almost 5 years ago - JoshuaNoh-1358 - Direct link

Sounds cool! I actually made a prototype of an ability like this in the past.

In the use cases where it works it’s interesting as a disarm or anti-heal and it has some strong team play elements given that they could break you out of a “soft” crowd control effect.

Unfortunately it comes with a lot of problems to solve, is highly situational in its use, and is a rather difficult ability to tune. Not to say that we’ll never try it again, but it’s certainly tricky.

almost 5 years ago - WyomingMyst-1633 - Direct link


Nice to get some new game development insight again. Probably will sort this tidbit into General Hero Balance or Development Challenges on the dev post directory.

Has there ever been any consideration of an ability to disable enemies primary fire, similar to how Sombra can cancel abilities? Not to say that is a good idea, I’m just curious if it is ever experimented with in hero prototyping.

For example I could think of an ability, that fires like a slow moving projectile (like Pharah rockets slow) and on impact any targets in splash would have like four seconds disabled from being able to use primary fire.