over 9 years ago - Dan_GGG - Direct link

My original, non-staff account was created in December 2010, back when closed beta keys were still a thing. If I recall correctly, I was researching the NZ Games industry while I was in uni. I forget if it was because of an assignment or because I was planning on working in it at some point. I've done both at various points during that time.

I maybe posted once on the forums during that time, but as you might expect that's picked up since I started working here about 3 years later.

over 9 years ago - Dan_GGG - Direct link

Yep, that's correct.

Which is not to imply I stopped being a player once I started here. If anything I play more often now.

over 9 years ago - Dan_GGG - Direct link

" Mr_Cee wrote:
" Dan_GGG wrote: My original, non-staff account was created in December 2010, back when closed beta keys were still a thing.

The first announcements I noticed for CB were in late august of 2011 (at least here in europe) - back when I nearly immediately signed in... and had to wait and lurking around the forum (and doing stuff for the wiki later on) for another long 4 month until my key happened...

Was there really a phase before this that can be considered as 'closed beta' too? I'd imagine this more as kind of alpha or at least 'pre-beta'...

I may be condensing the whole sequence of events somewhat. I didn't get in right away after all.

over 9 years ago - Gary_GGG - Direct link

My Non-Staff account was created Wed, June 23rd 2010