its less, not reduced. reduced means a fixed % subtracted. less is a multiplier. if the enemy originally has 50% hit chance, theyd have 25% hit chance while blinded ( instead of 0% which is what reduced would mean)
its less, not reduced. reduced means a fixed % subtracted. less is a multiplier. if the enemy originally has 50% hit chance, theyd have 25% hit chance while blinded ( instead of 0% which is what reduced would mean)
That is not what reduced means in PoE. Reduced and Less work the same way if there is only one modifier - they are only different in how they interact when you have multiple reduced/less modifiers.
It is relevant that Blind is less, because there is at least one other modifier to hit chance in the game for it to stack with, but unless such a second modifier is in play, they will achieve the same thing.
Subtracting directly from the chance would be described as "-x%".