almost 6 years
ago -
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I ran the patch notes so far for Legion through a Markov Chain text generator and wanted to share its results with you.
- Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a short period without hitting anything.
- All melee skills now deal damage.
- The small passives have been removed.
- Added new functionality to the Passive Skill Tree, visible only when you hit an enemy.
- You'll now encounter monsters, which grant items and experience when slain.
- Perform a spinning attack, creating an area around the Summit map.
- Fights in the first three Acts will be reflected in the Gardens map
- When you complete 12 challenges, you will not deal damage.
- From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you will no longer hear a crying woman in Act 7 Crossroads tempting you towards nonexistent story glyphs.
- When you reach 24 challenges, you will receive a full rework in future.
- When you reach 36 challenges, you will be used immediately after.
- You will be reflected in the Help Panel as normal.
- You will be tougher but more responsive, involved and dynamic.
- You'll no longer drop outside of the Graveyard map.
- We've changed the way supports which try to do different things to different skill gems at the end of its duration. Those skills will persist until they are doing.
- If you're lucky enough to get one, make sure you use a warcry.
- The projectile now has new mods it can craft on each slot.
- All of your mana, causes nearby enemies to take less damage.
- Improved the Belfry and Lava Lake fights. Extra monsters are now considered "Travel" skills.
- The following items no longer have lone surviving monster frustratingly taunting you (unless you didn't get enough accuracy!)
- The Divine Vessel is now a skill type and will receive the Monolith Crown
- Magic monsters now deal damage until that animation would have finished playing.
- Zana's map device options are now treated as having dealt -25% damage for a brief period after spawning.
- We've also updated pathing, which should allow for much smoother movements with your movement.
- Red-tier Elder-influenced maps can no longer craft increased Armour, Evasion or Energy Shield from Body Armour.
- The Atlas of Worlds has been fixed, and affects all existing items with this modifier.
- Wicked Ward has been changed. In general, it will be applied at random.
- Nemesis (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Requires a sword or axe.
- Improved performance of various game elements, with a wall.
- Added new functionality to the side.
- To examine these changes in detail, please keep an eye out in the midst of battle.