mean the fact that they
9183s played so closely on a Toyota Peninsula
9185s that control map could have gone either
9186s way and that really opens up the series
9188s right like who knows how this series
9190s unfolds if Houston Outlaws win or lose
9193s this first map rather now they did kind
9195s of feel comfortable playing this world
9197s composition that's obviously why the
9199s higher seed Houston Outlaws they went
9201s towards Antarctic Peninsula but Florida
9203s Mayhem they gave them a run for their
9205s money on this composition and so that
9207s might be something where if you go up
9209s against the Atlanta rain maybe you don't
9211s feel as confident in Houston Outlaws
9213s brawl compositions Houston outlaws
9216s they're still hedging towards that
9217s Winston towards that Sombra Tracer and
9219s that's what we're going to see most of
9220s the time shoe and violet another
9222s fantastic series by them playing the
9224s brig on a composition so Florida man I
9226s still think it was a respectable
9228s performance they went down playing this
9230s broad conversation they they played Diva
9232s Moira kiriko or new Queen Street and it
9234s was honestly a good look for them it was
9235s a really close push map but for them I
9238s don't think they shouldn't have any
9239s regrets about this series I think they
9241s should feel pretty proud about what they
9242s put forward and winning this Rialto
9244s Against The Outlaws yeah I think I think
9246s they played a magnificent series I don't
9248s think Florida should be hanging their
9250s heads you know this is still a team that
9251s in the right meta maybe like a true Rush
9253s meta where that's the Dominican they
9255s seem to be really scary I think the
9257s supports came up huge for the squad
9259s everybody playing at a top level and I
9261s think a lot of players a lot of people I
9263s think rather would have doubted players
9264s you know like Checkmate I think people
9267s didn't realize I think to the extent
9268s which chorong is very very flexible had
9270s plays on carico this series that looked
9272s really solid especially on Rialto so I
9275s think really proud of Florida Mayhem I
9277s think they made a great showing
9278s impressive they got here and had such a
9280s great result in the end but now it's
9282s time for the two teams we know as the
9284s titans of the league to to fight it out
9286s for first place this is what we've been
9287s waiting for this is I think the expected
9289s finals honestly I expect this to be the
9291s grand finals of the Season overall too
9292s but still I think these teams really I
9295s mean who else can face them right like
9297s these teams are Elite no you don't know
9298s what the playoff battle will be you
9300s don't know what the medal will be we've
9302s learned that the medic can be shaken up
9304s Jake it might not be Winston okay the
9306s season Grand finals is a long way ahead
9309s it is but also it is and I think a lot
9312s of the teams which are currently on the
9313s top they have shown a lot of flexibility
9315s and we know that the individual players
9316s they have a deep player pool uh or a
9319s hero pool rather so you know I think if
9321s you can make it in this meta which is I
9323s think very like skillful versatile and
9326s skillful I think we uh you you can get
9328s away with more than just one comp right
9330s so I I wouldn't expect too big of a
9333s shake up either way we're gonna find out
9335s first things first so we need to Crown a
9337s mid-season Madness champion and you know
9339s now that we have our finalists it is the
9342s fairy time uh for us here off the desk
9345s and that is to gloat or go down in shame
9348s because we made fantasy brackets heading
9350s into this week on day number one uh we
9353s uh we presented how we think everything
9356s is gonna unfold so let's take a look
9358s again and see which one's age like fine
9360s cheese milk fine literally the finest of
9365s all milks Zoe
9367s um not bad not bad yeah that's good
9370s that's good yeah pretty much you only
9372s missed like basically one match right
9374s yeah the first Mayhem spark pretty much
9376s everything else yeah they messed up the
9377s lower bracket but otherwise yeah but
9379s like not five months no right yeah they
9382s they figure it out and look at the
9384s important ones right so yeah yeah like
9385s everything and lower semi-finals upper
9387s finals I I so there is no reason to dab
9390s my grand Finals Prediction of it 4-1
9395s in the winners final they got one more
9397s map than you thought they would
9400s find okay mine I don't think aged well
9401s from what I recall uh
9412s that is that is a true man if if Mayhem
9416s wins the series you're looking like
9417s bragging rights are off the charts but
9419s yeah they didn't yeah yeah I uh I think
9421s I was a little too crazy with this nah
9425s just crazy enough just crazy enough
9426s speaking of which
9431s that's the thing I I took a risk I'm the
9434s only one uh printing a different
9435s Champion here you're the winning
9436s operator yeah you have the winning upper
9438s yeah of course they're gonna win I mean
9440s all right
9441s and Boston yeah yeah I have Boston still
9444s being yeah yeah and Florida going down
9446s yeah okay okay I made some mistakes but
9448s it'll all be redeemed allies if that's
9452s what matters no one for No One remembers
9454s who you prep for second place that's why
9457s we do that we keep receipts No One's
9459s Gonna remember that no I'm not strong
9463s I'm actually a lot of
9465s people thank you Johnny what'd you go I
9467s don't remember why brackets look like so
9468s I know what that went I don't have to
9470s win there you go oh there you go yeah
9472s Atlanta wins four two wow the Boston
9475s opium is uh yeah
9479s like severe faith in one potato
9482s everyone under the na top four I did
9486s kind of Believe In Sport for a little
9487s bit Yeah Yeah
9489s Boston winning three-year-old yeah look
9492s I I why they pick Kings roll why they
9494s gotta put King's role man questionable
9496s like did you have a man they're like oh
9498s let's we're totally gonna capture point
9500s a here and then they went to yeah I
9503s don't know I would have found a
9503s Hollywood pick but you know whatever oh
9505s man
9509s you guys you know what the good thing is
9511s we all went down together
9515s because everyone out there failed with
9517s us oh really
9519s got a perfect bracket so go us how many
9523s how many brackets are still going no no
9526s no no no
9528s everyone's dead I mean mathematically
9530s it's very unlikely I don't think we ever
9533s handed out six years I don't think
9536s you've ever had a perfect yeah yeah
9537s because you have to guess the math score
9539s right it's like so hot right it's like
9540s yes I mean you got to be some some sort
9543s of wizard you can get this you can run
9545s this clip when you get a perfect bracket
9547s you can tweet about it but I I just
9548s don't know if it's ever going to take
9549s doubted you alas no more I'm a math
9552s believer guys math believer Jake yeah
9557s guys we got our finalists ready uh
9560s whether we predicted them or not we will
9563s be giving them a short break you know
9565s before their big game especially use
9567s nylons after their match against the
9568s Mayhem which just happened and we will
9571s be right back with some very exciting
9573s OverWatch news stick around
9578s foreign
9581s [Music]
9588s [Music]
9596s [Music]
9611s thank you
9614s [Music]
9621s [Music]
9632s [Music]
9639s [Music]
9647s foreign
9649s [Music]
9652s foreign
9655s [Music]
9674s [Music]
9701s thank you
9701s [Music]
9723s foreign
9729s [Music]
9770s [Applause]
9772s with the back line to get all the kills
9774s that is what's happened there allegedly
9775s let them have The Kills
9783s [Applause]
9784s for Twilight there you go world class
9788s honor time
9790s [Music]
9799s and of course
9803s numbness
9805s [Applause]
9819s in this season Nana tournament starts
9822s right now
9826s now get yourself the DPS bundle
9829s featuring sojourn May and Cassidy and of
9832s course also a weapon charm in your
9834s favorite team's uh logo all of that is
9837s available for 350 League tokens until
9839s July 11th and they are looking sharp I
9843s mean what better way than that showing
9846s support for your favorite teams looking
9848s good while uh yeah I gotta represent
9850s representing is very important
9859s come on
9861s representing we gotta bring the energy
9864s guys it's true we're giving it all oh
9866s it's an OG one too what a throwback yeah
9869s of course well you that's you know of
9870s course I got the I got the closet space
9872s you know closet space is this like like
9874s a like a homer kind of closet you have
9877s only jerseys you know I kept one from
9879s every year actually I kept one from
9880s every year yeah I like that okay I like
9883s that well yeah you got to show support
9885s uh you can also of course support uh
9887s support support
9888s some of your uh owl players in the
9891s OverWatch World Cup you just saw the
9893s screen there very quickly over which
9895s World Cup of course is coming up very
9897s soon and it will be featuring quite a
9900s few of our owl Talent as well so uh I am
9904s excited Johnny you actually got to cast
9905s uh yeah
9907s yeah I cast it yeah because it
9910s qualifiers for the qualifiers yeah
9912s qualifiers qualifiers of the qualifiers
9914s for the World Cup yeah it was good fun
9915s so some European teams made it through
9916s the qualifier stage yeah I'm psyched for
9918s the World Cup you're having you know
9920s anything particular team I'm impressed
9923s uh uh Team Iceland hey team Isis yeah
9927s that's Danny's team too team Iceland
9930s I've been dming a couple of they sent me
9932s one first of course I was like Hey thank
9935s you to your DMs what did you do yeah
9938s yeah Portugal were fun as well Portugal
9941s were fun so uh Denmark just looking like
9944s they're one step above all so Denmark
9946s might even qualify for uh the World Cup
9949s playoffs so we'll see how that goes it's
9951s difficult for him to say it's a Swedish
9952s man uh yeah but at this point I mean we
9954s had like a Denmark Sweden show match and
9957s Denmark beat us and um look maybe I'm
9960s kind of happy to admit that the Danish
9962s team looked really good so you come in
9964s what come in for Sweden bro well I
9967s didn't apply I didn't apply that's what
9968s I mean you should have they needed you
9970s obviously
9971s I like how generous you are about my
9974s skills these days I I appreciate the
9976s compliments Jake get you back in the
9977s service I am I am so watched I am I am
9982s for Korea competition
9989s yeah it would have been a choice but you
9992s would have been that benchmasket like no
9994s one else could so many players honorary
9997s members there are so many players that
9998s made a name in the world cup like Jake
9999s on Soldier 76 in 2017. you know that
10003s flight hanger over here in California
10005s yeah yeah came out of soldier 76. oh
10007s it's Jake Team USA whoa I'm going to the
10009s Olympics
10013s this is like a weird throwback energy
10016s now I'm like I'm wearing an outlet
10018s you were really good I I saw it it's
10021s been yeah you got like third place in
10024s stage one 2018. yeah you know that's
10026s that's like the best I ever did yeah
10028s I actually looked up there you go pull
10031s out the door I I had to I had to I got
10033s called out I had to show some support
10035s show some love yeah I'm not I'm not
10037s gonna I will go down bro I'm gonna go
10039s down proud win or lose really funny he's
10042s wearing this jersey and he goes for
10043s Atlanta rainforest for the animated
10045s betrayal I was thinking about that in my
10048s head I'm like I don't actually want to
10049s do that so like it would be super funny
10051s for the content and that's why he's now
10053s one of us
10054s uh anyway lots of action of course to
10057s look forward to uh we're not just
10059s supporting the Outlaws we're supporting
10061s all of our players and all of the
10063s players which made it into the Old World
10065s Cup qualifiers and we're now just
10067s finishing the uh spring season part of
10071s our OverWatch League season 2023 now
10074s between another competitive season the
10076s World Cup and new additions to the game
10078s we've got so much OverWatch content
10081s coming this summer as well so let's take
10083s a look
10085s C6 unit 37 Toronto was under attack
10089s no sector
10094s [Music]
10096s taking over most of the city and the
10098s rounding up omnics they need our help
10102s people are answering Vincent's recalls
10106s new
10110s new blossom
10118s we can stop null sector maybe we can
10120s save this city coming through
10123s it's been a while as if I didn't have
10127s enough problems already
10133s so we fly upstairs space through
10135s anything that gets in our way
10140s I hate to interrupt the moment but I'm
10143s picking up reports of more attacks in
10145s other cities
10147s it's a fight day one I say let's give it
10150s to him
10154s [Music]
10160s engaged Target mark
10163s time to create peace
10172s [Music]
10187s [Music]
10192s the world is coating on us
10196s [Music]
10205s yo so much High board content coming in
10209s August but this very Wednesday June 21st
10214s mark your calendars our players will
10216s actually get to see a first look at new
10218s gameplay footage from the biggest season
10220s of OverWatch yet and we've got Invasion
10222s reveal stream dropping this very
10223s Wednesday so go to play orwatch.com for
10226s more information on all of that uh Jen's
10229s Invasion includes story missions we got
10231s a new co-op event featuring new enemies
10233s as well as objectives a hero Mastery of
10236s course is a big one as well and uh the
10238s new game mode
10239s flashpoints how hyped are we
10243s I'm very excited
10245s I'm stoked this is gonna be amazing it's
10248s like controlled but different I think
10250s Flashpoint has has actually a really
10251s good potential to be like a new favorite
10253s game mode I felt the same way about push
10254s honestly I think like it added a lot
10256s more dynamism to the game and I think
10258s just the scale of the maps and the the
10260s fact that you're moving through them in
10261s unique ways that's totally new for
10263s OverWatch right most maps are relatively
10264s linear like you're fighting here and the
10266s next fight is going to be in the next
10267s spot and you kind of know where that is
10268s but the idea of having to like kind of
10270s Traverse maps in an unexpected way and
10273s and I think that's going to add so much
10274s versatility to the game and and how you
10276s approach it I think it has real
10278s potential to be like the best game mode
10279s actually I like new new good news
10284s map allegedly Swedish map hi Gothenburg
10288s let's go
10289s previous train station in the world I
10293s hear I said it the Gothenburg one yeah
10296s that's a take I think it's beautiful all
10299s right yeah I just I'm complimenting you
10301s I can't say that I have great
10303s understanding of the global train
10304s station
10306s in the global Tran
10309s stations it's pretty high up OverWatch
10312s has good representation of strong public
10313s transit systems that's the that's the
10315s positive vision for the future that I'm
10317s I'm a big believer in actually it's one
10319s of the most important things we want to
10320s discuss you know but that's actually a
10322s kind of recap what we know about
10323s Flashpoint uh it is a brand new PVP core
10327s game mode it will be featuring two new
10329s locales uh OverWatch 2's biggest PVP
10332s maps to date so as you said we have a
10334s lot of different Avenues to like
10336s Traverse those Maps uh so that also
10339s means that you get to really explore a
10340s lot of different corners of the maps I
10341s feel like the maps you know which have
10343s always been so beautiful but a lot of
10345s places in the maps have not been really
10347s yeah explored like you don't really go
10349s to Every Corner no I thought I just had
10351s the the custom game makers making like
10354s the RPG game modes and stuff are gonna
10356s eat good these maps are gonna be like
10357s giant playgrounds for people to like
10359s make crazy Custom Creations which has
10361s also been really awesome and OverWatch
10363s do all the workshop stuff yeah but I
10365s think the core game mode itself is just
10366s it's really exciting to have a game mode
10368s I think to to shake things up I think
10371s push what was that awesome thing to
10373s bring in OverWatch 2 and now we're
10374s getting another one I think it makes me
10375s really excited for the future and and
10377s new categories of maps you might see
10379s yeah absolutely and uh if you're
10381s watching and you're anything like us I
10383s know that you want to learn much more
10384s about Flashpoint so again make sure to
10386s tune into the upcoming Invasion reveal
10388s stream Wednesday June 21st 21st okay
10391s yeah
10392s 21st I'll remind you I'll remind you
10395s yeah
10397s content on the stream there's a lot
10400s they're going to unpack which is super
10402s exciting uh oh two developers will be
10404s revealing the locations and backstories
10406s of the true Premiere maps for Flashpoint
10408s which is super exciting there will also
10410s be deep diving into hero Mastery uh mode
10413s as well as a chat about like the player
10416s progression system for example so there
10418s is a lot of things I think people are
10420s just very excited to hear more about me
10423s included and I know what you're thinking
10425s you're watching Flashpoint when is it
10429s coming to the orange League oh well
10431s we're very excited to announce that the
10433s news game mode will be officially in the
10436s our map Pool starting the weekend of
10439s August 25th Market calendar is a set in
10441s reminder for you again I'm gonna send
10443s you a text message that's right we
10445s honestly cannot wait to see the best in
10448s the world show their skills on the news
10450s biggest maps in Orange to thus far but
10452s first we've got a championship Crown
10454s here so let's get ready for the finals
10456s between Atlanta rain and the Houston
10458s Outlaws now Jonathan we've seen both of
10460s those teams facing off against each
10462s other already yesterday it was a nail
10464s biter like that series was so close came
10467s down to the wire can you maybe walk us
10469s through the just the the difference
10472s you've seen between the two teams in
10475s terms of their PlayStation
10478s Okay so here's the thing if you're
10481s watching these two teams play they're
10483s playing the same compositions but
10484s they're actually playing a little bit
10485s different so I just wanted to Showcase
10487s or highlight that difference rather as
10489s we go into the series so you sort of
10491s know what's coming so where are we well
10493s we're right here on Elios it's 99 to 99
10495s and so this is going to be the last
10497s fight territory here you can already see
10499s the Atlanta rain they're set up they
10500s have Point control and they have to
10502s control this space but what is so
10504s interesting here is that you're actually
10506s going to see them utilize the lips EMP
10508s to go aggressive super early here while
10511s they already have put in control so as
10512s we can roll this one forward we can see
10514s that they're willing to push far and
10516s above the point just to be the initiator
10519s in this fight so they're going to come
10520s out here and we can pause right here so
10523s stalker immediately gets a pick because
10525s of this early EMP and this is great but
10527s also what this forces is shoes no no on
10531s top of fearless so not only are you
10534s getting a pick in this fight even if you
10536s don't get a picky this early engagement
10537s you force out the non abuse from Houston
10539s outlaw you force Houston's hand so if we
10542s play this one through okay Violet is
10545s down but Fearless has this no no now and
10547s he's forced to try to make it work but
10549s we can pulse right here I mean he is
10551s already fighting on the point but
10553s because you're playing so far back
10554s because Atlanta engaged so early I mean
10557s he's not even touching Fielder by the
10559s time he tries to make use of these
10561s donovos he doesn't have the range to
10563s reach the back line because this
10565s knowledge was forced so out early so we
10567s can slowly go forward here slowly go
10569s forward and you'll see another detail
10570s that the Sombra lift is actually already
10572s going to be right there we can pause
10574s well he's gone he's a Sombra so you can
10576s see right there lip is already in the
10578s back line because you engage so early
10581s lip can already peel back by the time
10585s the dive comes in from the Houston
10586s Outlaws so because you initiate early
10588s you force out Houston Outlaws ultimate
10590s and you control so much space that one
10593s time when the dive comes in you can peel
10595s straight away and this is really bad for
10597s the Houston Outlaws now this can also
10599s work for them in the series we can keep
10600s playing this one out you'll see that the
10602s Atlanta rain they're going to clean up
10603s this fight they gotta pick of course
10604s they forced the ultimate it's a bad
10606s engage from the Houston Outlaws and they
10608s can't really do much to stand up against
10609s this Fearless he's missing a Healer he's
10611s going to go down and Atlanta is going to
10612s cap this one out now as we're going
10614s through this next clip we can pause
10616s right here so setting the stage
10618s immediately here left he is dead and
10621s also happy is that so two key players
10623s missing here for either team but because
10625s Houston are missing the Tracer that is
10628s so much damage onto the point so as we
10629s play this one out this four versus four
10632s situation actually favors the Atlanta
10633s terrain on the point with the extra
10635s Tracer damage so if you're the Outlaws
10637s right here we're actually going to see
10639s them peel back take their time play it
10641s slowly once more Atlanta Reign being the
10643s initiator Violet barely survives pops
10645s the rally and fence of dongak here now
10647s we're going to go ahead and pause right
10649s around here on the point The crucial
10650s detail here for me is that Houston
10653s outlaws they're peeling the rally is out
10655s from Violet but also additionally
10656s they're pocketing Fearless here you can
10659s see the biotic grenade icon here so he
10660s gets extra healing from his owner right
10663s now they're investing so much resources
10665s into keeping the space here and also
10667s additionally they're buying time for
10669s Pelican to build his EMP and they're
10672s going to use this to counter Atlanta
10674s Reigns aggression and this is what I
10676s think we'll see throughout this entire
10677s series we can go ahead and play this one
10679s out and lip is going to return remember
10681s he was dead EMP comes out Pelican Johnny
10684s on this boat his own EMP and this puts
10686s Atlanta Reign on the back foot now is
10688s the time for it uh Houston Outlaws to
10689s push the tempo go aggressive happy he
10692s comes in with individual plays pulls
10694s from there perfectly and the Houston
10695s Outlaws turned that fight around because
10697s they react to the Atlanta Reigns play so
10699s this is how I think we'll see the series
10700s play out Atlanta Reign being the
10702s initiator the aggressor and Houston
10704s Outlaws Legends like Fearless will have
10706s to respond Violet on the brig he'll have
10708s to respond and we'll see how the
10709s reaction unfolds
10711s take a look at some of the numbers there
10712s as well as well if we're talking about
10714s the sombros of course lip he's got to
10717s look scary by the numbers so how does
10719s Pelican Stack Up
10721s I mean pretty respectively in my eyes I
10723s think I I think we said it before lip is
10725s the total standard Bearer
10727s um looks like from my perspective you're
10728s a pelican these stats he is playing a
10730s little bit
10731s um more getting a little bit more
10732s utility value but lip is just such a in
10734s such a valuable Rod damage deal ensembra
10736s he really is the expert at just staying
10738s in one second longer getting in a little
10740s bit more damage with his D cloak
10742s positioning his timing playing around
10743s his teammates so he just gets that
10745s little bit more Frontline damage which
10746s translates into much faster emps but
10749s Pelican is no slouch either dying a
10750s little bit less often maybe taking a
10752s little bit less risks could be a little
10754s bit more consistent speaking to their
10755s like defensive style however I do think
10758s for this series I don't think Houston
10760s can win with a reactive defensive
10762s mindset I think and and by the same
10764s token I don't think Atlanta can win just
10766s trying to be all in aggression we're
10767s just going to always go first you know
10769s that that's the ideal right but you need
10771s the value you need the utility to
10772s support that so really I think as we see
10774s this series go it's going to be very
10776s very high level OverWatch both teams
10778s trying to read the game and just Intuit
10780s whether they should be aggressive or
10781s defensive in in one moment whether to
10784s commit to these fights right we've seen
10785s maps come down to like one player's
10787s mistake cost to team the map I mean that
10789s is the margin you're working with one
10791s little slip up and I mean the other team
10792s is playing near perfect and and you look
10794s weak when you make one mistake but
10796s that's just the margins they're working
10797s with there really there are no margins
10799s right there's no margin for error um not
10801s much room for mistake and I think that's
10802s what's going to decide the series it's
10804s going to be a long day for the Outlaws
10805s I'm a little worried for them honestly
10806s since it's they had to play a series
10808s Florida Mayhem made it weird made it
10809s difficult but if they can reset mentally
10811s refocus and maybe carry a little bit of
10814s momentum off that match then who knows
10815s we could be in for another great series
10817s as we saw in the winners final yesterday
10818s how much preparation overnight do you
10820s think actually went into that Mayhem
10821s match versus major over analyzer right
10824s so eyes on the prize I assumed they were
10826s just like re-watching the tape again I
10828s think they just watch Atlanta and think
10829s if we play in a way where we think we
10832s can correct the mistakes in Atlanta and
10833s beat Atlanta Mayhem will will be free I
10835s mean if I'm Houston that's my mindset
10837s it's like we just watched we watch this
10839s video
10845s perspective right Atlanta and them are
10848s in a tier of their own you shouldn't
10850s really put any stock in the Florida
10851s Mayhem Atlanta plays so well where it's
10853s not about countering your opponents
10855s right like countering your opponent is
10856s something you do as a weak team as a
10858s weak team you try to come up with weird
10859s strategies to throw strong opponents off
10861s guard
10862s um trick them in something maybe they
10863s haven't seen it before but you get to
10865s watch every little detail of what they
10866s do and you're ready for it but may have
10868s managed to bait Outlaws into a mortar up
10871s fake there which didn't work out for
10872s them like obviously this is something
10873s they cannot do against Atlanta raid yeah
10876s I mean I look as we go into this matchup
10878s I might I look I brought out the kiriko
10881s Bing suggestion yesterday might still
10883s happen on a couple of points but I don't
10885s think it's going to be a main thing that
10887s Houston Outlaws look to I don't think
10888s they'll be too mindful of the like
10890s compositional hero SWAT maybe we saw
10893s Mary come out on a Widowmaker for
10895s example and I think that was a response
10896s uh that just the way Houston Outdoors
10898s like to play so there might be a hero
10900s pick here and there but I wouldn't go
10902s into this mindset like expecting Houston
10904s Outlaws to adapt I wouldn't expect them
10905s like you need like a different pick you
10908s I think a mirror matchup is actually
10910s quite fair and credible for the Houston
10911s Outlaws and I wouldn't expect like huge
10913s deviations
10914s you just have to and if you're looking
10916s at the maps is going to be the first one
10918s to play uh depending on who wins or
10921s loses where where should the match take
10923s us
10924s well looking at ilios which again going
10927s to be the first map Atlanta rain being
10928s the higher sea they pick them up of
10930s course Jake so Atlanta rain feeling
10932s really confident on this map I mean they
10934s won it yesterday and convincing 2-0 on
10935s the opening map like why change it up I
10937s think it's a map that pretty much forces
10938s like the dive mirror as you said the
10941s comp that I would want to for outlaws to
10943s throw in if they want to mix things up
10944s is actually a comp that we've seen
10946s mostly Florida Mayhem I think be the
10948s initiators of which is the Anna Brig
10950s remotra
10951s um and then you know whatever DPS suit
10952s the map I think that comp I don't like
10955s it in the rush mirror I think in the
10956s ramacha mirror a Lucio Reaper may I mean
10959s you kind of get run over as the honor
10960s break I just don't think you do enough
10961s but as a pure anti-dive strategy I think
10965s there is real potential I think for
10966s instance on ilios ruins where I mean no
10969s one I mean this was the spark though
10970s like they could never get to Merit even
10972s though Atlanta rain I think is a much
10973s stronger dive team I think that comp
10975s does make it incredibly difficult to
10977s dive I think it has good utility as like
10979s a counter dive style the danger though
10982s is just how tight and clean the rain
10984s play I just think they'll be less likely
10986s to go down to Widow picks and when you
10989s play these sort of off meta comps and
10991s you're not getting value off something
10992s like a Widowmaker it just feels
10994s unjustifiable you know everyone's going
10996s to be saying guys like we need to stop
10998s cheesing we need to like win this match
10999s on its merits and and it'll be a little
11002s bit of a weird thing to be the team that
11003s is quick to swap off because then when
11005s you do go to a map like a Hollywood a
11007s blizzard world where you're pretty much
11008s forced to mirror you there's that little
11010s doubt in your mind like oh should we
11012s find a cheese for this like okay you
11014s know I think that's you don't want to
11015s you want to find your your opportunities
11017s to cheese where it's good but if you
11018s force it too much you you're gonna end
11020s up giving up the mirror now Danny I mean
11022s in your interview there with Pelican he
11024s said the only player to watch out for
11026s here is stalker looking at this lineup
11028s of the rain come on I'd respect that
11031s honestly I mean like like Jake said
11033s before you know you need to have that
11034s confidence going up against Atlanta
11036s right and then of course because they
11037s already lost once in the regular season
11039s and again yesterday they're gonna need
11041s that confidence but
11043s I think there's more than one pair that
11046s you guys should be scared of honestly
11048s yeah
11049s for example uh
11052s I don't know just to name a few
11055s what are what we want to see them taking
11056s it let's let's assume Outlaws would be
11058s going down uh the first map they have
11061s the map Choice here reinforced are you
11064s happy with the map picks which were made
11066s yesterday in that match do you feel like
11067s any of the teams might have like buyers
11069s remorse on where they took I mean it
11071s works for Houston Outlaws because
11072s they've full held at London blizzard
11074s world right so you feel really confident
11076s going back to that map but also even a
11078s map like Hollywood for example we've
11079s seen Houston Outlaws play some of the
11081s best Hollywood like we've ever seen
11083s right so Houston Outlaws feeling really
11084s comfortable in that matchup I'm curious
11087s when we get to escort Atlanta rain they
11089s were comfortable putting hawk in and
11091s playing Rialto when their audience like
11093s Havana for example which we haven't
11094s really seen this one it forces some
11096s remodel compositions we have a you know
11098s chambali Monastery for example plays
11100s very differently from some of these dive
11102s Maps so I I honestly can't tell you the
11104s answer because these teams they know
11106s themselves from their screen time way
11107s more sample size where they want to go
11109s but this this is going to be such a
11112s weird one I don't think that either of
11113s these teams have any definitive Style
11115s that works better on some maps than
11117s others so it really just comes down to
11118s your comfort picks and I think both of
11120s these teams have shown that they have
11121s some maps in in their backyard that they
11124s feel really good on and they're probably
11125s catered to those we already looked at
11127s our brackets so let's bring up our
11130s predictions see if we stick to our
11132s bracket I mean you can't because you
11133s literally got the final prediction wrong
11137s you have Mayhem going up against Atlanta
11139s reign
11147s actually though uh well you know again
11150s I'm right or die with my Atlanta Reign
11152s Squad I think they I got this and I was
11155s not being generous for a few snow at
11157s last I think yeah
11161s come on I just think if once they're on
11165s a roll like it's hard to stop them I
11167s think the Atlanta rain downloaded
11168s everything that went wrong overnight and
11171s they're not going to give Outlaws an
11173s inch plus they got rest they were able
11175s to once again Watch The Outlaws play
11177s Outlaws dropping our map to the Mayhem
11179s getting baited into like weird wonky
11181s pigs like nah you can't do that against
11183s the Atlanta rain you know these two
11186s teams went up went up against this is a
11188s third time first time didn't work out
11189s for Houston second time didn't work out
11191s for the Houston third time is it I mean
11194s third time's a charm right it's not it's
11197s not an anime this is real deal it's not
11199s gonna happen they might clean clothes
11201s but I think it's going to be Atlanta
11202s right oh daddy I love it welcome welcome
11204s to their lives this is not Anatomy this
11206s is the real deal you guys all know I'm
11208s surprised to use now laws but no I'm
11211s just kidding I still believe I still
11213s believe I think for a second as much as
11215s the comps got weird in that last match I
11216s think happy was on fire I think that's
11218s going to be a crucial element he's gotta
11220s stand up the stalkers Tracer it's a very
11222s difficult task but he looked great in
11224s that last series he was not floundering
11226s at off the ls he kept them in it even
11228s when Mayhem got really weird with the
11229s comps um I think the key is going to be
11231s these tight Dives with Pelican Sombra
11233s the EMP follow-up has to be really
11235s really clean
11236s um against the Atlanta rain but I'm a
11238s Believer I think the Outlaws they I
11240s think they did really well with their
11240s picks I think um honestly in that last
11242s series we saw them play I think Rialto
11244s was incredibly close could have gone to
11245s the Outlaws I think I would like to see
11247s them though for a map maybe we should
11248s start an Outsource podcast I'm just
11249s saying maybe throwing a King's Row
11251s though I really like the honor Zen for
11253s outlaws I think when they can pull that
11254s out they look really really deadly I'm
11256s not sure you you'll be able to against a
11257s dive team like the rain but it's just a
11259s just another option in there yeah I'm
11262s going out now after rain I mean stalker
11263s is the best racer and I think happy will
11265s have a hard time standing up against him
11266s for me the player to actually watch out
11269s for like you mentioned is actually
11270s Pelican on the Sombra I think if Pelican
11272s needs to be really affected with the CMP
11274s and I think you will need a lot of up
11275s time when it comes to Hero damage poking
11277s uh donghack for example on the Winston
11280s um and just being a nuisance in the
11282s enemy backline as well I think Pelican
11284s on the Sombra versus slip on the Sombra
11286s is the most important matchup in this
11288s one so I'm keeping my eyes on Pelican
11289s well one game a left gentlemen A Winner
11292s Takes home the trophy and 500 000
11296s Atlanta Reign versus Houston Outlaws
11298s right after this break
11304s [Music]
11308s thank you
11311s [Music]
11334s [Music]
11334s um
11366s in there
11368s is also
11385s foreign
11415s foreign
11438s [Laughter]
11450s foreign
11456s [Music]
11476s foreign
11486s foreign
11528s foreign
11542s [Music]
11551s they're gonna try to
11554s uh
11556s play some things to throw us off guard
11560s foreign
11572s [Music]
11587s United
11598s [Music]
11608s [Music]
11615s [Music]
11624s [Music]
11635s foreign
11643s [Music]
11656s [Music]
11672s [Music]
11682s [Music]
11688s thank you
11694s [Music]
11701s [Music]
11707s foreign
11713s [Music]
11725s [Music]
11769s welcome to the 2023 mid-season Madness
11773s tournament we had lots of unpredictable
11775s actions and we are down to one and final
11778s match I present the two teams that are
11781s on the crowd
11782s [Music]
11791s [Music]
11793s they are here for vengeance it is what
11796s has brought them here the Gunslingers
11798s from Texas uh Houston
11802s hello
11806s [Applause]
11806s [Music]
11828s [Music]
11832s dropping performances impeccable read of
11836s the game however they have yet to
11839s overcome the trials of the Atlanta Reign
11841s One they must break through to win it
11843s all
11845s all right
11849s you can bring them down once but they'll
11852s come back straight up they are the
11854s ultimate Chargers
11865s foreign
11877s [Music]
11886s [Music]
11907s [Music]
11911s [Applause]
11916s [Music]
11930s [Music]
11933s matches and all have fallen will the
11937s rain be able to celebrate their
11938s tournament win with the 11th win
11943s foreign
11947s [Applause]
11964s only one match remains on the road to
11967s the top with five hundred thousand
11970s dollars a trophy in honor of the line
11973s who will be able to come on top and win
11975s it all the 2023 mid-season ballast
11978s Global tournament the global final
11981s Starts Now
11988s [Music]
11996s foreign
12015s [Music]
12047s foreign
12066s [Music]
12107s foreign
12116s right on a little bit of a pre-matched
12119s banter right there who bantered better
12122s who's winning the trash talk game I'm
12124s impressed with both of them yeah those
12125s guys are both like like a lot of players
12127s in OverWatch League their trash talk
12129s game is weak honestly but but shooting
12130s were going she you was a positive
12133s surprise to you just came out of nowhere
12137s do you think main sports can't talk
12139s trash yeah plus I would like to have a
12140s word with you he was and he does it
12142s would like such a sweet little face
12144s still it's actually it
12149s they did that other video going into the
12151s tournament and someone trash talked to
12153s Atlanta rain and Geo just like I that
12155s actually kind of annoys me uh that kind
12158s of annoys me you're talking twice to us
12160s I loved you yeah I mean speaking of shoe
12163s though I I really think he is actually
12165s going to be such a crucial element in in
12167s one specific way which is I think he
12169s needs to bionate this backline we've
12171s seen that play it's not something you
12172s could do consistently you know you kind
12173s of need to just find that moment to
12175s strike but we talk so much about the
12177s Synergy between Fielder and Chio they're
12179s so great at keeping each other up a
12181s bionade changes that right like it
12182s doesn't matter how good you are healing
12183s each other when your your heel is
12185s blocked so I think shoot there's a ton
12186s of pressure on him not only to land
12188s sleeps on the DPS but also to nade the
12190s background I think he is such a
12192s superstar Anna maybe the best in the
12194s world and and I think he can make a huge
12196s difference for his team in the series I
12197s mean speaking of pressure is there
12199s on the Atlanta Reign since they are on
12201s are undefeated they are coming into this
12203s as you know the top dog is this an
12206s advantage for the Houston Outlaws can
12207s they have a more relaxed approach to
12209s this I don't know if there is that much
12212s pressure like unevenly unevenly
12214s distributed because they showed
12215s yesterday how close they are to each
12217s other I don't think one team comes in
12218s here thinking oh we're the underdog sure
12220s he's an Outlaws they come from the lower
12222s bracket right but like at the Atlanta
12224s rain they're comfortable they beat them
12225s yesterday now you just got to do it
12227s again right the Houston outlaws like you
12229s don't have this big Underdog energy I
12230s feel like I feel like this is two teams
12232s that are evenly matched and I think
12234s they're both eager to go into this one
12236s feeling comfortable with their play I
12237s think the big thing though is is someone
12240s on the Atlanta ring like don't like for
12241s example he's 17 years old this is rookie
12244s season now in the finals is he going to
12246s commit maybe some unforced errors on the
12248s side of Houston Outlaws you got shoe you
12251s got the Fielder you got two like these
12253s are or sorry no I got that wrong but
12254s they have to use an outlaws like they're
12256s Fearless he's an overseas Champion the
12257s grand Finals MVP right they have so many
12260s players on their team or actually one
12261s things in the past and Ben in these
12262s situations before I'm curious if the
12264s Atlanta terrain will donghack live up to
12266s the hype now when it matters in the
12268s final as he's a rookie and only 17 years
12270s old he does have great such a great
12272s structure of veterans he like built
12273s around him though right like that's the
12275s perfect place in which to be a rookie
12277s and a team full of rookies I think you
12279s are in a more tenuous spot people are
12281s looking for leaders but I don't think
12283s dong hack is going to be searching for
12284s that I think there's a lot of players on
12285s this team who are going to be calm under
12287s pressure and I think the environment on
12288s both squads honestly is going to be
12290s pretty composed right like that's what
12292s happens when you have all these
12293s experienced veteran players as you said
12295s Johnny they've been in these high
12296s pressure situations before and they've
12298s performed as well so honestly I really
12300s think it's just going to come down to
12301s who has the hot hand on any given moment
12303s it's going to come down to these crucial
12304s you know one second little teen plays
12307s where are you following up on that EMP
12309s in just that one second before that
12310s defensive enemy can come down it's going
12313s to decide the series frankly and I don't
12315s think either team can play perfectly
12316s right that's just the nature of this
12317s comp it's so hard to execute you know
12319s that well every single time these
12321s players are going to be edging each
12322s other out which is those little micro
12323s plays it's going to be all about who's
12325s who's better at OverWatch I just don't
12327s think you can predict this series
12328s it really comes down to the little
12331s things here uh Danny any player that
12334s you're super excited to see in this
12336s series and why
12337s I think I think it's the the Tracer duel
12340s that I'm really looking out for I think
12342s that's gonna be very interesting for
12343s Houston Outlets whether it's Pelican or
12345s happy I think they are definitely going
12347s to bring that for me and on the other
12349s side Atlanta rain stalker like uh like
12351s Pelican said he's one of the scariest
12353s opponents that he has to face so I think
12355s that Tracer duel for this matchup is
12357s something to look out for
12359s you guys
12360s again I mentioned the summer matchup
12362s Pelican I think it's really going to be
12363s important you mentioned the honor as
12365s well
12366s um there's no room for error on any of
12368s these single rolls uh so it's you if
12370s there's an error committed you will see
12373s it very evidently that someone messed up
12374s right I'm looking out for Sombra in this
12376s one but you could make an argument for
12378s any role
12379s yeah I think it has to be the honor for
12381s me I think both sides I think Fielder is
12383s an incredibly stable consistent player
12385s Chu I think maybe has higher potential
12387s but it's hard to match the stability of
12390s a combo like Gio and fielder I think it
12391s is going to be up to the Houston
12392s supports to show their lethality and
12395s their aggression um and maybe flip the
12397s script on what you were saying Johnny
12398s about being a reactive passive team that
12400s that works great in the right situation
12401s there's something you can vote with you
12403s right like overnight you're like we need
12404s to change this up they can definitely
12405s change the tempo going through this one
12406s yeah and we you know I think it for me
12408s I'm going to be really watching for
12410s these bio needs I think it's a crucial
12412s cooldown whether you use it to just keep
12414s yourself alive or you're able to throw
12416s it and pick off an enemy backliner it's
12418s a game-changing skill from both sides
12420s and I think both teams are very much
12422s going to be looking to play around it
12423s both in terms of forcing it out and
12424s getting as much value as they can when
12426s it does come down and it's just so
12428s exciting to see them play it out in
12430s front of a home crowd we are in Seoul
12433s South Korea Danny what does this mean to
12435s those players I mean it's their Hometown
12437s right the most of all of these players
12439s are
12445s you've been there for a couple days
12449s a couple days food in your system right
12452s you're definitely right now you're a
12454s Korean I mean it's I'm I could only
12456s guess I mean it's it would definitely
12458s feel great to be in front of a home
12460s crowd and you're finally playing the
12462s game that you love in front of your fans
12464s right I wrote those are the fans though
12466s I know everybody headed over together
12468s events they start booing
12471s they don't do a lot of no there's a lot
12474s of cheering yeah those are just lovely
12475s they're they're their favorite teams
12477s yeah yeah the funny thing is if you guys
12479s I don't know if you guys noticed a
12480s beginning of a match there's like a chat
12482s going on what basically the fans are
12483s saying it's they count down they say the
12485s team's name and then they say fighting
12487s so it's three two one or one two three
12488s in Korean that's how how they count one
12491s two three uh Houston Outlaws fighting
12493s and then the other team goes one two
12495s three uh Atlanta Reign fighting how do
12497s they decide who goes first that is it's
12499s very respectful you never see them step
12501s on each other's toes
12503s there's like the the three leaders that
12506s they have an agreement yes
12512s that's all off camera you wouldn't know
12514s until you're there so that's why you
12516s should get your tickets for the next
12518s event wow some will be so disappointed
12523s why not why not no but it's just
12526s fantastic to see an event on this scale
12529s again
12533s the real winner is all of us because we
12536s get to see all those cheer meons uh
12537s those cheerfuls is so much fantastic art
12540s from incredible yeah like there's so
12544s many
12546s next to each other
12548s one was definitely better than the other
12550s where are you not everyone I would be
12552s mine would look worse than either of
12553s those two so I'm just happy to be here
12555s man there's a lot of Great Signs and I
12556s know uh Matt Mr X is he's been studying
12559s up on Korean so I'm really excited to
12561s see if he could actually read those yeah
12563s same very very excited he's already like
12566s bilingual uh some of you have already
12567s you're gonna do this question in Spanish
12570s okay now he's added Korean to his
12572s repertoire which is just very impressive
12574s speaking of impressive things as you see
12577s Violet and shio also a battle to watch
12580s out for on a break and we will be able
12583s to do so very soon potentially but for
12586s all the action we want to bring in our
12587s casters for our grand finals of the
12589s mid-season Madness Tournament between
12591s the Atlanta Reign and the Houston
12593s Outlaws so Matt Mitch please take it
12596s away
12597s thank you very much yes I know Matt's
12599s been brushing up on his career I'm not
12601s sure if it's ready to show that if uh if
12603s if a hawk just you know obviously I'm
12606s not in Seoul but if I just have to have
12607s some Korean food then I'm an honor
12609s Korean like Danny Lim said is it so easy
12610s I'm there uh now I can't translate any
12614s of these signs that we'll see uh that
12616s was a lie by the desk I think you should
12617s I think you should try anyway I'll try
12619s it I'll be interesting to see what I
12620s Know Jack had a bit of a crack at it on
12621s the broadcast uh so you can definitely I
12624s do like when that one sign came up Danny
12626s was like oh yeah Atlanta rain it's like
12627s well we all could have read it right now
12630s right yeah go for the win so at least do
12632s some translation there I mean look just
12635s because we maybe knew that our two roads
12638s will be converging in a matchup like
12639s this doesn't really make it any less
12640s compelling a storyline and Matt there's
12643s a feeling it's in the air there's a
12645s feeling you believe that despite every
12647s result in which the has failed to topple
12649s the Atlanta Reign today of all days
12652s Anything is Possible
12655s people that way a little bit but then on
12657s the other side it just kind of feels
12658s like Atlanta winning is just like
12660s inevitable uh Johnny and Jake were
12663s talking about I know dog being so young
12665s right as a rookie and playing on the
12667s stage and is that pressure sometimes it
12669s also has like the opposite effect of
12671s like you're so new that you don't even
12673s realize the moment you're in so to speak
12675s uh and for him he hasn't really gone up
12677s again I mean really The Outlaws have
12679s been their main test hasn't really kind
12681s of seen much of anything else for him
12683s there's probably just another game
12684s against you
12687s [Applause]
12689s foreign
12694s for your 2023 spring split another
12698s chapter in the Rivalry between the
12700s Houston Outlaws and the Atlanta reign
12703s will be pen to paper
12706s starting here on ilios it is a long
12709s series first to four
12711s it's gonna be a grind for these two
12712s teams and out the gates we go Houston
12714s Outlaws Atlanta rain we're starting on
12716s well and you got like a 30 minute break
12718s in between the games right so if you're
12722s Atlanta if you're able to win this first
12723s one like this is where Houston should be
12725s hot right have a little bit of Advantage
12727s early on bong heck starting here in the
12729s lineup for the Atlanta Reign maybe no
12731s surprises here
12733s compositionally speaking is the classic
12735s Pelican echo on this map a key point of
12738s difference here selling Pelicans really
12740s been out of flex on multiple teams with
12742s and for me though for the Atlanta Arena
12745s I mean I think Pelican obviously going
12746s to need to go huge there on the echo but
12747s like stalker he's been able just really
12750s about every team and especially the last
12752s time against Houston just be such a
12753s Difference Maker in the back line on the
12755s Tracer that I think if you're Houston
12757s you go back and you look at it it's like
12758s let's figure out how to neutralize him
12760s right we got to keep Violet and shoe
12761s alive I think it starts with getting rid
12763s of stock true take him down dog hack
12765s able to arrive at the scene of the crime
12767s just in time to be credited with the
12769s elimination Pelican though finds the
12771s focusing being targeted eventually
12772s Fearless able to ample away from this
12774s pressure from stalker eventually has to
12776s succumb but Pelican has been running
12778s rough shot over Atlanta in the
12779s background no cap yet though and lip
12782s arrives once more Violet this time gonna
12784s be brought down Pelican can't touch down
12786s enough to contest but he gets the early
12788s point cap for the Outlaws ellipse now
12790s out of the picture yeah they're doing a
12792s nice job here at Houston just kind of
12793s keeping this rolling until they get
12794s Fearless back in the action Pelican got
12797s done hack weekend they're going to be
12798s the ones who take the point first
12800s still Cat build that pulse bump happy
12802s hit already parted with his in the
12804s previous fight maybe a double back to
12806s get a heel pack and then once more into
12808s The Fray duplicate online for Pelican
12810s here Chio taken down Fielder Under
12812s Pressure it's a new compartment
12813s unnecessary the sticky bombs had already
12815s done their work before the Duke came
12817s through regardless Pelican gets the job
12820s done yeah and this is looking really
12821s good here for the Houston Outlaws you're
12823s gonna have your Nano boost your rally
12825s that's gonna be live actually solo here
12827s yeah where's the follow-up maybe they
12830s want to swap I mean we'll see right it
12833s didn't look like there was going to be
12834s any type of follow-up there which maybe
12836s stalker maybe levels banking on stalker
12838s at least helping him get a two versus
12840s one yeah you know the desk talked about
12842s how if you're gonna see a mistake it's
12844s going to be something you can clearly
12845s tell what's a mistaken right there you'd
12847s probably love to have that EMP back
12850s the Atlanta rain have done well to get
12852s here but they need to be pretty Flawless
12854s in this match if they want to take the
12855s honors away to Nana boost here for
12857s Pelican pressure on dog hackets too much
12859s the focusing beam the scrutiny of violet
12861s and the flail it's an easy Winston pick
12863s up yeah and maybe with that EMP you were
12866s thinking you could actually get rally
12867s out right trade rally for EMP come back
12869s with you know uh your own rally that's
12872s actually going to be shoe falling here I
12874s know to Fielder at long range maybe
12876s that's kind of the idea behind it but
12877s Fearless got Primal Rage everybody in a
12879s close proximity you see Felix instantly
12881s pushed forward there uh he wants to try
12883s and buy some time some space for sure to
12885s return to The Fray but he's so far away
12887s from the action despite this Houston a
12889s very healthy lead here Matthew 90 and
12892s Counting yeah with that extra damage on
12894s that honor primary Fire by the way it's
12896s pretty nice what's gonna say it's a
12898s happy just crosses right into his line
12900s of virus donk actually wants to get
12901s pretty aggressive here maybe try and
12903s make a play this is something Johnny
12904s pointed out right the Atlanta Reigns
12906s really want to push quite far forward so
12908s they can really start the fight on their
12909s own as opposed to waiting for the Allies
12912s to emerge from their side of the map
12913s yeah and the Allies obviously get up to
12915s 92 that's fantastic for them but you're
12917s gonna have all five ultimates here for
12919s the Atlanta Reign you're going to be
12920s able to start cycling some of these and
12921s get back in the game pretty quick
12923s Pelican respectful distance maintained
12926s right now between him and Dong how can
12927s the
12929s onto the echo cable ground Pelican for a
12931s time dog hacks forced away he gets
12933s anatom boost right now on the Outlaws
12934s really don't want to tangle with him
12935s presently Philip of course setting the
12938s architecture up in the periphery to make
12939s sure those Health packs are available
12941s for him and stalker as they make their
12942s route pass through
12945s okay here's that EMP we were waiting for
12947s Fearless hanging on Happy I can't say
12949s the same thing here but it's a trade
12950s Fielder eventually gonna fall down now
12952s if it's just gonna be the rally for Chia
12953s to keep his team standing But Here Come
12955s The Outlaws a lot of pressure on Chico
12957s don't pack sleeping a lot for the time
12958s being but that Primal Rage could be
12960s crucial to stall to contest buy some
12962s time for some reinforcements Pelican
12964s dupes the brig extra healing a lot of
12966s pressure though rally even with seven
12968s seconds left and this duplicate there's
12969s a lot of value right here and they're
12971s trying to deal with Pelicans but it
12972s wouldn't even amount to an elimination
12973s if they knock him out of this dude form
12975s there's the flip I I mean that that copy
12979s there on the brick was so watch is that
12982s the ball stuff that goes on the Fearless
12983s he's able to live on through it happy
12984s takes out Chio as we enter overtime
12988s look at how low these rain players are
12991s Cheers a long way from the fight right
12993s now it's all up to fielder in his
12995s absence and happy wants to shut the door
12997s on them here's the Primal race it's
12998s going to be Pelican fighting dog heck no
13000s the Winston's out of the game and the
13001s rest of the Atlanta reign will be
13003s sidelined to Chio desperately trying to
13005s get back to the fights and well well
13009s yep it's me again is that the Outlaws
13012s this time we're not going to mess up
13015s The Outlaws uh you can just see from
13018s there like player povs and shut down the
13019s line they seem pretty loose right now
13020s and I think obviously that's the benefit
13022s of playing a little bit earlier in the
13025s day we're in Atlanta right you come on
13026s to the stage all this kind of uh you
13029s know show that goes on it's definitely
13031s uh not a normal match as we'll see this
13033s from Pelicans POV
13035s nice job on the focusing beam lots of
13037s people let's actually get that pack and
13039s nice stickies at the end there run a lot
13041s of great answers to the echo from this
13043s Atlanta Ranger that Tracer is pretty
13045s good right I mean Tracer is pretty good
13047s against Echo especially like Tracer or
13048s Sombra uh if you're not gonna like
13051s mirror yourself it's like one of the
13053s better you know they're gonna be able to
13055s have
13056s stalker on the echo here
13059s in the neutral the only one really able
13061s to pressure these Echoes are the honor
13062s players but you've got filter and shoe
13064s in the surface so both Pelican and
13065s stalker have to pay due respect
13071s taking a fair bit of damage actually
13073s from stalker stalker hasn't committed
13075s yet but is just poking away Fearless
13077s though quite easily being topped up
13093s and they needed to secure that kill on a
13096s donkey I mean that was their opening
13100s putting on a clinic right now
13104s fly with a with a quick scope like that
13106s really uh not nearly as easy as he makes
13109s it look
13111s live out of the fight for now be on his
13113s way back
13114s good start here for the Atlanta Reign
13116s both aren't as converging the same time
13118s on those Nano boosts dear Pelicans a
13121s bioneer he doesn't expect the damage
13123s comes in awfully fast and the whole
13124s field it's like a get away with evidence
13125s over to the Winston For the Outlaws the
13128s rain have to take a sidebar to get dog
13130s has back in the fight they're Cinema
13131s Nano
13132s and he's trying to get involved he's
13133s gonna be the ward shoes bubble thrown
13135s down here very quickly Violet gonna
13136s about face and try and keep his Ana
13138s alive so we have somewhat of a stalemate
13140s here but in the midst of the chaos The
13142s Outlaws did flip the point yeah and
13144s that's pretty huge right because
13145s Fearless is up on that High Ground he's
13147s got the Primal Rage to be able to use
13149s keep this one going and it's not like
13150s the Atlanta Reigns got a ton of persons
13152s 26 kind of like nothing another bio here
13155s on Fearless you see Fielder really
13156s trying to Stave him off and it's gonna
13158s work again
13159s within that Primal Rage found shoe even
13161s with the priority grenade parting gift
13163s from shoes not enough to pressure the
13164s enemy Winston down and there it is the
13166s echo now getting some work done for the
13168s Atlanta Reign focusing beam deals with
13170s Fearless downloads have done well to get
13172s some time in the sun here but the rain
13173s are here to evict them rally be
13175s committed here from Final Days
13177s ridiculous it's not going to pay off
13179s though have these pulse finds one but he
13181s knows he can't do any more yes they're
13184s gonna have to give the point up at least
13185s for a brief period of time it looked
13186s like maybe fearless and Co is going to
13189s come on back in but the Outlaws take the
13191s lead for a brief moment it'll now be the
13193s rain you take the lead so what are you
13195s looking at here for Atlanta you know
13196s maybe you have you know you have this
13198s Nano for donghak uh potentially even for
13200s stalker is having a great round Matt
13203s Since switching over towards the echo
13204s three final blows only the one death for
13207s the entire map so far duping and Tracer
13210s here this is a scary Prospect For the
13212s Outlaws have a face down and lift the
13214s real Tracer able to do a violent or
13216s Pelican can really only hover and look
13218s on
13220s stalker probably there's no recipient
13221s for this pulse bomb and he's done his
13223s job for a second they thought about
13224s chasing Pelican all the way out there
13226s but uh in the pulling on back
13230s we'll see how the Outlaws go about
13231s trying to break this they're gonna have
13233s Nano for both teams but Primal for
13236s donghek as well he's actually slept
13237s there on The High Ground
13242s soon to follow
13245s what's a piece of the rest of the
13248s Outlaws here Violet can't quite get away
13250s at least he's trying to Long hack leaves
13253s that one alone he has Primal if needed
13254s and actually pops it here
13257s yeah I mean just use it to stay alive
13259s right five percent you're so close to
13261s taking the point is that enough Pelican
13262s actually maybe gonna go over the Winston
13263s to try and duplicate to get to the point
13265s he didn't have a chance to get a good
13266s duplicate in the previous fight so he
13267s has to use it for the mobility to get to
13269s the point oh Pelican turns around that's
13271s a try shot kill on the enemy Tracer and
13274s now the Outlaws have the capacity to
13276s move in and over at an early round end
13278s yeah it looked like actually Pelican got
13280s the benefits of the Nano and it was just
13281s like a really close range almost Point
13283s Blank like head shots there on the lip
13286s is that it's gonna be Fearless left on
13287s The High Ground opportunity to finish
13289s this off that from shoe as well sends a
13292s bionade in to Ward them away Phyllis
13294s knows his question he's gonna make this
13295s hurt the sticky bombs come in focusing
13297s me wasn't enough to claim the Winston
13299s The Fearless could be in trouble trying
13301s to keep himself playing from that High
13303s Ground here he will unseize him but
13305s where is the healing he gets it Bayern
13307s comes in but it's too late Fearless is
13309s mostly topped up now the Atlanta raid
13311s coming home to roost here 70 and
13313s Counting from the Houston Outlaws Geo
13314s starting to Surge ahead stalker gets
13316s another to keep privacy now is going to
13318s return to The Fray double by on the back
13320s line from the Atlanta range Shaw and
13321s violet had to keep their heads down and
13323s stalker wants a little bit of feel as
13324s he'll have it focusing being claims to
13326s Winston kill but let's try it out he's
13328s gonna be happy finding that one and here
13330s comes Violet now given the 5G and he's
13332s looking for a Target The High Ground
13333s spots filled over can't connect the whip
13335s shot now just wants to force Chio away
13337s but he's not doing any damage fueled It
13339s For The High Ground still uncontested
13341s and the rain are back in control yeah
13343s and who's gonna be here to get the touch
13344s I mean Fearless comes back on the doom
13346s and looks like he's going to work his
13347s way to the point
13355s going down to the whip shot but stalker
13357s has another Duke Tracer it's gonna be
13359s lip again though
13360s [Applause]
13361s it's good violent out of the picture
13363s it's all the rain right now it's
13365s desperately Pelican trying to touch and
13368s those aged legs can't quite get him
13370s there I'll tell you what though the
13372s Outlaws made that really close towards
13374s the end I thought Violet and shoe does a
13376s tremendous job keeping each other alive
13377s kind of you know juggling off for that
13379s Mega health pack inside being able to
13381s give some heels over to happy to contest
13383s the point that's just once they lose
13385s fearless and he's gotta you know go to
13386s the Doom try and make his way back to
13388s the point you know obviously you'd love
13390s to have the wins in that type of
13392s situation but needs that extra mobility
13394s and they're not able to keep it going
13395s stalker is uh 11 final blows two depths
13399s right now
13400s switching over towards Echo ideally in a
13402s mirror Pelicans impact on the game
13404s exceeds it how ridiculous is it when you
13406s can have stalker in the loop on the tree
13408s sir you use the duplicate it's pretty
13411s good
13413s all right look back on the Sombra here
13415s the Outlaws
13417s playing that classic style here on ruins
13420s out of side around in our first map so
13423s the Outlaws get control that Mega health
13424s pack first it looks like that's actually
13426s going to be Pelican who gets control of
13428s that hack so they can actually play from
13429s that side a little bit more defensively
13431s crucial right in terms of allowing your
13434s Tracer to sort of dominate while they uh
13436s they check their opposite number even
13438s near Winston I mean how many times are
13439s you on board with fearless and you know
13441s he's trying to rotate out back towards
13442s the health pack trying to find one
13443s that's active having that one in your
13445s control pretty important lip trying to
13447s reclaim that territory there but again
13449s it's forced back
13451s now peering over the wall to the point
13453s of pirate predictably flies in from shoe
13455s he's able to avoid it one from Fielder
13458s doesn't find a Target sleep on pelic and
13460s fearless rather he's good a trade here
13462s don't that goes down but isn't worth it
13463s to get shoe the answer is probably
13465s Fearless kept alive out of the rest of
13468s the pressure from the Atlanta reign
13470s we all have their time in the sun here a
13471s chance to flip the point back after an
13474s early Houston catcher yeah I mean you
13476s lose your honor even though you get rid
13479s of donghack on the other side still I
13480s mean that's just a large source of your
13482s healing Violet can only kind of stand on
13485s the points for so long as uh it can't
13487s really play the role of a tank forever
13489s there on the break so you do get 17 but
13492s it's gonna be the Atlanta rain taking
13493s the lead rather quickly yep as immutable
13495s as the march of time Luke finds the
13497s first EMP buildup
13500s for quite the perfect opportunity to
13502s make use of it yet but the rain are in
13504s control they're waiting for the Outlaws
13506s to show themselves here this might be it
13508s Pelicans stuck on the point looking like
13510s a stun mullet the EMP comes in he has no
13512s root of Escape young hakko takes a ton
13515s of damage up from it this time is
13516s actually able to get away towards his
13518s backline Atlantis 11 Nano booster still
13520s have a rally they've got so much to work
13521s with the onus is on Houston to force
13523s them to part with these support
13524s ultimates Violet going for the rally
13526s himself here returns to the fight here
13529s for the buyer now goes for the Primal
13530s race gios looking a little bit worse
13531s than where is it like EMP Pelicans gonna
13533s hope the follow-up is there but it just
13535s isn't violent steamrolled by dog hack
13537s here the primer rage Finds Its value and
13540s you can hack as many players as you like
13541s you like teammates to follow it up it's
13544s an l and the Sleep front Fielder on The
13546s Fearless was just unreal because uh
13548s we're watching I believe it was from
13549s Pelicans POV and dung hack is really low
13551s after EMP and then trying to jump out
13553s towards the rest of the team and
13555s fearless goes for the Chase and he
13557s actually gets the Nano midair and gets
13559s slapped while he has the benefit to the
13561s Nano trying to follow up and get rid of
13563s the Atlanta rain tank but because he
13565s obviously gets to that sleep Dart not
13567s able to finish it off
13569s donkey playing pretty far forward again
13570s characteristic The Outlaws require two
13573s individuals to keep him in check okay
13575s early Bible here from Fearless fortunate
13578s to avoid the sleep that came in from
13579s field turns back looking to really
13581s create as much space as he can but
13583s another biode comes on he Fearless has
13585s no assistance beats an enemy territory
13588s after proverbial Without a Paddle there
13590s see you later say right out who else do
13594s you have to cap this point the answer is
13597s no one
13599s yes Danga gets the benefits of the Nano
13601s Boost after they get rid of fearless he
13603s goes in just pushes and supports the
13605s rest of the team out it looked like
13606s Pelican may have been the only one there
13608s the possibility to touch and uh not
13611s actually make it so
13613s uh pretty close competitive map number
13616s one but it's the Atlanta range too
13618s strong
13619s not a great start for everybody's
13621s favorite anime protagonist Fearless ends
13623s the map one final blow 11 deaths
13628s to say that he's being punished by the
13630s Atlanta Reign may be an understatement
13632s he's got a Target on his back and they
13634s are hitting it I mean the Atlanta Arena
13637s just putting so much pressure onto the
13638s supports of the Houston Outlaws and even
13642s like you know Pelican and happy trying
13644s to help out in any way possible but I
13647s ain't Chio and fielder are just playing
13649s on another level I mean they are rarely
13651s dying first they're able to also a lot
13653s of the times we're watching Fearless
13654s being able to like can't really start to
13656s dive or you know go to make a play is
13658s that like 50 Health half the time right
13661s uh and then when he's in that back line
13662s they're doing so good at keeping
13664s themselves alive he gets hacked the
13665s damage amp onto the Sombra from lit and
13667s they just burned him down I mean he's
13669s just barely able to stay alive so maybe
13672s just change the game plan a little bit
13673s up here for the Outlaws we've seen in
13676s some of the footage that's been shown by
13677s Johnny for example just how heavily The
13680s Outlaws Like to invest in keeping
13681s Fearless alive get those bionic grenades
13684s in there make sure he's topped up it's
13686s something that gets even scarier when
13687s there's an echo in the mix right the
13688s moment you if you get fired you're
13690s basically instant dead you're gonna die
13692s to the focusing being here
13694s the Atlanta rain a little bit of a slow
13696s start for them there donkey getting
13697s exploited somewhat in that first round
13700s but they turn it around in a big way a
13702s decisive win
13704s on ruins yes we take a look at some of
13707s the highlights here I think when Pelican
13708s was on the echo it's kind of when they
13710s had the most success right uh as you're
13713s looking for somebody to be able to get
13714s in there and make a quick kill quick
13715s play right uh focusing beams huge burn
13718s targets down instantly and I I think
13721s that's where you thought they had the
13723s most success uh really interesting I
13725s think moving forward I'm curious in your
13727s tank like if you're the Outlaws like
13728s what types of maps do you want to
13730s actually end up playing the Atlanta
13731s Arena like do you want to try and maybe
13733s play your Rush where like they're
13736s Fearless some remotra and what now we've
13738s seen it they've been able to beat teams
13739s but we know the Atlanta rain are
13741s fantastic at that style like what type
13743s of maps do you think we see them go with
13745s I mean you might want to mix it in the
13747s problem is is that it doesn't really
13748s matter because it gets to play Sombra
13750s regardless of the composition uh and
13752s will make your life hell and also like
13754s we know that you know both these teams
13756s generally uh like to play that I don't
13758s bring back line Houston against the team
13761s by the Atlanta Reign even in a rush
13763s mirror be shocked if they pulled out the
13765s Zenyatta it's a might disrespectful it's
13767s a tad risky and the Outlaws have
13770s selected blizzard world for the second
13772s map in this series so blows it straight
13774s uh blows exchange rather at the start of
13776s this series but it's the Atlanta rain
13778s starting with an edge as per usual do
13781s your favorite main characters the
13783s Houston Outlaws have what it takes to
13785s even things up in map too
13788s foreign
13793s [Music]
13812s [Applause]
13814s [Music]
13820s [Music]
13820s [Applause]
13822s [Music]
13828s foreign
13832s [Music]
13843s [Music]
13855s [Music]
13864s foreign
13867s [Music]
13888s [Music]
13896s [Music]
13905s [Music]
13921s [Music]
13931s [Music]
13940s thank you
13942s [Music]
13944s foreign
13946s [Music]
13977s here or maybe an understatement
13981s so not only a mid-season Madness
13982s appearance in the finals for both of
13984s these teams not only 500 000 on the line
13987s not only the trophy not just the
13989s bragging rights
13991s first tournament win for either of these
13994s franchises
13995s is on the line
13997s also I feel like there's just a ton of
14000s momentum coming out of this for whoever
14001s wins as well right because you're
14003s looking like
14004s they're really across the league like
14006s who is going to contend with these teams
14007s right now like if somebody were to just
14009s kind of come out of nowhere and do it
14010s like it would be a big shock with the
14011s way we think is like talking about how
14015s wide the golf was between these two
14016s arrests but if Atlanta comes in here
14018s they just like storm through them like
14020s how do you you know the the whole second
14023s part of the Season For the Outlaws it's
14025s kind of
14026s it's great to beat up teams in the
14028s regular season right but but if you
14030s don't like win the tournaments then it's
14032s kind of or not right where you're gonna
14034s have to figure out how to get through
14036s this team eventually
14038s time after time this year Houston
14040s Outlaws have presented themselves before
14042s the Atlanta right I tell you what these
14043s drawings are good but they're lucky I am
14045s down they're drawn I mean I put these a
14047s shame I I'm glad you're here too Matt
14050s yeah glad you're here mate I can tell I
14053s can tell
14054s oh buddy
14056s again Houston Outlaws yeah constantly
14058s present themselves in hoodie and land of
14059s rain and say we're having another crack
14060s at you we're having another shot of this
14062s we want to be the number one team and
14065s each time you land around look down
14066s their nose and say not today
14070s I mean yeah it is brutal right because
14076s when Houston's roster kind of like
14077s formed it was like oh man like this team
14079s like could very well be one of the you
14082s know maybe the most talented team we've
14084s ever had top to bottom in terms of
14085s talent individual player by player we've
14087s ever had in the league and then Atlanta
14089s puts together a team that I think on
14092s paper you'd be like oh you know like
14094s Houston is like the Superstar potential
14096s right but just the teamwork of the
14098s Atlanta reign comboed with that talent
14100s that is you know just as good it's it's
14103s you know we were talking over the break
14105s and it's I feel like Houston plays well
14107s you know the game is 10 minutes Houston
14109s plays really well for like seven or
14111s eight of those minutes but those minutes
14113s that the Atlanta rain just play on
14115s another level is where they kind of
14116s decide these things where you're gonna
14118s have to see the Houston Outlaws put
14119s together consistent Maps where they are
14123s no slip UPS Mount after map to be able
14126s to be the team like Atlanta yeah recent
14128s history I'm sure many of you haven't
14129s forgotten but to remind you the last
14131s time these two teams faced it went all
14134s the way to five maps including a very
14136s and likely come back from Houston on new
14140s Queen Street that really was quite
14142s mind-blowing so they've demonstrated
14143s that you're no long-ish series they're
14146s able to dig deeper when it's required
14148s we've had time of course to rest
14150s the Atlanta rain actually really don't
14152s have to play too many games to get here
14154s if I'm honest with you to have pride of
14156s place and get to move on through and
14157s okay Pelican not set up in the expected
14160s location the uh the hogger will be
14162s stowed away yeah so just trying to get a
14164s hook maybe on to uh Pelican a little
14167s cheeky pick there at the start stopper
14168s also went with the Widow
14171s we've been trying to get an early pick
14172s but okay if you're the Atlanta right
14175s you'll take this if you if they aren't
14176s you play this type of sale or play and
14178s you can just mirror uh you feel pretty
14181s confident
14182s used to want to be the first to start
14184s these fights off defensively Atlanta
14186s moved quick though
14188s just like now don't hack going over the
14190s top Fearless doesn't quite have a Target
14192s to tangle with right now and he's hit
14193s with the fire it's still here again the
14195s focus is on him fortunately desperately
14198s Shu able to minister to those wounds
14200s send him back into the parade But Here
14202s Comes Back attack on shoe we can't get
14204s away
14206s if I were to bring the linchpin of the
14208s team down and obviously it's lip who
14211s ends up getting that first pick and it's
14212s on the shoe but that bio grenade just
14215s sets up everything it just kind of puts
14216s your team in a little bit it disarray a
14217s little bit of panic Fearless is so low
14219s that allows Luke to come from the
14221s opposite saying get a hacked finish off
14222s shoot
14223s it's broken down now and to run a
14225s segregated skirmishes
14228s Violet falling to Fielder though and I
14229s think you're happy realizes that Jake is
14231s up Fearless
14233s keeping going for a little longer but
14234s that is a very expedient take here from
14237s the Atlanta rain and I think it's just
14239s the man Fielder has been able to get so
14241s much value out of these bio grenades we
14243s saw in the first map pretty much the
14245s entire way you see it here in this early
14247s parts of Blizzard World sets up a really
14250s fast point a take
14253s yeah I mean that pressure being put down
14255s on Fearless sure it wasn't a biogranate
14256s that got the kill but it forced Fearless
14258s out of the fight for a long period of
14260s time
14261s to play the game right now
14263s stalker wants more descents they
14265s probably traded out though happy finding
14266s a key kill involvement from Shu I have
14269s to sleep dart at work
14271s either way he starts very little to
14272s stymie this early momentum from the
14274s Atlanta Reign they still want to Surge
14275s ahead they still have their Winston in
14277s play yes it's going to be actually it
14279s was pelican in Fearless you dropped down
14281s onto the payload a train now prevent it
14283s from moving forward even a little bit
14285s more that's going to be an EMP you're
14286s gonna get both support so uh the EMP is
14289s good here for Pelican there's a sense of
14290s Pelican definitely wanted to let that
14291s EMP go he was also detected on the
14294s approach so it was then or never in
14296s terms of that fight but this is crucial
14298s The Outlaws felt like they were letting
14300s things get away from them early right
14301s they've been able to White Knuckle grip
14303s on the reins the pace of this round at
14305s least for now a little little long range
14308s shot their connection from Fearless is
14310s yeah you move up you need just start
14313s snowballing some of these fights right
14315s you know just chaining them together
14316s chaining them together I like the idea
14318s from the out I was here to push up a
14319s little bit you know get aggressive don't
14320s allow the Atlanta ring to set up some of
14322s these plays so obviously it's a big one
14325s grenade he cannot stay for long
14328s act though so much pressure look at this
14330s happy just being lighting towards him
14333s Phyllis having to stay alive even with
14335s that bio earlier but God that pressure
14337s constantly hangs over his head the
14338s damagely sort of Fielder not one to
14340s snare at
14342s he's going to face his torment this time
14344s comes out on top double back to the
14346s Carters don't hack is causing some
14347s problems with his Primal Rage but he
14349s doesn't want to linger himself no I mean
14351s that's both supports but I don't know if
14353s you're gonna be able to actually turn
14354s this into much of anything here for the
14356s Atlanta Arena maybe you just pull the
14358s Outlaws back they're not going to be
14359s able to stay in here and play as close
14361s up you need that payload to start get it
14363s going again right create a little bit
14365s more distance here for the Atlanta
14366s Reigns The Outlaws just can't play up
14368s your spot Fearless have a look in the
14370s location where he took fate into his own
14371s hands a very different opponent faces
14373s him now though he'll drop down try and
14376s deal with this dog hack try and be under
14378s the pressure even at the tender age of
14381s 17.
14383s stalker wants to assemble the line of
14385s scrimmage well forward of the cart right
14387s now
14388s creating that space pressuring High
14390s Ground this this EMP needs to be awesome
14392s from Pelican right you're kind of
14394s looking across the board if he doesn't
14395s connect with milder and shield they're
14397s in a lot of trouble as that's gonna be
14398s the rally that comes out but they're
14400s able to get rid of him fast at the same
14402s time the rain are executing basically
14403s the game same game plan on the Houston
14405s Outlaws here no that's one remember
14408s happy now ridiculated to school Fearless
14411s he comes with full health he'll hang
14413s around for a little while but there's
14414s not going to be any assistance he knows
14416s that he's done and violet now very
14419s quickly trying to sheepishly back away
14422s it will be corralled back towards spawn
14424s oh that is a brutal play to lose there
14426s for the Outlaws as you're trying to get
14428s Violet out but you're not gonna be able
14430s to do so as stalker there a little bit
14433s of assistance from lib and Dong hack as
14435s the payload continues to move two
14438s checkpoints above three minutes to
14439s finish it off look at this look is going
14442s to come up on another EMP
14447s wants to have his wits about him here
14449s stalker already starting to make that
14450s flank released thinking about it
14456s they also drop down again donkey is
14458s going over his head rarely these two
14459s Winston's fighting face to face
14464s yeah I mean they get the Nano out so the
14467s Violet can't really get any value out of
14469s this outside of living right so now you
14471s can come back that is huge because you
14474s would have been able to come back with
14475s your own EMP right around the corner
14476s they go with it anyway Phyllis slapped
14478s in hit by the EMP lip's gonna get out
14480s but not before
14482s will be back into the fight pretty soon
14484s with the Primal race to boot both
14485s Winston's
14487s battle it loose two minutes and 23
14490s seconds on the clock it is looking very
14492s different from the last time these two
14493s played this map
14496s back in The Fray
14498s so you have dog
14499s going in trying to split off the
14501s supports there maybe get a bubble he's
14502s also got Primal Rage
14505s Fielder seems like he's hiding here
14506s maybe he thinks that Pelican has an EMP
14508s trying to play a little bit more passive
14510s throw the hack briefly so he used to
14512s take some time inside this small room
14514s you're being mostly overlooked by
14515s Fearless right now but a pione was
14517s definitely
14528s from happy
14530s not able to make a difference here
14532s teetering on the edge six HP they keep
14536s him in the fight
14537s see you just see the Geo can use that
14539s rally so late right The Outlaws they
14542s have to use it early on just Fielder
14545s able to keep him alive use it extremely
14547s late you get an EMP here coming up for
14549s Olympus well with the nanode Winston in
14551s the way
14552s yeah maybe I'll finish this with some
14554s time the EMP on don't hack means he
14556s can't get where he's needed most with
14558s that matter but here comes lift the EMP
14560s is good violence down Pelicans just able
14563s to get away but Fearless got nearly so
14564s lucky happy kid from the doorways right
14566s now it's a couple of blinks and he's
14568s done as well the Atlanta right
14569s extinguished Houston here on this attack
14572s oh hit it in the time bank as well uh on
14576s in a Houston Outlaws map pick
14579s that is some brutal stuff there
14582s uh The Outlaws just searching for
14584s answers just a little bit is it does it
14588s seems like no matter what they commit
14589s they cannot get rid of Fielder and chia
14591s just a tremendous job of just keeping
14593s each other alive keeping everybody in
14595s the mix holding those on support all to
14598s the last minute right whether it be a
14600s nano whether it be a rally and you're
14603s just getting extreme value out of them
14605s just continuing these fights keeping
14607s them going
14609s stalker on the Tracer all round
14612s calling the Menace just does not do it
14614s justice 11 final blows two deaths I mean
14617s look
14619s if you're the Atlanta Arena this is
14621s almost like it if you were to say hey
14623s pick the meta right
14626s so this might be what you would choose
14628s if you're like hey we can put lip on
14630s Sombra full time and stalker on Tracer
14633s almost Perma
14635s you'll take that if you're the Atlanta
14636s rain uh especially with Fielder on the
14639s honor then cheer on the brick like
14641s what else could you possibly walk into
14644s that would be better for the Atlanta
14645s rain at the moment in terms of the meta
14647s I mean
14648s the only I think the only issue is
14650s sometimes when there are maps that
14651s really dictate certain compositions and
14654s you know the Outlaws we'll try and pick
14655s those but frankly you don't see that in
14657s every game type it definitely isn't in
14659s the hybrid game type they have to play
14661s this style on blizzard world we know
14662s Outlaws throws this map we know why they
14664s looked very good on it beforehand but
14665s the Atlanta rain there's been some
14667s Evolution here
14669s I I think it's just the style of play I
14671s mean it's just so clean because you only
14673s get the Outlaws and you're like hey you
14675s know being a Fearless on Winston right
14677s and you know I mean that's a big huge
14678s bio at the beginning there
14680s six and one like whistle the pressure on
14684s the Winston is just not there
14686s if you're just having to draw some blood
14687s at the very least here you know gonna
14689s slam around the shots
14691s yeah I mean they have not been able to
14693s punish don't hack at all right uh and
14697s and it always seems like they're playing
14698s on the defensive because he's like early
14699s biotic rings that come in from Fielder
14701s right that biotic grenade right at the
14703s start it hits violent and I believe one
14704s other player they're able to get rid of
14705s violet fast what do you do at that point
14707s you're just kind of
14708s scrambling you're you're playing a
14710s player down
14711s Atlanta ready for this they quite freely
14713s give this High Ground to feel us
14717s he's overlooking a land teaming with
14720s potential assailants
14721s happy hack of the high grade I mean God
14723s he always tries to take the solo kill
14725s that would be something else he does get
14727s punished though maybe link is just a
14728s little too long
14730s like once it was stalking here who is
14732s able to escape you'll blink back down
14734s the stairs
14735s yeah now they have to make a play right
14738s there you get lip out of the way he's
14739s not able to build towards that EMP Fila
14741s slept he's like very low
14745s until the initiator out of the mix here
14748s you shouldn't have to make it do with
14749s three
14750s shoe is hit with a biotic grenade so you
14753s lose him and then dongak is going to get
14755s rid of violet it's dude Fielder is
14757s playing out of his mind throughout this
14759s tournament man every time happy deploys
14761s a pulse bomb it's deterministic it is a
14763s kill it comes off in late in the fighter
14765s it's inconsequential up against just the
14767s wall Atlanta rain erecting
14770s you gotta take care of them if you're
14772s the Outlaws right uh so you get some
14774s point progress but still I mean that
14777s could have been your opening right you
14778s you get rid of lip early you have a
14780s little bit of a window
14782s not able to capitalize
14786s I feel the really playing back here he's
14788s playing yeah they're tracking I think
14790s they're tracked an EMP
14791s it's a little early for that Pelican
14793s hasn't quite had the success of lip
14795s that's probably why we're seeing the
14797s supports play to the periphery and
14799s that's no way Fearless is getting away
14800s from that not a chance
14803s their combos are just so clean we see
14806s teams like EMP and then they had to
14808s follow up with like a tracer or Winston
14809s sometimes they actually right there it's
14812s like a defensive EMP and they're dong
14814s hack and stuff are not there I mean
14815s we're seeing where they are right now
14816s and Kyle's gonna pop reality and it's
14818s and it's some follow-up from Fielder
14820s Chio and lip with a biotic grenade in
14823s the mix I mean that is what they use on
14824s like those defensive types of plays
14826s right they're able to hit three players
14827s that deal with it easy this EMP is gonna
14830s be big but the follow-up again it's
14832s absence so is Pelicans as it turns out
14834s Geo takes him to task another sleep oh
14836s Phil is in a stick to send him packing
14838s for the uptick time this round Felix is
14842s six and ten don't hack no leave you
14844s completely different reality
14846s perhaps one that involves a
14848s violet-shaped pancake
14849s he's thinking about it Violet struggling
14851s to escape a bione defensively employed
14853s by shooting trying to get his troops out
14855s of Dodge
14857s I mean 42 minutes about 42 seconds I
14860s mean they may need 42 minutes
14865s okay we should give him 42 minutes keep
14867s it going
14868s to characteristically doesn't
14871s oh okay so so now maybe you can actually
14873s make something happen right cheers
14875s popping the rally here Up On The Higher
14877s Ground they have to be careful not to
14879s like walk in and get baited into like a
14881s big lip BMP
14883s they may have no choice The Outlaws have
14885s to group and play The Objective they got
14887s rid of his translocator
14889s he's gonna go for it anyway three
14891s players connected to the first
14895s cat to be putting up the fight
14897s stalker takes a side to give enough
14899s needs a health pack they touch don't
14901s pack for how long another let's get
14904s another but they cannot get the contest
14906s The Outlaws
14907s drag kicking and screaming now have the
14910s card control
14912s yes I thought they were gonna actually
14913s fight that maybe like Fielder comes
14915s around the corner of the Sleep the nade
14916s but darling hack was so low had to back
14918s out nobody there to get in touch so the
14921s Outlaws able to get the payload unlocked
14923s but now only two minutes Mitch and this
14926s can be a really difficult part of the
14928s map to go through like it even took the
14929s Atlanta right in a few good attempts to
14931s make that happen but if you're Atlanta
14933s you finish with time just bleed out this
14934s clock
14935s the wind condition is like it's an EMP
14937s to the back line and insta kill on an
14939s honor then you transition into that but
14941s you almost can't like so you obviously
14943s can right uh it looks like Pelican
14946s actually trying to Camp the translocator
14947s you overthought it so so if you don't go
14950s here fast enough and that's brutal if
14952s you don't go here fast enough for the
14954s Outlaws right and then you're forced to
14955s use this EMP up on The High Ground
14957s they're just kind of looking at where
14959s the payload is right now you're probably
14960s not going to get another EMP and then
14963s you can just play just the flood out of
14965s Spawn for the Atlanta rain right so it's
14967s really important The Outlaws win another
14968s fight fast and ideally hold on to that
14970s EMP
14973s don't heck with plenty of respect he
14975s doesn't hang around for too long
14977s you can almost see like a palpable shift
14979s in play style when there's an EMP
14981s tracked presumably that's what they've
14983s done is Pelican though lays it down and
14986s there it is Geo disintegrates and
14988s fearless finds live comfortably enough
14991s that's the must win Fight For the
14992s Outlaws but there's actually more where
14993s that came from and you see everybody
14995s under Atlanta just back out right it's
14998s kind of not an ideal scenario right
15001s because you end up losing a fight but
15002s it's one that you feel really good about
15004s you have some High Ground Control here
15005s you have your own EMP underneath the
15007s minute it's going to take a while for
15009s them to even get back to this point if
15010s you're able to get a team White
15013s no joy there for stalker's pulse bomb
15015s don't pack in that Prime although found
15017s Violet he was cooped up in the room and
15019s the dog hack made the best of it Fielder
15021s in trouble here Primal comes down but
15024s lip is coming his way with the back line
15025s of the Outlaws Fearless comes up
15027s empty-handed I mean we're watching from
15030s Fielder's POV I mean Fearless just kind
15032s of juggling him for a little bit they
15034s don't even invest the rally there they
15035s don't even feel the need to invest the
15038s rally when Neo feel is kind of juggling
15040s their honor in Brig at a closed area I
15043s mean they feel that confident keeping
15044s them alive that's what I was talking
15045s about they're gonna run right into this
15047s Libyan Pete they're not even close to
15048s getting another one three seconds left
15050s let the instigator surely pulse bomb
15053s juice
15054s not a great look happy was hoping to
15057s make something work there if he's going
15059s to walk up someone and that's the fire
15061s it's always the buyer to start these
15063s fights but it's gonna back up that rally
15064s is now expired feels hacked stunned
15066s packed again shoot alone live now with
15069s the EMP you may not even need the
15071s Outlaws Force inside the small room and
15072s it's a melanch
15075s o about this
15077s [Applause]
15084s hey dude that is such a sick play by
15086s donk so we actually saw the bio on the
15089s Violet there he Dives in a little bit
15091s you actually have shoe kind of peel back
15093s to keep try and keep Violet alive and
15095s they actually he drops like a perfect
15097s bubble like right where the card is and
15099s like with that like long straight
15100s Alleyway that they have to move it
15102s through and there's just no way they can
15103s get to Fearless to give him any type of
15105s healing be Fearless tries to drop his
15107s own fumble down kind of move into the
15109s side room they're never able to get a
15111s line of sight on them and gonna get him
15112s healed back up right away Fearless has
15115s to rotate all the way around it just all
15117s starts to fall apart hack sleep
15121s bayonade
15123s you're ruthless from the Atlanta Reign
15125s their protocols for dealing with Winston
15128s in these mirror compositions are
15129s airtight
15131s at this point it's muscle memory for
15133s them
15134s Fearless is doing everything he can to
15135s try and break the Paradigm throw a
15138s curveball at them come from an expected
15140s I guess angle of attack and none of that
15143s really seems to cut it
15145s the Atlanta rain are looking to see all
15147s their sovereignty nice and early in the
15150s day
15151s yeah and For the Outlaws right it just
15154s took so long for them to get checkpoint
15156s a and when they have to use that EMP up
15160s on The High Ground you know that I mean
15163s best case you get another one deep into
15166s OT right but you're not it's it's not
15169s going to come back online so you're
15171s gonna have to win a fight another way
15172s but you're walking into an Atlanta Reign
15174s team that can save up all five ultimate
15176s it's going to keep it there with the
15178s defensive spawn Advantage a massive one
15180s at that uh and there's no way they're
15182s gonna be able to break that well the
15184s cops are off now clearly the Atlanta
15186s ride would love nothing more than to
15188s humiliate The Outlaws in front of this
15190s crowd
15191s so many cheering fans what a stage to
15195s cement your dominance to the top of the
15197s OverWatch League
15198s and in math terms they are halfway there
15201s so moment here from Fearless given some
15203s leash to go aggressive it looked pretty
15206s good but I mean I like clock here I like
15209s that from The Outlaws and they pushed up
15210s and got that aggressive if they didn't
15211s do that game species Atlanta Arena
15213s probably would have been an even faster
15214s time this theme of story veterans been
15217s some of the biggest matches we've ever
15219s seen in the OverWatch League
15220s I mean play like they're scared
15222s sometimes or they just don't have the
15223s ability
15225s to take the initiative here look at
15227s Fearless I mean so often we see this
15228s right these Primal rages in small rooms
15230s I feel they're just Pockets to go just
15232s Pockets him every sleep every bionade
15235s cooked to perfection
15237s he had sleep he made that looks so easy
15240s that is uh definitely not easy as our
15244s lip with the EMP there on the point so
15246s yeah what's getting map selection they
15248s will actually go to shambali Monastery
15250s so I wonder if we're going to see a
15252s little bit of a different style of play
15254s right maybe we see some ramatra here
15256s come in uh you know if you can't win
15259s there it's looking dire yeah the Outlaws
15262s slowly running out of options running
15263s out of those silver bullets to load into
15265s the sixth shooter stick around for a
15267s third map in the series an Outlaws pick
15269s in shambali monastery
15272s [Music]
15280s thank you
15281s [Music]
15299s foreign
15303s [Music]
15308s [Music]
15326s [Music]
15327s [Applause]
15329s [Music]
15338s [Applause]
15340s [Music]
15352s foreign
15354s [Music]
15376s foreign
15381s [Music]
15387s [Music]
15392s [Applause]
15395s [Music]
15402s [Applause]
15408s [Music]
15409s [Applause]
15415s [Applause]
15420s [Music]
15429s [Music]
15436s thank you
15438s [Applause]
15443s [Music]
15450s [Applause]
15452s foreign
15466s [Music]
15472s appearances just another day at the
15475s office for the Atlanta rain
15477s I'll tell you what this is the workplace
15479s experience for the Houston Outlaws
15480s perhaps a change of career they are
15483s struggling out there maybe get in touch
15484s with HR because these are brutal
15485s conditions for them to be playing under
15488s absolute brutality from the Atlanta
15490s Reign on Blizzard Water map of course
15492s Houston chose they looked pretty darn
15494s good on it last time these two teams
15496s faced off but it's Atlanta rain it's a
15498s different Beast
15500s and I think if you're in Atlanta and you
15502s see this next map pick come in
15505s you kind of get a little bit of a vibe
15506s that maybe the Outlaws are a little
15509s Shook at the moment that this is a team
15512s is uh it'll be hard coming in for
15514s donghek so uh Hawk obviously tremendous
15517s on things like the ramatra some of these
15519s off tanks you know Diva right uh but if
15522s you feel like your dive is just so
15524s effective against them that they have to
15526s go to rush style Maps you already have
15529s two Elite so even if they beat you in
15530s the rush you just go pick another map
15533s the union Sports Dive Right I mean you
15535s you feel like you are in the complete
15537s driver's seat in I mean I look I think
15539s obviously uh you know Gator uh he loves
15542s a little BM it's like hey I I would be
15544s telling the the Atlanta teams like hey
15545s we we break them down and beat them bad
15548s here they are gonna feel like they have
15551s no options that there is no signs of
15554s Life they can't beat us in the rush they
15556s can't beat us in the dive just kill all
15559s all hope here if you're the Atlanta rain
15563s this is it this map it represents a fork
15568s in the road for the Outlaws in this
15570s series
15571s One path to success well they start to
15574s light a fire under the rain not that
15576s they need it the other to fall in a rush
15579s type mirror
15580s and feel desperate not having options
15582s have a look at this head-to-head
15584s continuing to stand tall was the 10-foot
15587s gaming warlord we know him to be Pelican
15589s always a smile on his face happy going
15590s lucky attitude but it's time to get
15593s serious
15594s and I mean you look at the Sombra stats
15596s and when one team is just kind of
15598s running through the other
15599s pretty difficult to have uh you know one
15602s player look fantastic especially on the
15604s losing team we can take a look at some
15606s honest stats coming on through here
15611s kills I mean we were talking I mean you
15614s could see that uh when we were just
15618s watching it but to that level uh
15621s that is wild uh also probably says that
15625s shu is just forced to use him in more
15627s defensive manner than like being able to
15629s use them in an offensive aggressive way
15631s uh but still I mean
15634s I mean that is
15636s that those are those are feel I I would
15638s those are fearless kills right there
15641s you couldn't ask for a more stock
15642s indictment of the Outlaws and
15646s kind of malaise that they've been
15647s suffering over these first couple of
15648s maps one thing is clear
15651s something
15652s has got a change
15655s otherwise this goes from bad to ugly to
15657s well I have to think about it for the
15659s Houston Outlaws so let's talk right now
15662s the sort of present shimbali Monastery
15664s gets picked here we know Houston have
15666s been quite flexible
15668s pick up plenty of these Rush comps they
15669s look quite good the Atlanta rain play a
15671s really Elegant Style actually with the
15673s deeper on defense at first point
15674s sometimes we've also seen it from we saw
15676s it from the Boston Uprising they use
15677s calios in in that capacity they also put
15679s them on Ryan yeah play Bastion which is
15681s a different story but uh Again by no
15683s means is this a favored map for Houston
15685s [Music]
15687s no uh I I think it's kind of hey the
15691s dive isn't working let's change things
15692s up let's force them to bring in hog
15694s right you know dong hack has been great
15696s on the Winston maybe you would help have
15698s him bring in another tank throws things
15700s off a little bit feels a little bit like
15702s you're searching uh for your answers
15705s here if you're Houston uh and if you're
15708s Atlanta it's like hey Jess I've been
15710s Hawk and just keep doing what you're
15711s doing right I mean yeah it doesn't feel
15713s like they have to do anything much more
15717s complicated than that
15719s Atlanta right bringing their resident
15721s bird of prey The Outlaws looking more
15723s like carrion by the second
15727s I need a jump start
15728s [Applause]
15729s [Music]
15733s [Applause]
15735s so that that crowd flicks are awesome
15738s it's uh
15740s we'll have the Houston Outlaws on
15742s defense here first so
15745s a May Sombra look here on the early on
15749s yeah obviously tons of time for her to
15751s land the rain to uh decide on their
15753s confidence
15755s to do maybe just fires one shot here
15760s I'm a Ganda
15762s and he's doing just that looking about
15765s headshot on Fearless I mean that's some
15766s serious heel pressure you're putting
15768s down but again a death of sight lines
15774s everybody wanted to play that close I
15776s guess
15778s soccer will just be teasing some of
15780s these players out of formation here that
15782s cleave damage from the main really
15784s starts to add up as these fights drag on
15786s and violence already down the Houston
15788s Outlaws
15790s it's a full-scale route by the looks of
15792s things they got nothing to show for this
15794s hole Yeah a fast First Bite in fever
15797s of the Atlanta Reign is uh I do wonder
15800s do we see lit continue to play the uh
15802s sojourn Sojourner can be quite good here
15804s especially against some of these uh you
15806s know Mantra comps putting down some big
15808s damage is uh
15811s see now where this next fight kicks off
15813s I don't know if you're gonna be able to
15814s make it around this first Corner fully
15816s and that is a spot that the outlets do
15818s not want to give up but they also don't
15819s have speed to get back here and
15820s challenge us aggressively yeah Atlanta
15822s had the Lucio in this setup right which
15824s we've seen teams combine nicely with the
15826s reaper looks here but still very very
15828s good and Elena really want to get the
15829s fight started pork
15831s Living Dangerously a good biode
15833s connection there from Shoot
15835s means romantra has to give a little bit
15836s of ground but that may well Fearless
15838s get some Nano here he's gonna have to
15840s commit at some stage but the Atlanta
15842s rail with said speed so maybe we don't
15845s fancy this so much
15846s it actually Nano stalker there and he
15849s actually drops before he actually gets
15850s the benefits of it so that is a huge
15853s pickup so I think what would have
15854s happened is right the stalker is sitting
15856s there in Block they back out you know
15858s run away from Fearless see us at Nano
15860s they probably would have nanoed stalker
15862s dropped the Blizzard at that moment
15863s right and then just speed boosts back
15865s into it uh but that is a huge pickoff
15867s right getting rid of stalker when he
15869s could have used that blizzard and also
15870s maybe it's really just a Nana that goes
15873s for nothing it says a lot about how
15874s they're trying to play here but you
15875s could really let that go right you can
15877s just respawn come back to the fight
15879s try again the rain cares so much about
15881s keeping the pace up here
15884s Hawk is boxed in yeah throw him in the
15887s ice chest he is done
15890s this is a really difficult corner to
15891s make it around as well
15893s we've seen teams like you kind of play
15895s that may over on the side we've been
15896s seeing teams have really great successes
15898s like running Reinhardt here right like
15899s inside of that small room that might
15901s have something to do with the uh the
15902s other DPS in that uh yeah so you play
15905s you play that may though in that corner
15907s right you have the raw Mantra you're in
15909s a great spot to just have these fights
15910s constantly come around no large win
15912s condition like an EMP either it's gonna
15914s be an aggressive sound barrier have you
15916s done a response from there with an EMP
15917s Midway through the fight with the buyer
15919s Knight on stalker and made him an easy
15920s Mark for two he's picked off by hawk can
15924s he do any more from here the
15926s annihilation from Fearless secruse a
15928s heck of a lot of value Hawks pales in
15930s comparison
15932s so this is really good here for the
15934s Houston Outlaws one minute Nano boost
15936s available for this next fight
15939s and on the other side you're just gonna
15940s have lip with this overclock is you're
15942s able to just lock down this choke it
15944s makes it very difficult for Hawk to try
15945s and push in shio actually goes over to
15947s the breaks they don't want to play with
15949s that speed they don't want to try and
15950s get aggressive here maybe play for a
15952s little bit more survivability
15954s maybe the safer play at this point as
15956s they are running out of rope
15958s play ball here just to screen off at
15960s least the uh rain would have liked to
15962s get a bit of fearless in that moment
15963s that they were trying to actually catch
15965s Hawk there Hawk out here with a bio and
15966s then they actually tried to get that may
15967s water you know block him off but didn't
15970s connect with it but I'm fearless he's
15971s going in nowhere Cuts him off yet again
15975s it's such a treacherous corner of the
15977s map and the Outlaws are exploiting it
15978s maliciously Phil is forced to back away
15981s bayonet does connect as an opening here
15983s for the Atlanta Reign if they want to
15984s make this work he'll do his hacked for a
15986s Time privacy scream thrown up by The
15988s Outlaws that gives him the chance to
15989s pick and feel the rock he was lost at
15991s sea ice block there house from Pelican
15994s gives him the time to get this blizzard
15995s down and Hawk is Frozen stalker's not
15998s gonna be able to get away but she is
15999s about a fine shoe he delves so deep into
16001s the backline for that kill
16003s busy swatting it flies for the time
16005s being here the return was stalker but
16007s it's just the two of them yeah stalker
16009s is on the point they're with shield for
16011s a little bit of time his Fielder goes to
16012s the karika to come back he gets the top
16014s the EMP is gonna be there everything has
16017s the Outlaws threw it up here blizzard
16019s down ball throwing up here pelican in
16021s trouble hold back on the doomfist he's
16023s low scor can see better days as well and
16025s here comes the flail violence not happy
16028s Jan but he'll take the hole here foreign
16037s early on it looked like the Atlanta rain
16040s we're going to get it going right they
16041s win that first fight and after that on
16043s that corner it is all Outlaws complete
16046s domination I I think as well you start
16048s to see so obviously the land is
16051s tremendous we don't have this EMP is
16054s such a large win condition for some of
16056s these teams right well you're not
16058s playing that EMP on the other side now
16060s playing the Sombra it's a little bit
16061s less scary kind of what they're throwing
16063s at you a couple of pretty interesting
16064s picks right first to Lucio uh you know
16066s from the Atlanta right you see shio just
16069s getting punished there and the sojourn
16071s pick up the lip
16072s yeah I I I actually don't mind the Lucio
16075s I actually think the Lucio comp there is
16077s totally fine because you're trying to
16079s get past that may wall it's really
16081s difficult at times you can like try and
16083s like rotate all the way around
16085s disruption against the against that
16088s anime romantra
16089s I mean that's kind of where you need
16091s that somber right for the hacks the EMP
16093s make Fearless like very difficult as you
16097s now will see lint pick up that Sombra
16099s here on deep
16102s in an enviable position for any team of
16104s the pro level to be in the Atlanta rain
16106s have to hold
16107s very close here you can see Houston
16110s Outlaws this is not out of the question
16111s as well by the way and I mean let's
16113s think Rialto very different map but the
16115s choke at the end pretty similar yeah you
16117s could definitely play around that
16119s happy starting but we don't warning
16121s shots fired Fielder's forced to duck
16123s cover
16125s so what's like best case scenario here
16127s for the rain rate you get like maybe 30
16130s 40 seconds off the clock here and then
16132s you basically have to hold that corner
16134s for 2 30. this is not your first aging
16136s ground right yeah you just want to get
16138s what you can here very much like the
16139s startup Havana
16141s okay Fearless Living Dangerously here
16143s but Geo down first
16145s there's happy
16148s there goes stalker
16152s one tick in the Box for the Outlaws yeah
16155s maybe like uh you know 15 20 seconds off
16158s the clock there uh not able to build
16160s towards really anything there for the
16161s Atlanta rain so pretty good for the
16164s Outlaws this is happy going to
16165s consistently run this Hanzo so the hanza
16167s is a little bit of an interesting pick
16168s uh comparing it to the sojourn the Hanzo
16172s was just you don't have to get the cart
16174s that far just just just a log around the
16176s corner a head shot right almost able to
16178s dig Outfield they're there let's talk
16180s Dragon strike in this chunk that's also
16181s threatening
16182s I've been getting a tickle here very
16184s quickly Violet serves himself
16187s clings himself in the way and asleep
16189s Hawks left for a time and he's low
16191s trying to back up here enough to disrupt
16193s the
16193s rain of playing ahead of it here comes
16195s Pelican it's about to get Frosty in here
16197s stalker desperately tracked through the
16199s wall down the hall wasn't nearly as
16201s lucky he won't be able to get away it's
16202s gonna be manifest over to cheer over
16204s what can he do here's the dragon strike
16206s and it's hungry
16208s forced off the cast
16211s signs the fight from Houston
16214s that was complete domination there from
16217s The Outlaws the tremendous hold on
16220s defense
16221s then into a lightning fast offense as
16225s Atlanta had no answers for them playing
16227s some of those from matricomps
16230s a Bonafide fled her deadlift from
16233s Fearless 13 final blows at 24 and just
16237s the one death
16239s he gets everything he wants a lot of
16242s support from his backline
16244s they have the disruption Advantage the
16246s sojourn picked for lip perhaps
16248s ill-advised it definitely doesn't play
16249s out the way would have hoped it to
16252s in the Atlanta rain
16256s they're so devastating with lip on
16258s Sombra that if he plays anything else
16262s you're kind of okay with it right uh I
16265s mean obviously he's a tremendous player
16266s can play so many different Heroes at a
16268s high level but his Sombra is just
16271s so difficult to play against that if
16274s he's gonna play anything else you'll
16276s take that there uh if you're the Houston
16279s Outlaws
16280s 4-2 prediction
16283s there optimistic perhaps but things are
16287s looking up
16288s For the Outlaws here
16291s must see a bit of Soul Dynasty there big
16292s fan of that
16294s again
16296s the vibe in the arena the vibe here some
16299s hope infused into this Houston Outlaws
16302s campaign but the reality is chapali
16304s Monastery by some colloquially
16306s considered a bit of a gimmick map it's
16308s where you bust out the weird stuff it's
16309s where you're getting advantage against
16310s the team especially when you don't feel
16312s great in a dive mirror eventually The
16314s Outlaws are going to have to face the
16315s music they're gonna have to face that
16317s comp again
16319s they better have something new I I think
16323s they'll still feel pretty good here you
16325s know obviously the Atlanta range you
16326s know being in control of the series
16328s getting those two maps early on
16329s especially now with map selection pretty
16331s huge uh looking back at it uh but if
16333s you're the Outlaws you know you can you
16336s can play well enough to steal a push or
16338s a control right no playing that dive
16341s style so uh two modes coming up here
16344s rather shortly and even on some of those
16347s Maps you may be able to play some of
16349s these types of cards here uh like we saw
16351s on shambali Monastery but you just see
16353s me you said it in the stats you know
16355s right after that the the difference of
16357s being able to keep Fearless alive right
16359s in the the amount of impact he can have
16362s when he's not constantly being hacked
16364s bionic related you know taken out of the
16366s game oh look the role is so different
16367s when you're playing romantri no rush
16369s composition as opposed to Winston you're
16371s so exposed as Winston to the you know
16374s the power of an enemy backline the
16376s prowess that they can have especially on
16378s you know playmaker supports like Anna it
16380s had to be Esperanza here for this push
16382s Map There's No Way Atlanta Houston take
16384s him back to New Queen Street even that
16386s was I'm happy you probably think they'd
16387s do all right on
16388s this is a situation this is a map where
16391s that dive composition can reign supreme
16394s yeah you think that that dive can be
16396s really strong here for the Atlanta rain
16398s expect to see dong had come back in
16400s their eyes out for that one donk to make
16402s his return after the break it's map four
16404s in his first to four between Houston and
16406s Atlanta
16410s [Music]
16445s foreign
16451s [Music]
16455s [Applause]
16464s [Music]
16464s [Applause]
16465s [Music]
16470s [Applause]
16471s [Music]
16479s [Applause]
16487s [Applause]
16489s [Music]
16490s foreign
16492s [Music]
16506s [Applause]
16511s [Applause]
16511s [Music]
16515s [Applause]
16521s [Applause]
16524s foreign
16526s [Music]
16530s [Applause]
16532s [Music]
16535s [Applause]
16538s [Music]
16557s [Music]
16561s foreign
16563s [Music]
16592s folks now we have a game on our hands
16596s the Houston Outlaws forced the series
16598s ocean Bali monastery
16601s and they get the pretty convincing one
16603s too Matt a great defense really making
16606s it hard for Atlanta to progress
16608s oh that drink looks good yeah that's a
16611s I've seen the ads yeah there's so many
16612s different kinds like you have your
16614s coffee opportunities whichever way you
16616s want it drink your TAP whatever
16619s top send it on over I will give it a
16622s crack
16624s a bit later ain't here maybe probably a
16626s little bit frustrated they would have
16628s loved a clean win here they really would
16630s have loved to drag The Outlaws into the
16632s Town Square and make an example of them
16634s but it's not to be Fearless comes alive
16636s this guy gets to play with a Matra gets
16638s to feel powerful and he looks powerful
16640s too I mean there was no breaking the
16643s setup on that first Corner uh once they
16645s kind of got things rolling there for
16647s Houston setup was tremendous uh you know
16650s 13 final blows out of the 24. take a
16653s look at some of the highlights right I
16655s mean just kind of moving forward never
16657s had to worry about no being hacked being
16659s kind of uh you know whether it's like a
16660s rally right with like a shield bash
16662s getting stunned like uh once that's all
16665s out of the game and you're gonna play
16666s this like Rush a little bit more Brawley
16668s style that's when the Outlaws look great
16671s yeah they're really punished uh Atlanta
16673s on this choke the first fight doesn't go
16675s well right you think maybe they can burn
16677s some clock early in the round no
16679s basically all of that happened here
16681s just it's a tough truck to push through
16683s the Atlanta and fan is they're not
16685s playing a flanking comp right they are
16687s playing an upfront a front load of
16689s damage I've got sojourn I've got May I'm
16691s going to try and make you walk into my
16693s Crosshair no way to really put a ton of
16695s pressure on the back line right which is
16696s where we've seen Atlanta be the most
16697s successful throughout of Chio seem like
16699s the only player who was able to get the
16701s grips with human Violet but usually by
16703s that point the fight's broken down
16705s completely and he's just beginning an
16706s exit
16707s so you will see dong hat come back in
16710s here for the Atlanta rain completely
16712s expected once we see Esperanza
16716s well the Outlaws cop a couple to the
16718s chin but finally land a significant
16720s strike
16722s and the the worst thing is right is like
16724s so you're gonna need a win in the dive
16726s at some point at some point uh
16730s here would be the optimal time to do so
16733s uh push can be very clean flippy at
16735s times also
16737s map pick on control you can pick them up
16739s you're not exactly picking the points
16741s right uh it could be a complete toss at
16743s what you're gonna get there one thing
16745s we've noticed about push especially here
16746s the mid-season Madness Tournament is
16748s that momentum is everything Houston
16751s we're behind by 70 meters I want to say
16754s some some ridiculous amounts on new
16756s Queen Street and all it took was one
16758s fight gave the momentum Atlanta was
16761s scattered they're getting picked off
16762s staggered The Outlaws you know got that
16764s lead with very little time left and were
16765s able to convert that's all you need you
16768s can have a bad start it's about how you
16770s finish on these pushbacks Esperanza is
16773s one of the Outlaws must win yeah it is
16777s it is as close to a must win as you can
16779s get here for the Houston Outlaws you win
16782s this you swing that momentum completely
16784s in your favor right uh you put them on
16786s the back foot because now it's a little
16788s bit of a okay well hey they won on Rush
16790s now they've won on Dive Right they got
16792s things rolling where do we go a little
16794s bit uh a little bit more of a coin toss
16797s there and where Atlanta rain you know
16798s has the option to bring you
16801s so the Outlaws chose the right path at
16803s the fork in the road
16805s but it's still a treacherous journey
16806s ahead of them here
16809s later ain't gonna be seeing him after
16811s giving up that map we're back with a
16814s vengeance here
16816s on Esperanza
16821s I fully expect uh Tracer Sombra dime
16824s here
16825s uh no nobody gonna be deviating from the
16828s script there as uh then you're looking
16830s at it again the last time we saw these
16832s compositions Fielder just unbelievable
16834s with the biotic grenades can they kind
16837s of get out of the way can they be able
16838s to keep Fearless in the supports alive
16840s that's what the Houston Outlaws have to
16842s do that's the Evergreen Crest question
16844s in this series what can feelers get done
16848s against the backline of Fielder enchio
16851s can't just sit in the front line now and
16853s get pocketed look big and swollen rather
16855s Dorito like no now he needs to dive in
16857s needs to start these fights needs to
16858s take some risks
16862s I think maybe just checking a little bit
16864s there uh fielder for Pelican trying to
16867s go around on the flight yeah you can't
16868s obviously really spy check on Arno your
16870s ammunition counts just too valuable but
16873s spot that Sombra then you can turn on it
16874s shoot fire on the background stalker
16876s went to capitalize doesn't quite stick
16878s The Landing
16886s grenade up on The High Ground there is a
16889s shoe as well on Fielder both honest
16892s traded out early on he's like I don't
16895s know like Wi-Fi how you made just like
16897s across the mountain these players are
16898s facing them they're loving grenades at
16900s each other like that old-fashioned tank
16901s game he used to play it's like uh like a
16903s card four where you just look at the sky
16906s yes that's right it's like the five
16909s seconds into the rollout on strike and
16911s just the knee drops on your head yeah
16912s it's kind of Champs weekend we can make
16914s a card reference
16916s all right Pelican controls this neutral
16919s pack for a Time it just wants to make
16921s his presence felt apparently and it'll
16922s set himself up for a turn to the table
16925s side for a nice meal afterwards that is
16927s a speculative pulse bomb stalker not
16928s happy with that clearly
16930s we'll have to wait for the next one
16931s Happy's been very good clinical with his
16934s pulse box over this series when he's had
16935s a chance to play tracer
16937s deals with living
16939s this is a good spot for the Atlanta
16940s arena being though they control this
16941s High Ground like so the outlaw is gonna
16943s have to break this setup and the longer
16946s it goes the probably better it is for
16947s Atlanta as you can Farm up this Nano you
16950s can get closer to an EMP and you may not
16951s even mean it to get that first
16952s checkpoint stalking just tears his
16954s senior to shreds there happy falls in
16957s the one versus one there was a nice
16959s sleep onto stalker but let's follow up
16961s the Atlanta rain come at you in waves
16963s and they just don't stop coming rally
16965s attempt there's gonna be in here to
16966s follow it up by there he's not able to
16968s be kept alive dog pack digs deep for
16971s that kill
16972s Ed it just seems like you're throwing a
16974s lot into that there if you're the
16975s Outlaws right Violet I think is thinking
16977s maybe you can get the rally off right in
16979s time to keep shoe up does not happen
16981s maybe they can use the EMP from Pelican
16983s to get a kill or two not gonna happen
16985s there either now the EMP from the
16988s Atlanta Reign they sat on this for a
16989s while it's time to hatch it
16991s again really cares about controlling
16993s this High Ground as usual the Atlanta
16994s Rider making incremental progress but
16996s now finally starting to run out of gas
16998s here in the hours they they go to The
17001s High Ground right uh and they can test
17003s and you know obviously you end up
17004s winning this fight uh as everybody jumps
17007s for The High Ground they just actually
17008s let that bot get that first checkpoint
17010s uh so the Atlanta Reign actually do get
17013s that first checkpoint which is quite
17015s huge brutal
17017s yeah it looks like maybe lip was
17018s actually still on the bot at the time it
17020s didn't need a huge uh amount of progress
17022s going forward and he kind of stumbled
17024s into it especially happy premature
17026s recall there as he tried to get some
17027s poke down on donk poles Fearless hanging
17030s on now from you but he's gonna fall
17032s after the fact no one there to keep
17034s Violet topped up either so now Fearless
17036s is glowing all blue and stuff there's no
17039s way to keep him in the fight
17043s the bot will go back the other way so 15
17046s meters there for the Houston Outlaws
17051s not a uh not a ton of progress
17053s especially when the other team has that
17055s checkpoint and they can just you know
17057s there's no butt scratch right he can
17058s just move on right on past all the uh
17061s long Parts here out of the way
17064s Builder again always threatening to
17065s sleep
17067s happy very uh itchy trigger finger on
17070s that uh recall key does not want to link
17072s it for any longer than the otherwise
17073s must Felix would like to have stopped
17077s slip taken down low Violet spots the
17079s somber out sleuths her position
17083s the happiness healings turn around he's
17085s asking for all the shoe currently is
17086s dealing with a very well large Simeon
17089s threat
17090s okay is deep yeah he's gonna go all the
17093s way back around he's gonna get some
17095s healing from Fielder up on The High
17097s Ground is oh that's gonna be an EMP
17099s they're gonna be able to follow this up
17100s I feel that they're desperately trying
17102s to keep them standing somehow he's still
17104s alive
17106s Godly
17108s I mean the ability for these supports on
17112s the right to keep each other up is just
17114s so silly I I mean right there he's got
17116s Fearless in his face looking happy is
17118s there as well
17132s Kill The Outlaws but they're getting
17134s caught flat-footed here this is starting
17136s to get out of hand
17138s I mean they got to be careful Atlanta is
17140s definitely in territory of being able to
17143s finish the entire map here what a
17145s statement that would be but I mean what
17147s you got uh you got a nano here for
17149s darling hack on the way in you have
17150s rally as well
17152s and they've done such a nice job of
17154s being able to keep each other alive even
17156s without the support holds
17159s the odyssey's happy hits that s key
17162s felis is narrowed what mechanism does he
17165s have to actually engage
17166s he looks nervous about it you can give
17168s up space here too if you're the rain
17169s like you don't have to just march on oh
17172s you're kidding me
17175s feel it it's found the cure for insomnia
17178s lip's gonna have em here in a second but
17180s they might lose Dawn hack yeah so I
17182s think you probably just save this at
17184s this point uh there's no reason to force
17186s it
17204s okay there's an opening here for Houston
17207s first destination is that checkpoint
17209s they need that here so they keep it
17211s later rain maladroit they can convert
17215s I mean you're just so far behind you
17218s absolutely need the checkpoint in this
17220s push right you put your head here yeah
17222s you're at 22 meters obviously a little
17225s bit more now and Counting uh you
17227s actually
17228s checkpoint off this fight because if you
17230s don't the bot is gonna go so far back
17232s into your territory
17234s there it's good Pelican is down oh
17237s they're sure
17239s nasty stuff from Fielder again clinical
17242s in his accuracy Fearless again finds
17245s himself bereft of teammates and that bot
17248s should be swinging right on back to the
17250s Outlaws I mean what they have a 112
17253s meters right the bot's gonna go all the
17254s way back the outlaw has to like even get
17257s close and you know make them sweat a
17260s little bit you're gonna have to take the
17262s bot so far the other direction like even
17265s like you've really kind of like double
17266s the amount of Bot distance but you're
17268s not really gaining any progress
17270s so quickly The Outlaws find themselves
17273s again trying to play out from their
17274s spawn a big Kill from Violet there to
17275s kiriko okay
17277s making the switch here hoping to find
17279s something a little bit different Fielder
17280s doesn't get Fearless with that woman
17285s of it again man so you have uh the RICO
17290s obviously a little bit more offensive
17291s Focus but then also the ability to
17294s Clinton some of these biotic grenades
17295s that are coming on in right uh you're
17297s constantly getting hit by them being
17299s able to use that cleanse to get rid of
17302s that effect and maybe punish off of that
17305s happy refuses to lose
17308s it's a highest amount of final blows in
17309s the lobby right now one
17311s adding two to his tally with that
17313s beautiful double pulse okay he's around
17316s here for Geo Live yeah okay so sleep on
17318s Fearless now hacked now the MP maybe
17320s Villa sister Limited in options and he's
17323s back in a way he knows he can't push for
17324s this
17325s you'll get topped up here but it's slow
17327s profile engineer is going to be thrown
17329s down here shoe keeps wearing off lip but
17332s the EMP still connects
17334s dog hack just sits back gonna wait this
17336s could certainly rush out finally looking
17337s for a kill desperately the kunai is
17338s probing
17340s The Shield don't stay as many of those
17342s off the bodies tentatively moving For
17343s the Outlaws but they know that they are
17345s in enemy territory here they're gonna
17346s wait they climb it perfectly done that
17348s tries to block it with his balls but
17350s he's unsuccessful but two gets overrun
17352s desperately finally tries to return and
17354s keep him alive but he's not quick enough
17356s don't hack does go down though exposing
17358s himself to try and keep his sleeping
17360s teammate standing
17361s if you were to try to space himself from
17363s this but he can't escape the EMP
17365s connection and fighter finds another
17366s with the kunai headshot here come the
17368s Outlaws
17370s now they will get the part rolling but
17372s it does feel a little bit bad with a
17374s minute to go have to use your EMP there
17377s for both supports in the Tracer on the
17380s other side but it felt like they were in
17382s a dire situation they absolutely needed
17384s to they get the checkpoint here Matt
17385s it's all on the table
17388s regardless of the amount of time they
17390s get it
17391s 43 seconds left for the Outlaws to make
17394s another unlikely comeback against the
17396s Atlanta Reign on a push map
17401s here Fielder just pre-healing him I
17405s suppose
17406s they'll kind of look at the targets here
17409s beam me up Scotty
17411s dropping back down now happy forced away
17413s he's hacked briefly so he has got to
17415s give some grounds it feels like they're
17416s just waiting for the Outlaws to move
17418s through this choke downloads are waiting
17419s for a nano
17424s violent meaning wounds
17425s don't heck upstairs
17429s here we go happy now committing here
17431s it's gonna be a consuming Russian Violet
17432s Nano given over to Fearless stalker
17434s respectful distance being offered lip
17437s revealed for a time but the Outlaws are
17438s too busy focusing on big monkeys Then
17441s There It Is
17442s Smithereens Dives in Geronimo he says
17446s it's on for young and old
17449s the Atlanta ranks had the Outlaws Lim
17451s from limb here
17453s the last prestigious of overtime
17454s takedown it was just Pelican to have a
17456s look in
17458s one more touch from happy he does get
17461s her with the last liver of health and
17462s that is gonna be that
17465s he Let It Rain take us to match points
17470s look as clean as ever I think it is
17473s clear when these two teams are playing
17476s the dive
17477s that Atlanta is just on another level I
17480s mean we we've actually seen that the
17481s Outlaws have proven to be on a different
17483s level than everybody else except the
17485s Atlanta rape uh it just seems like maybe
17488s in this specific comp at the moment uh
17491s there is a bit of a a gap between these
17494s teams says Atlanta able to deal with the
17497s Outlaws pretty uh pretty convincingly
17499s there on Esperanza yeah apparently the
17501s scale of strength is logarithmic because
17504s the Atlanta rain have a healthy
17507s gap between them and the Outlaws
17509s performance wise right now
17512s so the one question lingers
17514s what's next what's next for Houston
17517s I mean well so what I mean you have
17520s obviously your map selection you know
17522s you would like to play Rush style
17525s compositions uh but I believe the next
17527s map in the set would be like a control
17529s right so uh
17532s what can you do in that type of map type
17534s to because the the points right are are
17537s random they'll come up so uh really
17541s getting your map pick here uh you can't
17543s exactly Force the strategy as much as
17545s you possibly would like it might have to
17547s be Antarctic peninsula
17550s or Houston
17551s a map where yeah they can
17555s Force this Rush Style on the Atlanta
17557s rain but they don't have any I mean I
17559s guess there are chokes on those Maps but
17561s the context is so vastly different from
17563s shambali monastery let's have a look
17565s back over the map that was here Matthew
17566s very strong start for the Atlanta range
17569s here despite the best efforts of shoe
17570s and Co
17571s Pace was really favoring the range here
17575s yeah and I think with how much progress
17578s the Atlanta rain gained early it just
17581s puts you on the back foot so much right
17583s if you're the Houston Outlaws because
17585s the bot was constantly going deep into
17588s their territory and although I thought
17590s uh like you mentioned I know happy I
17592s think has had actually a really good
17593s series uh All Things Considered uh even
17596s with some big kills from him they're
17599s never able to really make the Atlanta
17601s Reign sweat in terms of gaining progress
17603s they pick up their checkpoints right the
17606s very next fight they turned around and
17607s said packing
17609s look at that double pulse it's a thing
17612s of beauty make no mistake happy was The
17615s Shining Star for the Houston Outlaws and
17617s you'd see the once uh that cleanse comes
17620s out the Nanos there they just end up
17621s popping the DMP and yeah like you
17623s mentioned Antarctic Peninsula uh will be
17625s the next map in the set
17628s everything rides on this map for the
17630s Houston Outlaws to stay alive in this
17632s series to have any hope of toppling
17634s their greatest Rivals to date the
17637s Atlanta Reign have thrown down the
17639s gauntlet
17640s what does Houston have left
17648s [Music]
17650s foreign
17655s [Music]
17668s [Music]
17674s [Music]
17692s [Music]
17694s thank you
17697s [Music]
17704s [Music]
17728s [Music]
17733s thank you
17738s [Music]
17750s [Music]
17780s [Music]
17788s foreign
17797s [Music]
17805s [Music]
17813s [Music]
17826s thank you
17832s thank you while these Cowboys have found
17834s themselves in the last chance
17837s Saloon
17839s still I die for the Houston Outlaws now
17841s as they let Esperanza slip away or
17843s rather have it rip from their hands and
17845s have them suplexed after the fact
17848s brutal stuff for near Atlanta rain still
17850s looking perfect Builder is the most
17853s impactful player in this game and it is
17855s not even close
17856s I mean Fielder has been unbelievable I
17859s know those biotic grenades are also then
17862s trying to deal with lip and stalker in
17865s your back line and making the Fearless
17867s is life uh hell I mean it has been a
17871s rough one for the Outlaws thus far
17875s no time for jokes here happy
17879s has a set jaw for this entire series
17882s he's played real like you know there's
17885s one player maybe you would worried about
17887s on the Outlaws even from the outside
17888s looking in like uh everybody else has
17891s been you know rockstars their whole
17893s career like happy has been up and down
17894s at times yeah I've been on some teams
17896s that have not been awesome but he has
17898s played great today I thought uh you know
17899s in the Tracer like maybe not the same
17901s impact as stalker but constantly able to
17903s hit those pulse bombs at the moments
17905s they need him to get picks he is uh I
17907s think
17908s you were to take one thing away here
17910s from The Outlaws is that like you know
17912s you you happy can play on that level and
17914s you know be a big time player in the
17916s finals
17917s and that's Amplified right in a match
17919s like this in front of a crowd like this
17922s when the rest of his team and some of
17923s their roles are floundering I mean look
17925s we have some players that are uh
17928s All-Stars in the regular season and then
17930s maybe uh you know come back down to
17932s normal a little bit when we get towards
17933s playoff time postseason uh seeing happy
17936s playing at this level here is a great
17938s sign
17940s versus the Houston Outlaws want to come
17943s around happy
17944s get their engine started here let's talk
17946s about the big boss I mean yeah I mean
17948s the bionic grenades coming back to
17950s normal right only about five oh okay
17952s yeah sure yeah really really uh yeah
17954s really converging to the mean here Matt
17956s I mean uh just think about his career as
17960s a whole right starts playing by remote
17963s at the opposite time zone right
17966s Paris uh going from there to Winter
17969s stage final there yeah going from there
17971s to being a a world champion then uh but
17974s it wasn't straight away on that Dallas
17976s team yeah true there was some real
17978s struggles and field had to fight through
17979s some medicine was kind of hostile to
17981s like other aficionados like by La Moira
17984s for example I even think after last year
17985s obviously people knew like Fielder and
17987s Chio were good but I think there were
17989s some people who were like oh Dallas will
17991s be fine like without them right like uh
17993s you know they're I was like those types
17995s of supports out there uh in to see them
17998s come to Atlanta and be so stand out and
18003s so dominant uh it just shows like how
18006s important they were last year to the
18007s Dallas team and then how uh you know
18010s essential they can be to a championship
18011s team now moving forward
18013s on either side of the stage
18015s the remnants of that incredible team
18018s on the left
18020s the heart it's Fearless on the right
18023s it's the soul Jake's probably got it a
18025s little bit of a summoning Circle in the
18027s background that Outlaws Jersey he used
18029s China he's dressed for the part man yeah
18032s maybe maybe they put him on the jet
18033s they'll bring him in it's an honorary
18036s sub here but uh Antarctic Peninsula uh
18039s you you picked this because I mean you
18041s mentioned it this is probably the
18044s the map in the control pool that you
18046s feel like Rush kind of fits the best in
18049s of course like most of the points right
18051s like there there are some let's say you
18053s would have picked like Nepal here or
18055s maybe even like at least this Tower
18056s could have been an option right yeah
18058s I think that's really where you can
18060s start to you know put Fearless back in
18063s that position
18064s where he's the focal point uh Atlanta
18067s Atlanta's not going to play The Rush
18068s right you would have saw them bring in
18070s pop
18071s uh if they were to do so right dong ax
18074s stays in the game so it it feels like
18077s that
18079s they know that maybe the Outlaws want to
18081s do that they don't particularly care uh
18083s they're going to go in play when they've
18086s been great at the entire series
18088s well the stage is set everybody
18091s and the Atlanta Arena locked and loaded
18093s with the knowledge they are one map away
18097s from mid-season Madness champions
18101s here we go sub-level it is
18104s and not just winning the mid-season
18106s Madness but I think just sending a large
18108s message to the rest of the league
18111s um if you guys want a championship at
18113s the end of the year you got a few months
18116s to level up don't quite fit in a tweet
18119s yeah because because we're coming right
18121s I mean there's there's also going to be
18123s no slowdown with this Atlanta roster so
18125s you should have to play Dive here
18127s generally accepted definitely
18130s the cops that they have to come out with
18132s them gets to do what he does needs a bit
18134s of healing right now so drops the bubble
18136s belated to be fairies if I hold on to
18138s that for quite some time
18139s first phyllis's bubble almost like kind
18142s of Trapped him in right where Fielder
18143s couldn't get that line of sight so
18145s obviously we'll take our Doncaster means
18147s that he also can't initiate while he's
18148s sitting under that
18149s another foreign
18155s yeah the thing is is like when we see
18157s Atlantic get a player week or a buyout
18159s it seems like everybody collapses on
18162s them so fast it's determining I mean
18165s remember even on uh on ilios in map one
18168s right Fearless is going to try and Chase
18169s donk when he gets low and nobody else
18171s there to finish it off Atlanta it seems
18173s like if they get a player weak everybody
18175s is converging on them within seconds uh
18177s there is just no hesitation
18180s so the word team plays throwing around a
18182s lot bandied I'd say around pretty
18184s commonly without context always but I
18187s think that's one way in which like that
18188s team play Edge is really being displayed
18190s here by the Atlanta rain here's an EMP
18192s shoe under extreme duress is having to
18194s get out of the bubble it's impossible
18195s One Pilot though they shift the focus to
18197s the other support just in time they're
18198s stalker doubles back and he'll have both
18201s of them
18202s so we'll see though maybe the Outlaws
18204s looks like getting closer to a flip here
18207s is
18208s stalker forces Pelican out so you saw
18210s this tracer on the board
18214s yeah they are just nasty
18218s stalker with three in that fight what an
18220s opener again off the back of that lip
18222s EMP but everybody from the rain they're
18225s like moss on a rock they just turn up
18229s I think they're just desserts The
18231s Outlaws do there I'm sorry like
18234s Chinese buddy yeah
18240s just doesn't make any sense
18242s it's like a NBA meme welcome to the Guam
18246s tigers
18250s it's ridiculous talk about styling on
18252s your opponent's here all right fielder
18253s no sleep okay Pelican gets rid of him
18257s so the Outlaws now able to execute their
18259s game plan she hoping the next Target
18260s that rally goes for naught he's not
18263s having to keep his team standing there
18264s so that's the Silver Lining I guess for
18266s the Outlaws nearly get the point that's
18267s not really the biggest deal but getting
18268s that Brig ultimate out definitely helps
18270s things they're heading back into another
18272s EMP cycle
18274s and this will be the big one right can
18276s they live through here oh lip actually
18278s he sees the translocator the help oh
18284s I have a little respect perhaps slip sat
18288s there and watched him health
18289s steamrolled by happy
18291s you can't look at anything about right
18293s now he means business business hasn't
18295s been great though
18297s they need to be able to live through
18299s this next EMP that's going to come down
18300s that's gonna actually be the Nano there
18302s on a Geo to keep him alive and that
18303s seems like Enough For the Outlaws at
18304s least for the most part they start to
18306s uh but the rain are gonna go on the
18308s offensive here really fast yeah
18309s eventually the Outlaw's gonna be forced
18310s to fight for this whether they want to
18311s disengage or not but they do wait at
18314s that now so both of them later in
18315s support ultimates go for very little
18316s over the last couple of minutes
18318s it's what you're looking out for the
18320s later rain
18322s back
18323s in action long hack slept but it's
18325s inconsequential because stalker is
18327s running roughshod over the Outlaws I
18330s mean the EMP comes out from flip and
18332s happy is dead within seconds
18334s nobody able to make it back so but you
18338s do end up winning like that one fight
18340s which gives you that 44 to get the kill
18342s on a lip they have to wait a little bit
18344s but that is about it therefore the
18346s Outlaws early on is the lip gets at EMP
18350s they come on in right after that and it
18353s is game over
18354s I've had Second Chances third even the
18358s Outlaws
18359s no more lives left for these cats I'm
18362s interested how this plays out it looks
18363s like Houston is actually gonna go and
18365s play this for a mantra based composition
18367s uh when Atlanta sees this do they
18370s continue to just kind of play the dive
18372s can they executed it at a high level to
18374s make it work against this style or play
18377s ah
18379s because what can Atlanta moved to off of
18382s this right
18387s they may all be locked into this
18388s composition
18390s we'll see how it Stacks up against the
18391s Outlaws who are for their last desperate
18394s attempt
18395s switching to the rush
18398s Pelicans made pretty impactful so far
18400s tough to trap donkakia
18404s with anime wall you can just leap back
18405s over it
18407s The Meanwhile by time for lip and
18409s stalker to dissect the armors
18414s are coming from the opposite way ready
18416s to try and collapse but yellow's able to
18419s live on through that if somebody wants
18421s to stand his ground here Nemesis 4
18422s activated donkey does not want to tangle
18424s with those hands he's having to get away
18426s again a second time he got bio just
18428s before he's able to walk away from that
18430s this time the Outlaws try and collapse
18432s on him he's able to get away once more
18433s they do have to give up the point
18434s Atlanta and now they need to be careful
18436s how they approach it's a piecemeal
18438s execution but stalker brings Pelican
18440s down
18444s so there it is yeah I mean a few players
18446s get weak there for the Outlaws and it
18448s does not happen as fast but you know
18450s some shots from stalker from behind on
18452s the supports everybody else trying to
18454s play for the point they get a hack on
18456s the Pelican he starts to get low you
18458s double pack finish him off and Things
18460s Fall Apart so let's see how the Outlaws
18462s play this you know when you don't have
18464s Point control right trying to like run
18465s in because I think this is where the
18467s rain can really make this work well this
18469s is where lib can guarantee they're gonna
18470s walk right into his range
18473s need a feather touch the Reign to deal
18475s with this
18476s location somebody got his translocator
18479s right before that
18480s be perhaps
18482s the one making that happen so we are
18484s gonna invest though don't hack yes and
18486s that oh fighting is time for now but
18488s eventually that Hellfire is gonna run
18489s dry he's hacks from The High Ground or
18491s at least he's having
18492s stalker another pulse form on violent
18495s finally had the rally going as well he's
18498s the EMP from The Outlaws but people
18500s it comes in seconds feeling stuck inside
18506s the Bliss in the Atlanta right 55
18508s accounting here
18510s they bring the dive copy and they say
18512s we're committed to this we're locked in
18513s in for a penny in for a pound dog hack
18516s lead the way they're doubling down on it
18518s now right because violin is going to
18520s play the Lucio you're gonna have shoe
18522s play Moira and get a Reaper in the mix
18524s uh so this this is like as Rush as you
18528s can get trying to play against Atlanta
18530s Fire Knight on Fearless he's gonna push
18531s ahead anyway they're running out of
18533s March and it's violent courts
18536s where is Sue gonna go here he might have
18539s played available Fearless at least gets
18541s an Annihilation kill but the wheels are
18543s falling off the bus dog hack finally
18545s finds that Moira felis has to back away
18547s the Outlaws are running out of time to
18549s even contest and I mean that was your
18551s Annihilation right there right Pelican
18553s now goes over to Tracer probably just to
18555s get a touch and this is just such a
18558s desperate moment to your stalker with
18559s the pulse bomb could put it away happy
18562s has to reveal himself immediately cops a
18564s shield Bash from Chio the wrecking ball
18566s swap Pelican touches here able to recall
18568s away
18569s how quickly can feel us get here back on
18571s the wrecking ball what a classic
18572s throwback will it be enough stalker's
18576s pulse ready to deliver the flight away
18579s from it that would avoid certain death
18580s but he still gets brought down stalker
18582s is inevitable Violet trying to
18584s desperately skate away but that's
18585s another one for the young Prodigy
18587s there's nothing you can't do in the
18589s Atlanta rain are here to bring the house
18591s down Pelican desperate trying to back
18593s away
18595s but bringing the West Wind to Seoul he
18598s land right all the way to the throne the
18601s one that was promised to them in the
18603s championship
18604s your mid-season Madness victus
18610s I mean they just made her look easy
18612s there towards the end the Outlaws try to
18615s make anything happen uh they're bringing
18618s in the reaper there uh trying to play
18621s any style of rush to make an impact and
18624s it did not matter the range is able to
18628s deal with them
18629s rather easily and I I think they just
18632s prove I mean
18633s we knew there were levels right and we
18636s knew you know maybe some tier breaks uh
18639s when you look at kind of where the power
18640s rankings are at
18642s maybe a bigger one between these teams
18645s team thought
18646s the poignant moment there as well as
18648s Fearless congratulates
18650s former teammates
18654s the Atlanta rain cool Karma collector we
18656s saw Chio take a deep breath before that
18658s last round he knew they were on the
18660s precipice the precipice of Victory
18664s the precipice
18666s for this franchise and now the president
18671s get that Trophy up there Atlanta raid
18672s your mid-season Madness champions
18676s so I know Park obviously only plays one
18680s map uh in this set but he's been really
18682s strong and they have to play Diva or
18684s Mantra based comps uh it seems like
18686s gator kind of has this team so you know
18689s well coordinated they're all on the same
18691s page they're able to just collapse so
18694s fast with these Dives just nobody uh on
18697s the same level as Atlanta Reign Hawk
18700s came so close to hoisting a trophy of
18703s his own
18704s they fell to the Shanghai dragons in
18706s that unfortunately Grand Final couple
18707s years ago finally
18710s his time has come it's not the big one
18713s but it's big enough for now yeah now you
18715s see uh vigilante get a chance there a
18718s Hoist the trophy
18720s you know what it is though it's funny
18722s they seem happy but they also seem like
18724s they expected this right sometimes you
18727s see a team win and they they hop up
18729s everybody is just you know a sigh of
18732s relief you see how much this means to
18733s vigilante it's uh somebody you know uh
18737s he comes it's been a long time it's been
18738s a long road really get a title is huge
18741s but you also see that this team I think
18743s answer finds it on the the whole the
18746s whole Champion oh yeah the year-long
18748s championship this one's nice it feels
18750s good but this is a team man they feel
18753s like they are just a large Cut Above the
18756s Rest and that this is just going to be a
18759s footnote in the story of a tremendous
18761s season
18762s so much trust put in data to build this
18766s roster up yeah you know he came across
18768s live by chance he didn't even know if he
18770s had to bring him onto the team he just
18772s asked and apparently
18774s there was a pathway to printing
18777s this ridiculous Elite
18779s level player under the roster
18782s and now as Studio pointed out I don't
18784s think he's a franchise we have a
18785s positive win record yet but the fortunes
18788s of the Atlanta Reign have truly been
18790s reversed and the sky isn't even the
18793s limit
18794s no I mean you you look across the board
18797s we think the Outlaws are the closest
18800s thing to this Atlanta rain roster and
18802s Atlanta you know pretty much
18805s from start to finish right just a
18807s shambali monastery they fall short the
18809s rush looks really good for Houston there
18810s I also think you know he had lip kind of
18812s playing that uh Soldier for a while but
18815s man I'll say to that if it's not close a
18817s pleasure is always lazy Devon to bring
18818s the coverage of the mid-season match to
18820s you for myself and Matt thank you as
18823s always for your support and for your
18824s eyes and ears we're heading out down to
18826s the arena suck up some atmosphere here
18828s with Sean Miller
18830s foreign
18833s mid-season Madness winners
18838s thank you let's hear it for your 2023
18841s owl mid-season Madness Champions the
18844s Atlanta Ray
18845s [Music]
18847s [Applause]
18860s [Music]
18869s oh thank you to everyone who made this
18872s event possible the staff the teams the
18875s players and of course most importantly
18877s all of you thank you
18890s I just have a couple of things to say
18892s first Atlanta
18898s foreign
18904s [Music]
18916s [Music]
18931s [Music]
18937s together
18940s [Music]
18942s [Applause]
18945s [Music]
18950s [Applause]
18952s [Music]
18957s [Applause]
18975s [Music]
18978s okay
18986s [Music]
18990s obviously
18992s a couple of these are laying around guys
18993s have been here before on this kind of
18995s stage but now to soak up this kind of
18997s victory cheer and fildo saying I feel us
19001s I knew that
19004s they were on a trajectory for greatness
19006s I was trying to figure out why Sean said
19007s and Danny said he's gonna take the whole
19008s crowd out to dinner he's gonna get over
19010s here oh really yeah take us out the door
19012s hit me up don't hugs was there ever a
19015s player that have
19017s um been undefeated on his debut season
19020s and won a tournament
19022s foreign
19052s the people
19053s weren't Blown Away by the pickup at
19055s first they didn't know they weren't
19056s familiar with his game so to speak yeah
19059s but it's clear to see that you know
19061s alongside Hawks
19068s this guy's a real deal
19079s because
19082s [Music]
19088s would you RC back there been with the
19091s rain for a while many many was there any
19094s um pressure coming into the match
19096s because you were uh playing with such
19099s high profile players and don't like
19101s answered
19102s um no because rather than pressure it
19105s was more of a relief because mostly uh
19108s even when I wasn't doing that well uh
19111s our teammates carried for me so more
19114s than more than pressure it was more of a
19115s relief
19116s yeah
19119s it's uh yeah I mean uh
19122s he Stakes I mean he played pretty
19124s awesome he was by far the cleaner tank
19126s species Winston play
19129s [Music]
19130s it was hard to bring down hard to
19132s disrupt so uh you're the youngest member
19135s of the team uh who do you uh who do you
19137s want to think the most uh because taking
19140s care of you and also in-game in the
19142s outside game
19143s uh definitely uh taehan
19146s [Music]
19150s I spent a lot of time giving Katie
19151s credit I heard him in the internet yeah
19153s they do uh which we haven't really heard
19155s a lot from Gator this season and when
19157s Gator is a player we heard a lot from
19158s him yeah he's been working he's got no
19160s time to be I mean he tweets a Belichick
19161s GIF here and there you know what I mean
19163s still got some banter but he's been hard
19165s at work and the stash is looking good
19168s well groomed
19174s oh
19175s hello
19187s so um since you've already have
19189s experienced uh winning a tournament
19191s before you seem really really calm
19194s um are you actually really calm uh no
19197s I'm just trying to act like I'm it
19200s [Music]
19205s foreign
19221s [Music]
19241s thank you
19244s okay so we definitely have to talk about
19246s Fielder
19247s um you guys were really really great uh
19249s do you have like a message to uh Fielder
19252s and she answered hey thanks for you know
19255s taking care of like a US main support
19258s like me but hey I want to be called
19261s geofielder instead of Fielder Chio
19276s [Music]
19285s so um
19287s what do you think
19289s you think I'm sorry I was didn't hear
19291s the question correctly but
19296s [Music]
19298s zombies so uh there are there are words
19302s that you are at your best right now so
19305s what do you think about that and I
19307s definitely think I am
19312s [Music]
19314s foreign
19323s [Music]
19343s [Music]
19347s thank you
19348s so I heard on the interview a prior
19351s interview that uh being guaranteed play
19353s time is a good great motivation for you
19356s and any comments on that and stalker
19360s answered uh definitely getting more play
19363s time is it feels more like I'm actually
19366s a Pro Gamer and last year when I didn't
19368s have as much play time it was a little
19370s bit disappointing but this year it's
19373s just great
19375s foreign
19378s [Music]
19394s foreign
19410s [Laughter]
19426s foreign
19447s there's a lot of words uh there's a lot
19449s of discussions about uh if you want to
19451s beat the Atlanta end you have to go
19453s through Fielder first uh you are
19455s definitely mentioned as one of the best
19456s honors in the world do you think you are
19458s the Persona in the world yes foreign
19471s [Music]
19497s oh
19499s song
19505s happy for money
19516s so starting with the previous question
19518s what makes your honor so special feel
19520s the answer that being able to save my uh
19523s I have a better ability to save my
19525s teammates rather than being aggressive
19527s and also his message to Chio is that uh
19532s I do lack a little bit of aggression
19533s Chio fills that in for me thank you for
19536s being my partner and thank you
19539s okay
19552s how do you feel about your first win
19554s it feels amazing uh last year I had a
19558s really devastating loss to Mrs Madness
19559s and now a year later
19562s um feels good just finally feels good to
19565s win finally feels good to win you know I
19567s played pretty bad today I lost my map
19568s much on a little sad about it's still uh
19572s it's still okay because we won
19574s foreign
19587s [Music]
19593s [Laughter]
19606s the entire time I I can only assume that
19610s you have very special feelings about the
19612s Atlanta rain can you can uh comment on
19614s that
19615s um they committed onto me or I've been
19617s part of the org for four and a half
19620s years since late 2018 and
19622s um since Atlanta Academy has been with
19625s the same people
19626s um they put a lot of faith me back there
19628s they put a lot of faith in me back now
19630s and developed a lot of different rosters
19631s and um
19634s they just
19635s everyone's supported me and they trust
19638s me they uh
19640s and I don't know it's just yeah I just
19643s it feels great I don't know it is
19667s [Music]
19673s [Applause]
19674s put me on
19681s [Laughter]
19683s um
19697s [Music]
19709s [Music]
19714s thank you
19716s foreign
19734s well yesterday against the Outlaws was
19736s my first uh the first time playing in a
19740s while uh I didn't play as well as I
19743s wanted to as I expected to and also even
19745s today I did play new Queen Street but uh
19748s I could have shown more there's
19750s definitely some disappointment and uh
19752s things that I can reprove one but right
19755s now more than that I just feel more
19757s happy that our team won and that's more
19759s important
19760s everyone
19762s is a
19764s business
19775s yeah yeah
19778s okay we still have half of the league
19780s left so what are your what's your
19783s resolution coming into the latter half
19784s of the season
19786s um whenever I do come out on the match I
19788s will at least
19790s break five teams down
19802s again
19821s thank you
19824s so live you win tournaments you win
19827s trophies wherever you go do you think
19829s that you are actually kind of bringing
19831s the trophy with you everywhere uh yeah
19833s okay
19839s [Music]
19844s um
19862s [Music]
19863s so uh what's your secret to being
19866s undefeated and
19868s um they've answered that although like
19872s even though if we were doing really well
19873s in scrims and practice uh we still
19875s thought we still found things to improve
19877s on and we wanted to be even more ahead
19881s even though we were already ahead of the
19882s other pack so I think that's one of the
19885s reasons that we're so ahead of the other
19887s teams
19921s so like lip you are a Sombra itself so
19925s uh by coming into the latter half of the
19928s tournament what's your uh goals and lip
19931s answered uh I was I was playing really
19934s well last season but still I wasn't able
19936s to win win it all last season this
19939s season just not only the mid season
19941s Madness I want to do even better and win
19943s all the way to the Grand finals foreign
19971s so of course the players this one's
19973s going to be really special to the
19974s players but I can only imagine that this
19977s is so special to you as well
19979s um how do you like what what does
19981s winning this mid-season Madness mean to
19983s you
19984s um I lost my voice so
19987s um it means a lot uh I've been on a team
19990s since the beginning and this is the
19993s first um tournament where I'm Anna on
19996s the roster so I'm not sure what you
19998s think about that one right so
20000s um I'm really
20002s um it means more than anything uh I
20005s literally feel like this has been like a
20007s five-year project and it's just like
20009s it's um this is like the finally the
20012s right one you know
20014s foreign
20031s [Music]
20052s so a lot of fans are cheering for the
20055s Atlanta rain do you have any messages to
20057s them
20058s um taller fans
20060s we try unbelievably hard every single
20063s day and we really appreciate all the
20065s support and they will not stop here
20071s [Applause]
20072s um
20090s foreign
20133s [Applause]
20138s OverWatch League
20140s South Korea
20142s it's always been something very special
20144s relationship between those two things
20145s and seeing the crowd turn up here more
20148s than just the proof of concept A
20150s Homecoming for our great
20152s game Matt it's going to put it five
20155s years Blood Sweat tears bit of
20157s disappointment
20159s sweet victory yeah hopefully hopefully a
20162s little bit of honey and lemon on the
20163s side
20164s it's funny try and try and uh you know
20166s wax poetic a little bit the map tries it
20169s with kneading tea
20170s six years of this
20171s hasn't changed
20174s that's you don't like change rats that's
20177s fine uh if you like it all by the moment
20180s kind of here from him speak though uh
20184s like this is not the end for the Atlanta
20187s ring right this is a you know nice to
20190s have in a goal of be dominance from
20193s start to finish in the season and right
20195s now they're on a trajectory that uh that
20198s looks very much like it'll be the case
20199s right the Houston Outlaws we thought
20201s that they would give them the toughest
20203s fight out of anybody uh they did the
20206s other day today it was not that close
20208s and you look across the landscape of the
20211s league and you gotta Wonder like who is
20212s gonna challenge this team
20214s the arm they talk about how they work
20216s very hard every day I mean we believe it
20218s something really struck me was that we
20220s knew that we were ahead but that wasn't
20221s remotely enough
20223s the Atlanta rain of course your 2023
20226s mid-season Madness Champions winning it
20229s by basically a landslide really timing
20232s up uh in that I guess rematch against
20234s the Houston Outlaws beautiful moment
20238s let's talk about our player of the match
20239s here it's unanimous it's been decided
20241s filled up player of the match but he was
20244s tremendous right like we talked about it
20246s like it all series long the biotic
20249s grenades it was a real Difference Maker
20251s you saw it in the stats uh you saw it
20253s just by watching them play I mean look
20255s at this just right to that back corner
20258s already in the mix and that just seals
20262s the deal on some of those kills is it
20265s was a huge difference maker today uh
20267s really you know when you kind of looked
20270s across like I actually thought like
20272s shoot played pretty well and they
20273s actually did a nice job trying to keep
20274s them alive for a period of time but just
20276s those bio grenades are just a huge
20278s difference generally accepted that honor
20280s is just a must-have in these
20282s compositions but Fielder going above and
20285s beyond having an outsized impact over
20287s every single map that he played in doing
20290s that I mean 50 minutes played right on
20292s on the honor to have you know almost
20294s seven bionic grenade kills uh I mean
20297s that is that is insane stuff there from
20300s Fielder obviously all the other stats
20302s really strong as well what a game what a
20305s team the Atlanta rain have done it but
20308s they're far from done here that's right
20309s still half a season to go and on that
20312s note again it's been a pleasure of
20313s myself until I see Matt Morello here to
20314s take you through a journey of a match
20317s and a tournament and after the
20319s mid-season break we'll pick it right
20320s back up for now good night we're gonna
20321s head over to the desk break down an
20324s incredible performance from a fantastic
20326s team
20329s thank you both so much yeah we're back
20332s here for watch point to you know put a
20335s button on uh all that is the mid-season
20338s and Madness what a dominant performance
20340s we just got to witness from the Atlanta
20342s range surely we did hope for a closer
20344s match in fact we hope for the game we
20346s saw yesterday to happen for the Grand
20348s Final but honestly Atlanta rain Nature's
20350s looked like they downloaded everything
20353s the outside the Houston Outlaws did just
20356s yesterday and and they rocked up with so
20358s much confidence and so much dominance uh
20361s any quick reactions to that match and
20363s disappointments maybe regrets anything
20367s Jake anything no it's okay they don't
20369s they don't pay me to care anymore
20371s I'm just happy that that we we saw such
20374s incredible play out of the Atlanta rain
20376s I think they deserve this Championship
20377s as much as I was you know wanting the
20380s Outlaws to give them a challenge and and
20381s make this a great grand final
20383s so far this meta I just think the
20385s Atlanta rain were Untouchable we heard
20387s it that they're in their mindset I think
20388s that's exactly what you want in a
20390s professional team right even though
20391s they're on top even though they're the
20393s best team in the league they're still
20394s pushing to innovate and that's a very
20396s difficult thing to do it's just really
20397s impressive mindset coming out from the
20399s Atlanta rain that's why they're the
20400s champion today
20401s yeah I echoed that as well I mean just
20403s pushing the boundaries when you're
20404s already the best team in the world it's
20405s ridiculously hard I'm really happy for
20408s these guys Fielder at this point now
20410s just been dominant for so long starting
20412s out on Paris Eternal in 2020 winning
20414s that stage of course Dallas fuel in 21
20416s uh 22 I mean he's been competing in so
20419s many playoff games right now in so many
20421s stages right and this is you know
20423s arguably his you know best moment in
20426s this uh mid-season Madness right now so
20428s Fielder he has a full career of stage
20431s experience and play of experience but
20433s this was his best match yet there was a
20435s spectacular to see yeah Fielder chill
20436s also stalker as well he put an
20439s incredible show today I think every
20441s curveball that Houston Outlaws through
20443s today they just Atlanta Rangers had the
20445s answers to everything they would
20446s definitely deserve to be Crown the
20448s champions for this tournament yeah but
20450s Outlaws of course still a tremendous
20453s performance they showed here in the
20455s mid-season Madness making it all the way
20457s to that final showing us a lot of great
20459s looks and uh it should be be giving
20461s every Outlaws fan a lot of Hope for the
20463s rest of the season I mean they are
20465s undoubtedly the second best team we have
20468s in the league with the rain spearheading
20470s it and so far not many teams have come
20473s close to really take down either of the
20475s two and they thought it out for not just
20478s of course the honor of the mid-season
20480s Madness matlabs title which is not a
20482s real thing but we make it up to be
20484s mad libs the Madlibs
20489s oh that I know that actually sounds as
20492s good as I thought it was by the way the
20494s title it doesn't matter because they get
20497s the cash to back it up and that's what's
20499s really important they will be walking
20500s away with 500 000 US Dollars and of
20504s course the advance the huge snap was
20506s excuse me will be awarded with 200 000
20509s and uh yeah that's not it's not a little
20512s amount of cash to just be taking home in
20516s the middle of the season they didn't
20517s have these prize pools when I was a
20518s gaming I'll tell you that that's also
20520s like a long time oh it's a long time ago
20522s half a million dollars grown is
20524s experience what would you guys do with
20525s half a million dollars what would I give
20526s it to you right now you don't you don't
20527s want to know what what I would have a
20530s million dollars
20532s leave it up for interpretation even
20534s better well I'm obviously saving it up
20537s from my daughter sorry retirement sure
20539s college funds foreign
20543s uh you know I buy lead tokens my more
20546s skin more
20549s that's a lot by tokens for everybody
20552s [Applause]
20555s drinks on me rest of it I'm keeping it
20557s for myself
20562s I'm very I'm a generous guy okay nice
20566s unfortunately you guys didn't make the
20568s money so we'll never know what they
20569s actually will be doing with it uh of
20571s course one thing I want to mention is
20573s that not only did the teams fight for
20575s something worth fighting for no everyone
20577s in the back end of the show was also
20580s fighting it out in their brackets yeah
20584s the real jobs
20586s from our production they have a
20589s challenge going on ever since day one
20591s and
20593s um
20594s yeah that's them you see the belt it's a
20597s championship belt after day one they
20599s were actually just only two perfect
20601s brackets left out of thousands and one
20604s of them belonged to our tape operator
20606s Neil Neil I know what a ghost what an
20609s actual goat uh so uh he uh two times
20614s yeah this is the second time he's taking
20617s that makeshift belt he's gonna load it
20619s over there what a guy well uh as I said
20622s the second time so congratulations uh
20624s there is another celebration of course
20625s also for our crew our producer Nathan is
20628s actually set to get married next weekend
20631s so congratulations
20633s [Applause]
20636s and Sophia we wish you all the best for
20638s many many years to come now gentlemen
20641s this is it this was the mid-season
20643s Madness of course there is more to come
20646s in the season but I still want to get
20648s your final thoughts to wrap it all up
20650s final thoughts on the missing medicine
20658s there we go wow wow I uh wow thank you
20663s Danny um I look I think I think this
20666s really sets up the second half of the
20668s season in a really good way for the
20670s Houston Outlaws I mean there are
20672s tournaments that I played in that I
20673s think back and I'm like oh that was
20675s really winnable like how did it I win
20676s that tournament this one for the Houston
20678s Outlaws I think they'll accept the
20680s Atlanta rain we're just so dominant in
20681s this one this is what what's Atlanta
20683s Reigns tournament to win they are the
20684s best team in the world but it sets up
20686s the second half of the season because
20687s now we know the Atlanta rain they are
20689s you know at the very top undoubtedly the
20692s top team in the world are they going to
20694s continue that dominance is there anyone
20696s going to challenge him for that title
20697s right so I'm looking forward to seeing
20699s the second half of the Season can anyone
20700s bring it to the Atlanta rain or are they
20702s just gonna Coast to a championship
20704s yeah you know I have to credit Atlanta
20706s rain I think this the somber Tracer meta
20709s is just terrifying to play against them
20711s um I think players like chew one field
20712s could potentially be even more
20714s threatening when you put them on Lucio
20716s comms I think that's where Chio shines
20718s even brighter than on the Break
20720s um so honestly it's a scary team to look
20721s at I think if you are other teams trying
20724s to take shots at Atlanta rain trying to
20725s find that cracking armor you're hoping I
20727s think four metas that that bring out
20729s Hawk and vigilante because I think we
20731s know like not that they're weak players
20733s but that this roster of five with dong
20735s hack in I mean they're Unstoppable in
20737s these dive comps so I think for other
20739s teams for Houston Outlaws and and you
20741s know the other like teams sort of trying
20743s to make it on this top level who even
20745s think they can compete they're they're
20746s they've got to find a way I think to get
20748s Atlanta out of this comfort zone so
20749s hopefully new patches come I think the
20751s other teams are hoping for that to to
20753s have a chance because I think if this is
20754s another song for Tracer meta again like
20756s you said Johnny like for the Outlaws you
20758s know I don't think you can be too
20759s disappointed like we made these mistakes
20761s we should have we should have won it's
20763s like all right Atlanta is just the best
20764s team in the world at the steam comp
20766s they're just so insane so clean at every
20768s single level yeah thus far with the
20771s performances that have been showing us
20772s Atlanta and definitely put a Target on
20774s their back for the rest of the season
20776s can they remain that dominant Juggernaut
20779s or will another team take advantage of a
20782s potential meta shake up later on in the
20784s season well we will find out soon for
20787s now we are taking a break for the
20789s OverWatch league for a few weeks of
20791s course if you are missing competitive
20793s action don't worry about it we still got
20794s calling all heroes we still got
20796s OverWatch World Cup plenty of OverWatch
20798s action to come so make sure to follow
20800s all of that and more and we will be back
20802s with the OverWatch League second half of
20805s this season on July 13th thank you so
20807s much for watching and have a good night
20809s see you then thank you everybody
20818s [Music]
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20841s [Music]
20844s foreign
20844s [Music]
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20871s [Music]
20877s [Music]
20911s [Music]
20914s foreign
20924s [Music]
20933s [Music]
20943s [Music]
20954s [Music]
20964s [Music]
20985s [Music]
20991s [Music]
21004s foreign
21028s [Music]
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21067s [Music]
21072s foreign
21078s [Music]
21079s foreign