over 1 year ago - Craig - Direct link

Greetings, Overwatch 2 Workshop creators!

With the launch of Season Four comes a variety of new Projectile tools to use in your custom games! Whether you want to give your heroes extra firepower, or add new dangerous obstacles to maps, you will be able to do so with these new scripts in the Workshop.

Creating Projectiles

You can now spawn projectiles as an action that can travel based on parameters you set, including direction, duration, speed, projectile size, and gravity. Projectiles can either damage, heal, or trigger other events you are able to script in your custom game. If you activate the Projectiles Extension, you can even select the appearance of projectiles from existing Overwatch 2 Hero abilities, such as Pharahโ€™s rockets.

Creating Homing Projectiles

With a similar interface as regular projectiles, homing projectiles work by following a specified target configured by either a specific player or other value that you set, and can have a strength of how closely it tries to home in.

Creating Projectile Effects

Working alongside or independently with Projectiles, this action will re-create the effect, whether it be an explosion or other visual effects when triggered. Note the actual change in gameplay is still set in the projectile itself, not the effect.

Projectile Extensions

By default, the only projectile and projectile effect you will have access to is the basic orb. However, if you want to create new projectile effects, you can spend four extension points to add the entire assortment of projectiles belonging to Overwatch 2 heroes to the selection of projectiles you can create in the game.

We look forward to seeing many of the new custom games you create using these new Workshop tools and coming up with fun new ways to enjoy Overwatch 2. Enjoy!