over 1 year ago - PlayOverwatch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [sinister orchestral music]
7s Hi, everyone.
8s I'm Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie,
9s Lead Narrative Designer
10s on the Overwatch team,
11s here to give you a deeper look
13s into our newest tank hero, Ramattra,
16s and his relationship with Zenyatta.
19s While Ramattra was still a monk,
21s he met the omnic Zenyatta
23s and introduced him to the teachings of the Shambali.
27s Eventually,
28s the two became as close as brothers,
30s spending years discussing the problems facing omnics,
34s including the injustices being committed by humans.
39s Ramattra left the Shambali to found Null Sector,
43s a group fighting for omnic rights.
45s He and Zenyatta haven't spoken since.
49s Even still, Ramattra thinks fondly of Zenyatta,
53s and believes there is no omnic in the world
56s who understands him more.
59s We'll get to learn more about their relationship
62s in the upcoming PvE missions.
64s But for now, please check out the other Ramattra Dev Update videos
68s to learn more about his lore,
70s character design, and gameplay.
73s Take care.