over 3 years
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Tooltip will not and can not update for mana values. Damage is definitely being applied.
" Angry_Roleplayer wrote:No. The base spell damage Manabond inherently gains based on your current mana is not relfected at all in tooltip damage numbers, because it can't be - current mana value is not included in stat calculations for performance reasons." Mark_GGG wrote: Tooltip will not and can not update for mana values. Damage is definitely being applied.
It does update on mana values though. Just stops when you still casting.
Looks as if it snapshots some intermediate values once in a while like when you cast first and deplete a big portion of mana and then gives up.
When you still cast something it goes to 0% dps numbers.
" SourWind wrote: I know this isn't related to the bug,No, both apply.
but since both deal x to Y damage, and deal base damage(base on missing mana) have the same lines, do they cancel eachother and only one applies?