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Transcript (by Youtube)

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727s thank you
739s kind of whoever gets Kitsune Rush first
742s tends to lead but when you get picked
744s off The High Ground from what
748s the charge gets the hook kill on to jam
754s Med another hook for as death in the
758s bank
760s hog into the corner two people going
763s down three from the death Blossom of Jim
766s and now shock Timeless looking to go
770s oh never mind shut down Caster cursed it
774s right there ajmr decides to step up to
776s the plate
779s death Blossom alive oh wrestle manages
782s to stay alive and just deleted oh my
784s goodness saber absolutely snapped them
786s out of existence and
796s pressuring out the other supports cool
798s that was beautiful coming through from
800s Tara
806s [Music]
808s thank you
812s Soldier knows almost her apartment
814s another double poles
818s overclock it just forces everybody out
820s of life yeah really nice
826s that'll be the blade that comes out by
828s HP but Mary drops early here for Ultra
830s Artemis but
834s [Music]
837s they are from
843s look at the Reaper fashion does enough
846s damage but all so far coming from behind
848s me
853s kills on this they do
856s [Music]
858s this is exactly what they needed and
859s that is it for them
874s hello everyone and welcome to the final
878s day of the calling all Hero Challenger
880s Cup finals I am waffles for Sid and this
884s is got Moxie and we are gonna be kicking
887s off all the action for you guys today
889s Moxie how are you doing going into our
892s last day and honestly
895s I mean feeling looking at our upcoming
897s match it's going to be quite a good one
899s oh yeah looking at this upcoming match
901s I'm feeling pretty excited so because
903s the matches I got to see yesterday
904s weren't that close I think the match
907s that we're starting off with today
909s potentially gonna go in the distance
910s because it is going to be out here or
912s Artemis up first going head to head with
914s DOT monkeys the winner of qualifier 2
917s versus the winner of qualifier one
920s oh and what a match-up to already have
924s opening up the day right qualifier one
927s versus qualifier two okay you know who's
930s really reigning Supreme after all the
932s time that they've had to reform and you
934s know get a little more OverWatch to time
937s under their belts uh afterwards we're
939s actually gonna see shock time lists go
941s up against Alto or Polaris and Moxie
944s those are the runner-ups for qualifier
947s one and qualifier two so uh some really
951s interesting matches opening up the gates
953s and uh I'm curious to see which one of
956s these teams is Really Gonna Shine and
958s try and put themselves forward and you
961s know set themselves apart yeah as
964s someone who got to cast shock time
965s unless he has to say I have to say I'm
967s very much looking forward to seeing this
968s team have another performance definitely
970s going to be keeping my eye on azeroid
972s that surgeon is absolutely insane but
975s this first matchup has the makings of
977s something special because a lot of these
980s teams especially the teams have been
981s sort of picked I'll buy OverWatch League
983s labels have pushed themselves towards
985s that Winston composition out your
988s Artemis have shown a couple different
989s faces when it comes to that tanker we've
991s actually seen erisa come out from this
994s team on places like Legion Control
996s Center and I think that's actually going
997s to have a very interesting uh impact on
1000s that rock paper scissors tank matchup
1003s I really enjoyed watching uh the Terra
1006s and froggy combination
1009s um on lijiang Tower and with that erisa
1011s like you mentioned the speed boost for
1014s Tara to javel and spin into the opponent
1017s and then continued shoving them back
1019s towards their spawn was just I as you
1022s can tell from my language I was enjoying
1024s the show personally
1027s um but Dart monkeys of course have been
1028s quite a force to be reckoned with
1032s um looking at the lower bracket though
1033s we got some more games coming up
1036s um we'll have to see you know who
1037s actually is going to drop down to face
1040s off against the winner of our round
1042s three we'll see shock Timeless go up
1045s against Polaris and uh well whoever is
1048s the Victor will get a chance to fight it
1050s out once more and hopefully we'll see
1053s who ends up in the grand finals for that
1056s ten thousand dollar prize
1058s well whatever what team it's gonna be we
1061s have an absolute gargantuan amount of
1063s OverWatch coming on up and you know
1064s every single match is going to be
1066s special as we get to have a look at the
1067s map Pool I believe today the first map
1069s up for control is always going to be
1071s nepalan this is an interesting one
1073s because you and I were talking before
1074s the broadcast about the fear of seeing
1077s places like Busan Alias lijiang Tower
1079s and yeah what that lends the Lucio into
1082s if we see Samsung pop up on the pole you
1085s know Froggies is going to have an
1087s absolute feel today watch your step
1089s watch your step everybody with the Lucio
1092s meta going on you need to watch your
1094s step on those drop-offs because it has
1097s been a Heyday for them and with the
1099s kiriko healing ability to just auto
1102s track on like that
1103s it's really given them even more support
1106s to you know get aggressive and well
1109s we've seen how many kills some of these
1111s lucios are getting including uh members
1114s from alteora
1117s yeah this is really going to be I think
1119s a massive battle not just of the tanks
1120s but also of the support lineups this
1122s week and have a look at all to your
1123s artemis's lineup and there's something
1125s else that's really interesting about
1126s this team is that they run hkey and hkey
1130s is known for previously having been on
1131s the contenders team of cryix but she's
1134s also known for being a lover of Genji
1137s and that has carried on through even
1139s though Genji has been hit by the double
1140s Nerfs HK has still been running this
1143s Genji in that second DPS slot Bond on
1146s that sojourn and Artemis have been
1148s making it work they've been using that
1149s Genji to be able to initiate those into
1151s those Dives but because Anna was playing
1153s with Evie on the roadhog she's not
1155s really able to get supported because the
1157s Lucho constantly has to try and speed
1159s boost the Royal dog in position to find
1160s a pick
1161s yeah definitely a lot going on there and
1165s I love seeing the hkey bringing that
1167s Genji we uh you know have seen a lot of
1170s the sojourn and the reaper combination
1172s rolling through so a change of pace is
1174s very welcome uh looking at bark uh Dart
1177s monkeys Moxie we know a lot of these
1180s players a lot of these are huge names in
1182s the OverWatch streaming community in
1184s general ah geez I feel like singling out
1187s any specific one is a disservice to the
1190s others but these players have been
1193s just off the books really good and came
1196s in from the second qualifier and swept
1199s really really well they are our Q2
1201s Champions and well they also have Jake
1204s OverWatch coaching them Moxie so I
1207s wonder what kind of uh additional
1209s Insight that we've seen come through uh
1212s since last time yeah I mean you can
1214s definitely see why this team is one of
1216s those favorites to be able to take the
1217s entire tournament Aspen as well on this
1219s kirika role has been doing an absolutely
1221s amazing job of being able to juggle both
1224s of the healing output and the DPS output
1226s it's very interesting when we talk to
1227s contenders players who are running on
1230s that kiriko at the moment both in any
1232s and emea there is a lot of opinion that
1234s split on whether or not you should be
1235s prioritizing healing or prioritizing
1238s damage and Aspen is actually able to 50
1240s 50 both of it a lot of the time however
1243s I also want to talk about a specific map
1245s that dark monkeys has under absolute
1248s control and that is King's Row I feel
1250s like Altera Artemis if they've done
1252s their homework they're going to keep a
1253s very wide birth of that hybrid pick yeah
1255s because not only have that monkeys been
1258s able to really find a lot of value of
1259s that Winston composition taking very
1261s fast control of point a but but if you
1264s and your attack are able to push the
1265s payload all the way into Point C you
1268s have to contest with xamarit going for
1269s the spawn hold Bastion yeah and that was
1273s uh quite a riot to experience
1276s um and it was a really successful
1278s strategy right having all that
1280s additional damage output right there at
1283s the end we've all played King's Row we
1285s know what third point is like and
1287s exactly you know it's really a question
1289s of are they coming out of the left spawn
1291s door or the right spawn door and uh you
1294s know from there it's some heavy hitting
1296s and once the defense can get set up it's
1299s almost nigh impossible some days to
1301s break through on that third point but
1304s we're going to control first Moxie of
1306s course the tempo Setter as per usual but
1310s it is also a little bit different from
1312s the other you know game modes it's a lot
1314s more aggressive and you know bailing out
1317s of a fight doesn't always yield the same
1320s results or isn't as valuable because the
1322s other team still has possession and the
1324s time is still ticking up in their favor
1327s I I really want to know which map on
1330s Nepal we're going to first because I do
1332s have a lot of thoughts around that drop
1333s off in the Lucy house I'm I am concerned
1337s I am very concerned Froggies even if she
1340s isn't able to find an environmental on
1342s one map she's always able to make up her
1343s and come in with a double Boop but I'm
1345s also really looking forward to seeing
1347s this tank match up whether both of these
1349s teams are gonna hurt commit onto that
1350s Winston or whether or not aldiara are
1352s going to decide to go something like the
1354s Orissa if it is somewhere like sanctum
1356s and look to take control of that lane
1358s running parallel to the points that they
1360s can actually hostage situation that Mega
1362s health pack making it even harder for
1364s the Winston dive to be able to commit
1365s into the back line
1367s oh that would be a really good way to
1371s lay up that play for them and
1374s oh
1375s I feel bad for the defense trying to
1377s push it because the way you describe
1378s like oh yeah and uh well at my level
1381s pushing through
1382s I'm gonna need a lot of help from the
1384s tanks
1385s it's a tough one because traditionally
1388s Winston does run around the orisa the
1391s erisa is more to that account to things
1392s like the Roy talk right the fact that
1393s you can use that javelin throw to be
1395s able to make sure that you break that
1397s take a breather so that the roadhog uses
1398s the cooldown but doesn't actually get
1400s that over heel which can be so
1402s beneficial just being able to allow your
1404s surgeon to chunk him down very very
1406s quickly as well as being able to use
1408s things like that Javelin spin to be able
1410s to eat up a majority of the damage sent
1412s out by that whole Hoggers it does
1414s actually look like Artemis are going to
1415s be Fielding a sub oh Wick is coming in
1419s Wicker is the mercy specialist for this
1422s team so I wonder if they're going to be
1424s fantasy Shenanigans before so do I
1427s wonder if Dart monkeys is ready for this
1429s last minute change up that
1431s um we're all seeing here in the roster
1432s as well like you just mentioned Wick is
1435s the mercy specialist so
1438s oh are we ready are we here for a
1440s curveball Moxie I'm I'm gonna hold my
1443s horses you're right right because I did
1447s I saw a pharmacy yesterday and it
1449s survived one entire push okay even
1452s though it was running into the Winston
1454s composition granted it was trying to
1457s attack onto Lighthouse of ileus and you
1459s really did have to deprive The High
1461s Ground away from the enemy sojourn and
1463s running Pharmacy either on Village sang
1466s some or even Shrine can find a lot of
1468s value just with that spam damage the
1470s problem is that there is a lot of
1472s survivability on the other side right
1474s the Susie to make sure that even if the
1476s players are about to fall into that
1477s critical Health you're going to be able
1478s to heal them straight back up the Luso
1480s can immediately readjust your position
1482s the Winston with the bubble can block
1484s off a major impact of that barrage and
1487s the surgeon well not a traditional hit
1489s scan can still one shot the pharah if
1491s she's in position for too long and that
1493s means that your barrage is always leaves
1495s you the most vulnerable of course yeah
1497s know just it came over there it was just
1501s a letter end on that little bit
1504s um but of course you know these
1505s sojournes are we've been seeing sojourn
1507s since OverWatch 2 came out she's been so
1510s critical and so strong especially in
1513s these higher tier levels of play where
1515s uh they actually hit the railgun shots
1518s versus you know maybe just firing wildly
1520s into the air like myself but uh
1525s having the pharah and sojourn trying to
1528s combat that it's going to be really
1530s tough because of how powerful sojourn is
1532s like you mentioned and it's going to be
1534s a lot of pressure on Wicca in that
1537s pocket as a mercy to make sure that
1539s they're staying out of sight lines as
1541s best as she can and
1544s saying that going up against a team like
1547s Dart monkeys where they have someone
1549s like barcode playing on the hit scan
1551s Moxie is it just feels like a really
1554s tough ask right like hey go and uh
1557s defend against this really big scary
1559s monster sure
1561s yeah we've seen it too when we lost like
1563s she saw that monkeys all the way back in
1564s qualifier too they ran afoul of a
1566s pharmacy on Elias well and they did
1569s struggle against it and then we
1571s immediately saw the swap where they just
1574s had enough and they went no okay you
1575s know what we're gonna bring out the cast
1577s barcode went on to exactly that the
1579s traditional hits gun and that Pharmacy
1580s evaporated within 30 seconds of the
1583s lock-in I mean she was one of the
1586s original cast Specialists that just
1588s crushed it open it shows it shows it's
1591s been she's been consistent the whole
1593s time and
1594s well I don't actually think we're gonna
1596s see this team comp yet Moxie they're
1598s just teasing us so far
1601s this is a little bit of a tease if
1602s wiggle does want to go out on that Mercy
1604s you can also use the mercy to damage
1606s boost up the surgeon I know a lot of
1608s ranked players are going to be noticing
1610s a lot of mercies moving up the ranks
1612s very very quickly because they've been
1613s able to do a lot with surgeons and
1615s amplify the already enormous damage that
1617s a surgeon can push out however wicker
1619s already has a very Adept kiriko as well
1622s and it looks like both of these teams
1624s aren't going to be opting out of that
1626s matter it is going to be the Winston
1627s mirror matchup
1628s yeah pretty standard right none of those
1631s Widowmaker junkrat teases we saw earlier
1633s some Skirmish here early on at the point
1636s no one's gone down yet but seasons have
1638s been forced out now death is on the
1641s table and well they're looking to deal
1642s with the damage actually I like how he's
1645s wow that was a great jump and as a
1647s result so many people were displaced
1650s there's a couple of exchanges back and
1652s forth though Moxie and well no one's
1654s taken the point yet our monkeys are
1656s trying to keep push try to keep pushing
1658s on forward but allcr has some of this
1660s ground this Reaper is continuing to poke
1663s through but Moxie it is a tough fight so
1666s far well Dell monkeys are actually
1668s posturing up just making sure that
1669s didn't allow autumnus that full capture
1671s until moving to issue 114 had gone down
1673s earlier is able to come back in and now
1675s with that Winston back the bubble is
1676s going to be that a block fun and jump
1678s monkeys can actually try and contest oh
1680s and moving fish is the first to go down
1683s again actually as a result pretty tough
1686s there for Dart monkeys but they still
1688s have the point so not a huge deal yet
1690s they're trying to spell it out as long
1692s as they can as altior continues to put
1694s the pressure on a nice Boop outed well
1696s it's still going to be more kills there
1699s in the feed for altiora
1702s the good news is however they actually
1703s full self you're into using that rush to
1705s make sure that the stool didn't see that
1707s one Keys push above 30 of this control
1710s and it is actually going to see that's
1712s all reaching 30 of that point control
1715s for adult monkeys to be able to pick up
1716s and they can come into this being able
1718s to match the very same ultimates that
1720s all artiora have in that pocket the
1722s problem is that they are now going to
1724s have to be peeking into a defending
1726s surgeon with that overclock and it's a
1728s lot harder to make sure that you survive
1730s once they all initiates than it is for a
1732s surgeon already set up
1734s a lot of pressure there and well we'll
1736s have to see exactly how it unfolds sound
1738s bear is going to be the first thing cast
1740s and the death Blossom from zermit is
1742s actually taking down bun instead Dart
1745s monkeys are trying to continue turning
1747s the tide of the fight butts hkey decides
1749s it's time to clean it up Pops their own
1752s death Blossom takes down a nice hat
1754s trick of three another one to clean it
1756s up and once again altior is going to
1759s hold this defense after a horde of
1761s ultimates yeah his key presses her QQ
1763s and immediately is able to clean up
1765s those members of dot monkeys it was a
1767s really good initiation too coming in
1769s from dot monkeys they popped that Primal
1771s to make sure that bun cannot actually
1772s counter overclock against barcode
1774s disrupting the entire cohesion of
1777s artemis's group and it is only down to
1778s the death Blossom that they're able to
1780s hold on however it does mean that both
1782s of them are going to be deprived a lot
1784s of ultimates in this next fight Bond
1785s taking that back position now you're
1786s going to use an overclock since they're
1788s harder to get to
1789s yeah and some nice shots coming through
1791s here it's going to be Evie going down
1793s first and more pressure here from Dart
1796s monkeys there's a good staggered use of
1798s their ultimates to keep applying
1800s pressure at a steady rate onto alteora
1802s and well they've steadily taken the
1805s point back
1806s well Autumn is because they lose that
1808s fight now have the option of being able
1810s to bait out this Rush coming through
1812s from dot monkeys disengage and then
1814s return with a rush of their own knowing
1817s that dark monkeys are not going to be
1818s able to have an ultimate no promo rage
1820s no death was on no overclock to prevent
1822s them from actually finding use
1824s nasty disruptor shot there too kind of
1827s forces a little bit of a detour for
1829s altiora Evie's the first person to go
1831s down in this fight but there's been an
1833s exchange that disrupt your shots nasty
1835s it's hard to push through the middle and
1837s there's so much damage being output up
1840s the center column Moxie altiora can't
1842s even approach the point that's the
1845s problem autumnus are the ones that
1846s actually drop that Rush first and then
1848s Aspen can just drop a rush to be able to
1849s counter it Bob could with a far better
1851s positioning for ball and is able to take
1853s full advantage and ever goes down before
1855s she can even drop a bubble to be able to
1857s save her team and we're heading into
1858s final fight territory page key has a
1860s death loss and that does all Ottomans
1862s have to work with embarco just doing a
1863s very good job of splitting this team
1865s just with the front of the other Pokemon
1868s overtime bar here triggered and there's
1871s still a couple more people trying to
1873s stay on this point here from altiora
1875s there are a lot of damn there's a lot of
1877s damage coming through from Dart monkeys
1879s the pressure too much here the focus
1881s fire is there and it looks like dark
1883s monkeys are gonna go ahead take this
1886s first round here of Nepal a little bit
1888s of a sound barrier for the stats from SK
1891s at the end
1893s yeah you can see us while the adjustment
1895s coming for from dot monkeys like they
1897s struggle when they're trying to actually
1898s gain control of that point just as we
1901s see altiora struggle though Winston
1903s really does find themselves in the most
1905s vulnerable position when without that
1906s control of the point they have to
1908s initiate and instigate a dive fully into
1911s the other team because that is when the
1912s sojam is going to be having built up
1914s that role gun charge in the Poke fight
1916s and looking to burst you down as fast as
1918s possible that's why we still when
1920s Artemis or monkeys had to actually
1921s contest the point Anew both ever
1923s removing fish went down so quickly
1926s every time too it was a pretty regular
1929s occurring pattern and like you said it
1931s was it's tough for those winstons to
1933s push into the fights especially after
1935s people like bun and barcode are already
1938s set up on the sojourn side they have
1940s been very lethal and well so far oh
1943s there's the drop-off ledge and health
1945s pack control is gonna be go into Dart
1947s monkeys as a result it's nice Zuzu
1950s forced out early there and now dark
1951s monkeys want to continue being
1952s aggressive waiting for it to cool down
1955s here and she's boxy watch out for the
1957s drop off there on the side a little bit
1960s of a dicey fight not getting too
1962s aggressive close to the edge now dark
1964s monkeys still holding on to this health
1967s pack area but it's going to be alteora
1968s looking to take the point there's some
1970s contests going on and Oh I thought he
1972s was taken off the edge for a minute he
1975s does manage to stay in the fight and now
1977s bun has gone down moving fish has gone
1979s down though so with a couple exchanges
1981s on the checkerboard alteior decides to
1984s pull away and they're gonna look to take
1986s the point even though there's just a
1988s couple stragglers left yeah still having
1990s Evie online for Artemis means that they
1992s do have that damaged bunch to be able to
1994s take the pressure from that front line
1995s but you can see it's still still coming
1998s through from dark monkeys without that
1999s surgeon's burst damage they don't have
2000s enough to be able to ice through those
2001s squishies and just yet as far could
2004s still be even able to take out wicker
2006s the swap will come from to Artemis but
2008s dark monkeys have already been able to
2010s bolt up 16 percent
2013s that was a lot more percentage built by
2015s Dart monkeys than I was actually
2016s expecting them to to get a good little
2019s stall there at the end yeah the problem
2022s is that Aspen is so far behind an old
2024s charge to work because Artemis were
2026s taking so much poke damage and they've
2028s already got that rush so if they just
2030s use this ultimate alone they're going to
2031s be able to buy themselves the next fight
2033s there it is Kitsune opening up the fight
2035s early there for altiora they go ahead
2038s seal the deal oh a late pick there on to
2041s Halo that is definitely uh not good for
2044s all Tiora because now they need to give
2045s that space while they're waiting for
2047s Lucio to come back some aggression here
2049s to try and break through some of this
2051s defense and now we can see barcode using
2054s overclock does get taken out oh my
2057s goodness the death Blossom once again
2059s from hkey just Relentless and rips
2063s through Dart monkeys yeah so in any of a
2066s scenario when you lose at least here as
2067s you pointed out you do need to look for
2068s that disengage but because autumnus are
2070s in control not just of Choke but they
2071s also have Primal Rage and death Blossom
2073s two ultimates that work the best when
2075s you're trying to struggle through a very
2077s small space autumnus can still holding
2079s that really full regression playlist and
2080s and still find that value as dot monkeys
2083s now use a primal and a rush of their own
2085s disrupting bun in the back lines of the
2087s overclock points nothing oh and this
2089s sound barrier here from Halo was
2091s absolutely clutch keeping their team in
2094s the fight through the Primal Rage of
2095s moving fish Dart monkeys taking back the
2098s point for themselves and now starting to
2100s get the kills HK was taken down off The
2103s Far Side by a rail gun and now dark
2106s monkeys continues to push the pressure
2107s forward towards the choke yeah here's
2110s the problem though Aspen and wicker are
2112s drastically out of sync in terms of
2114s ultimate build up monkeys had to use
2116s that rush in the last fight to be able
2117s to buy themselves for a joke a lot of us
2119s now have that very same ultimate to do
2120s the same
2122s and the sides are or I guess the the
2125s shoes on the other foot so far Dart
2127s monkey's still trying to hold this point
2129s but Evie is disrupting the back line a
2131s lot of pressure and some bubble dancing
2133s but at the end of the day it is still
2135s alter dark monkeys holding control of
2138s this point hkey's trying to find that
2140s value and with more people flooding onto
2142s the point it's still it's gonna be
2144s altiora taking this back and rinse and
2147s repeat that same aggressive position can
2149s be taken by Altura and I that's so close
2151s once again to Primal and death Blossom
2153s and SK is too far away from Simon bar to
2155s Elijah monkeys the confidence of being
2157s able to challenge these ultimates until
2159s they bought that Rush
2161s Russia has been critical to these team
2164s compositions in general oh has been
2167s taken down before Kitsune Rush is
2170s available and online that's devastating
2172s for Dart monkeys as altior continues to
2175s hold the front line and bring the
2177s aggression Primal Rage from Evie's gonna
2179s be even more pressure and more
2181s displacement doesn't allow Dart monkeys
2183s to touch and it does allow altiora to
2186s tie up the round yeah it's the
2188s discrepancy really between those kiriko
2190s ultimates and the fact that
2192s unfortunately for dark monkeys every
2194s single time they need to forge through
2195s that choke they have to use that Rush
2197s without holding on to it to be able to
2199s cancel with his own and as a result
2201s Artemis with control of that point can
2203s just afford to sit back and Bank up
2205s ultimates slowly winning every single
2207s fight by picking up one player and
2209s forcing dot monkeys to regroup eating
2211s into not just the point percentage that
2213s they pick up but also the time they can
2214s build other ultimates up to be able to
2216s match up to the burst damage Artemis is
2218s outputting
2220s that burst damage was uh quite Hardy on
2223s some of the occasions too I don't think
2225s dark monkeys was ready to just oh blink
2228s and be deleted here and there I do think
2230s Halo was doing a fantastic job on that
2233s Lucio and really leveraging the sound
2235s barriers and just the most critical
2237s moments possible especially for Evie
2239s some aggression from barcode trying to
2241s get in the back line and pays the price
2243s as a result tough to take on a Reaper
2246s face to face and well Evie is the first
2248s to go down so losing the tank for altior
2250s could be disastrous they did already
2253s pick one off but
2255s okay able to push back Dart monkeys into
2257s the smaller room as well so I'm
2259s surprised they gave up that much space
2261s the point is opened and we're waiting
2263s for the reset Moxie yeah they knew that
2266s moving fish's bubble was on cooldown and
2267s that Bond still being alive would have
2269s fall off enough railgun shots to be able
2271s to try and snipe out one of those
2272s squishies and as a result they had to
2274s fall back and use those natural line of
2276s sights to be able to do so but as a
2278s result it's lost them not just that
2279s first fight but also first control of
2281s the point as autumnus just pick at the
2284s straggling disengaging members of
2285s monkeys and are able to pick themselves
2287s up another 30 seconds of space time
2290s oh yeah and the stragglers this end of
2294s Kill stragglers there were really crit
2295s it's control anytime you can extend the
2298s time bank it is very very good for the
2301s offensive team holding and while
2302s katsinai Rush here from Aspen is going
2304s to open up the gate it's actually
2306s Kitsune Rush is all around and now it's
2308s a sound barrier on top of it from SK
2310s Dart monkeys are aggressive and they
2312s have hard committed to this fight both
2315s support ultimates to go ahead push
2317s altiora back and take the point for
2319s themselves yeah it's a lot of ultimates
2321s committed on the side of dot monkeys but
2323s honestly it's ultimate that you needed
2324s because look at the ultimates that we're
2326s going to be coming online for Optimus
2327s yet again if you lose that fight you're
2329s in the exact same position you find
2330s yourself in sanctum walking in without a
2332s single support ultimate to a death
2334s Blossom and a Primal Rage and don't
2336s monkeys now have The High Ground they
2338s have the potential for barcode to be
2339s able to snipe out of squishy as Optimus
2341s approach looks to be able to learn
2342s tonight at that time as they start
2344s things off immediately with a good death
2345s loss on finding one pick onto the Lucio
2347s and now they can hunt down the Strays
2349s without that speed boost disengage well
2351s and once you get an early pick like that
2353s and now you're stray hunting it's uh you
2356s know more time on the clock which is
2358s exactly what dark monkeys need they were
2360s behind earlier in possession and now
2362s they've already they're about to tie it
2364s up and they'll see what altiora has in
2367s their own possession yeah speaking of in
2369s their own possession out your Autumn has
2371s just burned both the death Wilson and
2373s the Primal to try and stand the impact
2375s of the struggle on and as a result dot
2379s monkeys we'll be losing that point
2382s control however they have been able to
2384s burn out a lot of Ultron Artemis aside
2386s they can just come in with this
2387s overclock in as long as they're able to
2389s snipe out Bond before she can really use
2391s hers you should be able to find a pretty
2392s fast flip
2396s I'm actually really excited to see how
2399s uh these sojourns are going to use these
2401s overclocks bun is already on The High
2402s Ground probably hunting for the
2404s opportune moment or just as dark monkeys
2406s passes through we've seen sojins get
2409s deleted very very quickly as a result
2411s and oh it's actually going to be barcode
2414s popping her own her own overclock first
2416s trying to chunk and damage there into
2418s althiora but SK goes down from the
2420s counterpart of bun there's still more
2422s shots to be had
2424s hunting some more last couple stragglers
2427s and it's also you're taking the point
2429s back yeah adult monkeys unfortunately
2432s try and take a little bit of a longer
2434s rotation trying to cut out that time up
2436s that Bon has to be able to snipe out a
2438s squishy and as a result it allows
2440s Artemis to build up into the last
2441s percentage necessary both for The Rush
2443s and the signed bar which they layer over
2445s the top of each other so allow a bun to
2447s get really aggressive into the front
2448s line of Dart monkeys and they win the
2451s fight as a result but they use the
2453s reaper TP to allow Aspen to Swift up
2454s over towards the Reaper's position and
2456s can now drop the rush on that point
2458s forcing her flip because Artemis just
2460s can't contest wow a beautiful job by
2463s Dart monkeys to go and take the point at
2465s the last moment they knew like you
2468s mentioned that Artemis didn't have any
2469s support ultimates available and they
2471s were aggressive as a result
2474s well they now have to win every single
2476s fight remaining on this map though the
2479s good news is that Artemis yasu coming
2481s into primary and death wasn't but those
2483s are ultimates that are brilliant to have
2484s when you're holding that space they're a
2486s lot harder to pull off when you have to
2487s invade in with them as dark monkeys are
2490s still holding on to the sign bar to be
2491s able to stall and sustain on this fight
2493s even if they lose a member early
2497s or pressure coming through here we can
2499s see hkey on this High Ground a little
2502s bit of a chip damage getting a lot of
2504s pressure and forcing out the Primal Rage
2506s here from moving fish we're almost at
2509s 99.99 and this is Match Point here on
2512s Nepal sound barrier is going to be cast
2514s from SK keeping Dart monkeys extra beefy
2517s in this fight barcode's the first one to
2519s fall and there's a massive death blossom
2521s in the middle two to be precise but it's
2524s going to be altiora with a lot of the
2526s kills as a result a nice last kill there
2529s on a moving fish to close out the deal
2531s and Moxie with SK going down is the
2534s straggler altior Artemis is gonna take
2536s this opening map of Nepal yeah Autumn is
2539s despite both teams having that death was
2541s some up they're the ones that take the
2543s initiative and they really do gamble we
2545s hear the suzu come out to actually land
2547s onto hkey to guarantee that the reaper
2550s is going to be safe enough to be able to
2552s drop her ultimate on that point right in
2555s the middle of it and trying to connect
2556s onto as many members of that monkey side
2558s as possible knowing there is no rush
2560s available there's no sign barrier
2562s available they use it in the last fight
2563s and just off of the back of playing that
2566s aggressive they find that first pick and
2568s with the numbers Advantage can snowball
2569s through all of the remaining members of
2571s Dart monkeys
2572s they sure did snowball through the rest
2575s of Dart monkeys after that that was a
2577s light very nutshelled right there
2579s perfectly stated and you know I don't
2581s think Dart monkeys was ready for Altier
2584s Artemis to really to play this strong
2587s and aggressive here I think um you know
2590s we dark monkeys is a well-known group of
2593s uh members on their team and coach and I
2596s think as a result a lot of people have
2598s this you know built up thought about
2600s what dark monkeys is and how tough they
2604s are and you know how maybe how
2606s intimidating that could be and I think
2608s that alteora has not been affected by
2610s this the Artemis Altria Artemis
2612s specifically okay
2615s I mean honest it's fitting goddess of
2617s hunting and I remember when we talked to
2619s Artemis all the way back in their
2621s qualifier one they said that they were a
2622s very aggressive team they were going to
2624s play however they wanted to that was
2626s back when zarya kiriko was in the matter
2628s for this team and they would just
2630s aggressively push and Forge into these
2632s Frontline fights and you can see it's
2635s absolutely working out for them it's
2636s such a huge gamble using that suzu
2639s knowing that there is going to be a
2640s death Blossom coming out from the other
2641s team but if you lose that fight because
2644s you hold on to that Zuzu you're not
2646s gonna have another fight afterwards
2647s you're not gonna get another opportunity
2649s to use it it's far better to be able to
2651s decide your destiny instead of waiting
2653s for someone else to play you to their
2655s game oh yeah and personally you know
2658s when if I'm when I'm playing kiriko and
2660s I die and I have suzu available
2664s um to me I'm like okay first off new
2666s Brookie mistaken always you should never
2669s have season available if you die because
2671s you should you know be using that
2672s resource but you know these team mates
2676s they decide to enable those Reapers and
2679s sometimes the best defense is a good
2681s offense and that seems to be what Altier
2683s Artemis was really pushing
2686s Moxie we're not surprised oh man
2691s oh because yeah adult monkeys they lose
2694s that first muffin surprise surprise they
2696s bring us I told you this as well when we
2698s were doing all of the setup and going
2699s for our story lines and notes I was like
2701s this is the strongest map this is the
2703s most comfortable map this is why doubt
2705s monkeys are taking us to King's heart
2707s every single time they've been able to
2709s push through point a literally in the
2711s first possible fight they've been able
2714s to actually really adjust their
2715s strategies we've seen them either just
2716s die from behind the the cover of statue
2719s we've also seen them being able to take
2721s the back rotation around hotel and
2722s provide a lot of pressure from the
2724s Winston to be able to flush out the
2726s Defenders into choko b as everyone else
2729s on dot monkey side gets to put
2730s themselves into position either to take
2732s control of the point or if your barcode
2734s taking that back angle to be able to as
2737s a surgeon held everyone Hostage to the
2739s line of fire and walking straight into
2740s that railgun
2742s you know based on the pattern that we've
2745s seen repeatedly recur with dart monkeys
2748s I'm almost tempted like Chat Place your
2750s bets uh are they going to continue this
2753s like oh take first point on first fight
2755s kind of uh you know style or did alter
2759s Artemis actually do their homework which
2762s I suspect they did being another altiora
2764s team they've been performing their org
2766s has been performing quite well in this
2768s tournament and
2769s you know hopefully they've been doing
2771s their homework and know about that uh
2773s strength of Dart monkeys maybe well the
2777s Bastion that's most likely gonna pop off
2780s along the way if we do see a pointy yeah
2783s I'm I'm pretty sure that by now it has
2786s been pretty well read out that zamrit is
2789s most likely going to swap to fasting at
2791s some point in this map and I'm very
2793s interested as well to see how animus are
2795s going to be able to deal with it because
2796s obviously the Bastion works the same way
2799s that Widowmaker worked with uh spawn C
2801s holds all the way back in OverWatch one
2802s everyone is so focused on that fight
2805s going on around them the attackers all
2806s the time it is overtime pushes so they
2809s can't actually move away from the
2810s payload to be able to deal with that
2811s distraction that's on the sidelines and
2814s if they do try to deal with that
2815s distraction on the sidelines it's a win
2817s for the Defenders because it means less
2819s bodies on the payload you deal with all
2821s of those people and the people who are
2822s dealing with the Widowmaker the bashing
2824s the sidelines aren't going to be able to
2826s tap in time and you win that map that
2828s way it very much is the definite
2829s addition of between a rock and a hard
2831s place right geez
2834s have fun picking between uh those not so
2838s pleasant hands but uh you know it's nice
2842s that this once now that sojourn is
2844s actually available here for the gameplay
2846s I've noticed that using that disrupter
2848s shot just to put a little bit of
2850s pressure and you can still continue to
2852s put everything else you've got onto the
2854s main point but at least there's like a
2858s little bit of zoning you can do here and
2859s there for that cool down but it's very
2862s tough in those overtime fights and the
2864s last thing that the attackers want is to
2867s have to push into a free firing
2869s Widowmaker
2873s you know what sometimes it's really nice
2875s just to give your intentions away it
2877s feels like they're just addressing a
2879s card to alter your Artemis like this is
2881s gonna be you in about five minutes if
2883s you see yourself to point c one of you
2886s is gonna go into that deaf pet
2890s oh I wasn't ready uh
2893s you know talking about my point and I
2897s love the ride SK thank you
2900s all right is mun gonna get a pick out of
2902s the gate this could be huge if she does
2906s more specifically are they actually
2909s going to run this oh I've seen this
2910s before
2911s I was really hoping we saw it yesterday
2914s around her comp was used to try and
2916s actually kite a team into the crosses of
2918s a widow set up on that spawn perch but
2920s not to be today yeah you know we're just
2923s uh hanging out in our more traditional
2925s meta comps that we've seen like we saw
2927s last round too statue play here coming
2930s through as just some poke damage and we
2932s can see both Lucio's actually doing a
2934s great job at trying to continue to
2936s displace and push back the opponents and
2938s those winstons in particular suzu has
2941s been forced out there so now dark
2943s monkeys are still trying to continue to
2945s hold this point Aspen's gone down in the
2947s back line altiora can continue being
2950s aggressive as a result one less support
2952s and a big support at that considering
2954s the fact how much healing kiriko brings
2956s to the table
2958s just cap this on their first push like
2962s dark monkeys usually does
2964s monkeys are going to potentially get a
2967s chance to recontest if they want to
2969s but because of how fast it was you can
2972s see that they are just going to
2973s prioritize going for that Chokehold as
2975s we enter into B this is where we see the
2977s payload slow down for the most amount of
2980s time on this particular aspect of King's
2983s Road
2985s I love the fact they've already taken
2987s this point and you know pushing through
2988s this choke like you said definitely
2990s could be really tough
2992s um but it's really obvious why both of
2995s these teams won our first and second
2997s qualifiers in my opinion this has been
2999s outstanding so far and altr was ready
3001s for Dart monkey's defense so far another
3004s good aggressive play coming through as
3006s HP continues to just be the Forefront of
3010s the front line putting in the damage
3012s yeah this is a domino effect actually if
3015s that lost fight where Aspen went down
3016s way earlier then the rest of the members
3019s of adult monkeys as a result Wicca again
3021s outpaces in Kitchener Rush charge and
3023s even though that monkeys will go the
3025s contest of a to be able to hold on to
3026s choke they don't have a rush to counter
3029s Wickers and as a result when Optimus
3031s dropped has to break through chokes all
3032s monkeys try and disengage and it's not
3034s clean they get caught out oh and look at
3036s how much space they've been able to push
3037s the cart what a sneaky death blossom
3040s blossom
3041s that was Deja Vu once again death
3044s Blossom with Isuzu to make sure you can
3046s get a lot of damage nice job coming
3048s through from all to Euro but star
3050s monkeys are not going down very easily
3053s there's still some pressure coming
3054s through at the end of the day Artemis
3057s has the numbers but I think dark monkeys
3059s will be able to I don't know if they're
3061s gonna recontest it's pretty cool they
3063s could they could get one member to try
3065s and tap and you can actually see vodka
3067s just firing a couple of warning shots or
3069s Ryan they know Aspen does have that Rush
3070s the problem is Altera holding on to two
3073s ultimates that can immediately counter
3075s it both the overclock and the Primal can
3077s be used to push that monkeys off of
3078s their own alt But Here Comes the Recon
3080s test they want that charcoal they want
3082s that opportunity to snipe out a member
3084s of Artemis as they set up for the next
3085s fight to burn time off the clock that
3087s they need back given how fast point a
3090s and the majority of B has already fallen
3092s Florida do they need to burn time off
3095s yeah that was a really nice play and
3098s when barcode just uh opens up the gate
3100s with a big old pick onto the support we
3102s saw it happen on the flip side in favor
3105s of Artemis and this time it was in favor
3107s of dark monkeys now we see the engages
3109s coming through and Evie does have the
3112s Primal Rage online so when she wants to
3114s get aggressive and continue to do so we
3117s will see it coming and she'll be able to
3119s overclock's gonna be triggered there
3121s barcode trying to put people in their
3123s grave before the fight can break out but
3125s the distraction coming through from Evie
3127s was enough for fun to go ahead and pick
3129s barcode while she was distracted there's
3132s still more displacement coming through
3133s as Evie continues to run rampant here on
3136s the point the suzu trying to save the
3138s last couple members of Dart monkeys but
3140s it's gonna be too much bun popped
3142s overclock just for good measure and now
3144s the second checkpoint has been capped
3146s and there's almost 350 on the clock so
3149s many winstons in this tournament have
3151s done such an amazing job of just getting
3154s into the face of Primal Rage oh no Fun's
3158s able to sniff out I Aspen with that
3161s railgun all fire and again doubt monkeys
3164s are going to have to not just allow the
3165s pillar to continue to move but also
3167s allow Artemis to remain on this High
3169s Ground so that they can't even really
3171s use things like the Primal to ice them
3173s because then they don't have a single
3174s Ultima to be able to stall for this
3176s fight oh man and that would be I mean
3178s not having a single ultimate to stall is
3180s a recipe for disaster moving fish goes
3183s ahead and gets another ultimate it has
3185s to back out very quickly as a result now
3187s there's more damage coming through and
3189s just a little bit of displacement but it
3191s is a lot to handle and you can see the
3193s pause that has to be taken to
3195s recalibrate and well heal up a bit from
3198s all of the incoming damage bun has
3200s warmed up Moxie she is absolutely on
3203s fire that's another shot coming through
3205s with three Quick Picks in succession
3207s this is a snowball here ready for
3209s altiora Deja Vu suzu death Blossom let's
3214s go
3214s and here it is moving fish has to go on
3217s to that doomfist barcode onto the
3219s Bastion but they're not able to get out
3221s of the spawn in time waffles they're not
3225s able to actually contest and it's gonna
3227s be autumnus storming King's Row with an
3231s absolute stonking two minutes and 47
3235s seconds left on the clock and I have to
3237s say bun was doing an amazing job and the
3239s surgeon Evie was buying so much space
3241s and really getting into the face of
3243s barcode but we have to shout out hkey
3247s every single time Aspen walked out of
3250s Spawn whenever we saw moving first try
3253s and push onto the back line as that
3254s Winston and disrupt bun so that barcode
3257s would have just a little bit of respite
3258s that deprived that cubicle of the
3261s Winston bubble and hkey took full
3263s advantage and either bunner each key
3265s would be on top of Aspen making sure
3267s that she was sent back to spawn
3268s immediately in in pointsy I think she
3271s survives all of 30 seconds Aspen
3275s um I don't know if she was playing
3276s OverWatch I think she got stuck playing
3278s Temple Run that last game as a result
3281s because bun and it's a cool violence
3284s dude
3286s oh that's the game I haven't fooled
3288s about since I was in high school
3292s I feel old I know me too dude
3297s there's a Temple Run one though who was
3299s a Temple Run two I mean I I was a temple
3301s one Temple Run one gal
3304s um but I like Temple Run one but the
3306s Temple Run 2 music slap that's true I
3309s can easily yield that one
3311s well dog monkeys if they want to be able
3314s to balance out that time bank they have
3316s to take point a immediately
3318s cheese well that's been a specialty of
3321s theirs in the past looks like that may
3323s not unfold bun is once again on fire has
3326s opened up the kill feed with the kill
3328s onto their counterpart of barcode and
3330s Mark Dart monkeys has to regroup
3333s yeah really nice position coming out
3335s from Autumn is at the moment just
3336s playing around that statue but also
3338s being able to take two spadangles around
3339s it the tanker Frontline on one angle bun
3342s on and off trying to snipe out anyone on
3344s monkeys who looks at that bucket up into
3346s position as Evie pulls low jumps up into
3349s the air to be able to get killed right
3350s back and get straight into the fight
3353s it's the you know Artemis Artemis show
3356s here at this moment on the defense
3357s because with the early picks coming
3359s through from the sojourn and well
3361s another straggler kill they're on to
3364s barcode from hkey all to yours having a
3367s Heyday here and they're burning off a
3369s lot of time yeah this is why John
3371s monkeys wanted to defend on King's Roar
3374s because you get that opportunity to be
3376s able to pick up just one kill and
3378s immediately claps onto the strikes as
3379s they try and Escape choke and get back
3381s to that spawn point and if you've
3383s already burnt that Lucy speed boost it's
3384s almost impossible there's a Halo just
3386s playing around the statue looking for a
3387s knock of one of them when she's into the
3389s front line as they dive in aggressively
3392s foxes are going to dash across the
3393s screen on both sides and well it's the
3396s sound barrier from SK that's going to
3398s keep Dart monkeys moving forward and
3400s reinforce wika goes down as a result and
3403s now Dart monkeys gets aggressive they
3405s have the player advantage and oh a very
3408s low bun is taken down juggled mid-air
3411s and as a result and well it's gonna be
3413s Dart monkeys taking this point like I
3415s mentioned but not nearly as fast as
3418s their counterparts had earlier potential
3420s contests can come for from Ottomans as
3422s well however Halo going down low Artemis
3424s should just decide to be able to hold on
3426s to chokers unlike John monkeys when they
3428s defended that particular part of the map
3430s they've got ultimates to be able to burn
3432s the time bang through but no because
3433s they have ultimates they feel confident
3435s enough to take the point on fight yeah
3437s Halo drops the sound barrier and Bun
3439s gets aggressive with overclock hkey goes
3442s ahead continues to push the forward
3444s attack and that was a risk well taken
3448s Moxie they managed to come back hold the
3450s point at the last moment and now there's
3451s only 1 30 on the clock for Dart monkeys
3454s and they've still got a death Blossom to
3456s hold on to for Artemis as well dark
3459s monkeys on the other hand now have to
3461s use this next poke fight to be able to
3462s build up ultimates and find some way of
3464s being able to find a snipe for barcode
3466s to be able to push Artemis back so they
3468s can finally get that last click but
3470s there's
3471s there's the Squishies low knows that
3473s barcode is going to be the wing
3474s condition Dominican season takes her off
3476s the table dang and you know what that
3480s was a fight that allowed Wicca to go
3482s ahead and build up the Kitsune Rush yeah
3484s but Aspen was taken down early in this
3486s fight once again and still isn't able to
3489s build up Rush as a result yeah and even
3491s if the monkeys have that Rush Evie is
3493s going to be able to have this Primal to
3495s be able to stall on point as well as it
3497s is going to be Wicked using that Rush
3498s immediately those darling he's just
3500s trying disengage moving fish extremely
3502s low but Barca gets left behind as a
3504s result because the Winston doesn't get
3505s to stay on the front line Anonymous turn
3508s one ultimate usage into an absolute
3510s Slaughter
3512s that was shooting fish in a barrel as
3515s everyone was running away Moxie the poor
3517s dark monkeys there are 30 seconds left
3520s they've got Primal Rage and they have
3522s Kitsune so there is a chance for them to
3525s try and take this point back they have
3527s some pretty solid resources to do so but
3529s alteior is going to be ready they know
3531s that they have to face this kid soon in
3534s Rush they're still giving a little bit
3535s of space but it's not enough space Dart
3538s monkeys continues to get aggressive and
3540s push forward the damage is there the
3543s collapse onto the supports is there and
3545s they are going to go ahead and take this
3548s first point literally at the last
3550s possible moment it's by the skin of the
3552s team and that means that this payload
3555s cannot afford to Soul at choke on the
3557s monkeys have to play extremely
3559s aggressively and even if they're able to
3561s play in a forward position at the moment
3562s and deny current autonomous from having
3565s that choke control if they lose a single
3567s fight on any stage of B we're right back
3570s to the beginning and we're right back to
3571s chokehold
3573s and uh we know how difficult this choke
3576s can be to actually push through when
3578s you're the offense it's a very narrow
3579s Alleyway and uh well it might take a
3582s little bit of luck and some Sharp
3584s Shooting from barcode to help them break
3586s through SK has the sound barrier as well
3588s and we know how aggressive dark monkeys
3590s can get off the tail end of that pushing
3592s into a railgun from bun is not a recipe
3594s you want that's a lot of space given and
3596s well-deserved the sound barrier
3599s committed after the loss of barcode okay
3601s knots I'm surprised they're at that
3603s result but there's still more push and
3605s more aggression coming through from Dart
3607s monkeys they are not wanting to give up
3609s this fight and they do Force out the
3610s sound barrier from Halo on top of it all
3612s yeah it is a trade siren bar for cyber
3615s but it's still going to benefit autumnus
3617s in the long run because you're still not
3619s gonna have that ultimate to be able to
3620s break through token with only one minute
3622s 17 seconds left it's going to be a
3624s miracle if you see a second sign rare
3626s bolt up for asking any time that is left
3628s on this map is Artemis losing some of
3631s them and there's gonna have to fall back
3633s the HQ is just the lighting they have to
3635s check all right
3637s they find that the rifle comes on
3639s through she's gonna be chased back and
3641s this could actually lead to a stagger
3642s kill as Artemis are forced to actually
3644s drop the rush to be able to make sure
3645s all of their members survive but again
3647s the disengagement isn't clean but it's
3649s kiting into xamarin who drops the death
3652s Blossom and should be able to take the
3653s fight win
3654s what a crazy roller coaster event going
3658s through there we thought HQ was sneaky
3660s not sneaky gonna run back to the team
3663s and at the end of the day zemrott
3664s decides you've actually all just run
3667s into the death Blossom and clutched it
3669s out it's it's the reverse card what you
3672s think you're making the big green play
3674s and then you actually walk into the big
3676s apparently that joke's not cute I was
3680s setting up it is very much a psych
3681s moment as it's gonna be a rush moment
3683s for dark monkeys that they need to win
3685s this point and they need a win at night
3686s all right death Blossom is taken out in
3689s the middle of its uh of its display so
3692s far dark monkeys continuing to try and
3694s push this cart there's a couple of
3696s stragglers left and with the kill onto
3698s Wicca they have once again managed to
3701s capture the checkpoint by the Skin of
3703s Their Teeth moxie two minutes well one
3706s minute twenty-free is well they have to
3708s work with two minutes 47 is what they're
3710s gonna have to worry about if they are
3712s able to see that full push through this
3714s moving fish pushes their aggression
3716s forward as that primer rage too so it
3718s can play a little bit further away from
3720s those supports without pulling out
3722s things like that to a step from Aspen as
3724s you can see they want to split the team
3725s but Zenith without the Winston to cover
3727s goes down I've got some aggressive Lucio
3730s o play coming through both supports from
3733s altiora are just popping off right here
3735s towards the end Moxie it's the last 50
3737s seconds and they've already shoved Dart
3739s monkeys back to their spawn once again
3741s and now it's really all on the line if
3744s Dart monkeys are going to be able to tie
3745s up the series or if they're gonna be at
3748s Earth they're gonna be down
3750s yeah Bon has that overclock moving fish
3752s how's the Primal but uses it before bun
3754s actually uses her ultimate as we thought
3756s you were not going to be able to use
3757s that Winston as a body Shield when the
3759s overclock comes through from the
3761s defending side and Bun knows as long as
3763s you survive until that monkeys have just
3764s burned out of aggression you can push on
3767s with the overclock and Outsource them SK
3769s drops the sound barrier for dark monkeys
3771s they're continuing to push this card but
3773s at a little bit of a little bit behind
3775s they know they have to push into bun and
3777s now bun has gone ahead topped over clock
3779s she's hunting for people but zembroke
3782s goes ahead and takes out so many members
3784s of her team dart monkeys continue to try
3787s and push this point but the spawns are
3788s hugely in favor of all to your and it is
3791s showing otibar has been triggered and it
3794s is all altiora continuing to hold this
3796s defensive point and taking themselves to
3800s match point in the series
3802s oh out your Autumn is coming in with
3805s that sojourn spice bun has been hitting
3808s these overclocks in the power sides and
3809s also the old railgun fire is like
3811s absolutely perfectly but I want to talk
3813s about these disruptor shots because
3814s every single time that dark monkeys
3817s loses a player it's the soul Genesis
3819s coming on fruit and remember we're not
3822s playing on live patch at the moment
3823s right so if that does mean that if you
3825s go into that because after shot you're
3827s still being slowed and we're actually
3829s seeing the communication come through
3831s from these really high level teams who
3833s use that sort of slow that the surgeon
3835s provides to be able to just nail onto
3838s the player stuck like a fly in Honey to
3842s be able to just absolutely play them
3844s with so much damage from the Lucio from
3846s the sojourn from your second DPS whoever
3848s is available just absolutely turns and
3851s terminate a focus style down every
3854s single person sitting in that slow and
3856s you can see that Altier Artemis have got
3858s the absolute jump on that particular kit
3861s of YouTube ability
3863s it I yeah I totally agree with you there
3866s and the fact that they are collapsing on
3869s the members isolated in the disruptor
3871s shot consistently every time shows how
3875s how much Synergy all TR Artemis has how
3878s well seasoned they are and how much time
3881s they've been spending together working
3883s and practicing and drilling those
3885s because I guarantee you it's all you
3887s know pretty solid comps it's not going
3889s to be all over the place and some of it
3891s has got to be natural team Synergy right
3895s you they've been playing this together
3897s for a while and I think that you know we
3900s talked about King's Row being dark
3902s monkeys uh strongest map and dethroning
3906s dart monkeys on one of their strongest
3907s Maps has gotta feel really good for
3910s altiora they are at Match Point Moxie so
3913s we'll have to see if they continue this
3916s streak here and take the win for
3918s themselves in this series or if Dart
3920s monkeys is gonna rally and come back for
3922s the reverse sweep so get a drink and
3924s we'll see you in a moment folks
3934s Victoria Artemis I really like cats and
3936s my favorite hero is Anna basically how
3939s the team was formed bun and itchy wanted
3942s to make a team for calling all heroes
3944s and they just got all the best players
3945s we could find our team goal really just
3947s to win like we all have the passion to
3949s win hi I'm Autumn Lee uh my pronouns are
3951s she her I play main support for altior
3954s Artemis Eileen Lucio lasted of all the
3956s main supports and I have a frog tattoo
3958s for me personally transitioning helped
3961s me a lot to just be more comfortable as
3963s a player and as a person being in my own
3966s body and in my own mind and not having
3968s to worry about other people because I'm
3970s who I want to be help me play better as
3972s a player be more confident I felt like I
3974s had less weight on my shoulders our
3976s teams drive us the main reason that we
3978s won the first qualifier but I also think
3980s that throughout the day we really warmed
3982s ourselves up I feel that playing like
3984s calling all heroes and other tournaments
3986s like this is important because
3989s marginalized gender Community are really
3991s underrepresented so being able to
3993s Showcase players who have never really
3995s seen like being streamed in game it's a
3998s really big opportunity to learn calling
3999s on here this is generally like the first
4001s blizzard run tournament for people of
4003s marginalized genders I've just met so
4005s many wonderful people and so many lovely
4008s like team staff friends Players
4010s tournament organizers it's been really
4012s lovely hi I'm Mari or Mary uh you see
4016s her I am a tank for altiora Artemis
4019s team's goals for competing are up to
4021s when calling on Heroes I'm just really
4022s confident in my teammates I think uh for
4025s every role we have the best possible
4027s player um that is eligible for this
4029s tournament tournaments like Colonial
4031s heroes are super important I think it's
4034s good to uplift players of all kinds of
4037s skill levels not everyone is given the
4038s opportunity to compete super often so I
4040s think initiatives like this are really
4042s important so I have the opportunity to
4044s not only play with and against a lot of
4047s my close friends to catch a few wins
4049s while doing so I think being a trans
4051s women as a competitive player has the
4053s side effects of people struggling to
4055s take me seriously as a as a player I
4058s think I am on par with a lot of higher
4061s level players but I just have to keep
4063s proving it I kind of struggle to think
4065s of myself as a role model it's kind of
4067s surreal to be in this position
4069s definitely not perfect and I still have
4071s a long way to go as a player I have
4073s definitely been harassed a few times
4074s because my voice by talking
4076s shot it doesn't feel good but at the
4078s same time like I try not to let it get
4080s to me because I know I'm a good player I
4082s would like to tell other players that
4083s belong to a marginalized gender identity
4086s that it's important to put time into
4088s scrimming putting time into broad
4091s reviewing yourself and I think the most
4092s important thing is that people will
4095s harass you you basically just have to
4097s push through it and just keep playing
4099s the game I'd like to give a shout out to
4101s my mom and dad I love them and I
4103s wouldn't be where I am today without
4105s them shout out to also my friends who
4108s support me in everything I do as well I
4110s really just want to thank everyone who
4112s has continued to encourage me to compete
4115s coaches teammates friends I wouldn't be
4117s anywhere near where I am right now
4119s without them I'm thinking about you you
4121s mean a lot to me yeah shout out to my
4124s parents my friends who have always stuck
4125s close to me literally been with me
4127s through the whole journey I love you
4129s guys all the players I know are really
4131s thankful we still all have a lot of
4133s growing to do including myself and I
4135s can't say it won't come without some
4137s mistakes but let's all grow together
4146s hello Gamers welcome back to the calling
4149s all heroes Challenger Cup finals we are
4152s in the midst of our first matchup of
4154s altior Artemis up against dark monkeys
4157s and Moxie it's match point for alteora
4160s Artemis currently
4162s yeah I have to say I'm really surprised
4164s like on paper these teams that really
4166s felt like it would be a five mapper
4168s Series right both of them number one in
4170s that qualifiers Ultra Ottomans qualifier
4172s one and then we had dot monkeys coming
4174s through an absolutely dominating
4176s inqualifier too but since the meta has
4180s changed and it does feel like when it
4182s comes to this monkey mirror it is out
4184s here almost we're just a little bit
4186s better schooled at being able to pull
4188s off all of the synergies that this
4190s composition really requires it's not
4192s like the roadhog InstaPic comp where you
4194s have a Lucio and a roadhog and you speed
4196s boost forward and you find that first
4197s pick and you're like okay well we've got
4199s 30 seconds shocked off the clock and now
4201s he's set up to do it all over again no
4204s that Winston confit takes a lot of work
4207s to be able to pull off and pull off that
4209s cleanly consistently
4211s and they've been doing a fantastic job
4213s of it so far I mean both of these teams
4216s have been consistently playing the
4218s Winston composition amongst amongst all
4220s our Maps so I'm not too surprised if
4223s we're going to see more of it here on
4224s Route 66. there's a lot of that High
4227s Ground you know there's the train car
4229s and big girls and there's the saloon so
4232s there's plenty of places we're going to
4233s be jumping up for those Dives and trying
4236s to push those sojons off The High Ground
4237s because there's no question fun and Bun
4241s and barcode are going to be posted up
4243s head hunting yeah I mean you can run the
4247s roadhog here it is well we can see the
4249s road hook especially on defense have a
4250s lot of value just because of those early
4253s just pockets of hydrants where you have
4255s a chance of snipe hooking out a squishy
4257s and then on your Merry way
4261s but it's also very interesting that dot
4263s monkeys decide to purposefully exclude
4266s circuit on mapper we tend to see things
4268s like this Sigma the surgeon and the
4269s Widowmaker as well as that baps Zen
4271s contest come through in terms of
4273s composition instead deciding to go with
4276s Route 66 which else we can see right now
4278s just has that traditional Winston mirror
4280s matchup
4284s uh you know we'll just keep talking
4285s about darp I was going to mention
4286s altiora but we've seen all these changes
4289s I'm not going to do that to myself yeah
4291s I mean the huge keys on their hands
4293s though just for an early Sonic onto that
4295s rail carriage and whatever they find is
4297s definitely going to inform the
4299s composition that they come out with as
4301s it does look like they might just want
4303s UV early on on that roadhog in case they
4305s do find an early contest looking to try
4307s and find a hook this by the way it's an
4309s absolute filthy angle yeah that would
4311s omeaka to try and snipe out a surgeon on
4313s that opposing High Ground I would be
4315s livid if I got picked off that way
4318s at myself mostly okay I know get good I
4322s I feel it but I'll see we're still
4324s pushing out of the gates here but I've
4327s gone ahead switch back over to that so
4329s adjourn as we've expected and they're
4331s still looking to push on forward looking
4333s to go ahead jump on that back line oh
4336s actually moving fish didn't act didn't
4339s move out of the way and gets taken down
4341s right on the center of the point after
4343s that it all comes bowls and all it's
4345s yours just gonna go ahead clean them up
4347s and move it out yeah Evie seeing that no
4350s one was really playing that aggressively
4351s forward into Carriage is able to swap
4353s back off the road hook onto that Winston
4355s as well and now autumnus not only can
4358s take control of the payload but they can
4360s also take control of The High Ground
4361s making it even harder for dark monkeys
4364s to be able to intrude into this next
4365s fight back which is going to be taking a
4367s lot of poke damage disruptor shot coming
4369s through to split the team in force
4370s that's been into using that Swift up
4372s early on as well that kiriko is going to
4373s be very vulnerable until that cooldown
4375s returns oh and moving fish does get
4378s taken down at the end of the day there
4380s was so much damage being outputted from
4383s altiora at moving fish in particular man
4386s poor girl didn't spend a chance at the
4388s end of the day and so far it's still
4391s more kills coming through here from LTR
4393s H key is almost Unstoppable with how
4396s many resources are being pumped into her
4398s I mean look at the difference in all
4400s charge right now because hkey is running
4403s that reprint the reaper over that Tracer
4405s is designed to just burst through that
4407s Winston's health and Artemis are doing
4409s something which is actually really mean
4410s the holding asthma's positioning hostage
4412s by going after moving fish and in fact
4414s they're holding all of monkeys hostage
4416s in Tunnel right now dropping that death
4418s while someone again splitting the team
4419s they have to use the sign bar to
4421s guarantee that moving fish actually
4422s survives to tap onto car oh man and that
4425s is tough for moving fish as they are
4427s doing everything they can to try and
4429s hold the point it was just or it hasn't
4432s been captured yet this is so critical
4434s here for the defense to try and hold the
4437s time is being thrown here and well a
4439s little bit burned off for all Tiora at
4441s the end of the day though dark monkeys
4443s don't have very many players to hold and
4445s contest it's still gonna be altiora
4447s slowly peppering them down and finally
4450s they're gonna take that first checkpoint
4452s with four minutes on the clock Moxie
4454s whoa yeah and the still struggles going
4458s down Aspen gets picked by the disruptor
4460s shot SK not gonna be able to ferry that
4462s kiriko back in time and as a result
4464s animus get the better positioning they
4467s can now set themselves up on that high
4468s ground and poke into that monkeys as
4471s they move out from that tunnel into an
4473s attacking position to be able to
4475s challenge fellow position and look
4476s they've had to wrap around sides have
4477s basically swapped yeah a very very long
4481s rotation taken by Dart monkeys to try
4483s and uh well circumvent altiora a bit but
4487s unfortunately as you can see in the kill
4488s feed it's gonna be all Tiora just move
4491s it on forward with the cart same
4493s destination just an episode slight
4495s deviation to the Journey coming out from
4498s Top monkeys it does mean that the rush
4501s has been burnt from artemis's sidewicker
4503s is not going to be able to use that one
4504s but again Artemis have control of that
4506s high ground and again they can just poke
4508s and pressure dark monkeys forcing out
4510s that jump very early on as well as the
4512s bubble and barcode gets left behind and
4514s picked again because of a disruptor shot
4516s man I I got a lot of sympathy here
4519s coming through for barcode and Aspen
4521s both of them have been routinely picked
4524s first and well a lot of times bun is the
4527s person picking Aspen poor girl she has
4529s got her number and was completely
4532s Relentless Aspen has been getting picked
4534s regularly and we saw that with how far
4537s behind she has fallen in some of her
4539s kitsunes as a result and that is huge
4542s props to all Tiora and no skin off Aspen
4545s because she has a fantastic kiriko you
4548s can see as well that they know how good
4550s Aspen is and they are doing everything
4551s in their power to circumvent any impact
4553s that Aspen has there's the rush coming
4555s on through and disengagement comes out
4556s from Artemis Primal Rage invested as
4559s well but it does mean that without that
4562s bubble you could lose one of your
4563s members and backward is able to find the
4565s snipe however Evie immediately turns
4567s back around and catches on smoothing
4568s fish that's a lot of pressure just
4571s reverse flipped there back onto barcode
4574s she was pretty much free firing and I
4576s love the the small take a breath we're
4579s tracking for the railgun and boom gets
4581s the kill there at the end there's still
4583s so much more pressure coming through
4585s from Altera when they went ahead and
4587s flipped it back and now they've
4588s committed sound barrier on top of it
4590s there's so many resources being thrown
4593s into Artemis right now it's going to be
4595s really tough for dark monkeys they've
4597s committed their own sound barrier and oh
4599s my goodness that thought fun was going
4601s down what a huge clutch play from Wicca
4603s and the the kitsuni on top of it they're
4606s fully committing to trying to win and
4608s take this second checkpoint Moxie well
4610s the good news is that uh they had to use
4613s ultimates to do it because it does eat
4614s into the snowball potential for Artemis
4616s as they head into Point C the bad news
4619s for dark monkeys is that they don't have
4620s a single ultimate to be able to staunch
4622s that payload's momentum and push Artemis
4625s back into that spawn allowing jump
4627s monkeys to take control of The High
4629s Ground and set up barcode to find a
4631s snipe is that bun is the one in position
4633s and again dot monkeys have to wrap
4635s around the back in fear of the sojourn
4638s and the sojourn has been extremely
4641s deadly right a bun in general has been
4644s extremely deadly and especially on this
4646s Soldier dark monkeys are trying to break
4648s through this and that disrupter shot is
4650s once again perfectly placed from bun
4653s putting a lot of pressure on you'd be
4655s bit off more than she could chew and
4657s barcode's gonna step up to the plate now
4659s dark monkeys have some advantage and not
4662s as much as they used to with a couple
4664s more going down it's actually still an
4667s opportunity here for Dart monkeys to
4669s take the point they're
4672s foxy altior is just getting aggressive
4674s they don't care that they're manned down
4676s and they're just going to take the fight
4676s to Dart monkeys and don't want to give
4679s it to them yeah
4680s the winnings Everett thinks that that
4682s death Blossom is going to be able to
4684s catch onto those members of Artemis and
4685s force everyone who was really playing
4686s aggressive on the front line back but it
4688s puts the reaper into a position where
4690s you can actually get sniped out super
4691s easily by the old fire coming through
4693s from Bond and Samurai goes time without
4695s that Susie from Aspen to be able to save
4697s them and as a result salmon keys are
4699s forced back the rush comes through from
4700s Aspen and Artemis they're just going to
4702s disengage until they can come back with
4703s a rush of Their Own
4704s and that's the smart thing they want to
4706s do right they want to relax back off
4709s that Rush a little bit moving fish look
4710s at how good they are doing pushing the
4713s members of Artemis away from the point
4715s they feel very very low and still able
4717s to maintain themselves through this
4719s fight some great support resources
4721s keeping them alive Now barcode pops the
4723s overclock into Halo's uh sound barrier
4727s Evie's gone down with a Primal Rage
4729s online and now altiora only have 50
4731s seconds left on the clock yeah sign bar
4733s unfortunately a little bit too late to
4735s be able to save Evie however ottomans
4736s are as you pointed like coming back in
4738s with the Primal as well as the overclock
4739s and the death Blossom SK is going to be
4742s that Target of focus that autumnus tried
4743s to deal with person immediately just
4745s drops the Slime bar so it doesn't get
4746s canceled early yeah and fun has a lot of
4749s their damage mitigated from that sound
4750s barrier as a result now it's tight
4753s Quarters here in that room you don't
4755s want to be hanging out with a Reaper and
4757s a primal raging Winston in there
4759s everyone skirts out the point is quickly
4761s approaching the third objective and H
4764s key has that's Blossom the real question
4766s is which squishies are they going to
4768s clip and are we going to see the
4769s standard death Blossom Suzuki combo
4771s moving fishes taken out in the middle of
4773s the air that is critical and a deletion
4776s from barcode hkey telegraphed that too
4780s much and as a result dark monkeys have
4783s turned the tides and are able to maybe
4785s hold this point here right at the end
4787s you got a special basket going across
4789s the volunteer Bond and taking that
4790s surgeon I doubling he's finally going to
4793s be able to slow the payload to osanzo
4795s and you can really see like those
4797s scissors are so necessary to keep that
4799s Reaper safe enough to be able to use the
4801s full duration of death Blossom because
4803s like I said when that Reaper is in that
4805s static form yeah you're swirling and
4807s twirling but you are very much stuck in
4810s your position and any surgeon with any
4813s level of Rogue and all fire that's above
4815s 75 is just immediately going to snipe
4818s you down and we've seen both sides now
4820s take advantage of that playstyle
4824s that was very very crippling for
4827s altiora's last offensive push too
4829s because not getting all those kills on
4832s to the members of dark monkeys flowing
4833s out a spawn gave them that opportunity
4836s to hold right there before the third
4838s checkpoint and now dark monkeys has a
4840s very tangible wind condition completing
4843s the map
4845s completing the map however you have to
4846s remember how quickly autumnus were able
4848s to push through a on Z
4854s yeah unfortunately simple in saying it
4857s execution not so much and it is going to
4860s be stress for dark monkeys because
4861s remember Artemis are currently two maps
4864s up in this series if dark monkeys are
4866s not able to equalize the distance that
4868s autumnus were able to recruit they're
4870s out of this series and this tournament
4874s and uh well there's ten thousand dollars
4876s on the line for first place so no one
4879s wants to be out of the running yet Moxie
4881s yeah I think it'll be a huge upset as
4883s well like a lot of people put the job
4885s monkeys with me making it into Grand
4886s finals is they do just likely so autumn
4889s let's run that roadhog initially to see
4890s if they can hook out a player in train
4892s car origin with one pick Force the
4894s defense back but that is not to be and
4896s they have to force over towards the
4898s Winston
4899s it's always a good use it's always good
4901s to try though right because the value of
4904s its success is so high and if it doesn't
4907s work it really doesn't do anything to
4908s effect especially now that we get our
4911s some old retention when you switch
4913s characters so early in the fight it's
4915s easily the right decision to be making
4917s so far though dark monkeys are having a
4920s bit of a hard time breaking out of this
4921s spawn area there's a lot of pressure
4923s coming onto them and these bubbles have
4925s been critical to pretty much mitigating
4927s all of that start monkey's still trying
4929s to push forward and oh man I thought
4932s that was going to be it there for moving
4934s fish they managed to stay alive and just
4936s jump straight over the top the damage
4938s following through there on the HP is
4940s really nice from barcode and she has
4942s been on point isolating anyone who's low
4944s as a result it's overclock time who is
4948s the victim oh actually gonna go ahead
4950s and skirt behind the bubble nice play
4952s there Evie and WIC is gonna get the kill
4954s onto zemrit altiora now definitely
4957s feeling the defensive strength and Moxie
4960s it's still a bit of a skirmish here on
4962s the side as moving fish Dives deep with
4964s the Primal Rage yeah catching on to bond
4967s knowing that the surgeon is about to
4968s come into overclock and you can actually
4969s see doll monkeys had invested Rush as
4971s well to force autumnus back so that
4973s barcode can power slide up onto that
4975s high ground and deny HD No One's Gonna
4978s death drop with the death Blossom onto
4980s the pillar this time round not a chance
4983s today and timing that straight out of
4985s the teleportation was just Pixel Perfect
4987s in my opinion there's still more damage
4989s to be done though as bun from The High
4992s Ground just goes ahead pops him with the
4994s railgun and as a result
4996s althiora stabilizing on the defensive
4998s they almost started SK as well and yeah
5002s they'll catch on to xamarit as dirt
5004s monkeys do have overclock and deathless
5006s but they don't want to burn this
5007s ultimates just to try and force their
5009s way from Spawn because there is still
5010s one fight afterwards that Artemis are
5013s going to be able to contest and they are
5015s going to have blog forage and death
5016s Blossom to do so so dark monkeys need to
5020s hold on to the ultimates not for the
5021s fight they're in but the fight after
5024s oh man I mean they're still gonna have
5027s to break through this first point as
5028s well and that is one step closer Oh I
5031s thought HQ was going down but of course
5033s wraith out there at the end of the day
5035s Evie dying first for altiora though is
5037s disastrous there is the death Blossom
5040s coming out from both sides finding a
5042s pick but Altima does not have their tank
5045s they don't have the staying power to
5047s really hold the point down and dart
5049s monkeys is gonna feel good taking down
5051s the stragglers and moving forward yeah
5054s really good Forward Thinking are
5055s actually coming out from Barco to get
5056s into position to be able to overclock
5058s Into The High Ground that Artemis are
5060s trying to hold and set HK up to drop on
5062s so even though the reaper is able to
5064s drop with the death Blossom the team are
5066s too fragmented to actually be able to
5067s capitalize on the damage that the reaper
5069s alt does and as a result monkeys are
5071s able to win that fight but here's the
5073s contest that I was talking about they
5074s still haven't picked up the checkpoint
5077s couple people from altiora here trying
5080s to hold down the fort hkey's gonna be
5082s the first to fall though and moving fish
5084s is on a tear Primal Rage time and they
5087s are booping everyone left and right they
5089s get multiple kills during that Primal
5091s Rage and it lets them take this first
5094s checkpoint yeah really decisive as well
5097s entire team kill coming on for you so
5099s look at what monkeys are doing in terms
5101s of that position this is exactly what we
5102s saw from Artemis denying the high Grind
5105s from bond to be able to snipe up and
5106s build that loss a little bit of charge
5109s to hit into the overclock allowing Bond
5111s as well as do a lot more damage and
5112s potentially find a snipe
5115s oh each key almost falling low but
5118s pulling the reaper classic of racing out
5120s at the last moment barcode's been picked
5123s early again in
5124s buns Emirates that is I mean that's more
5127s time off the clock we mentioned that
5129s earlier Moxie this is really worrying
5132s too as well because now all of these
5133s avenues that don't monkeys have to be
5135s able to clubs back onto the payload they
5137s can actually be slowed down by the
5138s disruptor shop and if they try and walk
5140s through that tunnel they're just walking
5142s into the Primal that combined with a
5143s disruptor shot is devastating yeah well
5146s it's I mentioned like shooting fish in a
5148s barrel and walking out into that Archway
5150s from the tunnels kind of gives you the
5151s same feeling Halo actually bites off
5153s more than it can chew and gets taken
5155s down buns in the back trying to freeze
5157s fire with overclock but it's not enough
5159s there's so much damage and zemrott's
5162s coming through from Dart monkeys that
5163s they're able to turn the tides and take
5166s this point back yeah a good slime bar
5168s actually to allow everyone to sustain
5171s through that overclocked movement fish
5172s uses the bubble as well to guarantee
5174s that ASCA is not going to be sniped out
5176s play bun in that overclock form before
5178s it's able to connect with the ground
5179s that monkey is very much aware of the
5181s sustain that they need to be able to win
5183s that fight out but now they have to be
5184s very much aware of the rush that's
5186s available for the other team but I could
5187s immediately pop in that ultimate power
5188s sliding away from the Winston as Evie
5191s chases with the Primal and jump straight
5194s into that uh railgun shot and it doesn't
5197s matter because uh as much work as
5199s barcode was trying to get done there's
5201s so look it's hkey there in the kill feed
5203s that that says it all with the death
5205s Blossom once again Roxy this is exactly
5208s what you do as well when you're going
5210s into that scenario the primer rage to
5212s make sure that Barco just does not find
5213s the space that don't monkeys are looking
5215s to be able to forge ahead with and then
5217s hkey capitalizing on all of those
5219s members just juggled out of position
5220s with that death loss I'm doing full well
5222s you're not going to be sniped out
5223s because barcode has a mindful of dealing
5225s with the Winston instead
5227s oh one sound barrier as Halo jumps back
5231s onto the building from being displaced
5233s that was really cool to watch first
5234s person now Evie takes down Aspen and
5237s with a member down Dart monkeys is
5238s feeling rough waiting for the death
5240s Blossom there on the low ground but
5242s everyone from altior is on The High
5243s Ground oh except for Halo uh regardless
5246s of the work moving fish trying to Boop
5248s some people often there it is the poop
5250s and the jump back easy peasy classy
5253s Winston mechanics unfortunately though
5255s hp's in their face and
5257s is going to take them down from bun
5259s there on the far side with 10 seconds
5261s left it is looking tough or I mean
5264s Artemis isn't there well autumnus isn't
5266s that but they're still gonna have one
5268s more fight to Contour spawn does go down
5270s lost however and the overclock is not
5271s gonna be there in time moving fish
5273s should be able to get back to be able to
5275s help the team disrupt the shot to delay
5276s items from getting that regroup and
5278s dropping onto the failure to contest but
5279s I start making small time to regroup
5281s barcode absolutely clutching it out with
5284s that early pick there on to H key gives
5287s them it gives dark monkeys the cap right
5289s they're slowly looking to encircle and
5291s uh well now there's a very well it's
5294s looking more realistic that they're able
5296s to complete this map but there's still
5297s only 115 left the starring's iron the
5300s barrel of a royal gun though bomb still
5302s sitting on that overclock barcode not
5304s gonna have one of those and one
5305s immediately instigates in with one
5307s looking to find a pick four star monkeys
5309s back to that spawn so that Artemis can
5310s just spend so much time as they try and
5313s re-contest around that first Corner
5314s again and that pick on to ask is going
5315s to give exactly what Artemis is wanting
5317s wow yeah it is and dart monkeys because
5320s they need to die if they're gonna
5322s regroup and do it fast because with only
5324s 40 seconds left Moxie it is make or
5326s break it time SK has the sound barrier
5328s that could be honestly the life-saving
5331s moment that dark monkeys needs the
5333s problem is that Dom monkeys because of
5334s the way they took that fight was so
5336s splinted and how Ottomans were able to
5337s isolate all of those moments they
5338s haven't built the ultimates to be able
5339s to actually stand toteso with autumnuses
5342s and as a result they need to find a pick
5344s and they need to find one now
5345s hopefully on the hkey who almost has
5348s death Blossom ready could be Troublesome
5350s for Dart monkeys as we've seen
5351s repeatedly in the past
5353s still the points rolling forward and now
5355s it's time right they're looking to
5357s engage and like you mentioned they want
5358s to be baiting out those abilities wika
5361s leads with the Kitsune Rush therefore
5363s altiora and they continue pushing up the
5365s main Alleyway Escape counters with their
5367s own sound barrier and now it's time for
5370s barcode to make some hero plays with
5371s overclock it's make or break a time
5374s because alcior is at Match Point Dart
5376s monkeys wants to push this card in the
5379s death Blossom coming through there
5380s doesn't find anything from hkey it does
5382s distract our monkeys enough for the rest
5384s of all sure to continue throwing the
5386s damage into the back of dark monkeys
5388s Isuzu there to try and keep themselves
5390s in this fight a little bit longer but
5392s moving fish goes down at the end of the
5394s day it's a straggler here and with the
5397s final kill cleaned up Moxie it's gonna
5400s be altior Artemis moving through now
5403s don't monkeys probably would have won
5405s that fight if they didn't have the added
5407s caveat of having to continuously touch
5409s the cop because everything about that
5411s engagement shows exactly Lee how I tuned
5414s in they are to all of the ultimates that
5416s are up for the other side however it's
5418s literally uc's armor just moving forward
5420s fading out that disrupter shot and then
5421s reforming away to make sure that there
5423s is no impact barcode pushing so far out
5426s in that backline angle to force Evie
5428s with the Primal Rage into kiting onto
5430s the surgeon ignoring everyone else on
5432s the payload and making sure that
5433s everyone's going to be able to keep that
5434s contest going fading with that overclock
5437s purposefully so that jump pack is going
5439s to be on cooldown before power sliding
5441s over the winton's head and forging her
5443s position to try and find those squishies
5445s on the card itself the problem for them
5448s is that not only are they trying to
5450s juggle kills they'll also continuously
5453s having to cycle the members touching on
5455s that card and as a result Autumn is
5458s because they have better ultimate usage
5460s as well as better positioning and null
5462s added worry about having to keep that
5464s card in play are just able to break
5466s through the members one by one by one
5469s until there is no one from Dart monkeys
5471s left
5472s yeah it seemed like they were kind of
5474s picking them apart as Dart monkeys was
5476s trying to get set up for those plays
5478s like you mentioned and
5480s you know it was pretty close it was
5482s closer than I would have expected after
5484s seeing how strong altiora was performing
5486s but once we came over here to Route 66 I
5490s feel like Dart monkeys were anticipating
5492s the big threats from altiora better I
5495s definitely saw some substantial growth
5497s coming through from them but at the end
5499s of the day altrimus really did their
5502s homework going up against dark monkeys
5504s it seemed like they were aware oh
5506s qualifier two Champions okay we see you
5510s uh we have the Target on our back you've
5512s definitely got a Target on your back
5514s let's see who's got the bigger Target
5516s when we face off and uh I'll TR Artemis
5520s definitely still having the bigger
5522s Target on their back as a result of
5524s being Victorious but dark monkeys isn't
5527s out of this yet right there is still the
5529s loser's racket lower or later on and
5532s there's a chance for them to come back
5534s and try and take it all so we'll have to
5537s see how they take that experience and
5540s what kind of fire it ignites under them
5542s yeah I mean you could see as well that
5544s Donald Keys like you said they had
5546s adapted to what they were expecting
5547s especially coming out from Bond like
5549s they knew okay disruptor shot is going
5551s to come through and try and split us
5552s away from that Winston we now have to
5554s try and bait it with that Reaper but
5556s that then depletes resources to dealing
5558s with the other Winston and we saw that
5562s yeah Evie has a pretty terrifying
5565s Winston to be able to just use those
5567s primals even sometimes not even using
5569s that primer just jumping into the face
5571s with the opposing surgeon knowing that
5573s okay bubble is gonna have my help for as
5574s long as I need I'm gonna just Blitz this
5577s origin down and pull that kiriko out of
5579s position so that we can deal with moving
5581s fish because if it wasn't Aspen going
5583s down to being bullied out early it was
5585s moving fish they really had a Target on
5588s that Winston's back and no matter how
5590s many resources you use Iris at Lucio or
5593s the kiriko you just weren't able to keep
5595s the Winston up long enough yeah I agree
5598s with you there it was it was a really
5600s tough game for like you said moving fish
5603s and Aspen because Alto Artemis knew that
5605s they were critical lynchpins to the
5608s success of dark monkeys and they came in
5610s with a plan to prevent them from playing
5613s as much as possible
5615s we do actually have H key uh the lovely
5619s Reaper death Blossom suzu combo we saw
5622s repeatedly from our match coming through
5624s hkey congratulations on your win and
5628s thanks for joining us here in the
5629s interview booth
5631s of course thank you very much
5634s so you obviously you guys just had a
5637s fantastic win um coming off the end of
5639s that game what was uh some of the
5642s mentality or prep work kind of going
5644s into this matchup obviously you guys are
5646s the qualifier one Champions Dart monkeys
5649s was the second qualifier Champion so
5651s that play into any of it
5654s um no not really mainly we just knew
5657s that they played monkey comp and most
5660s teams play monkey comp so we didn't
5661s really treat them any different from any
5663s other team we've scrimmed teams uh in
5666s many ranges we just know how to play
5668s against monkey comp in general so that's
5670s just our basic game plan going into it
5673s so I have to ask the last time we
5676s actually saw your team on broadcast you
5679s were running the Genji but today you
5681s were sticking with the reaper is there
5683s any decision making behind that switch
5685s around
5687s um we just decided that we wanted to
5690s mirror so in our first match versus
5692s Kaiju Corp they played monkey we played
5694s monkey and then we knew that Washington
5696s Justice played roadhog so we decided to
5700s go with our road roadhog comp and
5702s personally I'm more comfortable on the
5703s Genji so I thought I would play that
5705s instead of like the Tracer as an
5706s alternative
5708s um and I also knew that they played a
5710s lot of Zen so it was very easy for a
5711s Fliker to get value
5715s yeah well it's interesting to hear that
5717s you guys are kind of playing more to
5719s think about the match up sometimes is
5723s are you guys at any at any point ever
5725s like we're gonna play it this way and
5727s force them to match up to us or do you
5730s take a look at the opponent and say we
5733s can do it better and uh let's adapt to
5735s do so folks
5738s um well I think we just kind of you know
5741s before we play a team we don't
5742s necessarily know exactly how they play
5744s so we just play like normal and it's
5747s really just about seeing opportunities
5749s like if a certain person on their team
5751s is way too aggressive or if people are
5753s split from each other and then you just
5755s make like a few changes to match that
5759s and it's really just about easy yeah
5761s yeah it's just about not making mistakes
5764s um before them
5765s uh easier said than done for sure
5771s before them yeah you sleep easy I have
5774s to ask as a budding kirikou main myself
5776s we were seeing a lot of susies being
5778s invested to be able to enable your death
5780s blossoms as opposed to being held on to
5783s maybe counter things like the Winston
5784s dive coming through from the team how
5786s does your team decide when they want to
5788s use that suzu to be able to benefit your
5790s team as opposed to holding on to counter
5792s something from the enemy
5795s um so basically it just matters whether
5797s or not we're planning to use my Reaper
5799s Blossom that fight so if we do plan to
5802s use my Reaper Blossom ideally I should
5804s get every possible resource that's
5806s available from the team so I'll just
5808s tell my team I'm looking for blossom and
5811s if it's possible I'll get suzu i'll get
5813s speed boost I'll get like a bubble from
5814s the monkey I'll get as much as I can to
5817s ensure that I don't die with the reaper
5819s all and I can get some value
5822s well you had a horde of value routinely
5825s and consistently hkey
5827s thank you uh on it I I am really
5830s surprised and impressed because your
5832s team definitely came together and we're
5834s throwing all those resources into you
5837s consistently now you guys still have
5839s potentially a few more games ahead of
5842s you depending on how everything unfolds
5845s um how are you guys feeling moving into
5847s the next round and uh do you have any
5849s thoughts you want to say to the other
5851s teams or maybe shout outs you want to
5854s give
5856s um so honestly I'm hoping that Polaris
5859s wins because I'd like to play against
5861s them again after you know playing before
5863s against them in the qualifier one
5866s um and other than that
5869s fairly indifferent to most the teams
5872s Polaris was the only team to have ever
5874s taken a map off of us in qualifier one
5877s um during the group stages so
5879s I'm hoping that they'll be able to win
5881s they're kind of a different sort of Team
5883s than Dart monkeys they're like very
5884s teamwork focused while Dart monkeys kind
5886s of has just like some good names on it
5889s um and yeah regardless I hope it's going
5891s to be a very exciting match
5892s yeah well uh best of luck to you hkey
5896s and uh honestly really nice job during
5899s your game today it was very apparent
5902s that you and the you and all of Artemis
5905s were pretty much in that flow State and
5909s I look forward to seeing you rip through
5910s more people with your death blossoms
5912s later on
5914s thank you
5915s [Music]
5917s oh all right folks that's uh you know
5920s just our first matchup of the day Moxie
5923s we got one more uh headed up through in
5925s the chamber and then a couple more down
5927s the road as well but I gotta say I am
5932s really impressed with how well altior
5934s outermost played especially against a
5936s favorite like Dart monkeys like you
5938s mentioned and they seemed really
5940s comfortable confident and I love that
5944s level of aggression I don't know if
5945s everyone's ready for how you know in
5948s your face they're gonna be so we'll have
5950s to see
5952s I mean you can see as well like the
5953s Synergy that's coming through from this
5955s team is something that calling Al Harris
5956s is allowing uh to build up and naturally
5960s too like a lot of the times when we've
5961s had events for marginalized genders it's
5963s been broken up into like two or three
5964s days and then we see the rosters break
5967s up and the teams have to find new
5969s players and when the next one comes
5970s along everyone has to build up that
5972s Synergy again but because we've been
5974s able to carry on those same teams from
5975s qualify one and qualifier too they've
5977s been able to build up that chemistry and
5979s just talking to HQ along you really can
5981s see how much team resources are being
5984s allowed to make sure that every single
5985s ultimate every single ability spends the
5987s most amount of value it can
5989s and I'm sure that's a lot of fun for
5991s hkey right hey shower me with all your
5994s researchers
5997s the rain on age
6001s that's how it feels right
6002s uh well regardless
6005s um folks will have to uh see how our
6007s next matchup goes we're gonna see all
6009s your Polaris like hkey mentioned and
6013s we're actually going to see them go up
6014s against shock Timeless which as you know
6017s shock ethereal or I'm sorry Timeless
6020s ethereal were picked up by the San
6022s Francisco shock and have now become
6024s shock Timeless and uh it's our lower
6027s round three brackets so it's all on the
6030s line here if they're out for this time
6032s it's out for the rest of the tournament
6034s and uh well Redemption Arc will unfold
6038s as or well we'll have to see who wins
6040s outside folks we'll take you to a break
6052s foreign
6055s [Music]
6085s foreign
6106s [Music]
6119s foreign
6124s [Music]
6151s [Music]
6173s [Music]
6202s foreign
6205s [Music]
6237s foreign
6258s [Music]
6265s [Music]
6288s [Music]
6291s foreign
6295s [Music]
6321s [Music]
6329s foreign
6341s [Music]
6351s hey everyone and welcome back to the
6353s calling all heroes Challenger Cup finals
6356s for anyone just joining us today I'm
6359s waffles for Sid and this has got Moxie
6361s and we are going to be covering the next
6363s matchup for you folks Moxie we're about
6366s to move into our lower bracket now where
6369s obviously it's double elim so anyone go
6372s anyone losing goes home today uh we're
6375s about to see alteora Polaris versus
6377s shock Timeless and both of these teams
6381s were the runner-ups for qualifier one
6384s and two so it's a showdown of the
6386s runner-ups this matchup yeah it's also
6389s going to be very interesting too because
6391s in my opinion up until the last match I
6393s was like yeah 100 Showtime was just to
6396s have the best surgeon right but bun
6399s really really did make that a little bit
6401s competitive
6403s because I have to say watching as it Ray
6406s yesterday go up against Kaiju cup she
6409s was just absolutely Unstoppable she was
6411s a getting those shorts left right in the
6412s center and even won her team would down
6414s numbers down ultimates she would just be
6416s able to find that surgeon win factor to
6419s allow them to clutch out those matches
6421s oh man and that is that kind of clutch
6424s factor is it's intangible and it's not
6427s coachable Moxie
6429s you either have it or you uh you don't
6433s or you learn to really develop the skill
6435s under that pressure because you get the
6437s experience to feel that strain and to
6440s know exactly what it means to be
6441s performing under that scenario under
6444s those minimal resources or with you know
6447s time on the line essentially
6450s um shock time list though have been
6452s performing quite strong earlier in our
6454s qualifier too obviously but didn't quite
6458s make it all the way to you know that
6460s first place Polaris did the same thing
6462s against their sister team Artemis and I
6465s really think that both of these teams
6466s are looking to kind of
6468s make a better name for them it's not let
6470s history repeat itself right if you ain't
6473s first you're last and uh both of these
6475s runner-ups are looking to be first today
6477s yeah but I mean you did actually get a
6480s very interesting point raised in that
6482s interview that we had from the lobsters
6483s because Polaris was indeed the only team
6487s to take a map away from Altera Artemis
6490s and we've seen them yesterday this is a
6493s team that is absolutely terrifying when
6495s we were looking for all of the rosters
6496s you and I both agreed that Tara might
6499s just have the best Winston at least when
6501s it comes to Primal rages and being able
6503s to cover enemy surgeons especially in
6506s that overclock film she has it on
6508s absolute luck well we also saw Tara
6512s bring out the orisa
6514s um and that was a lovely change of pace
6517s especially combined with Froggies on the
6519s Lucio the Speedy erisa Javelin spinning
6522s into the opponent's face was a lovely
6524s sight to behold and after that it seemed
6528s like Polaris was able to just run away
6530s with the aggressive
6532s spearheaded approach essentially so I
6536s don't know if shock Timeless will be
6537s ready although Polaris has been really
6540s really performing well
6542s yeah shock Timeless however are really
6545s no slouches like I said when it comes to
6548s surgeons that you have to be scared of
6551s asuras is definitely of that yeah there
6555s is one surgeon who had maximum rail all
6558s charge in this tournament that I did not
6559s want to Corner check it's it's this girl
6562s she is absolutely on fire and she's
6566s having really good matches in Santana
6568s too actually yes she has been playing a
6570s lot of Winston but we have actually seen
6572s her swap over to the roadhog to count it
6575s from time to time so shark time is both
6577s having the resources that being signed
6579s to a label like something fresh got uh
6581s San Francisco San Francisco shark
6585s oh and you can really see like allowing
6589s this team to come into their own
6591s building off of all of those resources
6593s and also this Synergy that this team had
6595s moving away from that qualifier to where
6597s they were just really in tune with each
6599s other has only flourished over time yeah
6603s I definitely agree with you there and
6605s actually last weekend they had quite a
6608s tough matchup against Washington Justice
6610s Red going all five Maps so I'm curious
6614s to see how much they've really gotten to
6616s learn and take away from that because
6618s last weekend everyone stepped up and
6621s this weekend it's time to show what
6623s you've learned from it yeah well I mean
6625s speaking of really hard Maps against uh
6627s Washington Justice right after polaris's
6630s last matchup was actually against that
6632s very team and they were able to win
6634s after a five map series also both of
6637s these teams have been in the exact same
6639s position the difference is that the
6641s results were reversed pilarity would
6643s come out on top shock Timeless find
6645s themselves in the lower bracket
6647s oh man no one wants Deja Vu when you're
6650s in the lower bracket but they're gonna
6653s have to really bring their a game and
6656s with the drop off here viable I we've
6660s talked about this the lucios are
6662s dangerous and you gotta watch your stuff
6663s yeah I I want GPS and Froggies for the
6667s entirety of this map I want to see where
6671s she is she's looking what poop and
6674s environmental she's going to be landing
6675s as it is Polaris immediately looking to
6678s pin down that fight on Side Lane to set
6680s that environmental up
6683s there it is a lot of uh hanging out by
6685s the edge definitely want to avoid the
6687s disrupter shot and look too aggress
6689s afterwards still more poke coming
6691s through as you can see all TL are slowly
6693s working their way towards shock
6695s timeless's back corner there a little
6697s bit of pressure and a nice Zuzu to bail
6699s out Tara just as she was falling a
6701s little bit low now we can see more
6703s pushing was that oh I think that I think
6706s Jim was booped off the edge and managed
6708s to uh teleport up in the nick of time
6710s very stressful coming through and Moxie
6713s no one's got the point yet no one has
6715s gotten the point because if they try
6716s anyone from Shark time this is
6718s immediately going to be walking to save
6719s a beautiful position coming through from
6721s Polaris to be able to push into that
6722s front line but also apply so much
6724s pressure on this all Wrangle that they
6725s can't contest the points
6728s and now that saver is pretty much set up
6730s on this far side it's going to be really
6731s tough for shock Timeless to also push
6733s into that which has been creating a lot
6736s of damage through and Jim goes down from
6738s the disrupter shot a beautifully placed
6740s disrupter shot now with sound barrier
6742s being cast from both sides altiora still
6746s has the player advantage and they're
6747s still looking to try and aggress sheep
6749s did go down and it's been tied up Moxie
6751s Tara pops the Primal Rage as a response
6754s and is trying to continue putting the
6755s pressure onto shock Timeless a little
6758s bit of bouncing around here to regroup
6760s in the right spot and another pick this
6762s time though on to saber while saber
6765s still had overclock available that is
6767s great for shock Timeless is now they can
6769s push and take it clip already come from
6772s sharks found this as well so it really
6773s is just gonna be stalling our Polaris
6775s and being able to recontest through the
6777s stroke as you can see both the overclock
6779s and death Blossom about to be coming
6781s online for this team so would she have a
6783s way plus choose to be able to break up
6784s from side room they don't have a support
6785s ultimate to forward to be able to
6787s survive they're going to find a pack of
6789s both iron ultimate and Susie to survive
6793s the gym is the first to go down saber
6795s goes ahead Pops that over clock and is
6797s so deadly now it's combined with the
6800s dust Blossom and with two DPS ultimates
6803s committed Polaris is able to go ahead
6805s and take this point back for themselves
6807s yeah Polaris deciding to really just
6809s take the initiative out of shark's hands
6811s they've got two ultimates they decide to
6813s just throw in both to be able to break
6814s through that choke and shock time must
6816s find themselves without any time to be
6818s able to respond they go down extremely
6820s quickly but hold on to their own
6821s ultimate so they do have the cards in
6823s this next fight as Terror goes extremely
6826s low trying the first one to Ezra and
6827s denied it off angle for the overclock
6829s and as a result with the Winston and the
6831s bubble removed as the ray gets the
6834s shooting gallery uh Moxie you said it at
6836s the beginning right Azure one of the
6838s best so adjourned maybe some of the best
6841s uh accuracy with the overclock yes I
6844s point you to exhibit a
6847s I mean the headshot on to Tara before
6850s the bubble can even fall into place mid
6854s jump coming out to chunk Tower down so
6858s low so quickly like it really is just a
6861s skill shot coming through from Azure as
6863s we see that Rush pushing into those
6865s members of Florida stuck inside that
6867s side room forcing them out of the
6869s Russian into the death Blossom oh man
6871s yeah and whenever I see this Kitsune
6873s Rush with a death Blossom I'm like oh
6875s cool it's a death alley rolling through
6878s the members of Polaris they did uh you
6881s know they still have a couple of support
6882s ultimates for the next time they opt to
6884s push but Moxie now that shock has 75
6886s it's gonna be tough and we're
6888s approaching last fight
6890s Florida's all holding on to both support
6892s ultimates but Santana is about to hit
6893s that Primal just about five seconds of
6895s cleave is gonna be able to build that
6896s ultimate up and then he just bounce all
6898s of the members of Polaris off the rush
6900s and into the environmental below
6902s oh what a good attempt there on the Boop
6904s and well there's the sound barrier
6906s coming through from Jam Timeless is
6908s still trying to push on forward and oh a
6911s nice sound barrier also coming through
6912s from Froggies to continue beefing
6915s altiora here in this fight Tara almost
6917s fell down but does manage to stay alive
6920s here at the nick of time saber goes down
6922s with overclock online the point is a
6925s flip back over to altiora but at the end
6928s of the day shock Timeless are still
6929s taking down members of Polaris they're
6931s trying to stall this out and a little
6933s late pick there onto sheep yeah Jim is
6937s able to find that current support sheep
6939s has been removed the deathless I'm not
6940s going to be there but Froggies is able
6942s to find the Boop onto Jim and as a
6945s result Polaris will hold strong we are
6947s heading into final fight territory but
6949s now it's in favor of Polaris is that
6951s holding on to those two ultimate
6952s shocktimers have a little bit of time to
6954s go into the poker face and build up
6956s ultimates of their own but if they lose
6957s a member and have to wait for the 30
6958s second reset time it's curtains the
6961s bubble was clutched it was a great
6963s attempt there from Santana to try and
6965s mitigate any of that death Blossom but
6967s it was just it's tough when you're
6969s already cornered there trying to push
6971s through the choke saber goes ahead uses
6973s over clock delete Santana from having a
6975s chance to stall and now it's all about
6977s handling the trickling going on from the
6980s members of Timeless we see kiriko trying
6982s to do a little bit of wall jump tech
6984s there azurai comes out big with a huge
6987s hat trick of four people killed oh my
6990s gosh absolutely just clutched it out
6993s killed all five members of alteora to
6995s come back win the fight for their team
6999s it's that sometimes sometimes I just get
7002s to step back in my seat and have that
7004s smoke little smile because as a ray just
7006s dropped to five piece uh and there's
7008s exhibit B to your statement earlier
7013s I don't have a TED talk you know a
7015s PowerPoint presentation behind me every
7016s single time we go to break just be like
7018s this is slide a on where Azure is
7020s absolutely terrifying and here's the
7023s even worst thing for Polaris that
7026s overclock that azerite picks up it's
7028s burning through all of the members
7030s sitting inside dax's Kitsune rush they
7034s can't even move off the point either to
7037s contest the surgeon because then they
7038s allow the flip and short Thomas walks
7041s away with the map
7043s Azure definitely has that uh clutch
7046s Factor if I after seeing that display of
7050s 5K
7051s um is what's going on
7054s okay uh yeah I think we're gonna have a
7056s little bit of a pause as it does seem
7058s like one of the members of Polaris is
7060s maybe having a little bit of a
7062s disconnect and we might have to see the
7063s map reloaded but you know what that just
7065s means
7066s that talk continues Let's uh make it
7069s rain over there on us right now oh my
7071s goodness she's just such a Stella
7074s surgeon like it's a position that comes
7075s on through the reading as well knowing
7077s that that Kitsune Rush is going to be up
7079s and that because of that position
7081s because of the time that is available
7083s for both of those teams that Rush is
7085s going to be invested trying to go into
7087s the point but also onto the sideline
7089s that immediately leads on to it and so
7091s she's just able to position herself just
7093s a little bit Out Of Reach to really
7095s Force those players to come towards her
7096s and if she finds herself being pressured
7098s she can immediately power slide back
7100s towards to grab that Mega health pack
7101s and then return to The High Ground
7103s knowing whoever's Chaser is gonna have
7105s to give up because they have to return
7107s to that contest going through on point
7109s allowing the surgeon to live and cycle
7110s back and prove that Royal gun well and
7113s we saw that happen a bit on our last
7115s series as well and you know the name of
7118s the game is to take the point or push
7120s the payload whatever it may be and when
7123s you have to divert resources to that
7125s versus you know just getting kills it
7128s can put a lot it can be the make or
7130s break it moment and the fact that you
7132s mentioned uh or Polaris had to be on the
7135s point
7136s that means they can't take the time to
7139s look at Azure and if you don't take the
7142s time to look at Azure you're not gonna
7145s you're gonna be playing Temple Run again
7147s yeah like we see why it's so important
7150s right when you're wanting running that
7151s Winston comp the Winston has to be the
7153s one to take the fall and cover that
7156s overclock that comes through from the
7157s enemy session otherwise your squishies
7159s are just going to get blitzed because
7161s it's easy it might save you from like
7163s one real gunfire but other than that
7165s you're still gonna you got a lot more
7167s time than just one than just that part
7170s but the Lucio's of well as well have
7172s been trying to use their sound barriers
7174s sometimes during that and mitigate the
7178s I mean they're head hunting it's it's uh
7181s it's hard to mitigate when they're just
7183s hitting shots really well and the fact
7186s that those shots are extremely powerful
7188s because of the charged railgun just goes
7190s to show you why sojourn has been so
7194s conflicting about you know should she
7195s get nerfed not get nerfed I'm like yeah
7197s you know the people who struggle don't
7200s feel quite the uh abusiveness from her
7203s power kit but here I mean azer Azure is
7207s just fully flexing the beauty of the
7210s railgun between the overclock and the
7212s slide for the mobility
7214s I think that she's been I think sojourn
7217s in general has been a great addition to
7218s OverWatch as a kit and a character but
7221s azare's use of her has been phenomenal
7224s yeah she really is like we could see as
7226s well but when it comes to you know the
7228s other side Polaris was very much aware
7231s of how they wanted to position their
7233s slogan moving into that first fight
7235s finding that off angle forcing all of
7237s shock Timeless to take that fight on
7238s sideline and then when they started
7240s losing players because of that pressure
7242s creeping in from the social when the
7243s railgun is charging up because sojin
7246s coming into OverWatch too there are like
7248s two veins when it comes to cons for
7250s teams right you have obviously your tank
7252s you tends to make all of the decision
7253s making and the shortcalls but then you
7255s also have some like a support player
7257s who's trying to track ultimates for the
7259s other team and say okay this is when the
7261s rush is coming up this is when they have
7262s signed barrier sojin being in the mix
7265s brings in a third bit of utility that
7268s you have to keep a track of and that is
7270s the rail gun charge because unlike
7272s things like the ultimate when you die to
7274s it you see that percentage of charges
7275s like okay they're probably gonna have
7277s this in the next fight with that Royal
7279s gun you have to be able to track it and
7281s call out when it's not gonna be up all
7284s the other option is you find out it's
7286s fully charged by losing one of your
7288s teammates a little bit too early at the
7289s start of the fight
7293s it's uh online
7296s that's like when I'm like roadhog no
7298s hook because I just got hooked yeah
7302s I feel it for you there
7304s um folks it looks like we're good teams
7307s are gonna take an extra minute we have a
7309s like we said a technical difficulty
7311s earlier so we'll let them get situated
7313s you all grab a drink and some snacks and
7316s we'll be back in a moment
7322s [Music]
7353s thank you
7361s [Music]
7367s there we go
7369s [Music]
7385s foreign
7420s [Music]
7429s foreign
7443s [Music]
7451s [Music]
7463s [Music]
7468s thank you
7474s [Music]
7486s [Music]
7501s thank you
7513s [Music]
7526s foreign
7532s [Music]
7558s foreign
7561s [Music]
7568s [Music]
7579s [Music]
7591s you know
7598s [Music]
7600s me me me me
7607s [Music]
7622s [Music]
7632s thank you
7635s hey everyone welcome back from our quick
7638s technical break if you are just coming
7640s back to join us here we're in the midst
7643s of our first map of altior Polaris
7646s versus shock Timeless and we should be
7648s at map 2 of uh of the control elements
7653s so here on Nepal let's just see exactly
7655s how it unfolds but uh Moxie we just saw
7659s a very nasty round one come through from
7662s shock timeless
7664s yeah I mean we were even talking about
7666s the still through the break just gushing
7668s about Ezra like both of us were like how
7670s do you hit that shot so cleanly onto a
7674s Winston mid jump in the head because
7677s here's the thing like Winston is a
7679s really good character to sojourn because
7681s you're able to jump you're able to force
7682s that power slide out then you're out of
7684s a team can try and capitalize over the
7686s Lucio Chasers are down or the enemy
7688s surgeon is able to capitalize on the
7689s fact that you know her position you're
7691s gonna be able to sniper out that bubble
7692s makes it a lot safer as well for you to
7694s be able to aggressively face peek in the
7698s problem is that you need that bubble to
7700s not be dropped the second that the
7702s Winston goes for the Dive Right the
7703s winter does not want to immediately jump
7706s and then have to drop bubble but because
7708s Azure hits that shot middle Winston jump
7712s it forces that bubble out super early
7715s because either you hold on to bubble and
7718s you see your Winston go back to the
7719s respawn point or you drop bubble bubble
7722s get spoon and the Winston five seconds
7724s later gets burnt alongside it it really
7727s is just sometimes a surgeon hitting both
7729s shots and like we were talking about
7731s this shock time was being picked up and
7733s taken under the wing of the San
7735s Francisco shop right get access to the
7738s resources that are there for the San
7740s Fran shock including all of the coaches
7743s and when we talked to Azure in her
7745s interview last time around she confessed
7747s that the coaches had been working with
7749s her to improve that aim and you can see
7752s what a monster she's becoming well
7755s everyone needs a master as a avatar
7758s taught us and it seems like the master
7761s from the SF shock has been paying off so
7764s far for azaray oh yeah we'll just uh
7768s maybe try it again folks Deja Vu don't
7770s you fret now we were talking about Azure
7774s you know hitting those head shots on the
7776s Winston jumping in straight from that
7778s dive and you know when you're going up
7780s against someone like Azure who is so
7783s consistently able to deal that damage
7785s it's probably time to start pulling out
7787s every little trick in the book you've
7790s got
7791s um
7792s you know there's there's some small Tech
7795s you can do with you know spinning around
7797s trying to divert your actual hit box to
7800s to prevent some of the uh initial head
7803s shots coming through and
7805s um I don't have the skills for that
7807s that's a whole different caliber of
7809s um yeah that's a whole different caliber
7812s but with the way Azure is playing that's
7814s definitely you need to start pulling out
7816s all the stops to minimize the impact
7819s that she's bringing on this sojourn
7821s because
7822s I mean it's a we saw the perfect 5K come
7825s through
7827s that says I mean speaking of like using
7830s all of that text you're obscure things
7832s like your hitbox my favorite is the
7833s Widowmaker like the 1v1 whenever you go
7835s into a headshot only Lobby would it make
7837s us just like look down when the grapple
7839s comes through to try and use the
7840s ponytail to obscure getting dumped in
7843s the cranium
7845s a little bit harder for the whole
7848s instant to obscure that hitboxes it is
7850s pretty beefy and no surprises azurai
7853s finds his knife and opens up
7855s oh my gosh
7858s Moxie it's with the way Azure is playing
7861s I feel like the rest of shock Timeless
7863s has almost got it easy trying to make
7865s space and get to the point yeah azer
7868s right now is gonna be even harder both
7871s Polaris to be able to push into right
7872s because that is the surgeon set up in
7874s The High Ground who already has an angle
7876s to be able to snipe you I can also drop
7878s the disrupter shot to make it even
7879s harder for you to try and face check
7881s into and as a result Polaris are for
7882s going trying to control that high ground
7884s that is going to face points okay yeah
7886s engage and force them to be on the point
7889s well maybe not the best plan of attack
7892s but at least it was a new attempt and
7894s well although shock time must still have
7897s the point in their possession alteiora
7899s gonna have another chance to regroup
7901s yeah as a right to sees that it's going
7904s to be a Frontline brawl and distances is
7906s up she doesn't go for that High Ground
7907s uh attempt of a snipe when Polaris come
7910s through she just plays at the back of
7912s that point and everyone from Polaris is
7914s so set trying to just add is the
7916s backline and those supports that she's
7917s able to just really push him through and
7919s now people are stuck in that choke have
7921s to commit so much the ray form already
7922s gonna be using azrae gets aggressive and
7925s pushes forward oh man pushing through
7927s this choke with azaray on the sojourn
7931s into a disrupter shot is really nasty
7933s business both DPS though going down
7936s early in this fight from shock Timeless
7938s surprised that they uh bid off that much
7941s more than they can shoot they can chew
7943s and
7943s go ahead take the point for themselves
7946s for the first time it felt like Ezra was
7948s posturing up for an overclock to come on
7951s through right you want to hit that first
7952s kill and then immediately move forward
7954s with the overclock to catch out the
7956s stories of Polaris as they try and
7958s disengage but that first kill doesn't
7959s come through Froggies is actually able
7961s to take advantage of the solutions over
7962s regression and as a result polar provide
7965s that burst damage to try and force them
7967s away from that show we're able to live
7969s through as now we see shock Timeless
7970s being stunted by the Chokehold that
7972s Polaris now haven't done the job well
7975s and the katine rush there was used by
7977s Dax but that was the only ultimate use
7980s so shock Timeless are happy that it's
7982s spent but they still have to push into
7984s saber with overclock you're on our Mori
7986s does have a rush over Warren but there
7988s is that overclock coming on through and
7990s immediately shock Timeless even of the
7991s rushes there just have to move faster
7993s yeah it's uh you know not as much as
7995s they were hoping for a lot of damage
7997s from Santana is trying to be put onto a
8000s saber but can't quite find the kill Jim
8002s has a nasty death Blossom come through
8005s and eventually shock Timeless Wipe Out
8007s the members of Polaris and they take
8009s this point back
8011s John's going to be holding on to the
8012s sidebar for sustain as well coming out
8015s from shock Timeless but Polaris going to
8017s be holding onto the same barrier and
8018s therefore some of their own the problem
8020s for this team it hasn't been using
8021s ultimates to win these fights it's been
8023s getting out of these chokes without
8024s losing a member too early and that once
8027s again is going to be an issue as you can
8029s see just immediately tipping taking on
8031s to that point as fast as possible to
8033s avoid that potential smite
8036s wait starting to be flipped towards
8037s Polaris and it is actually capped for
8040s altior Polaris the sound barrier the
8042s speed boost and the death Blossom that's
8045s the combo and it's going to send shock
8048s back
8049s well we heard it from the interviews
8051s every single time the deaf Wilson is
8053s available the reaper gets everything the
8056s kitchen sink and the signed barrier
8058s included and yeah I'm very surprised
8060s Showtime was actually walked away from
8062s that point long enough for the flip to
8063s come through because then if they want
8064s to contest it they're walking back into
8066s the death while some Polaris
8068s immediately takes advantage out
8070s those bubbles used up and Isuzu forced
8073s out early from Dax damage is too much
8076s and Jim is uncontested here in this
8078s corner just pretty much free firing into
8080s Polaris trying to approach now they've
8083s lost the point and with 85 percent it is
8085s last fight territory
8087s Dax is going to have that Kitsune Rush
8089s Polaris members extremely close to the
8091s ultimates of their own to be able to set
8094s up through that one to buy themselves
8096s time to contest on this point itself as
8098s they really are just gonna have to push
8100s immediately onto points denying that
8101s High Ground Control and just Tara being
8103s the one to take all of the hits does
8105s mean no tank no Primal disrupt a shot to
8108s make sure it's only Terror but that
8109s means that Polaris don't get to touch
8111s and as a result we don't see overtime we
8114s don't see a contestant we see shock time
8116s let's walk away with the first map
8119s the real question oh it's sheep really
8122s okay
8130s this was a good one though this is a
8132s very good one and I think the big
8133s Difference Maker as well is that those
8134s kills come in so quickly as opposed to
8136s azeroid where I was like yeah she does
8138s walk with the five kills but they're a
8140s little bit splintered apart so play of
8142s the game and say okay well maybe you got
8144s two in 20 seconds but you'll grab the
8146s full 5K
8148s it was the most split up just like yeah
8152s um no but very nice job uh nonetheless
8154s also from sheep because that death
8156s Blossom was very critical and I mean you
8160s saw the Synergy of Polaris ready to full
8162s commit for that effect that attack and
8165s you know at the end of the day it didn't
8167s quite work out shock Timeless had some
8169s massive star power roll through from
8172s azerite to just
8173s kind of prevent altior from having a
8177s great first step every time they wanted
8179s to engage it felt like every time it was
8181s like oh a little misstep or like maybe a
8184s little ankle roll or maybe you stuff
8187s with your off foot instead of your
8188s strong I don't know either way they were
8190s off balance the whole time yeah that's
8192s always the danger with control Maps like
8194s it's a little bit less so in this meta
8196s if you're not running that mirror
8198s matchup because the fact that we have
8199s that 30 retained ultimate charge does
8202s mean that sometimes if you want to play
8203s tank matchups with counters and you lose
8206s the first fight you can actually swap
8208s onto something that counts as what your
8209s opponent is running retain the ultimate
8211s charge and then win that fight
8212s immediately because you're just running
8214s something which steamrolls over what
8216s you're now running into however when
8219s you're running the mirror match up that
8220s first fight is everything especially
8222s when it comes to choke control and both
8224s surgeon players both saber and azurai
8227s were doing everything in their power
8229s when the point was under their team's
8231s lock to be able to hold on to that high
8232s ground and snipe out anyone coming
8235s through from that joke forcing those
8236s losers to use the speed up very early
8238s the Winston bubble to be burnt out very
8240s early as well and buying as much time
8242s percentage as possible and since shark
8244s were the ones to pick up the point first
8245s the time percentage is able to build up
8247s a little bit better yeah well those
8249s disruptor shots too were I mean critical
8252s and also forcing out like wraith early
8255s and suzu early because they were all
8257s cornered and pinned and there's only one
8259s exit so you know not the funnest of time
8261s when you're on the receiving end but a
8264s really nice you know Synergy and team
8266s play coming through from a shock time
8268s list
8269s um as you saw Polaris is going to take
8271s us over to uh Paraiso and well we'll
8275s have to see who opted to or what if
8278s shock opted to defend or attack first
8281s yeah parcel is a really weird one
8283s because like you can run that Winston
8285s mirror but you can also run a couple of
8287s other compositions and find a lot of
8289s value right attacking if you want to
8291s play that roadhog composition with the
8292s loser you can take that side alley to be
8295s able to pop up behind the point and
8297s maybe snipe out one of those Squishies
8298s with hook we've seen teams break out
8300s that Pharmacy to be able to break people
8302s extremely quickly as well to be able to
8305s deal either with a surgeon who's set up
8307s all the way on that back high ground
8309s sitting above point or just pump out so
8312s much pressure that the defense can't
8314s take advantage of that first Corner
8316s because Corners in Paris are the most
8319s brutal parts of this map both breaking
8321s through the first corner on part A but
8324s also on point B where when we talk to
8326s teams coaches in particular so that you
8328s really do need to have at least one
8330s ultimate to be able to win that fight
8331s and actually guarantee as an attacking
8333s team you are able to break past corner
8336s and The High Ground that is that for the
8337s defense
8339s that High Ground can be fine I mean we
8342s we know The High Ground pushing into
8343s circuit Royale and this High Ground can
8346s be equally as difficult once the defense
8349s is set up
8351s okay nothing no big deal I mean not not
8354s too crazy but always work to try as per
8357s usual
8358s um traditional comps now on the board
8360s and you can see a chalk time was still
8363s up or shock time was looking to defend
8366s as altiora pokes on forward now moving
8369s to The High Ground make sure that
8370s there's people cleared off here because
8372s the last thing you want is to get
8373s encircled a disrupter shot is critical
8376s to preventing anyone else from moving
8378s the other direction and forces altior to
8380s actually move on to the point now
8382s they're set up and trying to receive the
8384s Defenders of shock Timeless bubbles have
8387s gone down and there's a bunch of them
8388s broken from all that Reaper damage
8390s saber's getting quite a lot of pressure
8392s here on this side High Ground And
8394s there's the dive coming through zip out
8396s of the way and the real question is can
8399s they continue putting pressure onto this
8401s point to cap it foxy no one's actually
8403s gone down yet but suzu gone and so is
8406s Jim now altior goes ahead and knows they
8409s have a player Advantage with Dax going
8411s down though their sustainability is
8413s highly highly depreciated and now
8417s looks like shock Timeless might have
8418s this opportunity to defend yeah good
8421s drone pack coming for from Tower to
8423s track what azero's power slide would
8424s enter up as it does mean that that
8427s surgeon has been taken off of the board
8428s and say but can I really just push out
8430s so much pressure but Santana with all of
8432s the cleave the Thomas were able to set
8434s up boxing polarisons to these sirens for
8436s so many aspects of that fight has built
8438s up the Primal and as a result sharks
8441s famous sustained
8444s Santana is absolutely clutching it out
8447s on this Winston right now I mean
8449s regardless of all the things unfolding
8451s she was dancing in that bubble
8453s beautifully took down multiple members
8455s there to stall it out but at the end of
8457s the day shock Timeless had the ultimates
8459s and threw the resources in uh-oh
8462s oh no yeah stagger onto our Mori and
8466s that is brutal for shock Timeless
8467s because they need to use this rush to be
8470s able to break through Polaris and force
8471s them back to spawn Street's phase is
8474s honestly brutal for an attacking team on
8475s Powers because if you lose this fight
8477s you lose access to this really
8478s aggressive play with a high ground for
8480s your surgeon to be able to sit up and
8481s you get forced back into those Strokes
8483s that again Ezra is just gonna have an
8484s absolute field day with well geez yeah
8487s as we're in a field day on The High
8489s Ground that's a rough combination for
8491s alteora but they have their own
8493s overclock online too now the real
8495s question is can they sustain through it
8498s Ezra gets chipped hard and taken out
8500s during their own overclock saber decides
8504s to uh double down and take on the
8506s challenge and as a result still more
8508s aggression being thrown here from altior
8510s Polaris the death Blossom is committed
8513s from sheep and they did Force out the
8515s sound barrier from Jam alter Polaris has
8518s that momentum and now can go ahead and
8521s roll through these four well through
8523s some of this High Ground
8524s they don't crucially though have an
8526s ultimate to be able to break this next
8528s corner and Santana does have that Primal
8530s to be able to sustain it really is going
8532s to be whether or not Shock times are
8535s going to be able to fully regroup as
8536s five players as they move through this
8539s show because Polaris have saved us set
8540s up in a really nice angle forcing
8542s Santana to actually dive super deep onto
8545s that surgeon and look at the fuel coming
8546s from Polaris they know the Primal is
8547s there they know it's going to be chasing
8549s the solution
8550s oh off the edge no chance there
8553s regardless and Santana has just come in
8556s clutch another boot play coming through
8558s from Jam they're off the side shock
8561s Timeless clutch off that defense just
8563s before that second checkpoint we need to
8565s roll the circus music
8567s oh my goodness that juggle coming out
8571s from Santana
8573s every single juggle every single frame
8576s is pitched perfectly it's about saver
8579s back and back and back until she isn't
8581s able to power slide away as it is like
8584s gonna be poor switching up the
8585s positioning but time was worthless Rush
8587s on the highway I'm gonna make it even
8588s harder for that trailer to keep moving
8589s and aramore going down first in this
8592s fight is disastrous it's time for Tara
8594s to go ahead and take her own play here
8597s in this Primal Rage taking down multiple
8599s people and now Polaris has a second
8603s checkpoint and Moxie they've got 3 40 on
8605s the clock
8607s I'm gonna have a sidebar an overclock
8609s and a death blossom into this next fight
8610s as well and shark times they don't have
8612s a primal to be able to body block it
8615s they don't have a sound bar to try and
8617s sustain a little bit longer so they can
8618s break line of sight to deal with it as a
8620s result look at the amount of pressure
8623s that saber is receiving from this team
8625s it's a little bit of cloak trying to
8627s foresight that power side but the pure
8628s comes from Polaris they know the win
8630s condition they know that the overclock
8631s can be what swings this fight in their
8633s favor
8635s see we're getting pressured and manages
8637s to escape just at the end of it now we
8640s can see both tanks engaging and with the
8642s sound barrier thrown from Froggy's
8643s Terror continues to be aggressive
8645s literally like 10 Health just now
8648s manages to get topped off by the
8649s supports nice job Froggies and docs and
8652s now altior is still looking to push on
8654s forward there has not been the commit on
8657s the overclock but there's death Blossom
8658s and it's gonna fall short because Jim
8661s decides well it's gonna be my death
8663s Blossom that Reigns Supreme yeah Jim
8666s actually gets our more Isuzu and as a
8669s result that Jeff Wilson is just a little
8670s bit more potent than sheeps as you
8673s really can say you need to invest
8675s resources into that Reaper for the
8676s ultimate to come up big but if you do it
8679s wins you that fire the 9 Pro hours are
8681s going to be having to force their way
8682s back through another choke they don't
8683s want to use the overclock to be able to
8685s break away because shock challenge can
8686s just disengage advisory Ray decides to
8689s get aggressive once again and Polaris
8691s can't disengage cleanly in time they're
8694s all caught up they're awesome packing
8696s they wanted to see the respawn point but
8698s waffles I don't think they wanted to see
8700s it that way
8703s oh yeah and you know I actually think
8706s that shock Timeless had a really
8708s concrete plan to go in because they got
8710s that early pick and then committed all
8712s ultimates very quickly after they maybe
8715s could have gotten away with saving sound
8716s barrier but it is a hectic fight here uh
8719s saber almost falling low once again
8721s she's been getting so much pressure from
8724s shock Timeless because well they see how
8726s much value she brings and now we can see
8728s katsune from aramori here being pushed
8731s through it looks like uh the defense is
8733s a bit on the uh well they were
8735s originally on the back side now they're
8736s pushing forward clearing out some of
8739s Polaris as we're fighting towards the
8740s third point
8741s yeah sharks Hannah's dropping I keep
8743s seeing the ocean unfortunately a little
8745s bit disjointed because of Tara jumping
8746s into that backline and using Primal to
8748s displace them a little bit here a little
8750s bit there so it's not finding that
8752s immediate win Timeless we're searching
8754s for and you can see Santana coming under
8755s a lot of fire with Froggies and Terror
8758s focusing down that Winston as fast as
8760s possible very aggressive jump actually
8762s baiting that suzu out onto Terror early
8765s on is they've been looking for that
8766s snipe onto Santana isn't able to drop
8769s the Winton down low enough and the
8770s bubble is there in time to be able to
8772s keep The High Ground in control of
8773s Timeless no but saber is persistent and
8776s finally after breaking through the
8778s bubble gets uh Santana at the end of the
8781s fight Tara does go down though and so no
8783s tanks on the board for a moment but
8785s Santana is going to come back
8786s considerably faster giving a huge
8788s Advantage Force Timeless Polaris drops
8791s the sound barrier and Jim goes down they
8793s have a big Advantage moving into this
8795s last checkpoint with only 30 seconds
8797s left on the clock it's all about
8799s continuing to keep this cart moving
8801s forward and handling the members of
8804s Timeless going to trickle through
8806s there's aramori getting pressured and is
8808s forced to use the suzu early here as a
8811s result that's a big resource off the
8813s table and now Tara's looking to continue
8814s capitalizing with Froggy's gone though
8817s it's going to be Tara feeling some of
8818s that support missing she has death
8821s Blossom and are we going to see the suzu
8823s combo with it it's all about making sure
8825s this is successful and there's no kills
8827s coming through from it a beautiful
8829s bubble coming through from Santana she's
8831s gone ahead and popped Primal Rage on top
8833s of it and it is chaos here on the point
8835s it looks like there's the kills for our
8837s shock Timeless and at the end of the day
8839s they're gonna hold this point just
8842s before the third checkpoint
8844s yeah Santana doing so very much in that
8847s last fight dropping the bubble to stop
8850s the death loss into having the value it
8851s needs and then popping the Primal to
8853s make sure even though death Blossom
8854s isn't gonna find picks all of the space
8856s that sheep is looking to set up with the
8858s ultimate usage is denied from the
8861s Squishies because there's a primal in
8863s Winston juggling you around and you
8865s cannot either age sheep when she's in
8867s that ultimate form and drop things like
8869s the Susie will try and help with a
8871s disrupter shot coming on through and
8873s because of it there is just no pressure
8875s on the payload the space that sheep has
8877s is shut down within seconds because
8879s there's absolutely nothing else that
8881s comes through from Polaris they're so
8883s occupied dealing with the Winston
8885s jumping in their face
8888s how do you pick a Target when those are
8891s your options too moxie
8893s with how well both Santana and Tara have
8896s been playing on this Winston too they're
8898s definitely I mean the tanks now that
8900s there's only one tank they're already a
8902s big focus and priority of being a bullet
8905s magnet but in particular with how well
8908s they've been playing it's even more it
8910s seems like it's more obvious for because
8912s they're going down first in fights
8915s oh it does seem like sharktime that says
8917s subscribing to the Widowmaker attempted
8920s grapple hook shot we saw Polaris trying
8923s to do this interesting enough they
8924s didn't actually burn all of the time
8925s that we used to see a lot of teams do
8927s where you have two widowmakers so you
8929s actually don't have to worry about that
8930s grapple cooldown and you can have two
8932s attempts of pressuring it either it's a
8934s little bit more predictable though it's
8936s been in the game a little bit longer as
8938s I was around that Tracer is gonna swap
8940s to the Widowmaker and there it is the
8942s double donkey
8945s aggressively face checks and could have
8947s been punished for the shoes but the shot
8949s lifts
8951s oh my gosh that I mean that could be in
8954s a horror movie that was so stressful for
8956s valerians to watch
8959s um shark Timeless though it doesn't pan
8960s out now they're pushing forward in the
8962s more traditional route that we see here
8965s oh a pick there on to Froggies from
8967s Azure that is devastating Polaris has no
8970s speed and less sustainability now shock
8973s Timeless are going to have an easier
8974s time collapsing on them as a result
8976s since once again no speed and there's
8979s the kills coming through onto Tara
8982s here it was the Winston however
8984s sacrificing themselves to try and step
8986s in the line of fire and distract the
8988s members of Timeless so that those other
8990s members will vote that Lucy Speedways
8991s were able to disengage and as a result
8994s Polaris should be able to get a Recon
8996s dose if they want to especially with
8997s that snipe
8999s that's a huge clutch snipe but Dax goes
9001s down and so does Froggies oh my gosh Jim
9004s just being an infuriating Reaper and
9007s Performing wonderfully taking out both
9009s supports from Polaris that is a huge
9012s crippling blow to the amount of
9014s sustainability they'll have on this
9015s point and now you can see shock Timeless
9017s they're respawning they're back in the
9020s fight and they're gonna go ahead and
9021s retake this point
9023s they dropped the rush to be able to
9025s guarantee that they were able to take
9026s that point though and that's a little
9027s bit unnecessary given the fact that
9029s files were missing both of their
9031s supports but look at what times they're
9034s doing now they're just not allowing this
9035s Recon test they're not allowing any
9037s regroup to come through from Polaris
9039s buying up so much more time and also
9041s allowing Azure to get into a really
9043s aggressive position to make sure that
9045s saber does not have that Higher Ground
9047s to be able to play around with the
9048s overclock four if plus one control of
9050s this space they're probably gonna have
9051s to just drop a really aggressive rush to
9054s deny damage from being able to contest
9055s it and then they can just kite and
9056s disengage away and that immediately
9058s erases the earlier uses of rushes that
9061s aramore dropped from point A
9063s mmm that definitely would be a good idea
9066s that makes sense and they actually get
9069s enough uh traction and positioning to
9071s execute it there it is there's Dax with
9074s the uh
9076s how's your crystal ball over there Moxie
9080s looking a little bit murky because
9082s unfortunately the disengage isn't as
9084s clean as Timeless we're hoping it would
9087s be they're still gonna lose the fight
9088s however
9090s Polaris again gonna be over committing a
9093s little bit they do go into the side room
9095s they do invite the reaper to pop the
9097s ultimate it is the prime position for a
9099s Reaper to find that value and enclosed
9100s spaces after all the perfect position
9102s for that coffin shape unfortunately
9105s though again it's gonna eat into the
9107s ultimate The Colony Polaris having this
9109s next push
9111s can we recover from that type of uh old
9114s economy though with how well Jim and
9116s azrae have been playing it's it's going
9119s to be really tough nice little boot
9121s coming through and of course here we go
9123s re-engaging Deja Vu once again it's
9126s really about taking some of that space
9128s and making sure The High Ground is
9130s staying fresher right Froggy's knows the
9132s value of making sure that Santana
9133s doesn't have it but we also see both of
9136s these Winston's pocketing their Primal
9138s rages waiting now we can see Azure
9140s getting pressured Now by Tara there's
9142s the sound barrier trying to keep her
9143s alive throughout this fight and Tara
9145s decides to turn tail and run back to the
9147s team there's a lot of disruptor damage
9149s from that shot and now there's the dive
9151s saber is just being berated there by
9155s Santana non-stop Jim gets the kill onto
9157s Jackson now there's no one there to bail
9159s out saber after the continued assault
9162s from Santana there on the Primal Rage
9164s yeah to add insult to injury and Polaris
9167s aside as well they try to use Sirens bar
9169s to be able to save saber and it
9171s unfortunately really come through a
9173s little bit to light Domino impact
9174s they're not going to have it in this
9175s next fight as I remember he does get
9177s picked on the side of sharks Famous by
9179s Froggies that aggressive loser play
9181s really coming in clutches they are gonna
9184s be pushed all the way back towards the
9186s beginning choke as Polaris without that
9189s kiriko have been able to see themselves
9191s once again take up residence on The High
9193s Ground still no ultimate for them to be
9196s able to go toe toe so they need to delay
9197s this next fight otherwise armor is
9199s coming in the rush and Dax can't counter
9201s it oh yeah and we have seen exactly how
9205s well shocked and capitalize on this rush
9207s but it's too slow saber already went
9209s went ahead and took out Jim early in the
9212s fight now stock time was need to
9214s leverage this rush if they want to go
9216s ahead and look to take the second
9217s checkpoint there's some good pressure
9219s coming through Santana is relentlessly
9222s attacking saber left and right they do
9225s go down at the end of the day but the
9228s poor saber she is just having to run
9230s constantly from San Montana well saber
9233s did her job however she was able to make
9235s sure that the pressure from that surgeon
9237s sitting all the way at the back end of
9238s that Rush didn't allow spiders to be
9240s able to play on the front of it and some
9242s really good heals from darks as well for
9243s Santana into diving in extremely deep
9245s deep enough that she is able to punish
9247s and drive the Winston away from the back
9249s line immediately back to spawn as one
9252s minute and nine seconds left on the
9253s clock truck timers without a single
9254s ultimate play around with have to be
9256s careful that they don't walk into a
9257s small room with a death bottom up again
9259s no oh small room in a death Blossom suzu
9263s can't save you long enough through all
9265s the damage bummer coming through there
9268s as altior Polaris just shredded them
9271s through that wow you can you can see
9274s sheep as just counting down the
9277s percentage until that death Blossom
9279s ticks on up hoping that Timeless aren't
9282s gonna push into her as Thomas were
9284s hoping to cleave they were hoping to
9286s actually build up a Primal Rage to be
9288s able to push through and unfortunately
9289s that's their undoing there has costs
9292s them
9293s well and now they're pushing through
9295s this is the same path thing they took
9296s last time so it's going to be you know
9298s not as difficult because their death
9300s Blossom isn't online but with Primal
9302s Rage available here Santana looks like
9304s they're going to go ahead continue
9305s pushing in the back displacing members
9308s of Polaris while asare tries to put
9309s pressure from the back line the damage
9311s is there and Jim has ultimate there it
9314s is death Blossom isn't Gonna Save sheep
9316s from the sound barrier but Froggy's is
9318s still alive in this fight with Tara
9321s there is the sound barrier this time
9322s from jam and shock Timeless are gonna
9324s feel beefed up moving into this second
9327s checkpoint they try they're trying to
9329s cap it here if they don't cap it here
9330s it's over and
9332s just before the checkpoint they managed
9335s to touch it once again Polaris is not
9337s gonna make this easy and they were
9338s forcing out all the resources they can
9340s from shock Timeless in this fight
9342s Santana had to flip over to doomfist
9344s just to get back fast enough to hold and
9346s help contest and a couple more picks to
9348s close it out give them the checkpoint at
9352s the last moment it calls somebody had to
9354s use the rush to be able to guarantee
9356s that they were able to survive that last
9358s minute Recon test coming through from
9359s Polaris so that's gonna eat into the
9361s snowball momentum however there's kunai
9363s is going to be eating its terror's head
9364s at the moment doing a lot of damage
9367s coming out from aramori trying to
9369s control that High Ground disruptor shot
9370s from saber making sure that no one can
9372s push onto Tower night at the bubble is
9374s going to be on cooldown as whichever
9376s side loses a player first is going to be
9378s sent packing and Froggies goes down
9381s really good pressure coming out from
9383s Tara to make sure that shock aren't able
9384s to translate that into multiple kills
9386s without the loser speed boost to help
9388s Polaris disengage
9389s yeah and with no speed boost to help
9391s them disengage shock Timeless are going
9393s to be feeling good about continuing to
9395s aggress forward here and encircle them
9398s there is a death Blossom with the
9400s with the suzu to keep them topped off it
9403s does manage to get one kill but it is
9405s still all over the place on this third
9406s Point boxy right now we can see oh a
9409s great last little tip on the Santana's
9411s foot with Polaris stabilizing so
9414s everyone's going to be coming into this
9416s overclock as well as tarot hitting that
9418s Primal surgeon Dax with that Kitsune
9420s Rush shark Timeless have one setup one
9424s last fight if they get picked as they
9425s come out of those charcoals they can't
9427s disengage they have to commit into the
9429s fight now and they have to win
9431s our Amore goes ahead picks Tara early
9433s and Santana uses Primal Rage at the last
9435s possible moment there's some Boop and
9438s going around here and Overtime Bar has
9440s been triggered the real question is how
9443s far can shock Timeless push this cart
9445s will they make it to the box of Victory
9447s or can altiora regroup and hold
9450s we've circled into ultimate slow shot
9452s Thomas I'm not gonna have a rush to be
9453s able to go toe so against doxes and
9455s they're going to immediately get in with
9457s a rush off their own as Polaris drop out
9459s from that spawn point primer is coming
9460s from Winston to push azeroy away and
9463s mitigate the impact of that overclock
9465s but she's still able to stop at Froggies
9467s before the silent American hit
9469s mitigate Azure that's a cute joke right
9472s there with the damless goat damage
9474s coming through shock Timeless go ahead
9476s and take the win oh my goodness azarius
9480s is there anything you can't hear you
9483s know like the old time Disney Robin Hood
9486s uh movie oh yeah having the archery
9488s contest and they have some really flashy
9490s plays azurai is just sitting here like
9493s 200 miles away bow and arrow up through
9496s the arms of a primal raging Winston
9499s flailing her all around and she's still
9502s able to land the most clutch kill onto
9506s Froggies before that Lucio can build up
9508s the last necessary charge to hit sound
9511s barrier and allow Polaris to really heal
9514s turn around that fight with their faster
9516s respawns and turn things around and
9519s maybe take away pariso as it is gonna be
9522s shock moving up 2-0 in this series it's
9525s close but they're pulling ahead yeah
9528s well the games them selves are
9530s definitely very close as far as the back
9532s and forth and what we just saw there
9534s with the time bank running out very very
9537s very close for every single checkpoint
9539s but
9540s I mean your analogy was right it
9542s definitely felt like that old Robin Hood
9543s movie especially at the very end when he
9545s goes to shoot the last shot and the
9547s sheriff like messes him up with a you
9550s know his own bow I mean they were trying
9552s to close up on the arrow and it tracks
9554s it traveling for all of the obstacles
9556s yeah yeah the whole thing and with the
9561s way Azure was getting booped around I
9563s definitely feels exactly like that like
9566s you yeah sure it doesn't matter I can uh
9569s course correct my arrow with another
9570s arrow no big deal
9573s but the altior Polaris did a fantastic
9576s job I mean obviously it wasn't capped
9579s until overtime and every checkpoint
9581s wasn't capped until it was what maybe
9584s three or four seconds left on the clock
9586s so there's still a strong chance for
9588s altior to come back and reverse sweep
9590s this but we'll have to see what unfolds
9593s folks we'll be going to escort next so
9596s top off your water and we'll be right
9598s back
9603s I'm Ali I go by Dachshund game I play
9606s Flex support while altior Polaris I
9609s started playing this game when I was 10
9610s because I like the pretty colors in my
9612s brother's PC so Alger Polaris is one of
9615s three teams that was formed by the
9617s altiora org specifically for the calling
9619s all heroes championships our number one
9621s goal is to create like a safe
9622s environment where everyone can feel they
9624s they can improve and nobody feels like
9627s attacked or aggressed we just all want
9628s to be like comfortable with each other
9630s be friendly with each other so we can
9632s all improve as players like individually
9634s and as a team so my name is Sarah in
9637s game I go by saber my pronouns are she
9640s her I play hitscan and I'm on altior
9644s block I've been playing the game since
9646s it came out in 2016. for me playing in
9650s tournaments like calling all heroes is
9651s important it shows visibility of
9654s marginalized genders but also the parody
9657s of skill and the ability that is like
9659s available in these different communities
9662s the more exposure that people have the
9665s more tolerant people become well I think
9667s especially as like you know a very young
9669s players calling all Hero just represents
9671s I think a feature of hopefully co-ed
9673s gaming especially when I was getting
9675s into it when I was younger just seeing
9676s all males and like Esports I was very
9679s confused because it's like there's no
9681s reason why women and men shouldn't play
9683s together at the highest levels but just
9685s seeing that and playing in this now
9686s makes me very hopeful for this future
9688s for Esports for marginalized genders
9690s we've never been seen as like on the
9693s playing field always like you're boosted
9695s you're not good enough for this well we
9696s discriminate against it's always just
9698s felt like you've had twice the eyes on
9699s you no matter what you try to do so
9701s calling all heroes really tries to
9702s emphasize I think that marginalized
9704s gender skill which is something we
9705s definitely need in modern Esports trying
9707s to break into that boys club recently
9708s has been very difficult and something we
9710s definitely still need to do being trans
9712s Femme it definitely has been a struggle
9715s um I'm you know consistently misgendered
9718s I get a lot of like backlash and hate
9720s especially on the rank ladder but it is
9722s pretty staggering that like even in like
9724s top 500 I just have to like leave chat
9727s because people are just like harassing
9728s me the one thing I'd like to say to
9731s someone who's uh transgender it's
9734s definitely going to be hard and there's
9735s going to be times where you feel like
9738s it's unfair and you feel like everyone
9740s is like fighting against you but just
9742s know that there are like people out
9744s there who are genuinely supportive and
9747s like people who will have your back and
9749s you need to like find those people and
9751s then use their Collective Strength along
9754s with your own motivation to sort of push
9756s through those barricades and like keep
9759s working in the ways that you can to get
9761s better it doesn't matter who you are it
9763s matters how good you are but it's really
9764s nice to know that there are people who
9766s will look up to us or find motivation in
9769s what we're doing I think an important
9772s aspect of our of our team and our
9774s Synergy that we've been really focusing
9776s as of late is the way that our comms
9779s like interact with what we're planning
9782s on doing and making sure that everyone
9784s is on the same page it's definitely
9786s still a work in progress as is
9788s everything on our team but it's
9790s something we've been putting a heavy
9791s focus on being the only team to take a
9793s map off about your Artemis in quarter
9795s one I think really just showed our
9797s colors and showed like our strength as
9799s players we're just gonna go in and we're
9801s gonna play the game and we don't care
9802s who we're fighting big thing with comms
9804s is that when you go into those games
9806s where you are underestimated having good
9808s comms you clean up the game so much
9810s faster and just surprise the animated
9811s because you can clean up a fight and
9812s clean up those kills faster than like
9814s any individual mechanics can I really
9817s appreciate the support that we see in
9819s chat and I and I love that people are
9821s tuning in all it takes is like a little
9824s bit of dedication and a lot of you know
9826s perseverance and you could be at the
9829s same level we are on the same stage that
9831s you're watching now support calling all
9833s heroes teams everyone tries so hard such
9836s a good event that's going on here it is
9838s really astonishing just to think about
9839s hopefully the kind of impacts we'll have
9841s on future Esports and very exciting to
9844s hopefully see what doors this can open
9846s to marginalized genders and Esports
9848s everywhere not just in OverWatch in the
9850s future like 10 20 years what's Esports
9852s gonna look like what and hopefully this
9854s will be the start of you know a more
9855s co-ed and a less discriminatory
9857s inclusive space for everyone
9862s interview or I have like a client call
9864s oh and we're back folks welcome back to
9867s calling all heroes sorry
9870s um obviously we uh missed the queue in
9872s our ear there folks but we are in the
9875s midst of our second match of the day it
9877s is the lower round three of altiora
9880s Polaris versus shock Timeless and Moxie
9883s we're at match point for altiora Polaris
9886s right now it is first to three but shock
9889s Timeless have been going toe-to-toe
9891s throughout the maps regardless of the
9893s score it does not show what actually was
9895s unfolding in the games yeah honestly
9898s when you look at the school and you
9899s think okay it's probably not that close
9900s to Nowhere it really has been especially
9903s priority so it went down to the wire for
9906s these two teams it really did come down
9908s to as Roy getting that snipe onto
9910s Froggies before the Lucio can build up
9912s into that ultimate and we could have
9914s seen that point C defense spawn hold
9917s coming on out for this team however the
9920s score is the score and it is Matt match
9922s point so for Timeless now we are going
9925s to be actually seeing them holding onto
9927s that roster but for Polaris there's a
9929s swap coming on through KJ is going to be
9932s coming out for this team and this is the
9934s first time we're going to get to see her
9935s in this series and I'm very excited to
9938s see what this is going to signal for the
9940s rest of the team because when a swap
9941s comes through it's traditionally meaning
9944s that we're going to see a massive change
9946s to the roster of Heroes that are being
9949s run and it is no surprises it is going
9952s to be circuit Royale that we get to see
9953s for the first time today so I think
9955s we're going to be getting that Sigma
9957s that I have been looking forward to for
9958s a very long time
9960s well in circuit Royale is it's one of
9963s it's a different type of map altogether
9965s in the sense that Sigma is kind of
9967s normal or routine or traditional on this
9970s map regardless of the meta composition
9972s in play Sybil mentioned this last
9975s weekend as well and the fact that Sigma
9978s is so powerful along those long sight
9981s lines as far as being an offensive and
9983s defensive asset for the team
9987s um
9987s double snipers pretty pretty common and
9990s having that Shield be able to push way
9992s forward to cut off that angle or crowd
9995s the site particularly as well can be
9997s really critical and
9999s pushing into that second checkpoint High
10001s Ground could be so devastating if you
10004s don't have a sigma to be able to stun
10007s people and mitigate all of the pressure
10009s yeah I'm really interested as well to
10011s see what the DPS lineup is going to be
10013s specifically for especially yeah because
10016s a lot of the time some teams will either
10019s field the Widowmaker surgeon or the
10021s Hanzo surgeon and the Hanzo is brilliant
10023s because you can really just very quickly
10024s burst through that stigma you can use
10026s things like the dragon strike to punish
10028s the fact that because that Sigma is
10030s coming on through and he has a little
10031s bit less sustainability and Mobility
10033s than things like you know the world talk
10034s with the take a breather or then when
10036s some of the jump pack you're forced into
10038s running that Baptiste so you can have
10040s that lamp on cooldown being used to make
10042s sure that he stays up a little bit
10044s longer and it takes a lot of stress off
10046s the Zen as well for being maybe dived
10048s out by your Winston or sniped out by a
10050s widow or a surgeon as you cross onto a
10052s main road through one of those off
10053s angles and trying to build up that
10055s Transcendence to be able to save your
10056s Sigma when the flux comes through and
10059s that does mean that as a ray might find
10061s herself being painted upon in two
10063s different angles we've seen the Winston
10065s be sent to deal with her but we're yet
10068s to really see the DPS yes tried to push
10071s her down that way yeah
10073s well and that's that's a good point
10075s right A lot of times in the past we've
10077s seen both the tank and some more mobile
10080s DPS like Tracer or Genji able to help
10083s capitalize and put pressure on some of
10086s those backline
10087s damage dealers like we see the sojourn
10090s bring forward but it's really been a lot
10093s of pressure on those win on the Winston
10095s in particular like you mentioned so
10098s hopefully alteora is aware that uh Tara
10102s needs a little bit more help on Azure or
10104s maybe we just need to continue putting
10106s the pressure on because uh well so far
10109s it is working
10111s so looking actually at the sheets KJ
10114s does say that she's an ash specialist
10116s but at the moment they are an attack
10118s they can swap off this it does seem like
10121s they want to feel that Widowmaker
10122s surgeon and honestly I'm a much bigger
10124s fan of this composition than I am of the
10127s Hanzo because sojin doesn't really want
10129s that Hanzo to burn through the sigma
10131s Shield she wants to use that Sigma
10133s Shield to channel into railgun all fire
10135s and the Widowmaker actually gets to have
10137s a sort of symbiotic relationship of the
10139s surgeon the surgeon builds up that role
10141s can fire from The Shield deprives it
10143s from blocking the Widow's side and then
10145s the Widow gets to snipe through onto the
10147s Zen or back line
10151s oh that's a lot of pressure
10152s [Laughter]
10155s it's gonna be the early spawn hold and I
10157s mean it's circuit Royale this is the
10159s bread and butter of the defense at the
10161s beginning of this map that's true and
10163s it's there's a lot of time that can be
10164s burnt off the clock especially just
10166s trying to break out of this sometimes
10168s people have to switch over to ferret
10170s just to actually get through the doors
10171s obviously yeah Polaris is fine they're
10174s we're not here in the lower ranks okay
10176s we uh pushing out no problem Tara's got
10179s this Sigma on Lock and is continuing to
10181s put the pressure onto The High Ground
10183s regardless of losing saber in this fight
10186s Polaris is out of the door and able to
10189s well now they're losing people so
10191s they're going to be back in the door now
10193s look at the angles those sharks homeless
10196s they're taking actually they've taken
10197s residence up in both of these side rooms
10199s so that Polaris on able to try and speed
10202s boost that way past and deal with the
10205s Widowmaker and slogan by mitigating the
10207s amount of uptime that they have sight
10209s lines on as they walk out of these bone
10211s holes it's actually really smart coming
10213s through from shock kiting them into
10215s position and forcing out a lot of these
10216s abilities before they're able to face
10218s check that Widow
10220s one pick there under Azure from Froggies
10223s okay maybe you don't need the mobile DPS
10225s to team up with Tara you just bring your
10227s mobile support fair enough now there's
10230s all the pressure rolling through There's
10232s No Escape for Jim on the squishy Widow
10234s but all the space for Polaris to push
10237s and to take in preparation for this
10240s defense that they're gonna have to get
10241s into it's still pretty successful for
10243s the defense though and however because
10245s we're actually seeing Polaris they were
10247s able to break those cornhole by going to
10249s that Winston meta shark time that's not
10251s actually having to mirror into it and it
10254s does mean that jam is going to have a
10255s little bit of a harder time being able
10257s to infiltrate their way into that front
10259s line without burning right form and
10261s walking into cyber who's already set up
10263s on that off angle with the Rogue and you
10265s hit that old fire going on through
10267s rather already doing a lot of damage to
10269s try and keep saber in check
10271s and both of these sojourns need to be
10274s kept in check they have been very very
10276s lethal pressure's too much for jam and
10278s that was a beautiful collapse from
10280s altior Polaris in general Tara is
10283s leading the charge constantly and the
10285s backup seems to be there it seems like
10287s they've maybe uh started to adapt and
10290s Tara has backup all the time actually
10292s yeah Jim goes down stock it as well
10295s Santana and I throwing themselves into
10297s that fight just being a little bit of a
10299s Target so that Polaris on able to catch
10302s on to more of those squishies and
10303s stagger out this defense even longer and
10306s lined up halo to pick up even more
10307s distance for absolutely squat as favor
10310s is holding disrupture shot gonna be used
10312s to make sure that Santana having used
10313s that jump pack is not able to push
10315s aggressively onto that surgeon all the
10317s while the overclock is waiting in the
10319s Wings full of things like the sign bars
10321s people and I early
10322s oh Tara gets a nice kill with the juggle
10325s onto Azure that's a really good uh kill
10329s that's a really good displacement coming
10331s through and now pushing into Kitsune
10333s Rush Oh as disastrous for a slow-moving
10336s Reaper that is not looking good a
10338s satanic now is able to capitalize on all
10341s of this space Jim gets taken down mid
10343s death Blossom as well uh Deja Vu for
10346s both sides and exchanges all around
10349s Polaris though still have the numbers
10351s and they're looking to go ahead and push
10353s not into azaray's overclock though
10355s everyone's gonna bail out of that want
10357s to make sure you're trying to survive no
10360s deal yeah
10361s it's actually a really small decision
10364s coming for from a shark because if they
10366s win that fight they force Polaris to
10367s have to climb back up into that high
10369s ground and risk getting sniped out yet
10371s again unfortunately however Polaris
10374s still have a couple of members alive
10376s they will still lose the fight however
10378s and now you're saving light actually get
10381s Snipes and started out early power I was
10383s laid right into the plant pot but
10385s Froggies was able to turn around and
10387s make sure that the surgeon has Aid in
10388s sharktime was not wanting to lose
10390s members too that's why they're not
10391s knowing what the Royal gun fire is at I
10393s have to pull away and allow the space
10396s it's gonna be sound barrier from shock
10398s and Kitsune here from Polaris trying to
10400s engage in this fight shock had been
10403s pushed back closer towards the second
10404s checkpoint as Polaris continue to be
10407s aggressive there's the sound barrier
10409s allowing them to continue to be
10410s aggressive once again saber holding up
10413s to her name getting two nice kills to
10415s close out the fight and that's gonna
10417s really enable Polaris to continue moving
10420s this point forward yeah the fact that
10423s Polaris were actually able to continue
10424s that pressure so that shock Timeless
10426s despite winning the fight previously
10429s unable to use the high ground and snipe
10432s and slow Polaris has push into that next
10433s fight down really goes such a long way
10436s as they're in position to be able to use
10438s that Russian instantly Brute Force into
10440s time is forcing them back and allowing
10442s saber to set up and absolutely rip
10443s through as terrorist sets up with the
10446s Primal and absolutely Reps for rasri
10449s there it is a little bit of a delay
10451s unfortunately surgeon bodies have a
10453s little bit of travel time to hit the
10455s grounds
10456s you it's juggling all right there's some
10459s hang time going on gravity
10463s oh time for the physics to come on
10465s parade and it's game physics so we don't
10467s even have to function within the normal
10469s laws Santana has to bail out a bit from
10472s that damage but they do she does have
10474s Primal Rage online once again aramori's
10477s down early in this fight that's
10479s devastating it does force Santana to
10481s have to use Primal Rage regardless of
10483s what the plan was that's not fun time
10486s for saber because once again Santana's
10488s hunting her non-stop on this Winston Jim
10491s does go down in the mix of it all but
10493s Altier Polaris really happy here holding
10496s this corner looking to try and get some
10498s picks that's a good death Blossom that's
10501s two coming in there from KJ at the end
10504s of the match
10505s oh Moxie look at the assists too speed
10509s boost and Suzuki combined to a live KJ
10512s to move forward an absolutely rip in
10515s with the dark Blossom gemma's gonna have
10516s one of their own his Polaris drop in or
10520s Rush Ezra immediately moving to
10521s mitigators inside
10526s the one we see it again as Dax is forced
10529s to just climb the walls and wait for
10530s Swift up to be back on time to be able
10533s to align themselves to manage to escape
10535s shock timeless's clutches kiriko escapes
10539s but unfortunately for Polaris they have
10541s to now cross across that corner once
10543s again and Jim holding onto the dark
10545s Blossom I don't see that position I am
10548s extremely concerned that there is a
10549s fight to be a black one blossom in a
10550s matter of moments oh gosh a backline
10553s blossom that sounds rough Jim actually
10556s takes down KJ early in this fight that's
10559s tough for Polaris and I actually think
10561s they want to just go ahead get some
10562s regrouping here as a result
10564s yeah Jim's still holding on to that deaf
10567s welcome to be able to have that Rush
10569s online to even better Ada Tara's coming
10572s in with that Primal fog he does have to
10574s sign for our twice and move away to
10575s State Farm and as well as get a little
10577s bit of intel on what Jim is playing as
10579s the rush comes on through Polaris do
10581s have time to be able to disengage the
10582s sign barrier to make sure that they're
10584s going to be able to survive the dive
10585s that comes through from finals using
10587s that Rod to the full effect to rip
10589s through the Primal raging Winston as
10590s fast as possible but it doesn't find the
10592s kill that was looking for it's not a jam
10594s using that sound bar allows his team to
10596s turn around and push Polaris even
10598s further away
10600s that was in the nick of time as well to
10603s defend this hilarious want to take this
10605s last point and there's a couple of
10606s exchanges the death Blossom does take
10609s down Terror at the end of the day
10611s there's only 20 seconds left on the
10613s clock and Polaris needs to hustle if
10616s they're even gonna touch well they've
10618s got an overclock they've got a Kitsune
10620s rush but as you said they don't really
10622s have the best positioning it looks like
10623s it's going to be up to Dax who is on
10625s that high ground but gets spotted out by
10626s jam and actually pushed further away or
10629s should be able to launch herself onto
10631s that payload in time to be able to
10632s contest but Santana with that Primal
10634s Rage is going to be the one problem for
10636s us have to worry about it's in a rash
10638s throne and Dax is trying to help enable
10640s their team to take this card all the way
10642s towards the end a pick onto Azure is a
10645s good start for Polaris the clutch factor
10647s from shock Timeless out of the game and
10649s now more kills coming through Jim goes
10652s down KJ drops a death Blossom right on
10655s the point and that's gonna be so
10657s discouraging for shock Timeless in over
10660s time Polaris is going to take it to that
10663s third checkpoint yeah Polaris very much
10666s understanding that they have enough time
10668s and Mobility on those Heroes with their
10670s abilities to throw themselves onto that
10672s card and as long as they preserve those
10674s ultimate charges they will be able to
10676s power through the defensive mechanisms
10679s set in place by shock Timeless and
10682s honestly even though it does take them
10684s until over time to be able to achieve
10687s that full push it's still very much
10690s something that you are going to be very
10692s happy with given how hard it can be to
10695s break past any part of circuit royale's
10698s event
10700s oh man yeah and with how well I mean
10703s both of these teams have been playing
10704s really well but
10707s that clutch factor from Azure is just
10710s mind-blowing I mean there's a reason
10713s that Polaris is targeting her first
10716s regularly and she's going down early in
10719s the kill feed this fight they have
10720s they've they've smartened up smartened
10723s up smart
10724s wised up that's what I'm looking for and
10728s um
10730s I'm so smart smrt
10735s um altiora gonna
10737s they're gonna have that normal Sigma
10739s play that we're more used to seeing and
10741s saber's gonna be on that Widowmaker so
10743s who's head hunting now
10746s this is actually something that we were
10747s talking about before the broadcast
10748s whether or not that stigma is actually
10750s that good against the Winston Company
10752s yeah the result is it is accretion can
10755s connect onto the Winston mid jump you
10757s can use that shift to eat a lot of the
10759s healing that goes towards the Winston's
10761s ways using this Sigma Shield as well to
10762s be able to block sound barrier line of
10764s sight onto that tank can be absolutely
10766s brutal in denying a resource for the
10769s Winston to be able to stand up and that
10771s Shield is going to make it even harder
10773s for Jim to be able to find an angle as
10775s their Santana immediately sent back to
10777s spawn
10778s and the uh late late arrival of Jim on
10783s the Widow I say late because Jim didn't
10785s open off with you know a fancy flashy
10788s Pop Shop grapple shot out of the gate
10790s just uh went ahead looped around the
10793s side picked off their counterpart and
10795s the other support now shock Timeless
10797s have so much space and the player
10799s advantage to easily keep on rolling
10801s through a couple more picks and the late
10803s stagger there on to uh to Froggies gonna
10807s be feeling really good yeah Dax is what
10810s face Peaks gym trying to use the Zen
10814s orbs to keep the Widowmaker in check and
10817s unfortunately does go down to it and
10819s without that Discord to just burst
10821s through this Winston's Health as fast as
10822s possible Santana gets a lot more safety
10825s because there's the grapple shot
10827s immediately connecting onto Savor a
10830s little bit of a wave and yeah that's a
10831s flashy play You're 100 save that to your
10835s highlight reel F9 the second that that
10838s one connects
10840s uh and with Sabers still walking back
10842s from Spawn it's so much room for shock
10845s Thomas to go ahead and get aggressive
10846s and push they know sites are online
10848s gotta be careful where you're peaking
10850s and there's so much respect being played
10853s there to Jim as a result Jim is the
10855s first person taken down in the fight
10857s soon a throne here from aramori and oh a
10861s nice uh railgun comes through from KJ
10864s althiora does not want to give up this
10866s first checkpoint easily but there's a
10868s lot of members of shock Timeless who are
10870s aggressing forward yeah Altru plus
10872s really wants to keep this first Kona in
10874s Play Because Froggies is about to come
10876s in with this ant Matrix and if you've
10878s ever seen a soldier and play around an
10880s amp Matrix let me tell you you take a
10883s blender and you put it on hyperdrive
10885s that's exactly what this next fight is
10887s about to turn into oh yeah you might as
10890s well as uh man it they're gonna get
10893s sliced up badly and there's already a
10895s pick there on the gym from KJ Azure
10898s steps up to the plate of course azaray
10900s steps up to the plate my apologies for
10902s ever doubting a beautiful rail gun on
10905s pearls there and with a couple more
10908s picks shock Timeless go ahead and take
10910s it Polaris are just a little bit too
10913s hesitant the setting up for that corner
10916s push they know that they want to be able
10917s to use that Matrix but Santana just
10919s don't pause and immediately jumps onto
10922s Dax who isn't able to regroup with the
10924s rest of your team 93 percent of
10926s transcendence wasn't even able to use
10928s the ultimate to be able to save
10930s themselves the 30 second timer as
10932s Santana has not been checked the ice
10935s rolled not 20. as the saber is gonna
10938s give the game away with that infrasight
10939s and immediately Santana has to move to
10941s reposition but the sigma has already
10942s been sliced away from the team Tara is
10945s low and that front was going to make it
10946s even harder for the reboot to come
10947s through
10948s oh yeah and with three minutes oh you
10952s got to be careful when you're just
10953s jumping around willy-nilly because when
10956s you're falling you're very very
10958s predictable and with these widowmakers
10960s on the field you've got to be really
10961s careful even with sojourn especially
10964s being predictable while you're falling
10966s means that they have an easier time
10968s popping you with the railgun or with
10970s that grapple shot that we just saw
10972s attempted uh saber manages to back out
10975s there just at the nick of time though
10976s Moxie yeah Doc's holding on to this
10979s Transcendence KDAY does still have an
10980s overclock to be able to use on this
10982s defenses once again not doing everything
10984s in that power to deny famous from being
10987s able to easily climb up so I'm using
10989s that High Ground forcing out so many
10990s ultimates from the other side of that
10992s already goes down extremely low a really
10994s nice place bubble gonna actually cut the
10997s surgeon away from receiving the silent
10998s barrier and as a result KJ has the
11001s confidence to hit the overclock of their
11002s own wow and that Transcendence was
11005s really great for altior to continue
11006s being aggressive through both sound
11009s barrier and Kitsune of shock Timeless
11012s that's not an easy feat to accomplish
11014s I mean it was not an easy for you to
11016s accomplish is forcing Timeless off of
11019s the composition they were running right
11020s and we're seeing Santana actually go on
11023s to the sigma Jam onto that Baptist to be
11026s able to just have the burst healing
11027s necessary to be able to hold Terror in
11030s this sustained Fighters they want to be
11032s able to push through slugs but without
11033s an ultimate to really be able to power
11035s him through they know they need the
11036s signal Shield to block the Snipes coming
11038s through from the Widow and the soldier
11041s yeah and the shield will only last so
11043s long through so much onslaught of damage
11046s that is com that is very very constant
11048s and persistent a nice it's going to be a
11050s a kill in the middle of the air during
11053s the flux as well alter Polaris
11056s completely shut down shock right there
11058s and well there's only 120 on the clock
11061s yeah so there was one slight difference
11064s between both of these compositions at
11065s the moment aramori is still on the
11067s kiriko so if you get Dove upon you have
11070s a little bit more sustainability to your
11071s side but Polaris with the Discord are
11074s just pumping out the damage and as a
11077s result Santana Jim Azure Jam they're all
11079s just getting blitzed
11081s all right it's the Widowmaker shows one
11084s pick each but with different
11085s counterparts so it's both teams are
11088s evened up and pushing into each other
11090s Azure is going to take down saber now
11093s shock Timeless are up by two players and
11096s continue to push on forward response
11098s will be here shortly but they need to
11100s get to the second checkpoint if they
11101s want to go ahead and take this series oh
11104s a nice Dodge comes through from Tara of
11106s that accretion but there's too much
11108s damage being thrown from the rest of
11110s shock Timeless that they go down at the
11112s end of the day with a few ultimates uh
11114s still online for altior Polaris I'm not
11117s sure if they're going to be able to
11118s actually recontest
11120s no that's completely denied a nice play
11124s coming through there from Santana to
11127s continue stalling out the members of
11128s Polaris from touching the cart
11129s Unfortunately they do make it there at
11131s the very end of the day it does force
11134s out both uh amp matrixes
11137s payload has been captured right our
11139s checkpoint has been captured though
11142s it's really unfortunate that Tara
11144s actually tries to sidestep the accretion
11146s from Santana and moves further away from
11149s the rest of the team so isn't able to
11151s regroup around the corner of Choke and
11153s we'll wait for Polaris to be ready to
11155s use the amp Matrix and all pile onto the
11156s payload before it hits and instead it
11158s has to come back on the Doom first to be
11160s able to make a dent in that fight night
11162s shots back on to that Sigma but not
11165s having that Shield just allowed Jim and
11166s azero to get so much damage done in the
11169s Frontline cleave as Polaris now will
11172s have control of The High Ground only a
11173s minute left on the clock but they are
11175s down so many ultimates KJ has become an
11177s absolutely clutch with this overclock to
11179s immediately snuff shock out so they can
11182s buy type attacks again around the corner
11185s pushes too aggressively and gets the
11187s head taken off oh man with how Azure and
11191s Jim are playing I'm surprised the Dax
11193s went for that challenge we see a little
11195s bit of Widowmaker duel here but we are
11197s nearing the end of the time bank sites
11200s are now online so this is not fun for
11202s Polaris pushing out who I mean so many
11205s resources have to be forced just to make
11206s it out of the spawn safely Armory gets a
11209s pick onto Terra and now it's all shock
11211s Timeless trying to close out this fight
11213s there's an ammo on the on the point
11215s itself but Ultra players cannot even
11217s make it there to contest the cart's
11219s Gonna Roll on forward and that's gonna
11222s be a third Point capture
11226s oh my goodness one minute ten to one
11229s minute what a close series
11233s this is circuit oil giveth circuit
11237s Royale taketh away and here comes the
11240s gamble waffles when you have so little
11242s time left on the clock do you roll the
11245s dice an attempt that spawn hold knowing
11247s that it's probably going to burn a lot
11249s of time off the clock but if you muck it
11252s up it's going to give so much free
11254s payload distance or do you hold around
11257s that first corner and use The High
11259s Ground to your advantage knowing that
11261s yeah you're playing a lot into the clock
11264s for the other side but you hold the best
11266s chance at slowing the payload down when
11268s the clock actually winds down to a stop
11272s hello
11273s hmm with you
11276s that's a really tough one it's a really
11279s tough one it's like dude
11282s or hot coals which do you
11285s you sound like really difficult
11287s decisions and really I think it would
11291s probably vary team to team especially
11293s when you have to push into someone like
11295s Azure right or when you have Azure on
11298s the back line yeah I would be okay with
11301s maybe giving a bit more space and making
11303s sure that she can have that room to free
11305s fire as much as possible
11307s um
11308s honestly we'll see how it unfolds right
11310s we've got Widowmaker here from Jim early
11312s in this defensive fight and Polaris is
11315s showing the what is it sojourn Reaper
11318s combo as per usual I mean that's the
11320s normal meta we've been seeing some
11321s pressure coming through here there's
11323s only 42 seconds left on the clock and it
11325s is going to be burning fast there's some
11327s more pressure in this room as members of
11329s Polaris are trying to poke through but
11331s Santana's just gonna hold the door here
11333s and continue to mitigate them pressure
11335s onto Jim in the back but there's the
11337s support there from aramori still more
11340s giving space and it looks like Santana's
11342s getting a little bit forward on their
11343s own Azure is the first person to fall in
11346s the midst of all the chaos and with a
11348s couple more people looking very very low
11351s Polaris is starting to pick up some
11352s momentum Moxie yeah really good dive
11355s pushes on to Santana to force that Emma
11358s field out to save the sigma and then
11360s Tara doesn't actually try and deal with
11361s the tank she jumps past the go onto that
11364s backline knowing that that lamp is not
11366s going to be there to be able to save
11367s those squishies and as a result this
11370s payload has started to really pick up a
11372s lot of momentum turret going to be
11374s coming in with that Primal Rage in the
11376s next fight as time has immediately swap
11377s up that composition Germany can still be
11380s the absolute undoing of flowers's combat
11382s Terror with that Primal Rage is making
11383s it so hard for the DPS to line up a
11386s single angle on a squishy oh there's a
11389s lot of chaos here and the bar the
11391s overtime bar has been triggered Kitsune
11393s Rush from Dax up the center lane and
11395s members of Polaris are trying to
11397s capitalize as a result KJ looks like
11399s he's got a lmgs when he's running along
11402s the alleyway and Polaris managed to
11404s capture one checkpoint here in our third
11407s round Moxie that is massive
11411s it means when they're on the defense
11413s they're gonna have access to high ground
11414s and slope and they don't have to worry
11416s about rolling the dice on that really
11417s forward aggressive push however they're
11419s still moving short terms are going to be
11421s coming to this next fight with the
11422s better ultimate economy but KJ's so
11424s close to that death Blossom if they're
11426s able to drop into the back line and use
11427s that Blossom to immediately circumvent
11429s the rush Polaris can continue to push
11431s ahead
11433s there's Kitsune rest from aramori Azure
11435s pops over clock and of course gets a
11438s kill right out of the gate that's two
11439s kills there from azurek and no one's own
11442s corn oh
11446s that is the gamble that you make when
11450s you use the death Blossom to push
11452s aggressively onto the back side of that
11455s rush you sacrifice the Reaper's presence
11457s on the payload and as a ray with the
11460s kills that she's able to pick up on
11462s those players contesting that space with
11464s the amount of time that over time has
11466s been in play it's a millisecond right
11469s that Polaris can't afford to step off
11471s that period before throwing another
11473s player on to keep that timer burning and
11476s as a result they are going to see the
11479s payload stopped the win condition the
11481s condition not just to carry on in this
11483s series but to carry on in this
11484s tournament is now set in stone they have
11488s to be able to hold shock Timeless from
11491s being able to equalize the distance but
11493s honestly with the turnback that they had
11495s that is the best possible shot that
11498s they've now given themselves to do just
11500s that I agree with you there and the time
11503s bank is only a 10 seconds difference 10
11506s seconds difference between the both of
11508s them which really goes to show you like
11510s how close these guys have been playing
11511s throughout this entire series every
11514s single time it's been at the end of the
11517s time bank getting the checkpoint capped
11519s going for the win and uh now we see the
11521s other option for defense that you
11523s mentioned Moxie each to their own now
11526s we're here to drop very close onto the
11528s heart of Timeless straight into the
11531s spawn door as you see Tara not wanting
11533s to let anyone out as a result and there
11535s needs to be a huge amount of bombardment
11537s from the back line of saber there on top
11540s of it all still no one from shock time
11542s was able to quite jump out of the spawn
11545s yet Santana's on the point trying to
11547s keep pressure on and now you can see
11549s it's getting a little bit jumbled here
11551s it's gonna be all over the place as more
11553s members of Polaris get aggressive to
11555s just commit to holding this front line
11557s and burning the time I mean it is
11559s burning a lot of time and this is why
11560s Polaris wanted to go for that spawn hole
11562s they didn't want to win the fight they
11565s just wanted to push Timeless into having
11567s less seconds to be able to build up that
11570s payload's momentum as they're about to
11572s hit overtime and we haven't even hit
11574s checkpoint a as Polaris now see that an
11577s echo has been put into position to be
11579s able to allow time to move out of Spawn
11581s and they feel they hit scan that Jim
11583s crosses on over to that Tracer and it's
11585s going to make it a little bit harder for
11586s that Soldier to have the same level of
11588s impact Polaris we're looking for
11591s that's right Overtime Bar triggering
11593s momentarily and now we can see it's all
11595s on the line Tara takes down Azure early
11598s and this fight and jam is off the board
11600s too those are two critical players but
11602s Tara goes down in the midst of all of it
11604s altior Polaris wants to continue holding
11607s this point but Timeless are getting
11609s shoved back slowly one at a time and one
11612s after another it's gonna be a jump there
11614s from Santana and a quick deletion as a
11616s result Kitsune Rush seems to be just Dax
11619s and Jim on the or aramore and Jim on the
11622s point there's the members of Timeless
11623s starting to follow up and catch up on
11625s that Kitsune Azure being the hero once
11630s again getting another couple kills can
11632s they continue to hold down the fort
11634s getting more the Primal Rage absolute
11637s clutch coming through from Tara she's
11639s been hunting people and hunting saber or
11642s hunting Azure in particular throwing her
11644s off the edge for a third time this
11647s series absolutely incredible is a more
11650s defensive cut coming through from
11652s Polaris coming through for the win
11655s that spawnhold is so clutch for this
11658s team there's a reason that we don't see
11660s Timeless go for it and they don't know
11662s how far that payload is going to push
11664s and with that little time bank you do
11667s not want to see yourself losing so much
11670s distance right by thinking okay we're
11672s gonna go for the spawn hold we're gonna
11673s burn a lot of time off that clock
11675s because if you lose immediately that
11677s work from your respawn is a lot further
11679s than it is for the attackers right you
11681s lose one person on that spawn hold and
11683s it is done so but Polaris because
11687s they're able to push all the way past
11688s checkpoint a they know they can
11690s sacrifice themselves they can sacrifice
11692s their health bars that walk back because
11694s they're going to have at least one if
11696s not two fights if the spawn hold doesn't
11698s pay off and even if it doesn't you burn
11701s a good 30 seconds off you force shock on
11703s to pushing onto different Heroes which
11705s means they're going to be swapping off
11706s of things like onto that Echo and then
11708s onto the Tracer which leads into their
11710s ultimate bars so at the end of the day
11712s in terms of ultimate economy and time
11714s bank and distance your coming up ahead
11716s and it pays off massively for this team
11718s they survive from the series and we
11720s could potentially see the reverse sweep
11722s I know oh Polaris uh heating up a bit
11726s here and you know we talked about how
11728s close these teams have been throughout
11730s the entire series and how Polaris has
11732s been adapting to what shock Timeless are
11735s bringing to the table and now we see the
11738s tangible proof of all that coming to
11740s fruition right they've taken this first
11742s map here for or this third map here for
11745s themselves potentially starting their uh
11748s you know Journey for the reverse sweep
11751s in the series against shock Timeless but
11753s shock Timeless have been you know very
11756s consistent there's a reason they're
11757s already up to one for now and I think
11761s that they are starting to understand how
11763s much pressure is getting put onto Azure
11767s yeah that that slogan is a really
11770s targeting on the one for every single
11772s member of plus and you can see why right
11775s at one point well okay yeah sure they're
11777s probably gonna lose they're gonna have
11778s to step off that payload the ultimates
11780s are all available for the other team and
11783s then Azure ages comes and says do you
11784s know what I've got an overclock I'm just
11786s gonna snipe out another member and
11788s another member and another member and it
11790s takes a Primal Rage so about her right
11793s back off the map to make sure that she's
11795s not gonna be able to clutch it out the
11797s last time I was casting with fibble I
11799s mentioned about the surgeon that we have
11801s in any content is called tree and yeah
11804s Azure is 100 a tree in the amazing her
11808s roots are absolutely terrifying and like
11811s we said she's been getting all of these
11813s resources she's been getting coaches
11814s from the San Francisco shark you can see
11817s that it's really paying off in terms of
11818s her ability to hit those shots and
11820s moving forward I cannot wait to see what
11823s she goes into
11825s yeah I agree with you there you know
11828s calling all heroes is
11830s um it's running parallel to the path to
11832s Pro to give a funnel and another
11834s pipeline for players to be going pro and
11838s growing the Esports scene in general
11840s because you know it's but on the newer
11842s side compared to traditional Sports and
11845s there is a lot of things we can do to
11847s you know continue enabling and putting
11849s these players on the Forefront and
11852s calling all heroes has had a huge amount
11855s of eyes on all of these players and
11857s teams scouting watching all these uh I
11860s mean look at some of these highlight
11861s reel type of plays we've been watching
11863s unfold throughout the whole tournament
11865s and uh well we're going to new Queen
11868s Street next so it's the push map it's
11870s our first time going to push today so uh
11873s we'll have to see how it goes out but
11876s um Timeless went ahead of course and
11878s picked this map so I'm not surprised
11881s with how well Azure plays on all the on
11884s the sojourn like yeah Nooks on The High
11887s Ground there's a lot of Alleyways to go
11889s to different High grounds
11891s Ezra is about to have a heyday
11893s is about to have a headache especially
11895s in that first fight like that first
11897s fight where everyone is vying over
11899s initial control a lot of the time we
11901s actually see teams just ignore the
11903s objective entirely as you do in oval
11905s right you know kills them are important
11907s than the objective everyone says or at
11909s least they do in my lobbies me too so
11911s everyone sort of ignores that robot to
11914s posture up around the statue because
11916s that is the position that the surgeon
11918s wants to take so many times when we've
11920s looked at the surgeon's positioning
11921s before these fights properly start up
11924s they're looking to take that off angle
11925s they're looking to take an angle where
11927s they're going to receive the least
11928s amount of resistance but also be able to
11930s apply the most amount of pressure and
11933s for surgeon players that's exactly where
11935s we're looking at right ahead Prime
11938s position Podium of power for the surgeon
11941s is the area we're about to just bear
11944s into there we go
11946s I love it when The Observers line up
11948s perfectly over point it's brilliant
11951s you can also see this is the beautiful
11952s shot where you can see the conflicting
11955s Crosswinds of the map here between the
11957s snow and the flags
11960s definitely can't stop looking at it once
11963s I saw it and now you said it to me I'm
11966s never gonna be here
11968s you're welcome
11971s looks like cotton you know our more
11974s traditional metacomps for push I'm not
11976s surprised to see them bringing this out
11977s it's been working and they have been
11980s very closely matched being I mean across
11984s all of these Maps
11986s yeah the reaper is really necessary as
11988s well to just push onto that Winston and
11990s both saber and Azure need that Reaper to
11993s be able to deal with the pressure of the
11994s Winston by putting his liquor Turf
11995s position already in position to be able
11997s to take out azerite before she can use
11999s that high ground floor decision but
12000s there's no champions
12009s [Music]
12010s Moxie it's the drop it's the drop
12014s and with that it's Tara just literally
12017s dropping it stomping on people you saw
12020s those boops and the shenanigans on the
12022s side and folks you always gotta watch
12024s your step at the drop-off so you call it
12027s the drop-off I like to call it the Wiley
12029s Coyote because you can just see the sort
12031s of cartoonish wave and that pop of smoke
12033s beneath their feet as them with like
12035s legs Windmill and then they immediately
12038s plumb up the size
12044s oh a couple more pigs rolling through
12046s Polaris starting to find some momentum
12048s here looks like Tara continuing to hold
12051s the front line allowing for these late
12053s stagger kills and I love how well
12056s Polaris is hunting down the members of
12058s Timeless they weren't doing it quite as
12060s well in our first couple of maps but
12062s last map and this one it's looking more
12064s cleaned up yeah you can say there was a
12067s game of action there was a hit list of
12069s plays and a prioritization of those
12072s specific places look at the disruptors
12073s replacement just to be there to make
12075s sure that Azure is not able to snipe out
12077s members of flowers as they cross out
12079s against that corner Inky's playground
12080s but Santana finds Tara and as a result
12083s shot get to go aggressive saber trying
12085s to level the playing field with the
12087s overclock damage unfortunately uses the
12089s alt to find absolutely no value and
12092s shark Timeless are gonna be able to have
12093s snowball potential in this next fight
12096s yeah that was a really nice um well the
12100s early pick on Doterra is what's at the
12102s tempo and really enabled shock Timeless
12104s to run away with that fight Tara just
12107s put off a little more than she could
12108s chew and that ship damage coming at the
12111s end was too much they do have Kitsune
12114s Rush online here from Jax and there it
12116s is engaged early in the fight it's all
12119s about continuing to follow up and well
12121s now Jim has no raid form hunted down as
12124s a result Since You're vulnerable and now
12126s we can see Polaris starting to try and
12128s pull ahead in the momentum it's tough
12130s now with Jam going ahead and popping the
12132s sound barrier Santana's taking down
12135s Savor once again but Tara's trying to
12137s hunt for Azure not able to quite find
12139s her there at the end of the day and Dax
12141s goes ahead and helps with a lending hand
12144s still altior Polaris trying to continue
12146s taking this point and a commitment of
12149s the death Blossom all right two from Jim
12152s how did they not take Jim down when they
12155s had four people yeah and the bubble gets
12158s used in gym is just able to step right
12160s in the middle of it and use the Daft
12163s blossom
12164s shock tone this off of a clutch play a
12166s little wave coming for from Jim as it is
12170s just gonna be off that Reaper ultimate
12172s that Timeless are able to claw back
12174s their way into the fight
12177s okay I wasn't ready for Jim to survive
12180s and then pull that beautiful beautiful
12182s play out of his uh pocket azerite opens
12185s up kill onto saber with overclock online
12188s it's gonna be deaths for probably Alto
12191s or Polaris in general actually they
12193s decide to just skirt back and avoid it
12195s so I respect that I feel it Azure has
12198s been very very lethal on this sojourn
12201s and now we can see Polaris and
12203s re-engaging they pop their sound barrier
12205s and they're trying to continue pushing
12207s shock Timeless off but now they're
12208s pushing into our Morty's Kitsune Rush
12211s pushing on top of that shock Timeless
12213s continue to move forward they've almost
12215s overtaken the advantage and they're
12217s trying just to get to that spawn
12219s checkpoint Polaris pushed them off at
12221s the last moment and retain a bit of
12224s their lead
12225s disengage brush for disengaged brush
12228s however out here Polaris with that loser
12230s Speed Booster still able to catch on to
12231s Azure and as a result they should be
12234s able to take this fight Santana is still
12236s holding onto the front that they really
12237s want to use it to be able to install the
12239s Sable balls instead of the plot takes a
12241s little bit of pressure from the low
12242s ground coming out from aramari as the
12245s Primal catches on to Jackson has a
12247s result Polaris are forced to give us a
12250s little bit more distance yes I've got
12251s control of the robot at the moment but
12253s Tara has to use the Primal Rage just to
12255s push our Amore into saber so that they
12258s all far from the Royal gun can finally
12260s take down the enemy Curacao
12262s wow I mean he's a Winston's here have
12265s been really critical to the gameplay and
12267s helping set up the other members of the
12269s team for their own shots Tara's gone
12272s down for Polaris and now there is no
12274s tank and no Frontline there's no tanks
12276s on the board anymore at all so saber
12278s goes ahead uses her cover clock can she
12280s find the kills that tree's a little
12282s tricky getting in the way and a death
12284s Blossom on the point takes down Froggies
12286s there's another counter and sheep is
12289s gonna go down afterwards there's still a
12291s couple members of Polaris trying to
12293s stall this out a little bit longer they
12295s do manage to get that pick onto Jim
12297s learning their lesson a bit from last
12299s time making sure he gets put down Jim's
12303s death Awesome Again finds more value
12304s though this time because aramari drops
12306s in the Suzy so that he can actually hold
12308s that position in the face of sheep staff
12310s Blossom survive and then return with an
12313s ultimate of his own and it really does
12315s Force polaris's Hand into using a lot of
12317s those resources as they do have sign bar
12319s the only ultimate currently online at
12321s the moment I'm can't use it to really
12323s engage since azra and aramori are about
12325s to come into ultimate of their own they
12327s need to hold on to it but no now they
12328s use the sign bar and now they need to
12330s win the fight immediately otherwise
12331s Thomas can just disengage wait for the
12332s over armor to be off and then come back
12334s with the overclock oh no and that's
12336s starting to happen right here overclock
12338s there it is and on top of our amori's
12341s Kitsune Rush Azure just has a Heyday and
12345s makes it look easy
12346s yeah that's the real problem when you
12349s use that sound bar so aggressively right
12353s you need to immediately find a pick and
12356s Timeless because they're so Mobile in
12358s this composition because they're so
12359s sustainable as well the reaper can
12361s reform the search engine can power side
12363s kiriko and suzu and teleport Lucio
12365s obviously has the speed loose and wins
12366s in the bubble survives the entire burst
12369s of it as favor is going to make sure Jim
12371s doesn't survive that offer coming on
12373s through power slides right into the
12375s middle of Timeless and sends them
12377s packing
12378s that was a nice little Swift step there
12380s from aramore he doesn't she does go down
12382s at the end of the day but it's always
12384s fun to see that quick Dodge out of the
12386s you know it's like straight out of an
12388s anime or she's flash steps just in the
12390s nick of time to avoid the damage
12392s um Polaris you're moving the cart on
12394s forward and it's once again getting
12397s really close to that checkpoint hasn't
12399s quite clipped it yet and a nice touch
12401s there from shock Timeless actually
12402s preventing the forward spawn for Polaris
12405s saber pops the overclock looking to find
12408s the damage and to steal the deal for
12410s this forward spawn checkpoint there's a
12412s nice kill there on to jam as Tara gets
12414s aggressive no Lucio available to help
12416s shock time with speed or heal up there
12419s is the death Blossom and Jim doesn't
12421s find any kills there's not enough money
12424s being thrown on him from the Zuzu and
12426s the speed Polaris goes ahead takes the
12429s win there and they get the forward spawn
12432s Santana almost steals that fight away
12434s for Timeless Terror actually use that
12436s Primal Rage to try and push onto the
12438s front line timer and Santana steals pass
12441s with a primal range of her room to be
12442s able to tap onto that bottom create
12443s enough confusion that the rest of the
12445s team can slip past Tower and keep that
12447s bolt in contest however the death person
12449s doesn't find the value that is looking
12451s for a sheet metal comes in will
12452s definitely some of their own into that
12454s Winston bubble to align himself to push
12456s further forward in two times the side
12458s but the rush turns on the reaper and as
12461s a result Polaris lose control of the
12462s fight oh man they've lost control of the
12466s fight but they do still have the
12467s advantage Moxie with 150 on the clock
12470s left Polaris still has a very realistic
12474s opportunity to come back and try and
12476s reverse speed the series I don't care in
12478s Timeless light though azeroy hasn't over
12480s the clock I've seen azeroids over the
12482s clocks I am terrified that this
12484s overclock is kinda just annihilate
12486s polaris's team is so Polaris they're
12489s feeding both support ultimates into
12490s dealing with azeroy right now yeah that
12493s is definitely the respect due to azaray
12496s on the overclock in particular both
12498s support ultimates like you said fed into
12500s that fight and some cleanup a great late
12503s kill coming through on to Jim is
12505s actually opening the door even farther
12507s for alto Polaris to continue gaining an
12510s advantage in this map
12512s Karma rage again going to be up for
12514s Terra meaning that she can again take
12516s that really forward aggressive position
12517s bubble gonna be dropped if she's
12519s contested she can immediately use the
12521s Ultima to be able to regain that half
12522s hour sheath holds onto that High Ground
12524s if you shot that Santana is not able to
12527s use the Primal race really good Primal
12529s Rage to catch Jam in between that
12531s disruptor shot and actually juggle them
12533s right up against the wall guaranteeing
12535s the kill on the Lucio and forcing Thomas
12537s away man Tara has been on point with
12540s those juggles as well continuing to put
12542s the pressure onto the members of
12544s Timeless usually it's azerite but this
12546s time it was Jim and that was nasty saber
12549s goes ahead pops the overclock in the
12551s background as well now it's head hunting
12554s time and you've got to be wary of the
12556s damage bubbles been ripped through and
12558s now Polaris are continuing to try and
12560s move on forward there's the dive there
12563s coming through from Tara and the
12564s disruptor shot to continue following up
12566s it takes down Jam there's too much
12568s damage and a nice Kitsune comes through
12571s the death awesome doesn't quite find all
12574s the damage it's looking for but it looks
12576s like shock Timeless are finding the
12577s momentum they're looking for there's a
12579s couple of picks in their favor can they
12582s continue holding and pushing this in
12584s overtime
12585s it's over time they have one ultimate to
12588s work with and it's an over the clock it
12590s all comes down to this sheep cannot use
12593s the staff Blossom until azeroy has
12595s altered otherwise you are just going to
12597s get sniped down Polaris have to play
12599s this perfectly they have one fight maybe
12601s two they're gonna wrap around the back
12603s and drop from The High Ground trying to
12604s surprise Thomas with that position
12606s after I use this overclock kids to sheep
12609s early in this fight there's another one
12611s in the pocket of azure once again
12613s looking for more as the DPS continue to
12616s free fire into shock Timeless and that's
12619s another fight win here in overtime moxie
12622s I said it I said it said they could not
12625s open up that fight with the death Wilson
12627s otherwise ezrae with that High Ground
12628s position would be able to snipe out the
12630s reaper and deal with the team Polaris
12633s have one more fight one more chance to
12636s continue on in this series they're so
12638s close to the Primal so close to the same
12640s bar but so two are Timeless yeah and
12642s they are so close here to also coming
12645s back in this matchup right now shock
12647s Timeless are at match point for the
12649s series and it is all on the line in the
12652s lower bracket Tara uses that Primal Rage
12654s continuing to juggle people in the
12657s corner but it looks like azurai makes it
12658s out just barely in the nick of time
12660s still more attempts at the juggling and
12663s saber's been reinforced by the sound
12665s barrier there are the kills coming
12667s through from altiora Polaris and they
12669s want to put shock Timeless down and take
12671s this map for themselves there's just
12673s Santana here on the point and with that
12676s Polaris come back to tie up the series
12680s the reverse sweep the potential is real
12684s said oh my goodness the start of that
12689s fight I was so scared the Primal goes on
12693s through Tara is able to get into that
12695s backline and just keep us right out of
12697s the way so that Froggies can deal with
12699s jam and this is really good Target Focus
12702s coming on through for this team this is
12705s something that we talked about that has
12706s improved drastically as this Series has
12709s continued that sound barrier can save
12712s the team it can save the surgeon it can
12715s allow azeri not to hit the overclock but
12717s to hit the railgun necessary to be able
12720s to snipe out one of those squishies and
12722s immediately turn the tide in shock's
12724s favor but Polaris with the target Focus
12726s see the Lucio I drop a sound barrier of
12729s their own have the sustainability and
12730s can finally go toe-toe with the sojourn
12733s without worrying about being one tapped
12735s yeah and I mean it really shows how much
12738s how much more success they they were
12740s having with that on this map as well it
12743s seemed like last round they were
12746s starting to find their Rhythm and how
12748s they kind of want to be going into
12750s combating shock Timeless and this time
12752s it felt like
12754s every time shock Timeless needed to step
12756s up to the plate it was always really
12758s follow following on Azure or Santana's
12763s shoulders to use the ultimate or be that
12766s clutch Factor versus really kind of
12769s giving them a silver platter just to
12771s capitalize in general they're constantly
12773s pushing them and forcing them into those
12775s pressured situations and well altior
12779s Polaris might just be on their way to a
12782s reverse sweep as a result Moxie we're
12784s going to take it to a quick break folks
12786s so don't go anywhere and we'll be back
12789s for our last match here to see who's
12792s gonna stay in the calling all heroes
12794s tournament and who will go home for now
12799s thank you
12839s foreign
12871s [Music]
12878s thank you
12894s [Music]
12910s [Music]
12921s [Music]
12924s thank you
12946s [Music]
12955s [Music]
12964s thank you
12971s [Music]
12985s hey Gamers and welcome back to our
12988s calling all heroes Challenger Cup finals
12990s Moxie and I are about to bring you our
12993s final map of our first to three here
12995s because it's match point for shock
12997s Timeless versus altiora Polaris and
13000s Moxie I have no clue who's gonna win
13002s this these teams have been doing great
13004s and both have been adapting to some of
13007s the star power we've seen today yeah so
13010s we were actually discussing this in
13011s between the break as we do we don't just
13013s stop casting when you guys can't see us
13016s it's not just because we like the sound
13017s of our own voices now we've been
13018s whipping game crafting you know we've
13021s broken out the notebooks and the stats
13023s and be like yes okay I see a correlation
13025s here and one thing that we both noticed
13028s was that because azra and Santana are
13030s getting a lot of focus fire on their
13032s side gym on this Reaper is slipping
13035s through the cracks we've seen that death
13037s blossoms find a lot of value yes because
13040s they're good ultimates but also because
13041s a lot of the time it feels like the
13043s response is a little bit disjointed at
13046s least at the beginning when that
13047s Reaper's position is noticed and heading
13049s over to somewhere like lijiang Tower I
13051s am very concerned that if they're not
13054s able to keep that Reaper's position on
13056s the wraps control of those points
13058s especially on the flank angles and
13060s taking High Ground Control and things
13061s like control center with surprise death
13063s blossoms dropping from above there's
13065s gonna be a little bit of a problem that
13068s Polaris are gonna find themselves
13069s dealing with definitely and you know
13073s this is this is a tough map for Polaris
13076s going in right they lost the initial
13078s control round okay so it's kind of been
13081s established maybe this isn't their
13082s strongest here at the moment shock
13084s Timeless we're a little more at home uh
13087s but it's been very obvious from the you
13090s know maybe reverse sweep we're about to
13092s see the Polaris has been adapting and I
13094s think coming back to control map is
13096s really going to show how adaptable and
13099s how much they truly have kind of taken a
13102s number out of shocks timeless's book and
13104s figured out what they want to do and how
13106s they want to bring the value and damage
13109s because letting Jim fall through the
13111s cracks a bit Yeah okay not great but the
13115s pressure that's been put on to Azure and
13117s Santana has been extremely successful so
13121s there's definitely a bit of uh you know
13122s like juggling plates act going on of
13125s like how much do we want to put pressure
13128s or not and you know I think the double
13131s support ultimate to respect the
13133s overclock especially when you know your
13135s team is kind of just you know out there
13137s caught with their pants down a bit stuck
13140s in like the middle of nowhere ah I need
13143s Shields actually I just need my support
13145s alts thank you
13147s um but with lisang Tower you know there
13149s are some more opportunities for cover to
13151s be used so maybe you don't need to layer
13154s and stack so many support ultimates but
13158s we've also seen the teams use them to
13160s get aggressive into each other's faces
13162s so those are two different styles of you
13164s know how how do I we want to use them
13166s right are they more bail out or are they
13168s more instigation and with how Azure is
13172s playing they've been more bailout
13176s um but I think for control we could
13178s maybe see a change of pace it was
13180s starting to happen more on new Queen
13182s Street as well
13183s I think however as you said this is
13185s going to honestly be a very good test to
13188s see how far Polaris have come from that
13190s first map to being able to adapt into
13192s the play style and also just the
13194s PowerHouse that Azure has been on this
13196s sojourn because when they lost control
13198s of that point they lost control at that
13200s point for a very massive amount of time
13203s and percentage as a result because
13206s chokeholds
13208s that's yeah that is a really good point
13213s about that is hmm oh I feel bad for you
13219s it doesn't really get better through
13222s this team is is the problem right
13224s because if you lose control of this
13227s point for any specific amount of time
13229s yeah as a ray gets to play that back
13231s angle and a lot of the time especially
13234s on places like Leisure and Gardens when
13236s we see that surgeon playing from the
13237s back angle of bridge though Winston has
13240s to dive in super deep to be able to
13243s commit into creating space that is safe
13246s enough for the rest of the team to not
13248s have to worry about being sniped out as
13250s they cross that ground and oh no I spoke
13254s into existence Gardens is the first set
13256s map that we're visiting
13258s okay place your bets place your bets how
13261s many boops will we see this map that is
13264s true Froggies can absolutely punish your
13267s shark want to play that super aggressive
13269s playstyle of using bridge and trying to
13271s put Polaris into a hostage situation
13273s where you sacrifice percentage because
13275s you don't want to face check as a race
13278s set up on that sojun
13280s when we've seen a lot of these lucios
13283s ready to receive and boot back the
13285s winstons who are jumping and I mean
13287s welcome to OverWatch one right Lucio's
13289s booping back the Winston's diving them
13291s jeez what do you know hi welcome to
13294s OverWatch 2 where there is very little
13296s crowd control to keep those very same
13298s words
13300s as there it is both teams immediately
13304s jumping over bridge and immediately
13306s fighting over that space no one quite
13309s close enough yet to uh be in the uh
13311s danger zone for booping but it is a slug
13314s Fest here right around the uh directory
13317s so far a lot of damage being pushed
13319s forward and well no one sheep goes down
13322s first that is a very very nice Advantage
13325s for shock Timeless not nearly as much
13327s damage available for Polaris and well
13330s Tara's gone down too now they don't have
13332s a tank online to actually hold this face
13334s and keep the point in their own control
13337s shock time was gonna take the point
13338s first this is what I was worried about
13340s right this is going to be the true mug
13342s but there it is
13346s to jam and immediately Polaris get
13349s aggressive there is no disengagement
13350s feel for Timeless they're just gonna
13352s have to sell one point yeah there's no
13354s reason to be disengaging yet if you are
13356s Timeless you want to burn out as much as
13359s you can on that point gain as much
13360s possession as you can Azure managed to
13362s get a good pick and this is this this
13366s map in particular of lijon tower posts
13369s itself to the longest amount of stalling
13371s possible it is a very very short jump a
13374s lot of movement abilities can make the
13375s gap or make it straight into the window
13377s and the trickle game here is very
13380s apparent Moxie yeah I mean they even
13382s invested that rush and the trickle is
13385s still going Santana jumps through the
13387s window how's the Primal Rage pops it and
13389s what should have been a 20 still has
13391s doubled so only for 40. this is
13394s fantastic for shock Timeless this is
13396s exactly what they want to do they want
13398s to keep running up the clock for
13399s themselves in favor they want to keep
13401s forcing all Fior to use their their
13403s ultimates they've already forced out
13404s Primal Rage and there's finally the
13407s clear 54 later what a stall 54 apprental
13414s rage and a rush from Polaris invested to
13418s wrestle control of that point away from
13421s shock Timeless it's now they're going to
13423s take a little bit of a longer rotation
13425s make sure that they don't push through
13426s Bridge Winston bubble gonna be dropped
13428s to the death Blossom comes on through
13429s early on from sheep sound bar from
13431s foggies to allow themselves to try and
13433s survive her but Jam still finds the kill
13436s and there are more kills to follow suit
13439s from shock Timeless that they were ready
13442s for the death Blossom from sheep the
13445s Suzy was perfectly timed from aramori
13447s and as a result shock Timeless have the
13449s sound barrier to follow up and continue
13451s being aggressive afterwards and here's
13454s the stall that they can go for again
13455s here's the aggressive position that
13458s we're expecting Thomas to be able to
13459s take Jim in play to use that
13463s this is what we were talking about again
13466s the reefer's position falls through the
13468s cracks Polaris so occupied trying to
13470s think where's Azure where's Santana that
13472s the reaper gets an absolute free lunch
13475s ticket for the ultra snap through every
13477s single member of Polaris that yes you've
13481s got to be careful of Jim and those death
13483s blossoms seem to be coming out of
13485s nowhere to alter Polaris now our Amore
13488s is starting to encircle them with
13489s Kitsune rush they go ahead and collapse
13492s on to Polaris who tried to move on to
13494s the point it's 95 and Counting for shock
13498s Timeless and they are slowly whittling
13499s down the members of Polaris one after
13501s another sheep goes down clean team kill
13505s and a first round to shock Timeless yeah
13508s so even though Polaris have stepped up
13510s massively in terms of being able to
13511s contest as urine contestant unlike those
13514s two aren't the problem of that map the
13516s problem of that map is first of all the
13519s stool that went on for the entirety of
13522s that first contest on the point where
13524s Polaris like we want to hold on to
13526s ultimates we need to be able to cycle
13527s through ultimates to be able to win all
13529s of the fights after this and they hold
13530s on for so long that they just lose so
13533s much percentage and even at the end of
13534s that have to throw in the ultimates to
13536s be able to secure it and then again Jim
13539s that positioning on this Reaper they'd
13542s literally just teleport into the
13543s background of Polaris and let rip the
13545s death Blossom no sound barrier even to
13548s balls through up the health bar just
13550s pure all natural death Blossom catches
13553s free members of flowers because they are
13554s so occupied in looking at everything
13556s that isn't that Reaper right the the
13559s Plain Jane death Blossom Jim is actually
13563s gonna go ahead he teleported around to
13565s try and uh provide a little bit
13566s different angle and Froggy's is gonna be
13568s the first person to take down us right
13570s all right uh some bloodthirsty support
13573s there in the kill speed and as a result
13575s Polaris have the player Advantage
13577s they're going to continue pushing on to
13579s this point is anyone gonna take a dive
13582s we'll have to see they're being very
13585s careful about how they do it you can
13587s actually see saber using that disruptor
13589s shot to try inside Froggies up to find a
13591s player in that slow animation and knock
13593s him off the map as aramore I think maybe
13596s misplaced that wall climbability he does
13599s go off the map and we'll write that
13600s curio or short time was like going to
13602s have to look for the reset as Polaris
13604s this time win that first fight and now
13606s they can play this whole game
13608s yeah you know sometimes that wall climb
13610s doesn't quite engage like you are
13613s wanting or expecting
13616s um I mean sometimes it climbs initially
13618s and then it pulls off and because of the
13620s cooldown on it you can't use it to
13621s discover it back up
13623s and I'm dead already no early in this
13626s climb Tara's all taking down Jim early
13628s in this fight as well saber gets a nice
13631s kill there on to Santana and it seems
13634s like Polaris are starting to be really
13636s comfortable and this map in particular
13638s is treating them a lot better the
13640s positioning from them is really good as
13642s well so I was playing so far back that
13644s short terms are really gonna have to
13645s dive in deep to be able to collapse onto
13646s that surgeon and all the wild docs is
13649s playing right next to her making sure
13650s the dive stuff come through the season
13652s when the rush is going to be there
13653s there's the Russian Timeless forced away
13656s not gonna be able to bail out in time
13658s since Anna goes down this is a beautiful
13661s full court fresh constant aggression
13664s coming through from altior Polaris
13666s there's a little uh sneaky sneaky
13669s aramori on the point but our alteora has
13673s been constantly pressuring shock
13674s Timeless now they have the pressure into
13677s aramori's Kitsune Rush here that's gonna
13679s be a short-lived dust Blossom with only
13682s one died out and it's going to be more
13684s pressure here onto the back line poor
13687s Dax getting constantly bombarded there
13689s and now the damage from Shark Timeless
13691s is rolled through they're looking to
13693s take this point for themselves for the
13695s first time this round your soul coming
13698s through from Tara to be able to save
13699s himself with that jump back before they
13701s go off the map and that's still
13701s trickling on sheep and that rifle's
13703s gonna be even harder to eject will
13705s finally go down however it's four
13707s Polaris 99 they need one fight win so
13711s for shock Timeless they're gonna have to
13713s be so restrained about how they use
13714s their rolls they can't just throw them
13715s all into this next fight we're gonna
13717s have to cycle through and for Polaris
13719s they can be patient they can wait they
13721s can rank up five and then they can come
13723s and steamroll over pretty much you can
13725s be a little reckless when you're at 99
13727s and these shock Timeless here only have
13729s 20 so far it's gonna move fast though if
13732s you're not paying attention and Jim
13733s going down early with a sound barrier
13736s from Froggy's keeping Tara easily in
13739s that front line fight to continue
13740s bombarding the members of shock Timeless
13742s that is a beautiful setup of a play and
13745s giving Polaris the opportunity here to
13747s retake this point our Amore goes down
13750s more people continue to try and flood
13753s onto this point but optimal Polaris
13754s doesn't care they're gonna handle this
13756s aggression the 2K death Blossom from Jim
13759s is that gonna clutch it out enough oh
13761s not quite Overtime Bar has been
13764s triggered and it's spicy on the side but
13767s at the end of the day Polaris has just
13769s tied up this series 1-1 we're at match
13772s point
13773s we're going the entire distance we're
13776s going to control center and we can see
13777s right when they're in control of that
13779s point when they're in control of that
13781s truck positioning perfect ultimate usage
13783s perfect Target Focus perfect where it
13786s falls apart for Polaris where they
13788s struggle the most is breaking their way
13789s out of chokes when they lose that first
13791s fight Timeless are able to build up so
13793s much l percentage on Gardens that
13795s they're so hard to reject for Polaris it
13798s really does come down to this first
13800s initial fight so they can have control
13802s of Choke and play the clock in the
13805s positioning game the way they did in
13806s Night Market as opposed to it being
13808s played against them the way it turned
13810s out in Garden
13811s yes yes indeed well Garden is I would
13815s argue the most notorious map for that
13817s type of stalling but here it's going to
13820s be some really close quarters and it's
13822s all on the line This is losers bracket
13825s here round three and whoever wins this
13828s gets to continue playing in calling all
13830s heroes for that ten thousand dollar
13831s prize Zuzu has been forced out early
13834s from aramori now we see more pressure
13837s trying to be put down asare on this wide
13839s side takes down sheep with a quick
13841s railgun deletion and now shock Timeless
13844s have the advantage and they're gonna
13846s look to take this point Moxie disruptor
13848s shot comes through from cyber trying to
13850s make sure that one kill doesn't spiral
13852s into a couple more afterwards it's a lot
13854s of have been able to disengage we have
13856s four of them and this rubric will come
13858s for a sheep will be back however time
13860s must now have that point and the store
13862s potential is there Flores unable to win
13864s this fight immediately Timeless hit
13866s ultimates and that percentage is only
13867s going to grow
13868s a good thing those uh healings healings
13872s track well there lazarite oh two
13874s exchanges both both sojourns taken down
13878s a couple of people Froggy's off the
13880s table though is really difficult for
13882s Polaris that's no sustainability no
13884s speed for them to try and circumvent all
13886s of this aggression coming through from
13888s shock Timeless arizrae finally taken
13890s down at the end of the day but there is
13892s still a chaotic fight here on the point
13894s Polaris starts to get the numbers
13896s advantage and with Tara back in the
13898s fight Moxie they're looking to retake
13900s yeah but to take for the first time oh
13904s my gosh
13906s Jim comes through the rifle marimore
13909s teleporting on top of the point as well
13911s and again Timeless are able to stall to
13914s 52 percent even though they don't have a
13917s window to be able to throw themselves
13919s fast Polaris however use ultimates be
13922s able to win the fight as fast as
13923s possible and we'll be able to reject
13925s them they've still got a couple of
13926s ultimates to play with as well overclock
13928s invested from saber to buy Polaris a
13930s little bit more percentage to try and
13932s even what time must have already got
13934s I like that shock Timeless decide
13937s they're going to disengage no one needs
13938s to push into a sojourn with railgun
13940s especially on this map where the choke
13943s is so small it's the one doorway and you
13946s can see anyone walking around through
13947s the window on the other side sune runs
13949s through here from our Amore shock
13951s Timeless are trying to aggress forward
13953s back to this point death Blossom comes
13956s through from sheep doesn't find anything
13958s but has a lot of resources and makes a
13961s lot of resources forced out of shock
13963s Timeless on top of it there's a sound
13965s barrier for shock Timeless they come
13967s back and they hit even harder with their
13970s own death Blossom and take the point
13972s back stole is gonna be here again for
13976s this team Primal Rage Alpha Santana are
13978s not going to provide all of the time
13979s necessary for asteroid to hit into that
13981s overclock Ultra Polaris however
13983s approaching that keeps saying no rush
13984s this is what they used lost arm to be
13986s able to overcome that chose freshman
13988s push that way onto point and that's
13990s exactly what they're going to try and
13991s use once again taking a little bit of a
13993s longer rotation moving into white room
13995s to be able to push onto Timeless this
13997s way
13998s stax's Kitsune there up on the white
14001s room you can see members of sultura
14003s trying to continue to capitalize there's
14004s a couple of people taken down a little a
14007s little low there but manages to survive
14010s now it's all about Tara trying to find
14011s that low Carthage Target to jump the
14014s bubble is going to continue keeping
14016s damage off their team's back there's
14018s more jump more pressure and it seems
14021s like terror is all over the place all
14023s the time trying to constantly put the
14025s pressure and damage on
14027s stall however again is good for Timeless
14030s aramori able to build into Rush Azure
14033s going to have the overclock for Polaris
14035s the most important fight of this entire
14038s series of this entire tournament Now
14040s lies in front of them they cannot go
14042s down to the overclock and Timeless know
14045s that they can't be sniped out before the
14047s fight starts there now taking that same
14049s rotation to move through but plars are
14051s expecting it that the Top Shot is good
14052s and it's going to stop all of the
14054s momentum the rush is looking to pick up
14055s Tara took a lot of focus fire damage and
14058s had to give back give some space now
14060s she's back pushing forward Azure is
14063s absolutely lethal on this sojourn got a
14067s pick right there early and that's gonna
14069s be shock Timeless taking this series
14073s it's exceptionally close that really
14075s does come down to that last fight
14077s however they're able to see themselves
14079s through the overclock through the
14080s Kitsune Russian Polaris are able to
14082s stall into ultimates of their own
14083s utilizing choke and making sure that
14085s they can control the point long enough
14087s or we see the exact result occur the
14090s kipsania rush comes through disruptor
14092s shot on Primal Rage to make sure it
14093s doesn't find the impact but then they
14095s pull back towards the Point opening up
14098s the angles so that an absolutely
14100s uncontested Hazard radius power slides
14103s straight into position Snipes out one
14105s and gets to work cleaning up everybody
14107s else
14109s yeah that was a very I mean beautiful
14112s play unfolding from shock Timeless and
14115s they looked so comfortable trying to
14118s push into that last fight you know I
14120s felt this dress I'm sure that altior
14122s Polaris felt this stress but when shock
14124s time was pushed into that they seemed
14127s like they had a concrete plant we know
14129s the plan you move this way we'll engage
14132s and bait this out and once they had seen
14134s the Tara's Primal Rage was starting to
14136s run its course and be done then they
14138s went ahead popped over clock and jumping
14141s on that opportunity was just huge for
14145s shock timeless
14147s big congratulations to them for winning
14150s uh you know I got a soft spot being from
14153s NorCal myself
14155s um but I don't want to you know
14156s discredit any of the altior Polaris team
14159s because they played fantastic in this
14162s series and it was extremely close
14165s obviously by the score now as well
14167s showing how close these teams really
14169s were and that last control map I think
14172s kind of shows exactly what happened
14174s right altiora able to adapt to a lot of
14177s shock timeless's strategies and some of
14180s the Heavy Hitters but at the end of the
14182s day shock Timeless has a deep roster
14184s that has a lot of talent and letting one
14187s slip through means the other one steps
14189s up to shine and uh you know I'd like to
14192s think that's just remnants of San
14194s Francisco shock as well but it's really
14197s a big hats off to the Timeless team yeah
14201s it really was that first fight on
14202s control center unfortunately that just
14204s set them back so much right 52 that you
14207s have to claw back
14211s twice and we saw on night market right
14214s if they win that first fight if they
14215s have that same choke control and
14216s pressure and all of the positioning for
14218s their searching player to set up they
14220s hit those shots they control that space
14221s they walk away with that map it really
14223s did come down to that first fight but we
14226s saw a really good Improvement coming
14228s through from this team they figured out
14230s okay azra is one of these players that
14232s we have to shut down the Winston is
14234s another player that we're gonna have to
14235s worry about they really did as well keep
14237s an eye on Jim a lot of the time when we
14239s saw those death blossoms coming through
14240s from control center they were a lot more
14242s controlled in how they reacted to them
14245s they were expecting it to come on
14247s through and as a result while they might
14249s have picked up one with their beginning
14251s of the death Blossom it wasn't the
14253s absolute slug Fest of three kills and
14256s four kills that Jim had been getting
14258s away with in the previous maps and that
14260s shows you just how much these teams were
14263s actually adapting to each other right
14265s okay fool me one
14301s thank you
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14417s hey everyone and welcome back to the
14420s calling all heroes Challenger Cup finals
14422s not sure where you may or may not have
14424s dropped off with us from previous but we
14427s are about to interview in uh get an
14429s interview here in this booth uh we have
14432s aramori from shock Timeless joining us
14436s aramari congratulations on your win and
14439s fantastic job playing today dude
14442s thank you so much I'm so happy to be
14445s here
14446s so all right I gotta ask you
14449s um at the beginning of that series it
14452s seemed like you were quite a hot
14454s commodity for altiora Polaris they were
14457s constantly looking to pick you and put
14459s pressure on you and uh you know a couple
14462s of times it seemed like you're you know
14464s maybe stuck running back from Spawn and
14467s as your teammates were stepping up to
14468s the plate and peeling for you you got a
14471s little more room and you had so much
14473s success there on that kiriko what was
14476s kind of the Journey of like of that
14478s throughout the series and for the team
14480s in general shifting from those pressures
14483s and the adoption Polaris brought
14486s yeah so
14488s um in this kind of monkey bee monkey
14490s meta anytime that you're up against the
14493s mirror composition even if it's the same
14495s Heroes everybody's going to have their
14497s own kind of like play style so a big
14499s part of like these longer
14501s um best of five and you know eventually
14503s best of seven Maps is going to be which
14505s team can kind of figure out the other
14508s team's playstyle and who can make those
14510s adaptations accordingly so
14512s um I think in the first couple Maps like
14514s uh we had kind of had their number and
14518s they uh and then we adjusted and then
14520s you know Midway through they had our
14522s number and then we adjusted and so it's
14523s just kind of like a battle of like
14525s adaptation for sure
14527s oh sorry go ahead speaking then of the
14531s shift obviously the last time we saw you
14533s all playing it was an entirely different
14535s meta how was it as a kiriko player
14538s moving from playing other tanks to
14540s playing with something like a Winston
14544s um honestly for me uh the hog isn't too
14549s much different
14550s um I kind of liked them more so like
14552s rush like all in your face kind of style
14554s and I actually really enjoyed the
14556s Synergy between the kiriko and the
14558s reaper player I don't think a lot of
14560s people understand how just overpowered
14563s it is to make sure your Reaper stays
14565s alive mid-fight so they can do their job
14568s yeah we heard a bit of that from our
14571s last interview as well they uh they were
14574s talking about how when they get to when
14576s they have their death Blossom it's a you
14578s know a suzu and a speed boost and uh you
14581s know everything yeah
14584s we uh see that definitely unfolding here
14587s for you guys what are some of the like
14589s comms or like
14592s there's a couple of times especially on
14594s that last push you had it seemed like
14597s you guys had a very set plan you knew
14599s what you were gonna do and you executed
14601s it all flawlessly as a team like what
14604s are the comms for that or how what is it
14606s what's your team doing during that time
14608s yeah so usually how it goes is every
14611s single fight whoever is whoever is like
14613s ultimate uh that we want to like go
14616s first on so that last fight would have
14618s been my old says like kiriko right kind
14620s of controls the tempo and controls where
14622s they go
14623s um because they know they know their
14624s ultimate most right so um that last
14627s fight I was like okay let's let's go
14629s left let's go left I want to flip point
14630s I want to go this way with mild and so
14632s that's how we kind of do it and then you
14634s know Jim they called their own olds
14637s um and like where they want to play and
14639s how they want to do it and what
14640s resources they need so that's that's how
14642s we go about it but also something super
14644s important for for this uh meta is like
14647s calling like stabilize or like chill
14649s because it's so often where you see
14652s teams like they'll get an advantage in
14654s the fight and they'll just keep going
14655s right and and it'll equalize things so
14658s that that's been a big one for us is
14661s Chill
14665s I think yeah definitely useful to make
14667s sure that everyone chills out in those
14669s moments over aggression is one killer in
14671s these yeah
14674s so then as a kiriko player obviously you
14677s have to worry about enemy surgeons
14679s ramping up into that railgun charge and
14681s it brings a whole new uh job to tracking
14684s how exactly does the team deal with
14687s tracking that railgun charge and when
14689s you want to Peak her
14691s um so we just call where she is and if
14693s she has it and then our monkey is pretty
14696s good about you know denying them space
14698s and
14699s um I also feel like we're also pretty
14701s good about not you know feeding the rail
14704s too much so like if we have Point
14706s control I'm out there trying to 1v1 or
14708s before she can you know ramp it up I'm
14710s saying okay I dare you I dare you to try
14712s to be for your rail
14715s uh well it was definitely shown and you
14718s know you I mean shock Timeless in
14720s general had a very fantastic game for
14723s that series you in particular also were
14725s fantastic on that kiriko those Kitsune
14728s rushes were critical repeatedly to the
14732s success of your team and uh to winning
14734s some of those Maps so congratulations is
14738s there you know anything you want to say
14739s before you move on to your next match up
14742s or maybe any shout outs you want to give
14746s um yeah I'll definitely shut up my team
14747s and just all the hard work that we've
14749s put in
14750s um I've said it before we have been
14752s screaming pretty much non-stop
14754s um double blocks some days bot reviewing
14756s until like 1am so just the coaches and
14758s my team and of course San Francisco
14760s shock thank you guys
14764s well thank you for joining us Sarah Mori
14766s and I gotta say Moxie it is really
14769s apparent how much they have been
14771s training and working hard I mean the
14774s level of adoption we saw the plain old
14778s skill diff sometimes here and there
14780s coming out really really nice to see and
14783s uh well I'm sure our viewers are psyched
14786s to see them play again coming up yeah
14789s this team is really turning into
14791s something extremely strong and this is
14792s what we were hoping for right that
14794s calling all Hero teams would be picked
14796s up buy things like the OverWatch League
14798s teams I would receive those resources
14799s they would allow as well those practices
14801s we heard it from our Mori the scream
14803s hours the VOD reviewing it really does
14806s go incredibly far not just to be able to
14808s build your expertise in game but also
14810s the confidence to be able to play with
14812s your team as a team something which is
14815s really important in this matter
14816s something we heard from aramari and also
14818s from our previous interview because it
14820s definitely feels like these teams that
14821s are finding a lot of value in this Grand
14823s Final events since all the players who
14825s are building together as a unit instead
14828s of just relying on one person being that
14829s star power behind everybody else yeah
14832s and you know it's really good to see
14834s that this this level of Team Synergy and
14838s the intricacy of playing as a team like
14840s that is really strong here especially
14842s for a team like shock Timeless
14845s um I think that they uh you know we were
14847s all surprised when they were knocked
14849s down to the losers bracket and uh you
14852s know they might have had that spark
14854s ignited underneath them to really bring
14856s it back and come back strong and you
14859s know it's really about how you can
14860s continue to harness that mental state
14862s obviously we've got a couple more
14864s matches coming up and uh you know
14867s there's still plenty of room for people
14869s to continue to adapt and grow Moxie yeah
14872s you got any last thoughts before we go
14874s ahead and kick it over to the next pair
14876s I mean hopefully we just get to see such
14879s amazing and exciting OverWatch games
14881s assistant with the games coming up oh
14883s boy I you folks in for an absolute treat
14886s we may be finished with our casting Vlog
14888s but I know I'm still going to be looking
14890s in stream and watching along and said
14892s I'm sure you're going to be lurking and
14894s watching along too oh yeah well I'll be
14896s lurking and uh you know getting a snack
14898s right as I'm sure you are as well we
14900s already chitchatted about that uh before
14903s we go I do want to give a big thanks
14905s over to Bailey Pizza penguin she has
14908s been the Forefront of this event she has
14911s been laying groundwork way before this
14914s event in general for marginalized
14916s genders overall and we all deserve a big
14920s thank you we all deserve to give her a
14922s big thank you give her a follow if you
14924s haven't already on Twitter and uh folks
14927s buckle up you got another good set
14930s coming through and we'll see you next
14932s time
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15538s welcome back everyone to the calling all
15540s heroes Challenger cup we're going into
15542s the losers final but we swapped up our
15544s casters we have the same you know some
15546s familiar teams but hey I'm lemon and
15548s this is Dustin you might have seen us
15550s from the qualifier two together how you
15551s been hey oh are you asking me you're
15553s asking the viewer who are you asking
15554s here lemon well you're the one who could
15556s talk back
15557s we did until we had TTS until I got
15561s Heroes I'm doing great I mean I'm
15563s excited to watch we watched that last
15564s series it went to the brink of of
15566s failure for either team and one you know
15568s obviously to pull out was Timeless and
15571s Timeless has made a crazy run so far as
15574s Jen throughout this entire tournament
15575s it's been nuts to watch them you know
15577s make that shock reverse sweep ever since
15579s they've been picked up by shock it's
15580s been you know that continuous storyline
15582s of you know the the lower bracket run
15584s right now I know so successful they got
15587s the San Francisco shock throwing a name
15590s down that's when you know they're legit
15592s yeah Timeless ethereal they were uh
15594s formerly known as time of Timeless
15596s ethereal we casted their final match and
15598s they were really good and I like how you
15601s even changed up parts of you you know
15603s there was a bingo card I saw where it
15605s was like Dustin wears another white
15606s t-shirts were changing it up and wearing
15609s black today yeah you're welcome yeah I
15610s gotta bring it back obviously I mean
15612s it's uh
15613s I wouldn't say as professional as you I
15615s know it is let's be real okay I mean the
15617s black shirt is always Sleek no matter
15619s what situation you can go to a wedding
15620s in a black shirt you know you can go to
15622s a funeral in your black shirt nobody's
15623s gonna get mad at you right I mean it's
15625s it's fine the Wednesday Vibes I like it
15628s our match for loser spinal is shock
15633s Timeless versus dark monkeys this is a
15635s rematch of the qualifier two final where
15638s Dart monkeys were ahead they got first
15641s place but they're both here ready to set
15643s it out for the big bucks I mean that's
15645s kind of nuts if we think about it I mean
15647s just both teams you know at least Dart
15648s monkeys to come through the that uh
15650s Second qualifiers into being a position
15652s right here when you know before like you
15654s mentioned it was almost not like it
15657s wasn't it was possible from the
15658s beginning but this team is kind of like
15660s a hero team put together you got all
15661s these streamers you got Aspen you got
15662s asked you got barcode right you would
15664s think that this team you know maybe
15666s maybe on a pure talent alone at least
15669s from the viewers perspective these guys
15670s are amazing they're an incredibly
15672s talented team but at that same regard
15674s you wouldn't expect maybe them to
15676s compete with a lot of those top four
15677s teams of the last qualifier right and on
15679s the opposite side that's where Timeless
15680s came from you know azrae last series
15682s absolute crazy lemon I mean we saw them
15685s through so many different things in the
15687s field Santana is well and on Winston
15689s just to be able to dive that backline
15691s and aramore of course one of the best
15692s curricos that we have
15694s I I mean we were actually code streaming
15697s right before this so we got to kind of
15698s see how we got to this point Azure is
15701s getting Clips on the Twitter sphere
15703s hitting 5Ks on the sojourn super excited
15706s to see what they can do and of course
15708s gym OverWatch you're not gonna watch I'm
15710s calling all heroes without seeing Jim
15711s OverWatch
15713s um they've been incredible on the reaper
15715s so all in all shock Timeless big
15718s favorites coming into this lower bracket
15720s final though to see who goes and faces
15722s all to your Artemis who haven't dropped
15725s a game this entire tournament and I know
15728s Justin you were like oh yeah we had uh
15731s an altior versus altiora final and
15733s qualifier one but I guess it's not
15734s happening today I don't think so I mean
15736s not today maybe unfortunately for them
15738s obviously uh for the other all tour team
15741s Unfortunately they fell too Timeless
15742s earlier on I mean that was an incredibly
15744s close series like we mentioned in the
15746s first map today I mean we're going to
15747s Oasis between these two teams Dark
15749s Monkey like we mentioned a team that has
15751s also had to make their own run you know
15753s throughout the entire tournament to
15755s actually be in the situation got dropped
15757s down because of the undefeated Altura
15759s team like you mentioned now has to
15760s actually go up against one of the best
15762s teams out of the first qualifiers so
15763s this really could go you know either way
15765s to be honest here lemon yeah when I
15768s think about Oasis I think this is where
15770s the Reapers really shine if it has been
15772s such a fun map for Reaper because of how
15774s close range it is and you don't have to
15776s worry about you know being so far away
15778s from your team now what I'm if the
15780s reapers are shining on this map who you
15782s do have to worry about is the Winston
15783s players you never want to Tango in a
15785s dark alley with another Reaper so you
15787s really got to be careful where you're
15789s jumping too and what resources you do
15791s have when you do dive in whether it's
15793s the very important suzu from kiriko and
15796s other things there's everyone on board
15798s with the dive because the reaper very
15800s very punishing for sure I mean both
15802s moving fish and Santana are gonna have
15804s to worry about you know obviously you
15805s got Jim on the field you got all these
15807s good Reaper players that have been
15808s phenomenal throughout and I mean it's
15810s just really a kind of a testament to The
15812s Meta I would say lemon where things have
15814s progressed to a point where you know
15815s these Reaper players are becoming more
15817s and more stand out I think at the
15818s beginning of the meta it was quite
15821s different in terms of how the play style
15823s you know revolved around Reaper Reaper
15825s was more of like that support almost it
15826s would kind of just continually pump out
15828s that damage but really wouldn't have a
15830s lot of individual impact whereas
15832s nowadays it truly feels like the reaper
15834s players have kind of come into their you
15836s know own form
15838s that's just the way you said nowadays
15839s just made me giggle because you know
15841s my next retirement and you're like no
15844s it's just the fact that you know that
15846s you talked about your retirement you're
15847s like good back in my day it's been it's
15851s been six years lemon you know we're
15853s we're uh we're older now
15860s you make money differently
15863s well it's a lot you know actually this
15864s is a different topic but I mean
15866s obviously playing is incredibly
15867s stressful there's money on the line for
15869s everybody here in this game right I mean
15871s you're playing for a prize pool you know
15872s it's all about your performance not that
15874s ours is lemon but in their case right
15876s you know it's a matter of can you get
15878s enough kills in game can you support
15879s your teemos enough and if you don't you
15881s lose out on thousands of dollars losing
15884s this match a minimum of three thousand
15885s dollars if they go to the Grand finals a
15887s minimum of 5 000 calling all heroes we
15890s bring also we could be calling all the
15892s big bucks too we'd be calling the banks
15894s for this one but shock Timeless sitting
15896s on the point now they're very much
15897s exposed while star monkeys have some
15899s cover to deal with so this is where
15901s someone like barcode a huge fan of her
15903s hit scan for so many years she is the
15905s one to pop off for Dart monkeys Sue's
15907s already being used from Aspen is he got
15910s a Reaper poking around from zemrick
15911s through the bottom side shock Timeless
15913s has used their bubble and this might
15915s expose some members once it's popped but
15917s the first Blood goes to Azera in gym
15918s yeah I don't really like telling Dart
15920s monkeys want to take that fight down
15921s below we don't really see too many teams
15924s at least on University try to take that
15926s fight as like you mentioned Timeless the
15928s first ones to take that point they're
15929s gonna get some stagger kills on the
15930s moving finish but usually when we don't
15932s really see teams fight you know towards
15934s that left side just because it's really
15935s an awkward angle for the team that has
15937s to come in and secondary engage maybe
15939s because of that Reaper comp so you're
15940s mentioned messaging earlier maybe these
15942s Reapers just really want to fight
15943s towards these indoor areas and that's
15945s why they fight there but that was a very
15946s you know unique spot for that team fight
15948s to happen but as they mentioned that
15950s Parco got that first pick in open sync
15952s for Dart monkeys
15953s I like that aramoria is going for those
15955s kind of cheeky Peaks because she is like
15957s was at 10 or 20 above Aspen because of
15960s that aggression but finally it gets it
15962s gets punished and that's gonna sacrifice
15963s that whole fight but only losing aramore
15966s and azeri you just back out for a small
15968s moment for if your shop Timeless you can
15970s fight again faster yeah and Timeless has
15972s already had to Play It Again Play today
15974s like we mentioned so maybe you know
15976s warmed up sure but also it's getting a
15978s bit late so the the time could
15979s potentially be impacting as a ray there
15981s as they try to look for that opening
15983s pick no Dart monkeys they're gonna push
15985s him with this Trico rush and actually a
15986s countercreeker rush on both sidelines
15989s kind of shot time was trying to make
15990s their way in but you don't want to be
15992s too aggressive against another Kitsune
15993s Rush it's you got to make sure your
15995s reapers are involved in this and Jim
15996s tried and trade it out
15999s from this match three important kills
16002s making a
16002s hole and at this point shots might get
16004s the trades but now they're investing
16005s ultimates because they think it's
16007s winnable Primal Rage from moving fish at
16009s these last few members and that's the
16011s backhand of the log that'll get dark
16013s monkeys the point yeah I'm not not a big
16015s fan of that uh old usage obviously super
16017s shocked because now at this point right
16018s they're gonna go to 80 percent probably
16020s for Dart monkeys and on the opposite
16022s side they've got no ultimates it's gonna
16023s take multiple fights you know the only
16025s thing you're gonna rely on here is is a
16027s pick off of azerbate right
16029s yeah I think uh you don't peek that no
16033s more I I wouldn't pick barcode or
16034s azerite I ain't trying to test that out
16036s maybe on ladder you go for them kiriko
16038s headshots but not today we learned our
16040s lesson barrier engaged from Dart monkeys
16042s they search through the left side as
16043s shock Timeless we're split through both
16045s doorways off they can get that pick when
16047s you get it shot Timeless that are so
16049s good at punishing they get off they pick
16051s off SK and now shock Timeless only ahead
16054s by one but Dart monkeys just could not
16056s Escape fast enough but get him to 80
16059s plus is not too bad for them I mean the
16062s biggest mistake that dark monkeys made
16063s there was as simple as it sounds they
16065s didn't get any kills with that beat drop
16066s engaged right the moment that that beat
16068s drop wears off and they start taking
16069s damage is the moment that you realize oh
16071s crap you know we screwed up here we
16073s didn't get a single kill and that's
16074s where azerite you know the win condition
16076s for shock decided to actually come out
16078s and find that opening trade-off and get
16080s this point Back Up Against All Odds
16081s basically
16083s that'll be just one fight that Dart
16086s monkeys needs in the katsune rush one of
16088s the most powerful ones in the game
16090s they're gonna pop it immediately and I
16092s don't worry not wanting to trade that
16094s immediately it sounds like usually they
16095s did last time we'll use it at the later
16097s stages of the fight but Dart monkeys
16099s already had the first Blood almost going
16100s for a second moving fish couldn't get
16102s the finishing blow decides to peel back
16104s for the rest of the team shock Timeless
16106s still have the point as well no other
16109s ultimates being invested because dermal
16111s kids are pretty comfortable up until
16112s Santana wants to mess all of that up
16114s tries to disrupt them break up their
16117s structure push them towards their own
16119s team until a sound barrier just kind of
16121s reinvigorous shock Timeless to follow up
16123s with this guy from Santana and reaching
16125s at 80 plus this will be final fight yeah
16128s I guess Jam because of that beat drop
16130s rather Ursa because the primal's rage
16132s rather had to commit that beat drop but
16133s a reproach immediately for Jim I always
16136s see Jim do this time and time again but
16139s semrich shuts him out
16140s shock is only up by one after this so
16143s dark monkeys want to collect all their
16145s supports mainly SK and Aspen you you
16147s cannot fight this without them it will
16149s be returning but is anyone there to
16151s touch SK I thought she had the roll out
16155s not today not today indeed I mean the
16157s rollout unfortunately not fast enough
16159s it's really hard to make it to that
16160s point fast enough we only had like four
16162s percent to work with there but obviously
16164s you know shock time was taken map one
16166s lemon I mean they look really good I
16167s mean in terms of old usage right that
16170s that one fight where dark monkeys
16171s decided to go really aggressive and not
16173s getting out that beat drop that really
16174s kind of costed them and now coming into
16177s round number two lemon how does how does
16179s dark monkeys maybe regroup I mean it was
16181s a close map right but how do they review
16182s coming to this one you think
16184s it's tough I think like they had a
16186s really good engage off of moving fish
16188s and then they got randomly picked off by
16190s Azure so they just gotta kind of don't
16193s lose that confidence if you just lose
16195s one person 45s are very winnable but
16198s this has been very back and forth the
16199s fact that it was 99.99 it's still
16201s anyone's game it really is in shock
16203s Timeless they roll out down below so
16205s dark monkeys actually get this High
16206s Ground set SK up above for that for that
16208s boost that potentially could come
16209s through on the Santana or the back line
16211s Santana I already got picked off yeah
16214s Jim played just two Center of this
16216s T-Zone here and just couldn't drop off
16218s in time and that's okay rest of shot
16221s Timeless will fall as well and the fact
16223s the fact that Dart monkey's got three or
16224s four kills is good oh charge for them
16227s usually it was aaramore that was ahead
16228s in terms of the katsune rush that's the
16230s most important one over on Aspen but now
16232s Aspen is ahead after that fight win yeah
16234s I like the invention Armory obviously
16236s with some great Hunan potentially also
16238s heals too really is one of the best
16240s kurikos in terms of that support in that
16242s actual damage or that help that they
16244s could provide and on the opposite side
16246s you know azrae has that blue railgun
16248s charge charged up the boot from SK
16249s prevents any dive in the already Tirico
16252s uh Zuzu pop in this fight as well
16254s Santana and Jim are so low shock are
16257s trying to run
16264s and then the objective that'll be two
16266s fights in a row for Dart monkeys two
16268s neutral fight wins as well as the next
16270s one will have to really focus on who's
16272s gonna have better old efficiency yeah it
16274s seems right now for shock Timeless they
16276s keep relying on Santana to really create
16278s that space the problem is SK is doing a
16280s great job just booping them back and
16282s they can't really get anything done and
16284s give that space to Azure needs azra's
16286s taking these two knights from across the
16287s map as well I mean it's incredibly
16289s difficult for shock Timeless to
16290s re-engage
16292s a shock or kind of just looking through
16294s this hallway trying to take a bit of
16296s damage to build up towards the Kitsune
16298s rush but Aspen just 10 ahead but only
16301s wanting to use it once shocker fully
16303s committed because it disengage is how
16304s you can counter that very easily but
16307s azeri appearance is the hardest every
16309s five versus four the consume rushes
16312s everyone's going in Nitro mode and dark
16314s monkeys were able to find a responding
16315s fake it's a 4v4 and a sound barrier used
16317s from SK helps out a lot especially while
16320s Jam is missing not able to provide that
16323s seam to shock time lives azerite thought
16325s they were safe in the middle of the map
16326s with with the ultimate but the Primal
16329s Rage kind of goes away after that 82
16331s Plus for Dart monkeys and without Aspen
16334s can they really hold on no but they're
16336s going to delay for a little bit longer
16337s but at the same time you know that was a
16339s risk that was a Gamble from Dart monkeys
16341s they decided to you know play back they
16343s had the ultimate Advantage they didn't
16344s want to give any damage over to Dart
16346s monkeys who were trying to build up
16347s their ultimates they were sorry shock
16349s Timeless who are very close to Ultimate
16351s so the gamble was they backed up not
16353s didn't give any damage and didn't get
16354s any old charge to shock Timeless the
16356s problem was Azure has really been
16358s impactful with that railgun shots and
16360s just opened things up as Dart monkeys
16361s were not willing to engage even though
16363s they had the ultimate advantage
16365s this is high ground is nice for azrae
16368s just to have the a better angle to stay
16371s safe up here have to be wary of that
16372s upcoming dive from moving question well
16375s it's the mid map that strikes first and
16378s taking off Aaron Murray that's what more
16380s could you ask from from barcode limited
16382s heels available from shot Timeless and
16384s Zachary will make sure the damage is
16386s permanent shot Timeless will try and use
16388s their own ultimates but just pure
16390s desperation shot Timeless might have a
16392s chance obviously to come back and use
16394s these ultimates it's only 87 for Dart
16396s monkeys with shark shock Titan Liz will
16398s have to move quickly and we need to have
16401s a POV for these for these Soldier and
16403s players lemon it just feels like every
16404s time you know they're finding these
16405s opening picks and you know into this
16407s next fight barcode has that overclock
16409s and with the point percentage down low
16410s shocker in a terrible spot
16413s is it ending Now barcode you're going to
16415s have to tell us the overclock from The
16416s High Ground could jump from Santana
16421s strike through as a ray 5z 4
16428s going to round three potentially of dark
16431s monkeys can assure this round win shock
16433s timelessly scramble they can't focus
16436s from all the bodies on the ground and
16438s how can you focus on barcodes on the
16440s field USA USA somebody get barcode on
16444s the Team USA tryouts we talked about
16446s this before in in the code streams level
16448s we gotta see let barcode in the in the
16451s let's say lemon kiwi but not not you're
16453s obviously Canadian no you're kidding
16455s yeah yeah you probably barcode would
16457s destroy any of us to be honest and you
16460s know the sojourns have been the most
16461s impactful part of this metal I mean I
16463s mean you know what else can you say
16464s besides you know Azure and barcode
16466s duking out you know round after round
16469s now xamarin had a nice death Blossom
16471s halfway through that round and I think
16473s shock Timeless started to panic when it
16475s was like two three fights in a row that
16476s they were just not winning and this is
16478s where Oasis really does test your
16481s efficiency of how you can kite away from
16483s Dives and dark monkeys just a little bit
16486s better on University but now City Center
16488s it's about that teleporter who's gonna
16490s get there first
16491s yeah this uh this health pack on that
16493s right side they're gonna have to play
16495s around and the first team to kind of
16496s make that aggression usually is the one
16498s to come out on top but at the same time
16500s the Zuzu used early here too and this
16502s damage Santana's taking so much of it
16504s before the fighting begins yeah first
16506s bubble shot from Santana and that's good
16508s because I think the charge of shot from
16510s barcode that would have been
16513s [Applause]
16517s [Music]
16521s that was so sick lemon that's the mind
16524s game where SK tried to come over for the
16526s Boop and then got brought there and
16528s aramore decided to teleport back and jam
16530s was through there but dark monkey's
16532s still in the fight obviously but that
16533s was pretty pretty cool little you know
16535s tiny micro mechanics I guess
16538s it's also funny good content
16543s well darmuck is just like last round
16546s Deja Vu they're gonna try and hold on to
16548s this choke you see moving on through
16550s with shock Timeless just forcing out the
16552s jump from moving fish could soon Rush
16554s from Aspen 30 ahead for marimore gonna
16556s unleash it as dark monkeys jump in shot
16559s Timeless back away they're half Health
16561s they lost Jam they have no speed to
16563s escape the death that could be coming
16565s their way and dark monkeys aren't
16567s stopping they're going to far more and
16569s then gym around the corners like we're
16571s fighting this right like guys anyone
16574s late to the party
16576s talk Timeless now I'm gonna have to
16578s reset sadly and you know aramore not
16580s gonna live with their lives either dark
16581s monkeys again off to a blazing fast
16583s start they've been doing this in the
16585s beginning it feels like all the time MOX
16587s I mean I love it sorry but cassman
16589s mocked you too much at the same time you
16591s know it's yeah we're we're here together
16593s you know now for shock Timeless to maybe
16595s potentially make a reconnect
16598s start monkeys still Flawless they barely
16601s lost Danny fights the last two rounds
16603s just needed a bit warm-up after that
16605s first one here's the continue Rush from
16607s shock Timeless dark monk is holding on
16609s to the sound bear very patiently and
16611s maybe zebra wishes us K-pop did a bit
16613s earlier must have been out of range but
16615s dark monkeys decide to just kite the the
16617s kazune rush and maybe decide to sound
16619s very engaged after this but darmo kids
16622s are kind of waiting a bit too long for
16624s this reinch gauge because now shock
16625s Timeless have completely surrounded them
16627s deciding to maybe give this up notice
16629s antenna goes back in because they have
16630s the Primal Rage and they forced out
16633s azery's jump and there's no way to
16634s escape the proper rage is now in the
16637s back line and dark monkeys are in
16639s trouble they really are but at the same
16641s time you know as long as he gets 99
16642s they'll be in a fine position the susu's
16644s actually committed on both sides and a
16646s Reaper but Dart monkeys you know 99 here
16649s lemon I mean this is a great spot for
16651s them to potentially Ricket test and
16652s getting trigger that like overtime new
16654s change to OverWatch too
16656s you got to do the zero to 100 comeback
16659s though I'm nervous for them you'll start
16661s with the Azure overclock from beyond the
16664s grave and just on the other side of the
16666s map the giant pillar blocked most of the
16668s loss the star monkeys jump in Azure has
16670s to hold the jump and not enough pressure
16672s came her way so she continues to lay on
16675s the damage sharp monkeys kind of
16677s overstate their welcome lost their tank
16679s and dark monkeys can play Ring Around
16681s the Rosie Forever Until moving fish gets
16683s back
16684s I mean they're gonna have to back out of
16686s there now and then on both sides for
16688s both Santana moving fish they got to
16689s slow it down a bit here to enable their
16691s team time to catch up because if you
16693s dive too deep obviously past that choke
16694s you're gonna leave your team behind and
16697s you're not gonna have any support on
16698s your dimes
16699s our first bubble from moving fish just
16701s to give kind of a Zone some zoning
16703s potential as they just were trying to
16705s force out Santana's jump and then the
16707s katsune rush happened from shock
16708s Timeless and dark monkeys just ran away
16710s instantly
16712s um so yeah then they just pick off
16714s barcode but just buy some more time yeah
16716s yeah I mean that's just more time in
16717s this in the clock for shock Timeless and
16720s now coming to next fight they're gonna
16721s have it'll be down that ultimate the
16723s kuriko rush however as Aspen's gonna
16724s build up onto hers as well no dark
16727s monkeys they have some old tier but
16728s they're gonna have to go incredibly hard
16730s on the shock Timeless in this last fight
16731s if they want to get another one good
16733s patience for moving fish got down to
16734s half health because of that Reaper of
16735s Jim just on that staircase didn't want
16737s to use the Primal Rage yet as our
16739s monkey's getting so close to that
16741s Kitsune Rush that's gonna be it feels
16743s like the guaranteed fight winner unless
16745s you just drop all the spaghetti on the
16746s floor but Jam is ready with his sound
16748s barrier and shock time list wait for the
16751s call Aspen unleashes the Kitsune rush
16753s I'll be here from Jam Dart monkeys have
16754s a few more tools their own sound barrier
16757s as moving fish will conserve their
16758s Primal Rage until the second life is
16760s needed and the Dives are so clean the
16763s door monkeys and especially if barcode
16765s has all the space of fire through shock
16767s Timeless again and then around 3 99 to
16771s 99 dark monkeys will start our loser
16774s spinals up one to nothing wow wow what a
16777s waiting from Dart monkeys dang you know
16780s off the back of like I mentioned that
16782s that railgun shots and those shots out
16784s of barcode and really the overall team
16786s Right Moving fish to create that space
16787s to dive deep and really enable barcode
16789s to do whatever they want and you know
16791s obviously they're gonna get played the
16793s game lemon
16794s you have to especially on University
16803s that's really tough for azerite because
16804s like I said on Oasis it's it's not a map
16806s that you can sit so comfortably back on
16808s there's not the amazing sight lines if
16810s you do want to play that far back you
16811s saw it on City Center with a giant
16813s pillar university has that small doorway
16815s it's it's very precarious for the
16818s sojourn players and where the reaper
16820s players I thought were Gonna Shine more
16821s and I think the the main objective for
16823s both teams were to force out the Winston
16825s jump that's step one of the other team
16827s and then you can kind of build that
16829s space for the sojourn and it felt like
16830s barcode and the friends of dark monkeys
16832s did that a lot or at least were able to
16834s achieve that goal a lot more
16835s consistently it felt like shock Timeless
16837s were starting to do exactly what you
16839s mentioned a bit better towards the end
16841s however you know at the end of the day
16842s Dart monkeys had that big time bank and
16844s it's hard you know like you mentioned to
16846s make that Riga test when you're down 99
16848s you know what are you gonna do play how
16850s are you gonna play perfect for that long
16852s of a time you got to win like five
16853s fights in a row to potentially come back
16856s there and it's incredibly hard to do so
16858s versus a team like Dart monkeys who's
16859s really leveled up since the qualifiers
16862s and we're awaiting the map pick from
16865s shock Timeless
16867s um so during that time we can kind of
16868s look back at the map set the last time
16871s these two teams face in the qualifier
16873s too when it went all the way to a game
16875s five we were screaming our lungs out we
16877s got everyone super hyped about calling
16879s all heroes and it was dark monkeys that
16880s went all the way and won in the game
16882s five but it did start out Timeless
16884s ethereal's way it looked Formerly Known
16887s um with that with that foot with the
16889s control map win and ended up being a
16892s draw on hybrid after that so these teams
16894s really went back and forth and it's I
16896s mean you could tell it's that same
16897s fashion the fact you went to 99.99 round
16900s three control and it looks like we have
16902s our map Choice Dustin oh wait what is
16905s that King's Row oh my god of course why
16908s would it not be right
16914s which was crazy I I never get to cast
16917s ties so
16918s I'll have to see how that's gonna go I
16920s mean we've seen a lot of mirrors I think
16922s the only composition swaps we saw were
16923s on circuits so I think at least on
16926s King's Row there's a lot more space for
16927s sojourn so maybe this is where like
16929s azrae can shine a little bit better
16931s without always a Winston on their face
16933s you know well this is tough because I
16935s mean lemon as you mentioned you know
16936s this last time they played on King's Row
16938s you know barcode was insane that was
16941s like the map where barcode really you
16943s know obviously she's made a name for
16944s herself already but to come back in here
16946s and just do what she does even to a
16948s higher level you know I really feel like
16949s barcodes leveled up in in the calling
16952s all heroes Cup in general and challenges
16953s Cup in general so you know Kings wrote
16955s to make their name I mean it's gonna be
16957s hard for azerite azra has been playing
16958s Amazing like you mentioned maybe this is
16960s a map where she can come back but at the
16962s same time you know how are you going to
16964s deal with barcode when she's playing as
16965s well as she is
16966s yeah it's tough like just the raw
16968s mechanics I'm giving barcode like a plus
16971s S Plus if that's even a letter grade I
16972s could give them
16974s um and Azure like obviously not shining
16976s as bright but I'm kind of contributing
16978s other factors to smaller map a lot more
16981s difficult to play any range characters
16982s as an anime myself like I hate playing
16985s control maths especially Oasis because
16987s as soon as you see anyone you're
16989s probably getting Dove on top of but then
16991s there's also the the comparisons of
16993s kiriko efficiency where it felt like
16995s aramore was a little head in round one
16998s by 10 or 20 old charge generation but
17000s then the last two rounds Aspen was ahead
17002s by 10 20 and that was because of kind of
17005s that consistent Fight Win Dart monkeys
17007s were winning first and second fight so
17009s it was putting them ahead in that
17010s snowball race that control game types
17013s are known for it yeah I it really is off
17015s the back of Aspen in that last map like
17018s you mentioned and you know to go up a
17019s map for dark monkeys is amazing I like
17020s how you mentioned by the way I want to
17021s touch on this real quick let me know
17023s what you mentioned on on Oasis I
17025s remember I had to try out for Atlanta in
17027s the first time and because I had to try
17029s out twice for later I mean the first
17030s trial I didn't make it through
17031s um the first time though I had to play
17033s and on Oasis and they were like yes we
17034s need you to heal more stop dpsing so
17036s then I just like full only heal didn't
17039s do any damage and I was just sitting in
17041s that main point of uh uh what was the
17044s map control or whatever or um uh
17046s universities no not the other one city
17049s center city center yeah third City
17050s Center I was just sitting in Maine for
17051s the entire time and my tryout team was
17053s so terrible that I just kept healing
17055s them and we went to 99-0 without a
17057s single death but we still lost so you're
17060s go dead but now we're tired you gotta
17062s return goat has to return
17065s well dark monkeys are the ghosts at
17067s least in this series up one oh they go
17069s through Hotel try to come up from behind
17071s they almost snuck up on Jim and Jim
17073s dropped down to like half HP if not less
17075s and somehow didn't result in that first
17077s Blood now that's giving me a bit more
17079s space for barcode if she wants to play
17081s all the way in that Arch way but she's
17082s kind of following along with the team
17083s being able to sit in that Winston bubble
17085s is great this is kind of Mouse game but
17087s Dart monkeys have the first pick and
17089s they've rotate all their run around but
17091s now they're going back into the hotel I
17093s mean that is very unique in terms of the
17095s rotations from them no deaths yet lemon
17098s I mean this is unbelievable ever
17099s Murray's already having that kariko Rush
17101s as well and dart monkeys they're not
17103s even close and because they've healed
17105s all this on shocked Timeless they know
17106s that this computer wreck is about to pop
17109s that's yeah it's kind of like during the
17111s bat meta you just wait for the
17112s amplification Matrix or you wait for the
17114s Kitsune Rush the support ultimates are
17116s usually coming online first unless
17117s you're DPS are absolutely carrying and
17120s dark monkeys they're kind of this ring
17121s around the rosie we did for the first
17123s minute or so they got themselves the
17125s first take but not the whole thing
17127s yeah not great honestly for dark monkeys
17130s you know I mean it seems like that
17131s rotation around the back side and maybe
17132s to commit back towards the hotel wasn't
17134s really the play they kind of split up
17135s there too and went back Archway shock
17137s Timeless now on the opposite side you
17139s know they have so many ultimates it's so
17140s daunting now for Dart monkeys to come
17142s back in but with a continued rush they
17143s might be close to even however with the
17146s overclock out of azure I'm imagining
17147s that's going to pop off this fight
17149s I got sk's doing a bit of scouting this
17151s is my statue okay do not touch it or
17155s that's all right that was sham wrong
17156s color but either way dark monkeys
17157s katsune Rush not met by aeromori but the
17160s sound bear from Jam in response as they
17163s disengage use that jump from the sojour
17165s to get back into Archway and zephyr's
17167s trying to deal with the Winston from
17168s Santana that jumped in and dark monkeys
17171s come out ahead Jim death Blossom ain't
17174s gonna do much but dark monkeys also have
17177s respawn advantage through the offense
17178s how is this a comeback Santana just
17181s killed like three people what the heck
17183s Primal Rage now required for moving fish
17186s what the how did they do this movie fish
17188s did get Santana if they could pick up
17190s the Lucio here but zemra in the last or
17192s Jim rather is still in this fight as
17194s well I mean Dart monkeys they're not out
17195s of it or shock Timeless not out of it
17197s yet
17199s sending now barcode
17201s using the overclock ultimate on the
17203s point just to really Zone off and ensure
17205s they can get the final take but shock
17206s Timeless jump in more focused on the
17209s front line and even gym or sorry even uh
17212s barcode as she's able to back away and
17215s shock Timeless not able to keep touching
17217s oh that's terrible Jim traded back SK
17220s point you know you thought you win this
17222s fight Jim did get Zimmer too however you
17224s know consolation prize it did hold for a
17226s bit they're sure to get delayed here by
17227s moving fish in the healing that they
17230s have as well but Jim you know really
17231s wants to live towards this backhand area
17233s they may not lose anybody as they fall
17235s back
17236s not a bad contest yeah but Dart monkey's
17238s got that done pretty quickly when it
17240s comes to King's Row though it's about
17242s that snowball he can win the first
17243s second third fight you could go all the
17245s way and have these crazy time banks at
17247s the end so dark monkeys want to keep up
17249s with momentum they do not want to return
17251s to fight at that chokeway the barcode
17253s starts off with dealing with Azure
17255s points what a gym that sneaks into the
17257s back with the death Blossom and goes
17260s after this kiriko of Aspen and gets help
17263s from Santana shock timelines are missing
17265s error Mori so as long as they are too
17267s crazy this should be okay but moving
17269s fish realizes the low amount of
17271s resources that shock Timeless has
17273s commits the Primal Rage to help dark
17275s monkeys finish off the fight yeah I mean
17277s that's that's pretty worth it I think
17278s for their aspect now they can get some
17279s delayed kills potentially or at least
17281s take some pressure here to build up
17282s another primer rage punch it was looking
17284s a little bit dicey there and with how
17285s close the flight's been oh my God you
17287s know I'm a little worried every time
17288s that a Winston almost misses that jump
17289s and could fall into that lava pit but
17291s you know shock Timeless on the opposite
17292s side limit I mean they're gonna have
17293s that Primal Rage that moving fish just
17295s committed to the they're going to have a
17297s little bit more of a better engage I
17299s guess versus dark monkeys but these uh
17301s Reaper huge no suzu from Dar monkeys as
17305s zembroke use the dead floss but shock
17306s Timeless tried to come through and it
17308s forced out the sound bear of jam and the
17310s rest of shock Timeless surged forward
17311s off of the Kitsune rush so a heavy
17314s investment from shock Timeless but most
17316s importantly if you just stop the
17317s momentum from Dart monkeys that that's
17319s really rewarding in itself I mean
17321s exactly it's it's on dark monkeys to
17323s keep trying to come towards this payload
17325s maybe if they get down you know a minute
17327s left on the clock it'll be a bit more
17328s worrisome but Andrew actually decides to
17330s pop that overclock in this fight against
17332s the beat drop I mean this is a great
17333s position you look great sound barrier
17336s from SK it's saved moving fish from
17338s dying to azaray and dart monkeys now
17341s just kind of backing away it's just
17343s trying to group up against these shock
17345s Timeless wave of ultimates including the
17346s Primal and the overclock now the clap
17349s back ensues the star monkeys used to
17350s consumerate rush and the overclock
17352s they've Zone shot Timeless to the right
17354s side and they're getting killed you
17357s gotta be wary of the re-engage
17359s shuts the door on point B and sends Jim
17363s packing too GPU overclocked for the side
17366s of barcode just disgusting with the
17369s overclock I mean what an insane play
17371s Dart monkeys get that third point two
17373s minutes and 45 seconds the more he does
17374s get a barcode on the trade back but it
17376s feels like I mean lemon every time we
17377s see barcodes POV just immediately pops
17380s it over clock and gets a 3K it's almost
17381s destined to happen every time
17383s it's scary and the way that she doesn't
17386s even need that much space she can kind
17387s of sit in her Winston bubble and have
17389s the safety of is it 700 HP that thing's
17391s just like an additional bodybot hero but
17394s for Star monkeys just kind of pushing
17397s this card seeing if they might want to
17398s engage the The High Ground where maybe a
17400s soldier it's sitting from but Nazareth
17401s just gets squashed like a bug a little
17403s too accessible from the Winston but they
17406s were able to somehow get a trade on
17408s zemrered who was maybe following up with
17409s moving fish and I thought that started
17411s so well for Dart monkeys but not sure
17413s how it's gonna end well it did and
17415s they're still down one in this fight too
17416s so shocking it can still be pushed back
17418s and they actually are so Dart monkeys
17420s really moving space has been the one to
17422s create that space to get that opening
17424s pick and demonstrate what the follow-up
17425s damage now and reap world is committed
17427s by Jim into this fight where honestly
17429s it's not winnable for them lemon
17431s your whole teams thought it was woodable
17433s for the longest time and ah chip tried
17435s the TP and for December not gonna happen
17437s moving fish had really good zoning
17439s bubbles but during that fight which
17441s caused so much confusion and then wood
17443s star monkeys had the ball rolling they
17445s stuffed shocked Timeless and spawned
17447s minute and a half left and dark monkeys
17449s are heading for the finish line
17450s is looking a lot like the last time
17452s we've seen these two played the poop off
17454s the map and in front
17456s [Music]
17457s of Jim Gods Amber oh my God lemon did
17460s you see that SK booped off Santana
17462s Santana popped the Primal Rage but she
17464s was too far under so she hit her head
17467s again in Primal Rage and couldn't get
17468s the cooldown up and so she fell into the
17471s lava
17472s yeah that was that was crazy we just
17475s there was only I'm not even sure if that
17478s was touchable in terms of the car not
17480s making it to the end and a very
17482s respectable time bang for Dart monkeys
17484s and after kind of that chaotic fight
17486s that happened right before and I think
17488s moving fish did such a good job of
17489s placing the bubble between I think it
17491s was aramore and azerite between the rest
17493s of the team uh Azure and airmory were at
17497s the very back and a moving fish was able
17499s to kind of split up the resources and
17500s also the damage of shock Timeless and
17503s then you had kind of this desperate um
17505s death Blossom that happened from Jim I
17508s think it was that didn't affect moving
17510s fish so dark monkeys you know the
17512s natural SK send-off dark monkeys were
17515s able to really play the smart and not
17517s panic too much yeah and that's been
17519s crucial for them so far and uh really I
17522s mean it's been overall their team you
17525s know communication teamwork in general
17526s that's been improving throughout
17527s throughout the uh the tournament I mean
17529s they have Outlaws coach Jake obviously
17531s helping them as well I believe leave
17532s still helping them so you know Dart
17534s monkeys up in chant because they've been
17536s they've been doing great improving
17537s continuously since those qualifiers
17539s lemon
17542s after kind of
17543s uh
17544s a 3-0 for multior Artemis you're kind of
17547s wondering do dark monkeys have what it
17549s takes to return and maybe face them
17551s again because that'll be their next
17552s opponent if they pull out like pull off
17554s this series so
17556s art monkeys have learned a thing or two
17557s and kind of did the cheesy Widow shot of
17560s waiting to make Star monkeys think that
17562s there's no Widow but they're more
17564s worried about running from this bastard
17566s Reinhardt comp as azerite oh forehead
17571s delivers and dark monkeys man they're
17574s they're in hack right now they got a
17576s fashion Widow and a right to worry about
17577s I mean this point is fall for shock
17579s Timeless I like what Dar monkeys was
17582s doing there with you know the fact that
17583s they countered that bashing strategy to
17585s some degree because we've seen it before
17586s but Aspen off the comeback I mean they
17588s got Ezra on that backside flank and now
17590s it's kind of a weird spot I mean Dart
17592s monkeys they're gonna be able to
17594s recontest this against their weinhardt
17595s you're not in a bad spot
17597s yeah just why Brian is not meta right
17599s now is because of it doesn't move very
17602s fast and people can get around him very
17604s easily but all this Reinhardt is doing
17607s is protecting Jim once they enter that
17610s shift four and you don't want to mess
17611s with him or uh really the Widowmaker of
17615s azure but shock Timeless doing a
17618s fantastic job with the with the creative
17619s shot and I guess they're sticking with
17620s it I was maybe expecting them to swap
17622s but they're close to olds yeah this is a
17624s weird spot they gotta stay with it I
17626s guess and it's not that bad honestly in
17627s Street space you know King's Brokers not
17629s many flanking spots and stuff like that
17631s and then also you know towards first
17633s point Dart monkeys did you know counter
17635s the Bastion by trying to go away from it
17636s we've seen you know teams do it in terms
17639s of cheese aspects you know on like
17641s contenders and stuff but you know they
17643s were ready for it you know shock
17644s Timeless ready to go or sorry Dart
17646s monkey's ready to go and counter it but
17647s at the same time you have to worry about
17648s Azure whose aim has been phenomenal you
17650s know on the sojourn and on the
17651s Widowmaker
17653s yeah swinging on a Winston is one way to
17655s force that jump out very quickly as you
17657s saw especially when you see the back
17659s should enter shift form it's not a fight
17661s you want to take and as long as the
17664s Bastion is not in that form they have a
17666s chance and dark monkeys sneak through
17667s the alleyway but moving fish almost died
17669s on impact dropping down to 2hp but
17671s keeping them alive Kitsune Rush from
17673s Aspen helping out but Jim stays in the
17675s corner and has the immortality failed
17680s the pins for the rest of shot Timeless
17682s to knock them down or I guess blow them
17684s up either way shock Timeless are scary
17687s and it opened up that Desiree pick at
17690s the same time moving fish took that
17691s damage from aramore over the top side
17693s took about five different shots but on
17695s the back side you know one kill for
17697s barcode however they're a weird spot
17698s they decide to commit beat drop actually
17700s here lemon but is this a good position
17702s as a ray gets barcode as well I mean
17705s dark monkeys is not in a great spot they
17707s have to commit the beat drop because he
17708s lost moving fish but they're not gonna
17710s be able to win the fight and now you
17711s don't have beat drop coming the next one
17713s yeah that was like a risky investment
17715s for Dart monkeys right because they were
17716s three before four being shock Timeless
17719s and really thought if they can just slow
17721s them down they thought it was winnable I
17723s think they might have had zimmered up
17724s either way dark monkeys are gonna wish
17726s they had that one back they'll have the
17728s Primal reach to sustain if they can get
17729s them right in a good position there's
17731s the initial Jump by moving fish and
17733s really it's just forced the shot
17734s Timeless back and Matrix plus fast
17737s turbo keys are trying to hide and man
17740s they're actually getting shoved out of
17741s their cover so this is scary shock
17744s timelines are about the cap and this
17746s time egg is gonna be out of control down
17748s bear from jam and that barely saves as a
17751s race Samurai tries to go through all of
17753s those Shields with the death Blossom and
17755s it's not enough you're just gonna shout
17757s her Aspen because you're just a mean
17758s person trying to stop her before the
17761s teleport happens and dark monkeys
17764s somehow pulled out ahead in this fight I
17767s mean two things obviously they're
17768s honestly just went aggressive
17769s unfortunately couldn't find those kills
17771s that's number one right you want your
17772s sojourn to find those kills but also you
17774s know because they had Santana on
17776s Reinhardt they didn't have any follow-up
17777s from that Winston dive to be able to
17779s find those low HP targets you know that
17781s just put so much pressure on Azure who
17783s has to hit those headshots and if they
17785s don't you know they don't have the
17785s consistency of that Winston to follow up
17788s on those body shots so as a ray
17790s unfortunately not able to find any other
17791s overclock I know Dart monkey's in a
17793s great spot with two ultimates
17795s stopping that momentum again shock
17797s Timeless used so much this last fight
17799s you gotta hope that
17800s get a good Eco push going build up
17802s towards some ultimates and I guess catch
17804s the forehead of barcode 5v4 for shock
17806s Timeless which starts the consuming from
17808s the defense he was on the 4v4 but we
17811s have a disconnect from shot Timeless and
17813s we'll have to call for a pause after
17815s this fight but Dart monkeys also hold
17817s them at Bay
17818s yeah I mean that's a good hold for Dart
17820s monkeys so far shock Timeless at least
17821s you know constellation price they have
17823s some time on the clock so it's not
17825s entirely over for them just yet
17826s especially since they are a great team
17828s and you know for shock Timeless in
17831s general lemon I mean they've been doing
17832s a great job in general like throughout
17835s the entire tournament so to actually
17837s follow through with what just happened
17838s guys we did have a DC on the side uh
17841s shock Timeless and you know they do have
17843s two minutes on the clock on the opposite
17844s side dark monkeys steamrolled on their
17847s offensive side right so you gotta come
17849s up with time here now coming into third
17851s phase this is going to put more pressure
17853s on talk Timeless don't you think lemon
17856s yeah at least you got the katsune Rush
17858s from Dart monkeys out and that was you
17861s know their golden egg that was a very
17862s important ultimate to get out and the
17864s fact that shock Timeless don't have any
17865s oats trying to bait out oats from the
17867s other team and then build up to your own
17869s is kind of the win condition for point B
17871s I mean unless you you just sent Azure or
17873s barcode to kill everybody without
17875s ultimates that's great too glad we got
17877s Jim back so that'll reset their uh alt
17880s charge to zero which not like the most
17883s impactful ultimate but still one that
17885s can sometimes win fights yeah it really
17888s can I off the back of you know dark
17890s monkeys on this defensive side now with
17892s a minute and 30 left and sharp shocked
17894s Timeless have to really set up here
17896s towards this fight to maybe get in with
17898s a fast katuna rush and then build up
17900s beat during that and then maybe what do
17903s you do about that what do you do about
17904s that lemon uh yeah aramore had to make
17907s the quickest decision do we pocketsuni
17909s rush in a 4v5 and try to turn it but
17911s before they could really make up their
17913s mind our monkeys just jumped on top of
17915s them and that's kind of the this
17916s decision that aspaid me made a lot
17918s quicker when they lost barcode to
17920s azerate they pop kids in a Russian 45
17922s and ended up winning so you have to be
17924s quick on those decisions and can't
17925s hesitate
17926s yeah and they really can't now they're
17928s in a situation where they've built up
17930s old start monkeys had built the bolts on
17932s the defensive side you've dug yourself a
17934s hole and it might just be your grave
17936s coming next flight I mean you're not
17938s gonna have a Reaper old that's the only
17939s thing they they maybe could use to
17941s capitalize on this fight with dark
17943s monkeys you know they're gonna have four
17944s ultes as well to go to hole in the
17946s defense but they have to go against an
17947s overclock that's very early
17949s overclock from Azure will force dark
17951s monkeys that I thought back away but
17953s they said all right bring it on use the
17955s Salvation Revival rage and only sets up
17957s zembrick with the death Blossom and that
17960s was after uh The katsuna Rush from
17962s aramori the fact that door monkeys were
17964s able to win that against the kutsune
17965s rush team is incredible that's such a
17968s good ultimate to get out and you only
17969s have 17 seconds if you're shock Timeless
17971s just to get point B
17973s drop uh Repro coming up Primal Rage
17976s Santana this time's gonna have to touch
17978s the cart at least they don't have to
17979s worry about SK moving them off the map
17981s this time Santana actually goes for
17982s early and it katuni rush to pump all
17984s that damage it's gonna be terrifying for
17986s Santana use Primal just to touch the
17989s card and somehow just finished off SK on
17991s their way back to the team Jim uh sorry
17994s champ Jim and jam are popping off they
17997s use a sound very shock Timeless have the
17998s extra hell Santana's being killed back
18000s up and dark monkeys they're around the
18003s corner shock Timeless though it's
18005s overtime a lost fight here would put
18007s Dart monkeys up to match coins shock
18009s Timeless jump in they place the bubble
18011s at the choke just to Zone the mob to own
18013s some of the real estate as moving fish
18015s presents themselves you gotta have that
18017s Jim Reaper really step up and force that
18020s monkey away so that you're so Jordan can
18024s feel more comfortable and now you're
18025s seeing Santana own more of that space
18027s shot Timeless send it on the death
18029s Blossom the bubble for moving fish
18031s breaks up some of that damage as shock
18034s Timeless are just meters away they're
18036s not gonna get ton of kills until they
18038s finish them off just now and that'll
18040s assure their point be success yeah what
18042s a great work or great teamwork from them
18044s on Shaw timeless's defense now dark
18046s monkeys you know they didn't
18047s unfortunately have a big enough time
18048s being to stop shock time was pushing in
18051s but they still have the third base to
18052s work with they have about two fight
18053s territory here on the defensive third
18055s point and you know it is pretty
18057s defensive favorite unless saw Timeless
18059s controlled as High Ground Dart monkeys
18061s actually choose op to push them off of
18063s it and everybody's actually slow to get
18064s healed from aramore on the opposite side
18067s so Dart monkeys they're going to be in a
18068s great position with five holes
18070s yeah Jim was still in The High Ground
18072s Santana had to jump back up and now kind
18074s of shot to miss the kind of mixed up
18076s positioning a lot Dar monkey to jump in
18078s between them use the sound barrier get a
18080s pick on the other you dropped off that
18081s high ground or at least was left behind
18083s by the dive team and dark monkeys I mean
18086s they're still in the great spot you lose
18087s SK from just being a little bit over
18089s aggro but other than that Dart monkeys
18091s can just kind of play chill here yeah
18093s they can't and that they are but they're
18095s actually gonna make that Reef rolls and
18096s the Primal Rage over the top side from
18099s that railing moving fish looking for a
18101s kill but I don't think they'll go to
18102s find it they may actually go down here
18103s they go low Yep they're actually taking
18104s out the counter engage comes through
18106s from stock timers and when I said they
18108s should play chill I wasn't kidding they
18110s had won the fight they're at the corner
18113s they didn't need to overextend with the
18114s death Blossom that got punished the
18116s Primal Rage didn't end up doing much and
18119s now shock Timeless have a barrier death
18121s Blossom for the final fight they're set
18122s up on the left side no one's looking at
18124s the right we got an emergency roadhog to
18126s look for that hook while the Winston is
18129s not looking
18132s and why you made this hero swap got now
18135s a sound bear from shock Timeless can
18137s they pull this off for the 4v5 this is
18139s for the map win for Dart monkeys or
18142s another round of attacks for shot
18144s Timeless and moving fish is an
18146s Unstoppable force and continues to
18149s slaughter shot Timeless dark monkeys
18151s have stopped them once and for all and
18153s they go to match point
18155s oh my dark monkeys and moving fish
18159s unbelievable hold in that third point I
18162s mean to go to have the presence of mind
18164s to swap the roadhog and think that it's
18166s a good play first of all I mean it is we
18168s talked about it lemon before you know
18170s how the meta's been so diverse in terms
18172s of you know seeing roadhog seeing
18173s Winston work in general and to make that
18176s last second swap in a different
18177s composition almost entirely you know
18180s it's a risky play to pull off on third
18182s Point Kings Row but obviously it works
18184s out if you get that hook and especially
18186s even on a Target that's 250 HP it's just
18189s it's just such good play for moving fish
18191s and dark monkeys I mean they've improved
18194s so much since that qualifier too because
18196s last time they faced on this map it was
18199s a tie and we got all types of creative
18201s strategies we got Bastion Reinhardt
18203s widowmakers just for the attack to
18206s swapping now a defensive Road Hog it's
18208s it's been wild but dark monkeys are done
18211s being on this Wild Ride they're up on
18214s Match Point one game away from cashing
18216s in their ticket to the Grand finals but
18219s shock Timeless I mean they they've
18221s they've been through the ringer I mean
18223s they both these teams have gone through
18224s kind of this lower bracket forever or at
18226s least Timeless or shock Timeless have
18228s and they didn't they don't want to go
18231s out this way they've been throwing
18232s everyone up until this boy they really
18235s have and it's it's terrifying to really
18236s go against the it's like I said a
18238s daunting task but you know against Sean
18240s Timeless if you're getting that 3-0
18241s lemon I mean they're in a great spot to
18243s actually make it to that grand finals
18245s and actually go against their their you
18248s know Victorious members on the opposite
18249s side
18251s well speaking of other side we're going
18252s to send you all to a quick break so we
18254s can make sure our teams are ready to go
18256s for maybe the final map of our losers
18258s final calling all heroes Challenger cup
18260s so we'll see you in a bit
18265s [Music]
18279s oh
18286s foreign
18298s [Music]
18311s [Music]
18317s [Music]
18347s [Music]
18354s [Music]
18360s thank you
18366s [Applause]
18368s [Music]
18376s [Applause]
18378s thank you
18381s [Music]
18392s [Music]
18423s thank you
18427s [Music]
18446s welcome back everyone to the calling all
18449s heroes Challenger cup loser spinal this
18451s is Dustin or leg day I get to know what
18453s can I wrong name
18455s and you call me Moxie
18457s we look the same you know all guys look
18459s the same obviously right it's just not
18462s all men hashtag okay
18465s we got maybe one more map to go so we're
18467s already losing ourselves star monkeys
18469s are ahead they haven't lost themselves
18470s though they're rolling I mean they are
18473s rolling it's disgusting how well they've
18475s played so far in the tournament I mean
18477s you know dark monkeys in the last
18478s qualifiers obviously like you mentioned
18480s with shock uh with Timeless I guess to
18482s actually have to deal with that time
18484s with the close series to now come in and
18486s have a statement win on King's Row and
18488s on Oasis yes it was semi-close I think
18490s this bodes well for them if they can win
18492s the next map which is going to be Dorado
18494s I mean that'll set them up I think
18495s versus altiora in the finals
18498s yeah no Reinhardt uh Bastion whatever
18503s that was on this map there are so many
18505s annoying high grounds that you there's
18508s no shot you can play any hero that can't
18510s dive on this map I mean point a is like
18513s the only exception but point B Point C
18515s it's all about them high grounds and
18516s getting to it so we'll see this will be
18518s a true test of I think the dive
18520s coordination I kind of talked about how
18521s Oasis really because of how close it is
18524s to really test out your Reapers and how
18525s scared your sojourns are gonna be but
18527s Dorado is all about those rotations to
18529s those power positions of the map right
18531s and yeah just rotating between those top
18533s of the buildings and you can always see
18534s like you said no Bastion no no Reinhardt
18537s no diet no not dive characters but you
18539s know on the opposite side you could see
18540s an echo every now and again which is
18542s kind of difference in terms of tempo you
18544s can always see so many different
18545s characters that will not only be I guess
18548s they'll be the same in terms of the play
18549s style but in terms of the tempo of the
18551s game the pacing of the game that can
18553s really change a lot of things right a
18556s lot of metas are dependent not only on
18558s how you know each character plays you
18560s could have two different metas if you
18561s compared say we had this meta now and
18563s then we have a meta that's the same
18565s Heroes but in let's say two years the
18567s the compositions are going to be the
18569s same but the the play style is going to
18570s be completely different because of you
18572s know obviously stats and health pools
18574s and stuff like that so it can really
18575s offer a lot of different ways that you
18578s have to play the game now obviously well
18580s I mean you're probably thinking we're in
18581s the now why are you thinking about five
18582s years from now dude what are you on
18583s about here but you know it kind of at
18585s least in OverWatch one if you were to
18587s compare two Meadows to each other you
18588s kind of play entirely different if we
18590s see a ferracom for example in OverWatch
18591s 2 it's going to be so different than we
18593s would have seen with a fair comp in
18595s OverWatch one so in that in terms of
18597s play style leading into Dorado where you
18599s could just play those High grounds play
18601s in that verticality that should allow
18603s you know the like of you the shock or
18605s dark monkeys to take advantage yeah and
18608s speaking of that future I mean we're not
18609s even playing on the live patch because
18611s you'd be like see doomfist is didn't get
18614s that much love on the passion Etc
18616s roadhogs aren't here and we just a
18619s little bit of a roadhog from moving fish
18620s but either way this is on the grand
18623s finals patch hence why you're seeing a
18625s lot of Reaper sojour and stuff like that
18627s when tin still wins and yeah we'll kind
18630s of maybe focus more on shock Timeless
18632s coming out of the gates with the echo
18633s that you talked about I I didn't expect
18635s that honestly I I said it but I got it
18642s in terms of contenders yes we've seen
18644s echo of course so I didn't think Jim was
18645s literally gonna lock the echo that was
18647s just like a Hail Mary playum
18650s what is Jim cooking
18653s I'm just kidding let Jim Cook let Jim
18655s Cook
18658s fly up into the sky but what I really
18660s like about Echo and in most Meadows is
18662s when the tanks are really oppressive if
18664s you can hit all the stickies onto a tank
18665s it's it's a killer it's so much burst
18668s damage especially with that focusing
18669s Beam on top got that initial symmetra
18672s teleporter what's interesting is that a
18673s lot of owl teams used to do it into the
18674s all the way in the top right on top of
18676s the orange building but they just kind
18677s of let Dart monkeys go into a safer
18679s position on the bottom side yeah I
18681s wonder why they're letting them do that
18683s I guess it's because like you mentioned
18684s you know you could have just Spam over
18686s this top side with the Echo and we're
18688s gonna see a lot of that they actually go
18689s for the early dive but it just pushes
18691s Dart monkeys back into a pretty safe
18693s position like they originally were like
18694s you said
18696s and once the dark monkeys can kind of
18697s get around this corner you got to be
18699s worried about bar code and if she can
18701s force Jim out of this fight Jim has the
18704s most worry about the hit scans and as
18706s long as they play on top of these
18707s buildings shock time was in a great spot
18709s it's how dark monkeys are gonna dislodge
18711s him from the top of these buildings and
18713s Well for now they just focus on when
18715s they do fall they'll pick them off I
18716s guess yeah I mean zammer just sitting
18718s down below I mean that's kind of rough
18720s play style in terms of Jim but this is
18721s why usually you see Mercy with the echo
18724s instead of running Mercy you have that
18725s kariko so it results in Jim not having
18727s the hard pocket that would allow them to
18729s maybe play more aggressive like they
18731s wanted to and not Dart monkeys they're
18732s the ones that actually to play
18733s aggressive at the choke point overshock
18735s timeless
18736s the shark Timeless didn't lose too much
18738s so they disengaged and were able to
18739s force a second fight before point a dark
18741s monkeys placed though the bubble at the
18743s top right and Jim just tries to flank
18745s because there's really they couldn't
18746s really get back to their team so dark
18749s monkeys will still invest in katsune
18750s Rush despite the 5v4 as shock Timeless
18753s don't have any supports no DPS and it's
18756s an L ratio point a for Dart monkeys
18759s Broncos Country let's die oh my God
18763s yeah Jim y'all update you right now Jim
18766s looking a lot like Russell Wilson for
18768s the Denver Broncos which he's like he
18770s has a famous quote let him cook let Russ
18772s Cook it's like let Jim Cook but Jim is
18775s getting picked off an echo a little bit
18777s too much at the current moment
18779s they've just been kind of snowballed I
18781s mean all of shock Timeless haven't
18782s really had a chance to re-stabilize
18785s after the fight I wouldn't consider that
18787s point that second fight at point a to be
18789s on their terms shock Timeless at least
18791s have The High Ground this is about when
18793s they want to engage Jim is going to drop
18795s down use the flight Kitsune Rush from
18797s Arrow Mori shot Timeless run forward
18800s dark monkeys use the Salisbury to uh
18802s counteract this as azeroy goes to finish
18805s off moving fish who doesn't want to use
18806s the Primal Rage thought they were in a
18808s safe range and dart monkeys are around
18810s the corner and shock Timeless don't want
18812s to extend past the arch to farm oh yeah
18814s what a great beat drop from SK but
18815s unfortunately they don't commit any more
18816s ultimate swords that fight which is
18818s actually kind of beneficial to them now
18819s you know in hindsight like you said I
18821s mean they use that overclock on shock
18823s Timeless they use the katunia rush and
18825s not Dart monkeys you know they have
18827s three ultimates to crack open the top
18829s side of Dorado and boops off of s gaming
18832s that should allow them that space that
18833s they require to push this payload
18835s shock time I was able to shave off some
18837s time after that one and now they kind of
18839s decide when they want to drop it starts
18841s now Jim copies the Winston you got three
18844s win pins for the price of one but there
18846s are monkeys used to death Blossom as
18848s they drop and shock Timeless are
18851s shredded Dart monkeys waited patiently
18853s and it pays off it just keeps working
18855s for them I don't know if it's because
18857s jib is on Echo why this isn't really
18859s working for shock Timeless or just dark
18861s monkeys are in their head at this point
18863s three minutes and 13 seconds with left
18866s and you know we've seen this show before
18867s we've seen Barca with the overclock
18869s before can they even can even touch it
18872s they can't they got boomed up SK again
18874s with these huge boobs SK she's just a
18878s Lucio demon I love bull casting her
18881s because she has the funniest boobs and
18883s and then she made me laugh on cities
18885s when she got booped off herself it got
18888s the winton's at Winton slam when tin
18891s wins Dart monkeys man staggering out oh
18894s moving fish couldn't get out though
18896s where was Aspen yeah where was Aspen huh
18903s oh no way could she get a pick no she's
18906s gonna back out of there I mean that that
18908s was great though for dark monkeys to
18909s push in towards their moving fish
18911s showing the mechanics with that right
18912s click shot on two I didn't even see that
18914s Lucy on our screen if I'm gonna be
18915s honest with you lemon I mean that was a
18916s snipe of the century for moving fish
18918s right who would have thought Winston and
18919s you know what she would have Snipes oh
18921s no Aspen dead or again early dude
18923s Aspen's voice line didn't even finish it
18925s was like halfway through and it's in a
18927s rush still stays online though it
18928s doesn't get canceled no matter what so
18929s dark monkeys kind of use this moment to
18932s send zamrit make sure they go farming
18934s but moving fish is the one who's tribal
18937s is popping off remember you have haste
18939s which means your cooldowns are reduced
18940s during that casino
18942s you get the slap and you get to win Dart
18945s monkeys take that fight
18946s pretty easy for them as well coming now
18948s with four ultimate chunk Timeless
18950s they'll be down in one ultimate with
18952s Santana using that Primal Rage in that
18954s last fight to try to deal with moving
18955s fish from each team moving fish yet
18956s again before deals so much damage with
18959s that final rage and same with barcode
18961s actually sticks down lower for an engage
18964s for The katuni Rush committed for
18965s Memorial's defense you need to win this
18967s fight after your shot Timeless and I
18969s don't see how you don't you could soon a
18971s rush plus Jim equals pain that's all the
18974s map you need to know from the stream
18975s shock Timeless though they've been
18977s absolutely rolled the whole this whole
18980s defensive Brown because dark monkeys had
18982s three minutes going in to see and shock
18984s Timeless need to shred that all the way
18986s down if they want to climb back in the
18988s series well and now they're like over
18990s committing almost for these wins because
18992s you know like you said they got
18993s snowballed through the street space the
18994s first point as well so now to come back
18997s in the third point they feel like they
18998s have to use so much but now it's put
19000s them so far behind Okay who jumped
19003s behind them Santana was in the back line
19005s in the main space for Jim gym OverWatch
19008s baby test Blossom gets ass spinning
19011s without Aspen there's just no pulling
19013s through you don't have enough healing so
19015s dark monkeys will reset yeah I mean is
19018s so far it's working for shock Timeless
19019s they'll have that beat Primal Rage
19021s coming up for Santana soon moving fish
19023s didn't have to use theirs but Dart
19024s monkeys they're playing this incredibly
19026s conservative right they have ultimates
19027s towards this next fight but the problem
19029s is that this this is given some momentum
19031s on the opposite side yes they're done in
19033s ultimates but azaray potentially could
19034s do some massive work with railgun picks
19036s dark monkeys like we mentioned playing a
19038s bit safer and more conservative
19041s star monkeys dropped the sound barrier
19043s and they send the death Blossom of
19045s zembrick to the Bodyguards of shock
19047s Timeless who were holding the door and
19049s they've already gotten three kills I
19051s mean shock Timeless needed to disengage
19054s a bit quicker but maybe darmo because
19056s we're too quick to catch them and with
19058s 90 seconds remaining dark monkeys will
19060s probably have to win one more fight
19061s before the cap oh and they're against
19063s katsune rush and a curry or uh sojourn
19066s ultimate from barcode two could boots
19068s come through they already popped the
19070s overclock and they continue to rush
19074s oh god what happened I said one more
19078s fight I was not capping someone had to
19081s touch but the person that was closest to
19083s such was his SoJO and azrae who had the
19085s jump what was using overclock and said
19087s everyone else get on that I'm trying to
19089s kill things
19090s [Music]
19091s can't kill things if the round's over
19094s maybe they're gonna Tab out and like
19096s open up one of the uh the aim programs
19098s you know maybe that's how they'll kill
19099s things yeah
19104s our people will call your people yeah
19107s we'll have to we'll have to we'll have
19108s to get something set up I mean that was
19109s a really good potential re-engage for
19112s shock Timeless but how does Dartmouth
19114s monkeys keep doing this where I don't
19116s know if that was at the end because of
19118s SK booping off as a raid Towards the Sky
19120s as well you know it's pooping up that
19123s sojour and that could have also been a
19125s thing I'm trying to like rewind it my
19126s brain but I feel like I'm just Men In
19128s Black like flashed myself you know
19129s because I want to forget that moment for
19132s shock time because dark monkeys kept
19134s trying to go through Maine and the issue
19135s they kept facing was Santana would just
19137s see dark monkeys and then jump behind
19139s them and then dark monkeys will get
19140s confused they would they would want to
19141s do jumping themselves and moving fish
19143s would have to turn around deal with
19144s Santana so shock Timeless when they have
19147s the space to jump behind them they were
19149s doing work so dark monkeys instead went
19151s to the top right and then that tiny
19152s doorway for instance they jump into
19154s nobody's backline so shock Timeless just
19157s tried to stuff the choke and it's them
19158s that got stuffed instead and dark
19160s monkeys just rolled them in the blink of
19162s an eye I mean I blinked I got you know
19164s flash been in Black style and I forgot
19166s everything happened too
19167s well now they're gonna pull out the echo
19169s at the beginning here for Jam I would
19171s like like the mistake with them they're
19172s not gonna they're gonna put back jam on
19174s the Lucio it feels like the damage
19176s output is not enough for Jim it needs to
19178s damage or they need the damage boost
19179s problem that Mercy pocket to really do
19182s enough damage to Winston who's low on
19184s the opposite side if they do create some
19186s space off of it but it's kind of hard to
19188s support Jim on this High Ground without
19189s your bull supports like pocketing him
19192s yeah Jim wants to get a little bit
19194s closer before flying in so I kind of
19196s like this either staying behind the cart
19197s or using the bubble from Santana on the
19199s top right to avoid any head scan shots
19201s then they kind of had this initial soft
19203s dive to force Dart monkeys away from
19205s that main Archway but now that uh Dart
19207s monkeys can play so far back Jim is now
19210s I think gonna have a hard time
19212s you know Jim looking around that back
19214s right the top right angle specifically
19215s but you know has to drop down below
19217s they're just going to farm ultimates
19218s right now but it's like lemon that's all
19220s right with the shot of the railgun to
19223s take out barcode Dart monkeys after that
19225s I mean what do they do
19227s surprise dark monkeys engaged here I
19229s felt like they had the range advantage
19230s of just trying to poke them down but I
19232s think shock Timeless they
19236s range so Jim just committed damage into
19238s moving fish which I think made them
19239s panic and force Dart monkeys to take a
19241s fight that I don't think they should
19243s have you're 100 right I mean they have
19245s already a minute and a half off the
19247s clock you know they're doing a great job
19248s just defending there but you know how I
19250s guess how do you defend against Android
19251s who's lurking with that railgun shot on
19253s the opposite side you know you give
19254s azarena chances they're sure to take
19257s advantage of that
19258s Jim did some scouting too knew exactly
19260s where Dart monkeys were coming from
19262s Kitsune rushed from the tea fan gym
19264s Snipes barcode who somehow jumped behind
19266s them you ain't getting past this wall
19269s shock Timeless so close to point a and
19272s half their time bank is gone dark
19273s monkeys still invested ultimate even a
19275s probable rage on top of the Kitsune rush
19278s and shock Timeless they stay vigilant
19280s they really haven't used much besides
19282s their own katsune rush and with
19284s everything they've banked back up
19286s this could be a snowball for POI B if
19288s they do this right
19289s I'm gonna I'm gonna take a little bit of
19291s analysis from chat I saw I saw that
19293s comment earlier I told you about where
19295s you know one person enchant said all all
19297s Tiara has to do is not choke you know
19299s maybe oh Dart monkeys have to do is not
19302s choke
19304s yeah tell that to you literally the San
19305s Francisco shock at me
19309s just everyone's trying to take that
19310s lesson but barcode Snipes Jim and
19313s finally they get punished they were
19315s flying a little two three at this point
19317s shock Timeless this was kind of their
19319s momentum push I talked about this Bank
19321s of ultimates they had and they'll have
19322s to do it without Jim and sound beer
19324s drops as where he's 180 shot Timeless
19326s are still uncomfortable but still keep
19329s this going because they killed the
19331s supports of dark monkeys so it was on
19332s the shock Timeless don't feed you know
19334s some advice from chat there then all
19336s damage is permanent yeah all damage is
19339s permanent now they have to fall back low
19341s on ultimates as well no shock Timeless
19343s they're in a great position with no beat
19345s drop even though that doesn't really
19346s matter because dark monkeys on the side
19348s moving fish has been doing work against
19350s no B drop or against beat drop rather
19352s same with barcodes so now they don't
19354s have either ultimate xamarin they're
19356s gonna have to go huge with the reaper
19357s ultimate but on Dorado I mean the map's
19359s so open especially if you know where
19360s you're coming he's coming from towards
19362s that bank side it's gonna be tough to
19363s deal with dark monkeys
19365s azaray knows maybe someone could come
19367s through the top Bank side so they're
19369s respecting that space could student
19371s Russia Mary Mori met countered by the
19373s sound bearer of SK the aspirin gets low
19375s as we hit the final shot it's his double
19378s kill and she doesn't stop here shocked
19381s Timeless need to finish this fight and
19383s make up for really the lack of time bank
19386s to see if they could do better than dark
19388s monkeys and climb back in the series
19391s I mean skaters use that B drop Aspen
19393s gonna have a katuni rush they're gonna
19395s Touch by a second they use the suit
19396s already and down in that fight jyn uses
19398s the copy too so you're just telling us
19400s moving fish the delay though gun monkeys
19403s has the ultimate but as he gets picked
19405s oh that's lost out of nowhere good boot
19408s from Jam shock Timeless just have a few
19411s more meters to go and moving fish is
19413s buying time for Dart monkeys to get back
19415s you don't have Aspen you have limited
19417s heals but if Aspen gets back can
19419s teleport in time the katsune rush would
19421s be a win condition but shock Timeless
19423s are killing too quickly so Dart monkeys
19425s will not be holding this and looking at
19427s this time back now three and a half is
19429s pretty good for shot timeless it is I
19432s mean three and a half minutes to capture
19433s out third Point Dorado this map is not I
19437s mean it is pretty defensive signed it on
19438s third point but you know it gets a bit
19440s easier for the defense or for the
19442s offense compared to a map like King's
19444s Row you know where the spawns are that
19446s close they are so close on Dorado it's
19447s still really hard to cap out on third
19448s point but with three minutes and 12
19450s seconds I mean shock don't choke
19453s shock don't joke but we'll see they can
19456s finish faster they'll give them an
19458s advantage there's the initial jump there
19460s and jumping back as Santana didn't want
19462s to use the Primal Rage wants to get more
19464s free space now star monkeys are
19466s contesting they'll have to force them
19467s out but it's almost like Santana should
19469s have stayed there with the Primal
19470s because then Jim didn't have any space
19472s most of use flight already and shock
19475s don't want to have to fight their way
19476s through this choke you saw how kind of
19478s awkward it was for Dart monkeys on the
19479s last round and every second counts for
19482s shock timeless
19483s every second is ticking now for shock
19486s Timeless in two minutes and 30 seconds
19488s left you know they're gonna have to
19489s really recoup and recoup together and
19492s maybe pop this katune Rush on the engage
19494s maybe get an overclock there as well I
19497s mean they're up in terms of olds but the
19498s car it's so far away dark monkeys could
19500s take a drive fight if they wanted
19509s are now getting uh they're disengaging
19512s barcode jumped away from the initial
19515s dive and finally shoots up for even
19517s approaching and Shaw kaimas has been
19519s multiple fights lost as Point C has just
19522s been a struggle uh my my jaws is dropped
19525s I don't know how the heck barcode hit
19527s that second shot on the gym gym was even
19529s on our screen when we saw Jim get taken
19532s out like I don't even know what happened
19533s is sojourn does she like shoot curved
19536s railgun shots this barcode found some
19538s sort of new technology style yeah
19542s yeah he really did
19544s oh no you left there Amore we haven't
19547s even figured out where this fight has
19548s taken place and somehow airmore I mean
19550s must have taken either a body shot from
19552s the sojourn and Zapped by the Winston I
19555s have no idea then you trade this out so
19557s both teams are kind of scratching their
19559s heads like we'll do the we go in without
19561s them well guard monkeys will have their
19563s uh their Kitsune back a little bit
19566s faster but shock Timeless round the
19569s corner and you got to worry about Azure
19571s what she gets fine with the overclock
19572s she almost got that pick onto someone in
19574s spawn room doors but good Headway for
19576s shot timer yeah I mean both Primal rages
19578s are available it's gonna be on either
19579s Winston or railgun Sean out of both
19581s sojourns towards this fight so pay
19583s attention to Santana moving fish barcode
19586s and Azure leading into next fight
19588s and whose Reaper is teleporting up there
19590s with zamarin you really got to make sure
19592s that no soldiers or Reaper is
19594s comfortable up there it's how you can
19596s access either team's back line speaking
19597s of pack lines Santana it's making room a
19601s setup camp and almost killed SK just
19603s couldn't get the jungle right off the
19605s wall and a great group to send away
19607s zebra and everyone from shock time let's
19609s focus them down and dark monkeys though
19612s they're only ahead by one person and a
19615s death Blossom from gym as there's a
19616s Winston right there but the Suzy save
19619s Dart monkeys and that was a great call
19620s by Aspen 20 seconds left no ultimates on
19623s the board besides One support out for
19625s shock Timeless on aramore so that should
19628s allow maybe Azure to build up that old
19630s same with jam and a dark monkey side I
19632s mean barcode with an overclock up 2-0
19636s over shocked Timeless with a Primal Rage
19638s they're in a fantastic spot to end it
19639s now
19640s will this be Dart monkeys going to the
19643s Grand finals they have to hold one final
19646s time moving fish has already killed
19648s Santana shot timers have to consume a
19650s rush Advantage but they gotta send their
19652s Reaper of Jim to do the work we gotta
19655s worry about barcode behind you hit the
19657s snipe well azra is dead either way it
19660s doesn't matter Dart monkeys don't have
19662s their supports though so shock Timeless
19665s they have to finish this off quickly
19668s while they're lacking the resources the
19670s box is right at the end and shock
19672s timeless clutched it after starting the
19674s fight 45. unbelievable closeout from
19679s them I mean what a great push at the
19682s very end to come back like you mentioned
19684s down too I mean how do you do it I don't
19687s know I mean they just pulled it out
19688s towards the end they get those picks
19689s they re-group together towards that
19691s point still have Jim there and we know
19692s Jim's one of the best Reapers in the
19694s entirety of OverWatch too so off the
19696s back of that I mean they just stay there
19698s on that point setup camp and you know
19700s dark monkeys they kind of maybe got a
19702s little flustered towards the and you
19703s think lemon I mean it seemed like at the
19704s they were in full control
19707s yeah that was like a tough fight to
19708s dissect because it felt like both teams
19710s traded out like I saw uh as a ray fall
19713s and then barcode die and I think what at
19715s the end there I think there was a sound
19716s Bear by Jam when they had about three
19718s people left and it ended up being a
19720s three versus two or three versus one for
19722s shock Timeless and I think that sound
19723s bear is what really told to them over
19725s the edge after somehow scrounging up
19728s that fight losing Santana so early was
19730s not ideal but the Kitsune Rush from
19732s aramori must have gotten kind of that
19734s that ball rolling with that initial
19736s damage in and dart monkey is kind of
19738s didn't focus on those respawns enough
19741s really the culmination of all of those
19744s things a loud shock Timeless a breather
19747s and now coming back in they have a
19749s minute left to full and push or to get
19751s this push at least maybe in the second
19753s Point towards the end of first point you
19755s know for Dart monkeys this little
19757s worrisome because you know if they get
19759s far on this first point you don't stop
19761s them here I mean it's gonna be rough to
19763s finally push it through on your attack
19765s on Dorado look at that Mercy you wanted
19767s for Jim and now Jim can have a lot more
19770s really just be more comfortable getting
19772s more aggressive because you have that
19773s permanent pocket kiriko is it's not a
19775s bad support to pair with it because you
19777s don't have to worry about that aiming as
19778s much but the damage boost is what you're
19780s lacking there and just initially Jim
19782s just dumped a bunch of stinky bombs into
19784s moving fish and forced them out I mean
19786s they swapped off it immediately again I
19787s don't really know the strategy behind
19789s swapping off the mercy on first point
19792s but I mean it seems to working for them
19793s like you said I mean they have 23
19795s seconds here now and they've done it
19796s before the dart monkey so dark monkeys
19797s maybe a little worried they'll get
19799s picked off yet again like they did on
19800s their first defense I'm just sure you
19802s have no room no room or time for res and
19805s Soundbar is just a better ultimate if I
19806s had to just give you the cliff notes on
19808s that but barcode with the first blood
19810s it's a shock Timeless they don't have
19812s many seconds remaining they gotta stay
19814s on the cart on top of that while to
19816s hoping to dislodge dark monkeys from The
19817s High Ground and they just collapse onto
19819s them but it's shock Timeless with a
19821s better punish and the burst from the
19823s echo is shipped too much gym OverWatch
19825s has one it up and they're coming for
19828s your back Line DART monkeys better run
19830s because shot Timeless are coming for
19832s point a gym is disgusting every single
19835s time just able to get those opening
19837s picks able to take to do work on the
19840s echo you don't really see I mean most
19842s Reapers doing what Jim does even on
19844s Reaper but now swapping over to Echo
19845s Dart monkeys couldn't even touch it
19847s looks they're just gonna try to take a
19848s win fight towards or a fight to try to
19850s win here but they're down at ultimates I
19852s don't know how you do it versus shot
19853s timeless
19855s yeah dark monkeys want to maybe looks
19858s like they're posing themselves to just
19859s hold the choke they can't get back to
19860s The High Ground or at least are choosing
19862s not to Kitsune rush I think is the big
19864s ultimate that'll spark up this fight
19866s erimori a little bit quicker than Aspen
19868s and how quickly do they want to use it
19870s with moving fish this far committed
19872s forward they want to punish them it's
19874s moving fish against the finishing blow
19876s onto azeri aramore was maybe more
19878s focused on damage than trying to Sousa
19879s their sojourn and shot Timeless we'll
19882s just punish them in the end the cartoon
19884s Rush didn't even net the many kills and
19886s the probable race removing fish
19890s oh no Santana had the Primal Rage at the
19894s very end but unfortunately I mean that
19897s over time it takes down so fast now I
19900s mean it just really it's just it's so
19902s quick so Santana's not even allowed to
19904s have a breather off the payload maybe if
19907s they're playing roadhog they could take
19908s a breather right
19910s just literally is that low hanging fruit
19912s yeah that's okay moving fish heard you
19914s and they're probably laughing yeah thank
19916s you thank you fish I mean they're
19917s laughing at what just happened too I
19919s mean shocked I almost should have stayed
19921s on the payload there at the end but you
19922s know shock Timeless at the same time
19924s laughing all the way to the bank in
19925s which they're gonna respond to the bank
19926s now is that also low hanging fruit but
19928s they're gonna also spawn in the bank now
19930s and come towards this point in which
19931s dark monkeys you know two minutes and 16
19933s seconds it's a good time bank but on the
19935s side of shock Timeless you pushed it
19937s into this second phase which you got to
19938s feel good with that with only having a
19940s minute in your time thing
19942s I'm just surprised like kind of that
19944s katsune Rush from aramore like shock
19945s Timeless couldn't do more I wonder if
19947s the disengage was too strong for Dart
19949s monkeys but I swear they were still on
19950s the card so whenever that occurs I'm
19952s thinking there must have been split
19954s Focus whether it was maybe panicking
19956s okay that as Ray is in here what are we
19958s doing but whatever the call is you got
19961s to look at what what Jim jimothy jimothy
19964s Christmas is up to in the kasune rush
19966s because that is why Reaper Is So Meta
19969s with kiriko is the amount of damage you
19971s put out on that hero
19973s Timothy with the damage boost I can't
19975s stop thinking about that I love them
19978s over the top side and they're just gonna
19980s keep spamming on Dart monkeys down below
19982s here lemon and you know it's tough to
19984s deal with this choking with that red
19986s building with that other side too on the
19988s other hang on it just keep jumping from
19989s side to side
19991s the box of victory
19993s right at the end of a but at least
19996s but I think if shot Timeless get wiped
19999s there Dart monkeys the respawns for for
20001s point B are quite far so dark monkeys
20003s they have a chance to go to the Grand
20005s finals but not that much extra time over
20008s shock Timeless so you're taking a slower
20011s approach just working off of PEX uh
20013s shock Timeless they might have you know
20015s ice in their veins because they keep
20017s doing these like reverse sweeps almost
20018s and it doesn't feel out of the question
20020s for them to actually shut down Dart
20022s monkeys right now make this reverse Loop
20024s in the series
20025s great usage of the susies from Aspen to
20027s save moving fish it feels like that's
20029s why they maybe have lower deaths per 10
20031s in Santana in that case sometimes it's
20033s the people around you not necessarily
20035s like what you're doing on the Winston
20037s jar monkeys they do start at least are
20039s starting to get through this Archway you
20041s use the reaper rage to get away from the
20043s disruptors shot so some important
20045s cooldowns being used but Azure is on The
20047s High Ground scene they get stuck the
20048s back line but it's barcode that's just
20050s more efficient mechanically she's
20052s Unstoppable two kills already including
20054s one of the azeri who is above her the
20057s whole time dark monkeys can conserve
20059s they could soon a rush too if there even
20060s is a Recon test for point a which I sure
20063s there is I maybe I mean they're gonna
20066s have to come back as fast as they
20067s possibly can but that's gotta feel
20068s terrible right they use that continuing
20070s Rush don't even get a win off of it a
20071s lot of people consider consuming rush to
20073s be that ultimate that you can just get
20074s free fight wins well they're gonna
20075s rigattach like you said your lemon and
20077s they're actually getting it pretty fast
20079s can't even tell if they capped or not
20081s darn monkeys though they are using a
20083s Kitsune rush so copper Notch shots
20086s Timeless I feel like they're taking an L
20087s salivate your Primal race
20090s Timeless to Narnia 13 seconds left and
20094s dark monkeys have the box of Victory
20096s around the corner but the doors to point
20098s a are still opening and maybe dark
20100s monkeys went a little too deep but shock
20102s Timeless have lost too much around the
20104s corner there will be someone to contest
20106s but it's not a tank and I assure you
20108s it's not gonna be good Jam is there for
20111s the initial Boop behind is the
20114s deathly and dark monkeys Primal Rage the
20117s other team off the card and with a swift
20120s 3-0 dark monkeys are going to the Grand
20122s finals oh my God dark monkeys what a
20126s series from them how do they keep doing
20128s I swear as we've seen spot four maybe
20131s five boops off the payload I mean it
20133s just seems to be continuously either
20135s from moving fish either from SK to just
20138s keep watching that payload and somehow
20140s someway shock Timeless just kept
20143s contesting last second and putting
20144s themselves in a really hard position
20146s Dart monkeys they get that rematch you
20149s talked about earlier lemon and you know
20151s how do you think the affair this time
20152s around maybe they needed that warm-up to
20155s go into the grand finals you know
20157s oh they are on fire this was more than a
20160s warm-up this was the ultimate Challenge
20162s the rematch from qualifier two grand
20164s finals ends in the same fashion but in a
20168s different way Dart monkeys won both
20170s times they faced Timeless ethereal
20172s Formerly Known and then now shock
20174s Timeless even with the extra branding
20176s was it the buff that they needed either
20178s way it was a 3-0 instead of a game five
20180s and still a big congratulations to shock
20183s Timeless uh three thousand dollars
20186s I'll get slapped by anyone for three
20189s thousand dollars okay really you mean
20192s that well by you it wouldn't hurt too
20194s much
20196s and with that we're going to a break
20199s we'll see you all for the grand finals
20203s wipe
20207s oh
20215s [Music]
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20234s foreign
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20267s foreign
20282s [Music]
20294s foreign
20303s [Music]
20311s [Music]
20319s me and Dustin has settled it behind
20323s closed doors I'm now three thousand
20325s dollars Richard look no mark on my face
20327s but I have brought someone very
20329s important the Lucio demon herself SK is
20332s on the line for our winners interview
20335s congratulations how's the tournament
20338s been so far hello I missed you uh I miss
20342s you too it's been great it's been good
20345s we have been playing OverWatch for sure
20349s no love for me man or dude what the heck
20352s where's mine I I missed y'all sorry
20354s excuse me thank you
20357s I wanted to bring it back honestly real
20359s quick to just a question for you when
20361s you were booping I mean how many times
20362s you pooped Santana off the map first of
20364s all in King's Road can we talk about
20365s that one that was insane what'd you feel
20367s after you booped off Santana that was
20368s crazy I was just laughing hey
20371s he
20377s know reverse then you got booped off the
20379s map that was pretty funny yeah I was
20381s like laughing at you I was trying to
20384s head Stomp The cutico on her wall climb
20386s back up but she just teleported and then
20387s I got pooped oh no
20391s well yeah that was like that was like an
20393s out or like a mind play I guess or like
20394s a mind game but it's hard to to head
20396s stomp right how often do you actually
20398s can you stop people from climbing back
20399s up walls like a Genji or kariko do you
20402s consistently actually stop them from
20403s getting off on those you know crazy
20405s comeback plays yes if they don't have
20408s abilities but if if they're just wall
20411s claim it's really easy you just goom
20412s with something you step on their head
20413s you were in goombasant position so many
20416s times I saw you on like King's Row you
20418s you and Jam fighting for for the Statue
20420s is pretty funny but it's not the first
20422s time you all have face shock Timeless or
20424s Timeless ethereal like the last we
20426s actually casted you know your final
20427s against them and it went all the way to
20429s game five and now it was a 3-0 so what
20431s was different between y'all like from
20434s the qualifier two to now because y'all
20435s look so much stronger oh we scrimmed
20438s this week
20439s that's the difference that all it takes
20441s yeah last tournament we didn't have any
20443s practice at all it was our first time
20444s playing together and then this week we
20447s uh we got to work we did like three or
20449s four scrims Jake was there helping us
20451s out and we've improved a lot for sure
20455s yeah it really looks like that I mean
20457s like generally it seemed like they have
20459s so much or you guys I guess dark monkeys
20461s in general have really improved since
20463s that first qualifier because of the
20465s scrims like you mentioned and I mean to
20467s actually close it out with so many times
20468s you know to really have a lot of you
20471s know pressure on you guys obviously to
20472s make it to those grand finals and
20474s finally shut out at the end how are you
20476s feeling I guess going into those grand
20477s finals how are you feeling at the end of
20479s the day coming into the matchup versus
20481s Altura yet again
20483s we're excited we want revenge Timeless
20486s was in our way sorry Timeless but we're
20489s gonna get our coach match now
20492s okay so what kind of glow up from y'all
20496s has to happen to make this a different
20498s result against all to your Artemis and
20500s any wisdom to share
20503s um we were furiously typing in the group
20505s chat for like an hour and a half between
20507s our two matches so we're gonna see what
20509s happens
20512s thank you oh I was I know you did I I
20516s saw he just fired up on there getting
20518s the boops of congratulations on this win
20522s Grand finals up next so we'll let you go
20523s thank you so much for the interview good
20525s luck thank you
20529s well I mean I mean lemon I'm a great
20530s interview with the with the homie over
20533s asking I mean getting that boob off the
20534s map really playing as well and as they
20536s hon as they had the entire tournament
20538s Dart monkeys that one week of scrim it
20540s was enough right I mean it was enough to
20541s get them towards that grand finals of
20543s the Challenger cup after qualifying
20545s through the second qualifiers not even
20546s the first one I mean to be one of the
20548s underdog seeds it's a crazy storyline
20550s for them just the Brainiac answer from
20553s SK all it takes y'all asking in chat how
20556s do I become Pro in OverWatch you can
20557s hear from Dusty you can hear it from SK
20560s practice makes perfect and typing in
20563s group chat and being cooler than other
20565s players according to SK for our
20568s interview earlier but we're gonna take a
20570s for real break no slapping break just a
20572s normal break this time for y'all to get
20574s your popcorn because on the other side
20576s we have the Grand Final for the calling
20578s all heroes Challenger cup for a minimum
20581s of five thousand dollars the winner gets
20583s ten thousand you won't want to miss it
20590s [Music]
20603s thank you
20617s [Music]
20636s thank you
20663s [Music]
20677s [Music]
20691s [Music]
20704s thank you
20707s foreign
20710s [Music]
20738s [Music]
20740s foreign
20744s [Music]
20754s [Music]
20768s [Music]
20771s foreign
20781s [Music]
20803s [Music]
20809s foreign
20840s foreign
20844s [Music]
20854s [Music]
20871s [Music]
20885s thank you
20889s [Music]
20897s [Music]
20914s foreign
20917s [Music]
20951s thank you
20964s [Music]
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20982s [Music]
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21011s [Music]
21018s [Music]
21026s foreign
21029s [Music]
21051s [Music]
21052s foreign
21057s [Music]
21073s finals time I'm glad you guys are
21076s joining us again for the calling all
21077s heroes Challenger cup ten thousand
21080s dollars goes to first place and not a
21081s bad five thousand dollars per second
21083s Dusty done that's not a bad price at all
21086s I mean I think that either team that's
21088s you know that's what both teams that are
21090s coming in here to the Grand finals are
21091s really winners at the end of the day for
21092s participating I mean to sign up for the
21094s challengers cup to participate and they
21096s calling all heroes tournament where it's
21097s been such a great positive reaction from
21099s literally everybody it's been awesome to
21101s be a part of lemon I mean I'm sure you
21103s can feel the love as well that everybody
21104s is receiving when we play in the calling
21106s or we watch rather the calling on Heroes
21108s tournament we can look back at the
21110s bracket which has been insane in the
21112s upper bracket obviously Dart monkeys got
21114s knocked down due to alt your Artemis and
21117s sent Dark Monkey so it lower bracket
21118s where they had to take that three over
21120s shock and now they're back they made
21122s their way back in towards the final
21124s bracket after playing against shock
21126s timely shock Timeless you know they
21127s thought people on Twitter thought they
21129s could pull off you know that similar
21130s shock Vibes where they make it as a
21132s lower bracket sadly they they do fault
21134s Dart monkeys but now you know Dart
21136s monkey's revenge like SK said I mean
21139s they're looking for that revenge against
21141s altiora
21143s and the script writes itself that's in
21146s the fact that we have our first place
21148s from qualifier one being all tour
21150s Artemis versus the first place of
21152s qualifier two of Dart monkeys facing off
21155s in the Grand Final for thousands of
21156s dollars ah they should make a movie
21159s about this it writes itself but we'll
21161s get into our map shortly by the way this
21164s is a first to four instead of a first to
21166s three so more OverWatch yeah I mean for
21169s a grand finals it's warranted I don't
21171s think there's been a single Grand finals
21172s that's been first to three if there have
21173s probably been the worst Grand finals
21175s ever this one not gonna be that yeah L
21178s plus ratio you ain't dark monkeys or L2
21180s or Artemis gonna be in the grand finals
21182s and for this matchup specifically Jen
21183s like for Dart monkeys I mean they're
21186s gonna have to go into this team of all
21187s tour Artemis who has been stacked and
21189s playing Amazing without the entire
21191s tournament HK has been standout bun has
21194s been amazing Halo as well this team has
21196s been Juiced to the gills and now coming
21198s to this Grand finals it's gonna be tough
21199s for dark monkeys to play against
21202s hello I remember Halo from the Boston
21204s Uprising days great to see her again but
21207s you're going up against quite a force of
21210s dark monkeys Who coming off of a
21212s momentum win but as a player Justin by
21214s the way whenever you would win a match
21216s and you have to play another one right
21217s after are you getting the vibe of like
21219s maybe you're just running out of energy
21220s a bit and maybe you're getting a bit
21222s exhausted or is it like a like a fire in
21225s your belly at that point well you know
21227s what's interesting is you have to do
21228s like all these things I know I'm not
21230s directly answering a question here by
21232s the way we're going to Busan
21233s um
21234s okay
21236s I was gonna say in the OverWatch League
21238s you don't play two matches a day but
21240s back before the OverWatch League that's
21242s like years ago at this point like we
21243s said I'm ancient now and I guess
21244s compared to you know a lot of these
21246s players that are 19 you know 20 years
21248s old
21248s um a lot of them actually you know going
21250s back then yeah it kind of does light a
21252s fire under your butt to actually have to
21254s come to that Grand Final sometimes
21255s you're tired sometimes you use it as a
21257s warm-up you know a lot of the times like
21259s you're at the other team maybe they're
21260s gonna go scrim because a lot of the
21261s teams aren't testing anymore after
21263s coming back to the Grand finals you know
21264s everybody got knocked out of the
21265s tournament so why would they want to
21266s come back to practice against you and
21268s that's a lot of your practices against
21269s those teams so for Dart monkeys they get
21272s a warm up against the top tier team one
21274s of the top three teams that have placed
21275s in this tournament so they get to feel
21277s pretty good coming into that that's like
21279s their match to use coming into this one
21282s feeling nice and ready to go versus
21283s altur who all to Europe maybe there's
21285s maybe they're cold you know maybe
21287s they're not ready for this Mac versus
21288s Dart monkeys who has been warmed up and
21291s ready to go for this match on Busan in
21293s which first match is going to be Busan
21295s in on the first round it's going to be
21297s Mecca base
21299s yeah this is kind of like Oasis where
21302s especially maybe more of an oasis
21304s University where it's very very close
21306s plays like a control center of lijong
21308s tower the reapers are gonna shine but I
21310s think soldiers might have an easier time
21312s if the fight takes place on the point
21313s you have this Higher Ground you have
21315s some space to work with which is a bit
21317s easier than some Oasis rounds but
21319s surprisingly M5 is not capping with this
21322s roadhog huh interesting the runoff on
21325s the roadhog with the Genji specifically
21327s I mean kind of don't know if that's
21329s trolling or if that's a serious pick but
21331s it could be very serious because we've
21332s seen Genji can pick before but they're
21333s just going for that counter kind of play
21335s style it looks like
21337s oh yeah it's just roadhog is the
21339s ultimate Winston counter you hook them
21341s in before they jump you do Insane
21343s amounts of damage close to range the
21345s only thing inconsistent about roadhog is
21347s measuring the distance between when you
21349s want to use your primary fire which is
21350s you know face first or your alternate
21353s fire where it's kind of this sweet spot
21355s where you can max out the damage um all
21357s Tiora they floss button I don't really
21360s think about Pope though having The High
21361s Ground is not too shabby we'll hang
21363s around dark monkeys will get the point
21364s first all right that was almost a bit of
21366s an ego check there for fun to try to
21368s shift into a Reaper and a sojour and
21371s that's just not going to work out for
21372s you all through our Artemis now have to
21373s be the ones to reset in which they do
21375s have that upper seed they actually go
21376s aggressive again what an aggressive play
21378s style and it actually capitalize this
21380s off a bun getting barcode
21382s you just don't want to play anywhere
21383s near this roadhog it's so tough so dark
21386s monkeys have to kind of engage and
21387s disengage very quickly play with their
21389s bubbles very smartly and never Peak
21391s their roadhog because I just don't think
21392s M5 is missing these Hooks and that's a
21395s quick retake for all Tiora after only
21396s giving up 29 to Dart monkeys yeah that's
21399s that's great for all Tiora now on the
21401s defensive side they're going to have
21402s that consume Rush Dart monkeys don't
21404s have theirs just yet but on Beat Drops
21406s they're about even with Halo and SK on
21407s the opposite side dark monkeys coming
21409s back into it gonna build that overclock
21410s but you always gotta watch for real
21411s gunshots As you move in for the week
21415s now it starts with the Kitsune Rush from
21417s Wicca versus Aspen You Got the Whole Hog
21420s though in an OverWatch too it sure bangs
21422s it's not
21425s Kent away physically to come back to the
21428s Vengeance they have not been slain a
21430s soundary engage is called by SK as the
21433s rest of Dar monkeys just try to coalesce
21435s on the single Target but it was a little
21436s bit tough against the Halo sound barrier
21438s but as the dust settles all to her
21440s Artemis are on top I feel like Dart
21442s monkeys still played that pretty well in
21444s the re-engage unfortunately didn't work
21446s out for them but Altura Artemis look
21447s like one well-oiled machine just be able
21450s to counter dive that Dart monkey's push
21452s and then re-engage and now force is
21453s moving fish over the road hog on that
21455s re-engage so maybe a bit of uh change up
21458s in terms of The Conch
21459s Dragonplay that I just can't even
21461s believe I'm casting Genji in the year of
21463s Our Lord after all the changes we've
21465s been through but HK hkey proves to me it
21469s works
21470s and it'd be too easy saying SK you say
21472s HK I know there's SK and hkey my brain
21475s can only handle so much that was great
21478s from our Altura on this defensive side
21480s that blade and then also the disengage
21482s of it would have looked to be Barco got
21484s split off from Dart monkey's you know
21487s push inwards and now 20 left on the
21489s board now for uh Artemis to actually
21492s fully cap out Dart monkeys with no
21493s ultimates it's looking rough for them
21495s all right my bad Mari AKA M5 I just kind
21499s of wanted to call you uh some kind of
21500s gun name like just like we did to poor
21502s old Sam when we called him the S9
21504s millimeters
21505s got it Maddie you shoot your shot you
21507s almost looked in the other hog moving
21509s fish had to swap just to try and match
21511s you and Bun gets the combo live on the
21514s show during the double kill with the
21516s overclock as you had SK just try to bait
21518s some attention and keep that over time
21520s Wick burning but Altier are Artemis with
21522s a dominant first round yeah I'm pretty
21525s pretty strong start from them I mean 100
21527s to 29 they did lose the point first but
21528s that was really because bun kind of well
21531s you know put it in layman's terms right
21534s I mean just kind of land towards you
21536s gotta call him a feeder dust and stuff
21538s yeah well they're they're the ones here
21539s in the grand finals and I'm sitting here
21541s casting so I don't think I think they're
21543s winning
21545s but oppon is crazy I mean just the
21548s Fantastic sojourn and I mean to be
21550s honest with you lemon I swatched off of
21551s flex support onto full-time DPS gameplay
21554s because it is gonna be honest with more
21555s fun than playing Flex support right now
21557s and we'll watch two for me because yeah
21559s I always just get Dove and destroyed by
21561s sojourns with railguns so I said why not
21563s why not why can't I do that why can't I
21565s be the soldier that railgun shots
21567s you know
21568s you lose a map the way alterior
21571s 's doing right now in playoffs huh like
21573s Alto Artemis are unstoppable and dark
21575s monkeys they thought that they're they
21578s think they're cooking up a glow up I
21580s mean SK had the wisdom to share it's all
21582s about scrimming right here it sounds
21585s really simple but two roadhogs face off
21588s Mari versus moving fish and you don't
21591s really have like an honor that instant
21593s kind of kryptonite to either anti or
21595s sleep to stop the healing so so much
21597s sustain is available for a roadhog and
21600s he's gonna actually move forward towards
21601s that other side the hog pushes back now
21604s towards the back side of the point and
21605s it's pretty much a stalemate here with
21607s all two are actually the ones in charge
21609s of this point and with the point first
21611s in the control but we think doesn't
21613s decide to hook first and actually gets
21614s the kill on damari
21616s for now it's the first couple of picks
21619s and moving fish it's like okay I'm a
21621s swap for roadhog and I'm gonna teach you
21623s how it's done Maury has already conceded
21625s and has swapped to the sigma literally L
21627s ratioed at this point you bring the
21629s sigma out to just have that flexible
21630s Shield to block some of these hooks yeah
21633s I mean that's fine on a map like this
21634s too where you can spam and get away with
21636s it as well I mean so Sigma specifically
21639s has been a great hero where Amari you
21640s know she's decided to actually swap over
21642s to it and really a lot of teams and
21645s contenders in the colonial Heroes have
21646s made the signal work just to run at this
21648s Hawk with that Shield up
21650s such a sigma's such a good brawler too
21653s but moving fish snuck into the back line
21655s and just hooks the kiriko and Mari just
21659s has to be so careful of that you just
21660s always have to be front facing your
21662s hauling where the hog is just gonna get
21663s around you because the hog does not want
21664s to brawl the sigma so far so so good for
21667s Dart monkeys they're gonna have to win
21669s this map to make a statement to Artemis
21671s to come back in the series and with hkey
21672s onto that Genji as well maybe gonna get
21675s a big blade there's no support ultimates
21676s to negate it but with how large this map
21679s is you know it wouldn't be a surprise to
21681s see Dart monkeys speed boost away and
21682s disengage the blade with relative ease
21685s so but HD is super good at just closing
21687s distance with that blade as well so okay
21688s as I say that moving fish
21690s moving fish is dominating right now and
21693s even Dodges the accretion or maybe got
21695s suzu either way Dar monkey is making the
21698s comeback of a century after kind of
21700s getting dominated in uh by Alto or
21702s Artemis on Mecca base and this is just
21705s another reset but all two are Artemis
21707s they're baking so many ultimates this is
21709s gonna be an explosive one coming up but
21711s it starts with the dragon blade from
21712s hkey who gets whole hogged into Jupiter
21715s by moving fish so I guess you trade old
21718s for holes the lawn blow or the leaf
21720s blower I could say poops them back and
21721s moving fish again another hook into a
21724s signal from Mari and now they have to
21726s fall back to the point with the suzu I
21728s mean Artemis they keep getting picked
21729s here lemon
21731s well to your Artemis they used a lot of
21733s olds what do they get nothing how much
21735s does this cost everything else your
21737s Artemis only have an overclock from bun
21740s but she pops up I we were co-streaming
21743s her and I'm not a bun number one fan so
21746s this overclock better pop off she's
21747s sitting over in Maine Dodges the hook
21749s stays at a safe distance with the sound
21751s barrier from SK is called and sk's
21754s actually the one on the hunt to force
21756s out the jump from Bunn and sk's not even
21758s over yet but with the pocket from Wicca
21761s fun is not being touched up until they
21763s forgot about the roadhog moving fish is
21766s a solo an army of one and dart monkeys
21770s are about to force a round three I mean
21772s I was the army of two moment almost
21774s there a little bit of a call back
21775s because SDA just dodged forever and
21777s moving fish came back out from the top
21779s side to slam dunk now I mean they have
21781s to touch the point otherwise the quick
21782s overtime is sure to go and in a couple
21785s seconds it sure is going to be in Dart
21787s monkey's favor the HT will touch but
21789s yeah no dark monkeys will equalize it
21791s won't to wine and now we're going
21793s downtown lemon altiora are you gonna mix
21795s it up again Mari on the sigma I don't
21797s know if that was it
21800s yeah it's I just don't think they have
21803s the space to play Sega the only times
21804s you ever see Sigma being played these
21806s days is like on circuit Royale where you
21809s want to just have that flexible shield
21810s and enable your DPS but play Sigma as a
21813s brawler
21814s it's a little bit tough when you just
21816s don't have to sustain that a roadhog
21817s does because as you're just exchanging
21819s damage the roadhog can just walk away
21821s heal and the sigma just sits there like
21824s a duck and has to wait for heals so I
21827s almost would prefer the the hog beer but
21829s Mari just doesn't seem confident in that
21831s hence the Swap and do you think that
21834s they would be as well because I mean
21836s they started off with the hog as well so
21837s I wonder if that's a you know team call
21839s from Artemis to make that swap as well I
21842s mean it's really up to them and what
21843s they practice maybe they decided Sigma
21845s is better on that nap than Hawk but
21848s really it's resulted in you know like I
21849s said moving fishing a ton of value
21851s Mario is gonna give this hog a try and
21854s almost got a great hug onto Aspen or
21855s even zemrick with the race being top
21857s dark monkeys have to play a bit safe but
21860s the Boop wasn't enough to stop Amari got
21863s an amazing hook on the barcode and our
21865s monkeys are down too so just needing the
21867s full reset here zembroke must not have
21869s race to go back to safety so all Terror
21872s Artemis will be capping first
21874s it's pretty quick pretty good point from
21876s them Mori on the hog I mean we've seen a
21877s lot of teams run to Winston Compton we
21879s talked about the better teams being able
21881s to do it you know easily versus roadhog
21883s but it feels like it's it's still in my
21885s opinion not that off in terms of how
21888s strong the compositions are the road hog
21890s itself obviously proving to be
21891s incredibly effective to find that first
21893s hook a low an easy you know quick high
21896s percentage hook for Mari to open it up
21898s for Artemis and now on the defensive
21900s side they just have to move fish the
21902s honest wind
21904s solo too but the takea Breather is so
21907s powerful along with the damage
21909s mitigation you get from it but Dark
21911s Monkey should be just trying to Farm
21912s molts off of them if they can for now
21915s Dart monkeys are getting hit by a whole
21917s hog by Mari and this is just splitting
21920s Dart monkeys all from each other as K
21922s was in the middle puppet's sound barrier
21924s I guess it still hits only three of her
21926s team dark monkeys are now faced with the
21929s consumer Russia's Wicca and without
21931s Aspen who somehow flew off the map you
21933s don't have the heels to fight this whoa
21936s is that the leaf blower or one I mean HK
21939s also gets on to moving fish and esque
21940s without having to use a blade it might
21942s have been off the back of Mario with
21944s that ultimate I thought SK was gonna fly
21946s into Thomas at the end there I mean that
21947s was just kind of scary for Dart monkeys
21950s and I'll come in this next fight they
21951s have no they're down that beat drop
21952s versus both a blade and a sojourn
21955s ultimate overclock with a beat drop
21956s coming up for Halo it's scary so they
21957s rotate the coat to Coast
21959s and round three it's coming down to the
21961s last fight for all tour Artemis to win
21963s to go up in the series it's a dragon
21966s blade for bench hkey who finds the dark
21968s East backline before they were even
21970s ready to take the fight there was a deck
21973s loss of the try and Zone them off but
21974s the damage had been done all Tiora
21976s Artemis just have to clean up but moving
21979s fish has isolated a few targets and
21982s maybe makes this winnable as at some
21984s point though dark monkeys have to think
21985s about touching the point because it's 94
21987s for altiora moving fish though with some
21990s great movement over the top side they
21992s actually come back cap this point
21993s because moving fish jump towards the
21995s point with the Primal cooldown got the
21996s jump back out of Primal cooldown so now
21998s into regular Winston got that pick but
22000s now sk's the one picked by Mari that's
22002s terrible for Dart monkeys who had such a
22004s crazy comeback potential
22006s the zero to 100 comeback dark monkeys
22009s have done it before without moving fish
22011s though we'll have to see it's a
22014s celebrate from altiora while dark
22015s monkeys backs were against the wall they
22017s all implode and fun it's just
22020s Untouchable at a distance that's a clean
22022s Fight Win and a Swift one moving fishes
22025s back just a touch on the doomfist and
22027s he's got the nice shmooz but all they
22029s got is an L at the end altior Artemis
22032s walking away quite literally with a game
22035s one win wow I mean just clean from them
22038s over all the little bit of emo at the
22041s end huh Mari really flexing on us but so
22043s I mean great work from them towards
22045s towards the end of Busan where you know
22047s it's hard to actually you know fully 99
22050s somebody you see so many recontestants
22052s you know eventually the wall the dam is
22055s is bound to be broken however the
22057s defense was too strong I mean this is
22059s why altur is such a dominant team and
22062s has been in calling out Heroes because
22064s they just they Bend but they just don't
22065s break yeah
22067s well all tour are gonna keep banging on
22070s this door man because they continue have
22073s a Flawless run through this playoff
22075s bracket they haven't dropped a game once
22078s and now this is a rematch of of was it
22081s the previous a winners final where that
22084s was also a 3-0 so dark monkeys you gotta
22086s wonder is the glow up there or not it
22090s might be I mean at the same time like
22091s for tart monkeys I I don't know I don't
22093s know if it's there or not they're gonna
22094s have to win this next map to try to
22096s prove something but really I mean it's
22098s going to be off the back of barcode
22100s doing as well she did the first time
22101s maybe alter Artemis has figured kind of
22103s something out the counter barcode even
22105s right maybe they're just shutting her
22106s down maybe not even allowing her that
22107s space with the hog it's been super
22109s difficult for barcode to come online for
22111s Dart monkeys and really the entire team
22113s they won a map off the back of moving
22116s fish but how many more maps can they win
22117s with a consistent Winston play style
22119s well dark monkeys need all of your
22121s support and chat we see you with the
22123s let's read this copy pasta Dart monkeys
22125s jump dark monkeys grin Dart monkey is
22128s old dark monkeys win it's just so poetic
22131s what's what's the copy pasta for all
22133s tour Artemis it's just such a such a
22136s mouthful of a name it's a little bit
22137s tough are you trying to make me come up
22139s with it I don't I don't know friends
22140s with Artemis come on now quickly
22143s bartimus I don't know
22161s I don't know what happened this fight
22162s what do you think
22171s sorry we're turning this into a bullying
22173s session of well honestly both sides but
22175s Artemis I mean they're gonna have to do
22177s something here they're gonna have to
22178s come with some copy pasta because we're
22179s not going to do it so I mean it's on
22181s them it's on their social media managers
22183s not on us right yeah
22186s all right so hopefully they have a brain
22188s to us
22192s going to a Dorado or I don't know what
22194s the game type is or whatever but they
22197s gotta pick one that they could win on
22198s that's all that matters okay just go to
22200s Toronto that would be my Fiverr advice
22202s of the day but
22204s hire the lemon coach is on Fiverr oh
22207s we're gonna get what are we gonna see oh
22209s King's Row you know that's not Dorado
22212s like you predicted sadly but uh started
22215s [Laughter]
22219s like the King's Row is a great map for
22222s Dart monkeys obviously on that last one
22223s you know versus shock I mean they did a
22226s great job stunting their attacks they
22227s stay held quite well with that Winston
22230s composition now we're for Artemis I mean
22232s Artemis has proven to be a contents on
22234s every comp on the roadhog on you know
22236s when they run the Winston as well
22237s they've been such a phenomenal Team all
22240s round Dart monkeys they've really proven
22242s good on that Winston comp they had a
22244s good map with the hog versus a sigma but
22246s that's not a mere match up so don't know
22248s how directly that translates for them
22250s specifically and dart monkeys on King's
22252s rope I imagine you're gonna run against
22253s that Winston mirror and I don't know how
22255s they're gonna do versus altiora who has
22257s been dominant so far
22259s but dark monkeys did win King's Row
22261s against shock Timeless and they rolled
22264s they had a pretty good time Bank of like
22265s a minute and a half to two minutes and
22267s we cooked up some creative stuff on that
22269s map we had some Reinhard Bastion
22272s Widowmaker but what uh did OTR Artemis
22276s study the vods did they go back through
22278s the tape or were they snacking before
22280s the grand finals because I know which
22281s one you would have picked what whoa whoa
22285s whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
22287s whoa oh my God you got it energized
22290s before a match
22291s you look like much more of a snacker
22294s than a study or is that really that bad
22297s it's just part of two camps yeah yes
22303s it is
22305s oh my God I just got called fat by Lemon
22309s kiwi on broadcast
22311s Jesus
22313s anyway I guess I have uh this is why I'm
22316s out of OverWatch League I'm too busy
22317s snacking instead of studying
22319s you're right you're right 100 uh Dart
22321s monkey's doing our typical SK rollout
22323s into the pit you know just a little bit
22326s of analysis for you guys there for
22327s Dartmouth every time she does that she
22328s grows stronger
22329s yeah she gets does the hitbox get bigger
22332s too
22333s you think she's snacking yeah
22337s okay I'm trying to dial up trying to
22339s rewind
22344s that phobic okay I'm just saying you
22347s don't look like a kid study it's okay I
22350s I'm only digging further both or both
22352s are worse honestly but Dart monkeys yes
22354s for skates to actually you know get
22356s stronger that's what they need right now
22357s dark monkeys need to escape to get the
22358s boops that she had previously on King's
22361s Row right that's where Espy had a lot of
22363s you know uh prevalent work is where she
22365s pooped off the map so many players same
22367s with moving fish on both sides but I
22369s don't know if all two are gonna fall
22370s into those same pitfalls that shock time
22373s was fell into earlier well wow the TV
22376s just fell over so a substitution to Evie
22380s over in for Mari
22381s um who welcome to OverWatch you're dead
22383s already that we gotta bring the roadhog
22386s back in but I I want to see Evie's
22387s roadhog if this Winston Shenanigans
22389s keeps dominating but Dart monkeys do not
22392s touch the spawn room doors okay this
22393s isn't that kind this thing that kind of
22395s match yeah I honestly they just have to
22397s keep backing up here at the choke point
22398s you know obviously it's not a showdown
22401s it's for a lot of money like you said I
22402s mean that's a huge amount on the line 10
22405s 000 for the winner so for all to your I
22407s mean they gotta kind of focus up here at
22408s the choke point and take dark monkeys
22410s around this outside towards that statue
22412s gotta be careful the burst look Eevee is
22415s so low and you just need wicker to also
22417s be on the ball of suzu your Winston
22419s dying is not just all of your Winston's
22421s fault but everyone around them to enable
22423s them an H key as soon as kind of the the
22426s cards fall they're finishing off every
22428s kill that's a 3K for each key make it a
22431s fourth so while Tiora cap ice key is
22433s just a standout player really just off
22435s the back of a Teleport you don't really
22436s see a lot of fight wins just off the
22439s back of Reaper play like you do with
22441s hkey there and dart monkey's now on the
22443s opposite side they're going to build
22443s that continue watch they're not going to
22445s get a Recon test they know that so
22446s they're going to set up at this choke
22447s point pressure out all Fiora and try to
22450s take control for the counter engaged by
22452s altiora it's so smart
22454s Primal yeah there it is it's gone
22460s I'm scared oh they're gone
22463s they forced it out I mean that was so
22465s smart from all tour Artemis because they
22467s just pressured moving fish scared them
22468s to flop out of the water there and just
22470s keep you know going back and forth
22471s between the arcs right now they're down
22472s in Oakland because
22473s gonna wish you had that back yeah for
22475s the the choke hold and Aspen tools pop
22478s they could katsune Rush second after
22479s Wicca throws theirs down but as the dart
22482s monkeys went through the choke they just
22484s walked into HK dead Blossom 3K 4K man H
22488s key is is a monster really is I mean
22492s just dominant kiriko rushed there I
22494s don't use that word a lot to describe
22496s Altura but that kariko Rush The katsune
22498s Rush rather with that Reaper ultimate
22500s just follows through on the dart monkeys
22501s after they used a casino Rush of their
22504s own they didn't have any other ultimates
22506s to counter the side of all if you are
22507s they decided a brawl and results in them
22509s losing now in the next fight they're
22510s gonna have to come in with a great
22512s overclock but against bond in all Zora
22514s they just seem to be completely shutting
22515s down you know barcodes ultimate
22517s especially the time of Rage out of Eevee
22519s it's gonna be scary for barcode
22521s all right old Tiora they have so many
22524s ultimates they're actually going through
22525s the back alley side trying to sneak up
22527s on Dart monkeys and see moving fish
22529s found them
22530s they're the only ones that got support
22532s moving fish falls over the sound
22535s barriers are exchanged but dark monkeys
22537s are the 4v5 this is gonna be tough for
22539s them to turn around they use the death
22541s Blossom to maybe try and catch some
22543s trades but all Two Rivers were smart and
22545s booped it away and that was a great shot
22547s by Halo so all Tiora in a position to
22550s Cap B I I don't know if that was a
22552s preemptive play from Evie but Evie
22554s actually bubbled off the beat drop from
22556s SK now that moving fish was a little bit
22558s aggressive they thought they would get
22559s the beat drop but HP just decided to
22561s keep pressuring into them and they're
22562s gonna get this point by the way moving
22563s forward in the third phase with four
22565s minutes and 32 seconds off the back of a
22567s great bubble and great plays from hkey
22569s and a simple overclock in beat drop
22571s four and a half minutes is so much time
22573s like dark monkeys I didn't have as tough
22576s as a time last time and then they lose H
22579s H key to SK my brain is Computing just
22583s from that kind of peeking around the
22584s corner and that'll just kind of slow
22586s down altura's momentum there yeah hd's
22590s been playing Super aggressive in the
22591s entire time generally has been trying to
22593s just get his way get away with as much
22594s as they can but in that situation
22596s finally Dartmouth Wisconsin
22602s that it's not even over yet moving fish
22605s jumps in gets the targets low Wicca is
22608s so so hurt and somehow all Tiora are
22612s still living the support play of
22614s volunteers teams unmatched as hkey gets
22617s involved gets another multi-kill HQ will
22620s probably get a montage like a
22622s full-length movie after this tournament
22624s they're popping off they really are and
22626s now they spoke to this ball camp closed
22628s towards we're moving fishes to maybe
22629s force that promoage early they might
22631s have to moving fish jumped away but
22633s luckily they didn't have to follow
22634s through they come to the other side so
22636s now old cure nor that they actually jump
22637s back towards the payload early
22639s aggression onto the sojourn on the
22641s opposite side and pop Primal Rage two
22643s moving fish told bun you're not getting
22645s out of here alive and just pop the
22648s Primal just to get the extra jump but
22650s altiora had amazing feel whether it was
22652s Isuzu from wico or well I guess a dead
22654s wicker now after barcode shoots her in
22657s the face so I'll tour with a quick reset
22659s and there we go that's exactly what you
22661s need for Dart monkeys to find those
22662s picks through barcode that barcode has
22665s been a factor a massive factor in Dart
22668s monkey success thus far in the
22669s tournament so Barco really needs to come
22670s online and continually find fix like
22672s that and with an overclock coming up
22674s no no no no no really
22678s we're gonna have to call a pause make
22680s sure everyone gets back that's so
22682s unlucky I'm not sure how far along they
22684s were on Kitsune rush but that doesn't
22687s that is a tough one to race I'm okay
22689s with Reapers losing their olds because
22691s Reaper death blossoms are like unless
22693s you're hkey and that's pretty pretty
22695s good but so you're biased then right I
22698s mean you're biased towards katsunes and
22700s kariko yes yes okay okay I see I see
22703s where your heart lines but on the
22705s opposite side I mean dark monkeys you
22707s know that's good for them right to be
22708s down that consumer rush like you said
22709s and I know why you like katsuna running
22711s so much because it's such a strong
22712s ultimate right I mean that ultimate is
22714s so crazy that people consider it team
22716s fight winning like at any time people
22718s pop it right I mean it's just so hard to
22719s play against the katuni rush when
22721s everybody's just pumping in that damage
22722s has that attack speed increase has you
22725s know the reduced cooldowns as well
22727s there's so many factors that lead
22728s consuming rush to be one of the best
22730s ultimates in the game compared to Reaper
22731s ultimate and now that you're down that
22733s coming the next fight Dart monkeys
22734s they'll have an ultimate lead it's gonna
22736s be scary for all Tiara now to cap out on
22738s third point
22740s yeah all tours though I mean they're
22742s doing well in the series so far I mean
22744s it did have to go all the way to a round
22746s three and they haven't dropped the map
22747s yet so I I don't know why I would ever
22749s have a doubt or be worried about my
22752s altiora stocks at all it's just how much
22754s time are they gonna finish with or
22756s really how far can they get and dart
22758s monkeys at least they were able to slow
22760s it down a bit because on the defense
22762s they got rolled through point a and
22765s through point B the fact that we had
22766s what like four minutes like an insane
22768s time bank for C whatever it was so the
22770s fact that Dart monkeys are able to take
22771s a couple of wins here is nice but losing
22774s again that katsune Rush build up it's
22775s just more sacrificing time on building
22778s that up again yeah I mean that's going
22779s to be good for Dart monkeys for sure on
22781s this defensive side but you know on the
22783s opposite side two minutes and 30 seconds
22785s that's a lot of time lemon I mean that's
22786s that's a lot of time to capture out
22788s King's Row I mean at worst well Altura
22790s they're gonna lose a minute and a half
22792s but then you're down to a minute if you
22793s can keep it over a minute as well I mean
22795s I could see that happening for Artemis
22797s especially with how good they've been
22798s playing Dart monkey is on the opposite
22800s side you know if they stop if they can
22802s at least get old Artemis to below a
22804s minute they'll have another chance on
22805s the reconnect on the Recon test coming
22807s into that third point so that really
22809s will allow uh dark monkeys to now come
22811s back on their offensive side if that
22813s even comes to that right Dart monkey has
22814s been so good on Kings throw we saw in
22815s the last game lemon I mean they were
22817s playing so good on King's Row having
22818s barcode pop off it just seems like for
22821s Dart monkeys on this opposite side just
22822s hold for a little bit longer get them to
22824s zero seconds at least over time and then
22826s maybe you can capitalize and come back
22828s onto your own attack yeah well while
22830s we're just waiting on getting this final
22833s player back sounds like they're back we
22834s just want to give a big shout out to
22835s calling all heroes and everyone who is
22837s supporting this program it's a joint
22839s program with the OverWatch League to
22840s have this amazing platform for
22842s marginalized genders to come and show
22844s their skills so this is a whole stepping
22845s stone in their career whether it's uh
22848s open division contenders OverWatch
22850s League or or Beyond just a platform to
22852s have fun with other people in a safe
22854s place and we all appreciate everyone
22855s tuning in and showing support
22858s um I see y'all's copy pastas and you're
22860s favorite players in the chat this has
22862s been a pretty crazy Grand Final it's
22864s gonna be hard to match the qualifier 2
22865s Grand Final that we casted that went to
22867s game five but we'll see if this one will
22869s measure up yeah we'll have to see I mean
22872s we're gonna come back from the on pause
22873s now and SK with the beat drop Reaper
22875s ultimate as well for Dart monkeys
22876s they're in a great position but at HP
22878s with that repo we've seen them pop off
22881s with before I would be surprised to see
22882s it again
22883s yeah wicker came back with almost all of
22885s that old charge like getting up to 30
22887s not too shabby the sound beer call from
22890s Halo is altiora make the space where
22892s they overclock and darmo keys couldn't
22894s escape in time but severt was hiding in
22896s the shadows and a Dash Blossom that gets
22898s the kiriko out of the picture that's a
22901s fight-winning playoff thanks as Everett
22903s slowly but surely you're witnessing Dart
22905s monkeys gain their confidence back off
22907s of the regional fight where you know you
22909s had Barco get that pick off now you got
22911s zema with a big Reaper ultimate I mean
22912s things are slowly working together and
22914s third point where you really need things
22915s to capitalize in and culminate together
22917s where you have a minute 46 seconds hold
22919s one more time and you're in a great
22920s position
22923s well to your what how can they kind of
22925s put hkey in that same position going
22927s through kind of that mega pack side is
22929s the only way to sneak there as Dart
22931s monkeys playing passive up until all
22933s cure are the ones that want to pull the
22934s trigger it is the katsune Rush from the
22937s defense first and a quick disengage from
22939s all to your in response yeah pretty fast
22941s I mean that's smart from them to avoid
22943s Dart monkeys ultimately we've seen Dart
22945s monkeys actually do it in the qualifiers
22946s this time really not doing as much olive
22947s Laura who has now coming back with an
22949s okay Rush so in a rush from the attack
22951s this time and well moving fish is just
22954s getting out of Dodge just couldn't did
22956s not want to be overwhelmed by all of
22958s that damage trying to heal them back up
22960s but all Tiora they decide to jump in and
22963s just Goomba some barcode so all TR can
22966s start that snowball they're so close to
22968s capping with 55 seconds left can dark
22971s monkeys get their stuff together
22972s barcodes back on the Bastion but someone
22974s has to touch the card and everyone's
22976s getting shredded by this Reaper until
22978s the Bastion of barcode is finally here
22981s but it's too late 44 second cap for all
22984s Tiora and Evie killed barcode before the
22987s timer clocked so I mean they get to add
22989s that to the kill confirm as well and I
22992s mean this is exactly what we talked
22994s about towards the break right all two
22995s are just you know assured they lost the
22997s player they lost the wick I believe
22998s there with that katuni rush like you
23000s said but you know coming back into here
23002s you still have too much 36 seconds on
23004s that time bank and it's not over for
23006s Dart monkeys just yet right in this
23008s situation they did fall below a minute
23011s on the clock before alteora capped out
23013s but on their offensive side if they now
23015s cap out with zero seconds then they have
23018s another chance to recontest towards
23019s first point King's Row and can maybe
23021s come back towards the series but it's
23023s all contingent on them capping out the
23025s entire map so they're still gonna have
23026s to get through King's Row but that
23028s should be doable for Dart monkeys who
23030s have proven to be a force on this map
23034s oh Dart monkeys I I do believe they can
23037s get a better time and they have already
23039s shown us just that I mean uh is it
23041s almost two minutes that they got
23043s against shock Timeless so they picked
23046s this map for a reason now they better
23048s prove it you can't get you can't get 3-0
23051s twice I guess technically you have four
23052s of twice uh by altiora you know you
23055s can't go into the interview and be like
23056s we're ready when you're not there are
23058s monkeys I know they got something up
23059s their sleeve and you know the barcode
23061s Bastion had me feeling some type of way
23064s yeah but sadly it did get shut out by
23066s Evie who just put an end to literally
23068s everything that barcode is trying to do
23070s on that recontest and now on the
23071s offensive side sticking with a similar
23073s composition we're not going to see the
23074s shock time was Bastion cop on first
23076s point set
23077s oh my girl can dream though but that
23081s monkey's dreaming about capping the
23082s point and they've already put barcode up
23084s until The High Ground immediately which
23085s forced kind of Evie to jump and try to
23087s Zone her off so a bit of a scramble but
23090s somehow no one died through all of that
23091s great support great healing from the
23094s back lines now some pressure as Dart
23096s monkeys start that first take suzu used
23098s first I believe from Aspen as the
23100s bubbles I've been bursted physically and
23102s morally but moving fish is going in
23103s deeper and K has a double kill on Lucio
23106s by the way uh I'm not sure what she's
23108s cooking in those scrims but I know it's
23110s something good yeah definitely just a
23112s really clean play from Dart monkeys over
23114s the back side to send SK there towards
23116s that point now three minutes and 12
23118s seconds gonna cap that first point
23119s without three minutes and nine they have
23121s all in their Bank as well but I mean not
23123s a crazy differential I mean SK is going
23125s to be a little bit in terms of the Lucio
23127s charge really it's gonna be that Reaper
23128s and The sojourn that are ahead now but
23131s you know we've seen hkey without
23132s ultimate just be able to pressure onto
23134s moving fish and then same with fun just
23136s be able to build those railgun shots and
23137s come to this next fight pretty quick
23139s that was the fight for the chose the
23141s moving fish couldn't get away fast
23143s enough and this is the stop that altiora
23145s needed just the whole Dart monkeys at
23147s Bay and start to take off some of this
23149s time because that was a swift point a
23151s cab from Dart monkeys yeah as our dark
23153s monkeys don't know how to disengage all
23155s two or Ultra is just re-engaging so
23157s quick so fast and it's kind of
23159s surprising Dart monkeys every time they
23160s keep coming in they're not set up for it
23162s not not every team in Challengers cup is
23165s doing what all tours doing so they have
23167s to mix things up first uh considerate
23169s rush so how good our LT or ads
23171s disengaging well they're gonna fire back
23173s with their own seconds after Aspen used
23176s hers and dark monkeys don't have a front
23178s line and moving fish was like two
23179s percent off Primal so you hate to see it
23182s but as the dust settles our altiora were
23185s the ones who lost uh two people so dark
23186s monkeys are surging forward using the
23189s overclock to get more pigs barcode
23191s barely survives and dark monkeys made it
23194s through the choke all right this is not
23195s that bad for Altura though because they
23197s did lose that free space fight with also
23199s popping barcode's ultimate so now
23201s they're in a pretty good spot and they
23202s know it but at the same time Dart monkey
23204s trying to take advantage take off wika
23206s early oh three two one everyone press
23208s your ultimate button like you just had
23210s over two over clogs you had a death
23212s blossoms sound barriers you name it but
23215s at the end of the day it's star monkeys
23217s that just have the better coordination
23218s and apparently a DPS in form of felucio
23220s asked how many times am I gonna
23222s screenshot this kill fiend and you'll be
23224s all over it esky's been amazing in Dart
23227s monkeys as well overall just understand
23229s how Artemis is playing now they know
23231s Artemis is bit as bit uh confident big
23233s cockpit for a moment maybe even try to
23235s touch with the Primal Rage and they
23236s can't even do it because of ashgate the
23238s same person that you just mentioned to
23239s get that move and now the counter engage
23241s comes through from Dartmouth uh Evie
23243s really needed to touch that cart with a
23245s Primal Rage that's the whole point you
23246s use it but at least all it's your to
23248s kill stuff now just not sure how useful
23250s that's gonna be when dark monkeys have
23252s to reset on the card anyway but this
23255s looks cool in theory
23256s it does you know it is cool but at the
23260s same time and now they're still stuck at
23262s this first part of the third point on
23264s element it is it's so hard to come back
23266s here against a lot of ultimates for all
23268s Tiora where they have the defensive
23269s advantage
23270s oh the Kitsune Rush as soon as they saw
23273s HP use the rage Dart monkey thought that
23275s was their window of opportunity and it
23276s still is they managed to punish them and
23279s the back line is all to your just
23281s scrambling to die on the card and buy
23283s themselves more fights but they couldn't
23285s think about how they want to win because
23286s Dart monkeys still have four and a half
23288s minutes and one fight for C spicy from
23291s zimmered as well and now I think he said
23293s four minutes and 16 seconds with the
23296s reaper ultimate spicy spicy stuff from
23298s them and HD on the backside with that
23300s reap ultimate maybe look for a TP play
23302s here or just play defensive and take out
23304s Zimmer like that oh hkey got a revenge
23307s and she's coming for more the paycheck
23310s and the kids like our monkeys are
23312s running for the hills hkey is coming
23314s she's being sped forward by Halo and any
23316s more staggers here is precious precious
23319s seconds for all Tiora I thought dark
23321s monkeys kind of had all to her figured
23323s output that was in that situation a bit
23324s too aggressive from dark monkeys at that
23327s choke point without using a single
23328s ultimate he can't really stay in these
23329s aggressive positions without using
23330s something to give you an advantage in
23333s the form of an ultimate that's usually
23334s going to give you something some sort of
23336s Leverage to cap out on third point great
23338s positioning from fun I like how she
23340s knows how far she can go without getting
23342s punished you always have that sojourn
23344s jump but you got to know the right
23345s distance The Sweet Spot and now she's
23347s overclocking and she is coming for dark
23350s monkeys barcode is gone Lucio light up
23354s it's easy peasy lemon squeezy and all
23356s Tiora when back-to-back fights pretty
23359s clean off the back of just an overclock
23361s from Bond Dart monkeys now are building
23363s that ultimate but they did have to use
23365s you know barcodes ultimate the last
23366s fight they'll have Aspen's Perico
23369s ultimate wika maybe has to build theirs
23371s on the opposite side but they do have to
23372s come through on the offense which is
23374s always the defensive Advantage just like
23376s that oh this telegrapher mask only hit
23379s three but Halo's the better efficiency
23381s hits the whole team and you see how that
23383s rewards altior Artemis with a fight win
23385s on top of investing the death Blossom
23387s that got a lot more value than zamorous
23390s so star monkeys have kind of hit this
23392s brick wall this is scary now for Dart
23394s monkeys SK tries to get Bun who went
23397s super aggressive towards the spawn and
23399s that's that confidence we were talking
23400s about for ultior at so hard versus the
23402s defense when you can't figure out where
23403s they're gonna play because look hkey's
23404s in a completely different position as
23406s they were earlier and the entire team
23407s they're not aggressive at this show
23413s and she
23415s to a wall oh I would tilt but I
23418s know barcode's a lot more composed than
23419s I am she's fragged out before Dustin I'm
23422s tilted for her I don't know I don't know
23425s that's pretty bad
23427s that's pretty bad
23429s he's so big he's so chunky
23432s snacker but it's fine
23435s he's jumping to the back it goes after
23438s the back line they're so weak with a
23439s well find Zuzu from WIC at the end he
23442s got the kids Kitsune Rush from Dart
23444s monkeys to look for all the staggers at
23446s least assure that you get these kills
23447s because now it's the final fight for the
23450s end of the map and dark monkeys want to
23452s have the better time Bank in a minute 36
23454s seconds left now the monkey Ultra that
23455s Winston ultimate for moving fish is the
23457s only thing keeping Dart monkeys to push
23459s off all two are from the payload they'll
23460s have him to fight after this but this is
23461s the one they're gonna win now
23463s and it ends a bun from the right side
23465s and for Christmas gets a Primal Rage to
23468s the face but somehow escapes through her
23471s own Winston bubble and stays safe and
23473s dart monkeys after they lost moving fish
23475s who went to contest bun lost them in the
23478s process and dart monkeys reset a minute
23480s and 10 seconds now zamrit building that
23482s Reaper ultimate overclock coming up that
23484s they did use that overclock on the
23485s defensive side but they still have the
23486s time of rage and look at this all two
23488s are setting up an aggressive push
23490s all right the dart monkey is only having
23492s overclock to worry about around this
23493s corner it's a little sketchy you're
23495s always going to be as soon as you
23496s present yourself for a line of sight
23498s you're going to be in diveable range
23499s from the Winston unless barcode wants to
23501s go through the back uh the back hallway
23503s but it has to be moving fish that does
23506s the initial scouting but didn't place
23507s the bubble fast enough it got bursted by
23509s the reaper of H key
23512s all right there's a saying here in Pro
23514s play lemon where the team that goes
23516s first usually wins W wins games you know
23519s and that's really a true Factor even at
23522s the highest level where you just want to
23523s keep pushing forward you know Screw the
23525s end results just go first to be the
23527s aggressor and it's gonna pan out for you
23530s will this pan out for Dart monkeys they
23531s had a zillion years we'd be in OverWatch
23535s five at this point and they have one
23537s last chance to touch the card but all to
23539s your took the initiative that's what we
23541s love to see it's a shiny sticker from
23543s them HK with the death Blossom to end it
23546s all as dark monkeys thought they could
23547s get an extra push well no more push no
23550s morality your Artemis hey King's Row And
23553s Lead the series two to nothing
23555s and I don't mean to coach Dart monkeys
23557s here but I hate that for them honestly
23558s towards the end you know it seems like
23560s on the opposite side of Tori to still
23561s exactly what to do to push past that
23563s choke point and at the same time you
23565s know they could have easily came back
23567s peeled but they decided to leave you
23569s know barcode for just the pickings it
23572s was just nothing gonna happen there for
23574s the side of Dart monkeys if they didn't
23576s tell barcode and because they didn't
23578s they located the payload together they
23579s lost barcode and then what do you do
23580s with on your soldier and it's just
23582s Overview at that point
23583s and when the sun's out buns out to
23586s because she popped off on sojourned but
23588s not just like in terms of getting four
23590s or five k's um that's maybe more of bar
23592s codes Ally but when it comes to bun her
23595s positioning is so smart you're never
23596s gonna see her die first in a fight she's
23598s always like getting her um her oats very
23601s fast because of how far forward she goes
23603s but not in an empty way as you would
23605s call it but more always far forward
23607s enough where she can be valuable and
23609s then get out in time with her shift jump
23611s so Bun's a very smart player that I can
23613s appreciate yeah Bun's been amazing and
23616s also very like I mentioned confident
23617s they've been going forward you know you
23619s can take can recall back to you know
23622s Mecca base where they like yeah like you
23624s said tried to end Where She Went
23625s aggressive on on zemren and barcode on
23628s the opposite side and that was just so
23630s freaking strong for her and to just keep
23632s pushing forward to keep putting that
23634s aggression downrange it's really allowed
23636s altiora to do whatever they want and
23638s just keep pushing forward on Dart
23639s monkeys and kind of just in into the
23642s back line with dark monkeys can't do it
23643s it's not anything if they get away with
23644s it right it's just it's just aggressive
23646s at that point right I mean right there's
23649s not anything just yet just yet dark
23651s monkeys they can make the reversal right
23652s now though and then this next map yeah
23654s you haven't got Dustin to get up from
23655s his chair and calls you a feeder yet but
23657s we did hear at least from chat there's
23659s an alture copy pasta well that will
23661s leave you with before the break do not
23663s resist they will persist with this
23666s altiora Artemis it's very poetic
23669s actually that's yeah very poetic see you
23671s guys in a bit all right bye
23677s [Music]
23686s thank you
23688s [Music]
23734s [Music]
23739s thank you
23740s [Music]
23758s foreign
23761s [Music]
23771s [Music]
23781s [Music]
23798s this is
23800s [Music]
23819s [Music]
23834s foreign
23865s I can't yours uh dude every time
23869s every time Lemmy is hilarious you're
23871s just so funny before we get back from
23873s break
23877s oh yeah
23878s yeah
23882s okay
23888s oh okay so apparently we have lemon
23890s muted so the entire time while I was
23892s laughing at this hilarious joke Jen just
23894s said some hilarious things by the way
23895s guys you're not gonna believe it
23896s literally I'm not even kidding every
23897s time I go to break I'm just laughing my
23900s my head off because this back because
23902s she just right before we get back from
23903s broadcast hopefully she unmute soon okay
23905s there she is welcome back welcome back
23907s to broadcast that's all I need to do
23912s lemon activated at home casting lemon
23914s it's just scuffed on on God ungodly
23918s levels ah that this has been
23922s auction all over kind of
23923s wrist whole thing but either way what I
23925s was saying
23927s the Grand Final for a lot of money
23930s so yes I'll tell Artemis are looking
23932s pretty undefeated
23934s yeah they are I mean they look so good
23935s there's a reason they've been dominant
23937s throughout the entire tournament because
23938s you know I was something I always
23940s thought I was talking about during the
23942s game limit but I did want to kind of uh
23944s touch on it I guess first of all I mean
23945s like everybody knows I feel like
23946s OverWatch players in general it's said
23949s you know the team to go first was going
23950s to win most of the time right this has
23952s been always like a general play style
23954s from OverWatch players it's just kind of
23956s a confidence thing is to gain confidence
23957s but also to continue going forward it's
23959s just a good feeling right this is why
23960s you play OverWatch it's just snowball to
23963s be able to get that damage downrange to
23964s be able to get those team fight wins and
23966s really when you're the one to go first
23967s to make those plays first to know that
23969s your entire team is on the same page
23970s that's what we play OverWatch and
23972s Artemis playing together playing as you
23974s could tell they're feeling good I mean
23976s they've gotten some baggage online you
23978s know in the actual game so together as a
23981s unit they just keep pushing forward
23982s going first and dart monkeys you know
23985s all they could do is play B B uh balloon
23988s Route 66 there we go Route 66 like you
23991s saved me there from saying a copy of the
23993s game
23994s play Route 66 and they're at least all
23997s on the same page when it comes to the
23998s map and it's got to be heartbreaking for
24000s Dart monkeys they looked really good on
24001s King's role I mean they had what four or
24003s five a zillion years for Point C it's
24006s just the initiative that altiora Artemis
24009s was taking like they kind of it felt
24010s like dark monkeys couldn't get their
24011s stuff together before just dying
24014s yeah and I don't know what they're gonna
24016s do differently on root if I'm gonna be
24018s honest here like it seems like all two
24019s are in a great spot I guess to maybe
24021s think about it from their perspective
24022s they need to do a bit of a better job to
24025s disengage right I think that you got to
24026s do a good job peeling those Dice from
24028s Artemis because Artemis you know exactly
24030s what they're gonna do they're just going
24031s to keep going forward keep going first
24032s and if you're the one to actually back
24034s up or you know vice vice versa you got
24037s to be the ones to go first go uh
24039s immediately on Artemis and maybe they're
24041s not gonna expect it either so really
24042s it's on that decision you just gotta
24045s make one you can't be split at least
24047s there's microscopic glow-ups happening
24049s because the last time these two teams
24051s faced was in the winners final it was a
24053s 3-0 for alterior Artemis they went to
24056s King's Row and Altier won three to one
24058s so they stopped them before point B and
24061s guess what map they play Third guess
24062s what map Dark monkeys wanted to go to
24064s Route 66 and it was a close a nail biter
24068s three two but Dart monkeys I'm surprised
24070s you keep wanting to go to the same Maps
24071s they lost on
24073s yeah I've got to feel like on this map
24075s for Dart monkeys they're gonna have to
24077s maybe come together and like like you
24080s said I mean they kind of figure
24081s something out here um maybe it's a
24083s change of composition you could put
24084s zemrott on something like a tracer you
24086s could change some things up in terms of
24089s uh of just like your overall play style
24091s like I mentioned earlier right there's a
24093s little bit of avenues you can go but the
24094s problem is in OverWatch right you can't
24096s really coach your team mid-series right
24099s it's or it's incredibly hard to you can
24101s say some things as a coach but really
24102s your team is only going to play one
24104s percent better or one percent worse
24106s based on decisions you make and
24107s sometimes teams will overreact so a lot
24109s of what you have to do comes in the
24111s preparation for games and not direct
24113s coaching during the game so really on
24116s Dart monkeys they have to get fired up
24117s they have to feel better really all you
24119s can do is change emotionally right now
24121s and also your Artemis I mean maybe the
24123s unexpecting Dart monkeys to go for this
24125s aggressive hole this could be a this
24126s could be a game changer for Dart monkeys
24128s if they successfully pull off one fight
24130s and just forcing as many fights as you
24132s can to get make that time bank ever so
24135s smaller it's a payload game but it's
24137s also a Race Against Time and Dark
24140s monkeys they need a big comeback on this
24143s map and it starts here it's always Aspen
24145s looking for those initial shuriken shots
24148s but it's fun on the Widow who almost
24150s found barcode off the crack of this
24153s train but now we're kind of swapping
24155s back to our usual cops well and she also
24157s built some damage there as well so bun
24159s already 13 were barcodes at five percent
24162s because of the rule change as well you
24164s know characters keeping ultimates so
24166s they actually want to fight early on
24167s this card
24168s yeah dark monkeys are surviving pretty
24170s well they're cycling their their
24172s cooldowns and they forced
24175s uh Dart monkeys to back away slightly
24177s after picking off moving fish so while
24179s you're in a good spot and able to farm
24181s out some old charge here isn't bad
24183s especially if you need them to get to
24184s point a yeah unfortunately you can't
24186s curse them there lemon barcode was over
24188s the top side on the train got picked off
24191s immediately because uh pretty aggressive
24193s position to be honest but now coming
24195s back into this next fight they're 50
24196s towards that katune Rush with a 60 as
24198s well so you're still even in terms of
24200s volt charge if you can get some good
24201s pushes that's an aggressive push for
24203s moving fix the moving fish is like thank
24206s you Aspen for the suzu they were about
24209s to fall over SK though drop the one HP
24211s because she's being a little Lucio demon
24213s again trying to harass and get a 3K on
24215s Lucio again but bond has now been jumped
24217s on forces the shift jump out and dart
24220s monkeys really just patrolling and they
24222s get all CRS so so low it activates the
24225s kasune Russian Ultra have to run
24229s I I like that for moving fish they
24230s actually could have won that fight
24232s without the continue launch to be honest
24234s like Aspen popped it maybe I don't
24237s exactly know why because they already
24238s got that pick off I mean moving fish did
24240s a great job separating Halo from the
24241s rest of their team now they don't have a
24242s petunia Rush coming to next fight I mean
24244s this is going to be scary for Dart
24246s monkeys because hkey's also gonna have
24247s that Reaper ultimate all your they're in
24249s a great spot now with two minutes left
24250s on first point
24252s gotta reset from scratch but man have we
24255s banked up a lot for Christmas look at
24257s all them olds we're about to light up
24258s like a Christmas tree but will all tears
24261s just crash and burn they've jumped on
24263s top of big girls kind of this initial
24265s positioning see if they can drop down
24266s but Dart monkeys take shelter in the
24268s mega pack room and Evie just couldn't
24270s drop the Primal Rage time that's just
24273s unlucky needed to be a bit quicker than
24275s that the first damage though I don't
24276s blame them so turn and Reaper with
24278s kiriko it's hard to keep track but we
24281s look back at HP with the death Blossom
24283s but it's counted by the sound beer of SK
24285s and a ton of ultimates later and all
24287s it's yours didn't make any progress yeah
24290s all tours still have that beat drop
24291s though in this fight and they actually
24292s commit the overclock as well moving fish
24294s committed to this choke and not we're
24297s gonna escape with their Lions they
24298s figured they would get some help and Bun
24300s over the top hits Aspen as well maybe
24303s one more on this Reaper I mean that was
24305s a bit of an aggressive push moving fish
24306s I like the idea but the execution just
24309s wasn't there for Dart monkeys and now
24310s leading the next fight they're gonna
24311s have the overclocked they'll have a
24313s Reaper ultimate they'll have a consuming
24315s rush but I mean that commitment of the
24317s beat drop really allowed all Fiora to
24319s capitalize and just push forward knowing
24321s moving fish would have no support from
24322s their team
24324s just the fact that Dart monkeys were
24325s able to bring down this time thing so so
24327s much it's a big Advantage for them and
24330s now they're holding the choke altiora
24332s forced to use the sound bear and the
24333s Primal just to break out and darn
24335s monkeys are happy with us but they
24336s actually choose to still keep fighting
24338s this kitsuade Rush drew the backline to
24340s voltiora while Evie is still messing
24342s about manages to find barcode which is
24345s pretty much the primary goal you want to
24346s go for with the Primal Rage is to lock
24349s down the sojour and all tioras their
24351s spawns are really close so they're fine
24353s you know every time I see a call with
24355s reaproll real quick hit shut down by bun
24357s in that fight as well but every time I
24359s see your clamor rage by the way dark
24360s monkeys are for sure gonna have to reset
24361s here as they just follow towards this
24363s payload every time we see Primal Rage
24365s lemon I just feel like so happy because
24367s I I literally scream inside because I
24369s realize that's not me getting Primal
24370s Rage you know so yeah I feel good about
24373s it you know every time there's a primal
24374s on somebody else oh good that's not me
24375s being Primal but I'm glad I don't have
24377s to deal with that ridiculous ability and
24379s that's why you got two support players
24380s casting instead of getting Primal raged
24383s in the game yes yes thank God it's not
24385s us oh my God that's just terrific to
24388s watch honestly every time it's like
24389s closed you know blank the screen now
24391s it's like a horror film almost braided
24392s rated R please don't watch
24394s well you're gonna have to watch this
24395s next fight Dart monkeys have made their
24397s way under the saloon trying to creep up
24399s on someone who's on the payload Kitsune
24401s Rush is activated from the attack of
24403s altiora Artemis to sustain against this
24405s dark monkey's push who escaped to The
24408s High Ground because of course you don't
24409s want to fight a Kitsune Rush they're
24410s just gonna be better and Barco trying to
24413s prove that she's better strikes through
24415s bun and all two or Artemis don't even
24417s want to keep staying here after that
24419s yep nope they're just gonna have to back
24421s out of there no ultimates they're super
24423s good altior is at realizing when they're
24425s down and can't win a fight they're not
24427s like the type of team to just try to
24429s clutch up and win last second they know
24431s they're gonna try to take the 100 fight
24432s wins which is how you know you can kind
24434s of show you shouldn't play OverWatch but
24436s minute 36 seconds left dark monkeys on
24438s the opposite side done a great job
24440s burning off time off the clock you know
24442s they've built katsune Rush too if they
24443s use the support looks right here they'll
24444s get a fight win all right the overclock
24447s from the attack they're safely on the
24449s bridge trying to dodge the dives from
24450s the defense moving fish in the back line
24453s Juan would love to maybe get on top of
24455s this Saloon just being on the ground
24456s you're so vulnerable to the Winston and
24458s it's hkey that gets focused down first
24460s so all tours are scrambling just to
24462s respond with that damage it's a
24464s fantastic excuse you from Wicca but I
24466s just don't think they have the healing
24467s with dark monkeys completely surrounding
24469s them so all two are reset and this huge
24472s chime bank they got is almost gone okay
24475s yeah that's it's looking rough now for
24477s all two are they have that Reaper
24478s ultimate They're Gonna Get You tuning
24479s around 60 Evie also with the Primal
24481s range Dart monkeys though I mean they
24483s also have so many ultimates on the other
24485s side they're just missing that beat drop
24486s so if they use their ultimates correctly
24488s here they should be fine but the casino
24490s Rush pops early for darling yeah the try
24492s and cut off those rotations from Walter
24494s going through their left side and it's
24496s pretty successful you squash bun twice
24498s in a row those first Bloods onto the
24500s sojourn I mean she's kind of the most
24502s vulnerable hero you can go after and the
24504s fact that alziora just not resetting
24507s quick enough but you weren't off Dart
24509s monkeys but fun will be back soon I
24511s guess Evie thinks this is winnable
24513s they're gonna commit the Primal Rage go
24515s after barcode the same way to just to
24517s get revenge on bun all tour lost their
24521s backline though and without Wicca this
24523s is so rough your win condition was off
24525s of that could soon a rush and dart
24527s monkeys are seconds away from holding on
24529s Fiora at point B
24531s all right this is great for Dart monkeys
24533s beat up comes in through the sky but
24536s this that was a great job from dark
24537s monkeys to stop all tour there and
24539s that's kind of okay we're kind of
24541s noticing something a little bit of a
24542s crack in the armor of uh of alteora is
24546s that you know Artemis they're not good
24547s at winning fights that they're gonna
24549s lose you know what I'm saying like they
24551s can't come back in fights once they're
24552s down one member they can't make those
24554s clutch plays so if you get them in those
24556s situations if you just commit ulcs one
24557s after one after one early on all tour
24559s get them down one member put them in a
24562s weird position where they don't know
24563s what to do then you can get that win
24565s because as we saw I mean Evie popped the
24567s primer rage in a 4v5 got no value you
24570s know all too our Pops H Keys Reaper
24572s ultimate got no value you know what I'm
24573s saying like those type of things are
24575s what's leading Dart monkeys into getting
24577s a win there in the streets phase of
24578s Route 66 which you can assume that
24580s that's why Darkness uh dark monkeys pick
24582s Route 66 is because this is a great map
24584s for them they're practiced on it against
24586s all your Artemis whereas Artemis on the
24588s opposite side you know they really May
24590s either need a Shore up with their their
24592s offense where they just gotta win fight
24594s after fight after fight or they're gonna
24596s get better in those clutch situations
24597s for them on this defense
24599s I think all Tiora they're they're best
24601s we're coming through the k ick side in
24603s the top right I think that was a safer
24605s position for bun to be in because when
24606s they went through Maine and tried to go
24608s through that mega pack room it felt like
24610s bun was always jumped on by moving Fish
24612s and alterior were always starting these
24614s fights 4v5s a little tough but I felt
24617s like HK was it was still a star that
24619s altiora can depend on and even though
24621s they didn't get point B it you just have
24624s to have a better defense
24625s exactly I mean HP is crucial right now
24628s for all Taurus to keep popping off as
24630s well on this offensive side and moving
24632s fish with the hog hook immediately
24633s there's no way to keep with it
24635s apparently though right yeah you go for
24637s that initial hook and now that they know
24639s what you're up to it's usually countered
24642s I'm I was gonna say if each key would
24643s have got the hook there that have been
24644s hilarious just the ultimate cast across
24646s but yeah back to the tried and true yeah
24649s quick little you know some extra TP hook
24651s you know never hurt nobody but it does
24653s hurt your time being 30 seconds off the
24654s clock already for dark monkeys
24656s like this position barcode is in two you
24658s get great sight lines onto where else
24660s you're a safe position is on the defense
24662s you don't have to worry about if uh bun
24664s would be doing the same thing on the
24665s other side and losing barcode and not
24668s ideal and the defense continues to
24671s thrive I mean you called the bun in a
24673s ridiculous position just getting these
24675s pick-offs after pick-offs one after
24676s another uncontested in the background
24678s this is where a sojourn loves to live
24680s and just play Above as these trained
24682s sides as all two are set up aggressively
24684s still on Dart monkey's rough one minute
24686s off the clock just a factor winning a
24688s couple of fights off of this positioning
24690s is not ideal for for Dar monkeys but
24692s they're forced to use the Kitsune rush
24695s just to finally break out a spawn and
24697s start to make some progress over at a
24699s and Marco's gonna look good doing it
24702s yeah Wicked got eska on the trade back I
24704s mean I know I've been talking about it
24706s where it seems like dark monkeys are in
24708s a rough position every time they use
24709s ultimates early but it actually could
24711s capitalize for them this could work out
24713s for them to get Earth early maybe with
24715s this Primal Rage for moving fish next
24717s fight and on to alter his backline but
24718s Ultra have built up the time bank and we
24720s talked about all two are super good in
24722s these team fights where they just commit
24723s ultimates and understand what DART
24725s monkeys are trying to do
24726s this how the time bank is now cut in
24729s half and you have one overclock on top
24731s of big girls and anyone pushing this
24734s this pad and fun proves me right without
24736s Aspen
24737s 's been shocked you don't have the
24739s healing she'll teleport back soon if
24741s their monkeys can buy time which
24742s involves not taking a lot of damage but
24744s moving fish with a great responding pick
24746s makes this very winnable for Dart
24748s monkeys Aspen is shortly back but you
24751s can't heal through this that's blocks of
24753s H key spins to win but I I like this for
24757s dark monkeys though actually one minute
24759s 45 seconds now moving fish got that pick
24761s on the bun and it made alturia freak out
24763s so they committed both that Reaper
24765s ultimate and that katsune at the same
24767s time dark monkeys have an old Advantage
24769s League next fight because a moving fish
24770s is aggressive Primal Rage pick
24773s now Dart monkeys they gotta just work on
24776s getting on top of big Earls they're
24777s close to their own death Blossom once
24779s this bubble pops you could see zembrick
24781s really let it rip find their way to the
24784s back line put the Halos open
24789s your because of that denial of December
24792s They Live Another Day
24795s ah that was their fight to win and just
24797s when you think all three Artemis is
24799s slipping they don't they just know
24800s exactly where to die behind that
24802s billboard you know how many teams do you
24804s see go for these aggressive Dives in
24805s different locations not many this is why
24807s Altier Artemis are in the grand finals
24809s and up 2-0 in the series so far for ten
24811s thousand dollars all right another jump
24813s on top of big girls and barcode is in
24815s the middle of a storm trying to
24817s overclock she got the sound barrier
24819s though so does the other team now that
24821s that's gone she gets a body shot onto
24823s bun but it's not enough and Bun is the
24825s one who hits their shots SK down dark
24828s monkeys 4v5 they have the katsune rush
24830s 10 faster than Wicca but at what point
24833s do you want to use it they're kind of
24834s still stabilizing figuring it out and
24836s the Aspen lets it rip Ultra they escape
24839s they respond with their own and Dusty
24841s just simply doesn't approve but dirt
24843s monkeys just have to prove it wrong with
24844s a 0.8 caps but we'll find out if that
24846s even happens through all the chaos
24848s moving fish has to use the Primal Rage
24850s to keep their own life returns to the
24852s team dirt monkeys but all to your
24854s artemis's backs against the wall but
24857s kills evade them no kills either now
24860s they have that overclock he said but
24861s barcode on the opposite side got Wickham
24864s moving fish does get drawn as well and
24866s now in comes a Reaper can it be big
24868s enough to shut out this attack it is oh
24871s my God H key and Evie with the Primal
24874s Rage to shut down Dart monkeys last
24877s second and there's no opportunity to
24879s even push this in 3-0 so far in the
24882s series and now they're in a huge pit SK
24885s did try to go for the Boop off the
24886s payload just for some potential
24888s recuperation but 3-0 now and moving into
24891s map number four they gotta make the
24893s reverse sweep Dart monkeys
24895s oh boy three oh after all that the full
24900s hold on Route 66. Dart monkeys it's
24903s what's the definition of insanity again
24905s when you you keep doing the same thing
24906s and I expect a different result they've
24908s returned to Route 66 just to lose again
24910s but it wasn't a first of four in the
24912s winners finals so we're gonna cook up a
24914s new map after this one H key about to
24917s renum rename themselves to W key if they
24920s win this next game yeah I mean that's
24922s what exactly the team should have been
24924s called wkeeb and like at that point
24926s they've been doing such a good job just
24928s shutting out Dartmouth because that's
24929s why I mean I'm not like rigging or
24931s hating on Dart monkey's last second play
24933s right that katsune Rush yes it was not
24935s optimal because they were down one
24937s obviously and then you know with altar
24939s they've been doing a great job just
24940s shutting out down a member every single
24941s time and you know dark monkeys is scared
24944s because with 30 seconds left at the
24946s reset there they have 30 seconds left on
24947s the clock they come back now and what
24949s Altura is going to engage you on another
24951s crazy spot probably towards the train
24952s side I mean it's just gonna feel
24954s terrible for are monkeys there against
24956s altiora where they know I mean at this
24958s point it's just they're in their head
24958s right out your heart and Mr just in Dart
24960s monkey's heads you know have an entire
24962s you know family a whole house and
24964s everything planted and dark monkeys
24966s knowing exactly where to dive on them
24967s Dart monkeys they're gonna have to get
24969s this funk right now lemon to make a
24970s comeback in this series because down 3-0
24972s this is a huge deficit to come back from
24975s yeah living in their heads rent free in
24977s this economy
24979s it's pretty nice and if they pull it off
24981s they'll be ten thousand dollars richer
24985s this has been an amazing program and I'm
24988s looking forward to what's next and just
24991s to see all of the talent that OverWatch
24993s has that I don't think we would have
24995s ever really known about if it wasn't for
24997s calling all heroes so again shout out to
24999s them shout out to everyone supporting
25001s because all these people are this is a
25005s platform for them to shine on and y'all
25007s are giving them so much love and support
25008s and we love and support you back we're
25010s going into maybe our final map where
25013s maybe you could be witnessing you could
25014s be here for the most legendary reverse
25016s sweep of all time I don't know just
25019s saying I mean it could be I mean get
25021s your well nfts are kind of dead now
25023s aren't they but get if you take some
25024s pictures take some screenshots of what's
25026s going on right now because all two are
25027s up 3-0 maybe this is yeah maybe this is
25029s that Meme where it's like you know
25030s seconds before a disaster or whatever
25032s where dark monkeys makes that reverse
25034s sweep and they prove that they can you
25036s know pull out the bulldozer and just
25038s destroy every single house announced
25039s that altior has planted in Dart monkey's
25041s head
25042s Dart monkeys at least they're gonna come
25045s with a surprise because they haven't had
25047s to play a map four against them before
25049s so the choice of map altiora don't know
25052s what's coming and we're cooking up our
25054s map set down below we went to Busan it
25057s was LTR we went to King's Row it was a W
25059s for them again we went to Route 66 it
25062s was a full hold and we could be ending
25064s it all on
25071s as Esperanto okay get it right okay come
25074s on sorry yeah
25076s [Laughter]
25079s it's a great map that a lot of teams
25080s been picking these days to be honest it
25082s seems like it's the new push map to pick
25083s I mean Colosseo as you know lemon I mean
25086s you were a part of the uh the Coliseum
25088s you know incident right I mean the
25091s policy were yeah the three minutes or
25092s something four minutes first point fight
25094s where it just never ended right I
25095s remember that that was uh I mean you
25097s probably don't want to remember that to
25098s be honest but uh it comes coming into
25100s Esperanto everything's been a bit
25101s different the fights are a bit more
25102s Dynamic everybody takes fights on these
25105s high grounds on the archways so
25106s frequently you know these it's so back
25109s and forth especially especially since
25111s these two teams I'm sure have practiced
25113s on this map nowhere to fight there's a
25114s lot of areas where the team coming to
25117s Rick and test have an advantageous
25118s position so realistically I can see this
25121s actually favoring Dart monkeys
25122s especially if they're still practiced
25124s and if they looked as good as they did
25125s at the beginning of Route 66 they could
25126s transfer that over to esperantia with
25129s that aggressive uh offense yeah just
25132s every push map has their own identity I
25134s kind of say new Queen Street is very
25136s flank heavy coliseum's very long sight
25139s line heavy and I would say Esperanza is
25141s kind of a mix of both where it's very
25143s windy so there's not a lot of long sight
25145s lines but there's lots of little places
25147s to hide I wouldn't say like very flank
25149s as flank heavy as new Queen Street where
25151s you can just cut through and get to
25153s spawn practically but lots of little
25155s windows in areas to hide in I mean you
25158s all got to see in the OverWatch League
25159s finals how to really play it and this
25161s was Dart monkey's choice of push map so
25164s we'll have to see what they're cooking
25166s you know what you know what I'd like to
25167s see lemon is like a heat map eventually
25169s of like if there's some like analyst or
25171s not there or something that could like
25172s give us you know like a heat map of
25174s where like Pro players have been in the
25176s map to see where like the most
25177s frequently visited parts of the maps are
25178s and that way you could find out like you
25180s said I'm a new Queen Street like those
25181s areas where they're pretty much not used
25183s right those areas where like they don't
25184s they avoid because there's not really
25185s any advantageous position I mean that'd
25188s be a cool idea not that it's gonna
25189s happen I just got our hopes up people on
25191s that like just having stats for calling
25194s all heroes it has to be the next step
25196s because I'd love to compare someone like
25197s bun and barcode where they feel like
25199s they all have they both have their
25201s niches where you'd expect barcode when
25203s she overclocks gets four or five k but
25205s bun I feel like as a lower deaths
25207s pretend and that's more of like the
25209s winstons and who they're prioritizing to
25211s go after and we're seeing a lot of the
25214s Winston's user Primal rages to lock down
25215s these sojourns and I think that's why
25217s both of them look uh both sojourns look
25219s a lot quieter this series
25221s yeah it really I mean yeah you're right
25223s the team play has been phenomenal at
25224s shutting down you know both sojourns in
25227s for dark monkeys unfortunately you know
25228s as a team they've been shutting down bun
25230s in some locations but like you said
25232s doing a great job playing their lives or
25234s the top side of big Earls for example
25235s just understanding the angles to
25237s actually shoot and actually you know
25239s move around and use the shift cooldown
25241s to avoid you know moving fish because
25243s moving fish hasn't been doing a bad job
25244s moving Vision has been great so far in
25246s the series but right at the same time
25248s Bond just avoiding that Primal Rage
25250s Sliding Away at the last second every
25253s single time it's just I mean moving fish
25255s is is shooting and moving it's trying to
25257s chase something fish really and if y'all
25259s are having some favorite plays favorite
25261s moments from your players that you're
25263s supporting here make sure you tweeted at
25265s us and also OverWatch league is
25266s retweeting some awesome content from the
25269s calling all heroes tournament so make
25271s sure you show them some love on social
25273s so you know while they're playing
25275s someone's clip in their cool moments and
25277s they can kind of just go and grab it
25278s from you put it in the video we're going
25281s into our 5 final map shortly dark
25282s monkeys are just brewing up their
25285s strategy because getting full held you
25287s kind of need to mental wipe everything
25289s you know the Men in Black thing you
25291s brought up earlier that needs to happen
25293s again
25294s yeah I don't think they have it on a
25295s standby sadly you know I don't think the
25297s Technology's there for Dart monkeys
25298s they're gonna have to evolve their Tech
25300s Tree to uh to unlock that right there's
25302s that's a certain tower for Dart monkeys
25304s I think to progress through and there's
25306s the tower middle of the map obviously so
25307s okay maybe they can do it maybe they
25309s can't erect that Tower to come back in
25311s the series down 3-0 yeah
25314s it looks pretty sturdy and this is the
25316s most annoying part of the map honestly
25318s for for I mean as a support player to
25321s fight because you think you just want to
25322s go automatically left towards the bot
25324s but the right side of that pillar is
25326s where a lot of Reapers like to flank
25328s from to access that back line so it you
25331s don't want to just automatically
25332s forehead go into the the objective you
25335s have to assess where is the best place
25337s to take that fight from and it's as much
25339s as OverWatch is about shooting bang bang
25341s you're just like killing things all the
25342s time it's also about information
25343s gathering
25344s this is the map where it always attests
25347s to you know how synergize your team is
25350s in ranked right if you see your team
25351s like you said if you're team and you go
25352s left or and then your other team goes
25354s right towards the bot like it's just
25355s over like your team's on the same page
25357s it's done so you know the moment you see
25359s everybody go towards the same side
25360s that's when you know the dopamine sets
25362s in you're like okay yes we're on the
25364s same page we're gonna win we're gonna
25366s win this time Dart monkeys you know
25368s maybe they're gonna win if they go on
25369s the right side together that's some coke
25371s we'll have to see if they can they can
25373s prove you wrong so that initial that
25376s bridge too on each side is a good place
25378s to own if you lose control initially if
25380s that boss or fall back up to the high
25382s ground but you lose control of your tank
25384s star monkeys aren't starting off on the
25386s best of foot barcode has to jump away
25388s but took initial damage and was finished
25390s off before she could escape and Aspen
25392s will teleport oh I guess into her death
25394s I thought I was gonna say back to
25395s someone safer but all right full wipe my
25398s responders are pretty safe and they
25399s can't tell you there okay one can't rip
25402s your head off in the spawn doors right
25403s true
25405s I just choke though moving fish drops
25407s the bubble just like was did you see how
25409s moving fish thought they would have like
25410s a second to breed there but all Dior
25411s decided to push forward and just like no
25413s you can't do that I'm gonna Farm old
25414s charge off you just no time no down time
25417s for Dart monkeys to even think about you
25419s know life or you know anything outside
25422s in some dark times when you're
25425s respawning but that taking control
25428s starting point for Dart monkeys but you
25430s lose you lost some people on the way
25432s there Halo besting SK in that moment but
25435s not the end of the world dark monkeys
25437s are still gonna maybe hope to get
25439s control of the top bridge moving fish
25441s jumps back up there that's why bun
25443s doesn't want to stay too comfortable but
25445s still good 25 meters for all Tiora Dart
25448s monkeys are really just existing I don't
25450s see like a release
25452s um convincing push going out either
25454s direction
25455s no the the wind you know it's being it's
25457s being slowly taken out of their their
25460s sails I think that for Dart monkey
25461s they're gonna have to come in with this
25462s Primal wage now and get something big
25464s they'll have uh kutsune rush I mean as
25467s you mentioned earlier this might be some
25468s Coke but uh barcode's gonna have also
25471s that overclock so Bond doesn't have
25473s their overclock and you can find some
25475s big shots even through beat drops
25477s positioning is so much better on top of
25479s the bridge and dark monkeys will have to
25481s so they're more focused on just a little
25483s brown and hkey stay stuck behind them
25486s with the death Blossom so all teora
25488s taking back-to-back wins and this is the
25491s snowball that push creates and why some
25494s people get scared of just making
25496s mistakes early on because if this lead
25498s gets the 70 plus it's gonna be scary for
25501s dark monkeys fans yeah it really is I
25504s mean once you get to that Mark like you
25505s said I mean all it's your uh they're
25507s gonna be terrifying and dart monkeys you
25509s know they're gonna have to get a solid
25511s Fight Win here but especially since they
25513s use that katsune Rush they're only 73 on
25515s the beat drop right now SK needs to do a
25517s good job building that up they'll have
25518s the Repro look if he just used three Pro
25520s he's already six or they're already 60
25522s on another one
25524s Dart monkeys how much do they want to
25526s invest at this point whatever it is you
25528s cannot afford to lose this will just be
25530s insurmountable but not with the time
25533s that they have left I guess it's still
25535s seven minutes but
25537s everybody's like stuck towards the
25539s pillar and behind there's nobody there's
25541s no pressure on the front line what do
25542s they do just both teams seem to have
25545s this reactive play style and basically
25547s say no you do something first no use in
25550s order to kind of jump uh Winston wise in
25553s the back second
25554s um but Dart monkeys yeah they lost
25556s barcode and a 5v4 happen altiora
25559s investing ultimates just to guarantee
25561s this fight when and altiora at the 62
25564s meter starter only getting better
25567s I mean SK just a bit too far forward at
25569s the end there they hand that fight under
25570s lock but unfortunately altiora just able
25573s to clutch on towards the end there SK
25575s just a little bit too past that Archway
25578s sadly and this is kind of a test knot in
25580s terms of mechanics but right now
25581s alterior Artemis 70 meters this is the
25584s danger zone that you mentioned earlier
25586s Top Gun stuff right now and dart monkeys
25588s they're in a rough spot you know as a
25590s team maybe alter your Artemis just
25591s practice way more together and already
25593s in this Grand finals yes oh the Halo
25596s dropped the sound barrier or lost H key
25599s so the katune rush might lose some value
25601s when you don't have all your DPS online
25603s dart monkeys this is how they clap back
25605s their katsune Rush obviously doing a lot
25607s more damage with zembrick fully involved
25610s and staggering out all tiore is only
25612s gonna benefit Dart monkeys but you have
25614s to make that zero to 81 meter comeback
25618s all right they're doing it well this is
25619s Step number one
25621s push the robot into one meters that's
25623s we're gonna have to celebrate in a
25624s second here okay lemon okay I'm ready
25626s here it is here it is
25631s I'm waiting yeah look they have a meter
25637s clap clap emojis in the chat the dart
25640s monkeys though they're going for more
25641s they're going for the one zero zero
25644s meters they're going all the way Dart
25646s monkeys they're prowling off the bridge
25648s I don't even know where moving fish when
25650s they just escaped into the Shadows which
25652s gives altoiora a control of the bridge
25654s and well barcode ain't gonna find nobody
25657s with the overclock after altiora got
25659s scared and ran away well they were
25661s running for moving fish who came around
25663s that left side and then got picked off
25665s afterwards now Edie has to deal with
25666s Emma on the pillow but HG yet again with
25669s these Reaper ultimates been so impactful
25671s and they're just gonna take control of
25673s the robot yet again bring it back around
25675s the entire map 4 minutes 50 seconds now
25677s we are halfway through the map in 32
25680s meters to Dart monkeys they've banked
25682s some time so that's something for them
25683s and they're gonna actually make a Hail
25684s Mary play here they're swapping to
25685s roadhog here lemon to try to do
25687s something try to shut down Evie but with
25689s the Primal Rage Kitsune Rush pretty much
25691s every Ultimate altior is scary to deal
25693s with this finally I think this is a
25694s great way to make sure all tour are not
25696s gonna overstay their welcome when they
25698s do dive in the roadhog holds space a lot
25701s better than a Winston sound Barrett
25704s death Blossom yep that'll do it but
25706s kills my check I don't see any Dart
25709s monkeys are somehow losing this after
25710s the initial investment including a sound
25713s barrier on top but the revenge is even
25715s sweeter for all Tiora with the Kitsune
25717s clap back from Wicca so all Tiora now
25720s reaching 90 meters Plus
25722s yeah that's a lot of time our meters on
25724s the clock here for Ultra Artemis they
25726s did use a lot of ultimate Stone Dart
25727s monkey's gonna keep running this roadhog
25730s composition they're against the beat
25731s drop coming in next fight as well so all
25733s Fjord know that they're gonna back up
25734s half the pharmacy ultimates play this
25735s choke point it seems like every team
25736s likes to fight around this Archway here
25739s so we're gonna see dark monkeys kind of
25740s group up together and then get ready for
25742s next fight as all two are looking for an
25743s opportunity to push with maybe a beat
25744s drop with Halo
25746s oh Dart monkeys have to make up
25749s for so much space going all the way to
25751s 100 meters
25753s it's a fantastic job for multi you're a
25755s great look okay Halo's gone no sound
25758s beer from all Tiora you see how they're
25760s running away because of it not before
25762s fun gets a Revenge oh the hook at fully
25764s blank misses you hate this theme but
25766s asuzu I think would have lost it anyway
25767s moving fish now gets to work with the
25770s Kitsune Rush of Aspen see if they can
25773s find any other if they can find any
25775s other Hooks and hello there Evie what's
25777s up uh if I'm moving fish I'm committing
25779s more yeah throw the whole whole hog and
25782s the kitchen sink Adam all sure of
25784s getting physically zoned off but not
25786s killed yet good race from hkey to avoid
25789s the hook and here comes altioren with
25791s their Revenge the sound bear to deal
25793s with moving fish and dart monkeys really
25796s gotta keep going the momentum just keeps
25798s being stifled every time oh that's the
25801s problem with roadhog oh my god really
25803s really hkey
25805s oh okay all right that's how it is
25808s that's a bit uh that's a bit dishonest
25811s gameplay right there okay I mean listen
25812s just dropping the reaper ultimate on top
25814s of a hopeless little SK on the payload
25817s that's that's so mean that's so brutal
25819s but you know a lemon on the opposite
25821s side right that's the problem with
25822s roadblock is you rely so heavily on
25824s these hooks to find anything if you
25825s don't find those hooks it's over for you
25827s yeah just moving fish needs to be a lot
25829s more aggro on the roadhog but fun is now
25832s besting barcodes you're not winning that
25835s duel either and dart monkeys get wiped
25837s again after they try to go for a cheeky
25838s flank but altiora are just smarter than
25841s that they are just truly looking like
25843s the best team in the calling all heroes
25845s tournament and really they're two
25847s minutes away from proving that to be
25849s your undefeated Champion's not dropping
25852s a single game and dart monkeys have to
25854s make the most legendary comeback on this
25856s map just to begin
25858s well now they're looking back at the 100
25860s meters like you said earlier in you
25863s didn't expect to probably hit the 32 to
25865s 127 Mark and now towards the inside
25866s health pack they just Chase moving fish
25868s down again around that back side pop the
25871s overclock two but they don't even need
25872s to use it they're just gonna wait around
25873s they already got to pick off but they do
25875s lose Halo on the opposite side what a
25877s great shot from the overclock on the
25879s opposite side but Evie now with the
25881s final rage I mean you know where this is
25882s headed on the opposite side all right
25884s it's gonna be so hard for Bartow to stay
25886s alive
25887s I'm surprised she can even see sometimes
25890s you get Primal so hard your eyes fall
25891s out of your head and it's just you don't
25893s even know where you're going what you're
25895s looking what you're shooting at and 127
25897s meters looks like that Journey will stop
25900s for now Dart monkeys get to stabilize a
25902s little bit but all the time it took yeah
25905s the whole hog just okay I want to be
25906s done with this we don't want to waste
25907s any more time but Bud gets a head shot
25909s on the moving fish so that ultimate is
25912s gone you got a three versus three so
25914s dark monkeys are not out of the woods
25916s yet
25917s no they're not I mean 40 seconds or 40
25920s seconds left on the clock I mean 127
25922s meters is quite the distance to cover
25925s and especially on push I mean it's super
25926s hard to win multiple fights in a row
25928s because the spawns always get closer and
25929s closer toward the robot are so all two
25931s are on the opposite side now gonna have
25933s that overclock also a Reaper ultimate
25935s coming up and we've seen HP pop off with
25937s that before as well and Wick is gonna
25938s have the katunia rush Dart monkeys all
25940s they have is Emirates Reaper ultimate SK
25942s is gonna be building that beat drop but
25943s it's not gonna be here for this fight
25944s which is coming up in 15 seconds left so
25946s I'm worried for jar monkeys they don't
25949s only just have a death Blossom they have
25950s hope and cope on their side okay monkeys
25953s they're just waiting for all Tiora to
25956s jump on them so they can kind of be this
25958s anti-dive composition that they were
25960s trying to be someone has to stay on the
25962s cart or on the bus though when it's
25964s Deborah popping the death Blossom there
25965s altiora pop the sound barrier just to
25968s negate that and barcode doesn't have
25970s that much space to work with moving fish
25972s is overwhelmed on the front line and
25974s everyone in shot you are looking at your
25977s calling all heroes challenge your Cup
25979s champions it's out to your Artemis and
25983s they are undefeated and ten thousand
25985s dollars richer
25988s rlt Aura Artemis insane games from them
25992s throughout the entire tournament not to
25994s drop a single map is crazy I mean think
25996s about it I mean we've never seen a team
25998s in OverWatch League do it never any
25999s contenders besides maybe British
26001s hurricane and stuff so this is an
26002s absolute dominant team I really hope you
26004s know they keep it together after this
26005s because I mean yes that's money in the
26007s bank but they got to keep winning more
26008s tournaments right we want to still see
26009s in the next calling oh Hero's tournament
26011s we're going to want to see these same
26013s players run it back potentially with bun
26015s hkey Mari halo wika Evie Anna and Anna
26019s Yoon this team has been absolute
26021s dominant and well deserving of that ten
26024s thousand dollars they were able to make
26026s all the other alteora teams happy
26028s knocking them out at least they made it
26030s through to the end and look they even
26032s grew a six-pack after all the works and
26035s all the crunching they had to do today
26037s man I wish I had those but
26038s congratulations alterior Artemis but of
26041s course the biggest Challenger they're
26043s they're their toughest opponent dark
26045s monkeys in second place don't walk away
26047s with nothing 5 thousand dollars to them
26050s and in third place shock Timeless and
26052s also just a shout out to the OverWatch
26054s League teams that stepped up to the
26055s plate to represent a lot of our teams I
26057s know we had the Vancouver Titans maybe
26059s Toronto Define just a ton of OverWatch
26061s League teams supporting this movement
26063s supporting this platform here are all
26065s the teams that you saw with sorority
26067s gets a special place in my heart just
26069s for the name
26072s well I mean for the what was it we need
26074s the uh the resume
26077s but yeah the resume but you know on the
26080s opposite side for dark monkeys right and
26081s like you said every other team to
26082s actually join us here I mean that was
26084s awesome to see so many overwatching
26085s teams and also come up with the
26087s individual unique logos that's really
26088s cool I like shock Timeless it's a very
26090s unique logo as well I mean they're all
26091s super super good looking and for dark
26093s monkeys to get second place I mean with
26095s for what they were saying for how much
26097s practice SK was saying they got a week
26099s of practice before this I mean that's
26101s that's a that's a dang good placement I
26103s mean that that is that is really good
26105s from Dart monkeys to actually put up a
26107s fight against Alto Artemis who yes was
26109s dominant throughout the entire
26110s tournament I mean shout out to them for
26111s playing as well as they did just as a
26113s unit just so amazing about the entire
26115s tournament to actually clean things up
26117s for the finals for the grand finals and
26118s close it out in that fashion it just
26121s speaks to their dominance
26122s it it's crazy how they just didn't drop
26125s a single game because I know there's a
26127s lot of discourse in the community of
26128s like okay
26130s um like who would you pick up from a
26132s marginalized gender like and it's like
26134s this is why this platform exists so they
26136s can have a place where they can show off
26137s those skills and there's no excuses of
26139s who else carried them or who else did
26141s what this is all about them and their
26144s success and alterior Artemis prove that
26146s I mean I hadn't heard of them because of
26148s like maybe not competing in contenders
26150s and stuff like that and for a platform
26152s like this now everyone gets to know
26153s their name look them up on socials and
26155s keep track of their journey and not only
26158s just all to your Artemis but everyone
26159s else that competed in calling all heroes
26161s and we're gonna have a winners interview
26163s shortly before you close out the stream
26165s don't go anywhere because we have Wicca
26167s coming up soon and I'm really excited to
26169s talk to them and just kind of how did
26171s altior get this good because I want to
26174s know and actually Wicca is on the line
26176s so I can ask them directly hello Wicca
26179s congratulations on the dub yeah I mean
26182s you already have w you in your name it's
26183s that easy right yes hi thank you thank
26186s you for having me hi
26189s hey oh Wicca how are you feeling after
26191s that series I mean to get a 4-0 victory
26193s without the entire playoffs you guys
26194s played amazing I mean how are you
26196s feeling how dominant was that for you
26197s obviously I mean I'm asking that you
26199s guys the dominant as heck I mean you
26200s guys played amazing how are you feeling
26201s after that win and to take home the
26203s prize money I'm feeling just really
26206s super incredible I'm super proud of my
26207s team we put in so much effort in order
26210s to get the victory we've been like this
26213s past week we've been screaming double
26214s blocks every single day Etc and so forth
26216s and I have a lot of respect for players
26218s on the other team like SK Aspen and
26220s moving fish so being able to beat them
26223s in such a good fashion for us just I'm
26227s so so proud
26229s that was a really fun final and we were
26232s wondering kind of how different it was
26233s going to be from the Winner's final when
26235s y'all face them uh the first time so did
26238s you all have to make any changes or do
26241s anything at all between how you were
26243s successful in the winter spinal to the
26244s Grand Final
26245s uh we did make a couple we kind of
26248s looked it over we in the first in the
26249s first series with them we kind of were
26251s making some ultimate mistakes and just
26253s kind of basic mistakes that are neutral
26255s so we did talk about that just to clean
26256s up a little bit and in the actual series
26258s we did how to adjust our Tempo calls a
26260s little bit because moving fish is pretty
26263s aggressive and sometimes we get taken by
26265s surprise by how quickly their team like
26267s pushes into us and it lost those fights
26269s so a small shift on Tempo calls and we
26272s were able to definitely clean up a bit
26273s and play better against them
26275s well and I have to ask you Rick I mean
26277s was it pre and like were you guys were
26279s you guys practicing your aggressive
26281s plays that you did on Dart monkey in
26283s general I mean obviously probably yes
26284s but I feel like I mean you probably know
26285s the team that goes first always wins
26287s right is that a mentality that you guys
26289s have right to just keep putting that
26290s aggression down onto dark monkeys and
26292s make sure they're they're always feeling
26293s uncomfortable
26295s um I mean some kind of
26301s how we feel
26303s um conditioner or not
26304s uh
26311s rather than to
26314s that they could not fight if we were to
26315s take it aggressively but for General
26318s during neutrals where no team has
26319s ultimates we do find it better to be the
26323s greatest Searchers rather than
26325s the ones that are more
26329s so yeah
26331s it's been really cool to watch you and
26334s just all of the teams in this tournament
26336s as well how does this which is OverWatch
26338s has never had a platform like this where
26340s like marginalized genders can come and
26342s and have the safe space to compete in
26344s and really put the spotlight on y'all to
26346s to prove why you deserve to be on on
26348s teams and climbing your career so what
26350s does calling all heroes meant to you
26352s personally and to your team
26355s Tonga Heroes has honestly been a super
26357s incredible experience I've seen a lot of
26360s players that I never would have met
26362s otherwise come into the community and
26364s really show up and perform really really
26366s well during the finals and even the
26368s qualifiers and I think that calling all
26371s heroes from what I have seen just from
26374s this one tournament alone is doing
26377s exactly what it's supposed to because
26379s the amount of improvement layers that
26381s organize genders has skyrocketed even
26383s just from the qualifiers to the finals
26385s and it's so amazing to see so many
26387s players improve and want to compete more
26390s and I really hope to see them in path
26392s the pro
26393s do you have any like shout outs honestly
26395s I mean for anybody that you've seen so
26397s far or for your own team or anything
26399s you'd like to say you know before we let
26400s you go
26402s um I think my shout outs are probably
26404s going to be Jim as a player it really
26406s surprised me they definitely played
26408s really well on the Reaper
26411s um and then also players like sheep I
26413s think improved a lot and just the team
26415s coordination in general from all the
26416s teams really got better
26418s as for your calls I said that I'd really
26420s like the shout out for my manager Elijah
26424s that I met through Colonial Heroes he's
26426s absolutely incredible he's amazing I
26429s love him he's fantastic he manages my
26431s contenders team as well now so oh cool
26436s I was actually about to ask like where
26438s where can we keep up with altior Artemis
26441s like whether or like for yourself like
26444s are y'all streaming are y'all competing
26446s in contenders where could we follow you
26448s more until the next calling all heroes
26451s so we're all on Twitter and then all of
26454s us are competing in the path to Pro so
26456s you can probably look to find us there
26458s but we are a little bit split up on
26460s teams because we do play for separate
26461s teams other than Artemis in path to Pro
26464s but maybe we'll be Artemis again for the
26467s next season
26468s of calling all heroes if there is
26470s another one
26471s like yeah there better be we're gonna
26473s ride if there's not thank you so much
26476s for this awesome final entertaining us
26478s and showing all y'all really that you
26480s can play the game that was sick
26482s congratulations again
26485s thank you so much thank you for having
26487s me
26491s what a great interview what a great
26492s interview honestly lemon I mean this has
26493s been a fantastic finals and for all two
26495s art to do it in that fashion I mean it
26498s could have been it couldn't have ended
26499s any other way for such a phenomenal team
26502s in this year honestly lemon they've been
26505s so freaking good so dominant they can't
26507s like you looked at any other team any
26509s other series I mean there's not any team
26511s that would dominate as much as they did
26513s throughout the entire tournament 3-0
26514s versus Kaiju in the quarterfinals coming
26516s to semifinals against the just signed
26518s Washington Justice Red then go on into
26521s the winners finals against Dart monkey
26522s win 3-0 and then come back into the
26525s grand finals to close it all out with
26527s another 4-0 I mean that's Flawless
26529s that's just it's just beautiful to look
26531s at
26532s and the fact that they just didn't drop
26534s a single game in the main event is
26537s incredible it's unheard of they are
26539s gonna be the team to beat in the next
26543s calling all heroes whenever that will be
26545s you'll have to stay tuned follow calling
26548s all heroes on socials and of course
26551s thank you for OverWatch League to have
26553s this on their platform on their Channel
26555s if you want to catch more OverWatch
26557s League uh just more OverWatch action I
26559s should say the Pacific Showdown for
26562s contenders it goes live tonight that's
26565s gonna be at well 10 10 p.m Pacific but
26568s basically go check out that schedule
26569s Dustin where where can we find you what
26572s are you up to these days oh geez oh God
26574s I'm being degenerate that's all I mean
26576s it's just the same old same old just
26577s kind of just sitting here eating Cheetos
26580s all day you know that's me
26582s that's me lemon and he started he
26583s dabbles in studying every now and then
26586s I'm just snacking over here I'm just
26589s snacking you can also by the way I'm
26590s glad you shouted out of Pacific Showdown
26592s that there will be two new skins as well
26594s two new Contender skins that you'll be
26595s able to get in terms of drops I mean
26597s everybody loves the drops right you
26598s can't miss those well if you're not
26600s catching Dustin uh Bowerman on Twitter
26602s or on his twitch you can catch Pacific
26604s Showdown tonight big hungry fellow Chef
26606s Billy lafon Paul pixie and of course you
26608s know Avril from the OverWatch League
26610s will be casting that it's gonna be a
26612s banger we got O2 blast and all types of
26614s awesome teams including T1 playing
26615s tonight so you don't want to miss it
26617s that's all for calling all heroes though
26619s thank you all for supporting this
26621s platform overwatchling for the
26623s partnership and the other casters uh
26625s Moxie Sid and others who helped out
26628s you're all incredible I hope we can do
26630s this again let OverWatch know if you
26632s want this to happen again okay let's
26634s ride on socials thank you all so much
26636s have an amazing night
26649s thank you
26658s [Music]
26680s foreign
26686s [Music]
26714s foreign
26717s [Music]
26763s thank you
26772s [Music]