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619s and welcome everyone to OverWatch World
621s Cup and this is going to be APAC group
623s hey my name is G clef with me we have
625s unknown as always and tonight it is
627s going to be another Banger because we
629s have two matches but it's going to be
631s Indonesia back uh not playing from not
633s playing yesterday and also South Korea
636s is also coming back for tonight's
638s matches yeah South Korea was actually in
640s the baseball field yesterday doing your
642s first place that's right they were
644s actually doing a community event and so
646s but they're back today and it's also
649s very very gonna be exciting today
650s because Japan and South Korea who are
653s considered most most commonly the best
656s two teams on the group will be playing
658s today they're not going against each
659s other yet though that's happening on the
661s last day of the next Sunday basically I
664s think it's one of the last matches too
667s so that's gonna be one of the most hype
669s matches for sure in the future but today
671s we do have those uh teams in the
673s Indonesia versus Japan and the second
675s one is going to be the Hong Kong versus
678s South Korea which is very interesting
680s because Hong Kong I think a lot of
682s people were saying and US included are
684s saying should be the team could totally
687s be the team taking that third placement
689s spot out of the six right looks like
692s it's going to be that way at the current
694s moment however we do have a lot of
696s matches remaining it is just a halfway
698s through the group it is for some uh for
701s some countries it is not even halfway
702s through the group yet but at the first
704s few at the week one at least for now
707s Hong Kong definitely looks very very
710s strong and looks like they're gonna take
713s that third place but we'll have to see
714s this is going to be their true test
716s because this is going to be the first
717s time Hong Kong is going to go against a
721s team that is generally considered a
724s higher power level than them uh one of
726s the highest power in the entire world
728s cup is what a lot of people are saying
730s of course do want to believe that for
733s sure as I think it's a really good idea
735s before you go into the next stages of of
738s what the World Cup to test your power
740s level against team South Korea because
742s they're known to be one of the strongest
744s OverWatch League uh members all around
746s the squad so you do have to consider and
750s think oh you have to you have to measure
752s your own power level in that way so
753s before we go in oh here's the overview
755s once again we are in that APAC group a
758s the top three teams out of the six will
761s be moving up to that next stage of
764s course we also do have Apec B with the
766s other countries yeah make sure to follow
767s that too they're from other Apex so of
771s course you have a whole lot of countries
773s of course of course around the world
775s representing everywhere in the world so
778s yeah not just APAC we have Europe we
780s have the Americas and we although we
783s don't have multipliers for uh China
785s mainland China we do have that region as
787s well and if you look at it if you look
789s at the broadcast schedule it's almost 24
792s hours of OverWatch so I'm excited so if
797s you can watch all of it you're getting
799s no sleep whatsoever like maximum four
802s hours a day or less in fact here's a
806s mapful it should be very familiar by now
809s of course we're all playing until the
812s last day first to two yeah it's going to
814s be the format for yeah all days and a
818s lot of things happen especially on that
821s map number two because the loser gets to
824s choose the mood and the map yeah so we
826s have seen I think we've seen all three
828s control Maps Legion Elias and Nepal we
830s haven't seen a we haven't seen some of
833s the maps from hybrid or escort because
835s like you said G clef the loser can
838s choose the map type and map so we
841s haven't seen Maps like umani or some
843s other Maps but I I'm expecting to see
845s them like we said the group is only half
848s only nearly halfway done so we'll be
851s able to see a variety of maps and here
853s are the standings as you can see some
855s countries played a little bit more than
856s others South Korea and Indonesia will be
859s playing their second match of uh the
862s tournament so they will be matching
863s those match numbers at the current
865s moment Hong Kong and Japan leaves the
867s pack with two wins uh with all four with
869s all two zeros so they have four map
871s differentials so the other side and the
873s other side of the bracket it is
875s Philippines and Chinese Taipei with two
877s losses and uh negative four in the
880s differentials so it hasn't it hasn't
882s been a close match yes so far and no
885s which means no one wants happening in
887s the middle at all there has been no two
890s ones happening from uh Apec group a so
893s far uh because I'm expecting those
896s matches to come uh real soon if today
898s maybe not if not uh next week and that's
901s going to be changing those uh even
903s numbers into some odd numbers especially
906s on for that math differential and of
909s course draw the line in the middle the
911s top three moves up the bottom three will
914s be eliminated uh from the qualifiers uh
917s here's the spears schedule as we
919s mentioned before first match Indonesia
921s versus Japan second match would be South
923s Korea versus Hong Kong some it's going
926s to be some quality time some quality
928s OverWatch for us so yes like G clef said
931s it's going to be very very exciting to
933s see Japan and South Korea uh the very
936s good teams play and also it'll be
939s interesting to see how other teams try
942s to play against them they know that
944s Japan and South Korea are very very
946s strong teams it but it's not like the
948s game's over it's not like they're
950s unbeatable so
952s and Indonesia and Hong Kong both of them
954s should kind of very kind of have a clear
957s list of wind conditions and try to
959s execute them like this match here
961s Indonesia versus Japan Indonesia was
963s looking actually looking the best out of
965s the teams that lost uh 0-2 and their
968s double flankers look really threatening
970s especially against blizzard uh
972s especially against Hong Kong at blizzard
974s World on their attack their double
975s flankers really seemed on point and here
977s you can see they're starting in five I
980s want to highlight speed 75 here his
982s tracer was phenomenal yeah along with uh
985s proxy Sombra remember those super plays
988s and super speed 75 and especially
990s bringing a lot of kill catches along
992s with shrimp I think shrimp actually had
995s some really good cool move from the back
997s line uh supporting his teammates uh that
1000s was pretty good wild to see on that map
1002s for Indonesia but they're up against a
1006s pretty strong team and it's going to be
1008s an uphill challenge because Japan is
1009s considered to be at least in the top two
1012s uh they should be that's in theory for a
1016s lot of people
1017s yeah so we haven't seen the graphics yet
1019s but Japan is uh as we've been mentioning
1022s several times but if it's this is the
1024s first time for you joining us team Japan
1026s is actually team verrell who was playing
1029s in most recently in the OverWatch
1032s contenders APAC series summer series and
1034s being like a single team
1037s has means that they have that team
1039s Collision already in them which we've
1041s seen in the qualifiers a lot of the
1043s teams have been lacking a lot and so
1045s this form of this iteration of Japan is
1048s the most horrifying team Japan that I've
1050s seen in the OverWatch World Cup so good
1052s creation good objective awareness as
1055s well because we've seen especially in
1057s the early days and in other regions as
1059s well that a lot of teams although they
1062s do win team fights they kind of
1064s sometimes neglect the objective the card
1066s may be the point on control maps and
1068s Japan has all these kind of
1070s communications already set so that's a
1072s huge advantage and also Japan is
1075s employing a lot of different
1077s compositions as well
1078s um Winston and double flankers is their
1081s main uh mostly used composition also
1084s we've been seeing a lot of Randomness
1086s yesterday oh yes we did uh from KSG and
1090s also Kiki Nico they have been I think a
1093s phenomenal job actually going against uh
1095s Philippines and also the any Taipei both
1098s having a 2-0 result so if they win again
1101s here today oh team Japan will actually
1103s be standing on top yep so just for that
1107s moment uh maybe well we'll have to see
1109s until the other teams play out but uh
1111s having three wins and plus six um after
1114s financials will be a very very safe spot
1116s if I'm not mistaken unless they kind of
1120s drop out all the other match remaining
1122s matches I think they will be in a pretty
1124s confident spot in getting into the
1125s qualifiers uh well getting qualified and
1128s here we will have Lee Jong Tower as our
1130s first battle staying
1135s in the air some turning out to be really
1138s great some actually the other way uh
1141s some some Michael play did not turn out
1143s to be the right way so far no offer
1146s Mercy as much an Apec uh group a we've
1149s seen it happening from the other regions
1150s uh uh not just from a specific region
1153s actually quite a lot of teams on this
1155s map especially when we go into yeah some
1158s part of Legion Tower yeah Gardens is a
1161s favorite for pharmacy to feature in and
1164s also Night Market sometimes as well uh I
1167s do think that in APAC we do see a little
1169s bit more of conventional minnows rather
1172s like the Winston dive the rematch or
1174s Rush rather than some curveballs uh like
1176s the other regions have been employing I
1179s think that Indonesia might feel the need
1182s for a little bit of those curves balls
1183s because they need to they know that
1185s their power levels aren't up to the
1187s levels of Japan they need to identify
1189s their win conditions and execute because
1192s this game is not just about mechanics
1194s it's about mechanics and tactics and for
1197s the tactics part I we probably should
1199s know that Japan who has been playing as
1201s the same team for at least almost a full
1204s year who should be ahead of them so they
1207s need to put this they need to drag this
1209s game down to a pure mechanical fight
1212s level which they're pretty confident in
1214s so the curveball like in compositions
1217s would be very welcome but it looks like
1219s they're going for the Winston double
1221s flinker that they've been successful in
1223s again here yep man Japan actually having
1226s corbian Reaper DPS with zarya KSG
1231s so certainly changing up a little bit uh
1234s compared to the normal we would say from
1236s Japan's side yes this is the first zarya
1239s that we've been seeing on KSG and
1242s with the barrel having Plankton as their
1244s off tank this is actually really
1246s surprising that KSG is the one who's
1248s playing guitar right here yeah it could
1249s totally work when you can actually cover
1251s as a tank or against the double oh and
1255s if Sombra dies with turret like that
1258s that's not a great sign here comes a
1263s the interesting part of Japan's
1266s composition is that I think that they
1268s actually saw the uh double flankers
1271s coming because torbian with that turret
1273s and that auto aim is very is an
1275s effective measure against the double
1277s flankers so a good preparation I think
1279s Japan did their homework really really
1281s well and having Reaper on that as well
1284s also kind of mentioned me kind of
1287s fortifies the idea that Japan was
1289s expecting a Winston um double flankers
1291s so good preparation from Japan this is
1295s what the composition difference is
1296s what's getting them to lead here yeah I
1298s think uh Japan did their homework and
1301s went step forward uh from that having
1304s the yeah there's the park gone now
1306s probably just go down to that before
1308s Zekrom actually take him down from four
1310s million shots so that's early tank gone
1312s and without the tank oh that was a good
1315s shot from Nico
1316s double beat from mint there of course
1319s with the help of all the all of team but
1322s still picking up
1323s both kills as a Lucio doesn't happen uh
1327s that often okay Indonesia finally found
1329s that curveball they were looking for
1331s there there are going with the pharmacy
1333s control center is not exactly the best
1336s Mount to play the pharmacy here but they
1339s do feel that they need to go with this
1341s because they know that the Japanese
1342s composition doesn't have a lot of
1344s anti-air in them
1346s yeah you might be right as we're seeing
1348s some chopping fires from off to the side
1351s trying to Target everyone inside next to
1354s the control point but oh it's like I'm
1356s dead again okay good uh postponed from
1360s speed 75. oh but we talked about this
1363s before when you had Pharaoh or Echo you
1365s have to consider about your the other
1367s support the back line the members who
1369s are on the ground and uh knowing that
1373s Japan did they just ignored Pharaoh at
1375s all so it is basically the same concept
1377s with the pharah and the echo if you have
1380s a mercy to if you're gonna pair it with
1382s the rosie then that means your main
1384s forces is going to be at a numbers
1385s disadvantage that means either that the
1388s foreign
1391s do enough damage to compensate that uh
1396s numbers disadvantage but it is not the
1397s case for now and that is why Japan
1399s although they did allow the flip for a
1401s split oh boy the fights
1404s and with the death Blossom taking out
1406s the Tracer so that all the advantage
1410s uh Team Japan just secure that first
1413s pretty single-handedly yeah again a very
1416s strong display for Japan exactly as we
1418s have been expecting them to and even
1422s with they even surprised us with a new
1424s composition I think this was really
1425s smart from Japan the good idea it was a
1428s good idea for them in a sense that okay
1430s we know that we know what they're gonna
1432s play so why not count on them and like
1434s full-handed it if they're just
1435s single-handedly countered The Double
1437s flankers with the torbian and also the
1440s Winston wasn't able to do much because
1442s it was deterred so much by The Reaper
1443s and so it was a really good idea from
1446s Japan if Indonesia wants to play the far
1449s this is probably the best map to play
1450s because this is going to be Gardens but
1452s Indonesia is opting to go with the
1454s double flankers again if you can
1457s actually go all the way Zekrom was being
1461s cut down so many times from the okay
1463s there's uh again the matcha going a
1466s little strong here we go first one to be
1468s down
1469s it's it's really interesting to see that
1472s how Japan gets all these early kills so
1474s easily
1476s this just shows how good Croatian Japan
1479s has so mint although Lucio Lucia is not
1483s necessarily has the highest healing
1485s output of the speed boost and
1487s coordination makes Japan so so strong
1490s but here is that opening maybe Indonesia
1493s was looking for a good hack onto
1494s Cookie's uh Cassidy and took them out
1497s but no further action means that cast
1499s Japan has time to regroup and Indonesia
1502s will just rotate to the side and Tracer
1505s looking out for some potential to rotate
1508s into the point and contest but the
1510s entire team of Japan actually nearby so
1512s the major other day make a long rotation
1514s towards the left or cross a bridge
1517s yeah kooky again it was Nico the uh a
1520s troll Center last time but after right
1523s after this double thinkers they are
1524s going straight to the forbian and Japan
1527s is just wow dude
1530s doing really really well okay take down
1533s deeper but uh Indonesia they lost both
1535s of them poor and Zekrom is all the way
1536s back here because there's no support to
1538s heal him back up so Molly managed to
1540s stay alive but now okay Switching the
1542s hero into Joker Queen I think that might
1544s be a better idea even proxy is actually
1546s bringing uh Cassidy on his own I think
1550s speed 75 is actually really good on
1552s Tracer so you might actually just stay
1554s on that hero for a long longer time I
1556s don't have any issues with the Tracer
1558s Cassidy is kind of the head scratcher a
1561s little bit because it doesn't add any
1563s any specific value or counters any
1566s specific Hero on the side of Japan
1567s however I do think that it's just they
1569s just want a little bit more handstand
1571s power
1572s um up close but Japan even with the
1576s changes from Indonesia is winning these
1579s five Mutual fights and they're not even
1580s using Ultra so it's going to be an
1582s uphill fight for Indonesia because
1584s Indonesia if they want if they want to
1587s win these fights with the old
1588s disadvantage they have to bait out the
1590s ultimates of Japan and they're failing
1593s to do something because Japan's just
1594s winning just popping that Annihilation
1597s they want everyone back into the spawn
1599s Kia she's not even scared of don't
1602s fight I've overstepped a little bit
1604s getting that covered by 99 here we go
1606s yes there's no one else to come
1608s I don't think there is anyone choose
1610s that is it Japan's gonna take the first
1613s lijiang Tower
1615s well what a show of dominance from the
1617s side of Japan yes Indonesia did able to
1620s in the end bait out the ultimates from
1622s Japan but Japan were happily or willing
1625s to do that so because they had so they
1627s were so ahead and the point percentages
1629s so even if they lost that fight G clef
1632s they would have been happy to give over
1634s the point because there were it was at
1636s least overtime and they even won that
1637s fight yeah even with the Tracer and the
1640s Cassidy uh Cassidy change was a little
1642s bit too late I think uh or else uh I
1645s think they could have just stayed on
1646s Sombra and then oh there's a lot of
1649s words to say about the play that we have
1652s seen from Indonesia it they were lost in
1654s the middle of the game they were
1655s literally lost and we could see of
1657s course double flankers uh summer Tracer
1659s they're supposed to go some on somewhere
1661s else on the other three but they can't
1662s be totally isolated they have to be able
1664s to keep themselves so they can actually
1667s get support get healed to cover for each
1669s other that's what this game is all about
1671s but Japan in knowing that okay we don't
1673s see Sombrero Tracer okay hey ports I
1676s hear you guys are just over there and
1678s doing nothing else right and they just
1680s nominated that jumped on top and it
1682s seemed like we have seen these type of
1684s play from Japan oh day one day two and
1687s again in day three I really want to pray
1689s praise the the con the preparation of
1693s Japan because they knew that hey
1695s Indonesia looked really
1697s they looked best when they were running
1699s the Winston double flankers comp so if
1702s we can break that apart then we'll
1705s because we they know because in in the
1708s eyes of Japan we know that we are the
1710s better team so if we just
1713s um if we just do if this is shut down
1716s what Indonesia does best then there's no
1718s there's no other variable that can stop
1720s us from running so good preparation on
1723s the side of Japan I think for Indonesia
1725s that they probably should pick up
1726s quickly that Japan knows what we're
1728s doing Japan is countering what we're
1730s doing so I do think that they need to
1733s bring up something else maybe they're
1734s Fair Mercy I don't I I think the change
1737s to the pharmacy would have been a little
1739s bit of more logical Choice than the
1740s Cassidy during Gardens but of course uh
1744s for Indonesia I think the most important
1745s part is that they need to identify how
1747s we can win this fight how we are going
1749s to win this map and just execute and
1751s also I think uh staying together uh
1753s needs to come maybe not with the double
1755s flanks but still when you change your
1757s team comp well you do have to consider
1758s about your back supports and you've seen
1761s a lot of from KSG when KSG when he wants
1763s to go in with the biotic grenade there
1765s will be that pair but when the supports
1767s are in trouble the monkey actually comes
1769s back and Pops that barrier for the
1771s supports to survive and those are the
1773s those are the tank ability that keeps
1776s you on that top tier level where you can
1778s actually compete so much better against
1780s the other teams but uh to say uh to
1783s criticize a little bit on jacron was not
1785s able to really keep himself alive was
1788s always using the barrier without the
1790s supports too much and I think that
1792s teamwork really has to come together
1794s when the tank is buying that much time
1796s either the GPS has to do something in
1797s trade or else you're just gonna fall and
1800s without the tanks you can't only do so
1802s much yeah of course it's just I don't
1804s believe it's just the issue of the
1806s Chrome it's more like the entire team
1808s but yes I do agree that Zekrom needs to
1811s stay alive a little bit longer and
1813s whether it's Zekrom playing a little
1814s safer or the team playing around
1816s Sacramento a little bit so maybe if that
1819s is going to be the case maybe a rush
1820s comp who when everyone is kind of
1823s cramped around the tank maybe a little
1826s more effective on that I it's there are
1829s a lot of possibilities for Indonesia to
1831s play I do think that Indonesia does have
1834s the mechanical prowess to maybe try to
1837s put out a competitive Series so I just
1839s really hope that they can adapt and next
1842s map will be blizzard world yeah the map
1844s that Indonesia was actually able to push
1847s almost all the way right before that a
1850s three-pointer they stopped like five
1852s meters before that so which was one of
1855s the best push that they actually had on
1857s offense it was great the other way
1860s not so much with their
1863s yeah when they're reflect exactly so
1865s yeah I did so just in case this is your
1868s first time watching the loser gets to
1870s choose both the map type and the map so
1874s I do believe that Indonesia wanted to
1876s pick a map that they had fond memories
1878s of and blizzard World in this tournament
1880s so far was the map that they had the
1882s best memories of like chiclef mentioned
1884s on that attack on that offense versus
1886s Hong Kong they almost made it to the
1888s full cap and although they did lose the
1890s snap to Hong Kong it was the most
1892s competitive showing that they've ever
1893s shown especially with the double
1894s flankers and also blizzard world is a
1897s map that we can still go with the
1898s Winston and double flankers so I think
1901s this is this map Choice makes sense for
1903s Indonesia I think Japan and I think it's
1906s for Japan as well I think they're like
1907s okay they choose the map that they're
1909s good at but
1910s it's still manageable I think I think
1913s Japan's gonna think like that and see
1914s what happens there's that Overlord
1917s and
1918s the fact that Indonesia have uh has
1921s shown that on stage Japan well we've
1924s seen the first map of Lee Jong they
1926s certainly did their homework let's check
1928s homework uh page number two
1931s are they ready Japan is on the offense
1934s and it looks like after Nico they uses
1936s that teleport he is going to change to
1939s the Tracer so it's going to be a Winston
1942s double flankers same with Indonesia
1944s except for the supports and I like to
1948s honest I do I think that on the
1951s attacking side
1953s um oh okay
1955s never mind about the compositions
1956s because Nico's going
1958s and uh but Japan to go back onto
1962s compositions Nico wins okay I wanted to
1965s highlight on the Tracer Fighters you
1967s started to cut you off there but Nico
1968s the transfer versus a speed 75 Tracer
1971s that was one of the highlights that I
1972s wanted to point out before but here we
1974s have it yo my friend who cares about
1976s compositions of Nico can fire and kill
1978s everyone
1980s all the way in point B and it is going
1983s to be an early point a for Japan here oh
1986s yes they are okay so that's the first
1990s gone away from Indonesia now as Japan
1994s they have kept her pushing
1996s well this is one of the biggest time
1998s banks in closer world that I've seen in
2001s a while and Japan although it is
2003s unofficial because it is not the
2005s OverWatch League already holds a record
2007s for the fastest push for Gibraltar one
2010s point Gibraltar so this is a show of
2012s dominance once again for Japan and I was
2014s I was wanting to say that Indonesia's
2016s support line changed swamped to the
2019s support line that Japan has and I think
2021s this is a superior backline for this
2023s composition
2024s so swaps the one of the things about
2027s swapping back is that well they do have
2031s similar old Treasures now maybe because
2034s they got a little bit more damage damage
2036s dead adult to them but it is going to be
2039s a slower Pace than Japan does because
2041s Nico already has that pulse bomb and
2044s there's help with it
2046s and something goes down Nico the first
2048s whole spam Landing perfect strike on it
2052s and also against G following up with the
2054s double flank catching tracer
2057s shrimp is down again so even though if
2061s the Nano is quicker than Cloud who
2064s already has by the way uh the Nano it's
2067s Indonesia have that chance to use that
2069s Nano monkey a little bit faster than
2071s Japan and make that stabilization happen
2073s but no uh because of the heroics of the
2077s things that heroics of Nico they got the
2079s support line of Indonesia down and they
2081s just steamrolled into the point B and
2084s they're staying alive with not much of
2086s an old usage from the team Japan
2089s continuing the bush but the
2092s payload is actually all the way out from
2094s the back which means this is a 4v5
2099s still Japan is making these kills how is
2101s this happening and that early EMP on the
2105s back line Chun Lee is still surviving
2107s thanks to that rally but shrimp is
2110s anti-needed and down I wanted to mention
2113s this earlier g-clap but Cloud yesterday
2115s had some nasty anti-needs and a cloud is
2119s doing it again
2121s yeah we can have all the fun well while
2124s pushing the payload if you have uh
2127s nothing else to do
2128s just make sure you have the perfect body
2130s grenade so for Indonesia right now they
2133s just need to pop all their alts right
2134s now because at this point there is no
2136s tomorrow there is no next flight because
2138s if you lose this fight this is going to
2139s be the full cast for Japan there's no
2140s Sunset
2143s let's go take him down Charlie again and
2147s mint with that rally oh who cares about
2150s the fight because what the payload is
2153s already in and four minutes 28 seconds
2156s time bank for the side of Japan what a
2158s massive time bank
2160s Japan they didn't even have to get the
2163s final
2163s kills
2165s to get that payload in
2168s wow it was too fast that I was actually
2171s I actually lost track of that payload
2174s oh wow okay
2178s this is a highlight reel this is
2180s basically a highlight highlight reel
2182s from Nico there we we haven't mentioned
2184s Nico as much for Japan but even while we
2187s were casting OverWatch contenders APAC G
2190s clef we couldn't explain excuse my
2194s language but we couldn't shut up about
2195s Nico because Nico was so good he made
2198s the heroics he made the sea sometimes he
2201s turned around an entire series
2203s that was losing to winning and this kind
2206s of different different sneaker is is on
2209s Full display against Indonesia yeah
2210s Nico's tracer
2213s uh we knew that it was always pretty
2216s talented on that hero but along with the
2218s teamwork of course
2220s but Indonesia does not really
2222s not not matching up the power level at
2225s the moment and yes but it was third
2228s defense now then now that Indonesians
2232s offense can they actually push all the
2234s way just like Japan
2236s it's definitely a tall task cookie is
2238s there to scout the composition of what
2240s Indonesia is running Indonesia is still
2242s running the Winston double flanker comp
2244s I think if Indonesia wants to run this
2246s comp then speed 75 has to I don't think
2250s speed 75 has to go to the back line I
2253s think speed 75 has to follow nicotine
2256s the end of the world and just stop Nico
2260s from doing damage to their own Batman I
2261s think that's gonna be enough if you can
2263s win and speed thinks I'm cooking first
2264s that's adps gone for a long respawn now
2267s even though it's a Sombra that is a
2269s start KSG very very low as well if KSG
2272s Falls that is going to be the opening
2274s position
2275s false though but still Indonesia will be
2278s having that number advantage and that
2280s respawn Advantage yeah they will come
2282s eventually by Indonesia oh no but no not
2285s really forcing all the way not going
2286s towards the point I thought they had a
2288s chance yeah they had their early kills
2290s but then the back line of Japan went on
2293s full bloodthirsty mode and they made all
2295s the kills happen so Indonesia at the
2298s full reset g-cluff
2300s we thought it was okay here comes Zekrom
2302s again
2303s just singing around the point there is
2305s also KSG they both went since
2309s it forces the sushi out so that means
2312s KSG can dive very very safe confidently
2315s but not catching the kill actually okay
2318s she has to rotate all the way back
2319s around stream
2321s down you're thinking down eventually
2323s Pops that rage trying to survive
2327s but shrimp is already down so they there
2330s are a little they are very short on to
2332s stay here it looks like circum's going
2334s to fall and he does cloud with the ante
2339s Mead again and again and again so even
2342s picking up the kill this guy can be
2344s offensive at the same time will you try
2346s to run
2350s the pan is using their ultimates in a
2352s very disciplined manner right now
2354s they're only using the ultimately
2355s absolutely need to use so this means
2358s that even though Indonesia are using the
2361s olds to try to make it a opening for
2363s this fight
2364s Japan wins not only do they win but they
2367s have more ultimates that they can spare
2369s for right now Cleveland has the Nano
2371s that can be used to KSG after after that
2373s now can't you will be probably having
2375s that Primal Rage and the EMP will be
2378s online they're too loud right next to
2379s the DPS a Grom again jumps
2382s the has to be a little bit careful
2384s because every single time is in the air
2386s he's over here
2388s to knock down barriers this is a chance
2391s how about the response back from Japan
2393s is pretty good okay there's speed he's a
2395s stinks
2397s okay so both hero works from both DPS
2400s ones
2405s so close we call Siri
2412s it's okay okay this is John okay draw we
2415s call it a draw okay
2417s you're pretty good I have to admit okay
2419s okay Charlie is finally using that sound
2422s barrier Nico is nanoed and has that
2425s extra damage on his pocket Japan is
2428s driving Indonesia out of their point
2430s once again Indonesia had a quicker
2433s response uh the respawn distance but
2437s Japan just comes back a much safer
2440s somehow and the time is now only 35
2443s seconds only available for the last push
2446s potential but no it's available
2448s whatsoever the only thing that might be
2450s charged up is uh Primal Rage so this is
2453s gonna be last fight territory for
2454s Indonesia Japan has Nico's pulse bomb
2457s who has been on point so far and his G
2460s has that Primal Rage to push anyone out
2462s early kill to John Lee suref is
2464s perilously low and it looks like
2466s Indonesia's folks are feeding out the 10
2469s seconds now no support no take just
2471s speeding proxies left
2475s okay that's one tick but you need a lot
2477s more than that
2479s and is there anyone to contest
2483s no that is going to be in Japan
2486s taking blizzard World quit and Andy
2491s that's 2-0 first two and Japan wins once
2495s again yeah another three for Japan wins
2497s now in the pocket for Japan what a
2500s dominant performance for Japan we know
2502s we knew that Japan was going to be very
2504s good coming into this match however the
2507s in the manner that they displayed they
2509s played they dominated their opponents
2511s was very very impressive and not again
2515s we we can't praise him enough Nico's
2517s heroics we've seen a lot of good things
2519s even the preparations like the coaching
2521s staff might have must have put in a lot
2523s of hours uh researching what Indonesia
2525s does well how to even though if we are
2528s the better team we are going to beat you
2530s not just the mechanics but also in
2532s strategy which is which is very
2534s respectable and also the execution
2536s Nico's Tracer uh ksg's Winston and
2540s clouds Anna like not just those but the
2543s entire team was so on point and it looks
2545s like they were on the same page this
2547s team is very very scary yeah team Japan
2550s seems to be the one on top and I'm happy
2553s because I got what I wanted Nico versus
2556s speed 75 on that Tracer 1v1 well it was
2560s tied and
2563s like that fight for like 15 seconds yeah
2565s that Tracer 1v1 was a treat to watch it
2569s was full of suspense and it was full of
2571s action it was really fun to watch but
2573s Japan does take it all the Indonesia
2576s getting no Maps whatsoever again uh can
2580s they really come back uh in next week's
2582s play we'll have to see about so far but
2584s Japan for now they will be actually the
2586s first place in the group because they
2588s already played uh three matches uh all
2590s the days so far and putting up I guess
2593s that makes them A Plus set a plus six
2595s okay plus six of course
2597s and I was in math major of course I did
2600s not graduate that's that's for a reason
2603s yeah and that was our first match guys
2606s but don't go anywhere because you know
2609s what the next match is going to be it's
2611s going to be Hong Kong versus South Korea
2613s oh man I'm I'm headed up for this match
2616s like I've been waiting to be like I have
2619s a I have a little bit of bias I'll admit
2623s but we can't deny it nobody can deny
2625s that Korea is looking really really good
2627s and we are talking about the best
2632s caliber teams here sometimes because if
2634s you just look at the lineup we
2636s definitely will see the lineup later
2637s today but if you just look at the entire
2639s roster we have Sparkle and lip at the
2641s DPS position humping and fearless on the
2643s tank chill Fielder support and Finn on
2647s the bench like you have Finn on the
2650s bench
2651s like what does that mean to you well
2653s that bench is going to be pretty hot but
2655s before we actually go jump into that
2657s match number two guys we do have to take
2659s a short break and when we come back
2661s a huge match between South Korea and
2663s Hong Kong
2703s foreign
2746s [Music]
2760s foreign
2794s [Music]
2840s foreign
2864s [Music]
2872s [Music]
2926s foreign
2929s [Music]
2935s thank you
2938s [Music]
2970s [Music]
2978s [Music]
2992s [Music]
3014s foreign
3017s [Music]
3056s [Music]
3062s [Music]
3071s [Music]
3088s foreign
3094s [Music]
3113s [Music]
3164s thank you
3168s and welcome back everyone to APAC group
3171s a or while you're watching OverWatch
3172s World Cup
3174s qualifiers and the team
3177s the teams that you have waited for
3179s they're here and this is going to be the
3181s final match of the day for us it's going
3183s to be Hong Kong versus South Korea and
3186s they have been displaying some fine
3188s OverWatch moments so far hey if you can
3191s make a hundred percent life Weaver win
3194s rate then that means you're pretty good
3196s only playing uh only being played once
3198s though but still 100 except for pulling
3201s the Widow yeah but still 100 no I'm
3204s drunk I'm teasing you there's not enough
3205s numbers too you're saying that to a stat
3207s uh stat minor it doesn't count okay got
3213s okay I do agree that Korea and Hong Kong
3216s is going to be a very interesting match
3217s because Hong Kong is still undefeated so
3220s far there are 2-0 and with a plus four
3223s um after control they are going through
3225s a very big test in the form of South
3228s Korea right now and I think Hong Kong if
3230s even I think although
3232s um they are not necessarily A favorites
3235s for this match I think it is going to be
3236s a good good testing grounds for Hong
3240s Kong for their power levels because I to
3243s me personally Hong Kong is going to be
3244s the favorites for that third place uh in
3247s this group and even if they qualify they
3249s are going to play against very tough
3250s opponents and this is going to be a good
3253s test of how they can adapt to Stronger
3255s opponents and maybe who knows maybe they
3258s can pull out something and make pull out
3259s a miracle if they do this is going to be
3261s a very historic moment for this team oh
3263s yes if they do it'll be
3266s it'll be a marketing history for sure
3268s because this uh
3270s the roster that you see on the screen
3273s right now
3274s supposed to be one of the strongest
3275s teams ever in history for the World Cup
3277s lip Sparkle Fearless Fielder Geo oh man
3282s oh this remember that I still remember
3284s that uh the push from Chio to get the
3288s pulse bomb from The Shield to get the
3289s kill on the portal tracer was
3294s crazy and I know that highlight has been
3296s going around for the last few days well
3299s this roster is really exciting it is
3301s again once again mentioning that this is
3303s full of Champions left fielder chill uh
3307s just from the lantern who won the MSM
3309s and the OverWatch League Sparkle
3312s Fearless all champions from Dallas fuel
3315s Sparkle still with the Dallas Fuel and
3317s fearless on the Houston Outlaws who is
3319s the runner-up of the MSM for OverWatch
3322s league so these are all high top top
3325s tier talent and also their hero pools
3328s are so flexible that they can play
3330s anything they can play any composition
3332s that's viable in this meta right now lip
3334s has been playing
3336s Tracer Ash
3339s and Genji and he is known for his Sombra
3343s as well so
3345s it's it enables this team to play so
3347s many things and here we have the Hong
3350s Kong team we have despairo kurumi r3k
3353s IRP and am crazy so mango Jai is not
3356s going to oh that's right no mango chai
3359s so this is going to be interesting how
3361s this is going to find out maybe RRP has
3366s been looking a little bit at other
3368s options that mangojet was not practicing
3370s in scrims if you can see uh the
3373s portraits hero portraits aren't their
3375s favorite or most played Heroes for each
3378s player so maybe the more I might feature
3380s here r3k is really interesting well
3383s earthy K is the only tank of Hong Kong
3384s right now but have been showing junker
3387s Queen and ramatra so maybe if there's a
3390s Winston map they it might be a little
3392s bit of a struggle over there however
3394s this roster is clearly talented and I'm
3398s excited to see what they have and one
3400s also okay one important thing G clef
3403s shaolan is not starting
3407s how did you know I was about to point
3409s that out you stole it from me no yeah
3412s it's despair right there maybe they're
3415s considering a few other options uh I
3418s think these are hints no Charlie and no
3420s mango Jai so no definitely something
3424s here for sure no Nano blade and maybe
3428s they're considering some Echo some
3429s pharah as we have seen as
3433s Pharmacy has been doing some some great
3436s works in the other regions maybe it's a
3438s start for a pack okay and Nepal is
3441s actually you might be up to up to
3443s something here g-club because Nepal is a
3446s map especially on Village Pharmacy has
3449s been a favorite for a while even so uh
3454s even in the OverWatch League
3455s they have been a lot of pharaoh
3457s pharmacies in Nepal in Village so me but
3460s what happens if there is a village so
3463s that's maybe that's a gamble maybe
3465s that's uh maybe team Hong Kong is
3467s looking for something else but one thing
3469s is for sure Hong Kong has been preparing
3472s for something that we have not been
3473s expected because we have been expecting
3475s shaolan to start we have been expecting
3477s mango Jai to start so we'll definitely
3479s see I'm excited to see what we have in
3481s store for us okay
3483s let's see what we have for on both sides
3486s Hong Kong well for Hong Kong for sure
3489s we've seen a lot more May in play uh
3492s even with the spare uh maybe it's going
3494s to be the similar team con that we had
3496s from Charlie and when he was in and also
3498s RFP the Moira player I think a lot of
3501s the teams are finding out especially on
3503s this patch and Moira is actually quite
3505s effective when you are going in along
3507s with the new DPS lines yeah so Maura the
3510s basic idea about Maura is that you want
3513s to go into their faces and do a lot of
3515s damage and also do a heal a lot of
3517s healing um AOE healing up front but hey
3521s look at this
3522s Korea is the one that is actually going
3525s for the fire yeah they teleport in so
3527s the composition is actually in favor of
3529s South Korea because Hong Kong doesn't
3530s have any anti-air
3534s you are a happy man right now and live
3537s on the other side
3539s trying to harass under that's a double
3541s kill already with that one rocket oh my
3545s goodness you mad man that is such a good
3551s he already has the barrage
3554s no way just one fight
3557s 11 from Hong Kong but it's flipped and
3560s let's see if they ever take it back from
3561s South Korea now and
3563s there's a barrage and a few other
3565s ultimates being charged 78 66 so they're
3568s pretty high percentages okay so I I
3571s understand what Hong Kong was thinking I
3573s had the thought processity
3577s uh if you got one but I did a lot more
3580s and damage
3582s okay back to the original point I I do
3585s understand that Hong Kong's initial
3586s point was that they want to go with the
3587s rush because a rush is frequently used
3590s in this map as well and they wanted to
3592s out rotate in South Korea because they
3594s don't want to fight them on point they
3597s just want to fight if they don't want to
3598s fight them face on and they wanted to
3601s outright their opponents but South Korea
3602s I don't know if they knew this or not
3604s but they are profiting so much from this
3607s Pharmacy here
3609s but
3610s okay Hong Kong did get a flip and raise
3613s the percentages from 11 to 35 now so
3616s South Korea technically there still uh
3618s losing but in terms of old charges and
3620s the management it seems a little better
3622s still to me
3625s to be honest I think that oh
3628s swap for the anteater because they are
3631s not dealing with this power very well
3633s okay not a Fearless very very low
3637s you're about being managed by the
3639s backline supports not as bad actually
3641s staying on the point flipped again for
3644s Hong Kong yeah so good objective
3647s Management on the side of Hong Kong
3649s however South Korea is enjoying
3651s themselves they are not in a hurry
3653s whatsoever here going to the other side
3655s and maybe popping to the rocks
3658s Hong Kong does not expect that to happen
3660s at that moment is there Earth shattered
3662s Earth shatter that takes out Fearless
3664s however a good need from the side of
3667s Fielder however it does not leave Danny
3669s kills and actually Hong Kong yeah but
3671s still the percentages they're not for
3672s Hong Kong 61 now yeah Hong Kong actually
3675s manages to hold on South Korea
3679s okay getting a few more and this will be
3682s eventually uh via team wipe here down
3685s now and Reinhardt for the last one
3688s look you know with the teleport Hong
3690s Kong's actually staying on the point
3691s actually delaying this okay yeah so Hong
3694s Kong is actually really impressive here
3696s yes they don't have anti-air yes they
3698s are getting harassed Day and Night by
3700s Sparkles pharah however like you said
3703s you clev there are doing a very good job
3705s of objective management and this is
3706s actually making Korea a little bit
3708s irritated here yes Sparkle is doing a
3711s lot of things
3713s they don't have to teleport even before
3715s the teleport because symmetra was the
3717s first one down okay this is definitely
3719s gonna match make South Korea match the
3721s percentages on the point and this is we
3724s are looking towards last last fight
3725s territory Hong Kong needs to make that
3727s teleport happen get on the point make
3730s sure that there is a roof so that
3732s sparkle can't fire 360 Degrees hey oh no
3736s look at those numbers on the right for
3738s Hong Kong not even close to no closest
3740s thing exactly South Korea
3746s 93 and can you have anyone near the
3750s point oh it's gonna be dead no
3752s teleporter available anymore the salute
3755s of Victory and that's the chorus despair
3758s go back to your own base
3760s there's the barrage to secure
3763s it's the very first oh of course I'm
3765s calling did have a very nice idea they
3768s had a clear concept which I like a lot a
3771s lot against what South Korea was able to
3773s do yeah Hong Kong so what I'm really
3775s impressed about Hong Kong is that
3777s although they did lose this round they
3779s had a clear idea they had a clear
3781s checklist of what they wanted to do in
3783s order to win and they although it did
3785s fall a little bit short they did their
3787s best to execute and the team was in the
3790s same we're walking in the same direction
3792s towards that point so yes I do want to
3795s give them full credit yes also South
3797s Korea is a very hard opponent to go
3799s against so even going this far is really
3802s I think impressive and I think Hong Kong
3804s maybe surprising us here and here comes
3807s the double blank song brush racer come
3809s from South Korea now
3811s along with Fearless we'll be diving in
3814s okay here is the lip somber we've been
3817s waiting for the lip Sombra that rock
3821s that sparkle shot the immediately
3823s brought down by the despair what a shot
3825s that's gonna surprise South Korea a
3827s little bit here Hong Kong okay uh so
3830s good initial Kill from Hong Kong they
3832s will be having priority on the point and
3834s will be having the first cap however
3836s Sparkle is moving towards the echo now
3839s so again once again Hong Kong has an air
3842s people since they don't have any or it's
3844s going to be a headache for them
3846s everybody has to certainly you do have
3848s to work around now that Echo is in the
3850s air
3851s Hong Kong
3853s one good thing about Hong Kong is that
3856s they are approaching already approaching
3859s their coalescence
3861s oh good nade okay RFP Falls which is
3864s what shows the most important because
3866s there will be no cool unless it's
3869s available
3870s man that might be it top three you might
3873s be turning it back
3874s damage
3878s okay even with that really good EMP on
3880s the rest of the three remaining members
3882s of Hong Kong okay so South Korea
3884s although they did get a decent EP
3886s didn't have enough follow damage to
3889s wipe out the rest of Hong Kong so Hong
3891s Kong will be staying on this point for a
3892s while and here's the coalescence uh
3894s putting pressure on Fielder front
3896s Fielder does manage to survive and
3898s Sparkle has that copy and will be
3901s wanting to use this on Reaper topic
3903s Reaper comes all the way in all right
3905s very very low yeah they can back off
3907s it's already 60 from Hong Kong there's
3909s that blossom
3911s you're doing a lot of damage and they're
3913s Gathering World charges now oh he almost
3917s had that second death Blossom but no
3920s Sparkle does Pro does get a lot of value
3923s on this Echo pick yeah hey bro no 71 and
3927s no other team has even come close to
3930s that number on control against South
3931s Korea so far and dual charge yeah I'm
3933s really I I can't I can't express this
3936s enough I'm very impressed by the side of
3938s Hong Kong has a lot of Oats to work with
3941s and yes here they sound barrier early
3944s sound barrier and fielder is responding
3948s with okay Rampage
3950s is using his ultimate is using the rally
3954s to sustain but Hong Kong with the
3957s ultimates are still not able to make any
3959s kills oh my God this back line from
3963s South Korea is not dying yeah somehow
3965s Fielder I think was still able to
3967s survive or it was a Geo only one of the
3969s supports uh they both got rampaged by uh
3972s Jungle King r3k but one of them actually
3974s to survive with some with some minimal
3977s cover from fearless and manages to win
3980s with having less Soul charge but of
3982s course it is South Korea at the end and
3985s they're Gathering trying to chase that a
3987s 71 again Hong Kong had the right idea
3990s because they if they won this fight this
3991s would have been a
3993s overtime fight for the side of Hong Kong
3995s so he invested a lot of volts however
3997s the back time for South Korea was sold
3999s Sparkle
4003s entire team wipe Sparkle on ground by
4007s the way
4008s and you still have to duplicate I guess
4011s if you can get that five kills like that
4013s you basically have your old charged
4015s already and yes like you said g-club
4018s Sparkle has his copy lip with the EMP so
4021s this fight although although Hong Kong
4024s does have a fight I think they have one
4026s more fight in them
4028s it's not gonna be an easy fight because
4030s ultimate's better than the favor of
4032s South Korea
4037s defense gone through me almost there the
4040s spare is fighting for it down and the
4042s only one left are the oh it's actually
4045s despair now doesn't have
4048s okay cannot be able to contest and that
4051s is a win for South Korea on Nepal
4055s okay well that was really impressive I
4058s mean yes South Korea
4060s South Korea was really good especially
4062s with the uh compositions that they were
4064s playing I wasn't expecting ifara or
4067s maybe an echo a little bit but not the
4069s pharah but I really want to praise Hong
4073s Kong here because Hong Kong although
4074s they did lose 2-0 that score does not do
4077s them enough Justice they pulled I I
4079s wouldn't say they pushed Korea to the
4081s Limit but they actually they were good
4084s enough to give South Korea a warning
4087s yeah I think I I fully agree uh South
4089s Korea I think uh there were some moments
4091s where they wanted to test a few other
4092s things a few other team comps especially
4094s at the beginning of the birth control
4096s maps and Hong Kong they literally pinned
4098s down on that right point they had the
4100s teleport wanted to go on with the
4102s Reinhardt they had a very good
4104s understanding of what they wanted to do
4106s against South Korea and almost made it
4108s work they didn't really get to like a 90
4110s or 99 to contest all the way out but
4113s still to be able to contest one of the
4116s best teams in the world right now I
4118s think that gave a lot of promising signs
4120s for Hong Kong there exactly a lot of
4122s promising signs and going into the next
4125s map which will which Hong Kong will have
4128s type selection and maps function I think
4132s that maybe Maps like shambali where
4134s there won't be as much Winston because
4136s oh r3k will be the only tank on the side
4139s of Hong Kong they can have things their
4142s way although I mean something it doesn't
4144s mean that South Korea can't play in
4146s those Maps it's just that they Hong Kong
4149s will need every advantage that they need
4151s and they will be able to set that up
4152s yeah there will be a lot of a lot of
4154s potential potential maps and potential
4157s plays coming off from Hong Kong and
4158s South Korea I think there's still room
4160s for them to actually try a few more
4162s things I'm pretty sure we are going to
4164s be seeing maybe not on after trying a
4167s lot of those out in the control maybe
4169s not for the second map as they did feel
4172s somewhat more pressure from Hong Kong
4174s what they were able to do the pressure
4175s was certainly there and you could
4177s realize in the middle or after a minute
4179s or a minute and a half into the map
4181s they're saying okay we have to take it
4183s seriously now and just literally just go
4185s all the way out and bring our best like
4187s sparkle at that moment will Sparkle
4189s Sparkle especially on that Echo was just
4191s uh just yeah who was not again just on
4195s the echo of the Farah as well it was
4197s phenomenal and putting out all that
4199s damage and his old charges were just
4201s unbelievable I thought I thought his mat
4204s I thought his Lobby settings were a
4205s little weird I thought his Ultras was
4207s like 200 but no but that's just joking
4210s he's just a wonderful player I also want
4212s to give phrase to the Korean backline
4214s like Chio and fielder they were not
4217s dying there was this fight on
4219s on the second round that I think Hong
4222s Kong had four alts and then they they
4224s kind of invested wholly into the fight
4226s and although Fielder did eventually fall
4229s Chio like the Chio Fielder backline
4232s just refused to fall
4235s and I know they provided enough sustain
4238s to overcome that old deficit and that
4240s was really really impressive and I think
4242s that is one of the reasons why South
4243s Korea is considered one of the best
4245s teams in this tournament and one of my
4246s favorite moments was uh when the spares
4248s May was just staying near the back room
4251s not even contesting okay guys you take
4254s the map okay we I lost all the rest of
4256s the members and I don't want to die
4258s again
4260s just leave me alone for five seconds
4262s okay and that was the end of Nepal there
4267s oh a lot of fun a lot of fun things
4269s actually also some trials from Hong Kong
4272s too because they're trying to spare for
4274s the first time and also IRP for the
4275s first time instead of mango Jai so maybe
4278s they will stick to depending on the map
4280s they might just stick to uh this roster
4282s the starting roster from Hong Kong or we
4285s might see some subs coming in later on
4286s yeah so it looks like the map is going
4289s to be King's Row is it I think this is
4291s our first King's Row
4296s yes uh at least for today and I don't I
4300s don't think I've seen any King's Dro on
4302s the World Cup golfer at least on ipac a
4305s because a lot of the teams were opting
4307s to go a lot for blizzard World instead
4310s of King's Royal I think Kendra has an
4311s interesting choice uh Woodson is
4313s playable here Rush is also playable here
4316s I don't think it'll be a lot of chunker
4319s queen that much but yeah
4323s I do think that in this case xiaolan
4325s should be coming in back because Genji
4327s uh is a viable pick here and I if I
4331s remember correctly xiaolan
4333s also had some fond memories and
4335s contenders Apec oh yes
4339s certainly did uh with Hanzo well with a
4342s few other Heroes and
4343s now though even for the first point oh
4346s we did see from the attacking side some
4349s initial widowmakers but especially after
4352s the Patch it's not I don't think it's
4354s happening uh too often anymore
4356s uh okay talking yeah about Hong Kong
4359s they do have Subs now yeah xiaolan is
4362s coming in mango Jai back in as well r3k
4364s is hovering that drunker queen that I've
4366s been saying that is not that viable here
4369s but hey if you're good as r3k maybe each
4372s other coming Awards as well it is going
4374s to be a challenge to oh good Nate
4377s initials to start off live almost died
4380s there yeah HP but uh back to the point
4383s that r3k will be having a hard time
4385s getting access to The High Ground it
4387s will be up to shellland and crew me to
4391s go to the to get that access High Ground
4393s access but crew me Falls early to live
4395s Shield takes care of Shetland and Hong
4398s Kong has definitely has to reset shio is
4402s bloodthirsty
4406s vampire
4407s if you that much blood oh I mean come on
4411s Hong Kong they've got the initial touch
4414s on to the point but not enough to get a
4416s tick though there was that pirate
4418s grenade from field or all the way down
4420s thinking that they would come out
4422s already so the problem about Hong Kong's
4424s composition right now is that they don't
4426s have a lot of ability well yes the DPS
4429s do have a lot of ability and also mango
4431s Jai but the tank with the drunker Queen
4434s if they want to go in if they want to
4437s move and to the point they have they are
4439s vulnerable to a lot of the abilities of
4440s South Korea like Fielder fielders
4443s anti-need is going to be available on
4445s the way to uh Hong Kong's route to the
4449s point oh Fielder does fall good so good
4453s play from xiaolan and crew me the DPS of
4456s Hong Kong I think South Korea does have
4458s to concede to at least two ticks maybe
4460s South Korea wants to contest with the
4462s EMP here it depends uh there's a tracer
4464s running by Sparkle towards
4467s around the corner leap okay yes there is
4472s that EMP there
4474s it gives them enough time to contest and
4477s mango Jai uses the katsune rush
4482s not able to touch in time for that test
4487s yeah it actually Fearless jumped out
4489s from the point and Hong Kong actually
4490s succeeding well enough against all that
4493s okay so I think this is the first slip
4496s out from Korea here yes they did lose a
4499s few team fights before but I think this
4502s is one of the biggest mistakes that
4504s Korea has made so far in the tournament
4506s yes lip it was good EMP on lip to
4510s contest the point and fearless jumped in
4512s after but as they were trying to juggle
4514s the point and do uh be in a better
4517s position nobody was on point for a split
4519s moment and that was enough for Hong Kong
4521s to cap the point now Hong Kong has
4523s Rampage has the death Blossom and has
4526s the Dragon Blade with Kurt with only
4529s just the uh with only just huh the rally
4534s here I don't think they have enough
4535s sustain against you attack for a second
4537s against the solver there and but still
4540s surviving Charlie and all the way up on
4542s top doesn't get Fearless oh looking for
4545s that kill runs away very low and hacked
4548s am crazy as well but I think it looks
4551s like they will where's you going in the
4552s morning however Sparkle takes taken down
4556s by Michael Jackson oh is this going to
4557s be a free man without Fearless
4560s the other point what is happening South
4562s Korea dropping a point and more okay
4565s South Korea needs to wake up Hong Kong
4568s didn't even use their ultimates that
4570s they had so it's going to be an it's
4573s going to be a fight and their favor
4574s again because where is fearless still
4578s coming back
4582s is low
4584s but not down
4586s okay good kill on kurumi so that is
4590s going to stabilize things a little bit
4592s and also Shaolin is down so Hong Kong it
4593s does have to be said and it's finally
4595s gonna stabilize for South Korea however
4597s still Hong Kong has a lot of votes out
4600s there disposal South Korea only has EMP
4602s and rally which is not going to be
4605s enough if Hong Kong decides to pull all
4607s of those cues all four ready to go and
4610s crazy 30 percent weight South Korea I'm
4613s pretty sure they are reading this okay
4615s it gave out two points already and that
4618s was quick still having
4619s yeah three minutes 51 seconds so that
4622s might be enough time to push all the way
4624s but the final point of course is one of
4626s the hardest and Here Comes live with the
4628s EMP
4631s eror so the Dragon Blade denied Hong
4633s Kong has yet to back up again however
4636s they are designed to commit mango Jai
4638s with the katsuna rush but without making
4641s any kills so it's an ultimate gun for
4643s the side of Hong Kong
4644s still holding up here South Korea now
4647s has that Nano and barrier
4654s still having a lot of room to Sparkle
4657s that's going to be a kill on the
4658s groupies Reaper and just popping one by
4661s one not all at the same time just when
4663s it's needed calculated plays coming out
4666s from South Korea holding the Point South
4668s Korea was slipping up until up until
4672s Hong Kong capped the second point but
4674s after that South Korea is coming back to
4676s their senses they are making some really
4677s good plays Hong Kong had a immensive ult
4681s Advantage but now it's only to a I think
4684s they're pretty much even now because
4686s they only have that Dragon Blade God is
4688s coming and oh nice oh no the backline is
4693s unkillable
4694s all right he even has the Panthers Papa
4698s Rampage just to get the back line what
4700s look was not enough but two two oops are
4702s cleaned up and no one's on that payload
4704s now pushing now but I think they lost
4706s their second there okay Hong Kong Hong
4709s Kong used a lot but it got the job done
4711s and now they're approaching to the fight
4713s where they can actually get full cap
4714s King's Row
4716s takes down kurumi so maybe not right now
4719s Hong Kong has to back out
4722s to 10 left
4724s and South Korea is coming back hard it
4728s would live on the perfect position EMP
4730s always grabbing a few or more Hong Kong
4733s now after using that many now two
4736s minutes they might have one big fight
4738s available with oats but it's going to
4740s take some uh take some time to get the
4741s old charges back I think the I think
4744s Hong Kong has about two fights maybe
4746s three if it's a super clean wipe uh they
4750s will have one big chance because of the
4752s when they have their support all support
4754s alts online it is going to be their
4756s chance because since Geo went to swap
4759s went to swap for the Zenyatta all
4761s charges are going to be a little bit
4762s slower yes Fielder will be having that
4764s Nano which is on right now Hong Kong
4767s will be having their chance this is
4769s going to be their chance it is a 4v5
4771s however the sound barrier is up the
4774s Kitsune Rush is up they are not
4776s profiting from it though double supports
4778s after the ultimate nothing which really
4781s traded it's just their own knowledge
4783s being used Hong Kong sign it they only
4785s have a minute now oh I think Hong Kong
4786s should have should have kept those
4788s support alts for the next fight because
4790s it was going to be their own I guess
4793s their biggest opportunity and now with
4796s lip with the earlier again that is going
4798s to be another day
4803s so quickly
4805s and it's actually going for the timing
4807s that Hong Kong wasn't exactly already
4809s they're trying to regroup at the right
4811s point to Rally together and then go for
4814s the attack but South Korea they were
4815s just slightly faster like 0.2.3 seconds
4817s and sometimes you don't expect that
4819s timing to be by EMP okay kurumi is
4823s closing up to this death Blossom and
4825s also also r3k is going to have that
4827s Rampage by the next fight Geo has
4830s Transcendence however if r3k's Rampage
4833s is on point the heel the anti-heal will
4836s be enough
4839s but not if metal giant grooming fall
4841s okay is that our three game Rampage
4844s Shield gets uh keeps himself alive with
4848s the Transcendence so only Fielder Falls
4850s and I don't think there's anyone to
4852s touch yeah it's not going to be
4854s available as the entire team did go down
4857s a few seconds ago and South Korea they
4859s do stop I'm calling from taking all
4862s three but
4864s we finally do have a team pushing points
4867s against South Korea which is still very
4869s impressive what Hong Kong was able to do
4870s of course there has been some minor
4872s mistakes coming out from South Korea the
4874s first point and we could see those but
4876s still Hong Kong providing real nice
4878s answers yeah Hong Kong although they did
4881s were not able to full cap King's Row
4884s King's Row is a pretty hard map to full
4886s cap and credit to them for making this
4889s far I think this was the closest uh team
4892s at at least in this tournament all those
4894s this is South Korea's second game I
4897s think they've been really close to
4899s wounding South Korea and South Korea
4902s although they like you said G clef they
4904s did make a lot of mistakes but great
4906s defense on point C and I'm looking
4909s forward to what lip can do lip Sombra
4912s was insane on that defense
4921s me
4926s yeah some more uh
4928s damage along with Charlie Charlie and
4931s Tracer oh we'll have to hold on to that
4934s well it is defense so xiaolan is going
4937s to play the the play the Tracer at least
4940s for the time being which is not the most
4941s common hero that we see from Sharon
4943s Leanne usually yes it wasn't Shelly and
4946s on that Tracer that much it was more on
4949s the Genji and maybe even the May so
4951s South Korea
4953s uh is responding with a few changes
4956s after seeing Hong Kong's composition so
4958s it's going to be Winston and Tracer Ash
4962s lip also showing how he could be so good
4965s on the ash last game two days ago so
4968s this is going to be an interesting fight
4970s of the snipers uh I think Ash is just
4972s basically replacing the Widowmaker and
4975s that it can do she can do damage both
4977s mid-range and long range so yes it's not
4981s going to be a guaranteed one hit kill
4983s man yes she can do that so she can also
4985s have access to high ground with her
4987s shift as well coach gun as well
4990s stop you are killing people left and
4992s right and uh can Hong Kong contest maybe
4996s Shaolin can without train star however I
4998s don't think it's going to be for long
4999s and South Korea will be taking a quick
5002s point a
5003s very quick the first push does manage to
5006s work with basically Snipes coming out
5008s from that Ash and Hong Kong I'm pretty
5011s sure they have to be ready to have their
5013s own matches and an idea for sure okay so
5017s I think Hong Kong has the right idea
5019s they're not they can't compete with lip
5022s on cash so they are going to uh swap to
5025s Genji and the reaper so that they can
5027s get close to lip and take them out close
5031s range
5032s I think it's a good idea in theory it
5035s remains to be seen how good they can
5036s execute this xiaolan is known for its
5038s good Genji so I'm expecting some good
5040s things here but lip is on another level
5043s here almost closing to the Bob already
5046s now even those Dynamite has been hurting
5049s the
5050s Top Line the
5053s the players from Hong Kong up top and
5056s just Genji
5059s zone out if everyone on Hong Kong they
5064s are trapped in that little quarter over
5066s there while the rest of the members of
5068s South Korea are just free pushing the
5070s payload okay that could have been a very
5072s dangerous pulse but still managed to
5074s survive there is fearless now and crazy
5076s first one to go down but Arthur can
5078s responding okay but the rest of the
5080s members on the other side of the map
5083s Hong Kong
5085s not really their planes are not really
5087s working at the moment South Korea
5089s pushing the payload once again so three
5091s members more than three members on the
5093s payload means that I don't think there
5095s will be a further contest for this point
5097s oh man it's going to be a uphill fight
5100s for Hong Kong here because their olds
5103s are maybe yes the consuming Rush is
5105s going to be online but that damage
5108s followed up by Fearless the right click
5111s kill on shall end the disrespect wow
5114s stay here this long alone whoa there's a
5118s Winston and and even the mercy now
5121s powering up but Hong Kong literally
5124s tracked near their response yes mangujai
5127s is putting up the casino rush but
5129s Fearless on that Primal Rage is pushing
5132s them out so that's again once again
5134s pushing people out and that's a free
5137s payload push but now Hong Kong is on the
5140s card they have Korea has to be a little
5142s bit careful because
5146s so there's no Rampage on the side of
5149s on-call South Korea play time for ball
5152s another ball Fearless right next to it
5154s and they just have to dodge right after
5156s the fade what can you actually do oh
5159s South Korea about to finish this slip
5160s pushing the lines he has to use the
5163s Rapids just to get on the card not to oh
5166s okay so good headshot on to live so
5169s maybe South Korea has to reset
5173s that's another one
5176s you can get more another kill Sparkle
5179s alone then Fearless is now here crew me
5181s right next to it the reaper easily dies
5183s now Mercy providing some damage
5185s Charlotte tried to play this one out but
5187s not close enough and Korea is going to
5192s take another map off of Hong Kong and
5195s the winner of the match is South Korea
5197s once again wow what a display from South
5200s Korea yes Hong Kong put up a good fight
5202s like all props to Hong Kong respect to
5205s Hong Kong but South Korea after that
5208s little a little bit slippery defense on
5210s King's Row we're on very serious mode
5212s and showed why people are routed them
5216s routing them as tournament favorites as
5219s many fans have waited for task South
5222s Korea to show some more OverWatch action
5224s I think we've seen quite a lot of
5227s display today with a whole lot of
5229s different comps happening especially on
5231s our first map and also King's Row which
5233s was quite unexpected to be actually
5235s pushed back all the way but that's how
5238s good Hong Kong was today especially
5240s after the changing uh the with the
5241s substitutions of having a mango die back
5244s and also also Charlene's back with that
5247s Genji to have some a really nice play
5250s that we could see in King's Row but of
5252s course South Korea did win at the end of
5254s the day but there are the clear favorite
5256s of the entire group so yeah again once
5259s again I just want to say house number
5262s one South Korea proved how good they
5264s were number two Hong Kong despite being
5267s on that much going against the Giants
5270s named South Korea they they put up a
5273s good fight and I really want to give
5274s phrase for that and I still this kind of
5276s although they did lose to zero this this
5279s is one of the matches that kind of makes
5281s me feel that Hong Kong is going to be a
5283s clear favorite for third third place on
5284s this group yes and we saw some
5289s scary moments coming out from Sparkle on
5292s each map at least once uh and that's
5296s going to be the result for tonight only
5297s two matches Indonesia Japan Japan was a
5301s Victor from that match and match number
5302s two that we just had South Korea is
5305s going to be bringing that two wins plus
5307s two map differential but South Korea
5309s only played two matches Japan had three
5311s matches already so with the update we'll
5314s have the updated standings still just
5316s even numbers all the way top to bottom
5319s so the two OverWatch continues for APAC
5321s a and Japan on the top like you said G
5325s clef with three matches and three two
5327s zeros makes them number one in the group
5330s for now South Korea is not far away with
5333s two wins and no losses uh 4-0 uh Hong
5337s Kong did finally drop they are their
5339s undefeated run finishes but with honor
5342s and they are 2-1 with plus two and I
5345s think they should be in a pretty good
5346s place to keep that third place and we
5350s have our next schedule next week the
5351s action continues g-cluff action of
5353s course continues until the end of next
5355s week and that's going to be another
5358s really cool matches the two matches that
5360s we can't wait to see uh that's going to
5364s be first one Indonesia versus Chinese
5365s Taipei the second on the next schedule
5368s will be Philippines versus South Korea
5371s yes very interesting matches as we don't
5374s we can't really quite tell though when
5376s there certainly is going to be for the
5378s first match yeah Indonesia versus
5380s Chinese Taipei is going to be very very
5381s important for both teams because they
5385s need to win they need to win if you lose
5387s this match I think they are
5389s mathematically eliminated from this
5390s group so and even if you win you still
5393s have a long way to go so I think in in a
5397s sense that this is going to be the most
5399s important match of this group
5401s unironically because for them
5403s notification is on the line here
5405s Philippines South Korea I I hate to say
5408s this but South Korea Korea is looking
5410s like the clear favorites after what I've
5412s been seeing from both sides South Korea
5415s sheer dominance I I I I have to say this
5418s lip Lip lip
5428s what a monstrous display from both dps's
5431s this DPS lineup is scary oh yeah I think
5435s scary might not be the best word to
5438s describe them because they are I I don't
5441s think they still displayed 100 of their
5443s power level that's the real scary thing
5445s yeah you haven't seen Sparkles Genji yet
5449s we haven't so we've seen lips can do a
5452s little bit
5453s very impressive
5454s that was the preview
5457s no sarcasm right there
5460s at all and also very impressive showing
5464s display once again from the back line of
5466s South Korea the Atlanta rain Duo they
5469s just refuse to fall down and even if
5471s they do fall they do fall after such a
5474s long fight prolonged fight that provides
5477s so much sustain for the entire team of
5479s South Korea yes they did make a few
5481s mistakes even especially on the defense
5483s for King's Row but it doesn't really
5485s well yes it may be a little bit
5487s concerning but in the end it really
5490s doesn't matter yes
5492s oh the power level and the quality of
5495s South Korea and what they can actually
5497s do in the group in the qualifiers
5500s imagine when they're up in the next
5502s stage and higher stage from that moment
5504s wow as many of you I'm sure you want to
5508s follow all these teams from a pack group
5510s a and see what they're all about because
5512s a lot of these players of course comes
5514s from having very rich history in
5516s OverWatch plus something coming from
5519s incredible teams all over the world
5520s basically uh but for now South Korea is
5524s certainly dominating and showing
5526s actually prove of course proving what
5529s they are made up of and remember South
5531s Korea is here with vengeance they are
5534s not the defending champions of this
5536s tournament the last tournament the last
5538s World Cup uh that was in 2019 the
5541s holders are the USA So Korea is looking
5544s for their
5546s looking for their own Avengers yeah and
5549s they have it it seems like they have
5551s their own Avengers it's the Redemption
5553s Arc for team Korea and so they are ready
5557s to show a very pleasing display they
5560s want to satisfy their fans they are here
5562s to represent their country and wow what
5565s a way what a early showing from South
5567s Korea yes and South Korea they let's see
5569s how long they can win again they might
5572s not even drop a single map in the
5574s qualifier that is totally possible let's
5576s see if that's actually a little early to
5577s say that we do have uh the last match
5580s maybe uh at the current moment I think
5584s if you just look at the power levels
5585s anything can happen in OverWatch and
5587s these are all the team all the six teams
5589s in Apec a are once again I say
5591s mechanically gifted teams and players
5593s it's a matter of how experienced they
5596s are how tactics what their hero pool
5598s looks like and from what I've been
5601s seeing so far if there is a team that
5603s can take a map off Korea it is going to
5606s be Japan because I thought it was going
5609s to be either Japan or Hong Kong that
5611s might have the most uh highest
5614s probability of taking a map of Korea and
5616s then Hong Kong yes they did put up a
5618s good fight but the eventual in the end
5621s they did not take a map away with South
5623s Korea so the last match of our group is
5626s going to be a very very exciting one
5629s and still I speaking of Hong Kong I want
5632s to freeze them a little more because yes
5635s it's a 2-0 yes it might been a dominant
5638s display on the side of South Korea but
5640s Hong Kong really put up a fight I really
5642s like the match though even though the
5644s result ends ends up being a 2-0 map
5646s score uh we had a lot of in detail
5648s moments especially Hong Kong trying uh
5651s on the on Nepal really going for the
5653s teleport teleport play into the first
5656s control point I'm pretty sure South
5657s Korea was actually quite surprised that
5660s they have uh they have prepared that
5661s specific team come against and but
5664s that's going to be it for us for day
5666s number three for a pack group a please
5669s tune in next week and we will have even
5671s better matchups better lineups for
5673s everyone uh as we continue to go through
5675s the OverWatch World Cup qualifiers for
5678s group a of a pack but that's gonna do it
5680s oh no thank you I was G clef see you
5683s guys next time
5744s thank you
5758s thank you
5771s thank you
5793s [Music]
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