We've just released the Automaton Storm Brand Effect and also started a huge sale on Footprints, Portals and Character Effect microtransactions. In addition, we're offering one free Frontier Mystery Box when you spend points! Find out more below.
The Automaton Storm Brand Effect replaces the standard effect of a Storm Brand skill gem with a red lightning effect that's popular among the community. Check it out by pressing M in game.
This weekend a hundred Footprints, Portals and Character Effects are available at discounted prices, including the Illusionist Portal Effect, the Mystic Character Effect, the Infernal Footprints and many more. Press M to check out the discounted selection.
This sale will run from the time of this post until 9PM July 22nd (PDT).
This is also the final weekend of our three month promotion with Twitch Prime, so you only have a few days left to redeem the Steam-Powered Portal, Arcane Visage, Arcane Halo and Azure Weapon Effect for free. The offer ends on the 23rd of July (PDT). Find out more in
this announcement[www.pathofexile.com].
Additionally, we're offering one free
Frontier Mystery Box[www.pathofexile.com] when you spend any amount of points in the store! This means you can purchase the new Storm Brand effect or some microtransactions on sale, and get one Frontier Mystery Box as a gift! The offer is available on PC and consoles and ends at 9PM July 22nd (PDT).
Please note: it's only possible to get one free Frontier Mystery Box from this promotion. Making additional microtransaction purchases will not grant additional mystery boxes. Purchasing a supporter pack will not grant a free mystery box but spending points from a supporter pack can grant a free mystery box.
Thank you for your support and have a nice weekend! By the way, we've got some exciting news to share next week, so stay tuned!