over 5 years
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Patch 1.39 Known Issues
Disclaimer: This is not a complete list of all currently tracked issues affecting this build of Overwatch, rather this is a targeted list of some known specific issues with this release.
- Some of Sigma’s animations don’t play correctly after being frozen.
- Sigma clips through Reinhardt when on the receiving end of a Charge pin.
- There is no sound effect when Brigitte extends an existing Repair Pack heal.
- The cooldown duration for Brigitte’s Repair Pack is unaffected when decreased in a Custom Game.
- Sometimes Doomfist’s Seismic Slam will fail to hit targets if there is a gap between him and his target.
- The information in the F1 help menu for Hanzo’s Storm Arrows is outdated.
Soldier: 76
- Soldier: 76’s Tactical Visor sound effect becomes inconsistent when the Ultimate Duration is set to 500%.
- Shooting animations for Practice Range bots are not playing correctly.
- Trying to save a highlight when you don’t have sufficient disk space displays a generic error.