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In the lands of Mendev, you can meet members of many Golarion peoples. And while aasimar inspire admiration and tieflings are viewed with suspicion and mistrust, some peoples remain an unsolved mystery. Suchare the oreads, a people whose ancestry has been touched by the element of earth.
Most often, the ancestors of oreads are shaitans, proud and beautiful genies whose traits are visible in their descendants. However, an oread may also be born through the influence of elemental energies, interplanar travel, and other interactions with the Plane of Earth.

For the most part, oreads tend to a solitary life and rarely act on the impulse of a moment. It is not their custom to go in search of adventure out of boredom or a thirst for danger. However, if compelled to action, they are nearly unstoppable. For example, an oread crusader will be wholeheartedly devoted to their cause. The commander in Wrath of the Righteous may prove to be one of them.
There are several lineages of oreads. The most dazzling and eye-catching are the gemsouls. These oreads are often characterized by a haughty attitude and flashy behavior. They have an interest in the arts and show an appreciation of refined beauty. With their radiant faceted skin, crystalline formations in place of hair, and eyes of bright colors without pupils, they truly resemble the precious stones that adorn any society.
Ironsoul oreads look and behave quite differently. Stolid and self-possessed, ironsoul oreads undertake the most difficult physical and conceptual works with unwavering tenacity. Possessing patience and a sense of grace, ironsouls reflect their ancestry through their continuous striving toward self-improvement. Their skin is a metallic shade of gold, silver, or copper green.

Oreads make devout clerics or disciplined monks, and as rangers or druids, they protect their secluded mountain domains. Their slow speed is not ideal for roles that require agility, and oread rogues prefer to plan meticulously rather than act on a whim, as a single misstep could spell the end of their mission.
Indarah, an oread warrior from Garund and an expert on military history and warfare, is a typical example of her kind. Many of you met her in the tavern of Kenabres and defeated her in a philosophical debate, receiving an unusual gift. But perhaps the Commander of the Fifth Crusade was also an oread? Let us know!
Most often, the ancestors of oreads are shaitans, proud and beautiful genies whose traits are visible in their descendants. However, an oread may also be born through the influence of elemental energies, interplanar travel, and other interactions with the Plane of Earth.

For the most part, oreads tend to a solitary life and rarely act on the impulse of a moment. It is not their custom to go in search of adventure out of boredom or a thirst for danger. However, if compelled to action, they are nearly unstoppable. For example, an oread crusader will be wholeheartedly devoted to their cause. The commander in Wrath of the Righteous may prove to be one of them.
There are several lineages of oreads. The most dazzling and eye-catching are the gemsouls. These oreads are often characterized by a haughty attitude and flashy behavior. They have an interest in the arts and show an appreciation of refined beauty. With their radiant faceted skin, crystalline formations in place of hair, and eyes of bright colors without pupils, they truly resemble the precious stones that adorn any society.
Ironsoul oreads look and behave quite differently. Stolid and self-possessed, ironsoul oreads undertake the most difficult physical and conceptual works with unwavering tenacity. Possessing patience and a sense of grace, ironsouls reflect their ancestry through their continuous striving toward self-improvement. Their skin is a metallic shade of gold, silver, or copper green.

Oreads make devout clerics or disciplined monks, and as rangers or druids, they protect their secluded mountain domains. Their slow speed is not ideal for roles that require agility, and oread rogues prefer to plan meticulously rather than act on a whim, as a single misstep could spell the end of their mission.
Indarah, an oread warrior from Garund and an expert on military history and warfare, is a typical example of her kind. Many of you met her in the tavern of Kenabres and defeated her in a philosophical debate, receiving an unusual gift. But perhaps the Commander of the Fifth Crusade was also an oread? Let us know!