9 months ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s Rise like the sun.
5s I'll do what I have to do.
9s I won't hold back.
14s I am Illari,
16s and I am the last
18s Child of the Sun.
21s No giving up.
23s We need to turn this around.
32s I require healing!
34s Stay near my Pylon.
36s I am not going to watch you die.
38s Moving to attack. Follow me in.
40s Out of sight, out of mind.
45s I'm not here to play around.
49s You get what you deserve.
51s No time for rest.
53s Much better.
55s Es tu fin.
60s This is our last chance.
62s We have to fight.
67s Face the sunrise!
69s (Quechua) The sun rises!
73s I'll take you all down.
83s The weight of my future rests on my shoulders.