about 6 years
ago -
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We've just released two new microtransactions, designed in a community-favourite theme: the Celestial Aura Effect and Celestial Soulrend! The Celestial Aura Effect changes the standard effect of aura gem to a cosmic one with moving particles. Celestial Soulrend replaces the effect of this new, but already popular skill gem, with a purple and yellow Celestial effect. Check out these microtransactions by watching their videos below, or click here to get yours.
Both of these work great with any celestial microtransactions from the store, such as the Celestial Armour Set, Celestial Character Effect, Celestial Hood and the Celestial Weapon Effect.

By the way, we know many of you are eagerly waiting for Celestial Cat Soulrend! It's on its way but we had already prepared Celestial Soulrend so now you get both :)
Thank you so much for your support!