almost 5 years
ago -
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Surrounded by flowers and sharp blades, the new Champion's Hideout represents Daresso's Arena from Act Four. Enhance the atmosphere of this hideout by adding the glorious Arcane Throne Decoration and Black Statues. A couple of Gold Lions or Fire Lions would also fit the gladiator's theme just right. Watch the video of the Champion's Hideout below or click here to get yours.
This weekend we're also discounting every type of Stash Tab, including the Delve Tab, Unique Collection Tab, Fragment Tab, Map Tab, Premium Stash Tab Bundles, Premium Quad Stash Tab, Essence Tab, Divination Tab, Currency Tab and Guild Stash Tabs (PC only)! Click here to view the full selection of discounted stash tabs.
The sale runs all weekend and ends at May 05, 2020 12:00 AM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time).
By the way, the 2nd and 3rd day of Method Rush Race Season start at 9am PDT on May 2nd and May 3rd respectively. The event features 11 separate boss rushes where players have to start at level 1 and fight their way through to the selected boss. The winners will share the cash prize pool of $4,200. Casting will be done by RaizQT and Octavian live on
Have a great weekend, Exiles!