over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1590255508750303242]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
The Legion League on PC ends on Monday September 2nd at 3PM (PDT), so it's your last weekend to finish your challenges. We're also running a 50 Point Sale with more than 200 microtransactions available for 50 points or less. To make this sale more satisfying, we're offering one free Frontier Mystery Box when you spend points!

Legion Ends Soon
The Legion League on PC ends on Monday September 2nd at 3PM (PDT), so it's your last weekend to finish your challenges.

Thank you to everyone who played in Legion. It's been a fun league and we hope it will become a great addition to Path of Exile's core in 3.8.0. If you've been enjoying the Legion league, check out the exclusive Legion Brimmed Hat before it leaves the store next week!

50 Point Sale
We've just started a 50 Point Sale where we're discounting a huge assortment of cosmetic effects. More than 200 microtransactions are available for 50 points or less, including Helmet Attachments, Pets, Skill Effects, Hideout Decorations and more. Check out the full list of this weekend's special by pressing M in game.

Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points
As is tradition at the end of the league, we're offering a free Frontier Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points in the store. This means you can purchase another Weta for your in-game insectarium, or the Legion Brimmed Hat and get one free Frontier Mystery Box as a gift from us.

Please note: it's only possible to get one free Frontier Mystery Box from this promotion. Making additional microtransaction purchases will not grant additional mystery boxes. Purchasing a supporter pack will not grant a free Mystery Box but spending points from a supporter pack can grant a free Mystery Box.

This offer will end at 1pm on September 6th (PDT). Thank you for your support!

What to Expect Next Week
The Blight expansion launches in just 7 days, so you all know what to expect next week: more teasers, a development manifesto and of course, patch notes. Here is our news schedule for the upcoming week (this schedule follows New Zealand's Monday to Friday work days, but in other countries might be Sunday to Thursday):
  • Mon: Blight Challenge Rewards and Part Two of New Gems for the Assassin Archetype.
  • Tue: 3.8.0 Balance Development Manifesto.
  • Wed: 3.8.0 Patch Notes, Passive Tree and Item Filter Information.
  • Thu: Showcase of the new and reworked gems (at Level 20 with 20% Quality).
  • Fri: What to expect when Blight launches and possibly a torrent pre-download for the patch.
Additionally, our technical director Jonathan and game designer Mark (Neon) will appear on the Baeclast podcast at 12AM Sunday September 1st (PDT) to discuss the Blight expansion. Check it out live at https://www.twitch.tv/tarkecat!

Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week!