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The wording used is 'or'. That means you could just sacrifice a glove slot, use a two handed weapon to gain:

and hollow palm, which adds 60% MORE attack speed, 14 to 20 added physical damage per 10 dex, which would snowball with dex stacking and split personality jewel.

Two handed melee build is gonna be bonkers with this set up.

EDIT: Nvm, it's not really an OR but more like AND. Have to have no gloves and weapons equipped.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

If you have any of gloves, main hand item or off hand item, then you do not have "no Equipped Gloves, Main Hand Item, or Off Hand Item" and thus do not meet the requirement.

For a real-world example, if you see this sign

, you don't get to carry a sword onto the property and say "it's fine because I have no firearms". "No x or y" means not having "x or y".

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mona377

As a programmer you shouldn't assume either way because the wording is ambiguous. I prefer the current wording though. "You do not have x, y or z" as in not(x or y or z).

People that want to change it to "and" don't realize it's just as ambiguous: "Unencumbered when you do not have x, y AND z" can be read as not(x and y and z), so if you have one or two out of three the condition is satisfied, the opposite of what was meant.

There's a much more elegant solution as another comment here mentions: "You are unencumbered when you have neither x, y, nor z"

Unfortunately "neither" is explicitly for two options - it would be explicitly incorrect here.

I've made an issue to review this and see if we can come up with a wording that is still correct but people find less confusing, hopefully while still fitting the constraint of not being too long (which was the original reason I didn't just push the whole thing through De Morgan's law).

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Egalisator

"... while you have no gloves, no weapon and no shield equipped"

should confuse less people while even being shorter.

Since all non-weapon off hand items are classified as shields, and all main hand items as weapons, you can save a lot of letters.

Quivers are not shields.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Garret_Poe

As someone suggested already: "while all 3 of the following slots are empty: gloves, main hand, offhand".

We prefer to use the wording referring to not having items equipped, because this is more intuitive that it works when you have items that are disabled (disabled items are not equipped), in which case the slot is not empty. This is particularly relevant to use with Dancing Dervish.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by MtNak

I don't understand why is relevant particularly with the Dancing Dervish sword.

Because the sword disables itself when manifested, specifically to make you unarmed. If you also have no gloves, this will make you unencumbered and thus work with the keystone.