11 days ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s OverWatch 2's new game mode mirror watch
2s has tons of new abilities for the
3s characters in it here's a quick rundown
5s of just a handful of the many new
6s abilities of doomfist Zenyatta Bastion
8s Sombra Widowmaker and Eko doomfist's
10s seismic slam now offers over Health to
12s teammates and his meteor strike while
13s dealing damage gives over Health similar
15s to Lucio be sombra's ult is now
17s antivirus giving temporary health and
19s increased attack speed to self and all
20s allies in the area Widowmaker instead of
22s Venom mind can now give herself a waste
24s High shield and her ultimate highlights
25s unique weak spots on enemies that Grant
27s Critical Hits bastion's ult summons four
29s slicers to fight alongside the team for
30s a short time echo's fight is now a short
32s movement burst but damages and knocks
34s back enemies in her path and her
35s ultimate no longer copies but instead
36s increases attack speed and reduces
38s cooldowns and zenyatta's Discord orb now
40s poisons enemies where critical damage
42s poisons nearby enemies and his Harmony
43s orb not only heals teammates but dealing
45s critical damage heals nearby teammates
47s you can check out these abilities and
48s more when you jump into mirror watch