almost 5 years
ago -
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Earlier this week we concluded our Screenshot Competition where our players were encouraged to take screenshots of any in-game content they want. Having looked through hundreds of submissions, we managed to select 50 winners and are ready to announce them today!
In addition, we're offering a special prize (Demon Parasite Armour Set, Demon Parasite Back Attachment, Blood Guard Character Effect, 2 x Thaumaturgy Mystery Boxes) to the most popular submission amongst our community. We uploaded all the screenshots listed below to this album in our Facebook group. To vote for your favourite screenshot, just hit the 'Like' button on it! The screenshot with the most amount of 'Likes' wins. We'll announce the fan-favourite submission next Monday (May 11th) at 1pm NZT in our Twitter.
Top Five Winners
- Gargoyle Armour Set
- Magma Wings
- Fire Character Effect
- Titan Weapon Skin
- Fire Footprints
- Fire Weapon Effect
- Smoking Hood
- 2 x Thaumaturgy Mystery Boxes





6-20 Places
BlackPursuer Spoiler

Metall2 Spoiler

uz1kas Spoiler

Walltrigger Spoiler

Waters100 Spoiler

predtechi.ser Spoiler

joyjoy88 Spoiler

Jublich Spoiler

pastfuture Spoiler

RealStronk Spoiler

element274 Spoiler

ajaarrkkss Spoiler

AWiPPoE Spoiler

Demetoori Spoiler

Samalamage Spoiler

21-50 Places
findblast Spoiler

Mooneoff Spoiler

Muzzzle6 Spoiler

pontsku2 Spoiler

Saged91 Spoiler

steelsoldier Spoiler

Wrists Spoiler

ZontableZz Spoiler

ayemjake20 Spoiler

Corphaeron Spoiler

eGore Spoiler

Healthylungs Spoiler

JeckNoTree Spoiler

M_emag Spoiler

mauskopf2 Spoiler

NaiwooT Spoiler

strawberryshakeus Spoiler

Ximia Spoiler

Yomguy Spoiler

JRXpress Spoiler

Elpenor Spoiler

LadyGogo Spoiler

Yagura30000 Spoiler

castoracer Spoiler

Ashur_Hawke Spoiler

AsmodeusPrinceofHell Spoiler

Firewarrior6 Spoiler

Siequ Spoiler

cmpaHHuk Spoiler

SwordsQueen Spoiler

Congratulations to all the winners! We'll distribute the prizes within the next few days. Thanks to everyone who has participated in this competition!