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The 3.6.0 announcement is right around the corner! The full details will be revealed on Tuesday, February 19th (PST). In the meantime, we're showcasing another discoverable hideout from the 3.6.0 expansion, the Alpine Hideout. In case you've missed the new Haunted Hideout preview, click here to check it out.

Additionally, this weekend we're holding a Super Stash Sale where we're discounting all Stash Tabs. Everything has been discounted, including the Fragment Tab, Map Tab, Premium Stash Tab Bundles, Premium Quad Stash Tab, Essence Tab, Divination Tab, Currency Tab and Guild Stash Tabs! Click here to view the full selection of discounted stash tabs.
The sale runs all weekend and ends at Feb 18, 2019 10:00 PM (this is displayed in your local time).
Thank you for your support! See you next week, Exiles!