over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

In the Synthesis League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Synthesis Crown, Synthesis Pet and Synthesis Wings respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Synthesis Totem Pole Hideout decoration.

When Path of Exile: Synthesis launches on PC on March 8th, you'll be able to check out the full list of challenges to complete for these rewards.

Betrayal League Migration

The Betrayal league will end at Mar 04, 2019 4:00 PM or 1PM Monday March 4th (PST). At this time, we will bring the realm down to begin migration. Each version of that league will migrate to its parent league. For example, if you're playing Betrayal SSF your characters and progress will merge to Standard SSF. Private Leagues with the Betrayal mod will remain until their duration ends but they'll lose the Betrayal mod.

Here is some information you'll want to know about the migration:

  • Your azurite from the Betrayal league will be added to your Standard league azurite.

  • Your deepest Delve mine will be the one that remains in the parent league.

  • Your unveiled mods will be carried over to Standard but you'll need to wait until you see Jun again before you can access them.

Best of luck with your current and future challenges!

over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
In the Synthesis League, you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. Don't forget, the Betrayal League ends in less than 24 hours. Today's news post explains what will happen with its migration.

Click here to check it out![www.pathofexile.com]