Does this mean that if we organize our tabs in Standard, they'll be organized the same way when we go into Delirium league?
Does this mean that if we organize our tabs in Standard, they'll be organized the same way when we go into Delirium league?
That's correct.
Oh baby, double teaser in 1 photo! Also, parent league as in standard? Shit, gotta login to that "thing"
If you're planning to play standard Delirium then yes, Standard would be your parent league.
Does it copy names of tabs as well, whether they're set public for trading? Or just the positioning?
It keeps the names but removes the public setting. It also sets map stash tabs to the current series.
How will this work for console users? Will it copy our current Standard tabs or our Metamorph ones when that ends for us?
It always looks at the parent league. If you're playing Delirium Hardcore then it would look at your Hardcore Stash Tabs.
Will it be taking into account remove-only tabs? Cuz I have around 75 tabs and 350+ remove-only tabs and they're all mixed up in Std.
It will ignore your remove-only tabs.
How does it work with Remove-only tabs? Or does it just ignore them?
Yes, it ignores them.
Offtopic: how many more minutes/hours to gem info release? Can I ask that?
I would expect these late in the NZ work day. 11am right now.
Ok so...if I just drag all my not-remove-only tabs in standard to the front and in the order I want I can still just ignore all the remove-only tabs, right? Or if I'm feeling funny and want to test the servers, I assume it correctly handles the case where I have remove-only tabs in the front of my stash?
Yeah, it just completely ignores them so whatever names and order your non-remove-only stash tabs are in is the state that will be copied. (Ignoring public settings and map stash tab series).
His version of my laugh made me laugh the way he laughed.
Does it differentiate between ssf and trade leagues or just soft and hardcore?
Yes, it differentiates between them. If you make a Delirium SSF character it will copy your stash tabs from Standard SSF. If you want to make a custom Delirium League, you'll first have to make a character in Delirium if you want to chain your settings from Standard to your custom league. (You can simply make a character and delete it in this instance).
If I want to play SSF does it look at SSF-Standard or Trade-Standard for the stash?
Standard SSF would be the parent league of Delirium SSF.
My turn for a question ... does this update apply to guild stash tabs?
Currently no.
What happens if you create a character in Delirium SSF and transfer it to normal Delirium?
This doesn't affect that.
What about private leagues?
If I never login to "delirium SC", but rather my guild creates a "delirium SC private league" -- will that private league pull my storage correctly?
No, it doesn't chain through leagues like that. If you want your settings to be present in a private league, you'd first need to create a character in the temporary league that would be parent to your private league. This can literally just be creating the character, logging into the Twilight Strand, logging out and deleting the character.