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973s thank you
980s welcome everyone to OverWatch World Cup
981s uh group a of APAC here my name is G
984s clef and hey unknown hey how are you how
987s are you doing this is our second to our
989s last day of group a it's exciting and
993s some sad moments for some teams already
995s but there's still chances for a lot of
998s other teams and this is going to be I
999s think a lot of decisions a lot of uh
1002s conclusions might actually be happening
1003s today yeah so like you said G clef group
1006s a is starting to form a little bit
1009s towards the results and at the end we
1011s have already two teams Indonesia and
1013s Philippines knocked out for the
1015s qualifications for the next stage of the
1016s tournament while two teams South Korea
1019s and Japan already clinching those
1021s qualification spots for the next stage
1023s we have two teams remaining for that
1025s remaining one spot and
1028s maybe that or third place spot might be
1031s decided today yeah there's a chance
1033s there's a chance that if According to
1036s some conditions that uh I'll know it's
1039s going to tell you later of course uh we
1041s might have to extend that to the last
1043s day which is of course can be the most
1045s exciting day of course there are a lot
1047s of exciting matches left still and
1049s today's result might inflict that might
1051s not actually so depending on those
1053s results we'll have and we do have all
1055s six teams playing today and tomorrow so
1057s packed action for OverWatch World Cup
1059s APAC region here as some of the other
1062s Regions they're coming to a result of
1064s course uh for our side APAC uh group a
1067s we do have uh we do have to mention that
1070s we do have a lot of teams uh that has
1071s some a power differential we do have in
1074s fact which was uh in fact affecting them
1077s a lot we have South Korea Japan Hong
1079s Kong who seems to be the top three for
1081s now but it's not secured so I think I
1084s guess by the end of today we will have
1086s that ready for you yeah so just kind of
1089s giving you a preview Korea and Japan do
1091s look like the killer click clear clear
1093s strongest teams in the group while Hong
1096s Kong um they did look very very strong
1098s in week one a little less so a little
1101s bit more Mortal towards week two however
1103s they still look like they are going to
1104s be the favorites for that third place
1106s spot however uh Chinese Taipei is still
1109s surviving they're still their fate is
1111s still undecided and they have it in
1113s their hands because G clef the last day
1116s of the qualifiers they go against Hong
1118s Kong
1119s that's going to be the thing as we have
1122s very important matches left in our final
1124s two days but before we jump into the
1127s matches and the schedule that's left in
1128s the standings just going back to our
1130s overview here we have our top three
1133s teams our APAC group a we'll be adencing
1136s into the group stage uh so we're all the
1139s all the way here for week one and two to
1141s find those three teams who that's going
1143s to be at the end of tomorrow and of
1146s course we do have a pack uh APAC B I was
1150s looking for the top two out of the six
1152s yeah we see the same ABR same and one
1155s team from China Mainland we'll make it
1157s into that group stage and of course
1158s already we built yesterday that the
1160s final stage is going to be at BlizzCon
1162s it's gonna be extremely extremely hype
1165s and again we've mentioned this yesterday
1167s but it's going to be a refreshed
1170s motivation for the players that are also
1172s playing in this tournament because a lot
1174s of these players have been growing up
1175s watching their favorite players play on
1178s BlizzCon On Lan and a lot of these
1180s players actually they have been debuting
1182s and the online era where a lot of the
1185s ornaments have went on online because of
1188s the pandemic well South Korea had a lot
1190s of those trophies but the latest trophy
1192s well oh USA yeah this is notable this is
1197s notable to mentioned that South Koreans
1200s are not South Korea as strong as they
1202s look right now are not the defending
1203s champions of the tournament they want a
1205s Redemption Arc they want to get that
1207s trophy back 100 so like you said the USA
1210s is the current defending champions for
1212s the previous World Cup which was the
1214s last word for it was 2019 and South
1217s Korea is coming with vengeance to take
1220s that back and
1222s so far undefeated
1225s few points away uh for Punk is against
1228s Hong Kong only but no other team seems
1231s to be close to South Korea at least for
1232s the qualifiers maybe it'll be different
1234s than on the group stage but of course
1236s they're basically guaranteed to go off
1238s the Japan and South Korea with a 3-0
1240s plus six and that big match is actually
1242s happening tomorrow the final match of
1245s tomorrow so make sure you guys don't
1246s miss that but today's schedule will have
1249s we will be starting off kicking things
1250s off with Indonesia versus South Korea
1252s and second match will be Chinese Taipei
1254s versus Philippines and the third match
1255s wow Japan versus Hong Kong that could
1258s potentially be like a third place
1260s decider match basically exactly so to
1263s give you a little bit of more I guess
1265s detailed Insight here so a lot of So
1268s Korea and Japan are already qualified
1270s Indonesia Philippines already knocked
1272s out so the undecided teams are Hong Kong
1274s and Taipei and they both play today and
1276s tomorrow so if Taipei if Chinese Taipei
1279s and Hong Kong both win today
1281s then it goes to tomorrow's match Chinese
1284s Taipei must win against Hong Kong for
1287s the chance for map differentials number
1289s two if Chinese Taipei lose and Hong Kong
1291s wins today regardless of tomorrow's
1294s results Hong Kong will qualify as the
1296s third seed today and third possibility
1300s is that if Chinese Taipei wins and Hong
1303s Kong loses today winner of the Hong Kong
1306s vs Taipei qualifiers qualifies
1308s regardless of map differentials okay and
1311s last if Chinese Taipei in Hong Kong both
1315s lose today Chinese Taipei must win
1318s against Hong Kong tomorrow for the
1320s chance to go to the to go all the way to
1323s map potentials yeah thanks for breaking
1324s down uh bringing that down for us
1326s because yeah a lot of uh for Japan and
1329s South Korea because they already have
1331s three wins they're guaranteed that it
1333s looks like right now for APAC group AIDS
1336s about the fight for the third place spot
1338s so those are going to be all the stats
1341s for you guys that are known as prepare
1343s for us but for our first match Indonesia
1347s oh they lost a lot of matches already
1349s and they're up against the strongest
1350s opponent the mountain the immovable
1353s object whatever you would call it and
1355s Indonesia honestly they were having a
1359s lot a lot of trouble uh in every single
1361s map
1362s uh even Speedy 75 who thought was one of
1366s the better tracers in the in group a
1368s here I was having a lot of trouble
1370s because the back line was just not
1371s supporting him at the moment I was
1373s actually losing that Tracer duel to Hope
1376s yeah hope which was a big surprise we
1379s thought it was the other it was going to
1380s be the other way but now they're they
1382s have to fight against lip and Sparkle oh
1384s oh let me correct myself I think it was
1386s snow and hope uh I think hope and uh
1388s yeah they changed a little yeah they
1390s both played a little bit of Tracer but
1391s like the points still stands Jay clef
1393s thank you for mentioning that out
1394s because they are going against left hand
1396s Sparkle yes lip and Sparkle have been
1398s kind of Rose popping a little bit why is
1400s that Genji on Sparkle I thought let's
1402s play smart oh Genji now whoa okay maybe
1406s they're a little late on the trend
1407s however
1408s um like like you said G clef they are
1411s they are roll swapping and they're still
1412s winning so it really is interesting to
1415s see how they will fare against the best
1417s talents of the OverWatch league in the
1420s form of Team Korea and also one I want
1422s to mention out today is that Indonesia
1424s is having a little bit of a curveball
1425s because you see uh GC is starting today
1428s instead of Zekrom Zekrom was struggling
1430s a little bit on the past three matches
1432s and the qualifiers they'll be getting a
1434s lot of isolated kills and we've been
1437s talking about how ended how those
1438s isolated kills led to Indonesia not
1440s being able to have even a full team
1443s fight because they were losing members
1444s before they they can even start the team
1446s fight yeah there were moments where
1448s zakrom's Winston was not able to survive
1450s for too much of a time of course the
1452s projector can save you for a few seconds
1454s but once you're out of it once your
1456s support's not supporting you you're not
1457s going to win and also he was ascending
1459s with Winston even if uh even if his
1461s entire team actually changed into some
1463s different comp if uh Jungle Queen was
1466s available or even a diva could have been
1469s an option but it seemed like hero pole
1470s issue was all almost also there so we'll
1473s see if a GC can actually turn things
1475s around a little bit as it will be going
1478s against a Fearless
1480s uh that's one good Winston that we know
1483s well if I may say Fearless is one of the
1486s if not the best ones in the world
1488s currently so far it will be a immense
1491s challenge to go against um Fearless
1493s Winston here oh I don't think Indonesia
1495s will be wanting to go to the mirror
1497s match up here because I don't I don't
1499s see a way I don't see a world where
1501s Indonesia will be to South Korea and the
1503s maramato and I think Indonesia knows it
1505s as well they are definitely expecting
1507s the ones to pick from Fearless because
1509s they are they are equipping they are
1512s equipped with a anti-winston composition
1514s here with the Jungle Queen and the
1516s reaper from the start so this means that
1519s like compositional wise Winston should
1522s have a hard time
1523s doesn't make sense
1525s it's totally from what you said unknown
1527s but South Korea double flag
1528s with the Winston double you had to see
1531s The Fearless how he spaces out the
1533s support line for Indonesia D I would be
1535s in trouble when those don't blink just
1537s comes around side but speed actually
1539s taking out lit first somber down
1545s this is going to be an early Point count
1547s for Indonesia Victoria thought it was
1549s okay to actually just Challenge from the
1551s side
1552s they have positioned themselves around
1554s those pillars well enough so they can
1556s actually defend pretty well so this is
1558s going to actually work Indonesia prepare
1561s really well and the first point is going
1563s to Indonesia so far so we can see that
1564s South Korea clearly of course I think
1567s they would have anticipated a little bit
1569s of anti-winson but I don't think they
1572s expected Indonesia to execute this well
1574s so they are making some swaps because
1576s they understand that the Winston
1578s composition is not going to work so
1579s freelance goes to the doofus and live
1588s all the way
1591s there's a rush from Indonesia they're
1592s keeping it up
1595s okay my mom's this chaos South Korea
1599s actually managed to flip the point so if
1602s they if there's an extended fight here
1603s it is going to be on the paper for South
1606s Korea olds used simultaneously on both
1609s sides but South Korea getting those
1612s kills first and it looks like it is
1614s going to be a reset for Indonesia
1618s again your lip just with the duplicate
1621s had that already as posses tried to do
1624s the same oh there was the sound barrier
1626s and the death plots at the same time
1628s from Indonesia I think they expected few
1630s more kills to be grabbed at that point
1631s must not forget they were nowhere nearby
1633s the doofus you can just run off easily
1635s tracer was off the side
1637s well South Korea knew exactly what was
1640s happening
1641s yeah so now this turn is going to be
1643s really interesting because it's a
1645s question of whether South Korea can pull
1647s the aggression before the GC gets that
1650s uh Rampage online and if Indonesia does
1654s able to survive the neutral play if
1655s we'll add until DC gets that Rampage
1659s then it's going to be the question of
1660s whether South Korea without those
1661s defensive abilities will be able to
1664s survive that but South Korea making the
1665s making the aggression first however
1667s Sparkle Falls
1669s trade kills on the favor of South Korea
1671s however it looks like this fight is
1673s going toward the favor of South Korea
1676s and Jesus look Jesus Rampage got
1678s canceled I think it's it must have been
1680s shio's rally rally Bash
1683s or The Bash and the stun coming through
1685s at the same time she actually managed to
1687s pick up two kills and it's not all
1689s totally uncommon or Chio actually
1692s finishes up the opponent actually
1693s grabbing the kill
1695s but in this fashion well what we thought
1698s Indonesia
1699s changing back into
1702s RAM here yep so it looks like it's going
1705s to be a variation of the ram rush and
1708s Indonesia they know that they are a
1710s little bit down on Ultimate so they want
1712s to make the aggression first however
1713s South Korea making the appropriate
1717s responses here at hand it is a full
1720s clean house for South Korea and the
1722s secure round one for Nepal here eight oh
1726s no is against the Winston the the
1730s practice comp didn't work initially
1732s initially it didn't work one of the
1734s first teams actually winning the very
1735s first control fight against South Korea
1737s I don't think it happens uh maybe once
1740s through the entire tournament oh there
1742s is that Rampage cancel from Chia what
1746s such good Mechanics for the side of Geo
1748s they knew this was coming and they were
1750s prepared for it I liked of the first for
1754s sure
1755s so and coming back to kind of recapping
1757s on how Shrine went out Indonesia had the
1760s right idea they knew that Fearless was
1762s gonna start they knew that they were a
1764s Fearless best uh hero is going to be the
1766s Winston so they anticipated correctly
1768s that South Korea was going to play
1770s around the Winston comp and they made a
1772s they constructed a composition that
1774s totally entirely counters that
1776s composition South but credit to South
1778s Korea to understand that hey this
1780s composition although we are the better
1782s team is not going to work and they made
1784s quick changes and I think that was the
1785s turning point of the of the map there
1787s yeah immediately and to do this and Geo
1789s here again with the whole ride picking
1792s five more kills and he should along with
1794s the DPS he looks like a DPS to me for
1797s now picking up three out of the way your
1800s support if you can eliminate all the
1802s sources of damage from the opponent
1804s that's how you support your team because
1806s if you eliminate the sources of damage
1808s from the other side your team will not
1811s feel better we'll get less damage we'll
1813s just put it out there yeah which is
1814s which also means that your team's
1816s already pushing preventive measures
1818s oh [ __ ] we are pushing Indonesia all the
1821s way out to the gates at GC actually
1824s ever do and will they break the gates
1828s but Sparkle lips still in strong hands
1831s Fearless slow and dancing looks like he
1835s will be able to get back up to full
1837s health
1839s actually takes out proxies
1842s so Indonesia is having a hard time
1844s getting out of these two choke points
1846s here left then right so Indonesia
1848s they're trying left and right but
1858s all the way up front to their spawn of
1861s Indonesia this gives me this gives me
1864s memories of yesterday's G clef remember
1869s the circuit
1871s yeah that did happen so zero zero seven
1873s and they're just coming around sparkles
1876s on top he knows that this is happening
1877s this is the Falls but still good to go
1879s there's Hanzo should be the Prime
1881s Minister the duplicated Hanzo over there
1884s yes the echo oh it's still picking up
1888s kills the
1889s one charge is up to seven five percent
1892s so if even if Indonesia manages to win
1895s this fight which they don't they still
1898s it is still last fight territory for
1900s Indonesia when they contest it is now
1902s going to be a question of whether
1903s Indonesia contest or not 50 off as
1907s you're still struggling to get out from
1910s the respawn now South Korea they're
1912s barely moving okay they're coming by all
1914s that early sound barrier for the
1915s aggression
1918s is on a rampage yeah at least GC I think
1922s I think is on the point for the flip but
1924s no one else is available maybe the flip
1927s happens because South Korea is busy
1929s killing people in the front but no they
1931s do contest and everybody is down
1933s Indonesia doesn't do they have anyone
1935s else to touch no and that is a early map
1938s win for South Korea what a game
1941s I just have to say unknown as
1945s uh do you see at least made it to the
1947s point and then South Korea after taking
1949s the other four immediately says no way
1951s you're getting you're getting a flip uh
1954s we feel we feel very uh we feel hurt
1956s from losing the very first point a few
1959s percent off Indonesia I think that's
1960s what they were saying on the second
1963s second map and say okay you're not
1964s getting a single percent off we want
1966s that full 200 it didn't happen well I
1970s guess that's what it is that's the first
1972s control yeah so it wasn't it was a very
1975s again it was as expected Korea was
1978s expected coming into this match going to
1979s be very dominant here and they did
1981s deliver no rule swapping or no like
1984s having fun like a little bit of
1986s yesterday but still like I mean it made
1990s it more impressive more and more
1991s impressive because a little bit we saw a
1993s little bit of the orisa from Fearless
1995s well I I haven't seen a lot of first
1998s point of views povs from um from that
2002s Arisa but we've seen a lot of kill feeds
2004s from the Ariza so me I just can't assume
2006s that it was really really threatening
2009s and also
2010s hurricane Korea understands very clearly
2013s what what they have to do uh what hurts
2016s Indonesia most and how to execute it and
2019s Indonesia to be honest was not be was
2022s not able to come uh to match the pace of
2024s South Korea yeah that's right I think
2026s South Korea because you can feel that
2028s Indonesia has brought a few team comps
2030s against uh the Winston especially so
2033s that's where it feels just Fearless just
2035s goes okay I'm just going to play
2037s something off meta and we can still come
2039s up with a win we don't really have to
2041s focus as much on the real team
2043s composition there's there's a number to
2045s reason for now and then they can still
2047s come up with a win like that with a
2049s weird composition that we don't really
2050s see in any any league right now so
2054s that's the level that South Korea is at
2056s and we're talking map 2 here yeah so I
2060s think uh well it's really going to be
2063s difficult to it's really going to be
2065s difficult to choose I don't think uh
2068s Indonesia is going to do escort because
2070s they don't want they don't want that 007
2072s as you can see gcloud this is seven
2075s centimeters this is 0.07 meters that
2077s we've seen Korea do
2080s yesterday
2082s and we don't want this to happen again I
2085s and I'm pretty sure Indonesia doesn't
2086s want this happen again so I'm seven
2088s centimeters I don't think that they were
2090s going for escort I I think it has to be
2092s a hybrid G clef uh I don't know which
2094s map it's gonna be I I definitely think
2096s it's gonna be a hybrid though literally
2097s it'll be I don't even know how they
2099s actually pushed seven centimeters
2101s usually it actually goes a little
2103s further I I'm guessing it was contested
2107s immediately after the push no no it was
2109s actually uh so I I watched the VOD of
2112s yesterday's match and
2114s was actually a little bit too busy
2116s chasing kills yes uh they they collected
2118s the payload for about like 0.5 seconds
2120s and then there was that okay okay makes
2123s sense makes sense and that's how far
2125s because uh had some has some questions
2128s especially from the from the Americas
2131s saying how far exactly is seven
2133s centimeters yeah yeah they didn't put it
2136s in inches so they needed you guys chat
2139s needed a little bit of Visual Evidence
2141s of how that's visual that's seven
2143s centimeters for you if we go to uh
2145s escort again I I mean well we were
2148s always saying um it's really tough to
2151s pick a map pick either mode against
2153s South Korea as Indonesia is going to
2155s have a tough time as we have seen from
2157s the control but I think it's more about
2159s what you can get out of this team look
2160s you don't get to face a team this strong
2163s in your career too many times it's what
2165s you get out of the match there are
2167s expected results maybe you can do better
2169s than that and it's what you get from
2171s It's Always a learning experience even
2173s if you lose of course
2175s um right now I think that Indonesia is
2177s improving game by game like today like
2179s they have the right idea it was just the
2181s execution a little bit that was lacking
2183s and it's not even their fault because
2185s like lacking execution versus arguably
2188s the best team in the world isn't
2189s something that you should be ashamed of
2191s and right now Indonesia with
2193s qualification off the charts right now
2195s they are playing for honor of their
2196s country and also their experience like
2199s you mentioned and these players are very
2201s mechanically talented uh players all of
2203s them I've seen them play for oh for two
2206s weeks now and I don't think that they
2208s are mechanically lacking players is it's
2210s just that they lack the experience on
2212s the big stage and although this is an
2214s online qualifier right now like these
2216s kind of matches like you said when can
2218s you ever meet owl Champion caliber teams
2221s like not yeah not too often so extremely
2225s hard this is going to be a very good
2226s learning experience for the side of
2228s Indonesia of course you play to win so
2230s they are definitely going to play to win
2232s for the second map which is I think
2233s gonna be it has to be hybrid because oh
2236s because I so because if you take a look
2238s at the map pools over there to uh to
2241s escort right now circuit Rhode Island is
2243s actually one of the hardest maps to
2244s spawn Camp because the corner is really
2247s really short from the spawn and if if
2250s South Korea can full hold a team I don't
2253s think you want to go yeah but look one
2257s of the hardest maps to spawn camp and if
2260s Korea did that then like Maps like
2263s shambali like it's going to be even more
2266s difficult so I'm thinking hybrid too
2269s yeah so it has to be hybrid uh more
2271s likely blizzard World maybe even uh
2274s Kings Kings Row it depends on what kind
2277s of who who wants who Indonesia wants to
2279s play as Nick if Zekrom is going to go
2281s back into the starting to they're
2283s starting well not starting but it wants
2285s to go back into the roster uh maybe
2288s bless the world because the crown we
2290s have scenes I can't play a lot of
2291s Winston and I think Indonesia picked
2295s blizzard ruled every time if I'm not
2297s mistaken because they are pretty
2299s confident on their uh double flankers
2302s and also on that first match against
2304s Hong Kong it was a very impressive
2307s performance I think it was the best
2308s performance that at least that they've
2310s shown so far by going almost full
2313s capping a blizzard World on against Hong
2317s Kong so maybe blizzard world
2319s we'll we'll see about that
2321s it'll see as it seems like we're uh
2325s taking some time or Indonesia is taking
2326s the time either to choose the map or we
2328s have some subs coming in I think it
2330s might be both we'll see what happens
2332s because uh it's a second to the last day
2335s and again south of South Korea as it uh
2339s of course we're we are giving a lot of
2342s complims to Indonesia because we're
2343s seeing a lot of improvements too but if
2345s you can prove uh your own play against
2347s South Korea that's already an
2349s accomplishment I think because you might
2352s say that we're talking mean to Indonesia
2354s but uh I think we're actually uh
2357s complimenting Indonesia in a lot of good
2359s ways here South Korea there I've
2362s actually I actually saw some of the not
2365s official but like some Discord
2366s interviews with influencers with the
2368s South Korean team and they were actually
2370s saying
2371s on circuit uh they had some and also in
2374s Li Zhang they were saying okay they were
2377s asking if it was a comp a practice for
2379s the later stage like against Saudi or
2382s against like USA against the other teams
2383s and they were just saying oh like we
2385s didn't really think about that but I
2388s guess since you asked uh I'll say yes so
2391s basically team South Korea is right now
2393s currently not really first of all not
2396s we're trying to reveal anything at this
2398s stage yeah for the qualifiers of course
2400s uh even for South Korea they are
2403s although like they have a very common
2405s route a lot of the teams are from the
2407s former Dallas Fuel and a lot of the
2410s players know each other because they've
2412s because they these have been players
2414s that have been playing in in the Korean
2415s server for a long time however as a team
2418s on in a short Pace tournament like the
2420s World Cup you have to kind of conceal
2423s all the Tactical I guess secrets that
2426s you may have and if and if you're going
2428s against the team no disrespect to their
2431s opponents but if it's a team that you
2433s don't necessarily have to reveal all
2435s your hidden cards then why why open them
2438s right so I think this is also going to
2440s be a little bit more about like hey
2442s let's we have this kind of issues for
2444s team Korea we had this kind of issues on
2446s team communication let's kind of figure
2447s this out a little bit although we did
2449s win we might have some minor issues that
2451s we want to fix I think this is going to
2452s be the time where Korea wants to kind of
2454s fine-tune those kind of issues and I'm
2456s hearing some very interesting things
2458s from production here and some
2460s substitutes so map is actually actually
2464s going to be escort
2469s [Music]
2474s I think this one goes to okay three
2478s meters okay okay can you hold this I I
2480s think I'll be out capped easily so
2484s um just just to just as a reference the
2487s distance between G clef and I is about
2490s 45 40 yes 45 centimeters so that's about
2495s like what it's like 30. 1.5 feet yeah so
2499s it's like 1.5 feet in feet inches inches
2502s then yes uh 18. yeah so
2506s something like that and so we I we hope
2509s that we don't have to use this we we the
2513s the middle goes a little bit more than
2514s just be running out of this for sure of
2516s course and
2518s um we have also we're ready for cast
2519s today that's that's what we do all the
2522s time okay we also have some
2524s substitutions on what both sides
2528s happening and okay I'm reading I I am
2532s not going to reveal this I'm reading
2534s something that's uh hard to understand
2536s in my to my brain power is not enough to
2540s understand what's happening right now so
2542s let's go into Gibraltar or sick map
2544s between Indonesia and South Korea this
2548s makes a little bit sense because
2550s although it is escort it is a Winstone
2553s map it is a map that you can play
2555s Winston or Diva I am hearing I'll spoil
2558s this I'll spoil half of it Indonesia is
2562s going with Zekrom so and I'm definitely
2567s expecting something like a Winston
2568s composition here maybe a double thinker
2571s maybe putting throwing an ash if needed
2573s or maybe even an echo I I think Echo
2577s might be a little bit uh viable but
2580s maybe not because proxies is subbed out
2583s by none other than GC GC is playing DPS
2588s for this one oh take a look at the top
2589s yeah Speedy speed 75 with GC DPS Zucker
2594s I'm back on support oh oh Zachary back
2596s on tank and support oh this is exactly
2598s the same oh man okay wait what's
2601s happening with South Korea South Korea
2603s look this is not a production mistake
2604s Sparkle is playing on tank Finn is
2608s playing for the first time but oh no but
2610s on DPS and felis is playing Echo what is
2614s going on here lip is playing the Anna
2616s and Chio is the only one that's gonna
2618s play their main role Chio is the sad
2621s person to play the brig
2624s no wonder the Production shows are
2625s wonderful faces for the last five
2627s minutes they had a lot of
2629s a lot of the job to do all right yeah no
2633s wonder the break was a little bit longer
2635s God but we do have to talk about this
2638s Finn is playing his first match for team
2641s South Korea support oh well I mean he
2643s hasn't played his first match as a sport
2645s he has it because he's playing his first
2647s match as a DPS because he's now
2648s officially a DPS
2650s well Sparkle who's the DPS is now tank
2653s he's uh sleeping of course for a second
2655s lip oh I guess that's something's first
2660s kill in the World Cup after DPS whoa oh
2663s zekra almost focused pretty hard there
2665s okay we are already approaching we
2667s already exceeded three meters so South
2669s Korea will not be using that rule that
2671s g-clap has and um I think Indonesia
2674s doesn't know what's going on because
2675s yeah they lost a tank they lost their
2677s tank already pretty early on and along
2679s with the race or so and they can't
2682s compete all Finn
2685s Finn you you mad man the spin is going
2689s with the torbian with the hammer and
2691s nails
2693s at least I promise actually on top
2694s they're getting heals but the problem is
2696s that you have to get healed on top and
2698s the bottom at the same time so either
2700s Genji or Tracer survives survive on
2702s their own or else wins is actually going
2704s to die at the top uh okay so South Korea
2707s is actually having a surprisingly good
2709s High Ground Control even even Small
2712s Things Considered and
2714s already the positional Advantage is
2716s towards South Korea unless
2719s shrimp can take out both the Echo and
2722s the Winston which
2725s fearless's Echo already falls down and
2728s okay it looks like there are things are
2729s going to get stabilized a little bit for
2731s the side of Indonesia Sparkle does have
2733s sparkle you have to jump back not prime
2735s because you have Plus members live is
2738s very very low still not scared there's a
2739s nano oh buddy you don't need to be
2742s scared and while this was all happening
2745s G clef South Curry already capped first
2748s point uh-huh and his feet though has
2750s been alive for quite a long time
2751s actually he has been picking up a few
2753s kills and so certainly certain better
2755s trade for South Korea but Indonesia the
2757s problem is that they're not dying as
2759s much in this uh in this map specifically
2762s but still they're getting pushed that's
2764s a real problem
2769s everywhere happening right now okay uh
2772s well apparently shrimp is having fun
2774s because he said yes he killed Finn oh he
2776s killed oh okay that's the that's the
2778s reason all right so that's something to
2779s be celebrating accomplished yeah mission
2781s accomplished because if I if I actually
2783s kind of uh take took down Finn and an
2785s official tournament
2787s I would screenshot that and I would put
2790s that in the album and I would put that
2791s on my living room so yeah I would pass
2793s that on to my child later on too all
2795s right here it is
2798s very well actually so it takes down Finn
2800s it's another Zekrom was it
2808s should have been really good okay so
2811s things are a little bit all over the
2813s place right now and it's a little bit
2814s hard to analyze what's going on however
2816s one thing is clear that South Korea is
2820s winning those small fights and winning
2823s those small skirmishes and already the
2826s payload is almost up to point a so South
2829s Korea is almost at the uh at the moment
2833s of tapping point B I'm out of it I'm
2835s getting out I keep on thinking that this
2837s Winston is fearless but it's actually
2839s the opposite
2840s and the echo's still pushing hard
2844s and so 440 so this won't be a record of
2847s 447 but still there okay right but
2852s habits don't die they want to spawn Camp
2854s again
2856s okay it's the opposite actually
2858s Indonesia is actually the one defending
2859s that just to be clear they're defending
2861s well I mean they're defending by
2862s defending what they're defending on
2864s their base uh someone's pushing the
2865s payload at least well I think it's it
2867s has to be lip doesn't it
2869s I think I think it is and that is going
2871s to be the Nano Indonesia just to have
2873s South Korea out of their response but
2875s Finn says no and take speed 75 out of
2878s the picture sparkled when did he have
2880s that when did he have the Primal Rage
2882s again
2884s with the duplicate and there's a proper
2887s rage giving everyone off the point and
2889s the escort almost their speed trying to
2892s contest
2893s Fearless kind of wanted to play tank
2895s again he was like okay let me play tank
2896s again I want to just duplicate okay try
2899s to strike on the point it actually goes
2900s a little too far
2902s um can you actually get all the way two
2904s miles down 2.08 speed is still alive
2908s somehow there it goes by Tracer finally
2910s gone
2911s this is what you've been cooking and the
2914s bench oh my God what a console God DPS
2917s God is born today that's Finn for South
2920s Korea and that will be 330 with three
2923s points for South Korea first half
2925s oh my God what what have I witnessed
2928s yes it is not a record time Japan has
2931s that record time right now uh-huh 447.
2933s but this is giving me to be honest
2938s this is more of a shocking than that 447
2940s push
2943s oh my God so this this is gonna wow so
2947s this is what pyramids wanted to do oh
2949s duplicate into Winston look Fearless
2952s doing that on the Winston is something
2953s that we're used to be seeing but on an
2957s echo duplicating Winston that is I did
2960s not wake up to that today I did not wait
2962s I thought you had no sleeve close to no
2965s sleeve yes a little bit okay but they're
2967s missing it but again look at these look
2970s at these people lip is on the sigma
2978s that's not
2981s let's not have that okay okay Finn still
2983s wants to play the DPS he was like okay
2986s there's a pause okay there's a pause
2987s Sparkle
2989s Sparkle had a little I think Sparkle was
2991s a little bit too over eager there uh
2993s maybe too much rage uh from that Winston
2995s on his own okay maybe yeah maybe he's
2998s not used to that position so maybe he
3000s was consumed by that rage
3005s is certainly chaotic I think that's one
3008s of the best words
3010s summarize what's been happening so I
3012s guess for a lack of a better word yes
3014s chaotic will do if I find another word
3016s in my dictionary and my brain maybe I'll
3018s look it up but chaotic it seems about it
3021s at the moment is sort of fried yeah it's
3024s it's kind of like that status when I'm
3026s flashbanged and it's like everything's
3029s white it's like what is happening here I
3031s need to catch up with what's happening
3032s there's a magnetic grenade chasing me
3035s right now so I need to run away from it
3036s and I can't blink
3038s oh no you are hindered oh man the new
3042s status effect hindered uh I know guys
3046s some of some of the sometimes during the
3049s qualifiers things to happen but stick
3051s with us as the match will eventually
3054s come back and happen we do need to have
3056s the second half now they're unpausing
3057s and guess what goes back
3060s okay
3063s who's gonna play what right now because
3064s I don't because I don't know what
3065s they're gonna play and I don't think
3066s they know what they know what they're
3068s gonna play either
3070s I'm not trying to think too much
3072s especially foreign
3092s and Bastion with Reinhardt so this is uh
3095s basically payload push
3098s oh Sparkles already I don't think there
3101s was uh enough members at the perfect
3103s place because the team Korea still had a
3107s lot of respawn I don't think they were
3108s expecting to Bastion as well look at
3110s Finn now look at him
3113s get him firing
3115s oh wow
3116s okay somebody maybe he might go back
3119s okay but still the payload is actually
3120s pushing it's been protested now from the
3122s top
3128s South Korea they were still trying to
3131s decide with the car what they wanted to
3132s do in the defense okay to me I I just
3136s have one thing to say what is it Finn
3138s should definitely play DPS in the
3139s OverWatch league in the summer look
3142s scene team staff I know you guys are
3145s here I'm listening to this please can
3147s you spin as a DPS he's so good one of
3150s the best places for doomfist to push and
3153s basically stick them onto the wall and
3155s do some damage
3157s not die oh and
3161s oh this is the media right there in that
3165s small room and Finn I just casually came
3167s up from the side and headshots
3169s pick up the last two remaining members
3171s of the major South Korea now on I
3175s remember seeing this I I this is a
3178s familiar story okay there is the Bastion
3181s all to zone out South Korea a little bit
3185s they already were out of position so it
3188s will not matter that much and the
3191s Sparkle is having fun with the doofus
3192s look before before OverWatch 2 and
3195s OverWatch 1D Festival is EVPs so I think
3198s I think it does make sense a little bit
3199s however uh Sparkle's having fun
3202s of course
3204s and Finn is having fun he was look okay
3206s I was in the bed for too long I am going
3208s to have fun I am going to kill people I
3211s am going to shoot
3213s yeah the domination GCS
3216s uh came all the way around on a song
3218s Brian wanted to push it a little more a
3220s little more trying to look for that
3221s contest
3224s Squirtle was looking for that where is
3226s that me oh
3228s see actually not revealing for the push
3231s now revealed
3234s South Korea they're looking for it and
3236s they know what's wrong bro they know
3238s what's happening but yeah I think
3239s they're reluctant to neglected a little
3240s bit oh lip's going to do the 1v1
3248s okay this is a chance for Indonesia the
3250s entire team just got back
3252s in the window
3253s okay
3254s ahead a little bit too much fun yes they
3257s do use the life Weaver old but uh speed
3259s 75 good play on taking out key members
3263s of South Korea and it looks like it is
3265s going to be a point a cap for the south
3267s side of Indonesia they're actually
3269s coming all the way out here
3271s they actually had a couple of ultimates
3274s used early on so Indonesia will get that
3277s point
3278s the second team to actually get points
3280s off of South Korea in this qualifier yes
3282s I think it is the second team Indonesia
3284s is the second team to take even a single
3287s point even looking even though it's not
3289s a map a single point from away from
3293s South Korea Hong Kong was the first team
3294s to so in King's Row and gives you a
3299s pretty good if he actually land on a
3301s couple of them not following not to
3303s actually get all the back line Dragon
3306s Blade finds no one that's a crazy moment
3310s where you have the Dragonplay but you
3312s know once you go in you are going to be
3313s the one falling hey but no kill from the
3315s dragon plate but could team maneuver
3317s from Indonesia they start around to
3319s chill and chill had nowhere to go
3321s however Finn is Finn is on Fincher's
3325s violence today and he is wiping out the
3329s entirety of Team Indonesia yeah even
3331s though the team is struggling to of
3334s course they pushed a lot more after the
3336s first point but actually speed Genty is
3338s very impressive even though wild all
3340s these all these hectic stuff is
3342s happening at the same time speed
3345s actually controls enough that he knows
3347s when not to go in when to strike in even
3350s after the blade when he can actually
3351s look for the kill along with that anti
3353s from shrimp yeah so so Geo had a
3356s platform it right in front of them so
3358s yes as much as how much uh speed 75
3360s would have wanted to go in with that
3362s blade and let's just wait a second
3364s because this is the play for fearless
3365s and what a Fearless blade from Fearless
3368s I'm playing with my words here however
3370s what a good blade for Fearless but going
3372s back to the initial Point yeah speed 75
3374s did have some good discipline on not
3377s going in because that platform over
3379s there will be was going to deny access
3383s to the backline of South Korea they
3385s instead Indonesia chose to maneuver and
3389s out maneuver and take out Geo so that
3391s was a good decision and I I'm I'm still
3393s impressed not just like not just saying
3395s this because it's I'm broadcasting
3398s casting Indonesia play right now it's
3400s just that comparing from how Indonesia
3403s played from day one at the qualifiers
3404s and today right now this is a massive
3407s improvement from what I've been seeing
3408s still halfway only halfway they need to
3411s wait for the corner and also South Korea
3413s all the way on top
3414s of the planet shrimp and all positioned
3416s there we caught up by lift
3419s speed actually targeting uh yeah at the
3422s same time
3423s but that blade won't be available with
3425s till Nano now Zach from down so that
3428s means a lot of control a lot of
3430s positional control will go to the sound
3432s a side of South Korea
3434s yeah South Korea using those positional
3436s advantages will be going down and
3439s cleaning take cover the trees cleaning
3442s house
3443s tree was there for a couple of seconds
3447s Chio decides not to have it anymore and
3450s they actually go all the way out okay
3452s here's that here's Sparkle with two fish
3454s Sparkle very low that there's gonna be
3457s the Nano boyfriend
3461s Falls anyways but still that nanoblade
3465s is denied duties
3467s great sleep of lip now they are on
3469s overtime this is going to be their last
3472s chance oh but hold on as yes v75 even
3475s after the blade actually picking up the
3476s low HP members along with zekrom's help
3479s okay really nice one nicely done
3481s Indonesia actually pushing to Second
3483s Point okay so Indonesia fights and wins
3488s to fight another day
3490s and this is
3491s well I mean yes South Korea is having a
3494s little bit of fun but it still is
3495s impressive from Indonesia because this
3498s is they this is a feat that only two
3501s teams including themselves in the
3503s OverWatch World Cup have done so far
3506s yeah that's something they do have to be
3508s careful Indonesia whenever they they
3511s leave the back line open along with the
3513s anti
3514s even the opponent Anna is actually going
3516s to strike on you yeah I mean lips of DPS
3519s like is Anna but okay Anna is a support
3524s but lip is a DPS I actually want to see
3526s the amount of amount healed from live
3528s because I think he's been on an
3530s offensive mode for the entirety of this
3532s map and Indonesia also changing up a
3536s little bit uh do you see here on the
3538s Widow trying to contest that Finn Widow
3542s 1v1 okay
3545s I think about 20 seconds left said
3548s Chrome has to pop the prime RH to
3550s survive good Nano blade for Fearless I'm
3554s impressed with the Fearless Genki here
3555s yes we've been third target got him and
3559s Finn takes care of the Genji on the
3561s other side Sacramento on the point
3562s button takes care of that Winston
3564s remember this is the Fearless Genji hero
3566s we have okay sounds like he has three
3568s Genji's it's Sparkle it's it's lip it's
3573s fearless and South Korea wins with a 2-0
3576s score but of course Indonesia was able
3579s to push a lot further
3581s and of course we can't really put that
3585s on the record and say okay Indonesia
3587s push that far against South Korea
3589s because South Korea had a lot of
3591s different uh ways of playing the second
3594s map a lot of shenanigans going on to the
3596s match but still I do want to credit team
3599s Indonesia they've been like I said
3602s uh I I don't think a lot of people
3605s expected them to win against South Korea
3607s anyways but still I do see a lot of
3609s positive improvements for not just on
3611s the individual level but as a team so I
3614s don't know how uh they are going to play
3617s tomorrow I don't know what roster
3618s they're going to go come up with
3619s tomorrow I don't know how they're going
3621s to play next year but it is this is for
3624s certain that I think that a lot of
3625s players in the side of Indonesia and
3627s even the staff as well will learn from
3629s this experience and it will come
3631s stronger because if you can improve on a
3634s two-week qualifier then that means you
3637s there's a lot of room for you to improve
3639s and then you can be maybe one day to
3642s that Cal match that caliber of the
3644s players on South Korea so
3646s um credit to team Indonesia yeah
3648s Indonesia still they do have to fight
3650s against the Philippines tomorrow so
3652s let's see what happens in that match up
3654s too and for Korea I think they
3657s specifically did this because they had
3658s the biggest match of the a qualifier
3661s here as that would be tomorrow versus
3663s Japan so I think this was uh very likely
3666s uh intentional intentional I have not
3670s showing strategy at all before the big
3672s match yeah they're going to actually
3673s confuse Japan right now like Japan's
3675s gonna be really really confused watching
3678s the match and said okay nothing out of
3679s that
3681s prepare tomorrow for the Fearless Genji
3685s for all I know tomorrow you can see
3687s Hobbit on the tank and feel us on the
3689s Genji
3690s that's a possibility no
3693s no no I'm dead serious here and lip on
3695s the Anna
3697s lips Anna was actually really good I
3699s have to uh I was impressed on the
3702s headscan
3703s yes
3705s it was actually pretty good I saw a lot
3708s of his shots Landing uh-huh
3710s but we'll see what happens because uh
3713s well South Korea this is the power
3716s strength that they can still show off
3718s even off-roles even with the off-roles
3720s will credit to another credit to uh
3722s production by having going through that
3725s yeah showing that all like compounds and
3727s production they're they're the best
3728s uh-huh they're the best and yeah
3731s actually that match was actually uh
3732s chaotic in a lot of ways but also very
3734s fun yeah very fun to watch as well
3736s they're about to watch and hopefully you
3738s guys enjoyed as much as we did because
3740s that still is a 2-0 and Indonesia will
3743s now have a zero and four so they will be
3747s having the last match but it's going to
3748s be just for the experience and what they
3750s can actually do but that's only our
3752s first match of the night uh next up we
3754s do have the Chinese Taipei versus
3755s Philippines that's going to be our
3757s second match of the night so don't go
3758s anywhere we'll be right back
3770s thank you
3786s thank you
3848s [Music]
3852s thank you
3860s foreign
3872s [Music]
3882s [Music]
3896s [Music]
3927s foreign
3948s [Music]
3964s [Music]
3976s thank you
3995s [Music]
4010s [Music]
4025s [Music]
4031s [Music]
4064s [Music]
4100s foreign
4101s [Music]
4127s [Music]
4152s foreign
4154s [Music]
4161s [Music]
4168s [Music]
4175s [Music]
4189s [Music]
4195s [Music]
4230s thank you
4231s [Music]
4241s [Music]
4252s [Music]
4283s and welcome back everyone to APAC group
4286s a we had a bit of a clown Fiesta to
4289s begin the day but it's time to get our
4292s series pets on because this time we have
4295s Chinese Taipei versus Philippines and
4297s some of these teams other well to be in
4300s fact Chinese Taipei they need to win
4303s this desperately with a 2-0 uh to
4306s actually have some chances tomorrow to
4308s get that third place spot exactly um
4310s Chinese Taipei has been having a hard
4312s time against uh Korea and Japan and the
4315s first week of the qualifiers and they've
4317s finally got their first win at 2-0 in a
4320s convincing fashion against Indonesia
4321s yesterday and they need to win not just
4325s today but also depending on how Hong
4328s Kong does today they may have to win
4330s against Hong Kong tomorrow as well in
4333s order for them to clinch that their play
4335s Spot yeah that's going to be the big uh
4338s big actor because they did get a pretty
4340s convincing win yesterday which looked
4342s really good especially their DPS line
4344s there hope light did not play yesterday
4346s I believe hope and snow were really
4349s keeping it up especially Nexus switching
4351s between tomato the tank depending on the
4353s map they have been uh substituting
4356s really well and of course pairing it up
4358s with the back line but compared to that
4360s uh we always always had some worries for
4362s Philippines especially Pogba not really
4364s getting healed at the right moment so in
4366s terms of tank though I think Chinese
4368s Taipei should be winning a lot of the
4370s team fights especially because because
4372s of backline support but that's in theory
4374s you don't exactly know what Philippines
4376s have of course they have been having one
4379s of the biggest match up yesterday so
4382s it's also an important factor if they
4384s have recovered uh mentally exactly
4385s because that zero zero seven can
4388s actually be some brain damage well I
4390s mean I don't necessarily think that
4392s Philippines will take it like very too
4394s much to heart I think Philippines were
4396s actually in a laughing like in a jovial
4399s mood after that loss against South Korea
4401s again like we also talked discuss this
4404s about Indonesia today but Philippines
4406s too I don't think they were expecting
4408s themselves to win against South Korea it
4411s was just a matter of hey how competitive
4413s we can be and also how much we can learn
4416s from that experience yeah so I don't
4418s think like the mental aspect is going to
4420s be really really crucial but I do think
4421s that Philippines more than Chinese
4423s Taipei has to figure out what they want
4425s to do with that comp because they
4427s they've been playing a few different
4429s comps but it seems like that not all of
4432s the players on that team agreed on how
4435s they want this composition to be played
4437s and Chinese Taipei to be honest have the
4439s same kind of issues however like on
4441s yesterday's win against Indonesia I
4444s think the Chinese Taipei kind of ironed
4445s out a lot of these issues especially on
4447s target acquisition and Target Focus so
4450s right now just um comparing these two
4453s teams on paper I think that Chinese
4455s Taipei will have the upper hand in terms
4458s of just um just uh I guess power levels
4462s however Philippines if they have
4464s addressed the issues that they were
4466s facing in both week one and earlier week
4469s two then I think they still stand a
4471s chance yep and Redux is actually back on
4473s the DPS line
4475s yeah with the stunning line which on the
4478s back into the support with Jano and
4480s Pogba has been using a lot of Reinhardt
4483s especially on some of the control
4485s starting starting Maps so we'll see if
4487s that continues and we were seeing
4489s yesterday as walked at some uh had some
4493s issues pairing up with the tank and the
4495s back line the position we will mention
4497s again and again when we go into the map
4499s uh they were actually not gathered up as
4501s much compared to the opponents
4504s uh that's clearly clearly their weakness
4506s when the Winston comes they don't have
4508s uh the back line they're supposed to
4509s gather up they don't have the they it
4512s seems like to me that they don't really
4513s have those those positions detailed
4516s practiced so if that actually comes into
4518s play if they have one of their better
4520s match maybe that will show and I'm
4522s pretty sure Chinese Taipei will try to
4524s strike into that point exactly and
4526s Philippines right now the first map is
4528s going to be Nepal like you mentioned
4529s Pogba has been a little using a little
4531s bit more of Ryan rather than the Winston
4534s recently maybe like aware of those
4537s issues that when they run the once in
4539s composition sometimes they um once like
4542s pugbot or walked in that sense get
4544s isolated kills well on the other side of
4547s so that means they get killed isolated
4550s and so they don't even have a team fight
4552s so I think maybe Orion on Rush maybe in
4556s order in this map especially I think
4557s this is going to be Shrine for the first
4560s round here which is a very Rhine
4563s composition and viable uh map here so I
4567s think
4567s well we'll see oh also the ram Rush is
4570s also equally viable okay Ram Rush is a
4573s little bit better in terms of a little
4576s bit of tactical flexibility compared to
4578s the Reinhardt where the Reinhardt is
4580s very very reliant on whether you get
4583s that chatter early and then you register
4586s the shout or however or the remotra it
4589s is a little bit because the annihilation
4591s is AOE it provides a little bit more
4594s utility in terms of positioning so I
4596s think this is if you can actually make
4598s this composition work I think this is a
4601s good competition uh Chinese Taipei they
4603s know that
4605s um I think they have might have kind of
4607s anticipated a Winston composition here
4609s because tomato is starting with that
4612s tracker Queen composition so on the
4615s composition example here I think
4616s Philippines does have the upper hand but
4618s it all comes down to execution here G
4619s Club yeah we'll see on the points and in
4622s five seconds it'll be unlocked as
4624s punklet I do think for monster is
4626s actually one of his better Heroes that
4628s we have seen from the last two weeks
4630s the Philippines it's slightly in a
4632s better position
4640s coming through from Lucio
4646s that early
4648s I can't fight them yeah losing our uh
4650s more early is really really it's crucial
4653s for the side Philippines because uh with
4656s that just one heal a single heel output
4659s from Lucio is not going to be enough for
4661s everyone on the side of Philippines so
4663s yes there was I think a good moment for
4666s uh Redux taking that kill however it was
4669s not enough because the sustain was not
4672s there but I do like the initial idea of
4674s on the Philippines about because one of
4676s the issues that we've been mentioning is
4678s that Philippines were suffering a lot of
4680s isolated kills so their the Philippines
4682s is going with
4687s so that they can actually stick together
4689s however it it is not working so far
4691s because Chinese Taipei is wiping them
4693s out in the neutral fight yeah that too
4695s is Philippines they were gathered up
4697s this time but it's because of that Echo
4700s and also the Jungle Queen just surviving
4702s way too way too much and Philippines I
4706s think they have to strike a little
4706s faster even having some speed boost I
4709s think they're taking too much time
4710s rotating to the side and they have
4712s everyone literally on the same point so
4713s it means that it's yeah for Echo and
4716s Jungle Fitness is a lot easier to
4717s actually do damage
4719s yellow that Lucio is already and this
4723s Echo is not being contested at all yeah
4725s remember we're gonna talk to a couple
4727s lessons here remember when we talked
4728s about oh we can talk about the echo
4731s later however look at snow with that
4733s full swamp on one button falling and
4736s everyone else falling as well with 75 on
4739s the line right now it is going to be
4741s final fight territory for the side of
4742s Philippines I want to mention this Echo
4745s pick here at g-club because remember
4747s we've been talking a lot about Echo
4749s especially on lighthouse on ilios but on
4751s Nepal here Chinese Taipei is getting a
4754s lot of value from this Echo pick
4756s remember if you want Echo to work then
4759s you number one you should have the point
4760s first which Chinese Taipei actually did
4763s and also the remaining members on the
4766s ground should be able to end please win
4769s or survive the 45 and with that sustain
4771s on the drunk or queen they are actually
4773s making all those checkboxes happen so
4775s Chinese Taipei making full uh advantage
4779s of their compositional strengths here
4780s exactly even after the Rampage
4782s responded really well with the perfect
4784s sounded weird time and Charlie is in the
4787s field
4788s but again Chinese Taipei in a better
4790s position and time is up 100 to zero as
4795s here again Philippines could not really
4797s hold their ground at all land their feet
4799s even inside that zone for not many not
4802s long basically a couple of seconds at
4804s the very early on and ever since then
4807s they were just trying to rotate off the
4810s sides of the stairs and it really got
4812s not even touch the point yeah so
4815s you can see hope here and I just can't
4818s phrase the uh Echo pick here enough
4821s because hey we've seen multiple times
4824s that especially on the teams that are
4826s struggling in this group that they have
4827s tried to use the echo but have did not
4830s get a lot of value out of it and Chinese
4831s typing was actually one of those teams
4833s they were they were using Echo against
4835s Japan they were using Echo against a
4838s Korea if I am not mistaken and they have
4841s not failed to get any value out of it
4842s but now they understand that if they
4845s want to get value out of the echo junk
4848s okay okay
4850s that we do not really see
4853s jump in competitive but here we go we do
4856s have hope and one coming around the
4857s corner with Redux on Cassidy
4865s so the mortality field has to be
4867s expended so positional Advantage for
4871s Philippines of the early fight however
4873s uh tomato with that ramacho will be able
4876s to be a little bit more flexible in
4878s terms of uh strategy and tactics here
4881s and a little bit of more possibilities
4882s to out maneuver Philippines which they
4885s actually do so it is actually Chinese
4888s Taipei who is getting on the point first
4890s but no actually the Philippines actually
4892s means actually yes driving 13 points
4894s already and that's uh junkrat down
4896s tomato and might be thinking about a few
4899s different switches now especially when
4902s that Reinhardt is there but on this map
4904s here really like a Master Level junk rat
4908s like you can make things happen
4909s certainly I think the logic here is that
4912s they were anticipating the Reinhardt and
4915s they wanted to use the junkrat to break
4917s the shields very early
4919s um I don't think
4921s I don't think they're getting much value
4923s as much value as they were expecting to
4926s and also you can just there it is
4929s um I'm sorry to interrupt you uh gcloud
4931s but you saw how pogba's shield just got
4935s decimated there however Chinese typing
4937s does need to yes they are on the point
4940s now they they need to be since they're
4942s behind on percentage right now they need
4943s to be very aware of the objective
4945s because last time we have seen Chinese
4948s typing when they were struggling early
4949s in week one they were winning team
4951s fights however they were laid to touch
4954s the point and they lost so many valuable
4956s percentages that they lost the math yeah
4959s there's a shatter and hope actually
4962s saved by the field man okay delivers a
4966s kill onto my whole thing uh off Target
4968s there but still managed to do so using
4970s all everything that they actually have
4972s here's a tire where is it going finds
4975s Lucio only okay so Philippines use all
4979s their alts but Chinese Taipei also uses
4981s a a lot of their olds only the
4985s the pulse bomb remaining and the valley
4986s sound barrier upcoming but still a
4989s little bit far away because it's 80 so
4992s I I think Chinese Taipei might might
4994s have wanted to save those ultimates
4996s especially the annihilation I don't
4998s think tomato was expecting to get
5000s focused down that fast but in the end
5003s Philippines yes they used a lot of volts
5005s to
5006s gain access to flip the point back in
5008s their favor however 1v1 they are still
5011s okay never mind I was about to say that
5015s they are in the lead in the alt economy
5018s but if they lose the neutral fight like
5021s this then
5023s yeah as they're in the on the point in
5026s the small room to the side as Chinese
5028s taipe they actually fought a lot better
5030s and a few other things oh here comes
5034s for Mercy wow that we have seen slightly
5038s not for too long yesterday too I mean
5040s yes but usually on Nepal you would
5043s expect something like a far-off village
5045s for Shrine yeah not Phantom but I
5050s I guess it's the logic here is that they
5054s don't have a lot of anti-year because
5056s romantra is not necessarily anti-air
5058s yeah
5059s for sure at all so
5067s is very low
5071s cooking by the field as you see the
5073s Laporte is there for Philippines however
5076s everyone is down on the side of the
5078s Chinese Taipei and it is final fight
5080s territory for Chinese Taipei they have
5082s to touch and win this team fight if they
5084s want to keep uh this map going yeah
5086s finally that junkrats go on Hope back on
5089s Echo and saying okay we need to touch
5091s the point and get this back by nine
5094s percent
5095s touch the point will there be a
5098s follow-up yes they are Chasers
5102s Tracer did touch but at the cost of his
5104s life and the barrage is available to do
5108s a lot of damage and takes out tomato it
5110s doesn't look like Chinese Taipei can
5112s turn back this one and it is going to be
5114s time here on Nepal great Momo could not
5116s be on the points that was just a tiny
5120s bit late yeah we have one one
5123s which is quite rare of a
5127s if you do not have that many one ones on
5129s control so far I think this is the first
5130s one on APK
5132s all all the all the control Maps
5138s to be right because you're the stats
5139s guys I have full trust with you well
5142s you're the stats major but I did not
5144s graduate I told you it was a minor too
5148s well yes unless I am very mistaken which
5151s in case I would apologize but I think
5153s this is I am pretty sure that this is
5155s the first round three of control that
5157s we're having in APAC a so this is
5160s exciting um it looks like Philippines
5163s yes they were a little shaky on Shrine
5166s but it looks like they know what they're
5168s trying to do
5169s and to be honest I think uh Wilkesboro
5172s did a lot but there's a lot of more
5174s value than I thought it would be Tuesday
5176s just picking up kills as without paint
5179s no shield no barrier
5181s there's actually tomato on Reinhardt too
5184s yeah usually from what we've been seeing
5187s so far is that Nexus is the usual main
5190s tank of this roster and tomato would be
5192s the off tank but it doesn't mean that
5194s they're a mutually exclusive right now
5196s especially in OverWatch 2 and situations
5199s like this you need your tank to play and
5202s a little bit both categories because
5204s theoretically in OverWatch 2 they aren't
5207s such a classification such as
5209s maintaining off tank but historically
5212s you would expect that tomato have less
5215s practice on the Reinhardt we'll see how
5217s it goes though
5218s do you want still pair that with the
5220s mercy
5222s and your Chinese Taipei trying to stay
5224s in an angle where they're not targeted
5226s by that pharaoh
5228s exactly so
5230s we go again with the theoretics here yes
5233s the Pharaoh the echo is good however
5236s it's gone it is effective once you have
5238s control of the point and you're trying
5240s to deny access for LP opponent to the
5243s point it's not as effective if the
5245s opponent already has access to the point
5247s and you have to be the one trying to
5249s retake it and also unlike uh the unlike
5253s round one where drunker Queen was uh was
5257s the source of a lot of sustain even in a
5260s 4v5 situation it is going to be Orion so
5262s the back line is going to be have to
5264s very very aware to keep Pokemon alive if
5267s they want uh what for our Pharmacy to
5271s get a lot of value
5273s actually
5276s staying with hope and there's that wall
5278s I'll get under a lot of pressure but
5280s what getting a lot of value from that
5283s barrage
5284s three kills better training for your
5285s Philippines again only 26 but this is a
5288s pretty good fight with just you know
5290s it's just one and was there also an
5292s earth shatter it seems like from Puck
5294s but yes so it was a amplification Matrix
5297s from John Lee it was also a shower from
5300s Pogba and it was a barrage from what so
5303s they used a lot of ultimates here I
5305s think they are going to even out the uh
5307s Point percentages here however Chinese
5309s Taipei if everything goes their way it
5312s will be an expected Fight Win for them
5314s there is that's a Metro wall there I
5319s don't think they need to use any more
5321s ultimates at for this current fight and
5324s okay casual Reinhardt passing by almost
5327s almost passed but did not manage to cool
5330s all the way
5331s oh Philippines they had to gather a few
5333s more wolves and they were separated and
5335s this time Chinese Taipei we're just
5338s using the photon
5340s and because since Chinese happy only use
5344s one ultimate they are not giving they
5346s didn't give uh the turn away totally to
5349s the Philippines and with the neutral
5352s Fight Win I fight they yet another
5355s chance
5356s and this shatter is going to be very
5358s important for the side of Chinese Taipei
5360s because Pogba is far far far away from
5363s his own chatter and if Chinese Taipei
5366s gets to profit from the shatter it's
5369s going to be map one for them because
5370s it's already at 96 it's going to be
5373s about the barrage look almost ready to
5375s go it's locked now
5377s has changed my face okay there it is
5385s yeah oh wow
5388s hey guys welcome back as I was frozen
5392s after that moment uh rocket hit me
5395s yes that rock you got hit by the barrage
5400s uh sometimes the game does end in that
5402s fashion
5404s I think it was a good meanwhile to deny
5406s I think um usually one side right yeah
5408s usually when players touch then you
5411s usually have like a order so hey I'm
5414s gonna Touch first and if I die or if I
5415s have if I'm very low I'm gonna go out or
5417s at least try to go out and then the
5420s another member touch they have an
5422s internal order I think once once that
5425s first or like player is denied access to
5429s the point then they the second player
5432s has to react really quickly in order to
5434s just because it's not as planned but I
5437s don't think that reaction was there so a
5439s good wall on the side of Chinese Taipei
5441s and yes they did give up uh sanctum
5445s um it was a little bit sloppy it wasn't
5447s clean we had our first round three of uh
5450s Apec qualifiers but hey
5453s um Chinese type a one on top and they're
5455s already at Match Point yeah they still
5456s got still got plus one which is what
5458s they wanted probably one step Plus two
5460s out of this matchup as if we go back to
5463s the control we had uh we had our first
5465s uh junkrat which actually makes sense
5467s some of the junkrats actually using the
5469s mind you can actually throw the
5470s Reinhardt off the ground and look for
5472s the kill while that's happening that
5474s does makes it did make sense in theory
5476s but there are lots of other dps's that
5480s can be better and when you're thinking
5483s about like the team Synergy or junkrat
5484s oftentimes because you can't exactly hit
5487s the right target at the moment you want
5489s to focus uh it's a lot of people say
5492s it's he's not really the one for
5494s competitive hey tell that to Jake
5496s complain
5504s so I'm not gonna lie I mean I understand
5506s the concept I agree that it's not
5509s necessarily the best hero to play
5511s um but I do understand the concept you
5514s know that the opponent is going with
5515s their own heart they want to break
5516s Shields and especially if you want to go
5518s with Ryan I guess maybe if you want to
5521s go with the Orion mirror then having
5523s that Shield unavailable for your
5525s opponent is going to be like a miles
5527s miles ahead making your rhino head yeah
5530s it's okay even if you don't break the
5532s shield you can actually just Bounce Off
5533s the Wall right behind it's actually a
5535s really good map to actually just bounce
5536s uh bounce your damage off the wall and
5539s just hit the back line of course you
5541s can't if you can hit it all the time
5543s you're going to get a kill uh but even
5545s if you can't you're still chipping in
5547s some damage so there were a lot of
5548s reasons for that junkrat yeah and for
5550s the side of Chinese Taipei I think this
5552s means a lot because yes although rounds
5555s don't count I think as unless I am
5557s mistaken
5559s um they still got that map when which is
5561s really important because for them
5562s especially if they want to qualify here
5564s if they want to set up for qualification
5566s here map differentials is going to
5568s luckily going to be very very key for
5571s the side of Chinese Taipei they need all
5573s the maps that they need in order for
5575s them to compete with Hong Kong for that
5576s third place qualifier Place yeah
5578s certainly as Philippines actually taking
5580s taking one off uh from from Nepal I
5583s think that should have gave them a lot a
5585s lot more chances since saying okay we
5587s can actually uh compete uh Redux worked
5590s they had some promising signs as uh so
5594s far there were some really good Fair
5596s moment I think depending on the map
5598s maybe they will try to contest but it
5600s was usually only on control where they
5602s actually had Fair mercy and sometimes
5604s they changed back into their own Echo
5607s it's another option if they want to if
5610s they want to choose into one of those
5612s hybrid Maps I think that's totally
5613s possible but it's it's up to them as we
5616s have seen some
5620s I was going to say just no circuit
5626s shambali is also like to be fair
5629s shambali is a map that spawn camping is
5631s a lot easier than
5633s circuit Royale so unless you're going to
5636s get the odds of South Korea I think
5637s shambali is an okay choice
5640s so Philippines for the for in case it's
5643s the first time for you watching this is
5645s a first to two and so that means that
5649s the loser of map one gets to choose not
5651s only the map but also the map type so it
5655s is uh the Philippines choice of map and
5658s it will be shambali and that is an
5660s escort map so it's uh maybe I'm
5663s expecting something like a ramatra here
5666s maybe I think rawatra makes a lot of
5668s sense if you want to run the Reinhardt
5672s Rush that's also viable
5674s but we'll see how it goes I I from
5677s seeing that Chinese Cafe doesn't have uh
5679s tomato sub'd out I think they're going
5681s definitely going with their um Ram rush
5683s I think yeah still no uh Nexus coming
5686s out from Chinese Taipei today yeah I
5688s mean one because since it's a Net score
5691s map a lot of usually on escort Maps off
5693s tanks usually take the floor and this is
5696s no different and romantra is in
5699s relatively near hero so sometimes the
5701s traditional main tank
5703s um plays for Macho sometimes the often
5704s plays or matcha but in this case it
5706s looks like tomato is going to be the
5708s main ramacha player for Chinese Taipei I
5711s looking at their positioning here I
5713s don't think they're necessarily going to
5714s go with the
5716s spawn Camp Strat here yep and light is
5719s actually hidden uh here what what yeah
5721s the one playing a lot more hitscan or
5725s Chinese type B and snow did go uh hope
5728s Ashley did go out
5731s so let's see the starting fight here as
5734s still keeping that fire Mercy strong for
5737s Philippines okay it worked
5738s not not that bad we did not go into the
5741s point but still in terms of damage and
5743s what impact we actually had against
5745s Chinese Taipei okay let's keep this up I
5747s think that's a line of thought that
5748s Philippines has
5751s yes I think Philippines did kind of
5753s little the profit for the pharmacy I
5755s don't necessarily think that this is uh
5758s the best map to play Pharmacy but again
5762s at the same Theory it goes if you want
5764s to run the pharmacy that means you have
5766s only three members on the ground then
5769s either you have to do so much damage
5771s that it doesn't that the number of
5773s dynamic disadvantage doesn't matter on
5775s the ground or that your horse is on the
5777s ground are able to survive a3v5 it looks
5781s like
5782s so a trade is okay but they are losing
5786s ground so it's now a 2v4 which is
5789s actually more oh wait okay gotta kill on
5792s the lights the book was still in the air
5794s trying to Target on that Cassidy okay I
5797s have it around the corner I wasn't able
5798s to see that really clearly but it looks
5800s like Ferrar did apply enough pressure
5803s for them to win on the ground fight so
5805s okay never mind because what is making
5809s this Pharmacy work and they're already
5811s approaching barrage so if the time it
5814s correctly and position correctly this
5816s far might buy Philippines another turn
5819s yeah actually uh punklet was getting
5821s healed really well from John Lee
5823s actually was able to survive for long
5825s enough time for a walk to chip in that
5827s much damage I could see the HP ball
5830s going back down and up down enough for
5833s light a couple of times so that looks
5836s better has been on light for the last
5839s time okay knows that Philippines
5842s they are pulling the trigger first with
5844s that Annihilation good alt usage from
5847s Chinese Fab know that they have less
5849s ultimates and they want to pull the
5850s trigger now so they finally
5853s um they finally stabilize things and
5855s although Philippines they do have five
5857s vaults Chinese Taipei did stall a little
5860s bit of time which they need desperately
5862s here well it's still in the air trying
5865s to go all the way to the side and harass
5868s the back line of Chinese Taipei as
5870s they're struggling to defend the right
5872s target here as Philippines actually
5874s holding a pretty good ground so here's
5876s the inish position from Remo with the
5878s sound barrier
5879s where is that
5881s garage but it was so far away that it
5885s only took out
5887s the immortality feel however
5890s it penetrate better trade for the
5891s Philippines actually using a lot more
5894s yeah from the back line was able to
5896s trade better
5897s yes trades better but they also used a
5900s lot more alts they use they have five
5901s ultimates in their bank and they used
5904s four so I think Chinese Taipei was like
5907s I mean they used a lot of volts this is
5909s the fight we're gonna be losing but
5911s still Philippines they kept pointing and
5914s they they got what they came for
5917s as long as they still have one more left
5919s which is the important Dragon strike
5921s okay
5922s we've been seeing a lot of dragon strike
5924s kills like surprisingly from uh the
5928s World Cup qualifiers it's usually for
5930s just to space them out from the from the
5932s payload exactly oh here's a push from
5934s Tiny state pay they're going in all the
5936s way pushing Philippines trapping them in
5938s the wall is that Dragon trick I don't
5940s think it finds anyone but wow what a
5943s punch from tomato there and everyone is
5946s oh and headshot from lights
5949s and last one in the air brought down
5952s Mercy gone too so team white yeah good
5954s staggered kill on Jenna from Raymond
5956s there so Chinese Taipei has to win a
5958s little bit I know actually Philippines
5959s has to the way with a little bit more
5960s and that means less time on the time
5963s bank and Chinese Taipei have key
5966s ultimates coming up they have the
5967s overclock they have the annihilation so
5970s it is going to be a question of hey do
5972s they know how much uh how much all
5975s charge what has okay what already has
5977s the barrage so it's going to be a fight
5979s of whether Chinese Taipei will be
5981s pulling the trigger first or will
5982s Philippines just be firing the brush
5984s first yeah man also Redux on that Hanzo
5987s has been having some pretty good uh
5989s headshots dealing with the back line
5991s also sometimes a DPS line of pennies
5993s type hey so if those shots continue to
5995s land oh hold on
6006s uh yeah I think that barrage could have
6010s done a lot more damage if snow didn't
6012s just headshot walk there so good
6015s awareness from snow and good Target
6017s priority from the Chinese Taipei team
6020s and
6022s suddenly all of a sudden this is going
6024s to be a very awkward situation for the
6026s Philippines because yes yes they will
6029s have the Nano up very soon but if
6032s Chinese Taipei finds that window before
6034s key ultimates pop up for Philippines it
6037s is going to be almost Last by territory
6039s for Philippines yeah exactly that's why
6040s I think they're Philippines right now of
6042s course bears in the air but a lot of
6045s pressure for redox the opening Kill from
6047s Hanzo will be one of the greatest
6050s four Philippines because on this uphill
6052s choke point it can be really hard
6055s okay focused again picked up The Kill by
6058s Lucio light picking up more the
6060s backlines gone
6061s trying to contest actually get grabs
6064s viewed walk doing a lot even through the
6067s fields
6069s let's look at the targeting those pushes
6072s but I like the idea from Chinese Taipei
6074s they know that key ultimates is coming
6076s out from the side of Philippines they
6078s want to stall as much time as they want
6080s so they were on a forward defense so now
6083s they even though they lost that fight
6085s over there they still have time for at
6087s least one or two more fights this is
6089s what they wanted and even though if this
6091s fight for Chinese Taipei for the Chinese
6094s if they want to beat out as much
6096s ultimates as they want so there are two
6098s ultimates here for three ultimates for
6101s the side of Philippines yes they will be
6103s it's not there is there but it's already
6104s too late they lost us Never Their
6106s members uh no Ramada in this fight too
6108s Philippines who have the dragon strike
6110s and this payload is pushing
6114s no time but it's going to cap okay I
6117s think the idea from Chinese Taipei was
6119s to hey we wanted for we want to defend a
6122s little bit more forward and then we can
6124s lose one or two fights and then we can
6126s we can have them use all their ultimates
6129s and then we can fight the lat at the
6131s very last to contest with our alts and
6133s them they're also depleted however yes
6136s the Ikea was good but I think uh
6138s Philippines did a good job of managing
6141s the payload so that so by the time they
6143s won the second team fight the the
6146s payload was in a position to already cap
6148s so good good thinking on Chinese Taipei
6152s but also good execution on the outside
6154s of Philippines yeah but again starting
6155s with that Hanzo kill onto snow there was
6158s no May to start off or change it was if
6160s I beat four and still Philippines they
6162s knew that they have no time they had to
6164s go for that second point so pushed all
6167s the Hues all the ultimates as long as
6169s you got what you wanted I think that's
6171s okay better now to use it than waste
6174s later
6177s with 30 seconds left on they will be
6180s looking for their opportunity to wipe
6183s the team because a team wipe at this
6186s stage of the game means that it's going
6187s to be at least a desperation touch or
6189s even not even a touch opportunity for
6192s the size of Philippines they have two
6194s alternate things at any time is the time
6196s to use the ultimates this is going to be
6198s now less than 10 seconds but Philippines
6201s they're dropping one by one can they
6203s even touch oh the response pretty far
6206s and I think the final member down has
6208s been gone for a while so that's first
6211s round complete with two points
6215s um I think the Philippines will be I
6218s don't think they will be as sad ecstatic
6220s for that push but I think they'll still
6222s feel pretty good about that because they
6225s went pretty far they count two full
6227s points and they were about halfway up to
6230s point C so and chabali is if defended
6234s correctly can be a very tricky map like
6237s to penetrate the defenses so I think
6240s they'll be happy the pharah did get a
6243s lot of value from walked I walked was
6245s very very very impressive on the pharah
6247s in general with the mercy as well
6250s Chinese Taipei they had the right ideas
6252s they were a little bit lacking on the
6253s execution so we'll see how Chinese
6255s taipei's
6256s uh attack goes because they still have a
6259s chance to win this map if they full push
6261s if a full cap until Point C then they
6265s win so yeah if they go exactly the same
6268s of course after the second point but
6271s first half the Philippines actually
6273s looked really well coordinated the DPS
6275s they were picking up kills because they
6278s were totally separated and once in the
6279s air once in the ground Han so usually
6281s just runs away from any type of those
6283s isolation and Pumba who we have been
6286s criticizing a lot through the first week
6288s has been sustaining so well on that
6291s ramatra I think that was actually the
6293s one of the key points and you say pay
6294s they're focusing on him so many times
6296s but he was not brought down in time he
6299s did a lot of potential and the Synergy
6301s for those in the air to actually grab
6303s the kill exactly so a lot of individual
6305s Improvement for the side of [ __ ] but I
6307s mean I just can't phrase them enough
6309s because we've like Visage left we've
6312s been pointing out but as one of the weak
6313s links of the of Team Philippines however
6316s he was very solid and did his duty as
6319s tank and if you look at the Philippines
6321s right now they are going with the ram I
6323s don't I wouldn't I wouldn't want to call
6324s this rush and it's just a ram
6326s composition with the Vera and the Hanzo
6329s they didn't go for a spawn Camp so it
6333s looks like they wanted to come here at
6334s this corner and it was close shout out
6337s to tomato
6343s be careful picking through those windows
6345s a lot of targets
6347s also interesting interesting choice of
6350s composition by Chinese Cafe they are
6352s opting to go with the echo which is
6354s generally known as a good pick against
6356s zafara but however Chinese Taipei does
6359s not have that mercy and Philippines has
6362s the mercy sustained for the pocket for
6364s pocketing Farah so it'll be a little bit
6366s of a difficult task to take out pharah
6370s just with the echo of course Echo can do
6374s a lot of work but as you mentioned
6376s without the mercy not as much as we all
6379s know it
6380s there's something ready with that Nano
6384s somebody needs to use it on that remote
6386s if there's if there's a challenge
6389s okay Chinese
6393s duplicate however sleep denies most of
6396s the time here so good sleep by Charlie
6398s Charlie gets taken out though
6400s after the Nano they're taking the
6403s opponent 10 Tomatoes gone so I have to
6405s worry about the DPS line Landing slime
6407s still healthy
6408s deer along with the snow fall spot
6411s misses
6413s so no further kill but the payload is
6416s still being pushed
6417s yeah so right now I think a lot of the
6420s Chinese
6421s oh nice shot there
6424s he knows his Hanzo has been getting a
6426s lot of those kills onto Tracer which is
6428s one of the harder targets yeah a lot of
6431s the so Hunters because it's a
6434s projectile and it's not like necessarily
6436s like the fastest protocol in the world
6438s it's very hard to register those
6441s headshots
6443s against guns and those future technical
6447s weapons and also if you can land the
6450s right shot you can actually do well
6452s there's that strike okay we walked
6454s taking out flight and then also the
6456s branch taking out no it was very far
6460s away so I didn't thought it would be a
6463s lot of value there but however it's
6464s Philippines do their job very very
6467s professionally and okay Chinese Taipei
6471s have La has a little bit more than one
6473s minute to cap point a wow Philippines
6477s here
6478s at that corner if you have the dragons
6480s like uh near that payload and a barrage
6482s from the other side come on unless
6485s you're in the building you can't really
6486s escape from that damage okay pretty good
6489s teamwork from Philippines so far can you
6492s say hey you need to get further about
6493s less than a minute
6495s so this is probably going to be their
6497s best opportunity because they have the
6499s ultimates they have the Rampage they
6500s have the sound barrier if they
6504s of course they don't want to use wow
6506s that's big
6508s all right will they be pushed the
6510s Philippines
6511s yes what but the entirety of the GPS
6515s lineup of Chinese
6517s wiped out and I think Tomatoes Rampage
6521s only hit buckby about three Cactus 15
6523s seconds
6527s snow is there so maybe snow is there to
6530s touch however
6531s yeah the Rampage got no value because
6533s not many on the ground
6536s two seconds out very early on from Mali
6539s pulse bomb goes wide and Pokemon Redux
6541s Falls okay this is a good start for
6544s Chinese Pepe it looks like they will be
6546s able to cap point a unless there are
6549s some individual heroics here
6552s okay that's the team wipe now finally
6555s with zero seconds Chinese Taipei will
6558s get the first okay we'll get to that
6560s first point and that was close though
6564s yeah size of probably size of relief
6566s from the side of Chinese Taipei uh the
6570s the Rampage from tomato didn't well yes
6574s it did hit and in the end Pokemon fall
6576s because of that felt because of that but
6578s it wasn't of immense value and then
6580s after that Philippines had good Target
6583s acquisition and focus on the DPS lineup
6585s of Chinese type A they beat so Chinese
6588s typing lack the Firepower but
6591s good touch and good bounce back from
6594s Chinese Taipei and Philippines they
6597s still have some molds so early Nano
6599s combat but the focus is on Redux almost
6602s going downstairs arrives
6605s comes the light tanzo
6609s and taking down Charlie and redox and
6613s look it's going full insane mode and
6617s that Echo well Alfonso of light actually
6620s grabbing three kills and bring out those
6622s three dragon strike on his own now this
6624s payload is on the highway about to yeah
6627s this hill
6628s was supposed to be one of the harder
6631s points and I don't think that space
6634s Philippines keep touch okay yeah they
6636s are going to uh C point B
6639s Philippines do have some old swords uh
6643s remarkably the annihilation from Puck
6645s butt and Chinese Taipei doesn't have a
6648s lot of defensive measures however
6649s Chinese Taipei also has offensive
6651s measures of their own for example they
6653s can pop the katsuna rush and
6655s Rampage first and Philippines don't have
6659s any defensive measures either so it's
6660s going to be a fight of whoever gets that
6662s angle for aggression first and pushes
6664s that trigger because there's a rampage
6670s is very very close to completion trying
6673s to type a name everyone now in
6675s Philippines okay what this is the queen
6679s but can't believe he's alone okay try to
6682s bring back home okay they're actually
6685s confessing this they came back really
6686s early
6694s they survive no tomato takes down mercy
6697s and this might be it
6700s is going to be it two meters left and
6703s that is it and Chinese Taipei keep their
6705s hopes alive for qualification 2-0 win
6708s for type Chinese Taipei 2-0 win but it
6711s was a close closer win than we thought
6713s Philippines really gave them a big
6716s Challenge on both the control Nepal and
6718s also shambali here uh of course it's a
6722s 2-0 on um on paperwork we're going to be
6724s writing down as a result but Philippines
6728s a I think they actually had one of the
6731s best match in the qualifier so far
6733s exactly um yes Chinese Taipei they got
6735s what they wanted they got the 2-0 win
6737s they got the plus two map differentials
6740s and the win that they desperately need
6741s for the qualifi uh for the qualification
6743s of this group however Philippines I've
6746s been mentioning this time and time and
6748s over again they have been improving a
6750s lot
6751s um yes they did fall they managed to
6753s take their first round
6755s um because I think this is their first
6757s round win of Philippines in the entire
6759s tournament and I think they can be proud
6761s of themselves because a lot of the
6762s issues that we've been addressing as
6764s their problems have been are at least
6766s weak I wouldn't say solved but at least
6769s we can see that they're being worked on
6771s and we've seen a lot of progress for
6773s example their health usage their alt
6774s discipline has gone a lot lot nearer
6777s than
6778s um the disorganized chaos that we've
6780s been seeing in the week one also Target
6782s acquisition Target Focus which is I
6785s can't stress enough in professional
6787s level gameplay because yes you may be
6789s mechanically good you may be winning
6791s these 1v1s however if you want to win as
6793s a team you need to focus on what kind of
6795s targets are your priority you need to
6798s have an entire checklist of what hey
6800s we're playing this comp they're playing
6801s this that comp if this comp wants to win
6804s against that comp you have to do this
6806s this this this there are checklist of
6808s things that you need to do if you want
6809s to win and it looks like Philippines has
6812s a hold of what that checklist looked
6814s like and they're working towards
6815s checking them out yeah exactly if you
6816s get that many compliments from unknown
6818s you're certainly on the right track and
6820s that's how far as I know because I don't
6822s get a compliments from this guy not much
6825s as I was also very impressed this seemed
6828s to be the comp that works really well
6830s for Philippines with this roster and on
6833s the map it actually worked really well
6834s oftentimes it seemed like a Chinese
6836s Taipei they had better moments so there
6839s were lots of great great defensive
6841s moments but uh one headshot from hanza
6843s One Barrage from the fair Mercy in the
6846s Philippines they kept on pushing pushing
6847s pushing almost got to the third point
6849s was not really close and the second half
6852s oh it was close there were moments where
6854s Chinese Taipei de crap isn't stopped
6856s they actually had no time for that first
6858s point yeah they might have uh one fight
6861s if one fight went wrong for the side of
6862s Chinese Taipei they would have been full
6864s held and we might have gone to a map
6866s three but who knows but again even
6869s through through those difficult
6870s circumstances Chinese Taipei did keep
6872s their composure to keep kept their cool
6874s and they also did a lot better than week
6877s one well week one is a little bit unfair
6879s to them was a little bit too harsh for
6881s them because their first two opponents
6883s were Korean Japan yeah that's right
6885s still Chinese Taipei they are looking
6887s like why they are still alive in that
6890s contention for a call qualifying and
6893s they look pretty good still there are
6896s chances for Chinese Taipei with that 2-0
6898s victory for tomorrow I think that's
6900s going to be the big match against Hong
6902s Kong which that we have to talk about
6904s because the third match we have for
6905s tonight is going to be Japan versus Hong
6907s Kong when we come back we'll have that
6908s match
6919s Donald Trump
6952s thank you
6981s [Music]
6986s foreign
6992s [Music]
7008s [Music]
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7032s [Music]
7066s thank you
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7090s thank you
7123s thank you
7135s [Music]
7153s foreign
7205s foreign
7206s [Music]
7222s foreign
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7251s [Music]
7293s foreign
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7409s [Music]
7424s thank you
7427s and welcome back everyone to OverWatch
7429s World Cup qualifiers APAC group hey with
7433s G clef and I'm known here as we are
7436s going into the final match of the night
7438s is going to be Japan versus Hong Kong
7440s the hype match of the day what do you
7443s think is going to happen and what's your
7446s prediction who's going to win on this
7447s one well Japan versus Hong Kong
7450s um well if I jump straight into the
7451s predictions I do think that Japan will
7453s be the favorites to come into this one I
7455s just have to give Japan the credit they
7457s deserve because currently they are
7459s undefeated so far and undefeated for a
7462s reason they have been doing very well
7463s not just um they have been doing all
7466s their compositions very well they have
7467s their execution not only just their comp
7469s selection but also their execution has
7472s been very on point we have been seeing
7474s them being very good as team verrell
7477s which the um entire team Japan is
7480s consistent of they have been doing very
7481s well in contenders Apex spring and
7484s summer and well yes Hong Kong is a very
7487s or it's there are a team that has a
7490s talent there and there are getting
7491s better as the weeks come by however I
7493s think Japan's experience and cohesion as
7495s a team that have been staying together
7496s for almost a full year now I think will
7498s be the defense maker here I do have to
7502s emphasize that this map this match is
7503s going to be very very important for the
7505s side of Hong Kong though because Japan
7507s already clinched their qualification
7509s status for the group stages however
7511s because Chinese Taipei won the previous
7513s match just before the pressure is now on
7517s to Hong Kong because if they lose it's
7519s going to be a very very difficult
7521s situation for Hong Kong now yeah because
7524s if uh because Chinese Taipei they
7526s basically got 2-2 now which brings up
7529s Hong Kong with 2-1 after losing this
7532s match against Japan that will tie up
7534s things of course we have to talk about
7536s the map differential but that's again a
7539s 2-2 and they have a match against each
7541s other yes that's going to be the decider
7543s So in theory if Hong Kong loses to Japan
7546s Hong Kong will be be forced into a
7548s situation where they have to absolutely
7550s win against Chinese Taipei yes I mean if
7553s they if they want if you if you want to
7556s like put it that way like hey then Hong
7559s Kong maybe is a stronger team than
7560s Chinese type hey why don't they when it
7562s anything can happen on that day and
7564s looking at how at looking at the
7567s momentum Chinese Taipei is building so
7569s far I think Chinese type A is going to
7571s be a very very scary opposition in the
7574s eyes of Hong Kong they want they
7576s definitely want to win today and come
7579s into tomorrow very very comfortably yeah
7581s for sure as they would love to I'm
7584s talking Hong Kong here as they would
7585s love to bring down Japan to have a
7588s better chance of actually playing uh
7590s having an easier time playing against
7592s Chinese Taipei tomorrow or even before
7594s that of course they have to fight right
7596s now and it's going to be a one-hard
7599s match for Hong Kong because Japan it
7601s seems like from Japan actually as it
7604s goes through the tournament they're
7605s actually fighting stronger teams one
7607s after another now they have to find Hong
7610s Kong today and the day after on the last
7612s day Japan with this roster they have to
7615s play South Korea so this they have to
7618s show everything here if not uh maybe
7621s they'll I don't think there's room to
7624s really keep every anything in their
7626s sleeves no they don't and if you look at
7628s this roster this roster has been playing
7630s 14 Japan for the entirety of the
7632s qualifiers so far Miko cookie at the DPS
7635s Royal KSG at the tank mint and Cloud at
7638s the support role so mihawk and Plankton
7641s has not featured yet for Japan maybe
7643s today is going to be their chance to
7645s feature later on today and Hong Kong we
7648s have shallian kurumi at the DPS roll r3k
7650s on the tank mango Giant and am crazy so
7653s this is this is what we've been
7654s expecting for Hong Kong yes they have
7656s been showing different iterations of
7658s this roster however this is in my
7661s opinion the strongest roster that Hong
7663s Kong Can field and they're here
7665s for the win
7667s they have to grab the win if you do have
7669s crew me on that Widow has not been
7672s showing much Widow but do you have to
7675s pinpoint as remember last week as they
7678s did lose against uh South Korea 2-0 that
7681s was last Sunday Japan and Hong Kong did
7684s not play yesterday so it seems like
7685s forever that they actually played on
7687s stage uh but there were a lot of moments
7689s were even before r3k was focused where
7692s krumi was brought down before the team
7693s fight was sniped by Hanzo and Hong Kong
7696s just did not match in numbers before
7698s they actually had a clash of the team
7701s fight and that just could not happen
7703s against a team like Japan today exactly
7706s so Hong Kong was displaying similar like
7708s weaknesses to some of the other
7710s struggling teams in this group they were
7713s a little bit too eager they they were
7716s getting picked out one by one even as
7718s they were regrouping and so that kind of
7720s delayed them even further so even in a
7722s situation where they had the old
7724s Advantage they gave the opposition
7726s enough time for them to follow up on the
7728s old charges and then after that it's
7730s going to be a totally neutral fight with
7731s the alt with the same amount of
7733s ultimates and with the power against the
7735s power against the team with a power
7737s level like Japan and or Korea then
7739s that's going to be in a pillow fight for
7740s you so you want to have as much
7741s Advantage as you absolutely want and our
7744s first round is going to be lighthouse
7747s okay so this kind of opens up
7750s possibilities for Flyers like cookie is
7752s hovering and retracting right now
7754s however Echo we've seen a lot of echo
7756s here on this map right also a little bit
7758s of Diva and the ash which I think no
7762s team uh neither of the team are going to
7765s go for or surprisingly yeah no Anna from
7768s the back line either so it seems like
7770s that A Team actually wants to be
7773s grabbing that the top floor
7776s near the control point they actually
7778s wants to
7779s of course after the Skirmish here yeah
7782s so none of the teams like he's mentioned
7784s G clef are one they're they're not
7786s putting much priority on The High Ground
7787s Control like some of the other uh teams
7791s playing on Lighthouse however both teams
7794s are putting 100 priority on this ground
7798s fight and positional advantage to Japan
7801s either with that
7803s um I think the out of maneuvered I'll
7805s call a little bit Great Wall there is
7808s only r3k and this is going to be numbers
7810s Advantage for Japan
7812s Hong Kong has to reset yeah even for the
7815s wall I mean that Circle Queen was pretty
7817s much zero HP that you should fight lust
7820s of rotations slightly faster for Japan
7822s yeah so I'm calling now switching
7824s everything among Dai on the best hero
7827s and Anna Charlie and going on yeah which
7831s I don't think we've seen too many well I
7833s mean pharah is in theory very similar to
7835s Echo in this and this map specifically
7839s on Lighthouse Court but I it leaves a
7842s lot to be desired right now because I've
7844s been talking about Flyers all day today
7846s and the main point about Flyers is
7848s number one you have to either do enough
7850s damage or harassment enough that your
7853s ground forces even without numbers and
7855s disadvantages can do a lot of work or
7857s okay your team already has control at
7860s the point of which they don't however
7862s shaolan is having an early barrage here
7865s so maybe this is something that Hong
7867s Kong can work with yeah with four
7869s lessons out already Hong Kong the
7871s opposition here is Shanley from the side
7892s only two members okay this fight is
7895s getting very extended here so Hong Kong
7897s absolutely has to win which they do have
7900s however I thought they could actually
7902s win that 3v4
7905s well I mean I'm not invested in that
7907s fight too and maybe it was worth it in a
7909s sense that they were gonna swap the
7911s compositions away because they wanted to
7912s they figured out that Hong Kong was
7914s going with the uh flyers and as you can
7917s see KSG is going with the diva and then
7919s the double tankers so maybe they think
7921s that KSG is Diva and clouds Anna is
7924s going to be enough to suppress the
7926s aerial presence of Hong Kong so I mean
7929s if they're going to if they were going
7931s to change compositions anyway so I
7933s understand this um use they all use it
7936s from the last flight and they already
7938s have 82 on the board so they do have
7941s time for another bad one or two bad
7945s fights
7946s but of course they want to win every
7948s fight so yeah catches Tracer there with
7950s the Nano Doom fish and Hong Kong as they
7953s know already okay they control the air
7956s and also a lot of positions when they go
7958s in it'll be all together or nothing so I
7961s think doomfist there's a still there's
7963s still argument to be made on that oh
7967s from cookie so that denied the Glide so
7974s denies abilities for the hero for like
7978s 1.5 seconds if I'm not mistaken and that
7981s was enough for shaolan to drop and just
7984s fall there and if you fall there you
7987s can't even res so that was very very
7990s clever play from Japan and cookie now
7992s has yeah
7994s yeah with that EMP they just want a
7996s secure us through Ruby is
7999s trying to survive but that will be it
8001s Japan faking the first 102 56. well
8005s that's I mean I don't want to give out
8007s all the credit to cookie there like that
8009s kill all the power was was very very
8012s important because pharah was 96 on brush
8016s even before even after that death so if
8020s Pharaoh didn't die over there it didn't
8021s fall over there then the barrage would
8023s have been available and Hong Kong
8025s wouldn't have to have to reset that I
8028s think that made a lot of differences
8029s there so maybe Japan could have won even
8032s with the Hong Kong using the garage but
8034s you never know because barrage is such a
8037s powerful ultimate that may have turned
8039s the tides of the fight yes you had a
8041s pretty good point at Japan they I was
8043s thinking that they might have used too
8045s much but they already had 82 from the
8048s first capture that continued before they
8050s actually changed the theme car so Japan
8052s knew that okay in the long run we can
8055s gather some more rules and finish this
8057s first that was pretty clean actually
8059s okay now we're going to ruins and we are
8062s noticing that usually this is a favorite
8065s map for a widow however both teams are
8067s not letting go with the Widow after the
8068s nurse on remember this is on the live
8071s patch so this is where the uh Widow
8074s makers are nerfed kooky Falls first but
8078s we still have to see a little bit more
8081s but it looks like Hong Kong is taking a
8083s positional Advantage here shell land
8084s also taking down KSG so this means that
8087s Hong Kong will be able to cap first and
8089s take control of the point yeah Charlie
8090s and on that lady buff again G uh the
8094s live server with more short games
8095s available
8097s and xiaolan is also a player that we've
8099s been seeing with great interest in
8101s contenders APAC we've we've seen this
8104s player do a lot of work on the Genji
8107s pick so this is if if you're if you're
8109s new to these some of these players maybe
8111s you want to take a close attention to uh
8113s let's get in here yeah certainly one of
8115s the best again
8116s summer series APAC and Japan's trying to
8120s confess by some more space near the
8122s control point
8127s however it wasn't enough that there
8128s wasn't
8129s the damage for the side of Japan and
8132s make any meaningful kills he coalescence
8135s used by Cloud by
8137s answering answering Olympics from the
8140s side of Hong Kong and the kills are
8142s being followed up so more percentage on
8144s the side of Hong Kong and they only use
8146s two ultimates at three are online so
8148s even if Japan uses the annihilation the
8151s Hong Kong has measures two counters so
8154s this is looking pretty promising for
8156s Hong Kong it's like 55 with the blade
8159s and the blossom plus the sound barrier
8161s available unless it's Ajax I figure
8164s early on okay
8168s yeah they're that blade
8170s really well handled plus Nico Nico where
8175s did that
8176s where'd that Reaper come from it must
8178s have dropped from the top
8180s I wasn't able to see but this was a very
8184s very crucial victory in the side of
8186s Japan because they were at a ultimate
8188s deficit and Hong Kong was investing a
8190s lot of the ultimates that you can see
8191s that Xiaolin also used his Dragon Blade
8193s and now it is only the deeper old and no
8198s way I thought it was actually crew me
8200s actually grabbing the kill along with
8201s the blade but it was it it was the
8203s opposite Nico
8207s so close to it cookie with the EMP and
8210s no measures no defensive benches on the
8212s side of Hong Kong's encounter herself
8213s yes groomy does use the death Blossom to
8216s take out Nico but can they get more
8218s pushing at the team and that's gonna
8220s more than enough damage with the tank
8222s down oh man they're on a chase mids
8225s trapped onto the corner too loud
8227s yeah build support they tries to sustain
8229s themselves but with no other measures
8233s okay just harassing just for a second
8236s more from qk okay both teams are kind of
8240s losing in situations that they should be
8242s winning for example in Hong Kong and the
8244s term before that they should have been
8245s winning on that fight and Japan won with
8247s the heroes of Nico however now on this
8250s turn the last the most recent fight
8252s Japan it looked like Japan was going to
8254s win that fight because Hong Kong didn't
8255s have any ultimates whatsoever however
8258s Hong Kong managed you make that win and
8261s coalitions from both sides screw me
8263s falling dropping first means that Hong
8265s Kong is at a disadvantage however it is
8268s 99 and over time running for the side of
8270s Hong Kong can still actually back up a
8273s little bit and not lose too many members
8275s unless well that was going to be closed
8277s on Mango Jai almost rocked right there
8279s and still Japan gathers a lot of old
8281s songs crazy that is an ambitious sound
8284s barrier and a rampage gets there and
8288s kiss G with the annihilation doing a lot
8291s of damage
8292s the blade for Sean land
8295s has to make this count
8298s it's already flipped over to Japan
8299s they're Gathering percentages
8302s gone however Hong Kong is investing a
8305s lot of ultimates so they needed to win
8307s this fight but no yeah I think wanted to
8310s actually finish the game right there
8311s right with that much resources spanned
8315s it's a little bit of questionable old
8316s discipline for the side of Hong Kong I
8318s think that because KSG used his
8321s Annihilation they could just disengage
8323s or maybe give up one or two members of
8324s the team and look for the next fight
8326s with the old Advantage however they they
8330s thought it was going to be worth it
8331s that's the ultimates however they failed
8334s and now they're at a ultimate
8335s disadvantage Cloud not getting a lot of
8338s value and Nico not getting a lot of
8340s value from the ultimate as well however
8341s takes down a crew me and cookie and
8344s fizzy yes rdk gets Cloud down oh but no
8347s there's a lot of dreaming kills for kfg
8349s there's a blizzard now
8351s on either side it is overtime but is
8354s there anyone to touch I don't think
8355s there is to kill climbs over but gets it
8358s immediately and that's going to be the
8362s wind Forge of hand here as that was that
8365s turned out to be which we thought from
8367s the beginning it says okay Hong Kong
8369s seems to be grabbing this which only I'm
8371s playing pretty well on the Genji but
8373s ever since that Nico's that's blossomed
8376s from nowhere out of nowhere literally
8379s out of nowhere winning against the blade
8381s and the sound barrier which was almost
8382s gone by the way and ever since that
8384s moment Japan came back big time and we
8387s have a 2-0 yeah so I think uh Lighthouse
8390s was a little bit more competitive I
8392s think Hong Kong did a lot of good ideas
8394s and executed well I think it was mostly
8397s the heroics of kooky onto Sombra
8400s especially that hack manual hack on onto
8403s a firearm Montefiore I think that was a
8406s 300 IQ play to be honest but yeah
8408s anything there's no other Target too
8411s hack was going to was the play that made
8415s Lighthouse and Japan's favor and for to
8418s be honest on ruins I think I'm a little
8420s bit disappointed on the old disciplines
8422s on both sides because it was a little
8424s bit of a Fiesta here yeah at the end the
8427s last team fight Nicholas Blossom was it
8430s looked desperate and not in a perfect
8432s position saying okay I'm just going to
8434s pop this and see what happened and it
8437s was actually standing right next to the
8438s pillar which means that you're actually
8439s blocking your own damage I think there
8441s were a lot of panic buttons on both
8443s sides but Japan was a little bit more
8445s organized but I think both teams are
8448s better than what they displayed on ruin
8450s so maybe like during this map change
8453s that you will kind of organize the
8455s coaches will kind of point out hey this
8457s was you know this was unnecessary or
8459s this was he needed to press this button
8461s here a little bit more discipline on
8462s both not just the ultimates but also on
8465s the timing of the aggressions here so
8469s um but still again both teams are very
8471s competitive teams with good players and
8473s good coaches so I expect a better map
8475s too and we'll see what Hong Kong comes
8477s up with on the second map I'm expecting
8480s uh I think Hong Kong wants to play a lot
8482s more hybrid especially against Japan as
8485s I think Charlene's having an okay day we
8488s haven't seen we have seen a few blades
8490s okay but it wasn't nanoblade so not
8492s really getting like four four five men
8494s wipes with a single ultimate uh double
8496s ultimate but with just to play there was
8498s oftentimes at least two kills better
8500s trade so I think it was okay but to be
8503s honest um I really like shaotland's
8505s Farah so maybe even if he can play
8507s Pharaoh or the echo I think maybe he's
8509s like maps on on I don't know maybe
8511s blizzard world or maybe King's drive if
8513s that's available man this world cup it's
8515s all about Pharaoh right well
8518s emea started it oh yes and a lot of
8521s regions actually picking up and by the
8523s time when we get to group stage and
8525s BlizzCon I mean there might be more
8527s pharaohs coming who knows I mean I guess
8529s that's one of the charms of the World
8530s Cup right so a lot of the teams so yes
8533s there is a there's something called The
8535s Meta in the OverWatch league and a lot
8536s of players a lot of teams go with the
8538s meta and it is for usually the
8540s competition between teams that go with
8542s the meta or a team that just
8545s specifically encounters that meta we see
8547s a lot of more various things on the
8548s World Cup because number one most of the
8551s times metacoms are very hard not just
8554s hard not hard but it requires a lot more
8557s time to refine but for now in the World
8561s Cup it usually is with the limited time
8563s resources they have it is more sometimes
8565s more efficient to go with hey I'm just
8567s going to do what we do best and that
8569s works a lot better than playing The Meta
8572s awkwardly so I think this is one of the
8574s charms of the World Cup and I like what
8577s I'm seeing yeah and also so we get to
8579s see some of the clash between the meta
8581s and see and who comes on top because if
8583s you put before they actually confess
8585s because now it's reading the region uh
8588s everybody groups for now on the group
8590s stage depending on how the matchup goes
8592s you might see some other teams actually
8594s grabbing the match and by that point we
8597s might be on a different
8598s patch even so we don't exactly know what
8601s it's going to be really like in next
8603s next few months but okay this is a map
8607s that I do remember seeing yesterday
8610s uh I don't remember not for a long time
8614s but for four minutes under 40 seconds
8616s but
8618s um yeah
8620s okay and here um it's a choice a map
8624s chosen by Hong Kong though so we'll see
8628s what this circuit Royale will all be all
8631s about as Japan
8633s they haven't been seeing too much of
8635s escort Maps coming out from Japan at all
8637s okay we do see a little bit I just I see
8640s a little bit of member changes here on
8642s the side of Japan oh that's right I see
8644s mihawk and Plankton I predicted it right
8646s we will be having mihawk and Plankton on
8649s the stage today so
8652s um well Plankton is the often
8654s traditional off tank player on
8657s team Japan and on team Barrel so I
8659s expect that
8661s that Sigma not to change and mihawk is
8663s the traditional hitscan player for team
8666s Japan and Team bro so this kind of makes
8669s sense because this is usually the
8671s traditional lineup of what you would see
8673s on a circuit Royal defense and Arthur K
8677s is an off tank in nature so
8680s I I Matt a sigma mirror matchup it just
8683s makes sense
8684s yes this is dmap for the Widow too what
8688s so
8689s here's mihawk
8692s okay the shots did register but not a
8696s Kill
8698s but with the following shots with the
8701s hook
8702s interesting to see that both teams are
8705s running this sojourn time and surgeon
8708s with with that um charged railgun has
8711s one hit potential so maybe they're
8714s looking for that and also both teams are
8717s running the Zenyatta so with that
8719s Discord of work will be putting a lot of
8722s damage onto the enemy Sigma so you have
8726s that you have to have the right key
8727s focused before now though Hong Kong
8729s pushed into the first Corner still at
8733s full power okay Ruby has that charge
8737s where'd that sword turn and mihawk has
8740s been takes some shots but no direct head
8743s shots from the air
8744s and it also it also hurts a lot of the
8747s chances for mihawk as well because
8749s Widowmaker wizard so much to the point
8752s that you can't be far away you have to
8754s be near the tank Beyond 70 meters or 60
8757s meters I believe the damage the full
8759s charge shot damage has decreased to 150
8763s which was previously 300 so you can't
8765s even hit one shot
8767s um 200 hp targets so that's why Widow is
8770s not on the high ground right now and
8771s just right behind the sigma because they
8774s want to make that one shot potential
8776s happen yeah really good uh kill picked
8778s up by Nico there pushing with that death
8781s on to Hanzo now Hong Kong has to be
8783s forced back a little bit they actually
8785s pushed oh
8786s pretty well without having any type of
8789s death
8789s that's the second Corner yeah so this is
8792s basically installment on both sides I
8794s believe maybe there's gonna be a sniper
8797s kill or a ultimate use in order for a
8800s breakthrough to be made r3k dude does
8803s okay they have two Targets not two and
8806s so it procs the
8807s Transcendence which is very very oh Mia
8810s snipe onto mango Jai that's going to
8813s help uh in defense okay now it's
8815s Plankton's turn to use their graviton uh
8817s gravitic flux because there is going to
8820s be no trans Transcendence on the side of
8822s Hong Kong but Hong Kong knows this and
8824s they back away so more time for Japan to
8826s defend yeah but Japan still ended up uh
8829s using
8830s no using the Matrix uh all the way from
8833s the back so I'm falling I think they're
8834s feeling okay knowing that Plankton is
8837s still holding on to that ultimate
8839s it's up to me huh got one well I mean
8842s Plankton if you if his ultimate is used
8845s correctly it will force out oh chance
8848s sentence from mango
8850s both kills onto DPS oh they don't even
8853s need it because Japan lost so many
8856s members so I
8858s yeah that was wasted that was a really
8861s good catch by Plankton but no follow
8863s whatsoever yeah I believe that at least
8865s three members of the side of Hong Kong
8866s yeah or I think it was four yeah I think
8869s it was four two so Plankton lifted four
8872s members of Hong Kong but mango Jai good
8875s ultimate discipline there not to use the
8877s Transcendence there because they they
8879s didn't need it because they knew that
8880s Japan was losing a lot of their DPS
8882s members and there was no follow-up
8883s damage to cover up the kills
8886s yeah while that's been happening
8888s currently in tanzo could be deadly if he
8890s can get a kill onto well basically
8892s sniper versus sniper versus mihawk oh
8895s Ben's actually getting a kill launcher
8897s me down means that the overclock will be
8900s unavailable for the time being and maybe
8903s Hong Kong wants to back away uh I think
8906s Hong Kong should probably regroup and
8909s wait for that
8910s gravitic flux to be online because Cloud
8914s doesn't have his transcendency and I
8917s think Hong Kong knows this as well and
8919s but no plankton with that burst damage
8921s from the amplification Matrix was a
8923s little bit too much and Plankton is down
8927s yeah really well handled by the focus
8929s from Hong Kong as they will continue to
8931s push onto the second Point almost I'll
8933s call looks very very scary here Cloud
8936s once again forced the Transcendence out
8939s because of the r3k
8942s flux and the window from all the way
8945s back with those two finally Japan gets
8947s some answering kills and stabilized just
8950s before Hong Kong caps point B yeah 2.45
8954s out from reaching descent second Point
8957s well Hong Kong they feel okay as they
8959s have in pushing well still less than two
8961s minutes seems like there's a lot of time
8963s to push all the way to holding that
8965s Dragon strike however Hong Kong only has
8968s Jack strike and all the other ultimates
8971s are very very low while Japan has that
8975s zone has that overclock to threaten or
8978s maybe even grab some kills so if Nico
8982s can make use of that overclock then it
8984s will delay Hong Kong a little bit more
8986s that was a little too aggressive on his
8988s own with the after the driving track
8989s maybe he wasn't switch they don't even
8991s need that overclocking which is all the
8994s better for the side of Japan and I think
8996s Nico can use that overclock to buy time
8999s for Plankton to charge up that flux
9003s in Hong Kong they are finally put on
9005s halt for the last minute or so they go
9008s holding that little clock style slides
9011s away from on the other side of the man
9013s that is
9016s straight oh okay but
9019s get back to your own uh arms
9022s oh which will be a very hard Duty oh as
9026s long as you can find kills like that I
9027s guess it's all worth it yeah so I think
9030s it's mission accomplished for Nico right
9031s now even though Nico might fall right
9033s after this how so Nico bought time for
9037s Plankton to charge up that flux and all
9040s the better Nico survived and took
9042s another kill for it so wow what a
9044s harassment from Nico your Alex from Nico
9047s has always been the point of interest
9050s for both team Japan and team parallel
9052s Nico is showing up when it's very
9054s important here xiaolan taking out Nico
9056s Nico Falls eventually but however look
9058s Plankton has that flux ready and mega
9060s Jack does not have that chance ended so
9063s it's behind it's the prime opportunity
9065s for Japan yeah it just needs to wait
9066s Nico basically bought the team about 40
9069s seconds right before that the members
9071s dropping down like flies
9075s stop Hey look
9079s Dodge
9082s there that was real close Japan they do
9086s have a lot of volts they have to be very
9088s careful because if the fox if the flux
9091s puts everyone in the air they will be
9093s away from them payload there's that
9095s window
9097s r3k trying to cash but not going to be
9100s that effective on the other side Cloud
9103s counters that flux with the
9105s Transcendence and Plankton will be
9107s having their Plus on their own
9108s apparently and again if you're not
9110s traded but oh we must have been off the
9114s point the payload was not pushed all the
9116s way over time and that is just going to
9118s be it just a single point wow Nico with
9122s the heroics there I I can't emphasize
9125s that enough Nico was on the back side
9128s of Team Hong Kong and not only did did
9133s he pick up a few kills he bought
9135s precious time
9137s because I think that when a cap was a
9140s little early on the side of Hong Kong
9141s but
9143s Nico stalled enough time for not only
9145s for the key ultimates to come up on the
9147s side of Japan but also took precious
9149s time away from the time back yeah I
9151s could see Nico playing soldier like a
9154s tracer in a way yeah notice how he moves
9157s around of course slide it's a different
9159s hero but you could you know what I mean
9161s and also on the other side Sharon Leanne
9163s thinking that it can escape as a Hanzo
9165s and he's not Genji and he was caught off
9168s guard sometimes he couldn't climb over
9170s the wall or Swift strike away from the
9172s point as he was like wait he doesn't
9175s have the reflex first of all so
9179s so I'm back and forth action between the
9181s two DPS and I really fully enjoyed that
9183s yeah that was a very enjoyable defense
9185s on the side of Japan and I think that
9188s almost up to point B like entirely a few
9192s meters of before point B is a definitely
9195s a doable push so maybe if Japan does
9198s everything correctly they will I do
9200s expect them to
9202s cap that point and it starts with the oh
9206s okay I was about to say it starts with a
9209s cheeky sniper from mihawk but it doesn't
9211s happen it's expected
9214s to happen the reason why B Hawk is in
9217s here oh oh
9222s there's a lot of utilities from Hong
9225s Kong and no one's actually poking
9226s because of that Widow potential yeah so
9229s again it was it's the same thing from
9232s when Hong Kong attacked it's going to be
9234s installment unless there is a sniper
9236s kill or unless a ultimate comes comes up
9240s so it is oh okay
9243s me picking up plants and planktons
9249s taking down relatively quickly so this
9251s means Japan has to back all the way back
9253s but it respawn respawn is going to be
9257s very close so it's not really
9258s oh damaging there's a shot from mihawk
9262s it's starting yeah so crew mean taking
9264s down actually bigger than Japan losing
9267s Plankton early on Blacktown will be back
9268s but it is going to take time for Kumi to
9270s come back if Japan can make an extra
9272s kill here that will be the Breakthrough
9275s for this corner here I think okay
9276s getting some support from the back but
9278s the payloads
9295s and Cloud doesn't have
9298s the transcendency however Nico pops the
9300s overclock it takes two and even more
9303s Miha continues to double DPS from Japan
9305s continues to deliver they're starting
9307s again with two kills though yes Carl and
9310s mihawk 10 is taking down though about
9312s who cares because the rest of Japan is
9315s there to clean house and Japan caps
9318s point a you can only do so much sanso
9320s alone maybe you can go for five straight
9322s headshots but sometimes even against
9324s tanks that's not enough uh Japan will
9326s continue to push this one a little
9328s further and the good news for Japan is
9331s that they don't they didn't even have to
9333s use that much
9334s yeah so they have the flux they have the
9337s interest rate they have the
9338s Transcendence on Hong Kong side they
9340s have the Transcendence to counter the
9342s flux however so for the the homework for
9345s Japan the objective for Japan is going
9347s to be baiting out the baiting out the
9350s Transcendence or even better taking out
9352s that Zenyatta before before Plankton can
9355s use the flux and that is cool okay so
9357s they just decide to trade the flux with
9360s the Transcendence which is I think Japan
9363s is it has an okay it's not bad because
9366s they know that r3k's flux is far from
9369s um far from charging and the cloud has
9371s that Transcendence which can provide
9373s necessary the necessaries
9390s showing some other level of Snipes here
9394s as we're having a lot of snipers okay so
9397s this makes a lot of difference this is
9398s more important than just a few kills
9400s because xiaohan it was like Nico from
9403s the other side when when Hong Kong was
9405s attacking because when Nick as I just
9409s asked Nico bought time for Plankton and
9411s others to get their ultimates huh
9413s shaolan bought time for r3k to charge
9416s that plus so now Cloud which was seemed
9420s as a Transcendence Advantage now has to
9424s keep his Transcendence to counter that
9426s flux yeah on the other side Plankton
9429s mango their numbers are about the same
9430s let's see who charges up first it's done
9433s from Sigma
9434s [Music]
9435s okay straight with the as you called it
9438s it's another trade
9440s so it is
9443s and it continues Shaolin proving that
9446s Genji is not just the only hero that he
9450s is proficient at he is actually
9451s proficient at both
9454s Shimano brothers and although Japan has
9457s a little more than two minutes on the
9459s time bank they are slowly getting a
9462s little bit panicky here but mihawk
9464s stabilizes things with that snipe on and
9467s crazy man and might have that might be
9471s that window off of opportunity for the
9473s side of Japan
9474s that's exactly what Japan has been
9477s looking for with the roster coming into
9479s circuit but Nico responds again and when
9483s one gone which out the Hanzo Hong Kong
9487s might not have enough damage to break
9489s through those Shields it is Nico will be
9492s having that overclocked and there is not
9495s much defensive measures on the side
9498s with that Transcendence however it is
9501s only going to save himself because a
9503s headshot from an overclock will be a
9506s guaranteed kill mango Jai with that
9508s Transcendence but however flankton is
9510s there no
9512s oh that was really close towards the end
9516s but that is just going to be it Japan
9518s the flux denied the touch from Hong Kong
9522s so and no one else could come in at that
9524s moment yes mango Jai did use the
9527s Transcendence to provide a little bit of
9529s sustain there however it still cannot
9531s prevent their teammates from going up in
9534s the air and at that at that split moment
9537s where there were only two and a half
9538s meters to be pushed
9540s they they want anyone to touch the point
9542s yeah because they were trapped in the
9544s room because the moment you step out
9545s either you're going to be in the air
9547s from Sigma or you will be sniped from
9550s that without so often times though
9552s especially the back line and the tank
9553s from Hong Kong was
9555s forced to be inside on this on on that
9558s second point B and that's exactly where
9561s Japan striked we'll be grabbing a big
9565s win actually four straight two zeros for
9569s the pack qualifier so far yeah I mean
9571s Japan already clinched qualification but
9573s like getting more winning experience is
9576s always a good thing and they can also
9577s try things out they can also kind of
9579s figure out what they what isn't optimal
9582s at the current state I mean Japan won
9583s today but they did have a few issues
9585s that I were a little bit concerning
9587s today they definitely looked a little
9589s bit shakier than the earlier versions of
9592s Team Japan where they were so so so
9593s dominant but overall Japan did a very
9597s good job they did manage to secure the
9599s one which is the most important part it
9601s is getting interesting for Hong Kong
9603s because both Hong Kong and Chinese
9605s Taipei are two and two so this means
9608s that our first match of tomorrow will be
9611s the desire of who qualifies third yes
9614s because
9615s we will get to see that updated
9618s standings but for sure if I if my math
9621s is correct Japan Korea they're
9623s guaranteed with four wins and the match
9626s tomorrow will basically determine the
9628s first second place between the two teams
9630s so it's now really about that third
9632s place who's actually going to be
9634s advancing along with those two teams the
9637s results today lots of two zeros but oh
9640s that match one okay let's skip to match
9642s two
9644s that match one was hectic and one of the
9647s hardest matches so far in the qualifiers
9651s look at the standing
9653s so close the up the middle ground the
9656s middle ground look at that two two zero
9658s and the eight eight the plus eights and
9660s the minus eight so even the map
9662s differentials are the same and if you
9665s even go even on map differentials you
9667s have to go on the head to head which
9669s will be that first match of the third
9672s day so it is going to be the most
9674s important match yes Korea Japan is going
9678s to be a banger however in terms of how
9680s this quality how this tournament is
9682s going to go
9683s that match is going to be the most
9685s important match of all the qualifiers
9689s tomorrow the match is to decide the
9691s first place second place and the third
9693s place
9695s you're going to be having some treats of
9697s course it is we passed the half mark of
9699s the Year these teams are going to fight
9702s tooth and nail for this
9705s yeah they better have everything ready
9707s gathered up and we're going to be
9709s starting with that important crucial
9712s match for Hong Kong is it going to be
9714s Hong Kong is it going to be Chinese
9716s Taipei we'll find that out on the first
9718s match of Tomorrow the second match
9721s following around Philippines Indonesia
9723s that will be for pride of course and one
9725s of these teams will be having their
9727s first win of the tournament
9730s that's guaranteed and also one of the
9733s teams either Japan or South Korea that
9735s will be having their first loss of
9736s course and that is I mean all the all
9738s three matches tomorrow are gonna be
9740s really hype not just because of
9741s qualification but also just for honor
9743s and the fun of it right so and also
9746s something really really hype is that
9748s South Korea is actually playing on land
9750s in front of their fans oh yes they're
9752s actually coming down uh Inland to on
9756s land to actually be in front of the fans
9758s to play against Japan of course Japan
9760s will be playing online but it might be
9763s some more pressure but still to be
9765s having oh being on big stage and
9768s oh we we read the papers we know their
9771s experiences that the especially team
9773s South Korea has on the Epic stage one of
9776s the bigger stages that we just had not
9777s too long ago and I'm sure that won't be
9780s much of a pressure for South Korea but
9782s there's surely going to be one of the
9784s biggest game and the reason also I guess
9787s it's another reason why it's one of the
9788s last game I mean I don't think the
9791s scheduling might have had that in mind
9793s maybe I I'm not 100 sure I can't
9796s guarantee that but I mean the I mean in
9800s the end as a result we're going to have
9801s a banger of yeah it just works out to be
9804s the best I don't know the scripted this
9805s but who whoever scripted this neither
9807s needs a raise but anyways yes all three
9809s matches are going to be a very important
9810s matches for all the teams because one
9813s match is going to be this for the
9815s survival of of the next stage of the
9818s tournament and number and the second
9819s match is going to be who is going to get
9821s their first who is going to exit with a
9823s for with a win in the bag and third is
9826s going to be who is going to be the best
9828s team of the group which is also I am
9831s going to make a spoiler out of this we
9833s have some good content ready for
9835s tomorrow oh
9837s I'm ready yeah I'm not gonna spoil a
9839s little bit details because I'm still
9841s working I don't know what that is I
9842s don't know what that is but I hope I'm
9844s ready for it I'm always ready for so we
9846s have some content ready we have land
9848s ready
9849s um we'll be definitely be able to see
9852s our team Korea play on ghosting again no
9855s I'm here to cast
9857s but we will be having our team Korea
9861s players play on the wdg Esports Studio
9863s where OverWatch league matches and the
9865s East have been taking place so this is
9868s also going to be a very fun experience
9869s for not just the players but also fans
9871s are going to be there as well so it's
9873s also going to be a new viewing
9874s experience for even those ever even
9876s those people who are going to watch
9878s online you will be hearing those cheers
9881s whoever waiting it's probably going to
9883s be career hunting but whatever Japan
9884s hoity in Korea Hua Ting yes they'll be
9887s having one for both sides and we'll be
9889s having cheer signs that's going to be
9891s very hype uh I can't wait for tomorrow
9893s yeah it's going to be one of the best
9894s days so far in Apec group Ace for sure
9897s it has to be the last day where we
9899s decide all the top three so and you you
9902s guys better be there because you can't
9904s miss it it's the most important day of
9906s all four our Apec group a for OverWatch
9909s World qualifiers but for today that's
9912s gonna be do that's gonna be it lots of
9914s 2-0 still but we're getting ready for
9916s that preparation for the very last day
9919s make sure to stay tuned for more APAC
9922s group a but for today that's going to be
9924s doing it unknown here g-clips you guys
9927s tomorrow for the final day of action
9943s thank you
9975s thank you
10006s thank you again
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10123s haha
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10183s all right
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10239s thank you
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10254s thank you
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10285s thank you
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