This thread is a compilation of all 3.8.0-related information. All the teasers we get in announcements, videos, news coverage and forums posts will be organised and posted here. If you find anything missing or incorrect, please comment so I can add it to the list. Thanks!
Brand New Info (check this section daily to stay up to date)
I forgot to add this video of Stormblast Mine gameplay when first putting the thread together. Might interest you if you haven't seen it.
QoL change: invite/kick now at the top of the player context menu
Major Announcements & News Posts
Minor/Miscellaneous Announcements
The fragment tab will hold Legion splinters and emblems in 3.8
Flasks will be getting new art so art is no longer repeated among different types of flask
QoL change: invite/kick now at the top of the player context menu
The Blight League
Areas will contain Fungal Growths that spread tendrils into the area around them. You must protect Sister Cassia (a new NPC) while she uses a pump to destroy the growths.
When the encounter begins, mind-controlled enemies will begin spawning at the end of each tendril and running directly along the tendrils to attack the pump. They will follow the tendrils exactly and will not attack you unless you're in the way, but will destroy the pump if not killed. These enemies are unusually hard to kill.
Sister Cassia builds towers in order to help you in the encounter. There is a range of towers available, and you can pick which towers are constructed and how they're upgraded. It seems that killing the enemies during the encounter provide the resource required to build/upgrade more towers.
At the end of a successful encounter, you receive a reward from each tendril attached to the growth. This appears to use a similar system to Legion rewards, where each reward container has a symbol hovering over it and will give items of that type when opened.
Rewards can also include oils, which you can use to place new enchantments on your gear. A combination of two oils can enchant a ring (and only rings) with an enchantment that provides bonuses to the towers used in blight encounters
. A combination of three oils can enchant an amulet or one of four blight-specific unique items to allocate any notable passive on the passive tree. The result of this process will be shown before you consume the oils, and the combination of oils required to get a certain passive will also be shown in-game. These enchantments can be overwritten if desired, and that passives allocated via these enchantments cannot be allocated again on the skill tree.-
There are also 13 hidden notable passives that can only be obtained from enchantments. Some of these have been previewed:
There are twelve types of oil
, with differing rarities. They can be upgraded via a 3:1 vendor recipe, like essences.In the endgame, you can find blighted maps
that contain gigantic blight encounters with exclusive rewards. Oils can also be used to modify these, but we don't know the details of this yet.
Changes to Master Content
Daily master missions can now be stored for later use, rather than being forced to run them immediately. Stored master missions can accumulate indefinitely
(the three numbers representing how many are available for you on white, yellow and red maps).You store 2 master missions per day, even if you don't log in on that day. Presumably you'll also accumulate more through playing, as on live. You will also have a chance to store one whenever you complete a map.
There is still a chance of seeing masters pop up randomly within maps, but it is much lower.
Delve depths scale harder. It takes 69 fewer depths to reach "endgame" (presumably monster level 83), and rare delve nodes are more common. Accumulated sulphite is also now shared between characters in the same league.
The Syndicate Mastermind encounter now grants the safehouse rewards of every syndicate member according to their branch and rank when you do the fight, not just the four captains.. The Syndicate board is also now shared between characters in the same league.
The boss fights from Synthesis league have been integrated into the core game as Zana missions. This likely means that the unique items specific to those bosses will be available again. It does not mean that other Synthesis content is returning.
See also: Legion as a Core Game Mechanic
Game Mechanics Changes
A second bar of skill bindings has been added! It's not yet clear exactly how this will function on PC. Details on console functonality.
Mine mechanics have been completely reworked. See this news post for details.
Currently unknown changes are being made to how ailments scale when applied by a critical hit (in addition to changes to the Perfect Agony keystone passive). See also: passive tree changes and new skill & support gems.
Currently unknown changes are being made to minion mechanics. See also: passive tree changes, item balance, and new skill & support gems.
A new buff called "elusive" is being added. It grants 25% increased movement speed and 15% attack and spell dodge, and decays over time rather than having a normal timer. Most sources of elusive won't refresh the buff if you already have it, so you may have to wait for it to decay before getting a full-strength buff again.
Passive Tree Changes
The Necromancer, Assassin and Saboteur ascendancies are receiving significant changes. No details yet.
The Raider ascendancy is also receiving changes, but not a full rework.
The Ascendant is receiving changes to match changes to other ascendancy classes
Passive tree nodes related to minions, poison and mines are receiving changes. The Perfect Agony keystone is included in these changes.
Some sources of non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier on the tree are being changed to also apply to ailments (i.e. poison). New poison-specific DoT multi is also being added to other nodes.
Item Balance
A new high level wand base type, the Convoking Wand, is being added. This base type can roll 8 minion-specific modifiers. Here is a preview of some of the mods it can roll
.Some sources of non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier are being changed to also apply to ailments (i.e. poison). This likely includes some item mods.
Some +gem level mods on items will now be global instead of only applying to socketed gems
New Skill & Support Gems (14/16)
Reworked/Updated Skill & Support Gems (total number unknown)
(Cyclone's base range is also now always 11, instead of varying with weapon range)Fire Nova MinePyroclast Mine(video)Freeze MineIcicle Mine(video)
Remote Mine SupportBlastchain Mine Support
New (7/16) & Reworked (8/24) Unique Items
Cold Iron Point
(yes, that is all gems, not socketed gems)The Stampede
(Blight exclusive)Based on this image
, it can be guessed that the other three Blight-exclusive, enchantable uniques are helm, body armour and gloves.
Fortress Covenant
(replaces Fortified Legion, though existing Fortified Legion jewels won't be altered)Five other unique items are confirmed to be getting substantial overhauls.
New Divination Cards (15/18)
Media Coverage
Release Schedule (Pacific Time)
Teasers every NZ weekday from now until launch (and weekends too if we're lucky)
Sunday, September 1: Blight League challenge rewards revealed
Monday, September 2: Legion League ends, 3.8 Balance Manifesto
Tuesday, September 3: 3.8.0 Patch Notes, Passive Tree and Item Filter Information
Wednesday, September 4: Complete new/updated skill gem numbers
Thursday, September 5: Patching timeline and (maybe) torrent
Friday, September 6: 3.8 & Blight League PC launch. Please refer to the countdown on to determine the launch time for your timezone.
Monday, September 9: 3.8 & Blight League console launch. Exact time TBA.