raises hand
It's not just me of course - programmers are often involved for things I can't do, and even if we refactor something it's unusual for a ton of Grandmasters to break at once. We've also gotten better at automating common fixes over time (i.e. broken/missing stats) so it's rarely a complicated process nowadays.
Anyway, thanks for the report! I'll look into this if it isn't being looked into already.
Have there ever been talk in the office about letting people change their Grandmaster ? Not whenever they want obviously, but with big expansion.
I don't run HoGM, but I just think it would be nice for people that run the map and also those that bought the Grandmaster pack, if they could change it sometimes. Obviously I'm just asking, with no knowledge of how any of this work.
Just curious.
Resubmitting Grandmasters can happen under specific circumstances, like the global resubmit we offered around when 2.0.0 came out. But I don't think it's something we're likely do again, if only for logistical reasons.
The current Hall contains over 500 Grandmasters, and they each have to be assembled (mostly) by hand. I write AI for them, correct bugs, enable auras and minions so they don't have to do setup in the middle of a fight and so on. Sometimes people even submit builds that can't work in the Hall for whatever reason and I have to sort them out somehow. I can automate some of this process, but each one still needs to be manually tested and tweaked.
The more submissions there are, the more time it takes in addition to the rest of the expansion work that needs doing.