over 3 years ago - JoshNash-1223 - Direct link

Testing Experimental Changes in the Practice Range

We have seen feedback that under circumstances where only a handful of heroes have Experimental hero updates, there can be difficulties with being able to select and test with the heroes of your choice. As such, we wanted to provide an alternative method for players to be able to test whichever Experimental changes they are interested in.

  1. First, navigate to the Play Screen, then select the Game Browser
  2. Within the Game Browser, select Create
  3. On the Create Game screen, select Lobby
  4. Under Match, you’ll find a toggleable option known as “Use Experimental Update if Available,” select Yes

You can then select the Practice Range, if you are interested in being able to test out heroes at your own pace. If you would like to set up a custom game with different rules to test with your friends, that will also be an option!

We are keeping an eye on feedback surrounding the Experimental mode and will continue to iterate on how players can test with Experimental updates. In the meantime, this should allow you and your friends to test all Experimental changes without needing to worry about heroes being unavailable in the role queue system.

over 3 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link

I will keep it simple, here are easy copy and paste custom game codes.

Practice Range with Experimental: MV3JR

Quick Play Ruleset with Experimental: 4ZF8E

Competitive Play Ruleset with Experimental: EVZ4A

On a side note, its quicker to load a standard ruleset from your Presets menu than having to toggle all of the different switches to get a certain ruleset to activate.
